_______ ______ __ __ | __|.--.--.-----.-----.----. | __ \.-----.| |--.-----.| |_ |__ || | | _ | -__| _| | <| _ || _ | _ || _| |_______||_____| __|_____|__| |___|__||_____||_____|_____||____| |__| ________ _______ __ __ ______ | | | |.---.-.----.-----. | _ | |.-----.| |--.---.-. |__ | | | | || _ | _|__ --| | | || _ || | _ | |__ | |________||___._|__| |_____| |___|___|__|| __||__|__|___._| |______| |__| Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 Seishin list Version 1.00 Created by Michael Cox (dragen@aol.com) DISCLAIMER: All copyrights and trademarks contained in this document are property of their respective copyright and trademark holders. Shift your browser's encoding to Japanese / Shift-JIS to read everything. =============================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------- | 熱血 | 集中 | 信頼 | 激励 | かく乱 | | 魂 | 必中 | 友情 | 情熱 | 愛 | | 士気 | 感応 | 絆 | てかげん | 勇気 | | 直感 | 加速 | 補給 | 狙撃 | 幸運 | | ひらめき | 覚醒 | 期待 | 直撃 | 祝福 | | 不屈 | 根性 | 気合 | 偵察 | 努力 | | 鉄壁 | ド根性 | 気迫 | 脱力 | 応援 | ----------------------------------------------------------- Column 1: 熱血 - Hot Blood - 2x damage for one attack - Self 魂 - Soul - 2.5x damage for one attack - Self 士気 - Morale - Guaranteed crit for one attack/doesn't stack with Hot Blood or Soul - Your own squad 直感 - Intuition - uses both Flash and Lock On - Self ひらめき - Flash - 100% chance to dodge next attack - Self 不屈 - Invincible - take 10 damage from next attack that hits - Self 鉄壁 - Iron Wall - 1/4th damage for one entire turn - Self Column 2: 集中 - Concenrate - +30% to hit and dodge - Self 必中 - Lock On - 100% hit rate for one full turn - Self 感応 - Inspiration - Give any ally Lock On - One ally 加速 - Accelerate - +3 to squad's movement - Your own squad 覚醒 - Awaken - Get an extra turn - Your own squad 根性 - Guts - Restore 30% to own HP - Self ド根性 - Guts+ - Fully recover own HP - Self Column 3: 信頼 - Trust - Restore 2000 HP to target ally - Single ally 友情 - Friendship - Restore an entire squad to full HP - Any ally squad 絆 - Bonds - Restore 50% to every ally's HP - All allies 期待 - Anticipation - Restore 50 SP to target pilot - Single ally 気合 - Focus - +10 to your own morale - Self 気迫 - Vigor - +30 to your own morale - Self Column 4: 激励 - Encourage - +5 to entire squad's morale - Your own squad 情熱 - Passion - +10,000 to Song Energy - Self てかげん - Mercy - leave an enemy with 10 HP when it would otherwise be destroyed - Self 狙撃 - Sniping - +2 range to all weapons with ranges above 1, except MAP weapons - Self 直撃 - Direct Hit - Next attack ignores all barriers and supports - Your own squad 偵察 - Scan - Lets you see an enemy's stats - Enemy squad 脱力 - Exhaust - One - Enemy squad loses 10 morale - Enemy squad Column 5: かく乱 - Disturbance - Halves enemy accuracy for one full turn - All enemies 愛 - Love - Gives you Accelerate, Lock On, Flash, Hot Blooded, Focus, Effort, and Lucky - Self 勇気 - Courage - Gives you Accelerate, Lock On, Invincible, Hot Blood, Focus, and Direct Hit - Self 補給 - Resupply - Fully restore target unit's EN - One ally unit 幸運 - Lucky - 2x money earned for next attack - Your own squad 祝福 - Bless - Give any squad 2x money earned for next attack - Any ally squad 努力 - Effort - 2x experience for next attack - Your own squad 応援 - Cheer - Give any squad 2x experience - Any ally squad =============================================================================== Information taken, edited, and reformated with permission from: http://www.dra-mata.com/texts/a3spcommands.htm ASCII title created at: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ This entire document is (C)2005 by Michael Cox. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your website, making links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own, or making reference to any material contained within. Only the site mentioned below has permission to do the above. Please email me at dragen@aol.com to enquire about gaining permission to use this document. www.gamefaqs.com - Thanks to Michael Sarich for this Copyright -