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Dark Cloud 2 FAQ v0.3 Written by C de Vries (aka Magician Type 0) calvin2006@mindspring.com ............................................................................... ********************* **Table of Contents** ********************* 1. Introduction 2. Contact Information 3. Walkthrough 4. Legal Information 5. Credits **************** **Introduction** **************** Hello and welcome to my Dark Cloud 2 FAQ/Walkthrough. Originally I was teaming up with another author to complete this guide. However, that fell through and all I can offer you is this partially written FAQ. I never really thought to release it in this form, but I figured since I put all the work in for it, why not? Well, if enough people like the guide, I'll add a few updates. I'll also possibly accept _serious_ applications for someone to replace my partner and help me finish this FAQ as a team, as originally intended (if you're thinking about it, make sure you read the emphasis on "serious," I don't want someone who's going to bail on me. At any rate, if this guide is to be continued you can expect an updates section and possibly an FAQ or etc if necessary. Well, I hope you find my guide useful and I'd like to wish you good luck as you go through the game! *********************** **Contact Information** *********************** Name: Calvin de Vries E-mail: calvin2006@mindspring.com Website 1: http://www.tokyotosho.com Website 2: http://www.calvin2006.com GameFAQs Contributor Handle: C de Vries GameFAQs Message Board Handle: Magician Type 0 ............................................................................... *************** **Walkthrough** *************** --Character Setup-- When you start a new game, you'll be able to customize the following options on your character: Hat, Clothes and Shoes. Here are the following options you have for each category: Hat: Fashionable Cap, Maintenance Cap, and Hunting Cap. Clothes: Denim Overalls, Greens Overalls and Red Vest. Shoes: Leather Shoes, Wing Shoes and Work Shoes. After selecting your favorites, you can use the right analog stick to rotate and zoom in on your character to see all sides and perspectives of his new look. When you're finished press "OK" and confirm Max's costume. --Prologue--- After watching a short cutsene of Monica being chased and talking about how monsters are in her father's room, you now have to fight them. Use the "O" button to Lock on, "R1" to Block and "X" to Attack." You can also use a combination of "L1" and "X" to use Magic. My advice is to just take each one at a time until you've killed them off. You should be able to defeat them with only losing minimum amounts of health. Next, you are treated to a cutscene of someone going through a portal. Then you watch a cutscene of Max writing a letter to his mother, saying that it "All began the night of the storm." Max proceeds into Cedric's Maintenance shop and he shows him his ticket for "Flotsam's Circus." He also shows Cedric a pendant around his neck that his father gave him and told him to always keep it on. Any way, we'll find more about this later. Proceed downstairs. Half-way down the stairs, there's a save point that looks like a floating book. Press "X" while next to it and you can save your game. You can go downstairs and look around. If anything has an "!" next to it, press "X" and you can check it out. You can find a notebook on the table next to the bed. After picking up the notebook, you'll see a brown cabinet, and when you get close to it, the exclamation point will appear. Press "X" and you'll obtain the wrench. After doing this, go back to the point where the stairs were. Press "X" next to the desk and agree to "OK! Time to start fixing it!" when it asks you if you want to fix Gable's vacuum. Max proceeds to sit down at the desk and fix the vacuum. After this, you'll see a cutscene of Flotsam's Circus getting ready. Max yells that his alarm didn't go off and that the Circus is about to start. He rushes downtown to the area where the event's being held. Now that you're at the circus, there you can see a save point. You can save now if you'd like. Feel free to explore the area around the circus entrance, but when you're done, talk to the clown and hand him the ticket by going to the menu via the square button and then selecting "Circus Ticket." When you try to hand the clown the ticket, someone runs right through and steal s the ticket. You now have to find the person. You can ask people where he went, After talking t some people, you'll see a short person to the left of the entrance to the circus. After talking to the person who appears to have purplish hair and you'll see the little boy hiding behind a cart. You'll flush him out and then you can get the ticket back. Max has compassion for the kid and lets him have the ticket seeing as ho badly he wanted it. After making a deep sigh, another cutscene appears. You learn that the boy isn't actually a little boy wanting to see the circus and that Max seems to be recruited by some sort of group saying that he passed a "test." You get your ticket back and now you can go to the circus. Hand the ticket to the clown and you can go inside. Max comments on how he can't see anything so he goes and climbs a nearby ladder to see from atop a higher platform. After watching various circus tricks and the like, you get interrupted by a cutscene of what seems to be the head clown talking to the local mayor and handing him his favorite roasted chestnuts. The clown tells the mayor that this is the mayor's last chance in retrieving the "stone" for the clown. The mayor asks to keep it a secret because it'll make a panic so the clown agrees, and then Max drops something and the guy is alerted to Max's presence. The mayor tells Max to run, but the his little clown lackeys are after Max. Max starts to climb the ledges near the top of the tent and then he jumps onto a chandelier which falls from the ceiling. Now, with your wrench you can defeat the clowns. This is easy, you can take the out one by one with the wrench. You are now informed that the wrench has become the battle item "Battle Wrench." When more clowns appear, Max decides to run for it. The head clown comes out on some big contraption and the clowns chase Max through the town via the rooftops. The contraption then jumps on the rooftop, also. The "stone" the clown was talking about earlier happens to be MaX's pendant, if you haven't already figured it out. A voice tells Max not to hand it over in that it's "too important." If Max doesn't hand it over the clown tells him he's going to die instead. You are then instructed by Donny to follow him into the sewer, hiding under a manhole cover. After this Max claims that it's the beginning of a real adventure and you see the credits rolling in that this is the actual start of the game. After going down the ladder, Donny shows you the Underground Water Channel which supposedly supplies the town. Donny also calls it his "secret base." You are now instructed that for the game to continue, you should talk to Donny. However, they recommend that you Save first, so proceed just south of where you and Donny are standing and you'll see the save point - Save your game. There isn't much else you can do here without the game telling you that you should go talk to Donny. So after you've saved and you're ready, talk to Donny to continue the game. When you talk to Donny, you have two options: "I think I'll lay low here for a while" and "Underground Water Channel..." choose the latter to continue the game. Max realizes that the town is in some sort of ghetto and that it's being protected from whatever's going on in the outside world. Max says that people didn't leave because with the railroad down, there was no way out. Max says that he's leaving and Donny gives him his "Classic Gun" because he says Max is going to need it more than he does. He also gives Max the "Help Receiver" so that he can communicate with Donny while he's in the channel. Donny stands watch and Max decides to go out and see the world with his own eyes. Begin Chapter One! ---------Chapter 1: To the Outside World--------- ++Underground Channel: To the Outside World++ You will now be viewing a map of the dungeon of the Underground channel. From here you can press "square" to exit the dungeon and "triangle" to save your progress. When you're reading, put your cursor on the box that says "NEXT" and press the "X" button. You'll see some floor info and you can proceed to move to this floor. *Floor 1* To the Outside World ________________________________________ |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 02:35| | | |Clear all without healing | |________________________________________| Donny calls you with the Help Receiver and Max tells him that it's hard to find his way around. Donny recommends that you find the floor map. He tells you that you can toggle the floor map on and off with the "Select Button." He also tells you that in order to get to the next floors, you need a "Gate Key." He thinks the key in the channel is called the "Key Handle." In order to get a gate key, you have to get it from one of the enemies on that floor. Also, if you fulfill certain things on each floor, you can receive "Medals." Try to get as many medals as you can, it'll help later. Basically, the strategy to solving most of the floors in this dungeon is pretty similar. Take each room seperately, destroying all of the monsters in each one. Make sure that you open all of the treasure chests, and one of the monsters will be holding the "Key handle," your gate key. Most of the chests will just contain various items, but there are two main items you're looking for on this floor. One is the floor map and the other is the "Magic Crystal." The map allows you to see the floor design and the crystal will let you see where all of the treasure chests are monsters are located so that you are sure not to miss any. If you complete all of the above, you will probably have a box pop up & say"All Monsters Defeated." You are instructed that the yellow blips on the map are the gates where you put in the gate key that we found earlier. If you're curious what the green blip is, it's the entrance to the floor. Now go to that yellow blip and put in the "Key Handle." After you do this, you'll be prompted to go to the next floor. *Floor 2* Battle With Rats _____________________________________________________________ |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 02:40| | | |Attack and defeat all monsters using only items | |_____________________________________________________________| You'll see a cutscene where Max is asking his father where his mother is. His father replies that she's doing "important work far away from here." His father says that Max shouldn't worry about it, and Max gets frustrated. After the cutscene, you can save your progress at the map and then continue to floor two. Once you're on floor two, the map should be in a treasure chest here. Make sure you open all the chests and defeat all the enemies in the room. The bat monster might be a little tricky, but target him with the "circle" button and use your "Classic Gun." To use the gun, hold "L1" and fire with "X." The bat should be taken down with a minimal amount of ammunition. Now look at your map and go to the room in the southeast corner of this room. There should be a question mark with a sort of "halo" around it. Here, a coin that's double sided - Devil and Angel will flip. Press "X" to stop and you'll get one or the other. After doing this, proceed back to the previous room where we'll go northwest. You'll see a treasure chest and when you try to open it, you'll have three options. One is too leave it alone, one to force it, and the last to use a key. Well, we don't have a key, but it doesn't matter. Don't force it either because it's an exploding trap and you'll lose healh. Continue on from here. Keep following the path, and at one point you'll see a little corner to the left. In the corner is a treasure chest which contains the "Magic Crystal" so you can now see where all of the enemies and treasure chests are on the map. Keep going until you're in a room with another gray circle on the map. One of the monsters in here should be holding the gate key, so make sure you destroy them all. After this, look at the map. To the northwest you should see a faded yellow blip. Well, this is the entrance to the next floor, so let's not go there yet. Instead go to the northeast exit to another room. In this room, just do as we have for regular rooms. Kill all the monsters, open all the treasure chests. Make sure you go into the northeast corner to kill a "Sewer Rat." After this is done, go to the area where the faded yellow blip is. Kill the two monsters in the corridor leading up to the gate. You should get "All Monsters Defeated." Now input the "Key Handle" and proceed to the third floor. You can save your progress on the map. *Floor 3* Ghost in the Channel __________________________________________________________ |Objectives: | | | |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 03:00| | | |Attack and defeat all enemies using only Right-Hand Weapon| |__________________________________________________________| You'll see a short cutscene about Max not being able to remember what his mother's face looks like even though he claims he must have seen it many times when he was young. You also get a call from Donny telling you about upgrading your weapons. Check the items menu and see if any of your weapons can be built up. You can probably turn the wrench into the "Battle Wrench." I decided to upgrade, but make any decision you'd like. After the cutscene, go straight until you see a treasure chest. After taking its contents, go back and go into the room to the left which you passed on your way to the chest. Open the lone treasure chest, then go to the southwest exit. To a room with a big gray circle. Defeat all of the enemies in the room. After defeating all of the monsters, go to the northwest exit into the long corridor. Kill the enemies and open the treasure chest. At the end of the corridor is the gate, so go back to the entrance of the floor. Remember the treasure chest that you opened in the beginning of the level? Well this time, go past it and to the left. You'll be in another one of those rooms with the large gray circles. Kill all the enemies in the room and open all of the treasure chests. Take the west exit out of this room. Turn left into a short, dead-end hallway. Kill the monster, open the chest. The monster had the gate key we needed. Now keep following the other hallway until you get to a large room with a few monsters. Kill all the monsters and go back to the most recent room we were at with a gray circle. This time, take the northeast exit. Kill the monster in the room and take the west exit. Now keep going and you'll see a monster. Kill him and then keep following the long, long corridor. At the end of the line, you'll be in a room with three treasure chests and a few monsters. Open the chests and kill the monsters. You should get "All Monsters Defeated." The only part that I was angry about was that in the two chests were the "Magic Crystal" and the "Floor Map." Kinda late now, right? Well, anyway, you can go back to the area where the gate is. Put in the key and on to Floor 4! Once again, you can save at the map. *Floor 4* Channel Pump Room You view a cutscene with Max calling Donny telling him that he's reached a room that looks like a "big chamber." With "tanks everywhere." Donny explains that he's in the pump room. He says that the pumps draw water from the lake that's outside. Max thanks Donny and it's time for a Boss Fight. The head clown, Flotsam, is back and he's got one of his elephants with him. Flotsam still wants the pendant around Max's neck. Flotsam wants to trade him some info on his mother for it. Max says that he'll find his mother himself and now we have to fight his elephant! ///////Sub-Boss: Circus Darling Linda\\\\\\\ Try to hit him a few times with your weapons, realizing that they're no good and a cutscene will appear. Max realizes that he can't win with the items that he's currently equipped with and Cedric breaks through the wall. Cedric is on the "Ridepod" that he was building, and he easily takes out the elephant, or so he might think. The ridepod's energy pack wasn't completely finished and, but Cedric tells Max that they have just enough energy to get back home. Max jumps on and they flee. ++Palm Brinks++ Well, without completing the dungeon, we're back at Palm Brinks. Max is seen asking Cedric about why Flotsam is after his pendant, and Cedric replies that he's not sure. He says that Mayor Need probably knows, so he's going to talk to Need and try to get some answers from him. Max tells Cedric that he think that he might be able to make the energy pack for the Ridepod. Cedric now shows you how to "invent" things in the game. Listen closely. He also shows you how to use the camera so that you can take picures. You also obtain the "Inside Scoop" memo in your notebook. We need to go find a milk can, some pipes and a belt to create the energy pack. Go outside and right down Cedric's steps there will be a save point. Access it using the "X" button if you wish. Equip the camera, if you get confused, make sure you have an open spot in your quick items list. So click on something and remove it if you need to. Now, across the street from Cedric's, you'll see the milk cans next to the bakery. Take a picture of them using "square." Next, turn around and look at the pipes on Cedric's roof. Take a picture of those. Finally, follow the street to the right and you'll see a police officer standing in front of the police station. Take a picture of his belt. At first, you might just get a picture of him. Make sure you center the picture right on his belt and it should work. Now click "triangle" and go to the "Make" menu. Select the pictures of the Milk Can, Pipe and Belt. After selecting all of the items, press "square" to invent it. Max will think up the energy pack. Now go back to Cedric's Maintenance Shop. Talk to Cedric, and he'll take your energy pack. Well, we aren't quite finished yet. This was only a model. To make the real thing we need twenty scraps of metal, two chunks of copper and a thick hide. Cedric hands you four hundred Gilda, and tells you to pick up the items at the Items Shop across the street. If you're not sure which shop it is, it's the one with the pumpkins in front of it. After gathering all of the items from the shop, press the "triangle" button and go to "Make" on the menu. Select the "Energy Pack" from the buildable objects list and create it. Now go back and talk to Cedric. Cedric tells you that you can look for building blocks everywhere you go and that you should try to invent new things. After that, he takes your energy pack and attaches it to "Steve" the Ridepod. You can now use the Ridepod as a character. You can also save time from going to the menu by just pressing the "R3" button. If you didn't know, the "R3" button is the action when you press down the right analog stick. You can go explore the town some more if you like, but when you're ready, talk to Cedric to continue on. You leave on the Ridepod and Cedric says he's going to go and try to get some information out of Mayor Need. ++Dungeon: Underground Channel++ ///////Sub-Boss: Circus Darling Linda\\\\\\\ You pop up back on the fifth floor of the dungeon, but don't think we'll escape unscathed. We must battle the elephant once again. The boss is simple, just hit him with the arms on the Ridepod with the "X" button. Avoid its shots back at you and you should defeat it losing only minimal amounts of health. Unequip the Ridepod because it loses energy while you use it. Then, head to the left door. *Floor 5* Steve's Battle ____________________________________________________ |Objectives: | | | |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 02:45| | | |Attack and defeat all enemies using only the Ridepod| |____________________________________________________| The scene opens with Cedric trying to get some answers out of Need. Need says that sometimes it's better not to know, but Cedric refuses to take that as an answer. Need breaks and says that he'll tell Cedric everything. Now we're back at the dungeon map. You can save your progress before clicking on the fifth floor. The Ridepod's energy drains pretty fast, so if you want to complete the objective of only destroying and attacking enemies with it, you have to only use it when you're near an enemy. Besides this, everything else is pretty much like the last levels. Open up all of the chests and make sure that you get the gate key so that we can move on to the next floor. Most of the enemies you'll fight are the same as last time. The Vanguard is introduced here now that you have the Ridepod, so that's your clue. Whenever you approach a Vanguard, use the Ridepod, it gets rid of them a lot easier. Basically, it's "robot on robot" logic. Also, watch out for Mimics. They act as if they're regular treasure chests, but when you open them, they'll attack you. Watch out for this and attack it right away. This floor also has one of those question marks onto the map. Walk into the water flowing from the pipe and then you'll have your health restored. Quite useful, in my opinion. Make sure you watch your health in this level. Especially if you attempt to fight a Vanguard without the Ridepod. The amounts of health they deal to you are devastating. At one point, you'll receive a "Channel Key" from one of the treasure chests. Make sure you visit the part of the floor where this key is required before you use the key handle if you wish to receive "All Monsters Defeated." Also, you might run into a a clown that pops up out of one of the treasure chests. He will give you a choice "The Red Box" or "The Yellow" box. I picked the yellow box and got a classic gun, versus a scrap of metal. It's completely random and all luck. So take a guess and see what you get. After doing all of this, put in the key handle and we can proceed to the next floor. *Floor 6* Sweet, Scary Treasure Chest ____________________________________________________ |Objectives: | | | |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 02:30| | | |Clear all without healing | |____________________________________________________| You're now watching a cutscene with Cedric talking to Need. Cedric doesn't believe Need. Cedric talks about how Need "never used to be like this." It seems like Need betrayed the town from what we get from the cutscene. Cedric says that he can't believe Need, and then he stumbles onto an idea. He tells need to start up the "Blackstone Railroad" again. Cedric says that we all need to see the outside world now, so there's no reason to keep the railroad closed closed down. He thinks that if the railroad is back up and running than they can find a way around the problem. Need agrees to re-open the railroad. You're now at a scene where you see Cedric talking to two people who apparently work for the railroad service. The railroad's back in business and Need makes a comment about how he didn't have the "guts" and how he's counting on Cedric to make this work. After the scene, you can save your progress at the map and we begin floor 6. If you didn't like the Mimics on the last floor, you better like them before you get here. Because now "King Mimics" are introduced. I suggest attacking them from behind, or using the Ridepod. They deal a lot of damage. If you need to refuel your Ridepod, I'd recommend leaving and going to Cedric for him to refuel for you. You're going to need the pod at its best. If you've got good health and the Ridepod is in good health, this should be a relatively easy level. One of the monsters should be holding the Key Handle. Get it, use it. Simple enough. I think this was one of the easier levels so far. *Floor 7* Channel Reservoir You'll now watch a cutscene with Max in the channel reservoir room looking for a way out. Suddenly, he hears a loud noise and looks to the pipes above. He sees Flotsam on his weird clown contraption and Flotsam wants to stop playing games. Flotsam still wants the stone from Max's pendant and he threatens that if Max does not surrender than he's going to be very angry and try to kill Max. Max still refuses to hand over the stone and tells Flotsam to give up already. Now we've got a boss battle. ///////Windup Performer Halloween & Troupe Leader Flotsam\\\\\\\ Alright, we have to fight Halloween, his weird robot-contraption first. Flotsam will be throwing "RoBombs" from Halloween, and our goal is to basically pick them up and throw them right back at him. To pick the bomb up, press the "R1" and "X" buttons. Once you've picked it up, simply press "X" again to hurl them right back at Flotsam. A quick note: This is the only point in the game where you can take a picture of Halloween. If you can, try to snap a photo during the fight. Anyway, try to avoid his attacks at all costs. After tossing a few robombs back at him, Halloween's head will lower and you'll be able to attack it directly with your wrench. Hit him as many times as you can, but when his head comes back up, get away. Repeat this process a few times and you will have defeated Halloween. Flotsam tries to save his contraption, but he fails and the whole thing explodes. Two clowns come out of nowhere, pick up Flotsam and scurry away. Max sees the way out and he decides to head for it. You can save your progress at the map and we can continue. We are treated to a cutscene of Max exiting the dungeon and coming up at the outside world. After the cutscene, go down the left staircase and proceed to the area by the railroad tracks. Max says it was the first time he's ever seen the sky stretch for so far, and then the train pulls in with Cedric aboard and Max asks what he's doing here. Cedric tells Max to hop onto the train so that they can go explore the world. Now that we're aboard the train, Cedric is telling Max the information that Need gave him. He says that fifteen years ago, something terrible happened. Cedric explains that there was nothing left of the world except for the small town of Palm Brinks. It is explained that an "Emperor Griffon" destroyed their world and they still don't know why he's done this. He didn't destroy Palm Brinks due to a "stone" (hint: Max's pendant) that was believed to be hidden in the town. Flotsam, is unsurprisingly, Griffon's henchman. Flotsam threatened the mayor and demanded that he search for the stone. You hear a big bang which came from outside and Cedric tells you to climb the ladder to go to the roof of the train and see what happened. You'll see a save point right next to the ladder, so save if you desire. Then go up the ladder and outside. Apparently, Flotsam's still after you and he's on some weird clown car with a machine gun on top (go figure). Cedric tells you that we have to fight back. Max asks how, and Cedric says that he'll hand him a bomb and then Max can throw it at Flotsam. ///////Armed ATV 3000\\\\\\\ Go about this the same way we did with the Robombs previous. "R1" and "X" to pick it up and then "X" again to throw it. Try to hit him with as many bombs as you can. This pretty much works on a timer. If the train's health runs out, you have to start over. So make sure you're watching both the train's health and Flotsam's at the same time. Get about three good hits on Flotsam and his health should be drained away. The ATV will get destroyed and then Flotsam is thrown on top of the train. Flotsam throws off his shirt and he's armed with explosives. Cedric says that Flotsam's going to try to be a sort of "suicide bomber" and blow himself up along with the train. Well, don't worry. Remember that little red-haired boy who said before that everything was a test and all? Well, he's back. Flotsam tries to kill him with one of his explosives, and then the red-haired boy is revealed as being Monica. Monica makes light work of him and blows him off the train. The train can no longer go any further because there are a whole bunch of boulders blocking the tracks. Monica says that it's alright with her because she has some stuff to do here in this area called the "spirit forest." Max explains that Monica had come from the future because she had to do something very important. She says that if they can find the origin point, they might be able to find out who Griffon really is. However, if an origin point is changed than the results can be terrible. And that's exactly what Griffon does she said. She explains that he altered the origin points of her time and that he's rewriting history as he likes. She explains that an elder named "Jurak" lives in this forest area and that he is very wise and powerful. However, in her time, Griffon erased Jurak from existence. It also wasn't only Jurak. He removed all of the elders with the power to challenge him. Monica asks for Max's help in fighting Griffon and he accepts. ---------Chapter 2: Resurrection of the Great Elder--------- Monica has now joined our little group and she can be switched as a character just like the Ridepod. You can press L3 to switch to her. We also obtain five "armband repair powder." Monica says that we should start with "Sindain." Shortly after this comment, Cedric says that Max should go on without him. He and the others decided to fix up the train and they ask Max to bring back anything good he might find in the forest. You now learn that the train is a means of transportation between here and Palm Brinks. You also are told that if you more people join your adventure, you can keep them on the train and send them to other places, or bring them as supporting characters when you're in a dungeon. To the left you'll see a save point. I'd recommend saving since we're going to begin Chapter 2 now. After doing whatever you have to do go just north of the save point where you'll be prompted if you want to go to "Sindain." Say yes and on we go. We'll now be watching a cutscene of Max asking Monica about a lone house and she replies that that seems sort of weird and that we should check it out. Someone's sleeping on top of the roof as they near the house and he jumps down towards them. Monica makes a comment that he's from the Firbit trbe of Sindain. Monica says that she wants to ask him a favor. He asks him if he's ever heard of Jurak and he runs away into the house. Try to go into the house and then the Firbit will yell back at you that "Nobody's home!" Monica tells Max that she heard that Firbits are crazy about grape juice, so she asks as if she has some and then he invites them inside. Inside we'll see three more firbits who want the grape juice Monica claimed she had. Monica says that it's going to cost them if they want her grape juice and then she inquires about a magical power firbits have in creating houses and plants. She asks him to rebuild a town for her. The firbit replies he has no time and that's way too much work. Max doesn't give up and then what seems to be the head firbit in this house replies to the other one to hold on. This guy's name is Conda. He asks who Max and Monica are and they introduce themselves. Conda said he'd love to help out, but they're in a bit of trouble themselves right now. He replies that he can't us until they've sorted out their own problems. Monica wants to know what's wrong and Conda starts to explain it to us. He explains that a beautiful woman came to them about a year ago and he says that they first approached her with caution because in his opinion, humans are "crafty, cunning creatures." However, he said that her soul was more beautiful than to be described, she was a woman named Holly. Conda says that he's not sure if that was actually her real name, but that didn't matter to him at all. Conda explains that while she was with them, she wove a sort of spell over them all and that she had him and his fellow firbits in the palm of her hand. He says that one day out of the blue, she disappeared into the forest never to return. They felt like they were abandoned and they couldn't go on without her. They decided to search for Holly in hopes of finding her. They set out to a place called "Rainbow Butterfly Wood" where she supposedly disappeared. The search party hasn't come back either, he says. Conda explains that since those four are gone, he can't help us. He needs all seven of the firbits in order for their special powers to work. Monica volunteers to go find the other four firbits. And he asked to keep an eye out for Holly. Monica asks what Holly looks like and he replies that her potato pies were incredible. Max says "Potato... pie?" And now we're treated of a cutscene of Max's mother giving him potato pies. Max thought that maybe the Holly the firbits were talking about could be his mother. After the cutscene Conda tells us about a rainbow butterfly that once seen, one might never leave the woods again. He says to be careful not to run into that butterfly. Monica says that it's a bit odd to prevent running into a butterfly and Conda just replies "Well, pretend you didn't see it." And then he gives Max some grape juice. He says that if Max carries the grape juice then the other firbits might smell it and come towards him. Max understands and now we're free to walk by ourselves again. Anyway, you can go towards the other cutscene and save and then go to the area where Conda removed the plants. It prompts you if you'd like to go to "Rainbow Butterfly Wood" and say yes so we can continue. ++Rainbow Butterfly Wood: Venture to the Unexplored World++ *Floor 1* Frightening Forest ____________________________________________________ |Objectives: | | | |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45| | | |Attack and defeat all enemies using Monica's Sword | |____________________________________________________| Watch out for enemies. They're going to be a lot tougher in this dungeon than they were in the last one. Make sure that you block a lot. Try to only attack the monsters when they aren't attacking you. I strongly recommend using the Ridepod to defeat the enemies if you're having trouble. Also, if you do decide to use the Ridepod, only turn it on when you're near an enemy, there's no need to waste fuel. However, you can refuel from Cedric if you need to. At one point, you'll reach a big cobweb blocking your branch. Well, you should have found a slash branch being held by one of your enemies. Simply use that and then you can go on your way. Defeat all the monsters and open up all the treasure chests behind that area and then go back and do anything that you still haven't done. After getting "All Monsters Defeated" head to the area on the map with the yellow blip. In order to move from floor to floor, we cut down a tree with the "Fairy Saw." That's our gate key for this dungeon. When it asks you if you want to cut the tree down, do so and that's when we'll proceed to the second floor. *Floor 2* Strange Tree ____________________________________________________ |Objectives: | | | |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:28| | | |Attack and defeat all enemies using only Items | |____________________________________________________| We now see a cutscene of Monica telling Max that it's going to be tough to defend himself with his current weapons. We receive a whole bunch of crystals from Monica at this point, they are as follows: 2 Hunter Crystals 2 Destruction Crystals 1 Wind Crystal 1 Sea Dragon Crystal Max thanks her and she tells him that he can give his wrench some real punch with these crystals. She now teaches you how Spectrumize crystals and then synthesize your weapons. She also gives the wrench six more synthesis points. Build up the wrench and then we can proceed to complete this floor. The enemies on this floor are relatively easy, except one. There's this big tree type thing called a "Tore." Well, here's how he works. When you atttack him, he doesn't attack you right away himself. He makes several "Katore" monsters to do it for him. Now these monsters don't need a lot of damage to die but they explode when you hit them. So the best way to go about them is Monica's armband. After defeating them, then you get to actually attack him. Now, he needs to take a _lot_ of damage for him to actually die. So this is what I recommend. Before beginning this level, head back to Sindain Station. (Note: This will only take away half of your money if you do it while on a level. If you go back in-between levels, it won't cost you anything). Anyway, at Sindain station, there's a railroad worker named "Erik." You can add him to your party, so do that. His special ability is to create "Improved Bombs." With him in your party, you can use his special ability twice. Well, I used it twice and you get six Improved Bombs. After using his ability twice, he was no skill points left, so I ditched him and just took Cedric along with me in case I needed Ridepod repairs. Anyway, Improved Bombs deal 400 damage to an enemy when you hit them with it. However, I ran into about five Tores when I did the level so I recommend that you ONLY use them on the Tores. Also, make sure that you hit it quickly, but you don't miss. These bombs do not deserve to be wasted. After defeating all of the Tores, the rest of the monsters look like a piece of cake. So, defeating the rest of the monsters in this level is pretty easy and one of the monsters will probably be holding the "Fairy Saw" which we need to get to Floor 3. Chop down the tree, and we're ready to go. *Floor 3* Rolling Shells ____________________________________________________ |Objectives: (Red Seal)| | | |Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:30| | | |Attack and defeat all enemies using Monica's Magic | |____________________________________________________| Before we begin this level, note the red seal on the floor description. After clicking on the floor, you will learn that this means that Max has been chosen by the "Red Atlamillia." And you can't switch to either him or the Ridepod in this level. This is going to make things a little bit more difficult now, but we can still do it. All we have now is Monica's Sword, her Armband and the Improved Bombs, if you got Erik to make you more. ............................................................................... ********************* **Legal Information** ********************* This FAQ/Walkthrough is Copyright 2003 - 2004 Calvin de Vries. All rights reserved. This _MAY NOT_ appear at any website aside from GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) without written permission. If you have a true request to post my guide on your website, please e-mail me at the e-mail address calvin2006@mindspring.com. I imply no permission to anyone or anything except GameFAQs. You must receive a positive written response to your e-mail address in order to post my FAQ. Simply informing me that you have posted my guide, does not work. You must be explicitly granted the right. If you do not follow the above, you are in violation of copyright law and you can expect that the full extent of the law shall be employed. You have been warned. On a lighter note, I will generally accept most requests, so it's really in your best interest to just simply send me an e-mail asking if you can post it, it'll save you/your website's reputation and both of us time. *********** **Credits** *********** First off, I'd like to thank CJayC (Jeff Veasey) for creating the great GameFAQs website, without which this guide wouldn't exist. I'd also like to thank Sony and the other creators of this game. Thanks also goes to everyone that has helped me along the way with this guide. And last, but certainly not least, the readers! Thanks to everyone who has read my guide, you all give me a sense that writing the guide was in some way worth it. See you around.