=============================================================================== Dark Cloud 2 (US) - Weapon FAQ - v3.1 =============================================================================== written by JungleJim - junglejimgf@yahoo.com Dark Cloud 2 is (c) Level 5 and Sony Computer Entertainment of America Permission to publish this FAQ is given to the following website only: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com (by linking directly to gamefaqs) In the past I've allowed my guides to be published elsewhere, but for various reasons I've decided to make my future guides exclusive to gamefaqs. So please don't email me asking for permission to publish elsewhere. All such emails will be ignored. Contact me via email if you find errors. If you have gameplay questions, it's probably better for you to post your questions to the message boards at www.gamefaqs.com. I've written enough guides so that I receive more email than I can answer. ================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ================= 1.0 - REVISION HISTORY 2.0 - INTRODUCTION 3.0 - BASICS 3.1 - Weapon Types 3.2 - Combos 3.3 - Durability 4.0 - WEAPON UPGRADING 4.1 - ABS 4.2 - Abilities 4.3 - Spectrumizing and Synthing 4.4 - Spectrumize Tables 4.5 - Building Up 4.6 - Support Characters 4.7 - Efficient Upgrading 5.0 - WEAPON TABLES 5.1 - Wrenches/Hammers 5.2 - Spheda Clubs 5.3 - Guns 5.4 - Swords 5.5 - Armbands 5.6 - Ultimate Weapons 6.0 - WEAPON LOCATIONS 6.1 - Shop Weapons 6.2 - Dungeon Weapons 6.3 - Invented Weapons 6.3.1 - Wrenches/Hammers 6.3.2 - Spheda Clubs 6.3.3 - Guns 6.3.4 - Swords 6.3.5 - Armbands 6.4 - Event Weapons 7.0 - WEAPON RECIPES 7.1 - True Battle Wrench 7.2 - Grade Zero 7.3 - Supernova 7.4 - Griffon Fork 7.5 - Five-Star Armlet 7.6 - LEGEND 7.7 - Island King 7.8 - Dark Cloud 8.0 - WEAPON COLLECTING 8.1 - Wrenches/Hammers 8.2 - Spheda Clubs 8.3 - Guns 8.4 - Swords 8.5 - Armbands 9.0 - FAQ 10.0 - THANKS ====================== 1.0 - REVISION HISTORY ====================== Version 3.1 02-04-16 Improved LEGEND recipe Version 3.0 02-01-16 Improved Supernova and Five-Star recipes Added Grade Zero and Griffon Fork recipes Removed Drill Wrench and Big Bucks Hammer recipes Fixed base stats for all weapons Added info on ABS mechanics Version 2.4 10-19-04 Added Weapon Collecting section Added stats for Royal Sword Added default stats for Garayan, Mardan Garayan, and Star Armlet Fixed WHP for Handy Stick Version 2.3 08-15-03 Added FAQ section New info on coins in dungeons Fixed some typos relating to guns Version 2.2 06-12-03 Fixed recipe errors Added some dungeon weapons Version 2.1 05-23-03 Added 30 minute Dark Cloud recipe Version 2.0 05-02-03 Fixed several errors in the Five-Star recipe Added several dungeon weapons Version 1.9 04-11-03 Added Five-Star Armlet recipe Version 1.8 04-10-03 Added Drill Wrench and Island King recipes Version 1.7 04-06-03 Added section on Recipes (TBW, BBH, LEGEND, Supernova) Version 1.6 04-04-03 Moved Sexy Panther and Twin Buster to the correct section of invented weapons Fixed Topaz typo Added Handy Stick to default stat table Fixed Question Shooter typo Fixed Drain Seeker typo Fixed Sexy Panther error Fixed Sun Armlet typo Fixed Magic Gun error Fixed Five-Star Armlet error Version 1.5 03-28-03 Fixed a couple of abilities on the weapons Fixed minimum LEGEND stats Fixed maximum Chronicle 2 stats Fixed WHP increase info Fixed At increase formula Added fast combo designation to the proper swords Fixed SP increase info Added section on Ultimate Weapons Version 1.4 03-17-03 Added Twin Buster to invented weapons Version 1.3 03-17-03 Added Spheda Clubs section to weapon tables Fixed Dark Viper typo Added Sexy Panther to invented weapons Added a few dungeon weapons Build-up information is now complete ABS requirements are all complete Max stats for all weapons Updated rule for At increase at level up Added enemy chapter locations Version 1.2 03-13-03 Build-up information is now complete except for Love Added max stats of several weapons Added enemy reqs. to build-up info Fixed several typos Version 1.1 03-13-03 Fixed Lamb's Sword note Fixed Sargatanas typo Added Shop Weapons for Chapters 6 and 7 Added a few Invented Weapons Added a few Dungeon Weapons Changed Build-Up order to match the game's order Version 1.0 03-09-03 Initial version ================== 2.0 - INTRODUCTION ================== Hopefully this guide will allow people to make some sense of the complex weapon system in Dark Cloud 2. In my opinion, this is one of the nicer features of the game, but can be a bit daunting, especially if you never played the first game. For any formulas appearing in this guide, I'll use the following symbols to mean the floor function: [] The floor function simply means that you round all decimals down, never up. So [4.1] = 4, and [4.9] = 4. The following symbols mean the ceiling function: {} The ceiling function means that you round all decimals up, never down. So {4.1} = 5, and {4.9} = 5. ============ 3.0 - BASICS ============ There are several ways to obtain weapons for Max and Monica: -Buy from a shop -Find in dungeons (both clown chests and regular chests) -Get 100% of certain georamas -Win as prizes in Finny Frenzy or the Fish Tournament -Build-up your existing weapons The last option is the only way to get the most powerful weapons, and it's also fun. Weapon upgrading is complicated so it makes up the majority of the information in this guide. ------------------ 3.1 - Weapon Types ------------------ Max uses hammers/wrenches in his right hand, and guns in his left. Monica uses swords in her right hand, and magic armbands in her left hand. The guns have three damage types: normal, grenade, and beam. These distinctions are important when considering the weaknesses of monsters, because some weapons are more effective than others for each monster. Hammers/wrenches are considered to be the same damage type. The clubs Max uses to play Spheda can also be used as weapons. ------------ 3.2 - Combos ------------ You can execute combos with Max's and Monica's right-hand weapons by repeatedly pressing the attack button. Each weapon has a maximum number of combo moves. Wrenches are faster and have more combo moves than hammers, but hammers typically have higher max stats. The number of combo moves each weapon is capable of is listed in section 5. ---------------- 3.3 - Durability ---------------- If you played the first Dark Cloud, and nearly threw your PS2 out the window when you broke your Chronicle 2 sword, don't worry because weapons won't disappear in Dark Cloud 2. Weapons wear down with use, and they will eventually break. The two parameters that govern wear are Weapon Hit Points (WHP) and Durability (Du). When the WHP of a weapon reaches 0, the weapon will break, and will no longer function until you repair it. The WHP for melee weapons will decrease each time you hit a monster. For guns/magic, WHP will decrease each time you fire, whether you hit a monster or not. The rate at which WHP decreases is determined by Du. The higher the better. WHP can be restored with the proper type of repair powder. There are three types. -Repair Powder: used to repair wrenches/hammers, swords, and Ridepod weapons -Gun Repair Powder: used to repair guns -Armband Repair Powder: used to repair armbands If a weapon breaks, it won't disappear, but it won't damage the enemy until you repair it. The only negative side effect of a weapon breaking is that it will lose a small amount of ABS. The maximum WHP is 255 for all weapons. ----------- 3.4 - Stats ----------- Besides WHP and Du, weapons have several other stats: At - Attack Fl - Flame Ch - Chill Li - Lightning Cy - Cyclone Sm - Smash Ex - Exorcism Be - Beast Sc - Scale At is the attack power of the weapon. The other stats are for special damage types such as elemental damage. Most enemies are weak or strong against one or more of these types of damage. There is also a stat called Synth Points (SP). This is discussed in section 4.3. ====================== 4.0 - WEAPON UPGRADING ====================== --------- 4.1 - ABS --------- ABS is gained by picking up the little blue spheres dropped by defeated enemies. When a weapon's ABS meter fills up, the weapon will gain a level. The weapon's level is indicated after a plus sign. So a Drill Wrench +5 has been leveled up five times. Weapons naturally gain WHP, At, and Du upon level up. Du gets +1 per level. For most weapons, At gets +2 per level for the first five levels. If the weapon has enemy kill requirements (the ultimates and penultimates) then At gets +3 per level for the first five levels. All weapons get +1 At per level after that. Flyojumper figured out that weapons can go up +1, +2, or +3 WHP per level (it's random). He calculated the average increase to be about 1.63. Weapons start with a base ABS requirement. This is the amount of ABS required to get to +1 and +2. After that, the amount of ABS needed per level increases. All weapons follow a specific pattern for this increase. As an example, the ABS requirements for the first few levels of a Battle Wrench look like this: 32 32 48 64 80 As you can see, the first two levels are the same, and after that, it goes up by 16 per level, which is half of the base requirement. The parameter that varies between weapons is the base requirement. Higher level weapons have higher base requirements. Now here are a couple formulas which are usable for all weapons. B = ABS required to reach +1 (this is the base ABS requirement) If your weapon is a +N weapon, you'll need this many ABS to reach the next level: B + (N - 1) * B / 2 In order to reach +N, you'll need this much ABS total: B + ((N * (N + 1)) / 2 - 1) * B / 2 The max level is 99. The weapon can still earn SP and At after that, but the level won't increase, and neither will the ABS requirements. Note that these formulas can result in values that have a fractional part if the weapon in question is a gun. This is because some guns have odd base ABS requirements. When present, the fractional part is always 0.5 and is not rounded by the game. When an enemy is killed, it's ABS value is split between 8 blue ABS balls. The fractional part is kept, if any. For example, a Bat is worth 6 ABS and will drop 8 ABS balls worth 0.75 ABS each. The stored ABS on a weapon increases as these balls are picked up, also keeping fractional parts. As each ball is picked up, the ABS needed to level up the weapon is compared with the stored ABS value rounded up to a whole number. If this rounded value is greater than or equal to the ABS requirement, the weapon levels up, and any extra ABS from that ball is discarded. Example 1: a Battle Wrench needs 32 ABS to get to +1. It's current ABS is 30.25. A Bat is killed and a single ABS ball worth 0.75 ABS is picked up. Now the current ABS is 31.0. The weapon does not level up. Example 2: a Battle Wrench has 30.5 ABS. An ABS ball worth 0.75 ABS is picked up. Now the current ABS is 31.25. Rounded up this is 32, and equal to the ABS requirement, so the weapon levels up to +1. Example 3: a Battle Wrench has 0 ABS. An ABS ball worth 50 ABS is picked up. The weapon levels up to +1 and the current ABS is set to 0. The extra 18 ABS is lost. If a weapon with ABS Up is used for the killing blow, almost everything works the same. The monster's ABS value is multiplied by 1.2 and rounded down to a whole number. Then this value is divided into 8 balls as before. --------------- 4.2 - Abilities --------------- Weapons can be augmented with several abilities. Here's a list of the abilities and what they do: Wealth: [30%] increase in Gilda dropped by monsters Poverty: [30%] decrease in Gilda dropped by monsters Poison: Poisons enemies (note that poison can reduce enemy HP to 1 but can't kill them). The damage done by Poison is {HP / 20} every 5 seconds, where HP is the enemy's max HP. Stop: Chance of freezing enemy movement for a set time Steal: Chance of stealing an item after an attack Critical: 15% chance of inflicting 1.8x damage Durable: Slower WHP decrease Fragile: Faster WHP decrease Absorb: 15% chance of recovering HP equal to 2% of the damage you do to the enemy Heal: Restores 1 HP every 5 seconds Dark: Inflicts 1.5x damage, but you lose 1% of your max HP each time ABS Up: [20%] increase in ABS dropped by monsters Some abilities are opposites of each other, so only one of them can be present on a weapon. The following are opposites: Wealth/Poverty Critical/Dark Durable/Fragile Absorb/Heal Abilities are placed on weapons in three ways. Some weapons have abilities naturally. For example, the Thorn Armlet has ABS Up and Poverty. So if you build-up to a Thorn Armlet (or buy a Thorn Armlet) you'll get these two abilities. The second way is to synth a coin onto a weapon. Here's a list of the coins and what abilities they carry: Wealth Coin: Wealth Indestructible Coin: Durable Poison Coin: Poison Time Coin: Stop Bandit Coin: Steal Absorption Coin: Absorb Healing Coin: Heal Bull's-Eye Coin: Critical Experience Coin: ABS Up Dark Coin: Dark There are no coins that carry Poverty or Fragile, though you wouldn't want to but them on your weapon anyway. Finally, you can transfer the abilities of one weapon to another by spectrumizing a weapon and synthing it to another weapon. The abilities will only transfer if the weapon you spectrumize is +5 or higher. Abilities can be removed by placing the opposite ability on the weapon. Since the Thorn Armlet has the undesirable Poverty ability, you can get rid of it by synthing a Wealth Coin to it, or by synthing a weapon which had Wealth to it. This makes the two abilities cancel each other, so if you wanted Wealth to be on the Thorn Armlet, you would have to add the Wealth ability twice. This same process also works when building-up. For example, building-up the Thorn Armlet to Pocklekul (which has Wealth naturally) will result in a Pocklekul with the ABS Up ability (but no Wealth or Poverty). There is no way to remove abilities which don't have opposites (Poison, Stop, Steal, ABS Up). Eight is the most abilities you can have on a weapon, since if you tried to add more, you would be adding the opposite of something. Coins can be found in chests in each dungeon, won from fishing races/contests, won as Spheda prizes, or purchased from Morton's Sundries in Chapter 8. -------------------------------- 4.3 - Spectrumizing and Synthing -------------------------------- Spectrumizing is the process of turning an item or weapon into a synth sphere. Most items can be spectrumized, and most give a boost to one or more stats. Synthing is the process of adding a synth sphere on a weapon in order to boost the stats of that weapon. Synthing uses up SP. Items take 1 SP each. Weapons take 1 SP for each level the weapon had before spectrumization. Note that spectrumizing a weapon that is not +5 or higher is useless, since the resulting synth sphere will be unstable, and will barely increase the stats, if at all. When a weapon is spectrumized, it will only retain a percentage of its stat points. All stats except At (discussed below) and WHP (none of it is transferred) retain [60%] of their value when spectrumized. For example, if a weapon has 18 Fl, the spectrumized weapon will have [60% * 18] = [10.8] = 10 Fl, and this is how much will be transferred to the weapon you're synthing to. At is a bit more complicated. We have the following variables: At1: At value of our main weapon (the one we are synthing to) At2: At value of our auxilliary weapon (the one we are spectrumizing) Case 1: At1 >= At2 At1 = At1 + floor(0.25 * At2) Case 2: At1 < At2 At1 = At1 + floor(0.25 * At2 + 0.75 * (At2 - At1)) Case 1 is what you will probably see most of the time. If the At of the aux weapon is less than the At of your main weapon, then only 25% of the aux weapon's At will transfer. However, if the At of the aux weapon is greater than the At of your main weapon, then Case 2 will activate, and you will actually receive a larger percentage of the At of the aux weapon. The percentage depends on the relative At values. If your main weapon's At is 2/3 of the aux weapon's At, you'll get 50%. If your main weapon's At is 1/3 of the aux weapon's At, you'll get 75%. If your main weapon's At were 0 (if that were possible), you'd actually get 100% of the aux weapon's At. SP is increased by leveling up a weapon. Low-level weapons such as Battle Wrenches increase by 3 SP per level. Mid-level weapons increase by 4 SP per level. High-level weapons increase by 6 SP per level. Note that by low, mid, and high, I'm refering to the weapon forms. Section 4.6 describes a way to give a slight bonus to the SP increase. The maximum SP that can be accumulated on a weapon is 999. ------------------------ 4.4 - Spectrumize Tables ------------------------ I recommend using Knight Boots for At, since they raise it 2 points like Power Crystals do, but they are cheaper to make than buying Power Crystals. =-=-=-= Gems =-=-=-= At Du Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc Amethyst 10 10 5 Aquamarine 5 10 10 5 Diamond 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 5 Emerald 10 10 10 Garnet 10 10 10 Moon Stone 8 8 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 Opal 10 10 Pearl 10 10 10 Peridot 5 8 8 8 Ruby 15 15 Sapphire 5 5 15 5 Sun Stone 8 8 15 8 8 8 8 8 8 Topaz 10 10 10 Turquoise 5 5 10 10 =-=-=-=-= Attack =-=-=-=-= At Level Up Powder 1 Knight Boots 2 Missile Pod Arm 2 Missile Pod Arm II 2 Power Crystal 2 Stamina Drink 1 =-=-=-=-= Durable =-=-=-=-= Du Anti-Goo Amulet 2 Antidote Amulet 2 Clown Foot 2 Crunchy Bread 2 Explorer's Helmet 2 Green Overalls 2 Gun Repair Powder 2 Life Element 2 Mellow Banana 2 Mighty Healing 2 Non-Stop Amulet 2 Protector Crystal 2 Repair Powder 2 Sticky Clay 2 =-=-=-= Flame =-=-=-= Fl Barrel Cannon II 2 Bomb 2 Bomb Nut 2 Bread 2 Energy Pack 2 Fire Element 2 Flame Crystal 3 Flame Stone 2 Gunpowder 2 Improved Bomb 2 Potato Cake 2 Ridepod Fuel 2 Sugar Cane 2 Super Hot Pepper 2 =-=-=-= Chill =-=-=-= Ch Armband Repair Powder 1 Chill Crystal 3 Chill Element 2 Chill Stone 2 Glass Material 2 Soap 2 Tasty Water 2 Water Element 2 =-=-=-=-=-= Lightning =-=-=-=-=-= Li Hunk of Copper 2 Lightning Crystal 3 Lightning Stone 2 Machine Gun Arm II 2 Poison 2 Scrap of Metal 2 Silver Ball 2 Thunder Element 2 Yellow Ribbon 2 =-=-=-=-= Cyclone =-=-=-=-= Cy Buggy 2 Bundle of Hay 2 Forest Dew 2 Roasted Chestnut 2 Wind Crystal 3 Wind Element 2 Wind Stone 2 =-=-=-= Smash =-=-=-= Sm Cannonball Arm 2 Cannonball Arm II 2 Carrot 2 Caterpillar 2 Destruction Crystal 3 Earth Element 2 Iron Leg 2 Rolling Log 2 Rough Rock 2 Stone 2 Stone Berry 2 Sturdy Rock 2 =-=-=-=-=-= Exorcism =-=-=-=-=-= Ex Escape Powder 2 Flour 2 Holy Crystal 3 Holy Element 2 Holy Stone 2 Holy Water 2 Light Element 2 Samurai Arm 2 Unknown Bone 2 =-=-=-= Beast =-=-=-= Be Battan 2 Cheese 2 Gooey Peach 2 Hunter Crystal 3 Mimi 2 Minon 2 Premium Chicken 2 Prickly 2 Sturdy Cloth 2 Thick Hide 2 Treasure Chest Key 2 =-=-=-= Scale =-=-=-= Sc Antidote Drink 2 Baku Baku 2 Evy 2 Gummy 2 Heart-Throb Cherry 2 Medusa's Tear 2 Niler 2 Nonky 2 Petite Fish 2 Priscleen 2 Sea Dragon Crystal 3 Tarton 2 =-=-=-=-= Nothing =-=-=-=-= These items give you no stat points when spectrumized. Poison Apple All coins ----------------- 4.5 - Building Up ----------------- Most weapons can be evolved into better weapons. This is called building up, though in this guide I'll probably use the term upgrading more often. Weapons should be upgraded because each weapon has caps on its stats. Higher weapons have higher caps, and so are potentially more powerful. Usually you can perform an upgrade once the weapons stats are high enough: A: current stat of weapon you are upgrading from B: base stat of weapon you are upgrading to X = [10% * B] Y = B - X If A >= Y, for every stat, you can upgrade the weapon. Once you do, X points will be added to the stats of the upgraded weapon. Example: The base stats for Drill Wrench are 16 At, 2 Fl, 10 Sm, 5 Be (0 in rest). The minimum stats needed on a Battle Wrench in order to upgrade to Drill Wrench are 15 At, 2 Fl, 9 Sm, and 5 Be. Assume you have a Battle Wrench with 20 At, 19 Fl, 19 Sm, 19 Be. After upgrading to Drill Wrench, the stats will be 21 At, 19 Fl, 20 Sm, 19 Be. Purchased or found weapons will always have base stats. Some weapons (the most powerful ones) also require that you've killed at least one of a specific type of monster. These monsters are found in later dungeons in the game, so that prevents you from upgrading your weapons beyond a certain point until then. ------------------------ 4.6 - Support Characters ------------------------ I've listed only the support characters which have something to do with weapons. No recruitment information here, see OTACON120's Character Recruitment FAQ if you need help with that. =-=-=-= Adel =-=-=-= -Gradually raises WHP of unequipped weapons Not too useful, since Repair Powder is so readily available, and weapons don't disappear when they break. =-=-=-=-= Cedric =-=-=-=-= -Gives +1 extra SP per level for wrenches/hammers -Gives +1 per level to a random stat for wrenches/hammers -Repairs weapons His description in the game is a little misleading. Cedric does not give bonuses for all weapons, only wrenches/hammers. Always have Cedric with you when you level one of Max's right hand weapons. =-=-=-= Donny =-=-=-= -Sells Repair Powder and Gun Repair Powder You probably won't ever need to buy any powder from him, since you can find it under nearly every rock. =-=-=-=-= Gerald =-=-=-=-= -Gives +1 extra SP per level for guns -Gives +1 per level to a random stat for guns -Sells guns and spheda clubs Always have Gerald with you when you level one of Max's left hand weapons. =-=-=-= Julia =-=-=-= -Sells armbands You can buy Pocklekuls from her starting on Chapter 5. These are useful because they come with Wealth. =-=-= Lin =-=-= -Gives +1 extra SP per level for armbands -Gives +1 per level to a random stat for armbands Lin is the only way to get SP bonuses for Monica's magic. This is kind of annoying since you only have Lin for part of Chapter 3. And while you have her you can't switch to anyone else. Making the best use of your time with Lin requires a bit of planning. I plan to add more about this in a future version. =-=-=-=-= Milane =-=-=-=-= -Gives +1 extra SP per level for swords -Gives +1 per level to a random stat for swords -Sells weapons Keep Milane with you when leveling up swords. She will start selling Thorn Armlets in Chapter 4, which have ABS Up. =-=-=-= Need =-=-=-= -Enemies drop [30%] more Gilda when defeated Gilda bonuses from Need are cumulative with Wealth, so using both will get you [60%] more money. =-=-=-= Rufio =-=-=-= -Sells elements and a few crystals He doesn't sell every type of crystal, but if you don't need the other types he saves you a trip to the Star Temple. ------------------------- 4.7 - Efficient Upgrading ------------------------- Here are a few quick tips: -You can kill an enemy with anything and switch to something else to pick up the ABS -If you kill with Monica/Monster/Ridepod and switch to Max, the ABS is distributed evenly between his right and left hand weapons -vice versa for Monica -ABS Up is applied at the time you actually kill an enemy (same for Gilda bonuses) -If you kill an enemy using a weapon with ABS Up, then switch to a new weapon and pick up the ABS, you'll still get the 20% bonus -Synthing weapons to raise stats on your main weapons is a better way to go than using crystals on your main weapons directly, because of the steep increase in ABS requirements for high-level weapons General Unless you only need a few stat points, it's usually better to synth weapons on to your main weapon instead of crystals. In the beginning, the best way is to buy Battle Wrenches and upgrade them to True Battle Wrenches, and spectrumize those. Later, it's better to buy/invent strong weapons and spectrumize those at +5. Wrenches I prefer the wrench path through the end of Chapter 7, but it really comes down to personal preference. The raw strength of hammers comes in handy for Chapter 8. Guns I'd stick with the Grenade Launcher until you win the Jurak Gun on Chapter 2. The Jurak Gun eventually becomes the Supernova, the best gun IMO. Keep in mind that you can only get one Jurak Gun. However, making a Supernova starting from Classic Gun is much more ABS efficient, and the recipe below reflects this. Swords The evil sword path (Bone Rapier -> Evilcise -> Drain Seeker -> Sargatanas -> Dark Excalibur -> Griffon Fork) works very well, and optionally you can take it one step further to Island King. Armbands I suggest this path: Magic Brassard -> Bandit Brassard -> Thorn Armlet -> Pocklekul -> Moon Armlet -> Star Armlet -> Five-Star Armlet =================== 5.0 - WEAPON TABLES =================== In the general tables, there is a field for the abilities. This includes abilities which are added to the weapon when building up to it. In the base stat tables, there is a field called Enemies. Some weapons require that you kill certain enemies before you can build up to that weapon. The enemies can be killed in any way, and only one of each type needs to be killed in order to allow any weapon with that requirement to be built up. Only the Rifle Wolf is found on Chapter 5. Check Valken Lee's chart for the tier of the weapon. Later I'll provide specific locations for the enemies. The following enemies unlock Tier 7 weapons and are found in the Star Paths on Chapter 6: Arthur Balalla Blackbeard Blumo Fat Naga Fire Spirit Flaming Nail Heat Fairy Ice Spirit Iron Mask Living Armor Mummy Pirate Eye Rolling Rocks Sleeber Spirit Flyer Star Tortoise Sylph Triple Cracker Zombie Pirate The following enemies unlock Tier 8 and 9 weapons and are found in Moon Flower Palace on Chapter 7: Bundy Castle Eater Clock Knight Count Balloon Crow Priest Diamond Evil Nail Evil Performer Fire Drake Guardia Heart Ice Drake Joker Lancer Miss Gourgon Moon Goyone Moon Joe Moonflowephant Rain Ghost S. Club S. Diamond S. Heart S. Joker Silver Gear Skull Chief Spade Storm Ghost Thunder Ghost Toy Rock Vanguard Mk 2 ---------------------- 5.1 - Wrenches/Hammers ---------------------- =-=-=-=-= General =-=-=-=-= Note that Sigma Breaker and Grade Zero have slightly different combos than the other wrenches, so these are listed as 5b. ABS SP Combo Abilities Build Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Wrench 32 3 5 - Drill Wrench True Battle Wrench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Bucks Hammer 288 4 4 Wealth - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cubic Hammer 224 4 4 Durable Digi Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digi Hammer 288 4 4 - Heavy Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drill Wrench 64 3 5 - Smash Wrench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frozen Tuna 160 4 4 - Cubic Hammer Big Bucks Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grade Zero 416 6 5b - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Hammer 352 6 4 - LEGEND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kubera's Hand 128 3 5 Steal Big Bucks Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND 416 6 4 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Wrench 288 4 5 Poison Sigma Breaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smash Wrench 160 4 5 - Stinger Wrench Cubic Hammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigma Breaker 352 6 5b - Grade Zero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stinger Wrench 224 4 5 Steal Poison Wrench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- True Battle Wrench 32 3 5 - Drill Wrench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turtle Shell Hammer 64 3 4 - Frozen Tuna ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy Requirements =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grade Zero Bundy, Moonflowephant, Toy Rock Heavy Hammer Iron Mask, Pirate Eye LEGEND Evil Nail, Guardia, Lancer Sigma Breaker Sylph, Star Tortoise =-=-=-=-=-=-= Base Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-= At Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc SP --------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Wrench 8 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 Big Bucks Hammer 44 0 0 0 0 45 45 45 45 2 Cubic Hammer 57 0 50 0 0 44 0 0 0 2 Digi Hammer 90 0 88 0 0 88 0 0 0 2 Drill Wrench 16 2 0 0 0 10 0 5 0 1 Frozen Tuna 33 0 25 0 0 25 0 0 0 2 Grade Zero 150 100 0 150 0 0 0 150 100 2 Heavy Hammer 101 0 130 0 0 110 110 0 0 2 Kubera's Hand 22 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1 LEGEND 150 0 150 0 150 150 150 150 150 2 Poison Wrench 88 0 0 80 0 0 0 75 50 2 Sigma Breaker 101 0 0 120 120 0 0 100 95 2 Smash Wrench 35 20 0 10 0 20 0 0 5 2 Stinger Wrench 55 0 0 44 0 0 0 30 0 2 True Battle Wrench 14 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 1 Turtle Shell Hammer 11 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maximum Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At Du Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc ------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Wrench 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Big Bucks Hammer 150 99 125 130 125 125 150 150 150 150 Cubic Hammer 109 73 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Digi Hammer 125 85 125 130 125 125 130 125 125 125 Drill Wrench 35 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Frozen Tuna 61 61 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Grade Zero 300 99 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Heavy Hammer 150 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Kubera's Hand 45 44 46 45 45 46 45 45 45 45 LEGEND 500 99 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Poison Wrench 125 81 125 125 130 125 125 125 125 125 Smash Wrench 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Sigma Breaker 150 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Stinger Wrench 110 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 True Battle Wrench 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Turtle Shell Hammer 36 35 30 36 34 34 36 34 34 34 ------------------ 5.2 - Spheda Clubs ------------------ =-=-=-=-= General =-=-=-=-= ABS SP Combo Abilities Build Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albatross 288 4 5 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Falcon 224 4 5 Critical Albatross ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flamingo 160 4 5 - Falcon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handy Stick 32 3 5 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swan 128 3 5 Fragile Flamingo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turkey 128 3 5 - Flamingo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-= Base Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-= At Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc SP --------------------------------------------------------------------- Albatross 77 0 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 2 Falcon 50 0 0 0 55 0 0 40 0 2 Flamingo 32 0 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 2 Handy Stick 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Swan 24 0 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 Turkey 25 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maximum Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At Du Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc ------------------------------------------------------------- Albatross 120 75 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Falcon 108 70 108 108 110 110 108 110 110 110 Flamingo 61 55 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Handy Stick 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Swan 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Turkey 45 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 ---------- 5.3 - Guns ---------- There are four types of guns: N - Normal M - Machine Gun G - Grenade B - Beam For the purposes of enemy strengths/weaknesses, M and N are the same type. M is just a rapid-fire N. =-=-=-=-= General =-=-=-=-= ABS SP Type Abilities Build Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bell Trigger 165 3 N - Magic Gun Star Breaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classic Gun 52 3 N - Trumpet Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Viper 265 4 G Absorb Soul Breaker Twin Buster ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desperado 430 6 M - Last Resort ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dryer Gun 52 3 N - Bell Trigger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade Launcher 165 3 G - Dark Viper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jurak Gun 165 3 B - Question Shooter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Resort 510 6 M - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Gun 210 4 N - Question Shooter Soul Breaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question Shooter 265 4 B Poverty Steal Gun ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sexy Panther 330 4 M - Desperado ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigma Bazooka 510 6 G - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soul Breaker 330 4 N Dark Desperado ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Breaker 210 4 M - Wild Cat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steal Gun 430 6 B Steal Supernova ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supernova 510 6 B Steal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trumpet Gun 101 3 N - Bell Trigger Grenade Launcher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Buster 430 6 G - Sigma Bazooka ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wild Cat 265 4 M - Sexy Panther ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy Requirements =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Desperado Spirit Flyer, Living Armor Last Resort Joker, Heart, Spade Sigma Bazooka Silver Gear, Skull Chief, Evil Performer Steal Gun Heat Fairy, Rifle Wolf Supernova Moonflowephant, Vanguard Mk 2, Diamond Twin Buster Pirate Eye, Triple Cracker =-=-=-=-=-=-= Base Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-= At Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc SP -------------------------------------------------------------- Bell Trigger 24 0 0 0 21 0 15 0 0 1 Classic Gun 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Dark Viper 44 45 0 0 45 45 0 30 0 2 Desperado 110 110 0 90 110 95 100 0 0 2 Dryer Gun 12 5 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 Grenade Launcher 25 15 0 0 21 21 0 0 0 1 Jurak Gun 42 0 30 30 30 0 15 0 30 1 Last Resort 150 150 100 0 145 135 0 125 50 2 Magic Gun 34 0 0 0 25 25 0 25 25 2 Question Shooter 50 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 45 2 Sexy Panther 77 80 0 0 95 95 0 85 95 2 Sigma Bazooka 149 140 0 0 135 140 0 0 0 2 Soul Breaker 60 0 0 0 75 60 0 60 45 2 Star Breaker 34 40 0 0 30 45 0 0 0 2 Steal Gun 105 0 0 95 0 0 95 0 85 2 Supernova 150 0 100 150 0 150 150 140 150 2 Trumpet Gun 15 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 1 Twin Buster 101 85 0 0 85 95 0 0 0 2 Wild Cat 57 60 0 0 60 60 0 0 60 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maximum Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At Du Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc -------------------------------------------------------------- Bell Trigger 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Classic Gun 24 19 19 19 19 25 19 25 19 19 Dark Viper 110 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Desperado 150 89 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Dryer Gun 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Grenade Launcher 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Jurak Gun 60 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Last Resort 301 99 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Magic Gun 60 60 60 60 60 75 60 60 60 60 Question Shooter 110 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Sexy Panther 120 75 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Sigma Bazooka 312 99 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Soul Breaker 120 75 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Star Breaker 60 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Steal Gun 150 90 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Supernova 500 99 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Trumpet Gun 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Twin Buster 150 88 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Wild Cat 109 73 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 -------------- 5.4 - Swords -------------- There are two versions of the 5-hit combo for swords. One is much faster than the other. If the sword has the fast version, I've denoted the combo entry as 5F. =-=-=-=-= General =-=-=-=-= ABS SP Combo Abilities Build Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Branch Sword 288 4 5F - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th Heaven 416 6 5 - Island King ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ama no Murakumo 352 6 5F - Muramasa Dark Cloud ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antique Sword 224 4 5 Stop 7 Branch Sword Halloween Blade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Atlamillia Sword 416 6 4 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baselard 64 3 5 - Broad Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bastard Sword 128 3 5 - Shamshir Sand Breaker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Bang 352 6 4 - Atlamillia Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bone Rapier 128 3 6 Poison Evilcise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brave Ark 224 4 5 - Claymore Ruler's Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Broad Sword 128 3 5 - Sax Kitchen Knife Wise Owl Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choora 224 4 6 - Small Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chopper 160 4 6 - Dusack Choora ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronicle 2 416 6 5F Critical - Stop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chronicle Sword 352 6 5F Stop Chronicle 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claymore 288 4 4 - Cross Heinder ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cliff Knife 128 3 6 - Sand Breaker Chopper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cross Heinder 352 6 4 Durable Sword of Zeus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Cloud 416 6 6 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Excalibur 352 6 5 Dark Griffon Fork ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drain Seeker 224 4 5 Absorb Sargatanas Poison ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dusack 224 4 4 - Claymore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evilcise 160 4 5 Poison Drain Seeker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garayan Sword 224 4 5 - Mardan Garayan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gladius 64 3 6 - Cliff Knife ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Griffon Fork 416 6 5F - Island King ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halloween Blade 288 4 5 Stop Shining Bravado ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Daedalus Blade 224 4 4 - Ruler's Sword Sun Sword 7 Branch Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Island King 416 6 4 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitchen Knife 160 4 6 - Serpent Slicer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lamb's Sword* 288 4 6 - Ama no Murakumo 7th Heaven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long Sword 64 3 5 - Bastard Sword Broad Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maneater 352 6 6 - Dark Cloud Griffon Fork ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mardan Garayan 352 6 4 Heal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mardan Sword 128 3 6 - Garayan Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muramasa 416 6 5F - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Royal Sword 128 3 4 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruler's Sword 288 4 5F ABS Up Cross Heinder Chronicle Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sand Breaker 160 4 6 Fragile Antique Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sargatanas 288 4 5 Dark Dark Excalibur ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sax 160 4 6 - Brave Ark Antique Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serpent Slicer 224 4 5 - 7 Branch Sword Tsukikage Sargatanas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shamshir 160 4 5 - Dusack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Bravado 352 6 4 Heal Island King Atlamillia Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Sword 288 4 6 Critical Maneater ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sword 288 4 4 - Chronicle Sword Big Bang Shining Bravado ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sword of Zeus 416 6 4 - Island King ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tsukikage 288 4 5 - Ama no Murakumo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wise Owl Sword 160 4 5 Poverty Lamb's Sword Small Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The Lamb's Sword's At value depends on the time of day (thanks to Lord Gaav for pointing this out). Note that for the purposes of upgrading to higher swords, the actual At value is what matters. So you can't just wait until nightfall and magically meet the attack requirements. 9PM to 6AM: 150% At 6AM to 9PM: 50% At =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy Requirements =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7th Heaven Heart, S. Heart, Lancer Ama no Murakumo Flaming Nail, Sleeber Atlamillia Sword Storm Ghost, Rain Ghost, Thunder Ghost Big Bang Fire Spirit, Ice Spirit Chronicle 2 Moon Goyone, Moon Joe, Evil Nail Chronicle Sword Triple Cracker, Arthur Cross Heinder Blumo Dark Cloud Castle Eater, Count Balloon, Bundy Dark Excalibur Blackbeard, Fat Naga Griffon Fork Clock Knight, Guardia, Miss Gourgon Island King Lancer, S. Club, S. Joker Maneater Mummy, Blackbeard Mardan Garayan Arthur, Flaming Nail Muramasa Joker, Evil Performer, Castle Eater Shining Bravado Arthur, Rolling Rocks Sword of Zeus Fire Drake, Ice Drake, Thunder Ghost =-=-=-=-=-=-= Base Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-= At Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc SP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Branch Sword 88 50 50 0 0 50 50 50 50 2 7th Heaven 123 0 0 0 125 125 125 125 125 2 Ama no Murakumo 99 0 0 120 0 0 0 100 120 2 Antique Sword 55 50 0 50 0 0 50 0 0 2 Atlamillia Sword 149 150 0 0 0 0 100 150 150 2 Baselard 21 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 0 1 Bastard Sword 23 0 0 0 0 21 0 15 0 1 Big Bang 101 120 0 120 0 120 120 0 60 2 Bone Rapier 22 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Brave Ark 52 0 0 0 60 0 60 50 0 2 Broad Sword 22 0 0 0 21 0 21 0 0 1 Choora 55 0 0 0 55 0 0 55 45 2 Chopper 33 0 0 0 30 0 0 40 0 2 Chronicle 2 150 0 0 0 0 150 150 150 150 2 Chronicle Sword 111 0 0 0 0 99 120 99 0 2 Claymore 89 0 0 0 0 110 0 90 0 2 Cliff Knife 20 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 0 1 Cross Heinder 100 0 0 0 0 120 99 0 0 2 Dark Cloud 150 99 99 0 150 150 0 0 0 2 Dark Excalibur 102 0 120 0 0 120 0 120 120 2 Drain Seeker 52 0 60 0 0 50 0 55 0 2 Dusack 54 0 0 0 0 45 0 55 0 2 Evilcise 33 0 25 10 0 0 0 25 0 2 Garayan Sword 42 50 0 50 0 0 0 0 60 2 Gladius 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 1 Griffon Fork 148 0 150 0 150 150 150 0 0 2 Halloween Blade 89 0 0 95 0 80 80 80 80 2 Holy Daedalus Blade 56 50 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 4 Island King 150 0 0 0 0 200 200 200 200 2 Kitchen Knife 32 0 5 15 0 0 0 0 30 2 Lamb's Sword 89 0 0 0 85 0 0 85 0 2 Long Sword 15 0 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 1 Maneater 101 0 0 0 120 0 0 120 99 2 Mardan Garayan 79 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 2 Mardan Sword 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Muramasa 149 0 150 150 0 0 0 0 150 2 Royal Sword 22 0 0 0 21 0 21 0 0 1 Ruler's Sword 88 0 0 0 99 0 99 0 0 2 Sand Breaker 34 25 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 2 Sargatanas 90 0 90 0 0 90 0 0 80 2 Sax 32 0 0 0 30 0 0 30 10 2 Serpent Slicer 54 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 55 2 Shamshir 33 0 0 0 0 25 0 25 10 2 Shining Bravado 99 120 0 120 0 0 99 0 0 2 Small Sword 89 0 0 60 60 0 60 60 60 2 Sun Sword 90 99 0 0 0 85 85 0 0 2 Sword of Zeus 147 0 0 0 0 150 150 150 150 2 Tsukikage 88 0 0 99 0 0 0 0 99 2 Wise Owl Sword 30 15 0 0 0 0 15 25 15 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maximum Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At Du Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Branch Sword 170 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 7th Heaven 300 99 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Ama no Murakumo 155 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Antique Sword 110 73 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Atlamillia Sword 300 99 220 200 200 200 200 200 220 220 Baselard 35 35 30 36 34 34 36 34 34 34 Bastard Sword 46 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Big Bang 152 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Bone Rapier 45 42 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Brave Ark 112 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Broad Sword 45 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Choora 111 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Chopper 61 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Chronicle 2 300 99 220 200 200 200 200 250 200 200 Chronicle Sword 152 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Claymore 123 80 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Cliff Knife 42 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Cross Heinder 155 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Dark Cloud 300 99 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Dark Excalibur 153 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Drain Seeker 110 70 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Dusack 109 71 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Evilcise 61 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Garayan Sword 111 73 110 120 110 110 110 110 110 110 Gladius 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Griffon Fork 300 99 200 250 200 200 250 200 200 200 Halloween Blade 123 80 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Holy Daedalus Blade 112 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Island King 500 99 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Kitchen Knife 61 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Lamb's Sword 123 80 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Long Sword 36 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Maneater 150 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Mardan Garayan 151 99 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Mardan Sword 53 53 53 53 53 53 45 45 45 60 Muramasa 300 99 200 220 220 200 200 200 200 220 Royal Sword 45 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Ruler's Sword 124 81 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Sand Breaker 60 61 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Sargatanas 125 82 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Sax 62 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Serpent Slicer 111 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Shamshir 62 61 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Shining Bravado 150 99 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 Small Sword 125 82 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Sun Sword 125 82 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Sword of Zeus 300 99 200 200 200 200 250 210 220 220 Tsukikage 124 81 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Wise Owl Sword 89 61 60 60 60 85 60 60 85 60 -------------- 5.5 - Armbands -------------- =-=-=-=-= General =-=-=-=-= ABS SP Abilities Build Up ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Shooter 416 6 - Love ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Athena's Armlet 224 4 - Sun Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit Brassard 128 3 Steal Crystal Brassard Thorn Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Brassard 160 4 - Platinum Brassard Pocklekul ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destruction Brassard 224 4 - Satan Brassard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five-Star Armlet 416 6 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goddess Brassard 352 6 - Angel Shooter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gold Brassard 128 3 - Crystal Brassard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Love 416 6 Heal - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magic Brassard 64 3 - Gold Brassard Bandit Brassard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobius Bangle 416 6 Durable Love ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon Armlet 224 4 - Star Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum Brassard 224 4 Wealth Athena's Armlet Spirit Brassard Destruction Brassard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pocklekul 224 4 Wealth Athena's Armlet Spirit Brassard Moon Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Satan Brassard 352 6 - Mobius Bangle Five-Star Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Brassard 224 4 - Goddess Brassard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Star Armlet 352 6 - Five-Star Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Armlet 352 6 - Mobius Bangle Angel Shooter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorn Armlet 160 4 Poverty Pocklekul ABS Up Moon Armlet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Enemy Requirements =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Angel Shooter Evil Performer, Evil Nail, Skull Chief Five-Star Armlet Moon Joe, Clock Knight, Moon Goyone Goddess Brassard Sylph, Fat Naga Love S. Heart, Miss Gourgon, Silver Gear Mobius Bangle Crow Priest, Diamond, S. Diamond Satan Brassard Zombie Pirate, Sleeber Star Armlet Star Tortoise, Rolling Rocks Sun Armlet Balalla, Heat Fairy =-=-=-=-=-=-= Base Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-= At Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc SP -------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Shooter 150 0 150 0 170 0 0 150 0 2 Athena's Armlet 88 99 0 0 0 0 99 0 0 2 Bandit Brassard 24 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 1 Crystal Brassard 35 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Destruction Brassard 88 0 0 99 0 99 0 0 0 2 Five-Star Armlet 150 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 2 Goddess Brassard 101 0 0 125 125 0 60 110 0 2 Gold Brassard 24 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Love 150 0 0 0 0 150 150 150 150 2 Magic Brassard 14 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mobius Bangle 150 150 0 150 0 0 150 0 0 2 Moon Armlet 88 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 60 2 Platinum Brassard 55 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Pocklekul 55 0 60 0 60 0 35 0 0 2 Satan Brassard 101 100 0 125 0 110 0 0 0 2 Spirit Brassard 88 0 0 0 99 0 0 99 0 2 Star Armlet 101 115 125 0 0 50 0 0 110 2 Sun Armlet 101 125 0 0 100 0 101 0 0 2 Thorn Armlet 35 0 0 0 31 0 0 0 0 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Maximum Stats =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= At Du Fl Ch Li Cy Sm Ex Be Sc -------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Shooter 300 99 200 220 200 150 200 200 200 200 Athena's Armlet 125 81 125 125 130 125 125 125 125 125 Bandit Brassard 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Crystal Brassard 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Destruction Brassard 125 81 125 125 130 125 125 125 125 125 Five-Star Armlet 500 99 300 300 300 300 250 250 250 250 Goddess Brassard 150 99 150 150 150 170 150 150 150 150 Gold Brassard 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Love 500 99 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Magic Brassard 35 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 Mobius Bangle 300 99 220 200 220 220 200 200 200 200 Moon Armlet 125 81 125 125 130 125 125 125 125 125 Platinum Brassard 110 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Pocklekul 110 72 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 Satan Brassard 150 99 150 150 170 150 150 150 150 150 Spirit Brassard 125 81 125 125 130 125 125 125 125 125 Star Armlet 150 99 150 170 150 150 150 150 150 150 Sun Armlet 150 99 170 150 150 170 150 150 150 150 Thorn Armlet 88 60 60 99 60 60 60 60 60 60 ---------------------- 5.6 - Ultimate Weapons ---------------------- There are a few things to consider when choosing which ultimate weapons to build up to. Regardless of your choice, your weapons should have 8 abilities, and it's helpful to get these on your weapons as soon as possible. Stop, Poison, Steal, and ABS Up have no opposites and have no drawbacks. Durable and Wealth have harmful opposites. The more difficult choices are between Dark and Critical, and between Heal and Absorb. I prefer to have Dark and Absorb on most of my weapons. Once your weapons can do more than about 700 damage, Absorb will more than make up for the HP you lose from Dark. And over time, Dark will do a lot more damage than Critical because it activates every time. It's good to have Heal on at least one weapon. So if you get into trouble in a dungeon, you can just equip your Heal weapon and hide for a few minutes while you recharge. The one exception where Critical is better than Dark is with machine guns. Since the damage of machine guns is less per shot than other guns, you won't absorb as much HP when it activates, but Dark would take effect for every shot. Using Dark on a machine gun will kill you very quickly. So Critical is better for those weapons. Now let's discuss the choice of which weapons to evolve. For guns I think the Supernova is the obvious choice. It's got higher stats than the Last Resort and Sigma Bazooka. It fires faster than the Sigma Bazooka. Machine guns are often ineffective against enemies with high defense (you'll know you're experiencing this when you see No Effect pop up over and over). The Supernova doesn't suffer from this weakness since it's a beam gun. The Grade Zero and LEGEND are the best weapons in the wrench and hammer lines, respectively. Personally I prefer the speed of the Grade Zero in Chapter 7, and the raw power of the LEGEND in Chapter 8. It just takes too many hits to kill things in Zelmite Mine with the Grade Zero. The Five-Star Armlet is the best armlet, no question about it. The stats are higher than the Love, in fact, the Five-Star has the highest stats of any weapon in the game. And there are no combo or speed factors to worry about with the armlets. The toughest choice is generally the swords. There are many of them, and they have a wide variety of stats and capabilities. Here are the most powerful swords in each of the four combo types: 4-hit: Island King slow 5-hit: 7th Heaven fast 5-hit: Griffon Fork 6-hit: Dark Cloud Note that the 7th Heaven and Griffon Fork aren't actually ultimate forms, since they both evolve to the Island King. But there's no law that says you have to. The Dark Cloud is interesting because it's the only weapon in the game that can reach 300 in all elemental stats. It's also my personal favorite in terms of appearance. I prefer the speed of the Griffon Fork during Chapter 7. For Chapter 8, I like to use the Dark Cloud in the earlier levels, and the Island King in the later levels. A lot of people don't like the looks of the Island King, but I think the power of the sword is a more important factor. It's rare that an enemy will survive three hits with this sword. If it does, chances are it's strong against swords and you should be using your Supernova to kill it anyway. ====================== 6.0 - WEAPON LOCATIONS ====================== ------------------ 6.1 - Shop Weapons ------------------ =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 1 =-=-=-=-=-= Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 2 =-=-=-=-=-= Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Drill Wrench 350 Turtle Shell Hammer 300 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 Gerald's Guns --------------------------- Trumpet Gun 300 Julia's Ringware --------------------------- Magic Brassard 200 Jurak Arms --------------------------- Dryer Gun 160 Long Sword 250 Bone Rapier 500 =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 3 =-=-=-=-=-= Gerald's Guns --------------------------- Trumpet Gun 300 Grenade Launcher 500 Julia's Ringware --------------------------- Magic Brassard 200 Gold Brassard 350 Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Drill Wrench 350 Kubera's Hand 500 Turtle Shell Hammer 300 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 Gold Brassard 350 Jurak Arms --------------------------- Dryer Gun 160 Bell Trigger 400 Long Sword 250 Bone Rapier 500 Starlight Weapons --------------------------- Swan 450 Sand Breaker 900 Gold Brassard 350 Bandit Brassard 700 =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 4 =-=-=-=-=-= Gerald's Guns --------------------------- Turkey 460 Trumpet Gun 300 Magic Gun 560 Grenade Launcher 500 Julia's Ringware --------------------------- Magic Brassard 200 Gold Brassard 350 Crystal Brassard 740 Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Drill Wrench 350 Smash Wrench 600 Turtle Shell Hammer 300 Kubera's Hand 500 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 Shamshir 600 Gold Brassard 350 Thorn Armlet 820 Starlight Weapons --------------------------- Swan 450 Wise Owl Sword 600 Sand Breaker 900 Gold Brassard 350 Bandit Brassard 700 Jurak Arms --------------------------- Frozen Tuna 700 Dryer Gun 160 Bell Trigger 400 Long Sword 250 Kitchen Knife 440 Bone Rapier 500 =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 5 =-=-=-=-=-= Gerald's Guns --------------------------- Turkey 460 Trumpet Gun 300 Magic Gun 560 Grenade Launcher 500 Wild Cat 900 Julia's Ringware --------------------------- Magic Brassard 200 Gold Brassard 350 Crystal Brassard 740 Pocklekul 860 Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Drill Wrench 350 Smash Wrench 600 Turtle Shell Hammer 300 Kubera's Hand 500 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 Shamshir 600 Gold Brassard 350 Thorn Armlet 820 Starlight Weapons --------------------------- Swan 450 Wise Owl Sword 600 Sand Breaker 900 Gold Brassard 350 Bandit Brassard 700 Platinum Brassard 900 Jurak Arms --------------------------- Frozen Tuna 700 Dryer Gun 160 Bell Trigger 400 Long Sword 250 Antique Sword 880 Kitchen Knife 440 Bone Rapier 500 G-Weapons --------------------------- Cubic Hammer 950 Falcon 900 Question Shooter 900 Choora 960 Dusack 860 Platinum Brassard 900 =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 6 =-=-=-=-=-= Gerald's Guns --------------------------- Turkey 460 Trumpet Gun 300 Magic Gun 560 Grenade Launcher 500 Wild Cat 900 Julia's Ringware --------------------------- Magic Brassard 200 Gold Brassard 350 Crystal Brassard 740 Pocklekul 860 Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Drill Wrench 350 Smash Wrench 600 Turtle Shell Hammer 300 Kubera's Hand 500 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 Shamshir 600 Gold Brassard 350 Thorn Armlet 820 Starlight Weapons --------------------------- Swan 450 Wise Owl Sword 600 Sand Breaker 900 Gold Brassard 350 Bandit Brassard 700 Platinum Brassard 900 Moon Armlet 1800 Jurak Arms --------------------------- Frozen Tuna 700 Dryer Gun 160 Bell Trigger 400 Long Sword 250 Antique Sword 880 Kitchen Knife 440 Bone Rapier 500 G-Weapons --------------------------- Cubic Hammer 950 Digi Hammer 1100 Falcon 900 Question Shooter 900 Choora 960 Claymore 1100 Dusack 860 Platinum Brassard 900 =-=-=-=-=-= Chapter 7 =-=-=-=-=-= Gerald's Guns --------------------------- Turkey 460 Trumpet Gun 300 Magic Gun 560 Grenade Launcher 500 Wild Cat 900 Julia's Ringware --------------------------- Magic Brassard 200 Gold Brassard 350 Crystal Brassard 740 Pocklekul 860 Milane's Weapon Shop --------------------------- Battle Wrench 200 Drill Wrench 350 Smash Wrench 600 Turtle Shell Hammer 300 Kubera's Hand 500 Classic Gun 150 Baselard 250 Gladius 300 Shamshir 600 Gold Brassard 350 Thorn Armlet 820 Starlight Weapons --------------------------- Swan 450 Wise Owl Sword 600 Sand Breaker 900 Gold Brassard 350 Bandit Brassard 700 Platinum Brassard 900 Moon Armlet 1800 Jurak Arms --------------------------- Frozen Tuna 700 Dryer Gun 160 Bell Trigger 400 Long Sword 250 Antique Sword 880 Kitchen Knife 440 Bone Rapier 500 G-Weapons --------------------------- Cubic Hammer 950 Digi Hammer 1100 Falcon 900 Question Shooter 900 Choora 960 Claymore 1100 Dusack 860 Platinum Brassard 900 --------------------- 6.2 - Dungeon Weapons --------------------- This section lists weapons that have been found in dungeons. Feel free to email me if you've seen others. Previous versions of this guide listed coins found in each dungeon, but I've become convinced that all coins can be found in all dungeons. Thanks to everyone who sent in coin locations. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Underground Channel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Battle Wrench Classic Gun Dryer Gun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rainbow Butterfly Wood =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Battle Wrench Drill Wrench Turtle Shell Hammer Classic Gun Baselard Bone Rapier Gladius Long Sword Magic Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Starlight Canyon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Frozen Tuna Kubera's Hand Turtle Shell Hammer Bell Trigger Trumpet Gun Bastard Sword Bone Rapier Bandit Brassard Gold Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ocean's Roar Cave =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Smash Wrench Flamingo Grenade Launcher Star Breaker Sax Shamshir Crystal Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mount Gundor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cubic Hammer Grenade Launcher Magic Gun Antique Sword Broad Sword Crystal Brassard =-=-=-=-=-= Star Path =-=-=-=-=-= Stinger Wrench Falcon Star Breaker Wild Cat 7 Branch Sword Dusack Serpent Slicer Platinum Brassard Pocklekul Thorn Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Moon Flower Palace =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Digi Hammer Stinger Wrench Falcon Flamingo Dark Viper Wild Cat Antique Sword Brave Ark Claymore Lamb's Sword Tsukikage Destruction Brassard Moon Armlet Spirit Brassard Sun Armlet Thorn Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Zelmite Mine =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Big Bucks Hammer Heavy Hammer Sigma Breaker Falcon Desperado Steal Gun Twin Buster Antique Sword Ruler's Sword Sargatanas Star Armlet ---------------------- 6.3 - Invented Weapons ---------------------- ------------------------ 6.3.1 - Wrenches/Hammers ------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cubic Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dresser Gold Store Work Equipment Scrap of Metal x20 Gold Bar x 1 Light Element x 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Digi Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-= Computer Constructor Decorative Lights Scrap of Metal x20 Silver Ball x 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Heavy Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drum Can Paznos OR Gigantor Paznos Power Arm Scrap of Metal x30 Sturdy Rock x 5 Power Crystal x 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Deer Horn Mushroom Sulphur-Colored Juice Scrap of Metal x15 Poison x 5 Destruction Crystal x 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Smash Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Constructor Rock Star Lamp Scrap of Metal x10 Destruction Crystal x 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stinger Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Air Cleaner Pipe Wheel Scrap of Metal x15 Bandit Coin x 1 -------------------- 6.3.2 - Spheda Clubs -------------------- =-=-=-=-=-= Albatross =-=-=-=-=-= Fire Squall Geyser Tree Rolling Log x 7 Gold Bar x 1 Holy Element x 2 =-=-=-=-= Falcon =-=-=-=-= Hammer Large Crane Withered Jurak Rolling Log x 5 Hunter Crystal x 3 Silver Ball x 1 =-=-=-=-=-= Flamingo =-=-=-=-=-= Light of Luna Stone Palm Tree Tiny Hammer Rolling Log x 5 Paint (Pink) x 3 Silver Ball x 1 =-=-=-= Swan =-=-=-= Boat Tiny Hammer Tree Rolling Log x 3 Wind Element x 3 =-=-=-=-= Turkey =-=-=-=-= Special Peking Duck Tree Windmill Feather Rolling Log x 3 Scrap of Metal x 3 ------------ 6.3.3 - Guns ------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bell Trigger =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fountain Phone Tree Wind Element x 2 Silver Ball x 2 Scrap of Metal x10 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Dark Viper =-=-=-=-=-=-= Night Stalker Puppet Shingala Rifle Gunpowder x 6 Silver Ball x 3 Unknown Bone x 6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grenade Launcher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chimney Egg Fountain Gunpowder x 2 Bomb x 2 Rolling Log x 4 =-=-=-=-=-= Magic Gun =-=-=-=-=-= Fountain Moon Crystal The Sun or The Moon Holy Crystal x 3 Gold Bar x 1 Glass Material x 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question Shooter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Brave Little Linda Fountain Neo-Projector Silver Ball x 3 Gold Bar x 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sexy Panther =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Elena's Portrait Flower Bathed in Light Rifle Gunpowder x15 Ruby x 1 Silver Ball x14 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Soul Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Energy Pipe Geyser Transmission Device Destruction Crystal x 5 Silver Ball x 5 Glass Material x 7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Star Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chimney Fire House Phantom Memo-Eater Gunpowder x 6 Scrap of Metal x15 Silver Ball x 6 =-=-=-=-=-= Steal Gun =-=-=-=-=-= Book Fountain Work Crane Light Element x10 Bandit Coin x 1 Silver Ball x10 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Trumpet Gun =-=-=-=-=-=-= Fountain Rapper Tree Wind Element x 1 Scrap of Metal x10 Hunk of Copper x 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Twin Buster =-=-=-=-=-=-= Flower Chandelier Jurak's Nose Rifle Gunpowder x15 Gold Bar x 2 Scrap of Metal x20 =-=-=-=-=-= Wild Cat =-=-=-=-=-= Charging Ram Rifle Work Equipment Gunpowder x10 Hunk of Copper x15 Silver Ball x 8 -------------- 6.3.4 - Swords -------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-= Bone Rapier =-=-=-=-=-=-= Bone Cloth Withered Jurak Life Element x 5 Unknown Bone x30 Thick Hide x 5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ruler's Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Figure Iron Maiden Paznos OR Gigantor Paznos Holy Element x20 Silver Ball x10 Light Element x20 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sand Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hand-Sewn Silk Flag Horn Spinning Ivanoff Rough Rock x20 Gunpowder x 5 Sticky Clay x20 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wise Owl Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Charging Ram Grass Tree Hunter Crystal x 4 Scrap of Metal x10 Hunk of Copper x10 ---------------- 6.3.5 - Armbands ---------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bandit Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Clock Gold Store Show Window Wind Element x10 Hunk of Copper x10 Bandit Coin x 1 ------------------- 6.4 - Event Weapons ------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-= Jurak's Gun =-=-=-=-=-=-= You get this after completing 100% of the georama in Sindain. I know of no other way to get this weapon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Serpent Slicer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You get this after completing 100% of the georama in Balance Valley. You can build up to this weapon normally so it's not one of a kind. I usually use it to make a 7 Branch Sword, since that's the most powerful weapon you can get before Chapter 7. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Holy Daedalus Blade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You get this after completing 100% of the georama in Heim Rada. I know of no other way to get this weapon. This sword builds up to the Sun Sword (I know of no other way to get a Sun Sword), and the Sun Sword builds up to the Big Bang (I know of no other way to get a Big Bang). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ama no Murakumo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a Spheda prize, in the Something Rare Here! level of Rainbow Butterfly Wood. Note that this level is on the Star Path so you can't to it until Chapter 6. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mardan Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a first place prize in the Beginner class of Finny Frenzy. I know of no other way to get this weapon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Garayan Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a first place prize in the Junior class of Finny Frenzy. You can upgrade the Mardan Sword to this. ==================== 7.0 - WEAPON RECIPES ==================== For now, the recipes in this section are meant for people on their first games. Better recipes are possible for replays by effective use of the photo album, and I'll include some of those recipes later. These recipes assume no access to coins, since acquiring them is usually either random or means lots of fishing. Instead, weapons with natural abilities are used to give your main weapon abilities. If you find a coin earlier than you can make one of these weapons, feel free to use it, but you'll have to adjust the recipes yourself. The recipes also ignore the effects of random elemental stat increases granted by bonus characters upon level-up. It was simply easier for me to analyze that way. Depending on how lucky you are with which stats go up, you could take a few shortcuts in the recipes. But again, you're on your own with that. The big recipes have a summary list of the steps, then detailed descriptions follow. Each step has an entry for the ABS and Gilda needed to do the step, as well as the earliest chapter you can complete the step. Note: Recipes 7.2 - 7.5 can be done as a set. If you just do each floor once, plus a few repeats for Spheda prizes, you can max a Grade Zero, Supernova, Griffon Fork, and Five-Star Armlet, plus buy all cores for the Ridepod, plus get enough monster EXP to reach the first evolution, all by the end of Chapter 7. LEGEND can be subsituted for Grade Zero using recipe 7.6, the trade-off being an additional 26,000 ABS required. ------------------------ 7.1 - True Battle Wrench ------------------------ Goal: True Battle Wrench +5 (very efficient synth sphere) 1. Buy a Battle Wrench from Milane for 200 gilda 2. Level it to +3 3. Upgrade to TBW 4. Level it to +5 5. 33 SP to spend how you like Total Cost: 368 ABS, 760 to 1060 gilda ---------------- 7.2 - Grade Zero ---------------- Goal: Grade Zero with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for Grade Zero is like so: Battle Wrench True Battle Wrench Drill Wrench Smash Wrench Stinger Wrench Poison Wrench Sigma Breaker Grade Zero Note: chapters listed are the earliest you can complete those steps. Step ABS Gilda Ch ----------------------------------------------------- 0. Prep 512 2130 2 1. Battle Wrench +7 464 2 2. True Battle Wrench +7 464 2 3. Drill Wrench +3 592 910 2 4. Smash Wrench 736 1720 3 5. Stinger Wrench 2120 1760 4 6. Poison Wrench 4096 2510 5 7. Sigma Breaker 2120 1400 6 8. Grade Zero 13056 5260 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Total: 24160 15690 =-=-=-=-= 0. Prep =-=-=-=-= All TBW synths should follow recipe 7.1, except the one below. In Underground Channel, level initial Battle Wrench to +5 in first three floors, upgrade to True Battle Wrench, and level this to +5 at some point. This will be a synth with 36 SP to spend. Put the following on it: 8x Gunpowder 9x Scrap of Metal 4x Bundle of Hay 6x Rough Rock 9x Sturdy Cloth Buy another Battle Wrench from Milane, this will be your main weapon. This recipe uses the following coins and gems: Dark Coin: buy before recruiting Donny Experience Coin: Spheda 2nd prize, SC: Smiling Fairy Village Indestructible Coin: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Dangerous Treasure Chest Time Coin: Spheda 2nd prize, UC: Sweet, Scary Treasure Chest Amethyst: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Earth-Shaking Demon Turquoise: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Nature's Threat =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Battle Wrench +7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level your main Battle Wrench to +7, synth the TBW from previous step to it, and upgrade to True Battle Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. True Battle Wrench +7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level True Battle Wrench to +7, upgrade to Drill Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Drill Wrench +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Drill Wrench to +3. Make a TBW +5 with recipe 7.1 and synth the following to it: 4x Gunpowder 9x Scrap of Metal 9x Sturdy Cloth 9x Antidote Drink Synth to Drill Wrench, upgrade to Smash Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Smash Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make a TBW +5 and synth: 6x Gunpowder 9x Scrap of Metal 9x Bundle of Hay 9x Sturdy Cloth Make a TBW +5 and synth: 6x Gunpowder 9x Scrap of Metal 6x Bundle of Hay 3x Sturdy Cloth 9x Antidote Drink Synth 2x TBW, Experience Coin, and Amethyst to Smash Wrench, upgrade to Stinger Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Stinger Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Dark Viper +5 and synth: 10x Scrap of Metal 4x Sturdy Cloth 13x Antidote Drink Synth DV, Knight Boots, and Turquoise, upgrade to Poison Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Poison Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Pocklekul +5 and synth: 15x Bundle of Hay 5x Antidote Drink 1x Indestructible Coin 1x Time Coin Make Poison Wrench +5 and synth: 15x Gunpowder 5x Bundle of Hay 5x Sturdy Cloth Synth Pocklekul and PW, upgrade to Sigma Breaker. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Sigma Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Wild Cat +5 and synth: 25x Gunpowder Synth Wild Cat, upgrade to Grade Zero. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8. Grade Zero =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 3x Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: HH1: 36x Gunpowder, 1x Dark Coin HH2: 35x Bundle of Hay HH3: 7x Bundle of Hay Make 2x Poison Wrench +5. Synth all to Grade Zero and it will have max stats. --------------- 7.3 - Supernova --------------- Goal: Supernova with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for Supernova is like so: Classic Gun Trumpet Gun Bell Trigger Magic Gun Question Shooter Steal Gun Supernova Note: chapters listed are the earliest you can complete those steps. Step ABS Gilda Ch ----------------------------------------------------- 0. Prep 1. Classic Gun +9 1564 990 2 2. Trumpet Gun +5 1176 1030 2 3. Bell Trigger +3 946 860 2 4. Magic Gun +3 1471 1660 3 5. Question Shooter +2 4442 3570 5 6. Steal Gun +2 8284 7570 6 7. Supernova 29952 15780 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Total: 47835 31460 =-=-=-=-= 0. Prep =-=-=-=-= All TBW synths should follow recipe 7.1. You can kill a few Bats in Underground Channel but don't level the Classic Gun until you've recruited Gerald. This recipe uses the following coins and gems: Dark Coin: buy before recruiting Donny Poison Coin: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Dragon Slayer Indestructible Coin: Spheda 1st prize, MG: Pains in the Neck Wealth Coin x2: Spheda 2nd prize, SC: Warrior in Starlight Canyon Pearl: Starlight Temple chest =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Classic Gun +9 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level your Classic Gun to +9. Make a TBW +5 with recipe 7.1 and synth the following to it: 2x Scrap of Metal 10x Bundle of Hay 2x Rough Rock 6x Unknown Bone 5x Sturdy Cloth 8x Antidote Drink Synth to Classic Gun, upgrade to Trumpet Gun. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Trumpet Gun +5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Trumpet Gun to +5. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 1x Scrap of Metal 6x Bundle of Hay 5x Rough Rock 6x Unknown Bone 6x Sturdy Cloth 9x Antidote Drink Synth TBW, upgrade to Bell Trigger. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Bell Trigger +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Bell Trigger to +3. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 8x Scrap of Metal 2x Bundle of Hay 5x Rough Rock 5x Unknown Bone 9x Sturdy Cloth 4x Antidote Drink Synth TBW, upgrade to Magic Gun. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Magic Gun +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Magic Gun to +3. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 9x Scrap of Metal 9x Unknown Bone 9x Antidote Drink Make a TBW +5 and synth: 9x Scrap of Metal 9x Unknown Bone 9x Antidote Drink 1x Poison Coin 1x Wealth Coin Synth 2x TBW and Pearl to Magic Gun, upgrade to Question Shooter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Question Shooter +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Question Shooter to +2. Make Dark Viper +5 and synth: 5x Knight Boots 9x Scrap of Metal 9x Antidote Drink 1x Wealth Coin Make Antique Sword +5 and synth: 10x Unknown Bone 15x Antidote Drink 1x Indestructible Coin Synth DV and AS, upgrade to Steal Gun. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Steal Gun +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Steal Gun to +2. Make Ruler's Sword +5 and synth: 17x Antidote Make Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: 32x Sturdy Cloth Make Poison Wrench +5 and synth: 10x Glass Material 10x Rough Rock Synth RS, HH, and PW, upgrade to Supernova. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Supernova =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 9x Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: HH1: 35x Gunpowder, 1x Dark Coin HH2: 35x Gunpowder HH3: 35x Gunpowder HH4: 35x Gunpowder HH5: 35x Bundle of Hay HH6: 35x Bundle of Hay HH7: 35x Bundle of Hay HH8: 34x Antidote Drink HH9: 11x Bundle of Hay, 17x Sturdy Cloth Make 2x Poison Wrench +5 and synth: PW1: 17x Gunpowder PW2: none Synth all plus Knight Boots to Supernova and it will have max stats. ------------------ 7.4 - Griffon Fork ------------------ Goal: Griffon Fork with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for Griffon Fork is like so: Bone Rapier Evilcise Drain Seeker Sargatanas Dark Excalibur Griffon Fork Note: chapters listed are the earliest you can complete those steps. Step ABS Gilda Ch ----------------------------------------------------- 0. Prep 1. Bone Rapier +4 1808 3530 2 2. Evilcise +3 1296 2080 2 3. Drain Seeker +3 1520 2080 2 4. Sargatanas +2 4672 6740 5 5. Dark Excalibur +2 3520 1480 6 6. Griffon Fork +2 15312 7220 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Total: 28128 23130 =-=-=-=-= 0. Prep =-=-=-=-= All TBW synths should follow recipe 7.1. This recipe uses the following coins and gems: Time Coin: Spheda 1st prize, MFP: Palace Watchdog Bandit Coin: Photography Level 4 Indestructible Coin: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Lighthouse Appears Ruby: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Headlong Dash =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Bone Rapier +4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level a Bone Rapier to +4. Make 3x TBW +5 with recipe 7.1 and synth the following to each one: 5x Glass Material 3x Scrap of Metal 7x Rough Rock 9x Sturdy Cloth 9x Antidote Drink Synth to Bone Rapier, upgrade to Evilcise. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Evilcise +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Evilcise to +3. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 7x Glass Material 7x Rough Rock 9x Sturdy Cloth 10x Antidote Drink Make a TBW +5 and synth: 5x Glass Material 7x Rough Rock 2x Unknown Bone 9x Sturdy Cloth 10x Antidote Drink Synth 2x TBW, upgrade to Drain Seeker. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Drain Seeker +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Drain Seeker to +3. Make 2x TBW +5 and synth to each: 9x Glass Material 7x Rough Rock 7x Sturdy Cloth 10x Antidote Drink Synth 2x TBW, upgrade to Sargatanas. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Sargatanas +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Sargatanas to +2. Make a Pocklekul +5 and synth: 1x Rough Rock 20x Sturdy Cloth 1x Antidote Drink Make Ruler's Sword +5 and synth: 1x Rough Rock 5x Sturdy Cloth 21x Antidote Drink Synth 3x Sturdy Cloth, RS, and Pocklekul to Sargatanas, upgrade to Dark Excalibur. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Dark Excalibur +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Dark Excalibur to +2. Make Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: 34x Bundle of Hay Synth HH, upgrade to Griffon Fork. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Griffon Fork +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Griffon Fork to +2. Make 2x Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: HH1: 35x Gunpowder HH2: 35x Gunpowder Make 2x Wild Cat and synth: WC1: 19x Gunpowder, 4x Scrap of Metal WC2: 25x Scrap of Metal Make 2x Poison Wrench and synth: PW1: 25x Scrap of Metal PW2: 25x Scrap of Metal Synth all to Griffon Fork and it will have max stats. ---------------------- 7.5 - Five-Star Armlet ---------------------- Goal: Five-Star Armlet with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for Five-Star Armlet is like so: Magic Brassard Bandit Brassard Thorn Armlet Pocklekul Moon Armlet Star Armlet Five-Star Armlet Note: chapters listed are the earliest you can complete those steps. Step ABS Gilda Ch ----------------------------------------------------- 0. Prep 1. Magic Brassard +8 2208 920 3 2. Bandit Brassard +5 1392 1040 3 3. Thorn Armlet +5 2384 3100 3 4. Pocklekul +3 1520 1920 3 5. Moon Armlet +3 5406 3280 5 6. Star Armlet +2 7432 3240 6 7. Five-Star Armlet +2 33600 16400 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Total: 53942 29900 =-=-=-=-= 0. Prep =-=-=-=-= All TBW synths should follow recipe 7.1. Do steps 2-4 while you have Lin in Chapter 3. This recipe uses the following coins and gems: Dark Coin: Spheda 2nd prize, UC: Steve's Battle Wealth Coin: Spheda 1st prize, MG: Crazy Mountain (Ch 6) Indestructible Coin: Spheda 1st prize, MG: Fire Dragon Absorption Coin: Spheda 1st prize, ORC: Banquet of the Dead Topaz: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Powerful Yo-Yo Robot =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Magic Brassard +9 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level your Magic Brassard to +9. Make a Bone Rapier +5 and synth the following to it: 5x Glass Material 10x Bundle of Hay 6x Unknown Bone Synth BR and a Topaz to Magic Brassard, upgrade to Bandit Brassard. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Bandit Brassard +5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Bandit Brassard to +5. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 9x Glass Material 9x Bundle of Hay 6x Unknown Bone 9x Antidote Drink Synth TBW, upgrade to Thorn Armlet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Thorn Armlet +5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Thorn Armlet to +5. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 8x Gunpowder 5x Glass Material 5x Bundle of Hay 5x Unknown Bone 9x Antidote Drink Make a TBW +5 and synth: 5x Gunpowder 9x Glass Material 5x Bundle of Hay 5x Unknown Bone 9x Antidote Drink Make a TBW +5 and synth: 5x Gunpowder 9x Glass Material 5x Bundle of Hay 5x Unknown Bone 9x Antidote Drink Synth 3x TBW, upgrade to Pocklekul. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Pocklekul +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Pocklekul to +3. Make a TBW +5 and synth: 9x Glass Material 7x Rough Rock 9x Antidote Drink Make a TBW +5 and synth: 8x Gunpowder 9x Glass Material 7x Rough Rock 9x Antidote Drink Synth 2x TBW, upgrade to Moon Armlet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Moon Armlet +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Moon Armlet to +3. Make Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: 28x Antidote Drink Make Antique Sword +5 and synth: 24x Gunpowder Synth HH and AS, upgrade to Star Armlet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Star Armlet +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Star Armlet to +2. Make Wild Cat +5 and synth: 10x Scrap of Metal 9x Unknown Bone Make Poison Wrench +5 and synth: 13x Sturdy Cloth Make Poison Wrench +5 and synth: 25x Sturdy Cloth Synth 2x PW and WC, upgrade to Five-Star Armlet. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Five-Star Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 10x Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: HH1: none HH2: 15x Scrap of Metal, 22x Bundle of Hay HH3: 35x Bundle of Hay HH4: 35x Bundle of Hay HH5: 35x Bundle of Hay HH6: 35x Bundle of Hay HH7: 35x Scrap of Metal HH8: 35x Gunpowder HH9: 35x Gunpowder HH10: 35x Gunpowder Make 2x Poison Wrench +5 and synth: PW1: 12x Gunpowder, 9x Sturdy Cloth PW2: 21x Antidote Drink Synth all to Five-Star Armlet and it will have max stats. ------------ 7.6 - LEGEND ------------ Goal: LEGEND with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for LEGEND is like so: Battle Wrench True Battle Wrench Drill Wrench Smash Wrench Cubic Hammer Digi Hammer Heavy Hammer LEGEND Note: chapters listed are the earliest you can complete those steps. Step ABS Gilda Ch ----------------------------------------------------- 0. Prep 512 550 2 1. Battle Wrench +10 896 200 2 2. True Battle Wrench +10 896 2 3. Drill Wrench +4 720 810 2 4. Smash Wrench +2 1344 1040 3 5. Cubic Hammer 2120 1340 4 6. Digi Hammer 4608 2060 5 7. Heavy Hammer 6728 4100 6 8. LEGEND 33096 17810 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Total: 50920 27910 =-=-=-=-= 0. Prep =-=-=-=-= All TBW synths should follow recipe 7.1, except the one below. In Underground Channel, level initial Battle Wrench to +5 in first three floors, upgrade to True Battle Wrench, and level this to +5 at some point. This will be a synth with 36 SP to spend. Put the following on it: 8x Gunpowder 7x Glass Material 5x Scrap of Metal 5x Rough Rock 5x Sturdy Cloth Buy another Battle Wrench from Milane, this will be your main weapon. This recipe uses the following coins and gems: Dark Coin: buy before recruiting Donny Experience Coin: Spheda 2nd prize, SC: Smiling Fairy Village Time Coin: Spheda 2nd prize, UC: Sweet, Scary Treasure Chest Bandit Coin: Spheda 1st prize, MG: Mountain Baddie Appears Amethyst: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Earth-Shaking Demon Turquoise: Spheda 1st prize, SC: Nature's Threat =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Battle Wrench +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level your main Battle Wrench to +10, synth the TBW from previous step to it, and upgrade to True Battle Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. True Battle Wrench +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level True Battle Wrench to +10, upgrade to Drill Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Drill Wrench +4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Drill Wrench to +4. Make a TBW +5 with recipe 7.1 and synth the following to it: 4x Gunpowder 9x Glass Material 5x Scrap of Metal 5x Rough Rock 5x Antidote Drink Synth to Drill Wrench, upgrade to Smash Wrench. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Smash Wrench +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Smash Wrench to +2 Make a Bone Rapier +5 and synth: 12x Glass Material 15x Rough Rock Synth Bone Rapier, Turquoise, and Experience Coin to Smash Wrench, upgrade to Cubic Hammer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Cubic Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Dark Viper +5 and synth: 25x Glass Material Synth DV and Amethyst, upgrade to Digi Hammer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Digi Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Pocklekul +5 and synth: 10x Unknown Bone 1x Time Coin 1x Bandit Coin Make Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: 10x Sturdy Cloth Synth Pocklekul and HH, upgrade to Heavy Hammer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Heavy Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Wild Cat +5 and synth: 25x Unknown Bone Make Poison Wrench +5 and synth: 25x Bundle of Hay Make Poison Wrench +5 and synth: 5x Bundle of Hay 20x Antidote Drink Synth Wild Cat and 2x PW, upgrade to LEGEND. =-=-=-=-=-= 8. LEGEND =-=-=-=-=-= Make 11x Heavy Hammer +5 and synth: HH1: 13x Sturdy Cloth, 18x Antidote Drink, 1x Dark Coin HH2: 35x Antidote Drink HH3: 35x Sturdy Cloth HH4: 35x Sturdy Cloth HH5: 35x Bundle of Hay HH6: 35x Gunpowder HH7: 35x Gunpowder HH8: 35x Gunpowder HH9: 5x Gunpowder, 10x Scrap of Metal, 19x Bundle of Hay HH10: 35x Scrap of Metal HH11: 35x Scrap of Metal Make Wild Cat +5 and synth: 25x Scrap of Metal Synth all to LEGEND and it will have max stats. ----------------- 7.7 - Island King ----------------- Note: this is an old recipe and not very efficient. Goal: Island King with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for Island King is like so: Bone Rapier Evilcise Drain Seeker Sargatanas Dark Excalibur Griffon Fork Island King There are several paths to the Island King, so it's tough to decide which one to do. The line I chose is often referred to as the "evil" sword path. Some advantages of this line are: -We pick up Poison, Absorb, and Dark naturally -There aren't any slow 4-hit swords until the Island King -If you change your mind and decide you don't want an Island King, Griffon Fork is a great alternative, since it's the best sword that has a fast 5-hit combo -After Bone Rapier, they all look cool, IMO The main disadvantage is that there are only seven swords in the progression, while other progressions have eight. So the ABS requirements will be slightly higher (though the free abilities probably make up for it). Step ABS Gilda Ch ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Recruit Milane 500 2 2. Bone Rapier +1 3168 2690 2 3. Bone Rapier +3 4224 3030 2 4. Bone Rapier +6 960 2 5. Upgrade to Evilcise 2 6. Evilcise +5 5184 3030 2 7. Upgrade to Drain Seeker 2 8. Add Steal, Wealth 6912 6450 3 9. Drain Seeker +3 6704 3800 4 10. Upgrade to Sargatanas 4 11. Add ABS Up, Durable 4672 6240 5 12. Upgrade to Dark Excalibur 6 13. Add Stop 4616 2220 6 14. Upgrade to Griffon Fork 7 15. Max the Griffon Fork 13704 4360 7 16. Upgrade to Island King 7 17. Max the Island King 19336 6100 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Total: 69480 38420 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Recruit Milane =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After you finish Legendary Killer Snake, you can start recruiting, including Milane. I suggest upgrading the Gladius she gives you to the Chopper after the Cliff Knife. It's the fastest way. Once you've recruited her, you can access the weapon shop in Jurak Mall, and buy a Bone Rapier (it's cheaper than inventing it). Bone Rapier At: 22 Fl: 0 Ch: 21 Li: 0 Cy: 0 Sm: 0 Ex: 0 Be: 0 Sc: 0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Bone Rapier +1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Bone Rapier to +1 128 ABS Using Recipe 7.2, make a DW +5, but only level the BW and TBW to +12, and don't synth any Glass Material, then synth the DW to Bone Rapier 3040 ABS, 2690 gilda Bone Rapier At: 31 Fl: 20 Ch: 21 Li: 20 Cy: 20 Sm: 20 Ex: 20 Be: 20 Sc: 20 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Bone Rapier +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Bone Rapier to +3 320 ABS Using Recipe 7.2, make a DW +5, synth to Bone Rapier 3904 ABS, 3030 gilda Bone Rapier At: 42 Fl: 40 Ch: 41 Li: 40 Cy: 40 Sm: 40 Ex: 40 Be: 40 Sc: 40 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Bone Rapier +6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Bone Rapier to +6 960 ABS Bone Rapier At: 45 Fl: 40 Ch: 41 Li: 40 Cy: 40 Sm: 40 Ex: 40 Be: 40 Sc: 40 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Upgrade to Evilcise =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Bone Rapier to Evilcise Evilcise At: 48 Fl: 40 Ch: 43 Li: 41 Cy: 40 Sm: 40 Ex: 40 Be: 42 Sc: 40 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Evilcise +5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Using Recipe 7.2, make a DW +5, synth to Evilcise 3904 ABS, 3030 gilda Level Evilcise to +5 1280 ABS Evilcise At: 61 Fl: 60 Ch: 60 Li: 60 Cy: 60 Sm: 60 Ex: 60 Be: 60 Sc: 60 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Upgrade to Drain Seeker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Evilcise to Drain Seeker Drain Seeker At: 66 Fl: 60 Ch: 66 Li: 60 Cy: 60 Sm: 65 Ex: 60 Be: 65 Sc: 60 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8. Add Steal, Wealth =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Using Recipe 7.3, make a BBH +5, synth the following to it, synth to Drain Seeker 19x Scrap of Metal 7x Antidote Drink 6912 ABS, 6450 gilda Drain Seeker At: 80 Fl: 60 Ch: 66 Li: 82 Cy: 60 Sm: 92 Ex: 87 Be: 92 Sc: 95 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9. Drain Seeker +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 2x Dark Viper +5, synth the following to them, synth to Drain Seeker 19x Glass Material 7x Unknown Bone 4240 ABS, 2720 gilda Make Magic Gun +5, synth the following to it, synth to Drain Seeker 19x Scrap of Metal 7x Unknown Bone 1680 ABS, 1080 gilda Level Drain Seeker to +3 784 ABS Drain Seeker At: 110 Fl: 110 Ch: 110 Li: 110 Cy: 110 Sm: 110 Ex: 110 Be: 110 Sc: 110 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 10. Upgrade to Sargatanas =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Drain Seeker to Sargatanas Sargatanas At: 119 Fl: 110 Ch: 119 Li: 110 Cy: 110 Sm: 119 Ex: 110 Be: 110 Sc: 118 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11. Add ABS Up, Durable =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Ruler's Sword +5, synth the following to it, synth to Sargatanas 13x Gunpowder 13x Scrap of Metal 2304 ABS, 4790 gilda Make Cubic Hammer +5, synth the following to it, synth to Sargatanas 13x Sturdy Cloth 6x Antidote Drink 1792 ABS, 1450 gilda Level Sargatanas to +2 576 ABS Sargatanas At: 125 Fl: 125 Ch: 125 Li: 125 Cy: 125 Sm: 125 Ex: 125 Be: 125 Sc: 125 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12. Upgrade to Dark Excalibur =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Sargatanas to Dark Excalibur Dark Excalibur At: 135 Fl: 125 Ch: 137 Li: 125 Cy: 125 Sm: 137 Ex: 125 Be: 137 Sc: 137 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 13. Add Stop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Antique Sword +5, synth the following to it, synth to Dark Excalibur 11x Glass Material 11x Sturdy Cloth 1792 ABS, 1320 gilda Make Wild Cat +5, synth to Dark Excalibur 2120 ABS, 900 gilda Level Dark Excalibur to +2 704 ABS Dark Excalibur At: 153 Fl: 150 Ch: 150 Li: 150 Cy: 150 Sm: 150 Ex: 150 Be: 150 Sc: 150 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 14. Upgrade to Griffon Fork =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Dark Excalibur to Griffon Fork Griffon Fork At: 167 Fl: 150 Ch: 165 Li: 150 Cy: 165 Sm: 165 Ex: 165 Be: 150 Sc: 150 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 15. Max the Griffon Fork =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 3x Heavy Hammer +5, synth to Griffon Fork 8448 ABS, 2400 gilda Make 1x Poison Wrench +5, synth the following to it, synth to Griffon Fork 12x Gunpowder 2x Scrap of Metal 5x Sturdy Cloth 2304 ABS, 1060 gilda Make 1x Wild Cat +5, synth to Griffon Fork 2120 ABS, 900 gilda Level Griffon Fork to +2 832 ABS Griffon Fork At: 300 Fl: 200 Ch: 250 Li: 200 Cy: 200 Sm: 250 Ex: 200 Be: 200 Sc: 200 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 16. Upgrade to Island King =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Griffon Fork to Island King Island King At: 315 Fl: 200 Ch: 250 Li: 200 Cy: 200 Sm: 250 Ex: 220 Be: 220 Sc: 220 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 17. Max the Island King =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Island King to +2 832 ABS Make 5x Heavy Hammer +5, synth to Island King 14080 ABS, 4000 gilda Make 1x Poison Wrench +5, synth the following to it, synth to Island King 12x Gunpowder 2x Scrap of Metal 12x Bundle of Hay 2304 ABS, 1200 gilda Make 1x Wild Cat +5, synth to Island King 2120 ABS, 900 gilda Island King At: 500 Fl: 250 Ch: 250 Li: 250 Cy: 250 Sm: 250 Ex: 250 Be: 250 Sc: 250 ---------------- 7.8 - Dark Cloud ---------------- Goal: Dark Cloud with maxed stats and these abilities: Poison Stop ABS Up Steal Wealth Dark Durable Absorb The progression for Dark Cloud is like so: Baselard Broad Sword Kitchen Knife Serpent Slicer Tsukikage Ama no Murakumo Dark Cloud This recipe is different from the others, in that it's designed to be as fast as possible. I assume that you are on Chapter 8 before starting this recipe, and that you have some strong weapons already. The Dark Cloud is a nice sword to have. It's cool looking, it has a 6-hit combo, and it's the only weapon in the game that can reach 300 in all elemental stats. This recipe doesn't include synth weapons that give abilities, since it's pretty easy to get coins by going through the Hell's Turning Point level of Chapter 8 (the chests there have nothing but coins). I suggest using Milane when leveling up the main sword, but use Need when leveling synth weapons. The extra SP's are far outweighed by the extra money you'll get with Need. Be sure to kill everything with weapons that have Wealth and ABS Up. If you do things this way, you only need to go through Seeping Light three times in order to get all the ABS and gilda you need for the recipe. The third time through, you should be using the Ridepod to collect the ABS, so that you can get Super-Alloy Bodies and sell them. If you are reasonably lucky, you should be able to get all the coins you need after just a couple trips through Hell's Turning Point. So the whole recipe should take you between 30-45 minutes. One final note: there are a few synth weapons whose SP are not all used up in the recipe. This is where you need to stick your coins, because there aren't enough extra SP on the main sword. Step ABS Gilda ------------------------------------------------ 1. Baselard +8 1184 250 2. Upgrade to Broad Sword 2120 1740 3. Broad Sword +3 448 4. Upgrade to Kitchen Knife 5. Kitchen Knife +3 560 6. Upgrade to Serpent Slicer 2304 1060 7. Serpent Slicer +2 448 8. Upgrade to Tsukikage 2304 1020 9. Upgrade to Ama no Murakumo 10. Upgrade to Dark Cloud 7056 4040 11. Max the Dark Cloud 19416 9880 ------------------------------------------------ Total: 35840 17990 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Baselard +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Buy a Baselard 250 gilda Baselard At: 21 Fl: 0 Ch: 0 Li: 0 Cy: 10 Sm: 0 Ex: 10 Be: 0 Sc: 0 Level Baselard to +8 1184 ABS Baselard At: 34 Fl: 0 Ch: 0 Li: 0 Cy: 10 Sm: 0 Ex: 10 Be: 0 Sc: 0 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Upgrade to Broad Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Wild Cat +5, synth the following to it, synth to Baselard 12x Scrap of Metal 6x Unknown Bone 1x Holy Crystal 3x Chill Crystal 2120 ABS, 1740 gilda Baselard At: 35 Fl: 30 Ch: 5 Li: 14 Cy: 34 Sm: 36 Ex: 19 Be: 0 Sc: 34 Upgrade Baselard to Broad Sword Broad Sword At: 37 Fl: 30 Ch: 5 Li: 14 Cy: 36 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 0 Sc: 34 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Broad Sword +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Broad Sword +3 448 ABS Broad Sword At: 43 Fl: 30 Ch: 5 Li: 14 Cy: 36 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 0 Sc: 34 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Upgrade to Kitchen Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade Broad Sword to Kitchen Knife Kitchen Knife At: 46 Fl: 30 Ch: 5 Li: 15 Cy: 36 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 0 Sc: 37 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Kitchen Knife +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Kitchen Knife to +3 560 ABS Kitchen Knife At: 52 Fl: 30 Ch: 5 Li: 15 Cy: 36 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 0 Sc: 37 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Upgrade to Serpent Slicer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Poison Wrench +5, synth the following to it, synth to Kitchen Knife 6x Glass Material 12x Bundle of Hay 2304 ABS, 1060 gilda Kitchen Knife At: 61 Fl: 30 Ch: 12 Li: 60 Cy: 50 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 45 Sc: 60 Upgrade Kitchen Knife to Serpent Slicer Serpent Slicer At: 66 Fl: 30 Ch: 12 Li: 65 Cy: 50 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 45 Sc: 65 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Serpent Slicer +2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level Serpent Slicer to +2 448 ABS Serpent Slicer At: 70 Fl: 30 Ch: 12 Li: 65 Cy: 50 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 45 Sc: 65 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8. Upgrade to Tsukikage =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make Poison Wrench +5, synth the following to it, synth to Serpent Slicer 4x Antidote Drink 12x Bundle of Hay 2304 ABS, 1020 gilda Serpent Slicer At: 94 Fl: 30 Ch: 12 Li: 110 Cy: 64 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 90 Sc: 99 Upgrade Serpent Slicer to Tsukikage Tsukikage At: 102 Fl: 30 Ch: 12 Li: 119 Cy: 64 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 90 Sc: 108 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9. Upgrade to Ama no Murakumo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Upgrade to Ama no Murakumo Ama no Murakumo At: 111 Fl: 30 Ch: 12 Li: 131 Cy: 64 Sm: 36 Ex: 21 Be: 100 Sc: 120 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 10. Upgrade to Dark Cloud =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 2x Wild Cat +5, synth the following to them, synth to Ama no Murakumo 20x Sturdy Cloth 4240 ABS, 2600 gilda Make Heavy Hammer +5, synth the following to it, synth to Ama no Murakumo 32x Gunpowder 2816 ABS, 1440 gilda Ama no Murakumo At: 155 Fl: 140 Ch: 90 Li: 131 Cy: 136 Sm: 150 Ex: 87 Be: 148 Sc: 150 Upgrade Ama no Murakumo to Dark Cloud Dark Cloud At: 170 Fl: 149 Ch: 99 Li: 131 Cy: 151 Sm: 165 Ex: 87 Be: 148 Sc: 150 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11. Max the Dark Cloud =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Make 2x Heavy Hammer +5, synth the following to them, synth to Dark Cloud 31x Scrap of Metal 5632 ABS, 2220 gilda Make Heavy Hammer +5, synth the following to it, synth to Dark Cloud 32x Gunpowder 2816 ABS, 1440 gilda Make 2x Wild Cat +5, synth the following to them, synth to Dark Cloud 22x Sturdy Cloth 4240 ABS, 2680 gilda Make Wild Cat +5, synth the following to it, synth to Dark Cloud 13x Unknown Bone 9x Sturdy Cloth 2120 ABS, 1340 gilda Make Poison Wrench +5, synth the following to it, synth to Dark Cloud 22x Bundle of Hay 2304 ABS, 1140 gilda Make Poison Wrench +5, synth the following to it, synth to Dark Cloud 13x Bundle of Hay 5x Gunpowder 2304 ABS, 1060 gilda Dark Cloud At: 300 Fl: 300 Ch: 300 Li: 300 Cy: 300 Sm: 300 Ex: 300 Be: 300 Sc: 300 ======================= 8.0 - WEAPON COLLECTING ======================= Several people sent me email asking for ultimate weapon recipes that will max WHP to 255, as well as maxing the other stats. Here's the basic method for designing such recipes: 1. Choose the weapon you want to max. 2. Using a weapon upgrade chart (such as Valken's), find base weapons that lead to your goal weapon. 3. Choose the base weapon that is the most steps away from the goal weapon. 4. Figure out how many total levels must be gained to max WHP: (255 - base weapon's WHP) / avg. WHP increase Flyojumper calculated the avg. WHP increase to be about 1.66. For these recipes, I've used the slightly more conservative value of 1.5. 5. Distribute these levels among all the weapons leading to the goal weapon, such that the total ABS needed is minimized. One can use an algorithm to solve step 5. I wrote a program to generate the progressions for me, so I figured I might as well generate progressions for every weapon, not just ultimate weapons. For each goal weapon, I've listed the total ABS needed, the total SP that will be present on the goal weapon, and the progression of level ups. Some weapons will have more than one possible progression, especially swords and armbands, since there are so many upgrade paths. In many cases, you could then max the stats of the weapon by simply synthing georama materials or crystals directly to the weapon, rather than synthing other weapons, because the accumulated SP is enormous. But it won't be enough for the ultimate weapons and a few others. I leave it to you to figure out how to max the other stats. It's very easy, you have plenty of SP, so just use the techniques described elsewhere in this guide. Get coins from Hell's Turning Point to add abilities. This information in this section can be used in two ways. One is to make "perfect" ultimate weapons of your choice. The other is to amass a complete collection of perfect weapons. All 109 of them. Of course this is just for obsessive completionists. I recommend waiting until Seeping Light (chapter 8) to start working on this. All those weapons will take up a lot of inventory space, but you can get rid of a lot of stuff after chapter 7 since you don't need to build any georama. One more thing. If you want to have every weapon, you'll need three Name-Change Tickets. You normally only get one Holy Daedalus Blade. You can only make the Sun Sword from a Holy Daedalus Blade, and you can only make the Big Bang from the Sun Sword. So you need to use two Name-Change Tickets to make two extra Holy Daedalus Blades. You need to use the third one to make the Royal Sword. ---------------------- 8.1 - Wrenches/Hammers ---------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Battle Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 171712.0 SP: 439 Battle Wrench +146 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Big Bucks Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 203328.0 SP: 481 Turtle Shell Hammer +88 Frozen Tuna +35 Big Bucks Hammer +19 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cubic Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 62288.0 SP: 456 Battle Wrench +51 True Battle Wrench +52 Drill Wrench +26 Smash Wrench +10 Cubic Hammer +7 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Digi Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 60496.0 SP: 461 Battle Wrench +49 True Battle Wrench +50 Drill Wrench +25 Smash Wrench +10 Cubic Hammer +7 Digi Hammer +5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drill Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 69680.0 SP: 439 Battle Wrench +58 True Battle Wrench +59 Drill Wrench +29 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Frozen Tuna =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 233808.0 SP: 467 Turtle Shell Hammer +102 Frozen Tuna +40 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Grade Zero =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 58368.0 SP: 480 Battle Wrench +47 True Battle Wrench +48 Drill Wrench +24 Smash Wrench +9 Stinger Wrench +6 Poison Wrench +5 Sigma Breaker +4 Grade Zero +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Heavy Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 59248.0 SP: 472 Battle Wrench +48 True Battle Wrench +49 Drill Wrench +24 Smash Wrench +9 Cubic Hammer +7 Digi Hammer +5 Heavy Hammer +4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kubera's Hand =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 605056.0 SP: 412 Kubera's Hand +137 =-=-=-=-= LEGEND =-=-=-=-= ABS: 58368.0 SP: 480 Battle Wrench +47 True Battle Wrench +48 Drill Wrench +24 Smash Wrench +9 Cubic Hammer +6 Digi Hammer +5 Heavy Hammer +4 LEGEND +3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Poison Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 60496.0 SP: 461 Battle Wrench +49 True Battle Wrench +50 Drill Wrench +25 Smash Wrench +10 Stinger Wrench +7 Poison Wrench +5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Smash Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 65040.0 SP: 450 Battle Wrench +54 True Battle Wrench +54 Drill Wrench +27 Smash Wrench +11 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sigma Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 59248.0 SP: 472 Battle Wrench +48 True Battle Wrench +49 Drill Wrench +24 Smash Wrench +9 Stinger Wrench +7 Poison Wrench +5 Sigma Breaker +4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stinger Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 62288.0 SP: 456 Battle Wrench +51 True Battle Wrench +52 Drill Wrench +26 Smash Wrench +10 Stinger Wrench +7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= True Battle Wrench =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 86464.0 SP: 439 Battle Wrench +73 True Battle Wrench +73 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Turtle Shell Hammer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 324928.0 SP: 427 Turtle Shell Hammer +142 ------------------ 8.2 - Spheda Clubs ------------------ =-=-=-=-=-= Albatross =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 223104.0 SP: 504 Swan +49 Flamingo +39 Falcon +28 Albatross +22 Turkey +49 Flamingo +39 Falcon +28 Albatross +22 =-=-=-=-= Falcon =-=-=-=-= ABS: 262832.0 SP: 495 Swan +58 Flamingo +47 Falcon +33 Turkey +58 Flamingo +47 Falcon +33 =-=-=-=-=-= Flamingo =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 343616.0 SP: 476 Swan +77 Flamingo +61 Turkey +77 Flamingo +61 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Handy Stick =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 206096.0 SP: 481 Handy Stick +160 =-=-=-= Swan =-=-=-= ABS: 613888.0 SP: 415 Swan +138 =-=-=-=-= Turkey =-=-=-=-= ABS: 613888.0 SP: 415 Turkey +138 ---------- 8.3 - Guns ---------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bell Trigger =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 154692.0 SP: 439 Classic Gun +80 Trumpet Gun +41 Bell Trigger +25 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Classic Gun =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 279032.0 SP: 439 Classic Gun +146 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Dark Viper =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 140803.5 SP: 453 Classic Gun +72 Trumpet Gun +37 Grenade Launcher +23 Dark Viper +14 =-=-=-=-=-= Desperado =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 114552.5 SP: 494 Classic Gun +58 Trumpet Gun +29 Bell Trigger +18 Star Breaker +14 Wild Cat +11 Sexy Panther +9 Desperado +7 =-=-=-=-=-= Dryer Gun =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 279032.0 SP: 439 Dryer Gun +146 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Grenade Launcher =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 154692.0 SP: 439 Classic Gun +80 Trumpet Gun +41 Grenade Launcher +25 =-=-=-=-=-= Jurak Gun =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 791340.0 SP: 415 Jurak Gun +138 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Last Resort =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 111167.5 SP: 505 Classic Gun +56 Trumpet Gun +29 Bell Trigger +17 Star Breaker +14 Wild Cat +11 Sexy Panther +8 Desperado +6 Last Resort +5 =-=-=-=-=-= Magic Gun =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137290.5 SP: 456 Classic Gun +71 Trumpet Gun +36 Bell Trigger +22 Magic Gun +17 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Question Shooter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 126437.0 SP: 467 Classic Gun +65 Trumpet Gun +33 Bell Trigger +20 Magic Gun +16 Question Shooter +12 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sexy Panther =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 119220.5 SP: 474 Classic Gun +61 Trumpet Gun +31 Bell Trigger +19 Star Breaker +15 Wild Cat +11 Sexy Panther +9 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sigma Bazooka =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 129050.0 SP: 493 Classic Gun +66 Trumpet Gun +34 Grenade Launcher +20 Dark Viper +12 Twin Buster +8 Sigma Bazooka +6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Soul Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 128642.5 SP: 465 Classic Gun +66 Trumpet Gun +34 Bell Trigger +20 Magic Gun +16 Soul Breaker +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Star Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137290.5 SP: 456 Classic Gun +71 Trumpet Gun +36 Bell Trigger +22 Star Breaker +17 =-=-=-=-=-= Steal Gun =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 121067.5 SP: 487 Classic Gun +62 Trumpet Gun +31 Bell Trigger +19 Magic Gun +15 Question Shooter +12 Steal Gun +7 =-=-=-=-=-= Supernova =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 117181.5 SP: 503 Classic Gun +60 Trumpet Gun +30 Bell Trigger +18 Magic Gun +14 Question Shooter +11 Steal Gun +7 Supernova +6 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Trumpet Gun =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 185517.0 SP: 439 Classic Gun +97 Trumpet Gun +49 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Twin Buster =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 133966.5 SP: 476 Classic Gun +69 Trumpet Gun +35 Grenade Launcher +21 Dark Viper +13 Twin Buster +8 =-=-=-=-=-= Wild Cat =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 126437.0 SP: 467 Classic Gun +65 Trumpet Gun +33 Bell Trigger +20 Star Breaker +16 Wild Cat +12 ------------ 8.4 - Swords ------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7 Branch Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Long Sword +61 Bastard Sword +31 Sand Breaker +24 Antique Sword +17 7 Branch Sword +13 Gladius +61 Cliff Knife +31 Sand Breaker +24 Antique Sword +17 7 Branch Sword +13 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Antique Sword +17 7 Branch Sword +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Antique Sword +17 7 Branch Sword +13 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Kitchen Knife +24 Serpent Slicer +17 7 Branch Sword +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Kitchen Knife +24 Serpent Slicer +17 7 Branch Sword +13 =-=-=-=-=-=-= 7th Heaven =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 155520.0 SP: 509 Baselard +64 Broad Sword +32 Wise Owl Sword +26 Lamb's Sword +14 7th Heaven +10 Long Sword +64 Broad Sword +32 Wise Owl Sword +26 Lamb's Sword +14 7th Heaven +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ama no Murakumo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137712.0 SP: 520 Baselard +57 Broad Sword +28 Kitchen Knife +23 Serpent Slicer +16 Tsukikage +12 Ama no Murakumo +10 Long Sword +57 Broad Sword +28 Kitchen Knife +23 Serpent Slicer +16 Tsukikage +12 Ama no Murakumo +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Antique Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 160608.0 SP: 485 Long Sword +67 Bastard Sword +33 Sand Breaker +27 Antique Sword +19 Gladius +67 Cliff Knife +33 Sand Breaker +27 Antique Sword +19 Baselard +67 Broad Sword +33 Sax +27 Antique Sword +19 Long Sword +67 Broad Sword +33 Sax +27 Antique Sword +19 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Atlamillia Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 131088.0 SP: 538 Long Sword +54 Bastard Sword +27 Sand Breaker +21 Antique Sword +15 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +9 Atlamillia Sword +8 Gladius +54 Cliff Knife +27 Sand Breaker +21 Antique Sword +15 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +9 Atlamillia Sword +8 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Antique Sword +15 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +9 Atlamillia Sword +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Antique Sword +15 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +9 Atlamillia Sword +8 =-=-=-=-=-= Baselard =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 343424.0 SP: 439 Baselard +146 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bastard Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 230592.0 SP: 439 Long Sword +97 Bastard Sword +49 =-=-=-=-=-= Big Bang =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 682672.0 SP: 770 Holy Daedalus Blade +70 Sun Sword +55 Big Bang +45 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Bone Rapier =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 613888.0 SP: 415 Bone Rapier +138 =-=-=-=-=-= Brave Ark =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 160608.0 SP: 485 Baselard +67 Broad Sword +33 Sax +27 Brave Ark +19 Long Sword +67 Broad Sword +33 Sax +27 Brave Ark +19 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Broad Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 230592.0 SP: 439 Baselard +97 Broad Sword +49 Long Sword +97 Broad Sword +49 =-=-=-=-= Choora =-=-=-=-= ABS: 160608.0 SP: 485 Gladius +67 Cliff Knife +33 Chopper +27 Choora +19 =-=-=-=-= Chopper =-=-=-=-= ABS: 183376.0 SP: 470 Gladius +77 Cliff Knife +38 Chopper +31 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Chronicle 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 131088.0 SP: 538 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Brave Ark +15 Ruler's Sword +12 Chronicle Sword +9 Chronicle 2 +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Brave Ark +15 Ruler's Sword +12 Chronicle Sword +9 Chronicle 2 +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Chronicle Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137712.0 SP: 520 Baselard +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Brave Ark +16 Ruler's Sword +12 Chronicle Sword +10 Long Sword +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Brave Ark +16 Ruler's Sword +12 Chronicle Sword +10 =-=-=-=-=-= Claymore =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Brave Ark +17 Claymore +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Brave Ark +17 Claymore +13 Gladius +61 Cliff Knife +31 Chopper +24 Dusack +17 Claymore +13 Long Sword +61 Bastard Sword +31 Shamshir +24 Dusack +17 Claymore +13 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Cliff Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 230592.0 SP: 439 Gladius +97 Cliff Knife +49 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cross Heinder =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137712.0 SP: 520 Baselard +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Brave Ark +16 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +10 Long Sword +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Brave Ark +16 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +10 Gladius +57 Cliff Knife +28 Chopper +23 Dusack +16 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +10 Long Sword +57 Bastard Sword +28 Shamshir +23 Dusack +16 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +10 Baselard +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Brave Ark +16 Ruler's Sword +12 Cross Heinder +10 Long Sword +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Brave Ark +16 Ruler's Sword +12 Cross Heinder +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Dark Cloud =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 131088.0 SP: 538 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Kitchen Knife +21 Serpent Slicer +15 Tsukikage +12 Ama no Murakumo +9 Dark Cloud +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Kitchen Knife +21 Serpent Slicer +15 Tsukikage +12 Ama no Murakumo +9 Dark Cloud +8 Gladius +54 Cliff Knife +27 Chopper +21 Choora +15 Small Sword +12 Maneater +9 Dark Cloud +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dark Excalibur =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137712.0 SP: 520 Baselard +57 Broad Sword +28 Kitchen Knife +23 Serpent Slicer +16 Sargatanas +12 Dark Excalibur +10 Long Sword +57 Broad Sword +28 Kitchen Knife +23 Serpent Slicer +16 Sargatanas +12 Dark Excalibur +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drain Seeker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 262832.0 SP: 495 Bone Rapier +58 Evilcise +47 Drain Seeker +33 =-=-=-=-= Dusack =-=-=-=-= ABS: 160608.0 SP: 485 Gladius +67 Cliff Knife +33 Chopper +27 Dusack +19 Long Sword +67 Bastard Sword +33 Shamshir +27 Dusack +19 =-=-=-=-=-= Evilcise =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 343616.0 SP: 476 Bone Rapier +77 Evilcise +61 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Garayan Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 393600.0 SP: 465 Mardan Sword +88 Garayan Sword +50 =-=-=-=-= Gladius =-=-=-=-= ABS: 343424.0 SP: 439 Gladius +146 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Griffon Fork =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 131088.0 SP: 538 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Kitchen Knife +21 Serpent Slicer +15 Sargatanas +12 Dark Excalibur +9 Griffon Fork +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Kitchen Knife +21 Serpent Slicer +15 Sargatanas +12 Dark Excalibur +9 Griffon Fork +8 Gladius +54 Cliff Knife +27 Chopper +21 Choora +15 Small Sword +12 Maneater +9 Griffon Fork +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Halloween Blade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Long Sword +61 Bastard Sword +31 Sand Breaker +24 Antique Sword +17 Halloween Blade +13 Gladius +61 Cliff Knife +31 Sand Breaker +24 Antique Sword +17 Halloween Blade +13 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Antique Sword +17 Halloween Blade +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Antique Sword +17 Halloween Blade +13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Holy Daedalus Blade =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 1628032.0 SP: 680 Holy Daedalus Blade +170 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Island King =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 125216.0 SP: 559 Baselard +51 Broad Sword +25 Kitchen Knife +20 Serpent Slicer +14 Sargatanas +11 Dark Excalibur +9 Griffon Fork +8 Island King +8 Long Sword +51 Broad Sword +25 Kitchen Knife +20 Serpent Slicer +14 Sargatanas +11 Dark Excalibur +9 Griffon Fork +8 Island King +8 Gladius +51 Cliff Knife +25 Chopper +20 Choora +14 Small Sword +11 Maneater +9 Griffon Fork +8 Island King +8 Baselard +51 Broad Sword +25 Sax +20 Brave Ark +14 Claymore +11 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Island King +8 Long Sword +51 Broad Sword +25 Sax +20 Brave Ark +14 Claymore +11 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Island King +8 Gladius +51 Cliff Knife +25 Chopper +20 Dusack +14 Claymore +11 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Island King +8 Long Sword +51 Bastard Sword +25 Shamshir +20 Dusack +14 Claymore +11 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Island King +8 Baselard +51 Broad Sword +25 Sax +20 Brave Ark +14 Ruler's Sword +11 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Island King +8 Long Sword +51 Broad Sword +25 Sax +20 Brave Ark +14 Ruler's Sword +11 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Island King +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Kitchen Knife =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 183376.0 SP: 470 Baselard +77 Broad Sword +38 Kitchen Knife +31 Long Sword +77 Broad Sword +38 Kitchen Knife +31 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lamb's Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 165440.0 SP: 482 Baselard +69 Broad Sword +34 Wise Owl Sword +28 Lamb's Sword +15 Long Sword +69 Broad Sword +34 Wise Owl Sword +28 Lamb's Sword +15 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Long Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 343424.0 SP: 439 Long Sword +146 =-=-=-=-=-= Maneater =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137712.0 SP: 520 Gladius +57 Cliff Knife +28 Chopper +23 Choora +16 Small Sword +12 Maneater +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mardan Garayan =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 322144.0 SP: 534 Mardan Sword +71 Garayan Sword +41 Mardan Garayan +26 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mardan Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 613888.0 SP: 415 Mardan Sword +138 =-=-=-=-=-= Muramasa =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 131088.0 SP: 538 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Kitchen Knife +21 Serpent Slicer +15 Tsukikage +12 Ama no Murakumo +9 Muramasa +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Kitchen Knife +21 Serpent Slicer +15 Tsukikage +12 Ama no Murakumo +9 Muramasa +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Royal Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 613888.0 SP: 415 Royal Sword +138 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ruler's Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Brave Ark +17 Ruler's Sword +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Sax +24 Brave Ark +17 Ruler's Sword +13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sand Breaker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 183376.0 SP: 470 Long Sword +77 Bastard Sword +38 Sand Breaker +31 Gladius +77 Cliff Knife +38 Sand Breaker +31 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Sargatanas =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Kitchen Knife +24 Serpent Slicer +17 Sargatanas +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Kitchen Knife +24 Serpent Slicer +17 Sargatanas +13 =-=-= Sax =-=-= ABS: 183376.0 SP: 470 Baselard +77 Broad Sword +38 Sax +31 Long Sword +77 Broad Sword +38 Sax +31 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Serpent Slicer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 160608.0 SP: 485 Baselard +67 Broad Sword +33 Kitchen Knife +27 Serpent Slicer +19 Long Sword +67 Broad Sword +33 Kitchen Knife +27 Serpent Slicer +19 =-=-=-=-=-= Shamshir =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 183376.0 SP: 470 Long Sword +77 Bastard Sword +38 Shamshir +31 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shining Bravado =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 137712.0 SP: 520 Long Sword +57 Bastard Sword +28 Sand Breaker +23 Antique Sword +16 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +10 Gladius +57 Cliff Knife +28 Sand Breaker +23 Antique Sword +16 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +10 Baselard +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Antique Sword +16 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +10 Long Sword +57 Broad Sword +28 Sax +23 Antique Sword +16 Halloween Blade +12 Shining Bravado +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Small Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Gladius +61 Cliff Knife +31 Chopper +24 Choora +17 Small Sword +13 =-=-=-=-=-= Sun Sword =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 921328.0 SP: 680 Holy Daedalus Blade +96 Sun Sword +74 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Sword of Zeus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 131088.0 SP: 538 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Brave Ark +15 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Brave Ark +15 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Gladius +54 Cliff Knife +27 Chopper +21 Dusack +15 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Long Sword +54 Bastard Sword +27 Shamshir +21 Dusack +15 Claymore +12 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Baselard +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Brave Ark +15 Ruler's Sword +12 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 Long Sword +54 Broad Sword +27 Sax +21 Brave Ark +15 Ruler's Sword +12 Cross Heinder +9 Sword of Zeus +8 =-=-=-=-=-= Tsukikage =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 146928.0 SP: 493 Baselard +61 Broad Sword +31 Kitchen Knife +24 Serpent Slicer +17 Tsukikage +13 Long Sword +61 Broad Sword +31 Kitchen Knife +24 Serpent Slicer +17 Tsukikage +13 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wise Owl Sword =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 183376.0 SP: 470 Baselard +77 Broad Sword +38 Wise Owl Sword +31 Long Sword +77 Broad Sword +38 Wise Owl Sword +31 -------------- 8.5 - Armbands -------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Angel Shooter =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 121408.0 SP: 526 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Thorn Armlet +20 Pocklekul +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Angel Shooter +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Thorn Armlet +20 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Angel Shooter +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Athena's Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 135536.0 SP: 482 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Platinum Brassard +16 Athena's Armlet +16 Magic Brassard +58 Gold Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Platinum Brassard +16 Athena's Armlet +16 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Pocklekul +16 Athena's Armlet +16 Magic Brassard +58 Gold Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Pocklekul +16 Athena's Armlet +16 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Thorn Armlet +23 Pocklekul +16 Athena's Armlet +16 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bandit Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 218208.0 SP: 427 Magic Brassard +95 Bandit Brassard +47 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Crystal Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 173568.0 SP: 457 Magic Brassard +75 Bandit Brassard +37 Crystal Brassard +30 Magic Brassard +75 Gold Brassard +37 Crystal Brassard +30 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Destruction Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 135536.0 SP: 482 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Platinum Brassard +16 Destruction Brassard +16 Magic Brassard +58 Gold Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Platinum Brassard +16 Destruction Brassard +16 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Five-Star Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 121408.0 SP: 526 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Destruction Brassard +14 Satan Brassard +9 Five-Star Armlet +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Destruction Brassard +14 Satan Brassard +9 Five-Star Armlet +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Moon Armlet +14 Star Armlet +9 Five-Star Armlet +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Moon Armlet +14 Star Armlet +9 Five-Star Armlet +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Thorn Armlet +20 Pocklekul +14 Moon Armlet +14 Star Armlet +9 Five-Star Armlet +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Goddess Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 127328.0 SP: 508 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Platinum Brassard +15 Spirit Brassard +15 Goddess Brassard +10 Magic Brassard +54 Gold Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Platinum Brassard +15 Spirit Brassard +15 Goddess Brassard +10 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Pocklekul +15 Spirit Brassard +15 Goddess Brassard +10 Magic Brassard +54 Gold Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Pocklekul +15 Spirit Brassard +15 Goddess Brassard +10 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Thorn Armlet +21 Pocklekul +15 Spirit Brassard +15 Goddess Brassard +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gold Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 218208.0 SP: 427 Magic Brassard +95 Gold Brassard +47 =-=-=-= Love =-=-=-= ABS: 116096.0 SP: 540 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Pocklekul +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Pocklekul +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Thorn Armlet +19 Pocklekul +14 Spirit Brassard +14 Goddess Brassard +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Thorn Armlet +19 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Angel Shooter +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Destruction Brassard +14 Satan Brassard +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Destruction Brassard +14 Satan Brassard +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Gold Brassard +24 Crystal Brassard +19 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 Magic Brassard +49 Bandit Brassard +24 Thorn Armlet +19 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +8 Mobius Bangle +7 Love +7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Magic Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 324928.0 SP: 427 Magic Brassard +142 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mobius Bangle =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 121408.0 SP: 526 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Destruction Brassard +14 Satan Brassard +9 Mobius Bangle +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Destruction Brassard +14 Satan Brassard +9 Mobius Bangle +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Mobius Bangle +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Platinum Brassard +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Mobius Bangle +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Mobius Bangle +8 Magic Brassard +51 Gold Brassard +26 Crystal Brassard +20 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Mobius Bangle +8 Magic Brassard +51 Bandit Brassard +26 Thorn Armlet +20 Pocklekul +14 Athena's Armlet +14 Sun Armlet +9 Mobius Bangle +8 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Moon Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 135536.0 SP: 482 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Pocklekul +16 Moon Armlet +16 Magic Brassard +58 Gold Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Pocklekul +16 Moon Armlet +16 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Thorn Armlet +23 Pocklekul +16 Moon Armlet +16 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Platinum Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 152064.0 SP: 471 Magic Brassard +65 Bandit Brassard +33 Crystal Brassard +26 Platinum Brassard +18 Magic Brassard +65 Gold Brassard +33 Crystal Brassard +26 Platinum Brassard +18 =-=-=-=-=-= Pocklekul =-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 152064.0 SP: 471 Magic Brassard +65 Bandit Brassard +33 Crystal Brassard +26 Pocklekul +18 Magic Brassard +65 Gold Brassard +33 Crystal Brassard +26 Pocklekul +18 Magic Brassard +65 Bandit Brassard +33 Thorn Armlet +26 Pocklekul +18 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Satan Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 127328.0 SP: 508 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Platinum Brassard +15 Destruction Brassard +15 Satan Brassard +10 Magic Brassard +54 Gold Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Platinum Brassard +15 Destruction Brassard +15 Satan Brassard +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spirit Brassard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 135536.0 SP: 482 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Platinum Brassard +16 Spirit Brassard +16 Magic Brassard +58 Gold Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Platinum Brassard +16 Spirit Brassard +16 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Pocklekul +16 Spirit Brassard +16 Magic Brassard +58 Gold Brassard +29 Crystal Brassard +23 Pocklekul +16 Spirit Brassard +16 Magic Brassard +58 Bandit Brassard +29 Thorn Armlet +23 Pocklekul +16 Spirit Brassard +16 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Star Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 127328.0 SP: 508 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Pocklekul +15 Moon Armlet +15 Star Armlet +10 Magic Brassard +54 Gold Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Pocklekul +15 Moon Armlet +15 Star Armlet +10 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Thorn Armlet +21 Pocklekul +15 Moon Armlet +15 Star Armlet +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-= Sun Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 127328.0 SP: 508 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Platinum Brassard +15 Athena's Armlet +15 Sun Armlet +10 Magic Brassard +54 Gold Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Platinum Brassard +15 Athena's Armlet +15 Sun Armlet +10 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Pocklekul +15 Athena's Armlet +15 Sun Armlet +10 Magic Brassard +54 Gold Brassard +27 Crystal Brassard +21 Pocklekul +15 Athena's Armlet +15 Sun Armlet +10 Magic Brassard +54 Bandit Brassard +27 Thorn Armlet +21 Pocklekul +15 Athena's Armlet +15 Sun Armlet +10 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thorn Armlet =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABS: 173568.0 SP: 457 Magic Brassard +75 Bandit Brassard +37 Thorn Armlet +30 ========= 9.0 - FAQ ========= a. I need to kill a monster to upgrade my weapon. Where do I find this monster? With the exception of Rifle Wolf, which is found on chapter 5, these monsters are found in chapters 6 and 7. See my walkthrough for exact floor locations. b. I have these weapons and I'm on this chapter. Am I doing good? If you are able to get through each dungeon floor without dying, then yes you are doing good. Don't assume that someone is doing better simply because they have more powerful weapons on an earlier chapter. Usually that just means they've wasted a lot of time building up their weapons the hard way. Sort of like getting to level 100 on Destiny Islands in Kingdom Hearts. c. What's the best way to upgrade my weapons? The weapon system in this game is very complex; I've spent a lot of time studying it. There's no easy answer because there are just too many factors. Here are some basic tips: -A weapon must be +5 or higher before synthing it to another weapon. -Synthing weapons to weapons is better than synthing crystals/georama materials to weapons directly. -Synth crystals/georama materials to the other weapons to build up their stats before synthing to your main weapon. -Synth crystals if you have extra, but never buy them. If you run out of crystals, buy georama materials. -Don't neglect guns/armlets. They start out weak, but eventually become very powerful. You should read the rest of this guide if you want to understand more. d. What are the best weapons in the game? Max's right-hand: LEGEND for power, Grade Zero for speed Max's left-hand: Supernova Monica's right-hand: Island King for power, Griffon Fork for speed, Dark Cloud for nice balance of speed and power Monica's left-hand: Five-Star Armlet e. When's the earliest I can get these weapons? Chapter 7, unless you use a Name-Change Ticket. f. What's the best weapon I can get before chapter 7? 7 Branch Sword, unless you use a Name-Change Ticket. You can get the 7 Branch on chapter 2 if you spend a lot of time on it. g. What's this about Name-Change Tickets? You can purchase items from Need by giving him medals that you collect. Most of these items are clothes (and therefore useless except for aesthetics). He also sells Name-Change Tickets. If you use one of these on a weapon, you can change the weapon name to whatever you like. If you change it to the name of one of the game's weapons, it will transform into that weapon, and the stats will change to the minimal stats of that weapon. For example, changing the name of a Classic Gun to Supernova will give you a Supernova with the minimum stats of a Supernova. This is the only way to get anything better than a 7 Branch Sword before chapter 7. h. What's better, Critical + Heal or Dark + Absorb? Once your weapon does a certain amount of damage (say 800), Dark + Absorb is far superior. You will do much more damage on average with Dark than with Critical, and Absorb will keep you healed up since your damage is high. The only weapons that shouldn't have Dark are machine guns. i. How do I get rid of these negative abilities on my weapon? Synth a weapon with the opposite ability to your main weapon, or synth a coin with the opposite ability to your weapon. See the help menu in the game for a table of abilities and their opposites. ============= 10.0 - THANKS ============= -Thanks to www.gamefaqs.com for hosting this guide. -dribbledrive pointed out an error in the Sargatanas minimum stats -Lord Gaav pointed out the correct circumstances for Lamb's Sword power -Mike for info on the Wealth Coin in the Underground Channel, and Bone Rapier in Rainbow Butterfly Wood -Joe A. for info on Mardan Garayan and Steal Gun -Flyojumper for letting me know the 7 Branch Sword can be found in chests in Chapter 6 dungeons, suggesting the fast 5-hit combo annotation, determining the average WHP increase -Melissa B. for emailing me the max stats on several weapons -Morgan D. for emailing me Supernova max stats -Joseph H. for emailing me another Dark Coin location -Valken Lee for pointing out some errors in my weapon abilities -RuE4gamez for pointing out an error in the Chronicle 2 stats -Little Boy for info on the Time Coin in MFP -DVader for pointing out an error in the Magic Gun stats -DarkDoug for the Zelmite Mines Heavy Hammer -August Panning for info on the Indestructible Coin in Underground Channel -CybNuclear spotted a typo in the Supernova recipe -HaifanK spotted a couple errors in the recipes -Everyone else who sent in info on coins in dungeons -Andvareel for pointing out my typos on gun ABS -Whoever figured out the Name-Change Ticket transformation