Dark Cloud FAQ: Version 2.5 Navigation: I. Introduction II. The First Dungeon III. First Dungeon Cleanup IV. The Second Dungeon V. Second Dungeon Cleanup VI. The Third Dungeon VII. Third Dungeon Cleanup VIII. The Fourth Dungeon IX. Gem List & Effects X. Credits/Copyright Information I. Introduction This is my third FAQ sheet for Gamefaqs, but its been a few years, so I'm a bit rusty. E-mail me with suggestions, comments, complains, etc. with "Dark Cloud FAQ" in the subject. Oh yeah, a quick plug before I start: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/246/dj_jda.html This is original techno music with videogame influence. Check it out. II. The First Dungeon After the opening sequences, Toan (or whatever you called him) is given a bag of supplies by the chief and sent to the Divine Beast Cave. This bag is replenishable whenever you visit the chief, so make use of it! I'm assuming you've read the instruction manuel, so you know about weapon HP. This runs out extremely fast; more than likely you'll have to re-visit the chief because of a weapon's HP rather than because of your own. Oh, and although your first dagger can't BREAK, it loses all of its upgrades if you let the HP reach zero. UPDATE FOR VERSION 1.5: The number of Atla you get on each floor appears to be random. Don't be concerned if your Atla doesn't match with mine. It's only important that the final total is the same. Level 1 - 8 Atla - Enemies include Dasher, which has a lot of hit points but is extremely slow, Skeleton Soldier, which is weak but can step back to dodge blows, and the Bat, which can poison you, making it the most dangerous enemy on this level. Circle around Bats and move in for one hit once you know you will connect. Fight everything else hit by hit (1 or 2 hit combos) also, because your weapons can't withstand much punishment at this point. - There is usually a tramway that leads to a second portion of the floor, but there is no guarentee that you'll find the oil to activate it. Since the levels are random, you can always get some elsewhere and come back. Level 2 - 8 Atla - Enemies can be the same as level 1, or sometimes Yammich is added. This creature hits VERY hard when you first get there. Treat them like bats; they can cause a good bit of trouble. Somewhere on this floor (I'm not sure if it always appears), is a large treasure chest with a Gladius in it (weapons may be randomized, on Level 5 I have gotten both a Shamshir and a Bone Rapier from the same location). This is the next step up from the Dagger. RECAP - By now you should have 16 parts to the town, a Gladius (or other new weapon), and a Dagger that is at least +2. If you didn't get the gourd from the chief's house (which raises your water capacity from three to four), get that now. You can do a few mini-quests with the town, but nothing is really worthwhile there yet. From now on when you adventure, switch to the Gladius when the Dagger is almost broken, heal the Dagger, and then switch back when the Gladius is in danger. You are doing this because the Dagger can by synthesized when it reaches +5, and you can then merge 60% of its power with another weapon. Don't waste any special upgrade items on the dagger, though. Level 3 - 6 Atla - The Statue is sometimes added to the bestiary here; this monster takes several hits with any weapon, and it can do upwards of 40 damage to the unsuspecting Toan. Hitting it also rapidly reduces your Weapon HP. You may also encounter Statue Dogs, which look like enlarged chests, but then jump up and attack. Though they hit fairly hard, they go down in one or two swings. Level 4 - 0 Atla - This level begins with three skeletons attacking Toan, and then you must duel a more advanced skeleton. After this, you receive three items and you proceed to level 5. Level 5 - 5 Atla - Still dealing with Statues and the like; there is a new weapon in the large chest... I got the Bone Rapier, exited the level, returned, and got the Shamshir. You should stay on this level until your Dagger is +5 and your second weapon (Gladius) is +3 or better. RECAP - Your Dagger +5 should be in a sphere now, as should your Gladius +5. I chose the Shamshir as the weapon to receive these spheres... its up to you which weapon you choose. You should have 27 Atla. Level 6 - 7 Atla - Nothing new here... just fight it out. I did encounter a few Mimics here, which appear to be normal chests until you open them, at which point they attack you. Not too difficult to defeat. After four plays through here, I found the Kitchen Knife, which only has 5 attack power, but has the Quench ability. Level 7 - 8 Atla - For me this was a limit level that had each hit reduce the experience of the weapon I used. So I just had to find a weapon with 0 experience and fight through the level with it. I first saw Ghosts here, but they fall fairly easily... Opar also appear here. They're massive, but I usually take them out with one hit from my Shamshir. The enemy that you duel on Level 4, the Master Jacket, appears here as a regular enemy, and he takes quite a beating before going down. Level 8 - 1 Atla - Its another duel, this time with the white haired man from the introduction. Fight it out, then return to town. RECAP/TOWN INFORMATION - If you haven't begun to lay out the town yet, now is your chance. The pieces you get in each area seem to be somewhat random, but I'll try to cover all of the information here. If you fill the request meter 100%, you learn a new technique, Windmill Slash. - Macho's House - Place Macho and Kamacho down, and then talk to them. They'll ask for an Annex Room, a Lamp, a Fence, and a Barbell. Complete their house and get the reward. - Claude's House - Place Claude, a Fence, a Lamp, a Cabin, and a Bench down. Go inside and talk to Claude, and he'll tell you to put in a Candy Box. When you're done, you get a piece of cheese and a bar of soap. - Gaffer's Wagon (WARNING: Once the wagon is up, you get nothing more from the chief!) - Place the Odd Gaffer and a Lamp in the building, then go talk to the Gaffer. He'll ask for supplies and a sign. Place these in, and then you can shop at his store. - Toan's House - You know the drill by now... build the house and then go inside for the event. When its over, walk upstairs to the cat and use the Change Potion on it; this will turn her into your new ally, Xiao. - Paige's House - You know how to do it... your reward is a pouch that increases your item holding capacity to 60 items. - Hag's House - Your reward is a storage closet that lets you keep extra items in her house. - Laura's House - Your reward is Dram's Feathers. - Dram's Windmill (the large one) - There are about eight treasures in this windmill, the most important of which is the key to the final boss of this area. Level 9 - 8 Atla - Nothing much here... Just keep on fighting. Level 10 - 7 Atla - Here we encounter the Rockonoff... perhaps the most irritating enemy thus far. It is a giant boulder that rolls after you... it slowly gains speed until it is faster than you, so running isn't an option. Just slash it right away and hope it dies before it hits you. A giant treasure chest held another Gladius... I sold it for $$$. Level 11 - 0 Atla - Here Xiao must fight by herself. Dragons appear here, which she can't even damage without a powerful weapon. You'll probably have to go back and level her up for this one. Level 12 - 8 Atla - Nothing much new down here either... I did fight a King Mimic though, it hit for about 50 damage (I had 10 defense at this point). RECAP - By now you should have melded a +5 or better Bone Sabre with your Shamshir. You should have accumulated at least 1000 gold plus a few hundred spending cash for items like repair powder. Level 13 - 8 Atla - Nothin... Level 14 - 7 Atla - Lots and lots 'o Dragons here... the large chest contained a ChrysKnife when I played... it's not as strong as the Shamshir... especially if you've powered up the Shamshir with the other weapons... but if you have the time you can level it up and place it in the Shamshir with the rest. Level 15 - BOSS - Dram is posessed and you must fight him. He'll fly around and shoot fireballs, but he's really quite easy. Just switch to Xiao, shoot him in the face with the slingshot, and switch back to Toan. When he lands to lick his wound, slash him, then repeat. Sometimes he'll to a surprise flying charge at you, but it only does ten damage. He doesn't have that much life... he never even hit Toan. III. First Dungeon Cleanup Information - If you're working on Building Up your Shamshir, you should fish and trade the points in for the gems that you need. It takes quite a while to build up the elemental powers of the Shamshir to the point that you can Build it Up. - Each of the houses has a specific request that you can fulfill. For instance, the Gaffer's Wagon is supposed to be placed near houses. The requests are very apparent (such as someone saying, "Man, I wish I could live near a pond!") IV. The Second Dungeon So you come to the magnificant second town... and nothing is there. You should at least have the Dusack or the equivalent upgrade (the first Build Up) with around 75-80 Attack and full Magic and Endurance. Follow Goro when you see him and you'll have to duel him. After he is defeated, walk to the left (with your back facing the entrance to Goro's house) and enter the Treant's home. The Fairy King will appear and tell you to go to the Wise Owl Forest. As a side note, Sundews take the place of Tram Oil in this dungeon. STOP HERE - You need ONE SUNDEW to reach the final boss. Keep the first one you get in storage. Level 1 - 8 Atla - There new enemies for this forest are a group of gnomes named Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There may be two others... either way, its a pretty week joke. One can poison you, and one can steal from you, so be careful, but if you have a good weapon they should fall in one hit. No really significant treasure here. To leave the level you have to use one of three things, a Red Berry, and Pointy Chestnut, or a Shiny Stone. It's random each level which once you can use, so its usually best to pick up all three. Level 2 - 7 Atla - There are two new enemies here, the Cannibal Plant, which is easily exterminated, and the Fli Fli, which is very irritating. It took me two hits to kill them when I first encountered them, which makes them very dangerous, although they only did 30 damage. Nothing else new. Level 3 - 8 Atla - Two new enemies here also. The Hornet is easy to knock out of the air, but the KingPrickly can surprise you because it's not readily apparent on the screen. Those of you who have played Zelda 64 will recognize the Skultulla's drop and attack maneuver. If you see a red dot on the screen but no enemy, assume that one will drop from the sky. Level 4 - 0 Atla - This was a limit level for me with Xiao alone allowed to fight here. Level 5 - 8 Atla - One new enemy, the Haleyhole... I kinda feel bad about killing this thing because its so weak. Mimics reappear here also. Still no large treasure chest. RECAP - I'd recommend starting to build your town here if you haven't already. A gourd is inside each of the waterwheels. Your sword should almost be ready for the second Build Up (I got the 7Branch Sword out of the Dusack, but you can also get the Brave Ark). If you need some elements, don't worry... you can buy bait in the shop (which you haven't built quite yet). Prickly bait costs 400 gold. Level 6 - 8 Atla - You get to fight Witch Illza... these guys aren't that tough, but sometimes they start to teleport around, and it gets annoying. If you're waiting to use the rest of your Sundews on the later levels, you might as well use them now... (obviously, don't use the one you need for the boss). I got some good gems and a few level up powders on this back level and the Level 5 back level. Level 7 - 8 Atla - Nothing much new here... When you get back to town you should have 25 river pieces. When you do, connect the waterfall to the rest of the rivers and you'll revive the Treant. Go speak to him, and he'll give you the Serpent Sword. You'll need this soon, so hang on to it. Level 8 - 7 Atla - Nothin... RECAP - You should have built Cacao's house completely by now. When you get the EVENT for doing so, he gives you the Odd Tone Flute. Equip the Serpent Sword and enter Level 9 of the dungeon. Level 9 - 0 Atla - When you enter this area, you must duel two Werewolves. After this, turn to the left, walk in front of the cave, and play the Odd Tone Flute. When the snake emerges, you can duel it with the Serpent Sword (you automatically lose without the Serpent Sword). RECAP - Take the Bone Pendant that you get from the snake and take it to Goro. Show it to him and he and his father's spirit will have a diologue. Goro remains his selfish self, but he joins you "for him." And he is by far the worst character yet in this game. Level 10 - 7 Atla - To enter this level, use Goro to pound the switch on Level 9. The Earth Digger shows up here, and it can be somewhat tricky to hit it. If you have trouble with them, just switch to Xiao and shoot them. Some of the doors now require Goro's hammer to open. When I played, the back level featured Werewolves, which pump up your weapon experience extremely fast. Level 11 - 7 Atla - Nothing new here... Level 12 - 0 Atla - You have to play through this level as Goro. I took Xiao on level 11 to shoot Witch Illzas with her Bandit Slingshot (which steals). This yields poison apples. After I had about 20, I came in here with Goro and poisoned all the monsters to death. If you can't steal, Bombs, Bomb Nuts, and the like work just as well. Level 13 - 8 Atla - Just a normal level... I had a Limit Zone here that made my thirst meter go down twice as fast as normal. I also found a Magic Hammer for Goro with an attack of 63. I would consider returning to this level if I didn't get the Hammer on the first time for the sole reason that Goro is useless with his Wooden Hammer. Level 14 - 8 Atla - Werewolves become normal enemies here, and those gnomes from the first few levels make a comeback. This level yields some good weapon experience. Level 15 - 5 Atla - Another Limit Zone that doubles the speed of water depletion... RECAP - You should have completed the Mushroom House by now and activated the EVENT. That event gives you the seed that, along with the Sun Dew, allows you to enter the Boss' lair. Level 16 - 5 Atla - Standard fare... NOTE: I got a lot of comments suggesting that I cut the "Town Recap" from this and further sections and only mention buildings when they are important. If you like this better, let me know. Level 17 - BOSS - Plant the seed you got earlier and then water it with Sun Dew. The boss is farily easy... just walk up to him with Goro and smash his feet. When he falls down, switch to Toan and slash at him. Repeat. He should go down after 2 or 3 of of Toan's hits. You can try to fight him without using Goro, but its much harder. In my game, Toan hit him for around 25 normally, and 201 after Goro had knocked him down. V. Second Dungeon Cleanup - You should Build Up Toan's sword before continuing on to the next village. If you don't have enough points, fishing is fairly efficient here. Many fish give over 30 points. You should also make sure that both Xiao and Goro have weapons with an attack over 60... if you have time, build Xiao's weapon up to the next level. For getting a 100% request meter in this town, Goro is given the Battle Axe, his father's weapon. You can build up the Magic Hammer and Synth it with the Battle Axe for a very powerful weapon. VI. The Third Dungeon After you do the quick cutscene in Brownboo villiage, its off to Queens. Just go through the door on the far end of the map and talk to the merchant. He'll open his shop and direct you to the submarine that leads to the Third Dungeon. The Flapping Fish item is the equivalent of the Sun Dew/Tram Oil here, but it can spoil, so use them quickly when you get them. Level 1 - 5 Atla - Enemies on this first level include Gunnies, which are large hermit crabs with a good number of HP, and the Corcea, which is an undead zombie-like creature with two swords (he is easily defeated). You are searching for the Hook item to get to the next level (ie: Dram's Crest). There is a large chest on this level that yielded a gem when I played through. Level 2 - 8 Atla - The only new enemy here is the Cursed Rose, which bears a suspicious resemblance to the Cannibal Plant. Level 3 - 4 Atla - This was the Thirst Increase Limit Level... just run through it... the Back Level featured the Captain as an enemy, and he fell just as quickly as the Corcea. Some enemies drop items like Attack + 2 gems... I'm not sure if this holds true for the entire dungeon or just this level. Level 4 - 4 Atla - Here Mimics make their long anticipated return to combat. Everything else is standard fare... Level 5 - 0 Atla - I had a Limit Level here that allowed only Xiao to fight. I learned that you can steal repair powders from Mimics, which is useful. I also found a hammer for Goro called the Last Judgement that starts with 99 Attack power. This level would be worth repeating until you find this weapon... Level 6 - 8 Atla - We have a new enemy here, the Gyon. It's not too tough; I killed it in one hit. Nothing else important here... Level 7 - 5 Atla - Another new enemy here... the Scm... this thing shoots ice, but it falls quickly. It does block occasionally, though. Level 8 - 8 Atla - You meet the Captain from the earlier levels here... he's just like a Corcea but with more HP and a bit more attack power. There is an occasional large chest here, from which I have gotten the Sand Breaker (sword), and several Magical Hammers. The Back Level here features Auntie Medu, which did 133 damage to me in one hit. Level 9 - 0 Atla - A cutscene followed by an easy battle with a Corcea, Captain, and a new enemy, the Pirate's Chariot, which is a fairly difficult cannon. You need Ruby to advance to the next floor. RECAP - To get Ruby, you need to complete King's Hideaway. Go inside for the Event, and Ruby joins your team. In the dungeon, certain doors are activated by colored crystals (Blue, Green, Red, Pink, and Yellow (I'm assuming Yellow, I've never seen this one). The color of Ruby's shot is determined by the Element of her weapon. To activate the crystal doors, you must match the color of her shot with the color of the crystal. Level 10 - 3 Atla - I had a Limited Zone here that stole my weapon experience each time I hit. The Pirate's Chariot becomes a common theme here; two at once can cause a lot of trouble. Level 11 - 5 Atla - Nothing much here other than a King Mimic... Level 12 - 0 Atla - This is a limited zone in which only Ruby can fight... Bring several soaps in case she gets gooed, and bring a couple of waters since she only starts with three drops on her bar. This isn't as tough as the other character-limited Limit Zones. Level 13 - 6 Atla - Auntie Medu makes her regular-level debut here; she's not as tough as she was in the back levels, but she can still do some damage. Level 14 - 5 Atla - The Mask of Prajna starts appearing here... it can't hit that hard, but it can poison, so be careful... Not much else... Level 15 - 5 Atla - Nothin... Level 16 - 3 Atla - Nothin... RECAP - Before you enter Level 17, go to the Cathedral for the Event, and learn about the princess. Then go to the Fortune Teller's Tent and ask her about the princess. She directs you to the shop next to the Submarine, where you can pick up a Music Box Key from the desk. Level 17 - 5 Atla - At the end of this level, instead of an exit, there is a large treasure chest. Use the Music Box Key, and prepare to fight the third boss. To defeat this Ice Queen, you must vary your attacks. When she has a shield on, you must hit her with a physical attack (ie: hammer, slingshot, or sword). When her shield is off, you must hit her with Ruby's magic. Do this on and off, she has thousands of hit points. She is EXTREMELY difficult to defeat, but she becomes much easier if all of your weapons have a very strong, active fire attribute. VII. The Fourth Dungeon After taking the moon orb to Brownboo village, its off to a temple in the middle of the desert. The King's Slate will permit you to advance to the next floor here, and the Secret Path Key allows access to the back levels. To reach the town area, you must physically WALK off of the screen where Ungaga is standing when you first get there. Level 1 - 6 Atla - Only two enemies here, the Mummy, which attacks with a whip, and the Phantom, which is just a souped up Hornet. The Phantom is fairly fast, and can cause some problems if you don't use Ruby/Xiao. Level 2 - 4 Atla - The only new thing here is the Bomberhead, which attacks with lunging punches. When you kill it, it explodes, so unless you use the Windmill attack with Toan, you should probably stick to Ruby/Xiao when fighting it. Level 3 - 6 Atla - The mimic is back... Level 4 - 4 Atla - This level introduces the Golem, which can take a beating. It is slow, but its attack has an area effect, so it is easy to accidentally get hit. Level 5 - 0 Atla - I had a limit level that only allowed Goro to fight here... Level 6 - 7 Atla - I had a limit level here that decreased by weapon experience with each hit. Aside from that, Mr. Blare appears in this level, and it is an extremely annoying opponent. It shoots fireballs for a substantial amount of damage, and if Toan or Goro hit it while it is blocking, it takes four weapon HP away. The back level here has Crabby Hermits (very easy) and Dunes, which are giant mobile sand dunes. Level 7 - 3 Atla - The Crabby Hermit becomes a regular here. I find it easier to kill them when I'm not locked on. Level 8 - 3 Atla - Nothin new... RECAP - To get Ungaga, who you must use to finish the next level, you must complete the 3 Sisters' House. Once you activate the event, he joins your team. Level 9 - 0 Atla - This is a mini-boss: two golems, one gold and one silver. I'm not sure if they're difficult... I killed them in one hit, so I assume they can't be that tough... At the other end of the room is a door blocked by the Black Wind. To get by this, use Ungaga's charged attack (whirlwind) to blow the wind away. Level 10 - 7 Atla - I had a thirst limit level here... the Dune becomes a regular enemy here, it isn't that tough to kill, but it has a very sneaky attack. Try to come from the side. Level 11 - 8 Atla - Nothing new. Level 12 - 1 Atla - Nothin... Level 13 - 0 Atla - This is a limit level where only Ungaga can fight. Near the end of this level I got a large chest with a Halberd for him, but he's still pretty weak at this point. Level 14 - 4 Atla - Nothing new here... but there is a big chest which contains fairly good weapons. Level 15 - 2 Atla - The Steel Giant appears here... it's just like the Golem, but with a much higher defense and a somewhat stronger offense. These things also break down weapon HP extremely fast (my Chronicle Sword was losing 5 WHP for each kill). Level 16 - 7 Atla - This level was all mimics when I played... I don't know if that's standard in every game or not. Not much else to speak of. Level 17 - 5 Atla - The Blue Dragon appears here... and guess what... it's just like the regular dragon, but stronger! Big deal... RECAP - At this point you need to return to the village to get the Sun and Moon Crests. To do this, you must speak to the Chief at night. She will tell you to visit Zobo and Enga, who will then give you the crests. Also, if you haven't done so, finish Toto's house to get the Sun Sword. You don't need it, but its a decent weapon. ALSO NOTE that when you finish the boss... you CANNOT return to the town because you are taken to the moon. Level 18 - BOSS - The boss is named the King's Curse, and he is fairly simple. When he is in mist form, use Ungaga's wind blast to make him vulnerable. Then switch to your most powerful hitter, and strike at him. Rinse and Repeat. He has around 3,500 HP, so you need at least one person with an attack power over 140 if you want to finish this with any rapidity at all. IX. Gem List & Effects -Opal: +10 Endurance, +10 against Metal and +10 against Mages -Topaz: +5 Attack, + 10 against Undead, +10 against Flying creatures -Peridot: +5 Attack, +10 Holy Element, +10 against Plants, and +10 against Beasts -Ruby: +10 Speed, +10 to Fire Element, +10 against Mimics -Emerald: +10 Magic, +10 against Dinosaurs and +10 against Plants -Pearl: +10 Endurance, +10 Thunder Element, +10 against Undead -Aquamarine: +10 Ice Element, +10 against Flying Creatures, +10 against Marine -Turquoise: +10 Ice Element, +10 against Stone, +10 against Mimics -Sapphire: +10 Magic, +10 Wind Element, +10 against Flying creatures -Garnet: +5 Attack, +10 Fire Element, +10 against stone, +10 against Flying creatures -Amethyst: +10 Ice Element, +10 against Dinosaurs, +10 against Mages -Diamond: +5 to All Anti-Creature stats, except +10 against Metal X. Copyright & Credit Information Thanks to Juan Cardarelli for submitting the Gem List. Copyright 2001 Shadow9156; All Rights Reserved. This faq may be printed out and distributed as long as it is not for profit and it appears in its complete form. No webpages other than Gamefaqs, Gamespot, , and Cheat Code Central may feature this FAQ without asking my permission through e-mail. The music on http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/246/dj_jda.html is Copyright 2001 DJ JDA and may be copied in limited quantities for personal use only.