-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- D a r k C l o u d F A Q / W a l k t h r o u g h -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- _____ ___ _____ _ _ / __ \ / _ \ | _ | | | / / | | \ \ / / \ \ | | | | | |/ / | | \ \ / /___\ \ | |_| | | / | | / / / _______ \ | | \ \ | | \ | |__/ / / / \ \ | | \ \ | |\ \ \_____/ /_/ \_\ |_| \_\ |_| \_\ _____ _ _____ _ _ _____ / ___\ | | / ___ \ | | | | / __ \ | | | | / / \ \ | | | | | | \ \ | | | | / / \ \ | | | | | | \ \ | | | | \ \ / / | | | | | | / / | |___ | |___ \ \___/ / | |__| | | |__/ / \_____/ |_____| \_____/ |______| \_____/ Created by: Weston Tappendorf Last Updated: July 15, 2001 |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | T a b l e o f | | C o n t e n t s | | | | Version History | | I. Introduction | | II. The Basics | | Controls | | Georama Building | | Dungeon Crawling | | III. The Story | | Characters | | IV. Georama Mode | | Norune Village | | Matataki Village | | Queens | | Muska Racka | | V. The Dungeons | | Divine Beast Cave | | Wise Owl Forest | | Shipwreck | | Sun & Moon Temple | | Moon Sea | | Gallery of Time | | Demon Shaft | | VI. Item Lists | | VII. Attachment Table | | VIII. Fishing Tricks | | IX. Submitted Info | | X. Contact Info | | XI. Legal Stuff | | XII. Credits | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| V1.8 July 15, 2001 - Geez. Its been a long time since I last updated! Sorry about that. I updated a few various things. Nothing major. Also, I changed the controls back to a box. The [ ] design was bothering me. Getting closer to that 'final' version! Wish me luck! V1.7 June 29, 2001 - Once again, there isn't much new. I just added a bunch of different things and tweaked this and that. V1.6 June 29, 2001 - I edited a large amount of my FAQ, changed around the layout, and rewrote quite a few things. I had to do all of this because somebody, who shall remain nameless, suggested the idea that all of this info was being plagiarized. I didn't want to get him/her upset further, so I simply spent a while rewriting everything. I hope everybody is happy now. V1.5 June 28, 2001 - Not much to report this update, I just added the 'submitted info' section for all you people out there who wish to submit things. V1.4 June 25, 2001 - Added quite a bit of things, such as my 'contact info'. Sorry I forgot to add that. I also updated the credits and added a few tables. V1.3 June 25, 2001 - Added the 'items' section, should have it up and running within a day or two. V1.2 June 24, 2001 - Wow. What a huge update! I added updated the 'georama mode' section, which took some time because I had to draw up all of the maps. Finally completed the story, and also tweaked the layout a bit. Finally think I like it. Oh! I also added the 'dungeon' section. Hope it helps! V1.1 June 23, 2001 - Added the 'characters' sections, it still needs to worked on but at least its up and running. I also got around to adding the 'georama mode', which will take a while to complete. What with the maps and everything. V1.0 June 21, 2001 - Initial FAQ Created. First version. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | I. Introduction | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Welcome! This is my first FAQ, so bear with me. With this FAQ I hope to bring you enough info and little tidbits to help your ever-so-busy gaming life and take on Dark Cloud! I know I've been waiting quite a while for this, Sony's first title for the PS2, ever since I saw the review for it in my favorite gaming magazine. I think what first caught me was the new Georama approach. I think its an absolutely wonderful idea! The concept of rebuilding towns and cities to your own tastes, don't you think its great? But enough ramblings, lets get down to the details! We'll first start with the basics. Yes, I know, a lot of you people out there don't care a bit about the controls or such, but I still need to include it to help out all those out there who use my FAQ to help them through the begining to the end of the game (Thank you!). And yes, I know the Dark Cloud logo on the top of the page isn't very good. No need to say it! But I felt I should spend a lot more time on the FAQ itself, insted of some flashy logo. How's that for an excuse? ^_^ |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | II. The Basics | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| In this section I will cover the basics of the game, such as the controls and the different modes. The Georama Mode is new, so it might be a bit difficult to cover, but I'll do my best. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Controls | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| I know you might not be interested in the controls, but here they are just incase you are one of those people who learn the controls before you play the game. ____________________________________________________ | D-Pad Move Character/Move Cursor | | Right Analog Stick N/A | | Left Analog Stick Walk/Run/Move Cursor/Climb | | Triangle Button Open Menu/Place/Buy/Sell | | Square Button Open Item Menu("!")/Use Item | | Circle Button Cancel/Close Menu | | Cross Button Confirm/Action Button | | R1 Select Weapon/Block/Items | | R2 First Person/Adjust Camera | | L1 Select Weapon/Switch/Items | | L2 N/A | | Start Button Pause Game | | Select Button Open Georama/Switch Chars | |____________________________________________________| |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Georama Building | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| The Georama Building Mode. Pretty darn neat, huh? I think its wonderful addition, and it also gives dungeon crawling an extra spice. I'll explain how to build. Before you can even start building, you need things called Atla. Atla contain every person, place, and thing in the villages that the Dark Geine destroyed. In order to begin building, you need to enter the Georama Building Mode. Simply press (select) to enter it, but you can only do it in the villages themselves. Also, before you can place the Atla you've collected you need to reasemble them. Each piece requires different things. Everything from torches to lamps, stairways to stairway roofs, bikes to cars. Once you complete an Atla piece you can place it, and you will be rewarded with a gift. Once all of this sinks in, you can start placing the items. You can only place them in certain spaces though. You can also place extras, such as trees and water. Some buildings will have requests. In order to find out the requests you must talk to the citizens and ask them. Once you find out, try your best to do what they ask. If you complete 100% of the requests you will get another extra gift. That about covers the Georama Building. Go give it a try yourself! You'll enjoy it, I know I did. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Dungeon Crawling | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| As in most games, there will be dungeons to crawl through. But! Fear not! Aside from gathering items, weapons, and such, you can gather Atla. I think that makes the dungeon experiance much better. There are a few things you need to know about the dungeons. As you progress, your Thirst Meter (Displayed in the upper-left corner) will decrease. If it runs out you will begin to take damage. In order to prevent this, drink water or walk into water. Also, you can only have three items on your belt. These items you can quickly use, without moving to your inventory screen. You can hold up to 9 of each item on your belt, with some exceptions. Such as: You cannot have more then 1 auto repair powder, you cannot have more then 1 amulet, you cannot have more then 1 Dran's Feather, etc. Also, in order to progress to the next floor you need to find an item to open the door. One enemy in the dungeon will carry this item, and you have to kill it in order to get it. Once you leave the floor, or dungeon, all of your dungeon keys will disappear and you will have to find them again. You might also find smaller keys, which can be used to open doors in the dungeons and progress onward. You will also find new allies in your journeys, and you can switch between them quickly be pressing the (select) button. Each ally has a different type of weapon. Some long-ranged, some short. You will also find large treasure chests, which can contain one of three things: a weapon, a mimic, or the Happy Clown. In order to get a weapon you must either use a treasure key or guess the trap. The mimic you must kill, and it might contain an item if you do. The Happy Clown will give you a free item, either from the large or small box. You can only choose one. There are also small treasure chests, which can contain either a mimic or a treasure item. Dungeons also contain back floors. Back floors contain much better items, such as gems and attachments. The monsters are also tougher. In order to reach the back floor you must have an item, and reach the back floor entrance. A (?) is the back floor entrance, if you're looking on your map. Each dungeon back floor requires a different item. Some require a key, others an eye. Well, that about covers the dungeon section. I hope this section has helped you a bit, now go enter that dungeon and have some fun! |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | III. The Story | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| 400 Years Ago... The King of the Eastern Continent, Seda, and the King of the Western Continent were at war for a long, long time. Neither Kingdom could best the other, until the Western Continent's Wizard Army delt a deadly blow to the King of the East. Seda knew his Kingdom was falling, but he could do nothing to protect his people. One day, while he sat alone under the shade of a tree, a mage shrouded in darkness approached. He offered the King an unholy victory. Desperately, Seda accepted. The West fell. The East survived, but shortly after the Eastern King's beloved perished. She died protecting Seda, and his grief over her death soon consumed him too. A creature of darkness was born that night, and the Kingdom of the East fell as well. The Present... In Norune Village, Toan, a young boy, leaps from his house as music floats through the air. The villagers dance and sing in celebration of the Harvest Festival. Not far from Norune, the creature of darkness, once sealed away, the Dark Geine was born again. Toan looks for his friend, Paige, among the crowd. But in the sky above, the Dark Geine arrives blasts Norune to dust. Toan awakens alone and confused to see an ancient man standing before him. The Spirit King, he calls himself. He explains how in the last seconds before Norune and several other villages vanifhsed, he cast a spell. Everything was encased in spheres called Atla. The Atla contains every person from Norune. The Spirit King then grants Toan the power of the Atlamilla, the power to free the people from the Atla. Toan then begins his quest to destroy the Dark Geine, and return his home. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Characters | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Toan - "Hero of the Atlamilla." Max HP: 170 Favorite Food: Fluffy Doughnut Weapon of Choice: Swords Special Move: Jump & Slash, Whirlwind Background: Toan wears a poncho, an odd hat, and can wield very big swords. Pretty darn strange for a main character. And he doesn't talk! Even if that may be, he is still one of the best characters. With his high HP and multiple special moves, Toan can really pack a punch. At higher levels, when his swords are upgraded to the 7th Heaven (Serpent Sword - Evilcise - Drain Seeker - Dark Cloud - 7th Heaven) he can take down enemies in one blow! Even in the Demon Shaft. Xiao - "Cat transformed with ChangePotion." Max HP: 140 Favorite Food: Fish Candy Weapon of Choice: Slingshots Special Move: None Background: Xiao is, or rather was, a cat. Not much to say, huh? She uses slingshots as her main weapon which can be your best friend through the first few dungeons. She can easily leap over pits with her agility in dungeons, and provides to be a usefull ally. Also, her slingshot "Steve" is the best weapon in the game. Well, maybe not, but it is the most entertaining. Goro - "Powerful hunter of Matataki Village." Max HP: 170 Favorite Food: Grass Cake Weapon of Choice: Mallets Special Move: Earthquake Smash Background: Goro is the son of the most famous hunter in Matataki Village. He is a bit.. chubby, to say the least, but he can throw his mallet around with ease when needed. His special move is very useful when you get surrounded and he can smash certain blocks to open doors. Ruby - "A genie. Uses powerful magic." Max HP: 140 Favorite Food: Witch Parfait Weapon of Choice: Magic Rings Special Move: Charged Magic Attack Background: A genie in a bottle. Simple, eh? Ruby joins your party after Toan drops her magic lamp and releases her. She uses powerful magic rings, which can deal a real punch if you use her charged magic attack. She can activate some doors by hitting a nearby crystal with her rings. Ungaga - "Desert Warrior. Controls wind." Max HP: 150 Favorite Food: Scorpion Tail Weapon of Choice: Staves Special Move: Wind Blast Background: Ungaga is Muska Lacka's most powerful hunter. After he failed to protect his love, he lost his spirit and sunk into a deep depresion. But not to worry! He regains his confidence and joins your party after you venture down into the Sun & Moon Temple. You have to find his love, rebuild her house, and go talk to her. He uses staves as his weapon of choice and can easily blow away black wind with his special move Osmond - "Moon People leader. Inventor." Max HP: 160 Favorite Food: Weapon of Choice: Guns Special Move: None Background: Osmond is the leader of the Moon People, and a genius inventor. He designed the Sun Giant, which, after its first test, actually broke... All-in-all, Osmond is a well-rounded character that can fly over vast pits in dungeons. He uses long-ranged guns as his weapon, which can really pack in the damage once you level them up. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | IV. Georama Mode | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| What an innovative idea! I think its a great one, really, I do. It adds an extra spice to dungeon crawling. Insted of just finding money, items, etc., you find Atla pieces and can rebuild villages and cities however you like. At this point though you might be asking, "What is Atla?". Well, let me answer that. Atla are pieces of the villages and cities you will be rebuilding in your quest to stop the Dark Geine. When the Dark Geine attacked Norune Village, the Faerie King sealed up the village into Atla to prevent the Geine from destroying everything. With the Atlamilla on hand, you can free the people and houses from the Atla and reassemble them. Make sense? Its a bit confusing at first, but after a while it will all sink in. In order to make all the townsfolk happy you have to talk to them often and find out what would please them. Once this is done you merely assemble the village to whatever their tastes are. That makes them happy, and you happy too, because you receive some sort of gift for getting 100% of the requests. It can be anything from a special skill to a weapon. But enough ramblings! Lets get started. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Norune Village | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| After you take on a few floors on the Divine Beast Cave you should have enough Atla to get started rebuilding the first village, Norune Village. You will probably start off by building Macho's house, which doesn't offer too much. After you rebuild it all you get is a mere attachment, which, I suppose, isn't all that bad near the begining of the game. So get to work and rebuild that village! :) ------------ --------------- Toan's House How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Keg Toan's mother, Renee, likes to wake up to the sun - Chimney all you have to do is have the house face east. - Upstairs Storage That will keep Renee happy. - Renee - Llama - Stray Cat ------------- --------------- Macho's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Fence Macho and Komacho like to keep up their muscles, so - Lamp just place their house near the Divine Beast Cave. - Annex Room The monsters will do the rest. - Barbell - Macho - Komacho ------------- --------------- Laura's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Fance Laura just can't stand the sound the Village Chief - Lamp makes, and who can blame her? Just place her house - Annex Room a good ways away from the Chief and she will be - Tricycle happy. - Auntie Laura - Gina ------------- --------------- Paige's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Fence Just place Pike near the fishing pond, he loves - Lamp fishing. And who knows, he might teach you a - Cabin thing or two! As for Paige, she seems to be happy - Wheels anywhere. Just so long as she is with Pike. - Pike - Paige -------------- --------------- Claude's House How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Fence This is very simple! All you have to do is place - Lamp Claude near Alnet, he just loves Alnet's home - Cabin cooking. - Bench - Candy Box - Claude ----------- --------------- Hag's House How to rebuild: ----------- --------------- - Fence This is more difficult then most people think, - Lamp because you have to complete two requests. You have - Cabin to first place her house facing Dran's Windmill - Bench blades, because she believes they have a little bit - Jar of magic in them. Second, you have to free Dran from - Hag his trance. Thats it! ------------- --------------- Alnet's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Lamp Alnet doesn't like Macho or Komacho, so just place - Cabin her house a good distance from their house. That - Stairway will keep her happy. - Alnet - Carl - Llama -------------- --------------- Gaffer's Buggy How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Supplies Gaffer is easy to please, all you have to do is - Sign place him near at least two houses. He will be - Lamp happy with all the customers. If you want the better - Gaffer items, have Pike around when you complete his buggy. - If you don't have Pike when you complete Gaffer's - Buggy, Gaffer will hurt his back and his selection. -------------- --------------- Dran's Windmill How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Dran's Blades There really isn't any trick to rebuilding Dran's - Torch Windmill. Just place it someplace where the blades - Dran's Horn face the Hag's house, at least that will make her - Sign happy. Once you complete the Windmill you receive - the key needed to fight Dran on floor 15. - -------------- --------------- Small Windmill How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Windmill Vanes Well, all you have to do is attach the vanes and - Laddar the laddar. Thats it. Then place it wherever looks - best. I happen to think they look good behind the - houses, but thats just me. - - Ok, next, the map itself. I would recommend you build the whole village yourself, without any help from the following picture. Its so enjoyable to rebuild it yourself! Trust me. But, if you just have to have help then keep scrolling down. I know it isn't very clear or accurate, but its more or less just to give you a rough idea of what it should look like. I added the trees and windmills for all you perfectionist (Like myself). I didn't add the roads however, because that would just screw up the whole map. I also know the legend is bigger then the map, so shhh! Just sit back and look it over, its better then nothing... isn't it? :) ______________________________________________________________ | | | L e g e n d | |______________________________________________________________| | Laura - Laura's House Hag - Hag's House | | Macho - Macho's House G - Gaffer's Buggy | | Paige - Paige's House * - Toan's House | | Pond - Fishing Pond $ - Tree | | Dran - Dran's Windmill ^ - Small Windmill (1, 2, 3) | | Aln - Alnet's House # - Bridge | | Cla - Claude's House | |______________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ | _____ _____ | | |Laura|^ |Macho| |_ | $|_____|$ |_____| | <--- To Divine Beast _| _______________ _____ _| Cavern | |____#________ | |Paige| | |_ ___ |#| |_____|____ | ^| ________ $ | || | |Pond| | M| | Dran |$ | * ||#| $ |____| | a| |________| |___|| | ___ | P|____________________| | $| | | |____#_________________| |Aln| | | $ $ ___|___|^ | | _____ _ | | | | | Hag | $^ |G|_ |Cla| | | |_____| |___| $|___| | |_________________| |_____________________| | | <--- Mayor's House |______| |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Matataki Village | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Matataki Village is rather much different from Norune. Its just much larger, the houses are different (I think they look better), there are two, count 'em two, fishing ponds, and that also means more requests. So charge into the Wise Owl Forest, gather some Atla, and lets get started! ----------- --------------- Pao's House How to rebuild: ----------- --------------- - Torch This can be easy, or hard, depending on if you - Sign noticed the Peanut Pond or not. All you have to - Stairway do is place his house near it. He loves to take - Laundry a quick dip in there. Poor fish. - Pao - ------------- --------------- Cacao's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Torch Ouch. Cacao needs to have at least four trees nearby - Sign himself, so that ruins the placement of all the other - Stairway trees. Oh well. It makes him happy. - Laundry - Cabin - Cacao --------------- --------------- Bunbuku's House How to rebuild: --------------- --------------- - Torch Just place a Watermill nearby, that way Bunbuku doesn't - Sign mind changing the sheets if Kululu wets them. Eww. - Stairway - Cabin - Bunbuku - Kululu ------------------ --------------- Kye&Momo's's House How to rebuild: ------------------ --------------- - Torch Place Momo near the Wise Owl Shop, she loves to shop - Sign even if Mr. Mustache charges too much. She will - Stairway mention that a lot. - Cabin - Kye - Momo ------------- --------------- Baron's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Torch The Baron loves to hear the sound of a waterfall, - Sign but he has bad hearing. Solution? Place him near - Roof the largest waterfall in the village. He should - Branch be able to hear that. - Ancient Baron - --------------- --------------- Couscous' House How to rebuild: --------------- --------------- - Torch I never really did understand Couscous... a strange - Sign looking turtle thing, stuck living in a turtle shell, - Grass eatting candy all day with grass growing on his head. - Couscous I just don't get it... but if you place him high up, - like on the raised earth A or B, he will be very happy. - He even gives you some candy! Kululu loves candy. ----------- --------------- Gob's House How to rebuild: ----------- --------------- - Torch Gob likes to be nearby Momo (Well, who can blame him?) - Sign so just place him nearby. Pretty simple. - Bone - Tree - Gob - -------------- --------------- Mushroom House How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Torch I don't understand this either. A couple, living - Sign in a mushroom? Thats just plain confusing. Anyways, - Second Floor Ro and Annie like a good view. But, in order to have - Balcony a good view they have to be up high. So just place - Ro them on raised earth (A or B) and have their balcony - Annie face the waterfall That should be a wonderful view. ---- --------------- Well How to rebuild: ---- --------------- - Torch Not much here. Just attach all the parts and - Stairway place them wherever you want. - Roof - Bucket - - --------- --------------- Watermill How to rebuild: --------- --------------- - Torch Same as the well, attach all the parts and place wherever - Water Wheel it looks best. - - - - ------------- --------------- Wise Owl Shop How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Torch Just surround Mr. Mustache with water, he says it - Sign reminds him of home. He isn't from the Wise Owl - Entrance Forest, you know Must be why he charges so gosh - Wise Owl Entrance darn much. - Mr. Mustache - Once again, let me just say that its much more enjoyable if you rebuild the village yourself. Blah, blah, blah. If you're reading this, you must not care so here goes... this is a pretty large place, I hope I can fit it all on a map. ______________________________________________________________ | | | L e g e n d | |______________________________________________________________| | | | Mush - Mushroom House * - Fishing Spot | | Cous - Couscous' House $ - Tree | | Wise - Wise Owl Shop & - Well | | Cac - Cacao's House @ - Watermill | | Gob - Gob's House # - Bridge | | Pea - Peanut Pond A - Earth A | | Bun - Bunbuku's House B - Earth B | | Ba - Baron's House | |______________________________________________________________| ___ Forest Guardian --->| | _________| |_________ | _____|#| $ | | | _#@__|___ | | | || ____ | | | | || |Cous| | | | | ||A|____| | | (Right half) __| |#||________| $ | __ | | | |Pao| | Goro's House --->| | | | |& |___|____ | _______________________| |____| ___ |#| _/Pea*/ | / \ \ |Bun | |Gob| $| | \____/ |_ +--> / \ \ &|____| |___| | | | <--- | / \ \________________________________| |_________ _| Wise | / \______#___________@_#___________ _______#_ | | Owl | / ___ |#| ____ | | | Forest | | $ ___$ | K | | | |Wise| | | | | | |Cac| | y | | |_|____|_| | | | | $|___|$ |___| |____________| | | \_______________________ __________________________________| +-- To Left Half |__| <--- Map | | | | ________| |________ / | Waterfall* | \ / \______ ______/ \ / |#|$ __ \ | | |_ /Ba\ | | ________ |_ | \__/ | | | ____ | | | | | | |Mush| | |@| | | | |____| | |#| | | |________| | |& | | $ ____| | | \ | ____| | \ |#| ___/ \ | | / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \/ <--- To Right Half \ \/ \____/ |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Queens | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Wow! What a change from a mountain hunting village! Queens even has a car! Strange, huh? At least you have access to a shop as soon as you arrive. Queens is seperated into three sections. A higher section, for the church and Leaning Tower, a lower section with seaport access, and another lower section without seaport access. Queens has wonderful shops, too. Joker's sells a few attachments (Sea & Mage) and Fire, Ice, Wind, Thunder, and Holy. Yay! ^_^ He also sells the gems, which you can equip and throw to do fair damage. I don't like them much, but you might. Also, there is a weapons shop with a few good picks. Once you get Ruby you must be the ring! Its much better. There is also a fish market and water vendor. Storage too. Isn't it great? Not that bad of music either! So lets hit that Shipwreck and start buildin'! ------------ --------------- Ruty's store How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Pushcart (Fish) Ruty likes to be near the sea so she can retrieve - Pushcart (Fish) her fresh fish easily. Simply place her in one of - Pushcart (Fish) the lower sections, near the exits to the seaport. - Ruty - - ------------ --------------- Suzy's Store How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Keg Easy. Place Suzy and her shop next to the fountain. - Urn - Pushcart - Lamp - Suzy - ------------ --------------- Lana's Store How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Pushcart (Fruit) Lana is alwas worried about her son, Jake, so she - Pushcart (Fruit) would like to be near him. Easy. Simply place Lana - Pushcart (Fruit) and her fruit carts near King's so she can keep an - Lana eye on her son. - - ------------ --------------- Jack's Store How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Chimney Place Jack and his store near Suzy's Watery, that will - Sunshade make him happy. Even if it doesn't lower his high - Sign prices. Oh well. - Lamp - Annex Room - Jack ------------- --------------- Joker's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Chimney Joker can't stand Wilder or Sam, the sheriffs, so - Sunshade just place him away from the Sheriff Office. - Sign - Lamp - Joker - -------------- --------------- Divining House How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Snake This isn't as easy as the other requests. You need - Sign to set Yaya's House so that her snake on top can - Yaya see the sun rise. You can't place it in certain - corners where the sun won't hit. So I suggest the - lower sections. Just make sure that snake sees the - sun! --------- --------------- Cathedral How to rebuild: --------- --------------- - Hat Shaped Roof You need to place the Cathedral near the Leaning - Torch Tower because Phil believes the Leaning Tower has - Mark a bit of magic in it. Sound familiar? Also, you have - Phil to have the Cathedral face the sea so he can pray to - calm the spirit of the Queen. - -------------- --------------- Baskar's Store How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Chimney Baskar believes that being high up is good for - Sunshade business, so just place his store in the higher - Sign section. That will keep him happy. - Second Floor - Lamp - Baskar -------------- --------------- King's Hideout How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Sunshade King can't stop talking about his car. Granted, its - Car its a really nice car, but its a car! Don't you find - Lamp something wrong with that? I sure do. Anyways, just - Jake place some road infront of the car. King wouldn't - Stew even think of driving it on dirt. - King ---------------- --------------- Sheriff's Office How to rebuild: ---------------- --------------- - Prison Wilder doesn't trust King, and with good reason. - Prison So place Wilder and Sam near King, so they can - Bicycle keep an eye on him. - Sign - Sam - Wilder -------- --------------- Fountain How to rebuild: -------- --------------- - Water's Surface Easier. Set the fountain up near Suzy. - Pillar - Spout - - - ------------- --------------- Leaning Tower How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Tower 2nd Floor Easiest. Just place is facing the Cathedral. - Tower 3rd Floor - - - - By now I'm sure you could care less about "Build it yourself! Don't read this!" so I'll just skip it. I'm going to do each section individually, so as to save space. I labeled them H1, L1, and L2. I also added a little mini-map. Enjoy! :) ______________________________________________________________ | | | L e g e n d | |______________________________________________________________| | | | Wilder- Sheriff's Office Jack - Jack's Store | | Baskar- Baskar's House Cath - Cathedral | | Tower - Leaning Tower Suzy - Suzy's Store | | Fount - Fountain Lan - Lana's Store | | King - King's Hideout $ - Tree | | Ruty - Ruty's Store | | Joke - Joker's House | | Divi - Diving House | |______________________________________________________________| __ ___ __| |__| |_______ | | W | | | L1 | a | L2 | | | l | | |________| k | | | | w |_______| | H1 | a | | | y | |________| | Map --->|___| (H1) __________________________________________ | _____ | | | | | | |Tower| | | |_____| ______ | | | | | | _____ |Basker| | | | | $ |______| | | _| |_ | | |Cathedral| | | |_________| |_ | | <--- To | _| Walkway | | |__________________________________________| (L1) To Seaport --->___ ______________________________| |_______ | | | _________________________ | | | |_ | ______ | | <--- To | ___ $ | | | _| Walkway | | | |Wilder| | | | |Lan| |______| | | | |___| | | | ____ | | | | | | | | |King| | | | ___| $ | | |____ | |__________________________________________| (L2) ______________________________________ | ____ $ | | $ |Ruty| | | ____ |____| | | | | ____ | | |Joke| |Divi| | _| |____| |____| | | $ | |_ ______ | ^| |Jack | | W| |______| | a| _____ | l| |Fount| | k| |_____| _____ | w| $ |Suzy | | a| |_____|$ | y|______________________________________| |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Muska Racka | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Muska Racka isn't one of the better villages to rebuild. There isn't even any story behind it. You just arrive, find out the Dark Geine has attacked, and rebuild it. Once and a while you'll hear about their enemies across the desert and how they alwas have to fight, but thats it. Nothing more. Muska Racka also has a strange Totem Pole tradition. Each villager has a mini totem pole and carved into the likeness of an animal or such. They then have to have that mini totem pole face a larger totem pole, so their mini totem pole animal faces the same larger totem pole animal. Get it? I know its a bit confusing, but just try it out. It'll make sense after you work with it. You don't have to complete many requests either, most of the villagers are happy with the pole guardian tradition. Easy, huh? :) ------------- --------------- Chief's House How to rebuild: ------------- --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. The Chief also - Cabin also likes to be near the Sun & Moon Temple, so - Cabin simply place her house near the entrance to the Sun - Chief Bonka & Moon Temple. - - -------------- --------------- Jibubu's House How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Cabin - Hay - Stairway - Jibubu - ------------ --------------- Zabo's House How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Mimi Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Roof - Odds & Ends - Hay - Zabo - --------------- --------------- 3Sisters' House How to rebuild: --------------- --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition and place the - Cabin oasis nearby so as the youngest sister can - Odds & Ends retrieve the daily water with ease. - Nagita - Devia - Mikara -------------- --------------- Brooke's House How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Cabin - Hay - Brooke - - ------------ --------------- Enga's House How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Stairway - Stairway Roof - Odds & Ends - Roof - Enga -------------- --------------- Prisoner Cabin How to rebuild: -------------- --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. Also, Gron - Stairway would like to see the sun rise every morning. So - Sign place his house in the right position so that he - Gron can see the sun rise. Lucky prisoner. - - ------------ --------------- Toto's House How to rebuild: ------------ --------------- - Mini Totem Pole Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Handle - Odds & Ends - Toto - Gosuke - ---------- --------------- Totem Pole How to rebuild: ---------- --------------- - Totem Pole 2nd Head Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Totem Pole 3rd Head - - - - ----- --------------- Oasis How to rebuild: ----- --------------- - Tree Keep up the pole guardian tradition. - Tree - Tree - - - I wonder how this is going to turn out... I don't think I'll be able to line up the totem poles, but I can show where they need to go. That just means you have to rotate them so they face the right way. That isn't too hard. ______________________________________________________________ | | | L e g e n d | |______________________________________________________________| | | | Zabo - Zabo's House Chf - Cheif's House | | 3Sis - 3Sisters' House Ung - Ungaga's House | | Enga - Enga's House Oasis- The Oasis | | Pris - Prisoner Cabin $ - Tree | | Toto - Toto's House * - Fishing Spot | | Jib - Jibubu's House A,B,C- Totem Pole | | Bro - Brooke's House | |______________________________________________________________| _________________________________________ | $ ____ | | ___ $ ____ |Pris| $ |_ | | | |Enga| |____| ____ | <--- To Sun & | |Ung| C |____| |Chf | _| Moon Temple | |___| ____ A |____| | | |Jib | $ $ ____ | | |____| |Toto| $ | | $ |____| | | ____ | | |Bro | ___ | | $ |____| $ | \__ | | ____ ____ |Oasis*\ | | |Zabo| B |3Sis| \_____/ | | |____| |____| | |___________ _________________________| |___| <--- Map That concludes this section of the FAQ. I won't be able to add the info for the Moon Factory for a while. Not until I can find someone who hasn't past it already. But I will add it sometime! Thats a promise. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | V. The Dungeons | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| I can't honestly say you're gonna need that much help with the dungeons, mainly because it lists all the Atla you have collected and all the Atla you have missed for each floor. But, I feel I should include this anyways. At least the boss tips might help. :) |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Divine Beast Cave | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| B 1 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B 2 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B 3 - OOOOOOO - 7 Atla B 4 - - B 5 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B 6 - OOO - 3 Atla B 7 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B 8 - O - 1 Atla B 9 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B10 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla B11 - - B12 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B13 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B14 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla B15 - Divine Beast Dran's Chamber BOSS: Dran can be pretty tough the first few times you fight him. I suggest you power up your weapons (Both Toan and Xiao) so you can do a wee bit more damage to the flying Dran. The strategy as is follows: When Dran is flying, you need to whip out Xiao and pelt him with a few slingshot bullets. Then, once Dran lands, you charge him and slash. You could use Xiao for that part, but I find that Toan does more damage and so it takes less time. Repeat. Also, if you don't shoot Dran down fast enough he will launch a fireball which can destroy the floor. Don't let him do that! I can't stress that enough. It can really screw up everything. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Wise Owl Forest | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Territory 1 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 2 - OOOOOOO - 7 Atla Territory 3 - OOOOOOO - 7 Atla Territory 4 - - Territory 5 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 6 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 7 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 8 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 9 - - Territory 10 - OOOOOOO - 7 Atla Territory 11 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 12 - - Territory 13 - OOO - 3 Atla Territory 14 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 15 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Territory 16 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Territory 17 - Dwelling of Forest Guard BOSS: Bah. The Forest Guard is the easiest battle you'll ever fight. Simply use Xiao the whole time and pummle him with slingshot bullets. After a little while he will fall. Pretty darn easy, huh? :) |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Shipwreck | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Layer 1 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Layer 2 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Layer 3 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Layer 4 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Layer 5 - - Layer 6 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Layer 7 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Layer 8 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Layer 9 - - Layer 10 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Layer 11 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Layer 12 - - Layer 13 - OOO - 3 Atla Layer 14 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Layer 15 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Layer 16 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Layer 17 - OOO - 3 Atla Layer 18 - Church of Memory BOSS: The Ice Queen is rather difficult, I think. Make sure you're alwas up near her, otherwise she can freeze you and pummle you with her attacks. You need to have a party member first break her shield, then switch to ruby and use a charged magic attack. She will release a fairly damaging ice wave every time you break her shield and/or deal damage. If you hit her with Ruby fast enough you can sometimes avoid the second ice wave. Good luck! |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Sun & Moon Temple | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Level 1 - OOOOOOO - 7 Atla Level 2 - OOO - 3 Atla Level 3 - OO - 2 Atla Level 4 - OO - 2 Atla Level 5 - - Level 6 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla Level 7 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Level 8 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Level 9 - - Level 10 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Level 11 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Level 12 - OOOO - 4 Atla Level 13 - - Level 14 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Level 15 - OOOOO - 5 Atla Level 16 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla Level 17 - OO - 2 Atla Level 18 - Coffin's Chamber BOSS: The Coffin is pretty darn strange. When he, or it, is flying around you need to switch to Ungaga and use his special move. Once the Coffin flys into that whip out whichever character is your best, and smack him upside the head! Just keep that up for a while and you'll beat him. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Moon Sea | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| No. 1 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla No. 2 - OOOOO - 5 Atla No. 3 - OOO - 3 Atla No. 4 - - No. 5 - OOOO - 4 Atla No. 6 - OOOO - 4 Atla No. 7 - OOOOOOO - 7 Atla No. 8 - - No. 9 - OOO - 3 Atla No.10 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla No.11 - - No.12 - OOOOOO - 6 Atla No.13 - OOOOOOOO - 8 Atla No.14 - OOOO - 4 Atla No.15 - Coliseum BOSS: This can be a tough fight. Every now and again a wine barrel (Or at least I think its wine, it could be anything else.). Make sure he doesn't drink it! It will, for lack of a better word, super-charge him. He'll become pumped up and deal more damage, and, at the same time, you'll deal less damage to him. There really isn't a best character for this match, but I suggest Osmond. By now he may not do too much damage, but with luck you can avoid his brutal attacks and continue to pummel him with whatever weapon you may have. After a while the beast will loose his strength and you will be crowned the new champion! |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Gallery of Time | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| I've been getting a few questions about "What do I do with the Atla? Where do I assemble them?" and I guess I forgot to add that to this section, so I'll do it now. You don't actually build things using the Atla you find in the Gallery of Time. You simply view a short scene of Seda's past once you assemble everything. To do this, select the georama section of your main menu. Then select the Gallery of Time, and build the things. Sorry everybody, I know you were hoping for one last town to build. I know I was. 5 Years Ago - OOOO - 4 Atla 18 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 23 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 38 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 51 Years Ago - OO - 2 Atla 66 Years Ago - OO - 2 Atla 102 Years Ago - OOOO - 4 Atla 109 Years Ago - OOOO - 4 Atla 122 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 140 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 151 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 162 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 205 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 208 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 213 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 225 Years Ago - OOO - 3 Atla 238 Years Ago - OOOO - 4 Atla 249 Years Ago - OOOO - 4 Atla 300 Years Ago - - 310 Years Ago - - 322 Years Ago - - 340 Years Ago - - 356 Years Ago - - 382 Years Ago - OOOOO - 5 Atla 400 Years Ago - Night of Incident BOSS: The Dark Geine. Not quite what you expected, huh? Thats alright. I think the last boss is much better looking then that other geine. Don't you? Anyways, for the first form you just have to hit his hand whenever it rises from the ground. Easy. Second form: You need to shoot him in the head whenever you can, but everytime you do he releases a brutal shockwave. It does damage! Keep this up for a while and he should fall, but be careful of his laser beam. That does a lot of damage. Third form: Run, run, run. Avoid his laser beam! That is a one hit kill (Most of the time, for me at least). Every so often he will bring his minions back to life. They aren't much to look at, just hit them a could times and they'll fall back down. But be careful! If you get caught up in them the laser beam could hit you. Just keep that up for a while, again, and sooner or later the Dark Geine will fall. I won't ruin the ending, you're just gonna have to beat him yourself. :) |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | Demon Shaft | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| You can access to the Demon Shaft once you beat the game and save. There isn't too much to say about it though. Its 100 floors, every 20 floors it will become harder and the monsters will change. The boss on floor 100 isn't very tough, I'm sure you can best him if you can conquer the 100 floors. You do need to bring plenty of items along with you however, here are some of them: - Auto Repair Powder will be your best friend! The monsters in here drain WHp on weapons like crazy. The Arthurs, when they block, can drain up to and including 30 WHp. You must equip the auto repair powder to your belt. - Repair Powder will be your fallback. I alwas bring along somewhere between 5 and 10 auto repair powder, but those can vanish quickly. You need to bring plenty of repair powders, I bring about 20 to 30. Trust me, you'll go through them quickly. - Premium Chicken. Don't even think about anything else! Cheese and bread just won't cut it. You need to have at least 9 on your belt at all times and plenty on hold in your inventory. - Dran's Feathers will also be very useful. While they aren't the most required items, they are very useful for fleeing when need be. Also, it gets very annoying to have to walk through the dungeon. Running is so much easier. ^_^ - You don't need much water, however. There will be plenty of water shrines where you can refill. Still, bring along a handful of premium water. About 5 to 10 should do it. - Save the Crysal Eyeballs for the later levels! On the lower floors you won't get as good of items, so save 'em up for the higher up levels. Also, make sure you alwas have the map and magical crystal before you venture into the back floor. Its very dark back there. - Bring plenty of attachments and gems. Your weapons are gonna level up quickly, and you'll want to have enough items to build them up. - You'll need a lot of stand-in powders and revival powders. The monsters are somewhat smart, and they might surround you. Ouch. - Don't be afraid to run away! You don't need to kill every single monster on every single floor. Find the Black Knight Crest, open all the treasure, and high tail it out of there. Well, that about covers it. Follow these tips and you'll make it through the Demon Shaft with ease. Don't forget to sell those extra items, so your inventory doesn't overflow. You should have enough money every so often to buy a gem and bring that along. You'll love your weapons at the end of the Demon Shaft! |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | VI. Item Lists | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| These item lists are just the items I've found during my adventures, but I think they are pretty complete. If you would like to add anything else just email. Thanks. Enjoy! _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | F o o d / D r i n k / H e a l i n g | |_____________________________________________| | | Restores a bit of your | | Bread | health. Worst healing. | |____________________|________________________| | | Restores a fair amount | | Cheese | of your health. | |____________________|________________________| | | Restores a lot of your | | Premium Chicken | health. Best healing. | |____________________|________________________| | | Recovers some HP, but | | Mellow Banana | makes you thirsty. | |____________________|________________________| | | Restores a fair amount | | Cheese | of your health. | |____________________|________________________| | | Refills a bit of your | | Regular Water | Thirst Meter. Worst. | |____________________|________________________| | | Refills a fair amount | | Tasty Water | of your Thirst Meter. | |____________________|________________________| | | Refills your entire | | Premium Water | Thirst Meter. Best. | |____________________|________________________| | | Cures Poison. | | Antidote Drink | | |____________________|________________________| | | Cures Gooey state. | | Soap | | |____________________|________________________| | | Releases from spells. | | Holy Water | | |____________________|________________________| | | Heals all conditions. | | Mighty Healing | | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | P o w d e r s | |_____________________________________________| | | If an ally falls, use | | Stand-in Powder | this to switch allies. | |____________________|________________________| | | If an ally falls, use | | Revival Powder | this to revive him/her.| |____________________|________________________| | | Use this to escape the | | Escape Powder | dungeon anytime. | |____________________|________________________| | | If your weapons WHp | | Repair Powder | gets low, use this. | |____________________|________________________| | | A must have! Auto | | Auto Repair Powder | repairs WHp. | |____________________|________________________| | | Levels up your weapon | | Level-up Powder | unconditionally. | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | T h r o w a b l e I t e m s | |_____________________________________________| | | Explodes and deals a | | Bomb | major amount of damage.| |____________________|________________________| | | Explodes and deals a | | Bomb Nuts | major amount of damage.| |____________________|________________________| | | Deals lightning-based | | Lightning Gem | damage to an enemy. | |____________________|________________________| | | Deals fire-based | | Inferno Gem | damage to an enemy. | |____________________|________________________| | | Deals ice-based | | Blizzard Gem | damage to an enemy. | |____________________|________________________| | | Deals wind-based | | Whirlwind Gem | damage to an enemy. | |____________________|________________________| | | Deals holy-based | | Sacred Gem | damage to an enemy. | |____________________|________________________| | | Causes major damage | | Holy Water | to undead monsters. | |____________________|________________________| | | Allows time to be | | Throbbing Cherry | stopped temporarily. | |____________________|________________________| | | Poisons an enemy when | | Poisonous Apple | thrown. | |____________________|________________________| | | Goos an enemy when | | Gooey Peach | thrown. | |____________________|________________________| | | Deals minor damage | | Stone | to an enemy. Weak. | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | D u n g e o n I t e m s | |_____________________________________________| | | Divine Beast Cave. | | Bone Key | Used to unlock doors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Divine Beast Cave. | | Dran's Crest | Used to unlock floors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Divine Beast Cave. | | Horned Key | Key for Dran's Chamber.| |____________________|________________________| | | Wise Owl Forest. | | Pointed Chestnut | One of the three keys. | |____________________|________________________| | | Wise Owl Forest. | | Red Berry | One of the three keys. | |____________________|________________________| | | Wise Owl Forest. | | Shiny Stone | One of the three keys. | |____________________|________________________| | | Wise Owl Forest. | | Mustache Key | Used to unlock doors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Shipwreck. | | Hook | Used to unlock floors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Shipwreck. | | Ship Cabin Key | Used to unlock doors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Sun & Moon Temple. | | King's Slate | Used to unlock floors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Sun & Moon Temple. | | Stone Key | Used to unlock doors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Moon Sea. | | Gun Powder | Used to unlock floors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Moon Sea. | | Handle | Used to unlock doors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Gallery of Time. | | Clock Hands | Used to unlock floors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Gallery of Time. | | Pitchdark Key | Used to unlock doors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Demon Shaft. | | Black Knight Crest | Used to unlock floors. | |____________________|________________________| | | Demon Shaft. | | Silver Key | Used to unlock doors. | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | B a c k f l o o r K e y s | |_____________________________________________| | | Divine Beast Cave. | | Tram Oil | Lubricates the trams. | |____________________|________________________| | | Wise Owl Forest. | | Sun Dew | Speeds plant growth. | |____________________|________________________| | | Shipwreck. | | Flapping Fish | Lures the "master". | |____________________|________________________| | | Sun & Moon Temple. | | Secret Path Key | Opens secret door. | |____________________|________________________| | | Moon Sea. | | Bravery Launch | Gives courage to jump. | |____________________|________________________| | | Gallery of Time. | | Unknown | Raises magic carpet. | |____________________|________________________| | | Demon Shaft. | | Crystal Eyeball | Completes the eyes. | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | K e y I t e m s | |_____________________________________________| | | Used to change Xaio | | Changing Potion | into a human-cat. | |____________________|________________________| | | Used to make a plant | | Moon Grass Seed | grow in certain areas. | |____________________|________________________| | | Used to open the | | Music Box Key | Music Box in Shipwreck.| |____________________|________________________| | | Gift from Couscous. | | Candy | Give to Kululu. | |____________________|________________________| | | Gift from Bunbuku. | | Miracle Cure | Give to Basker. | |____________________|________________________| | | Gift from Basker. | | Foundation | Give to Jibubu. | |____________________|________________________| | | Gift from Brooke. Give | | Clay Doll | to man in Yellow Drops.| |____________________|________________________| | | Used to enter the | | Tournament Pass | Coliseum. | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | F i s h i n g B a i t | |_____________________________________________| | | Favorite of the sea | | Evy | fish. Fish bait. | |____________________|________________________| | | Fish bait. | | Petite Fish | | |____________________|________________________| | | Fish bait. | | Carrot | | |____________________|________________________| | | Fish bait. | | Potato cake | | |____________________|________________________| | | "Wiggle-waggle... | | Mimi | Creepy" Fish bait. | |____________________|________________________| | | Fish bait. | | Minon | | |____________________|________________________| | | Mardan Garayan's | | Poisonous Apple | favorite. Fish bait. | |____________________|________________________| | | Fish bait. | | Prickly | | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ __/ \__ |__|_____________________________________________|__| | M i s c e l l a n e o u s | |_____________________________________________| | | Keeps fish fresh! | | Ice Block | Mmm. Tasty. | |____________________|________________________| | | A must have. Speeds | | Dran's Feather | up movement in dungeon.| |____________________|________________________| | | Gift from Faerie King. | | Manual | Instructions. | |____________________|________________________| | | Key for large treasure | | Treasure Chest Key | chest. | |____________________|________________________| | | Increases number of | | Pocket | max items by 10. | |____________________|________________________| | | Increases max value | | Gourd | of Thirst Meter. | |____________________|________________________| | | No price change. Must | | Gold Buillon | have for those who die.| |____________________|________________________| | | Prevents poison state. | | Antidote Amulet | Limited use. | |____________________|________________________| | | Prevents freeze state. | | Anti-Freeze Amulet | Limited use. | |____________________|________________________| | | Prevents gooey state. | | Anti-Goo Amulet | Limited use. | |____________________|________________________| | | Prevents curse state. | | Anti-Curse Amulet | Limited use. | __|____________________|________________________|__ |__| |__| \___________________________________________/ |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | VII. Attachment Table| | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| I whipped up this attachment Table so you could compare the different effects of the different gems. I must note that you cannot buy a Sun Gem, you are givin one as a present for giving the Moon Man near the entrance on Yellow Drops a Clay Doll. I have yet to find one on a back floor, but if I do I'll tell you! I also added the regular attachments at the bottom, just because I wanted it to be complete. ___________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | | |E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |n | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |d | | | | |T | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |A |u | | | | |h | | |D |U |M | | | | | | | | | Gem Name |t |r |S |M | | |u | | |r |n |a | |P |B | |M |M | | | |t |a |p |a |F | |n |W |H |a |d |r |R |l |e | |e |i |M | | |a |n |e |g |i |I |d |i |o |g |e |i |o |a |a |S |t |m |a | | |c |c |e |i |r |c |e |n |l |o |a |n |c |n |s |k |a |i |g | | |k |e |d |c |e |e |r |d |y |n |d |e |k |t |t |y |l |c |e | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Garnet |5 | | | |10| | | | | | | |10| |10| | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Amethyst | | | | | |10| | | |10| | | | | | | |10| | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Aquamarine | | | | | |10| | | | | |10| | | |10| | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Diamond | | | | | | | | | |5 |5 |5 |5 |5 |5 |5 |10|5 |5 | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Emerald | | | |10| | | | | |10| | | |10| | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Pearl | |10| | | | |10| | | |10| | | | | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Ruby | | |10| |10| | | | | | | | | | | | |10| | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Peridot |5 | | | | | | | |10| | | | |10|10| | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Sapphire | | | |10| | | |10| | | | | | | |10| | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Opal | |10| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |10| |10| |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Topaz |5 | |10| | | | | | | |10| | | | |10| | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Turquoise | | | | | |10| | | | | | |10| | | | |10| | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Sun | | |10| |10|10|10|10|10|3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 |3 | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Dragon | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Undead | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Sea | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Stone | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Plant | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Beast | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Sky | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Metal | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Mimic | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |Mage | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3 | |___________|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | VIII. Fishing Tricks | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Fishing. Every game seems to have one lately. Not that thats a bad thing. In this section I'll go over a few fishing tricks, fishing spots, and such. I don't plan on going into detail that much, I'll just scratch the surface. But it should be enough to catch a bunch of fish and buy a gem or two. Fishing can be a bit confusing at first, if you don't read the fishing help on the sign. All you have to do is press (x) once your lure goes underwater. Wait until it is underwater! Most of the time if you can't catch fish its because you are pulling the line out, and that will result in you loosing the bait. Go for the larger fish, obviously, because they are not any harder to catch. After you rack up so many Fishing Points (FP) you can purchase attachments, gems, weapons, and other things. The larger the fish the larger amount of FP, obviously. Each gem only costs 100 FP, whereas you would have to buy them for 3000 Gilda from the Faerie King. This is the list of all the possible items you could purchase with your FP: ______________________________________________________ __| |__ |__| F i s h i n g P o i n t s L i s t |__| |______________________________________________________| | | | | | I t e m | C o s t | D e s c | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Antidote Drink | 5 FP | Cures Poison | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Holy Water | 5 FP | Cures Spells | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Soap | 5 FP | Cures Gooey | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Mighty Healing | 15 FP | Cures All | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Dinoslayer | 50 FP | +3 Dragons | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Undead Buster | 50 FP | +3 Undead | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Sea Killer | 50 FP | +3 Marine | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Stone Breaker | 50 FP | +3 Stone | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Plant Buster | 50 FP | +3 Plants | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Beast Buster | 50 FP | +3 Beast | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Sky Hunter | 50 FP | +3 Flying | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Metal Breaker | 50 FP | +3 Metal | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Mimic Breaker | 50 FP | +3 Mimic | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Mage Slayer | 50 FP | +3 Mage | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Garnet | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Amethyst | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Aquamarine | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Diamond | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Emerald | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Pearl | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Ruby | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Peridot | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Sapphire | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Opal | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Topaz | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Turquoise | 100 FP | Section VI | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Tsukikage | 1100 FP | Sword | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Matador | 1400 FP | Slingshot | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Magical Hammer | 1800 FP | Hammer | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Fairy's Ring | 1300 FP | Magic Ring | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Scorpion | 1400 FP | Lance | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Blessing Gun | 1500 FP | Gun | __|__________________|______________|______________|__ __| |__ |__| F i s h i n g P o i n t s L i s t |__| |______________________________________________________| Next, we'll cover the fishing spots you will come across in your journey. The dockside of Queens is one of the best spots to find fish, for that you will need plenty of the Evy fishing bait, but you can't see the fish. The water is too deep. So you just have to wait until something bites, then you pull it out! That may be a bit hard, but the rewards are wonderful. Just give it a try. If it doesn't work you can also move to the reliable Peanut Pond which has a wonderful selection. ______________________________________________________ __| |__ |__| F i s h i n g S p o t s |__| |______________________________________________________| | | | | | V i l l a g e s | S p o t 1 | S p o t 2 | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Norune Village | Fishing Pond | | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Matataki Village | Waterfall | Peanut Pond | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Queens | Dockside | | |__________________|______________|______________| | | | | | Muska Racka | Oasis | | __|__________________|______________|______________|__ __| |__ |__| F i s h i n g S p o t s |__| |______________________________________________________| |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | IX. Submitted Info | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Here's a little collection of info submitted by some wonderful people out there. There isn't much right now, and I don't plan to have all that much. But I still wanted to post this stuff up here. Thanks a bunch! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. There are little watter spots or ponds or platform that shows up on your map. It looks like a light blue square. If you go there if rejuvinates your health and thirst. 2. If you run into a room in a dungeon that reduces your abs ect. Kill the enemy with any character then as soon as the enemy is dead, switch to another person and it won't reduce anyone abs. It didn't reduce it for me. Submitted by: ErvDude101@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | X. Contact Info | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| E-mail Address: loneangel@vgacd.com AIM: WhiteDragon129 ICQ: 48558616 Please, only contact me with real questions or suggestions. I get enough spam daily. Here are a few little rules to make things easier... - Consider what you're writing. Would you like to receive an email with a stupid question or a suggestion for something that is already on the FAQ? Which brings me to my next point... - Read over my FAQ before you send me an email! I can't stress that enough, if I receive emails about making sections I already have. A lot! If I get another I'm just gonna ignore it and move on to the next. - Try to make what you write readable. Don't you just have it when you have to sit there and try and figure out what the hell this guy is trying to write? - Please, don't send me god forsaken emails about plagiarism. Its things like that that make me want to burn this FAQ and quit writing. - I don't use ICQ that often, sorry 'bout that, its just such a hassle sometimes. You can still send me a message, I just might not respond for a while. Now I'm not trying to sound like a hardass, but I've just a few problems posting my email and such in the past. Trust me, if you follow these little itty bitty rules I won't start yelling at ya. Thanks! |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | XI. Legal Stuff | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| Dark Cloud is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment of America. The Playstation 2 and its logos are trademarks of Sony. You cannot copy this FAQ or its contents in any way without the authors permission. You cannot disassemble this FAQ in any way. |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| | - - - - - - - - - - - | | XII. Credits | | - - - - - - - - - - - | |-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-| This is the part I give thanks to those people out there who helped me create this FAQ. Thanks. - CJayC for adding my FAQ to his wonderful site. - My collection of soundtracks for getting me through those tough spots. The FF8 soundtrack, for one. I love it! Go get it! - Adrenaline SL, for the inspiration on several different things. Thanks man! - Sony, for making this wonderful game. - And you, the reader, for reading my FAQ. Thank you! :) Copyright (c) 2001 Weston Tappendorf