------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***********************************DARK CLOUD********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapons Guide By: Expert / The_Expert_47 (Andrew Ziel) Email: expert_47 (at) hotmail.com Version: 3.14 These sites have permission to have all of my guides on them: Geocities.com/the_expert_47/ (My site.) Gamefaqs.com IGN.com Neoseeker.com SuperCheats.com Gamez.com Cheats.de If you find this guide, or portions of it any where else please email me. Thanks! On Gamefaqs, SuperCheats, and Gamez my name is Expert. On IGN and Neoseeker my name is The_Expert_47. On Cheats.de it credits my work direclty to Andrew Ziel. Other than the email above you can contact me at: MSN - expert_47 (at) hotmail.com Yahoo - the_expert_47 --------------------------- *****Table Of Contents***** --------------------------- -Introduction -Search Tip -Dark Cloud Hint -Weapons -How To Build Up Weapons -The Basics -Basic Stats -Elemental Stats -Anti. Stats -Abilities -Canceling Abilities -Durable -Stopping Default Abilites -Finding Weapons With Abilites -Evolution -Stats -Max Attack / Magic -Locations -You Can Help -Gifts -Buying -Seller's Guide -Descriptions -Abs / Attachment Slots -Top Stat Synths -Leveling Up Tips -Making Synths / Build Up Weak Weapons -Building Your Main Weapon -Where Should I Level Up? -Take Care Of Your Weapons! -Attachments -Full Profiles -Buying -Receiving From Enemies -Chart -Ending Remarks -Credits -Copy Right ---------------------- *****Introduction***** ---------------------- The purpose of this guide is to tell you all about the 103 weapons in Dark Cloud. I have divided the guide into sections to make it easier to locate the information you are seeking. This guide also contains an attachment section, so you can find out all the information on the attachments of Dark Cloud. Well, here it goes. ---------- Search Tip ---------- Remember, to find something faster hit Ctrl F. Using this method you can search for the information on a certain Weapon faster. --------------- Dark Cloud Hint --------------- Hint: Extra Lives Equip Revival Powders as Active Items. That way if you die on a Limited Zone Floor or if you don't have any Stand In Powers left you won't be forced to leave the Dungeon and loose half your money. When you do die with a Revival Powder equipped then the enemies will pause and the message "Revival Powder Used" will appear. After you hit X the fight will continue. You may not notice the message appearances if you were in the middle of an attack and just were button-mashing X. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************Weapons************************************* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- *****How To Build Up Weapons***** --------------------------------- Ok, over the course of helping a lot of people with Dark Cloud I've come to notice something; some people do not really know how to make build up their weapons. It's not that they are dumb by any means, it's just for some reason or another the tutrial's information iluded them. Well, lucky for all of those people I put a lot of "*" next to this, so hopefully they won't miss it this time. Shall we begin? When you go to the weapons section on the menu you can view all the weapons you have at that time. Once you select one you will notice that there is an option called Build Up. (Note: This will not appear on base weapons or weapons that are a final evolution.) Once you select this option you can scroll through the Basic, Elemental, and Anti stats for that weapons with R1 and L1. You notice the stat in Red? Those are the stats that must be increased in order to Build Up that weapon into a more powerful, advanced form. How to upgrade those stats? That's simple. Once a weapon is at full abs, or you have a Power Up Powder the option Upgrade will appear on the weapons screen. That is the key. However, just upgrading your weapon will rarly, if ever get it to the point where it can be build up. Like I said before you must increase the stats in Red, all of them including Elements and Antis. To go about raising stats you need up put on attachments before you select the option Upgrade. If attachments are present on the weapon when this option is selected than they are permenently absorbed into that weapon. Once you absorb enough attachments that increase a certain stat in Red it's requirement for the next build will be met and it will turn White, just like all the other stats that you do not need to rise and once all that stats are White the options Build Up will start to flash and that means you are ready to go to next weapon form. -For information on attachments see the: "Attachments: section -For information on the best way to Build Up your weapons check out the: "Leveling Up Tips" section along with any other section you need to utalize in order to create your ultimate weapon. -For information on Building Up the special swords in the Mardan Eins line check out the 3rd Note under Toan's weapons in the "Evoltion" section. -------------------- *****The Basics***** -------------------- In Dark Cloud you rely on your weapon for survival, so it is important that it is very strong and can overcome any situation or monster you encounter. That means having the right stats on your weapon. The stats for weapons in Dark Cloud are as follows: ----------- Basic Stats ----------- -Attack (At) = How much attack power the weapon possesses. -Endurance (Ed) = The higher this stat is the less WHP you lose with every hit / shot. -Speed (Sp) = The more speed the weapon has determines how fast after a combo / shot you can start attacking again, or how fast you can shoot again. -Magic (Mg) = How much magic power the weapon possesses. The higher it is the more affective your element will be. -Weapon Health Power (WHP) = This, along with endurance determines how many hits / shots your weapon can deliver before it breaks. --------------- Elemental Stats --------------- -Fire (Fe) = How high the Fire rating is on your weapon. Use Fire to damage Ice Monsters. -Ice (Ic) = How high the Ice rating is on your weapon. Use Ice to damage Fire Monsters. -Thunder (Th) = How high the Thunder rating is on your weapon. Use Thunder to damage Wind Monsters. -Wind (Wi) = How high the Wind rating is on your weapon. Use Wind to damage Thunder Monsters. -Holy (Ho) = How high the Holy rating is on your weapon. Use Holy to damage the Undead, Mummies, and Evil Monsters. ----------- Anti. Stats ----------- -Dragon (Dr) = Increases damage done to reptilian monsters. -Undead (Ud) = Increases damage done to the undead. -Marine (Ma) = Increases damage done to marine monsters. -Rock (Rk) = Increases damage done to rock monsters. -Plant (Pt) = Increases damage done to plant monsters. -Beast (Bt) = Increases damage done to animal monsters. -Sky (Sy) = Increases damage done to flying monsters. -Metal (Ml) = Increases damage done to metal monsters. -Mimic (Mc) = Increases damage done to Mimics and King Mimics. -Mage (Mg) = Increases damage done to mages and witches. So, using this information and your own common sense you can find the easiest way to defeat every monster in Dark Cloud. ------------------- *****Abilities***** ------------------- Some weapons in Dark Cloud carry abilities on them that can make the over all dungeon experience easier and more rewarding, and then there are a few that make it harder and less rewarding, you'll want to stay away from these. Also there are some abilities that cancel each other out. In this section you will find out all about the abilities and how to obtain them. First the list of all the abilities and a description of what they do. -Quench = It makes the overall process of getting thirsty in a dungeon slower. It is the opposite of Thirst. -Thirst = It makes the overall process of getting thirsty in a dungeon faster, but every time you kill an enemy you get a drop of water on your thirst meter refilled. It is the opposite of Quench. -Big Bucks = Whenever you kill an enemy that drops gilda with a weapon that has Big Bucks on it the amount of gilda it drops will be greater. It is the opposite of Poor. -Poor = Whenever you kill an enemy that drops gilda with a weapon that has Poor on it the amount of gilda it drops will be less. It is the opposite of Big Bucks. -Durable = It makes the WHP lost per hit / shot less. It is the opposite of Fragile. -Fragile = It makes the WHP lost per hit / shot greater. It is the opposite of Durable. -Drain = Every time you hit / shoot an enemy you receive a portion of the damage dealt to heal yourself. It is the opposite of Heal. -Heal = You gain 1 HP once every couple of seconds. It is the opposite of Drain. -Steal = When hitting / shooting an enemy with a weapon that has the Steal ability it is possible to steal items from them. -Stop = A weapon that possesses this ability can sometimes stop an enemy dead in its tracks the same way a Throbbing Cherry can. -Poison = A weapon that possesses this ability can sometimes poison an enemy the same way a Poisonous Apple can. -Critical = A weapon that possesses this ability has the chance to kill an enemy in one blow. -Abs Up = It multiplies the Abs received from defeating an enemy by 1.5. This is a list of the weapons that carry these abilities: -Ability Weapon Character -Quench Kitchen Knife Toan -Thirst Sand Breaker Toan -Big Bucks Big Bucks Hammer Goro -Poor Trial Hammer Goro -Drain Drain Seeker Toan -Heal Angel Shooter Xiao -Steal Bandit Slingshot Xiao -Steal Bandit's Ring Ruby -Stop Antique Sword Toan -Poison Scorpion Ungaga -Critical 5 Foot Nail Ungaga -Abs Up Trial Hammer Goro The abilities Durable and Fragile are random. They can be on any weapon that you buy or find, so it doesn't really do you any good if I told you what weapons I have found them on, as if you found that weapon the chances are it would not be on it. Good luck finding Durable! Note: Synths are not character specific. You can have a synth from a weapon for Ruby and attach it onto a weapon for Toan, as an example. This means all you people that want all the good abilites on one weapon, you are in luck, as you can do that. However you can't have both Drain and Heal as they are opposites. You can have at most nine abilities on a weapon. --------------------------- ****Canceling Abilities**** --------------------------- Ok so the abilities that cancel each other out, or opposites as they are commonly called are: Quench - Thirst Big Bucks - Poor Durable - Fragile Drain - Heal Canceling out abilities can be confusing for some people, so I will explain it as simple as I can. Now lets say you want Abs Up on your weapon, but you don't want Poor, which comes with Abs Up on the Trial Hammer. To get rid of Poor you must put the Trial Hammer synth onto a weapon that already has Big Bucks. Now, when you put it on, both Big Bucks and Poor will disappear as they cancel each other out, leaving Abs Up on instead. But, after you officially absorb the synth of the Trial Hammer, in other words upgrade with it on, Big Bucks will reappear and Abs Up will still be on the weapon. So basically it is like this: Whenever canceling out abilities, with the corresponding opposite, the one that was on the weapon in the first place will stay and the one on the synth will disappear after the upgrade. ------------- ***Durable*** ------------- Finding Durable can be a difficult thing to do. However over the past couple years at the Help Centers I have had two individuals come to me with brillant ways of getting this ability. Their ways are the same, at the core, but they explained them differently. I'll give you their explanations and then sum it up in my own words. The words under their headings are their own, and I have not altered them. --------------- Lee Eric Kirwan --------------- No weapon consistently has durable. In other words, a particular weapon can have durable, but not always have it. I decided to buy and sell weapons alot out of randomness, and it seems that quick buying doesn't 'refresh' a weapon you buy. What I mean is, when I was quick buying kitchen knives, I didn't get any durable through over 40 knives, then I normally bought a knife out of randomness, and then quick bought the rest of the 8, and found the 8 I quick bought all had durable... I believe the quickest way of getting durable, at a large cost of gilda, is to drag kitchen knives from the shop to your inventory, check it out, repeat until your weapon inventory for Toan is full, check the weapons, sell any that doesn't have durable (quick sell if you like), then normally buy the knives again. If you don't want quench along with durable, then use the slightly more expensive gladius. If you'd like to know, I did normally buy (not using [triangle] to quick buy) 16 gladius before getting two of them with durable. I'm not sure if any weapons would get durable more often than others, though... Anyway, I'll try telling about what I did in greater detail... As I said, quick buying doesn't refresh, so I did get 8 knives in a row with durable and quench, but I didn't mention that when I was buying a bunch of gladius', I was buying one at a time, normally, then backing out after one purchase, checking, then going back into shop to trade a gladius for another gladius. This was for the first 11 gladius of the 16 I mentioned. Then, at the last five, I just bought them without leaving the shop, and the second and fourth ones I bought that time had durable. I wonder if it is truly refreshed, or if it cycles between two gladius', where both are randomly determined, each time you look at what the shop has... Just speculating... I also wonder, if each time you visit the shop, the first weapon you buy would ever get Durable... ------- Jekyll2 ------- Expert - I made an interesting discovery, and as this will probably be my last post on this board I thought I'd tell you so that you can pass it on to anyone else who needs to know in the future as you most frequently answer people's questions. Anyway, do you remember that I was trying to get durable weapons by buying a lot of cheap weapons? Well, it turns out that if you buy multiple weapons of the same type at one time using the triangle button to quick buy, then the game considers all of these weapons to be identical in terms of their random abilities. In other words, I was buying 4 kitchen knifes and 4 gladius swords at a time, and I bought 4 gladius at the same time which ALL had the durable ability. The random abilities are assigned before you even buy the sword instead they are assigned when you go into the shopping screen. Therefore, you can get multiple durable weapons all at once if you use the quick buy feature and are moderately lucky and patient. -------- My Words -------- Here is a way that others have found useful in getting Durable. This has my own twist on it of course. -Get a lot of Gilda. -Save the game in Queens. -Go to Jack's Weapon Shop. -Ok this is where it gets a bit complicated. I'll try to explain it: When you Quick Buy weapons they are all exactly the same. So, we can take advantage of this. If you Quick Buy X amount of Kitchen Knives and the first one had Durable then all of the others will also have Durable. So, simply go in and quick buy Kitchen Knives. When you can't carry any more exit out of the shop and check their status. If they have Durable then you are all set. If they don't go to the next step. -Now you have some options. You can reset or you can keep going back into the shop and quick buying and selling until you have no more money left. The choice is yours. -Stop when you are satisfied with the results. Don't forget, there is the old fashion way of finding Durable: Go out there and look! ------------------------------- ***Stopping Default Abilites*** ------------------------------- There are some weapons out there that come with abilities that you just are not going to want. However, if you go with certain weapon paths then you will defaultly get certain abilities on you weapons. Now, this can create a problem. Where this is most evident is undoubtedly the Angel Shooter with Heal. See the Angel Shooter is the only weapon that evolves directly into the Angel Gear which is Xiao's best ultimate weapon. Now, while Heal is considered a "Good" ability it really doesn't hold a candle to Drain, it's counterpart. So, for the people that want to make everything on her weapon as good as possible you will need to find a way for the Angel Shooter not to gain Heal. (This happens when you evolved into it from a Divine Beast Title.) For a while now I have had a hypothosis on how to do this, and it was indeed confirmed not to long ago by an avid Dark Cloud player, Lee Eric Kirwan. Here are his words on the situation: --------------- Lee Eric Kirwan --------------- Also, having Drain on a Divine Beast Title as you Build it Up to an Angel Shooter becomes a weapon with nether Heal or Drain. Tossing in an extra Powerup Powder shows the Heal ability stays away. So, I suppose that you can have an Angel Gear with Drain. I just decided to toss a few powerful Synthspheres and Powerup Powders into a Matador, and check the result. Seems Ange Gear doesn't redundantly have Heal, so you're just wasting one Drain for a heal-less Angel Gear. -------- My Words -------- In order to keep the weapon you are evolving into from having it's default ability simply have the opposite of that ability on before you build up into the weapon. However this also brings up the point that if you can't evolve into the weapon you are simply stuck with the abilites it comes with. If you find weapons with bad abilites, just sell them. In the case of the Trial Hammer see the section above on Canceling Out Abilites. Now, there is no drawback to having the abilities with no opposite, as they are all good to have anyway. This includes: Steal, Stop, Poision, Critical, and Abs Up. So, now we are left with the abilities: Quench/Thirst, Big Bucks/Poor Drain/Heal. My advice is to refer to the section about once again for the Trial Hammer and it's Poor/Abs Up mix. Also I would say to just avoid the Sand Breaker and Thirst, unless you like that ability better than Quench, and some people do. (See the descriptions of the abilities above.) Besides, although the Sand Breaker evolves into the Antique Sword which has Stop, you will find more than enough Antique Sword without evolution. That leaves us with Drain/Heal. Drain is better, it just is. Heal is only on Xiao's Angel Shooter as I said before. This means that it is in your way of an Angel Gear with Drain. So to fix it: Just make sure that before you have your Divine Beast Title evolve into an Angel Shooter, it already has Drain on it. This will have a nulling affect on the Angel Shooter's defualt Heal ability and leave you with a neutral weapon. Then whenever another Drain Seeker (The weapon with Drain.) is provided for you then just put that on the Angel Shooter/Gear to have a great slingshot without Heal, making it that much better! --------------------------------------- *****Finding Weapons With Abilites***** --------------------------------------- It’s pretty random where you find any weapon, let alone weapons with abilities, but here is a list where I would suggest searching for them. -Kitchen Knife - Buy from Jack in Queens. -Antique Sword - Demon Shaft / Gallery of Time -Drain Seeker - Demon Shaft / Gallery of Time -Bandit Slingshot - Anywhere after Floor 8 of the Divine Beast Cave. -Big Bucks Hammer - Buy from Jack in Queens. -Trial Hammer - Wise Owl Forest Floors after 9 and Shipwreck Floors before 9. -Bandit's Ring - Anywhere after Floor 9 of the Shipwreck. -5 ft. Nail - Anywhere after Floor 9 of the Sun & Moon Temple and before Floor 8 of the Moon Sea. -Scorpion - Anywhere after Floor 9 of the Sun & Moon Temple. The places with the highest percentage to find weapons for a certain character are the levels after you get them up to the levels where you get the next character. However, some weapons, like the Drain Seeker for example are too powerful to find in the first 7 levels of the Divine Beast Cave, so I put where I tend to find the most of them. Also, weapons with Durable can be anywhere because there is no set weapon that always has Durable. However, do remember, it tends to be very rare! ------------------- *****Evolution***** ------------------- In Dark Cloud your weapons, after they get strong enough can evolve into more powerful forms. This section will show you the evolution paths that weapons can take in this game. If a weapon can evolve into more than one form the one that is listed in the second slot under Build Up in the game will be listed second. At the end of every characters evolution chart I will list the final weapons in alphabetical order, showing the max attack then on the other side of the dash the max magic. If you want to see the max attack and magic for all the weapons go to the Max Attack / Magic section later in the guide. Well, here it goes. ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- [-Base Weapon - Dagger-] Baselard - Sax / Shamshir Crysknife - Small Sword / Sand Breaker Gladius - Small Sword / Chopper Kitchen Knife - Chopper / Sax Bone Rapier - Evilcise Buster Sword - Claymore Chopper - Choora / Dusack Sand Breaker - Antique Sword Sax - Dusack Serpent Sword - Tsukikage / Evilcise Shamshir - Dusack Small Sword - Tsukikage Antique Sword - Brave Ark Choora - Heaven's Cloud / Maneater Claymore - Cross Hinder Dusack - Brave Ark / 7 Branch Sword Evilcise - Drain Seeker Macho Sword - Aga's Sword / Cross Hinder Tsukikage - Heaven's Cloud Wise Owl Sword - Lamb's Sword 7 Branch Sword - Atlamilla Sword Aga's Sword - Atlamilla Sword Brave Ark - Dark Cloud Cross Hinder - Big Bang Drain Seeker - Dark Cloud Heaven's Cloud - Dark Cloud Lamb's Sword - Atlamilla Sword Maneater - Atlamilla Sword Mardan Eins - Mardan Twei Sun Sword - Big Bang Atlamilla Sword - Chronicle Sword Big Bang - Sword Of Zeus Dark Cloud - 7th Heaven Mardan Twei - Arise Mardan Final Weapons 7th Heaven - 240 / 110 Arise Mardan - 250 / 120 Chronicle 2 - 350 / 200 Chronicle Sword - 260 / 150 Sword Of Zeus - 199 / 176 Notes: There are only one Serpent Sword, Macho Sword, Sun Sword, Mardan Enis and Chronicle 2 in the game. That means there is only one Aga's Sword as the Macho Sword is the only weapon that evolves into Aga's Sword. There are also only one Mardan Twei and Arise Mardan because there is only one Mardan Eins. Notes: To get the Chronicle 2 you must beat the Black Knight Pendragon on the 100th floor of the Demon Shaft. Notes: The only way to get a Mardan Eins is to catch a Mardan Garyan, and then you have to buy it for 2500 fishing points. To build it up to Mardan Twei you have to catch 25 more Mardans and then to build the Mardan Twei up to the Arise Mardan you need to catch 15 more Mardans. I have been told that these figures, according to other people may be too high, but these are the ones I will list until they are officially proven wrong as I would rather have you shoot too high and be given a suprise than shoot too low and get angry. There are also other theories of how these blades Build Up, but this is the most commonly accepted idea and will be listed until it's officially wrong. Notes: The Lamb's Sword changes its appearance and stats when it goes into "Wolf Mode". It does this when it gets low on WHP. Notes: Evolving the Serpent Sword into the Tsukikage could end up loosing you 2 Attack. The max Attack for the Serpent Sword is 70 and for the Tsukikage it is 68. ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- [-Base Weapon - Wooden Slingshot-] Bandit Slingshot - Hardshooter / Double Impact Bone Slingshot - Flamingo Steel Slingshot - Hardshooter Flamingo - Dragon's Y Hardshooter - Double Impact / Matador Double Impact - Divine Beast Title Dragon's Y - Divine Beast Title Matador - Divine Beast Title Divine Beast Title - Angel Shooter Angel Shooter - Angel Gear Steve - Super Steve Final Weapons Angel Gear - 256 / 103 Super Steve - 130 / 80 Notes: Steve and Super Steve both talk when locked onto an enemy. There stats aren't very good, but they are supposed to just be fun weapons anyway. ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- [-Base Weapon - Mallet-] Frozen Tuna - Turtle Shell Steel Hammer - Plate Hammer Big Bucks Hammer - Magical Hammer / Gaia Hammer Plate Hammer - Magical Hammer Trial Hammer - Gaia Hammer Turtle Shell - Magical Hammer / Battle Axe Battle Axe - Satan's Axe Magical Hammer - Gaia Hammer / Last Judgment Gaia Hammer - Tall Hammer Last Judgment - Tall Hammer Satan's Ax - Inferno Final Weapons Inferno - 350 / 300 Tall Hammer - 260 / 200 Notes: Evolving the Frozen Tuna into the Turtle Shell could end up loosing you 25 Magic. The max Magic for the Frozen Tuna is 50 and for the Turtle Shell it is 25. ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ [-Base Weapon - Gold Ring-] Thorn Armlet - Platinum Ring Bandit's Ring - Crystal Ring / Pockleful Platinum Ring - Crystal Ring / Fairy's Ring Crystal Ring - Goddess's Ring / Satan's Ring Pockleful - Fairy's Ring Fairy's Ring - Destruction Ring Goddess's Ring - Athena's Armlet Athena's Armlet - Secret Armlet Destruction Ring - Mobius Ring Satan's Ring - Mobius Ring Final Weapons Mobius Ring - 99 / 250 Secret Armlet - 155 / 300 Notes: Evolving the Thorn Armlet into the Platinum Ring could end up loosing you 10 Attack. The max Attack for the Thorn Armlet is 60 and for the Platinum Ring it is 50. Notes: Evolving the Pockleful into the Fairy's Ring could end up loosing you 25 Magic. The max Magic for the Pockleful is 70 and for the Fairy's Ring it is 45. --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- [-Base Weapon - Fighting Stick-] 5 ft. Nail - Scorpion / Partisan Halberd - Scorpion Javelin - De Sanga / Partisan De Sanga - Cactus Partisan - Cactus Scorpion - Mirage / Cactus Cactus - Terra Sword Mirage - Terra Sword / Hercule's Wrath Mirage - Terra Sword / Hercule's Wrath Terra Sword - Babel's Spear Final Weapons Babel's Spear - 321 / 80 Hercule's Wrath - 256 / 50 Notes: The Mirage is listed twice because it is the only weapon that evolves strait into Hercule's Wrath, but it also evolves into the Terra Sword which evolves into Babel's Spear. ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- [-Base Weapon - Machine Gun-] Jackal - Blessing Gun / Swallow Snail - Blessing Gun / Hexa Blaster Blessing Gun - Skunk Swallow - G Crusher Skunk - Hexa Blaster Hexa Blaster - Supernova G Crusher - Star Breaker Final Weapons Star Breaker - 120 / 45 Supernova - 256 / 128 Note: Osmond has two main weapon types, the machine guns and the laser guns. There is also a third group, the flamethrower type, but these eventually turn into a laser type anyway. The machine guns include: Jackal, Swallow, G Crusher and the final machine gun, the Star Breaker. The laser guns include: Snail, Hexa Blaster and the final laser gun, the Supernova. The flamethrower types are the Blessing Gun and the Skunk. The machine gun types have lower max stats than the laser guns, but make up for it with a faster rate of fire. That would explain why the Star Breaker, an ultimate weapon has lower max stats then the Hexa Blaster, which isn't even an ultimate weapon. Notes: Evolving the Snail into the Blessing Gun could end up loosing you 9 Attack. The max Attack for the Snail is 65 and for the Blessing Gun it is 56. Notes: Evolving the Snail into the Blessing Gun could end up loosing you 25 Magic. The max Magic for the Snail is 55 and for the Blessing Gun it is 30. --------------- *****Stats***** --------------- In this section you can find all the starting stats for the weapons you can obtain in any ways besides evolution in Dark Cloud. You can also use these stats to figure out how to build up to one of these weapons. However, in the cases of some of the weapons, the stats listed here and the stats required to reach that weapon through evolution vary. So, to use this section the best, use it more as an outline, not as a 100% accurate graph. The weapons are listed in the order in which they appear on the evolution chart. Key At - Attack Ed - Endurance Sp - Speed Mg - Magic WP - Weapon Health Power Fi - Fire Ic - Ice Th - Thunder Wi - Wind Ho - Holy Dr - Dragon Ud - Undead Ma - Marine Rk - Rock Pt - Plant Bt - Beast Sy - Sky Ml - Metal Mc - Mimic Mg - Mage ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- Weapon Name - At Ed Sp Mg WH Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Dagger - 6 30 70 2 48 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 Baselard - 8 20 60 4 40 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Crysknife - 12 25 70 8 55 0 0 0 0 8 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 Gladius - 10 32 60 6 45 0 0 0 0 5 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kitchen Knife - 5 22 80 0 30 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bone Rapier - 15 20 80 30 30 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Buster Sword - 24 40 50 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 Chopper - 30 40 50 15 57 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 Sand Breaker - 28 20 70 14 40 0 10 0 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 10 0 8 Sax - 26 40 50 15 57 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 Serpent Sword - 22 48 60 8 45 0 0 14 12 0 21 0 12 0 23 24 23 0 0 0 Small Sword - 20 33 80 36 30 0 8 10 10 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shamshir - 20 30 70 6 32 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 Antique Sword - 37 39 50 25 58 6 0 0 0 20 20 8 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 Choora - 39 44 80 28 30 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 Claymore - Dusack - Evilcise - Macho Sword - 43 52 50 20 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 12 0 0 35 0 Tsukikage - 40 20 70 34 70 0 10 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 20 0 8 Wise Owl Sword - 30 22 70 12 50 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 0 12 7 Branch Sword - 65 40 80 35 30 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aga's Sword - 60 60 50 30 58 6 0 0 0 8 20 23 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Brave Ark - 60 75 80 20 70 30 0 0 0 40 0 34 0 38 0 0 30 25 0 18 Cross Hinder - 68 40 60 21 50 10 10 10 0 30 30 0 0 35 0 0 0 15 20 0 Drain Seeker - 50 40 60 55 50 30 30 35 30 0 0 0 0 30 0 30 25 0 0 10 Heavens's Cloud - Lamb's Sword - 45 44 70 20 65 0 0 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 30 35 35 0 0 0 Maneater - 55 40 50 55 57 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 55 Mardan Eins - 50 50 50 50 58 5 5 5 5 5 10 8 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 Sun Sword - 50 46 60 30 50 30 0 35 0 0 30 30 0 30 0 0 0 15 0 10 Atlamilla Sword - Big Bang - Dark Cloud - Mardan Twei - 7th Heaven - Arise Mardan - Chronicle 2 - 199 99 89 110 99 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Chronicle Sword - Sword Of Zeus - ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- Weapon Name - At Ed Sp Mg WH Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Wooden Slingshot - 4 40 43 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 Bandit Slingshot - 30 38 48 0 46 0 0 0 12 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 5 Bone Slingshot - 8 20 58 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 Steel Slingshot - 14 40 43 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 Flamingo - Hardshooter - 35 50 70 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 5 12 20 0 0 Double Impact - 40 50 60 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 12 0 0 12 Dragon's Y - Matador - 42 50 60 0 45 30 0 10 0 0 30 0 8 0 0 0 12 0 0 30 Divine Beast Title- Angel Shooter - Steve - 16 48 50 0 50 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 20 0 Angel Gear - Super Steve - ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- Weapon Name - At Ed Sp Mg WH Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Mallet - 20 30 30 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 Frozen Tuna - 22 20 40 10 80 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Steel Hammer - 25 40 20 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 10 10 0 Big Bucks Hammer - 40 35 30 14 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 Plate Hammer - Trial Hammer - 20 10 48 25 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 20 0 Turtle Shell - 36 40 45 0 55 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 Battle Axe - 65 45 45 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 30 30 Magical Hammer - 62 34 45 25 55 30 20 15 5 30 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 18 20 Gaia Hammer - 77 10 48 25 65 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 26 0 Last Judgment - 99 45 48 55 65 10 10 10 10 10 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 20 25 20 Satan's Axe - Inferno - Tall Hammer - ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ Weapon Name - At Ed Sp Mg WH Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Gold Ring - 10 40 65 20 45 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Thorn Armlet - 50 40 65 35 67 15 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bandit's Ring - 12 40 67 25 48 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Platinum Ring - 17 40 66 40 55 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Crystal Ring - 38 40 64 55 53 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pockleful - 35 40 69 55 50 0 0 0 10 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fairy's Ring - 35 40 69 65 54 0 0 0 15 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Goddess's Ring - 38 40 58 60 62 10 10 26 10 55 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 Athena's Armlet - Destruction Ring - 50 40 65 65 67 30 30 30 30 10 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 30 0 0 Satan's Ring - 40 40 44 60 70 55 25 48 48 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 Mobius Ring - Secret Armlet - --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- Weapon Name - At Ed Sp Mg WH Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Fighting Stick - 35 20 65 0 48 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 ft. Nail - 40 45 90 0 60 0 0 10 18 0 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 8 5 Halberd - 44 28 75 0 52 0 10 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 8 0 0 Javelin - 38 25 70 0 52 8 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 5 8 0 0 0 0 0 De Sanga - 46 35 74 0 52 0 0 25 17 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Partisan - 55 45 90 0 60 0 0 10 18 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 12 8 Scorpion - 50 35 78 0 58 10 0 0 21 0 12 8 8 0 0 8 8 12 0 0 Cactus - 70 45 90 0 60 0 35 0 35 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 8 8 Mirage - 63 45 77 10 72 45 0 0 20 0 16 16 16 0 0 16 16 16 0 0 Terra Sword - 120 50 75 22 74 30 20 30 30 2 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 16 16 Babel's Spear - Hercule's Wrath - ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- Weapon Name - At Ed Sp Mg WH Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Machine Gun - 22 30 55 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jackal - 30 35 65 8 58 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Snail - 34 50 60 10 45 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blessing Gun - 34 50 60 10 45 15 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Swallow - 48 55 66 20 55 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 15 6 6 6 6 12 6 Skunk - 48 55 66 20 55 25 25 25 25 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hexa Blaster - 64 40 77 55 68 39 39 39 39 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G Crusher - 50 60 60 25 68 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 30 8 8 8 35 8 8 Star Breaker - Supernova - ---------------------------- *****Max Attack / Magic***** ---------------------------- This section contains the max attack and magic values for all the weapons in Dark Cloud. It will go in the same order as the evolution charts. ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- Weapon Name - Max Attack - Max Magic Dagger - 25 - 24 Baselard - 26 - 25 Crysknife - 40 - 38 Gladius - 37 - 36 Kitchen Knife - 30 - 15 Bone Rapier - 55 - 62 Buster Sword - 65 - 35 Chopper - 65 - 43 Sand Breaker - 68 - 45 Sax - 65 - 41 Serpent Sword - 70 - 55 Small Sword - 60 - 60 Shamshir - 60 - 39 Antique Sword - 77 - 47 Choora - 74 - 55 Claymore - 68 - 45 Dusack - 78 - 45 Evilcise - 80 - 75 Macho Sword - 68 - 54 Tsukikage - 68 - 70 Wise Owl Sword - 55 - 50 7 Branch Sword - 99 - 65 Aga's Sword - 95 - 80 Brave Ark - 95 - 60 Cross Hinder - 110 - 60 Drain Seeker - 99 - 85 Heavens's Cloud - 102 - 85 Lamb's Sword - 80 - 60 Maneater - 99 - 63 Mardan Eins - 70 - 65 Sun Sword - 110 - 58 Atlamilla Sword - 155 - 101 Big Bang - 170 - 95 Dark Cloud - 145 - 99 Mardan Twei - 99 - 99 7th Heaven - 240 - 110 Arise Mardan - 250 - 120 Chronicle 2 - 350 - 200 Chronicle Sword - 260 - 150 Sword Of Zeus - 199 - 176 ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- Weapon Name - Max Attack - Max Magic Wooden Slingshot - 28 - 10 Bandit Slingshot - 50 - 10 Bone Slingshot - 35 - 10 Steel Slingshot - 35 - 10 Flamingo - 55 - 18 Hardshooter - 70 - 18 Double Impact - 88 - 30 Dragon's Y - 85 - 55 Matador - 90 - 30 Divine Beast Title - 140 - 70 Angel Shooter - 182 - 99 Steve - 60 - 30 Angel Gear - 256 - 103 Super Steve - 130 - 80 ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- Weapon Name - Max Attack - Max Magic Mallet - 35 - 10 Frozen Tuna - 55 - 50 Steel Hammer - 65 - 14 Big Bucks Hammer - 80 - 30 Plate Hammer - 89 - 30 Trial Hammer - 77 - 40 Turtle Shell - 78 - 25 Battle Axe - 125 - 55 Magical Hammer - 120 - 80 Gaia Hammer - 165 - 90 Last Judgment - 150 - 85 Satan's Axe - 199 - 222 Inferno - 350 - 300 Tall Hammer - 260 - 200 ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ Weapon Name - Max Attack - Max Magic Gold Ring - 35 - 43 Thorn Armlet - 60 - 46 Bandit's Ring - 38 - 55 Platinum Ring - 50 - 65 Crystal Ring - 80 - 88 Pockleful - 66 - 70 Fairy's Ring - 66 - 45 Goddess's Ring - 95 - 128 Athena's Armlet - 128 - 220 Destruction Ring - 99 - 99 Satan's Ring - 95 - 128 Mobius Ring - 99 - 250 Secret Armlet - 155 - 300 --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- Weapon Name - Max Attack - Max Magic Fighting Stick - 55 - 20 5 ft. Nail - 79 - 30 Halberd - 80 - 20 Javelin - 85 - 20 De Sanga - 110 - 20 Partisan - 95 - 30 Scorpion - 99 - 30 Cactus - 155 - 30 Mirage - 150 - 40 Terra Sword - 220 - 66 Babel's Spear - 321 - 80 Hercule's Wrath - 256 - 50 ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- Weapon Name - Max Attack - Max Magic Machine Gun - 32 - 15 Jackal - 55 - 25 Snail - 65 - 55 Blessing Gun - 56 - 30 Swallow - 72 - 30 Skunk - 72 - 55 Hexa Blaster - 128 - 90 G Crusher - 99 - 35 Star Breaker - 120 - 45 Supernova - 256 - 128 ------------------- *****Locations***** -------------------- Well, this section contains the locations of the weapons in the game. For every character the display will be a little different, as some characters can only get weapons in certain dugeons. If I list a dungeon that I have found it in it could have been obtained through a regular Treasure Chest or from a Happpy Clown. If I haven't found a weapon in a ceratin dungeon or just don't remember it, as I only recorded locations on one of my six games, I will just leave a blank. It doesn't mean you can't find it there. It will be in the same order as everything else, the evolution order. Also if I have it as a gift or buyable, look in the corrosponding sections to get a more detailed description on its where abouts. Here it goes. Key DB - Divine Beast Cave WO - Wise Owl Forest SH - Shipwreck SM - Sun and Moon Temple MS - Moon Sea GT - Gallery of Time DS - Demon Shaft GF - Gift BY - Buy EV - Evoltion ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- Weapon Name - DB - WO - SH - SM - MS - GT - DS - GF - BY - EV - Dagger - - - - - - - - No No No Baselard - Yes Yes Yes - - - - No No No Crysknife - Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes No No No Gladius - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - No Yes No Kitchen Knife - Yes Yes Yes - - - - No Yes No Bone Rapier - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - No No No Buster Sword - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - Yes Yes No No Chopper - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - No No Yes Sand Breaker - - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - No No Yes Sax - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - No No Yes Serpent Sword - - - - - - - - Yes No No Small Sword - Yes Yes Yes Yes - - - No No Yes Shamshir - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - - No No Yes Antique Sword - - Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Choora - Yes Yes - Yes - - - No No Yes Claymore - - - - Yes - - - No No Yes Dusack - - - - Yes - - - No No Yes Evilcise - - - - - - - - No No Yes Macho Sword - - - - - - - - Yes No No Tsukikage - - Yes - Yes - - - No Yes Yes Wise Owl Sword - - - - - - - - No Yes No 7 Branch Sword - - - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Aga's Sword - - - - - - - Yes No No Yes Brave Ark - - - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Cross Hinder - - - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Drain Seeker - - - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Heavens's Cloud - - - - - - - - No No Yes Lamb's Sword - - - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Maneater - - - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Mardan Eins - - - - - - - - No Yes No Sun Sword - - - - - - - - Yes No No Atlamilla Sword - - - - - - - - No No Yes Big Bang - - - - - - - - No No Yes Dark Cloud - - - - - - - - No No Yes Mardan Twei - - - - - - - - No No Yes 7th Heaven - - - - - - - - No No Yes Arise Mardan - - - - - - - - No No Yes Chronicle 2 - - - - - - - - Yes No No Chronicle Sword - - - - - - - - No No Yes Sword Of Zeus - - - - - - - - No No Yes ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- Weapon Name - DB - WO - SH - SM - MS - GT - DS - GF - BY - EV - Wooden Slingshot - - - - - - - - No No No Bandit Slingshot - Yes Yes Yes - Yes Yes Yes No No No Bone Slingshot - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Steel Slingshot - Yes Yes Yes - Yes - Yes No No No Flamingo - - - - - - - - No No Yes Hardshooter - - - Yes Yes Yes - Yes No No Yes Double Impact - - - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Dragon's Y - - - - - - - - No No Yes Matador - - - - - - - - No Yes Yes Divine Beast Title - - - - - - - - No No Yes Angel Shooter - - - - - - - - No No Yes Steve - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Angel Gear - - - - - - - - No No Yes Super Steve - - - - - - - - No No Yes ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- Weapon Name - WO - SH - SM - MS - GT - DS - GF - BY - EV - Mallet - - - - - - - No No No Frozen Tuna - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes No No Steel Hammer - Yes - Yes - - - No No No Big Bucks Hammer - - - - - - - Yes Yes No Plate Hammer - - - - - - - No No Yes Trial Hammer - - Yes - - - - No No No Turtle Shell - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Battle Axe - - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Magical Hammer - Yes Yes - Yes - Yes No Yes Yes Gaia Hammer - - - - - Yes - No No Yes Last Judgment - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Satan's Ax - - - - - - - No No Yes Inferno - - - - - - - No No Yes Tall Hammer - - - - - - - No No Yes ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ Weapon Name - SH - SM - MS - GT - DS - GF - BY - EV - Gold Ring - - - - - - No No No Thorn Armlet - Yes - Yes - - No No No Bandit's Ring - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Platinum Ring - Yes - Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes Crystal Ring - - Yes - Yes Yes No No Yes Pockleful - Yes Yes - - - No No Yes Fairy's Ring - - Yes Yes - Yes No Yes Yes Goddess's Ring - - Yes - - Yes No No Yes Athena's Armlet - - - - - - No No Yes Destruction Ring - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Satan's Ring - - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Mobius Ring - - - - - - No No Yes Secret Armlet - - - - - - No No Yes --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- Weapon Name - SM - MS - GT - DS - GF - BY - EV - Fighting Stick - - - - - No No No 5 ft. Nail - Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Halberd - - Yes Yes Yes No No No Javelin - Yes - Yes Yes No No No De Sanga - Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Partisan - - Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Scorpion - - Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Cactus - - - Yes Yes No No Yes Mirage - - - - - Yes No Yes Terra Sword - - Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Babel's Spear - - - - - - - Yes Hercule's Wrath - - - - - - - Yes ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- Weapon Name - MS - GT - DS - GF - BY - EV - Machine Gun - - - - No No No Jackal - Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Snail - Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Blessing Gun - - Yes Yes No Yes Yes Swallow - Yes Yes - No No Yes Skunk - - Yes Yes No No Yes Hexa Blaster - - Yes Yes No No Yes G Crusher - - Yes Yes No No Yes Star Breaker - - - - No No Yes Supernova - - - - No No Yes ------------------ ***You Can Help*** ------------------ If you have a location that I don't have listed in the guide, then feel free to contact me via email or IM and tell me about it. You will get credit for your find in the Credits section. --------------- *****Gifts***** --------------- From time to time in Dark Cloud some people will reward you with gifts of weapons. This section contains all the weapon gifts you can get in the game as gifts, who gives them to you and how and where you can get them. They are listed by which area you get them in, going by the order you get to them in the game. Some areas don't have weapon gifts, so they will just be skipped. ---------------- Matataki Village ---------------- Serpent Sword - Trent - Connect the river to him. Frozen Tuna - Gob - Complete his house. Turtle Shell - Couscous - When you complete his house, take the third choice. Battle Axe - Trent - Get Matataki Village 100% in all 3 catagories of Georama. ------ Queens ------ Big Bucks Hammer - Jack - Have Ruby as an ally when you go to the competion event for Jack's Shop. Platinum Ring - Jack - Have Ruby as an ally when you go to the competion event for Jack's Shop. Macho Sword - Wilder - Get Queens 100% in all 3 catagories of Georama. ----------- Muska Lacka ----------- Buster Sword - Enga - Complete his house. Sun Sword - Toto - Complete his house. Double Impact - Zabo - Complete his house. Mirage - Cheif - Get Muska Lacka 100% in all 3 catagories of Georama. ----------- Demon Shaft ----------- Chronicle 2 - "Reward" - Defeat the Black Knight Pen Dragon on the 100th floor of the Demon Shaft. ---------------- *****Buying***** ---------------- This is a listing of all the weapons you can buy in Dark Cloud. They are listed by which area you can buy them in, and at which shop and for how much you can do so, going by the order you get to them in the game. Some areas don't have buyable weapons, so they will just be skipped. Remember that the weapons you can buy at fishing spots are bought with Fishing Points, not Gilda. ---------------- Matataki Village ---------------- Wise Owl Sword - Wise Owl Shop - 2500 ------ Queens ------ Kitchen Knife - Jack's Weapon Shop - 400 Gladius - Jack's Weapon Shop - 500 Bone Slingshot - Jack's Weapon Shop - 400 Big Bucks Hammer - Jack's Weapon Shop - 1000 Platinum Ring - Jack's Weapon Shop - 600 ------------ Yellow Drops ------------ Jackal - Ledan's Item Shop - 3000 Snail - Ledan's Item Shop - 1500 ------------- Fishing Spots ------------- Tsukikage - 1100 Matador - 1400 Magical Hammer - 1800 Fairy's Ring - 1300 Scorpion - 1400 Blessing Gun - 1500 Mardan Eins - 2500 ------------------------ *****Seller's Guide***** ------------------------ In this section you will find how much you can sell every weapon in Dark Cloud for. Remember if you have attachments on a weapon when you go to sell it then the attachments selling price will be added to the weapons selling cost. These are the selling prices when there are no attachments on the weapons. They are in the familair evolution listing. ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- Weapon Name - Selling Price Dagger - No Baselard - 75 Crysknife - 175 Gladius - 125 Kitchen Knife - 100 Bone Rapier - 1 Buster Sword - 250 Chopper - 225 Sand Breaker - 230 Sax - 250 Serpent Sword - 500 Small Sword - 200 Shamshir - 125 Antique Sword - 200 Choora - 248 Claymore - 625 Dusack - 235 Evilcise - 1 Macho Sword - 600 Tsukikage - 500 Wise Owl Sword - 625 7 Branch Sword - 500 Aga's Sword - 1 Brave Ark - 750 Cross Hinder - 375 Drain Seeker - 1 Heavens's Cloud - 750 Lamb's Sword - 750 Maneater - 375 Mardan Eins - 1 Sun Sword - 750 Atlamilla Sword - 1 Big Bang - 1 Dark Cloud - 1 Mardan Twei - 1 7th Heaven - 1 Arise Mardan - 1 Chronicle 2 - 1 Chronicle Sword - 1 Sword Of Zeus - 1 ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- Weapon Name - Selling Price Wooden Slingshot - No Bandit Slingshot - 150 Bone Slingshot - 100 Steel Slingshot - 90 Flamingo - 125 Hardshooter - 225 Double Impact - 250 Dragon's Y - 300 Matador - 150 Divine Beast Title - 1 Angel Shooter - 1 Steve - 250 Angel Gear - 225 Super Steve - 1 ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- Weapon Name - Selling Price Mallet - No Frozen Tuna - 100 Steel Hammer - 125 Big Bucks Hammer - 250 Plate Hammer - 212 Trial Hammer - 50 Turtle Shell - 212 Battle Axe - 200 Magical Hammer - 175 Gaia Hammer - 225 Last Judgment - 375 Satan's Axe - 1 Inferno - 1 Tall Hammer - 1 ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ Weapon Name - Selling Price Gold Ring - No Thorn Armlet - 75 Bandit's Ring - 100 Platinum Ring - 150 Crystal Ring - 175 Pockleful - 100 Fairy's Ring - 200 Goddess's Ring - 180 Athena's Armlet - 1 Destruction Ring - 300 Satan's Ring - 350 Mobius Ring - 1 Secret Armlet - 1 --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- Weapon Name - Selling Price Fighting Stick - No 5 ft. Nail - 75 Halberd - 250 Javelin - 200 De Sanga - 300 Partisan - 425 Scorpion - 375 Cactus - 450 Mirage - 500 Terra Sword - 1 Babel's Spear - 1 Hercule's Wrath - 1 ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- Weapon Name - Selling Price Machine Gun - No Jackal - 750 Snail - 375 Blessing Gun - 850 Swallow - 850 Skunk - 1000 Hexa Blaster - 1625 G Crusher - 1375 Star Breaker - 1 Supernova - 1 ---------------------- *****Descriptions***** ---------------------- In Dark Cloud the game gives a description about every weapon. In this section you can find that description. Remember the game does not always use proper English. I may sometimes capitalize a lower case for them, but I never add words or letters. They are listed in evoltion order. ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- Weapon Name - Description Dagger - Fairly easy to use. Default weapon. Baselard - A big single-edged sword with long reach. Easy to use. Crysknife - Stylet with magical power. Gladius - Light wt. double-edged sword. Fairly high attack power. Kitchen Knife - Low attack power but causes major damage to water monsters. Bone Rapier - Made of bone. Ability unknown. Buster Sword - Double-edged powerful sword. Chopper - Light and easy to use dagger. Sand Breaker - Made of desert sand. Asorbs water. Sax - Easy to use single-handed sword. Serpent Sword - Sword with absolute power over snakes. Extremly rare. Small Sword - Light abd easy to use sword. Shamshir - Characterized by its curved edge. Light and easy to use. Antique Sword - Sword of antiquitey. Made a long time ago. Choora - A dagger with pretty pattern on it. Claymore - Big and double-handed. Heavy and powerful. Dusack - Unique single-hand sword. Cuts well. Evilcise - Single-edged sword with magical power. Macho Sword - Sword with muscle power. Arming it makes you exercise. Tsukikage - Sword with sacred power of moon beam. Wise Owl Sword - Legendary sword made by Wise Owl's artisan. 7 Branch Sword - Ancient sword with mysterious power. Aga's Sword - Sword owned by the legendary hero Aga. Brave Ark - Legendary treasure that was revived after many years. Cross Hinder - Very powerful double hand treasure sword. Drain Seeker - Feared magic sword. Absorb health power. Heavens's Cloud - Belongs to Katanas. Has the strongest potential. Lamb's Sword - Timid. Sword like a lamb. Appears to be weak but... Maneater - Fearful sword that eats human souls. Mardan Eins - Sword dwelled in by Lucky Mardan Garayan. Sun Sword - Legendary sword with power to cut through darkness. Atlamilla Sword - Sword that inherited Atlamilla, the legendary gem. Big Bang - Star energy is condensed and creates sword's energy. Dark Cloud - Magical sword with the power of darkness. Mardan Twei - Sword dwelled in by Lucky Mardan Garayan. 7th Heaven - Beautiful sword. Tears the heavens. Arise Mardan - Sword dwelled in by Lucky Mardan Garayan. Chronicle 2 - Proof of subjugation. Demon Shaft. Chronicle Sword - Worlds crumble before its might. Sword Of Zeus - Zeus' sword with unlimited ability. ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- Weapon Name - Description Wooden Slingshot - Slingshot made by carving wood. Default weapon. Bandit Slingshot - Sometimes you can steal items for monsters with this. Bone Slingshot - Slingshot made of bone. A bit fragile. Steel Slingshot - Slingshot made of steel. Looks heavy. Flamingo - Unique slingshot shaped like a bird. Hardshooter - Launches powerful shot but a bit fragile. Double Impact - Allows shooting two bullets at the same time. Dragon's Y - Slingshot with dragon's power. Matador - Slingshot made of ox horn. Very powerful. Divine Beast Title - Having this gives you the title of Divine Beast. Angel Shooter - Angel's slingshot. Looks cute but ultra powerful. Steve - Myserious talking slingshot. Nobody knows its true color. Angel Gear - Magnum slingshot. Unmaginable power. Super Steve - Powerful mysterious slingshot, Steve. ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- Weapon Name - Description Mallet - Light weight and easy to use. Default weapon. Frozen Tuna - Frozen like a rock. You can't eat it. Use it as a weapon. Steel Hammer - Hammer made of steel. A little heavy but powerful. Big Bucks Hammer - Magical hammer. Stroking it makes you rich. Plate Hammer - Hammer made of steel plate. Light. Trial Hammer - Blood adn sweat hammer w/ warriors soul. Turtle Shell - Hammer made of turtle shell. Battle Axe - Cut any enemy into half with a single stroke. A hunters must. Magical Hammer - Hammer with magical power. Makes attribute attack effective. Gaia Hammer - Strongest hammer with the power of Gaia. Last Judgment - Helluva strong hammer. Loved by the gate keeper of Hell. Satan's Axe - Ax used by dreadful Satan of Hell. Inferno - Great hammer with Hell's fire. Tall Hammer - Hammer with the fearful power generated my monstrous curse. ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ Weapon Name - Description Gold Ring - Expensive golden armlet. Default weapon. Thorn Armlet - Armlet made of thorns. Bandit's Ring - Nice armlet that steals items from enemy during attack. Platinum Ring - Durable armlet with pretty strong magical power. Crystal Ring - Expensive ring made of precious crystal. Pockleful - Bracelet that honor dwarf of forest. Fairy's Ring - Legendary armlet made by fairies. Goddess's Ring - Armlet blessed by goddess. Athena's Armlet - Armlet with the sacred power of goddess Athena. Destruction Ring - Armlet of darkness with power that can destroy everything. Satan's Ring - Ring with fearful spell made by Satan. Mobius Ring - Armlet absorbs power from infinite space and time. Secret Armlet - Braclet sealed with the origin of everything. --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- Weapon Name - Description Fighting Stick - A stick used in combat by desert warriors. Defaut weapon. 5 ft. Nail - Cursed lance. A stab may finish off enemy. Halberd - Powerful lance with axe blade. Javelin - Light weight and easy to use lance. De Sanga - Light-weight and easy to use forked lance. Partisan - Lance with sharp and thick blade. Scorpion - Lance with poisoned blade. Puts enemy in poison state. Cactus - Pole weapon w/ cactus ball. Smashes enemy. Mirage - Legendary lance made by ancient desert people. Terra Sword - Strongest lance made by fairies of Terra. Babel's Spear - Sacred lance that slashes even time. Hercule's Wrath - Legendary lance with dreadful destructive power. ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- Weapon Name - Description Machine Gun - A powerful blazing gun. Default weapon. Jackal - Upgraded machine gun. Snail - Gun made of shell. Fires magic bolts. Blessing Gun - Device emits magical attribute. Attacks various ways. Swallow - Enhanced machine gun. Light and easy to use. Skunk - Upgraded Blessing Gun. Spell emiting device. Hexa Blaster - Powerful beam cannon that emits magical energy. G Crusher - Emits powerful shot. Great destructive power. Star Breaker - Machine gun weapon. So powerful that it breaks stars. Supernova - Strongest beam-type weapon. Filled with space power. -------------------------------- *****Abs / Attachment Slots***** -------------------------------- This section contains a listing of how many attachment slots a weapon has and the starting number of Abs. They are listed in evoltion order. ------------------------- Toan's Swords and Daggers ------------------------- Weapon Name - Abs - Attachment Slots Dagger - 32 - 2 Baselard - 40 - 2 Crysknife - 45 - 3 Gladius - 40 - 2 Kitchen Knife - 50 - 2 Bone Rapier - 50 - 2 Buster Sword - 60 - 4 Chopper - 60 - 2 Sand Breaker - 68 - 2 Sax - 60 - 3 Serpent Sword - 50 - 3 Small Sword - 70 - 3 Shamshir - 70 - 2 Antique Sword - 50 - 3 Choora - 50 - 2 Claymore - 68 - 3 Dusack - 68 - 3 Evilcise - 60 - 2 Macho Sword - 70 - 3 Tsukikage - 68 - 3 Wise Owl Sword - 65 - 3 7 Branch Sword - 50 - 3 Aga's Sword - 50 - 3 Brave Ark - 85 - 2 Cross Hinder - 90 - 3 Drain Seeker - 90 - 4 Heavens's Cloud - 90 - 2 Lamb's Sword - 92 - 2 Maneater - 60 - 3 Mardan Eins - 66 - 3 Sun Sword - 90 - 4 Atlamilla Sword - 70 - 3 Big Bang - 80 - 3 Dark Cloud - 93 - 3 Mardan Twei - 45 - 3 7th Heaven - 68 - 3 Arise Mardan - 45 - 3 Chronicle 2 - 125 - 5 Chronicle Sword - 125 - 3 Sword Of Zeus - 90 - 3 ----------------- Xiao's Slingshots ----------------- Weapon Name - Abs - Attachment Slots Wooden Slingshot - 40 - 2 Bandit Slingshot - 40 - 2 Bone Slingshot - 40 - 3 Steel Slingshot - 40 - 2 Flamingo - 65 - 3 Hardshooter - 65 - 3 Double Impact - 65 - 3 Dragon's Y - 65 - 3 Matador - 65 - 3 Divine Beast Title - 80 - 3 Angel Shooter - 80 - 4 Steve - 58 - 3 Angel Gear - 92 - 3 Super Steve - 90 - 3 ----------------------- Goro's Hammers and Axes ----------------------- Weapon Name - Abs - Attachment Slots Mallet - 40 - 2 Frozen Tuna - 40 - 2 Steel Hammer - 40 - 2 Big Bucks Hammer - 58 - 2 Plate Hammer - 58 - 2 Trial Hammer - 65 - 3 Turtle Shell - 58 - 2 Battle Axe - 65 - 3 Magical Hammer - 60 - 2 Gaia Hammer - 65 - 3 Last Judgment - 65 - 4 Satan's Axe - 78 - 3 Inferno - 99 - 4 Tall Hammer - 78 - 3 ------------------------ Ruby's Rings and Armlets ------------------------ Weapon Name - Abs - Attachment Slots Gold Ring - 40 - 2 Thorn Armlet - 67 - 3 Bandit's Ring - 40 - 2 Platinum Ring - 56 - 2 Crystal Ring - 56 - 2 Pockleful - 50 - 3 Fairy's Ring - 67 - 3 Goddess's Ring - 67 - 3 Athena's Armlet - 78 - 3 Destruction Ring - 67 - 3 Satan's Ring - 67 - 3 Mobius Ring - 78 - 3 Secret Armlet - 67 - 3 --------------- Ungaga's Lances --------------- Weapon Name - Abs - Attachment Slots Fighting Stick - 45 - 2 5 ft. Nail - 56 - 3 Halberd - 45 - 2 Javelin - 45 - 2 De Sanga - 45 - 3 Partisan - 56 - 3 Scorpion - 56 - 3 Cactus - 56 - 3 Mirage - 70 - 3 Terra Sword - 70 - 4 Babel's Spear - 80 - 3 Hercule's Wrath - 80 - 3 ------------- Osmond's Guns ------------- Weapon Name - Abs - Attachment Slots Machine Gun - 38 - 3 Jackal - 58 - 3 Snail - 38 - 4 Blessing Gun - 38 - 4 Swallow - 58 - 3 Skunk - 58 - 4 Hexa Blaster - 69 - 4 G Crusher - 69 - 3 Star Breaker - 80 - 3 Supernova - 90 - 3 ------------------------- *****Top Stat Synths***** ------------------------- Have you ever needed a lot of one stat to get that weapon to the next build and you knew a gem wouldn't cut it? Then go with a synth sphere. This section contains the weapons that has the highest base stat in evey catagory. NOTE: The Chronicle 2 is not included in the rankings for highest stats because I would never recomend making it into a synth sphere. The top three are listed, but if there is a tie then more will be listed. Attack - Terra Sword - 120 Last Judgment - 99 Gaia Hammer - 77 Endurance - Brave Ark - 75 Aga's Sword - 60 Machine Gun - 60 G Crusher - 60 Speed - 5 ft. Nail - 90 Partisan - 90 Cactus - 90 Magic - Fairy's Ring - 65 Destruction Ring - 65 Goddess's Ring - 60 Satan's Ring - 60 Fire - Satan's Ring - 55 Mirage - 45 Hexa Blaster - 39 Ice - Hexa Blaster - 39 Cactus - 35 Drain Seeker - 30 Turtle Shell - 30 Destruction Ring - 30 Thunder - Satan's Ring - 48 Hexa Blaster - 39 Drain Seeker - 35 Sun Sword - 35 Wind - Satan's Ring - 48 Hexa Blaster - 39 Cactus - 35 Holy - Goddess's Ring - 55 Brave Ark - 40 Hexa Blaster - 39 Dragon - Cross Hinder - 30 Sun Sword - 30 Matador - 30 Satan's Ring - 30 Undead - Last Judgment - 45 Brave Ark - 34 Sun Sword - 30 Goddess's Ring - 30 Marine - Kitchen Knife - 33 Small Sword - 33 De Sanga - 25 Rock - Gaia Hammer - 50 Brave Ark - 38 Cross Hinder - 35 Plant - Lamb's Sword - 30 Serpent Sword - 23 Aga's Sword - 20 Beast - Lamb's Sword - 35 Drain Seeker - 30 Serpent Sword - 24 Sky - Lamb's Sword - 35 Brave Ark - 30 Drain Seeker - 25 Metal - G Crusher - 35 Destruction Ring - 30 Brave Ark - 25 Mimic - Macho Sword - 35 Battle Axe - 30 Satan's Ring - 30 Mage - Maneater - 55 Matador - 30 Battle Axe - 30 Goddess's Ring - 30 -------------------------- *****Leveling Up Tips***** -------------------------- This section just contains tips you can use to help you to become better at managing your weapons. 1.) Making Synths / Build Up Weak Weapons Let's face it, when you have a weak weapon or are trying to make a Synth Sphere you don't want to go back to an easier dungeon just to do so. So, what are you to do? The answer is share the Abs. This is a simple trick with not to many rules. The basic idea is this: Kill an enemy. Now before the enemy fades away press Triangle and switch to the weapon you want to get the Abs. Now exit out and when then the enemy fades away the weapon that is now equiped will get the Abs instead of the weapon that killed it. Now go back and equip your strong weapon again and repeat the process until you have a Synthable weapon or the weapon is strong enough for you to use to defend yourself. Now there are two things that you should know. First the bad: You can't switch chracters. The Abs won't transfer if you kill it with Toan and switch to Ungaga, or any character set up for that matter. However, with this you can just make a synth with a good character and put it on a weaker one anyway. The second thing is good: If you have the special Abs Up on the weapon that kills the monster the weapon you actually gets the Abs will still reap those benifits. Cool huh?!? Ok, well this is the easist way to upgrade weapons you don't really want to use. 2.) Building Your Main Weapon When leveling up your main weapon you should really only use Synth Spheres and Gems. In some odd cases you will use regular attachments. These cases would include: The stat is 6 or less away from being maxed out, or you know you only need 6 or less in a stat in order for it to be ready for the next upgrade. Other than these times you should only use Synth Spheres and Gems on you main weapon. Your main weapon is, your stongest weapon for a character that you will be building up and evolving for use in much of the game. Now you may ask what am I to do in the begining of the game when I don't have enough Gems to fill up all my attachment slots? Well that is when, just like anytime in the game, you make Synth Spheres. Just take a decent weapon and upgrade it to +5. Now along the way you can put on regular attachments on this weapon, but it's usually only worth it if the weapon already had a decent base for that stat already, such as putting Anti-Marine attachments on a Kitchen Knife as it's Anti-Marine base is already 33. Now, when you have a synth, just get some gems and absorb them all onto your main weapon and then use it again until you have full Abs and are ready to repeat the Synth Sphere Makeing/Gem Gathering Process. Useing this method makes for the least amount of time you have to put into a weapon because the attacments you are using are all much better than regular ones. With the proper Synth Spheres and Gem selection you can get to the next build for any weapon in 7 levels or less. 3.) Where Should I Level Up? There are a few good places that really stand out when it comes to leveling up your weapon. One is of course the bonus dungeon the Demon Shaft. The last 20 levels in this place provide a very good Ab flow, not to mention the fact that the backfloor key; Crystal Eyeball is very common. This is a good place to level up on your second+ game as it becomes availble right when you get to Dark Heaven Castle. However, on your first game if you want to level up before the Final Battle the Gallery Of Time works well also. Try doing the later floors of course. However, my favorite place to level up is the Shipwreck Floor 14, the Backfloor. Why? For one you can buy the backfloor key; Flapping Fish and an Ice Block to keep it fresh from Ruty of Queens for a combined cost of 200 Gilda. Now once in the back you have Masks that are super easy to defeat that give 24 Abs each. Also there is always the chance of getting Gems and maybe some Power Up Powders. And if you want more bang for your buck just leave and go back in. The enemys will have respawned. Of course collecting the Treasure in the front is also recomended. Also Floor 10 of the Wise Owl Forest is a great place also, it's just that the backfloor key for that place is not super common or buyable so I would still recomend the Shipwreck. Ok, all these areas are top notch places to level up your weapons! Recently I got a suggestion from camster about putting in places to level up in that are not just the "super" areas but in more areas, even the Divine Beast Cave. So, here is a list of the best places to level up in every dungeon in the game: --Divine Beast Cave-- Front: #11 & #13 = 57 Abs Back: #12 = 64 Abs --Wise Owl Forest-- Front: #16 = 105 Abs Back: #10 = 192 Abs --Shipwreck-- Front: #17 = 155 Abs Back: #14 = 192 Abs --Sun And Moon Temple-- Front: #17 = 174 Abs Back: #5 & #17 = 192 Abs --Moon Sea-- Front: #14 = 191 Abs Back: #11 = 240 Abs --Gallery Of Time-- Front: 225 Years Ago = 237 Abs Back: The Back Floor Key to the Gallery of Time is the Flapping Duster. However, in the American version of the game you won’t find it. Unfortunately when they were translating the game and all that good stuff it was accidentally left out. On the plus side, we did get the Demon Shaft and the Japanese did not. As a side note, I hear you can get the Flapping Duster with a GameShark or a similar device. I don’t have one of these myself, but that is what I hear. --Demon Shaft-- Front: #81, #84, #88, #89, #92, #93, #94, #95 = 525 Abs Back: #81-#99 = ~ 531 Abs Like I described in the paragraph above however, these are the 3 I would choose above all else: --Shipwreck-- Back: #14 = 192 Abs (It Has A Buyable Back Floor Key) --Demon Shaft-- Front: #81, #84, #88, #89, #92, #93, #94, #95 = 525 Abs Back: #81-#99 = They have an average of 531 Abs (It Has A Very Common Back Floor Key) --Wise Owl Forest-- Back: #10 = 192 Abs (It Has A Fairly Common Back Floor Key) This is a contribution from Lufusol, regarding the back floor of Level 17 of the Sun & Moon Temple. It is taken straight from his email, so is in his own words: -------------------------------------------------------- Hi Andrew, First I want to thank you for your helpful FAQ. I have a comment regarding the "Where Should I Level Up?" section. I think Level 17 of the Sun & Moon Temple deserves MUCH more notice as a great place to level, --as long as you have a fairly powerful synthsphere with the "steal" ability--: 1) As your FAQ already mentions, the enemies give great ABS in both front and back rooms. 2) You don't need to bring repair powders - Steel Golems provide them (via stealing), and the front room is full of them. 3) You don't need to bring water or food. There is almost always a pool in the front map (or both!). If someone gets hurt just switch allies until you can reach the health spot. Check the map for a pool before wasting a key on the back room - once you use it you can stay down there literally for hours. 3) It's easy to beat the slow monsters within an inch of their lives with Xiao, Ruby or Osmond (having the synthsphere+steal equipped) and then switch weapons (or characters) to finish the job and collect tons of ABS. In the back room, Xiao or Osmond are best because the blue dragons rarely shoot ice at these characters, but for some reason they shoot constantly at Ruby. 4) You will steal tons of ice gems from the Blue Dragons, and can use them to get various Breaker attachments (stone, metal, dragon, and mimic I believe) right there on the same level. The only thing you need to bring are lots of Dran's Feathers (atleast 6!) and other attachment items. It gets very tedious if you can't run around quickly. Please consider noting this in your FAQ... I have made a lot of progress in a (relatively) short time from this one level, even though the keys are rare. Again, thanks a lot, your FAQ has been an invaluable reference for upgrading! -------------------------------------------------------- 4.) Take Care Of Your Weapons! This is the easiest thing to do: Use at least 1 of your Active Items slots as a place to put an Auto-Repair Powder. Although you should be using a regular one when your weapon gets to 12-20 WHP left, this is just a safe fall back incase you forget. I think you would rather have it there than loose your Chronicle Sword you have spent hours upgrading dissapear beofore your eyes, wouldn't you?!? I think so. Also all default weapons CAN break and when they do their stats reset to the starting ones. They can break, they just don't disappear. The Serpent Sword, after the dual with the Killer Snake is breakable. Like I said though, lucky for you, and every other Dark Cloud player they have items called Repair Powders and more importantly Auto-Repair Powders! So, in order to keep your Weapons safe just follow this mini-guide: -Set an Auto-Repair Powder as an Active Item. -Then make sure you have an extra or two in your Item Bag. -Now, make sure you have 2-5 Repair Powders with you are all times. -Try as hard as you can to use a normal Repair Powder when your weapon gets to 20-12 WHP depending on the monsters you are fighting and your weapons Durability. -You can do it, I believe in you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ************************************Attachments**************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you just upgrade a weapon without attachements on it won't get much stronger. You need attachments on in order to upgrade it's stats so you can build it up to the next form. This sections purpose is to tell you all about the attahments in Dark Cloud ----------------------- *****Full Profiles***** ----------------------- This is from my Items Guide. It has all the information about every attachment in Dark Cloud. For all the attachments I will give the following information. The description the game gives of the attachment (remember the game doesn't always use proper English), this will always be the first dash, and my description of the attachment, which will be the second dash. I will also give the price at which you can buy the attachment if you can buy it and the price at which you can sell the attachment. Well I guess I'll start now, here it goes. -Attack 1, 2, 3 -Increases weapon attack power. -It adds 1, 2, or 3 Attack to your weapon. -Buy: 300 (1) -Sell: 150 (1,2,3) -Endurance 1, 2, 3 -Makes it harder to break a weapon. -It adds 1, 2, or 3 Endurance to your weapon. -Buy: 260 (1) -Sell: 130 (1,2,3) -Speed 1, 2, 3 -Weapons speed bar fill up faster. -It adds 1, 2, or 3 Speed to your weapon. -Buy: 260 (1) -Sell: 130 (1,2,3) -Magic 1, 2, 3 -Increases effect of attributes. -It adds 1, 2, or 3 Magic to your weapon. -Buy: 300 (1) -Sell: 150 (1,2,3) -Fire -Gives weapons the fire attribute. -It adds 3 Fire to your weapon. -Buy: 300 -Sell: 150 -Ice -Gives weapons the ice attribute. -It adds 3 Ice to your weapon. -Buy: 300 -Sell: 150 -Thunder -Gives weapons the thunder attribute. -It adds 3 Thunder to your weapon. -Buy: 300 -Sell: 150 -Wind -Gives weapons the wind attribute. -It adds 3 Wind to your weapon. -Buy: 300 -Sell: 150 -Holy -Gives weapons the holy attribute. -It adds 3 Holy to your weapon. -Buy: 300 -Sell: 150 -Dragon Slayer -Increases damage to dragons and reptiles. -It adds 3 Dragon to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Undead Buster -Undead monsters, zombies and mummies. -It adds 3 Undead to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Sea Killer -Increases damage to marine monsters. -It adds 3 Sea to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Stone Breaker -Increases damage to rock monsters. -It adds 3 Rock to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Plant Buster -Increases damage to plant monsters. -It adds 3 Plant to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Beast Buster -Increases damage to animal monsters. -It adds 3 Beast to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Sky Hunter -Increases damage to flying monsters. -It adds 3 Sky to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Metal Breaker -Increases damage to metal monsters. -It adds 3 Metal to your weapon. -Buy: 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Mimic Breaker -Increases damage to mimics. -It adds 3 Mimic to your weapon. -Buy: 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Mage Slayer -Increases damage to witches. -It adds 3 Mage to your weapon. -Buy: 300 - 50 FP -Sell: 150 -Synth Sphere -Attachment with capability of (weapons name). -It is a status broken weapon. -Buy: No -Sell: 1 -Amethyst -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Ice, 10 Dragon, 10 Mage. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Aquamarine -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Ice, 10 Sea, 10 Sky. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Diamond -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Metal and 5 to all other anti. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Emerald -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Magic, 10 Dragon, 10 Plant. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Garnet -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 5 Attack, 10 Fire, 10 Rock, 10 Beast. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Opal -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Endurance, 10 Metal, 10 Mage. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Pearl -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Endurance, 10 Thunder, 10 Undead. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Peridot -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 5 Attack, 10 Holy, 10 Plant, 10 Beast. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Ruby -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Speed, 10 Fire, 10 Mimic. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Sapphire -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Magic, 10 Wind, 10 Sky. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Topaz -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 5 Attack, 10 Speed, 10 Undead, 10 Sky. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Turquoise -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A gem that gives your weapon: 10 Ice, 10 Rock, 10 Mimic. -Buy: 3000 - 100 FP -Sell: 600 -Sun -Gem can be attached to weapon. -A unique gem. It gives: 10 Attack, 10(all elements), 3(all anti.) -Buy: No -Sell: 1000 ---------------- *****Buying***** ---------------- This is a listing of where you can buy attachments in Dark Cloud. The shops are listed in which area they are located, going by the order you get to them in the game. Also listed is the price at which you can buy the attachment. Some shops don't have attachments, so they will just be skipped. Remember that the attachments you can buy at fishing spots are bought with Fishing Points, not Gilda. This has mainly been taken from my Items Guide also, just I only put in the information about attachments. ------------------------------- Gaffer's Buggy - Norune Village ------------------------------- -This is what Gaffer will sell if you have Pike in his house when you go to the ending event for Gaffer's Buggy. -Attack 1 -300 -Endurance 1 - 260 -Fire - 300 -Ice - 300 -Thunder - 300 -Wind - 300 -Holy - 300 -Dragon Slayer - 300 -If you have the other version of Gaffer's Buggy then he doesn't sell any attachments. -------------------------------- Wise Owl Shop - Matataki Village -------------------------------- -Plant Buster - 300 --------------------- Suzy's Store - Queens --------------------- -Suzy's Store - To get this name when she says, " The name Suzy's, it's not quite right is it?" Choose "Is it?" as your response and she will keep the name Suzy's Store. -This version of Suzy's Store does not sell attachments. But I would still pick it. Why? To answer this I will use an exert from my Items Guide: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***I would choose this as the name you want because after Rando leaves then this would be the only shop that sells Holy Water. While Holy Water might not seem so great, the other 3 choices for the store name will all result in having items for sale that you can buy in other places. So even though it is only Holy Water it is still one more different item that you can buy. One more thing is that in no matter what one of the 4 you choose they will all have the 3 waters and the Stamina Drink and no other shop sells the Stamina Drink.*** --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Freshen Up Washery ------------------ -To get this choose, "No it's not quite right", and then Freshen Up. -Attack 1 -300 -Endurance 1 - 260 -Speed 1 - 260 -Magic 1 - 300 ----------------- Warrior's Washery ----------------- -To get this choose, "No it's not quite right", and then Fighting. -Sea Killer - 300 -Mage Slayer - 300 -Undead Buster - 300 --------------- Miracle Washery --------------- -To get this choose, "No it's not quite right", and then Magical. -Fire - 300 -Ice - 300 -Thunder - 300 -Wind - 300 -Holy - 300 ---------------------- Joker's Store - Queens ---------------------- -Fire - 300 -Ice - 300 -Thunder - 300 -Wind - 300 -Holy - 300 -Sea Killer - 300 -Mage Slayer - 300 -------------------------------- Brooke's Item Shop - Muska Lacka -------------------------------- -Wind - 300 -Stone Breaker - 300 -Sky Hunter - 300 ----------------- Ledan's Item Shop ----------------- To open this shop, go into the Moon Factory and it will show a cut scean and Ledan will open the gate to the Moon Sea for you and then he will open his shop. -Beast Buster - 300 ------------------------------------------ Fairy King's Gem Shop - Dark Heaven Castle ------------------------------------------ -Garnet - 3000 -Amethyst - 3000 -Aquamarine - 3000 -Diamond - 3000 -Emerald - 3000 -Pearl - 3000 -Ruby - 3000 -Peridot - 3000 -Sapphire - 3000 -Opal - 3000 -Topaz - 3000 -Turquoise - 3000 ------------------------------------------------- Fairy King's Attachment Shop - Dark Heaven Castle ------------------------------------------------- -Attack 1 - 300 -Endurance 1 - 260 -Speed 1 - 260 -Magic 1 - 300 -Dragon Slayer - 300 -Undead Buster - 300 -Sea Killer - 300 -Stone Breaker - 300 -Plant Buster - 300 -Beast Buster - 300 -Sky Hunter - 300 -Mage Slayer - 300 -------------------------------- Fishing Store - Any Fishing Spot -------------------------------- -Dragon Slayer - 50 FP -Undead Buster - 50 FP -Sea Killer - 50 FP -Stone Breaker - 50 FP -Plant Buster - 50 FP -Beast Buster - 50 FP -Sky Hunter - 50 FP -Metal Breaker - 50 FP -Mimic Breaker - 50 FP -Mage Slayer - 50 FP -Garnet - 100 FP -Amethyst - 100 FP -Aquamarine - 100 FP -Diamond - 100 FP -Emerald - 100 FP -Pearl - 100 FP -Ruby - 100 FP -Peridot - 100 FP -Sapphire - 100 FP -Opal - 100 FP -Topaz - 100 FP -Turquoise - 100 FP ---------------------------- ***Receiving From Enemies*** ---------------------------- This section was suggested by DeMatt. He said that he found it usefull getting attachments through using Items to kill enemies. Now, if you have read the Leveling Up section you know that I personally look down on using Regular Attachments most of the time. (Please note that I am NOT saying that DeMatt frequently uses regular attachments.) However, in those rare cases where I do use Regular Attachments, which you can see in the Leveling Up Tips section it's nice to have the right kind availible. Although I always have enough money to just buy them, there are the two: Metal and Mimic which can only be bought with Fising Points, and I don't condone using Fishing Points to buy anything other than Gems and the Mardan Eins. So, how do you get these attachments? Well, as the title says you receive them from enemies. But in order to do this you need to defeat them with an item. Now, the item only needs to strick the final blow, it does not need to do all the damage, so if you want you can lower it's health by other means such as Posion or direct weapon damage. Anyway, if you finish the monseter off with an Item it will most of the time, not all of the time, drop an Attachment. So, basically this section is going to describe the easiest way to get these attachments. I've picked the easiest enemy that gives each one, so although there are more than likely more, these are the monsters that I feel are the easiest to defeat. Dragon Slayer = Dragon = Divine Beast Cave Undead Buster = Skeleton Soldier = Divine Beast Cave Sea Killer = Opar = Divine Beast Cave Stone Breaker = Statue = Divine Beast Cave Plant Buster = Canibal Plant = Wise Owl Forest Beast Buster = Dasher = Divine Beast Cave Sky Hunter = Crescent Baron = Moon Sea Metal Breaker = Pirate's Chariot = Shipwreck Mimic Breaker = Mimic = Divine Beast Cave Mage Slayer = Sunday (& Friends) = Wise Owl Forest Just as a side note: Running through the Divine Beast Cave's first couple floors and using your projectiles is a good way to make Gilda. You will get more money for selling Attachment than Bombs and such and even if you use some and don't get and attachment you will still make a profit in the long run. --------------- *****Chart***** --------------- This is just a chart showing what atachment gives what to a weapon. It is useful if you don't want to read the descriptions of the attachments. Key At - Attack Ed - Endurance Sp - Speed Mg - Magic Fi - Fire Ic - Ice Th - Thunder Wi - Wind Ho - Holy Dr - Dragon Ud - Undead Ma - Marine Rk - Rock Pt - Plant Bt - Beast Sy - Sky Ml - Metal Mc - Mimic Mg - Mage Attachment - At Ed Sp Mg Fi Ic Th Wi Ho Dr Ud Ma Rk Pt Bt Sy Ml Mc Mg Amethyst - - - - - - 10 - - - 10 - - - - - - - - 10 Aquamarine - - - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 - - - 10 - - - Diamond - - - - - - - - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 5 5 Emerald - - - - 10 - - - - - 10 - - - 10 - - - - - Garnet - 5 - - - 10 - - - - - - - 10 - 10 - - - - Opal - - 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - 10 Pearl - - 10 - - - - 10 - - - 10 - - - - - - - - Peridot - 5 - - - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 10 - - - - Ruby - - - 10 - 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 - Sapphire - - - - 10 - - - 10 - - - - - - - 10 - - - Topaz - 5 - 10 - - - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 - - - Turquoise - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - 10 - - - - 10 - Sun - 10 - - - 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Attack 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attack 2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attack 3 - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Endurance 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Endurance 2 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Endurance 3 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Speed 1 - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Speed 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Speed 3 - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Magic 1 - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Magic 2 - - - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Magic 3 - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fire - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ice - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thunder - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - Wind - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - Holy - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - Dragon Slayer - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - - Undead Buster - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - Sea Killer - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - Stone Breaker - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - - Plant Buster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - - Beast Buster - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - - Sky Hunter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - - Metal Breaker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - - Mimic Breaker - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - Mage Slayer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Synth Sphere - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ------------------------ *****Ending Remarks***** ------------------------ If you have any information I forgot you can send it to the email listed at the top of the guide. Put the subject as Dark Cloud, that way I will read it faster. Also if I made any mistakes you can do the same thing. You will get credit for the information you submit if I put it in the guide. Also if there is anything you want to see in the guide that's related to weapons then feel free to send me your ideas. I am thinking about putting in a Full Profile section for weapons that has all the information from the previous sections about a weapon all in one place. If you would like to see this or anything relating to weapons in Dark Cloud send me an email. Well, thanks for reading it, I hope it helped. ----------------- *****Credits***** ----------------- This is list of people I want to thank. -All the sites this is on, for hosting it. -Shawn, my best friend for watching me play Dark Cloud and a bunch of other games for hours on end. -MrMan9879 for being my best online friend and the 2 locations: Gallery of Time: Steve, Frozen Tuna -Qactuar for finding the base stats of Aga's Sword (Although after he found them through evolution Xelio found an Aga's Sword, and those are the stats listed now.), noteing a typo in on the Machine Gun's Endurance and the 15 locations: Divine Beast Cave: Sax Wise Owl Forest: Choora, Tsukikage, Turtle Shell Shipwreck: Baselard Sun And Moon Temple: Sand Breaker, Dusack Moon Sea: Thorn Armlet, Snail, Swallow Gallery Of Time: Battle Axe, Destruction Ring, Satan's Ring Demon Shaft: Antique Sword, Hexa Blaster -JungleJim for the 22 locations: Wise Owl Forest: Magical Hammer Shipwreck: Kitchen Knife Sun and Moon Temple: Shamshir, Goddess Ring Moon Sea: Magical Hammmer, Platinum Ring, Partisan, Choora, Sand Breaker, Steel Slingshot, Last Judgement, Double Impact, Antique Sword, Crysknife Gallery Of Time: Cross Hinder, Crysknife, Snail, Bone Slingshot Demon Shaft: 7 Branch Sword, Steve, Skunk, Jackal -Xelio for contributing the base stats of Aga's Sword and for the 1 location: Demon Shaft: Aga's Sword -Terrorsmurf for the base stats of the Choora. -Lee Eric Kirwan for the Durable strategy and confirmation on the idea about an Angel Shooter with Drain instead of Heal. -Jekyll2 for the Durable strategy. -Lufusol for contributing to the "Where Should I Level Up?" section. -Edoardo Montingelli for the following information on the Thorn Armlet: In-Game Description, Number Of Attachment Slots, Selling Price, and conformation on its' stats. -Andy Black for the 19 locations: Shipwreck: Magical Hammer, Bandit Slingshot, Battle Axe, Turtel Shell, Buster Sword, Last Judgement Sun And Moon Temple: Crystal Ring, De Sanga Moon Sea: Bandit Slingshot, Shamshir, Chopper, Fairy's Ring, Scorpion, Turtle Shell, Battle Axe Gallery Of Time: Turtle Shell, Bandit's Ring, Partisan, Jackal Halberd -Darth Mom for telling me that I was consistently misspelling Mardan Eins and for the 2 locations: Shipwreck: Pockleful Sun And Moon Temple: 5 Ft. Nail -Fr0869 for telling me that Crecent Barons gave Sky Hunters when killed by a projectile. -Lockness73 for also telling me that Crecent Barons gave Sky Hunter attachments when killed by a projectile. -Daniel Bird for noteing a typo in the Abilites Section. -Sebastien Marien for noteing a typo in the Max Attack/Magic section. -Zeik56 for noteing the lose of Attack when evolving the Serpent Sword into the Tsuikikage. -CheatWiz for the 10 locations: Wise Owl Forest: Bandit Slingshot Shipwreck: Bone Rapier, Sand Breaker Sun and Moon Temple: Bone Slingshot, Hardshooter, Steve, Frozen Tuna, Tutrle Shell, Javelin Moon Sea: Bone Slingshot -FreddyP for the 3 locations: Divine Beast Cave: Choora, Small Sword, Buster Sword -Manga for the 2 locations: Wise Owl Forest: Antique Sword Shipwreck: Steve -Sonic Y Tail for the 2 locations: Gallery of Time: Maneater, Double Impact -Drazar86 for the 2 locations: Shipwreck: Bandit's Ring Gallery of Time: 5 Ft Nail -SixDays for the 1 location: Moon Sea: Steve -Robbie for the 1 location: Gallery of Time: Scorpion -Moth Of Doom for the 1 location: Sun And Moon Temple: Bandit's Ring -Dragenit for the 1 location: Sun And Moon Temple: Claymore -Ryan Knight for the 1 location: Wise Owl Forest: Last Judgment -Tcharleyd for the Starting Abs for the Thron Armlet. -camster for the suggestion to elaborate on places to Level Up your Weapons. -DeMatt for the suggestion on adding a section about finding attachments. -WaveMiX for the suggestion on adding a section that explains the very basics of building up weapons. -------------------- *****Copy Right***** -------------------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you want this guide on your site send me an email. I will more than likely say it is okay as long as you have the whole thing and give me the credit for writing it. Copyright 2005 Andrew Ziel {Expert / The_Expert_47}