KKKKKKKK LLLL KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LL L NKKKKKKKKKKKK DDDDDDDDDD LL L KKKKK NKKKK NN GGG SS DD DD I LL LL KK NKKN II NN NN GGGGGGG SSSSSS DD DD E V V II LL KNNK II N NN NN GG SS DD DDD EE VVV II L LL KK KK II NN NNNN GG GGGG SS DDDDDDDD EEE VV III LLLLL KK KK II NN NN GGGGGGGG SSSSSS DD KKKK GG SS KKKKKKKKK GG GG Devil Kings Weapons/Items FAQ v2.0, 11/19/2005 by QuietMan2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Character Levels 2. Weapons 3. Items 4. Special Items 5. Character Items 6. Conquest Items 7. Point of Interest ****1.Character Levels**************************************************** The level cap for characters is level 20. Your character's last Boost Attack is unlocked at level 18. ****2.Weapons************************************************************* Each character has 6 weapons. The level cap for weapons is level 99. Weapons come from treasure boxes at random and depend on difficulty settings for their results. -(rare) refers to weapons from larger "Ornate" treasure boxes. Easy Difficulty. 1st Weapon - basic attack, basic defense. 2nd Weapon - low attack, low defense. Normal Difficulty. 3rd Weapon - medium attack, low defense. Elemental Attribute. 4th Weapon - low attack, high defense. Hard Difficulty. 5th Weapon - high attack, medium defense. Elemental Attribute. Hard Difficulty(rare). 6th Weapon (Joke Weapon)- varies per character. ****3.Items*************************************************************** Items come from treasure boxes at random and depend on difficulty settings for their results. S. Brace lvl. 1-99 - increases Attack. Armor lvl. 1-99 - increases Defense. E. Bead lvl. 1-99 - increases Max. HP. Health Ring lvl. 1-99 - more health from Health Stones. ****4.Special Items******************************************************* Special Items give special abilities to characters. Special Items come from treasure boxes at random and depend on difficulty settings for their results. -(rare) refers to Special Items from larger "Ornate" treasure boxes. -1 of 3 refers to Special Items that require equipping all 3 parts. Easy Difficulty. Airkiller - extra damage to shooters. Bounty Chest 2 - No Guard / 5 extra treasure boxes a stage. 1 of 3. Bronze Award - extra 500 exp. a stage. Flamekiller - extra damage to bombers. Fury Quencher - full Fury Bar at start of stage. Groundkiller - extra damage to foot soldiers. Ironkiller - extra damage to mace wielders. Machinekiller - extra damage to STOMP. Sage Hairpin - extra exp. from killing an enemy. Shadowkiller - extra damage to ninja. Berserker Skull - No Guard / attack up 50%. 1 of 3. Wheel of Gale 1 - Movement speed increases. 1 of 3. Woodkiller - extra damage to pole wielders. Easy(rare), Normal Difficulty. Awakening - prevents dizzy. Back Scratcher - rises character morale. effects character strength. Bounty Chest 1 - No Guard / 5 extra treasure boxes a stage. 1 of 3. Cursed Mask - Damage received doubles / attack doubles. 1 of 3. Berserker Face - No Guard / attack up 50%. 1 of 3. Fire Charm - protects from elemental attribute of enemy weapons. Ice Charm - protects from elemental attribute of enemy weapons. Lightning Charm - protects from elemental attribute of enemy weapons. Dark Charm - protects from elemental attribute of enemy weapons. Parchment of Infamy - extra damage to Field Commanders. Rally Pipe - new battle music. Saddle - Movement speed on horseback increases. Sheild Crusher - extra damage to sheild wielders. Silver Award - extra 1 000 exp. a stage. Tainted Figurine Head - Can't recover health / attack doubles. 1 of 3. Lottery Top - Damage received up / extra 30 000 exp. 1 of 3. Mask of Demoness White - Sacrifice health / attack up 400%. 1 of 3. Cursed K. Doll - Can't recover health / 3 extra Ornate(rare)treasure boxes. 1 of 3. Normal Difficulty. Bounty Chest 3 - No Guard / 5 extra treasure boxes a stage. 1 of 3. Cursed Jacket - Damage received doubles / attack doubles. 1 of 3. Discipline Paddle - knockback effect increases. Berserker Eyes - No Guard / attack up 50%. 1 of 3. Fury Soul - Fury Bar fills faster. Gold Award - extra 3 000 exp. a stage. Hilt of Reflection - repel attacks easier. Jewel of Rage - fill Fury Bar by taking damage up 300%. Medal of Valor - Kill 10 Field Commanders for an extra 3 000 exp. Lottery Middle - Damage received up / extra 30 000 exp. 1 of 3. Mask of Demoness Red - Sacrifice health / attack up 400%. 1 of 3. S. Harp - dizzy enemy increased. Tainted Figurine Torso - Can't recover health / attack doubles. 1 of 3. Cursed P. Doll - Can't recover health / 3 extra Ornate(rare)treasure boxes. 1 of 3. Normal(rare), Hard Difficulty. Mask of Demoness Blue - Sacrifice health / attack up 400%. 1 of 3. Lottery Bottom - Damage received up / extra 30 000 exp. One of Three. Breakthrough Secret - break enemy guard increased. Charm of Fortune - increases Ornate(rare)treasure box appearance rate. C. D. Scale - Enemy soldiers strength up / Enemy King strength down. Cursed Cloak - Damage received doubles / attack doubles. 1 of 3. Hourglass of Fate - Time limit / 3 extra treasure boxes. Tainted Figurine Legs - Can't recover health / attack doubles. 1 of 3. Cursed M. Doll - Can't recover health / 3 extra Ornate(rare)treasure boxes. 1 of 3. Hard Difficulty. Beads of Mercy - ability to heal. Chains of Necrosis - time for hit combo chain increases. Dice 1 - Damage received up / 5 extra treasure boxes a stage. 1 of 3. Dice 2 - Damage received up / 5 extra treasure boxes a stage. 1 of 3. Dice 3 - Damage received up / 5 extra treasure boxes a stage. 1 of 3. Gift Box of Reward - 1 extra Ornate(rare)treasure box a stage. Grave Power - Critical hit rate up. Sash of Atonement - use health instead of fury for boost attacks. Hard Difficulty(rare). Warrior's Code 2 - Doubles hit count. 1 of 3. Helmet of Betrayal - Can combo off allies. Treasure box appears after 400 hits. ****5.Character Items***************************************************** Character Items come from random treasure boxes. Random Characters. Normal Difficulty. Hammer Displacer - No weapon. Puff only. Head of Minotaur - Extra effect when health is low. Scorpio only. Normal(rare), Hard Difficulty. Power Shot - Adds extra effect to Devil King's shotgun. Plasma Generator - Extra effect to Iron Ox's Attack Mode boost attack. ****6.Conquest Mode Items************************************************* Beat Conquest Mode with 5 characters. Foul Incense - Enemy stays away. Wheel of Gale 2 - Movement speed increases. 1 of 3. Wheel of Gale 3 - Movement speed increases. 1 of 3. Beat Conquest Mode with 8 characters. Book of Immortality 1 - Come back to life once. 1 of 3. Book of Immortality 2 - Come back to life once. 1 of 3. Book of Immortality 3 - Come back to life once. 1 of 3. Beat Conquest Mode with all 12 characters. Warrior's Code 1 - Doubles hit count. 1 of 3. Warrior's Code 3 - Doubles hit count. 1 of 3. ****7.Point of Interest*************************************************** It's clear that Devil Kings is based on the events of feudal Japan around the year 1582, the same period Koei based Samurai Warriors and Kessen 3. Devil King/Nobunaga Oda - Nobunaga was the most famous warlord of feudal Japan, known for introducing the musket to warfare. Lady Butterfly/Lady Noh - Noh was married to Nobunaga. Hornet/Ranmaru Mori - After his father's death, Ranmaru and his brothers went to serve Nobunaga. Reaper/Mitsuhide Akechi - Nobunaga's trusted general, Mitsuhide would later assassinate him at the temple of Honnouji in Kyoto. Red Minotaur/Shingen Takeda - Shingen was the Lord of Kai and General of the Takeda Army known for it's cavalry. Red Minotaur has two Takeda clan crests on his helmet. Scorpio/Yukimura Sanada - Scorpio wears the Sanada clan crest on his back. Azure Dragon/Masamune Date - Date lacked one eye and was nicknamed "The One Eyed Dragon". Iron Ox/Tadakatsu Honda - Iron Ox wears the same helmet described on Tadakatsu Honda. The dragonfly symbol on Iron Ox's helmet is also meaningful. ************************************************************************** Special Thanks to Derrick Chin for clearing out the confusion. This FAQ Copyright 2005-2006 QuietMan2. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This guide may only be viewed on http://www.GameFAQs.com. Devil Kings is Copyright of Capcom.