Bloody Palace FAQ - Devil May Cry 2 Author: SeraphicRadiance007 ( - Version 2.0 Copyright 2003 Seraphic This FAQ can only be used at GameFAQs. Any other site wishing to use this must as my permission via email. --------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents - Preface - Requirements - Mechanics - Recommendations - Basic BP Strategies - Regular Level Boss List - Level 9999 Boss List - BP Boss Strategies - Frequently Asked Questions - Credits and Thanks --------------------------------------------------------- Preface - The Bloody Palace is a place where the player can fight his/her way through vast number of levels against random enemies to accumulate enormous amounts of red orbs. But once this player gets to the top level, it's an entire different story... --------------------------------------------------------- Requirements - In order to unlock the Bloody Palace, you must beat Normal Mode with BOTH characters. After you beat it, save, load, choose your character, and select Bloody Palace when prompted at the level select screen. --------------------------------------------------------- Mechanics - The majority of the battles in the Bloody Palace are fixed battles. For example, the first battle in the Bloody Palace is always against Msiras. You only encounter bosses when the level you're at ends with "0". Like 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000... And the like. The only exception with this statement is the last level 9999. If you make it pass the first boss, the next level will also be 9999. Every level from 9999 on is a boss battle. --------------------------------------------------------- Recommendations - The Bloody Palace is no push over. It requires fairly decent skills, powerful weapons, and an almost-totally complete item inventory to get through to the highest levels. If you lack items, pray your skills are good enough. The 'must haves' IMO, are listed as follows... Yellow Orb 10 L. Green Stars 10 L. Devil Stars Those are just to keep Dante 'alive' throughout the Palace. The 'preferred' list is here... combine these with the above... Maxed swords Maxed guns Complete item inventory (trust me... it'll come in handy) All hearts would help (especially the heal, frost, and offence hearts) Unlocked Trish (<-- miracle worker against those Wolves and Goats) --------------------------------------------------------- Basic Level Bloody Palace Strategies - There are MANY strategies/tactics to use while conquering the Bloody Palace. But when it comes down to it, there's really only two. The 'safe-but- sorry'(sbs) method, and the 'no-holds-barred... but-sorry'(nhb) method. The sbs method is the best way to get through 'safely'. It's just a jump and shoot, jump and shoot ordeal, then DT when you have the opportunity. The nhb method is more of a gung-ho method. This method is based on the rush and attack strategy. The 'sorry' side to this is... you'll obviously get hit more, thus dying very quickly. Basically, this method is the 'offensive'... and the other is the 'defensive'. It's just a matter of preference in the long run. Here are a few strategies against the most annoying enemies in BP... (Any type of goat, Geki and Freki, and Sargasso) Dante - Dante, IMO, is probably the 'worst' character to use in the Bloody Palace, but that's just me. I've had better luck with the other two characters. But anyhow, if you're going with the sbs method, the strategy is simple, jump and shoot. That just takes too long IMO. So if you REALLY want to use Dante, I recommend that you use your sword more often. It does more damage. Against the goats use the shotgun. I can't stress how easy it is to kill them with it. While they're in the air shooting their 'beams' at you, jump up and let them have it. The shot should take them to the ground. Then sword combo them to death while they're still recovering. Now, obviously, if there's more than one goat, it's bound to take longer. That's where your immaculate 'evading' skills come in. Against Geki and Freki, this is where I change strategies to the sbs method. Yea... it'll take a while... but you'll 'probably' end up scar less at the end of the battle. Since they tend to jump around a lot, Dante's less prone to getting hit. I recommend saving Dante's DM for these fights to cut your time in half. Against those DT'ed Sargassos, use the shotgun again. 'Roll' your way to the closest skull, point-blank blast it with the shotgun, and then follow up with a stinger, if it's still alive, shoot it again. Then make your way to the next Sargasso. Lucia - Her speed is the only thing that's valuable in the BP. Her ability to 'run away' from her enemies is what keeps her alive in most occasions. There's really only one good method with Lucia, and that's a mix of the two. It all depends on who you're fighting. If it's a bunch of wolves, Cranky Bombs are your best friend. The wolves tend to 'follow' you right? So put yourself in a corner, jump up and drop those bombs right below you. You're 'bound' to hit at least 3-4 of them at once (given that they come out 5 at a time). So that's your best bet against them. Against goats, use her special skills. Many people have doubted this move, because it sounds ludicrous. While Lucia is in DT she can perform special moves. One on the ground, and one while in the air. It's easy to execute, just press Square and Triangle at the same time. While on the ground, she throws a wave of light at the ground in front of her, hitting anything in its path, and while in the air, she throws two beams up, but about 15 other beams rain down the enemy. There's a rumor that she could also 'super charge' her DM by pulling this off 30 consecutive times, but I've yet to see it, or hear someone confirm it. Anyway, those work MIRACLES against your neighborhood friendly goats, especially those irritating airborne ones. Trish - IMO, Trish was BORN to fight in the BP. Her weapons are maxed, Sparda does excellent damage, she has the Vortex move like from the first DMC, AND she has a little 'Air Raid' type of ordeal! She also has hand-to-hand combat combos. She stabs Sparda into the ground, and then you can control her to fight with punches and kicks. To do so, you hold Triangle and L2, then release Triangle. If you want Sparda back, press L2. To perform the Vortex, jump up and fly during DT, and press Square and Triangle at the same time. She'll spin in the direction she's facing (or homes in on the nearest enemy), invulnerable from any attack, and it does decent damage to enemies. To perform the 'Air Raid', simply fly during DT, and jam on your square button. She starts off with one beam, then two, then three, then four, then finally five. Once you get up to five beams, the enemies (including some bosses) are usually dead. This beam takes out goats in seconds. And the best parts, they pass through the enemy after hitting it going onto the next enemy, and it homes in on the closest baddy! What more could you wish for? The only down side to this is... you must be in DT to perform these. That's where your inventory comes in. --------------------------------------------------------- Boss List - From what I've noted so far, the boss list is 'somewhat' fixed. There were random changes when I went through a second and third time, but for the majority of the bosses, they were fixed. Random enemies are also thrown in some of these battles. As you progress, more types of enemies will be thrown into the 'pool' of randomness. For example, the Goat family doesn't appear till 200+. Also, there's somewhat, 'bosses' of bosses. As you progress through, for example, from 10 up on through 100. The bosses up through 90 are fairly easy ones, and then when you hit 100 the game throws in a tough boss. Likewise with the 100's. 100 digit bosses (100, 200, 500...etc) are easy compared to the 1000 bosses. - The player should also take into accord, the 'path' they choose while in the Palace. If a player goes through it by 10's, the boss order will be different than going through it by 100's. For example, the 110 boss if you go through by 10's will be Orangguerra, but if you go through it by 100's, then it's the Infested Chopper. Levels (by 10's) 10 - Orangguerra 20 - Tartarussian 30 - Orangguerra 40 - Orangguerra 50 - Orangguerra 60 - Tartarussian 70 - Orangguerra 80 - Orangguerra 90 - Orangguerra 100 - Bolverk 110 - Orangguerra 120 - Orangguerra 130 - Orangguerra 140 - Orangguerra 150 - Infested Chopper 160 - Infested Tank 170 - Arius Secretary 180 - Tartarussian 190 - Plutonian 200 - Phantom 210 - Furiataurus 220 - Bolverk 230 - Arius 240 - Orangguerra 250 - Orangguerra 260 - Orangguerra 270 - Infested Chopper 280 - Infested Tank 290 - Arius Secretary 300 - Tartarussian 310 - Plutonian 320 - Phantom 330 - Furiataurus 340 - Bolverk 350 - Arius 360 - Possessed Arius 370 - Orangguerra 380 - Orangguerra 390 - Infested Chopper 400 - Infested Tank 410 - Arius Secretary 420 - Tartarussian 430 - Plutonian 440 - Phantom 450 - Furiataurus 460 - Bolverk 470 - Arius 480 - Possessed Arius 490 - Orangguerra 500 - The Despair Embodied --- From this point on... it seems to just repeat the boss order. The only difference is that the random enemies that fight with the bosses appear in greater numbers, they get stronger and stronger, and different types combine together (like goats with monkeys). This is just an assumption though. I've yet to run into different boss combinations by going through tens... we'll see... --- 510 - Orangguerra 520 - Infested Chopper 530 - Infested Tank 540 - Arius Secretary 550 - Tartarussian 560 - Plutonian 570 - Phantom 580 - Furiataurus 590 - Bolverk 600 - Arius 610 - Possessed Arius 620 - The Despair Embodied --- I went on just to confirm the repetition of the bosses. I got all the way to 860, The Despair Embodied, before I got owned by it along with some Geri and Freki. --- Levels (by 100's) 110 - Infested Chopper 210 - Infested Tank 310 - Arius Secretary 420 - Tartarussian 520 - Plutonian 620 - Phantom 720 - Furiataurus 820 - Bolverk 920 - Arius 1010 - Possessed Arius 1110 - The Despair Embodied 1210 - Orangguerra 1310 - Infested Chopper 1410 - Infested Tank - I plan to go through the entire Palace by 10's and list all the bosses. Yes... that does mean that I'll have to play... 1000 consecutive boss levels... ouch. - The list going through the Palace by 100's should be added shortly. --------------------------------------------------------- Level 9999 Boss Order - When the player gets to the top level (9999), they must fight the bosses of the game one after the other, and sometimes, two bosses are combined in the fight. Here's the list to help you out. 1. 1 Infested Chopper 2. 2 Infested Tanks 3. 1 Arius Secretary 4. 1 Tartarussian (2 headed guy with iron spiked balls, blue insides) 5. 1 Plutonian (same as Tartarussian, but red) 6. Phantom 7. Furiataurus 8. 6 Arius Secretaries 9. Bolverk 10. Regular Arius 11. Possessed Arius 12. Tartarussian AND Orangguerra 13. Plutonian AND Bolverk 14. The Despair Embodied - After you defeat The Despair Embodied, the sequence starts all over again, thus, the Bloody Palace NEVER ENDS! The good side about going through all these bosses is, I was at 56,886 Red Orbs when I got to this level. After I defeated The Despair Embodied, Dante raised his orbs to 134,112. The amounts of orbs you accumulate also depend on what 'style' you kill the enemies. So obviously, if you kill lots of enemies via "Showtime", you'll get a lot of orbs... --------------------------------------------------------- Boss Strategies - Orangguerra Battles with this overgrown monkey is a lot harder in BP, rather than the regular game, for one reason only, there's nothing to hide behind. When you encounter this boss you'll have around 4 seconds before he takes form from dropping down from the roof. With Dante, stick with E&I and the Vendetta. With Lucia, you'll just be playing with the Cranky Bombs. But I recommend using Trish throughout the BP. Rolling is key to survival against this boss. He doesn't have any really 'powerful' attacks either. Circle around and tear at his life with guns/projectiles until he gets close to you. When/If he does, slash at him 2-3 times then roll out of there and continue shooting. If you feel you're confident enough with your timing and rolling techniques, just circle around it and follow up with a slash combo or two. You should bring down this ape fairly quick. - Tartarussian Guns and projectiles 'barely' work against this foe. So you'll have to resort to your most powerful weapons. This boss is ridiculously slow, so you should combo this nuisance back to hell. Evade your way to an 'up close and personal' distance. Like RIGHT NEXT TO HIM kind of close. Give him a few slashes, move behind him, a few more slashes, move behind him. It's simple; he takes FOREVER to turn around, giving you all the time in the world to pulverize him. If you get caught in the corner, do a wall-run to get yourself out of there, and lure it back into the middle of the room to continue your whoopin'. - Infested Chopper As odd as it may seem the fight with the chopper is unusually hard. The body itself takes around a third of the room, it's very hard to dodge the missiles, and guns hardly work on it. There's a rumor out there about the 'eye' being a 'weak point'. I think it works to some degree. Right underneath the chopper is the safest place to be. Use your guns if you want to, and if you get the chance, downward strike its eye. - Infested Tank If you need a strategy to beat this boss... something is DEFINITELY wrong with you. Just stay right next to it on the side, and hack away... simple as that... - Arius Secretary Now this enemy is far from easy. She moves around too much, she can dodge rockets and beams, and her attacks are strong and have status effects. How to deal with this enemy? EASY!!! Stick with your handy dandy guns, E&I, throwing knives, L&O... whatever's fine. She doesn't have as much life as the rest of the bosses. The only problem with this 'boss', is that they come in packs... o_O - Plutonian (See Tartarussian strategy) The only different thing is that Plutonian has more life, and its attacks are more powerful. So improvise a little. - Furiataurus This boss is one of the more difficult ones, simply because there's not enough room to move around. His fire attack creates a circle which covers 75% of the room! And to add on to that, he does his tornado attack while that fire shield is up. Not much room for attacking if you ask me. I recommend saving your DM for this boss is KEY. A bunch of Devil Stars will also come in handy during this fight. You'd want to get rid of this boss AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. If you're Dante, DT and use the rapid fire, if you're Lucia, use her airborne special move, if you're Trish; use her 'air raid'. Not much strategy here... just attack and kill as quickly as possible. - Phantom Everyone remembers this irritating little... err... big spider/scorpion thingy right? Those of you who played DMC know how to deal with him... but for those of you who didn't... here's a generalized strategy. You can only damage Phantom by hitting his face, or hitting his upper back. You can do this by two ways, rush him from the front (not recommended), or you could jump on his back and unleash hell. You damage him most if you hit his face though. DT attacks work awesome here. If you have extra DM... then I suggest using it on this boss also. DT then combo him up front. After two or three hits, he'll recoil. Keep on attacking when this occurs, it's the only 'free' time you can hit him without getting damaged. If you want to play it safe, circle around the room with your rocket launcher until he moves his arms away from his face, then shoot. If you're using Lucia, jump over him while dropping some Crazy Bombs. If you have Trish, use stinger to knock his arms away, and then throw in a slash or two. - Bolverk The lack of places to hide and move really puts you at a HUGE disadvantage with this battle. Not only does Bolverk own in sword/spear combos, but he also has attacks that could knock you out of the air. The sbs method is your best bet with this foe, simply because if you choose to go up close and personal with your sword/daggers, he'll make your trip to the afterlife 'that' much quicker for you. Short powerful projectile bursts will be the most effective. If you really want to chance it, you could also 'try' to combo it. If you get in enough hits, you'd make him recoil. When he does this, he'll most likely charge up for a stinger attack. QUICKLY move out of the way. Then make your way to him to continue your slaughter. I don't recommend trying to pull off 'complete' combos. Bolverk usually slashes at you once or twice before you do so. Cut your combo in half, roll to the side, hit him a few more times, then back away with a double jump and shoot some projectiles. Use your DT attacks when the opportunity arises, and you'll fall this tough one. - Arius The fight with Arius in the BP is FAR easier than the fight during regular game-play, only because he doesn't have his secretaries with him. He still can summon his monkeys to mess up your auto lock. What's funny, he'll stand on the side 'sipping' his invisible wine giving you the chance to beat him down. Arius has no life threatening attacks, so you shouldn't be worried about this boss much. - Possessed Arius This nuisance is a piss poor example of a boss in the DMC series. He reminds me of a pro-wrestler. Seriously, his moves are slow, he's incredibly predictable, and he uses the clothesline move, along with a frog-splash type of ordeal. But anyway, now that I got that out of my system... on to the rest of the strategy. I personally have fun fighting this boss... he's just so clumsy, especially when he rushes you and falls. When he does so, use the time to slash him to bits (wish it was that easy...). When he recovers, run to the opposite side of the room. If he uses his spaghetti arm attack thingy, you know, the one where he puts it in the ground and hits you from across the room, just run in any direction (preferably, away from Arius). When he shoots those little homing lightning balls, hit them, and they'll disappear. Use your sword, guns, what have you. He kind of has a lot of life, so be patient and he'll fall. - The Despair Embodied I hate this guy... girl... thing... whatever you call it. Those of you who fought against it with Dante know what I'm talking about. If you didn't know, this boss has two forms that it switches between, a male form, and a female form. The male form uses multiple sword attacks, while the female uses a whip like weapon. This boss wouldn't be so difficult if it wasn't for the confined space you both are in. The male form's attacks can reach half of the screen, and the female's whip can hit you out of the air. The evade button rarely works against this boss, mainly because of its attacks having a wide range. Aerial assaults work well against this boss in the BP. You also must take into accord that this boss has a red 'shield' form it takes, which renders it immune to any damage. You must time your attacks around this stage, or you'll waste valuable DM. DO NOT try and kill this boss melee style... you'll get it handed to you on a silver platter. Stay away, and stick with DT'ed projectiles/moves. If you get caught in the corner, wall run, and haul on towards the other side. You'll go though lots of items in this battle, so be prepared. And now, for those irritating combination battles. Personally, I've only had the honor of fighting a few of these (ugh). - Tartarussian and Orangguerra When I first saw these two, I was like, "Now... this can't be real... must be some sort of glitch." Ha, nope, no such luck this time. One boss isn't so bad, but 'two' of them? Bah, anyway, back to the strategy. If there is ANY good facing two bosses at once... it's that they can hurt each other. Yes, you've read it as it is... the bosses can deplete each other's life. But the trick is getting them in the position to do so. First, try to concentrate your attacks on 'one' boss at a time. I would choose Orangguerra first, simply because it's the faster of the two. Lure Orangguerra away from Tartarussian, and keep at it with little sword combos. If you're caught in the corner, try to stay there. Tartarussian will throw its iron balls towards you, and might hit Orangguerra. For some reason, bosses to considerable amounts of damage to each other. As Trish or Lucia, their Air Raid is extremely useful. It'll destroy Orangguerra in a matter of seconds. If you don't have enough DM to do so, then shoot at them for a while and evade until you have a decent amount of DM. Once Orangguerra is out of the way, Tartarussian should be a push over... if you need more help, refer to his individual strategy. - Plutonian and Bolverk This fight is immediately after your fight with the other two bosses. I was beat by the end of the other, and when I ran into these two, I thought my life would end, simply because of Bolverk. I thought I was done for, but I managed to survive! Simply because I let Bolverk 'kill' Plutonian for me! Seriously, I put Plutonian between Bolverk and me. I comboed Plutonian a few times, then Bolverk came across the room with that stinger of his. Boy does that do damage. When Bolverk got close to the both of us, I made my way to a corner, Bolverk followed, wall ran back around it, and went on with my assault on Plutonian. Bolverk soon came along with his multiple slash combos taking off chunks of life off of Plutonian. But I had the honors of finishing Plutonian off. Once Plutonian was out of the way, that huge thing taking up space was gone. And soon begun the fight against the 'real' boss of this level... If you need help, refer to the strategy against Bolverk itself. --------------------------------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is it possible to save in the Bloody Palace? A: Sorry to say this, but you can't. The only way to keep your orbs is if you die. Q: If I have a Golden Orb while in the Bloody Palace, do I have to use it to be able to save? A: Yes. The Golden Orb activates automatically after Dante dies. So you have to die 'twice'. Q: What is the highest level? A: Maybe you happened to skim past the introductions... so I'll tell you. There are 9999 levels in the Bloody Palace. Q: Is there an end to it? A: As far as anybody knows so far, the Bloody Palace doesn't end. The last level, 9999, is all bosses, no matter how many times you beat it. Q: This question isn't directly about the Bloody Palace, but I'll ask it anyway, what is a good strategy to defeat those damn goats?? A: Roll your way to the nearest goat until you get under it. Then double jump and let 'em have it with the shotgun. If you're using Lucia, do her air combo, and the drop kick should bring it back to the ground. If you're using Trish the Vortex and the Air Raid are your best bets if you have decent DM. If not, then High Time, then quickly shoot at it in the air with L&O, then downward slash on the way down. --------------------------------------------------------- Soon to come... - The complete Boss list by 10's and 100's (sorry it's taking so long... fighting that many consecutive boss battles are quite... 'Difficult'... ya know?) - BP Red Orb Mechanics --------------------------------------------------------- Credits and Thanks - The DMC 2 Message board for posting useful information - Capcom, for making a sequel to the greatest game - Amon007 for pushing me to get to level 9999 in the first place - Shiva, Squall, Shadow, Square, and Ace for putting up with my BP gibberish - The DMC 2 Avengers crew! (Sparda, Dante, Sir Kiddlez, and 2D) - Thanks to tiger23 and Brett for correcting me about unlocking BP - And Eric for letting me know that the Aerial Heart is not needed for the Vortex - GameFAQs for existing - And myself for not breaking my PS2 while making this FAQ