DEVIL MAY CRY 2 Author: David Blake E-Mail: Version: 1.0 (2/05/2002) ______________________________________________________________________________ LEGAL This work is copyright (c) 2002, David Blake. It may not be modified from its original format or posted to any web site or used in any publication, free or otherwise, without my express permission. To obtain permission, please write to: ______________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS - Legal - Table of Contents - Author's Note - Controls - Difficulty Modes - Story - Characters - Weapons - Dante - Lucia - Hearts - Walkthrough : Dante - Walkthrough : Lucia - Secret Room Locations - Dante - Lucia - Blue Orb Locations - Dante - Lucia - Game Secrets - Credits and Thanks ______________________________________________________________________________ AUTHOR'S NOTE Well, what can I say? A lot of people were extremely unhappy about this game. I, for one, am not one of them. Sure, it didn't "live up" to all of the expectations as "the best game ever!", but I never expected it to be. I just wanted a fun action game after playing Rygar, and I got it in spades. DMC2 *is* much, much easier than the first one, but that doesn't make it any less fun to play. It just gives you less bragging rights for completing it. And some gamers only seem to care about bragging rights. If beating Nightmare 3 on DMD is anything to be proud of, then I guess I can be proud. Instead, I'm irritated that I took so long to actually even try. Still, if you're looking at this because you wanted to know if DMC2 is a good game, then I'll tell you that "I like it." I don't know if you will, but I know I like it. If you don't know, rent it and find out. If you don't like it, then you're not out anything. If you do, then it found its niche. ______________________________________________________________________________ CONTROLS Left Analog Stick - Move Dante/Lucia R1 - Lock on R2 - Don't auto-target L1 - Devil Trigger L2 - Switch sub-weapons L3 - switch target X - Jump Square - Use Sub-weapon Triangle - Use main weapon Circle - Evade/Search There are a number of combinations that you can perform with your guns and your swords. Try them out and check your file section to discover some more. ______________________________________________________________________________ DIFFICULTY MODES === EASY AUTOMATIC ======================================== EASY AUTOMATIC === No one I know has been able to find this "hidden" (according to the manual) mode. I tried dying 20 times and getting D ranks on the first three levels (though I got a C rank on 2 and 3 because I couldn't buy items without getting orbs and I couldn't use the items to lower my item rank without raising my orb rank). As of now, there's no confirmation other than the manual. === NORMAL ======================================================== NORMAL === This mode has been dubbed Easy Automatic for most DMC players, though those who haven't played the first game often find it as challenging as any normal difficulty. The enemies are weak and often would rather stand around than attack you. I thought for a moment that this was a sliding scale difficulty, but even when I'm doing extremely well, the enemies just don't want to respond. === HARD ============================================================ HARD === This is about the tone of normal mode from DMC. The enemies have more attacks and are often actually motivated to attack you. They are still weak, though. You won't stock up on a lot of orbs in this mode since you've most likely upgraded your weapons and kill them too quickly now. You must complete Dante and Lucia's game on Normal to unlock Hard Mode. === MUST DIE MODE ========================================== MUST DIE MODE === This is where the game really picks up. The enemies take less damage and now have a devil trigger of their own. That's right, they can now do some major damage to you and take none themselves. The bosses also have a wider range of attacks, including all of them being able to attack if a boss has multiple forms. Must Die is unlocked when hard mode is completed. ______________________________________________________________________________ STORY (from the Devil May Cry 2 manual) In ancient times, a religion arising somewhere east of the Mediterranean Ocean split into many different factions. Its disciples quickly carried it to western Asia, Europe, and North Africa. As time passed, some gods from the various sects were forgotten, others were assimilated into other religions, and still others were shunned as evil. For one reason or another; the gods all disappeared. What few people continued worshipping them were branded as heretics. The dissenters were forced to turn their backs on their own homelands in order to continue their beliefs. Venturing farther and farther away, the outcasts eventually found themselves adrift in an unknown land floating on the outskirts of the New World. This was Dumary Island. Hordes of refugees of different races, beliefs and languages crossed over to the island. The first to arrive followed the sea routes of the old Viking explorers, around the North Pole and through the Pacific Ocean. Following them came runaway slaves seeking sanctuary. The newcomers all had a single common point--belief in a pagan religion. Tribes that had historically skirmished over old differences running deep in their cultures now lived together peaceably on the same island. As the generations passed, the former strangers blended together into a single people. Their mix of different languages, ethnic customs and various gods gave birth to new, totally unique religions. The gods worshipped by the new blend of people were an ancient family of beings inhabiting a different dimension. They wielded strange powers and existed outside the concepts of right and wrong. Deities that were considered evil or pagan in the old world were, on Dumary Island, simply thought of as "other gods"--there were far too many of them to count. Rites performed in honor of these idols often resembled exorcisms and demon sealing ceremonies. The priests of these cults were known as "guardians" and were sometimes called upon to protect the gods and their worshippers. Many were the legends of the guardians who had borrowed the power of their own gods to defeat enemy gods. One recent tale, only a few hundred years old, told of a great swordsman appearing from "the outside" to aid in exorcising the most evil god of all time. Over the centuries, Dumary Island's success in supporting the worship of unique religions while maintaining its existence out of the mainstream has been nothing short of miraculous. Lately, however, agents of international corporations have begun infiltrating the island. Their purpose is to acquire the "special ores" discovered in the island's interior. On Dumary Island, the people's simple religious piety, as well as the fabulous artifacts buried in the inner mountains, are now in great danger. ______________________________________________________________________________ CHARACTERS DANTE Dante is a devil hunter, and the owner of Devil May Cry (er, Never Cry), a private detective type agency that specializes in the destruction of demons. He is the descendant of the legendary demon knight Sparda. LUCIA Lucia is a protector for Dumary Island. She has been trained by Miete in the ways of combat since she was young. MATIER Matier is an old woman who is a protector. She raised Lucia as her daughter and taught her the art of combat. ARIUS The leader of an international corporation who wishes to ascend and become a god. ______________________________________________________________________________ WEAPONS These are the different weapons and their locations in the game so that you can have a point of reference while playing. === DANTE ========================================================== DANTE === These are Dante's different weapons. --[ SWORDS ]------------------------------------------------------------------ Rebellion Rebellion is Dante's starting sword. Vendetta The Vendetta is discovered in the oil platform (Mission 7). It is a large sword. Merciless The Merciless is a huge and powerful sword. Discovered in Mission 11 above the spike crusher. --[ GUNS ]-------------------------------------------------------------------- Ebony and Ivory Dante's trusty handguns that he starts with. Shotgun Slow to load, but high damage. Discovered after defeating Jokatgulm (Mission 4). Submachine Guns Fast. Very fast. Discovered at the top of the platform room in Mission 5. Rocket Launcher Slow to fire, and not mobile, but it packs a huge punch. It's located in a box in the plane on Mission 9. === LUCIA ========================================================== DANTE === These are Lucia's different weapons. --[ SWORDS ]------------------------------------------------------------------ Cutlaseer Lucia's standard swords. She starts with them and takes them everywhere. Klyamoor Swords for Lucia with a wide range. Discovered on Mission 3 in the train station. Zambak Small arm-swords. Discovered in Mission 10. --[ ARSENAL ]----------------------------------------------------------------- Throwing Daggers Silver knives created to stand up to demons. She starts with them. Darts Short swords to be thrown at enemies. They fan out to hit multiple enemies at once. They are found in Mission 2 after breaking a statue. CrankyBomb Small explosive devices. Discovered on Mission 5, in a box inside the plane. Bowgun Gun with the ability to fire underwater. Discovered in Mission 6 in an alcove just below the teleport point. ______________________________________________________________________________ HEARTS AerialHeart Enables you to fly in Devil Trigger. Discovered in Mission 2 in both Dante and Lucia's games. AquaHeart Discovered in Mission 7, near the beginning. FrostHeart Adds ice element to your attack in Devil Trigger. Dante: Discovered in Mission 16, after using the last Sacrilege. Lucia: Starts the game with it. FlameHeart Dante: Discovered in Mission 7, fly up the large central area in the staircase room to get it. Lucia: Discovered in Mission 5, fly up the large central area in the staircase room to get it. OffenceHeart Enhances your attack power while in Devil Trigger. Dante: Discovered in Mission 5, jump over a wall after the truck explodes. Lucia: Discovered in Mission 4, below where Lucia starts the mission. HealingHeart Enhances ability to recover vitality in Devil Trigger. Dante: Discovered in Mission 11. Has to destroy the statues and run to get it. Lucia: Discovered in Mission 3, in the building on the waterfront. QuickHeart Dante: Discovered in Mission 4, in the building on the waterfront. Lucia: Discovered in Mission 8, she has to break the urns and run to get it. ChronoHeart Dante: Discovered in Mission 15. Knock enemies onto the gray mound. Lucia: Discovered in Mission 11. Knock enemies onto the gray mound. ElectroHeart Lucia: Discovered in Mission 5. Activate the glyph with the EvilHeart. Dante: Starts the game with it. ______________________________________________________________________________ WALKTHROUGH : DANTE This is a complete walkthrough for Dante's Disc. Read only if you want to be spoiled. While the difficulty will change with Hard and Must Die modes, the actual walkthrough and general strategies do not. Enemies get harder and attack more, but you still do everything the same as you did before. === MISSION 1 ================================================== MISSION 1 === Toward the north, the hunter of dark blood will realize his destiny. - "Guidepost for the Hunters" Chapter 1 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Break the statue and get the Red Orb from it. Go to the pillar to the left and breat the statue there for another one. Go down the small alley to the left of the building to get a large one from the face. Next, run around the right of the building and continue on. Break the statue and continue. Enter the small flag tower and get the large red orb. Continue along the walkway. Jump over the gate and jump up on top of the big head on the wall for some Orbs. Go up to the archway. Run up the wall and then jump in the air to get a Blue Orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 1 ] Just past the arches, jump up on the train to get more orbs. Continue forward until you see a cut-scene. Stylishly kill the Agonofinis and continue. Walk into the street and jump up to get the red orb over the door on your left. Continue down the street and kill the Puia's that appear. Search the big door (Circle) to find Secret Room 1. [ Secret Room Level 1/21/41 ] Go down the left roadway. You can jump into the waterway to collect orbs if you like. Okay, jump over the small building blocking the road and examine the door on the opposite side to find another secret room. [ Secret Room Level 2/22/42 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 2 ] I'd also recommend searching on the rooftops to find some more. Kill the Agonofinis as they come. Take a turn and the next bend. Kill the Agonofinis when you're blocked in. See the statue? Jump into the waterway and get the Blue Orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 3 ] Jump up through the porticulis to get the red orb. Kill the Msira's and get the key. [ Gate Key Acquired. ] Open the porticulis on the ground and get the red orb. Go through the large door at the end of the alley. AREA B Search the rooftops and the streets for orbs. When you've got them all (including the reb orb generator), go up the path at the end of the street to finish the mission. === MISSION 2 ================================================== MISSION 2 === The aerial heart will give the hunter the chance to reach the skies. -"Guidepost for the Hunter" Chapter 1 Clause 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Walk down the hallway and destroy the mask with your sword. Run down the steps. AREA B Jump down to the lower area. Break the mask here and get the red orb. Kill the Agonofinis there. Continue around the corner and break the next mask. Keep attacking the Orb Generator and get the orbs. Search the coffin on the back wall to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 3/23/43 ] Keep going. Break the next mask to open the wall. Kill the Flambats here. Break the mask and walk over the newly opened area to break through the floor. Get the orbs and the Blue Orb Fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 4 ] Jump out and go through the big door. AREA C Walk up to the door and search it. Get away before the hand grabs you and stand on the glowing area. Destroy the spheres as the floor changes. After destroying eight of them, the door will be cleansed. Go through it. AREA D Go around the corner and kill the pyromancers in the pit. Jump out and break the statue. Get the blue orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 5 ] Kill the Savage Golem (killing it several times is a good way to stock up orbs early on, though you'll pay when it comes to gametime when you complete the mission). Head back to the main hall. Go through the right side and break the statue there. Head back towards the entrance and kill the Firebats. Break the statue. Go to the opposite side and kill the Pyromancers. If you fall in the hole, kill the golems. Break the mask to open the door. Look in the coffin to the left of the orb to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 4/24/44 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 6 ] Go down the hallway and go through the door. AREA E Kill the Agonoginis and the Pyromancers. +--+ Boss Battle : Goatlings +---------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Giant demonic human-goat things. | | | | Attacks: | | Fireballs - They shoot fireballs at you. | | Slam - They flip and kick you. | | Swipe - They swipe you with their arms and knock you back. | | | | Strategy: | | The easiest way to kill these is to double-jump up and thwack them a | | couple of times in the air. They will fall to the ground. Then, attack| | them normally. They don't actually have too much life (which is good | | since they become normal enemies soon). | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Get the AerialHeart. [ AerialHeart acquired.] Use your devil trigger and fly up through the opening. === MISSION 3 ================================================== MISSION 3 === The key to the next journey begins and ends with death. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 2 Clause 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Move up the street. Instead of talking the street in front of you, continue backwards to the dead-end. Jump up on the larger pillars for some red orbs. Also get the blue orb fragment from the balcony area. [ Blue Orb Fragment 7 ] Kill the enemies and continue down the main street now. After the cut-scene, roll down the street and kill the Goatling. Now, head back up and get the orbs you missed. On the right side of the street, about half-way down, there's a door that you can enter for a secret. [ Secret Room Level 5/25/45 ] Enter the doorway to the station (the one with the red orb on it). AREA B +--+ Boss Battle : Orangguerra +-------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Orangguerra is a huge monkey from hell. | | | | Attacks: | | Ball Roll - Rolls into a ball and attacks. | | Grab 'n Smash - Grabs you and squashes the life out of you. | | Whack! - Knocks you away with a swipe of his arm. | | Energy Bubble - Blows an energy bubble at you. | | | | Strategy: | | This boss is pretty simple. Make sure that you make use of the pillars | | when it goes into it's rolling ball mode so that it can't hit you. If | | you're out in the open when it makes the drop, then roll to the side and | | it should miss you (unless something gets in your way). I wouldn't | | recommend using your targetting on the boss since it will often target | | the Msiras instead if they get close. | | | | If it's climbing up on the ceiling, then target and fire Ebony and Ivory | | until it falls to the ground. Then jump up and hit it where the target | | is pointing with a three hit combo. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Get the Station Key. [ Station Key acquired. ] Exit the station and use the key on the ornate door nearby. === MISSION 4 ================================================== MISSION 4 === She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the hunter deep in the water. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 4 Clause 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Run up the street. The first secret room is the first door on your left. [ Secret Room Level 6/26/46 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 8 ] Continue down the street. Jump up on the ornamental carvings on the wall for an orb. Also get the one on the large door. Continue down the rocky roadway. Kill the Msiras and jump up on the stone blocks on either side of the road to get a red orb and a blue orb. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Continue to the bottom of the hill and kill more Msiras. Break the boards over the door and continue. On the left side of the cliff, jump up the ledges until you get the blue orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 9 ] Now, jump over to the buildings to get another red orb. Follow the docks back towards the entrance for some more and to find a red orb generator. Once it's empty, search the door for a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 7/27/47 ] Run back down the path and jump up on the scaffolding to get the orbs. Enter the doorway. Kill the Agonofises and go through the door at the top of the stairs. Get the orb and jump up on the engine. Jump up to the ceiling structure to get a gold orb. Jump down and get the Quick Heart. [ QuickHeart acquired. ] Exit the room. Jump down and kill the Agonofises and go through the door. AREA A Hit the object out front and use your devil trigger to use the QuickHeart. Go down the waterfront and through the gate. Get the orb near the garage and then climb up the stairs for another. Go through the door. AREA C +--- Boss Battle : Jokatgulm ------------------ Boss Battle : Jokagulm ---+ | Description: | | Jokatgulm is a giant squid-like creature. | | | | Attacks: | | Tentacle Slam - Hits you with a tentacle. | | Poison Breath - Spits poison fumes at you. | | | | Strategy: | | Okay, there's a lot of tentacles to jump over, but it's actually not | | much of a problem. | | | | All you have to do is get in the middle of them and attack the head. | | Use your devil trigger and the boss will die easily and you won't take | | much damage at all. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go into the doorway to get the shotgun and end the mission. [ Sub-Weapon Shotgun acquired. ] === MISSION 5 ================================================== MISSION 5 === Close to your eyes, but far-off in your mind, the hunter must learn to the value of options. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 5 Clause 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Move forward until you're trapped. Kill Freki&Geri. When you've done that, continue forward up the ramp. Kill the Blood Goats and Puias. Search the door to the right of the ruined highway for a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 8/28/48 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 10 ] Now, head down to the tunnel. AREA B When you come out, you'll get to fight some Homromsira and an Orangguerra. Enter the second door on the right after the bridge for a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 9/29/49 ] Jump over the truck at the end of the road. AREA C After the cut scene, kill the three tanks. The easiest way is to jump on top of them and wail on them with your sword. When they start firing their machine guns, jump and take them out with the shotgun. Enter the door near the first tank for a secret. [ Secret Room Level 10/30/50 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 11 ] Run back towards the truck and jump over the wall with the red orb on it. Get the OffenseHeart from that area. [ OffenceHeart acquired. ] Jump back to the area where the tanks were. Go up the ramp and get the red orb and the blue orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 12 ] Go back down the ramp and move up the street to a cut-scene. +--+ Boss Battle : Infected Chopper +--------------------------------------+ | Description: | | A helicopter infested by an Infestant. | | | | Attacks: | | Machine Guns - These don't do much damage, but they knock you down. | | Missiles - Do a heafty amount of damage AND stun you. | | | | Strategy: | | Okay, this is an easy boss. Make sure you have your shotgun equipped. | | Double-jump and keep shooting it. When it fires its missiles, just | | stay on the ground and jump them. Then jump up and continue shooting | | it. You shouldn't even get hurt unless you mistime a jump. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Run to the small area where there's no fire. AREA D Climb up the stairs and jump up to get the orbs. Double-Jump up to the next level. +--+ Boss Battle : Infected Chopper +--------------------------------------+ | Strategy: | | This time the Infected Chopper is much easier since it can't shoot | | over the banister. Just stand at the front of the building and shoot | | it with your shotgun. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Continue jumping as the building burns. Higher up you have to jump up where the orbs are to climb higher. Keep climbing. Once at the top of the building, exit through the doorway. +--+ Boss Battle : Infected Chopper +--------------------------------------+ | Strategy: | | This battle is optional, since it'll keep coming back. But, still. | | | | Simple. Stay near the doorway and jump and shoot it. Any missiles will | | hit the building and are easy to dodge. You'll also not get hit by the | | machine gun fire. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Get the orb from the area that you're shown when you leave the doorway. +--+ Boss Battle : Infected Chopper +--------------------------------------+ | Strategy: | | This battle is optional, since it'll keep coming back. But, still. | | | | It's just as easy. Time your jumps to miss the rockets. And keep | | firing your shotgun. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Jump down and get all the orbs. Jump over to the building where you're supposed to (from the cut-scene) and go around the right side. Get the blue orb by jumping in the window-washer cart. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Jump out and climb back up the building. Jump along the path it shows you. Jump up on the girder to get a bunch of red orbs. Go into the small doorway if you need a Gold Orb. Jump up on the small building and over to the tower. Start scaling the tower at the top you'll get to fight the chopper a final time. +--+ Boss Battle : Infected Chopper +--------------------------------------+ | Strategy: | | Use the large pillars to avoid any rockets. Dodge in and out using | | evade to destroy it. Jump and shoot it. No simpler way to put it. | | | | Just make sure to dodge the missiles as they come or they may knock | | you down a couple of floors. This is one of the easiest bosses in the | | just has a lot of health. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 6 ================================================== MISSION 6 === Its extremeties reach the sky. Its intestines reflect the color of darkness. Its name means a tower of misery. - "Guideposts for the Hunters" Chapter 6 Caluse 2 (and yes, "clause" is misspelled in the game) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Okay, walk into the center of the plaza. +--+ Boss Battle : Nefasturris +-------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Nefasturris is a huge building-sized lifeform. It's one of the coolest | | boss designs in the game, but is sadly one of the easiest bosses, even | | on DMD. | | | | Attacks: | | Form 1: Nefasturris | | Breath attack - Shoots an electrical beam from its mouth. | | Form 2: Nefasvermis | | Debris - Debris flies at you. | | Swipe - Attempts to swipe you with its arm. | | Form 3: Nefascapitis | | Lotsa Lasers - Evade to the side of him and shoot him in the | | side of the head. | | Electric balls - Evade them and continue shooting him. | | Horizontal Lasers - Jump them or roll under them, depending on the | | height. Shoot him while doing so. | | Vertical Lasers - Just evade to the side and shoot him. | | | | Strategy: | | Nefasturris comes in three flavors... | | | | Form 1: Nefasturris | | All you have to do is jump over his breath attacks and shoot him | | with your shotgun. Simple. | | | | Form 2: Nefasvermis | | Okay, he'll do a little damage if you get near his flailing arms. | | Strafe around him and shoot him and he'll go down quickly. | | Basically, you're attacking his appendages...I guess (it still | | targets his head, but the enemy data comes up as his appendages). | | | | Form 3: Nefascapitis | | The strategy is simple. If it plops down on the ground, it's about | | shoot a lot of lasers at you. Just evade to the side and go in for | | the kill. Next, if it's floating, it will most likely either shoot | | electrical balls at you, or it will do its hor/vert laser attack. | | Both are easily avoided by evading. Just keep whittling away its | | life when it starts its multiple laser attack. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 7 ================================================== MISSION 7 === A meeting of power shall end in conflict. - "Guidepost for the Hunters" Chapter 7 Clause 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Enter the main large room and jump down to the floor. Kill the Homromsiras and the Gbusiras. Jump up to the next staircase and up to the pipe. Ride the pipe to the next area. AREA B Jump down to the lower area and run behind the machinery for a gold orb. Jump up and go through the door nearby. AREA C Walk down the walkway. When enemies appear, target the Slicere to get rid of them all quickly. Go past the door at the bottom and switch to your AerialHeart. Enter the main area in the center and fly up to the top to get the FlameHeart. [ FlameHeart acquired. ] Go through the door. AREA D Switch to Ebony and Ivory if you haven't already. Kill the flamebats and the Homromsiras. Jump down onto the small ledge in the lava and go into the door. Get the Vendetta. [ Weapon Vendetta acquired. ] Exit the room and finish jumping across the lava. Run all the way to the wall on the lowest side ledge. Search the wall there to enter a secret room. Enter the door there. [ Secret Room Level 11/31/51 ] AREA E Step onto the elevator. Make sure that you have Ebony and Ivory selected and take out the Flamebats. Kill the Bloodgoats when the elevator comes to a stop. Enter the train. AREA F Kill the Msiras and the Terreofinises that come at you. Since they keep coming for a while, you can get a lot of orbs. Go through the door. AREA G Jump up on the supports up top for some orbs. Also, destroy the boxes for some more. Get on the elevator. Kill the Flamebats. Enter the door on the left side of the room to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 12/32/52 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 13 ] Go out the door to finish the mission. === MISSION 8 ================================================== MISSION 8 === The challenger shall rise, while the king evades. - "Guidepost for the Hunters" Chapter 7 Clause 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +--+ Boss Battle : Furiataurus +---------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Furiatarus is a giant goat with a hammer. | | | | Attacks: | | Fire Breath - Evade to the sides to avoid it. | | Hammer - Evade to the sides to avoid it. Note that you can be hit | | on the backswing if you're attacking him from behind. | | Charge - Either evade or jump and attack to avoid a charge. | | Ring of Fire - Just double-jump to avoid it. | | | | Strategy: | | It's not that hard of a battle, but he does have a lot of life. The main | | thing to remember is to EVADE. It is so necessary on him that I can't | | stress it enough. Almost any of his attacks can be avoided by evading. | | I'd also recommend using the Shotgun and Vendetta on him. | | | | You can use your devil trigger to take him down as well, but you should | | still get an S ranking if you don't. I killed him in under 2 minutes | | without using it, and if I can do it, anyone can. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 9 ================================================== MISSION 9 === The hunter will discover the purity of speed. - "Guideposts for the Hunters" Chapter 8 Clause 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter the door. AREA A Jump down the shaft so that you get the orbs. Ignore the enemies and head down the tracks. Get the red orb from the left track and then take the right track. Enter the door. AREA B Go through the door to the lava room. Jump up to the left side and go through the door at the top of the stairs. AREA C Go into the area where you flew up and got the Flame Heart. Get some orbs from the generator and fly up to one of the upper levels. Exit the door at the top of the stairs. AREA D In this area, there are three orb switches to activate. The first one is right below you. The second is on the next platform up. And the last one is just above that one (you should see them all in the opening cut-scene). Also, you can walk up the pipes that you slid down to get to this room earlier to get a Blue Orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 14 ] Once the door is unlocked, go through it. AREA E Jump down and avoid the Agonofinis and Terrorfinises. Jump up to the door near the pipe and go through it. AREA F Enter the plane in the center of the hangar. Break the boxes inside to get the missile launcher. [ Sub-Weapon: Missile Launcher acquired. ] Exit the plane and enter the hole it created in the fan. === MISSION 10 ================================================ MISSION 10 === Two lights will open the sealed door and guide the hunter to the deep underground - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 9 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go to the right from where you start and around the corner. You'll find some red orbs and a blue orb fragment. Jump up on the second destroyed pillar for some red orbs. Search the pillar on the right (with a burning skull) that is closest to the glowing door. [ Secret Room Level 13/33/53 ] The first orb that you have to light is on the right side of the main path, about half-way down. It's in the ruined walls, but it's not hard to find. Whack it and use your devil trigger with QuickHeart. The second one is on the opposite side, alost exactly in the same place. When the door opens, go up and beat on the orb. Walk towards the hole that opened. +--+ Boss Battle : Larva and Noctpteran +------------------------------------+ | Description: | | The Noctpteran is a giant moth and the Larvae are its worms. Every now | | and again, it will drop eggs to the ground. | | | | Attacks (Noctpteran): | | I don't think it attacks. It just drops eggs and lets the Larva attack. | | | | Attacks Larva: | | Smack - They burrow out of the ground and smack you. Just evade. | | Charge - They charge you and swallow you for some higher damage. Evade. | | | | Strategy: | | It's not that hard of a battle, but he does have a lot of life. The main | | thing to remember is to EVADE. It is so necessary on him that I can't | | stress it enough. Almost any of his attacks can be avoided by evading. | | I'd also recommend using the Shotgun and Vendetta on him. | | | | You can use your devil trigger to take him down as well, but you should | | still get an S ranking if you don't. I killed him in under 2 minutes | | without using it, and if I can do it, anyone can. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 11 ================================================ MISSION 11 === He wilds a spear and is obeyed by the wolves. His single eye possesses knowledge and hate. He is the one who brings misfortune. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 9 Clause 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Run down the path and search the door with an eye to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 14/34/54 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 15 ] Continue down the path and kill the Agonofinises and the Goatlings. Keep going until you go through the arches. AREA B Kill the Gbusmsira's and jump down into the next room. Hit the orb and then jump up and get the orbs. Make sure you jump into the holes that have orbs. The one to the right of the main entrance has a bunch of red orbs in it. Smack the orb in the center of the room to turn it. Leave the room. Break the two statues and switch to your devil trigger with QuickHeart and run down the hall (if you don't, you'll have to fight some golems). When the spikes fall, wait and then bash at the door. Run back to safety and then bash some more until it breaks. Jump on the spike lift and go down a small corridor. Get the Merciless. [ Weapon Merciless acquired. ] Go through it. Break the statues and climb up the stairs. Jump down into the main room. If you jump on the small platform along the wall left of the door, you'll get some red orbs. Jump up to the next platform and search the relief to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 15/35/55 ] Jump along the platforms to get to the very top of the room (not where the orb is located). Run down the small hallway and get the Submachine Guns. [ Sub-Weapon: subMachine Guns acquired. ] Exit and smash the orb. Jump on the platform. Jump off and go down the hallway. Break the orbs. Okay, this next part is annoying. You need to break the stones so that you have time to run to the next room and get the HealingHeart. Wear down the first two by not targetting them. Then switch to your devil trigger with the QuickHeart and smash the last one. Run and get the Healing Heart. [ HealingHeart acquired. ] Jump in the hole. AREA C +--+ Boss Battle : Bolverk +-----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Bolverk has Freki&Geri with him so he's annoying to target. | | | | Attacks: | | He swings his sword around a lot, so just keep your distance and use | | your submachine guns to gain some devil trigger back. | | | | Strategy: | | He's just annoying. He'll sit there and swing his sword around and tag | | you out of the air. The main thing to do is keep your distance and | | use your Devil Trigger when you have it. When you don't, stay as far | | away as possible and shoot him to regain it. There's a health orb up | | on the throne for when you get low, as well. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Walk up to the seal. === MISSION 12 ================================================ MISSION 12 === When the hunter and the protector meet, the last mystery will be given and received. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 9 Clause 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Search the large door right behind you to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 16/36/56 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 16 ] Jump down to the large room. +--+ Boss Battle : Protector +----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | The Protector is a giant orb that spawns Sargassos. It has a ring of | | power boxes swirling around it. | | | | Attacks: | | Only the Sargassos attack. Usually they just spit energy at you. | | | | Strategy: | | The energy ring around the Protector is annoying because it will knock | | you down and as you're getting up, will often knock you down again. | | Still, it's not that difficult to beat. The key is to get it down to | | one Sargasso (if you kill them all, it will just spawn more). That way | | you'll target them less. Then, just smash the energy boxes. When | | they're all destroyed, a hole will open in the floor. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Jump into the hole. Run down the hallway and break the urns. Behind the first one, search the wall for some red orbs. Behind the last one on the left, search the wall to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 17/37/57 ] Enter the door at the end of the hall. +--+ Boss Battle : Plutinian +-----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | The Plutinian is a giant, two-headed suit of armor with two huge maces | | that it uses to brain its victims. | | | | Attacks: | | Ball Swing - It swings a ball around in a circle to knock you away. | | Ball Smash - Smashes the balls together for a lot of damage. | | Laser Show - Lasers shoot out of the walls. | | Summoning - Summons Agonofinses to help him out. | | | | Strategy: | | I did it the simple way. I used my rocket launcher from a distance to | | take down it's life quickly. Then I switched to my Devil Trigger and | | ran in to stylishly finish him off. It was an easy battle. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Step into the small hole that opens up and take the elevator. === MISSION 13 ================================================ MISSION 13 === The hunter will learn to feel with a leap of faith. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 10 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +--+ Boss Battle : Arius +---------------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Arias is the corporate leader that you've been tailing this whole time. | | | | Attacks: | | Void - You will be sucked into a void and spit out. | | Dark Ball - He sends a ball of black energy along the floor to envelope | | you. | | Gunshot - Shoots his gun from a distance. | | Summon - Summons AbyssGoats and Jomothumsiras. | | | | Strategy: | | Whittle him down with the missile launcher and then Devil Trigger in for | | the kill. It's an easy battle. If you want to work up your ranking in | | orbs and style, make sure to attack the abyssgoats and jomothummsiras. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 14 ================================================ MISSION 14 === Four lights will open the door to the future and the past. - "Guideposts for the Hunter" Chapter 11 Clause 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Search the doors on the left side of the area to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 18/38/58 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 17 ] Go through the archway near the item statue and kill the AbyssGoats. Take a right down the street and jump up on the rooftops. Jump up on the tall building near where you fought the AbyssGoats. Double-jump (or DT and fly up) to smash the orb. [Orb 1 Triggered] Continue on until you reach the area where you first fought the Msiras to get the key (on Mission 1). Kill the Brontomancers, Pyromancers, and various types of Msiras here and smack the orb around. [Orb 2 Triggered] Jump out and go up the small path. Kill the Savage Golems and the Demonochoruses here and smack the orb up. [Orb 3 Triggered] Move down the street until you see a path off to the left. Follow it and kill the enemies there. Fly up to the ornamental carving for a blue orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 18 ] Smack the orb in the air. [Orb 4 Triggered] Enter the large door nearby. AREA B Run up to the eye in the center of the room and slash it. +--+ Boss Battle : Phantom +-----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | An old friend is back from the Abyss. It's Phantom, the giant spider | | from the first game. | | | | Attacks: | | Claw - This attack will take off quite a bit of damage and | | stun you for a second. | | Tail - This is a multiple attack that doesn't seem to do a lot | | of damage, but definitely stuns you for a second. | | Fireball - Just evade this simple attack. He'll shoot three of | | them. | | Fire Pillars - Sometime he will smash the ground and pillars of flame | | will appear. Just double-jump to evade them. | | Energy Blast - He will charge and let a blast of energy go. Just avoid | | it and go in for the kill. | | | | Strategy: | | Okay, first of all, use your Devil Trigger and take off as much as you | | possibly can. Then, switch to your rocket launcher and start taking | | off more. You can jump on top of him and attack like in the first, but | | this time he is a little smarter and will automatically initiate his | | tail attack to get you off of him. | | | | Watch out. He can block your attacks as well. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 15 ================================================ MISSION 15 === They swarm like clouds and desperately seek the hunter's dark blood. - "Guideposts for the Hunters" Chapter 11 Clause 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smack the central eye. Now, find the mound with a dead eye on it. Knock one of the Msiras onto it to get the ChronoHeart. [ ChronoHeart acquired. ] Okay, now that you have it, start killing them as fast as you can. It will most likely take you two tries if you didn't get the ChronoHeart right off. The enemies keep coming. If you don't do it the first time, the enemies will get progressively easier on Normal mode. If you don't do it the first time on Hard and DMD mode, you'll still be in for a hefty battle. Jump into the center of the thing. === MISSION 16 ================================================ MISSION 16 === Chaos ripens as the hunter runs toward the sky. - "Guideposts for the Hunters" Chapter 12 Clause 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Walk up to the door and then kill the BloodGoats as they appear. Go through the door. AREA B Kill the various finises that attack you in the elevator. In suck close quarters, you should have Showtime in no time. Exit the door when they're all dead. AREA C Break the vases for some red orbs. Run down the hall. If you need to buy anything or upgrade, then do so. Otherwise, take the left hallway and go through the door. AREA D Run down the hall and get the orbs in the small room. Next, continue down the hall to a door and head on through. AREA E Okay, this room can be annoying. If you get touched by the balls, you'll be transported to a sub-realm where you have to kill the two Savage Golems. The easiest way to do this is to get out of the Mortofinises reach and use your rocket launcher. When you get to the end of the hall, jump up and get the Sacrilege. [ Sacrilege acquired. ] Jump down and go through the door below it to find a Secret Room. [ Secret Room 19/39/59 ] Run all the way around the upper balcony and get the Blue Orb. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Jump down and put the Sacrilege into the statues mouth. AREA F Head back toward the elevator. Walk down the hall and you'll fight Bolverk and Freki&Geri again. Kill him to get another Sacrilege. [ Sacrilege acquired. ] Use it on the door. AREA G The area has changed again. Go past the Msiras and down the small hallway near the Msiras and go down it. You'll have to fight some Blood Goats to get another Sacrilege. [ Sacrilege acquired. ] Put it in the mouth and exit the room. AREA H Go to the only area that you haven't been to yet and go through the door. Smash the orb and kill the AbyssGoats. Get the FrostHeart. [ Frostheart acquired. ] Okay, head back to where you fought the Abyssgoats to get the Sacrilege and go through the door in the back of that room. AREA I Take the elevator and kill all the enemies inside. Get off at the top. +--+ Boss Battle: Trismagia +----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | This thing has three different faces that it rotates around. Each one | | has a different attack. | | | | Attacks: | | Frost Face - Frost breath | | Fire Face - Fire breath | | Lightning Face - Lightning Orbs | | Main Face - Huge energy attack | | | | Strategy: | | I did it the easy way. I just sat back and used the rocket launcher to | | take out the faces. Just evade them when they get close and keep | | firing and you should be fine. When they converge into a single face, | | make sure that you watch it charge. Then evade as it fires to avoid | | the huge attack. Just keep on firing and you'll take it out. | | | | It has two full bars of life to annoy you with. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Jump onto the table and search the chair to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 20/40/60 ] Step into the light to finish the mission. === MISSION 17 ================================================ MISSION 17 === Evil must be opposed and destroyed. - "Guidepost for the Hunters" Chapter 12 Clause 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walk down the hallway and go through the door. +--+ Boss Battle : Arius +---------------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Arias is the corporate leader that you've been tailing this whole time. | | | | Attacks: | | Void - You will be sucked into a void and spit out. | | Dark Ball - He sends a ball of black energy along the floor to envelope | | you. | | Gunshot - Shoots his gun from a distance. | | Summon - Summons AbyssGoats and Jomothumsiras. | | | | Strategy: | | Whittle him down with the missile launcher and then Devil Trigger in for | | the kill. Watch out for the nasties that he summons as they will draw | | your fire. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 18 ================================================ MISSION 18 === The hunter shall surpass all who came before him. - "Guidepost for the Hunters" Chapter 13 Clause 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +--+ Boss Battle: Argosax the Chaos +----------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Argosax the Chaos is a algamation of all of the bosses that you've | | fought so far. | | | | Attacks (Orangguerra): | | Attacks (Furiataurus): | | Attacks (Phantom): | | Attacks (Nefasturris): | | Attacks (Jokatgulm): | | | | Strategy: | | Okay, on normal and hard mode, it has a lot of life, but it will only | | attack when in focus, so it's easy to strafe in and out of its view and | | whittle it down slowly without taking any damage. | | | | On Dante Must Die mode, all the heads will be attacking whether they are | | in focus or not, so evading and jumping are necessary. In DMD mode, this | | boss is annoying and difficult not so much because it's hard to kill, | | but because its life is so huge and it has so many attacks. Think | | Nightmare 2 on Hard (from the first DMC) and you know what you're up | | against. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+ Boss Battle: The Despair Embodied +-------------------------------------+ | Description: | | This boss is a firey form which looks very cool, but isn't very | | difficult. Though it is annoying on DMD mode. | | | | Attacks: | | Fireball - Shoots fireballs at you. | | Fireslash - Slashes you with its sword. | | Firethrust - Powerful fire thrust with its sword. | | | | Strategy: | | Constantly keep moving and locked onto it. When you can, use your guns | | to regain some DT. Switch to your devil form and wail on it until out. | | Then, continue firing with your guns and evading its attacks. It takes | | a little while, but reminded me a lot of Bolverk without the reach. | | | | If you're having trouble, here's a really useful tactic. Save your DT. | | when it attacks, use it to avoid damage. Then get out of it and | | retaliate. Kinda cheap, but it works. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You have now completed Devil May Cry 2 with Dante. Now go back through it on Hard and Dante Must Die to unlock more goodies. 99% of everything that I stated here will hold true on the other modes, you'll just have to have faster reflexes and more skill. ______________________________________________________________________________ WALKTHROUGH : LUCIA This is a complete walkthrough for Lucia's Disc. While the difficulty of the enemies will change, the actual gameplay of the levels will not. Bosses will act more aggressively and use special attacks in Hard and Must Die modes. === MISSION 1 ================================================== MISSION 1 === Toward the south, the protector will find the time. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 1 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Search the area to find 45 red orbs. You can also break the pipes on the roofs to find some more. Go through the door when you have 45 orbs. If you're playing on Hard or LMD, you won't have any problem. AREA B Move forward and into the arena. Kill the agonofinises and jump through the hole to the outside area. Jump into the waterway and search the grating next to the large wall to find the first secret room. [ Secret Room Level 1/11/21 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 1 ] Next, run down the street to the item statue and jump up on the ledge to get the blue orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 2 ] Run up the street and kill the Agonofinises as they come. Jump up onto the rooftops and up to the large building near the huge door at the end of the street. Jump up on the pillar for some red orbs. Jump down and continue up the street, battling the Agonofinises until you reach a cut-scene. Kill the Savage Golems. Go up the steps and past the arch. Jump up onto the shoulder of the huge statue on the wall and up onto its head. [ Blue Orb Fragmet 3 ] Jump down and get the red orb from the watch tower on your way up the mountain. At the top of the mountain, destroy the statues. Search the huge face to the left of the large double-doors to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 2/12/22 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 4 ] Enter the large double-doors to finish the mission. === MISSION 2 ================================================== MISSION 2 === The aerial heart will give the protector the chance to reach the skies. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 1 Clause 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Get the orbs from the stairwells and attack the glowing orb at the top. Kill the Goatlings and get the Aerial Heart. [ AerialHeart acquired. ] Fly up to the ledge and get the orbs. Jump up through the hole. AREA B Climb up the stairs. Jump up on the platform and kill the Agonofinises. Jump up to the platform and destroy the statue for some Darts. [ Sub-Weapon Darts acquired. ] Jump up to get a Blue Orb Fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 5 ] Jump over to the platform opposite where you got the darts and continue to jump up. Continue up the platforms until you find an orb generator. Smack it around for some orbs. Continue jumping from platform to platform. Jump up to the large circular platform to continue. AREA C Regenerate your Devil energy if you need it and fly up to the glowing orb. Hit it until it is active and fly up to the top of the level that opens. AREA D Buy any items you need and go up the stairs. AREA E Break the statues and get the orbs. When you get far enough into the room, you'll get to face Tartarussian. +--+ Tartarussian +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | It is a large suit of armor with two huge mace balls that it attacks | | with. | | | | Attacks: | | Ball Strike - Smacks you with a ball from a distance. | | Round the World - Kocks you away from it if you're close. | | | | Strategy: | | This is an extremely easy boss. All you have to do is get in close, | | DT and start taking down the life. When you're out of DT, maintain a | | safe distance and start throwing knives at it to gain your DT again. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter the small area that opens and get the Arcana Spada sword and the Blue Orb fragment. [ Artifact Arcana Spada acquired. ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 6 ] Go up the stairs. AREA F Get the orbs and jump over the wall after the trail of orbs you see to finish the mission. === MISSION 3 ================================================== MISSION 3 === She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the protector deep in the water. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 4 Clause 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Run down the street to the open section. Move down the main street until the cut-scene. Evade the magic pools until you're near the Goatling. Beat the hell out of it. Enter the large wooden door on your left. AREA B Get the Klyamoor. [ Weapon Klyamoor acquired. ] Exit the room. AREA A Enter the large stone door nearby. AREA C Run down the street and jump up on the ornate carving on the wall in front of you. Jump up on the next one and up into the air to get a Blue Orb. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Jump down and start fighting the Msiras. Jump up on the blocks on the side of the road for some easy orbs. After you kill them all at the top and bottom of the hill, attack the boarded up archway at the bottom of the road. After you break it open, run down the road. Jump up the left cliff until you reach the blue orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 7 ] Jump down and jump down to the waterfront. Beat the hell out of the orb generator and run down the docks. Ignore the small arch to your right for now. Get any stray orbs you see and enter the building at the far end of the area. AREA D Kill the agonofinises here and search the carving on the stairway to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 3/13/23 ] [ Blue Stone Fragment 8 ] Enter the door at the top of the stairs (there also some red orbs hiding along the ceiling in the stairwell). AREA E Jump up on the unit in the back of the room and up to get a large red orb. Get the HealingHeart and any items you need to purchase. Exit the room. AREA D Go outside. AREA C Run down the waterfront to the small archway. Collect the orbs there and climb up the stairs. Search at the top for a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 4/14/24 ] [ Blue Stone Fragment 9 ] Enter the building. AREA F +--- Boss Battle : Jokatgulm ------------------ Boss Battle : Jokagulm ---+ | Description: | | Jokatgulm is a giant squid-like creature. | | | | Attacks: | | Tentacle Slam - Hits you with a tentacle. | | Poison Breath - Spits poison fumes at you. | | | | Strategy: | | Okay, there's a lot of tentacles to jump over, but it's actually not | | much of a problem. | | | | All you have to do is get in the middle of them and attack the head. | | Use your devil trigger and the boss will die easily and you won't take | | much damage at all. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Get the orbs and go through the door that opened to finish the mission. === MISSION 4 ================================================== MISSION 4 === Dodge flame tubes and navigate through the cracked city streets so that when the time comes, your path will be shown. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 5 Clause 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Jump over the lip of the tunnel entrance to get a Blue Orb fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 10 ] Run down the tunnel and kill the Infestants. Get the OffenceHeart. [ OffenceHeart acquired. ] Run up the tunnel and into the street. +--+ Boss Battle : Orangguerra +-------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Orangguerra is a huge monkey from hell. | | | | Attacks: | | Ball Roll - Rolls into a ball and attacks. | | Grab 'n Smash - Grabs you and squashes the life out of you. | | Whack! - Knocks you away with a swipe of his arm. | | Energy Bubble - Blows an energy bubble at you. | | | | Strategy: | | This is actually an easy battle. Whittle off some damage with your | | daggers and wait for him to jump at you in his ball mode. Then unleash | | your DT and cut him down to size. He'll go down in no time at all! | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Enter the tunnel. AREA B Walk into the main area. +--+ Boss Battle : Infested Tank +-----------------------------------------+ | Description: | | This tank has been infested by an Infestant and is now acting on its | | own accord. | | | | Attacks: | | Machine Gun - If you get on it, it will fire its machine guns. | | Turret - Fires an explosive charge. | | | | Strategy: | | This is simple. All you have to do is get on the bridge and jump and | | throw knives. It'll never hit you. If you want, you can DT and take it | | out quicker. This is especially useful if you are trying to get the S | | rank for time. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 5 ================================================== MISSION 5 === The protector must rise to confront destiny head-on. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 7 Clause 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Run forward and jump down to the middle section. Kill the enemies if you wish. Jump up to the other side and go through the door there. AREA B Run down the hallway. Jump up to get the orb and go through the door. AREA C Jump on the plane and get the orb. Enter the back of the plane. AREA D Break the box and get the CrankyBomb. Exit the plane. AREA C Go through the door toward the rear of the plane. AREA E Hit the orb until you turn on the power. Leave the room. AREA C Continue back the way you came. AREA B Run down the hall and through the door. AREA A Now, jump down into the middle section. Kill the enemies if you wish. Jump up to the platform you started on and go through the garage door. AREA F Don't worry too much about the Evil Heart. You'll be rid of it soon enough. Jump down to the lower section, ignoring the Puias. Run around the gas tanks and get a Blue Orb Fragment. You can also get a gold heart if you feel like climbing on the pipes. [ Blue Orb Fragment 11 ] Go through the door nearby. AREA G Smack the orb until the force field is gone. Run down the stairs. When you encounter enemies, let the Spiceres do their job. Go past the door at the bottom and recharge your DT if needed. If you're not concerned about time, you can use your HealingHeart to regain life from the DT restore point. Enter the central area and get your orbs from the orb generator. Fly up to the top of the area to get the FlameHeart. [ FlameHeart acquired. ] Jump down and go through the door. AREA H Jump down to the floor and go through the small hole in the wall there. AREA I Walk into the small hallway and use the Evil Heart. You will receive the ElectroHeart. [ ElectroHeart acquired. ] Run back out of the hallway. Go through the door that unlocks. AREA J Run down the tracks. Kill the BloodGoats and get the orbs. Break the boxes and jump up on the support beams abover you to get some more orbs. Step on the elevator. Kill the Flambats. When it comes to a stop, get off. Go in the right door to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 5/15/25 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 12 ] Go through the door to finish the mission. === MISSION 6 ================================================== MISSION 6 === The protector, the king, and the truth. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 1 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Kill the Savage Golems and the Demonochoruses. +--+ Boss Battle : Larva and Noctpteran +----------------------------------+ | Description: | | The Noctpteran is a giant moth and the Larvae are its worms. Every now | | and again, it will drop eggs to the ground. | | | | Attacks (Noctpteran): | | I don't think it attacks. It just drops eggs and lets the Larva attack.| | | | Attacks Larva: | | Smack - They burrow out of the ground and smack you. Just evade. | | Charge - They charge you and swallow you for some higher damage. Evade.| | | | Strategy: | | It's not that hard of a battle, but he does have a lot of life. The | | main thing to remember is to EVADE. It is so necessary on him that I | | can't stress it enough. Almost any of his attacks can be avoided by | | evading. | | | | You can use your devil trigger to take him down as well, but you | | should still get an S ranking if you don't. I killed him in under 2 | | minutes without using it, and if I can do it, anyone can. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ AREA B From the cut-scene, you should know that there's a blue orb fragment nearby. [ Blue Orb Fragment 13 ] Okay, time to activate your DT and fly to the top of the pillars. Get the orbs there. Now, you need to fly to the ledge along the wall where you just got the last fragment. There's a huge hole there. Search around inside the hole until you find another secret room. [ Secret Room Level 6/16/26 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 14 ] Jump down into the water and swim under where you got the blue orb fragment to get the Bowgun. [ Sub-Weapon Bowgun acquired. ] Swim through the door to finish the level. === MISSION 7 ================================================== MISSION 7 === Holy and filthy at the same time, some mysteries should be extinguished. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 1 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Swim down the hallway and go into the small niche to find a blue orb. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Swim up the hole and follow the trail of orbs. Go through the door. AREA B Get the AquaHeart from the pedestal. [ AquaHeart acquired. ] Kill the Auromancers and jump up on the ledge abover where you got the heart. Jump up to the next room and break the urns for some orbs. Jump over to the right doorway and search it for a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 7/17/27 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 15 ] Now go down the right hallway and jump into the water. Swim down into the next room. Swim up into the hole that the cut-scene shows you. Kill the Sargassos so that they don't interfere. Now, you have to light the 6 different orbs in this room. Once you do so, platforms will appear. Jump up on the platforms and activate the orb at the top. Swim back down into the previous room and down the hole. Get any items you think you might need and head through the door. AREA C +--+ Boss Battle : Tateobesu +---------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | A big, ugly, annoying fish boss. | | | | Attacks (Noctpteran): | | Electrical Attack - Zaps you. | | Charge - Charges you. | | Bite - Guess what he does. | | | | Strategy: | | Just swim around and keep using your Bowgun. It's annoying, I know, | | but you'll wear him down. He's easy to dodge. When he cloaks himself, | | just look for the wavery section or he might bite you. | | | | As usual, DT to make it go faster...but, if you don't want to get hurt,| | only use your DT when it charges you to avoid getting damaged. While | | doing this, make sure you keep shooting it. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Swim up through the hole to end the mission. === MISSION 8 ================================================== MISSION 8 === Defeat the prisoner in the abyss and hand the hunter the mysterious vessel. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 9 Clause 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Search the small square area right above where you come out to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 8/18/28 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 16 ] Kill the blades and get the gold orb from behind one of the pillars if you need it. Swim through the hole in the ceiling and jump out of the water. Walk up to the big eye and examine it. Hit the fireball back at the eye three times with your sword to break the icon and raise the water level. Kill the Erupt Cells and search behind the broken statue to find a Blue Orb Fragment. [ Blue Orb Fragment 17 ] Swim up to the lit area above the blue orb fragment for some red orbs. Swim through the hole and jump out of the water. Get your orbs from the orb generator and go down the hallway. Jump into the water. Swim down into the next room and kill the erupt cells. Swim forward and down through the hole in the floor. Get the Blue Orb and the other orbs. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Swim back through the tunnel and then up through the hole beyond the pillars. Jump out of the water and go through the door. AREA B That's right, another annoying "break the orbs" puzzle. Examine the glowing relief on the wall and jump down to the tiles. Break 8 orbs and the waterfall platforms will appear. Jump up to the door. AREA C Kill the Gbuthumiras. Now, the point of this next exercise is to equip the weaken the orbs. Weaken them, but don't break them. When they're all weak, break them and run into the next room to get the QuickHeart. Get the orbs and run down the hall. Break the statues for some more orbs. Go through the door. AREA D +--+ Boss Battle : Plutinian +---------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | The Plutinian is a giant, two-headed suit of armor with two huge maces | | that it uses to brain its victims. | | | | Attacks: | | Ball Swing - It swings a ball around in a circle to knock you away. | | Ball Smash - Smashes the balls together for a lot of damage. | | Laser Show - Lasers shoot out of the walls. | | Summoning - Summons Agonofinses to help him out. | | | | Strategy: | | Well, you can just sit back and throw knives at him and he'll die | | before he gets to you on Normal and Hard, but I'd recommend just DTing | | and taking him out quickly. He's not hard and has horrendous aim. | | | | He'll also summon critters that don't do a whole lot except wander | | around near you. They do like to DT on LMD mode, though. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Go up to the pedestal to finish the mission. === MISSION 9 ================================================== MISSION 9 === To prove its own identity, the protector points a blade toward the decayed king. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 10 Clause 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +--+ Boss Battle : Arius +---------------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | Arias is the corporate leader that you've been tailing this whole time. | | | | Attacks: | | Void - You will be sucked into a void and spit out. | | Dark Ball - He sends a ball of black energy along the floor to envelope | | you. | | Gunshot - Shoots his gun from a distance. | | Summon - Summons AbyssGoats and Jomothumsiras. | | | | Strategy: | | Just use your daggers and whittle him down. When he heads to the side | | tables, start smacking him around. Make sure to lock onto him of his | | minions will take precedence. He doesn't have a lot of life, and is | | relatively easy to kill. The problem is on DMD when the other enemies | | are actually stronger than he is. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 10 ================================================ MISSION 10 === Four lights will open the sealed door, but will also invite the creepy to play - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 11 Clause 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Move forward from where you start the mission and get the orb on top of the pillar. Kill the AbyssGoats and activate the Trigger Orb by bashing it. [ Trigger Orb 1 Activated. ] Next, search the door on the left side of the street to find a secret room. [ Secret Room Level 9 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 18 ] Move down the sidestreet. Jump up on the rooftops and go to the Msira arena. Get the gold orb and activate the trigger orb outside of it. [ Trigger Orb 2 Activated. ] Jump into the arena. Kill the Auromancers and the assorted Msiras. Get the Blue Orb. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Jump out and go down the alleyway near the arena. Activate the trigger orb there and continue. [ Trigger Orb 3 Activated. ] Enter the larger open area (what used to be the pillared balcony area) and pick up the Zambak. [ Weapon Zambak acquired. ] Kill the golems if you must and run down the street. Kill the Agonofinises and continue. There's a path to your left. If you want to buy items, do so. When you're ready, take that path. Kill the different mancers and jump up on the top sculpture on the building for some reb orbs. Jump over to the ledge and activate the trigger orb. [ Trigger Orb 4 Activated. ] Go through the large door. Whack the eyeball. +--+ Boss Battle : Phantom +-----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | An old friend is back from the Abyss. It's Phantom, the giant spider | | from the first game. | | | | Attacks: | | Claw - This attack will take off quite a bit of damage and | | stun you for a second. | | Tail - This is a multiple attack that doesn't seem to do a lot | | of damage, but definitely stuns you for a second. | | Fireball - Just evade this simple attack. He'll shoot three of | | them. | | Fire Pillars - Sometime he will smash the ground and pillars of flame | | will appear. Just double-jump to evade them. | | Energy Blast - He will charge and let a blast of energy go. Just avoid | | it and go in for the kill. | | | | Strategy: | | Okay, first of all, use your Devil Trigger and take off as much as you | | possibly can. Then, switch to your daggers and start taking off more. | | You can jump on top of him and attack like in the first, but this time | | he is a little smarter and will automatically initiate his tail attack | | to get you off of him. | | | | Watch out. He can block your attacks as well. | | | | It's not that hard of a battle, but it can be gruelling on LMD mode. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ === MISSION 11 ================================================ MISSION 11 === The swarm like clouds and desperately seek the protector's blood. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 11 Clause 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Smack the central eye. Now, find the mound with a dead eye on it. Knock one of the Msiras onto it to get the ChronoHeart. [ ChronoHeart acquired. ] Okay, now that you have it, start killing them as fast as you can. It will most likely take you two tries if you didn't get the ChronoHeart right off. The enemies keep coming. If you don't do it the first time, the enemies will get progressively easier on Normal mode. If you don't do it the first time on Hard and DMD mode, you'll still be in for a hefty battle. Jump into the center of the thing. === MISSION 12 ================================================ MISSION 12 === The protector scales the skyscraper believing in its own reason for existence. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 12 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AREA A Try and go out the door. Kill the BloodGoats and leave the room. AREA B Kill all of the Agonofinises in the elevator for some great orb totals. Exit when it reaches the top. AREA C Run to the right of the elevator and break the vase. Search the wall to find the last secret room. [ Secret Room 10/20/30 ] [ Blue Orb Fragment 19 ] Break the vases and run down the hallway. If you need any items, buy them. If not, then continue down the smaller hall and through the door. AREA D Break any vases you find as you run down the hallway. From the small room, continue your path and go through the door. Kill the Jomothumsiras. Get the Sacrilege. [ Sacrilege acquired. ] Use it in the door and go through it. AREA E Run back into the small room and go through the door there. AREA F Oh look, an annoying ball room. Okay, all you have to do is avoid the balls. If you get touched, you'll have to kill the golems to exit the area. When you do that, jump up to the second ledge to get the Sacrilege. [ Sacrilege acquired. ] Run back and collect all of the orbs. Just above the entry door is a Blue Orb. [ Blue Orb acquired. ] Jump down and put the sacrilege in the door's mouth. Exit the door. AREA G Follow the orbs and go through the door. AREA H Walk forward. +--+ Boss Battle: Trismagia +----------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | This thing has three different faces that it rotates around. Each one | | has a different attack. | | | | Attacks: | | Frost Face - Frost breath | | Fire Face - Fire breath | | Lightning Face - Lightning Orbs | | Main Face - Huge energy attack | | | | Strategy: | | I did it the easy way. I just sat back and used the darts to take out | | the faces. Just evade them when they get close and keep firing and you | | should be fine. When they converge into a single face, DT and also | | make sure that you watch it charge. Then evade as it fires to avoid | | the huge attack. Just keep on firing and you'll take it out. | | | | On LMD mode, evade constantly to avoid the multiple attacks. Most of | | the time it'll miss you. When it converges to a single face, make sure | | to DT and attack it. | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Exit the room through the MOUTH DOOR. Go back in and kill the BloodGoats and the Demonochoruses. Get the Sacrilege. Use it in the mouth. Exit the room. AREA I Go to the only room you haven't been to yet. AREA J Kill the AbyssGoats and ...I guess there's nothing to do here... If you haven't found something somewhere along the way, it should be here. I guess. Head back to where you fought Trismagia and go through the door in the back of the room. AREA K Kill the enemies on the elevator and exit it. AREA L Walk forward and go through the door. AREA M Move forward to see a cut-scene and finish the mission. === MISSION 13 ================================================ MISSION 13 === The path to forgiveness is cleaned with blood. - "Guideposts for the Protectors" Chapter 1 Clause 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +--+ Boss Battle : Possessed Arius +-----------------------------------------+ | Description: | | | | Attacks: | | Charge - Attempts to charge you. Just evade. | | Grab - He grabs you and squeezes you. | | Tickle - He will grab you from a long distance by reaching through the | | ground. | | Zap - He sends out small, electrical impulses. | | | | Strategy: | | It's going to sound a bit strange, but I want you to get close to him. | | Not too close, mind you, but close enough that the majority of his | | attacks are charges. That way, you can easily evade and then smack him | | around before he recovers. It also makes it easier to judge exactly | | where the electrical impulses are. | | | | You can also DT when he attacks and lay into him without getting hurt. | | It's a long battle (because of his health), but it's an easy one. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--+ Boss Battle : Arius Argosax +-------------------------------------------+ | Description: | | | | Attacks: | | Tail - Tries to whack you with its tail. | | Vomit - Vomits on you. | | | | Strategy: | | Simple. Just keep shooting it in the mouth. If it swings its tail, jump. | | If it vomits, double-jump. Really, really just has a lot of | | life. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You have now completed Devil May Cry 2 with Lucia. Go back and do it again on the Hard and Lucia Must Die Modes. ______________________________________________________________________________ SECRET ROOM LOCATIONS The locations of the secret rooms are the same on the different difficutly mode, but are different between Dante and Lucia's games. === DANTE ========================================================== DANTE === Here is a list of the different secret rooms for Datne in Devil May Cry 2. They are in the same places on the different difficulties. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 1 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 1/21/41 Location: Huge door at the end of the street where the Puia's first appear. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 2/22/42 Location: From the first secret, go down the sidestreet and jump over the building blocking the road. Go into the door on the opposite side of that building. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 2 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 3/23/43 Location: In the section B of this level, behind the mask with an orb generator. search in the coffin along the back wall. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 4/24/44 Location: In section C of this level, in the room with the orb that unlocks the door, search the standing coffin just left of the orb. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 3 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 5/25/45 Location: Half-way down the Goatling's street on the right is a double door. It's in that door (it's just up the street from a large, rounded door). MISSION 4 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 6/26/46 Location: Enter the second door/window on the right from the beginning of the level. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 7/27/47 Location: Enter the garage door along the waterfront, near the orb generator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 5 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 8/28/48 Location: Door to the right of the ruined highway in the Area A (after exiting the tunnel. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 9/29/49 Location: Second door after the bridge in the Area B. It's on the right side. Kill the Orangguerra first. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 10/30/50 Location: It's the door near the first infested tank. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 7 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 11/31/51 Location: Just across the lava pit, and along the lowest edge of the walkway, search the wall. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 12/32/52 Location: After taking the elevator a second time, you'll be in a room with two doors with steps on either side of the main exit door. Just enter the door on your left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 10 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 13/33/53 Location: Search the flaming skull pillar that is nearest the glowing gate (on the right). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 11 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 14/34/54 Location: Search the door with an eye near the very beginning of the level. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 15/35/55 Location: After falling into the room with the glowing platforms, run to the left wall and jump up on the platform there. Search the relief. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 12 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 16/36/56 Location: At the beginning of the level, search the door you just came from. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 17/37/57 Location: Behind the last urn on the left in the "urn hallway". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 14 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 18/38/58 Location: In the door near the item statue (left side of the street). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 16 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 19/39/59 Location: Enter the tapestry under the Sacrilege in the room with the rolling energy balls. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 20/40/60 Location: Search the chair at Arius's table in the center of the room. === LUCIA ========================================================== LUCIA === These are the locations for all of the Secret Rooms on Lucia's disc. You can get them on Normal, Hard, and Lucia Must Die modes. You can also go back using Mission Select and get any you missed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 1 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 1/11/21 Location: Grating in the first sewer after fighting in the arena. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 2/12/22 Location: Search the large face on the bell tower before finishing the mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 3 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 3/13/23 Location: Carving on the stairway near the item statue. SECRET ROOM LEVEL 4/14/24 Location: At the top of the stairway at the waterfront building, before fighting the boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 5 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 5/15/25 Location: The right door after going up the elevator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 6 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 6/16/26 Location: After fighting the Moth boss, you will be teleported. From that bridge, fly over to the ledge you can see with a large dark hole in it (really large). Search around in that hole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 7 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 7/17/27 Location: Ledge above and to the left of where you get the AquaHeart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 8 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 8/18/28 Location: Inside the small dark alcove just above the starting point to the level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 10 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 9/19/29 Location: Enter the door near the first light orb (where you fight the AbyssGoats). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION 12 SECRET ROOM LEVEL 10/20/30 Location: Behind the vase at the top of the elevator, against the far back wall. ______________________________________________________________________________ BLUE ORB LOCATIONS First, a bit of explanation on how I numbered these. The single numbers are for the full blue orbs, and the fractional numbers are for the fragments. You have to collect 4 fragments to get a full blue orb, and hence the breakdown. === DANTE'S GAME ============================================ DANTE'S GAME === For Purchase 1 - 3000 orbs 2 - 6000 orbs 3 - 10000 orbs 4 - 15000 orbs 5 - 20000 orbs Mission 1 1/4 - Archway at the beginning of the game. 2/4 - Secret Room Level 2 3/4 - In the sewer before entering the Msira arena. Mission 2 4/4 - Broken floor area before the orb puzzle. 1/4 - Found near the first Savage Golem. 2/4 - Secret Room Level 4 Mission 3 3/4 - Balcony area in the plaza. Mission 4 4/4 - Secret Room Level 6 6 - Block on the cliff, left side of Msira street. 1/4 - Jump in the crevices up the left cliff face. Mission 5 2/4 - Secret Room Level 8 3/4 - Secret Room Level 10 4/4 - At the top of the broken highway's curve. 7 - Window washer cart Mission 7 1/4 - Secret Room Level 12 Mission 9 2/4 - Large pipe where you entered the room in level 7. Fly there. Mission 11 3/4 - Secret Room Level 14 4/4 - Near the spike crusher, after breaking the door open. Mission 12 1/4 - Secret Room Level 16 Mission 14 2/4 - Secret Room Level 18 3/4 - Above ornamental carving by Trigger Orb 4. Mission 16 8 - Upper balcony in the rolling ball room (above the entry). 4/4 - Secret Room Level 20 === LUCIA'S GAME ============================================ LUCIA'S GAME === I need to check the walkthrough and match things up here a bit since I have more than I have listed... For Purchase 1 - 3000 orbs 2 - 6000 orbs 3 - 10000 orbs 4 - 15000 orbs 5 - 20000 orbs Mission 1 1/4 - Secret Room Level 1 2/4 - On the ledge near the item statue. 3/4 - On top of the hugh statue's head along the cliff wall, after the Savage Golems. 4/4 - Secret Room Level 2 Mission 2 1/4 - Floating near the Darts statue. 2/4 - Near the Arcana Spada pedestal. Mission 3 6 - On top of the higher wall carving near the start. 3/4 - In one of the crevices on the left-hand cliff near the waterfront. 4/4 - Secret Room Level 3 1/4 - Secret Room Level 4 Mission 4 2/4 - Over the lip of the tunnel entrance. Mission 5 3/4 - Between a lot of tanks on the second lowest level. 4/4 - Secret Room Level 5 Mission 6 1/4 - Near the starting point of the level, behind Lucia. 2/4 - Secret Room Level 6. Mission 7 7 - Small niche in the wall at the very beginning of the level. 3/4 - Secret Room Level 7. Mission 8 4/4 - Secret Room Level 8. 1/4 - Behind the Eye Statue. 8 - Hall under the stonehenge. Mission 10 3/4 - Secret Room Level 9. 9 - Msira arena. Mission 12 3/4 - Secret Room 10 10 - In ball room. Mission 13 ______________________________________________________________________________ GAME SECRETS Unlock Dante's Mission Select Mode and first outfit by completing Normal mode. Unlock Lucia's Mission Select Mode and first outfit by completing Normal mode. Unlock Hard Mode and Bloody Palace by completing Normal mode with both Lucia and Dante. Unlock Must Die Mode and the second outfit by beating each of the character's Hard modes. This costume is Trish from DMC, when Dante finishes Hard. Unlock Dante and Lucia's third costumes by completing Must Die Mode for each character. ______________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS AND THANKS - CJayC and Shadotak for putting up with my crap for so long. - My ferrets for "helping" me play by attacking my feet. - Andrew Ridgeley, not so much for starting Wham!, but having the decency to STOP! - Kouli from the GameFAQs message boards. I'm pretty sure he's the first one who posted the location of Lucia's secret room on level 6. I wouldn't have found it if he hadn't. Thanks.