DEVIL MAY CRY 3: SPECIAL EDITION ---------BOSS FAQ--------------- I'm here to help you out with: HELL VANGUARD CERBERUS GIGAPEDE JESTER AGNI & RUDRA VERGIL I HEART OF LEVIATHAN NEVAN BEOWULF GERYON VERGIL II LADY JESTER II DOPPELGANGER ARKHAM VERGIL III ----HELL VANGUARD------- DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ATTACKS 1. His first attack is a simple one where he slashes at you with his blade. It is advisable to dash away as quickly as possible to prevent damage. 2. His second attack is a slice upwards from the floor where he teleports through the ground and rises up, slashing anything near. 3. His third attack is a deadly strike to the head, and this seems to be his most powerful attack since it does most damage. DEFEATING HIM There is no pattern or style in defeating him, although you're gonna have to study his attacks very closely. As I mentioned above, his third attack might be his most powerful, but also leaves himself vulnerable to attack. When you see him raise his blade up in the air, cap him with Ebony & Ivory. He'll take a heck of a beating at first and will go down for a few seconds, so get up close and slash him out with Rebellion. Don't continue shooting at him since it hardly does damage. Instead, attacking him with Rebellion is the shortest and easiest way to kill him, but if you want a long and frustrating battle, feel free to use the shooting tactic. -------CERBERUS---------- DIFFICULTY: HARD ATTACKS 1. His first and main attack is when he throws one of his heads into the air and brings down a hailstorm of ice on you. Fortunately, this can be dodged very easily, even without the dashing. 2. He has another, but more brutal one, where he leaps out to chomp at you. This is incredibly difficult to dodge unless you have the Trickster style and the ability to jump very high, upon your descent, use Ebony & Ivory to take out a part of his health. 3. He also has another, where he freezes the ground. If you get caught in it, you will instantly freeze. Prepare to take a beating afterwards. 4. His fourth and final is a swipe with his paws. This can't do much damage unless you're up close. He usually does this attack when he is losing, so that is a good thing. DEFEATING HIM Cerberus has quite a variety of attacks but I think I've mentioned them above on how to dodge them. He doesn't have any vulnerable points, since he is continuously attacking you. The only best weapon is Ebony & Ivory. Stand back and cap while you have a chance. Using the Rebellion can be lethal but it also does pretty much nothing because you'll have to blast open his ice head to actually do damage. Bring him down on his feet then attack, but still, shooting is the best option and if you do this you'll find a pretty average fight just like I did. You'll get the Cerberus weapon after the battle. -------GIGAPEDE---------- DIFFICULTY: EASY ATTACKS 1. He has a deadly blast of lightning bolts that are difficult to dodge on an open ground, but luckily you'll be on his back most of the time. 2. This is his only deadly attack which is balls of electric shocks that could knock you off its back. Dash around for a bit to lose them. DEFEATING HIM When you enter through the red door, stay there and wait for the Gigapede to pass the nearest hole. Wait for him to emerge then jump on his back and slash. You should have Cerberus by now, so use it to deal more damage. Move on to the broken bridge and wait for him to emerge from the highest. You won't last very long on his back, but you'll move on to the next phase. Move to the last steps to the higher tunnel and wait. He'll come through the one on your top left corner of the room. Jump on him, but don't worry of being knocked off. As soon as he heads towards the first hole he'll make a dramatic U-turn. You should have enough time to finish off the Gigapede. If not, try and try again. -------JESTER------- DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ATTACKS 1. He only has one primary attack where he opens portals that release these bouncing balls around the place. They are extremely difficult to dodge, so wait until they dissappear then continue. DEFEATING HIM Jester is a freaky little dude, but has a very good pattern of attack. Use Ebony & Ivory to start off with. He'll start dancing, which is a strange way of dodging things. When he teleports, you will be capping him like hell! Get up close then use Cerberus before he teleports again. He will then attack you with bouncing balls that deal a lot of damage if touched. He will do this a few times but then it gets really tough dodging them since they move faster and in a more thickened pace. Redo this strategy and you should defeat him. But if you thought this was a challenge, then wait until you face Agni & Rudra. -------AGNI & RUDRA------- DIFFICULTY: VERY HARD ATTACKS: FIRST FIGHT 1. They're first attack is a slash and dash method they use very often. You know when this is going to happen when they return to there spots, then say something like "Leave now, mortal!" which follows up with a dash then a slash. 2. They're second attacks is the normal sword play with a follow up of deadly, continuous slashes. This is a freaking hard thing to dodge or even get out of once you get caught in it. 3. They're last attacks are a jump in the air and slash down to the ground. You can fortell this pretty easily, but won't have enough time to dodge. ATTACKS: SECOND FIGHT 1. All of the attacks are pretty much the same, except that there is two swords instead of one, so prepare to get your ass handed to you. DEFEATING THEM They both have different health bars and is a pain to do damage. Prepare your self with Vital Stars and a Blue Orb. You're definitly gonna need it. Equip yourself with Cerberus too, since that's Agni's main weakness. The Rebellion works fairly well, but doesn't quite catch up. The first thing to do is slash at them before they attack which is common knowledge to all DMC fans. Always be fixed on both of them since there is a surprise at the end. When you've wasted one, the other will go back to his guard and call upon his brothers sword for double inferno. Prepare to get kicked like a bucket. ----ALTERNATE STRATEGY------PREVENT THE TWO FROM FUSING-------from Tyron G. You must stand guard and make sure that he gets nowhere near his guard tower. This means laying a flipping hard beating on the remaining brother. Use the Cerberus to lay more damage. DEFEATING THE FUSION FORM This is the toughest part of the battle. He blocks almost the whole way and if you flunk, you die. You should reconsider changing to Royal Guard for this one. Trickster will get you nowhere and jumping around isn't the best option, Swordmaster is perfect, but think about it, will you be using your sword when he keeps on blocking it? Gunslinger is also effective, but doesn't do any serious damage. Keep guard, pull back then attack. Keep that phase in mind. ---------VERGIL I--------- DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ATTACKS 1. His main attack is moving around with teleportation. Before he usually does this, a black line appears on his body. He'll attack from behind, so be on your guard. 2. He has a samurai sword which basically does what your sword does, only deals more damage so that is another thing to worry about. 3. He throws porjectile swords at you that deals almost full damage if not dodged correctly. You'll be happy to know that he rarely does this. DEFEATING HIM Vergil is another story, and he shares many things in common with you, since him being Dante's brother. He has quite a shallow way of attacking you and his tactics are pretty poorly executed. But what you need to do watch out for is his samurai sword and projectile swords. When he teleports, you'll know he'll be popping up somewhere around you. Target him when he does and keep target. Jump when you see him teleport then use Ebony & Ivory when coming down. Agni & Rudra also make quick work of him if you time his attacks correctly. Always attack with Agni & Rudra whenever you break his guard. Before you know it, you have finished him off. ------HEART OF LEVIATHAN---------- DIFFICULTY: EASY ATTACKS 1. His first attack is when his centre heart leaps out, he will open his mouth and throw up blue cyclinders that, if touched, will deal a great amount of damage. Thankfully, the cylinders will be moving slow and you just have to dash to avoid. 2. The heart's second attack is when he spawn's demons to make things harder. These demons aren't even a threat and are very easy to beat. 3. The third attack is when the centre heart shoots a laser beam out of it's mouth. It's a simple matter of jumping to dodge this one. DEFEATING THEM You need to focus on the middle heart for this one. There is three, but only one does sufficient damage. The side hearts are nothing threatening for now. You can't immediately attack the centre heart. He has a plate of armour over his head. Wait until he opens his (deformed) mouth and then target and slash. Don't use Agni & Rudra for this one, because it has no weakness of ice and fire, but feel free to use it if you want a long battle. However, equip yourself with Level 2 Rebellion as you will need it to deal more damage. Every now and then the centre heart will rear it's (deformed) mouth to attack. Always attack when he does this. Try to forget about the demons for now. There is something else you need to know. Everytime the centre heart pulls back it will revive it's other hearts (if you've damaged them). Kill the centre then the other two hearts will be vulnerable to attack. ---------NEVAN---------- DIFFICULTY: HARD ATTACKS 1. Her first is when she says "How's This?!" then unleashes electric cylinders at you, very much like Jesters. 2. A beam of light will shoot out from the ground, but as long as you have the air hike ability, this should be easy. 3. She will unleash black razors around her body that will deal a great amount of damage. Stay away from her when this happens. 4. Bats will come in electrical lines, horizontal and vertical, towards you. You're bound to get hit, so don't think about trying to dodge. 5. She'll appear out of the ground and attempt to kiss you. If she does, she'll take away some of your health for hers. This is the key to defeating her. DEFEATING HER Like I've mentioned above, all of her attacks are done in a steady pace. But fortunately, one of her attacks is the key to defeating her. Her fifth attack is when she warps under the ground and rises up to drain your power. All you need to do is jump when you see the floor tunr black to avoid the attack, then she'll stay put on the floor for a while before going back down. Before she does, use Cerberus to ice her to the ground and finish off her with Agni & Rudra. You'll need to do this three of four times, depending on how much damage you put on her. -----------BEOWULF----------- DIFFICULTY: HARD ATTACKS 1. His first attack is a sweep with the paw. This is essentially easy to dodge, all without taking too much of a beating. 2. His second, and toughest, is a deadly fist that plumets to the ground and unleashes a great boom that will deal quite a lot of damage. 3. His third is the Sparda attack, which is when four tenticles release from his back. He then begins firing cylinders at you. Note that this is a very, very hard attack to dodge. 4. His fourth and final is when he runs to one corner of the room and then begins throwing pillars at you. This is easy to dodge if you're not in position to be hit. DEFEATING HIM There is only one way to defeat Beowulf, that is jumping and slashing at his face. This will blind him for a few seconds, giving you enough time to slas out a part of his life. You cannot attack him when he is not blinded, because firstly, this will cause you to slow down almost entirely to the shock of his attacks and secondly, he will drain your life, very much like Nevan, only that he doesn't use it to boost his health. You'll find that this will be a tough battle and it will be even tougher always trying to air hike and slash at his face. --------GERYON---------- DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ATTACKS 1. His first is when he charges at you. A simple matter of jumping can dodge this attack. 2. He launches missiles at you which are incredibly difficult to dodge, but as long as you have Trickster Level 2, this should be a doozy. 3. He leaves a trial of blood cells that slows down everything for a second, leaving him to attack you. Fortunately, he hardly does attack you even if you have touched the cell. DEFEATING HIM PART 1 - THE BRIDGE Your first encounter with Geryon will be on a bridge. He will be continuously charging at you. What you need to do is jump everytime he charges then gun him with Ebony & Ivory. It is compulsary that you change from Trickster to Gunslinger once Part 2 begins. PART 2 - UNDERGROUND ARENA The bridge collapses and you fall dead-smack into the centre of a huge arena, but unfortunately all that space will be used pretty easily. Attack him when he charges at you. Jump then use Ebony & Ivory to ascend and cap him. You can only get close once you've dealed about 25% of his life, he will collapse and 10% again. When he is pinned down, take out Cerberus since that's his main weakness and slash away before he gets up again. The other 65% will have to be wasted with Ebony & Ivory, making it a damn long battle. -------VERGIL II--------- DIFFICULTY: HARD ATTACKS 1. He now has the Beowulf technique. You'll see that he'll be using the one attack Beowulf used. (hit, hit then jump and ground slam). 2. He now has Devil Trigger, so it is advisable that you stay away from him when he does this. 3. His third is when he takes out Yamato. This time, it deals much more damage than before. 4. His final is the projectile swords. Now, it is the opposite. The further you are the more damage it does. The swords build up power as it goes and dodging them can become frustrating. DEFEATING HIM Vergil, this time round, has made some touchy improvements. A huge one is that he now has Devil Trigger. The best tactic is to keep your ground and dash the attacks. Jumping or air hike will only get you into more trouble. However, you can't use your guns because he is immune to gunfire and can easily use Yamato to spin them away. Try to use your Devil Trigger as often as possible. Trust me, you'll need it. Also, before you start the battle, make sure you have Nevan and Agni & Rudra prepared, Agni & Rudra level 2 and Trickster level 2 with Holy Water. -----------LADY---------- DIFFICULTY: EASY ATTACKS 1. Her first is when she throws mines everywhere on the ground. Then it explodes around the perimeter. A simple jump can dodge this. 2. Her second is when she uses her gun, but she hardly uses it and when she does, it normally happens when jumping from platform to platform. 3. Her last is when she uses her missile launcher. This is extremely difficult to dodge on the ground, but an air hike will do the trick. ATTACKING HER You'll be happy to know that your "deadly" encounter with Lady isn't all that difficult, but will take a very long time to beat. Since you'll be back in the library, there is plenty of platforming to do. Also, you might want to keep target because Lady is a quick mover. What you need to do is get up close and personal with Rebellion. Ebony & Ivory is great incase you get lost with the targeting. Stay close to her all the time and jump where ever she jumps. Also, equip yourself with Nevan since it also features a longe-range shot very fimiliar with your guns. As long as you keep up with the chick, this battle should go down without you getting hurt. ------JESTER------------ DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ATTACKS 1. Like the previous, the bouncing balls are still there. 2. He now has another, and rather annoying attack, where he stands on top of a clown head. The clown head actually deals more damage than Jester himself. ATTACKING HIM By now you should know Jester's pattern of attacks. He'll dance when you attempt to shoot him but only gets hit when teleporting. The rest of the battle should go smoothly until you've dealt with 65% of his health. He'll then summon a creepy looking clown head that he stands on, making it difficult for you to do a melee attack on him. The clown head works the same way as Kalina Ann does. but only more effective. During the course of the battle you will only be able to target the clown headand not Jester himself, although it seems like you're targeting Jester, you're only doing damage to the clown head which is a good thing and a bad thing. As long as you avoid the clown heads attacks, then it should be done and over with. When you get Jester down to 20%, he'll bring another clown head, but if you defeat him before he does summon another, then good for you. -------DOPPELGANGER--------- DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM ATTACKS 1. He only has one primary attack which is a jolt with his sword. Thankfully, it isn't hard to dodge and won't deal much damage. 2. His second is something you have to worry about. He shoot black orbs at you that will stun you for a few seconds, leaving him to attack you. 3. This one is another doozy of an attack. He uses the shadow blast to clear the area of light around him and if you don't jump when this happens, then you'll have a tremendous amount of damage swiped off you. ATTACKING HIM The Doppelganger is your shadow and, surprise surprise, knows all of your attacks. But in this cae, only what attacks you know with the Rebellion. As long as you have Agni & Rudra equiped, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. You have six shutters that reflect light, and Doppelganger is darkness. Getting somewhere? You'll need a few nudges from your weapons to open the shutters, but none of them is too difficult to open. Make sure Doppelganger is charging at you before trying to open a shutter. When you do and Doppel' is in your way, he'll get trapped in the light, giving you enough time to lay a beating on him before he jumps away. There is a way to pin him, but will take a long time until you do. Never mind about attacking him when a shutter is opened, instead, poen every shutter so that the light pins him dead-smack in the centre of the room. Now lay damage with A & R. -------ARKHAM--------- DIFFICULTY: HARD ATTACKS 1. Arkham's attack is when he turns a brownish type thing and then swipes his tenticles at you. Hard to dodge if your in his path. 2. His second is when he summons fifteen little slugs. Be careful, these slugs suck health and magic from you to power Arkham's attack and health. 3. His final is when he shoots out his tenticles and spins around the area. Fortunately, he rarely does this and you might only see it once in the fight. DEFEATING HIM - PART 1 Arkham is another eye-opener. Although he might be a big blob, he still does pack quite a wallop! The fact that he's huge and slimy leaves him almost entirely open for attack. But you won't be seeing him very often because he'll dive into the ground and summon the slugs. When you've dealt with half of his life, Vergil will make a scene. DEFEATING HIM - PART 2 Since Vergil is helping you this doesn't only make the battle much more easier but it increases how many times Arkham can use his slugs to suck life from both you and Vergil. When Arkham does rise, it'll only be for about 15 to 20 seconds then he'll vanish beneath the ground again. To defeat the slugs make sure you have Nevan equiped with you then zap away. Nevan has a powerful force field of bats that will form shock waves of attacks, leaving anything around the area dead. Perfect for defeating the slugs and dealing damage to Arkham. ------VERGIL III------- DIFFICULTY: VERY HARD ATTACKS 1. His main attack is when he transforms into Devil Trigger. Avoid him and dash when this happens. 2. His second is a powerful six-hit combo when he is in Devil Trigger state. He air hikes you with the sword twice, then comes down with a powerful teleportation attack four times. Really difficult to dodge. 3. His third is when he uses Yamato. Good news, he only uses it when you've dealt with 70% of his health. 4. His fourth is his usual teleportation attack. He'll attack from behind when he teleports, but by now his attack should be predictable. 5. His fifth is a long-range shot with a large projectile sword. This not only deals almost five bars of your health, it also removes your Devil Trigger completely. Vergil only does this once in the battle. 6. His sixth is the projectile swords. These are possibly the most lethal attacks in the battle. This time, the swords gang around you and pins you with full force. 7. His final is when a black sphere covers him. He'll then launch a lot of other spheres towards you. Really difficult to dodge. DEFEATING HIM Vergil is turning out to be a pain! Prepare yourself with a lot of Vital Stars because this fight is even tougher than Agni & Rudra. Firstly, Equip yourself with Cerberus and Agni & Rudra. These weapons produce the fastest range of attacks. PLus, it slows down Vergil when he is hit. You can easily cap away about 40% of his health. When dealing with longe ranged shots, equip yourself with an upgraded Kalina Ann and Ebony & Ivory level 3. Kalina Ann is perfect when jumping over his head. Just target ans shoot. Ebony & Ivory are essentially good, but only longe-range. (duh!). Learn his pattern of attacks as mentioned above and you should be able to finish off Vergil in less than five minutes. After taking the last slice, The End. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'VE BEATEN DMC3, ONE OF THE HARDEST GAMES OF THE YEAR. Copyright, Sam A. Knight (2006). A KNIGHT production. "Never try, never fail"