============================================ Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition SS Rank FAQ Version: 0.8 Author: Alfred "Gen2000/Gen2K" Lynaum Contact: gen2000__@hotmail.com Last Updated: 2/18/06 ============================================ Use Ctrl + F plus section number (i.e. 3.7) to quickly jump to specific parts of the FAQ I. Introduction 1.1 About the FAQ 1.2 Comments from the Author II. General 2.1 What Is An SS Rank? 2.2 General Tips For Getting An SS Rank III. SS Rank Mission Requirements and Advice 3.1 Mission 1 3.2 Mission 2 3.3 Mission 3 3.4 Mission 4 3.5 Mission 5 3.6 Mission 6 3.7 Mission 7 3.8 Mission 8 3.9 Mission 9 3.10 Mission 10 3.11 Mission 11 3.12 Mission 12 3.13 Mission 13 3.14 Mission 14 3.15 Mission 15 3.16 Mission 16 3.17 Mission 17 3.18 Mission 18 3.19 Mission 19 3.20 Mission 20 IV. Closing 4.1 Links 4.2 Credits & Thanks ============================================================================= I. Introduction ============================================================================= ------------------- 1.1 About the FAQ ------------------- This FAQ is about tackling one of the hardest challenges that DMC3 offers to the more experienced players. For quick references this FAQ will list the requirements for each mission and some small advice on how to have an easier time in meeting all those requirements. It originally started off only being about the Original DMC3 game but hearing word of DMC3SE I decided to hold up putting up the FAQ and decided make it about that version of the game. ------------------------------- 1.2. Comments From the Author ------------------------------- You don't unlock anything special for receiving all SS Ranks besides extra pictures in the Image Gallery. Receiving SS Ranks is more about fully understanding the game inside and out and pushing the limits of what the developers consider acceptable methods for completing missions. Also since you're reading this FAQ I take it that you beat Dante/Vergil Must Die mode and looking for more challenge out of the game. Beating Dante Must Die is only a small step towards being worthy of a SS Rank player, especially a DMD SS Rank player. I won't go over the basic controls, go in great detail about Devil Arms, Blue Orb locations, etc. since if you're reading this FAQ you should have a basic understanding of all those things and there are plenty of other FAQs that goes into detail about them. ============================================================================= II. General ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 What Is An SS Rank? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SS Rank is the Rank you get when you receive an S at the end of mission Results screen in all of the following 5 categories; Time, Orbs, Style, Damage, and Items. The ranking "SS" isn't actually displayed until you go into the Total Rankings screen. Each mission has certain requirements you must meet to receive an S for that category and the requirements are different depending on the difficulty you play on. The higher the difficulty the stricter the requirements are so the most challenging task to take on in DMC3 that's documented in the game is completing Dante/Vergil Must Die mode with SS Ranks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2 General Tips For Getting SS Ranks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is quick look at the Devil Arms, Guns, and some more advance techniques you should know about for going about the missions in an SS Rank like fashion. ************************************** >> Getting Started / Being Prepared << ************************************** Complete Dante/Vergil Must Die at least once without using items (aka item less) is highly recommended. Relying on items puts you at a disadvantage of not knowing how to react to enemies or bosses properly and also gets you familiar with on how to maximize Dante or Vergil's moves for effectiveness in certain situations. You don't need a completely maxed out Dante or Vergil but having at least 1 and half bars of health, all moves for the Devil Arms, all guns, maxed out Styles and guns makes getting SS Ranks much easier. **************** >> Devil Arms << **************** *********************** == Rebellion (Dante) == *********************** This is overall a very good weapon to go along with others when SS Ranking. Stinger is powerful and moves you around the screen fast and Helm Breaker is a good knockdown move but more importantly Rebellion has plenty of cancel frames on its attacks that are very useful for dodging incoming enemy attacks in a pinch. Moves to get more familiar with when SS Ranking: - Combo I and Combo II - Stinger - Hightime - Helm Breaker - Sword Pierce (Swordmaster: in combination of Spiral Switch-Canceling) ********************** == Cerberus (Dante) == ********************** Similar to Rebellion in cancel ability but in general is the weakest Devil Arm in the game. Because of the weak attack power combined with the multiple hitting attacks of Cerberus's basic combos, it makes for a great Style Points building Devil Arm. Combo I is a quick and easy Style points building combo. In the corner Combo II > Satellite is even better and more damaging. Moves to get more familiar with when SS Ranking: - Combo I - Satellite - Revolver (learn how to Jump-cancel this move) ************************** == Agni & Rudra (Dante) == ************************** Compared to Rebellion or Cerberus Agni & Rudra has poor cancel ability but is a balanced weapon with combos for crowd control or more powerful direct attacking. Moves to get more familiar with when SS Ranking: - Combo I and II - Whirlwind - Jet Stream - AERIAL CROSS (learn to take advantage of using quick multiple low jumping Aerial Crosses, or E&I/Shotgun>Aerial Cross>E&I/Shotgun aerial combos). ******************* == Nevan (Dante) == ******************* Because of its superior crowd control abilities Nevan makes for a great secondary weapon. The bats that are summon during a majority of its moves are considered projectiles and if you get more familiar with its attacks you can have a constant stream of projectiles on screen to add on top of your other attacks or combos where the overall damage comes close to or rivals the stronger moves from other Devil Arms. The cancel ability of Nevan isn't that great but if you stick with the moves mentioned below it shouldn't be an issue and still deal out great damage/build up Style Points quickly. Moves to get more familiar with when SS Ranking: - Tune Up (should be first priority as it allows you to summon bats faster) - Reverb Shock lv.2 (learn how to spam it by canceling the lag with the first attack of a Devil Arm, one shot of E&I/Spiral/KA, or Guard Canceling to keep a constant barrage of bats on screen) - Air Play (learn how to summon multiple bats but without lag by performing this move close to the ground) - Jam Session (the ultimate Crazy Combo, easily builds style and can deal equal damage to a large group of Hell/Abyss enemies at one time weakening them before they DT. Learn how to cancel before the final hit vs. DTed enemies to avoid getting hit during the lag time). ******************************** == Beowulf (Dante and Vergil) == ******************************** The Devil Arm with the shortest range but makes up for it power. Its basic non-style specific move list already contains some powerful tools but if used with Swordmaster Style you can bring out its true power through combos involving Hammer and Real Impact. Vergil's Beowulf has fewer moves than Dante's but in general they are even more powerful. Moves to get more familiar with when SS Ranking (Dante) - Combo I - Killer Bee (learn to Jump-cancel this move) - Straight (Full Charge Straight) - Beast Uppercut/Rising Dragon (Full Charge Beast Uppercut/Rising Dragon) - Hammer (Swordmaster Style) - REAL IMPACT (Swordmaster Style) (Vergil) - Everything. Learn to Jump-cancel Starfall and Lunar Phase to get more damage quickly out of Beowulf related combos. Do not underestimate the use of DTed Beowulf attacks. ************************* == Force Edge (Vergil) == ************************* Coming Soon... ********************* == Yamato (Vergil) == ********************* Coming Soon... *********** >> Guns << *********** *************************** == Ebony & Ivory (Dante) == *************************** - While being the fastest on their own E&I is also the weakest of the Guns, only the 8th bullet of a firing session stuns an enemy, but E&I has nice secondary uses that makes it a useful firearm to carry around when trying to get SS Ranks such as the unique “hovering” ability one gets when firing repeatedly in mid-air. When dodging an incoming attack from a group of enemies hovering allows you to shortly examined the situation and see how you will counter-attack. Also useful for dodging wide ground base attacks such as from Nevan or Beowulf. Since it has the least lag of any Gun it also makes for useful combos with a Devil Arm with a good mid-air such as [Hammer > E&I > Hammer]x3. With other Guns at best you would be able to get in 1 or 2 Hammer attacks. E&I overall though are usually used to make for better Switch-canceling combinations such as E&I/Spiral or E&I/Kailina Ann. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Any worthwhile use of this Gun for SS Ranking when used with Gunslinger? - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charge Shots gives off instant stun vs. most enemies and affects a much wider attack area than Normal Shots gaining more Style points. If you use mid-air Normal Shots > Rainstorm repeatedly you can gain even more airtime than just firing Normal Shots. Rainstorm itself is a pretty powerful move if you let Dante complete it all the way to ground, very damaging on large targets such as the green Archanes. ********************* == Shotgun (Dante) == ********************* If you can get over the lack of hover ability and range the Shotgun is a nice replacement for E&I. Its Normal Shot fires in a wide attack area and will stun most non-DTed enemies giving slight crowd control if need be. The damage increases the closer you are to the target. At first it would seem as though the fire rate is slow but this is easily fixed by taking advantage of low jumps to cancel the lag animation. Sometimes referred to as “Triple Shotgun Blasting/Shooting/Fire” you basically use [Normal Shot > low jump mid-air Normal Shot > land then Normal again], repeat as necessary. The damage is pretty impressive and an easy way to knock down DTed enemies if lack the Kalina Ann. Like E&I the Shotgun makes for a good partner in aerial combos not because of the short lag time but because of the firepower. Shotgun/Spiral Switch- canceling is just as good E&I/Spiral Switch-canceling, the former just sacrifices fire rate for slightly better crowd control. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Any worthwhile use of this Gun for SS Ranking when used with Gunslinger? - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charge Shots with the Shotgun are powerful even more so when using the “Triple Shotgun Blast” pattern. Using Charge Shot > Killer Bee is a quick way to knock Vergil 2 or 3 out his DTed Form. Gunstinger is basically a Charge Shot without having to charge, it’s highly recommended that you get more familiar with using follow-up “Point Blank” as it’s one of the more damaging moves in the game. Since it’s considered a projectile you can take advantage of this vs. some bosses, most notable is Vergil after you stun him. ********************* == Artemis (Dante) == ********************* Artemis is generally considered the Gun that was made for Gunslinger Style. This is because its basic functions aren’t really that impressive. Normal Shot does have a nice stun affect and it’s the strongest Gun that you can fire in mid-air that has longest range though. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Any worthwhile use of this Gun for SS Ranking when used with Gunslinger? - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multi-Lock, once you get familiar with charging while melee attacking and releasing Multi-Lock shots mid-combo you’ll see destructive power that Artemis can add to your close combat abilities. ******************** == Spiral (Dante) == ******************** Coming Soon... ************************ == Kalina Ann (Dante) == ************************ Coming Soon... ****************************** == Summoned Swords (Vergil) == ****************************** Coming Soon... ************ >> Styles << ************ *********************** == Trickster (Dante) == *********************** Coming Soon... ************************ == Gunslinger (Dante) == ************************ Coming Soon... ************************** == Sword Master (Dante) == ************************** Coming Soon... ************************* == Royal Guard (Dante) == ************************* Coming Soon... ************************* == Quicksilver (Dante) == ************************* Coming Soon... ************************** == Doppelganger (Dante) == ************************** Coming Soon... ************************** == Dark Slayer (Vergil) == ************************** Coming Soon... ********************************** >> Tricks & Gameplay Techniques << ********************************** These Gameplay Techniques are also known as "Advanced" Techniques but I don't find them that advance but whatever...more details coming soon. ************* == Evasion == ************* Dante and Vergil has accessed to some useful tricks without even diving into Style specific evasion moves to help avoid damage. --------------- -- Side Roll -- --------------- “Side Roll? Why even mentioned that?” because it’s usually overlooked, especially you’re a big Trickster where it’s easily overshadowed by Dash or low jump > Sky Star in random direction but without using that Style this is the best option you have if you want a quick evasion move that can grant you a slight position advantage over your enemy. The invincible frames on the Side Roll seem similar to that of Trickster's Dash. The main downside to Side Roll is that you must be locked on to your enemy; sometimes the camera may not be in your favor if you need to execute this maneuver in a tight situation. ------------------------------- -- Just Jump (or Just Dodge) -- ------------------------------- If you haven't noticed by now Dante and Vergil have a decent amount of invincible frames on the beginning frames of their jumping animation. This means they’re invulnerable to all attacks as long as they are within those frames. The more you get familiar with this the easier it is to avoid enemy attacks even in a majority of worst case scenarios. The term "Just Jump/Dodge" is play on Royal Guard's "Just Guard" technique, it's an unofficial name but helps to easily reference the gameplay technique of jumping "just" when an attack's about to hit you to have it whiff completely allowing Dante or Vergil to pass it. A basic example of this is stand in front of a Hell or Abyss, allow them to swing their scythes at you and jump just before the attack hits your character. If successful you'll noticed that attack will completely whiff. Some more useful examples are vs. Fallen's sword swipe or Arachnes' claw slash. One of the more extreme examples is to stand in front of an Hell Wrath DTE then immediately cancel the DTE pose with jump, the DTE will trigger the explosion from the Hell Wrath but you completely avoid taking any damage if jumped just before the explosion hit you. ************************************************************************ == Easier Just Guarding and Just Releases Royal Guard Style specific) == ************************************************************************ If you plan using playing as Dante and using the Royal Guard Style to get SS Ranks on DMD difficulty you want insurance that your Just Guards and Just Releases are perfect to meet the Damage requirement. Nothing is worse than completing a long mission and seeing that you didn't get the SS Rank because you took 100 points of damage from an improper Just Guard or that badass DTE + Just Release combo you did on a boss but you failed to noticed the 10 damage you took because of an improper Just Release. By taking advantage of blending in the invincible frames of Dante's basic Evasion techniques with Royal Guard techniques you obtain a higher success of perfect Just Guards and Just Releases easier. ----------------------------------------------- -- Just Jumping Guard / Just Jumping Release -- ----------------------------------------------- The principle of Just Jumping Guard or Just Jumping Release is simple, when attacked you use the invincible frames of Dante's beginning jump animation to avoid damage but immediately go into an aerial Just Guard. Since you're going into the Just Guard animation right as the enemy's attack is on Dante's character model you'll perform a perfect Just Guard, taking no damage at all. When you're ready to be offensive replace the aerial Just Guard with an aerial Just Release. A basic example of this is vs. Hell Vanguard's scythe slash after it deflects an attack of yours. Some more useful examples include: Hell Sloth's teleport > slash pattern, Archances claw slash, nearly every attack from Agni or Rudra, the Gigapedes's biting attack (from the ones that are found in Leviathan), Beowulf's 3 hit combo, stomp, cage punching attack, or Volcano attack, Geryon's dash attack or his carriage swipe, Vergil's Starfall, Lady's Kalina Ann Normal Shot, Damned Queen's charge attack, and Arkham's hand smash attack in his first form, Vergil 3's Helm Breaker, Upper Slash, Stinger, or Berserker Trick Up > Helm Breaker patterns (if he lacks the support of his Spiral Swords). ------------------------ -- Rolling Just Guard -- ------------------------ Rolling Just Guard works on the same principle of Just Jumping Guard, you blend in the invincible frames of the basic Side Roll while immediately going into a standing Just Guard as the enemy's attack is over Dante's character model. Because of more invincible frames from a Side Roll compared the beginning animations of a jump Rolling Just Guards guarantees perfect Just Guards easier than Jumping Just Guards but in most situations Jumping Just Guards are more effective unless the attack you're using Rolling Just Guards against hits in a wide area. A basic example of this is vs. Cerberus's claw slash. More useful examples include: Hell Vanguard's teleport slash attacks, Agni's sword slash, Leviathan's Laser or Twin Laser attack, Nevan's spin attack, Beowulf's Volcano, or Arkham's arm swipe. -------------------- -- Jump-canceling -- -------------------- This is a technique that is sort of mentioned in the game's tutorial sections but never fully touched on. "Kick Jump" is the technique described as when Dante or Vergil uses the wall (or an enemy) to jump off of to gain higher ground. The game never mentions you also have the ability to cancel any aerial attack with a Kick Jump if you use an enemy to jump off of but many DMC3 players found this out for themselves. The DMC3 community refers to this as "Jump-canceling". Basically if you perform an aerial attack or an attack causes Dante or Vergil to lift to ground and their character models are on or near the enemy then you cancel that attack with a Kick Jump. A basic example is to test this out with Cerberus's Revolver. Once you get familiar with Jump-canceling new combo and damage opportunities opens up to you. The more dominated Jump-canceled aerial attack is Killer Bee/Starfall. By itself it's already a powerful attack but when used repeatedly through Jump- canceling allows the player deal major damage to a target in a very short amount of time. This most common example of this is vs. Hell Vanguard or Vergil/Vante. Jump-canceling isn't just about being more offensive, because of this unique cancel ability you can use it to avoid an incoming attack if you feel one is about to interrupt your aerial attack. Note that Jump-canceling off an enemy has the same properties as Kick Jump which means for when playing as Dante you gain use of Air Hike or Trickster's Sky Star again even if you used it before during your aerial assault. With Vergil he regains access to any Trick moves he used previous to the Jump-cancel. ---------------------- -- Switch-canceling -- ---------------------- All the Guns besides Ebony & Ivory have some lag (cool down time) before they can be fired again. You can cancel this lag time by jumping or using a Devil Arm melee attack. By knowing this small piece of information it's easy to see how Switch-canceling was discovered so early in the game's lifetime. Switching between Guns you can cancel the lag time of one Gun by firing another and canceling the lag time of that Gun by switching back, repeating as needed to create an projectile onslaught vs. enemies. Ebony & Ivory has little to lag and is quick to draw, combining it with other Guns makes up for the fastest Switch-cancel combinations in the game. While Switch-canceling can work any combination of Guns the most popular, and effective, set-ups involves Spiral in them. Spiral's Normal Shot is the strongest and has the most range out of any other Guns in the game. Each shot also boosts the Style meter greatly without being punished for repeatedly using the same move over and over again which why Spiral Switch-canceling is one of the easiest ways to get SSStylish vs. enemies or bosses. Certain set- ups yield different results, for example: Ebony & Ivory or Artemis/Spiral or Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann Switch-canceling is a set-up to use when you one more direct (vs. 1 or 2 enemies) but powerful Switch-canceling power. The later set-up doesn't give as much Style points as the former but is has better crowd control abilities. Vs. Spiral/Kalina Ann Switch-canceling which is a set-up that has you sacrificing an aerial projectile Gun for all out ground projectile power and crowd control. ------------------------------------------- -- Guard-canceling (Royal Guard specific) - ------------------------------------------- Guard-canceling is a simple concept, as you know you can cancel Devil Arm ground melee attacks with another attack, roll, jump, or Style specific move and Gun ground attacks with a jump, roll, or Style specific move. Guard- canceling is basically tapping the Guard button to reduce the lag from those moves and allow Dante to immemidenty go into another attack of his choosing without worrying about the lag of canceling of the former mentioned moves. This is because the releasing the Guard button and coming out of the Guard Stance immediately puts Dante back in neutral position. Understanding this you can how this brings forth some powerful new tricks for Dante both offensive and defense wise. While Guard-canceling melee attacks has some uses when SS Ranking the more popular trick is Guard-canceling Spiral Normal Shots. If you're familiar with how powerful Switch-canceling Spiral set-ups are then it's easy to see why Spiral Guard-canceling is so effective. Spiral Guard-canceling is even easier and does more damage faster than Ebony & Ivory/Spiral Switch-canceling. ********************************** >> Tips On Meeting Requirements << ********************************** ********** == Time == ********** - DT and run (Vergil's DT Run is faster than Dante's) or use fast moving attacks with small lag repeatedly to quickly move around in areas where they are no enemies. Some popular examples: -- Stinger repeatedly -- Stinger > first slash of Rebellion or Force Edge > Stinger repeatedly -- Stinger/Straight/Reverb Shock > Stinger/Straight/Reverb Shock. -- Stinger > Trickster's Dash. -- Stinger > Swordmaster's Dance Macbare's initial dash repeatedly. -- Stinger > Gunslinger's Gunstinger repeatedly. -- Guard-canceled Stinger/Straight/Reverb Shock repeatedly. -- Air Hike Jump > Killer Bee at the apex of your jump repeatedly. -- Low jumping Trickster's Sky Star repeatedly - Fight only enemies or areas that you need to in other to help in getting an S for other categories. Fighting every single enemy in some missions wastes too much time and can throw off your S in meeting the Time requirement. ********** == Orbs == ********** - Try to kill enemies with Sweet-SSStylish rating. The higher your rating when you deliver the final blow to an enemy or boss the more amount of Orbs they drop. - Take advantage of Hidden Red Orb locations and Red Orb Crystal Fountains scattered throughout some of the missions. That is if you left any before starting the SS Rank challenge, you can only get them once per save file. - Small orb farming (repeatedly going in and out of a room to kill enemies) can help in meeting the Orb requirement as long as it doesn't interfere with the Time requirement. Replaying short and easy Secret Missions is one of the more popular examples of this. - Collecting a Green Orb when you have full health nets you 300 Red Orbs. *********** == Style == *********** - Constantly attack but also at the same time keeping some variety in your attack patterns some to keep building up the Style rating. - Taunting after the death of enemies still builds your Style rating. - For Vergil, killing an enemy with the last attack of Yamato Combo, Upper Slash (either the upward or downward slash), or the last attack of Force Edge Combo and letting him sheath his sword as the enemy dies also counts as a Taunt. - Using the Roll or Trickster's Dash or Sky Star adds to the Style rating even on defeated enemies who fading away such as Hells, Abyss, or Arachnes. ************ == Damage == ************ - On lower difficulties where the Damage Requirement isn't so strict use Royal Guard's normal Guard or Just Guard to reduce damage from enemies. - Learn how to properly attack with Dante or Vergil's weapons, during an assault you want to be sure that a cancel point is close by incase you have to immediately evade an enemy's attack. Some attacks give you more freedom than others to cancel the attack animation, i.e. Dante's Rebellion's first slash of Combo I vs. Beowulf's Real Impact. ********** == Item == ********** - Don't use Items. Using any item once reduces your Item ranking from an S to an A or lower. ============================================================================= III. SS Rank Mission Requirements and Advice ============================================================================= NOTE: TIME REQUIREMENTS LISTED MEANS THAT YOU MUST COMPLETE SAID MISSION UNDER THE REQUIRED TIME. ITEM REQUIREMENT IS ALWAYS ZERO NO MATTER WHAT THE DIFFICULTY IS. * = Not sure of exact requirement x = Unknown requirement NOTE ON VIDEO REFERENCES: A majority of the links here was posted with original DMC3 being used as the source, before SE was even released, and was based off those difficulties. SE changed around the original DMC3's difficulties but I found that some of those videos could still be useful to SS Rank players so I listed them here and named their difficulty accordingly to what it would have been in SE. The ones with "+" by the difficulty name are videos that were made using the original DMC3. The DMD difficulties are same for the original and SE so there is no need to make a note on those. Some missions from the original DMC3 have different enemy layouts in SE so I excluded the following mission videos from the listings: Any difficulty M5, Easy-Hard M14, any difficulty M15, and any difficulty M17. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 Mission 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 01:10 0600 4500 0 NORMAL 01:40 1700 5000 0 HARD 01:40 1700 5000 0 VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE! 03:00 3900 5000 0 - The first mission is also the easiest mission in the game to get SS Rank on, just constantly keep attacking the enemies and try to maintain a Sweet- SSStylish rating throughout the majority of the mission. The Red Orb drops from an enemy depends on the Style rating when delivering the final blow so to meet the Orb requirement you need to main a high Style rating on all enemy deaths. SS Ranking this mission on any difficulty is all about rhythm and just having fun. - V.HARD and DMD: Hell Wraths appears in corners of the office but they can easily be dealt with safely and quickly while at the same time maintaining a high Style rating by using Spiral Switch/Guard-Canceled shots in the upper far-right corner of the office with Dante (direction based off which way he is facing when the mission first starts). You can also use DTEs but cancel the pose with invincible frame evasion moves such as Rolling, Trickster Dashing, Jumping, or Vergil's Air Trick to kill them SSStylish as well. - On lower difficulties where enemies die too fast to build a good Style rating try to use Crazy Combos with (Million Stabs and Million Slash are some good ones) and make sure the final attack of it kills them. Afterwards just keep your Style meter high with DTEs, Taunts, and all that good stuff while killing fast as possible. Don't waste your time trying to use Crazy Combos on all groups or you won't meet the Time requirement. Vergil can pretty much fight the same as he do on higher difficulties, just make sure you involve more Spiral Swords during melee combos to easier get group kill type SSStylish ratings. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** A1 - [HARD+] http://babildo.brinkster.net/videos/playthroughs.html -- Rebellion[Ebony & Ivory] A2 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Gunslinger-Rebellion/Nevan[Artemis/Spiral] A3 - [VMD] http://www.vortiginous.com/gen2000/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 Mission 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 01:40 0700 4500 0 NORMAL 01:50* 1800 5000 0 HARD 01:50* 1800 5000 0 VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 04:30 4500 5000 0 - This is similar to SS ranking M1 except you have a little bit more time and room to fight. Just follow the above advice from M1 and you should be fine for dealing with the Hell enemies and making the Orb and Style requirement. An easy way to catch the first group in a Crazy Combo is to move Dante slightly to the right at the start of the mission and turn around perform the Crazy Combo while just attacking air before the actual Crazy Combo starts [Video Reference: B1 and B2]. 9 times out 10 all of the Hell Prides will jump into the attack instantly giving you a lot of Style points from the get-go. A super lazy method to make Style requirement is to just abuse Artemis/Spiral Switch-canceling or Spiral Guard-canceling but you must make sure you pick up all the Red Orbs from the dying enemies. Trickster's Sky Star makes getting them easier to do while at the same time keeping the SSStylish rating up for the whole mission until the Hell Vanguard shows up if you plan to use this method. ******************************** >> (Mini) BOSS: Hell Vanguard << ******************************** EASY-HARD version - Just hack/beat up on him since US Easy Mode Hell Vanguard doesn't perform his teleporting attack if you're constantly hitting him, he only teleports to new location. V.HARD-DMD version - Same deal as above except now the Hell Vanguard performs a teleport attack after taking too much damage. On V.Hard he does 1 and on D/VMD he does 3 teleport attacks in a row. *********** == DANTE == *********** -- Trickster: If you want to be 100% safe just use low jumping Sky Stars in the opposite direction the Hell Vanguard appears during his teleport attack to maintain high Style rating and be out of harms way. -- Swordmaster and Beowulf: After he finishes the teleport attack run behind him and perform Real Impact [Video Reference: B4]. -- Royal Guard: Use Just Guard on each of his teleport passings is a good way to build up rage and maintain high Style rating [Video Reference: B2]. -- With any other Style besides the above: Just use rolls, running, Just Dodges, that sort of stuff and fire your Gun weapon after each of his passing to keep the style meter up somewhat. When he reappears Taunt him to boost your style a couple of ratings and continue with the normal pattern and use DTEs when needed. ************ == VERGIL == ************ You don't even have to move with Vergil vs. Hell Vanguard, just use Beowulf's Lunar Phase while Summon Swords. On higher difficulties where Hell Vanguarduses his teleport attacks you can stand in one spot and dodge without much effort by using the invincible frames from your jump combined with Air Trick. While dodging continue to use Spiral Swords to add damage. Use DTEs when available. [Video Reference: B5] ********************** >> Video References << ********************** B1 - [HARD+] http://YuriSeal site here -- Swordmaster-Rebellion[Ebony & Ivory] B2 - [V.HARD+] Player Gen2000's Video: Currently Offline -- Royal Guard-Rebellion[Ebony & Ivory] B3 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Gunslinger-Rebellion/Nevan[Artemis/Spiral] B4 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- Swordmaster-Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann] B5 - [VMD] http://www.vortiginous.com/gen2000/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Mission 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 05:00 6000* 5000* x NORMAL 06:00* 10000* 5000 3000 HARD 06:00* 10000* 5000 3000 VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 10:00 12000 5000 0 If you didn't collect the Hidden Orbs before or didn't shatter the Red Orb Crystal Fountains on your current save file then you can save a lot of time on this mission. - 66 Slum Avenue: Grab the Hidden Red Orbs, if available, by jumping up to the highest the small gap behind the buildings. - Then either... A) Use a DTE to easily kill the Enigmas and finish off the remaining enemies in the area and then head into the bar afterwards [Video Reference: C3 and C6]. Or B) Back track to Dante's office area and fight all the enemies there and skip the Enigma area and run inside the bar. Or C) Ignore the Enigmas and run inside the bar area ignoring the enemies outside, destroy most of the area and collect the red orbs from there. If you go this route you will have to play the Secret Mission to help in gaining Orb and Style points. In the bar area break the random objects in there for some Red Orbs. The most important ones are in the barrels but with Kailina Ann or Nevan using Combo III you can quickly grab them all. If the Hidden Red Orbs wasn't available then fight all the enemies in the area before heading into the bar. - Fight the enemies stylishly in the Love Planet area. Remember to get all the Red Orbs from the tables, chairs, and such as well as the Green Orb above the exit door. A good note to remember is that when you kill one Hell Sloth a Hell Lust appears so on higher difficulties if you want to keep the number of Hell Lust onscreen down only kill one Hell Sloth at time then focus on the newcomer Hell Lust. Repeat until no more Hell Lust appears and finish the remaining Hell Sloth off. I find this method is the easiest way with dealing with the enemies without taking damage and maintaining high style rating because Hell Lust are very hyper on DMD mode. - 13th Avenue: Grab the Hidden Red Orbs, if available, on top of the Love Planet sign. Grab all orbs from outside on your way to Cerberus, some should be in a dumpster, behind a fence like area and on a ladder. If you haven't shattered it yet on your current save file then a Red Orb Crystal Fountain should be in the fenced in area. I don't understand how the fountain determines how many Red Orbs you get per hit but I like to use a combo like "Stinger, Hightime > Helm Breaker" repeatedly to break it because it seems like you get more Red Orbs that way. ******************** >> BOSS: Cerberus << ******************** ********* ==DANTE== ********* If you stand in the lower left corner of the battle area then no attacks of Cerberus can touch you besides the Yellow Dog Head's icicle drop. This makes for a good spot for Shotgun/Spiral Switch-Canceling or use Shotgun to blow off a majority of the ice armor then use Guard-Canceled Spiral shots. This allows you deal heavy damage to him and raises the Style rating quickly. Since the Yellow Dog head causes the most trouble try to focus all of your damage on him, once he's gone it's much easier to fight within melee range if you want to speed up the battle. This method may not be as fast as constantly fighting within melee range of Cerberus but on V.Hard or DMD mode where the Damage requirements more strict you can't risk getting hit by a random attack from him. A Max DTE in front and above the center of Cerberus not only instantly knocks him down but also gives you a great Style rating boost that you can continue to increase while he is stunned. This allows you to meet your Style requirement if you haven't already. DMD Cerberus doesn't fall down too easily from anything besides DTEs (it's still possible but time consuming) so save your DT Gauge except for that since Cerberus is one of the few enemies in the game "immune" to Dante's Taunt. Some recommended SS ranking set-ups: -- Trickster - A&R/xxxx[Shotgun/Spiral]: use Shotgun to get rid of ice quickly, Shotgun > Aerial Cross for melee damage and Trickster's Sky Star to aid in avoiding attacks, the Wall Hike becomes very useful avoiding the icicle drops while spamming Spiral Switch/Guard-canceled shots in the lower left corner. When within melee range always move in the opposite direction from where Cerberus is facing to be sure you'll be safe during his attacks [Video Reference: C3]. -- Swordmaster - Beowulf or A&R/Nevan[Shotgun/Spiral]: use Shotgun to blow off his ice armor quickly and Hammer/Aerial Cross/Sky Dance > Air Slash for major damage when within melee range as well keeping up a good Style rating. You can also use a similar attack pattern to Trickster except instead using Wall Hike to dodge the icicle attack you can use Cerberus's Ice Age. -- Royal Guard - xxxx/xxxx[Shotgun/Spiral]: use Guard-canceled Spiral shots to get rid of Cerberus's ice armor, Just Guard his tackle attack and use Just Release vs. the same attack as well [Video Reference: C5]. On lower difficulties were the Damage requirement isn't as strict you can Just Guard the Yellow Dog Head's Icicle Drops instead to build rage quickly. ********** ==VERGIL== ********** With Vergil use Aerial Rave + Summoned Swords spam to hack away at Cerberus's legs to cause him to fall, then switch focusing on the Yellow Dog Head. When it's defeated focus on the Red Dog Head [Video Reference: C6]. If you want a quick fight don't use any Summon Sword abilities that drains your DT gauge, instead save all your DT energy for Max DTE and whenever you knock Cerberus down get rid of the ice armor off one or two Dog heads then let him have it with a DTE followed by a barrage of DTed Aerial Rave attacks. Repeat until he dies. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** C1 - [HARD+] http://babildo.brinkster.net/videos/playthroughs.html -- Rebellion[Ebony & Ivory/Shotgun] C2 [V.HARD+] Player Gen2000's Video: Currently Offline -- Royal Guard-Rebellion[Ebony & Ivory/Shotgun] C3 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Swordmaster-Rebellion/Nevan[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann] -- Trickster-Rebellion/Agni & Rudra[Ebony & Ivory/Shotgun] C4 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- ???? C5 - [DMD] Player Venom's Boss Video: Currently Offline -- ???? C6 - [VMD] http://www.vortiginous.com/gen2000/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 Mission 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL 07:00* 5000* 4500 4000 HARD 07:00* 5000* 4500 4000 VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 16:00 11000 5000 0 - Head straight to the Enigma trio area. Ignore the Hell Lusts on higher difficulties or kill them if you want. On lower difficulties Hell Prides replaces them, kill them as they are much easier than DMD Hell Lusts in a small area. - In the beginning of the Enigma area use Nevan to block the arrows while knocking the Style rating up very high usually gaining instant SSStylish and unleash a Max DTE to kill them all in one blow. Clear out the rest of enemies in the area how you see fit. You can either use Spiral Switch/Guard-Cancel shots to snipe the enemies off screen, Enigmas doesn't fire unless their onscreen, or you could try for a more melee approach. If doing the latter and on DMD difficulty weaken the right Enigma to one bar of health then take out the two on the left on the opposite side of the door and then weaken the and use a Max DTE to kill him and the Hell Lust all together to save a lot of time. Take note that it's possible for the DMD Mode Hell Lust to hit you on the small walking area with their uppercut attack when standing above them so try to stand close to wall as possible fighting the Enigmas. Kill the newcomer Enigma and finish off the previous weaken Engima along with the last newcomer on the right side of the area. - Optional: Go back to the hallway area and fight the Hell Pride + Hell Lust group. This isn't really needed but with the weird Orb requirement on higher difficulties it doesn't hurt. Not needed if there's a Red Orb Crystal Fountain in the rising elevator area. - The statues in the rising elevator area contains a good amount of red orbs and if you didn't break it earlier then Red Orb Crystal Fountain in the corner of this area can help with you meeting the Orb requirement. Not needed if you fought the extra enemies in the hallway. - Defeat the enemies in the next area as Stylishly as you can and head towards the pit area. - In the pit area on V.Hard and D/VMD Mode Abyss and Soul Eaters replaces the normal Hell Sloth, Lust, and Wrath group. The easiest way to deal with this area is to go in with a Max DT gauge ready. When you first enter beat up on the first Abyss that Dante is facing towards for about three hits then run towards where the Soul Eater is appearing turn your back towards him and use your DTE to kill him. Sometimes you will get lucky and kill both Soul Eaters but if you don't just charge another DTE (about 3 DT Orbs worth is about all it takes to kill them). After the Soul Eaters are gone, taking care of the Abyss should be easy. Optional: Go back in the pit area and fight the enemies down there again. If you skipped the DMD Lusts hallway area battle and didn't go back to fight the Hell Pride + Lust group you can make up for the Orb requirement with a second round of fighting in the pit area. ******************** >> BOSS: GIGAPEDE << ******************** ********* ==DANTE== ********* The usual way of beating him by jumping on top of his head then beating him down in DT form while ignoring the small hits that Dante receives works well on lower difficulties but not so much on U.S. Hard or DMD due to a combination of Gigapede's increased defense and him using the purple orb attack much more often that does enough damage to throw off your chances of making the strict Damage requirement. One of the easiest bosses in the game turns out to be one of the hardest when trying to SS Rank him on V.Hard-DMD difficulty. This is where Spiral comes in. Spiral Switch/Guard-canceled shots does incredible damage to Gigapede when lined up right as well as building the DT Gauge up very quickly. The best times to fire at him is after hiding behind the small area under the "bridge". The small structure sticking out should block the purple orb attacks and once Gigapede passes by you try to quickly line the gun up with him and spam Switch/Guard-Canceled Spiral shots to deal massive damage, gain allot of Style points, and build your DT Gauge at the same time. After Gigapede leaves, head back toward the entrance door and wait for him to come back. Avoid any purple orbs that may have made their way towards Dante and jump on Gigapede then hack/beat up on him while using DTE. Repeat the process over until he dies. This method also work on lower difficulties but I find it's one of the few ways to beat him on higher difficulties that also doesn't put you at much risk for getting hit so you can easily make the Damage requirement. Another Spiral switch/guard-canceled method is to use Royal Guard style and stand on the tall structure on the right side (direction based off when you first enter Gigapede's lair) and repeatedly spam Spiral Guard-canceled shots while using Ultimate (make sure your target lock-on is focused on Gigapede's face before performing) to block the purple orb attacks. Due to the weird camera angle it's hard to keep track of where Dante is and you may end up falling off the platform that can be trouble if you do so at the wrong time [Video Reference: D1]. On US Hard mode you can still get away with the "jump on top of his head then hack/beat him up while deflecting some of his purple orb attacks" strategy if you do so with while using A&R or Beowulf's DT form. Since the purple orb attack does so much damage you can't just shrug off the attacks as normal Dante if you want to maintain an S for the Damage requirement. A&R or Beowulf gives Dante a major defense boost, Beowulf very much mores than A&R, so you'll be able to shrug off some attacks and if you're lucky you can still get the SS Rank. On DMD mode other methods include using Royal Guard and A&R to deflect Gigapede's purple orbs via guard-canceled A&R slashes. This is demonstrated in a boss video by player kazak [Video Reference: D2]. While I use this method with a good % of success I have yet to do it on a complete DMD SS Rank run-through of M4 so I always go with the Spiral switch-canceled method when fighting Gigapede for the SS Rank. Quicksilver + Nevan's Jam Session is another good way to deflect the purple orbs back at Gigapede. Simply start playing Nevan and once you see Gigapede start his attack use Time Lag to start up Jam Session. The main problem is that using Quicksilver for a majority of the mission isn't that great. ********** ==VERGIL== ********** Coming Soon... ********************** >> Video References << ********************** D1 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- Royal Guard-Rebellion/Beowulf[Spiral/Kalina Ann] D2 - [DMD] http://ayayanoya.myweb.hinet.net/movie06.htm (Boss Video) -- Royal Guard-Agni & Rudra/????[Ebony & Ivory/Spiral] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 Mission 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL x x x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 14:00 7500 5000 0 - Just head to Agni & Rudra like you normally would. The Hells in the hallway can be ignored but on lower difficulties it doesn't hurt to kill them. ********************** >> MID BOSS: Jester << ********************** ********* ==DANTE== ********* Coming soon... ********** ==VERGIL== ********** Coming soon... ************************ >> END MID BOSS FIGHT << ************************ - For Dante Nevan is a good tool to have in the Enigma's room on V.Hard or DMD Mode. They go down pretty fast on lower difficulties but it doesn't hurt to use for safety. - Ignore the Hell enemies on your way back through the hallway. - On the rising platform Beowulf's Volcano shines very well here. Just stand in the middle of the platform, charge up Volcano, and wait for the Hell Prides to drop then unleash for instant SSStylish. Repeat until you reach the top. ************************ >> BOSS: AGNI & RUDRA << ************************ *********** == DANTE == *********** Two of the most popular SS Ranks set-ups for fighting Agni & Rudra: Royal Guard - Anything Or... Any Other Style - Cerberus with any other Devil Arm with the Air Hike ability (not so much needed but nice to have). Believe it or not but the best place to be in this battle is in the middle of of the two brothers. This is to cause them repeatedly to try to hack at you instead of using their stinger, jumping, dashing, or whatever other annoying attacks. -- Royal Guard: While standing between them Just Guard the attack of one brother when you see they're about to attack (Roll Just Guard vs. Agni & Just Jump Guard vs. Rudra) then Taunt afterwards to help build DT gauge. Use Just Jumping Release + DTE when the brothers are using their charge attack, dodge the first brother with a Just Jump and use Just Release on the second one to damage them both [Video Reference: E2]. -- Any Other Style with Cerberus: Use Revolver to deflect their sword swing attack and when you see an opening Taunt to build the DT Gauge. After deflecting a few times and one brother drops his sword continue with the Revolver spamming. If you were in the middle of the brothers while fighting like suggested before then after making one drop his sword the other brother won't be able to attack you because he will be deflected and possibly drop his sword too starting a somewhat hilarious cycle of one brother being owned by Revolver then when he recovers you owned the other brother. It's possible to keep this up until they die, never letting them move the entire battle. Both methods should easily help you gain the remaining Style points you need to SS Rank the mission. It's possible to beat Agni & Rudra SS Rank like with any set-up but the above are just two of the easiest ways and they work on any difficulty. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming Soon... *********************** >> Video References << *********************** E1 - N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 Mission 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x 0 NORMAL x x x 0 HARD x x x 0 VERY HARD x x x 0 DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE! 09:00 6000 5000 0 Enjoy this mission while you can it'll be a while before you see one this short and simple a gain. - Fight Trial of Warrior area. On lower difficulties hit both dials to make the Hell Lust deDT so they can be easier to take out. This can somewhat work on DMD difficulty but the non-DT time seems to be much shorter so it's not really worth going through the trouble so you're better off just fighting them normally. You should meet your Style requirement easily and sometimes your Orb requirement too if you were very stylish. - Go through Trial Wisdom area. - Go back through the area where you fight A&R previously and head outside to gain some extra orbs by busting up the walls and small statues to help you meet the Red Orb requirement. Kalina Ann or Nevan's Combo III is good to use here. This part is sometimes not needed if you fought very stylishly in the Trial of Warrior area but it doesn't hurt to stop by here to ensure you meet the Orb requirement. - Finish mission as normal, collect the extra Red Orbs on your way to the mission exit to help with Orb requirement. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** F1 - [HARD+] http://babildo.brinkster.net/videos/playthroughs.html -- Swordmaster-Rebellion/Agni & Rudra[Ebony & Ivory/Shotgun] F2 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Gunslinger-Beowulf/Nevan[Artemis/Shotgun] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 Mission 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL x x x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 20:00 15000 5000 0 - Head to Vergil/Vante like normal. Grab all the Red Orbs from outside of the tower and the ones leading into The Divine Library. While inside there if you want to increase your chances of making the Red Orb requirement kill all the Damned Chess pieces but at best you only need to kill about 3 or 4 down there. There are plenty more in the upcoming hallway. Another method for meeting the Red Orb requirement is to ignore the Damned Chess fights and either: -- allow the Hell Greeds to summon a lot of enemies then finish them off. or -- Orb Farm in the hallway room that you run across between the required Hell Greed fights. Style should easily be meet from all the enemies in this mission alone. If you haven't by the time you reach Vergil then it's not too hard to gain style points on him. This mission is pretty generous on the Time requirement, on D/VMD the Time requirement exceeds 20 min. so you should have no problems here meeting it. ************************** >> BOSS: Vergil/Vante 1 << ************************** EASY-V.HARD: At the beginning of the fight, after baiting Vergil into attacking, either shoot at him or just get within his attack range then the fight goes basically goes like this: - You attack Vergil/Vante, then after he is knocked away you.. - Run towards the opposite direction jumping to evade his slashes, use Dash or Sky Star with Trickster to do the same and keep the Style rating up, or if you're good with Royal Guard then Just Guard his slashes. - Attack him again as he put his sword in his sheath. - Repeat until he dies. When he gets low in life, as indicated by his hair falling down, then he will use his Judgement Cut attack. There is a huge giveaway to this move. If you have Rebellion, Force Edge, or Beowulf then you can use Stinger or Killer Bee/Starfall to quickly close the gap between you two before he makes one slash or if you're a Royal Guard freak it makes for good Rage energy. D/VMD: *********** == DANTE == *********** Basically the same except now Vergil summons Spiral Swords for the fight. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the dreaded Blistering Swords which when combined with his Air Trick can easily mess up your S rank in Damage. If you want a guaranteed S rank in Damage then use Quicksilver for this battle and whenever he does the evil combination use Time Lag to safely avoid the swords. It's possible to beat him with any style but you're fighting against luck in that he won't do the Damage Requirement killing combination on you. Considering how long this mission can be I personally don't think it's worth it if you don't have a lot of time to waste replaying this mission. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming soon... ********************** >> Video References << ********************** G1 - [DMD] Player "unknown Gunslinger player" Video: Currently Offline -- Gunslinger-Rebellion/Beowulf[Artemis/Kalina Ann] G2 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao Video: Currently Offline -- ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 Mission 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL x x x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 14:00 8500 5000 0 - Head straight for Leviathan's Heart. You don't need to worry about the Secret Mission. - On DMD mode you can use Nevan's Air Raid to glide over the mostly acid filled hallways if you want guaranteed safety for the Damage requirement. It also moves you through the area slightly faster than hugging the wall and jumping the two parts where the acid covers your walkway. - You're not required to fight the Gigapedes who chase you but if you're good at killing them quickly then go for it to help with Orb and Style requirements. ***************************** >> BOSS: Leviathan's Heart << ***************************** This is how this fight works SS rank style, you want to focus on the Left Organ to help meet Orb Requirement while only worrying about the Right Organ when you're ready to finish Leviathan off. The Hell Envies are only there to slow you down as you beat up on the organs but you can use them to help meet the Style requirement. Just gather them up in one spot and use a crowd control move that builds the Style rating up quickly such as Jam Session, Crazy Roll, Twister, or Volcano (near full charged). Note that DMD DTed Hell Envies aren't stunned by some hits of crowd control attacks like the final hit of Jam Session so be sure to cancel before the attack ends. Basically the attack pattern goes like this: - Beat up on Left Organ, ignore the Right Organ's DT drain. - Before finishing it off get SShowtime-SSStylish rating on Hell Envies (easier done on V.Hard-DMD) - Finish off Left Organ - Collect Red Orbs - Either do damage to Leviathan's vulnerable spot or just ignore the opening. On lower difficulties its defense is very poor. - Repeat x3 or x4 (if you want to be sure you meet the Orb requirement) - Beat up on Right Organ - Before finishing it off get SShowtime-SSStylish rating from Hell Envies - Finish off the Right Organ - Repeat until he's dead, shouldn't take more than 2 reps, on DMD mode maybe 3. *********** == DANTE == *********** Here are some style specific attack patterns to use: -- Trickster: Take advantage of the added mobility from Sky Star to move around the area easier, avoiding the Hell Envies, while you damage the Organs. Shotgun/Kalina Ann switch-canceling does heavy damage to the Organs and the Heart [Video Reference: H2]. -- Swordmaster: perform HEAVY damage to Leviathan during his twin laser attack with air combos such as Hammer > Air Slash or Air Cross/Sky Cross. Since you've been beating up on the Right Organ you should have some DT energy for DTE as well [Video Reference: H1]. -- Royal Guard: Use Rolling Just Guard the single or twin laser attack to build up Rage and use Release on Leviathan's Heart for major damage when reveals lower vunerable spot. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming soon... ********************** >> Video References << ********************** H1 - [HARD+] http://babildo.brinkster.net/videos/playthroughs.html -- Swordmaster-Rebellion/Agni & Rudra[Ebony & Ivory/Shotgun] H2 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Trickster-Rebellion/Beowulf[Spiral/Kalina Ann] -- Trickster-Beowulf/Nevan[Shotgun/Kalina Ann] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9 Mission 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL 11:00* 7000* 3500* 5000* HARD 11:00* 7000* 3500* 5000* VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 20:00 8000 4000 0 - Don't worry about fighting spiders stylishly. Your Style requirement will be made up at Nevan. - In the open area with all the Enigmas use DT run or Quicksilver's Time Lag to reach the higher ground before the first two Enigmas starts firing their arrows. - You can either fight all the Enigmas or fight the Hells in the following area(s) you're not required to fight them both. - Collect all the orbs from the Subterranean Lake area to help with Orb requirement. - V.HARD-DMD: after getting the Ambrosia you don't have to worry about fighting the Bloodgoyles on your way to Nevan. On lower difficulties fighting the Hells shouldn't be too much of a problem and can help in making the Style or Orb requirement. **************** >>BOSS: NEVAN << **************** Put her in the Attack Loop to easily meet the Style requirement and also kill her quickly [Video Reference: I2 and I3]. *********** == DANTE == *********** Attack Loop Have Beowulf equipped (can be done with any Devil Arm but easiest to do with Beowulf) -- At the beginning of the battle follow Nevan to one of the end areas she teleports to and stand close to her to trigger "Get Ready" spinning attack. When you hear that jump back out of the range of the attack and begin charging Straight. When she finishes let her have it, which should successfully break her bat shield and give you major DT Gauge. -- Attack the vulnerable Nevan but don't use a lot of DT Orbs or none at all during your attack pattern. -- After she regenerates her bat shield and teleports to the other side of the area, follow her and stand close to her to trigger the spinning attack again. Jump back when you hear the cue and charge Straight along with DTE. After she finishes the move release Straight and if the bat shield didn't break perform a Max DTE to guaranteed it that it does. -- Attack the vulnerable Nevan but don't use a lot of DT Orbs or none at all during your attack pattern. --Repeat until she dies. Sometimes the Attack Loop may not go as smooth as Nevan may perform her floor electricity move if you weren't near her after she teleports to the other side of the battle area. Using a Killer Bee + DTE can stop this usually throwing her back into the loop. Here are a few Style specific Attack Patterns to take advantage of during Nevan's vulnerable state: -- Trickster: Nothing really unique and damaging besides repeated jump- canceled Killer Bees, just try to do the best you can while saving those DT Orbs. Trickster's Dash or Sky Star makes it easier to quickly get to Nevan after she teleports. -- Swordmaster: DT Beowulf's Real Impact allows you to deal heavy damage while still maintaining her in a loop. -- Gunslinger: If your fingers will allow it, charging Artemis along with Straight allows you do deal heavy damage when Nevan is vulnerable because by the time she finishes her attack and you burst her shield you will have a fully charge Multi-Shot ready to go during your attack pattern. -- Royal Guard: ??? -- Quicksilver: ??? -- Doppelganger: ??? ************ == VERGIL == ************ Vergil can also put Nevan in a loop, just use Judgement Cut in place of Beowulf's Straight to easily knock down her bat shield, afterwards just beat up on her with DTed Beowulf attacks + Summon Sword spamming. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** I1 - [HARD+] http://babildo.brinkster.net/videos/playthroughs.html -- ????? I2 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Trickster-Rebellion/Nevan[Spiral/Kalina Ann] Trickster-Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina] I3 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- Swordmaster-Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann] I4 - [DMD] http://hosted.filefront.com/Pokey87 -- ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.10 Mission 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL x x x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 11:00 5000 3500 0 - For V.Hard or DMD DT run past the Blood-goyles or use repeated Trickster Dashes unless you're really confident in fighting the Blood-goyles in that small area. On lower difficulties fight the Hells here for some easy Red Orbs and Style points. - Play Secret Mission 9 (Destroyer), optional choice is to play it 2 or 3 times to guarantee you meet the Orb requirement. Use Kalina Ann to clear the area quickly. - After inserting the Stone Mask and grabbing the Neo Generator grab all the Red Orbs in the outside area before heading through the green door. Also make sure you have Devil Arm with a good aerial attack such as A&R or Beowulf/Nevan with Swordmaster. - Kill the Dullahans that you required to fight. A&R's Aerial Cross, Beowulf's Hammer or Nevan's Air Slash are great tools for taking these guys down quickly. - Not required but you can fight the Enigmas to help with Orb and Style requirement. For DMD difficulty Nevan works wonders here by making it very easy to take out the Enigmas safely. - For the Arachnes battle, if the big green ones are giving you a have time you can equip A&R with Quicksilver then use full DT Gauge Time Lag plus repeated Aerial Crosses on theirback side to quickly kill them leaving the easier white Arachnes to deal with (best time to take advantage of this is after it does its standing claw swipe). With smart use of the Taunt it should be easy to build the gauge back up to full to take on the second one that appears. If you skipped fighting the Enigmas then you'll have to focus more on killing the spiders stylishly to help make the Style requirement. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** J1 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11 Mission 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL x x 4000* 5000* HARD x x 4000* 5000* VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 12:00 5500 4000 0 - You're not required to kill the two Enigmas at the beginning but it doesn't hurt to do so. - For the Soul Eater hallway area on higher difficulties spamming Trick Shot > Spiral Normal Shot > Trick Shot with your back turned in Gunslinger Style is one of the easier ways to deal with them without putting yourself at much risk. - In the Hell Vanguard + Soul Eaters room. It's best to take out the Soul Eaters first after finishing one off with a DTE you can finish off the rest easily by hanging out in the top balcony and a little towards one of the corners so the HV can't reach you. Again Spiral with Gunslinger style can shine here or you just wait for them to come up to you and take out with Kalina Ann [Video Reference: K2]. - During the railcar area use Nevan's Air Play for guaranteed safety against the Enigma's arrows. Use Air Hike to safely avoid the Hell Wrath's explosions in the small area if you don't have enough room on the ground. ******************* >> BOSS: BEWOULF << ******************* There are basically 3 "phases" of Beowulf. I've seen a wide variety of attack patterns with different styles against Beowulf but all of them seem to come down the same basic point, you want to do major damage during his 1st phase so he skips the 2nd phase (the Volcano/run around the room/feather attack phase) or is close to entering his 3rd phase. This basically evolves being very aggressive. There are two hit boxes on Beowulf, his main body and one small hit box on his weak eye. Hitting him on his weak eye does 2x damage but since Beowulf is so tall you don't get many chances to safely attack that area. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** K1 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Gunslinger-Rebellion/Nevan[Artemis/Spiral] -- Quicksilver-Rebellion/Agni & Rudra[Ebony Ivory/Spiral] K2 - [DMD] Player "unknown Gunslinger player" Video: Currently Offline -- Gunslinger-Rebellion/Beowulf[Artemis/Kalina Ann] K3 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.12 Mission 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 08:00 x x x NORMAL 12:00* 7500* x 9000* HARD 12:00* 7500* x 9000* VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 18:00 13000 4500 0 MISSION NOTE: The damage drain from the Haywire Neo Generator doesn't count towards your Damage Requirement. Dante's health is constantly draining in this mission, the higher the difficulty the quicker Dante's health drain from the Haywire Neo Generator. All defeated enemies drops Green Orbs, a majority of them drops small ones but the Blood-goyles and the Hell Vanguard can drop Green Orbs big enough to recover 1 and a half bar of health. - During the rail cart area use Nevan to help in avoiding the Engima arrows safely and be careful of the explosion range of Hell Wrath's bombs in that small area. - After the rail cart area if you need some health you can push the statue over to get a Green Orb. If you feel you have plenty of health then skip it since it's impossible to get the 300 Green Orb bonus in this mission. - The next area is one of the main areas that can mess you up health wise. What you want to do is evenly spread out your damage to the non-DTed enemies so that when they do DT then you can quickly finish them keeping your health high. If using Royal Guard the sealed door is a good place to build up some Rage, all you need is about two orbs you can build up the last one later. - The hallway and Gears of Madness area contains the Blood-goyles. On DMD you don't need to fight all of them but on need to take out at least 1 or 2 to ensure you have enough health for the upcoming Hell Vanguard area. - The next area is the dreaded Hell Vanguard + Lust. The most popular strategy seems to be taking out Hell Vanguard first. On D/VMD this area is a nightmare for most SS Rank players. Here are some style specific methods for taking on this area for Dante: -- Trickster with Beowulf: Spam jump-canceled Killer Bees on Hell Vanguard and use Sky Star or Wall Hike to safely dodge his teleport attacks along with the Hell enemies in the area. He should die in about 3 or 4 reps of this. -- Swordmaster with Beowulf: Use Real Impact on the backside of Hell Vanguard, dodge his teleport attacks and Hell enemies the best you can. Since you're constantly DTed, it doesn't take that many to kill him. -- Royal Guard you can safely build one orb (or the last orb if you built two earlier). One Max powered Just Release rips Hell Vanguard's life in half. Afterwards you can attempt to build an lv.2 and Just Release him again for the kill or just him with other attacks. -- In General: Once you take out the Hell Vanguard, use Switch/Guard-canceled Spiral Normal Shots to snipe the Hell Lusts while they're off screen. ****************** >> BOSS: GERYON << ****************** Geryon isn't that difficult of a boss but on difficulties like V.Hard or DMD it's easy to be nervous when trying to SS Rank him since his attacks are quite damaging. For his first phase simply use Switch/Guard-Canceled Spiral shots or Drive [Video Reference: L1]. For his second phase the main SS Rank like way to kill is to take advantage of loop in his attack pattern that basically goes like this: 1)Run around the arena 2)Stop and use flame move then either 3a--run around the arena again 3b--teleports and reappears in an attempt to run you over Repeat If he does Step 3b, after about 3 passes he will stop in the middle of the arena. If you knock him down at this point he will attempt to swing the carriage around to hit you. If you knock him down again he will try the attack again, as long as you keep knocking him down he will be stuck in this loop. If you fail to knock Geryon down he will return back to step 1 and depending on how much damage he took he will alter his "run around the arena pattern some. It's also possible to knock him down at between the cool down time of Step 2 and 3 but Geryon won't perform the carriage swing move if you knock him down then, instead he will teleport away and either goes into Step 3a or 3b. Here are some set-ups to take advantage of the loop during the second phase of the fight: *********** == DANTE == *********** -- Trickster-xxxx/Cerberus or Agni & Rudra[Ebony & Ivory/Spiral]: Use DTed Combo I behind Geryon's back legs and the carriage to quickly knock him down doing a lot of damage and gaining style points. After he's knocked down taunt to build back some DT orbs then use Sky Star to escape his Time Lag dome and to maneuver over his carriage swing to quickly get back in position to repeat the attack pattern again until he dies. -- Swordmaster-Beowulf/xxxx[Ebony & Ivory/Spiral]: Use Real Impact > Tornado to knock him down and use Killer Bee for mobility in dodging his Time Lag dome and carriage swing. Repeat until he dies. -- Gunslinger-Beowulf/Cerberus[Artemis/Spiral] or Agni & Rudra: similar to the Trickster method except you can take advantage of Artemis Multi-Lock while dodging the Time Lag dome and carriage swing. Use Beowulf's for mobility. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming soon... ********************** >> Video References << ********************** L1 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- Swordmaster-Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.13 Mission 13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 05:00 3000 x x NORMAL x x x 6000* HARD x x x 6000* VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 13:00 5000 4000 0 - Fight the first area, spamming Switch/Guard-Canceled Spiral shots and DTEs clears it quickly and safely. - Fight second area the same way, grab the Orihalcon Fragment then head straight for Vergil 2. Don't worry about the Damned Chess pieces on your way to him. ************************** >> BOSS: VERGIL/VANTE 2 << ************************** *********** == DANTE == *********** Trickster or Quicksilver recommended for guaranteed safety during the DMD version of this fight [Video Reference M1, M2, and M3]. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming Soon... ********************** >> Video References << ********************** M1 - [DMD] http://www.voritgous.com/gen2000/dmc3.html -- Trickster-Rebellion/Beowulf[Spiral/Kailina Ann] -- Quicksilver-Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony Ivory/Kalina Ann] M2 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- ????? M3 - [DMD] http://hosted.filefront.com/Pokey87 -- ???? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.14 Mission 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 10:00* 4000* 3000* x NORMAL x 15000* x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 17:00 10000 4500 0 - V.HARD-DMD: Use Trickster with A&R, Swordmaster with Beowulf + Shotgun or Royal Guard to quickly finish the Fallens, who replaces the Dullahans on V.Hard and DMD difficulty, unscratched. - During the rail cart area save your DTE for when the Hell Vanguard appears then use a Max DTE to quickly kill any remaining normal Hells before the Hell Vanguard starts attacking. That way you can focus all of your attention on him. Trickster's Sky star or Dash or Royal Guard makes dodging his attacks in that small area easier. - For the Hell Highway area, spam switch/guard-canceled Spiral shots and DTEs to kill the Damned Chess pieces quickly. - In the open area with all the Enigmas use DT run or Time Lag with Quicksilver to reach the higher ground before the first two Enigmas starts firing. You don't really have to worry about fighting the Enigmas in this area but it doesn't hurt to get them out of your way. Use Nevan's Air Play for guaranteed safety vs. their arrows. - Instead of going into the teleporting ray of light head to the door near the last Enigma in the upper corner of the area and go through it to enter an area with "sleeping" Damned Chess pieces. Either spam Switch/Guard-canceled Spiral shots or just use a Max DTE in the center to get instant Stylish and also of Red Orbs. If you exit the door and re-enter they will appear again. Repeat this about 2 or 3 times to help make the Style or Orb requirement (or both) then head back to the mission exit. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** N2 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- ????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.15 Mission 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 11:50* 3930* x x NORMAL x x x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 24:00 8000 4000 0 ********************** >> Video References << ********************** O2 - N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.16 Mission 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY 10:30* 5020* 3550* x NORMAL x 6000* x x HARD x 6000* x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 25:00 9000 4500 0 ********************** >> Video References << ********************** P1 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline -- ????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.17 Mission 17 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL 12:00 7000 4500 x HARD 12:00 7000 4500 x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 18:00 10000 4500 0 - Just head straight for Doppelganger, don't worry about the Trial of Warrior area. Grab all the red orbs from the outside areas and in the hallway with the Abyss in it to help make the Orb requirement. - Using Trickster's Sky star or Dash makes the Trial of Skill like area much easier to go through. ************************ >> BOSS: DOPPELGANGER << ************************ There are two main ways to damage Doppelganger, either by catching him in an area filled with light and damaging him during his vulnerable state or reflect back his dark fireballs. To trigger this attack from him just light up two dials which either forces him to perform his dark Volcano move or the dark fireball. When he launches the fireball just deflect back. Doppelganger will try to deflect it back at you, just keep deflecting until he gets hit. Each successful deflect builds up the style rating very quickly. There are many, many SS Rank set-ups once use since Doppelganger's attack pattern is pretty poor. Here are some I've seen from other players along with some I use: *********** == DANTE == *********** -- Trickster - Beowulf/Cerberus[xxxx/xxxx]: use the first part of Combo I to weaken the light dial some and when Doppelganger comes within range of you hit it a few more times to open it and catch him in the light. Perform a stylish combo and use Trickster's Dash to quickly move on to the next time. If you perform this attack pattern correctly then at some point you will have all light dials open allowing you to damage Doppelganger even more. Repeat until he dies. -- Swordmaster - Beowulf/Cerberus or A&R[xxxx/xxxx]: Similar to the Trickster method except only really focus on two lights. After you catch Doppelganger in a light area use Real Impact. When Doppelganger tries to use his dark fireball use Rebellion's Prop Shedder, Cerberus's Revolver, or A&R's first slash > Cross Slash pattern to easily reflect it back at him. Another set-up is to use Rebellion/Nevan[xxxx/xxxx]. Prop Shedder also makes for a quick way to open the light dials as well as for deflecting Doppelganger's dark fireballs. -- Royal Guard - Agni & Rudra/xxxx[xxxx/xxxx]: Use G-canceled first slash of Combo I to quickly weaken the light dial before Doppelganger gets near you and bust it open when he gets within range. After opening two use guard- canceled slashes to easily deflect the fireball back at him. Doppelganger's Beast Uppercut and Volcano makes for easy Rage bait for Releases. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming Soon... ********************** >> Video References << ********************** Q1 - N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.18 Mission 18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL 09:50* 10500* 4700* x HARD 09:50* 10500* 4700* x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 35:00 8000 2500 0 ********************************* >> MID BOSS: Damned Chessboard << ********************************* ********* ==DANTE== ********* Royal Guard or Quicksilver recommended on DMD mode. Only focus on King, use Queen for Just Guard bait. On difficulties besides DMD just kill all pieces. ********** ==VERGIL== ********** Coming soon... ************************** >> END MID-BOSS SECTION << ************************** - Fight the bosses you have an easy time against. Agni & Rudra, Beowulf, and Cerberus, aka "ABC", is the shortest pattern of bosses you can fight to exit the mission. If you use that pattern you'll need to fight another boss or the M2 like area to help meet the Orb requirement. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** R2 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.19 Mission 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x x x x NORMAL x x x x HARD x x x x VERY HARD x x x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 16:00 5000 4000 0 - Fight first area as stylishly as you can. Spread your damage evenly on the Abyss so that you're not stuck fighting a full health DTed Abyss. - Use 2-4 orb DTEs + melee attacks to quickly destroy the mirrors in the second area. - Kill the Abyss as quickly as you can which shouldn't be a problem on Easy- V.Hard. On D/VMD save your DTE and/or full rage Releases for the last group. Remember after you kill one Abyss from the first group another appears further down in the area. Go focus on him for a bit then bring him back to the previous group and then try to finish them all off together with a DTE. You don't want one or two of them DTing with more than half health as it takes too long to kill them then. ****************** >> BOSS: ARKHAM << ****************** *********** == DANTE == *********** Artemis/Kalina Ann or Spiral/Kalina Ann is highly recommended for the DMD version of this fight. Kalina Ann for Legion (slug creature like things). DTEs can also be used to kill them quickly during the first phase. During the second phase just rely on Artemis or Spiral shots + Vergil's multi-slash attack. Hug the walls to easily dodge Arkham's homing tentacle attacks during his phase. Just jump either to left or right repeatedly to dodge them. While you're jumping to avoid his attack have Kalina Ann or Spiral equipped and press the fire button while you're jumping to have Vergil attack while you dodge [Video Reference: S1]. ************ == VERGIL == ************ To take care of the Legion segments either run around and using Rapid-Slash plus Spiral Sword spamming or just simply run in a circle while firing non- locked on Spiral Swords [Video Reference: S2]. On VMD the latter method is the safest way to take care of them. ********************** >> Video References << ********************** S1 - [DMD] Player Detrimatrix's Video: Currently Offline. -- ???? S2 - [VMD] http://www.metroid2002.com/kip/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.20 Mission 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME ORBS STYLE PTS DAMAGE EASY x 0 2500 3000* NORMAL 03:30 0 2500 10000* HARD x 0 x x VERY HARD x 0 x x DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE 08:00 0 2500 0 ************************** >> BOSS: VERGIl/VANTE 3 << ************************** *********** == DANTE == *********** - Trickster makes SS Ranking Vergil 3 easy mostly because Sky star comes in handy for dodging his Helm Breaker + Phantom Sword combinations. If you don't want to use Trickster then you can dodge them by jumping away as soon as Vergil gets near you, just make sure you jump completely away from him and out of the range of the swords. Since this mission only consist of a boss fight you don't have to worry too much using Quicksilver's Time Lag to avoid his Over the Shoulder + Phantom combination or his new Helm Breaker + Phantom Sword combinations. After a barrage of attacks from Berserk DTed Vergil during his last phase he will cool down and become very vulnerable allowing you can spam a couple of switch-canceled Kalina Ann shots before starting your melee attack pattern. This allows you to get more damage out of the small time he is vulnerable. ************ == VERGIL == ************ Coming soon.. ---------------------- << Video References >> ---------------------- T1 - [DMD] http://ayayanoya.myweb.hinet.net/movie06.htm -- Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann] T2 - [DMD] Player MoRenBao's Video: Currently Offline. -- Rebellion/Beowulf[Ebony & Ivory/Kalina Ann] T3 - [DMD] http://hosted.filefront.com/Pokey87 -- ???? T4 - [DMD] Player Venom98's Video: Currently Offline -- Royal Guard-???? ============================================================================= IV. Closing ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1 Links ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the main part of the FAQ I only listed links to videos showcasing SS Rank gameplay, with a few exceptions that I felt were truly important to see for an SS Rank player, but there are more DMC3 Video Sites out there so here is a list of them, some not previously posted, that are active as of the date 2/02/06: Player: kazak - http://ayayanoya.myweb.hinet.net/movie06.htm Player: kip - http://www.metroid2002.com/kip/ Player: Gen2000 - http://www.vortiginous.com/gen2000/dmc3-ss.html Player: Pokey86 - http://hosted.filefront.com/Pokey86 - http://hosted.filefront.com/Pokey87 Player: YuriSeal - http://babildo.brinkster.net/videos/playthroughs.html Mirror for various SS Rank Videos, courtesy of HeyDenty: - http://anti-dentite.org/dmc3/ss/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Credits & Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capcom - For making this game of course. Gamefaqs - For hosting this FAQ. Devil May Cry 3 and Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition GameFAQs Message Board - For being a good backbone for the DMC3 community. Schicksal - Starting up the idea of the FAQ and allowing me to finish it. kip - VERY HARD (will be added soon) and DANTE/VERGIL MUST DIE difficulty requirements SS Rank Players Who Made Videos: Detrimartix, kazak, MoRenBao, Pokey86, kip, and YuriSeal. - Thanks for timing the time to make these videos and share them with the DMC3 community. ================ == END OF FAQ == ================