DEVIL MAY CRY for Sony PlayStation 2 Secret Mission Guide written by JL Lee Version 1.0 Done 30-8-2001 This is primarily a guide to seeking and beating the Secret Missions found hidden in all corners of the game. If you're here, that means you need help to locate them. If not, please don't bother to read further since most of it won't make sense until you have the software. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \ \ \ BEFORE YOU READ FURTHER!!! \ \ \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This guide will ALWAYS be updated at GameFAQs first. Be sure to check it out THERE to get the best updated version! This document is the result of someone's hard work. If you wish to post it on your site, please contact me. Most of the time I will allow you to do so so long as NO alterations are done. This document is also NOT allowed for any profit making purposes, and I'm NOT going to allow any more of this copyright violations to carry on any longer. Devil May Cry, characters, assorted names, infinite-ammuniton weapons, goods and merchandise relating to the game are all copyright property of Capcom Co. Ltd 2001. All rights reserved. This document is © 2000 Lee Jin Lai under the Copyright Act of the Republic of Singapore. All international Copyright Violation rules also apply. You are ONLY allowed to either print it for personal use or keep it in your desktop/laptop/palmtop provided that no one can take it and photocopy for any sort of commercial profit. Websites that wish to have this put up must try to contact me through e-mail for permission, and only if this document does NOT have advertisment links on that page. Any other forms of profit-making organisations (magazines, papers, linking sites) are NOT allowed to take this and use/translate it for your own purposes. If you are found out, I swear that I'll take you to court without even giving you a chance to explain yourselves. Any other people found violating the rules set by the law will face possible legal action by the author himself. Get that clear, you plagarizers. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \ \ \ CREDITS, PLUGS, THANK YOUS \ \ \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Capcom for bringing out what is the most interesting action game to date. Not the hardest in the world, but certainly innovate in ways and refreshing familiar in others. GameFAQs where this document lies. If not for it, I probably won't exist in the Internet world anyway. Kudos and major thanks to the boss, CJayC, for putting up with my little bouts of temperments. JL Lee for actually daring to write up another guide on a Capcom game. He must be going nuts...... Devil May Cry Frontline Guide for having the information which led to the author being able to find all 12 Secret Missions in the first place. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> \ \ \ SECRET MISSIONS \ \ \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Secret Missions can be called as mission within a mission. They are designed so that you'll curse and swear at the designers for thinking up of something to fustrate them, if not more so. Some are insanely tough, some of them require long treks back to get them. But the rewards are fulfilling. You not only get a Blue Orb piece for each mission, and you'll get an item that will aid you in future battles as well. Note that you can return to do Secret Missions in a Round 2 and above game, but if you've cleared that mission before, all you get is the standard Yellow Orb. The following guide will list the when, the where, and the how to getting the 12 nice stars on your Save and Complete screen. Remember, all this is OPTIONAL. Whether you wish to do it or not is not under my control...... =============================== SECRET MISSION 1 - CRITICAL HIT =============================== When - Mission 3, AFTER defeating Phantom Where - Underwater, broken bridge area Objective - Defeat the Sin Scissors by hitting at its weak point How - Knock it off balance by shooting in its face with the Shotugn. Then rush up and blast it in its face again using the Shotgun. 60% of the time you should get it. If you're too slow, you can always try again. Just be careful of your remaining health...... Difficulty - 7/10 =============================== SECRET MISSION 2 - PHANTOM BABY =============================== When - Mission 4 Where - Hall where you fought Phantom Objective - Kill 100 Phantom Babies within the time limit How - You can go around killing like crazy, or you can simply use a Holy Water to finish the job in a second. Difficulty - 1/10 ================================= SECRET MISSION 3 - PHANTOM BABY 2 ================================= When - Mission 4, AFTER clearing Secret Mission 2 Where - Time Statue room at the other end of the corridor where you started off Mission 4 from. Objective - Kill 100 Phantom Babies within the time limit WITHOUT using weapons. How - No, Holy Water won't work here. You'll have to crush 100 of them with your bare feet. Luckily the area is a small one, else you'll be crying. Difficulty - 6/10 =========================== SECRET MISSION 4 - 3 BEASTS =========================== When - Mission 4, AFTER defeating the Shadow Where - Arena directly below airplane room Objective - Defeat all 3 Shadows How - There's no easy way around this. Roll like crazy, run like crazy, slash like crazy. Just be careful as the auto aiming will look for the moving Shadows instead of the core-revealed ones. You can bet that it's purposely done this way...... Difficulty - 9/10 ================================= SECRET MISSION 5 - ONE-EYED DEMON ================================= When - Mission 7 Where - Pipe room, where you found the Old Key during Mission 6 Objective - Let one Kyclops kill the other How - Just to remind you that your health is still falling during this time period, so take care NOT to get hit TOO much. The hard way would be to move in between the 2 of them, and hope that they shoot each other. Their claws won't hit each other, but they WILL damage you. Another easier way would be to jump on the pipes and stay jumping so that they won't hit you, but rather jump on each other, knocking each other out. Once one is dead, you can finish off the other if you wish to. Difficulty - 8/10 ==================================== SECRET MISSION 6 - A BUNCH OF GHOSTS ==================================== When - Mission 11 Where - Garden Courtyard just before you ended Mission 10 Objective - Get the Blue Orb Piece in the air How - You'll have to locate the Orb piece first, then start jumping like crazy on the walls and on the heads of the Sin Scissors bunch. Note that Sin Scissors won't attack you if you're moving, so all you need to do is keep jumping up and up until you reach the piece, then you can let loose on them if you wish to. Falling down from the top is going to be a regular feature though. Difficulty - 2/10 =============================== SECRET MISSION 7 - WATER PRISON =============================== When - post-Mission 13 Where - Check on the Captain's skeleton back in the Captain's room of the Ghost Ship Objective - Defeat all 8 enemies How - Use the Needle Gun to defeat all the 8 Blades in the water. Be careful to avoid getting caught in claw fire. Difficulty - 3/10 ==================================================== SECRET MISSION 8 - TREASURE GUARDED BY THE DEATH GOD ==================================================== When - Mission 15 Where - Check on the picture wall in the rolling spike area back at the start of Mission 14. Objective - Defeat all enemies How - 3 Shadows, if lucky one at a time, if not, 3 at once. This time there isn't much moving space, so be careful. If you've gotten the Nightmare Beta the area becomes very helpful with the constant rebounding of the shots. Difficulty - 9/10 ====================================== SECRET MISSION 9 - SHADOWS IN THE DARK ====================================== When - Mission 16, AFTER defeating Nightmare Where - Airplane room Objective - Locate and defeat all Shadows How - There are a grand total of 4 Shadows hidden in 3 places. 2 of them are in the airplane room, 1 in the hall, 1 in the bridge room. Standard Shadow fighting plan required, so you should be used to them by now. Difficulty - 8/10 ============================================= SECRET MISSION 10 - A LONELY FLIGHT OF STAIRS ============================================= When - Mission 16, AFTER defeating Nightmare (or during 17) Where - Colosseum Objective - Get the Blue Orb Piece by climbing the stairs of death How - A long jumping experience. Just make sure not to twist L3 too much or else you'll fall off. Alignment's paramount, but then again, there aren't any enemies. More irritating than difficult. Difficulty - 1/10 ============================================== SECRET MISSION 11 - HOLY BLUE STONE IN THE SKY ============================================== When - Mission 17 Where - Broken bridge Objective - Get the Blue Orb Piece high up in the air How - To ACTIVATE the Secret Mission is a pain in the butt. You have only one chance to activate this by moving from the end of the bridge back to the door end WITHOUT falling into the water. The game recogises it when you step onto the first and last platform. Thus jump on the first, Air Raid towards the last piece, then jump on solid land to START the mission (you'll know when the Secret Mission screen comes out) In this mission you'll have to use the jump-pools that the Death Scythe will shoot out, avoid its attacks while flying up to get the Orb piece. Chances are that you'll end up falling into the water since you'll have no idea where you land, so it's best to get it done in one single try. Lots of resetting required here...... Difficulty - 10/10 ======================================= SECRET MISSION 12 - THE HIDDEN BRACELET ======================================= When - Mission 21 Where - Hidden room behind wall opposite Time Statue of Mission 21 Objective - Get the Hidden Bracelet at the end of the Hidden Path How - Cross the long stretch of road first (with couple of Nobodys in the way), picking up the final Blue Orb Piece here. At the end of the path there will be a large room with a dragon waiting and blowing hot air. This time this dragon dosen't spit fireballs, so you'll have to do it the hard way: Hitting it on the head with weaponry. It's impervious to all gun attacks though. Once you've defeated the dragon 2 Frosts will appear. Defeat them, and jump your way to the Time Bracelet! Difficulty - 7/10 >>>>>>>>>>>>> \ \ \ LAST WORDS \ \ \ <<<<<<<<<<<<< This should be it, all in one release. If there is any need for updates it'll probably come after I've confrimed the "When" part of the game, since some of the Secret Missions allow you to try them a little later than prescribed. All the "When"s at the moment are the earliest times you can try though, so there shouldn't be any problems for those used to the timings. For now, JL