================================================== DIE HARD: VENDETTA WALKTHROUGH By: Dev/Null klingon@swirvemail.com ================================================== -------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents -------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Weapons (Incomplete) 4. Walkthrough (Incomplete) 4A. The Townsend Museum 4B. Hollywood Boulevard 4C. The Chinese Cinema 4D. The LA Subway 4E. Century City Police Department 4F. Hollywood Film Studio 4G. The Sierra Correctional Facility 4H. Cesar Tuna Factory 5. Copyright Information + Contributions -------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction -------------------------------------------------- It's been a month since I last checked and noone has made a walkthrough for Die Hard Vendetta yet so I decided that enough is enough and that I will make one. This isn't one of the better games in my collection, I feel that it is let down by a poor frame-rate but it does have some unique redeeming features, I especially enjoy speaking to all the characters in the game. This is my first proper walkthrough which I have submitted to gamefaqs so if you find my written communication is not so good in certain areas feel free to e-mail me and let me know so I can Improve it. The level guides may contain spoilers so it may be best not to read too far ahead. -------------------------------------------------- 2. Controls -------------------------------------------------- In my opinion Version C is the best controller setup, as I like using the C-stick to strafe, so any reference to buttons will refer to the version C setup, which is as follows: Action- A Button Grab- A Button Fire- R Button Reload- Z Button Jump- X Button Crouch- Y Button Stealth- B Button Hero Mode- L Button & Y Button Move Forward/Back- Control Stick Strafe Left/Right- C Stick Turn Left/Right- Control Stick Look Up/Down- C Stick Lean Left/Right- L Button & Control Stick Look Around- L Button & C Stick Zoom In/Out- L Button & Control Pad Inventory- Left Control Pad Weapons List- Right Control Pad -------------------------------------------------- 3. Weapons -------------------------------------------------- Fists- Luckily for you, you will always have your fists to rely on (if you are captured they may take all your other weapons but they never chop your arms off). Fists are only useful for certain situations, they are good in one on one fights but are very bad if you are in a room full of enemies. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that you can arrest people when fists are equipped, just use stealth mode and sneak up behind the enemy and when 'grab' appears on the screen press A, to snap their neck press R1 and to arrest them press A again. When someone is arrested they will drop their weapon and drop on to their knees, they will remain on their knees and not bother you again, just make sure that you pick up the weapons they drop. Revolver- The revolver is the most basic gun in the game. It has 6 bullets and so it is not very good in crowded rooms with lots of enemies. The reload time is around 4 seconds so having to constantly reload is a bitch. It is possible to grab enemies from behind with this, if you grab them and do not wish to arrest them you can just shoot them in the head. 2 x Revolver- This isn't much better than a single revolver, the reload time is about the same but the rate of fire is faster. It is not possible to arrest people with this, you need to change back to a single pistol. 9mm Pistol- The 9mm is a lot better than the revolver, it has a much faster firing rate (almost double), it holds 17 bullets and the reload time is slightly faster (the reload animation is also much cooler). It is still possible to grab enemies from behind with this. Silenced 9mm Pistol- This is exactly like the normal 9mm, except silenced so it allows you to be more 'stealthy'. 2 x 9mm Pistol- Each gun fire alternately, the rate of fire is much faster than a single 9mm, the reload time is the same. The disadvantage is that it is not possible to arrest people as your hands are full, to arrest someone you need to switch back to a single gun. -------------------------------------------------- 4. Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------- --- 4A. --- The Townsend Museum- In the Introduction McClane sees a shootout at the Townsend Museum where his daughter Lucy is on the first day of her job so he goes down to make sure that she is alright. When the level begins you will be in stealth mode and will be walking slowly, press B and go into action mode and then run to the police car at the front of the museum on the right. Al is looking over a map with another officer, speak to them until the officer says "Sir, we're in," the man cutting through the doors will then standup and move aside allowing you to enter the museum. Enter and head to the left, it will feel like there has been an explosion, an enemy will burst out of the door, shoot him with the revolver and press Z to reload. Pick up his revolver, you can now use double revolver. Move into the main room, there should be one enemy behind the lobby desk and one on the lower part of the staircase, stand in the doorway and kill them both, you may also be able to kill an enemy who is on the upper part of the level to the right infront of a painting. Head up the stairs and wait in the middle bit where the staircase splits, turn right, you will see an enemy run out of the open doorway, shoot him, and go up the stairs. Once you are on the upper level turn right and kill the enemy mentioned earlier if you have not already done so. There are two more doorways on the upper part of the level, henchmen will run out of both of them, shoot the one on the left first, then the one on the right, he will die in slow motion. Go forward and then left, go through the yellow stained glass door. Walk through the corridor until you reach a small room, you will see an enemy walk past the doorframe which is the entrance to the next room, don't shoot him there is another enemy who has a hostage, wait for him to walk past then go onto stealth mode. Walk into the room they are in and position yourself behind the guard closest to where you entered the room, make sure you can see both enemies before opening fire, kill them both but be careful not to kill the hostage. Pick up both the guns you now have double 9mm pistols which are a lot better. Go through the double doors, as you turn left there will be an area with 4 enemies, kill them all, you will find yourself in the upper area, if you look down there is a horse statue, head right, go to the very end then turn left and carry on down and turn left again there are some stairs. Before you go down them you may want to find the medkit which is in the upper area. In the lower are you will find a sniper rifle pick it up, there are two enemies wearing trenchcoats, kill them. Dick Thornburg, the reporter, will burst through the doors, on't kill him, I know it's tempting. Run away through the doors he came through, he's really annoying to listen to, as you turn right there are two guys kill them both and go through the double doors. The room you enter is empty but the next one has one guard, you should be able to shoot him from where you are standing, once you kill him move into the next room. you will see four men holding the man with the worst fashion sense ever hostage in the adjacent room, kill the three who are loose and you will be left with one man holding a gun to the guys head. Aim and kill the man with the gun making sure you don't kill the hostage and then have a nice little chat with him. As you go outside there is a man on the upper balcony with you, switch to the single 9mm pistol and go onto stealth mode if you go behind him it will say grab, press A to grab him and press it again to make your first arrest, you will get the submachinegun, it is useless so switch back to double 9mm pistols. get to the bottom of the stairs, kill the three people who are on the grassy bit, stay in the same are, on the slightly elvevated area to the right there are two enemies, make sure you kill them. Go right, there is a helicopter taking off in this area, press L and Y together to activate hero mode, everyone else is now in slow motion, kill the two people on the grass, there is also a man behind some boxes and a man behind a tree, heromode should allow you to kill them all very easily. As you go forwards you will se a man with a hostage to the left, the hostage is your daughter, Lucy, take aim and kill the man, you wouldn't want to kill your own daughter now would you? Your final bullet should go into bullet time, run forward and talk to Lucy, Dick will run towards you, don't kill him and the level will end. The first mission is the shortest and should only have taken around 5 minutes to complete. --- 4.B --- Hollywood Boulevard- Once again you start off with a revolver in stealth mode, switch to action and run down the street. You get a new objective to investigate a shooting at Fat Larry's, don't kill the guy in pink with a gun, that's Larry, this objective is not compulsary but maddgamz has brought it to may attention that if you "go in the dinner and look at the dead guys and then go and hide behind the cash register the three goons will come in and start talking then you can go and get the leader and arrest them or take their guns this makes it easier to assist the police because you have double 9mm guns instead of the single revolver." I just tested this, it works, although I prefer shooting them from inside the diner whilest they are still outside. Keep running down the street and you will get another objective which this time is compulsary, assist police. Carry on down to the end of the street, kill three bank robbers, there is a fourth standing in the doorway holding a hostage, there are two ways of killing him, you can either try to get a direct shot at his head or you can shoot the cash machine to his left, this will cause him to release the hostage giving you a clear shot. You get more bullet time, which is nice, you also get a 9mm. As you enter the bank you will see a blood trail leading upstairs, follow it. Switch to stealth, at the top, kill the man threatening the hostage before he has the chance to shoot him, then clear out the main room and the office behind you to your left there are a lot of enemies and you have to do a lot of shooting. Go through the door that the hostage came through, if he didn't run into the big gunfight there may be an enemy to the right, kill him, turn around, behind the desk in the room you haven't been in there is an enemny who is hiding, kill him. Once you have killed him jump up on to the lockers, shoot the window and jump out, you have now reached the first checkpoint, if you die or fail an objective you will now restart the level from here. You can hear a man pleading for his life, turn right and head forward, to the left is an alley with three men mugging another man, to minimise the risk of killing the civillian switch onto stealth mode walk behind the man in the middle and grab him. Pic up the guns his friends drop before letting him go, have a fun conversation with the man you save. As you go out of the alley head left towards the big dumpster, jump onto it and climb onto the roof, run forward using auto-jump to get onto the ledge, walk alon the ledge and then useauto-jump again to get to the building that the assailant climbed up using the ladder. Enter the building, at the bottom of the stairs a badguy will pop out, shoot him, continue around the corner, at the endo of the mini-corridor another enemy will jump out, shoot him. Leave the building, as you get onto the main street walk off to the right, you will hear some gang members in the shop speaking, switch to stealth mode, and crawl, open the door and hide behind the first clothes rack. Make sure you are armed with a single 9mm pistol and move behind the second rack, sneak up behind the man looking at the third clothes rack and grab him. Pick up the guns everyone drops and then interrogate the gang members. Pick up the disguise on the counter and put it on, move into the back of the shop where the changing area is, if you want a little fun look in the second room along, in the third room is an enemy, shoot him. Exit the building through the back, here four badguys are loading a truck, take care of them and then enter the back door of the shop next door. Kill the man holding the record shop guy hostage, and you will get a new objective, infiltrate gang meeting. You have a disguise and a members card, make sure you are wearing the disguise. Hop over the counter an go back to where you got onto the street and turned right to interrogate the gangmembers, there is an area with a parking lot, enter the door. Go up the stairs, go upto the window with a bloke behind it, press left on the control pad and select pool club card and then speak to him. You will tell him that you are delivering something for Sergio. Walk around in stealthmode, somepeople will burst in, just shoot everyone there is and pickup the keys to the chinese cinema. Head back to the record shop but don't go in. Three enemies will be waiting for you outside the pool hall and then there will be another two on the way to Vinyl fantasy, run up to the little yellow vehicle and pull the lever, it will dump beams into the pit killing the two enemiesin thepit, kill anyone on the otherside of the pit before jumping into it and using the beams to climb out. Overall there are six enemies outside the chinese cinema, run upto the doors and enter to finish the level, if you did not pick up the keys in the pool hall you can't finish the level, either go back and look for them or restart from the checkpoint. --- 4.C --- The Chinese Cinema- Go through the double doors stragiht ahead. Well done, you have just killed the most annoying person in the game but sadly you have to start the level again. This time shoot out or punch out the one of the red windows either side of the door and jump through into the next room. Whatever you do, don't ungag the cinema employee, if you do you will regret it. Go up the staircase to the left, at the top go into stealth mode and arrest the man. Go back down and up the other staircase do the same to the man who's smoking, open the door infront, two people will be facing the other direction to you shoot them both and walk into the corridor. There's a ladies and Gents toliets, the ladies room is clear, creep into the mens room, arrest the man who is urinating, the enemy who is in the closest cubicle will know that something's wrong, he will come out and shoot at you, shoot him first. Go back to the main room with the annoying man. Crawl under the counter and go onto stealthmode, open the door, the man will be talking to his boss on the radio, sneak up and arrest him, you will get some body armour. Switch to double 9mm pistols and open the door, to the right is a crate with three people using it to play cards on, it is possible to grab the guy in yellow but his 'friends' will just shoot at the both of you so just use the double pistols to take them all out. There are two sets of double doors, go through the ones to the right (furthest away from the last single door you came through) In this room there is a crate barrier, kill the three people behind it. There is also a man hidden all at the point furthest away from you in the corner, make sure you kill him too, then jump over the crates and go through more double doors, once you go through them all you will reach a checkpoint. Pick up the crossbow, this is the main cinema area, it's full of enemies, if anyone has a different method to clear this room, tell me. I stick to the left wall, look up and shoot down the chandeliers then kill anyone who runs into view, make sure you kill the person in the balcony up to the right. Now move forward and take out the man in the balcony to the left. You should have just enough ammo to do this, collect up as much as possible. Go up the stairs and shoot the banner, climb up and kill the two enemies who are sitting down. Switch to a single pistol and head out of the door to the right, you should see another door, switch to stealth and stand next to it (side closest to you) but don't open it, two badguys will walk out, let them both get out, arrest the second guy and shoot the first one. Go through the door they came through, go around the corridor. STOP. Read this before you open the door or you will fail the mission. Make sure you are in action mode armed with two pistols. In the room are two guards, ignore them, there are two doors, as soon as you enter run into the one to the right and kill the guard on the left, he has hostages which he will kill if you are not quick enough, thye are on the right don't shoot them. NOW open the door and run through, save the hostages then kill the other two guards. You have saved 3/4 hostages, you need to save the projectionist, go through the other door and straignt on, through another door and up the stairs, ignore the door on the left it is an empty room. At the top of the stairs switch to stealth mode, go through the door and arrest the guy holding the projectionist hostage, next to the door is a switch to power the organ, turn it on and mae your way back to the checkpoint. The lower half of the cinema is full of badguys, again, take them out and jump down to the organ, flip the switch on its side and jump on. Run to the side of the screen go behind it. This place is empty and all the door are locked, at the very back you will notice a dark patch of wall, above it are two sandbags on rope, shoot them and it will act as a drawbridge, lifting the fake wall to reveal a door. Go through and then down, shoot the two enemies in front and the one to the left. Down the next stairs the door is locked, go into the side room shoot the vent and drop down. Well done you have just completed The Chinese Cinema. --- 4.D --- The LA Subway- As the level begins you will find yourself in the same vents that you found yourself in when you finished the chinese cinema level, but things get worse, it's now a smelly vent. Exit the vent and things will keep getting worse you are now in homeless hell where all the Hobos live. Walk past the pillars until you find two crates with blankets which have been made into homes, there is a man lying on the floor and on top of one of the crates there is a set of hobo clothes, pick them up and put them on, they may stink but they some in handy. Switch to fists, carry on walking until you reach the burnt out rusty car and then switch to stealth mode. There are two guys speaking to eachother and one guarding a door, walk up behind the black man, he is their leader, grab him and force the others to drop their guns pick them up and then arrest the leader and carry on through the door. Now there is a vent and a door, go through the vent, kill the two people in the room from the vent and jump down, you will find the first piece of the painting and some night-vision goggles. Put them on. Wait for the train to pass and then run to the right, if you want to take it safe run until there is a pit and double crouch so that you are in the crawling position, wait until you hear it going over head then jump up and carry on the the next pit. Keep doing this until you reach an open area, take the googles off and get off the tracks as soon as possible. Shot the hell out of everyone, collect the ammo and then head over to the side with the mini gun. Use the minigun to kill any enemies that may appear on the other side and then turn around and shoot down the door and walk through it. Drop down into the sewer, this level just gets stinkier and stinkier, and go stragiht ahead, you have just reached the checkpoint, which is lucky because it's very annoying having to go through the tunnel again. Go right and then down. Good news, theres a medkit. Crawl through the broken tunnel, you have now reached a subway platform which is under repair, kill the four guards and climb up the ladder onto the scaffolding. Walk over the plank of wood and get onto the other side of the platform. Go up the stairs and take out the two enemies in this room, now jump over the barrier, you better hope you don't get fined for fare dodging. You will now enter a room with a large glass column head to the sideroom on the left, switch to stealth mode, open the tool box, it contains a key you need for later, take the second painting part which is behind you. Wait for the man to stop speaking then arrest him, talk to the man on the laptop, when the conversation finishes make sure that you take it to complete one of your objectives. Go through the other room in the column room, still in stealth, kill the guards with the hostages, you have just completed another objective. Go to the big yellow generater and use the key, follow the wire leading from it and clear out the four people in the room. Go into the big yellow vehicle, press down on the control stick to turn the big pipe around and position it so it faces from one platform to the other, climb back onto the platform and then walk through the pipe to get onto the opposite platform. Open the green double doors, kill the man around the corner, pick up the final part of the painting and climb up the ladder. Sadly you mett bad dress sense purple man, he won't go with you unless you have all of the painting, if you're missing part here's a recap of where they all are: 1- When you kill those two men from the airvent, pick it up from the floor. 2- In the side room next to the glass column room where you get the generator key. 3- The part just before Mr purple man next to the last badguy you killed. Follow him down and let him open the door. The map below shows the path to take in the maze, an intersection is represented by a, 0, and the end is represented by an, X. 0_______ | | | Start | 0 | | | 0_______0_______0_______0 | | | 0 | X Key: Go left, means change direction and walk through a tunnel to the next intersection. To clear up any confusion, let him open the door, step into the pipes, turn left, go left, straight on, left, straight on, straight on, right, and straight on. You are now in a room with waterfalls, when the water stops jump across and turn the vavle so Mr Purple can jump, jump and turn the valve again and then do it once more. Let him unlock the door then walk through and turn the valve, you will both go flying out into a storm drain where you will meet Lucy and the level will end. --- 4.E --- Century City Police Department- NOw you're back at the police station, the only safe place in the city, but it doesn't stay that way for much longer. -------------------------------------------------- 5. Copyright Information -------------------------------------------------- This Walkthrough was written by Nicholas Britton (Dev/Null), it is my intellectual property, if you wish to use this on your site then you must have my permission, you must also clearly state on your site that it is written by me. E-mail me at klingon@swirvemail.com if you wish to use my walkthrough on your site or if you have seen it on a site that you are unsure has my permission to use it. Help in making this FAQ has been sent in by: maddgamz Thankyou for all the help, if anyone has any additional advice, email me. Copyright 2003 Nicholas Britton