>> Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII << >> Extra Missions Guide << >> Created by: Monistic_Turtle << >> E-mail: Knives72@hellokitty.com << ================================================================= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table of Contents <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ================================================================= Intro.......................................................kma01 Prerequisites...............................................pre02 A Note on Memory Capsules...................................not03 >>> Extra Missions <<< Zephyr Heathlands...........................................zep33 Widow Missileer.............................................wid34 Wastelings..................................................was35 Vincent the Mage............................................vin36 Deep Labyrinth..............................................dee37 Boxemon.....................................................box38 Gatling in the Wastes.......................................gat39 Lord of the Jungle..........................................lor40 Cait Versus the World.......................................cai41 Missilebreaker Melee........................................mis42 Collector's Mind............................................col43 Vincent the Destroyer.......................................vin44 Rains of Gehenna............................................rai45 Vincent the Grappler........................................vin46 Red and Blue................................................red47 Stygian Sewers..............................................sty48 Messenger from Hell.........................................mes49 Badlands....................................................bad50 Chamber of Ghosts...........................................cha51 Deep Tower..................................................dee52 Cait Versus the Crimson.....................................cai53 Shinra Manor Prime..........................................shi54 Rampart Rumble..............................................ram55 Contra Kalm.................................................con56 Missilebreaker Deathmatch...................................mis57 Cait Versus the Cerulean....................................cai58 Vincent the Beast...........................................vin59 Cyclopean Causeway..........................................cyc60 Trick Arc...................................................tri61 100,000 Needles.............................................10062 Cait Versus the Bull........................................cai63 Deepground Soldiers.........................................dee64 Shieldbreaker...............................................shi65 Spiral......................................................spi66 One-Handed..................................................one67 Black Widow Tetra...........................................bla68 Gatling Shower..............................................gat69 Go with the Flow............................................goo70 Brotherly Love..............................................bro71 Unlimited DG................................................unl72 Drumline....................................................dru73 Two-Handed..................................................two74 Cait Versus the Empowered...................................cai75 Deepground..................................................dee76 Stronghold Impervious.......................................str77 An Invitation to Illusion...................................inv78 >>> Legalities and such <<< A Passing Note..............................................pas04 Credits.....................................................cre05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intro.......................................................kma01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello and welcome to my extra missions guide for Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. This is my first attempt at a guide of any sort, so consider yourself warned. Dirge of Cerberus isen't the genre of game I'm normally akin to. Like many of you I bought the game simply because it's a continuation of the FFVII universe. This game was in no way another FFVII, but it wasn't supposed to be. It truly is a good game on its own merit and I thoroughly enjoyed this game even if it is a third person shooter. Well, on to the core of this FAQ. This guide will cover the extra missions of DOC. The extra missions are unlockable after you beat the game on any difficulty setting. Some will take you 30 seconds, some will take you 30 minutes. But on a broad overview of the extra missions, they are more difficult then the main game set on normal. So, be prepared to get aggravated on more then one occasion while doing these missions. But try not to throw your controller through a wall or at your pets, all the missions are possible to complete. Well, I'm sure your tired of me blathering on so lets get started. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prerequisites..............................................pre02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section is sort of incongruous because you don't need a specific barrel or a specific level for your guns to do the extra missions. This section is more of a suggestion from me to you. I've beaten DOC once and i didn't use a strategy guide, so I ended up missing a few things that would probably have made these extra missions a trifle bit easier. For example, if you have the Ultima Weapon for the extra missions I'm sure things would be easier on you. But, regardless of what you have, you should be able to get through fine. Here's what my setup usually consisted of. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Quantum Cerberus Velvet Hydra Master N Barrel Faerie L Barrel Materia Floater Sniper Scope Power Booster B Power Booster B Blizzard Materia L Adjuster Handgun Bullets Rifle Bullets Dueling Griffon or Blast Machine Gun Gale S Barrel Materia Floater Gravity Floater B Fire Materia Machine Gun Bullets //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I also had the Bayonet Rifle, Long Barrel B, Cerberus Relief, Thunder Materia, and the Power Cross in my inventory. Out of these, I used the Power Cross, Thunder Materia, and the Bayonet Rifle on 2 or 3 occasions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Note on Memory Capsules..................................not03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memory Capsules unlock art work for the game, different character models for you to view, sound tracks from the game, and secret levels. There are different means employed to destroy the various forms of capsules, they are as follows: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Red Capsules: Unlocks art work, destroy with melee attacks. Yellow Capsules: Unlocks character models, destroy with bullets. Green Capsules: Unlocks sound tracks, destroy with magic. White Capsules: Unlocks secret missions, destroy with nearby explosive barrels or mines. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I'll post the coordinates for each capsule before I get into the level guide. The coordinates should be enough to help you find the capsules, but if there's an extra task that must be carried out in order to get the capsules I'll probably list it for you. And for the white capsules, I've included the description on how to obtain them in the level guides. FYI, there are no capsules in the secret missions. Anyways, if you need help on finding a capsule I didn't go in depth about, e-mail me about it and I'll be happy to accommodate you. ^_^ ================================================================ +++++++++++++++++++++ Extra Missions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zephyr Heathlands..........................................zep33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Locate the goal point-- //////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- //////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --10 Minutes-- //////////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at G-11++ Being the first mission, Zephyr Heathlands is pretty straightforward and simple. You have an over exorbitant amount of time to finish this one. If you know exactly where to go, you can finish this in about 3 minutes. Start off by killing the three enemies that come charging at you, destroy the box (optional) to get EX File 01, which basically just tells you the painfully obvious. Anyways, continue to your right and take out the guy who's on a hill to your left. EX File 02 is here, which just informs you about memory capsules. Continue going straight, past the explosive barrel, towards the building inlaid in the rocks. 5 deepground dogs will come rushing out, just back up and shoot the barrel once they all get next to it. There's a guy with a machine gun to your left. He is a ways away so use the Hydra for him. Grab the Limit Breaker (in a box) in the building, turn around, and continue going straight. You'll pass another barrel and to your left is another guy with a machine gun. Kill him and go left (towards the guy you just killed) and then go right. Follow that path a little ways until you get to a fork in the path. There are enemies on the hills, so be wary of that. Anyways, at the fork take another right and continue on underneath the tarp looking bridge. Follow that path and you should end next to a concrete wall of sorts on your right. From there, turn left and go under another tarp bridge, and go inside the building at the end. Grab the cardkey above the Mako point and head back to the wall. Run up the support beam and use the cardkey. Alright, there's alot going on up here in terms of buildings, towers, etc. but this mission just requires you to get to the goal point. So, just bypass everything, go to your left, and hug the wall if you want. There's one guy to your right on the top of a building you'll probably want to kill. After that just keep hugging the wall and continue on until you get to what is essentially a large drop off. Get out your Hydra and take out the two guys below before you jump down. Once you jump down you'll be attacked by 5 or 6 Red Saucers, so equip your machine gun or handgun or even use your Limit Breaker to deal with them if you still have it. Go towards the building with the door and the light illuminating the inside of it. If you want you can kill the guy hiding on the other side of the wall to your right. After that, go in the door and your finished. Easy huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Widow Missileer............................................wid34 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Eradicate the Black Widow Squad-- //////////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- //////////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- //////////////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at I-6++ My God, this mission is laughable. There are four Black Widows to contend with, which may sound daunting but it's not. All you need to do is make sure a materia is equiped (Blizzard works fine), run to your right at the begginning of the level and grab the ammo and the Ether. Use the ether as soon as possible and fire away. Make sure your strafing pretty much all the time. The black widows HP is a collective whole so it took me 3 shots with a level 2 blizzard materia to end this one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wastelings.................................................was35 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat the Dual Horn-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at B-9++ The map for this area is pretty large considering the tight corridors and narrow streets that litter the main game. But you're going to need all the extra room you can get for this mission. Start off by running straight forward towards the massive land bridge in the middle of the map. A pack of guard hounds will leap off the bridge and swarm you at this point, but they should drop with one shot from your Cerberus (the red ones might take two). Pick off a few if you want, but the guard hounds regenerate indefinitely. Their mainly there to provide you with ammo, potions, ethers, and chains. Anyways, before you get to the bridge hang a right and run towards the waterfall. Once there, a cactuar should spawn towards the back of the waterfall. Kill it and claim the Limit Breaker. Continue on North past the land bridge. At this point your main objective will come bounding out from behind some rocks. This will probably be your first encounter with a Dual Horn, and this one in praticular takes a while to kill. Use whatever weapon you want but always move away from it, try to get around it if possible, because you can inflict more damage from behind. Your conventional weapons hardly do any damage to this beast. So use your Limit Breaker whenever you feel like it. The only problem with the Limit Breaker is that you can't move and fire at the same time. So jump and use the circle button to fire off three quick fireballs, retreat, and repeat the process until it wears off. Well, the guard hounds can be a nuisance so start killing them. Their present so you can build up your chain meter, thus doing more damage to the Dual Horn. As well as providing items, they make this battle go by much quicker. Just keep running backwards and shooting the hounds until you build up a good chain and then take a few shots at the Dual Horn. Remember, a chain breaks as soon as you get attacked so keep that in mind. I've found the Cerberus probably works the best for this mission (If you have the Ultima Weapon i guess that would make this an even shorter battle). But just keep strafing, using chains, running backwards and firing. Also, try to get around to the back of it, you'll do more damage from behind. But this can be rather difficult. Anyways just have some patience, and it will fall eventually. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vincent the Mage...........................................vin36 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objectives-- --Defeat 100 Enemies Using Only Magic-- //////////////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- //////////////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- //////////////////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at C-12++ The first mission that requires a death toll of 100 enemies, oh joy. This may sound menacing, and in some ways it is, but this mission should only take you about 13 or 14 min. or even less. You can't use ammunition for this level and your melee attacks do 0 damage so your stuck with magic. Start off by grabing as many ethers and spirit rations as you can, but don't worry about exhausting your supply, they regenerate. And basically just start decreasing the enemies ranks via magic. I found fire magic works great because it has a large blast radius, which helps to eliminate multiple enemies at once. The enemies consist of red guard hounds, sword soldiers, dual horns, and deepground soldiers with jet packs. None of the enemies have guns except for the jet pack guys. If any of them start attacking you, kill them ASAP. But other then that, you probably shouldn't lose to much HP, as long as your moving constantly. If you do get low on HP you might have noticed the buildings with the blue laser grids blocking the entrance. There's one in the south, upper north, and lower north part of your map. The only way to get the cardkeys is to kill the dual horns. A good way to kill the dual horns is to try to build up a chain by killing lesser enemies and then shooting 2 or 3 blizzard blasts at the dual horns. But anyways, the items in each building are as follows: Upper North End South End Lower North End Potion x2 Potion x2 Potion x2 Phoenix Down X-Potion x2 Elixir There's plenty of ethers and spirit rations littered throughout the level so don't be worried about running out of magic. And besides the red guard hounds drop red ethers probably 70% of the time. This mission is farily easy, you should be able to get through without even needing any of the items in the buildings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deep Labyrinth.............................................dee37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Locate the Goal Point-- ////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////////// ++Secret Mission available at K-15++ Deep Labyrinth was the first mission that I died in. I died many times before I actually figured out how to go about this level. First order of business is to go forward and kill the 3 soldiers that come from behind the boxes to your right. Three shots with your Cerberus is all you will need for them. Continue on and grab the cardkey in the red room behind them (from this point forward when i say to get the cardkeys just look for the red rooms in each section). The next section has 4 DG soldiers. The first one is right in front of you, and for some reason, will not take any damage for a few seconds after he appears. So as soon as you see the 0/4 appear at the top of the screen, back up into the hallway you just came from and press yourself against the right hand wall. Wait a few sec. and then strafe to your left and use your Cerberus to take out the two guys in front of you. Next, come in the room and head to your right, there's a guy behind a box here but two quick shots should kill him. Head to the 4 boxes stacked on each other in the middle, move the camera and you can see a DG soldier a little ways in front of the laser grid. Strafe to the right and take him out quickly. Grab the 2 cardkeys, and continue on. After your through the two laser grids I would advise you to equip your blast machine gun before you go any further. If you don't have it just use your Cerberus or your Griffon. The blast machine gun comes in handy here because your going to be attacked by 3 DG heavy swordsmen. You can knock all three over with the BMG and then finish them off with your Cerberus while there laying on the ground. Continue on and a 0/7 will pop up almost instantaneously. This section seemed impossible to me at first, but then i realized there's an explosive barrel right above them which will kill them all simultaneously. Just equip your Hydra and get behind the wall to your left as soon as the 0/7 comes up. Make sure the sniper scope is on your Hydra and zoom in right above the DG soldier group. You should see the explosive barrel, just shoot it once and viola. ^.^ The only problem here is as soon as you step out from behind your wall they will bombard you with bullets. So, hopefully you can find the barrel quickly. Grab the cardeys and continue on. The next section pits you against 20 red saucers. Don't worry, they're all behind that wall of boxes in front of you. So equip your griffon or blast machine gun, and go around to the right or left of the box wall and start firing away. There isen't much stradegy to this part, except kill as many as you can, as quickly as you can, before they get a chance to retaliate. Get the cardkeys and continue. The next area pits you against 2 shield robots and 4 soldiers. At the beginning run to your left behind the boxes and try to shoot the one DG soldier behind the shield guys before you get behind the box barricade. The shield guys rush over to you, so just use melee attacks for them. Strafe out from behind your barricade to your right and take out the guy too the left of the pillar. Get behind the pillar and strafe out too your right or left and kill the next guy. There should be only one enemy left. Once you get to the pillar with the boxes next to it in the next room, our remaining enemy will come charging out at you. So kill him with whatever weapon you still have ammo left in. Once you get the cardkeys you'll probably notice there are two blue laser grids in this section. Open the one that's at F-12 or the one to your west. There's a Hi-Potion and another cardkey in here. You'll probably be needing the Hi-Potion by now anyways. Continue on and you'll come to a room with a white capsule, an explosive barrel, and a red box. Shoot the barrel to unlock a secret mission. Alright, I apologize for not telling you in the first version of this FAQ that in order to obtain the items in the red box you must first exit this level and beat Boxemon. Once your finished with Boxemon come back to this level, equip your Griffon or BMG and shoot the red box to reveal a plethora of items that are vital to completing this level (for me anyways). Continue on and you'll eventually get boxed in by laser grids, and floating mines will slowly drift your way. Just use your Hydra or Cerberus to make quick work of them. The next area puts you up against a black widow, this would be challenging if you didn't have 3 Limit Breakers. As long as you got the items in the red box just use a Limit Breaker for this part. Jumping up and mashing the circle button for the three fireball attack works the best. If you don't want to use a Limit Breaker, magic works great here also. Get the cardkeys, and continue on. Next you'll be facing four ostrich looking monsters. Very simple, just use your Cerberus for this. Use a cardkey at D-7 to get a potion and another cardkey, but at this point you should have more then enough healing items anyways. Anyways, keep going and you'll encounter 3 rocket launching soldiers. Just strafe left and right and keep firing. Another item door at E-3 if your interested. Next section will have 4 guys rush out from behind some pillars. Fire materia, blast machine gun, or just your trusty Cerberus work fine for them. 3 elite soldiers with machine guns will come out from behind the boxes once you get closer, use whatever weapon you want for them. There's another laser grid here with an item behind it at J-7. Next section we have 4 mutated bugs, easy stuff. And they'll probably all drop red potions or red ethers, and if you got the items in the red box, the rest of this level should be a breeze. Next section has about 10 guys with swords barreling down on you. BMG works great to get them all on the ground, and then finish them off with your Cerberus. Item door at L-8. This next section can be a problem if you come in unprepared. 3 cactuars will come in through the door at the end of the hall once you get close enough, make sure you have some magic in your bar, and when all three get in, use your fire magic to kill them all at once. Last section! and I must say it's about time. 10 bullet proof soldiers will come at you, which would be really difficult if you didn't have any Limit Breakers, and you should still have two left, so go ahead and use them. But one Limit Breaker should suffice. After there gone grab the cardkey, unlock the laser grid, and your finished... phew! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boxemon....................................................box38 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 3 Cactuars-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////// ==Secret Mission== I can't really help out on this one much, it's a luck based mission in all honesty. The location of the cactuars resets every time you try it. So, just randomly choose a box and hope that there's one of the three cactuars in it. Also, if your unfortunate enough to get the box with the dual horn in it, I'd advise you restart the mission. But anyways, good luck! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gatling in the Wastes......................................gat39 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Earn 500 Points Within the Time Alotted-- /////////////////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --5 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at F-9, this one can be hard to get because you need magic to destroy it, but you start off with a depleted magic bar and no ethers on the field. What you need to do is keep killing cactuars until one of them drops an ether, sooner or later it will happen (probably by the end of the level). Then run to the F-9 area and look up, it's way up there on top of a torch. It's not going to be easy to hit with tons of enemies on top of you either so good luck++ As the title suggests, you will be Gatling in the Wastes. Basically you sit down at a gatling gun turrent and lay waste to the encroaching enemies. There is a turrent to your right as soon as you start the level, but I'd advise you jump off the land bridge your on and look behind you. You'll find a turrent right in in the middle of the slopes that allow you to get up on the land bridge. This one is ground level and I've found it more useful for taking out more enemies in a less amount of time. The emus or ostriches or whatever the hell they are are worth 5 points, the normal blue guard hounds are 1 point, the red guard hounds are 3 points, the cactuars are 20 points, and the dual horns are worth 30 points. If your down on the turrent that I suggested and your getting surrounded, hold down the R1 button, (which you should be doing anyways) aim down, and spin yourself around left or right. That way you can take out any stragglers that are right below or next to you. This mission isen't to hard, and it goes by really quick if your fortunate enough to get a lot of dual horns and cactuars. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lord of the Jungle.........................................lor40 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat the Gargoyles-- //////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- //////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- //////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at J-7, it's around the J-7 area in a section very heavy with trees and foliage. Just keep looking for it and you'll eventually stumble upon it.++ If you check your map you'll notice there are 7 flashing red beacons. These are the areas in which each gargoyle is residing, so you can approach this any way you please. Of course you'll have to dispose of the first gargoyle in the circle area you're currently in. When a gargoyle appears, he usually has a band of other monsters that generate at the same time alongside him. Instead of wasting ammo, concentrate on the gargoyle and as soon as he dies, all his cohorts go with him. Again the Cerberus is probably the best weapon of choice (or Ultima Weapon). Every time you murder a gargoyle, they'll drop a cardkey, use that to open up whichever laser grid you desire. This level is pretty self-explanatory but there are a few areas that probably need to be addressed. The big oval section with the red dot at D-7 on your map, you have to clear out all the enemies on the path. And then the gargoyle appears on the small hill in the middle of the circular path with all the foliage on it. And remember, when you encounter the gargoyles just concentrate on killing them and forget about the other enemies. Also, the section around H-4 can be quite problematic. This due in part to the vast amount of tress in this section. The red hounds are very annoying, but try your best to concentrate on the gargoyle, who has a tendency to hover quite high in this praticular area. So, aim high and keep moving. Other then that, you shouldn't run into any other problems. But as soon as you kill all 7 gargoyles and think you're finished, the screen will shake and an 8th section will be added for your enjoyment. Head to I-6, or the dialpidated building section. For the most part, this level had been pretty easy up until this point. But now we have all seven gargoyles back and with a vengence. First, try to get a few shots in before you retreat from the buildings doorway. Back out of the doorway into the jungle and then just wait for them to come to you. The usual, strafe, run backwards, and shoot applies here, but this part sucks. They will hit you with there energy blasts relentlessly. I've found the BMG (or blast machine gun) works pretty well here. But don't fight them in the destroyed building, there's not enough room to fight 7 gargoyles in there. Anyways, good luck with this last trial, because it's not easy. >.< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cait Versus the World......................................cai41 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Enemies-- ////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at J-6++ I hate this mission. It's certainly one of the worst, this one along with Missilebreaker Deathmatch are (for me) the most horrid missions out of the 46. There are 3 mog dolls in this level. Each mog doll restores about 300 HP so use them when you need to. But considering there are 100 enemies to deplete, use these like prescription pain killers....sparingly. Since you probably don't want to check your map in the midst of battle, since as you probably already figured out the game dosen't freeze when you pull up your triangle menu like it does in the main game. So I'll give you coordinates for the mog dolls, but it will probably benefit you more if I just try to describe their locations. The first one is to your right in a train car, the only train car in which you can jump inside of. The corrdinates for it are the J-8, J-9 area. For the second, find some boxes in which Cait can jump on and get up to the section where you can run along planks to the tops of the trains. When running along one of the planks, look for a fire on the top of one of the long rectangular boxes, on that rectangle box is a normal box with two barrels on top. Inbetween the barrels is the mog doll. Corrdinate is H-10. The last mog doll is in the west side against a wall, if your having trouble finding it the corrdinate is B-8. Again you'll probably end up using all of these, but only use them when you need to. As for fighting using Cait Sith? It's absolute hell. Cait has three different attacks: a flailing double arm attack, followed up by a backflip kick attack, and finally into a jump reverse outer crescent kick attack (well something along those lines). Timing is key to beating this. Blue guard hounds take one hit to kill, but their quick and Caits attacks are pretty slow. Also, the problem with his attacks is there's a delay inbetween each one, which makes things very problematic. Anyways, watch out for the red guard hounds because they're very unpredictable. They'll try to run around to the back of you and attack from behind. I was thinking while playing this "Have some mercy! I'm Cait Sith of all people". After you kill about 20 or so hounds, the mutated bugs will come out. If your surrounded, (which you probably will be most of the time) don't be afraid to use your full 3 attacks, the last jumping spinning kick takes out alot of enemies and does a good amount of damage. The bugs of course take more hits to kill but when you go after them make sure you line things up correctly so you don't get attacked in the down time inbetween your combo. Later we'll have Sahagins attack you (or turtles with spears). These guys are actually the easiest enemy you'll encounter. By the way, building up chains helps tremendously in this level, but it can be difficult to do. After the sahagins, sword soldiers come out. These guys are fast and can murder you quickly, but if you get a good chain going you can just go around doing the arm flail attack and they drop quickly. At the end (at about 80 or so kills) you'll be attacked by sahagins, bugs, swordsmen, and the ever presistent blue and red guard hounds. This level will probably take a few tries but you'll get the hang of it eventually. But god, I hate this level. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Missilebreaker Melee.......................................mis42 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Survive the Missle Assault-- //////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- //////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --3 Minutes-- //////////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at G-10++ ++Another Yellow Capsule available at I-7++ If you think this is bad, wait until Missilebreaker Deathmatch. Anyways, this level pits you against a Dragonfly helicopter firing missiles at you. You can't attack the Dragonfly so your left to shoot the missles down before they hit your. You have to survive this for 3 minutes, and it's not that hard for about 2 of the 3 minutes, but for the last min. you might have some problems. At the beginning peddle backwards and grab the two Hi-Potions on your left and right side. Use your Cerberus or whatever weapon you want for the first two missles that come at you. FYI, you can use melee attacks to deflect the missles, but I found this very difficult to do. I'd advise just sticking with your weapons. After a few volleys of two missles at a time, the Dragonfly will start adding in one or two extra missles for you to deal with. At about this time (about 2:15 on the clock) you might want to start using your Griffon or BMG if you have it. The only problem with this is you have to wait a little longer before you bullets will actually hit the missles but you need the quickness of the Griffon to take all the missles out before they annihilate you. In my opinion, the best way to go about destroying the missiles is to alternate. Destroy one on the left and then one on the right, and so on and so forth. Just keep switching between sides and you should be OK. And always remember to reload between vollys. This mission isen't onerous until about the last 45 sec. in which your going to want to make sure you have the Griffon or BMG equip and fire like mad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Collector's Mind...........................................col43 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Collect the EX Medals-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --5 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at D-5++ This mission is actually enjoyable in my opinion. And that's a blessing considering the last 2 missions. It's timed and the time limit is not very accommodating. But if you know exactly where to go and exactly where the EX medals are you can get this done in a little over 4 minutes. Start off by grabbing the Potion at the bottom of the stairs to your left. Head up, and stop when you see a red laser grid, kill the guy on the other side of it before you continue up the stairs. A little ways up the stairs they'll be another soldier staring at the wall with his back to you. Once the stairs end you'll be out on a walkway. Don the Hydra and zoom in to your right and take out the guy near the end of the walkway. Down the stairs, and after awhile, you'll be on the other side of the red laser grid where you killed your first soldier, pick up the first EX medal here. Go down the stairs, and follow the path to some more stairs. Your next EX medal is at the top. Now, turn around and jump off towards the house on your left, your goal is to land on the left side of that laser grid below you. Go into the house, and up the stairs, kill the guy next to the window and claim your 3rd EX Medal. Go back out of the house and you should be in the big courtyard aread. Once here stick to the left wall and you should come to some stairs heading up. Take those and then run towards the house at the end. 2 DG soldiers will run out of the house and ambush you. After your finished with them run past the house, and turn to your left. You should see some boxes strewed about haphazardly, jump up these and you should see the next medal. A soldier will drop down right on top of it so be careful. Ok, now go inside the house and up two flights of stairs. You'll end up in a room full of boxes, go towards the north window and walk right out of it onto another walkway. Turn to your left and take out the solider next to another medal (you should have 5 at this point). Run along the long walkway until you get to a church with a wooden plank running across the gap from the church and the walkway your on, be careful not to fall here! Once inside the church head to your left, grab the medal, and drop down. The next medal should be right next to you by the Mako point. Turn around and kill the guy in the doorway, and run outside. Turn to your right and you should see the next medal hanging in the air, jump off the ledge and claim it. Once you hit the ground turn right and go up the stairs to where you just came from. Go past the church again, and turn left at the corner. You should see a tight alleyway going back behind the church. Theres a soldier back there so take him out and grab your next medal. Only 6 more left! Alright, now go back in the church, and run towards the alter in front of you, right behind the alter is a doorway, take that to a ladder. Once up the ladder, you'll be on the other balcony area of the church. Keep going straight threw the small door. Now you have alot of ladder climbing to do. At the top kill the soldier and grab the medal. Fall down the hole where you just came from back onto the balcony area, turn right and you'll be on another walkway area. Follow that until you get to an area with a white destructable box in front of you. Do not continue along the path, instead turn right and drop down into the area with the pile of boxes and the ladder, another medal is down there. Head back up and continue along the walkway. Grab the obvious medal at the end of the walkway and then head into the house. After you've gone down the two flights of stairs you'll enocounter a bullet proof soldier, hopefully you stepped in the Mako point at the church. But even that will warrent you only one shot of magic. One magic blast won't kill him so finish him off with melee attacks but make sure you don't fall off the edge and into the courtyard, that's the last thing you want at this point. Turn left out of the door and get the next medal. Jump down into the courtyard area and run along the right side, inbetween the house you were just in and the next house over you should see a medal to your right in an alleyway. After that turn around and continue alongside the right wall to the area with the white item box. Don't bother with the item, it's just a Limit Breaker and you don't need it at this point. In the right hand corner of this area is a guy guarding your last medal, shoot him, get the medal and your finished! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vincent the Destroyer......................................vin44 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Targets-- ////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at D-5++ This level had me perplexed in terms of how to go about beating it. But I figured out what i consider a foolproof method to do this. Start out by shooting down the first 10 flying mines in front of you. You shouldn't even have to move from your starting location, the first 4 or so just use the Cerberus. Then use the Hydra for the next few since they spawn a ways away from you. Anyways, after you tally up 10 kills, turn around and go over the skinny bridge on your left, make sure your quick about this to. Once over the narrow bridge hang a left towards an explosive barrel. Follow this until you get to two narrow bridges, one on your left, and one on your right. Take the one on your left. Once you start getting close to the first turn on this narrow bridge that goes to the right, turn around and you'll probably have 3 mines following you, destroy them quickly. If you can do this you shouldn't have anymore problems with the remaining 87 enemies. Anyways, continue on and get to the very end of this long bridge, stand at the end, equip your Hydra and you should be set. The mines will have a long ways to go before they get to you, so you should have plenty of time to pick them off before they even get close. Expecially if your using the Hydra, which has tremendous range. When you run out of ammo with the Hydra, (which is inevitable) just start using your other guns. Also, I forgot to point this out, but if you fall off the ledges be aware that you'll have 3 sec. to get back up, but this basically translates to instant death 98% of the time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rains of Gehenna...........................................rai45 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Collect the EX Medals-- ///////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at J-13, jump off the bridge at the end of the level and melee attack it.++ Patience. This level requires a vast amount of patience, so be prepared to sink some time into this one. As you might have noticed you have hardly any ammo in your guns, so being accurate and getting head shots is extremely important, at least for the first half of this mission. Start by equiping your Hydra, moving forward a little ways, aiming up, and taking out the sniper on the bridge. Come out from the corner a little ways and zoom in towards the north, and on the top of the cliffs you should see a massive self-operating gun turrent. Shot it right in the middle where that blue dot is. Come out from your corner just a litte bit more, aim up and right next to you is a sniper on top of a hill with a blue laser grid. After he's gone you can finally go out and grab the white item briefcase. After you have that, stand in that exact location and aim straight down to the north. Another sniper lurks by some rocks. Run to the left a little, and zoom in towards the north east corner, by the broken bridge piece in front of you. There will be a sniper back there. Run up the bridge piece, when your close to the top of it, aim towards the north again, over top of the tower structure. You should see a sniper and a rocket launching soldier. Pan to your left and there should be another rocket launching guy on the hill. After he's gone aim down to the left of the tower, and there's another sniper there. Alright! It's finally time to actually grab some EX Medals, theres one in obvious view by the red laser grid, which you might have already picked up. Another is below the bridge your on, and another is in plain view over in the corner where some more Rifle ammo is. After you have those, head towards the tower, before you get there aim inbetween the pillars of the tower and take out another Turrent. Also before you get to the tower, past the cliff face on your left is a sniper laying in wait. So make sure you kill him before you continue on. To the right of tower is a path leading upwards, there's some rifle ammo there which you'll probably need. Once your at the tower aim inbetween the pillars again and downwards towards the right side of the cliff face and you should see a rocket launching soldier. Get the medal underneath the tower and head to your left, drop down and get your 5th medal. Head up the path but before you get to a section of collapsed bridge, aim towards the still intact piece of bridge and move your aim a little to the left and you should see another sniper. Get the ammo under the collapsed bridge section. Once here aim dead ahead for another sniper over yonder. Come out from underneath the bridge section and run up on top of it for another medal. Backpedal to the path to the right of the tower that goes up. Once you get to that small grassy section on the path stop and aim to the west across the chasm you've been in for another sniper. Follow the path and claim the next medal at the top. Once you get it, jump off back into the gorge and continue on. Oh, and don't forget the ammo up there as well. Anyways, stop when you can see the building at the end of this path and use your Hydra to zoom in the take out the two turrents guarding the doorway. Head a little further in but be wary of a sniper hiding just over that outcropping of rock in front of you. After he's gone run towards the building. Stop when you get close to the door. There are 2 rocket launching soliders on either side of the door just waiting to annihilate you. For the one on the right side position yourself diagonal towards his location and kill him without having to enter the room, this can be hard but it's a much better alternative then rushing in there with both of them. I found it hard to use this strategy on the other guy so just run in there and usually his shot will miss, so kill him quick once you get in there. Grab the medal and your done! Actually no your not, I'm sorry, that's only the first half unfortunatly. :( After you get the 8th medal a cardkey will materialize. Grab it and head back to that laser grid you probably saw earlier while coming down the gorge. Use your cardkey and backtrack all the way to your starting point, theres a ladder back here and it leads up to an Elixor. Head back to the laser grid you used the cardkey on and head up the steps. There's a rocket launcher guy at the top. After he's gone you'll be attacked by some swordsmen who are easy and will supply you with some much needed ammo. A little forewarning, these sword guys will come in pairs for what seems like an eternity, but they aren't infinite, they will stop spawning if you kill enough. Anyways, head up the hill and turn to your right. Take out the 3 guys protecting the building, go in the building and to your right is a DG soldier with an overwhelming machine gun, needless to say, finish him fast. Grab the items and leave. Outside the building there is a sniper and a rocket launcher guy on your right. Head to your right and hug the walls. Once you get close to the tower area you'll be confronted by 3 elite DG soldiers with machine guns. After their finished, grab the medal under the tower, you should have 10 now. Get back to hugging the wall, and continue on. There's a medal on your left when your running along the wall. You'll know where it is because an enemy will drop down right in front of you when your by it. Continue on, dead ahead is a sniper walking around, to your left on top of a broken bridge is another rocket launcher soldier. Head down that dilapidated bridge for your 12th medal. Come back up, next to the buildings, aim east towards the gorge and you should see two enemies. Next to them is another medal. Alright, you should probably be at the position of C-8 or D-8 on your map, at this point a surplus of enemies should come out from behind the rocks. Use the Hydra, which you should be using anyways because sniping throughout this whole level is the best option. Around the corner of that building is more DG elites, and some more snipers, you should have alot to kill at this point. Once there ranks are depleted you should be pretty free to roam around and collect your medals. Run out across the field to about H-8 for another medal. FYI, while your over here, there will probably be a few snipers you missed firing away at you, so just be cautious. Out on a precipice at about I-10 is another medal. Go back towards the buildings, if you didn't already get the medal in the doorway with the pillars, it's at D-9. You should have 15 now. Get the medal under the other tower, and then grab the next medal diagonal to your postion, which is in the corner in an alcove, next to a door. Goodness, this level takes a long time, but don't worry the last three are all in one place. Head up towards the tall building towards the east. It has a red laser grid in front of the doorway. Also, I might as well list this, you should see a red memory capsule suspended in the air a ways from the bridge, you have to jump off the bridge and melee attack it to destroy it. Anyways, as for the last 3 medals, you need to jump in there with the dual horn, (I know it's tragic) and grab the last three with haste and just hope you don't get gored. But at least now your finally done with this time-consuming mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vincent the Grappler.......................................vin46 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Enemies Using Only Melee Attacks-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at J-11, like I stated below, you must murder a cactuar in order to get a cardkey which will in turn unlock the blue laser grid with the capsule inside of it. The laser grid is in the southeast corner. Or from your starting location, diagonal to your right.++ Be thankful this is nothing like that accursed Cait Sith level. This is actually extremely easy. First line of business is to equip the Power Cross and the Bayonet Rifle if you have them. You don't need them but they make this battle go buy a lot faster. If you actually leveled up your Power Cross you should breeze through this level even quicker. Anyways, after you have one or both of the items equipped switch to that weapon and start melee attacking. You'll be up against: guard hounds, normal swordsmen, heavy swordsmen, gargoyles, and the occasional cactuar who dosen't actually attack you, but if your lucky enough to kill one you'll be rewarded with a cardkey, which you can use to unlock the laser grid with items or the laser grid with a red memory capsule. Anyways, the gargoyles give you Hi-Potions, and the heavy swordsmen give you X-Potions. Use chains and this level goes by very quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red and Blue...............................................red47 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat Azul and Rosso-- ///////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at G-12, side note; there is no sound gallery capsule in this level, if you've read the capsule location guide in the cheat codes & secrets section of gamefaqs (which is invaluable by the way, and helped me find many of the capsules). That capsule is instead in the Messenger from Hell mission.++ Going into this mission I thought I was up for a challenge, but I ended up beating it in 25 seconds while sustaining about 60 damage. You shouldn't need any help on this one, just equip your Cerberus and take out Rosso first. Strafe around constantly and finish off Azul. They weren't difficult in the main game and that still applies here. In fact, they're much easier in the extra missions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stygian Sewers.............................................sty48 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Retrieve the EX Medal-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --15 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at K-4++ You have 15 Minutes to complete this mission, but I suppose Square decided to be merciful with the time limit on this one, because you should only need about 7 or 8 minutes to get through this mission. Turn right at the very beginning and you should see some stairs and a tunnel on your left, look down the tunnel and try to take out the soldier at the end, but he might move away after taking a few hits. After him another DG soldier will come running down the tunnel, kill him. Now your free to look at your map without being attacked as long as you killed both enemies. If you missed the guy with the rocket launcher just backpeddle to your starting location to use your map. If you bring up your map you'll notice this level moves in basically a large circle formation. Your objective is to get to J-6 on your map. There are many tunnels and stairs and ladders that are basically here to disorient you. But if you get lost just look at your map and make sure you going in the right direction (towards J-6). Don't rush this level, because there are some powerful enemies laying in wait for you around corners, on bridges, and everywhere else inbetween. Certain deviations from the main path will warrent you items, so don't be afraid to look for them, the time limit is generous enough. A section that I sould address is the first part after you run down the first tunnel with all the braches running off of it. At the end is a plethora of soldiers waiting for you. Two of them have machine guns that, for some reason, never need reloading. I would advise taking the path to your right, (right before you get into the area with all the soldiers) and take the ladder up. If you look around there is an explosive barrel down on ground level in front of them by the gigantic pillar. Just shoot that and save yourself some HP. Of course you don't want to always follow the main route. Like in the next section after the one I was just talking about. There might be a black widow at the end of the tunnel, if that's the case, just take a side route to the right and bypass him. All these alternative paths basically lead to the same destination, just keep checking your map and you'll be fine. Later, around the F-13/E-13 area you'll notice your progress will be impeded by blue laser grids that require a cardkey. If your not already on the second story floor, find a ladder and climb up. You should find a section with laser grids that are not operational yet at E-13. As soon as you run over them, they activate and your stuck in this small room with 4 swordsmen. After they're gone go through the tunnel on the left and get the cardkey, now you can continue on. Note, there are two laser grids in which you can go through, but they both end up leading to the same place. So, choose whichever one you want and continue on. I just now realized this, so I better point it out, you know that guy with the rocket launcher at the start of the level? Chances are you didn't kill him right away because he does have a lot of HP. But this guy is omnipresent and will pretty much follow you through the whole level if you don't kill him. He's annoying because he runs away all the time, but try to kill him before he becomes a liability. After your through the blue grid, you should find yourself in the last section. If you came in through the bottom laser grid, turn to your left and you'll see a DG soldier with a rocket launcher. That's the guy with the EX Medal your looking for. After you kill him and get up next to the medal, a heavy swordsmen will spawn next to you on a box. The great part about this is that he'll get stuck on the box and you can just stand there and kill him without any resistance. Get his cardkey, open the grid, grab the medal, and viola! >.< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Messenger from Hell........................................mes49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Escape from the Megastructure-- ///////////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- ///////////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --3 Minutes-- ///////////////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at F-15, this one is right in front of you where all the enemies are spawning at the beginning of the level. Problem is, you have no magic. You have to run up a ways until you see a Mako point, once you get some magic, backtrack through the enemies and back to the green capsule on the other side of the red laser grid.++ Having a time limit on this mission is kind of redundant but I'm not complaining. The enemies are invincible so don't bother shooting them, just turn around at the start of the level, equip your Cerberus or your Griffon and start runnning. Just shoot the boxes that are blocking your path on the way up. If you get a chain going the boxes break with one shot. At the top of the ramps you'll probably see your destination. Right before you get to it, a pile of boxes materializes and blocks your escape. The boxes get their own boss health meter! I thought that was terrific, but just shoot anywhere at the mass of boxes and your free. This level only takes about a minute and is extremely simple. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Badlands...................................................bad50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Locate the Goal Point-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --15 Minutes-- ///////////////////////////////////// ++Secret Mission available at F-8++ This mission is fairly simple and quite unremarkable, there is a time limit to take note of but you should be able to finish this in about 9 or 10 minutes. From the starting point, walk right a smidgen, aim out the doorway, and up towards the top of a very large tower. Make sure you have your sniper scope on your Hydra, aim to the top of the tower and kill the sniper. Pan down with your crosshair and you should see an explosive barrel atop a white cargo box. Shoot the white box and you'll unlock the next secret mission. Take your zoom off, and move to the left a little. Aim out the door again and up on a roof you should see another sniper with an explosive barrel next to him. After him, your next sniper is closer to you just over a sand dune to your right. You can exit the building now. When you get out to a stony area in the sand, zoom in to the left at the bottom of a sand dune for another sniper. Once he's gone swordsmen will materalize in pairs. This goes on for a little while but just stand your ground if you want and kill all the waves. There might be a DG elite to your left by a small tower. And also, take care of another sniper way over yonder behind the small tower to your right. Don't underestimate the range of the snipers in this level, and be wary of the damage they can inflict. One shot from a sniper should take a good 350 HP off your bar. Anyways after you get the sniper who's behind a sand dune past the small tower, head to your right. There's another sniper behind a wrecked piece of road near the main huge tower structure so kill him as soon as he comes into view. After he's gone you should be free to run into the Southeast corner and grab a phoenix down. Travel along the Eastern wall and you'll approach a building with a sniper in front of it. Watch out for that white box in front of you, there's a mine right above it. If you destroy the mine, you'll get an Ether from the box. This next part is completely optional, but if you want, head into the building and you'll be up against 4 cactuars. After they're gone a red box will appear, just shoot it with the Cerberus to get the Mine Detector. Finally, it's time to head to the large buliding in the middle of the level. Head to the north side of the building and once you get close enough you should see a blue laser grid with a sniper behind it. After he's disposed of, go through the front door but walk slowly because there's a mine right in the doorway. Once inside, you'll be ambushed by 4 sahagins, or as I like to say, Donatello's failed experiments. After the sahagins are gone look to your right and you should see an explosive barrel with a DG soldier next to it. Follow the path outside and wait for the 3 or 4 swordsmen to jump down on top of you, after there gone climb the ladder next to you. At the top watch out for a mine in the middle of the roof. Two soldiers will spawn at the small tower across from you. Continue along the narrow pathway and pretty soon you'll encounter 3 more enemies on the east small tower awaiting your arrival. It's easy to fall off here but you should have plenty of time, so don't worry if you do fall a few times. After you kill the 3 DG's go around the corner to be confronted by 3 cactuars. They're a nuisance if they get a chance to attack so use fire magic if you have any MP, if you don't, just shoot them very quickly. Go forwards slowly because there's another mine in your way, destroy the mine and grab the cardkey. Jump down and continue north. Use your cardkey when prompted and run towards the center of this desert. But before you get there, stop, and zoom in to your right to see a sniper next to a small building. Continue on north towards the large sand dune. Once you get to the top, 3 sahagins will spawn below you and you'll probably notice another sniper in the northwest corner. After they're all dead you shouldn't have to worry to much more about enemies. Just walk towards the building in front of you very slowly, there's an overabundance of mines in front of the laser grid so just take your time and get rid of them. Getting rid of all these mines sucks, so be very careful. Actually, you don't need to dispose of all of them. Just clear yourself a path to the blue laser grid but make sure you remember where your path is. Once you feel confident you've cleared enough mines out, head back towards that small building in the northeast corner. Once you get near it, two black widows will appear. I told you to go clear out a path through those mines because you probably don't want to bother killing these guys. But if you have enough time to kill them, that would probably be safer anyways. I was just to lazy to actually fight two of these things. Anyways, grab the cardkey inside the building, head back to the blue laser grid with all the mines next to it and head in the building for a mission complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chamber of Ghosts..........................................cha51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Exorcise the Undead Soldier-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////////// ==Secret Mission== I thought exorcising the undead involved a dogmatic priest and a vile of holy water... but I guess that's just me. Instead, you'll be exorcising this spirit through means of target practice. A red soldier will warp around the room much like Weiss did in the main game. He's very quick but he won't attack you, so just keep firing and just hope you get lucky. Also, random enemies will run into the room, so make sure to take care of them when needed. As soon as their disposed of, advert your attention back towards the undead soldier. This mission might take awhile due to the undead soldiers speed and the random enemies that charge into the room. Oh yeah, building up chains by killing the random enemies and then attacking undead helps this go by quick, but you probably already knew that. Anyways, I can't really help you out much with this one so............... good luck! ^.^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deep Tower.................................................dee52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Take Control of the Tower-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at K-8++ This level may sound onerous but I ended up beating it my first attempt. You'll be up against 100 DG soldiers with rocket launchers, so it's redundant to say be careful and strafe pretty much all the time when your combating these guys. The first section you'll be up against 10 soldiers, in fact almost every wave comes in groups of 20 or less. Buliding up chains is key to beating this level. And I would advise using your Cerberus for the majority of the level, but there are a few instances where you'll want to switch to the Hydra. The first 10 will be in the center courtyard with 7 on ground level and 3 on the second floor. This mission basically revolves around whether or not your aim is precise enough to take out these guys fast enough. Once your done with a group of 10 advance to the next floor and so on and so forth. Sometimes you'll have to run around until you find the right location to initiate the nextgroup of enemies. Once you kill 50 soldiers head back down the stairs to the bottom for the next 50. Needless to say, you'll be strafing alot but the rockets are pretty slow so that should warrant you enough time to evade them. When you have a deathtoll of 70 and you head down to the second floor and the 70/80 pops up, just use your Griffon for this part because all the soldiers will be in close proximity. The last 20 will be on the bottom floor, be careful with this part because the soldiers on the 2nd and 3rd floors can be a huge nuisance. As daunting as this level sounds, it's actually fairly simple. And remember, move around ALOT on this last section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cait Versus the Crimson....................................cai53 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat Rosso the Crimson-- ////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at G-9++ Wow, this level sounded very arduous at first since the last level requiring you to use Cait was horrible. But actually, this is very simple. At the start run to the right or left of Rosso. Don't attack her yet, wait for her to attack you. She'll probably use a double slash attack with her Zidane blade. Just run around her and claw her as soon as her attack is finished. Remember your only going to have time for one attack so don't get greedy and try for a combo. As soon as you finish your single attack, move out of the way. Don't run backwards, just move to the right or left and she should attack again, (hopefully missing) so just move out of the way, attack, run around her again, etc. etc. etc. Just repeat this process until she's dead. A side note; her attack in which she does a flury of jump kicks is not a good time to claw her, she recovers from that attack quickly, so if she does do that attack, just wait for a better oppurtunity. And, attack her side, not her back or front, the side seems to be the prime location. There are 3 mog dolls in this area but it's a pretty small area, so just run around and you should be able to find them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shinra Manor Prime.........................................shi54 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mision Objective-- --Locate the Goal Point-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --2 Minutes 40 Seconds-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at I-5, I couldn't find this one for awhile, but it's actually pretty simple. You know the section with the red laser grids and the rocket launching DG's behind them? Well, once you jump down into the first floor section, run to your left and you should see a blocked off hallway with a green capsule at the end. If I were you I'd take out all the DG's in this section before you attempt to get this one.++ A race against the clock! The time limit is rigorous and will not afford you much leeway, so this level may take a few tries. I won't give you specific directions because all you have to do is follow the item briefcases through the entire level. There's only one enemy your going to have to kill in this level so don't worry about enemies and run full tilt. Anyways, there are a few areas I should address such as the cave part. Once you get into the cave with the green lights, you'll see three barrels at one section, shoot the one on the right and continue through. Right after that you'll have some red laser grids on the ground that you need to jump over. You may run into some trouble on the 4th set down, your going to have to jump on top of the two grids and dash over to the other side. I don't know if this was a glitch or what, but I always have problems at this part. After the laser grids you'll come to a section with even more explosive barrels. Take the left branch here, and be careful not to get to close to the barrels when you destroy them. The next part with the pit and the inoperative platform section, you'll have to jump once and then wait for yourself to fall just a little before you initiate the second jump, and make sure you line it up correctly so you don't miss the platform. When you get to a narrow corridor with boxes littered about, get out your Griffon and make quick work of them. You should be going up the circular ramp at this point. There should be a little over one minute left on the clock. When you get the section with the stair cases going down to the foyer, (or the place where you fought the black widow) jump off the top and go for the three items that are lined up on the right side. There are soldiers behind the red laser grids who will be firing at you but, forget about don't bother with them and run through the doorway. Next section has alot of red laser grids. Just weave around them until you get to a section with some boxes stacked up on each other. Jump to your left and grab the Ether on the table. Use it right away and be prepared to fire some magic down the hallway at the soldier. Follow your magic shots up with bullets from one of your guns. This guy is annoying because your not left with much room to dodge his rockets, shoot the rockets if you have to. Continue on and keep following the item trail and you should arrive with a few seconds to spare. *_* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rampart Rumble.............................................ram55 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Locate the Goal Point-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --15 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Red capsule at M-11, this capsule can be a little tricky to get (Just look above you at the start of the level if your wondering where it is). Your going to need to wait until you get towards the end of the level, and find a ramp at the E-5 area in which you can climb up on. From there just follow a path towards the capsule and melee attack it.++ Interesting level we have here. If you turn around and look inside the building behind you, you'll notice Cait Sith is where he belongs... behind bars. >.< But seriously, he's there for a reason which I will address later. Anyways, start off by heading down the path to your left. Around the corner you should see a DG comm. standing there, equip your Hydra and snipe him. He should drop a Limit Breaker, but if he dosen't, don't worry about it. At the door where you just killed this guy, is another DG strolling around a wall, take him out if you want. Don't go through that door but head towards the the northeastern corner towards the explosive barrel. Don't go through the doorway here, instead continue on along the path the wraps around and goes south. Follow this until you get to an open area with a blue laser grid and a DG standing to your left in a doorway, the idiots facing the wrong way so don't worry about him seeing you. Keep going north, past the blue grid and follow the path until you get to the small black and red tower. You should see an opening in the wall to the east with a building on the eastern wall. Go inside to grab the cardkey, but watch out for the heavy swordsmen who will spawn in front of you. Alright, you have one of two choices: Use the cardkey to free Cait, or use it on one of the two laser grids that lead to the end of the level. The advantage of having Cait is that he'll follow you around and randomly drop ammo and health items for you. It's not that far of a trek back to get him, so I'd advise that you do so. Regardless of what you do, open one of the blue laser grids, one is at F-8 which is the one i chose. At the right hand side of the wall is a DG comm. and on the left is a heavy swordsmen. Strafe in and kill the comm. on your right first. After both enemies are gone, look diagonally to your left and you'll see two more of the same. After they're gone continue on to your left, but not through the door they were guarding. After you round the corner you'll see another DG comm. walking around. Continue on and you should see one more soldier walking around in front of a building. That building is your destination, but just before you step inside three heavy swordsmen will materialize, but there easy, step into the goal point and your done. On my speed run through this level I beat it in 2:27 seconds, so don't worry about the time limit at all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contra Kalm................................................con56 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Locate the Goal Point-- ///////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////// ++Secret Mission Available at J-13++ Shoot the red boxes in front of you for a suprise... 3 Cait Siths, just what I've always wanted! Although, for some reason I don't think they gave me the Cait Siths on my first time through this level which does make things more difficult due to lack of ammo. But, the goal in this level is to take out each and every enemy in each section to warrant you a Cardkey. It's very basic and shouldn't be to hard. After you get your first cardkey and advance to the next section, you might notice the fountain around the I-13, J-13 area, that's where the white capsule is. The white capsule is floating around in a circle inside the fountain, there's also mines inside the fountain, so you have to aim through one of the slots in the fountain and time it correctly so that when the capsule floats over a mine.... well you know what to do. Anyways, you probably will have noticed the Turk Training Robots by now, there was one in the last section and one in this section. These guys have lots of HP, but if your by yourself, (without the Cait's) equip the bayonet rifle (if you have it) and the power cross. And melee attack these guys to death, because it's a waste of ammo to kill these guys using bullets. When you get to a part when there is two Turkbots back to back, make sure you melee attack only one and when he's dead go back for the other. They will stay frozen until you attack them or brush up against them. In the last section, 6 Turkbots will materialize simultaneously but just take one at a time and melee attack or use your guns on them. I'm not sure if the Cait Siths are available the first time through, so if anyone wants to e-mail and tell me, I'd appreciate it, thanks! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Misslebreaker Deathmatch...................................mis57 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Survive the Missile Assault-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --3 Minutes-- ///////////////////////////////////// ==Secret Mission== Thank Zeus this is a secret mission, this is by far the worst mission in the game. I got so frustrated with this mission, but thankfully you don't need to beat it to continue. Even though I did end up completing this mission, it's not fun, trust me. Well, if you found Misslebreaker Melee hard, take that missions difficulty and multiply it by 3. Sure, this mission starts out simple enough but, by the last 45 seconds or so you'll probably be hating Square Enix. The only positive side to this mission is you get 4 Potions, 1 Hi-Potion, and there are 2 X-Potions at both corners of the platform your on. At the beginning, the middle Dragonfly will fire two missles at you as well as the right Dragonfly and the left one. FYI, the middle Dragonfly fires missles very quickly while the right one fires them at a moderate speed, and the left has the slowest missles. So, I'll label these A: for the slow heli. on your left, B: for the fast one in the middle, and C: for the one on your right. After each heli. is done with its first volly of two missles a piece, aim at B and get ready for a fast missle, destroy that and aim at C for the next and last up at A for your slow missle. After this is over look up at A and take out two or three slow missles before you advert your attention back to C and shoot down the two incoming missles. Then aim back up to A and get the remaining missles and finally be prepared for a missle from B. Alright, you should be at about 1:55 on the clock now. Next we have two missles coming from B, (watch out their really fast!) then look down to C for two more and then finally up to A for the remaining two. This next part sucks, C will shoot about 6 missles at you, and so will A, but since C's are quicker take out about 5 before you look back to A and destroy some of his missles. Then back to C for any remaining missles and then back up to A for anymore. You should be at about 1:12 on the clock. Now B fires a score of missles your way, so concentrate just on B's missles before you look down to C and take out 1 missle there, and then back to A for his one missle and finally, back to B for two more. Alright, this is where things get really ugly, you should be at about 53 seconds on the clock. You'll get one missle from B, take that out first, and then a few from C, those come next, and then look up to A for a few, but B and C will be back at it so watch out, I'd advise having your Griffon or BMG equipped at this point. If you get past that you have one more absurd volly of missles left, which takes up the last 30 seconds. C will fire off tons of missles which is your first priority and then aim up to A quickly and get all of his with your Griffon, and then look over to B with haste for a plethora of missles that come way to fast. Good thing you have all those Potions, because your probably going to need them. Anyways good luck, and maybe you'll breeze through this and I just suck at aiming, who knows. :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cait Versus the Cerulean...................................cai58 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat Azul the Cerulean-- ////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule at H-5++ Even easier then Rosso. Get close to Azul and wait for his kick, run around it and claw him in the side. Pretty much the same strategy you used for Rosso, but Azul is much slower so you shouldn't have to worry about anything really. Again, only use one attack and then run around him and wait for another kick before you attack again. Simple stuff here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vincent the Beast..........................................vin59 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Survive the Onslaught-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --5 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at H-5, it's right in front of you behind a blue laser grid. Sometime during this 5 min. slaughter fest, a random enemy will drop your cardkey.++ Well... with all the enemies in this level you'd think it would be difficult, but this mission ends up being alot more difficult on your enemies then it does you. You start with Cait Sith standing next to you, he'll drop you a Limit Breaker and you can get started with the slaughter. This is 5 minutes of you killing countless scores of enemies with Limit Breakers that Cait will drop for you consistently throughout the level. No strategy here, just mash the circle button. And keep an eye out for that cardkey. On another note, you'll notice that when your in your Limit Breaker form you don't even sustain any damage, talk about one-upping the competition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cyclopean Causeway.........................................cyc60 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Locate the Goal Point-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --4 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at F-8, at the start of the level, run towards the red laser grid on the right with a ladder protected by a laser grid to the left. Stand here and aim towards the top of the bridge on the right side with the red light on top. It's right there.++ Another.... interesting level. Start off by heading to your right, towards the noise. There's a narrow passageway here with red saucers going down it. I thought at first you had to jump over each one but soon realized that was impossible. All you need to do is shoot them. Once your through all the red saucers and have entered the door, grab the item at the end and do a 180. Black masses will come floating down past the red laser grid, just use your Cerberus to finish them, 4 or 5 shots should do it. After they're gone go forwards and to your left. Stop before you enter the doorway there because another black mass will come barreling down on you. As soon as it disipates, run forward and to your left. Stay in that small alcove until the next orb passes you by. When it floats past you need to run forwards and to your right as fast as you can. There should be an explosive barrel there which you'll probably want to destroy to get it out of your way. Go forwards and to your left. Another black orb will be here, run to your right when you get the chance, wait for to float by again then then run straight until you get past the red laser grid on your left, and then just stay in the corner for a sec. You should see an explosive barrel in front of you, destroy it, and when you get the oppurtunity run forwards to the spot inbetween the indestructable barrel and the wall. When you get the chance run up and to your left into another small alcove. Wait for another black orb to pass and run up again and into another small niche in the wall. Finally just make a break for it, and get out of here. For our last trial we'll have tons of shield robots, coming forward in a sort of diagonal line formation. This is easy, just jump over the waves until you get to the goal point, pretty simple huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trick Arc..................................................tri61 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Collect the EX Medals-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at L-7, when your up on the destroyed bridge section, just aim down the road and look towards the back, you should see your green capsule back there.++ I think many people abhor this level, but with just cause. This level can be a tremendous pain, and the first reason being is because we have enemies that regenerate indefinitely. That being said, don't bother sniping anyone in this level, only kill enemies when they're in your way. Well to start off, head out of the building and make a hard left, you should see a metal ramp and a small blue laser grid triangle of sorts on the ground below it. The objective here is to climb up the metal scaffold and drop down into that small triangular laser grid and grab the medal inside. Note; you will have enemies shooting at you constantly throughout this level, but there's not much you can do about this so just keep running. Once you get your first medal from inside the laser grids, run forward towards the door in the cliff face. On your right should be another medal, double jump up there to grab it. If there's an enemy up there, you'll want to kill him. Now go through the doorway into a wide hallway. FYI, you do have 4 Potions and a Hi-Potion so don't be afraid to use them when necessary. Continue on through the hallway and shoot any DG's by the window when you get to that section. Keep going up until you get to a huge pillar in the middle of the floor, look around it in the corner and make sure there's not a DG there. Continue on up until your out of the building. There should be a soldier on top of a small hill to your right, get rid of her, and go up the slope. Go up the metal incline next to you and kill the 2 or 3 enemies at the top to your left. Go right and you'll see an item, it's only fire materia, which should give you a hint as to where the green capsule is (it's down towards the end of the bridge on your left, although you won't have any magic but there's a Mako point not to far away, when you hit it come back here). Anways, there should be a small decline on the left of the bridge that goes under the bridge. There's your 3rd medal on the barrel. Backpeddle up to the top of the bridge, run to the edge and jump off onto that metal beam with the 3 items drifting in the air next to it. Don't bother with those items either, instead, head down the beam and look over to the left side... or right depending on which way you have the camera turned, and you should see a red triangular laser grid below. Jump down into it and grab your next medal. Make sure you kill the guys down here because they can become taxing on your HP. After you've jumped out of the red laser triangle start heading back up the metal beam and just keep running until you get to the end of the beam and see another medal on the left side, drop down and grab it. Get back up and jump over to the Mako point with the item next to it. Once your on the next metal beam, look down to the left side of it and you should see an enemy next to your 6th medal. Now jump off towards the door that goes into the building and retrace your steps back up to the bridge part. Watch out for enemies. Alright, once your back up to the bridge, jump off again onto the same metal beam and back over to the part with the Mako point and your Limit Breaker. Once your next to the Mako point go forward and peer over the edge. You should see an enemy on a white platform, there's a medal down there also, grab it for number 7. Alright, now jump off into the fray below you, kill some DG's if you must but your goal is to get upon that huge metal beam in front of you. Run up it and jump off to the right where you see those 3 items in a line hanging in the air. If done correctly you'll jump right over the red barriers. Keep going towards the small tower with a medal underneath it. After you get it, go into the doorway. Climb up the ramps and kill any resistance along the way. Once you get to a fork in the path, take whichever way you please, they both go to the same place. Once your out of the structure, head to your left. Follow the path all the way down and to your right taking out DG's along the way. There's a medal at the very bottom. Head back up but if you'll notice, there's another branch that goes up towards a small building, head up there and your last medal is inside.... phew! I'm glad that's over with. >.< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 100,000 Needles............................................10062 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Cactuars-- ///////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at L-7. Thanks to an e-mail from chronx, I now know the location of this elusive capsule. This one requires a bit more exertion on your behalf to obtain. From the starting point walk to your right just a smidgen until your standing on the corner of the narrow walkway. Hopefully you've killed any cactuars that spawned up here at the start of the level. Anyways, just wait a bit and sooner or later a cactuar with probably haste 3 cast on himself will jump up onto the corner where your standing. You have to be fast for this, but just do a melee attack and he'll die, leaving you with a cardkey. If you miss him, don't worry he'll be back, so you'll have as many chances as you like. Take that cardkey and head over to L-7 on your map, and use it on the blue laser grid that leads into a small building, grab the items if you want but on your way out, look above the door inside the building and there's your yellow capsule.++ Annihilating cactuars probably dosen't sound like a very problematical level, and for the most part, you'd be right. This is ultimately a fairly undemanding level... just equip your Cerberus or Griffon and start firing. On a side note, there are mines in this level, so make sure you grab the mine detector to your left at the start of the mission. A good place to battle the cactuars is in the North section in the wide open desert area of the map. Don't stray to far over towards the northern most building with the laser grid around it. There are mines everywhere in that section, just like in Badlands. In fact, I wouldn't be suprised if the mine location in Badlands are identical to the mine locations in this level. But once you get to around 60 or so dead cactuars, you'll be overrun with scores of them. The only advise I can give you to combat this is to keep moving constantly while your shooting these guys. Needless to say, the Griffon works great in this mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cait Versus the Bull.......................................cai63 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat Arch Azul-- ///////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////// ++The memory capsule for this mission can be a bit taxing to obtain. If you take a close look at Arch Azul's tail you should see your Red Capsule affixed to it. Your goal is to destroy it with your second or third attack from Cait's combo. This can be a burden since Azul's suprisingly swift for being such a fatty. The easiest way to do this is to run away from Azul and wait for him to do his only ranged attack, the one with the 4 homing beams he shoots at you. As soon as you notice him rearing back for this attack, run back towards his tail and get off your back flip kick attack before he can turn around to face you again.++ Well this battle is certainly intimidating, and it can also be pretty frustrating if you don't know how to approach it. And don't forget about the 3 Mog dolls in this level if you need them. Start off the battle by running next to Azul's right or left side. Let's go with the right side for my sake. Do a claw attack as soon as possible and then get ready to jump back away from Azul, do this very quickly. Because as soon as you attack Azul he'll do a tail sweep attack that will knock off a hefty 650+ HP. Remember, limit your attacks to one at a time. After you get your first attack off and jump over the tail sweep, Azul will turn around to face you. Lure him in and start running to one side, much like you did with normal Azul and Rosso. He should try to gore you with his horns but hopefully will miss if your busy running to either side of him. As soon as he attacks initiate your attack and get ready to jump again, I'd advise jumping away from him and not to the right or left. Repeat this process until Arch Azul lays broken by your feet. Poor Azul, talk about a humbling experience. >.< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deepground Soldiers........................................dee64 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat all the Enemies-- ////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at K-6++ I played all these levels through the first time and then went back through each one to write this FAQ. This is one of those levels when I went through for the second time it was like a whole new mission because it's very forgettable and there's really nothing special or difficult about it. Well start off by collecting the ammo and running towards the tall staircase structure in the middle. 5 enemies will come charging from the west side of the stairs, after there gone 5 more will come from the opposite direction. Finally for your last 10 enemies they'll all materialize on the staircase structure. Genius idea to put an explosive barrel on the staircases. Just shoot it and watch 7 of the 10 die, strafe around and kill the remaining 3. Continue on to the next section. You'll be up against I think 30 DG dogs. Use the explosive barrel to take out about 5 of them, and use your fire magic when you need to, but you can basically just use your Griffon or BMG for all of these guys and be fine. Next section has a few guys spawn in front of you, just use your Cerberus for them. Next wave will consist of about 12 guys which spawn in a line. Use the explosive barrel to take out about half of them and then finish off the remaining few. And our last wave has about 19 or 20 guys for you to handle, you should have a Limit Breaker in your inventory, so go ahead and use it and have fun with the gratuitous massacre. If for some odd reason you don't have the Limit Breaker just use some fire magic. And yup, that's it, I was so suprised that was the entire level, I was really expecting something a little harder. :P ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shieldbreaker..............................................shi65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Enemies-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --5 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capusle available at G-12/H-12, look up on the light post, jump off a box and do an aerial melee attack to destroy it.++ Well, I believe this is the only mission that requires you to defeat 100 enemies and also have a time limit. Regardless, this mission shouldn't be to much of a problem. Start off by equipping your bayonet rifle and your power cross (if you have either of them). Head out into the field with the explosive barrels strewn about. You should see 3 shield bots, you can either shoot the barrel next to them or melee attack them. I would advise against shooting these guys because you have to get around to there backside in order to do this. This takes way to much time, so just focus on using your melee attacks. The barrels are here to make this mission go by faster, but I'd save them until you get larger quantities of enemies to destroy before shooting the barrels. Anyways, after your first 3 shield bots are disposed of, run towards the middle of the field and 3 DG soldiers will spawn along with a few more shield bots. I'd advise using your guns for the soldiers, but keep using your melee attacks for the shields. And don't be afraid to use the barrels, if you notice about 4 or 5 enemies generate next to a barrel, shoot it. But a note on that, enemies in this level usually spawn one by one, but generally in a group. So if you see some enemies generating, wait until they stop and then destroy the barrel next to them. After you kill about 35 or so enemies, shieldys will start multiplying like rabbits, which is actually a good thing for you, because you can rack up an excess of kills at this point. Just go around and start using melee attacks, the key is to keep the chain going. Once you get your chain up to about 5 or 6, you can just start using one melee attack for each shield bot instead of your whole combo, this makes things go by very quick. I think I got a chain of about 31 or 32 kills before I got hit. After you kill about 35 to 40 shields, our DG soldiers will come back. I'd advise equipping the Cerberus and run around and kill all of these guys before you go back to the shields. Needless to say, use any remaining barrels if you want. At this point you should be almost finished so kill a few more shields and your done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spiral.....................................................spi66 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Complete 5 laps-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --5 Minutes/Lap-- /////////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at D-5++ Hmmm... considering each lap takes about 3 to 4 minutes, this mission should take you around 20 minutes to complete, depressing isen't it. :( Start off by going over the laser grid to the east. Also, your timer dosen't start until you pass over the grid. Just follow the unambiguous path and kill anything along the way. Also you'll notice after you kill your first DG there is a door directly behind him. In that room is some Cerberus ammo. You'll see quite a few offshoot paths along your way that will warrant you ammo and various healing items and the occasional Limit Breaker. Getting these items is pretty much essential to beating this level. And don't worry about not having enough time, because you'll have plenty. And by the 3rd or 4th run through this level you'll probably have it pretty much memorized. Anyways, just follow the linear path past the first enemy, into the next room with the mine floating around, grab some more ammo in the room to the left and continue on. Next you'll encounter another lone enemy and another door with and X-Potion in the room on your right. Keep heading down the hallway and enter what looks like a pretty standard office room and you'll encounter a gargoyle. Your Cerberus works best here, and keep heading through the various rooms, killing the gargoyles in each. Keep going and you'll get to a section with lots of boxes and 3 DG's, finish them off and get the Elixir and the Red Potion from the two small rooms on the right and left walls of this area. Next you'll get to a section with a doorway on your left and doorway on the right. Take the one on the left and you'll find a Potoin... yes i know its utterly useless but you can grab it if you want. Anyways continue on and a solitary floating mine will generate. There are paths to your right and left in this room. The one on your left has some Fire Materia and the one on your right has a Mako point. Get into the narrow corridor on your upper right and wait for the mine to pass and continue on its path before you go through the blue laser grid and complete your first lap. Pretty effortless right? Well just wait until you get on your 5th lap. Next lap you'll go through the same area but with an increase in enemies. Also, remember that there are more items and ammo in each of the small rooms, so don't forget to grab those. Lap 3, things start getting a little difficult. You'll notice once you get to the part with with all the floating mines crisscrossing in front of your path that the mines are moving a little quicker. Forget about the Rifle ammo in the room from now on and go along the right or left side and stop next to the display cases with the materia looking orbs inside. Time your movements accordingly. Once you get to the gargoyle room you'll notice some new enemies. Turk bots will spawn along with the gargoyles, but these guys will stay frozen in place unless you shoot them or brush up next to them. So, if you can, stay as far away from them as possible while your killing the gargoyles. When you get to the narrow corridor section with the floating mines, I'd adivse you to stay on the right and go through the side paths on the right until your at the end. Lap 4, more of the same, but another increase in difficulty. Be extra careful in the first floating mine section, stay on the right or left side and make sure you stop next to each display case and time your next move correctly. Gargoyle rooms get a little chaotic at this point, and make sure you don't hit the Turkbots, because they take forever to kill. Once you get to the room before the floating mine corridor section, go into the room on your left which has been giving you Potoins the last 3 times, this time you'll get a destructable box with Cait inside. He's great to have for stocking up on items before you attempt your last lap. Goodness! your almost done, but this last lap is absurd. I advise using fire magic for the first wave of guys, and once you get to the first floating mine room, you might have some problems.. I'd say stick with the right side and on the last two mines try to time it so you can run around the display case to your left and into the middle. Time it correctly and continue on, it's hard I know. I wouldn't bother getting items this lap either because your only not going to get much in terms of ammo, and all the healing items have been replaced by Potoins. :( Anyways, Gargoyle room is insane, if you still have your Limit Breaker from earlier, now would be a good time to use it. You don't have to kill all of them if that proves too difficult, just kill enough so that when your running away you don't get slaughtered. The last section with the floating mines is more of the same but now we have a DG launching missles at you. Use your magic on him or snipe him. And your done, blimey, I'm glad that's finished! *_* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One-Handed.................................................one67 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Enemies-- ///////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at F-7++ 100 DG Elites. That means you won't be able to use your guns. So start off by equipping the bayonet rifle and the power cross if they're available to you. Melee attack the first DG in front of you and wait for the next two to spawn, melee attack them also. For the next three you'll have two down below and one up top, use the barrel for the two on ground level, and jump and try to aerial melee the other. Alright, I suggest you leave this area now. Run towards the right and into the huge section with numerous staircases. There should be a limit breaker up on top of the thrid staircase up, and another in the same room further down on top of some boxes. Continue on until you get to the starting point for Stygian Sewers (if you remember that level). It's around the J-4 area. You probably won't have any DG's following you, but that's fine because you need to stock up on limit breakers right now. Speaking of which, there's a limit breaker in the room with the huge pipe in the middle, it's at the top of the stairs. You should have 3 by now and there are more but as your aware of, your only allotted three limit breakers at a time. So you should almost be back to your starting location, which is where your enemies should be. Use your melee attacks or the barrels if you can, and only use your limit breakers when you get low on heatlh. Once you get to about 30 some kills you should probably be in the large room with all the stairs. Enemies at this point will come in drones to face you. But this is great, because you can finish this level faster. Just use a limit breaker and kill as many as possible before it runs out. You should be at 40 by now. 10 more will generate in here, so once your at 50 head into the J-4 area for another 12 or 13. This part is a little difficult because about 6 or 7 of the enemies are up on ledges next to a very small set of stairs. Just do your best and use another limit breaker if you need to. Another wave of 8 will be in this same area also. After their gone you should be at 70 for your death toll. Head into the west through the adjacent sewer pipe to the room with the large pipe in the middle and staircases on either side. Go up the ladder to your right before you enter the area, look down and shoot the explosive barrel by the large pipe. That should take care of all but one. Finish the lone DG off and you will be confronted by another wave of 10 DG's in the same place, use another Limit Breaker at this point. Your remaining enemies will come in via the tunnel you just came from, but you should still have an ample amount of time left in your limit breaker to handle them, and success! Not a terribly hard level overall, just tedious. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Black Widow Tetra..........................................bla68 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Eradicate the Black Widow Squad-- ///////////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at I-5, just look up, it's underneath the bridge above you.++ This mission is just as laughable as Widow Missileer. You'll be up against 4 black widows. Two in front of you and two behind you. But instead of using missles, they'll be using their mako cannons. This may sound problematic but the morons use their cannons simultaneously, and all you have to do is dash out of the way and return a few shots. Granted, the timing can be a bit difficult if you don't know when to dash. All you need to do is wait until you see their cannons glow yellow, and as soon as they start glowing dash to the right or left. They will get quicker as you deplete there HP but considering how fast you can kill them, this shouldn't be a problem. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gatling Shower.............................................gat69 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Collect 100 EX Medals-- ///////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////// ++Secret Level available at I-14++ My first time through this level was not a pleasent experience, but that's because it took me 38 minutes with a lot of running around picking up vital rations and hoping for Hi-Potions just to keep myself alive. Thanks to an e-mail from JimTheFly I got through this level in about 14 minutes with minimal damage. First off, you might notice a red box above you when you start the level. In fact, there are 5 red boxes scattered about this mission. The key to unlocking them is to find the white capsule in this mission, destroy it, and exit this level back to your extra missions screen. As for the capsule, head over to I-14 on your map, you should be next to a tall structure that resembles a water tower. You'll see a white capsule orbiting the tower with an explosive barrel on the very top of the tower. If your facing south towards the tower and shoot the barrel, it will fall towards you, so time it correctly and shoot the barrel when the capsule comes around the corner. Once you unlock the secret level, go back to the mission menu and finish the secret mission "Go with the Flow." Alright, once your finished with the secret level come back to this level. There are 5 red boxes in this area, their locations are: F-10, H-9, L-12, H-13, and F-6. In each of these boxes is a gatling gun, and the gatling guns do 9999 damage to the enemies, plus you are invulnerable while your sitting at a gatling gun. So, this mission just got a whole lot easier. Don't use the gatling guns at H-9 or F-10 because their up to high. The ones at H-13 and F-6 are both ground level, which is ideal. I don't need to explain much more, just pick a turrent and fire away. You'll have to take a break from killing every so often to pick up EX medals, and that should be the only time you take any damage. Our jet pack enemies will occasionally drop Hi-Potions so you should be fine. Later on in the level the jet pack DG's will be joined by Gargoyles. Some Gargoyles drop Gigas Medals which are worth 3 EX medals, so that helps this mission go by much faster. Anyways, credit goes to JimTheFly for that strategy, thanks Jim! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go with the Flow...........................................goo70 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Destroy all the Targets-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --5 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ==Secret Mission== Well well, I don't think we've had a secret mission in a while. Not since the depraved Misslebreaker Deathmatch mission. >( Anyways, this one's simple. You'll have 30 enemies to destroy, the first 10 are red saucers. Use your Griffon for these guys, and try to stay as far away from the waterfall as you can, so you'll have enough time to take a few out before they slide past you. Next 10 are the mutated turtles. These guys are easy, just use your Cerberus for them. The last 10 are cactuars, which are actually a challenge because their very quick and their very small. Use either your Griffon or melee attacks, I did it the first time with the Griffon but found out after going through a second time that melee attacks work better for the cactuars, anyways good luck. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brotherly Love.............................................bro71 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat Nero and Weiss-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at G-3, to your right, around a pile of rubble is a Mako point you'll need for the Green Capsule.++ Sounds challenging, but you can beat it in about 40 seconds. Go after Nero first, and if you want to get some magic from the Mako point on the right you can use it on Nero and kill him almost instantly. Then all you have left is Weiss. I don't need to tell you he's quick, but just use your Cerberus and he'll go down faster then you think. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unlimited DG...............................................unl72 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat all the Enemies-- //////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- //////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- //////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at M-10++ Unlimited! Sounds like you'll be up against a perpetual tide of DG soldiers, but don't worry there's only 40. The only difference about these DG's is their ability to use limit breakers. But, this shouldn't happen because they only acheive their limit break status if you let them linger at low health. Say for instance, you shoot one for about 300+ damage and just leave him alone.... he'll activate a limit breaker, making him much harder to contend with. So, just make sure once you shoot a DG, you stay commited to killing that specific enemy before you move on to the next one. Alright, from your starting point run fowards and take out the first DG at the top of the small staircase. FYI, two shots with your Cerberus should take out the majority of these guys. Take out the next 3 to your right, and keep following the path, killing enemies as you go. You should get up too 10 kills pretty quickly. The next 3 are self-explanitory, actually all the enemies are pretty self-explanitory, just take out DG's once they spawn. But once you get to 33 kills, head left, or to the west corner of this level to encounter your last 7 enemies. You'll be tempted to shoot the explosive barrel right in the center of the cluster of DG's, but don't... well not right away. Instead try to shoot about 4 or 5 of them, but just one shot per enemy. Then go ahead and use the barrel. If you actually shoot the barrel first thing, all 7 of our enemies will limit break concurrently and we defenitly don't want that do we? :p Anyways, take out any remaining enemies and your finished. Not to difficult huh? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drumline...................................................dru73 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat the Dual Horn-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at J-2++ Easy stuff, you should be able to complete this in your first attempt. Since the dual horn you'll be up against is invulnerable to your bullets, magic, and melee attacks. You'll be using explosive barrels to take this behemoth down. All you need to do is lure the dual horn next to a barrel and shoot it. First off run forwads a bit and our dual horn will spawn. As soon as your able to move break to the right and you'll see a barrel, position yourself against the eastern wall and wait for the dual horn to get next to the barrel and shoot. Immediately start to backpeddle along the east wall with the 4 barrels lined very tactically for some easy damage on dualey. Let him chase you towards the two barrels by the edge of the dropoff and shoot one before you plumit over the edge. There's no barrels down here so run towards the west end of the gorge, and climb up the ladder. Dualey has his own route and will emerge via the ramp on the northern wall. He should be at about half health right now. See all those barrels in front of you once you get up the ladder? Lead him over to that section and you should probably be able to finish him off. If not run through the narrow alleyway section and use any remaining barrels to KO him. Now, we move on to another mission with dual horns, joy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two-Handed.................................................two74 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat 100 Enemies-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////// ++Green Capsule available at K-6, In order to get the magic necessary to destroy your green capsule you must free Shelke from the shop machine on the far east wall. Once she's free, guide her back over to your starting point (next to Shalua) and then wait a few seconds and a Manaheart will spawn in front of them. Equip it on a weapon and your magic bar will fill itself.++ 100 Enemies, to bad they fail to mention these enemies will consist of entirely dual horns (with the exception of one enemy). It probably sounds like the most horrendous mission thus far, but it's made easy by some accomidations placed throughout the level. And instead of being onerous, this level actually becomes pretty fun. Start off by talking to Shalua who's standing right next to you at the starting point. She'll give you 3 Gigas medals and a cardkey. Use two of the Gigas Medals on the shop machine next to her, and you'll be bestowed a Cait Sith that generates ammo and items for you (very helpful). Continue on into the battlefield and you'll be up against your first dual horn. Just use the same strategy you used for the first dual horn. Run around him and try to shoot him in the rear when you get a chance. These dual horns go down faster then you'd think, but considering there's 99 of them, be thankful that they do. After you kill 2, head over to the left or the north west area for another shop machine. Use 3 medals and you'll be endowded the Ultima Weapon, having this is great if you don't already have it. Needless to say, start using the Ultima Weapon if you have any handgun ammo left. Hopefully Cait will be providing you with some. Anyways, kill another 3 dual horns and head off towards the northern wall, and go towards the waterfall. Use 3 more medals on the shop machine by the waterfall to get another Cait Sith, except this one actually helps you attack the dual horns. Suprisingly he does a considerable amount of damage. Now you need to save up a heftier margin of medals, 8 to be exact. Once you get to 14 kills you should have enough medals, as long as you picked them all up. Run towards the Northeastern wall and jump up on the outcropping of rock and use your 8 medals on the shop machine. This is probably the most beneficial upgrade, because it basically is a haste spell. That makes things much simpler, and the dual horns shouldn't even have a chance to catch up to you. Once you get another 4 medals head to the south section and find the shop machine hidden behind a rock formation. Use the 4 medals for two health upgrades. You should be at 18 kills right now. By now the dual horns will be coming in droves of about 5 or 6 at a time, so make sure your careful. Save up another 4 medals and open the shop machine in the southeast corner for yet another Cait. He'll help with the offensive which is also very helpful. Alright, you probably have noticed the shop machine on the east wall with a laser grid around it. Once you have another 7 Gigas medals run over there, use the cardkey Shalua gave you, and use your medals to get Shelke. Shelke dosen't actually fight per say but if she gets back over to Shalua you'll get the Manaheart which comes in very handy. Once you free Shelke however, Neo Azul will spawn along with a host of dual horns. Neo Azul has a lot of HP so just be diligent and he'll go down sooner or later. All that's left in terms of shop machine handouts is 2 more health upgrades from the machine in the south. After that there should be only one more shop machine left. It's up on the land bridge in the middle of the level, but it requires 10 medals to use it. This shop machine has unlimited usage provided you have the medals for it. When used, a dragonfly will come in out of nowhere and bombard the dual horns with a series of missles. Each missle (if it hits) does 9999 damage which is basically an instant death for each dual horn it makes contact with. Only use this when there are an overabundance of dual horns. And make sure that they are in the middle of the field because the dragonfly only aims right down the middle of the map. And as for Azul, he's basically a dual horn with a lot of HP, but he will use his range attack at random so make sure you do your best to avoid this because it is very taxing on your health. And make sure you pick up his Gigas Medal when he's finished because it's worth 10 medals. Well, there's not much else to tell you, except just be assiduous and you'll eventually get to 100. And don't be afraid to use your medals for the dragonfly, because you have no other use for the medals anyways. And one last note, once you get to 94 kills you have to go too the north side of the land bridge for the next 3 and then the south side for the remaining 3. Well, good luck and remember to use the manaheart! Magic works far better then bullets on the dual horns. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cait Versus the Empowered..................................cai75 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat Weiss the Immaculate-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- ///////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ///////////////////////////////////// ++Red Capsule available at K-8++ Cait Sith vs. Weiss? Are you kidding me? My exact words when I saw what I was in for. This is by no means another breeze battle like the other Cait Sith boss fights were. But it's not impossible by any means. Weiss is absurdly fast and Caith is.... well the exact opposite. Weiss has a series of attacks and he generally has a pattern. The hardest attack to contend with is his basic dash and slash attack. I've tried jumping away but Cait's just to slow for that. Instead when he dashs at you, run right at him, when he slashes it will go right over your head and you'll be behind him. He'll turn around and slash at you again, so just run back towards him and he should miss. This is rather difficult to do, so it make take you a few tries to get used to it. You may feel like you should attack once he misses. Well don't, because he'll just dash away and evade your attack. After he does the sword slashes, he'll shoot at you with his gunblades. He's pretty inaccurate with these so just keep moving and he should miss. These are his main attacks so if you bypass these you'll be alright. After a while he'll do an attack where he glides in circles around the area, starting with a large circle and spiraling inwards. Try to get to the edge of the wall when he does this, but it can be hard to avoid. You may think, "so when can I actually attack this guy?" Well after awhile he will stop his attacks and form two doppelgangers alongside him. At this point he'll do a dash attack at you, but you can actually evade this one by just running away and jumping. As soon as he misses with the attack do a full combo on him. This is basically your only window for attack so make sure you use it. He'll do the attack with 2 Weiss shadows again soon after his first attempt, but he won't stand around for you to attack this time, so don't bother. He also has a crisscrossing attack that basically just relies on you getting lucky to avoid. But don't worry, you still have 4 Mog dolls in this area. And you'll probably end up using all 4. Sometimes after he shoots at you you'll have a small opportunity to attack him, if you feel lucky enough go ahead and attack him once or twice if he's close. By the next shadow attack you'll have another opportunity for a full combo. So, basically this fight revolves around you evading a lot and just hoping serendipity is on your side. 4 full combos should be enough to take down Weiss, but considering how fast he is this might take a few tries. Another bit of advise, try to stay next to the walls of this level and try not to stray to far towards the center of this area. If you can manage this level, you'll be done with the Cait Sith missions, hurray! ^.^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deepground.................................................dee76 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat the Tsivets-- /////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO-- /////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- /////////////////////////////// ++Yellow Capsule available at J-8++ Vincent vs. Azul, Rosso, Nero, and Weiss all in a small confined area. Hmmm... seems a little unreasonable, but this mission is another push-over battle believe it or not. Equip the Cerberus, and I'd start with Rosso since she's directly to your left. Move at all times because Weiss is persistant and will be in your face about 80% of the time. After Rosso's gone I'd go after Nero since he has the least amount of HP. All we have left now is Weiss and Azul. Azul is annoying but Weiss is worse, I'd advise taking out Weiss first and leaving Azul for last. Azul has high defense, so trying to kill him with Weiss dashing around can be very risky. Anyways once Weiss is gone, Azul shouldn't pose much of a threat. Well now that that's finished we only have one more level and a secret level to go! Good job getting this far, it certainly takes awhile. *_* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stronghold Impervious......................................str77 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Defeat all the Enemies-- ////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- -Suffer a KO-- ////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --None-- ////////////////////////////////// ++Secret Level available at H-8++ Well, your finally at the last level (apart from the secret one) so granted, it is difficult. There are many sections to this mission in which you must dispose of each group of enemies to obtain a cardkey and move on to the next section. The first wave of enemies consists of three black widows shooting heat seeking missles at you. I know, you can hardly contain your enthusiasm. Well I always use my Griffon for this part, but you can use whatever weapon you want. Just strafe around these guys and keep up a continual stream of bullets at one black widow until he's disposed of. Continue on and kill the other two. After they're gone I'd head to the blue laser gride that leads to a ramp going upwards. At the top a turrent will materialize, so sit down and aim directly above you and you should see a white capsule affixed to the ceiling around the H-8 area. Shoot it to unlock the secret level. Now you can keep going with this level and skip out on the contents of the red box, or you can exit this level, go do the secret level and come back and you'll have access to the red box. Assuming you've gone and done Invitation to Illusion, come back and kill the 3 black widows again. Now, this time, head up the ramp on the right/southeast side of this level, and make sure you walk up because there are mines scattered throughout the walkway. Once you get to the door go in and grab the Limit Breaker and stand on the Mako point. Be careful because there is another mine in front of the red box. Anyways, destroy the red box to get Cait Sith. The first time i beat this level I didn't have him, so it is possible to get through Stronghold Impervious without him, but he does make things considerably easier. Anyways exit the building and head towards the blue laser grid in the west section. Once you open the grid step in a little ways and 9 DG soldiers will spawn. Don't run in and start firing, because these guys will destroy you, their guns are ridiculously strong so equip your Hydra and stand sort of next to the red grid to your right and get a head shot on the first one up above on the top level. Then wait for the next 3 down below to walk into your sights and snipe them. Try to make sure these guys don't see you because they'll make quick work of you. Once you get 4 of these guys finished off you should be able to run towards the ramp. But make sure the DG that's walking the ramp isen't coming down it or else he'll see you, wait until he turns around and heads back up to snipe him. Two more DGs are at the top so just stand in the shaded area with the pillar and wait for them. You should be at 7 now. Head up and stop before you get to the top, look over the ledge with the camera and another DG will be walking in front of the building, wait until he turns around and snipe him. The last one is inside the building. Grab the Phoenix Down, Red Potion, and 2 Ethers and head back to the ramp section towards the missle turrent you used to get the secret level. Once you sit down at the turrent you'll notice the turrent shoots missles instead of bullets. That does not make things easier, trust me. Start off on the lower right and take out the DG's running towards their turrents, alternate from right to left and so on until you get to 20. Now it gets hard, You'll have more guys below and DG's with rocket launchers on the top, so take out the guys on the bottom and then pick off a few rocket launcher DGs and then back to the turrents and so on. Expect to take some damage here, because there's just to much going on to come out of this unscathed. Alright once that's over with, head down the ramp to the next section. A numerous amount of boxes will materialize in front of you and you have to find the box with the cardkey in it. Luckily for you I'm here to tell you the exact box to shoot so you don't have to wade through any enemies. It's the furthest one on the left hand side in the top left hand corner, shoot it and your done with this section. Drop off the edge of the waterfall and wait for the soldiers to come down it shortly after. This is basic, just take out the soldiers when the come down, using chains help. Run through the waterfall and into the back, where you'll meet some DG's with rocket launchers, these guys are a push-over, just use chains and they fall very quickly. Alright, the next section is worse then George W. Bush's rhetoric. I appologize on behalf of any Bush supporters. >.< Anyways, get out your Hydra because you will be up against 12 snipers with very high-powered sniper rifles. As soon as the 0/12 pops up retreat into your little alcove you came from. Aim to the second level on the right for the first sniper and there's another one inbetween the large center pillar and the smaller pillar to its right. Aim inbetween these pillars and there should be another sniper on the second or third level. Move to the left of your alcove and aim to the highest level for a sniper (also don't worry about head shots, these guys go down in one hit no matter where you shoot them). OK, step out from your hiding spot a little ways and look up to the 4th level for a sniper on the right and one on the left side of the top level. 5 down, 7 to go. Go to the left side of your hiding spot and inch out aiming up to the right side of the second level right beside you. There's a sniper up there who can be quick, so as soon as you see any part of his body, shoot it. Next aim down in the same direction on the ground level and over in the right hand corner is another one, 5 more left. You should be kind of over on the left side but not in your hiding spot anymore. Go forwards a bit and look way up to the center pillar and pan to the right to see a sniper aiming down through the walkway at you. Now, run around on the left side. Get behind the beam due south, the one right in the middle of the three beams lined up parallel to each other. Look up to the top level again on your right hand side for another sniper. Keep going left until you get to the box on the west side. Look up towards the center and you'll see another sniper on the top of the walkway aiming down at you. Only 2 more. Keep running around to the next box and crouch behind it. Directly in front of you on the 2nd level is the next one. For the last one, head to the Northern set of 3 beams and get behind the first one you come to. Aim up to the 3rd level and you should see him. Equip your Cerberus right away because after he's gone Rosso jumps down to attack. Nothing to difficult here, just keep backing up and shooting at her. Grab the cardkey and continue. Next you'll encounter Nero, what a joke, just shoot some magic at him and a few shots from your Cerberus and he'll drop. Keep going down and Azul bounds up the stairs towards you. Another easy battle, just use some magic and keep firing. Alright, here's where things get dicey, go through the narrow hallway, and sooner or later Weiss will drop in. Weiss is hard enough, but now you have to battle him in this narrow hallway. I'd suggest using your Limit Breaker now if you still have it. This guy is super annoying so just be careful. Magic works great on him also if you don't want to bother with a limit breaker. Anyways, once he's finished you only have one more line of business to take care of. Go out the door, and approach the blue cube. You'll now have to fight... yourself. Hmm... well actually you have to fight Chaos which is far worse. It kinda reminds me of fighting Dark Link in ocarina of time. Anyways, I'd suggest staying up on the level your on because Chaos will drop down and fly around on the lower level. Equip your Hydra and get off shots whenever you can. If that's not working for you go ahead and jump off the right side to join him on the same level. This is harder but it might be easier to hit him. If you do decide to go down below and join him, use your Cerberus and use any limit breakers if you have any. I felt safer using my Hydra from a distance, but that might not work for you. Anyways this last level can be very irritating but when your finished you'll have a great reward waiting for you! As long as you've already completed Invitation to Illusion ^_^ .... Actually I'm just kidding, all you get is a crummy congratulations screen! Depressing :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Invitation to Illusion.....................................inv78 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --Mission Objective-- --Collect the EX Medals-- /////////////////////////////////// --Conditions for Defeat-- --Suffer a KO/Exceed Time Limit-- /////////////////////////////////// --Time Limit-- --2 Minutes-- /////////////////////////////////// ==Secret Mission== The title should cue you in on what to expect. You'll walk into a room full of red laser grids. Well, some of these laser grids are merely illusions and you can walk right through them. So first off run through the grid on your right, then through the grid on the far left, then go up the stairs. Grab the first medal and jump off over the blue laser grid in this section. Keep going straight into the room in front of you. Grab the medal behind the boxes next to the wall, then climb onto the boxes and jump over the grids with the cardkeys inside. Run back out and unlock the other blue laser grid. Ok, the farthest grid on the wall is an illusion, so past through that, grab the medal and go up towards the next laser grid on the wall and pass through it. Head down towards the middle of the room, and go right, straight, left, straight, and finally right to grab the next medal, head back out the way you came. Head up and go back towards the stairs, go along the wall then go down through another grid and you'll be back at the stairs. Grab the medal underneath the stairs. 4 more to go. Now go towards the rooms in the southeast corner. Go through the grid closest to the stairs and continue on into the first room to your right. Shoot the cargo box suspended in the air for medal #7. Go out of the room and down the hallway. At the back of this room you'll notice an explosive barrel, stand as far away from it as possible and shoot it to expose the next medal. Backtrack and go up the stairs again, jump off and this time, break to your right, and down the hallway. Ok now we have a few lines of red grids, the ones that are illusions are far right, far right, all the way down towards the table and chairs, go straight and circle around the table. Then jump up on the boxes and then jump over the red laser grid to your left and onto the table. Another medal is on some boxes here. That just leaves one more medal. Go towards the last hallway and run right through all the grids, double jump over the last one and viola! :) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ------------------- Legalities and such ------------------------ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Passing Note.............................................pas04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is just me saying goodbye, and I thank you for reading my guide. I know it's not perfect, and I know I tend to get longwinded on certain missions (Deep Labyrinth, Rains of Gehenna, and Stronghold Impervious being some good examples). But ultimately I wrote this guide to help people out with the Extra Missions, so I hope it accomplished this goal somewhat. And I hope you actually enjoyed playing DoC, it's a good game! Despite what the naysayers think :p Anyways, I'm glad to have this completed, but e-mail me if you have any suggestions, questions, corrections, or any comments on my guide. Thanks again and have a great day. ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits....................................................cre05 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lifelessdummy for some of the capsule locations. chronx for the 100,000 needles capsule location. JimTheFly for the strategy on Gatling Showers. Square Enix for producing this game. ++If i forgot anyone, let me know!++ ---------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2006, Monistic_Turtle This guide is available at: www.neoseeker.com www.supercheats.com www.gamefaqs.com If anyone wants to use my guide on their site, I'd be happy to oblige. Just e-mail if you'd like to post it somewhere else. Version 1.7 (hopefully finished)