====================================== DISASTER REPORT for Sony Playstation 2 Alternate Path Walkthough or Kelly's Walkthrough by Zikzak23 (spambait@operamail.com) ====================================== Version 1.0 Last updated Sept 21, 2004 All Rights Reserved. It is written solely for use by IGN.com and GameFAQs.com. This document cannot be sold or altered without the written permission of the author. Contents -------- I. Introduction II. Walkthrough 1. Capital District (CAP) 2. Amusement Park (AMP) 3. Residential District (RES) 4. Kelly's Neighborhood (KEL) 5. Santa Katrina Hospital (HOS) III. Credits ====================================== I. Introduction ====================================== It seems like most people who play "Disaster Report" choose to stay with Karen throughout the game. No mystery there; she's cute and helpless. But when I finished the game the first time, I went back and tried the alternate path. I couldn't find a walkthrough for that, so here is the walkthrough for it. For more info on the game, consult the excellent walkthrough by TestaALT at Gamefaqs.com. To go straight to a section of this walkthrough quickly, use the Find/Search function on your word processor and enter the three-letter code listed after each name in the contents. The critical moment in the game occurs at the end of Girard Street, after escaping from the collapsing construction site. Greg gives you the choice of going with Karen to rescue her dog or continuing to the amusement park. Choose to go to the park, get ready to feel really bad over Karen's disappointment, then move on. On this journey, you'll meet Kelly Austin who is looking for her little brother, Jason. ====================================== II. Walkthrough ====================================== [ 1. Capital District ] (CAP) Walk forward a bit and you'll see a bicycle leaning against a fence. Get on the bicycle by pressing X next to it and ride it through the hole in fence onto the street. Ride around the fallen truck to the end of the street and turn right. You'll see a portion of the street filled with mud. Ride through the muddy river, around and/or over the broken pavement, until you reach a flooded car dealership. From here, the bicycle is useless. Get off the bike. Be sure to pick up the water filter on one of the tables in the room. There will be another aftershock, but nothing serious. climb up onto the staircase in the dealership and keep going up until Keith gets to a car that's sticking out of a broken window. There's another broken window in front of it. Climb through that window onto the fallen building outside. Walk down the fallen tower until you get to a broken window. Drop through the window and keep going forward until Keith gets to the street. Turn left and walk around the corner. [ 2. Amusement Park ] (AMP) You'll see the amusement park straight ahead of you. If Keith needs water, go down to the intersection and turn right. Head all the way to the end, and you'll find a water fountain for saves/ drinking/refills. Head south to the park's fence and walk east along it until you get to a crashed bus and car. The bus knocked a hole in the fence that will take you into the park, but there's a sign jutting across the path, blocking the gate. Before you go through the hole in the fence, first walk past it to the other side of the crashed car. There's the sign sticking out. Get on the eastern side of the sign and press X. Keith will push the sign out of the way. Now go back and walk through the hole in the fence. Walk east and click X to push open the gate and enter the park. Head straight south to get to rows of submerged lockers. There are numbers written on the ends of the rows, and Keith will also tell you which rows are which. Find lockers 101-120. Use the locker key in your inventory in front of them. That will get you Greg's files. Now head west to the teacup ride, where you'll find Kelly Austin trapped under it. Climb up into it, and you'll trigger an aftershock that will cause it to collapse. Make your way around the cups until you get to Kelly, and press X to push the debris off Kelly. Once you do, another aftershock will open a hole in the fence that Keith can run through and escape. Congratulations, Kelly is now on your team. There's a sun visor on one of the tables with umbrellas over them if you want it. Head east across the park to a broken section that is underwater and pouring water from some pipes. On the way, you'll hear a news report. The water coming out of the pipes is dirty, so Keith can't drink it directly, but if you fill a bottle and use a water purifier Keith can drink it if you need it. You can also save the game here. There are some swan boats in the water. Go up to the open doorway of the intact boat and press X to push it into the water and climb inside. Hold down O to paddle the boat through the water and head south. There will be another aftershock and the ferris wheel will come down to smash up everything. Stay where you are until it comes to a stop. Paddle north through the wreckage until Keith passes a submerged house and the path turns right. Head straight down that path and bump into the curb ahead of you. [ 3. Residential District ] (RES) Walk forward a bit, then hang on through another aftershock. It will knock over a freeway overpass, so be careful. Once it's over, head east towards the stairs leading to the elevated platform. When Keith walks on the patch of pavement in front of the platform, an aftershock will break it off and tilt it, so hang on so Keith doesn't fall off. Go up the stairs and walk along the platform until you get to the broken end. Jump down onto the truck on the level below. An aftershock will cause the truck to tip over. You can run and jump off before it falls ,but Kelly will be unable to follow you. Walk to the stairs to the northeast and climb to the top, where it leans against a series of rooftops. Walk east along the rooftops until Keith can drop down to the other side. Head south to where a van and another car are hanging off the edge. Press X at the base of the car and that will push it over to make a bridge for Kelly to cross on. Head back the way you came to the street again. There is a water fountain northeast in the ruins of the subway platform. Use it if you need it. Here comes a tough part. Head north down the road between the houses. There will be a massive quake that will start causing the road to break up and collapse into the ocean. Run down the road as fast as you can, climbing over the broken pavement and jumping until you get to the other side. Watch out for falling lightpoles and trees. There is a first-aid kit halfway along on the western side if you need it. [ 4. Kelly's Neighborhood ] (KEL) Once the quake is over, you'll end up in a narrow path blocked off by houses. Kelly will lead you east. Follow her through an alley into a parking lot. She will lead you to a water truck, where Keith can save/drink/refill. Go to the car to your east parked next to a metal awning. Climb onto the car and then onto the awning. Jump over the fence to the other side and head west to follow the alley around to the other side of the house. There is a metal cabinet to your east. Climb onto the cabinet and then onto the rooftop in front of it. Jump off the roof onto the ground. There, Keith will meet Officer Jeff Burroughs. Once he's finished, follow Kelly and she will lead you east to her house. Wait inside Kelly's house while she searches for Jason. You can find a pair of glasses and the Apple compass, if you want them. There will be a sequence of waiting for Jason outside. Once that's over, head north. [ 5. Santa Katrina Hospital ] (HOS) Keith will meet Eric Lu in a movie sequence, then get taken to the hospital. Be sure to give Doctor Patton Greg's file when you're given the choice. After that, go through the sequence of the rescue helicopter arriving. You can either choose to stay with Kelly or get on the helicopter. If you choose to stay with Kelly, you'll be left on the road surrounded by an ocean of mud. Head north to the stairs and go up to the elevated platform. The platform will collapse and quakes and waves will knock you around a bit, so brace yourself. Cross the platform to the rooftops and head north, then east. While you're running, watch out for falling cars that can crush you. Once you get to the last rooftop, the house Keith is standing on will break away and float down the muddy seas. The house will float under a street sign. Position Keith to avoid the sign that will knock him off and crouch so that he avoids the other signs hanging down. The house will finally beach itself against a staircase at the top of a department store. Go up the staircase. There's a water fountain at the top of the stairs if you need it. A row of girders along the side of the building will let Keith climb to the roof. Walk alongside the roof and drop down to the east side by letting Keith fall, hang on, and press X without moving the joystick. Go northeast to cross the ladder leaning against the roof. After a few feet, the ladder will break and Keith will fall through. He'll be left dangling over the water and will have to cross the ladder hand-over-hand on the underside. Cars will be floating along the water that can knock Keith off. Try to avoid them. You can also hold down the R2 button to make Keith swing his legs up and let the cars float under him. Halfway along the ladder, a house will break free and slam into the ladder. You can't avoid it. You have to brace Keith to keep from getting knocked off on impact. Once the crash is over, keep going to the other side, avoiding the last van floating at Keith. Once you get to the other side of the ladder, it's still not over. Keith and Kelly will end up on the side of a fallen tower. A gas truck will break free and slide down the wall towards him. Run east towards the car at the base of four girders. Climb onto the car and up the four girders. At the top, brace yourself. The truck will hit the girders, but keep sliding down and you'll be safe. After that, you'll go the Town Crier newspaper and the game continues almost exactly the same, except Kelly will replace Karen. The only major difference is that you'll find Jason in the rescue boat at Windrunner Park. If you want to finish the game with Kelly, then choose to go with her at May Stadium when Greg asks which woman you want to escort. It doesn't have much of an impact on the rest of the game, though. ====================================== III. Credits ====================================== Thanks to TestaALT for the more comprehensive walkthrough for this game. Also thanks to Agetec for a truly unique and enjoyable game. By the way, if you go with Kelly, then Karen gets jealous. What's up with that? Kelly's only 17 according to the manual and looks 14. I guess I'm not the target audience for this game, because I didn't have the hots for Kelly at all. I prefer women of legal age.