________ \______ \____________ ____ ____ ____ | | \_ __ \__ \ / ___\ / _ \ / \ | ` \ | \// __ \_/ /_/ > <_> ) | \ /_______ /__| (____ /\___ / \____/|___| / \/ \//_____/ \/ ________ __ \_____ \ __ __ ____ _______/ |_ / / \ \| | \_/ __ \ / ___/\ __\ / \_/ \ | /\ ___/ \___ \ | | \_____\ \_/____/ \___ >____ > |__| \__> \/ \/ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ \ \ / /| | | | \ Y / | | | | \ / | | | | \___/ |___|___|___| ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Author: A I e x | | Began: November 15th, 2005 | | Completed: December 10th, 2005 | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and enjoy a traditional RPG. Dragon Quest VIII offers us just that, plus a nice demo of Final Fantasy XII to boot. It's a great package that we have here and many have been waiting a long time for this game to hit North American shores, so without further ado, let us begin the game. I hope you enjoy Dragon Quest VIII, and this walkthrough too! ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || CT.TS || Table of Contents || CT.TS || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | - Table of Contents.....................CT.TS | | - Character Introduction................CH.00 | | - Hero.............................CH.01 | | - Yangus...........................CH.02 | | - Jessica..........................CH.03 | | - Angelo...........................CH.04 | | - Walkthrough...........................01.00 | | - Prologue.........................01.01 | | - Farebury.........................01.02 | | - Farebury Region..................01.03 | | - Waterfall Cave...................01.04 | | - Farebury.........................01.05 | | - Alexandria Region................01.06 | | - Alexandria.......................01.07 | | - Tower of Alexandria..............01.08 | | - Alexandria Region................01.09 | | - Port Prospect....................01.10 | | - Ferry............................01.11 | | - Pereguin Quay....................01.12 | | - Maella Region....................01.13 | | - Simpleton........................01.14 | | - Maella Abbey.....................01.15 | | - Ruined Abbey.....................01.16 | | - Maella Abbey.....................01.17 | | - Kingdom of Ascantha..............01.18 | | - Ascantha.........................01.19 | | - Wisher's Peak....................01.20 | | - Pickham Region...................01.21 | | - Pickham..........................01.22 | | - Pickham Region...................01.23 | | - Swordsman's Labyrinth............01.24 | | - Pickham Region...................01.25 | | - Kingdom of Trodain...............01.26 | | - Trodain Castle...................01.27 | | - Beneath Ascantha.................01.28 | | - Land of the Moles................01.29 | | - Mole Hole........................01.30 | | - Treasure Hunt....................01.31 | | - Ocean............................01.32 | | - Baccarat Region..................01.33 | | - Baccarat.........................01.34 | | - Chateau Felix....................01.35 | | - Northwest Isle...................01.36 | | - Kingdom of Argonia...............01.37 | | - Argonia..........................01.38 | | - Hunting Grounds..................01.39 | | - Argonia..........................01.40 | | - Dark Ruins.......................01.41 | | - Arcadia Region...................01.42 | | - Arcadia Region...................01.43 | | - Rydon's Tower....................01.44 | | - Arcadia..........................01.45 | | - Blizzard Peaks...................01.46 | | - Orkutsk..........................01.47 | | - Herb Grotto......................01.48 | | - Marta's Cottage..................01.49 | | - Treasure Hunt....................01.50 | | - Desert...........................01.51 | | - Dragon Graveyard.................01.52 | | - Savella Cathedral................01.53 | | - Pirate's Cove....................01.54 | | - Isolated Plateau.................01.55 | | - Empycchu.........................01.56 | | - World of Darkness................01.57 | | - Dark Empycchu....................01.58 | | - Godbird's Eyrie..................01.59 | | - Treasure Hunt....................01.60 | | - Tryan Gully......................01.61 | | - High Priest's Residence..........01.62 | | - Neos.............................01.63 | | - Troll's Maze.....................01.64 | | - Black Citadel....................01.65 | | - Orb Hunting......................01.66 | | - The End [Final Boss].............01.67 | | - Sidequests & Minigames [Incomplete]...02.00 | | - Casinos..........................02.01 | | - Princess Minnie's Castle.........02.02 | | - Additional Info..................02.03 | | - Shop Inventory........................03.00 | | - Farebury.........................03.01 | | - Alexandria.......................03.02 | | - Port Prospect....................03.03 | | - Pereguin Quay....................03.04 | | - Simpleton........................03.05 | | - Ascantha.........................03.06 | | - Pickham..........................03.07 | | - West Trodain Church..............03.08 | | - Princess Minnie's Castle.........03.09 | | - Baccarat.........................03.10 | | - Peddler's Tent...................03.11 | | - Argonia..........................03.12 | | - Argonia Bazaar...................03.13 | | - Arcadia..........................03.14 | | - Orkutsk..........................03.15 | | - Desert Chapel....................03.16 | | - Savella Cathedral................03.17 | | - Empycchu.........................03.18 | | - Dark Empycchu....................03.19 | | - Tryan Gully......................03.20 | | - Neos.............................03.21 | | - Character Skillsets...................04.00 | | - Hero.............................04.01 | | - Yangus...........................04.02 | | - Jessica..........................04.03 | | - Angelo...........................04.04 | | - Item List.............................05.00 | | - Equipment List........................0A.00 | | - Accessories......................0A.01 | | - Armour...........................0A.02 | | - Axes.............................0A.03 | | - Boomerangs.......................0A.04 | | - Bows.............................0A.05 | | - Hammers..........................0A.06 | | - Headgear.........................0A.07 | | - Knives...........................0A.08 | | - Scythes..........................0A.09 | | - Shield...........................0A.10 | | - Spears...........................0A.11 | | - Staves...........................0A.12 | | - Swords...........................0A.13 | | - Whips............................0A.14 | | - Alchemy List..........................0B.00 | | - Bestiary..............................06.00 | | - Normal Enemies...................06.01 | | - Boss Monsters....................06.02 | | - Geyzer......................06.A1 | | - Khalamari...................06.A2 | | - Tortured Soul...............06.A3 | | - Trap Box....................06.A4 | | - Don Mole....................06.A5 | | - Soul Mole...................06.A6 | | - Argon Lizard................06.A7 | | - Great Argon Lizard..........06.A8 | | - Dark Ruins Boss.............06.A9 | | - Dark Ruins Boss.............06.B0 | | - Evil Girl...................06.B1 | | - Captain Crow................06.B2 | | - Red Horn....................06.B3 | | - Blue Fang...................06.B4 | | - Empryea.....................06.B5 | | - Gemon.......................06.B6 | | - Evil Sir Leopold............06.B7 | | - Neos Boss...................06.B8 | | - Servant of Darkness.........06.B9 | | - Statue of Hero..............06.C0 | | - Statue of Yangus............06.C1 | | - Statue of Jessica...........06.C2 | | - Statue of Angelo............06.C3 | | - Megalodon...................06.C4 | | - Ruin........................06.C5 | | - Lord of Darkness............06.C6 | | - Final Boss..................06.C7 | | - Final Fantasy XII Demo................F1.00 | | - Controls.........................CN.TR | | - Walkthrough......................F1.00 | | - Introduction................F1.01 | | - Choosing a Scenario.........F1.02 | | - The Phon Coast..............F1.03 | | - The Stilshrine of Miriam....F1.04 | | - Characters.......................F2.00 | | - The Phon Coast.................F2.A0 | | - Vaan........................F2.A1 | | - Basch.......................F2.A2 | | - Penelo......................F2.A3 | | - The Stilshrine of Miriam.......F2.B0 | | - Ashe........................F2.B1 | | - Fran........................F2.B2 | | - Baltheir....................F2.B3 | | - Item List........................F3.00 | | - Magic List.......................F4.00 | | - White Magic.................F4.01 | | - Black Magic.................F4.02 | | - Time Magic..................F4.03 | | - Green Magic.................F4.04 | | - Bestiary.........................F5.00 | | - The Phon Coast..............F5.01 | | - The Stilshrine of Miriam....F5.02 | | - Legal & Copyright.....................LE.AL | | - Credits & Thanks......................CR.DS | |____________________________________________________________________________| |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || CH.00 || Character Introduction || CH.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +-- HERO ----------------------------------------------------------- CH.01 --+ Hero is the silent protagonist you may be oh-so familiar with from so many RPGs in the past. As you know the idea behind the silent protagonist is that without giving the character a personality, it's easier to relate with him (somehow.) Personally I'm not a big fan of this particular philosophy, but it certainly doesn't detract from the game or anything. The story behind Hero as far as the player is concerned without going too deep is that he was a guard at the castle where Trode was king. On the day that the castle was attacked by Dhoulmagus both King Trode and Princess Medea were saved from death by the power of the magic circle. Hero however was just as vulnerable as anyone else, yet he survived with no ill effects. The reasons for this are subject to great mystery throughout the game's story. Overall Hero seems to be just a nice guy who is accompanying Trode not only because it's his job, but because it's the kind of thing he'd probably be doing anyway just to help out. +-- YANGUS --------------------------------------------------------- CH.02 --+ Yangus' tale is not revealed to the player right away. At first it seems like he is merely a traveler accompanying them on their journey. Before long it becomes evident that Yangus wasn't always the nice guy he appears to be now. At the beginning of the journey, Hero was the only one accompanying Trode and Medea. As they crossed a bridge one day Yangus the thief jumped out and demanded all their money. Due to his inept handling of the situation Yangus ended up hanging off the bridge for dear life. While Trode was content to leave him be, Hero was nice enough to pull Yangus up and save his life. From that point on Yangus pledged to follow Hero (not Trode) and assist him. +-- JESSICA -------------------------------------------------------- CH.03 --+ Jessica is the first of two party members not present at the beginning of the game. It's not until the party completes the Tower of Alexandria and meets her in Port Prospect that she actually joins up with the party. She is part of a high ranking family (The Albert Family) which owns a mansion in Alexandria however she has never bought into all the family tradition mumbo jumbo. When a family crisis has her setting off on a quest for revenge against the evil Dhoulmagus her mother expels her from the family entirely, saying that revenge is not something that she should seek. With nowhere else to turn Jessica joins the party with the common goal of defeating Dhoulmagus. +-- ANGELO --------------------------------------------------------- CH.04 --+ Angelo is the fourth and final party member you will recruit. He lives at the Maella Abbey along with his brother Marcello. Both of them are orphans who were raised by the Abbot at the Abbey from a young age. Marcello is in a position of respect at the abbey while Angelo is known more as a troublemaker, neither of them have gotten along too well in the past. When Angelo requests help from the party to determine the identity of an evil "jester-ish" presence at the abbey and this of course leads to some serious problems. Inevitably Angelo, like Jessica, isn't exactly welcome at his home anymore and chooses to live his vagabond life with Hero and the other hunting Dhoulmagus. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 01.00 || Walkthrough || 01.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ROLOGUE -----------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 01 | SEARCH | 01.01 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+-------| | ITEM CHECKLIST | None...........................................N/A | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose to create a new adventure log and enter the name of your main character. There is no default name I'm sorry to say, so it's all up to your creative mind to come up with something fitting. Personally I like the name Alex, but then again I may be a little biased. Once you have a name for your character, save your game on the memory card and get ready to start. After Yangus is done talking then you have control of your characters. Stand up and familiarize yourself with your surroundings and the controls. You can lift and smash those barrels in front of you using the X button, but there's nothing inside of them. Speak to Yangus now, neither he nor Trode seems to be able to find the princess. Just as they're scanning the area trying to find her, a few Slimes jump out from the bushes and attack you! This is your chance to get acquainted with the battle system. The fight is about as easy as they come. The battle interface is relatively simple, you've got your Fight, Flee, Intimidate and Tactics options. The Tactics option allows you to choose how your party members will act (they control themselves.) If you really want to take control of your other party members then simply choose Tactics and then the "Follow Orders" option. To defeat the Slimes simply choose Fight and then Attack every turn and they'll go down almost immediately. The fight will be over before you know it. Following the battle the "princess" shows up. The princess as it turns out is actually a horse. At least it's a nice horse. Trode takes the reigns and rides it back to town along with Hero and Yangus while the opening credits roll. They all make their way back to the town of Farebury. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________) (, / /___, ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ AREBURY ---------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 01 | SEARCH | 01.02 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | 4 Gold Pieces..................................|_| | | | Holy Water.....................................|_| | | | Plain Clothes..................................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | Cypress Stick..................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | Cypress Stick..................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | 3 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | 5 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | 10 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Leather Shield.................................|_| | | | 8 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | Plain Clothes..................................|_| | | | 20 Gold Pieces.................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Pot Lid........................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | 2 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | 4 Gold Coins...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the quiet town of Farebury. Upon arriving in the town Trode explains that their goal is to locate Dhoulmagus, the one who transformed them both into a horse and a... gremlin thing. Tell Trode that you would be happy to help him locate Rylus. Speak to Yangus and then you'll be off. Follow my instructions carefully if you want to find the items in this area. Note that all compass directions given are based on the map that you can open up with the square button. The map is fairly helpful, use it often. Let's start exploring the town. Near where you begin there are a couple of stands, one of them is a shop where you can buy some items if you want. When you have then turn around and go in the opposite direction through the large arch where you should find a burned down building. Beside it is the inn and beside the front door of the inn are a couple of barrels. Smash them both with the X button, one of them contains 4 GOLD PIECES. Now go into the inn next door and head upstairs. Examine the cabinets here to find a HOLY WATER and a set of PLAIN CLOTHES. Open the chest to get a CHIMAERA WING. There are a couple more cabinets in here as well that hold a CYPRESS STICK and nothing at all. Notice there are a couple of bags hanging from the wall, reach into them to get an ANTIDOTAL HERB and a MEDICINAL HERB. Now you can leave the inn finally. Edit: There is a back door to the inn. Go through the back door and reach into the hanging bag beside the counter to find a total of 3 GOLD COINS. Across from the inn you'll find the armour shop which sells quite a few pieces of equipment better than the stuff you're wearing, but whether you can afford it is an entirely different story. Enter the house just north of the armour shop and break the barrels in there to receive 5 GOLD COINS. Examine one of the cabinets to get an ANTIDOTAL HERB. Leave the home and go north, there is a set of stairs here which you can climb up. Head east at the top of the stairs and break the pot near the tavern to acquire a MEDICINAL HERB. Behind you is the back entrance to the bar. Go through it and break the barrels to tavern's back entrance until you hit a wall. Beside you should be a well. Examine it to jump down. You'll find a chest down here with a LEATHER SHIELD. Turn around and go back a few steps west of the wall to find a door leading south into another house (not the one directly beside the well, that one's locked.) In this house you can break the pots to get 8 GOLD COINS. Also check the cabinets in the adjacent room to get some PLAIN CLOTHES. Forget the tavern for now, the house you want is just south of the tavern and just west of the weapons shop. The pots contain nothing but one of the cabinets hides 20 GOLD PIECES. Now go into the weapons shop and take a look at the merchandise, wishing you could afford some of those better weapons. You may have noticed a couple of chests behind the counter, well there is indeed a back door to this store. Unfortunately when you go around to that side you'll be dismayed to learn that both chests are locked. Speaking to the shopkeeper from that side will get you a couple of pointers about the game depending on whether you give a yes or no answer to the question that he asks you. Southeast of the weapons shop is the church. Churches are where you go to save the game. Speak to the woman near the entrance and choose Confession to save your game. Don't leave yet however, go into the back room and break the pot to get a MEDICINAL HERB. There's a room even beyond this one with a cabinet containing POT LID and a locked chest. You can climb up to the bell tower if you wish but there isn't much of interest up there. Leave the church and check around behind it. There are a couple of sneakily hidden pots there, one containing SEED OF DEFENCE. head back to the east side of this upper area, on the other side of the house there are three barrels, two contain 2 GOLD COINS and a MEDICINAL HERB. That covers the vast majority of the items, now it's time to proceed with the main game. Make your way to the tavern. Approach the man sitting at the bar and a scene will take over automatically. This is where you meet the fortune teller Kalderasha. His house was the one that burnt down, and according to him, old man Rylus (the man you are looking for) with it. Just as you get close someone bursts into the tavern screaming that a monster is attacking the town. Leave the bar and go down the stairs. Run back to where you, Yangus and Trode first came into town. Turns out that Trode himself is actually the monster. The townsfolk just won't accept him and the party has no choice but to leave the area. Tell Trode that you did manage to find master Rylus and that he has unfortunately passed on. Just as they are about to leave, a young girl approaches telling them to wait. She says she had a dream last night that a group of people including a strange create came to town and had the power to grant wishes. She introduces herself as the daughter of the fortune teller. She wants to speak to you further but you'll first have to join her at her home. Head up to the second level of town and head back to the well. The door beside it which was locked before is now open, head through it to find the girl. Don't speak to her right away, instead check the cupboards in the back to find 4 GOLD COINS. Now go back and speak to the girl. First of all, she wishes to tell you her story. Once again she is the daughter of the Great Kalderasha, the fortune teller you met in the tavern earlier. Her father was a great fortune teller at one point however he lost his abilities not too long ago, most likely due to the glass ball her now uses instead of a crystal ball. Before she can say anything else her father enters the house, in an angry mood. Her request is that you find a new crystal ball for him so that he can regain his power. Another part of her dream is that there is a crystal ball hidden inside a nearby waterfall cave. Obviously that's going to be your next destination. Leave the town through the large gates at the northwest corner. Trode brings up a fairly good point. Despite the pointlessness of this little fetch quest, if the fortune teller got his power back perhaps he could help them find the man who invoked the curse. Your final task is to head for the inn and spend the night there. In the morning take the southern exit out of town. It's time to find that cave. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________) (, / /___, ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ AREBURY REGION --------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 01 | SEARCH | 01.03 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Boxer Shorts...................................|_| | | | 82 Gold Coins..................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is treasure to be found on the world map, but it's not without its dangers. While Dragon Quest VIII does employ a system of random encounters you will still randomly come across visible enemies on the map, and for the most part these enemies are much more difficult than the encounters so at this point in the game you should be avoiding them. Here's an example. Take the northwestern exit out of town, or go around the west side of town from the world map. From the west side of the town head north through the trees. As you make your way up quite a long distance, eventually as you approach the edge of the map you'll see a crazy axe-wielding dinosaur. This enemy will kill you in a single hit if you encounter it, but he runs slow so it's fairly easy to avoid. Just northeast of this dinosaur is a treasure chest containing SEED OF LIFE which is why you came up here. Get the item and then head back down to Farebury. There's still a few more treasures to find. Fortunately while exploring the map it really gives you a chance to increase your levels. As you level up out here you will undoubtedly gain some skill points for your characters. Skill points must be allocated into specific skills with different weapons, and in turn start increasing your proficiency with that weapon or trait. You can focus almost all of your skills into a single equipment type, or you can spread it out if you want. I tend to focus on Sword techniques for Hero and Scythe techniques for Yangus. Anyway take the northwestern exit out of town, then follow the path going west for quite a long time. When you reach a fork in the road continue going west until you eventually hit a broken bridge. From there follow the edge of the cliff north and as you go around past the trees you should be able to catch a glimpse of a treasure chest between two trees. The chest contains BOXER SHORTS, a new piece of armour equip-able by Yangus. Once again let's head back to Farebury. Rest up at the inn and grab some healing items if you want. By this point there's a good chance you can afford a new weapon as well. Head south from the town and follow the road exactly. Before long it will take you to a fork in the path. Make a left at the fork and follow this path now for quite a ways until you reach another fork. At that point you will be able to see a large red tree ahead of you which kind of stands out from the rest. Southeast of this tree there is a treasure chest near the wall which has 82 GOLD COINS inside of it. That's the last treasure chest to be found here on the map, you can head back to town now if you want or go to the waterfall cave directly from here (which is far to the west then south.) Reaching the waterfall cave when coming from Farebury is fairly easy. Just head south from the southern exit along the path until you reach the fork. Continue in the same direction this time rather than turning and soon enough you will come to the waterfall cavern. Leave Trode behind and head inside. Update (Submitted by Viviamoru): Hello it has been a pleasure reading your Dragon Quest VIII Walkthrough/Faq. I just wanted to meantion that before you enter the Waterfall Cave, there is a road around behind the cave that leads to a house ontop of the Cave. Inside there is a man who sends you on a quest to retrieve a Tool Bag for him. It is near the one and only tree with Red Leaves on it. Once you get back to him in his house, he gives you 8 Plain Cheese and there is a Seed of Agility in a bag on his wall. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) | / | /| / |/ |/ ___________________________________ +-- / | ATERFALL CAVE ----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 05 | SEARCH | 01.04 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Waterfall Cave..........................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Leather Hat....................................|_| | | | Copper Sword...................................|_| | | | Crystal Ball...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the first dungeon of Dragon Quest VIII. I would recommend you level up at least to level four or five and purchase the two weapon upgrades for both Hero and Yangus before entering this cave. How you want to prepare is still up to you of course. Begin by heading east along the path lit by torches. It will curve and come to a fork before too long. Open up the chest here to find a MAP OF WATERFALL CAVE. The path branch you want to take is the one going to the right. There is a thin path leading you along through the water in this area. Take the path which branches off to find not one, not two, but three treasure chests containing CHIMAERA WING, MEDICINAL HERB and LEATHER HAT. Continue along this path beyond this large room until you hit another fork. Going left just takes you back to the cave's entrance so make a right . Proceed forward and down the stairs to the lower level. The path here opens up into a large room but there is nothing to be found in there. Keep going until you reach the edge of the room where some little fellow is standing guard. Speak to this thing and tell him that you are brave enough to fight. For showing your bravery he lets you pass through without indecent. If you'd like to test your skills anyway, speak to him again and you can trigger a battle. The Hammerhood is only slightly stronger than normal enemies with twice as much health. His charge up attacks can do 15-18 damage but he'll be dead before he can get any more than one of them out. It's worth fighting him for the experience and to add to your enemy list. Just past the Hammerhood is another fork in the path. This time you'll want to make a left. Follow the path and speak to the little slime, tell him you believe him for a little tip. At the end of the path there is indeed a treasure chest, it contains a COPPER SWORD which is a great new weapon if you didn't upgrade in Farebury, and the exact same one you're wearing if you did. Turn around and go back in the opposite direction. Head straight at the fork when you reach it and descend down to the third level. Here it's just a straight road to the crystal ball. When you reach out to try and take it however, Geyzer, the master of the waterfall will jump out. Tell him that the crystal ball belongs to you and then the battle against Geyzer will begin. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GEYZER | HABITATS: Waterfall Cave | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Strength | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Aquatic | A bitter and vengeful merman who | | Number......................... 261 | has long since sought the fortune | | Hit Points..................... 173 | teller responsible for dropping a | | Magic Points.................... 20 | crystal ball on his head. | | Experience..................... 107 | | | Gold........................... 108 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Boss battles in this game are not easy, and unlike other games you won't | | usually find a save point right before you battle them. You won't have | | your hand held here so it's your job to be prepared. Personally I was | | level seven when Ii fought the boss but I imagine level six would do. | | Make sure both of your party members have a couple of Medicinal Herbs on | | them, and that's on their person, not in the bag where they can't access | | them in battle. They should also be equipped with the best weapons and | | the best armour that you can afford at this point in the game. | | | | The Geyzer is a reasonable first boss that will provide a bit of a | | challenge. He has three attacks that he uses randomly. The first is an | | attack called Cursed Mist which targets both of your characters. Any | | characters that it hits will become cursed, meaning they will not be able | | to act for a turn and possibly more. Fortunately Hero usually evades it, | | and so does Yangus from time to time. The second attack is just a normal | | swipe from the monster's tail which does about fifteen damage. The final | | attack is called Sizz. It is a blast of fire which hits both your | | characters for about 10 - 15 damage each. That about covers what the boss | | is capable of doing to you. To defeat him you should stick with normal | | attacks for the most part and use healing items when necessary. I had | | nothing for Yangus (since I'm working up the Scythe skills) but Hero had | | learned Dragon Slash by this point, but I found it extremely ineffective | | against the boss (his normal attack did even more damage.) So as I said | | before, use normal attacks and healing items and you'll do just fine. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Following the battle Geyzer determines that you are not in fact the owner of the crystal ball. He speaks of a castle Trodain and a lone survivor who set off on a quest. You were that survivor! Whatever this means is unknown to you of course but regardless, Geyzer is now willing to give up the CRYSTAL BALL so that's one good thing. If you try to use your Chimaera Wing right now it won't work, it never does while you're indoors. You'll have to travel back out of this cave on your own. That is of course unless Hero has learned the Evac spell which takes you directly out of dungeons, check your field magic skills to see if you have it and if you do, use it. Now get back to Farebury. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________) (, / /___, ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ AREBURY ---------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 07 | SEARCH | 01.05 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+-------| | ITEM CHECKLIST | None...........................................N/A | |-----------------------+--------------------+---------------+---------------| | ENEMIES | N/A | N/A | N/A | |_______________________|____________________|_______________|_______________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Save your game at the church when you arrive in Farebury. Once you've done that, enter Valentina's house and speak to her father. He is unhappy that you brought back the crystal ball. He says that no one understands why he threw it away, and he will just throw it away again or smash it to pieces. Before he can do so however, Valentina enters the room saying she knows what happened, and she does not blame him for the death of her parents. She only wishes to see him return to his original glory as a great fortune teller. Get up the next morning and head downstairs. Kalderasha has returned the crystal ball back to where it belongs. Now to thank them he will make a vision. He sees a jester passing through the southern checkpoint, the same jester who murdered Master Rylus. It was Dhoulmagus himself! Speak to Kalderasha again to learn that he is headed south, and there is a small village in that direction called Alexandria, that is your next destination. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ LEXANDRIA REGION -------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 07 | SEARCH | 01.06 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Slime Earrings.................................|_| | | | 100 Gold Coins.................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leave Farebury through the southern exit and begin following the path as it leads you south. When you come to the fork, make a left. You don't' want to go down toward the Waterfall Cave again. Before long this path also forks in two directions. When this occurs you'll want to head south and cross the large bridge. Once on the other side you will be in Alexandrian territory. Make a right turn immediately when you get to the other side of the bridge and go up the hill, then turn to face north. Along the edge of the cliff you should be able to spot a treasure chest which contains SLIME EARRINGS. Get back on the path again and follow it past the arch leading to the town of Alexandra, we'll get there in a moment. Take a few more steps east and then head north when you get to the other side of the town. Go all the way north until you hit a cliff overlooking the water, nearby on the edge of the cliff locate the lone chest containing 100 GOLD COINS. Now that you've got this treasure, turn around and backtrack toward the small village of Alexandria. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ LEXANDRIA --------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 08 | SEARCH | 01.07 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | 11 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Holy Water.....................................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | 8 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | Plain Cheese...................................|_| | | | Wayfarer's Clothes.............................|_| | | | Moonwort Bulb..................................|_| | | | 18 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Jessica's Letter...............................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon entering the town of Alexandria you are attacked immediately by two small children. The battle ends the second you choose the attack command however as an old woman appears to scold them for attacking the travelers. She says you are free to wander around the town, they've had some troubles lately but it is still a beautiful place. If you need to rest, the inn is located over on the east side of town (it's marked on your map anyway.) Now if you're ready, let's begin searching this quaint little village for all its treasures. To start you can visit the shops which are just ahead of the entrance, they're quite hard to miss. Both weapons and armour can be upgraded here for a hefty price, just get what you can afford now and save the rest for later. Enter the house directly on your right when you come into the village. Smash the two pots beside the sink to find a MEDICINAL HERB. Examine the cupboards as well to get 11 GOLD COINS. Leave this house and head across the bridge to the east. You should see a couple of pots beside one of the houses, break them to get a phail of HOLY WATER. Inside the house beside these pots you'll find a CHIMAERA WING in the cupboard. That about covers what you can find before going up to the mansion, head to the church and save your game there before you do anything else. When you're ready proceed north up toward the mansion. If you arrive at the mansion at night the guard will not let you in. Solve that problem by staying overnight at the inn, when you come out the next day it will be morning. Go into the mansion and enter the hall on your left. Head up the hall and go left again into the kitchen, break the two pots to get 8 GOLD COINS and PLAIN CHEESE. Return to the front hall and go up the large set of stairs. Enter the room on the left side and open the cabinets to find some WAYFERER'S CLOTHES. Ascend the stairs to the room above and break the barrels to get a MOONWORT BULB, 18 GOLD COINS, and SEED OF MAGIC. Back on the previous floor those two kids you met earlier are blocking a door and will not let you through. The solution is up here in the attic. After breaking the barrels you will reveal a small mouse-sized hole in the wall. Examine it and choose to send Munchie through it. Now you will have control of the mouse. You can explore this area as the mouse but there isn't much to find. Locate the stairs going down and hop down the steps. It will show you a letter sitting on top of the desk. Run over toward the desk (and press either X or circle to do a funny mouse roll) and use the tilted broom to climb up and get on top of the desk. Press the X button to acquire JESSICA'S LETTER and then climb back up the stairs. You'll notice they are too tall to get back up. The solution is to run up the sloping edge that runs parallel to the steps. Head back through the little mouse hole and reunite with the Hero again. The letter is from a woman named Jessica. She does not know who will find the letter, but she explains that she is going to the Tower of Alexandria and will not return until her brother's death has been avenged. This is a pretty good sign that the Tower of Alexandria is going to be your next destination. Before going there, head to the second floor of the mansion and speak to the little boy on the left. Speak to him twice and show him Jessica's Letter. Keep answering yes to every single question he asks. Once it has been decided that you will visit the tower, head back to the church and save your game there. Head back to the church and save your game once again. Make sure that all of your equipment has been upgraded somewhat even if you can't afford everything. Now it's time to leave Alexandria and head east. Follow the path without deviating until you reach a fork in the road. Take the left path and it will lead you directly toward the Tower of Alexandria. Approach the main door of the tower and examine it to have Bangerz open it up for you. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ OWER OF ALEXANDRIA ------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 09 | SEARCH | 01.08 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Tower of Alexandria.....................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | | | Moonwort Bulb..................................|_| | | | 22 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | 11 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | 7 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | Scale Shield...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Proceed through the open gate and ascend up the stairs here. There are two doors at the top. The door to the west is locked tight so you have no choice but to take the door to the north. Head down the stairs and cross the little stream in the middle. You'll find yourself outside again beside a chest containing the MAP OF TOWER OF ALEXANDRIA. From here go south and then up the stairs on your left. The door on your left at the top leads to a dead end, so take the door at the end of the walkway. In this room you'll see another door on the wall, this is the door I mentioned a moment ago which was locked. If you examine the door you will unlock it and then you can use it as a shortcut. There are two ladders here, one going up and one going down. Climb down the ladder and open the chest at the bottom to get a SEED OF AGILITY. Smash all the barrels and pots and you'll also find a MOONWORT BULB, 22 GOLD COINS, 11 GOLD COINS, and MEDICINAL HERB. GO back up the ladder again and then climb the other one up to the third floor. Exit out the door here and cross the bridge. Notice there are no sides to this bridge, you can in fact fall off of it so you'll definitely want to avoid doing that is possible. Proceed through the door on the other side and then you'll wind up at a dead end. To get past this gate examine one of those creepy looking faces on the wall next to the gate. It spins around and takes you to the other side. Now climb the stairs. There are two creepy faces at the top, examine the southeast one. Break the two pots in this room to get a SEED OF STRENGTH and 7 GOLD COINS. The staircase in this room simply leads to a dead end so go back the way you came and this time examine the southwest creepy face. After that examine the only other one in this room, then before you go up the stairs break the two barrels to get a MEDICINAL HERB. Make your way up the stairs, around the corner and then up the next set of stairs. Start around this hall until you see a creepy face on the wall. Examine it to spin around and end up behind a gated fence. Check the left side and break the pot to get an ANTIDOTAL HERB. Check the right side and open the chest to get a SCALE SHIELD. Go back out the way you came and continue around to the opposite end of the hall to find some stairs. Heal up your party and go approach the statue in the centre. Examine it to trigger a scene. Jessica shows up out of nowhere and seems to be under the impression that you were the one who killed her brother. Suddenly as she is just about to blast you to bits, a voice is head from the statue. It is the voice of her brother. He says that the day he died, the door to the tower was already open. Inside he saw "him". Jessica's brother Alistair was slain by Dhoulmagus himself. They now have yet another reason to hunt the evil wizard. When you have control of your character again, speak with Jessica who is sobbing beside the statue. Try to leave the area and she will automatically interrupt you. Leave this floor and then cast Hero's Evac spell to get out of the tower. Now just make your way back to the village of Alexandria. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ LEXANDRIA REGION -------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 11 | SEARCH | 01.09 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | Jessica's Outfit...............................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first thing you should do when you arrive in town is head to the inn. The young boy has already paid for your stay in advance so simply speak to the innkeeper and rest for the night. Leave the inn in the morning and head up toward the large mansion. You'll find Jessica and her mother standing by the table on the second floor. Jessica refuses to mourn her brother's death and insists on avenging it, however that is not the family's way. In order for her to do what she wishes she must choose to leave her family, never to be welcome back. With that she stomps off out of there without noticing you. Edit: If you go into Jessica's room now and open up the cabinet upstairs you should be able to find JESSICA'S OUTFIT. If not then try later in the game. After you've saved your game then you too should be on your way. You've got a fair distance to travel now. Follow the path east toward the Tower of Alexandria, but this time instead of going toward it make a right at the fork. When you come around the bend you should catch a glimpse of a nice looking beach to the south. Climb over the rocky area and head down onto the beach. Follow the beach as far west as you can. You'll come across another of those monsters which roams around the world map. Later they become an important part of a sidequest but for now there is nothing you can do with them, so just avoid triggering the battles at all. What you're looking for primarily is the treasure chest kind of hidden among the palm trees here. Open it up to acquire a SEED OF STRENGTH. Head north back across the rocks and then go west when you reach the path. It's quite a long trip along this path but eventually once you reach the end you'll find the entrance to Port Prospect. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ORT PROSPECT ------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 11 | SEARCH | 01.10 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Wisdom.................................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Holy Water.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the usual saving and healing jazz is out of the way, let's begin by checking out the brand new shops we can visit here. There isn't much new along the lines of armour or shielding, but there's a brand new weapon for both Hero and Yangus for sale here at a hefty price. Beside the inn you'll find a number of pots and barrels. Smash them all to get a SEED OF WISDOM, CHIMAERA WING and MEDICINAL HERB. Check the lone cabinet in the inn to find a phail of HOLY WATER. Down the stairs leading to the southwest part of the port there is a girl in a green dress standing by herself. Speak to her and she tells you that she sells herbs. For 10 gold you can purchase a random herb from her, some worth more than you paid and some worth less. Enter the large building down here and you should see Jessica standing with a large man. Approach them to trigger a scene. Jessica is unable to set sail across the sea because of the monster. Agree to help her defeat it and the man will allow the both of you to pass. She says to come back as soon as you are ready; well you should be ready now. Speak to her again and tell her you are ready to set sail. With that you are one step closer to Dhoulmagus. ______________________________________________________________________________ ________) (, / /___, ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ERRY ------------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 11 | SEARCH | 01.11 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Gold Bracer....................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | 12 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Pot Lid........................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | | | 10 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Bronze Knife...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KHALAMARI | HABITATS: Ocean | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Aquatic | Although temporarily transformed | | Number......................... 262 | into a ferocious brute by | | Hit Points..................... 360 | Dhoulmagus's enchantments, Khalamari | | Magic Points................... 255 | is actually quite a kind fellow at | | Experience..................... 311 | heart. At one time he planned to | | Gold........................... 230 | open his own comedy club. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The boss battle begins before you even have a chance to do anything else. | | Khalamari is a powerful foe, not one of his attacks will likely to any | | less than 15 damage to both party members, or 25 to a single one. | | Khalamari has three primary attacks. The first is a single slash from one | | of his tentacles which hits a single party member for between 25 and 30 | | damage. The second attack is more of a swipe which hits both party | | members for damage between about 15 and 20. These are the two attacks he | | will use most commonly throughout the battle. The final attack is by far | | the most powerful, it's called Flame Breath. Flame Breath will hit both | | party members for damage anywhere between 30 and 40. It's a very god | | thing he doesn't use it very often because two could easily kill you. | | | | Both of your party members should be equipped with their new weapons. | | There's a good chance you haven't really upgraded either the Scythe or the | | Polearm (in my case I have upgraded the Scythe but it doesn't make too | | much difference.) Regular attacks are really the way to go here when you | | want to deal damage, however the boss is so powerful that you probably | | will only be able to use one per turn. My strategy for winning this | | battle was to have Hero as a full time healer casting the Heal spell every | | turn since it costs so little MP. Yangus used his normal attack every | | turn for about 30 damage or so each hit, and periodically Hero got to | | attack as well. With this strategy the battle will most likely take a | | good deal of time but it offers you the best chance of success. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the boss is defeated he is knocked out of his trance. It turns out that Dhoulmagus (as always) was the one who coerced him into becoming an evil beast and only after being defeated has he returned to normal. As thanks for helping him out he not only agrees to stop attacking ships but he also hands over a GOLD BRACER, a nice new accessory. The ship heads back to port where you have time to collect some items and save your game. When you're ready to set sail speak to Jessica and you'll be on your way. She also joins your party at this point which is nice. The scene continues on the ferry. Jessica seems curious as to how the two of your (Hero and Yangus) came together. Their story was never explained to you either so Yangus begins to recount the tail. He was once a lowly thief with no means of acquiring money except for robbing helpless travelers. One day he cornered Trode and Hero on a bridge demanding they fork over their money. When the two refuse Yangus attacks but gets his axe caught and the bridge collapses sending him down with Hero and Trode safe and sound. Yangus hangs on for dear life and while Trode is content to simply walk away, Hero helps out Yangus and from that point on he is forever grateful. While the scene ends there it is of course assumed that Yangus gave up his thieving ways and vowed to protect Hero and Trode. When you have control of your character again on the ferry head through the door leading inside the ship. Break the pots and barrels in the corner to get an ANTIDOTAL HERB then break the pots on the other side for 12 GOLD COINS and a MEDICINAL HERB. The third corner has a barrel with a POT LID and the last corner which has a ton of barrels and pots contains a MEDICINAL HERB, SEED OF LIFE, and SEED OF AGILITY. Go down the stairs and break the pot at the bottom to get 10 GOLD COINS. Enter the next room and open the chest containing a BRONZE KNIFE. After that speak to Trode who is sitting there at the table. Trode shows you a pot that he recently finished, he calls it a legendary alchemy pot. You now have the ability to use it from this point on. It will let you combine two items together to create a brand new item. Very helpful indeed. When you arrive at the port Trode heads outside to wait for you. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ EREGUIN QUAY ------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 12 | SEARCH | 01.12 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | 8 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Leather Kilt...................................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | Oaken Club.....................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | Seed of Defense................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Iron Nail......................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | ??? = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get off the ship and turn right. Descend down the stairs and notice all those barrels near the first item shop. Start smashing them to get 8 GOLD COINS and a MEDICINAL HERB. On the opposite side the pots contain a LEATHER KILT and there's a CHIMAERA WING in one of the barrels. Over at the weapons shop you'll find an OAKEN CLUB and ANTIDOTAL HERB. Finally smash the stuff at the second item shop to get a SEED OF DEFENSE as well as a MEDICINAL HERB. Now head to the inn and rest for the night. Open the cabinet beside the beds to acquire a SEED OF MAGIC. Examine the two bookshelves here to learn a new alchemy recipe "??? = Medicinal Herb + Medicinal Herb." If you haven't done all the shopping you need to do then go back and do it. If you have then head out the other door of the inn to find Trode and the carriage. Trode tells you to look around for new alchemy recipes and he makes a good point. Turn around and go back into Pereguin Quay and speak to the hooded character sitting at the table, he'll give you an IRON NAIL which will come in very handy and I'll tell you why soon. The guy makes it pretty obvious of course telling you to mix it with something. Leave this inn again and Trode will speak with you. Open up the menu and choose the Misc tab. Select the Alchemy Pot and forget the recipe you learned from the bookshelf. Open up your item bag and choose that Iron Nail the guy gave you, and combine it with the Bronze Knife you found on the ship. Press the square button to start. Now you just have to wait until Trode tells you the item is finished. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | ___________________________________ +-- (_/ |/ |_ AELLA REGION ----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 12 | SEARCH | 01.13 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Thief's Key....................................|_| | | | 200 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Boomerang......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Cypress Stick..................................|_| | | | Dagger.........................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Feathered Cap..................................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | Seed of Wisdom.................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Stone Axe......................................|_| | | | Holy Water.....................................|_| | | | Bunny Tail.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you do anything else you should know what item it is you're about to create. The item is called the THIEF'S KEY. Its purpose is to unlock locked treasure chests all over the world, undoubtedly you have already encountered some. Before you can do that of course the key has to be finished so head off onto the world map and begin running around, fighting enemies and garnering experience. When you hear a "ding" sound check the Alchemy Pot and your item will be ready. For me it took about five or six random battles before it happened. Once you have your Thief's Key head back into Pereguin Quay. Locate the second item shop with the three treasure chests. Open the middle one to find 200 GOLD COINS and the guy will be really impressed. The other one has a BOOMERANG in it and the last one contains a MINI-MEDAL. This item will come into play later but suffice to say you'll be collecting a bunch of them. Doing this also encourages the guy to open his item shop so speak to him again to check out all the new items he has for sale. Be sure to equip Slime Earrings on everyone. The items he has may seem crappy, but keep in mind you now have the ability to combine things to make new items, so all of this cheap stuff may in fact yield a gold mine if you drop them in the pot. Now we're not quite ready to move on yet. You may remember there were a few chests left unopened back in the Farebury region. Sure it's a hell of a trip to go back there manually (and I don't even think the boat is running anymore) but that's what those Chimaera Wings are for. Use one to get back to Farebury. Your first destination is going to be the weapon shop, the secret back door. There are two locked chests in there, open the both up to acquire a CYPRESS STICK and a DAGGER. Leave Farebury through the south exit and begin heading directly southeast, up the hill and through the trees to find another chest. Use your key to unlock it and you'll find a MINI-MEDAL. That covers the ones you passed up to this point, use another Chimaera Wing to get back. Update (Submitted by Alexander and Everett): If you warp back to Farebury and use the Thief's Key in the back of the church, you can find a MINI-MEDAL. At this point you are now free to proceed with the game. I will assume you have the Thief's Key of course so if I direct you off down some path to a locked chest don't blame me if you don't have the key for it, I've already explained how to make it and it's not very hard. There are many other great things you can create through alchemy. Many new pieces of equipment much better than what you're wearing even at this point in the game. For more useful recipes check out the alchemy section of this walkthrough. Take the southern exit out of Pereguin Quay in the morning and be off on your way. We'll start by making a right turn just outside of the town and heading west until you reach some broken down brick walls. A little bit south of here there's a treasure chest containing a phail of MAGIC WATER. Head back to where you came out of town and this time follow the path directly east without deviating. It will lead you straight toward a locked chest, inside you'll find a FEATHERED CAP. Head back once again to the southern exit of town and this time follow the path to the south. Just ahead there is a long out-of- the-way trip to find three treasure chests, so if you're up for it... As you head south the path will curve southeast, and then around to lead southwest. Don't curve with it the second time, keep moving southeast and go off the path. In the distance you should be able to see some water, head toward it. When you reach the edge overlooking the water, follow it closely to the east and go up the slope. On the other side of the hill you will be able to see a chest beside a tree somewhat close to the edge. Unlock the chest to get a SEED OF STRENGTH. From here go directly east and take the thin path which is going up between a couple of raised areas. It leads somewhat northeast to another locked chest, this one contains a SEED OF WISDOM. This last chest is located quite far away. Head west until you are able to go north. From here head northeast whenever you can, focusing more on going "north" than "east." Your goal is to get to the very northeast corner of this island where you will find a chest tucked away containing SEED OF MAGIC. Once you find it I recommend using a Chimaera Wing if you have one. If not you can navigate back to the path by taking a long trip back to the southwest again. Back at the southern exit of Pereguin Quay once again, follow the path south but this time to not stray from it. At least not at that point. The path will curve and head west, going straight in that direction for awhile. Note that directly in front of you during this time is a large mountain. When the path curves south you want to go north instead and get around to the other side of this mountain. There are paths which will take you there just keep an eye out. Your goal is to get to the other side of the mountain (the west side) by going around it to the north. On the other side there is a group of trees with a treasure chest among them. Inside the chest you will find a STONE AXE, a useless weapon no one would ever want. Return to the path and follow it south. You will soon come to a bridge. If you go directly west from the bridge you'll find a locked chest, but unfortunately the Thief's Key won't work on it. Ignore that for now and step onto the bridge instead. Approach the front gate of this building and speak to the man outside to save your game. After doing so, go inside and head to the back of the building. There are two doors leading into the back room and then two guards blocking a set of double doors. Speak to the guards. A man named Marcello seems polite enough, however he is very adamant about not letting some nameless person like you inside. Open up your map and align it in the same direction as you camera so you can use the directions. The door on the northwest wall will lead outside. If you then look northeast you'll see a couple of barrels, one of them which contains a phail of HOLY WATER. That's about all you can do and find here. Time to leave this building and then continue your trek south. Head directly south from where you came from the church, ignore the path. As you approach the large cliff take a look to the west and there should be a large hill you can climb. At the top keep heading south and look a little bit to the east. Up on this raised area you should come across a locked chest containing BUNNY TAIL. From here you have to head north again to get back on the path. Follow it southeast and you'll soon come to a fork in the path. Read the sign which tells you that you are soon to enter Simpleton. Make a right turn at this fork and run up the hill to reach a brand new town. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ (__/ ) / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ IMPLETON ----------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 13 | SEARCH | 01.14 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | 6 Gold Coins...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Templar's Ring.................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As always start by making tracks for the various save and resting facilities. There isn't much to find here along the line of items, but there are a couple. Basically all you want to do is head across the street into the tavern and go upstairs. Break the three barrels here to acquire both 6 GOLD COINS and a MINI-MEDAL. Right beside these barrels you'll find a couple of men sitting at the table. These men are shopkeepers, speak to them to access the shops. You will notice that the vast majority of the tavern's patrons speak about some Angelo fellow. He is the man in red on the first floor playing cards with the big brute. Approach Angelo and speak to him to trigger a scene. Angelo totally cleans out the guy he's playing against which of course makes him angry. A bar fight inevitably breaks out and Angelo takes Hero and Jessica out back. He thinks them for helping him get away with it, he actually was cheating. He says he comes from Maella Abbey and gives Jessica a ring saying if they the party ever wants to find him, all they have to do is show that ring off. Jessica has no interest in the ring and demands you head back to the abbey now to return it, so that's just what you're going to do. You've been there once already so it's just a matter of backtracking northwest to reach it. Save your game outside and then enter into the abbey. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | ___________________________________ +-- (_/ |/ |_ AELLA ABBEY -----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 13 | SEARCH | 01.15 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Approach those two guards who would not let you in last night and now they will let you pass through. Enter the door on your right but not quite to the stairs, break the barrels in there to find a MINI-MEDAL. Leave the room and head downstairs. There is a room with a guard standing out front of it, enter that room and step forward to trigger a scene. Marcello is speaking with Angelo in there. Due to the brawl that he caused back at the bar, Marcello tells Angelo that he is now forbidden to leave the abbey under any circumstances. Should he choose to do so he would be banished from the order. Update (Submitted by Andrew): There is a mini medal in a pot on the west side of the south stairway outside the building What you need to do now is head upstairs and run to the end of the hall. Go through the double doors out to the backyard where the is a bridge being guarded by two soldiers. Don't do anything here, just go back inside and there you will find Angelo. He seems to believe that there is something sinister going on and that it's all the work of some jester who managed to get inside. He requests that your party get into the Abbot's residence to check things out. Agree to his request and then leave the abbey. What you need to do is head down in the direction of Simpleton, but the second you get off the bridge turn left and head straight east along the edge. There is a path here which is reasonably easy to follow. Make your way along to the end where it curves south. There you will find a stone-like object. When you examine it you will have the option to insert the ring. Do so to open up a secret door. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) /__ / ) / \_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ UINED ABBEY -------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 13 | SEARCH | 01.16 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Ruined Abbey............................|_| | | | Iron Nail......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Bronze Shield..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Waterweed Mould................................|_| | | | 50 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | ??? = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Bandana | | | Feathered Cap = ??? + ??? |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you ever happen to come across an enemy in this dungeon called "Metal Slime" then you should do your very best to kill it. They will run away from battle before you have a chance to kill them usually but if you're really lucky you might be able to kill one. They only have four HP but most of your attack don't do any damage. Once Hero reaches level fourteen if you've been pumping all your skill points into sword then he will learn the Metal Slash skill which allows him to do a bit of damage to the creatures. Killing one will yield a reward of over 1000 experience, so good luck with it. There isn't really anything of interest here in this first room, just run forward and turn either left or right to descend the stairs. On the lower level make sure that you check both sides of the room. Begin by checking the east side first to find a couple of treasure chests containing a MAP OF RUINED ABBEY and the other one turns out to actually be a "Cannibox." In many games these evil treasure boxes are extremely difficult however in this game that is not the case. You should be able to defeat it in a single turn, simply have the main character and Yangus attack. If Jessica has acquired it by now, she should use the Twin Dragon Lash with the whip. Up the small set of stairs on the west side you will find a couple of cabinets, one of them contains another IRON NAIL which is great when used in alchemy. Once you have it then start climbing down the ladder beside the two cabinets to the next floor. At the bottom of the ladder there are five bookshelves on the wall that don't look particularly interesting, and for the most part they aren't. You should examine the one on the far left to learn the new recipe "??? = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Bandana." Run down to the east end of the hall and break the two pots to get another MINI-MEDAL. Now take the southern hall to reach a chest with a BRONZE SHIELD inside of it. Go through the west door and follow this hallway around until you reach a set of stairs leading down to the next floor. All that purple stuff that you see covering the floor will damage your party if you step on it. Fortunately there is a safe path of broken crap that you can run across to reach the other side without taking damage, the path itself is pretty obvious. On the other side ascend back up to the previous floor and go through the first door leading south, then turn left. Inside the room at the end of this short hall you will find another MINI-MEDAL in the barrel and a WATERWEED MOULD. Run to the other end of this short hall and go through that door (being careful of all the purple stuff of course.) There are a couple of pots near the door of this room and one of them has 50 GOLD COINS inside. Down at the south end of the hall some evil wizard stands in wait. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TORTURED SOUL | HABITATS: Ruined Abbey | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Gold Rosary | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | The cursed spirit of the abbot of | | Number......................... 263 | the former abbey, which was | | Hit Points..................... 425 | destroyed after being stricken by | | Magic Points................... 255 | the plague. Slaying this poor | | Experience..................... 680 | creature put an end to many | | Gold........................... 200 | centuries of suffering. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | This is definitely the most difficult boss you've faced so far so being | | adequately prepared is an important part of the battle. I would recommend | | the minimum average level of your party to be fourteen, through Jessica | | will likely be a couple of levels lower. Fifteen I would say would be the | | best average level to fight the boss at, anything higher and you'll do | | fine. I would recommend the Hero equip the Boomerang even if he hasn't | | allocated any skill points for it. Jessica should be equipped with a whip | | and Yangus with whatever you like him best with. Make sure the party is | | healed fully with lots of MP to spare and then start the battle. | | | | For the most part at the beginning the Tortured Soul will only use his | | normal attack which hits a single party member for around 25 damage. This | | is his most common attack though he does have two others he uses on a | | regular basis. The sizzle spell hits every one of your party members for | | between 20 and 30 damage, usually it's about the equivalent of one of his | | normal attacks to each one of your party members. His third attack isn't | | really an attack at all. He summons forth one Walking Corpse enemy and | | one Skeleton enemy to fight with him which ends up spiking the battle's | | difficulty quite a bit. Neither enemy is able to deal more than 7 to 8 | | damage to you, but it does add up over the course of many turns. | | | | You have to choose whether you want to focus on the enemies or the boss | | primarily. I focused on the enemies which I believe to have been a | | mistake. He just summons more of them whenever they die. As I mentioned | | before you should have equipped a Boomerang on the Hero. That will be | | more than enough to take care of them. Perhaps if you only kill the | | Skeleton at least he'll only have one partner for the duration of the | | fight since he can only summon more when they both get killed. | | | | When it comes to damaging the boss I recommend Hero's normal attack, | | Yangus' normal attack (unless you have an ability for him that does more | | damage) and finally Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash. This attack is great | | because it does good damage and hits a single enemy two times in a row, so | | it's like being able to attack twice in one turn. His HP total is | | decently high but with this strategy you should be able to knock him down | | before any significant damage is done to your party. If you kill the boss | | while enemies are still standing, you still have to finish them off. | | | | Update (Submitted by Jofunufunu): Try using Jessica's "Snooze" in this | | battle. It can be extremely effective against these enemies. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the boss defeated, follow the tunnel southeast to the end where you'll come across a ladder leading up. Climb the ladder to get outside again. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | ___________________________________ +-- (_/ |/ |_ AELLA ABBEY -----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 15 | SEARCH | 01.17 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | World Map......................................|_| | |-----------------------+--------------------+---------------+---------------| | ENEMIES | N/A | N/A | N/A | |_______________________|____________________|_______________|_______________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Break the two nearby barrels to get another MINI-MEDAL. Now go around the front and enter the building. Notice there are a lot of books on the shelves in here. Many of them are full of bad puns. Check out the one on the curved bookshelf beside the small ladder. After reading the pun you will discover the recipe "Feathered Cap = ??? + ???." After doing this head up the stairs. Here you find the mad jester hovering over the sleeping old man. He disappears the moment he sees you however. Speak to the old man to continue the scene. Marcello and his guards burst into the room thinking that you were about to kill the abbot, but the abbot understands that your group was not the guilty party. Marcello takes you down to the interrogation room anyway to ascertain the reason why you were up there in the first place. Marcello finds Angelo's ring while searching you, and Angelo pretends as if it were stolen. He doesn't seem willing to admit he sent you to protect the abbot. Just then a guard brings Trode into the room. He says he knows the party is in league with the monster and that they will all be tortured to find out the truth. Next thing you know you're inside of a jail cell with nothing really to do. Speak to each one of your party members and then wander around for a bit until a scene automatically takes over. Just then Angelo appears and lets you out of the cell. For whatever reason he is helping you escape past all of the guards. Angelo shows you to a hidden path and then gets you out of the abbey while explaining that he isn't exactly very well liked among the guards, and if he had admitted the truth earlier it would have caused problems. Angelo says goodbye and then you are free to be off on your way, but something's wrong... the whole abbey has caught fire! Without thinking Angelo rushes off to help find and save the abbot. Soon you will gain control again. Get back to the main path then head west and south again to reach Maella Abbey. Make your way to the bridge at the back where the fire has started and cross the burning bridge. When you approach the main door a scene will automatically take over. Angelo appears from behind you and cross the burning bridge as is collapses into the water. The four of them are just enough to break down the door by brute force. Speak to Angelo and the guard when you get inside. Tell Angelo that you're with him when he asks you to follow him upstairs. Dhoulmagus is back once again and it seems that no one can stop him now. Trode appears out of nowhere to confront the evil magician about what he has done but at this point it looks like nothing can stop the evil magician... The morning after, Angelo informs you that the captain of the guards wishes to speak with you. Leave the room and speak to the two guards out front of Marcello's room to be let inside. Marcello knows that Dhoulmagus must be hunted down but he is far too busy as the new abbot to accompany them. Instead he assigns Angelo to join you on your journey to defeat Dhoulmagus. Marcello then gives you a very important item, the WORLD MAP which will be indispensable on your quest. Exit this room and then leave the abbey entirely. This will certainly be a good time to save your game. When you're ready then head off to the south. Follow the path southeast of Simpleton for a ways until you eventually reach the Kingdom of Ascantha. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) / /( ) / \_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ INGDOM OF ASCANTHA -------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 15 | SEARCH | 01.18 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Silk Robe......................................|_| | | | Chain Mail.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You might remember that back inside the Ruined Abbey you found an item called Iron Nail, used primarily in alchemy. You can use it for whatever you wish, but given the extreme usefulness of the Boomerang I would highly recommend you combine the Iron Nail with the Boomerang. What results is (as you probably guessed) a more powerful Boomerang. Anyway the path to the Kingdom of Ascantha is an extremely long one. Don't be surprised if you feel like you've been running forever. Before too long you will come upon a small house up a little bit to the left off the path before it crosses the river. Enter inside this little hut and break the barrels to get a MINI-MEDAL. Also make sure to grab the SILK ROBE out of the cabinet. There isn't much else to do here besides speak to the people. After doing that, leave the small house. All right, let's grab a couple of treasures. Take a few steps west of the small house and then proceed north. You don't want to go so far west that you're on the other side of the raised ledge, you'll be running parallel to the edge overlooking the water all the way up until you reach a treasure chest at a dead end. Open up the chest to acquire 230 GOLD COINS. Now head back down to the house and go west back in the direction you came from. You don't want to go too far however. Let's see if you can see what I mean here, open up your world map. Notice that northwest of the small house where you just visited is a large upside-down U shaped raised area? Basically you want to go around this to the west side, and then head north. In terms of what you see on the actual world, there is a steep sloping path going up beside the raised area. Ignore it and head around to the west side of this rock. Now on the west side here you will note there is another path sloping up, that is not the one you want to take. The treasure chest you are looking for is pretty much at the same altitude you are, perhaps a little lower. Head north up the field beside this sloping path and at the end, near the river, you'll come across a chest containing CHAIN MAIL. If you weren't able to follow that, try thinking of it this way. Take a look at the zoomed in world map. Notice that on the north side of the river there are two mountain ranges? The chest is directly between these two in terms of "east/west" position, but it's on the south side of the river like you are. Once you have it then go back to that small house. Cross the bridge to the east and enter the next building. This is the Riverside Chapel. Not only can you save your game here but you can also rest for free. Approach the woman and tell her you wish to rest. During the night as you are resting, a scene will automatically occur. Trode leaves the Chapel while everyone is resting to find Angelo outside standing next to a tree. Angelo is only thinking about his brother Marcello, somewhat depressed at how they have never gotten along very well. A long time ago Angelo was taken in by the Abbot as a child when his parents died. A young Marcello finds an even younger Angelo, but when he finds out Angelo's name, he seems angry and demands that the little boy leave. Marcello as it turned out, was Angelo's half brother who was born from an affair between his father and a maid. Being only half blood he was unable to take the title his father had held and grew up resenting Angelo his whole life. The next morning be sure to speak with the priest and save your game. Examine the cabinet in the bedroom before you leave to find a SEED OF MAGIC. Now from here it's just a matter of following the winding path to the east. You'll go around a large turn right near the start and then the path will continue east for awhile. Eventually as you approach the edge of the cliff, the path will curve north toward the castle. At this point you will want to stop following it (assuming you're interesting in collecting the chest) which happens to be a fair distance away. Keep going east even though the path curves north. When you reach the edge overlooking the beach, begin making your way south. Go far enough south so that you are able to actually get down onto the beach. Inside of the chest (which is found a little ways north up the beach) is just a SEED OF DEFENCE, but every little bit helps. Backtrack through pretty much the same route you took and get back on the path, then go north to the castle. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ SCANTHA ----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 16 | SEARCH | 01.19 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Lady's Ring....................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Plain Clothes..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 42 Gold Pieces.................................|_| | | | Medicinal Herb.................................|_| | | | Red Mould......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Fur Poncho = An Animal Pelt + An Animal Pelt | | | Stone Hardhat = Stone Axe + Some Kind of Hat | | | Plain Cheese = Fresh Milk + Rennet Powder | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get into the town make an immediate left and jump down into the well. Examine the sparkling spot on the ground to acquire a LADY'S RING. Jump out of the well again and go into the house beside it. Break the two pots to get some RENNET POWDER from them. Also be sure to examine the cabinets to find a MINI-MEDAL. North of this house is another slightly smaller house. Open up the cabinet inside of it to get some PLAIN CLOTHES. Now take the time to enter the church in this town, located next door to this house. A number of bookcases line the walls here. Examine the third bookcase on the left to learn the recipe "Fur Poncho = An Animal Pelt + An Animal Pelt." The next shelf over teaches you the recipe "Stone Hardhat = Stone Axe + Some Kind of Hat." Over on the right side we can find the recipe "Plain Cheese = Fresh Milk + Rennet Powder." With that out of the way speak to the priest of the church and save your game. Now take your leave of the church and head out. ____________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update (Submitted by Charles): If you search the well in the town of Ascantha, you'll find a Lady's ring, described as "An extravagant and expensive ring lost by a rich woman." The ring cannot be sold nor used in any recipe. If equipped, it produces a measly 2 defence (sic) points. Zoom to the town of Farebury during the day and talk to the Royal Minister, a chubby little bearded guy wearing a maroon robe. He's hanging around outside the church on the right-hand side. He can't believe you found the ring and gets upset. He'll give you a wisdom seed and ask that you don't tell his wife about it. His wife is the blonde on the second floor of the inn. Talk to her and she'll say her ring is grander, and the one you have is too small for her fingers. That's it. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's take a moment to check out the town's various shops. They're located over on the east side, outdoor shops not indoor shops. For the weapons shop, the only new weapon I would recommend you purchase is the Steel Broadsword for the main character. Make sure you hang onto that Boomerang anyway, in fact you might only want to use this sword once you reach a boss fight. The armour shop has quite a few things that will probably help upgrade your characters. The item shop is next to useless. Check out the inn to the northeast next. No items to be found there but at least you can rest your eyes. That about covers what you can do in town, head up to the castle when you're ready. There are three doors by which you can enter the castle. Begin by going through the door on your left. There are a couple of cabinets here, examine them both to acquire a MINI-MEDAL and 42 GOLD PIECES. Now head around to the opposite end of the hall and climb the stairs. Run around this outer walkway of the castle and go through the door on the other side. You'll find yourself in the kitchen. Break the pot and barrels to find a MEDICINAL HERB and a RED MOULD. Leave this room (not through the door you came front) and ascend the central stairs to the floor above. Make a right and note the room between the stairs you came up and the stairs leading to the next floor. In here there are two cabinets, one contains another MINI-MEDAL. Once you have it, continue up to the throne room. From there take the stairs on the right and go around in front of the king's private chambers. You'll find a maid here trying to get him to respond. After listening to what she says, return to the previous room and speak with her and the chancellor who are standing by the stairs. As you most likely gathered already, the king of this land is a miserable sulk and his been ever since his wife (the Queen) died. Neither the maid nor the chancellor have any idea what to do. It's been two years and the kingdom is falling apart. The chancellor tells you to return after dark (unless it's already dark in your case, in which case I don't know what happens.) Regardless now you need to leave the castle and head for the inn. Speak to the innkeeper and tell him you wish to "rest until evening" rather than staying overnight. Return to the castle to find the king at the throne. The king won't really respond to you in any way, but the fact that he's down here means you can go upstairs and check out his room. There is absolutely nothing of interest at all whatsoever in there, but you can still check it out. Attempt to leave the castle now and you will bump into Emma on the way down. Emma tells the Hero that if only it were possible to meet with those who passed away, perhaps that might help the king. She remembers a story her grandmother used to tell about making wishes come true. Emma requests that you go and visit her grandmother to learn more, she's the one who lives inside that house west of Ascantha on the other side of the bridge. Leave this town entirely and head back in that direction. When you reach the church on the east side of the small bridge, we'll take a large detour for a treasure chest. Take a look on your map and note that northwest of the church there is a "C" shaped mountain ranged with a forested area surrounded by the "C". Well basically you need to run all the way north and then around this mountain range to the west, then down south through the forested area between the two mountain ranges. On your way north there is a good chance you will see a chest sitting beside a lone tree. Unfortunately it is locked and you do not have the key necessary to open it. When you reach the south cliff between the two mountain ranges you will find a lone treasure chest containing nothing more than a SEED OF AGILITY. At least it's one of the more useful seeds. Another plus is that you don't have to walk back, just use a Chimaera Wing and you can select the Riverside Chapel as your destination. Save your game inside of the chapel and simply cross the bridge to reach the small home. Speak to every person in the house and your destination will soon become obvious. There is an odd hill south of here that you can find if you follow the river. Leave the house and head directly south on the west side of the river, staying close to it whenever possible. Along the way if you're still moving along the edge you'll come across a treasure chest with a SEED OF LIFE inside. Unfortunately to actually reach the hill, you're going to have to turn around and go back. From the house where the old woman lives go around behind the house and there you will come across a path sloping down toward the embankment. Run along the edge of the river until you come to a cave. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) | / | /| / |/ |/ ___________________________________ +-- / | ISHER'S PEAK -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 16 | SEARCH | 01.20 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Wizard's Staff.................................|_| | | | Map of Wisher's Peak...........................|_| | | | Templar's Shield...............................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head north for a few steps to reach a fork in the path. Make a left at the fork and at the end of this tunnel you'll find a chest containing a WIZARD'S STAFF. Turn around and go back to the fork, this time taking the right branch. Make another right when the path forks again and it will take you to a set of stairs leading up. When you come out of the hole head along the path to the west until you reach another path sloping up to a higher level. Go up there are make a left at the top when it levels out to find a cave opening. Make a left turn here and run to the end of the tunnel to find a treasure chest. Open it up to acquire the MAP OF WISHER'S PEAK. Back near the entrance of this cave there was kind of an illuminated corner with a rope hanging down. Examine the rope to climb up it and pop out of the well at the top. Head northwest across a suspended bridge and then up the sloping path on the other side. There are two ramp's here on this side, only go up the first one. Proceed in a clockwise direction around to the front of the mountain again to find a treasure chest containing TEMPLAR'S SHIELD. Back around to the side of the mountain you came from again. This time head up the second ramp to reach higher ground. If I'm not mistaken it will automatically be night time once you reach the top. Examine the lone window frame here to get a message and then just stand still. Notice that the window's shadow in the moonlight is now stretching across the ground very slowly. Watch it for a period of time and after a couple of minutes you should see a short scene of the shadow extending onto the wall. Approach the mysterious shadow and the wall itself will open like a door. Afterward you will find yourself in a very mysterious area. Run along the invisible paths between the platforms and open the door at the end. A man stands in this room playing his harp. He identifies himself as Ishmahri, Keeper of the Moonshadow land. Approach this man and speak to him directly. Ishmahri already has foreknowledge of the reason you came to this realm. He is unable to wake the king's wife from her eternal sleep, but he may have the ability to end the king's waking nightmare. He will join your party (as a non-combatant of course) and request that you lead him to the castle. Leave the Moonshadow realm and return to the normal world. You will automatically appear at the entrance to the castle. Proceed up the stairs until you reach the throne room and there you will find the king, wallowing in his own misery. Ishmahri uses his other-worldly abilities to bring back visions of the past. The king is given a chance to relieve the times he spent with his wife, and come to the realization that he cannot possibly go on living in sadness, for her sake. Following this sequence the king has returned to his old self once again. He thanks the party for all their help and then you are left to be on your way. The question is, what now? ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ICKHAM REGION -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 16 | SEARCH | 01.21 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Morrie's Memo #1...............................|_| | | | Morrie's Memo #2...............................|_| | | | Morrie's Memo #3...............................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Snakeskin Whip = Leather Whip + Something Scaly | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leave the town and you'll find Trode waiting for you outside. Yangus has got an idea about what to do next, says that the town where he's from isn't too far south. Let's start heading there now. There isn't really a clear path down there but that's okay. As you leave the path and start running through the forest, open up the world map and have a look at your surroundings. Notice that on the west side of this forest near the small lake which is fed by the river, there is a small cabin. Why don't you make that your first destination, you can stop and take a break there when you get there. It's called the Lakeside Cabin, a great place to stop and have a nap. Begin by checking out the bookshelf beside the front counter to learn the recipe "Snakeskin Whip = Leather Whip + Something Scaly." Not only do you have a chance to rest and heal here, but there is also a traveling priest who would be more than happy to revive party members and save your game. Now that you're fully healed and happy it's time to continue your journey south. After you've gone a bit further south you should be able to see the main path on your map coming up, and then west of there is the town of Pickham. If you happen to see any treasure chests along the way just ignore them, they're locked and your key isn't going to fit. Feel free to stop at that stone building on the way to Pickham. The door is locked but you can climb up on top and speak to the man there. He won't actually say anything until you try to leave. After that go back and speak to him again, he'll give you three items: MORRIE'S MEMO #1, MORRIE'S MEMO #2, MORRIE'S MEMO #3. This is the beginning of the sidequest which involves capturing those monsters you've seen running around the world map. Check the sidequests section of the guide for more details. Now get back to the main path and head into Pickham. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ICKHAM ------------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 17 | SEARCH | 01.22 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Bunny Tail.....................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | 12 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Chain Mail.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Holy Water.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Amor Seco Essence..............................|_| | | | Cowpat.........................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | 26 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Boxer Shorts...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 30 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Seed of Wisdom.................................|_| | | | Waterweed Mould................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | 35 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Red Mould......................................|_| | | | 1000 Gold Coins................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Bunny Ears = Hairband + ??? | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well this town is pretty big, so let's start right at the beginning. Make a left and enter the first house you pass. This house actually turns out to be the Pickham Casino. You can purchase tokens at the front desk and then gamble them away all you want. There's more information on the casino in the sidequests & minigames section of the guide. For now just do what you need to do and get out of there. Head west to the corner of town and enter that little house you find there. It's filled to the brim with crap but there is a cabinet with a BUNNY TAIL inside and a bunch of pots which hide RENNET POWDER and 12 GOLD COINS. Return to the very entrance of town and head through the door directly opposite the front gate to find the weapon and armour shops. Before going into either of them, check out the cupboards to find a suit of CHAIN MAIL. Technically those two doors only lead to the back of the weapon and armour booths, so basically they're just exits to this building. There is a large man guarding the main entrance into town and there are four ways to get past him. One is to pay the ten gold he asks for. The second is to go through this building like I just described and use the exits behind the shops. The third is to simply wait until night and he'll fall asleep on the spot. The fourth is to just take the path going up north on the eastern side of town. So really there's no reason at all whatsoever to pay him anything. Check out the weapon and armour booths to see if they're selling anything you might be interested in. Probably just the new Iron Axe for Yangus, though you should never underestimate the power of Angelo equipped with a bow. Make sure to save some money though because there's some great new armour to be purchased at the shop next door. At the north ed of this street make a left, and then keep an eye on the left wall. You'll find kind of an inconspicuous door leading south around this area. Go inside to find a very long hall with many doors. Start by going through the door directly opposite the one you just came in from. Break the two barrels to get a SEED OF LIFE. Now go into the room neighboring this one and examine the bookshelf. The book teaches you the new recipe "Bunny Ears = Hairband + ???." The room next to this one has lots of treasure chests in it, but the door is locked unfortunately. There is still another room to check out across the hall, head over there now. Start by examining the cabinet to get a phail of HOLY WATER. Feel free to speak with the short man in the adjacent room to get some insight into future alchemic creations, then leave this building entirely. Go north from where you entered it and you'll find two buildings. Ignore the house on the left, someone's probably already burgled that cupboard. The building on the right is the item shop so it's definitely worth checking out. There are three bags hanging from the wall in here, examine all of them to get a MINI-MEDAL. Check out the items and pick up anything that you think you might need. It's not quite obvious, but there is actually a well out front of these two buildings. Jump down and go through the gate to find the Pickham "secret club." You're not just here to enjoy the odor of sweaty men. Break the three pots to find a MINI-MEDAL inside as well as a phail of AMOR SECO ESSENCE. All right now let's get out of this sweaty well and check out the east side. At the top of the path which runs north and south on the east side (not the far east side, just before that) of town, there is a lone pot with a COWPAT inside. As gross as that sounds it can actually be used effectively in alchemic to make some really great stuff. Just a few steps east of this pot there is a door facing south that goes into a crowded little house with four small rooms. In one of the rooms you'll find a barrel with a MINI-MEDAL inside and in the room across from it there's a SEED OF STRENGTH in the bag hanging from the wall. Go south down the far east path and break the barrels at the end to get 26 GOLD COINS. You can climb the stairs beside them too. On the upper walkway enter the tent that should be directly in front of you. Examine the item bags hanging in here to get a smelly old pair of BOXER SHORTS. Follow this walkway all the way to the northwest side of town where you'll find three pots, one of them containing a MINI-MEDAL. Go back a little bit and head down those stairs beside where the man is standing. When you reach the bottom Yangus will step away for a moment to knock on the door. This is where "Brains" lives normally bit it seems as though he isn't home. Ignore Yangus and go in there anyway. A couple of the books on the shelves here contain interesting information but none of them will teach you any new recipes. Enter the room next to this one and break the two pots to get 30 GOLD COINS and a SEED OF WISDOM. Now it's time to leave this place. Make your way all the way back to the east side of town on ground level again. There are a couple of doors I didn't mention along this path. The first door is the tavern. You can break the three barrels in here to get some WATERWEED MOULD but that's about all you're going to find. The next door up the path is locked so just ignore it. At the top you'll find a couple of houses right net to each other. Enter the first one (the one on the right) and examine the shelf to get a phail of MAGIC WATER. There's nothing in the house next door so I guess your next destination would be the church if you haven't saved yet. Finally you're ready to head through those large double doors at the north end of town with the inn and tavern symbols marked next to them. Make a left at Trode's carriage and go upstairs in the inn. The second room on your left sides 35 GOLD COINS inside the cabinet. Through the other door you'll come across three barrels on the roof which can be broken to reveal a piece of REED MOULD. Run down the path branching off from here to reach the fortune teller's house. You can feel free to speak to her if you wish, it won't cost anything. That covers pretty much all the exploration you can do up to this point. Get back downstairs and go through the other door by Trode's carriage. Be sure to break the three barrels in the corner to get some FRESH MILK out of them before approaching the horrible green monstrosity at the bar. Trode is mumbling something to himself at the bar, kind of surprised to see you back so early. The sounds of a horse can be heard through the door as he begins to talk. Leave the tavern to see what the hell is going on. There's no sign of Medea out here at all. It's now your job to go out and find her. Remember that small house full of crap that can be found directly west of the town's entrance? Well that's where the damnable thief who stole your horse is hiding out. He's a complete coward and immediately gives back the 1000 GOLD COINS, saying that he sold your horse to some black market guy that Yangus is familiar with. What you need to do next is head to the other tavern on the east side, not the one that Trode was visiting. Speak to the bartender and he'll let you go around back. Examine the cabinet there to get a MINI-MEDAL. Speak to the guy at the counter who happens to be the man that bought your horse. It's too late however, he already sold him and to a man named "red" no less. Of course you don't know who this is, but Yangus is pretty angry about it. Leave this little room and Yangus will tell you a little about red. She doesn't live in Pickham, she lives in a house southwest of this town. You've got no choice but to go there now. I would recommend you save your game now if you haven't in the past little while. Afterward it's time to leave Pickham entirely. Start making your way southwest when you get to the world map. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ICKHAM REGION -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 17 | SEARCH | 01.23 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Hairband.......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just one quick note that you may not be aware of. If you happen to see any cows grazing around on the map (like the ones just south of town for example) run up to them and press X to get a bottle of Fresh Milk from each individual one. It's a nice trick that could come in handy later. The house where you're going now is pretty easy to find if you use the map. It's surrounded by forest and a moat. You need to cross a bridge in order to reach it. First thing to do is go into the horse stable on the right side. In there you will find Medea of course (but there's nothing you can do regarding that issue here.) Basically your primary goal is to simply break the two barrels and find the MINI-MEDAL. Speak to the guard here and he'll end up letting you into the house. Before you actually speak with red go into the bedroom and get the HAIRBAND out of the cabinet there. Smash the two pots outside of her room as well, one of them contains a MINI-MEDAL. Now go over and talk to her. This woman seems unwilling to part with the horse for any price at all. She wouldn't however, object to trading it for a specific item. The item she is looking for is the Venus' Tear and it comes from the cave to the north. Now that you know where you have to go, leave her house and begin heading north. The entrance to the labyrinth is the stone structure on the barren wasteland. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ (__/ ) / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ WORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH ----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 17 | SEARCH | 01.24 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Cowpat.........................................|_| | | | Map of Swordsman's Labyrinth...................|_| | | | 11 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | 62 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Red Mould......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Antidotal Herb.................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Kitty Shield...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Venus' Tear....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the very start of this dungeon you are faced with a fork in the path. Follow it left here and then up until you reach a door. Through this door you will find a staircase leading down to the lower floor. Follow the hall south and then turn right. There should be a door right beside you here leading north into another room. Enter this room and descend down the stairs. At the bottom you'll find a couple of pots sitting beside the stairs, one of them contains a COWPAT. Make your way down this hall and eventually you'll come to a large stretch of purple damage goo. There isn't really any safe way to cross this, but fortunately each of your party members only takes one damage per "red flash" you see. The treasure chest at the north end of this room contains a MAP OF SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH which should help out quite a bit. Run all the way back to the stairs and return to the previous floor. Leave the room through the south door and this time, follow the hallway south. When you come to a four way split keep going in the same direction (west) that you're currently moving in. Check out the door on the far left first. Inside this room there are a ton of pots which hide 11 GOLD COINS, SEED OF MAGIC, 62 GOLD COINS, a piece of RED MOULD, MINI-MEDAL and finally an ANTIDOTAL HERB. This doesn't include the treasure chest itself which contains another MINI- MEDAL. Leave the room and this time open up the far right door. There are two treasure chests in here. The one on the left is actually a Cannibox (automatically triggers a battle.) The one on the right contains a KITTY SHIELD. Before you go anywhere else you should examine the door in the middle just for a laugh, then turn around and return to the four way split. This time we're going to take the north branch. On the way up you will notice that there is a hole in the floor. Dropping down it will land you right beside the chest you already opened that had the dungeon map in it, make sure not to fall down on your way up, and that's not all you have to watch out for. The door directly above this hole in the floor is also fake. The door is on a spring and if you try to open it, the door will bounce off and wall and launch you down the hole in the floor. Outsmart the door by going east and then proceed through the door next to it and take the stairs down once more. Run straight west and grab hold of the statue which is blocking the doorway. Push or pull it out of your way and then proceed through the door and down south all the way until you reach another set of stairs. On the floor below, head up the hall and turn right (east) into a hall which spirals around until a dead end with two pots. Break both of the pots to find one MINI-MEDAL. Return to the most recent fork in the path and go northwest this time. You'll end up in an open area with some kind of drawbridge and another statue. This puzzle isn't very hard to figure out. Simply drag the statue onto the nearby button in the floor, the drawbridge will drop and then you are free to cross it. The hallway here winds around and eventually leads to a door at the end. In this room you have a large grid with two statues on the side which can be moved. Press the R2 button and look up at the ceiling, you'll see a single hole there. What you need to do is line up the statues in an (X,Y) grid type position so that the point at which they intersect is the open hole in the ceiling. In other words, push the first statue east to the second last panel, then the other statue south to the second last panel, then go stand on that particular panel to be launched up into the air through the hole. Open the treasure chest at the top of the stairs here to trigger the boss fight. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TRAP BOX | HABITATS: Swordsman's Labyrinth | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Venus' Tear | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A monster that carries the | | Number......................... 264 | precious Venus' Tear in its mouth. | | Hit Points.................... 1100 | Its guiding motivation appears to | | Magic Points................... 255 | be its obsession with priceless | | Experience.................... 1020 | jewels and treasures. | | Gold........................... 660 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Trap Box is by no means an extraordinarily difficult boss, it's just | | best if you're well prepared before you come into the battle. If you're | | anything like me then you prefer to use the Hero's Boomerang most of the | | time, but before the battle begins you would be best to switch that with a | | sword. The trap box has a fairly high HP total meaning the battle could | | go on for a while, but if you're party is ready with the most powerful | | attacks for the weapons they carry then you can usually beat this boss | | before any of his attacks threaten to wipe out each of your characters. | | | | We'll begin with the attacks he uses most often. His primary attack is | | simply a normal physical attack which usually does between 25 and 30 | | damage to a single member of your party. Significantly less common is an | | attack called the "Desperate Attack" which pretty much does the same thing | | (hits a single party member) but this tie it does between 70 and 90 damage | | to that person. This is pretty much the only attack he's got that can | | surprise you and knock someone out. For this reason it's good to make | | sure everyone on your team maintains a high HP total for the entire fight. | | The boss has two more attacks after this. One is Fuddle, a spell which | | targets a single party member and attempts to confuse them. Confused | | party members will attack other members of our party so you have to be | | careful of that. The Trap Box's final attack is another dangerous one | | called Crackle! This is an ice spell which hits each member of your party | | for between 30 and 40 damage. Serious healing is needed after that. | | | | Personally I would recommend Hero equipped with a Sword, Yangus with an | | Axe, Jessica with a whip and Angelo with a sword or bow. Hero should | | either use a regular attack or one of his sword skills if it does more | | damage. Yangus should use either a regular attack or an axe skill. | | Jessica should definitely use the powerful Twin Dragon Lash. Lastly I | | would recommend you make Angelo your full time healer for the party. Both | | he and the Hero have the magic skills to do it, but since Hero is a more | | powerful fighter, Angelo is the better choice (and his agility is higher.) | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Trap Box automatically drops the VENUS' TEAR when he has been defeated. Now you can either leave the traditional manual way, or simply cast Evac. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ICKHAM REGION -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 19 | SEARCH | 01.25 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Iron Shield....................................|_| | | | Farmer's Scythe................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get out of the labyrinth there are a couple of chests you can find. Let's begin with the one to the west. If you go quite a ways west and just a little bit south you'll be able to reach the edge overlooking the water. From there begin to head north and follow the edge until you approach a dead-end. At that point you should be able to see a chest beside the tree, the chest contains IRON SHIELD. Use a Chimaera Wing to get back to the Swordsman's Labyrinth. Now this time we're going to be going directly east of the entrance. Angle yourself just a little bit south and you should be able to start going up an upward sloping path to the northeast. This one is a hell of a lot closer than the previous chest. Just over the hill, cross the mucky purple stuff to reach a locked chest with a FARMER'S SCYTHE inside. Since the Chimaera Wing can't take you back to Red's place you'll have to run there manually now. When you arrive at the house, go inside and speak to Red. After a little bit of groveling Red eventually agrees to return your horse and cart to you. All Yangus can think to do is to head back to Pickham a second time and see if maybe Brains is around. Use a Chimaera Wing to warp to Pickham. Take the stairs on the east side up and locate that hidden path down to Brains' place once again. Indeed you will find the man himself sitting here at the desk. Brains' sources report that Dhoulmagus was seen wandering over to the western continent. He has also heard that to the west of Port Prospect there is a large wasteland where the party might be able to find an abandoned ship they could use to cross the ocean. Get out of Pickham and use yet another Chimaera Wing, this time to get to Port Prospect. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) / /( ) / \_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ INGDOM OF TRODAIN --------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 20 | SEARCH | 01.26 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Slime Crown....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Sledgehammer...................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | 630 Gold Coins.................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Meteorite R = Agility R + Agility R + Valuable Itm | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a path leading almost directly west of Port Prospect from where you appear if you use the Chimaera Wing. Follow it for a little ways and then keep going as it curves northeast. Soon enough you'll be back on the path once again and before long come to what is known as the Hilltop Hut. The first thing you will want to do is jump down the well out front. Examine the crown at your feet for a quick scene, be sure to choose "yes" when the option presents itself. For helping out the enormous slime you will get the SLIME CROWN as your reward. Before going back up make sure you talk to all of the slimes, one of them will teach you a new recipe: "Meteorite Bracer = Agility Ring + Agility Ring + A Valuable Item." Climb the rope to get out of here. The Hilltop Hut serves as both a place you can rest as well as a church. First of all break the pot in the corner to get a MINI-MEDAL and then speak to the guy sitting happily in the chair to stay the night for a great price. Your religious obligations can be handled by the woman in front of the holy statue. To reach the wastelands you'll have to backtrack just a little bit. Go down the hill you came up to reach this hut and then head northwest. The path takes you down into an unmistakable wasteland. At the bottom of the path when the area opens up we'll head west (don't worry you can just drop right off the edge, it's only a few feet down.) Continue west down here but stay on the south side, the path kind of forks in this area. When it opens up again you should notice a sloping hill on your right (north). Ascend this hill and take a look on your right at the top, hidden behind this rock is a locked chest containing a SLEDGEHAMMER. From here what you want to do is go west and then north to find the ship you were looking for. The ship is perfect for what you need to do, but how you plan to get it into the water is anyone's guess. Trode's best solution is to head north to Trodain Castle (where's he's from) and check out the library to see if you can find any information. Forget the ship for now and continue on your journey. The best way to get to Trodain's Castle from here is to go up the sloping path just south of the abandoned ship and then head northwest from there. Take a look at your map and notice the nearby cave just northwest of where you are. That will be your eventual destination, but if you're looking to collect all the chests then first you're going to be heading all the way to the end of the western peninsula. Open up the treasure chest and you will acquire a SEED OF MAGIC. Now you have to get back to that cave northeast of here. Proceed through this tunnel and then when you come out the other side, turn and face to the west. You should be able to see a church in the distance. Make your way down to that church and save your game inside. Not only is there also an inn inside this church, if you speak to the man at the table he will run a little shop for you. Leave the church and head off to the northeast. Just on the lower side of a tall cliff on the western side as you're heading northeast (about half way between the church and the castle) you will find a locked treasure chest. Open it up to get the 630 GOLD COINS from inside of it. Directly east of this chest is yet another chest, not locked this time. Unfortunately this chest is trapped and it's actually a Cannibox! Open it at your own risk. In order to reach the castle from here you have to go back south a little, then northeast up the path. It's pretty obvious if you just have a look at your map. Approach the door and examine it for a scene. Back in a time when King Trode actually ruled the castle and wasn't trapped in the body of a mutant, he had a daughter (the princess) named Medea. They were outside on the balcony one night when King Trode noticed a fallen soldier on the ground. The injured soldier told him of someone breaking into the Sealed Chamber. It was of course, Dhoulmagus himself who then turned his evil magic on the king and princess, transforming them into what you see now. He also used the sceptre's power to cover the entire castle with the thorns and vines. Even the inhabitants themselves become victims of the curse, their limbs transforming into viny appendages and no longer being able to move. Hero was a soldier at the castle at the time, and along with the King and Princess he was the only one to survive the attack. Hero however was not inside the magic circle the King and Princess were, how he survived is indeed a mystery. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RODAIN CASTLE -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 21 | SEARCH | 01.27 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Castle Trodain..........................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 29 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Garter.........................................|_| | | | 46 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Magic Beast Hide...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Gold Bracer....................................|_| | | | Magic Key......................................|_| | | | Templar's Sword................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Waterweed Mould................................|_| | | | 150 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | ??? = Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Blb | | | Elfin Elixir = Yggdrasil Dew + A Liquid | | | Healthy Cheese = Plain Cheese + A Healing Item | | | ??? = Wizard's Staff + Rockbomb Shard | | | White Shield = Iron Shield + Something Silver | | | Robe Serenity = Cloak of Evasion + Private Clothes | | | Stylish Helm = Stone Hardhat + Brnz Knf + Brnz Knf | | | A Blunt Axe = Iron Axe + Gold Nugget | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The library door is actually barricaded by vines so King Trode tells you that you're going to have to find another way into it. There is a door into the library from inside the castle but to reach it you'll have to go around the long way. Go north of the fountain and up the stairs on the left side to find a MAP OF CASTLE TRODAIN at the top. Once you have picked it up then head through the door. When you get inside make a right turn and head through the door on this side of the front hall. This castle can get kind of confusing so make sure you follow the instructions very closely to get everything. Here on the east side of the castle first floor go north a little bit then turn right down the east hall and ascend up the stairs. Turn around at the top of the stairs and go north, west, and north through the large doors. Examine the cabinets in this room to get a MINI-MEDAL. You'll also want to be sure to examine the bookshelf in this room. Doing so will teach you a new alchemy recipe: "??? = Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb + Moonwort Bulb." Leave the room and head west again. Go through the door at the end of the hall. Break the three barrels in this room to get 29 GOLD COINS. Take a look at your map now, you should be standing exactly where you found the gold coins in the barrel. Your destination is the room directly beside you to the east, but you'll see on your map that you actually have to go all the way around the west side in order to reach it. Do that now and then examine the cabinets in this room to find a GARTER. Turn around and return to the previous floor. Run to the far south end of the hall and then east. Proceed through the south door and you'll find yourself in a room with some stairs leading down. Since you cannot get the door to the treasure chests open right now, descend down the first two sets of stairs and break the pots at the bottom. One of them hides 46 GOLD COINS. Continue down even further and you'll come across a couple of barrels which can be broken to reveal a MINI-MEDAL. Take the west door out of here now. We're now back in the courtyard once again. Enter the castle through the main entrance and turn left this time. Immediately on your left again is a large set of doors leading into a room full of treasure. The first thing to do is to break all the pots and barrels which will get you a MAGIC BEAST HIDE and MINI-MEDAL. Don't forget to reach into the bags on the wall to find a GOLD BRACER. Finally examine the chest on the left to receive the MAGIC KEY. You may not realize it now, but this is the key you've been waiting for. All of the chests in the world that your Thief's Key hasn't been able to fit into, this key will. Your first opportunity to use it comes right now on the chest beside you which contains a TEMPLAR'S SWORD, an extremely powerful new weapon for Angelo. Unfortunately the key does not work on that locked treasure room you passed earlier. Now for your final destination. Return to the castle's front hall and go through the east door. Take a few steps north and then turn right down the east hall and up these stairs again. Turn around and go north at the top of the stairs then all the way to the far east side where you broke the barrels before. This time we're going to leave this room through the southern door. This outdoor area leads directly around to one of the castle towers with a spiral staircase inside. Descend down not one, but two floors here. Take a few steps east and then make a right at the first door you see. Break the first pots to get a chunk of ROCK SALT. Since you can't reach the centre of the room from here, turn around and continue east down the hall. Make a right turn once again at the next chance you get. At the southwest side of the throne room here there is a door leading west. Go through this door and then head north to reach the middle of that room you couldn't access from the other side. Break the barrels and pots in this room to find WATERWEED MOULD, 150 GOLD COINS and a MINI-MEDAL. Go back out of this room and head south to finally reach the library. There are a ton of bookshelves here so you should try and examine all of them if you can. There are two different types of bookshelves. The only ones which you can examine are the ones with a slanted green book on the shelf second from the bottom. On of the first ones teaches you a new alchemy recipe: "Elfin Elixir = Yggdrasil Dew + A Liquid." Another one teaches you the recipe: "Healthy Cheese = Plain Cheese + A Healing Item." Keep searching and you'll find even more. Another book holds the recipe: "??? = Wizard's Staff + Rockbomb Shard." Further down is one with the recipe: "White Shield = Iron Shield + Something Silver." Keep going down and you'll automatically trigger a scene with King Trode. You're the one who's going to be responsible for finding the correct book. You might as well just check all the shelves since there are still more recipes to find. One book contains the recipe: "Robe of Serenity = Cloak of Evasion + Private Clothing." Keep looking to find "A Stylish Helm = Stone Hardhat + Bronze Knife + Bronze Knife." Next we have the recipe: "A Blunt Axe = Iron Axe + Gold Nugget." Finally the furthest shelf on the left side is the one which holds the book you are searching for. The party starts to read the book hoping to find a way to get that ship into the ocean. The book doesn't really provide any concrete answers unfortunately. As they are reading it the full moon shines high in the sky and extends the shadow of the vines in a manner similar to the shadow on top of the mountain. Examine the door on the wall like you did there to enter the other dimension. Approach the man standing at the shining crystal ball. Perhaps Ishmahri can help you find a way to get the ship into the ocean. He says that awaking the memory of the ocean would be enough to return the ship to water however his instrument is not powerful enough to do so. Somewhere back in the real world there exists a much more powerful harp. Before anything can be done your party must venture out to find this Moonshadow Harp. You'll soon have control of your character again so leave this dimension and return to the library. You can leave the library by unlocking the eastern door which provides a shortcut for future trips back here again. Leave Trodain Castle and use another one of your Chimaera Wings to warp back to the town of Ascantha. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) /---( ) / ____) ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ( ENEATH ASCANTHA --------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 21 | SEARCH | 01.28 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+-------| | ITEM CHECKLIST | None...........................................N/A | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The man in your debt who Ishmahri was talking about is the King of Ascantha. Head up to the throne room of the castle and speak to him now. The king tells you that they do have the harp but it is locked within the vault under the castle. You'll automatically be warped there now. Upon throwing the brooch into the fountain the path to the vault opens up. Follow the king down inside only to learn that thieves have plundered all of Ascantha's treasures. The king runs off but you are of course free to enter into the tunnel. There is no treasure to be found in this tunnel, it is a relatively linear path through the underground designed to take you to the other side. At the first fork make a right and continue to the west. When it opens up into a larger room just ignore all branches and keep moving forward. After that it's pretty much impossible to go in the wrong direction. The path leads you out of the tunnel and out into what's known as the Land of the Moles. ______________________________________________________________________________ _ ___/__) (, / / ___________________________________ +-- (_____ AND OF THE MOLES -----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 21 | SEARCH | 01.29 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a large cliff directly in front of you when you leave the cave. Turn left and go around it via the northwest side. If you stick close to the cliff and keep going north you should catch a glimpse of a chest nearby. Use your Magic Key to open this one up and inside of it you will find a SEED OF LIFE. Keep going directly north from here without changing direction and then head east. Take a look at your map and you'll see a cave. Go north until you're just above the cave and head east from there to reach the only other chest in this area containing MINI-MEDAL. Now drop down and head into the cave. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | ___________________________________ +-- (_/ |/ |_ OLE HOLE --------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 21 | SEARCH | 01.30 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Mole Hole...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Stone Hardhat..................................|_| | | | Moonshadow Harp................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the tunnel for a short distance at the start and when you come to a fork in the path turn right and navigate to a rather large room. If you miss the turn you'll still end up in this room it will just take longer. Locate the treasure chest in the far western corner which has the MAP OF MOLE HOLE inside of it. The tunnel leading out of this room is on the southwest wall. Make a left when that path forks. Before long you'll find yourself in another large room. Stick to the south side and but don't go down anymore tunnels. Instead what you want to do is check out the southwestern wall, you'll find a couple of pots hidden there. Break both of them to acquire both a MINI-MEDAL and a SEED OF DEFENCE. Now take the nearby path leading south of here. When you come to yet another room make a left turn and go around to the opposite side where there is a chest containing a STONE HARDHAT. You'll need to go back around to the other side and down the slope to reach the path in the middle of this room. Follow it southeast down even deeper into the Mole Hole. Make a right when it forks and then a left when you reach the large room. Descend down the path toward that large funky looking mole near the end. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DON MOLE | HABITATS: Mole Hole | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A self-proclaimed artist and music | | Number......................... 265 | lover. Unfortunately for those | | Hit Points.................... 1280 | around him, his love for music | | Magic Points..................... 0 | doesn't necessarily mean he's any | | Experience.................... 1160 | good at it. | | Gold........................... 360 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Giant Mole may appear a fearsome enemy but he's far more tame than his | | funky exterior leads you to believe. The Don Mole is joined by four Soul | | Moles just to make things more interesting. Soul Moles are slightly beefed | | up versions of the normal moles you will find wandering around the cave. | | It's up to you whether you choose to fight only the boss or to eliminate | | the moles along with him. Eventually you will have to eliminate them all | | anyway. I recommend a healthy mix of single and party attacks here. | | | | Let's begin by taking a look at the attacks the Don Mole is capable of | | using. The first is the normal physical attack which hits a single member | | of your party for approximately 50 to 60 damage. Nothing to worry about | | there. What you might have to worry about is a somewhat regular attack | | the mole uses where he "shakes the ground." This particular attack will | | do about 50 damage to every member of your party and will require some | | serious healing to recover from. His next attack (and potentially the | | most dangerous one) is called Performance. The Performance attempts to | | confuse every single participant in the battle except for Done Mole. This | | means both your party and the Soul Moles. Confused party members will | | attack each other for quite a bit of damage and this ability can | | potentially confuse every member of your party. Fortunately for you it's | | more likely to miss than succeed but each time it's bound to hit at least | | one person. You can either use an item or spell which heals them, or hope | | they don't kill you by the time it wears off in a couple of turns. Lastly | | the Don Mole is capable of "calling for backup" which basically means that | | he summons another Soul Mole into the fight if you've killed any. | | | | There are a number of ways to fight this battle, so I'll outline the basic | | strategy and tips which should help you obliterate this boss with the | | least amount of trouble. To be honest, sticking with normal attacks is | | probably enough assuming you set aside at least one character to heal | | whenever you need it. For the lower leveled parties or those who just | | wish to speed things up there are better methods. For Hero you should | | have a powerful sword equipped on him. The Falcon Slash skill is by far | | the best attack he can use here in this battle. Yangus works best when | | just using his normal attack. If he has anything good in his inventory | | then he can be the backup item guy. Have Yangus maybe focus on picking | | off those Soul Moles one by one before he turns his axe on the Don Mole. | | | | Jessica a number of duties. At the beginning of the battle you should | | take full advantage of a great spell she has called "Oomph." This will | | double the attack power of a single party member for a few turns, it's | | extremely helpful. Cast Oomph on Hero and have him keep using Falcon | | Slash, ideally it should be doing over 100 damage to the Don Mole each | | turn. Maybe cast Oomph on Yangus on the second turn and then switch to | | having Jessica cast the Bang spell each turn, this will distribute damage | | between all the enemies and speed things up. Finally once all the Soul | | Moles are dead she should revert back to casting Oomph on Hero if it wore | | off, and using the powerful Twin Dragon Lash on the Don Mole. Angelo too | | has a couple of things he can do. On his very first turn In recommend he | | cast Kabuff to increase the defence power of every member of your party, | | then on subsequent turns have him be your primary healer with the Midheal | | spell, or have him just use normal attacks if your party is doing well. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For shutting up that moleman you are rewarded with the item you seek, the MOONSHADOW HARD. Now have one of your characters cast the Evac spell. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ TREASURE HUNT -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 22 | SEARCH | 01.31 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Steel Broadsword...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Agility Ring...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Gold Ring......................................|_| | | | Seed of Skill..................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Lesser Panacea.................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're interested, I'm going to take this opportunity to cover all of the treasure chests you've missed along the way that could only have been opened with the Magic Key you found at Trodain Castle. Everything here is entirely optional and if you wish to proceed with the game normally then please feel free to skip to the next section. If you plan to follow along here, then take out one of your Chimaera Wings and warp yourself to Maella Abbey. You'll appear on the correct side for this one. Immediately after you materialize turn yourself and run as far west as you can until you reach a lone treasure chest containing a MINI-MEDAL. That's the only one you'll find in this area so take out another Chimaera Wing and this time use it to warp back to the Riverside Chapel. Cross the bridge to the west and take a look at your map. Once again if you look just northwest of your position you'll see an area of raised land which makes the shape of an upside down "U" with a forest in the middle. On the west side of this large "U" shape there is a path sloping upward to the north. Ascend up this path and at the top you'll find a locked chest which can only be opened by the Magic Key. Inside of it is a STEEL BROADSWORD. While there are still more chests in this region I would recommend you use another Chimaera Wing just because you're so far out of the way. Use it to warp to the Riverside Chapel once again. This time we're going to head directly north of the chapel in as straight a line as you possibly can. You'll have to angle yourself east a little bit, but still barely at all. Before long you'll catch a glimpse of a chest beside a tree. Open it up to acquire a MINI-MEDAL. Now from this position what you want to do is head east until you reach the forest and then go northeast from there. As you approach the edge of the cliff you should be able to see a treasure box in this area. You might be a little bit too high up, but once you see it then it's a small matter to find a way around to it. This chest contains an AGILITY RING. This is one of the better accessories you've found in the game so far, it increases one character's agility by fifteen effectively almost guaranteeing they get the first turn in combat. That pretty much covers all the locked chests to be found in this region. Use another Chimaera Wing to warp to Morrie's Place down near Pickham. Directly behind Morrie's Place, on the south side leaning against the back wall there is a chest containing a MINI-MEDAL. Make your way north onto the path again and follow it north until it ends. Keep moving north but stay close to the western wall, When the wall curves around follow it and look to the south in the little corner here. There will be a treasure chest hiding away, it contains a SEED OF DEFENCE. Open up the menu and use another Chimaera Wing, this time warp yourself to the Swordsman's Labyrinth. When you materialize go a short ways south and then start running southwest. Notice the long mountain range to the southwest which is running north and south, well you want to get on the north side of this mountain range among those two small forested areas. On the west side of this area near the edge you'll find another chest, this one containing a GOLD RING. For the next one you're going to have to go back east and then down to the south side of this mountain range. Here you will find a chest with a SEED OF SKILL inside of it. This interesting item acts like you got a level up for the character, allowing them to distribute a number of new skill points. We're almost done now. Warp to the Hilltop Hut located in the Kingdom of Trodain for the next one. Go down the hill outside the Hilltop Hut and then down that sloping path which leads into the wasteland. When the path opens up into the main wasteland area, turn left and follow the upper path here to the south. At the end of this path you'll come to a cliff. Drop over the edge and open up the treasure chest down here to acquire a SEED OF DEFENCE. There is one final treasure chest to be located, use a Chimaera Wing and warp to Trodain now. Leave the castle and turn immediately southeast. Run down the slope and head north at the bottom. There at the edge of the cliff you'll be able to locate the final chest which will bring you up to speed on every single one you've passed so far in your journey. This particular one contains a LESSER PANACEA. ______________________________________________________________________________ __) /(, ) / / / / ___________________________________ +-- (___ / CEAN -----------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 22 | SEARCH | 01.32 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Fishnet Stockings..............................|_| | | | Iron Armour....................................|_| | | | Bronze Knife...................................|_| | | | 950 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Iron Mask......................................|_| | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Ring of Awakening = Gold Ring + A Tiring Weapon | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With all of these items now in your position it's time to return to Trodain using a Chimaera Wing if you need to. If you haven't stopped to save the game since you started this I would highly recommend you do so. Go through the door in the library to reach the other dimension. Ishmahri will help you to bring the boat up out of the water. You are now able to set sail across the ocean. Control the ship simply with the left analog stick, you can dock anywhere where it prompts you to do so. You will encounter enemies while sailing around in the ship so be careful. The first place you'll want to stop is directly west of where you start. Dock the boat and step off of it. If you haven't checked your Alchemy Pot recently you will note that Trode has improved it to now allow you to use recipes consisting of three ingredients, that should really help you out. There is a large castle structure on this island and you'll be visiting it in a second. Before you go into there head around behind the castle and run to the north side of the island. You'll find a treasure chest here containing a MINI-MEDAL. Turn around now and go back toward the castle. Enter through the main doors on the southern side. This is where you can finally make use of all those Mini-Medals you've found throughout the game so far. Speak to the short man here in the front and then check out the two desks here. You'll find both an item shop and a bank where you can deposit Gold Coins for retrieval later. Proceed through the door on the left side and break the two barrels there, one of them contains a MINI- MEDAL. Ascend the stairs and go through the door at the top. Approach the girl standing beside the king's bed. Tell him you have brought the Mini- Medals with you and he'll be absolutely delighted. Examine the two bookshelves in this room to find both a list of rewards for the medals you exchange, and a new recipe: "Ring of Awakening = Gold Ring + A Tiring Weapon." Head back downstairs and speak to the princess on the throne. At this point in the game if you've been following the guide you should have approximately 32 Mini-Medals. Offer all of them to the princess and you will get some FISHNET STOCKINGS in return. Only four more are needed to get the next item. Leave the castle now and return to your ship. Here's what you're going to want to do next. Open up your map and look at the zoomed out version. Right now you are docked at an island marked with a blue dot. South of the island is another blue dot and south of that one is yet another blue dot. This blue dot is Maella Abbey (directly west of a red dot). What you need to do is ride your ship around the west side of the continent and then move east toward Maella Abbey. You won't be able to reach Maella Abbey because of an island blocking your way but that's okay, because the island is where you want to disembark. Get off on the island and run to the east side where you'll find two treasure chests containing a suit of IRON ARMOUR and BRONZE KNIFE. Get back to the boat once again and sail out into the ocean. From here you want to head directly south of where you are currently. Take a look at the world map as a whole. Notice that south of you there is a very large island, and a fair bit further south of that is a very small island at the bottom of the map. Well the small island at the bottom is your destination right now. On the far semi-south mostly-east side of this island (it's small so don't worry too much about these ambiguous directions) there is a treasure chest containing 950 GOLD COINS. Collect them and then get back onto your boat. The final place we will be visiting before we continue with the game is just east of where you are right now. Get off at the tip of the west peninsula. Before anything else I would like to stress that the enemies in this area are extremely difficult and you are taking a risk if you wish to collect the two chests here. The puppeteers are difficult enough but if you encounter a Jaberwockee (combination of four enemies) then you're looking at attacks that are capable of doing upwards of 170 damage to one character. The experience you get from these battles is like 200-300, you're not doing yourself any favours by trying to win. I highly recommend you flee from each fight here. The first chest is located on a hill to the east and contains a SEED OF LIFE. The second chest can be found among some trees quite a bit further east in the forest beside the mountain range. The chest has an IRON MASK inside of it. Lucky for you, the ship will follow wherever you warp to with a Chimaera Wing so rather than trying to fight your way back simply warp somewhere like Minnie's Castle for example and from there jump onto the ship. It's finally time to track Dhoulmagus over to the west continent. First you're going to want to know where to dock. Open up the world map and look at it zoomed out. First we need to establish that the western continent is the one furthest west (duh). What I mean is that it's not the large island on the northwest side of the map. Now that you know which continent we're talking about take a look at the northern tip of the continent. You should see two rivers which run approximately east to west through the upper tip. One of them kind of forks in a "Y" shape. Sail your boat right now to the point where these two rivers meet the ocean on the eastern side (the direction you should be coming from.) On the north side of these two rivers (on the east side of the continent) you will see a church. Disembark near the church and make your way there now. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) /---( ) / ____) ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ( ACCARAT REGION ---------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 23 | SEARCH | 01.33 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Tough Guy Tattoo...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 1200 Gold Coins................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before entering the church check around behind it on the north side. There you will find a locked treasure chest containing a TOUGH GUY TATTOO. Enter the church and speak to the people in the room on the side. Speak to the child in particular for a short scene. Speak to the girl at the desk and you'll be able to rest here for no cost whatsoever. Examine the two cabinets as well, one of them contains a MINI-MEDAL. Save your game and then leave the church when everything has been taken care of. The first direction we are going to go now is north. There is a chest located at the very northeastern tip of the island. Open it up and you will acquire 1200 GOLD COINS. There is a path leading away from the church you were just visiting. Make your way back to the path and stay on it as you travel southwest. The path will eventually lead you to your primary destination, the town of Baccarat. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) /---( ) / ____) ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ( ACCARAT ----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 23 | SEARCH | 01.34 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Strong Medicine................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Cool Cheese....................................|_| | | | 72 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Ruby of Protection.............................|_| | | | Dancer's Costume...............................|_| | | | Amor Seco Essence..............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Bunny Tail.....................................|_| | | | Garter.........................................|_| | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Magic Cheese = Plain Cheese + Magic Water | | | Assassin's Dagger = Sharp Daggr + Something Poisnd | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome to the town of Baccarat. Let's begin our tour of this casino town with a visit to the weapon shop. Make a left when you first come into town and speak to the man under the crossed swords sign. Among other things you are going to want to purchase two Steel Scythes, one to equip on Yangus (unless you really want to hang onto your axe) and one to use in an alchemy recipe. Other than that what you wish to purchase remains up to you. After doing this equip every piece of equipment you just bought and leave the town. Open up the alchemy pot and get ready to mix. You should have in your inventory at least one Wing of Bat, they've been relatively common up to this point. If not then I guess you can forget about this. Drop the Wing of Bat into the alchemy pot with the Steel Scythe you just purchased and an Edged Boomerang with it. If you don't have an Edged Boomerang then simply warp to Ascantha and purchase one. You can run around on the world map in circles fighting battles until finally the Razor Wing Boomerang is ready. This is a brand new more powerful boomerang which cannot be purchased anywhere around here, it's very worth the materials that you used to create it. Now let's explore the town to find everything we possibly can here. From the entrance turn right and beside the house there are a couple of pots which can be broken to reveal a SEED OF DEFENCE. Inside the house itself you'll want to examine the bookshelf to learn a new recipe: "Magic Cheese = Plain Cheese + Magic Water." In the back there are a couple of barrels you can break to find a STRONG MEDICINE and a cabinet containing MINI-MEDAL. Go into the next building up the path from this house on the same side. This is some kind of restaurant, one of the barrels in the back hides some COOL CHEESE. Keep moving through town to the central square with the fountain. Head all the way south from there to reach the equipment shop again. Between it and the house next door there are some barrels containing 72 GOLD COINS. Enter the house beside these barrels to find even more barrels! Unfortunately these ones don't actually have anything inside of them. There's a bookshelf in the back, examine it to learn the recipe: "Assassin's Dagger = A Sharp Dagger + Something Poisoned." Also be sure to open the cupboard and get the SEED OF STRENGTH. Leave this house and descend the stairs beside the equipment shop. The item shop is located down here at the bottom but doesn't really sell anything besides the usual crap. Up the nearby ramp and beside the small house there are a couple of barrels, one of them hides a MINI-MEDAL. Go into this house and break the barrels to get yet another MINI-MEDAL. The side door is locked so you'll have to return to whence you came. Get back to the town entrance and this time enter the large building with the nice pillars out front. It really doesn't cost very much to stay the night here at the inn. Go around past the desk on the left side and examine the cupboard to get a MINI-MEDAL. Proceed into the room below you and open the chest to get a RUBY OF PROTECTION. Turn around and go back to the desk and then up the stairs. Take a few steps forward and a scene will automatically trigger. You'll find the bartender and another man talking in a corner. Supposedly Mr. Golding, the owner of the casino who was robbed recently was murdered ass well during the robbery and the public has not been told yet. While neither of them can figure out why the burglar was dressed as a jester, it's obvious of course that the culprit was Dhoulmagus. You can move when the bartender leaves. There's nothing in the first room on this floor so go into the second room and open up the cabinet to get a DANCER'S COSTUME. Head back down to the previous floor and then go down into the basement. Break the two barrels beside the bar to get a phail of AMOR SECO ESSENCE. One of the barrels behind the bar itself can be smashed to reveal a MINI-MEDAL. Speak to the bartender and he'll agree to tell you everything that he knows. The children of Golding have gone to some ruins on an island to the north to hunt down Dhoulmagus and right now that's your best chance of finding him as well. Before you go anywhere else step up onto the stage and go through either of the doors. Examine all three cabinets to find a GARTER and a BUNNY TAIL in there. There's nothing left for you to do here in town, leave and proceed southeast toward the Chateau Felix. You can identify it easily by the giant tiger. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / ___________________________________ +-- (______) HATEAU FELIX -------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 23 | SEARCH | 01.35 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Sand of Serenity...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | 800 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Baumren's Bell.................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Approach the man standing at the gate in the mouth of the giant tiger. Tell this man that you are indeed here to see Master Felix. He'll ask you a few questions, the answers to which are relatively easy to guess: "Take it home and ask your family to let it stay," "Free the tiger from the trap and let it go," "Let the great sabrecat join you on your travels." The man moves out of the way and allows you to go inside. Speak to the man at the desk here. Felix introduces himself to your party and gets right down to business. A friend of his seems to have become lost during his travels, it's going to be your responsibility to go out and help him. Agree to the man's request. There are four sabrecat statues around on the world map each pointing to the location of a tree only visible at dawn. When you find it give the lost man this SAND OF SERENITY. You will also get the opportunity to actually ride a sabrecat now, just go outside and speak to Tom to get the details. The sabrecat allows you to move extremely quickly on the world map but doesn't eliminate random battles. As Felix suggested you might want to start by going up to the top of the hill beside the town and looking down to see if you can find any statues. What you need to do is get down off this hill and follow the path leading south and then east. Cross the bridge to the east to reach another stretch of land. Notice that as you proceed east along this path (if you take a look at your map) you will see that on the south side you are approaching some mountains. Stay along the south edge while moving east until the chance to go south toward the mountains becomes available, at this very first opportunity you should be able to see a treasure chest containing another MINI-MEDAL. From here get back on the past and continue east. The path should fork before long, at the point you want to make a left and continue east. The path curves north and as it does you will notice there is a mountain on your left. Once you get past the mountain turn left and proceed west off of the path to find another chest, this one containing a SEED OF AGILITY. Now from here turn around and run directly north. You should see a bridge off in the distance. Ignore the bridge and keep going north from that point, eventually you should come across a chest containing SEED OF DEFENCE. This time you need to go back down south a little, and then west across the bridge. When you reach the other side turn and go directly north. At the far northern tip, actually just across the river from the church there is one more chest. This one contains 800 GOLD COINS. Your destination is at the southwest corner of this island here, almost directly east of the Chateau Felix. If you go there now you will most likely find nothing but a circle of rocks. You need to stand there in wait until dawn finally arrives and a blue sabrecat appears. Speak to the sabrecat and give him the Sand of Serenity. Return to the Chateau Felix and speak to Felix himself. You'll get the BAUMREN'S BELL which allows you to call a sabrecat at any point if you're in the right place. Now that you have this it's time to get back into your ship once again. Ride the ship northwest of Baccarat to reach a lone island. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| / / | / ) / |/ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ' ORTHWEST ISLE -------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 24 | SEARCH | 01.36 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Zombie Mail....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Posh Waistcoat.................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you disembark you'll find a few others who have ventured here in search of Golding's murderer but they are unwilling to proceed any further. Open up your map and take a look at it now. Notice that from the southern tip there are a number of branching paths going roughly north. The one on the left is very wide, as is the one on the right. There are two thin paths in the middle which branch off in a Y shape. Let's start by taking the far right (eastern) path and wandering out into the large open area. The treasure chest down in this direction is really quite conspicuous. It contains a suit of ZOMBIE MAIL. The second chest on this island is located up the left branch of the Y shaped path going up the centre of the island. At the very end you will find a chest there containing MINI-MEDAL. The right branch leads to the ruins. The first thing you want to do here is check the right side for a small hut with a couple of barrels inside. Break them to get a MINI-MEDAL. Now try and enter the ruins only to find you have no way to proceed. The group that you met earlier is waiting outside. Speak to them to learn that you must travel first to the Kingdom of Argonia and acquire a special magic mirror. Looks like it's off to Argonia for now. There is one thing you may want to do on your way there however. Since you've collected quite a few Mini-Medals since your last visit to Princess Minnie's Castle, that should be your next destination. Use a Chimaera Wing to warp there and then head inside to find the princess still sitting around in wait. At this point if you've been following the guide then you'll be up to a total of 41 Mini-Medals. This will get you a POSH WAISTCOAT. Make sure you equip it on Angelo. Now as for the Kingdom of Argonia, if you want to get there you'll need to use a Chimaera Wing to warp to Chateau Felix, then leave and summon a sabrecat. Ride it along the same path you did before, south of the Chateau and across the bridge to the east. This time when you reach the fork in the path, head south. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) / /( ) / \_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ INGDOM OF ARGONIA --------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 25 | SEARCH | 01.37 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Prayer Ring....................................|_| | | | Eagle Dagger...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep an eye on your left (east) and get ready to move off the path in that direction once you reach the edge of the mountains. The first chest you will see is one to the northeast just after you get past these mountains. It's actually up high on a cliff, take a look at your map and you'll see kind of a squigly shaped raised area beside the river on the west side. The chest is up top of there and it contains a PRAYER RING. Turn around now and make your way southwest back to the path. Along the way you should come across a tent with a couple of people sitting outside (at least during the day.) Speak to one of the men sitting by the circle to open up an equipment and items shop. Continue on your trek to the east, past the fork in the road. Not too long after that the path curves north. At that point don't follow it north, but rather turn around and head south. If you look at your map you'll see that there is kind of a little pocket of land here between the mountains you can navigate. It's difficult to describe but down here kind of on the east-ish side up on a ledge by the mountains, there is a chest containing an EAGLE DAGGER. The path leads east across a bridge, and immediately after that you need to turn north and head up to reach the town of Argonia. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RGONIA -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 25 | SEARCH | 01.38 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | 38 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Strong Medicine................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Wayfarer's Clothes.............................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Plain Cheese...................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | Iron Axe.......................................|_| | | | 80 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Feathered Cap..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Cool Cheese....................................|_| | | | Turban.........................................|_| | | | Strong Antidote................................|_| | | | Hairband.......................................|_| | | | Leather Cape...................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | 50 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | 30 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Elfin Elixir...................................|_| | | | Cloak of Evasion...............................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Mercury's Bandana = Protects head + Agility Ring | | | A clever chap cap = A hat + Scholar's Specs | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As usual the inn is likely going to be the first place worth checking out. While we're staying here for the night why don't we also take a look around to see if there are any valuable items to be found. On the left side of the stairs there is a door leading into the back. Break the pot to get 38 GOLD COINS and then the barrels for a STRONG MEDICINE. One of the two cupboards near the counter has a MINI-MEDAL inside of it. There are two rooms upstairs here in the inn, one of them contains two cupboards, one of the cupboards holds some WAYFARER'S CLOTHES. Leave the inn now and go up the stairs just south of the door. These lead to a raised area of town with a large building. Enter this building through any of its numerous doors. We'll start from the main double doors. Enter the room on the left and go upstairs. Open the cabinet at the top to get a phail of MAGIC WATER. Head back downstairs to the front door and check out the right side of the house this time. There are a few barrels leaning against the wall containing some PLAIN CHEESE. Exit this house and head up to the stairs leading down on the opposite side from the ones you used to get up here. At the bottom of the stairs you should see a door on your left, proceed through it. Make a right and break the lone pot beside the woman to get some RENNET POWDER. Run to the other side of the house and ascend the stairs. You can check out the bookshelves up here but neither of them really contain anything interesting, just some harmless fun. Back outside again now would be a good time to visit the equipment shop located east of this house (east going by the map.) There are a number of new pieces of equipment that are definitely worth buying if you have the Gold. Around back of the equipment shop through the door in the side there are a couple of cabinets, one of which contains an IRON AXE. Directly opposite the door that leads back here is a single pot with 80 GOLD COINS inside of it. On the other side in an alley between the shop and the inn there's a single barrel containing a FEATHERED CAP. Now get back to the town entrance. This time make a left and cross one of the bridges over the river. In the lower left corner you'll find a lone barrel with a MINI-MEDAL inside. Inside the house just above this barrel you'll find a pot in the kitchen containing a piece of COOL CHEESE. Also examine the cupboard upstairs to find a TURBAN. Continue up into the next house and break the barrels to get a STRONG ANTIDOTE. Upstairs in this house there are some more cabinets to examine, one of which contains a HAIRBAND. Go outside now and head to the far western corner of town. You should find a large church-like building here, though technically it's just a bit north of the "real" church. Go inside and then into one of the back rooms, you find two cupboards there one of which contains a LEATHER CAPE. Now finally, let's get out of this building and head up the path toward the gate guarded by two men. This leads into the castle. To the right of the main stairs there is an arch door that takes you to the kitchen. Break the barrel in here to get some ROCK SALT. Now continue through the kitchen and out the door of the dining room to reach what appears to be some kind of armory. Parallel to the door you just came out of is another door going back in the same direction. Open one of these two cabinets to get a MINI-MEDAL and then once again return to the castle front hall. This time ascend the stairs up to the second floor. You can go around to the throne room from here, but let's leave that for now. Keep going up to the third floor and from there go through the door on your left into a bedroom with two cabinets. Open the one on the right to acquire a MINI-MEDAL. Across from this room is what seems to be another kitchen. Break the two pots to get RENNET POWDER and 50 GOLD COINS. Head through the door on the other wall to reach a room with two cupboards, one containing a SEED OF A STRENGTH. The large doors lead to the castle outdoor area. Cross the steps over the small moat to the other side and then enter through the large doors on this side. Open up the cabinet to find 30 GOLD COINS. Leave this room and you'll be in an area with stairs going both up and down. Ignore both of them and check the room on the opposite side. Open the lone cupboard in here to find a MINI-MEDAL. From here leave the room and descend down the stairs to the floor below. There are a number of bookshelves here, examine all of them to learn the recipe: "Mercury's Bandana = Protects your head + Agility Ring." Now turn around and climb the stairs all the way to the very top floor. Enter the room with the single door and examine the cabinets to get an ELFIN ELIXIR. The large doors on this floor lead outside once again, you can use them to get back to the other side of the castle. Since (if you're following the guide) you haven't explored this high up in the castle on this particular side, run down the spiral stairs and go through the open arch doorway at the bottom. Examine the bookshelves in this room to learn the recipe: "A clever chap cap = A hat + Scholar's Specs." Go through the remaining door and open up the locked treasure chest to acquire a CLOAK OF EVASION. The wall behind the pots is cracked and has a hole in it. Leave this alone for now, there is nothing of interest in it at the moment. Head back down to the second floor and follow the walkway to the door leading into the king's throne room. Approach the king and watch the short scene when you arrive. After this occurs walk forward and speak to him manually. You want to get into the ruins to find Dhoulmagus. To get into the ruins you need to go out of your way to get the Magic Mirror. Now to get the magic mirror, the king wants you to go out of your way and venture to the Royal Hunting Ground. You won't be going yourselves either, you'll be bringing along with Charmles with you and it's your duty to give the impression that the prince passed the trials by himself. Unfortunately the prince seems to have "run off" and the discussion cannot continue without him being present. It's your job to find him now. Prince Charmles can be found by going over to the opposite end of the castle and then up the stairs to the third floor. Enter the kitchen and knock on the door to have him respond. Unfortunately he's not willing to let you into the room so that means you need to find another solution. Go up the stairs and into the room above with all the bookshelves. Remember the cracked wall in the room on the side? Send Munchie through that hole now and have him navigate to the hole in the floor. Notice there is a lizard sitting around enjoying itself here. When you approach the lizard it will move in the same direction you are moving. Align yourself with the lizard and the hole and push the lizard toward the hole until it eventually falls down. This will scare Prince Charmles out of the room and allow you to finally see him. Return to the throne room and Prince Charmles will be there. The chancellor will automatically take him out to your cart, from there it's your responsibility to make sure he completes the initiation if you want that Magic Mirror. Now you're ready to leave the town of Argonia and head for the Royal Hunting Grounds. Before you go Prince Charmles will give you some LIZARD HUMOUR which will help you to smell like a lizard to help you hunt the lizards. Summon a sabrecat just outside and follow the main path east (going right at the fork in the road) until you reach the hunting grounds. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ ___) (, / / /---/ ) / / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ (__ UNTING GROUNDS ----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 26 | SEARCH | 01.39 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | 41 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Dragon Scale...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter the house just before you head down the path. Break the pots to get 41 GOLD COINS and the barrel by the front door for a MINI-MEDAL. Once you have both of these then leave the house and use the Lizard Humour on yourself. Now that you're fully prepared, head into the Hunting Grounds. Ignore any lizards you see right at the beginning, there are a couple of items that we have to find first. Make a right turn at the beginning and proceed to the east. This path should lead you to a lone tree with an item bag hanging down off it. Inside of this item bag is another MINI-MEDAL. Return back to the first area and take the southeast path this time around. The small puddle of water should lead you down south to a treasure chest containing DRAGON SCALE. Get back to the hunting grounds entrance and now try to sneak up on the Argon Lizard at the beginning. Either wait until its back is turned or move yourself into a position behind the lizard. From there what you need to do is walk (not run) up to it from behind to initiate the battle. You can walk by moving with the D-pad rather than the analog stick. Once contact with the large lizard is made then a battle automatically trigger against it. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARGON LIZARD | HABITATS: Royal Hunting Ground | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Argon Heart | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Dragon | Long hunted for their precious | | Number......................... 267 | Argon Hearts, these monsters | | Hit Points..................... 720 | run at the first sight of humans. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience..................... 650 | | | Gold........................... 102 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Argon Lizard is more a miniboss that a real boss. You'll have to | | fight three of them total here but they are much more powerful that your | | normal enemy. The Argon Lizards have a total of three different attacks. | | The first attack is a normal physical strike which does between 50 and 60 | | damage to a single party member. The second attack is a blast of Venom | | Breath which has a high probability of poisoning each member of your | | party. Lastly comes the giant roar that will knock some of your party | | members off their feet, making them lose at least one turn. | | | | Defeating the creature isn't really any different than defeating any other | | enemy. Since it has a high defensive ability you might want to stick with | | abilities and magic rather than physical attacks. For example using a | | scythe, Yangus' Wind Sickles does quite a bit more damage that his normal | | attack. Angelo's Flame Slash is better than his normal attack as well. | | Have Jessica focus primarily on using magic and heal when necessary. | | Don't worry about trying to cure poison, do that after the battle is over. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the next one make your way northwest until you find it sleeping by the river. Cross the arching bridge west and pick up one of those fruits off the ground. bring it back and throw it down beside the river where the lizard is sleeping. It will wake up and hop across to a point where you can reach it. With this second one defeated there is now one more that you have to eliminate. You'll find it by going as far east as you cane from here. There is a raised path going overhead like a bridge. Climb up and cross this path. When you do this an Argon Lizard will jump into the nearby cave. Continue forward and pick one of the fruits off the ground. Drop it off this upper walkway to make the lizard jump out of the cave. After that point you are free to drop down and fight it. A scene will take over now that all three lizards are defeated. In the morning Yangus comes running saying that he say an especially large Argon Lizard. Head back and drop off the bridge, you'll be able to see it there quite clearly yourself. Approach when you're ready. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GREAT ARGON LIZARD | HABITATS: Royal Hunting Ground | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Great Big Argon Heart| DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Dragon | The largest and most impressive | | Number......................... 268 | Argon Lizard. Its Argon Heart | | Hit Points.................... 1390 | is said to be pretty huge. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience.................... 2830 | | | Gold........................... 520 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Great Argon Lizard is exactly as one would expect, a much larger Argon | | Lizard with a few new attacks and quite a bit more health. The Great | | Argon Lizard drops the breath attacks in favour of a more physical | | approach. His primary attack is just kind of a bodyslam which hits a | | single member of your party for between 50 and 60 damage. The more | | dangerous version of this attack is when the Great Argon Lizard leaps into | | the air and comes down onto the ground, hitting a single member of your | | party for between 80 and 90 damage. Finally the beasts third attack is an | | attack which mows your party down with the beast's tail. This attack can | | do anywhere from 20 to 50 damage to every member of your party depending | | on how good your defense is. This covers pretty much what the boss is | | capable of, now I'll outline a great strategy you can use to win. | | | | I guarantee that if you follow this strategy exactly as I outline it, you | | can defeat the boss in a mere five turns assuming you've got decent | | equipment and you aren't underlevelled. First of all the Hero needs to be | | equipped with a sword and not a Boomerang or any other weapon like that. | | Set your party to manual control, everyone will play a part in this here. | | All right now what you're going to do in the first turn is have Hero | | psyche himself up, Yangus use his best attack ability, have Jessica cast | | Accelerate to speed up your agility and have Angelo cast Kabuff to beef up | | the defensive capabilities of every member of your party. | | | | On the second turn have Hero psyche himself up again (giving him a bonus | | of 20 this time.) Yangus should once again use his best attack, Jessica | | needs to cast the Sap spell to reduce the monster's defense by upwards of | | 80 to 90. Finally Angelo should use healing on any member of the party | | who may need it. Now let's look at turn three. Have Hero psyche himself | | up one final time, have Yangus attack once again with the best attack he's | | got. Jessica needs to cast the "Oomph!" spell on Hero to double his | | attack power and Angelo should do... well anything. Attacking would be | | fine. On the fourth turn comes the moment of truth. Hero now has fully | | psyched himself up, and the Oomph spell has doubled his attack power. | | Just to add insult to injury you're going to use the Dragon Slash. It may | | not have many uses but you just so happen to be fighting a Dragon type | | enemy. Have Yangus use his best attack and Jessica and Angelo do whatever | | they do best. If all went well Hero is going to inflict massive pain on | | the boss. For me personally he did a total of 961 damage without a | | critical hit, which was enough to finish the battle on turn four. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now that you have the Great Big Argon Heart you are ready to leave the Royal Hunting Grounds. Use a Chimaera Wing and warp yourself back to Argonia. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RGONIA -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 26 | SEARCH | 01.40 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Magic Mirror...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Devil's Tail...................................|_| | | | Battle Fork....................................|_| | | | Magical Hat....................................|_| | | | Staff of Divine Wrath..........................|_| | | | Seed of Skill..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 1500 Gold Coins................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | | | Steel Shield...................................|_| | | | Iron Helmet....................................|_| | | | Light Shield...................................|_| | | | Seed of Wisdom.................................|_| | | | Sun Mirror.....................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Magical Skirt = Bandit's Skirt + Two Magic Items | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon returning you'll find that a Bazaar has started while you were away and there are many great things you now have the ability to purchase. Make sure that you spend some time moving from shop to shop and picking up everything that you can, it's a great opportunity to upgrade your equipment. When you've done that head up the stairs on the right side of town to that raised section where you'll find the Prince speaking with some crook. After you've talked to him you can purchase some items from the crook at outrageous prices. Enter the castle and make your way up to the throne room. Prince Charmles will present the fake orb to the king, and soon after the king will wander off. Find him on the opposite side of the room by the window and speak to him. Give him the real Argon Heart and he will admit you into the vault on the fourth floor. Climb up to the fourth floor and enter the vault. There you will find the MAGIC MIRROR along with four other treasure chests containing MINI-MEDAL, DEVIL'S TAIL, BATTLE FORK, and MAGICAL HAT. Now that you have these you're just about ready to re-visit the Northwest Isle again. Before you go (if you haven't already) then I recommend you make another stop by Princess Minnie's Castle. You should have more than enough medals by now to acquire the third item that she gives, the STAFF OF DIVINE WRATH. Once you have that there is still one more stop on your journey to the Dark Ruins. Warp yourself back to Argonia once again and get onto a sabrecat. Ride the sabrecat west of Argonia to the little encampment. From there keep going west kind of off the main path onto a smaller path. Eventually this will lead you to a lone house. Go inside and speak to the monsters here. Upstairs in the cabinet you will find a SEED OF SKILL. Enter the room attached onto the first floor and break the pot to find a MINI-MEDAL. You'll also want to check out the bookshelves to learn the new recipe: "Magical Skirt = Bandit's Grass Skirt + Magic Item + Magic Item." Leave the house now and head directly south. This will lead you almost perfectly to a treasure chest containing 1500 GOLD COINS. Turn around and keep going northwest on the path to reach the spring. The seer is here waiting for you, when you speak to him a scene will occur. After it ends approach Trode and Medea again and speak to them. You can speak to her here anytime you wish, and she requests that you return periodically to talk. Head back to the house you passed a moment ago and go inside. The seer is here now and he will tell you how to get the magic power fused back into the mirror again. Use a Chimaera Wing to get back to Argonia once again, at this point there are a number of treasure for us to find. First of all, check the west side of Argonia out on the world map. Along the wall there is a treasure chest containing a MINI-MEDAL. Now follow the main path west until you reach the fork in the road. Take the west road but as soon as you have the chance begin making your way southwest. This chest is somewhat hard to find. Try to move more "west" than south but angle yourself in both directions. You should eventually hit the mountains. If you haven't found the chest by then, go south and keep looking. It's up on a hill beside the mountains so it's difficult to see from ground level. The chest contains SEED OF AGILITY. Now southwest of here is a large lake. You need to go around to the south side of the lake where you'll find another treasure chest. This particular chest has a STEEL SHIELD inside of it. At this point the rest of the chests are on the east side, so you may want to warp back to Argonia. From Argonia take the main path east until it curves to the north. At that point leave the path and proceed southeast. You want to get along the edge of the river and follow it east. Soon enough it should lead you to a locked chest containing an IRON HELMET. Return to the main path and follow it north to the fork in the road. Turn right at the fork and make your way along the path to the east, then north. After crossing the bridge to the north the path will curve east. At that point head northwest and you'll find another chest. Open it up to acquire a LIGHT SHIELD. Backtrack again until you reach the fork in the road you recently passed, and this time follow the road north. You have to go quite a ways up in this direction before a hole in the western mountains opens up. You can see it on your map up just before you reach the northern bridge. Go through this opening in the mountains to the west and run to the northern tip of the river. Here you will find a chest with a SEED OF WISDOM inside. That's the last chest you will find in this region. Your final task before you go to the Dark Ruins is to have magic power re-infused into the mirror. Place the Magic Mirror into Hero's inventory and then make your way to your ship. What you need to do is sail up the canal between the Kingdom of Argonia and the continent northeast of it. Notice that there is a single bridge with a city on it that connects the two continents. Sail your boat under this bridge to get into a battle with the Sea Dragon. The dragon is quite easy to defeat, but before you kill it make sure you have Hero use the Magic Mirror in his inventory. If you use the mirror on the same turn the monster uses gigaflash, it will transform into the magical SUN MIRROR. Use a Chimaera Wing to warp back to the Dark Ruins now. Place the Sun Mirror into the pillar opposite the entrance and you can finally get inside. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) / / _/___ /_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/___ / ARK RUINS --------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 29 | SEARCH | 01.41 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Dark Ruins..............................|_| | | | Dragon Scale...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pay close attention to the recommended level for this section, it's not a typo. For the first time in a long time I highly recommend you level up your party quite a bit before you proceed into this dungeon (or do the leveling in the dungeon itself, experience is quite good there.) The boss of the dungeon (actually more than one boss) is by far the hardest boss you've faced so far and even at level 29 it's still extremely easy to have your entire party obliterated. Before we start I would like to outline a little alchemy recipe that might help you out here. It may require some work but it's worth the time. It's a recipe to get a new and improved sword for your main character. Here are the ingredients you will need: Zombiesbane, Holy Talisman, Gold Rosary, Tough Guy Tattoo and Holy Water. Zombiesbane can be purchased at the Argonia Bazaar for 6300 Gold. The Holy Talisman must be made through Alchemy and that's the reason for the other three items. The Tough Guy Tattoo can be purchased at the Argonia bazaar for 2300 Gold. The Holy Water is one of the most common items in the game purchasable anywhere. Finally be have the Gold Rosary. You should have found one already as you played through the game, if you still have it then you're fine. If you don't have one then that's all right, you'll just need to go on a little trip. When you look at the world map in zoomed out mode you'll see a small island at the far north end of the world map in the exact centre. In the middle of this island is a cathedral with some shops set up outside. At the item shop they sell a Gold Rosary for 500 Gold, this is the only other way I know to get one at this point. Now for the alchemy itself, there are two steps. First we need to make the Holy Talisman. Dump the Gold Rosary, Tough Guy Tattoo and Holy Water into the alchemy pot. Once they finish a Holy Talisman should pop out. Finally place the Holy Talisman and the Zombiesbane into the alchemy pot. When this concoction is complete a Zombie Slayer will pop out. The Zombie Slayer is a more powerful version of the Zombiesbane with an attack power of 90. I would highly recommend you level up your characters while the alchemy pot is creating these items, however if you only wish to get it done as fast as possible, the best thing to do is return to Farebury and use a Holy Water on yourself. Run around the world map and you won't get into any battles, but the time will still move quickly and they'll be done before you know it. When you've finally got the new sword then use a Chimaera Wing to get to the ruins. All right, well since we cannot proceed up past the first room we're going to have to make a little detour. Head through the door on the east wall and make your way around to the stairs on the other side. Ascend them up to the second floor and go through the door. If you go north here on this upper walkway you'll find a chest containing a MAP OF DARK RUINS. Return to the previous floor and go up the stairs on the west side this time. At the top the walkway extends around a little further and allows you to reach a lever. Pull this level to the other side and the stairs on the previous floor will ascend up. Return to the first floor again and go through the door at the northeast corner. It will lead you down to the floor below. Listen carefully here if you want to successfully navigate the area. Go down the first stairs and up the stairs on your left. Move the lever to lower the wall and go back down again. Proceed north then east immediately. Follow the path down around in a "U" shape and back north. You should come across a switch on your right, pull it to make the wall raise up. Now go back west and up the stairs leading east (not the ones going north.) You can use that wall you just raised to get across to the other side. On this side you'll come across another wall that isn't raised and a switch beside it. Pull the switch to raise the wall and go back across from the way you came. This time go up the stairs leading north and they'll take you to two chests containing a DRAGON SCALE and a MINI-MEDAL. Once again run all the way across to the east side and pull the switch to lower the wall down. Go all the way west and up the stairs leading north to find another lever which raises another wall. Head back a little bit to the east and up the stairs leading west. Pull the lever here and turn around. You now need to pull the lever that you pulled just prior to this one again, then you'll have a clear path leading north to the exit of this room. If you look at your map in here you'll see that this is a stair puzzle. The map easily gives you the solution of which stairs to take in order to reach the exit, but there are a couple of chests in here that you'll most likely want to collect. First go down the stairs on the northwest side. Next take the only staircase leading down from here. At this point take the eastern staircase. The treasure chest here is actually a Mimic, the more upgraded form of the Cannibox. Definitely not very difficult to defeat. Go back up the stairs and this time take the ones on the northwest side. Again take the only stairs leading down from here and you'll be left with a choice of two. Descend the stairs on the left and open the chest to acquire SAINT'S ASHES. Take the stairs on the right side and they will lead you to the exit. There's a puzzle in this room too, a little bit more difficult than the ones you've seen previously. At the top of each platform there is a blue button and a red button corresponding to the directional movement of the statues (which are firing laser beams out of their eyes.) What you need to do is make both statues firing their laser beams at the two wings of the bird at the upper left corner of the mural. This will cause the staircase leading down to appear before you. Take these stairs down and go through the cracked opening on the right. Drink from this spring to have your entire party's HP & MP restored to maximum. Follow this hall in the other direction and soon enough you will reach a door into the final chamber. Approach the purple circle. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DHOULMAGUS | HABITATS: Dark Ruins | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Once an ordinary jester, his theft | | Number......................... 269 | of the sceptre from Trodain Castle | | Hit Points..................... ??? | gave him magical powers beyond | | Magic Points................... ??? | imagination. | | Experience.................... 3400 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The time has finally come to square off against your mortal enemy, | | Dhoulmagus. This horrifying jester is the embodiment of all that is | | soulless and evil in the world. Before you ask, no this is not one of | | those stereotypical RPG battles against the big bad enemy where you have | | no choice but to lose. You have to win this fight, and I'm telling you | | now it's going to be very difficult. Make sure before you actually begin | | this battle that you are adequately prepared and leveled up. | | | | Dhoulmagus has an absolute plethora of attacks so it will take some doing | | to detail them all. The very first attack he uses if by far the worst. | | Dhoulmagus clones himself not once, but twice. In this fight you have to | | kill three Dhoulmaguses before you actually win. The Dhoulmagus is the | | centre is the real one, but all three have approximately equal attack | | power. The Dhoulmagus in the middle has a few thousand hit points while | | the ones on the side have only a few hundred. To be honest I focused all | | my attacks on the middle one but in retrospect it might be a good idea to | | defeat the ones on the side first. I'm not sure if he has the ability to | | resurrect them but perhaps if you only kill one, he won't resurrect that | | one. It's up to you how to proceed here. Next we'll look at his attacks. | | | | The first attack we have is basically throwing "debris." A number of | | rocks fly in the direction of your party and hit two people randomly or | | one person twice for about 80 damage each time. This is one of | | Dhoulmagus' most powerful attacks and it is capable of killing someone | | like Jessica even if she has full health. The next attack is just a | | physical attack which does about 60 damage to a single party member. | | Dhoulmagus has an attack called Wind Sickles, this is his weakest attack | | and is basically the one you'll always hope that he uses (with one other | | exception.) It only does about 40 damage and only hits a single party | | member. The one exception I was referring to is just an attack where | | Dhoulmagus laughs. Every once in awhile it will say "Dhoulmagus is | | laughing" and that will waste one of his turns. Moving on there is an | | attack called "thin air" or something along those lines which does about | | 30 to 50 damage to every member of your party. The gleam of his eyes will | | inflict sleep on a single party member which can be annoying at times, | | Angelo should have a spell that cures people of sleep. One other attack | | he has isn't so much of an attack. The "multiheal" spell heals every one | | of the Dhoulmaguses for about 80 or 90 hit points. Finally there is an | | attack which engulfs him in a wave of ice. I'm not quite sure what the | | ice has to do with it, but this attack will totally negate all positive | | status effects you have placed on your party, increased defence etc. | | | | Well, on to the best method of defeating him. As I mentioned before I | | focused all my attacks on the real Dhoulmagus in the centre, but you'll | | have to decide whether that strategy works for you. Given that Dhoulmagus | | has the ability to negate positive status effects I would recommend | | against the use of psyching up your characters, it's just too risky and | | you'll end up wasting a lot of your turns. The important abilities for | | this battle are going to be Oomph of course, Fullheal, Zing, and Kabuff. | | Kabuff is one of Angelo's spells which increases the defence of your | | entire party. Keep using it whenever it wears off or Dhoulmagus negates | | its effects. Hero and Angelo should always be backup healers while Yangus | | always attacks every turn with his best ability. Jessica should basically | | be your "Oomph!" bitch just about every turn. Have her cast it on Yangus, | | then Hero and if it hasn't worn off or been negated by then, she can | | simply cast Bang or something. Angelo should never attack. When he's not | | casting Kabuff he should be healing. When someone needs healing Angelo | | should always be the one to do it using Hero only as a backup. The | | strategy is pretty basic but it's important to play defensively in order | | to win. I managed to get through it with Hero at only level 27. | | | | Update (Submitted by Rob): Just through I'd mention that when you fight | | Dhoulmagus for the first time in the dark ruins, he doesn't seem to raise | | the doppelgangers. I killed them off straightaway and they didn't come | | back for the rest of the fight, which lasted about 15, 20 turns. In the | | walkthrough you say you didn't know as you didn't kill them off, but I | | think it's definitely worth mentioning - the fight is pretty easy at level | | 29/28/27/26 against just the middle Dhoulmagus. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DHOULMAGUS | HABITATS: Dark Ruins | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Dhoulmagus, transformed by the | | Number......................... 270 | awesome power of the sceptre. In | | Hit Points..................... ??? | spite of his new-found might, his | | Magic Points................... ??? | lethal curses proved to have no | | Experience.................. 12,000 | effect of Hero. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Here is where things really get difficult. I would not recommend fighting | | this battle at any level lower than 29 for the Hero. Personally I didn't | | manage to get through it until I was level 30. Considering the fact that | | you have to fight this right after the previous battle it'll be a miracle | | if you actually win this without being properly prepared. For those that | | barely made it through the previous battle you don't have to worry "too" | | much. Remember of course that when you die in this game you aren't taken | | back to the title screen, you're simply returned to the church with half | | your Gold. Upon returning to the site of this battle once again you will | | automatically start the fight against his second form, you don't have to | | win the first battle over again. This gives you a chance to heal up and | | start the battle fresh. There are a number of preparations though that | | you should make before fighting, each one is listed below. | | | | First of all as I mentioned, level 29 or 30 is recommended before you | | start this battle. That's the level for Hero, the other characters will | | likely be at level 28 or 27. Ideally Yangus will have a really strong Axe | | or Scythe skill while Jessica should have a decent amount of focus on | | Staves and Angelo should have every last point so far allocated into | | Sword. I realize that this game offers a lot of room for different | | options so don't fret just because you don't have everything I just | | mentioned there, I'm sure high allocations into other weapons have their | | advantages too. Now this is important. I recommend you warp to Pickham | | and purchase about nine Amor Seco Essences unless you currently have stock | | of an even better healing item. Fill up Yangus' entire inventory with | | this healing item because this boss is so powerful that even Yangus will | | have to help out now and then. Don't start this battle until Hero has | | learned the Miracle Slash (he learns it with a full Sword stat at level | | 29.) It may not be necessary but it's pretty much the skill that won me | | the battle. Hero and Angelo should of course have access to the Fullheal | | and Zing spells, also you may want to stock a couple of Magic Waters. | | | | Onto the battle itself. You may only be facing one Dhoulmagus this time, | | but he's much more difficult with this second incarnation. We'll start by | | looking at his numerous attacks. You should know that this version of | | Dhoulmagus is a "double attacker" meaning that every single turn he | | attacks twice, back to back with both attacks being random. His most | | common attack is of course his physical attack which still does about 60 | | damage to one person. His nastiest attack is a blast of what are called | | his "sharp feathers" which does about 70 to 80 damage to the entire party. | | Some serious healing is needed after this one. Besides this he has both | | the Kasizzle and Kacrackle spells in his arsenal which seem to damage | | anywhere between 35 and 70 to the entire party. Dhoulmagus still has the | | ability to use the ice wave attack which eliminates all special bonuses on | | your party as well. There are two more attacks that occur periodically, | | one is a scream which has a chance of knocking each member of your party | | down and forcing them to lose their turn. The other is a "combo" attack | | which is just like a physical attack that hits one person, except this | | hits a total of five times for 25 damage each time, making it about twice | | as powerful as his normal attack. Keep in mind once again that he will | | randomly use not one, but two of these attacks every single turn. | | | | Killing Dhoulmagus is an ordeal not because he has an enormous amount of | | life, but because it's extremely difficult to find time to attack each | | turn. On the very first turn in battle I would recommend you have Hero | | psych up, Yangus attack, Jessica cast Oomph on Yangus, and Angelo cast | | the Kabuff spell. I find the Kabuff spell really doesn't help that much | | so if you've got something better for him to do, then by all means have | | him do it. After the first turn your party will have likely suffered a | | lot of damage so you'll need to designate some healers. Assuming | | Dhoulmagus didn't negate your positive effects have Hero use the Miracle | | Slash while Yangus attacks, Jessica casts Oomph on Hero and Angelo heals | | whoever needs it most. Assuming Jessica has a higher agility than Hero | | she should cast it on him before he attacks, resulting in about 350 damage | | to Dhoulmagus and about 150 health healed to Hero. You've got to focus | | most of your healing on Jessica through this battle because she dies | | extremely easily and depending on how good your luck is you may find | | yourself easily taken out while trying to get Zing to succeed. The basic | | flow of the battle should consist of Hero using Miracle Slash just about | | every turn unless someone needs to be Fullhealed that Angelo can't take | | care of. Jessica should always cast the Oomph spell on Hero if it wears | | off or gets negated, and then on Yangus if it's still effecting Hero. | | She'll probably be dead most of the time anyway but if you have the chance | | you might want to try the spell she has (I forget what it's called) which | | reduces damage from both fire and ice (since Dhoulmagus uses both | | Kasizzle and Kacrackle). I find it doesn't help all that much but maybe | | you'll have better luck. Lastly if you've got the "Bounce" spell (learned | | with twenty-something Staff points) that also helps out a little. You | | can't heal her with magic but Kasizzle and Kacrackle won't affect her, | | while giving the added bonus of damaging the boss. Most of the damage in | | this fight will come from Hero's Miracle Slash. Play the battle extremely | | defensively and soon enough when you least expect it, the boss will fall. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After all this time Dhoulmagus is finally defeated, and thus the curse should be lifted and the king and Medea saved. That however is not the case. For the time being there really isn't anything you can do about it besides return to Argonia to try and figure out what to do next. If killing Dhoulmagus isn't going to lift the curse than it must be something (or someone) even more powerful keeping the curse in place. The party spends the night in the Argonia inn. In the morning Yangus bursts into the room saying Jessica is gone with the king's treasured sceptre, finding her becomes the next task. Leave Argonia and get onto your sabrecat again. Follow the path east and then go north at the fork. The gate at the north end of this path is finally open. You can take this path now into the Arcadia Region. At the north end you will find a large city, this is the city of Arcadia. You may enter when ready. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RCADIA -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 30 | SEARCH | 01.42 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | Fresh Milk.....................................|_| | | | Dragon Dung....................................|_| | | | Gold Bracer....................................|_| | | | Amor Seco Essence..............................|_| | | | 350 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Leather Dress..................................|_| | | | 230 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Dragon Scale...................................|_| | | | Giant Mallet...................................|_| | | | 27 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Strength Ring..................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Cowpat.........................................|_| | | | Bunny Tail.....................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | Poison Moth Knife..............................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Lesser Panacea.................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Wizard's Staff.................................|_| | | | Mystifying Mixture.............................|_| | | | 26 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Cloak of Evasion...............................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Zombie Slayer = Zombiesbane + Holy Item | | | Life Bracer = Some Kind of Ring + Gold Bracer | | | Mighty Armlet = Makes you Strong + Makes you Strng | | | Holy Clothes = Flowing Dress + Magical Skirt | | | Uber War Hammer = War Hammer + Bolstering Tool | | | ??? = Holy Weapon + Devil's Tail + Wing of Bat | | | Ultmate Rng = A/Para Rng + A/Illu Rng + A/Pois Rng | | | Dancer's Mail = Silver Mail + ??? | | | Spiked Armour = Magic Armour + ??? | | | Dark Robe = Magicl Clothes + Devil Tail + Wing Bat | | | Hermes' Hat = Lightweight Hat + Something Windy | | | Staff of Antimagic = Staff Fire + Protective Staff | | | Shining Armour = Zombie Mail + Saint's Ashes | | | Hard Cheese = Plain Cheese " Rock Salt | | | Soft Cheese = Fresh Milk + Rennet Pwdr + Rock Salt | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Something is afoot in this quiet city. Take a look at your map and note the large mansion across the street to the west of the church. This is where you need to head first. Go upstairs and through the only door on the second floor. There you will find Jessica in possession of the sceptre. She has been possessed it seems by the magic of the sceptre. She is just about to kill this Master Dominico character when the party bursts in. Jessica disappears saying she'll be back, and Master Dominico thanks you for your help. He also asks a favour in light of what Jessica said about coming back. He requests that you persuade the Kranbartle family to give you some items called Kran Spinels. Before doing this however, let's find some treasure. Return to the town entrance, we'll begin our search from there. Make a left almost immediately as you come into town and enter the small house. Break the pot and barrels here to get some RENNET POWDER and some FRESH MILK. Break the barrels in the back and you'll find some DRAGON DUNG. There is also a GOLD BRACER inside of the cabinet. Examine the bookshelf on the right here. You'll learn the new alchemy recipe "Zombie Slayer = Zombiesbane + Holy Item." You might recognize this as the alchemy recipe I recommended to you earlier. Leave this house then go up the stairs and into the tavern. There are a number of barrels in this place. Break them all to acquire AMOR SECO ESSENCE, 350 GOLD COINS, and a phail of MAGIC WATER. Leave the tavern and go into the house next door (then one on the left when facing the front of the tavern,) Check the two cabinets here to find a LEATHER DRESS inside. Outside of this house you should see a door opposite this one. Actually it's two doors at the top of a small set of stairs. Go through the one on the left and break the pots in the room on the side to get 230 GOLD COINS. Back near the entrance between the large statues there are a number of pots containing SEED OF LIFE and a MINI-MEDAL as well. Make your way downstairs and you will find a couple of cupboards against the wall. Open them to receive a DRAGON SCALE. You will also find a treasure chest behind the large statue, it contains a GIANT MALLET. Leave this house and go through the door right beside it. Examine the bookshelf on the right in the front hall to learn the new alchemy recipe: "Life Bracer = Some Kind of Ring + Gold Bracer." Examine the bookshelves in the next room to learn another alchemy recipe: "Mighty Armlet = Makes you Strong + Makes you Strong" and another: "Holy Clothes = Flowing Dress + Magical Skirt." There is a pot by the sink containing 27 GOLD COINS and a STRENGTH RING in the cabinet next to it. Leave this house and go back to the entrance of the tavern. From here we continue right (east). There is a house by the edge on the east side here that you can enter. Make a right turn and examine the bookshelf in this room to learn a new alchemy recipe: "Uber War Hammer = War Hammer + Bolstering Tool." Smash the barrel beside the shelf to acquire some ROCK SALT. Leave the house and go across the street like you did on the other side. There are two doors again, begin with the one on the right. Make a right and go through the stonemason's room. Examine the bookshelf on the right to learn the new alchemy recipe "??? = Holy Weapon + Devil's Tail + Wing of Bat." Smash the pot and barrel to get MINI- MEDAL and a COWPAT. Now turn around and go back to the front door, then down the stairs. Inside the first room there is a bookshelf with a book that teaches you the recipe: "Ultimate Ring = Anti-Paralysis Ring + Anti-Illusion Ring + Anti-Poison Ring." Check the cupboard in the second room to find a BUNNY TAIL. Go back outside and through the other door this time. Break the pot by the sink downstairs to get some RENNET POWDER. Open up the nearby cupboard and you'll find a POISON MOTH KNIFE inside of it. Examine the bookshelves in this room to learn the new recipe: "Dancer's Mail = Silver Mail + ???" and "Spiked Armour = Magic Armour + ???." On the other side you'll learn the recipe: "Dark Robe = Magical Clothes + Devil's Tail + Wing of Bat." Finally there is one more recipe to learn: "Hermes' Hat = Lightweight Hat + Something Windy." Leave this house and once again return to the tavern. This time we're going to head north of it. Now would be a good time to go into the church at the top of the stairs and save your game. Cross the street from the church and go back into Dominico's Mansion, this time to raid his stuff. Break the pots on the first floor to find a phail of MAGIC WATER, and a LESSER PANACEA. Examine the bookshelf on the left to learn the new alchemy recipe: "Staff of Antimagic = Staff of Fire + Protective Staff." Head through the door at the upper right corner then through the next one leading into a room with a cupboard. Inside this cupboard is another MINI-MEDAL. Go upstairs now and into Dominico's room. Examine the bookshelves to learn the alchemy recipe: "Shining Armour = Zombie Mail + Saint's Ashes." In his bedroom you'll find a couple of cabinets containing a WIZARD'S STAFF. Exit the mansion and go straight north just outside the gate to find some shop with no one attending to it. Break the pot on the left to acquire a MYSTIFYING MIXTURE and then leave. Take a few steps south then turn left and go into the item shop. Break the two barrels here to receive 26 GOLD COINS. Make any purchases you feel are necessary and then leave the items shop. Proceed north to the inn and spend the night if you wish. Go through the door leading around behind the counter and break the pots and barrels to receive a MINI-MEDAL. Check the cabinets to find a SEED OF STRENGTH and then the bookshelf to learn the new recipe: "Hard Cheese = Plain Cheese " Rock Salt" and "Soft Cheese = Fresh Milk + Rennet Powder + Rock Salt." Go up the stairs leading west of the inn and check out both the weapon and armour shops. Break the barrel behind the weapons counter to get some ROCK SALT and the barrels behind the armour shop counter for a MINI-MEDAL. Also open up the cabinet back there to acquire CLOCK OF EVASION. Upgrade your equipment in here and then go back outside. Ascend the stairs next to the armour shop and go through the door at the top. Break the lone pot in this house to get a MINI-MEDAL. If you're ready now then we can proceed with your main goal. Head back to Dominico's Mansion but don't go inside. Speak to David who is attempting to free the dog out front. Head back to the tavern. If you go east of the tavern and south you will find a house with a man sitting at the table in the basement. Speak to him and ask him to tell you story about the Kranbartles. Next go back to the tavern and head west, the house to the north on this side is the Kranbartle household. Speak to the guy at the table and he'll tell you that the man of the house isn't home, he's in a tower to the north. In order to get in there you will need the STONE SWORD which he gives to you. No time to waste now! Save your game once again and leave town via the north exit. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RCADIA REGION ----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 30 | SEARCH | 01.43 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Titan Belt.....................................|_| | | | Silver Tiara...................................|_| | | | Assassin's Dagger..............................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's explore this region before we make our way to the tower shall we? From the exit of town head directly north. Even if the path doesn't go in that direction just keep going north and you'll find yourself among some trees. On a hill up in this forested area, a little closer to the path than the mountains is a chest containing a TITAN BELT. For the next chest you need to get back on the main path. Notice that as you move north toward the fork in the road, the cliffs on the left and right sides of the path will raise up forcing you to run through a valley-like area. Well before you go through this valley, run up the hill on the left side and near the top on the west side of the rock is a chest that has a SILVER TIARA inside of it. Take a look at your map and you should see a small building marked on it just north of where you are now. You had might as well make that your next destination. Have a rest and save your game then be off to continue on your journey. The next chest we need to find is just northwest up the path from the church. The chest itself is only inches from the path, but it's kind of hidden from view. About half way between the church and the cave at the end there is an area where the path goes between a raised area on your left, and a kind of a drop on your right. The chest is on the right (north side) of the path down in that kind of depressed area. Inside of it you will find an ASSASSIN'S DAGGER. Now as for the tower itself, head back down to the fork in the path and take the southeast branch. While this does lead you right to the tower there is one more place to go beforehand. Run down to the mountainous area in the southwestern corner and there you will find a chest. Open it up to acquire an ELFIN ELIXIR. Turn around and run east until you hit the tower. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) /__ / ) / \_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ YDON'S TOWER ------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 31 | SEARCH | 01.44 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Rydon's Tower...........................|_| | | | Recovery Ring..................................|_| | | | Cheiron's Bow..................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to get inside you must have the Stone Sword like I described earlier. Place the sword into the hole in the door to have it open up for you. There is a treasure chest right here in the first area. It contains a MAP OF RYDON'S TOWER. Proceed up the stairs and into the main part of the tower. When you enter this room you will first notice the large bridge directly in front of you. Walking onto this bridge causes it to tilt down toward the bottom floor. This bridge tilts with the weight of you party whenever you stand on it. What you need to do is cross the bridge to the other side and then climb up the stairs. At the top here you will find a statue. Push the statue not onto the bridge itself, but the tiny little square attached to the bridge so that the weight of the statue pushes it down. Now run back down to the previous floor and run up the sloping bridge. Since the statue is holding it down you will be able to reach the third floor without it tilting at all. Climb the stairs on the third floor up to reach the fourth. From there you need to continue up to the fifth floor and cross the bridge. You will end up on the fourth floor but on the other side this time. Climb up once again to reach the fifth floor and push the statue onto the square. Now drop back down and run up this tilting bridge which leads to the sixth floor. Take the stairs down from here (not the ones you came up) down to the fifth floor. Pull the lever on the side here and a small path will drop down giving you a shortcut to where you have previously been. Step onto the bridge and it will drop down. You will now find yourself on the fourth floor. Here's what you have to do. Grab the statue on the southwest side between the two staircases. Drag it east and set it beside the small indentation on the southeast side where the bridge comes down. The idea no is that you're going to run back up the southeast stairs to the fifth floor and stand not on the bridge, but on the small panel made to set the statues on. When it drops you will land beside the statue that you just dragged over. Grab hold of it and pull it onto the panel with you. Now you are free to step off it without the bridge going back up. Run northwest up the slanted bridge to reach the sixth floor. You should be able to find a nearby ladder from here. Climb this ladder up to the seventh floor now. This is where things get complicated. First of all the stairs you want to take right now are the stairs on the east side that are leading south up to the next floor. Push the statue onto the panel and go back down. Run up this tilting bridge and at the top you will find a treasure chest containing a RECOVERY RING. Return to the previous floor and pull the statue off of the panel holding the bridge down. To get where you wish to go now, you have to go up the stairs on the northeast side leading north. Grab hold of the statue which is already placed on the square and pull it off. The bridge will raise up in front of you. Return to the previous floor and run up this ramp to reach level nine, then take the carpeted stairs to level ten. On this floor there is nothing to do but ascend the ladder in the middle up to the eleventh floor. Before you speak to the man at the top here, open up the nearby treasure chest to acquire CHEIRON'S BOW. Forget about the attacking capabilities of this thing, place it right now in Yangus' inventory. This item (when used in battle) restores at least 30 hit points to every character in your party, and it can be used as many times as you like. Now go over and talk to the stonemason. He'll tell you that he doesn't have the Kran Spinels, they were used already in a statue made by Alexandra Kranbartle. There's nothing else to say according to him, you have no other but to leave. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RCADIA -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 31 | SEARCH | 01.45 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Kran Spinels...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Magic Vestment.................................|_| | | | 650 Coins......................................|_| | | | Big Book of Barriers...........................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With little else to do, return back to the town of Arcadia once again. You can rest and save and whatever you need here. If you speak to Dominico he will tell that that somewhere in the world there is a village that bears almost the exact same name as this Alexandria woman. Of course you already know that this is the town of Alexandria. You also happen to know of a beautiful statue associated with this town. The one that Jessica's brother Alistair was haunting earlier. To save time use a Holy Water item so that you don't have to deal with random encounters. Make your way up to the top of the tower and examine the statue. When you try to leave a scene will take over. After the scene ends you can pick up the KRAN SPINELS from the ground and place them into your bag. Have a member of your party cast the Evac spell and then the Zoom spell to return to the city of Arcadia. You will find Master Dominico standing outside with David and his dog. Speak to them and then go inside the house. Talk to Master Dominico here again. Tell him you brought the Kran Spinels and he'll be very pleased with your work. Tell him you accept the honour of serving him as a guard until Jessica comes back. Go through the secret door that leads downstairs and open up all of the treasure chests to acquire MINI-MEDAL, MAGIC VESTMENT and 650 GOLD COINS. Examine the shelf on the left to receive the BIG BOOK OF BARRIERS and then go back upstairs to where Dominico is waiting for you. When you get up there Jessica will have returned. Dominico casts a magic spell which fully heals your party. Go outside and join the rest of the people near the fountain. Jessica has arrived and is of course, still under the possession of whatever demon force is controlling her. She speak directly to David, telling him that he could have lived out his entire life totally oblivious to his noble origins. She speaks of Rhapthorne, the Lord of Darkness and the seven sages who sealed him away long ago. Before she can reveal any more details of this evil plan of hers, Hero jumps into the way to protect David and battle begins. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EVIL JESSICA | HABITATS: ARCADIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Jessica, with her mind enslaved by | | Number......................... 271 | the evil will of the sceptre. | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Thankfully, the power of Dominico's | | Magic Points................... ??? | magic aura restored her to her | | Experience.................... 7800 | former self. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Compared to the most recent bosses you've fought, Evil Jessica is a walk | | in the park. Obviously it would not be wise to underestimate her, but the | | fact of the matter is the difficult simply does not compare. Jessica can | | use a normal physical attack which does about 50 to 60 damage to a single | | party member (less if you cast the Kabuff spell.) She shares a trait with | | most of the powerful enemies you will face from this point on, she | | attacks twice in a single turn every time. She's got a habit of casting | | both the Kasizzle spell and the Kacrackle spell which do approximately 30 | | to 50 damage to every member of your party. Her one remaining attack is | | Kasnooze which puts every member of your party to sleep if it successfully | | connects. While it may not be an attack, there is one other move that | | Jessica can use. She rips open the fabric of space and summons three | | shadow demons to fight at her side. She can use this ability not once but | | twice to summon a total of six shadow monsters to fight with her. | | | | Lucky for you the shadow demons are about the most pathetically weak | | creatures on the planet. Their physical attacks will deal between 2 and 6 | | damage to your party members. Their hit points total only about 70 or 80 | | and they can easily be dispatched with a single hit. The only factor they | | have on their side is quantity. Every once in awhile a shadow will spew | | "cool breath" which does about 15 damage to every member of your party, | | but this is far less common. I would recommend you pick off at least a | | few of them not only because their attacks will inevitably start to add | | up, but simply because having to many makes their turns seem to last | | forever. If you kill all of them Jessica might summon more, so try to | | pick off just a couple from each side to perhaps slow her down. | | | | Other than that the majority of your attacks should be focused on Jessica | | herself. Since she doesn't have the ability to negate bonus effects | | directly, psyching up is back in full swing again. You will however have | | to keep in mind that she can (on occasion) put your party members to sleep | | and effectively eliminate their tension. It's a risky business but always | | results in a much more powerful attack. The Oomph spell is one of the | | best ways to really add a punch to your psyched up attacks but as you know | | that's not really an option right now. Have Hero psych up whenever | | possible and let loose a Miracle Slash at full power. Yangus should do | | the same minus the Miracle Slash. Angelo doesn't really have time to | | psych up, he's your main healer. If you've leveled u pa lot he may even | | have the Multiheal spell which would make a relatively simple fight even | | easier, but if not then just let Yangus use the Cheiron's Bow periodically | | to heal the party. This battle seems to take a while longer than most | | boss fights, but you can play it more offensively than you usually do. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Winning the battle releases the curse from Jessica's body and she falls to the ground. Afterward the sceptre and Dominico's dog Sir Leopold are nowhere to be found, but for the moment that does not matter. Jessica explains that it was actually Rhapthorne who was controlling her, ordering her to seek out the heirs of the seven sages and break the seal. Four of the people who Dhoulmagus killed were heirs of the sages. David is also an heir along with two others and if they die Rhapthorne will be freed. It all has to do with the sceptre, the sceptre is what Rhapthorne uses to control people and force them to do his bidding. Once you have control again, what you need to do is head back to Dominico's house. You'll find him in the dining room located through the door at the upper right corner of the first floor. After speaking to him there will be a scene when you try to leave. It turns out that Sir Leopold was indeed the one who picked up the sceptre, and now he is off to continue Rhapthorne's work. Dominico will thank you for your help and teach Jessica two new spells, Kasizzle and Kacrackle. Now it's finally time to leave this city. Take the north exit and follow the main path to reach a cave. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) /---( ) / ____) ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ( LIZZARD PEAKS ----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 32 | SEARCH | 01.46 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Special Medicine...............................|_| | | | Special Antidote...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Holy Silver Rapier.............................|_| | | | Yggdrasil Leaf.................................|_| | | | Agility Ring...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Red Robe = Sage Robe + Enchanted Water + Red Grass | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cave itself is short, but on the other side you will find nothing but an icy death sentence. This whole region is covered with snow so tread carefully. Re-summon your sabrecat to speed things up. As you head north a scene will take over and then following that your party will wake up inside a small cottage. The first thing to do is exactly what any good houseguest would do, steal things. Leave this room and go up the hall (not the stairs) to the room at the end. Break all of the pots inside this room to get a SPECIAL MEDICINE and a SPECIAL ANTIDOTE. One of the two cupboards in this room contains a MINI-MEDAL as well. Head upstairs and examine the two bookshelves to learn the recipe: "A Red Robe = Sage's Robe + Enchanted Water + Red Grass." Speak to everyone in your party, then the old woman, then the dog. The next morning you will be ready to head off on your way again. Marta will give you MARTA'S BAG and tell you to give it to a man named Marek if you happen to meet him. Turn around and go back into the cottage area. Check inside the barn on the left and break the barrels to get a MINI-MEDAL. From Marta's cottage you need to head west until the path kind of forks both north and south. Go south for a few steps then west even more. Run up the hill and there by a tree you should find a treasure chest containing a HOLY SILVER RAPIER. Directly southeast of this treasure chest in a little area surrounded by the mountains is another chest containing a YGGDRASIL LEAF. Now from here what you want to do is run all the way down to the southwest end to find a chest sitting alone beside a tree. Open up this chest to acquire an AGILITY RING. Only one more chest to find before heading to the village. This one is a lot further north. Make your way to the town of Orkutsk but don't go inside. Instead follow the path northwest of the town and then north. If you look at your map you can kind of see where the path ends among the mountains. As you approach the cave at the end you will notice a chest up on the ledge to the right. Getting there isn't very difficult at all, the chest contains a MINI-MEDAL. Next head off toward the town of Orkutsk. ______________________________________________________________________________ __) /(, ) / / / / ___________________________________ +-- (___ / RKUTSK ---------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 32 | SEARCH | 01.47 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Amor Seco Essence..............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Chilly Cheese..................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Ruby of Protection.............................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Edged Boomerang................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Wing of Bat....................................|_| | | | Rockbomb Shard.................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |-----------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Shmrng Drss = Spngled + Glittering + Gleaming | | | Premium Mould = Mould + Mould + Yggdrasil Leaf | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the most part this is an indoor city, you visit the various shops and locales by going through halls and such. At the very beginning why don't we start by heading left up to the inn. Beyond the inn is the item shop. Break the pots there to get a MINI-MEDAL. Continue onward to the tavern and break the barrels to get some AMOR SECO ESSENCE. Ignore the door that leads outside and head up to the equipment shop. Finally there is one more location to visit, the church. Before saving be sure to examine the bookshelf and learn the new recipe: "Shimmering Dress = Spangled Dress + A Glittering Jewel + A Gleaming Bracer." With this stuff taken care of, return to the tavern. Take the door leading outside from the tavern, and go around through the door leading into the middle section. Break the three pots on the wall here to find a MINI-MEDAL. Upstairs in this place there is a cabinet with some CHILLY CHEESE inside. Once you've got that then go all the way down to the basement. Right at the bottom one of the barrels has a SEED OF DEFENCE in it. Leave the kitchen and then take a look at your map. You'll see that at the upper left and upper right corners there are hallways extending out. Run to the upper left corner using your map to guide you. Up the stairs you'll find yourself behind the counter at the item shop. Break all of the pots to get a RUBY OF PROTECTION and a CHIMAERA WING. Go back down and this time take the upper right path. Break the barrels at the bottom of the stairs to find a MINI- MEDAL. Open the chest at the top of the stairs to receive EDGED BOOMERANG. Back down in the basement again make a left at the fork coming from the equipment shop and go through the door. Break the four pots for a MAGIC WATER and WING OF BAT, then continue into the next room and read the books. Here you will learn the new recipe: "Premium Mould = Mould + Mould + Yggdrasil Leaf." Leave here and go up the hall again. Turn left at the fork, left at the next fork (so you're heading down) and go through the door on your right to find a storage closet. One of the barrels in here hides a ROCKBOMB SHARD. Keep going down the hall and turn left, then immediately right into this room. Examine the cupboard to acquire a MINI-MEDAL. That covers the majority of the items. Go back the way that you came and leave Orkutsk entirely. Your next destination is the cave north of the town up near the mountains. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ ___) (, / / /---/ ) / / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ (__ ERB GROTTO --------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 32 | SEARCH | 01.48 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Herb Grotto.............................|_| | | | Rose Wort......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 100 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Elfin Elixir...................................|_| | | | Devil's Tail...................................|_| | | | 2100 Gold Coins................................|_| | | | Rose-Root......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Icicle Dirk....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Run down the sloping path at the very beginning then turn left at the bottom. At the end of this tunnel there is a treasure chest with the MAP OF HERB GROTTO inside. Next proceed down the north tunnel and turn right. To the east there is a small room with some pots you can smash. Inside of them you'll find ROSE-WORT and a MINI-MEDAL. Keep moving north until you reach a large room with some kind of ice bridges. Head for the northwest corner to find an area where you can climb up. Use the D-Pad to walk across rather than run. The bridge forks in two directions at the midpoint, turn right and open the chest at the end to get 100 GOLD COINS. Turn around and make your way to the other end. You'll find an exit to this room on the northeast side. Down here on the lower floor turn left into the icy room and open the chest to get an ELFIN ELIXIR. Turn around and go back, then take the west path for a quick scene. If you try and go north some icicles drop. Go around in the other direction to reach the north end. Looking at the map will help you see where you have to go, you're trying to reach the north stairs. Take them down to the lower floor. There are two chests down here containing DEVIL'S TAIL and 2100 GOLD COINS. That's all there is to find here. Return to the previous floor and make your way southwest. Once you reach a patch of ice keep your eye on the northwestern wall for a tunnel that leads to an area with some more pots. One contains ROSE-ROOT and the other a MINI-MEDAL. Continue southeast and break the pot in the middle of the room to get a SEED OF LIFE. Descend the stairs down to the lower level and make your way along the linear path until the tunnel kind of opens up again. It's somewhat difficult to see them but on your right there are some pots against the wall. Break them to acquire a MINI-MEDAL. Run northwest and then turn right at the fork. You should see a path sloping up, ignore it for now but remember where it is. Keep going past it then turn left (north) and left again (west.) As you run past the large icicle here, tow more will drop down from above. Now you can keep going west and loop around the path to the left until you're facing east. At this point, ideally you will once again be looking at that sloping path. This time around go up it and now you can walk across those icicles that dropped down a moment ago. These will take you to the north exit. Head southeast into the next room and you'll come to a fork in the road. Make a right at the fork and run up the path. As you go along it, some icicles will fall behind you. These will come in handy soon. If only one of them drops at a time, run in circles until all three have fallen. Continue south and curve around to go up the stairs. Turn left at the top and left again, there is a chest here in front of you with an ICICLE DIRK inside. Cross the icicles that dropped recently to get across to the other side. We're almost there now. When you come to a wall of icicles, examine them and choose to send Munchie through. Have the little mouse run down the hill and through the little valley. He will be able to trigger an icicle drop himself. When the large icicle falls down, head back to the party and have them run around to the other side, across the fallen icicle. This is Marek, the doctor you have been looking for. When he asks you to open up the bag, open your inventory and use it from there. After Marek joins you, make sure to heal your party fully and then use the Evac spell to get out of there. A battle will trigger automatically against a number of Hellhounds when you get out. The battle is really no different from any other. It's just a normal battle which stresses quantity of enemies rather than stronger enemies. Spells like Kasizzle will absolutely obliterate the enemy party. Jessica will have it and if your Hero is at a decent level, he too will have it at this point. After the battle is over use the Zoom spell to get back to Orkutsk. The man has moved from the stairs at the beginning so you can go right downstairs and around to Marek's room. Marek's room is the one that you find if you go to the upper right corner, then directly down from there. Marek explains that while he is not the heir of the sage, the only other person who carries the same blood is his mother and he is very worried about her. When he asks you to accompany him back to her cottage, agree to help out. Go back upstairs and rest and save your game. With this done you need to warp back to Marta's. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| /| / | / | ___________________________________ +-- (_/ |/ |_ ARTA'S COTTAGE --------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 32 | SEARCH | 01.49 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Ultimate Key...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon entering the house you will find yourself face to face with a number of Hellhounds. Approach any of them and a battle will trigger. You can go through the house taking out all the wolves if you wish. The old woman can be found around behind the house inside the ruins which have been opened. Speak to her twice and tell her that you have met with Marek. After this there will be a scene. The evil dog is outside with Marek, trying to force the old woman to come out. Before she moves forward she hands you the ULTIMATE KEY, something you have been waiting for, for a long time now. This will unlock just about any traditional door in the world. Unfortunately the old woman doesn't have quite enough tricks in her bag to stop the evil dog monster. At this point the only option you have left is to find something that will allow you to fly. Read the tablets inside the ruins to get a general idea of where you need to go, and then leave the area entirely. While you could go searching for the flying device now, I've got a much better idea. Let's take that Ultimate Key and open up some treasure chests shall we? The next section of the guide will detail another fun treasure hunting adventure! ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ TREASURE HUNT -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 32 | SEARCH | 01.50 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Rune Staff.....................................|_| | | | Power Shield...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | | | Garter.........................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Spiked Steel Whip..............................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Yggdrasil Dew..................................|_| | | | Rusty Old Sword................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | Fresh Milk.....................................|_| | | | Spangled Dress.................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Wisdom.................................|_| | | | Gold Ring......................................|_| | | | Skull Ring.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Moon Axe.......................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Titan Belt.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Gold Nugget....................................|_| | | | Meteorite Bracer...............................|_| | | | Miracle Sword..................................|_| | | | Sacred Armour..................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our treasure hunt begins in the town of Pickham. Warp there first and go all the way to the northwest corner of town where the house and item shop are next to one another. Directly south of these two houses is that inconspicuous door leading into the large building. Inside this place there is a locked treasure room. Using the ultimate key you can unlock the door and open the four chests to get RUNE STAFF, POWER SHIELD, MINI-MEDAL and a Mimic chest! Well there's one down and a few more to go. Our next destination is going to be Red's house. If you don't remember where that is, then use the Zoom spell to teleport to the Swordsman's Labyrinth and run directly south from there. Downstairs in Red's house there is a locked treasure vault. Open up the four chests to get a SEED OF AGILITY, GARTER, MINI-MEDAL and SPIKED STEEL WHIP. Next our journey is going to take us back to the vine-tangled Trodain Castle. Enter through the main doors at the top of the curving stairs. Turn right and go through the east doors. Take a few steps south then go left, and south through the large double doors. In here you'll find another locked treasure room. Open up the four chests to acquire SEED OF MAGIC, a phail of YGGDRASIL DEW, a RUSTY OLD SWORD and a MINI-MEDAL. Warp yourself now back to Baccarat. The gate leading to Golding's Mansion is no longer locked. Head through it and go into the mansion. Turn left and head up through the door at the end of the hall. Break the barrel to get a phail of MAGIC WATER. Go back inside then through the other door. When you do this a scene will trigger. Don't worry about these people right now, we'll take care of that later. We're just interested in the items. In the room beside the stairs there are some barrels hiding a clump of RENNET POWDER and a pot with some FRESH MILK inside. Go upstairs and into the room on the right. Open the cabinets to find a SPANGLED DRESS inside. Leave this room and check the one on your right. Open the cabinet in the corner to find a MINI-MEDAL. Inside the last room you'll get a SEED OF WISDOM if you break the pot and a GOLD RING out of the cabinet. That's all there is to find here. Leave the mansion and warp now to the town of Argonia. Make your way to the castle (the entrance on the left when viewing it from the town entrance.) Go up the stairs to the second floor, and then up to the third floor. Through the kitchen on the third floor you should be able to get outside of the castle. Don't cross those stairs leading over the waterway however, instead run up parallel to the waterway and at the end you'll come across some stairs leading down. Take these stairs to the basement and lo and behold, a treasure room. Open up the three chests here to acquire SKULL RING, MINI-MEDAL, and MOON AXE. We've got one final treasure room now. Warp back to Arcadia and make tracks for the item shop. At the back there is a locked room with three chests containing MINI-MEDAL, TITAN BELT and SEED OF MAGIC. Treasure hunt may be over, but the quest for spectacular new items is not! If you've been following the guide then there's a good chance you haven't been to Princess Minnie's Castle in awhile. Once again, if you've been following the guide then you'll have approximately 75 Mini-Medals at this point. For 52 medals Princess Minnie bestows upon you a GOLD NUGGET. For 60 medals the princess gives you a METEORITE BRACER. For 68 medals princess Minnie gives you a MIRACLE SWORD. For 75 medals princess Minnie rewards you with a suit of SACRED ARMOUR. Now at this point I can tell you how to make quite possibly the best sword in the game for Angelo. Once you collect eight more Mini-Medals (a total of 83) I can tell you how to make quite possibly the best sword for Hero. Since you already should have the necessary parts for Angelo's weapon, I'll detail that one right now. First of all you're going to need a Gold Bracer (purchased in Argonia from the people running the bazaar.) Second you're going to need a Spangled Dress (found in Golding's house, only a few paragraphs up in this section. Hopefully you haven't sold it already.) Also a Ruby of Protection, quite common. I believe they can also be purchased at the bazaar. Zoom back to Farebury and get yourself some Holy Water. Place the Spangled Dress, Gold Bracer and Ruby of Protection into the Alchemy Pot and run around in circles until a Shimmering Dress comes out. Once you've got the dress you're going to need another couple of items. The Rune Staff which you recently picked up in one of the treasure rooms, and a Light Shield which is a relatively common item that can be purchased at the Argonia equipment shop (not the bazaar.) Take the Shimmering Dress, Rune Staff and Light Shield and dump all of them into the Alchemy Pot. Run around for another little while and poof! The Shamshir of Light will be complete. Now let's look at this comparatively. The best sword I had for Angelo personally before was the Holy Silver Rapier with an attack power of 54. The Shamshir of Light has an attack power of 110. I'm sure you get the idea. That is one hell of an increase in power. The Liquid Metal Sword (for which you need Orichalcum from 83 Mini-Medals) has an attack power of 118. Don't get rid of either the Slime Crown or Miracle Sword. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) / / _/___ /_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/___ / ESERT ------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 32 | SEARCH | 01.51 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Dragon Dung....................................|_| | | | Dragon Scale...................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Sandstorm Spear = Partisan + Something Gritty | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to proceed with the game you need to warp yourself to Baccarat. Speak with the brother and sister inside of the mansion and agree to help them decide who will be the heir (it really makes so difference which one of them you choose.) In the morning you'll be ready to head off for the Dragon Graveyard. The graveyard is in the desert, and the desert is at the southern tip of the continent Baccarat is one. The whole arrowhead shaped section at the bottom is desert area. You can get there by sailing down the west side of the continent and docking your ship at the northwestern side of the island where you can see there is a gap in the mountains. Ride your sabrecat through the trees and enter the desert through a cave in the central northern area. The first thing you'll find here in this area is a church. Speak to the heavyset man at one of the pews to learn the recipe "Sandstorm Spear = Partisan + Something Gritty." There are both an inn and an item shop you can use here as well. When you leave the chapel you're going to want to head directly east for quite a long time until eventually you reach a mountain wall. At that point if you look to the north you should be able to spot a chest containing some DRAGON DUNG. Just a little bit south of the chest you should see a well. Jump down into the well and then into the whirlwind. This will teleport you to yet another well on the other side of the desert. Pop out of that one and you'll be right beside another chest containing a DRAGON SCALE. Now get on your sabrecat and run to the middle of the desert. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) / / _/___ /_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/___ / RAGON GRAVEYARD --------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 33 | SEARCH | 01.52 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Dragon Graveyard........................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Dragon Dung....................................|_| | | | Dragon Scale...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The first treasure chest in this cave is directly east of the entrance and contains the MAP OF DRAGON GRAVEYARD. Continue down the first sloping path to the north and kind of slalom your way through the curving paths to reach the exit to this room on the southwest side (upper right corner if you look at your map, there are actually two exits.) Up at this corner you'll find a small room with a chest containing MINI-MEDAL. Once you have that then you need to go back down to the lower right exit (according to map) from before. This next room consists of a bunch of islands connected by bone-bridges of some sort. Cross the one on the right first and then go around behind what seems to be some kind of rib cage extending up from the ground. You'll find an item bag on the wall here, stick your hand into it to acquire some more DRAGON DUNG. Turn around and go back to where you first entered the room and this time go across the bone bridge on the left. Take a look at your map and it will guide you easily to the upper right corner which you need to reach. Another room where (to be honest) the map will help you out a lot more than I possibly could with all these winding paths and such. When you get to the lower right corner and start going up, take the right path at the fork to reach a chest containing a DRAGON SHIELD. Continue along the path from here. This is the last room of the dungeon before you are forced to face the boss. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RED HORN | HABITATS: UNNAMED ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | One of the guardians of the Doors | | Number......................... 273 | of Judgement deep within the Dragon | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Graveyard. Has carried out his | | Magic Points................... ??? | duty for too many years to remember. | | Experience.................... 4200 | | | Gold.......................... 1500 | | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | BLUE FANG | HABITATS: UNNAMED ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | One of the guardians of the Dragon | | Number......................... 274 | Graveyard. Attacks candidates to | | Hit Points..................... ??? | test their worthiness to undertake | | Magic Points................... ??? | the trial. | | Experience.................... 3990 | | | Gold.......................... 1200 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | What you have here are a team of really nasty monsters who use their | | combined power to absolutely whallop your party. Red is the aggressive | | physical fighter, bent on pummeling your party to death. Blue is the more | | magic beast, a little weaker but with spell capable of not just damaging, | | but supporting him and his friend as well. As you may have figured this | | battle becomes exponentially easier once on of them is taken out of the | | picture, so above all remember to focus your attacks on just one of them. | | | | Looking at the Red Horn first, he's got a physical attack which does | | approximately 75 damage to your party. Both Blue Fang and Red Horn have | | an attack where they combine together to do a physical attack of 150 | | damage or so to a single party member. This uses up both of their turns. | | Red is also capable of using something called a desperate attack which | | misses more often but does a whopping 250 damage to a single member of | | your party (that will knock out Jessica in just one hit.) The Red Horn | | also has the ability to use Psyche Up, thus increasing his physical power | | tremendously. Blue on the other hand focuses more on spells and | | periodically physical attacks that do about the same amount of damage as | | red. Blue Fang uses more support spells like Kabuff which increases the | | defence of both enemies by some value. He also casts Kasap which | | decreases the defense of all of your party members9 counter this with your | | own Kabuff.) Finally Blue has a really annoying attack (the intimidating | | scream) which can knock down party members and eliminate the tension they | | had been building up. For this reason you might not want to psyche up too | | much, perhaps 20 or so. That pretty much covers the attacks they can use. | | | | In your case the best bet is to focus all of your attacks on the Red Fang | | who is by far the more dangerous of the two. Physical attacks work fine | | but I suggest you psyche up a couple of times with Hero and Yangus before | | attacking. Don't forget to augment your attacks with Jessica's Oomph | | spell. Angelo is you're number one healer, but while both enemies are | | still alive I imagine Hero will have to pitch in now and then. Have | | Angelo cast Kabuff whenever he can to not only counter the effects of the | | enemy Kasap, but to also give your defence a much needed boost. I didn't | | try personally but maybe having Jessica use her Kasap spell might work on | | the bosses. This is another fight where it's best to play it defensively. | | Red Horn probably has somewhere between 2500-3500 HP, Blue Fang has less. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ __ (__/ ) / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ AEVELLA CATHEDRAL -------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 33 | SEARCH | 01.53 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Wisdom.................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've been to the Savella Cathedral before then you can simply use the Zoom spell to get there again. If not then you'll be sailing the boat to the mid-sized island at the northern-centre part of the world map. Make sure that before you actually go inside of the cathedral, you check out the various shops situated outside of it. Note that the chests at the armour shop are indeed real chests. Open up the both of them to acquire a MINI-MEDAL and a SEED OF WISDOM. There's nothing really of interest inside the inn (besides the whole "being able to rest" aspect) so when you're ready to proceed simply head up the stairs leading into the cathedral. Check the place out and then go around behind the cathedral itself. At the top of the stairs there is an odd structure with a large tube leading out of it. GO inside to find Marcello descending down the elevator. He has little time for idle chitchat and soon is off on his way. Turn around and follow him out to continue the scene. After doing this it's time to head off for the Pirate's Cove. Leave Savella Cathedral but don't warp anywhere yet. There's still one quick thing to take care of. Turn and start moving north of the entrance to the world map. Soon after this turn and begin moving east. On the eastern side of the cathedral you should be able to locate a treasure chest with relative ease. Inside of this chest there is a SEED OF DEFENCE. Now cast the Zoom spell and warp back to Princess Minnie's Castle (it's the easiest way to reach the Pirate's Cove.) Get on your ship from here and sail it east. Open up the world map and take a look at the northeast continent (the one on which you started the game.) Notice that there is a river which runs through the entire continent and somewhere around the middle there is a bridge connecting the northern island to the southern island? Well the Pirate's Cove is located under this bridge. Sail around the continent to the east and then sail through the river west. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ IRATE'S COVE ------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 33 | SEARCH | 01.54 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | 790 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Map of Pirate's Cove...........................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Hades' Helm....................................|_| | | | Bone Shield....................................|_| | | | Illuminated Sea Chart..........................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Bullish Headwear = Some Helm + Cowpat + Fresh Milk | | | Demon Spear = Battle Fork + Poison Wpn + Ill-Fated | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Right off the bat the door on the left is the one you want to go through. Inside you will find a couple of pots that can be broken to reveal a MINI- MEDAL and a SEED OF MAGIC. Next head over to the door on the right and break the three barrels out front. One of them contains 790 GOLD COINS. If you have the Ultimate Key then you can open up this gated door and get inside. There you will find Red (remember her) sailing along on some other ship. She seems intent on locating whatever treasure there is to be found in this cove and wanders off down inside. Follow red down the stairs into the darkness below. Turn left at the bottom of the stairs and head north for a few steps, then left through the cracked and broken wall. This tunnel takes you to a closed gate. Go through it and into the single cell with a pot containing a MINI-MEDAL. Now you need to turn around and head back through the tunnel. When you get back to the cracked wall, take the door directly across from it leading east. Break all of the barrels in this room to get a phail of MAGIC WATER and yet another MINI-MEDAL. There's a chest in the adjacent room with a MAP OF PIRATE'S COVE in it. Return to the hallway and continue down the hall to the east, then north. You'll find Red there in the next room. Examine the bookshelves to learn the recipe: "Bullish Headwear = Some Helm + Cowpat + Fresh Milk" and "Demon Spear = Battle Fork + Poison Weapon + Ill-Fated Item." The secret exit to this room is found by examining the ship's wheel on the wall. Choose to turn it to reveal the door. Red will go on ahead of you. Follow her once again down the stairs to the lower level of the cove. Turn right at the fork at the bottom and then left again almost immediately to find a small room with a pot inside containing a piece of ROCK SALT. GO east through the cracked wall and then further east through the door that leads downstairs. Ignore the door on your right as you make your way along the hall. After a quick scene with Red go through the door that she came through and turn right. Across the little bridge on the other side of this room you'll find a crank that can be turned. Turning it will drain the water which doesn't really do much for you at the moment. Back across the bridge you can see a hole in the northwest wall. Proceed down this tunnel to the end where you will find a chest containing another MINI-MEDAL. Turn around now and head back. The only choice you have at this point is to go back upstairs. Proceed through the cracked wall and west through the door. Back in this hallway again head southwest down the hall and go through the door on the right. There are two chests in this room. Open them both to acquire a HADES' HELM and a BONE SHIELD. Continue around the hall in the same direction. It will loop through a room and reconnect to the main hall through a hole in the wall. At this point you need to turn southwest and go down the ladder inside this next room. From here the rest of the dungeon is entirely linear. In the next room you'll find Red facing off against an evil pirate! ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CAPTAIN CROW | HABITATS: PIRATE'S COVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Pirate's Hat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | A legendary pirate who sailed the | | Number......................... 272 | high seas in search of the world's | | Hit Points..................... ??? | most precious treasures. His | | Magic Points................... ??? | trademark hat never goes out of | | Experience.................... 9750 | style. | | Gold.......................... 2675 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Arrgggghh maties, it be the ghost of an evil pirate hellbent on revenge! | | Captain Crow is a pretty badass pirate, and he's got some equally badass | | means of kicking your ass. Not only is he well endowed with physical | | prowess, he's got all those obnoxious spells you've come to hate that | | remove special bonuses from your party. All things considered, this swash | | buckling buccaneer isn't going to be a pushover, so come prepared. | | | | First, the pirate Captain's normal physical attack does approximately | | 80 damage to a single party member which isn't too bad. Well don't forget | | that he is able to use two attacks every turn. This particular pirate has | | a habit of using both of his turns to psyche up, for two turns in a row. | | A quick math lesson (two turns a turn for two turns in a row = four | | turns.) He'll psyche from 5, to 20, to 50, to 100 at which point he gains | | a purple aura around him. With this aura not only are his attacks going | | to do a hell of a lot more damage, but yours are going to do quite a bit | | less damage. After psyching up that much, Captain Crow will usually let | | loose a physical attack that hits a single party member for anywhere | | between 300 and 400 damage. Ouch. Besides this the captain has something | | called the "thin air" attack which does about 40 damage to your party. | | Consider this also, if he uses the Thin Air attack while fully psyched | | (which he does from time to time,) it does almost 200 damage to every | | member in your party. If Angelo doesn't have Multiheal you can start | | crying at this point. Lastly but certainly not leastly, Captain Crow will | | sometimes use the wave of ice which negates all positive effects on your | | party (tension included) making your start again from the beginning. | | | | Since the captain has the ice wave, you'll want to go light on the bonus | | effects. This means psyching your characters up to 20 only, using Oomph | | regularly, but straying away from things like Accelerate and other minorly | | helpful effects. I still recommend a couple uses of the Kabuff spell to | | keep your party resistant to those powered up attacks. With Hero and | | Yangus psyching up, that leaves Jessica (when she's not casting Oomph!) to | | cast the Sap spell and lower the pirate's defence. Angelo should be ready | | to Multiheal whenever necessary, and use Kabuff when it's not. His MP | | will be a serious issue in this battle, so use Magic Water if you have it. | | | | Update (Submitted by Matthew): As you know, most of the time he spends | | his turns raising his tension. So when he does that, you can still raise | | yours, and have jessica cast the spells, but also you can use Angelo to | | use the Sarcastic Snigger abilities, which lowers the tension one level, | | causing him to normally waste his two turns raising his tension again. | | Which in turn buys you more time. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defeating the boss really impresses him, so much so that he allows you to take his treasure: an ILLUMINATED SEA CHART! After a quick scene cast the Evac spell to get out of this dark damp dungeon and then open up your inventory. Use the Illuminated Sea Chart you just got to reveal a path on the world map that you can see any time you look at it. Have someone cast the Zoom spell to take you to the Seaview Church. Rest up and heal in there and then get on your boat and sail it down to the large X on the world map. When you arrive there a scene will automatically take over. You need to navigate these thing white line that curves to and fro in the water to reach the island. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / / ___/__ ___________________________________ +-- (__ / SOLATED PLATEAU ----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 34 | SEARCH | 01.55 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mighty Armlet..................................|_| | | | Lesser Panacea.................................|_| | | | Magical Mace...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Elfin Elixir...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After everything is said and done you can try to summon your sabrecat. Unfortunately the bell isn't going to work here. No matter. While standing at your ship open up the map. While zoomed in your will see a rather desolate rocky area. A little ways south and a much smaller ways east there is a tiny little rock outlined on your map around half the size of your arrow cursor. Head south toward that rock before anything else. You'll need to go east to get around the tall mountains. On the south side of this rock you will find a chest containing a MIGHTY ARMLET. Next we're going to go directly west onto the other side of that mid-sized greenish circle thing marked on your map (in reality, it's actually a small body of water.) On the west side there is a treasure chest. Open up the chest to acquire a LESSER PANACEA. The next destination will have us moving toward that large purple lake to the north. Right in the middle of it there is a treasure chest containing MAGICAL MACE. Now turn around and start making your way east. On the other side of the island there is a village. Move toward the village but don't go into it yet. Go around the south side of the city and up onto the ledge southeast of the city. There you will find another treasure chest, this one with a MINI- MEDAL inside of it. Finally there is one more to get. Run all the way to the eastern edge and go north to the northeast corner. There you will find one more chest containing ELFIN ELIXIR. With those taken care of you need to head back west to the town of Empycchu or use a Chimaera Wing if you've been there. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____) / )__ / ___________________________________ +-- (_____) MPYCCHU -------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 34 | SEARCH | 01.56 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | Red Mould......................................|_| | | | Waterweed Mould................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Rennet Powder..................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Special Medicine...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Fresh Milk.....................................|_| | | | Fur Poncho.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Orichalcum.....................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | Saintess Shield = Shield + Shield + Holy Water | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you first come into town, note the two pots on your right. Smash both of them and one will drop a SEED OF STRENGTH. Enter the house beside these pots and break the pots in there too for both a piece of RED MOULD and WATERWEED MOULD. One of the item bags on the wall contains a MINI-MEDAL. Speak to the person in here hammering something to learn a new recipe for the alchemy pot: "Saintess Shield = Shield + Shield + Holy Water." Leave this house and go into the one on the left side of the town's entrance. Break all of the pots to get some RENNET POWDER and ROCK SALT. Just up from this house is the town's equipment shop, the only shop you'll find here so be sure to stock up. Open up the treasure chest in the item shop to receive a SPECIAL MEDICINE. Make your way up from the equipment shop to the big building at the top of town and break the three pots out front for a MINI-MEDAL. Break the pot in the inn section to get a bottle of FRESH MILK, then check the cabinet in the church which has a FUR PONCHO inside of it. Head back outside again and make a left turn. Beside you there should be some laundry hanging and a pot near it. Break the pot to get a SEED OF SKILL. Enter the one final house which you have not yet visited and break the pots to get a MINI-MEDAL. Now that you've found the majority of the items, return to the church/inn and speak to the elder sitting in the centre. The elder will explain about the two worlds and the gate which was constructed between them. With this out of the way you are ready to craft one of the greatest and most powerful swords in history. If you're up to the task them make sure to read the next paragraph. Assuming you've been following the guide then you're current Mini-Medal total will now be up to 85. Even if you've missed a couple that still gives you two medals grace since you only need 83 to get the Orichalcum from Minnie. Cast the Zoom spell and warp to Princess Minnie's Castle now. Give her all of the medals you have and she will reward you with the ORICHALCUM. Now warp yourself to somewhere with weak enemies and make sure you have a decent amount of Holy Water in your inventory. Open up the alchemy pot now and place the Orichalcum you just found, the Rusty Old Sword from Trodain Castle, and the Slime Crown from the well into the pot. If you don't have the Slime Crown anymore then I believe one more can be found once you have the means to fly, and I believe that Metal Slime Kings drop them too, but neither of those options are too applicable at the moment. Assuming you do have the Orichalcum, Rusty Old Sword and Slime Crown, place them in to the pot and run around for a good few minutes. When you hear the "ding" of completion then Liquid Metal Sword will be complete! With an attack power of 118 it is undoubtedly better than whatever you have now. As a bonus it also does good damage against metal enemies, making experience gathering much more simple. To get where you need to go next, what you have to do is leave the village of Empycchu and make your way west to find a stone arch at the top of a hill. As you approach this arch during the day you will see the shadow of a large bird flying around. If you start to follow this shadow it will take you off in a direction away from the arch. What you have to do is keep following the shadow wherever it goes staying as close as you possibly can. The shadow is marginally faster than your party so make sure to cut corners whenever you anticipate a turn as so not to lose it. It's easier if you know the route so messing up once isn't really all that detrimental. Eventually the bird's shadow will lead you across to the other side of the island where (if you followed it all the way) it spins around and creates a warp portal. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, ) | / | /| / |/ |/ ___________________________________ +-- / | ORLD OF DARKNESS -------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 35 | SEARCH | 01.57 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Devil's Tail...................................|_| | | | Iron Headgear..................................|_| | | | Seed of Agility................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This barren black and white landscape is the World of Darkness. There are a few splotches of colour here and there, but overall it's a very depressing place. One nice thing however is that there is a whole set of treasure chests for you to collect. The very first one is right behind the log east of the warp portal. It has a MINI-MEDAL inside. Proceed down the hill to the west and from there go all the way over to the large cliff that leads down to the area where you docked the boat in the World of Lightness. At the bottom of the steep path leading down, turn right and there to the north you should see a treasure chest in the corner. Open it up to obtain DEVIL'S TAIL. The other chest down here is across the beach to the west, hiding behind a tree. It's not very difficult to find. The chest contains IRON HEADGEAR. The final chest is back near Empycchu (or Dark Empycchu as it is now called.) On the southeast side along the wall that surrounds the village there is a single treasure chest containing a SEED OF AGILITY. That covers all of the items that you'll find in this area, head now for the village of Dark Empycchu. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) / / _/___ /_ ___________________________________ +-- (_/___ / ARK EMPYCCHU -----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 36 | SEARCH | 01.58 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Cowpat.........................................|_| | | | Cold Cheese....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | 180 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Special Antidote...............................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Fresh Milk.....................................|_| | | | Dragon Scale...................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's explore this town once again, but this time in the absence of colour. Enter the house on the right and break the pots to get a SEED OF MAGIC. Reach your hand into the item bags as well, one of them has a MINI-MEDAL inside. Leave this house and continue over to the right. Break the two pots in this house to get a ROCK SALT. Return to the entrance of town and move toward the house on your left. There are a couple of pots beside this house, one of which contains a COWPAT. Break the three pots inside of the house itself to get both a piece of COLD CHEESE as well as a MINI-MEDAL. Enter the shop next and (you guessed it) some more pots to break. One of them has about 180 GOLD COINS inside. Open the treasure chest to acquire a SPECIAL ANTIDOTE. Before you go into the large house, be sure you check to the right of it and break the pot to get another MINI-MEDAL. One of the three pots in front of the large house has a PREMIUM MOLD hidden in it. Now go inside. Break the pot in the inn to get a bottle of FRESH MILK. One of the two pots in the church section has a DRAGON SCALE in it, and the cabinet hides a MINI-MEDAL. Speak to the village elder to learn that the bird is often seen near a large rock formation south of here. That rock formation is of course the stone arch. Leave the town and run up to the stone arch to trigger a boss fight. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EMPYREA | HABITATS: WORLD OF DARKNESS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Magic | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The Godbird, capable of traveling | | Number......................... 275 | between worlds. Joined forces with | | Hit Points..................... ??? | the seven sages to imprison | | Magic Points................... ??? | Rhapthorne long ago. | | Experience.................. 10,150 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The former friend of the Empycchuians (?) will be your enemy in this | | battle. The colourful beauty of this bird radically offsets the dark and | | dreary world in which it exists. You should know before fighting that | | this bird has a hell of a lot higher defence power than most enemies, and | | while her HP isn't quite as high because of it, you still might be in for | | a somewhat lengthy battle. Make sure you're healed up before fighting. | | | | Empryea has a pretty standard array of attacks when it comes to bosses. | | All things considered it's her physical attack that will really get you in | | the end capable of doing between 150 and 200 damage (and she attacks twice | | per turn.) Other attacks include the magic spell Zap which does somewhere | | around 50 to 65 damage to every member of your party. Empryea also has | | the ability to cast Midheal on herself and restore at least some of her | | lost HP. Since she only gains about 70 or 80 this is one of the attacks | | you actually hope to see. Finally Empryea can use the ice wave as well, | | effectively destroying all the nice bonuses you've given to the party. | | | | With such strong defense and such strong offense, one of the main concerns | | you're going to be having in this battle is whether Angelo can maintain a | | reasonable MP level. Although Angelo should be your main healer, if Hero | | has any chance to heal someone himself I would recommend you take that | | option instead. Having a less useful party member with the Cheiron's Bow | | in their inventory also helps to give you a way of keeping the party alive | | without wasting MP (good to use after a Zap spell.) When it comes to | | attacking, unless you've got some really powerful magic lined up I find | | it's still best to use physical attacks all the way. Have Hero and Yangus | | psyche up no higher than 20, and have Jessica cast Oomph on them. The Sap | | spell does NOT work on this boss, so don't try. You'll have to find other | | ways to penetrate her defences. Having Hero and Yangus attack is more | | than enough, Jessica and Angelo can serve solely as support characters. | | Make sure you cast Jessica's Magic Barrier spell to reduce the damage | | taken by Zap. Also I suggest that you might want to have her cast bounce, | | I found that the extra damage done by the Zap spell reflecting really adds | | up by the end. Finally you might want to try and get Yangus and Hero on | | alternating attack patterns. By this I mean that when Hero is fully | | psyched up, Yangus should by just starting again. That way when Empryea | | uses the ice wave, only one person will end up losing their tension. | | | | Update (Submitted by Charlie): I just did the Empryea boss, and I killed | | him in about 4 hits. I pyched up Jessica all the way and used Kafrizzle | | and it did more than 500 damage! | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bird explains why she has been attacking the village all along. She is under the influence of Gemon, an evil demon who is holding her egg hostage and she is powerless to do anything about it. She requests the party's help in this matter saying that she will drop you off at the base of the mountain. You will then have to climb it and save the egg. Before you agree to be taken up there I am sure you will want to go back to the village and rest up. Stay at the inn and save your game, then return and agree to help the bird. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____) / / / / ) ___________________________________ +-- (____ / ODBIRD'S EYRIE ---------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 36 | SEARCH | 01.59 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of the Godbird's Eyrie.....................|_| | | | Gold Nugget....................................|_| | | | Demon Whip.....................................|_| | | | Saint's Ashes..................................|_| | | | Godbird's Soulstone............................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head south into the cave that leads into the mountain. Turn left and ascend up the sloping path to reach a treasure chest containing MAP OF GODBIRD'S EYRIE. Turn around and go back down to the main level, then make your way to the sloping path on kind of the western side of the area. This should take you up to the raised section above which leads directly to the room's exit. Climb up the side of the mountain and continue back inside the cave. This part of the cave is relatively linear. Around the first large turn there is a path that branches left off of the main path. Take this branch and follow it into the next room. Through the little arch there is another treasure chest. Open it up and your party will acquire a RING OF TRUTH. Continue around the curve going the opposite direction. Coming out of that one there will be a path branching to the right. Head down this path to find a chest at the end containing a GOLD NUGGET. The exit to this part of the cave is back north. Make your way around the mountain on this side and go through the cave door at the top. Head up the sloping path and down the one on the opposite side to get to the other side of this room. Go northwest through the little arch then turn right and ascend up the sloping path. There are two ways you can go at this point. You can either continue on this level or go down the sloping path on the other side of this central circle. Choose to go down the sloping path and take the southern exit. The only thing you can find out here is a chest with a DEMON WHIP inside. The Demon Whip is cursed, I wouldn't equip it if I were you. Return to the previous room and go back up again. This time make your way around to the eastern exit. Continue until you reach the next cave. Make a right immediately in here, then head left. You need to go through the middle of the room moving northwest. Make sure you're moving northwest because there are two paths you can take in this room, and this is the one you want. Once you've passed over the raised rock in the middle then it's a completely linear walk up the spiraling slope to reach the final treasure chest in the mountain containing the rare SAINT'S ASHES. Now you need to go back down to the entrance of the room and this time go right and then northeast. Continue up the spiraling path and heal before you reach the boss. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GEMON | HABITATS: WORLD OF DARKNESS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Skill | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Rhapthorne's right-hand monster. | | Number......................... 276 | Took Empryea's egg hostage to force | | Hit Points..................... ??? | her to attack Dark Empycchu. | | Magic Points................... ??? | | | Experience.................... 8600 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Gemon is one of the easier boss battles you've fought in awhile, which is | | kind of nice. You'll get the opportunity to really pummel a boss with | | some hard hitting attacks and not have to worry so much about only | | psyching your characters a little bit. Of course Gemon is accompanied by | | those Dark Condor and Dark Turkey enemies, but a couple of hits from your | | sword (or remnants of area attacks) will have them lying in a heap on the | | ground anyway. Just skim the strategy and I doubt you'll have a problem. | | | | Gemon is most dangerous when using physical attacks. Gemon's normal | | attack does about 150 damage while the desperate attack that he likes to | | use every once in awhile is capable of doing almost 300 damage. Besides | | these two normal attacks Gemon is also able to shoot a blast of fire from | | his mouth that does about 50 to 75 damage to the entire party. As for | | those two little enemies at his side, their attacks are hardly noteworthy. | | The only thing to watch out for is that the stupid turkey uses a Wind | | Sickles attack every once in awhile that can do a decent amount of damage | | to one person. My recommendation is that you eliminate the turkey but | | leave the condor. Gemon has the ability to summon new enemies in battle | | but he might be more hesitant to do it is only one of them is dead. Other | | than that most of your attacks should be focusing on Gemon himself. | | | | Here's the thing about this battle: Gemon does not have the ability to use | | the ice wave, or anything else to remove your bonuses. For this reason I | | recommend you have Hero and Yangus psyche up until they reach 50 and then | | attack. Jessica should definitely Oomph them on her turns and then after | | that point cast Sap on the boss if you find that works, and perhaps the | | Magic Barrier spell too assuming she has it. Insulatle might not be a bad | | idea either. While Angelo is your primary healer, his other primary duty | | will be to cast Kabuff. I don't mean to cast it once or anything, I mean | | three, four, even five times before stopping to do something else. By the | | fifth cast it will be physically impossible for the Dark Condor and Dark | | Turkey to damage you with normal attacks, and Gemon himself will be | | severely weakened. Combine that with psyched up attacks to 50 and you've | | got a recipe for one dead gryphon monster. Just in case people start to | | drop though you'll probably want to make sure Angelo has the Kazing spell. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the battle over and the scene finished, run forward and pick up the GODBIRD'S SOULSTONE from the nest. The bird will automatically take you back to the light world and at that point you will finally have the means to fly around the map at your leisure. Time for more treasure hunting! ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ TREASURE HUNT -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 36 | SEARCH | 01.60 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Silver Platter.................................|_| | | | Flametang Boomerang............................|_| | | | Prayer Ring....................................|_| | | | Ruinous Shield.................................|_| | | | Yggdrasil Leaf.................................|_| | | | Skull Helm.....................................|_| | | | Ogre Shield....................................|_| | | | Conqueror's Axe................................|_| | | | Yggdrasil Leaf.................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Sage's Robe....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First place we're going to visit is the "Puff-puff House." To reach this place all you have to do is fly your bird to Argonia, then go northwest of Argonia to where the river connects with mountain at the waterfall. Land your bird on the west side of the river and run north to the waterfall. There you will find a purple door leading inside. Speak to the man at the desk who suggests you head into the next room for a little "refreshment." Go into that room but keep going into the changeroom behind the desk. Open up the cabinets to get both a SILVER PLATTER and a MINI-MEDAL. Don't forget to speak with the woman in the other room for a little puff-puff session. With that out of the way we can get back to reality and start searching for rarer items. The next chest is nearby. West of Argonia there is large mountain hill. Locate the fork in the main path which is west of Argonia. The hill (surrounded by a thin mountainous wall) is located just west of this fork in the road. Land in the middle and run up the hilly slopes to get to the highest point you can. At that point you will find a chest up here tucked away in a corner that contains a FLAMETANG BOOMERANG. Use the item to ride the bird once again. Our journey continues to take us west at this point. Locate the seer's small house west of this mountain. Southwest of the cottage there is a kind of a low valley area. Land there and check up on one of the mid-altitude areas on the far southwest side. There is a chest here containing PRAYER RING. Open the menu and use the Godbird's Stone. Fly now to the Northwest Isle. That is of course the island with the Dark Ruins on it. If you can't find the island (or want to get there easily) then simply warp to the Dark Ruins and use your Godbird's Stone there. Land on the tallest peak of the southwest side of the island. There is a chest up there hidden around behind the tall peak itself. For example, if you are up in the area where the Troll is running around chasing after you, then you're too high up. Go back down the slope from here and check around the other side of the peak in the centre. There you will find a chest containing RUINOUS SHIELD. Continuing on with our mission, let's fly the great bird back to Pickham. Northeast of Pickham is a reasonable sized lake with a small island in the middle. Land on this island and locate a chest around the centre of it. Inside this chest is a phail of YGGDRASIL DEW. Next it's off to Empycchu again. Directly south of the village, up on the ledge and east of the Godbird's Eyrie there is a treasure chest containing SKULL HELM. ____________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update (Submitted by Roland): I have one suggestion in case you haven't added it already. I discovered a great spot by accident for leveling up, and raising gold. In your third 'Treasure hunt'-section in your guide you mention a spot on the eastern side of Godbird'S Eyrie where you can find a chest containing the Skull Helm. During daytime this place is crawling with Gold Gollems. They appear more frequently than on the island of Neos. During nighttime this place is really infested with Liquid Metal Slimes. The appear about once every 2 or 3 battles. Sometimes even 5 at a time. Sometimes they are accompanied by weak enemies like Bloody Hands and Night Emperors. Although Metal King Slimes or ordinary metal slimes do not appear on this spot, the frequent amount of Liquids makes it (by far) the best spot for leveling up in the game I could find. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now fly your bird back to the desert. On the far south side of the desert there is some higher areas that you can only reach by landing on them. Look around this area and you'll find not one but two chests containing a MINI- MEDAL and an OGRE SHIELD. There's one more minor location worth visiting. North of Arcadia in that kind of brownish-autumnish region with all the brown trees there is a large hill that you can land on north of the tower. On this hill you'll find a chest containing a CONQUEROR'S AXE near the lower section. It also just so happens that this hill is also known as the land of the Metal Slimes. You'll encounter many Metal Slimes, Liquid Metal Slimes and Metal King Slimes in this area. The Metal King Slimes have a total of 20 hit points and give over 30,000 EXP for just a single one killed. Good luck trying to take those enemies out. There are a few ways you can increase your chances of victory however. Obviously Hero and Angelo's Metal Slash is the best attack you've got, but even the power of these attacks can be doubled. What you need to do is head for the Baccarat casino and start winning tokens (see the minigames section of this guide for more information.) Once you've got 10,000 tokens you can purchase something called the Falcon Blade (or two of them since both Hero and Angelo can equip them.) The Falcon Blade has moderate attack power, but every single attack you do hits twice including abilities (so something like the Falcon Slash which hits twice, would hit four times.) This also means the Metal Slash now hits twice, ideally for 2 damage each time. This is by far the best way (besides lucky critical attacks) to kill the Metal Slime creatures you find on this island. Make sure you get the Falcon Blades. (Note also that they can be upgraded to Uber Falcon Blades by combining them with a Meteorite Bracer, but they'll still do 4 damage anyway.) Just as a note (I won't detail the whole thing again since all the chests are located in the exact same spots) but if you head for the base of the Godbird's Eyrie in the Light World and begin making your way up the mountain, you'll find a bunch of new items in the chests in equivalent positions as they were in the Dark World. While the positions are the same, they do have new items. Almost directly east of Farebury (the first town) there is a very large and conspicuous hill that stands out quite a bit. Land on this of this hill and you should find a couple of pots near a broken down shack wherever you land. Break both of these pots to get a YGGDRASIL LEAF and a MINI-MEDAL. There is one final place to visit. Remember that elevator at the Savella Cathedral that you could not ride? While fly your bird and land it by the mansion on that island that you couldn't access before. When you do that there will be a scene with Marcello. Enter the residence through the door on this side and turn left. In this next room there is another door leading into an adjacent room with two barrels. Break both of the barrels to get a SEED OF LIFE. In the previous room break the pots to find a MINI-MEDAL. Also make sure you check the cabinets to get a SAGE'S ROBE. Take the stairs up at the front of the house to reach the priest's room. Go through the door on the left and open the cabinet to get another MINI-MEDAL. That about covers everything you're going to find here. If you're ready it's time to proceed again. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ RYAN GULLY --------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 37 | SEARCH | 01.61 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Elfin Elixir...................................|_| | | | Slime Crown....................................|_| | | | Darktree Leaf..................................|_| | | | Staff of Anti-Magic............................|_| | | | Premium Mould..................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Yggdrasil Dew..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Magic Water....................................|_| | | | Agility Ring...................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | RECIPES | High-Strng Cheese = Spicy Cheese + Cold + Rock Slt | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is kind of a nice place to stop off and take a break. You'll find Tryan Gully on the southeastern continent. From the centre of the continent go west and you'll see an island that kind of looks like it's in the "mouth" of the continent. On the eastern side of this island there is a bridge that connects it to Tryan Gully. Tryan Gully is a place where humans, elves and monsters live in peace and harmony. It's also a place to shop and find some new items, so it's a great place for everyone! Cross the bridge leading into town. Head through the purple drapes on the other side. Break all of the barrels on your right (the way Trode breaks barrels is hardcore) to get a MINI-MEDAL and an ELFIN ELIXIR. The barrel behind the bar has an extremely rare SLIME CROWN inside of it. Make sure to hang onto that treasure. Descend down the stairs and check the bookshelves on the opposite side from the bank to learn the recipe: "Highly-Strung Cheese = Super Spicy Cheese + Cold Cheese + Rock Salt." Check out the various shops they have here down the stairs again. Leave this place through the upstairs exit and head across the walkway to the second bridge on the other side. There is an elf girl in this place named Raya. Speak with her and agree to help her out. In doing so she will allow you to have the treasures of the gully. Return to the building which had all the shops and take the downstairs outside this time. The room you reach at the end here is the treasure room. Open up all the chests to acquire the DARKTREE LEAF and STAFF OF ANTIMAGIC. Break all the barrels to get a piece of PREMIUM MOULD and a SEED OF DEFENCE. Inside the pots you'll get both a MINI-MEDAL and a YGGDRASIL DEW. That's about everything that you can do in this place. At this point we will now be venturing to the final areas of the game. While it is still possible to continue playing even after the game is over, now is still a good time to make sure you've upgraded your equipment and collected everything you want for the end. Leave Tryan Gully and use the Godbird's Stone. Fly only a tiny bit east of Tryan Gully. In the forested region between the mountains east of Tryan Gully there is an area where you can land. It's difficult to describe but there aren't exactly a lot of places to land around. If you find a large blue cyclops then you're in the exact right place. In that area there is a treasure chest containing MINI-MEDAL. Get to the world map and use the Darktree Leaf that you found here in Tryan Gully. What it will do is put a leaf icon on the world map for you. This icon is the location of the evil demon dog Sir Leopold who is flying around the sky. Get on your Godbird and locate Sir Leopold. When you find him start to make chase. He'll automatically lead you to the High Priest's. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ ___) (, / / /---/ ) / / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ (__ IGHT PRIECT'S RESIDENCE -+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 37 | SEARCH | 01.62 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+-------| | ITEM CHECKLIST | None...........................................N/A | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Land your bird and enter the Priest's Residence. There will be a quick scene when you land and then you are able to go inside. Head up the stairs at the front of the house and speak with Sir Leopold in the priest's office. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EVIL SIR LEOPOLD | HABITATS: SAVELLA AREA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Dominico's beloved pet dog, | | Number......................... 277 | transformed by the power of | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Rhapthorne's sceptre into a | | Magic Points................... ??? | vicious monster. | | Experience.................. 10,200 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Finally the chance to show that stupid dog who's boss. This battle has | | all the markings of a typical boss fight. Sir Leopold's normal attack | | will do about 100 damage to a single member of your party. Besides that | | he also has the ability to blast cold breath which will deal between 75 | | and 100 damage to every one. The only other attack I ever saw him use was | | the intimidating scream. The scream has a chance of knocking down your | | party members so they lose their turn. While Leopold does not have the | | ability to use the ice wave, the intimidating scream can work in a similar | | way when it comes to building tension (a character that gets knocked down | | will lose all built tension.) For this reason I recommend you max out at | | about 20 for this battle. Just attack at that point and build up again. | | | | Magic Barrier is an important spell to have for this battle, it will | | reduce a lot of the damage taken from the boss' cold breath attack. | | Jessica is an important character in this battle so make sure she is well | | healed. Her Sap spell works extremely well for lowering the boss' | | defense, and the Kafrizzle spell is one of the better magic attacks you | | can use when she doesn't have anything better to do. Angelo should always | | be ready to use Multiheal after your party is hit by a cold breath, or | | Fullheal depending on the situation. Hero and Yangus can take care of the | | boss themselves no problem. With Jessica's help it's pretty hard to lose. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Following the battle it's mostly just various scenes with different characters. I won't bother to detail or spoil any of it. Suffice to say you'll eventually have control of your character and virtually nowhere to go. Speak to everyone in the cell along with you and then approach the gate. Your character should fall asleep for the night. In the morning, once again go from person to person talking to everybody to continue the game. Eventually you will obviously get out of the prison. At that point you need to get back on your bird and head for the Holy Isle of Neos. Neos is on the barren rocky island that is located just a little bit south from the exact centre of your world map. It's pretty obvious to find with the large stone statue sticking out of it. Before you actually enter the town however, land just east of it. On the northeast corner of this island you will find a treasure chest that contains a phail of MAGIC WATER. Next head directly south to the southeastern part of the island and run up the gradual slope to reach the top of this hill down here. There's a treasure chest at the top that contains am AGILITY RING. Now that you've got these make your way to the city. ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __) (, /| / / | / ) / |/ ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ' EOS -----------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 38 | SEARCH | 01.63 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Holy Water.....................................|_| | | | Chimaera Wing..................................|_| | | | 16 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Scholar's Specs................................|_| | | | Moonwort Bulb..................................|_| | | | Spicy Cheese...................................|_| | | | Seed of Skill..................................|_| | | | 80 Gold Coins..................................|_| | | | Gold Rosary....................................|_| | | | Flail of Fury..................................|_| | | | Seed of Magic..................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turn left when you first get into town and visit the inn which should be right in front of you. There are a couple of barrels in there, one of which holds a SEED OF MAGIC. Around behind the inn there is a peddler man who is selling a few items out of his bag. Head inside the house just north of the item peddler and break the two barrels to get a phail of HOL WATER. There's a CHIMAERA WING and 16 GOLD COINS inside the pots here as well. Check the back of the house to find a secret ladder leading upstairs. Dip your hand into the item bag hanging on the wall and you'll find some SCHOLAR'S SPECS. Leave this house (through the downstairs exit) and head across the centre of town to reach the three primary shops bunched together around a large stone. Get whatever you need (most of the stuff here sucks, if you want real equipment go back to Tryan Gully or make it yourself using some alchemy combinations. Inside the actual house that these shops are surrounding there's all sorts of great stuff. Smash the pots to get a MOONWORT BULB and check the item bags for some SPICY CHEESE. The treasure chest has a SEED OF SKILL inside. Go into the building directly north of this one and check the item bag next to the sink to get 80 GOLD COINS. There's a building that looks similar to this one on the outside directly across the street. Go inside and you'll find two doors and a set of stairs. There's nothing in the rooms so head down the stairs. GO past the guard and you'll find yourself in Marcello's room. Check the cabinets to get a GOLD ROSARY. If you're ready then it's time to head north to the cathedral at the top of town. Go inside to trigger a scene. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MARCELLO | HABITATS: HOLY ISLE OF NEOS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Angelo's half-brother. Attempted | | Number......................... 278 | to harness Rhapthorne's power, but | | Hit Points..................... ??? | ended up being enslaved by it. | | Magic Points................... ??? | | | Experience.................. 11,020 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Things have taken a turn for the worse, and an old "friend" is now | | possessed by the evil Rhapthorne and hellbent on kicking your ass. | | Unfortunately for him however, you'll be making sure that he's the one on | | the receiving end of the ass kicking. Marcello has a habit of focusing on | | attacks that hit only a single member of your party. I found that the | | Fullheal spell gets almost as much use as the Multiheal in this battle. | | Of course he's got a physical attack like any other boss that does about | | 100 damage to a single target. He can also use Wind Sickles which does | | just a little bit more than that, still to one person. The Kafrizzle | | spell is more powerful at approximately 120 damage, but still it hits a | | single target. His multi-party attacks extend from a special unique spell | | he has where he opens up a portal, dealing about 100 to 120 damage to | | every single member of your party. This is definitely where Multiheal | | comes into play. Lastly there are a couple of leftover staples like the | | wave of ice (go figure) and the ability to heal himself for small amounts. | | | | Here's a nice strategy that seems to work pretty well, and it's so obvious | | you can barely call it a strategy. His defence: lower it. Your defence: | | raise it. Kabuff and Sap are the spells of choice in this battle. I'm | | sure I don't have to tell you that you can exploit his lowered defense | | with 5 - 20 psyche levels and the Oomph spell backing up the power of your | | weapons. Jessica has better things to do in this battle than cast the | | Magic Barrier spell, and Bounce isn't very useful. She works best when | | rotating between Oomph and Sap, while Angelo can Kabuff to his heart's | | content (unless the party needs healing of course.) You might want to put | | Cheiron's Bow on Jessica just in case she runs out of things to do after | | Oomph and Sap, but by that time you'll be well on your way to victory. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the boss taken care of there is yet another big and impressive scene. When it's over let's take a moment to do one quick errand. The enormous floating castle of death can wait for a moment. What you want to do is fly your bird to Red's house (remember her?) south of the Swordsman's Labyrinth. Go inside and speak to Red. She will give you the FLAIL OF FURY absolutely free. The Flail is a unique weapon for Yangus that doesn't really fall under any category. It does however have a high attack power and hit all enemies when you swing it. Leave Red's house and use the Zoom spell to get to the town of Argonia. Head to the northwest building of town, the one above the church that was unoccupied up to this point. It now houses the Argonia bazaar. Break the barrel on the left to get a SEED OF MAGIC. Break the barrels on the right and you'll find a MINI-MEDAL. At this point there is also a small secret dungeon available. All you have to do is go to the inn and choose to sleep until evening (not morning.) During the night go up the stairs outside the inn, and into the house at the top. Up the stairs inside this house you'll find a glowing mirror. Examine it to be warped. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ROLL'S MAZE -------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 39 | SEARCH | 01.64 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Hell Sabre.....................................|_| | | | Mini-Medal.....................................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | Seed of Strength...............................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Turn left at the entrance and go straight (west) at the fork in the road. The path from this point is completely linear and will eventually lead you to a treasure chest containing HELL SABRE. Return to the entrance of the maze and this time go north at the fork. Continue east and then when the path turns north you'll see a chest at the top. It's a trick! Turn left at the next fork, don't keep moving toward the chest, it's a dead end. Back in the middle of the room the path will fork again. Take the north branch to reach that chest you saw before and open it up to acquire another MINI-MEDAL. Head back to the fork and proceed west. You'll end up in a room with a couple of trolls and the chancellor of Argonia. Speak to the second troll (not the one stirring the pot) to trigger a scene. Choose Yes then No to begin battle. The two trolls have a lot of HP for normal enemies, but really aren't particularly difficult. Psyche up with Hero and Yangus for a couple turns, then Oomph them and you'll be able to obliterate the bosses. For defeating the trolls you are rewarded with SEED OF STRENGTH, SEED OF STRENGTH, SEED OF LIFE, SEED OF LIFE, and SEED OF LIFE. Not a bad reward for your hard work. That's all there is to this dungeon, nothing left to simply cast Evac. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ (, / ) /---( ) / ____) ___________________________________ +-- (_/ ( LACK CITADEL -----------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 40 | SEARCH | 01.65 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Map of Black Citadel...........................|_| | | | 500 Gold Coins.................................|_| | | | Prayer Ring....................................|_| | | | Seed of Defence................................|_| | | | 1200 Gold Coins................................|_| | | | Saint's Ashes..................................|_| | | | Yggdrasil Leaf.................................|_| | | | Hard Cheese....................................|_| | | | Orichalcum.....................................|_| | | | Icicle Dirk....................................|_| | | | Cured Cheese...................................|_| | | | Seed of Life...................................|_| | | | Rock Salt......................................|_| | | | Dark Robe......................................|_| | | | Premium Mould..................................|_| | | | Silver Shield..................................|_| | | | Echo Flute.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The final dungeon awaits. I would recommend you be at least level 40 before you start this dungeon. By level 38 your party members will have attained a high enough level to fully master any one skill with 100 points so you should have a number of great abilities available to all your characters. The Liquid Metal Sword is recommended for Hero (made through Alchemy.) I recommend the Heavy Hatchet (Scythe) for Yangus which can be purchased in Tryan Gully, but something like the Conqueror's Axe (found on the Metal Slime hill) would be just as good. Jessica really should have the Gringham Whip equipped (purchased in Baccarat casino for 200,000 tokens) unless you've built her as a staff user. Angelo is a sword user for me, and I've already described how to make the great Shamshir of Light, but I imagine a good bow might work just as well too. One final recommendation is that you head over to Tryan Gully and pick up a whole bunch of Magic Water to replenish your MP while in the final dungeon. If you' think you're ready then fly to the floating island. The floating island is marked on your map with the Darktree Leaf icon. All right let's get this underway. Head forward and enter this large structure. Turn left at the beginning and Follow the hall until you pass a couple of doors. Through the room on the left out on the balcony of the MAP OF BLACK CITADEL inside of a treasure chest. Feel free to examine all of the bookshelves in this room, you can learn some great new alchemy recipes, I'm not going to list them all. Leave this room and turn right. Return to the entrance and this time take the right (east) hallway. Follow it without going into rooms to reach the stairs at the end leading up to the second floor. It's the barrel hallway! Smash barrels like crazy and you head down this hall. There are a ton of barrels here with item in them. The items are 500 GOLD COINS, PRAYER RING, SEED OF DEFENCE, 1200 GOLD COINS, SAINT'S ASHES, YGGDRASIL LEAF, HARD CHEESE, ORICHALCUM, ICICLE DIRK, CURED CHEESE, SEED OF LIFE and finally ROCK SALT. Head up the stairs at the end of the hallway. Take the stairs in the middle here that are leading down to the west. Continue down another set of stairs and pull the lever at the bottom to create a shortcut for yourself. Make your way north under the bridge and then northwest up the stairs. Most of the paths in this room lead to broken walkways, there's only one other door you can take here that leads southwest. Make your way down this outer walkway until you reach an overpass with a door leading into a small room. In this room open up the cabinet to get a DARK ROBE. Continue on the path you were taking before (it's pretty linear, just look at the map) until you reach the eastern side of the castle. At that point you need to cross the bridge to the west and break the pots in this small room to get some PREMIUM MOULD. Head downstairs now and note there is one door leading out of the room, and another set of stairs going down. Take the stairs down to the lower floor and open up the chest which contains a SILVER SHIELD. Go back upstairs again and exit the room through the other door. Head to the southern side of this large hall and examine the object on the wall. You'll get a helpful tip to keep in mind while you're in here. Head next for the northwest door of the dungeon and push the statue out of the way that is blocking the door. Follow the hall but don't go up the stairs. Instead head left of them and out the door. Around the side here you should be able to find a treasure chest with a SAGE'S STONE inside. Make sure to put it in someone like Jessica or Yangus' inventory. Directly across from the chest is a door leading back inside again. Ascend up the stairs in here and pull the lever when you reach the top. Some stairs will rise up in front of you and you might recognize them as the stairs you passed earlier. From here you need to start heading north and up that big sloping path. Go through the gated door at the top and ignore the stairs in here. Go through the door and descend down either set of stairs on the sides of this room. Basically for these next few floors you're just trying to get down the stairs. Each one is pretty linear, some of them having two sets of stairs that go down to the same floor. Just keep an eye on your map for where to go (there are no treasures in this section) and wait until the map reads "Level 1." At this point you should come out into a kind of circular townish... thing. Directly across from you at this point is some kind of red gemstone in the wall. Examine it and the HP & MP of your entire party will be restored. Begin making your way around the spiral to the west. This whole area just goes in one big circle. When you eventually make it back you might notice some things have changed. Despite the fact that it's one big circle, just keep going around and around in the same direction. On about your third pass you should come across a hallway on your right. At the end of the hall is a staircase leading down. Take these stairs and the rest is history. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RHAPTHORNE | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The Lord of Darkness. His soul is | | Number......................... 286 | imprisoned in the magical sceptre of | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Trodain Castle, while his physical | | Magic Points................... ??? | form is entombed within the Goddess | | Experience....................... 0 | Statue on the Holy Isle of Neos. He | | Gold............................. 0 | dreams of ruling the World of Light. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Rhapthorne is one nasty giant floating blob thing. He certainly isn't | | anything like I expected. Either way this tiny blob has some really nasty | | attacks. Obviously he attacks twice per turn which is annoying enough in | | itself. His normal physical attack doesn't really do any more damage than | | 100 or so, but it's those desperate attacks he uses so often that do 300 | | damage that will really get you. For this reason you have to make sure | | your party maintains maximum HP at all possible times. Despite these | | powerful attacks Rhapthorne is primarily a magic user. Kaboom is the | | spell which you will see most often in this battle which can do anywhere | | between 70 and 120 damage to your entire party depending on whether | | Jessica uses the Magic Barrier. Cold Breath is another common one often | | doing over 100 damage to the entire party (you can see why the Sage's | | Stone and Multiheal are so great here.) Finally we have the Kafrizzle | | which does between 120 and 150 to one single person, and the gleam ability | | that can put a single party member to sleep and rarely misses. Obviously | | Rhapthore has the ice wave ability which is why psyching up frequently is | | not recommended. Lastly there is one special unique ability of this boss | | called the "body flash" or something. This "dazzles" everyone in your | | party (curses) them for a single turn meaning that there is a good chance | | their attacks will deal no damage. While this does apply to spells and | | other abilities, I find it best to simply use psyche up until it wears off | | on Hero and Yangus, and cast support magic like Oomph until it wears off | | on the other characters. Healing magic is risky but sometimes necessary. | | | | On the very first turn have Hero psyche up, Yangus psyche up, Jessica cast | | the Magic Barrier spell and Angelo cast the Kabuff spell. On the next | | turn Hero and Yangus should psyche up again while Jessica casts Oomph on | | Hero and Angelo will probably need to heal. On the third turn don't risk | | any further, have both Hero and Yangus attack and Jessica cast Oomph on | | Yangus. That brings an abrupt end to order, and things will change quite | | radically from that point on. This battle can be really difficult or not | | so difficult depending on how well prepared you are. You should have a | | couple of Magic Waters on everyone ideally. Jessica or Yangus need to | | have that Sage's Stone. The basic idea is that Hero and Yangus psyche up | | not twice, but once every time. Only to 5, that's good enough. They | | should of course have Oomph on them. If it'll take you an extra turn to | | cast Oomph then psyche up to 20 otherwise it's not worth it. Rhapthorne | | always seems to cast ice wave at the most inopportune times. Other spells | | that are absolute staples of this battle are of course Jessica's Magic | | Barrier, and to a lesser extent Insulatle. Kabuff isn't nearly as useful | | here as it was in other battles. The Desperate attacks are going to be | | devastating no matter how high your defence is, and Rhapthorne uses a hell | | of a lot more magic than normal attacks. Angelo should be on constant | | healing duty, but to be honest with someone else using the Sage's Stone I | | often found Angelo had a lot of turns with nothing to do. If you can | | think of any helpful items then stick them in his inventory. The Sage's | | Stone would be great if he wasn't already the Multiheal guy. Always be | | ready to heal his MP, and always have him ready to cast Kazing if need be. | | The final two tips I have relate back to Jessica again. First of all the | | Sap spell works and it really helps for brining up that damage total. | | Second of all I highly recommend using the Bounce spell. Reflecting | | Kaboom (and Kafrizzle) now and then will go a lot way toward damaging the | | boss. When you use spells like Multiheal they'll reflect back on the | | castor not the boss. Also since the Sage's Stone isn't a spell, there is | | still a way to heal her. Overall it ends up working well in your favour. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your party is fully healed when the battle is over. Turn around and try to leave, this will automatically trigger another scene. When everything starts to collapse, run south and up the stairs. Turn right at the top of the stairs when you get to the hallway. As you run you'll be attacked by a statue. The monster doesn't have too much HP, just use minor psyched up physical attacks on it. You need to keep looping around the halls in this direction. When you reach that panel on the wall that heals you, examine it to again be fully restored. At this point you must make one more loop, and on the next pass you'll be attacked by four statues of your party members. Use whatever you find works best here. Personally for me, Yangus' Big Banga (100 scythe skill points) absolutely obliterated them. Head up the stairs to the south at that point and go back up the same way that you came down. You'll have to fight a couple of normal enemies when you get to the top but that's really no matter. Heal up your party after the battle and prepare for a boss when you leave. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RUIN | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Orichalcum | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The ruin of the Black Citadel | | Number......................... 285 | itself, risen to defend its master | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Rhapthorne from Hero and the party! | | Magic Points................... ??? | | | Experience.................... 2480 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Ruin is one hell of an awesome giant castle smashing castle monster | | machine, and that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. His only attack is | | SMASH which does almost 300 damage to a single character. Fullheal will | | be your favourite spell in this battle. Here is how I recommend going | | about fighting the battle, the tactic will change depending on who gets | | seriously hurt. Note that you can replace Angelo's Kabuff every turn with | | a Fullheal cast if need be. First turn Hero psyche up, Yangus psyche up, | | Jessica Oomph on Hero, Angelo Kabuff. Second turn Hero psyche up, Yangus | | psyche up, Jessica Oomph on Yangus, Angelo Kabuff. Third turn Hero psyche | | up, Yangus psyche up, Jessica cast Sap, Angelo use Kabuff. Fourth turn | | Hero uses Miracle Slash, Yangus attacks, Jessica casts a second sap and | | Angelo uses Kabuff. By the time you've psyched up to 50 and Jessica has | | cast Sap on the boss twice, you attacks should be doing about 1500 - 1800 | | damage with a normal hit. Jessica should then use a Sage's Stone or | | something and Angelo needs to keep casting Kabuff until he's used it like | | five times. By the time the fifth Kabuff is used, Ruin's attacks will be | | doing 150 damage instead of 300. By that point the battle is pretty much | | won assuming your party is still alive. He only has about 4000 HP. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this point you have no choice but to summon your bird again. A scene will commence automatically when the bird comes for you. At this point there is one more semi-monotonous task you must undertake before you can battle the final boss. You must collect the seven orbs of the seven sage's descendants. To help you find the orbs, the bird will give you the special ECHO FLUTE. ______________________________________________________________________________ __) /(, ) / / / / ___________________________________ +-- (___ / RB HUNTING -----------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 40 | SEARCH | 01.66 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Purple Orb.....................................|_| | | | Blue Orb.......................................|_| | | | Gold Orb.......................................|_| | | | Yellow Orb.....................................|_| | | | Green Orb......................................|_| | | | Red Orb........................................|_| | | | Silver Orb.....................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The orbs are located for the most part wherever the descendants were killed. For this reason your first destination is going to be Farebury. Remember how that one guy was killed in the burning house? Well head for the burning house now and you'll find a small purple sparkle there. Examine it to receive the PURPLE ORB. That's one down and six to go. Our journey takes us next to the Tower of Alexandria. Use a Holy Water and then climb up to the very top of the tower as you have done twice before. At the very top you will find the BLUE ORB. Your next destination is the Maella Abbey. Inside of the Abbot's small place at the back is the third orb, the GOLD ORB. Leave Maella Abbey and warp yourself to Baccarat. Upstairs in Golding's mansion there is a sparkle that will get you the YELLOW ORB. After this open up the menu and teleport back to Arcadia. Out front of Dominico's mansion by the dog cage there is a sparkle which will get you the GREEN ORB. The second last orb is located at Marta's Cottage. Check around behind at the entrance to the cave to get the RED ORB. Lastly you need to fly your bird thing back up to the High Priest's mansion and find the SILVER ORB upstairs on the second floor. Now if you are ready to take on the boss of the game, fly back near Empycchu and approach the large stone arch. Before speaking to the bird make sure that every character has at least one open slot in their item inventory. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / ___________________________________ +-- (_/ HE END ------------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~| ________________________________________| RECOMMENDED | 40 | SEARCH | 01.67 | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+-------------+----+--------+----_--| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Godbird Sceptre................................|_| | |_______________________|____________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before the battle, Empryea gives you the special sceptre that you will need in order to battle Rhapthorne. I'll explain its use in the actual battle, just listen to what she has to say for now. The bird will heal your entire party if you tell her that you're ready to fight. Each person in your party will receive the GODBIRD SCEPTRE individually and it will be placed in their inventories. The battle begins almost immediately after this scene ends. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RHAPTHORNE | HABITATS: AREAS ACCESSIBLE BY AIR | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The Lord of Darkness himself, taken | | Number......................... 287 | physical form, and grown powerful | | Hit Points..................... ??? | enough to absorb the massive Black | | Magic Points................... ??? | Citadel into his new body. | | Experience....................... 0 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The time has finally come to face off against the true final boss, the | | evil dark lord Rhapthorne. Unfortunately for you he is surrounded by a | | powerful shield that protects him from all attacks. It doesn't matter | | what you try and use, it's not going to hurt him. In order to win this | | battle there is one special condition. You must use the Godbird's Staff | | automatically placed in your character's inventory. Every character in | | your party must use it in a single turn, and then you have to do that a | | total of seven times in order to summon all of the sages. Basically this | | means that you'll be using the sceptre with all of your characters, then | | probably healing for a couple of turns and casting support magic, healing, | | using the sceptre etc until eventually all seven sages are summoned. | | | | The problem is that the boss is powerful and finding frequent | | opportunities to have all four characters use their turns is uncommon. | | I recommend you begin the battle with Hero defending, Yangus using Sage's | | Stone (Yangus has low agility so hopefully he'll use it after the boss has | | attacked) Jessica using Magic Shield and Angelo using Kabuff. On the next | | turn have all of them use the Godbird's Staff. After this you'll need to | | do a little healing most like and wait until there is another opportune | | moment. I'll outline the basic attacks that Rhapthorne commonly uses. | | | | His primary attack is a nasty one where he flings the ball off the end of | | his staff and hits not one, but two random party members for anywhere | | between 125 and 150 physical damage. He also likes to cast the Kaboom | | spell which does about 100 damage or so to every one in your party, and | | can be weakened with magic barriers. Kafrizzle is by far his weakest spell | | usually only doing between 75 and 100 damage to a single character. | | Sometimes the fact that he actually attacks twice per turn can be | | deceptive. The ball fling seems like two attacks but he'll always follow | | or precede it with another. Finally as you have come to expect, the wave | | of ice is a very common attack to use. Fortunately he uses it so often | | that most of the time it doesn't really affect you at all. Just make sure | | you spend the time to re-cast the Magic Barrier if possible. Speaking of | | wasting turns, Rhapthorne does do one thing you haven't seen in awhile | | that really gives you the added boost you need to win. One of his attacks | | is simply to "laugh maniacally" and waste an attack. On occasion he even | | laughs twice in a row wasting his entire turn. After all seven sages have | | been summoned the battle ends. Your party is refreshed and the true boss | | battle begins anew. Just for the record, if you die on the main boss | | battle that follows this one, you don't have to fight the first again if | | you come back directly from the church (you will if you load your game.) | | | | Considering that it's the same enemy I will keep it as part of the same | | boss strategy, but he's got a lot of new (and old tricks up his sleeve). | | He fights like a more powerful version of the floating-blob-Rhapthorne | | that you may remember from the Black Citadel. One of the most difficult | | things I found in this battle that wasn't the case in most other boss | | battles, is that Rhapthorne has quite a bit more agility than your party. | | For this reason he almost always uses his two attacks before Angelo is | | able to cast Multiheal when the party really needs it. For this reason, | | healing in preparation for attack rather than in response became an issue. | | For example, using Multiheal when the party was at full health so that | | when Rhapthore would attack, the Multiheal would come after and restore | | the party's HP. It's not a foolproof method, but you may need it. | | | | Rhapthorne has an absolute plethora of attacks in his arsenal. He's got a | | ton of ways to damage your entire party. First he likes to summon meteors | | from the sky to rain down on your party, doing a solid 80 to 90 damage to | | everyone. In addition his cold breath is as nasty as ever, doing about | | 120 damage to every member of your party. More common than both of these | | is a physical attack called arm smash which does somewhere between 100 and | | 120 physical damage to every member of your party. He can also belch | | blazing fire but I find this does a lot less damage than the cold breath, | | about 60 to 75 to each party member. He likes to "rain down the anger of | | the gods" with an attack that seems to hit randomly for about 90 damage or | | so to a bunch of people. Lastly there's the Kafrizzle spell which does a | | pathetic 80 damage or so to just one character. Kafrizzle is usually | | preceded by something called the prayer which gathers "malevolent energy" | | and restores his magic. Nothing really happens during or after this | | spell, all I can think is that he is recharging MP. Obviously he likes to | | use the wave of ice every once in awhile, but I find he does it much less | | often than he did with the shield around him. Lastly we come to the most | | powerful attack he's got, the one which will make or break the battle. | | First, he will start by using meditate which heals 500 HP (that's bad | | enough.) The attack that ALWAYS follows this one is a release of magic | | energy that does 200 to 250 damage to every member of the party. If he | | uses meditate as his first attack in a turn, then there is no way to | | predict this and you have to be ready at all times. It's not too common | | (he used it twice in the battle in my case) but always devastating. Did I | | mention he likes to gleam at you and put someone to sleep? Well he does. | | | | The battle strategy I used to defeat him was quite a bit different than | | what I used to defeat other bosses. The most notable difference is that I | | never once psyched up through the entire battle. I found that there were | | too many variables involved, and waves of ice, and other things that kept | | interrupting things. I'm not saying it's ineffective here, just that | | personally I think the battle can be better fought without it. The other | | main difference was that Hero was the ONLY offensive player for the entire | | battle. The strategy is as follows: Hero should use Miracle Slash every | | single turn for the entire battle, the only possible exception is if you | | really need to use a Magic Water on Angelo (he should have some in his | | inventory.) Next Yangus should use the Sage's Stone every single turn for | | the entire battle, the only exception being if you really need to use | | magic water. Jessica isn't nearly as specialized, but her duties are | | clear and should be as follows. Casting Oomph on Hero takes top priority. | | Next in line is one of either Sap, or the Magic Barrier spell. Jessica | | should cast Sap on Rhapthorne not once, but twice to really lower his | | defence. At that point an Oomphed Hero equipped with the Liquid Metal | | Sword will be able to do about 400 damage per turn, with no psyching. | | Angelo is your 90% Multiheal character, and 10% Kabuff character. I don't | | recommend any more than one or two Kabuffs, it's just such a waste if | | Rhapthorne uses wave of ice. The final paragraph discusses battle flow. | | | | To be completely honest, I found that Rhapthorne got easier as the battle | | went on, but it could have just been luck. At the beginning he was all | | about the arm smash and meditating, but by the end he seemed stuck on both | | the fire breath and flinging the ball. If you encounter a similar | | situation then that might be a good time to cast a few more Kabuffs and | | the Insulatle spell. (Having Magic Barrier and Insulatle in place will | | make the fire breath do little more then 10 to 25 damage.) Hero attacking | | every turn is important. This will not be a fast battle, but the damage | | adds up. Rhapthorne has approximately 5500 health, so doing 400 a turn in | | ideal conditions is definitely going to get your there eventually. | | Always make sure that someone heals every turn, preferably Yangus and the | | Sage's Stone since his agility is low and it should come after Rhapthorne. | | In my case the turn order seemed really randomized which made things | | difficult, but improvisation is the name of the game here. Good luck! | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have no intention of covering the ending for you, after all that I highly doubt you'll need directions in this case. Suffice to say there are no more surprises, you have beaten the game so just sit back and enjoy it! Congratulations! ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 02.00 || Minigames & Sidequests || 02.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that there are many more minigames and sidequests that this guide does not cover. Perhaps in a future version they will be included, but for now I would recommend you check other guides available online for information relating to bonus dungeons and all sorts of other post-game material. ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) ASINOS ------------------------------------------------ 02.01 --+ There are two casinos in the game, one in Pickham and one in Baccarat. The one in Pickham has Slot Machines and a Bingo Table, while the one in Baccarat has Slot Machines, a Bingo Table and a Roulette Table. The betting limit is higher in Baccarat and the prizes are more expensive (and a lot better.) Overall the Pickham casino is a nice place to have fun, but totally worthless when it comes to earning serious tokens. Tokens can be purchased for 20 Gold Coins apiece. They act like currency usable only in the casino. Real money can be made off them however buy purchasing a lot of prizes and then selling the prizes. Some great weapons and armour are available at the Baccarat casino. Overall it's well worth it to flex your gambling muscles. The slot machines are exactly as you would expect from any slot machine. You put in a certain number of tokens which will allow you to bet on a certain number of rows. In the even any of those rows get three icons straight then the token you bet will be multiplied by a certain number. There's not much to say about slot machines, first because they are so simple and second because they really aren't that great for winning tokens at all. Moving on. With Bingo you can bet anywhere between 100 and 300 tokens depending on whether you're at the Pickham casino of the Baccarat casino. The slime will continue to pull balls out of the pot. The multiplier starts out really high (meaning that if you create a line from the first four tokens then you'll get a huge payoff) and slowly goes down the more balls are pulled as your chances go up. In the end your chances of winning are still extremely slim, and even when you do win the payoff isn't very much. These games may be a fun little aside early in the game, but when you want tokens Roulette is the way to go. The Roulette table is where it's at for the professional gamblers. On average I'd say using that you can go from 500 tokens to 200,000 tokens in between two and four hours depending on your luck. I'll outline the basic structure of the game and some tactics I like to use to improve the odds of winning. Roulette is a relatively simple game where you place your bet on a square with a number of it. The wheel is spun and if it lands on your number you win. You can bet on multiple numbers, but your winnings will start to decrease the more squares you bet on. The board itself is set up as the diagram shows: +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 03 | 06 | 09 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | << | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | 00 | 02 | 05 | 08 | 11 | 14 | 17 | 20 | 23 | 26 | << | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 01 | 04 | 05 | 10 | 13 | 16 | 19 | 22 | 25 | << | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | ^^^^ | ^^^^ | ^^^^ | | | | | +------------+----+-------+---------+---+-------------+ | | | | | | EVENS | RED | BLUE | ODDS | | | | | | +------------+------------+-------------+-------------+ The odds are pretty much exactly as you would expect them. There are a total of 28 squares on the board so placing a bet on one square will reward you 28x the tokens if you win, but you only have a 1/28 chance of actually winning. In other words, statistics dictate that if you play one square forever you will eventually end up making the exact same amount of money as you lose. Most squares on the board are like this with a few exceptions (most of them being bad.) The worst squares on the board are the BLUE and EVEN squares. They pay exactly 2x which means you should have a 50% chance of winning right? Well it doesn't work that way. Since 0 is neither an even number, nor a blue number and "28" isn't actually a square on the board (0 is the 28th number) that's two squares you're missing when you choose BLUE and EVEN. RED and ODD are slightly better since 27 is odd and on the board, but since 0 still doesn't count, RED and ODD still remain as squares with a higher chance of losing money than gaining money. Avoid using those tiles in any circumstance. Statistically the best option on the board is the double column. This gives you 6/26 chance of winning a 5x multiplier, and it's virtually the only way you can set it up so it's impossible for you to lose money. Bet full on every double column, and the two single columns on the left and right sides of the board. Total cost is 5000, every square on the board pays 5000 except the ones on the side which pay 6500. The only possible way you can lose money in that case is if it lands on 0. Unfortunately a profit margin of only 1500 isn't that helpful so it's much better to take risks anyway. There is one super advantage you have that ensures a patient person can basically clean the place out without fail. That advantage is "saving and loading." You can take all the risks you want. If you lose money then simply reset the game. If you win money then save. Let's start out with say 500 tokens (not too expensive) and see what we can do to turn it into 200,000 tokens. I'll use the diagram to illustrate a couple of ideas. Obviously with only 500 tokens, the biggest payoff would but to put it all on one square, and hope for that 1/28 chance. Statistically yes but it takes too much time. A better idea is to go for higher odds with lower payoff, to build your money gradually so you have more money to bet, and can get a higher payoff with higher odds. I would recommend taking your 500 tokens and betting them all on a double column (position where the tokens highlight six squares, three per column.) The payoff for this is x5 and the odds are approximately 25%. With no more than maybe two game loads you should have 2500 tokens. Go back to the church and save your game with 2500 tokens. You're doing fine. Let's now turn those 2500 tokens into something a little more substantial. Personally (it's just a preference) I like to focus in the middle of the board. I would recommend you take your 2500 tokens and bet them on squares near the middle of the board that cover a minimum of four panels to keep your odds of winning up. You'll be looking at around a 50/50 chance here of doubling your money or more. As you're building your money you will gradually start to narrow your bets hoping to collect a lot more money off of them, but never bet "only" on single squares. What I like to do is bet in really focused areas so that there are about three or four squares on the board that can win HUGE, a few that win well, and most that don't do much. As example of this would best be illustrated, so take a look at the diagram below. +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 03 | 06 | 09 | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 21 | 24 | 27 | << | | | | | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-OOOOOOOOOOOOOO--+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | | | | | | 00 | 02 | 05 | 08 | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 20 | 23 | 26 | << | | | | | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-OOOOOOOOOOOOOO--+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | | | | | | | 01 | 04 | 05 | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 19 | 22 | 25 | << | | | | | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOO | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-OOOOOOOOOOOOOO--+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | ^^^^ | ^^^^ | ^^^^ | | | | | +------------+----+-------+---------+---+-------------+ | | | | | | EVENS | RED | BLUE | ODDS | | | | | | +------------+------------+-------------+-------------+ It's not very pretty but the idea is that focusing all your bets in one place (each of those being 500's) will eventually hand the ball land on either 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 or 19 and lead to potential payouts of anywhere from 20,000 or so to like 60,000 if it hits fourteen. Once you're starting to get tokens in the tens of thousands, I'll show you my personal favourite bet and how I usually work it. I imagine there are better things statistically: +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 03 | 06 | 09 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | << | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-+-----+ | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | OOO | | 00 | OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | OOO | | | OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | OOO | | +-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-+-----+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 01 | 04 | 05 | 10 | 13 | 16 | 19 | 22 | 25 | << | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | ^^^^ | ^^^^ | ^^^^ | | | | | +------------+----+-------+---------+---+-------------+ | | | | | | EVENS | RED | BLUE | ODDS | | | | | | +------------+------------+-------------+-------------+ This bet costs you approximately 26,000 tokens to make. If the ball lands on any number in the top row or bottom row, you will win about 14,000 tokens and take a loss of about 12,000. There is approximately a 66% chance of this happening. There is about a 33% chance that it will land in the middle row. Just about any number in the middle row (2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26) will result in a payoff of between 50,000 and 60,000. In simple terms this will result in a profit of about 30,000, 33% of the time. In my case I load the file and try once. If I hit the top or bottom row, I'll take the 14,000 loss and try again. If I hit bottom or top row twice then I will reset the game. If I hit middle row on the first try I will always go back to the church and save my profit of 30,000. Given that the most expensive prize costs 200,000 you can see that this payoff does put a big dent in that, and people who get lucky can probably net 200,000 in about an hour. The best tip is not to be impatient. If you keep losing then reset and start again with all the tokens you had before. By the time you end up winning on a losing streak, you still won't be back up to what you could have if you just load the game. Now that you've earned a ton of tokens it's time to cash them in. Below are lists off all the items you can purchase in both Baccarat and Pickham casinos. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PICKHAM CASINO | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Magic Water | Pickham | 100 Tokens | | Silver Platter | Pickham | 500 Tokens | | Agility Ring | Pickham | 1000 Tokens | | Titan Belt | Pickham | 1500 Tokens | | Rune Staff | Pickham | 3000 Tokens | | Platinum Headgear | Pickham | 5000 Tokens | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BACCARAT CASINO | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Prayer Ring | Baccarat | 1000 Tokens | | Spangled Dress | Baccarat | 3000 Tokens | | Saint's Ashes | Baccarat | 5000 Tokens | | Falcon Blade | Baccarat | 10,000 Tokens | | Liquid Metal Armour | Baccarat | 50,000 Tokens | | Gringham Whip | Baccarat | 200,000 Tokens | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / ) _/__ / / ) / +-- (_/ RINCESS MINNIE'S CASTLE ------------------------------------ 02.02 --+ This is where you redeem all of those Mini-Medals that you've been collecting throughout the game so far. There are a total of 115 Mini-Medals to be found in the game, and the prizes that Princess Minnie gives you stop at about 110, so don't feel too bad if you happen to miss a couple here and there. All you need to do is speak to the Princess and she will automatically take the medals that you have and exchange them for prizes. This becomes available the instant you get the boat. Princess Minnie's Castle is located on the small island south of the first continent where you start the game. Below is a list of all the rewards you can get and the number of medals needed for each: ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | NUMBER OF MEDALS NEEDED | REWARD | |-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------| | 28 Medals | Fishnet Stockings | | 36 Medals | Posh Waistcoat | | 45 Medals | Staff of Divine Wrath | | 52 Medals | Gold Nugget | | 60 Medals | Meteorite Bracer | | 68 Medals | Miracle Sword | | 75 Medals | Sacred Armour | | 83 Medals | Orichalcum | | 90 Medals | Metal King Helm | | 99 Medals | Dangerous Bustier | | 110 Medals | Flail of Destruction | |_______________________________|____________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ (, / | /---| ) / |_ +-- (_/ DDITIONAL INFO -------------------------------------- 02.03 --+ -- Information submitted by Nerfherder The first place to visit before going into the Dark Citadel is Baccarat at night. Go to the left when you enter the city. Go to where the Item shop is located. You will encounter 3 citizens fighting a King Squid. Beat the King Squid and the citizens will bribe you with tokens to not tell Cash and Carrie about the monsters entering Baccarat. Say no the first time and she will offer more tokens. I believe it was 200 at first and then 400 then next time. The next place to go to is Pickham. Go to Dodgy Dave (behind the pub) and he will offer money and rare items for items you can make in your alchemy pot. This can probably be done after getting Medea back from Red, but I did this after the sky "turned red" before entering the Dark Citadel. Unfortunately I can't remember everything he asked for but I can say it is only 5-6 items and then he starts over again asking for the same items. 1. Special Medicine = 400 coins 2. reinforced boomerang = 1200 coins 3. Ring of Immunity = ??? 4. Robe of Serinity = ??? 5. Sandstorm Spear = ??? 6. Crimson Robe = Big Boss Shield I can't remember everything he gives out, it was 4 in the morning and I didn't think to write it down. The second time you trade with him he only gives coins out so I was unable to remember every item. The Big Boss Shield lowers the enemies defence when used in battle and gives the wearer 50 in defence. You can get Nook Grass, to make the Crimson Robe, from Marta's Cottage. Go in the back and talk to her son. He will give you a bunch(4) of Nook Grass. ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 03.00 || Shop Inventory || 03.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== FAREBURY ======================================================= 03.01 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Cypress Stick | Farebury | 10 Gold | | Oaken Club | Farebury | 110 Gold | | Giant Mallet | Farebury | 240 Gold | | Copper Sword | Farebury | 270 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Bandit's Grass Shirt | Farebury | 35 Gold | | Wayfarer's Clothes | Farebury | 70 Gold | | Leather Armour | Farebury | 180 Gold | | Leather Shield | Farebury | 70 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Farebury | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Farebury | 10 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Farebury | 25 Gold | | Plain Clothes | Farebury | 30 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ALEXANDRIA ===================================================== 03.02 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Oaken Club | Alexandria | 110 Gold | | Giant Mallet | Alexandria | 240 Gold | | Copper Sword | Alexandria | 270 Gold | | Boomerang | Alexandria | 420 Gold | | Stone Axe | Alexandria | 550 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Leather Kilt | Alexandria | 220 Gold | | Scale Armour | Alexandria | 350 Gold | | Scale Shield | Alexandria | 180 Gold | | Medicinal Herb | Alexandria | 8 Gold | | Holy Water | Alexandria | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Alexandria | 25 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== PORT PROSPECT ================================================== 03.03 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Stone Axe | Port Prospect | 550 Gold | | Iron Lance | Port Prospect | 750 Gold | | Farmer's Scythe | Port Prospect | 910 Gold | | Leather Kilt | Port Prospect | 220 Gold | | Scale Armour | Port Prospect | 350 Gold | | Scale Shield | Port Prospect | 180 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Port Prospect | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Port Prospect | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Port Prospect | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Port Prospect | 25 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== PEREGUIN QUAY ================================================== 03.04 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Bronze Knife | Pereguin Quay | 150 Gold | | Thorn Whip | Pereguin Quay | 350 Gold | | Iron Lance | Pereguin Quay | 750 Gold | | Farmer's Scythe | Pereguin Quay | 910 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Scale Armour | Pereguin Quay | 250 Gold | | Silk Robe | Pereguin Quay | 420 Gold | | Chain Mail | Pereguin Quay | 500 Gold | | Scale Shield | Pereguin Quay | 180 Gold | | Pointy Hat | Pereguin Quay | 70 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP [#1] | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Pereguin Quay | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Pereguin Quay | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Pereguin Quay | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Pereguin Quay | 25 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP [#2] | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Cypress Stick | Pereguin Quay | 10 Gold | | Pot Lid | Pereguin Quay | 40 Gold | | Bandana | Pereguin Quay | 45 Gold | | Hairband | Pereguin Quay | 150 Gold | | Slime Earrings | Pereguin Quay | 400 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== SIMPLETON ====================================================== 03.05 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Rapier | Simpleton | 300 Gold | | Thorn Whip | Simpleton | 350 Gold | | Wizard's Staff | Simpleton | 1300 Gold | | Long Spear | Simpleton | 1700 Gold | | Sledgehammer | Simpleton | 1700 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Simpleton | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Simpleton | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Simpleton | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Simpleton | 25 Gold | | Chain Mail | Simpleton | 500 Gold | | Turban | Simpleton | 410 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ASCANTHA ======================================================= 03.06 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Dagger | Ascantha | 350 Gold | | Short Bow | Ascantha | 750 Gold | | Wizard's Staff | Ascantha | 1300 Gold | | Edged Boomerang | Ascantha | 1360 Gold | | Steel Broadsword | Ascantha | 2000 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Leather Dress | Ascantha | 380 Gold | | Bronze Armour | Ascantha | 840 Gold | | Iron Cuirass | Ascantha | 1000 Gold | | Bronze Shield | Ascantha | 370 Gold | | Turban | Ascantha | 410 Gold | | Slime Earrings | Ascantha | 400 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Ascantha | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Ascantha | 10 Gold | | Rennet Powder | Ascantha | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Ascantha | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Ascantha | 25 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Ascantha | 30 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== PICKHAM ======================================================== 03.07 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Poison Moth Knife | Pickham | 950 Gold | | Hunter's Bow | Pickham | 1700 Gold | | Steel Broadsword | Pickham | 2000 Gold | | Iron Axe | Pickham | 2600 Gold | | Holy Lance | Pickham | 2700 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Bronze Armour | Pickham | 840 Gold | | Leather Cape | Pickham | 1100 Gold | | Dancer's Costume | Pickham | 1300 Gold | | Iron Shield | Pickham | 720 Gold | | Iron Helmet | Pickham | 1100 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Pickham | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Pickham | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Pickham | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Pickham | 25 Gold | | Amor Seco Essence | Pickham | 120 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== WEST TRODAIN CHURCH ============================================ 03.08 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | West Trodain Church | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | West Trodain Church | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | West Trodain Church | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | West Trodain Church | 25 Gold | | Leather Cape | West Trodain Church | 1100 Gold | | Fur Hood | West Trodain Church | 1400 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== PRINCESS MINNIE'S CASTLE ======================================= 03.09 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Minnie's Castle | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Minnie's Castle | 10 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Minnie's Castle | 25 Gold | | Red Mould | Minnie's Castle | 30 Gold | | Waterweed Mould | Minnie's Castle | 35 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== BACCARAT ======================================================= 03.10 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Poison Needle | Baccarat | 1900 Gold | | Steel Scythe | Baccarat | 3700 Gold | | Dancer's Costume | Baccarat | 1300 Gold | | Iron Armour | Baccarat | 1800 Gold | | Light Shield | Baccarat | 2250 Gold | | Coral Hairpin | Baccarat | 950 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Baccarat | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Baccarat | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Baccarat | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Baccarat | 25 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Baccarat | 30 Gold | | Amor Seco Essence | Baccarat | 120 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== PEDDLER'S TENT ================================================= 03.11 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Peddler's Tent | 8 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Peddler's Tent | 30 Gold | | Holy Water | Peddler's Tent | 20 Gold | | Dream Blade | Peddler's Tent | 4700 Gold | | Turtle Shell | Peddler's Tent | 2300 Gold | | Cloak of Evasion | Peddler's Tent | 3000 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ARGONIA ======================================================== 03.12 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Battle-Axe | Argonia | 4300 Gold | | Partisan | Argonia | 4400 Gold | | Silver Mail | Argonia | 4300 Gold | | Magic Vestment | Argonia | 4400 Gold | | Light Shield | Argonia | 2250 Gold | | Silver Tiara | Argonia | 1450 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Argonia | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Argonia | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Argonia | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Argonia | 25 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Argonia | 30 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ARGONIA BAZAAR ================================================= 03.13 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Chain Whip | Argonia Bazaar | 2200 Gold | | Razor Wing Boomerang | Argonia Bazaar | 3800 Gold | | Zombiesbane | Argonia Bazaar | 6300 Gold | | War Hammer | Argonia Bazaar | 6700 Gold | | Falcon Knife | Argonia Bazaar | 7700 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Heavy Armour | Argonia Bazaar | 5000 Gold | | Silk Bustier | Argonia Bazaar | 5500 Gold | | Magic Armour | Argonia Bazaar | 6100 Gold | | Magic Shield | Argonia Bazaar | 5000 Gold | | Magical Hat | Argonia Bazaar | 2700 Gold | | Iron Mask | Argonia Bazaar | 3500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ACCESSORY SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Bunny Tail | Argonia Bazaar | 50 Gold | | Gold Bracer | Argonia Bazaar | 350 Gold | | Gold Ring | Argonia Bazaar | 2000 Gold | | Tough Guy Tattoo | Argonia Bazaar | 2400 Gold | | Scholar's Specs | Argonia Bazaar | 2700 Gold | | Ruby of Protection | Argonia Bazaar | 3100 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Rennet Powder | Argonia Bazaar | 10 Gold | | Fresh Milk | Argonia Bazaar | 30 Gold | | Red Mould | Argonia Bazaar | 30 Gold | | Waterweed Mould | Argonia Bazaar | 35 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SOME GUY | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Argonia Bazaar | 24 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Argonia Bazaar | 30 Gold | | Holy Water | Argonia Bazaar | 60 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Argonia Bazaar | 75 Gold | | Prayer Ring | Argonia Bazaar | 9000 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ARCADIA ======================================================== 03.14 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Sword Breaker | Arcadia | 5500 Gold | | Swallowtail | Arcadia | 6800 Gold | | Bastard Sword | Arcadia | 8800 Gold | | Hell Scythe | Arcadia | 9500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Cloak of Evasion | Arcadia | 6100 Gold | | Magic Armour | Arcadia | 3000 Gold | | Magic Bikini | Arcadia | 13,800 Gold | | Magic Shield | Arcadia | 5000 Gold | | Magical Hat | Arcadia | 2700 Gold | | Iron Mask | Arcadia | 3500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Arcadia | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Arcadia | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Arcadia | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Arcadia | 25 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Arcadia | 30 Gold | | Rockbomb Shard | Arcadia | 450 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ORKUTSK ======================================================== 03.15 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Velvet Cape | Orkutsk | 9400 Gold | | Dragon Mail | Orkutsk | 12,000 Gold | | Dragon Shield | Orkutsk | 6900 Gold | | Ice Shield | Orkutsk | 8500 Gold | | Iron Headgear | Orkutsk | 5500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Orkutsk | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Orkutsk | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Orkutsk | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Orkutsk | 25 Gold | | Amor Seco Essence | Orkutsk | 120 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== DESERT CHAPEL ================================================== 03.16 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Desert Chapel | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Desert Chapel | 10 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Desert Chapel | 25 Gold | | Amor Seco Essence | Desert Chapel | 120 Gold | | Dream Blade | Desert Chapel | 4700 Gold | |_______________________________|____________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== SAEVELLA CATHEDRAL ============================================= 03.17 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Steel Scythe | Savella Cathedral | 3700 Gold | | Eagle Dagger | Savella Cathedral | 3900 Gold | | Partisan | Savella Cathedral | 4400 Gold | | Holy Silver Rapier | Savella Cathedral | 6600 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Full Plate Armour | Savella Cathedral | 2300 Gold | | Silver Mail | Savella Cathedral | 4300 Gold | | Magic Vestment | Savella Cathedral | 4400 Gold | | Steel Shield | Savella Cathedral | 2500 Gold | | Iron Mask | Savella Cathedral | 3500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Savella Cathedral | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Savella Cathedral | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Savella Cathedral | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Savella Cathedral | 25 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Savella Cathedral | 30 Gold | | Gold Rosary | Savella Cathedral | 500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== EMPYCHHU ======================================================= 03.18 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Holy Water | Empycchu | 20 Gold | | Magical Mace | Empycchu | 9000 Gold | | Mercury's Rapier | Empycchu | 10,500 Gold | | Bandit's Mail | Empycchu | 13,000 Gold | | Flame Shield | Empycchu | 7100 Gold | | Mythril Helm | Empycchu | 13,300 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== DARK EMPYCCHU ================================================== 03.19 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EQUIPMENT SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Holy Water | Dark Empycchu | 20 Gold | | Magical Mace | Dark Empycchu | 9000 Gold | | Mercury's Rapier | Dark Empycchu | 10,500 Gold | | Bandit Mail | Dark Empycchu | 13,000 Gold | | Flame Shield | Dark Empycchu | 7100 Gold | | Mythril Helm | Dark Empycchu | 13,300 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== TRYAN GULLY ==================================================== 03.20 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Dragonsbane | Tryan Gully | 11,000 Gold | | King Axe | Tryan Gully | 17,000 Gold | | Blizzard Blade | Tryan Gully | 21,000 Gold | | Great Bow | Tryan Gully | 28,000 Gold | | Heavy Hatchet | Tryan Gully | 29,000 Gold | | Staff of Resurrection | Tryan Gully | 45,000 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Gigant Armour | Tryan Gully | 18,000 Gold | | Mirror Armour | Tryan Gully | 21,000 Gold | | Mirror Shield | Tryan Gully | 15,000 Gold | | Power Shield | Tryan Gully | 18,000 Gold | | Thinking Cap | Tryan Gully | 13,000 Gold | | Great Helm | Tryan Gully | 16,000 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Flowing Dress | Tryan Gully | 14,800 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Tryan Gully | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Tryan Gully | 20 Gold | | Amor Seco Essence | Tryan Gully | 120 Gold | | Magic Water | Tryan Gully | 300 Gold | | Rockbomb Shard | Tryan Gully | 450 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== NEOS =========================================================== 03.21 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WEAPON SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Edged Boomerang | Neos | 1360 Gold | | Chain Whip | Neos | 2200 Gold | | Steel Scythe | Neos | 3700 Gold | | Dream Blade | Neos | 4700 Gold | | Holy Silver Rapier | Neos | 6600 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARMOUR SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Full Plate Armour | Neos | 2300 Gold | | Silver Cuirass | Neos | 3200 Gold | | Light Shield | Neos | 2250 Gold | | Steel Shield | Neos | 2500 Gold | | Iron Mask | Neos | 3500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM SHOP | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Neos | 8 Gold | | Antidotal Herb | Neos | 10 Gold | | Holy Water | Neos | 20 Gold | | Chimaera Wing | Neos | 25 Gold | | Gold Rosary | Neos | 500 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ITEM PEDDLER | LOCATION | PRICE | |-------------------------------+---------------------+----------------------| | Medicinal Herb | Neos | 8 Gold | | Moonwort Bulb | Neos | 30 Gold | | Holy Water | Neos | 20 Gold | | Dream Blade | Neos | 4700 Gold | | Turtle Shell | Neos | 2300 Gold | | Cloak of Evasion | Neos | 3000 Gold | |_______________________________|_____________________|______________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 04.00 || Character Skillsets || 04.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== HERO ========================================================= 04.01 ==+ +============+====================+=========+==============================+ | POINTS | SKILLSET | TYPE | ABILITY/SPELL NAME | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 4 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +5 Sword Attack | | 9 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Dragon Slash | | 15 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Flame Slash | | 22 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +10 Sword Attack | | 30 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Metal Slash | | 40 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | Increase Sword Critical | | 52 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Falcon Slash | | 66 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +25 Sword Attack | | 82 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Miracle Slash | | 100 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Gigaslash | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 3 Points | Spear Skills | Trait | +5 Spear Attack | | 7 Points | Spear Skills | Ability | Mercurial Thrust | | 12 Points | Spear Skills | Ability | Thunder Thrust | | 18 Points | Spear Skills | Trait | +10 Spear Attack | | 25 Points | Spear Skills | Ability | Multithrust | | 34 Points | Spear Skills | Trait | Increase Spear Critical | | 45 Points | Spear Skills | Ability | Clean Sweep | | 59 Points | Spear Skills | Ability | Lightning Thrust | | 77 Points | Spear Skills | Trait | +25 Spear Attack | | 100 Points | Spear Skills | Ability | Lightning Storm | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 6 Points | Boomerang Skills | Ability | Crosscutter Throw | | 12 Points | Boomerang Skills | Trait | +5 Boomerang Attack | | 18 Points | Boomerang Skills | Ability | Power Throw | | 25 Points | Boomerang Skills | Trait | +10 Boomerang Attack | | 32 Points | Boomerang Skills | Ability | Firebird Throw | | 40 Points | Boomerang Skills | Trait | +15 Boomerang Attack | | 52 Points | Boomerang Skills | Ability | Super Throw | | 66 Points | Boomerang Skills | Trait | +20 Boomerang Attack | | 82 Points | Boomerang Skills | Ability | Starburst Throw | | 100 Points | Boomerang Skills | Ability | Gigathrow | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 4 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +5 Unarmed Attack | | 11 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Defending Champion | | 17 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Stones' Throw | | 24 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Knuckle Sandwich | | 33 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +20 Unarmed Attack | | 42 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Thin Air | | 52 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | Increased Unarmed Critical | | 70 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Multifists | | 82 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Boulder Toss | | 100 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +50 Unarmed Attack | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 8 Points | Courage | Spell | Zoom | | 16 Points | Courage | Spell | Tingle | | 28 Points | Courage | Spell | Holy Protection | | 40 Points | Courage | Spell | Fizzle | | 48 Points | Courage | Spell | Zap | | 56 Points | Courage | Trait | 3/4 MP Spellcasting | | 70 Points | Courage | Spell | Kamikazee | | 82 Points | Courage | Spell | Omniheal | | 90 Points | Courage | Trait | 1/2 MP Spellcasting | | 100 Points | Courage | Spell | Kazap | +============+====================+=========+==============================+ +== YANGUS ======================================================= 04.02 ==+ +============+====================+=========+==============================+ | POINTS | SKILLSET | TYPE | ABILITY/SPELL NAME | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 6 Points | Axe Skills | Ability | Helm Splitter | | 12 Points | Axe Skills | Trait | +5 Axe Attack | | 19 Points | Axe Skills | Ability | Hatchet Man | | 26 Points | Axe Skills | Trait | Increase Axe Critical | | 34 Points | Axe Skills | Trait | +10 Axe Attack | | 42 Points | Axe Skills | Ability | Parallax | | 54 Points | Axe Skills | Ability | Axes of Evil | | 66 Points | Axe Skills | Ability | Executioner | | 82 Points | Axe Skills | Trait | +20 Axe Attack | | 100 Points | Axe Skills | Ability | Typhoeus' Maul | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 9 Points | Club Skills | Trait | +5 Club Attack | | 19 Points | Club Skills | Ability | Heart Breaker | | 25 Points | Club Skills | Ability | Penny Pincher | | 32 Points | Club Skills | Ability | Monster Masher | | 48 Points | Club Skills | Trait | +10 Club Critical | | 59 Points | Club Skills | Trait | Increased Club Critical | | 71 Points | Club Skills | Ability | Mind Breaker | | 82 Points | Club Skills | Trait | +25 Club Attack | | 93 Points | Club Skills | Ability | Gold Rush | | 100 Points | Club Skills | Ability | Devil Crusher | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 12 Points | Scythe Skills | Trait | +5 Scythe Attack | | 22 Points | Scythe Skills | Ability | Steal Sickle | | 32 Points | Scythe Skills | Ability | Wind Sickles | | 42 Points | Scythe Skills | Trait | +10 Scythe Attack | | 50 Points | Scythe Skills | Ability | Grim Reaper | | 60 Points | Scythe Skills | Trait | Increased Scythe Critical | | 70 Points | Scythe Skills | Ability | Stainless Steal Sickle | | 80 Points | Scythe Skills | Trait | +25 Scythe Attack | | 90 Points | Scythe Skills | Ability | Grimmer Reaper | | 100 Points | Scythe Skills | Ability | Big Banga | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 3 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +5 Unarmed Attack | | 7 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +10 Unarmed Attack | | 12 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Knuckle Sandwich | | 18 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | Increased Unarmed Critical | | 25 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +20 Unarmed Attack | | 33 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Spell | Padfoot | | 42 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Thin Air | | 60 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Multifists | | 77 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +45 Unarmed Attack | | 100 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Boulder Toss | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 4 Points | Humanity | Spell | Whistle | | 10 Points | Humanity | Spell | Heal | | 16 Points | Humanity | Spell | Nose For Treasure | | 22 Points | Humanity | Ability | Warcry | | 32 Points | Humanity | Spell | Share Magic | | 42 Points | Humanity | Spell | Kabuff | | 55 Points | Humanity | Ability | Underpants Dance | | 68 Points | Humanity | Spell | Midheal | | 82 Points | Humanity | Spell | Kerplunk | | 100 Points | Humanity | Ability | Golden Oldies | +============+====================+=========+==============================+ +== JESSICA ====================================================== 04.03 ==+ +============+====================+=========+==============================+ | POINTS | SKILLSET | TYPE | ABILITY/SPELL/TRAIT | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 4 Points | Knife Skills | Trait | +5 Knife Attack | | 9 Points | Knife Skills | Ability | Toxic Dagger | | 15 Points | Knife Skills | Trait | +10 Knife Attack | | 22 Points | Knife Skills | Ability | Assassin's Stab | | 30 Points | Knife Skills | Trait | Can Equip Swords | | 40 Points | Knife Skills | Trait | Increased Knife/Sword Critcl | | 52 Points | Knife Skills | Trait | +20 Knife/Sword Attack | | 66 Points | Knife Skills | Ability | Toxic Sword | | 82 Points | Knife Skills | Trait | +30 Knife/Sword Attack | | 100 Points | Knife Skills | Ability | Sudden Death | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 5 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | +5 Whip Attack | | 10 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | Whiplash | | 16 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | +10 Whip Attack | | 23 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | Twin Dragon Lash | | 32 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | Lady's Thong | | 43 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | +15 Whip Attack | | 55 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | Lashings of Love | | 68 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | +25 Whip Attack | | 82 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | Queen's Thong | | 100 Points | Whip Skills | Trait | Serpent's Bite | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 3 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Accelerate | | 7 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Kasap | | 13 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | +20 MP With Staff | | 21 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Bounce | | 31 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Magic Barrier | | 55 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | +50 MP With Staff | | 57 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Caudeceus | | 70 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | MP Recovery Each Turn | | 84 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | +100 MP With Staff | | 100 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Kazing | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 5 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +5 Unarmed Attack | | 13 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +10 Unarmed Attack | | 19 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Stones' Throw | | 28 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | Increased Unarmed Critical | | 35 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +20 Unarmed Attack | | 45 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Harvest Moon | | 52 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | Increased Evasion | | 68 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Thin Air | | 85 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +35 Unarmed Attack | | 100 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Spell | Magic Burst | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 8 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Blow Kiss | | 18 Points | Sex Appeal | Trait | Charm Monster 1/16 Chance | | 26 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Fuddle | | 38 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Puff-Puff | | 48 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Hip Drop | | 54 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Sexy Beam | | 68 Points | Sex Appeal | Spell | Kasnooze | | 78 Points | Sex Appeal | Trait | Charm Monster 1/8 Chance | | 88 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Pink Typhoon | | 100 Points | Sex Appeal | Ability | Hustle Dance | +============+====================+=========+==============================+ +== ANGELO ======================================================= 04.04 ==+ +============+====================+=========+==============================+ | POINTS | SKILLSET | TYPE | ABILITY/SPELL NAME | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 4 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +5 Sword Attack | | 9 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Flame Slash | | 15 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +10 Sword Attack | | 22 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Metal Slash | | 30 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +20 Sword Attack | | 40 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Falcon Slash | | 52 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | Increased Sword Critical | | 66 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Miracle Slash | | 82 Points | Sword Skills | Trait | +25 Sword Attack | | 100 Points | Sword Skills | Ability | Lightning Storm | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 6 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Sandman's Arrow | | 18 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Cherub's Arrow | | 25 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Needle Shot | | 32 Points | Bow Skills | Trait | +10 Bow Attack | | 44 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Multishot | | 59 Points | Bow Skills | Trait | Increased Bow Critical | | 66 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Seraph's Arrow | | 76 Points | Bow Skills | Trait | +25 Bow Attack | | 88 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Shining Shot | | 100 Points | Bow Skills | Ability | Needle Rain | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 3 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Dazzle | | 6 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Fizzle | | 9 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Bounce | | 12 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Drain Magic | | 28 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | +20 MP With Staff | | 48 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Caduceus | | 56 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Kathwack | | 65 Points | Staff Skills | Spell | Oomph | | 80 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | +50 MP With Staff | | 100 Points | Staff Skills | Trait | MP Recovery Each Turn | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 7 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +7 Unarmed Attack | | 14 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +10 Unarmed Agility | | 21 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | Increased Evasion | | 28 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +15 Unarmed Attack | | 35 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Knuckle Sandwich | | 42 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Harvest Moon | | 54 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | Increased Unarmed Critical | | 68 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Defending Champion | | 82 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Trait | +40 Unarmed Attack | | 100 Points | Fisticuffs Skills | Ability | Miracle Moon | +------------+--------------------+---------+------------------------------+ | 3 Points | Charisma | Spell | Squelch | | 7 Points | Charisma | Spell | Fuddle | | 13 Points | Charisma | Ability | Sarcastic Snigger | | 19 Points | Charisma | Ability | Angel Eyes | | 27 Points | Charisma | Spell | Divine Intervention | | 39 Points | Charisma | Spell | Ban Dance | | 52 Points | Charisma | Ability | Chilling Chuckle | | 66 Points | Charisma | Spell | Kafuddle | | 81 Points | Charisma | Ability | Charming Look | | 100 Points | Charisma | Spell | Pearly Gates | +============+====================+=========+==============================+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 05.00 || Item List || 05.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------+ | AMOR SECO ESSENCE | Find: Pickham | Buy: Pickham | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 60 or more HP to a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ANGEL CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Blessed by an angel. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ANTIDOTAL HERB | Find: Farebury | Buy: Farebury | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Cures a single ally of the effects of poison. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | BAUMREN'S BELL | Find: Chateau Felix | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Summons a great sabrecat when rung. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | C-C-COLD CHEESE | Find: Orkutsk | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's f-f-favourites. Teeth ch-ch- | | | chattering ch-ch-cheese that's cold as Orkutsk! | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | CHILLY CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Chilly cheese that's as cold as ice. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | CHIMAERA WING | Find: Farebury | Buy: Farebury | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Allows you to warp instantly to a selection of | | | places you have previously visited. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | CHUNKY CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Bestows protection against heat and cold. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | COLD CHEESE | Find: Dark Empycchu | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Freezing cold cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | COOL CHEESE | Find: Baccarat | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Frosty cool cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | COPPER MONSTER COIN | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A copper coin dropped by special monsters when | | | defeated. Can be sold for money. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | COWPAT | Find: Pickham | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A fragrant pile of cow manure. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | CURED CHEESE | Find: Black Citadel | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Delicious cheese that makes the entire party better. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | DRAGON DUNG | Find: Arcadia | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A smoking pile of dragon manure. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ELFIN ELIXIR | Find: Argonia | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Fully restores the MP of a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | FRESH MILK | Find: Cows | Buy: Argonia | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Fresh cow's milk straight from the udder! | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | GOLD MONSTER COIN | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A gold coin dropped by special monsters when | | | defeated. Can be sold for money. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | GOLD NUGGET | Find: Godbird's Eyrie | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A heavy chunk of solid gold. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | GREATER PANACEA | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Fully restores the HP of a single ally and | | | cures a variety of status abnormalities. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | HARD CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Hard, dried cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | HIGHLY-STRUNG CHEES | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | A tension-raising cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | HOLY WATER | Find: Farebury | Buy: Port Prospect | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Temporarily prevents weaker monsters | | | from attacking the party. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | IRON NAIL | Find: Ruined Abbey | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A common iron nail. | | | Item used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | LESSER PANACEA | Find: Kingdom Trodain | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Fully restores the HP of a single ally and | | | cures the effects of poison and paralysis. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MAGIC BEAST HIDE | Find: Trodain Castle | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Sturdy hide obtained from an aggressive animal. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MAGIC KEY | Find: Trodain Castle | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Opens any treasure chest. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MAGIC WATER | Find: Maella Region | Buy: Tryan Gully | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 30 or more MP to a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MEDICINAL HERB | Find: Farebury | Buy: Farebury | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 30 or more HP to a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MILD CHEESE | Find: Waterfall Hut | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Cheese with healing properties. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MINI-MEDAL | Find: Everywhere | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A tiny medal. Gather enough and you can exchange | | | them with Princess Minnie for prizes. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MOON'S MERCY | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 110 or more Hp to a single ally | | | and cures the effects of paralysis. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MOONWORT BULB | Find: Alexandria | Buy: Ascantha | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Cures the entire party of the effects | | | of paralysis. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | MYSTIFYING MIXTURE | Find: Arcadia | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Confuses a single enemy when used as | | | an item during battle. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | NOOK GRASS | Find: Marta's Cottage | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A very powerful herb that must be diluted with | | | other ingredients before it is used. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ORICHALCCUM | Find: Black Citadel | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | An incredible hard precious metal ore. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | PLAIN CHEESE | Find: Alexandria | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Normal everyday cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | PREMIUM MOULD | Find: Dark Empycchu | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A chunk of rare mould. Very difficult to obtain. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | RED MOULD | Find: Ascantha | Buy: Princess Minnie's | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A chunk of mould with a fiery red colour. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | RENNET POWDER | Find: Ascantha | Buy: Ascantha | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A powder used to turn milk into cheese. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ROCKBOMB SHARD | Find: Orkutsk | Buy: Arcadia | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Explodes when thrown damaging all enemies. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ROSE ROOT | Find: Herb Grotto | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 70 or more HP to a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ROSE-WORT | Find: Herb Grotto | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 60 or more HP to a single ally and | | | cures the effects of paralysis. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SAGE'S STONE | Find: Black Citadel | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 100 or more HP to the entire party | | | when used as an item in battle. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SAINT'S ASHES | Find: Black Citadel | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Holy ashes that can be used to purify cursed objects | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SCORCHING CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Spicy as hell. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF AGILITY | Find: Waterfall Hut | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the agility of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF DEFENCE | Find: Farebury | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the defence of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF LIFE | Find: Farebury Region | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the maximum HP of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF MAGIC | Find: Alexandria | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the maximum MP of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF SKILL | Find: Pickham Region | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the skill points of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF STRENGTH | Find: Alexandria Rgn | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the strength of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SEED OF WISDOM | Find: Port Prospect | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Permanently increases the wisdom of a | | | single ally. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SILVER MONSTER COIN | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A silver coin dropped by special monsters when | | | defeated. Can be sold for money. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SOFT CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Soft enough to melt in a mouse's mouth. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SPECIAL ANTIDOTE | Find: Marta's Cottage | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 60 or more HP to a single ally | | | and cures the effects of poison. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SPECIAL MEDICINE | Find: Marta's Cottage | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 90 or more HP to a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SPICY CHEESE | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Hot and spicy cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | STRONG ANTIDOTE | Find: Argonia | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 30 or more HP to a single ally | | | and cures the effects of poison. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | STRONG MEDICINE | Find: Baccarat | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Restores 50 or more HP to a single ally. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | SUPER SPICY CHEESE | Find: Untrodden Groves| Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | One of Munchie's favourites. | | | Really, really spicy cheese. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | THIEF'S KEY | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Opens most treasure chests. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | TIMBREL OF TENSION | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A musical instrument that raises the tension | | | of the entire party. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | ULTIMATE KEY | Find: Not Found | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Opens any treasure chest or door. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | WATERWEED MOULD | Find: Not Found | Buy: Princess Minnie's | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A chunk of mould that's cold as ice. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | WING OF BAT | Find: Orkutsk | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | The large black wing of a bat. | | | Used primarily for alchemy. | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | YGGDRASIL DEW | Find: Trodain Castle | Buy: Cannot be Purchased | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | Fully restores the HP of the entire party. | | | | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | YGGDRASIL LEAF | Find: Black Citadel | Buy: Argonia Bazaar | |---------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------| | | A mystical leaf that resurrects | | | a single fallen ally. | +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 0A.00 || Equipment List || 0A.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== ACCESSORIES===================================================== 0A.01 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | AGILITY RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Agility............ +15 | A magical ring that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| agility. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ARGON'S RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack. +20 Agility +20 | A keepsake from Hero's parents. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BUNNY TAIL | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Agility............. +2 | A silky-soft and comfortable accessory. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CATHOLICON RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +15 | A ring that makes the wearer resistant to a | |_________________________| variety of attacks including sleep, paralysis... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DEVIL'S TAIL | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Agility............ +10 | The tail of a demon surrounded by an air | |_________________________| of danger. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGON SCALE | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A warrior's lucky charm, made from a hand-worked | |_________________________| dragon scale. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ELEVATING SHOES | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Agility............. +5 | Wear them for a happy elevating experience. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FISHNET STOCKINGS | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +8 | A pair of fishnet stockings. Perfect for | |_________________________| bunny girls. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FULL MOON RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A ring that makes the wearer resistant to | |_________________________| paralysis attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GARTER | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +6 | Provocative underwear for seductive ladies. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GODDESS RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Wisdom............. +20 | A wonderful ring that gradually restores | |_________________________| MP as the wearer walks around. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GOLD RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A ring that slightly increases the wearer's | |_________________________| defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GOLD ROSARY | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Wisdom.............. +5 | A pure gold rosary that slightly increases | |_________________________| the wearer's wisdom. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GOLDEN BRACER | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +4 | A pure gold bracer that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GOSPEL RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A holy ring that wards off monsters when worn. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HOLY TALISMAN | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A sacred talisman that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| resistance to sudden-death spells. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LADY'S RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +2 | An extravagant and expensive ring lost by | |_________________________| a rich woman. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LIFE BRACER | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A beautiful that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| maximum HP by 30. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | METEORITE BRACER | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Agility............ +50 | A mystical bracer that allows the wearer to | |_________________________| move at a blinding speed. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MIGHTY ARMLET | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +15 | A magical bracer that increases the power | |_________________________| of its wearer's attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PRAYER RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A ring that restores some of the wearer's | |_________________________| MP when used as an item. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RECOVERY RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +15 | A wonderful ring that gradually restores HP | |_________________________| as the wearer walks around. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RING OF AWAKENING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A ring that makes the wearer resistant to | |_________________________| sleep attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RING OF CLARITY | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A ring that makes the wearer resistant to | |_________________________| confusion attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RING OF IMMUNITY | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A ring that makes the wearer resistant to | |_________________________| poison attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RING OF TRUTH | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A ring that makes the wearer resistant to | |_________________________| illusion attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RUBY OF PROTECTION | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +15 | A beautiful ruby that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SCHOLAR'S SPECS | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Wisdom............. +15 | A pair of spectacles that make thr wearer | |_________________________| appear more intelligent. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SKULL RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Agility............ +15 | An eerie ring surrounded by an air of danger. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SLIME EARRINGS | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +4 | Cute earrings in the shape of slimes. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SORCERER'S RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Wisdom.............+ 10 | A magical ring that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| maximum MP by 30 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STRENGTH RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +5 | A magical ring that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| attack power. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TEMPLAR'S RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A ring, engraved with a religious symbol, | |_________________________| which Angelo gave the Jessica. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TEMPLAR CAPTAIN'S RING | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack. +10 Wisdom. +10 | The signet ring of the Captain of the Templars. | |_________________________| Formerly belonged to Marcello. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TITAN BELT | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +10 | A magical belt that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| attack power. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TOUGH GUY TATTOO | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +8 | A removable tattoo with a stange design. | |_________________________| Increases attack power when worn. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== ARMOUR ========================================================= 0A.02 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ANGEL'S ROBE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +73 | A sacred robe that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| resistance to sudden-death spells. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BANDIT'S GRASS SKIRT | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A rough grass kilt of the kind preferred by | |_________________________| Yangus. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BANDIT MAIL | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +80 | Sturdy armour made from an exoticemtal. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BOXER SHORTS | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +8 | Unfashionable underpants of the sort often worn | |_________________________| by men in thier twilight years. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BRONZE ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +24 | A suit of armour fashioned from forged bronze | |_________________________| plates. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BUNNY SUIT | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +38 | A charming and seductive outfit worn by | |_________________________| professional bunny girls. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CHAIN MAIL | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +20 | A comfortable and lightweight suit of armour | |_________________________| consteucted from innurmerable metal links. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CLOAK OF EVASION | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +29 | A magical cloak that makes it easier to dodge | |_________________________| enemy attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CRIMSON ROBE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +82 | A fiery red robe that reduces damage from | |_________________________| ice-based attacks by 20 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DANCER'S COSTUME | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +23 | A provocative outfit for professional dancers. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DANCER'S MAIL | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +57 | Lightweight and easy to move in, this armour | |_________________________| allows the wearer to dodge enemy attacks easily. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DANGEROUS BUSTIER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +1 | You'll understand where the danger comes from | |_________________________| when Jessica wears it. Rrrrrow! | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DARK ROBE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +87 | A jet-black robe that makes it easier to dodge | |_________________________| enemy attacks. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DIVINE BUSTIER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence........... +105 | A mysterious bustier that allows the wearer to | |_________________________| dodge enemy attacks more easily. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGON MAIL | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +60 | Armour fashioned from dragon scales. Provides | |_________________________| excellent protection from fire and ice-based... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGON ROBE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence........... +103 | The finest robe available. Reduces damage | |_________________________| from fire and ice-based spells by 40 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGOVIAN ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence........... +110 | ??? | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FLOWING DRESS | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +59 | A sacred dress that reduces damage from fire | |_________________________| and ice-based spells by 1/3. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FULL PLATE ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +39 | Armour made from forged steel plates that cover | |_________________________| the wearer's entire body. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FUR PONCHO | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +29 | A sturdy fur garment capable of reducing damage | |_________________________| from fire and ice-based attacks by 20 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GIGANT ARMOUR | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +95 | Special armour that reduces damage from fire | |_________________________| and ice-based spells by 30 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HEAVY ARMOUR | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +52 | Thick armour that reduces damagefrom fire and | |_________________________| ice-based spells by 15 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +32 | Heavy and sturdy iron armour. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON CUIRASS | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +25 | Armour that only covers the wearer's chest. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | JESSICA'S OUTFIT | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +3 | Jessica's Clothing from her time in Alexandria. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +11 | Lightweight armour made of leather. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER CAPE | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +22 | A sturdy cape made of leather. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER DRESS | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +15 | A sturdy suit of leather armour made for | |_________________________| female adventurers. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER KILT | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +12 | A sturdy kilt fashioned from animal hide. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LIQUID METAL ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence........... +101 | Metallic armour that reduces damage from | |_________________________| curses by 2/3. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC BIKINI | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +50 | An enchanted bikini that reduces damage | |_________________________| from enemy spells by 15 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +55 | Enchanted armour that reduces damage | |_________________________| from enemy spells by 15 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC VESTMENT | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +39 | An enchanted garment that reduces damage from | |_________________________| spells by 2/3. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGICAL SKIRT | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +55 | An enchanted skirt that reduced damage | |_________________________| from enemy spells by 2/3. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | METAL KING ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence........... +120 | The ultimate suit of armour offering the | |_________________________| strongest possible defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MIRROR ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +92 | Mysterious armour that occasionally reflects | |_________________________| a spell cast on the wearer back at the caster. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PLAIN CLOTHES | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +4 | An unremarkable garmet made of cotton. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PLATINUM MAIL | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +72 | Platinum armour that reduces damage from | |_________________________| enemy spells by 15 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | POSH WAISTCOAT | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +48 | A stylish, high-quality vest that raises | |_________________________| its wearer's defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PRINCESS'S ROBE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +94 | A royal robe that reduces damage from spells | |_________________________| by 30 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ROBE OF SERENITY | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +34 | A robe that reduces damage suffered while the | |_________________________| wearer is asleep. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SACRED ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +84 | Magical armour that regenerates the wearer's | |_________________________| HP during battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SAGE'S ROBE | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +55 | A magical robe that reduces damage from spells | |_________________________| by 25 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SCALE ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +17 | A suit of armour fashioned from numerous | |_________________________| hard scales. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SHIMMERING DRESS | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +67 | A mysterious dress that occasionally reflects | |_________________________| a spell cast on the wearer back at the caster. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILK BUSTIER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +44 | A high-quality bustier made of silk. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILK ROBE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A high-quality garment woven from pure silk. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILVER CUIRASS | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +44 | Silver armour that covers the wearer's chest. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILVER MAIL | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +50 | Silver armour that reduces damage from | |_________________________| enemy spells by 20 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SPANGLED DRESS | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +46 | A chic dress worn by fashionable women- | |_________________________| about-town. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SPIKED ARMOUR | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +68 | Mysterious armour that reflects damage back | |_________________________| at the enemy who inflicted it. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TEMPLAR'S UNIFORM | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +13 | The official uniform of the Templar Knights, | |_________________________| whose sword duty is to protect the church. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TURTLE SHELL | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +37 | A large tortoise shell worn in place of armour | |_________________________| by those who don't mind looking silly. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | VELVET CAPE | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +60 | A durable cape made of velvet. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | WAYFARER'S CLOTHES | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +7 | Sturdy hemp garments beloved by travellers | |_________________________| across the world. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ZOMBIE MAIL | Equip On: | - | - | Angelo | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +42 | Ill-fated armour surrounded by an air of danger. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== AXES =========================================================== 0A.03 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BANDIT AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +55 | A large axe of the type typically carried | |_________________________| by bandits. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BATTLE AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +45 | A large axe specially designed for combat. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CONQUERER'S AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +103 | The world's strongest axe, once wielded by | |_________________________| a barbarian king. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GOLDEN AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +27 | A dull-bladed axe forged from gold. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +38 | A thick and sturdy axe with a cast iron head. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | KING AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +80 | An expertly crafted axe richly engraved | |_________________________| with magical runes. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MOON AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +60 | A large axe in the shape of a crescent moon. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STONE AXE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +20 | Intruigingly primitive for an axe sold in | |_________________________| a weapon shop. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== BOOMERANGS ===================================================== 0A.04 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BOOMERANG | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +19 | A throwing weapon capable of felling multiple | |_________________________| enemies in an instant. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | EDGED BOOMERANG | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +27 | A metal boomerang with knife-like edges. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FLAMETANG BOOMERANG | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +63 | A boomerang harbouring the power of the inferno. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | METAL WING BOOMERANG | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +90 | A special boomerang optimized for damaging | |_________________________| metal enemies. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RAZOR WING BOOMERANG | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +42 | A boomerang with firsgtfully sharp | |_________________________| steel edges. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | REINFORCED BOOMERANG | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +32 | A slightly improved version of the boomerang. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SWALLOWTAIL | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +53 | A boomerang bearing a motif of two swallows. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== BOWS =========================================================== 0A.05 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CHEIRON'S BOW | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +63 | When used as an item in battle, this bow | |_________________________| restores 30 or more HP to all allies. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | EROS' BOW | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +45 | A bow of illusions that fires arrows which | |_________________________| can confuse their target. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GREAT BOW | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +95 | An enormous bow designed to fire special arrows | |_________________________| with tremendous force. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HUNTER'S BOW | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +30 | A standard bow, popular among adventurers | |_________________________| for its blend of power an convenience. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ODIN'S BOW | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +125 | An extrordinarily powerful bow with a god-like | |_________________________| capacity for devastation. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SHORT BOW | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +23 | A light and easy-to-handle bow for novice | |_________________________| archers. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== HAMMERS ======================================================== 0A.06 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GIANT MALLET | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +13 | A giant wooden hammer of the sort often | |_________________________| carried by monsters as well as human. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MEGATON HAMMER | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +108 | A giant hammer that improves your chances of | |_________________________| landing a critical hit. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | OAKEN CLUB | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +7 | A simple club fashioned from sturdy oak. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SLEDGEHAMMER | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +33 | An enormous hammer made of iron. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | UBER WAR HAMMER | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +69 | An improved version of the war hammer | |_________________________| coveying even greater attack power. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | WAR HAMMER | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +51 | A steel hammer specifically designed for combat. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== HEADGEAR ======================================================= 0A.07 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BANDANA | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +1 | A normal cloth bandana. A favourite of Hero's. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BRONZE HELMET | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +20 | A helmet made from several bronze sheets | |_________________________| hammered together. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BUNNY EARS | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +14 | A delightful hairband sporting a pair of | |_________________________| perky bunny ears. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CORAL HAIRPIN | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +20 | An accessory carved from a beautiful | |_________________________| piece of coral. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGOVIAN HELM | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +50 | ??? | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FEATHERED CAP | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +9 | A stylish hat that's as light as a feather. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FUR HOOD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +18 | A warm hood made of thick fur. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GOLDEN TIARA | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +43 | A sacred tiara that makes its wearer more | |_________________________| resistant to a variety of spells. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GREAT HELM | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +45 | A special helm crafted from a special metal | |_________________________| far stronger than steel. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HADES' HELM | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +33 | A strange helm surrounded by an air of danger. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HAIRBAND | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +5 | A cute and functional hairband for ladies. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HAPPY HAT | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +31 | A magical hat that gradually restores MP as its | |_________________________| wearer walks around. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HERMES' HAT | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +20 | A hat imbued with the power of the Zoom spell. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON HEADGEAR | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +32 | Headgear reinforced with iron sheets for | |_________________________| improved defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON HELMET | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +16 | An entirely undistinguished helmet made of iron. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON MASK | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +25 | An iron mask that fully covers the wearer's | |_________________________| face from improved defence. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER HAT | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +3 | A popular hat made of leather. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGICAL HAT | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +25 | Intriguingly, and in spite of its name, this hat | |_________________________| boasts absolutely no special magical properties | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MERCURY'S BANDANA | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +23 | A magical bandana that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| agility. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | METAL KING HELM | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +55 | The ultimate helm. Bestows a strong resistance | |_________________________| to a variety of spells. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MYTHRIL HELM | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +38 | An exquisite helm crafted from the rare | |_________________________| form of silver known as mythril. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PHANTOM MASK | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +48 | A mysterious mask that allows the wearer to | |_________________________| dodge enemy attacks more easily. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PIRATE'S HAT | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +30 | An impressive hat worthy of a pirate captain. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PLATINUM HEADGEAR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +30 | A beautiful platinum helm. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | POINTY HAT | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +7 | A small hat with a pointed top. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RAGING BULL HELM | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +42 | A helmet sporting two large horns. Get in | |_________________________| touch with your inner bull. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SCHOLAR'S CAP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +33 | A mysterious cap that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| wisdom. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILVER TIARA | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +24 | A beautifully crafted piece of decorative | |_________________________| headwear. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SKULL HELM | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +49 | An eerie helm surrounded by an air of danger. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SLIME CROWN | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +20 | THe crown worn by a slime king. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STONE HARDHAT | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +15 | An unfashionable helmet-like hat carved from | |_________________________| stone. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SUN CROWN | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +52 | A special crown capable of nullifying spells | |_________________________| which might otherwise confuse or cause sleep. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | THINKING CAP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +38 | A magical helm that increases the wearer's | |_________________________| wisdom. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TURBAN | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +8 | A protective headdress made from a long strip | |_________________________| of cloth that is wrapped around the head. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== KNIVES ========================================================= 0A.08 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ASSASSIN'S DAGGER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +37 | A compact knife made especially for assassins. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BRONZE KNIFE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +9 | A small knife forged from bronze. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DAGGER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +18 | A compact knife made especially for | |_________________________| assassins. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | EAGLE DAGGER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +39 | A short sword with a blade as sharp as | |_________________________| an eagle's talons. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FALCON KNIFE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +34 | A magical knife that lends its user the agility | |_________________________| to attack twice in rapid succession. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ICICLE DIRK | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +52 | A short sword with a blade of ice. Generates | |_________________________| a blizzard when used as an item during battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IMP KNIFE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +52 | A knife capable of stealing MP from the | |_________________________| target it strikes. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | POISON MOTH KNIFE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +29 | Features a blade coated with the poison of | |_________________________| a moth that can paralyse enemies. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | POISON NEEDLE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +0 | Capable of felling an enemy with a single | |_________________________| well-aimed strike. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SWORD BREAKER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +56 | A special sword with a serrated edge designed to | |_________________________| trap and break the blade of an opponent's sword. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== SCYTHES ======================================================== 0A.09 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BARDICHE OF BINDING | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +83 | An enchanted weapon that can deprive the | |_________________________| target of the ability to cast spells. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FARMER'S SCYTHE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +28 | A large iron scythe of the type often used to | |_________________________| cut grass and straw. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HEAVY HATCHET | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +110 | An enormous hatchet capable of cutting | |_________________________| down enemies where they stand. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HELL SCYTHE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +65 | An enormous scythe that may paralyse the | |_________________________| enemies that it strikes. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STEEL SCYTHE | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +42 | A scythe designed specifically for combat. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== SHIELDS ======================================================== 0A.10 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BIG BOSS SHIELD | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +50 | Lower's the enemy's defence when used as an | |_________________________| item during battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BONE SHIELD | Equip On: | - | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +36 | This handy monster-bone shield can also be | |_________________________| boiled to make a delicious soup stock. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BRONZE SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +10 | A large shield of beaten bronze. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGON SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +30 | A shield fashioned from dragon scales. Boasts | |_________________________| escellent resistance to fire and ice-based... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGOVIAN SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +60 | ??? | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FLAME SHIELD | Equip On: | - | Yangus | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +34 | A shield that increases the wielder's resistance | |_________________________| to fire-based attacks when used as an item... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GODDESS SHIELD | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +55 | A holy shield that reduces damage from fire | |_________________________| and ice-based spells by up to half. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ICE SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +33 | A shield that increases the wearer's resistance | |_________________________| to ice-based attacks when used as an item... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON SHIELD | Equip On: | - | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +00 | A forged iron shield. Reduces the damage from | |_________________________| certain fire or ice-based spells by 5 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | KITTY SHIELD | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +12 | A light and durable shield sporting a cute | |_________________________| kitty-cat mould. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +4 | A simple shield made of leather stretched over | |_________________________| wood. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LIGHT SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +17 | A light and easy-to-handle shield that | |_________________________| can be used by anyone. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +27 | An enchanted shield that reduces the damage | |_________________________| from spells by 15 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | METAL KING SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +65 | The ultimate shield. Reduces damage from fire | |_________________________| and ice-based spells by 30 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MIRROR SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +43 | A mysterious shield that occasionally reflects | |_________________________| a spell cast on the wearer back at the caster. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | OGRE SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +45 | A massive shield that reduces the damage from | |_________________________| fire and ice-based attacks by 10 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | POT LID | Equip On: | - | Yangus | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +2 | The lid to a large cooking pot, commandeered | |_________________________| to act as a makeshift shield of sorts. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | POWER SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +38 | A shield that restore's some of the user's | |_________________________| HP when used as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RUINOUS SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +50 | An unlucky shield surrounded by an air | |_________________________| of danger. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SAINTESS SHIELD | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +46 | A holy shield that reduces the damage from | |_________________________| fire and ice-based attacks by 2/3. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SCALE SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +7 | A shield made from extremely hard scales. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILVER PLATTER | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............. +8 | A silver serving platter large enough to | |_________________________| serve as a makeshift shield. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SILVER SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +48 | Forged from mythril, a rare from of silver, this | |_________________________| shield reduces the damage from fire-based attack | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STEEL SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +22 | A steel shield that reduces the damage from | |_________________________| fire and ice-based attacks by 7 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TEMPLAR'S SHIELD | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +14 | A shield used by Templar knights. Reduces | |_________________________| damage from certain fire or ice-based attacks... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | THANATOS' SHIELD | Equip On: | Hero | Yangus | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +55 | An ill-fated shield surrounded by an air | |_________________________| of danger. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | WHITE SHIELD | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Defence............ +24 | A sacred shield that reduces the damage | |_________________________| from fire and ice-based attacks by 10 points. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== SPEARS ========================================================= 0A.11 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BATTLE FORK | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +42 | An enormous fork that looks as if it belongs | |_________________________| on a giant's dinner table. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DEMON SPEAR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +86 | A spear that kills instantly if it hits | |_________________________| the enemy's vitals. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HOLY LANCE | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +39 | A holy spear that has received the blessing | |_________________________| of the Goddess. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HERO SPEAR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +100 | A blessed spear that restores some of its | |_________________________| wielder's HP when used in combat. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | IRON LANCE | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +24 | An iron spear of the kind commonly found | |_________________________| throughout the world. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LONG SPEAR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +30 | A long and heavy spear. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | METAL KING SPEAR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +120 | The most powerful spear, capable of | |_________________________| penetrating almost any material. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PARTISAN | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +44 | A large lance that can be used for cutting | |_________________________| as well as thrusting. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SANDSTORM SPEAR | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +67 | A spear that raises a sandstorm to blind | |_________________________| enemies when used as an item in combat. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== STAVES ========================================================= 0A.12 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LIGHTNING STAFF | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +24 | Hurls vicious thunderbolts at the enemy | |_________________________| when used as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC MACE | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +79 | Occasionally steals MP from the enemies it hits. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MAGMA STAFF | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +28 | Showers all enemies with burning magma when | |_________________________| used as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RUNE STAFF | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +30 | Raises the defence of all allies when used | |_________________________| as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STAFF OF ANTIMAGIC | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +41 | Prevents an enemy from casting spells when | |_________________________| used as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STAFF OF DIVINE WRATH | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +35 | Launches an enormous whirlwind at the | |_________________________| enemy when used as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STAFF OF RESURRECTION | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +77 | May raise a fallen ally from the dead when | |_________________________| used as an item in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | WIZARD'S STAFF | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +15 | Launches tiny fireballs when used as an item | |_________________________| in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== SWORDS ========================================================= 0A.13 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BASTARD SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +61 | A steel sword with a long blade that inflicts | |_________________________| serious damage thanks to its weight. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | BLIZZARD BLADE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +90 | An enchanted ice sword whose blade contains | |_________________________| the power of a mighty sandstorm. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | COPPER SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +13 | A widely used sword made out of Copper. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CYPRESS STICK | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +4 | A simple wooden sword carved form a sturdy | |_________________________| cypres branch. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +76 | An ill-fated sword surrounded by an air | |_________________________| of danger. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGON SLAYER | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +83 | A forged steel sword that is that is an | |_________________________| improved version version of the dragonsbane. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGONSBANE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +72 | A forged steel sword capable of piercing | |_________________________| dragon scales. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGOVIAN SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +107 | ??? | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGOVIAN KING SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +137 | ??? | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DREAM BLADE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +43 | A magical sword that can occasionally put | |_________________________| enemies to sleep. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FALCON BLADE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +37 | A sword capable of slicing twice in rapid | |_________________________| succession, faster than afalcon in flight. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | FALLEN ANGEL RAPIER | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +61 | A magical rapier that can confuse the | |_________________________| targets it strikes. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HELL SABRE | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +99 | A narrow-bladed weapon with a devilishly | |_________________________| sharp blade. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | HOLY SILVER RAPIER | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +54 | A rapier forged from silver consecrated by | |_________________________| the church. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LIQUID METAL SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +118 | An extrordinarily hard blade that allows this | |_________________________| sword to inflict massive amounts of damage. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MERCURY'S RAPIER | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +78 | A strange rapier that allows its user | |_________________________| to move with unnatural agility. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | MIRACLE SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +80 | An enchanted blade that restores some of your | |_________________________| HP every time it strikes an enemy. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | PLATINUM SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +40 | A beautiful and exquisitely sharp sword | |_________________________| forged from pure platinum. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RAPIER | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +17 | A civilised sort of sword with an extremely | |_________________________| narrow blade. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | RUSTY OLD SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +45 | Once a legendary blade. Now just a rusty and | |_________________________| chipped old sword. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SHAMSHIR OF LIGHT | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +110 | A mysterious weapon that extends a spectral | |_________________________| blade of light in battle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SOLDIER'S SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | - | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +8 | A cheap sword given to palace guardsmen at | |_________________________| Trodain Castle. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STEEL BROADSWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +35 | A sturdy sword made from forged steel. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | STONE SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +12 | A rather dull looking sword carved from stone. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | TEMPLAR'S SWORD | Equip On: | - | - | - | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +36 | A rapier carried by Templar knights as | |_________________________| proof of their status. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | UBER DOUBLE-EDGE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +76 | The double-edged sword purged of its curse and | |_________________________| reborn as an even more powerful blade. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | UBER FALCON BLADE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | Angelo | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +55 | An improved version of the Falcon Blade but | |_________________________| with a far sharper edge. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | UBER MIRACLE SWORD | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +95 | An improved version of the miracle sword, with | |_________________________| a more powerful enchantment and a far sharper... | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ZOMBIE SLAYER | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +65 | A holy sword that is an improved version | |_________________________| of the zombiesbane. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | ZOMBIESBANE | Equip On: | Hero | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +54 | A holy sword created for slaying zombies and | |_________________________| other undead monsters. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ +== WHIPS ========================================================== 0A.14 ==+ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | CHAIN WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +32 | A whip made from sturdy metal chain. Capable | |_________________________| of hitting multiple enemies in a single lash. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DEMON WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +72 | A magical whip surrounded by an air of danger. | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | DRAGONTAIL WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +47 | A whip made from the bones of a dragon's tail | |_________________________| | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | GRINGHAM WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............ +127 | A legendary whip. Capable of hitting all | |_________________________| enemies in a single lash. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | LEATHER WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack.............. +6 | A whip made from tanned leather. Capable | |_________________________| of hitting multiple enemies in a single lash. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SCOURGE WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +99 | A fiercely powerful whip that blasts | |_________________________| its target with explosive force. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SNAKESKIN WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +23 | A whip made from snake scales. Capable of | |_________________________| hitting multiple enemies in a single lash. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | SPIKED STEEL WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +62 | A powerful whip covered in painful-looking | |_________________________| steel barbs. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ _________________________|__________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~| | THORN WHIP | Equip On: | - | - | Jessica | - | |-------------------------+---------------+------+--------+---------+--------+ | Attack............. +14 | A whip covered in thorns. Capable of hitting | |_________________________| multiple enemies in a single lash. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|__________________________________________________| \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 0B.00 || Alchemy List || 0B.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +=====================+=========+==============+==============+==============+ | RESULT | TYPE | ITEM #1 | ITEM #2 | ITEM #3 | +=====================+=========+==============+==============+==============+ | AGILITY RING | Accssry | Prayer | Seed of | N/A | | | | Ring | Agility | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CATHOLICON RING | Accssry | Ring of | Ring of | Full Moon | | | | Truth | Immunity | Ring | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ELEVATING SHOES | Accssry | Fishnet | Happy | N/A | | | | Stockings | Hat | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FULL MOON RING | Accssry | Gold | Poison Moth | N/A | | | | Ring | Knife | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GODDESS RING | Accssry | Recovery | Orichalcum | N/A | | | | Ring | | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HOLY TALISMAN | Accssry | Tough Guy | Holy | Gold | | | | Tattoo | Water | Rosary | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LIFE BRACER | Accssry | Gold | Recovery | N/A | | | | Bracer | Ring | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | METEORITE BRACER | Accssry | Agility | Agility | Orichalcum | | | | Ring | Ring | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MIGHTY ARMLET | Accssry | Strength | Titan | N/A | | | | Ring | Belt | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PRAYER RING | Accssry | Gold | Seed of | N/A | | | | Ring | Magic | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RECOVERY RING | Accssry | Prayer | Seed of | N/A | | | | Ring | Life | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RING OF AWAKENING | Accssry | Gold | Dream | N/A | | | | Ring | Blade | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RING OF CLARITY | Accssry | Gold | Fallen Angel | N/A | | | | Ring | Rapier | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RING OF IMMUNITY | Accssry | Gold | Poison | N/A | | | | Ring | Needle | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RING OF TRUTH | Accssry | Gold | Sandstorm | N/A | | | | Ring | Spear | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RUBY OF PROTECTION | Accssry | Prayer | Seed of | N/A | | | | Ring | Defence | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SCHOLAR'S SPECS | Accssry | Ring of | Ring of | Seed of | | | | Clarity | Awakening | Wisdom | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SKULL RING | Accssry | Sorcerer's | Devil's | N/A | | | | Ring | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SORCERER'S RING | Accssry | Skull | Saint's | Saint's | | | | Ring | Ashes | Ashes | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STRENGTH RING | Accssry | Prayer | Seed of | N/A | | | | Ring | Strength | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | TITAN BELT | Accssry | Strength | Leather | N/A | | | | Ring | Kilt | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ANGEL'S ROBE | Armour | Magical | Flowing | N/A | | | | Skirt | Dress | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BANDIT MAIL | Armour | Bandit | Bandit's | Heavy | | | | Axe | Grass Skirt | Armour | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BOXER SHORTS | Armour | Bandana | Bandit's | N/A | | | | | Grass Skirt | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BRONZE ARMOUR | Armour | Chain | Bronze | N/A | | | | Mail | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BUNNY SUIT | Armour | Bunny | Silk | N/A | | | | Tail | Bustier | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CHAIN MAIL | Armour | Chain | Wayfarer's | N/A | | | | Whip | Clothes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CRIMSON ROBE | Armour | Nook | Sage's | Magic | | | | Grass | Robe | Water | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DANCER'S MAIL | Armour | Dancer's | Silver | N/A | | | | Costume | Mail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DARK ROBE | Armour | Devil's | Wing of | Cloak of | | | | Tail | Bat | Evasion | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DIVINE BUSTIER | Armour | Shimmering | Dangerous | N/A | | | | Dress | Bustier | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DRAGON MAIL | Armour | Silver | Dragon | Dragon | | | | Mail | Scale | Scale | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FUR PONCHO | Armour | Magic Beast | Magic Beast | N/A | | | | Hide | Hide | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GIGANT ARMOUR | Armour | Mighty | Bandit | Mighty | | | | Armlet | Mail | Armlet | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | IRON CUIRASS | Armour | Iron | Iron | N/A | | | | Shield | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LEATHER ARMOUR | Armour | Magic Beast | Wayfarer's | N/A | | | | Hide | Clothes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LEATHER DRESS | Armour | Magic Beast | Dancer's | N/A | | | | Hide | Costume | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LEATHER KILT | Armour | Bandana | Leather | N/A | | | | | Whip | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LEATHER KILT | Armour | Boxer Shorts | Magic Beast | N/A | | | | | Hide | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MAGIC ARMOUR | Armour | Prayer | Full Plate | Ruby of | | | | Ring | Armour | Protection | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MAGICAL SKIRT | Armour | Bandit's | Magical | Magical | | | | Grass Skirt | Mace | Hat | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | METAL KING ARMOUR | Armour | Slime | Liquid Metal | Orichalcum | | | | Crown | Armour | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MIRROR ARMOUR | Armour | Silver | Mirror | Mirror | | | | Armour | Shield | Shield | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PLATINUM MAIL | Armour | Saint's | Zombie | N/A | | | | Ashes | Mail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PRINCESS' ROBE | Armour | Gold | Shimmering | Angel's | | | | Rosary | Dress | Robe | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ROBE OF SERENITY | Armour | Clock of | Boxer | N/A | | | | Evasion | Shorts | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SAGE'S ROBE | Armour | Scholar's | Magic | N/A | | | | Cap | Vestment | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SCALE ARMOUR | Armour | Dragon | Leather | N/A | | | | Scale | Armour | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SILVER CUIRASS | Armour | Iron | Silver | Silver | | | | Cuirass | Platter | Platter | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SPIKED ARMOUR | Armour | Edged | Magic | N/A | | | | Boomerang | Armour | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | TEMPLAR'S UNIFORM | Armour | Wayfarer's | Templar's | N/A | | | | Clothes | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | WAYFARER'S CLOTHES | Armour | Plain | Plain | N/A | | | | Clothes | Clothes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ZOMBIE MAIL | Armour | Platinum | Devil's | N/A | | | | Mail | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ZOMBIE MAIL | Armour | Silver | Zombiesbane | N/A | | | | Mail | | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BANDIT AXE | Axe | Battle | Theif's | N/A | | | | Axe | Key | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GOLDEN AXE | Axe | Iron | Gold | N/A | | | | Axe | Nugget | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | IRON AXE | Axe | Farmer's | Farmar's | N/A | | | | Scythe | Scythe | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | KING AXE | Axe | Golden | Slime | N/A | | | | Axe | Crown | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MOON AXE | Axe | Golden | Moon's | N/A | | | | Axe | Mercy | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STONE AXE | Axe | Stone | Cypress | N/A | | | | Hardhat | Stick | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FLAMETANG BOOMERANG | Bomerng | Swallowtail | Flame | N/A | | | | | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | METAL WING BOOMRANG | Bomerng | Razor Wing | Metal King | N/A | | | | Boomerang | Spear | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RAZOR WING BOOMRANG | Bomerng | Edged | Wing of | Steel | | | | Boomerang | Bat | Scythe | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | REINFORCED BOOMRANG | Bomerng | Boomerang | Iron | N/A | | | | | Nail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CHAIRON'S BOW | Bow | Eros' | Power | N/A | | | | Bow | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | EROS' BOW | Bow | Garter | Hunter's | N/A | | | | | Bow | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HUNTER'S BOW | Bow | Short | Chain | N/A | | | | Bow | Whip | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HUNTER'S BOW | Bow | Cypress | Cypress | Strength | | | | Stick | Stick | Ring | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ODIN'S BOW | Bow | Great | Eros' | Cheiron's | | | | Bow | Bow | Bow | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ANGEL CHEESE | Cheese | Fresh | Premium | Yggdrasil | | | | Milk | Mould | Dew | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | COOL CHEESE | Cheese | Plain | Waterweed | N/A | | | | Cheese | Mould | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CHILLY CHEESE | Cheese | Cool | Waterweed | N/A | | | | Cheese | Mould | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CHUNKY CHEESE | Cheese | Plain | Magic | N/A | | | | Cheese | Water | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | COLD CHEESE | Cheese | Chilly | Waterweed | Waterweed | | | | Cheese | Mould | Mould | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | C-C-COLD CHEESE | Cheese | Cold | Premium | Dragon | | | | Cheese | Mould | Dung | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CURED CHEESE | Cheese | Fresh | Premium | Amor Seco | | | | Milk | Mould | Essence | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HARD CHEESE | Cheese | Plain | Rock | N/A | | | | Cheese | Salt | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HIGHLY-STRNG CHEESE | Cheese | Super Spicy | Cold | Rock | | | | Cheese | Cheese | Salt | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MILD CHEESE | Cheese | Plain | Amor Seco | N/A | | | | Cheese | Essence | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PLAIN CHEESE | Cheese | Fresh | Rennet | N/A | | | | Milk | Powder | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PLAIN CHEESE | Cheese | Scorching | C-c-cold | N/A | | | | Cheese | Cheese | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SCORCHING CHEESE | Cheese | Super Spicy | Premium | Dragon | | | | Cheese | Mould | Dung | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SOFT CHEESE | Cheese | Fresh | Rennet | Rock | | | | Milk | Powder | Salt | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SPICY CHEESE | Cheese | Plain | Red | N/A | | | | Cheese | Mould | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SUPER SPICY CHEESE | Cheese | Spicy | Nook | N/A | | | | Cheese | Grass | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SUPER SPICY CHEESE | Cheese | Spicy | Red | Red | | | | Cheese | Mould | Mould | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ASSASSIN'S DAGGER | Dagger | Eagle | Poison | N/A | | | | Dagger | Needle | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FALCON KNIFE | Dagger | Slime | Tough Guy | Agility | | | | Earrings | Tattoo | Ring | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | IMP KNIFE | Dagger | Assassin's | Devil's | N/A | | | | Dagger | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MEGATON HAMMER | Hammer | Uber War | Conquerer's | Orichalcum | | | | Hammer | Axe | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SLEDGEHAMMER | Hammer | Giant | Iron | Iron | | | | Mallet | Helmet | Helmet | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | UBER WAR HAMMER | Hammer | War | Mighty | N/A | | | | Hammer | Armlet | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BRONZE HELMET | Head | Stone | Bronze | Bronze | | | | Hardhat | Knife | Knife | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BUNNY EARS | Head | Hairband | Bunny | N/A | | | | | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FEATHERED CAP | Head | Leather | Chimaera | N/A | | | | Hat | Wing | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FUR HOOD | Head | Fur | Feathered | N/A | | | | Poncho | Cap | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GOLDEN TIARA | Head | Thinking | Gold | Silver | | | | Cap | Nugget | Tiara | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HADES' HELM | Head | Devil's | Mythril | N/A | | | | Tail | Helm | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HAPPY HAT | Head | Featered | Elevating | N/A | | | | Cap | Shoes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HERMES' HAT | Head | Mercury's | Feathered | N/A | | | | Bandana | Cap | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MERCURY's BANDANA | Head | Agility | Bandana | N/A | | | | Ring | | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MYTHRIL HELM | Head | Hades' | Saint's | N/A | | | | Helm | Ashes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | POINTY HAT | Head | Leather | Iron | N/A | | | | Hat | Nail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PHANTOM MASK | Head | Dark | Iron | N/A | | | | Robe | Headgear | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RAGING BULL HELM | Head | Mythril | Fresh | Cowpat | | | | Helm | Milk | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SCHOLAR'S CAP | Head | Magical | Scholar's | N/A | | | | Hat | Specs | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SILVER TIARA | Head | Coral | Silver | N/A | | | | Hairpin | Platter | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SKULL HELM | Head | Sun | Devil's | N/A | | | | Crown | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STONE HARDHAT | Head | Stone | Pointy | N/A | | | | Axe | Axe | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SUN CROWN | Head | Saint's | Skull | N/A | | | | Ashes | Helm | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | THINKING CAP | Head | Iron | Scholar's | N/A | | | | Headgear | Cap | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | TURBAN | Head | Bandana | Bandana | N/A | | | | | | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | AMOR SECO ESSENCE | Item | Holy | Strong | N/A | | | | Water | Medicine | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | CHIMAERA WING | Item | Wing of | Wing of | N/A | | | | Bat | Bat | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ELFIN ELIXIR | Item | Yggdrasil | Magic | N/A | | | | Dew | Water | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GREATER PANACEA | Item | Special | Special | Special | | | | Medicine | Medicine | Medicine | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GREATER PANACEA | Item | Lesser | Rose- | Rose- | | | | Panacea | Root | Wort | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HOLY WATER | Item | Amor Seco | Rock | N/A | | | | Essence | Salt | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LESSER PANACEA | Item | Special | Special | N/A | | | | Medicine | Medicine | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MAGIC WATER | Item | Holy | Seed of | N/A | | | | Water | Magic | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MOON'S MERCY | Item | Moonwort | Moonwort | Moonwort | | | | Bulb | Bulb | Bulb | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MYSTIFYING MIXTURE | Item | Holy | Wing of | Cowpat | | | | Water | Bat | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MYSTIFYING MIXTURE | Item | Medicinal | Antidotal | Moonwort | | | | Herb | Herb | Bulb | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | PREMIUM MOULD | Item | Red | Waterweed | Yggdrasil | | | | Mould | Mould | Leaf | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ROSE-ROOT | Item | Strong | Medicinal | N/A | | | | Medicine | Herb | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ROSE-ROOT | Item | Medicinal | Medicinal | Medicinal | | | | Herb | Herb | Herb | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ROSE-WORT | Item | Medicinal | Medicinal | Moonwort | | | | Herb | Herb | Bulb | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ROSE-WORT | Item | Strong | Moonwort | N/A | | | | Medicine | Bulb | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SAGE'S STONE | Item | Gold | Orichalcum | Yggdrasil | | | | Nugget | | Dew | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SPECIAL ANTIDOTE | Item | Medicinal | Antidotal | Antidotal | | | | Her | Herb | Herb | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SPECIAL ANTIDOTE | Item | Medicinal | Antidotal | Antidotal | | | | Herb | Herb | Herb | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SPECIAL MEDICINE | Item | Strong | Strong | N/A | | | | Medicine | Medicine | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STRONG ANTIDOTE | Item | Medicinal | Antidotal | N/A | | | | Herb | Herb | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STRONG MEDICINE | Item | Medicinal | Medicinal | N/A | | | | Herb | Herb | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | THEIF'S KEY | Item | Bronze | Iron | N/A | | | | Knife | Nail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | YGGDRASIL DEW | Item | Yggdrasil | Magic | N/A | | | | Leaf | Water | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HELL SCYTHE | Scythe | Steel | Poison Moth | Hades' | | | | Scythe | Knife | Helm | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BRONZE SHIELD | Shield | Leather | Bronze | N/A | | | | Shield | Knife | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DRAGON SHIELD | Shield | Steel | Dragon | Dragon | | | | Shield | Scale | Scale | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FLAME SHIELD | Shield | Magic | Flametang | N/A | | | | Shield | Boomerang | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | GODDESS SHIELD | Shield | Saint's | Thanatos' | N/A | | | | Ashes | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ICE SHIELD | Shield | Magic | Icicle | N/A | | | | Shield | Dirk | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LEATHER SHIELD | Shield | Pot Lid | Magic Beast | N/A | | | | | Hide | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MAGIC SHIELD | Shield | Prayer | Ruby of | Steel | | | | Ring | Protection | Shield | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | METAL KING SHIELD | Shield | Ruinous | Saint's | Orichalcum | | | | Shield | Ashes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | POWER SHIELD | Shield | Magic | Strength | Cured | | | | Shield | Ring | Cheese | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RUINOUS SHIELD | Shield | Devil's | Metal King | N/A | | | | Tail | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SAINTESS SHIELD | Shield | White | Mirror | Holy | | | | Shield | Shield | Water | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SCALE SHIELD | Shield | Dragon | Leather | N/A | | | | Scale | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SILVER SHIELD | Shield | Mirror | Amor Seco | Magic | | | | Shield | Essence | Water | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | TEMPLAR'S SHIELD | Shield | Templar's | Iron | N/A | | | | Uniform | Shield | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | THANATOS' SHIELD | Shield | Goddess | Devil's | N/A | | | | Shield | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | WHITE SHIELD | Shield | Fresh | Fresh | Light | | | | Milk | Milk | Shield | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | WHITE SHIELD | Shield | Iron | Silver | N/A | | | | Shield | Platter | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DEMON SPEAR | Spear | Battle | Poison | Devil's | | | | Needle | Needle | Tail | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HOLY LANCE | Spear | Long | Gold | N/A | | | | Spear | Rosary | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | IRON LANCE | Spear | Cypress | Dagger | N/A | | | | Stick | | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LONG SPEAR | Spear | Cypress | Cypress | Iron | | | | Stick | Stick | Lance | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SANDSTORM SPEAR | Spear | Partisan | Saint's | N/A | | | | | Ashes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MAGMA STAFF | Staff | Wizard's | Rockbomb | N/A | | | | Staff | Shard | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STAFF OF ANTIMAGIC | Staff | Wizard's | Rune | N/A | | | | Staff | Staff | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | STAFF OF RESURCTION | Staff | Rune | Life | Yggdrasil | | | | Staff | Bracer | Leaf | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | BLIZZARD BLADE | Sword | Bastard | Icicle | Cold | | | | Sword | Dirk | Cheese | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | COPPER SWORD | Sword | Bronze | Bronze | N/A | | | | Knife | Knife | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD | Sword | Uber | Devil's | N/A | | | | Double-Edge | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DRAGON SLAYER | Sword | Dragonsbane | Mighty | N/A | | | | | Armlet | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DRAGOVIAN KING SWD | Sword | Liquid Metal | Dragovian | N/A | | | | Sword | Sword | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | FALLEN ANGEL RAPIER | Sword | Holy Silver | Devil's | Wing of | | | | Rapier | Tail | Bat | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | HOLY SILVER RAPIER | Sword | Templar's | Holy | N/A | | | | Sword | Talisman | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LIQUID METAL SWORD | Sword | Rusty Old | Slime | Orichalcum | | | | Sword | Crown | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | MERCURY'S RAPIER | Sword | Fallen Angel | Mercury's | Mercury's | | | | Rapier | Bandana | Bandana | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | RUSTY OLD SWORD | Sword | Liquid Metal | Mystifying | Cowpat | | | | Sword | Mixture | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SHAMSHIR OF LIGHT | Sword | Rune | Light | Shimmering | | | | Staff | Shield | Dress | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | UBER DOUBLE-EDGE | Sword | Double-Edged | Saint's | Saint's | | | | Sword | Ashes | Ashes | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | UBER FALCON BLADE | Sword | Falcon | Meteorite | N/A | | | | Blade | Bracer | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | UBER MIRACLE SWORD | Sword | Miracle | Life | N/A | | | | Sword | Bracer | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | ZOMBIE SLAYER | Sword | Zombiesbane | Holy | N/A | | | | | Talisman | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DEMON WHIP | Whip | Scourge | Devil's | N/A | | | | Whip | Tail | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | DRAGONTAIL WHIP | Whip | Snakeskin | Dragon | Dragon | | | | Whip | Scale | Scale | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | LEATHER WHIP | Whip | Devil's | Saint's | N/A | | | | Tail | Ashes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SCOURGE WHIP | Whip | Demon | Saint's | N/A | | | | Whip | Ashes | | |---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------| | SNAKESKIN WHIP | Whip | Leather | Scale | N/A | | | | Whip | Shield | | +---------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || 06.00 || Bestiary || 06.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== NORMAL ENEMIES ================================================= 06.01 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SLIME | HABITATS: Farebury Region | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Amor Seco Essence | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | A well-known monster commonly | | Number........................... 1 | encountered throughout the world. | | Hit Points....................... 7 | Quite intelligent. Some have even | | Magic Points..................... 0 | managed to learn the human tongue. | | Experience....................... 1 | | | Gold............................. 1 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CANDY CAT | HABITATS: Farebury Region | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Bandit's Grass Skirt| |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A happy-go-lucky, good natured | | Number........................... 2 | monster. Born with only one stripe, | | Hit Points...................... 10 | it grows another with each passing | | Magic Points..................... 0 | year. | | Experience....................... 2 | | | Gold............................. 2 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LIPS | HABITATS: Farebury Region | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Moonwort Bulb | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | A slug-like creature with | | Number........................... 3 | distinctively large lips. They seem | | Hit Points...................... 11 | to greet on another with big sloppy | | Magic Points..................... 0 | kisses! | | Experience....................... 3 | | | Gold............................. 2 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DRACKY | HABITATS: Farebury Region | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Chimaera Wing | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | A bat-like monster that flies freely | | Number........................... 4 | through the night sky. According to | | Hit Points...................... 10 | one account, they're born in a | | Magic Points..................... 0 | world without light. | | Experience....................... 3 | | | Gold............................. 2 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SATYR | HABITATS: Farebury Region | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Clothes | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wayfarer's Clothes | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The large horns above each ear fall | | Number........................... 5 | and grow back every year. The | | Hit Points...................... 13 | hornpipes they carry are carved | | Magic Points..................... 0 | from their old horns. | | Experience....................... 4 | | | Gold............................. 3 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CAPSICHUM | HABITATS: FAREBURY REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Cypress Stick | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Copper Sword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | A distinctive monster shaped like a | | Number........................... 6 | pepper. In their culture, two is | | Hit Points...................... 15 | always better than one, so they | | Magic Points..................... 4 | stick together with the help of a | | Experience....................... 3 | large skewer! | | Gold............................. 3 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BUNICORN | HABITATS: FAREBURY REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Leather Hat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Bunny Tail | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A rabbit-like monster with a | | Number........................... 7 | distinctive single horn growing from | | Hit Points...................... 16 | the middle of its forehead. Unlike | | Magic Points..................... 0 | normal rabbits, they are | | Experience....................... 5 | determinedly carnivorous, using | | Gold............................. 5 | their sharp horns to spear prey. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SHE-SLIME | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Slime Earrings | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | Slimes of a different colour, | | Number........................... 8 | apparently due to a sudden mutation. | | Hit Points...................... 18 | Although commonly referred to as | | Magic Points..................... 0 | 'she-slimes', their true gender | | Experience....................... 8 | remains unknown. | | Gold............................. 6 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FIRESPIRIT | HABITATS: WATERFALL CAVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Holy Water | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Amor Seco Essence | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family................... Elemental | A physical manifestation of fire | | Number........................... 9 | magic. As this monster lacks a | | Hit Points...................... 14 | material body, most physical attacks | | Magic Points..................... 3 | pass right through it. Try raising | | Experience....................... 5 | your tension when fighting them. | | Gold............................. 4 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MISCHEVIOUS MOLE | HABITATS: WATERFALL CAVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Oaken Club | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Small but seriously strong. Once | | Number.......................... 10 | they psyche themselves up, these | | Hit Points...................... 15 | pint-sized pests can inflict some | | Magic Points..................... 0 | serious damage. | | Experience....................... 5 | | | Gold............................. 4 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MECHA-MYNAH | HABITATS: WATERFALL CAVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Pot Lid | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Chimaera Wing | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Machine | The mechanical bodies of these birds | | Number.......................... 11 | weigh more than Yangus after a big | | Hit Points....................... 9 | dinner! They have a tendency to | | Magic Points..................... 4 | snap the tree branches where they | | Experience....................... 5 | roost and fall to earth with a | | Gold............................. 8 | metallic clunk. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BUBBLE SLIME | HABITATS: WATERFALL CAVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Moonwort Bulb | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | These sticky masses of muck are | | Number.......................... 12 | poisonous to the touch. Once a | | Hit Points...................... 20 | traveller comes into contact with | | Magic Points..................... 0 | a bubble slime's body in battle, the | | Experience....................... 5 | effects of poison will persist until | | Gold............................. 7 | the individual is cured. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DANCING DEVIL | HABITATS: FAREBURY REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Chimaera Wing | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Boxer Shorts | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | A race of demons wearing what | | Number.......................... 13 | appears to be bright blue pants. | | Hit Points...................... 20 | They are rumoured to drop them | | Magic Points..................... 0 | whenever they are defeated. | | Experience....................... 7 | | | Gold............................ 10 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BODKIN ARCHER | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Bandana | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Plain Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Diminutive but resourceful monsters. | | Number.......................... 14 | Upon encountering an enemy they keep | | Hit Points...................... 21 | their distance and let fly with | | Magic Points..................... 2 | long-range bow and arrow attacks. | | Experience...................... 10 | | | Gold............................. 8 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SKIPPER | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Bunny Tail | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A hairy fur ball of a monster whose | | Number.......................... 15 | love for unwanted old boots | | Hit Points...................... 21 | manifests itself in much the same | | Magic Points..................... 5 | way as a hermit crab's love for | | Experience...................... 12 | discarded shells. | | Gold............................ 10 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DRACKMAGE | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Chimaera Wing | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Related to the Dracky, these | | Number.......................... 16 | monsters have evolved a green | | Hit Points...................... 19 | colouration to match their woodland | | Magic Points..................... 6 | habitat. They remain constantly | | Experience....................... 9 | airborne, smoothly dodging attacks | | Gold............................. 7 | whilst casting spells on opponents. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BEETLEBOY | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Leather Hat | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Despite their weighty appearance, | | Number.......................... 17 | these insectoid monsters are quite | | Hit Points...................... 16 | swift. They like to tackle their | | Magic Points..................... 0 | opponents head-on with the help of | | Experience...................... 12 | their huge horns. | | Gold............................ 10 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | IMP | HABITATS: TOWER OF ALEXANDRIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Chimaera Wing | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Cool Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | Juvenile forms of elite magical | | Number.......................... 18 | monsters. Imps try to cast spells | | Hit Points...................... 28 | which are far too powerful for them | | Magic Points..................... 0 | and fail every time. | | Experience...................... 15 | | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FUNGHOUL | HABITATS: TOWER OF ALEXANDRIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Plain Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | Mushroom-shaped monsters with a | | Number.......................... 19 | sweet breath that puts enemies to | | Hit Points...................... 22 | sleep. They grow in humid areas | | Magic Points..................... 0 | like grasslands and deep forests. | | Experience...................... 13 | | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FENCING FOX | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Warfarer's Clothes | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Bracer | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | These foppish fiends leave foes | | Number.......................... 20 | floundering with their flamboyant | | Hit Points...................... 25 | foil-work. When not showing off | | Magic Points..................... 8 | their skill with a sword, they like | | Experience...................... 20 | to demonstrate their dazzling | | Gold............................ 16 | dancing. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HEALSLIME | HABITATS: TOWER OF ALEXANDRIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Amor Seco Essence | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | A kindly slime that never hesitates | | Number.......................... 21 | to help comrades by casting healing | | Hit Points...................... 24 | spells, even when in danger itself. | | Magic Points.................... 12 | All in all, a supportive little | | Experience...................... 18 | monster. | | Gold............................ 13 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HAMMERHOOD | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Oaken Club | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Giant Mallet | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Not the largest monster in the world | | Number.......................... 22 | but amongst the strongest. Their | | Hit Points...................... 33 | bodies seem even smaller next to | | Magic Points..................... 0 | the massive wooden mallets they | | Experience....................... 9 | carry. The unwieldiness of these | | Gold............................ 21 | weapons means they frequently miss. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | JAILCAT | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Bandana | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Plain Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A feline monster with stripes | | Number.......................... 23 | reminiscent of a jailhouse convict. | | Hit Points...................... 29 | Strangely popular among cat lovers. | | Magic Points..................... 6 | Usually quite playful, but capable | | Experience...................... 19 | of casting spells when provoked. | | Gold............................. 8 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FROGFACE | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Amor Seco Essence | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Although quite weak in frog form, | | Number.......................... 24 | their attacks become far more | | Hit Points...................... 36 | dangerous when they reveal the human | | Magic Points..................... 6 | faces on their backs. | | Experience...................... 20 | | | Gold............................ 13 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LUMP MAGE | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Cypress Stick | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wizard's Staff | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Physically quite weak, but capable | | Number.......................... 25 | of wearing enemies down by | | Hit Points...................... 38 | repeatedly casting unpleasant | | Magic Points.................... 12 | spells. Occasionally splits into | | Experience...................... 31 | two when losing a battle. | | Gold............................ 18 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WINKY | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Holy Water | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Water | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | An odd monster in the form of an | | Number.......................... 26 | eyeball with arms and legs. Said | | Hit Points...................... 40 | to turn red and become very strong | | Magic Points..................... 0 | when angered. | | Experience...................... 32 | | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SPIKED HARE | HABITATS: ALEXANDRIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Bunny Tail | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Ignore their cuddly appearance. | | Number.......................... 27 | These monsters are actually ruthless | | Hit Points...................... 42 | adversaries, capable of decreasing | | Magic Points..................... 0 | an enemies' tension while raising | | Experience...................... 30 | their own. | | Gold............................ 13 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CHAININE | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Bracer | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Bulldog-like monsters that throw | | Number.......................... 28 | their spiked collars to ensnare | | Hit Points...................... 38 | enemies and make them easier to hit. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 36 | | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GIANT MOTH | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rennet Powder | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Red Mould | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | A large moth-like monster that flies | | Number.......................... 29 | freely through the air on giant | | Hit Points...................... 36 | wings. Capable of casting air- | | Magic Points..................... 6 | based spells on groups of enemies | | Experience...................... 37 | simultaneously. | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DINGALING | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Hairband | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Bracer | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A monster shaped like a large bell. | | Number.......................... 30 | Usually does nothing more than watch | | Hit Points...................... 28 | and laugh, but occasionally calls | | Magic Points..................... 4 | Jargon for help. | | Experience...................... 31 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | JARGON | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rennet Powder | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Fresh Milk | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Dragon | Physically quite imposing, these | | Number.......................... 31 | monsters are also capable of | | Hit Points...................... 73 | breathing fire and throwing magical | | Magic Points..................... 0 | sand from their jars. They appear | | Experience...................... 64 | to enjoy a symbiotic relationship | | Gold............................ 32 | with dingalings. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DRACKYMA | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Moonwort Bulb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wing of Bat | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Drackymas are the mothers of | | Number.......................... 32 | Drackies. The lullabies they use | | Hit Points...................... 33 | to put their babies to sleep work | | Magic Points..................... 6 | just as well against their foes in | | Experience...................... 28 | battle. | | Gold............................. 9 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BULLFINCH | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Cowpat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Powerful bird-like monsters that | | Number.......................... 33 | resemble two legged bulls. Sleepy | | Hit Points...................... 40 | and lethargic, they are foul | | Magic Points..................... 0 | tempered when suddenly awakened. | | Experience...................... 30 | | | Gold............................ 14 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BAG O' LAUGHS | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Clothes | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Hairband | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | Despite their silly appearance, | | Number.......................... 34 | these monsters are crafty opponents | | Hit Points...................... 35 | capable of preventing enemies from | | Magic Points.................... 10 | casting spells. | | Experience...................... 35 | | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SKELETON | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Soldier's Sword | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Templar's Uniform | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | Human knights that met a foul and | | Number.......................... 35 | painful end. Frustration and | | Hit Points...................... 46 | sadness at their pitiful fate keeps | | Magic Points..................... 3 | them in this world as undead | | Experience...................... 41 | monsters. | | Gold............................ 15 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | METAL SLIME | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Defence | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Seed of Agility | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | Popular among adventurersfor the | | Number.......................... 36 | inordinately large number of | | Hit Points....................... 4 | experience points they bestow. | | Magic Points..................... ? | Although not particularly dangerous, | | Experience.................... 1350 | their tendency to flee at the first | | Gold............................. 5 | sign of trouble makes them difficult | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SCORPION | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Lance | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Enormous scorpions with impenetrable | | Number.......................... 37 | carapaces. Their defences protect | | Hit Points...................... 40 | them against all but the most | | Magic Points..................... 4 | determined physical attacks. Use | | Experience...................... 42 | magic to defeat them. | | Gold............................. 8 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MORPHEAN MUSHROOM | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Plain Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | Mushroom-shaped monsters with a | | Number.......................... 38 | sweet breath that puts enemies to | | Hit Points...................... 45 | sleep. Commonly encountered in | | Magic Points..................... 0 | humid areas such as deep forests and | | Experience...................... 40 | grasslands. | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BROWNIE | HABITATS: MAELLA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Giant Mallet | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Usually calm and timid, these | | Number.......................... 39 | monsters psyche themselves up to | | Hit Points...................... 53 | become vicious foes when provoked. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | Their tiny bodies conceal incredible | | Experience...................... 43 | power. | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FLYGUY | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Cowpat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Plain Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | A mutant fly grown to human size. | | Number.......................... 40 | Known to carry rare treasures. | | Hit Points...................... 39 | | | Magic Points..................... 8 | | | Experience...................... 44 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PUPPETEER | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Silk Robe | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Slime Earrings | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | A unique monster that delights in | | Number.......................... 41 | telling its opponents stories using | | Hit Points...................... 75 | hand-puppets. | | Magic Points.................... 12 | | | Experience...................... 45 | | | Gold............................ 21 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BODKIN BOWYER | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Silk Robe | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Short Bow | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Great archers in spite of their | | Number.......................... 42 | size. Capable of surrounding | | Hit Points...................... 48 | opponents and unleashing a fusillade | | Magic Points..................... ? | of arrows upon them. When trouble | | Experience...................... 43 | beckons they quickly call for | | Gold............................ 17 | reinforcement. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | NIGHT SNEAKER | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Moonwort Bulb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Bunny Tail | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | Monsters that skulk around in the | | Number.......................... 43 | dead of night. They are masters of | | Hit Points...................... 52 | defensive magic and can deflect | | Magic Points.................... 12 | enemy spells. | | Experience...................... 52 | | | Gold............................ 20 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUMMY BOY | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Bandana | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Turban | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | A monster wrapped from head to toe | | Number.......................... 44 | in filthy old bandages. Capable of | | Hit Points...................... 73 | spitting curses that envelop and | | Magic Points..................... 0 | immobilize enemies. | | Experience...................... 55 | | | Gold............................. 9 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HELL HORNET | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | A monster hornet with a paralysing | | Number.......................... 45 | sting. Be sure to carry moonwort | | Hit Points...................... 37 | bulbs with you if you think you will | | Magic Points..................... 0 | encounter these vicious monsters. | | Experience...................... 51 | | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PAN PIPER | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Leather Kilt | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Half man, half goat, and the worst | | Number.......................... 46 | of both. Usually timid, they turn | | Hit Points...................... 48 | red if provoked and clal for fellow | | Magic Points..................... 0 | pan pipers to join the fray. | | Experience...................... 54 | | | Gold............................ 18 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SLIME KNIGHT | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Slime Earrings | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Templar's Shield | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | Angry at seeing their slime friends | | Number.......................... 47 | bullied by swaggering adventurers, | | Hit Points...................... 52 | these courageous little monsters | | Magic Points..................... 4 | swore an oath to defend them. Now | | Experience...................... 55 | they roam the land as knights on | | Gold............................ 22 | slime steeds. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CLOCKWORK CUCKOO | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Nail | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Dagger | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Machine | These mechanical birds are the | | Number.......................... 48 | result of a mad scientist's twisted | | Hit Points...................... 32 | experiment. When they detect a | | Magic Points..................... 0 | target they become a deadly | | Experience...................... 56 | whilwind of razor-sharp blades. | | Gold............................ 31 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TREEFACE | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Strong Medicine | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | Rightly feared for their habit of | | Number.......................... 49 | hiding in forests and ambushing | | Hit Points...................... 64 | travellers. When hurt, they pluck | | Magic Points..................... 0 | leaves from their own branches to | | Experience...................... 67 | use as healing herbs. | | Gold............................ 23 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KISSER | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Waterweed Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Red Mould | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Wet and glistening monsters said to | | Number.......................... 50 | carry various moulds that can be | | Hit Points...................... 49 | used to make special cheeses. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 53 | | | Gold............................ 15 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DIEMON | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Chimaera Wing | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Mysterious monsters known for | | Number.......................... 51 | wearing eerie masks. Their real | | Hit Points...................... 64 | faces are said to be even scarier. | | Magic Points.................... 10 | | | Experience...................... 58 | | | Gold............................ 19 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WALKING CORPSE | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Chain Mail | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | As the name implies, a monstrous | | Number.......................... 52 | rotten corpse. Their foul | | Hit Points...................... 94 | appearance can cause your tension | | Magic Points..................... 0 | to decrease suddenly. | | Experience...................... 59 | | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FAT BAT | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Wing of Bat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Heavyweight monsters that dive- | | Number.......................... 53 | bomb opponents, body slamming them | | Hit Points...................... 52 | into the ground. | | Magic Points..................... 5 | | | Experience...................... 61 | | | Gold............................. 9 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | NIGHT FOX | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rapier | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Feathered Cap | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Extremely agile, these monsters are | | Number.......................... 54 | feared for their skillful rapier- | | Hit Points...................... 56 | work and Mercurial Thrusts. | | Magic Points..................... 6 | | | Experience...................... 56 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PAPRIKAN | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Rapier | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | A pair of psychotic peppers. Their | | Number.......................... 55 | crazed grins belie their willingness | | Hit Points...................... 54 | in battle. They can prevent enemies | | Magic Points..................... 6 | from using spells, and like to | | Experience...................... 47 | pummel their adversaries with body- | | Gold............................ 10 | slams. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CHIMAERA | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Chimaera Wing | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Hairband | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | The wings of these monsters are | | Number.......................... 56 | useful items that allow travellers | | Hit Points...................... 54 | to teleport to previously visited | | Magic Points..................... 5 | locations instantly. | | Experience...................... 64 | | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HOOD | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Stone Axe | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Leather Cape | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Mysterious masked monsters with a | | Number.......................... 57 | nasty habit of hacking down unweary | | Hit Points...................... 60 | travellers. These vain creatures | | Magic Points..................... 0 | love to flex their muscles and | | Experience...................... 66 | psyche up in front of their enemies. | | Gold............................ 14 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HEADHUNTER | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Scale Shield | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Known for their jumping ability, | | Number.......................... 58 | these monsters wait for the best | | Hit Points...................... 54 | opportunity to attack their enemies. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | Watch out for their vicious slashes | | Experience...................... 62 | and formidable defensive abilities. | | Gold............................ 18 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MINIDEMON | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Wing of Bat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Rockbomb Shard | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | A surprisingly powerful monster. | | Number.......................... 59 | Its cute looks betray no hint that | | Hit Points...................... 58 | it is skilled in both fire and ice | | Magic Points..................... 5 | magic. | | Experience...................... 59 | | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GORERILLA | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Giant Mallet | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A brute of a monster that wields | | Number.......................... 60 | a club to bash enemies. Even a | | Hit Points...................... 65 | single blow can inflict a tremendous | | Magic Points..................... 0 | amount of damage. | | Experience...................... 65 | | | Gold............................ 10 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUD MANNEQUIN | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF ASCANTHA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rock Salt | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Cypress Stick | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A crude figure fashioned out of | | Number.......................... 61 | mud and animated with a magical | | Hit Points...................... 63 | spell. Dances a strange dance that | | Magic Points..................... 0 | lowers the MP of opponents. | | Experience...................... 69 | | | Gold............................ 15 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CANNIBOX | HABITATS: SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Nail | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Pot Lid | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A skillful mimic that disguises | | Number.......................... 62 | itself as a treasure chest. It | | Hit Points...................... 61 | waits quietly to be discovered, then | | Magic Points.................... 12 | chomps on unwary travellers with its | | Experience...................... 76 | sharp fangs. Occasionally capable | | Gold........................... 110 | of landing devastating attacks. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GOODYBAG | HABITATS: SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Gold Bracer | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Prayer Ring | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | An enchanted bag of treasure-turned | | Number.......................... 50 | monster. Highly resistant to almost | | Hit Points...................... 55 | every smell, except those that | | Magic Points..................... 8 | drain its magic. | | Experience...................... 32 | | | Gold........................... 106 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WITCH | HABITATS: PICKHAM REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Wizard's Staff | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Garter | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | A sexy she-monster that seduces | | Number.......................... 64 | enemies with her Puff-Puff ability | | Hit Points...................... 68 | before unleashing a barrage of | | Magic Points.................... 12 | spells on her hapless foes. | | Experience...................... 66 | | | Gold............................ 22 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUMMY | HABITATS: SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Turban | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Scholar's Specs | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | A cursed monster that continues to | | Number.......................... 65 | suffer even in death. As an undead | | Hit Points...................... 66 | creature, it hates the living and | | Magic Points..................... 0 | attacks travellers on site. | | Experience...................... 67 | | | Gold............................ 10 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CURESLIME | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Moon's Mercy | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | As the name implies, this is a slime | | Number.......................... 66 | capable of casting powerful curative | | Hit Points...................... 54 | magic. Defeat it quickly or it will | | Magic Points.................... 20 | heal its weaker comrades during | | Experience...................... 70 | battle. | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RESTLESS ARMOUR | HABITATS: SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Shield | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Armour | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | The angry soul of a dead swordsman | | Number.......................... 67 | inhabiting an empty suit of armour. | | Hit Points...................... 00 | Occasionally summons healslimes | | Magic Points..................... 0 | to assist in battle. | | Experience...................... 00 | | | Gold............................ 00 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LOST SOUL | HABITATS: SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Holy Water | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Water | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family................... Elemental | The soul of a slain traveler, | | Number.......................... 68 | endlessly wandering in search of its | | Hit Points...................... 52 | path back home. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 62 | | | Gold............................. 9 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PHANTOM FENCER | HABITATS: SWORDSMAN'S LABYRINTH | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Leather Cape | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Templar's Sword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | A ragged cape enchanted by powerful | | Number.......................... 69 | magic. Invulnerable to air-based | | Hit Points...................... 65 | spells. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 68 | | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HIPSTER | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wing of Bat | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | A gorgeous hunk of a demon that | | Number.......................... 70 | spins and uses its thoerny tail as a | | Hit Points...................... 70 | whip. | | Magic Points..................... 8 | | | Experience...................... 69 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ROCKBOMB | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rock Salt | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Rockbomb Shard | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | A strange creature with an eerie | | Number.......................... 71 | laugh. When you hear it, you know | | Hit Points...................... 68 | it's about to self destruct. | | Magic Points.................... 20 | | | Experience...................... 70 | | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DIEABLO | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Gold Bracer | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Ring | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A monster with a gleaming golden | | Number.......................... 72 | coat. Seems obsessed with | | Hit Points...................... 78 | collecting shiny objects. | | Magic Points.................... 15 | | | Experience...................... 72 | | | Gold............................ 37 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUDDY HAND | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Strength Ring | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | A horrifying mud-monster that lives | | Number.......................... 73 | in the depths of the earth. Extends | | Hit Points...................... 49 | a hand above ground to pull | | Magic Points..................... 0 | travellers to their doom. | | Experience...................... 45 | | | Gold............................. 8 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TERROR TABBY | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Leather Ship | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Turban | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A feline monster that spends its | | Number.......................... 74 | days lazing about. In battle, its | | Hit Points...................... 56 | sleepiness can be contagious. | | Magic Points.................... 10 | | | Experience...................... 57 | | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DEVILMOTH | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | A foul insect-monster from the | | Number.......................... 75 | underworld. Spits and sprays poison | | Hit Points...................... 70 | at its enemies. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 66 | | | Gold............................ 19 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BUFFALO WING | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Cowpat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Fresh Milk | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A short-tempered and aggressive | | Number.......................... 76 | monster. Psyches up and launches | | Hit Points...................... 74 | powerful body-slam attacks. | | Magic Points.................... 12 | | | Experience...................... 62 | | | Gold............................ 17 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUMBOH-JUMBOE | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Cheese | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Seed of Life | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The combined form of mum, boh, jum, | | Number.......................... 77 | and boe. Rattles opponents by | | Hit Points..................... 345 | casting Boom and using earth- | | Magic Points.................... 40 | shaking physical attacks. | | Experience..................... 309 | | | Gold............................ 41 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUM | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Cheese | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Leather Armour | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Surprisingly bossy for a monster | | Number.......................... 78 | that is an imcompetent fighter at | | Hit Points...................... 65 | best when alone. But it seems to | | Magic Points.................... 20 | have some sort of trick up its | | Experience...................... 68 | sleeve. | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BOH | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Cheese | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Turtle Shell | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Although as stocky and strong as a | | Number.......................... 79 | sumo wrestler, this monster doesn't | | Hit Points...................... 80 | seem to be able to its true | | Magic Points..................... ? | potential on its own. | | Experience...................... 65 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | JUM | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Cheese | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Copper Sword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | A right-handed monster that wields | | Number.......................... 80 | a sword far too large and heavy for | | Hit Points...................... 75 | it to handle well. | | Magic Points.................... 10 | | | Experience...................... 60 | | | Gold............................. 4 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BOE | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Plain Cheese | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | A left-handed monster that swings | | Number.......................... 81 | a single sword with both hands. | | Hit Points...................... 68 | The youngest of four brothers, it | | Magic Points.................... 10 | has a slight affinity for cheese. | | Experience...................... 59 | | | Gold............................. 4 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HUNTER MECH | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Hunter's Bow | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Machine | Deadly machines designed to hunt | | Number.......................... 82 | down and exterminate monsters of | | Hit Points...................... 71 | the metal family. If you encounter | | Magic Points..................... 9 | one, chances are a certain highly | | Experience...................... 76 | desirable metal monster may be in | | Gold............................ 20 | the area. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PINK PONGO | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Giant Mallet | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Far more agile than they appear, | | Number.......................... 83 | these monsters are harder to hit | | Hit Points...................... 81 | than you might think. Their clubs | | Magic Points..................... 0 | pack a powerful punch. | | Experience...................... 78 | | | Gold............................ 18 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LIQUID METAL SLIME | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Agility | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Elevating Shoes | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | Hunted by adventurers all over the | | Number.......................... 83 | world. Thier bodies consist of a | | Hit Points....................... 8 | mysterious gel-like metal. | | Magic Points..................... ? | | | Experience.................. 10,050 | | | Gold............................ 18 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MAD MOLE | HABITATS: MOLE HOLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Stone Hardhat | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Capable of extremely powerful | | Number.......................... 84 | attacks when psyched up. Beware | | Hit Points...................... 65 | of mad moles who are in a state of | | Magic Points..................... 0 | high tension! | | Experience...................... 68 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WAILIN' WEED | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Coral Hairpin | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | Flower-monsters nourished by the | | Number.......................... 86 | anguish of those unfortunate | | Hit Points...................... 59 | enough to be turned into thorny | | Magic Points..................... 0 | vines, such as the residents of | | Experience...................... 73 | Trodain Castle. | | Gold............................ 17 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GARUDA | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Hairband | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Poison Moth Knife | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Monsters that attack their enemies | | Number.......................... 87 | from the sky. Rumour has it that | | Hit Points...................... 80 | they can cast spells capable of | | Magic Points.................... 21 | wiping out entire parties, but the | | Experience...................... 75 | truth remains unknown. | | Gold............................ 12 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | INFERNAL ARMOUR | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Armour | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Ambulitory suits of cursed armour. | | Number.......................... 88 | Beware their swords. When driven | | Hit Points...................... 88 | into the ground, they can stun a | | Magic Points..................... 0 | group of adversaries with powerful | | Experience...................... 90 | lightning bolts. | | Gold............................ 19 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DRAGONTHORN | HABITATS: TRODAIN CASTLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Thorn Whip | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Thorny rose bushes turned into | | Number.......................... 89 | monsters by Dhoulmagus. Whenever | | Hit Points..................... 164 | one is killed, another is born | | Magic Points..................... 0 | to take its place. | | Experience..................... 101 | | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MARS ROVER | HABITATS: MOLE HOLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Cuirass | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Chain Whip | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Quick-witted dog monsters. Their | | Number.......................... 90 | loud barks serve to intimidate the | | Hit Points...................... 78 | enemy and summon allies. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 56 | | | Gold............................ 17 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PEEPER | HABITATS: MOLE HOLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Holy Water | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Water | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | Mysterious and unpredictable | | Number.......................... 91 | monsters. Don't let their small | | Hit Points...................... 78 | size fool you. They are more | | Magic Points.................... 32 | powerful than they appear. | | Experience...................... 75 | | | Gold............................ 14 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | COCKATEER | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Stone Hardhat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Titan Belt | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | A race of swordsmen... or should | | Number.......................... 92 | that be 'swordschickens'? They | | Hit Points..................... 105 | boast powerful sword skills and | | Magic Points..................... 0 | mastery of the Wind Sickles attack. | | Experience...................... 90 | | | Gold............................ 28 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GREAT SABRECAT | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Fearless, highly agile predators | | Number.......................... 93 | with sharp fangs. Rumour has it | | Hit Points...................... 95 | that they can be tamed, but the | | Magic Points..................... 0 | truth remains unknown. | | Experience..................... 120 | | | Gold............................ 31 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | METAL SLIME KNIGHT | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Slime Earrings | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Kitty Shield | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | Brave slime knights who live for | | Number.......................... 94 | a fight. Although resistant to | | Hit Points...................... 90 | attack spells, they are susceptible | | Magic Points..................... 8 | support spells. | | Experience...................... 91 | | | Gold............................ 33 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | PUPPET PLAYER | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Scholar's Specs | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | A strangely theatrical monster. | | Number.......................... 95 | Performs a carefully prepared | | Hit Points..................... 100 | puppet show entitled 'Love Story', | | Magic Points.................... 15 | that stirs up the enemy in all sorts | | Experience...................... 90 | of ways. | | Gold............................ 41 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SPITNIK | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Boomerang | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Moon's Mercy | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family................... Elemental | The dazzling bodies of these | | Number.......................... 96 | monsters burn as fiercely as the | | Hit Points..................... 108 | surface of the sun. They spew fire | | Magic Points..................... 0 | at their enemies. | | Experience...................... 92 | | | Gold............................ 58 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BODKIN FLETCHER | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Hunter's Bow | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Capable of firing huge volleys of | | Number.......................... 97 | poisoned arrows simultaneously, | | Hit Points...................... 88 | these monsters also carry antidotal | | Magic Points..................... 0 | herbs in case they accidentally | | Experience...................... 86 | stick themselves. | | Gold............................ 23 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | VENOM WASP | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Moonwort Bulb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Poison Needle | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Damages foes with poison needles | | Number.......................... 98 | while adroitly dodging incoming | | Hit Points...................... 92 | attacks. Rumour has it that a | | Magic Points..................... 0 | sting from this monster can cause | | Experience...................... 89 | paralysis. | | Gold............................ 13 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ORC | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Lance | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Boar-like monsters with masterful | | Number.......................... 99 | spear technique. Their achilles | | Hit Points..................... 105 | heel is their low agility. | | Magic Points..................... ? | | | Experience...................... 94 | | | Gold............................ 31 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | NIGHT EMPEROR | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Wing of Bat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Ring | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | A nocturnal monster that | | Number......................... 100 | occasionally appears alongside | | Hit Points..................... 100 | goodybags in forested areas. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience...................... 93 | | | Gold............................ 46 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TREEVIL | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Strong Medicine | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Yggdrasil Leaf | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | Said to carry Yggdrasil leaves in | | Number......................... 101 | their treetops, these monsters have | | Hit Points..................... 109 | the ability to resurrect fallen | | Magic Points..................... 0 | comrades. | | Experience...................... 95 | | | Gold............................ 27 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BATTLE BEETLE | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Templar's Shield | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Helmet | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | The armoured pink carapaces of these | | Number......................... 102 | insect monsters are highly resistant | | Hit Points...................... 57 | to physical attacks and spells. Try | | Magic Points.................... 12 | using magic to lower their defence | | Experience...................... 96 | before attacking. | | Gold............................ 22 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LUMP SHAMAN | HABITATS: NORTHWEST ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wizard's Staff | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Obnoxious magicians with a penchant | | Number......................... 103 | for casting spells to confuse their | | Hit Points...................... 80 | opponents. For an easier battle, | | Magic Points.....................30 | stop their magic with a well-placed | | Experience...................... 90 | spell of your own. | | Gold............................ 32 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SKELETON SOLDIER | HABITATS: NORTHWEST ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Titan Belt | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | Former knights enslaved by the | | Number......................... 104 | power of the Lord of Darkness. | | Hit Points...................... 94 | Loyal to the core, they continue | | Magic Points.................... 12 | to fight even in death. | | Experience...................... 93 | | | Gold............................ 26 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HAWK MAN | HABITATS: KINGDOM OF TRODAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Chimaera Wing | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Copper Shield | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Nocturnal monsters that can freely | | Number......................... 105 | fly through the air. Their | | Hit Points...................... 95 | preferred style of attack is to dive | | Magic Points.....................26 | bomb enemies from a high altitude. | | Experience..................... 100 | | | Gold............................ 24 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TAP DEVIL | HABITATS: HOLY ISLE OF NEOS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Leather Cape | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Devil's Tail | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | Famed for their fancy footwork, | | Number......................... 106 | these monsters use a variety of | | Hit Points...................... 85 | dance attacks during battle. See | | Magic Points..................... 0 | if you can spot them all! | | Experience...................... 78 | | | Gold............................ 21 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MUSHROOM MAGE | HABITATS: NORTHWEST ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Waterweed Mould | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Plant | Man-eating muchroom monsters that | | Number......................... 107 | live in shady forests. They cast | | Hit Points...................... 81 | ice magic to freeze unwary | | Magic Points.................... 10 | travellers and then use them as | | Experience...................... 75 | fertilizer. | | Gold............................ 13 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | REDTAIL HIPSTER | HABITATS: HOLY ISLE OF NEOS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Wing of Bat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Thorn Whip | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | A cruel race of demons that cast | | Number......................... 108 | instant death spells in an attempt | | Hit Points..................... 103 | to consign their foes to an early | | Magic Points..................... 0 | grave. | | Experience...................... 92 | | | Gold............................ 36 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | JUMPING JACKAL | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGIONAIN | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Magic Beast Hide | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Assassin's Dagger | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Vicious beasts whose obsession with | | Number......................... 109 | bodybuilding has turned them into | | Hit Points..................... 111 | even more formidable foes. Use | | Magic Points..................... 0 | spells to level the playing field. | | Experience..................... 103 | | | Gold............................ 32 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GOLD GOLEM | HABITATS: HOLY ISLE OF NEOS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Gold Bracer | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Ring | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | Golden creatures that have taken it | | Number......................... 110 | upon themselves to protect the Holy | | Hit Points..................... 120 | Isle of Neos and the Goddess statue | | Magic Points..................... 0 | erected there. | | Experience...................... 54 | | | Gold........................... 726 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KING SLIME | HABITATS: BACCARAT REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Slime Earrings | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Slime Crown | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | The result of many small slimes | | Number......................... 111 | fusing together and bestowing | | Hit Points..................... 210 | themselves with a crown. A slime | | Magic Points.................... 25 | with royal aspirations. | | Experience..................... 110 | | | Gold............................ 51 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | IRON SCORPION | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Nail | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Farmer's Scythe | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | The iron carapaces of these fearsome | | Number......................... 112 | creatures are virtually impervious | | Hit Points...................... 64 | to sword attacks, but they are | | Magic Points.................... 21 | susceptible to explosive shells. | | Experience...................... 82 | | | Gold............................ 21 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TOXIC ZOMBIE | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wayfarer's Clothes | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | Undead corpses that live in | | Number......................... 113 | poisonous swamps. If you have a | | Hit Points..................... 116 | hard time hitting them, try psyching | | Magic Points..................... 0 | up first. | | Experience...................... 75 | | | Gold............................ 17 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LESSER DEMON | HABITATS: NORTHWEST ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | Fearsome demons capable of | | Number......................... 114 | channeling the power of the | | Hit Points..................... 119 | underworld into a dazzling light | | Magic Points..................... 0 | attack. | | Experience..................... 107 | | | Gold............................ 38 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | VOLPONE | HABITATS: HOLY ISLE OF NEOS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Aristocrats of the monster world. | | Number......................... 115 | Famed for doing the Hustle Dance | | Hit Points..................... 107 | when in dire trouble to tip the | | Magic Points.................... 24 | balance of a battle in their favour. | | Experience..................... 102 | | | Gold............................ 43 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BOMBOULDER | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Stone Hardhat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Rockbomb Shield | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | They often appear uninterested when | | Number......................... 116 | first encoutnered, bu in reality, | | Hit Points..................... 115 | they are merely biding their time, | | Magic Points.................... 10 | waiting for the best moment to | | Experience..................... 111 | attack. | | Gold............................ 11 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SKULLRIDER | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Bandana | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | Ninja-like monsters that execute | | Number......................... 117 | rapid turns and rush their | | Hit Points..................... 109 | opponents' legs in an attempt to | | Magic Points..................... 0 | trip them up. | | Experience...................... 97 | | | Gold............................ 32 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HADES CONDOR | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Strong Medicine | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Eagle Dagger | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | A crafty monster that quietly | | Number......................... 118 | observes its enemies to determine | | Hit Points...................... 00 | the weakest member of a party. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | Beware its talons. | | Experience...................... 00 | | | Gold............................ 00 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | FROGMAN | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Waterweed Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Cool Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Frog-monsters with strange patterns | | Number......................... 119 | covering their bodies. When | | Hit Points..................... 116 | provoked to reveal the human faces | | Magic Points.................... 16 | on their backs, they can use | | Experience...................... 88 | powerful spells and ice attacks | | Gold............................ 18 | which damage the whole party. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MIMIC | HABITATS: PIRATE'S COVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Nail | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Seed of Stength | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | To all appearances, these monsters | | Number......................... 120 | look like nothing more than normal | | Hit Points..................... 144 | treasure chests. Try to open one, | | Magic Points..................... ? | however, and the joke's on you. | | Experience..................... 128 | Beware the fearsome mimic! | | Gold............................ 72 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC DUMBBELL | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Red Mould | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Rapier | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | In groups, these otherwise silly | | Number......................... 121 | looking monsters are capable of | | Hit Points...................... 78 | playing melodies that can lay low | | Magic Points.................... 14 | even experienced adventurers. | | Experience...................... 41 | | | Gold............................. 9 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GARGOYLE | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Strong Medicine | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Masters of the air, these monsters | | Number......................... 122 | take flight on their leathery | | Hit Points..................... 120 | wings and attack foes from above. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience..................... 114 | | | Gold............................ 36 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MAGIC MARIONETTE | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Iron Nail | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Slime Earrings | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | Famed for launching into a strange | | Number......................... 123 | dance that steals opponents' MP | | Hit Points..................... 117 | before running off. Although not | | Magic Points..................... 0 | particularly strong, these monsters | | Experience..................... 108 | can be quite annoying. | | Gold............................ 27 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | NOTSO MACHO | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Bracer | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | A monster whose enormous, flabby | | Number......................... 124 | body abd lolling tongue belie its | | Hit Points..................... 147 | intelligence. Generally uses | | Magic Points..................... 0 | spells to raise its attack power | | Experience..................... 120 | before unleashing a powerful strike. | | Gold............................ 38 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LUMP WIZARD | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Holy Water | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wizard's Staff | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | These otherwise unassuming little | | Number......................... 125 | lumps of flesh are in fact powerful | | Hit Points..................... 108 | magicians capable of casting both | | Magic Points..................... ? | fire- and air-based spells. | | Experience..................... 112 | | | Gold............................ 22 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BERSERKER | HABITATS: WEST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Kitty Shield | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Axe | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Hyperactive monsters that live deep | | Number......................... 126 | in forests. They swing their axes | | Hit Points..................... 120 | wildly as they charge their | | Magic Points..................... 0 | enemies. | | Experience..................... 118 | | | Gold............................ 19 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BULLDOZER | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Cowpat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Plain Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Feisty monsters that resemble giant | | Number......................... 127 | bulls. They paralyze opponents | | Hit Points..................... 131 | with Burning Breath before charging | | Magic Points..................... 0 | in for a ferocious attack. | | Experience..................... 117 | | | Gold............................ 31 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GHOUL | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Gold Ring | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | Strike or slice these monsters | | Number......................... 128 | all you want; their undead flesh | | Hit Points..................... 182 | feels no pain. Beware of their | | Magic Points..................... 0 | tendency to call in fellow ghouls to | | Experience...................... 98 | sway the odds in their favour. | | Gold............................ 17 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SHADE | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rennet Powder | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Wing of Bat | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family................... Elemental | It is said that these terrifying | | Number......................... 129 | apparitions are born when the | | Hit Points...................... 86 | restless shadows of fallen monsters | | Magic Points..................... 0 | coalesce. | | Experience...................... 78 | | | Gold............................ 14 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | LETHAL ARMOUR | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Soldier's Sword | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Heavy Armour | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A killer suit of armour with a | | Number......................... 130 | grudge against humanity. This | | Hit Points..................... 145 | monster boasts high offensive and | | Magic Points.................... 20 | defensive capabilities. Use support | | Experience..................... 124 | magic to subdue it before it uses | | Gold............................ 52 | its own magic to put everyone sleep. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KING CURESLIME | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Amor Seco Essence | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Yggdrasil Dew | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Slime | These massive slimes are | | Number......................... 131 | theoretically capable of fully | | Hit Points..................... 180 | healing all of their allies in one | | Magic Points..................... ? | go, but actual recorded cases are | | Experience..................... 136 | quite rare. | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HOODLUM | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Tough Guy Tattoo | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Axe | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | Humanoid nightstalkers that prowl | | Number......................... 132 | the paths of the world, preying | | Hit Points..................... 123 | upon unwary travellers. Beware | | Magic Points..................... 0 | their dazzling light attacks and | | Experience..................... 106 | huge axes. | | Gold............................ 32 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | HOCUS CHIMAERA | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Chimaera Wing | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Magic Water | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Though they are capable of casting | | Number......................... 133 | spells, these monsters are rather | | Hit Points..................... 108 | more hocus-pocus than proper | | Magic Points..................... 8 | magicians. | | Experience..................... 115 | | | Gold............................ 35 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DEMONRIDER | HABITATS: EAST ARGONIA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Copper Sword | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Cool Cheese | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Demon | These vicious monsters are masters | | Number......................... 134 | of ice attacks. Their undead | | Hit Points..................... 126 | steeds appear to be made from the | | Magic Points..................... 0 | bones of lesser demons. | | Experience..................... 131 | | | Gold............................ 37 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KILLER MOTH | HABITATS: SAEVELLA AREA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rennet Powder | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Antidotal Herb | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... Bug | Ferocious insect monsters that love | | Number......................... 135 | nothing more than tormenting humans. | | Hit Points...................... 84 | Fond of casting blinding spells and | | Magic Points..................... 8 | exhaling a venomous mist during | | Experience..................... 116 | combat. | | Gold............................ 14 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | JABBERWOCKEE | HABITATS: RYDON'S TOWER | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Special Medicine | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The combined form of four smaller | | Number......................... 136 | monsters; jab, ber, woc, and kee. | | Hit Points..................... 645 | In spite of their penchant for | | Magic Points.................... 13 | working together, they seem to be | | Experience..................... 318 | lacking in the team-spirit | | Gold........................... 100 | department. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | JAB | HABITATS: RYDON'S TOWER | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Moonwort Bulb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Helmet | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The stubborn head of the mighty | | Number......................... 137 | jabberwockee. An unyielding | | Hit Points...................... 90 | blockhead of a leader, famed for | | Magic Points..................... ? | never having apologized for anything | | Experience...................... 81 | in its entire life. | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | BER | HABITATS: RYDON'S TOWER | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Rock Salt | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Armour | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The selfish body of the mighty | | Number......................... 138 | jabberwockee. Deeply resents | | Hit Points...................... 75 | jab, kee and woc for forcing it to | | Magic Points..................... 0 | carry them all the time. | | Experience...................... 71 | | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KEE | HABITATS: RYDON'S TOWER | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Antidotal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Steel Broadsword | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The pompous right arm of the mighty | | Number......................... 139 | jabberwockee. Never misses a chance | | Hit Points...................... 75 | to guilt-trip jab, ber, and woc into | | Magic Points.................... 10 | thanking it for its healing ability. | | Experience...................... 61 | | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | WOC | HABITATS: RYDON'S TOWER | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Medicinal Herb | DROP [UNCOMMON]: Iron Shield | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Humanoid | The egotistical left arm of the | | Number......................... 140 | mighty jabberwockee. Constantly | | Hit Points...................... 75 | on the lookout for a chance to use | | Magic Points.................... 12 | its magic and speed itself up and | | Experience...................... 61 | flee. | | Gold............................ 25 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +== BOSS MONSTERS ================================================== 06.02 ==+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GEYZER 06.A1 | HABITATS: Waterfall Cave | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Strength | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Aquatic | A bitter and vengeful merman who | | Number......................... 261 | has long since sought the fortune | | Hit Points..................... 173 | teller responsible for dropping a | | Magic Points.................... 20 | crystal ball on his head. | | Experience..................... 107 | | | Gold........................... 108 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Boss battles in this game are not easy, and unlike other games you won't | | usually find a save point right before you battle them. You won't have | | your hand held here so it's your job to be prepared. Personally I was | | level seven when Ii fought the boss but I imagine level six would do. | | Make sure both of your party members have a couple of Medicinal Herbs on | | them, and that's on their person, not in the bag where they can't access | | them in battle. They should also be equipped with the best weapons and | | the best armour that you can afford at this point in the game. | | | | The Geyzer is a reasonable first boss that will provide a bit of a | | challenge. He has three attacks that he uses randomly. The first is an | | attack called Cursed Mist which targets both of your characters. Any | | characters that it hits will become cursed, meaning they will not be able | | to act for a turn and possibly more. Fortunately Hero usually evades it, | | and so does Yangus from time to time. The second attack is just a normal | | swipe from the monster's tail which does about fifteen damage. The final | | attack is called Sizz. It is a blast of fire which hits both your | | characters for about 10 - 15 damage each. That about covers what the boss | | is capable of doing to you. To defeat him you should stick with normal | | attacks for the most part and use healing items when necessary. I had | | nothing for Yangus (since I'm working up the Scythe skills) but Hero had | | learned Dragon Slash by this point, but I found it extremely ineffective | | against the boss (his normal attack did even more damage.) So as I said | | before, use normal attacks and healing items and you'll do just fine. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | KHALAMARI 06.A2 | HABITATS: Ocean | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family..................... Aquatic | Although temporarily transformed | | Number......................... 262 | into a ferocious brute by | | Hit Points..................... 360 | Dhoulmagus's enchantments, Khalamari | | Magic Points................... 255 | is actually quite a kind fellow at | | Experience..................... 311 | heart. At one time he planned to | | Gold........................... 230 | open his own comedy club. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The boss battle begins before you even have a chance to do anything else. | | Khalamari is a powerful foe, not one of his attacks will likely to any | | less than 15 damage to both party members, or 25 to a single one. | | Khalamari has three primary attacks. The first is a single slash from one | | of his tentacles which hits a single party member for between 25 and 30 | | damage. The second attack is more of a swipe which hits both party | | members for damage between about 15 and 20. These are the two attacks he | | will use most commonly throughout the battle. The final attack is by far | | the most powerful, it's called Flame Breath. Flame Breath will hit both | | party members for damage anywhere between 30 and 40. It's a very god | | thing he doesn't use it very often because two could easily kill you. | | | | Both of your party members should be equipped with their new weapons. | | There's a good chance you haven't really upgraded either the Scythe or the | | Polearm (in my case I have upgraded the Scythe but it doesn't make too | | much difference.) Regular attacks are really the way to go here when you | | want to deal damage, however the boss is so powerful that you probably | | will only be able to use one per turn. My strategy for winning this | | battle was to have Hero as a full time healer casting the Heal spell every | | turn since it costs so little MP. Yangus used his normal attack every | | turn for about 30 damage or so each hit, and periodically Hero got to | | attack as well. With this strategy the battle will most likely take a | | good deal of time but it offers you the best chance of success. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TORTURED SOUL 06.A3 | HABITATS: Ruined Abbey | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Gold Rosary | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | The cursed spirit of the abbot of | | Number......................... 263 | the former abbey, which was | | Hit Points..................... 425 | destroyed after being stricken by | | Magic Points................... 255 | the plague. Slaying this poor | | Experience..................... 680 | creature put an end to many | | Gold........................... 200 | centuries of suffering. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | This is definitely the most difficult boss you've faced so far so being | | adequately prepared is an important part of the battle. I would recommend | | the minimum average level of your party to be fourteen, through Jessica | | will likely be a couple of levels lower. Fifteen I would say would be the | | best average level to fight the boss at, anything higher and you'll do | | fine. I would recommend the Hero equip the Boomerang even if he hasn't | | allocated any skill points for it. Jessica should be equipped with a whip | | and Yangus with whatever you like him best with. Make sure the party is | | healed fully with lots of MP to spare and then start the battle. | | | | For the most part at the beginning the Tortured Soul will only use his | | normal attack which hits a single party member for around 25 damage. This | | is his most common attack though he does have two others he uses on a | | regular basis. The sizzle spell hits every one of your party members for | | between 20 and 30 damage, usually it's about the equivalent of one of his | | normal attacks to each one of your party members. His third attack isn't | | really an attack at all. He summons forth one Walking Corpse enemy and | | one Skeleton enemy to fight with him which ends up spiking the battle's | | difficulty quite a bit. Neither enemy is able to deal more than 7 to 8 | | damage to you, but it does add up over the course of many turns. | | | | You have to choose whether you want to focus on the enemies or the boss | | primarily. I focused on the enemies which I believe to have been a | | mistake. He just summons more of them whenever they die. As I mentioned | | before you should have equipped a Boomerang on the Hero. That will be | | more than enough to take care of them. Perhaps if you only kill the | | Skeleton at least he'll only have one partner for the duration of the | | fight since he can only summon more when they both get killed. | | | | When it comes to damaging the boss I recommend Hero's normal attack, | | Yangus' normal attack (unless you have an ability for him that does more | | damage) and finally Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash. This attack is great | | because it does good damage and hits a single enemy two times in a row, so | | it's like being able to attack twice in one turn. His HP total is | | decently high but with this strategy you should be able to knock him down | | before any significant damage is done to your party. If you kill the boss | | while enemies are still standing, you still have to finish them off. | | | | Update (Submitted by Jofunufunu): Try using Jessica's "Snooze" in this | | battle. It can be extremely effective against these enemies. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | TRAP BOX 06.A4 | HABITATS: Swordsman's Labyrinth | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Venus' Tear | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family.................... Material | A monster that carries the | | Number......................... 264 | precious Venus' Tear in its mouth. | | Hit Points.................... 1100 | Its guiding motivation appears to | | Magic Points................... 255 | be its obsession with priceless | | Experience.................... 1020 | jewels and treasures. | | Gold........................... 660 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Trap Box is by no means an extraordinarily difficult boss, it's just | | best if you're well prepared before you come into the battle. If you're | | anything like me then you prefer to use the Hero's Boomerang most of the | | time, but before the battle begins you would be best to switch that with a | | sword. The trap box has a fairly high HP total meaning the battle could | | go on for a while, but if you're party is ready with the most powerful | | attacks for the weapons they carry then you can usually beat this boss | | before any of his attacks threaten to wipe out each of your characters. | | | | We'll begin with the attacks he uses most often. His primary attack is | | simply a normal physical attack which usually does between 25 and 30 | | damage to a single member of your party. Significantly less common is an | | attack called the "Desperate Attack" which pretty much does the same thing | | (hits a single party member) but this tie it does between 70 and 90 damage | | to that person. This is pretty much the only attack he's got that can | | surprise you and knock someone out. For this reason it's good to make | | sure everyone on your team maintains a high HP total for the entire fight. | | The boss has two more attacks after this. One is Fuddle, a spell which | | targets a single party member and attempts to confuse them. Confused | | party members will attack other members of our party so you have to be | | careful of that. The Trap Box's final attack is another dangerous one | | called Crackle! This is an ice spell which hits each member of your party | | for between 30 and 40 damage. Serious healing is needed after that. | | | | Personally I would recommend Hero equipped with a Sword, Yangus with an | | Axe, Jessica with a whip and Angelo with a sword or bow. Hero should | | either use a regular attack or one of his sword skills if it does more | | damage. Yangus should use either a regular attack or an axe skill. | | Jessica should definitely use the powerful Twin Dragon Lash. Lastly I | | would recommend you make Angelo your full time healer for the party. Both | | he and the Hero have the magic skills to do it, but since Hero is a more | | powerful fighter, Angelo is the better choice (and his agility is higher.) | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DON MOLE 06.A5 | HABITATS: Mole Hole | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | A self-proclaimed artist and music | | Number......................... 265 | lover. Unfortunately for those | | Hit Points.................... 1280 | around him, his love for music | | Magic Points..................... 0 | doesn't necessarily mean he's any | | Experience.................... 1160 | good at it. | | Gold........................... 360 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Giant Mole may appear a fearsome enemy but he's far more tame than his | | funky exterior leads you to believe. The Don Mole is joined by four Soul | | Moles just to make things more interesting. Soul Moles are slightly beefed | | up versions of the normal moles you will find wandering around the cave. | | It's up to you whether you choose to fight only the boss or to eliminate | | the moles along with him. Eventually you will have to eliminate them all | | anyway. I recommend a healthy mix of single and party attacks here. | | | | Let's begin by taking a look at the attacks the Don Mole is capable of | | using. The first is the normal physical attack which hits a single member | | of your party for approximately 50 to 60 damage. Nothing to worry about | | there. What you might have to worry about is a somewhat regular attack | | the mole uses where he "shakes the ground." This particular attack will | | do about 50 damage to every member of your party and will require some | | serious healing to recover from. His next attack (and potentially the | | most dangerous one) is called Performance. The Performance attempts to | | confuse every single participant in the battle except for Done Mole. This | | means both your party and the Soul Moles. Confused party members will | | attack each other for quite a bit of damage and this ability can | | potentially confuse every member of your party. Fortunately for you it's | | more likely to miss than succeed but each time it's bound to hit at least | | one person. You can either use an item or spell which heals them, or hope | | they don't kill you by the time it wears off in a couple of turns. Lastly | | the Don Mole is capable of "calling for backup" which basically means that | | he summons another Soul Mole into the fight if you've killed any. | | | | There are a number of ways to fight this battle, so I'll outline the basic | | strategy and tips which should help you obliterate this boss with the | | least amount of trouble. To be honest, sticking with normal attacks is | | probably enough assuming you set aside at least one character to heal | | whenever you need it. For the lower leveled parties or those who just | | wish to speed things up there are better methods. For Hero you should | | have a powerful sword equipped on him. The Falcon Slash skill is by far | | the best attack he can use here in this battle. Yangus works best when | | just using his normal attack. If he has anything good in his inventory | | then he can be the backup item guy. Have Yangus maybe focus on picking | | off those Soul Moles one by one before he turns his axe on the Don Mole. | | | | Jessica a number of duties. At the beginning of the battle you should | | take full advantage of a great spell she has called "Oomph." This will | | double the attack power of a single party member for a few turns, it's | | extremely helpful. Cast Oomph on Hero and have him keep using Falcon | | Slash, ideally it should be doing over 100 damage to the Don Mole each | | turn. Maybe cast Oomph on Yangus on the second turn and then switch to | | having Jessica cast the Bang spell each turn, this will distribute damage | | between all the enemies and speed things up. Finally once all the Soul | | Moles are dead she should revert back to casting Oomph on Hero if it wore | | off, and using the powerful Twin Dragon Lash on the Don Mole. Angelo too | | has a couple of things he can do. On his very first turn In recommend he | | cast Kabuff to increase the defence power of every member of your party, | | then on subsequent turns have him be your primary healer with the Midheal | | spell, or have him just use normal attacks if your party is doing well. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SOUL MOLE 06.A6 | HABITATS: MOLE HOLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | Don Mole's loyal henchmen. Willing | | Number......................... 266 | to endure anything for their boss... | | Hit Points...................... 88 | Except listening to his music, that | | Magic Points..................... 0 | is. | | Experience...................... 68 | | | Gold............................ 16 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ARGON LIZARD 06.A7 | HABITATS: Royal Hunting Ground | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Argon Heart | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Dragon | Long hunted for their precious | | Number......................... 267 | Argon Hearts, these monsters | | Hit Points.................... 4720 | run at the first sight of humans. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience..................... 650 | | | Gold........................... 102 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Argon Lizard is more a miniboss that a real boss. You'll have to | | fight three of them total here but they are much more powerful that your | | normal enemy. The Argon Lizards have a total of three different attacks. | | The first attack is a normal physical strike which does between 50 and 60 | | damage to a single party member. The second attack is a blast of Venom | | Breath which has a high probability of poisoning each member of your | | party. Lastly comes the giant roar that will knock some of your party | | members off their feet, making them lose at least one turn. | | | | Defeating the creature isn't really any different than defeating any other | | enemy. Since it has a high defensive ability you might want to stick with | | abilities and magic rather than physical attacks. For example using a | | scythe, Yangus' Wind Sickles does quite a bit more damage that his normal | | attack. Angelo's Flame Slash is better than his normal attack as well. | | Have Jessica focus primarily on using magic and heal when necessary. | | Don't worry about trying to cure poison, do that after the battle is over. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GREAT ARGON LIZARD 06.A8 | HABITATS: Royal Hunting Ground | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Great Big Argon Heart| DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Dragon | The largest and most impressive | | Number......................... 268 | Argon Lizard. Its Argon Heart | | Hit Points.................... 1390 | is said to be pretty huge. | | Magic Points..................... 0 | | | Experience.................... 2830 | | | Gold........................... 520 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The Great Argon Lizard is exactly as one would expect, a much larger Argon | | Lizard with a few new attacks and quite a bit more health. The Great | | Argon Lizard drops the breath attacks in favour of a more physical | | approach. His primary attack is just kind of a bodyslam which hits a | | single member of your party for between 50 and 60 damage. The more | | dangerous version of this attack is when the Great Argon Lizard leaps into | | the air and comes down onto the ground, hitting a single member of your | | party for between 80 and 90 damage. Finally the beasts third attack is an | | attack which mows your party down with the beast's tail. This attack can | | do anywhere from 20 to 50 damage to every member of your party depending | | on how good your defense is. This covers pretty much what the boss is | | capable of, now I'll outline a great strategy you can use to win. | | | | I guarantee that if you follow this strategy exactly as I outline it, you | | can defeat the boss in a mere five turns assuming you've got decent | | equipment and you aren't underlevelled. First of all the Hero needs to be | | equipped with a sword and not a Boomerang or any other weapon like that. | | Set your party to manual control, everyone will play a part in this here. | | All right now what you're going to do in the first turn is have Hero | | psyche himself up, Yangus use his best attack ability, have Jessica cast | | Accelerate to speed up your agility and have Angelo cast Kabuff to beef up | | the defensive capabilities of every member of your party. | | | | On the second turn have Hero psyche himself up again (giving him a bonus | | of 20 this time.) Yangus should once again use his best attack, Jessica | | needs to cast the Sap spell to reduce the monster's defense by upwards of | | 80 to 90. Finally Angelo should use healing on any member of the party | | who may need it. Now let's look at turn three. Have Hero psyche himself | | up one final time, have Yangus attack once again with the best attack he's | | got. Jessica needs to cast the "Oomph!" spell on Hero to double his | | attack power and Angelo should do... well anything. Attacking would be | | fine. On the fourth turn comes the moment of truth. Hero now has fully | | psyched himself up, and the Oomph spell has doubled his attack power. | | Just to add insult to injury you're going to use the Dragon Slash. It may | | not have many uses but you just so happen to be fighting a Dragon type | | enemy. Have Yangus use his best attack and Jessica and Angelo do whatever | | they do best. If all went well Hero is going to inflict massive pain on | | the boss. For me personally he did a total of 961 damage without a | | critical hit, which was enough to finish the battle on turn four. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DHOULMAGUS 06.A9 | HABITATS: Dark Ruins | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Once an ordinary jester, his theft | | Number......................... 269 | of the sceptre from Trodain Castle | | Hit Points..................... ??? | gave him magical powers beyond | | Magic Points................... ??? | imagination. | | Experience.................... 3400 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The time has finally come to square off against your mortal enemy, | | Dhoulmagus. This horrifying jester is the embodiment of all that is | | soulless and evil in the world. Before you ask, no this is not one of | | those stereotypical RPG battles against the big bad enemy where you have | | no choice but to lose. You have to win this fight, and I'm telling you | | now it's going to be very difficult. Make sure before you actually begin | | this battle that you are adequately prepared and leveled up. | | | | Dhoulmagus has an absolute plethora of attacks so it will take some doing | | to detail them all. The very first attack he uses if by far the worst. | | Dhoulmagus clones himself not once, but twice. In this fight you have to | | kill three Dhoulmaguses before you actually win. The Dhoulmagus is the | | centre is the real one, but all three have approximately equal attack | | power. The Dhoulmagus in the middle has a few thousand hit points while | | the ones on the side have only a few hundred. To be honest I focused all | | my attacks on the middle one but in retrospect it might be a good idea to | | defeat the ones on the side first. I'm not sure if he has the ability to | | resurrect them but perhaps if you only kill one, he won't resurrect that | | one. It's up to you how to proceed here. Next we'll look at his attacks. | | | | The first attack we have is basically throwing "debris." A number of | | rocks fly in the direction of your party and hit two people randomly or | | one person twice for about 80 damage each time. This is one of | | Dhoulmagus' most powerful attacks and it is capable of killing someone | | like Jessica even if she has full health. The next attack is just a | | physical attack which does about 60 damage to a single party member. | | Dhoulmagus has an attack called Wind Sickles, this is his weakest attack | | and is basically the one you'll always hope that he uses (with one other | | exception.) It only does about 40 damage and only hits a single party | | member. The one exception I was referring to is just an attack where | | Dhoulmagus laughs. Every once in awhile it will say "Dhoulmagus is | | laughing" and that will waste one of his turns. Moving on there is an | | attack called "thin air" or something along those lines which does about | | 30 to 50 damage to every member of your party. The gleam of his eyes will | | inflict sleep on a single party member which can be annoying at times, | | Angelo should have a spell that cures people of sleep. One other attack | | he has isn't so much of an attack. The "multiheal" spell heals every one | | of the Dhoulmaguses for about 80 or 90 hit points. Finally there is an | | attack which engulfs him in a wave of ice. I'm not quite sure what the | | ice has to do with it, but this attack will totally negate all positive | | status effects you have placed on your party, increased defence etc. | | | | Well, on to the best method of defeating him. As I mentioned before I | | focused all my attacks on the real Dhoulmagus in the centre, but you'll | | have to decide whether that strategy works for you. Given that Dhoulmagus | | has the ability to negate positive status effects I would recommend | | against the use of psyching up your characters, it's just too risky and | | you'll end up wasting a lot of your turns. The important abilities for | | this battle are going to be Oomph of course, Fullheal, Zing, and Kabuff. | | Kabuff is one of Angelo's spells which increases the defence of your | | entire party. Keep using it whenever it wears off or Dhoulmagus negates | | its effects. Hero and Angelo should always be backup healers while Yangus | | always attacks every turn with his best ability. Jessica should basically | | be your "Oomph!" bitch just about every turn. Have her cast it on Yangus, | | then Hero and if it hasn't worn off or been negated by then, she can | | simply cast Bang or something. Angelo should never attack. When he's not | | casting Kabuff he should be healing. When someone needs healing Angelo | | should always be the one to do it using Hero only as a backup. The | | strategy is pretty basic but it's important to play defensively in order | | to win. I managed to get through it with Hero at only level 27. | | | | Update (Submitted by Rob): Just through I'd mention that when you fight | | Dhoulmagus for the first time in the dark ruins, he doesn't seem to raise | | the doppelgangers. I killed them off straightaway and they didn't come | | back for the rest of the fight, which lasted about 15, 20 turns. In the | | walkthrough you say you didn't know as you didn't kill them off, but I | | think it's definitely worth mentioning - the fight is pretty easy at level | | 29/28/27/26 against just the middle Dhoulmagus. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | DHOULMAGUS 06.B0 | HABITATS: Dark Ruins | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Dhoulmagus, transformed by the | | Number......................... 270 | awesome power of the sceptre. In | | Hit Points..................... ??? | spite of his new-found might, his | | Magic Points................... ??? | lethal curses proved to have no | | Experience.................. 12,000 | effect of Hero. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Here is where things really get difficult. I would not recommend fighting | | this battle at any level lower than 29 for the Hero. Personally I didn't | | manage to get through it until I was level 30. Considering the fact that | | you have to fight this right after the previous battle it'll be a miracle | | if you actually win this without being properly prepared. For those that | | barely made it through the previous battle you don't have to worry "too" | | much. Remember of course that when you die in this game you aren't taken | | back to the title screen, you're simply returned to the church with half | | your Gold. Upon returning to the site of this battle once again you will | | automatically start the fight against his second form, you don't have to | | win the first battle over again. This gives you a chance to heal up and | | start the battle fresh. There are a number of preparations though that | | you should make before fighting, each one is listed below. | | | | First of all as I mentioned, level 29 or 30 is recommended before you | | start this battle. That's the level for Hero, the other characters will | | likely be at level 28 or 27. Ideally Yangus will have a really strong Axe | | or Scythe skill while Jessica should have a decent amount of focus on | | Staves and Angelo should have every last point so far allocated into | | Sword. I realize that this game offers a lot of room for different | | options so don't fret just because you don't have everything I just | | mentioned there, I'm sure high allocations into other weapons have their | | advantages too. Now this is important. I recommend you warp to Pickham | | and purchase about nine Amor Seco Essences unless you currently have stock | | of an even better healing item. Fill up Yangus' entire inventory with | | this healing item because this boss is so powerful that even Yangus will | | have to help out now and then. Don't start this battle until Hero has | | learned the Miracle Slash (he learns it with a full Sword stat at level | | 29.) It may not be necessary but it's pretty much the skill that won me | | the battle. Hero and Angelo should of course have access to the Fullheal | | and Zing spells, also you may want to stock a couple of Magic Waters. | | | | Onto the battle itself. You may only be facing one Dhoulmagus this time, | | but he's much more difficult with this second incarnation. We'll start by | | looking at his numerous attacks. You should know that this version of | | Dhoulmagus is a "double attacker" meaning that every single turn he | | attacks twice, back to back with both attacks being random. His most | | common attack is of course his physical attack which still does about 60 | | damage to one person. His nastiest attack is a blast of what are called | | his "sharp feathers" which does about 70 to 80 damage to the entire party. | | Some serious healing is needed after this one. Besides this he has both | | the Kasizzle and Kacrackle spells in his arsenal which seem to damage | | anywhere between 35 and 70 to the entire party. Dhoulmagus still has the | | ability to use the ice wave attack which eliminates all special bonuses on | | your party as well. There are two more attacks that occur periodically, | | one is a scream which has a chance of knocking each member of your party | | down and forcing them to lose their turn. The other is a "combo" attack | | which is just like a physical attack that hits one person, except this | | hits a total of five times for 25 damage each time, making it about twice | | as powerful as his normal attack. Keep in mind once again that he will | | randomly use not one, but two of these attacks every single turn. | | | | Killing Dhoulmagus is an ordeal not because he has an enormous amount of | | life, but because it's extremely difficult to find time to attack each | | turn. On the very first turn in battle I would recommend you have Hero | | psych up, Yangus attack, Jessica cast Oomph on Yangus, and Angelo cast | | the Kabuff spell. I find the Kabuff spell really doesn't help that much | | so if you've got something better for him to do, then by all means have | | him do it. After the first turn your party will have likely suffered a | | lot of damage so you'll need to designate some healers. Assuming | | Dhoulmagus didn't negate your positive effects have Hero use the Miracle | | Slash while Yangus attacks, Jessica casts Oomph on Hero and Angelo heals | | whoever needs it most. Assuming Jessica has a higher agility than Hero | | she should cast it on him before he attacks, resulting in about 350 damage | | to Dhoulmagus and about 150 health healed to Hero. You've got to focus | | most of your healing on Jessica through this battle because she dies | | extremely easily and depending on how good your luck is you may find | | yourself easily taken out while trying to get Zing to succeed. The basic | | flow of the battle should consist of Hero using Miracle Slash just about | | every turn unless someone needs to be Fullhealed that Angelo can't take | | care of. Jessica should always cast the Oomph spell on Hero if it wears | | off or gets negated, and then on Yangus if it's still effecting Hero. | | She'll probably be dead most of the time anyway but if you have the chance | | you might want to try the spell she has (I forget what it's called) which | | reduces damage from both fire and ice (since Dhoulmagus uses both | | Kasizzle and Kacrackle). I find it doesn't help all that much but maybe | | you'll have better luck. Lastly if you've got the "Bounce" spell (learned | | with twenty-something Staff points) that also helps out a little. You | | can't heal her with magic but Kasizzle and Kacrackle won't affect her, | | while giving the added bonus of damaging the boss. Most of the damage in | | this fight will come from Hero's Miracle Slash. Play the battle extremely | | defensively and soon enough when you least expect it, the boss will fall. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EVIL JESSICA 06.B1 | HABITATS: ARCADIA REGION | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Jessica, with her mind enslaved by | | Number......................... 271 | the evil will of the sceptre. | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Thankfully, the power of Dominico's | | Magic Points................... ??? | magic aura restored her to her | | Experience.................... 7800 | former self. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Compared to the most recent bosses you've fought, Evil Jessica is a walk | | in the park. Obviously it would not be wise to underestimate her, but the | | fact of the matter is the difficult simply does not compare. Jessica can | | use a normal physical attack which does about 50 to 60 damage to a single | | party member (less if you cast the Kabuff spell.) She shares a trait with | | most of the powerful enemies you will face from this point on, she | | attacks twice in a single turn every time. She's got a habit of casting | | both the Kasizzle spell and the Kacrackle spell which do approximately 30 | | to 50 damage to every member of your party. Her one remaining attack is | | Kasnooze which puts every member of your party to sleep if it successfully | | connects. While it may not be an attack, there is one other move that | | Jessica can use. She rips open the fabric of space and summons three | | shadow demons to fight at her side. She can use this ability not once but | | twice to summon a total of six shadow monsters to fight with her. | | | | Lucky for you the shadow demons are about the most pathetically weak | | creatures on the planet. Their physical attacks will deal between 2 and 6 | | damage to your party members. Their hit points total only about 70 or 80 | | and they can easily be dispatched with a single hit. The only factor they | | have on their side is quantity. Every once in awhile a shadow will spew | | "cool breath" which does about 15 damage to every member of your party, | | but this is far less common. I would recommend you pick off at least a | | few of them not only because their attacks will inevitably start to add | | up, but simply because having to many makes their turns seem to last | | forever. If you kill all of them Jessica might summon more, so try to | | pick off just a couple from each side to perhaps slow her down. | | | | Other than that the majority of your attacks should be focused on Jessica | | herself. Since she doesn't have the ability to negate bonus effects | | directly, psyching up is back in full swing again. You will however have | | to keep in mind that she can (on occasion) put your party members to sleep | | and effectively eliminate their tension. It's a risky business but always | | results in a much more powerful attack. The Oomph spell is one of the | | best ways to really add a punch to your psyched up attacks but as you know | | that's not really an option right now. Have Hero psych up whenever | | possible and let loose a Miracle Slash at full power. Yangus should do | | the same minus the Miracle Slash. Angelo doesn't really have time to | | psych up, he's your main healer. If you've leveled u pa lot he may even | | have the Multiheal spell which would make a relatively simple fight even | | easier, but if not then just let Yangus use the Cheiron's Bow periodically | | to heal the party. This battle seems to take a while longer than most | | boss fights, but you can play it more offensively than you usually do. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | CAPTAIN CROW 06.B2 | HABITATS: PIRATE'S COVE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Pirate's Hat | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family...................... Zombie | A legendary pirate who sailed the | | Number......................... 272 | high seas in search of the world's | | Hit Points..................... ??? | most precious treasures. His | | Magic Points................... ??? | trademark hat never goes out of | | Experience.................... 9750 | style. | | Gold.......................... 2675 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Arrgggghh maties, it be the ghost of an evil pirate hellbent on revenge! | | Captain Crow is a pretty badass pirate, and he's got some equally badass | | means of kicking your ass. Not only is he well endowed with physical | | prowess, he's got all those obnoxious spells you've come to hate that | | remove special bonuses from your party. All things considered, this swash | | buckling buccaneer isn't going to be a pushover, so come prepared. | | | | First, the pirate Captain's normal physical attack does approximately | | 80 damage to a single party member which isn't too bad. Well don't forget | | that he is able to use two attacks every turn. This particular pirate has | | a habit of using both of his turns to psyche up, for two turns in a row. | | A quick math lesson (two turns a turn for two turns in a row = four | | turns.) He'll psyche from 5, to 20, to 50, to 100 at which point he gains | | a purple aura around him. With this aura not only are his attacks going | | to do a hell of a lot more damage, but yours are going to do quite a bit | | less damage. After psyching up that much, Captain Crow will usually let | | loose a physical attack that hits a single party member for anywhere | | between 300 and 400 damage. Ouch. Besides this the captain has something | | called the "thin air" attack which does about 40 damage to your party. | | Consider this also, if he uses the Thin Air attack while fully psyched | | (which he does from time to time,) it does almost 200 damage to every | | member in your party. If Angelo doesn't have Multiheal you can start | | crying at this point. Lastly but certainly not leastly, Captain Crow will | | sometimes use the wave of ice which negates all positive effects on your | | party (tension included) making your start again from the beginning. | | | | Since the captain has the ice wave, you'll want to go light on the bonus | | effects. This means psyching your characters up to 20 only, using Oomph | | regularly, but straying away from things like Accelerate and other minorly | | helpful effects. I still recommend a couple uses of the Kabuff spell to | | keep your party resistant to those powered up attacks. With Hero and | | Yangus psyching up, that leaves Jessica (when she's not casting Oomph!) to | | cast the Sap spell and lower the pirate's defence. Angelo should be ready | | to Multiheal whenever necessary, and use Kabuff when it's not. His MP | | will be a serious issue in this battle, so use Magic Water if you have it. | | | | Update (Submitted by Matthew): As you know, most of the time he spends | | his turns raising his tension. So when he does that, you can still raise | | yours, and have jessica cast the spells, but also you can use Angelo to | | use the Sarcastic Snigger abilities, which lowers the tension one level, | | causing him to normally waste his two turns raising his tension again. | | Which in turn buys you more time. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RED HORN 06.B3 | HABITATS: UNNAMED ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | One of the guardians of the Doors | | Number......................... 273 | of Judgement deep within the Dragon | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Graveyard. Has carried out his | | Magic Points................... ??? | duty for too many years to remember. | | Experience.................... 4200 | | | Gold.......................... 1500 | | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | BLUE FANG 06.B4 | HABITATS: UNNAMED ISLE | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family....................... Beast | One of the guardians of the Dragon | | Number......................... 274 | Graveyard. Attacks candidates to | | Hit Points..................... ??? | test their worthiness to undertake | | Magic Points................... ??? | the trial. | | Experience.................... 3990 | | | Gold.......................... 1200 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | What you have here are a team of really nasty monsters who use their | | combined power to absolutely whallop your party. Red is the aggressive | | physical fighter, bent on pummeling your party to death. Blue is the more | | magic beast, a little weaker but with spell capable of not just damaging, | | but supporting him and his friend as well. As you may have figured this | | battle becomes exponentially easier once on of them is taken out of the | | picture, so above all remember to focus your attacks on just one of them. | | | | Looking at the Red Horn first, he's got a physical attack which does | | approximately 75 damage to your party. Both Blue Fang and Red Horn have | | an attack where they combine together to do a physical attack of 150 | | damage or so to a single party member. This uses up both of their turns. | | Red is also capable of using something called a desperate attack which | | misses more often but does a whopping 250 damage to a single member of | | your party (that will knock out Jessica in just one hit.) The Red Horn | | also has the ability to use Psyche Up, thus increasing his physical power | | tremendously. Blue on the other hand focuses more on spells and | | periodically physical attacks that do about the same amount of damage as | | red. Blue Fang uses more support spells like Kabuff which increases the | | defence of both enemies by some value. He also casts Kasap which | | decreases the defense of all of your party members9 counter this with your | | own Kabuff.) Finally Blue has a really annoying attack (the intimidating | | scream) which can knock down party members and eliminate the tension they | | had been building up. For this reason you might not want to psyche up too | | much, perhaps 20 or so. That pretty much covers the attacks they can use. | | | | In your case the best bet is to focus all of your attacks on the Red Fang | | who is by far the more dangerous of the two. Physical attacks work fine | | but I suggest you psyche up a couple of times with Hero and Yangus before | | attacking. Don't forget to augment your attacks with Jessica's Oomph | | spell. Angelo is you're number one healer, but while both enemies are | | still alive I imagine Hero will have to pitch in now and then. Have | | Angelo cast Kabuff whenever he can to not only counter the effects of the | | enemy Kasap, but to also give your defence a much needed boost. I didn't | | try personally but maybe having Jessica use her Kasap spell might work on | | the bosses. This is another fight where it's best to play it defensively. | | Red Horn probably has somewhere between 2500-3500 HP, Blue Fang has less. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EMPYREA 06.B5 | HABITATS: WORLD OF DARKNESS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Magic | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The Godbird, capable of traveling | | Number......................... 275 | between worlds. Joined forces with | | Hit Points..................... ??? | the seven sages to imprison | | Magic Points................... ??? | Rhapthorne long ago. | | Experience.................. 10,150 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The former friend of the Empycchuians (?) will be your enemy in this | | battle. The colourful beauty of this bird radically offsets the dark and | | dreary world in which it exists. You should know before fighting that | | this bird has a hell of a lot higher defence power than most enemies, and | | while her HP isn't quite as high because of it, you still might be in for | | a somewhat lengthy battle. Make sure you're healed up before fighting. | | | | Empryea has a pretty standard array of attacks when it comes to bosses. | | All things considered it's her physical attack that will really get you in | | the end capable of doing between 150 and 200 damage (and she attacks twice | | per turn.) Other attacks include the magic spell Zap which does somewhere | | around 50 to 65 damage to every member of your party. Empryea also has | | the ability to cast Midheal on herself and restore at least some of her | | lost HP. Since she only gains about 70 or 80 this is one of the attacks | | you actually hope to see. Finally Empryea can use the ice wave as well, | | effectively destroying all the nice bonuses you've given to the party. | | | | With such strong defense and such strong offense, one of the main concerns | | you're going to be having in this battle is whether Angelo can maintain a | | reasonable MP level. Although Angelo should be your main healer, if Hero | | has any chance to heal someone himself I would recommend you take that | | option instead. Having a less useful party member with the Cheiron's Bow | | in their inventory also helps to give you a way of keeping the party alive | | without wasting MP (good to use after a Zap spell.) When it comes to | | attacking, unless you've got some really powerful magic lined up I find | | it's still best to use physical attacks all the way. Have Hero and Yangus | | psyche up no higher than 20, and have Jessica cast Oomph on them. The Sap | | spell does NOT work on this boss, so don't try. You'll have to find other | | ways to penetrate her defences. Having Hero and Yangus attack is more | | than enough, Jessica and Angelo can serve solely as support characters. | | Make sure you cast Jessica's Magic Barrier spell to reduce the damage | | taken by Zap. Also I suggest that you might want to have her cast bounce, | | I found that the extra damage done by the Zap spell reflecting really adds | | up by the end. Finally you might want to try and get Yangus and Hero on | | alternating attack patterns. By this I mean that when Hero is fully | | psyched up, Yangus should by just starting again. That way when Empryea | | uses the ice wave, only one person will end up losing their tension. | | | | Update (Submitted by Charlie): I just did the Empryea boss, and I killed | | him in about 4 hits. I pyched up Jessica all the way and used Kafrizzle | | and it did more than 500 damage! | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | GEMON 06.B6 | HABITATS: WORLD OF DARKNESS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Seed of Skill | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family........................ Bird | Rhapthorne's right-hand monster. | | Number......................... 276 | Took Empryea's egg hostage to force | | Hit Points..................... ??? | her to attack Dark Empycchu. | | Magic Points................... ??? | | | Experience.................... 8600 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Gemon is one of the easier boss battles you've fought in awhile, which is | | kind of nice. You'll get the opportunity to really pummel a boss with | | some hard hitting attacks and not have to worry so much about only | | psyching your characters a little bit. Of course Gemon is accompanied by | | those Dark Condor and Dark Turkey enemies, but a couple of hits from your | | sword (or remnants of area attacks) will have them lying in a heap on the | | ground anyway. Just skim the strategy and I doubt you'll have a problem. | | | | Gemon is most dangerous when using physical attacks. Gemon's normal | | attack does about 15o damage while the desperate attack that he likes to | | use every once in awhile is capable of doing almost 300 damage. Besides | | these two normal attacks Gemon is also able to shoot a blast of fire from | | his mouth that does about 50 to 75 damage to the entire party. As for | | those two little enemies at his side, their attacks are hardly noteworthy. | | The only thing to watch out for is that the stupid turkey uses a Wind | | Sickles attack every once in awhile that can do a decent amount of damage | | to one person. My recommendation is that you eliminate the turkey but | | leave the condor. Gemon has the ability to summon new enemies in battle | | but he might be more hesitant to do it is only one of them is dead. Other | | than that most of your attacks should be focusing on Gemon himself. | | | | Here's the thing about this battle: Gemon does not have the ability to use | | the ice wave, or anything else to remove your bonuses. For this reason I | | recommend you have Hero and Yangus psyche up until they reach 50 and then | | attack. Jessica should definitely Oomph them on her turns and then after | | that point cast Sap on the boss if you find that works, and perhaps the | | Magic Barrier spell too assuming she has it. Insulatle might not be a bad | | idea either. While Angelo is your primary healer, his other primary duty | | will be to cast Kabuff. I don't mean to cast it once or anything, I mean | | three, four, even five times before stopping to do something else. By the | | fifth cast it will be physically impossible for the Dark Condor and Dark | | Turkey to damage you with normal attacks, and Gemon himself will be | | severely weakened. Combine that with psyched up attacks to 50 and you've | | got a recipe for one dead gryphon monster. Just in case people start to | | drop though you'll probably want to make sure Angelo has the Kazing spell. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | EVIL SIR LEOPOLD 06.B7 | HABITATS: SAVELLA AREA | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Dominico's beloved pet dog, | | Number......................... 277 | transformed by the power of | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Rhapthorne's sceptre into a | | Magic Points................... ??? | vicious monster. | | Experience.................. 10,200 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Finally the chance to show that stupid dog who's boss. This battle has | | all the markings of a typical boss fight. Sir Leopold's normal attack | | will do about 100 damage to a single member of your party. Besides that | | he also has the ability to blast cold breath which will deal between 75 | | and 100 damage to every one. The only other attack I ever saw him use was | | the intimidating scream. The scream has a chance of knocking down your | | party members so they lose their turn. While Leopold does not have the | | ability to use the ice wave, the intimidating scream can work in a similar | | way when it comes to building tension (a character that gets knocked down | | will lose all built tension.) For this reason I recommend you max out at | | about 20 for this battle. Just attack at that point and build up again. | | | | Magic Barrier is an important spell to have for this battle, it will | | reduce a lot of the damage taken from the boss' cold breath attack. | | Jessica is an important character in this battle so make sure she is well | | healed. Her Sap spell works extremely well for lowering the boss' | | defense, and the Kafrizzle spell is one of the better magic attacks you | | can use when she doesn't have anything better to do. Angelo should always | | be ready to use Multiheal after your party is hit by a cold breath, or | | Fullheal depending on the situation. Hero and Yangus can take care of the | | boss themselves no problem. With Jessica's help it's pretty hard to lose. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MARCELLO 06.B8 | HABITATS: HOLY ISLE OF NEOS | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Angelo's half-brother. Attempted | | Number......................... 278 | to harness Rhapthorne's power, but | | Hit Points..................... ??? | ended up being enslaved by it. | | Magic Points................... ??? | | | Experience.................. 11,020 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Things have taken a turn for the worse, and an old "friend" is now | | possessed by the evil Rhapthorne and hellbent on kicking your ass. | | Unfortunately for him however, you'll be making sure that he's the one on | | the receiving end of the ass kicking. Marcello has a habit of focusing on | | attacks that hit only a single member of your party. I found that the | | Fullheal spell gets almost as much use as the Multiheal in this battle. | | Of course he's got a physical attack like any other boss that does about | | 100 damage to a single target. He can also use Wind Sickles which does | | just a little bit more than that, still to one person. The Kafrizzle | | spell is more powerful at approximately 120 damage, but still it hits a | | single target. His multi-party attacks extend from a special unique spell | | he has where he opens up a portal, dealing about 100 to 120 damage to | | every single member of your party. This is definitely where Multiheal | | comes into play. Lastly there are a couple of leftover staples like the | | wave of ice (go figure) and the ability to heal himself for small amounts. | | | | Here's a nice strategy that seems to work pretty well, and it's so obvious | | you can barely call it a strategy. His defence: lower it. Your defence: | | raise it. Kabuff and Sap are the spells of choice in this battle. I'm | | sure I don't have to tell you that you can exploit his lowered defense | | with 5 - 20 psyche levels and the Oomph spell backing up the power of your | | weapons. Jessica has better things to do in this battle than cast the | | Magic Barrier spell, and Bounce isn't very useful. She works best when | | rotating between Oomph and Sap, while Angelo can Kabuff to his heart's | | content (unless the party needs healing of course.) You might want to put | | Cheiron's Bow on Jessica just in case she runs out of things to do after | | Oomph and Sap, but by that time you'll be well on your way to victory. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | SERVANT OF DARKNESS 06.B9 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | Once the world's most powerful | | Number......................... 279 | warrior, his abilities attracted | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Rhapthorne's attention and earned | | Magic Points................... ??? | him a place as a sentinel of the | | Experience..................... 682 | Black Citadel. | | Gold............................ 89 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | STATUE OF HERO 06.C0 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | A perfect likeness of Hero, created | | Number......................... 280 | by the evil powers deep within the | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Black Citadel. Now just a normal | | Magic Points................... ??? | statue. | | Experience..................... 800 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | STATUE OF YANGUS 06.C1 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | A perfect likeness of Yangus, | | Number......................... 281 | created by the evil powers deep | | Hit Points..................... ??? | within the Black Citadel. Given | | Magic Points................... ??? | life by Rhapthorne's foul | | Experience..................... 730 | ambitions, it attacked the party. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | STATUE OF JESSICA 06.C2 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | A perfect likeness of Jessica, | | Number......................... 282 | created by the evil powers deep | | Hit Points..................... ??? | within the Black Citadel. Not | | Magic Points................... ??? | nearly as squeezable as the real | | Experience..................... 460 | thing. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | STATUE OF ANGELO 06.C3 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | A perfect likeness of Angelo, | | Number......................... 283 | created by the evil powers deep | | Hit Points..................... ??? | within the Black Citadel. Just | | Magic Points................... ??? | as much trouble as the real thing! | | Experience..................... 280 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | MEGALODON 06.C4 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Yggdrasil Dew | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | One of the main guardians of | | Number......................... 284 | Rhapthorne and the Black Citadel. | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Draws upon the power of the | | Magic Points................... ??? | deepest, darkest seas to destroy | | Experience.................... 1350 | the World of Light. | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RUIN 06.C5 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: Orichalcum | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The ruin of the Black Citadel | | Number......................... 285 | itself, risen to defend its master | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Rhapthorne from Hero and the party! | | Magic Points................... ??? | | | Experience.................... 2480 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Ruin is one hell of an awesome giant castle smashing castle monster | | machine, and that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. His only attack is | | SMASH which does almost 300 damage to a single character. Fullheal will | | be your favourite spell in this battle. Here is how I recommend going | | about fighting the battle, the tactic will change depending on who gets | | seriously hurt. Note that you can replace Angelo's Kabuff every turn with | | a Fullheal cast if need be. First turn Hero psyche up, Yangus psyche up, | | Jessica Oomph on Hero, Angelo Kabuff. Second turn Hero psyche up, Yangus | | psyche up, Jessica Oomph on Yangus, Angelo Kabuff. Third turn Hero psyche | | up, Yangus psyche up, Jessica cast Sap, Angelo use Kabuff. Fourth turn | | Hero uses Miracle Slash, Yangus attacks, Jessica casts a second sap and | | Angelo uses Kabuff. By the time you've psyched up to 50 and Jessica has | | cast Sap on the boss twice, you attacks should be doing about 1500 - 1800 | | damage with a normal hit. Jessica should then use a Sage's Stone or | | something and Angelo needs to keep casting Kabuff until he's used it like | | five times. By the time the fifth Kabuff is used, Ruin's attacks will be | | doing 150 damage instead of 300. By that point the battle is pretty much | | won assuming your party is still alive. He only has about 4000 HP. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RHAPTHORNE 06.C6 | HABITATS: BLACK CITADEL | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The Lord of Darkness. His soul is | | Number......................... 286 | imprisoned in the magical sceptre of | | Hit Points..................... ??? | Trodain Castle, while his physical | | Magic Points................... ??? | form is entombed within the Goddess | | Experience....................... 0 | Statue on the Holy Isle of Neos. He | | Gold............................. 0 | dreams of ruling the World of Light. | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | Rhapthorne is one nasty giant floating blob thing. He certainly isn't | | anything like I expected. Either way this tiny blob has some really nasty | | attacks. Obviously he attacks twice per turn which is annoying enough in | | itself. His normal physical attack doesn't really do any more damage than | | 100 or so, but it's those desperate attacks he uses so often that do 300 | | damage that will really get you. For this reason you have to make sure | | your party maintains maximum HP at all possible times. Despite these | | powerful attacks Rhapthorne is primarily a magic user. Kaboom is the | | spell which you will see most often in this battle which can do anywhere | | between 70 and 120 damage to your entire party depending on whether | | Jessica uses the Magic Barrier. Cold Breath is another common one often | | doing over 100 damage to the entire party (you can see why the Sage's | | Stone and Multiheal are so great here.) Finally we have the Kafrizzle | | which does between 120 and 150 to one single person, and the gleam ability | | that can put a single party member to sleep and rarely misses. Obviously | | Rhapthore has the ice wave ability which is why psyching up frequently is | | not recommended. Lastly there is one special unique ability of this boss | | called the "body flash" or something. This "dazzles" everyone in your | | party (curses) them for a single turn meaning that there is a good chance | | their attacks will deal no damage. While this does apply to spells and | | other abilities, I find it best to simply use psyche up until it wears off | | on Hero and Yangus, and cast support magic like Oomph until it wears off | | on the other characters. Healing magic is risky but sometimes necessary. | | | | On the very first turn have Hero psyche up, Yangus psyche up, Jessica cast | | the Magic Barrier spell and Angelo cast the Kabuff spell. On the next | | turn Hero and Yangus should psyche up again while Jessica casts Oomph on | | Hero and Angelo will probably need to heal. On the third turn don't risk | | any further, have both Hero and Yangus attack and Jessica cast Oomph on | | Yangus. That brings an abrupt end to order, and things will change quite | | radically from that point on. This battle can be really difficult or not | | so difficult depending on how well prepared you are. You should have a | | couple of Magic Waters on everyone ideally. Jessica or Yangus need to | | have that Sage's Stone. The basic idea is that Hero and Yangus psyche up | | not twice, but once every time. Only to 5, that's good enough. They | | should of course have Oomph on them. If it'll take you an extra turn to | | cast Oomph then psyche up to 20 otherwise it's not worth it. Rhapthorne | | always seems to cast ice wave at the most inopportune times. Other spells | | that are absolute staples of this battle are of course Jessica's Magic | | Barrier, and to a lesser extent Insulatle. Kabuff isn't nearly as useful | | here as it was in other battles. The Desperate attacks are going to be | | devastating no matter how high your defence is, and Rhapthorne uses a hell | | of a lot more magic than normal attacks. Angelo should be on constant | | healing duty, but to be honest with someone else using the Sage's Stone I | | often found Angelo had a lot of turns with nothing to do. If you can | | think of any helpful items then stick them in his inventory. The Sage's | | Stone would be great if he wasn't already the Multiheal guy. Always be | | ready to heal his MP, and always have him ready to cast Kazing if need be. | | The final two tips I have relate back to Jessica again. First of all the | | Sap spell works and it really helps for brining up that damage total. | | Second of all I highly recommend using the Bounce spell. Reflecting | | Kaboom (and Kafrizzle) now and then will go a lot way toward damaging the | | boss. When you use spells like Multiheal they'll reflect back on the | | castor not the boss. Also since the Sage's Stone isn't a spell, there is | | still a way to heal her. Overall it ends up working well in your favour. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RHAPTHORNE 06.C7 | HABITATS: AREAS ACCESSIBLE BY AIR | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | DROP [COMMON]: N/A | DROP [UNCOMMON]: N/A | |-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------| | Family......................... ??? | The Lord of Darkness himself, taken | | Number......................... 287 | physical form, and grown powerful | | Hit Points..................... ??? | enough to absorb the massive Black | | Magic Points................... ??? | Citadel into his new body. | | Experience....................... 0 | | | Gold............................. 0 | | |_____________________________________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The time has finally come to face off against the true final boss, the | | evil dark lord Rhapthorne. Unfortunately for you he is surrounded by a | | powerful shield that protects him from all attacks. It doesn't matter | | what you try and use, it's not going to hurt him. In order to win this | | battle there is one special condition. You must use the Godbird's Staff | | automatically placed in your character's inventory. Every character in | | your party must use it in a single turn, and then you have to do that a | | total of seven times in order to summon all of the sages. Basically this | | means that you'll be using the sceptre with all of your characters, then | | probably healing for a couple of turns and casting support magic, healing, | | using the sceptre etc until eventually all seven sages are summoned. | | | | The problem is that the boss is powerful and finding frequent | | opportunities to have all four characters use their turns is uncommon. | | I recommend you begin the battle with Hero defending, Yangus using Sage's | | Stone (Yangus has low agility so hopefully he'll use it after the boss has | | attacked) Jessica using Magic Shield and Angelo using Kabuff. On the next | | turn have all of them use the Godbird's Staff. After this you'll need to | | do a little healing most like and wait until there is another opportune | | moment. I'll outline the basic attacks that Rhapthorne commonly uses. | | | | His primary attack is a nasty one where he flings the ball off the end of | | his staff and hits not one, but two random party members for anywhere | | between 125 and 150 physical damage. He also likes to cast the Kaboom | | spell which does about 100 damage or so to every one in your party, and | | can be weakened with magic barriers. Kafrizzle is by far his weakest spell | | usually only doing between 75 and 100 damage to a single character. | | Sometimes the fact that he actually attacks twice per turn can be | | deceptive. The ball fling seems like two attacks but he'll always follow | | or precede it with another. Finally as you have come to expect, the wave | | of ice is a very common attack to use. Fortunately he uses it so often | | that most of the time it doesn't really affect you at all. Just make sure | | you spend the time to re-cast the Magic Barrier if possible. Speaking of | | wasting turns, Rhapthorne does do one thing you haven't seen in awhile | | that really gives you the added boost you need to win. One of his attacks | | is simply to "laugh maniacally" and waste an attack. On occasion he even | | laughs twice in a row wasting his entire turn. After all seven sages have | | been summoned the battle ends. Your party is refreshed and the true boss | | battle begins anew. Just for the record, if you die on the main boss | | battle that follows this one, you don't have to fight the first again if | | you come back directly from the church (you will if you load your game.) | | | | Considering that it's the same enemy I will keep it as part of the same | | boss strategy, but he's got a lot of new (and old tricks up his sleeve). | | He fights like a more powerful version of the floating-blob-Rhapthorne | | that you may remember from the Black Citadel. One of the most difficult | | things I found in this battle that wasn't the case in most other boss | | battles, is that Rhapthorne has quite a bit more agility than your party. | | For this reason he almost always uses his two attacks before Angelo is | | able to cast Multiheal when the party really needs it. For this reason, | | healing in preparation for attack rather than in response became an issue. | | For example, using Multiheal when the party was at full health so that | | when Rhapthore would attack, the Multiheal would come after and restore | | the party's HP. It's not a foolproof method, but you may need it. | | | | Rhapthorne has an absolute plethora of attacks in his arsenal. He's got a | | ton of ways to damage your entire party. First he likes to summon meteors | | from the sky to rain down on your party, doing a solid 80 to 90 damage to | | everyone. In addition his cold breath is as nasty as ever, doing about | | 120 damage to every member of your party. More common than both of these | | is a physical attack called arm smash which does somewhere between 100 and | | 120 physical damage to every member of your party. He can also belch | | blazing fire but I find this does a lot less damage than the cold breath, | | about 60 to 75 to each party member. He likes to "rain down the anger of | | the gods" with an attack that seems to hit randomly for about 90 damage or | | so to a bunch of people. Lastly there's the Kafrizzle spell which does a | | pathetic 80 damage or so to just one character. Kafrizzle is usually | | preceded by something called the prayer which gathers "malevolent energy" | | and restores his magic. Nothing really happens during or after this | | spell, all I can think is that he is recharging MP. Obviously he likes to | | use the wave of ice every once in awhile, but I find he does it much less | | often than he did with the shield around him. Lastly we come to the most | | powerful attack he's got, the one which will make or break the battle. | | First, he will start by using meditate which heals 500 HP (that's bad | | enough.) The attack that ALWAYS follows this one is a release of magic | | energy that does 200 to 250 damage to every member of the party. If he | | uses meditate as his first attack in a turn, then there is no way to | | predict this and you have to be ready at all times. It's not too common | | (he used it twice in the battle in my case) but always devastating. Did I | | mention he likes to gleam at you and put someone to sleep? Well he does. | | | | The battle strategy I used to defeat him was quite a bit different than | | what I used to defeat other bosses. The most notable difference is that I | | never once psyched up through the entire battle. I found that there were | | too many variables involved, and waves of ice, and other things that kept | | interrupting things. I'm not saying it's ineffective here, just that | | personally I think the battle can be better fought without it. The other | | main difference was that Hero was the ONLY offensive player for the entire | | battle. The strategy is as follows: Hero should use Miracle Slash every | | single turn for the entire battle, the only possible exception is if you | | really need to use a Magic Water on Angelo (he should have some in his | | inventory.) Next Yangus should use the Sage's Stone every single turn for | | the entire battle, the only exception being if you really need to use | | magic water. Jessica isn't nearly as specialized, but her duties are | | clear and should be as follows. Casting Oomph on Hero takes top priority. | | Next in line is one of either Sap, or the Magic Barrier spell. Jessica | | should cast Sap on Rhapthorne not once, but twice to really lower his | | defence. At that point an Oomphed Hero equipped with the Liquid Metal | | Sword will be able to do about 400 damage per turn, with no psyching. | | Angelo is your 90% Multiheal character, and 10% Kabuff character. I don't | | recommend any more than one or two Kabuffs, it's just such a waste if | | Rhapthorne uses wave of ice. The final paragraph discusses battle flow. | | | | To be completely honest, I found that Rhapthorne got easier as the battle | | went on, but it could have just been luck. At the beginning he was all | | about the arm smash and meditating, but by the end he seemed stuck on both | | the fire breath and flinging the ball. If you encounter a similar | | situation then that might be a good time to cast a few more Kabuffs and | | the Insulatle spell. (Having Magic Barrier and Insulatle in place will | | make the fire breath do little more then 10 to 25 damage.) Hero attacking | | every turn is important. This will not be a fast battle, but the damage | | adds up. Rhapthorne has approximately 5500 health, so doing 400 a turn in | | ideal conditions is definitely going to get your there eventually. | | Always make sure that someone heals every turn, preferably Yangus and the | | Sage's Stone since his agility is low and it should come after Rhapthorne. | | In my case the turn order seemed really randomized which made things | | difficult, but improvisation is the name of the game here. Good luck! | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || F1.00 || Final Fantasy XII Demo || F1.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ CONTROLS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CN.TR ~~~ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Circle Button | Cancel | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | X Button | Confirm, Open the battle menu, Examine treasure chests | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Triangle Button | Not Used | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Square Button | Open the battle menu | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | D-Pad | Move cursor, Select commands or characters | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | D-Pad Up/Down | Select a new party leader | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | D-Pad Left/Right| Cycle through nearby targets | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Left Analog | Move characters | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Right Analog | Move camera | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | L1/R1 Button | Toggle targeted group (when selecting targets in menu) | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | R2 Button | Press and hold to flee from enemies | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | L2 Button | Not Used | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | R3 Button | Reset camera to default position | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | L3 Button | Not Used | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Start | Not Used | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Select | Not Used | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ _____ (, / / ___/__ +-- (__ / NTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------- F1.00 --+ And so with the release of Dragon Quest VIII we have in our hands the demo for the much-anticipated twelfth title in the Final Fantasy series. Don't get your hopes too high, while the demo is quite enjoyable it's very short and doesn't really allow you to experience much besides the battle system. Many things have changed this time around, most notably the ability to move around freely in battle, a first for the (offline) Final Fantasy main series. It's a radical change indeed but don't let yourself be put off by it, once you become accustomed to everything I am certain you'll enjoy it. Even if you just can't make the transition, don't lose hope. There's still another three months or more until the Japanese release, and another eight months or so for the North American one (current information estimates around August 2006.) In that time they're sure to tweak everything to provide the best experience possible, that's why they constantly remind you that it's a demo not the final version. With that said let's put aside these minor issues, and check out the demo. ______________________________________________________________________________ ) ___ (__/_____) / / +-- (______) HOOSING A SCENARIO ------------------------------------ F1.01 --+ With the start button pressed at the title screen, you are faced with two choices. One takes place at The Phon Coast and is described as being "for thinking players." The other takes place at "The Stilshrine of Miriam" and is described as being "for thrill-seekers." The difference if you may not be aware, is not in the setting or locale but rather in the battle system itself. Those familiar with the Final Fantasy series may be familiar with the difference between "wait" and "active" options in the customization menu. Basically the idea is that during "wait", the battle will be paused while you navigate the menu. Not so under the "active" battle system. The Phon Coast scenario utilizes the "wait" system while The Stilshrine of Miriam utilizes the "active" battle system. We will begin the guide with The Phon Coast. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / +-- (_/ HE PHON COAST ---------------------------------------------- F1.03 --+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Potion.........................................|_| | | | Remedy.........................................|_| | | | Ether..........................................|_| | | | Potion.........................................|_| | | | Potion.........................................|_| | | | Gold Needle....................................|_| | | | Remedy.........................................|_| | | | Phoenix Down...................................|_| | | | Remedy.........................................|_| | | | Hi-Ether.......................................|_| | | | Ether..........................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | STAGE OBJECTIVE | Defeat the Rockeater! | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | CALLING THE ROCKEATER | Defeat three sleipnirs! | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | HINT | Sleipnirs hate mandragoras! Make your approach | | | when they're distracted fighting each other. | |-----------------------+--------------------+---------------+---------------| | ENEMIES | Headless | HP: 1953 | LV: 22 | | | Mandragora | HP: 410 | LV: 17 | | | Piranha | HP: 1165 | LV: 19 | | | Rockeater | HP: 6750 | LV: 22 | | | Seeq | HP: 1547 | LV: 20 | | | Sleipnir | HP: 2094 | LV: 24 | | | Water Wyrd | HP: 1710 | LV: 25 | |_______________________|____________________|_______________|_______________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your party for this scenario consists of Vaan, Basch and Penelo. Both Vaan and Basch use swords while Penelo is equipped with a bow, so she is able to attack from a long range. You are automatically in battle mode here right from the start, you will notice that behind you is a barrier of orange dots which cannot be crossed. Your goal as the objective says is to defeat three Sleipnirs and then kill the boss. This guide will help you to accomplish this goal and also introduce the basics of just playing the game in general. We'll begin with a short outline of the basic controls here. The X button brings up the battle menu. While the menu is open the action is paused. If you were playing the other scenario the action would continue still at this point. You can choose any of the commands from the list. When you select attack you can then choose an enemy target if one is close by. The same applies to magic. Summon commands call forth an Esper which helps you fight in battle, they can only be summoned when you have full MP. Gambit is an option which basically gives your characters freedom to attack in battle. There is no reason to turn this off. Items can be used at any point, simply choose the item option and select any item you wish from the menu. Pressing left and right on the D-Pad will switch between characters so that you can give commands to the rest of your party. Pressing up and down on the D-Pad while the menu is closed allows you to change the leader (the character which you control.) The right analog stick and L1 & R1 buttons rotate the camera, the R3 button centres it. Holding the R2 button allows you to put away your weapon and run from a fight with your party following you. That pretty much covers the basics you need to know, now let's go and get into a battle. Down on the shore you'll find some kind of Piranha monster. Approach it and choose the attack command with Vaan. Assuming your party members have Gambit enabled they will take care of themselves. Battle will pretty much occur automatically from here unless you need to do something besides attack. You're still free to move around if you wish which may be a good idea if you want to get out of harm's way. Each time you strike an enemy it will do some damage value. The enemy's total HP can be seen after choosing the target you want to attack, but before pressing the X button to confirm it. Once an enemy is defeated your party receives the amount of experience that appears on screen. Experience allows your party to level up and become stronger. Kill enough enemies in the demo and your party will level up. You may have noticed that there are a number of pots scattered around the area. When you approach these pots press the X button to examine them. The one closest to you down at the beach near the beginning contains POTION. Note the minimap at the top right corner of your screen, use that in order to keep track of direction even while the camera is spinning. From where you found the first item head northeast and you'll find another pot between a couple of rocks containing a REMEDY. Feel free to engage all enemies you pass along the way, for the most part I won't be addressing each enemy individually. Just east of where you found that item is the first Sleipnir. A Sleipnir is a large horse-like creature similar to the Aeon Ixion for those familiar with Final Fantasy X. There should also be a number of Mandragora enemies in a close proximity to the Sleipnir. As the hint suggested they often fight each other and this leaves the enemy distracted. As they are battling one another, run up to the Sleipnir and begin attacking. The Sleipnir is weak to the WInd element and you just so happen to have a spell that matches that. Cast Aero magic to exploit the enemy's weakness. Note that magic does consume MP and since Sleipnirs aren't exactly difficult, it may be better to save your MP. Just north of where you fought the first Sleipnir, locate another pot at the base of a tree with an ETHER inside of it. Further north from the tree there is a slope you can go up but at the top you'll only find an invisible wall. Head directly south from this slope onto the beach again and check the pot beside the large rock for a POTION. East of this is another pot, on the south side of the large raised area in the middle. The second Sleipnir lies just beyond this rock and is once again surrounded by Mandragoras. Head northwest of where you fought this enemy and you'll find a small cave in the side of the cliff. There's an enemy in there but also a pot containing GOLD NEEDLE. Proceed all the way south to were the water hits the beach and look east for a pot containing REMEDY. Continue east around the next large raised area, and check the other side of it near the beach for a pot containing PHOENIX DOWN. A fair ways east but still on the beach there are two more pots with REMEDY and HI-ETHER inside of them. North of that, near the wall, there is one more pot with an ETHER inside. Now head back a little bit and begin up that large slope leading east. As you proceed up the slope you'll find the third and final Sleipnir. Upon defeating it the boss appears. The name "Rockeater" doesn't immediately conjure up the image of a T-Rex, but that's what you get. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | ROCKEATER | LV: 22 | HP: 6750/6750 | Weakness: Wind | |____________|________|_______________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | The first thing you should notice is that the boss has a weakness to Wind | | elemental powers. As we established beforehand, the Aero spell is of the | | wind elemental. The spell is fairly effective against the boss however | | there are much better ways to defeat him. Honestly it's not too hard to | | kill the boss just using normal attacks, magic periodically, and having | | the rest of your party do their thing. If you're looking for a really | | easy win or are still having trouble defeating it, try the following. | | | | Summoning your Esper is the easiest way to win this battle. To summon an | | Esper you must have full MP. If you don't then use either an Ether of Hi- | | Ether to full up that gauge. Now you can summon Hashmal, a powerful | | Earth-based Esper who will replace the other two members of your party. | | Hashmal has 1737 HP and powerful attacks. It's almost impossible for him | | to be killed by the boss so the only way to have him disappear is if the | | timer beside his name runs out, though he should kill the boss long before | | that. Hashmal will also draw the boss' attacks so Vaan is free to do | | whatever he wants while the Esper wins the battle for you. Hashmal's main | | attack is Roxxor, a rock throw which does about 800 damage with each hit. | | He can also heal Vaan. Summoning the Esper pretty much guarantees a win. | | | | The final tactic is to use the Red Fang items you may have picked up along | | the way. A Red Fang is an item which deals fire damage when used as an | | item. They are dropped by the monster called Headless. Using one of them | | on the boss will deal at least 1500 damage, and you can find two if not | | three of them in the level. Once the boss is defeated then the stage ends | | and so does the demo (for this scenario.) Now you are free to select the | | second scenario which offers a little bit more of a challenge. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______) (, / / ) / +-- (_/ HE STILSHRINE OF MIRIAM ------------------------------------ F1.04 --+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~| | ITEM CHECKLIST | Potion.........................................|_| | | | Remedy.........................................|_| | | | Gold Needle....................................|_| | | | Ether..........................................|_| | | | Dragon Key.....................................|_| | | | Hi-Ether.......................................|_| | | | Ether..........................................|_| | | | Potion.........................................|_| | | | Remedy.........................................|_| | | | Potion.........................................|_| | | | Elixir.........................................|_| | | | Phoenix Down...................................|_| | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | STAGE OBJECTIVE | Defeat the Ring Wyrm! | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | FINDING RING WYRM: | An Adamantoise holds the Dragon Key. | | | Win it and pass beyond the ancient gates! | |-----------------------+----------------------------------------------------| | HINT | The Adamantoise can be found lurking in a dead-end | |-----------------------+--------------------+---------------+---------------| | ENEMIES | Adamantoise | HP: 3240 | LV: 22 | | | Bomb | HP: 964 | LV: 16 | | | Gazer | HP: 1456 | LV: 23 | | | Headless | HP: 1929 | LV: 20 | | | Ring Wyrm | HP: 6700 | LV: 20 | | | Sleipnir | HP: 1777 | LV: 19 | |_______________________|____________________|_______________|_______________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main difference between the two scenarios besides the enemies and scenery is of course the fact that the battles are now "active". When you encounter an enemy and bring up the menu, they will still be attacking you so you need to move quickly. The party is different as well now consisting of Ashe, Fran and Balthier. Your goal is to find the Adamantoise and it's not going to be very difficult. The proof is directly west of you. Rotate the camera to face west and there right in front of you is the Adamantoise, you just need to get to him. Let's begin by heading south down the corridor past the first enemy. At the south end there is a treasure chest (chests replace pots in this scenario) which contains POTION. Head east and find the chest not too far down this path containing REMEDY. Go east from here and begin south down the next hallway. Turn and head west when you reach the south end. Just south of the statue is another treasure chest, this one containing GOLD NEEDLE. Keep going west and then make your way north. Be sure to kill all the enemies along this path because you're approaching the Adamantoise and you don't want to fight it with a million other enemies on your tail. About halfway up this path on your left (when facing north) is another chest, this one with ETHER inside of it. The Adamantoise is not a boss enemy, just another normal enemy. It's very easy to defeat it using normal attacks, but you still might want to exploit the monster's weakness to ice. Once the Adamantoise is defeated it drops the DRAGON KEY which you will need to complete the level. Head south a little bit and then go west to reach a staircase leading down. Descend the stairs to find even more stairs to the west when you reach the bottom. One set leads north, the other south. Take the north stairs and open the chest at the bottom containing HI-ETHER. Head west then south and you'll pass a large door. You can open the door now if you want but there are still a couple more places to explore. Open the chest across from the door to acquire an ETHER then continue south. Just before you reach the bottom there's a chest on your right (when facing south) containing POTION. Go past the stairs and then even further south. When you reach the southern wall look west to see a chest containing REMEDY. At the far east side there are two chests side by side which have in them both a POTION and an ELIXIR. Just outside this little room on the south wall is a somewhat-hidden chest containing PHOENIX DOWN. Remember the door you passed just recently on the far west side? Well that's your destination now. Before you open the door make sure to heal your party to full health using items of magic or whatever you need to cure everyone. Now use the Dragon Key to unlock the door. ____________________________________________________________________________ |~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | RING WYRM | LV: 20 | HP: 6700/6700 | Weakness: Holy | |____________|________|_______________|______________________________________| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | At the very beginning of battle the boss will not attack you if you do not | | move, however there is a chance that a Gazer enemy will appear to attack | | you. Gazer enemies appear randomly to help the boss, it is very important | | that you focus all your attacks on killing them because they will | | consistently suck the health out of your party if you don't. | | | | The boss itself isn't too much different from the one in the other | | scenario. Its attacks are moderately powerful, some of them are perfectly | | capable of killing your party members but that's what Phoenix Downs are | | for. Ring Wyrm is weak to holy magic, and you don't have the Holy magic | | spell in this scenario (you did have it in the other, too bad.) Balthier | | is equipped with the Flare magic spell which is extremely powerful so you | | will want to use that. Also since the Gazer enemy drops Red Fang items | | pretty often, those too will help out in this battle if you have any. | | | | Ashe has a different summon spell than Vaan, it's called Belias. Less HP | | and significantly less damage are both associated with this one, but that | | doesn't mean it can't significantly help you out in battle. If Ashe is | | lacking in MP just use the Hi-Ether or Elixir that you found in the chests | | before the battle. A combination of each of these will work best. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || F2.00 || Characters || F2.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ THE PHON COAST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F2.A0 ~~~ +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | VAAN | Hit Points: 670 | Magic Points: 52 F2.A1 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Cure | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Blindna | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Fire | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Thunder | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Blizzard | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Water | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 12 | | Aero | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 14 | | Fira | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Thundara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Blizzara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Protect | Type........ Green Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Shell | Type........ Green Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | BASCH | Hit Points: 705 | Magic Points: 46 F2.A2 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Water | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 12 | | Aero | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 14 | | Fira | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Thundara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Blizzara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | PENELO | Hit Points: 569 | Magic Points: 73 F2.A3 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Cure | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Cura | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Life | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 22 | | Blindna | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Stona | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 12 | | Silena | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Poisona | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Holy | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 44 | | Slow | Type......... Time Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Immobilize | Type......... TIme Magic | MP Cost................. 08 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ THE STILSHRINE OF MIRIAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F2.B0 ~~~ +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ASHE | Hit Points: 605 | Magic Points: 58 F2.B1 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Cure | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Blindna | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Fire | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Thunder | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Blizzard | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Water | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 12 | | Aero | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 14 | | Fira | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Thundara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Blizzara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Flare | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 48 | | Protect | Type........ Green Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Shell | Type........ Green Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | FRAN | Hit Points: 628 | Magic Points: 60 F2.B2 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Cure | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Cura | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Life | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 22 | | Blindna | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Stona | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 12 | | Silena | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Poisona | Type........ White Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Slow | Type......... Time Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Immobilize | Type......... TIme Magic | MP Cost................. 08 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | BALTHIER | Hit Points: 648 | Magic Points: 50 F2.B3 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ | Water | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 12 | | Aero | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 14 | | Fira | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Thundara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Blizzara | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 16 | | Flare | Type........ Black Magic | MP Cost................. 48 | | Slow | Type......... Time Magic | MP Cost................. 06 | | Immobilize | Type......... TIme Magic | MP Cost................. 08 | +-------------------+--------------------------+-----------------------------+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || F3.00 || Item List || F3.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Alarm Clock | Remove sleep from one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Antidote | Remove poison from one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Dragon Key | Needed in second scenario to unlock the door. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Echo Herbs | Remove silence from one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Elixir | Completely restore one ally's HP and MP. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Ether | Restore 50 MP to one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Eye Drops | Remove blind from one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Gold Needle | Remove stone/petrify from one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Hi-Ether | Restore 200 MP to one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Hi-Potion | Restore 400 HP to one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Phoenix Down | Revive one KO'd ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Potion | Restore 100 HP to one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Red Fang | Deal fire damage to all enemies in range. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | Remedy | Remove all status ailments from one ally. | |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | X-Potion | Restore a large amount of HP to one ally. | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || F4.00 || Magic List || F4.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ WHITE MAGIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F4.01 ~~~ +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Blindna | 06 | Remove blind from one ally. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Cura | 16 | Restore HP to all allies in range. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Cure | 06 | Restore a small amount of HP to one ally. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Holy | 44 | Deal heavy holy damage to one enemy. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Life | 22 | Revive one KO'd ally. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Poisona | 06 | Remove poison from one ally. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Silena | 06 | Remove silence from one ally. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Stona | 12 | Remove stone/petrify from one ally. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ BLACK MAGIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F4.02 ~~~ +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Aero | 14 | Deal wind damage to all enemies in range. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Blizzara | 16 | Deal ice damage to all enemies in range. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Blizzard | 06 | Deal ice damage to one enemy. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Fira | 16 | Deal fire damage to all enemies in range. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Fire | 06 | Deal fire damage to one enemy. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Flare | 48 | Deal massive damage to one enemy. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Thundara | 16 | Deal lightning damage to all enemies in range. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Thunder | 06 | Deal lightning damage to one enemy. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Water | 12 | Deal water damage to one enemy. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ TIME MAGIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F4.03 ~~~ +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Immobilize | 08 | Immobilize all enemies in range. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Slow | 06 | Slow down one enemy's actions. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ GREEN MAGIC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F4.04 ~~~ +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Protect | 06 | Raise one ally's defense. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ | Shell | 06 | Raise one ally's magic defense. | +-----------------+----+-----------------------------------------------------+ ____________________________________________________________________________ |~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~| | || F5.00 || Bestiary || F5.00 || | |_||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||_| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ THE PHON COAST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F5.01 ~~~ +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Headless | Hit Points: 1953/1953 | EXP: 521 | Level: 22 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Ice | Drops: Red Fang | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Mandragora | Hit Points: 410/410 | EXP: 186 | Level: 17 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Wind | Drops: N/A | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Piranha | Hit Points: 1165/1165 | EXP: 253 | Level: 19 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Lightning | Drops: Alarm Clock | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Rockeater | Hit Points: 6750/6750 | EXP: N/A | Level: 22 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Wind | Drops: N/A | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Seeq | Hit Points: 1547/1547 | EXP: 320 | Level: 20 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Fire | Drops: Phoenix Down | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Sleipnir | Hit Points: 2094/2094 | EXP: 434 | Level: 24 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Wind | Drops: Hi-Potion | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Water Wyrd | Hit Points: 1710/1710 | EXP: ??? | Level: 25 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Lightning | Drops: X-Potion | +-----------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~ THE STILSHRINE OF MIRIAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F5.02 ~~~ +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Adamantoise | Hit Points: 3240/3240 | EXP: 921 | Level: 22 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Ice | Drops: Dragon Key | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Bomb | Hit Points: 964/964 | EXP: 193 | Level: 16 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Ice | Drops: Hi-Potion | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Gazer | Hit Points: 1456/1456 | EXP: 200 | Level: 23 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Fire, Holy | Drops: Red Fang | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Headless | Hit Points: 1929/1929 | EXP: ??? | Level: 20 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Ice | Drops: Phoenix Down, Eye Drops | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Ring Wyrm | Hit Points: 6700/6700 | EXP: N/A | Level: 20 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Holy | Drops: N/A | +-----------------+------------------------+--------------+------------------+ | Sleipnir | Hit Points: 1777/1777 | EXP: 437 | Level: 19 | | +------------------------+--------------+------------------| | | Weak: Wind | Drops: Antidote, Eye Drops | +-----------------+------------------------+---------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~~ || LE.AL || Legal & Copyright || LE.AL || __||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This document is copyright (c) 2007 by A I e x. I am no longer active writing guides for video games, and thus I will no longer any questions or update with any corrections sent through email. It is likely that after this point this guide will never be updated again. I am aware that there are errors occasionally and I apologize for those. Please do not email me any corrections, or ask me for any help with this particular game, as I will not respond. It is also not necessary to send any email to thank me for the work, I will say right now that you are very welcome. Furthermore, please do not contact me about hosting this guide on your website, I will not grant permisson. I am still willing to take action if I find this guide being hosted anywhere other than GameFAQs.com, IGN.com, or a very small number of other select sites. Finally, if you need to contact me for some reason that is not covered above, then you can reach me at StarOceanDC(a.t)gmail(d.o.t)com. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~\/~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\/~~~~~~~\/~~ || CR.DS || Credits & Thanks || CR.DS || __||_______||____________________________________________________||_______||__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the moment the guide is currently incomplete in terms of content. While it does cover the entire main game, a number things are NOT included. Given the amount of time I have put into this game, I will be enjoying a lengthy break from it and eventually get back to complete whatever still remains to be done. Until that time (and perhaps even after) you would most certainly benefit from checking out Red Scarlet's Dragon Quest VIII walkthrough. Hers is undoubtedly one of the most complete resources you'll ever find for the game. I would also recommend Psycho Penguin's guide whenver he gets it complete, I imagine that too will turn out quite good. Both guides can be found in the Dragon Quest VIII section of www.gamefaqs.com Thanks for updates from: - Jon M - Charlie T - Nerfherder - Andrew M - Matthew F - Viviamoru - Rob - Alexander - Everett - Charles C - Jofunufunu - Roland Many thanks to the following: - Every user and member of the GameFAQs community on the Dragon Quest VIII boards (and every other one for that matter) just for being a great help. - The guide from Bradygames does deserve credit for being a resource on a number of monster and item stats that the in-game databases do not record. While I don't particularly endorse it for its ambiguous picturebook style walkthrough, it's probably worth the purchase for the various maps. - The multitudes of shrines and fanpages dedicated to this fantastic game Thanks to CJayC for continuing to keep GameFAQs running smoothly, and the same to Sailor Bacon. Thanks to Sean, Mark and Jeremy here at the University of Guelph, thanks to everyone in the GameFAQs FAQ contributor community for being great people, and thanks to everyone who takes the time to send feedback. Thank you very much finally, to anyone and everyone reading this walkthrough. ______________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~