================================================== = Dragon Quest VIII : Journey of the Cursed King = = by Sarah Lam = = = = Copyright 2006 Sarah Lam = = Submitted: 3 February 2006 = = Mail me at: sarahlsy@gmail.com = = = ================================================== =============================================================================== Table Of Contents =============================================================================== 1.0 Intro 2.0 General Information 2.1 Saving your game 2.2 Resting at inns 2.3 Day/Night 3.0 Characters 4.0 Spells & Skills 4.1 Hero - Spells 5.0 Walkthrough 5.1 Prologue 5.2 Farebury 5.3 Farebury Region 5.4 Waterfall Cave 5.5 Alexandra Region 5.6 Alexandra 5.7 Tower of Alexandra 5.8 Port Prospect 5.9 Peregrin Quay 5.10 Simpleton 5.11 Maella Abbey 5.12 Ruined Abbey 5.13 Maella Region 5.14 Ascantha 5.15 Wisher's Peak 5.16 Pickham Region 5.17 Pickham 5.18 Red's House 5.19 Swordsman's Labyrinth 5.20 Hilltop Hut 5.21 Trodain Castle 5.22 Morrie's Place 5.23 Ascantha Revisited 5.24 Setting Sail 5.25 Princess Minnie's Castle 5.26 Neos 5.27 Monster Arena 5.28 Baccarat 5.29 Chateau Felix 5.30 Dark Ruins 5.31 Argonia 5.32 Royal Hunting Grounds 5.33 Monster Arena 5.34 Dark Ruins 5.36 Rydon's Tower 5.37 Orkutsk 5.38 Monster Arena 5.39 Herb Grotto 5.40 Marta's Cottage 5.41 Treasure Hunting 5.42 Monster Arena 5.43 Baccarat 5.44 Dragon Graveyard 5.45 Pirate's Cove 5.46 Map Exploration 5.47 Empycchu 5.48 The Dark World 5.49 Godbird's Eyrie 5.50 Treasure Hunting 5.51 Tryan Gully 5.52 Purgatory Island 5.53 Troll Maze 5.54 Black Citadel 5.55 Collecting Orbs 5.56 Battling Rhapthorne 6.0 Monster Log 7.0 Credits =============================================================================== Copyrights =============================================================================== This has been written specifically for www.gamefaqs.com ONLY. If you are reading this from some other site, and it's incomplete, please don't email me asking for more information, as it is probably used by an un-authorised site. GameFAQs will always have the latest updated version. =============================================================================== 1.0 Intro =============================================================================== Dragon Quest VIII is one of the best games I've played in a long time! You'll see why as you play along...Anyway, let's jump straight into the story. A wicked man named Dhoulmagus attacked the castle of Trodain one day, in order to steal a magical sceptre. He turned the king into a troll-like creature, and the princess into a horse. The king and the princess are on their journey to find Dhoulmagus and break the curse. =============================================================================== 2.0 General Information =============================================================================== +----------------------+ | 2.1 Saving your game | +----------------------+ If you want to save your game, you need to go to a church, which can be found in towns. When you talk to the priest, you will have several options: Confession (Save): Allows you to save your game, and continue/quit Divination : Tells you how many experience points each character needs in order to level up Resurrection : Brings a dead member of your party back to life Purification : Heals a party member of Poison Benediction Nothing +---------------------+ | 2.2 Resting at inns | +---------------------+ Whenever your party needs healing/restoration of MP, you should rest at an inn. The inn charges you based on the number of characters you have (ie. if you have less characters, then it's cheaper). Of course, as you move onwards, it becomes more and more expensive to stay at inns. +---------------+ | 2.3 Day/Night | +---------------+ In this game, time passes as you play on. Usually, the shops are only open in the day, but some are only open at night. At night, the enemies are harder to defeat, but you can pass time by staying at the inn. =============================================================================== 3.0 Characters =============================================================================== +-------+ | Hero | +-------+ Hero is your main character in this game, who does not open his mouth at all during the entire course of the game! When Dhoulmagus attacked the castle, the king and princess were protected by a magical circle, and everyone else except Hero perished. For some strange reason, Hero was left unharmed. He is the first person to accompany King Trode, and Princess Medea on their quest to break the curse. His main weapons are swords, spears and boomerangs. +--------+ | Yangus | +--------+ Yangus is the second person to join your party. While Hero, the King and the Princess were travelling, they wanted to cross a bridge. Yangus popped out and tried to rob them, however, he ended up dangling from the bridge instead. Hero saved him, and then Yangus decided to follow the Hero from now on. His weapons are clubs, axes and scythes. +---------+ | Jessica | +---------+ Jessica comes into the game much later. Her brother has been murdered by Dhoulmagus, and she vows to avenge her brother's death, and so joins your party. Her weapons are blades, whips, and staves. +--------+ | Angelo | +--------+ Angelo is the final character to join your party. He is a Templar knight who lives at the abbey. Dhoulmagus murders the old abbot of the abbey, and the new abbot, Marcelo, who happens to be Angelo's half brother, instructs Angelo to go with your party to find Dhoulmagus. =============================================================================== 4.0 Spells & Skills =============================================================================== +-------------------------+ | 4.1.1 Hero - Spells | +-------------------------+ | Level 3 | Heal | +-------------------------+ | Level 4 | Squelch | +-------------------------+ | Level 6 | Evac | +-------------------------+ | Level 11 | Sizz | +-------------------------+ | Level 18 | Midheal | +-------------------------+ | Level 20 | Sizzle | +-------------------------+ | Level 27 | Fullheal | +-------------------------+ | Level 29 | Zing | +-------------------------+ | Level 32 | Kasizzle | +-------------------------+ +---------------------------+ | 4.1.2 Hero - Sword Skills | +---------------------------+ | 8 points | Zoom | +---------------------------+ +---------------------------+ | 4.1.3 Hero - Spear Skills | +---------------------------+ | 8 points | Zoom | +---------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ | 4.1.4 Hero - Boomerang Skills | +-------------------------------+ | 8 points | Zoom | +-------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+ | 4.1.5 Hero - Fisticuffs Skills | +--------------------------------+ | 8 points | Zoom | +--------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ | 4.1.6 Hero - Courage Skills | +-----------------------------+ | 8 points | Zoom | +-----------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | 4.2.1 Yangus - Axes Skills | +----------------------------+ | 6 points | Helm Splitter| +----------------------------+ +-----------------------------+ | 4.2.2 Yangus - Clubs Skills | +-----------------------------+ | points | | +-----------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ | 4.2.3 Yangus - Scythes Skills | +-------------------------------+ | points | | +-------------------------------+ +----------------------------------+ | 4.2.4 Yangus - Fisticuffs Skills | +----------------------------------+ | points | | +----------------------------------+ +--------------------------------+ | 4.2.5 Yangus - Humanity Skills | +--------------------------------+ | 4 points | Whistle | +--------------------------------+ | 10 points | Heal | +--------------------------------+ +----------------------------+ | 4.3.1 Jessica - Spells | +----------------------------+ | Default | Frizz | +----------------------------+ | Default | Sap | +----------------------------+ | Level 10 | Crack | +----------------------------+ | Level 11 | Sizz | +----------------------------+ | Level 11 | Evac | +----------------------------+ | Level 12 | Snooze | +----------------------------+ | Level 14 | Bang | +----------------------------+ | Level 16 | Crackle | +----------------------------+ | Level 19 | Oomph | +----------------------------+ | Level 20 | Sizzle | +----------------------------+ | Level 21 | Frizzle | +----------------------------+ | Level 23 | Boom | +----------------------------+ | Level 25 | Insulatle | +----------------------------+ | Level 33 | Kaboom | +----------------------------+ | Level 35 | Kafrizzle | +----------------------------+ +---------------------------+ | 4.4.1 Angelo - Spells | +---------------------------+ | Default | Heal | +---------------------------+ | Default | Buff | +---------------------------+ | Default | Whoosh | +---------------------------+ | Default | Zoom | +---------------------------+ | Level 13 | Tingle | +---------------------------+ | Level 14 | Kabuff | +---------------------------+ | Level 15 | Midheal | +---------------------------+ | Level 17 | Whack | +---------------------------+ | Level 18 | Swoosh | +---------------------------+ | Level 19 | Zing | +---------------------------+ | Level 22 | Thwack | +---------------------------+ | Level 24 | Fullheal | +---------------------------+ | Level 30 | Multiheal | +---------------------------+ | Level 32 | Kaswoosh | +---------------------------+ | Level 34 | Kazing | +---------------------------+ =============================================================================== 5.0 Walkthrough =============================================================================== +--------------+ | 5.1 Prologue | +--------------+ Choose to begin a new game, and select a name for your character, then it's time to start the game! Watch the cutscene, and then press X to stand up. You can smash the barrels around you by pressing X to pick them up, and X once more to throw them down, but there's nothing inside these barrels. Speak to Yangus, he and Trode will have a conversation, then Trode will ask where the Princess is. As they look around the area, a few slimes will jump out and attack you. This fight is relatively simple, simply choose Fight and Attack every round, and the enemies will soon be defeated. Once the battle is over, Trode will revert back to the subject of the missing Princess, who appears to be his daughter. The Princess shows up soon after, and appears that she is a horse! Your whole party will now make its way to Farebury. +--------------+ | 5.2 Farebury | +--------------+ Once you reach the town, Trode will tell you that this is the place where Master Rylus lives. Trode and Medea were cursed, and turned into a troll and a horse respectively, by a magician named Dhoulmagous. Master Rylus can assist them in breaking the curse. There are two item stalls near you, but you probably don't have enough money to buy items just yet. Open your map by using the square button, and head towards the direction of the inn. On the left side of the inn, there are two barrels. Smash them to get 4 gold coins, then enter the inn. Go upstairs, and head to the room at the end. Search the bags hanging on the wall to get a medicinal herb and an antidotal herb. The wardrobe on the right (near the bookshelf) contains a cypress stick. The chest contains a chimaera wing, and the left wardrobe on the other side of the room contains a set of plain clothes, while the right wardrobe has holy water. Leave the inn now, and walk around it to open the side door. You will now be at the back of the counter in the inn. Search the pouch on the wall to get 3 gold coins then exit. Go into the house opposite and smash the barrels to get 5 gold coins. The right wardrobe contains an antidotal herb. Exit the house now, and climb up the stairs. Go straight to the end of the passage, and break the pot to get a medicinal herb. Enter the door behind you, and you'll find yourself behind the counter of the tavern. Smash the barrels to get 10 gold coins, then exit. Go straight down the alley, and enter the door on the right just before you reach the end. Smash the pots to get 8 gold coins, then go into the next room. The right wardrobe contains a set of plain clothes. Exit the building, and turn right. Turn left at the end. There's a well here, which you need to examine. You will jump down the well, and there's a chest here containing a leather shield. You should equip either the Hero or Yangus with it now. Go into the little alley at the back, and turn right into another alley. Keep going until the alley narrows, then enter the door on the left. The left wardrobe contains 20 gold coins. Exit this building, then continue down the alley and turn left. Smash the barrels to get 2 gold coins and a medicinal herb. Open the map now, and make your way towards the church. It's the one with the blue pitch-fork like symbol on the upper east side of the map. Head to the back of the church, and open the door. Smash the pot on the right side of the room to get a medicinal herb. Open the other door, and open the wardrobe to get a pot lid. You can equip it to the other character who did not get the leather shield. The chest nearby is locked, and you cannot open it just yet. Exit the church, and go around the back of the church to find two pots. Smash them to get a seed of defence. Now, return to the front of the church and head straight until you pass the weapons shop. Turn right and enter the tavern. Break the barrels to get an antidotal herb, then approach the guy sitting at the bar. Talk to Kalderasha after the cut scene, but you will be interrupted by a guy who bursts into the room, shouting about a monster in town. Exit the tavern, and make your way to the lower ground floor. You'll need to use the stairs on the south side of the map, as the other has been blocked by a man standing in front of it. Go through the arch, and you will see that the monster they were talking about is actually Trode! Your party will be chased out of the town. Trode asks if you managed to find Master Rylus, and you tell him that Master Rylus is dead. Trode gets upset for awhile, but then says that the person they're really after is Dholmagous. As you are about to leave, a girl comes out and stops your party from leaving. She tells you that she dreamt of your party, and then in the dream, you could make wishes come true. She introduces herself as Valentina, the daughter of Kalderasha, the man you met at the bar. She asks you to come to her house so that she can explain everything properly there. Trode tells you to go and help her, as she reminds him of Medea, his daughter, while he stays outside. Go up the stairs, and head straight. Turn right at the end of the path, then take the first left. Turn left again at the end of the path, and enter the door by the well. You'll find Valentina sleeping at the table. Before waking her up, go to the back room and open the right wardrobe to obtain 4 gold coins. Break the barrel by the sink to obtain a medicinal herb, and smash the barrel to get 7 gold coins, then speak to Valentina. She will tell you about her father's fortune telling, and how it started to fail, most probably because he stopped using a real crystal ball. Her father will come in half way, and say that he does not need your help, then go upstairs. She asks you whether you can help her father by finding him a crystal ball. Agree to this, and she will tell you that she also dreamt that there's a crystal ball hidden inside a cave under the big waterfall to the south of town. Exit the town via the entrance near the inn, and tell Trode about Valentina's request. Trode tells you to rest at the inn until morning, then you will leave. +---------------------+ | 5.3 Farebury Region | +---------------------+ In the morning, exit the town. Turn right and head north for awhile. You will see a dragon guy, but avoid him at all costs. Run around him, and continue onward till you reach a chest containing a seed of life. Run back to the town entrance and try to level up your characters, when they get too injured, go back and stay the night at the inn. At Level 3, the Hero learns a very important spell, "Heal", which enables you to heal your characters, without having to rest at the inn. However, you won't have enough MP to cast the spell, and will need to rest at the inn one more time to recover your MP. Note: Use Hero's first 8 skill points for the courage skillset, so that he will learn Zoom, which enables him to return to any place that your party has previously been to. For Yangus, use 10 points for the humanity skillset so that he will learn the Heal ability, so that both Hero/Yangus can cast Heal. As you level up, you will eventually be able to allocate skill points to the different skill sets that each character has. I generally allocate points to the Spear & Sword skills for the Hero (focusing mainly on sword), and Axe & Scythe for Yangus, but of course, this is personal choice. Once Yangus has reached Level 3, follow the main path to the west. At the fork, continue down the west path. Go west all the way, even when the path starts to curve, and you will find a chest containing boxer shorts under some trees. Equip Yangus with the boxer shorts now, and you'll probably need to return to the town to rest at the inn. Exit the town using the other way this time (through the arch and on the right). Follow the path all the way until you reach the cave, but go around it on the right hand side first before entering the cave. Go up the path and enter the shack. Check the right hand pouch for a seed of agility, and the left for some holy water. Talk to the old man, and he'll ask you for a favour. He tells you that he had a nap by the tree with red leaves the other day, and left his tool bag there. He asks you to get it for him, and you will be rewarded. Head down the path, and back to the front of the Waterfall Cave. Go east along the river. Don't cross the bridge when you come to it, just keep going forward, you should be able to see the red tree by now. Pick up the tool bag lying against the tree, then head south-east, and you'll find a chest containing 82 gold coins. Return to the house atop the Waterfall Cave now, and hand the bag over to the old man. He'll give you eight pieces of plain cheese as your reward. By now, you should have enough gold coins to buy the boomerang for Hero. You can sell his existing sword to get enough money. This is a much better weapon for now, as it can attack multiple enemies at one go, and the attack power is better as well. +--------------------+ | 5.4 Waterfall Cave | | My Level: 6 | +--------------------+ Head to the Waterfall Cave, and enter. Head straight until you reach a chest in between a junction. Open the chest to find a map of the waterfall cave. Take the right path, and you should find a chest on the right side of the room containing a chimaera wing. Further up, there are two more chests containing a leather hat and a medicinal herb. Equip Hero with the hat, then move on towards the east. At the junction, take the right path, and head down the level two. Continue along the path until you reach a large room, where the only path is blocked by a monster. Talk to it, and when he asks you if you're brave enough to battle him, answer Yes, and you won't need to battle it. If you want, you can talk to him again, and answer Yes once more to battle him. Turn left at the junction, and enter the next room. Open the chest to get a Copper Sword. Don't equip Hero with it if you purchased the boomerang, as the boomerang is a much better weapon. Turn around, and go back. Take the west path this time at the junction, and go down to level three. Walk to the end of the path, and heal your entire party, as you're about to do battle with a boss. Make sure that both Hero and Yangus have a supply of medicinal herbs, then examine the Crystal Ball. Answer Yes when prompted and Geyzer will appear! ** Boss Fight ** Geyzer doesn't seem like such a scary boss, he constantly keeps getting mixed up with his words "At last we feet, mace to mace"! Geyzer has several attacks, a Cursed Mist which causes Yangus to be cursed and unable to do anything (for some reason, Hero is never affected). He also has physical attacks, which can do around 20 damage, and a Sizz attack, which casts fireballs, and does quite a bit of damage. For this reason, whenever your characters are at around 20HP, heal them! Get Hero to Psyche Up at least twice, and when his tension level rises to 20, attack Geyzer. Yangus will be your main healer using medicinal herbs, and will attack once in awhile. Hero may need to cast Heal as well, when your party's health gets low. Don't bother to Psyche Up Yangus, because if he is cursed, he will lose whatever tension he has gained. After defeating Geyzer, you will get 107 EXP, 108 gold coins, and a seed of strength. ** End Boss Fight** Cast Evac now if you can (learned when Hero reaches Level 6), and head towards Farebury. Return to the fortune teller's house and speak to him. He tells you that you can return the crystal ball as many times as you like, but he will just throw it away again. He wants it back so that he can smash it, but Valentina will stop him. She tells him she knows why he wants to throw away the crystal ball, and does not blame him for her parents death. She wants to see him in all his glory, and asks him to keep the crystal ball. After the cutscene, you will find Yangus and yourself lying on beds. Get up, and go downstairs. Kalderasha will be sitting at the table, and he has put the crystal ball back on the table. Suddenly, it will start glowing, and he says that he sees a jester breaking through the southern checkpoint, and that this jester murdered Master Rylus. He announces that the jester is Master Rylus's former pupil, Dhoulmagus! Speak to Kalderasha once more and he will tell you that the jester was moving towards the direction of a village called Alexandria, and this is your next destination. +----------------------+ | 5.5 Alexandra Region | | My Level:8 | +----------------------+ Leave Farebury via the exit near the item shops, and you will find King Trode waiting for you. Tell him about what transpired in the fortune teller's house, then continue your journey. Follow the path, and head east at the fork. When the path forks again, take the south path. After you cross the two bridges, head west a few steps, then turn towards the north. You should see a chest containing a pair of slime earrings. Equip the earrings to one of your party, then return to the main path. In awhile, you should see Alexandria on your left. Don't enter yet, you need to find some extra spending money first. Continue down the path, but keep an eye out to the north. When you see a break, go north until you reach a cliff. To the east, you should be able to find a chest containing 100 gold coins. Head back to Alexandra now. +---------------+ | 5.6 Alexandra | +---------------+ When you enter the town, you will be stopped by a tiny boy, who appears to be guarding the town. He thinks you are a bandit, and he and his companion attack you! However, they are stopped before they can attack you by a woman. She conks each one of them on the head, and then apologizes for their behaviour. You can upgrade your equipment/armour at the nearby shops. For me, I only purchased a Scale armour for Hero, and a scale shield for Yangus, and saved the rest of my money. Do NOT buy two scale shields, as you can get one free a bit later on in the game. Enter the house that's on your right, and smash the pots to get a medicinal herb. The right wardrobe contains 11 gold coins. Leave the house, and head towards the two houses on the right. There are two pots in front of the left house, smash those to get holy water. Enter that house, and open the wardrobe to find a chimaera wing. Head up to the big house now (Make sure it's day time, otherwise you won't be able to enter the house. If it's night, you can stay at the inn until day break.) Open the door on the left, then run down the corridor and enter the open room on the left. Smash the pot to get a plain cheese, then return to the main entrance. Run up the stairs, and open the door on the left. The wardrobe on the left contains a set of wayfarer's clothes, then go up the stairs. Smash the barrels near the maid to get a seed of magic, and the other barrels further down to get 18 gold coins, a moonwort bulb. Send Munchie through the mouse hole where the barrels used to be once you've collected all the items. As Munchie, go down the stairs on the right, and the screen will focus on a letter on the desk. Run to the right hand side of the room, and run up the broom, then press X to grab Jessica's letter. Run back towards the stairs. You won't be able to climb up the stairs, so run along the sloping bits on the side of the stairs, then exit the room via the mouse hole. Hero will read the letter, which is written by Jessica. She says that she is going to the tower in the east, and will not return until her brother's death has been avenged. Go back down to the second floor main entrance, and talk to the boy that is guarding the left side of the door. Show him the letter, and he will finally believe that Jessica has left. Bangerz will agree to unlock the tower for you, and he'll join your party. He's a non-fighting party member though. Head over to the church and save your game before going off to the tower to find Jessica. +------------------------+ | 5.7 Tower of Alexandra | +------------------------+ When you are ready, head to the tower by following the path all the way to the east. Walk up to the door, and Bangerz will show you how to open the door, then he'll head back to the village. Be careful if you encounter any frogface enemies, when they have their frog face on, they can't do you much damage, but if you attack them once, they will turn around and display their human face. They can do a LOT of damage when their human face is displayed, so you need to be careful if Hero is using the boomerang. You can either use Psyche Up, and attack the whole lot of them, or switch to the sword and get both Yangus and Hero to atack them individually. Climb up the stairs, and take a left, and open the door. Walk down the stairs and cross the bridge, then open the door at the other end. There's a chest containing a map of the Tower of Alexandra. Now, turn around, and walk along the right of the tower, and climb up the stairs at the end. Open the door on the right (the door on the left is a dead end), and examine the othe door to unlock it. Now, climb down the ladder and smash the pot to get 22 gold coins, a medicinal herb, 11 gold coins and a moonwort bulb from the barrels. The chest contains a seed of agility. Climb up to the third floor now and open the door leading outside. Run across the bridge, and open the door. Walk forward, and examine either of the faces with the blue eyes on the left/ right of the iron gate, and the floor will rotate so that you're now standing on the other side. Climb up the stairs, and examine the face right in front of the stairs. Break the pots here to get a seed of strength and 7 gold coins, then examine the rotating wall once more to get back to the other side. Check out the rotating wall on the other side now, then examine the other wall. Break the barrel to get a medicinal herb, then run up to the next level. Go around the corner/or rotate yourself there (it leads to the same place), then climb up the stairs. Run around the passage until you see the face on the left wall. The chest on the right contains a scale shield, which you can equip to the character that doesn't have one at the moment. The pot on the left contains an antidotal herb. Now, examine the face once more to rotate back to the main area. Continue around, and climb up to the next level. Walk up to the statue, and examine it, and Jessica will appear. She thinks that you're a thief, who wants to steal the jewels (the statue's eyes) and killed her brother. She throws a fireball at Hero, but Hero dodges and she hits the statue instead. As she is about to cast the ultimate fireball, the statue begins to speak, and it's her brother! He tells her that your party did not kill him, and shows the party the past via the statue's eyes. It turns out that Dhoulmagus killed Alistair as well. After he finishes telling the story, his spirit departs from the statue. Walk towards the stairs, and Jessica will apologise for her behaviour. Cast Evac now to get out of the tower, then Zoom to return to Alexandra (if you have the ability). Talk to Bangerz who is standing in front of the inn, and he and his tiny compatriot have paid for the night's stay for your party. Talk to the lady, then exit the next day. Make your way up to the first floor of the mansion, and you'll find Jessica and Rosalind arguing. Jessica wants to avenge her brother's death, but Rosalind says that she is a lady, not a warrior. Rosalind says that if Jessica insists on avenging her brother's death, then she no longer has a daughter, and throws her out of the house. Once Jessica has left, enter her room and climb up the stairs. The wardrobe on the right has Jessica's outfit. Exit the mansion now, and save your game, then it's time to be on your way. Head towards the tower once more but this time, take the south path at the junction. Follow the path, and when you can see the beach on your left, climb down to the beach. You can find a chest containing a seed of strength to the west of the beach, amongst some trees. Climb back up to the main road now and head to Port Prospect. +-------------------+ | 5.8 Port Prospect | | My Level: 11 | +-------------------+ Head to the left, and break the pots/barrels to get a chimaera wing, a medicinal herb, and a seed of wisdom. Inside the inn, open the wardrobe to get holy water, then rest up (once you have acquired the Zoom ability, you can return to previous towns to stay the night if you wish to save money). At this stage, the price difference is not so obvious, but later on, it can be pretty hefty to stay at some inns. Upgrade Yangus's equipment to a Farmer's scythe. If you like, you can get the iron lance for Hero, but I prefer to stick with the boomerang, as it can attack multiple enemies. Head to the right of the shops once you're done, and break the barrels to get 17 gold coins. Save your game at the church, then head downstairs into the building. Go to the end of the room, and you'll see Jessica arguing with a man. He tells her the waters are too dangerous to sail because of the sea monster. She asks your party to help defeat the sea monster. After you agree, you can go back and save your game once more if you wish, then talk to her and tell her you're ready. Once you're on the ship, you will be attacked immediately by a giant octopus, called Khalamari! ** Boss Fight ** Khalamari's attacks consist of a flame-breath, which can do quite a lot of damage to your entire party, even up to 35HP ! Also, he mows down your party, which causes about 20HP damage to each party member. Finally, he hits individual members with his tentacles for a bit less damage. For this fight, I got Yangus to Psyche Up until three times until he reached tension level 50, while Hero became the healer. If you can manage to get Yangus to Psyche Up like this two times (each attack will do over 150 damage), all you need is a couple more normal attacks, and Khalamari will be defeated. Khalamari will apologise for fighting you, and will give you a gold bracer as a peace offering. ** Boss Fight ** The ship will head back to the port first so that you can rest/save your game. Go back to the ship once you're done, and tell Jessica you're ready to set sail. Before you leave, she'll ask whether she can join your party. Agree of course! Who wouldn't want an extra party member that looks like her! :) While you're sailing on the blue seas, Jessica will come up to Hero and Yangus, and ask about the story of how you two met. Yangus will begin his story... One day, Hero, Trode and the princess were about the cross the bridge. Yangus stopped them, and wanted them to pay up if they wanted to cross. Trode refused, and Yangus attacked. Yangus ended up dangling from the bridge, and the party managed to cross. Hero came back and saved Yangus just before he fell into the ravine, and from that day, Yangus joined Hero and Trode on their adventuring. Once you regain control, go down to the deck, and open the door. Break the barrel on the left to get a pot lid, and smash the pots on the upper left corner to get 12 gold coins and a medicinal herb. The barrel on the upper right contains an antidotal herb, and the pots/barrels on the lower right contain a medicinal herb, seed of life, and a seed of agility. Go down the stairs and break the pot to get 10 gold coins. Open the door and open the chest in the corner to get a bronze knife. Talk to Trode, and he will tell you that he's managed to repair the alchemy pot. With the alchemy pot, you can make different kinds of items by combining different ingredients. It can be accessed from your Main Menu -> Misc -> Alchemy Pot. At the moment, only two items can be mixed together in the Alchemy Pot. Only certain items can be mixed together, if you mix the wrong items, then the pot will "reject" the items, and they will be returned to you. If you select the right items, Trode will inform you, and you will have to wait for awhile before the new item is ready. You have to walk around/battle for some time, and you will hear a noise like a timer going off when the item is ready. Open up the Alchemy Pot menu once again to see what you have invented. +-------------------+ | 5.9 Peregrin Quay | | My Level: 11 | +-------------------+ First of all, equip Jessica with the gold bracer you received after defeating Khalamari. What most people do is to have Jessica as the main character, so that you can see her close up in her different outfits. You can do this by going to Misc. -> Line-up, then selecting Jessica and moving her to the top. Before exploring the town, head straight to the inn at the end. Talk to the man in green and black on the left, and he'll give you an iron nail. Now's your first chance to make an alchemy item - a Thief's Key that can open locked chests. Open up the alchemy pot menu, and put in the iron nail and the bronze knife that you found in the ship. You'll have to wait now before you get the finished item. Check the bookshelf on the right to find a recipe: "??? = Medicinal herb + Medicinal herb". Open the wardrobe at the opposite side of the room to get a seed of magic, then go back into the town. On the lower right corner, break the pots to get a seed of defense and a medicinal herb. On the other side at the weapons shop, smash the pots to get an antidotal herb and an oaken club. Don't buy the thorn whip here, you can use the alchemy pot to get a better one. Further back near the item shop, smash the barrels to get 8 gold coins, then head to the armour shop. Buy two scale shields here, and equip Jessica with one. Smash the barrels to get a leather kilt and a chimaera wing. Equip Yangus with the leather kilt. There's a priest standing near the armour shop, where you can save your game. ** Note: For Jessica, get at least 7 points in her staff skills so that she learns the Kasap spell, which reduces the defence of a group of enemies. Then you can focus on her whip skills. If your Thief's Key is still not ready yet, go outside, and run around battling enemies until it is ready. When it's ready, check the alchemy pot to get your Thief's Key, then prepare your next recipe. Unequip Jessica's Leather Whip and pop that into the pot together with the extra scale shield that you purchased earlier. Go back into the town now, and head to the lower right section, which has the locked chests. Open them now with the Thief's Key to get a boomerang, 200 gold coins and a mini medal. Now that you have the Thief's Key, cast Zoom and head back to Farebury. Go to the weapon shop and enter it from the back door. Open the two chests here to get a cypress stick and a dagger. Next, go into the church and open the door behind the priest. Open the chest to get a mini medal. Cast Zoom and head back to Peregrin Quay now. When the whip in the alchemy pot finishes mixing, unequip Hero's Leather Hat, and throw it into the alchemy pot together with a chimaera wing to make a Feathered Cap. Go west just outside of town, until you hit some castle ruins. On the south, just behind a wall, you'll find a chest containing magic water. Go back to the town, and this time, head east (avoid the creature you see running around). When the Feathered Cap is done, equip it to Hero, and throw his Leather Hat and another Chimaera Wing and put it in the alchemy pot. All the way east, you'll find a chest containing another Feathered Cap. Now all three party members have Feathered Caps equipped. Return to Peregrin Quay now and follow the path until you reach a large building. If you speak to the man standing at the door, you will be able to save your game. Enter the building now, and head to the door on the left. Approach the door in the center, where the two guards are standing. The two guards will turn you away rudely, but another guard called Marcello comes out and apologizes for their behaviour. He explains that it is their duty to protect the abbey, and they cannot permit unknown strangers to enter. Turn around, and open the door on the left wall, which will lead you outside. Just beside the stairs, are two pots. Smash them to get a mini medal, then continue around the abbey. Way over on the other side, there are two barrels which you can smash to get holy water. Go back into the abbey, and head out using the main doors. Turn left as you exit the abbey and directly south. As you approach the furthest south point, look west, and climb up the hill. Head south once more, and you'll see a chest. Open it to get a bunny tail. You can pop the bunny tail and Jessica's hairband into the alchemy pot to get bunny ears. Equip the bunny ears to Jessica when it's done, the defence is better compared with the Feathered Cap. Return to the main path, and continue along it to the east. At the fork, take the right path to reach Simpleton. +----------------+ | 5.10 Simpleton | | My Level: 13 | +----------------+ Rest up (or cast Zoom and rest at Farebury to save some $$$ then Zoom back to Simpleton), then enter the tavern, and head upstairs. The two men sitting at the table will open an item/weapon/armour shop if you talk to them. Don't buy any of the weapons, what you have now should be much better than anything they have. However, you can stock up on your medicinal herbs if you like. When you mix two medicinal herbs in the alchemy pot, you'll get a strong medicine which sells for 88 gold coins, whereas the cost of two medicinal herbs is only 16 gold coins. It's a good way to make a bit of cash, especially when the mixing is free anyway. So, anytime the alchemy pot is free, pop in two medicinal herbs, and sell the strong medicines at your next stop. Near their table are three barrels by the side of the room. Smash the left barrel to get 6 gold coins, and the center one to get a mini medal. Go back downstairs and speak to Angelo, he's the guy with the long grey ponytail, dressed in red. The guy he's playing cards with gets upset because he thinks Angelo is cheating. Yangus tries to calm him down, but he hits Yangus, and says that Yangus is in cahoots with Angelo. Yangus gets upset too, and wants to pick a fight, but Jessica cools them down by throwing a bucket of water on them. That's the start of a fight! Once that's off, Angelo will thank you because he managed to "pull a caper without getting caught". Angelo gives Jessica a ring as thanks, and says that he lives at the Maella Abbey, then runs off. Jessica insists on returning to Maella Abbey and returning the ring, so it's back to the abbey you go. +-------------------+ | 5.11 Maella Abbey | | My Level: 13 | +-------------------+ In the abbey, go back to the door that the two guards were blocking, and they'll let you through this time. Open the door to the right at the foot of the stairs and smash the left barrel to get a mini medal. Leave the room and head downstairs via the dark passageway opposite. Follow the passage, and open the door. Step forward to hear a conversation between Marcello and Angelo. Marcello is upset with Angelo for causing a disturbance at Simpleton and forbids him to leave the abbey. Go back upstairs now and head to the end of the hall. Open the double doors and look to the right. Smash the left barrel to get 26 gold coins. Talk to the guards blocking the bridge, they talk about an eerie jester, but won't let you pass. Return to the abbey, and Angelo will ask you to do a favour for him. He says there's a sinister presence at the abbey, and is convinced that it's due to the jester. He thinks that the Abbot's life is in danger, and asks you to get into the Abbot's residence and make sure that the Abbot is alright. Agree to help him, and he'll give you alternate directions to get to the Abbot's residence. Leave the abbey and talk to the man standing by the door to save your game. Turn left and follow the path to the east along the river. Further up, you'll see a Hollow Knight. If you're about Level 13, you shouldn't have any problems defeating it, otherwise just run around it. Use Jessica to cast Sap to reduce it's defence, then just use normal attacks. It will drop a copper monster copper coin when defeated. Follow the path, until you reach an area with a stone marker in the middle. Examine it, and insert Angelo's ring to open a secret passage. +-------------------+ | 5.12 Ruined Abbey | | My Level: 13 | +-------------------+ In this area, you may meet Metal Slimes, which give you over 100 EXP when defeated. It's pretty hard to defeat them, as most of your attacks have no effect on them, and they run away very often, but try your best! Go through the doorway and go down the left stairs. Go forward and enter the niche to the east. The left chest is a cannibox, but you shouldn't have any difficulties defeating it. The right chest contains a map of the Ruined Abbey. Head west across the room to the other side, and check out the left wardrobe for an iron nail. Climb down the ladder that is beside the wardrobes, and check out the left bookshelf to learn a new recipe: "??? = Bandit's grass skirt + Bandana". Go down the passageway to the end and smash the pot on the right to get a mini medal. Go back to the passageway, and you'll pass a room on the left. Enter it and open the chest to get a bronze shield. Equip either Hero/Yangus, then open the door to the west. Continue round the hallway till you reach some stairs leading down to level four. Try and avoid all the purple goo on the floor as much as you can, as it will damage your party the more you step on it. There's a path on the right of the room which you can use to cross to the other side. Head back up the stairs, then go east at the next passageway. There's a door on the right. Smash the barrels to get a mini medal and a waterweed mould, then exit this room. Go to the other end of the passage, and open the door on the left. Smash the pots to get 50 gold coins, then exit this room. Go to the passage leading southwards and open the door at the end. You can see an evil dude standing there, so you'll know a boss fight is coming up. Heal your party fully, and put the strong medicines that you have been making into their inventory, then go forward. ** Boss Fight ** This boss has several attacks, his normal attack can hit individual party members for about 20-25 HP damage. He can also summon a walking corpse and a skeleton to help attack (each of them can do up to 10 HP damage). It sounds tough, but it's pretty simple actually. What you need to do is to get Jessica to cast Sap on the Tortured soul first of all. Then, use Jessica & Yangus to Psyche Up till 50 while Hero heals, and attacks where possible. The Tortured Soul may summon his buddies to help him out, but by then you should have already psyched Jessica & Yangus up several times, and they are almost able to attack at full strength. Once they've reached tension level of 50 (or higher if possible), attack the Tortured soul (use Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash ability). Using this method, he should go down pretty quickly. He drops a gold rosary when defeated. ** Boss Fight ** The HP/MP of your party will be restored after the battle, which is good as you should be pretty badly hurt at this point in time. After this, turn around and look north, there's a wardrobe next to the statue. Check it out to get a bandit's grass skirt. Now, follow the path south-east till you reach a ladder leading out of the Ruined Abbey. You will emerge just outside the Abbot's residence. Break the left barrel to get a mini medal then go around the building and enter it. Climb up the curved stairs to your right, and you will see the jester hovering over the Abbot's bed. He looks at you, smiles, then disappears. Talk to the abbot, and the guards will burst in a few seconds later. They think you tried to murder the abbot, and Marcello will make an appearance. He says that he feared for the abbot's safety, so he came at once, and sure enough, he found your party about the murder the abbot. The abbot stops him, and says that you are not a murderer, he can tell from your eyes, and your pure heart. Marcello will bring you to the interrogation room, but he gets interrupted by Angelo. Marcello tells Angelo that there is no way that your party could have entered the abbot's residence unless they had outside help, and produces Angelo's ring, which he says was amongst your party's possessions. Angelo claims that it was stolen from him at the pub, and leaves the room. As Marcello continues his questioning, he gets interrupted again. One of his guards say that they found a suspicious monster loitering outside the abbey, and brings in Trode! He orders the guards to bring your whole party to the cells, and says that he will have you tortured in the morning. When you regain control, speak to each person, then run around. In awhile, Jessica will say that she hears someone, and Angelo will appear. He releases you and leads you to another room. He apologizes for not helping you earlier, but says that Marcello would have condemned him as well if he told the truth about the ring. He shows you a secret passage out of the abbey through an iron maiden. Exit the barn from where you emerge, and then you find that the bridge is on fire! Angelo runs back to the abbey to save the abbot and leaves you alone. Now, before doing anything else, throw a boomerang and the iron nail you found earlier into the alchemy pot to make a reinforced boomerang. Zoom back to Maella Abbey for a short cut, then talk to the man to save your game. Enter the building and head to the back to reach the abbot's residence. Cross the burning bridge, and Angelo will appear. He'll try to open the door, but it's locked from the inside. Your whole party will join with him to break the door down. Talk to Angelo, who is leaning over an injured guard, and the guard will ask you to help Captain Marcello, who is in trouble. As you approach the stairs, another guard will tumbling down and mention something about a jester. At the top floor, the jester will throw Marcello aside, sending him crashing into the wall. He does the same thing with Angelo. Then, he impales the abbot with his staff, and leaves. The next day, the Abbot is buried. The morning after that, Angelo appears in your room, and says that Captain Marcelo has summoned you to his office. Leave the room and turn right. Speak to the two guards who will let you in (you'll need to change your line-up if you want to see Jessica in the lead!). Marcello apologizes for doubting you, and says that the jester must be destroyed, but as the new Abbot, he cannot leave the abbey. He proposes that his brother, Angelo, joins you on your quest to defeat Dhoulmagus. Leave the room and head to the main entrance of the abbey, and Angelo will join your party. +--------------------+ | 5.13 Maella Region | | My Level: 13 | +--------------------+ Equip him with the feathered cap and scale shield, then exit the abbey. When the reinforced boomerang is ready, equip Hero with it, and continue making the strong medicines. Take the left path, and head south. At the junction, take the left path and keep heading eastwards. Open your world map now and then, and you will see two mounrain ranges on the opposite side of the river. Across the river from that, there's a deep vertical path (on the left of an upside down U). Go down this path, and keep to the lower level, and you will reach a chest containing a chain mail. Equip Yangus with it then head back to the main path. Continue along it until you reach a building just before the river. Enter it and open the left wardrobe to get a silk robe. Equip Jessica with it, then smash the barrels in the corner to get a mini medal. Exit the house, and go behind it, then walk north until you see a path leading down to the river. Don't go down this path, take the path to the left of it, and it will bring you to a chest containing 230 gold coins. Return to the house, and go south from the house, along the river. Keep following the edge of the cliff until you have to go around a mountain. Once you're past it, you should see a chest in the distance. Open it to get a seed of life. Now, you can continue onwards. Cross the bridge, and save/rest at the church. In the middle of the night, Trode will wake up and go outside, where he'll see Angelo standing by a tree. Angelo will tell the story between him and Marcello, and why they don't get along. When Angelo was young, his parents died, leaving him with no money, so he took refuge at the abbey. He met Marcello, who treated him kindly until he told Marcello his name. Marcello's expression changed immediately and he ordered Angelo to leave the abbey, then he walked off. The abbot came out, and explained that Marcello was Angelo's half brother. Their father had an affair with one of the maids, and Marcello was born. If Angelo had not been born, Marcello would have been next in line to his father, but instead, he and his mother were thrown out of the house, and she died soon after. He had nowhere else to go but the abbey. In the morning, before you leave the church, open the wardrobe in the room to get a seed of magic. From now onwards, you may see cows occasionally. When you do, go up to them and examine them. You'll be able to milk them to get bottles of milk which can be used in the alchemy pot. You can only milk a cow once. Exit the church, then look at the world map. There are two mountainous areas, with a valley in the middle. Head for this area. Once you're in this valley, you should see a visible enemy, the Sharpshooter. I defeated it at Level 16. First, use Jessica to cast Sap, and Psyche Up Yangus and Hero once each, while Angelo heals, while attacking. Use Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash to attack after casting Sap, then attack with Hero/Yangus and the battle should be over. You'll get a copper monster coin for defeating it. At the end of the valley, open the treasure chest to get a seed of ability, then zoom back to Riverside Chapel to heal/save your game once more before continuing onward. Leave the chapel and continue eastwards along the path until you reach the castle. Before entering, walk around it towards the east until you reach the clump of tress. At the end of the tree area, there's a chest containing 154 gold coins. Now, go back and enter the castle. +---------------+ | 5.14 Ascantha | | My Level: 16 | +---------------+ In the town, turn left, and jump down the nearby well. There's a patch of sparkly stuff on the ground, examine it to get a lady's ring. Climb back out and enter the house near the well. Smash the right pot to get some rennet powder, and open the right wardrobe to get a mini medal. Exit this house and enter the smaller house beside it. The wardrobe here contains plain clothes. The church is behind these two houses. Examine the third bookcase (on the left side) to get a new recipe: "Fur poncho = An animal pelt + An animal pelt". The bookcase nex t to to it on the right has another recipe "Stone hardhat = Stone axe + Some kind of hat". On the other side of the church, the third bookshelf from the left contains a recipe: "Plain cheese = Fresh milk + Rennet powder". Leave the church and check out the equipment/armour stalls now. Buy a steel broadsword for the Hero if you like (or save your money and continue using the boomerang). At the armour stall, buy a leather dress for Jessica and an iron cuirass for Yangus, as well as two bronze shields (one for Hero, and one for the bag). Throw Yangus's chain mail and the bronze shield into the alchemy pot to get a bronze armour for Hero. Now, enter the castle via the small door on the left of the main entrance. There are two wardrobes on your left containing a mini medal and 42 gold coins respectively. Run to the other side of the castle until you reach some stairs going up. Climb up the stairs and go into the door on the other side. Smash the pot to get a medicinal herb, and the right barrel to get some red mould. Exit this room using the other door and go up the stairs next to you. Open the door on your right and check out the right wardrobe to get a mini medal. Leave the room and go up the stairs opposite you, then up the next flight of stairs as well. Walk around the circular room, and you'll see a maid named Emma trying to get the king to respond to her. Go back down the stairs, and talk to her. She'll be talking to the chancellor, telling him that the king is hardly eating. Apparently, he has been in deep mourning ever since his Queen died. The chancellor says that if the King does not recover, the kingdom will fall apart. Talk to Emma, and she will tell you to return after dark if you wish to see the King. Exit the castle and stay at the inn until evening, then return to the king's throne room, where you'll see the king with his head buried in the chair. Talk to him, but he will not respond directly to you. You cannot do anything for him now, so leave the castle. Emma will meet you as you try and leave and explain that the King has not been the same since his wife, Sasha, passed away two years ago. She said that if only he could meet his wife once more, he might be able to deal with his grief better. She says her grandmother used to tell lots of stories, and there was one that made dreams come true, but she can't remember the story anymore. She asks you to go and see her grandmother, who lives in a house west of Ascantha, next to a bridge (hey, that's the house we visited earlier near Riverside Chapel!) Leave Ascantha and talk to Trode, who will be in the carriage outside. He is impressed with Emma, who he calls a dutiful servant, and orders you to help her. Cast Zoom and head back to Riverside Chapel, and go to the house on the other side of the bridge. Talk to the old woman, and she will say that the story is about the strange hill upstream of the house. If you go there on the night of a full moon, a door to another world will open. Exit the house, and go around it. You'll see a path leading down to the river. Go down this path and follow it until you reach a dark cave. +--------------------+ | 5.15 Wisher's Peak | | My Level: 17 | +--------------------+ Inside the cave, take the left path, and you'll find a chest at the end of the path containing a wizard's staff. Return to the entrance, and take the right path now. Take the right path when it forks again and head up the stairs. Outside, head west, then go up the grassy path to the north-east. There's a cave opening to the west. Inside the cave, make a left turn and open the chest to find a map of Wisher's Peak. Go back to the entrance now and head straight. Examine the rope hanging down to climb up to another level. Head northwest and cross the bridge. Open your map, and you can see that instead of going up straight away, there's another path leading to a dead end. Follow this path to get a Templar's shield for Angelo, then return to your previous point, and climb up the hill. It should still be night time now, so examine the window on top of the hill, then rotate your view, and observe the shadow. The shadow will grow longer and longer, and soon there will be a cutscene of a door appearing on the wall ruins. Examine the door and enter a new world. Walk round the path and open the door, and meet Ishmahri, keeper of the Moonshadow Land. Talk to him and the shoes of your party (?!?) will tell him what you desire, for King Pavan to be reunited with Sasha. He asks you to lead him to the castle, and he will see what he can do. Return to the normal world, and you will be transported to the castle. Go up to the throne room and Ishmahri will begin playing his harp. The images of Sasha and Pavan will appear, and visions of the past will begin showing. The king will realise that he has to be strong, for the sake of his kingdom, and the mourning signs will be taken away, and replaced with the red banners of Ascantha. He will throw a banquet for your party, and thank you, and say that if there is ever anything he can do for you, just to name it. Leave the castle and save your game at the church before exiting Ascantha. +---------------------+ | 5.16 Pickham Region | | My Level: 17 | +---------------------+ Head south from Ascantha. Keep going even after there is no more visible path. Soon, you should be able to turn off and go down to the beach. On the northern section of the beach is a Seed of Defence. Return to the grassy area now, and open your world map. On the other side of the lake is a small cabim. Head for the cabin now, and you can save/heal your party here. Check out the bookshelf to learn a new recipe: "Snakeskin Whip = Leather Whip + Something Scaly." Leave the cabin, and continue heading south. Keep going until you meet up with the main path once again. Take a few steps further and you should see a stone building on the left. Climb up the stairs and try to speak to the man at the top. Try to leave the building, and then he will speak to you. Go back and talk to him, and he will give you 3 memos. Each memo contains the information of a certain monster. You need to find these monsters, defeat them, and send them to him. For now, get back to the main path, and continue onwards until you reach the town of Pickham. +---------------+ | 5.17 Pickham | | My Level: 18 | +---------------+ When you enter Pickham, Trode will rush off the pub and leave your party to look for Brains. Open the door right in front of you and check out the right wardrobe to get a suit of chain mail. Exit the building via one of the two doors on the side wall. At the armour shop, buy a Leather cape for Angelo, a Dancer's costume for Jessica (she looks hot!), Iron shields for both Hero and Yangus, and an Iron helmet (if you have enough money). Only buy one, as you can get another one for free later on. At the weapon shop, get an Iron axe for Yangus if you like. Go down the corridor from here and turn left when you see the inn. There's a hidden door on the left wall. Open the door that is right in front of the door that you came in from and break the right barrel to get a seed of life. Continue down the hall, and go right when there's a junction. Enter the room and check out the wardrobe to get holy water. Leave the room via the same exit, then turn left. Exit the building via the door on the left. Examine the well in front of you to jump down it. Open the iron door and smash the pots at the side of the wall to get a mini medal and amor seco essence. Climb out of the well and go into the item shop. Sell some of your strong medicines, and buy more medicinal herbs for mixing. Check out the left-most pouch for a mini medal then leave the shop. Head right, then turn left and walk past the inn. Just after the inn is the church where you can save/rest. Enter the building opposite the church. In the room on the left, examine the pouch to get a seed of strength, and the room opposite it contains a barrel with a mini medal. Leave the building now and enter the alley on the left. Break the pot to get a cowpat, then head past the church once more to the right door on the wall. The wardrobe contains magic water. Leave now, and go left down the alley. Smash the first barrel you reach at the end of the alley to get 26 gold coins, then go up the stairs on the right. Enter the tent and search the right pouch to get a pair of boxer shorts, then leave and continue down the path on the right. At the end of the path, break the pot on the right to get a mini medal. Turn around now, and retrace your path. When you see a man in green with a black hood, go down the stairs near him. Walk near the door, and Yangus will knock on it several times. It appears that this is Brains house, but he's not in. Yangus will suggest going back to the pub where Trode is. Before that, open the door and enter the room on the left. Smash the pots to get a seed of wisdom and 30 gold coins. Go up the stairs, and go down the path once more. Head on towards the pub that's near the church. Before entering the pub, make a stop at the inn first. Head up the stairs and enter the door on the left side that's further away from you. The wardrobe contains 35 gold coins. Leave the room and open the door to your left. Break the left barrel to get red mould, then go back down to the ground floor of the inn. EXit the inn and enter the pub opposite. Before talking to Trode, smash the left barrel on the other side of the room to get some fresh milk, then talk to him. Trode will be complaining about his rotten luck. Halfway through, you'll hear Medea whinny. Exit the pub, and Medea and the wagon are gone! Yangus says that someone has stolen Medea and the wagon, but they must be around the town somewhere. Head outside, and go down the alley on the left. Turn right at the end, and go straight to the end past the casino. Turn right once more, and open the door straight ahead. Make your way past the boxes and crates, and you'll see a man counting his money. He'll turn around, see you, and be terrified of Trode. He will give you the 1000 gold coins he got for selling Medea, and tell you who he sold the horse to. Open the wardrobe beside the man to get a bunny tail, then turn around and smash the pots to get rennet powder and 12 gold coins. Leave the building, turn left, go to the end of the path, and turn left down the alley. Turn right, then right again, and open the door to the second pub near the end of this path. Break the barrels to get waterweed mould, then talk to the bartender. He'll let you go round the back. Open the wardrobe to get a mini medal, then talk to the horned man. Yangus will tell the man that he needs the horse and wagon back, as they were stolen from your party. However, the man has already sold them to a person named Red. Yangus will get really mad, but the man will say that you need to deal with Red directly. Save your game at the church, then leave Pickham. +------------------+ | 5.18 Red's House | | My Level: 18 | +------------------+ Follow the side of the west mountain until it ends, then head west. When you see a dip in the ground to the north west, head towards this area, then go north east. You'll see a Pelvic Thruster enemy here, avoid it if you like, it can be pretty hard to defeat now (although I did it at level 18). He drops a copper monster coin when defeated. All the way to the north east is a chest containing 450 gold coins. Turn around now, and head out of this area. Open your world map, and go towards the circle-y patch you see in the south. Once you reach this area, head east and follow the northern wall until you see a chest containing a leather whip. Head south towards the beach now and you'll see a khalamari kid waving it's tentacles around. Go up to it and battle it. After defeating it, you'll obtain a copper monster coin. You will also be asked if you wish to send the Squiggly Squiggler to Morrie's place. Reply with a Yes, and you'll have found the monster in Morrie's Memo 3. Open your world map now, and you can see a house surrounded by a lake to the west. Head towards this house by running towards the north west. Enter the shed on the right before you go to Red's house. You'll see Medea and the wagon here, but you can't get them now. Smash the barrel on your left to get a mini medal, then leave the shed. Talk to the man standing in the front of the house, and Yangus will tell the man to let your party through. The man will tell you to get lost, but Red will hear you and ask what's wrong. She tells the man to let you in and you can go through. Look to your right and you will see two pots. Smash the right one to get a mini medal. Go into the room on the left and check out the wardrobe to get a hairband, then exit this room. Talk to the Red, who is sitting in front of the fireplace. Yangus will explain that the horse she bought actually belongs to Trode, and says that he will pay whatever she wants for it. Red will say that she's not selling the horse, and she's not willing to part with the horse. Yangus then says he'll do anything she wants to get back the horse, and Red will ask you to go to the cave north of her house and retrieve the jewel that's hidden in there, the Venus' tear. Leave her house now and open up your world map. Head towards those purple patches you see to the north. Approach the purple patch on the right and run across quickly to the chest on the other side to get a farmer's scythe. Run back across and down the hill. You can see the entrance to Swordsman's Labyrinth to the west. Open the door, and it will be added into your Zoom list. However, before exploring it further, there's just one more thing to do first. Go back outside and open up your world map. Check out the sea area to the west and head over there, then follow the edge all the way to the north east to get a chest containing an iron shield. Cast Zoom now to Farebury to save/heal your party (or straight to Swordsman's Labyrinth if you think you can handle it!). +----------------------------+ | 5.19 Swordsman's Labyrinth | | My Level: 19 | +----------------------------+ When you enter, the chest containing the Venus' tear is right in front of you! BUt of course, you can't just go straight, you need to loop around in order to get the chest. Start by going left, and heading through the door, then follow the path down to the next level. Go south, then west, and open the door on the right, and go down the stairs to yet another level. There are some pots right beside the stairs the contain a cowpat. Go down the hall, past the purple stuff, until you reach a chest at the end containing a map of the swordsman's labyrinth. Retrace your steps now and go up the stairs. Exit this room, and head south down the hallway. When you reach a cross junction, just keep going west, then open the door on the left. The various pots contain a mini medal, 11 gold coins, an antidotal herb, red mould, 62 gold coins and a seed of magic. The chest contains a mini medal. Exit this room now, and open the door at the far end. The chest on the right contains a kitty shield, which you should equip to Jessica now. The left chest is not a chest at all, but a cannibox. Exit the room and return to the cross junction, and head north this time. Keep to the left as you run down this path, there's a hole on the right that you don't want to fall into. It will take you back to the same room that you originally found the map in. Don't open the door in front of the hole either, just go east and open the door at the end of this passageway, and go down the stairs. On this level, head west to the end of the passageway, and move the statue out of the way, then run down to level four. Head east when you are able to, and go round and round till you reach two pots. The left one contains a mini medal. Go back out and, head north west this time. Push/pull the statue until it's on the darker brown spot that controls the drawbridge, then cross over to the other side. Open the door at the end of this path, and you can see two statues, and an empty square. Press R2 to look up, and you can see a hole in the ceiling. You'll need to place the two statues so that they intersect at the hole. Pull the statue nearest to you towards the left till it's on the second tile from left. Push the other statue till it's on the second tile from the top, then run and stand on the tile beneath the hole. Run up the stairs and heal your party before examining the chest. ** Boss Fight ** This boss has three different attacks, it can cast Snooze which might cause your whole party to fall asleep. It can also cast Crackle which can damage your party for around 25HP per person. Finally, it casts Fuddle on one party member, which causes him/her to become confused. Build up Jessica/Yangus/Hero tension level to about 20, then attack using Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash, and normal attacks for the others. I don't normally get their tension level too high, as the boss can cast Snooze, and all the tension will be lost. When it is defeated, it will drop the Venus' tear. ** Boss Fight ** Yangus will tell you how the last time he tried to get this jewel, it was for Red. He used to have a "thing" towards Red in those days. However, he was stopped by an injury, but he wonders how it would have turned out if he did get it back then. Cast Evac to exit the dungeon, then return to Red's house. Talk to her and Yangus will show her the Venus' tear. He'll ask for the horse and cart, but Red will say that she never promised to give it to him, she said she would THINK about it when he returned with the Venus' tear. She's thought about it, and she's still not giving the horse and wagon back. Yangus will get pretty angry, and say that's not what she promised. However, she retaliates by saying he promised to bring her the stone a long time ago, but he didn't fulfill it. Yangus gets on his hands and knees and starts begging her to give the horse back. Red will look surprised and tell him to be a man, and give the horse and wagon back to you. Leave her house and her manservant will have prepared the horse and wagon already! He says that Red told him to prepare the horse before your party even got back. Yangus will suggest returning to Pickham to see if Brains has returned. Throw an Iron Nail and a regular Boomerang in the pot if you have an extra nail. I got one from a Cannibox in the Labyrinth. Then, make your way back to Pickham. If you managed to make a Reinforced Boomerang, go to the pub on the east side of town. Talk to the bartender who will let you go round the back. Talk to the man, and he'll be impressed that you managed to get the horse back. He'll ask whether that was an alchemy pot in the wagon. Tell him yes and he'll offer you the chance to make some money. He wants a Special Medicine, which he'll give you 500 Gold coins for. If you don't already have one, mix one in your alchemy pot, then return and see him. Leave the pub, and go up the stairs beside it, then down the stairs to Brains's room. Open the door and speak to him. Brains says that he has heard that Dhoulmagus has been seen walking over the sea to the western continent. He'll say that's all he knows, and Yangus decides that your party will need to go to the western continent to continue your search. However, due to the increased number of monster attacks at sea, all the crossings have been cancelled. Brains tells you that to the west from Port Prospect, he's heard that there is an old abandoned ship there, which is supposed to be a magic ship. You now need to head to Port Prospect! Exit the building and cast Zoom to Port Prospect. * Mix a Cypress stick and a Dagger in the alchemy pot to make an iron lance. When that is done, put in two Cypress sticks and an iron lance to make a long spear. Finally, put in the long spear and the gold rosary to make a holy lance for Angelo. +------------------+ | 5.20 Hilltop Hut | | My Level: 20 | +------------------+ Save your game at Port Prospect, then leave. Head north west, then follow the path to the north. You'll join up to a proper path soon, then follow it till you reach a hut. Jump down the well just outside the hut, and examine the crown. It appears that a giant slime is stuck under the crown! Pull it off, and lots of little slimes will appear. They will give you the crown, which you can equip to Yangus now. Talk to the slimes, and one of them will teach you a new recipe: "Meteorite bracer = Agility ring + Agility ring + A valuable item". Climb out of the well and enter the hut now. You can save your game by talking to the old woman, and rest at the inn by talking to the man in blue. Break the pot near the entrance to get a mini medal. Leave the house and go down the hill, then head to the north west just before the path ends. When you reach the open area, head west and drop off the edge of the cliff. Continue westwards, making sure you stay close to the south side. As you reach the second open area, look to the north and climb the path leading upwards. On the north ledge, there's a chest containing a sledgehammer for Yangus. If you look to the west now, you can see the ship, which looks pretty old! Anyway, climb back down, then jump down to the west to approach the ship. However, you have a small problem of getting the ship down to the sea. Trode will suggest going to his kingdom's library to see if they can find a solution, as his castle is nearby. Climb up the path to the south, and follow it to the north west. When you come to the junction that forks to the north west and to the north east, head to the north west junction first. Open your world map and check out the section you're in. You will need to head all the way to the west side. On the way there, you'll see another visible monster, the Potty Dragon. Use the normal Psyche Up skills and Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash, while one party member heals the rest. When defeated, it will drop a silver monster coin. Continue forward until you will finally reach your goal, a chest containing a seed of magic. Return to the previous junction, and this time take the other path. Make your way through the tunnel, then head west towards the church in the distance, once you exit from the tunnel. You can rest/save your game here, and if you talk to the man at the table, he will open up a shop for you. If you stay at the inn, check your alchemy pot the next day, and you'll find that Trode has managed to upgrade your alchemy pot! You can now mix three items to get even better items. Leave the church now and start heading northeast towards the castle. If you look at the world map, you can see the left path heading towards the castle has a small path leading downwards. Take this path, then head west once you've reach the bottom to open a chest containing 630 gold coins. Go east from here, and you will see another visible enemy, the Man-Eater chest. It drops a copper monster coin when defeated. All the way to the east is a treasure chest, which turns out to be a cannibox! Head southwest now, and when you see a patch of land without sand, head up the path towards the castle. There's a slime right in front of the castle, defeat it to get a copper monster coin, then send it off to Morrie. Enter the castle now. +---------------------+ | 5.21 Trodain Castle | | My Level: 20 | +---------------------+ Examine the door, and you'll find it's covered with thorns. Trode asks Jessica to see if she can remove them using her magic. She conjures up a fireball, and manages to clear the thorns from the door. As you walk towards the castle, you can see that the whole castle is covered with thorns! You begin to see a bit more of the story line, how Dhoulmagus cursed King Trode and Princess Medea. One night, Trode and Medea discover an injured man lying on the floor of the castle. He says that someone has entered the sealed chamber, and the drops down again. Trode wants to go and investigate, and Medea goes along with him. Inside the chamber, they see Dhoulmagus reaching for the legendary magic sceptre. Trode tries to stop him, but Dhoulmagus grabs it. He casts a spell on Trode, but Medea intercepts it, turning them into the forms you see them in now, a horse and a troll. Dhoulmagus realised it was because of the magic circle that his powers were restricted, and he walks out of the room. On the castle balcony, he tries again, and he can feel the magic running through him, but he cannot control the power. This is when all the thorns start growing throughout the castle. As Trode and Medea were in the magic circle, they were saved, but everyone else perished, except for you, the Hero! Walk up the left curving staircase and open the chest to get a map of Castle Trodain, then go back outside. Head east past both the staircases, and open the door on the side wall of the castle. Break the barrels on the left to get a mini medal, then go up the stairs to the south. One of the pots contains 46 gold coins. Go back up the stairs that you just passed and open the door in front of you. Head west, then north down the corridor, and open the door on the left. Make your way to the opposite side of the room. Open the door on the left and check out the left chest to get a magic key. With this key, you should be able to unlock the chest on the right to get a Templar's sword, which you can equip to Angelo now. Break the barrels to get a magic beast hide and a mini medal. The left item pouch contains a gold bracer. Head back to the main area, then go through the door on the opposite side of the room again. Go left, then right and head up the stairs to the next level. Go straight, and turn right. Open the door at the end of the passage on the right hand side (after the big doors). Go through the door in front of you and check out the left wardrobe to get a garter. Head out to the main passageway, then enter the other set of small doors after the large door. Open the next two doors leading straight ahead and check the wardrobe to get a mini medal. The bookcase contains a new recipe: "??? = Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb + Moonwort bulb". Levae the room, and head west down the corridor, and follow the passage till you reach a door. Break the barrels on your left to get 29 gold coins, then open the other door. Go round the corner and open the door, then climb down two flights of the curved staircase to reach the first floor. Walk forward and open the door on your right. Break the pots to get some rock salt, then leave. Continue down the hallway, then enter through the opening on the right. Go through the small door to the south west and open the door on the right. Break the pot in the right corner to get a waterweed mould. Walk forward and smash the barrels to get 150 gold coins and a mini medal then leave this room. Open the door to the south west, and you'll find yourself in the library. Check out all the shelves with a green slanted book on the second shelf from bottom to learn a lot of new recipes: "Healthy cheese = Plain cheese + A healing item" "??? = Wizard's staff + Rockbomb shard" "Elfin elixir = Yggdrasil dew + A liquid" "White shield = Iron shield + Something silver" After checking out the shelves in the first area, examine the door on the left to unlock it. Walk on to the next area, and Trode will be upset at the condition of the library. He'll tell you to keep on searching the library for a clue on how to get the ship moving again. Check out the shelves on the right and left to learn the following recipes: "Robe of serenity = Cloak of evasion + Private clothing" "A stylish helm = Stone hardhat + Bronze knife + Bronze knife" "A blunt axe = Iron axe + Gold nugget" The book you are looking for is located on the left hand side, furthest away from where you entered. It doesn't really help much, but suddenly, the moon will rise, and you will find the shadow door that will lead you to the Moonshadow Land. Open the door, and talk to Ishmari. He will ask you what has brought your party back to see him again, and you explain about the ship. He says it is a simple task, all he needs to do is to revive the memory of past times when the ocean existed. He says that the music of his harp will rouse the memory, but as he plays, the strings of his harp will break. He says that his harp is not powerful enough and he needs a greater instrument. He then says that there is a Moonshadow harp in your world, and you need to go search for it. It is in the possession of a friend that you have helped earlier. Bring it to him, and he will be able to help you. Exit the castle using the door that you unlocked earlier, then warp to Maella Abbey. Walk south through the abbey, and then head east along the river bank. You'll see a suit of armour, Hollow Knight, who you must fight then send to Morrie's Place. +---------------------+ | 5.22 Morrie's Place | | My Level: 22 | +---------------------+ Warp to Morrie's Place now, and run around the building to open a treasure chest to get a mini medal. Head up now, and talk to him. He will be impressed that you have managed to collect the three monsters, and will jump down to the front of the building. Run up to him and he will open the door for you. Follow Morrie downstairs, inside the big cage, and you'll see a large arena. Go up to him and speak to him, and you'll see many monsters fighting in the arena. He introduces you to Morrie's Monstrous Pit, but Marrie will come up and say that the name was their little secret. He now introduces you to the Monster Arena! He says that in this place, teams of three monsters fight head to head. There are seven different ranks that you can try out, then he asks you whether you wish to have your own team. Answer Yes, but he will tell you that you need 200,000 gold coins to join! Of course, you don't have the money, but choose whichever option you like. He will offer to make the payment for you but you will have to conquer his monstrous pit! Reply Yes once again, then you can name your team. Otherwise, he'll give you some choices. Once you have named your team, he will hand you the Monster Arena key so you can enter whenever you like. If you want to join the monster fight, you'll need to go around and gather more monsters, as the three you have are nowhere good enough to fight with. +-------------------------+ | 5.23 Ascantha Revisited | | My Level: 22 | +-------------------------+ Warp to Ascantha and enter the castle throne room (make sure it's day time, otherwise stay the night in the inn). Speak to the king, and tell him about the harp you're looking for. He tells you that the Moonshadow harp is in Ascantha, and it has been one of Ascantha's treasures for a long time. However, as you have helped him out earlier, he will now return the favour by giving it to you. It is kept in the vault, and he will escort you there now. When you reach the vault, you discover that all of the treasure has been stolen and there is a huge hole in the wall! King Pavan goes to summon the castle guards, and tells you not to go in the hole, as it is too dangerous. Of course, that has never stopped you before, so head into the hole. Make a right at the first fork, and go down the tunnel. Take the path leading straight ahead when it forks again. Eventually, you'll reach the outside again. Head up the path to the northwest and keep heading towards the north. There's a chest containing a seed of life here. There's a cave located towards the north of the map. Just southwards before you enter the cave, you can see a visible mole hopping around. Defeat it to gain a copper monster coin, then take him along with you. To the right of the cave is another chest containing a mini medal. Now, head into the cave. Keep looking to the right, there will be a path soon which you should head into. All the way to the west is a chest containing a map of the Mole Hole. Walk along the south wall, and enter the passage leading to the west. Take the left junction and head down to level two. When you reach the open area, head to the left section. You should see two torches and a path in awhile. Check out the area to the right before going down this path. There are two pots which contain a seed of defence and a mini medal. Now, go down the tunnel you passed earlier. When you emerge into an open area, you can see a treasure chest in front of you. Open the chest to get a stone hardhat. Walk back to the entrance, so that you can get down to the lower floor, then turn left to reach the lower level. Turn right at the next path, and continue until you reach the open area. Go down the path to the left that is leading downwards. Heal your party, then approach the big mole you see. He'll ask you whether you want to hear his tunes, answer with No, and then the battle will begin. ** Boss Fight ** Done Mole will perform on his first turn, it may cause confusion to your party, but his moles will also get confused. Have Jessica cast Oomph on both Hero and Yangus, while they Psyche Up to 50. Use Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash, and Angelo's Flame Slash to attack. Make sure to keep healing your party whenever their health gets too low (Don Mole's attacks can hurt you for about 40+ HP). After Hero and Yangus have attacked a couple of times at tension level 50, Don Mole and his sidekicks should have been defeated. ** Boss Fight ** One of the smaller moles will hand you the harp, and the others will carry Don Mole away. Cast Evac, then warp to somewhere where you can save your game (I recommend the Hilltop Hut for easy access). +-------------------+ | 5.24 Setting Sail | | My Level: 22 | +-------------------+ Make sure it is night time before warping back to Trodain. Open the door to the library (it's located to the left of the curving staircases). Open the Moonshadow Window to meet up with Ishmari. Give him the harp, and then your party will make your way to the ship. He begins to play the harp, and visions of fish start swimming past. At first, it seems like the harp isn't going to work, but then Ishmari catches sight of Medea. He notices that she is actually a cursed princess, and that her voice is all the harp needs to play its music. He asks Medea to "sing" with him. This time when he plays the harp, visions of fishes and water appear, and the ship lifts off successfully to the ground. Your party begins floating as well, and a sparkling path appears from the ground up to the ship. You will walk up the path, onto the ship, and Ishmari will disappear. Angelo suggests that since Dhoulmagus has left the eastern continent, that you sail to the west and see if you can catch up with him there. Trode agrees, and you regain control of your party once more. Now that you have a boat, you can travel between continents. You can also cast Zoom to return to places you have been before, and your boat will follow you. It's the blue symbol that appears on the world map. As you sail around, if you are able to land, you will be notified, and can select whether you wish to embark or not. +-------------------------------+ | 5.25 Princess Minnie's Castle | | My Level: 22 | +-------------------------------+ For now, sail straight ahead to the west, and land at the island with a castle in the middle. Make your way to the castle, and go inside the doorway at the left of the castle. Break the pots on the right to get a mini medal, then go up the stairs. Approach the girl standing in the middle, and you can see that the King of the island is sick, and the daughter has to take over the responsibilities. She notices you, and asks you if you have brought some mini medals. Reply Yes, and she will be delighted! She suggests that you go downstairs, and talk to her. Check out the first bookshelf, and you will receive a list of prizes that you can receive for bringing her mini medals: Fishnet stockings -> 28 medals Posh waistcoat -> 36 medals Staff of divine wrath -> 45 medals Gold nugget -> 52 medals Meteorite bracer -> 60 medals Miracle sword -> 68 medals Sacred armour -> 75 medals Piece of orichalcum -> 83 medals Metal king helm -> 90 medals Minnie's secret -> 99 medals Maximillian's secret -> 110 medals The second bookshelf contains a recipe: "Ring of awakening = Gold ring + A tiring weapon". Now, go downstairs, and talk to Princess Minnie, she'll be sitting on the throne. You should be able to get a pair of fishnet stockings now, for the 28 medals that you have collected thus far. Leave the castle and board your ship once more. Open the world map, and you should be able to see that south of the island where you are, is the continent where you came from. If you look closely (at the zoomed in map), you can see an island to the south, where the stream meets the sea. Head towards this area by sailing to the south west, then rounding the tip of the continent. Sail to the tip of the island, and disembark. On the other side of the island, you can see two chests, containing a suit of iron armour, which you should equip to Yangus/Hero now, and a bronze knife. You can also see a visible Goody bag, which drops a silver monster coin when defeated. Recruit it if you like, then return to your ship. Open your world map (zoom out) and look for the small island to the south, in between the continent you were on, and another island. Land on this island, then head north west to the top level of the island. Go south east from here, and open the chest containing 950 gold coins, then get back on the ship. Sail south from here, and disembark at the south shore of the large island, that is to the right of the X. +---------------+ | 5.26 Neos | | My Level: 22 | +---------------+ Head towards the town, and enter the house north of the inn (on the left). Smash the barrels on the right to get holy water, then smash the pots on the other side of the room to get 16 gold coins and a chimaera wing. Climb up the ladder behind the curtain, and check the item pouch beside the bookshelf to get a pair of scholar's specs. Return to the ground floor and leave the building. Enter the red building to the north, and go downstairs. Open the door and check the right wardrobe to get a gold rosary. The left bookshelf contains a recipe: "A blessed amulet = a mark of strength + holy water + gold rosary". Leave the building via the same way you entered. Keep going to the north, and try to enter the building. The two guards will not let you enter, and High Priest Rolo and Abbot Marcello will come out. Rolo will say that Marcello should not be here, as he is from humble origins. He tells Marcello that it was only because of his recommendations that Marcello became the abbot. Marcello will ask Rolo to let him show his appreciation by delivering a magnificent jewel to Rolo's residence. The two of them will walk past, and Marcello will stop as he passes you. He mocks you by asking you whether you are sight-seeing, and brushes you aside. Walk down, and enter the red building to the left. Look to your left, and you will see a single item pouch. Check it out to get 80 gold coins, then exit the building. Enter the house just beside it and check the item pouches to get some spicy cheese. The pot contains a moonwort bulb, and the chest has a seed of skill. Leave the building, and check out the armour shop next to it. You can buy a silver cuirass and an iron mask for Yangus. Walk around the building, and you can find the equipment shop. Buy a chain whip for Jessica, then leave the town. Open your world map, and you can see a circular mound on top of a hill to the south east of the continent. Head to the western side, and you will find a chest containing an agility ring to the north west. Put the agility ring and a bandana in your alchemy pot to make a Mercury's Bandana for Hero, then cast Zoom to somewhere where you can heal/save your game. Warp back to Neos, then return to your ship. Sail south east from here, and dock at the south western tip of the eastern continent. Open your world map, and you will see a round hill on the western side of the continent. East of the hill, is a small group of trees. There is a chest here containing a seed of life. Return to your ship now. Sail to the south west of the world map. There's an island there that cannot be seen, first it's covered by the legend, then it's really misty, and you can't see anything. Once you land, head to the west, and open the chest under a tree to find a platinum sword. Return to your ship, and sail north eastwards. You need to land on the eastern side of the continent above you, parellel to the X marks the spot in the map. To the north east, there is a chest containing a steel shield, which you can equip to Hero. Walk around the lake, and you will see a giant slime. Defeat the Slime Creater to get a gold monster coin, and take him along with you. Now, sail around the south tip of the continent, and when you reach the south west section, land your boat. Open the chest that is right in front of you (if it's not in front of you, tne you've probably gone too far) to get a lightning staff. Put it in Jessica's inventory, but don't equip it. You can use it as an item during battle, and it will hurl lightning bolts on your enemies for quite a lot of damage. Get back on your boat, and head up slightly before disembarking once more. Look to the north east, and you should see a visible Goodybag, defeat it to get a copper monster coin. You've covered most of the area now, so warp back to somewhere to save/heal your party. +--------------------+ | 5.27 Monster Arena | | My Level: 25 | +--------------------+ By now you should have recruited some pretty powerful monsters to join your team, so it's time to do battle in the Monster Arena! Warp there, and then talk to the guy in pink behind the counter to join the competition. For my team, I had Doug, Jewelbag and Hori. For now, you can only start at Rank G, which costs 100 gold coins. Your first battle is against the Slimeys, which consist of two she-slimes and a slime knight. The second round is versus Team Face off, which has two frogfaces and a treeface. In the final round, you do battle against The Bully Brothers, which consist of a hammerhood, a guerilla, and a bullfinch. As a prize for winning Rank G, you will receive a strength ring. Morrie will also allow you to keep three monsters in reserve from now on, so that you can mix and match your monsters to make a strong team. Continue on to battle Rank F, which costs 200 gold coins. The first battle is against the Fisher Kings, which consist of a king kelp and two khalamari kids. In the second round, you battle against the Hell's Bells, which has two dingalings and a jargon. For the final round, you face The Red Barons, which consist of a dancing devil, a wailin' weed, and a hipster. As a prize for winning Rank F, you will get a bunny suit. Morrie will also give you another reward, you will now be able to do battle against your own teams for training. Next is Rank E, which costs 300 gold coins. First round - The Prison Pussycats (two jailcats and a terror tabby) Second round - The Fiend Family (a hipster, a minidemon and a witch) Third round - The Dirty Dancers (a magic marionette, a tap dancer, and a volpone) Prize - Ring of Clarity Morrie's Prize - He gives you the ability to summon your monsters outside the arena, so when you are battling normal enemies, you can call them to help you out This is probably as far as you can go with the monsters you have at the moment, so cast zoom to Farebury, and save/heal your party if you need to. From here, leave the town via the door near the inn. Head north from here, and you should see a visible monster. Defeat the Axoraptor to get a silver monster coin, and add him to your monster team. Continue northwards and get onto your ship. Sail westwards towards the island that has an upwards slope. Land your ship on the south western side, and open your world map. You can see that the path leads northwards, and it branches off towards the town at one point. Go along the path, but don't take the junction that heads towards the town. Head northwards instead, at at the very north, there's a chest containing magic water. Now, go back to the path that leads to the town. Check your town map, and head towards the armour shop. There are two chests here containing a mini medal, and a seed of wisdom. Buy a silver mail for Angelo, then return to your ship. +---------------+ | 5.28 Baccarat | | My Level: 25 | +---------------+ Get out your world map once more, and zoom out to view the whole world. Look at the western continent (the one with a Y-shaped river at the north tip). Sail towards the eastern side of the continent, where the rivers join up with the sea, and disembark at the church. Save your game, then check out the wardrobe on the right (in the other room) to get a mini medal. If you talk to the nun, you will be able to stay at the church for free. Leave the church now. Walk around the building to find a chest containing a tough guy tattoo on the northern side. Head north now, and you will find a chest containing 1200 gold coins at the tip of the continent. Return to the path near the church (or cast Zoom to Seaview Church if you're feeling lazy), and follow it all the way to the town of Baccarat. As you travel along the path, you will see a bridge with a visible enemy standing on it. Defeat the Raging Rooster (Foul Fowl) to get a copper monster coin, and recruit him if you like. Continue onwards to reach the town now. In the town, make a left towards the weapons shop first. Before you purchase anything, head down the alley just before the shop. The right barrel contains 72 gold coins. Now, enter the house and go inside the inner room. Open the wardrobe to get a seed of strength. The bookshelf has a recipe: "Assassin's dagger = A sharp dagger + Something poisoned". Exit the houes, and check out the weapons shop. Buy a coral hairpin for Jessica, then continue forward past the casino on your right. Go down the stairs, and turn right. Beside the house on the left, smash the barrel to get a mini medal. Open the door now and smash the barrels to get another mini medal. Exit via the same door that you entered from, and go back up the stairs. Walk past the main entrance, and the church on the right. Next to the house in front of you are two pots. Break the left one to get a seed of defence. Check out the bookshelf next to the door to get a new recipe: "Magic cheese = Plain cheese + Magic water". Go around the corner and break the barrels to get a strong medicine, and open the wardrobe to get a mini medal. Exit this building. Head up the path, and enter the next house on the right. There's some barrels at the back containing a cool cheese. Leave this house now, and head back to the main entrance. You've explored most places except the inn (that's the building in front of the main entrance with pillars at the sides of the doors). Go down the path on the left of the desk, and open the wardrobe to get a mini medal. Open the door at the opposite side of the room to get a ruby of protection. Now, go back to the entrance, and go up to the next floor. Walk forward, and you will hear the bartender and another man talking. Apparently Mr Golding's house was recently robbed, and Mr Golding was murdered during the robbery! There are rumours going around that the burglar was dressed as a jester - that's Dhoulmagus! The other man warns the bartender not to say a word to anyone, and then the bartender goes back downstairs. Open the second door on the left and check out the wardrobe to get a dancer's costume, then return to the stairs. Go down two floors, and break the barrels near the bar to get an amor seco essence. Walk behind the bar, and smash the barrel there to get a mini medal. Speak to the bartender and talk to him. He will propose that you keep quiet about what you heard upstairs, and he will tell you the whole story. Agree, and he tells you that Cash and Carrie (Golding's children) sent a posse after the man who killed their father. They headed for some island north of Baccarat. Before leaving the inn, hop onto the stage, and open the door on the left. Open the two wardrobes on the right to get a garter and a bunny tail, then exit the inn. You've collected enough mini medals now to claim your next prize from Princess Minnie, so cast Zoom to get to her castle now. She'll bestow upon you a posh waistcoat, but as this is weaker than the silver mail you picked up earlier for Angelo, don't equip it. Return to Baccarat, and head south from here to reach Chateau Felix. It's locate on top of a hill, and looks like a large sabrecat. +--------------------+ | 5.29 Chateau Felix | | My Level: 25 | +--------------------+ Talk to the man standing in front of the door, and tell him you are here to see Master Felix. However, Master Felix only meets certain people, and you will have to answer a few questions before he will meet you. The questions are all common sense, the answers are: 1. Take it home and ask your family to let it stay. 2.Free the tiger from the trap and let it go. 3. Let the great sabrecat join you on your travels. You will be able to meet with Master Felix now, so open the door and walk forward. Talk to him, and he will ask you for a favour. He has an old friend, who has gotten lost. He would like you to meet his friend and help his friend out. Agree to help, and he will tell you that there are four great sabrecat statues around here. All four statues point towards a strange tree, which is only visible at dawn. This is where his friend is, and you need to go there to meet him, and hand him some sand of serenity which Master Felix passes to you now. Once you've done that, return to the Chateau, and Master Felix will reward you. Before you leave, Master Felix will let you ride a great sabrecat. He tells you to speak to Tom, who will give you what you need. Exit the house, and talk to Tom, who is standing beside a sabrecat. With the sabrecat, you will be able to travel much faster now. You will still meet with enemies as usual, though. Go down the hill, and take the north west path. Look at the world map, and you can see a patch of green south west of Chateau Felix. Head there, and fight the visible enemy here to get a copper monster coin. Don't add him to your party, he's not very good. Get back to the path and continue eastwards till you cross a bridge. Once you cross it, head along the southern bank of the river. Continue along the banks until you reach the end, you'll find a chest here containing a mini medal. Head back to the path by going north, and when you reach a fork in the path, continue eastwards. Once you get past the mountains on the left, head west to find a chest containing a seed of agility. Turn around and go north now along the river banks and you will reach another chest containing a seed of defence. Turn around now, and head the other way until you reach a bridge on your right. Once you cross the bridge, head north along the banks on this side of the river. At the end, just opposite the church, is a chest containing 800 gold coins. Also in the same area, is a visible monster (Wild Spearman), which you can defeat to get a copper monster coin. Add him to your party, then head southwards from here. Open your world map in awhile, you should be able to see a patch of green surrounded by forrests, opposite from Chateau Felix, across the river. Head towards this section, and you should see a ring of stones on the lower area. Wait until dawn, and the tree will suddenly appear. Look around, and you will see a blue sabrecat. Approach him and talk to him, and he will say he is Baumren. He came out here on an errand for Master Felix, but is lost. Use the sand of serenity on Baumren and he will understand that he is actually dead. He goes up the path leading to the skies and leaves you. Cast Zoom to Chateau Felix and talk to Master Felix. He will give you a bell, and make you a member of the Great Sabrecat Trust. From now on, when you're on the world map, you can use the bell to summon a sabrecat so that you can travel around faster. He will name the bell "Baumren's bell" in memory of his friend. +-----------------+ | 5.30 Dark Ruins | | My Level: 25 | +-----------------+ Leave Chateau Felix and head back to your ship. Sail north west and you'll reach an island with a dark cloud hanging over it. Open your world map when you disembark, and take the north east path that leads to a wide circular area. You can use Baumren's bell to summon the sabrecat to move faster. Right at the end is a chest containing a suit of zombie mail. Open the world map now, and you will see a Y-shaped path, where one of the branches leads towards a purple area. Head towards the left hand path and you will meet a visible skeleton enemy. He drops a copper monster coin when defeated. Take him along if you like, then continue down the path. At the end is a chest containing a mini medal. Now, turn around and take the right branch which led to the purple patch. Head towards the front, and you will see Dhoulmagus entering a doorway covered in purple mist. Follow him through the door and keep walking around the darkness until you hear an eerie laugh. You'll find yourself coming out of the door. Talk to the people standing in front, and they will say that perhaps the magic mirror of Argonia will be able to dispel the barrier that was set up by Dhoulmagus. +---------------+ | 5.31 Argonia | | My Level: 26 | +---------------+ Zoom back to Chateau Felix, and head down the hill. Continue northwards at the fork to go around the chateau, then follow the path until you cross the bridge. Continue along the path, and you will reach a fork soon. Take the south path, and keep looking to the east as you travel along. When the mountains end, head east into the forest. Once you're out of the forest, head right, and go up the path to get a prayer ring. You can mix a seed of life together with this prayer ring to get a recovery ring, which heals the HP of the person who is equipped with the ring, as he/she walks along. Go down now, and return to the path. Continue south westwards and shortly, you will see a tent on the right side of the road. Talk to the young boy sitting to the fire to buy some items, or sell off anything you don't want, then follow the path. At the fork, take the east junction. As the path curves around to the north, you will be able to see the castle in the distance. Before crossing the bridge, go around the castle walls to find a chest containing a mini medal. Now, head towards the main entrance of the castle. When you reach the castle, King Trode will recognize the town. He says that Medea and the Prince of Argonia were supposed to get married. He tells you that you must not tell the King and Prince about Trode & Medea's condition. Stay at the inn, which is just beside the entrance to rest up. Head upstairs in the inn, then turn left at the top of the stairs. Open the left wardrobe to get a wayfarer's clothes, then go downstairs and enter the room beside the stairs. The pot at the other end of the room contains 38 gold coins, and the middle barrel contains a strong medicine. Open the left wardrobe to get a mini medal then exit the inn. Walk up the stairs near you, and enter the building. Break the barrels on your left to get a plain cheese. Go straight from the entrance and open the door in front of you. Go up the stairs to your right and open the wardrobe to get magic water. Go back downstairs and exit the room, then turn right and go out through the large doors. Turn right and go down the stairs, then enter the house on the left. Turn right and break open the pot at the end of the room to get rennet powder, then leave the house. Turn left and smash the pot behind the hedges to get 80 gold coins. Enter the door just behind you and open the right wardrobe to get an iron axe. Go round this building and check out the weapon shop. Buy a battle axe for Yangus, but don't equip it. Put it in the alchemy pot together with the Thief's Key to make a Bandit Axe. Buy a Silver mail for the Hero, then go into the alley between the shop and the next house. Break the barrel to get a feathered cap, then turn around. Cross the left-most bridge and look behind the hedges on the left. There's a barrel here containing a mini medal. Enter the house nearby, and turn left. Break the pot to get a cool cheese, then go upstairs. Open the wardrobe to get a turban, then exit this house. Enter the next house and turn right. Smash the barrels to get a strong antidote then head upstairs. The right wardrobe contains a hairband. Grab it, then exit the house. Walk past the church on the left, then enter the next house. Open the right door at the back of the room, and then open the left wardrobe to get a leather cape. Leave the house, then enter the castle on the left. Head right towards the fountain, then enter the open doorway. Smash the barrel to get some rock salt, then go through the doorway and open the door at the other end of the room. There's another door on the same side of the wall, open it, and check out the right wardrobe to get a mini medal. Exit this room and go straight ahead, past the curtains to reach the main entrance once more. Go up the stairs this time and follow the red carpet to reach the throne room. Speak to the king, and he will tell you that the magic mirror you seek is a precious royal heirloom, and ask why you need it. Tell him about Dhoulmagus, and the king will agree to give it to you on condition that you complete a task that he sets for you. He summons his son, Prince Charmles, and while waiting, tells you about your task. In order to become King of Argonia, the prince has to undertake a special initiation ceremony, which involves some risk. The prince refuses to take part, but the king insists that the prince must pass the initiation in order to inherit the throne one day, as it is a tradition. He wants you to accompany him during the initiation instead of the palace guards, so as to provide some secrecy. You must accompany the prince to the royal hunting grounds. Just then, a messenger comes in and announces that Prince Charmles has run off again. Head towards the exit of the throne room, but turn left before exiting. Enter the room with the curtains, and go up the stairs. Go around the staircase, and open the room behind you. The wardrobe on the left contains a mini medal. Exit the room now, and go up two more flight of steps to reach the fifth floor. Open the smaller door, and check out the right wardrobe to get an elfin elixir. Exit this room, and open the big double doors now. Walk across to the other side of the castle, then go down the stairs. Enter the open doorway and examine the left bookshelf to learn a new recipe: "A clever chap cap = A hat + Scholar's specs". Open the door on the right, and open the chest to get a cloak of evasion. Put the cloak into the alchemy pot together with a pair of boxer shorts to get a robe of serenity. Smash the pots beside the chest, and you will see a tiny hole. Examine the hole, and choose to send Munchie through. Go down the stairs, and you can see a hole, and a lizard. If you look down the hole, you can see Prince Charmles talking about his dread of lizards. Push the lizard towards the hole until it falls down onto Prince Charmles head. He will freak out when he discovers it is a lizard, and runs out screaming. Go back up the stairs and out of the mouse hole. Exit the room, and go through the open doorway, then down to the third floor. Turn right, then open the door on the left. On the left, are two wardrobes. The right one contains a mini medal. Exit the room now, and go straight ahead into the open doorway. Smash the pots to get 50 gold coins and rennet powder. Now, turn around, and you'll see a wooden door at the other side of the room. Open this door, and open the wardrobe on your left to get a seed of strength. Go back up to the cross-over to get back to the other side of the castle, and return to the throne room on the second floor. Approach the king and the prince. The king tells Prince Charmles that you are going to protect him during the initiation, and the prince says that he never agreed to perform the initiation, and that he hates lizards. The king says that he has to perform it as he will not be able to marry Princess Medea until then. He says that it is Prince Charmles's chance to prove to everyone that he is a man, and that your party will provide him with safety. The prince finally agrees, and you can exit the castle now. Go to the church and save your game, then leave Argonia. Prince Charmles will crawl out of the wagon once you have left, and says that you need to head east to reach the royal hunting grounds. He also gives you some lizard humour, that masks human scent, otherwise if the lizards smell you coming, they will run away. In order to fight lizards, you have to smell like lizards! +----------------------------+ | 5.32 Royal Hunting Grounds | | My Level: 26 | +----------------------------+ Head east from Argonia to join up with a path. When you reach the fork, take the right path. Before you enter the Royal Hunting Grounds, open the door to the house first. Break the pot next to the shelf to get 41 gold coins, then break the barrel by the main door to get a mini medal before exiting the house. Use the lizard humour on your party now, then enter the hunting grounds. As soon as you enter, you'll see a lizard in front of you. Go round the back of the lizard, then sneak up to it by walking towards it (using your D-pad instead of the analog stick). This lizard isn't too difficult to beat, just use attacks such as Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash, and lower it's defence using Yangus's Helm Splitter. Once it's defence has been lowered, you shouldn't have any problems defeating it. After defeating it, you will obtain the Argon heart. Prince Charmles insists on hunting more lizards until you find one big enough to do justice to his "heroism"! Turn around now, and head eastwards up the path and you'll find a chest containing a dragon scale at the end. Turn around, and exit this area. In the main area, head north east to find a pouch hanging from a tree. This pouch contains a mini medal. Now, go back to the main area once more. Head north west from here, and you will see an Argon lizard sleeping in the distance. Cross the bridge to the west and pick up one of the objects on the ground. Prince Charmles will tell you that it is a salamango, and that Argon lizards love eating them. Bring the salamango back across the bridge, and stand on the brown stump near the lizard, and throw it in the lizard's direction. The lizard will wake up, and jump onto the other stump. Use the same attacks as the previous battle to defeat the lizard, and you will get yet another Argon heart. Prince Charmles still isn't satisfied and wants a bigger heart. He wants to get the biggest Argon heart that the world has ever seen. Head eastwards from here, and eventually, you will see a bridge further ahead to the east. Go past the bridge, and go around to the right to climb up to the bridge. An Argon lizard will jump up into the cave at the side of the bridge. Continue further ahead and pick up a salamango from the ground, then return to the cave and throw it on the ground. The lizard will wake up and jump down to the ground. Walk forward to fall off the bridge, then sneak up to the lizard, and defeat it to get a third Argon heart. Prince Charmles is STILL not satisfied, but orders you to prepare a campsite to rest for the night. In the middle of the night, you will be woken by Medea's neighing. Prince Charmles is trying to ride her! Trode tries to stop him, and orders him to get off the horse. The prince starts whacking Medea with a stick, and gets thrown from the horse. Trode says that he cannot allow the prince to continue harassing the horse, and if the prince must strike something, to strike Trode himself instead. Prince Charmles prepares to strike Trode, but Yangus comes running up saying that he has spotted a giant Argon lizard. Head back to the bridge, and you will be able to see it on the right. Drop off the bridge and approach it. ** Boss Fight ** Get Jessica to cast Oomph on Yangus/Hero, and Angelo to cast Kabuff to raise the party's defence. Yangus's Helm Splitter will lower the lizard's defence, and then get Jessica to cast Sap to lower the lizard's defence some more. Get Yangus to Psyche Up till 50, and then attack the lizard. The boss should go down pretty tamely at the end. * Boss Fight ** You will receive a much bigger Argon heart when you defeat the boss. Prince Charmles will finally be satisfied with the size of the heart, so return to Argonia now by casting Zoom. In Argonia, you will find that the bazaar has started, and Charmles will run off to do some shopping. Before you buy anything, head up the stairs to the right and follow the path until you see Charmles and another man. Approach them and Charmles will turn around holding a huge Argon heart. He says that the man is selling Argon hearts, and that he will buy the heart to show his father as the heart is even larger than any of the ones you obtained earlier. Unfortunately for Charmles, the king is standing on the balcony, looking through his binoculars, and has seen the whole transaction. Make your way to the castle throne room now, and Prince Charmles is in the midst of showing the Argon heart to everyone. The whole room seems impressed with the size of the heart, except for the king. The king approaches Charmles and asks him to swear that Charmles obtained the Argon heart from an Argon lizard slain by his own hand. Charmles said yes, and the king asked him once again, saying that if Charmles obtained the heart by any other means, the king would not recognise Charmles's right to the throne. Charmles said Yes once more, then the king says he congratulates Charmles, and accepts the Argon heart as proof of Charmles's true character, then walks off. Turn right, and the king will be standing near the window. He tells you that he saw what happened with Prince Charmles and the merchant, and asks whether you truly went to the Royal Hunting Grounds. You will produce the actual Argon heart that you obtained, and the king said that Charmles should have just produced this heart instead, as the king did not care about the size of the heart. He says that the mirror is in the vault on the fourth floor, and you are free to take it. Go up the the fourth floor, then cross over to the other wing. Open the gold and silver door to enter the vault. Pick up the mirror, and open the other chests to get a devil's tail, a mini medal, a battle fork and a magical hat. Now that you have a magical hat, put it into the alchemy pot together with the scholar's specs to make a scholar's cap. Leave the vault, and then someone will approach you and ask if he can have a look at the magic mirror. He looks at it, and then says that he doesn't sense any magic coming from the mirror, and that without the magic, it is just a normal mirror. He suggests that you can recharge the mirror by exposing it to the right kind of magic. The man who taught him was a wizard, and this wizard would know how to re-energise the mirror. You need to go and find this man. However, it's time to shop at the bazaar first! Buy a Razor wing boomerang (which you can equip now) for the Hero and a Zombiesbane from the weapon shop. From the armour shop next to it, buy a magic shield for Angelo and a heavy armour. Put the heavy armour, a bandit axe, and a bandit's grass skirt into the alchemy pot to get a Bandit Mail. Now, rest at the inn until it's night, then leave Argonia. Head west over the bridge, and follow the path until you meet a visible enemy at the cross junction. Defeat the Hooded Hacker to get a gold monster coin, then add him to your party. Keep going west at the junction until you pass the camp site on your left. Go past the site, and head west, and you will join up with another path. Go along this path until you reach a house on the right. Go into the house, and talk to the monsters in the house. Open the door at the foot of the stairs, and break the pot to get a mini medal. The right bookshelf contains a recipe: "Magical skirt = Bandit's grass skirt + A magic item (1) + A magic item (2)". Exit the room and go up the stairs now. The left wardrobe contains a seed of skill. Leave the house, and head south from here. There's a chest containing 1500 gold coins. Turn around and go north west to join up with the main path once again, and follow it until you reach a lake. You will meet The Seer here, and he will be able to see that Princess Medea is actually a beautiful princess, and not a horse. The reason for this is because he does not actually have his sight anymore, and he sees through his mind's eye, which shows Princess Medea as a princess. He asks why you have come to find him, and your party will explain about the curse. He says he may have a way to break the curse, and asks her to drink from the spring, as the enchanted waters have been known to lift curses. Princess Medea will drink the water, and then transforms back into her normal self! Trode drinks from the water next, but as he drinks, Princess Medea converts back into a horse! The Seer says that the curse must be very strong, and the only way to break it is to find Dhoulmagus. Approach Trode and Medea, and let Medea drink from the spring water once more. She asks you for a favour, that is to bring her back to the spring once in awhile so that she will be able to talk to you. Go back to the house you came from earlier, and talk to The Seer once more. He will tell you that in order for you to get back the magic in the mirror, you will need a blinding light to shine on the mirror, the sea dragon's spell. Return to Argonia now. When you have time, put the Tough Guy Tattoo, Holy Water, and Gold Rosary into the alchemy pot to make a holy talisman. Once the holy talisman is complete, put it into the alchemy pot together with the Zombiesbane to make a Zombie Slayer, which is a pretty powerful weapon for the Hero. +--------------------+ | 5.33 Monster Arena | | My Level: 27 | +--------------------+ With the new additions to your monster team (my team consists of Foul Fowl, Hoodwink and Hackzilla), you should be able to return to the Monster Arena and take on Rank D, which costs 400 gold coins. First round - Team Nightmare (night fox, night emperor, night sneaker) Second round - The Deadheads (skeleton, walking corpse and mummy) Third round - The Psyche-os (two brownies and a hood) Prize - Mighty Armlet Morrie's Prize - He gives you the ability to keep three more monsters as reserves so that you have nine monsters to choose from. Now, return to Argonia to continue onwards. +-----------------+ | 5.34 Dark Ruins | | My Level: 27 | +-----------------+ From Argonia head east. You should see the river on your right soon, head downwards to go along the banks of the river. As you walk along, you will see a visible enemy. Defeat the King of Dumbira to get a copper monster coin, and add him to your party. Right at the end, where the river meets the sea, is a treasure chest containing an iron helmet, which you can equip to Angelo. Put the magic mirror in one of your character's inventory, then make your way onto your ship. Open your world map, and look at the continent that you are at, and the continent to the north west of it. Sail between these two continents, and you will meet the sea dragon. As you reach the bridge that spans the two continents, a battle with the sea dragon should occur. Get your character that has the magic mirror in his/her inventory to use it on the sea dragon, while the others battle normally. When the sea dragon casts gigaflash, the magic mirror will absorb the flash and become energized with magic once again! From here, Zoom back to somewhere you can heal/save your game, then Zoom to the Dark Ruins. Examine the stone monument opposite the dark barrier, and place the sun mirror in the recess. A bright light will start to shine from the mirror and will disperse the dark barrier, enabling you to enter at last! Enter the building, and open the door on the right wall. Cross the bridge and open the other door, then head up the stairs. Open the door, and head right. There's a chest in the recess containing a map of the Dark Ruins. Return to the main entrance, and open the door on the left wall this time. Cross the bridges and open the other door. Climb up the stairs, then go out the door. Turn right and pull a lever at the end of the passageway to raise the stairs on the ground floor. GO back down to the ground floor now, and up the stairs in the middle. Open the door on the right, then go down the stairs and open the door on the other end of the passageway. Go up the stairs to your left, and pull the lever at the end of the path. Go back down the stairs, turn left and walk past the wall you just lowered. Turn right at the stairs and follow the path until you see another lowered wall. There's a lever on the right just after the wall. Pull this lever to raise the wall, then continue forward. Go up the stairs on your left and walk across the wall on the left. Walk down the stairs, then walk along until you see a lever on the left, just before a lowered wall. Pull the lever, then turn around and go up the stairs. Cross the wall, and go down the stairs on the right. Walk straight ahead, and go up the stairs in front of you. At the end of the path, you'll find two chests containing a dragon scale, and a mini medal. Go back down the stairs, then turn around, and go up the stairs on your right. Keep going until you come to the lever that you pulled just now to make the wall rise. Pull it once more to lower the wall this time, then walk ahead. Don't go up the stairs near you, go up the further one instead. Pull the lever, then go back to the earlier staircase and go up. Walk across the wall to the final lever, and pull it, then walk back down. Go to the previous staircase, and use the lever once more, and you've solved the levers and walls in this room! Go through to the next room, where you will see lots of ladders. Before you continue, cast Evac to exit the dungeon, it's time to make a better weapon for Jessica. Put the snakeskin whip, and the two dragon scales (one from the Royal Hunting Grounds, and one from the Dark Ruins) into the alchemy pot to make a dragontail whip. While waiting for it to complete, why don't we earn some money? If it is night, cast Zoom to somewhere with an inn, then Zoom to Neos. Run around Neos, and you will battle Gold Golems. Each Golem that you defeat earns you 726 gold coins! Also, you can find a visible enemy (Golem) here, that earns you a gold mosnter coin when you defeat it. If you head south of the town, you will find a visible living statue enemy. Defeat the Crazed Colossus by using Angelo's Kabuff and Jessica's Oomph to get a silver monster coin, and add him to your monster party. Once the whip is done, equip it to Jessica, and Zoom to somewhere and rest/ save, then head back to the Dark Ruins. Go back to the room that you stopped at previously, the one with the many ladders. Go down the stairs on the left, then down one more floor. Head down the stairs on the right, and open the chest to do battle with a Mimic. Go back up one flight of stairs, then down the flight of stairs to your right. Go down one more flight, then take the stairs on the left to reach a chest with saint's ashes. Go up one flight, and take the stairs down on the right hand side, which will lead you to the exit of the room. In the next room, climb up the spiral on the left, and you will see blue/red buttons. Step on either one to make the statue rotate, and keep on rotating until the beam lands on the bird's wings. Climb up the other spiral now, and do the same here. If you get the right spots, the bird will start glowing, and a path will open up in the center of the room. Go down the stairs, and head into the opening on the right. Drink of the water to replenish your party's HP/MP. This is a good place to level up your party members, especially as the upcoming boss fight is extremely tough! For an easy fight, level up Angelo until level 30, and he will learn Multiheal, which will heal all the party members for about 100+ Hp each time. When you are ready, cast Evac and save your game first before returning to this place. Put all the magic waters you have into your party's inventory, then continue down the path, and you will meet with Dhoulmagus at last! ** Boss Fight ** First of all, use Angelo to cast Kabuff on your party, raising their defence. Next, Jessica has to cast Oomph on Yangus/Hero, while the two of them Psyche Up. When they have Psyched up till 50, use one character to attack the left Dhoulmagus, and one to attack the right Dhoulmagus. This should take care of both of them, if not, you just need to hit them a couple more times, and they should go down easily. Now, you can concentrate on taking out the main Dhoulmagus. Don't focus on raising your character's tension level too high, as Dhoulmagus has an attack that can cancel out all special effects, thereby wasting all the time you spent raising the tension level. You can raise it to maybe 20, and get Jessica to cast Oomph, and that will deal a pretty hefty hit to his HP. Angelo is your main Healer, casting Fullheal/Multiheal when appropriate. Once you have defeated him, he will transform into a beast-like creature, and attack you once again! Don't worry if you lose this battle, when you come back you will only need to defeat the second version of Dhoulmagus. Get Jessica to cast Sap on him, lowering his defence, and Angelo to cast Kabuff. Use Hero/Yangus to alternate between raising their tension and attacking, and Jessica to cast Oomph on them. At one point, with Hero's tension raised to 50 and Oomph-ed up, he managed to do 1000 damage on Dhoulmagus! This is where Angelo's Multiheal is extremely useful, as most of Dhoulmagus's attacks are party attacks. If Jessica dies during the battle, get Hero to revive her, while Angelo continues healing the rest of the party. If you're at Level 30 for Angelo, it shouldn't be too long before Dhoulmagus is defeated. You get 12000 exp for defeating him. ** Boss Fight ** Dhoulmagus will be turned to stone, and then explode, leaving some sand behind. The whole party will be excited, except for Jessica. She says that defeating Dhoulmagus will not bring Alistair back to life. Trode and Medea will appear at that moment, but they have not been changed back to normal! Trode asks where the castle sceptre is, and Jessica picks it up. Your party will decide to go back to Argonia and leave the Dark Ruins. The next morning, Hero is awakened by Yangus bursting into the room. Yangus says that Jessica has disappeared, and you need to go and search for her now. Save your game at the church, then leave the town. +--------------+ | 5.35 Arcadia | | My Level: 32 | +--------------+ In the morning, leave the castle, and head east. There's a path just opposite the bridge. Follow the path until you reach a fork, then head north. At the end of the path, you will reach the kingdom of Arcadia. Once inside, you will find that most of the paths have been blocked off by the townspeople, leaving you with only one place to go to. Head towards the church, then open the gate on the west and enter the mansion. Go to the left side of the mansion, and break the pots to find a lesser panacea and a phial of magic water. The left bookshelf has a recipe "Staff of antimagic - A staff of fire + A protective staff". Open the door on the right side of the mansion, then open the next door. The wardrobe contains a mini medal. Now, go back to the main entrance and head up the stairs. Open the door, to watch a cutscene between Jessica (who appears to be bewitched by the sceptre) and a man (David) who is trying to protect Master Dominico. Master Dominico does not appear to be very grateful, and pushes David out of the way. Jessica tries to kill him, but you interrupt them just in time to save Master Dominico. Jessica disappears saying she will be back, and now you can talk to Master Dominico. Master Dominico says that he needs you to help him. There's a family of stonemasons in the town called the Kranbartles, who own two jewels known as the Kran Spinels. These jewels have tremendous power, and Master Dominico has asked for them before, but was refused. He asks you to persuade the Kranbartles to hand over the jewels to him. Before you leave to find the Kranbartles, check the left bookcase to find a recipe: "Shining armour - Zombie mail + Saint's ashes". Turn around, and enter the room on the left. The right wardrobe has a wizard's staff. Exit the mansion, and you will find that the villagers are no longer blocking your way into the town, so you can explore a bit further. It's probably easier to go back to the entrance of the town and start exploring from there. Enter the building on the left, and break the barrels to get some fresh milk and rennet powder. Open the wardrobe to get a gold bracer. The barrels by the side contain some dragon dung. The right bookshelf has a recipe: "Zombie Slayer = Zombiesbane + A holy tool". Exit the building and go further into the town. Enter the building right in front of you (tavern). Break the barrels on the right to get amor seco essence. The barrels on the left contain 350 Gold coins, magic water. Exit the tavern, and enter the house on the right. Talk to the young man sitting at the table, and he will tell you that this is the Kranbartles house, but you will need to talk to his father about the jewels, and he is at the tower. He gives you a stone sword, which you will need in order to open the tower door. The right wardrobe has a leather dress. Exit this building, and go up the stairs to the right. Open the left door, and go downstairs. Open the right wardrobe to get a dragon scale. There's a chest in the center of the room which contains a giant mallet. Exit this building, and enter the one on the left. The bookshelf on the right has the recipe: "Life Bracer - Some kind of ring + Gold Bracer". Go into the back room, and the left bookcase has the recipe: "Mighty armlet = Makes you strong 1 + Makes you strong 2". The second bookshelf from the right contains the recipe: "Holy clothes = Flowing dress + Magical skirt". Break the pot to get 27 Gold Coins. The wardrobe has a strength ring inside it. Exit the building and go down the stairs, and go all the way to the right. Enter the door on the left, and go into the room on the right. The bookshelf contains a recipe: "Uber war hammer = War hammer + A bolstering tool". Break the barrel to get some rock salt, then exit this building. Go up the stairs, and open the door to the right. Go down the stairs on the left, and enter the first room. The bookshelf contains a recipe: "The ultimate ring = Anti- paralysis ring + Anti-illusion ring + Anti-poison ring". Go out and enter the second room. The wardrobe contains a bunny tail. Go back upstairs and enter the open room. The room at the back has a mini-medal in the pot, and cowpat in the barrel. The right bookshelf contains a recipe: "??? = A holy weapon + Devil's tail + Wing of bat". Exit this building, and enter the other building. Go downstairs, and check out all the bookshelves to get the following recipes: "Hermes' hat = A lightweight hat + Something windy" "Dark robe = Magical clothes + Devils' tail + Wing of bat" "Dancer's mail = Silver mail + ???" "Spiked armour = Magic armour + ???" The wardrobe contains a poison moth knife. Exit this building now. Go up to the level with the mansion & the church, and go straight past the mansion, and enter the door at the end of the path. Break the pot on the left to get a Mystifying Mixture, then exit the building. Turn left, and enter the item shop. Break the barrels to get 26 Gold Coins, then exit the building. Turn left, and go up the stairs. Enter the inn, and go behind the counter. The bookshelf has a recipe: "Soft cheese = Fresh milk + Rennet powder + Rock salt". The left wardrobe has a seed of strength. Now, exit the inn, and turn right. Go up the stairs and enter the weapons shop. Open the door in front of you and break the barrel to get rock salt. Go out, and head across to the other side of the shop and open the door, leading to the back of the other counter. The wardrobe contains a cloak of evasion. The left barrel at the back of the room contains a mini-medal. Once you have recovered all the items/purchased any necessary equipment, leave the town via the entrance at the top level. I found a Poisonous Sniper right outside the town, which left a copper monster coin when defeated. Head north, and through the forest on the left. On the north west side, you will an encounter a visible enemy, the Angel of Curing. This enemy can cast Fullheal, which makes him slightly harder to defeat, but just get Hero/Yangus to Psyche Up to a high level, and it will be easy to defeat it. It drops a silver monster coin when defeated. Add it to your Monster Team, it's Curing powers come in useful at the Monster Arena. Turn east, and you will see a treasure chest that contains a titan belt. Return to the ground level now. Head east, following the mountain side until you reach a chest containing an elfin elixir. Open your world map, and you should see a small building in the north of your screen. It's just beside the path, past the junction. Head towards that building, and you will be able to save your game and rest here. Exit the church, and go north west. You'll see a sunken area shortly, with a chest inside it. This chest contains an assassin's dagger. Return to the main path and continue along it. Look at the world map, and you can see small rocky areas on the left, and on the right of the path just before the fork in the road to the south. Head up to the left area to find a chest containing a silver tiara. Now that you have collected all the items, head for the tower, which is in the south east part of the continent. +--------------------+ | 5.36 Rydon's Tower | | My Level: 32 | +--------------------+ When you reach the tower, you need to place the stone sword that you received from the young man in the town of Arcadia into the hole in the door. There's a chest in the first room containing a map of Rydon's Tower. Continue forward up the stairs and into the next room. Walk onto the bridge in front of you, and it will descend, becoming a giant see-saw. Cross the see-saw and head up the stairs to the west. When you see a statue on your left, push it onto the square at the side of the see-saw so that it descends once more. Run back down and cross the see-saw again, with the weight of the statue, you'll be able to reach the third floor. Climb up the stairs to the east, and then up another flight to reach the fifth floor. Cross the bridge, and it will lower you down to the fourth floor. Don't get off the see-saw, continue up to the other side, then go up to the fifth floor. Push the statue onto the small square, then run back down to the fourth floor. Cross the see-saw to reach the sixth floor now. Run down to the 5th floor and step onto the bridge to reach the 4th floor. There's a statue here in front of the stairs, push it onto the square, and it will rise up to the fifth floor. Follow it up and push it onto the square near the bridge. Go down to the fourth floor once more, and cross the bridge, to reach the sixth floor. Climb up the ladder, and you'll see a grizzly old man who will say that you're making good progress. Head east, and take the further set of stairs that is leading southwards. Push the statue onto the square, and run back down. Go up the bridge to reach the ninth floor, there's a chest here containing a recovery ring. Go back down, and pull the statue off the square, so that the bridge rises up. Go to the northeast side, and head up the stairs that leads north. Pull the statue off the square, and run downstairs. Look for the ramp, and run up to reach level nine, then up once more to reach level ten. Climb up the ladder on the east wall to reach level eleven. Run around the circle till you reach a chest, which contains a Cheiron's bow. Now you can go to the middle and talk to the grizzly man you saw earlier. He'll tell you that the Kran Spinels have been out of his family for generations, one of his ancestors put them in a statue that she carved. He doesn't know where the statue is, but he tells you that his ancestor's name was Alexandra. This happens to be Alexandria, which you have already visited earlier! Zoom to Alexandria now. Before heading towards the tower, head eastwards. On the left in a field, is a visible enemy, Buffalo Bill. Defeat him to get a copper monster coin. Open your world map, and you will see a beach to the south. Head for that beach, on the western end near the ocean is a visible healslime, who you can defeat to get a copper monster coin. Now, head for the tower of Alexandria, which is on the east. Enter the tower, and climb up the stairs. Open the door on the right, and climb up the ladder to the left. Open the door, then walk across the bridge on the right and open the door. Rotate the walls to get to the other side, then head up the stairs. Rotate the wall on the right, then rotate the one on the left. Climb up the stairs and walk around the passage till you reach another set of stairs. Climb up once again, and walk around the tower till you reach the final set of stairs leading to the top level of the tower. Examine the statue, then try to leave. The statue will start talking to you, and will say that she is Alexandra. She will tell you a story, and end by asking you to assist Jessica. The Kran Spinels will drop out of the statue's eyes, and you can now pick them up. Cast Evac and Zoom, to return to Arcadia. Head towards Master Dominico's mansion, and you will find him standing outside with David and a dog. Watch the cut scene (isn't he nasty?!?), then enter the mansion and talk to Master Dominico. Hand the Kran Spinels over to him and then tell him you accept the honour of being his guard until Jessica returns. He'll give you your first task, retrieving a book from the secret library for him. Go down the passage, and open all of the chests to get a mini medal, a magic vestment and 650 Gold Coins. The left bookshelf contains the book that Master Dominico was looking for. Go back upstairs, and you will find that Jessica has reappeared. Hand the book over to Master Dominico, and he tells you to go outside and stall Jessica while he creates the magical barrier. He'll cast a spell that heals your party, then you need to head outside. Save your game at the church first, then head out to look for Jessica. Jessia can be found at the fountain, at the side of the mansion. She will say that David is actually of noble birth, one of the decendants of the noble sages that sealed Rhapthorne away many years ago. Of course, before she reaches David, you jump in and stop her. ** Boss Fight ** Get Angelo to cast Kabuff, and just attack her using Hero's Falcon Slash and Yangus's Helm Splitter to lower her defence. When your party needs healing, cast Angelo's Multiheal. Jessica has several forms of attack: Kasizzle, which burns the whole party Kasnooze, which causes the whole party to fall asleep If Angelo doesn't fall asleep, you can use his Tingle spell to revive the party. Jessica can also summon up to six shadows to come to her aid, and distract you from attacking her. These shadows can't do very much damage, but it is best for you to take out two shadows from each party (leaving one on each side). If you defeat all the shadows, she will just resummon more shadows. ** Boss Fight ** Once you have defeated her, Master Dominico will come forward and cast his barrier. This will cause the sceptre to be wrenched from her grasp, and Jessica will return to her normal state. Sir Leopold has run off, and Master Dominico orders David to go and find him. Your party will bring Jessica back to the inn, and she has a dream conversation with her brother, Alistair (I think!). When she wakes up, she explains that she was being controlled by Rhapthorne, just like Dhoulmagus was. He ordered her to seek out the heirs of the seven sages that sealed his soul away in the mystical sceptre ages ago, so that the seal would be broken. A few of the seven heirs were Master Rylus, her brother Alistair, Abbot Franciscus, and the man in Baccarat. David is another heir, and there are two other unknown heirs. Jessica will suddenly realise that the sceptre is missing once more, and you have to find it. Go back to Dominico's mansion, and talk to him. You'll find him in the room on the right hand side of the ground floor. Talk to him, and he'll tell you to leave. The door will burst open, and a woman will yell for help, and say that David's in trouble. It turns out that Sir Leopold (the dog) grabbed the sceptre, and he's got David. He'll kill David using the power of the sceptre and run off. Go over to David, who is thinking of Dominico to the last. He asks you to find Sir Leopold, as the dog is the only one who makes Dominico happy. Dominico comes out, and finally realises the mistakes he has made, and breaks down. He asked you to do him one last favour, to destroy Sir Leopold. He will cast a spell which allows Jessica to learn Kasizzle and Kacrackle. Save your game before you leave the city, and don't forget to equip Jessica with her weapon/armour, as she has nothing equipped now. This is what I equip her with: Dragontail whip Scholar's cap Kitty shield Titan belt Purchase a Magic Bikini from the Armour shop for Jessica (yet another outfit for her to wear!), then head out from the town using the northern exit, and follow the path. At the fork, head north west off the path, and you should see a blue slime near a tree. Fight the Gloopy Groopie, who will drop a copper monster coin. Return to the junction and continue straight ahead. You will pass the Chapel of Autumn, where you can rest/save your game. Follow the path, and it will eventually lead you to a cave. Walk through the cave, and you'll find yourself in a winter wonderland. Head towards the small building you see on the world map, and suddenly there will be an avalanche, and the whole party will black out. You wake up to find a huge St Bernard staring into your face. Exit the room and go along the corridor to the next room. Open the right wardrobe to find a mini medal, and break the pots to get a special medicine and a special antidote. Go upstairs, and you will find the whole party here. The bookshelf on the left contains a recipe: "A red robe = Sage's robe + Enchanted water + Red grass". Talk to everyone in the party, including the dog. The old lady, Marta, will tell you her life story, and then Angelo asks whether she has seen a big black dog coming in her direction. She says she hasn't, but advises you to go to the nearby town, Orkutsk, to ask the inhabitants there. After a good night's rest, your party is ready to leave. Before you leave, Marta asks you to pass something to a man called Marek in the town if you meet him. Go into the stable on the left before you leave. Smash the barrels to get a mini medal, then leave. Head west until you reach a fork then leads north and south. Take the south junction, and open your world map. To the south of the map, you can see a small U-shaped area with trees on the right hand side. Head towards that area to find a chest containing a Yggdrasil Leaf. Turn around and go north west of here, to find another chest containing a holy silver rapier. Continue south west down the path, and you can do battle with a Roboster Mk I, who drops a silver monster coin when defeated. Add it to your monster party, and continue onwards. Further down, at the base of a tree, there's a chest containing an agility ring. Turn around now and head towards the town of Orkutsk. +--------------+ | 5.37 Orkutsk | | My Level: 32 | +--------------+ Go into the inn, and go to the room on the other side, which leads you to the item shop. Smash the pots to get a mini medal, then continue on to the tavern. Smash the barrels to get amor seco essence, then continue along the path to the equipment/armour shop. Purchase an iron headgear from the armour shop, and put it into the alchemy pot together with Jessica's scholar's cap to make a Thinking Cap. To visit the weapon shop, stay at the inn until evening, and the weapon shop will become available. Once you're done purchasing new equipment, go to the church. The bookshelf there contains a recipe: "Shimmering dress = Spangled dress + A glittering jewel + A gleaming bracer". Once you're done, return to the tavern and open the door leading outside. Enter the building in the center, and break the center pot to get a mini medal and then go upstairs. Open the wardrobe to get a piece of chilly cheese, then head two floors down to the basement. Break the barrel to get a seed of defence, then go through to the next room. Turn the corner, and enter the room in front of you. The wardrobe contains a mini medal. Exit the room, and continue down the corridor on the right. Enter the next room on the left. The barrels contain a rockbomb shard. Exit, and turn left at the next junction. Open the door and climb up the stairs and break the pots to get a ruby of protection and a chimaera wing, then go back downstairs and exit the room. Turn left at the junction, and then left once more at the next junction. Break the barrels in the room to get a mini medal, then run upstairs and open the chest to get an edged boomerang. Run downstairs and exit the room, and turn left at the next junction. Talk to the man standing there, then go into the room. Break the pots to get a wing of bat, phial of magic water, then go through the other door. The right bookshelf has a recipe: "Premium mould = Mould(1) + Mould(2) + Yggdrasil leaf". Exit the rooms now, until you reach the corridors once more. Talk to the man once more, and he will suggest going to talk to the owner of the item shop. Turn left, then left to exit this building. Follow the path till the end, and turn left at the passageway, then left once more. Go up one floor, and out the door to reach outside. It should still be day time now, so go back to the tavern area, and exit the town. Open your world map, and you can see an area to the east of Orkutsk. Around this area, you can find a few visible enemies, namely Jack Frost, and Blizzag Jr. If you do not see them here, they can also be found in the area west of Orkutsk. +--------------------+ | 5.38 Monster Arena | | My Level: 32 | +--------------------+ With the new monsters you have on your team, you should be able to take on Rank C for 500 gold coins. In my team, I had Cybot, Talos, and Dumbking. First round - The Beach Babes (two sea urchins and siren) Second round - Bad Science (mecha-mynah, hunter mech, clockwork cuckoo) Third round - Battle Royals (fencing fox, bone baron, phantom fencer) Prize - Saint's Ashes Morrie's Prize - None With the same team, try and take on Rank B for 700 gold coins. It might take you a few tries, but you should be able to win it eventually. First round - The Drag Queens (dragurn, tyrantosaurus, snapdragon) Second round - The Tough Nuts (stone guardian, boss troll, golem) Third round - The Rock n Rollers (rockbomb, stone golem, living statue) Prize - Bardiche of Binding Morrie's Prize - Two monster teams Exit the Monster Arena now, and Zoom back to Orkutsk. +------------------+ | 5.39 Herb Grotto | | My Level: 32 | +------------------+ Open the world map and you should be able to see a cave north west of the town. Head towards that cave. Just before you reach the cave, there's a small ledge on the right. Go along that ledge to find a chest containing a mini medal. Now, enter the cave. Run down the slope, and enter the room to the left. Open the chest to get a map of herb grotto. Exit the room, and continue down the path. Keep an eye out to your right, and enter the room on the right when you pass it. Smash the pots to get a mini medal and rose-wort. Now, return to the junction and take the other path leading north. Head to the north-west corner of the room, and climb up the ramp. Cross the ice bridge by walking, not running, as running will cause you to slide down the ice. Take the right path at the fork to reach a chest containing 100 gold coins. Now, take the other path to reach level two of the caves. Enter the room to the left, and open the chest behind the icicles, that contains elfin elixir. Exit the room and enter the other room on the left. Look at the map, and aim for the stairs leading downwards at the north part of the map to reach the third level. On the left hand side of the room, there are two chests containing a devil's tail and 2100 gold coins. Return to level two, and follow the path till you come to a fork. Take the icy path leading south, then when it forks once more, take the west junction. You will be in a tiny room, with four pots surrounding a fire. Break the pots to get a mini medal and rose-root. Now, exit this room and head south east into the next room. Break the pot in the middle of the room to get a seed of life. Now, follow the side of the south wall, till you reach the third floor. Follow the path untill you reach a larger room. There are two pots on the right hand side containing a mini medal. Continue down the path and take a left turn at the junction. As you walk along the path, two icicles will drop down. Continue down, and one more icicle will drop. You only have one option which is not blocked by the icicles, which is back the way you came. This time, take the other path at the junction. Climb up the slope on the east, and cross the icicle path to the north west, then head down the other side of the slope. Walk down the stairs to the fourth level of the grotto. Walk along the left side of the room, and when you hit a junction, take the right path. Run around till three icicles drop (use R2 to look up at the ceiling and see where the icicles are), then keep going down this path. Take a right at the junction, and climb up the ramp. As you reach the icy part, go left towards the chest and open it to receive an icicle dirk. Head to the other side and cross the icicle bridge now, and go down the path until you reach a large icicle barrier. There's a man lying on the ground on the other side. Send Munchie through to the other side. As Munchie, walk down the slope until you see some water dripping from the ceiling. Walk past this area, and a large icicle will fall. Return to the party now. Walk west now, and cross the icicle bridge that Munchie has just created. Talk to the man lying on the ground, and he will tell you that he is Marek. Marek tells you that he was gathering herbs, when some wolves suddenly attacked him. He notices the bag you are carrying, and asks if Marta gave it to you. Use Marta's Bag on Marek, and he will eat the nook grass and will recover quickly. He will ask if you can travel together back to Orkutsk. Agree, then use one of your characters to cast Evac. When you exit the cave, you will be attacked by eight Hellhounds. Simply use your group spells like Jessica/Hero's Kasizzle, and Angelo's Kaswoosh, and you should have no problems defeating them. The wolves will surround Marek, but suddenly a voice will command them to wait, as he is not the one. The voice says that he senses the sage's blood, but it is not Marek, and they need to find the sage. The wolves will then leave. Cast Zoom to return to Orkutsk. Marek will ask you to accompany him to his room as he has something to discuss with you. Go downstairs, and follow the paths till you reach the diagonal junctions. Make two rights to reach Marek's room. He will tell you that Marta is his mother, and he will tell you that he left his mother so that he could help the people of Orkutsk with his herb knowledge. He has helped greatly, but still feels guilty for leaving her alone. He continues by telling you that one of his ancestors helped to seal the Lord of Darkness, and only his mother and himself are left. He is worried for her safety, and has decided to go and visit her. He asks you to accompany him to her house. Agree to this, but then a patient comes into his room and needs treatment. He will then ask you to go to Marta's house first, and he will follow as soon as possible. Exit Marek's room, and take two lefts and head all the way to the end of the passage, then climb up the stairs on the left. Open the door, and Zoom to Marta's cottage. +----------------------+ | 5.40 Marta's Cottage | | My Level: 33 | +----------------------+ When you enter Marta's Cottage, you'll find it full with Hellhounds. Approach them, and it will initiate a battle. There are two more parties of Hellhounds that you can fight with if you wish, one party in each room downstairs. If you don't wish to fight them, exit the cottage and run to the cave at the back of the cottage. Another group of Hellhounds will follow you, but Marta conjures a magic barrier that prevents them from approaching you. Talk to Marta twice, and tell her that you have passed the bag to Marek. After the scene, exit the cave and you'll find that Marta's house is on fire! A group of Hellhounds and Leopold have Marek in custody, and Leopold says that if Marta does not come out, he will kill Marek. Of course, Marta comes out, but she hands you an ultimate key before going forward to meet Leopold. She approaches Leopold, and throws a bag of nook powder in his eyes. He will groan about his eyes, and Boris goes forward to rescue Marek. While she is off guard, Leopold attacks Marta and kills her. He then grows wings, and flies away, saying that only one heir remains before his spirit can be freed of the sceptre. You will then be attacked by the last group of Hellhounds. After the battle, Marek pulls himself to Marta's body, but she is already dead. Later on, Marek says that the dog flew to the east, perhaps to the Lord High Priest's island. However, you will not be able to follow as you cannot fly. Marek suddenly thinks of the Godbird Empyrea. He says you will need to enlist in it's help so that you can follow Leopold. Exit the room, and head right to read several stones containing some excerpts of the seven sages, Empyrea, and the Dark Lord. Turn around, and exit. Before continuing, you should go treasure hunting with the new key that Marta has passed to you. +-----------------------+ | 5.41 Treasure Hunting | | My Level: 33 | +-----------------------+ First of all, warp to the Dark Ruins. Open your map, and you can see to the right of the purple goo is a circular area. Head towards this place, and you will see a visible enemy here, the Occult Rider (Deadnoble), who drops a copper monster coin when defeated. Add him into your party if you like, then open your world map once more. Now, only if you have already defeated Rank B in the Monster Arena, head towards the path on the far left. As you go along this path, you will meet another visible enemy, Man-At-Arms (Skeledoid). Get Hero/ Yangus to Psyche Up while Jessica casts Oomph. Angelo is your main healer as usual. When defeated, you will get a gold monster coin and a valuable addition to your monster team. Warp back to Arcadia first of all, and head to the item shop. Go into the room at the side, and open the gate. Open the three chests to get a mini medal, a titan belt and a seed of magic. The next stop is Argonia. Before you enter the town, cross the bridge to the west and follow the path to the west. After passing the fork, keep your eyes on the north, and when you see a break in the mountain, head north. Open your world map, and head towards the end of the river to the north. Right at the end, you'll find a purple door in the mountain wall. Open the door, to enter 'Le Club Puff Puff'! Go through to the next room and talk to the girl wearing the bunny ears. When she asks you whether you would like a Puff Puff, say Yes to view a pretty funny scene. Go through the door and check the two wardrobes to get a mini medal and a silver platter. Exit the club now, and Zoom to Argonia once more. Enter the town, and cross the bridge to the left, and head straight up. Open the door to enter the castle, then head up to the third floor. Go through the passageway without a door, then through two doors to reach the outside of the castle. Run towards the waterway, then go along it until you reach some stairs leading downwards. Go all the way down, and open all the chests to get a skull ring, a moon axe, and a mini medal. Head to the Kingdom of Trodain now. Go up the stairs on the left and open the door. Head east, and open the door. Head south, and open the large doors on the right, leading southwards. Open the gate, then open all the four chests to get a mini medal, a seed of magic, Yggdrasil dew, and a rusty old sword. Cast Evac to get out of here quickly. Zoom to the Swordsman's Labyrinth now, it's time to head towards Red's house. Head south from here to reach her house (if you get lost, look at the World Map, it's the house surrounded by a stream). Enter her house, then go downstairs and open the gate. The chests here contain a spiked steel whip, a mini medal, a garter, and a seed of agility. Equip Jessica with the spiked steel whip, it's probably a lot more powerful than any whip you might have at the moment. Now, warp to Pickham, and make your way to the item shop. Assuming you're facing the item shop, rotate Hero till he's facing left, then press L2. Enter the door that you see now and go down the corridor. Open the barred gate, (be warned, one of the chests is a Mimic, but you should have no problems whatsoever defeating it) and pick up a mini medal, a power shield and a rune staff. Equip the power shield to one of your party, then exit the building. Right, now you've found your treasure, head off to Princess Minnie's castle and talk to her to get your new rewards. Open the door to the right now, and get a double-edged sword, a seed of strength, another mini medal, and a seed of life. Exit the castle, and head westwards onto the beach (only if you defeated Rank B in the Monster Arena). You will battle a Gigantes Gangster (Steropes) here, and receive a silver monster coin when defeated. Once more, only if you have defeated Rank B, zoom to Neos, and get aboard your ship. Sail north west from here, and land on the eastern beach of the continent. You will do battle with Octavius Maximus (Octurion) who will drop a silver monster coin when defeated. Add it to your monster team, it is a good healer. +--------------------+ | 5.42 Monster Arena | | My Level: 33 | +--------------------+ With the new monsters you have on your team, you should be able to take on Rank A for 1000 gold coins. In my team, I had Skeledoid, Octurion, and Talos. First round - The Big Boys (frou-frou, cyclops, troll) Second round - Wild Cats (two jumping jackals, great sabrecat) Third round - Fear Factor (zombie gladiator, bomboulder, treevil) Prize - Hero Spear Morrie's Prize - Unlocks Rank S Right, it's finally time to continue with the storyline! +---------------+ | 5.43 Baccarat | | My Level: 33 | +---------------+ Head to Baccarat now. Enter the town, and go straight to the end of the town, then turn left. Open the gate (make sure it's day time, otherwise stay in the inn), and enter the mansion. Turn left, and enter the door at the end of the corridor. Smash the barrel to get magic water, then go back into the mansion. Open the other door, and watch the cutscene between Golding's adopted children, fighting over his inheritance. After that's over, open the door beside the stairs, and smash the barrels to get rennet powder, and the pot to get fresh milk. Exit this room, and go up the stairs. Go into the right room first, the left wardrobe has a spangled dress. You can put the spangled dress into the alchemy pot together with a ruby of protection and a gold bracer to make a shimmering dress. Now enter the room directly in front of the staircase. The wardrobe here has a mini medal. In the last room, you'll find a gold ring in the left wardrobe. Break the pot by the fireplace to get a seed of wisdom. Go back down and talk to either Cash/Carrie, and agree to help either one of them, it doesn't matter which one. Their adopted father, Golding, has died, and both of them are arguing over the family fortune. In order to see who will inherit the fortue, they will need to go to the Dragon Graveyard, and whoever who returns first will win. Once you've picked either Cash/Carrie, you will spend the night at the mansion. The next morning, you'll be awoken by the person you chose to assist. Leave the house, and get onto your boat. Sail southwards from Baccarat (open your World Map), and keep sailing southwards until you pass some rocky areas on the left. Keep sailing round the continent, and disembark at the western side of the island, where the two rocky areas meet. If you open the world map and zoom out, it would be about parallel with the X in the map. Head east, then turn southwards when there's a break in the mountains. Enter the cave, there will be a church on your left once you exit the cave. Talk to the man sitting at the pew, and he will teach you a new recipe: "Sandstorm spear = Partisan + Something gritty". Save/rest and then leave the church. Head southwards from the church, and if you open the world map, you will see a circular area in the middle of the desert. To the south of this area is a chest containing a dragon scale. Now, aim for the circular area in the middle, and you should see a visible enemy, the Living Flame (Flameman) at the side of the skeleton. When defeated, it drops a copper monster coin. Head east as far as you can, just before you hit the wall, head north, and open a chest containing dragon dung. Jump down the well that is just south of the chest, and you will see a whirlwind inside the well! Head into the whirlwind, and you will be transported to another well. Climb up the rope, and look around you for another chest containing a dragon scale. Head to the circular area in the middle, and you will see the sibling that you chose to help standing in front of the skeleton. +-----------------------+ | 5.44 Dragon Graveyard | | My Level: 34 | +-----------------------+ Head inside and walk straight ahead and open the chest containing a map of the Dragon Graveyard. Open up the map, and head for the arrow at the top right side. There's a chest containing a mini medal. Now, go back to the previous room and open up your map once again. Go towards the arrow at the lower right hand side of the map. In the next room, look at your map, and cross over to the section on the right. There's a bag hanging on the wall containing a dragon dung. Now, check your map and make your way to the upper right section of the map where the arrow is pointing. Make your way to the middle arrow on the right, then take the junction on the right to get a dragon shield, which you should equip Hero with. Go back to the junction and take the other path this time. Make your way towards the arrow in the middle of the map pointing upwards, then to the arrow pointing sideways. Finally, head towards the arrow at the top right of the map. Make sure your party is fully healed before entering the room. You'll find the other sibling about to be attacked by monsters. The sibling you are helping will run to the assistance, but will be knocked out as well. ** Boss Fight ** You'll have to do battle with two monsters here, one red and one blue. Use Angelo to cast Kabuff, and Jessica to cast Oomph on Yangus/Hero. Yangus/Hero should Psyche up a couple of times if possible, then attack the Red Horn. Don't try and Psyche Up too much, because the Blue Fang can scream, which has the ability to knock down your party members, thus causing them to miss a turn, and reducing their tension down to 0. The Red Horn is way more dangerous that the other, as it's desperate attacks can kill one party member (definitely Jessica) if you aren't healed up fully. Together the Red & Blue can combine to attack a single party member, but I find that their combined attacks aren't as strong as their single attacks. Blue Horn casts Kasap, which lowers your party defence once in awhile, but you can counter by casting Kabuff (Angelo). You can also use Jessica to cast Sap/ Kasap on your opponents. ** Boss Fight ** Once you've defeated them, run forward to the Doors of Judgement. Cash and Carrie will discover that they need to open the Doors together before they can get the family crest. Examine the crystal ball and the spirit of Golding's ancestor will appear. He will tell the twins not to let the family bloodline disappear, then your party will head back to town. Cash and Carrie will announce to the town that they are both inheriting the fortune together, and show the mark of the Golding clan on their hands. The casino will finally be open again! In the morning, go downstairs and Cash & Carrie will reward you with 600 casino tokens. The casino is now open, and you can play all the games here to win more tokens. You can then exchange the tokens for certain prizes. +--------------------+ | 5.45 Pirate's Cove | | My level: 35 | +--------------------+ Once you're done gambling, cast Zoom and head to Princess Minnie's castle. Exchange any mini medals you have collected for a suit of sacred armour which you can equip to Hero/Angelo, and then get onto your ship. Open your world map, and check out the islands on the top right of the map. Sail between the two island, and you'll find a bridge connecting the two. Pirate's Cove is directly below the bridge. Open the door on the left, and smash the pots to get a mini medal and a seed of magic. Exit this room, and go to the door on the right. Break the barrels in front of the room to get 790 gold coins, then enter the room. Red will suddenly appear in her ship, and greet your party. She says that she heard a rumour that there's treasure to be found here, that used to belong to Captain Crow. She says that the first one to find it will keep the treasure, and walks off. Go down the steps to the second level. Follow the path, and open the door on the right. Smash the barrels by the door to get magic water and a mini medal. Open the other door to find a chest containing a map of the Pirate's Cove. Go back to the main passage way, and enter the path directly opposite the door. Open the iron gate on the right, and head forward to another cell which contains a pot. Smash it to get another mini medal, then head back to the main passageway. Keep going until you reach a door. You'll find Red inside the next room walking around. Check the left bookshelf to find a recipe: "Demon spear = Battle for + A poison weapon + An ill-fated item". Examine the wheel in the middle of the room, and it will reveal a secret passageway. Red will run off first, saying she knew that there was a secret passage in this room. Follow her down to level three. Turn right and open the door to the left. Smash the middle pot to get some rock salt, then continue forward through the crumbling wall. Open the door in front of you, and go down the steps. Continue along the path past the door on the right, and you'll find Red coming out of the door at the end of the passage. She says there's nothing in there, but don't believe her. Go into the room and turn right. Cross the bridge then look to the left. You'll see a small crank on the wall. Examine it, and select Yes to turn the crank. This will cause the water to start flowing and the water level will go down. Go back across the bridge, and go through the hole in the wall. When you reach the end of the path, look right, and you'll see a chest containing a mini medal. Make your way back up one floor now. Go through the hole in the wall and out the door. Turn left, then go down the passageway. There will be a door on the right a few steps ahead. Open the two chests to get a bone shield and a hades' helm. Go back out, and continue down the passageway. Open the door when you come to it, then continue through the hole in the wall on the left. Open the door on the left then go down the giant well via the ladder in the center. Go through the two doors in front of you, and heal just before you open the third door. Inside the room, you'll find Red standing near the chest, gloating because she reached it first. As she reaches out to touch the chest, the spirit of the pirate comes back. He says that whoever wants his treasure must prove he's worthy by battling him. Red thinks she'll be able to do it, and pulls out a tiny dagger. Captain Crow knocks her aside within several blows. Now it's your turn! ** Boss Fight ** Captain Crow generally gets two turns at one time. He can Psyche himself up to a pretty high tension level, so you need to ensure that everyone is constantly at high HP levels. Put Angelo's multiheal spell to good use here. When his tension level reaches 100, most of his attacks can be pretty deadly, usually Jessica gets wiped out with this attack. Get Angelo to cast Kazing, don't even bother with Zing in case she doesn't come back to life. Although he can be tough, you need to know his attack pattern. Generally he takes several rounds to Psyche Up. In the first round, you need to get Angelo/Hero to cast Kazing/Fullheal to get everyone healed up. You can use the second round to begin your attacks. Use Jessica to cast Sap to reduce his defence, and attack him in between healing. Use Hero's Falcon Slash, and Jessica's Twin Dragon Lash to attack him twice. When he is defeated, he will drop a pirate's hat, and then disappear. ** Boss Fight ** Step forward and open the chest to get an illuminated sea chart. Red will get up, and see what you got, calling it pathetic. She says she prefers the 10,000 gold coins she picked up on the way then leaves. Cast Evac to get out of the dungeon, then look at the Illuminated Sea Chart. Use it as an item, and a path will be revealed on the world map. Cast Zoom to take you to the Hilltop Hut to rest/save your game, then zoom to Neos. +----------------------+ | 5.46 Map Exploration | | My level: 35 | +----------------------+ The next day, get on your ship, then open your World Map. Sail towards the X on the map, and you will see a cutscene. After the cutscene, there will be a white wavy line. Sail along this line and you will enter a secret passage in the island. As you disembark on the island, the shadow of a big bird will fly over you, but you will not see anything in the sky. Open your world map, notice the purple patch to the south? Head towards that area, and there's a chest in the center containing a magical mace. To the west of the swamp is a visible monster, Gigantes Guardsman (Brontes). It drops a gold monster coin when defeated. Check out the world map once more, and head towards the lake to the south east. On the western side of the lake, where the mouth of the lake meets the sea, is a chest containing a lesser panacea. Open your trustworthy world map, and look at the tiny circle to the east of the lake. Go towards that circle, and then run around the hill. There's a chest containing a mighty armlet here. Open your world map once more, and look to the east where the town is located. East of the town, is another hill. Climb up that hill, and you will find a mini medal there. Head south east from here, and look around you. There's a visible enemy, Ochre Ogre (Orrid) that drops a silver monster coin when defeated. East of the town is a desert area. Head towards this place and you will find yet another visible enemy, Puppet Pugilist (Dolldrums) waiting for you. Defeat it and get a copper monster coin. Head west towards town now, on the way, you might bump into another visible slime enemy, north of town. The Slime Designer, (Tori) drops a gold monster coin when defeated. Enter the town now. +---------------+ | 5.47 Empycchu | | My level: 35 | +---------------+ Turn to your right as you enter town, and smash the pot on the left to get a seed of strength. Enter the house, and smash the pots on the right to get red mould and waterweed mould. The right item pouch contains a mini medal. If you speak to the man on the other side of the house, he will teach you a new recipe: "Saintess Shield = A shield (1) + A shield (2) + Holy water". Exit the house, and enter the house on your left. Break the pots on the right to get rennet powder and rock salt, then leave this house too. The item shop is just above the house you left. Open the chest in here to get a special medicine. Sell of some of your equipment, and the monster coins you have collected. Buy a Flame shield for Jessica, and a Mythril helm for Hero/Angelo if you like. Exit the shop, and smash the pot behind the man and his horses to get a chimaera wing. Head to the opposite side of the village, and enter the house in front of the waterfall. Smash the right pot to get a mini medal, then exit. Continue onward past the bridge, and you'll see a woman and her laundry on the right. Smash the pot here to get a seed of skill, then head up the ramp. There are three pots in front of the house, smash the left one to get another mini medal, then enter the house. Open the wardrobe on the left side of the house to get a fur poncho, and save your game. On the right side of the house, smash the pot to get fresh milk, and talk to the woman to stay at the inn. Talk to the man with the moustache in the center of the house, and he will tell you about Empyrea. Empyrea was rumoured to be able to travel between two worlds, the World of Light, and the World of Darkness. One day, the evil ruler of the World of Darkness built a gate between the two worlds because he wanted to conquer both the worlds. However, Empyrea flew to the World of Darkness and used her powers to close the gate. After that, she had no energy left to return to the World of Light, and the only thing that remains is her shadow. If you follow her shadow, you may enter the Dark Eye to the other world. Leave the house and Zoom to Princess Minnie's castle. Talk to her, and you will be able to get an orichalcum from her. Put the orichalcum, rusty old sword and slime crown into the alchemy pot to mix a liquid metal sword, then zoom back to Empycchu. Head south west from the village, then head west once you are past the hill on the right, and you will see an arch in the distance. Go up to the arch and you will see the shadow of a large bird flying around. Follow the shadow closely, and do not lose it, or you will need to return to the arch. You will eventually be led past the purple goo and up the nearby hill where the shadow will create a portal for you to travel through. +---------------------+ | 5.48 The Dark World | | My level: 35 | +---------------------+ Walk up to the portal and you will be transported to the world of darkness. Everything here is black and white except for your party, and any treasure chests. Head east from the portal and look behind the fallen tree trunk to get a mini medal. Go west from here, down the cliff till you reach the purple goo. Now, open your world map, and look at the green section in the middle of the map, just south of the mountains. This is where you docked your ship in the other world. Head for this area. As you reach the bottom of the path going downwards, head north, and you will find a chest containing a devil's tail. Head west and you should be able to see another chest in the distance. This chest contains an iron headgear, which you can equip to Yangus now. (If you mixed the Liquid Metal Sword in the alchemy pot, it should be ready around now, equip it to Angelo). Make your way to Dark Empycchu now, it's at the same place where the normal Empycchu was. All the people here speak a funny language, which is pretty cool actually! They summon their chief, who is able to speak English. He realises that you are from the World of Light, and asks you to visit him in his house later to discuss something with him. Enter the house on the right. One of the item pouches on your right contains a mini medal. The pot on the left contains a seed of magic. Exit this house now, and enter the hosue on your right. One of the pots across you contains some rock salt. Exit the house, and continue to the right. There's a woman just after the bridge. Near her is a pot containing a mini medal. Head to the item shop on the opposite side of the village now, and open the chest to get a special antidote. Break the pot on the right side of the door to get 180 gold coins then exit the house. Break the pots in front of you to get a cowpat, then enter the house. Break the pot in the right corner to get a mini medal, and the pot in the left to get some cold cheese. Leave this house and head towards the Chief's house. Smash the pot on the left to get some premium mould, then enter the house. Talk to the woman on the right to rest at the inn. Smash the pot near her to get some fresh milk, then go to the opposite side of the house and open the wardrobe to get a mini medal. The pot near the wardrobe has a dragon scale. Speak to the chief sitting in the center of the house, and he will ask you for a favour. He says that Empyrea has been attacking the village recently, and wants you to find out why she has been attacking them. Agree to help him out, then save your game. Leave the village, then head south west, then west, until you reach the arches. You will then do battle with Empyrea. ** Boss Fight ** Empyrea's attacks consist of the following: a) A wave of ice (destroying all your positive statuses) b) Zap (deals about 60 HP damage to all members of your party) c) Normal attacks (deals about 150 - 200 HP damage to a single party member) In this battle, you cannot Psyche Up too high, or depend too much on Kabuff/ Magic Barrier, as Empyrea casts a wave of ice pretty often, removing all positive statuses. What you can do is to get Angelo to cast Kabuff, then Jessica to cast Oomph on Hero & Yangus. You can try to alternate Psche-ing Up Hero/Yangus, and attacking Empyrea. Another good strategy is to get Hero to call out your Monster Teams to help attack Empyrea. Together with your Monster Teams, you should be able to defeat her pretty easily. ** Boss Fight ** After you defeat Empyrea, she will tell you that it was a test. Previously, she helped to seal away Lord Rapthorne, and because of that, he sent his minion, Gemon, to steal her egg. Gemon successfully stole her egg, and forced her to attack the village. She asks you to help her defeat Gemon. Agree to help, but tell her you are not ready to go yet. Zoom back to the village to save your game, and then head back to the arches. Empyrea will carry the horse and wagon up to the foot of the mountain. +----------------------+ | 5.49 Godbird's Eyrie | | My level: 35 | +----------------------+ Enter the cave, and you will see a chest in front of you, slightly to the left. Climb up the slope on the left to reach the chest, which contains a map of the Godbird's Eyrie. Return to the ground level now, and make your way to the opposite side of the room towards the arrow to reach the outside. Once outside, follow the path until you reach another cave. In the next room, follow the path, and turn left when you are able to. This will lead you straight into another cave. Walk straight ahead, and you will find a chest containing a ring of truth. TUrn around and go back to the previous cave. Open your map, and make your way towards the arrow pointing downwards on the lower right hand corner. Just before the arrow, there's a path branching off. Follow this path till the end and you will find a gold nugget. Now, head to the next area, where the arrow is pointing. Follow the path until you reach the next cave, then open your map and head towards the arrow on the upper right of the map. In the next room, open up your map once more, and head for the left-most arrow. When you reach the outside, you will find a chest containing a demon whip. Head back into the cave, and follow the left path till you reach the outside. Walk onwards till you reach the next cave, then open your map. Make your way to the arrow on the lower right corner of the map, then just follow the path till you reach a chest containing saint's ashes at the very end. Return to the previous room, then make your way to the upper left arrow this time. Follow the path round and round untill you finally reach the top level. You will see Gemon as soon as you come out of the cave. Heal your party up, and prepare for a battle. ** Boss Fight ** Gemon isn't too difficult, especially since he doesn't have the wave of ice attack which removes all positive statuses. He is accompanied by a Dark Turkey and a Dark Condor. If you defeat both of them, he will summon more, but I defeated just one, and Gemon didn't re-summon another to take it's place. Get Jessica to cast Oomph on Hero/Yangus while one of them Psyches Up to 100. Angelo will cast Kabuff, then heal the party, attacking whenever possible. Also, Jessica can cast Insulatle, which can protect you from Gemon's fire attacks. ** Boss Fight ** When you defeat Gemon, he will say that it is impossible for any human to be so strong. He suspects that Empyrea brought you from the world of light to defeat him. He blows himself up, and destroys Empyrea's egg at the same time. Empyrea flies up to your party, and she sees that her egg is destroyed. She does not blame your party, and offers to take you back to the Eye so that you can return to the World of Light. Suddenly a voice can be heard. It's Empyrea's baby! The soul of the baby still remains, and it wants to give your party something for helping. The baby offers to travel with your party, and will give you the ability to fly. Agree to let the baby travel with you, and Empyrea will thank you. Walk up to the nest and examine the golden globe to obtain the Godbird's soul stone. Empyrea will then carry you back to the World of Light. +-----------------------+ | 5.50 Treasure Hunting | | My level: 36 | +-----------------------+ Now that you have the Soulstone, you are able to fly around the world. Zoom to Argonia first, then use Baumren's bell and head west across the bridge until you reach the T junction. Open your world map, and you will see there is a hilly area to the west, south of the mountains. Use the soulstone and fly to the middle of the hills, and land here. On the highest point, you will find a flametang boomerang. Warp to the Dark Ruins from here, then summon the Godbird again. Fly over the south western part of the island, and you will see some hills that cannot be accessed when walking. Land here, and head south to find a visible enemy, the Troll Patroller, who drops a gold monster coin when defeated. Add him to your Monster Party, then go back down to the graveyard. Head northwest from here to meet another visible enemy, the Stonemason. who drops a silver monster coin when defeated. South of the Stonemason, behind the pillar, is a chest containing a ruinous shield. Zoom back to Empycchu now, and fly south of the village and land at the hilly area where you can see white clouds. Head east around the corner to find a chest containing a skull helm, then summon the Godbird once more to take you up to the foot of the cave. Enter the cave, and you will see a chest in front of you, slightly to the left. Climb up the slope on the left to reach the chest, which contains a mini medal. Return to the ground level now, and make your way to the opposite side of the room towards the arrow to reach the outside. Once outside, follow the path until you reach another cave. In the next room, follow the path, and turn left when you are able to. This will lead you straight into another cave. Walk straight ahead, and you will find a chest containing a mini medal. TUrn around and go back to the previous cave. Open your map, and make your way towards the arrow pointing downwards on the lower right hand corner. Just before the arrow, there's a path branching off. Follow this path till the end and you will find a gold nugget. Now, head to the next area, where the arrow is pointing. Follow the path until you reach the next cave, then open your map and head towards the arrow on the upper right of the map. In the next room, open up your map once more, and head for the left-most arrow. When you reach the outside, you will find a chest containing some dragon dung. Head back into the cave, and follow the left path till you reach the outside. Walk onwards till you reach the next cave, then open your map. Make your way to the arrow on the lower right corner of the map, then just follow the path till you reach a chest containing orichalcum at the very end. Cast Evac to exit the dungeon. Put the orichalcum into the alchemy pot together with the ruinous shield and the saint's ashes to make a metal king shield. Use the SOulstone again, and fly north west. You should see a cloud over an island pretty soon. Land here, and look north west. There's a chest here containing a mini medal. Head east up the hill, then south and go up another hill. Follow the path and you will find a chest containing an ogre shield, which you can equip to Yangus or Hero. Zoom to Orkutsk now, and use the SOulstone and fly southeast. You will see a cloud on the left of the tower, where you should land. Head through the tunnel to the west, turn left and cross the bridge. Go down the tunnel to the west, then turn right. Follow the path, and keep an eye out for a tunnel to the west. After the tunnel, turn right and enter the cave to the north. Follow the path and you will reach a chest containing a conquerer's axe. From here, zoom to Farebury, and use the Soulstone. Fly eastwards, and land near the red tree. Break the pots to get a Yggdrasil Leaf and a mini medal. Head north and cross the bridge. Look left and you will see two visible enemies. In between those two, if you look left, there's a pier in the middle of a pond. If you walk towards the pier, run around the sandy area on the right, and you can find a mini medal hidden amongst the sand. Warp to Ascantha now, and use the soulstone. Fly to the south, and you will see an island in the middle of the lake. Land on that island, and look to the south east. If it is night time, you will see a visible enemy, the Killer Director (Nohi), who will drop a gold monster coin when defeated. Add it to your party, as it is pretty strong. South east of your landing spot, is another visible enemy, Bushwacker (Bush-W.) who will drop a silver monster coin when defeated. Zoom to Princess Minnie's castle now and collect your metal king helm from her. Finally, Zoom to Neos, then use your soulstone. Fly east of where you are, and you will see an island, surrounded by the other continent. Keep flying east until you pass a village, then land in the forest to the east. Look around you and you should see a visible enemy, the Big Blue Bully (Arges) who will drop a silver monster coin when defeated. There's a chest north west from here which contains a mini medal. From here, head south eastwards around hills and streams until you reach the town shown in the world map. As you cross the first bridge, you will meet a visible enemy, the Arch-archdemon (Archfiend) who will drop a gold monster coin when defeated. Continue onwards until you reach the town. +------------------+ | 5.51 Tryan Gully | | My level: 38 | +------------------+ Approach the hopping monster who will welcome you to Tryan Gully. Trode will ask the monster why it does not fight or run away, and the monster will say that in Tryan Gully, humans, elves and monsters all live happily together. Trode gets really excited because he can wander around the town without causing a stir. Trode now takes over as main character for the first time. Cross the bridge and walk right past the purple curtains. Cross another bridge and enter the dark path. Talk to Raya, the elf, who will tell you about a young man called David who used to live here in the valley. However, David was murdered as he was the heir to a great sage. She says that she is telling you this as she can sense David's presence in your party. She asks if you have encountered him along your journey. Answer Yes, and she will ask you for a favour. She asks you to stop Rhapthorne before he awakens. The only way to stop him is to seal away the sceptre, and offers you Kupas's great treasure to help you. The treasure is a Darktree leaf, which if placed on a map, will show the location of a great evil. EXit the temple, then cross the bridge. Keep your eye out on the right, and enter the purple room. Break the barrels on the right to get a mini medal and an elfin elixir. The barrel behind the bar contains a slime crown. Walk down two flights of stairs to reach the shops. At the armour shop, get a Great Helm for Yangus, and a Mirror shield as well as a Mirror armour for Angelo. Continue down the path past the purple curtains. Follow the path and open the door. Talk to the monster guarding the gate, who will let you pass. Break the pots and barrels on the left to get Yggdrasil Dew, premium mould and a mini medal. Break the barrel on the right to get a seed of defence, then open the two chests to get a Darktree leaf and a staff of antimagic. Use the Darktree leaf and a purple leaf will appear on the world map. Fly towards the purple leaf, and you will see Leopold flying around in the sky. Follow him until he lands, and land at the same place. You will end up in the front of the Lord High Priest's house, and Leopold will fly through the window. Walk into the house and High Priest Rolo will ask you for help. Walk forward past the archways, and turn right. Open the door at the side of the wall and open the wardrobes on the left to get a sage's robe. On the left of the door are some pots which contain a mini medal. There's another door on the other wall, open it and smash the barrels to get a seed of life. Exit to the main passageway now, then turn left and go up the staircase. Open the door and you will see Leopold, with some guards trying to defend His Holiness. Don't approach him just yet, open the door on the left first. The wardrobe in front of you contains a mini medal. Now, go back and meet Leopold. ** Boss Fight ** Get Jessica to cast Insulatle, and Angelo to cast Kabuff before doing anything else. Hero/Yangus must Psyche Up, and Jessica can cast Oomph on them. YOu can lower Leopold's defence by using Sap. Leopold doesn't cast the wave of ice attack, so you don't need to worry about your party's tension decreasing. This means that you can get Hero/Yangus up to a tension level of 100. However, Leopold can let out an intimidating scream which can knock your party members of their feet. This also has the effect of decreasing their tension. You shouldn't have many problems defeating Sir Leopold though. When he is defeated, you gain 10,200 EXP. ** Boss Fight ** Leopold will drop the sceptre, and a bright light will shine from him. He will drop down and die, then Rolo will burst in. His Holiness has dropped down, but is still alive. Rolo instructs Marcello to carry His Holiness to his bed at once, but Marcello will not obey. He bursts out laughing, saying he had no idea that Rolo was so devious. Marcello says that he knows Rolo was the one who employed your party and the dog to assassinate the Lord High Priest. Marcello instructs the guards to arrest your party, and to exile Rolo to Purgatory Island. As your party is led out by the guards, Marcello will see the sceptre on the ground and pick it up. You will see your party being lowered down to Purgatory Island together with Rolo. Then, you see Marcello once more with the sceptre. Lord Rhapthorne's spirit will try to take over, and vines will start growing from the sceptre, binding it together to Marcello's hand. He takes out the sword and begins cutting at the vines without much success, then he stabs his own hand with the sword! He walks off with the sceptre, and the sword is left on the ground. +-----------------------+ | 5.52 Purgatory Island | | My level: 38 | +-----------------------+ Talk to everyone in the cell, and there will be a cutscene with Rolo praying to the Goddess on high, begging for mercy. The next day, Jessica will be sitting beside you, saying that she couldn't sleep at all. Talk to the priest lying down on the ground, and the guards will change shifts. Talk to your party members, and then the days will pass by slowly. Eventually, the guards will start talking to each other, saying that there's some big news. The Lord High Priest died a month ago! Rolo appears to be upset at the news. Talk to him, and he will say that your party has to escape from the island in order to find out the truth behind the Lord High Priest's death. He gets an idea and tells your party about it. Rolo begins moaning, saying that the pain in his stomach is unbearable. He says that he swallowed his GOLD rosary so that no one could take it away from him. The two guards get excited at the mention of gold, and they open the gates, only to be ambushed by your party. As you get into the cage, you discover that the cage cannot rise to the top unless someone is manning the lever. Rolo says that he will stay behind. and makes you promise to find out what happened to His Holiness. As the cage reaches the top, the cage will fall back to the ground. You will be met by Trode, who begins scolding your party saying that he has been worried sick, and if you are imprisoned, you should make it somewhere easier to find! Once you're back on your ship, zoom to somewhere to save your game, then zoom to Neos. Make your way to the large building at the end of town, and it appears you have interrupted a town meeting. Marcello is addressing the crowd, assuring them that the Lord High Priest died a natural death. He also says that he has no intention of becoming the next Lord High Priest. He makes a long speech, banging the sceptre on the ground every so often, telling the crowd to follow him, or they will have to meet their fate like your party. The guards will suddenly surround you, but a voice will suddenly say that it's time to use it's power. It's Empyrea's child! It will transport your party to the area just behind Marcello, and then you will be attacked. ** Boss Fight ** Get Angelo/Jessica to cast Kabuff/Sap constantly, and attack Marcello as best as you can. You will need to cast Fullheal and Multiheal pretty often in this battle in order to survive. Marcello's worse attack is when he prays to the heavens and opens a portal. That will cast about 100-200 damage on each member of your party. He also can cast Kafrizzle on one part member, doing around 100 HP damage. Finally, he has the ability to cast Midheal on himself, which is his least dangerous move. When he is defeated, you will gain 11,020 EXP. ** Boss Fight ** Lord Rhapthorne will take over Marcello totally now, saying that he must thank you, as he is finally able to control Marcello with your party's help. He will fly up and use the sceptre to complete his revival. The statue will begin to fall to pieces, and half of the city will rise up in the sky. A weird red light will begin to flow from the city, covering every where you've been to with the light. When the scene shifts back to your party, you will see Marcello hanging on the edge of a precipice about to fall. As he falls, he will be caught by Angelo. Marcello tells Angolo to let him go, saying that if Angelo hadn't interfered, he could have had all of Rhapthorne's power. He whacks Angelo's hand away, and begins to fall, but Angelo catches him once more. Angelo says that Marcello will go on living, knowing that the brother that he despised for his whole life took pity on him. Marcello stumbles off, saying that Angelo will regret the day that he saved Angelo's life. As he walks off, he will throw a ring in the air which Angelo will catch. It's Marcello's Templars ring, which he says means nothing to him now. Zoom to Hilltop Hut to save/heal, then head to Red's house, which is south of the Swordsman's Labyrinth. Talk to Red and she will give you a flail of fury for Yangus. It's a weapon that can hit all enemies at once, but do keep a spare axe/scythe in his inventory for ability purposes. Zoom to Argonia now, and head to the north west building, between the church and the castle. Smash the barrels on the right to get a mini medal, then look for a barrel on the opposite side of the building, between two stalls to get a seed of magic. If it is night time, head up to the hill on the opposite side of town, otherwise stay at the inn till evening, then head up the hill. Open the door, and go straight to the end, and open the door. Go up the stairs on the right and examine the mirror which is glowing. You will warp to a different place entirely. +-----------------+ | 5.53 Troll Maze | | My level: 38 | +-----------------+ Walk forward and turn left. Walk straight all the way till the end and follow the path until you reach a chest containing a hell sabre. Turn around, and follow the path back until you can take a turning to the left. Follow the path, and you will reach a junction to the left between some red walls. Take this path, and when the path splits in two, take the right path. Open the chest to get a mini medal, then return to the junction and take the other path this time. You will see a boss troll stirring a cauldron, and as you walk forward, you will hear the Chancellor of Argonia begging for help, as he is about to be eaten by the trolls. Talk to the other troll (not stirring the cauldron), and he will ask you if you are here to get in the way. Say Yes, and then he will say that you look tough, and why don't you just leave them alone. Say Yes once more, and he will heal your party. Talk to the same troll once more, and answer Yes again, and the two trolls will attack you. Once the trolls are defeated, the Chancellor and his family will run out from the cell thanking you. He will give you 2 seeds of strength and 3 seeds of life as a thank you. Cast Evac to exit the dungeon then go somewhere to save your game. +--------------------+ | 5.54 Black Citadel | | My level: 38 | +--------------------+ Fly to the purple leaf on the world map, and you will land on the Black Citadel. Enter the building, then turn left. Follow the path until you pass two doors, on the left and right. Enter the room on the left and check the balcony to get a map of the Black Citadel. Check out the bookcases inside the room to get the following recipes: "Metal wing boomerang = A boomerang + A powerful weapon" "Phantom mask = An iron-hard helm + Dark garb" "Another miracle = A kind of sword + Life bracer" "A great god = Cheiron's bow + Eros' bow + A giant bow" "Megaton hammer = A big hammer + A big axe + Orichalcum" Return to the main passageway now, then turn right and head back to the entrance. Continue eastwards till the end of the passage and you will reach a flight of stairs leading up to level 2. Head into the room and you will see it's filled with lots of barrels. Smash all of them to get 500 gold coins, a prayer ring, seed of defence, saint's ashes, 1200 gold coins, Yggdrasil leaf, orichalcum, hard cheese, icicle dirk, seed of life, cured cheese and rock salt. Climb up the stairs, then head down the stairs on the left. Go down the stairs on the left again, and look to your left. There's a lever at the other corner which you can pull to make some stairs rise up. Turn around, and go through the passage between the two staircases, then head north west up the flight of stairs. Follow the path, and take the first left, and enter the room on the left. Enter the room at the end of the path, and open the door on the left. The wardrobe contains a dark robe. Exit the room, and turn left. Cross over to the other side and enter the next room. Walk over to the other side and you will find yourself outside once more. Cross the bridge to the left and enter the room ahead of you. Smash the pots to get some premium mould then walk down the stairs. Turn right and go down the stairs at the end. Open the chest on your right to get a silver shield, and equip it to Angelo/ Hero. Run back upstairs, head left and walk straight to another room. Turn left and head north west to enter a room on the left. Turn right, and pull the statue away so that you can go through the doorway. Walk to the left of the staircase and check out the chest on the far left to get a sage's stone. If one of your characters uses the sage's stone during battle, it will heal about 100HP to each party character. Continue onwards till you see a staircase on your right. Walk up two flights and pull the lever in front of you to raise another staircase. Now that you have raised up the two staircases, you can warp back to Hilltop Hut to rest/ save your game, as it will be really easy to get back here. Return to the Black Citadel once you have saved your game, by flying there with the Soulstone. Enter the building, and go up the staircase in front of you. Go up the stairs on the left, then up the stairs on the left once more. Turn right and follow the path upwards. Enter the room at the end of the path, then head into the black room. Go down the staircase on the east side of the room, then walk forward, and go down another flight of stairs to Level Three. Ignore the first staircase you pass leading downwards, continue to the end of the path and go down the stairs here. Follow the path, and head down the stairs to reach Level One. Go down the stairs at the opposite side of the room. Across the entrance is a carving with a pink stone. Examine the stone to restore your party's HP/MP. Head either left/right round the building, and don't stop going. After the first round, the building will start to have purple goo around the area. After going round three times, the area across the entrance wil lhave opened up. Head down the staircase, and heal up your party. You're about to face Lord Rhapthorne. ** Boss Fight ** Lord Rhapthorne doesn't look scary at all! He's a blue creature with horns on top. Rhapthorne's desperate attacks are pretty bad, it can do about 300 HP damage, definitely killing Jessica off, and damaging your other party members badly. He can also casts spells that can put your party to sleep, as well as multi-party attacks. Have Jessica cast Magic Barrier, and Angelo cast Kabuff. Hero/Yangus can concentrate on attacking/psyche-ing up. Next, Jessica should cast Insulatle. Don't Psyche UP too much as Rhapthorne can cast a wave of ice, removing all positive effects. To cut down Rhapthorne's HP by quite a bit, get Hero to call both of your Monster Teams, which should help out a lot. Once the teams have performed their duty, hit Rhapthorne with all that you've got. ** Boss Fight ** Once Rhapthorne is defeated, his body will split up and splatter on the ground. Your party will be fully healed, and you can make your way out now. As you cross the bridge, the roof will start falling, and you need to make your way out of there as fast as possible! On the upper floor, go round the building once more. The statue will come to life, and will attack you together with two dancing flames. Defeat them and continue going round the building. Go round once more, and the area opposite the entrance will have the carving and the pink stone once more. Examine it to replenish your HP and MP, then run round once more. The statues of your party will suddenly attack your party. Defeat them, then head up the stairs. Retrace your steps previously until you reach the exit of the building. You will suddenly be attacked by yet another boss! ** Boss Fight ** You shouldn't have any problems whatsoever with this boss. He has a pretty high defence, but you can lower it with Jessica's Sap, and Yangus's Helm Splitter. Get Angelo to cast Kabuff a few times to raise your party's defence then psyche up the others to maximum then attack him. This boss doesn't become enveloped in a wave of ice, so don't worry about maxing out the tension levels. ** Boss Fight ** Once you've defeated him, use the Soulstone and fly off. Rhapthorne will appear once again, many times larger than before. He will summon his minions, and Empyrea's baby will not be able to stand against them. As you fall, Empyrea will appear and catch you. Empyrea will tell you that you will not be able to defeat Rhapthorne, as he has attained his full strength. You will need the help of the seven sages, who have transformed themselves into seven orbs. She gives you an Echo Flute, and if you play the flute while you are near one of the orbs, you will hear an echo. +----------------------+ | 5.55 Collecting Orbs | | My level: 39 | +----------------------+ Talk to the two girls once you regain control of your party, and they will tell you to search south-east of Farebury. Warp to Farebury, then head towards the inn. Right next to the inn is a burnt down house. There's a purple orb glowing here. Examine the orb to pick it up. Next, zoom to Alexandria, and head to the tower of Alexandria. Climb to the top and examine the blue orb to pick it up. Cast Evac to exit the dungeon. Zoom to Maella Abbey now, and enter the building. Head to the back section, and enter the room at the opposite side of the room. Open the door at the back of the room, cross the bridge and enter Abbot Francisco's house. Go up the stairs to the right, and examine the gold orb to obtain it. Leave the building, and warp to Savella Cathedral. Enter the building, and head to the end of town. Enter the building at the end, and stand on the circle which will transport you to another area. Enter the mansion, and run up the stairs and open the door. Examine the silver orb, then leave the building. Head to Golding's mansion in Baccarat now, and run upstairs. Open the door on the left, and examine the yellow orb behind the couch. Leave the mansion now. Zoom to Arcadia and make your way to Master Dominico's mansion. On the left, in front of the dog cage is a green orb. Warp to Marta's cottage and take the path leading to the cave. Just in front of the cave entrance is the red orb. Prepare your party members for the final battle now, even your monster team can be healed by visiting Morrie at the Monster Arena. Make sure that each of your party members have one free slot in their inventory, otherwise you will not be able to fight Rhapthorne. After saving your game, warp to Empycchu and head to the arches to the west. Empyrea will ask you if you have found all the orbs. Reply Yes, and she will bestow upon your party the Sceptre of Trodain, which holds the souls of the seven sages. Only with the sceptre will you be able to break the shield that surrounds Rhapthorne. Tell Empyrea you are ready, and she will bring you to Rhapthorne. +--------------------------+ | 5.56 Battling Rhapthorne | | My level: 41 | +--------------------------+ ** Boss Fight ** In this battle, what you need to do is to get every member of your party to use the Godbird Sceptre in the same round, for as many as seven times. This can get pretty tough, what you need to do is to get your party up to full health, then only use the Godbird Sceptre for each person. You may have to go several rounds without using the Godbird Sceptre in order to get your party at full strength. Use the Sage's stone to heal 100HP to each character, as well as Hero/Angelo's Fullheal. Once you have cast the Godbird's Sceptre seven times, the seven sages will destroy Rhapthorne's shield, and restore your party's HP/MP. If you are defeated by Rhapthorne after you have abolished his barrier, you will not have to re-summon the sages once more. Once his barrier is down, his attacks become even MORE powerful! He still can attack twice in a row, his attacks comprise of flinging the ball from his sceptre, which can deal around 100+ HP damage to two party members. He also belches blazing fire, and calls meteors down, both of which cause about the same amount of damage. What you need to do is to make sure that Yangus has the Sage's stone to heal every single round. Jessica's first spell is always to ensure that Hero is Oomphed up, then she can cast Sap/Magic Barrier/Insulatle. Angelo is the healer as well as Kabuff your team. It is also a good idea to summon your two monster teams to help you send Rhapthorne down. It is a long fight, but you will eventually gain the upper hand. ** Boss Fight ** Once Rhapthorne is defeated, Empyrea will tell your party that she transported Trode and Medea back to their homeland, and that each one of you are great heroes. She will bring you to them. As you reach Trodain Castle, Trode and Medea will come out to great you, however they are still in their enchanted form! Empyrea is about to fly away, and Trode demands to know how long he and the Princess will be under the curse. She says that the power of the curse is weakening, and it will not be long, then leaves. Trode begins to sparkle, and he returns to his former self. He still looks almost the same to me, except that he's not green anymore! The princess has also reverted to her former self, and she and Trode will hug each other. The castle begins to sparkle as well, and all the vines disappear, and it is back to it's former glory. Trode calls for a banquet to celebrate. Some time later, Yangus comes to look for Hero, and says that he's been trading since your party defeated Rhapthorne, and he is now an important exporter. Hero is now the head of the palace guards. Yangus is here to help Hero on his first task, which is to escort Princess Medea to her wedding at Savella Cathedral. Walk forward and open the door on the left. Approach Angelo, and he will join your party. Go up the stairs on the left and open the doors in front of you. Turn left, and then go right, and right again to go up some stairs. You will meet up with Jessica, who asks you why you haven't visited her in Alexandria. She tells you that she is now staying with her mother once more. Also, Yangus and Red have now teamed up and are doing something together! She also goes down to the courtyard to wait for you. Go around the corner and open the door on the right after walking past the guard. Medea will be in there playing the piano. She asks you whether it is time to go. Say yes, and she will ask you to walk with her through the castle alone together, just like old times. After walking through the castle, she will get into the carriage and leave. When you reach Savella Cathedral, you will be met by Prince Charmles who says he is the luckiest man in the whole world. Prince Charmles says that this is as far as you can come as he cannot have commoners like you at the wedding. At the inn, Angelo is really angry at Prince Charmles, calling him a little snob. He asked you whether you are really going to let the wedding proceed, teling you it's your duty as chief of the guards to protect the Princess's happiness. The next day, head towards the cathedral, and Angelo will tell you that the ceremony has already started, but you can probably get up there as it is really crowded. Run up the stairs and head towards the large crowd. Yangus will see you, and drag you to the front. Run towards the guard, and tell him you were invited to the ceremony. He will call you a liar. Tell him you were thinking of forcing your way inside, and Yangus will take him out. Inside the cathedral, Medea has not arrived yet, and Prince Charmles is waiting impatiently. As you enter, Charmles will order the guards to take you out. One of the guards will come in and speak to the King. Apparently Princess Medea has disappeared! Charmles will accuse you of kidnapping the princess, and order the guards to seize you. You'll run away with the guards chasing after you. Jessica and Yangus will meet you and ask what's happening with the wedding. Angelo will beckon you over to him, saying Trode and Medea are surrounded by soldiers somewhere down below. Run down the stairs, and you will see Trode fighting the guards with a twig. He says that you have to take Medea and escape, as he cannot let Prince Charmles marry his daughter. Approach Medea, and she says that the marriage was arranged a long time ago, and she thought that she had no choice but to accept. However, she cannot stand it, and if it was a choice between marrying him and being a horse, she would rather be a horse! She asks you to take her hand and run away with her. Say yes, and you will run off together. As Charmles comes out of the cathedral, he calls his guards incompetent rogues for letting you get away. King Clavius appears and asks why Charmles doesn't just go after your party and bring the Princess back himself. Charmles says that he cannot do it on his own, and he'll send the royal guards instead. The king says that it is typical, and just because Charmles is a prince he thinks he can solve everything with money and power. Charmles says that he got the huge Argon heart during the initiation all by himself, and the king will be furious at his lies. He brings out the actual Argon heart, and Charmles falls to his knees. As you and Medea run to the carriage, you will see it is being driven by Trode! The credits will roll, and that's the end! =============================================================================== 6.0 Monster Log =============================================================================== +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 1. Slime | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 1 | | | | Gold : 1 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal Herb | | Amor seco essence | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A well-known monster commonly | | encountered throughout the world. | | Quite intelligent. Some have even | | managed to learn the human tongue. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 2. Candy Cat | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 2 | | | | Gold : 2 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal Herb | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A happy-go-luck, good natured monster.| | Born with only one stripe, it grows | | another with each passing year. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 3. Lips | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 2 | | | | Gold : 3 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A slug-like creature with | | distinctively large lips. They seem | | to greet one another with big, sloppy | | kisses! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 4. Dracky | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 2 | | | | Gold : 3 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal Herb | | Chimaera wing | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A bat-like monster that flies freely | | through the night sky. According to | | one account, they're born in a world | | without light. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 5. Satyr | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 3 | | | | Gold : 4 | | | | Items Obtained: Plain clothes | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : The large horns above each ear fall | | off and grow back every year. The | | hornpipes they carry are carved from | | their old horns. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 6. Capsichum | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 3 | | | | Gold : 3 | | | | Items Obtained: Cypress stick | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A distinctive monster shaped like a | | pepper. In their culture, two is | | always better than one, so they stick | | together with the help of a large | | skewer! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 7. Bunicorn | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 5 | | | | Gold : 5 | | | | Items Obtained: Leather hat | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A rabbit-like monster with a | | distinctive single horn growing from | | the middle of its forehead. Unlike | | normal rabbits, they are determinedly | | carnivorous, using their sharp horns | | to spear prey. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 8. She-slime | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 8 | | | | Gold : 6 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Slimes of a different colour, | | apparently due to a sudden mutation. | | Although commonly referred to as | | 'she-slimes', their true gender | | remains unknown. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 9. Firespirit | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 5 | | | | Gold : 4 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A physical manifestation of fire | | magic. As this monster lacks a | | material body, most physical attacks | | pass right through it. Try raising | | your tension when fighting them. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 10. Mischievous mole | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 4 | | | | Gold : 5 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Land of the Moles | | | | Description : Small but seriously strong. Once they | | psyche themselves up, these pint- | | sized pests can inflict some | | disproportionately drastic damage. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 11. Mecha-mynah | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 5 | | | | Gold : 8 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : The mechanical bodies of these birds | | weigh more than Yangus after a big | | dinner! They have a tendency to snap | | the tree branches where they roost | | and fall to earth with a metallic | | clunk. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 12. Bubble slime | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 5 | | | | Gold : 7 | | | | Items Obtained: Antidotal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : These sticky masses of muck are | | poisonous to the touch. Once a | | traveller comes into contact with a | | bubble slime's body in battle, the | | effects of posion will persist until | | the individual is cured. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 13. Dancing devil | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 7 | | | | Gold : 10 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : A race of demons wearing what appear | | to be bright blue pants. They are | | rumoured to drop them when defeated! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 14. Bodkin archer | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 10 | | | | Gold : 8 | | | | Items Obtained: Bandana | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : Diminutive but resourceful monsters. | | Upon encountering an enemy, they keep | | their distance and let fly with long- | | range bow and arrow attacks. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 15. Skipper | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 12 | | | | Gold : 10 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : A hairy fur ball of a monster whose | | love for unwanted old boots | | manifests itself in much the same way | | as a hermit crab's love for discarded | | shells. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 16. Drackmage | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 9 | | | | Gold : 7 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : Related to the dracky, these monsters | | have evolved a green colouration to | | match their woodland habitat. They | | remain constantly airborne, smoothly | | dodging attacks whilst casting spells | | on their opponents. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 17. Beetleboy | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 12 | | | | Gold : 10 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Farebury Region | | | | Description : Despite their weighty appearance, | | these insectoid monsters are quite | | swift. They like to tackle their | | opponents head-on with the help of | | their huge horns. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 18. Imp | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 15 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Tower of Alexandra | | | | Description : Juvenile forms of elite magical | | monsters. Imps try to cast spells | | which are far too powerful for them | | and fail every time. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 19. Funghoul | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 13 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: Antidotal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : Mushroom-shaped monsters with a sweet | | breath that puts enemies to sleep. | | They grow in humid areas like | | grasslands and deep forests. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 20. Fencing fox | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 20 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: Wayfarer's clothes | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : These foppish fiends leave foes | | floundering with their flamboyant | | foil-work. When not showing off their | | skill with a sword, they like to | | demonstrate their dazzling dancing. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 21. Healslime | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 18 | | | | Gold : 13 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : A kindly slime that never hesitates | | to help comrades by casting healing | | spells, even when in danger itself. | | skill with a sword, they like to | | demonstrate their dazzling dancing. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 22. Hammerhood | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 21 | | | | Gold : 9 | | | | Items Obtained: Oaken club | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : Not the largest monster in the world, | | but amongst the strongest. Their | | bodies seem even smaller next to the | | massive wooden mallets they carry. | | The unwieldiness of these weapons | | means they frequently miss. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 23. Jailcat | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 19 | | | | Gold : 8 | | | | Items Obtained: Oaken club | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : A feline monster with stripes | | reminiscent of a jailhouse convict. | | Strangely popular among cat lovers. | | Usually quite playful, but capable of | | casting spells when provoked. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 24. Frogface | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 20 | | | | Gold : 13 | | | | Items Obtained: Oaken club | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : Though quite weak in frog form, their | | attacks become far more dangerous | | when they reveal the human faces on | | their backs. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 25. Lump mage | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 31 | | | | Gold : 18 | | | | Items Obtained: Oaken club | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Physically quite weak, but capable of | | wearing enemies down by repeatedly | | casting unpleasant spells. | | Occasionally splits into two when | | losing a battle. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 26. Winky | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 32 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: Holy water | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : An odd monster in the form of an | | eyeball with arms and legs. Said to | | turn red and become very strong when | | angered. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 27. Spiked hare | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 30 | | | | Gold : 13 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | : Bunny tail | | | | Main Habitats : Alexandria Region | | | | Description : Ignore their cuddly appearance. These | | monsters are actually ruthless | | adversaries, capable of decreasing an | | enemy's tension whilst raising their | | own. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 28. Chainine | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 36 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Bulldog-like monsters that throw | | their spiked collars to ensnare | | enemies and make them easier to hit. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 29. Giant moth | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 37 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : A large moth-like monster that flies | | freely through the air on giant wings.| | Capable of casting air-based spells | | on groups of enemies simultaneously. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 30. Dingaling | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 31 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: Hairband | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : A monster shaped like a large bell. | | Usually does nothing more than watch | | and laugh, but occasionally calls | | jargons for help. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 31. Jargon | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 64 | | | | Gold : 32 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Physically quite imposing, these | | monsters are also capable of | | breathing fire and throwing magical | | sand from their jars. They appear to | | enjoy a symbiotic relationship with | | dingalings. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 32. Drackyma | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 28 | | | | Gold : 9 | | | | Items Obtained: Moonwort bulb | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Drackymas are the mothers of drackies.| | The lullabies they use to put their | | babies to sleep work just as well | | against their foes in battle. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 33. Bullfinch | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 30 | | | | Gold : 14 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Powerful bird-like monsters that | | resemble two-legged bulls. Sleepy and | | lethargic, they are foul-tempered | | when suddenly awakened. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 34. Bag o' laughs | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 35 | | | | Gold : 25 | | | | Items Obtained: Plain clothes | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Despite their silly appearance, these | | monsters are crafty opponents capable | | of preventing enemies from casting | | spells. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 35. Skeleton | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 41 | | | | Gold : 15 | | | | Items Obtained: Soldier's sword | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Human knights that met a foul and | | painful end. Frustration and sadness | | at their pitiful fate keeps them in | | this world as undead monsters. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 36. Metal slime | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 1350 | | | | Gold : 5 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Popular among adventurers for the | | inordinately large number of | | experience points they bestow. | | Although not particularly dangerous, | | their tendency to flee at the first | | sign of trouble makes them quite | | difficult to defeat. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 38. Morphean mushroom | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 40 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Mushroom-shaped monsters with a sweet | | breath that puts enemies to sleep. | | Commonly encountered in humid areas | | such as deep forests and grasslands. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 39. Brownie | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 43 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | Giant mallet | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Usually calm and timid, these monsters| | psyche themselves up to become | | vicious foes when provoked. Their | | tiny bodies conceal incredible power. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 40. Flyguy | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 44 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: Cowpat | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : A mutant fly grown to human size. | | Known to carry rare treasures. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 41. Puppeteer | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 45 | | | | Gold : 21 | | | | Items Obtained: Silk robe | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : A unique monster that delights in | | telling its opponents stories using | | hand-puppets. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 42. Bodkin bowyer | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 43 | | | | Gold : 17 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Great archers in spite of their size. | | Capable of surrounding opponents and | | unleashing a fusillade of arrows | | upon them. When trouble beckons, they | | swiftly call for reinforcements. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 43. Night sneaker | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 52 | | | | Gold : 20 | | | | Items Obtained: Moonwort bulb | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Monsters that skulk around in the | | dead of night. They are masters of | | defensive magic and can deflect | | enemy spells. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 44. Mummy boy | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 55 | | | | Gold : 9 | | | | Items Obtained: Bandana | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : A monster wrapped from head to toe in | | filthy old bandages. Capable of | | spitting curses that envelop and | | immobilise enemies. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 46. Pan piper | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 54 | | | | Gold : 18 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Half man, half goat, and the worst of | | both. Usually timid, they turn red if | | provoked and call for fellow pan | | pipers to join the fray. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 47. Slime knight | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 55 | | | | Gold : 22 | | | | Items Obtained: Slime earrings | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Angry at seeing their slime-friends | | bullied by swaggering adventurers, | | these courageous little monsters | | swore an oath to defend them. Now | | they roam the land as knights as | | slime steeds! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 48. Clockwork cuckoo | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 56 | | | | Gold : 31 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : These mechanical birds are the result | | of a mad scientist's twisted | | experiment. When they detect a target,| | they become a deadly whirlwind of | | razor-sharp blades. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 49. Treeface | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 67 | | | | Gold : 23 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | Strong medicine | | | | Main Habitats : Maella Region | | | | Description : Rightly feared for their habit of | | hiding in forests and ambushing | | travellers. When hurt, they pluck | | leaves from their own branches to use | | as healing herbs. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 50. Kisser | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 53 | | | | Gold : 14 | | | | Items Obtained: Waterweed mould | | Red mould | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Wet and glistening monsters said to | | carry various moulds that can be | | used to make special cheeses. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 51. Diemon | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 58 | | | | Gold : 19 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Mysterious monsters known for | | wearing eerie masks. Their real faces | | are said to be even scarier. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 52. Walking corpse | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 59 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : As the name implies, a monstrous | | rotten corpse. Their foul appearance | | can cause your tension to decrease | | suddenly. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 53. Fat bat | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 61 | | | | Gold : 9 | | | | Items Obtained: Wing of bat | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Heavyweight monsters that dive-bomb | | opponents, body-slamming them to the | | ground. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 54. Night fox | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 56 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: ` | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : Extremely agile, these monsters are | | feared for their skilful rapier-work | | and Mercurial Thrusts. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 55. Paprikan | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 47 | | | | Gold : 10 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : A pair of psychotic peppers. Their | | crazed grins belie their wiliness in | | battle. They can prevent enemies from | | using spells, and like to pummel | | their adversaries with body-slams. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 57. Hood | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 66 | | | | Gold : 14 | | | | Items Obtained: Stone axe | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : Mysterious masked monsters with a | | nasty habit of hacking down unwary | | travellers. These vain creatures love | | to flex their muscles and psyche up | | in front of their enemies. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 58. Headhunter | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 62 | | | | Gold : 18 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : Known for their jumping ability, | | these monsters wait for the best | | opportunity to attack their enemies. | | Watch out for their vicious slashes | | and formidable defensive abilities. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 59. Minidemon | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 59 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : A surprisingly powerful monster. Its | | cute looks betray no hint that it is | | skilled at both fire and ice magic. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 60. Gorerilla | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 65 | | | | Gold : 10 | | | | Items Obtained: Magic beast hide | | Giant mallet | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : A brute of a monster that wields a | | club to bash enemies. Even a single | | blow can inflict tremendous damage. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 61. Mud mannequin | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 69 | | | | Gold : 15 | | | | Items Obtained: Rock salt | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A crude figure fashioned out of mud | | and animated with a magical spell. | | Dances a strange dance that lowers | | the MP of opponents. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 62. Cannibox | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 76 | | | | Gold : 110 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Unnamed Isle | | | | Description : A skilful mimic that disguises itself | | as a treasure chest. It waits quietly | | to be discovered, then chomps on | | unwary travellers with its sharp | | fangs. Occasionally capable of | | landing devastating attacks. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 63. Goodybag | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 32 | | | | Gold : 106 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Swordsman's Labyrinth | | | | Description : An enchanted bag of treasure-turned- | | monster. Highly resistant to almost | | every spell, except those that drain | | its magic. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 64. Witch | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 66 | | | | Gold : 22 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : A sexy she-monster that seduces | | enemies with her Puff-Puff ability | | before unleashing a barrage of spells | | on her hapless foes. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 65. Mummy | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 67 | | | | Gold : 10 | | | | Items Obtained: Turban | | | | Main Habitats : Swordsman's Labyrinth | | | | Description : A cursed monster that continues to | | suffer even in death. As an undead | | creature, it hates the living and | | attacks travellers on sight. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 66. Cureslime | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 70 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal Herb | | | | Main Habitats : E. Argonia | | | | Description : As the name implies, this is a slime | | capable of casting powerful curative | | magic. Defeat it quickly or it will | | heal its weaker comrades during | | battle. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 67. Restless armour | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 74 | | | | Gold : 13 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Swordsman's Labyrinth | | | | Description : The angry soul of a dead swordsman | | inhabiting an empty suit of armour. | | Occasionally summons healslimes to | | assist it in battle. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 68. Lost soul | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 62 | | | | Gold : 9 | | | | Items Obtained: Holy water | | | | Main Habitats : Swordsman's Labyrinth | | | | Description : The soul of a slain traveller, | | endlessly wandering in search of its | | path back home. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 69. Phantom fencer | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 68 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Swordsman's Labyrinth | | | | Description : A ragged cape enchanted by powerful | | magic. Invulnerable to air-based | | spells. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 70. Hipster | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 69 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: Red mould | | | | Main Habitats : Pickham Region | | | | Description : A gorgeous hunk of a demon that | | spins and uses its thorny tail as a | | whip. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 71. Rockbomb | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 70 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: Rock salt | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A strange creature with an eerie | | laugh. When you hear it, you know | | it's about to self-destruct. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 72. Dieablo | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 72 | | | | Gold : 37 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A monster with a gleaming golden | | coat. Seems obsessed with collecting | | shiny objects. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 73. Muddy hand | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 45 | | | | Gold : 8 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A horrifying mud monster that lives | | in the depths of the earth. Extends | | a hand above ground to pull | | travellers to their doom. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 74. Terror tabby | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 67 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A feline monster that spends its days | | lazing about. In battle, its | | sleepiness can be contagious. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 75. Devilmoth | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 66 | | | | Gold : 19 | | | | Items Obtained: Antidotal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A foul insect-monster from the | | underworld. Spits and sprays poison | | at its enemies. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 76. Buffalo wing | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 62 | | | | Gold : 17 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : A short-tempered and aggresive | | monster. Psyches up and launches | | powerful body-slam attacks. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 77. Mumboh-jumboe | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 309 | | | | Gold : 41 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : The combined form of mum, boh, jum | | and boe. Rattles opponents by casting | | Boom and using earth-shaking physical | | attacks. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 78. Mum | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 68 | | | | Gold : 25 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Surprisingly bossy for a monster that | | is an incompetent fighter at best | | when alone. But it seems to have some | | sort of trick up its sleeve... | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 79. Boh | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 65 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: Plain cheese | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : Although as stocky and strong as a | | sumo wrestler, this monster doesn't | | seem to be able to live up to its | | true potential on its own. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 80. Jum | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 60 | | | | Gold : 4 | | | | Items Obtained: Copper sword | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : A right-handed monster that wields a | | sword far too large and heavy for it | | to handle well. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 81. Boe | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 59 | | | | Gold : 4 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Ascantha | | | | Description : A left-handed monster that swings a | | single sword with both hands. The | | youngest of four brothers, it has an | | affinity for cheese. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 82. Hunter mech | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 76 | | | | Gold : 20 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Trodain Castle | | | | Description : Deadly machines designed to hunt down | | and exterminate monsters of the metal | | family. If you encounter one, chances | | are a certain highly desirable metal | | monster may be in the area... | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 83. Pink pongo | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 78 | | | | Gold : 18 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : Far more agile than they appear, | | these monsters are harder to hit than | | you might think. Their clubs pack a | | powerful punch. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 85. Mad mole | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 68 | | | | Gold : 16 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Land of the Moles | | | | Description : Capable of extremely powerful attacks | | when psyched up. Beware of mad moles | | who are in a state of high tension! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 86. Wailin' weed | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 73 | | | | Gold : 17 | | | | Items Obtained: Red mould | | | | Main Habitats : Trodain Castle | | | | Description : Flower-monsters nourished by the | | anguish of those unfortunate enough | | to be turned into thorny vines, such | | as the residents of Trodain Castle. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 87. Garuda | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 75 | | | | Gold : 12 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Description : Monsters that attack their enemies | | from the sky. Rumour has it that they | | can cast spells capable of wiping out | | entire parties, but the truth remains | | unknown. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 88. Infernal armour | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 90 | | | | Gold : 19 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Trodain Castle | | | | Description : Ambulatory suits of cursed armour. | | Beware their swords. When driven into | | the ground, they can stun a group of | | adversaries with powerful lightning | | bolts. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 89. Dragonthorn | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 101 | | | | Gold : 25 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Trodain Castle | | | | Description : Thorny rose bushes turned into | | monsters by Dhoulmagus. Whenever one | | is killed, another is born to take | | its place. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 90. Mars rover | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 56 | | | | Gold : 17 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Land of the Moles | | | | Description : Quick-witted dog monsters. Their loud | | barks serve to intimidate the enemy | | and summon allies. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 91. Peeper | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 75 | | | | Gold : 14 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Mole Hole | | | | Description : Mysterious and unpredictable monsters.| | Don't let their small size fool you. | | They are more powerful than they | | appear. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 92. Cockateer | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 90 | | | | Gold : 28 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : A race of swordsmen...or should that | | be 'swordschickens'? They boast | | powerful sword skills and mastery of | | the Wind Sickles attack. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 93. Great sabrecat | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 120 | | | | Gold : 31 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Fearless, highly agile predators with | | sharp fangs. Rumour has it that they | | can be tamed, but the truth remains | | unknown. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 94. Metal slime knight | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 91 | | | | Gold : 33 | | | | Items Obtained: Slime earrings | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Brave slime-knights who live for a | | fight. Although resistant to attack | | spells, they are susceptible to | | support spells. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 95. Puppet player | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 90 | | | | Gold : 41 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : A strangely theatrical monster. | | Performs a carefully prepared puppet | | show, entitled 'Love Story', that | | stirs up the enemy in all sorts of | | ways. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 96. Spitnik | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 92 | | | | Gold : 18 | | | | Items Obtained: Moon's mercy | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : The dazzling bodies of these monsters | | burn as fiercely as the surface of | | the sun. They spew fire at their | | enemies. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 97. Bodkin fletcher | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 86 | | | | Gold : 23 | | | | Items Obtained: Antidotal herb | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Capable of firing huge volleys of | | poisoned arrows simultaneously, these | | monsters also carry antidotal herbs | | in case they accidentally stick | | themselves. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 98. Venom Wasp | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 89 | | | | Gold : 13 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Damages foes with poison needles | | while adroitly dodging incoming | | attacks. Rumour has it that a sting | | from this monster can cause paralysis.| +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 99. Orc | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 94 | | | | Gold : 31 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Boar-like monsters with masterful | | spear technique. Their Achilles heel | | is their low agility. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 100. Night emeperor | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 93 | | | | Gold : 46 | | | | Items Obtained: Wing of bat | | Gold ring | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : A nocturnal monster that occasionally | | appears alongside goodybags in | | forested areas. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 101. Treevil | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 95 | | | | Gold : 27 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Said to carry Yggdrasil leaves in | | their treetops, these monsters have | | the ability to resurrect fallen | | comrades. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 102. Battle beetle | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 96 | | | | Gold : 22 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : The armoured pink carapaces of these | | insect monsters are highly resistant | | to physical attacks and spells. Try | | using magic to lower their defence | | before attacking. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 103. Lump shaman | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 90 | | | | Gold : 32 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Northwest Isle | | | | Description : Obnoxious magicians with a penchant | | for casting spells to confuse their | | opponents. For an easier battle, stop | | their magic with a well-placed spell | | of your own. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 104. Skeleton soldier | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 93 | | | | Gold : 26 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Northwest Isle | | | | Description : Former knights enslaved by the power | | of the Lord of Darkness. Loyal to | | the core, they continue to fight even | | in death. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 105. Hawk man | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 100 | | | | Gold : 24 | | | | Items Obtained: Kingdom of Trodain | | | | Main Habitats : Northwest Isle | | | | Description : Nocturnal monsters that can freely | | fly through the air. Their preferred | | style of attack is to dive-bomb | | enemies from high altitude. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 106. Tap devil | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 78 | | | | Gold : 21 | | | | Items Obtained: Leather cape | | | | Main Habitats : E. Argonia | | | | Description : Famed for their fancy footwork, these | | monsters use a variety of dance | | attacks during battle. See if you can | | spot them all! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 107. Mushrorom mage | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 75 | | | | Gold : 13 | | | | Items Obtained: Red mould | | Waterweed mould | | | | Main Habitats : E. Argonia | | | | Description : Man-eating mushroom monsters that live| | in shady forests. They cast ice magic | | to freeze unway travellers and then | | use them as fertiliser. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 108. Redtail hipster | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 92 | | | | Gold : 36 | | | | Items Obtained: Wing of bat | | | | Main Habitats : Holy Isle of Neos | | | | Description : A cruel race of demons that cast | | instant-death spells in an attempt to | | consign their foes to an early grave. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 109. Jumping jackal | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 103 | | | | Gold : 32 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : Vicious beasts whose obsession with | | bodybuilding has turned them into | | even more formidable foes. Use spells | | to level the playing field. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 110. Gold golem | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 54 | | | | Gold : 726 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Holy Isle of Neos | | | | Description : Golden creatures that have taken it | | upon themselves to protect the Holy | | Isle of Neos and the Goddess statue | | erected there. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 112. Iron scorpion | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 82 | | | | Gold : 21 | | | | Items Obtained: Iron nail | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : The iron carapaces of these fearsome | | creatures are virtually impervious to | | sword attacks, but they are | | susceptible to explosive spells. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 113. Toxic zombie | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 75 | | | | Gold : 17 | | | | Items Obtained: Antidotal herb | | Wayfarer's clothes | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : Undead corpses that live in poisonous | | swamps. If you have a hard time | | hitting them, try psyching up first. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 114. Lesser demon | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 107 | | | | Gold : 38 | | | | Items Obtained: Gold bracer | | | | Main Habitats : Northwest Isle | | | | Description : Fearsome demons capable of channelling| | the power of the underworld into a | | dazzling light attack. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 115. Volpone | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 102 | | | | Gold : 43 | | | | Items Obtained: Leather cape | | | | Main Habitats : Holy Isle of Neos | | | | Description : Aristocrats of the monster world. | | Famed for doing the Hustle Dance when | | in dire trouble to tip the balance of | | a battle in their favour. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 116. Bomboulder | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 111 | | | | Gold : 11 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Baccarat Region | | | | Description : They often appear uninterested when | | first encountered, but, in reality, | | they are merely biding their time, | | waiting for the best moment to attack.| +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 117. Skullrider | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 97 | | | | Gold : 32 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : Ninja-like monsters that execute | | rapid turns and rush their opponents' | | legs in an attempt to trip them up. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 118. Hades condor | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 99 | | | | Gold : 22 | | | | Items Obtained: Strong medicine | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : A crafty monster that quietly | | observes its enemies to determine the | | weakest member of a party. Beware its | | talons. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 119. Frogman | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 88 | | | | Gold : 18 | | | | Items Obtained: Waterweed mould | | Cool cheese | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : Frog-monsters with strange patterns | | covering their bodies. When provoked | | to reveal the human faces on their | | backs, they can use powerful spells | | and ice attacks which damage the | | whole party. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 120. Mimic | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 128 | | | | Gold : 72 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : Unnamed Isle | | | | Description : To all appearances, these monsters | | look like nothing more than normal | | treasure chests. Try to open one, | | however, and the joke's on you. | | Beware the fearsom mimic! | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 121. Magic dumbbell | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 41 | | | | Gold : 9 | | | | Items Obtained: Red mould | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : In groups, these otherwise silly- | | looking monsters are capable of | | playing melodies that can lay low | | even experienced adventurers. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 122. Gargoyle | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 114 | | | | Gold : 36 | | | | Items Obtained: | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : Masters of the air, these monsters | | take flight on their leathery wings | | and attack foes from above. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 123. Magic marionette | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 108 | | | | Gold : 27 | | | | Items Obtained: Iron nail | | Slime earrings | | | | Main Habitats : W Argonia | | | | Description : Famed for launching into a strange | | dance that steals opponents' MP | | before running off. Although not | | particularly strong, these monsters | | can be quite annoying. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | 124. Notso macho | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 120 | | | | Gold : 38 | | | | Items Obtained: Medicinal herb | | | | Main Habitats : E Argonia | | | | Description : A monster whose enormous, flabby body | | and lolling tongue belie its | | intelligence. Generally uses spells | | to raise its attack power before | | unleashing a powerful strike. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------+ | Geyzer | |-------------------------------------------------------+ | EXP : 107 | | | | Gold : 108 | | | | Items Obtained: Seed of strength | | | | Main Habitats : Waterfall Cave | | | | Description : A bitter and vengeful merman who has | | long sought the fortune teller | | responsible for dropping a crystal | | ball on his head. | +-------------------------------------------------------+ =============================================================================== 7.0 Credits =============================================================================== Thanks to Level5, the same developers that did Dark Cloud 1 & 2, and to GameFAQs for having such an incredible site. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6964/monstermap8os.jpg