Dragon Quest VIII ---SAVE STATE HACKING GUIDE--- Written and compiled by Matt Maiorano (maiorano84@hotmail.com) Version History Ver.1.1 - June 12, 2009 - Figured out Checksum, began and finished compiling Items List, began compiling Character offsets, formatting, writing pretty much the whole darned thing Ver.1.2 - June 12, 2009 - Completed all Character Offsets, fixed some minor mistakes, added Alphabet Section in Quick Values Ver.1.3 - June 15, 2009 - Updated allowed websites Ver.1.4 - June 26, 2009 - IMPORTANT UPDATE: Checksum section only applies to one part of the game! The previously listed method WILL NOT WORK. Apologies to everyone for this major oversight. _________ _________ ======== LEGAL CRAP ======== ____________________________ Reproduction of this guide in part or in its entirety is strictly forbidden by the author except for personal or private use. Posting this guide on any website other than the following: GameFaqs.com Neoseeker.com Supercheats.com or publicly displaying it in any way shape or form without the express permission of the author is just plain impolite. If you REALLY want to post this guide on your website, just send me and email. Chances are good I'll probably say yes. You can increase your chances if you send brownies. I freaking *LOVE* brownies. _________ _________ ======== ABOUT THE AUTHOR ======== __________________________________ My name is Matt, and this is only the second guide I've ever posted, so please bear with me. I've been hacking various games for years, but I've learned quite a bit about Hexadecimal coding and various calculations when I began to hack Playstation 2 games. As it turns out, my Final Fantasy XII guide was only the beginning for me in the wonderful world of PS2 Save Hacks. I've always found Dragon Quest VIII to be one of the most fantastic games I've ever played. So, of course, the longer I played it, the more I wanted to hack it! However, unlike Final Fantasy XII, I could not find a single forum on any website that even discussed the notion of tweaking the Hexadecimal coding in this game. I knew that this game was going to be a challenge, but I also knew that I had a good chance of figuring everything out. After a week of comparing save files, I finally worked up the courage to test some numbers, and I can finally say that I have succeeded yet again in being able to map out another Playstation 2 game. I still feel that there is much to be learned, but overall I hope that more people can join me in cracking the code of all our favorite games. As I mentioned in my previous FAQ, if you find anything I might not have touched on, or if you want to contribute to this FAQ in any way to make my life a little easier, I will be sure to include it and give credit where it is due. Happy Hacking! ~ Matt _________ _________ ======== TABLE OF CONTENTS ======== ___________________________________ Yay for shortcuts! You guys know the drill. Just copy the gibberish in the brackets and paste it into your Find Command, and you will be magically teleported to wherever you want. -_-_-_-[intr1] READ BEFORE YOU BEGIN -_-_-_- -_-_-_-[chks2] Checksums -_-_-_- -_-_-_-[chrs3] Character Offsets -_-_-_- [heroa] Hero [yangb] Yangus [jessc] Jessica [angld] Angelo -_-_-_-[item4] Item Offsets -_-_-_- [swrda] Swords [knvsb] Knives [sprsc] Spears [bmrgd] Boomerangs [axese] Axes [clubf] Clubs [flisg] Flails [whiph] Whips [scyti] Scythes [stavj] Staves [bowsk] Bows [armrl] Armor [shldm] Shields [helmn] Helmets [accso] Accessories [cnsmp] Consumables [kyitq] Key Items [alchr] Alchemy -_-_-_-[misc5] Misc. Offsets -_-_-_- -_-_-_-[qkvl6] Quick Values -_-_-_- -_-_-_-[ftch7] Future Checklist -_-_-_- -_-_-_-[frqa8] Frequently Asked Questions -_-_-_- -_-_-_-[thks9] Special Thanks -_-_-_- _________ _________________ ======== READ BEFORE YOU BEGIN ======== [intr1] _______________________________________________ This FAQ is not, by any means, for beginners. If you're first starting out, I would highly recommend starting with some SNES hacking guides. They're much easier to work with, less frustrating, and you can learn a lot by playing around with them. Zelaphny's Final Fantasy III Save State Hacking Guide is an EXCELLENT FAQ to check out, and will explain in further detail a lot of the terminology used in this FAQ. Take a look at it and play around, even if it's just to play a fantastic part of the Final Fantasy world. Firstly, we will need to determine what system you're using. There are three ways to play Dragon Quest VIII: 1) An emulator. In most cases, PCSX2 will be used. 2) A Playstation 2 3) A backwards compatible Playstation 3 First we will need to get the appropriate hardware. If you are using an emulator, you will not need any special hardware save for a decent computer. Many PS2 games can require quite a bit of processing power and push even higher-end video cards to the limit. Just make sure that if you're going to run this game on higher settings, you have the parts that can handle it. If you're using a PS2 or backwards compatible PS3, then you will need some kind of cheat device like Action Replay MAX, Gameshark, or any other type of device that comes with a media manager. But why bother hacking game saves when you already have a cheat device? Unfortunately, some cheat devices (like Action Replay MAX) do not have a very good cheat list to work with. And if you're anything like me, and you just LOVE to cheat, then you can understand how much easier it is to simply edit your own saves than to create your own codes. Once you get a hold of the cheat device, you will need a formatted Flash Drive to transfer files between your computer and your Playstation 2. Some cheat devices will actually come with a formatted flash drive to allow you to transfer your saves. If not, just use, borrow, or buy one and format it using the media manager in your cheat device. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |FOR PLAYSTATION 3 USERS | | | |If you're going to hack Virtual Memory Files on a Playstation 3, YOU WILL | |STILL NEED A PLAYSTATION 2 AND A CHEAT DEVICE!!! Not only that, but you will| |also need a PS3 Memory Card Adaptor in order to transfer the files. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can see, it is a major pain to even bother trying to edit a save to work on the Playstation 3. Personally, I find that it makes a lot more sense and saves a lot more time to just dust off your old Playstation 2 and use that rather than going through the hassle of buying extra equipment to make everything work on your PS3. Once all of your hardware is in order, go ahead and copy the save file you want to edit from your memory card to your flash drive. What's going to happen is that your cheat device or console is going to compress the file to whatever format it uses. As you can tell, I have an Action Replay MAX, so the file type it uses are .max files. Connect your flash drive to your computer and get ready. You will need several programs to download, all are free, and completely legal to use. You will need PS2 Save Builder, which is found here: http://www.ps2savetools.com/download.php?lid=74&op=viewdownloaddetails&ttitle =PS2_Save_Builder Additionally, if you are using Playstation 3 Virtual Memory Saves, you will need to download PSV Exporter ALONG WITH PS2 Save Builder. Both programs function identically in that they are used to extract the game data from the compressed game files. PSV Exporter can be found here: http://www.ps2savetools.com/download.php?op=viewdownload&cid=12 Alternatively, if you're emulating Dragon Quest VIII rather than playing it on your Playstation 2 or backwards compatible Playstation 3, then you will need to download MyMC. This will allow you to extract the raw game data from your memory card and export it as a .psu file. MyMC can be found here: http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca:11068/mymc/index.html You will also need Hex Workshop (I would recommend an earlier version), which can be found here: http://www.bpsoft.com/downloads/ Once you have the programs that fit your needs, you're ready to begin hacking. After opening your compressed save file in the appropriate program, you will see several files. One will be a system file and three will be icons. All of these are useless. You want the file with the word "BASLUS". That is the actual game file that you want to edit. Keep in mind that if you're using a Playstation 3 Virtual Memory Save, you will need to open the BASLUS .psv file using PSV Exporter, and inside this will be the actual BASLUS game data. **IMPORTANT NOTE** If you're running Windows Vista, you might have a problem opening your PS2 Save Builder Program. If you try and open the program, and it just won't run properly, there is a simple solution: 1) Right-click the PS2 Save Builder Program 2) Click on "Properties" 3) Click on the "Compatibility" tab 4) Check the "Run this program in Compatibility mode for:" Box 5) Make sure the pull-down menu is set for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)" 6) Click OK **END IMPORTANT NOTE** Right-click on your BASLUS file, and click on "Extract". I usually just extract the information to my desktop. Now you're ready to open the file using Hex Workshop, and edit all appropriate sections that you want to edit. After editing your save file in Hex Workshop (don't forget to make sure your checksums are correct!!!) just right-click inside the PS2 Save Builder program and select "Add File". Replace the old BASLUS file with the new one, and use the "Save As" command to save the whole file over the old one. Load up the media manager in your cheat device, connect your flash drive, and decompress the information back on to your memory card. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |FOR PLAYSTATION 3 USERS | | | |Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get everything back on the PS3. You | |will have to use PS2 save builder to crush everything back to whatever | |format your cheat device uses, load up the cheat device Media Manager, | |uncrush to your PS2 Memory Card, connect your memory card reader with memory| |card to your PS3, and extract the file. | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |FOR PCSX2 USERS | | | |If you're emulating Dragon Quest VIII, then you won't need any cheat device | |at all. Instead, use MyMC to Export your game data to a .psu file, and | |extract the BASLUS file using PS2 Save Builder. Once you make your changes, | |recompile the information using PS2 Save Builder and save the file in any | |format that MyMC can Import (.max is one in particular). Go back into MyMC | |and import your file. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now you're ready to test out your save! _________ _________________ ======== CHECKSUMS ======== [chks2] ___________________________________ This time around, the Checksum Algorithm will be much easier to get around than in Final Fantasy XII. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, Playstation 2 games use Checksum algorithms to protect against accidental changes to file information. It also serves as a safeguard against hacking save files. What we are working with in this game is what is called a "CRC", or "Cyclical Redundancy Check". A CRC, by definition, is actually NOT a "Checksum" as it as it is much more advanced than the traditional checksum. However, since it is used in nearly the same fashion as the traditional checksum, that is what we will call it. If you're going to modify the hex coding in your save file, you WILL need to alter the checksum in order to make sure your save file isn't corrupted when you try to load it again. Fortunately, there is only one spot we need to focus on, and it is almost impossible to screw it up. You ready for this? In the beginning of your file, go to offset "0010". All you have to do to make sure your file will load up properly is turn the four numbers located in that offset to zeros. Just enter "0000" in there. IMPORTANT UPDATE: The zeroing-out method only works when you began a new game and made your first save in Farebury. Anytime after that, the checksum value is actually stored in offset 0008. Capo has a lot of important information about this in regards to his DQ8 trainer program: "Before changes are made to the file, DQ8ED will read the checksum from the file and store it in a variable. It then "calculates the base value". What this means is that it will run through the file from byte 65 up to as far as 11888 (half way) in intervals of 64 bytes, reading just a single byte from those locations... so for example, it would read byte 65, 129, 193, 257, etc, and add the value of them all together as it goes. After this it will subtract this value from the current checksum value. So, for example: Base = 100; Checksum = 50; Base = (50 - 100) = -50 or Base = 50; Checksum = 100; Base = (100 - 50) = 50 or Base = 100; Checksum = 100; Base = (100 - 100) = 0 etc It will then make the changes to the file... After this, it will run through the same process as before, starting with 0 + (the value of byte 65) + (the value of byte 129), etc... the new base value will probably be different. All it does then is adds the new base value and the old base value together (eg. 377 + (-50) = 327), and uses this as the new checksum, and writes it to the file. As you can see, this means that the checksum will not always change when modifications are made. It depends what values change." As you can see, getting around the checksum is proving to be much more complex than initially thought and will require much more research. As mentioned before, the information listed still applies, but ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE FIRST SAVED YOUR GAME IN FAREBURY AFTER CREATING A NEW FILE!! In the meantime, both myself and Capo will be looking into this. If you want to save yourself the trouble, I would HIGHLY recommend downloading Capo's DQ8 Trainer "DQ8ED" from this website: http://www.dqshrine.com/dq/dq8/DQ8ED110.zip It will make your life a lot easier. _________ _________________ ======== CHARACTER OFFSETS ======== [chrs3] ___________________________________________ Everything here is about as straightforward as it can get. I haven't tested how high each and every stat can go without causing some kind of glitching, but I imagine there's a lot of leeway. You can change your hero's name at any time. In order to do this, just highlight the Hero's Name Offset, and pay attention to the gibberish on the right side. You will see your character's name in there with the letter you've selected underlined. Just change your values to change your name to whatever you want! Refer to the Quick Values section for Alphabet values. [heroa] ---------------------------- | HERO OFFSETS | ---------------------------- |Hero Name | 0A30-0A33 | |Max HP | 0A70-0A71 | |Current HP | 0A74-0A75 | |Max MP | 0A78-0A79 | |Current MP | 0A7C-0A7D | |Experience | 0A88-0A8B | |Strength | 0AA0-0AA1 | |Agility | 0AA2-0AA3 | |Resilience | 0AA4-0AA5 | |Wisdom | 0AA6-0AA7 | |Sword Skill | 0AAA-0AAB | |Spear Skill | 0AAC-0AAD | |Boomerang Skill | 0AAE-0AAF | |Fisticuffs Skill| 0AB0-0AB1 | |Courage | 0AB2-0AB3 | ---------------------------- [yangb] ---------------------------- | YANGUS OFFSETS | ---------------------------- |Max HP | 0AD8-0AD9 | |Current HP | 0ADC-0ADD | |Max MP | 0AE0-0AE1 | |Current MP | 0AE4-0AE5 | |Experience | 0AF0-0AF3 | |Strength | 0B08-0B09 | |Agility | 0B0A-0B0B | |Resilience | 0B0C-0B0D | |Wisdom | 0B0E-0B0F | |Axe Skill | 0B12-0B13 | |Club Skill | 0B14-0B15 | |Scythe Skill | 0B16-0B17 | |Fisticuffs Skill| 0B18-0B19 | |Humanity | 0B1A-0B1B | ---------------------------- [jessc] ---------------------------- | JESSICA OFFSETS | ---------------------------- |Max HP | 0B40-0B41 | |Current HP | 0B44-0B45 | |Max MP | 0B48-0B49 | |Current MP | 0B4C-0B4D | |Experience | 0B58-0B5B | |Strength | 0B70-0B71 | |Agility | 0B72-0B73 | |Resilience | 0B74-0B75 | |Wisdom | 0B76-0B77 | |Knives Skill | 0B7A-0B7B | |Whips Skill | 0B7C-0B7D | |Staves Skill | 0B7E-0B7F | |Fisticuffs Skill| 0B80-0B81 | |Sex Appeal | 0B82-0B83 | ---------------------------- [angld] ---------------------------- | ANGELO OFFSETS | ---------------------------- |Max HP | 0BA8-0BA9 | |Current HP | 0BAC-0BAD | |Max MP | 0BB0-0BB1 | |Current MP | 0BB4-0BB5 | |Experience | 0BC0-0BC3 | |Strength | 0BD8-0BD9 | |Agility | 0BDA-0BDB | |Resilience | 0BDC-0BDD | |Wisdom | 0BDE-0BDF | |Swords Skill | 0BE2-0BE3 | |Bows Skill | 0BE4-0BE5 | |Staves Skill | 0BE6-0BE7 | |Fisticuffs Skill| 0BE8-0BE9 | |Charisma | 0BEA-0BEB | ---------------------------- _________ _________________ ======== ITEM OFFSETS ======== [item4] ______________________________________ Giving yourself every item in the game is not necessarily difficult.... it just takes a LONG time. There are hundreds of items in this game. My suggestion is to pick and choose the ones that you want and stick with those. All you have to do is go to your Bag Offset, enter the Item ID# that you want in your inventory, and then simply set the quantity right after. This way, if you want 999 Metal King Spears, all you have to do is go to offset "0CD0", find an empty slot signified by "0000", enter "3000" (Metal King Spear ID), and then immediately enter "E703" for your quantity. Bag/Quantity Offsets: 0CD0-12CF [swrda] -------------------- ------ | SWORDS | ID# | -------------------- ------ |Cypress Stick | 0100 | -------------------- ------ |Soldier's Sword | 0200 | -------------------- ------ |Copper Sword | 0300 | -------------------- ------ |Steel Broadsword | 0400 | -------------------- ------ |Platinum Sword | 0500 | -------------------- ------ |Dream Blade | 0600 | -------------------- ------ |Falcon Blade | 0700 | -------------------- ------ |Uber Falcon Blade | 0800 | -------------------- ------ |Zombiesbane | 0900 | -------------------- ------ |Zombie Slayer | 0A00 | -------------------- ------ |Dragonsbane | 0B00 | -------------------- ------ |Dragon Slayer | 0C00 | -------------------- ------ |Blizzard Blade | 0D00 | -------------------- ------ |Miracle Sword | 0E00 | -------------------- ------ |Uber Miracle Sword | 0F00 | -------------------- ------ |Bastard Sword | 1000 | -------------------- ------ |Liquid Metal Sword | 1100 | -------------------- ------ |Double-Edged Sword | 1200 | -------------------- ------ |Uber Double-Edge | 1300 | -------------------- ------ |Rusty Old Sword | 1400 | -------------------- ------ |Dragovian Sword | 1500 | -------------------- ------ |Dragovian King Sword| 1600 | -------------------- ------ |Rapier | 1700 | -------------------- ------ |Templar's Sword | 1800 | -------------------- ------ |Hell Sabre | 1900 | -------------------- ------ |Holy Silver Rapier | 1A00 | -------------------- ------ |Fallen Angel Rapier | 1B00 | -------------------- ------ |Shamshir Of Light | 1C00 | -------------------- ------ |Mercury's Rapier | 1D00 | -------------------- ------ |Stone Sword | 6101 | -------------------- ------ [knvsb] ----------------- ------ | KNIVES | ID# | ----------------- ------ |Bronze Knife | 1E00 | ----------------- ------ |Dagger | 1F00 | ----------------- ------ |Poison Moth Knife| 2000 | ----------------- ------ |Assassin's Dagger| 2100 | ----------------- ------ |Icicle Dirk | 2200 | ----------------- ------ |Poison Needle | 2300 | ----------------- ------ |Falcon Knife | 2400 | ----------------- ------ |Imp Knife | 2500 | ----------------- ------ |Sword Breaker | 2600 | ----------------- ------ |Eagle Dagger | 2700 | ----------------- ------ [sprsc] ---------------- ------ | SPEARS | ID# | ---------------- ------ |Iron Lance | 2800 | ---------------- ------ |Holy Lance | 2900 | ---------------- ------ |Long Spear | 2A00 | ---------------- ------ |Partisan | 2B00 | ---------------- ------ |Battle Fork | 2C00 | ---------------- ------ |Sandstorm Spear | 2D00 | ---------------- ------ |Demon Spear | 2E00 | ---------------- ------ |Hero Spear | 2F00 | ---------------- ------ |Metal King Spear| 3000 | ---------------- ------ [bmrgd] -------------------- ------ | BOOMERANGS | ID# | -------------------- ------ |Boomerang | 3100 | -------------------- ------ |Reinforced Boomerang| 3200 | -------------------- ------ |Edged Boomerang | 3300 | -------------------- ------ |Metal Wing Boomerang| 3400 | -------------------- ------ |Razor Wing Boomerang| 3500 | -------------------- ------ |Swallowtail | 3600 | -------------------- ------ |Flametang Boomerang | 3700 | -------------------- ------ [axese] --------------- ------ | AXES | ID# | --------------- ------ |Stone Axe | 3800 | --------------- ------ |Iron Axe | 3900 | --------------- ------ |King Axe | 3A00 | --------------- ------ |Moon Axe | 3B00 | --------------- ------ |Bandit Axe | 3C00 | --------------- ------ |Golden Axe | 3D00 | --------------- ------ |Battle Axe | 3E00 | --------------- ------ |Conquerer's Axe| 3F00 | --------------- ------ [clubf] --------------- ------ | CLUBS | ID# | --------------- ------ |Oaken Club | 4000 | --------------- ------ |Giant Mallet | 4100 | --------------- ------ |Sledgehammer | 4200 | --------------- ------ |War Hammer | 4300 | --------------- ------ |Uber War Hammer| 4400 | --------------- ------ |DUMMY HAMMER | 4500 | --------------- ------ |Megaton Hammer | 4600 | --------------- ------ [flisg] -------------------- ------ | FLAILS | ID# | -------------------- ------ |Flail Of Fury | 4700 | -------------------- ------ |Flail Of Destruction| 4800 | -------------------- ------ [whiph] ----------------- ------ | WHIPS | ID# | ----------------- ------ |Thorn Whip | 4900 | ----------------- ------ |Leather Whip | 4A00 | ----------------- ------ |Snakeskin Whip | 4B00 | ----------------- ------ |Chain Whip | 4C00 | ----------------- ------ |Dragontail Whip | 4D00 | ----------------- ------ |Spiked Steel Whip| 4E00 | ----------------- ------ |Demon Whip | 4F00 | ----------------- ------ |Scourge Whip | 5000 | ----------------- ------ |Gringham Whip | 5100 | ----------------- ------ [scyti] ------------------- ------ | SCYTHES | ID# | ------------------- ------ |Farmer's Scythe | 5200 | ------------------- ------ |DUMMY SICKLE | 5300 | ------------------- ------ |Heavy Hatchet | 5400 | ------------------- ------ |Bardiche Of Binding| 5500 | ------------------- ------ |Hell Scythe | 5600 | ------------------- ------ |Steel Scythe | 5700 | ------------------- ------ [stavj] --------------------- ------ | STAVES | ID# | --------------------- ------ |Wizard's Staff | 5800 | --------------------- ------ |Lightning Staff | 5900 | --------------------- ------ |Staff Of Divine Wrath| 5A00 | --------------------- ------ |Magma Staff | 5B00 | --------------------- ------ |DUMMY WAND | 5C00 | --------------------- ------ |Staff Of Antimagic | 5D00 | --------------------- ------ |Rune Staff | 5E00 | --------------------- ------ |Staff Of Resurrection| 5F00 | --------------------- ------ |Magical Mace | 6000 | --------------------- ------ |DUMMY STAFF | 6100 | --------------------- ------ [bowsk] ------------- ------ | BOWS | ID# | ------------- ------ |Hunter's Bow | 6200 | ------------- ------ |Great Bow | 6300 | ------------- ------ |Short Bow | 6400 | ------------- ------ |Odin's Bow | 6500 | ------------- ------ |Cheiron's Bow| 6600 | ------------- ------ |Eros' Bow | 6700 | ------------- ------ [armrl] -------------------- ------ | ARMOR | ID# | -------------------- ------ |Plain Clothes | 6800 | -------------------- ------ |Bandit's Grass Skirt| 6900 | -------------------- ------ |Wayfarer's Clothes | 6A00 | -------------------- ------ |Boxer Shorts | 6B00 | -------------------- ------ |Dancer's Costume | 6C00 | -------------------- ------ |Leather Kilt | 6D00 | -------------------- ------ |Leather Dress | 6E00 | -------------------- ------ |Templar's Uniform | 6F00 | -------------------- ------ |Fur Poncho | 7000 | -------------------- ------ |Cloak Of Evasion | 7100 | -------------------- ------ |Bunny Suit | 7200 | -------------------- ------ |Silk Bustier | 7300 | -------------------- ------ |Magic Bikini | 7400 | -------------------- ------ |Spangled Dress | 7500 | -------------------- ------ |Posh Waistcoat | 7600 | -------------------- ------ |Magical Skirt | 7700 | -------------------- ------ |Shimmering Dress | 7800 | -------------------- ------ |Dark Robe | 7900 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY DRESS | 7A00 | -------------------- ------ |Dangerous Bustier | 7B00 | -------------------- ------ |Divine Bustier | 7C00 | -------------------- ------ |Jessica's Outfit | 7D00 | -------------------- ------ |Leather Armour | 7E00 | -------------------- ------ |Scale Armour | 7F00 | -------------------- ------ |Chain Mail | 8000 | -------------------- ------ |Bronze Armour | 8100 | -------------------- ------ |Iron Cuirass | 8200 | -------------------- ------ |Iron Armour | 8300 | -------------------- ------ |Turtleshell | 8400 | -------------------- ------ |Full Plate Armour | 8500 | -------------------- ------ |Silver Cuirass | 8600 | -------------------- ------ |Dancer's Mail | 8700 | -------------------- ------ |Silver Mail | 8800 | -------------------- ------ |Dragon Mail | 8900 | -------------------- ------ |Magic Armour | 8A00 | -------------------- ------ |Zombie Mail | 8B00 | -------------------- ------ |Heavy Armour | 8C00 | -------------------- ------ |Spiked Armour | 8D00 | -------------------- ------ |Platinum Mail | 8E00 | -------------------- ------ |Bandit Mail | 8F00 | -------------------- ------ |Sacred Armour | 9000 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY ARMOUR | 9100 | -------------------- ------ |Gigant Armour | 9200 | -------------------- ------ |Mirror Armour | 9300 | -------------------- ------ |Liquid Metal Armour | 9400 | -------------------- ------ |Dargovian Armour | 9500 | -------------------- ------ |Metal King Armour | 9600 | -------------------- ------ |Silk Robe | 9700 | -------------------- ------ |Leather Cape | 9800 | -------------------- ------ |Robe Of Serenity | 9900 | -------------------- ------ |Magic Vestment | 9A00 | -------------------- ------ |Flowing Dress | 9B00 | -------------------- ------ |Sage's Robe | 9C00 | -------------------- ------ |Angel's Robe | 9D00 | -------------------- ------ |Velvet Cape | 9E00 | -------------------- ------ |Crimson Robe | 9F00 | -------------------- ------ |Princess' Robe | A000 | -------------------- ------ |Dragon Robe | A100 | -------------------- ------ [shldm] ----------------- ------ | SHIELDS | ID# | ----------------- ------ |Pot Lid | A200 | ----------------- ------ |Leather Shield | A300 | ----------------- ------ |Scale Shield | A400 | ----------------- ------ |Silver Platter | A500 | ----------------- ------ |Kitty Shield | A600 | ----------------- ------ |Bronze Shield | A700 | ----------------- ------ |Templar's Shield | A800 | ----------------- ------ |Iron Shield | A900 | ----------------- ------ |Light Shield | AA00 | ----------------- ------ |White Shield | AB00 | ----------------- ------ |Steel Shield | AC00 | ----------------- ------ |Magic Shield | AD00 | ----------------- ------ |Dragon Shield | AE00 | ----------------- ------ |DUMMY SHIELD | AF00 | ----------------- ------ |Power Shield | B000 | ----------------- ------ |Saintess Shield | B100 | ----------------- ------ |Bone Shield | B200 | ----------------- ------ |Mirror Shield | B300 | ----------------- ------ |Ogre Shield | B400 | ----------------- ------ |Silver Shield | B500 | ----------------- ------ |Big Boss Shield | B600 | ----------------- ------ |Ruinous Shield | B700 | ----------------- ------ |Thanatos' Shield | B800 | ----------------- ------ |Goddess Shield | B900 | ----------------- ------ |Dragovian Shield | BA00 | ----------------- ------ |Metal King Shield| BB00 | ----------------- ------ [helmn] ----------------- ------ | HELMETS | ID# | ----------------- ------ |Bandana | BC00 | ----------------- ------ |Leather Hat | BD00 | ----------------- ------ |Hairband | BE00 | ----------------- ------ |Pointy Hat | BF00 | ----------------- ------ |Feathered Cap | C000 | ----------------- ------ |Turban | C100 | ----------------- ------ |Silver Tiara | C200 | ----------------- ------ |Bunny Ears | C300 | ----------------- ------ |Stone Hardhat | C400 | ----------------- ------ |Iron Helmet | C500 | ----------------- ------ |Fur Hood | C600 | ----------------- ------ |Bronze Helmet | C700 | ----------------- ------ |Coral Hairpin | C800 | ----------------- ------ |Pirate's Hat | C900 | ----------------- ------ |Iron Mask | CA00 | ----------------- ------ |Hermes' Hat | CB00 | ----------------- ------ |Platinum Headgear| CC00 | ----------------- ------ |Magical Hat | CD00 | ----------------- ------ |Happy Hat | CE00 | ----------------- ------ |Hades' Helm | CF00 | ----------------- ------ |Slime Crown | D000 | ----------------- ------ |Mythril Helm | D100 | ----------------- ------ |Mercury's Bandana| D200 | ----------------- ------ |Scholar's Cap | D300 | ----------------- ------ |DUMMY CAP | D400 | ----------------- ------ |Thinking Cap | D500 | ----------------- ------ |Iron Headgear | D600 | ----------------- ------ |Raging Bull Helm | D700 | ----------------- ------ |Golden Tiara | D800 | ----------------- ------ |Great Helm | D900 | ----------------- ------ |Phantom Mask | DA00 | ----------------- ------ |Skull Helm | DB00 | ----------------- ------ |Dragovian Helm | DC00 | ----------------- ------ |Sun Crown | DD00 | ----------------- ------ |Metal King Helm | DE00 | ----------------- ------ [accso] ---------------------- ------ | ACCESSORIES | ID# | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY FLEE RING | DF00 | ---------------------- ------ |Agility Ring | E000 | ---------------------- ------ |Meteorite Bracer | E100 | ---------------------- ------ |Strength Ring | E200 | ---------------------- ------ |Gold Ring | E300 | ---------------------- ------ |Prayer Ring | E400 | ---------------------- ------ |Recovery Ring | E500 | ---------------------- ------ |Goddess Ring | E600 | ---------------------- ------ |Gospel Ring | E700 | ---------------------- ------ |Life Bracer | E800 | ---------------------- ------ |Mighty Armlet | E900 | ---------------------- ------ |Gold Bracer | EA00 | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY BRACELET | EB00 | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY BRACER | EC00 | ---------------------- ------ |Ruby Of Protection | ED00 | ---------------------- ------ |Titan Belt | EE00 | ---------------------- ------ |Scholar's Specs | EF00 | ---------------------- ------ |Tough Guy Tattoo | F000 | ---------------------- ------ |Slime Earrings | F100 | ---------------------- ------ |Devil's Tail | F200 | ---------------------- ------ |Fishnet Stockings | F300 | ---------------------- ------ |Garter | F400 | ---------------------- ------ |Lady's Ring | F500 | ---------------------- ------ |Gold Rosary | F600 | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY BOOTS | F700 | ---------------------- ------ |Sorcerer's Ring | F800 | ---------------------- ------ |Skull Ring | F900 | ---------------------- ------ |Holy Talisman | FA00 | ---------------------- ------ |Ring Of Awakening | FB00 | ---------------------- ------ |Full Moon Ring | FC00 | ---------------------- ------ |Ring Of Clarity | FD00 | ---------------------- ------ |Ring Of Truth | FE00 | ---------------------- ------ |Ring Of Immunity | FF00 | ---------------------- ------ |Catholicon Ring | 0001 | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY SANDGLASS | 0101 | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY HOURGLASS | 0201 | ---------------------- ------ |Dragon Scale | 0301 | ---------------------- ------ |Elevating Shoes | 0401 | ---------------------- ------ |Bunny Tail | 2901 | ---------------------- ------ |Templar's Ring | 5601 | ---------------------- ------ |Templar Captain's Ring| 6901 | ---------------------- ------ |DUMMY RING | 6A01 | ---------------------- ------ |Argon Ring | 6B01 | ---------------------- ------ [cnsmp] -------------------- ------ | CONSUMABLES | ID# | -------------------- ------ |Medicinal Herb | 0501 | -------------------- ------ |Antidotal Herb | 0601 | -------------------- ------ |Moonwort Bulb | 0701 | -------------------- ------ |Strong Medicine | 0801 | -------------------- ------ |Special Medicine | 0901 | -------------------- ------ |Lesser Panacea | 0A01 | -------------------- ------ |Greater Panacea | 0B01 | -------------------- ------ |Rose-Root | 0C01 | -------------------- ------ |Rose-Wort | 0D01 | -------------------- ------ |Strong Antidote | 0E01 | -------------------- ------ |Special Antidote | 0F01 | -------------------- ------ |Moon's Mercy | 1001 | -------------------- ------ |Mystifying Mixture | 1101 | -------------------- ------ |Yggdrasil Leaf | 1201 | -------------------- ------ |Yggdrasil Dew | 1301 | -------------------- ------ |Amor Seco Essence | 1401 | -------------------- ------ |Chimaera Wing | 1501 | -------------------- ------ |Holy Water | 1601 | -------------------- ------ |Magic Water | 1701 | -------------------- ------ |Elfin Elixer | 1801 | -------------------- ------ |Rockbomb Shard | 1901 | -------------------- ------ |Sage's Stone | 1A01 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY SAND OF TIME | 1B01 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Strength | 1C01 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Agility | 1D01 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Defense | 1E01 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Wisdom | 1F01 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Skill | 2001 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Life | 2101 | -------------------- ------ |Seed Of Magic | 2201 | -------------------- ------ |Timbrel Of Tension | 2A01 | -------------------- ------ |Plain Cheese | 3C01 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #1 | 3D01 | -------------------- ------ |Spicy Cheese | 3E01 | -------------------- ------ |Super Spicy Cheese | 3F01 | -------------------- ------ |Scorching Cheese | 4001 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #2 | 4101 | -------------------- ------ |Cool Cheese | 4201 | -------------------- ------ |Chilly Cheese | 4301 | -------------------- ------ |Cold Cheese | 4401 | -------------------- ------ |C-C-Cold Cheese | 4501 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #3 | 4601 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #4 | 4701 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #5 | 4801 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #6 | 4901 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #7 | 4A01 | -------------------- ------ |Mild Cheese | 4B01 | -------------------- ------ |Cured Cheese | 4C01 | -------------------- ------ |Angel Cheese | 4D01 | -------------------- ------ |Hard Cheese | 4E01 | -------------------- ------ |Soft Cheese | 4F01 | -------------------- ------ |Chunky Cheese | 5001 | -------------------- ------ |Highly String Cheese| 5101 | -------------------- ------ |DUMMY CHEESE #8 | 5201 | -------------------- ------ [kyitq] ------------------------ ------ | KEY ITEMS | ID# | ------------------------ ------ |Mini Medal | 2301 | ------------------------ ------ |DUMMY BESTIARY | 2401 | ------------------------ ------ |Thief's Key | 2501 | ------------------------ ------ |Magic Key | 2601 | ------------------------ ------ |Ultimate Key | 2701 | ------------------------ ------ |Baumren's Bell | 2D01 | ------------------------ ------ |Crystal Ball | 5301 | ------------------------ ------ |Tool Bag | 5401 | ------------------------ ------ |Jessica's Letter | 5501 | ------------------------ ------ |World Map | 5701 | ------------------------ ------ |Venus' Tear | 5801 | ------------------------ ------ |Moonshadow Harp | 5901 | ------------------------ ------ |Sand Of Serenity | 5A01 | ------------------------ ------ |Lizard Humour | 5B01 | ------------------------ ------ |DUMMY BAG | 5C01 | ------------------------ ------ |Argon Heart | 5D01 | ------------------------ ------ |Great Big Argon Heart | 5E01 | ------------------------ ------ |Magic Mirror | 5F01 | ------------------------ ------ |Sun Mirror | 6001 | ------------------------ ------ |Kran Spinels | 6201 | ------------------------ ------ |The Big Book Of Barriers| 6301 | ------------------------ ------ |Marta's Bag | 6401 | ------------------------ ------ |Illuminated Sea Chart | 6501 | ------------------------ ------ |Godbird's Soulstone | 6701 | ------------------------ ------ |Darktree Leaf | 6801 | ------------------------ ------ |Echo Flute | 6C01 | ------------------------ ------ |Eros' Bow Recipe | 6D01 | ------------------------ ------ |Imp Knife Recipe | 6E01 | ------------------------ ------ |Dragon Slayer Recipe | 6F01 | ------------------------ ------ |Thief's Key Recipe | 7001 | ------------------------ ------ |Morrie's Memo #1 | 7101 | ------------------------ ------ |Morrie's Memo #2 | 7201 | ------------------------ ------ |Morrie's Memo #3 | 7301 | ------------------------ ------ |Monster Arena Key | 7401 | ------------------------ ------ |Godbird Sceptre | 7501 | ------------------------ ------ |DUMMY CARD | 7601 | ------------------------ ------ |Gold Orb | 7701 | ------------------------ ------ |Silver Orb | 7801 | ------------------------ ------ |Red Orb | 7901 | ------------------------ ------ |Blue Orb | 7A01 | ------------------------ ------ |Green Orb | 7B01 | ------------------------ ------ |Yellow Orb | 7C01 | ------------------------ ------ |Purple Orb | 7D01 | ------------------------ ------ |Copper Monster Coin | 7E01 | ------------------------ ------ |Silver Monster Coin | 7F01 | ------------------------ ------ |Gold Monster Coin | 8001 | ------------------------ ------ [alchr] ----------------- ------ | ALCHEMY ITEMS | ID# | ----------------- ------ |Orichalcum | 2801 | ----------------- ------ |DUMMY CYMBAL | 2B01 | ----------------- ------ |DUMMY CONCH | 2C01 | ----------------- ------ |Gold Nugget | 2E01 | ----------------- ------ |Iron Nail | 2F01 | ----------------- ------ |Cowpat | 3001 | ----------------- ------ |Dragon Dung | 3101 | ----------------- ------ |Rock Salt | 3201 | ----------------- ------ |DUMMY LIZARD DUNG| 3301 | ----------------- ------ |Saint's Ashes | 3401 | ----------------- ------ |Wing Of Bat | 3501 | ----------------- ------ |Magic Beast Hide | 3601 | ----------------- ------ |Fresh Milk | 3701 | ----------------- ------ |Rennet Powder | 3801 | ----------------- ------ |Red Mould | 3901 | ----------------- ------ |Waterweed Mould | 3A01 | ----------------- ------ |Premium Mould | 3B01 | ----------------- ------ |Nook Grass | 6601 | ----------------- ------ _________ _________________ ======== MISCELLANEOUS OFFSETS ======== [misc5] _______________________________________________ ---- ----------- |Gold| 0A40-0A43 | ---- ----------- _________ _________________ ======== QUICK VALUES ======== [qkvl6] ______________________________________ If you don't feel like running back and forth converting Decimal into Hex, here are some numbers and their equivalents that might be of some use to you. I have also taken the liberty of reversing certain Hex values as they are SUPPOSED to be written in the code. ------------- --------- --------- |USEFUL WITH: | DECIMAL | HEX | ------------- --------- --------- |BASE STATS | 255 | FF | ------------- --------- --------- |ITEM QTY/HP | 999 | E703 | ------------- --------- --------- |GOLD/EXP | 99999999| FFE0F505| ------------- --------- --------- |HERO NAME | N/A | 4865726F| ------------- --------- --------- HEX ALPHABET This is easy to do. If you want to change your lead character's name at any point, just input the values of each letter. I've given you the range of both the upper and lower case standard alphabet. It's up to you to find everything in between. Capital A-Z = 41-5A Lowercase A-Z = 61-7A _________ _________________ ======== FUTURE CHECKLIST ======== [ftch7] __________________________________________ This guide is far from complete. There are many things I feel can be done with enough time and effort put into this. Here are the things I plan on doing for future upgrades to this guide: - Map out each value for each status effect, and the character offset containing these status effects - Locate and map offsets containing main menu monster and item information - Locate offset for game timer - Find offsets containing monster party and monster stats for monster arena battles - Looking to expand on Misc. Offsets section _________ _________________ ======== FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======== [frqa8] ____________________________________________________ Q: I've opened the BASLUS File in Hex Workshop, but the code is different from how you've described it! How can I edit this so it will work on my Playstation 3? A: Make sure you're using PSV Exporter to extract the appropriate BASLUS file. A link to the correct program is in the READ THIS FIRST section. You will need to open up the .psv file labeled "BASLUS" in order to extract the raw Game Data, which is also labeled "BASLUS". Q: Isn't there a PSV Converter I can use to get everything on my PS3? A: Simply put, no. You will either need a PS3 Memory Card Reader in addition to all the other things needed, or you will need somebody who has everything to convert it all for you. Q: Can you convert the file for me so I can play it on my PS3? A: No. Q: Please? A: Yes. And by "yes" I mean "no". Q: How about constructing a save file for me? A: This FAQ is intended for people who are interested in editing their own saves to give them an extra edge, give themselves a challenge, take away the annoyance of waiting for rare drops to happen, or even just to simply cheat without having to search for and input codes. I've shown you all the tools you need in order to make it happen. Edit your own save. You might just learn something. _________ _________________ ======== SPECIAL THANKS ======== [thks9] ________________________________________ As you can tell, there isn't much of a credits section (yet), as this entire guide was written and compiled by me (so far). - Tezuka-Kun - I used his save as a reference - Zelaphny - Author of the first save-state hacking guide I've ever read - Capo - Offering his insight on how he calculated the DQ8 checksum and pointing out the flaw with my previous method Copyright 2009, Matt Maiorano