----------------------------------------------------------------- | | ------| Drakengard Script |------ | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- (Version 1.16) =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== Section 1: Introduction and how this guide works. [sect-01] Section 2: Chronological flowchart [sect-02] Section 3: The actual script [sect-03] Chapter 1 - Beginnings Verse 1 - The Blooding [c01va01] Verse 2 - To the Castle [c01va02] Verse 3 - Dragon [c01va03] Verse 4 - The Way of the Sword [c01va04] Verse 5 - A Pact [c01va05] Verse 6 - Shared Battles [c01va06] Verse 7 - Quarry Chosen [c01va07] Verse 8 - Hate's Strength [c01va08] Verse 9 - Pact Price [c01va09] Verse 10 - Infestation [c01va10] Verse 11 - A Goddess Saved [c01va11] Verse 12 - Inuart's Song [c01va12] Chapter 2 Verse 1 - The Voice [c02va01] Verse 2 - To the Elf Village [c02va02] Verse 3 - The Untrod Path [c02va03] Verse 4 - Despair [c02va04] Verse 5 - Ominous Words [c02va05] Verse V - A Distant Sound [c02vr05] Verse 6 - Last Words [c02va06] Verse 7 - A Hidden Shrine [c02va07] Verse 8 - A Secret Plan [c02va08] Verse 9 - The False County [c02va09] Verse IX - Liberation and Slaughter [c02vr10] Verse X - A Lonely Battle [c02vr11] Verse XI - Leonard's Lament [c02vr12] Verse XII - Mockery [c02vr13] Verse XIII - After the Torching [c02vr14] Verse XIV - Feeling in the Dark [c02vr15] Chapter 3 Verse 1 - Reunion [c03va01] Verse 2 - To the Dungeon [c03va02] Verse 3 - Prisoners [c03va03] Verse 4 - Verdelet Released [c03va04] Verse IV - Regret [c03vr04] Verse 5 - The Temple in the Desert [c03va05] Verse 6 - The Seal [c03va06] Verse 7 - Dark Creatures [c03va07] Verse 8 - Sacred Remains [c03va08] Verse 9 - The Harp [c03va09] Verse IX - An Unquiet Voice [c03vr09] Verse X - Gaol [c03vr10] Verse XI - Laughter [c03vr11] Verse XII - An Invitation [c03vr12] Verse XIII - Release [c03vr13] Verse XIV - Found [c03vr14] Verse XV - Arioch Lives [c03vr15] Chapter 4 Dragon Evolution - Level 1 to Level 2 [d1evod2] Verse 1 - Inuart's Confession [c04va01] Verse 2 - Pride [c04va02] Verse 3 - The Holy and the Profane [c04va03] Verse 4 - Strength Remains [c04va04] Verse 5 - Violent Lands [c04va05] Verse 6 - Caim's Past [c04va05] Verse VI - Seere's Sister [c04vr06] Verse 7 - Forbidden Places [c04va07] Verse 8 - The Last Seal? [c04va08] Verse 9 - Voice of Stone [c04va09] Verse X - A Mother's Farewell [c04vr10] Verse XI - Survivors [c04vr11] Verse XII - Seere's Friend [c04vr12] Chapter 5 Verse 1 - War [c05va01] Verse 2 - Turning Point [c05va02] Verse 3 - Rapture [c05va03] Verse 4 - A False Peace [c05va04] Verse 5 - Pandemonium [c05va05] Verse 6 - The Gods Speak [c05va06] Verse 7 - Emergence [c05va07] Verse 8 - Menace [c05va08] Chapter 6 Verse 1 - Love Debased [c06va01] Verse 2 - A Black Dragon [c06va02] Verse 3 - Destiny [c06va03] Verse 4 - Unholy Prayers [c06va04] Verse 5 - Mute [c06va05] Chapter 7 Verse 1 - Realization [c07va01] Verse 2 - For Her [c07va02] Verse 3 - A Decision [c07va03] Verse 4 - The Sorrowful Sky [c07va04] Chapter 8 Dragon Evolution - Level 2 to Level 3 [d2evod3] Verse 1 - Things Inhuman [c08va01] Verse 2 - Living Myths [c08va02] Verse 3 - The Capital [c08va03] Verse 4 - Joy Unknown [c08va04] Verse 5 - A Peaceful Casket [c08va05] Verse 6 - Struggle [c08va06] Verse 7 - Unrelenting [c08va07] Verse 8 - Sin [c08va08] Verse 9 - A Soul Sealed [c08va09] Chapter 9 Verse 1 - Dragonfire [c09va01] Verse 2 - In the Name of Love [c09va02] Verse 3 - Sowing Seeds [c09va03] Verse 4 - Encounter [c09va04] Dragon Evolution - Level 2 to Chaos [d2evodc] Verse 5 - The Demon's Wings [c09va05] Verse 6 - Goddesses [c09va06] Verse IV - Sleep [c09vr04] Verse V - Providence [c09vr05] Verse VI - Under a Dark Sky [c09vr06] Verse VII - Light [c09vr07] Chapter 10 - Astray Verse 1 - Barriers [c10va01] Verse 2 - Ark [c10va02] Verse 3 - A Lull [c10va03] Verse 4 - To Drink Poison [c10va04] Verse II - Hear the Ocean [c10vr02] Verse III - The Gods' Will [c10vr03] Chapter 11 - Partings Verse 1 - Maze [c11va01] Verse 2 - Dreams and Truth [c11va02] Verse 3 - Falling Petals [c11va03] Verse 4 - Anger Checked [c11va04] Verse II - Hide and Seek [c11vr02] Verse III - Betrayal [c11vr03] Verse IV - Loved [c11vr04] Verse V - Paradise [c11vr05] Chapter 12 - Chaos Dragon Evolution - Level 2 to Chaos [d2evodc] Verse 1 - A Little Thing [c12va01] Verse 2 - Extermination [c12va02] Verse 3 - Toward Truth [c12va03] Verse 4 - Gaia's Laughter [c12va04] Verse 5 - Different Endings [c12va05] Verse 6 - Abnormal [c12va06] Verse 7 - The Great Time [c12va07] Verse 8 - A Little Hero [c12va08] Verse 9 - Awakening [c12va09] Verse 10 - Seere's Solace [c12va10] Chapter 13 - Truth Verse 1 - A Journey [c13va01] Verse 2 - New World [c13va02] Verse 3 - The Greatest Battle [c13va03] Verse 4 - Recursion [c13va04] Leonard's Regret Verse 1 - The Forest of the Seal [clrva01] Verse 2 - Smells [clrva02] Verse 3 - Grief [clrva03] Verse 4 - Uncommon Mercy [clrva04] Verse 5 - The Memories of the Faeries [clrva05] Verse 6 - Gleanings [clrva06] Verse 7 - Dragon's Rest [clrva07] Arioch's Madness Verse 1 - The Soughing of the Waves [camva01] Verse 2 - Her Favourite Things... [camva02] Verse 3 - Lantern Fishing [camva03] Verse 4 - Playing Alone [camva04] Seere's Prayer Verse 1 - A Stony Path [cspva01] Verse 2 - Remote Giants [cspva02] Verse 3 - Tossed About [cspva03] Verse 4 - To a Friend [cspva04] Verse 5 - Journey [cspva05] Verse 6 - A Silent Place [cspva06] Verse 7 - Gone without a Trace [cspva07] Verse 8 - Pursuit [cspva08] Verse 9 - A New Sword [cspva09] Verse 10 - Coliseum [cspva10] Verse 11 - Gratitude and Carelessness [cspva11] Section 4: Ally selection quotes [sect-04] Section 5: Dragon form selection quotes [sect-05] Section 6: Version history [sect-06] Section 7: Legal disclaimer and copyright [sect-07] Section 8: Contact [sect-08] Section 9: Credits [sect-09] =============================================================================== Section 1: Introduction [sect-01] =============================================================================== I just decided to write this FAQ on a whim when I started to replay Drakengard to refresh my memory for Drakengard 2, and because there isn't a complete script for this game. This script contains HUGE SPOILERS! Read at your own risk. This script is written in the order that the verses are listed in the game, not chronologically. Refer to the flowchart for the chronological order. Here is how this script works: -------- / [(Code)] --[ (Chapter number) (Verse number) - (Title) ]--(Type)------------------------ (Chapter number) and (Verse number) are pretty self-explanatory. There is a name for every verse, put in the slot (Title). The (Type) is what the verse is: either a ground mission, aerial mission, event or a movie. (Code) is the short-cut code that can be used to skip to specific verses by using find. ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- (This is the description of the verse from the verse selection list.) ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- (This is the mission introduction before all missions, give you an idea what is supposed to be done on that stage.) ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- Trivial conversations only applies to a small number of Event verses. (In some events, you can walk around and talk with other characters, but they have absolutely no impact on the story. Also used when you get to run around between scenes.) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- Scene dialogue only applies to Event and Movie verses. (Character) : (What they're saying) | Their action and movement descriptions are enclosed by the vertical | | strokes that you can see on the sides. | ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ Inbattle dialogue only applies to Aerial and Ground missions. (Character) : (What they're saying) Some dialogue are only triggered when some conditions have been satisfied, and they will be enclosed in vertical strokes... | like this... | Author : with what is said typed here. Now, on to the flowchart... =============================================================================== Section 2: Chronological flow chart [sect-02] =============================================================================== Many parts of the game are only accessible on subsequent playthroughs, and are influenced by the choices that are made, and conditions that are satisfied. This game allows the player skip verses on subsequent playthroughs, but this flow chart deals with it as starting from the beginning. 1st game | 2nd game | 3rd game | 4th game | 5th game Chapter 01 Verse 01-12 | | V Chapter 02 Verse 01-04 |-------------- > -------------- | | V V Chapter 02 Chapter 02 Verse 05 Verse V | | | | V | Chapter 02 | Verse 06-08 V |------ > ------ | | | | V V | Chapter 02 Chapter 02 | Verse 09 Verse IX-XIV | | |------ < ------ | | | V | Leonard's Regret | Verse 01-07 | | | V | | |------ < ------ | V Chapter 03 Verse 01-03 |-------------- > -------------- | | V V Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Verse 04 Verse IV | | | | V | Chapter 03 | Verse 05-08 V |------ > ------ | | | | V V | Chapter 03 Chapter 03 | Verse 09 Verse IX-XV | | |------ < ------ | | | V | Arioch's Madness | Verse 01-04 | | | V | | |------ < ------ | V Dragon Evolution: Level 1 to Level 2 | | V Chapter 04 Verse 01-05 |-------------- > -------------- | | V V Chapter 04 Chapter 04 Verse 06 Verse VI | | | | Chapter 04 | Verse 07-09 V |------ > ------ | | | | | Chapter 04 | | Verse X-XII | | |------ < ------ | | | V | Seere's Prayer | Verse 01-11 | | | V | | |------ < ------ V Chapter 05 Verse 01-08 |--------------------- > --------------------- | | V V Chapter 06 Chapter 10 Verse 01-05 Verse 01 | | | -- < --- > -- | | | | | | | V V | Chapter 10 Chapter 10 | Verse 02-04 Verse II-III | | | | V | | | V |----------------- < ------------------ Chapter 11 | Verse 01 | | | | | ----- < -----| | | | | | | | V V | Chapter 11 Chapter 11 | Verse 02-04 Verse II-IV | | | | V | | | V |----------------- < ------------------ Dragon | Evolution: | Level 2 to | Chaos | | | | V V Chapter 07 Chapter 12 Verse 01-04 Verse 01-06 |------ > ------ |----- > ----- | | | | Dragon | | | Evolution: | | | Level 2 to | | | Level 3 | | | | | | | V V V V Chapter 08 Chapter 09 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Verse 01-08 Verse 01-03 Verse 07-10 Verse 01-04 | |------ > ------ | | | | | | | V V V V V Ending 01 Chapter 09 Chapter 09 Ending 04 Ending 05 Verse 04 Verse IV | | | | | V | Dragon | Evolution: | Level 2 to | Chaos | | | | V V Chapter 09 Chapter 09 Verse 05-06 Verse IV-VIII | | | | V V Ending 02 Ending 03 Now, on to the script... =============================================================================== Section 3: The actual script [sect-03] =============================================================================== The unsupressed soul lets flow oceans of blood The Watchers drink and raise high the basin of fire Mighty generals hesitate beneath a crimson sky As the tears of the goddess flow, the four lost temples forebodes the coming of the queen The dragon plummets from the tower of red thunder and where it falls no one has seen __________________________ | | --------------------------| Chapter 1 : Beginnings |------------------------- |__________________________| --------- / [c01va01] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 1 - The Blooding ]--(Movie)-------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire relentlessly advances, and the goddess Furiae, protector of the world and sister to Caim, is threatened with capture. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- It is an ancient time, and dragons still roam upon earth. Two great powers, the Union and the Empire, wage fierce war for the control of a goddess who protects the harmony of the world. In only a short time, the Empire has become powerful beyond reckoning, and now it turns to attack the castle where the Union safeguards the goddess. The world teeters on the brink of chaos. Its fate now lies in the hands of one man. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | A stony room in a castle. A lone woman in a white dress sits at a table, | | with a open book before her. With her elbows on the table, her hands | | clasped and her head bowed, the goddess, Furiae, prays. A draught blows | | through the room, turning the pages and ruffling her sleeves. She stands | | up, and turns to the window, her soft brown hair swaying gently with her | | movement. With her large, blue eyes, she looks out the window and onto the | | battlefield... | Furiae : It begins. | A large winged creature flies overhead in the bleak sky, overlooking the | | theatre of war as countless soldiers put their lives on the line and fight. | | A sword clashes with another, its owner, a valiant soldier clad in a blue | | and black armour dyed crimson by the blood of his enemies, topples an | | Empire soldier. The Empire soldier stumbles past, and a sword cuts through | | his side. The armies of the Union and the Empire battles each other | | mercilessly, neither side entertaining the thought of surrender. The one | | in the bloodied armour parries an attack from another Empire soldier, his | | short brown hair floating in the wind as he sidesteps past, and creates a | | spurt of blood sprouting from the Empire soldier's back. With an expression | | of hatred on his face, the soldier dashed towards a fully armoured Empire | | knight. The knight, with his broadsword raised in the air, realized that | | he had a gash on his chest from which blood was flowing. His attacker had | | already whipped around, and clashed swords with another soldier. The swords | | lock, and pushes down, snapping the Empire soldier's weapon, and cutting | | him across the chest. The Union soldier spins and penetrates the chest of | | another soldier with his sword. He battles with extreme hatred in his | | heart, after all, this soldier had every reason to loathe the Empire. This | | soldier is Caim, the only brother to the goddess, Furiae. While his sword | | is still embedded in the Empire soldier, an Empire knight attacks from | | behind, causing blood to gush forth from Caim's back, creating a deep red | | stain on the barren ground. With a battle-cry, Caim spins around, his sword | | cutting straight through the waist of the Empire knight, separating the | | lower body and the torso, which then dropped like a heavy stone behind the | | legs. Faint from blood loss and fatigue, Caim staggers. He turns toward | | the castle, only to find an Empire soldier setting the Union flag on the | | castle walls alight. A fearful thought crossed his mind, it reflecting in | | his expression. | Caim : Furiae... | With all the energy he can muster, he rushes to the castle... | --------- / [c01va02] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 2 - To the Castle ]--(Ground mission)---------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire attacks the castle where the goddess hides. Caim charges into battle to destroy the devils. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and his Union soldiers battle towards the castle to protect Furiae, goddess of the seals and Caim's only sister. The Empire murdered Caim's parents and destroyed his kingdom. Now it assaults the very castle where his sister is safeguarded. With revenge cold in his heart, Caim hurls himself at the army of the Empire. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the plains surrounding the castle. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! The Empire has surrounded the castle! Union soldier : The Empire is too strong! Caim : Show no mercy. Attack! | Approached the bridge spanning over the stream surrounding the castle. | Union soldier : Your sister - I mean, the goddess Furiae - is in the castle. Union soldier : Lord Inuart is with the goddess! | Crossed the bridge. | Union soldier : The castle is under attack. Please help us! Caim : Empire rats! You shall feed the ravens! | Defeated the mounted Empire knights. Heavy knights then appear near castle | | gates. | Union soldier : They are within the castle walls! Your sister - I mean, Her Ladyship, the goddess... | Approached the castle gates. | Caim : Arrrrrrgggh! | Defeated the heavy knights. | Union soldier : The Empire soldiers have caught a dragon, in the castle bailey. | End of the mission: Enter the castle. | Caim : Protect her. Protect Furiae... --------- / [c01va03] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 3 - Dragon ]--(Movie)-------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A dragon. A dragon like the one that slew his father and mother. But without its strength, Caim cannot survive. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim runs in through the castle gate, the sound of his footsteps echoing | | off the stony walls. He stops short, and an expression of anger crosses | | his face. In front on him, in the castle's courtyard, lies a dragon, | | chained to the ground, with many arrows protruding from its red hide. | Caim : A dragon! | A painful memory flashes through Caim's mind, the exact moment when his | | parents were killed by an Imperial black dragon. Caim staggers forward, | | with the tip of his sword trailing on the ground behind him. He remembers | | so clearly how the black dragon had his father in its jaws, his blood | | dripping from its mouth, and how the claw of the dragon crushed his | | defenseless mother. Caim now finds himself before a dragon, powerless to | | retaliate should he choose to kill it. With rage filling his bloodshot | | eyes, he raises his sword high above his head. At this moment, the dragon | | wakes, and looks indifferently at Caim. | Dragon : Kill me if you desire. But you can never dirty my soul, wretched human. Caim : Tell me. Do you still want to live, dragon? | The red dragon cranes its neck to look at this odd human, who is standing | | unsteadily before it. | Dragon : What? Caim : A pact! There's no other way. Dragon : What makes you worthy of a pact with me? Caim : Worthy or not. I wish to live! | Blood drips from Caim's back, creating a crimson pool on the flagstones | | at his feet. | Caim : Despise me if you will, but I shall not die. Your answer! A pact...or death? --------- / [c01va04] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 4 - The Way of the Sword ]--(Ground mission)--------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The battleground affords no respite... Caim must choose to live, and murder to survive. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Inside the castle, Caim finds before him a dragon, the proud beast cruelly fettered. His parents were murdered by a dragon, but Caim knows a pact will him the power he needs to battle the Empire. And the dragon knows that only a pact can save its life. In the besieged castle, the dying pair make the fateful decision to live. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Next to the dragon in the castle courtyard. | Caim : You interrupt us! Go back to hell, hyenas! Caim : Come now. Taste the steel of my sword! Caim : A pact? With that which killed my parents? Caim : I shall not die! Dragon : You live so that you may kill. Like all others of your race. Caim : Dragon. Can you feel it? The joy of bloodletting! | End of the mission: Defeated the target knights and go back to the dragon. | Dragon : Still alive? You're blessed by the devil's luck. A pact with you... --------- / [c01va05] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 5 - A Pact ]--(Movie)-------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- To escape death, Caim enters a pact with a dragon. Their promise to each other is simple. Live at all costs! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Corpses are strewn about in the courtyard, as Caim staggers back to the | | dragon. | Caim : Now. Your answer. A pact. Or death. Dragon : We are united by our need to live. Caim : Well? Dragon : Yes. A pact. | Caim places his right hand on his chest, and it passes through his armour. | | With a groan, he obtains a globe of light from inside him. At the same | | time the dragon twists its neck, and produces a similar globe which it | | holds in its mouth. The dragon stretches out it neck as Caim extends his | | arm. As they exchange their hearts, a blinding light is produced enveloping | | both Caim and the dragon in its brilliance, healing all of Caim's wounds | | and cleansing him of all the bloodstains, while curing the dragon of it | | injuries and fatigue, allowing it to break from its chains. Caim is then | | mounted on the dragon's neck. As he looks at the grey, clouded sky, the | | dragon unfurls its wings and takes to the air. | --------- / [c01va06] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 6 - Shared Battles ]--(Aerial mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim mounts the dragon and soars into the sky. Before him await the winged weapons of the Empire. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the Union castle. | Union soldier : They attack from the sky! Lord Caim, we shall fight on the ground; you take to the sky. Dragon : Hold my neck tightly. We shall burn them to ash, one by one! Dragon : No human mortal is a match for my crimson wings. Fools! Dragon : Must you slaughter so many? Dragon : Still they come? Hmph! Persistent insects. | End of the mission: Vanquished the enemies. | Dragon : Humans are a race to be pitied. --------- / [c01va07] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 7 - Quarry Chosen ]--(Aerial mission)---------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The flying warships of the Empire surrounds Caim. Can their awesome firepower be overcome? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- With the strength of the dragon, Caim is able to destroy wave after wave of the Imperial army. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the Union castle. | Dragon : I can smell them. There are still more of them. | Destroyed the first airship. | Dragon : Wise men choose death before war. Wiser men choose not to be born. | Destroyed the second airship. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! Empire soldiers have appeared around the castle. Please return at once! | End of the mission: Returned to the castle. | Dragon : Good. Now you can dismount. Go! --------- / [c01va08] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 8 - Hate's Strength ]--(Ground mission)-------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire draws close to Furiae. Now is the time for Caim and the dragon to show the Imperial minions the power of the pact! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- While Caim and the dragon clear the Empire from the sky, soldiers push toward Furiae's castle. May the power of Caim's sword and the heat of the dragon's fire drive the Empire back to its lair! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the area around the Union castle. | Dragon : The castle area must be cleared. Now go! | Target soldiers appear in front of the castle. | Union soldier : The Empire soldiers are massing around the castle. Their army is immense! Union soldier : Damn them! We cut them down and cut them down, yet still they come! Union soldier : Lord Caim! The Empire has surrounded the castle. Please, hurry! Union soldier : To the rear of the castle. Let not one survive. Show them the strength of the Union. Dragon : The castle will fall... Dragon : Your human castles are all built on sand. Union soldier : The Empire has broken through the front. Curse them! They are too strong! Union soldier : What do they want? The goddess? | Defeated all the target soldiers. New ones appear around the castle. | Dragon : These Empire beasts are everywhere. Do you think you can defeat them all? | Reached the northeastern side of the castle. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! Lord Caim!? Please answer! | Reached the back of the castle. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! The Empire's reinforcements have arrived. Do ours come as well? | Reached the northwestern side of the castle. | Union soldier : Damn! They fight as if one... They are unholy devils! | Eliminated all the targets around the castle. | Union soldier : The Empire army has been reinforced. We cannot hold them. | New heavy infantry appears around the castle. | Dragon : Where do they all come from? Is there no end to them? I shall burn them all to ash! | Defeated all the targets around the castle, and target destination appears. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! The Empire has breached the castle. Please, come quickly! No. The goddess is still in the castle! | End of the mission: Entered the castle. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! Sire, we cannot hold them! --------- / [c01va09] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 9 - Pact Price ]--(Event)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim has chosen to share his fate with that of a dragon. But at what cost? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim makes his way through the hoards of Empire soldiers guarding the | | castle bailey, to arrive at the castle entrance. | Dragon : They are in the castle! Hurry! ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim is entering the castle, when he suddenly stops and turns to the | | dragon. | Caim : ...! | A rippling effect on Caim, then the dragon. | Dragon : So. Your voice is lost. A trifling price to pay for a pact. | Caim shuffles around a bit on his feet. | Dragon : No matter, I shall speak for the both of us. | Caim turns to enter the castle again. | Dragon : Into the castle alone? Very well. I will await you here. | Caim spins to point his sword up at the dragon. | Dragon : I will know soon enough when you die. My life is now your life. | He turns to enter the castle yet again, but stops on hearing the dragon's | | comment before proceeding. | Dragon : You cannot live on hatred alone. --------- / [c01va10] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 10 - Infestation ]--(Ground mission)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire's forces have penetrated the castle. Caim must hurry to Furiae before it is too late! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim is now mute, and the mark of the pact is branded on his tongue. Such is the price he must pay for a pact with a beast as mighty as the dragon. If the goddess Furiae is killed, the seals that protect the world from chaos will be lost. Caim's friend Inuart is with her, but Caim cannot delay. He must hurry to the goddess and save her! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Inside the castle. | Union soldier : Lady Furiae is on the top floor of the keep. Please hurry, sire! Dragon : Even at great distances, pact-partners can hear each other's voices. Dragon : The voice? It is akin to sending thoughts through the air. Empire soldier : Our oath. The world's oath. They are the same. Union soldier : The Imperial soldiers... Their strength is inhuman! Empire soldier : Upwards, upwards. The seal is above. The goddess seal is there. Goddess. Kill. Seal. Dragon : Hurry! The goddess is forced to the top floor. Empire soldier : Forgiven. No forgiveness. Unforgiven. No. Union soldier : When I look into their eyes... Somehow... Argh! | Reached the third floor, and the heavy infantry appears. | Dragon : You must defeat them if we are to move onward. | Defeated the enemies, a chest appears, open it and get the key. | Union soldier : Lady Furiae is further within. | End of the mission: Reached Furiae's room. | Union soldier : Lady Furiae's chamber lies ahead. --------- / [c01va11] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 11 - A Goddess Saved ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- By the breath of a hair, Furiae is saved. Inuart decides to take Furiae to the safety of the elf village. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------------- --| First scene dialogue |-- ---------------------- | Three Empire soldiers surround Furiae, who is on the ground. Inuart arrives | | as they advance towards the goddess. | Inuart : Stop! | The Imperial soldier in the middle turns and walks forward towards Inuart, | | who grabs him by the throat and throws him onto the ground next to Furiae. | | The other two soldiers turn to face Inuart, holding their swords in front | | of their bodies as protection. Similarly, Inuart goes into guard stance. | | Furiae tries to crawl towards Inuart, but the thrown soldier springs up to | | block her way. He readies his sword to attack the goddess. | Furiae : ...! Inuart : ...! Furiae! ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim is in the antechamber, which is filled with Imperial soldiers. He cuts | | his way through to Inuart and Furiae. | Inuart : Caim! ----------------------- --| Second scene dialogue |-- ----------------------- | Caim repeatedly stabs the body of the Empire soldier on the ground, with | | Inuart is standing behind him, and Furiae keeping her distance with the | | corpse. | Inuart : Caim! That's enough! He is dead... Full of bloodlust, as always. | Inuart walks to stand beside the goddess, and he brushes his hair back from | | his face with his right hand. | Inuart : But you helped me, once again. | Caim turns around from the body to face Inuart and Furiae. | Caim : ...! | Caim turns his back to them again. | Inuart : ...? | Caim faces them yet again. | Caim : ... | He gestures to his mouth. | Inuart : Caim? You cannot speak? | Caim shows Inuart his tongue, which now has the mark of the pact on it. He | | then shakes his head as an answer to Inuart's question. | Inuart : A pact!? | Caim nods to his exclamation. A moment of silence passes, and Inuart puts | | his hand on Furiae's shoulder. | Inuart : The castle is no longer safe. I...I thought I would take Furiae to the elf village. Since the elves are bound to eternal neutrality, their village will be a safe haven from the Empire. While is may be dangerous to take the goddess from the castle, what else is there to do? | Caim shrugs to his question. | Inuart : Furiae is the goddess that protects the sacred seal. But before that she was my betrothed. | Inuart steps forward towards Caim. | Inuart : I will protect her! And what about you, Caim? You once called Furiae your sister. | Inuart walks back to stand beside Furiae again. | --------- / [c01va12] --[ Chapter 1 Verse 12 - Inuart's Song ]--(Movie)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Their fortunes clouded, their future uncertain. Inuart sings a song of hope... ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Yielding to Inuart, Caim agrees to go with Furiae and Inuart to the elf village. Happy for the chance to travel with Furiae, Inuart sings a song. Little does he know that a false hope leads him... ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Inuart is standing next to Caim and Furiae, in the castle keep, with the | | bodies of the Imperial soldiers still lying about. | Inuart : Perhaps we should celebrate. | He then pulls up a chair, and sits upon it with his harp in his right hand. | Inuart : The usual song? | Furiae nods to his suggestion, and Inuart begins to strum his harp, then | | proceeds to sing. | _____________________________ | | -------------------------| Chapter 2 : Complications |----------------------- |_____________________________| --------- / [c02va01] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 1 - The Voice ]--(Event)----------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A voice that only pact-partners may hear beckons. Inuart refuses to believe that tragedy that the voice foretells. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- On the trail to the neutral elf village, the small band and their escort of Union soldiers make camp. But then the dragon hears an ill-omened voice. ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | At the camp. | Valiant Union soldier - When did the Empire become so strong? - Lord Caim. We are all that is left of your regiment. - It is an honour to serve the goddess. Cowardly Union soldier - An ocean of blood flows...is this war? Is it? - Is...is my mother safe? - I cannot go on fighting! I am no warrior like you. Elderly Union soldier - I served your father, and I will serve you, my Lord. - My boy... No, my Lord, I will always stand by you. - In another time you would be king, Lord Caim. Furiae - I have to live, don't I? As the seal... - I do not wish to trouble the elves. - You and Inuart, acting together once again... ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim approaches Inuart and Furiae, who are standing close to the camp fire. | Inuart : What is it? Dragon : They attacked the village of the elves. It may already be gone. Inuart : Wh-? Dragon : I heard a voice. I would be better to go elsewhere. Inuart : Nonsense! A pact-beast may have powers, but I believe only my own eyes. | Inuart moves to leave the camp area, with Furiae trailing behind him, who | | stumbles due to her fatigue. | Furiae : ...! | Inuart rushes to her side, and helps her up. | Furiae : No, I...I am well. Inuart : That's not true. You carry the awful weight of the seal. We must find you a place to rest. | Inuart leaves with Furiae, leaving only Caim standing by the campfire. | Dragon : ... --------- / [c02va02] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 2 - To the elf village ]--(Aerial mission)----------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The shadow of the Empire darkens the neutral lands. Caim strikes through the enemy and flies toward the village. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Clouds of dark foreboding brood over the village or the elves. In the sky above the neutral lands, Caim encounters Imperial forces amasses in preparation for assault. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying towards the village of the elves. | Dragon : Well, we must cleanse the sky of these insects! Inuart : The dragon makes a pact with a man... The old legends have come alive. Inuart : Destroying the neutral village is unforgivable. Order is banished from the world. Inuart : Furiae, without you, the goddess, the world shall surely perish. Inuart : Furiae, now that you are the goddess, my world is already dead. Dragon : The Empire has come here? Prepare yourself. Inuart : The elf village must be here... It must be! | End of the mission: Reach the valley where the elf village is. | Dragon : Good! Now to the village. Hold on! --------- / [c02va03] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 3 - The Untrod Path ]--(Ground mission)-------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Again and again, Imperial soldiers appear to stand in their way. Can the elf village be safe? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- At Inuart's urging, they fly to the neutral elf village. But there they find a marauding Imperial army. Is the elf village safe? ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the valley where the elf village lies. | Inuart : The elf village lies in the woods across the bridge. It must be there! Inuart : The Empire's forces have some even here. Is the village safe? Inuart : They cannot dare to come so far. Can they, Caim? | Defeat the heavy cavalry targets near the bridge. | Union soldier : A message! The elf village has been found to the east. Inuart : Caim. You and Furiae...? No, no matter... Furiae : My body is no longer mine alone. Can anybody... Can Caim...? Furiae : I do not mind. We can go forward, or go back, as you wish. | Attempt to enter the forest riding the dragon. | Dragon : I cannot fly in this forest. You must go on foot alone. | End of the mission: Reach the village. | Inuart : It cannot be! I see it with my own eyes! And yet...it cannot be! --------- / [c02va04] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 4 - Despair ]--(Event)------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The voice did not lie; the elf village lies in ruins. Inuart curses his weakness. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and his party arrive at the elf village. But the Empire has been there first, and about them is the aftermath of its unlawful invasion. Inuart despairs as he lays he eyes upon the waste ruins. Then Caim and the dragon hear a voice. ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim makes his way along the footpath to the village, and ploughs his way | | through the Empires soldiers guarding it. | Dragon : The elf village is close. Be careful. Dragon : The village...it is here. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim, Inuart, and Furiae arrive at the elf village, only to find that it | | now lies in ruins after the Empire's massacre. Inuart slumps to the ground | | in despair. | Inuart : Hell. Hell has come here. What shall I do? Dragon : The hierarch Verdelet? I hear his voice. Inuart : His voice? The hierarch has a pact beast too? Dragon : Yes. A dragon. A petrified dragon. Furiae : Where is he now? Dragon : He is at the temple in the desert. He wants you to go to him, for your own safety. Inuart : Oh, Furiae. You must forgive me. I am not strong enough to protect you. Furiae : But your songs...they calm me. Inuart : Songs!? I pray for strength. Will you come? Dragon : We must investigate further. Go with Furiae and protect her. We will follow. | Inuart turns to leave the ruined village, and Furiae follows with a | | reluctant expression after taking a look at Caim. | --------- / [c02va05] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 5 - Ominous Words ]--(Event)------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- What ill-omened prophecy lies behind the words carved bloodily upon the ground? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The voice is that of the hierarch Verdelet, the spiritual leader of the Union and the guardian of the four seals: the seal of the ocean, the seal of the desert, the seal of the forest and the seal of the goddess herself. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim makes his way through the ruined elf village, and discovers a body of | | a soldier, next to bloody words scrawled on the ground. | Caim : ...? Dragon : Speak not the Watchers. Draw not the Watchers. Write not the Watchers. Sculpt not the Watchers. Sing not the Watchers. Call not the Watchers' name. What is this? --------- / [c02vr01] --[ Chapter 2 Verse V - A Distant Sound ]--(Event)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- On the corpse-strewn battleground, Leonard hears a sound from the forest of the seal. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The voice is that of the hierarch Verdelet, the spiritual leader of the Union and the guardian of the four seals: the seal of the ocean, the seal of the desert, the seal of the forest and the seal of the goddess herself. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim and Leonard makes their way through the ruined elf village, and | | discovers a body of a soldier, next to bloody words scrawled on the ground. | Caim : ...? Dragon : Speak not the Watchers. Draw not the Watchers. Write not the Watchers. Sculpt not the Watchers. Sing not the Watchers. Call not the Watchers' name. What is this? | Leonard steps forward and stops dead in his tracks. Caim goes over and | | gives him a light kick it the shin to prod some response from him. | Leonard : ... I can see it. The forest aflame. Dragon : And where are you looking? Leonard : Is this the forest of the seal? The Empire has invaded. What shall we do? | A choice whether to go to the forest of the seal or not is presented. If | | the choice is to go, then skip to read the section of Leonard's Regret | | [clrva01]. If not, continue on to Chapter 2, Verse 6 - Last Words. | --------- / [c02va06] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 6 - Last Words ]--(Event)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Amidst the ruins of the beautiful village, Caim hears a dying elf's tale. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim goes further into the village, then comes across a dying elf lying in | | a house. | Elf : In the valley...the Cult of the Watchers has a shrine. They took everyone there. | Caim turns and confers with the Dragon. | Dragon : The Watchers again. What are they? | Caim turns back to the elf for some answers, only to find that she has | | already passed away. | --------- / [c02va07] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 7 - A Hidden Shrine ]--(Aerial mission)-------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim flies toward the valley where the faeries dwell. But first he must battle through the massed Imperial army. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- A dying elf tells Caim about the shrine of the Cult of the Watchers, and Caim begins to suspect that some evil bond connects the cult and the Empire. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying towards the Shrine of the Watchers. | Dragon : The elves guard the temple seal. If something has happened to them... Dragon : Enough! They are creatures too. The have the right to peace in death. Dragon : If the Empire has a garrison in these mountains, mere passion will not be enough. Dragon : Now. The path to the shrine lies open. Go! | End of the mission: Reached destination. | Dragon : Hatred drives you, but sadness fills your soul. --------- / [c02va08] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 8 - A Secret Plan ]--(Ground mission)---------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- What awaits them at the ruined shrine? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim follows the kidnapped elves to the Cult of the Watchers shrine. But on the trail, more minions of the Empire gather in wait. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the valley housing the Shrine of the Watchers. | Dragon : The shrine should be close. Take care! I sense something...not human. Union soldier : The shrine of the Cult of the Watchers. But why does the Empire come here. | Exited the narrow part of the valley, and proceed to the main part. | Union soldier : Lord Caim! The red soldiers... They are protected from magic. Empire soldier : No remorse. All things shall be food to our flesh. | Approached the front of the shrine. | Dragon : If these empty ruins are a shrine, then how mighty can this "Empire" be? Dragon : Kill them and kill them, yet still they come. Do they know no fear? Empire soldier : All interlopers will be destroyed! Die! | Go around to the back of the shrine. | Dragon : Call this a shrine, and we can call a hovel a castle. | Destroyed all the target soldiers. | Union soldier : More Empire soldiers! Lord Caim, be on guard! Union soldier : Damn them. The Empire uses spell and witchcraft. Union soldier : The shrine seems to harbour no enemy. But still, enter with caution. | End of the mission: Defeated all the wizard targets and reach the shrine. | Dragon : The enemy is routed. But where are the capture elves? --------- / [c02va09] --[ Chapter 2 Verse 9 - The False County ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The eyes of the corpses shine red. As doubt and unease gnaw, Verdelet's voice suddenly falls silent. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim enters the shrine, and only a wizard is inside. The wizard shoots | | fireballs at Caim, and Caim retaliates by killing him. | Dragon : So. The elves were taken elsewhere. | Caim whirls around to point his sword at the Dragon. | Dragon : What does the Empire want? How should I know what ambitions drive you humans? Caim : ... Dragon : ... What do those red eyes mean? | A rippling effect on the character's icons, signifying the contact of a | | pact-partner. | Dragon : Verdelet? His voice...it is gone! Dragon : We had best hurry to the desert... The goddess may be in danger. --------- / [c02vr09] --[ Chapter 2 Verse IX - Liberation and Slaughter ]--(Event)------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- What passion leads Caim's heart? Mercy...or revenge? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim enters the shrine, and only a wizard is inside. The wizard shoots | | fireballs at Caim, and Caim retaliates by killing him. | Dragon : So. The elves were taken elsewhere. | Caim whirls around to point his sword at the Dragon. | Dragon : What does the Empire want? How should I know what ambitions drive you humans? Caim : ... Dragon : ... What do those red eyes mean? | A rippling effect on the character's icons, signifying the contact of a | | pact-partner. | Dragon : Verdelet? His voice...it is gone! Dragon : We had best hurry to the desert... The goddess may be in danger. | A villager crawls into the shrine, and approaches Caim. | Villager : P-please, help us! The Empire has taken our village! Dragon : And where are you from? Villager : From the faerie valley that lies yonder. Please! | The villager grabs onto Caim's leg, and Caim kicks him away, then turns to | | leave the shrine. | Dragon : Do you go to save lives, or to take them? --------- / [c02vr10] --[ Chapter 2 Verse X - A Lonely Battle ]--(Aerial mission)-------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire invades the valley of the faeries. Caim and the dragon soar upwards to burn the monsters from the sky! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- After hearing the villager's tale, Caim turns towards the valley of the faeries. Hatred fills his heart and makes him deaf to the dragon's counsel. Only the spilling of Imperial blood can sate his lust for revenge. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Above the valley of the faeries. | Dragon : Faeries! Into their snarling nest we go. Dragon : It seems that they have gone to the valley of the faeries. | End of the mission: Destroyed all the monsters. | Dragon : In the forest is the valley where the faeries dwell. Are they unharmed? --------- / [c02vr11] --[ Chapter 2 Verse XI - Leonard's Lament ]--(Movie)--------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The hermit Leonard, ravished by anguish and guilt, looks upon the bodies of his brothers. Suddenly, a dancing light appears beside him. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | A man is kneeling in a front of a flaming house, his white coat coloured | | orange by the reflections of the fire. About him, on the grass in front of | | the blazing house, are the bodies of three children, their bodies riddled | | with arrows. This man, their brother Leonard, is holding a dagger to his | | own throat, while taking one last look at his brothers. | Leonard : Laum, Riversal, Lukhege. My brothers. Forgive me, forgive me. | He arches his neck and screws his eyes shut, as he prepares for the | | feeling of the cold metal penetrating his throat. As a small trickle warm | | blood flows from the wound, the dagger is dropped. A tinkling sound can be | | heard, as he looks down at the ground. Leonard turns in search of the | | source, and sees a dancing light drifting through the air, circling him. | | The light grows brighter and brighter, to an extent which he can no longer | | bear, and raises his arm to shield himself from the blinding light. | --------- / [c02vr12] --[ Chapter 2 Verse XII - Mockery ]--(Event)----------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Leonard is brought back from the brink of death by the pact with the faerie. But he has merely chosen a different sort of hell. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Leonard is kneeling in front of the house with the faerie floating in the | | air close to him. | Leonard : What evil have I done? My brothers butchered, our home put to flame. And where was I? Faerie : Hmm? What's this, what's this? You betrayed your brothers? Your sorry, pitiful little brothers, dead on the ground? What fun, what fun! | The faerie flies a little higher to see over Leonard, to look at the | | corpses. | Faerie : Ee-yuck, what a painful sight! Look, look! What was the last thing they saw, I wonder? Leonard : No, I cannot... I cannot bear to think of it... Faerie : Makes you sick? Humans are pathetic! Pathetic! Dirty, smelly... Might as well just die! Hey, that's it! Kill yourself! Go on, finish it off, useless human! Leonard : But I... Faerie : You're scared? Dying is good! You don't want to die? Really? What a bore! Seriously! Finish yourself off! Hold on. Of course! Let's make a pact! Leonard : What do you mean? Faerie : You don't get it? Hell-ooo? Is that skull as hollow as a helmet? You and me! Together forever! Loser, loser! But seriously, let's do it! A pact! Please, pleeease! | Leonard slumps to the ground as the screen fades to black. | --------- / [c02vr13] --[ Chapter 2 Verse XIII - After the Torching ]--(Ground mission)-------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The valley of the faeries has become the haunt of the goblins. Caim must cut through the monsters to reach the heart of the valley! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim goes to the village not to save lives, but to take them. With rage in his heart, he flies through the dark fog that shrouds the faerie valley. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: At the back of the shrine of the Cult of the | | Watchers. | Dragon : Jackals! I will cleanse your stink with my flames. Dragon : The journey becomes strange, the absurdities grow... Leonard : The flames of hell... Dragon : I heard a voice. Another one with a pact? | Reached the centre of the valley. | Dragon : An evil fog. I am blind. We mush advance carefully or become targets of our enemy. Dragon : Cries for help come not only from storm-wracked seas. | Killed all the targets. | Leonard : Wait! Speak to them! They have no more will to fight! | End of the mission: Reach Leonard's house. | Leonard : You! Can you hear my voice? --------- / [c02vr14] --[ Chapter 2 Verse XIV - Feeling in the Dark ]--(Event)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Though his eyes have become blind, Leonard can see the anger and hate in Caim's heart. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Several bodies of soldiers can be seen strewn about on the grass, with | | Leonard standing next to one of them. Caim approaches and Leonard turns to | | face him. | Leonard : The sound of your blade tells me that you are a Union soldier. | Leonard bows lightly to Caim. | Leonard : I am Leonard, at your service. | Leonard turns his back to Caim. | Leonard : Yes, my eyes are blind. Like you I have paid for a pact. Dragon : To be blind to the foolish hopelessness of humans is a happy fate. Leonard : Yet, I am not blind to the knowledge. | Leonard kneels in front of the dead body of a soldier, and Caim walks to | | stand behind him. Leonard bows to the body. | Leonard : The dead are returned to the earth, their lives to be mourned. | Caim walks around to the other side of the corpse, and looks down at | | Leonard and the corpse. Leonard bows again and stands up. | Leonard : Very well. I will go with you, Caim. Let us leave these bodies where they lie. We must hurry to the desert. The goddess is in danger, I fear. | Caim walks back next to Leonard and then proceeds to leave, and Leonard | | follows for a couple of steps before kneeling back down and bowing to the | | body for the last time. | Leonard : The say that no man is beyond forgiveness. | They finally leave. | _________________________________ | | ------------------------| Chapter 3 : Chance Encounters |-------------------- |_________________________________| --------- / [c03va01] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 1 - Reunion ]--(Event)------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Inuart and Verdelet have been captured while protecting the goddess. Furiae forswears her own heart and urges Caim to rescue them. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim suddenly loses contact with Verdelet, to whom he had entrusted Furiae and Inuart. Concerned for their safety, Caim immediately flies to the desert. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim arrives at a stony area, with shear cliffs on one side and a valley on | | the other. He sees Furiae and walks towards her, who upon seeing him, | | rushes over, and hugs him while resting her forehead on his chest. | Furiae : Caim! Thank goodness you are safe. Dragon : What of Inuart and Verdelet? Were they taken? | Furiae lets go, and turns to face the valley. | Furiae : Yes, to protect me. | Caim turns to the Dragon. | Dragon : So, the dungeon must be close. Break through, and we may find them. | Caim turns, walks back to Furiae, and looks at her in the face. | Furiae : I will be safe. I am a goddess after all. Please, Caim, you must save Inuart and Verdelet. | Caim walks off, and Furiae looks after him with her hands clasped and her | | head bowed in prayer. | --------- / [c03va02] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 2 - To the Dungeon ]--(Aerial mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim sets out to rescue Verdelet from his prison and destroy the Imperial monsters that lurk in the black desert night. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Hierarch Verdelet and Inuart have been captured by the Empire. Having left Furiae alone, Caim flies through the black desert night toward the Imperial dungeon where he believes they are held. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying towards the dungeon where Verdelet and | | Inuart are supposedly held. | Dragon : This darkness! I cannot see who is foe and who is friend. Does that matter to you? Dragon : Inuart strives, yet can hope for no reward. The fool plays at love alone. Dragon : What think you of your sister's purity? She is the goddess, yet still a woman. Dragon : The three of you... Have you grown so accustomed to denying the truth? Dragon : Caim. Can you sense your sister's thoughts? The passions of her soul? Dragon : Your allies have fled. Let us chase these Empire dogs away. Dragon : Yes. There is no doubt. Verdelet is here. | End of the mission: Reach destination. | Dragon : Go to the prison and free Verdelet! --------- / [c03va03] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 3 - Prisoners ]--(Ground mission)-------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim races to the dungeon where Verdelet is held. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Inuart and the hierarch Verdelet are captured by the Empire. Caim leaves Furiae, and goes to rescue them from the Imperial dungeons. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the desert surrounding the prison. | Dragon : I sense Verdelet. He is somewhere nearby. Dragon : This is the Empire's dungeon. Quickly, to the attack! Verdelet : I am the hierarch Verdelet, imprisoned by the Empire. Can anyone hear me? Can anyone hear me? Dragon : This voice... Is it Verdelet? Verdelet : If I can hear your voice, then you too, have a pact. Verdelet : Caim, you must be careful. The prison is well guarded by the Empire. Verdelet : You have made a pact with a dragon? What fate gave you such a powerful pact-beast? Verdelet : Inuart was taken to a different prison. I pray that he is unharmed. | Defeated the target soldiers around the dungeon. Prison guards appear. | Dragon : I sense no trace of Inuart. Was he taken elsewhere? Verdelet : I am the hierarch that guards the seals. Only one man before the might of the Empire... | End of the mission: Defeated the prison guards. | Verdelet : I am here! Please, help me! --------- / [c03va04] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 4 - Verdelet Released ]--(Event)--------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim and Hierarch Verdelet meet. What does Verdelet know about the Empire's ambitions? And what has happened to Inuart? ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | In the area surrounding the prison where Verdelet was held. | Eager Union soldier - I owe you my life! Let me serve in your army! - They even took the hierarch! Grateful Union soldier - I thought we were done for! Thank you! - Their eyes... It is as if they are possessed. Older Union soldier - Thank you! You saved us! - Sir Caim? You are younger than I thought. ---------------------- --| First scene dialogue |-- ---------------------- | Caim walks towards Verdelet, who is standing just outside the prison door. | Verdelet : At last. So, you are Caim. | Caim bows to Verdelet. | Dragon : Verdelet. You know something. Tell us. What is happening? Verdelet : The Empire is not satisfied with mere conquest. They seek complete reconstruction. Dragon : Of the world? Verdelet : Yes. They want the Seeds of Resurrection that will appear when the seals are broken. The goddess's life is in great danger. Dragon : The Seeds of Resurrection? Humans twists even the myths to their own purposes. Verdelet : Hmm? | Verdelet steps towards Caim. | Verdelet : Please help! The Empire must not destroy these holy places. The entire world is in danger. As each seal is broken, the burden on the goddess grows greater still! | Caim raises his sword into the air, and Verdelet stumbles back. | Verdelet : Please! Even the Empire's soldiers deserve our mercy. | Verdelet turns to face the wall of the dungeon. | Dragon : You cannot preach to this one. He cares only for settling old grudges. | Caim shrugs as his answer to the Dragon's comment. Verdelet falls onto his | | knees and raises his staff. | Verdelet : May the gods bless us, their poor children. Dragon : What difference between he who prays and he who kills? Fools, one and all, these humans. | Caim turns and walks away from Verdelet. | ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The Empire is plotting to destroy the seals and kill the goddess, and thus release the Seeds of Resurrection. Inuart has been taken to a different Imperial prison, where a voice of the Cult of the Watchers speaks to him relentlessly. ----------------------- --| Second scene dialogue |-- ----------------------- | Inuart is tied up to a stake, with the beam of light from the room's only | | window upon him. | Inuart : If only I had more strength... Voice : If only I had more strength... Then I could protect Furiae. Inuart : Who's there? Voice : I could protect her and make her my own. Inuart : Stop it! Voice : Take her in my arms. Surrender her to no man. My betrothed. She shall love only me. Inuart : Please stop... Voice : All mine. Furiae, all mine. All mine. All mine. No man can have her. No man. Not even Caim. Inuart : No! No more! Voice : Loves only me. Looks only to me. Holds only me. Furiae. Loves only me, me. Me. Me. Forgive me. Deeply. Deeply. Please forgive me. | Inuart lets out a scream. | Voice : Gaze only on me, please. Gaze upon me. | Inuart lets out a whimper. | Voice : The goddess will die. The one who serves as the seal must be killed by the strain. The burden will destroy her. Inuart : No! Voice : She is just a normal woman. One who was to lie beside you, laughing and carefree. Inuart : If she ceases to be a goddess, can she become a woman again? Voice : For many, many years. Inuart : What shall I do? I want to help her! Voice : You need strength. Strength that come from a pact with a dragon. Inuart : Caim! Caim could help! Voice : Caim? Allow him to bathe in her gratitude and love? Inuart : She... Voice : She is my bride. She is my bride. Her kisses are mine alone. Her love is mine alone. If only I had more strength... | Inuart closes his eyes. He reopens them, red. | Inuart : If only I had more strength... --------- / [c03vr04] --[ Chapter 3 Verse IV - Regret ]--(Event)------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The spirits tell them that the desert seal is broken. The path to the next seal in the ocean temple is laid out before them. ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | In the area surrounding the prison where Verdelet was held. | Eager Union soldier - I owe you my life! Let me serve in your army! - They even took the hierarch! Grateful Union soldier - I thought we were done for! Thank you! - Their eyes... It is as if they are possessed. Older Union soldier - Thank you! You saved us! - Sir Caim? You are younger than I thought. ---------------------- --| First scene dialogue |-- ---------------------- | Caim walks towards Verdelet, who is standing just outside the prison door. | Verdelet : At last. So, you are Caim. | Caim bows to Verdelet. | Dragon : Verdelet. You know something. Tell us. What is happening? Verdelet : The Empire is not satisfied with mere conquest. They seek complete reconstruction. Dragon : Of the world? Verdelet : Yes. They want the Seeds of Resurrection that will appear when the seals are broken. The goddess's life is in great danger. Dragon : The Seeds of Resurrection? Humans twists even the myths to their own purposes. Verdelet : Hmm? | Verdelet steps towards Caim. | Verdelet : Please help! The Empire must not destroy these holy places. The entire world is in danger. As each seal is broken, the burden on the goddess grows greater still! | Caim raises his sword into the air, and Verdelet stumbles back. | Verdelet : Please! Even the Empire's soldiers deserve our mercy. | Verdelet turns to face the wall of the dungeon. | Dragon : You cannot preach to this one. He cares only for settling old grudges. | Caim shrugs as his answer to the Dragon's comment. Verdelet falls onto his | | knees and raises his staff. | Verdelet : May the gods bless us, their poor children. Dragon : What difference between he who prays and he who kills? Fools, one and all, these humans. | As Caim turns and walks away from Verdelet, Arioch approaches with her | | pact-beast, Undine and Salamander, circling behind her. | Undine and Salamander : Too late. Verdelet : What are you telling us? Salamander : The desert temple's seal is already broken. Undine : Yes, can you not sense it? Verdelet : No! The seal broken? It cannot be! | A choice whether to go to the seal of the desert or to the seal of the | | ocean is presented. If the choice is to go to the temple of the ocean, | | finish reading this verse, then skip to read the section of Arioch's | | Madness [camva01]. If the choice is to go to the desert, continue reading | | this verse, and then onto Chapter 3, Verse 5 - The Temple in the Desert. | ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The Empire is plotting to destroy the seals and kill the goddess, and thus release the Seeds of Resurrection. From Arioch, Caim learns that the desert seal is destroyed, and the Imperial army now advances upon the seal of the ocean temple. Inuart has been taken to a different Imperial prison, where a voice of the Cult of the Watchers speaks to him relentlessly. ----------------------- --| Second scene dialogue |-- ----------------------- | Inuart is tied up to a stake, with the beam of light from the room's only | | window upon him. | Inuart : If only I had more strength... Voice : If only I had more strength... Then I could protect Furiae. Inuart : Who's there? Voice : I could protect her and make her my own. Inuart : Stop it! Voice : Take her in my arms. Surrender her to no man. My betrothed. She shall love only me. Inuart : Please stop... Voice : All mine. Furiae, all mine. All mine. All mine. No man can have her. No man. Not even Caim. Inuart : No! No more! Voice : Loves only me. Looks only to me. Holds only me. Furiae. Loves only me, me. Me. Me. Forgive me. Deeply. Deeply. Please forgive me. | Inuart lets out a scream. | Voice : Gaze only on me, please. Gaze upon me. | Inuart lets out a whimper. | Voice : The goddess will die. The one who serves as the seal must be killed by the strain. The burden will destroy her. Inuart : No! Voice : She is just a normal woman. One who was to lie beside you, laughing and carefree. Inuart : If she ceases to be a goddess, can she become a woman again? Voice : For many, many years. Inuart : What shall I do? I want to help her! Voice : You need strength. Strength that come from a pact with a dragon. Inuart : Caim! Caim could help! Voice : Caim? Allow him to bathe in her gratitude and love? Inuart : She... Voice : She is my bride. She is my bride. Her kisses are mine alone. Her love is mine alone. If only I had more strength... | Inuart closes his eyes. He reopens them, red. | Inuart : If only I had more strength... --------- / [c03va05] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 5 - The Temple in the Desert]--(Aerial mission)------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The seal of the desert temple is in danger! Can Caim stop it from falling into the Empire's hands? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- At Verdelet's urging, Caim flies to the seal in the desert. But waiting in the sky above are the gargoyles, creatures born of lifeless stone. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the desert skies, flying towards the seal of | | the desert. | Dragon : If we do not stop them quickly, the temple will be lost. Now go! Verdelet : The goddess's burden grows. It must not be! If the temple seal fails... Verdelet : The desert, the sea, the forest... They are trying to destroy a seal that protects the world! Verdelet : The closest seal is the desert temple. You must hurry there! Verdelet : Three temples and a goddess... They are all that protects this world. If they are lost... Dragon : Pillaging their own sacred temples. Humans are beyond my understanding. Verdelet : Caim, your sister, the goddess, despairs under the burden of her task. Forgive me... | End of the mission: Reached destination. | Verdelet : Quickly, they must not destroy the holy place! Please, hurry Caim! --------- / [c03va06] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 6 - The Seal ]--(Ground mission)--------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Imperial army surrounds the desert seal. For Caim, the moment of reckoning is at hand. He hurls himself into the battle. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- At Verdelet's urging, Caim goes to the seal in the desert. The Imperial army masses in the desert surrounding the temple, intent on the seal's destruction. Now it is time for Caim to soak the black desert sands with the blood of the Empire! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the desert surrounding the desert seal. | Verdelet : The seals of the temples keep chaos from the world. Caim! They must never be broken. Verdelet : Quickly, Caim! The temple will be lost! Dragon : The Empire...here too? It is only a matter of time before the temple falls. Verdelet : The seal must hold! It must... | Defeated the target soldiers surrounding the temple. | Verdelet : N-no! May the gods have mercy on us! | Arbalester targets appear near a cliff. | Verdelet : The Imperial arbalesters. They are the enemy of the flying dragon. Defeat them first. Dragon : Inuart's harp, fallen on the sand. Where is he? | Defeated the target arbalesters surrounding near the cliff. | Verdelet : Why does the Empire wish to destroy the seals? Do they seek the Seeds of Resurrection? | New heavy cavalry with red armour targets appear in a canyon. | Verdelet : The red armour of the enemy somehow protects them from magic. Be careful! Dragon : So, Inuart is not here. | Defeated the heavy cavalry, new enemies appear at the temple. | Verdelet : The attack was only a diversion. Caim, you must return to the seal at once. | End of the mission: Arrive at the temple. | Verdelet : Good. Now we can hurry to the seal! --------- / [c03va07] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 7 - Dark Creatures ]--(Event)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- As Verdelet goes to see that the seal is unharmed, a new enemy rises up before them! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim is on his way to the temple, but there are Empire soldiers guarding | | the way. | Dragon : The temple is ahead. You must cut a path through. | Caim disposes of all those Empire soldiers, and arrives at the temple. He | | and Verdelet walk up to the seal, but wraiths spawn from the ground to | | hinder them. | Dragon : Look out! | Verdelet lets out a scream of surprise and stumbles back. | Dragon : Servants of the darkness, begone! --------- / [c03va08] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 8 - Sacred Remains ]--(Ground mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim's anger knows no bounds. The sacred ground is dyed crimson with blood. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The temple of the desert. The Imperial army swarms about it, intent on the seal's destruction. And now ghostly wraiths rise from the ground and set upon Caim. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: At the desert seal with wraiths floating about. | Verdelet : Destroy the spirits of hell! | Destroyed the first round of wraith targets, but a second round spawns. | Verdelet : They seems to react to large movements... | Eliminated the second round of wraith targets, but a third round rises. | Verdelet : Drive all the spirits from the temple! Drive them away now! | Defeated the third round of wraiths, and knights surround the temple. | Verdelet : The Imperial forces are drawn to the seal, like moths to a flame. Are the other temples safe? Verdelet : Is this the will of the gods? Is it their will that we be tested so? Verdelet : Is that Inuart's harp? Verdelet : The horror! The horror! I have never seen such sacrilege! | Defeated the knights, and enemy commanders appear. | Union soldier : A message, sire! The Imperial commanders have appeared on the battlefield! | Disposed of the commanders. | Verdelet : Argh! The seal... The seal is broken! | End of the mission: Arrive at the broken seal. | Dragon : The place has fallen. We should return to the goddess. --------- / [c03va09] --[ Chapter 3 Verse 9 - The Harp ]--(Event)------------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- They return to find Furiae praying for their safe return. But she soon realizes that Inuart is not with them. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim's efforts are in vain, and the seal of the desert is destroyed. Bitterly disappointed, Caim and Verdelet return to where Furiae awaits them. There they show her Inuart's harp, which they found on the desert floor. What does the lost harp mean? ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | At the camp where Furiae and Union soldiers await. | Valiant Union soldier - A soldier gave his life protecting the goddess. - The goddess's safety must come first. Elderly Union soldier - To see Lady Furiae dirtied by the desert sands... - It is good that the king cannot see us now... Verdelet - Such a thing! What should I tell the goddess? - Woman becomes goddess and the betrothed is lost. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim and Verdelet arrives before the goddess, Furiae, with Caim holding | | Inuart's harp in his right hand. She bows to them in greeting. | Furiae : You are safe. But where is Inuart? | Caim holds out Inuart's lost harp for Furiae to see. | Furiae : His...harp? Dragon : It was lying on the desert sands. | Furiae falls onto her knees in shock. Verdelet and Caim rush forward, with | | Caim crouching down beside his sister. | Verdelet : Highness! Does the burden grow greater, now the desert seal is broken? Furiae : I am well...quite well. | Furiae gets up from the ground. | Furiae : But what of Inuart? | Caim gets up as well, and turns his back to her, unable to face his sister. | --------- / [c03vr09] --[ Chapter 3 Verse IX - An Unquiet Voice ]--(Event)--------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A voice comes to Verdelet. Sensing a new menace, he ignores the scorn of the dragon and urges them to search for the source of the voice. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim's efforts are in vain, and the seal of the desert is destroyed. Bitterly disappointed, Caim and Verdelet return to where Furiae awaits them. There they show her Inuart's harp, which they found on the desert floor. What does the lost harp mean? At that moment, a strange voice begins to call to them. ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | At the camp where Furiae and Union soldiers await. | Valiant Union soldier - A soldier gave his life protecting the goddess. - The goddess's safety must come first. Elderly Union soldier - To see Lady Furiae dirtied by the desert sands... - It is good that the king cannot see us now... Verdelet - Such a thing! What should I tell the goddess? - Woman becomes goddess and the betrothed is lost. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim and Verdelet arrives before the goddess, Furiae, with Caim holding | | Inuart's harp in his right hand. She bows to them in greeting. | Furiae : You are safe. But where is Inuart? | Caim holds out Inuart's lost harp for Furiae to see. | Furiae : His harp!? Dragon : It was lying on the desert sands. | Furiae falls onto her knees in shock. Verdelet and Caim rush forward, with | | Caim crouching down beside his sister. | Verdelet : Highness! Does the burden grow greater, now the desert seal is broken? Furiae : I am well...quite well. | Furiae get up from the ground. | Furiae : But what of Inuart? | Caim gets up as well, and turns his back to her, unable to face his sister. | | A rippling effect crosses Caim and Verdelet, signifying contact from a | | pact-partner. | Verdelet : Caim, can you hear that? | Caim turns around and looks in several directions in search. | Verdelet : The voice is weak and faint. I would not expect you to hear it. Dragon : Tell me, do you plan to seek out this voice? Verdelet : If we ignore it, the consequences maybe grave. Dragon : The weak would do well to know their own limits, old man. Verdelet : Do you know from where this voice beckons? Dragon : From an Imperial gaol in the desert. | Caim and Verdelet turn to leave for the gaol from where the voice | | originates. | --------- / [c03vr10] --[ Chapter 3 Verse X - Gaol ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim flies across the desert toward the voice. But who is it that leads them? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- They hear a powerful yet strangely disturbed voice. It is a voice unlike any other they have heard before; a voice heavy with evil foreboding. Like harbringers of doom, wraiths summoned by the Empire gather in the black sky. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the desert skies, flying towards the gaol. | Dragon : We must clear them away, then hurry to the voice. Dragon : Does only slaughter calm your soul, Caim? Verdelet : If you are truly her brother, you would not be so quick to bloody your sword. Verdelet : Caim. Do you wish to kill the entire Empire alone? Such a frightful ambition. Dragon : There will be no end if you try to crush them all. Enough! Dragon : The voice wails and keens. No sane man or woman speaks with such a voice. Dragon : Does compassion drive you? Or do you seek to recruit even the mad to your cause? | End of the mission: Reached destination. | Verdelet : The Imperial prison is before us. The voice emanates from there. --------- / [c03vr11] --[ Chapter 3 Verse XI - Laughter ]--(Event)----------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A dark prison. A beautiful voice. A cursed home. Blood stains the stones red, and a broken heart is trapped in a clay urn. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | In the corridor of the Imperial gaol, where insane laughter echoes | | endlessly off the cold, stony walls. An Imperial soldier and knight patrol | | these passageways of madness. | Empire soldier : No matter how much I hear it, I can't abide that voice. Empire knight : Is that so? I've grown fond of it, I have. Empire soldier : Long as it's a woman, huh? You're an odd one, liking an elf like that. Have you seen her eyes? Pretty scary, if you ask me. Even when she smiles, they're dead. Empire knight : Me? I feel sorry for her. Better for her if she had died along with the rest of her family. | The hysterical laughter mounts in volume. | Empire knight : Right, then. Let's go settle her down. Empire soldier : Careful, mate! She'll get you for sure! Empire knight : That's alright. We're not her type, now, are we? | A deep rumble is heard, originating from outside the prison. | Empire knight : What the...! Empire soldier : Bloody hell. The Union! They're attacking! | The prison wall is destroyed by a fiery blast. | --------- / [c03vr12] --[ Chapter 3 Verse XII - An Invitation ]--(Movie)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Arioch, an elf woman born of chaos and solitude. The writhing torment of her heart draws the spirits to her. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Amidst the flaming ruins of the Imperial gaol, lies a female elf on atop a | | stone bed on her side, her long chestnut brown hair draping across her | | face, partially hiding it. Her body is restrained by many belts, for she is | | the mad elf, Arioch. She struggles to open her eyes, which reveals to her | | a fireball and a sphere of water drifting through the blazing remains of | | her prison, coming to a stop before her. | Undine and Salamander : It is too soon for you to die. | Intrigued by the spirits, Arioch sits up on the bed. | Undine and Salamander : Now. You will come with us. --------- / [c03vr13] --[ Chapter 3 Verse XIII - Release ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Winged monsters protect the skies above the gaol, but Caim and the dragon do not hesitate. Upwards they fly, to do battle with the beasts. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Urged on by Verdelet, Caim takes to the air to find the Imperial goal from whence the voice seems to come. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the desert skies, flying towards the gaol. | Dragon : A gaol. Why does man lock his follow man in cages? Such cruelty... Arioch : Dead, dead. They are all dead... Dragon : The voice is close... But the enemy is everywhere. Dragon : The voice comes from nearby. Perhaps it is time to find it. Verdelet : Our allies are surely amongst the prisoners. Caim, please help. | End of the mission: Reached destination. | Dragon : We will descend towards the voice. Prepare yourself! --------- / [c03vr14] --[ Chapter 3 Verse XIV - Found ]--(Ground mission)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Before the gaol an army awaits. Caim attacks! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- At Verdelet's urging, Caim goes to find the gaol from whence the voice beckons. There he finds an elf who has made a pact with the spirits of water and fire. From their meeting, great misery and misfortune will be born. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the desert near the gaol. | Verdelet : The voice has become more unstable! If we do not hurry... Verdelet : The voice... From whence does it come? Arioch : ...A light? I saw it. Verdelet : ...Light? What is this voice trying to tell us? | Destroyed the cavalry targets, and the heavy cavalry will fill the canyon. | Verdelet : The voice is coming from this direction. But the Empire will not let us by easily. Verdelet : Caim, let the gods sooth your heart. In these times, faith is all we have. Dragon : Humans cannot see that blood and idols beget each other. | Vanquished the heavy cavalry, and soldiers will fill the desert. | Verdelet : The voice - it comes from an Imperial gaol. But to what creature does it belong? | Approached the gaol. | Verdelet : Yes. The voice comes from this gaol. Go with caution. | Eliminated half of the target soldiers. More will arrive. | Verdelet : This area is under control of the Empire. Go forward with caution. | Killed all the targets. | Verdelet : Hurry! The voice changes! It becomes faint. | End of the mission: Reached the gaol. | Dragon : Good. The voice is close. Not long now. --------- / [c03vr15] --[ Chapter 3 Verse XV - Arioch Lives ]--(Event)------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- They meet the new pact-partner, Arioch. Her black soul recognizes no friend. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim, Verdelet, and Arioch stand in the flaming ruins of what was the | | Imperial gaol, with Undine and Salamander drifting behind Arioch. | Verdelet : You too have a pact-beast. What is your name? Arioch : Arioch. Verdelet : You surrendered your womb. | Oblivious to Verdelet's comment, Arioch paces to stand in front of Caim. | Arioch : Tell me. Are there any children here? | Arioch turns and walks to Verdelet as he answers her question. | Verdelet : Fear not; they have been evacuated. | Arioch turns to face Salamander and Undine. | Arioch : So, there are none here? | Arioch approaches Caim. | Arioch : A pity. They're so sweet... | Arioch gets really close to Caim, and then tries to bite him. | Arioch : ...But an adult will suffice. Dragon : Get back, elf! | Verdelet raises his staff, and golden spell runes start to circle it. | Verdelet : Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Ha! | The runes from Verdelet's staff encircle Arioch, causing her to crumble to | | the ground. | Verdelet : This lock spell will hold her. But for how long, I cannot tell. I will take her with me for her own good, as well as for others around her. Dragon : So is this what you call human kindness? ________________________ | | ---------------------------| Chapter 4 : Betrayal |-------------------------- |________________________| --------- / [d1evod2] --[ Dragon Evolution - Level 1 to Level 2 ]------------------------------------ ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The dragon grows bigger in size, its bright red hide becoming magenta in | | colour. The horns on its head that used to curl around now fan out. | Verdelet : Oh, so the dragon grows stronger! As its pact partner, you too, grow stronger, Caim. --------- / [c04va01] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 1 - Inuart's Confession ]--(Event)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A reunion with Inuart. But the man with red eyes who rides the black dragon is not the Inuart they know. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and his small group flees the Empire and arrive in the wastelands, where the weary troupe sets up camp and seeks rest. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim is crouching, Furiae and Verdelet are sitting on the rocky ground | | behind him. | Dragon : That smell... Verdelet : Another dragon? | A black dragon flies overhead, and Inuart jumps from it. Furiae runs | | forward on seeing him. | Furiae : Inuart! Verdelet : With a dragon! That means you have made a pact. | Inuart extends out his arm to Furiae, but she backs away from him. | Inuart : Furiae, come with me. There is nothing to fear. The world will be better now. You need not be the only sacrifice. | Caim steps in between Inuart and the goddess. | Dragon : He has been broken. | Caim raises his sword and goes into guard stance, and Inuart shuffles back. | Inuart : I'm not weak anymore, Caim! Why are you staring at me like that? I'm strong now! | Inuart pauses for a moment, and begins to walk forward. | Inuart : I traded my songs for strength, Caim. I can protect you now, Furiae. | Caim points his sword at Inuart. | Inuart : Don't give me that face, Caim. I can see the scorn in your eyes. | Inuart accusingly points his finger at Caim. | Inuart : You would sacrifice your own sister in the service of revenge. --------- / [c04va02] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 2 - Pride ]--(Movie)--------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Inuart has made a pact with the most powerful of beasts. He snatches Furiae from Caim, and leaves nothing behind but despair - and a harp. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Inuart draws his lance, it reflecting the dull gray clouds covering the | | sky. He readies it for battle, as his black dragon spreads it wings, and | | takes to the air. Likewise, Caim readies his sword, to battle who was once | | his friend. Furiae tries to reach out to stop this aimless slaughtering | | between comrades, but Verdelet reaches out to block her way. He knows that | | there is no stopping this. The red dragon lets out a deafening roar. The | | black dragon tackles Caim's dragon, as Inuart and Caim proceed with their | | own duel. Their weapons lock, and Inuart pushes his weight on it, pushing | | Caim back. He follows through by having two more attacks in quick | | succession, knocking Caim off his feet. Furiae tries to come forward and | | help, only to be stopped by Verdelet, for her own safety. | Furiae : Caim! | Caim turns to look at the dragons' battle, to see the black dragon | | completely overpowering his, and its teeth deep in the red dragon's throat. | | Once again, this brought back painful memories: the death of his parents. | | The image of how his father was held in the jaws of the Imperial black | | dragon, and his mother under its claw flashed through his mind. With hatred | | filling his heart, Caim gets up from the barren ground. He dashes at the | | dragons with a soundless battle-cry. His red dragon roars as a warning to | | him, while the black dragon leaps up into the air, puffing up its chest, | | and launches a fireball directly aimed at Caim. At the last moment, the | | red dragon uses its wing to shield Caim from certain death, as a result, | | it becomes engulfed in flames. Inuart advances towards the goddess and | | Verdelet, who raises his staff and begins to chant a spell. | Verdelet : Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... | But his spell is cut short as Inuart attacks him with his lance, and | | Verdelet crumples to the ground. Now, Inuart stands in front of the | | goddess. She slaps him on the face. But he is oblivious, instead, he takes | | her by the chin, and kisses her. Furiae tries to push him away. Caim's red | | dragon tries to get up, however, it lacks the strength to do so, and fails. | | Caim looks up to see Furiae unconscious, sitting of Inuart's lap, and the | | both of them on the black dragon. | Inuart : Welcome to a world without song. | With that, he throws his harp into the air, and his black dragon takes off, | | flying off to disappear over the horizon. As Caim struggles to stand up, | | the harp lands in front of him, embedding itself into the scorched, soft | | ground. | --------- / [c04va03] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 3 - The Holy and the Profane ]--(Event)-------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- When confronting Inuart, Verdelet's priestly mask falls away. But for Verdelet, without his priesthood, he is nothing. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | They are at the camp once again, only Furiae is now missing. Caim swings | | his sword around in rage, and then points it at Verdelet, who is sprawled | | on the stony ground. | Verdelet : When Inuart turned his sword on me, I felt no compassion or mercy. Not even fear... No. Only anger filled my heart. What right do I have to preach to others now? --------- / [c04va04] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 4 - Strength Remains ]--(Aerial mission)------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Taken from Caim is the goddess, his last blood relative. Rage and grief fill his heart. Only slaughter can soothe his soul now. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Inuart flies away in the direction of the Empire. Caim waits for the dragon's wounds to heal, and then he, too, turns toward the Imperial lands. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies, on Inuart's trail. | Dragon : So many of them. It seems the day of the final reckoning approaches. | Destroyed the airship. | Verdelet : Were the elves attacked so that they could no longer guard the seal? Dragon : We must go to the Imperial lands first. Now go! And scatter the enemy before you! Verdelet : One who enters a pact is willing to exchange the irreplaceable for great power. Verdelet : The dark clouds of hate are gathering in my heart... Verdelet : The Seeds of Resurrection appear when the world ends. So say the legends... | Engaged in battle with the black dragons surrounding the airship. | Verdelet : None can know the world's fate if the goddess is lost. Could this be the end? Dragon : The Seeds of Resurrection. Goddess. Cult of the Watchers. Pieces to what awful puzzle? | End of the mission: Reached the Winter Wastelands. | Verdelet : We must halt their advance. Our army is overwhelmed! --------- / [c04va05] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 5 - Violent Lands ]--(Ground mission)---------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- In the lifeless wastelands, the subhuman monsters of the Empire gather. Their eyes reflect only bloodlust and hate. But Caim's eyes are the same. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim chases Inuart towards the Imperial lands. But blocking his path are soldiers of the Empire. As rage makes him forget all reason, Caim hurls himself at the enemy. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the Winter Wastelands, and subhumans line the | | footpath. | Verdelet : If we ignore the Imperial troops, the Union will suffer. Caim, can you scatter their army? | Go towards the gully and vanquish most of the enemies, and reinforcements | | will arrive in the plateau and then the valley. | Verdelet : The Empire is gathering its forces for a final battle. Verdelet : I cannot but feel concern for the goddess. I think you worry as well, Caim. | Reached the reinforcements in the valley. | Verdelet : So many subhumans. We would do well to kill as many as we could, Caim. Dragon : Stare too much at the back of your shield, and you may begin to forget the enemy. Verdelet : The Empire's army has broken through the centre of the wastelands. Stop the advance! Verdelet : Do you laugh? Does the spilling of the blood of so many amuse you so? Verdelet : The goddess... Her feelings for you were special. But what good is that knowledge to you? Verdelet : Drive the finishing blow into their retreating backs! Ye gods, is our cause just? Dragon : Because you are brother and sister? What manner of excuse is that? | Killed the ogres, and the destination appears. | Dragon : The bodies pile higher, even as the flowers on the graves wither. Verdelet : Should the elves be lost, none shall remain to protect the temple seal. | End of the mission: Reached the target destination. | Dragon : I understand your passion. But should you slaughter with such reckless abandon? --------- / [c04va06] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 6 - Caim's Past ]--(Event)--------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The dragon learns of Caim's past - and the slaying of his parents by dragons. It is this that fill his heart with anger. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | On a snowy field littered with several bodies of subhumans, paces Caim. | Dragon : Your parents were killed by a dragon? | Caim turns to walk the other way. | Dragon : So. To the Empire. The goddess will be there. --------- / [c04vr06] --[ Chapter 4 Verse VI - Seere's Sister ]--(Event)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- "Please find my sister!" What sad truth lies behind Seere's entreaty? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | On a snowy field littered with several bodies of subhumans, paces Caim. | | Seere and his pact-beast, Golem, are standing close by. | Dragon : Your parents were killed by a dragon? | Caim turns to walk the other way. | Dragon : So. To the Empire. The goddess will be there. | Caim turns to leave for the Empire, but Seere darts into his path, and | | points to a distant place. | Seere : There! Over there! That's the valley where my sister disappeared! | Caim tries to leave again. | Seere : Please. There might be some clue about where Manah went. Golem : Cult of the Watchers...also clue. Dragon : The valley is a perilous place. Did your sister go there alone? Seere : No, with our mother... But anyway, that's where she went missing! | A choice whether to go to the valley or not is presented. If the choice is | | to go, then skip to read the section of Seere's Prayer [cspva01]. If not, | | continue on to Chapter 4, Verse 7 - Forbidden Places. | --------- / [c04va07] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 7 - Forbidden Places ]--(Ground mission)------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim and the group break out of the Empire's net and escape the peril in the wastelands. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- A man whose parents were murdered by a dragon. A dragon who feels nothing but contempt for mankind. A chasm of mistrust between them, the two battle the Imperial army. Can they be allies only in war? ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the Winter Wastelands with goblin targets. | Verdelet : Caim, your parents were killed by an Empire dragon. But you must not live on hatred alone. Dragon : Relentless jackals! Let my crimson fire clean the scourge! Dragon : Damn you! Must we spend all our strength fighting common troops? | Killed all the goblins, new ones appear. | Verdelet : Caim! Be merciful, and end your killing ways. No... I can give no more sermons. Dragon : Why do the Imperial soldiers's eyes burn so red? What has the Cult of the Watchers done? Verdelet : If the Empire is defeated and the world saved, then is even revenge a noble cause? | Defeated the goblins, and ogres appear. | Verdelet : Are those ogres!? They are attacking the village! Dragon : So, they were to be living sacrifices for the Empire. Just as your parents were. Verdelet : War... War is a road that leads to no good future. | End of the mission: Eliminated the ogres. | Dragon : The leaders still live. --------- / [c04va08] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 8 - The Last Seal? ]--(Event)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The temple seals are all destroyed. Caim and his band must fly to the Imperial lands to rescue the last seal, Furiae. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | An ogre is lying in the snow, amongst the village that only consists of a | | few tents. Caim walks up to it, crouches, and shakes the ogre. | Dragon : Let me read its mind. The goddess... The Empire... A fortress. A fortress? Where? Where under heaven? | Caim shakes his head. A rippling effect on him, and then a scream is heard. | Dragon : A scream? | Caim gets up, and turns to the dragon. | Dragon : If that is the faeries' death cry, the three seals have been broken. Only one seal remains. That is the goddess herself. Are we too late? We must fly to the lands of the Empire, and then find the fortress. | Caim walks off to head to the lands of the Empire. | --------- / [c04va09] --[ Chapter 4 Verse 9 - Voice of Stone ]--(Ground mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- They follow the rocky path that leads deep within the gorge. There they find giants of stone guarding a secret land. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- From the beast's memories, they learn of a shorter path to the Empire's lands. The path is guarded by Imperial soldiers and huge golems formed of rock. Now that each seal has fallen to the relentless Empire, Caim and his small group have no choice but to brave the dangerous path. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the Winter Wastelands, heading for the gorge, | | but Empire soldiers block your path. | Verdelet : To reach the Empire's lands, it seems you must pass through this narrow gorge. Dragon : Caim. Do you acknowledge only those you wish to kill? | Eliminated the soldiers, and a golem appears. | Dragon : The black dragon is not here. But, something else... Dragon : They hide well, but a race that controls stone itself lives in this valley. Dragon : Is this the right way? I feel we have passed this way more then once before... | End of the mission: Destroyed the golem and reached the destination. | Verdelet : The Imperial soldiers are controlled like puppets. What force has such power? --------- / [c04vr10] --[ Chapter 4 Verse X - A Mother's Farewell ]--(Event)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Whispering words of love, a mother dies and leaves behind a small child. The child holds the love tight in his heart as he turns to follow the difficult road. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The screen is black, and a woman's voice speaks. | Woman : It's all right. It will be better soon. No, you can't die now! Seere, my beautiful child... Oh, I love only you. | A woman is lying on the ground. A small child approaches and crouches | | beside the woman. | Seere : Mother? Mother? Are you sleeping? Father won't move. Mother? | The child tries to shake her awake, but fails. | Seere : Mother, I'll kiss you and you'll wake up, right? Mother? What is it? What's wrong? Why don't you answer me? Wake up. Please, wake up. | He sits back on his heels and looks down at the ground. | Seere : You loved just me, didn't you? Just me. Only me, only me. --------- / [c04vr11] --[ Chapter 4 Verse XI - Survivors ]--(Movie)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- In the hidden and empty land, Caim meets up a young boy and a giant of stone. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- On their way to the Imperial lands, Caim and his party come across a village in a hidden valley, where a young boy and his pact-beast wait. His parents lost, the child has made a pact with a giant of stone. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | A stony barren valley. Caim walks slowly, looking around, cautious of his | | surroundings. A rumble is heard, and he turns to seek the origin of the | | sound. Through a narrow chasm, a golem appears, carrying with it a small | | child on its palm. Surprised by the golem, Caim slowly steps back, while | | carefully observing what is before him. The child stares at Caim through | | his large emerald eyes under his fringe of short blonde hair. | Seere : There is no one left in our village. Mother and father aren't even there. --------- / [c04vr12] --[ Chapter 4 Verse XII - Seere's Friend ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The young pact-partner is called Seere. He has given up his "time" for the protection of a golem. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim is standing in the rocky valley, with the huge golem in front of him. | Dragon : Golem. It was you who led us here? | Seere jumps from the palm of Golem to land on the ground not far from Caim. | Seere : You'll go to place where the Cult is? Take me! Take me too! | Seere kneels and tries to grab onto Caim's leg, who evades by backing away. | Seere : They took my sister! Dragon : Golem...you made a pact with this child? Golem : Seere alone. Seere small. Here is dangerous. I go too. Seere : I gave all my time to Golem. He said he'd be my friend if I did that. Dragon : Do you understand what it means to give away all your time? Others age and die. But you will never grow, never pass on. You will be alone, a child forever. | Seere gets up and point to Golem, while still facing Caim's red dragon. | Seere : I-I won't be alone. Golem will be with me. Besides, I became the "Little Hero". Do you know that story? My mother used to tell it to me. Dragon : More myths! Why are humans so quick to hide from the truth in castles made of clouds? Golem : Gaaaar. Dragon : Even Golem feels pity. Well then, let us go. To the Empire! | Caim turns and walks off, Seere follows. | ___________________________ | | -------------------------| Chapter 5 : Destruction |------------------------- |___________________________| --------- / [c05va01] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 1 - War ]--(Movie)----------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Union steels itself for battle with the Empire and raises a mighty battle cry. But the Empire has built a fearsome war machine. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The blue Union flag flies in the wind, countless soldiers clad in silver | | armour under it. They march in time towards their enemy, who stands | | unmoving, their red eye shining through their visors. A Union soldier | | raises his sword high above his head, and lets out a mighty battle-cry. | Union soldier : Attack! | The army dashes across the green rolling fields, intent of spilling their | | enemies blood on the plains. As they charge, the Empire remains unmoving. | | The Union soldier hesitate and slow to a stop as they see a cyclops | | comes out from under its cover of the forest, and makes its way towards | | them, crushing the trees in its path. | --------- / [c05va02] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 2 - Turning Point ]--(Aerial mission)---------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire throws the cyclops war machines into battle. Caim must destroy them and give victory to the Union! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The Union has amassed all its forces to confront the Imperial army in a final battle. But the Empire's evil factories have built immense one-eyed war-monsters. Before them, the Union forces can only turn and flee. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the plains to fight the | | cyclops with the dragon. | Dragon : Half-witted cyclops! My flames will soon blind the giant. Dragon : The cyclops are creations of man. Nature does not mould such monsters. Dragon : Is this the work of man? Verdelet : Ye gods, hear our cries, and show mercy to your poor children! Dragon : It seems that your army is outnumbered. | End of the mission: Defeated all the cyclopes. | Dragon : The one-eyes are defeated. Now to hunt the rest of the jackals. Your favourite sport, Caim... --------- / [c05va03] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 3 - Rapture ]--(Ground mission)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The two mighty armies clash. Caim and the dragon swim in an ocean of blood and gore. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- As the Union and Empire begin to wage the final battle, Caim descends into the very middle of the Imperial army. May the power of the pact-partners bring the Union glorious victory! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: On the plains of Blue Mountain. | Dragon : They crawl out of the earth like worms! Union soldier : Lord Caim attacks the Empire! Soldiers, advance! We must not let him fight alone! Union soldier : Good. The spoils shall be ours. Soldiers! Show them the strength of the Union! Dragon : Must the Empire retreat now? Will I witness your victory? Dragon : The final battle. Union and Empire. Both sides have summoned all their power. Union soldier : Lord Caim! Now is the time to topple the Empire and avenge our king! | Soldiers in red armour arrive. | Union soldier : The Empire has deployed soldiers impervious to magic. Be careful! Union soldier : Lord Caim risks his life in battle. Come, soldiers, stand by his side! Verdelet : This is the battle to end all human battles. I pray that it be so. | Commander knights appear on the battlefield. | Verdelet : The commanders have appeared. If they escape, the battle will not end. Caim, stop them. | End of the mission: Defeat the commanders. | Dragon : Has the Union won? But... Was it too easy? I feel great pressure. Something evil slouches towards us... Be on guard! Something is not right. --------- / [c05va04] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 4 - A False Peace ]--(Event)------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The battle belongs to the Union, and Caim raises his sword in triumph. But in the black clouds above, something evil gathers... ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- As the soldiers sense victory, jubilation sweeps through the Union army. Thought his joy is tempered by concern for Furiae, Caim, too, take grim satisfaction in the destruction of the hated Empire. ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | On the battlefield. | Valiant Union soldier - A victory for justice! We won! - The cyclops are defeated! Ours is the victory! Eager Union soldier - Victory! Victory! They are running! - We showed them the spirit of the Union! Elderly Union soldier - Lord Caim! The battle is ours! - The king would be proud! Brave Union soldier - We did it! Lord Caim, we did it! - The red-eyed monsters are beaten! ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim raises his sword to the sky in victory, and Union soldiers follow, | | their cheers echoing throughout the plains. But their cheers are soon | | drowned in a deep rumble. | Caim : ...! Union soldier : What is it? What's going on? | The sky darkens from its sky blue, and everything is dimmed. | Union soldier : Judgement is at hand! | All the Imperial soldiers are on their knees, their hands, still clutching | | their swords, raised up to the sky. | --------- / [c05va05] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 5 - Pandemonium ]--(Movie)--------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Destruction rains down upon the celebrating Union soldiers. Can this be the day of judgement? Are the flames of hell that burn the ground black? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Endless Union soldiers lie on the grassy plains of Blue Mountain. Some get | | up, but some don't, and they never will. However, soon it will make no | | difference. As a green fireball plummets from the sky, creating a hole in | | the blanket of clouds above the fields. A soldier watches helplessly, soon | | to be like his comrade on the ground, as the fireball lands, creating a | | powerful explosion, burning all in its vicinity. The grassland turns to a | | burnt wasteland as more fireballs hurtle to the earth. | --------- / [c05va06] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 6 - The Gods Speak ]--(Event)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Amidst the hellish wasteland, Verdelet wonders if the goddess is still safe. Caim can answer only with a fist clenched in anger. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Massive fireballs from the Empire's floating fortress smash into the once-quiet battlefield. The Union's victory and its army are lost, and the land is turned into a hellish wasteland. A power inconceivable has been unleashed. It is an awful portent that heralds death of the goddess and the breaking of the seals. ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | On the burnt battlefield. | Valiant Union soldier - My eyes... They cannot see. Lord Caim? Is that you? - Is this...hell? Eager Union soldier - Help...me. - No... They are beyond all human strength. Elderly Union soldier - Lord Caim! This sword...was from your father... - I give you this sword... Use it... Avenge me... - Lord Caim. Forgive me... Farewell... Scared Union soldier - A judgement? What...what on this earth? - No! I-I don't want to die... Brave Union soldier - Did the Empire do this? - Lord Caim. Please, take up our torch... ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Verdelet is pacing around near a crater, and Caim stands nearby. | Verdelet : I do not understand. It cannot be. Has the last seal been broken? Dragon : The blood of the goddess has been spilled? | Caim pushes Verdelet off his feet in a fit of rage, and Verdelet scrambles | | around on his hands and knees. | Verdelet : It is the judgement of the gods! The goddess dies, and mankind is cursed! | Caim kicks Verdelet. | Dragon : Only the gods know the truth. If we can find our way to them... --------- / [c05va07] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 7 - Emergence ]--(Ground mission)-------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Like zombies, the Imperial soldiers rise from the dead. Their dark malice poisons the land and makes it barren. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- After the fire falls from the sky, Imperial soldiers rise one by one from the dead, like demons of the underworld. What evil power reanimates the Empire's army? ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: On the burnt plains of Blue Mountain. | Verdelet : If the mere threat of the seals' destruction begets such chaos, what if they are truly lost? Dragon : Such a terrible spectacle. What does the Empire want? Verdelet : The end of the world... Does it look like this? Union soldier : Lord Caim! What is happening? Lord Caim! Dragon : The days when humans feared gods, are the days of fairy tales. Verdelet : Caim! Do you hear the goddess's voice? You must, at least... | Destroyed the first group of targets. | Verdelet : Grotesque beasts slouch upon the earth. This is hell. | Destroyed the second group of targets. | Dragon : Where do these monsters come from? They are relentless. | Destroyed the third group of targets. | Union soldier : Wh-what can this be!? | Destroyed the final group of targets. | Dragon : In the sky...what is that? --------- / [c05va08] --[ Chapter 5 Verse 8 - Menace ]--(Aerial mission)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Unholy beasts fill the darkened sky, but Caim does not falter. He flies up to do battle, the Imperial fortress his goal. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- A burned wasteland lies all about Caim, while in the flaming sky, monsters of the Empire gather like locusts. Caim mounts the dragon and flies toward the fortress where Furiae is imprisoned. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies, flying towards the sky fortress. | Dragon : What is that giant shell? Surely it is not the work of man? Verdelet : The hands of man cannot build fortresses in the air. What is the Cult of the Watchers? Dragon : That shell... How high does it fly? | Caim and his red dragon tries to fly to the air fortress, but fails. | Dragon : We cannot go higher. ( If you have recruited Leonard in your subsequent playthroughs. ) It is from Leonard. What...? The goddess is on the ocean in the sea fortress? What trickery do they play at? | If Leonard has been recruited, a choice whether to go to the sky fortress | | of the sea fortress is presented. Should the choice be the sea fortress, | | skip to Chapter 10, Verse 1 - Barriers [c10va01]. Otherwise, please | | continue to read Chapter 6, Verse 1 - Love Debased. | ____________________________ | | -------------------------| Chapter 6 : An Old Enemy |------------------------- |____________________________| --------- / [c06va01] --[ Chapter 6 Verse 1 - Love Debased ]--(Event)-------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Inuart carved power so that he might win Furiae's love. His wish has come true, but his crimson eyes can see Furiae no more. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | In the sanctum of the sky fortress. A bed is in the middle of the stone | | room, and Furiae lies upon it. An altar, a blue crystal-like pillar is | | close to the bed, and child's silhouette can be seen through it. Inuart | | comes into the room. | Inuart : Priestess! Let me have Caim. | Furiae sits up on the bed, and looks at Inuart then the priestess, who was | | the Voice that suggested the idea of a pact with a black dragon to Inuart | | in the jail. | Priestess : Release not the Watchers. | Inuart bows to the priestess, and prepares to leave. Before he leaves, he | | turns back to face Furiae, and reaches out his arm. | Inuart : I am strong. I feel love. Love for the Watchers. Love for you. But who are you? Furiae : Inuart? | Inuart exits the sanctum. | --------- / [c06va02] --[ Chapter 6 Verse 2 - A Black Dragon ]--(Aerial mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Inuart's soul belongs to the Empire. Can any words break the spell? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Furiae is held imprisoned in the floating fortress that hovers beyond Caim's reach. From its belly Inuart swoops down, his mad eyes so blinded by passion that he can no longer see the object of his love. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies, under the fortress. | Inuart : Caim. Do you think I can be beaten by you anymore? | When Caim and his red dragon is at 75% health. | Dragon : Inuart, no noble man rides a black dragon! | When Caim and his red dragon is at 50% health. | Inuart : Die, die, die! | When Caim and his red dragon is at 30% health. | Inuart : Furiae, are you watching? Today your brother shall die! Dragon : Dragon! Do you fight along the red-eyes? Have you no honour? | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 90% health. | Inuart : I am strong now. That's why Furiae is with me. Furiae! | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 75% health. | Inuart : I... Who is that? My head... Furiae! Furiae...? | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 50% health. | Inuart : Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Furiae. Fu. Ri. Ae. Fu. Ri. Ae. Fu... | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 35% health. | Dragon : The scent of the goddess weakens. Hurry! Inuart : I-I truly love Furiae! With my innermost soul! | End of the mission: When Inuart and his black dragon is at 30% health. | | Inuart flies up to the sky fortress, and Caim follows. | Inuart : The Watchers cannot fly! Dragon : Now! --------- / [c06va03] --[ Chapter 6 Verse 3 - Destiny ]--(Aerial mission)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim and the dragon soar into the sky after the black dragon. Together they must reach the fortress and save Furiae. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Riding the same air current as Inuart, Caim and the dragon manage to reach the fortress. Now they must find the sanctum that lies at its heart, and rescue Furiae. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Outside the sky fortress. | Dragon : We must destroy the cannons before we can get closer. Dragon : It is not enough to just strike wildly. Choose your targets and aim true. Verdelet : The goddess is within this fortress. She is the last seal. Protect it! Verdelet : It is an enormous structure. What force levitates it amongst the clouds? Dragon : How many of them infest this place? Is there no end to them? Dragon : They are no longer human. They are broken machines. At death, they feel nothing. Verdelet : The rites of the seals' destruction begin. The Empire cannot be stopped now. Dragon : Surely even you feel horror at this bloodshed. Or then again, perhaps you do not... | End of the mission: Destroyed all the cannons. | Verdelet : I can only offer prayers. I am powerless. Please, my goddess, be safe! --------- / [c06va04] --[ Chapter 6 Verse 4 - Unholy Prayers ]--(Ground mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Imperial minions defend the fortress like demons. Caim fights through them, toward the inner sanctum where Furiae is held. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and the others plunge into the floating fortress. There they must hurry to the inner sanctum where Furiae is held, and rescue her before the Empire destroys the last seal. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the sky fortress. | Dragon : Drive through them! Return you sister to safety by your own hands. Verdelet : The goddess! Where is the goddess!? Verdelet : If the goddess is threatened, the last seal is lost. Caim! Save the goddess... Save our world! Empire soldier : Watchers. Goddess. Watchers. Goddess. Watchers. Goddess. Watchers. Goddess. | Reached the second floor of the sky fortress. | Dragon : I cannot help you now. It rests on your sword alone. | Destroyed all the targets, and a treasure chest appears. | Furiae : Caim... Caim... Ah! Dragon : Do you hear Furiae's voice? Run to her! Furiae : Caim... | Opened the treasure chest and get the key to the inner sanctum. | Dragon : The goddess's voice... It grows weaker and weaker. Quickly! | End of the mission: Reached the inner sanctum. | Dragon : I sense the goddess. She is in this fortress. --------- / [c06va05] --[ Chapter 6 Verse 5 - Mute ]--(Event)---------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim's hope is shattered, the blood of his sister shed. The last seal is broken, and now Caim shall be witness to the great reckoning. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- As Caim approaches the inner sanctum where he believes Furiae is held, he senses no trace of his sister - only a deep and ominous foreboding. The high priestess of the Cult of the Watchers awaits, like a nightmare, within. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim rushes into the inner sanctum, arrive at the balcony in the room. A | | terrible sight awaits him. On the blue altar, lies the cold lifeless body | | of Furiae, a dagger plunged deep into her chest. | Caim : ...! | Stricken by grief, Caim drops onto his knees, and lets out a soundless | | scream. The priestess comes out from behind the altar, a child in a bright | | red dress and coat, who looks almost exactly the same as Seere. | Priestess : Speak not the Watchers. Draw not the Watchers. Write not the Watchers. Sculpt not the Watchers. Sing not the Watchers. Call not the Watchers' name. Dragon : Caim! Has the last seal been broken? Come out now! The seeds are sown! Caim : ... Dragon : Caim! Be strong! The world itself is in mortal danger! Will you allow your sister's sacrifices to be in vain? Caim! Caim : ... | Caim stops staring at the ground, and he gets up to exit the inner sanctum. | _______________________ | | ---------------------------| Chapter 7 : Tragedy |--------------------------- |_______________________| --------- / [c07va01] --[ Chapter 7 Verse 1 - Realization ]--(Movie)--------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Furiae's death breaks the spell that gripped Inuart. A young girl smiles innocently at the man with the broken heart. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- She is the priestess of the Cult of Watchers. She is the ruler of the Empire. She is the destroyer of all things. She is the instrument of the gods. She is the fountainhead. Reflected in her shining, child's eyes is the lifeless body of a goddess. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Soldiers fill the inner sanctum of the sky fortress, as the priestess | | Manah, in a bright scarlet dress, in the same colour as her eyes, dances | | with flower petals thrown into the air, in celebration of the seals' | | destruction. The goddess lies on the altar, motionless, in a velvet gown, | | red like the blood on the dagger. The last seal has been broken. | Priestess : Lalalala... Lalalalala... | She stops and tilts her head, her short blonde hair dangling from her | | movement, to look at the commotion, caused by Inuart jostling his way | | through the hoard of soldiers. His eyes loses their bright red hue as his | | sees Furiae's body, unmoving in front of him. His brown eyes is filled with | | disbelief: this cannot be true! | Inuart : Furiae? | He whirls around to face the priestess, and grabs her by the shoulders in | | rage. | Inuart : What have you done!? Manah : I broke the seal. Now she's useless. | She giggles childishly at this despairing man before her, who is soon to be | | thrown back by her force-field. In his flight through the air, he knocks | | the dagger even deeper into Furiae's chest. | Manah : The Watchers laughed. The Watchers laugh. | She throws more petals into the air, and dances some more in celebration. | --------- / [c07va02] --[ Chapter 7 Verse 2 - For Her ]--(Event)------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A selfish love gives rise to tragedy. Bearing the awful weight of his shame, Inuart clings to a new hope... ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Inuart is kneeling in front of Furiae's cold, dead body, as the priestess | | continues to dance. | Inuart : Furiae! But I... I did it for you. I did it all for you! And yet, I could not even sing for you. Was it all for myself? Did I kill you? | The priestess dances around the room with her flower petals. | Manah : Lalalalala... The Watchers dance. Such fun! The Watchers dance. Lalalalala, lalalalala... The Watchers, they dance. --------- / [c07va03] --[ Chapter 7 Verse 3 - A Decision ]--(Movie)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Taking Furiae's cold body in his arms, Inuart cries out. A broken love shall be reborn! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | A black dragon flies from the fortress. On its back is Inuart, with the | | cold body of the goddess, her face deprived of all colour, in his arms. As | | his orange hair flutter in the winds, he turns his melancholy-filled eyes | | to the skies. | Inuart : No more pain. | He cups her face in his right hand, and kisses her, but he finds no | | comfort, only the unforgive coldness of death. Inuart buries his face in | | her shoulder as a ray of hope flashes past in his mind. He looks up, his | | eyes filled resolute. | Inuart : A miracle! The goddess will live again! --------- / [c07va04] --[ Chapter 7 Verse 4 - The Sorrowful Sky ]--(Aerial mission)------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A world without seals, thrown into chaos. Who fights for whom? Is there an answer? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- All the seals are shattered. The Seeds of Resurrection are sown throughout the world, and the end of time draws near. Freed from Manah's curse, Inuart takes Furiae's cold body in his arms and resolves to use the seeds to bring his love back from the dead. Caim flies in pursuit; only evil can spring for the seeds, but Inuart, lost in his grief, will not hear the truth. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the sky. | Inuart : Die, die, die! Dragon : Very well. Now we shall see whose flames burn the hottest! | When Caim and his red dragon is at 75% health. | Dragon : You fight well. But your strength is no match for my dragonfire! | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 50% health. | Dragon : Your flames burn weak, my friend. I shall show you the limits of your power! | End of the mission: Defeated Inuart and his black dragon. | Verdelet : Caim, stop! The seals have been broken. To continue the battle is meaningless. | End of the mission on the second playthrough: Defeat Inuart in less than | | four minutes to get to Chapter 9. | Dragon : He flies the city? So, does he seek the seeds? _____________________ | | ----------------------------| Chapter 8 : Seals |---------------------------- |_____________________| --------- / [d2evod3] --[ Dragon Evolution - Level 2 to Level 3 ]------------------------------------ ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The dragon grows even bigger in size, and its magenta scales change to a | | deep red colour. Molten lava can be seen in the seams in the tail. | Verdelet : They say that dragons evolve, but I never imagined that one can grow so mighty! --------- / [c08va01] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 1 - Things Inhuman ]--(Aerial mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Imperial forces gather in the sky above the city. Caim and dragon fly into battle. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The Seeds of Resurrection lie scattered throughout the Imperial city. Are the seeds humanity's salvation or destruction? Inuart has gone alone to try to resurrect Furiae. As hope fades from the world, Caim flies to the Imperial city. He goes to destroy the seeds...and to exact revenge on the priestess Manah. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the Imperial city. | Dragon : Now is not the time to mourn! We must find and destroy all those that lead them! Dragon : The spirits come here, to this place. Indeed, the end is upon us. Dragon : No human can live here now. The beasts of hell have made this place their own. Verdelet : The seeds have appeared! All the races of the world are hurrying to find them. Dragon : Now. The real act of revenge begins. Verdelet : The legends say that when mankind enters the seeds, a new world opens to him. Dragon : Heed what I say. If you wish for humanity to survive, enter not the seeds. Dragon : There are so many. No...no place in this world is safe from them now. Verdelet : That which follows the breaking of the seals is the end of the world itself. Verdelet : Caim. Now that the goddess is dead, what is to become of me? Manah : Lalalalala... Lalalalala... Lalalalala... The Watchers. ( If you have recruited Seere in your subsequent playthroughs. ) Seere : She is Manah. My sister. Seere : Poor Manah. It's all my fault. So please, don't be angry with her. Verdelet : The goddess is dead. The seals are broken. It is the end. The end of everything. --------- / [c08va02] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 2 - Living Myths ]--(Aerial mission)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The greatest of all dragons, the Wyrm. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The Wyrm. Caim quails before the ancient dragon and its thousand children. Almost never seen upon the earth, this noble beast has been drawn from is heavenly lair by the Seeds of Resurrection. Before the almighty Wyrm, even the dragon feels fear. Caim holds the dragon tightly around the neck and urges her into battle. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ Dragon : The myths have come alive... | The Wyrm and its offspring spread out. | Dragon : I cannot go further. The Wyrm. It is a terrible thing to battle the sacred dragon. Let go! You cannot warm me now. Damn fool! I will regret making a pact with a mad fool who believes in neither good nor evil. | Beginning of the mission: Above the Imperial city, battling the Wyrm. | Dragon : Mighty dragon! You will regret challenging fools such as we. Verdelet : Caim! What bond ties you and the dragon? What power spurs the dragon on? Dragon : We have grown? Nonsense. We remain mere fools. Verdelet : Dragon challenges dragon? What senseless creatures we have become! | End of the mission: Defeated the Wyrm. | Dragon : I thank you, Caim. I have become far stronger than I ever imagined. --------- / [c08va03] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 3 - The Capital ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The fearsome child plays with the world as if it were a toy. Caim turns toward the city where he must end the priestess Manah's rampage. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The dragon has never felt anything but scorn for mankind. But as she flies, she begins to feel strange new emotions for this man called Caim. Now, they fly to the city. To Manah. To revenge. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Above the Imperial city. | Dragon : Nothing is stronger than we are now. Let nothing that values life stand before us! | Encountered the first batch of enemies. | Dragon : Fools! You have no power against us! | If Caim and his red dragon gets hit. | Dragon : Ugh! It is nothing. It is you who should take care, Caim. Verdelet : This is the heart of the Empire. Can any human survive in such a place? Dragon : A frightful city. What horrors does humanity create? | End of the mission: Reached the target area of the Imperial city. | Dragon : Now, into the enemy lair. The final battle begins! --------- / [c08va04] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 4 - Joy Unknown ]--(Ground mission)------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim descends into the City. There the last Imperial defender await. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and the others have entered the cursed capital and find themselves surrounded by the Imperial soldiers. It must all end now. Caim fights his way to the temple where the priestess Manah awaits. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the ruins that was once the Imperial city. | Dragon : This voice... The wellspring of evil is in the temple before you! Dragon : The very air is polluted with evil. Even I am buffeted by the storms. Dragon : Hesitate not! Our only path lies forward! Dragon : The temple is ahead. Caim! The answers are all there! | End of the mission: Reached the temple. | Dragon : At last, the end is near... --------- / [c08va05] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 5 - A Peaceful Casket ]--(Ground mission)------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Manah waits by the unholy altar. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- After a fierce and merciless struggle, Caim arrives at the temple where a smiling Manah awaits. She stands before the altar, guarded by devil-spawn and spirits. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the temple. | Dragon : They must not reach the altar! Stop them! Verdelet : Manah is protected by evil spirits. The priestess is league with demons! Manah : Lalalalala...lala. The Watchers! They speak! They speak! Lalalalala... Manah : The seals are broken. What ever you do now, I cannot be defeated. Verdelet : Such evil hatred, in a child such as this? Dragon : There are still more! Let not one escape! Destroy them! | When Caim is at 30% health. | Dragon : Are you all right!? You must be strong! Verdelet : Only the priestess remains! If she can be stopped... | End of the mission: Eliminated all of Manah's guards. | Dragon : You shall pay dearly for the destruction of this world. --------- / [c08va06] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 6 - Struggle ]--(Movie)------------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Verdelet places a seal on the trapped Manah. But no earthly magic can hold the priestess. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- At last Manah stands alone. Verdelet stops Caim from exacting his revenge; the killing of a child, no matter how evil, is a crime too great for any soul to bear. Instead, Verdelet steps forward to mercifully seal the evil within the child. But as he begins to chant his spell... ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Manah backs away from this man intent on avenging his sister, her red eyes | | wide with fear. Is this the first time she has experienced such terror in | | her life? Perhaps. As she shuffles backward, Caim raises his sword with a | | wicked smile, preparing to strike down on the priestess. How long his has | | waited for this moment! Now he can avenge his beloved sister! As he | | advances, a hand is placed on his shoulder, he whirls around to see | | Verdelet. | Verdelet : Please. I am the hierarch. This is my duty. | Manah, fearful of what the priest might do, retreats further. Caim stands | | close by, waiting for the blood of the child priestess to be spilt, to | | soak the red carpet at her feet to a dark scarlet. Verdelet raises his | | staff with one hand, while putting the other to his forehead. Golden runes | | start encircling the staff, and Caim whips around to look at Verdelet with | | a surprised expression. | Verdelet : Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... | Manah looks up and glares at this bald priest before her. | Manah : Foul humans. Do you still try to live? Pathetic. Pathetic! | Verdelet launches the runes surrounding his staff, which encircles Manah. | Manah : Damn you. | The child priestess struggles underneath the spell, and begins to grow to | | gigantic proportions. Caim staggers back in surprise at this giant before | | him. Manah then smashes a pillar with her hand, causing the temple to | | crumble. Caim grabs and drags Verdelet out of the way, just in time to | | escape a piece of falling debris. They retreat out of the temple, while she | | continues to grow bigger, so big that the temple can no longer contain | | her, and it collapses completely to the ground. | --------- / [c08va07] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 7 - Unrelenting ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A battle with the giant Manah. What human dares face the power of the gods? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the sky battling giant Manah. | Verdelet : She breaks the seal and becomes a giant. What monster is this child? Dragon : Caim! Remember our pact! You must not die! Verdelet : Does the child cry for Gaia? May the gods have mercy. Manah : Grrrrr... Grrrrr! Dragon : This is the enemy. Do not flinch. The enemy of all humanity! Dragon : A weak point! No matter how strong she appears, there must be a weakness! | End of the mission: Manah is defeated. | Manah : Mother! Mother! Motherrr! --------- / [c08va08] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 8 - Sin ]--(Event)----------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A Manah released from the spell begs for death, but she finds no forgiveness. She must suffer the hatred of mankind for all eternity. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Manah is on the lying on the ground, as Caim and Verdelet approach with | | the dragon close behind. She gets up and giggles in her childish fashion. | Manah : Stupid, stupid, all of you, fleeing the resurrection! | She begins to walk toward Verdelet. | Manah : The gods are watching! It is their last judgement! We will be transformed! We fear nothing! We are loved! | Verdelet pushes Manah off her feet, and Caim walks up to point his sword | | down at her. | Manah : You hate me, don't you? | She gets up from the ground. | Manah : Kill me if you want. | Manah begins to circle Caim as he remains still. | Manah : Come one, warrior. Kill me. Kill me. Don't hold back. Whoppity whop, kill little Manah! I don't mind. I am loved. I am loved, you know. See, mother has to love me, if the gods love me. | She stops circling Caim, drops onto the ground beside him and starts | | weeping. He turns to see what she is up to. | Manah : Kill me, kill me. If you don't, I'll... I'll do something. | Manah gets up to stand in front of Caim, and looks up at him. | Manah : If you hate me, then kill me, kill me. Just one big smash! Don't hate me, mother, please. I'm going to die you see. | She walks over to stand in front of Verdelet instead. | Manah : Or you can do it, I don't mind. Kill me, kill me. I don't mind! Kill me, please! | Manah drops onto the ground between Caim and Verdelet. | Dragon : Caim shall never forgive you. You will not die so easily. Manah : ...! Dragon : You will be despised by every soul in this world, unforgiven for all eternity. | Manah begins to cry again. | Manah : No, no, no. Dragon : You will suffer under the unbearable weight of your crimes. You are beyond hope. | Manah begins to roll around on the floor, like a kid having a tantrum. | Manah : No! Mother! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't do it again! I promise, I promise, I promise! | Caim and Verdelet decides to ignore her and turns to the dragon. | Caim : ... Verdelet : ... Dragon : Who shall become the seal? Verdelet : We must find a new goddess at once. Another sacrifice to the seal. I am no priest. I am an executioner. | A moment of silence as the dragon looks at them. | Dragon : Caim, I am tired again. Warm me as you did before. Caim : ... | Caim walks over to the dragon, and gives her a few strokes on the snout. | Dragon : Yes, I feel better now. | Caim walks back to where he was standing, with his back to the dragon. | Dragon : I shall be the seal. No human can match my strength. | Caim whips around to stare at the dragon. | Caim : ...! Verdelet : But, do you know what you offer!? Dragon : You had best do it before I change my mind. | Verdelet bows to the dragon in gratitude. | --------- / [c08va09] --[ Chapter 8 Verse 9 - Struggle ]--(Movie)------------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The dragon offers to become the seal in place of the dead goddess. For the first time, a name is spoken. For the first time, tears are shed. For the first and final time, love is confessed. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- It is over. Awakened from the spell of the gods, Manah pleaded with Caim and Verdelet for death, but they coldly push her away. As Verdelet wonders who shall become the next seal, the dragon speaks: "I shall be the seal." Verdelet and Caim stare back in surprise. Does a dragon offer itself to mankind? A change has been wrought in the dragon's proud heart. That change will save all of humanity. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The red dragon lies upon the white marble flagstones outside the temple. | | Caim is with her, his arms wrapped around her neck. Verdelet stands close | | them, in his hand a page with the spell that would make the dragon the new | | seal. | Verdelet : Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... | The page disappears, but the runes remain is the air, their golden light | | shining brightly. | Verdelet : Hmmmmm... | The runes fly out to twine around the dragon's body, and then they burn | | into her flesh, like branding with red hot iron. | Dragon : Argh...! | The dragon cranes her neck and turns to look at Caim. | Dragon : I have never seen you weep before. There is but one thing I wish for you to remember. | Caim looks intently at the dragon, for once, sadness filling his eyes. Dragon : Angelus. My name is Angelus. | Caim turns his face away from the dragon, his brown hair shielding his | | eyes, as a tear makes its trail down his face. | Angelus : You are the first and the last of your kind to know my name. Farewell, fool human. | Angelus turns her snout to the skies, as she disintegrates to form a | | bubble. It floats off, Verdelet looking on at its journey up the blue | | skies. | Verdelet : Ye gods, is it your will that we should live on? | Caim gets up from the ground marked with the dragon spilt blood, to look | | on at her soul, as Angelus makes her ascension to the heavens. | | The credits begin to roll. | Drakengard the Anguish of an unsmiling watcher Caim : On sacrifices countless will a new shrine be built by the hands of the gods. Four endings remain _______________________ | | ---------------------------| Chapter 9 : Requiem |--------------------------- |_______________________| --------- / [c09va01] --[ Chapter 9 Verse 1 - Dragonfire ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- They pursue the black dragon while stalked by the remnants of the Imperial army. A circle of hate. An impure lands. A broken heart. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- With the cold body of Furiae held in his arms, Inuart flies to the seeds that lie in the Imperial capital. Hoping to stop Inuart's unholy ritual, Caim arrives in the sky above the city. But waiting him there are the dragons of the Empire. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the Empire's capital. | Dragon : What about Inuart? Where is he? | Defeated the first wave of dragons. | Inuart : Out of my way! Furiae shall live! Dragon : Damn! He flies toward the seeds. | Defeated the second wave of dragons. | Verdelet : With the Seeds of Resurrection, can the goddess live again!? Dragon : The Seeds of Resurrection... What foolishness. | Defeated the third wave of dragons. | Inuart : Why!? Why can you not understand, Caim? | End of the mission: Reached the Imperial city. | Dragon : Stop! We cannot let you reach the seeds! --------- / [c09va02] --[ Chapter 9 Verse 2 - In the Name of Love ]--(Event)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Inuart desires but one thing: the rebirth of Furiae. But what harvest shall he reap from the seeds? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim is making his way through the ruins of the Imperial city in search of | | Inuart and Furiae. | Dragon - What about Inuart? Where is he? - As I thought... Inuart is not here. - Do you know what it means to place a person in one of the seeds? ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim approaches Inuart, who is kneeling in front of Furiae and one of the | | seeds. Inuart turns around, still on his knees. | Inuart : It wasn't my fault that Furiae died. I'm not responsible! The Cult...they fooled me. Dragon : What do you intend to do now? Inuart : Me? I...I will bring Furiae back! The seeds will beget a miracle! Dragon : Miracles cannot be asked for. It's useless. Inuart : You lie! I don't believe you! I am strong enough, aren't I? Aren't I, Caim? The gods are with me. Dragon : Inuart, have you thought what would become of the world? | Inuart gets up, spreads out his arms and turns to Caim. | Inuart : As long as Furiae is with me, I don't care. What is a world without Furiae? | Inuart turns back to Furiae's body with a loud maniacal laugh. | Dragon : A drowning man know not the ocean's vastness, only its depth. | Caim reaches out toward Inuart, wanting to stop him, who turns to face Caim | | again, pointing a finger accusingly at him. | Caim : ...! Inuart : Leave her. Is that what you want to say? Is that the extent of your love? | Inuart turns back to Furiae's body and the seed. | Inuart : This time, Caim, I win! | More maniacal laughter from Inuart. | --------- / [c09va03] --[ Chapter 9 Verse 3 - Sowing Seeds ]--(Aerial mission)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- In the board sky, old friends do battle. Despair is deep, and the hatred runs black. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Inuart, broken by despair, clings to one last hope. He will resurrect Furiae in the seeds. Even if all mankind should perish as a result, it is a far better thing than to beg Caim his forgiveness. Caim takes to the air to pursue his friend. To prevent him from placing the goddess in the seeds. To battle him. And to kill him. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the capital battling Inuart. | Verdelet : Inuart is beyond all reason. Caim, can you save both him and the goddess? | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 75% health. | Dragon : You conflate love and murder? Man bends the truth for any convenience. Inuart : Caim, you are always the same. You belittle me with pity and thwart my every dream. Verdelet : The myths say the human who enters a seed shall be saved. But, do they speak the truth? Dragon : These are not the Seeds of Resurrection. They are the Seeds of Destruction. | When Inuart and his black dragon is at 50% health. | Dragon : You cannot understand Inuart's heart. You do not know love...or jealousy! | End of the mission: Defeated Inuart and his black dragon. | Verdelet : Can the Seeds of Resurrection truly help save mankind? Dragon : The wise man casts no stone and approaches no seed. Remember that, Caim. | End of the mission on third playthrough: Defeated Inuart in less than four | | minutes and twenty seconds to get to Chapter 10 Verse IV [c10vr04]. | Inuart : So, Caim. I can never beat you. --------- / [c09va04] --[ Chapter 9 Verse 4 - Encounter ]--(Movie)----------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Furiae is reborn, all hate and grief enfolded in her wings. In that final instant, does Inuart at last see into her heart? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Shaking off Caim's pursuit, Inuart stands before a seed. He does not hesitate. Furiae died because of him. Inuart now risks everything on the rebirth of the goddess he loves. But that which is already lost cannot be reborn... ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Dark clouds gather in the sky, reflecting the flames of the Imperial city | | with a red tinge. Inuart holds the remains of Furiae in his arms, her | | white dress a contrast to all that is around her. In front of them sits a | | white sphere, giving off a soft aura of light: the Seed of Resurrection. | | Inuart lifts her up to the seed, and it responds by rippling then shedding | | its outer coat, revealing glowing glyphs encircling it. Furiae floats out | | of Inuart's embrace, as his hand unwillingly lets go. She is absorbed into | | the seed, which regrows it outer coat. The seed wrinkles yet again, as | | Furiae's head emerges from it, a vacant smile on her lips, along with a | | pair of large white-feathered wings that give off a radiance. In his joy, | | Inuart reaches up to his beloved Furiae. | Inuart : Furiae. You have returned to me. | Suddenly Inuart gives a jolt, and blood is spewed from his mouth. A long, | | black segmented tentacle protruding from the seed has stabbed straight | | though his body. Two more burst forth to join the first, as he stares at | | the goddess in disbelief, who continues to look on with her blank | | expression, oblivious to the man that is dying in front of her. She then | | plants her hands on the sides of the seed, and pushes herself out with a | | mighty war cry. There she stands, her glowing wings spread out behind her, | | untouched by the flames of this city. | --------- / [d2evodc] --[ Dragon Evolution - Level 2 to Chaos ]-------------------------------------- ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The dragon grows even bigger in size, and its hide goes from being magenta | | to a deep brown, like the colour of dried blood. The dragon's skull is now | | on the exterior, and its tail becomes pincer-like. | Verdelet : As the dragon becomes more powerful, does it not seem that evil grows with it? --------- / [c09va05] --[ Chapter 9 Verse 5 - The Demon's Wings ]--(Aerial mission)------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The divine responsibility and unfulfilled love have crushed her soul. Free her now...for the last time. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the Imperial city, battling | | the resurrected Furiae. | Verdelet : Is that the goddess? Must we battle the goddess!? What nightmare grips his world!? Dragon : Can that be the goddess? Can such a thing feel the heat of my fire? | When the resurrected Furiae is at 75% health. | Dragon : Now we battle the grotesque monster that your sister has become. We live in a nightmare. | When the resurrected Furiae is at 50% health. | Dragon : In the end, the goddess gave her love to no man. Not to Inuart, not to you... | When Caim and his red dragon is at 75% health. | Dragon : Do not battle so. Hell is here, no matter how you struggle. | When the resurrected Furiae is at 25% health. | Dragon : That is not the goddess. It is something different... | When Caim and his red dragon is at 50% health. | Dragon : Caim, be strong! | End of the mission: Defeated the resurrected Furiae. | Dragon : Caim. There is no end for us. But still, you battle on. --------- / [c09va06] --[ Chapter 9 Verse 6 - Goddesses ]--(Movie)----------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The goddess is reborn from the seeds a million times over. Can anyone hope to be spared? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim stands alone, holding the remains of Furiae in his arms. One after another her sisters rise into the sky, their hideous screams heralding the end of mankind. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim stands atop the edge of the ruins of the city, his black armour dyed | | crimson yet again, this time not by the blood of Imperial soldiers, but by | | the blood of his sister, Furiae. Standing alone, with her remains in his | | arms he looks on at the city. A morning breeze blows, swaying her tentacle, | | and ruffling his brown hair. As this wind passes, Furiae's clones take to | | the air, their white feathered wings filling the skies, their screams and | | screeches breaking the morning silence. | Dragon : The seeds never were, and mankind remains unforgiven. | The credits begin to roll. | Drakengard flowers for the Broken spirit Furiae : A woman turned into a stake will hold the world in a basin of fire. Three endings remain --------- / [c09vr04] --[ Chapter 9 Verse IV - Sleep ]--(Event)-------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Inuart's eyes closes, and a smile crosses his lips. Only eternity knows if happiness is his. Meanwhile, at the altar, Manah learns about the true nature of the dragons. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | In the ruins of the Imperial city, back at the seed and the goddess's body. | | Inuart staggers to Furiae's body, and drops onto his knees beside her. Caim | | is standing nearby. | Inuart : Caim, please. Let me die. Together with Furiae. I beg of you... | Inuart lies on the ground, his arm around Furiae. | Inuart : Can this be happiness? | Caim turns to the dragon, as Inuart's life comes to an end. | Dragon : A human is at the altar. It must be she. At last. | At temple of the Cult of the Watchers. Manah is standing in front of a | | seed. She opens and lifts her arms to the seed, as dragons roar outside. | Manah : Almost. Not much longer. | Dragons' howls fill the air as Manah walks out of sight. | Manah : Dragons. Tools of the gods. My servants. | Another roar is heard, and Manah gasps in surprise. | Manah : Mother! | The screen is dyed red. | --------- / [c09vr05] --[ Chapter 9 Verse V - Providence ]--(Event)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The dragon reveals a new truth. Trapped between feeling and instinct, they begin a battle that neither desires. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Believing her false dream to the end, the priestess Manah is destroyed. The dragon speaks to Caim and tells him of the race of dragons and the promises of the gods. The dragon tells Caim the truth... ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim is the temple of the Cult of the Watchers, with his dragon in Chaos | | form. | Dragon - So, it is you who opens the last door? - No bridge can span the chasm that is between us! - Look at me, Caim! You must never forget this face. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | As Caim approaches and stands before the spilt blood of the child priestess | | Manah, the dragon stands behind him. | Dragon : My brethren devoured her. A human priestess's untruths cannot warp a dragon's mind. You humans do not know why we dragons came to be. Caim : ...? Dragon : A baby smiles in the bath. It wants to stay in the water. But the seasons must change. Caim, out pact ends here. | Caim whirls around to face the dragon, his hand to his chest, almost like | | questioning the dragon. | Caim : ...! Dragon : Powers greater than we have fated us to battle. What we desire no longer matters. Caim. Your life burns too bright. You have come too far, and now I must destroy you. | Caim backs away as he looks down at the ground. | Caim : ... | He looks up and points his sword at his ex-comrade and pact-partner. | Dragon : Forgive me. --------- / [c09va06] --[ Chapter 9 Verse VI - Under a Dark Sky ]--(Ground mission)------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A bitter ending to a journey. They fight to live in this world. They fight for survival of all their kind. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim begins to battle the dragon created to destroy man. They fight a duel that neither desires, but they both know that it cannot end till one of them lies dead. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the temple, battling the dragon. | Dragon : Caim. If you wish to live you must first defeat me! Our hearts are returned. You and I are as two again. | When the dragon is at 75% health. | Dragon : Forgive me, Caim. It is for the survival of all life. | When the dragon is at 50% health. | Dragon : Caim. Your life will someday be mine... | When Caim is at 90% health. | Caim : I am Caim! | When the dragon is at 25% health. | Dragon : Arrrgh...Such pain... Can this be my end? Dragon : Man's life is too short to learn the gods' will. You are blessed in your ignorance. | End of the mission: Defeated the dragon. | Dragon : Yes, this is good. Caim, you have done well... --------- / [c09vr07] --[ Chapter 9 Verse VII - Light ]--(Movie)------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim stands over the corpse of the dragon. The dark shadow of death has fallen upon the future of humanity. But Caim will fight still, everything resting upon his steel blade. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The struggle is won, the dragon's blood spilled. As Caim destroys the seed, not a trace of fear or doubt clouds his face. Outside the temple, a million dragons howl as they rise to begin annihilation of mankind. With battle-lust shining in his eyes, Caim runs into the light. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | In the temple of the Watchers, the only source of light offered by several | | candles. They flicker, playing shadows on the skull of the dragon as Caim | | strokes it, as his farewell to his companion. | Dragon : You have become strong. | This is the last comment from the dragon, as its life tapers off, and the | | light from the dragon's eyes disappear. Caim stands up beside the body of | | the dragon, and turns his attention to the wretched seed. He walks over, | | and raises his sword. For once, his eyes are not filled with rage, instead, | | they are filled with sorrow, sadness mourning the death of an ally. His | | attack splits the seed, it watery contents splashing on his bloody armour, | | and spilling all over the marble flagstones of the temple floor. A | | deafening dragon's roar from outside the temple breaks the silence, and | | the temple begins to crumble. Caim turns to the origin of the sound, | | smiling, as he contemplates on the battles in the future. He looks at his | | dragon for the last time, and runs towards the light of the temple gates. | | The credits begin to roll. | Drakengard a Companion's eternal farewell Dragon : A pitiful child shall defy the hands of the gods, and a door will close. Two endings remain _______________________ | | ---------------------------| Chapter 10 : Astray |--------------------------- |_______________________| --------- / [c10va01] --[ Chapter 10 Verse 1 - Barriers ]--(Aerial mission)-------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim and the dragon come to the ocean, where they find a barricade around the giant fortress. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Led by Leonard's voice, Caim flies toward the ocean fortress where the goddess is held prisoner. But the floating fortress is guarded by a ring of towers and an Imperial armada. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Caim flies around the fortress on the dragon's back. | Dragon : There is a barrier. | Beginning of the mission: In the seas around the sea fortress. | Dragon : Destroy the border towers, and then we can approach. Verdelet : My goddess, my poor goddess! When will your trials end? Verdelet : This huge fortress floats on the ocean. Is there no end to the Cult's power? (If you have recruited Arioch in your subsequent playthroughs. ) Arioch : The light, the light, the light! Arioch : A rainbow... Shining gold... Azure... Silver... | End of the mission 1: Taking more than seven minutes to destroy all the | | barrier towers surrounding the fortress to continue to Chapter 10 | | Verse 2 - Ark. | | End of the mission 2: Destroyed all the barrier towers within seven | | minutes to get to Chapter 10 Verse II - Hear the Ocean [c10vr02]. | --------- / [c10va02] --[ Chapter 10 Verse 2 - Ark ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Together they must smash the Imperial forces that guard the fortress, and break through to the inside. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and the dragon are unable to break past the guard towers quickly, and now a reinforcing flotilla has arrived. Caim must sink the Imperial ships and find the path that leads into the heart of the fortress. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Still in the skies outside the sea fortress. | Dragon : If the ships are left afloat, we will be unable to enter the fortress. Leonard : I see an evil cloud... Dragon : The goddess is in pain. Can you feel it? Or does your heart grow cold? Verdelet : The goddess's presence fades. Quickly! | End of the mission: Destroyed the Imperial fleet and entered the fortress. | Seere : There are a lot of bad men inside the fortress. Be careful! --------- / [c10va03] --[ Chapter 10 Verse 3 - A Lull ]--(Ground mission)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Is Furiae safe? In the empty, eerie fortress, Caim races to find the goddess. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- After a ferocious battle, Caim and the dragon manage to sink all the Imperial ships. Entering the fortress, they are greeted by the utter silence of a tomb. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: At the entrance of the sea fortress. | Verdelet : The goddess's presence grow faint. Hurry, Caim! Dragon : It is just the same as the fortress in the sky. Dragon : Strange... I sense no humans here. Dragon : A foolish thing, is it not, to board an ark when you know not where it sails? Dragon : It is too quiet. There is no voice. Is the goddess truly here? Verdelet : There is no trace of the enemy in this fortress. Verdelet : The goddess will certainly be at the sanctum. Look further within. Verdelet : Could the goddess be...No. No, it is nothing. Leonard : No. No... The goddess! | End of the mission: Reached the sanctum. | Verdelet : Where is the goddess? --------- / [c10va04] --[ Chapter 10 Verse 4 - To Drink Poison ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Furiae is not in the sanctum. Did Leonard foresee her fate? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim wanders the empty fortress in search of Furiae. Reaching the inner sanctum, Leonard finds the goddess gone, and lets out a cry of despair. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim and Leonard dash into the empty sanctum. | Leonard : The goddess is gone! Dragon : Are we too late? Leonard : By the gods...! | Leonard turns back to the entrance and drops onto his knees in despair. | | On hearing his comment, Caim kicks him from behind. | Caim : ...! Leonard : I can see it! The Seeds of Resurrection are already on the earth. The goddess, she... Caim : ...! | Caim pushes Leonard back onto the floor. | Leonard : I understand. You must see for yourself. Dragon : It seems we must go to the ends of hell itself. To the sky fortress! | This path leads back to Chapter 7 Verse 1 - Realization [c07va01]. | --------- / [c10vr02] --[ Chapter 10 Verse II - Hear the Ocean ]--(Ground mission)------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Where is Furiae? Caim must defeat the Imperial soldiers and find the inner sanctum! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and the dragon have fought the Imperial hordes and smashed the towers. But skulking within are still more dire monsters of the Empire! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: At the entrance of the sea fortress. | Verdelet : Please hurry! You must safeguard the goddess! Dragon : Forget the minion jackals! Push onwards! Verdelet : The goddess will certainly be at the sanctum. Look further within! Verdelet : Their strength is unnatural! Can it be the ether that flows from this fortress? Arioch : Nothing to eat at all! Verdelet : You will not kill them all, though you have a thousand lives! To the goddess, now! Dragon : It is just the same as the fortress in the sky. Leonard : The ocean gives off an evil odour. | End of the mission: Reached the sanctum. | Leonard : The goddess! She has faded from my vision... --------- / [c10vr03] --[ Chapter 10 Verse III - The Gods' Will ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- They arrive at the inner sanctum of the sea fortress. But their quarry is one step ahead. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim and Leonard rush into the empty inner sanctum. There is a glowing | | circle on the ground with runes written on it. | Caim : ...! Leonard : A spacebridge. | They walk into the circle. | Dragon : Are we too late? | Caim and Leonard disappear. | _________________________ | | --------------------------| Chapter 11 : Partings |-------------------------- |_________________________| --------- / [c11va01] --[ Chapter 11 Verse 1 - Maze ]--(Ground mission)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim faces the Imperial enemy within the sky fortress. He strikes through the monsters to find the goddess! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim reaches the heart of the ocean fortress, but Furiae has been taken away. Now Caim must search the fortress in the sky and free the goddess. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: At the entrance of the sky fortress. | Leonard : Caim. I have been flown to a different place. Let us both search for the goddess. Dragon : This place... It is like the sky* fortress. Can you hear her voice. Verdelet : The Seeds of Resurrection come when the seals break. Do they bring good...or evil? Verdelet : If the seals are broken, it shall be the end. The end! Verdelet : The goddess has been taken to the inner sanctum of this fortress. Verdelet : Quickly, to the goddess! The seal, the seal! | End of the mission 1: Arrived outside the inner sanctum to continue on to | | Chapter 11 Verse 2 - Dreams and Truth. | Dragon : Answer if you can hear my voice. Tell me, are you safe? | End of the mission 2: Found Manah on the second floor of the sky fortress | | to skip to Chapter 11 Verse II - Hide and Seek [c11vr02]. | Leonard : I sense great evil. A great enemy... The priestess? The goddess is close! --------- / [c11va02] --[ Chapter 11 Verse 2 - Dreams and Truth ]--(Event)--------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Manah sings of Furiae's inner heart. Is she a goddess? Or a devil? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- In the fortress, Caim approaches the sanctum where Furiae is held prisoner. But there the priestess Manah is preparing for a final ritual. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | In the inner sanctum of the sky fortress. A blue crystal pillar that | | serves as the altar stands in the middle of the room, a bed is nearby. On | | the bed, there are many stuffed toys with the appearance of eyeballs. | | Furiae, in her velvet dress of a deep scarlet kneels by the bed, facing | | the altar. The child priestess's silhouette can be seen through the pillar. | | Caim comes into the sanctum, and walks toward the kneeling Furiae. Inuart, | | who was standing by the door, dashes forward to stand between Caim and the | | goddess, facing him with his mad red eyes. | Inuart : Don't think of me as a traitor, Caim. We are creating a new world. A world where Furiae lives! Open your eyes. Hear what our priestess says. We can survive! | Furiae stands up and walks over to Inuart, touching his arm. | Furiae : Inuart! You mustn't stay here. Go away now. | The goddess crumples to the ground with a gasp. Concerned, Inuart crouches | | down beside her, and takes her hand in an attempt to comfort her. But she | | shrinks away from his touch. | Inuart : !? ... | He gets up, and walks out of the room, silent. After he exits, a deep evil | | laugh pierces the silence of the room. | Manah : The Watchers do not laugh. The Watchers must not wake. | Furiae is thrown onto the altar and held down by an invisible force, as | | Manah comes out from behind the altar. | Manah : Lalalalala, lalalalala... Lalalalala, lalalalala... I'm just a girl, a normal girl. | Manah is standing in front of the goddess, and stoops forward as if to | | look more clearly at Furiae. | Manah : What's this? This...dirt? Furiae : No, don't... Manah : Forget the seal and help me! Forget the seal and help me! Stupid man! Please help me! Help me! Please...hold me, my brother. Furiae : Stop it! Manah : I can see into your heart. | The priestess giggles as she stares at the goddess. | Furiae : No, no. That's not true! You lie! Manah : I hate you! I hate you! Filth! This world needs destroying! Furiae : No! Manah : I'm dirty! I'm dirty! I'm no goddess. I renounce it. Please, please, my brother... Furiae : I'm sorry! | Furiae is freed from the altar. | Manah : So you failed at playing goddess. Now what? --------- / [c11va03] --[ Chapter 11 Verse 3 - Falling Petals ]--(Movie)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A burden she could not tell her own brother. A burden so heavy, she must take her own life... A senseless Caim is enveloped in the childish laughter of Manah. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Furiae stares at the child before her, who had just read out all her | | deepest secrets. Manah returns the stare with her large red eyes. Caim | | steps forward once, and Furiae turns to look at him. He is unable to face | | her, unable to look her in the eye, and turns away with a tormented | | expression, his brown hair shielding his closed eyes. Deeply hurt, Furiae | | stumbles, and leans on the altar, her blue eyes filled with sorrow and | | regret. She gives a sudden jolt, as she realizes a solution to all this. | | The goddess walks to the child priestess, and draws the dagger set in one | | of the many eyeball soft toys on the bed. Seeing what is about to do, Caim | | steps forward and reaches out, but he is too far away. Furiae points the | | dagger at her own chest, and plunges it deep into her heart. A few drops | | of blood land on the gray flagstones at her feet, giving off the same hue | | as her dress. She stumbles back to the altar, and looks at Caim through | | her large blue eyes filled with sadness and regret. | Furiae : Don't look at me. | She turns her face away from her brother as she breathed her last. Rage | | fills his heart as he takes in the sight of his dead sister. Caim turns to | | the priestess, he face twisted by his anger. Oblivious, Manah looks at him | | through her childish red eyes, and giggles at the despairing man before | | her. | Manah : Do the Watchers laugh, too? --------- / [c11va04] --[ Chapter 11 Verse 4 - Anger Checked ]--(Event)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim turns toward Manah in hot rage. But the dragon urges him to hurry from the fortress. While the seeds lie upon the world, Caim's task is not yet done. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Fearful of what lies within her own heart, Furiae plunges the dagger into her breast. Next to her lifeless body, Manah celebrates the breaking of the seals. As the Seeds of Resurrection are sown, the dragon tries to rouse the despairing Caim. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | In the bleak inner sanctum of the sky fortress, Caim walks to stand in | | front of Manah. | Dragon : Fool! Be calm. Control your anger! Caim : ...! | Caim raises his sword high above his head, preparing to strike down on the | | priestess. | Dragon : The seeds will soon be sown. The world is in grave danger. Quickly, now. Let not her death be in vain. | Caim lowers his sword and leaves the fortress. Manah is left alone with | | the body of the goddess. As she stands next to it, she sprinkles a few more | | petals from her hands. | | This path leads back to Chapter 7 Verse 1 - Realization [c07va01]. | --------- / [c11vr02] --[ Chapter 11 Verse II - Hide and Seek ]--(Ground mission)-------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The goddess is dead and the world is thrown into chaos. Caim has no time to mourn - he must find the mad priestess! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- They have discovered the priestess Manah, and now Caim pursues her through the heart of the fortress. Manah murmurs incantations as she flickers from room to room. Can Caim drive her into the centre of the fortress? ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: On the second floor of the fortress. | Seere : That voice... Could it... Could it be? Manah : Here, little brother! Here, little devil! Manah : The Watchers do not laugh. They do not regret. They do not become ill. Lalalalala... Manah : Lalalalala. Lalalalala. Watchers...lala! | Approaches the antechamber of the round room. | Manah : Together with Mother! Mo-therrr! | End of the mission: Found Manah in the round room. | Manah : You found me! Lalalalala... --------- / [c11vr03] --[ Chapter 11 Verse III - Betrayal ]--(Event)--------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Seere tries to save her - the priestess who hungers for humanity's blood, the sister who craves her mother's love. But Manah's heart is deaf to his appeals. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Manah dances to the middle of the room, spinning towards the small altar. | Manah : The Watchers, they sing! Lalalalala, lalalalala... Lalalalala, lalalalala... | Caim dashes into the room to the corner the priestess. He readies his sword | | to strike at her. Seere darts in front of Caim to stand between them, to | | protect his only sister. | Seere : Stop it! Don't hurt her! Leave my sister alone! | While Manah continues to spin, she hits Seere, causing him to fall onto | | the ground. | Golem : Gaaar! Seere : No, Golem, stop! You don't understand. Manah is my sister. It's my fault that she became like this. | Manah suddenly stops spinning and holds her head with her hands, as if in | | great pain. | Manah : Ah... Mother... Seere : Be strong, Manah. Mother... She's already dead. | Manah resumes spinning, and hits Seere again. | Manah : Lalalalala. Don't miss the Watchers. Lalalalala. | Manah steps onto the altar. | Manah : Silence! You cannot kill me. I am loved! Loved by them. More than anyone else. See? Humans still don't know what they really need. Stupid! They're all stupid! Salvation lies before them. But stupid people won't be loved. Lalalalala, lalalalala... Those who aren't loved, die! Golem : If Seere dies, me sad. Seere : Forgive me. Forgive me, Manah. Golem, please help. --------- / [c11vr04] --[ Chapter 11 Verse IV - Loved ]--(Movie)------------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Manah, the instrument of the gods, is gone, and the divine trial is ended. But the world has already become a martyr to her evil. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Golem's green eyes flare, and it clenches its hand as it walks towards the | | priestess. Manah spreads her hands apart, reaching towards Golem. | Manah : Now is the time to feel the love of the gods. A deep love. A great love. A love powerful and formidable. A love that crushes like a mace. Lalalalala... | Golem slams its hand down at where Manah stands, crushing her and bringing | | up a cloud of dust. As the dust settles, Seere bows his head, and Leonard | | crouches beside him. Caim paces around near the entrance of the room, | | when suddenly the fortress begins to crumble, and a deep rumbling noise | | can heard outside. Caim looks bewilderedly around the room, trying to work | | out what is happening. | Leonard : What is it? What is happening? Can that child truly be a god? --------- / [c11vr05] --[ Chapter 11 Verse V - Paradise ]--(Event)----------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- In the collapsing fortress, Inuart proclaims the death of the gods. Not even the voice of Furiae can reach him. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The priestess Manah is dead, killed by her brother Seere. With the instrument of the gods destroyed, it seems that the menace has passed. But the world's destruction has only just begun. In the collapsing fortress, Inuart clutches Furiae in his arms, and together they vanish in a blaze of blinding light. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Furiae lies unconscious on the ground, and Inuart is crouching beside her. | | He takes her in his arms, and tries to wake her. | Inuart : Furiae! Furiae!? | The goddess wakes to a hysterical Inuart. | Furiae : Inuart... Inuart : The gods are dead, Furiae! No more gods! We are free! | Furiae tries to shrink from his embrace, but he pulls her back and hugs | | her even tighter. | Inuart : It's all right. All is well now. Have no fear. There is a way. Furiae : What will you do? | Inuart releases Furiae, and stands up, spreads out his arms, gesturing | | widely. | Inuart : Furiae. We will give birth to the world. Though paradise is lost, we shall be gods! Furiae : ... | The goddess remains silent as Inuart's manic laughter fills the crumbling | | inner sanctum of the sky fortress. | ______________________ | | -----------------------------| Chapter 12 : Chaos |-------------------------- |______________________| --------- / [d2evodc] --[ Dragon Evolution - Level 2 to Chaos ]-------------------------------------- ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The dragon grows even bigger in size, and its hide goes from being magenta | | to a deep brown, like the colour of dried blood. The dragon's skull is now | | on the exterior, and its tail becomes pincer-like. | Verdelet : As the dragon becomes more powerful, does it not seem that evil grows with it? --------- / [c12va01] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 1 - A Little Thing ]--(Movie)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- There are the doombringers... ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Red clouds fill the sky above the Imperial capital, drowning out any | | sunlight. The clouds open up, and giant naked babies descend, headfirst, | | towards the earth. They spread out above the doomed city, electric sparks | | in the shape of wings originating from their backs as they fly. The | | grotesqueries land in the streets of the city, bringing up clouds of dust. | --------- / [c12va02] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 2 - Extermination ]--(Aerial mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The heralds sound the end, the grotesqueries descend, and humanity prays for deliverance from the horror. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- With the instrument of the gods now dead, reason and logic in the world collapse. From the sky grotesque beasts begin to fall, and the banquet of destruction begins. Into the madding sky flies Caim, ready to battle the monsters till he can draw breath no more. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In skies above the Imperial capital as the | | grotesqueries descend into the world. | Dragon : What vision is this!? What happens to the world? Verdelet : So, it does not end with the death of the priestess? Verdelet : These children... Are they the Watchers? Verdelet : What will become of the world? Is there no one to guide us? Seere : Will we be forgiven? Leonard : I thank the gods that my blind eyes cannot see this horror. | End of the mission: Defeated 50 grotesqueries. | Dragon : This world is beyond the truth of the gods. Not even they can know what will become. --------- / [c12va03] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 3 - Toward Truth ]--(Ground mission)---------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The grotesqueries drown the world. All hope and belief is lost. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and all Caim can do is fight. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- With the instrument of the gods now dead, the centre cannot hold, and reason and order in the world collapse. From the sky grotesque beasts begin to fall, and the banquet of destruction begins. Into a city infested by the grotesqueries Caim strides, ready to fight till he can draw breath no more. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the Empire's capital infested with monsters. | Dragon : There is nothing to stop you now. Burn it all! Burn everything! | Defeated all undead target knights, and target grotesqueries appear. | Dragon : To defend is not enough. Strike through and defeat the grotesqueries. Leonard : I am already dead. Where this body drops and rots is of no matter now. | Defeated first group of target grotesqueries, second wave appears. | Dragon : The madness awaits. Steel your heart! Verdelet : Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila. Hom gallech ne'allay fray natila... Arioch : I smell fire... | End of the mission: Defeated all target grotesqueries. | Leonard : The world is wrapped in screams... Hurry! We must destroy the grotesqueries! --------- / [c12va04] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 4 - Gaia's Laughter ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Arioch seeks to merge with the grotesqueries. In her mind's eye, does she see her own children? Or does she see the blackness of truth...? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Arioch is standing alone, away from the group in a courtyard. | Arioch : Come! | Arioch's manic laughter fills the air as three grotesqueries descend and | | surround her. | Arioch : Let us become one, my beautiful children. | More grotesqueries descend, and flock towards her, as Verdelet huddles in | | a corner, trembling in fear. Arioch stumbles over to a fallen grotesquerie | | that is as covered in blood as herself. Caim, Leonard and Seere turn their | | attention to Arioch with a fearful on their faces. | Leonard : Arioch. What are you doing? | Arioch opens her arms towards the grotesqueries, as if hoping to embrace | | them, who bares their teeth and flexes their jaws. | Arioch : The greatest of feasts! | All of the grotesqueries pounce on Arioch. | Seere : They're devouring Arioch! Verdelet : All has become chaos. We have descended into hell. Dragon : Stop your snivelling, the way is clear! Run for your life! Verdelet : W-wait! | Verdelet scampers off as Arioch's hand lies still. Somewhere else in the | | city, the queen-beast stands up to take in the carnage around it. | --------- / [c12va05] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 5 - Different Endings ]--(Movie)-------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Arioch and Leonard are extinguished by the grotesqueries. They were true friends in the end. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Leonard faces Caim with a grim expression, as he realizes the way to | | escape. | Leonard : You know it's the only way to clear a path. Go. Go now. I shall stay. Seere : No! | Seere runs over and hugs Leonard tightly around his legs. | Seere : I don't want you to go! Why can't you come with us? Why? Leonard, I don't want anyone else to die! | Leonard takes a deep breath, puts his hands on Seere's shoulders, and | | crouches down to his level. | Leonard : Seere. You are a fine young lad. | Leonard stands back up. | Leonard : You mustn't be afraid. I will not die. Now go, please! | Leonard is left alone as the grotesqueries begin to crowd around him, and | | he turns to face them. Leonard's faerie appears on his right hand side. | Faerie : Hey, stupid! What do you think you're doing!? You'll get me killed, too! | The faeries flies to the other side. | Faerie : And if you die, you won't see Seere anymore. Please, Leonard, live! Don't sacrifice yourself! Please! Please! | Leonard grabs hold of the faerie, who struggles to break out of his grip. | Faerie : No, stop! Let me go! You're too scared to die, right? Hey, you bastard! No! No! Nooo! Leonard : Death need not be the end of hope! | Leonard lets out a battle-cry as a grotesquerie tries to swallow him. | | The grotesqueries are destroyed as Leonard and the faerie explodes in a | | blaze of white light. | --------- / [c12va06] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 6 - Abnormal ]--(Ground mission)-------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The pitiless monsters stalk, and anarchy is loosed upon the world. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- As Arioch is consumed by the monsters and Leonard dies in the explosion, a path is opened to Caim and the others. There can be no turning back. The surviving members of the group must now face the giant queen-beast and save the world from obliteration. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Heading towards the church in the capital. | Seere : Did Leonard die? Was it my fault? Was it because of me? Dragon : I am sorry, Caim. I cannot enter this place. Seere : That big scary creature... It controls time. Verdelet : The time of which Seere speaks... Could it be the Great Time? The Great Time is the key that holds the fate of the world. So say the legends... Dragon : Have we won? No. The battle does not end here. | End of the mission: Reached the church. | Dragon : Caim, are you all right? Now, only the giant monster remains... | The path splits to either Chapter 12 Verse 7 - The Great Time, or to | | Chapter 13 Verse 1 - A Journey [c13va01] dependent on whether it is the | | fourth or the fifth playthrough. | --------- / [c12va07] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 7 - The Great Time ]--(Event)----------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The giant monster bends time, and the world begins to fade. The dragon offers Seere as their last hope. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim, Seere and Verdelet are in a courtyard in front of the church. | Verdelet : The world... The world will be swallowed! What is that? What warps the Great Time? | Seere suddenly drops onto his knees. | Seere : The heat! My body is burning! Golem : You feel reaction. Verdelet : A reaction? To what? To that? Dragon : The child lost his time. Yes. It is possible... Golem : Seere break pact! Dragon : The Great Time. Perhaps, our last chance. --------- / [c12va08] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 8 - A Little Hero ]--(Event)------------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- A tale from long, long ago. A tale about a little hero with no name. About a world that had lost everything. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- As the monster grows and swallows more and more of the world, Seere makes a final proposal. By releasing the Great Time locked within him, Seere can freeze the queen-beast for eternity. Entrusting the world's fate to the child, Caim and the dragon fly with him toward the monster, to deliver the Little Hero to his grim fate. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Grotesqueries fill the sky. The queen-beast, with its abdomen bloated | | totally out of proportion, lies on its back, on a pool of white light that | | is slowly growing in diameter. | Verdelet : Help us! Please, help us! Dragon : ... Verdelet : No, no! I don't want to die! Caim : ... Verdelet : No! Golem : Seere. Danger. Seere : Goodbye. Will you take me there? Dragon : Are you sure? Seere : I understand. That thing controls time. We can't just leave it, or else... Verdelet : Seere! What will you do? Seere : Only I can stop it. I'm the only one who has what we need. Dragon : If you fight that, do you know what will become of you? Seere : A long time ago, there was a brave warrior who drank up all of Time, drop by drop. He slept deep beneath the earth, forever young and strong. Dragon : ? Seere : But then the world became bathed in blood, and the hero awoke. "Now is my time!" he said. The hero who had drunk of Time travelled to the ends of the earth. The hero grew old and weak, and he dies. But his Time gave the world a new life. The end. It's called "The Little Hero". My mother told it to me. Dragon : The heroes of stories are the hopes of the tellers. The hero is in you, too. Seere : I'm so...happy. Come on. Fly me there. Dragon : Can we make it through? | The dragon takes to the skies with Caim and Seere on its back, and flies | | towards the grotesquerie infested skies above the queen-beast. | Verdelet : It's impossible! Impossible! What can one child do? Golem : Seere. --------- / [c12va09] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 9 - Awakening ]--(Aerial mission)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Seere faces the giant beast that consumes time. With mankind's tiny hope on her back, the dragon dives toward the heart of the swarm. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying towards the queen-beast. | Seere : Yes! I can do it. I am the Little Hero! | End of the mission: Reached the queen-beast. | Dragon : Can time be broken? --------- / [c12va10] --[ Chapter 12 Verse 10 - Seere's Solace ]--(Movie)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Using all the time kept in his body, Seere freezes the queen-beast. Time turns to crystal that fall upon the earth, and Seere becomes the hero of legend. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- "Forgive me..." Within the eternity, Seere begs his sister's forgiveness. And then time... is stopped. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The dragon, with Caim and Seere on its back, dive through the skies that | | have been overtaken by red clouds and monsters. It lets out a mighty roar, | | as Seere opens his arms, as if he was to embrace the queen-beast. Seere is | | sent flying down towards the monster as the dragon brakes in the air. | | Seere lands lightly on the queen-beast, drops onto his knees, and then onto | | his side into a foetal position. Whilst Seere lies on the queen-beast, | | the grotesqueries swarm to attack the dragon. A monster bites down on the | | dragon's wing, causing a large spurt of blood to gush from the wound, | | while Caim's sword falls silently through the air. | Seere : Will you forgive me now, Manah? | Seere hugs himself closer, as black crystals, the embodiment of the Great | | Time within him, surge from his body, completely covering the queen-beast | | and the pool of white light underneath it. The black crystals form a giant | | spire on the surface of the earth, so large that it can clearly seen even | | from space, forever sealing the queen-beast away from humanity. | | The credits begin to roll. | Drakengard the wild dreams of a Deluded child Seere : At long last, the jumping hands of time will be halted by a weakling cast in eternal solitude. One ending remains ______________________ | | ----------------------------| Chapter 13 : Truth |--------------------------- |______________________| --------- / [c13va01] --[ Chapter 13 Verse 1 - A Journey ]--(Event)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Bidding the world farewell, Caim and the dragon slip into the light and disappear. Perhaps Seere will tell their tale. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The queen-beast continues to grow, consuming the world. With Seere's cries ringing in their ears, Caim and the dragon dive down from the sky into the heart of the beast. The are engulfed in a blaze of pure white light, and together man, dragon and monster fall tumbling into a chasm that splits time and space. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | The Imperial city is filled with grotesqueries, and the queen-beast is at | | the center of the ruins. | Verdelet : It's the end! The end! Dragon : And yet you do not pray? Verdelet : To whom? What gods can help us now? Dragon : No gods ever heard your prayers. | The dragon prepares to fly towards the queen-beast with Caim on its back. | Dragon : To catch the lion's cub, you must enter the lion's den. Seere : No! Caim, don't go! Please don't leave me alone! Dragon : We will meet again, if we live. | The dragon flies off towards the queen-beast. | Seere : But...but at least... Don't forget me! Ever! | The screen is engulfed in a white light. | Verdelet : Caim lives hand in hand with good and evil. We too must adapt to this world of chaos. --------- / [c13va02] --[ Chapter 13 Verse 2 - New World ]--(Movie)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Time and space fall apart, and the fantasy begins. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | A city with many tall buildings come into view. All seems normal, with the | | birds flying through the sky like any other day. Then, the clouds above the | | city ripple and open up, as the queen-beast makes her way through the chasm | | in time and space. She partially disintegrates as parts of her body flake | | off. She lands in the city, crushing several of the structures. Two | | fireballs blast through the chasm, followed by Caim and the dragon, in | | close pursuit of the queen-beast to this alien world. | Dragon : Is this the land of the gods? | The screen becomes gray, with only one word in it's centre. | Tokyo --------- / [c13va03] --[ Chapter 13 Verse 3 - The Greatest Battle ]--(Aerial mission)--------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- I. Hear. A. Sound. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Above Tokyo, circling the queen-beast. | Dragon : What is this? This thing... What can we do? | End of the mission: Silenced the queen-beast's song. | ( None ) --------- / [c13va04] --[ Chapter 13 Verse 4 - Recursion ]--(Movie)---------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Good work. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The battle that crossed space and time is won, the awesome enemy defeated at last. But the blood of the heroes who saved the world paints the tower red. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Defeated by Caim and the dragon, the queen-beast begins to disintegrate | | completely. Her body crumbles into large chunks, which in turn shatters | | into fragments that fall upon the city. | Dragon : At last. It is done... | As Caim and the dragon hover in the air, watching the queen-beast's demise, | | they are shot by two missiles, which explode on impact. The dragon and Caim | | plummet through the air, down to their demise, down to the city that they | | tried to protect from the queen-beast's evil song. Two fighter jets now fly | | triumphantly through the skies, satisfied that they have destroyed a threat | | to their city. | Pilot : This is Bravo-1. Unidentified target has been neutralised. Over and out. | The credits begin to roll. | Drakengard the End of the dragon sphere | The remains of the dragon now lies impaled on a tower in the city that they | | tried so hard to protect from the queen-beast's song of destruction. | Manah : Thank you for playing. ____________________ | | -----------------------------| Leonard's Regret |---------------------------- |____________________| --------- / [clrva01] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 1 - The Forest of the Seal ]--(Aerial mission)------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Empire treads the sacred soil of the forest of the seal. Caim and the dragon fly to rid the sky of the Imperial filth. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Guided by Leonard, Caim comes to the forest of the seal, now under attack by the Imperial army. Gryphons controlled by the Empire fly up to battle Caim and the dragon. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying towards the forest of the seal. | Dragon : They have come this far. The seal... Is it safe? Verdelet : Leonard, you suffer guilt over your brothers' deaths. You must learn to forgive yourself. Dragon : Cawing vultures. You are no match for the might of a dragon. Leonard : The seal is still safe. Perhaps... Dragon : The faeries were meant to guard the forest seal. But little good is spoken of them. Leonard : That smell... The forest! The forest is burning! | End of the mission: Reached the forest. | Leonard : Quickly! The forest of the seal is under attack! --------- / [clrva02] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 2 - Smells ]--(Event)------------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The faerie mocks Leonard as it sees the forest in flames. Leonard curses the fate that gave him such a pact. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and his band arrive in the thick forest that is home to the faeries. But the Empire has put the forest to the torch. The faerie delights in telling Leonard that many of the enemy soldiers are children. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | On a path in the flaming forest, stands Caim and Leonard, with the faerie | | hovering overhead. | Faerie : Our forest is burning! Our forest is burning! All because useless humans come tromping over the land. Awful, smelly, smelly, awful creatures! Leonard : We must do something. | Leonard turns to Caim for approval, while the faeries flies out to hover | | directly in front of them. | Faerie : Hark, you, hark! Look in the shadows of the trees. The ones hiding away are probably fine. This, that, what, which? Ah, the shadows of the trees. Look, look closely, Leonard. Look closely! | Leonard drops onto his knees in despair at the faeries tormenting speech. | Leonard : ... Faerie : Oh, it smells fishy. What will you do? What will you do? Doesn't it feel dangerous? Are you shaking? Over here! Here! Here! | Leonard gets up from the ground, and young child soldiers come into view. | Dragon : Just young conscripts... Faerie : Right, right! Young soldiers right out of training, gutted like fish! | Leonard turns to face Caim. | Leonard : If the garrison is here, then the prisoners should be too. --------- / [clrva03] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 3 - Grief ]--(Ground mission)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- An Imperial garrison has been discovered in the forest. But no one notices Leonard trembling in fear. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- A massive Imperial army has entered the forest; it must be beaten quickly before it reaches the seal. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the forest of the seal. | Leonard : Caim, speak to them! They will lay down their swords. Dragon : I cannot fly in this narrow place. Now go on foot. Leonard : The garrison soldiers are all conscripts. Caim, do not slaughter them so mercilessly! Faerie : Such a soft-hearted one, aren't you, Leonard? Dragon : Soldiers are soldiers. Do not forget who is your enemy. | When all of the target child conscripts have been cleared, a second group | | of them appear. | Child conscript : Please, help us! Argh! Leonard : They are so powerless, yet your sword spares none. Your heart is black. Faerie : Just kill them. They're just like lambs to the slaughter. | When the second group of child conscripts have been cleared, a third group | | emerges. | Child conscript : Arrrggh! Mother, I don't want to die! Leonard : Caim, please! No more... We cannot... Dragon : Caim. Still you offer no mercy? Leonard : I cannot. I cannot raise my weapon against such children. | When the third wave of child conscripts have been cleared, a final group | | appear. | Child conscript : He...help me... Someone, help me. We've done no wrong! Leonard : Caim, the soldiers are mere child conscripts. Please, show them mercy. Dragon : Leonard, do you wish to die? Verdelet : Even these become the Empire's puppets. The Empire brings hell to earth. Leonard : It's impossible, I cannot continue. Stop, please stop! Stay away! Verdelet : Even by the standards of the Empire, they are truly horrible. Dragon : Leonard! Gather your strength for the task! Leonard : I...I am...weak... Let us do this. These are the killing fields. | End of the mission: All of the child conscripts have been killed. | Dragon : Pursuers are in the air... --------- / [clrva04] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 4 - Uncommon Mercy ]--(Event)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Leonard tries to help the young soldier. But no kindness can touch the heart of a minion of the Empire. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | A few child conscripts lie scattered about between the barracks. Leonard | | crouches beside one of them with the faerie hovering behind him. | Faerie : Hey, hey! What'll you do about the bodies? Stab them again? Leonard : I shall give them a burial. Faerie : You have time for such luxuries? Well, do you? Do you? Do you? Leonard : !? Child conscript : Please, help me. | Leonard rushes over to the child conscript who is still alive, and crouches | | down beside the injured soldier. | Child conscript : I'm afraid. Leonard : Peace now. It is all over. Faerie : Oh? Oh-oh-oh-oh? Feeling pity? For the enemy? Can't start wavering now. Leonard : He is just like my brother. His voice... | Caim walks in view, to talk a look at what Leonard is up to. Leonard turns | | around to face Caim. | Dragon : Leonard, what are you doing!? Leonard : He is just a child. | The child conscript gets up from the ground, backs away a short distance, | | and summons wraiths to his aid. | Leonard : What!? Child conscript : You fool! | Caim and the child conscript begin to circle each other, while Leonard sits | | on the ground, dumbfounded. The wraiths wander off, out of sight. | Faerie : Fool. Fool. A masterpiece of a fool! | Caim lunges forward and slashes the child conscript across the chest, | | killing him instantly. | ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim pursues the wraiths that the child conscript summoned. | Dragon : I shall make them regret such a cowardly attack! | When all the wraiths have been annihilated. | Dragon : They have heard us... They gather in the sky. --------- / [clrva05] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 5 - The Memories of the Faeries ]--(Aerial mission)- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Imperial forces appear in the sky, their objective the seal. Caim fights through the hordes toward the seal. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Leonard's misplaced kindness almost cost them their lives, and the dragon rebukes him angrily. But there is no time for regret as the Empire masses in the sky above. Caim takes to the air, to defeat the Imperial enemy and protect the seal. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the forest of the seal. | Dragon : Impertinent jackals! I shall burn you all! Leonard : How could he? He made me the fool. War makes devils of all men. Faerie : You never learn! I wonder if you have any hope of surviving at all? Leonard : Can it be that sometimes, only the sinner may live? Faerie : Ho-ho! Your brothers can't fly anymore, can they? Leonard : Say what you will. I am a man without honour. | End of the mission: Cleansed the sky of the Imperial forces. | Dragon : They are finished here. Let us hurry to the forest of the seal. --------- / [clrva06] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 6 - Gleanings ]--(Ground mission)------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Caim's band searches for the king of the faeries. What manner of creature guards the seal? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Leonard's misplaced kindness almost cost them their lives, and the dragon rebukes him angrily. Caim hurries deeper into the forest, determined to save the seal. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Heading towards the seal in the forest. | Dragon : My wings cannot take us further. You must go on alone. Verdelet : The seal is within the forest, protected by the faeries. Find it before the Empire does! Leonard : This needless battle is my fault. Please forgive me. Dragon : Pitying your betters is a habit you humans would do well to unlearn. Faerie : Huh? the dragon is tired? And it's all your fault, little Leonard. | End of the mission: Defeated all the heavy cavalry and reached the seal. | Faerie : If it were me, I wouldn't go one step further. Silly fools! --------- / [clrva07] --[ Leonard's Regret Verse 7 - Uncommon Mercy ]--(Event)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- Deep in the valley, they find the king of the faeries at last. But they are given a cold welcome by the sneering old elf. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Deep in the forest they find the king of the faeries. From the mocking king, they learn that Furiae and Verdelet may be facing peril in the desert. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim is stand in a small clearing in the forest. Leonard, with the faerie | | trailing behind, rushes over and drops onto his knees in front of Caim. | Leonard : I am sorry. Forgive me! Dragon : Why this wasted pity? Leonard : It is just... Faerie : He won't say! He'll never say the truth! It's a SECRET! Leonard : It would be better that I die here. Faerie : Huh? What did you say? Helloo? You couldn't die, could you? Just gave yourself a little nick. So sad. Didn't you make a promise to live with me, big brother? I can't survive alone any more, you know. A pact. We made a pact. Don't forget. | Leonard's faerie flies off as another faerie surrounded in a white globe of | | light descends through the air to hover in front of Caim. | Dragon : You. You are...? W.faerie : My name is of no concern. I simply ask that you smelly savages leave the forest anon. Oh dear. How rude of me. Still, as a leader, one must say what one must say. Dragon : The ruler of the faeries! King : A human carcass cannot restore a tree that has burned. Trees are the bones of the forest. Dragon : Go threaten someone else. We have no time for you. | The faerie king begins to slowly circle around the group. | King : Oh dear, oh dear. Threats, you say? Such suspicion! Noble dragons think such complicated things. Is there a secret reason why you consort with humans? Or do you play with such lesser beings for fun? Dragon : Hold your tongue! King : Dearie, oh dearie. How rude! I struck the mark! The desert is a hot place, and bodies do rot quickly. Leonard : The desert? What about the desert? | Intrigued, Leonard gets up from the ground. | King : Whoops! I let it slip. Those idiot priests are lined up and knocked down one by one. Your friends may not be safe. Serves them right! Dragon : Caim! To the desert! | Caim and Leonard walk off. | King : You should just let them die. Oh, but I can't say that, can I, now? | This path leads back to Chapter 3 Verse 1 - Reunion [c03va01]. | ____________________ | | -----------------------------| Arioch's Madness |---------------------------- |____________________| --------- / [camva01] --[ Arioch's Madness Verse 1 - The Soughing of the Waves ]--(Aerial mission)--- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- On their way to the ocean temple, the encounter Imperial warships. Leonard begs to save the prisoners, but the dragon tells him the seal must come first. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- With the desert seal lost, Caim and the others decide to fly to the seal of the ocean temple. There they discover an evil atrocity as sailors of the Imperial armada cast innocent children into the ocean to drown. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ Dragon : Many guard the seals. But few can truly protect them. Hurry! | The screams of children can be heard. | Leonard : Those screams... Some horror is committed. Dragon : All believe the small are weak. Some seek to protect, others to neglect. Leonard : But the children! Dragon : First we must protect the seal! Leonard : No! | Beginning of the mission: In the skies above the seas that surround the | | ocean temple. | Verdelet : They take children, then cast them away like bones at a feast... Such cruelty. Dragon : Caim. If you do not defeat them quickly, the women and the children will be lost. Arioch : Which one tastes best? Dragon : Until we wipe away these Empire jackals, we can help neither woman nor child. Caim, quickly! Verdelet : So many elf children... It is no wonder her heart became embittered so. | End of the mission: Defeated the Imperial navy. | Verdelet : Arioch! Arioch! Surely, not the children? --------- / [camva02] --[ Arioch's Madness Verse 2 - Her Favourite Things... ]--(Event)-------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- While Arioch rejoices at the sight of the corpses, the spirits tell of her past. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Leonard is standing on the surface of the ocean, with his faerie flying | | behind him. | Leonard : The children...? Arioch, what have you done!? | The views shifts to see Arioch crouching over a child. | Arioch : So sweet, so sweet, the cute little children. No need to worry. I will take care of you... So sweet. Leonard : I smell blood. | Leonard rushes over to where Arioch is. | Leonard : Why? Arioch, do you not have children yourself!? Salamander : They were killed. Undine : Killed by the Imperial forces, and cast away into an ocean of blood. Salamander : And there shall be no more children for her. Undine : The price for our pact was her womb. Undine and Salamander : Solitude and chaos, for all eternity. Dragon : Only with death shall it end. Now, onto the next temple. --------- / [camva03] --[ Arioch's Madness Verse 3 - Lantern Fishing ]--(Aerial mission)------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The Imperial fleet surrounds the temple. Caim and the dragon fly out to send its warships to the ocean floor. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Undine and Salamander tell Arioch's story - a history so drenched in blood that not even time will heal the scars carved upon her heart. Meanwhile, the Empire unleashes its assault on the temple of the ocean. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying to the ocean temple. | Verdelet : The temple of the sea serves as one of the three seals. It cannot be lost. Verdelet : The Empire must not break into the sea temple! Defend it with your lives! | End of the mission: Destroyed the Empire fleets. | Verdelet : Argh! The seal... The seal is broken! --------- / [camva04] --[ Arioch's Madness Verse 4 - Playing Alone ]--(Event)------------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- The seal of the ocean temple is irretrievably lost to the world. As despair takes hold, only Arioch finds beauty in the destruction. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- The fight is in vain, and the temple seal is destroyed. Leonard despairs as he sees each seal lost in turn. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim runs into the temple, with Leonard and Arioch following close behind. | Leonard : Where is the seal? Dragon : Regrettably, it is gone. | Caim drops onto his knees in despair, whilst Arioch crouches down to | | examine the broken seal. | Leonard : I see. Arioch : Pretty. So pretty. Dragon : Man makes the seal, and man does break the seal. Will his foolish games never end? | Caim springs up from the ground and whirls around to the dragon. | Caim : ...! Dragon : We are still safe. The last seal is intact. I hear no cries from the goddess. Leonard : Each time we play our piece, we find ourselves one more behind. Back to the desert. | This path leads back to Chapter 4 Verse 1 - Inuart's Confession [c04va01]. | __________________ | | ------------------------------| Seere's Prayer |----------------------------- |__________________| --------- / [cspva01] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 1 - A Stony Path ]--(Event)--------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. Everyone is looking for my sister! But I'm so careless... I put them all in danger. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. Everyone came to help find my sister Manah in this valley! Thank you! But did Mother really... No, it's all right, we'll find her for sure! ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim, Leonard and Arioch are walking in a group, while Seere is skipping | | out in front. Leonard's faerie hovers beside it's pact partner. | Leonard : Careful, Seere. This is a dangerous land. Seere : Sorry... But I'm so excited! You came all this way to help find my sister. Thank you! Faerie : Oh, the child is so naive. Why don't you go get yourself devoured by an elf, child? Dragon : Stay back from there! | Seere screams as a golem attacks him. | --------- / [cspva02] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 2 - Remote Giants ]--(Ground mission)----------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. Lots of frightening golems appeared. Please help, Caim! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. We were looking for my sister, but then these mad golems suddenly came down and attacked us... Help! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Battling the Imperial golems in Red Mountain. | Verdelet : And now golems? What other pawns does the Empire still have to play against us? Dragon : We waste out time. Caim, finish them off, quickly! Arioch : Oh, and I am so hungry. Verdelet : The puppet masters revive the fallen golem. You must destroy the wizards first. Seere : Go...lem... Leonard : Seere, are you all right? Seere! Answer me! Faerie : Still alive? Pathetic. Go get devoured by the elf! | End of the mission: Killed all the wizards controlling the golems. | Faerie : Hmph! How did that urchin survive? Unpleasant little child! --------- / [cspva03] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 3 - Tossed About ]--(Aerial mission)------------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. While looking for my sister, we came to a wild place. Look out! The Empire's monsters are in the sky! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- Caim and everyone killed the bad golems. Thank you, everyone! After that, we searched some more for my sister, but then monsters attacked from the sky! Watch out! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying in the skies above the valley. | Dragon : They are everywhere. They fly out of the ground like locusts. Verdelet : There is an evil wind that blows here. We should search for Seere's sister, but... Seere : Mother used to hit my sister Manah a lot. But only Manah. Never me. Dragon : The rock-wielders... No matter where you hide, the Empire will find you and use you. Seere : Mother never hit me. She saved all her anger for Manah instead. Seere : I will do my best. If I do, will you like me? Seere : Everyone is grateful to the Little Hero, all the time. Wouldn't that be great? Dragon : Caim. The sadness in your heart is what you humans call hypocrisy. Do you understand? | End of the mission: Disposed of all the monsters in the sky. | Seere : Caim! There are monsters on the ground! Be careful! --------- / [cspva04] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 4 - To a Friend ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. No, it can't be! Golem is acting like he's haunted. "Golem! Hit me!" ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. We went to this deep valley looking for my sister. But then Golem became really strange. What are you doing, Golem!? ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Golem is kneeling on the ground in front of Seere, its hands planted onto | | the ground. Caim, Leonard and Arioch are standing behind Seere. Golem hugs | | its head with its hands and starts backing away from Seere. | Golem : No. Seere no die. No die. Seere : Huh? Golem, what's wrong? | A strange melody fills the air. | Leonard : That voice! Where does it come from? Dragon : A spell of possession! A wizard must be hiding nearby. Leonard : Seere! Get back! You mustn't stand so close to Golem! He is not Golem anymore! | Seere ignores Leonard's entreaty and runs up to Golem. | Seere : It's me! Seere! Golem, please! | Golem bashes Seere with its left hand before clenching its head again. | Golem : Gaaar. Seere, no come. Seere : You can hit me. I don't care. Go on, hit me! Golem! Hit me! Faerie : Is this how friends play? | Golem hits Seere again, who faints from the attack. Arioch tries to get to | | Seere, but Golem prods her away. | Arioch : ... Golem : Seere! Seere! | Seere recovers and stands back up. | Seere : There, you see? Golem is back. My friend. Leonard : Golem! Golem is back. Dragon : The shock restored him. He felt the pain that his own pact-partner felt. Arioch : What a bore! Dragon : The wizard hides well. We should take greater care from now on. --------- / [cspva05] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 5 - Journey ]--(Ground mission)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. The monsters keep appearing one after another. Can my sister Manah be in such a dangerous place? ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. Golem was being controlled by an evil wizard. I want to kill all the Empire monsters so Golem won't do bad things any more. ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Battling wizards in the valley. | Seere : I am all right. Don't hurt the golem! Verdelet : Seere, where in the world can your sister be? Seere : When Mother scolded Manah, she was scary. I was so afraid. Seere : Caim, you shouldn't hit people. You mustn't make people cry. Dragon : Such a child, deprived of love. What future does it have? Dragon : Seere, let us hope your sister still lives. | Killed all the wizards on the map, more appear. | Seere : The golems are just being used. There are not bad. Kill the wizards. Seere : It's the wizards' fault! The golem doesn't like it. Seere : I am fine. I have golem. | End of the mission: Dealt with all the wizards. | Seere : Now all the scary golems are gone. --------- / [cspva06] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 6 - A Silent Place ]--(Event)------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. We're in the valley where my sister should be... Look out! A monster! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. We were just trying to find my sister, but more and more monsters kept attacking us. Then this monster flew straight at me! ----------------------- --| Trivial conversations |-- ----------------------- | Caim and the troupe encounter the Empire's monsters in the valley. They | | must dispose of the fiends if they are to continue their search for | | Seere's sister. | Dragon : They are everywhere. They fly out of the ground like locusts. ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim, Leonard, Arioch and Seere continue their search for Manah after | | clearing away all the monsters. | Leonard : There is not a sound to be heard. Can Seere's sister really be in such a place as this? Dragon : No human can long survive in such an evil land. Seere : ... | Seere runs ahead of the troupe. | Seere : Manah! Manah! Answer if you can hear me! It's me, Seere! Leonard : Seere, please take care. Enemies may still lie in wait. | A gryphon swoops down, grabs Seere and flies off. | Leonard : Quickly, we must go after him! Faerie : What a child! Trouble upon trouble! Such bothersome people are better off dead! Dead! | The remaining trio heads off in the direction where the gryphon escaped. | --------- / [cspva07] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 7 - Gone without a Trace ]--(Aerial mission)---------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. I've been captured, and now Caim is looking for me. There are lots of monsters, so be careful! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. I was caught by an Empire gryphon and taken to the coliseum. Help me, Caim! I'm here! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Flying to the coliseum. | ( None ) Arioch : So pretty. Arioch : If I save him, is he mine? Can I have him? Leonard : I could save him... No. No, I cannot. | End of the mission: Arrived at the skies above the coliseum. | Leonard : Many beasts dwell here. You must be on your guard. --------- / [cspva08] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 8 - Pursuit ]--(Aerial mission)----------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. Caim and the others are close. But there are lots and lots of Imperial soldiers all about. ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. I was caught by an Empire gryphon and taken to the coliseum. Help me, Caim! I'm here! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: Outside the coliseum. | Dragon : I cannot fly in this narrow place. Now go on foot. Dragon : He is being held in the coliseum. Leonard : Seere, please be safe. Faerie : Seere, my child. You could die properly this time, can't you? | End of the mission: Defeated targets and got the key to the coliseum gates. | Dragon : The child is unharmed. Caim, it is time to help someone with that bloodied sword. --------- / [cspva09] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 9 - A New Sword ]--(Event)---------------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. I've been taken to the coliseum to be a prize. But I'm not a good-for-nothing! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. I was taken to be a prize at the coliseum. I know I cause a lot of trouble, but I'm not a burden! ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Seere is tried onto a stake, while a goblin and a giant stand next to him | | in the centre of the coliseum. | Goblin : A wonderful prize today! A human child! A useless child that can't grow up! Seere : You're wrong. I'm not useless. I don't grow old so I can save the world, just like the Little Hero. Goblin : Shut up! We don't care about your faerie tales. Seere : It's true! other said it's true! Golem said it's true! Goblin : The time when you are needed will never come, urchin. You're a burden on everyone. All you're good for is to be a prize in the coliseum. Seere : I'm not a burden. | Caim jumps down into the coliseum as the dragon swoops down. | Goblin : Who the hell are you!? Leonard : We are here for Seere. Dragon : An opportunity, Caim, to learn how to use your sword to save a life. --------- / [cspva10] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 10 - Coliseum ]--(Ground mission)--------------------- ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. Caim has come to rescue me. I'm here, Caim! ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- My name is Seere. I was taken to be a prize at the coliseum. I know I cause a lot of trouble, but I'm not a burden! ------------------------ --| Inbattle conversations |-- ------------------------ | Beginning of the mission: In the coliseum. | Dragon : You are a match for any man or beast. But you must learn to wield that sword for good. Leonard : Seere, please by safe. Caim! Do not give up! | Arrival of the second wave of enemies. | Seere : Help! Manah, Mother... Help me... | Appearance of the fourth wave of enemies. | Seere : I'm sorry. | Arrival of the sixth wave of enemies. | Seere : There are sill some left! Don't five up, Caim! | Appearance of the tenth wave of enemies. | Verdelet : That Caim... For whom does he brandish his sword? | End of the mission: Defeated all ten waves of enemies. | Dragon : Well? How does it feel to use your sword to save people? --------- / [cspva11] --[ Seere's Prayer Verse 11 - Gratitude and Carelessness ]--(Event)------------ ------------------- --| Verse description |-- ------------------- My name is Seere. I've caused trouble for everyone again. I don't want to be a burden anymore... ----------------- --| Verse interlude |-- ----------------- ( None ) ---------------- --| Scene dialogue |-- ---------------- | Caim and Leonard stand close to Seere, who has already been untied from | | the stake. Seere bows to Caim as he expresses his gratitude. | Seere : Th-Thank you! I thought I... Thank you! Leonard : Seere, you are safe now. | Caim scratches his head, as Seere bows to Leonard. | Seere : I'm sorry. I always cause such trouble. | A scream is heard, which trigger Caim and Leonard to look around. | Leonard : That scream... Dragon : The death cry of the faeries. The three seals are broken. Leonard : Only the goddess remains - the very last seal! | Caim stabs his sword into the ground. | Dragon : The Union will soon begin the final attack. We too must go to the last battle field. | Seere falls onto his knees in front of Caim. | Seere : Oh, it's my fault, isn't it? I wanted to come here. I wasted your time. | Caim whips his sword from the ground and points it straight at Seere, who | | stumbles backward to land on his behind. | Dragon : Regret is for fools. What has been done has been done. Seere : Yes, all right. | Seere gets back onto his feet. | Leonard : Seere, your sister... Seere : Forget it. It doesn't matter now. Not any more... Come on. We have to hurry. Leonard : ... | They leave the coliseum, to head to the Blue Mountains, where the Union | | will launch its assault. | | This path leads back to Chapter 5 Verse 1 - War [c05va01]. | =============================================================================== Section 4: Ally selection quotes [sect-04] =============================================================================== --------- --| Leonard |-- --------- Weapon : Tower of Rebuke Quote : Can it be that sometimes only the sinner may live? -------- --| Arioch |-- -------- Weapon : Sorrow's Splinter Quote : Ahahahaha... So pretty... ------- --| Seere |-- ------- Weapon : Hero's Misericorde Quote : Caim! You can do it! The goddess is waiting for you! =============================================================================== Section 5: Dragon form selection quotes [sect-05] =============================================================================== -------------------- --| Red Dragon Level 1 |-- -------------------- Quote : Wise men choose death before war. Wiser men choose not be born. -------------------- --| Red Dragon Level 2 |-- -------------------- Quote : Do they possess the darkness? Or does it possess them? No matter. They shall die! -------------------- --| Red Dragon Level 3 |-- -------------------- Quote : If you wish to live, trust only yourself! Let revenge be your only creed. -------------- --| Chaos Dragon |-- -------------- Quote : Only fools fear great failure. It is the small loses that break a man down. ----- --| ??? |-- ----- Quote : (Manah) Lalalalala. Lalalalala. Watchers...lala! =============================================================================== Section 6: Version history [sect-06] =============================================================================== - 9th April 2006: Version 1.16 Added ally and dragon selection quotes, and the intro text. - 19th February 2006: Version 1.14 Typed up what Verdelet says when the dragon evolves. Might add ally and dragon selection quotes later. - 18th January 2006: Version 1.10 Typed up Chapter 12 and Seere's Prayer. The whole script is finally finished! - 12th December 2005: Version 0.95 Typed up Chapter 13, Leonard's Regret, and Arioch's Madness. - 21st July 2005: Version 0.77 Finished typing Chapter 11. Also added the points at which the dragon evolves to the chronological flow chart. Dragon descriptions might be added later. - 20th July 2005: Version 0.75 Typed up half of Chapter 11. Done the flow chart as well, because I was starting to lose track of how the verses linked together. - 17th July 2005: Version 0.70 Typed up Chapter 10. - 16th July 2005: Version 0.63 Finished typing up Chapter 9. - 13th July 2005: Version 0.56 Typed up Chapter 8. - 12th July 2005: Version 0.49 Submitted to GameFAQs for the second time, accepted. - 11th July 2005: Version 0.49 Typed up Chapter 7. - 10th July 2005: Version 0.42 Noted down all the scripts from Chapter 5 through to Chapter 8. Also started and finished typing Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. - 9th July 2005: Version 0.28 Finished typing Chapter 4. - 8th July 2005: Version 0.23 Sent it to GameFAQs for submission, rejected: duplication (even though the other one has already been discontinued). Also worked a bit more on Chapter 4. - 7th July 2005: Version 0.21 Finished noting and typing up the script for Chapter 1. - 4th July 2005: Version 0.14 Started and finished typing up the script from Chapter 3. Also started typing up contents, legal disclaimer, and credits. - 3rd July 2005: Version 0.07 Finished typing up Chapter 2, and noting down the script of Chapter 3. - 2nd July 2005: Version 0.03 Started on typing up Chapter 2. Also started to note the scripts in Chapter 3. - 1st July 2005: Version 0.00 Decided to make a script FAQ for Drakengard, as I started Chapter 2 on this replay. Noted down all that was said in Chapter 2. =============================================================================== Section 7: Legal disclaimer and copyright [sect-07] =============================================================================== Copyright 2005 Kelly Chan This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Websites with permission to host this guide: - www.gamefaqs.com - www.neoseeker.com - drakengard.net If you find any other websites using this script (in either modified or original version), please email me about it. =============================================================================== Section 8: Contact [sect-08] =============================================================================== If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or corrections, feel free to e-mail me at moogles_mail (at) yahoo (dot) com Credit will be given if a contribution is made. Please no flaming e-mails, advertisements or anything like that. Also please quote Drakengard as the topic. =============================================================================== Section 9: Credits [sect-09] =============================================================================== - Cavia for developing this great game. - Square Enix for publishing this game. - GameFAQs, Neoseeker and Drakengard.net for hosting this. - You for reading this script.