三國志戦記 Sangokushi Senki Walkthrough - 曹操編 Cao Cao Scenario Version 3.00 (10.27.02) Written by 無二正次 Muni Masatsuki (muni_masatsuki@yahoo.com)     & 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) 曹操編 Cao Cao Scenario ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCENARIO FLOW CHART ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【天子奉戴】   ↓ 【台頭】 李カク討伐戦   ↓ →   →   →   →   →  ↓defeat 袁術   ↓defeat 呂布                ↓ 呂布討伐戦1               袁術討伐戦   ↓                    ↓ 【相克】                 【禽獣】 袁術 張繍討伐戦             呂布討伐戦2   ↓                    ↓ 劉備討伐戦1               【中原】   ↓                  袁紹討伐戦4   ↓            truce 袁紹 ←  ↓  →  seen 曹操 ending 【義士(劉備討伐)】      ↓      ↓haven't seen  battle 袁紹   ↓ →  → truce 袁紹   ↓      ↓battle 袁紹   ↓   ↓battle 袁紹    ↓     ↓      ↓      官渡の戦い 袁紹討伐戦1   【焦眉】  【焦眉】    ↓attack 官渡   ↓   ↓      荊州討伐戦1 荊州討伐戦4 ↓  ←  ← ↓ally 劉備   ↓        ↓    ↓      ↓       ↓ 【官渡】       ↓    ↓   【義士(劉備逃亡)】【不義】 袁紹討伐戦2   荊州討伐戦2 ↓    袁譚討伐戦3   袁譚討伐戦5   ↓        ↓ ←  ←      ↓       ↓ 袁譚討伐戦1   【回天】        袁譚討伐戦4   呂布討伐戦3   ↓     ギョウ・長沙攻略戦      ↓       ↓   ↓      ↓  →  → attack 長沙  ↓       ↓ 【南征】     ↓attack ギョウ  ↓    goto 南征   孫策討伐戦3 劉備討伐戦2  袁譚討伐戦2   孫策討伐戦1        ↓   ↓      ↓        ↓           【激震】   ↓     goto 有明     【代償】         孫策討伐戦4 【岐路】             南荊州討伐戦        ↓   ↓ →  → battle 孫権     ↓           【鎮圧】   ↓battle 馬騰    ↓     孫策討伐戦2       中華平定戦 馬騰討伐戦    劉孫討伐戦    ↓            ↓   ↓        ↓     【覇者】       【曹操専制天下統一】 【有明】     【邂逅】    袁紹討伐戦3 益州討伐戦    寿春奪回戦    ↓   ↓        ↓    【曹操真天下統一】 呉討伐戦     【弦月】   ↓      西涼討伐戦   ↓        ↓   ↓      漢中討伐戦   ↓        ↓   ↓      荊州討伐戦3   ↓        ↓ 【曹丕天下統一】【三國鼎立(史実)】 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCENARIO ROUTE 1 - 曹丕天下統一 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【台頭】 李カク討伐戦 You can not capture both 李カク and 郭シ. Item - 倚天の剣 - take over 長安. Branch - defeat 呂布 or 袁術 first. Defeat 袁術 first → go to "袁術討伐戦". Defeat 呂布 first → go to "呂布討伐戦1". 袁術討伐戦 (197AD) To win - defeat 袁術 within 8 turns. Go to "禽獣". 呂布討伐戦1 (197AD) To win - defeat 呂布 within 8 turns, Item - 荀子 - take over 下ヒ. Item - 墨子 - take over 汝南. Item - 方天戟 - defeat 呂布 with 3-combo or higher. Event - 呂布 & 張飛 - attack with 張飛, 張飛's morale +10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【相克】 張繍 袁術討伐戦 (198AD) To win - defeat 袁術 and 張繍 within 10 turns. Item - 六韜 - take over 宛. Item - 偃月刀 - take from 関羽. 劉備討伐戦1 (199AD) To win - defeat 劉備 within 8 turns. Event - 徐晃 & 関羽 - attack with 徐晃, 徐晃's morale +10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【義士(劉備討伐)】 袁紹討伐戦1 (200AD) To win - take over 官渡, 濮陽, 平原, 何内, or 晋陽 within 6 turns, or truce with 袁紹. Branch - battle 袁紹 or truce. Truce with 袁紹 → go to "焦眉". Battle with 袁紹 ↓ Item - 老子 - defeat 袁紹 with 3-combo or higher. Item - 龍刀槍 - take over 濮陽. Item - 太平要術書 take over 平原. Go to "官渡". 【義士(劉備逃亡)】 袁譚討伐戦3 (204AD) To win - defeat 袁譚 within 10 turns. Item - 黄石公三略 - take over ギョウ. 袁譚討伐戦4 (204AD) To win - defeat 袁譚 within 15 turns. Item - 太平要術書 - take over 平原. Item - 刺客列伝 - take over 北平. Go to "南征". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【官渡】 袁紹討伐戦2 (200AD) To win - take over ギョウ within 10 turns. Item - 老子 - take from 袁紹. Item - 黄石公三略 - take over ギョウ. 袁譚討伐戦 (204AD) To win - defeat 袁譚 within 15 turns. Item - 刺客列伝 - take over 北平. Item - 遁甲天書 - take over 遼東. Item - 龍刀槍 - take over 濮陽. Item - 太平要術書 - take over 平原. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【南征】 劉備討伐戦2 (208AD) To win - defeat 劉備 within 3 turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【岐路】 Branch - attack 劉備 and 孫権 alliance at 陸口, or attack 馬騰. Attack 陸口 → go to "劉備 孫権討伐戦". Attack 馬騰 → go to "馬騰討伐戦". 劉備 孫権討伐戦 (208AD) To win - take over 陸口 within 10 turns. Try to capture 太史慈 and 呂蒙 in this battle. Go to "邂逅". 馬騰討伐戦 (208AD) To win - defeat 馬騰 within 10 turns. You can not enlist 馬騰 or 馬超. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【有明】 益州攻略戦 (210AD) To win - take over 成都 within 20 turns. Item - 論語集解 - take over 建寧. Item - 墨子 - take over 雲南. Item - 強弩 - take over 成都. 呉討伐戦 (215AD) To win - take over 建業 within 30 turns. Item - 漢書衛青伝 - take over 零陵. Item - 戦国策 - take over 番陽. Item - 史記 - take over 郁林. Item - 孫子 - take over 建業. 劉備 and 孫権 are both destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【曹丕天下統一】 Starting from the 黄巾の乱 Yellow Turban Disturbance, 曹操 had been in war for 30 years. Tired in body and fatigued in spirit, 曹操 fell ill, and died several months after the defeat of 劉備 and 孫権, with 天下統一 just within sight. Several years later, continuing and finishing his father's life's work, 曹丕 unified China, and achieved 天下統一. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCENARIO ROUTE 2 - 三國鼎立 (史実) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【邂逅】 寿春奪回戦 (212AD) To win - take back 寿春 within 3 turns. Try to capture 陸遜 in this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【弦月】 西涼討伐戦 (213AD) To win - defeat 馬超 within 15 turns. 漢中討伐戦 (215AD) To win - take over 漢中 within 8 turns. Item - 汗血馬 - take over 酒泉. Item - 孫子用簡偏 - take over 漢中. 荊州討伐戦 (219AD) To win - take over 宛, 新野, and 上庸 within 10 turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【三國鼎立 (史実)】 This is the historical ending of the 曹操編 Cao Cao Scenario, where the Three Kingdoms co-exist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCENARIO ROUTE 3 - 曹操真天下統一 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【焦眉】(From "義士") 荊州討伐戦1 (201AD) To win - take over 宛 and 新野 within 5 turns. Item - 六韜 - take over 宛. 荊州討伐戦2 (202AD) To win - take over 襄陽, 江凌, and 江夏 within 12 turns. Item - 重器全書 - take over 襄陽. Go to "回天". 【焦眉】(From "中原") 荊州討伐戦3 (201AD) To win - take over 襄陽, 江凌, 江夏, 宛, and 新野 within 15 turns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【回天】 Branch - attack ギョウ or 長沙. Attack ギョウ → go to "袁譚討伐戦2" Attack 長沙 → go to "代償". 袁譚討伐戦2 (206AD) To win - take over 渤海 and 北平 within 12 turns. Item - 太平要術書 - take over 平原. Item - 刺客列伝 - take over 北平. Go to "有明". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【代償】 南荊州討伐戦 (204AD) To win - take over 武陵, 零陵, 桂陽, and 長沙 within 10 turns. Item - 漢書衛青伝 - take over 零陵. 孫策討伐戦2 (204AD) To win - take over 建業 within 20 turns. Item - 孫子 - take over 建業. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【覇者】 袁紹討伐戦3 (208AD) To win - take over 許昌, 洛陽, 濮陽, ギョウ, 下ヒ, 汝南, 渤海, and 晋陽 within 30 turns. Item - 老子 - take from 袁紹 with 3-combo or higher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【曹操真天下統一】 This is said to be 曹操's best ending. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCENARIO ROUTE 4 - 曹操専制天下統一 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【禽獣】 呂布討伐戦2 (198AD) To win - defeat 呂布 within 20 turns. Item - 方天戟 - take from 呂布 with 3-combo or higher. Item - 荀子 - take over 下ヒ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【中原】 袁紹討伐戦4 (200AD) To win - take over 陳留, 濮陽, 平原, and 河内 within 6 turns, or truce with 袁紹. Branch - battle 袁紹 or truce. Truce → go to "焦眉(From 中原)". Battle (haven't seen 曹操 ending) → go to "義士(劉備逃亡)". Battle (have seen 曹操 ending) ↓ 官渡の戦い (200AD) To win - take over 官渡 within 5 turns, or ally with 劉備. Branch - take over 官渡 or ally with 劉備. Take over 官渡 → go to "義士(劉備逃亡)". Ally with 劉備 ↓ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【不義】 袁譚討伐戦5 (201AD) To win - defeat 袁譚 with 15 turns. 呂布討伐戦3 (203AD) To win - defeat 呂布 within 10 turns. Event - 呂布 & 張飛 - 呂布's troop attacks 張飛, 呂布 and 張飛 morale +10. 孫策討伐戦3 (208AD) To win - 1 turn pass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【激震】 孫策討伐戦4 (210AD) To win - take over 建業 within 20 turns. Item - 戦国策 - take over 翻陽. Item - 孫子 - take over 建業. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【鎮圧】 中華平定戦 (210AD) To win - defeat 劉備, 司馬懿, and 劉璋 within 60 turns. Item - 偃月刀 - take from 関羽 with 3-combo or higher. Item - 漢書李広伝 - take from 黄忠 with 3-combo or higher. Item - 春秋左氏伝 - take over 梓ドウ. Item - 史記 - take over 郁林. Item - 孫子用簡編 - take over 漢中. Item - 七星宝剣 - take over 洛陽. Item - 青[金工]の剣 - take over 許昌. Item - 龍刀槍 - take over 濮陽. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【曹操専制天下統一】 This is 曹操's most difficult ending to get. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Thanks to 無二正次 for making the Scenario Flow Chart. This Info Walkthrough is written based on the Japanese version of the game "三國志戦記" - "Sangokushi Senki". Sangokushi Senki official website: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/products/products/ee/new/sansenki/index.htm This FAQ/Walkthrough can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html This Document Copyright 2002 無二正次 "Muni Masatsuki" & 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu"