***************************************************************************** DYNASTY TACTICS FAQ (SPOILER-FREE) Version 0.5 November 5th 2002 By Hibou gamefaqs@hibou.qc.ca Copyright (C)2002 ***************************************************************************** ======= CONTENT ======= ->DISCLAIMER ->ABOUT THIS FAQ ->HISTORY ->DIPLOMACY ->RECRUITING ->ARMIES ->PLANNING ->BATTLES ->COMBOS ->STR TACTICS ->INT TACTICS ->LEA TACTICS ->ITEMS ->OFFICERS'S SKILLS ->UNIT TYPES ->OFFICERS ->THANKS ========== DISCLAIMER ========== This FAQ is for personal use only. You can't reproduce this FAQ (or any part of it) without my written approval, bla bla bla, (include usual lawyer's stuff here) Copyright (C)2002 Jonathan Villemure ============== ABOUT THIS FAQ ============== This FAQ is a collection of tips & tricks along with a few helpful lists. It doesn't contain anything related to specific story paths and thus is spoiler-free. If you want direction to get to a particular chapter or ending, please consult Agung Pujanata's excellent FAQ at : http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/14773.html If you need to contact me, please do so using the following address : gamefaqs@hibou.qc.ca (BTW, I won't answer any questions already answered in this FAQ, in the manual or relative to a specific story path, so don't bother.) ======= HISTORY ======= 05/11/2002 - First release ========= DIPLOMACY ========= To make alliance with other rules, you must name an envoy with the [Diplomacy] skill and send it to the faction's Capital (the city with a Flag on it). Each faction can be in one of four states... War : You can and often must attack those factions to win the chapter. Normal : You can ally with this faction, declare war on them, or ignore them, they aren't dangerous. Ally : You are allied with this faction, they'll send renforcement to help you in battle if you send only one army and if they are close enough to the fight. Neutral: You can't interact with this faction for the lenght of this chapter. ============ RECRUITING ============ Do everything you can to capture as many enemy officer as you can in the early battles. This is especially important if you start with few officers (*cough* Liu Bei *cough*). You don't want to enter a battle being outnumbered 4 to 8... The first thing you should do when you start a new turn, is to scan for new civilians to recruit. Start by checking your officer list (R2 button) and check the friend list of each officer for names in "white" (Green are with Liu Bei, Red with Sun Ce, Blue with Cao Cao and White are still unaligned). When you find an unaligned officer you want to recruit, simply appoint your officer as en envoy and send him. Try to acquire officers with good skills at all cost. Skills like menace, strategy, spy and other 4-stars rating skills (check the "Skills" section) can help you tremendously. Next, do the same but with the civilian(L2 button). Because officer A might have B in his friend list, but B might not have A in his friend list. Anyway, when A meets B, recruiting take place. Ok, enough with the algebra... So just look in the civilian list for officers who have friend shown in your faction color (ex : green if Liu Bei, etc..) If possible, try to recruit any civilian not aligned (L2 button). Even if they are weak, it has many benefits. First they could be friend with another strong officer. This will also prevent other rulers from recruiting them. Finally, recruited officers will be added to your officer database. Your envoy can go in any city within range so it might takes a few turns to reach their destination. Don't forget to move them each turn ! Take the habits of using the R1 button, to review all your armies and envoys. If your envoy visit an enemy city on his trip, he has a chance of getting recognized by the guards and if so, will return to the capital. Envoys with the "Diplomacy" skill are always allowed to pass freely anywhere. When your envoy has recruited the new officer, simply "release" him and he will teleport to the capital immediately. If your recruiting officer is in an army, you can send the army and the recruiting will take place. (After the fight if the target city is occupied or immediatly if its vacant) ====== ARMIES ====== The number of officers you can appoint in your armies is directly related to the number of cities you have under your control. So if you have only one city, you won't be able to appoint a lot of officers, even if they are free and available. A level 0 officer start with a maximum of 2000 soldiers. Each level gained raise the maximum by 1000 soldiers. One army is composed of four officers : A Commander, a strategist and two generals. The Commander has to be an army leader (shown by the flag under its portrait). I usually choose an officer with high LEA to lead an army. Don't put a weak officer in this spot because if he gets defeated in battle, you'll automatically lose the battle. You strategist should be an officer with fairly high INT so you can use trumps in battle. Whenever possible, try to have a strategist that can use the "Builders" units. Your two generals should be officers with high STR. Review the tactics used by each officers. For each officers, try to take as much different skills as possible. You'll have more opportunities to get an officer involved in a combo if he has [Raid], [Charge], [Pierce], than if he has [Raid], [Charge], [Charge]. Try to use unit type that raise the primary quality of your officers. For example, Rangers are the best for making LEA Commanders, Cavalry for making STR officers and builders for your INT strategist. Put the items you find to good use ! The first thing I do when I start a new scenario is to disband all my previous armies and reform them. This way I can place the new officers I've recruited last chapter in my main army. Start by forming 2 strong armies with your 8 best officers. They will be your main strike force and if possible always have two spies coming along with them. ("Envoy" with the [Spy] skill take part in battle so you can have a total of 10 officers on your side in a battle). Then make two other armies with your next 8 best officers. They will be your secondary army used when you need to capture many cities to reach an objective. In the later chapters, I also make a third army that will act as a backup to the main strike force or the secondary army if they need to rest away from danger to regain their troops. If you can, try to put officers who are friends in the same army. Randomly, when they move on the map, interaction between the two could occurs, resulting in an always positive bonus. If your army lose many soldiers in a battle, let it rest a turn or two. Resting in a fort (the grey bricks) will not restore soldiers, you must be in a city. The best recovery rate you can get is when the officers aren't in an army and simply resting at the capital. If one of your officer is defeated in battle he will return automagically to your capital, leaving an empty spot in your army. If you have a backup army, disband the injured army and reform it in your capital a few turns later. Don't reform your disbanded army until everybody is ready to go. A general in an army will replete it's soldiers much slower than a free officer. After each battle, you officer gains some experience with the troop type he is commanding. Check to see if a new troops have been unlocked and [Switch] to them if wanted. ======== PLANNING ======== As I have said earlier, the number of officer you can use in your army is factor of the number of cities you have under control. So when you have the time to do so (or if you have a weak army doing nothing, send them to as much vacant cities as possible). At the end of each scenario, you'll often gain and/or lose cities, but any cities not affected by the inter-scenario story and already controlled by you will remain under your control. Check how much time you have to complete your objective. If you have 8 turns to do something you can do in 4, that means you have 4 more days to conquer vacant cities (where you could find powerful items), recruit new officers and raising your officer's levels. To make sure you don't have bad surprises, start by almost completing the objective, i.e. Move your army just beside the last city you need to capture to win the scenario. Also, it's not always wise to wait until you have one turn left. For example, in one case, I waited until the last turn to capture the enemy city, so I move my army on the enemy city and "End turn", but then I see that the enemy general also moved he troops toward my army. Result, the battle took place in my fort instead of in his so even if I beated him, I lost the scenario because my army was not in his base !!! Perhaps the most important tips : Always save your game before ending your turn ! This will save you tons of frustration if things don't go has expected. For example, if you get a very crappy terrain to fight on, just reload the game and the terrain layout will be different. When you start a new chapter, save your game in a dedicated slot that will remains untouched until you finish the current scenario. It is always useful to be able to restart a scenario when something goes wrong with your planing (Oh no, I have 1 turn left and I need 3 turns to reach my objective. I also have only one saved game from the previous turn, so you can call me stupid...) As with most Koei's games, you can press L1-L2-R1-R2-Select-Start simultaneously to reset the game. It is much faster then pressing the reset button as the game will stay loaded. You'll want to develop the new officers you will recruit. The way to do this is to place them in an army and send the army to attack Normal and/or Enemy kingdoms. This means that even if your current objective as Liu Bei is to demolish Sun Ce, nothing prevent you from attacking Cao Cao ! Launch an attack with your backup army so they can gain deeds and levels. If you feel unsure of the outcome, do it toward the end of the scenario. (When a new scenario begins, all armies are completely refilled with soldiers) So your officers can be defeated without serious consequences. Just make sure they don't get captured by the enemy !!! ======= BATTLES ======= When the battle starts, scan every enemy general. Look for the ones with [Pit]/[Taunt]/[Muddle] tactics. Those are the one you should worry about and you should try to capture/defeat them as soon as possible. If you can [Pit]/[Taunt] an enemy officer before he does it on you do so, even if you are not ready to do a combo on him. A single [Pit]/[Taunt] won't kill him so you'll have time to [Surround] him after. The prime prerequisite for winning a battle easily is morale. So use your "builders" or Spies to build a supply depot as soon as possible. Depots raise the morale of every friendly officer in a 3 square radius. High morale allows you to move your troops before the enemy, activate your officers special skills and most important of all, allow your officers to move one after the other without having an enemy moving between two of your moves. For example, let's say the officer you want to capture is "4", that means that only officers 1, 2 and 3 play before him. If you're lucky, officers 1,2 and 3 will be yours and you will be able to attack/combo him before the enemy officer turns. Now imagine that all your officers morale is above 90 and that the highest enemy morale is 76. That means that when a new turn start, you'll be able to move all your officers before the enemy have its turn. That's a huge advantage because you can plan your tactical layout at the start of the turn knowing that no enemy officers will prevent you from doing so ! When possible, build the supply depot on a flat terrain at the back of your army. Having the supply depot behind your army will prevent the enemy from destroying it, and as your armies will be moving forward, the depot won't be in the way. You should move your entire army on a zone of the battlefield away from rivers, shores, hills, and mountains. The reason is simple, you'll spend most of your battle time around this zone, so you need to have maximum mobility. Plains, grass and barren square are perfect spot for your army. Talking about mobility, when your officers reach morale level 95+, you should no longer need the supply depot so destroy them if they are in the way. Don't build fence or towers. Fence prevent the enemy from coming at you, which is bad as you want to [Ambush] them. Towers only do damage, so they won't help you capturing enemy officer. Anyway, with a good combo, you do enough damage to kill any officers without towers. The only use I've found with fence and tower is if you have a particular officer who is really weak and don't want him to be [Pit]/taunted. Build a tower or fence in front of him to prevent this. However, a better solution would be to hide him behind the supply depot instead. The basic tip for battle is : DON'T MOVE TO ATTACK THE ENEMY ON HIS SIDE OF THE FIELD !!! Instead, let him come to you. This way, while the enemy is using his turn to move his troops forward, you can let your officers gain morale by sitting in front of the supply depot and this give you time to place each officer to a position where he will be the most useful. Sometimes, some enemy officers don't move and stay on their side. Don't care about them, concentrate on the enemy units coming toward you, when they are defeated, this will make stale enemy officers get on the move. (Wow, that was a great combo, I want to be victim of one too !) The only exceptions to this is when the enemy general is hiding in a castle. In this case start by getting rid of enemy officers outside the castle, then assault the castle. While your army is waiting for the enemy officers to cross the battlefield, try to order them in a straight line (horizontally) in front of your supply depot. As the enemy approach, adjust the line to match their advance. If the enemy officer is going for the center of your line, make your two-left most officers advance a square or two. Same on the right. The goal is to make a "U" and make the enemy officer penetrate deeply into it before surrounding him. So the officers on the sides should be facing to the left (for officers on the right) and to the right (for the officers on the left), this will allow them to quickly take the enemy unit in [Pincer] when the enemy is correctly located. If your officer finishes his move facing an enemy don't hesitate to do a normal attack on him. You will gain some deeds doing so. However, if he is very weak, and you want to capture him with combos, don't attack. That would simply defeat him without reward. There is an infinite number of combos you can do. However, some tactics complement each other better than other, for example doing a [Surround] followed by a [Pincer] done by the unit coming to help in the [Surround]. Refer to the Combos section for tips & tricks on common combos formation. Move your "builders" (usually the unit of your strategist) and your spies in the middle of the army. This way, they will be able to quickly go heal or remove confusion from a friendly unit using their invaluable [Heal] ability. If one of those has nothing to do, have him heal units nearby. Finally, don't hesitate to use your tactics ! When a unit runs out of tactics, you simply have to "heal" it and you'll have one tactic back. Try to get the enemy to advance as close as possible without him being able to launch a tactic. Press the [] button and check the enemy officer, you'll see it's possible movement range. The movement range is always longer if the unit is marching straight forward so act accordingly. For example, suppose that if the enemy officer moves three 4 square forward (his maximum moving reach) he comes in front of one of your officer. In that case, he will certainly launch a tactic. To prevent this, simply move your unit one square back, or one square to the side. Thus the enemy will advance 4 squares but as none of his 4 sides touch your army, you are totally safe (and if he is an archer, you suffer only minor damage). You'll now be in an excellent position to combo him next turn as you should move before him and he is within reach. Also when deciding which direction to face after a move, there are two factors : 1- Try to prevent you unit from being assaulted by side-dependent tactics like [Flank] and [Pursue]. 2- Try to guess in which direction you'll be moving next turn and face this direction, this will allow you to cover greater distance in that direction. For example, if your target is an enemy unit, don't make your unit face where the enemy is now but where he will be next turn. You can also lure an enemy officer so that he becomes surrounded easily. The thing is that the AI don't see your army's layout, it only try to do the best move possible at the given time. So, when an enemy unit is surrounded, it will try to get out of the middle, not because it feel in danger but because all your units are facing him and so he can do greater dammage by attacking on the flank of one of your units. Try to put one of your units in a position where the enemy can move to attack its rear. (90% of time, the enemy will move there so you can prepare a pretty combo on this square. This is especially effective once the enemy unit has run out of tactics. Your spies also have an ability called "entice", enabled when the enemy officer in front of them as less than 40 morale. However, you can never entice the enemy Commander. There are also some particular officers you can't entice. You can almost entice any no- name officer. Enticing make the enemy officer join your camp immediately in battle. He'll also permanently join you at the end of the fight. [Awe] is a good ability to use on officer you want to entice. It cause a huge morale decrease (I've had Zhang Fei's [Awe] decrease enemy morale by 26 outside of a combo !) and it doesn't do damage, so they don't lose troops (remember enticed officer will participate in the battle on your side so you want them at full force.) The spy doing the enticing will teleport to the capital. Don't forget him there ! Use your spies "Destroy" ability to its fullest when assaulting a castle. Their destroy ability is much stronger than the destroy ability of your army officers. They can destroy (in a single attack) any part of a castle (including the walls), any towers, any depots and any fence ! Talk about efficiency :) You should try to capture as many officer as you can. This way, you gain some new officers and you gain deeds and experience to level up your officers and have them learn more tactics to use in battle. Sure you could only [Pit]/[Taunt] the enemy Commander and combo him to death so you win the battle, but later, if you find yourself losing battles because the enemies officers are level 7 and you are only level 3, you'll know why... Concentrate on one enemy unit at the time. You'll do bigger combos this way. The exact formula to calculate the number of hits required in a combo to capture an enemy officer is still unknown. However, it seems like the enemy officer's level plays an important role. When you are preparing your armies layout for a [Taunt]/[Pit] combo, don't place the officer that will [Taunt]/[Pit] in the same line as your target. Move it to one side. If an enemy officer sees that he could be currently pitted/taunted, he will move to the side to avoid this. When everybody is in place for the combo, move your pitter/taunter in line with the enemy unit and trigger it. He'll never see it coming ;) At the start of a day in which you'll launch a complex combo, you should save, so if you forget something or make a mistake moving one of your unit, you'll be able to reset-reload the battle and avoid this mistake. Common mistakes : placing an officer behind an officer who is trying to [Decoy], having one of you officers on the wrong tactic, turn order mistake, etc... How do combos works ? When an officer launch a tactic, a combo starts if the tactic used have an direct effect on another allied officer or on another allied officer's target. An example of direct effect is if the enemy targeted by the combo goes in front of a friendly unit, this unit will try to launch its own tactic if the tactic's conditions are met. Allies positive effects ([Aid], [Revive], [Boost], etc) works if their target has participated in the combo. If more than one officer can use their tactics at the same time, they go in morale order. The one with the highest morale will go before the other. So if you have an enemy surrounded by three guys with [Pierce] and one guy with [Decoy], it's imperative that the one with [Decoy] has the lowest morale. Else, he will act before the other officers and will prevent them from using their tactics resulting in a smaller combo. If two officers have the same morale, the officer whose turn came first will also go first using its tactic. This could be complicated, but in fact this is very convenient as explained in the next point... At the start of a day, start designing your combo. Find your target, and now try to place every units that move before him in a place where they can participate in the combo. Check to see which one of your officer is the last to play before the enemy, he will be the one who trigger the combo. If he is too far to reach the enemy, choose the previous friendly unit (in turn order). Once you've found the unit that will trigger the combo, check to see which tactics he can use and what he can do to the enemy, place your other officers accordingly. Then when it's turn comes, start the combo, sit back and enjoy. Don't listen to the manual : don't use [Boost] and [Revive] at the beginning of a battle. Instead, let the supply depot do its job. Rather, use [Boost] and [Revive] later to easily add hits in you combos. [Revive] and [Boost] are also the two easiest tactics to use for starting a linked combo as they can be used on any ally anywhere. Use your strategist to freeze an enemy unit using "Link". Just remember that you can't use a tactic on a linked enemy. So make sure you'll be able to launch a tactic on another enemy unit or use a [Revive]/[Boost] on an allied unit. As soon a tactic is used successfully, this will trigger the link and launch the strategist combo. If you only have the enemy Commander left to beat and don't want to capture him (or can't : not enough tactics left to combo him or if you know he can't be captured), you can use your strategist to link a tactic on him to freeze him. Then, have your officers do normal attacks on him without using tactics. Rinse and repeat. (Yeah, I know this is a cheap strategy :) ====== COMBOS ====== To capture enemy officers in battle, you need to do a high hitting combo on them (3+ most of the time). The exact number of hits in a combo needed to capture an officer is still the subject of intense debate on the forums. Some said it was in direct relatation to the enemy level but I often capture lvl 6-7 officers with 3 hits combos so... In my opinion, the number of hits needed is specific to each officers and can differ from one chapter to the other. Remember that some characters can never be captured when they are fighting for their "historical faction". For example, Zhuge Liang can be captured if he is in Wei's army but not if he is in Shu's army. Also faction leaders can't be captured until their faction are destroyed and they become civilians. Officers that can't be captured Shu's army : Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang. Wei's army : Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Guo Jia, Cao Ren, Sima Yi, Cao Pi. Wu's army : Sun Ce, Huang Gai, Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, Sun Li, Sun Quan. I have illustrated some common armies layouts used to do high combos. As I'm not much of an ASCII artist, I'll simply redirect you to my web site, check the combos section at http://www.hibou.qc.ca/tactics/ and you'll find yourself racking 6+ hits combos really soon ! =========== STR TACTICS =========== [Awe] Rating:*** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: [Repel] enemies lined up sideways in front Enemy morale decrease Advantages: Works on multiple enemies Huge impact on morale (allow "entice" & disable enemy special skill) Easy to send repelled enemies in a [Pincer] or [Surround] combo Good for repelling the enemy Commander if you don't want to deal with him now (especially if he is on horse) Disadvantages: No damage is done [Boost] Rating:*** Conditions: Ally adjacent in front Effect: Unit's moral rises, moves forward 1 square (Confusion is also cured) Advantages: Good for combos when the units can't reach the enemy unit Allow the army to move faster in difficult terrain (ex : mountain, forest) Disadvantages: None [Charge] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Attack, push the enemy back 3 squares (1 if Cavalry class) Enemy faces acting unit Advantages: Good for pushing the enemy in your trap As the unit follow the enemy, it is easy to get his unit trapped and completely surrounded (for example a in a [Flank]-[Flank]-[Pursue] combo) Good for repelling non-Cavalry units with "[Muddle]" or "[Awe]" so they stay away from your carefully positioned army Disadvantages: None [Fire Arrow] Rating:** Conditions: Archer class only More than 1 enemy in range (3x3 in front on acting unit) Effect: Attack all enemies in range Enemies pulls away 1 square and are confused Advantages: Good for holding a marching army at bay while you are arranging your army and/or wait for the depot to enable your special skills [Repel] multiple enemies and they are confused as well ! Disadvantages: Need at least 2 enemy in range Demand significant thinking and preparation to succeed placing it in a combo Note : If the unit is not an archer, remove this tactics from its list so that when all the other tactics are used up you can get healed and regain a tactic [Flank] Rating:** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front facing sideways Effect: Attack the enemy, lower the morale Push enemy forward 1 square Advantages: Good for making a unit (that was just awed, feinted, etc.) continue moving toward your trap Good morale decrease Disadvantages: Difficult to use on a surrounded enemy [Pierce] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Pass through enemy and advance 3 squares Advantages: The enemy unit retains it's position and facing so it can be placed anywhere in a combo A true life saver, it allows to get away from the enemy troops quickly if you suffer from a [Pit]/[Taunt] Disadvantages: None [Pursue] Rating:** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front facing away Effect: Attack enemy, lower morale Push the enemy forward 1 square Advantages: Try playing ping-pong when a repelled or charged unit comes up it front of you Good morale decrease Disadvantages: Very hard to place in a combo, there is almost always a better tactic to use [Raid] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Attack all enemies lined up in front Pass through all enemies Advantages: The enemy unit retains it's position and facing so it can be placed anywhere in a combo Hit multiple enemies and the acting unit stays available for tactics like "[All Attack]" Not really an advantage, but this is one of the coolest tactic to look at ;) Disadvantages: None [Repel] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Attack and push back all adjacent enemies Advantages: Excellent when surrounded by enemies (should not happen very often) Good when you want the acting unit to stay in its place Disadvantages: None [Volley] Rating:** Conditions: Archer class only More than one enemy in range (5x3 in front) Effect: Attack all enemies in range Enemy pulls away 1 square Advantages: Good for holding a marching army at bay while you are arranging your army and/or wait for the depot to enable your special skills Disadvantages: Need at least 2 enemy in range Demand significant thinking and preparation to succeed placing it in a combo Note : If the unit is not an archer, remove this tactics from its list so that when all the other tactics are used up you can get healed and regain a tactic =========== INT TACTICS =========== [Ambush] Rating:** Conditions: Acting unit in Forest or Grass Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Attack and confuse the enemy Enemy pulls away 1 square (3 if cavalry) Advantages: Good for repelling an enemy you aren't ready to mess with. Forest are on most maps Disadvantages: Terrain dependent [Decoy] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Attack enemy Lead enemy back 1 square Advantages: The single most useful tactic in the game for doing multiple-hit combos. With a little thinking you can set up a very good trap. Disadvantages: Square behind acting unit must not be occupied. [Feint] Rating:*** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Enemy faces away from acting unit Attack enemy, lower morale Push enemy forward 1 square Advantages: Good for sending enemy unit in your carefully placed trap. Disadvantages: None [Fire Attack] Rating:*** Conditions: Adjacent to enemy in Grass or Forest Effect: Burn adjacent enemy and all enemies in range (3x2 in front) Enemy pulls away 1 square and is confused Advantages: Better than [Ambush] in every way Disadvantages: Terrain dependent [Flood] Rating:* Conditions: Adjacent to enemy in River or Shoal Effect: Attack all enemies in range Enemy pulls away 1 square and is confused Advantages: Good for holding a marching army at bay while you are arranging your army and/or wait for the depot to enable your special skills Disadvantages: Terrain dependent Very hard to set up a combo because moving your army around a river is slow [Gather] Rating:*** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Other enemies lined up to the rear or to the side Effect: Attack adjacent enemy Other enemies [Gather] around target enemy Advantages: Excellent if you have allies with [Surround], [Pincer], [Raid], etc. around Allows to easily [Surround] the enemies unit with your troops and thus, capture many officers in the same combo Disadvantages: Must have other enemies lined up with target [Muddle] Rating:** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front 2 Enemy units adjacent to each other Effect: Enemy units fight each other Enemy morale decrease Acting unit pulls away 1 square Advantages: Damage can be huge when multiples units are affected Disadvantages: Hard to place in the middle of a combo Enemies have a sixth sense for not placing themselves in a place where they could be muddled [Mislead] Rating:*** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Enemy pulls away 3 squares Advantages: Good for repelling an unwanted enemy while you are preparing to combo someone else near. Disadvantages: None [Pit] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy in a direct line ahead of acting unit No obstacles(tower, depot, fence) between enemy and acting unit Terrain in front is Plains, Barren or Grass Effect: Lure the enemy into a [Pit] [Pit] must also have some kind of blinding effect on the target as the soldiers continue to rush even when they see other soldiers in front them fall to their deaths ;) Advantages: Useful to capture a wanted officer easily. Good for bringing over a enemies that don't [Charge] at you (like spies and sometimes enemy Commander [Pit] enemies with [Pit]/[Taunt] before they use it on you. Disadvantages: None Note : Never place your unit on the same line as the enemy unit you want to "[Pit]" before you are ready to "[Pit]". [RockSlide] Rating:* Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Acting unit is on Mountain or Hill Effect: Attack all enemies in range(1x3 in front) Enemy pulls away one square and is confused Advantages: If your army starts on top of a mountain it can be useful to slow the enemy down while your army goes to a more interesting location. Disadvantages: Terrain dependent Very hard to set up a combo because moving your army in mountain/hill is slow [Switch] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Exchange places with enemy Face enemy and attack Advantages: If you have an enemy in front an some ally to your back/side you can setup some pretty combos. Even better than [Decoy] in most situation as you don't need to have free space in the back. Disadvantages: None [Taunt] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy in a direct line ahead of acting unit No obstacles(tower, depot, fence) between enemy and acting unit Effect: Enemy pulled adjacent in front of acting unit Attack enemy Enemy moral rises Advantages: Useful to capture a wanted officer easily. Good for bringing over a enemies that don't [Charge] at you (like spies and sometimes enemy Commander [Taunt] enemies with [Pit]/[Taunt] before they use it on you. Disadvantages: The rise of enemy moral means the enemy could play early next turn and use multiple target tactics on your army. But anyway, when you do a combo with [Taunt], the enemy unit should be dead before that ;) Note : Never place your unit on the same line as the enemy unit you want to "[Taunt]" before you are ready to "[Taunt]". =========== LEA TACTICS =========== [Aid] Rating:**** Conditions: Ally adjacent to the side Enemy adjacent in front of ally Acting unit and ally facing in the same direction Effect: Attack enemy with ally Ally's morale rises Advantages: One of the easiest way to get more hits in a combo. Simply place your unit in one of the corner of a trap that will [Surround] an enemy unit Disadvantages: None [All Attack] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Ally also adjacent to enemy Effect: Attack enemy with ally Push enemy forward 1 square Advantages: The ultimate tactic to use in a trap where the enemy unit will be surrounded. Disadvantages: None [All Charge] Rating:** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Ally adjacent to the side Effect: [Charge] enemy with ally, push enemy back 3 squares (1 if Cavalry class) Advantages: Good if there are multiple enemy in front of you If there are nothing in front of allies they will advance anyway Disadvantages: Using this tactic in a complex combo require some deep thinking [Circle] Rating:*** Conditions: Adjacent anywhere except rear of enemy Free to move to the enemy rear Effect: Move behind enemy Attack enemy from the rear Enemy pushed forward 1 square and confused Advantages: Wait for the enemy to be in range, then advance and [Circle] it to bring it closer to your others units. Disadvantages: Require to think a couple of turns in advance prior to starting a combo to correctly place the unit. [Pincer] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy between acting unit and ally Enemy adjacent in front Effect: Attack all enemies between acting and unit and ally Enemy pushed forward 1 square and confused Advantages: Excellent if have friendly units to welcome them on the squares they will end on Excellent on surrounded units Disadvantages: None [Revive] Rating:**** Conditions: Ally adjacent in front Effect: Ally's moral rises, confusion is also cured Advantages: Easy way to add hits to a combo. Just be in range of a friendly unit acting in the combo. This is not mentioned in the in-game help, but it also [Boost] the morale of adjacent units all around the acting unit. Disadvantages: None [Shift] Rating:*** Conditions: Ally adjacent in front Enemy adjacent in front of ally Effect: Ally attack enemy Ally's morale rises Exchange places with ally. Advantages: Good in a combo if the target unit has a higher morale than the acting unit (so it can trigger its tactic before getting shifted) Disadvantages: The target unit tactics must not move the unit or [Repel] the enemy. [Aid] is better in almost any situations. [Surround] Rating:**** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Ally in a direct line in front with a clear path to enemy Effect: Attack enemy Ally moves adjacent to enemy and attacks (Enemy is confused) Advantages: Allows to bring back unit you don't have time to move back around your trap before your trigger the combo. The ally will also face the enemy unit and trigger its tactics. Disadvantages: None [Swarm] Rating:** Conditions: Enemy adjacent in front Ally adjacent in rear Effect: Acting unit and ally attack enemy Enemy pushed back 1 square Advantages: Does more damage Disadvantages: Must have an unit at the rear of acting unit ===== ITEMS ===== "Professor Worm" made an useful item map available on GameFAQ at : http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/game/14773.html Item Bonus How to get it Sun Blade Str +10 Sun Ruler (take with high combo) Avenger Str +15 Occupy Chang An Blue Blade Str +15 Occupy Xu Chang Seven Star Str +20 Occupy Luo Yang Spell Book Int +10 Occupy Jian An Way of Peace Int +15 Occupy Ping Yuan Book of Gods Int +20 Occupy Liao Dong Analects Lea +15 Occupy Zi Tong Histories Lea +20 Occupy Yu Lin Treatise Lea +10 Occupy Jian Ning Pike Infantry type Exp +30 Occupy Pu Yang Harness Cavalry type Exp +30 Occupy Tian Shui Arbalest Archer type Exp +30 Occupy Cheng Du Book of Arms Special type Exp +30 Occupy Xiang Yang The 6 Books Change to Strategy Occupy Wan 3 Strategies Change to Wile Occupy Ye Arabian Change to Speed Occupy Jiou Chuan Blue Dragon Change to Might Guan Yu (take with high combo) Crescent Change to Menace Lu Bu (take with high combo) Lao Tzu Change to Hero Yuan Shao (take with high combo) Legends Change to Fortitude Occupy Bei Ping Meng De Change to Overlord Cao Cao (take with high combo) Mo Tzu Change to Guard Occupy Ru Nan On Archery Change to Archery Huang Zhong (take with high combo) On Policy Change to Diplomat Occupy Ping Yang On Valor Change to Zeal Occupy Ling Ling Sun Tzu Change to Genius Occupy Jian Ye War Manual Change to Spy Occupy Han Zhong Wu Tzu Change to Support Occupy Yun Nan Xun Tzu Change to Fame Occupy Xia Pi ================= OFFICERS'S SKILLS ================= Archery Rating:*** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Bow attack damage +50% Brute Rating:** Condition: Adjacent to enemy with morale 40 or less Effect: ATK +20% Conqueror Rating:**** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: ATK +20%, Unlimited use of STR Tactics Diplomat Rating:* Condition: Appoint as Envoy on the Map Screen Effect: Diplomatic negotiation possible. Pass through enemy bases safely. Fame Rating:** Condition: Adjacent to allied Commander Effect: ATK +20% Fortitude Rating:* Condition: Morale below 40 Effect: ATK +20% Genius Rating:**** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Target of this unit's Tactics are confused Guard Rating:*** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: DEF +20% Hero Rating:**** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Unlimited use of LEA Tactics Menace Rating:**** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Unlimited use of STR Tactics Might Rating:*** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: ATK +20% Overlord Rating:**** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Unlimited use of INT and LEA Tactics Rage Rating:* Condition: Allied unit destroyed Effect: ATK/DEF +20%, morale rises Speed Rating:*** Condition: Morale 80% or above Effect: Improved movement in bad terrain Spy Rating:**** Condition: Appoint as Envoy on Map Screen Effect: Appear as Special Units on the battlefield Strategy Rating:**** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Unlimited use of INT Tactics Support Rating:** Condition: Morale 80 or above Effect: Adjacent ally's direct attack damage+50% Wile Rating:*** Condition: INT Tactic used Effect: Damage by Tactic +50% Zeal Rating:**** Condition: Gain Deeds Effect: Deeds gained are doubled ========== UNIT TYPES ========== The unit type you choose for your officer will have a major impact on its destiny, so choose carefully... The growth rate indicate the number of point the officer gains each time he level-up. For example, if your officer commands Footmen, he will gain 2 pts in STR and 2 pts in LEA when he reach is next level. INFANTRY TYPE ------------- Good for your LEA officers. Using Footmen, Infantry and Rangers ensure good LEA growth Footmen Description: Weak against Cavalry class; low ATK; strong against Bow attacks Base Attack: 25 Base Defense: 30 STR Growth: ** INT Growth: LEA Growth: ** EXP Needed: 1 Infantry Description: Armored Footmen; improved DEF Base Attack: 30 Base Defense: 40 STR Growth: * INT Growth: LEA Growth: *** EXP Needed: 25 Rangers Description: Infantry with high ATK in Hill or Mountain terrain; good LEA growth Base Attack: 30 Base Defense: 40 STR Growth: INT Growth: LEA Growth: **** EXP Needed: 50 Spearmen Description: Offensively oriented Infantry; strong against Cavalry class; weak against Bow attacks Base Attack: 40 Base Defense: 30 STR Growth: ** INT Growth: * LEA Growth: * EXP Needed: 30 Pikemen Description: Elite Infantry; strong against Cavalry class; can use [Melee] Base Attack: 40 Base Defense: 50 STR Growth: * INT Growth: ** LEA Growth: * EXP Needed: 70 CAVALRY TYPE ------------ Good for your STR officers. Using Horsemen, Cavalry and Brigadiers ensure good STR growth Horsemen Description: Good movement and ATK; versatile unit Base Attack: 35 Base Defense: 25 STR Growth: *** INT Growth: LEA Growth: * EXP Needed: 1 Cavalry Description: Horsemen with improved ATK and DEF; good STR growth Base Attack: 45 Base Defense: 30 STR Growth: **** INT Growth: LEA Growth: EXP Needed: 30 Brigadier Description: Cavalry with improved DEF; can use [Press] Base Attack: 45 Base Defense: 45 STR Growth: *** INT Growth: * LEA Growth: EXP Needed: 70 Bow Riders Description: Cavalry capable of average Bow attack Base Attack: 35 Base Defense: 25 STR Growth: ** INT Growth: ** LEA Growth: EXP Needed: 40 ARCHER TYPE ----------- Good for balanced officers. Using Bowmen, Archers, Marines & Heavy Archers ensure slow but constant STR,INT and LEA growth Bowmen Description: Can use Bow Attack; low ATK Base Attack: 20 Base Defense: 25 STR Growth: ** INT Growth: * LEA Growth: * EXP Needed: 1 Archer Description: Bowmen with improved ATK and longer attack range Base Attack: 30 Base Defense: 20 STR Growth: * INT Growth: * LEA Growth: ** EXP Needed: 25 Marines Description: Archers that excel in River and Shoal terrain Base Attack: 35 Base Defense: 20 STR Growth: * INT Growth: ** LEA Growth: * EXP Needed: 50 Heavy Archers Description: Strong Bow attack; long attack range Base Attack: 40 Base Defense: 15 STR Growth: * INT Growth: * LEA Growth: ** EXP Needed: 40 Crossbow Description: Strongest Bow attack; weak against Direct attacks; can use [Lure] Base Attack: 50 Base Defense: 10 STR Growth: INT Growth: * LEA Growth: *** EXP Needed: 70 SPECIAL TYPE ------------ Good for your INT officers. The builders ensure excellent INT growth so they will be able to access more trumps on the battlefield. All units also have the [Heal] ability which is really useful for healing wounded officers(duh) but also cure confusion for free ! Also, the "Special" unit (the spy) can destroy a depot, fence, tower, castle gate or castle wall in a single turn !!! Special Description: Unable to select. Envoy with [Spy] appears as this unit on battlefield; can use [Heal] and [Entice] Base Attack: 5 Base Defense: 5 STR Growth: INT Growth: **** LEA Growth: EXP Needed: - Builders Description: Can build Fences, Depots and Tower on the battle field; can use [Heal] Base Attack: 20 Base Defense: 15 STR Growth: INT Growth: *** LEA Growth: * EXP Needed: 1 Heavy arms Description: Can set catapults and Arbalest on the battlefield; can use [Heal] Base Attack: 25 Base Defense: 20 STR Growth: INT Growth: ** LEA Growth: ** EXP Needed: 40 ======== OFFICERS ======== Cmd: Can command an army (those are the generals with a flag under their portrait) I: Can use Infantry types C: Can use Cavalry types A: Can use Archers type S: Can use Special types Friends : Officer A can recruit officer B if A is a friend of B or if B is a friend of A. Use your browser search function to quickly find who is friend with a particular officer. Missing info will be filled as I progress through the game. Name Cmd Skill I C A S Friends Bao Long n Brute n n y n Xing Daorong, Zhao Fan Bu Zhi ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Cai Mao n Fame n n y n Zhang Yun, Han Song Cao Bao n Fame y n n n Lu Bu Cao Cao y Overlord y y y y Cao Ren, Cao Pi, Guan Yu Cao Hong n Support y y n n Xiahou Dun, Xin Pi Cao Pi y Hero n n y n Cao Zhen, Jia Xu Cao Ren y Guard y n n n Cao Hong, Niu Jin Cao Xui n Archery n y n n Cao Zhen, Cao Cao Cao Zhang n Might n y y n Cao Pi, Cao Zhen Cao Zhen n Rage y n n n Wang Shuang, Guo Huai Chen Deng n Guard n n y y Mi Zhu, Yan Baihu Chen Gong y Genius y n y n Cao Cao Chen Gui n Spy n n n y Chen Deng Chen Jiao n Diplomat y n n n Chen Dong Chen Lin n Diplomat y n n n Chen Zhen, Wang Can Chen Qun n Diplomat y n n n Chen Gui, Sima Yi Chen Wu n Guard y n y n Huang Gai, Ding Feng Chen Zhen n Diplomat y n n n Ma Liang, Li Yan Cheng Pu y Might y n y n Huang Gai, Zhu Zhi Cheng Yin n Speed n y n n Yang Qiu, Han Sui Cheng Yu y Genius n n y y Xun Yu, Xu Shu, Hua Xin Cheng Yuanzhi y ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Chunyu Qiong n Fortitude y n n n Yang Xiu Deng Ai y Zeal y y n n Sima Yi ??? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Deng Zhi n Diplomat y n n n Jiang Wan, Jiang Wei Dian Wei y Guard y n n n Xiahou Dun, Cao Cao Ding Feng y Archery y n y n Sun Quan, Xu Sheng Dong He n Diplomat n n y n Li Hui, Zhuge Liang Dong Xi n Speed y n n n Yu Fan, Zhou Tai Dong Yun n Diplomat ? ? ? ? Dong He, Li Hui Dong Zhao ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Fa Zheng n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Fei Shi n Diplomat ? ? ? ? Wang Lei, Li Yan Fei Yi n Diplomat y n n n Dong Yun, Wei Yan Fei Zhan ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Feng Ji n Wile y n n n Guo Tu, Gao Lan Gan Ning y Might n n y n Kan Ze, Sun Quan Gao Lan n Speed n y n n Ju Shou Gao Shun n Speed n y n n Chen Gong Gong Zhi n Spy n n n y Zhang Fei, Huo Jun Gongsun Zan y Rage n y n n Liu Bei Gu Yong n Diplomat y n n n Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao Guan Ping y Speed n y n n Guan Xing, Zhou Cang, Liao Hua Guan Suo n Zeal n y n n Guan Yu, Zhang Bao, Bao Long Guan Xing y Might n y n n Guan Suo Guan Yu y Might y y n n Guan Ping, Zhang Fei Guo Huai n Support n n y n Sima Yi, Cao Pi Guo Jia n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Guo Si n Brute n y n n Jia Xu, Han Sui Guo Tu n Spy y n n y Xin Pi Han Dang n Guard n n y n Zhu Zhi, Cheng Pu Han Hao n Fortitude y n y n Lei Bo Han Song n Diplomat y n n n Kuai Yue, Xiang Lang Han Sui n Fortitude n y n n Ma Chao, Zhang Hen Han Xuan n Brute n n y n Han Hao, Wei Yan ??? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Hao Zhao y Guard y n y y Guo Huai, Chen Jiao Hou Cheng n Fame n y n n Gao Shun Hu Ban n Support n n y n Guan Yu, Huang Zhong Hu Che-Er n Brute y n n n Jia Xu Hu Zen(???) ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Hua Xin n Brute y n n n Ji Ling, Han Dang, Cao Cao Huang Gai n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Huang Quan(?) ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Huang Zhong y Archery n n y n Kuai Yue, Fa Zheng, Guan Yu Huang Zu n Brute n n y n Gan Ning, Cai Mao Huo Jun n Fame y n n n Cai Mao, Yi Ji, Meng Da Ji Ling y Fortitude y y n n Zhang Xun Jia Kui n Support y n n n Cao Zhang Jia Xu y Wile y y n y Han Sui, Cao Cao, Pang De Jian Yong n Diplomat y n n n Liu Bei, Mi Zhu Jiang Qin n Fame y n y n Pan Zhang, Lu Meng Jiang Wan n Speed y n n n Fei Yi, Ma Su Jiang Wei y Wile y n y n Xiahou Ba, Zhuge Liang Jin Xuan n Rage y n n n Gong Zhi, Dong Zhao Ju Shou n Spy n n n y Xun Yu Kan Ze n Fortitude n n y n Huang Gai, Lu Xun Kong Rong n Fortitude y n n n Wang Xiu, Yu Fan, Liu Bei Kuai Liang n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Kuai Yue n Wile y n n n Kuai Liang, Yi Ji Lei Bo n Brute n y n n Ji Ling Lei Tong(?) ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Li Dian y Support y y y n Xiahou Dun Li Hui n Diplomat y n n n Lei Tong, Ma Chao Li Jue n Brute n y n n Guo Si, Zhang Xiu Li Su ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Li Yan(?) ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Liao Hua n Guard y n n y Guan Yu, Zhou Cang Ling Tong n Rage ? ? ? ? Lu Meng Liu Ba n Rage ? ? ? ? Huang Quan, Dong Yun Liu Bei y Hero y n n n Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang Lui Biao(?) ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Liu Du n Diplomat y n n n Liu Xian Liu Feng n Fame y n n n Liu Bei Meng Da, Guan Ping Liu Qi n Support y n n n Liu Zong, Yi Ji Liu Xian n Diplomat y n n n Xing Daorong, Jiang Wan Liu Ye n Support y n n n Man Chong Liu Yong n Brute y n n n Taishi Ci Liu Zhang ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Liu Zong n Diplomat y n n n Han Song, Cai Mao Lu Bu y Menace y y y n Zang Ba, Li Jue, Chen Gong Lu Fan n Diplomat y n n n Ji Ling, Hua Xing Lu Ji n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Lu Kuang n Fortitude ? ? ? ? Yuan Tan Lu Meng y Genius ? ? ? ? Gan Ning, Lu Su Lu Qian n Fame n y n n Liu Ye, Man Chong, Li Dian Lu Su y Support n n y y Zhuge Jin, Pang Tong Lu Xiang n Rage ? ? ? ? Lu Kuang, Yuan Shang Lu Xun y Strategy y n y y Zhu Huan, Quan Zong Ma Chao y Menace n y n n Zhang Fei, Liu Bei Ma Dai n Support n y n n Ma Xiu, Ma Teng Ma Liang n Diplomat y n n n Ma Su, Yi Ji Ma Su n Fame y n y n Wang Ping, Xiang Lang Ma Teng y Speed n y n n Ma Chao, Han Sui Ma Tie n Speed n y n n Ma Teng, Ma Dai Ma Xiu n Speed n y n n Ma Tie, Ma Chao Man Chong n Guard n n y n Xu Huang, Mao Jie Mao Jie n Spy y n n y Sima Lang, Lu Qian, Cao Ren Meng Da n Fame ? ? ? ? Fa Zheng, Yang Huai Mi Fang n Fame n n y n Cao Bao, Liu Feng Mi Zhu n Support y n n n Mi Fang Niu Jin n Fortitude y y n n Cheng Deng Pan Zhang n Fame y n y n Chen Wu, Lu Meng Pang De n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Pang Tong y Strategy n n y y Xiang Lang, Zhang Song Quan Zong n Speed y n y n Sun Quan Sha Moke n Archery n n y n Jin Xuan, Liu Bei Shen Pei n Rage y n n y Feng Ji, Wen Chou Shi Xie ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Sima Lang n Spy n n n y Sima Yi Sima Yi y Strategy n n y y Jia Kui, Hao Zhao, Huang Quan Song Xian n Support n y n n Hou Cheng, Zhang Ba Su Fei n Support n n y n Gan Ning, Huang Zu Sun Ce y Conqueror ? ? ? ? ??? Sun Li n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Sun Quian n Diplomat y n n n Mi Zhu, Cai Mao Sun Quan n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Sun Shao n Brute n n y n ??? Sun Zhong ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Taishi Ci y Menace y n y n Kong Rong Tian Feng n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Wang Can n Fame y n n n Dong Zhao, Yi Ji Wang Fu n Rage ? ? ? ? Fa Zheng, Guan Yu Wang Lang n Spy y n n y Yu Jin, Chen Gui Wang Lei ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Wang Ping n Guard y n n n Zhao Yun, Zhuge Liang Wang Shuang n Might y n n n Hu Cher-Er, Cao Zhang Wang Xiu n Diplomat y n n n Kong Rong, Gao Lan Wei Xu n Rage n y n n Song Xian, Gao Shun Wei Yan y Might y n y n Huang Zhong, Liu Bei Wen Chou y Might n y n n Yan Liang Wen Pin n Support n n y n Cai Mao Wu Ban n Speed y n n n Zhang Bao, Liu Bei Wu Lan ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Wu Yi n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Xiahou Ba y Support n y y n Sima Yi, Deng Ai, Zhang Fei Xiahou Dun n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Xiahou Yuan n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Xiang Chong n Fame n n y n Xiang Liang, Han Song Xiang Lang n Support y n n n Ma Liang, Xu Shu Xin Pi n Diplomat y n n n Xin Ping Win Ping n Rage y n n n Guo Tu Xing Daorong n Fortitude y n n n Sha Moke Xu Gong ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Xu Huang y Menace y y n n Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Wang Ping Xu Jing n Diplomat ? ? ? ? Fa Zheng, Yan Baihu Xu Sheng y Guard ? ? ? ? Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin Xu Shu y Genius n n n y Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei Xu You n Spy n n n y Guo Tu, Cao Cao Xu Zhu y Menace y n n n Dian Wei, Ma Chao Xun You n Fame y n n y Xun Yu, Guo Tu Xun Yu y Genius n n y y Guo Jia, Zhong Yao Yan Baihu n Brute y n n n Wang Lang Yan Gang n Rage n y n n Gongsun Zan Yan Jun ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yan Liang y Might n y n n Tian Feng Yan Pu ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yan Xing n Brute ? ? ? ? Yan Baihu Yan Yan y Fortitude y n y n Fa Zheng, Huang Zhong ??? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yang Qiu n Fame n y n n Han Sui Yang Song ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yang Xiu n Fame y n n n Kong Rong Yi Ji n Diplomat y n n n Liu Bei, Ma Su Yu Fan n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yu Jin y Fame n y y n Han Hao, Zhu Ling Yuan Shang n Fame n y n n Shen Pei, Feng Ji ??? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yuan Shu y Brute y n n n Hua Xin, Lu Ji ??? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Yuan Xi n Fortitude n y n n Yuan Shang, Ju Shou Yue Jin y Fortitude y n y n Li Dian, Yu Jin Zang Ba n Fortitude n y n n Cao Cao, Mi Fang Zhang Bao y Might y n n n Guan Xing Zhang Fei y Menace y n n n Zhang Bao, Yan Yan Zhang He y Might n y n n Gao Lan, Chunyu Qiong Zhang Heng n Rage n y n n Cheng Yin, Yang Qiu Zhao Hong n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhang Liao y Might y y n n Zang Ba, Guan Yu, Yue Jin Zhang Lu n Support y n n n Yan Pu, Zhang Wei Zhang Ren y Speed y n n n Yan Yan Zhang Song ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhang Wei ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhang Xiu y Guard n y n n Jia Xiu, Hu Cher-Er Zhang Xun n Support n y n n Lei Bo Zhang Yan n Speed n y n n Cao Cao Zhang Ying n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhang Yun n Fame n n y n Liu Zong Zhang Zhao n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhao Cen ? ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhao Fan n Diplomat y n n n Xiang Lang, Liu Du Zhang Hong n Diplomat y n n n Zhang Zhao, Yan Jun, Kong Rong Zhao Yun y Might y y n n Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan Zhong Yao n Spy n n n y Xun You, Sima Yi Zhou Cang n Support y n n n Guan Yu, Wang Fu Zhou Tai y Might y n y n Jiang Qin Zhou Yu n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? Zhu Huan n Guard y n n n Zhu Zhi, Quan Zong Zhu Ling n Fortitude y n n n Xu You, Cao Pi Zhu Ran n Speed n n y n Pan Zhang, Lu Meng Zhu Zhi n Support n n y n Lu Fan, Zhu Ran Zhuge Jin n Support y n n n Zhuge Liang, Bu Zhi Zhuge Liang n ??? ? ? ? ? ??? ====== THANKS ====== to CJayC for hosting this FAQ and keeping GameFAQ free. to James Peirce, a.k.a. KongMing of www.kongming.net fame for the missing items information. to "game player for ever" for sending me a couple of officers for the officer's list. to you for reading this :)