====================================================================== S A N G O K U S H I S E N K I ( J P ) ====================================================================== SANGOKUSHI SENKI FAQ July 7, 2002, ver. 0.5 for the PS2 (Japanese version) Agung Pujanata (apujanata@yahoo.com) Unpublished work Copyright 2002 Agung Pujanata This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Agung Pujanata . It can be found at (www.GameFAQs.com). All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. Sangokushi Senki is (c) Koei This FAQ was written for English speaking user. --------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS - SANGOKUSHI SENKI --------------------------------------- 1. REVISION HISTORY 2. INTRODUCTION 3. MENU AND GENERAL TACTIC 3.1 Main Menu 3.2 Save/Load Menu 3.3 Map Menu 3.4 Battle Menu and Tutorial Explanation 3.5 Unit Statistic Explanation 3.6 General Tactic 4. SCENARIO WALKTHROUGH 4.1 Liu Bei Campaign 4.2 Cao Cao Campaign 4.3 Sun Ce Campaign 5. APPENDIX 5.1 Tactic List 5.2 Unit List 5.3 General List 5.4 Skill List 5.5 Item List 5.6 Formation List 5.7 Terrain List 6. ANSWERS TO THE MOST-ASKED QUESTIONS 7. SPECIAL THANKS & LINKS ============================================================================== 1. REVISION HISTORY ============================================================================== VERSION 0.5 (July 7, 2002) - Updated 3.4 Battle menu, 5.2 Unit List, 5.3 General List, 5.5 Item List, 5.6 Formation List. Added 5.7 Terrain List. - Give a more comprehensive (turn by turn) walkthrough of early task to help with getting the feel of the game. Size : 68 KB VERSION 0.4 (June 30, 2002) - Updated 5.1 Tactic List, 5.3 General List and 5.4 Skill List. Added 5.5 Item List and 5.6 Formation List. Size : 47 KB VERSION 0.3 (June 23, 2002) - Change prince to liege, which is more accurate. Completed Section 3.3 Size : 32 KB VERSION 0.2 (June 16, 2002) - Write a more comprehensive explanation of battle and tutorial. Moved tutorial from section 3.1 to section 3.4. Updated Unit List. Correct some error. Size : 22 KB VERSION 0.1 (June 14, 2002) - Finish a simple menu explanation FAQ. Size : 14 KB. VERSION 0.0 (June 14, 2002) - Start playing the game. Noticed that there is no FAQ on the gamefaqs.com, and since there were demand on the board for a simple FAQ on menu, I decided to write one to help people get interested in this game. ============================================================================== 2. INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== Koei is a company that is famous for their strategy/simulation game. My first encounter of this company is a game called "Romance of the three Kingdom", a PC game of war in the Three Kingdom era. Then the next game I play is "Nobunaga Ambition", a PC game of war in the Japan, during the Oda Nobunaga era. Then follow a series of update of the Romance of the three kingdom and Nobunaga series, all on PC. But I have never been enticed to play the Romance of the Three Kingdom (or for short ROTK) in videogame or console, until Sangokushi Senki (or literally translated to "War Story of Three Kingdom") arrive. This game is very tactic heavy, and I found it very attractive, hence I decided to help other people who wanted to play this game, but have difficulty because of its Japan language origin. Based on Dengeki sales tracking system, Sangokushi Senki, which from now on I will refer to as SS, were released on February 14, 2002 in Japan. 125,171 unit were sold by March 24, 2002. This data was released by Dengeki Japan, who track sales of software in Japan. Please note that the figure is not a complete sales, but covered more than 50% of software sold in Japan. You can get the latest version of this FAQ at GameFAQ (refer to the top of the FAQ for instruction). This guide is for the Japanese version of SS. I understand that there will be an English version of this game to be released in USA (around September). If you wanted to find out about the release date, you can go to www.koeigames.com. For japanese language, there is a better site, www.gamecity.ne.jp. If you're reading a version of this FAQ that has been translated, HTML'ized, or whatever, please send all inquiries to those people who did the changes and not me, as they may have an older version or have added their own corrections and I won't be able to help you. I WILL NOT answer any gameplay related questions about this game. I would like to hear from you if you've spotted this FAQ being plagiarized in any sort of publication. You can reach me at: . ============================================================================== 3. MENU AND GENERAL TACTIC ============================================================================== General Button usage : "O" select "X" cancel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 MAIN MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Button usage : "O" select "X" cancel "R2" help/detail When you first play the game (there is no save game of SS in memory card), you will automatically be brought forward to the tutorial menu. There will be three set of training. Details of how you can finish the tutorial can be seen at section "3.4 Battle Menu, Action Menu and Tutorial Explanation" below. After you finished the three tutorial, you will then see the main menu : 1. BEGIN NEW GAME Select Liege Liu Bei Cao Cao Sun Ce Tutorial (the one that you have just gone through) Normal Fight Direct Tactic Fight Simultaneous Tactic Fight 2. CONTINUE GAME 3. RESUME BATTLE 4. TWO PLAYER GAME 5. OPTION 6. ?? 7. EXTRA Menu Explanation Continue Game : You will be asked for the memory slot (1 or 2), and then you choose the saved game you wanted to restore. Resume Battle : This is used to restore in-battle-savegame. For details on saving in-battle-savegame, please see section "3.4 Battle Menu" below. Note that the only way to restore in-battle-savegame is through this menu. Two Player Game : Since I play this game alone, I also could not tell you this menu details. Option : Is used for changing the option. Since I have not played in this menu, I will tell you the details later on, when I have played with it. ?? : This menu is disabled in my game, so I could not tell what it's function were. Extra : Gave you a demo movie of ROTK 8. Not too usefull, since there is no screen of the game itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2 SAVE/LOAD MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you press select in the map menu, you will be brought to this menu. SAVE LOAD OPTION LIST (of General you have encountered). I believe all of the menu is self explanatory. For details of the map menu, please see section "3.3 Map Menu" below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3 MAP MENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Button usage : "O" select "X" cancel "Square" "Triangle" move cursor to capital/palace "Select" show up Save/Load Menu "Start" end turn, and start battle (if there is any) "R1" go to your army "L1" go to your army "R2" show list of your General "L2" show list of NPC General This menu will show up most of the time. This is the menu that pop up when you moved the cursor around in the map, hence the name, "Map Menu". Depending on the cursor position, the menu that show up will be either only the first three option or the complete menu. Complete menu will only show up when you put your cursor on your capital city (city that have your color and have flag on it). By default, every beginning turn, the cursor will automatically moved to your capital city. 1. ARMY Select the name of the leader of army "O" on table top Move Army Edit Army (change the member of the army) Disband Army (all army member will return to capital as free general) "O" on the four row below the table top (General name) Tactic Selection (used if you have more tactics than available slots) Unit Type (to change unit type) Item (to give or remove an item, weapon, book etc) 2. ENVOY/EMISSARY Select General Move Recall (cancel the duty and general will return to capital as free general) Tactic Selection (used if you have more tactics than available slots) Unit Type (to change unit type) Item (to give or remove an item, weapon, book etc) 3. NPC GENERAL (General that have not joined any king/prince) 4. FREE GENERAL (General under your command, but not joined into army or on duty) 5. ARMY CREATION (Army number could not exceed no of Capital under your rules) Select Commanding General for Army (only those that have flag in their statistic screen will be available for CC slot) Move cursor up and down to select other position. (First row is C&C, second row is the advisor, third and fourth row is the underling). 6. TASK (Envoy/Emissary) Select General that you wanted to put on duty ("X" to finish selection) After selecting, menu no 2 will be enabled, and you can use the on duty general 7. Finish / end turn (can also be done through the "start" button). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ City There are many type of point/node in the map. Capital : node that have flag on it, very big size Big City : node that have big house on it City : node that have small house on it (small color on top of house) Fort : node that have no house on it (no color on top, can't be conquered) I have not find out the difference between Big City and City. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Every general can have three status : - Joined in army (use menu no. 5 to create it, and menu no. 1 to move it, edit it, view it or disband it). - On duty as envoy (use menu no. 6 to select, menu no. 2 to move it, view it or disband it). If your general have diplomacy skill, then he can be used for creating alliance between other liege and you. - Free (use menu no. 4 to view their statistic) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Creating an army : To create an army, use menu no. 5 to select the CC (Chief Commander), then you can put other general (maximum 3 additional, for 4 general per army). The first row is your CC, second row is the Advisor position, while the third and fourth is your other general slot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4 BATTLE MENU, ACTION MENU AND TUTORIAL EXPLANATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle Menu In battle, if you press "select" button, battle menu will appear. SAVE (Save in battle save, which can be restored later using option 3 of Main Menu. For details see 3.1 Main Menu). After saving, you can reset or stand by the PS2. The only way to restore the in-battle-save is through the "Main Menu". AUTOMATIC (let the computer play for you). OPTION LIST (of General that are currently in battle). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Start of Battle, Formation During the start of the battle, you will be asked to select which formation you wanted to use. Based on the terrain type, there will be different formation available for you to choose. Depending on the formation you choose, your primary advisor will get additional tactic that is the result of formation. For which formation resulted in what tactic, see section "5.6 Formation List". If you have more than two group, then the advisor will come from the group that have their CC acting as CC of the combined forces (the one that have big flag on his unit). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Battle End Battle will end if one of thing happens : 1. Your CC (the one that have big flag) is Knocked out (have 0 soldier). This will result in you losing the battle. 2. Enemy CC is K.O. This will result in you winning the battle. 3. Days reached zero (I have not experienced this yet, since all of my war were finished by Day 10). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ During battle, every general will do the following phase : 1. Move 2. Decide on the facing direction. 3. Choose from a list of menu (attack, shoot arrow, wait, tactic, open gate) Move phase will show the square that the unit can move to, which is denoted by blue square. Red square mean a square that the unit can move to, and the unit can do tactic on this square. Decide on direction to face will determine what square you can attack, and also whether you can do any tactic on that direction. Direction arrow that were colored red mean that you can do tactic if you are facing that direction. Choose from ACTION MENU : 1. Attack: will show up if you unit is facing an enemy unit. 2. Shoot arrow: will show up if your unit is an bow unit, and in your direction, exist enemy that you can shoot. 3. Wait: if you do-not-want-to/can-not do anything. 4. Tactic: will show up if you put your unit on the red square, and face the right direction (usually toward enemy, but not always, depending on the unit's available tactics). After you choose tactic, you will be given another option : Direct (first row) and Simultaneous (second row). For explanation of Direct and Simultaneous, and their difference, please see "Tutorial Explanation" below. 5. Open Gate: will show up (always below wait menu) if your unit is in front of castle gate. 6. Special ?? : will only show up if your unit is special type, and fulfill the requirement of at least one of the sub command. For details of the sub command, see section "5.2 Unit List" 7. Heal : Will only show up if your unit is special type, and your front is ally unit. This will also remove confused status of the ally. Every battle will last no more than 30 days. Every beginning of day, there will be a count down of days, beginning with 29, and counting down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Turn Every beginning of day, every unit will have a big number floating on top of it. This number signify the move list. Unit that have number 1 will move first, then the unit that have number 2, then unit number 3, and so on. After every move, every unit will have their number decreased by one (unit no 2 become unit no 1, unit no 3 become unit no 2, and so on), unless if the unit is tied up in the SIMULTANEOUS TACTIC or become confused. Unit that is tied up in Simultaneous tactic (for detail see tutorial explanation) will have a cage surrounding them, while confused unit animation will keep on turning and turning until they are not confused anymore. The number is based on the "Leadership" capabilities of all unit. The higher the leadership value, the unit will move first. Example: Your have Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun, while enemy have Sun Ce and Zhou Yu. Leadership value of Cao Cao is 54, Xiahou Dun is 42, Sun Ce is 53, Zhou Yu is 41. Therefore, Cao Cao will move first, then Sun Cen second, Xiahou Dun third, Zhou Yu fourth. Note : I have found out later that the sequence does not have to be exactly like above formula (based on leadership value). I think that there is additional factor that were also used (like random number and/or terrain effect, like being on plain is different (faster) than on forest or river). Any input from reader on the other factor of the formula is welcomed. On the beginning of the turn, sometime you will also be awarded special event that will be executed by your advisor. I think this event depend on some condition, and also on your advisor intelligence. Some of the special event : - Make one of the enemy unit confused - Change one unit turn to the last (biggest number or last to move in a turn) - Enjoy the skill effect (example : Iron Wall) - Increase all of our general's morale (+5), while decreasing all of enemy general's morale (-5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tutorial Explanation In the tutorial explanation, I use the following convention: Front mean the current facing of the unit Left mean the left side of current facing of the unit Right mean the right side of current facing of the unit Back mean the behind of current facing facing of the unit If unit is facing north, then front=North, left=West, right=East, back=South If unit is facing West, then front=West, left=South, right=North, back=East FIRST : will teach you of the standard fighting using the standard way of fighting (melee unit will attack one square right in front of it, while archer unit will attack area that is usually two square in front of it). The actual range of the archer is more complicated, but for tutorial purpose, just use the "two square in front" rules. SECOND : will teach you about "TACTIC DIRECT". Tactic is a capability of each general to execute a special attack, in which the attacking unit will not suffer any damage, while the defending unit will suffer great damage. If positioned correctly, the result of a tactic will result in second "tactic" attack, and even third and fourth "tactic" attack by unit that have correct tactic and are facing the square that the enemy landed on, and fulfilled the requirement to trigger the "tactic" attack. If you are confused by my explanation, the beginning walkthrough is as follows : Use the triangle button once to change the Xia Hou Yuan ?? tactic to fire. Move Cao Cao front 2 square, Face left, Tactic : 2nd Row. The result is that Cao Cao will attack, the resulf of it is the enemy will move one square, resulting in tactic attack from Xia Hou Dun (one eyed general), and as result of this tactic attack, the enemy will move in front of Xia Hou Yuan, and Xia Hou Yuan will attack the enemy using his tactic (alway first row tactic). If you have not changed Xia Hou Yuan tactic, then you will only get two attack, one from Cao Cao and another from Xia Hou Dun. THIRD : will teach you about "TACTIC SIMULTANEOUS" or round-robin tactic. Walkthrough: (please note that tactic is always the last row in the action menu for the purpose of the third tutorial) Sun Cen : Move front one square, face left, tactic, choose 2nd row Zhou Yu : Move front one square, face front, tactic, choose first row, choose second row (Simultaneous) Huang Gai : Move front three square, face front, tactic : first row. Huang Gai's tactic make Sun Ce unit turn right, facing enemy unit. When Zhou Yu's simultaneous tactic executed, the enemy CC will be killed and you will win the battle, and thus finish the third and final tutorial. To compare between direct tactic and simultaneous tactic, replay the third tutorial, and change Zhou Yu's tactic from Simultaneous (second row) to Direct (first row). You will see that after Huang Gai movement, the enemy CC will not be dead, but will keep on fighting until his troops were zero. A simultaneous tactic will be executed when another tactic is executed. It does not have to be targeted to the same target. The tactics will be cancelled/not executed if : - The general that execute it is hit by enemy - It is time for the general that execute it to move again - Sometime during the target general's turn, the tactics will be cancelled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.5 UNIT STATISTIC EXPLANATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit Statistic Screen 1 ASCII (Unit/Troop focus) ---------------------------------------------- | ___________ _____________ | | | | Flag | Upper | | | | | | | | | | Portrait | | Axis | | | | | | | | | | | |Left Right| | | ----------- ------------- | | | | Name : _____________ | | Skill : | Active | | | Soldier amount : | Tactic List | | | Training : | | | | Soldier type : ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- Unit Statistic Screen 2 ASCII (General focus) ---------------------------------------------- | ___________ _____________ | | | | Flag | Upper | | | | | | | | | | Portrait | | Axis | | | | | | | | | | | |Left Right| | | ----------- ------------- | | | | Name : _____________ | | Fighting Skill (EXP) : | | | | Level : | Friend List | | | Title : | | | | Item : ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- To change from screen 1 to screen 2 and vice versa, press "square" button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen 1 explanation Portrait is the portrait of the general. If there is a flag symbol, then it means that you can use this general to become CC of your army. If there is no flag, then you can not use this general to become CC, but he can be in the other three position. In the upper right part of general's (unit) screen, there is a picture of three axis. This three axis represent general statistics, and their meaning is as follows: Up Axis : Power/Fighting Skill. Actual Translation : Wu Yi : Skill in Wushu, martial art of ancient China. Left Axis : Intelligence/Wisdom. Actual Translation : Zhi Mou : Know war. Right Axis : Leadership. Name : It is the name of the general. The name is usually 4 kanji (chinese character), but I will only refer to the first two character. Example : Guan Yu's complete name is Guan Yu Yun Chang, but I will refer to him as Guan Yu. Skill : Is a skill that the general inherently have. When the situation is right (fulfill the trigger requirement), then the effect will be activated. When you are in battle, the general that have their skill activated will be having an aura in his unit animation (aura is like the unit is on fire). For detail of the skill, please see section "5.4 Skill list" Soldier amount : the maximum value of this is closely tied to the level the general is. The formula is as follows : (Level + 2)* 1000. So, if for example Sun Ce is level 4, then the maximum value of his soldier amount is 6000. If the value is not maximum, then it will automatically increase each turn, provided that you put the general in "Capital", "Big City" or "City" node. In "fort" node, the general will NOT increase his soldier value toward maximum value. For detail of node, see section "3.3 Map Menu". Training : It is the value of the training that the entire troops received. This will affect the starting morale of the troops in the battle. The higher the value, the better. To increase the training value, you need to have the general participate in a war and win it (+3 for main army, +2 for second army). Every general have sets of training value, one for each soldier type/ unit type. This value is closely related to the unit type. Training value for a soldier type will not increase because of an increase in other soldier type. Example : In my game, Huang Gai have a higher training value (34) if he is a bow unit. For infantry type, his training value is 30. Soldier type : There can be several soldier type and their subtype (for details see section "5.2 Unit List"). For summary, the differences between unit type is as follows : Infantry : Short range, normal movement, Standard attack, High defence. Bow Type : Long range, normal movement, weaker attack, weaker defence. Cavalry : Short range, fast to front, High attack, standard defence. Special : to be used to purposes other than war (heal, create tower). Every general has a fixed soldier type. If he can only have two soldier type, for example infantry and bow, then this will not change at all during the game. For detail of each general, please see "5.3 General List" Active Tactic List : List of Active Tactic, strategem that the general can use in battle. The maximum I have encountered so far is 5 active tactics. There is a difference between tactics learned and active tactics. Active tactics is the ones that is shown in the unit screen and during battle. But learned tactics can only be seen during changing tactics screen. It is possible that your learned tactics is less than the available active tactics slot. If that is the case, then you will have empty slot, which you can only fill after you learn new tactic. Example : Sun Ce is a level 6 general, he have learned 5 tactics, but he can only use 4 of them for his use in battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Screen 2 explanation Fighting Skill (EXP) : Every battle have possibility to increase this value (provided you win the battle). The higher the value, the better, since this value determine the level of the general. Level : Level value is determined by the "EXP". The range is as follows (still in draft, not finished yet) Lvl From - To Tactics Formula Start Formula Increase 0 : 0 20 1 : 20 - 70 3 20 60 2 : 96 - 177 3 80 100 3 : 183 - 319 3 180 140 4 : 327 - 499 4 320 180 5 : 500 - 717 4 500 220 6 : 722 - 966 4 720 260 7 : 985 - 1222 5 980 300 8 : 1240 - 1585 5 1280 340 9 : 1620 380 10 : 2000 420 Actual result, based on game result is in the From - To column. I have deduced the formula used to determine the limit of next level, and I put it on the above table as formula start and formula increase. Formula start is the starting point of the level, and the formula end is (formula start of next level - 1). If you examine the "formula increase", you will see that "formula increase" will increase by 40 every level. Next level formula start = current level formula start + current level formula increase. Example : Your character is level 3, he will increase if his level exceed 320, or 180 + 140 Based on the table above, if the general's EXP have moved him/her into a different level area, then the general will: 1. Increase "maximum soldier amount" value by 1000/level. 2. Increase their statistics (power, intelligence, leadership) by 4/level. This increase will be distributed based on the "soldier type" that the general have during the level increase. See "5.2 Unit List" for list of unit type and sub-type, including their distribution of statistics increase. 3. Acquire new tactic (possible, but not always) Example : Sun Ce EXP increase from 310 to 400. It means his level will increase from level 3 to level 4. The effect of the level increase will increase his maximum soldier from 5000 to 6000. Since Sun Ce is using Infantry, sub type Spear Infantry, then the 4 increase of statistics will be distributed as follows : Power 2, Intell 1, Lead 1. If Sun Ce is using Bow, Strong Bow, then his increase will be distributed as follows : Power 0, Intell 1, Lead 3. Title : You can not change the title. So far, I could not see any purpose of this one, except to put in name the level of the general. It is possible that based on the name of the title, you can deduct the type of unit this general is capable of. But I have not check it out yet. Item : Item that were used by the general. One general can use only one item at a time, but the item can be changed. Friend List : This show all the general this unit is friendly with. Example: In Zhou Yu friend list, Sun Ce is named there, so Zhou Yu is friendly with Sun Ce. Some of the effect of being friendly that I have noticed so far : 1. You can recruit a character using the general he is friendly with. To refer back to the example, if Zhou Yu is an NPC general, he can be recruited by Sun Ce. To recruit Zhou Yu character, create an army with the Sun Ce as part of the army (Sun Ce can be the CC, advisor or even the underling, his position in the army does not matter). Then move the army that contain Sun Ce to the node/place where Zhou Yu reside. In beginning of the next turn, Zhou Yu will automatically ask to join your company. You can then choose "O" to accept, or choose "X" to reject him. 2. When traveling together in an army, there is a possibility of an interaction between friendly generals. In cases I have encountered so far, the result can be : - increase in EXP - new tactic that is teached by the general's friend - increase in statistics (power, intelligence, leadership) - increase in training. Please be aware that friend list may change from one task/chapter to another. Example : when Zhuge Jin show up, he has only Zhang Zhao in his friend list. But in later task, the list will change to include Zhuge Liang name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.6 GENERAL TACTIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Try as much as possible to daisy-chain tactics (combo tactics). You can capture enemy general if you hit him hard and his soldier amount become zero. At the end of combo, there will be a message. One message say that the general escape, while another message say that the general is captured. After playing several times, you will know which character represent escape, and which character represent capture. - If you are given a certain amount of time to do task, and you can finish it earlier, delay the finish until the last moment so you can do other things like recruiting general, conquering city (if allowed), get into more war since you were attacked continuosly (see Sun Ce Campaign, Task 5 B). - Remember that general that does not have the full soldier allowed, will only replenish its soldier if staying at city, not at fort. So try to avoid putting your general in a fort. Replenishment rate varied, but I am not sure what factor it depend on. It could be level of the general, type of city he is on. Minimize movement for this general, since moving him around will lessen his replenishment (around 50% decrease). - Make use of the soldier type and their distribution of attribute increase. For general with high intelligence, it is better to use the special unit type, while for general with high power, it is better to use the cavalry type. - Please note the statistics of the general, and select the tactics that he is best at. High power general select power tactics, while high intelligence - The terrain should be considered when you are executing Pit trap tactics, or for that matter any tactis that get the enemy to move, since those tactic will only be succesfull if the enemy can move toward the target square. So if any of the square have difference of more than 1 level, you can not execute Pit Trap Tactic. - If you execute a tactic that force enemy to move, but because of terrain or other reason (like there was another unit in the square he should move to), the tactics you use will not be used. What I mean is, the tactic will be executed, but the tactics will not dissapear (usually the tactic will dissapear after use). This bug/feature will not be valid if you are chaining tactics (doing combo). To be completed later ============================================================================== 4. SCENARIO WALKTROUGH ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.1 LIU BEI CAMPAIGN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is my believe that Liu Bei's campaign is harder than other campaign, with Cao Cao's being the easiest. But this is my believe based on previous play with ROTK game, not with SS game. After I play this campaign, I will give you my impression. Historically : Liu Bei died on year 223. Guan Yu died on year 220. Zhang Fei died on year ??? (earlier than Guan Yu) Zhuge Liang died on year 234. To be completed later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.2 CAO-CAO CAMPAIGN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Historically : Cao Cao died on year 220. Xiahou Yuan died on year 218. To be completed later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.3 SUN CE CAMPAIGN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I first started play using Sun Ce, since I like playing Sun Quan, his brother. As I play, I will complete this section first. Then I will play as Liu Bei, then Cao Cao. First Battle: In the first battle, you will encounter 3 enemy general, one of them is inside castle, while the other two is outside of the castle. You will have three general. The first one to move is your liege, Sun Ce. The second one to move is Zhou Yu, your advisor (high intelligence). The third one to move is Huang Gai, your other general. I suggest you finish the two that are outside castle. Make yourself familiar with your general's tactic, and use your tactic as much as possible. After defeating the two enemy, use Sun Ce to break down the castle door (remember, use the last option to break down castle door), and position the other unit on the left and right square of Sun Ce. Let the enemy CC approach Sun Ce, while your other units (which were bow unit) attack the CC (Liu Yan ??) from afar. After you win your first battle, you will encounter MAP MENU. Save your game using "select" button, which will cause SAVE/LOAD MENU to appear. Note that since you have not saved anything yet, you will need to use the last row (create new game) to create a new savegame. Note that the year of the first task is 195AD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task One : - Defeat Wang Lang and ?? Time : 6 turn Year : 195 The two lieges that you need to defeat is located on the east of your eastmost city. General Note : I started attacking the two city on turn 4 (remaining 3 turn) and turn 6 (remaining 1 turn). Turn by turn Note : On turn 1, move Sun Ce to where Taishi Ci and Chen Wu were. Create a new army using Cheng Pu as CC, Han Dang and Zhang Ing. Move Cheng Pu to the city that they can move to that has not been conquered yet (the city is located between capital and Wang Lang city, sout of where Taishi Ci were). On beginning of next turn, since Taishi Ci were friendly with Sun Ce, he will automatically offer to join you. Just accept (press "O" button), and he will show up on your capital (the one that have flag). Since you will also be having Huang Gai in Sun Ce army, and Chen Wu is friendly with Huang Gai, Chen Wu will also offer to join your army. If you are having difficulty on deciding/knowing who is who, then use the list on 5.3 General List to see the beginning statisticss of the generals, so that you can know who is Taishi Ci, who is Chen Wu and so on. Remember, from now on I will refer an army to the name of it's CC. On turn 2, rearrange (edit) Sun Ce's army so that only Sun Ce remain on the army. Create a new army using Taishi Ci (CC), Zhou Yu (advisor), Huang Gai and Chen Wu. Move Sun Ce to recruit Zhou Tai, while Taishi Ci move to recruit Liu Yan ??. Move Cheng Pu's army to a neutral city on the right (east) of his current city (target city name : Zhang An). On turn 3, move Sun Ce to recruit Zhu Zhi. Edit Taishi Ci army to exchange Chen Wu with Zhou Tai, and let Taishi Ci stay at his current city. Move Cheng Pu to city south of his current city (target city name : Jian An). You will get a book in Jian An. On turn 4, disband Sun Ce. Edit Cheng Pu's army so that the new CC is Sun Ce, and remove Han Dang from the army. Move Sun Ce to north west city from his current position (Jian An to ??).Create a new army using Cheng Pu (CC), Zhu Zhi (Advisor), Han Dang and Chen Wu. Give the newly found Intelligence +10 book to Zhou Yu. Move Taishi Ci and Cheng Pu to the northen enemy city (target city name : ??). Enjoy the fight. On turn 5, move Sun Ce to the north city from his current position (target city name : Pan Yang). You will get a book in Pan Yang. Notable new general : Zhuge Jin (Int), Zhou Tai (Pwr), Taishi Ci (Pwr), Cheng Pu (Int). Note : Since Sun Ce is going to be killed in between Task 6 B and Task 7 B, I decided to not use him (it hurts when a level 8 general suddenly die, especially when you have painstakingly upgrade his capability). But if you wanted to use Sun Ce, feel free to do so. The turn by turn note above mentioned army composition. You are always free to change the composition as you like. I just put the best combination (in my opinion) that I use in my game. Notable new general is the list of new general that either have quite high statistics (compared to other that is available) or the ones that I use quite a lot in the the current task or in the next several task. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task Two : - Attack either Cao Cao or Liu Biao Time : 10 turn Year : 200 General Note : This is an conquering and recruiting task. You can not have a fight with Cao Cao or Liu Biao, since once you attack one of them, the task end. Don't forget to get the Book of History (Leadership +20) in the "Nan Hai" city. If you have difficulty to recognize the city, just go south and in one of the neutral southern city (first right from the leftmost cisty) you will find this item. Just remember that to get the item, you will need to conquer it, and you will need to carry minimal two general in an army (one general will not be enough). City that you have conquered will change color to your color (which in this case is red). Depending on whether you attack Cao Cao or Liu Biao, you will get different result and different next scenario. Attack Cao Cao result : Sun Ce will die (which is historically correct), the liege title will transfer to Sun Ce's brother, Sun Quan, and he will inherit Sun Jian's (Sun Ce's and Sun Quan's father) sword. Next Scenario is Year 208. I will refer to this branch as A branch, and all task for this branch will have A ending. Example : Task Three A. Attack Liu Biao result : Sun Ce will not die (yet), Sun Quan will not appear (yet). Next Scenario is Year 205. I will explore this branch first. I will refer to this branch as B branch, and all task for this branch will have B ending. Example : Task Three B. After task 6 B, and before task 7 B, Sun Ce died and Sun Quan appear. Notable new general : Lu Meng (automatically appear on turn 5), Xu Sheng ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task Three B : - Defeat Liu Biao city (the one that glow) Time : 6 turn Year : 205 General Note : You will have to attack twice, once to ??, second to the target city (??) Turn by turn Note : On turn 1 : Move Taishi Ci army (Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, Empty) and Zhou Tai army (Zhou Tai, Lu Meng, Cheng Pu, Empty) to the leftmost node that is the nearest to the glowing city. On turn 2 : Create Sun Ce army (Sun Ce, Xu Sheng) and have them recruit Ding Feng which very recently show up on Task one capital). Move Taishi Ci army and Zhou Tai army to the city that is bordering to the city south of glowing city. On turn 3 : Move Sun Ce army (Sun Ce, Zhu Zhi) to recruit Zhu Huan. Edit Taishi Ci army so it consist of Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai and Xu Sheng. Edit Zhou Tai army so it consist of Zhou Tai, Lu Meng, Cheng Pu and Ding Feng. Attack Liu Biao using Taishi Ci and Zhou Tai army. Try to capture Pang Tong using combo tactics. On turn 4 : Move Sun Ce to recruit ??. Create new army (Pang Tong, Zhu Huan) and recruit Lu Xun (who just appear). On turn 5 : If your army has recover, you can attack the glowing city. If not, just rest. On turn 6 : Fight using Taishi Ci (Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, Xu Sheng) and Zhou Tai (Zhou Tai, Pang Tong, Lu Xun, Zhu Huan). Try to capture Gan Ning or Xu Tu ?? Notable new general : Ding Feng, Zhu Huan, Lu Xun, Pang Tong (captured), Gan Ning (captured). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task Four B : - Defeat the rebel that show up south of your capital (the one that is green) - Ally with Liu Bei Time : 4 turn Year : 205 General Note : Nothing much to do here. Just attack the rebel using Taishi Ci (Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, Gan Ning) and Zhou Tai (Zhou Tai, Pang Tong, Lu Xun, Zhu Huan). Sent a general with "Diplomacy skill" to fulfill the ally with Liu Bei requirement Notable new general : None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task Five B : - Attack Cao Cao's city. Time : 6 turn Year : 205 General Note : Just attack the city that is glowing (south of Liu Bei and west of you). If you sent only one army, then Liu Bei will automatically sent his unit to help you. But if you sent two army, or have other army nearby when you sent the one army to attack the city, then Liu Bei will not sent any troops, since you will automatically attack with two troops (the other troops will move automatically to the city that you are attacking or being attacked if the city is within movement range). Turn by turn Note : Easy way (One fight) : On turn 1 : Attack the glowing city using the unit that is automatically created by the computer. Liu Bei will sent another army (Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei). You should be able to win this battle easily. Not so easy way (Many fight) : On turn 1 : Your one unit is automatically combined into one unit. Edit your one unit so that it became Taishi Ci (Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Huang Gai, Gan Ning) and move it to Sun Ce's city that is bordering on the target city. Create Zhou Tai army (Zhou Tai, Pang Tong, Lu Xun, Zhu Sheng) and move them as close as possible to the city that Taishi Ci go to. On turn 2 : Move Zhou Tai to the city. After you end the turn, Cao Cao will attack you. Use combo to get the best general, and defeat all generals, saving the CC for the last. If you defeat the CC, then Cao Cao will not attack you any more, and when you attack the glowing city, you will encounter Xiahou Dun and Cao Cao himself. But if you let the CC live (by not defeating him, run away and erecting barricade using your three special general : Zhou Yu, Pang Tong and Lu Xun), and the day counter reach zero, you will automatically win, and Cao Cao will still attack you next turn. What I did is let Cao Ren (the CC in my game) alive, and I captured Yu Jin and Xu Zhu. On turn 3 : Do nothing. After the fight, I captured Xu Huang (I used a combo of 4 generals, and one of the combo is almost 13,000 soldier killed) and Hao Zhao. Capturing Xu Huang made my day, and it is quite difficult to capture him. If you managed to get Pang Tong and Zhou Yu to reach level 5, they will learn "Pit Trap" Tactics. This is one of the useful tactics to capture enemy general, so learn it well. Sima Yi also have the "Pit Trap" capability. Gan Ning also have a useful skill in level 5, "Taunt" Tactic. This tactic is easier to use than "Pit Trap", but have a negative of giving enemy morale boost. On turn 4 : Do nothing. After the fight, I captured Sima Lang, Xiahou Ba, Xu You. The only one that is not bad is Xiahou Ba, the other two is useless. On turn 5 : This turn I was not attacked, so I decided to start the fight on glowing city. On the fight, I encounter Cao Cao. Managed to capture Deng Ai and Zhang Liao. Deng Ai is even more difficult to capture than Xu Huang. I capture him using a six move tactic (combo), with he become zero after 4 combo, and the last combo alone generate more than 50,000 soldier killed. If you can only get one general, try to get Deng Ai, since his statistic is better all-around. I also managed to get Cao Cao's book using combo. This book give you the evil Hero ?? capability, which in my opinion is very useful. From Cao Cao's general, I managed to capture : Yu Jin, Xu Zhu, Hao Zhao, Xu Huang (must get), Sima Lang (useless), Xiahou Ba, Xu You (useless), Deng Ai (must get), Zhang Liao (must get). Cao Cao's armies : Xiahou Dun, Guo Jia, Hao Zhao, Xu Huang Xiahou Yuan, Xun Huo ??, Yu Jin, Xu Zhu Cao Ren, Sima Yi, ?? Jin, Dian Wei Cao Cao, Tian Feng, Deng Ai, Zhang Liao ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task Six B : - Conquer the four city that were Cao Cao's. Time : 10 turn Year : 205 General Note : Just attack the four city that is glowing in the east south part of the map. Suggested order of attack : Central one, North one, West one, South one. My armies composition (from best to worst): Deng Ai (Deng Ai, Pang Tong, Xu Huang, Gan Ning) Taishi Ci (Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Xu Zhu) Huang Gai (Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Xu Sheng) Turn by turn Note : On turn 1 : Move Deng Ai (Deng Ai, Pang Tong, Xu Huang, Gan Ning) and Taishi Ci (Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Xu Zhu) to the city nearest the target cities. Also move Huang Gai (Huang Gai, Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Xu Sheng) to that city. On turn 2 : Attack the north east city using Taishi Ci and Deng Ai. I captured Huang Zhong and Wei Yan. Notable new general : Huang Zhong, Wei Yan After you finished this task, Sun Ce dies, and Sun Quan show up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Task Seven B : - Conquer the eastern most city near Sun Quan area. Time : 6 turn Year : 208 Historically : Sun Ce died on year 200. Zhou Yu died on year 211. Sun Quan died on year 251. To be completed later. ============================================================================== 5. APPENDIX ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.1 TACTIC LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name : Attack Together Type : Leadership Trigger : - Enemy is in front of me - Ally neighbour is enemy Effect : Ally attack enemy Name : Back Attack ?? Type : Leadership Trigger : - Enemy back ?? - Enemy back has no unit (free) ?? Effect : - I move to enemy's back - Attack enemy (back side) - Enemy become confused, move away 1 square Name : Back Continuous ?? Type : Leadership Trigger : - Ally is front of me - Enemy is front of ally Effect : - Ally attack enemy - Ally exchange place with me (Ally move back, I move forward) Name : Breakthrough Charge Type : Power Trigger : Enemy is in front of me Effect : Attack enemy and emerge 3 square away (behind enemy) Name : Encourage Type : Leadership Trigger : Ally in front (side ??) Effect : Morale increase Name : Fire Arrow Type : Power Trigger : - Me is bow unit - ?? Effect : - Enemy/ies attack decrease - Enemy/ies move away 1 square - Enemy/ies become confused Area : Name : Fire Trick Type : Intelligence Trigger : - Enemy is in front of me - Enemy square is grass or forest Effect : - Attack ?? - Enemy/ies become confused, move away 1 square Area : Name : Flank Attack Type : Power Trigger : Enemy's left or right is in front of me Effect : - Enemy attack & morale decrease - Enemy move front 1 square Name : Help Type : Leadership Trigger : - I am beside ally - Ally has enemy in front - I have same direction with ally Effect : - Ally's morale increase - Ally attack enemy Name : Intimidate/Terrorize Type : Power Trigger : Enemy is in front of me Effect : - Enemy retreat (move away). Cav. 1 square, other 3 square. - Enemy's morale decrease. Name : Pursuit Attack Type : Power Trigger : Enemy's back is in front of me Effect : - Enemy attack & morela decrease - I move front 1 square - Enemy move front 1 square Name : Retreat To Lure Type : Intelligence Trigger : Enemy is in front of me Effect : - Enemy attack ?? - I move back 1 square - Enemy follow me, move forward 1 square Name : Sameside attack Type : Intelligence Trigger : - Enemy (A) is in front of me - Enemy other unit in the neighbourhood of A Effect : - Enemy units attack each other - Enemy morale drop - I move back 1 square Name : Sound East Attack West Type : Intelligence Trigger : Enemy is in front of me Effect : - Enemy move front 1 square - Enemy move so that back is toward me - Enemy attack and morale decrease - Enemy move forward 1 square Name : Sudden Attack Type : Power Trigger : Enemy is in front of us Effect : - Enemy attack ?? - Enemy change facing toward us Name : Supervise Battle Type : Power Trigger : Ally in front of us Effect : - Ally morale increase - Ally move away 1 square - Remove confused status. Name : ?? (Ji Fu) Type : Leadership Trigger : - Enemy is in front of me - Ally in the (same row with me and ??) back of enemy can reach the enemy and attack Effect : - Enemy attacked by me - Enemy back hit by ally - Enemy become confused Name : Type : Trigger : Effect : To be completed later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.2 UNIT LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type Subtype Training Attack Defense Power Intell Lead Infantry Light Infantry 1 25 30 2 0 2 Infantry 25 30 40 1 0 3 Mountain Infantry 50 30 40 0 0 4 Spear Infantry 30 40 30 2 1 1 Heavy Spear Infantry 70 40 50 1 2 1 Bow Bow 1 20 25 2 1 1 Longbow 25 30 20 1 1 2 Naval 50 35 20 1 2 1 Crossbow 40 40 15 1 1 2 Strong Crossbow 70 50 10 0 1 3 Cavalry Light Cavalry 1 35 25 3 0 1 Heavy Cavalry 30 45 30 4 0 0 Armoured Cavalry 70 45 45 3 1 0 Bow Cavalry 40 35 25 2 2 0 Special Worker 0 5 5 0 4 0 Medic ?? 1 20 15 0 3 1 Heavy Special ?? 40 25 20 0 2 2 Medic ?? have a special menu, and he can do the following during battle : 1. Erect a barricade. This will be on the three square in front of him. To destroy the barricade need one attack. 2. Erect a tent. This tent will have an area effect of 3 squares radius. All of your unit in the area will have their morale increase each beginning of day. To destry this tent need three attack. 3. Erect a bow tower. This will have an area effect of 2 squares radius. All enemy that enter this area, or are in the area in the beginning of turn will be attacked. To destry the tower need two attack. Heavy special ?? have a different skill sets, which are : 1. Create Balista (shooting arrow) 2. Create Catapult (shooting stone/boulder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.3 GENERAL LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name Flag Lev Pow Int Lea Skill Inf Cav Bow Spe Cao Cao Yes 4 30 50 54 Evil Hero ?? Cao Pi Yes 4 28 42 37 Hero Cao Ren ?? Yes 5 49 32 47 Iron Wall Cheng Pu Yes 1 38 44 37 Thousand Yes Yes Chen Gui No 2 2 40 14 Worker Chen Wu No 2 35 19 35 Iron Wall Yes Yes Dian Wei Yes 5 61 11 40 Iron Wall Yes Ding Feng Yes 3 43 29 37 Heavenly Bow Yes Yes Deng Ai Yes 7 58 39 48 Oustanding Exp. Yes Yes Dong Xi No 3 40 28 36 Heavenly Speed Yes Yes Gan Ning Yes 3 56 34 40 Thousand Yes Guan Ping ?? No 7 56 20 30 Guan Yu Yes 3 63 26 45 ?? Guo Jia Yes 0 12 55 31 Strategist Hao Zhao Yes 5 39 41 49 Iron Wall Han Dang No 1 38 24 37 Iron Wall Yes Hua Xin No 2 19 40 21 Bao Nue Yes Huang Gai Yes 2 43 31 38 Indomitable Yes Yes Huang Zhong Yes 5 52 21 43 Heavenly Bow Yes Ji Ling ?? Yes 5 51 21 38 Indomitable Yes Yes Jiang Qin No 3 39 24 38 Khong Beng Yes Yes Ling Tong No 3 47 17 32 Fervour Yes Yes Liu Bei Yes 4 27 29 54 Hero Liu Biao Yes 2 12 27 22 Diplomacy Liu Yan ?? No 2 11 22 13 Bao Nue Yes Lu Bu Yes 5 69 11 32 ?? Lu Meng Yes 2 37 43 42 Stealth Strategy Yes Yes Yes Lu Xun Yes 3 28 54 42 Strategist Yes Yes Yes Pan Zhang No 3 44 20 36 Khong Beng Yes Yes Pang Tong Yes 3 25 56 49 Strategist Yes Yes Sima Lang No 4 9 47 20 Worker Yes Sima Yi Yes 5 17 58 46 Strategist Sun Ce Yes 4 51 29 53 ?? Emperor Yes Yes Yes Sun Quan Yes 4 23 34 53 Hero Sun Shao No 2 35 30 34 Bao Nue Yes Tai Shi Ci Yes 3 55 29 39 Ten Thousand Yes Yes Tian Feng Yes 5 15 62 34 Stealth Strategy Yes Wang Lang No 3 15 33 23 Worker Yes Yes Wei Yan Yes 5 54 18 37 Thousand Yes Yes Xiahou Ba Yes 4 51 17 33 Support Yes Yes Xiahou Dun Yes 2 48 28 42 Thousand Xiahou Yuan Yes 1 49 14 34 Heavenly Speed Xu Sheng Yes 3 45 33 42 Iron Wall Yes Yes Xu Huang Yes 5 67 28 40 Thousand Yes Yes Xu You No 4 14 45 19 Worker Yes Xu Zhu Yes 4 59 9 32 Ten Thousand Yes Xun Huo Yes 5 20 55 31 Stealth Strategy Yes Yes Xun You ?? No 2 19 49 36 Khong Beng Yu Jin Yes 5 50 25 41 Khong Beng Yes Yes Zhang Fei Yes 3 59 14 35 Ten Thousand Zhang Ing No 2 27 8 23 Khong Beng Zhang Liao Yes 3 55 25 43 Thousand Yes Yes Zhang Pu ?? Yes 5 59 40 Thousand Zhang Zhao Yes 1 7 41 20 Diplomacy Yes Zhao Yun Yes 5 68 27 39 Thousand Zhou Tai Yes 2 49 17 33 Thousand Yes Yes Zhou Yu Yes 3 33 54 41 Fervour Yes Yes Yes Zhu Huan No 3 46 33 43 Iron Wall Yes Zhu Zhi No 2 33 29 31 Support Yes Zhuge Liang Yes 4 19 50 43 Strategist Zhuge Jin No 2 22 40 32 Support Yes ?? Jin Yes 5 48 21 43 Indomitable Yes Yes To be completed later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.4 SKILL LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name : (Bao Nue) Trigger : Morale < 40, enemy nearby Effect : Attack increase (2) Name : Diplomacy Trigger : Battle, Envoy Effect : Emissary/Envoy Capabilities ?? Name : Evil Hero ?? Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Intel based tactic increased ?? Leadership based tactic increased ?? Name : Fervour (Ji Qing) Trigger : One of your ally is defeated Effect : Attack, defence increase (2) Increase your Morale Name : Heavenly Bow Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Long range attack increase (5) Name : Heavenly Speed Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Faster movement ?? Name : Hero Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Leadership based tactic increased (??) Name : Indomitable Trigger : Morale < 40 Effect : Attack increase (2) Name : Iron Wall Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Defense increase (2) Name : Khong Beng (officer) Trigger : Commander-in-Chief (CC) is nearby Effect : Attack increase (2) Name : Outstanding Experience (Shu Shu) Trigger : Get experience Effect : Experience received is doubled Name : Stealth Strategy Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Tactic --> Confused ?? Name : Strategist Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Intell based tactic increased ?? Name : Support Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : ?? (Attack) Name : Ten Thousand (One man equal Ten Thousand) Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Power based tactic increased ?? Name : Thousand (One man equal Thousand) Trigger : Morale > 80 Effect : Attack increase (2) Name : Worker Trigger : Battle, Envoy Effect : Worker capability can be used ?? Name : Trigger : Effect : To be completed later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.5 ITEM LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name : ?? (Gu Ding) Sabre Effect : Power +10 Who/Where : Sun Jian's weapon, inherited by Sun Ce at his campaign beginning, passed to Sun Quan when Sun Ce die. Note : Literal translation : Gu = Ancient, Ding = ?? Name : Heaven Sword Effect : Power +15 Who/Where : Cao Cao's Name : ?? (Wei/Yu Liao Zi) Effect : Intelligence +10 Who/Where : Jian An City Name : Book of History (Zhi Ji) Effect : Leadership +20 Who/Where : Nan Hai city Name : Sun Tzu Book Effect : Give Skill : Stealthy Strategy Who/Where : Taishi Ci's item in Sun Ce's campaign. Name : Book of Warring State (Zhan Guo Ce) Effect : Give Skill : Diplomacy Who/Where : Pan Yang City Name : Book of ?? (Han Su Li ?? ??) Effect : Give Skill : Heavenly Bow Who/Where : Huang Zhong have it in Sun Ce's Campaign. Name : Book of ?? (Han Su ?? ?? ??) Effect : Give Skill : ?? Who/Where : Name : Effect : Who/Where : To be completed later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.6 FORMATION LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All formation list will assume that you are attacking with 2 army. Convention of number : 1. CC of combined forces (have big flag on it) 2. Advisor of the CC army (have small flag on it) 3. Underling 1 on CC army (third row) 4. Underling 2 on CC army (fourth row) 5. CC of the second army (first row) 6. Advisor of second army (second row) 7. Underling 1 on second army (third row) 8. Underling 2 on second army (fourth row) If you are attacking with one army, just use the number 1 to 4 position. The battle map is 16x16 square, with your army occuping one side of it, and the enemy occupying the other side (opposite your army). Name in Mandarin : Shu/shuo Name in English : Tactics you get : Supervise Battle (Power) Position : |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| ?? |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X 6 X 3 X 4 X 5 X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X 8 X 2 X 1 X 7 X X X X| ------------------------------- Name in Mandarin : She Xing Name in English : Walking Snake Tactics you get : ?? (Ji 531 Fu 347) Position : |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X 6 X X X X 5 X X X X X| |X X X X 8 X 3 X X 4 X 7 X X X X| |X X X X X X X 2 1 X X X X X X X| ------------------------------- Name in Mandarin : Fang Name in English : Side ?? Tactics you get : Back Continuous (Hou Jie) Position : |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X 7 X 2 X 6 X X X X X| |X X X X X X X 3 X 4 X X X X X X| |X X X X X X 7 X 1 X 8 X X X X X| ------------------------------- Name in Mandarin : ?? Name in English : Tactics you get : Back Attack Position : |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X 3 X X X X| |X X X 2 X X 6 X X X X X X 4 X X| |X 5 X X X X X X X 1 X X 7 X X X| |X X X X 8 X X X X X X X X X X X| ------------------------------- Name in Mandarin : Feng Wu Name in English : Cut ?? Tactics you get : Sudden Attack Position : |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X 4 2 3 X X X X X X| |X X X X X X 6 X X X 5 X X X X X| |X X X X X 8 X X 1 X X 7 X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| ------------------------------- Name in Mandarin : Name in English : Tactics you get : Position : |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| |X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X| ------------------------------- To be completed later ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.6 FORMATION LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Terrain Type Height Defence Mountain +2 Hill +1 Plain 0 Grass 0 Forest 0 Shore -1 River -2 When moving your troops (moving from A to B), you can not move directly from position that has two or more difference in height. Example : When you are on River, you can not move to Plain, if you do not go through Shore first. |P P P P P| |P SBP SCP| |R S RAS R| --------- Unit A that is in River (RA) can not move forward to P that is in front of him. He can only move to Shore B (SB) or Shore C (SC), since shore is higher 1 level only compared to River. The Height will also determine the level of defence. The higher the height, you will receive less damage, so try to avoid staying at a river square. To be completed later ============================================================================== 6. ANSWER TO THE MOST-ASKED QUESTION ============================================================================== Q : My Character is slow in increasing his experience and level. What can I do to speed up his experience. A : - First, you need to take him into battle. This should be obvious and have been done by you. No pain, no gain. No battle, (almost) no experience. - Second, during the battle, every attack action will increase experience. What I have found out so far : - Defeat enemy, but not capture it : 30 EXP. Q : A : ============================================================================== 7. SPECIAL THANKS AND LINKS ============================================================================== Some of the webmaster that have asked permission to host the FAQ, and I have agreed to they posting it on their website (although they have to download the latest FAQ from GameFAQS themselves, since I only update GameFAQS) www.kongming.net - Info on all the 3 Kingdoms and Dynasty Warriors games, and also reference from the book. Unpublished work Copyright 2002 Agung Pujanata