DYNASTY TACTICS WALKTHROUGH (I Never Was One For ASCII Art) Version 0.3, 18.9.05 VERSION HISTORY (001) 18th December, 2005, Version 0.3: First point at which I've submitted this guide to GameFAQs, although I expect it to be rejected for not being far enough along. My fault for actually considering the finish guide to be version 1.0 I guess as opposed to the first time it looks good, but oh well. Current progress is that I've done a couple of the lower story paths for Liu Bei, and that's it. I haven't yet added what the story actually is for any section bar 1A, 2A and 3C, but I have said how to get to each place in great detail. 18th September, 2005, Version 0.0: Once upon a time I had a Dynasty Tactics guide, about 70% complete. I was considering submitting it to GameFAQs when a virus hit me, and I lost the file. After venting my anger, I boycotted the game but I've since come to my senses and today I restart my guide! LEGAL STUFF (002) I give permission to no one but GameFAQs and myself to show this guide, unless I give others permission first. If you wish to show this guide, first email me at thebagoftricksathotmaildotcom and I will most likely give you permission, provided you make it 100% clear that I originally wrote it. Plaguarising is punishable by law. TABLE OF CONTENTS (003) (Note: Like many other FAQ writers, I use the handy Shortcut feature. Copy the number to the right of the section you want, then using ctrl+f search for the time it is next used to go straight to that section. Version History (001) Legal Stuff (002) Table Of Contents (003) Pre-Walkthrough Note (004) Liu Bei Walkthrough (005) Cao Cao Walkthrough (006) Sun Ce Walkthrough (007) PRE-WALKTHROUGH NOTE (004) This guide is strictly designed to be a walkthrough. Feel free to email me with questions regarding strategies, how to capture officers, etc., as I will happily answer, but don't expect to find them in this guide unless I do a major update. Each section of the walkthrough will follow this design (the example used being Lu Bu, Honored Guest from the start of Liu Bei's Saga): "CHAPTER 2A - LU BU, HONORED GUEST (502A) The Story: (Insert Script For This Section Here) Path One (Ally With Lu Bu): To Chapter 3A - Lu Bu, Ally (Insert Walkthrough For This Section Here) To 3A Path Two (Do Nothing): To Chapter 3B - Lu Bu's Invasion (Insert Walkthrough For This Section Here) To 3B Path Three (Attack Lu Bu): To Chapter 3C - Lu Bu's Assault (Insert Walkthrough For This Section Here)" To 3C In the event that there is only one possible path to take, it will instead read "The Path". Also, the start of battles will be indicated by the phrase "FIGHT!" For example: "Chapter 1A - OATH IN THE GARDEN (501A) The Story: (Insert Script For This Section Here) The Path (Win Your First Battle): To Chapter 2A - Lu Bu, Honored Guest FIGHT! (Insert Battle Method Here)" To 2A Okay, on with the walkthroughs! LIU BEI WALKTHROUGH (005) 01A - Oath In The Garden (501A) 02A - Lu Bu, Honored Guest (502A) 03A - Lu Bu, Ally (503A) 03B - Lu Bu's Invasion (503B) 03C - Lu Bu's Assault (503C) 04A - Lu Bu, Crazed Tiger (504A) 04B - Guan Yu's Escape (504B) 05A - Lu Bu, Once Again (505A) 05B - Jing In Turmoil (505B) 06A - Lu Bu At The Court (506A) 06B - Lu Bu And Cao Cao (506B) 06C - Battle For Jing (506C) 06D - Sleeping Dragon (506D) 07A - Jing's Star Of Hope (507A) 07B - The Greater Good (507B) 07C - Zhuge Liang In Wu (507C) 08A - Sun Li's Sorrow (508A) 08B - Zhuge Liang's Plan (508B) 08C - Zhuge Liang And Liu Bei (508C) 08D - Zhuge Liang And Liu Bei (508D) 08E - Liu Bei, Wu And Shu (508E) 08F - Zhuge Liang's Plan (508F) 08G - Cao Cao's Fate (508G) 09A - Liu Bei And Shu (509A) 10A - The War For The Seal (510A) 10B - Xi Liang-Jing Alliance (510B) 10C - Sun Li's Arrival (510C) 10D - War With Liu Zhang (510D) 11A - Ma Chao's Defeat (511A) 11B - Ma Chao's Return (511B) 11C - Ma Chao's Return (511C) 11D - Sun Li's Departure (511D) 11E - Three Kingdoms (511E) 12A - Sun Li's Dilemma (512A) 12B - Liu Bei's Resolve (512B) 12C - King Of Han Zhong (512C) 12D - King Of Han Zhong (512D) 12E - The Break With Wu (512E) 12F - The Break With Wu (512F) 13A - Dance To The Heavens (513A) 13B - Joint Attack On Wei (513B) 13C - Guan Yu's Victory (513C) 13D - Guan Yu, Isolated (513D) 14A - Two Dynasties (514A) 14B - Unification (514B) 14C - Two Kingdoms (514C) 14D - Three Kingdoms (514D) 14E - Rescue Guan Yu! (514E) CHAPTER 1A - OATH IN THE GARDEN (501A) The Story: FMV (Zhuo District, You Province) LIU BEI: Though born on different days, we vow to die the same day, and at the same time. ZHANG FEI: May the Heavens bare witness to our Oath! GUAN YU: If we should break faith, and forget our vow, may we be punished by the Heavens! LIU BEI: We shall strive, for the restoration of the Han Empire. Traitors beware, you will be destroyed. To this, we pledge our lives! ALL THREE: Agreed! NARRATOR: In this garden, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei set their feet upon the path of destiny. Soon, their fame spread throughout the land. Some years after this Oath Liu Bei receives a request for aid from Tao Qian of Xu province, who is being attacked by Cao Cao. Liu Bei hurries to Xu. The Path (Win Your First Battle): To Chapter 2A - Lu Bu, Honored Guest FIGHT! Your first battle is a fairly easy one. Restart until you get the Revive Tactic for your Strategist (Guan Yu in this instance), as it will make the battle far easier. Press start to skip the FMV described above if you're getting bored. Once you have Revive, position Liu Bei and Zhang Fei so that they are either side of Guan Yu. Have Liu Bei boost Guan Yu, setting off a combo with revive. Now Liu Bei should have Hero, Guan Yu Might, and Zhang Fei Menace. Li Dian should soon arrive on his horse. Preserve your tactics until you can be sure to get a 3 combo on him, at which point you should hit him with everything. Remember, Liu Bei has infinite copies of Aid, and Zhang Fei has infinite copies of both Raid and Repel. If you can position it so that Guan Yu gets the blow that finishes Li Dian off, he will regain his tactic too. It is vital that both Li Dian and Yue Jin are captured here, as both will be very useful for recruiting others in the next couple of chapters. Now, Yue Jin and Cao Ren approach. The combo can be deadly if you are in experienced, but there is a simple solution. Allow Cao Ren to hit Guan Yu with Awe, as Guan Yu's skill is least important to your success. Then, allow Yue Jin to use Pierce, which should send him to the outskirts of the map. You should now be able to surround him easier, and thus obtain a 3 combo easier too. Now it is a three on one against someone with no offensive tactics left. You can't capture Cao Ren, but try for a good combo anyway - all it will do is up your deeds total. Post- Fight, teach Liu Bei the All Attack tactic. To 2A CHAPTER 2A - LU BU, HONORED GUEST (502A) The Story: (Liu Bei forced Cao Cao's advance force into retreat at Xiao Pei, and successfully defended the Xu Province. But Tao Qian soon fell ill, and after leaving Xu in Liu Bei's hands, he passed away. On the insistence of the people of Xu, Liu Bei reluctantly accepted the position of Xu Prefect. Several months later, Liu Bei was sought by Lu Bu for aid, since he had just suffered defeat at the hands of Cao Cao. Liu Bei welcomed Lu Bu as a guest, and placed him in Xiao Pei to defend against Cao Cao. But Lu Bu is not satisfied with just being a guest general under Liu Bei, and makes no secret of it.) LU BU: Ah, Lord Liu Bei! I cannot thank you enough for your help! I am in your debt. LIU BEI: What do you think of Xiao Pei, General? LU BU: Mm... Not bad, but... Such a small castle in the country is unfitting for a man of my mettle! LIU BEI: My apologies, General. But Xu is a small province, and aside from this city of Xia Pi, there are no large cities to charge you with. LU BU: Then why don't you place me in charge here? GUAN YU: You...! Who do you think you are? LIU BEI: Silence, Guan Yu! General, please forgive my brother's insolence. LU BU: Humph, no matter... When I want a castle, I take it by force. That's what I wanted to talk to you about today. I was thinking that it was about time that we taught that fraud emperor Yuan Shu a lesson. Attacking him now would be in your interests as well. I'll await your reply. Path One (Ally With Lu Bu): To Chapter 3A - Lu Bu, Crazed Tiger Path Two (Ignore Lu Bu): To Chapter 3B - Lu Bu's Invasion Path Three (Attack Lu Bu): To Chapter 3C - Lu Bu's Assault Turn ONE: Disband your army. Make Guan Yu an envoy and create a one-man army captained by Zhang Fei. Move Guan Yu to Xiao Pei, and Zhang Fei's army to Lang Ye. Save. End Turn. Turn TWO: Disband Zhang Fei's army. Move Guan Yu to Ding Tao. Save. End Turn. Hire Zhou Cang & Jian Yong Turn THREE: Relieve Guan Yu. Save. End Turn. Turn FOUR: Rearrange everyone's Tactics and Unit Types to the optimum set up. Make sure to relieve Guan Yu of his Blue Dragon item and give it to someone who can use it well - Yue Jin springs to mind. Next, form two armies. The order of people isn't important, as long as one of your commanders is Liu Bei and your officers are Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Yue Jin, Li Dian, and either Sun Qian or Jian Yong (NOT Mi Zhu). Next, move your armies to Xiao Pei. You are doing this a turn earlier than necessary so that you can get the strategist Xu Shu shortly. Generally though, we wait until the very last turn of the chapter to end it. Save. End Turn. Declare War. FIGHT! In this battle, it is important that you capture Gao Shun, Zang Ba and Zhang Liao, particularly the commander. Zhang Liao should be captured for a 4-combo, the others only taking a 3-combo. The infantry unit can be disposed of as you wish. To 3C CHAPTER 3A - LU BU, ALLY (503A) CHAPTER 3B - LU BU'S INVASION (503B) CHAPTER 3C - LU BU'S ASSAULT (503C) The Story: (After his attack on Lu Bu, Liu Bei returned to his castle in Xia Pi. Meanwhile, a furious Lu Bu mobilized his army to launch a counter-attack. Judging that he would not be able to defend Xia Pi alone, Liu Bei forms an alliance with Cao Cao to create a united front against Lu Bu's forces.) The Path (Eliminate Lu Bu's Forces): To Chapter 4B - Guan Yu's Escape Hire Mi Fang. Turn ONE: Disband your armies. Liu Bei should be named an envoy and be sent to Bo Wang (near Xu Chang). Ignore Gongsun Zan and Zhao Yun for the moment. Now, form two armies. Between them, you should be utilising Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Li Dian, Yue Jin and Zhou Cang. Move both armies to Lu. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Lu Bu bothers to show up himself this time. Again, it is important to capture everyone. Lu Bu obviously can't be captured, but it is worth getting a high combo on him for the Crescent Item, which will give someone the Menace Skill. Also, watch out for Chen Gong, as his Taunt Tactic may catch you off guard. Turn TWO: Add Zang Ba to the army with 3 people in it - not Chen Gong because his troop numbers are low. Give the Crescent to someone (Zang Ba being my choice for now) then move your better army to Tai Shan, the worse one going to Qi. Move Liu Bei to Xin Ye. Save. End Turn. Turn THREE: Disband both your armies (trust me). Name Li Dian an envoy, and send him to Ji Bei. Now, form two armies out of your best people, but leave out Yue Jin and Chen Gong. Form two more one man armies out of the aforementioned two people, and send one to Qiao, the other to Shou Chun. Move your two four man armies to Tai Shan. Save. End Turn. Hire Xu Shu. Hire Lu Qian. Turn FOUR: Move Liu Bei to Yong An. Disband your one man armies, and relieve Li Dian. Name Lu Qian an envoy and send him to Ding Tao. Reform your armies to make sure they are the best you can make them (except for Liu Bei of course). This may be easier to do if you simply disband them and start over. Now, you have two good strategists, a few good warriors, and an assortment of leader- generals to pick from, and when you have Liu Bei and two spies in a few turns time, you will have your first proper units for battles. For now, the people in your armies will probably be Guan Yu, Xu Shu, Zhang Liao, Zhang Fei, Yue Jin, Chen Gong, Li Dian and Gao Shun. Regardless, make sure these two armies are stationed in Tai Shan. Sort out their items/unit types/tactics, making sure you haven't left the Crescent Item on Zang Ba or someone similar. Save. End Turn. Hire Chen Deng. Hire Man Chong. Turn FIVE: Move Lu Qian to Shou Chun. Name Chen Deng an envoy and move him to Luo Yang. Save. End Turn. Hire Wu Ban. Hire Chen Jiao. Hire Liu Ye. Turn SIX: Relieve Chen Deng, Liu Bei and Lu Qian. Name Chen Jiao an envoy and send him to Luo Yang. You will want to edit your armies so that they include Liu Bei. I personally got rid of Gao Shun, although Li Dian and Yue Jin are options too. Save. End Turn. Hire Hao Zhao. Hire Chen Gui. Turn SEVEN: Relieve Chen Jiao. Name Chen Deng and Chen Gui envoys. Send Chen Deng to Qiao and Chen Gui to Xu Chang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Lu Bu foolhardily attacks. If this is anything but an easy victory, then shame on you. Hire Niu Jin. Hire Chen Qun. Turn EIGHT: Relieve Chen Deng. Move Chen Gui and both your armies to Ji Bei. Save. End turn. FIGHT! See the last battle, only this time you start with a depot or two, making it even easier. To 4B CHAPTER 4A - LU BU, CRAZED TIGER (504A) CHAPTER 4B - GUAN YU'S ESCAPE (504B) The Story: The Path (Stop Cao Cao Taking Xin Ye): To Chapter 5B - Jing In Turmoil Turn ONE: Disband your armies. Make Zhou Cang an envoy. Form two armies and send them to Wan. Form a third army, this one just a one-man, and send it to Yong An. You may want to reallocate your items and sort out tactics/unit types here too. Don't forget to move Chen Gui to Wan also. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Congratulations, this is your first remotely tough fight. Fortunately, you have almost got a full strength army now. You will need to capture Xu Huang and Xun Yu here, as well as defeating absolutely everyone else. Watch out for Pit. Also, don't forget to end on a decent combo so that you can wrest Cao Cao's Meng De item from him, arguably the best item in the game. Hire Liao Hua. Turn TWO: Relieve Zhou Cang and disband your armies. Create the two best ones you can and move them to Wan. With the aquirement of Meng De and The 6 Books, you may want to rearrange items, although it should be fairly obvious that your strategists will benefit from them most. Save. End Turn. To 5B CHAPTER 5A - LU BU, ONCE AGAIN (505A) CHAPTER 5B - JING IN TURMOIL (505B) The Story: Path One (Stop Cao Cao and Attack Liu Zong): To Chapter 6C - Battle For Jing Path Two (Stop Cao Cao, Not Attacking Liu Zong): To Chater 6D - Sleeping Dragon Turn ONE: Make sure your two armies are the best they can be, and that Chen Gui is accompanying them. This may involve rearranging items or whatnot. Also, remember that if you have just put Xun Yu in your force, that he can be the builder unit type. Next, move your main force (the two armies and Chen Gui) to Bo Wang. Now, create a third one-man army, and move it to Wei Xing. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Another head-on fight with Cao Cao's units. The men you will want to capture are Xu Zhu, Sima Lang, Dian Wei and Cheng Yu. Defeat everyone else. Turn TWO: Disband your third army. Depending on damage, you may wish to remodel your main force. Save. End Turn. To 6D CHAPTER 6A - LU BU AT THE COURT (506A) CHAPTER 6B - LU BU AND CAO CAO (506B) CHAPTER 6C - BATTLE FOR JING (506C) CHAPTER 6D - SLEEPING DRAGON (506D) The Story: The Path (Take Xiang Yang): To Chapter 7C - Zhuge Liang in Wu Turn ONE: Disband your two armies. Name Zhuge Liang, Zhou Cang, Xu Shu, Liu Bei, Cheng Yu, Hao Zhao, Xu Huang and Sima Lang envoys. Move Hao Zhao, Zhuge Liang, Zhou Cang and Xu Huang to Han Chang, Xu Shu and Liu Bei to Xiang Yang, and Cheng Yu to Yi Dao. Now, with who you have left, form two armies and move them to Wan, along with Sima Lang and Chen Gui. Don't forget to sort out unit types, tactics and items for your main force. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! In this battle, you will want to capture all five of your opponents. Keep in mind that Jia Xu, the enemy commander, is on horseback, and thus will arrive quickly. You do not want to capture him before anyone else, as not only is everyone in this battle capturable, but with the exception of Cao Zhen, they are all genuinely useful. Hire Yi Ji. Hire Xiang Lang. Turn TWO: Relieve Liu Bei and Xu Shu. Name Jia Xu, Xiang Lang and Yi Ji envoys. Move Jia Xu to Han Chang, Yi Ji and Xiang Lang to Xiang Yang, Cheng Yu to Jiang Ling, Hao Zhao and Xu Huang to Wu Du, Zhou Cang to Guang Han, and Zhuge Liang to Zi Tong. Reform your armies to include Liu Bei and Xu Shu. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! In this battle, you must capture Zhang He, Mao Jie, Zhang Xiu and Xu You. Cao Pi obviously cannot be captured. Another easy battle, simply because you outnumber the Wei force 2-1. Hire Wang Ping. Hire Zhou Cang. Hire Kuai Yue. Hire Huo Jun. Hire Xiang Chong. Hire Dong Yun. Turn THREE: Relieve Zhou Cang, Yi Ji, Xiang Lang and Xu Huang. Name Kuai Yue, Dong Yun and Huo Jun envoys. Move Dong Yun and Huo Jun to Han Chang, Kuai Yue to Xiang Yang, Cheng Yu to Chang Sha, Zhuge Liang to Jiang Zhou, Jia Xu to Wu Du and Hao Zhao to Tian Shui. If you want, you can add Xu Huang to one of your armies. At this time, move your main force to Bo Wang. Create 3 one-man armies. Send one to Wei Xing, the other two going to Ru Nan. Save. End Turn. Hire Kuai Liang. Hire Guo Huai. Turn FOUR: Relieve Hao Zhao and Kuai Yue. Name Kuai Liang and Yi Ji envoys. Move Yi Ji and Kuai Liang to Xiang Yang, Jia Xu to An Ding, Huo Jun to Wu Du, Dong Yun to Cheng Du, Zhuge Liang to Jian Ning and Cheng Yu to Yu Zhang. Disband the army at Wei Xing. Move one of the two in Ru Nan to Shou Chun and the other to Qiao. As with Xu Huang, you may wish to reform your army to include Hao Zhao. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Don't kid yourself, this battle will be difficult, simply because of the large numbers of enemies, one of whom has taunt when you probably have no defense due to the type of terrain you are likely to get. You want to capture Wang Shuang, Dong Zhao, Cao Hong, Yang Xiu, Feng Ji, Jia Kui and Ji Ling. Also, remember to defeat Cao Pi (as well as capturing everyone else) before you capture Ji Ling, as you don't want him to have a remnant army left over. Again, I'll stress the point that this battle is difficult. However, it is possible. Hire Hua Xin. Hire Han Sui. Hire Huang Zu. Hire Dong He. Hire Ma Liang. Hire Li Hui. Turn FIVE: Relieve Cheng Yu, Jia Xu, Kuai Liang and Zhuge Liang. Name Huang Zu an envoy. Move Huang Zu to Xiang Yang, Dong Yun to Jiang Zhou and Huo Jun to Wu Zhang Yuan. Disband all your armies, and move your two spies to your capital. Appoint any other people you have with the spy skill as envoys (which should be Dong Zhao, Kuai Liang, Ju Shou, Mao Jie, Xu You and Zhong Yao). Form the two best armies you can with your remaining free officers, and send them, along with two spies, back to Bo Wang. Form another two armies, and move them to Shang Yong. Save. End Turn. Hire Gan Ning. Hire Su Fei. Hire Ma Su. Hire Fei Yi. Hire Meng Da. Turn SIX: Relieve Huo Jun, Yi Ji and Huang Zu. Move Dong Yun to Jiang Yang. Now that you have another city, you should be able to complete your fourth army with a second general. Move your third and fourth armies to Fan Cheng. Move two spies to Xiang Yang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Cao Cao attacks again. In this battle, you will want to capture Shen Pei, Xiahou Ba, Wang Can, Cao Zhang, Chunyu Qiong, Gongsun Zan and Cai Mao. On top of this, you will want to defeat Cao Pi. As usual, capture the commander (Gongsun Zan in this case) last, so that you can destroy everyone else too. Hire Liu Ba. Turn SEVEN: Relieve Dong Yun. Name Fei Yi and Cai Mao envoys. Move Fei Yi to Han Zhong and Cai Mao to Wan. Save. End Turn. Hire Wen Pin. Turn EIGHT: Relieve Cai Mao. Move Fei Yi to Tian Shui. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! This time, the people up for capturing are Li Jue, Wang Xiu, Yan Gang, Deng Ai, Zhang Yun, Cao Xiu and Yuan Shu. If you want this guide to be accurate, you must as usual capture all of them, but Deng Ai is particularly vital, due to how awesome he is, basically. Watch out for Cao Xiu's Taunt. Hire Jiang Wei. Turn NINE: Relieve Fei Yi. Save. End Turn. Turn TEN: Move your armies stationed in Fan Chen to Xiang Yang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! People up for capturing this battle are Zhang Yan, Kong Rong, Zhao Yun and Chen Zhen. Whilst you cannot capture the others, I recommend you defeat them all anyway. Hey, what harm can it do? Watch for Guo Jia, as he has Pit. FIGHT! This should be nice and simple compared to your previous battles, as you vastly outnumber Liu Zong and co. People to capture this time are Wen Chou, Tian Feng and Liu Zong. Defeat Sima Yi and the Footmen too, for deeds. Sima Yi and Tian Feng both have Pit, so be very careful. To 7C CHAPTER 7A - JING'S STAR OF HOPE (507A) CHAPTER 7B - THE GREATER GOOD (507B) CHAPTER 7C - ZHUGE LIANG IN WU (507C) The Story: The Path (Take Jiang Xia): To Chapter 8G - Cao Cao's Fate Turn ONE: Disband all armies. Name Jiang Wei an envoy and send him to Han Chang. Form the 4 best armies you can. Send two to Xin Ye and two to Chang Ban. Make sure both pairs are accompanied by two spies. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Capture Lu Kuang, Xun You and Hu Che-Er. Defeat everyone else. This is one of those (many) battles where it is important that nobody survives. FIGHT! All I can say is that if you lose this, shame on you. Oh, and you can capture Guo Si and Xin Ping, and make sure to defeat Guo Jia before Cao Cao. Turn TWO: Move your southern force to Jiang Ling and your northern force to Wan. Move Jiang Wei to Ba Xi. Save. End Turn. Hire Deng Zhi. Turn THREE: Relieve Jiang Wei. Disband your southern force, and form 3 new armies, one of which should consist of only one man. Send the one-man army to Yong An. Move your northern force to Ru Nan. Move your newly created armies to Bo Wang, along with two spies. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Nice easy victory here. Capture Lei Bo, Han Hao, Zhu Ling and Guo Tu. Turn FOUR: Move your one-man army to Han Ping. Split the force that just defeated Xiahou Yuan's unit into two armies, sending one to Qiao and one to Shou Chun. Save. End Turn. Turn FIVE: Move the two armies just mentioned to Chen. Move your one-man army to Pei Ling. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Capture Lu Xiang, Zhang Xun, Gao Lan and Han Song. Defeat everyone else. Watch out for Han Song and Sima Yi, both of whom have Pit. Turn SIX: Disband your one-man army. Reform it, and send it to take Jiang Xia. Save. End Turn. To 8G CHAPTER 8A - SUN LI'S SORROW (508A) CHAPTER 8B - ZHUGE LIANG'S PLAN (508B) CHAPTER 8C - ZHUGE LIANG AND LIU BEI (508C) CHAPTER 8D - ZHUGE LIANG AND LIU BEI (508D) CHAPTER 8E - LIU BEI, WU AND SHU (508E) CHAPTER 8F - ZHUGE LIANG'S PLAN (508F) CHAPTER 8G - CAO CAO'S FATE (508G) The Story: The Path (Occupy Jiang Ling, Xiang Yang and Southern Jing): To 9A - Liu Bei And Shu Turn ONE: Disband your armies. Name Gan Ning an envoy and send him to Lu Kou. Create 4 new armies and send them all to Jiang Ling, along with 4 spies. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Make sure to capture Yuan Shang. That is all. Turn TWO: Send two of your armies to Xiang Yang and the other two to Chang Sha, both with two spies. Move Gan Ning to Wu Chang. Now form another two armies (although one will only have three people in it) and move them, along with two spies, to Luo Xian. Save. End Turn. Declare War on Han Xuan. FIGHT! Noone is capturable here, but you still need to make sure to defeat everyone so that there are no armies left over in the north. FIGHT! The terrain is likely to be awkward here, but don't let that stop you capturing Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and Liu Feng. Note that, as a decent general, Huang Zhong will take a 6-hit combo or better to capture, and with that you get the item On Archery. Turn THREE: Name Huang Zhong and Han Hao envoys. Move both to Chang Sha and move Gan Ning to Pan Yang. Move your two armies situated in Xiang Yang to Xin Ye. Move your two armies in Chang Sha to Wu Ling, and your two armies in Luo Xian to Gui Yang. Reform the army with only 3 people to have a fourth person. Save. End Turn. Declare War on Jin Xuan. Declare War on Zhao Fan. FIGHT! Nice easy battle. Make sure to capture Gong Zhi and Sha Moke, although don't let the latter get too close to you, or he will rip you apart with consecutive Fire Arrows. FIGHT! Only Bao Long to capture in this battle. Watch out though, he has taunt, which can be an annoyance due to the terrain. Hire Han Xuan. Hire Hu Ban. Turn FOUR: Relieve Huang Zhong and Han Hao. Name Bao Long and Gong Zhi envoys. Move Bao Long to Xiang Dong, Gong Zhi to Xiang Nan and Gan Ning to Shi Xin. Move one of the armies in Gui Yang to Nan Hai and the other to Lu Ling. Move the spies who were there to Ling Ling. Move your Wu Ling armies to Qie Lan. Move your Xin Ye force to Wan. Save. End Turn. Turn FIVE: Move Gan Ning to Kuai Ji, Bao Long to Gui Yang and Gong Zhi to Wu Ling. Move one of your Qie Lan armies to Jiang Yang and the other to Jian Ning. Move your Nan Hai army to Yu Lin and your Lu Ling army to Yu Zhang. Finally, move your two armies in Wan to Bo Wang. Save. End Turn. Hire Jin Xuan. Hire Zhao Fan. Turn SIX: Relieve Bao Long and Gong Zhi. Immediately name Gong Zhi an envoy again, since he is a spy. Move Gan Ning to Qu Ju. Move the Yu Zhang army to Jian An, the Yu Lin army to Jiao Zhi, the Jian Ning army to Yue Jun and the Jiang Yang army to Zhu Ti. Do not forget to assign the items collected last turn. Save. End Turn. Hire Ling Tong. Turn SEVEN: Relieve Gan Ning. Disband your Jiao Zhi and Jian An armies. Move your Zhu Ti army to Yun Nan and disband your Yue Jun army. Relieve your Bo Wang spies, then reassign them and move all your spies to Xiang Nan. Save. End Turn. Turn EIGHT: Move your Yun Nan army to Yong Chang. Move your spies to Ling Ling. Save. End Turn. Turn NINE: Disband your remaining armies. Now you can properly sort out your items that you have just been able to hoard. Do so, and create the two most powerful armies you can. Move them both to Luo Xian. Save. End Turn. Turn TEN: Move your armies to Chang Sha. Save. End Turn. Turn ELEVEN: Name Han Sui and Jia Xu envoys and move them to Han Chang. Move your armies to Xiang Nan. Save. End Turn. Turn TWELVE: Move Jia Xu and Han Sui to Wu Du. Save. End Turn. Turn THIRTEEN: Move Jia Xu and Han Sui to Tian Shui. Save. End Turn. Turn FOURTEEN: Move Jia Xu and Han Sui to Wu Wei. Save. End Turn. Hire Zhang Heng. Hire Cheng Yin. Hire Pang De. Hire Yang Qiu. Turn FIFTEEN: Relieve Jia Xu and Han Sui. Save. End Turn. Turn SIXTEEN: Move your two armies into Ling Ling. With the exception of your two best spies, evacuate all your spies to Xiang Nan. Save. End Turn. Declare War on Liu Du. FIGHT! Capture Jiang Wan, Xing Daorong and Liu Xian. Watch out for Jiang Wan as he has pit. This should nonetheless be an exceedingly easy battle. To 9A CHAPTER 9A - LIU BEI AND SHU (509A) (NOTE: This is the first of three opportunities to recruit Pang Tong. Whether or not you do so determines whether you proceed to 12D or 12F later. If you wish to recruit him at any point, name Xiang Lang an envoy and send him to hire Pang Tong. I will not refer to this in my main section, but at the start of each chapter concerning the issue until it is too late I will leave this notice.) The Story: The Path (Defeat Zhang Lu): To Chapter 10D - War With Liu Zhang Turn ONE: Disband your armies. Name Li Hui and Pang De envoys. Send Li Hui to Han Zhong and Pang De to Tian Shui. Save. End Turn. Do NOT Negotiate Alliance With Zhang Lu. Hire Ma Chao. Turn TWO: Relieve Li Hui. Move Pang De to Wu Wei. Save. End Turn. Hire Ma Tie. Turn THREE: Form the two best armies you can and send them both to Yang Ping Guan with two spies. Save. End Turn. Declare War on Zhang Lu. FIGHT! Capture Yan Pu, Zhang Wei and Yang Song here. The terrain is awkward, so I recommend not venturing further than the castle in the middle (which you can access easily by demolishing walls in one with your spies). Not that it will be an issue due to the terrain, but watch out for Zhang Lu's Pit tactic. On a side note, this may be your first time using Ma Chao. First instincts may tell you to change him to Cavalry for the Strength growth, but if you keep him Bow Riders, he can, thanks to his Menace skill, use Volley infinite times. On a stage such as this, where your enemies will probably be cramped outside the entrance to the castle, Volley is an invaluable tactic and can help you build up some very nice combos too. To 10D CHAPTER 10A - WAR FOR THE SEAL (510A) CHAPTER 10B - XI LIANG-JING ALLIANCE (510B) CHAPTER 10C - SUN LI'S ARRIVAL (510C) CHAPTER 10D - WAR WITH LIU ZHANG (510D) (NOTE: This is the second of three opportunities to recruit Pang Tong. Whether or not you do so determines whether you proceed to 12D or 12F later. If you wish to recruit him at any point, name Xiang Lang an envoy and send him to hire Pang Tong. I will not refer to this in my main section, but at the start of each chapter concerning the issue until it is too late I will leave this notice.) The Story: The Path (Occupy Cheng Du): To Chapter 11E - Three Kingdoms Turn ONE: Disband your army. Name Liu Xian and Ma Tie envoys. Send Ma Tie to Tian Shui and Liu Xian to Han Chang. Form your four best armies. Send the best two to Zi Tong and send the other two to Jian Ge. Accompany both forces with two spies. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Don't let the two armies on one advantage lull you into letting your guard down. This battle is surprisingly tricky for two reasons. Firstly, the terrain is almost certainly difficult. Secondly, 3 of the 4 enemies (not including generic units) have Pit or Taunt. In this battle, you need to capture Yan Yan, Li Yan, Lei Tong and finally (as he is the commander) Zhang Ren. Good luck, it may take more than one attempt if you don't want anyone to die. Turn TWO: Move Ma Tie to Wu Wei and Liu Xian to Chong Xian. Move your Jian Ge force to Jiang Zhou and move your Zi Tong force to Mian Zhu. Name Li Yan an envoy and move him to Chong Guo. Save. End Turn. Hire Ma Xiu. Hire Ma Dai. Turn THREE: Relieve Ma Tie. Move Liu Xian to Ling Ling and Li Yan to Wu Yang. Move your Jiang Zhou force to Guang Han. Save. End Turn. Hire Fei Shi. Hire Liu Di. Turn FOUR: Relieve Liu Xian and Li Yan. Save. End Turn. Turn FIVE: End Turn. Turn SIX: End Turn. Turn SEVEN: End Turn. Turn EIGHT: End Turn. Turn NINE: End Turn. Turn TEN: Move your Mian Zhu force into Cheng Du. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! This battle is fairly simple. Ignore Liu Zhang for now, first you need to capture Wu Yi, Zhang Song and Fa Zheng. Then pile on Liu Zhang to finish. To 11E CHAPTER 11A - MA CHAO'S DEFEAT (511A) CHAPTER 11B - MA CHAO'S RETURN (511B) CHAPTER 11C - MA CHAO'S RETURN (511C) CHAPTER 11D - SUN LI'S DEPARTURE (511D) CHAPTER 11E - THREE KINGDOMS (511E) (NOTE: This is the last of three opportunities to recruit Pang Tong. Whether or not you do so determines whether you proceed to 12D or 12F later. If you wish to recruit him at any point, name Xiang Lang an envoy and send him to hire Pang Tong. I will not refer to this in my main section, but at the start of each chapter concerning the issue until it is too late I will leave this notice.) The Story: The Path (Occupy Han Zhong): To Chapter 12D/12F - King Of Han Zhong/The Break With Wu Hire Yang Huai. Hire Wang Lei. Hire Huang Quan. Hire Wu Lan. Turn ONE: Name Fa Zheng an envoy. Send him to Wu Du. Reform your Xiang Yang army to become a one-man army and send it to Nan Mi. Form the best two armies you can, as well as two one man armies. Send them all to Guang Wu with two spies. Save. End Turn. Turn TWO: Move Fa Zheng to Tian Shui. Move the Nan Mi army to Wei Xing. Move your two main armies to Yang Ping Guan, along with two spies. Move your two one-man armies in Guang Wu to Tian Shui. Save. End Turn. Declare War on Cao Cao. Turn THREE: Move Fa Zheng to Chen Cang. Disband your Wei Xing army. Move one of your Tian Shui armies to An Ding and the other to Ling Ju. Save. End Turn. Hire Xu Jing. Turn FOUR: Disband the An Ding army. Relieve Fa Zheng. Move your Ling Ju army to Wu Wei. Save. End Turn. Turn FIVE: Move your Wu Wei army to Jiu Quan. Save. End Turn. Turn SIX: Disband your Jiu Quan army. Save. End Turn. Turn SEVEN: End Turn. Turn EIGHT: (NOTE: THIS IS YOUR ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE TO GET PANG TONG AND GO DOWN THE 12D PATH IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY - LEAVE IT LATER AND YOU CAN'T REACH HIM IN TIME) End Turn. Turn NINE: End Turn. Turn TEN: Move your force to Han Zhong. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Capturable people here are Zhang Lu, Yuan Tan and Yu Jin. Watch out for Guo Jia Sima Yi and Zhang Lu, all of whom have pit. It is unlikely to play much role though, since the terrain will probably blunt the move's usefulness somewhat. Note also that this is the first time you can actually capture Yu Jin. To 12D/12F CHAPTER 12A - SUN LI'S SORROW (512A) CHAPTER 12B - LIU BEI'S RESOLVE (512B) CHAPTER 12C - KING OF HAN ZHONG (512C) CHAPTER 12D - KING OF HAN ZHONG (512D) CHAPTER 12E - THE BREAK WITH WU (512E) CHAPTER 12F - THE BREAK WITH WU (512F) The Story: Path One (Occupy Xin Ye and Wan): To 13C - Guan Yu's Victory Turn ONE: Now that you're already in hot water, it's okay to recruit Pang Tong. Name Xiang Lang an envoy and send him to Wu Ling. Disband your army in the capital. Reform your Xiang Yang army to be the best one possible. Form a new army (your best one possible from the remnants) and send it to Han Chang. Send two spies to Yong An. Move your Xiang Yang army to Xin Ye. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Why yes, this is a difficult battle. Well done for noticing. I'm almost sorry to say this, but you need to defeat everyone - leave no remains for later. Sima Yi and Lu Fan have Pit, and Chen Lin has three Taunts AND Gather. I suggest having your strategist build a fence and keeping your men behind it, building morale whilst you wait for them to arrive. Pick them off one by one, and above all be careful. 4 combos won't be enough to warrant a capture on Yuan Xi, but it will be for Lu Fan, Xin Pi and Chen Lin. Turn TWO: Move Xiang Lang to Lu Ling. Move your spies to Xin Ye. Move your Han Chang army to Xin Cheng. Save. End Turn. Hire Pang Tong. Turn THREE: Relive Xiang Lang. Move your spies and armies to Wan. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! A nice easy battle to compensate for the last one. Make sure not to push too hard with the group who fought the first battle - they are probably still injured. Watch out for Guo Jia and Sima Yi, both of whom have Pit. To 13C Path Two (Defend Xiang Yang): To 13D - Guan Yu, Isolated Turn ONE: Now that you're already in hot water, it's okay to recruit Pang Tong. Name Xiang Lang an envoy and send him to Wu Ling. Disband your armies - there's no benefit to keeping either of them. Save. End Turn. Turn TWO: Move Xiang Lang to Lu Ling. Save. End Turn. Hire Pang Tong. Turn THREE: Relieve Xiang Lang. Save. End Turn. To 13D CHAPTER 13A - DANCE TO THE HEAVENS (513A) CHAPTER 13B - JOINT ATTACK ON WEI (513B) CHAPTER 13C - GUAN YU'S VICTORY (513C) The Story: The Path (Occupy Chang An, Luo Yang and Xu Chang): To Chapter 14C - Two Kingdoms Turn ONE: Disband your army. If you haven't already done so, use the War Manual to make one of your strong generals a spy. My recommendation is Pang De, as his skill otherwise is Fortitude and therefore well worth giving up. You should now have 12 spies, incidentally. If you haven't, search through your free officers for the others (or alternatively, curse the fact that you missed one of them). Form the 6 best armies you can. Move your best two armies, along with two spies, to Jian Ge. Those armies and spies are hereafter known as force one. Move your next two armies along with two spies (force 2) to Han Chang. Move your third pair of armies and spies (force 3) to Han Chang also. Save. End Turn. Turn TWO: Move force 1 to Han Zhong and forces 2 and 3 to Xin Cheng. Save. End Turn. Turn THREE: Move force 1 to Chang An. Move force 2 to Bo Wang and force 3 to Bi Yang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Easy battle. Make sure to defeat Xiahou Yuan before Sima Yi, so there are no armies remaining. Turn FOUR: Don't forget to give Avenger to someone good. Move force 1 to Hong Nong, force 2 to Xu Chang and force 3 to Xiang Xian. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Pretty simple battle again. Make sure to defeat Sima Yi, Xiahou Yuan and Cao Ren before defeating Cao Cao. Watch out for Sima Yi though, he has Pit. Turn FIVE: As with Avenger, assign Blue Blade wisely. Incidentally, if you do not care about capturing as many people as possible, send force 1 to attack Luo Yang now and end the story path. Otherwise, move force 1 to Yang, force 2 to Chen Liu and one of your force 3 armies to Xiao Pei. Send the other to Xia Pi. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Another easy battle. Capture Yuan Xi, defeat the rest (ending on Cao Cao, as always we want no remnant armies). Watch for Sima Yi, who has Pit, and Xiahou Dun, who has two Taunts. Turn SIX: Move force 1 to Jin Yang, force 2 to Guan Du, the Xiao Pei army to Lu and the Xia Pi army to Lang Ye. Save. End Turn. Turn SEVEN: Move force 1 to Ye, force 2 to Pu Yang, the Lu army to Ji Bei and the Lang Ye army to Cheng Yang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Yet another easy battle. Make sure to take out Sima Yi and Cao Pi before Cao Cao but watch out, because the former has Pit. Turn EIGHT: Move force 1 to He Nei, force 2 to Zhao, the Ji Bei army to Ping Yuan and the Cheng Yang army to Dong Lai. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Make sure to defeat everyone here. Watch out for Guo Jia's Pit and Xiahou Dun's two Taunts. Turn NINE: Move half of force 2 to Zhen Ding and the other half to Dai. Move the Ping Yuan army to Bo Hai and the Dong Lai army to Qi. Save. End Turn. Turn TEN: Have force 2 congregate at Xi He. Move the Bo Hai army to Yan and the Qi army to Bo Hai. Save. End Turn. Turn ELEVEN: Move force 2 to Han Gu Gan. Have force 3 congregate at Bei Ping. Save. End Turn. Turn TWELVE: Move force 3 to Liao Dong. Save. End Turn. Turn THIRTEEN: Move force to Yue Lang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Usual stuff, defeat Cao Cao last, etc. Guo Jia and Xiahou Dun have Taunt. Turn FOURTEEN: Move force 3 to Liao Xi. Save. End Turn. Turn FIFTEEN: Move force 3 to Yan. Save. End Turn. Turn SIXTEEN: Move force 3 to Ping Yuan. Save. End Turn. Turn SEVENTEEN: Move force 3 to Guan Du. Save. End Turn. Turn EIGHTEEN: Move force 3 to Chen Liu. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Another simple battle. Watch out for Guo Jia, Sima Yi and Xiahou Dun as usual, and as usual defeat Cao Cao last. Turn NINETEEN: End Turn. Turn TWENTY: Move force 1 to Luo Yang. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! Final battle. Do what you want, I just storm Cao Cao personally, it's easier. To 14C CHAPTER 13D - GUAN YU, ISOLATED (513D) The Story: Path One (Do Nothing): To Chapter 14D - Three Kingdoms Turn ONE: End Turn. To 14D Path Two (Take Yong An): To Chapter 14E - Rescue Guan Yu! Turn ONE: Reform your armies to be the absolute best they can be. Move both of them, with two spies, to Yong An. Save. End Turn. FIGHT! You don't really need to worry about capture here. This is your last battle of the story path. However, if you wish to capture them, be it for the sake of your database or whatever, the capturable people are Xin Pi and Yuan Xi. Sima Yi has Pit and Guo Jia has Taunt and Gather, so watch out. To 14E CHAPTER 14A - TWO DYNASTIES (514A) The Story: Congratulations! But the game isn't done yet! You still have all those other paths to explore! One of the greatest parts of Dynasty Tactics is the depth of the various stories! CHAPTER 14B - UNIFICATION (514B) The Story: Congratulations! But the game isn't done yet! You still have all those other paths to explore! One of the greatest parts of Dynasty Tactics is the depth of the various stories! CHAPTER 14C - TWO KINGDOMS (514C) The Story: Congratulations! But the game isn't done yet! You still have all those other paths to explore! One of the greatest parts of Dynasty Tactics is the depth of the various stories! CHAPTER 14D - THREE KINGDOMS (514D) The Story: Congratulations! But the game isn't done yet! You still have all those other paths to explore! One of the greatest parts of Dynasty Tactics is the depth of the various stories! CHAPTER 14E - RESCUE GUAN YU! (514E) The Story: Congratulations! But the game isn't done yet! You still have all those other paths to explore! One of the greatest parts of Dynasty Tactics is the depth of the various stories! Copyright James Waumsley 2005