三國志戦記 Sangokushi Senki Item List Version 1.05 (7.14.02) Written by 無二正次 Muni Masatsuki (muni_masatsuki@yahoo.com)     & 無二 忍 Muni Shinobu (muni_shinobu@yahoo.com) ITEM LIST Items in the possession of generals you obtain by doing 3-combo or higher. Reversely, your generals can lose an equipped item if they receive 3-combo or higher from enemies. 方天戟  特性 turns into 万人敵  Take from 呂布 偃月刀  特性 turns into 一騎当千  Take from 関羽 汗血馬  特性 turns into 神速  Take over 酒泉 孟徳新書  特性 turns into 奸雄  Take from 曹操 戦国策  特性 turns into 外交  Take over 潘陽 六韜  特性 turns into 策士  Take over 宛 老子  特性 turns into 英雄  Take from 袁紹 呉子  特性 turns into 支援  Take over 雲南. 墨子  特性 turns into 鉄壁  Take over 汝南 孫子  特性 turns into 鬼謀  Take over 建業 荀子  特性 turns into 功名  Take over 下ヒ 孫子用簡編  特性 turns into 工作  Take over 漢中 漢書衛青伝  特性 turns into 殊勲  Take over 零陵 漢書李広伝  特性 turns into 神弓  Take from 黄忠 刺客列伝  特性 turns into 不屈  Take over 北平 黄石公三略  特性 turns into 奸才  Take over ギョウ 七星宝刀  武芸 +20  Take over 洛陽 青[金工]の剣  武芸 +15  Take over 許昌 倚天の剣  武芸 +15  Take over 長安 古錠刀  武芸 +10  Take over from 孫策 or 孫権 史記  統率 +20  Take over 郁林 論語集解  統率 +10  Take over 建寧 春秋左氏伝  統率 +10  Take over 梓潼 遁甲天書  知謀 +20  Take over 遼東 太平要術書  知謀 +15  Take over 平原 尉繚子  知謀 +10  Take over 建安 龍刀槍  歩兵系練度 +30  Take over 濮陽 天馬甲  騎馬系練度 +30  Take over武都 鉄馬甲  騎馬系練度 +30  Take over 天水 強弩  弓兵系練度 +30  Take over 成都 重器全書  特殊系練度 +30  Take over 襄陽. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ/Walkthrough is written based on the Japanese version of the game "三國志戦記" - "Sangokushi Senki". Sangokushi Senki official website: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/products/products/ee/new/sansenki/index.htm This FAQ/Walkthrough can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: http://www.geocities.com/muni_shinobu/faq/index.html This Document Copyright 2002 無二正次 "Muni Masatsuki" & 無二 忍 "Muni Shinobu"