*=======================================* ef: the fairy tale for two. Walkthrough *=======================================* *= Introdution =* ------------------------- Hello reader! My nick is Latilen and I prepared this ef walkthrough. I spend on it some of my precious time so if you wish to reproduce it anywhere, please write to me or at least leave me a credit. contact me: my.latilen@gmail.com latilen.wordpress.com vncritique.wordpress.com *= Summary =* ------------------------- Amamiya Yuuko, a mysterious girl dressed like a nun, and Himura Yuu, a mysterious gentleman who is somehow attached to the church where Yuuko first appears, are having a reunion in a church during Christmas time. Despite her attire, Yuuko is not affiliated with the church. She always appears generally out of no where, and disappears just as quickly in various places throughout the story to talk with Hiro or other characters and give them advice. Yuuko and Yuu reminisce about the past and remember events of the previous year around the same time as the beginning of the first chapter of the story. Yuuko hints of events that are revealed throughout Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two... *= Gameplay =* ------------------------ Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two consists of two parts. The first part is titled Ef: The First Tale and primarily consists of prologue and two main chapters with Miyako Miyamura as the focus for the first chapter, and Kei Shindo for the second. This is followed by the second part of the story, Ef: The Latter Tale, which consists of two more main chapters and an ending chapter, with Chihiro Shindo as the focus for the third chapter, Mizuki Hayama for the fourth and Yuuko Amamiya for the last one. Bringing the two parts together forms the all-encompassing Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two. The gameplay is fairly easy. In every chapter you follow the story of one main girl and your decisions should make her feel loved. You won't have a chance to choose another girl without getting a bad ending. There are 8 decisions in total to make through the game. Two last chapters are read-only. The bad endings aren't important but I add them anyway. *= Walkthrough =* ------------------------- ef - the first tale. Prologue Chapter 1: Miyako Miyamura – Winter Chapter 2: Kei Shindou – Summer -=GOOD END=- 01. Follow Miyamura 02. Just go home 03. Go out and see Miyako 04. Find out what’s happening 05. Stand by Miyako 06. I want to film her after all -=BAD END #1=- 01. Follow Miyamura 02. Check up on Kei 03. Go out and see Miyako 04. Don’t worry, be happy 05. Stand by Miyako -=BAD END #2=- 01. Follow Miyamura 02. Check up on Kei 03. Work comes first -=BAD END #3=- 01. Follow Miyamura 02. Check up on Kei 03. Go out and see Miyako 04. Don’t worry, be happy 05. I can’t just ditch Kei -=BAD END #4=- 01. Follow Miyamura 02. Just go home 03. Go out and see Miyako 04. Find out what’s happening 05. Stand by Miyako 06. I can’t betray the film club 07. Hold my peace -=GOOD END #2=- 01. Follow Miyamura 02. Just go home 03. Go out and see Miyako 04. Find out what’s happening 05. Stand by Miyako 06. I can’t betray the film club 07. Ask ef: the latter tale Chapter 3: Chihiro Shindou – Winter Chapter 4: Mizuki Hayama – Summer Epilogue: Summer in the distant past Yuuko Amamiya -=GOOD END=- 01. Don’t kiss her 02. Reject it