Enter the Matrix Walkthrough For PS2 By DisTORteD V2.4 ************************************************************************ As this is my first Walkthrough Please Excuse the Crappyness of it. ************************************************************************ Started FAQ on 19/05 Okay so you forked out the cash to buy this game got it home whacked it in and then started playing, first thing you may have noticed is it is not the best game graphically, don't get me wrong it is a F**kin schweet-arse game but it is buggy to hell. Well with that outta the way let's get back the walkthrough... Okay I will start with the Easy stuff, on my part that is, by covering the stuff which requires the least amount of Description... then you can send me requests for the harder stuff in the end I hope to finish this whole thing, however I do have a job, along with other commitments so be patient. also I will only cover the Normal Playing mode for now. By the Way I'm not gonna provide Controls... READ THE MANUAL!!! On the Other hand I will try to provide a list of Special Moves later... But don't hold your Breath!!! Also Ghost is longer to play than Niobe and he has more fights and stuff. I played as Ghost first so I'll start with him. Personal Times: Ghost: 5H: 58M: 08S Finished on 17/05 Niobe: 3H: 46M: 08S Finished on 19/05 as you can see Niobe is Shorter and Easier. 20/05 Finished the Easy stuff, now onto the more in depth, and with so much to do I feel progress is good, so far done last and first for Ghost and last for Niobe, also done some in between stuff. Updated Format for Index and also done Boss Coding for faster FIND (CTRL+F) control. Okay back to doing Ghost Walkthrough! Now doin Niobe stuff as well! Also work on the sizing and stuff... hope to have it done soon! 22/05 Okay back to it, been having problems finding time but now it's all good, Gonna do the Sewers now, well still been waiting for this thing to be accepted well guess it ain't finished yet, but it will be soon. 27/05 Well I've had a bit of a rest, now on to more Sewers... So wanna get it finished, well hope to have it done soon. 31/05 I've had little time to play but have been answering E-Mails. ************************************************************************ :Updates: ************************************************************************ May (05) 19/05: Wrote Index and covered all easy parts, and E-Mailed first part of Walkthrough 19/05: Continued on to do all of the Post office. So far out of 118 segments (60 for Ghost/58 for Niobe) I've done 35 (23/12) so with 29% done I'm so far happy with progress. so expect more soon. 20/05 Done most of Start and End now, just need Middle bits So far out of 118 segments (60 for Ghost/58 for Niobe) I've done 47 (29/18) Now it's at 39% so I'm getting more pumped expect more soon! 20/05 Okay i've done some more Niobe and some more ghost So far out of 118 segments (60 for Ghost/58 for Niobe) I've done 62 (36/24) Yay I've hit 52% I'm so into this now. also corrected grammar and made it easier to read by splitting into paragraphs. Finally it's all smick for my third try at getting it onto GameFAQs.com... okay here it goes. 27/05 Tried to finish the sewers but got distracted tomorrow night is the night. Anyways it's mostly done so hopefully have it done after only a hour or so. 31/05 Have found a fix for a problem (See Section Requests, Corrections, Problems) and a new technique for Seraph (Boss Code: 0105 (Ghost) or 0203 (Niobe). ************************************************************************ :Index: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ GHOST: ************************************************************************ 1.1. The Post Office 1.1.1 Closing Time 1.1.2 Epicenter 1.1.3 Unexpected Arival 1.1.4 Redirected 1.1.5 Backtracking 1.1.6 Got It! 1.1.7 Big Distraction 1.1.8 Breakout! 1.2. City Driving 1.2.1 Get to the Hard Line 1.3. Roof Tops 1.3.1 Answer the Phone 1.4. The Airport 1.4.1 Concourse 1.4.2 North Point 1.4.3 North Point 2 Boss:Swat Helicopter Code:0101 1.4.4 Monorail 1.4.5 Revolving Restaurant 1.4.6 Terminal 1.4.7 Control Tower 1.4.8 Control Tower 2 Boss: Agent Helicopter Code:0102 1.5. The Aqueduct 1.5.1 Retrieving Axel 1.6. The Sewers 1.6.1 Abyss 1.6.2 Abyss 2 1.6.3 Pumped 1.6.4 Ice and Corrupt 1.6.5 Waterway 1.6.6 waterway 2 1.6.7 Breathing Room 1.6.8 Malachi and Bane 1.6.9 Malachi and Bane 2 1.7. The Chateau 1.7.1 Great Hall 1.7.2 West Wing 1.7.3 Atrium 1.7.4 Secret Passage 1.7.5 Secret Passage 2 1.7.6 Merovingian's Office 1.7.7 Garage Hallway 1.7.8 Return to the Great Hall 1.7.9 The Dungeon Boss: Cujo Code:0103 1.7.10 Cain and Abel 1.8. Under the City 1.8.1 Twins in Pursuit 1.9. The Zen Garden 1.9.1 Trinity and Ghost Boss: Trinity Code:0104 1.10. The Freeway 1.10.1 Chase Morpheus 1.10.2 The Truck 1.11. The Power Plant 1.11.1 Reacactor Construction 1.11.2 Reacactor Construction 2 1.11.3 Nuclear Shipping 1.11.4 Transformer Feild 1.11.5 Transformer Field 2 1.11.6 Nuclear Waste Sector 1.11.7 Nuclear Waste Sector 2 1.11.8 Core Control Room 1.11.9 Core Control Room 2 1.12. Chinatown 1.12.1 Seraph's Tea House Boss: Seraph Code: 0105 1.13. the Skyscraper 1.13.1 Vertigo 1.14. Chinatown (Again) 1.14.1 Smith's Trap 1.14.2 On Foot 1.14.3 Hard Line Pursuit 1.14.4 The Virus Spreads 1.14.5 The Church 1.15. Onboard the Logos 1.15.1 Tunnels of the Real 1.15.2 The Rabbit Hole ************************************************************************ NIOBE: ************************************************************************ 2.1. The Post Office 2.1.1 Closing Time 2.1.2 Behind the Scenes 2.1.3 Epicenter 2.1.4 Unexpected Arival 2.1.5 Redirected 2.1.6 Got It! 2.1.7 Big Distraction 2.1.8 Breakout! 2.2. City Driving 2.2.1 Get to the Hard Line 2.3. Roof Tops 2.3.1 Answer the Phone 2.4. The Airport 2.4.1 Check In 2.4.2 The Belts 2.4.3 Jackson in Steam 2.4.4 Jackson in Steam 2 2.4.5 Hangars 2.4.6 the Bowels 2.4.7 Catching the Plane 2.4.8 Agent on Board 2.5. The Sewers 2.5.1 Abyss 2.5.2 Abyss 2 2.5.3 Pumped 2.5.4 Ice and Corrupt 2.5.5 Waterway 2.5.6 waterway 2 2.5.7 Breathing Room 2.5.8 Malachi and Bane 2.5.9 Malachi and Bane 2 2.6. The Chateau 2.6.1 Great Hall 2.6.2 Shadows 2.6.3 The Attic 2.6.4 Persephone's Bedroom Boss: Vlad Code:0201 2.6.5 Merovingian's Office 2.6.6 Garage Hallway 2.6.7 Return to the Great Hall 2.6.8 The Dungeon Boss: Cujo Code:0202 2.6.9 Cain and Abel 2.7. Under the City 2.7.1 Twins in Pursuit 2.8. The Freeway 2.8.1 Chase Morpheus 2.8.2 the truck 2.9. The Power Plant 2.9.1 Reacactor Foundation 2.9.2 Reacactor Foundation 2 2.9.3 Nuclear Shipping 2.9.4 Transformer Feild 2.9.5 Transformer Field 2 2.9.6 Generator Turbines 2.9.7 Generator Turbines 2 2.9.8 Core Control 2.9.9 The Core 2.9.10 Agent Escape 2.10. Chinatown 2.10.1 Seraph's Tea House Boss: Seraph Code: 0203 2.11. the Skyscraper 2.11.1 Vertigo 2.12. Chinatown (Again) 2.12.1 Smith's Trap 2.12.2 On Foot 2.12.3 Hard Line Pursuit 2.12.4 The Virus Spreads 2.12.5 The church 2.13. Onboard the Logos 2.13.1 Tunnels of the Real 2.13.2 The Rabbit Hole ************************************************************************ :Walkthrough: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ GHOST: ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ 1.1. The Post Office 1.1.1 Closing Time Go forward towards the Post office guy and the guard behind the desk, and you'll see and elevator, next to the elevator is a door proceed through that door. Now the next door leads to a small area walk forward, after the cutscene follow the hallway to the right, right again, two guards are here, kick them down then proceed forward down the hall again and you'll see a door, head through it. Go between the green cupboards, kick the guard down then run up the stairs and through the door. Now up some more stairs and another door, MORE STAIRS, ANOTHER DOOR! And that's it. 1.1.2 Epicenter Okay now for a change, go down the Stairs and walk up to guard hit Action button to do a silent take-down. Head up to fence and push against it to climb up (okay is it just me or does it look very weird when they climb?). Head right, go past the sorting machines and go through the opening at the other side, turn left and see the two guards, kick them down and walk up to Elevator door, Cutscene and End of level. 1.1.3 Unexpected Arival COPS! COPS! COPS! Kick or Shoot your way through them and head forward, follow it around to the left, WATCH OUT! Don't get run over by forklift! Keep running, kill cops as you see them (Or you can dodge them!). Follow level to the left then left again, more cops, keep moving now you go right, right again, again more cops all the way. Cutscene and trouble, TEAR GAS! Either use the fence to Wall walk from one side to the other or just Focus Long Jump, either way get to the other side and run to where the tops of the shelves meet the roof of the building then jump through the skylight. 1.1.4 Redirected Walk through door and kill cops while heading through room, go through doorway on left, go right and avoid the shooting cops on other side of fence, follow around the left bend and keep going till forced to head Right, Cutscene. keep going in direction your facing. Walk into little office section and kick while running to dive through glass, head past Forklifts and you'll see some crates, cops are all around here so get ready to dodge bullets, follow it along until you see the half closed shutters, walk under (character ducks automatically) go through door into offices. Proceed forward down hall and walk into the last stall on the left, you'll find a door in this room head through and find yourself in more offices, kill the cops and then head to the back of the room you'll find a door, go through into storage room, now your in a control room, pick up health if you need it. Near the door you used to enter you should see a large machine with a red button, it's the Elevator Power Switch, push the button then head down to the other door, then through the last door. 1.1.5 Backtracking Head down the stairs and take out the cop, then through the door now your back in the sorting room, only there are cops here now and your on the other side. Head left then go down past the sorters and through the opening, continue through the little hallway, at the end is a cop, kill him, then turn right go through opening then head to the left into a room of low sorting machines, get to the other side, then through the opening and over the fence. kill cops then through the door on the Right. 1.1.6 Got It! Go forward then turn to either left of right exit, into the main foyer, head back to the elevator you saw at the start of the game if your quick you can kill the cops as the rush to guard the elevator. Walk into the elevator to go upstairs. Head to the far left and you'll see an opening, some post office boxes are right down in the corner head for them then when you reach the end you'll get a Cutscene. GOT IT! but now the cops are onto you, Go NIOBE! Okay back in control, the gas harms you and the elevator doesn't open until all the cops are killed so hurry up and kill them, don't forget there is a health near the box where you got the Osiris package. Now head back to the elevator and downstairs again. Okay head to the big glass doors and guess what? YOU LOCKED IN! Cops with Shotties and machine guns come in so use your focus and kill them all! Don't forget to use the Pillars for cover! Once they are dead head towards the direction of the elevator there is a shutter that has come down now and but there is a door next to it, it's unlocked so go through it and the next, Now squeeze past the green cupboards again then go Up the stairs and through the door, repeat process of stairs and doors twice and you'll come to the end. 1.1.7 Big Distraction Okay I've heard of Distrations but this is just a Mess! Head down the stairs and proceed to the end, it's all pretty much linear from here, Shoot all the cops to stop them shooting you and just keep going. Directions are, Straight, follow to the left, straight, left, right, Straight, left, straight, right, straight, right, Straight, left, straight, left, right, and then through the door. up the stairs and then through the door. 1.1.8 Breakout! Phew, okay left through the door, and then run down to the health now turn and kill the cops, everytime you pass down the hall more cops spawn so just kill the first two and then high-tail it outta there, head into the storage room, 2 cops in here one has a pistol other has a machine gun, you need the machine gun so take it from him, now once both are dead wait there till your Health is at least 90% and same with Focus. Leave through the second door and you'll notice your in the offices from before but now there are continully spawning cops so you gotta kill enough so that you don't die but you can still reach the door to the right. Cutscene and then it's off to the Car. ************************************************************************ 1.2. City Driving 1.2.1 Get to the Hard Line Okay as Ghost you Ride Shotgun... However you use a Machine Gun! Pretty Simple Just Shoot Every Cop Car Don't Worry about Health as this Early in the game it doesn't Matter so much. Basically the level ends after Niobe gets you to the end, So just keep shooting. ************************************************************************ 1.3. Roof Tops 1.3.1 Answer the Phone Run forward and jump... don't usefocus it will automatically be a dive and you'll be okay when you land. Run Forward and Climb the Ladder now run forward and slide down the roof, now head for the second ladder. Once Cutscene is finished run over and jump the gap onto the third ladder climb it then follow it round the corner and jump the step up to save time. Now you'll see another gap ahead, jump it and run forward so you have a building on either side of you, follow the walls around the corner and jump the gap, ignore the police, letting that agent get close to you is a no-no, so save as much time as possible, run along the Rooves until you get to a jump, don't use focus until you land then as te dust settles you will see that there is a big gap, in the roof, Jump it. If you miss then you'll be in a maze of walls just keep following it until you see the ladder at the other end, jump on to it. If you made the jump then you'll be able to see the ladder run and jump onto it. Climb up and run forward, an agent drops down on the other side of the gap, which you have to jump across. Shooting Doesn't work as it can dodge bullet's (remember the Movie), so kick and punch it off the edge of the building. Or just ignore it and run. (I once used throw to defeat it in one hit. Update: make that twice) Run over and jump into the crumbly building, as before it collapses and you fall to the floor... again you can ignore the police and keep running, if you choose to fight you basically you have approx. 10 seconds to kill them before the agent arrives. Head up the stairs if you want, you can run past the stairs and grab the health. Up the Stairs, through the door, over the gap, and up the ladder, across the roof, Jump to the Ground and then up the ladder that you came up before, This time no Agent and that's the end of this level!. ************************************************************************ 1.4. The Airport 1.4.1 Concourse OPkay follow the hallway around to the right now see the two guys on the ground they pose no threat, Don't go through the Metal detectors as they will go off, instead go up to one of the guards and do a silent take-down it alerts them but hey now there's only two and not three. now the two guys will either attack or they won't... it's like a lottery, They either decide to help or they don't that's all I can say, eiher way they are easy targets so dispatch them, now keep going, following the hallaway to the right again. More Cops, dispatch them and on one of the check-in desks there is health, then go past the rows of seats to the other end, the guard closes the shutter so use the other exit, okay, cops will come in so just kill them and keep moving through the bathroom, follow the hall as it goes left and then through the right-hand side door into the second bathroom,proceed through and follow the hallway into another check-in room, swat are here this time. Proceed through like before and go through the only opening, following it to the right you'll see a door, go through to complete the level. 1.4.2 North Point Head for the open door (is it just me or does this room remind you of the First Matrix movie where Neo gets the Belly-Button Bug?), now head straight into the guards locker room, kick them around till they are all dead and then make sure you have the Stun Grenades (they'll appear in the top left hand corner) now head to the wall where the door is and on the left hand side there should be an opening follow it down to find two windows that are tinted in colour, don't waste ammo on them as they are bullet-proof, but not bomb proof, chuck a grenade and presto. (never knew stun grenades could break bullet-proof glass!?!) Another Check-in area, and more guards, head to te exit down the other end, and go into the hall, follow it around to the right to find yourself in yet another Check in room. the Helicopter is a sign of things to come, just ignore it and head further into the area swat bust in on all sides dispatch them with hand-to-hand and save your ammo! Where the swat busted in through the two windows you'll find some grenades. Now head through this area to the Baggage Claim Area. 1.4.3 North Point 2 First Boss Time! Swat Helicopter! Boss: Swat Helicopter Code: 0101 Tips: Use the cover to avoid being shot buy the helicopter. Once the helicopter stops shooting use Focus and 1st Person View to and shoot it as it sweeps around. Try to Hand to Hand the swat as the drop in. Once destroyed it's now time to get back to the rest of the level, head out the exit that has just opened, Sheesh another Check in room, kill swat and head for the other end, you'll meet more resistence in the shop, also find a health on the counter. Head through to other side and up the stairs. 1.4.4 Monorail Run up the stairs and head past the first walkway to the second walkway, then a message will come up to go back to the first walkway, do that, and expect lots of Shooting, kill the swat and get there guns, continue down and be ready for to fight more swat only a little tougher than the usaual swat guys. Continue along following the hall to the right then the left, you'll come up against more swat, a stun grenade might help you out here. continue down the stairs and keep going to the end. 1.4.5 Revolving Restaurant WOW it Really does Revolve!!! okay stop gazing and run around basically run up all the staircases and kill all the swat then head back down to where the tables are and jump on the Piano, wait till it reaches the ladder and the end. Update: if you stand on the piano to begin wth and don't worry about the swat it will end once it reaches the ladder anyway. 1.4.6 Terminal Run straight into the big room, kill the swat on both levels, once they're all dead the shutter open downstairs revealing more swat, kill them too. Now head into the newly open room, okay both sides open but expect a fight on the other side head to the right to kill the swat guys who attack you then proceed to the left of the first wall, you should find an escalator up top are two swat, one has a Sniper Rifle, it is handy to grab this, you can go to the right and use the sniper rifle to pick of the swat on the second level of the terminal from a far or just kill them in close quarters battle. anyway make your way down killing the swat as they appear till you meet binary at the end of the balcony. 1.4.7 Control Tower After the Cutscene, you'll be facing the back of a Sniper, kill him and get the M95 Sniper Rifle... on the odd occasion he falls and takes the gun with him, in that case follow suit (Jump off and Die) and jack back in as you need that rifle to stand a chance of success. Now Aim up and shoot the Swat that are on the roof, use focus to buy time and to get better aim. Eventually you'll see a message saying that binary's covering the roof that means you only have a coupla more swat to eliminate then kill the two on the stairs near Soren. Now head down the stairs behind you. You'll come across 2 Swat on the Stairs then it's one on the balcony now head up stairs again. 1.4.8 Control Tower 2 Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy... Aim at Plane Apply Focus and Fire anywhere on the front 1/4 of the plane... Don't worry about hitting the Tyre Exactly, a Cutscene plays and then BOSS TIME! Boss: Agent Helicopter Code: 0102 Tips: Helicopter Appears in the direction you were once standing then to the Right, then the Left... Never to the Rear. Use the Four Poles for cover. Apply Focus and do a Strafe Cartwheel or Cover Jump or Just Strafe between poles and Fire Either way you'll do damage and recieve at least some back. Once it takes enough Damage the Floor hatch opens... at this point RUN! The Helicopter crashes into the Tower and you escape(Unless you are still in the tower). ************************************************************************ 1.5. The Aqueduct 1.5.1 Retrieving Axel Okay Niobe is on the plane so your on your own in the driving. Again this is simple, However it can feel hard! basically to begin with keep following the Aqueduct and avoid everything, eventually a cop car will fly off the edge and attack you at this point you can crash without instantly losing, so just keep going following the terrain is hard as it keeps changing from left to right, but use the arrow up the top of the screen (GPS) and You'll be fine. ************************************************************************ 1.6. The Sewers 1.6.1 Abyss Head over the pipes towards the wall, once at the wall, head right and keep following the pipe along, jump into the little room but still keep going along the path, follow it around to the left and keep going to the ladder. Once up the ladder follow the path for after it ramps up you'll have to swing around to the left at the top, still kep following the path. Go up hte stairs and follow it as it swings around to the right, at the top you'll have to jump on top of the machine to go up te ladder, keep going straight. To reach the lader you have to follow the pipe around, entering from the far side you follow it as it curves around to to the right, once your around the pipe go up the ladder. once at the top kill the sniper to the left, take his gun and then start using it to protect Ballard. A second Health Bar Appears above your, keep it from reaching 0%. Focus comes in handy when trying to zoom in. once all the cops are dead follow the path again, it'll curve around some wall that juts out and then continue on like before, at the end is a ladder. Once at the top of this ladder you'll here sounds of batle, turn around and use the sniper rifle again to eliminate the swat, again you gotta watchout for Ballards health. once all the swat are down walk across the catwalks, don't cross over the long catwalk to the right, just follow it to the end where you get to built up section. Pick up the guns from the dead swat and then head to the centre of the structure, you'll find a hole with a ladder on one side, go down. Turn around and run out of the structure then turn right, you should see Basllard over to the right, head for him. 1.6.2 Abyss 2 Once the Cutscene ends you'll have to get ready to do some quick attacks and snipering, also note the four enemies appear one after the other and each load alone. First climb up, and turn right to engage the First Sniper, if your quick enough you can just use a sleeper hold to take him down. Second Sniper appears to the left, on the walkway below the one you used to enter the area, Sniper him as it's the easiest way, next Sniper (Third) appears on the right side, under the ladders, last (Fourth) Sniper appears above where the first one appeared, you can either run along the path and turn and use Focus to quickly kill him but at a risk to your health, or you can climb up the ladder in the centre of the structure and sneak up on him for a stealthy kill. once all are dead the phone rings just walk up to and hit action button it for a cutscene. YAY LOT'S OF GUNS!!! Time to Bust Some Caps, once your back head the large fan to the right, throw a grenade in the area below the fan and BOOM! Access Granted! walk up and pass through the now broken fan, follow the pipe and enter the hole to the right! 1.6.3 Pumped Head left and follow the pipe as it curves to the left, the third opening on the right is... well, open, so head through and drop down, head through the opening to the right and kill the swat go through the next opening and then go through the opening on the right, more swat, keep going straight to the end then go through the small opening on the left. Follow the hall as it goes to the right, and once you emerge head to the left, swat are on both levels so be aware of that when you start getting shot at, keep going straight then head right, if you keep going you can kill most of the swat from the area but will take a lot of damage if not careful, or you can turn left and go up the ladder, once at the top of the ladder you can shoot at the swat on the upper level easier, and can avoid some of the ground floor swat, the way out is as follows. Go straight, towards machine with the spinning wheel, once past the machine head right, then jump over the gap, turn laft to see the explosion and now along with the lose of the exit. Time to do some Plumbing. jump back over the gap, the exit is beneath the machine with the spinning wheel (which is now destroyed). Just head through the opening and then jump down the hole. Exit the little alcove then head left, follow the path next the drop and at the end turn right, there may be a swat on the other side of the fence, if you want you can shoot him, next the right side of the fence is a shelf, jump on it then climb into the walkway. Engage the swat and then jump down to the lower level (Be aware that there is a semi circle part, if you jump down there then it is the wrong way). Head out through the right path. again swat on both levels. Head straight, taking out the swat on the way or just avoid, your target is on the far wall and to the right of where you entered. If you jump up onto the second level you can see a red pipe pipe running along the roof, follow it. Once at the bottom of the pipe you should see a red button, press that button, now head back towards the enterance to the level, you should see an opening to the right, head through and then up the ladder, head straight then follow the wall around to the left, now run to the hole in the ground. 1.6.4 Ice and Corrupt head through the lower area and kill the swat guys, then head back towards the start, see the big spinning wheel machine be on the left side of that and on the left you can jump up, do so, then climb on top of the Spinning Wheel Machine, as you head towards stepping over the spinning part, BOOM! Okay that plan went south, now you'll notice your in a different room as you fell through the roof, and you'll also notice your not alone, kill the swat, now turn to right and head down the hall, following it as it snakes left then right, now head up the ladder, at the top you'll find a gun and some health, head back down and then folow the rest of the path to the right, again it snakes, right, then left. Your back in the room you fell into and you should see more swat, kill them, now head for the wall on the rightabout halfway along there is an opening, head through and engage the swat, after they are gone head through the next opening, it'll snake left then right then go up the incline and one last swat for this floor, now head into the caged part and up the ladder. Once up the top you'll get to Ally health bars so quickly kill the 2 swat in front of you, that pipe in front of you is climbable, so climb up then arm a weapon with good accuracy (basically anything except the Shotties), now enter first person mode, look at the big spinning axel, at it's base are three hinges, from on top of the pipe you can only see 2, shoot the hinges till the blow up, the reason you did it from on top of the pipe is that it makes it easier in a moment. now Jump from the pipe to the area where the axel is, swat appear making it difficult to shoot the last of the hinges (however if you shot 2 out already then you will notice that it is much easier than shooting all 3) now to the left of the big axel you'll see a big opening (air vent) on the wall, jump into it. 1.6.5 Waterway 1.6.6 Waterway 2 Coming Soon! 1.6.7 Breathing Room Coming Soon! 1.6.8 Malachi and Bane Coming Soon! 1.6.9 Malachi and Bane 2 Coming Soon! Note: there is only one weapon that works in this next section and it is the Crossbow. Shooting them does lessen health. All enemies must be staked for them to die, and they don't die from normal guns. ************************************************************************ 1.7. The Chateau 1.7.1 Great Hall You don't do anything so just sit back and enjoy! 1.7.2 West Wing Coming Soon! 1.7.3 Atrium Coming Soon! 1.7.4 Secret Passage Coming Soon! 1.7.5 Secret Passage 2 Coming Soon! 1.7.6 Merovingian's Office Go down hall and follow to the right and then through the door, a Werewolf bursts in so kill it and leave where he came in, go right and through double doors on left, run to desk for a cutscene. Once cutscene is finished in pops another werewolf, kick and punch till it gets staked, once again in where it came out of and then go through the open door to the left, another Werewolf, more stakin, then head out through the open door, head either way and follow it around to the only other door, go in and follow it around to the right, a Theatre... Damn no movie, head into the seating area then turn to see two vampires pop out of a set of double doors that are behind the screen once killed go in the double doors than run to the door at the back. 1.7.7 Garage Hallway Run forward then right kill the vampire and then continue down and kill the next one head to the end of this hall and then go through the door to your right. 1.7.8 Return to the Great Hall Okay I need to put this in coz it's considered a level However let me just say this WHAT THE F**K!... okay if you die here then slowly and quietly remove te game from the PS2 walk to the nearest Gametraders (or Pawn Shop, or if you are able, EBAY.com)and get some money back then go and commit yourself. Basically you prees the walk Forward button and then Action button at the door in front of you! Then watch the FMV. 1.7.9 The Dungeon Run down Hallway Disperse the Two Vampires then get health on either side of the Enterance, Next Room Holds CUJO! Boss: Cujo Code: 0103 Tips: Don't Shoot at Him as it does no Damage. One at Half Halth he Knocks you over then goes up on the outside and Shoots at you with a Shottie. Three enemies Appear so keep close to them and he'll stop shooting you... if you saved the Crossbow you can kill them with that then hell jump back in and you can finish him off. 1.7.10 Cain and Abel First open the door and it'll tell you about how to pick up and put down bodies. Now run, a cutscene plays. You will automatically put Niobe down so now all you gotta do is fight, kick both Cain and Abel into the Cell doors and if there is a prisoner inside they will grab a hold of them, once both are snared pick up Nioe and Run (or Hobble more like it) for it, once you get far enough then cutscene and the end of the Chateau. ************************************************************************ 1.8. Under the City 1.8.1 Twins in Pursuit! Okay Just Shoot the Twins and any cars that are in front of them If Done right the destroyed cars will delay them. ************************************************************************ 1.9. The Zen Garden 1.9.1 Trinity and Ghost Boss: Trinity Code:0104 Use all your Moves and Kick her Butt... Don't know what the point of this battle is but I won it and didn't get anything special. Tips: Don't repeat your moves too much as she starts to Counter attack. Save your focus as you will need it to perform special moves as she will counter most of your normal attacks after a while: ************************************************************************ 1.10. The Freeway 1.10.1 Chase Morpheus Shoot Cops And Agents and shoot any cars in front of Agents to try to slow them down. 1.10.2 the truck Like Above, Except No Agents! Catch up to the truck and then it's over. ************************************************************************ 1.11. The Power Plant 1.11.1 Reacactor Construction Coming Soon! 1.11.2 Reacactor Construction 2 Coming Soon! 1.11.3 Nuclear Shipping Coming Soon! 1.11.4 Transformer Feild Coming Soon! 1.11.5 Transformer Field 2 Coming Soon! 1.11.6 Nuclear Waste Sector Coming Soon! 1.11.7 Nuclear Waste Sector 2 Coming Soon! 1.11.8 Core Control Room Coming Soon! 1.11.9 Core Control Room 2 Coming Soon! ************************************************************************ 1.12. Chinatown 1.12.1 Seraph's Tea House Boss: Seraph Code:0105 Beat Up Seraph until he has about 1/5th his life then he says Enough and the story rolls on. Tips: Use all attacks randomly, he counters if you repeat your attacks too much. Update: Olivier Berneche E-Mailed me with this Technique I've found a new way to beat Seraph quite easily: The fact is that he is just too good, only some hits in a damn long combo seemed to land, and when he counter-attack, you are not ready to block the hit. Here's the trick: just stand in front of him and just block/use the action button each time he starts to punch/kick/grab you (even easier if you press randomly the focus button to slow his moves). This way, the combat ends quickly (counter-attacks just deals too much damage to him, since he strikes hard; in normal mode, less then 10 will suffice) and with this technique I have just been hit once. Now you can meet the Oracle without sweating! Note: It's all very Fast Paced from here on so Pause if you need to read this FAQ! ************************************************************************ 1.13. the Skyscraper 1.13.1 Vertigo Okay you are in unknown territory, don't run to the elevator, instead turn 180. You'll here gunshots but don't worry Fighting Smith's is impossible. Run around to the Right and keep going until you see some boards neatly, jump the boards and you'll see why I said to jump the boards as there is another Smith that busts through the wall. go through the opening and then follow it left Then Right, then climb up to the right again, follow the open sections of the walls. It'll curve right, then left, ARGH! Another Smith, the smith at the end is avoidable by leaping through the window on the left. Head through the door and up the stairs to your right. Jump through the open window. Turn right and Follow the scaffolding past the windows, Smith will shoot, however he will miss most times. When you get to the Sign that says "Caution" just jump through it, do it unfocused though, for some reason it sometimes stuffs up if you use focus. This shaves off a coupla seconds and allows you to get away from the Smith's, now follow the scaffolding around the right hand corner and then bang down comes another Smith. Jump into the building through the first window and then jump back out through the other window, thereby avoiding the Smith from Throwing you off, now head right from where you land, and continue till you see the down ramp, go down then turn right, see the open window, go in, now run up the peice of board and keep going you'll go down another down ramp, and then turn and keep heading down, ignore the open windows and just keep following the scaffolding around until you come to the up ramp, which you need to go up, then up the next ramp, then the next, then follow it up the last ramp and jump, Cutscene time. Walk through the Double doors and now you can chill for a moment if you need to as nothing happens until you go to the other side of the room and approach the door eventually smith will crash through on the left hand wall, dodge him and run out of the room and into the elevator. ************************************************************************ 1.14. Chinatown (Again) 1.14.1 Smith's Trap From where you start turn 180 and go through the door, turn right and go down the stairs, right again and more stairs, and once more right and more stairs, now out the door and into the street. Turn right and run to the end of the street then turn left, head down the right side of the road, keep heading down the street, at the end turn right and then left to continue going the same direction, then turn left. Go down this street until you get to the alley and there you will see an alley on the left go down it, and follow it to the end then turn right then left to continue on, now head through the door, then through the other door, and turn right and then continue on. A door will open on the right and Smith will appear ahead, go through the now open door (pushing past the person who opened it) and go down to the next door, now head up the stairs, head up and up then onto the roof, now head up the small flight of stairs then turn left you should see a broken walkway, jump down to complete the level. 1.14.2 On Foot Jump of the truck roof and head left, continue down the street avoiding everything, be it cops or Smith. At the end you'll see a small opening on the right follow it to the right then down the stairs follow it around, you'll decend twice more, then ascend up to eventaully emerge in front of the Police Station. Go to the back of the cop car, get the guns and then kill the cops in Hand-to-Hand, head in the direction the cop car is facing or right of where you emerged from the underground walkway, head left and then through the door, then the next door, continue to the right, head through the red door, Smith is right behind you so don't stop. You'll see two doors, ignore them both turn right and head down the hallway to the other side of the house, you'll see a door on your left, go through it. Head left, then right at the first street, follow the street as it curves around, head left at the end and keep going. Now up the Fire Escape ladder to your right and then up the stairs, keep going up the fire escape until you reach the door, go through, then through the next one, turn right and you'll see another door go through there. 1.14.3 Hard Line Pursuit Head down the stairs to your left, then go down the next set of stairs to the right, and the next set to your right, The red door is the one that opens. Head right then left into the street and follow it along, it'll curve right and there will be a swat waiting, kill him. BOOM! the telephone explodes leaving you to have to find another one, head along further to find a swat truck and 3 swat, kill them. BOOM! there truck explodes, head up the ladder to the left, pick up the grenade launcher (I haven't found a use but I guess it's handy to have). Run across the roof when smith jumps up, you jump down, then keep running along the street at the end head left, continue along for a while, then you suddenly end up at the Wharves. Head to the right along the small bit of jetty, keep heading up and you'll see a bunch of boxes to the right, jump over them and keep going, those are just drain pipes to the right, so ignore them and head down the small alley, right, then left, then over the fence. 1.14.4 The Virus Spreads Head through the door on the left, Then up the stairs then left for more stairs, now head to the right and out the door at the end, then head right. Jump down then rundown the alley to the right, at the end head left, then left again at the next end. Head through the door on the left, continue through the factory, then out on the opening on the right, then left again keep going until you go over the little bridge and reach the street then turn right and head for the archway, there's a door on th left on the other side of the archway. 1.14.5 The church Okay last area, of Chinatown. Head up the stairs, then go through the hallway then turn right around till you see the stairs go up, then turn right to go up again, then right and up again. Head right then at the end head left around the corner then continue through and go up the stairs to the right at the end. Head right then cross over using the board on your right. Continue round by going either left or right, then cross over to the next building, and then again use either side to continue around then, jump down and cross over to the next building, now head straight and go through the little room that is opened up on the right. Cross over to the next building head down the little alley and then follow it around to the left, then through the next opened up room, follow the inside wall to the left then leave the room on the other side, cross the next two gaps and go through the red door. Go through the hall to the right, then turn at the left hand side turn off to go upstairs, keep heading up two more flights on the right side each time. Then at the top follow it around to the left then the right at the end, now straight for the end, and you'll get a cutscene! ************************************************************************ 1.15. Onboard the Logos 1.15.1 Tunnels of the Real SHOOT! SHOOT! SHOOT! Need I say More?... Well Yes actually The Sentinels only appear behind the Logos, so just shoot in that direction! 1.15.2 The Rabbit Hole Ok Time to Start Shooting Again,This Time Sentinals appear Front and Back Hit L1 to Flip facing Direction, look down the bottom of the screen and you'll see an outline of the Logos, if there are Red Arrows in front, Shoot in Front, if behind Shoot Behind (Pretty Self-Explanetory but you never know, there could be someone who needed to know) Okay after a While the Sentinals will chuck a Bomb at the Logos, basically Shoot it a shite load of times and then WEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee... The End... Enjoy the Ad for Revolutions. ************************************************************************ NIOBE ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ 2.1. The Post Office 2.1.1 Closing Time Coming Soon! 2.1.2 Behind the Scenes Coming Soon! 2.1.3 Epicenter Coming Soon! 2.1.4 Unexpected Arival Coming Soon! 2.1.5 Redirected Coming Soon! 2.1.6 Got It! Coming Soon! 2.1.7 Big Distraction Coming Soon! 2.1.8 Breakout! Coming Soon! ************************************************************************ 2.2. City Driving 2.2.1 Get to the Hard Line Drive along following the GPS arrow at the Top of the scrren and have Ghost Shoot the Cops by pressing L1, eventually you will reach a bridge but it is blocked, Drive around for 2 minutes and then it will open again. Sparks will message you to tell you it's open. ************************************************************************ 2.3. Roof Tops 2.3.1 Answer the Phone Run forward and jump... don't usefocus it will automatically be a dive and you'll be okay when you land. Run Forward and Climb the Ladder now run forward and slide down the roof, now head for the second ladder. Once Cutscene is finished run over and jump the gap onto the third ladder climb it then follow it round the corner and jump the step up to save time. Now you'll see another gap ahead, jump it and run forward so you have a building on either side of you, follow the walls around the corner and jump the gap, ignore the police, letting that agent get close to you is a no-no, so save as much time as possible, run along the Rooves until you get to a jump, don't use focus until you land then as te dust settles you will see that there is a big gap, in the roof, Jump it. If you miss then you'll be in a maze of walls just keep following it until you see the ladder at the other end, jump on to it. If you made the jump then you'll be able to see the ladder run and jump onto it. Climb up and run forward, an agent drops down on the other side of the gap, which you have to jump across. Shooting Doesn't work as it can dodge bullet's (remember the Movie), so kick and punch it off the edge of the building. Or just ignore it and run. (I once used throw to defeat it in one hit. Update: make that twice) Run over and jump into the crumbly building, as before it collapses and you fall to the floor... again you can ignore the police and keep running, basically you have approx. 10 seconds to disperse them before the agent arrives. Head up the stairs if you want, you can run past the stairs and grab the health. Up the Stairs, through the door, over the gap, and up the ladder, across the roof, Jump to the Ground and then up the ladder that you came up before, This time no Agent and that's the end of this level!. ************************************************************************ 2.4. The Airport 2.4.1 Check In Coming Soon! 2.4.2 The Belts Coming Soon! 2.4.3 Jackson in Steam Coming Soon! 2.4.4 Jackson in Steam 2 Coming Soon! 2.4.5 Hangars Coming Soon! 2.4.6 the Bowels Coming Soon! 2.4.7 Catching the Plane Coming Soon! 2.4.8 Agent on Board Run to the Back of te Plane Kill Cop, Run inside fenced area killing the other cops on the way eventually you'll come to the Parachutes, press Action Button then Run back to Axel. After the Movie run close to back of pane and press Cargo Door button, This makes the door open again, now it's time to play with Death. Run as close to the edge as you dare once the agent is close enough make sure you are locked onto in Hand-To-Hand Caombat, Now hit Focus and Action Button and A Left or Right direction if done right you'll spin around the agent and be behind him now if you are lucky you can just hit Triange and Circle perform the Throw command and just throw him off the Plane, or else you can kick and punch him off. Either way it's not easy. ************************************************************************ 2.5. The Sewers 2.5.1 Abyss Head over the pipes towards the wall, once at the wall, head right and keep following the pipe along, jump into the little room but still keep going along the path, follow it around to the left and keep going to the ladder. Once up the ladder follow the path for after it ramps up you'll have to swing around to the left at the top, still kep following the path. Go up hte stairs and follow it as it swings around to the right, at the top you'll have to jump on top of the machine to go up te ladder, keep going straight. To reach the lader you have to follow the pipe around, entering from the far side you follow it as it curves around to to the right, once your around the pipe go up the ladder. once at the top kill the sniper to the left, take his gun and then start using it to protect Ballard. A second Health Bar Appears above your, keep it from reaching 0%. Focus comes in handy when trying to zoom in. once all the cops are dead follow the path again, it'll curve around some wall that juts out and then continue on like before, at the end is a ladder. Once at the top of this ladder you'll here sounds of batle, turn around and use the sniper rifle again to eliminate the swat, again you gotta watchout for Ballards health. once all the swat are down walk across the catwalks, don't cross over the long catwalk to the right, just follow it to the end where you get to built up section. Pick up the guns from the dead swat and then head to the centre of the structure, you'll find a hole with a ladder on one side, go down. Turn around and run out of the structure then turn right, you should see Basllard over to the right, head for him. 2.5.2 Abyss 2 Once the Cutscene ends you'll have to get ready to do some quick attacks and snipering, also note the four enemies appear one after the other and each load alone. First climb up, and turn right to engage the First Sniper, if your quick enough you can just use a sleeper hold to take him down. Second Sniper appears to the left, on the walkway below the one you used to enter the area, Sniper him as it's the easiest way, next Sniper (Third) appears on the right side, under the ladders, last (Fourth) Sniper appears above where the first one appeared, you can either run along the path and turn and use Focus to quickly kill him but at a risk to your health, or you can climb up the ladder in the centre of the structure and sneak up on him for a stealthy kill. once all are dead the phone rings just walk up to and hit action button it for a cutscene. YAY LOT'S OF GUNS!!! Time to Bust Some Caps, once your back head the large fan to the right, throw a grenade in the area below the fan and BOOM! Access Granted! walk up and pass through the now broken fan, follow the pipe and enter the hole to the right! 2.5.3 Pumped Head left and follow the pipe as it curves to the left, the third opening on the right is... well, open, so head through and drop down, head through the opening to the right and kill the swat go through the next opening and then go through the opening on the right, more swat, keep going straight to the end then go through the small opening on the left. Follow the hall as it goes to the right, and once you emerge head to the left, swat are on both levels so be aware of that when you start getting shot at, keep going straight then head right, if you keep going you can kill most of the swat from the area but will take a lot of damage if not careful, or you can turn left and go up the ladder, once at the top of the ladder you can shoot at the swat on the upper level easier, and can avoid some of the ground floor swat, the way out is as follows. Go straight, towards machine with the spinning wheel, once past the machine head right, then jump over the gap, turn laft to see the explosion and now along with the lose of the exit. Time to do some Plumbing. jump back over the gap, the exit is beneath the machine with the spinning wheel (which is now destroyed). Just head through the opening and then jump down the hole. Exit the little alcove then head left, follow the path next the drop and at the end turn right, there may be a swat on the other side of the fence, if you want you can shoot him, next the right side of the fence is a shelf, jump on it then climb into the walkway. Engage the swat and then jump down to the lower level (Be aware that there is a semi circle part, if you jump down there then it is the wrong way). Head out through the right path. again swat on both levels. Head straight, taking out the swat on the way or just avoid, your target is on the far wall and to the right of where you entered. If you jump up onto the second level you can see a red pipe pipe running along the roof, follow it. Once at the bottom of the pipe you should see a red button, press that button, now head back towards the enterance to the level, you should see an opening to the right, head through and then up the ladder, head straight then follow the wall around to the left, now run to the hole in the ground. 2.5.4 Ice and Corrupt head through the lower area and kill the swat guys, then head back towards the start, see the big spinning wheel machine be on the left side of that and on the left you can jump up, do so, then climb on top of the Spinning Wheel Machine, as you head towards stepping over the spinning part, BOOM! Okay that plan went south, now you'll notice your in a different room as you fell through the roof, and you'll also notice your not alone, kill the swat, now turn to right and head down the hall, following it as it snakes left then right, now head up the ladder, at the top you'll find a gun and some health, head back down and then folow the rest of the path to the right, again it snakes, right, then left. Your back in the room you fell into and you should see more swat, kill them, now head for the wall on the rightabout halfway along there is an opening, head through and engage the swat, after they are gone head through the next opening, it'll snake left then right then go up the incline and one last swat for this floor, now head into the caged part and up the ladder. Once up the top you'll get to Ally health bars so quickly kill the 2 swat in front of you, that pipe in front of you is climbable, so climb up then arm a weapon with good accuracy (basically anything except the Shotties), now enter first person mode, look at the big spinning axel, at it's base are three hinges, from on top of the pipe you can only see 2, shoot the hinges till the blow up, the reason you did it from on top of the pipe is that it makes it easier in a moment. now Jump from the pipe to the area where the axel is, swat appear making it difficult to shoot the last of the hinges (however if you shot 2 out already then you will notice that it is much easier than shooting all 3) now to the left of the big axel you'll see a big opening (air vent) on the wall, jump into it. 2.5.5 Waterway Coming Soon! 2.5.6 Waterway 2 Coming Soon! 2.5.7 Breathing Room Coming Soon! 2.5.8 Malachi and Bane Coming Soon! 2.5.9 Malachi and Bane 2 Coming Soon! Note: there is only one weapon that works in this next section and it is the Crossbow. Shooting them does lessen health. All enemies must be staked for them to die, and they don't die from normal guns. ************************************************************************ 2.6. The Chateau 2.6.1 Great Hall You don't do anything so just sit back and enjoy! 2.6.2 Shadows Simply follow the hallway as it snakes around but don't enter any rooms, there's nothing in them. Eventually Cutscene. 2.6.3 The Attic Go straight out the door in front of you. fight the Vampires and Werwolves, these are very long battles compared with ordinary foes and the opponents here can also counter-attack so be aware of health, also they die after you beat them up enough to stake them, now once you've beaten these few Vlad (the Vampire from the cutscenes) reappears so beat him up for a bit until the Cutscene signals the end of battle. Okay now head into the hallway ahead, kill te vampire then keep going round this little maze bit and then into another little hallway keep heading down till it opens up a bit, now follow the wall to the right and you'll see a weird sorta opening go through there. 2.6.4 Persephone's Bedroom Go to the door on the left, and go through go pick up the guns and crossbow, now don't use the crossbow although it kills vampires instantly I'd save it for now. The guns can be used to interupt the eneimies attack but not to kill. Then Boss time! Boss: Vlad Code: 0201 Tips: Don't do same combos over and over unless you can keep him down as once he is prepared he can and usually will counter-attack. If Desperate use the Crossbow, but it's better to save it. He's not too hard if you can keep him down, so use kick and down to trip him up. Use Focus to Counter-Attack him and also to use new combos to kep him from countering you. once defeated the right hand side door opens go through and open next door, go into hall and continue around to the left, follow to the end and go through double doors, then hit elevator call button then go into elevator. 2.6.5 Merovingian's Office Go down hall and follow to the right and then through the door, a Werewolf bursts in so kill it and leave where he came in, go right and through double doors on left, run to desk for a cutscene. Once cutscene is finished in pops another werewolf, kick and punch till it gets staked, once again in where it came out of and then go through the open door to the left, another Werewolf, more stakin, then head out through the open door, head either way and follow it around to the only other door, go in and follow it around to the right, a Theatre... damn no movie, head into the seating area then turn to see two vampires pop out of a set of double doors that are behind the screen once killed go in the double doors than run to the door at the back. 2.6.6 Garage Hallway Run forward then right kill the vampire and then continue down and kill the next one head to the end of this hall and then go through the door to your right. 2.6.7 Return to the Great Hall Okay I need to put this in coz it's considered a level However let me just say this WHAT THE F**K!... okay if you die here then slowly and quietly remove te game from the PS2 walk to the nearest Gametraders (or Pawn Shop, or if you are able, EBAY.com)and get some money back then go and commit yourself. Basically you prees the walk Forward button and then Action button at the door in front of you! Then watch the FMV. 2.6.8 The Dungeon Run down Hallway Disperse the Two Vampires then get health on either side of the Enterance, Next Room Holds CUJO! Boss: Cujo Code: 0202 Tips: Don't Shoot at Him as it does no Damage. One at Half Halth he Knocks you over then goes up on the outside and Shoots at you with a Shottie. Three enemies Appear so keep close to them and he'll stop shooting you... if you saved the Crossbow you can kill them with that then hell jump back in and you can finish him off. 2.6.9 Cain and Abel First open the door and it'll tell you about how to pick up and put down bodies. Now run, a cutscene plays. You will automatically put Ghost down so now all you gotta do is fight, kick both Cain and Abel into the Cell doors and if there is a prisoner inside they will grab a hold of them, once both are snared pick up Ghost and Run (or Hobble more like it) for it once you get far enough then cutscene and the end of the Chateau. ************************************************************************ 2.7. Under the City 2.7.1 Twins in Pursuit Drive along following the GPS and Road, Use L1 to make Ghost stand up and shoot. ************************************************************************ 2.8. The Freeway 2.8.1 Chase Morpheus Drive along following the road, Use L1 to make Ghost stand up and shoot. Cop Car's will ram Agents will shoot you just try to keep going and use Ghost to Thin out they're numbers. 2.8.2 The truck Like Above, Except No Agents. Catch up to the truck and then it's over. ************************************************************************ 2.9. The Power Plant 2.9.1 Reacactor Foundation Coming Soon! 2.9.2 Reacactor Foundation 2 Coming Soon! 2.9.3 Nuclear Shipping Coming Soon! 2.9.4 Transformer Feild Coming Soon! 2.9.5 Transformer Field 2 Coming Soon! 2.9.6 Generator Turbines Coming Soon! 2.9.7 Generator Turbines 2 Coming Soon! 2.9.8 Core Control Coming Soon! 2.9.9 The Core Coming Soon! 2.9.10 Agent Escape Coming Soon! ************************************************************************ 2.10. Chinatown 2.10.1 Seraph's Tea House Boss: Seraph Code:0203 Beat Up Seraph until he has about 1/5th his life then he says Enough and the story rolls on. Tips: Use all attacks randomly, he counters if you repeat your attacks too much. Note: It's all very Fast Paced from here on so Pause if you need to read this FAQ! ************************************************************************ 2.11. the Skyscraper 2.11.1 Vertigo Okay you are in unknown territory, don't run to the elevator, instead turn 180. You'll here gunshots but don't worry Fighting Smith's is impossible. Run around to the Right and keep going until you see some boards neatly, jump the boards and you'll see why I said to jump the boards as there is another Smith that busts through the wall. go through the opening and then follow it left Then Right, then climb up to the right again, follow the open sections of the walls. It'll curve right, then left, ARGH! Another Smith, the smith at the end is avoidable by leaping through the window on the left. Head through the door and up the stairs to your right. Jump through the open window. Turn right and Follow the scaffolding past the windows, Smith will shoot, however he will miss most times. When you get to the Sign that says "Caution" just jump through it, do it unfocused though, for some reason it sometimes stuffs up if you use focus. This shaves off a coupla seconds and allows you to get away from the Smith's, now follow the scaffolding around the right hand corner and then bang down comes another Smith. Jump into the building through the first window and then jump back out through the other window, thereby avoiding the Smith from Throwing you off, now head right from where you land, and continue till you see the down ramp, go down then turn right, see the open window, go in, now run up the peice of board and keep going you'll go down another down ramp, and then turn and keep heading down, ignore the open windows and just keep following the scaffolding around until you come to the up ramp, which you need to go up, then up the next ramp, then the next, then follow it up the last ramp and jump, Cutscene time. Walk through the Double doors and now you can chill for a moment if you need to as nothing happens until you go to the other side of the room and approach the door eventually smith will crash through on the left hand wall, dodge him and run out of the room and into the elevator. ************************************************************************ 2.12. Chinatown (Again) 2.12.1 Smith's Trap From where you start turn 180 and go through the door, turn right and go down the stairs, right again and more stairs, and once more right and more stairs, now out the door and into the street. Turn right and run to the end of the street then turn left, head down the right side of the road, keep heading down the street, at the end turn right and then left to continue going the same direction, then turn left. Go down this street until you get to the alley and there you will see an alley on the left go down it, and follow it to the end then turn right then left to continue on, now head through the door, then through the other door, and turn right and then continue on. A door will open on the right and Smith will appear ahead, go through the now open door (pushing past the person who opened it) and go down to the next door, now head up the stairs, head up and up then onto the roof, now head up the small flight of stairs then turn left you should see a broken walkway, jump down to complete the level. 2.12.2 On Foot Jump of the truck roof and head left, continue down the street avoiding everything, be it cops or Smith. At the end you'll see a small opening on the right follow it to the right then down the stairs follow it around, you'll decend twice more, then ascend up to eventaully emerge in front of the Police station. Go to the back of the cop car, get the guns and then kill the cops in Hand-to-Hand, head in the direction the cop car is facing or right of where you emerged from the underground walkway, head left and then through the door, then the next door, continue to the right, head through the red door, Smith is right behind you so don't stop. You'll see two doors, ignore them both turn right and head down the hallway to the other side of the house, you'll see a door on your left, go through it. Head left, then right at the first street, follow the street as it curves around, head left at the end and keep going. Now up the Fire Escape ladder to your right and then up the stairs, keep going up the fire escape until you reach the door, go through, then through the next one, turn right and you'll see another door go through there. 2.12.3 Hard Line Pursuit Head down the stairs to your left, then go down the next set of stairs to the right, and the next set to your right, The red door is the one that opens. Head right then left into the street and follow it along, it'll curve right and there will be a swat waiting, kill him. BOOM! the telephone explodes leaving you to have to find another one, head along further to find a swat truck and 3 swat, kill them. BOOM! there truck explodes, head up the ladder to the left, pick up the grenade launcher (I haven't found a use but I guess it's handy to have). Run across the roof when smith jumps up, you jump down, then keep running along the street at the end head left, continue along for a while, then you suddenly end up at the Wharves. Head to the right along the small bit of jetty, keep heading up and you'll see a bunch of boxes to the right, jump over them and keep going, those are just drain pipes to the right, so ignore them and head down the small alley, right, then left, then over the fence. 2.12.4 The Virus Spreads Head through the door on the left, Then up the stairs then left for more stairs, now head to the right and out the door at the end, then head right. Jump down then rundown the alley to the right, at the end head left, then left again at the next end. Head through the door on the left, continue through the factory, then out on the opening on the right, then left again keep going until you go over the little bridge and reach the street then turn right and head for the archway, there's a door on th left on the other side of the archway. 2.12.5 The church Okay last area, of Chinatown. Head up the stairs, then go through the hallway then turn right around till you see the stairs go up, then turn right to go up again, then right and up again. Head right then at the end head left around the corner then continue through and go up the stairs to the right at the end. Head right then cross over using the board on your right. Continue round by going either left or right, then cross over to the next building, and then again use either side to continue around then, jump down and cross over to the next building, now head straight and go through the little room that is opened up on the right. Cross over to the next building head down the little alley and then follow it around to the left, then through the next opened up room, follow the inside wall to the left then leave the room on the other side, cross the next two gaps and go through the red door. Go through the hall to the right, then turn at the left hand side turn off to go upstairs, keep heading up two more flights on the right side each time. Then at the top follow it around to the left then the right at the end, now straight for the end, and You'll get a cutscene! ************************************************************************ 2.13. Onboard the Logos 2.13.1 Tunnels of the Real FLY! FLY! FLY!... and Shoot. Okay to die here is impossible, I think.. I know I didn't and for m,ost of the level I was scraping the wall. Just follow the tunnel (if you can)! 2.13.2 The Rabbit Hole More Flying and Shooting, Eventually you reach the end then... It's the End. Again Think it's impossible to die if you keep moving, try to follow the GPS As Well! Finally WEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee... The End... Enjoy the Ad for Revolutions. ************************************************************************ Requests, Corrections, Problems Send To:DisTORteD_DreAMS@hotmail.com ************************************************************************ I have recieved a few E-Mails over the past few days and decided to set up this section as some addressed stuff that couldn't be answered by myself. ************************************************************************ First was a problem: HI, I HAVE A QUESTION..I HAVE ENTER THE MATRIX FOR PS2 & WHEN I PLAY AS GHOST & FIGHT THE AGENT HELICOPTER THE SCREEN TURNS BLACK & FREEZES & WHEN I PLAY AS NIOBE & COMPLETE THE "CATCHING A PLANE" LEVEL MY SCREEN LOADS & WHEN IT FINISHES I GET ANOTHER BLACK SCREEN....DO YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE BECAUSE I ENTERED CHEAT CODES FIRST OR COULD IT BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY CONSOLE..I RETURNED THE GAME TWICE & IT KEEPS HAPPENING THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP YOU CAN ADVISE! D. King If anyone out there suffered this problem please send an E-Mail with the Problem spot, along with the Country you bought it from, if you had cheats on, and the Format (PAL/NTSC), and wether or not you found a way to fis it. Please don't be Shy the sooner we can find the cause of the problem the sooner we can have the creators fix it. Okay i got a Fix for the Above, it seems to only affect people in America and Canada with NTSC format. As I'm in Australia I have had no problems and neither have any of my friends. yo sup, i got that same problem with the freezing. i bought my game in canada and its (PAL/NTSC). i fixed it by completing resetting the hacking section and starting over without hacking it. i x-changed 4 versions b4 figurin it out. So to fix that shit, either delete ur matrix file from ur memory card or reset the hacks. i didnt hack until i finished the game with one character. then i played the second one without the hacks and hacked his file after i beat it. From Fatal Illusion ************************************************************************ Second was a question: i was looking all over for a code or a way to hack a sound test or something to listen to the music in the game... theres some great songs in there .. and i was wondering if you had any idea if there is one at all and if there is, how to get it ... thanks This was from an Anonymous E-Mail, if anyone knows if you can get the music from the Hacking section or know where to download it from the net, please E-Mail Me ************************************************************************ By DisTORteD E-Mail Requests, Comments or Corrections: DisTORteD_DreAMS@hotmail.com NO VIRUSES, NO ILLEGAL USUAGE THIS IS FOR GameFAQS.com and CheatCodes.com ONLY. Copyright 2003 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.