SSX TRICKY: PSYMON QUOTE GUIDE by Jamie Stafford/Wolf Feather FINAL VERSION Initial Version Completed: May 25, 2002 Current Version Completed: July 10, 2002 ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== JOIN THE FEATHERGUIDES E-MAIL LIST: To be the first to know when my new and updated guides are released, join the FeatherGuides E-mail List. Go to for information about the list and to subscribe for free. ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== CONTENTS Spacing and Length Permissions Introduction Big Air Character Select Crash/Fall Land Trick Lose Passes Post-event Pre-event Win Contact Information ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== SPACING AND LENGTH For optimum readability, this driving guide should be viewed/printed using a monowidth font, such as Courier. Check for font setting by making sure the numbers and letters below line up: 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ============================================== PERMISSIONS Permission is hereby granted for a user to download and/or print out a copy of this driving guide for personal use. However, due to the extreme length, printing this driving guide may not be such a good idea. This driving guide may only be posted on: FeatherGuides,,,,,,, RedCoupe,,,, The Cheat Empire,,,, Games Domain, Gameguru,,,,,, and Please contact me for permission to post elsewhere on the Internet. Should anyone wish to translate this driving guide into other languages, please contact me for permission(s) and provide me with a copy when complete. Remember: Plagiarism in ANY form is NOT tolerated!!!!! ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== INTRODUCTION This guide came about somewhat through a consensus on the SSX Tricky (PS2) Message Board on GameFAQs ( that some of us who played the game a lot should write quote guides for the various characters. I volunteered to write quote guides for both Zoe and Psymon; here is the guide for Psymon :-) Note that the quotes in the Passes section are often prefaced with "Hey <>!" ============================================== BIG AIR Baaam! Beeeautiful! Beyond FEAR!!! French toast and SYRUP!!! Gimme that SWEET STUFF! Maaas action! No stranger to danger! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!! Oh YEAH!!! Right on! Right OOON! Sweeeet! Take me now! Too much! Totally insane! Try takin' up lawn bowling! Up, up, and awaaay! Whoa! My piercin's are WHISTLIN'!!! Yeah! THIS IS THE STUFF!!! Zoe! Zoe, watch me now!!! ============================================== CHARACTER SELECT Don't look at me like that! I promise to be a good boy... It's been a long time since they let ME come out to play... <> ============================================== CRASH/FALL Aaa, fall down go BOOM!!! Alright! Breakdance! Bingo! Frrreak accident! Gotta give these loser a break! If you're gonna go down, go down in flames! Is that a DAGGER I see before me!?! No broken bones... that's a shame! Nothing like scar tissue! Ouch! Thank you very little! The harder, the better! This is not happening! Maybe it is... Who cares!?! I'm a nihilist!!! Whoops! There goes my mind again! Ya hyperextended lymph node!!! <> ============================================== LAND TRICK Born ta FLY!!! Don't try THAT at home, kids! Elrctrofried!!! Full burger platter, man! Like a long-necked goose! Line up the groupies! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about! Psymon says, YES!!! Rock and ROLL!!! Saskatooooon! Slam dunk! SMOKIN'!!! ============================================== LOSE No big deal... I think I've gotta get a new tattoo! ============================================== PASSES Heads up, peabrain! Like nobody's business! Ooooooo, what was that smell!?!?! Sooner or later, you'll dance with the Reaper! Thank you very little! When I rest, I rust! You don't REALLY think you're gonna win, do you!?! ============================================== POST-EVENT I'm gonna POP that balloon NEXT run, loser!!! Next time you better board with a bodyguard!!! Psymon says, big hairy freakin' deal! You call THAT aggression!?! <> ============================================== PRE-EVENT Ah, the concrete! the steel! the urban disease! Careful! I got cooties!!! I'm havin' one GREAT hair day!!! Mesablanca Casablanca Casanova SUPERNOVA!!! Nature makes me The Duke of Puke... so let's HURL, baby!!! O CanaDUH!!! Ooga woogaaaaaaah! Play nice! Psymon says... BITE ME!!! Some alien blessing is on its way to us... ============================================== WIN Alright! So who's buyin'!?! Can I get some COMPETITION AROUND HERE!?!?! Oh baby! I am the man! Who's the man!?! WHO!?!?! I can't hear you!!!!! ============================================== ============================================== ============================================== CONTACT INFORMATION For questions, rants, raves, comments of appreciation, etc., or to be added to my e-mail list for updates to this driving guide, please contact me at: FEATHER7@IX.NETCOM.COM; also, if you have enjoyed this guide and feel that it has been helpful to you, I would certainly appreciate a small donation via PayPal ( using the above e-mail address. To find the latest version of this and all my other PSX/PS2 game guides, please visit FeatherGuides ( The latest version will always be immediately available at FeatherGuides, while other Web sites may lag behind by several days in their regularly-scheduled posting updates. ============================================== ============================================== ==============================================