1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 **************************************************************************** * Team Chemistry & Training FAQ Version 2.30 | Created : January 03, 2005 * * Written by : Burton 'Krog' Kuntz * **************************************************************************** For : ESPN NBA 2k5 Last Updated : January 05, 2004 Current Size : 22KB. Changes: From 2.20 to 2.30 .Changed my thoughts on types of training. .Added info about '?' personalities. .Few other minor tweaks From 2.10 to 2.20 .Finished the table of contents. .Added more stars, so things were grouped better. .Added an area for changes so I know what I added. .Added coaches I recommend, as well as those as I don't. .Added Advantages of Team Chemistry. .Added Other notes on team chemistry. .Added training I recommend, as well as those I don't. .Updated my 'Other FAQ" Table of Contents. 1. Introduction. a. What is team chemistry. b. Advantages of team chemistry. c. Can it be successful without team chemistry. d. Other notes on chemistry. e. Simulated Season Results 2. When can I increase team chemistry? a. What to say when a player asks a question : Personality breakdown. 3. Training Starts a. Types of coaches. b. Recommended coaches. c. Coaches to avoid. d. Types of training. e. Levels of training f. Recommended training. g. Training to avoid 4. OTHER FAQ 5. Credits and such. Introduction : I've never written an FAQ before. And when I purchased ESPN NBA 2k5 I was surprised by the lack of faq's available, so I decided to take some time from my own life and create one. They are usually formatted a lot nicer than mine, since most people who do write them have some sort of experience, but I plan on trying to make mine easy enough to follow.I've had to revise this one quite a few times to try and get it up on gamefaqs, but eventually I'll have it to where it's good enough to be posted and I'll get it up there. I keep looking into my game to find little things I left out to make my guide more complete, and simmed to find other little nuances. I think this is a pretty complete guide. What is team chemistry? Well I'm still playing around a little to give the 100% definitive answer. I think it may also deal with player progression, as well as how well your team plays from week to week (which would make sense) I read on the ESPN forums, that he got the Warriors to win about 45 games with Chemistry at 100%, but that could be a fluke as well, so I'll look into that in the future. I do know that it also effects what kind of training you are able to do at the end of the week, which does affect your players stats on a week to week basis. What are the advantages of good team chemistry? The biggest advantages of Team Chemistry come if you simulate your seasons, rather than actually playing them. This is for a few reason. The first is, if you check the expiriment below, your team actually plays better with a higher Chemistry. So if you want to win more games, keep your team chemistry high,and if you follow this guide, it will always be 95% or higher. The second part about having a high team chemistry is it allows you to use better training methodsfor your team. The better you train them, the higher their overall abilities go up,and the higher their abilities go up the better your do overall. Can my team be successful even without good chemistry? Of course, if you have a good team, it can still win a championship even with the lowest percentage possible (simming) And if you actually play your games, your ability far outweighs the effects of team chemistry. Other notes about team chemistry. _____________________________________________________________________________ | - The lowest your team chemistry can go is 50%. | | | | - No matter how high your chemistry goes, you can still only hire the | | same coaches. There are no hidden coaches if you chemistry reaches 100%, | | I've already testedthat so I could post the information into this FAQ. | | | | - If you choose to forgo training in any given week you lose 3 | | chemistry points. | | | | - If you choose to forgo speaking with a player in any given week | | you lose 3 chemistry points. | | | | - Every team starts off with a team chemistry of 70%. | | | +___________________________________________________________________________+ In an attempt to see whether or not team chemistry effects team perfomance (at least in simulation) I chose the 76ers, and simmed a couple of 29 game seasons. All the training was done in light, so not to effect the attributes of my team. Here are the results. Low Chemistry : Record : 4-25 High Chemistry: Record : 11-18 Low Chemistry : Record : 6-23 High Chemisty: Record : 13-16 Low Chemistry: Record : 4-25 High Chemistry: Record : 12-17 So far six seasons done, and a definate trend seems to be there. If you have any other experience with this, let me know (krogmatic@yahoo.com) When do I get a chance to increase my team chemistry? At the end of the week after you have played all of your games. The first change you get to increase it is when you get visited from a player. They have three different personality types, or an unknown one. For any question they ask, use one of the following answers, depending on their personality: **************************** * Personality One: * * * * . Stay level headed * * . I'm optomistic * * . Don't go overboard * * . Stay focused * * . The future is now! * * * **************************** **************************** * Personality Two: * * * * . Big changes needed * * . Keep it rolling * * . One game at a time * * . Can't see the future * * . Patience is the key * * * **************************** **************************** * Personality Three: * * * * . Stay Realistic * * . Things will work out * * . It's going to be fine * * . Slow and steady * * . This is a big deal * * * **************************** They will say "Thanks coach" and then a message will pop up saying team chemistry up. Inversly, if you answered it wrong, it will say team chemistry down. If they have a type ? personality just guess. Guess! (I've also notice, that is seems that players that come over in trades are more likely to have an unknown personality type. This is an observation, after trading for Larry Hughs, Emeka Okafor, and Antawn Jamison. All of them had a ? when they came overto my team. Although Primoz Brezec was identified as a type 2 personality so perhaps they just carried over the ? from their team, I'll identify thisin my next update. Rookies also seem to fall into this boat. With every correct answer you will be given a +4 overall to your team's chemistry.If you give the nuetral answer, chemistry will same exactly the same. If you give the incorrect answer, you will lose -4 to your team's chemistry. After that, you get a chance to go into training. The first thing you can do here is hire support staff to boost your player's attributes. Here is a breakdown of the different coaches you can hire in the game. It is not dependent on chemistry level, although some do offer bonuses or negate penalties towards team chemistry. You can hire only one type of coach from each grouping. So for example, you could not hire Defensive Guru A, B, and C. You would only be able to hire one from any one grouping. However, you can fire + replace one whenver you feel like changing coaches.You may have a maximum of four coaches, or you may have none if you choose. - Name / What it Improves Cost for A:B:C / % Chance for A:B:C *************************************************************************** * * * - Defensive Guru / Chance of boosting blocking and stealing attribute * * A: 164k B: 246k C: 410k / A: 10% B: 25% C: 35% * * * * - Passing Coach / Chance of boosting passing and ballhandling attribute * * A: 164k B: 256k C: 410k / A: 10% B: 25% C: 35% * * * * - Masseuse / Chance of reducing practice minor injuries * * A: 82k B: 164k C: 246k / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - Agility Coach / Chance of boosting your speed + layups attribute * * A: 164k B: 246k C: 328k / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - Biomechanist / Chance of reducing stamina and durability penalties * * A: 328k B: 410k C: 492k / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - Player Mentor / Chance of boosting team chemistry gains * * A: 656k B: 902k C: 1.23M / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - NBA Legend / Chance of reducing team chemistry penalties * * A: 820k B: 1.23M C: 2.05M / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - Shot Coach / Chance of boosting 3pt shooting and midrange attribute * * A: 164k B: 246k C: 410k / A: 10% B: 25% C: 35% * * * * - Dietitian / Chance of reducing major injuries * * A: 82k B: 246k C: 328k / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - Master Chef / Chance of reducing attribute training penalties * * A: 82k B: 164k C: 246k / A: 10% B: 20% C: 30% * * * * - Post Coach / Chance of boosting low post offence and defence * * A: 164k B: 246k C: 410k / A: 10% B: 25% C: 35% * * * *************************************************************************** I recommend the following coaches: _______________________________________________________________________________ Defence Guru C : Your team can never have enough defence. And while something like Shot training will give the greatest effect to guards and your Small Forward (since they take the most three pointers and midrange jumpers) All have to play defence, so all players will benefit from having a defensive boost. Dietitian C : I choose this because I usually train using "Intense" (explained a bitlater) I do not want to lose my players for an extended amount of time, and this will prevent some injuries from occuring. Post Coach C : My big men do a lot of my scoring, so I want to train my low post offence, and it also trains my post defence. So that will boost my defence even more. (defence wins) Agility Coach C : I enjoy having faster players, and sometimes this will add a boost to my speed. The layup boost is negligable, even though I do have big men miss easy layups from time to time. I would avoid using the following coaches: _______________________________________________________________________________ Player Mentor A, B, or C : You should be able to keep your Chemistry high enough without using this coach. NBA Legend A, B, or C : You should be able to keep your chemistry high enough without using this coach. Pass Coach C : If you sim, you should still consider using this. However if you play, just look where you pass. The Ballhandling is an okay bonus, but I'd still find a better subsitute. Depending on what your team chemistry is, you can use different training techniques. Some of them will only increase abilities, and some of them increase some while decreasing others. At any chemistry level you can use the following: (May train in Rest, Light, Normal, Intense) ****************************** * Close Range: * * Increases: CLSE, SPD. * * Decreases: None. * ****************************** ****************************** * Long Range: * * Increases: 3PT, SPD. * * Decreases: None. * ****************************** ****************************** * Mid Range: * * Increases: MED, SPD. * * Decreases: None. * ****************************** ****************************** * Passing: * * Increases: PASS, SPD. * * Decreases: None. * ****************************** ****************************** * Freethrows: * * Increases: FT, SPD, OAWR. * * Decreases: None. * ****************************** A team chemistry level of 85% or higher is needed for: (May train in Rest, Light, Normal, Intense) ************************************* * Low Post: * * Increases: CLSE, DUNK, OPST. * * Decreases: None. * ************************************* ************************************* * Rebounding: * * Increases: DPST, ORBD, DRBD. * * Decreases: None. * ************************************* ************************************* * Fundamentals: * * Increases: FT, LAY, HND. * * Decreases: None. * ************************************* ************************************* * Cross Training: * * Increases: MED, HND, OAWR, DAWR. * * Decreases: None. * ************************************* A team chemistry level of 90% or higher is needed for: (May train in Normal or Intense) ******************************************** * Inside/Outside: * * Increases: CLSE, 3PT, DUNK, ORBD, OAWR. * * Decreases: PASS, HND. * ******************************************** ******************************************** * Balanced: * * Increases: MED, PASS, STL, DRBD, DAWR. * * Decreases: CLSE, SPD. * ******************************************** A team chemistry level of 95% or higher is needed for: (May train in Normal or Intense) ******************************************************* * Max Offence: * * Increases: CLSE, MED, 3PT, FT, LAY, DUNK, OAWR. * * Decreases: BLCK, STL, DRBD, DAWR. * ******************************************************* ******************************************************* * Max Deffence: * * Increases: DPST, BLCK, STL, ORBD, DRBD, SPD, DAWR. * * Decreases: CLSE, MED, 3PT. * ******************************************************* A team chemistry level of 100% is needed for: (May ONLY train in intense) ***************************************************************************** * Ultimate: * * Increases: CLSE, MED, 3PT, PASS, OPST, DPST, STL, ORBD, DRBD, OAWR, DAWR * * Decreases: FT, LAY, DUNK, HND, SPD, STAM, DUR. * ***************************************************************************** Depending on how you choose to train will also have an effect on your team's chemistry. Here is how the different levels (Rest, Light, Normal, Intense) will effect your team. ***************************************************** * Rest: * * Stamina Change: +5 * * Major Injury Chance: Very Low * * Minor Injury Chance: Low * * Attribute Effect: None * * Team Chemistry Effect: Random * ***************************************************** * Light: * * Stamina Change: +2 * * Major Injury Chance: Low * * Minor Injury Chance: Medium * * Attribute Effect: Minimal Bonus * * Team Chemistry Effect: Minor Bonus (You gain four)* ***************************************************** * Normal: * * Stamina Change: +0 * * Major Injury Chance: Medium * * Minor Injury Chance: High * * Attribute Effect: Minor Bonus * *Team Chemistry Effect: Minor Penalty (You lose two)* ***************************************************** * Intense: * * Stamina Change: -10 * * Major Injury Chance: High * * Minor Injury Chance: Very High * * Attribute Effect: Major Bonus * * Team Chemistry Effect: Random * ***************************************************** When I train my team I usually use the intense method. But then I am the Golden State Warriors, and they need drastic change, because they are fairly horrible in this game. And by 'Fairly Horrible' I mean downright Terrible. Type of training I recommend: I try and get my Team Chemistry and use Ultimate training, since it will bring your team to the greatest overall rating. If I'm at 95%, I'd use Max Defence, since I value defence over offence. If I'm at 90% I'd use balenced, because it increases defensive attributes more. If I'm at 85%, I use Cross Training, because it has a positive effect on more attributes than any of the other available. If I'm below 85%, I alternate between any of the available ones. When I wasn't able to use Ultimate Training shot down from an 81 to a 73 team overall. (Although my defence did raise 3 points overall from a 91 to 94, it wasn't worth an 11 point dip in offence) So the training that is linked to your team chemistry is very important! I started the season around 10-15, and finished out 53-30, which is very good for a first season Warriors association. (Although I did make a few trades, obtaining Larry Hughs, Emeka Okafor, and Jason Kapono) What I don't recommend: Rest. One, you miss up a chance to make your team better, and two, it has a chance of lowering your team chemistry. If you are really worried about injuries hire the Chef and biomechamist, and go train lightly at the very least. Every team needs practice. _________________________________________________________________________ OTHER FAQ Q: When can I increase my teams chemistry? A: When you answer a players question, if you hire the 'Player mentor or depending on what type of training level you pick. If you pick Light, it will always bring your chemistry up about three points. Although Rest and intense can also bring them up as well, but like listed, it can also bring it down. Q: What is the lowest your team chemistry can go? A: 50% Q: If your favorite team is the Warriors, why did you use the 76ers in your tests? A: They are the first team on the list, and I'm a rather lazy person. Q: How do you usually train your players? A: I usually use Max Defence, and I use intense. I also hire the dietition to try and avoid major injuries. Q: Do you do a lot of trades in your Association? A: I tend to get rid of my aged players and trade for rookies. I don't know why I do this, but I do it in ESPN NFL 2k5 as well. Q: Does Team Chemistry have any effect on Full Authority Mode? A: I have no idea yet. I have been playing on Full Authority lately, but I tend to win every game anyway, so I'm unsure. Q: Who are your least favorite players? A: Kobe Bryant, Rick Fox (Even though he's retired), Derick Fisher (Even though he's on the warriors now) Q: Who are your favorite players? A: Vlade Divak. He can take a whole team by himself. Steve Nash, Jason Richardson, Mike Dunleavy, Adonyle Foyle... Q: Can I put the guy I made in 24/7 and put him in the association? A: Nope, sorry. Q: If I train my Chemistry up, can I hire any different coaches? A: Nope, again. Q: How many points do I lose if I skip Training and Speaking with a player? A: Three for each one you skip. Q: Have you had any problems with freezing? A: Not with ESPN NBA 2k5. I have a problem with ESPN College Hoops 2k5, but this game has been bug free for me. Although I have had reports of the game glitching once you get to the finals, however, I have not experienced this myself as of yet. ___________________________________________________________________________ If anybody has anything to add, just email me at krogmatic@yahoo.com. Of course I'd credit you here, and you'd be doing everybody a favor. Faq made by Krog for GameFaqs.com If you have any other questions concerning the game, feel free to email me. Other good places to check are the forums provided by ESPN sports, http://www.espnvideogames.com/community/forums/ Sites with permission to use my guide : http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.neoseeker.com 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789