Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick FAQ/Walkthrough Table of Contents I - Introduction Legal Information Version History II - Walkthrough 000.0 - Basic Strategies and Chainsaw Combos 001.0 - Dearborn Outskirts - "The things that were and shall be again." 002.0 - Downtown Dearborn - "Dead by dawn." 003.0 - Nathaniel Payne Museum - "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun." 004.0 - Colonial Dearborn - "Hail he who comes from the sky!" 005.0 - Civil War Dearborn - "This is my BOOMSTICK!" 006.0 - Evil Dearborn - "Who's laughing now?" Welcome to my Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick FAQ. Any questions, comments, corrections, or contributions are welcome, my email is tarrun75(at)gmail(dot)com. Please make sure to add something related to A Fistful of Boomstick in the subject line so I don't have to figure out what game you're talking about. Also, questions regarding something that's already covered in the guide will not be answered. Credit will be given to anything sent to me that I add or major corrections. For corrections, please email me only if it's something really important, something that will clearly confuse anyone reading. Legal information: This document is copyrighted Tarrun 2005. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstance except for personal or private use. It may not be placed on any web site, magazine or otherwise distributed publicly without advanced written permission. This guide may not be used for profit, and may only be used on gamefaqs.com. Use of this work on any other web site or as a part of any public display is a violation of copyright and is strictly prohibited. Version History: First Submission: Version 1.0. II - Walkthrough 000.1 - Basic Strategies: - Make sure to learn how to use the chainsaw early on. It can be your best friend later on in the game when you need to conserve your ammo, but you're screwed if you haven't had some quality time getting good with the combos. - DON'T FORGET TO SAVE! Remember, when you die, you start at the last time you saved. So if you haven't saved the entire level and then die, you get to replay it. Also keep in mind that you can't skip over major cinematics. 000.2 - Chainsaw Combos: - Whirlwind - Press the attack button once and hold it. Release to swing the chainsaw. This attack will kill most normal Deadites in one hit. Best used to attack groups of Deadites. - Impale - Press the attack button twice, hold, and release. Unlike the whirlwind, you can't wait too long before releasing. Can kill most Deadites with one hit, and Guardians and Warriors with two. Best used for fighting one Deadite at a time. - Backhand Slash - Press the attack button three times, hold, and release. Does a decent amount of damage. Best used against two or three Deadites. 001.0 - Dearborn Outskirts - "The things that were and shall be again." Objectives: - Find more weapons - Find the security guard at the Kitten Club - Get inside the TV station 001.1 - Find more weapons You begin at the very edge of town, so there's only one way to go. Talk to the cop that kills the Deadite, who offers to pair up and fight the forces of evil together. Of course, after he runs around the corner a Deadite breaks through a wall and kills him. Talk to the Lumber Yard worker standing against the gate near you; he tells you that he's been waiting for the other workers to clock out and let him in. He says that his boss has a key, but he doesn't know where he is. Directly across from where you are now is a small lot with a save card on the right. Pick it up and then continue through the small walkway in the construction area, where the Shovel is. Try and use the Shovel instead of the Boomstick for now since you're only being attacked by one or two Deadites at a time. Continue down the road, killing Deadites as you go along, and talk to the cop in front of the club. He tells you that no one is allowed in to prevent anyone already inside from escaping, and to take it up with the police captain if you want to. Do exactly that, the police captain is just up the road standing in front of a roadblock. He tells you that only officers are allowed past the roadblock, and asks to see a badge as proof. Unfortunately, we don't have a badge, so keep going down the road you're currently on. Follow it to the end, where two Deadite-cops are eating the corpse of... the Lumber Yard boss? Kill the two Deadite-cops with your Shovel and the Lumber Yard owner will get up and attack you. Kill him as well. You can now go and collect two new items: a police badge from one of the Deadite- cops and the Lumber Yard key from the Yard owner. Now backtrack your steps all the way back to the front of the Lumber Yard and open the front gate. Run inside and pick up the Health Pack in the top right corner. Now head through the barn to your left, in the very back of it is a chainsaw. Refer to the Weapons section for chainsaw attacks; try and get a lot of practice with it here in the early levels before you're low on ammo in a later level and are forced to use it. As you begin to leave the barn, the five or six dead workers will rise up and attack you. Kill them, but don't leave the barn; three more Deadites will attack you as soon as you step outside, so killing these guys first will prevent them from overwhelming you. When all eight or nine Deadites are dead, head to the right (straight ahead from the barn) to the planks of wood covering the gap in the fence. Get close to it and break it with your chainsaw. You come out near the Kitten Club, but don't show the police captain your badge just yet. Head all the way back to where you found the badge and Lumber Yard key; you'll notice that there's another breakable section in a fence. Hack the wooden planks away and pick up the Spellbook, which has the Strength spell and a save. 001.2 - Find the security guard at the Kitten Club Now run over to the Kitten Club and speak with the police captain, who lets you through the roadblock since you now have a badge. The road forks right and left, so take the left and run up the street. Pass the alley on the left but make a mental note of it. Keep going down the street, past the locked gate that leads to the park, and around the corner. You'll see a pair of bikers being attacked by Deadites. Kill all of the Deadites and speak to one of the bikers, who gratefully gives you a tin ring as a token of gratitude. Behind the two trucks in the small lot where the bikers are is another save, so pick it up before continuing down the street. Just around the corner is another small lot with a save in it, so pick it up and kill the Deadites there. Keep going down the street (don't forget to pick up the other save on the right side of the street) until you reach the TV station. Talk to the girl in the yellow shirt standing in front of the gate. She gives you a key to the front gate, but says that the main door won't open without a swipe card. She tells you that the security guard has a swipe card, but went to the Kitten Club to "die with a smile on his face." Continue along the road, and you'll eventually end up back at the roadblock. Talk to the police captain, who refuses to grant you access to the club unless you can kill the Deadites in the small lot. It's just too bad that the main wall is too high to be able to shoot them; what we need is some dynamite. Remember that alley that I told you to make a mental note about (come on, it was only three paragraphs ago)? Head down the alley and past the second entrance to the park, which is also locked. Follow the winding path, killing the Deadites that break through the walls, until you reach the back door to the Kitten Club. It's locked, but there's a key to the park lying in front of it. Head back to the park entrance near the alley and unlock it using your new park key. Inside the park, pick up the boxes of shotgun shells, the save, and the health pack. Before long, a dozen Deadites will rise from their graves and attack you. After killing them all, check their corpses for some dynamite. Once you've found it, head back to the Kitten Club and hurl a stick of dynamite over the wall to kill all of the Deadites. Talk to the police captain, who thanks you before running off. Now return to the alley that leads to the back entrance to the Kitten Club (where you found the key to the park). As you proceed down the alley, dozens of Deadites will attack you; use your trusty Boomstick to get the job done without being injured. When you reach the back entrance, head inside and kill the security guard-Deadite and collect his swipe card. Don't forget the Lightning spell that's lying around. 001.3 - Get inside the TV station Now get back to the TV station. Use the key on the front gate; you'll find that it's stuck, so use the Strength spell and try unlocking it again. Pick up the save on the left before using the swipe card to open the front door. Enter the station and kill the swarm of Deadites that attack you. When they're all dead, talk to the two people cowering in fear in the left corner. 002.0 - Downtown Dearborn - "Dead by dawn." Objectives: - Find Professor Knowby's notes - Close all of the Vortexes in town - Find Knowby's cipher key - Find Trisha and Eldridge - Close all the Vortexes in town (Part 2) 002.1 - Find Professor Knowby's notes Eldridge thinks that someone at Dearborn University might know the whereabouts of Knowby's notes, but there's also the possibility that the police who investigated his murder might have them as well. Check out the University first; there are a few things that need to be done before going to the police station. Immediately look behind the truck to your left in the TV station's parking lot and find the Mana upgrade. Now leave the station parking lot. Take a right and then another quick right. Head down the alley, there's a vortex at the end. You'll need to take care of it, but not just yet. Continue past it and pick up the health pack just before entering the park. Pick up the save that's in the corner of the park and then leave using the other entrance to the left of the one you entered. Talk to the cop, who tells you that all of the evidence collected in the Knowby case was recently thrown away, but that it's probably still in the dumpster behind the police station. Good to know. From the entrance to the park (where the cop is) take a right and head down the street until you reach a doughnut shop. There's an alley next to it that leads to the University, which is otherwise closed off. Run down the alley and break through the wooden barricade. Enter the University grounds and avoid the Vortex; take a right and rescue the frightened professor from his Deadite students. YOU CAN'T LET THE PROFESSOR BE ATTACKED. Some NPCs are invulnerable; the professor is not one of them. If he dies, you lose and have to start over from your last save. When all of the Deadites are dead, he'll tell you that he has Knowby's notes, and goes inside the University to get them. While you're waiting outside, the students are resurrected, so kill them again. When you finish, the professor returns and gives you Knowby's notebook, too bad that it's all written in code. The professor tells you that you have to find the cipher that can translate it. Oh yeah, and if you happen to find a gold watch that used to belong to Knowby, he'll make it worth your while. 002.2 - Close all the Vortexes in town However, there are a few more things to get done before we find the cipher. Leave the University the same way you came and take the road that's perpendicular to the doughnut shop, slightly to the left. Follow that road until you reach a fork; take a right and collect the health pack that's next to the cop car and ambulance, and then turn around and continue left. Head down that road and take the next left, which leads to the church. As soon as it comes into sight, everyone in the church will scramble out and run around like chickens with no heads. Unfortunately for them (and more so for you), the Deadites that come out of the vortex directly in front of the church will attack them and turn them into the living dead. Try and kill all of the Deadites before they have the chance to attack the humans. If you fail to do this, you'll have about twenty Deadites chasing after you. When you've secured the area in front of the church, head inside and talk to the reverend. He tells you that the only way to close the Vortexes is by having pure silver. He also says that a gang of bikers recently broke into a jewelry shop; you might be able to persuade them into lending you their loot. Basically, what that means is that you have to find the bikers that are standing around being attacked. If you rescue them, they'll give you a piece of silver that you can use to close a vortex. If they die, you get to kill the biker and take his silver anyway. To find the first biker, head back to the park; he's standing in an alley across from where the cop was standing. Rescue him and he'll tell you that his silver is stashed in the TV station parking lot. He also gives you the Possess Deadite spell. Run over to the parking lot and collect the silver (it's on the left), and then close the vortex in the alley next to the TV station. The second biker is standing in front of the doughnut shop. Use his piece of silver on the vortex in the University. When you close that vortex, a cop will give you his pistol. The third biker is standing next to a school bus to the left of the University (assuming that you're facing away from the University). Use this piece of silver on the Church vortex. The last biker is near the University too; he usually becomes a Deadite before I have the chance to rescue him, though. He drops both a silver goblet and a coin; use one of them on the vortex near the museum to complete the objective. 002.3 - Find Knowby's cipher key Remember the Possess Deadite spell that the biker gave you? It's time to put it to good use, so head over to the police station (past the TV station if you're coming from the park) and use the spell near the cop car parked out front. As a spirit, go down the alley and into the back lot, which is loaded with Deadites. Make contact with one of them to possess it, and then run to the back corner where the dumpster is. Collect the Sealed Envelope and the Cipher. Now return to the church to give Eldridge the cipher. You find that the reverend is dead and that Trisha and Eldridge are missing. 002.4 - Find Trisha and Eldridge Leave the church and speak with the cop that's appeared outside; he tells you that the Deadites have been rounding up survivors in the park. Run over to the park and enter through the side entrance near the TV station (use the park key to unlock the gate). Quickly close the vortex with your last piece of silver, and then unload shells into the ten or so Deadites. A good strategy to use against them is to run around the gazebo while firing behind you. When they're all dead, check on Trisha and Eldridge. Eldridge translates Knowby's notes and finds out that the only way to dispel the evil is by using the Kandarian Summoning Stone. They decide that the Stone is probably in the Nathaniel Payne Museum, and head there to find it. You, on the other hand, have to close the new vortex that's appeared. NOTE: I've gotten enough emails about this to warrant mentioning it. When you go to enter the park, initially there's no option to use the park key. You have to press the action button first, and Ash will say something along the lines of "Hmm... this gate is locked." Afterwards, the option to use the key will be available. 002.5 - Close all the Vortexes in town (Part 2) The first thing to do is find some silver. Leave the park and pass the TV station (heading towards the police station); you'll come upon a mechanic standing in front of his shop. Apparently, the envelope you found is addressed to him. Give it to him and he'll reward you with some explosive shotgun rounds. Now continue down the street towards the police station. A biker is standing near an 18-wheeler. Rescue him from the Deadites attacking to receive his stolen goods: a silver spoon, a gold watch, and the Stun spell. Use the silver spoon on the vortex near the police station to check off that objective on your to-do-list. Run over to the University and present the gold watch to the professor, who gives you a key to the museum. Check around the area for any items that you missed picking up (like the health upgrade in an inlet near the police station) before going to the museum. Use the key on the front door to get inside and finish the level. 003.0 - Nathaniel Payne Museum - "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun." Objectives: - Find Trisha and Eldridge - Find the entrance to Payne's temple - Retrieve the Kandarian Summoning Stone 003.1 - Find Trisha and Eldridge The museum is broken down into five sections; starting from the left, it goes: the West wing, the colonial/staff area, the basement, the art gallery, and the East wing. Since it's the only area unlocked, head down to the basement. The gate closes behind you, and after descending the stairs you're attacked by three Hell Hounds. Kill them and take a left into the main room; pick up the vase lying on the ground and then continue. In the center of the room is a Deadite eating a dead security guard, so kill him and pick up the lighter and the staff swipe card. Now return to the stairs and unlock the gate using the staff pass. Enter the colonial area just right of the basement and head to the very back that leads into the staff area. Unlock the gate and run down the hall; pick up the spray pump and talk to the security guard behind the gate on the left. He gives you a card that will allow you to enter the East wing, and also opens all of the doors in the basement (with the exception of one that's stuck, but we'll take care of that later). Lastly, the security guard tells you that Nathaniel Payne had a temple that he used to visit; and that you'll probably find the Kandarian Summoning Stone there. But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's find Trisha and Eldridge. From the colonial area, climb up the stairs all the way on the left and use the East wing security card to open the gate. Head past all of the Egyptian stuff until you reach another gate that leads to the Civil War section of the museum, Trisha and Eldridge are back there, so use the East wing card to free them. Come on, did you really think it was going to be that easy? The gate gets stuck after rising a few feet, and Trisha suggests that you disable the security grid. 003.2 - Cut the power to the security grid Naturally, the best place to put a security grid would be out of sight in the basement. Leave the East wing and head downstairs; take a right and enter the first room that branches off from the main room. In the back right corner of this room is the Possess Dog spell. In the room after this one is a boiler; behind it is a dead security guard who has a locker key. Return to the main room in the basement and take a right. Enter the next room in the corner and pick up the save card on the right. In the far right corner is another vase, so collect it and leave. At the main room again, take a final right and check out the last branch of the basement. Pick up the dynamite and proceed to the next room on your left. This is the door that the security guard told you wasn't working properly; it shuts whenever you get close to it. From a distance, use the Possess Dog spell and fly through the door. Possess the Hell Hound walking around; leave its body and pick up the dynamite next to the table on the right. The security grid is in the left corner; throw some dynamite at it and take cover to knock out the power. 003.3 - Find the entrance to Payne's temple Return upstairs and head to the staff area. Use the locker key you found in the boiler room on the locker with the poster on it in the far left corner. Inside of it is the West wing card, so pick it up and head over to where the security guard is hanging out. Seems that he's become a Deadite, so introduce him to your boomstick and pick up the incendiary pistol ammo on the right. Leave the staff and colonial area and enter the art gallery that's on the opposite side of the basement stairway. In the back is a large portrait of Nathaniel Payne, with two empty stands on either side. Place the two vases you found on each one to open the painting up, and collect the Supernatural Divining Device. Head over to the East wing and talk to Eldridge, who tells you that the Divining Device will signal when your near some sort of supernatural object. You'll probably notice that the Device is beeping like crazy while you're talking to Eldridge, and even more so as you're leaving. Check out the wall opposite to the Civil War area, there's a large crack that's just begging to be blown up. Do so with a stick of dynamite and collect the Yellow crystal. The next crystal you'll come across will start to become apparent as you're entering the main area of the museum. Eventually you'll end up in the colonial section, so blast a hole in the first door on your right as you enter the area to find the Green crystal. The last two crystals are in the West wing, so run up the stairs and unlock the gate with your keycard. Find the statue of the growling bear in the Ice Age area and blow the wall under it to find the Blue crystal. The final crystal is past the Ice Age area; there's a large cross-section of the Earth's core, so aim for the very center of the model to acquire the Red crystal. Continue to the end of the West wing to find a mana upgrade, the Summon spell, and the Launcher in the last room. Return to the East wing and find the crack in the far right corner of the Civil War area. Destroy it with your new Launcher to uncover four slots and a piece of torn parchment. Enter the crystals in this order: Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green. As soon as you open the path to the temple, hordes of Deadites begin attacking you. Use any means necessary to take them all out and run the passage, killing more Deadites as they come. When you reach the very end, pick up the save card and enter the door at the top of the stairs. 003.4 - Boss: Nathaniel Payne Unfortunately (or thankfully), the bosses in A Fistful of Boomstick aren't very challenging, as you'll quickly realize while fighting Nathaniel Payne. He has two different attacks, throwing a rock at you or firing a red energy thing. Both are easy to avoid, just run in one direction and then switch when he fires either projectile at you. In order to inflict damage upon Payne, you have to hit the rocks he throws at you back at him with your Shovel (they're even kind enough to pre-equip you with it as a hint). In order to be able to return his rocks, you have to power up your shot by holding the attack button down. Knock five or six rocks back at Payne to finish him off. 004.0 - Colonial Dearborn - "Hail he who comes from the sky!" Objectives: - Get back into town - Find Eldridge - Find the five spell pieces for Eldridge 004.1 - Get back into town After following Eldridge through the vortex, you land in an open area. Eldridge is waiting for you with a posse of his Deadite minions. After insulting you, he runs off and leaves them to devour your flesh and swallow your soul. Quickly equip your Launcher and fire off round after round at the hordes of undead that attack you, just make sure to be far away enough that you won't get caught in the blast. After defeating the first round, more Deadites rise from their graves, so don't even bother fighting them all. Take either the left or right path and collect the ammo and health that you find along the way. When the paths branch off, remember to continue deeper into the woods. At the end of the woods is a burning house, so pass by it and take whatever path you didn't before and collect the rest of the items. When you return to the clearing, you'll notice that a bunch of townspeople have gathered. Speak with the man wearing the red coat; he tells you that town is up ahead (where Eldridge ran off to), and seems to be mistaking you for the town blacksmith. Unfortunately, there's a vortex blocking your path to town and you seem to be fresh out of silver. Return to the burning house in the woods all talk to the man standing next to it. He offers you his silver ring; accept it and return the favor by giving him the tin ring you got from the biker all the way back in the first level. In gratitude, he gives you bottles of moonshine, which you can use as Molotov Cocktails. Head back to the clearing where you started and close the vortex with the ring. Take a left to pass through a less developed part of town. Follow the dirt road as it curves around to the right and eventually you'll come across a large barn. The stable door is locked, but next to it is a breakable wooden fence, so bust through it and collect the mana upgrade. Back in front of the barn, check out the group of homes opposite of you, behind one of them on the left is a sickle. Facing away from the barn, head up the hill on the left that leads to town. Just before you enter the main road, take a quick right. There are three or four houses lined up here, with a health upgrade in between two of them. Now it's time to head into town. 004.2 - Find weapon parts for the blacksmith When you enter town, you'll be on the left side of a very large home. Although it's kind of skipping around between objectives, check out the other side of the mansion, behind the hedges is a Deadite with claws for hands otherwise known as a Deadite Warrior. It takes a little more to kill this Deadite (two or three chainsaw impales), but it's easy enough to back it into a corner. When it dies, it drops a piece of the spell scroll (1/5). Across from the mansion is the church, so run over to it and unlock the door with your church key (amazing that it works, isn't it?). Talk to the reverend, who tells you that a man (Eldridge) ran into the graveyard, and to be safe the padre locked the gate behind him and got rid of the key. While it means that Eldridge isn't going anywhere any time soon, you have to find some other way into that graveyard if you want to put an end to this. From the church, head right and take a left after the mansion. Down this slope is the blacksmith that everyone keeps mistaking you for. After introducing himself, Ash realizes that this Williams the Blacksmith has to be his great, great, great, great... something, and it definitely shows. Williams is pretty good at taking down the army of dead that shows up at his home and offers to upgrade any of your weapons if you find spare parts lying around. In fact, he decides that he can put the lighter you found in the museum to good use by fusing it with the spray gun. And if that weren't enough, Williams gives you his Hand Canon, a more powerful (albeit slower- firing) pistol. Remember the barn where the mana upgrade was? Return there and kill the Deadite that's standing around in front of the barn door. He drops a Billy Can, so head back to Williams and show it to him. You arrive just as the blacksmith is blowing the head off one of those Warriors. Run over and pick up the piece of the spell scroll it drops (2/5) and talk to Williams about it. He says that he found another one of those scroll pieces, but handed it over to the reverend as a precaution. Give him the Billy Can you found. He asks for your trusty boomstick and goes to work on it in his shop while Ash talks to himself. He returns a few seconds later and shows you the new and improved boomstick, which can now fire eight shots before reloading instead of two. He also returns your spray gun, which has been transformed into a flamethrower thanks to the lighter. Lastly, Williams gives you the bolt cutters that he used to upgrade the shotgun. Head over to the church and get the third scroll piece from the reverend, who is thoroughly glad to get rid of it (3/5). Now it's time to put Williams' bolt cutters to good use. Remember how the stable door was locked? Head over there and cut the lock with the bolt cutters; there's a ton of shotgun ammo and a piece of scrap metal. Run back over to Williams' place to see if he can make anything out of it. Except when you get there, you find a Deadite massacre with the blacksmith AWOL. The only thing worth checking out is a Pentagonal Piece of Stone. 004.3 - Find the blacksmith Now that we've done everything in town, it's time to get into the graveyard and chase after Eldridge. Behind the church is a locked gate, so cut the chain with your bolt cutters. Head over to the left side and read the inscription on the large stone door, which says, "A true soul must embrace death in order to pass." In case you couldn't figure it out, it means you need to possess a Deadite and try opening the door. Do so and head into the woods. Stay on the main path and you'll come up to a dead end with some health, but get ready for the swarm of Deadites that close off your escape. After hacking and blasting your way through the front line, check out the path that branched off. It leads to a group of houses and a mineshaft surrounded by a horde of Deadites, including another Deadite Warrior. It attacks you by itself while the rest of the Deadites watch from the sidelines, so kill it and pick up the piece of the scroll it drops (4/5). Now the rest of the Deadites attack you, so deal with them. Head over to the mineshaft in the back of the area and destroy the wooden fence blocking it to find health and shotgun ammo. Return to the graveyard and get over to the back right corner (from the church that is, back left from the door you're at now) and find another stone door, this one with a five-sided hole in it. Put the Pentagonal Piece of Stone in the socket to open the door to open it. Grab the Rain of Fire spell right behind the door and follow the path to Eldridge. 004.4 - Find the five spell pieces for Eldridge Thing's are looking pretty good at the moment with Eldridge being cornered, but he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. He has Williams being held hostage by two guardians, and demands that you find all five pieces of a scroll that will allow him to leave this place, or he'll have the blacksmith killed. And anyone who's seen Back To The Future will know that screwing with history, especially history concerning your own family, can be a problem. However, if you've followed this guide, you should already have four of the five pieces of the scroll. Just in case you haven't been reading (and I'm deeply hurt if this is so), then here's a quick recap of their locations (remember that, unless it's given to you by a human, the scroll pieces are dropped by a Warrior Deadite). - Behind the hedges on the right side of the mansion across from the church. - Dropped by a Deadite that Williams killed after bringing him the Billy Can. - The reverend in the church has one that Williams found before. - After possessing a Deadite to pass through the stone door in the graveyard, head down the path and take a right. The Warrior runs up and attacks you while the rest of the Deadites watch you fight. The final scroll piece is being held by a Deadite in the graveyard. Depending on whether or not you had four of the scroll pieces before confronting Eldridge, the Deadite is in one of two places. If you had four before finding Eldridge, then the Deadite Warrior should be walking towards the stone doorway that you're leaving. If you didn't have four before Eldridge, then the Deadite will be in a small inlet just right of the gate that leads to the town (right assuming that you're facing away from the church). When you have all five scroll pieces, return to Eldridge, who stabs you in the back (again...) by running off into the portal with your ancestor still being held by those guardians. What to do? Immediately turn around and kill the Deadite Warrior sneaking up behind you and pick up the Possess Guardian scroll he drops. Cast the spell and possess one of those ugly mothers, and use its body to beat up the other. When you kill the one guardian and leave the others' body, talk to Williams to say your goodbyes and give him the piece of scrap metal you found. It's just too bad you'll never know what he made out of it. Or will you? 005.0 - Civil War Dearborn - "This is my BOOMSTICK!" Objectives: - Close all of the portals in town - Find a way into Fort Dearborn and catch up to Eldridge 005.1 - Find an army Just when you thought the history lesson was over, right? You land just in time to watch Eldridge run off into the large fort directly in front of you. Soon after, Deadites attack and a single Union soldier makes it out. It's just a shame that he doesn't realize that Ash is the only person capable of sending those Deadites straight back to Hell, and refuses to help you get inside. And just in case you were getting any ideas, he mentions that the front gate could withstand a buffalo charge and that you'd need an army to break it down. So let's get an army, shall we? Check either side of the fort; the left side has a health pack, grapeshot ammo, and Molotov Cocktails, and there are health and mana upgrades, as well as a sword (which replaces your sickle) on the right. After getting all of the items, turn around and head up the path leading to town. When you reach the barricade, fire dynamite from your Launcher to destroy it. As soon as you enter town, a group of Confederate soldiers confront you and ask about your intentions. Ash smooth talks them into wanting you to join their army. Run down the street and take a right. Enter the church (use the church key) and talk to the reverend. He asks that you bring any survivors you find to the church. The three survivors are standing around the group of houses just left of the mansion. Pass through the hedges and take a quick left to find them, and lead the group back to the church. The reverend gives you half of a torn parchment, which is the other half of the one you found in the museum, as a reward. The completed parchment is the Possess Slavelord spell. Back to the main objective; go back past the hedges and run down the hill to find a Union camp. Head to where the barn is and demolish the breakable wooden fence; there's a lot of Gatling gun ammo and exploding shotgun rounds. In the barn shed are some grapeshot rounds. Talk to the captain of the Union army, who happens to be the great grandson of Williams the Blacksmith (which would make you his great, great, great, grand... something). He's willing to fight against the Deadites and gets his army ready for the battle, and tells you that there's a gift that was made by Williams after Ash left. We're not quite finished with finding an army, even though your to-do list says you are. Return to the church and head to Williams' home (from the church, head right and then a left after the mansion) and grab the Gatling gun on the side of the house. Watch out, though, because a swarm of Deadites have come to attack you. In fact, massive groups of Deadites are appearing all over town, and appearing so quickly that by the time you fight off a group, a new one will appear. Head back to the church and take a left; follow that road until you reach a vortex, and take a left to find the Confederate camp. The guards demand to see identification, so show him your S-Mart badge to gain clearance. Enter the camp and talk to the commander. He's reluctant to believe your story about the Deadites, and tells you to bring him proof. Run back to the entrance of the Confederate camp and coax a Deadite into following you (shouldn't be too difficult) back to the camp. Let the confederates kill it and talk to the commander again, who is a little more willing to fight against the greater evil. He doesn't think that the unionists are going to agree to attack their own fort, but Ash assures him that he's a great negotiator. Head back to the Union camp and talk to your ancestor, who says that they're ready to leave as soon as you close all of the vortexes around town. He says that the Confederates looted the town a few days ago, which means that you're going to have to get them to return anything silver so you can close the vortexes. 005.2 - Close the vortexes in town But guess what? You get screwed over again. Not only is the Confederate general offended by your asking for the silver, but he doesn't even have it. So we have to go find it first. Run over to the church and check out the graveyard. The area in the back right (where the Pentagonal Stone fit into the door) has all of the silver that you need. Pick up the four bars and go close those vortexes. Vortex 1 - From the gate behind the church that leads to the graveyard, take a right. It's in a small inlet. Vortex 2 - From the church, take a right and follow that road as right as you can go. The vortex is at a dead end. Vortex 3 - Right in the middle of the intersection in front of the Confederate camp; you had to have passed by it at least a six times already. Vortex 4 - Behind the mansion across from the church, the last vortex is in the inlet where you rescued the survivors and led them to the church. After closing the last of the vortexes, return to the Union camp and talk to your ancestor, who begins the charge against the Deadites in Fort Dearborn. Head over to the fort and join the fight; the soldiers have a tendency to die pretty quickly if you don't give them a hand, which leaves you up the creek without a paddle when the pack of Deadites begin chasing you around. When they're all dead, head into the fort to confront Eldridge. 005.3 - Kill Eldridge Good old Eldridge is in the fort watching his minions slaughter the soldiers when you arrive. He then runs off to one of the back areas, so follow him. Pick up the silver bar behind the vortex on the left and use it to close the other vortex in that area (the one blocking the doorway on the right). Enter the next area and run up the dirt mound covered by boards on the right; walk along that level until you enter the next area. Take a left almost immediately after entering the next area and pick up the silver bar next to the canon. Return to the second area and close the vortex in front of the doorway leading to the next area. It's finally time to get some revenge against that backstabber Eldridge... 005.4 - Boss: Eldridge Eldridge The Monster, like Nathaniel Payne, is really a joke. He basically walks around the area swiping at you with his tail or claws. Occasionally he also runs directly at you, but even that's easy enough to avoid. The way to injure Eldridge is by flipping him on his back and attacking his stomach. How do you do that, you say? Notice that your pistol has been pre- equipped for you; use it to take shots at the exploding barrels (Donkey Kong anyone?). When you light one of them, you have to coax Eldridge into getting close enough to the barrel to be caught in the blast. However, if he gets too close and contacts the barrel before it explodes, it breaks and doesn't explode. You can also flip Eldridge over by having him run into a wall; this is a little more difficult since you have to be in the right place at the right time, but it still works. When Eldridge is on his back, take it to him, chainsaw style. Any combo will work fine (except impale), so do whatever you want in that sense. You should only have to repeat this two or three times to get in enough hits to finish him off for good. When he's dead, head through the vortex to return to modern times. 006.0 - Evil Dearborn - "Who's laughing now?" Objectives: - Free the humans being held captive by the Deadites - Find Trisha - Find a way into the Deadite Queen's lair and kill her 006.1 - Free the prisoners The Deadites have done some redecorating since you last saw modern Dearborn. The town is in shambles, and lacking any signs of life. Turn around and run up the road; take the next right and talk to the humans taking cover in the building. They tell you about a weapons catch somewhere underground, as well as a group of prisoners somewhere down there. You also get the Seismic Wave from them. Now return to the church and take a left, that path leading underground is the only one open right now. At the end of this pathway is the large cavern where the prisoners are being held. Also make a note of the spell behind the gate in the corner of the pathway. When you enter the cavern, a cinematic plays, showing a Slavelord opening the door where the prisoners are. That door (and any like it) can only be opened by Slavelords, so collect some mana from Warriors and possess it. As a Slavelord, open the prison door and then head to the far left section of the cavern. Another Slavelord-only door is there, so unlock it and kill the two Slavelords inside. The second one has a key to the individual prison cells, so pick it up and return to the prison. Unlock both cells and talk to the guy in overalls. He gives you a wrench, which can open up any of those sewer gates (like the one in this room). Don't forget to pick up the Leecher in the prison cell on the right before leaving the area. 006.2 - Find the Queen's lair From the area you just came from, head to the underground passage at the other end of the street (it's the only one you haven't explored yet). As soon as you enter inside, a dozen Hell Hounds attack you, so kill them all. Now head down to the main area and possess the Slavelord in the left corner. Run to the opposite end of the room and open up the two Slavelord-only doors: one right before the stairway and the other halfway up the stairs. The one on the stairs has a Dispel Runic Lock spell that we're going to need later on, and the other door leads to the weapons catch. There are quite a few Guardians here, but they shouldn't be much of a problem for you by now. Collect all of the shotgun ammo and the Diamond-Bladed Chainsaw. Remember that spell behind the gate in the first underground area? You can go get it now, thanks to your new chainsaw. Do just that and get the Possess Warrior spell, along with any other items in the other gated areas. There's also a room that requires a Warrior to open it (they're the doors with the claws over them) near the stairway at the end of the first cavern with some ammo and health in it in case you're interested. At the lower level of this first area, open the sewer gate with the wrench and follow the sewer to a Warrior-only room. A Warrior has already opened it for you, so head inside and kill all of the Deadites in there. Pick up the Bizarre Occult Thing (blue) in the center before leaving. Opposite of that room is a chain link fence that leads to the cavern with the Hell Hounds and weapons catch. Break through it with your chainsaw and run to the far left corner, where another sewer gate is. Open it up and kill all but one of the Warriors that immediately attack you. Possess the last one and open the Warrior-only door on the right and collect your second Bizarre Occult Thing (green). Possess another Warrior and return to the second cavern; just left of the sewer gate is another Warrior-only room, which has the Exsanguinator, an upgraded version of the Leecher that fires the blood you suck from enemies back at them. Very cool. From the sewer gate, take a left and go around the pathway underneath the church. That area in the back is where the Queen is, but we need our third Occult Thing first. From the passage under the church, enter the sewers and follow it to the last Warrior-only room with the last Bizarre Occult Thing (red). Now return to the pathway under the church and place the Occult Things in their appropriate slots. In case you missed it before, there's a drawing on the sign in front of the church that shows, which colored Occult Thing goes where. From left to right, it goes Green, Red, and Blue. Once the three Occult Things are in place, a bridge leading to the Queen's lair appears. In the very middle of the bridge is the symbol of the Rune Lock. Stand on top of it and recite the Dispel Rune Lock spell. When the door opens, head inside for the final battle. 006.3 - Boss: Trisha Admit it, you saw it coming as soon as the survivor in the building ruins mentioned that the one controlling the Deadites was a queen. As with the other bosses, Trisha The Deadite Queen doesn't put up much of a fight. In fact, she only has two attacks: she can either fire some green plasma stuff at you (which is easily avoided) or she sends out a shockwave that knocks you down. I'm not even sure if the shockwave injures you, and if it does, it's minimal. As for inflicting damage on Trisha, notice how you have dynamite pre- equipped? After attacking you a few times, Trisha lets out a roar. The time to attack is now, so toss a stick of dynamite into her mouth. Five of those babies is more than enough to take her down. Congratulations on completing Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick. Sit back and enjoy the ending. And remember, shop smart, shop S-Mart.