A FAQ for the Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel for the XBox Console This is an ASCII art-less walkthrough by David Riley (Dave [at] frontbeat.com). ********** DISCLAIMER ********** Fallout: Brotherhood of steel is an "Action RPG" in the style of Baldur's Gate : Dark Alliance for the PS2 and Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes for the Xbox. If Staunch Fallout fan that I am, I do not endorse this game in any way shape or form. If there ever was a game that bastardized the name of a good franchise, it would be this. FO:BOS is chocked to the brim with so much profanity and sophomoric "humor" that I'm fully convinced the script writing duties were handed over to a group of threeteen year olds. You know how many pee jokes "Team Chuck" needs to consider a game worth publishing? It's like THREE. You know how many you'll find in a *good* game? Well, I think you can guess. Not only this, but it shows a complete disregard for the Fallout universe, including rather blatantly killing off a character that appears in Fallout 2, which follows this pile of trash in the timeline. This walkthrough is merely being written because there isn't one out there yet and, well, I want to help the poor people who are struggling with this game. Nobody should have to play it for as long as my roommate and I did! This FAQ is for the XBox version of this game. There is no reason why it shouldn't work for the PS2 version as well. ****************************** Legal things I know nothing of ****************************** Don't steal this. If you steal it, or plagarise anything from it, that'd probably make me cry right here and now.. I'm a big guy and as my friends will attest I spend most of my time being angry. This document is not allowed to be included in any for-profit material in any way, shape, or form, even as a free bonus. If you're sniping the new releases on GameFAQs, go away. This FAQ is made for posting only on GameFAQS and our personal website, www.fan-service.com. If you see it anywhere else we'd be most grateful for the heads up. ******** CHEATING ******** FO:BOS contains a variety of secret weapons that can be used to make your life easier in a multitude of ways. Now, if you've read my Resident Evil guides, then you know how opposed to cheating I am. However, the fact of the matter is that FO:BOS is just a plain awful game and using that Meat Cannon or that Slugger to get through it a little faster seems like a fair trade to me. So use them with my compliments, I'll tell you how to get them as is applicable. ******** CONTROLS ******** These controls are for the XBox version of the game. Directional Pad Left/Right = Change Map Size Directional Pad Down = Crouch Left Thumbstick = Move Right Thumbstick = Rotate Camera (useless) A Button = Attack B Button = Special attack (hold) / Change target X Button = Use/pick up Y Button = Jump / Dodge (when locked on) White Button = Switch Weapon Black Button = Switch Weapon (reversed) Left Trigger = Use Stimpack Right Trigger = Lock On Start = Pause Back = Inventory You might want to take the time to switch Jump to the left trigger and Stimpack to Y. This is way more convinient than the original scheme they give you. ****************** CHAPTER 1 - CARBON ****************** Welcome to Carbon! It's here you'll first be introduced to the flagrant shillingout of Interplay to Bawls. It's the drink for gamers, even in the 22nd century! *********** Inhabitants *********** Ruby: The prostitute -------------------- Ruby is an... interesting character. Pay her 10 caps to get... absolutely nothing! It says you get laid, even makes the sounds, but there seems to be no actual gameplay benefit to this. Unless you posses the mental capacity of a twelve year old and think it's funny to get Nadia and Ruby to have sex. If this is the case, by all means enjoy. Your life is pathetic enough that there's really nothing I can use to insult you. Armpit: The bartender --------------------- Armpit is the first resident you'll save in the town of Carbon. Don't get too attached though, as you won't be seeing him for long. Guy's got a specific interest in Radscorpion Tails. 10 caps per, if you can scrounge them up. Richard: The mayor ------------------ You can tell this guy's a slimeball just by looking at him, and judging by the amount of profanity your character uses, he knows too! The mayor gives you your required quests in Carbon, but not much else. Sounds kind like James Garner, though... Jesse: The trader ----------------- He's your connection for the duration of your stay in carbon. Jesse has the things you want (not really) at reasonable prices (not really). As with most traders, avoid buying many weapons/armor, you'll find them by yourself anyway. Bullets and stimpacks are most of what he's good for. Vidya: The doctor ----------------- Russian, for some reason. Who knows! She'll heal you and gives you a minor quest. Otherwise, big whoop. ******* The Bar ******* Don't forget to equip your weapons! A simple task. Talk to Ruby to find out what's going on, then proceed into the bar and clear it out of raiders. You'll find plenty of stim- packs (some on tables) and meager caps on the way, but not much else. Talk to Armpit when you're done and get the quest for the Radscorpion tails. Before you leave, check the fridge behind the bar for some bullets and caps. Then head on out. ************* The Warehouse ************* A trashpile southwest of Jesse has a pile of small bullets. Only 10, but take what you can get. Talk to the mayor (he's the bouncing ! on the map) and get the quest to clear out the Radscorpions in the warehouse. No problem, sir, get right on it! Mosey on over to the door and invite yourself inside. Immediately you're besiged by a few radscorpions and a few rats. Nothing your Iron Fists can't take out! Get to it! Scattered around the warehouse main room you'll find plenty of boxes with ammo, caps and stimpacks in them. Nothing big, but every bit helps. You'll find a room or two off to the side with lockers. Open 'em up for the small bounties within. When ready, head south through the hallway The next room holds a few more radscorpions. In a box in the NW corner is a Spiked Baseball Bat. Why don't you pick that up, try it out? The exit is south again, through a rusty garage door. See how good that bat smashes up everyone in your way? Keep moving west and through another door, getting caps from boxes as you go. In this next room you'll find a big box around the center pillar, bust it open to get the medical supplies the doctor craves so badly, you sly dog you! You'll get a message saying that you've killed all the radscorpions soon, but don't take their word for it! When you're done bashing up all the boxes and the horde of rats, exit through the door on the north. ***************** Auxiliary Storage ***************** Awww, your first encouter with radiation. Ain't it cute? NO! Don't touch the stuff, it'll put a serious drain on your life. Not acting like any radiation I know if, it's just this game's answer to the everpresent 'poison' in a multitude of other, better games. Avoid it like the 'plague' anyway. Har har, I make a funny. Be aware that if a glowing enemy hits you, you'll get irradiated too. There area gobs of stimpacks and light bullet ammo scattered around the room. Get them all, kill all the rats and scorpions. Exit to the north- west and around the bend. Eventually you'll come and save a townsperson. Talk to him for two stimpacks. A little, but better than nothing. Yeah, just keep saying that to yourself. A breakable wall leads into the center room. Not much to talk about. A few rats and some caps. Barely worth going into. When done, keep heading west. A bit further down the path you'll find a breakable wall into a room with stimpacks and bullets in the dressers/cabinets. Better than the last one, anyway! Continuing on you'll find a room with another Spiked Baseball Bat and some random items. In the next room you'll run into your first long ranged scorpion. Waste him. Don't feel tempted to try any fancy acrobatic manuvers while shooting with that useless pistol. Just go in with the bat. It'll all work out. ********* 2nd Floor ********* Same drill as ever. Go out, look around, have some fun. There's Spiked Glovesin a locker nearby, get them... but don't bother using them. The Bat is more worthwhile. The path to the south will eventually lead you to a footlocker containing your very first Beretta. Not really GOOD, but better than what you've got! Equipt it, but don't use it. Not far from here you'll see a glowing ! on the map. That's the crame you've gotta use to clear the way downstairs. Keep on truckin' to the West, though. There's rats to kill and another crane to use! Aaaaaall the way at the end you'll find a footlocker with a Combat Knife. Equip it and head back to the stairs. Make sure you got all the scorpions first and go to the west of the room you started in (near the stairs). You'll find some bullets there and another Beretta in a box. Could be worse! Down you go! ***************** Auxiliary Storage ***************** You'll find things mostly unchanged. Just keep moving, killing a few rats as you go. You'll find yourself in the main room and not too much worse for wear. Be sure to take a brief detour to the far southwest corner of the map. Here you'll find that box you dropped. Inside was a Combat Knife, Leather Gauntlets and Leather Boots. Not a bad first haul! The small room in the southwest is your eventual destination, but let's go southeast first and see what that brings. Nothing too special here. Just a few more rats and a few more boxes to break. But hey, money's money. When ready, head down those stairs I told you about. **************** Radscorpion Lair **************** Can you feel that kickin' metal soundtrack? I CAN! Well, no I can't and I hope you can't either. It's obvious what this is trying to suggest to us. It's time for your very first boss. <> The giant radscorpion is a joke of a boss, first move in to melee him and break his claws. Once's that's done move off and use your Beretta to finish the job. Heal/dodge as necessary, but it really doesn't matter. When he's dead, bust up the boxes for stuff and head back upstairs. < ***************** Auxiliary Storage ***************** Nothing to see here. Just keep moving back to that flashy little dot. ************ Main Storage ************ I think you know where to go. ****** Carbon ****** First is the helpful doctor, give her her medical supplies for caps/exp. Then the bartender. The radscorpion tails are worth plenty (570) to him. Talk to the mayor next to get yourself a key to the elevator. Finally Jesse. Sell the equipment you've grown out of. When all this is done you can head on down into the crater via the elevator. ********** The Crater ********** There's a Combat Knife in a footlocker near the beginning and plenty of stimpacks/caps around (as always!) Head north and you'll find a Beretta just as the solid ground starts ending to the northwest. See those craggy rocks that don't appear on the map all the way northwest? Start jumping across them. You'll come to a footlocker with Leather Armor in it soon. Now jump your way back. Start heading east to be besieged by more radscorpions. Keep heading east and you'll run into your first beetles. Don't get your hopes up, they're not nearly as cool as I make them sound. Waste 'em, no problem, and keep moving. Behind the first house you see you'll find some boxes with caps. Back on the main path start raiding houses for stuff. The lone house at the south holds Ruby's dead cat, so be sure to grab that. Further east you'll find the way behind the houses. Of particular interest is a footlocker between two houses that gives you your Leather Helmet. You'll find a few Home Made Bombs in footlocker in one of the houses. Hang onto those, we'll need them much later in the game. When ready, head north across the car. You'll find yourself in another house. Kill beetles. Move outside. In the trunk of a car is more evidence of Interplay being a corporate shill, a Bawls bottle cap, but it's worth $100 so bring it along. To the east you'll go through more of those broken houses, and more radscorpions. Keep moving east and you'll find a footlocker where it deadends. Get your Torch and another Leather Helmet (big deal). Equip the Torch and move back west for more jumping puzzles. Wend your way through more craggy rocks, killing poisonous radscorpions and jumping all over decrepit cars as you go. You'll be moving to the east again. When back on land, explore the House for a Home-Made Rifle. Again, not really GOOD, but more efficient than the Beretta. Exit through the little bouncing star. ******** The Cave ******** You'll be fighting plenty of radscorpions here. Keep heading north. There's a body with a Combat Knife to the northwest, but that's no big deal and there's a similar "not big deal" Torch far to the east of this. Sort wending your way southeast and cross a car or two on your way to your next objective. Far to the southeast is yet ANOTHER Torch in a footlocker. Oh well, it's money. From there you'll want to start going west, killing yet more beetles as you go. Across a puddle of slime to the south you'll find another suit of armor. It's cash, if you're playing by yourself. Southwest is the next path. It'll open up eventually to more poisonous radscorpions and slime pools. Here you'll find some bullets, stimpacks, and the next exit. ********** Crater Pit ********** Walk ahead and, what's that? Jim Rockford, what have you done to yourself? > The Boss seems like a tough cookie, but he's not. Kill his infintely respawning Raider minions as necessary, but mainly you want to break out that homemade rifle or torch, and go to town on him. Abuse the quick dodge to get out of the way of his grenades. He'll go down soon enough. He's not nearly as easy as the Giant Radscorpion, but not really hard either. Be careful, if you let him go for too long he'll start leaving grenades on the ground that will blow up when you get near them. They'll stick around for after he's dead, so be careful. Now the game seems to think you're in some sort of danger because of falling rocks. Too bad they don't seem to be able to hit you. Just collect all the stuff and head out the way you came. <> ******** The Cave ******** There's nothing new in this place Pfft, whatever. Just head back. Near the exit you'll find another Giant Radscorpion (I've heard of games recycling bosses, but that's just ridiculous! Finish him off and head on your merry way. ********** The Canyon ********** Same deal as before. Head back to town, killing raiders on the way. You'll end up finding a pair of Dual Berettas on the way, from one of the raiders I'd imagine. All I know is it's always in my inventory when I get back to town and I never remeber picking it up. ************** Burning Carbon ************** Ah yes, nothing like the smell of burning town. <> If you want the Red Ryder BB Gun, you have to save all the innocents in all these areas. Keep that in mind, because to do so you'll have to disregard your own safety and run in, jamming X, every time you see a townsperson crawling in terror. It's sort of a 'might as well' situation. Every time you see "An innocent has been killed" that's your cue to load your saved game. Might be a good idea to save after every 'hotspot' of innocents you clear. There's three exceptions. One of them is here. Near the middle of town you'll see a townsperson (a man) run by on fire and immediately die. Don't worry about him. You can't save him, and he doesn't count towards the total of 37 you need to save. There's 13 in Town Center, 9 in Town West, 6 in Town North, and 9 in Town East. <>> Seems like good old Vidya's not letting you in anywhere unless you kill all the raiders. Well, get to it! There's a box to the southwest that holds a Desert Eagle and a Frag Grenade. When you've killed all the raiders, check the warehouse door for your next quest and then exit to the West. *************** Town, West Side *************** Be quick and save the three townspeople near you. Raiders and dogs, they all die. Inside a house nearby is a footlocker with a Riot Helmet in it. Be sure to grab that. Around the way you can get into the other side of the house and save the three townspeople there as well. There's one in the alley outside the house, too. Nearby, to the north, you'll find a small walkway near a pit. At the end is a footlocker with a Double Barrel Shotgun in it. In a long alley to the far west you'll find a Flamethrower in a fridge. This item has no real use. Sell it at your first opportunity. Far to the south of this you'll find four townspeople in danger and a few more raiders. In the southwest corner is a footlocker with the fourth Torch you've found so far. Oh well, more money for you. Go east from here for a house with the final few raiders, an unsaveable innocent (I always got the message, but it looks like her corpse is part of the background), and a fridge with a Desert Eagle in it. Exit's to the north, nearby in a footlocker you'll find the Burning Gloves. **************** Town, North Side **************** Run to the northwest immediately, dodging raiders as you go. You've got innocents to save, first! The woman can be saved easily, but the next one is impossible to get, she'll get gibbed by the flamethrower almost immediately. She doesn't count. Now to the southwest, you'll hit a fenced in area. Protect the fighting townsfolk there (there's, what, like four of them?) and then let them go. To the east is a pretty large contingent of raiders you can mop up pretty easily. When you've scoured the area for ammo save your game and jump across the wide gap in the bridge. Across, run up and save the townsperson at the south side as you take down the raiders. Continue to the east and exit. *************** Town, East Side *************** Move immeditately to the southwest and keep hitting X at the door until you get into the house to save the captive lady. Now porceed to waste all the raiders that are bothering you in the area. When that's done you can head through the house, picking up another Riot Helmet as you go, and ending up out on the other side. Further to the southwest you'll find four more innocents to kill, they're not in HUGE danger, but save 'em quick anyway. In a nearby footlocker you'll find yet ANOTHER Riot Helmet. Woo hoo. To the far south you'll find more raiders and a gate you can open. Feel free to do that. Through this gate are the final four innocents you're trying to save. So hurry up and do that, then kill all those raiders that just won't give it up. You've earned it. In an alley back here are a couple more raiders and yet one MORE Riot Helmet (what is this, some kind of joke?) All the raiders should be gone now. You're heading out. *********** Town Center *********** Just mosey on into the Warehouse. Talk to Ruby, give her her cat for a few bucks/exp. Talk to the Wasteland Stranger if you saved all the people. That'll net you the gun. Talk to Vidya when it's all done for caps and experience. Then Jesse. Sell your stuff (RIOT HELMETS!) and get instructions about the Raider base. Head out the back door. ***************** Route To The Mill ***************** I am so totally pumped to kill the Raider Matron. Hooray. Run up and kill the dogs harassing the Brahmin. Saving him won't get you anything but a warm, fuzzy feeling. Who wouldn't want that? Head to the north to find a cache of large bullet ammo. To the north you'll find your very first minefield. Clear a path by running straight for the mines and then bolting away when they're activated. Easier in 2 player, where one play can hang back and run to the save to respawn when the other one dies. If not, it's not terribly hard to avoid the mines. Far to the northwest, in an alley, is a Cleaver. Pick it up and give it a shot, you don't have anything better. Then start heading east and "defusing" mines. With any luck the raiders you find will take the lions share of the mines for you. Kill them as necessary with the rifle. To the south at the very end of the minefield are small bullets that are barely worth the damage you'll take getting them. Your call. When you're through, heal up from your misadventures and keep heading east. Break the fences holding in those brahmin, as they might clear a few more mines out for you as they wander their way home. To the south are a couple radiers and some small bullet ammo. North is where you're looking to go. Plenty of raiders here, easy to get them clogged up on each other, their flamethrowers doing much of the work for you. Head west, killing more raiders and finding Ruby's necklace on one of them. There's a whole bunch of dogs in a kennel. Let 'em out and go hand to hand or shoot them where you stand. It's your perogative. To the north you'll find a train car you can jump through. On the other side are yet more raiders. At the far northeast you'll find more raiders and yet another minefield. Sigh, wind your way through THIS one too, same strategy as before. It's your choice whether or not you want to waste time checking out all the boxes on the sidepaths. None of them hold anything special, but if you're one of THOSE people then go right ahead. Your destination is to the south, where raiders are partying it up among the mines. Be careful, as it'd really spoil your day to step on a mine while you're tangoing with these guys. Then again, the argument could be made that you've already spoiled your day just by .playing. this game. After killing enough radiers you'll find the Gate Key. Use it to get to the flashing dot, and the exit to the next area. ****************** Town Mill Exterior ****************** Whew! No more mines (for now)! However, to the south you'll start encountering Shotgun raiders. This is equally as unfun as the mines are, but at least you have a CHANCE of not getting hit by them. Oh well, plow your way through, as always. When the path branches, take the east one and go into the house. You'll find a Sledgehammer in here, so that Cleaver was a bit short lived, wasn't it? Oh well, equip it anyway. To the west and a little through the minefield (sigh) you'll find another house. There's a lot of shotgun raiders around, so now might be a good time to try out that good old Double Barrel of yours yourself. It's better than the rifle, but the damage never seems to be quite as high as it would suggest. A nearby footlocker contains more Double Berettas and you'll be able to shoot some raiders through the windows with relative safety. Back in the minefield, head to the west and keep near the walls to avoid most of the mines. Poor townsfolk, we can't save you. Go about killing raiders, as per the usual. To the north is a good clutch of Shotgun Ammo. South is your objective (and another minefield). Be exceedingly careful here, as raiders will pop up when you leat expect it. As always, don't run over any mines while you're doing it. Use the mines to your advantage on the raiders when possible. There's a gate to open on to the east that'll lead you back to where you were before. No need for that. Go south. One of the female raiders will drop the key you need to advance. Don't forget the footlocker to the east of the gate. It contains more Home-Made Bombs. **************** Mill Parking Lot **************** Nothing to do here. Talk to Jesse to sell/restock and exit to the east. You'll find a Home-Made Machine gun in a box to the southwest. It barely seems using, but maybe you might as well. It's fast, anyway. ************ Mill Storage ************ Yet another crawl through and kill area (surprised?). At least there's no mines. Head east to listen to a "hilarious" conversation. When this is done, keep moving on the only path you can move on. There's plenty of boxes/footlockers to get stuff from. You'll find a path to the north. That's where you're going. You'll have to wend your way west through raiders and dogs to get to a save point and around the boxes blocking your way. Then the next path leads east on the other side of the boxes. Still moving north and east, you'll eventually hit some enclosed rooms. Go on in, kill raiders. The townsperson you find dies, but leaves you money in return. What a swell guy. There's Riot Armor and a Vault 13 flask to be found nearby in a footlocker, so grab those. Throw the switch and go outside to the northwest to find that the door you passed on the way in is now open. Hooray! A destructable wall nearby leads to footlockers with caps and a Toxic Grenade. More uselss explosives. Great. Not too much further ahead you'll exit the room and it'll look like you've found the next area. Unfortunately, it's a lie. You have to go aaaaaaaaaall the way around this one first. Get moving! When you're done going south and then back north, you'll find your next place. ************** Mill Generator ************** Ho-hum, nothing to see here. Just follow the path in the only direction it leads, kill scores of raiders, and eventually end up at a gap. To get across, jump on the handrail and then jump to the handrail on the other side. Simple as pie! Grab the homemade bombs on the other side and move to kill the raiders. The walkway to the east will net you a Home-Made Machinegun after some raider killing, and a Worn Key in the junkpile. The walkway to the south is your destination. Through the rooms here, the way east will lead you to the reactor room. Follow it, get items from footlockers. There's tons of Toxic Grenades around, Riot Armor, and a Sub-Machine Gun. When you've cleared everyone out, activate the reactor on the middle platform and get outta there. Don't worry, it's not going to collapse on you or anything. That klaxon is just annoying. Move north and then west through the previously unopenable door. Follow the path, weaving around electricity as you go. About mid-way through (near a save spot) you'll find a room with a few guys and an Incendiary Motor. Pick it up. Not really worth it, but it's a good amount of money. You will soon find your way back. *********** Mill Office *********** Slightly to the south you can turn a valve to allow yourself access to a room. Footlockers inside, one with Riot Gauntlets. Equip and be happy about that, right? Further south you'll put your Brotherhood training to the test as you dodge complicated steam vent puzzles. Thank GOD for that tutorial, or we'd all be DEAD! All the way to the south is a few raiders and a pointless door. East you'll hit your first Grenade throwing raider, who tends to do more damage to herself than to you. As you move along you'll have to start dodging electricity, and a raider group that will probably die from its own grenades before you even reach it. When the road forks head north to kill a lone raider for Stimpacks and Rocket Ammo. East again. There's a nearby bathroom with basically nothing of interest. You'll pass a room with no entrances, not so! Around the corner are a buttload of raiders and the way in. Too bad there's nothing but a few stimpacks inside. Oh well. An alley near the room holds a few flamethrower fuels. I wish you could see my face now, because I'm freakin' ecstatic. The footlocker in the northeast corner has a Ripper. That's pretty good, though. Exit to the south. ************ Mill Storage ************ You know where you are. Exit's south and then West. No enemies. **************** Mill Parking Lot **************** Restock and exit to the north. ************ Mill Grinder ************ What's that I hear? Creepy boss music? <> I don't even know why this woman is a boss. Nor do I know why Tony Jay descends to voice acting in this game. Most especially, I don't understand the Raider Matron's costume. It's not so much a costume as it is a billboard that says "HAHAHA. VIDEOGAMEZ ARE 4 BOYZ ONLY!" More so, I don't know how a mutant's junk is, and I don't want to, but I don't think a woman with hips as big as the Raider Matron is in any position to be trying to come on to one of them. Besides, that's just gross. Kill her however you please, she's pathetically easy. The Sub-Machine Gun works wonders, or maybe the Incendiary Mortar, if you've been saving it. Collect the stuff, leave. <> **** Town **** Back in town. Talk to Ruby and give her her locket and be sure to ask her about the ghoul city. Talk to Vidaya and get 600 exp for saving the town. Give the Stranger the Vault Flask and then ask him to take you to the City of Los. *************** CHAPTER 2 - LOS *************** The city of Los isn't nearly as unfriendly as the starting cutscene would have you believe. The inhabitants are as follows: Harold: The Treehead -------------------- You might remeber Harold from Fallout 1/2, the ghoul with the tree in his head. Now he's been reduced to a poor voice actor and even poorer character model. He wants you to find his body parts and he'll pay 200 caps for the first two and 600 for the last, but no experience! This quest can be skipped quite safely. Also, you can talk to him about his exploits with Ruby (if you've talked to Ruby about ghouls) and get 300 exp. Hieronymous: The Merchant ------------------------- A stereotype. Is it an Arab ghoul, a Jew ghoul, or both? He doesn't sell you anything worth buying, so unless you need ammo or stimpacks, just don't bother. Giese: The Engineer ------------------- English... punk? Who knows! Find him junk, he'll give you stuff. Find him four junk and you'll be the proud owner of a Super Sledge. Not much purpose in that, though, if you get the Slugger. Nothing at all interesting in here. Talk to Harold/Giese, restock if you want. Exit to Bridge East. *********** Bridge East *********** The first few ghouls are your friends, the rest are not. Kill as necessary. Your proper heading is east, killing unfriendly ghouls all along the way. When it seems you've run out of land, fear not! Just use those handy pipes to walk along. Oh I do love jumping puzzles! There are many paths here, some worthwhile and some not. The one to your immediate west on the pipes leads to a second Ripper. From there, head east until the road ends again. The short path to the southeast (the one with an island of toxins on it) will lead you to a footlocker containing Harold's eyeball. Move across the pipes to the southwest and fight yet more ghouls. When it deadends you'll find a lone pipe to walk across. Use it. Now you're moving more west than south. On the way there's a small alcolve with Metal Armor in a footlocker. Be sure to grab that. Eventually you'll be as far west as you can go. A footlocker to the northwest holds Shotgun Ammo. Hook around and you're now heading east again. You'll come to an open area and fight a ton of ghouls, along with some rats. Show no mercy, blah blah blah. Done with that? Good. To the northeast are more pipes. You'll find a footlocker and a ripper off a short pipe path. Continue east. Next path contains a bunch of ghouls, but basically nothing in the way of items. Arrrg. Head a little north this time and you'll come across yet more ghouls. Their footlocker holds a good bit of cash. Back to the east are more ghouls, more footlockers, and the exit. But wait! <> Okay. See where that save spot its? From here jump as far as you can to the east. You should land on an invisible path. Go in a straight line to the east now until you see some land. Just keep walking onto that, save your game. Cross the pipe to the next island where a ton of ghouls are hanging out, too many to handle! Or ARE they? If you run around them to the footlocket you'll find the Meat Cannon, an explosive weapon along the lines of the Incendiary Motor, only it does more damage and has infinite ammo. Also you'll get a pair of Metal Boots and a free Combat Shotgun. Not a bad haul and it'll make the rest of the game like cake for you. Remember: Winners don't cheat, except in awful games like this. <> Now make your way back and exit. ************** Docks Shipyard ************** Another cutscene. Oh, how I love this story. It's totally true to its Fallout roots! Now that you have the Meat Cannon you really don't NEED a walkthrough. I'm gonna take the rest of the night off! ...ha! Just kidding! No, seriously. If you want to play it fair, don't use it, because it'll make the game a TOTAL breeze. Starting off you're heading to the southeast. New, poisonous, ghouls show up... but they're not really harder than anything else you've fought so far. There's a save spot to the southeast, you can kind of hang out there for a second. Start wending your way to the southwest and around boxes. You'll hook around and start heading north now. You'll reach open ground eventually and find a fridge with caps and a Frag Grenade in it. Around the corner from this break some boxes and continue on. In a small side path you'll find a poison throwing cool. Feel free to waste him and collect Harry's Arm. Keep moving until the place dead-ends in an alley. In a fridge you'll find a Home-Made Laser pistol. Backtrack back to the goop you passed. Head right into the good and then north. When you hit the wall you'll find another Frag Grenade/Caps fridge. Go through the small house and break some boxes to continue on. Head to the north path first, open up a fridge for some caps. Now go south that'll take you back into the goop. Nearby is a fridge with Metal Gauntlets in it. Grab those, they're good for what ails ya. Keep going along southwarth and you'll run into an alley with two fences in it, a ghoul behind each one. Kill these ghouls using all those explosives I've been telling you to hoard. It's tough, but you'll do it! The best way is to stand right next to the fence, chuck an explosive in (it'll stick to the fence) and if you hit the ghoul he'll probably start pressing up against his side of the fence (making your job way easier). Kill 'em, but before you leave, take the path to the northwest. The fridge holds yet ANOTHER set of Metal Gauntlets and a Home- Made Laser Rifle. <> Wanna know why? Because now you've unlocked the secret 'Glowing Ghoul' Miniboss. Head out in the slime and don't worry about finding him, he'll find you! When he does, waste him and his vanguard with a pathetic amount of ease and get the massive "Slugger" from him. Nails in a baseball bat never felt so good. <> After this just keep heading south. You'll find your exit. *************** Docks Warehouse *************** Start of going west. There's on one way to go and that's how I likes it. Plenty of targets for your new Slugger. When the road turns north, follow that too. A brief soujourn to the east will net you some ammo and a few more kills to your name. And there's Junk in a crate to the far north but west is where you wanna be headed. When the path branches HERE you can go south to kill more ghouls and find an alley with some ammo and another Home-Made Laser Rifle in it. Back north is your destination. Be careful around the toxic good and the toxic goo slinging ghouls at the barricade. Once they're dealt with, continue on. At the end of the line here you'll find an exit leading back to Bridge West. You can take it if you REALLY want to give Harold back his body parts, or whatever, but I never really cared all that much. More of interest to me is the nearby house that marks your next route. Head through, killing ghouls and getting ANOTHER Home-Made Laser Rifle. Go east to find a bunch of super mutants and the (eventual) way to chapter three. Leave here for now. Saunter a little north and more east for an alley with tons of ghouls and footlockers, but nothing worthwhile. Start trekking full out north. To the far north is another waste of an alley (more XP via kills, though). Where you're eventually headed is east and into the building. Footlocker's got what should be your fourth Home-Made Laser Rifle. Grab it, why not? But first you'll have to listen to some "Choice" conversation by the ghouls in the nearby room. When all's said and done you're in some sort of church to the holy... Pip Boy? Touch the button that says do not touch and you're free to go through that open door. The alleyway to the east contains uncountable treasures in the form of Harold's Rotten Toe, but not much else. See that flashy star on the map? Exit. ****************** Docks Holding Pens ****************** Hello again Jew Merchant! Wait, what's that you say? Ooooh. You're the Jew Merchant's BROTHER. Well, sell me some stuff, especially those explosives (which are now obsolete). When you're done, ask about participating in his "Sport", which is a gladiator challenge. Why not! <> Level 1: Radscorpions (100 caps) Level 2: Radscorpions and Spitting Radscorpions (200 caps) Level 3: Radscorpions and Spitting Radscoprions (300 caps) Level 4: Radier Chicks (400 caps) Level 5: Raider Chicks (500 caps) Level 6: Radscorpions and Glowing Ghouls (600 caps) Level 7: Radscorpions, Glowing Ghouls, Poison Dogs (700 caps) Level 8: Glowing Ghouls, Normal Ghoul, Poison Dogs (800 caps) Level 9: Lots of Ghouls, Glowing Ghouls, Poison Dogs (1000 caps) Level 10: Poison Dogs, SMG Ghouls (1200 caps) Level 11: Poison Dogs, Ghouls, SMG Ghouls (1400 Caps) Level 12: Shotgun Ghouls, Ghouls (1600 Caps) Level 13: Poison Dogs, Shotgun Ghouls, SMG Ghouls (2000 Caps) Level 14: Cleaver Ghouls. Shotgun Ghouls (2500 Caps) Level 15: Cleaver Ghouls, Shotgun Ghouls, SMG Ghouls (3000 Caps) Level 16: Cleaver Ghouls, Shotgun Ghouls, SMG Ghouls (3500 Caps) Level 17: Shotgun Ghouls, SMG Ghouls (4000 Caps) Level 18: Deathclaw (1) (7000 Caps) Level 19: Deathclaws (3) (10000 Caps) Level 20: Invisible Death Claws (3) Deathclaws (2) (20000 Caps) Level 21: Wasteland Stranger with Continuous Laser (50000 Caps) The only level that should really give you problems is the last one. The trick to fighting the stranger involves this: Run forward immediately against the car. When he gets near you should to your right (northeast) to the other side of the car. If you're lucky he'll get confused now and you can just start unloading on him. No problem! He'll go down soon enough. You may want to consider using the Meat Cannon here (if you haven't been using it all along). Just to preserve your sanity. Anyway, you don't HAVE to do the Gladiator Pit, but it's a good amount of money (money being totally useless) and basically a whole level's worth of exp. As will all things in this lackluster game, it's a "might as well". There's another gladiator pit that the original merchant in this chapter runs, but it's the exact same one. You can do it at either merchant, but I use this one just because it's right on the way anyway. If you're playing on Apocalyptic you might as well just forget it, at least forget beating it. The Wasteland Stranger's Continuous Laser can kill you before you even notice you're getting hit. <> When you're done, sell off all those explosives you picked up over the past few chapters. Ask the Jew Merchant if you know him to get a quest to give a package to the OTHER Jew Merchant. Save. Head out. Forge your way to the northeast, killing ghouls and dogs and getting the quest to rescue the prisoners from the cage. To the southeast you'll find a ghoul with a Prison Key on him and you can rescue the nearby ones. Start heading north, where a ghoul will drop the Gate Key. This is NOT the key to the cells. Further north is the gate you need to go through. On the other side of the gate you'll be heading west. When you reach the dead-end, there's more Junk in one of the crates. After this move back to the intersection and continue heading east. When it dead ends you'll find some ghouls to the south with a Prison Key or two. To the north is a footlocker with the final piece of Junk. Now go back to the intersection and start freeing prisoners. In one of the cells you'll find a bunch of breakable boxes. There's a footlocker behind them with a Heavy Machine Gun in it. Somewhat near the exit in a northeasterly corner is a footlocker with Power Fists in it. When done you're going back to the intersection and north through that gate. In the next wide open area you'll find the exit to the north. ********************* Docks Torture Chamber ********************* Well look what mister big and ugly drug in. Blake, the Ghoul Cult Priest and pitifully easy boss, has captured the surprisingly WHITE Rhombus of the Brotherhood of Steel and is presently torturing him. Run up and talk to Rhombus, who is not nearly as black as some of us might remember him. Around the outside of the building is ammo and stimpacks, but they're hardly worth your time. Once you're finished with Rhombus, Blake'll show up behind you and the fight begins. <> What a pain. Shoot and heal. If you've got Rad Child as Cain this fight is way easier, but it really, really doesn't matter. Blake is barely any harder without it. When he's done get the caps and key from him, free Rhombus, and then follow the man. < ****************** Docks Holding Pens ****************** Rhombus has this crazy idea that he's some sort of Superman. Fortunately, he IS. It doesn't seem that man can die no matter what punishment is inflicted on him. Use this to your advantage by letting him get attacked by everyone while you clean up. Just follow Rhombus until you hit a gate that he makes you wait until he opens it (the third gate). No you're in new, uncharted territory. But it's still more of the same, only now there's boxes with stuff in them. Too bad it's northing all that worthwhile. Keep following Rhombus until a cutscene starts where he gets blown up by some of the new, improved "Explodey Ghouls". Kill all of these in a mini-boss fight that seems somehow even easier than Blake was. Return to Rhombus, who quickly dies (but gives you the Vault Keycard). Search a back alley for Dual Submachine Guns (which sound good, but really aren't). Start heading south, killing Explodey Ghouls on the way. You'll end up back at the entrance of this area soon. Trade with the merchant for what you need, then leave. ************************ Docks Warehouse District ************************ Well look where we are again. Start wending your way back to that warehouse where you saw the Mutants. If you'd lke, use the exit on the far west side to go back to West Bridge and complete some quests. Giese'll give you a Super sledge if you have all the pieces of junk, otherwsie it's random bits of crap. Giving the package to the merchant gets you 200 exp (not bad) and 50 caps (useless). And if you got all of Harold's parts it's worth a total of 1,000 caps and NO exp. Do it if you please, but 1,000 caps should be pretty meaningless to you by now, huh? Remember the alley where you fought those mutants? No? Well... me neither. It's kind of on the east side of the middle of the map. Sorry I can't be of more help! Enter the Warehouse ************ VT Warehouse ************ This chapter is finally almost over. Just stick with it! Inside there seems to be some sort of holy war going on between the Mutants and the Ghouls. Don't worry though, as soon as they see you they'll abandon all trappings of what they were doing and focus solely on you. Take the short path to the west first. It leads to a Combat Helmet and a Monster Ripper in two footlockers. Then go all the way to the east. This path is VERY long, you'll fight dozens of ghouls, but it's entirely linear and holds nothing of value. When you reach the end, exit into the Vault Basement. ****************** Warehouse Basement ****************** Hey, guess what. ANOTHER MINEFIELD. Hooray! Once again, the boxes/siderooms hold pretty much nothing. Unless you're some obsessed weirdo, just keep plowing on through. Okay, that's not ENTIRELY true. When you reach the first big room with mines in it, there's a Combat Shotgun in a footlocker to the northwest. That's it though. You'll eventually be able to head west off this wonderfully linear path when it dead-ends. Here you'll reach a Shop Tec machine, which is like a merchant but much more annoying. Sell/restock. There's a Home-Made Rocket Launcher in a nearby room. Move on. To the east you'll find plenty of mutants, bugs, and a generator you have to turn on. Go back to the elevator you passed on the way through. Eliminate the bug scourge you've somehow unleashed upon the world and exit. ******************** Warehouse Basement 2 ******************** Bust up boxes for ammo, walk through the door, watch the scene. <> Oh wow, a boss that actually REQUIRES a strategy... but not much of one. The turrets here do a ton of damage, but the trick is to get one of them between you and the rest, that way you're only getting shot by one at a time. Other than that? Piece of cake. There's plenty of boxes here. Step into the Vault to end the chapter. <> ********************* CHAPTER 3 - THE VAULT ********************* You all knew it was coming. In this room, find the computer console and push all the buttons on it. Use the Shop-Tec to restock and move out to the west. Take the right branch when the path forks and watch a plain disgusting scene of scatologitcal proportions. Oh man, I love that stuff so much. Kill the plainly awful mutants and hit the nearby switch. Now go back and check the other fork to get into the Garden. Another horde of bugs will charge at you, so dispose them. Take the east exit (the only one you can). I could go into detail here, but aside from some Tesla Boots in the far southwest corner, there's absolutely NOTHING of interest (Save the mutants you can kill for XP). Exit's to the north, when you're ready. *********************** Vault Residence Level 2 *********************** Head south here, killing the bugs that get in your way. Use the console and hit both buttons to clear a path through the shelves. Another console will get in your way, left middle right left works here. You'll find another Heavy Machine Gun in a box nearby. Further on is an item you actually want, Tesla Gauntlets. You'll run into one more set of books in your way here, with four buttons on the console. This one's a pain, and I never wrote down a proper solutions. Just hit buttons, you'll get through. You'll come up upon a large group of shelves on the north side of the room here. Manipulate them in these three patterns. All out, then all in. The final combination is 110100100 (1 being extended and 0 being retracted). Each time you enter a code, you simply have to run to the south and collect your goodies from the rooms behind the shelves that open up. You'll find a Residence Keycard on a corpse in one of them. Go back upstairs through the elevator you came in from. ***************** Residence Level 1 ***************** On your way back to the Garden area, check out the doors you couldn't previously open. The only one that actually holds anything important is the one near where you saw the masterpiece scene of the mutant 'relieving' himself. There's a couple Tesla Helmets in there. When you're done, go through the door in the garden. Fight the Super Mutant mini-boss here (who barely deserves to have a life bar), get the ammo from surrounding rooms, and then go right down that elevator. ***************** Residence Level 3 ***************** Head east and clear out mutants in your usual fashion. You're a tough guy, you can handle that, right? When the path dead ends and branches, you take the one to the north. As you move along mutants will swarm out of a large room with an open door to the north (watch out for the Mutant with the minigun). Use the computer to turn on the lights, then head out and to the west. Check the room here for an Assault Rifle. No go aaaaaaaaall the way back to the beginning (watch out for lasers!) Take not of the open door you pass along the way. You'll know what it is because there's a room with six robots across from it, and they're all attacking you. <> If you're playing Co-op (and I have no idea how you made it this far in such a boring game if you aren't) there's a room with two switches in it that you have to hit at the same time. Behind are more mutants and some footlockers with cash in it (about 16,000). A brief diversion, but not an important one. <> Careful around those lasers! The first set mostly blinks on and off, but you have to jump over the laser one. You'll figure out the rest. Just keep moving north until you're back at the start. Use the console to control one of those little toaster robots you've seen scooting around. Take him back to the room I told you to make note of earlier (the one across from the robots) and drive him into the west section of the place (careful for mutants!). You'll find a switch in there past the mutants. Hit it to turn the lasers off and you'll be done with the robot. Head back to that (blissfully laser free) room now. Take the left fork (where you sent the robot). In the far back of this room you'll find another, smaller, room with a switch it in. Hit that. Now take the right fork, kill robots and mutants. Get on the platform and throw the switch. Exit. ******************* Vault Residence Hub ******************* My, what a pretty sight. The footlocker next to you has a super stimpack. Move right ahead. <> Attis is the same as any other big, hand to hand boss. He has minions that you can kill for pretty good exp. Around the room is ammo and stimpacks you won't have time to get after he's dead, so if it REALLY matters to you, get them now. <> ************* Vault Ruins 1 ************* Oh, look who's losing 10 HP a second. This area is not important, just follow the girl. You can't attack, but if you're playing two player then ONE of you will be able to (whoever wasn't in the cutscene, probably the person that didn't lay the final blow on Attis). Nobne of the items are important, just stimpacks and stuff. Just keep walking. ****** Garden ****** When you wake up (with new, non-bleeding arm) talk to Patty and exhaust her dialogue options, then do the same with the nearby Mary (you'll get the quest to find her ring, which I have never actually completed). Across the way you'll find Ching Tsun, the merchant. I'm telling you, it's not a stereotype laden game without some crazy Chinese guy looking for computer parts. Find them for him all the same, though, because they're worth a pretty big load of Cash/Exp (Finally, a useful quest!). If money's burning a hole in your pocket, you might consider buying a full suit of Power Armor now, as you won't find anything better and it'll give you a slight edge. There is absolutely nothing else of value here. Exit through the door to the right (your character's right) of where you enter the garden. ****************** Vault Facilities 1 ****************** Wander around collecting various items before you open the door. Kill the robot and the technician you're with will ask you to go through the vent and open the security force field. Do it, but don't open the field yet. You want to wander through the rest of the area first and kill all the robots to keep the technician alive. On the other side of the vent, get the Super Sledge from the box. If you go north through another vent and west you'll come to a room with some Ripper Gloves in them. Now go back through that air vent and through that east exit. Follow the path to the east, killing robots and enter the room to the south. Your objective here is to turn off the robot generators by using the three consoles in the middle of the room. You can, however, use the robot spawners to farm massive amounts of Computer Parts for that quest. It's up to you. When you're done with all this, exit through vent on the south side and continue on. In here you'll find tesla armor. Go west and you'll eventually end up in the hallway again. Keep going west and you'll see the technician again. Turn off the forcefield to let him in. Follow the technician (all the way to the north) and use the save spot before entering that final room. Protect the Tech as best you can from the robots swarming in. It takes him about 15 seconds. When done, collect all the Computer Parts that the robots dropped and exit to the west. ****************** Vault Facilities 2 ****************** Straight ahead and all the way to the west you'll find a room. South from here is lots of ammo and a Continuous Laser, north is a vent. Through the vent you'll come to a hallway. Follow this to the east (eventually) and kill some more of those turrets you fought before. Through a door here the room goes dark. When it gets lit up again you'll fight a bunch of robots with Continuous Lasers who would be hard, but you've got the Tesla/Power armor. Through the door to the north. Through the east path you'll find a TON of robots, and a switch to turn off robot production. Good stuff. Aaaall the way to the west is one of the circuits you have to reconnect. Now move back south and then west into unexplored territory. Kill more Continuous Laser robots here and try to use the door, the Tech will unlock it for you. Head north through the vent, kiling robots. Now east and south into the other circuit room. Head back west and south through the hallway this time. You're trying to exit. Watch out for the new, improved Explodey Robots. When the Tech dies, you'll find the door locked. That's okay, there's a vent right there! Use it, then continue eastward to the exit. ****************** Vault Facilities 1 ****************** Just exit through the east side ****************** Vault Facilities 3 ****************** Go follow the main path until you reach the dead end with the bouncing arrow. Oh no, what's that? Alert? Whatever. Head back, hitting one of those terminals on the way to deactivate the forcefield. The first door you see is blocked. No help there. Keep walking (green beams summon robots) and use the console to deactivate the nearby lasers. The next console will change of bunch of stuff and let you into the nearby room. You want Force Fields 1, 5 and 6 turned off. This way you can head north and past the deactivated Forcefield 7. Dodge the green lasers (or hit them, who cares?) and find the terminal to turn Forcefield 9 off. As you keep going north you'll end up trapped between some beams and have to fight some robots. No big deal. Keep going north, hit the console, through Field 11. The computer on the east side of the room clears the way for you. Moving more towards the east you'll find yet MORE robots. If you've got money to burn, you'll find the Shop-Tec parts in a room on your right. This shop tech acrries basically all the high-end weapons in the game. So grab them if that's your thing. This shop sells the best items in the game, including the Turbo Sledge (which you won't be getting for a long while). So buy what you want if you've got the money for it. They won't get outdated. At the end of the hall you see a malfunctioning laser field. Crawl under it when the bottom one goes out. A console in the side of the room turns off the forcefield in the middle of the room, then use the computer there to turn off ANOTHER forcefield. Go south, fight turrets, find Tesla Cleaver. If you've been using the Slugger this whole time, now you'll want to replace it. The Cleaver's low damage end is much better. Nearby you'll find the exit to the mainframe. No problem. *************** Vault Mainframe *************** Kill all the Nightkin, use the computer. Judging by the cutscene's dialogue, I think someone on "Team Chuck" doesn't know exactly what 'sterility' means, unless mutants have some insight into what the actuall FORMING of a baby "feels like". Way to go, guys. Leave. ****** Garden ****** Give parts to Merchant, get quest from Patty. Exit all the way to the west. ******* Ruins 1 ******* Remember this? Sure you do. Head west until you can enter a long hall to the north. Rooms hold basically nothing. Not worth it. Follow the VERY linear path. The side rooms here offer basically nothing. Tesla Armor bits and a Super Sledge? Pfft. Keep walking! When you reach the exit, check around a little. See that room to the west? In there is a box with the Shredder in it. Finally, a GOOD gun! Why not stock up on bullets at the nearby Shop-Tec. All done? Head out. ******* Ruins 2 ******* Head north and west, open door. West again and into the south room, you'll find Power Boots in a box. North is a room with two constantly respawning big deathclaws (goo for experience?). On the northwest side of the room is a panel you have to shoot to open a door. Now look through the window and shoot the switch on the other side. Why? I don't know. Exit the room and go east to the door you unlocked. Here, you'll want to blow up EVERYTHING to get through. All computers must go. Your eventual exit is through the path to the East. In the room with the exit you find Power Armor and Power Gauntlets, if you were too cheap the buy them already <<2 PLAYER ALERT>> Here is the most frustrating thing you'll do with two people. Go into the room to the west and hit the two switches at the same time. See all those lasers to the south? You have to jump them one at a time and you BOTH have to make it because there's two more simultaneous switches on the other side. Hit them too and you'll be rewarded with a bunch of armor and a naked, dancing, Pip-Boy in a jar that's barely noticable. I'm reminded of that part in Resident Evil 2 with the two passcodes where your reward for all that work was a sub-machine gun. Do it if you want, but for me... no thanks. It'll take you as long as a half an hour if you or your friend are bad at it. Leave. <> ******* Ruins 3 ******* There's practically nothing work mentioning here besides more gross shilling for the Bawls drink. There's a Minigun in one of the Eastern rooms (near a slime puddle), but the only reason to use it is if you've been stockpiling small bullets. There's Dual Laser Pistols in here too, and those are good, but I'm not really sure at all where I found 'em. Your exit is in the southeast. *************** Valt Ruins Cave *************** French people now... WHAT!? I wonder how a group of people FROM AMERICA living in a place of total homeostatis undeground for well over a generation would have such outrageous accents. Maybe that's just me, though. <> Sigh. Kill her like everyone else. Watchout for the rad puddles, she'll use them to heal herself (somehow). Grab the lab keycard from her corpse and start trekking back to the garden. ********** Ruins 3, 2 ********** No new items to speak of, just new deathclaws. Kill as necessary. Near the end of Ruins 2 you'll find another Shredder, if you need it. ****** Garden ****** Those mutant jerks. What's up with that. Poor, poor Charlie Chan. He never stood a chance. There's nothing to be gained here, so kill as many mutants as you want and exit to the southeast. ***** Lab 1 ***** Finally, the last few areas of the game! Head straight ahead and open up those lasers. The minigun mutants make a return here, but if you can push them into the lasers they'll die immediately. Keep that in mind, it helps once or twice. In a room to the side you'll find the Mega Power Fists and the Plasma Saw, both very good melee weapons. So use the one of your choice (the fists) and move on. The next time the path branches there's a pointless room to the south and the path on to the north. In this room, the east path leads to nothing but monsters, the west is the way out. In this room you'll find tons of mutants but basically nothing else. The exit is in the southwest corner, where you'll have to get an eye off one of the nearby mutants and use it to go down. ***** Lab 2 ***** Head on north. A sideroom contains some bugs and a computer you can use to activate a turret and kill some mutants (why is the exit button bound to the jump key, but the DESCRIPTION tells you always to use "Y", even when you've changed the jump key? THat's just plain irratating). Keep moving north to find another side room with bugs and another turret you can activate (though there's no mutants around to shoot). On the path you'll find one more bug/turret side room before you hit a very large room with even bigger bugs in it. Just keep walking, keep killing mutants. Eventually the mutants will break a forcefield and lets some deathclaws out (to your advantage). Keep going south from here and you'll enter a room and be treated to a cutscene. Hit a switch on the console to release some meaningless substance into the test room, search a nearby couch for your only chance to get the (not so good) Turbo Plasma Rifle, then go in and kill that deathclaw. <> Someone tell me why an Adolescent Deathclaw is four times bigger than any others we've fought so far. Those are SOME babies. He really takes a pounding too, but when you finally do waste him he'll spit up the keycard you need to end the level. <> Head back to where those forcefields were. Go to the west and use the keycard on the console. Enter the code "929" and use the door to exit ***** Lab 3 ***** Walk forward to your last Shop-Tec ever. Ain't you sad? You can get a Turbo Super Sledge here, if you want it. But otherwise I don't know what else you'd need. The Plasma Cannon et al. really aren't all that good. Heavy Laser is too expensive, but if you have the Turbo Plasma Rifle, it's always fun to buy about 3000 rounds of it to use on the last boss. Beware, this is intensely expensive. Restock. Walk to the west. You'll find a console that sells "Robo Buddies" that act as your pals. I've only bought the 100,000 cap version, but if you have the cash it seems like a good deal. The guy does 600 damage a shot! Move into the room. <> The first of many minibosses. No real different than any other mutant, he just has a lifebar. Kill him and all his friends and you'll be able to move into the next room. < Take the south fork here and pass another robo console. You already have one, what's another one gonna do for you? Just keep moving. Make sure your little robo-buddy gets into the room before you go in too far, or the door will close and you'll lose the poor thing. <> Same as before. < This time the exit is to the east. Just keep going. <> More health, but that's it. <> You want advanced power armor? It's right in this room. There's two sets of crates you can crawl under on the south side of this place and underneath them is a full set of Advanced Power Armor. It doesn't look any different, but an armor bonus is an armor bonus. <> <> Exit to the north. <> Apparently "mutant nightkin" is code for "midget". But the guy DOES have a lot of health! <> The exit, finally, is to the east. Say byebye to your super awesome robot buddy ********************* Vault Laboratory Core ********************* Ah the final boss. <> Same as any other boss. Shoot, heal. When he's down to half life you get <> Bigger. Same pattern. Still can't lock on. Annoying. Get him down most of the way and he'll die. Can someone tell me why his GUNS get bigger too? Mutant guns? <> This boss is mostly running across the level bashing stuff up. First you'll want to run to that red dot on the screen and kill tentacles until the eye is exposed, then kill the eye. Repeat this about six hundred times. After about six hours you'll get to the mouth, who is much more paletable. Just shoot him, keep your health about 240 (that's how much damage he'll do sucking you in) and go upstairs when you're done. ******** Upstairs ******** Head south, west and you'll eventually end up at another mouth. Upstairs again. *************** Please just end *************** Run forward, talk to Patty, get key, kill Patty, through door, head another, fight ANTOHER mouth, hit sitch, keep going north. ***************************************** I loved Resident Evil 2's ending, as well ***************************************** There's monsters here that you might as well ignore, as there's a countdown in effect and you're at the end of the game anyway. What does experience matter? Head south and then east as far as you can go. That's all there is to it. You beat this game. May god have mercy on your soul. ...but mostly the soul of Chuck Cuevas... ...I hate this game...