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Hello! Far Cry Instincts is a game recently out as of writing, and there were no guides posted for it, save my demo guide. I'd also been recieving requests to write up one, so here it is. And yes, because there is no guide for Instincts for the XBox release, I've decided that taking a full approach to the game is the best idea, as that way I can include everything in one easy file. So instead of a small, plain FAQ that just runs through the main game, I'd have a large, fully complete guide to all sections of it, to provide all the information that I can. Because the guide contains quite a fair bit of information, the Table of Contents has been made bigger to account. It takes on the same format as my other smaller FAQs, except it now uses sub-sections. Be sure to look through for the section you need (E.G. You want to find out about the Map-Maker) and find the appropriate heading. To save time of scrolling through the whole FAQ, search strings are avaliable and are noted in the Table of Contents. Table of Contents: (I-I) Introduction (I-I) (C-N) Contact Me (C-N) (V-H) Version (V-H) (G-I) Game Info (G-I) *** (R-V) Review (R-V) (C-C) Controls (C-C) (S-T) Story (S-T) (C-H) Characters (C-H) (T-H) Tips/Hints (T-H) 1.a. On Foot 1.b. Shooting 1.c. Driving 1.d. Feral Abilites *** (W-G) Weapon Guide (W-G) (V-G) Vehicle Guide(V-G) *** (W-K) Walkthrough (W-K) -2.a. The Game -2.b. Welcome to Jacutan -2.c. Beach -2.d. Native -2.e. River -2.f. Rainforest -2.g. Mines -2.h. Cliff -2.i. Sub-Aquatic Facility -2.j. Dead Marshes -2.k. Wasteland -2.l. Black Forest ** (FAQ) FAQ (FAQ) (CNC) Cheats/Codes (CNC) (G-S) Game Saves (G-S) (I-M) Island Maker (I-M) ** (M-P) Multiplay Tips(M-P) ** (C-M) Map Database (C-M) (G-L) Glitches (G-L) (S-I) Skip the Intro(S-I) (E-M) Past E-Mails (P-M) (X-L) XBox Live (X-L) *** (T-K) Thanks to... (T-K) (C-R) Copyrights (C-R) Note: *This section needs to be re-vamped. **This section needs to be completed. ***This section needs to be started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I-I) INTRODUCTION (I-I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Survive by Any Means - Go it alone by setting traps, scouting ahead, sniping from afar, and commandeering all types of assault vehicles. - Shoot to Kill - Finally, AI that's actually intelligent. Enemies react in real-time, take cover, call in reinforcements, and use advanced group-formation tactics to take you out. - A Whole New World - Discover all-new locations including abandoned mines, aquatic labs, and a host of locations not found in the PC version. - Wage War Online - Explosive Xbox Live play allows you to engage in island warfare in more than eight unique modes of multiplayer combat. - Create a Slice of Paradise - Build your own multiplayer maps for use on Xbox Live or in split-screen mode. This first-of-its-kind editor for the Xbox console is ultra-powerful and specially designed for the Xbox Controller and allows gamers to switch from editing to playing on the fly. After escorting an inquisitive journalist to a remote tropical island, Jack Carver finds himself stranded in paradise, hunted by an unrelenting team of highly trained mercenaries. Incorporating state-of-the-art graphic technology and a host of innovative FPS gameplay conventions, Far Cry redefines the term "survival action." As Jack, you'll have to outwit hordes of cunning mercenaries through all manner of tactics. Make long-range assaults, set traps, commandeer vehicles - even develop new skills and abilities to outlast the island's evils and escape with your life. ~Play.com's synopsis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-N) CONTACT ME (C-N) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes. It's official. I love the attention. Gimme your e-mails. Make my head explode. To send me mail that I will read, please set it up with the following fields: E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com Subject Line: Far Cry Instincts Guide Now that you've got my interest, you must abide by the rules below, or else it won't be read and instead, ignored. Please, if you want your voice to be heard, follow the rules/guidelins. THE DO'S =-=-=-=-= - Inform me of errors that I've made. Either constant grammar or factual info. - Pass on strategies and solutions on how to solve parts of the game which I have not mentioned. - Ask for help about things not mentioned in the guide. - Write in words. Not internet short cuts. - I like to read e-mails with proper formatting and grammar. Please do be sure to write your e-mail like so. - To inform me of your custom map which you'd like added to the database. - Glitches! There's loads of glitches out there and I want to include them all. - Your opinions and your views on the game. - And please, read through the guide before even thinking about contacting me. I've had many e-mails in the past about my other guides where they ask me questions which were answered, or not answered in some cases, since some were about the demo guides I had wrote. THE DO NOT'S =-=-=-=-=-=-= - Send me chain letters or spam. That's one big no-no. - Send attachments. In some cases, I do accept them, but usually for just for pictures/images only, such as maps and such. - Call me names/Insult me/Threaten me/yadda yadda yadda...I don't need it. - Use child like e-mails with crap colours. I don't want size 32 bright yellow font on top of a lime green background. - Type in alterNaTiNg CaPs LiKe ThIs or just in ALL CAPS AND STUFF. - No stupid 1337 speaking. If I see it, it's deleted in a flash. \/\/ 0 R |). - Ask irelevent questions which I answered in my guide. It irritates me to have that done. See those rules? Well...they're more like guidelines anyway...but it doesn't matter either way! OBEY THEM OR DIE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (V-H) VERSION HISTORY (V-H) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.5 ~ October 13th 2005. === After a very short time of waiting, Far Cry lands on my doorstep and I begin playing. As I go along through the levels, I re-take them and restart over and over whilst recording information to include in my guide. It should be finished before long. Stay tuned. As of writing, it has a lot of basic information included and the guide up to the first 6 levels, but not including. It has a halfway through complete weapon guide. I have started the Island Maker and it is halfway through, but I thought it would be best to leave it out until completion to save confusion. 0.9 ~ October 17th 2005. === The majority of the guide is complete, save the last level. The Mapmaker is also missing, but that will be included next update. 0.95 ~ October 21th 2005. ==== Due to an error on my part, I've recieved a dozen e-mails informing me that it was Ubisoft Montreal that infact developed the game, and not Crytek as I had orginally stated. I've removed all references to them as developing it. I've have also started work on a "Custom Map Database" section which will list some of the hottest maps which circle both on and off Live, their creators and other information. Oh, and another thing, added an e-mail section for past e-mails sent which may be of some interest. 0.955 ~ October 22th 2005. ===== Glitches ahoy! Yes, I've now started a glitch section. At the moment, it's small at the moment, so be sure to send in some of those glitches by e-mail! Also, an expanded code section is now here with a few more cheats, as well as a newly found path to avoided the merc camp at the start of "Beach." Stay tuned for another update within the next few days... 0.958 ~ October 23rd 2005. ===== Okay, nothing much today. Added a section on how to avoid watching the intro movie again and again, 1 new cheat and I *HAVE* started work upon the custom map database. As of writing (23/10/05) there is a topic up on the Far Cry Insincts board at GameFAQs asking for all of those maps that you play. You can find that topic here: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=917534&topic=24194494 And I almost forgot, a rather nice chap e-mailed me asking for additional help on the Mines level where he was having trouble, so I've added a small note to that level just for him. 1.00 ~ October 24th 2005. ==== Finnaly. It's finished. Well, in practical terms it is, but a guide is never finished when it comes to me. There's still maps to find and add to the database (which is now included in the guide), multiplayer modes to talk about, Map Maker tutorial, vehicles guide, XBox Live...I can go the whole way and include the game's specs and data. A guide is never finished. 1.15 ~ October 25th 2005. ==== A whole bunch of maps added to the database, as well as the odd touch up here and there. No real improvement as of yet to the walkthrough. This is my little child now...it's growing bigger and bigger and won't ever be completed, not even with my daily updates. 1.30 ~ October 26th 2005. ==== Lots of things to talk about... A complete re-working of the weapons guide was long overdue, so that's been done. I still need to get around to the Xbox Live section ofthe guide, since many people have been asking about tips and such on the Predator mode, I do need to get onto that. The Map-Maker section is also in need of some work, since there is no real guide on it, just the tips that he great users of GameFAQs have come up with, so expect that stuff shortly. Oh, and nearly forgot (well, I did, but I remembered), there's now a gamesave section up. So in case of you having trouble passing a perticular section of the game, just download one of these saves to pass it. Easy. So far, there's only one, but it'll get bigger. 1.33 ~ October 27th 2005. ==== I am seriously annoyed. Thanks to a disc-error, the guide was wiped out. WIPED OUT! GONE! *SCREAMS* I am really annoyed and angry, but thankfully, it wasn't gone completely due to GameFAQs' hosted version. Sadly, this means there's no updates today. I did have a massive kick up the rear to the guide today as well, it has vehicle guides, game data and features, feral abilites, maps, glitches, new game modes, map maker tips, information on how to pass different areas, e-mails...IT HAD LOADS. There was XBox Live information, a warning section, touched up areas. ARGHHHHHHHH! And calm. I may of wasted a good 5 or 6 hours solid typing sessions yesterday and a bit more today, but...oh well. I can work on it today and get it all up to standards by tommorrow. Sorry, folks. I'm as annoyed as you are. 1.66 ~ November 2nd 2005. ==== Just a quick update after a certain person requested their name be removed from the FAQ. Done and done. 1.88 ~ November 4th 2005. ==== I still have no updates as of yet...I'm getting lazy. >_< This update is just to say that the ending solution has been included, thanks to [removed] Lagerfeldt! That's it...for now. 1.99 ~ November 12th 2005. ==== Thanks to [removed] Lagerfeldt for slapping me out of my sloth-like phase. I've added a small multiplayer section with the three tips that Lagerfeldt had sent in. Also, another tip was sent in by David Jones on how to save Val's health from depleting too much during NATIVE. That's it, sadly. No updates to vehicles or anything. Sorry gang. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (R-V) REVIEW (R-V) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Because my review KEEPS getting rejected time and time again for some reason, I have to include here.* **After another try, the review was finally accepted. Shooters today...What do you think of? Medal of Honour? Squad-Based Team shoot outs? ALIENS?! Well, that may be true for the majority of FPSs out there doing the rounds at the moment, but just once in a while, you get a whole new take on it all. Far Cry is exactly that. It takes a step back from the genre, breathes in and looks up and down the line before taking two steps forward and kicking ass. In Far Cry Instincts, you take on the role of Jack Carver, dishonourably discharged from the military and now drifting through the pacific on his small charter boat. One day, he hires out his boat to a female reporter who wants to go to a small private island where some crazy military stuff is going down. After waking up from a nap, Jack finds the reporter gone and his boat about to be blown apart by helicopters. Forget the story now, let's talk about the gameplay. Far Cry, after the successful feedback from the first game, has always been renowned for it's incredible AI. The reworked and rebuilt CRYEngine is amazing beyond relief. The enemy mercenaries will circle around you, provide covering fire, hide behind cover when you fire upon them. They work in groups and attempt to take you down, working in formations and countering you. <3 These enemies are just like their real-life counter-parts, with real senses and emotions. Well, not so much on emotions, but their senses do play a part in it all. At night, they lose their way when looking for you...in daylight, they can see for miles and spot you. Great stuff, eh? I'll come back to another feature of the game in a second, but first... ...GRAPHICS! The other great factor to Far Cry Instincts is the lush and awe inspiring graphics. The wonderfully, incredibly, edibly detailed jaw-dropping environments will get your heart pumping. It's all rendered without a single fault...no loading times, no glitches, no problem. There's not even a single bit of slowdown to be found in the game, and that's not all. Detailed clothes and weapons add to the whole experience, and just a simple play for 30 seconds will cause puddles of drool to form around those pasty white ankles of yours. Okay. Back to the "other" feature I mentioned. This "feature" has caused a stir and has divided the fanbase of the game. ...Jack...can...mutate...into...a... ...beast. Yes. Thanks to an injection he receives, Jack begins to go back to those animalistic instincts, with improved vision, smell, hearing and speed. Not to mention, sheer brute strength. Using Jack's instincts, he can hunt and track his prey from a distance before closing in for the kill. No offense to Ubisoft, but...are we stupid? Can't we enjoy an excellent shooter without something so mind boggling like this? Granted, it's a nice idea, but I can't help but feel lowered into another group of gamers other than FPS fans. Bah. Maybe I'm too cranky. And don't get me wrong, I like the blend between animal play and shooting action. It worked for The Suffering (I've also spotted a few similarities between Far Cry and Suffering) and it also works here. Looking back upon it, I really do enjoy the "Predator" feature. <3 If you've played through the Story mode and you hunger for more, you've got a massive bank of fun available to you from the start thanks to Multiplayer. There's the tradition classic deathmatches, team deathmatches and a new variation of Capture-The-Flag...Steal The Sample. And these maps aren't small, scaled down maps. It's like you're going through the Story mode environments and levels. Massive. Detailed. Great. Not only can you play no Split-Screen, but also take the action online with up to 16 players. Oh, and not to mention the new game mode "Predator." In this mode, a whole bunch of mercs are trekking through the map in order to power up a generator. Sadly, these generators are a long way away, and they need to enter the Predator's territories. Predators are strong...fast...well, super human, really. The mercs need to survive and work in teams, providing cover and become dummies to draw predators away from areas. <3 Guess what? The game's still not finished with its surprises. Far Cry Instincts has another great feature that should be included with every game. LEVEL MAKING TOOLS. Yes. You can build your own tropical dream paradise (or indeed nightmare, war-torn pit) with anything you like. Thanks to the easy and wonderfully simple interface, you can be building high detailed maps in minutes. Players are free to make whatever map they want....Indoor or outdoor. Mountain top or underwater. Jet-Ski races or Humvee driving ranges. Trenches or jungle warfare. Simple drag-and-drop controls allows for players to easily build their dreams up without frustration and programming skills. Are you finished with your map? Upload it to XBox Live and play your favourite game modes on it with the rest of the world. You'll never get bored thanks to the innovative and unique minds of gamers who know what you want. Get This Game. Adapt. Evolve. Survive. Go Live. Make Maps. Kick Ass. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-C) CONTROLS (C-C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a brief over-look of the controls. The game throws you into the jungle without any major tutorial, but it does provide you with numerous handy hints as the game progresses. Below is the control pad for you to see the layout of the control pad and the actual game play controls below that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XBOX CONTROLLER BUTTON LAYOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ /L.TRIG\ /R.TRIG\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / \ / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ (Y) \ Left Stick------|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B) | | \___/ XBOX (A) | (Back)------|-> O _____ | (Start)---------/--> O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\------(Black) | |_ + _| | | O <---|--------(White) D-PAD------|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <---------|----Right Stick / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / Controller S \ | | / made by Thuyker \ | \____/ \____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON-FOOT CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throw rocks/ ______ ______ Shoot/ Throw grenades----->/ \ / \ <------------Install Trap /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯ Reload/Action / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ v (Y) \ Move/Stance----|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B)<--|----------Melee/Push | \___/ XBOX (A) <----|-Jump Object | O _____ | / O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\--Toggle Mines/Traps | |_ + _| | | O <---|---Toggle Rocks/ Select-----|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <----Look | Grenades Weapon / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / \ | | / \ | \____/ \____/ Left Thumbstick | Move Clicked Left Thumbstick | Stance (Crouch/Prone/Stand) Right Thumbstick | Look Behind / Left / Right / Forward Clicked Right Thumbstick | No Effect Left Trigger | Throw rocks/grenades Right Trigger | Fire Weapon/Install Trap D-Pad Up | Select Weapon D-Pad Down | Select weapon D-Pad Left | Select Weapon D-Pad Right | Select weapon A Button | Jump B Button | Melee attack/Push object X Button | Reload/Action button Y Button | (tap) = Feral Run / (hold) = Feral Sense White | Toggle Rocks/Grenades Start | Pause Menu Back | No effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRIVING CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ / \ / \ <------Fire Weapon /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / \ / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ (Y) \ Throttle------|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B)<--|-----Handbrake | \___/ XBOX (A) | | O _____ | / O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O \ | |_ + _| | | O | Select Weapon-|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <---------|----Look / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / \ | | / \ | \____/ \____/ Left Thumbstick | Left / Right Steering / Throttle Clicked Left Thumbstick | Honks Horn (Multiplayer Only) Right Thumbstick | Look Behind / Left / Right / Forward Clicked Right Thumbstick | No Effect Left Trigger | Handbrake Right Trigger | Fire Weapon D-Pad Up | Select Weapon D-Pad Down | Select Weapon D-Pad Left | Select Weapon D-Pad Right | Select Weapon A Button | Jump (ATV only) B Button | Swap between turret and driving X Button | No effect Y Button | No effect Black | No effect White | No Effect Start | Pause Back | No effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (S-T) STORY (S-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get Dirty or Die ---------------- Some say Jack Carver settled in Micronesia because he was running away from his past. A dishonourable discharge and a price on your head can make earning an honest living pretty tricky, but "obstacle" was not a word in Jack's vocabulary. It took several years and fair few boat trips, but eventually Jack developed a taste for the simple life. Maybe this is why he didn't smell the trouble when Val Cortez appeared on the dock with cameras and swimsuit and a daypack full of cash. And the smell became no stronger when she asked him for a ride to the Jacutan islands, a remote archipelago that is not known as a local picnic destination. Jack's boat and livlihood are now but a charred pile of toothpicks. To cap it all, his client has disappeared and no matter where he goes there are psychopaths in fatigues intent of blowing him up or gunning him down. Jack has this uncanny feeling that he is cornered in a merciless yet desperately beautiful tropical jungle and that violent death is just a coconut away. Jack's choice is this: Either embrace the wilderness and make its brutality his own. Or marvel at the beauty and face extinction up the barrel of a mercenary gun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-H) CHARACTERS (C-H) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I DID NOT WRITE THE BELOW, INSTEAD, IT WAS SENT TO ME BY A GAMER FROM THE GAMEFAQS MESSAGE BOARDS WHO FOUND IT ON GAMERSHELL.COM. I IN NO WAY HAVE ANY RIGHTS TO THE BELOW INFORMATION AND IF THEY REQUEST TO HAVE IT REMOVED, IT WILL BE DONE SO STRAIGHT AWAY... =============================================================================== Col. Richard Crowe =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Richard Crowe's country of birth is a closely-guarded secret, but the South African dossier on his mercenary activities suggests that he turned up in a Johannesburg orphanage at the age of 14. It is well known that he served in the Apartheid-era security forces after checkered tours of duty in Namibia and Angola during the border wars. Rumors of atrocities have dogged him ever since he was invited to retire from the SADF in 1993 with the rank of colonel. For the next few years, Crowe surfaced in over a dozen conflicts across the southern hemisphere, earning substantial remuneration - and in one case in Rwanda, significant scarring - for training and leading elite counterinsurgency troops. As he moved from war to war, the colonel assembled a small but fiercely loyal cadre of officers with whom he would later form The Adversity Group, based out of offices in Dubai. Euphemistically known as risk-management consultants, Adversity has done little in its decade of operation to dispel Crowe's reputation as a sociopath war criminal and profiteer. Valerie Cortez =-=-=-=-=-=-=- The woman who would become Val Cortez was poached right out from under the U.S. Army's nose. She'd moved from 98J to Information Warfare Specialist with three chevrons on her sleeve and would have taken a spot in Aviation School. But the CIA got a look at her test scores and knew that she had a talent that the Army wouldn't be allowed to develop. She fit the profile perfectly and it only took two weeks of screening in Langley for her to realize it. Strangely enough, her training put her back in the hands of the Army, only this time at Ft. Bragg and in unmarked BDUs. On graduation day, she met her handler, a veteran spy she would only ever know as David. She learned to trust David with her life, and in time, a lot more. The affair ended when the Agency said so. David continued to run stings on bioweapons markets around the world. She took special activities assignments that got blacker every year, until the day she got the call: Bring David in. Dr. Herman Krieger =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dr. Herman Krieger's old life ended in 1974 with the death of his seven-year old son in a car accident. In that devastating moment, new priorities formed in the mind of Austria's preeminent pharmacologist. Krieger resigned as the associate director of the World Health Organization and began liquidating his family's assets. His wife left him the following year. Krieger's ideas about imposing 'natural selection' on humanity attracted some old attention. 'Gotteserbengesellschaft' had been around since the 1750s but their original methods - notably eugenics - had given way to maverick drug research carried out on human subjects in developing countries where the authorities could be induced to look the other way. Krieger used his professional connections to found a non-profit conservation project as a front for GeGs activities. Unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies began to exploit the opportunities for securing new patents, and Krieger enjoyed unprecedented funding for his work. The GeGs was eventually uncovered, but by then Krieger had vanished with over $200M. Herman Krieger has spent the last twenty five years fixated on a single burning question: "'What is the unique factor that determines human survival?" He was twice nearly arrested: Once for attempting to purchase medical data originally gathered in the course of wartime atrocities; and again for attempting to smuggle a restricted plant species out of Brazil. His obsession has taken him to every corner of the world; from the Sudan to the Andes, from Haiti to Bosnia, and from Mongolia to Borneo. He became convinced that the key to improving survivability lay in improving adaptability. After finding an obscure reference to transformational shamanism practiced in Jacutan, Krieger began quietly bribing the Micronesian authorities to secure uncontested development rights in the archipelago. He found that the islands themselves afforded him not only the specific knowledge that he was looking for, but an ideal sample group on which to test his new theories... Krieger has greatly expanded the research capabilities of the Jacutan operation, recruiting scientists from the ranks of the disgruntled, the discredited and the dismissed - and funneling money into construction. But his work continues to be defined by its failure to produce a stable recipient. His first experiments resulted in 100% fatalities, due to Krieger's practice of administering massively toxic doses of known entheogens - psychoactive drugs associated with mystical euphoria. He introduced supplementary treatments to boost the subject's tolerance and allow them to receive even higher doses and sustained periods of altered consciousness. Unsatisfied, Krieger tried to add radical neurosurgery and eventually gene therapy to the mix in an effort to build his 'ultimate survivor', but the results were either vegetative or too monstrous to be considered still human. David Doyle =-=-=-=-=-= "Doyle" is not his real last name. A brilliant PhD candidate at U. Chicago with a dozen offers from the biotech sector, David felt a void that research couldn't fill. The CIA recruiter recognized that hunger and David left academia behind for a new kind of school, The Farm. His test scores were off the charts, but he turned down a top position at the Sci-Tech Directorate for a bottom spot on the Ops waiting list. This was 1989, and he didn't have to wait long. Somat Koreliyev, a molecular biologist, walked into the Iraqi consulate in Baku with a complete inventory manifest from the Vozrozhdeniya bioweapons lab and 72 hours later David was over the Aral Sea logging his second H.A.L.O. jump. Three years and one valor citation later David was on the clandestine service roster, running interrogations, profiling HUMINT assets and doing a little recruiting of his own. When the Krieger file was reopened in 2001, David was the only operator with deep enough background to go in for as long as it took. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (T-H) TIPS / HINTS (T-H) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section will go over some basic skills which'll be used frequently through out the game and levels. They are as follows: 1.a. On Foot 1.b. Shooting 1.c. Driving ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 1.a - On Foot --------------------------------------- Crouching Carver, Hidden Predator --------------------------------- Ducking down and hiding in the bushes makes it harder for you to be seen. Use this to your advantage and stalk your prey before leaping up and taking him down. Learn to Jump ------------- This may sound obvious, but most don't do it. They just expect to hit the A Button and land where they want it to go. Doesn't always work. Learn where Carver will land, how far he can go and how high. Experiment on crates and boxes. In case you ever need to get out of a place in a hurry, leaping over something will slow the mercs down and could just save your life. Live Under the Cabins. ---------------------- If alert mode has been activated, you need to hide. Best place? Crouch down and go prone to crawl underneath the many wooden cabins throughout the jungles and tropics. Wait until things cool down a bit or they the guards go off to search another place before climbing back out. Use your Senses. ---------------- Hitting the Y-Button will enter Scent Mode (When Jack has learnt it), allowing you to track down enemies via the smell they emit. Learn about where the enemy is in the trail, since some people get confused as the smell lingers and hides the enemy in clouds of scent. Silence is Golden. ------------------ Silence is golden. Take your time when sneaking through places. Walk, don't run, since it does cause noise and may alert a few guards to your presence. You can easily make your way around a whole camp if you take your time. Watch Where You're Going. ------------------------- Sneak and watch where you're walking. Be careful not to walk straight around a corner and into a whole room full of trigger happy mercs (ala Hans Solo), so lean around corners to scope out the whole scene before going blindly in... TURN IT OFF! ------------ Later on in the game, you'll find that alarms cause Jack's performance to weaken and his vision will blur. To stop this, find the alarm switch which will be on the alarm poles (or on the wall in some cases) and punch it. Once the switch is broken, the alarm will stop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 1.b - Shooting --------------------------------------- Check Your Magazines. --------------------- Have you ever stumbled into a gun fight with a gun with a few rounds left in the magazine? I have, and I was promptly blown away before I could reload. Be sure to check your ammo and reload before moving on. You never know... Grab Those Guns. ---------------- Shooting mercs and leaving the guns and ammo is foolish. Why? This game is about survival and staying alive, not brushing off a few rounds because you can't be bothered. I lost my life a couple of times because I ran out of ammo to take down a Rocket Launcher-toting baddy down and was promptly blown to pieces. Take Them Out From Afar. ------------------------ Grabbing yourself a sniper rifle will even the odds. Just zooming in and looking around will turn up a whole bunch of targets just patrolling. You can easily take them down one by one and they won't know where the bullet came from, and even if they did, you have enough time to slip away and vanish into the background. Easy. Rambo. ------ If you feel you're outnumbered, remember, you're never outgunned. Just suit up, reload and run out from your hidey-hole all guns blazing. Just keep mincing those enemies up with whole magazines and you can survive. Divide and Conquer. ------------------- When two guards are next to each other or behind cover, just toss a grenade over to their feet and watch as they scatter. Pop out and drill them with a few rounds to the head. Easy money. Best thing is, it works with any number of guards... What 'Em Bounce. ---------------- I'm not talking about Val, you pervert. <_< No. Instead, the grenades and rocks Jack can lob. Many people overjudge their throws and the grenade goes over the heads of the enemy, as I've seen many times with my friends as they play Live. Just enter Map Maker and enter Preview mode for the unlimited ammo purposes. Toss some grenades and test the limits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 1.c - Driving --------------------------------------- Driving School. --------------- When you find a vehicle for the first time, just take it for a spin. I suggest going into Map Maker, placing a vehicle down and practise driving with it. Then, begin to build ramps and slopes and practise driving over them. Not just with land vehicles, but with boats and all. Make rivers and streams and practise your turning without slowing down. It's great practise for when you're under fire in the real thing... Pedal to the Metal. ------------------- Never slow down. If you do, you might just end up being crushed under a falling tree or being plastered by gunfire. You need to get away from something, that's why you've got the vehicle, so use it to the full! Find a Favourite. ----------------- You're presented with a choice. A bike or a Humvee. Which do you choose? The one you like and can handle the best. Not only is it down to your preference, but think about the terrain ahead...Is it bumpy? Narrow? Then take the ATV bike due to it's durability. Flat? Wide? Take the Humvee. See those mines? ---------------- There are some really large WW2 water-mines still present throughout Jacutan to keep intruders at bay. When you've got missles and bullets barely scraping past your head, it'll be a damn sight hard to navigate your way past a maze of these mines, so combining your skills of control and shooting to steer past these mines and kill the mercs on the embankment; or better still, shoot the water-mines... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (W-G) WEAPONS GUIDE (W-G) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack's Melee Attack ------------------- Jack after a short trip through the jungle will develop a brutish melee attack using his mammoth arms. It's one hit kill and devastating. Blood and guts go flying. The let down is that you need to get really close to the enemy to unleash the power. It's highly effective and is used when no weapon is avaliable. But you will favour this over the knife attack. Jack's Knife ------------ Your basic weapon. Jack carries a large knife with him at all times, just in case. It's a powerful weapon but you must be in touching distance of the target which does hinder it's effectiveness. You wouldn't want to run up to a grenade throwing, SMG-weilding, war-mongering mercenary, now would you? No. This is used for those stealth kills. It doesn't matter if you've already got a gun or not, but if you see a lone guard with his back to you...chances are, you're going to stab him in the back. A simple tap of the B-Button will unleash this one-hit kill, but it will sit redudent during other moments of the game. 9mm Handgun ----------- Your traditional weapon found in all shooters. It's strong and powerful with some bite to it, as well as a fair clip size of 15 rounds. The range is long, being able to line up a head shot from a long distance. It has a some what lethal stopping power to it, but there are some much more deadlier weapons out there for you to use, but this will keep you entertained until you find those stronger weapons. This gun is good as a side-arm and when you're out of SMG ammo. The drawback to this gun is the sound it makes, which can alert enemy guards and mercs into investigating, so you might want to watch your fire and noise control. The other drawback is in the way of its fire-rate; slow and semi-automatic. 9MM Handgun Surpressed ---------------------- This is the upgrade to your standard 9MM Handgun. It's fitted with a nice, long surpressor allowing for some much more silent kills and take downs. It's similar to the normal 9MM in every aspect, save the stopping power. With all silencers comes the slower and less powerful blows from the gun, but thanks to the noiseless-ness of the gun, you won't need more than a single shot if you go for the head. It's a nice gun and you'll prefer using it over the standard one, but like before, you'll use something more powerful once you find it... There is the option to duel-wield, but going Rambo with Solid Snake's arsenal is a bit contradicting... Desert Eagle ------------ The stopping power on a Deagle is amazing, but when you have two? It's an unstoppable fighting force. Think of it as the opposite to the Supressed 9MM. It's **** loads more powerful and **** loads more louder to scare off any mercs in the area. It's best for once your prescence is known and later on in the game, where all out fighting is the only way through. It's highly accurate, so use that to your advantage. Sadly, this is found way to late in the game, too late in fact. At the end, the enemies you face are meatier and carry the deadliest of weapons, and who'd want to use a pistol on *them*?! You'll enjoy it for the short time it lasts... 9MM Automatic Pistol -------------------- This weapon is few and far between and is only found during the closing levels of the game, sadly. When I first found it, I fought it was just a more powerful version of the 9MM, but then I remember exactly what AUTOMATIC meant. You just need to hold down the trigger and *rat tat tat tat*, a few seconds later the whole magazine is empty, and you'd still be a live. It's a great weapon, but it is weak. Thankfully, this is placed in the pistol slot and you can still hold more powerful automatics for those gun fights, turning to this one as a last hope. It's great for taking down guards when you're on the back of a ATV or Jet-Ski. The Submachine Gun (Mp5) ------------------------ It's one of the standard weapons used in most games, movies and can be found in real life being used by anybody and everybody. It has great accuracy and an excellent firing rate, but it does have a reasonable to average stopping power, but the firing rate does make up for it so you would hardly notice at all. The MP5 fires at a really incredible rate and can take out a couple of groups of thugs with ease, and if you do combine that with the sheer accuracy that it has, you've got yourself the perfect weapon to be killing with. It's also highly common and ammo can be found in every direction! Win-Win! It's noisy, but it's powerful. It all boils down to your personal choice, Rambo or Sam Fisher? But I'll go with Rambo, since levels such as "Mines" and such are so linear that gunfights are unavoidable... The P90 ------- The P90 is a submachine gun. It's a powerful one. And according to the specs of the reallife counter-part, it has a range of over 200 metres. Excellent. Using two of these babies doubles up the clip size to 100 rounds, allowing for some all-out gunghu fighting. You'll want to exchange your MP5 for this baby whenever you can, as it is superior in every sense. Shibby. It's highly accurate and is most useful on bikes and other vehicles, brilliant for drive-bys and keeping people at bay as you pass them, not to mention in just plain old gun fights. Assault Rifle ------------- This is effectivly a very powerful rifle with the ability to take down enemies with sheer precision accuracy, as well as launch grenades with it to blast up enemy positions. It has an excellent rate of fire, coupled with the accuracy...Excellent. There's not much to mention about this weapon, since it is that brilliant. The range of fire is long, from both grenade launcher and normal fire. The grenades that it can fire detonate on impact and can reach their target much more faster and accurate than a simple toss of your hand-grenades. Carbine Assault Rifle --------------------- This poweful weapon is much like your M4 Assault Rifle. It's got highly accurate sights with a scope mounted onto it for those long shots, although it is lame because it only has a single level of zoom. It has the power to take down enemies from a distance as well as from close range. You will be using this frequently once you find it due to it's rapid fire rate and reliability, but you will drop it once you find: a.) A P99 b.) An Assault Rifle c.) Anything more powerful. It also has a small silencer fitted to it which allows it to double as an all out weapon as well as a stealthy take-down gun. Sadly, it's weak and enemies will need to be pumped full of lead before they're taken down. Shotgun ------- Like with all shooting games, the shotgun is one powerful weapon. It has the power to kill and blow apart an enemy at close range, but after a long distance it's really poor. Once again, like with all games, the shotgun is the loudest, which will cause major alerts around the area if it goes off. Guards will be majorly alarmed by the blast and come and investigate, so it's best to use this in a "All-Out" situation where it's all about survival more than stealth. Best to use in tight buildings and military bunkers for its power at close range... Holds 7 slugs. Scount Sniper Rifle ------------------- The Scout Rifle is a dumbed-down version of the big Sniper you'll find later on in the game, but for now, this will be your long-distance killer. It's weaker than your standard rifle, but it makes up for it with its silencer. This makes it perfect for eliminating guards ahead one-by-one so you can easily continue your journey... The zoom is also shorter than its big brother. Sniper Rifle ------------ Everybody knows the basic principles of weapons in games. The sniper rifle holds true to the traditional counter-parts of predecessing games. This rifle has a massive zoom and is the most powerful weapon found in the game (depending if you count Jack's melee or rocket launchers), capable of ripping straight through an enemies chest and killing him instantly. The recoil on this baby is massive, which is really of no surprise when you hear the sound of the thing. The recoil hinders its performance as it's hard to recover and take down a guard if he's on the move, but it doesn't matter, since this should be used from a massive distance, allowing for you to slip away into the jungle's cover. Rocket Launcher --------------- This is the beasty. When you come to a weapon like this in games, you know that you've reached the ultimate. This massive rocket launcher can tear into an enemy location and blow it to a smouldering crater in the ground. It has a low level of zoom with only 2x the magnification, but it is still large enough to get a closer view on those enemies. Accuracy? Who cares!? When you've got a blast radius like this it doesn't matter! It's perfect for eliminating threats in the forms of boats and helicopters, as well. Excellent weapon, but rare in it's apperances, and ammo is really few and far between. The Machine Gun --------------- This weapon is great. Really. It has a massive magazine and an incredible firing rate. It will rip into enemies and obliterate them all. Accuracy? Who cares when you've got something that can fire at such a speed! You can only carry one of these, but once again, who cares? It's an excellent weapon which you'll pick up and keep forever. However, looking back on it, you can't help but feel that the bullets piercing the bodies were weaker than the sheer precision and highly-accurate Assault Rifle rounds. Either way, they are both meaty. <3 The (Mounted) Machine Gun -------------------------- Think of this like the MG-42 from the WWII era. It's big. It's powerful. But it's not going anywhere (until Jack's feral abilites, that is) anytime soon. You will find this beast of a weapon mounted to the backs of Humvees and boats, as well as placed at sandbagged nests through out the islands. It's highly strong, and coupled with the sheer rate of fire, you've got yourself a perfect slaughtering tool. It's also highly accurate, hitting in the area inside the cross hairs everytime. You'll be ripping apart enemies with this until the hammer clicks. Brilliant. The (Mounted) Gauss Cannon -------------------------- I called it the Gauss Cannon since it reminded me of the Halo 2's new Warthog. It's effectivly like the Mounted Machine Gun post, but it fires rockets! You will only find this beast of a weapon once in the game, but you'll be giggling to yourself and go power mad with the force this has. There's not much to say about it, other than it carries 20 rounds and it is as powerful and as fast as a rocket-launcher. Excellent for the short-time it lasts... Grenades -------- Grenades are powerful weapons. They can take out whole rooms full of thugs before they can even begin to think about saying "OMFGWTFISTHAT?!" This pineapple shaped goody of death has an excellent throwing range and can be flung from one area to all the way to the other side. It explodes a few moments after impact, so don't worry about throwing it too far and fearing it blowing up in the sky. The radius is medium sized, and provides serious flames and heat to burn nearby victims. It's great to ambush with; you're hiding in a tree, two mercs below...just throw down a grenade to make them scatter, then when the smoke settles, drop down and mop them up. Easy. Claymores --------- These are traps installed on the ground. Simply have an enemy stand or walk over it...BOOOOM! His corpse goes flying due to the HE claymore mine. They are strong and powerful and useful for destracting enemies with (e.g. plant one, cause an enemy to stand on it, and sneak around the area whilst everyone runs to the sound of the explosion.) The mine is not that useful, since you will usually forget you have them since you are always progressing forwards, not backwards and trap-laying. Still a nice trap, though. Spiked Branch ------------- This spiked-branch is an excellent new feature and original idea to a game. It's powerful and is a one-hit weapon. You just need to simply find a tree, set up the trap and then lure an enemy to walk by and *SNAP!*...he's dead. It's not effective in a gunfight however, as they are more alert, but it's much better when they are by themselves. I can't say much more about this weapon except it's a nice novelty, but I can't help but feel it will be redundent once you find your first gun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (W-T) WALK-THROUGH (W-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the actual walkthrough and guide for Ubisoft and Crytek's wonderful game, Far Cry Instincts. Below you will find the actual search strings so you can find the exact level you are having trouble with and then search for it. Good luck, cause you're going to need it when you're out there...trapped and alone...hunting for your own survival... -2.a. The Game -2.b. Welcome to Jacutan -2.c. Beach -2.d. Native -2.e. River -2.f. Rainforest -2.g. Mines -2.h. Cliff -2.i. Sub-Aquatic Facility -2.j. Dead Marshes -2.k. Wasteland -2.l. Black Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.a. The Game ......... '%%A%%AA%C 'MMMMMMMMA .,,,,,',,,,,,. .',,,',,,,,,,'.,,,, ,,,, 'MMÐCCCCC( (@@ÐÐÐ3Ð@@@Ð@%C! *C$5@ÐÐ$%#@@Ð##5J%@@@, !ÐWÐ$. 'MMM7... ¦ÐW@5@W3MMMÐÐWMWW( ,$ÐMMMMMM#5MMWÐÐWMM55WMA'#©©#' 'MM©@AA%,*#WA*'!¦¦A@Ð=!(ÐMM$,AWMM@J#MM55MM5!!$©MW¦@WW%MMÐ, 'MMMM©M@!3WÐJ.7$3=AWW$3%WMW($MMM%. %MW%AWM@$%ЩM% !#WWWÐ* 'MM©$((=$@@#335@©3MMM#WMM#¦'@WMÐ' (JJ(AWMÐÐM©MC' 7WMM( 'WMMC .$ÐWÐÐÐÐWMM3ÐMW¦AMMÐ!'5@#J .5MMA(ЩM%. =MMM* '$A#=.7AAA=¦¦(#55C##5,.355A!$##%* .$5AJ !%AAC. ¦5%7' '===**((¦¦ ,77=¦77=' .¦==(¦=3AA(. .7=(! *((=!.,==¦. .('...*,!. *(!.. .¦¦* ..'('.',7CC!*,,,=(' ¦¦¦ . ,((. ,W, .3A%,.. 3AJ. ..75,. *#' ..$%A,..'CA5¦ ..¦#¦.. 7A$' ,W, ..$%@, C5@....¦#.. *#' .$%@,...C5%! ..,#,.. (AÐ* ,. '',. ',, ., ., '',. .,, ., .,, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.b. Welcome to Jacutan ----------------------------------- -"What happens when a routine boat cruise to a tropical paradise turns into a bloodbath? Jack Carver knows first-hand!" Welcome to Far Cry's training level. The game will brief you on the basic moves that you will need to master in order to conquer this game, as well as show you just what Crytek and Far Cry can do. Anyway, watch the magnificent cutscene and opening intro (set all in first person, awesome) and watch as that puny boat gets pulverised into thousands of splinters. Awww...brilliant. Jack, being a strong swimmer and knowledgeable guy of this kind of environment (not to mention just to avoid the onslaught of bullets) heads for land. Once he's there, it's all up to you ... "You're Jack Carver, captain of a pile of floating debris and burning fuel that used to be the Lady Karma. This was supposed to be a routine charter. Take a travel reporter named Val Cortez out to see some war-era shipwrecks. Easy money. Until a pair of military choppers blew your boat into tookpicks. Now Val's missing. And you've got one shot for survival. Swim for the wreck..." That'll be your briefing, nice and sweet. It's all about survival; hunt, or be hunted. When you take control of Jack, just pause for a moment without worrying about going anywhere or being shot at, and take in the lush environment of Far Cry. The lapping waves as they gently rush over the sand and back out again...the golden beach fronts of the islands...green, tropical plants and trees make up the foliage. Beautiful, ain't it? Well, it would be if you weren't be chased by two helicopters full of gun-weilding lunatics! Dive back under the water to avoid their flying bullets and just keep swimming for that destroyed rust bucket in the foreground. Follow the little blue blip on your radar to keep yourself on track, and when you emerge, be sure to dash inside the open door or you may end up cannon-fodder from the helicopter's fire. Now that you're inside, just take your time to get used to the controls. The game teaches you it's basic controls whilst you climb through the ship, so just follow the directions. Don't worry about the noises that come from the belly of this beast, as the men you hear can't get down to where you are. When you come out into the corridor, you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. Simply run and jump through it and out into the lake. Two guard occupy the deck above, but swimming really fast should help avoid all the bullets. Climb the vines on the other side of the lake and over the rocks. ------------------------------------------------------------------ MISSION OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE TO REACH THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ISLAND ------------------------------------------------------------------ Now the game leaves you to your own devices, letting you hunt for your own survival, throwing in some helpful hints now and again to avoid sticky situations. For now, just take your time exploring. A short while up the path and you'll notice a standing lone guard. Don't worry, since he's not facing you and he doesn't attack. This is the stealth-kill tutorial. Follow the game's instructions and kill him silently with a quick tap of the B-Button. Well done! Don't worry if you screw up and he spots you, since he's unarmed. Follow the path around until another in-game command comes up. This time it's about making deadly traps and luring unsuspecting targets into it's path. This trap is a thorned branch, pulled right back around a tree and once a target gets too close...SNAP! The branch swings right around and impales that stupid dumb merc. Anyway! Pay attention to the pop-up menu and carry out what it says, and then get a safe distance from the trap behind some cover. Throw a couple of rocks near the tree to attract the guard's attention. When he goes off to investigate...WHAMMO! Watch his corpse fly! Go over to his body wherever it might of landed and collect his dropped 9MM pistol. Just to make sure that you've mastered the Branch Trap, try it again on a couple of other trees, but since there's nobody to try it on, just practise in setting them up correctly. Once you've mastered it, just get back to following the path around and up the sandy little hill. A lone guard will be bumlbing about being scared by a couple of birds. Either sneak around him by hiding in t he foliage to the left of the path or just drop him, either with a 9MM round to the head or a nice backstab. Collect his fallen gun for twice the pleasure and double the fun. After a short distance from this guard will be a large wooden hut in the centre of the forest cluster. As you approach, another hint box will appear, telling you of a new move that you can do...Going Prone. So sneak up to the hut and go prone (by clicking the right thumbstick) to crawl under the cabin and then hold A until you roll over on to your back. To get the feel for it early on, I suggest you do take the guard out through the floor instead of evading him, as it does gives you a move and the ability to do it again later on. So yes, take out the guard by shooting him through the floorboards and then emerge from under the cabin by the hint box's command. Clamber inside the cabin and collect the fallen guard's ammo and then begin the climb up the hill and up to the rocky cliff face, overlooking a bunch of dockside huts and a lone man. That man down there is the radio-operator. This damn punk just ordered an air strike to destroy the island. That's not nice, is it? You can either take the man out with a head shot from the top of the hill or slowly drop down the side of it, sneak up and backstab him. Either way, kill him. Once he has been taken down, an attack chopper will be inbound and fly over head. Don't worry, he'll drop off and land further up. For now, just collect the goodies scattered around the table and then turn around to the wooden bamboo hut. Jump up the stacked boxes and climb up to the Blue Marker. Jack will stumble upon and pick up the radio headset, and as soon as you can, rush inside of the hut's main room and swap your 9MM pistol for the SILENCED 9MM Pistol that lies on the table and then leg it out to the docks. The voice you're hearing on the headset is the voice you must listen to at all times. At the moment, he'll warn you of incoming napalm fighters who'll blow up your location, and you *DON'T* want to be there when that happens. (A magnificent closing level cutscence, might I add. <3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.c. Beach ----------------------------------- -"Even outgunned and outnumbered, Carver's got a few tricks up his sleeve. Do whatever you need to do to survive. Adapt or die." After leaping into the ocean and swimming for his life, Jack'll end up washed ashore another island, not far from the now destroyed old one. Listen to your mysterious helper through your headset for a bit to get a bit of background info on your objectives. Your new friend in your ear is Doyle, the mysterious person who seems to know what's going on. He wants you to meet up with Val, your charter, but before doing that he wants you to visit a Command Tent out in the depths of the island. A tent, eh? Well, yes, that's where you're headed, so prepare yourself for a much longer level than that walk-in-the-park. ****WARNING!**** If you venture out into the open water again, you'll be spotted and quickly blown out of it by enemy helicopters, so I advise you *NOT* to do it. ****WARNING!**** Before you wade into the shallow water and over to the beach ahead, first align your cross hairs on to the stationary guard taking a cigarette break. Aim for his head and then shoot, hopefully downing him with a single shot. Cross the water and then proceed along. Ignore the helicopter as it flies over head, as it poses no threat. Just keep walking along the beach until you come across yet another guard by a make-shift camp with fishing poles out front. Your choices are to kill him, or to walk around the camp. Walking around it seems the better choice (it avoids guards discovering the body and getting freaked), so do it. ************************************************** After re-playing this level looking for secrets, I stumbled upon some vines which you can climb and will by-pass the mercs on the beach. Just walk out into the water without killing the merc and he'll pass two short little trees on the left by a rocky cliff. In between these two trees is a hidden set of vines. Climb them to take you up and around the camp. ************************************************** Stick as close to the walls as you can, as they provide the most cover. Once you're past the little make-shift camp, and up to a rock overlooking the area. You can stay here and let the guards pass, taking the one behind out with a shot to the head, and then the one in front, but it's simpler to just keep moving and around to a large patch of greenary. Go prone and stay perfectly still as far to the walls as you can, letting the two guards doing their sweeps pass. As soon as they do pass, get up fast and run as far away from them as you can! All the way down the beach! Further down the beach, you'll come across another new danger....this time in the form of an armed patrol boat. If you venture out to where it drifts, the machine gun fire would rip you apart. Just ignore it really, since it should be stationary and won't spot you. Just cling to the wall and sneak around the corner and follow the golden sandy path along. The number of guards are increasing, as you come across a couple of guards up ahead (Maximum of 3), so pass them however you please; stealth or all out gun blazing. (If you want to go by sneakily, just go prone and crawl through the long grass that runs along the rocky wall to the left) After passing by them, you'll now be pretty much in an open space, so pick a way to the other side and stick to it. Stealth is the most useful tactic here, otherwise the 3 guards you slipped past earlier will come hounding on you now. ************************* My choice would be to stick to the left hand wall all the way around the field, since it provides the most cover, but it may prove problems for some when a barn-esque building is concerned. There will be a *LOT* of baddies around it, so be warned and plot your course around them. Plus sticking to the left takes you right to the tent... ************************** Eventually, you'll see the Blue Blip on your radar begin to get closer, and it is the Command Tent you're looking for. Sneak up on it from the North and inside. Pinch all the goodies inside and out the way you came. You may be rumbled by a guard who walks into the tent, in which case stealth is out of the window and it's purely Gung-Ho from that moment on. ******************* Carver will remark on how there are a few ways through. Hinting at the sheer number of ways through a level. ******************** If you made it out alive and quietly, then head to the next blue-blip on your map which will take you a little wooden bridge. Head down one side of it and into the water below, crossing the river and sneaking over to the bank of the other side. Using stealth and timing, make a run for the large hill. If however, you failed and gun shots were fired back in the tent area, then just run for that bridge and cross it, blasting up all of the baddies here who'll be postioned in some of the huts and outside of them. Grab the frag grenades from the crates to the far left and then leg it up that hill and follow the path and you will suddenly stumble upon a massive complex of military huts, hangars and command posts. This is the front entrance to the base, there is an option to go around it, which I'll explain in a second. Val will be man-handled and shoved into Crowe's helicopter, which means she's alive, but it also means you can't meet up with her and fly out of there. For now, sneak down sticking to the wall as close as you can, and when you reach the large of patch of grass and trees, go prone and hide. Wait until the helicopter decides to take off and a Humvee will drive off to the entrance. Just wait and you'll see it has car failure. Sadly, the front entrance is bad for stealth and you may end up rumbled but if that's the case, blast up all the enemies closest to the Humvee and jump in. Reverse it up and head to the Blue Blip marker and smash it out of the gates. If you want to sneak through the base, plot your own way through to the hanger on one side of the base where a Humvee is stored, but if you don't care about silence, just run to the large barracks ahead of the front gates and inside for a whole load of ammo and armour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= SNEAKING UP ON THE COMPLEX: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Instead of going through the front door and risking everything, how about the Ninja approach? It'll take a little bit longer than the front entrance, but it is worth it in the end. After grabbing all the equipment you need from out the Command Tent, slip out the back and head to the bridge like you would normally. Instead of crossing it slip into the water (Be mindful of a patrol boat which may pass through) and follow the water around TO THE LEFT. There will be two guards walking around so put them out of their misery. Continue following the water around until it ends in a little trickle. When it does end, you'll want to go back in to stealth mode. You've got a lot of ground to cover, and guards come thick and fill the gaps between you and the camp. Setting up traps would be the best option, with the sneaky headshot here and there. You'll come across a few enemy posts here and then (One nice little army-man even made himself a treehouse!) so either avoid them or clear them out. Eventually, the open forest would end in a small pathway which'll lead to fenced area. Smash open the drain and crawl through. You're now in the camp and nobody knows it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep your foot on the accelarator throughout, only breaking on the tight turns. I can't really help you on this driving bit, so you're on your own. -When you reach your first fork in the road, take the left road. -When you pass the second hut, slow down or you may end up flying off the cliff face. -When the Helicopter fires a rocket at the rocks, don't worry, just keep driving! -Once you make it to the check point, either burst through the barrier or jump the ramp slightly off to the right. -If the helicopter fires a missle at a tree, SPEED UP OR BE SQUAHED! Same goes with the blown out bridge. This driving portion will end once you hit a fallen tree. So switch over to the turret gun just after you make visual on the tree and eliminate them all. Once they're all gone, hop out the Humvee and continue up the hill. You'll see a large, COMMs dish up here, and beside it will be a couple of drums. If you picked up some grenades on your journey, then you'll want to do a Gung-Hu approach, but if not don't worry. GUNG-HU : Sneak up to the hut, go prone and crawl to the other side of the hut. Prime a grenade and throw it up to the where the barrels all are, or just take aim and shot. Wait until the whole lot goes up, taking a radio-mass tower and a guard outpost with it! Once the outpost is smashed by the fallen tower, leap into the Humvee and down the road. If not, simply stealithy take out the men in the first hut via going prone, and then it's a simple case of fire-and-manueveur. Make a break for the Humvee and once you're in, smash through the gates and have another fun driving section filled with more helicopter-missile-blowy-up-trees bits. Don't worry about the other Humvee which appears out of nowhere, just keep the gas down and you'll lose him easy. Once again, further up, just drive through the centre of the two crates and ignore the other Humvee. Once you reach the bridge, and the helicopter destroys it, just hit the pedal. It doesn't matter if you don't make it, since you are not meant to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.d. Native ----------------------------------- After having a mighty tumble down the cliff, Carver shakes it off and carries on with his survival. Just listen to the friendly voice that whispers through your headset for your mission objective and then make your way down the hill. This time, instead of collecting weapons from an armory, you're destroying an armory. Fun. Make your way down the hill and then wade through the water to the log. Leap over it and then splash into the other body of water on the other side, before crossing this and into the trees. You'll see a large stretch of road going up the hill, but it's lined with mercs the whole way, so sticking to one of the sides of the forest, begin sneaking through. Throw some rocks if some mercs get to close, as you don't want to go start shooting and draw the attention of whole hordes of baddies. At one point your greenary cover will end, but don't worry, as you won't be exposed for long. Just wait until the path is clear before breaking cover for the top of the hill. Jump onto the vines and climb them up to the top and over. Turn left and you'll see yet another set of vines, climb them and you will then make sight of the village. A battered fence has been ripped into by a fallen tree, so go under it via prone and through the hole it made. Now you're in an even bigger camp than last level. *gulp* Sticking to the sides of the area again, carefully make your way around the main camp to avoid patrolling mercs. Avoid everybody until you come a man who's standing by a bunch of crates with his back to you. When there is nobody watching, stab him and run around the area and on. Because you haven't experienced full running and gunning yet, this is the perfect chance to do so, since there is lots of cover and guards are easy to kill as long as you have the MP5. Just don't stop running and gunning! When you come to a save point, stop with the onslaught and run to the far left and into the ditch, creeping along and around the perimeter of this section of the camp. You'll come to a fence and a hut, so go prone and using the underside of the hut, get to the other side of the fence. Sticking to the left the whole time, circle around and into yet another large part of the camp. Sticking as to the far left as you can, make your way through the camp, crawling under cabins when needed. Eventually, you'll come to a fence, but going around to the left again will reveal a hole. Go over to the supply shed and around it to see a smashed window and a crate. Using the crate, climb into the building. Collect the gun and the health pack that is on the top shelf and then drop back down again. Go over to the crate and pick up the C4. Now, to plant the C4, go over to the Blue Marker and stand in front of the red-indicator. Press X to place the charge. GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! Smash the window and begin to run as far as you can. BOOM! The whole place goes up. Run through the newly smashed open fence and run. As you begin to run for it, two All-Terrain Bikes will climb up the hill in response to the alarm. Just shoot one rider of the bike and then steal it, turning it around and racing back down the hill with it. Experiment with the bike, taking whatever path you please, as there are some nice jumps you can make which'll improve your driving skills. But don't worry when you make it down the hill and something happens... Okay, well, Crowe comes swooping in and blows your ATV up with a missle and Jack is thrown clear when he confronts Crowe. After a brief encounter, you've got to follow his helicopter... Cross the wooden bridge and follow the path, taking the right path when you get to the fork. Just take it down the hill and then draw your weapons and begin to shoot up the punks at the bottom, but mind you don't hit the ATV parked up. When you can, make a break for the bike and hit the bridge ahead and jump into the water and siwm for land. Just run all the way shooting and stop once you make it to the save point. Shoot up the merc inside and then begin your crossing off the wooden bridges... Of course, you don't have to cross them, as you can swim or just stick to the land. After crossing the lake of water, take the path along. You've got a long route to take with a few mercs and a whole lot of forest. Evade or eliminate. Eventually after a long run through that forest will be another compounded surrounded by a large perimeter fence. Wait until the two guards finish talking and then just sneak up close to it, around the guard post, jump over the sandbag bunker and backstab the guard. Retreat to the forest. Anyone notice you? If not, then sneak through the area by the left hand side. At the far end will be Crowe's infamous chopper. Just ignore it and sneak over to the building on the opposite side. Sneak all the way around it and into the locker room. Stab the guard who patrols and then take the stairs up. Collect goodies when you find them, but you are really headed for the Blue Marker on your radar which will lead you to a radio room with a couple of dead operators. Hit X and open the gate via the switch on the wall. Race down the stairs and man the machine gun post against the wave of mercs before jumping out and through the open gate. Follow the road and grab the ATV. Use it and follow the road all the way through even more camps and compounds, but just keep the pedal down and fire at those in your sight to make it through. Eventually, you'll come to a paddy field, but just race through it and ignore the chopper. It'll come to a dead end at a bunch of vines, so jump off and climb them. Race through this jungle path and to the ever-so-close marker. Backstab the guard and grab his sniper rifle. You've got to cover Val who's on the docks ahead. Just take aim by clicking the left thumbstick, and hit the up button on the D-Pad to increase the zoom. Shoot all those who aren't female (but just generally aim for those who run on to the docks from the left). Val is really weak and you'll see that she is losing health most the time. Just keep your aim steady and fire upon them fast. After eliminating them all, Carver will feel a sharp sting. Tranqulizer dart! Carver gets caught by Crowe, knocked out with the butt of his rifle before being dragged away by his loyal cronies. ------------------------------------------------------ This tip was sent in by David Jones: At the end of Native, Val's health doesn't start to decline until you kill the merc sniper. If you've already got a sniper rifle you can get in four or five shots at the attackers before the sniper reacts. I then killed him and then(I might have had to kill one more attacker-can't remember) the game seems to lock for about a minute before taking you to the level's closing cutscene. ------------------------------------------------------- Jack will be bound to a chair at gun point where all sorts of crazy stuff happens. Present is Crowe, a soldier, an a strange doctor over a TV monitor who watches from a camp a far distance from your location. It's a wonderful scene as Jack struggles with his bound hands, but more importantly, he's injected with a strange injection by Crowe which causes bad distortion. Everything goes blurry...but the last thing you make out is Crowe's fist as it slams into your face. Ouch. Level complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.e. River ----------------------------------- Jack will awaken to be inside a moving cargo container. He's unarmed, but he's got a secret weapon thanks to that injection he was given...FERAL ABILITES. Just wait until a message pops up on screen to learn about your new moves. Hit the B Button whilst standing by the doors to smash it. Keep repeating this until they smash right off their hinges and crush the guard on the other side. Be freaked out by Carver's hands before grabbing the dead man's gun and shooting the other guard quickly. Go over to the door in the chainlink fence and smash that open as well, step through and repeat with the other gate. Run out into the wilderness... "Feral Abiliotes expend Adrenaline; You automatically recover Adrenaline at a slow rate, but you can recieve sudden boosts a few ways. By stalking your enemies undetected for an extended period, by taking damage in combat and consuming high-calorie MREs; pick up the MRE on the nearby crate." Do as it says and grab the MRE from the crate to gain 100 units of adrenaline. Now continue following the path around. When you come to a tent, sneak up to it and listen in. If you're spotted, the scientist inside will hit the alarm. The loud noise from the alarm will frighten Jack and he needs to turn it off. To do so, just hit the B button on the alarm pole to silence it. Now hit the other pole which has been bent out of the ground slightly to cause it to ignite a puddle of gasoline. The explosion which follows will destroy and kill all enemy thugs ahead, so head through the newly cleared route. Take the path right, otherwise you will arrive back at the truck stop at the start. Take this path to the other camp and quickly shoot at the piles of barrels in the centre to stop the guards from shooting. Bash the alarm if it goes off before collecting all of the ammo from the huts. Leave via the main gates and follow the road along. Using the crates as cover, go for the heads of the patrolling mercs before advancing up the field and killing the rest. Take the road north from here and into yet another camp. Use the sandbags as cover and eliminate the guards. Follow the roads again into a large area. Steal one of the ATVs when you have a chance (either from the mercs or from the garages) and race down the roads. **************** There is the option to go through a small swamp, pass the gallows where a dead merc hangs before sneaking through the garages... **************** Cross the bridge and keep driving and ram straight into the large gates and continue through. Keep driving and driving through the large camp and smash through the other gate at the end and up the hill. When you see the flaming barrels (I thought it was a Humvee with fullbeams on), veer off to the left or right and up the hill. Ignore the other ATVers and dodge the Humvee before smashing through the barrier and down the long bumpy road to the river. Be careful not to shoot the Zodiac boat which sits in the river, but shoot everything else. Once the 4 guards are dead, ditch the ATV and steal the Zodiac and drive it up river. Some nice Bond-esque moments ahead, where a bad guy kicks an oil drum into the water and tries to shoot it in an attempt to blow you out of the water. Once you reach the end of the river, a tree will be struck by an RPG and block off the water, but it's a bad place to be, so use the wooden docks just before this area. Quickly jump out of the boat and make a run for cover, but don't stop in one place, otherwise it'll be blown to pieces. Run all the way around the area and close the gap between you and the rocket launcher man, since he can end the game is seconds. Wipe him out. Shoot up the other man and collect the weapons before continuing on up the hill...Jump into the water and swim over to the little launch on the other bank. Jump up and using the B button, push the Zodiac here into the water below and jump in after it, riding up stream again. After a nice long boat trip up the river, you'll come to some very large flood gates and a small guard post up beside it. Dock up and shoot the two mercs before entering the cabin. Jack will find himself a new headset to talk to Doyle with. Listen to him before opening the large gates. Leave the Zodiac and steal the Jet-Ski instead and ride it through the gates. Two patrol boats will open fire, but race through the centre of them and keep going. Eventually, the river will become a large lake filled with WWII river mines. Just slow it down and navigate your way around them all. After passing a patrol boat dock, tightly packed mines will bob up and down in the water, so slow right down and shoot one to pass them. Dock up at the wooden structure and steal the parked Humvee from the two gaurds. Enter the large make-shift camp and park up by the small Aztec-esque pyramid and collect the Scout Sniper from the merc at the top. Using this, begin to pick off some targets before dropping down and re-entering the Humvee. Race down to the centre wooden buildings and swipe yourself a Hovercraft and race off downstream. This excellent vehicle and just slide right over those bumps of land so don't worry. Ride this baby all the way through the temple-esque area before swapping it with one of the many ATVs parked up. Racing your newly found bike, follow the path around and up all sorts of large bumps until you come to a large flat lake of water. Jump off the bike and using Feral Strength, smash the supports for the bridge and drive the ATV up the newly made ramp. After crossing through the small camp, switch vehicles again for the Hovercraft and take off down stream. After a short stretch up the river, Val will contact you via headset. If you follow the river, a whole bunch of patrol boats will have been wrecked by some awesome force. Ignore them for now and continue upstream. Dock up when the river comes to an end and climb the hill. More carnage and blood soaked bodies line the area. Steal the Humvee and follow the path along. Jump out and go on foot once you reach an over-turned Humvee blocking the road. Enter the hut and activate the switch before going through the gates. Follow the road. What the hell happened here?! It's utter destruction. Just enter the camp and shoot up all of the survivors...including those who are injured and just crawl along the floor in agony. Show all of them no mercy, using everything you've got against them. I can't help you with this battle, but you should have learnt enough to deal with such a large battle. At the end of it, a Humvee will arrive to take you down. Shoot up the riders of it and steal it, riding it out of the large gates. Just follow it along and when the line of crates block your path, jump out and run to the Blue Marker on foot. Level Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.f. Rainforest ----------------------------------- This is a mind boggling level. Just walk past the truck and to the large open forest. Take your time and admire the wonderful swamp and fog effects before simply following the path deeper into the forest. As you approach a tree that has fallen over, Jack's vision will go all crazy, and a large orange thing will wizz across the screen leaving an odd trail of smoke with it. This is Jack's Feral Smell. It helps him hunt down prey and enemy targets by tracking their scent, so follow the trail of scent that the target emits. It will lead you to a small flare and a dead merc; collect the ammo and follow that scent deeper into the woods. As you crawl under the tree, some animals will run about overhead before jumping out of bushes ahead to attack. These creatures are nothing you've ever seen before. Shoot them before they even get close, or else you'll end up dead a lot quicker. After they are both dead, slowly advance, keeping your trigger finger itchy. Cross the swamp and take aim on one of the three creatures, kill it. This'll cause whole hordes of them to come out of nowhere, so just run backwards and open fire on the whole lot. They're weak, taking only two shots to die, but in groups they can take you down easily. Go over to the ripped tent and collect the guns, but just look at what they could of done to you (i.e. RIPPED YOU IN HALF!!) Go up the hill to the flare and climb the vines up. Follow the road and it'll take you to another flare where more of these creatures lurk. Shoot them and more will arrive again, but just keep firing at them and moving to wipe them out. Get back to follow the road. When you reach the blue marker, enjoy the cutscene of Val taking down to Mercs and jump down and listen to her. When she's vanished again and you've got control, go over to the Shotgun resting against the wall and swap it with your MP5. This baby can rip those little monsters apart easily. Rummage through the tents for some Claymores, health and ammo, then suit up and go deeper into the forest... "You can percieve scent trails left by living things: Press the Y Button for a few seconds to concentrate; Using Feral Sense depleats Adrenaline, so Press and Hold the Y Button again to relax." Do as it says and test it out. You'll see some targets up ahead, so run all the way over to them. They may be dead, but you still know how to track targets now. Pass the Japanese downed-fighter and continue on your way. After a while you will be on a small cliff overlooking two mercs talking, just drop down and stalk them and kill them. Flip on your Y-Button and enter Feral Sense and track the other mercs in the area. Kill them all, but stick to the overgrowth for cover. Now just follow the river with all guns blazing wiping all things with a scent, including the merc who's high up in his tree. The best way to do this is to just run from left-to-right all the way up to his perch and shotgun him from below. Pick up the rifle he's drops. Now follow the river, go up the hill on the left, cross the bridge and go to the rocks on your left. Ignore the flare that is thrown and concentrate on killing the mercs who throw it with your scope. There's four mercs in total, so it's easy killing. Drop down after they are gone and then take aim on the next sniper who will be in a tree. Shoot him and continue. When the river gets blocked, go to the left and up the hill to by-pass it. Hit Feral Sense and hit the zoom on your Sniper. Track the targets and go for their heads. Once they're dead, drop down and collect the goodies. Before crossing the wooden bridge, just take aim with the scope and kill the lone merc who stands on the opposite side. Now swing across and go for the sniper in the tree ahead. Now whip out the shotgun and blast the other guards into dog chunks. Blast the next sniper out of his tree and then follow the river again. A short distance from the last sniper will be a whole squadron of enemy soldiers, so just step back, hit the Y-Button and take aim and snipe them all out. Once they are dead, collect the stuff and move on up the rocks. Shoot the guard above and then climb the vines. Clamber through the crashed helicopter and now follow the light of the distant flare. Snipe the man on the bridge and his two counterparts and sticking to the right, climb the hill and then kill the other two mercs. Cross the large rickity bridge. After following the road, you'll come across a proper merc base, with proper buildings. Sniper the man on the gun turret first, then the other mercs as they go up to investigate. Now approach the building, sticking to the overgrowth. You'll see a nice looking tank, but ignore it. Using your Senses, kill the last group and then enter the building. Smash the gate open and collect the stuff and then go down the stairs into a eery tunnel. Follow it and crawl under the obstacle before taking the left fork for some Adrenaline. Go back and kill the other mercs who lie down the other paths. For some easy kills (and the perfect place for Scent Mode), shoot the lights for some mighty explosions and darkness. Eventually the tunnel will re-enter the forest, so go out and follow the water along. More of those damn creatures! Blast them all up and move on. They will attack all the way along, so be warned for plenty of fights. After a while, the water will end at a cliff and vines. Climb them. Go up the hill, as down is a dead end. You'll come to a fire and a large bunker complex. Climb the stairs to the top. A large helicopter will appear, so just run around the top of the bunker complex and get the Rocket Launcher from one of the small towers. Open fire on that God damn helicopter and blow it from the sky. Now either using the rockets or sniper, take out the enemies from a far before shotgunning the ones nearer to you. Race across the complex and into the tunnel. Follow it along; Doyle will contact. Go down the stairs and begin to shoot the mercs ahead. Ignore the generator objective and keep following those tunnels along and into a very large "lair" room (think Bond baddy's hideout) and blast it up, killing everyone. Follow the exit out of there and along the corridors to the Generator Room. Backstab the guard you see and shoot the other, before hitting X to shut down the power. Just follow the red swirly lights to find your way back into the large "lair" room. Shoot the mercs and climb the ladder. Smash the gate and collect the armour before following the corridors. Shoot up all the punks and then the one who hides behind a flipped over table. Crouch and go under the half-open gate and take the stairs up. Bash the gate and go down the ladder. Toss a grenade in the elevator or just shoot them. Drop down into the lift and smash the bottom grate and drop down to the floor. Follow the corridors in the direction of the blue marker and it will lead you to the Hacker. Slash him up from behind and grab the Pocket PC. Run out of the room and begin a deadly onslaught from all angles at the waves upon waves of guards. Go through the large generator room and through the door on the left. Continue through the rooms, and then smash the gate open, jump the pipes and climb through the vent system via going prone. Smash the vent cover off when you get to it and drop down. Follow the corridors along and into a large hanger where a helicopter is stored. Walk deeper into the room and around the Helicopter. Crowe will be up outside overlooking the room and'll throw a Flashbang in. When he goes and you regain control, jump up and shoot the guard who drops down and then leap over the side of the copter and kill the other. Turn around and then edge out, being careful not to be ripped apart by the Machine Gun fire. Shoot him, and then swing around your gun and concentrate your fire on the barrel to the left of the merc above. Then make a break for the Machine Gun post and use it, blasting up all of the targets who come from all sides. ******************* I found it easiest to plant some Claymores down by some doors and then wait by the door infront of the chopper to be cut open. When it was, I just ran. ******************* When there is a break in the combat and the mercs are supressed enough, just hit the ground running and go through the door opposite the helicopter and out into the Wilderness. Just keep running and don't stop. When you come to a small building in the distance, just keep running and gunning and head straight into the building to the Blue Marker. Press and hold X to activate the lift and wait for it to arrive. Climb in, activate it and ride it down. Level complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.g. Mines ----------------------------------- Jack will radio Doyle for some directions. Just leave the elevator and follow the tunnel ahead. Smash the board off and into the large room. Find your way over to the hill and climb it up to the scaffold bridge. Cross it and smash the planks to your left, then jump up and following the wooden bridges up and into a new tunnel. Smash the planks to gain entrance to it and follow it. Let the man descend down the zipline and listen in on his radio transmission. After it is over, you'll see that they now have flashlights, so hiding in the dark won't do you any good. Just run and jump onto the platform ahead, then onto the next one along before onto the ledge with the armour. Drop down and begin to blast up the thugs below. Once they're dead, head through the next tunnel and repeat the process of punching out the boards. Some thugs will come around the corner ahead, so chuck a grenade up there and take them out. When Jack reaches the corner, his visual will go all crazy and blurry for a few moments, so don't panic. Enter the large section of the cave and then proceede to kill the mercs. Once they are dead, leave through the other tunnel. Jack's vision will go again. But this time it's clearer. Using your newly found vision take out the enemies before moving on. You'll be ambushed from the rear and front, but just kill the puny fools. Follow the large, linear tunnel along, swiping at the mercs or shooting the lamps to kill them. When you emerge out into another large room, duck behind the overturned yellow mine cart and wait. When you get a shot, take it, and move up the field using cover. Men will drop in from the ceiling, so take them out. Follow the path around and head through the other tunnel...a short distance in, an earthquake causes a cave in. The lack of light in the tunnel finally causes Jack to control his vision, allowing for Night-Vision to be activated at a tap of a button. "Your eyes have become attuned to the dark; Press and Hold Y for a few seconds to concentrate; Using Feral Sense depletes Adrenaline, so Press and Hold Y again to relax." Enter the large room and begin to shoot up the baddies. Climb the ladder and follow the cart rails over to a ledge and then turn left. Go prone and crawl under the obsticle. Take out the men as they absail down into the cave and then mop up the rest as they take pop-shots at you. Drop down and head to the Blue Marker which is just ahead. Another cave-in will happen, but don't worry. You need to refuel the generator so that the elevator will work. Get to it. Collect the armour and ammo from the floor and then back up to the stairs. Follow it around and hit X by the valve to open it. 1 down. Shoot the two men who are on the high platforms on either side of the room and then head around the platform for the second valve. Turn it. Head back to the front of the elevator and hit the X Button in front of the large lever to activate the pumping method. After it's been pushed down, drop down to the large control panel and hit X to start up the generator. The lights will return to normal and now you can use the elevator. Go back up and hit the X Button by the switch to the left to get it working. Fight back the enemies who come in from the other sides of the room until the elevator has arrived, and when it does, get in and ride it down. When it stops, get out and Press X by the large gate to open it. It's really dark at the moment, so hit Feral Sense to see where you're going. Inside the large room will be a couple of mercs trying to feel their way around the room, but sneak up to them and backstab them. Swap weapons for the larger P99 and then climb up the suspended rails above and jump to the rocks above. Go down the tunnel and crawl out the small gap to reach the next room. Just sneakily avoid the whole group and then follow the Blue Marker on your radar down a large and well-lit path. Mercs will make the mistake on trying to take you out, so use the barrels and explode them in their faces. Keep following the path. Wipe out the next lot of mercs with a grenade or two before wiping up the rest with hefty gun fire. Go through the next tunnel. For this, you need to crouch down behind the mine carts and using X, push them along to provide cover from the Machine Gunner ahead. Switch carts when the one you're using is blocked by something. Using the cover from two mine carts, jump up and nail the gunner. Climb the ladder and use the MG to kill the mercs who try to take you on. Jump down and punch the planks to follow the tunnel. Just cross this large room in your own way before going down another path. Follow the maze of tunnels until you emerge overlooking a group meeting of mercs. Sneak down closer and toss a grenade into the rabble, and then shoot those on the other side of the broken bridge. You need to cross this bridge and get to the other side, so climb back up the hill and around to the other bridge on the other side. Drop down and begin a fun game of jumping from platform to platform before arriving at the other side of the bridge. Follow the path. Jump across to the next couple of platforms and look down to see some mercs trecking through the tunnels below. Just stick to the high road and collect the ammo and armour from a head and then sneak down the track to the right. The weird creatures are back again, so let the Mercs and creatures duke it out with each other before stepping in and killing the winning force. Once they are down head through the tunnel where the dead body lies. Another earthquake...but watch how that creatures jumps. Cool. Follow it through the tunnels, slashing up any mercs that you come across. When you reach a large chasm of light, just hop from one rocky platform to the next. ************************************************** To Gene Cermak: Here's a little note for you. When you enter this large rocky chasm with the beam of light, activate Feral Vision and stick to the left wall. Jump onto the rocky-platform below and don't stop moving. Jump across the chasm to the platform on the far right, as if you stay on the rock you're on at the moment, it'll break off and fall. *************************************************** When you enter the next large room, swap your gun for the shotgun and grab the C4. Now, kill the creature that appears and plant the C4 on the pile of rocks up ahead. You've got to get out fast! Head back to the "Moonlight" chasm where you just came from and wait until the C4 detonates. Re-enter the room and climb up the fallen rocks to get up to the next platform. Jump the gap and then head through the tunnel on the right. Collect the goodies from the dead merc and continue on your journey to a very large and open cave. Leap onto the lower level and then slowly and carefully...cross the very narrow plank of wood which connects your rocky platform to the centre island. Collect the weapons and ammo from this storage section, and then using the crates as cover, shoot the mercs who attack from the area you just came from. Hit one of the barrels to end the fight early. Then turn around and climb up the plank of wood to the next area, shooting the barrel to kill the guards. Stick to the ledge and follow it up. Crouch and go under the wooden plank and then kill the rest of the forces. Follow the tunnel to another, larger room. Jump down and follow the path around up. Keep going around until you come to a Zip-Line. Jump up and you will automatically hook on to it and begin to slide down. Prime your guns and begin to open fire on the baddies as they stand on the bridges and stuff, but go for the barrels everytime to speed things up. When you reach the marker, Jack's zip line will break, causing a plummet down into the darkened depths of the caves... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.h. Cliff ----------------------------------- Luckily, Jack survived. And would you look at that! A light at the end of the tunnel. Just listen to Doyle first and then take the exit out and breath in the fresh air. Listen to the gut-wrenching screams coming from all over and then just attack them all with Feral, brutish strength. The scenary is much more lush in this section...<3 <3 <3 Anyway, a short distance from the mouth of the cave is an ATV bike. Jump on it and drive down the path to your right. Run down the man who stands by another ATV bike and drive up the large hill. When you reach the large helicopter, veer off left and brake RIGHT AWAY. You don't want to go flying off that... ...wonderful...beautiful...amazing cliff. Just look at how well-rendered it is and just look at the draw distances. <3 <3 <3 The whole scene is great. Climb the hill to your left to find a Zip-Line. Guess what? You're crossing this scary, massive...beautiful canyon. Okay, I'll stop with the compliments but yeah, you've got to cross it. Hit the A button to jump onto the zip and slide down across to the other side. Slice up the two mercs and turn around. See that handglider? Yup. You're now going to be flying it. Hit X to enter it and take off. Swing the handglider around left and head down the large canyon, just mind you don't hit the rocks or trees or anything. Enjoy the nice leasurily glide around the canyon. It's simple to control, so don't fluster when in control of the glider. When you see the red smoke flare, slow down on the approach and jump off, otherwise you'll be blinded by sheer intense light. Run up the hill fast, eliminating the merc and his friends further up. Keep running and follow the hills up and down until you reach the control tower ahead. Using cover from the barrels, shoot up the mercs ahead, gunning for the barrels when you have a shot. When you make the run for the tower, toss a grenade up to the ledge and keep running and wait under the platofrm until it goes off. Climb up and head for the ladder, taking it to the roof. Your vision will go really bad and crazy as you get to the top, but just shoot where the mercs are highlighted and then go over to the Blue Marker. Wham the B-Button twice to smash up the control panel and regain your vision. Enter the building and follow it through and out to the hill. Some mercs will run out behind a rock, so just kill them. When you reach the cliff face, some helicopter rumbles will begin to get louder louder. Head for that bridge in the distance! As you do, Jack's speed will get faster and faster, and once you reach the gap in the bridge, hold down A and release just before you fall, and you'll bound that huge distance and land safely on the other side. "You've harnessed your pure animal speed; Press Y to activate Feral Speed; With Feral Speed engaged, you can also make giant leaps: Press and Hold A to focus your power, then release to jump; Remember: Feral Speed depletes Adrenaline, so Press Y again to relax." Hit sprint and run your ass off for that next bridge and jump the gap, and then go for the next bridge doing the same. Don't worry if you don't make it, since you can climb the ridges to get back up. Once you reach the crate blockade, jump it and race down the canyon. Using your animal powers, smash up the men who attack and begin your descent down the spiral. As you reach the bottom, you'll notice a Jet-Ski parked up. Steal it and race down stream. Just keep your foot down and race under the bridge and rock formation before stopping at the riverbank hut. Kill and shoot up all the mercs and just ignore the chopper that comes in, as he soon flys off and over the cliffs. When you climb the hill to the top, the chopper will come back again and drop off reinforcements to take you down. Set up behind some cover and lay down some fire upon them. Show no mercy. Raid all the tents and punch all people, armed or not. Then, get out to the helipad and over the cliff edge and down the hill to the river. Steal the Ski-Jet from the Jetty and race upstream again. Doyle will contact you again, but keep going upstream and land on the beach to your right. Shoot up the mercs and then begin to clear out the large bunker complex. Head up and around the large mountains. Grab the ATV bike and race it along the route to the blue marker. You'll come smack into a large Communications centre, but just race across the bridge and around and out the other side. Continue up a bit more, but jump out once you hit a deadend with two rocks. Head between these rocks and across the bridge, shooting the merc in his tower ahead. Procede across to the next tower, and then the next. Leave the poor scientist alone and head into the elevator and ride it up. The lights will flicker, but don't worry. Leave the lift when it arrives at the top and kill the man here. Hit the switch to power up the control room. A very loud roar will be heard...be warned...as through the viewing screen in front...will be a very large ****ing monster! What's worse? The door to the outside opens, and he gets free. *gulp* Go out through the side door and follow the halls along and get outside. Head up the ramp and follow the trail of dead corpses and wails from the beast. Head through the research centre and out the door to a flaming generator. This monster's strong. Drop down to the bottom and watch as the poor merc is crushed by a crate. Run to the mounted machine gun and open fire on the monster as he runs about. If he smashes it, run to the next one. Then, just enter a game of cat and mouse with hefty gun fire, and if close enough, some melee hits. After a whole full 10 minute fight with this beast, he'll get tired of having his **** ruined and fall over dead. Doyle will then open the gate, follow the path. ************************************************************* Thanks to an e-mail by Mark Ganeles, I realised there was a much more easier way to kill the monster. The solution is below... ************************************************************* In section 2.h. (Cliff) I found an easier way to kill the freaking huge monster. I discovered this slightly by accident while hiding in a cargo container to regain some health... One of the cargo containers contains several of the barrels that explode when shot. I got the monster to follow me in, quickly ran by him, turned, and fired at one of the barrels. It must have set off a chain reaction, because after the huge explosion, the thing just keeled over and died. Now he may have been weakened by my constant gunfire, but whatever the case, the exploding barrels finished him off. This strategy should greatly lessen the 10 minutes to kill this beast you suggest in your guide. ************************** -Thanks again, Mark! ************************** Level complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.i. Sub-Aquatic Facility ----------------------------------- ************************************************ If you want a shotgun, MP5 or a P99 turn around at the start and follow the trail and you'll find the shotgun in the center of the road, with the MP5 to your left in the grassy area. The P99 is also in the grassy area to your left and up the hill, but a few metres before the Shotgun. And if you really want some more weaponry, head right back to the start of the level, back to the gate from the last mission. Out front will be MP5s, Carbines and grenades...even a Sniper Rifle! Use them if you have trouble with the fire fight in this mission. ************************************************* Now that Carver has defeated that badass, ugly creature thingy, he still needs to meet up Doyle. Follow the path and be wary once you come to a collection of barrels, since a single bullet (which will be headed your way) will blow the whole lot up and you with it. Once the action starts, swing yourself to some cover on the high ground to your left and begin taking down some of the mercs ahead. Once you've surpressed the enemy enough, make a break back to where those barrels were and hide behind the rock in prone. Moving slightly to your right, take aim for the bad guy on the rocks to the right of the bunker in the cliff. When he's down, stand up and fire upon the rest of the mercs from behind the rock, aiming for the barrels when you see them. Some mercs will try to flank you from the rear once you take down the sniper near the barrels, so be warned. *************************************** If you have trouble with this first fight, don't worry, I did too. Just collect the Sniper Rifle mentioned in the previous note and use it to take out the enemies from afar, one by one, starting with the sniper behind the crates to the right, and then the gun turrent to the left. *************************************** When the smoke settles and the last merc is dead, pat yourself on the back and head to the blue marker and into a darkened, watery room. Using your Feral Vision, shoot the heads of the mercs with some silenced or with the Sniper. Once the three mercs are down, cross the water and crawl under the half opened doorway. When some smoke starts appearing, dive behind a crate and hit the Feral Vision button again. Take out the mercs and then keep following the tunnel. Take out the merc behind the counter. Quickly, either smash the vent in the wall and climb through, or duck behind the wall of crates on the right of the room, as a whole bunch of mercs will come through any second. Going through the vent, follow it around and punch the alarm button on the wall to stop the noise. Stand up, and using Feral Vision, aim for the head of the merc. Climb through the window and toss a grenade down the newly opened door. Jump out and shoot the merc to your left and go down that corridor. Go through the rooms via the automated doors and follow them through using the blue marker as directions. Shoot the merc at the end and go prone to fit under the doorway. Sneak across the room and over to the mechanic in the corner. Backstab him. Go down the corridor on the left and take out the mercs and mechanics as they run around the room. Another alarm will be sounded, so turn it off via punching the switch to the left of the window. Go around the only corridor avaliable and take out the two mercs from a distance. Keep following this along and around to the bathroom, killing the merc in the corner. Go prone and crawl through the open vent. Listen to the conversation and then smash open the vent and kill the mercs. Crouching behind the counter, shoot the other mercs as they come over. Move out and into the other dining area and take out the merc behind the table and then those who come in from the door. Go down the only open path and take out the mercs to the left, right and center before moving on down the left corridor. Take down the thugs and go through the darkness and into the locker room. Navigate your way through the maze of lockers and crawl out through the half opened door to the outside. Listen to the two mercenaries as they chatter away before lining up a headshot on each. Collect their weapons and jump over the crates by the fence and over into the water. Dive under and swim right pass the facility to your left. When you pass it, surface and climb up the hill to your left and take down the sniper. Using his rifle and the rock as cover, take down the other sniper on the opposite bank. Get back in the water and swim for the centre island, tackling the merc who stands guard on it. Now, facing away from the facility, snipe the sniper on the cliff and then swing around to snipe the other two mercs. ************************************************* If you want to do this more stealthily, after climbing over the fence, stick to the land on the right and follow the hill. Sneakily kill the sniper and take his rifle before continuing along the hills and taking down the other sniper up here with another backstab. From here, you can begin to snipe the other mercs one by one. ************************************************* After they have all been taken down, jump into the water again and then head for the blue marker. Dive under the dam-like structure and around to the valve on the right. Hit X to turn off the hot water and then go through the open hole in the wall. When you resurface on the other side, climb out of the water and take down the lone engineer with a melee attack. Go through the door and cross the blue marker to enter the Science Wing. Follow the corridors along in the direction of the next blue marker. You can watch the scientists as they perform operations on test subjects...creepy. Anyway, follow the rooms along and you'll find the Amber Keycard you need. On our way back, stop when you come to the "Floaty-Men-In-Glass-Tube-Kinda-Thing" room and listen in, since Crowe arrives. After they both leave, continue. Turn left at the end, right, right, through the door and right. Go through the blue marker. You'll now meet Doyle for the first time and be placed on an operation table for surgery. When the lights go out, be warned...strange things happen. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * After Jack has finished pulversing a scientist, look to your right and then slash at the dude in the door and the alarm as well. Leave. Follow the corridors, going through the doors as they open up to you. When you come to a large room, wait for the floor to open up and dive into the water. Go down and then through the piping in the wall to the lake. Surface and then go up the sandy hill. Your vision will be slightly impaired for a while, but don't worry, just keep following the Blue Marker. When you do hit the Marker, use your binoculars to zoom in on the Merc camp ahead and watch as a test subject slaughters them all. Close the gap between you and him and smash him with your fists. Using his gun, mow down the other zombie like creatures and collect their guns. Head past the wreckage of the trucks and into the water and up to the other side. When you reach the next marker, just watch the firefight between Mutant and Merc. Jump down and head for the open gates and follow the path. Go Rambo and shoot up all of the mutants. Collect the armour and shoot the enemies off in the distance. Head around for the big set of gates and through them, killing the mutants as you go. Follow the path along and when you come to a pool of water, run for the bent over tree and shoot the mutant who arms the gun turret. When he is down, jump into the water and swim to the other side to the bottom of the building. Toss a grenade up into the murder hole above and let it kill the snipers inside. Ignore the building and instead follow the fencing around to a gap and through it. Shoot up the mercs/mutants and get behind some cover. When the group by the gate is gone, leg it through there and up the hill. Just shoot those who oppose you and head through the gate. Step up the pace and move between cover as you slaughter your way up the Mercenary hill. You'll be relieved by the sound of a helicopter, since they are better than swarms of mutants. Keep the killing up and jump up onto the crate to the left of the gate, onto the shipping container, before jumping the wall. Oh crap. Crowe again, and you must beat his forces. Shoot the mutant who is still in his tank before avoiding the incoming rocket from Crowe. Move up the field and turn around with your back to the wall, shooting up the onslaught of mutant mercs. Move out across the field and collect all of the weapons from the fallen mutants before picking another spot of cover. Crowe will blow off a door of a container to let more mutants flow out. Just keep firing and mow them down. Just keep this process up, collecting items from the open containers to aid you in the battle. When the battle is over, Crowe will retreat, but by luck, one of his stray rockets will cause a tower to tip over, allowing for you to climb up to his position. Collect the armour and health from the control room and then drop down the other side. Follow the path along to another set of large gates. Go around the right to reveal a hole in the wall, go through it. Watch the cutscene with Val, and once it's over, jump into the sandbunker and man that machine gun. If you want, hit B to rip it off and use it as a convential weapon. Just run about and gun down the enemies who swarm from every angle. This fight's easy with the Machine Gun, plus the armour and health scattered about. When it's over, head through the open cargo door. Smash the alarm on the right and head into the room with Val. Listen to Krieger over the monitor and when he's cut off, race out of the room through the door behind you and left outside. Hit the Y button and enter Feral Run to speed up. Grab the Jet-Ski and take off down river. Steer around the water mines and keep the pedal down. Just keep driving and ignore the rockets raining down around your ears and follow the water. It's a long race with many dangers such as boats and mines, but take care on the corners and if you are blown out of the water, steal a Jet-Ski from an enemy fort. When you arrive at an area where a Helicopter swoops in, just keep driving and hit the beach and jump off. Race up the hill with Feral Run and around the path. Don't stop and go straight into the narrow gap and into a cave, using Feral Vision to see where you're going. When you come out the other side, you'll see you just missed Crowe. Release your anger by running all over the place and slaughtering his loyal mercs. Climb the ladder and eliminate the soldiers on the rooftops before taking the Sniper Rifle off of the merc here. Use it to take down the other sets of soldiers. Climb down the ladder and around, jumping the stairs. Kill all of the mercs and head through the open door and into a control/maitenance room. Grab the equipment and hit X to open the gates. Head back outside and turn right, shooting the guard in the back of the head. Shoot his counter part and then go left, over the railings and around to the centre where a bridge is. Hit Feral Run and prime the jump button, releasing it where Jack reaches the middle of the bridge. If you don't make it, swim for the ladder and try again. Run out the gate and to the Blue Marker, where a nice little Jet-Ski is waiting for a spin... LEVEL COMPLETE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.j. Dead Marshes ----------------------------------- Jack, after racing across the ocean on a Jet-Ski, arrives at Crowe's island. Listen to Val over the radio for your objective and then move out. This level is hard due to the weather conditions and darkness, but make use of the Vision mode. Head up the field and take down the three mercs in the cabin via Sniper Rifle. Continue up the path and under the log. Crowe will taunt you again and release more mutant mercs. From your prone position under the log, take down the mutants from afar before moving on up. In the distance will be a parked up Humvee, but with passengers. Just follow the red glow of the brake lights and sneak up to it. Before you make it, a mutant will detonate a bomb and blow itself and the Humvee up. Damn. Stay away from those creatures. Using your Sniper and Vision, pick off the two mutants from afar. Go through the mess of tipped over cargo crates and be ready with your firing finger as a mutant will run down the hill at you. Climb that hill. Take down more mercs and head for the flaming wreckage. The bridge will of been blown apart, and another one of those BADASS BIG MOTHER****ING MONSTERS will rampage about on the other side. You have no choice but to drop into the swamp water below. Follow the river along and you'll come to a couple of poor mercs trapped with their broken down Humvee. Charge them all and if one of those suicidal bomber zombies come near you, just whack them with a punch to send them flying and detonating in the sky. Don't stand around punting these critters, follow that Blue Marker! A large fence will block the way, but a friendly Zombie'll blow a hole in it. Climb through. Race along and Jack'll enter Scent Mode again. "Your sense of smell has become precise enough to clearly percieve individual targets; Press and Hold Y for a few seconds to concentrate; Using Feral Sense depletes Adrenaline, so Press and Hold Y again to relax." Off in the distance will be a large bunker/complex. Race around the fence and climb the ramp and drop over to the other side. Slaughter the mutants and head over to the Blue Marker. Go into the building west of the marked one and climb the ladder. Jump the roof and land on the other one via Feral Run and jump down through the hatch. Collect the explosives and jump out the hole in the wall. Kill the two mutants and race to the next Blue Marker. Circle around the building and climb the ladder. Jump over to the next one and climb that as well. Go around to the control panel and plant the C4. Jump off of the roof and stand a safe distance back. Well done. Now just go back to the building where you got the explosives and go through the hole in the fence. Slaughter the groups of mutants and keep running for that marker. When you hear loud, distorted screams, stop, as you may just end up running into a suicidal bomber zombie. Be warned, as you're now in a fight between mutants and mercs together. Just race to the other side of the camp and up the ladder. Follow this path along and when you come to overlook three mutants, shoot the barrel on the far left. Drop down and follow the blue marker. Oh crap. When you reach a concreted area, another one of those HUGH MOTHER****ING MONSTERS will come charging at you. *gulp* Don't worry though, as just let him throw his fists into the ground and slash at him with your own fists. He'll die after just a few short hits. Leave via the hole in the wall. You'll end up outside a small camp. Sneak over to the gate and shoot the two mercs through the fence. Jump onto the barrel rack to your right and up onto the roof of the guard hut. Drop down and murder everyone. Follow the wooden structure along and jump onto the wooden raft. Using this you can cross the water with no fear of being shot as you swim. Just keep on this raft until it reaches the other side of the lake. Go up the dirt hill to your right and it'll take you to a bridge with a cargo truck on it, go left and down the hill to find another cargo truck. Jump onto the Humvee and over. Another BADASS HUGE MOTHER****ING MONSTER. Using your Melee attack, pummel him to death. Easy. Or is it? After defeating him, one of his other monster friends will smash through that main gate. Rush past him and throw a grenade at the entrance to a small hut to blow off the barricade to it. Climb into find a massive display of weaponary. Collect everything you can, replacing your weapon with a Machine Gun and lean out of the door, firing upon that monster and his mutant friends. When his friends are done, run out and slash him, but still keep firing. When he's had enough and died, Val will contact you again. Head through the gate. Mission complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.k. Wasteland ----------------------------------- Head south, following your current path to reach an enemy camp. Sneak down the hill and listen in to a couple of mercs talking. When they dispurse, crawl under one of the metal fencing and begin to kill the mercs. Sadly, the helicopter isn't usable. :/ Instead, follow the paths deeper into the camp. When you hear voices, run to the cabin on your left and collect some ammo and health. Be sure to also pick up two Deagles. Now, sneak over to the window and take aim on a head of a merc, before shooting the rest dead. When they are all down, head into the next room and hit the marker. Press X to radio into Val. Set yourself up by a window or door and open fire when you spot the enemies. Once a Humvee comes bursting through the gates, get out the radio room and shoot those who surround the vehicle. Shoot those off in the distance before piling in and driving off. When you come to another merc set-up, pull up and man the turret of the Humvee, shooting those off in the distance. When they are down, go down the hill and rip the turret from it's joining. Now, hit Y to enter Feral Run and head out the camp, leaving the Jeep. Follow the path along and to the next Blue Marker. Enter the building to your right and collect the items. Leave and shoot the mercs. Some hide in trees with rocket launchers, so be warned. Follow the blue marker again, but stay on foot so you keep your new machine gun. Before you drop into the water, shoot the mercs who patrol and drop down. You will now, sadly, lose the machine gun but never mind. Swim across to the open pipe to the left and climb through it. Sadly, more of those suicidal creatures will appear in a screaming frenzy. Just run and punch them to make your way through. Go through the broken fencing and follow the river. Another mutant will run down another pipe, so shoot him and climb up there. Follow it through and you'll wind up in a base. Climb the ladder and watch an short battle between mutant and man as they struggle to board their chopper. Anyway, pick off the survivors via sniper's scope or with some meatier and then run across the battlefield. Head through the building at the end, dodging and killing the rocket launcher before climbing the stairs and jumping over the fencing. Jump on top of the fallen roofing and use it as a ramp to the next area. Go through the building and BAM! Flashbang. Some mercs will zipline into the building, so stand behind cover and let them do so. Toss a few grenades down there and mop up the rest with gunfire. Jump down and follow the route around. Collect the Assault Rifle and grenades and head through the open door. BAM! Another Flashbang grenade. Launch a grenade up to the balcony where the guards using assault rifle by pressing the left trigger and then get behind cover to shoot the rest. You need to find the elevator switch, so head out through the door and outside. Get behind a rock and blast up the commando mercs, advancing as you do. When you reach the hut, hit X by the switch to throw it and power the elevator. Using the same technique, re-cross the field and back to the building. Take down the guy on the bottom before running and gunning for the guy on the second floor. Get on the elevator and ride it up. Take down the sniper on your right and then the guys waiting down the stairs. Drop down and go up the hill to the right and listen to the gunfire. Let them approach before firing a grenade into the crowd and dropping down to finish up the job. Now being to slowly cross the field, using the sniper to take down punks from a safe distance. After a long battle, turn off left and follow this path. Head for the large building East and enter it. Using your feral abilites again, run around the building looking for cover whilst slaughteing the mercs. Climb the ramp and jump the fence. Another monster dude will come and attack, so dance around him slashing with your fists. When he's down, leave via the hole in the wall. Follow the path around north and watch the Commandos take down some exploding zombies. Throw a rock over their heads and sneak up behind them and backstab them one-by-one to avoid being hurt. Shoot and kill all of the zombies who attack you and continue up the path which'll lead to another area. Let the Sniper jump and run to his objective before sneaking up to the cargo crate and sniping them. Enter the hospital. Remember, Doyle is in here somewhere. Be on the lookout. Follow the corridors around to the marker and when you reach the doors, hit B to smash them open and to find Doyle. Break open the next set of doors and be sure to arm up and reload. You need to protect Doyle. Move ahead and eliminate the merc, sticking to some cover. Then, procede to escort Doyle outside and kill those who pose any threat. When you're outside, use the Sniper Rifle to take down some of them and mop up the rest with normal gun fire. When you reach your first set of small buildings, equip your Sniper and counter the other sniper. Shoot the other merc before he has a chance to do the same to you. Hide in the building and restock, taking down mercs as they try to attack you. Move out and mop up rest. You're headed for the helicopter in the distance. Just move up to it and clear out the area and Doyle will safely board it where you and he take off. Mission Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 2.l. Black Forest ----------------------------------- Carver will be shot out of the sky in a wonderful cutscene. <3, but sadly, it came at great cost, since Doyle didn't have a chance to get out. ;_; Anyway, after being dropped into the ocean, swim to the island. The wreckage of the blown-up and destroyed research centres still smolder and smoke away. Climb the hill through the wreckage and find a good vantage point, since a Humvee will pull up sharpish down below. Just fire a few shots at a target and let the two sides fight it out. Mutants will explode and mercs will open fire, even on some of their own. Drop down and kill all of the survivors. Head to the right and raid the small merc camp, picking up all the ammo and armour, even from the back of the cargo truck. After you're suited up, head back inland and follow the blue marker up the hill. Halfway up, you'll hear the blood-curdling screechs from the sucidal mutants, so stand back and fire upon them with caution. Advance up as you'll be a while if you want to take them all out. Once you've made it up the hill, jump onto the wreckage and over to the next rocky hill. The game will now autosave. More of those damn mutants will come screaming their suicidal squeals, so exercise caution and take them out from a distance before dropping down and moving up the field. Once you make it around the corner, you'll spot a storage/ military base ahead. Kill those around and make your way through to the yard of it. In the distance will be a couple of large pipes and one will be lit up by the explosion of a zombie, take that pipe and use it to reach the other side of the wall into the lava-field. Be careful, though, as those exploding mutants do hide in the pipe,so be careful when rounding corners. Once out at the lava pits, stick to the strip of land in the centre and follow it using Feral Vision, as the darkness makes it hard to see around. Go up the hill and shoot the mutants who attack. At the top of this hill will be some flood-lights and two bunkers either side. Tactically approch the bunker on the right and toss a grenade in to clear out the machine gun post. Go around the back of one and inside, using the machine gun to take down the oncoming mutant scum. Once they are all dead, rip the machine gun from the ground and keep it for now. Continue up the hill. When you reach the top, you'll be overlooking another lava-pit and a row of buildings to the right with the distant sound of sniper fire. Drop down here and approach the barrels and crates ahead. Duck behind one since you might just get your head blown off by a sniper. If you have one, counter-snipe him and move on, but if not, just wade out slightly to make him waste ammo and once he stops to reload, run for cover further up and repeat until you get to the tree outside the building where he shoots from. Using the machine gun, rip into the attacks who pop up at the windows, before moving up the field and in. Shoot the merc who runs down the stairs and then the one on the ledge to your left above. When they are down, move up the stairs and take down the other guy before finishing off the other two who come from below. Get back upstairs and jump onto the ramp leading to the roof. Collect the sniper ammo from the fallen sniper and then go over to the make-shift zipline which stretchs over a large pool of lava. Nice. Ride it and once you land on the other side, follow the path. Tread carefully once you hear mercerary voices, since stealth is best here. A large fire will be started, but stay away from that side and stick to the right. Crawl through the long grass and quickly remove the two guards standing around. Now, hit Feral Run and speed along the path ahead, slashing the merc as you do. Now, becareful ahead, as a Humvee is blown apart by a rocket-launcing merc, so keep moving at all costs. Strafe around the central island he's on, firing shots as you do in an attempt to bring him down, but becareful not to blindly strafe right out into the lava. Is he dead? Well, don't be too relieved, as another rocketer is further up the field! Get so you are directly facing the direction of the sniper and hit Feral Run. Hold down A and release once you come a large gap in the rocks to safely cross the lava-pool below. Keep Feral Run on and make super-speed up that hill. Don't worry about the rocket-man, as a Grenade-Launcher punk is further up. Just run into him and slash him up, before heading to the ever-so-close blue marker. Ahead are all sorts of burning trees, but ignore them, as evil mutants walk around aimlessly below, so put them out of their misery. You may notice that one or two might get sniped by an unseen marksmen. Doesn't matter for now. Just follow that path around... ...oh, I forgot to mention, take extra care along this small section, as claymore mines have been set-up. Just carefully walk and if a red light starts bleeping, run backwards and fast! If you find you have trouble, use Feral Sense and shoot them from a far. Once you make it to the save point, duck behind the crate nearby and watch the battle through the scope of your rifle. When its over, switch to a more meatier weapon and run to blast up the remaining mercs. As you approach the base, a helicopter will rumble overhead and more attacking mercs will open fire. Jump over the barbed-wire barriers run straight over and man the machine guns, firing at where the enemy muzzle fire occurs. Oops. I forgot to mention, this isn't a machine gun! It's a rocket-launcher/mortar post! Have fun just blasting up the mercs with your new toy. After a few waves, the attack will die off, allowing you to rip off the rocket-launcher and enter the bunker via the main entrance point. Jack will open the doors... ...and suddenly, these mutants you faced before don't seem to bad...not since the mutants you meet right now are super-strong, super-fast and can TALK! Blimey. Jack'll be thrown back with the sheer power of a hit from on of these, but thanks to the mounted-launcher you just picked up, you can kick some ass! One shot into the centre of the group is enough to kill them all. Easy, huh? Anyway. Using Feral Vision, navigate your way through the dark and over the stacked boxes to the next Blue Marker. More mutants will run in and hide behind the vehicles, so fire away with your rocket-launcher. After that batch is dead, turn your fire onto the platforms and catwalks above, firing at the mutants who are up there. Once *THAT* lot are dead, concentrate your fire on the rest on the ground floor. Once they are dead, head into the small office and collect the ammo and health. As you do, Val will contact you over the radio, so listen to the chit-chat before headed to the elevator she sends for you. Once she wishes you luck, leave the office and head to the Blue Marker. Hit X and ride the elevator up. Once the doors bing open, two mutants will attack, so kill them before stepping out. Head into the lounge to your right and out to the balcony. Jump the wall and onto the ledge, before bounding over to the Piano room's balcony. Enter and shoot up the mutants in here before running back out to the balcony. Now you're faced will whole legions of these mutants. Just keep moving and keep firing, using grenades and melee attacks whenever you can. Don't ever stop, and once the roof of the piano room caves in and a Blue Marker appears, run and jump, climbing up the rubble and killing the mutants on the roof. Once at the top, run into the opening where you see some brown doors and over to the Blue Marker which happens to be another elevator. Ride it, listening to the nice elevator music as you do... ... Fancy that. Not even a little "BING!" to know the journey's ended, but having a massively scared and mutated Crowe bashing open the elevator and throwing you through a wooden beam is quite the wake-up call. He's crazy...he's strong...he's going to kill you. Turns out, Krieger's still the bad guy who taunts you from his villa balcony. Damn him. *shakes fist* Just watch the cutscene to see just how strong Crowe really is (and he's armed with the gattling gun from his copter, just so you know) and be prepared for... ...THE FINAL SHOWDOWN! *insert crazy guitar solo here* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The solution below was sent in by Lagerfeldt... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The by far easiest way of completing the end sequence is by first shooting all the mutants, ignoring Crowe totally. Stay in cover using the helicopter. You can use the rockets to speed up the process, although it shouldn't take more than 1 or 2 minutes. Then go close to the cliff where Crowe is standing, right beneath him. You will be in perfect cover here. Look up and shoot him at few times in the head and he'll jump down. Once down, he will have his back to you as he is resting a few seconds on the ground. Do a feral attack using the B-button. Continue using feral attack and bashing, and he will never recover from the blows. Keep your aim focused and have him in view at all times. With this method he will never get a single shot fired and die in around 30 seconds, and there's no need to pick up health or even shoot him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************** ENDING INFORMATION TO COME SOON! ********************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (FAQ) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question: "Erm...whatever happened to that arrow trap?! I saw it on the trailers and it's nowhere in the game. Where is it?" Answer: Nowhere. Sadly, this arrow launching trap was removed. No reason has been given as of yet, but I feel it was because it would be redudent next to the thorned branch trap. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Question: "Okay, no arrow trap. I can live with that. But what about fixed gun turrets? I can't find any to add to my multiplayer map! Where?!" Answer: It's not included in the map-maker for some reason, but the "SPECIAL" section is looking rather empty, and it might just be included with an update with Downloadable Content in the future... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Question: "Last question about missing items, but can I have a zip-line added to my multiplayer map? I have this really cool..." Answer: Same deal. It's not included as of such, but chances of them being included as an update are high. Stay tuned. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Question: "I haven't played the original Far Cry, but apparently it's the same as Instincts. Is this true? Answer: Not per se. Instead, some of the scenarios are changed for the release of Instincts. If you want to know, read on, but there are spoilers for the game, so only read if you dare... "In a nutshell, the multiplayer is far better - more balanced and largely more fun if you have XBox Live. If not, then the Xbox version (in my eyes) falls short of the PC version in a number of ways that I point out in the topic I linked to (where I link to another topic: i.e. read the board next time). If you've played the PC version, aside from feral abilities and a bit of stealth which doesn't always work, you'll be dissapointed with the Xbox version single player. It's very short and has terrible AI etc. etc. as I've pointed out before. If you've got XB Live, the map maker and multiplayer make this worthy of a purchase, if not, I would try before you buy." ~Morgoth22's opinion. SPOILERS AHEAD! STILL SPOILERS! Jack is going on a boating trip, taking Val with him as they met at the docks. Boat gets shot by mercs, Val captured by Crowe and his mercs. Jack goes to rescue her and finds out about the experiments Krieger has been attempting on the local wildlife. Doyle helps you through much of the game but in the end, though Kreiger gave his DNA to control them, it is Doyle who is really behind the scheme. After you kill Crowe and meet up with Val, Doyle lies to you and gets you to inject what he tells you is an antidote. In fact, it's the virus, and you have to get past Krieger and a bunch of Tri-Gens to kill Doyle and get you and Val the antidote. ~Morgoth22's summary. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Question: "HOW DO I SKIP THAT GODDAMN INTRO?!?! IT'S ****ING ME OFF AND I DON'T THINK I CAN STAND IT ANYMORE! Answer: Skip down to the "Skip the Intro" section to by-pass this annoyance, for both you and members of the GameFAQs message board who tire of answering this question by the truck-load. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Question: "I can't get past X! I need to get to Y but I'm stuck! Help?!?!?" Answer: I didn't make the Walkthrough for nothing, you know. If you still have trouble, even after reading the guide and trying a few times, drop me a line using my e-mail (jimfish@gmail.com) and I'll get straight to work on it. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Question: "I'd like to host your guide on my website, http://XXXXXXXXXXX.COM/ .BIZ/.ORG/.WHATEVER, is that allowed?" Answer: Depends. There's a "list" of sites which I've been informed to avoid, with some I've told to instantly accept. If it's a good site, with high-traffic and dedicated users, then there's a high chance of me accepting, but if it's the opposite, then expect a large NO. As I said, it all depends... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (CNC) CHEATS AND CODES (CNC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a couple of codes avaliable for you to enter, and they are as follows: Password Effect =-=-=-=- =-=-=- TheWorldIsMine All Maps VitruviAnRush Infinite Adrenaline BulletsofHell Infinite Ammo GiveMeHealth 100 Health Points ~Thanks to daylightsend7 (GameFAQs) for these cheats. These codes are to be entered in the Cheats Menu. To find it, start a game, press Start for the Pause menu and go down to the Cheat Menu. From here, just type in the passwords. Remember, they are case-sensitive, so type them in as you see them. You can also use the Cheat Menu from the Main Menu. There are some codes which supposedly do not work with "the retail version" of the game, which I presume are for the test copies or demoes. However, some people have gotten these cheats to work, but how, they don't know. They are included below: Password: Effect: =-=-=-=-= =-=-=-= CarvErVitrUvian Invincibility AmAFastMachine Run Faster ~Thanks to BobbyXXWindle for these two cheats. And there is one more code for you to enter which has baffled players since it was discovered. It might be an easteregg dedicated to somebody. It might be a hidden message for the players to decrypt. It might just be something some nerd threw in. Who knows? I don't. To witness this message, enter Map Maker and do as follows: Hold L + R + Y + B + X + Clicked Left Thumbstick + Clicked Right Thumbstick and press A. This brings up a secret message. As I said, is it pointless? Is it useful? ??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (G-S) GAME SAVES (G-S) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *This section is for those who have trouble passing a certain section. This way they can simply download the save and transfer it to their XBox for an easy time.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Game Save: Checkpoint: Final Boss Fight With Crowe Save Link: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/save/far_cry_instincts_eu_b.zip Description: This save is directly before the fight, you just need to watch Crowe as he climbs up to the ledge and then you're thrown right into the fight. This saves you from killing your way through the masses of mutants at the Villa. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I-M) ISLAND MAKER (I-M) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. A custom map you have already made can have some replay value added to it by simply changing the time of day and saving it as " map name Day" or "map name Night". Now you have two versions that play a lil' differently. 2. When placing spawn points; put them together when with teams, and scattered without teams. 3. You can use fences to 'armour' up different buildings. Block windows, protect doorways, etc. Just experiment, and you'll learn a lot. 4. When you are making a map that is going to be used for CTS then try to position each teams base at the same angle to the sun. That way one team won't be running into the blinding sunlight giving the other team an advantage. 5. Make sure spawn points either face something interesting or towards where the player should be heading. (I've played a few maps where I've spawned facing a wall, it's silly) 6. Smooth your land, make sure people can actually get out of the water with ease. 7. Test all your bridges. Ramps can go into the ground, it looks better and provides a smoother ride. 8. Just cause the space is there doesn't mean you have to use it. Make the size of your map reasonable, you won't often be playing 16 players so don't use every inch of the map. 9. Symmetry is evil! If you have to make your map symetrical, make sure it's really obvious which area you're in otherwise players can get lost. To do this, you can begin placing red or blue flags on the buildings etc. 10. Test out all your vehicle positions and what they'd actually be used for, no point having a big jeep in a level that consists mostly of water and small narrow paths. 11. Try to get all your land mass done before you start with brushes, as changing terrain afterwards can alter the position of things you've placed which can just be a pain. 12. Long straight bridges are ... BORING... If you really want players to get up to a certain point, usually for a hangglider, a few options are: adding cover and weapons along the path leading to potential firefights, evolution pickup at the bottom so players can sprint up, or a vehicle. 13. Make it detailed, but keep the concept simple. 14. Just because you can change elevation does not mean you need a thousand mountains. Mountains are nice when time is put into their placement and use. 15. Take time placing your ladders - it may be a pain, but it pays off when you don't hear 1 complaint about people falling off of them or getting stuck trying to reach the top. 16. Use nature to make the snipers work for their shots. Trees and bushes (even high grass) make excellent cover from a sniper in a tower. 17. If you making paths through wooded area - try and make it look a little worn. Use some sand paint or even some cliff paint - even sink a few rocks into the ground. 18. Use the ability to hop into the map at any time to your advantage. You have 100% control of the camera in this view. 19. Please don't take your map online after only an hour or so of editing it. Unless you're playing with people who know ahead of time that you're looking for advice and suggestions. It can really frustrate an unsuspecting optimatch player when they hop into a 20% finished map - and end up getting booted because they are "killing people" If it is going to be a test map with you and your friends, max out the friend slots on the options before you launch the game. 20. When playing Capture the Sample, make sure there are a few ways to get to the sample. I made a map with only one small path up a hill to the sample and it was way to easy to defend. Try making a few paths to the sample from different directions to keep the defending team on their feet. 21. Place weapons strategically. Don't just throw them into the map where people will have a hard as hell time trying to find them. Don't bunch them together all in one spot (depending what type of map it is) and don't put the most powerful weapons close to spawn points. It's okay to have some hidden spots that hide powerful weaponry but people don't want to go around with a pistol the whole match. 22. Make the level design interesting and unique. People don't want to run through miles of ugly and bland forest just to find nothing. 23. Also try to vary the weapons in the map. I try to use two of every weapon except maybe the heavy machine gun and the rocket launcher. I use only one of each of those. 24. Make sure that the health packs are spaced somewhat evenly so that you don't have to trek across the map after a fire fight to get patched up. 25. Make sure the elevation of your map varys often; I hate maps that are just a cluster of 3 person islands with long range weapons and water scooters only. I prefer a map with a few island and a sort of mountain jungle that you can venture into with vehicles for high speed chase action (especialy near cliffs). 26. When creating a forest or placing one of the "tree" brushes, use the rotate button to change their direction on each placement The result will be more realistic vegetation and forest "look." 27. Also, if you are placing trees - try and make sure there is grass below them. Fifty 20 foot trees growing out of sand doesn't make much sense. 28. You don't always have to put the sniper rifles right beside the most optimum sniper point - make them work for it and actually enter the battlefield and tense action. 29. USE EMPTY SPACE...BY LEAVING IT EMPTY - Just because you have space doesn't mean you have to clog it up with buildings or tons of trees. Not only do you potentially hinder the performance of the map by cluttering it up with too many objects, but you also introduce claustrophobic frustration to the player trying to learn how to get around the map. Empty space is needed to allow for players to have long range gunfights and not just close-quarter battles. Do whatever it takes to avoid making your entire map feel like a maze. This goes hand-in-hand with "symmetry is bad". 30. MAKING REALISTIC-LOOKING MOUNTAINS - Natural mountains and hills aren't perfectly round bumps. To create realistic looking mountains, raise an area of land you want for the mountain as high as you want it. Now make the cursor as small as possible and DIG STRAIGHT DOWN (do NOT use Smoothing at this point) until you've dug level with the main part of the land the mountain is on. Do this somewhat randomly around the mountain and you can create very realistic looking crag formations. With patience and time you can even create paths up and around the mountain. Naturally, don't forget to paint the sides of your mountain with the cliff texture. 31. GRASS DOESN'T GROW WITHOUT DIRT - If you've dropped a building (or other structure with a solid floor) on a spot and now have grass magically swaying up through the floor, use the Paint tool and "paint out" the grass with Sand or Cliff paint. No one is going to see under the floor, anyway, and this will eliminate the 3D grass effect. 32. ROTATE SIMILAR OBJECTS BEFORE PLACING THEM NEAR EACH OTHER - This has already kinda been mentioned but it's worth repeating - if you're going to put a bunch of items, such as barrels or crates, next to each other before you place them Rotate each one even slightly from the previous one you placed so they aren't all put on the map with exactly the same "look". 33. Make it balanced, Make it look good, Make sure players cannot get stuck anywhere on the map. 34. Smoothen all the coastlines 35. Be sure to add something original and unique to your map, and not just the same things you've played through before. 36. The best way I have found to make pathways up hills or cliffs is to use the set height tool. Make the area cursor a little wider than you want the path to be, maybe one click or so bigger. Now use it like steps, place a raised area one or two clicks higher than the ground level then move to the edge of that and raise an area one or two clicks above that. Keep moving up the intended trail making each step just one or two clicks higher than the last. When you get to the end of your path go back over the edges with the smooth tool to make them all blend together to make a incline. 37. Although your map may have an awesome layout and its a lot of fun to play on you can make it even better by taking your time to smooth out sharp points and edges where they shouldn't be. Sharp spots are fine on cliffs and mountains but they don't look good in the middle of your beach covered with sand. Sand falls away from sharp points. If you can't get that sharp spot smooth at least colour it like a rock with the cliff paint. 38. Cosmetics are not necessary but can add so much to your map. Take your time with all the jaggies here and there and watch your paint too. Spots on the side of a cliff painted like grass look a lil' funny so go over them with the cliff paint again. 39. Also try painting under water. I use the grass paint here and there to add under water vegetation to spots making it look a lil more realistic. 40. INVISIBLE BARRIER INDICATORS: If you hate hitting the invisible walls at the perimeter of the maps with vehicles or otherwise (as I do ) instead of making huge high embankments or fences etc - all you need to do is use the "set height" tool and set it to the smallest cursor size (or just big enough for a path width) and match the water level height with the terrain all the way around the edge of the map (I use the sand colour for this giant square path) This way everyone will know where the edge is and avoid driving into it - but will still be able to see off into the distance so it doesn't feel contained or claustrophobic 41. UNDERWATER TUNNEL WAYS/MAZES : Place open crates (or any double open ended yet roofed off object) under water to create long cave like pathways when connected to each other (you should probably lower the ocean floor first) - stick something worth while inside or hidden within these underwater mazes - so that people will risk getting stuck without air trying to find the item(s) (don't make it too frustrating though - it's all about balance) 42. CAVES: To make huge caves inside giant tall mountains / land masses - all you have to do is make the main mountain really huge and wide with a flat top - then use the "set height" tool and gradually dig holes anywhere within the edges of the mountain top (the purpose is to dig a path way that gradually gets deeper and deeper as you go You should start with a cursor width just wide enough to fit a vehicle - at the top as you work your way down and probably wind the path so you can go super far down inside the mountain - same way as making winding paths to go up a tall mountain- only this way it's easier to start at the top rather than the bottom. Now when you have gone as deep as you want to go - re-adjust the cursor width to a much wider setting(depending on the size of the cave opening you want at the bottom of your path) - now you should have a huge winding path leading down to a huge opening (that will look like one giant hole/pit inside the mountain when looking down inside it from the top Now it's up to you to put what you want at the bottom of the pit (cave bottom) but now to turn the pit into a cave all that you have to do is place any floating objects over the paths all the way down (these objects should span to all of the edges of the pit top (the top of the mountain) (The large flat topped objects are obviously best for this as they allow you to walk over them the easiest and to smooth/ connect the terrain edges to them the easiest The only trouble with cave making is the lack of any kind of decent camera control to see over top or inside specifically where you want to when placing objects or smoothing the paths etc 43. What is really cool is if you're gonna use water, make it like a small connecting river. Like a path going through the land, then create 1-4 jet skis in the water. That way you can race jet skis! Hell, forget gun fighting and blowing each other up, just hop on a Jetski and race each other properly. Fast one over the checkpoint wins. If you want to make things more interesting and unique you could forgot about the main aim of the game for a map or 2 and create a ATV race track with jumps, alternate routes, water and the track being made with the sand or cliff paint. You can do this with other vehicles as well, like a water scooter track. Turn all the space into flat land and then de-elevate it into a patch of water. Then you can go around the whole area and make a connecting water track for jet skis/water scooters. To make it more exciting, put some rocks or fencing in the water for obstacles. Or you can elevate the land to make a break in the water, like a small hill. Then put up a small elevating ramp and you can jump the jet skis. Awesome racing fun! 44. Make your beaches real...Meaning if you were on the shore and you walk out to the water, the elevation gradually declines rather than to suddenly drop. 45. I saw this guy that made a STS map and the two teams spawn at the enemy base. It was like an assault game. You get the sample at the start and try to take it to your base that is defended by the enemy. Something interesting like this will make players sit up and pay attention. 46. As with "having multiple paths", try to have your maps work on multiple levels (low, mid, high) with each level (preferably) having advantages and disadvantages. I've seen a lot of very big, very flat maps that have been dominated by snipers because non-snipers just don't have anywhere to go or hide behind. 47. As a varation, try to work to make a map as vertical as possible. I saw one map where one guy had taken the Ruins brush set and built three multi-level bases (with basements!) with the temple and bridge peices that were pretty neat. 48. You can alter camera angle by clicking in the left thumbstick and moving the right one. 49. To go in and out of FPS mode just hit the back button, you'll appear where your cursor is at the time... do this often as objects and land mass look very different from each view. 50. Also, if you move or delete large objects, don't forget to update the terrain shadows, assuming your map is set during the daytime or evening hours. 51. Put plenty of bushes and rocks. If you have empty space between trees, use bushes. They make it look lots better and provide some areas to hide in. 52. Make sure to detail ever aspect of your level. Don't accept what's "okay", make it to your satisfaction. Use deatailing ideas from the standard maps and also the single player maps. Be Kubrick and design that perfect idea. 53. To make something thats like a cave Put A BUNCH of rocks on each other to make it look like a cave. 54. If you have some area with shallow water try putting some grass paint there too. It looks neat with the grass coming out of the water plus it gives some added camo to that area. It works great in Predator Mode, as you can hide there in the grassy water and it's hard for others to see you. 55. This has been said 1000 times before but the Smooth option is there for a reason, use it. 56. Make sure you you don't put too many Player spawns right next to Predator spawns since the game uses player spawns for the helpless mercs. 57. Try to put cover and maybe even some weapons next to the spawns, nobody likes spawning and getting shot in the face by a Sniper Rifle because it's staked out. 58. Trees not only make your map look good but they provide excellent cover in places that seem too open. 59. Use the Paint tool to make your map look nice and layout paths, I don't think anyone likes looking at mountains covered in sand or grass when you know it should look like a mountain. 60. Make sure when you make mountains and such on the edges of levels that people can't fall in and get stuck. Very annoying. 61. Try to give markers on where the map ends, trying to get away in a boat and hitting an invisible wall that you didn't know was there is embarrassing. 62. No matter how many times you go through the map alone there will always be something that you missed. You might want to save the map with BETA TEST in the name or something, because odds are later you will find some things wrong with it and want to fix it, once you find everything you can fix it, save, and publish it again and tell your friends to delete the BETA map from their HDD. This saves alot of space. 63. The Small, Medium, and Large Rocks can be used to make some over passes and caves by linking the together. 64. Make sure you manage the time of day, ambient sounds, and fog in your map. You would be surprised how much these contribute to the fun of a map. 65. Balance is a very big issue in Capture the Sample, make sure you give each team a fair amount of weapons and cover. Having one team a lot better then the other is a real kill joy. 66. You might also want to brain storm a map and possibly even sketch it out first on paper. Designing a basic layout before hand makes map making go a lot quicker. (My note: One time when I stepped out of the bath, I saw my mirror was steamed up. I spent 15 minutes just drawing out my level design in the steam. Sounds crazy, but I have created some really cool maps from it.) 67. Try to have a piece of paper and a pen on hand when you start playing your maps with friends, you might see something wrong that you might want to fix later and writing it down helps. 68. My main tip is don't always restrict yourself to creating something in the "island" theme. By that I mean, you can create something completely different that isn't a cluster of islands with waterways, which is what people immediately tend to do on a first attempt with the map editor, simply because its the locale that main game uses the most. 69. It is possible to create closed levels with handy usage of the main wall brushes and clever terrain manipulation, from there you can pretty much do as you please. 70. Also if you are making a closed in level, bear in mind predators can just jump pretty high! You'd better be sure to play-test fully and make sure people can't get outside the boundaries you've setup. 71. Turn off the snap brushes to terrain options as I find it gives you much more flexibility. If you want to be more direct though using the D-pad when rotating/sinking objects turns the object in preset increments and not free-hand like the analog stick does. 72. Don't set out to make a map that caters for all gametypes if the layout doesn't really lend itself to the flow of that gametype. Chaos and Team Chaos are pretty much the same deal, but Predator is a whole other thing. 73. I find a really good tweaked Predator map is much more authentic if it's geared towards that mode of play. Focus on it and make it specific. 74. Be daring. If you have 16 players on a map, why not trapped them in at a tiny camp or building area? It provides a lot more intense gameplay than having large open maps every would. 75. Make hidden passages with things such as rocks, using trees and bushes to cover the entrance slightly. Down this new cave, you can hide all manner of things such as Evolution pick-ups or powerful weapons. 76. What about making your own type of multiplayer mode? For example, race up to the top of a mountain to find a crashed truck with a cargo of Evolution pick-ups. First one there keeps the pick-up, and the other players are then in a game of Juggernaut where they all try to take down the Predator. 77. Try to alter your ambient sounds to match the map. And don't make it too loud, since it really is annoying and distracting. 78. Try not to build your map 25 feet above water level. Vehicles often end up going flying off of these and can't be used again. Bad map design. 79. Align everything perfectly. Well, not perfectly, but make sure it's all lined up right, as jagged bridges and fences bugs people. Not to mention things such as floating crates and barrels... 80. Be sure to conceal. If you build yourself a temple and one side has a set of stairs leading down to nowhere, place something like a statue at the end, or a rock or two to block it off like a cave-in. Makes it look realistic. 81. Make more than one entrance point to important places. Nothing sucks more than a sniper dominating a map because all he has to do is protect a ladder. I know there is little love lost for Halo around here, but one of the things that make Halo maps interesting is the way you can get behind someone chasing you. It is a lot of fun when a good sniper sets up camp and his teammates defend the multiple routes to him. 82. If your map is Steal the Sample, make sure both bases are equally defendable and equally attackable. I hate playing games where one team scores all the time because the other teams base sucks or their base is easy to defend. The bases don't have to be clones of each other, but try to balance them. . . BALANCE!!! 83. If your map is Predator, make sure the Mercs can actually reach the generator with a little work, and make sure the Predator can guard the generator and not just be completely ambushed. . .BALANCE!!! 84. If your map is Chaos, make sure a sniper can't dominate. A sniper tower that sees all and only has one access point is too easy to defend. Put in another sniper or a rocket launcher somewhere to counter the tower. Or maybe make multiple access points to the good sniper spots so the sniper has to stay on his toes . . . BALANCE. 85. Don't put gimmicky crap in your map. Ramps that go up to infinity for no reason may sound cool, but they don't make for a fun map. Huge pits with no way to get out may sound cool, but . . uh . . NO!!! A sniper heaven where everyone else is running around on the ground like roaches with no way to defend themselves may sound cool, but . . .uh . . .NOOO!!! If it does not serve a purpose or it's not cosmetic. . .DON'T DO IT!!! 86. Remember, just because you can't see something on the surface of the water doesn't mean that something couldn't be there, so try to add detail and maybe some hidden features under the water on your next map. One of my maps is shaped like a horse shoe of land around a cove of water. The two bases are at the tops of cliffs at the mouth of the cove with a broken bridge running between them... In the middle of the cove just beneath the bridge and under the water is a broken down truck lodged in the seabed with some crates around its wreckage. All of which is slightly covered by some sea plants... Right in the middle of those crates and plants is the only rocket launcher on the map. So you need to do a bit of exploring to find it. (*That's what I, jimfish, did with my map Seclusion....Oops...it was meant to be secret...*) 86. Want a gun-turret but annoyed that there isn't one? Think again! By using a boat and placing it on land, you have yourself a turret. Not good enough? Try covering it will sandbags to mask the boat and just leave the gun exposed... Still not enough? Lower the terrain where the boat is placed, leaving only the top half-exposed. 87. Be sure to check your items are placed properly. Sometimes they may just get lose in the sand if it's not flat... 88. Remember that just because the game is mosty islands, you aren't stuck with islands alone... and just because you're using the military brush set doesn't mean you have to make a military base. For example, I used military and jungle, and made a baseball stadium, just because I could... I'll be the first to admit that the open outfield is a great way to get sniped, but at least I was original... and with how open the field is, and how tall the grass is, going prone is almost like being invisible. I even started playing with my sports idea, and made plans to try a football field with the research brushes. It's all in how original you can get. My bleachers are just a simple little pavillion, a few legs, and some sheet metal... but stack them 3 high and 3 wide, cover the back with some fences, and add a couple of ladders, and it actually looks like bleachers. Just try to be original. Islands with vehicles were fun for the first 3 days, but now it's time to move on. 89. When doing a tropical map without using the secondary brush set, use the bamboo fences and lower them enough so you can shoot over them while crouching. It's practically a sand bag for you. 90. Need a 3 story building? Get 3 barracks and some closed containers and stack them like this. B=Barracks C=Containers. B CB BC Use the holes in the walls as the entrance. 91. Keep your players looking up and down as well as side to side by making multiple levels on your map. A map with hills and cliffs or 2 and 3 story bases is a lot more fun to play on than a map where everything is at eye level. 92. Increasing the fog just a bit helps a lot with the ugly textures of far away objects, but don't make it too foggy or else you wont be able to see who is shooting at you. 93. This one deserves its own section by right, but for now, it has to be put down as a tip. Thanks to krull for this one! Experimenting with the put weapons on top of ladders thing, you can make weapons float in the air, or if placed in the correct spot the weapons will fall from the sky, meaning you can place weapons high in the air, if they fall they will essentially have a longer respawn time, good for rockets if you don't want them to come back quite as fast. I haven't quite figured out how to make weapons float or fall consistently, but I have figured it out for carbombs! Place a crate where you want the bomb to fall, now switch to a ladder and raise it into the air, higher for more spectacular effects, but lower for ease of use, then switch to an RMV and place it on top of the ladder, then remove the ladder...In the mapmaker all the carbombs fall out of the sky, on Live sometimes they fall when you first spawn, then they float in the air. This is where keeping them kinda low comes in handy, hit them with a rocket, grenade launcher, or a ton of bullets, and they become on-demand death from above. Here's the fun part, after you place the RMV, jump into the map and watch it fall, see where it landed on the crate and exploded off in a certain direction...You can now tweak the position of the crate slightly, and test it out, until you get a really cool effect. example: vehicle drops on the box, explodes, bouncing over a fence, off a wall and right landing right near your sample. Very interesting results for small maps! WARNING!!! DO NOT, delete a floating vehicle while it is in the air, your game wil freeze. DO NOT try to move a vehicle that has been placed in the air, game will freeze. If you made a mistake on vehicle placement, remove the crate below it and it should delete the vehicle above automatically, if it doesn't, save, reload, and the vehicle will appear on the ground, (this is what happens if there is no crate there, and thus, the reason for the crate. DO save often in case you mess up and it freezes. Also when positioning the crate, you can also try to add nearby trees, rocks... Anything you want, to experiment with the different crash results. I have a a bunch of good weapons hidden in an area that is overlooked by a ton of carbombs, two bombs above each Sample base, for defense or offense, or a distraction >_> The map is really small though, more along the size of an original Rainbow Six 3 map, this trick works much better in such a map. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (M-P) MULTIPLAYER (M-P) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is dedicated to the multiplayer section of the game. Tips, hints, guides, they will all be here...over time. For now, there's only these 3 tips sent in by Lagerfeldt. Thanks, dude! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Being hunted by a Predator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When someone is hunting you as a Predator their vision is changed. This means they'll most likely just follow your orange trace since details are blury. If you know you are being hunted by a Predator, make a clear trace to a tree, go right behind it and place a branch trap. Hide right behind the tree and the Predator will most likely aim straight for you and get killed by the trap - as he can't see the trap due to the blurred vision. You can "steer" the Predator to the right side of the tree where the trap is by aligning yourself correctly. This has worked very successfuly for me on Live, and is a satisfying way of eliminating a Predator quickly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Being the Predator =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- When you are the Predator, remember to use the super jump to your advantage. Hold down the jump button while running and release it for the super jump. This will help you get a better idea of the vicinity of enemies, instead of just running around franctically looking for prey. On some maps the super jump enables you to jump to high places that can't be reached otherwise, great if you have the sniper rifle and are at the end of your Predator-run. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mines/Traps =-=-=-=-=-= When placing Claymore mines, the curved side of the mine will determine the blast direction. Use this to your advantage. Remember mines can be removed by shooting at them. Branch traps can successfully be placed on a tree near the ground by looking down when placing it. This will help hide the branch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-M) CUSTOM MAPS DATABASE (C-M) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Database for all of those custom maps that you guys have been busy creating. As of now, it's small and tiny, but it's growing... To read this section, it's set up in fields, like below. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* * - - Name: ??? * * Creator: ??? - - Size: ??? * * Brust set: ???, ??? - - Game Modes: ??? * * XBox Live?: ??? - -Description: ??? * *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Now, it's pretty simple to understand. Name of the map, who created it, the size of the map, what brush set was used, the game modes open to play, is it on XBox Live and finally, the desctiption of it. If you want to submit your map's data, give me a line via e-mail. See my Contact Information for more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Vulkan Creator: JVekt (Gamer Tag: Bionic Wiggles) Size: Takes up 3/4 of the map. Brush set: Tropical, Military. Time of Day: ??? Game modes: Chaos, Team Chaos, Predator and STS. Xbox Live?: Yes. Description: The old villages on these two isles has only one village active and fighting the military that took over the other and destroyed the bridge that connected the the canyon that connected the two islands. A supply truck that was carrying an ATV was stolen by one of the natives but was destroyed by a RMV. The two land vehicles are now used by the natives. Now the last fight will be held between the Military and the Natives. Pick a side and fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Seclusion Creator: jimfish Size: Takes up 3/4 of the map. Brush set: Jungle, Research. Time of Day: Night Game modes: Chaos and Team Chaos XBox Live?: No. Description: Away from the main islands of Jacutan, this small off-shore base acts as a small training centre for small groups of mercs. After a brutal storm, the island was left ravished and cut off with the rest of the world. The only hope of the men there were upon the helicopter which was blown apart by the storm. Now, the pressure's got to them all...Defend the base with your life until support comes...if it does, that is... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Guerrilla Pit Creator: Warrior dude Size: Takes up 1/2 of the map. Brush set: Jungle, Ruins. Time of Day: Night Game modes: Chaos and Steal the Sample. XBox Live?: No. Description: A rather small level with an L-shaped creek running through it. Set within cliffs, Guerrilla Pit is very dark and foggy with dense forest. On the blue side sits a small temple, probably a shrine of Buddha. On the red side, lays a small mercenary encampment. You must use stealth in Guerrilla pit, or die trying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Nature's Wrath Creator: Shadow Commando (Gamer Tag: Angel 0f Fury) Size: Small-medium. Brush set: Tropical, Research. Time of Day: ??? Game modes: Chaos, Team Chaos and Steal the Sample. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: A small island with abundant vegitation, a single road goes from one base to another, the trees and bushes makes this a trap layer's paradise... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Deadly Oasis Creator: My_2_Cents Size: About 3/4 of the map. Brush set: Jungle. Time of Day: ??? Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tropicana 2 Creator: JayFlipz489 Size: Medium Brush Set: Tropical/Military Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes Description: Tropical map consisting of small multiple islands of different elevations. For more info visit Jay's photosite: http://www.jayflipzmaps.photosite.com/tropicana2/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Mountain Fever Creator: Skillfactor Size: Small Brush Set: (Mountains) Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: You are able to download this map from GameFAQs.com It'll blow you away like they did me. :) http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/save/far_cry_instincts_k.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Island Fever Creator: Skillfactor Size: Huge Brush Set: Tropical Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: You are able to download this map from GameFAQs.com It'll blow you away like they did me. :) http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/xbox/save/far_cry_instincts_i.zip ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Separation Creator: DevonEval Size: About 2/4, to 3/4 of the map Brush Set: Military, Forest Game Modes: Steal The Sample XBox Live?: Yes. Description: Separation is a STS map with diffrent gameplay styles. Red Team is more assault based in the fact they can jump their boats right into the blue base. Blue team is sneaky in a sense they can swim into the enemy base and grab the sample if the reds are not on Defence. Both sides are fun to play on, and some of the not often sought after things bring great rewards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: D-Day Creator: babyvegeta980 (Gamertag: Lightbishop) Size: Nearly takes up full map. Brush Set: Jungle, Military. Game Modes: All Modes. Works best with Steal the Sample. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: On one corner of the map is the blue base; it's not that big but it's good for sniping. It has 4 inflatable boats and an armory with Desert Eagles, snipers, a rocket launcher, auto pistols and not forgetting the carbines, assault rifles and different weapons, including some health and armor. On the other side of the map, there is a giant island with a bunker, (a few large walkways with guard posts on top) 3 guard posts near the beach and a sniper's tower. There is also an inflatable boat, 2 ATVs, and a Humvee. Finally there is the really small third island in a corner. It has a lot of brush so it's good for sniping for both teams. The rest of the map is just ocean. If you want to play this map, send a friend request to Lightbishop. He has testimonies of more than 40+ people who've played it and loved it. He'll see you on live. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Speedball Creator: jessy1234 (Gamertag: little butter) Terrain: Swamp, Military Size: Around 1/2 of the map. Game Modes: Team Chaos. Description: If anyone's played Ghost Recon 2, I had that map where it looked like a big paintball speed ball course. There are wooden bunkers in the middle and wooden planked bases at the ends. It's like a valley in the middle. Each base is on top of hills and the teams charge down the hills into the valley and then must fight they're way up to the opposing base. not ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Ascension BETA Creator: Lucasucks (Gamertag: poopcity3) Size: Around a 1/4 of the map. Brush Set: Military Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: This is simple a re-make of that classic Halo 2 map, Ascension. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Dual-Air Sunset (Dual-Air Night) Creator: krull (Gamertag: X 420 Solidus) Size: Medium sized city, LARGE mountain jump Brush Set: Ruins, Swamp Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes Description: In STS, both teams starts 225 meters high on the the top of a gigantic cliff jump. Bases are separated by a wall but ladders allow access to each other's bases. As you drive vehicles down the mountain, the wall drops away enemy teams are exposed to each other's gunfire, crashing, attacks from the rocket platform, until they reach the edge and launch hundreds of feet into the air. Landing in the lake (hopefully), one Team's base is a huge Egyptian temple to the left, and stretching to the right is the rest of the "city" leading to the other base. A Patrol boat is planted right in the middle for whoever makes the jump and reaches it first. Notes: Originally 1 team was up top, the other defended at the bottom, this lead to hours of folks just jumping off the cliff for fun, now with both teams up there, it's not just a gimmick and full fledged vehicular combat occurs up on the mountain, good stuff... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: CLIFFSIDE COVE Creator: MECHALUCHA Size: Around 1/4 of the map. Brush Set: Military, Jungle Game Modes: Steal The Sample XBox Live?: Yes. Description: Horseshoe shaped map with a cove bordered by two cliffs. The bases are at the top of each cliff and there is two buildings down near the water with the more powerful weapons. This is a fast paced STS map for two teams of 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tropical Ground Creator: Fragile Box Size: Medium-to-Large Brush Set: Tropical, Military Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: 5 Islands. 3 of them connected by bridges. ...It's the perfect map for snipers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Lost Meridian Creator: Laughing Falcon Size: Huge (Full Map) Brush Set: Tropical, Temple Game Modes: All Modes. XBox Live?: Yes. Description: The map is huge, and covers the entire available space in the map editor tool. There are five main areas in Lost Meridian. They are the Island of the Magician, the massive Pyramid of the Sun, the Temple of Four-Faces, the Tomb Swamp, and the Village Ruins. Lesser known places of interest include the Temple of the Dwarf, and the mysterious Canyon of Many Faces. Needless to say, this completely unique and original map, is packed with many places to explore, and many varied areas to battle in. http://www.putfile.com/lostmeridian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (G-L) GLITCHES (G-L) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Far Cry is far from perfection in the line of glitches, as many strange things happen out on those islands... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Underwater Chopper Where Found?: Level 1; Training -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you swim around to where Val took off in the Jet-ski after the boat is shot apart, you'll be chased by the helicopters. If you go out to the sea slightly after hitting the strip of land, the chopper that will chase you will descend and...go under the water. If you swim down after it, you'll just find a floating machine gun. Weird. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Water Scooter Where Found?: Level 1; Training -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This glitch is bizarre, but explainable. As soon as Jack's boat is blown out of the water, turn around and swim for where Val took off in the Jet-Ski. Keep swimming and soon, you'll hit land where a racing water scooter tries to make a getaway but only flings sand everywhere. Around the scooter is a merc, Val and "Blue-Man" (Blue Man appears quite a bit in the game...). Each of these 3 are impossible to kill, so don't try. The scooter is also ridable for the first time in Single Player AS A PASSENGER, not the driver. Just stand by it and hold X to climb aboard. Sadly, you can't go anywhere with it, but oh well... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Stand By, All Mercs! Where Found?: Level 1; Training -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beyond the Jet-ski is another set of vehicles, one of which you can drive. So keep swimming around the island and soon you'll see a boat in the water with some mercs on the sand to the right. Swim over to the boat and hold X to enter it. Drive around, use the turret to shoot up the mercs who wait to be triggered by an event. These mercs are the one that will take off in a helicopter after you come to your first "real" merc looking over a cliff. You can even collect the weapons from these guys and blow up the helicopter... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Skip the Level Where Found?: Level 1; Training -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is not really a glitch, but oh well. After doing the above glitch, keep swimming around the island some more and you will come to the hut where Jack will jump from at the end of the level to avoid being blown up. If you swim over there and walk into the hut, the closing cutscene will trigger and the game thinks you have collected the ear-piece, even though you haven't. Also, the dock is empty before the closing cutscene, but once it is triggered, a Zodiac will be docked there. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Dead Lockup Where Found?: Everywhere. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is a simple, yet highly annoying glitch. If you die (hit 0 health) and the controller is suddenly unplugged, you need to turn off your XBox as the game crashes and locks-ups. This is highly annoying for those who have dodgy XBox controllers when, even though they are plugged in, say they're not plugged in. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Blue Man Returns! Where Found?: Level Two; Beach -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The ever-so enigma Blue Man returns. After being foiled at the Jet-Ski, he hides behind the large rock to the left of the start of the level. From the start, just swim around it and you'll come to him. He's grown a face this time, as well as a slight colour change. He also bought two pairs of binoculars along and a weak body armour (5 units), kill him to gain the armour. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Rocky Cannon Where Found?: Level Two; Beach -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you come across a small rocky hill with a small crawling space big enough for Jack to go prone and enter, try doing so. For some reason, when Jack crawls to the end of the "mini-mini cave", he'll be thrown through the rock and propelled up. You can climb loads of hills and mountains by doing this and get to places you weren't meant to... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Glitch Name: Survive that Cliff Where Found?: Anywhere with large drops -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is not really a glitch, but it's a neat trick all the same which was not meant to be used. This was not found by me, but instead by _____. Get into a vehicle, drive off a huge cliff, and right before you hit the ground jump out of the vehicle and it will be like you jumped off a 2 foot drop. Use this to get to the bottom of canyons where you weren't supposed to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (S-I) SKIP THE INTRO! (S-I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lot of people have been complaining about not being able to skip the intro movie, being annoyed at having to watch it again and again just to play their game. So, to cut down on the amount of questions and topics that the GameFAQs' (and many other websites...) users have to go through, here is the "solution" to preventing this bug from happening... ********* AS OF WRITING, I DISCOVERED UBISOFT HAS GAVE THEIR OWN RESPONSE TO THE SITUATION. I'VE COPIED AND PASTED THEIR ANSWER BELOW. ********* If you've found yourself unable to skip the intro movie on Far Cry Instincts, pounding all the buttons on your controller until your hands are blooded stumps, here's a solution and explanation. * If you set the time and date properly on your Xbox, this problem won't occur. * If you have Xbox Live and allow Far Cry Instincts to download the update released yesterday (05/10/05), this problem won't occur. However, if you put a different game into your Xbox (but why would you do that?) and later guiltily return to Far Cry Instincts like an unfaithful lover, the intro video will play again in full. The reason for this is that Far Cry Instincts copies a bunch of sound files onto your Xbox while the intro plays. When you put in a different game these sound files are deleted and will need to be copied over again the next time you use Far Cry Instincts. *********** I'VE ALSO HEARD THAT HAVING A PROFILE NAME OTHER THAN "JACK CARVER" DECREASES YOUR CHANCES OF HAVING TO WATCH THE INTRO. THIS HAS NOT BEEN CONFIRMED AS OF YET.... *********** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (E-M) PAST E-MAILS (E-M) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section is for all the e-mails I recieve. Some are here just so you know what people have asked me, others for factual information and the rest are very interesting to read... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail was sent to me by [name removed 02/11/05 by request] who corrected me of several errors in the guide, with some factual information about the Engine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi! Regarding the FarCry Instincts FAQ you made : The original engine is from Crytek, but is so crappy it needs a very very good PC (3000 Mhz, 1000 Mb RAM ) to run it... Forget running it on an Xbox @ 700Mhz / 64 MbRAM.... Actually a lot of people did not believe we could ever run it even with modifications...But we re-wrote the whole engine, and made a new game with it... The licence ( the name "FarCry" ) belongs to Crytek, but most code and data are from Ubisoft...There still might be 2-4% of original Crytek code in Instincts.... So it would be cool if you could reflect this in some way in the FAQ.... ;oP Developed by: ##### # # ##### # # ##### ###### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### #### # ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # ###### # # NOT! Thanks to: 3 -Crytek: For developing this superb game. w00t. NOT! Also, for vehicle controls, the left thumbstick click is a horn but only in multiplayer... Didn't made sense to put it in single.. ;o) Keep up the good work and have fun! [name removed] Game Programmer Far Cry Instincts - Mission Pack | XBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was sent by Kale Machedo. The e-mail talks about a funny event which happens thanks to the itchy trigger fingered mercs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the mines level theres something really funny, when you get up to the mercs who complain about how crowe should have given them night vision gear slowly sneak to them and one of them will randomly fire and then they start shooting at each other then only ones survives. I re did the level just to make sure and its supposed to happen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gene Cermak's e-mail asking for help on "Mines." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Taylor: I have been stuck on this mission and have been using the Brady Games Strategy Guide. The Guide info doesn't work with respect to Objective 2 Escape the Mines, Part 2. So, I discovered your walkthrough on GameFaqs and played this mission for the fifth time. Unfortunately I was unable to finish it per your walkthrough. You indicate that when you reach a large chasm of light, just hop from one rocky platform to the next. Then you say, when you enter the next large room, swap your gun for the shotgun and grab the C4. Mr. Taylor, I haven't been able to find a shotgun or C4 anywhere. The first chasm of light is the moonlight room and the next one is bright lights where there is a rocky path that ultimately leads to a dead end, so to speak. I never found where I could hop from one rocky platform to the next. I follow the path, pass a barrel and run into two bad guys and kill them. Then I advanced to that point and discovered a shaft of light and a huge chasm. I tried jumping across to one of the rocky ledges and was successful a few times. But when I try to jump to the next spot, it breaks off and I fall into the chasm and get killed. I must have tried this 15 or 20 times and the result is the same. I sure hope I'm missing something Mr. Taylor, but I don't know where to look for the shotgun and C4. Any advice will be very much appreciated. By the way, up until the end of your walkthrough, it was better than the pretty pictures, etc., in the Brady Games Strategy Guide. Please put me on the right path so I can finish this mission. The game is great. Thank you. Gene Cermak ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This e-mail was sent by MIZARD CADZ, asking for a couple of gamesaves to get past an area that he was stuck on. This has sparked my creative side to now do a saved game section of the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi jimfish! after reading your guide i thought i'd just give you an email asking about if you could make a save for me?? your guide is good but i cant do the level with the sniping. i can kill smoe of the guards but val keeps dieing. can you get me the save for the level after? thanx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Mark Ganeles for this e-mail. He passed on a much better solution on how to deal with the monster at the end of the "Cliffs" level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello. Thanks for the great Walkthough for Far Cry Instincts. I discovered something you may want to add or update in your guide. In section 2.h. (Cliff) I found an easier way to kill the freaking huge monster. I discovered this slightly by accident while hiding in a cargo container to regain some health... One of the cargo containers contains several of the barrels that explode when shot. I got the monster to follow me in, quickly ran by him, turned, and fired at one of the barrels. It must have set off a chain reaction, because after the huge explosion, the thing just keeled over and died. Now he may have been weakened by my constant gunfire, but whatever the case, the exploding barrels finished him off. This strategy should greatly lessen the 10 minutes to kill this beast you suggest in your guide. Hope this is useful. Best regards, Mark Ganeles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (T-K) THANKS TO... (T-K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are people who deserve credit, and they are as follows: Thanks to: -GameFAQs: Because they just belong on here. -GamersHell.com: For making the Character Bios which were used in this guide. -Ubisoft: For both PUBLISHING this game AND DEVELOPING it. :/ NOT Crytek. -Thuyker: For the Controller ASCII...again and again. <3 -daylightsend7 and eaglesfan026 for the cheats and codes. -[name removed], Alexandre Pelletier, Philippe Dion and Francois Leblanc for their e-mails informing me of the "Crytek-Ubisoft" development issue. -Holger Lagerfeldt for his ending solution. -The whole of the Far Cry Instincts GameFAQs board and its users! <3 -Thursday. The final day of writing where I placed as much info in as I can. -http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator! -http://www.image-text.com for the Far Cry ASCII generation. -Yams, Spring Rubber, SoftReset, MetalGearREXDude, Hello2ucat, Falcor, Bass X, iamtheprodigy, BannedAccount, KageShinobi, PSXer, RoarMonkey, Lollybomb, Agonized Flyer, Tomba42, monker, derrate, Red Snake, DeathStalka2, GigaRaver, TwistedCrow, NeoChaosPerfect, RedLight, Spiderman23JII, autoIoad, Moth366, monster master, K1NGCAL, Pigwater, eeyoreluv, jedi zero, Bob the Cow V, VisionofImmortality, trickery...and a whole bunch of RI'ers who are badass and stuff and also...just for being...well, people. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-R) Copyright Information (C-R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This text file, "Far Cry Instincts FAQ" may not be republished and reprinted for any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books, magazines, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, on other web sites other than GameFAQs without the permission of the original author. Any changes to this file without the permission of the author is wrong and breaks the law of copyright, so please don't do it. And as the legal owner of this guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of this guides to be removed from any source of media that may use this guide. You are free to save it for later reference, and you may also print it if you wish. The latest version of this guide can always be found on the GameFAQs.com gaming website. Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it? _|-|_ Copyright 2005 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM