=============================================================================== =============================================================================== Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly FAQ/Walkthrough For PlayStation 2 By: Mario Satria Andika FAQ version 1.0 (Last update:01/02/2004) Copyright © 2003-2004 Mario Satria Andika =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ________ / ______/ ~~~~ / /__ _ _______ _ _ ~~~~~~~~ / ___/ /_\ /__ __/ /_\ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~ / / //_\\ / / //_\\ //_ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ /_/ /_/ \_\ /_/ /_/ \_\ /__/ ~~~~ ~~~~ ________ ~~~~ / ______/ ~~~~ / /__ ~~~~ / ___/ ### # # # ##### ~~~~~ / / # # # # ### ### # ~~~~~ /_/ ### ##### # ### # ### ~~~~~ # # # # # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # # # # # ##### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C R I M S O N B U T T E R F L Y =============================================================================== =============================================================================== /-----------------\ |Table of Contents| \-----------------/ I. Introduction II. Copyright Info III. Menu Explanations IV. General Tips V. Walkthrough 1. Prologue 2. Chapter One - The Lost Village 3. Chapter Two - Twin Shrine Maiden 4. Chapter Three - The Repentance 5. Chapter Four - Forbidden Ritual 6. Chapter Five - The Sacrifice 7. Chapter Six - The Remaining 8. Chapter Seven - Sae 9. Chapter Eight - Half Moon 10.Final Chapter - Crimson Butterfly VI. Secrets VII. Camera Obscura VIII.Game Review IX. Credits =============================================================================== I. Introduction =============================================================================== This is my first FAQ ever. Please notice me if there are any typos and other mistakes. You can contact me at: --> speed_12@metacrawler.com /-----------------------------------\ |NOTE:This FAQ is 90%+ spoiler free.| \-----------------------------------/ Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly is a prequel to the one of the most popular survival horror titles "Fatal Frame". The story takes place in a lost village in Japan called All God's Village. The main characters are twin sisters Mio and Mayu. Mio is the younger sister who is the stronger girl and the one you play as, while Mayu is the elder sister and psychically more sensitive girl. The story is about a sacred ritual in the village involving twins. I'm not a survival horror fan but this game really worths to be played even for non survival horror fans. I have only beaten the game in Easy mode and I'm writing this FAQ as I'm playing the Normal mode. =============================================================================== II. Copyright Info =============================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Only GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) may post this FAQ. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== III.Menu Explanations =============================================================================== Main Menu ========= 1.New Game ---------- Starts a new game. 2.Load Game ----------- Loads a previously saved game. 3.Album ------- Views photo album data. 4.Gallery --------- View images and videos. 5.Options --------- -Control Settings =>Lets you change and view the control settings. *Movement ->Toggles the movement type 2D/3D. *Look ->Toggles the looking way Normal/Inverted. *Switch L/R analog stick *Button Config. -Vibration =>Toggles the vibration ON/OFF. -Brightness =>Lets you adjust the graphic brightness. -Subtitles =>Toggles the subtitles ON/OFF. -Sound Output =>Sets the sound output Mono/Stereo. -Volume =>Adjusts the sound volume. -Restore to default=>Restores all settings to default settings. Pause Menu ========== 1.Map ----- Views the map at your current location. 2.Items ------- Lets you view and/or use items. 3.Camera -------- Lets you change the equipped functions/power-up lenses of the camera and upgrade the camera. 4.Photo ------- Lets you see and manage previously taken photos (up to 16 photos). 5.File ------ Lets you view files (Old books, scraps, notebooks, photos, and maps). 6.Memo ------ Lets you view Mio's written memos. 7.Radio ------- Lets you hear voices inside stones with the radio. 8.Spirit List (Must beat the game first to get it.) ------------- Lets you view captured spirits. =============================================================================== IV. General Tips =============================================================================== - Always check drawers, pots, etc for items. - Always try to get Zero Shots when fighting hostile spirits, they give you much higher damage and score (it saves your films). - Always try to get Multiple Shots when fighting several spirits at once, they save your films and give you higher score. - Always try to use the worst film possible, the good films are rare and precious. =============================================================================== V. Walkthrough =============================================================================== 1. Prologue ----------- After the opening FMV, you will get to control Mio. Just walk down the path, following Mayu until you see another FMV sequence. 2. Chapter One - The Lost Village --------------------------------- Turn right, pick the black bag and continue down the path. Upon entering the village, you will see a ghost walking to the inside of the village. Follow her and you will see a cutscene of Mio and Mayu entering the house (this is called Osaka house). Now walk towards the door and you will see a spirit in the room to your left. Approach the door and you will see another FMV. Now take the glowing blue sphere for a "Woman's Notebook 1" (These blue spheres represent items in Fatal Frame 2 - Crimson Butterfly). Now go to the room on the top left from your current position and take "Woman's Notebook 2". You'll see a red lantern that has a dim glow, this is a save point. Check all the drawers here and go back to the Sunken Fireplace Room (You'll know the place names from the map). Now go to the corridor in the opposite direction of the Entrance and at the intersection you'll see another spirit. Go to the direction where the spirit is going and enter the door. Search around the room for Woman's Notebook 3 and leave the room. Go to the previous intersection and you'll see that ghost again. Follow her into the Family Altar room. In here, before you take the item on the table, search around the room for Woman's Notebook 5, a Herbal Medicine, and finally that item on the table. After that you'll see an FMV sequence and instructions about using the Camera Obscura. Try to get out of the room and you'll see another FMV scene. Get rid of the ghost at the door and get out of the room. Go back to the Sunken Fireplace room and enter the door below the stairs. Search the bedlump for Woman's Notebook 4 and the drawer for a Herbal Medicine. Now try to exit the house and see the cutscene and you'll see a ghost in front of the Big Tatami Room. Take a shot of her (Note: Everytime you see a suddenly appearing ghost like this, immediately take a shot of him/her because it'll add up your points).Another spirit will appear in front of the door, keeping the door shut. Shot this spirit and a picture of a coal brazier in the Back Room will appear. Now go to the Back Room and take a shot of the coal brazier there. As the spirit should be gone by now, enter the Big Tatami Room. Check the closet door and try to leave the room. The closet door will fall down, revealing an item inside. Go grab the item and a spirit will appear behind you. After taking care of the spirit, exit the room, shoot another spirit, and go upstairs. Unlock and enter the door in the corridor. Now take the Woman's Notebook 6 on the table, find the Woman's Notebook 7 at the corner of the next room, and take the item at the bottom of the screen. FMV cutscene. Now beat the hostile spirit using the camera obscura and see another FMV. 3. Chapter Two - Twin Shrine Maiden ----------------------------------- After getting some items on the floor, get the item on the table and get out of the room. You'll see an FMV cutscene and gain control of Mayu. Just follow the crimson butterflies to the intersection. After you gain control of Mio again, take a herbal medicine in the kimono room and get out of there. You'll encounter some more hostile spirits. Get rid of them and go to the entrance. Take Mayu's Charm here and get out of the house. Go further in from Mayu's last location and see the FMV. Now take picture of the spirit on the door, move away from the door and fight all the hostile spirits. After that go to the main road and follow the crimson butterflies. You can take picture of a Frozen Man in a broken house along the way. Enter the door where the crimson butterflies leads to. You'll see a cutscene. Now exit from there and go to the place where you just started chapter one (a hill with big rocks outside the village). Search the guardian deity statue with crimson butterflies over it and take the Twin Statue Key L. Try to go back to the village and some hostile ghosts will appear. Beat them and go back to the village and see another FMV. Now go left at the intersection and go all the way to the end of the road until you can see another guardian deity statue with crimson butterflies over it. Now go to the mansion which Mayu entered, unlock the door and go inside. Head right and take a Herbal Medicine on the ground, and cross the bridge. At about 75 percent of the bridge length, you'll see a spirit to your left. Take a shot of it and watch the cutscene. Now fight the hostile spirit. This one often disappears and reappears on your back so be careful. After beating her, take the item on the bridge and shot another spirit here. Now fully cross the bridge and enter the door. A ghost will appear, shoot it and take the Spirit Orb around the corner of this area and enter the mansion through the main door. Watch the FMV scene. 4. Chapter Three - The Repentance --------------------------------- You'll notice that the flashlight won't work in this house. Walk in and a ghost of a priest will appear behind you. After shooting him, enter the door on the left. Take picture of the Terrified Man and take the item on the ground (it's a camera function). Search the drawers near the terrified man for a herbal medicine and some Type-14 Film. Try to enter the other door and you'll gain control of Mayu again. Just go straight and turn right at the end of the path and enter the door to the right. Approach the girl in kimono and you'll be controlling Mio again. Enter the door and go down the path like Mayu did. You'll encounter a ghost at the intersection and another one at the corner. After beating the ghosts, take the Spirit Orb at the end of the path and enter the door which Mayu entered. As a little precaution before entering this room, a BIG GHOST is about to appear!! It's called the Kusabi, one hit from him will instantly kill you and you can't kill this guy, so you need to move quickly across the room. After entering the door, take the item on the ground and there is a Sacred Water at the inside bottom-left corner of this room. Go to the door to the bottom-right corner and you'll see a creepy FMV cutscene and the Kusabi will appear. Now turn back (do NOT try to fight him because he is undefeatable now), and turn left at the corner. Before entering the door, search the screen near the door to get some Type-90 Film (Be careful, if he is too close to you you'd better escape first, re-enter the room, take the Film, and escape again). Now turn right and go down the path to get the Stone Mirror. Turn back and go to the opposite direction up the stairs and save at the lantern near the door before entering. Enter the door, go down the corridor, turn right at the corner , and enter the door. Take Type-61 Films in the drawer near you and search the bookcase for some books (namely Folklorist 3) and enter the other door. Now search the thing that looks like a wooden bag to your left for a Herbal Medicine. Head outwards the screen and shot the ghost at the door. Now go back pass the Great Hall (the room where the Kusabi is in) to the Dirt-floor Passageway (be careful of the Kusabi). In the Dirt-floor Passageway, turn right at the intersection and enter the room (you'll encounter 2 spirits along the way). Get the useful "Blast" power-up lens from the floor and take a herbal medicine from the drawer. Now shot the spirit at the suspicious looking door and fight all the hostile spirits here. After that get out of the room and take the items on the floor and go to the Guest Room. You'll see a spirit here. Take a shot of him and take the item. Watch a scene. Now go to the Flickering Room, unlock and enter the door there, and watch another FMV scene. 5. Chapter Four - Forbidden Ritual ---------------------------------- Get the items from where Mayu was lying and take a picture of the dolls on the racks. Get out of there and fight the lying spirit in the Flickering Room. After that re-enter the Doll Stand room and activate the device there. Now you'll need to move the golden clothed dolls to the top. After that you'll get the Butterfly Key. Go to the Guest Room and take the Kurosawa House map and a file there. Go to the Courtyard Staircase 1F, and search the closet at the end of the pathway for the "Evade" camera function. Enter the Great Hall and watch an FMV scene (thank God the Kusabi's gone!). Make your way back to the "Entrance" room and unlock the Butterfly door there (you'll encounter some spirits on the way). Check the drawer for a "Herbal Medicine". Approach the door inside the storage room and the door will open automatically, and a ghost child will peek at you. Take a picture of him. Enter the door and you will see another ghost child running away. Pick up a "Type-14 Film" on the floor. Go back to the storage room and up the stairs and check the crack on the floor. There's a spirit here. Now go downstairs and a Crimson Ball will fall down from the ceiling. Pick it up and use it a the crack upstairs. Now go downstairs and pick up the diamond-link key. Enter the door that "previously opened automatically" and enter the door at the end of the hallway. Now enter the door at Mio's right. Take the Folklorist 8 on the floor and check the Cell door. Now go to the hallway at the opposite side of the cell. Check the space at Mio's right and take the Type-61 Film. Now just go straight until the end of the hallway, turn left and go down the stairs to the Underground Cellar. Go further in and fight the priest spirit here and take the Spirit Orb from him. Now save your game here and check the door upstairs (you'll notice that this is the exit that is shown in the Kurosawa House Map). Now go back to the Warehouse corridor (the corridor which connects the Storeroom and the Warehouse) and you'll see a spirit entering the double-doors. Enter the door and fight the hostile spirit there. After that search around for some items and books. Now go to the left wing of the Family Altar room and up the stairs. Take the items here and make Mayu stand on the switch. After that enter the small door and approach the fencing. You'll see a "hard-to-see" spirit. After that go to the 2F of the Storeroom and enter the door there. Now take all the books in the hexagonal bookcase and put them in the front-side of the bookcase, in this order: 1.Crimson Wing Tome 2.Taboo Tome 3.Twin Tome 4.Disaster Tome 5.Ritual Tome Now you should have one of the keys. Go back to the Family Altar room and go downstairs through the left wing staircase. Take the item here, go through the door and continue down the path until you reach an intersection with a forkroad. Take any fork, make Mayu stand on the switch before the door. Now you should step on the switch on the other fork, this should open the door. Take the key and go through the door to take a book here. Go back to the Warehouse. Unlock the cell and go inside. Check the bookcases for some items and books, also take some Type-90 Films near the cell door inside. After that get out of the cell room and you'll see an FMV of Mayu trapped there. 6. Chapter Five - The Sacrifice ------------------------------- Go to the Underground Cellar, fight the hostile spirit there, save and exit through the door locked with Hammer key. The flashlight should be back on. Now go to the back of the Storehouse where the white-haired boy (Itsuki) is in and talk to him. Now go to the Family Altar of the Osaka house and activate the mechanism there. You must make the adjacent side of the pinwheels have the same color (It should be easy). Now open the newly unlocked door beside the mechanism and go down the stairs. Just go down the path until you reach an opening (there'll be a spirit). Now search the drawers to Mio's left to get some items. After that go to the bottom left side of the screen and check the crate there. You'll see an FMV and you'll fight aa hostile spirit called the Mourner. Beware that after you hit him with the camera he'll counterattack with multiple swings, so step back after hitting him. After beating him, take the rusty key and go back upstairs. Open the door to the corridor and a hostile spirit (Sudo Miyako) will attack you. Try to fight her in open areas because she can be seen easier that way (she'll teleport inside walls ambushing you if you're fighting in a confined space). After beating her, get out of the house. Go to the Cell in the Kurosawa House through the Underground Cellar (you'll fight two mourners here). Take Mayu's Note on the Cell table and you'll gain control of Mayu. Just follow the path and you'll gain control of Mio again. Just go to Mayu's last location and you'll see another FMV scene. Enter the house on the right (Kiryu house). Take the item below the stairs and go up the stairs. On the second floor, turn right, and then left, and enter the room to the left. Check the drawers and bookcases for a camera function and some books here. Now go back to the stairs and enter the door in front of you, this will lead you to a Connecting Bridge. Check the door and take the crystal on the bridge. Head back and a ghost will attack you, beat her. Now get out of the Kiryu house. Check the map and you'll see a red door marked with a cross. Go there and take picture of the spirit there. Now go to the well near the Storehouse and take picture of the ghost there. The door should be unlocked now. Enter the door and you'll finish chapter five. 7. Chapter Six - The Remaining ------------------------------ Go through the other door and take the items here, then go through the other door. Now enter the open room on the right and search around for Type-61 Films. After that enter the second door to the left and search the drawers and stuffs here for a book and a herbal medicine. Back to the corridor, enter the other open room and search around for items there, after that go to the door at the far left. That should lead to a staircase, ascend it. Now go down the hallway and enter an open room here. Take picture of some ghosts and take some items here, after that enter the door at the end of the hallway. Now go down the hallway until you reach an intersection. Head north (according to the map) and unlock the door at the end ofthe corridor. Now go downstairs through the staircase nearby and you'll see an FMV and fight a ghost. Get rid of her (this is one of the most annoying ghost, it's hard to get a Zero shot of her). After that take the crystal from the grandfather's clock and the item on the floor. Now unlock and enter the other door. Enter the door across of you. There's not much here, just try to open the door and two ghosts will appear behind you. After taking picture of them, go through the door. Now before you walk further I will warn you that you're gonna face the most annoying enemy in the game, the twin sisters Akane and Azami. One of them is a fake doll and I haven't figured a way to differentiate them. Walk a bit and you'll face them. After beating them, go to the northwest room and look at the window with your camera, and a child ghost will suddenly pop up. Take a picture. Then go to the southwest end of the corridor and unlock the door there (don't enter it). After that go to the opposite side of the corridor and unlock the door at the end of the corridor but don't enter it. Enter the red door near the end of that corridor, take an item there and take picture of a spirit here. Now go back to the Twins' Room and take a book and Type-90 Films there. Go to the Family Altar room and take picture of the Hidden Man. Now go to the unentered room next to this one and take the item on the table. After that go to the room in the Hallway of Contrasts which you haven't entered yet (Storeroom with window). Take picture of the ghost there. Now go to the Sliding Screen Room 1F and enter the Storeroom there to take picture of that ghost again. Now Storeroom 2F (again). Now go to the Doll Room and put the doll parts to the incomplete doll. After that go to the Sealed Room and take picture of a spirit in the corner. Now go to the Entrance and fight the dollmaker's spirit. After beating him, go back to the Doll room. Put the Glass Eyes on the doll and the device should be working now. You must make the dolls face each other (easy). After that you'll fight those twins. After beating them you'll see an scene. Go down the ladder and go to the other side of the cave and you'll see another FMV cutscene. 8. Chapter Seven - Sae ---------------------- First of all, save here, because after you get out of this room you'll encounter Sae again. She can kill you with one hit so beware (just like the Kusabi, you need to be very, very quick). Get out and quickly dash to the other side of the corridor and enter the farthest door. Now go to the Entrance room and try to leave (the layout of this house is the same with Kiryu house). Now go back to the Staircase and go upstairs (save first). Walk a bit and you'll see an FMV involving Sae. Quickly enter the nearest door and to the other side of the room, enter the door on the right. Enter the door just beside you. Now enter the room on the bottom right side of the screen and take the item there. Get out of there and enter the room on the top left side (do it quickly). After an FMV scene, get out of the room and check the door with mechanism on the top left corner. Now go back to the Storeroom, take the doll and check that door with mechanism again. Make the dolls face each other (easy) and enter the door. Cross the bridge and enter the Kiryu house. Go to the Doll Room and enter the passage. Cross the passage back to the Large Storeroom of the Tachibana house. Unlock the door to the Twins' Room and enter it to get some stuffs. After that unlock the other door in the room and enter it. Unlock the door across you and enter it and ascend the stairs. Walk the path and turn left at the intersection . Check the door here and you'll find Mayu is inside! Take picture of the crimson kimono girl and follow her to the door. Turn left and check the open room for some items. Now check the closets beneath the room. You'll fight that crimson kimono girl (her name is Chitose). After beating her go to the Storeroom 2F (you've been here before when running away from Sae), take a Spirit Orb here (don't forget to take Type-90 Films at the Row of Tatami Rooms-E). And go to the Row of Tatami Rooms-W to fight the crimson kimono girl again (open the closet door to fight her). Now go to the Entrance and fight some hostile spirits. Now check the closet to fight her again. Then go to the Deluxe Tatami Room and check the closet to get her once more. Before going to the room where Mayu was, you can check the Sliding Screen Room for the Zero Power-up lens. After that go to the room where Mayu was and check the entire room before taking the item on the table. Now take that item and you'll see an FMV cutscene. 9. Chapter Eight - Half Moon -------------------------------- After exiting the Kiryu House, turn right and go down the path until you reach a forkroad. Take the left path and take picture of the spirit there. After that go to the right path and take picture of two spirits in front of the shrine. Enter the shrine, take picture of the spirit in front of the altar. Now take all the items and go under the fence, you'll fight a tough priest spirit. After beating him go back to the old tree and you'll fight a priest again on your way there. After beating that priest enter the old tree and watch the scene. Take picture of the spirit on the altar and also take picture of Mayu from behind. Check the altar and try to leave. A spirit will appear over Mayu, take picture of it and go to the Storehouse where Itsuki is locked in. You'll see an FMV cutscene. Take the Type-Zero Films to the left and enter the inner part of the Storehouse. Take all items and take picture of the village map. Now leave there and enter the Osaka house. Go to the Kimono Room and check the crate at the back of the room, you'll fight a ghost. Defeat her and take the Osaka Crest near the crate. Now go to the Sliding Screen Room 2F of the Kiryu house (do not use the main entrance, use the side door). You'll find a spirit facing a door, take a picture of her and enter the open room. Check the top-right wall beside the kimono and you'll find that the wall is rotatable. Enter the Hidden room and take the Kiryu Crest. Try to leave and you'll fight those annoying twins. After defeating them go to the Cemetery (it is near the hill outside the village for those who don't know). Locate the shrine (not Kureha Shrine) and take picture of the spirit. Now wander around the cemetery until you sense a spirit (it should be near the tombstones). Take picture of the tombstone with spirit and fight the hostile spirit. After that go back to the shrine and take the Tsuchihara crest there. Now go back to the Old Tree and activate the mechanism on the altar. It goes like this: topleft, bottom right, bottom right, bottom right, bottom left, topright. Now approach Mayu and you'll see a scene. 10. Final Chapter - Crimson Butterfly ------------------------------------- Try to get to Kureha Shrine and you'll see an FMV. Fight all the hostile spirits. After defeating them, you have two choices, to run away alone and leave Mayu behind or to go after her (running away alone will give you the worst ending a.k.a Game Over screen, but it's worth trying it after you save your game). Go down the stairs and you'll gain control of Mayu. Just cross the bridge and enter the door. Back to Mio-chan, go to the Family Altar Room of the Kurosawa house, and you'll gain control of Mayu again. Follow the path until the intersection, and follow the crimson butterflies to the door. Mio-chan again, go to the Rope Temple (save before entering) and you'll fight Kurosawa and priests. Killing Kurosawa will kill all the other priests. After that save again and go through the door. In here just follow the very long path which will be guarded by mourners (they're damn annoying!) until you reach an opening with twins on the altar. Take picture of them and I recommend you to go back up and save there, because the Kusabi can kill you in one hit and you wouldn't want to fight all those mourners again. Prepare your Type-90 Films, and enter the cave to fight the Kusabi. Final Boss(Easy/Normal mode): Kusabi ------------------------------------ I can't say of any strategy, I even think that he's easier than the Mourners or the Twins, just some useful tips: -Don't run away too far or he'll heal himself. -You can only do Zero shots to him (no normal shot). -Try to do combo shots (preferably combined with the "Zero" power-up lens). -Type-90 Film is your best friend, if you miss the shutter chance with slow films like Type-07, Type-14 or Type-Zero films, just say goodbye. -He'll usually teleport behind you after getting hit so be aware of his location (don't use the camera view all the time, you can move quicker in the normal movement mode). Well I think that's all, after beating him just go approach Mayu to see Ending A:Crimson Butterfly (Easy/Normal mode). =============================================================================== VI. Secrets =============================================================================== Beating the game in any difficulty mode will allow you to replay the game with all of your items and weapons. Beating the game in Easy mode: ------------------------------ -Unlock mission mode. -Unlock Promotional Images and Art Gallery. -Get the additional function to see new ghosts (Sense). Beating the game in Normal mode: -------------------------------- -Unlock Type-A and Type-B costumes (Pink and cyan kimonos and Blue and black kimonos). -Unlock Accessory for Mio (glasses). -Unlock Hard mode. -Get the Track Power-up Lens. -Get the Zoom function. ++++++++++++++ +MORE TO COME+ ++++++++++++++ =============================================================================== VII. Camera Obscura =============================================================================== Here are some guides about the Camera Obscura. Basic Function Upgrade: ----------------------- The basic functions are more important than the power-up lenses, so upgrade these first. I recommend going with sensitivity until max, accumulation Lv1, range until max, then max the accumulation. The accumulation is not so useful until you get the "Special Shot" Power-up lenses, even almost useless. Power-up Lenses: ---------------- I haven't found much use for the non-"Special Shot" Power-up Lenses. The Special Shot ones are Blast and Zero. I recommend not upgrading the other lenses until you upgraded those two lenses to max. Films: ------ Always try to waste your Type-14 first before going with the Type-61, Type-90 or Type-Zero ones. Use the Type-07 to shot non-hostile spirits. The Type-Zero films are for experts only, and only effective for one-on-one battles. It is recommended that you save the Type-90 Films for the final boss/very annoying enemies. Functions: ---------- Almost all of the optional functions are good. I'm still missing one function though. There's no point in unequipping the optional functions unless you're trying to get some challenge. Don't miss the Evade function as it can save your life when you're in grave danger. =============================================================================== VIII.Game Review =============================================================================== This is my personal opinion about the game. Graphics (10/10) ---------------- Tecmo really blasted the graphical effects for this game. The ghosts' visual effects are scary, and they really did some very fine work for the environment graphics and character designs. Storyline (10/10) ----------------- The environment really adds up to the story. The creeps that are given gives a really deep feeling into the story. The story resembles a real myth which makes it more interesting than a "really look like a made-up" story. Sound (10/10) ------------- The sound effects are marvelous. It adds up much to the creepiness of this game. The voice actors/actresses also did an excellent job. Gameplay (10/10) ---------------- The gameplay is flawless and due to the extremely supporting environment, the game really hooks up people who just love games. Controls (10/10) -------- I can't actually say much for the controls since it's very easy to get used with. Replay value (10/10) -------------------- Nice to be replayed. There are two hidden difficulty modes, and you'll get new costumes each time you completed a difficulty mode, and you need to finish the game in those hidden difficulty modes to get the true(best) ending so you'll want to replay this game. ----------------- |OVERALL (10/10)| ----------------- =============================================================================== IX. Credits =============================================================================== Special thanks to: -My parents (for buying me this game, this PC, and my PS2 console) -Mio Amakura (for providing me motivation to play this game) -GameFAQs (for hosting this FAQ) -Tecmo (for creating this excellent game) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of This FAQ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%