-------------------------------------------- |FATAL FRAME III: THE TORMENTED ENEMIES FAQ| -------------------------------------------- By: Aliosis TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. Revision History 3. General Tips and Hints 4. Ghosts a. Wandering Mother b. Wandering Daughter c. Man in White d. Man in White (Armed) e. Black Shadow f. Female Survivor g. Hidden Face Man h. Woman Brushing i. Priestess Girl j. Rope Priestess k. Engraved Man l. Crawling Woman m. Stroller Grandma n. Needle Woman o. Tattooed Priestess p. Kuze Family Head q. Rope Man r. (Flying) Priestess Girl s. Reika Kuze 5. Character Advantages/Disadvantages a. Rei Kurosawa b. Miku Hinasaki c. Kei Amakura 6. Conclusion ----------------- |1. Introduction| ----------------- I'm back with a new rhyme! Welcome to Fatal Frame III: The Tormented! Perhaps you've dealt with Himuro Mansion's ghastly gooblegook easily enough. You may have even braved the babbling bric-a-brac of All God's Village. But now it's a whole new ball game, because the battlefield of choice here... is in your very dreams. I'll try to list the ghosts in the general order you can expect to fight them normally, but it's quite possible that you may encounter them in a slightly different order. I've also included special notes for specific encounters. There's not many right now, but there may be more in later updates. Good luck! This FAQ is, to my knowledge, currently hosted only on the following site: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) --------------------- |2. Revision History| --------------------- April 2008: First version of the FAQ. Let's see how it does. --------------------------- |3. General Tips and Hints| --------------------------- 1. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SAVE POINTS: Save points come in two flavors in Fatal Frame III: Blue lanterns and the Camera Obscura. You use the lanterns when you're in the Manor of Sleep, and you use the Camera Obscura in your bedroom when you're awake. The Camera isn't available as a save point at the very beginning, however; you have to play into the game a little. Also note that, like in previous games, both save points can become unavailable for a time if a ghost is nearby. 2. Keep your health up when you can. Many ghosts, especially later on, can drain up to 3/4 of your health bar in one attack. If you think you're in danger, don't be afraid to use Herbal Medicine or even Sacred Water. Also remember to utilize the Stone Mirrors. You can only carry one at a time, but so long as you have one your health will be fully restored the instant it reaches zero. Of course, since you can only carry ONE at a time, you should be careful not to let them go to waste by being careless. 3. Your map (Accessed with the L2 button by default) will show you areas you've explored already. Among these, you'll sometimes see a door with a red arrow pointing out of it. Opening these doors allows you to wake up. You may find this as a useful way to regain Type-7 film and restore your life to full in a pinch. 4. Your capture circle (The large circle in the center of your viewfinder) will begin to glow, and lights will appear around the rim when you can hit a ghost. The closer you get, the more damage you'll inflict. Swallow your fear and get right in their face if ever you have the opportunity! Of course, there are some enemies in which you will have to show more caution. 5. Further, if the capture circle turns a red color, it means several things. First, it often means that the ghost is about to execute an attack. Second, it's an opportunity for a Shutter Chance. A Shutter Chance is when you shoot a ghost when it's especially vulnerable to attack. This in itself is capable of doing quite a bit of damage. It can even lead to a Fatal Frame! If you manage a Fatal Frame, keep your lock on the enemy! They'll usually stagger back, but the red rim will come back before they're recovered from your attack; you have to be ready for this. If you hit them again when the red comes back, that's a combo. In the right circumstances, this can lead to three or more shots! It also gives you a truckload of spirit points for each one, so it's extremely useful. 6. Unlike the first game in the series, there's no one telltale noise to indicate that an enemy has teleported. The best way to know this now is if your filament (That colored light that turns blue and red when ghosts are nearby) light changes intensity, or if you actually see them vanish. Be prepared; many ghosts will take this opportunity to attack you. Find them again as fast as you can. 7. Ghosts can go through walls, but you can't. If you can help it, don't stand next to a wall; not only is your camera incapable of attacking a ghost through a wall, but it gives your enemy a window of opportunity when attacking you. 8. If you're fighting a random ghost and you want to run away, it's risky business. Some will vanish the moment you pass a certain point, but others will chase you with zealous abandon. After all, what else do they have to do? Besides, you're running away from valuable spirit points! 9. If you're in immediate danger of attack by a ghost and you're waiting for a Fatal Frame, don't think it'll always work. Several ghosts won't give you enough time or warning before an attack to let you fire one off, to say nothing of ghosts attacking in groups. Be prepared to dodge an attack, and then hit 'em back! 10. Ghosts are usually stunned for a few brief seconds after being hit with any sort of shot. If a ghost is getting too close for comfort, shoot them and take the window of time you have to re-position yourself farther away. 11. All ghosts have recognizable patterns. Learn them! 12. The best spot to aim for on most ghosts is their head. You often need to have the head in any shot you make to do damage. 13. You can't replenish film at save points this time around. If you're out of everything else, switch to the renewable Type-07 film, which restocks to fifty every time you wake up from the Manor of Sleep. It's incredibly weak, but it's way better than nothing. You also get some Type-17 film and some Herbal Medicine when you wake up and then return to the Manor, but if you had more than the amount given to you, you actually lose the extra. Fortunately, nightly film and medicine locations are reset when you go back to the Manor of Sleep, so you can just go pick them up again if you wish. Films above Type-14, Sacred Waters, and Stone Mirrors are not affected by waking up, only by the character you're using. 14. If all else fails, run! It's harder for a ghost to hit a moving target than a stationary one. Move around a room until you can gain an advantage and launch a counter-offensive. ----------- |4. Ghosts| ----------- The ghosts in the Fatal Frame series have always been intimidatingly realistic, and this game is no exception. Whether they fly or swim, walk or run, the dark denizens of the Manor of Sleep will chill you to your bones. Here's the general format I'll be using for each ghost entry: -. [Name] Description: Tactics: Recommended Film: Rewards: Lair(s): Miscellaneous: Ready? Guess we'll see! a. Wandering Mother Description: A woman with long black hair holding hands with her small daughter. Both wear black kimonos. The woman frequently asks where somebody went. Talk about break-up issues. Tactics: She is the first ghost you really have a chance to fight. In the first encounter with her, the strategy is simple: The woman will flit about from side to side with a minor teleportation ability, then reach out to grab you when she gets close enough. It's kind of freaky to see her face up close, but she poses little actual threat in combat. You should have more than enough time to focus on her as she comes at you, then Shutter Chance her away. You can also get a Fatal Frame if you wait a teensy bit longer, and then you can continually pummel her with combo shots. She's excellent practice for the rest of the game, so use her to become familiar with the control scheme you've chosen. Recommended Film: Anything higher than Type-14 is casting pearls before swine, if you ask me. Rewards: Undeveloped photos on occasion. Lair(s): Hearth Room, Stairs Hallway. Miscellaneous: The first time you fight her, she's holding her daughters hand as they teleport around. Her daughter is no threat to you at this time. b. Wandering Daughter Description: A little girl with long black hair and a black kimono. She frequently cries and apologizes for what she did. Tactics: She's not terribly different from her wayward mother. She enjoys teleportation a bit more, and she has an extra attack, but she's physically weaker than her immediate ancestor. Try to keep her in your sights until she comes at you, then Fatal Frame her into next week. If she moves about too erratically for you, get out of your viewfinder and look for her blur coming out of a nearby wall or anything. I mentioned extra attacks, didn't I? Sometimes she'll appear right next to you and grab you. Although this is fairly rare, it helps if you pop out of your viewfinder when she vanishes to make sure she isn't standing right next to you. If she is, dash away and give her a charged shot to think about. Her other new attack is when she holds her face in her hands and cries. This attack has a Shutter Chance associated with it, but if you miss it, the screen goes dark for a few seconds. Veterans of the series may remember a certain someone named Chitose Tachibana who employed this move. Fortunately, it's also a rare occurrence; I've only seen her attempt it once or twice. Recommended Film: Type-14. Rewards: A scrap of paper! Neat! Lair(s): Hearth Room. Miscellaneous: Aim down a bit when you're shooting at her. She's short. c. Man in White Description: Get this: He's a man wearing white! Get out of town! Seriously, he looks a bit like a zombie, with whited eyes and a shabby black hat on his head. Tactics: Ol' Man White is pretty limited in his attack vocabulary. About the only thing he'll attempt to do is grab you or try to give you a big hug. Both attacks are slow, weak, and leave him wide open for a Fatal Frame. He takes a few hits to go down, but that's just more fuel for your Spirit Points fire, if you ask me. Recommended Film: Type-14. Rewards: Sleeping Stone at one point, but otherwise you'll just be racking up the spirit points. Lair(s): Friggin' everywhere. Miscellaneous: Sometimes there's two or three of them. Try for charged group shots and give yourself as much breathing space as you can to dodge attacks. If one corners you, Shutter Chance or Fatal Frame him then change locations to make sure the others don't ambush you through walls or other obstacles. d. Man in White (Armed) Description: No, he's not just a Man in White with arms; don't be a smart aleck. He's about the same as before, but wielding a scythe in one ghostly hand. Tactics: He might still try to grab you with his free hand, but for the most part this guy prefers to let his scythe do the talking. He'll do a downward slash with the thing if he gets near you, and it hurts more than his other attacks. There's still a Fatal Frame associated with the attack just as he's about to swing, however, so you could try to hit him with that. You might need to aim up just a little higher than usual to get him, though. Recommended Film: Type-14, again. Rewards: Not a whole lot. Lair(s): See previous entry. Miscellaneous: If he's with other Men in White, I'm pretty sure he's the only one carrying a scythe to the party. Try to remember that he's just a little more dangerous than his buddies. e. Black Shadow Description: They kind of remind me of ninjas, actually. They're black from head to toe, with only the top of their faces semi-visible. Tactics: Although they bounce toward you fairly slowly and do little damage individually, these guys are dangerous. They like to teleport behind and/or around you, and attempt to hit you from multiple sides. Their sole attack consists of them bowing at you at point blank range; sort of like a headbutt, I guess. You can blast them all you like, but even if you kill them, they just keep coming. You have to beat up their "generator" to cut them off at the source. Even so, they sure are distracting when you're trying to do this. Recommended Film: Type-14. You might even try Type-7 if you don't want to waste too many resources. Rewards: Nope. Lair(s): Bundled with Yoshino wherever she wanders. Miscellaneous: All four of them look a little different. There's no real difference to them, however. f. Female Survivor Description: Yoshino on steroids, pretty much. She wears slacks, a red shirt, and periodically has tattoos growing over her face. Tactics: The first time you fight her, you have to go through her Black Shadow buddies. Destroy a few of them first, until you can get close to her. When she stands up, the real fight begins. Yoshino's attacks are really little different from those of our old friend Wandering Mother. She'll walk toward you, teleport sometimes, and attempt to grab you. She's not quite as aggressive, however, and will oftentimes simply stand about while her Shadows swarm you. Getting close enough to her will usually provoke her into attacking, and there's a Fatal Frame with her name on it just before she grabs you. Be careful, however; Black Shadows will still come at you even if she is stunned, so keep moving when possible. Fortunately, defeating her will instantly destroy all Black Shadows. Recommended Film: Type-14 or Type-61, if you want to end the party in a hurry. Rewards: Yoshino's Photo, Function: Measure, and... that's about it! Lair(s): Corridor. Miscellaneous: Her back story is really, really freakin' depressing. g. Hidden Face Man Description: A man wearing flowing white robes with a veil over his face. Oh, and he's wielding some sort of cleaver. Tactics: This ghost is running, and therefore moves faster than you can. His attack consists of him trying to bring his cleaver down on your noggin. This gives you a chance at a Fatal Frame just as he's about to swing, so use that to your advantage. Later on, however, his attack actually changes. He'll eventually start swinging the thing at you multiple times, and although there is still a Fatal Frame associated with this attack, it's shortly after the first swing instead of beforehand. Change your tactics accordingly by backing up when he's about to attack. Recommended Film: Type-14. Maybe Type-61 if you have so much you don't know what to do with it all. Rewards: Simulacrum Mask, Sacred Stone ability, undeveloped photo. Lair(s): Garden Corridor, Great Hall. Miscellaneous: You may recognize him from the very beginning as the crazy guy who chased after you before you got the Camera Obscura. h. Woman Brushing Description: Oh, you'll have no trouble remembering what she looks like. She wears a dark kimono, has long flowing black hair, and looks like a psychopath with too much makeup on her face. Tactics: This lady LOVES teleporting. And ambushes. And teleporting around while she's ambushing you. Her most common attack involves her circling around you, then swooping down and then up straight for your face like a freakish bird of prey. You can Fatal Frame her during this attack, but don't wait too long or else you'll only get a charged shot on her. Worse, she can still grab you even if you shoot her just before she connects. Her other attack consists of throwing combs full of hair at you. It sounds kind of silly, but these things hurt. She'll usually, but not always, say "You said you'd come BACK!" before doing this move, so get ready to dash somewhere in a hurry if you hear this. If you see her readying this move, you can Fatal Frame her just before she does it and it'll cancel it out. Above all, settle for charged shots when you can get them, and keep plugging away at her crazy clown face. Recommended Film: Type-14. Or Type-61, if she really bugs you. Rewards: Twilight Stone, Dianthus Key, Holly Key, Upgraded Lens: Pierce, Purple Diary 3. Lair(s): Kimono Room, Preserve Room, Hearth Room, oh my! Miscellaneous: On Hour VI, Night 8, you'll find this lady in her usual hangout spot in the Kimono Room. If you want to give yourself a nice little heart attack, take her picture before the battle starts. i. Priestess Girl Description: There's technically several different versions of this girl, but they all wear white robes and have dark hair. Tactics: They're all rather annoying, as children ghosts tend to be. A typical Priestess Girl encounter will consist of her spinning around you and teleporting every so often, before finally coming at you with a stake and attempting to stab you. Since they only come up to about your waist, this could cause problems for any character. You can Fatal Frame them during this attack, and it's recommended. Just wait until she's holding her arm up about as high as it goes, and the chance will pop up clearly. Another attack she likes to use is her basically teleporting under and behind you, then sticking her stake into your ankle. It's usually fairly easy to dodge this, although if you're fighting more than one it's easy to lose track of one to this move. Try staying out of viewfinder mode when she's not visible, and usually you'll see her coming out of the ground before she can hit you. I believe you can also Shutter Chance and/or Fatal Frame her during this move, but since you get virtually no charge time, it won't do much damage. Recommended Film: Type-14 if alone, Type-61 if attacking in a group. Rewards: Undeveloped photo, Gray Diary, Sleeping Stone, Upgraded Lens: Blow, Red Diary 2. Lair(s): Doll Altar rooms, mostly. Miscellaneous: Be very careful if they come in groups. Settle for charged shots if you can hit more than one, and watch out for the others if you begin to concentrate a Fatal Frame combo on one. j. Rope Priestess Description: She's a flying disembodied torso with stretched out arms, long dark hair, and a constantly screaming face. She stands out in a crowd. Tactics: Get as much distance as you can from her. When you have a good view of her, try building up for at least a charged shot. If she begins to swing her arms at you like a macabre windmill, you also have a shot at a Fatal Frame. Assuming she's not right next to you when she starts, that is, because it takes a second for the opportunity to present itself. She likes to teleport and move from side to side, so be careful of that. Recommended Film: Type-14 or Type-61, depending on how much trouble she's giving you. Rewards: Spirit points. Lair(s): She can appear randomly in any room that was once part of Himuro Mansion. She's also scripted several times. Miscellaneous: Kind of makes you want Kirie back instead, huh? k. Engraved Man Description: Basically looks like a Man in White, but he's covered in blue tattoos. He also carries a weapon. Tactics: Just like the Man in White, you can Fatal Frame him just when he's swinging his weapon at you. Unlike the Man in White, however, he teleports sometimes. This usually isn't enough to present a major problem, just be careful that he doesn't sneak up on you through a wall. Recommended Film: Type-14. Rewards: Moriya Tomes 1-4. Lair(s): Stairs Hallway 1F, Foyer, 1F Hall with Tatami, 2F Futon Room. Also a random ghost later on. Miscellaneous: The fourth one comes with two Men in White with him. It might be easier to take them out first, but if you do kill the Engraved Man, his buddies automatically disappear. l. Crawling Woman Description: Ugh, this chick is creepy. You first encounter her while going through a crawlspace. She moves around on all fours, has dark hair and a red shirt, and her face is pale and sinister. Tactics: If she wasn't intimidating enough already, you have to take her on in a confined space while perpetually in first-person view. She's also one of the fastest ghosts in the game. Part of the problem is her speed. It's usually not hard to see her coming right at you, since she seems to prefer coming toward you from whichever direction you're facing at the time she attacks. She'll come right up to your face and grab you, shaking you around and screaming with her face right up to yours. She also has an attack in which she pauses a few feet in front of you and then simply slams into you before retreating, but it's less common than her grab attack. She can do either of these attacks upside down as well, though it doesn't really affect much other than aiming. My advice? Be very careful to aim for the correct spot no matter which way you see her face going before she grabs you. You wouldn't think it'd be hard to hit her since she's directly in front of you, but believe me it is. If she's on the floor and about to attack, try keeping your viewfinder a little higher up than where her face normally is; usually her head will sway up a bit, and this is when you can Fatal Frame her. If she's upside down, just aim a bit down instead. If you have the Sacred Stones ability, try and use it just when she's coming up to you so you can not only charge up your shot more, but you should have an easier time aiming for her as well. Recommended Film: Type-14 if you're not too worried, Type-61 if you freaking want this chick dead. And you will. Rewards: Two undeveloped photos! Lair(s): Under the Floor (1F Hall with Tatami), Underground Passage 2F Futon Room. She's also a random ghost later on. Miscellaneous: The third time you fight her, it's in an open space. I think she's easier in this manner, because you can see her much more clearly. If you throw charged shots at her constantly and take advantage of the open room, you should have a much easier time with her. m. Stroller Grandma Description: An old lady, hunched over, with white hair and a gray robe. As the name implies, she pushes a baby stroller in front of her. Tactics: I hate this lady. She's technically never a required fight, but if you're like me, you'll encounter her at least once or FIVE times in any given playthrough. As far as I know, she only has one attack, and it's more than enough in itself. Like the Juggernaut from X-Men, she'll charge straight at you with the stroller, and no matter how hard you hit her, she won't stop for longer than a second. If she rams into you, you're going to take a lot of damage; anywhere from about a third of your health on Normal to pretty much all of your health on Hard. So, what should you do? Keep plugging away at her. You can get Zero shots frequently while she's coming at you, so simply back away while keeping your aim on her and fire whenever you have a good shot. Do not, under any circumstances, lose track of where she is! She'll sometimes teleport, usually after hitting you with the stroller, and then come at you the same way she did before. Recommended Film: Type-61 if you can spare it. Rewards: Notched Arrow Key if you beat her in the one place she's guaranteed to appear. Lair(s): 1F Foyer. Random ghost later on. Miscellaneous: What's in the stroller, you might wonder? A dead baby. No, seriously, there's a dead baby in there. n. Needle Woman Description: A tall woman with long dark hair and robes, with hollow eyes and needles covering her hands and arms. Tactics: A bit freaky, but fortunately not a difficult opponent. She'll usually come directly at you and try to grab you, which will leave her open for a Fatal Frame as wide as her arms go when she's attacking you. Her other attack is when she stands in place and moves her arms as if she's hugging somebody. This doesn't look threatening, but you'd better run! She'll appear directly behind you during this move, and grab you before you can say "Do not consent!" She likes to teleport fairly often, so I'd worry more about hitting her with charged shots when possible. Fatal Frames are great, since she usually has a lot of health, but you can only inflict them if she's using her primary attack. Recommended Film: Type-14 or Type-61, if you're in a hurry. You rather might be at some points. Rewards: Nothing much directly, though sometimes she's guarding something important... Lair(s): Wooden Figure Room, Book Storeroom, Engraving Shrine (2), Flickering Hallway, Barred Hallway, random ghost. Miscellaneous: There's at least one occasion in which you fight two Needle Women, in the Engraving Shrine. Be careful during this situation, and move around frequently. o. Tattooed Priestess Description: A woman clad only in a blue skirt, with black hair. Blue tattoos cover her entire body. Tactics: You must've been wondering when the Kirie-esque main villain would show up. Well, here she is. You can't damage her at all right now, and if she grabs you, you're in for a world of hurt. Avoid her at all costs. If you can use the Hide ability, there's usually ample time to find a spot to lay low until she passes. If you can't Hide, just run! Recommended Film: Not particularly. Rewards: A longer lifespan. Lair(s): Bell Hallway, Hearth Room, Kimono Room, Garden Corridor. Miscellaneous: If you didn't get my reference to Kirie, go find yourself a copy of the original Fatal Frame. Preferably for the PS2, because only wusses buy the X-Box version of the first two games. OHHHHH I WENT THERE! p. Kuze Family Head Description: A figure in robes and a tall hooded hat, surrounded by hands. Tactics: The first couple of times you encounter this enemy, you can't even hurt it. Until you get the Camera Obscura, the best you can do is run away. Fortunately, there are harder ghosts to elude than this old-timer. Once you can fight back, get ready for a fair challenge. Those hands aren't just for decoration; they're what's going to hurt you if you're not careful. The Kuze Family Head will start by moving around the room, flickering in and out of visibility. You can sometimes Fatal Frame it, but it's hard to pull off. When the Kuze Family Head stops moving, it'll pause for a few seconds and either move around again, or send a pair of arms at you. If it does launch the arms, you have a Fatal Frame opening that's fairly easy. Still, strafe while you're aiming, in case you don't get the timing right; those hands hurt. Recommended Film: Type-14 most of the time, Type-61 to help end things quickly. Rewards: Nothin' but spirit points! Lair(s): Library, Tattoo Altar, Room With Blind, Engraving Shrine, Abyss. Miscellaneous: I have no idea if this thing is a man or a woman. q. Rope Man Description: ~He's baaaaaack! Rope Man, otherwise known as the Kusabi, is a skeletal man clad in tattered clothing and surrounded by a horrible mist. Screams and moans constantly come from him as he inexorably comes closer... Tactics: The first time you encounter him in the Great Hall, don't even try to fight him. You can't leave the room for several seconds, so just make a circuit around its perimeter. This should make it fairly easy to dodge his attacks until the door unlocks. Once it does, get there as quickly as you can and leave; he won't follow you. Shortly after that encounter, you'll have to take him on for real. Do you remember fighting Rope Man in Fatal Frame 2? Well, forget everything you knew about him from that fight. Rope Man redux is faster, trickier, and physically weaker than his previous model. Technically he can't kill you in one hit anymore, but he more than makes up for this by being able to fly and shoot projectiles. His primary attack, and by far the most annoying I encountered in this game, is to launch himself into the air and then swoop down and grab you. You can Shutter Chance him when he does this, but wait and try to get a Fatal Frame if humanly possible. Why, you may ask? Because if you only get a Shutter Chance, he'll immediately use his next attack. With a scream, he'll send several projectiles flying around the room and through the walls which will turn about and seek you out like ectoplasmic missiles. One won't hurt too badly, but several in quick succession will. Not to mention that it leaves you open for his next sweep. Recommended Film: Type-61, at LEAST. If you have Type-90 or Zero, use it! Rewards: Nada. Lair(s): Great Hall, Rope Shrine, Spiral Corridor, Hearth Room. Miscellaneous: You only have to fight him in the Rope Shrine. It isn't worth it to fight him in the Spiral Corridor or Hearth Room, so avoid him as best you can and keep running! r. (Flying) Priestess Girl Description: Technically you've already seen these three little troublemakers before, but they picked up ghost-rocket-boosters at some point that give them the ability to move around with their arms stretched out like annoying little planes. Tactics: This time around, you're going to have to aim up a bit with your charged shots. They like to circle around you like sharks and then dive at you. This leaves them open for a Fatal Frame, but it's hard to hit them since they move so darn fast. Just give them a shot whenever you have a halfway decent charge. Recommended Film: Type-14 or Type-61, depending on how much damage you want to do with each shot. Rewards: See Priestess Girl entry. Lair(s): Doll Altar East, Enclosed Room, Abyss. Miscellaneous: You have to fight three of them in the Abyss. If you feel confident in your shots, try to take on the first girl as soon as she appears while you're crossing a Shinto-gate-beam. After she's defeated, move on to fight the remaining two at once. Believe me, you'll be glad you don't have to fight all three at once if you do it this way. s. Reika Kuze Description: The tattooed priestess, the same as you've seen her throughout the game. Well, except for the big skeletal veil above her head and the blue mist that surrounds her. Tactics: This time she's playing for keeps. Reika is the final ghost you must dispatch in order to win the game. Although she can be difficult, I don't think she was the hardest ghost to fight in this game. That award goes to Rope Man. Reika likes to teleport frequently. If you can locate her quickly, you can build up a charge while she's walking toward you. You may be tempted to move back a bit to get more of a charge, but try not to lead her too far; mist begins to spray forth from her after a second or two, and it can damage you and distract you while she grabs you. That's what she does, by the way, when she's walking toward you; she reaches out one hand, and this leaves her open for a Shutter Chance. If you get hit by this move, it probably won't kill you unless you're low on health. Her second move takes place in the air. You'll see her way up above you, using the skeletal headdress thing almost like a glider. You may be tempted to aim up, but try to keep your vision fairly level, as if she were walking toward you. Reason being is that this is the elevation she'll be at when you can inflict a Fatal Frame. You'll need good reaction speed for this, so be sure to keep her in your sights and be ready. If you don't feel you can make this shot, try to dodge it by zig-zagging across the battlefield. I've only been hit by this move once, and it was enough to break my Stone Mirror. It probably isn't instantly fatal, but it is devastating. Her third move is by far the most powerful, and depends largely on luck to survive. If you're in the viewfinder, you'll suddenly find yourself zooming away from Rei, who's still holding the camera. In a flash of white, you're in a monochrome world with a swirling background, and you can only move in slow motion, as if you were in a bad dream. When you can move, run! Reika is coming at you from a seemingly random direction, constantly reaching out for you with her hands. You can't fight her while this is going on, and if she touches you, it is an instant death attack unless you have a Stone Mirror. After several seconds, the screen becomes white again, and everything is normal. She typically cycles through these attack patterns in the order I've listed them, though exceptions do exist. Sometimes she'll use the grab or glide attack more than once, or enter the monochrome-instant- death mode faster; I think she uses that last move more as you chip away at her energy. She's very strong, so go for the Shutter Chances and Fatal Frames if at all possible. If you have Type-Zero or -90 equipped and you get a pretty decently charged Fatal Frame on her while she's diving at you, it's devastatingly powerful. Couple this with an upgraded lens like Zero or Crush and you can almost kill her with that combo alone. Recommended Film: The strongest you have! Type-Zero or Type-90 are your best options. Rewards: One of the coolest J-Pop songs I've ever heard. Technically, the ending. Lair(s): Abyss of the Horizon. Miscellaneous: It's all right to close your eyes now. --------------------------------------- |5. Character Advantages/Disadvantages| --------------------------------------- As you've probably figured out by now, you're not just playing with one character in this game. There's three people fighting in the Manor of Sleep, each of them with their own unique abilities. Read on! a. Rei Kurosawa Overview: Rei is the main protagonist of Fatal Frame III. The death of her lover, Yuu, is what brings her to the Manor of Sleep. As time goes on, a strange blue bruise begins to spread across her body. When she takes damage in the Manor, you can actually see the tattoos on her for a brief duration. STRENGTHS - Rei is fairly well-rounded in terms of abilities and... other things. She uses the Upgraded Lens system for special attacks, as well as the incredibly useful Flash ability. SPECIAL ABILTY: FLASH - Believe me, I had some misconceptions about this technique! Anyway, Flash essentially stuns a ghost for a second or two, giving you time to escape or hit them with a newly-created Shutter Chance. You don't have to be in the viewfinder to use this move; simply press the O button (on the default settings) to execute this move. You can use it in place of the Evade function if you wish. It's basically a "Get Out of Grapple Free" card when used correctly. Upgrade this ability to use it more. It starts at four charges but four more shots are allowed per upgrade. Rei gets her Flash charges set to full whenever she wakes up. WEAKNESSES - Rei doesn't exactly have a weakness in that she's fairly well-adjusted. She's the character you'll use the most through the game, so be sure to put a sufficient amount of spirit points into her camera to give her enough power to survive. b. Miku Hinasaki Overview: Fans of the original Fatal Frame will immediately recognize Miku as the main character from this previous title. Although she survived the horrors of Himuro Mansion, Miku was forced to leave her brother, Mafuyu, behind at his request. She has dealt with this loss for a long time, but suddenly the Manor of Sleep beckons her with the hope that she might once again see Mafuyu, whom she longs for and is beginning to forget. STRENGTHS - Whether because of her previous experience in Himuro Mansion or just natural talent, Miku has incredible power with her Camera Obscura. Her ability to sense ghosts is unprecedented, and she gets a couple of unique abilities. She can also enter small spaces that no other character can squeeze into, which gives her a couple of unique areas to explore. SPECIAL ABILITY: DOUBLE - You probably already know that the longer your capture circle remains on a ghost, the more charge you build up, right? Well, with Miku, there's an added twist: If you hold down the Shutter button (X or R1 by default) and don't let go, you get ANOTHER capture circle to charge up! That means you can do twice as much damage as you normally could with one shot. If you manage this on a Fatal Frame, most ghosts will be destroyed before you can do a combo longer than three shots! This move is devastating when coupled with Miku's other special ability... SPECIAL ABILITY: SACRED STONE - Another reference to the first game. Miku originally used these to execute special attacks with her choice of Upgraded Lens. This time, it's a red meter next to her health which builds up as you give or receive damage. By pressing the O button (by default), Miku uses the Sacred Stone ability to slow down hostile ghosts. Although the enemies are slowed down, Miku's capture circle charge and aiming are not. Use this on an incoming ghost to build up some more oomph to your shot, or to help you hit a ghost with a particularly tricky Fatal Frame window, such as the one presented by Crawling Woman. The gauge drains quickly, however, so be sure to know when to use this power. WEAKNESSES - Although Miku's incredibly strong with the camera, she is also physically the weakest. She takes more damage from attacks that connect, and this means trouble if you can't dodge attacks very well. She's also the only character who can't use the Upgraded Lens ability. c. Kei Amakura Overview: The last name should sound familiar to veterans of Fatal Frame II. Kei is the uncle of Mio and Mayu Amakura, twins who were stranded in All God's Village. Although Mio survived, nobody knows what happened to Mayu. Kei begins to research the Manor of Sleep after Mio begins to exhibit the symptoms of one who has become lost within its halls. Because of the devotion of his research, he delves too deeply and ends up in the Manor himself. STRENGTHS - Kei's a pretty tough cookie. He can take a beating with the best of them, giving him a little better fortitude against the tough ghosts he faces. Like Rei, he gets access to Upgraded Lens abilities, and he'll often get the stronger ones much sooner than Rei. He can also move heavy furniture in the Manor, which allows access to secret areas and quicker pathways to areas already explored. SPECIAL ABILITY: HIDE - It sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? Kei can duck behind screens, furniture, et cetera, and if a ghost hasn't seen him, it'll usually pass him right by as long as it doesn't blunder upon him. If your filament is blue, the ghost in question hasn't seen Kei. If it's red, it sees him and you'll probably want to run the hell away. Unfortunately, this ability is only rarely used after Kei gets his Camera Obscura, and it doesn't even work on most of the ghosts he faces later on. The O button's going to get pretty lonely when you're playing as Kei... WEAKNESSES - Kei is only barely able to perceive the supernatural. This means his filament is a little less reliable than the others. In addition, his Camera Obscura is the weakest of the three, since it has much fewer charges available for its capture circle. The game attempts to even this out by giving Kei access to more Type-90 and Type-Zero film than the other two characters, but you'll still find his damage output woefully minimal. You'll probably want to avoid more ghosts when playing as Kei than any other character, especially to save up film for the likes of Rope Man. --------------- |6. Conclusion| --------------- This about wraps up my FAQ. I'd like to take some time to thank the following: -CJayC, for GameFAQs.com. -acorn_buddy_5, for her incredibly detailed FAQ which I practically followed to the letter in order to complete my Ghost List. You can find her FAQ here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/926803/43988 -Zanbie Xanvier for giving me a complete listing of the hostile ghosts in Fatal Frame III. I condensed a bit, but it helped having them all laid out for me like that. -Caffeine, for obvious reasons. If you have any questions, comments, or corrections, please send them to me! I can be reached via... -AIM as AliosisDruin -E-mail at AliosisDruin@yahoo.com (I don't use AOL for E-mail anymore because it pretty much sucks.) -YIM as BluishDragonofLight@yahoo.com (I guess you could E-mail this name too.) Until we meet again in Fatal Frame IV, when I'll hopefully be a little quicker with an FAQ, keep those Camera Obscuras polished and ready! -Michael "Aliosis" Harding