Rei ~Zero~ FAQ / Walkthrough Version 0.90 (2.26.02) Written by Onmyouji ( & Muni Shinobu ( PAR provided by Peas On Earth ( "Nothing is more frightening than what you can sense but can not see." CONTENTS 1. Characters 2. Items 3. Camera 3-1. Basic Abilities (Charge) 3-2. Support Functions (Sub Ability) 3-3. Special Functions (EX Ability) 3-4. Shot 4. Walkthrough 4-1. Prologue 4-2. First Night ~Torn Rope~ 4-3. Second Night ~Ghost Play~ 4-4. Third Night ~Catastrophe Instant~ 4-5. Final Night ~Kirie (Fog Painting)~ 5. Ghost List 5-1. Hatred Spirits 5-2. Floating Spirits 5-3. Ground Tied Spirits 5-4. Seal Spirits 6. Secrets 7. Selected Pro Action Replay Codes 8. Frequently Asked Questions (to be added in the future) ------------------------------------ 1. CHARACTERS [Hinasaki Miku] Her name literally translated into "Dark Red", Miku is the heroine of this game. Born with a bloodline strong in spirituality, Miku can see things most people are unable to. Impossible to share this with the people around her, she became isolated and alone, with the only person she can confide in being her older brother, who share the same bloodline, and thus have the same abilities. When her brother disappeared, Miku has no other choice but to follow in his footsteps, and venture into the mysterious Himuro Mansion where her brother disappeared in. [Hinasaki Mafuyu] His name literally translated into "Real Winter", Mafuyu is Miku's older brother, the character being controlled in the Prologue of the game. With parents both deceased, Mafuyu is Miku's only family, and the only person Miku could confide in. Searching for the missing Takamine Jyunsei who was a benefactor of the Hinasaki family, Mafuyu traced Takamine's footsteps and arrived at the mysterious Himuro Mansion, where as a result Mafuyu himself also disappeared in. Carried with him was the camera his mother left him, an heirloom strong with spritual force, able to seal ghosts and spirits in the hands of someone also strong in spiritual strength. [Hinasaki Miyuki] Her name literally translated into "Deep Snow", Miyuki was Miku and Mafuyu's mother. With a bloodline strong in spiritual strength, she had always felt the pain of being isolated from the people around her, and furthermore felt the pain of passing this down to her children. Weak physically and fell ill in her final years, Miyuki died several years ago of a certain incident. The camera Mafuyu carried was originally hers. [Takamine Jyunsei] A mystery writer by trade, Takamine was a benefactor of Hinasaki Mafuyu. Even though a best seller writer, his writing juices are blocked right now and he is in a slump. Having heard about ancient rituals once performed in the old Himuro Mansion, Takamine became interested and made an investigative trip into the mansion, where he disappeared. [Hirasaka Tomoe] Takamine's assistant, another person on the investigative trip into the Himuro Mansion, where she also disappeared. Strong in the spiritual senses, Hirasaka had always had a bad feeling about the trip. [Ogata Kouji] Takamine's editor, being also writing for his own horror magazine, joined Takamine on his investigative trip into the mysterious Himuro Mansion, where he disappeared as well. Ogata's report to his editing department was the last contact these three people had with the world. [Kirie] Her name literally translated into "Fog Painting", Kirie is a spirit of a young girl dressed in a white kimono. She appears to be the witch during the ancient ceremonies performed in the Himuro Mansion. She appears in front of Miku, but again vanishes to somewhere. [Munakata Ryozou] Cultural scholar, because of his interest in the ancient ceremonied once performed there, moved into the Himuro Mansion to further investigate the events. Cursed by the witch of the rope, and was killed. [Munakata Yae] Wife of the cultural scholar, putting the blame of the mysterious disappearance of her daughter on herself, hung herself from the sakura cherry blossom tree in the courtyard. [Munakata Mikoto] Daughter of the cultural scholar. Picked up a camera and took a pictures here and there. Disappeared mysteriously. ------------------------------------ 2. ITEMS Ten Thousand Leaf Pill - Pill medicine with the words "Ten Thousand Leaf Pill" written on the container - Recovers a little HP Holy God Water - Secret medicine made with the spring water from the peak of a spiritual mountain - Recovers full HP 14 Type Film - Film that's old and falling apart - Doesn't have high effect eliminating spirits 37 Type Film - Ordinary snap film - Has slightly higher effect eliminating spirits 74 Type Film - Highly sensitive film - Has high effect eliminating spirits 90 Type Film - Film with special will and thoughts attached to it - Has the highest effect eliminating spirits Spirit Stone - Unexplainable stone with spirit strength hidden in it - Used to activate Support Functions of the camera Mirror Stone - Stone that shines like a mirror - With souls living in them, these can die on your behalf ------------------------------------ 3. CAMERA 3-1 BASIC ABILITIES (CHARGE) Area (Capture Circle): The area within which you can take pictures of spirits LV1: Initial LV2: 4,000 points LV3: 12,000 points LV4: 24,000 points Speed: The speed your Spirit Strength charges LV1: Initial LV2: 2,000 points LV3: 6,000 points LV4: 12,000 points Maximum Value: The maximum amount of Spirit Strength you can charge LV1: Initial LV2: 6,000 points LV3: 18,000 points LV4: 36,000 points 3-2 SUPPORT FUNCTIONS (SUB ABILITY) Type: Pressure Function: Pushes the spirit back Cost: 16,000 points Type: Delay Function: Slows down the spirit for a certain period of time Cost: 18,000 points Type: Vision Function: Sees the spirit more clearly for a certain period of time Cost: 12,000 points Type: Paralyze Function: Stops the spirit from moving for a certain period of time Cost: 20,000 points Type: Search Function: Automatically searches and captures the spirit Cost: 14,000 points 3-3 SPECIAL FUNCTIONS (EX ABILITY) Type: Sense Function: Adds a radar that senses the direction of spirits Cost: 42,000 points Unlock: Game Clear Type: Chase Function: Automatically chases spirits when pressing R2 Cost: 64,000 points Unlock: Game Clear Type: Widen Function: Zoom function added (L2/R2) Cost: 80,000 points Unlock: Game Clear Type: None Function: Take photos without using film Cost: 74,000 points Unlock: Battle Mode All Clear Type: Zero Function: Spirit Strength Gage always full Cost: 92,000 points Unlock: Ghost List Completed 3-4 SHOTS Type: Zero Shot Description: Spirit photo taken when Spirit Strength is maximum and Capture Circle is yellow. Type: Special Shot Description: Zero Shot which also dealt the killing blow Type: Core Shot Description: Spirit photo taken when the center of the finder ("+" sign) and the Lock Circle (the small sphere at the center of the spirit) are aligned Type: Close Shot Description: Spirit photo taken at extremely close range Type: Double Shot Description: 2 spirits captured in the same photograph Type: Triple Shot Description: 3 spirits captured in the same photograph Type: Impact Shot Description: Spirit photo taken with Support Function "Pressure" in effect Type: Slow Shot Description: Spirit photo taken with Support Function "Delay" in effect Type: Find Shot Description: Spirit photo taken with Support Function "Vision" in effect Type: Bind Shot Description: Spirit photo taken with Support Function "Paralyze" in effect ------------------------------------ 4. WALKTHROUGH I wrote this walkthrough as spoiler-free as possible, trying to only talk about where to go and what to do, but nevertheless it still contains spoilers to the storyline. (coming soon) Welcome to the Himuro Mansion. 4-1. PROLOGUE [Entrance] Advance by exiting through the door at the left end of the room 14 Type Film on the floor around the right corner atop the stairs Save point around the left corner atop the stairs Spirit Photo beyond the bar fence to the left of where you started [Hall of Ropes] Advance by exiting through the door to the right at the end of the hall Spirit Photo of man walking past the big mirror, one chance only [Room with Fireplace] Go up the stairs at the deep end of the room Pick up the Memo on the floor Battle with Hatred Spirit - This battle is a practice battle, so just stay calm and keep the spirit inside the camera view circle, wait until the spirit gets close, then take his picture. This spirit is fairly slow, so there should be no problems keeping up with his movements. Go back down the stairs you came up on Advance by exiting through the door you entered from, back into the Hall of Ropes Spirit Photo on top of the book shelf in the small room Spirit Photo on top of the stairs when you reach the center of the room, one chance only Spirit appearance when you pass the narrow passage on the second floor, you can't take a picture of this spirit End Prologue 4-2. FIRST NIGHT ~TORN ROPE~ [Entrance] Open the door leading to the Hall of Ropes at the left end of the room Spirit appears behind the screen Listen to the Spirit, then pick up the Memo it left behind Exit the left end door into the Hall of Ropes Piece of note behind the screen Leaf Pill on the floor around the right corner atop the stairs Save point around the left corner atop the stairs [Hall of Ropes] Pick up the items in front of the mirror at the end Exit through the door to the right into the Room with Fireplace Camera in front of the mirror Brother's Note in front of the mirror Piece of Investigative Note in front of the mirror News Cutout in front of the mirror Spirit Photo of man on a beam behind Miku after you pick up the Camera, one chance only [Room with Fireplace] Approach the stairs at the other end of the room and see a shadowy figure resembling Mafuyu go up the stairs Go up the stairs to the second floor to confirm the doors are inaccessible Return downstairs to see a shadow disappear behind a screen Inspect the screen to encounter a little girl dressed in a kimono Take a picture of the screen Enter the door that appeared into the Hall with Lamps Piece of Black Notebook in the cupboard drawer News Cutout in the cupboard drawer 14 Type Film in the cupboard drawer 14 Type Film in front of the broken staircase, first floor Leaf Pill in front of the broken staircase, second floor Leaf Pill beside the Tiger Head Spirit Photo of figure resembling Mafuyu going up the stairs, one chance only Spirit Photo of [Hall with Lamps] Listen to the spirit, then enter the first door into the Study Room Piece of Investigative Note in front of the nailed door at the end Leaf Pill in front of the nailed door at the end (to be continued) 4-3. SECOND NIGHT ~GHOST PLAY~ (coming soon) 4-4. THIRD NIGHT ~CATASTROPHE INSTANT~ (coming soon) 4-5. FINAL NIGHT ~KIRIE (FOG PAINTING)~ [Music Instrument Room ~ Ceiling] Take the Music Score from the table Inspect the music instrument Screen door opens, go through to the Ceiling Inspect the hole on the floor Battle with Hatred Spirit - This is the same weak spirit in the Frist Night, so you should be able to defeat her easily. You can avoid this battle altogether by not inspecting the hole on the floor. Inspect the hole on the wall beside the door Exit through the door at the deep end Music Score on the table in the Music Instrument Room Leaf Pill on the beam in the Ceiling Spirit Photo on the midway beam [Buddha Room (Beam) ~ Mansion Prison ~ Moon Well] Exit the top right door to the Mansion Prison Pick up the Piece of Holy God Mirror and Kirie's Hair Pin under the window Go toward the stairway hall and Kirie's spirit will chase after you - If Kirie's spirit touches you, it's instant death, so run Escape pass the Moon Hall toward the Moon Well 90 Type Film on the beam in the Buddha Room Save Point on the beam in the Buddha Room Mirror Stone opposite the Save Point in the Buddha Room Piece of Holy God Mirror under the window in the Mansion Prison Kirie's Hair Pin under the window in the Mansion Prison Kirie's Diary on the table in the Mansion Prison Kirie's Diary on the bookshelf in the Mansion Prison Kirie's Diary under the window in the Mansion Prison Spirit Photo, take a picture of the alter from on top of the beam Spirit Photo of girl in white kimono when you exit the Mansion Prison [Waiting Room] (optional) Kirie's Diary x 2 on the cupboard [Buddha Room] (optional) Monk's Book to the right of the alter Monk's Book to the left of the alter Monk's Book on the table [Valley of Devil Meeting] (optional) Spirit Photo of man, take a picture of the pond from the shore Spirit Photo of man, take a picture of the pond from the hill [Moon Well ~ Hell Bridge] Use Kirie's Hair Pin on the alter Go through the unlocked door to the Hell Bridge Pass the bridge to see a movie After the movie, battle 2 Hatred Spirits - The 2 spirits will float around in the air, but they won't be too far apart from each other, so aim for Double Shots Exit the door at the end into the Rope Hall Save Point at the Moon Well - This is the last save point of the game - You can't return to Moon Well after you encounter the Hatred Spirits Holy God Water to the left of the alter at the Moon Well Spirit Stone beside the ladder at the Moon Well Leaf Pill to your side right after you entered the Hell Bridge 37 Type Film midway along the bridge to the right side Brother's Memo in front of the door at the end in the Hell Bridge Spirit Photo of man, take picture of hell from midway on the bridge [Rope Hall ~ Path of Baptism] After the movie, battle with Hatred Spirit - This spirit moves quite fast, and also teleports, so when she disappears from your view completely, she is right behind you, so immediately move away from the spot where you are standing - You can't return to Hell Bridge after this battle Exit the door at opposite side to the Path of Baptism Advance on the path to battle with Hatred Spirit - This time she moves even faster than before, but no longer teleports, so keep your finder on her and take pictures of her whenever she pauses. And if time permits, in between taking pictures, back up if you can - You can't return to Path of Baptism after this battle Exit the door at the end to the Door of the Underworld Spirit Stone at the corner in the Rope Hall Leaf Pill beside the door at the Path of Baptism Spirit Stone beside the door at the Path of Baptism Holy God Water in front of the door at the end in the Path of Baptism Brother's Memo in front of the door at the end in the Path of Baptism Spirit Photo on top of the cracked table [Door of the Underworld] After the movie, inspect the other side of the rock with the prayer rope After the movie, battle Hatred Spirit Kirie - Only Zero Shots will work on her - If she catches you, it's an instant death. So hopefully you kept some Mirror Stones, otherwise it's instant game over if she catches you - She moves quite slowly, but she does teleport and reappear very close to you, and she recovers HP whenever she teleports - She causes earthquakes that shake your camera view sometimes, so it's not easy to keep her in your view circle. It would be best if you kept some 90 Type Film to use against her - She does move in a certain pattern, so if you get her pattern figured out, she is still not that difficult to defeat Once Kirie is defeated, another movie will start After the movie, pick up the Piece of Holy God Mirror The Holy God Mirror is complete Put the completed Holy God Mirror in the rock Piece of Holy God Mirror beside the rock after defeating Kirie End Final Night Game Clear. ------------------------------------ 5. GHOST LIST There are 4 types of spirits you can take pictures of in this game. First, "hatred spirits" which attack you and you have to do battle with. Second, "floating spirits" which doesn't attack you, but just floats by without noticing you. The photo opportunity with these spirits are 1 chance only, so don't miss them. Third, "ground tied spirits" which are tied to a specific location, they can't move nor attack you. When you are close to one of these, the camera filament box will show a blue light. After you take a picture of these spirits, they will disappear. Fourth, "seal spirits" which are sealing sealed doors. Once you take the pictures which burns the written seals, their seal will also be broken. 5-1. HATRED SPIRITS 5-2. FLOATING SPIRITS 5-3. GROUND TIED SPIRITS 5-4. SEAL SPIRITS (coming soon) ------------------------------------ 6. SECRETS [After Game Clear (load from a clear data file)] - Your camera will retain the power ups you gained for it previously - You items (excluding Key Items) will remain as it was previously - Your files (notes, scrapbook) will remain as they were previously - Story Mode will contain some new options - "Chapter" allows you to select the chapter you want to start with - "Difficulty" from Normal to Nightmare (spirits become stronger, camera filament box becomes non-responsive) - "Costume" allows you to select a different costume for Miku (Normal, Special 1, Special 2, Special 3) - New Battle Mode where you clear missions by defeating spirits in a given time - "Costume" allows you to select a different costume for Miku (Normal, Special 1, Special 2, Special 3) - "Camera Setting" to give your camera power ups - "Mission Select" to choose the mission and start the game - New Sound Test for you to listen to all the music you've heard in the game [Alternate Ending] - Choose "Nightmare" as your game difficulty, and play from the Prologue chapter to the end, and you will see a different ending. [Extra Film Supply] - Every time your 14 Type Film runs below 30 frames, go to a save point and choose the "Film" option, and you will be given 30 frames of 14 Type Film. [Struggle] - When Miku is caught by a spirit, press the X button to prevent your HP from dropping too severely. ------------------------------------ 7. SELECTED PRO ACTION REPLAY CODES HP Won't Decrease 9C9A82A8 204EE7C2 9C9A82AC 344DE611 9C9A82B0 B74DD041 Item Modification (xx=88 makes 99 quantity) 3CB4BB8A 1456E7xx - Ten Thousand Leaf Pill 3CB4BB8B 1456E7xx - Holy God Water 3CB4BB88 1456E7xx - 07 Type Film 3CB4BB89 1456E7xx - 14 Type Film 3CB4BB86 1456E7xx - 37 Type Film 3CB4BB87 1456E7xx - 70 Type Film 3CB4BB8C 1456E7xx - 90 Type Film 3CB4BB8D 1456E7xx - Spirit Stone 3CB4BB8E 1456E7xx - Red Hand Mirror (event item) 3CB4BB8F 1456E7xx - Black Turtle Stone (event item) 3CB4BB90 1456E7xx - Mirror Stone * values after "90" all seem to be event items which changes values during the game and are unstable All Non-Event Items 99 Quantity 1CB4BB88 F5734488 1CB4BB8C F5734488 High Speed When Press X 1CB1D47C 1456E7A6 Main Character Invisible 1CB1D448 1456E7A5 Strange World 1CB1D454 1456E7A5 ------------------------------------ 8. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (to be added in the future) For story questions, ask Onmyouji. For gameplay questions, ask Muni Shinobu. For PAR questions, ask Peas on Earth. * If you send a question to the wrong person, we will forward it to the right one for you. If you send identical questions to all three persons, your question will not be answered. ------------------------------------ Onmyouji thanks Maul for his walkthrough which got him started with the game. Muni Shinobu thanks Onmyouji for constantly asking him for information about the game, which led to some of the information portions of this FAQ. Peas on Earth thanks Tomo, Uma, and Kopperia for creating the codes. Big thanks to CJayC for creating and maintaining This FAQ/Walkthrough is written based on the Japanese version of the game "Rei ~Zero~". Rei ~Zero~ official website: This FAQ/Walkthrough can also be found at Muni Shinobu's FAQ Page: This Document Copyright 2002 Onmyouji, Muni Shinobu, & Peas on Earth