Copyright 2014 Marie Roberts FAQ Version - 1.0 Last Update - 06/09/2014 Email Address - ooooooooo. o8o . `888 `Y88. `"' .o8 888 .d88' oooo d8b .ooooo. oooo .ooooo. .ooooo. .o888oo 888ooo88P' `888""8P d88' `88b `888 d88' `88b d88' `"Y8 888 888 888 888 888 888 888ooo888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 .o 888 .o8 888 . o888o d888b `Y8bod8P' 888 `Y8bod8P' `Y8bod8P' "888" 888 .o. 88P `Y888P oooooooooooo d'""""""d888' .888P .ooooo. oooo d8b .ooooo. d888' d88' `88b `888""8P d88' `88b .888P 888ooo888 888 888 888 d888' .P 888 .o 888 888 888 .8888888888P `Y8bod8P' d888b `Y8bod8P' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-,--' . . .-,--' \|__ ,-. |- ,-. | \|__ ,-. ,-. ,-,-. ,-. | ,-| | ,-| | | | ,-| | | | |-' `' `-^ `' `-^ `' `' ' `-^ ' ' ' `-' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION 1 - LEGAL INFORMATION (PZ1) SECTION 2 - UPDATES (PZ2) SECTION 3 - STORYLINE (PZ3) SECTION 4 - CHARACTERS (PZ4) SECTION 5 - CONTROLS (PZ5) SECTION 6 - THE CAMERA OBSCURA (PZ6) SECTION 7 - GHOSTS (PZ7) SECTION 8 - ITEMS (PZ8) SECTION 9 - WALKTHROUGH (PZ9) - PROLOGUE - INTO: HIMURO (PZ9.1) - FIRST NIGHT: THE STRANGLING RITUAL (PZ9.2) - SECOND NIGHT: DEMON TAG (PZ9.3) - THIRD NIGHT: CALAMITY (PZ9.4) - FINAL NIGHT: KIRIE (PZ9.5) SECTION 10 - GHOST LIST (PZ10) SECTION 11 - BATTLE MODE (PZ11) SECTION 12 - DOCUMENTS (PZ12) SECTION 13 - WHY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! (PZ13) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - LEGAL INFORMATION - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ1) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This guide is Copyright (c) 2014 Marie Roberts. It may be used - ONLY with permission - on any other sites and for personal/private use. If I find that this FAQ is being used on a website without my permission it is a violation of copyright, is prohibited and is not acceptable. This FAQ was completed through the writer's (my) hard work, and copying it for profit or any other reason without my permission is strictly forbidden. This FAQ is only to be used on: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - UPDATES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ2) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 23/08/2014 Walkthrough is complete. Beginning testing stages and polishing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STORYLINE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ3) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Miku Hinasaki, our main protagonist, hasn't heard from her older brother Mafuyu in two weeks. The last time they spoke, he informed her that he was going to the abandoned (and allegedly haunted) Himuro Mansion to search for his mentor, renowed novelist Junsei Takamine. Becoming worried, Miku decides to go to the mansion herself in order to find out what has become of her brother. However, the moment she steps through the door, Miku senses that things aren't quite right. And so Miku's journey begins. Will she find out what happened to Mafuyu? Will she uncover the dark history behind the Strangling Ritual that once took place in Himuro Mansion? And will she make it out alive? --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHARACTERS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ4) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following descriptions are from the game's Correlation Screen, which can be selected in the menu during gameplay. @---------------@ |Hinasaki Family| @---------------@ MIKU HINASAKI Age: 17 Status: Chases Mafuyu She came to Himuro Mansion in search of Mafuyu. MAFUYU HINASAKI Age: 21 Status: Captured by ghost Miku's brother. He came to the mansion in search of Takamine. He may have been captured by the female ghost in a white kimono. MIYUKI HINASAKI Miku's mother. She possessed spiritual powers, and gave the camera to Miku. @----------------@ |Novelist's Group| @----------------@ JUNSEI TAKAMINE Status: Cursed A mystery novelist who visited Himuro Mansion and disappeared. KOJI OGATA Status: Cursed An editor who accompanied Takamine's research. Murdered by the mansion's ghosts while exploring with Takamine and Hirasaka. TOMOE HIRASAKA Status: Cursed Takamine's assistant. She disappeared while exploring the mansion with Takamine and Ogata. @-------------@ |HIMURO FAMILY| @-------------@ KIRIE Status: ??? A mysterious woman named Kirie. She seems to play a role in many people's disappearance and deaths, including Mafuyu's. GIRL IN WHITE Status: Helps Miku A mysterious girl who appears inside the mansion. She helps Miku wherever she goes. @---------------@ |MUNAKATA FAMILY| @---------------@ RYOZO MUNAKATA Status: Lives in the mansion A folklorist who was researching the Himuro family's rituals. He lived in the mansion with his entire family. YAE MUNAKATA Status: Lives in the mansion Ryozo Munakata's wife. One of the reasons Ryozo moved his family to the mansion was for Yae's sickness. MIKOTO MUNAKATA Status: Disappears Ryozo and Yae Munakata's daughter. She moved to Himuro Mansion with her parents, but was kidnapped by ghosts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONTROLS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ5) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPLORATION MODE LEFT ANALOG STICK - Move character RIGHT ANALOG STICK - Move torch X BUTTON - Search/pick up SQUARE BUTTON - Run TRIANGLE BUTTON - Opens the inventory O BUTTON - Brings up camera; enters Finder Mode START - Opens the Pause menu FINDER MODE LEFT ANALOG STICK - Moves the camera RIGHT ANALOG STICK - Moves the character X BUTTON - Take a picture SQUARE BUTTON - Moves camera more quickly TRIANGLE BUTTON - 180 degree turn O BUTTON - Exits Finder Mode; returns to Exploration Mode R1 BUTTON - L1 BUTTON - Use the currently equipped special skill ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - THE CAMERA OBSCURA - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ6) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One of the things that makes the Project Zero series so unique is the weapon we, as the player, are given. The Camera Obscura is a mystical camera with the ability to exorcise spirits and reveal secrets hidden behind paranormal auras. Below is an easy-to-follow and in-depth guide, explaining the various components of the Camera Obscura and what they do. The positioning of these components is described to match the Camera Mode/Viewfinder screen, starting from the top and working down to the bottom. * FILAMENT - This is the tubular object at the top of the viewfinder. If there is nothing spiritual nearby, it will be grey and dark. However, when you approach a spirit or spiritual object, it will begin to glow. The glow gets stronger as you get closer to the source of the spiritual energy, as well as when you are facing in the right direction. So, as an example, you could be stood right next to a Hidden Ghost, but if you were facing away from it your filament would not glow. You must be facing the object. The filament is very useful for finding Hidden Ghosts outside of battle. It can also be used to find a ghost that has teleported in battle. If there is a Hidden Ghost, a Spiritual Object or a Seal nearby, the filament will glow blue. If there is a Non-Violent Ghost or an Attacking Ghost nearby, the filament will glow orange. * SPIRIT ENERGY BAR - This is essentially an Attacking Ghost's health bar. It appears as an orange bar in the top left-hand corner of the viewfinder. As with most games, if you damage the opponent, the bar depletes. When the bar is empty, the ghost is captured inside the camera - in other words, it is defeated. You can also view the amount of damage you have inflicted in numerical value here after a shot. * CAPTURE CIRCLE - The circle in the centre of the viewfinder. In order to charge mystic power or inflict damage to a ghost, the ghost's head must be inside of this capture circle. You will know when the ghost is currently being targeted as the circle will glow blue for Hidden Ghosts, Spiritual Objects, Seals and Attacking Ghosts, and orange for Non-Violent Ghosts. Whilst battling Attacking Ghosts, if the ghost is in your capture circle when it is vulnerable or about to attack, the capture circle turns orange. This indicates that you can execute a powerful attack against the ghost, known as a Zero Shot. The Capture Circle can be upgraded to make it bigger, enabling you to capture certain ghosts more easily. This is done by entering the Camera Menu, then the Upgrades menu and upgrading your Basic Range ability. * HEALTH BAR - This is the current character's health bar. It can be found on the right side of the viewfinder. As with most games, when the character is attacked this bar depletes. When the bar is empty, the character will die, initiating a Game Over. The player must reload from the last save. * FILM COUNTER - Found in the lower-left corner of the viewfinder, this tells you how many rounds you have left of the currently equipped FILM. * MYSTIC POWER - In the centre of the bottom of the viewfinder you can see some dark characters. If an Attacking Ghost is kept in the Capture Circle, the camera will accumulate mystic power. The more characters that light up, the more powerful the next shot will be. If the ghost exits the Capture Circle for too long, any currently accumulated mystic power will begin to decrease. * BONUS FUNCTIONS - In the bottom-right of the viewfinder, you can see how many Bonus Functions you have available for use. Bonus Functions can only be used if you have Spirit Stones. One Spirit Stone will let you use a Bonus Function once. The Bonus Functions counter only goes up to 9 in the viewfinder, even if you have over 9 Spirit Stones. * SPIRIT POINTS - After taking a successful shot of an Attacking Ghost, you will earn Spirit Points. The amount of Spirit Points that particular shot earned you will be disaplyed on the left side of the screen. Spirit Points can be used to purchase upgrades for your Camera. The amount of Spirit Points a shot can earn you depends on many factors. Proximity to ghost, how central the ghost is, the amount of ghosts in the picture and how much Mystic Charge you had can increase the amount of Spirit Points earned in the shot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SHUTTERBUG MOMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Shutterbug Moment occurs when you meet certain critera for a shot against an Attacking Ghost.. These special shots will earn you a lot of points, but take a lot of focus to achieve. Below is a list of Shutterbug Moments, and how to achieve them. * CORE SHOT - A tricky shot to achieve. Before I explain this one, it's best to watch a video of someone battling a ghost. Whilst in Camera Mode, you may notice a smaller circle within the Capture Circle - this little circle only appears when the ghost is in the Capture Circle. You may also have noticed that both this little circle and the Capture Circle have crosshairs within them. If you can line up the crosshairs from BOTH circles within a shot, this is considered a perfectly aimed shot and counts as a Core Shot. These shots require a lot of focus, but when executed can earn you some serious points. * CLOSE SHOT - This one speaks for itself. If the ghost is very close to the character when the picture is taken, you get bonus points. The shot is easiest to achieve by waiting at the last second before a ghost attacks - although risky, this method means that it can be used in conjunction with a Zero Shot (see below) for big points! * DOUBLE SHOT/ - Towards the end of the game, it is possible to encounter TRIPLE SHOT multiple ghosts in the same battle. If you can take a shot that has multiple ghosts in it, this bonus will be earned. * ZERO SHOT - An extremely powerful shot that can only be achieved when the camera's Mystic Charge is completely full. The Capture Circle must also be orange in order for the shot to count as a Zero Shot. The most common way of achieving this is to wait for a ghost to attack. Just before it attacks, the Capture Circle will always go orange, allowing a small window in which the player can achieve a Zero Shot. * SPECIAL SHOT - Only achieveable in conjunction with another shot, just as the Zero Shot. This happens if your final shot against the ghost is also one of the Shutterbug Moments mentioned above. This one can be worth big points. There are also Shutterbug Moments that can be achieved by taking a shot after using a Bonus Function. Here they are: * SLOW SHOT - Achieved upon taking a shot whilst the ghost is under the influence of the "Slow" Bonus Function. * BIND SHOT - Achieved upon taking a shot whilst the ghost is under the influence of the "Paralyse" Bonus Function. * FIND SHOT - Achieved upon taking a shot whilst the ghost is under the influence of the "Search" Bonus Function. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BASIC UPGRADES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Camera Menu, upgrades can be purchased that enhance the Camera's abilities. They must be purchased with Spirit Points earned from ghost battles and from capturing Hidden and Non-Violent Ghosts. I recommend maxing out all Basic Upgrades before buying any other Functions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ABILITY | DESCRIPTION | LVL 2 COST | LVL 3 COST | LVL 4 COST| |---------|--------------------------|------------|------------|-----------| | RANGE | Upgrades the size of the | 4,000 SP | 12,000 SP | 24,000 SP | | | Capture Circle | | | | |---------|--------------------------|------------|------------|-----------| | SPEED | Upgrades the speed at | 2,000 SP | 6,000 SP | 12,000 SP | | | which Mystic Power is | | | | | | accumulated | | | | |---------|--------------------------|------------|------------|-----------| | MAX | Upgrades the maximum | 6,000 SP | 18,000 SP | 36,000 SP | | POWER | Mystic Charge Power | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BONUS FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bonus Functions can give you the upper hand in Ghost Battles if used correctly. They can also give you the time you need to achieve a high-scoring shot. In order to use a Bonus Function during battle, you must have a SPIRIT STONE in your inventory. One use of a Bonus Function uses up one SPIRIT STONE. Bonus Functions can be activated by pressing the L1 button whilst in Camera Mode. --------------------------------------------------------------- | ABILITY | DESCRIPTION | COST | |----------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | PRESSURE | Pushes the ghost away from you. | 16,000 SP | |----------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | SLOW | Slows down the ghost's movement. | 16,000 SP | |----------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | SEE | Disables a ghost's invisibility. | 12,000 SP | |----------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | PARALYSE | Ghost is unable to move. | 18,000 SP | |----------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | SEARCH | Camera will track the ghost for you. | 14,000 SP | --------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To unlock these expensive and powerful abilities, you must first have completed the game at least once. Then, you must pass certain challenges in order to unlock them. What's more, once you have unlocked the ability you must buy them for a huge amount of Spirit Points. Only one Special Function can be equipped at any one time. However, they do not require Spirit Stones to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ABILITY | DESCRIPTION | UNLOCK CONDITION | COST | |---------|------------------------------------|------------------|--------| | SENSE | Essentially acts as a ghost radar. | Beat all 20 | 44,000 | | | In Camera Mode, whilst fighting a | missions in | SP | | | ghost, arrows will appear around | Battle Mode with | | | | the Capture Circle. The arrows | any rank. | | | | will flash to indicate which | | | | | direction the ghost is in. | | | |---------|------------------------------------|------------------|--------| | TRACK | As long as you have had a ghost in | Beat all 20 | 64,000 | | | your viewfinder, the camera will | missions in | SP | | | automatically track it. | Battle Mode with | | | | | an S-Rank. | | |---------|------------------------------------|------------------|--------| | ZOOM | You can zoom in and out while in | Complete the | 80,000 | | | Camera Mode. Zooming out allows | game once. | SP | | | for easier tracking of ghosts. | | | |---------|------------------------------------|------------------|--------| | NONE | Unlimited ammo. Taking a shot does | Complete the | 74,000 | | | not reduce your film amount. | game once in | SP | | | | Nightmare Mode. | | |---------|------------------------------------|------------------|--------| | ZERO | Your Mystic Charge is always full. | Achieve 100% on | 96,000 | | | All shots are incredibly strong. | your Ghost List. | SP | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GHOSTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ7) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The main premise of the game is based around the existance of ghosts that only certain people can see. Your character, Miku, is one of them. However, not all ghosts in the mansion are out to get you. Some of them watch silently from the shadows, waiting to be found. Some are trying to show you something. And, yes, others wants to kill you so that you, too, can become an evil spirit. Below is a list of the different kinds of ghosts that can be found, and how to recognise them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HIDDEN GHOSTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden ghosts can be identified by the filament turning blue. You may also hear static or see distortion in the air. The best way to find a Hidden Ghost is to follow all of the above signs - when they are all at their strongest, chances are you're right next to the Hidden Ghost. Go into Camera Mode, wiggle the camera around a bit. When the Capture Circle goes blue, it means the ghost is in your sights. Snap it! Hidden ghosts can be worth quite a lot of spirit points, so I recommend seeking them all out. Some Hidden Ghosts are completely invisible until you capture their spirit. However, certain Hidden Ghosts can be seen even before you've captured them. These ghosts are Seal Ghosts. If you take their picture, a door somewhere in the mansion will become unsealed. These ghosts are essential to making progress in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NON-VIOLENT GHOSTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These ghosts will not attack Miku, but will disappear after a certain amount of time. You need to capture them quickly in order to add them to your ghost list. These ghosts are here to guide you to your next objective. They also reward you with Spirit Points - if you can capture them. You will know when one of these ghosts has appeared because the screen will become grainy. You can hear Miku's heartbeat, and also feel it through the vibrations in the controller. Any ambient music is replaced with silence. And the filament will go orange. Remember that the ghost's head must be in the Capture Circle in order for the shot to count. It is advised that you save often during this game, as some of these ghosts are incredibly difficult to capture. Some will definitely take more than one try, so you will have to reload saves often if you want to capture them all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATTACKING GHOSTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most attacking ghosts in the game are scripted battles that you must win in order to progress. A couple of the scripted battles can be skipped by fleeing several rooms away. However, most of them are forced as the doors in the room will be sealed so that you cannot escape. There are also random encounters that occur whenever you spend too much time without making progress. These can be fled from, although I recommend fighting most of these ghosts to gain Spirit Points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ITEMS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ8) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a list of all the usable items that can be found throughout the game. It does not include Key Items or Documents. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ITEM NAME | PURPOSE | FREQUENCY | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | TYPE-14 FILM | Basic, weak default ammmunition. | Common | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | TYPE-37 FILM | Medium-strength ammunition. | Common | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | TYPE-74 FILM | High-strength ammunition. | Rare | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | TYPE-90 FILM | Rare, extremely powerful ammunition. | Rare | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | | Common healing item. Heals between | | | HERBAL MEDICINE | 1/3 to 1/2 of health bar, depending | Common | | | on difficulty level. | | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | SACRED WATER | Healing item. Fully restores health. | Uncommon | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | | Fully restores health upon player | | | STONE MIRROR | losing all their health. Only one | Uncommon | | | can be carried at a time. | | |-----------------|--------------------------------------|-----------| | | Enables the use of the camera's | | | SPIRIT STONE | Bonus Functions. Using a function | Common | | | requires one stone. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . . . . . . . . . \ \ / / | | _|_ | | \ \ /.-. | |.-. | |--. .--..-. . . .-..|--. \/ \/( ) | |-.' | | | | ( )| |( || | (PZ9) ' ' `-'`-`-' `-`-'' `-' `-' `--`-`-`|' `- ._.' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TIPS BEFORE STARTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Read the Camera Obscura section above for details on how to handle ghosts. * Try to preserve your FILM. If you are low on FILM, head to the nearest Save Camera. It will supply you with 30 rounds of TYPE-14 FILM. * It is worth seeking out all of the Hidden Ghosts. They are worth a fair few SPIRIT POINTS, making it easier to afford your Camera's upgrades. * Remember that your health refills at the start of every Night. * Not sure where I'm telling you to go? Don't know what room you are in? Check your map! I have used the room names given in the Map Screen, and also use compass directions to tell you which door to go through. * You can run away from Random Ghost encounters by passing through around three rooms in a row. I recommend fighting most Random Ghosts, purely to accumulate SPIRIT POINTS. * On New Game+ (the completed save file), there will be a few differences. A couple of jump scares may happen within the environment (a flame bursting to live, etc). Hidden and Non-Violent ghosts that are already on your Ghost List are not worth any points, so it is advisable that you don't waste your FILM on them if you've already captured them. ================================================================= /\ | | /\ /||\ PROLOGUE: HIMURO - INTRO /||\ \||/ | | \||/ \/ ================================================================= \/ (PZ9.1) O----------------------O |------ ENTRANCE ------| O----------------------O After the opening cutscene, you'll find yourself in control of Mafuyu, who has come to Himuro Mansion in search of a novelist he admires (Junsei Takamine). This prologue to the game runs in black and white to indicate that this is happening in the past, so don't worry - the game will change to full colour after the prologue. Give yourself some time to get used to the controls, including using the Camera Obscura which will be your only weapon for the entire game. To test it out, make Mafuyu turn back towards the entrance. When the camera angle changes to show the entrance doors, make Mafuyu head to the wall/fence on the right . You may notice now that the filament in the bottom right corner of the screen has turned a ghostly blue. This means that there is either a Hidden Ghost, a Sealed door or a Spiritual Object nearby. In this case, it is a Hidden Ghost. Make Mafuyu go into Camera Mode by pressing the O button. Facing the latticed fence, move the camera around until the circle in the centre of the screen (the capture circle) gets a ghostly blue around it. This means that you're pointing the camera directly at the hidden, non-violent ghost, and you should now take a picture. Do so. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: CHILD BEHIND Chapter: Himuro - Intro Location: Entrance This ghost can be found right at the start of the game, next to the mansion's entrance doors. It is hiding behind the latticed fence to the right of the doors. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now make Mafuyu go up the steps opposite iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the entrance. From here, go to the north ii ii east corner of the room, where there is ii You may have noticed that ii a mask on the wall and a sparkling object. ii Mafuyu moves quite slowly, ii Ignore the mask on the wall for now - it ii even when running. Although ii will be explored further into the game, ii irritating, this will not ii but is pointless right now. Instead ii be a problem for much longer ii examine the sparkling object on the floor ii as we will be playing as ii to gain a box of TYPE-14 FILM. Film is the ii a faster character for the ii ammunition for our camera.TYPE-14 is the ii majority of the game. ii weakest, but it serves its purpose well ii ii for now and we will find stronger film as iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the game progresses. There is a camera in the north-west side of the room (directly left from the Film we just picked up). These cameras count as our Save Points. You may utilise it now if you wish. When you are ready, go through the door near the camera. O------------------------O |----- ROPE HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O About halfway down the hallway, your filament will turn orange. When this happens, it means there is either a Non-Violent Ghost or an Attacking Ghost in the area. In this case, it is a Non-Violent Ghost. It is important to note that, unlike Hiding Ghosts, Non-Violent Ghosts will disappear after a certain period of time so you need to take their picture quickly in order to add it to the collection. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Rope Hallway Man Chapter: Himuro - Intro Location: Rope Hallway Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Koji Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost slowly walks in front of the mirror at the end of the Rope Hallway. He will disappear after about five seconds, which gives you plenty of time to snap him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you've taken a picture of the ghost, run all the way to the mirror at the end of the hallway. Turn right and enter the door here. O----------------------O | ----- FIREPLACE -----| O----------------------O Head deeper into the room - the camera angle will change as another Non-violent Ghost appears. If you press the O button to go into Camera Mode, Mafuyu will automatically point the camera up at the ghost, allowing you to capture it more easily. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man Looking Down Chapter: Himuro - Intro Location: Fireplace Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Junsei Takamine, the missing novelist This ghost will appear on the balcony above Mafuyu after the player steps about halfway across the room. As long as the player goes into Camera Mode, Mafuyu will automatically aim at this ghost, so all the player needs to do is take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a door nearby on the south wall of the room, to your left. Enter it and you'll notice that the filament has gone blue - there is a Hidden Ghost in here. Point your camera above the bookcase to find this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Angry Man Chapter: Himuro - Intro Location: Fireplace This ghost is in the tiny backroom with the broken staircase. It is hiding above the bookcase on the lower level. Look for the distortion in the air! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head back out into the larger room and climb the staircase. At the top of the staircase, go all the way to the left until you come across a sparkling item on the floor. Pick it up. *CUTSCENE* You'll receive a quick tutorial on Shooting Ghosts before you're thrown into your first battle! ############################################################################ # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BOUND MAN # # APPEARANCE: A man who is bound with ragged bandages # # # # STRATEGY: Bound Man is a relatively easy ghost, but if this is your # # first time playing the game then it won't seem so simple. The # # game gives you a nice big area to work with for your first # # battle, and if you play your cards right you won't need to # # move or exit Camera Mode at all. # # # # Beginner's Method - Immediately go into Camera Mode and keep # # your camera pointed at the Bound Man. The longer you target # # him with the camera, the more damage you will be able to deal # # to him when you take the shot. When you fear that the ghost is # # getting too close or you feel like you have a powerful enough # # shot ready, take his picture to cause damage to him! This will # # also push him away from you. If you feel like he is too close # # you can exit Camera Mode and run away a bit, then try again. # # Keep using powerful shots until Bound Man has no health left. # # It is important that you build up your shots rather than # # spamming them. If you spam your shots, you will cause very # # little damage AND waste your ammo. # # # # Pro's Method - Immediately go into Camera Mode and keep your # # camera pointed at the Bound Man. Target him until he gets # # close and then wait for him to attack. As soon as your finder # # goes orange and red, take a picture to hit him with a powerful # # Zero Shot before he can attack you! This will reduce Bound # # Man's health to almost nothing. One more shot and he should be # # defeated! # # # ############################################################################ Congratulations on defeating your first ghost! Now head backwards, away from the stairs you originally came from, and go left and across the balcony overlooking the entrance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NON-VIOLENT GHOST: Assistant's Shadow Chapter: Himuro - Intro Location: Fireplace Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe Hirasaka, Takamine's assistant. This ghost appears underneath the balcony - THERE IS NO WAY TO CAPTURE THIS GHOST. If you have read elsewhere that it can be captured, then you need to forget about it. You absolutely, 100% CANNOT capture this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The reason for triggering this ghost is to draw your attention to the fact that the door downstairs is now open, even though it shut behind you when you entered the room. So what are you going to do now? Why, investigate the mysteriously opened door, of course! Head back downstairs and go all the way to the right end of the room, and through the door. O------------------------O |----- ROPE HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O Head past the mirror and back down the long hallway. About halfway down... *CUTSCENE* ================================================================= /\ | | /\ /||\ FIRST NIGHT: THE STRANGLING RITUAL /||\ \||/ | | \||/ \/ ================================================================= \/ (PZ9.2) ========================================================= || CHAPTER NOTES || || || || * This night is dedicated to uncovering the stories || || of Junsei Takamine, his editor Ogata and his || || assistant Tomoe. || || * You play as Miku, who is faster. || || * Unless you are on New Game+, you start with no || || Camera Obscura. || || * The game is in colour now. || || * If you are low on FILM, you can obtain 30 rounds || || of TYPE-14 FILM at the Save Camera. || || * Possible random ghosts: Bound Man and Broken || || Neck. || ========================================================= O----------------------O |------ ENTRANCE ------| O----------------------O We now swap over to Miku, our main protagonist and also the character we will play as for the rest of the game. Miku moves faster than Mafuyu, and the majority of her chapters are in colour so maneuvering the mansion ought to be much easier now. The difference here is that Miku does not currently have a camera, only a flashlight. Move Miku up the steps ahead. In the north- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii east of the room, near the mask on the wall, ii In New Game+, the candle ii on the wall, is a sparkling object. Pick it up ii next to the steps will ii to receive HERBAL MEDICINE. ii set aflame suddenly upon ii ii approaching it. This is ii Now go to the opposite side of the room and ii just to make your second ii save at the Camera, if you wish. When you are ii playthrough less ii ready, retrace Mafuyu's steps by going through ii predictable. ii the door on the left of the camera. A Non- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Violent ghost will appear as Miku opens the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man At Partition Chapter: 1st Night - The Strangling Ritual Location: Entrance Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor THIS GHOST CAN ONLY BE CAPTURED IF YOU HAVE FINISHED THE GAME ONE OR MORE TIMES. This ghost appears behind Miku when she tries to leave the Entrance. It is easily snapped by making Miku quick-turn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ghost leaves behind a blue flame. If you approach this flame, you can listen to a memory left behind by the ghost. There is also a RESEARCH SCRAP on the floor. Continue through the door. O------------------------O |----- ROPE HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O Go right to the end of the corridor. At the mirror... *CUTSCENE* We now have the Camera Obscura! Straight after the cutscene, a Non-Violent Ghost appears up high on some ceiling beams behind Miku. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man On A Beam Chapter: 1st Night: Strangling Ritual Location: Rope Hallway Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost appears high up on some beams behind Miku. To capture him, go straight into Camera Mode, press TRIANGLE to make Miku do a quick-turn, and look up to find him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now head through the door to the right of the mirror. O---------------------O |----- FIREPLACE -----| O---------------------O In the middle of the room, along the back wall, there are some drawers and chests. One of these chests has a lion mask on it - remember where this is. You should also examine this lion mask as there is a HERBAL MEDICINE next to it. If you take a few steps further into the room, another ghost appears...and it looks mightily familiar. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Bro's Shadow Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Fireplace Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The shadow of Mafuyu Mafuyu's ghost will slowly walk up the stairs at the end of the room. You need to be a bit patient for this one. Go into Camera Mode and point your camera at the area where the ghost is, but DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE. Wait until Mafuyu's head becomes visible above the banister - at this point the finder will go blue. This means that you will be able to capture the ghost. Always remember that you must be able to see the ghost's head in order to actually capture the ghost! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things are looking grim for Mafuyu. Before we follow his ghost, first go into the little back room with the bookcase and the broken staircase. There is an item on the ground - pick it up to receive TYPE-14 FILM. Now return to the larger room and go up the staircase. It may not seem like there is anything on this floor, but the purpose of going up here is to activate the next bit of gameplay and to capture another ghost. Go all the way to the west side of the room, and examine the door near the lit-up window. It is locked, but it was necessary to try opening it. Go over the balcony that overlooks the entrance to this room. Go through the door at the end of the balcony to find yourself in the top half of the back room with the broken staircase. As you approach the broken staircase, a ghost will appear below you! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Hallway Man Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Fireplace Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost appears at the bottom of the broken staircase, and slowly walks out of the nearby door. Go straight into camera mode, point your camera downwards and take the shot. Note - This ghost only appears if you have tried to open the door in the north. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pick up the item on the ground - it is HERBAL MEDICINE. Now go back out of the room, all the way back across to the main staircase and prepare to go down it. As you descend the staircase, a tricky ghost appears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man At Screen Chapter: 1st Night- Strangling Ritual Location: Fireplace Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost is activated about halfway down the staircase. He walks quickly towards the screen next to the stairs. He can be tricky to snap as you have to wait for his head to be visible, at the same time as not waiting too long, in order to capture him. If you go into Camera Mode, Miku should automatically point the camera at the ghost. Make sure the finder is blue before taking your picture! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep going down the stairs and examine the screen. *CUTSCENE* Go into Camera Mode and take a picture of the screen. There is a door behind it! How inventive. Examine the screen again. *CUTSCENE* Miku will go through the new door by herself. O------------------------O |----- LAMP HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O There will be a blue flame in front of you. Examine it to hear a memory left behind by Ogata, that ghost we keep seeing. Head down the hallway and round the corner. There is a door on your left right round the corner, but ignore it for a second and continue to the end of the corridor. There is a cupboard at the end that is being held shut by an invisible force. (Or it could just be locked!) In the same camera angle, you will see a sparkling item in the little side-room. Pick it up to receive HERBAL MEDICINE. The door in this room is nailed shut, so go back down the corridor and enter the room on the left, right on the corner. O-------------------O |----- LIBRARY -----| O-------------------O When you enter the room, most of it is hidden by a partition. Go straight forward and pick up the NEWSPAPER CLIPPING from the chest of drawers. Read it, then go around the partition to activate a ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Wandering Man Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Library Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost will appear on the right-hand side of the room, walking towards a closet, saying something about a woman in a kimono. If you go into Camera Mode, Miku will automatically aim at the ghost for you - capture him straight away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At this point you'll start hearing disturbing noises coming from the closet. Ignore them for now, and go straight ahead, to the north, where you'll find a window. Pick up the item on the floor for TYPE-37 FILM, a powerful film that you should save for bosses. Now you should head to the right and open the closet. *CUTSCENE* Straight away, a ghost will appear inside the closet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Dead Man's Body Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Library Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor You will have only a second or two to take a picture of this ghost before it fades away. As soon as the cutscene ends, go into Camera Mode, move your finder slightly to the right and take the picture! If you miss once, you won't get a second chance unless you reload a save! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now examine the item in the cupboard to learn of Ogata's fate. *CUTSCENE* You will receive TAPE RECORDER and WHITE TAPE 1. If you like, go into your inventory and listen to the White Tape. Head towards the door that just opened behind you and go through it. O-----------------------O |----- KIMONO ROOM -----| O-----------------------O You'll be behind yet another partition. There is some HERBAL MEDICINE on the floor directly in front of you. As you move into the room, another ghost will appear, but he's on the other side of the partition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man At Window Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Kimono Room Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost will appear on the other side of the partition. You do not have enough time to run all the way around and take a picture, so do not attempt to do so. Instead, move along to the gap in the partition and enter Camera Mode. Whilst in Camera Mode, you can move Miku with the right analog stick, just in case you aren't quite looking through the gap. Once you can see through the gap, aim at the ghost and take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go around the partition. On your way, you'll notice a red chest and an object that looks like it is missing a mirror (we'll call this the mirror stand for the sake of reference). This is important, and we will return to this shortly. For now, head to where we saw Ogata's ghost to activate a cutscene. *CUTSCENE* That's right - even though you've only fought one ghost so far, the game is going to throw you straight into a boss battle! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - EDITOR'S (Fight #1) # # APPEARANCE - An ordinary-looking man with a bowl cut # # # # STRATEGY: Although technically a boss, Ogata is not a difficult enemy # # as long as you keep your camera on him. The important thing to # # remember is that he can teleport, meaning that you may have to # # move your Camera around to find him. However, if you know what # # you are doing, this can be a very easy fight. # # # # Beginner's Method - Go straight into Camera Mode - Ogata should # # be right in front of you. Try to power up a shot, then take the # # shot. He should be pushed back from this attack, and reappear a # # few feet away. Try to find him and power up another shot. If it # # is strong another, the second shot should kill him. If you feel # # like Ogata is getting too close for comfort, make sure you run # # away before trying again. Just bear in mind he may teleport # # whilst you're trying to get away, so don't lose him. # # # # Pro's Method - Go straight into Camera Mode - Ogata should be # # right in front of you. Keep your camera on him and power up a # # shot. Wait for him to start attacking you (you can tell when # # he is about to do this, as he lowers his head unsteadily). When # # the finder turns orange and red, take the shot for critical # # damage! This will defeat him in one hit. # # # ############################################################################# Once you have defeated Ogata, you will learn about Power-Ups. If you have accumulated enough points, you can get a Power-Up now if you like. Pick up the item on the floor by the window to receive WHITE TAPE 2. There currently is no door in this room except for the one you entered through, so head back to the entrance. As you do so, you may notice a vibration and strange noises in the corner next to the mirror stand. That is because there is a Hidden Ghost here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Woman In Kimono Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Kimono Room This ghost is fiddly to find. Point your camera at the gap between the partitions in the corner of the room next to the mirror stand. You'll know that you're facing the right direction as the filament will turn blue. Move Miku around a bit whilst still pointing through the gap and you should be able to get a picture of this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may also notice that the mirror stand has some distortion around it. Go into Camera Mode and take a picture of the mirror stand - the picture will show the lion's mask from the drawers in the Fireplace room. There must be something there that we need! So now we need to head aaaaall the way back to the Fireplace. Exit through the door you originally entered through. O-------------------O |----- LIBRARY -----| O-------------------O Go around the partition and go through the door that leads back into the corridor. But be careful as you do... O-------------------------O |----- LAMP CORRIDOR -----| O-------------------------O Immediately upon opening the door, Ogata's ghost will appear behind you and attack! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - EDITOR'S (Fight #2) # # APPEARANCE - An ordinary-looking man with a bowl cut # # # # STRATEGY - You have two options: fight or flight. You can run away from # # the fight if you wish, or you can fight in order to gain more # # upgrade points for your camera. I recommend fighting, as he # # isn't a difficult fight and it's helpful to get experience # # fighting ghosts earlier on. # # # # Fighting the Editor: Beginner's Method - Go around the corner # # and to the far end of the corridor, far enough that you have # # distance between Miku and the Editor, but not so far that you # # could end up cornered. Point your camera at Ogata and build up # # power, making sure to keep your camera on him if he teleports. # # When you have a fully-charged shot, take the shot to deal a # # large amount of damage. This should push Ogata far back as # # well, so that you can charge up another shot. Repeat this # # until Ogata is defeated. This method takes about three shots. # # # # Fighting the Editor: Pro's Method - Go around the corner and # # to the far end of the corridor, far enough that you have # # distance between Miku and the Editor, but not so far that you # # could end up cornered. Point your camera at Ogata and build up # # power, making sure to keep your camera on him if he teleports. # # Wait for Ogata to get close. When he bows his head, this means # # he is about to attack - when the finder turns orange and red, # # quickly take the shot to deal massive damage and gain extra # # points! Do this once more to defeat Ogata. # # # # Fleeing from the Editor - Go around the corner and to the far # # end of the corridor. Go through the door to return to the # # Fireplace. Ogata should not follow you in here. # # # ############################################################################# Go through the door at the end of the corridor to return to the Fireplace. O---------------------O |----- FIREPLACE -----| O---------------------O Go to the drawers and chests along the wall of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii the room and examine the Lion Mask shown in ii If you are in New Game+ ii the picture to obtain RED HANDMIRROR. ii then the Lion Mask will ii ii open its mouth as you ii ii approach. ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii ii ii NOTE - Save Points in this game are few and far between. I would ii ii recommend returning to the Entrance in order to save your game at the ii ii camera there. ii ii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Now that we have the RED HANDMIRROR, we should return to the Kimono Room. Go back through the door by the stairs. O------------------------O |----- LAMP HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O Go round the corner to the right. As you round the corner, a ghost will appear in the previously closed closet at the end of the hallway! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man In Closet Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Lamp Hallway Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This ghost appears as on your return from getting the RED HANDMIRROR. He is standing in the open closet at the end of the hallway. As soon as you see him, go into Camera Mode, aim for his head (which shouldn't be difficult, even from a distance) and shoot as soon as you see the filament go blue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you like, you can investigate the cupboard but Miku will confirm that it is empty. There are no items inside the cupboard. Now go back to the corner of the corridor and open the door to the Library. Brace yourself... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man Standing Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Lamp Hallway/Library Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor You need to act quickly with this one, as he's only there for a couple of seconds (which is probably as long as it'll take you to recover from that jump scare). As soon as you open the door, go into Camera Mode - the ghost is right in front of you, so make sure you take the picture straight away before he disappears! You should be automatically aimed at his head so no need to adjust your aim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That scare gets me every time! Now go into the Library. O-------------------O |----- LIBRARY -----| O-------------------O Go around the partition and through the door into the Kimono Room. O-----------------------O |----- KIMONO ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Return to the red chest and examine the mirror stand next to it. Use the RED HANDMIRROR. *CUTSCENE* Straight after the cutscene, you'll receive EDITOR'S PHOTO. This is a picture of the ghost who has been following us around - you may notice that there appears to be ropes on his neck, arms and legs. This becomes relevant later on in the storyline. You'll also receive BRASS KEY. Once you've finished examining the items... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man Behind Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Kimono Room Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Ogata, Takamine's editor This game looooooves the jump scares. Ogata will appear directly behind Miku for a couple of seconds. Go into Camera Mode and Miku will automatically spin around and to face the ghost, so you don't need to aim. Simply shoot to capture the picture! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And one more boss fight with this guy. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - EDITOR'S (Final Fight) # # APPEARANCE - An ordinary-looking man with a bowl cut # # # # STRATEGY: Ogata is more difficult this time round. Each time he is # # damaged, he will teleport to another part of the room. When he # # does this, it is easiest to exit Camera Mode in order to try # # and find him, as you'll have a larger view of the room. He # # also has more health and will dash at you in order to attack, # # giving you less warning than he did before. He can also now # # dash at you from a distance, rather than just when he's close # # to Miku. # # # If you are feeling brave, build up a powerful shot and wait for # # Ogata to charge in order to inflict critical damage. It will # # take three Zero Shots to kill him. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, you will receive a Spirit Stone. This is a useful item that allows you to use a Bonus Function (once you have purchased one). We need to find the door that our new key unlocks. Luckily, you're following this walkthrough! We need to backtrack to Fireplace. AGAIN. So exit the Kimono Room through the usual door. O-------------------O |----- LIBRARY -----| O-------------------O Exit to the Lamp Corridor. O-------------------------O |----- LAMP CORRIDOR -----| O-------------------------O Go round the corner and through the door at the end to return to Fireplace. O---------------------O |----- FIREPLACE -----| O---------------------O *CUTSCENE* Follow the ghost up the stairs. Examine the only closed door upstairs (along the back wall, next to a screen) and use the BRASS KEY to unlock it. Enter! O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Examine the sparkling object on the right and read the document. There is some HERBAL MEDICINE on the floor in the north-east corner of the room. There is a very hard-to-find item hidden on the floor around the table. Keep clicking around the table until you find the STONE MIRROR, which is essentially this game's Phoenix Down. It brings you back to life if you die. Enter the door to the left of the door you originally came through (on the East Wall. O--------------------O |----- ANTEROOM -----| O--------------------O There is a Save Point in here! Use it. Exploring the room further, you will find a chest of drawers with some dolls and an item on top of it. Pick up the item to receive RED TAPE 1. In the corner of the room is another document for you to read, and on the chest next to this document is an invisible item - TYPE-14 FILM. Exit back to the Tatami Room. O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Head through the double doors on the north side of the room. O-----------------------O |----- OBSERVATORY -----| O-----------------------O You'll find yourself on a balcony. The only reason for coming out here is to pick up some HERBAL MEDICINE on the right-hand corner. Exit back to the Tatami Room. O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go into the alcove on the west side of the room, then enter the door on the right. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Open the double-doored closet right in front of you to obtain some TYPE-37 FILM. Head down the corridor to encounter a new ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman At Mirror Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Walkway Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe, Takamine's assistant An easy one to capture. This ghost appears in front of a mirror. Simply go into Camera Mode and you shouldn't have any issue snapping her before she disappears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Examine the blue flame that the ghost leaves behind for a memory. You should also pick up and read the document on the floor in front of the mirror. Go down the long hallway opposite the mirror for some HERBAL MEDICINE. Return to the mirror and go left, down the stairs. Prepare for a battle against a new ghost. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - Man With Long Arms # # APPEARANCE - An man with long dark hair and very long arms # # # # STRATEGY: This is an easy battle, especially given that it is impossible # # to get trapped in this corridor as it is a big loop with no # # dead ends. Simply run away from the ghost until you've gathered # # some distance from him. Then turn around, go into Camera Mode # # and point it at the ghost. Accumulate power before landing a # # shot on him - it should take him a while to reach you, giving # # you plenty of time to charge up a shot. # # # # If you want to go pro, wait for the Man with Long Arms to # # attack so that you can take a Zero Shot. You'll know if he's # # about to attack as his head will move from one side to another # # before he does so. # # # # Don't forget to gain distance from the ghost after damaging # # him, as he doesn't get pushed back or stunned and will remain # # close to you. Simply run, turn, charge and shoot. Rinse and # # repeat. It takes two Zero Shots and around three normal shots # # to defeat him. # # # ############################################################################# Once the battle is over, you have a choice. You can either go to the Grand Hall for some optional items and a fight against a new, more difficult ghost, or you can continue on with the main path. If you want the items then read the following box. If you want to skip the items and the fight, simply skip the box. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! Go through the door in the south side of this corridor. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! O----------------------O ! ! |----- GRAND HALL -----| ! ! O----------------------O ! ! ! ! ! ! This may not look like much of a grand hall, but it is only because the ! ! room is separated into smaller rooms by doors and partitions. Straight ! ! ahead of you in this current room is a document. Go through the double ! ! doors on your left. ! ! ! ! This next room is empty, so carry on straight ahead through the next set ! ! of doors. ! ! ! ! To your right in this room you will find some TYPE-14 FILM. Go through ! ! the next set of double doors. ! ! ! ! Straight ahead is a tear in the paper screens, leading you to the final ! ! room. Go through the tear. At one end of the room is SACRED WATER and a ! ! locked door. At the other end is another document. Now go back through ! ! all of the previous doors in order to return to the Walkway. However, ! ! as you pass through the middle room a ghost appears in front of you! ! ! ! ! ###################################################################### ! ! # # ! ! # ATTACKING GHOST - FLOATING WOMAN # ! ! # # ! ! # STRATEGY: This ghost moves fairly quickly in a circle around you. # ! ! # Unfortunately, as the rooms we are in are small she will # ! ! # frequently go through walls, making it easy to lose # ! ! # sight of her. The trick is to try and stay in one of the # ! ! # middle rooms and to keep your camera on her as much as # ! ! # you can. As usual, build up as much power as you can # ! ! # before taking a shot. It can be difficult to get a Zero # ! ! # shot on this ghost as she doesn't show any particularly # ! ! # obvious signs of attacking. When she does attack, she # ! ! # takes a while to swoop down on you so the opening for # ! ! # the Zero Shot is not too bad. However, it is risky to # ! ! # wait around for the Zero Shot, so if you want the battle # ! ! # to be over and done with, just shoot her with a fully # ! ! # charged shot whenever you can. # ! ! # # ! ! # She will take about three shots to defeat. # ! ! # # ! ! ###################################################################### ! ! ! ! That fight was definitely very different compared to our other fights! ! ! You should now return to the Walkway through the door you originally ! ! came through. ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now go through the door in the north wall. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O The first thing you'll notice is that your filament is glowing blue. We'll explore this in a minute. Go towards the front of the screen to find some TYPE-37 FILM. Now run to the opposite end of the room to find an important document on the table - the STRANGLING RITUAL scroll. We'll need this in order to figure out a puzzle later on. Go around the corner and move further into the middle of the room to activate a ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Wandering Woman Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Burial Room Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe, Takamine's assistant Tomoe appears at the other end of the room, right in front of you. Simply go straight into Camera Mode and take her picture - this one is very easy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two items on the long memorial with all the candles. One is another red document. The one at the far side of the room, where we just saw the ghost, is a SPIRIT STONE. Now approach the door that the ghost just went through to notice distortion in the air. This means that we should take a photo! Go into Camera Mode and take a picture of the door. You will examine a picture of another room - we need to find and do something there in order to progress, just like with the red handmirror earlier. Exit this room through the north door. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Right near the door you just entered through, you'll find some HERBAL MEDICINE and a Save Point. Save your game! There are a couple of documents in this room if you'd like to collect them, one along the west wall of the room and another in the north corner. You should now return to the Burial Room. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Return to the Walkway via the door on the south wall of the room. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Find the door on the inner-west wall of the loop (it shows up as a red door on your map). Examine the door to be given your first proper puzzle. You'll see what looks like a clock face, with Japanese characters where the numbers would usually go. If you read OGATA'S NOTES 5, you'll find a vague explanation of this puzzle. It explains that the characters on the dial are the numbers 0-9, only counter-clockwise. So it would look like this: --- / \ | 0 | \ / --- --- --- / \ / \ | 1 | | 9 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 2 | | 8 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 3 | | 7 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 6 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 5 | \ / --- Do you remember the STRANGLING RITUAL scroll we picked up in the Burial Room? If you look at it, you should notice some numbers highlighted in red. Note down these numbers, as they are the code for the door: 1312. Using the diagram above as reference, input the code. The door clicks open! Open the door and step inside, with your finger on the Camera button. O----------------------O |----- STOREHOUSE -----| O----------------------O A few steps into the room... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Girl Pointing Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Storehouse Movement Type: Stationary This is the same ghost we saw near the beginning of the game. She appears right in front of you, so simply go straight into Camera Mode and shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This room should look familiar to you. When we took a picture of that sealed door back in the Burial Room, we received a photo showing us this very room! Which means that the means to unseal that door would be in here somewhere. Before exploring, check the red chest on the floor to the right of the suit of armour to obtain some TYPE-37 FILM. Head into the back of the room, where you will see a ladder. You filament will go bright blue, indicating that we should take a photo of something nearby. Aim your camera at the big red chest behind the ladder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Seductress Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Storehouse This ghost can be found just to the left of a big red chest behind a ladder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have captured this ghost, you'll see a seal break. This means that the door in the Burial Room is now unlocked! Before going there, we should first search this room for any items. Climb the ladder. You will find a SPIRIT STONE at the top, in the back left corner. Examine the drawers to the right of this item to find a RESEARCH SCRAP. There is a short crate towards the front of this platform. When walking behind it, you may notice Miku turn to look at something on the ground. There is some rare TYPE-74 FILM hidden behind the crate, so button mash until you find it. Now go back down the ladder head towards the north wall of the room. You'll find some HERBAL MEDICINE on a shelf. Now exit the room back to the Walkway. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Go through the door in the north to return to the Burial Room. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Head over to the door on the east wall to find that it is now unsealed. Go through it! O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Follow the blood trail on the floor round the corner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman on Porch Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe, Takamine's assistant Tomoe appears right ahead of you and starts walking to the right. Go into Camera Mode and take her picture before she disappears behind the wall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you follow the ghost, you will find that she's left another blue flame. Walk up to it to receive a memory. This is a large area, so we need to do some exploring. First, go back to the door on the southwest wall (it was behind the latticed fence we just walked past). You might hear a child crying as you approach it - this is just to unnerve you. There is distortion surrounding this door and our filament has gone blue, meaning we need to unseal the door. Take a picture of the door and you'll receive a photo of a water wheel. Now head over to the door on the southeast side of the room. On your way, pick up the BLACK NOTEBOOK SCRAP on the floor at the top of the steps, before continuing left towards the door. Upon approaching the door, you'll notice that THIS door is sealed, too! Take a picture of it and receive a picture of some creepy-looking dolls. We need to unseal these doors. Start by heading down the porch steps and into the garden. If you head along the east side of the garden, you'll eventually trigger a ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman in Atrium Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe, Takamine's assistant This ghost heads through a door at the back of the atrium. Take her picture before she disappears through the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We'll be going through that door in a moment. Before that, though, we should collect everything in this area. Head west, towards the little building. Pick up the item on the steps of the building to obtain RED TAPE 2. Head into the corner to the left of the steps and your filament will go blue. There's a Hidden Ghost here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Woman in Pain Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Cherry Atrium To find this ghost, point your camera towards the floor in the left corner. Don't forget, the brighter your filament shines, the closer you are to finding the ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also find a STONE MIRROR (if you need one) behind the pillar next to the steps. Bear in mind you can only ever carry one of these at a time. The last item is under the decking in the southwest corner of the garden area. It is a SPIRIT STONE. Once you are satisfied that you have found everything, return to the door at the north of the atrium (the same one we saw the ghost walking through). Enter it! O-----------------O |----- ABYSS -----| O-----------------O *CUTSCENE* I think we found out what happened to Tomoe. Go over to the waterwheel and pick up the RED TAPE 3 from the ground. *CUTSCENE* We should now work on unsealing one of the doors. Take a picture of the ghost on the waterwheel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Woman Pulled In Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Abyss This ghost is on the left side of the wide face of the waterwheel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head along the north side of the room until you come to an unlit lamp. You'll notice your filament go blue. Point your camera at the lamp at take a picture to receive a photo of LIT GARDEN LANTERN. This is just to save us time later on. On the decking to the right of the unlit lamp is a STONE MIRROR. There is some TYPE-37 FILM in the southwest corner of the room. Head back to the Cherry Atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Our next step is to go through the newly unsealed door on the southwest side of the atrium. However, before doing so, I would strongly recommend that you save your game by returning to the Rubble Room. This is because we are about to fight a new ghost. To return to the Rubble Room: 1) Return to the Burial Room via the door in the west wall. 2) Go to the Rubble Room via the door in the north wall. Once you have saved your game, return to the Cherry Atrium and go to the southwest door. Examine it, open it and enter, with your camera at the ready. O---------------------O |----- DOLL ROOM -----| O---------------------O Upon opening the door, Tomoe's ghost will appear on the opposite side of the room. Take two steps forward or else she won't be visible in your camera view. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman Turning Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Doll Room Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe, Takamine's assistant Tomoe will appear on the opposite side of the room. After taking a couple of steps in, go straight into Camera Mode, aim for her head and take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tomoe leaves behind another blue flame. Approach it to hear its message. There is a Hidden Ghost in this room, one which we need to unseal the other door in the Cherry Atrium. HOWEVER, if you take a picture of this ghost it will trigger a fight, so I highly recommend searching the room for items beforehand. Pick up the SPIRIT STONE from the long red table on your right. There is a RED NOTEBOOK SCRAP on the shelf on the left. Finally, check the red table on the left side to find another SPIRIT STONE right at the end near the door. If you are ready, go over to the big table with all the dolls on it and take a picture of the Hidden Ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Child Onlooker Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Doll Room If you look at the southeast end of the red table with the dolls on it, you should see this ghost hiding behind the table itself. Take her picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prepare for battle! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - CRAWLING GIRL # # # # STRATEGY - The first thing to be aware of is that there is a big hole # # in the middle of this room. You have to run around it, but the # # ghost can simply float over it, meaning she has an advantage # # on you. However, this ghost is quite slow in terms of her # # movement speed, so you should be able to get away quickly. # # # # This ghost also likes to spend a lot of her time being # # invisible, meaning it can take a while to charge up a good # # attack. She also has the ability to paralyse you - you do NOT # # want this to happen as you will be unable to move or do # # anything for several seconds, allowing the ghost to attack. # # # # If you see the ghost sit up, it means she is about to paralyse # # you so shoot her immediately to try and interrupt the attack. # # # # Try not to corner yourself - if the ghost is getting too close # # then don't take risks. Take your shot and run to the other end # # of the room. # # # # The ghost starts off very close to you, so run in the opposite # # direction before spinning round and entering Camera Mode. # # Point your camera towards the ground to find the ghost, as she # # will be crawling for the majority of the battle. Charge up # # your shot and deal some damage before she gets too close. # # # # Zero shots are a bit too risky with this battle, so I wouldn't # # bother trying. If you really want to, though, the best time is # # right before she tries her paralysing attack. # # # # This ghost will take about three or four shots to kill. # # # ############################################################################# Well done! If you like you can return to the Rubble Room to save your game again, as you're going to have to fight another ghost almost straight away otherwise. No matter what you do, return to the Cherry Atrium next. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go across the porch towards the east end of the atrium to trigger an incredibly hard-to-catch ghost and a battle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman Who Jumps Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Moving This ghost will almost certainly take a few tries to capture, unless you get lucky or have very good Range upgrades on your camera. As you walk across the porch, the camera angle will change and straight away, a ghost will fall from the floor above. She falls very quickly and very suddenly. Here's my method for catching her: 1) As you walk across the porch, go into Camera Mode and face out towards the garden. 2) Whilst doing this, move Miku with the right analog stick, always facing the garden (the arches in front of the Moon Shrine, specifically). 3) When the ghost falls, it will take you out of Camera Mode. Do not move Miku, go straight back into Camera Mode and take a picture STRAIGHT AWAY. If you are lucky, you'll have gotten the picture. You simply don't have time to aim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Straight away, the ghost rises up again to fight you. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BROKEN NECK # # # # STRATEGY - This ghost is really quite easy one you get the hang of her. # # Because her neck is broken so badly, her head flops down by # # her back. This means that whilst she's "facing" you, her head # # isn't visible, meaning we can't charge a shot. # # # # To get her to reveal her head, you must wait for her to # # approach you and attack. When she attacks she will turn around # # so that her head is facing you, and she will dash towards you. # # Your finder will go orange and red - take the shot before she # # grabs you. From then on, her head should always be facing you, # # allowing you to charge attacks. A well-charged attack should # # push her back enough for you to charge up another attack, # # meaning that this battle is actually possible to win without # # Miku moving an inch. However, if you simply stun the ghost # # instead of pushing her back you may want to back out of # # Camera Mode and retreat a few steps before resuming battle. # # # # It is very easy to achieve Zero Shots against Broken Neck. # # All you have to do is take a picture whilst she's dashing at # # Miku. # # # # It should take between two and four shots to defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# Broken Neck can appear in random encounters from now on. Not that that should worry you as she's not really much of a challenge. After the battle, continue to the newly unsealed door on the southeast side of the map and go through it! Prepare your camera... O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O The moment you enter the room, a ghost will appear in front of you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man Turning Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Stairway Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Junsei Takamine, the missing novelist Takamine is directly in front of you as you enter the room. Go straight into Camera Mode and take his picture. Back to the nice, easy ghosts! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Takamine leaves behind a blue flame. Approach it and listen to the memory left behind. After doing so pick up the LIGHTER and BLACK NOTEBOOK SCRAP from the floor. If you want a couple of documents, head up the stairs. On the next floor you can find a document in the north end of the hall, and another at the south end. Go back downstairs. Head to the north side of this room and another ghost will appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman At Corner Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Staiway Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Tomoe, Takamine's assistant As usual, Tomoe is straight ahead of you, walking out of sight. Simply go into Camera Mode and snap her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow the ghost round the corner and pick up the RED NOTEBOOK SCRAP. Carry on down this corridor and go through the door at the end. O--------------------------O |----- FISH TANK ROOM -----| O--------------------------O Wait, there aren't any fish tanks in here! This room looks dangerous to navigate as it consists of a series of planks that Miku must walk across. Do not panic, as there is no danger of falling off. In fact, it is impossible to fall off. Cross the first plank and pick up some HERBAL MEDICINE. Carry on across the next plank for a cutscene. *CUTSCENE* So Tomoe finally wants to play! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - ASSISTANT'S (Fight #1) # # # # STRATEGY - It can be quite difficult to get away from this ghost due to # # the layout of the room. Tomoe generally moves in a sideways # # motion that can be hard to predict. She can stay invisible # # for quite a while and attacks with a speedy dash attack. She # # is also able to teleport right in front of wherever Miku is # # running, so keep an eye out and prepare to turn away. # # # # I recommend starting by going straight into Camera Mode and # # pointing it at Tomoe. Charge up a shot and when she goes to # # attack you (which shouldn't take long), go for the Zero Shot. # # This should stun her for a short while, in which you should # # back up until there is some distance between the ghost and # # Miku. Then turn around, find the ghost and charge up another # # attack. It's not worth trying for another Zero Shot. # # # # Stick to Type-14 Film for this battle. You really don't need # # anything stronger, and Tomoe should only take four mid-to- # # fully-charged shots to defeat. Just try your best to stay # # far away, keep your eyes on her and watch out for her # # teleportation. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle you will receive RED TAPE 4. Head to the door on the north side of the room and pick up the RED NOTEBOOK SCRAP on the floor. As you walked towards the back of the room, you may or not notice some distortion in the air at the top of the screen. You may also have heard some static. Walk over the planks again... Did you see it? There is a Hidden Ghost here that doesn't show up on your filament until you enter Camera Mode. You should try to capture it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Monk Into Dark Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Fish Tank Room Go to the platform between the final and middle planks (the final plank is the one in the north side of the room). Walk into the middle of the platform. Go into Camera Mode, look up. Your capture circle should go blue - take the picture! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It may be tempting to go through the door in the north end of the room, but first we need to backtrack to the Abyss via the Cherry Atrium. So exit through the door on the south side of the room. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Go down the corridor and round the corner. Exit back to the Cherry Atrium via the door on the west. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go down the steps and into the garden, then enter the door in the north. O-----------------O |----- ABYSS -----| O-----------------O Remember that unlit lamp from earlier on? Head over to it and use the LIGHTER on it. *CUTSCENE* You will obtain the BLACK CARVING. This is useful for a puzzle later on. Return to the Cherry Atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Take a few steps into the garden. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Woman Hanging Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Stationary This ghost is just so, so easy to capture. As soon as she appears, go into Camera Mode. Miku will aim straight at the ghost for you, simply take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ghost leaves behind a blue flame. Approach it and listen to the memory. Now we're going to return to the Rubble Room in order to save and to capture an easily missable ghost. So head to the Burial Room via the west door. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the door in the north. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Save your game, and then head towards the door in the north side of the room. Brace yourself! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Blinded Woman Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Rubble Room Movement Type: Stationary This ghost suddenly flashes up as you approach the locked door after using the LIGHTER on the unlit lamp. She'll be right in front of you so just go straight into Camera mode and snap her up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's the only reason we came in here. Exit back to the Rubble Room. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Exit back to the Cherry Atrium. You should know the way by now! O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go into the door on the east side to return to the Stairway. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O As you step into the room, a ghost will start...rolling up the stairs?!?!?! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Female Head Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Stairway Movement Type: Moving Yes, this is just a severed head rolling UP a staircase. How bizarre! Miku will automatically aim at it if you go into Camera Mode. Capture it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This initiates a battle with exactly the same "ghost". ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - FEMALE HEAD # # # # STRATEGY - This ghost is quick, but easy. She starts far away, giving you # # enough time to charge up a shot. She will dash very quickly # # at you, but because you're far away you will have plenty of # # time to get a Zero Shot when the finder goes orange. Do so! # # One more medium-strength shot will defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# That was so easy that it was almost pointless. Go down the north corridor and into the Fish Tank Room. O--------------------------O |----- FISH TANK ROOM -----| O--------------------------O Go over all of the boards until you get to the door at the other end of the room. Examine the door to notice another clock-face dial puzzle! This one is exactly the same format as the last one, number-wise. Here's that diagram again for reference: --- / \ | 0 | \ / --- --- --- / \ / \ | 1 | | 9 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 2 | | 8 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 3 | | 7 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 6 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 5 | \ / --- The code is 3669. Go through the door! O--------------------O |----- BACKYARD -----| O--------------------O Out in the open again! Although surprisingly, this is not a good thing. You are nowhere NEAR safe from ghosts out here. In fact, you will come across quite a few of them out here. Follow the path until you come to an open area. Go straight ahead to the shed. Here you will find a glimmering SPIRIT STONE and a SAVE POINT! Go right ahead and save your game. Head into the middle of the yard, towards the well. A ghost will appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man In Backyard Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Backyard Movement Type: Moving Appearance: The ghost of Takamine, the novelist An easy shot. Takamine appears right in front of you. Simply go into Camera Mode and snap him up! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Takamine will leave behind a blue flame. As you walk towards the well, you'll hear a noise, the screen will go grainy and the filament will go orange. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Girl Pleading Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Backyard Movement Type: Stationary This ghost is tricky to capture, mainly due to the fact that you have no idea where the hell she is. As soon as your filament goes orange, go into Camera Mode, do a quick-turn using the TRIANGLE button and look up and to the right. The ghost will be behind the barred windows! Quickly aim at her and take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take the item off of the well to obtain BLUE TAPE 1. Then talk to the blue flame to listen to a memory. After this, a Hidden Ghost will appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Girl Turning Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Backyard Turn towards the well and go into Camera Mode. There should be air distortion between the well and some trees. Get close to the distortion and take the picture when the capture circle goes blue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a STONE MIRROR on the floor where the Hidden Ghost was. Carry on down the path to initiate a boss battle against Tomoe. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - ASSISTANT'S (Final Fight) # # # # STRATEGY - This battle is similar to the previous one against Tomoe. # # She just has more health this time. Oh, and we have a much # # bigger arena, so escaping from her and keeping tabs on her # # should be much easier. Don't forget that she can teleport! # # # # I stuck with Type-14 Film for this fight, but if you're # # worried then you can swap to Type-37 Film. The best thing to # # do during this fight is to fully-charge a shot, shoot her # # before she turns invisible, run back a few steps and then # # repeat. If she has telported, immediately exit Camera Mode and # # run away as she'll usually be right behind you. Don't risk # # Zero Shots as they take so long to initiate that she'll end up # # teleporting instead. # # # # This ghost should take around five shots to defeat. # # # ############################################################################# Upon your victory, go back to the save point and save your game - trust me, you're about to fight your toughest ghost so far. Continue following the path until you find a BLACK NOTEBOOK document. Go through the door next to it. O-----------------------O |----- FOREST PATH -----| O-----------------------O A few steps in... *CUTSCENE* Start walking up the path towards the shrine. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Halfway up, the camera angle changes to show ii If you are on New Game+, ii something looking at you in the trees... ii a crow may screech and ii ii swoop down at Miku. ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hiding Ghost: Warped Man Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Forest Path Move over to the trees in the east side. Your controller should start vibrating. Go into Camera Mode and point it at the rope around the tree at the back. Your capture circle should go blue, allowing you to capture this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue up the stairs, trying to stay on the west/left hand side until a ghost appears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Standing Man Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Forest Path Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Takamine, the novelist This ghost appears behind a pillar ahead of you. You need to be on the left side of the path or else he'll be hidden behind the pillar when you go into Camera Mode. Aim at his head, make sure it is unobscured so that you can take the picture, and snap! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Takamine leaves behind a blue flame. Approach it, listen to the message and head to the top of the stairs. On one side of the shrine's door is a STONE MIRROR; on the other side is some TYPE-37 FILM. Collect them both before examining the door to the shrine. It's locked with a new puzzle in the shape of an upside-down pentagram. The puzzle is missing a carving, which luckily we have already picked up by using the LIGHTER on the unlit lamp in the Abyss. Once the puzzle has its missing piece, it needs solving. To solve the puzzle, you simply need to match the carvings to the relevant characters. The puzzle will look like this (the numbers are my own addition): --- --- / \ / \ | 5 | | 1 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 2 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 3 | \ / --- Based on where I've put the numbers, you should move the carvings in this order: 4 - 2 - 3 - 5. Miku will then insert the leftover character and the door will open! Enter... O---------------------------O |----- NARUKAMI SHRINE -----| O---------------------------O Go straight forward and pick up the item on the altar for BLUE TAPE 2. The screen will go grainy, and the filament will go orange. This can only mean one thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Crucified Man Chapter: 1st Night - Strangling Ritual Location: Narukami Shrine Movement Type: Stationary Appearance: The ghost of Takamine, the novelist. This ghost appears on the ceiling behind you. Go into Camera Mode, press TRIANGLE to do a quick-turn and point your camera at the ceiling. Take the picture! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *CUTSCENE* Prepare for your fiercest boss battle yet. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - NOVELIST'S # # # # STRATEGY - Takamine has a lot of health and will become invisible fairly # # frequently, making it tough to charge up a good shot. His # # movement is quite slow, though. He has a few attacks. He can # # use the usual dash attack, which is easy enough to interrupt. # # He has an annoying attack that is able to paralyse you - you # # can tell if he's about to use this as he bends over and holds # # his head in his hands. Make sure to interrupt this one! He # # also has a unique teleportation attack. HE will raise his # # arms above his head which makes him teleport directly next to # # Miku! # # # # Firstly, switch to TYPE-37 FILM via the Camera Menu. Then head # # back outside through the double doors behind Miku. As soon as # # you've gained some distance, fully charge a shot and shoot it. # # Do not specifically try for a Zero Shot as it is too risky. # # Either just use fully charged shots, or whatever shot you have # # if you need to interrupt his attacks. # # # # As usual, make sure to stay away from Takamine, and just keep # # your camera on him. If he's disappeared, come straight out of # # camera mode and run, just in case he's teleported. # # # # If you are using Type-37 Film, it should take 6 fully charged # # shots to defeat Takamine, and 7-8 normal shots. # # # ############################################################################# Upon defeating Takamine, you will receive a photo of a Shinto Gate. It is a picture of the gate/archway on this very path! Check the east pole of the gate (where we saw Takamine's ghost earlier). *CUTSCENE* You will receive HEADLESS BUDDHA. Lovely! You'll also receive FIVE BUDDHAS DOCUMENT. Return to the shrine, picking up BLACK NOTEBOOK SCRAP on the way. O---------------------------O |----- NARUKAMI SHRINE -----| O---------------------------O Examine the altar and place the HEADLESS BUDDHA on it. This will reveal a puzzle. Before examining the puzzle, take a picture of it in order to receive a picture of the solution. So all we need to do is match the current puzzle to the puzzle in the picture! Examine the puzzle and you will find five Buddha statues, each missing a limb or its head. Follow these steps and look at my diagram in order to make the statues match the picture. ------------------------- | | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | | | | | |-------|-------|-------| | | | | | 4 | 5 | 6 | | | | | |-------|-------|-------| | | | | | 7 | 8 | 9 | | | | | ------------------------- 1) Move the damaged left hand to #1 2) Move the damaged left foot to #7 3) Move the damaged head to #2 4) Move the damaged right foot to #9 5) Move the damaged right hand to #3 You'll hear something unlock. *CUTSCENE* You'll receive the HOLY MIRROR PIECE. However, during the cutscene, the ghost in the white kimono - Kirie - comes out of the mirror to attack Miku. YOU CANNOT WIN THIS FIGHT. You must be touched by Kirie in order to finish the chapter. Run all you want, but it's far quicker to just walk directly into Kirie. *CUTSCENE* Congratulations - you survived the first night! However, Miku now has the ominous rope marks on her arms. Just like the others... ================================================================= /\ | | /\ /||\ SECOND NIGHT: DEMON TAG /||\ \||/ | | \||/ \/ ================================================================= \/ (PZ9.3) ========================================================= || CHAPTER NOTES || || || || * This night is dedicated to uncovering the stories || || of the Munakata family and the Blinding Ritual. || || * Your health is refilled at the beginning of the || || night. || || * Possible Random Encounters: Bound Man, Broken || || Neck. || || * This is the longest night. || || * There are some strong, recurring "boss" ghosts || || during this night. || || * It is best to unlock doors whenever you can, to || || make exploring the mansion much quicker. || || * Some previously open doors are locked, and some || || previously locked doors are open. || || * The mansion has repaired itself in places. || || * You should continue to spend your Spirit Points || || on upgrading your camera's Basic Performance. || || * It's a good idea to pick up health items and film || || whenever possible - you'll need everything you || || can find. || ========================================================= *CUTSCENE* O---------------------O |----- DOLL ROOM -----| O---------------------O You should recognise the room Miku wakes up in. Unfortunately, Chapter One's hard work is wasted as our Holy Mirror shard has been stolen by a ghost child. Your filament will be glowing blue - follow it to the southeast corner where there is a piece of wall that looks suspiciously like a door. Take a picture of this piece of wall to get a photo of a Demon Tag Scroll. As with all the other sealed doors, we need to find the item in the photograph to unseal it. There are now new items in most rooms, even the ones we previously explored. Start by collecting the TYPE-14 FILM on the shelf next to the piece of wall we just took a picture of. On the cushion on the floor is MAFUYU'S NOTE. Go to the north end of the biggest red table to find a SPIRIT STONE (and don't worry too much about the small scare that happens here). Finally, check the opposite table to find HERBAL MEDICINE at one end and LADY'S DIARY SCRAP at the other. Exit the room through the north door. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O The very moment the door has been opened, GET YOUR CAMERA OUT AND SHOOT. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Child On Porch Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Moving The moment you open the door to the Cherry Atrium, this ghost dashes across right in front of you. If you do not immediately get out your camera and press the capture button, you will miss him. It also helps to have good range upgrades on your camera. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go into the menu and equip your TYPE-37 FILM. Now go around the latticed fence and make your way towards the garden area of the atrium. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################ # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Fight #1) # # # # STRATEGY - I hate this ghost. You will hate this ghost. EVERYONE hates # # this ghost. It is universally acknowledged that she is the # # most annoying ghost to battle in the entire game, and you # # will end up battling her several times on this night. # # # # It goes without saying: this ghost is blind. Therefore, her # # auditory senses are enhanced. Blinded will, for the most # # part, stumble around with her arms outstretched, trying to # # find you. She cannot see you. HOWEVER, if you were to take so # # much as one step forward, she would immediately hear you, # # know where you are, and attack. If you land any damage on her # # that ISN'T a critical Zero shot, she will hear you and # # attack. Blinded's attack is both incredibly fast and very # # damaging. She attacks simply by dashing at you at the speed # # of light. # # # # It is important to note that, even if you aren't making any # # noise, if Blinded gets too close to you she will realise you # # are there eventually and attack. # # # # If you want to win a battle against Blinded, remember these # # important rules: # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # The only exception to this rule is that if she's so close # # that she's going to find you anyway, shoot her then do a # # runner. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # I personally use TYPE-37 FILM against Blinded. She doesn't # # have much health, but due to the annoyance of her battles # # it's best to just get rid of her quickly. She should only # # take two shots to defeat - this time. # # # ############################################################################ Don't forget to switch back to TYPE-14 FILM. After the battle, head towards the door in the north of the atrium to activate a missable ghost. Make sure you pass by the WEST side of the monument to activate the ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Hanged Woman Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Stationary The same ghost as in the last chapter. She appears in the tree again, but this time Miku will not aim automatically. Get your camera out, aim at the tree, find the ghost and shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ghost will leave behind a blue flame. Listen to the memory. Now collect a couple of items: a SPIRIT STONE in the west corner by the Moon Shrine steps. There is also TYPE-37 FILM on the path leading to the shrine. When you're ready, head through the door Blinded came through in the east. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O On the shelf to your immediate left you will find the BLIND DEMON RITUAL. Go round the corner and to the end of the little corridor to find some more TYPE-37 FILM, before going through the door in the north. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Save your game in here. Head round the rubble to the door in the north (picking up some HERBAL MEDICINE in the southwest corner on your way round) and take a picture of the door to get a picture of another missing carving on a well. Exit the room via the south door. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Exit back to the Cherry Atrium via the west door. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Head all the way across the porch and go through the east door. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O As soon as you walk into the room, another hard-to-catch ghost appears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Kid Running Away Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Stairway Movement Type: Moving The children ghosts are always difficult to catch. This one appears at the mirror in front of you as you walk into the room, and runs to the left down the long corridor. Don't try to get the shot right away as you have no hope of doing so. What you should do is chase the child to the start of the hallway, face the hallway, get your camera out and just shoot. Hopefully you'll snap the kid before he disappears around the corner. *NOTE - Miku should auto-turn towards the ghost, which may make the shot easier for you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a Stone Mirror next to the door you came through, if you need one. Continue up the hallway for a battle with a familiar ghost. Don't worry, it's not Blinded (yet). ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - MAN WITH LONG ARMS # # # # STRATEGY - Remember this guy? He didn't seem so difficult last time. # # Unfortunately, with progress comes more difficulty. He now # # has more health, and our arena is a lot smaller with more dead # # ends. He also attacks more suddenly. # # # # Start by running down the corridor away from the ghost. Charge # # up a good shot, hit him with it and back up again. Rinse and # # repeat. If you run out of space, stun the ghost with a fair # # shot; whilst he is stunned, run right through him and go back # # down the corridor. Quick-turn, and start charging a new shot. # # # # Man With Long Arms should take about four shots with TYPE-14 # # FILM to defeat. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, go down the hallway that Man With Long Arms appeared from. Pick up the TYPE-37 FILM and take a picture of the door to get a picture: FOOT OF STAIRCASE. We need to unseal this door, and luckily we have the means to do so in this very room! Head back down the hallway and approach the bottom of the staircase. Your filament will turn blue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Vengeance in Wall Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Stairway Whilst standing at the foot of the staircase, go into Camera Mode and aim left. You should see a big purple face in the wall - this is your hidden ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snapping this ghost unseals the door in the north corridor. However, before we continue, you can capture a hard-to-find hidden ghost. Head up the stairs. Go all the way around to the opposite side of this landing, where you'll come to another staircase. Do not ascend the stairs - instead, cling to the railing, facing the big blue window above the lower stairs, and go into Camera Mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Monk Out Of Dark Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Stairway This ghost can be found if you point your camera at the big blue window. Make sure you are positioned as mentioned above, or the ghost will not appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you are ready, return downstairs and go through the north door. O--------------------------O |----- FISH TANK ROOM -----| O--------------------------O Take a couple of steps into the room to activate another ghost child. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Kid Running Away Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Fish Tank Room Movement Type: Moving Another fast ghost child. He will run across the plank in front of you as you enter the room. Simply go into Camera Mode, move your camera left a bit and shoot when the capture circle goes blue. This isn't too difficult if you just make sure to follow the child's movements. Think before you shoot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is some TYPE-37 FILM on this platform. Cross the first plank and pick up the HERBAL MEDICINE on the next platform. Cross over to the other end of the room and examine the door to find it locked again! It's the same puzzle, but the solution is different. If you picked up the BLIND DEMON SCROLL earlier, you should have the solution. If not, look at the diagram below and enter the code given. --- / \ | 0 | \ / --- --- --- / \ / \ | 1 | | 9 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 2 | | 8 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 3 | | 7 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 6 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 5 | \ / --- The code is 2611. Once you complete the puzzle, go through the door. O--------------------O |----- BACKYARD -----| O--------------------O Follow the path into the open area. Head straight to the hut and save your game, as you are about to initiate a battle against a new ghost. Once you have saved, approach the well in the middle of the area and examine it. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - Girl In Well # # # # STRATEGY - This ghost is pretty easy. She is capable of moving from side # # to side, like Tomoe did. Her movement is slow, and she has the # # ability to teleport. Treat her like any other ghost: back away # # a few paces, turn to face her. Charge a shot at the same time # # as backing away and then either shoot or wait for a Zero # # Attack. If she disappears, exit Camera Mode, find the ghost # # and resume attack. # # # # It will take three shots with TYPE-14 FILM to defeat this # # ghost. # # # ############################################################################# Once you have defeated the ghost, return to the well and take the BLUE CARVING from on top of it. You should also take a picture of the well to receive an interesting picture. It depicts a young girl being dragged into the well by a pair of long, ghostly arms... If you like, save your game again. Before we continue with the main story, make a detour to the Narukami Shrine to obtain a Hidden Ghost which is worth a fair few points. To do this, go through the north door. O-----------------------O |----- FOREST PATH -----| O-----------------------O Just so you are aware, there is a high chance of getting a random encounter against Broken Neck on this path, so try not to linger. Follow the path all the way up to the shrine. Pick up the SPIRIT STONE next to the shrine door before entering. O---------------------------O |----- NARUKAMI SHRINE -----| O---------------------------O Approach the mirror to the left of the altar to hear static. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Tormented Ones Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Narukami Shrine This ghost can be tricky to get, simply because you need to be in a very specific position and looking at a specific angle to get it. Stand in front of the mirror and point to the upper right corner of it. Whilst in Camera Mode, move Miku around at the same time as aiming until the capture circle goes blue. Shoot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exit the shrine. O-----------------------O |----- FOREST PATH -----| O-----------------------O Prepare yourself in case you get a random encounter with Broken Neck, and go through the door at the bottom of the path. O--------------------O |----- BACKYARD -----| O--------------------O I recommend saving your game. Go through the door in the west. O--------------------------O |----- FISH TANK ROOM -----| O--------------------------O Cross over the planks and go through the door on the other side of the room. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Before going any further, change to TYPE-37 FILM. Follow the corridor along. When the camera angle changes as you approach the stairs, you'll initiate a second battle with Blinded. I'm sure you're delighted! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Fight #2) # # # # STRATEGY - The strategy against Blinded is always the same, the only # # difference is the arena and her stamina. The moment she # # appears, stop dead, go into Camera Mode and simply aim at her. # # Follow the usual tips below: # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # The only exception to this rule is that if she's so close # # that she's going to find you anyway, shoot her then do a # # runner. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # Two good shots with TYPE-37 FILM should defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# Until next time... Switch back to TYPE-14 FILM. Exit through the west door. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Cross over to the west side of the porch and go through the west door. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the north door. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Save your game and head to the door in the north of the room. Examine it for another pentagram puzzle. Examine my diagram and select the indicated carvings in the indicated order. --- --- / \ / \ | 5 | | 1 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 2 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 3 | \ / --- Move the carvings in this order: 2 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 1. Miku will insert the BLUE CARVING. Go through the door. O--------------------O |----- CORRIDOR -----| O--------------------O Move towards the end of this hallway. Try to stick to the LEFT side of the corridor. As you approach the turning... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Bro's Shadow Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Corridor Movement Type: Moving You need to act fast for this one. Mafuyu will appear ahead, walking away round the corner. If you are on the left-hand side, as suggested above, you should be in a position to simply raise your camera and shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow your brother down the corridor and pick up MAFUYU'S NOTE. Ahead of you lies ANOTHER sealed door. We never seem to make progress, do we? Take a picture of the door to get a photograph of STONE BURIAL MOUND. You may recognise the area in the photo. This is because we have been to this area already - it is in the Abyss at the back of the Cherry Atrium. Head back down the corridor and return to the Rubble Room. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Exit through the south door. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the door in the east. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go along the porch, down the steps, across the garden and through the door in the north. O-----------------O |----- ABYSS -----| O-----------------O Watch out in this area; random encounters are not uncommon. First, head over to the little alcove in the southwest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Burned Man Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Abyss Enter the alcove, go straight into Camera Mode. Point at the dead end and shoot - simple! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head over to the pier on the north side of the area. If you are observant, you may have noticed that the pier was broken last time we were here, rendering the island inaccessible. Now it is in perfect condition. Cross over onto the island and pick up some SACRED WATER. Continue on to the next island where you will find the stone monument mentioned in the picture. Examine it to obtain the PURPLE CARVING. If you need one, you can find a STONE MIRROR behind the monument. Exit back to the Cherry Atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O There are some new ghost appearances here. Make sure you head through the atrium via the west side of the monument in order to trigger a ghost: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Observatory Man Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Stationary As you pass the shrine, this ghost appears on the balcony above. Go into Camera Mode, aim upwards and left to find him and capture him. This one is simple if you know where to look. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Approach the steps up to the porch to activate a slightly more difficult ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Girl Under Porch Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Moving Just as you are about to go up the steps, this ghost comes crawling out from under the porch, directly on your right. She does so quite quickly. Be calm, turn towards the ghost, go into Camera Mode, aim and shoot. Just make sure to AIM before you shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go up the steps and enter the door in the west. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the door in the north. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Save your game, as another tough fight is coming up soon. Go through the double doors in the north. O--------------------O |----- CORRIDOR -----| O--------------------O Head all the way down the corridor and examine the double doors at the end for another pentagram puzzle. As usual, it looks the same, it's just a bit more difficult. Refer to my diagram and move the carvings in the order given below: --- --- / \ / \ | 5 | | 1 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 2 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 3 | \ / --- The solution is: 4 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 1 - 2. Miku will insert the Purple Carving, unlocking the door. Open the door and enter. O-----------------------O |----- DEMON MOUTH -----| O-----------------------O *CUTSCENE* This room is huge! Run around the edge until you come to a ladder. Climb down the ladder, run along the platform and climb down another ladder. You'll now be on the bottom floor. Run over to the huge doors in the east to activate a ghost appearance: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man Before Door Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Demon Mouth Movement Type: Stationary When you examine the doors, this ghost appears. Quickly turn to the right and go into Camera Mode and just shoot. You literally have about one second to snap this guy before he disappears. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The man - who, by the way, is the folklorist Ryozo Munakata - leaves behind a blue flame. Run over and listen to what it has to say. Face the wall that the ghost was staring at; you'll notice your filament go blue. Take a picture of that particular piece of wall to get a photograph of the BLINDING MASK. we need this mask to unlock the big doors. On the other side of the big doors is a document, which you can find on the floor. It is a RESEARCH SCRAP. Make your way back to the ladder. Oh, but first make sure to equip your TYPE-37 FILM. You know what that means, right? ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Fight #3) # # # # STRATEGY - As usual, use the strategy below against Blinded. She has # # slightly more health this time and sometimes the pillars in # # the room can get in the way. Just be patient rather than # # risking moving around them - it's not worth the inevitable # # damage. # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # The only exception to this rule is that if she's so close # # that she's going to find you anyway, shoot her then do a # # runner. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # As usual, three good TYPE-37 FILM shots should defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# Upon defeating Blinded you will receive a photo of a ROW OF CANDLES and also receive the item MATCHES. These candles are in the Burial Room (you may or may not have noticed them earlier), and the matches we just received shall light them. We should head to the Burial Room next. Climb both ladders, work your way around the top level and exit. O--------------------O |----- CORRIDOR -----| O--------------------O Run along to the other end of the corridor and go through the door. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Save your game - again. Trust me. Go through the door in the south. Ready your camera as you open the door... O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Straight away: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Girl Pointing Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Burial Room Movement Type: Stationary This little girl is in the room before you've even opened the door. Simply go into Camera Mode and shoot - you shouldn't even need to aim, although you can adjust it slightly if you're unsure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, by the way. Switch back to TYPE-37 FILM again. *Grins* Approach the candles on the table straight ahead. Examine them for a puzzle. You'll see three white candles and three red candles. We just need to make the candles match the photo, either by lighting them or blowing out their flame. The only thing that complicates this puzzle is the fact that when you activate one candle, this has an effect on the candles on either side of it. For instance, if you blow out a candle, the candles on either side of it will light up. And if you light a candle, the candles on either side of it will go out. Make sense? Using this diagram, which mimics the puzzle you see onscreen, select the candles in the order indicated below: --- --- --- --- --- --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- --- --- --- --- --- Activate the candles in this order: 4 - 2 - 5 - 4. Upon completing the puzzle, you will receive SCROLL. 3...2...1... Oh, look who it is! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Fight #4) # # # # STRATEGY - Blinded starts this battle behind you, so go into Camera Mode # # and do a quick turn. You should know the gist by now. Sure, # # your battle arena isn't ideal, but the same rules still apply. # # She should have exactly the same amount of health as last # # time, by the way. # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # The only exception to this rule is that if she's so close # # that she's going to find you anyway, shoot her then do a # # runner. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # It usually takes three good TYPE-37 FILM shots to defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# *Sigh* There's certainly a lot more ghost battles in this chapter! Switch back to TYPE-14 FILM. If you're worried about any impending encounters, run back to the Rubble Room and save your game. Whatever you decide to do, go through the east door to enter the Cherry Atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O For the first time in a while, we're going to return to the room we started this chapter in: the Doll's Room, which is behind the latticed fence. It should be unsealed now. O---------------------O |----- DOLL ROOM -----| O---------------------O Take a few steps into the room to initiate another ghost battle. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - CRAWLING GIRL # # # # STRATEGY - This is exactly the same ghost you fought in here on the 1st # # night, so this battle should be familiar. This time we have a # # few advantages. There is no longer a hole in the middle of the # # room, making maneuvering a lot easier. Also, you should have # # a few upgrades on your camera by now, meaning we are more # # powerful. As soon as the ghost appears, aim at her with at the # # same time as moving away from her. You should be able to get # # a fully-charged hit on her. After hitting her, run as far away # # from her as you can, turn around, and repeat. # # # # Just remember: this ghost turns invisible quite often, so be # # patient. Don't forget that she has a paralysing attack, so if # # you see her sit up then just shoot her straight away in order # # to interrupt the attack. # # # # Three shots with TYPE-14 FILM will defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# You'll hear that familiar noise once you've defeated the ghost. Your filament should glow blue when you face the southeast wall. Go into camera mode and take a picture to learn of this girl's fate. It seems that Man With Long Arms had a thing for children... There is a very, very hard-to-catch moving ghost coming up in the next room. If you really want to collect it, you'd better go back to the Rubble Room and save your game first, as you probably won't get this one on the first try. When you are ready to continue, examine the strange-looking wall on the east side of the room to use the SCROLL. This reveals a hidden door leading back to an area of the game we haven't visited in a while... O-----------------------O |----- KIMONO ROOM -----| O-----------------------O After you take a couple of steps into the room, one of the most difficult ghosts in the game makes an appearance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Kid Hiding Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Kimono Room Movement Type: Moving There will be screens of kimonos on the opposite side of the room. This ghost will appear behind these screens, and run from one side to the other. As he is behind the screens, the only way for us to get this picture is to wait for his head to appear as he passes one of the gaps and snap the picture as quickly as we can. This ghost is so quick that he will have disappeared before you even knew he was there. It helps to have good Range upgrades for this one - but it only helps a little. What you need here are luck and reflexes. The moment the game tells you that a ghost has appeared, go into Camera Mode and aim at the left gap in the kimonos. Try to watch the kid's feet at the bottom as an indicator as to whereabouts he is. When you see his feet approach the gap, shoot. If you are lucky you will have captured the boy in the half-second or so you have to do so. If you fail, and you desperately want this ghost, reload from your last save. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the northeast corner of the room is a SPIRIT STONE, and if you examine the mirror stand from the first chapter you can obtain the document LADY'S DIARY SCRAP. Exit the room via the east door. O-------------------O |----- LIBRARY -----| O-------------------O Remember that closet where we found Ogata's ghost earlier? Open it now to obtain some powerful TYPE-74 FILM. Examine the chest of drawers in the southwest corner of the room for another SPIRIT STONE. Exit through the east door. (You may hear some footsteps or tapping... This is just ambient noise.) O------------------------O |----- LAMP HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O Look in the alcove at the top end of the corridor for some TYPE-37 FILM. Then head along the corridor and round the corner. You might want to swap to TYPE-37 FILM now, depending on how confident you are in your ghost-battling abilities. Go through the door at the end. O--------------------------O |----- FIREPLACE ROOM -----| O--------------------------O Take a few steps forward. *CUTSCENE* We finally get to settle things with the brat. Good! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BOY HIDING # # # # STRATEGY - This little boy is not to be underestimated. He can and will # # teleport often, making it difficult to charge up a good shot. # # He also moves pretty quickly, and can deal a lot of damage. # # # # Start the battle by looking around and finding the ghost. Once # # you have located him, go into Camera Mode and charge up as # # much as you can. From here the ghost will take some of the # # following strategies: # # # # 1) He may move slowly towards you, before dashing at you. As # # long as you keep your distance, this isn't too much to # # worry about - you should have plenty of time to get that # # Zero Shot in. # # 2) He may teleport up into the rafters on the ceiling. So, # # when you can't find him, always look up. If you manage to # # find him while he's in the rafters you can initiate an # # immediate Zero Shot. # # 3) He may teleport directly behind you. If he suddenly # # disappears, do a quick turn. If he's right behind you, you # # should be able to get in a Zero Shot before he attacks. # # # # If you are using TYPE-37 FILM, this ghost takes 3-4 shots to # # defeat. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, you'll finally get what the boy stole from us at the beginning of the chapter: a MIRROR PIECE! So, after about 45 minutes of work, we're back where we started. If you approach the clock that the boy originally came out of, you'll notice your filament go blue. Take a picture of the clock to get find out the fate of the little boy. You can also pick up CHILD'S WRITING at the foot of the clock. Enter the little side-room where the broken staircase usually is... Ta-daaa! Yet another part of the mansion has fixed itself overnight. If you head up the stairs, you can find the OLD DIARY SCRAP if you examine the chest of drawers at the top. Head out into the main part of the top floor. Approaching the door in the north, you will find another sealed door (the door that lead to the Tatami Room on the 1st Night). Take a picture of it to get the photo ON THE BEAM. This depicts a hidden ghost in the Rope Hallway. Head back downstairs and go through the door in the northwest. O------------------------O |----- ROPE HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O Head down the hallway until your filament glows blue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Vengeance Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Rope Hallway When your filament starts to glow, go into Camera Mode and point upwards. You should see a creepy, skeletal face staring back at you. Snap it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will unseal the Tatami Room upstairs. However, before heading there we need to do something else. We're going to return to the entrance. Go through the door at the end of the corridor. O--------------------O |----- ENTRANCE -----| O--------------------O Save your game here. There is some HERBAL MEDICINE by the entrance doors. Alas, we cannot leave. The real reason we came here is on the east wall. Do you remember the mask on the wall in the first chapter? It's gone now, and we need to find it. Take a picture of where it used to be to receive a photo of it. Return to the Rope Hallway via the west door. O------------------------O |----- ROPE HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O You now have two options. You can either continue with the main objective - in which case you should skip the following box - or you can head to the Grand Hall for a new ghost battle, a hidden ghost and a couple of items. Make your choice. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! Go through the door on the left side of the corridor. This was locked on ! ! the first night, but is unlocked right now. It is also a good idea to ! ! equip TYPE-37 FILM now. ! ! ! ! ! O----------------------O ! ! |----- GRAND HALL -----| ! ! O----------------------O ! ! ! ! ! ! *CUTSCENE* ! ! ! ! ! ! ######################################################################### ! ! # # ! ! # ATTACKING GHOST - LONGHAIR WOMAN # ! ! # # ! ! # STRATEGY - This ghost starts off at the other end of the hall. This # ! ! # isn't as helpful as you'd think it would be. You'd think # ! ! # that having so much space to move would be helpful to # ! ! # you, but it's really not. In the time that it takes you to # ! ! # run from one end of the room to the other, she will have # ! ! # caught up with you. She is also one of those annoying # ! ! # side-scrolling ghosts, meaning it is quite difficult to # ! ! # keep your eye on her. She will also attack with little # ! ! # warning. Oh, and she can teleport. If you are lucky enough # ! ! # to notice her teleport, make sure to either spin around # ! ! # for a Zero Shot, or to exit Camera mode and run, as she # ! ! # will have teleported behind you for a surprise attack. # ! ! # # ! ! # It may prove difficult to charge up a good shot. The best # ! ! # thing you can do is to keep your eye on her and when you # ! ! # feel like she is getting dangerously close, shoot. She # ! ! # attacks too quickly for it to be worth risking a Zero # ! ! # Shot. # ! ! # # ! ! # You should be able to defeat her with 3-4 shots of TYPE-37 # ! ! # FILM. # ! ! # # ! ! ######################################################################### ! ! ! ! ! ! Starting from the room you entered from: there is some TYPE-14 FILM in ! ! the second partitioned room and some HERBAL MEDICINE in the third one. In ! ! the fourth partitioned room you can find a very well hidden ghost! ! ! ! ! ! ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ! Hidden Ghost: Evil Woman ! ! Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag ! ! Location: Grand Hall ! ! ! ! This ghost is hidden along the western wall in the south end of the ! ! room. She is hidden in one of the corners - you need to aim at the ! ! ceiling to find her. ! ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! ! ! ! Once you are satisfied that you have everything from this room, exit back ! ! to the Rope Hallway. ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head through the door on the right. O---------------------O |----- FIREPLACE -----| O---------------------O Climb the stairs. You might hear the sound of an instrument being played, but you can disregard it for now. As you approach the door on the top floor, you will probably see a shadow behind the nearby window. Disregard this also. It is only there for atmosphere. Open the door. Camera at the ready! O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O The moment you open the door: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man In Study Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Tatami Room The ghost of Munakata appears right ahead of you. This one is easy is you tweak your positioning a little bit. Go straight into Camera Mode, move Miku a little to the right - this should enable you to get the ghost in your sights. Capture him! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ghost leaves behind a blue flame. First, pick up MAFUYU'S NOTE off of the table ahead, and also pick up a STONE MIRROR from the nearby display if you need it. As you approach the blue flame, it will float away from you! Follow it into a room that was previously inaccessible. Listen to what the flame has to say, and search the bookcase on the left for OLD DIARY SCRAP. Take a picture of the safe in here to get a photograph of a key. You can find a SPIRIT STONE if you inspect the window. Exit the little room and head into the door in the southeast. O--------------------O |----- ANTEROOM -----| O--------------------O Here you will find a save point - I recommend that you use it! The tiny door in the north of the room is open during this chapter. It leads to the Stairway near the Cherry Atrium. However, we don't need to use it right now - just know that it is there for reference. There is a SPIRIT STONE on the small chest of drawers to the right of the small door. Exit back to the Tatami Room. O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the west door in the alcove. Oh, and, uh, equip some TYPE-37 FILM. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Open the nearby closet to obtain some TYPE-37 FILM. Carry on down the hallway. As you approach the mirror in the middle, a gut-wrenchingly familiar ghost will attack. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Fight #5) # # # # STRATEGY - Are you getting used to fighting this ghost yet? She will # # begin this battle from the hallway that the mirror is facing. # # This gives you plenty of time to charge up a good shot. # # # # As usual, you should employ your usual strategy against her. # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # The only exception to this rule is that if she's so close # # that she's going to find you anyway, shoot her then do a # # runner. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # Three strong shots with TYPE-37 FILM will defeat her. # # # ############################################################################# Switch back to TYPE-14 FILM. Head down to the bottom of the corridor where Blinded came from. You'll find a Sealed door at the end. Take a picture of it to receive a photograph of LIGHT THROUGH CREVICE. This crevice can be found in the square walkway downstairs, so return to the mirror, head left and down the stairs. Head to the east side of the "square" (check your map). You can find the aforementioned crevice on the inner wall. Look at it through your camera. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Girl Hiding Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Walkway This ghost can be found by looking through the crevice with your camera. She can be found at the far end of the gap. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This should unseal the door. If you need one, you can get a STONE MIRROR by examining the crevice. If you want a couple of extra items, you should check out the Storeroom on the inner wall on the west side of the walkway. It requires solving a puzzle to open it, but the solution is quite easy. It's another clock-face dial puzzle. Look at my diagram below, and input the code. --- / \ | 0 | \ / --- --- --- / \ / \ | 1 | | 9 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 2 | | 8 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 3 | | 7 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 6 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 5 | \ / --- The code is 7925. The door will unlock; enter. O---------------------O |----- STOREROOM -----| O---------------------O Do you remember the suit of armour directly ahead of the entrance? Go there now. You'll see a shining SPIRIT STONE on the floor. As you approach, one of the nearby chests will move around a bit. This is just a jumpscare, so try not to worry. There is also some TYPE-14 FILM hidden on the chest to the left of the suit of armour. Wind your way around the boxes and chests until you come to a dead end and a SPIRIT STONE. That's all there is in here, so it's time to return to the WALKWAY. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O I recommend unlocking the Grand Hall Door (south) and the Burial Room Door (north) right now, as this will make something much easier later on. Head upstairs and go down the middle hallway to the now unsealed door. Open and enter. O---------------------O |----- KOTO ROOM -----| O---------------------O Head a few steps to your right. *CUTSCENE* Examine the end of the table closest to the gramophone to pick up LADY'S DIARY SCRAP. Walk past the (locked) door and pick up the BRONZE KEY from a nearby shelf. When you do this, the gramophone will start playing. This is slightly unnerving, but nothing to worry about. With the new key we just found, we should be able to open the safe in the Tatami Room. Return to the Walkway. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Take the right turning at the mirror and go through the door at the end. O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Head into the opposite door and open the safe using the BRONZE KEY we just found. *CUTSCENE* After the cutscene, you'll automatically receive the RESEARCH SCRAP. (In the background, you'll notice the camera angle has changed to face the doorway. There is a reason for this.) As soon as you've read the document... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man Before Study Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Tatami Room Movement Type: Moving If you don't know that it is going to appear, this ghost may catch you by surprise, meaning that by the time you've figured out what you're doing, he has disappeared. Straight away after reading the document, turn Miku towards the doorway and THEN go into Camera Mode. You should already be pointing at the ghost, so capture him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prepare yourself as you go to exit the room. Read the following box before leaving. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Observatory Man Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Tatami Room This ghost will walk away from you as you exit the safe room. The thing that makes this so difficult is that if you try to follow him by entering the alcove, he will disappear. As you exit the safe room, try to face the main tatami room as you do so. This means you will have to aim less. Go into Camera Mode the moment this ghost appears (and he does so very suddenly). If you are facing the right direction, it should be easy enough for you to slightly adjust your aim and capture this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter the main tatami room and go through the north double doors, out onto the balcony. O-----------------------O |----- OBSERVATORY -----| O-----------------------O *CUTSCENE* The purpose of doing this was to activate an item in the Cherry Atrium. It will have appeared next to the tree where we usually see the hanging ghost. Exit back to the Tatami Room. O-----------------------O |----- TATAMI ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the southeast door. O--------------------O |----- ANTEROOM -----| O--------------------O Save your game, as you will soon be battling a new (and tough) ghost. Do you remember the tiny door at the back of this room? We can use it as a faster way to access the Cherry Atrium. Go through it now. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Ta-daaa! Go down the stairs. (NOTE - It is not uncommon to have a random encounter against Bound Man as you descend the stairs.) At the bottom, exit through the west door. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Switch to TYPE-37 FILM if you aren't already using it. Go down the steps into the main garden area and over to the big cherry blossom tree. Attempt to pick up the shining item at the foot of the tree for a cutscene. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - WOMAN HANGING # # # # STRATEGY - We're lucky enough to have the Cherry Atrium as our arena. You # # should use the large amount of space to your advantage. I # # recommend staying in this large garden area, as you have # # space to get away if you need to. DO NOT return to the porch # # area, as you will lose mobility and visibility here. # # # # Yae is both fast-moving and turns invisible fairly often. This # # makes it hard to keep track on her, as whilst you're trying to # # find her she could be sneaking up on you for an attack. If # # you don't know where she is, come out of Camera Mode and run # # around until you find her. Don't forget that you're far less # # mobile in Camera Mode, so you stand no chance of doding her # # attacks. # # # # She has an unusual movement pattern. When she is far away from # # you, she will move in a straight line towards you. When she # # reaches mid-range, she will start to go from side-to-side, # # making her difficult to follow. When she gets close to you, # # she will start going in a straight line again so that she can # # initiate an attack. # # # # Yae has two attacks. The first one is her standard attack - # # when she gets close enough to you, she will dash at you for a # # grab (like all ghosts). This one is easy to see coming, and it # # is pretty easy to get a Zero Shot here if you know she's close # # enough. Her second attack if very easy to spot. She will stop # # moving and clutch her head for a few seconds (the perfect time # # for you to charge up and get a Zero Shot). However, after # # those few seconds are over, she will teleport right on top of # # Miku, immediately grabbing and attacking her. Try to run away # # before she initiates this attack. # # # # Yae has quite a lot of health. She also causes quite a lot of # # damage when she gets hold of Miku - from a full health bar, # # she could kill you in three hits. # # # # This is a difficult battle, and you may get hit a few times. # # Depending on your luck and skill, she will take anywhere # # between 4-6 shots with TYPE-37 FILM to defeat. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, you receive a photograph of a ROW OF JAPANESE DOLLS. Return to the base of the cherry blossom tree and pick up the photo album. You will receive several things here: YAE'S DEATH NOTE, DEMON TAG GIRLS PHOTO, FAMILY PHOTO and KIRIE PHOTO. If you examine the photo of the Japanese Dolls, it should look familiar to you. This is your clue to go to the Doll Room, behind the latticed gate on the porch. Head there now. O---------------------O |----- DOLL ROOM -----| O---------------------O There is a small puzzle in here regarding the dolls in the photo. If you look at the table in the west, you'll see a small display with several dolls on it - the one from the photo. Take a picture of it to see a doll in the middle, covering her eyes. Now approach the table on the opposite side of the room, where you'll find another display or dolls. Once you examine this, you'll hear some children singing, and a phrase will appear on the screen. "Who is in the front of the back?" This sounds more complicated than it is. We are basically looking for the doll who is "in front" of the doll at "the back". In the picture we just took, it put emphasis on the centre doll. So here, we will base our phrase on the centre doll. Which doll is at the back of the centre doll? The doll behind it. And which doll is in front of the back doll (which is facing to the right)? The doll at the back right. This is the doll we must take. I recognise how confusing this may be, so I'll provide a visual diagram for you to reference. ------- !!!!!!!!!! | | ! ! | D | ! TAKE ! | O | ! THIS ! | L | ! DOLL ! | L | ! ! | | ! ! ------- !!!!!!!!!! ------- ------- | | | | | D | | D | | O | | O | | L | | L | | L | | L | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | | | D | | O | | L | | L | | | ------- I hope that made sense! Once you pick the right doll, you will receive KAGOME DOLL. Take this doll to the display on the opposite table and use it. This opens a drawer - you will rececive the ANGRY MASK. This mask was originally in the entrance (the room where you started the game). We should return there now. There are two ways we can do this, depending on what you've already done and what you DON'T want to do. Read the two options: ------------------------ OPTION 1 - THE QUICK WAY: ------------------------ This route is only a good option if: *You unlocked the Burial Room and Grand Hall doors via the walkway earlier on. *You defeated Long Hair Woman in the Grand Hall earlier on. Return to the Cherry Atrium via the north door. Go to the Burial Room through the west door. Go to the Walkway through the south door. Go to the Grand Hall through the south door. (If you didn't fight LONG HAIR WOMAN here earlier on, you will have to do so now. Refer to the Optional Grand Hall box earlier in the guide for tips.) Go through all of the partitions and through the door at the other end to enter the Rope Hallway. Go through the south door to find yourself at the Entrance. (A rope may swing down and scare you on the way.) --------- OPTION 2: --------- Return to the Cherry Atrium via the north door. Go to the Stairway through the east door. Go up the stairs and behind the wall to enter the Anteroom through the south door. Go to the Tatami Room through the west door. Go to the Fireplace through the south door. Go down the stairs and into the Rope Hallway through the northwest door. Go through the south door to find yourself at the Entrance. (A rope may swing down and scare you on the way.) O--------------------O |----- ENTRANCE -----| O--------------------O Save your game here and hang the ANGRY MASK on the east wall. This reveals a hidden door - go through it! O-----------------------O |----- HIDDEN PASS -----| O-----------------------O Before you carry on down the corridor, look at the door you entered through and take the ANGRY MASK back off of it. You won't need to go back through this door for a while, and we need the mask for something else. Carry on down the corridor and pick up the TYPE-37 FILM on the ground at the corner. As you continue, a ghost will appear down the end of the corridor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Hall Wanderer Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Hidden Pass Movement Type: Stationary This ghost appears in front of you. He will look at you for a few seconds. You have loads of time to take his picture! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may see your filament glowing blue. So before we go towards the area where we just saw the ghost, we need to go down the north corridor. You'll find a sealed door on the right. Take a picture of it to get the photograph MASK ON THE PILLAR. We can't do anything for now - including taking the mask on the door - so keep going all the way down the hall. There is a door that leads to the Lamp Hallway, but we don't need to go there now. Take the JOYFUL MASK from the door, though. Head back down the hallway, where you may hear static to accompany your blue filament. There is a very well hidden ghost here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Talking Ghosts Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Hidden Passage The easiest way to find this ghost is to return to beginning of the north corridor, where there is a split between the corridors. Your filament should be blue here. Go into Camera Mode, face the small west corridor and look up into the rafters. If you shuffle around a bit you should see your capture circle go blue - take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Finally, go down the long east corridor, where we saw the ghost. Pick up the SACRED WATER at the end, before checking the door with the SAD MASK on it. Do not take the mask, choose to go through the door instead. O---------------------O |----- MASK ROOM -----| O---------------------O Firstly, take the SAD MASK from the door behind you. Pick up some rare TYPE-74 FILM in the dead end in the southwest corner. Then go to the opposite end of the corridor and listen to what the blue flame has to say. Continue around the corner until You find some steps leading up to the platform in the middle. Ascend them. Pick up the RESEARCH SCRAP to the right. Now go around to the west side of the pillar, where you will find the HAPPY MASK. Switch to TYPE-37 FILM and try to take the mask. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Fight #6) # # # # STRATEGY - As usual, your main disadvantage is your arena. This time, you # # have a giant pillar in the way. The usual rules apply. You # # just need to be more patient. If Blinded goes into a wall, # # just try to follow the distortion around her until she # # reappears. Listen for her teleporting sound. # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # The only exception to this rule is that if she's so close # # that she's going to find you anyway, shoot her then do a # # runner. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # She should take three good shots with TYPE-37 FILM to # # defeat. # # # ############################################################################# Switch back to TYPE-14 FILM and take the HAPPY MASK from the pillar. Go back down the steps and head over to the door in the north wall. Hang the HAPPY MASK on the door and go through it. O-------------------------O |----- SQUARE GARDEN -----| O-------------------------O You don't need to take the HAPPY MASK, so just leave it on the door. This area consists of a garden that is surrounded by a wooden walkway. Directly in front of you when you walk in, there is MAFUYU'S NOTE on the floor. Start making your way around the outer walkway, heading west first. Pick up the HERBAL MEDICINE on your way. Towards the north, you wil find a door leading back to the Lamp Hallway (unlock it but don't enter), and a pair of double doors with a pentagram/carving lock on it. Take a picture of the doors to get a photograph of SOME STONE MONUMENT. This monument is in this very room. Continue working your way around the walkway until you find some steps. Go down them, into the garden. Find the monument from the picture in the garden, and examine it. You will receive the GOLD CARVING that we need for the pentagram puzzle. There is also a SPIRIT STONE on the ground behind the monument. Save your game at the save camera whilst you're down here, as there is a pretty tough boss up ahead. Go back up the steps onto the walkway, and return to the pentagram puzzle doors. Examine them to start the puzzle. Referencing my diagram below, enter the solution that I give you. --- --- / \ / \ | 5 | | 1 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 2 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 3 | \ / --- Move the carvings in this order: 2 - 4 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 4. Miku will insert the GOLD CARVING automatically. Miku will go through the doors... O-----------------------O |----- BHUDDA ROOM -----| O-----------------------O We need to collect some items before we trigger a battle against a new, challenging ghost. First, go to the southeast corner of the room and pick up the TYPE-14 FILM. Equip your TYPE-37 FILM if you haven't already and go over to a short altar in the north of the room, where you'll see the MASK OF REFLECTION shimmering. Pick it up... ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - FOLKLORIST'S (Fight #1) # # # # STRATEGY - This ghost can be tough - if you don't know what to look out # # for. Firstly, remember that he can and will teleport often. # # Luckily, when he teleports, he usually only teleports a couple # # of feet to one side, making him easy to keep track of. He's # # also got painstakingly slow movement, so charging up a good # # shot should be easy enough. # # # # He turns invisible every couple of seconds, before becoming # # visible again. This doesn't pose much of a problem, though. # # # # Your arena is pretty big, so big that not even the various # # pillars should cause you many problems. The ghost should be # # visible at most times. # # # # Mr. Munakata has a few attacks. First is his standard attack, # # where he will get close to you before doing the usual dash. # # It's not tough to get a Zero Shot, here. The second attack is # # a sneak-attack. Sometimes he will teleport and disappear - # # this means he is right behind you, so if you can't find him, # # come out of Camera Mode and run straight forward. If you don't # # then the ghost will probably attack you from behind. # # # # There is another attack that I have only witnessed in Battle # # Mode, but I'll put it here just in case. The Folklorist has a # # hypnosis attack. He will cast this on Miku, and she will begin # # to walk towards him uncontrollably. If this happens, button # # mash and hopefully Miku will snap out of it. When you regain # # control, try to run away before Munakata grabs you! # # # # The final attack is one of the first long-range attacks you'll # # have seen from a ghost. Munakata will crouch down; this is how # # you know that he's preparing his long-range attack. If you let # # him attack, he will howl at Miku - the sound damages her, no # # matter how far away you are. If you see the ghost doing this # # then you need to SHOOT in order to interrupt the attack. # # # # Munakata can be defeated with 4-6 good shots with TYPE-37 # # FILM. # # # ############################################################################# Well done! Return to the Square Garden via the south double doors. NOTE - The MASK OF REFLECTION is basically a "master mask" - as in, it can open any of the mask doors. This means that we can take all the other masks. O-------------------------O |----- SQUARE GARDEN -----| O-------------------------O As usual after a tough fight, I would recommend that you save your game via the camera in the garden. Make your way back to the Mask Room in the south. As you do so, there is a strong chance that a random ghost will attack you. I got Broken Neck, but others have said that they got Wandering Man. Deal with whichever you get before going through the south door. O---------------------O |----- MASK ROOM -----| O---------------------O Before moving forward, take the HAPPY MASK from the door behind you. Go up the steps and examine every side of the pillar - hang up all the masks you have. Miku automatically places them all in the right place. Upon placing all of the masks on the hooks, a door unlocks somewhere. Go to the door in the south and use the Mask of Reflection. Go through the door. O-----------------------O |----- HIDDEN PASS -----| O-----------------------O Leave the Mask of Reflection behind - we no longer need it. Go down the north corridor and go through the door on the right. This is the door we just unlocked. O-------------------------O |----- BLINDING ROOM -----| O-------------------------O We're finally about to obtain that Blinding Mask that everyone keeps going on about. First, pick up the SPIRIT STONE in the southeast corner. Then pick up the BLINDING MASK from the shrine in the north. We finally have what we need to get through those huge doors in the Demon Mouth! NOTE - As soon as you get the BLINDING MASK, all of the other masks return to their respective doors. Creepy, but useful. Exit the room. O-----------------------O |----- HIDDEN PASS -----| O-----------------------O The moment the door shuts behind you... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man In Hall Chapter: 2nd Night - Demon Tag Location: Hidden Pass Movement Type: Moving An easy one. Munakata strolls across the opening to the other passageways. Just turn towards the opening, aim for the head and shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Munakata leaves behind a blue flame. Listen to what it has to say before going through the west door. O--------------------O |----- ENTRANCE -----| O--------------------O Save your game. We have a long way to go to the Demon Mouth. Not only do you have two tough ghost battles coming up, you also have a chance of running into a random ghost encounter. Go through the west door into the Rope Hallway. O------------------------O |----- ROPE HALLWAY -----| O------------------------O Again, we have two options of getting to the Demon Mouth depending on what doors you have unlocked. Here they are: ----------------------- OPTION 1: THE QUICK WAY ----------------------- *This way is only accessible if you previously unlocked the Grand Hall via the Walkway Go left at the mirror and through the door, into the Grand Hall. Go all the way to the other end of the hall and through the door, into the Walkway. Go through the north door and into the Burial Room. Go through the north door and into the Rubble Room. Save your game and go through the double doors in the north, to the Corridor. (You might have felt an earthquake on your way - this is just for ambience.) Switch to TYPE-37 FILM. Follow the corridor to the double doors, and into the Demon Mouth. --------- OPTION 2: --------- Go right at the mirror and through the door, into Fireplace. Go up the stairs and through the door at the top, into the Tatami Room. Go through the door in the east, into the Anteroom. Go through the tiny door at the back, into the Stairway. Go behind the long wall and down the stairs. Go through the east door, to the Cherry Atrium. Go through the west door, into the Burial Room. Go through the north door, into the Rubble Room. Save your game, and go through the north double doors, into the Corridor. (You might feel an earthquake on your way - this is just for ambience.) Switch to TYPE-37 FILM. Follow the corridor to the double doors, and into the Demon Mouth. O-----------------------O |----- DEMON MOUTH -----| O-----------------------O Here we go again. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACK GHOST - FOLKLORIST'S (Final fight) # # # # STRATEGY - Your arena can give you both advantages and disadvantages in # # this battle. If Munakata gets behind you, he'll be in a wall # # and you won't be able to charge a shot. However, it's easy # # to get distance in here. Munakata can float towards you over # # the pit. His attacks, speed and teleportation are exactly the # # same as before. My suggested strategy is: # # # # 1) Run around the edge to get far away from the ghost. # # 2) Turn and charge a shot. # # 3) Shoot when your shot is fully-charged, or when you're # # worried that the ghost is getting too close. # # 4) Run away while he is stunned, rinse and repeat. # # # # As with before, if you see him crouch down, shoot in order to # # interrupt his long-range attack. If you know he's teleported, # # exit Camera Mode and run away as he's probably behind you. # # # # There's a lot of running/getting caught on walls in this # # battle, so you must be patient. Don't take risks. # # # # It will take four-seven shots with TYPE-37 FILM to defeat him, # # depending on your luck/skill. # # # ############################################################################# Keep your TYPE-37 FILM equipped. Climb down the ladders to the bottom level of the Demon Mouth. Do you remember, waaaay back in the chapter, that we originally examined a piece of wall to the right of the huge doors? We need to rexamine this bit of wall for a cutscene. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - BLINDED (Final Fight) # # # # STRATEGY - Right, on the plus side, we've fought this ghost several times # # before and the strategy never changes. AND, we've also fought # # her in this room before, so we know about being patient with # # her disappearing behind pillars. On the downside, since this # # is our final fight with Blinded, she's got a bit more health. # # That just means that it'll just take a bit longer. # # # # As usual, here is your list of rules to follow. Good luck! # # # # 1) Do not move Miku. You can move the camera, but you cannot # # move Miku. If you move Miku, Blinded will attack. # # 2) Only hit Blinded with a Zero Shot. So aim at her until # # your camera is fully charged, wait for the capture circle # # to go orange, and THEN shoot. Any shot less powerful than # # this will make her attack, even if it does damage her. # # 3) Blinded can teleport, and when she does, she usually # # reappears RIGHT behind Miku. So if she has teleported, # # do a quick-turn with the TRIANGLE button, charge your shot # # and then shoot. # # # # After 4-6 strong shots with TYPE-37 FILM, Blinded will be # # defeated. And will leave you alone! # # # ############################################################################# And that's the end of that! Return to that bit of wall next to the door and place the BLINDING MASK on it. *CUTSCENE* Go through the door, into the darkness... O-----------------------O |----- BANNED PATH -----| O-----------------------O At the end of the tunnel, you'll find the body of Ryozo Munakata. Approach it. *CUTSCENE* It's just like at the end of the first night. Kirie will begin to chase you, and you can do nothing to stop her. Don't even try wasting your film on her. Just stand there and do nothing. Or better yet - walk into her with open arms... ================================================================= /\ | | /\ /||\ THIRD NIGHT: CALAMITY /||\ \||/ | | \||/ \/ ================================================================= \/ (PZ9.4) =========================================================== || CHAPTER NOTES || || || || * This night is dedicated to uncovering the story of || || the "Calamity", when the Holy Mirror broke. || || * Your health is now full, if it wasn't before. || || * Possible Random Encounters: Bound Man, Broken Neck, || || Wandering Man, Wandering Monk, People Killed. || || * Hidden Ghosts on this night are worth 3,000 each. || || * This night is shorter than the previous one. || || * Most of the ghosts on this night are very tough. || || * If you have maxed out all of your Camera's Basic || || performances, focus on upgrading the Bonus || || Performances. || =========================================================== O-----------------------O |----- DEMON MOUTH -----| O-----------------------O Miku awakens in front of the double doors. We need to go through them again in order to get some useful items. Do so now! O-----------------------O |----- BANNED PATH -----| O-----------------------O Don't worry, Kirie's gone. At least, for now. If you stick to the left side of the path you can find a Hidden Ghost. Wait for your filament to go blue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Munakata Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Banned Path You can find Munakata's ghost in the rubble on the floor on the left-hand side of the path. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you continue down the path, you'll be attacked by THREE ghosts. Don't panic, it's not that bad. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - PEOPLE KILLED # # # # STRATEGY - Yes, the fact that there are three ghosts attacking at once # # does slightly complicate this battle. But they all have very # # little health, they're all rather slow and they don't cause # # much damage if they DO get you. # # # # Run to the very end of the path and turn around. Charge up a # # shot against the nearest ghost and shoot (either via a Core # # Shot or a Zero Shot - your choice). If you are lucky, you # # will have damaged multiple ghosts. # # # # You genuinely shouldn't struggle against these guys. If you # # don't feel confident in your abilities, then by all means use # # TYPE-37 FILM. If you do, each ghost will only take two fairly- # # strong shots to defeat. However, I like to preserve my # # stronger films, so I used TYPE-14 FILM against these ghosts. # # You'll probably only have to use 6-8 shots in total for this # # encounter, and you should have that many to spare. # # # ############################################################################# Once you have defeated the ghosts, head to the very end of the path until you activate a cutscene. *CUTSCENE* After the cutscene, take THE CALAMITY scroll from the rubble, and pick up the SPIRIT STONE from the floor nearby. On your way back up to the Demon Mouth, you can also find some HERBAL MEDICINE. As you approach the doors to the Demon Mouth... *CUTSCENE* Pick up the RESEARCH SCRAP from the ground on the left. Leave the tunnel and return to the Demon Mouth. O-----------------------O |----- DEMON MOUTH -----| O-----------------------O Climb up both ladders and go through the double doors on the other side of the pit. O--------------------O |----- CORRIDOR -----| O--------------------O Run down the corridor. About halfway down, your camera filament will turn orange... ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - FLOATING FACE # # # # STRATEGY - This ghost doesn't even look like a face. It just looks like # # a white cloud floating towards you. # # # # This ghost is easy if you remember the rules. It appears in # # front of you, so go straight into Camera Mode and find it. # # It spends a fair amount of time invisible, so be patient while # # you charge up a shot. When you have a fully-charged shot, # # make sure the ghost is invisible before snapping it. # # # # The ghost is able to teleport right behind you, in the same # # manner as Blinded did. This is the perfect time to get a Zero # # Shot, as it will wait for about 3 seconds before attacking. # # When/if you see the ghost disappear and hear its teleporting # # noise, immediately do a quick-turn and find it behind you. # # Snap it before it attacks you to deal critical damage. # # # # This ghost should take three shots with TYPE-14 FILM to # # defeat, or two Zero Shots. # # # ############################################################################# Upon defeating the ghost, carry on to the end of the corridor and go through the double doors. O-----------------------O |----- RUBBLE ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Save your game at the camera and head over to the door in the south. It is sealed on this night. Take a picture of it to receive a picture of a RUBBISH HEAP. This "rubbish heap" is in this very room. Head over to the northeast rubbish heap (the one directly opposite the door to the burial room) and go into Camera Mode to find this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Crushed Woman Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Rubble Room At the rubble pile opposite the Burial Room door, face the northeast corner of the room and point your camera at the rubble. After a bit of shuffling about, you'll find this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This unseals the Burial Room door. Go through it! O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Head towards the east door. As you do so... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Man in Atrium Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Burial Room Movement Type: Moving This man appears directly in front of you, walking towards the door to the Cherry Atrium. Simply go into Camera Mode and shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before following the ghost into the Cherry Atrium, head to the south door (the one that leds to the Walkway) and pick up the HERBAL MEDICINE at the dead end. NOW go through the door to the Cherry Atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go down the porch steps (lightning will strike suddenly to make you jump) and go over to that building in the northwest corner (the Moon Shrine). The doors are sealed with one of those pentagram puzzles. Take a picture of the doors to receive a picture of a HUGE ALTAR; the altar in the Bhudda Room. That's quite far away! Luckily there is a quick way to get there now; we'll explore this in a bit. Check the corner behind the pillar on the left side of the Moon Shrine steps for a SPIRIT STONE. Head over to the cherry blossom tree for a Hidden Ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Yae Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Cherry Atrium Point up at the left-most branch of the tree to find Yae's spirit. When the capture circle goes blue, take the picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the porch and go up the steps. Now head to the east door, where a ghost will appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Turning Mask Man Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Cherry Atrium Movement Type: Stationary The man appears at the door to the Stairway and turns towards Miku. This is another easy one: take it slow and just point and shoot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a tough battle coming up soon, so it's up to you if you want to return to the Rubble Room or the Anteroom to save your game. Go through the east door. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O We can access the Bhudda Room via a door only accessible on this night. This room is down the corridor opposite the mirror, and on the right hand side. O-----------------------O |----- BHUDDA ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go to the altar and pick up the CERMONIAL ROPE, and you'll also receive the DOCUMENT ON BINDING. You need to place these ropes on the various Bhudda Statues in the room in the correct order. The document you picked up holds the solution. First, put a rope on the northwest statue. Then, put a rope on the northeast statue. Next, put a rope on the southwest statue. Finally, put a rope on the southeast statue. If you look on the map, you are essentially approaching the statues in a "Z" shape. The altar at the back of the room should open. Walk over to it and pick up the TEAL CARVING. *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - FAMILY MASTER (Fight #1) # # # # STRATEGY - This fight is really quite tough. The Family Master has a # # movement pattern similar to that of the Folklorist (who we # # previously fought in this room): he will teleport a few feet # # sideways and turn invisible fairly frequently. With each # # teleportation he moves closer to you. # # # # He's much quicker than the Folklorist though, and because of # # his katana his attacks can hit you from quite far away. # # # # His first attack is the one that happens if he gets too # # close to you. He will swing his katana at Miku, inflicting # # damage. This will stun her for less time than a standard ghost # # grab would, though, so you can get away quickly. He also has # # a combo attack with his katana, where he will swing it several # # times in a row (this one can be difficult to get away from). # # # # His last attack can be very annoying if he manages to # # initiate it. He will laugh at Miku, before summoning three # # ghost heads and sending them after her. It is possible to # # interrupt this attack if you shoot him before he sends the # # heads. If you do not interrupt the attack, the ghosts will # # head towards Miku at a medium pace. If they reach her, they # # will cause the same effect that a grabbing-ghost would on # # Miku, stunning her and inflicting fairly weak damage. However, # # the stun will leave Miku open to a katana attack from the # # Family Master. This can also leave Miku with a unique effect; # # her vision through both the camera and her main view will be # # distorted for a while, making aiming difficult. # # # # The main thing to remember is that you need to attempt to stay # # out of the Family Master's reach. He really does have the best # # range out of any ghost in this game, so you need be far away # # in order to charge up a good shot. Try running to one end of # # the room, charging a shot, shooting when he gets to close and # # running through the ghost when he's stunned. By the time he is # # unstunned, hopefully you will be at the other end of the room # # charging up a new shot. # # # # Using TYPE-37 FILM, you could defeat this ghost in anywhere # # between 4-7 shots. # # # ############################################################################# Well done! He's always a tough one to beat. However, this night is filled with difficult ghost fights. We need to make our way to the Moon Shrine now. Head back to the Stairway via the west door. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O At this point, I recommend heading to the Anteroom to save your game. To do this, go up the stairs, behind the long wall and through the tiny door in the north. Save your game, and return to the bottom of the stairs. Exit through the east door. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Head over to the Moon Shrine and examine the door for another Pentagram Puzzle. You should be getting pretty good at these by now, but they do get tricky. For the solution, consult my diagram below and move the indicated carvings according to the code I give below. --- --- / \ / \ | 5 | | 1 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 2 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 3 | \ / --- The solution is: 5 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 3. Miku will insert the TEAL CARVING which leaves you free to enter the new building. O-----------------------O |----- MOON SHRINE -----| O-----------------------O Examine the cabinet in the middle of the room to receive a RESEARCH SCRAP. The document explains that in order to reveal the door hidden behind the cabinet, we must seek out the ghosts of the men who pulled the ropes in the Strangling Ritual. There are four in all, the Family Master who we just fought (we must find him again) and his four head priests. Before we leave to seek out the ghosts, notice that each side of the cabinet has air distortion and is making your filament go blue. Take a picture of each side; you will receive pictures of STONE MONUMENT (in the Cherry Atrium), STONE BURIAL MOUND (in the Abyss), GRAVESTONE (in the Backyard) and HUGE STONE MONUMENT (in the Square Garden). This is where we will find our priests. Make sure your TYPE-37 FILM is equipped and head out to the atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Walk up to the stone monument in the centre of the atrium to trigger the first priest battle. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - HEADLESS PRIEST I # # # # STRATEGY - This battle is a bit easier than you'd expect. What you need # # to remember about fighting these priests is that they all have # # a base movement and attack pattern. The priests will swithc # # between headless and having a head. When they are headless, # # they are invincible so you just need to dodge any attacks and # # wait for the head to return before you can do any damage. # # # # This priest has two attacks. First is his standard grab attack # # which he will do by gliding towards Miku. This is as easy to # # avoid or get a Zero Shot on as it is with any other ghost. # # However, it does inflict a fair amount of damage if it DOES # # hit Miku so it's your choice whether to risk it or not. # # # # The second attack is quite annoying, but easy to notice and # # a good chance to charge up some good shots. The priest will # # stop and start gesticulating. This means that he is about to # # summon a blue flame. These blue flames come after Miku, and if # # they hit her they cause damage and stun her for a bit. If you # # keep your camera on the ghost just as he is about to summon # # a flame, you can get an easy Zero Shot and interrupt the # # attack. # # # # This priest is actually fairly slow. He will start out above # # the grave - go straight into Camera Mode and start charging up # # an attack. Try and get a good shot on him, or if possible a # # Zero Shot as these are quite easy to inflict. # # # # Your strategy can go one of two ways, depending on how your # # priest chooses his first attack. If he starts by gliding at # # Miku then he's probably going for a grab attack - keep your # # camera on him, charge up an attack and try to shoot him before # # he gets you. Remember to make sure he has a head! # # # # If you are lucky, you can win this battle without even having # # to move. The priest may start by summoning a blue flame. If # # this happens, just keep charging attacks and stunning him, and # # sneaking in that Zero Shot when given the opportunity. If you # # are lucky enough to be able to do this, it will be a very easy # # fight. # # # # Depending on your luck and skill, this priest can be defeated # # in 4-7 TYPE-37 FILM SHOTS. # # # ############################################################################# Well done! Move around the Stone Monument until you find PRIESTS WRITINGS on the floor. If you are nervous about fighting another priest now, run back to the Rubble Room to save your game (via the west door and then the north door). When you are ready, go through the Cherry Atrium's north door. O-----------------O |----- ABYSS -----| O-----------------O Before we activate the next battle, let's get another Hidden Ghost (just think of all those Spirit Points they're worth on this night!). Go over to the waterwheel and your filament will turn blue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Hirasaka Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Abyss We return to the scene of Tomoe's death to find her ghost, still in agony. She can be found on the narrow side of the waterwheel closest to the door you entered through. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow both piers in the north all the way to the end to activate another priest battle. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - HEADLESS PRIEST II # # # # STRATEGY - As with the previous priest battle, this ghost can only be # # damaged when he has a head. So when he is headless, dodge his # # attacks until his head appears, at which point you can start # # charging attacks. # # # # This priest is a little more dangerous than the last one. When # # he is has his head, he will move from side to side as he # # advances towards Miku. This makes it more difficult to get a # # shot. His grab attack is extremely damaging, so avoid it at # # all costs. # # # # As usual, there is the standard grab attack. Then, there is a # # "sneak attack". You'll know when the priest is about to do # # this, as he'll suddenly rise into the air before disappearing. # # When he reappears, he will be directly above Miku, ready to # # grab her. So when you know he's disappeared, run for it. # # # # This priest can also send blue flames after you, three in # # quick succession. This is very annoying and difficult to # # avoid, but do try to dodge them as they inflict small but # # meaningful damage. # # # # It's a bit easier to defeat this priest, stamina-wise. He can # # be defeated in 4-5 shots with TYPE-37 FILM. # # # ############################################################################# Return to the monument at the end of the pier for PRIEST'S WRITINGS. Exit the abyss. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go up the steps onto the porch and take the east door. O-------------------O |----- STAIRWAY ----| O-------------------O We're going to head to the Square Garden for our next priest. We have a quicker way to get there now, though; go down the corridor opposite the mirror and through the door on the right to return to the Bhudda Room. O-----------------------O |----- BHUDDA ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the double doors in the south. O-------------------------O |----- SQUARE GARDEN -----| O-------------------------O Go around to the steps that lead into the inner garden. Head straight to the save point and save your game. When you approach the grave in the middle of the garden, the next priest battle will be triggered. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - HEADLESS PRIEST III # # # # STRATEGY - As with the previous priests, this ghost can only be harmed # # when his head is showing. He has a few attacks. First there # # is the standard grab attack, which is easy to recognise as he # # will simply drift straight at Miku. He aso has the same blue # # flame attack that the last two ghosts had, too. # # # # His third attack is similar to the teleporting attack that the # # previous priest had. He will disappear before reappearing # # beneath Miku, grabbing her ankles. You'll know when to expect # # this if you see him dive into the ground. If you see him do # # this, simply run away until he reappears. # # # # His final attack is an annoying paralysis attack. He will # # pause in mid-air and start to gesture; this likely means that # # he is about to stun and paralyse Miku. If you see a flash of # # white, this means he has succeeded. The attack can only be # # interrupted with a Zero Shot, so just go for it if you get the # # chance. # # # # I don't recommend fighting from the wooden decking; this # # usually results in losing the ghost through a wall. Try to # # stay out in the open and if you're about to get cornered, stun # # the ghost and run straight through his body to the opposite # # side of the garden. # # # # This priest can be defeated in between 4-7 shots with TYPE-37 # # FILM. # # # ############################################################################# Pick up the next PRIEST'S WRITING from the grave. Save your game again. If you want to collect some hidden ghosts for extra Spirit Points or to complete your ghost list, follow the instructions in the following box. If not, please skip the box and follow the instructions after it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! !! Go through the door in the west. !! !! !! !! !! !! O-------------------------O !! !! | ----- LAMP HALLWAY -----| !! !! O-------------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! All these newly opened doors make traveling a lot more simple! Go !! !! through the door on the inner west wall. !! !! !! !! !! !! O-------------------O !! !! |----- LIBRARY -----| !! !! O-------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! Head over to the closet in the northeast of the room. Open the closet !! !! and go into Camera Mode. !! !! !! !! !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! Hidden Ghost: Ogata !! !! Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity !! !! Location: Library !! !! !! !! Ogata's ghost can be found inside the closet. In case you haven't !! !! noticed yet, these ghosts can be found in their final resting places. !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! !! !! !! !! Return to the Lamp Hallway via the east door. !! !! !! !! !! !! O------------------------O !! !! |----- LAMP HALLWAY -----| !! !! O------------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! Go through the secret mask door in the south. !! !! !! !! !! !! O-----------------------O !! !! |----- HIDDEN PASS -----| !! !! O-----------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! Go down the corridor and through the door on your right. !! !! !! !! !! !! O-------------------------O !! !! |----- BLINDING ROOM -----| !! !! O-------------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! There is some rare TYPE-74 FILM on the altar in the north. Approach the !! !! paper lantern in the middle of the room and go into Camera Mode. !! !! !! !! !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! Hidden Ghost: Blinded Demon !! !! Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity !! !! Location: Blinding Room !! !! !! !! Blinded can be found in the spot where she died. Simply aim at the !! !! lantern and capture her. !! !! !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !! !! !! !! !! !! Exit the room. !! !! !! !! !! !! O-----------------------O !! !! |----- HIDDEN PASS -----| !! !! O-----------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! Go further down the corridor and down the east side. Go through the !! !! door at the end. !! !! !! !! !! !! O---------------------O !! !! |----- MASK ROOM -----| !! !! O---------------------O !! !! !! !! !! !! It should be noted that it is possible to have a random ghost enoucnter !! !! in here, so watch out. Climb the steps and head behind the pillar to !! !! find some SACRED WATER. This is everything now, so you should head back !! !! to the Square Garden by following these steps: !! !! !! !! 1) Exit to the Hidden Pass. !! !! 2) Head down the north corridor and go through the door at the very !! !! end, into the Lamp Hallway. !! !! 3) Go through the door in the northeast, into the Square Garden. !! !! !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ready to fight to final priest? Go through the double doors in the north. O-----------------------O |----- BHUDDA ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Go through the door in the west to return to the Stairway. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Go through the door in the north. O--------------------------O |----- FISH TANK ROOM -----| O--------------------------O As soon as you enter the room, you will have to fight a ghost. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - LONG HAIR WOMAN # # # # STRATEGY - You had the choice to fight this ghost in the Grand Hall # # during the 2nd Night. This fight, in my opinion, is much # # easier because of the size of your arena. You may not even # # have to move! # # # # As with before, Long Hair Woman moves in a sideways motion. # # Keep your camera on her and try to get some good shots. It is # # very easy to achieve a Zero Shot here, so don't forget to try # # for one if the ghost is not too close to Miku. # # # # Don't forget that she can teleport right behind Miku. However # # due to the size of your arena, most things that would be seen # # as a problem in your previous battle against her don't matter # # as much, making for a much easier fight. # # # # She can be defeated in 3-4 shots with TYPE-37 FILM. # # # ############################################################################# Pick up the TYPE-37 FILM to the left of the door you originally came through. Cross to the opposite side of the room and examine the door for ANOTHER clock-dial puzzle. Refer to my diagram below and enter the solution I give you. --- / \ | 0 | \ / --- --- --- / \ / \ | 1 | | 9 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 2 | | 8 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 3 | | 7 | \ / \ / --- --- --- --- / \ / \ | 4 | | 6 | \ / \ / --- --- --- / \ | 5 | \ / --- The solution is 1 - 3 - 4 - 7. Go through the door. O--------------------O |----- BACKYARD -----| O--------------------O Follow the path until you reach the open area, and save your game in the little shed. Head over to the monument to initiate the final priest battle. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - HEADLESS PRIEST IV # # # # STRATEGY - As with the other priests, you can only injure this one when # # his head is showing. He is tougher than the other priests # # though, mainly because of one of his attacks. # # # # The priest can sends blue flames after you, just like the # # others. That isn't what you should be worrying about, however. # # What you should worry about is his other attack. The priest # # will rise into the air and swoop towards Miku in order to grab # # her. Although this attack is fair slow, it is difficult to # # keep your eye on the ghost as he does it. If you DO manage to # # keep your eye on him, either stun him with a strong shot and # # use the time to run away from him. OR, try to get a Zero Shot # # right before he grabs Miku. # # # # This battle isn't too difficult as long as you don't get # # grabbed. Start by running away from the ghost, towards the # # area you came from. Turn around and start charging - if you # # see the capture circle go amber, take the shot in order to # # interrupt his wisp attack. If he swoops towards you, either # # go for the Zero Shot or try to dodge it. # # # # This priest has got less health than the previous ones. He # # can be easily defeated in 4-6 shots of TYPE-37 FILM. # # # ############################################################################# That's all four of them! Before heading back to the Moon Shrine, why not capture another Hidden Ghost? Follow the path to the north, picking up the PRIEST'S WRITINGS along the way. Go through the north door. O-----------------------O |----- FOREST PATH -----| O-----------------------O Follow the path all the way to the top. Beware of random ghost encounters! On the porch of the shrine is a STONE MIRROR and some uber-rare TYPE-90 FILM. Enter the shrine. O----------------------------O |----- NARUKAMI SHRINE ------| O----------------------------O Point your camera at the ceiling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Takamine Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Narukami Shrine Mr Takamine's ghost can be found in the spot where he was crucified. Find him on the ceiling and capture his spirit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retrace your steps back to the Backyard by exiting the shrine and following the forest path all the way to the door at the bottom. O--------------------O |----- BACKYARD -----| O--------------------O We need to return to the Moon Shrine now. Follow my steps to get there: 1) Go through the south door. 2) Cross to the other side of the Fish Tank Room and go through the door. 3) In the Stairway, go through the east door. 3) In the Cherry Atrium, go down the steps and into the Moon Shrine! O-----------------------O |----- MOON SHRINE -----| O-----------------------O There are now four panels on the cabinet, one on each side. On each of these panels are four switches, with the symbols we received after each Headless Priest fight. You must press the correct symbol for the correct side. The solution is below: 1) On the West panel, press the fourth symbol. 2) On the north panel, press the third symbol. 3) On the east panel, press the second symbol. 4) On the south panel, press the first symbol. *CUTSCENE* Another panel rises from the cabinet. Take a picture of the panel and you'll see river of blood. This river of blood leads us to the Family Master, who was the final one to pull the ropes in the Strangling Ritual. We can follow this to find the ghost. Exit the Moon Shrine. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Follow the blood up the steps and through the door in the west. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Run into the Rubble Room to the north to save your game, before returning here and following the blood to the Walkway. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Go through the door in the south. O----------------------O |----- GRAND HALL -----| O----------------------O We finally found him! ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - FAMILY MASTER (Final Fight) # # # # STRATEGY - This ghost fights similarly to how he did in the Bhudda Room. # # Howewver, we are in a difficult arena. The partitions are # # always getting in the way, which isn't useful given the # # Family Master's sideways teleportation. # # # # He has the same attacks as before, plus one new one (see # # below). He has his katana-swipe, his combo katana-swipe, # # and his ability to send floating heads at you. Either dodge # # or interrupt these attacks. # # # # The new attack is very damaging and fast. The Family Master # # will crouch down and draw back his sword. He will then # # rush at Miku with surprising speed and slash at her. Try to # # interrupt this if you can! If you can't, stun the ghost as he # # dashes towards you before running away. Be aware that this # # attack can also turn into a combo where he can slash you # # several times! # # # # The Family Master will start this battle on the other side of # # the room. Use this to your advantage and build up a good # # shot against him. You could probably get 2-3 good shots on # # him before he gets too close. If he does get too close, stun # # him and run through him to the other side of the room. Turn # # to face him and begin again. # # # # Due to the damage the Family Master's attacks can cause, it # # is best to get this battle finished quickly. Therefore, for # # the first time, I recommend using TYPE-74 FILM. Don't get me # # wrong, it is definitely possible to defeat the Family Master # # with 6-8 shots of TYPE-37 FILM, but it just takes too long # # and you may end up losing a lot of health items. It's best to # # stay safe. By now you should have between 30-50 rounds of # # TYPE-74 FILM, so use it here. # # # # This ghost can be defeated with 5-7 shot of TYPE-74 FILM. # # # ############################################################################# That was definitely the hardest ghost so far. So congratulations on beating him. And give yourself a pat on the back if you did so without being hurt! You should now receive the MASTER'S SEAL. There is now a Hidden Ghost in this room, though, so change back to TYPE-14 FILM and find it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Family Master Chapter: 3rd Night - Calamity Location: Grand Hall Find the ghost of the Family Master on the shelf on the west wall. Capture him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are interested, there is some TYPE-14 FILM in the second little room. There is also some well-earned TYPE-74 FILM and SPIRIT WATER on the east side of the room, before the door that leads to the Rope Hallway. Return to the west side of the room and go back to the Walkway. O-------------------O |----- WALKWAY -----| O-------------------O Go through the north door. O-----------------------O |----- BURIAL ROOM -----| O-----------------------O We're near the end of the chapter now, but if you're worried about random ghost encounters then you can always save in the Rubble Room. Go through the east door. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go down the steps and into the shrine. O-----------------------O |----- MOON SHRINE -----| O-----------------------O Examine the panel inside the cabinet and insert the MASTER'S SEAL. *CUTSCENE* The cabinet moves backwards, and a secret ladder is revealed beneath it. What a kerfuffle, just to reveal a ladder! Miku automatically descends the ladder. O---------------------O |----- MOON WELL -----| O---------------------O In this room we find the corpse of the first Rope Maiden. Examine her body to find another piece of the HOLY MIRROR! However, as we know by now, there is always a price to pay for getting closer to restoring the mirror. *CUTSCENE* In this cutscene, it is revealed that the little girl in white is Kirie's younger, purer side. The full-grown Kirie represents the evil side. It is also revealed that Kirie was the last rope maiden! Although safe for now, Kirie will be after vengeance. How long can you keep her at bay? ================================================================= /\ | | /\ /||\ FINAL NIGHT: KIRIE /||\ \||/ | | \||/ \/ ================================================================= \/ (PZ9.5) O---------------------O |----- KOTO ROOM -----| O---------------------O *CUTSCENE* Once Miku comes to, walk over to the table with the photos on it in the east side of the room. You'll find KOTO MUSIC if you examine it. Do you remember the stringed instrument from the cutscene - the koto on the floor? Head over to it now and use the KOTO MUSIC on it. Luckily, Miku knows how to play the koto! This unlocks the north door. Go through it to enter a new area! O-----------------O |----- ATTIC -----| O-----------------O You'll find yourself in amongst beams and stone walls in a narrow passageway. Follow the path until you come to a hole in the floor that leaks light. Examine it. *CUTSCENE* This cutscene triggers a ghost battle with a ghost we haven't fought in ages. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - FLOATING HEAD # # # # STRATEGY - You may remember from the previous battle that Floating Head # # is a very easy ghost to defeat. When the cutscene ends, take # # a few steps backwards before turning around and going into # # Camera Mode. The ghost spawns straight ahead at the other end # # of the passageway. By now, your Max Value upgrade should be # # fully upgraded, making your Camera capable of more powerfully # # charged attacks. You only need TYPE-14 FILM for this battle, # # since the ghost has so little health. Simply charge a fully- # # charged shot and shoot. You can go for a Zero Shot if you want # # the extra points, but the ghost is easily defeated without it. # # # # This ghost can be defeated in one shot with TYPE-14 FILM. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, go right to the end of the passage to find HERBAL MEDICINE. Before continuing onwards, you may have noticed some static and your controller vibrating on your way towards the item. There was a Hidden Ghost back there, but it's easier to find if you go back to it from this direction. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Long Hair Woman Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Attic Starting from where you found the HERBAL MEDICINE, go into Camera Mode and head back down the west side of the corridor. Aim your camera upwards so that you can see the beams overhead. Eventually you'll come to a beam with a tattered mat on top of it. If you look at this mat and slightly upwards and to the right, you can find this Hidden Ghost. She's quite tough to find! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carry on right to the end of the corridor now. You'll find another peephole. Look through it for another cutscene. *CUTSCENE* We finally see a softer side to Kirie. If you've been reading the PRIEST'S WRITINGS then the cutscene makes more sense. Now go through the little door in the east end of the corridor. O-----------------------O |----- BUDDHA ROOM -----| O-----------------------O Yes, this is the Buddha Room from the previous two chapters. The difference here is that we're up in the roof now! Do note that it is impossible to fall off, so don't be concerned about Miku's balance. Walk forward and go down the first beam on the right to find a Save Point. Save your game here, as a dangerous part of the chapter is coming up. Carry on straight ahead on the longer beam to find some TYPE-90 FILM right at the end. Now go right. Halfway across this beam you'll hear static; there's another Hidden Ghost nearby. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Truth Binder Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Bhudda Room (2F) As you cross the beam, you'll find yourself above the altar. Go into Camera Mode and hover your capture circle above the altar. When the capture circle glows blue, take your picture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep going straight across the beam and turn right again at the end. Carry on down this next long beam. If you need a STONE MIRROR, you should take the right turning to find it. Otherwise, go through the little door to the left. O-------------------O |----- DUNGEON -----| O-------------------O *CUTSCENE* They kept this well-hidden! If your memory and exploration skills are good, you may remember seeing the barred window of this room from the Backyard. Head towards the west and through the inner door to enter the caged area. Here you will find several pages from KIRIE'S DIARY on the shelves. You can also find a piece of the HOLY MIRROR and a HAIRPIN shining on the floor. Pick them up, we need them! *CUTSCENE* You can find another scrap from KIRIE'S DIARY on the floor. Exit the cell. This should trigger a ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Non-Violent Ghost: Girl in White Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Dungeon Movement Type: Moving An easy capture. Kirie's younger self appears at the far west end of the room. She moves quite slowly away, so go into Camera Mode and snap her from where you are stood. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brace yourself now. You're about to play through one of the most frantic parts of the game. Luckily, it should be very short if you play your cards right. Make sure you read ahead so that you know what you're doing. Take a deep breath and follow the little girl. *CUTSCENE* Do NOT try to fight Kirie. You cannot win. It is also helpful to know that if Kirie touches Miku, it counts as an instant kill. All you need to do is run, run, run! Go through the north door. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Don't stop, as Kirie can still kill you here. This is the top floor of the Stairway. Go around the corner and down the stairs and straight through the door at the bottom. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Keep running straight across the porch - as you approach the latticed fence the screen will black out and then everything will return to normal. Well done! You now have the option to go document-and-ghost-hunting. Or, you can skip it all and go straight to the Moon Well. However, I highly recommend getting the items and ghosts, so rather than making them optional I am going to make them a compulsory part of the walkthrough. If you really don't want to collect anything, then skip right ahead to the Moon Shrine. Return to the Stairway once you're sure Kirie is gone. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Go through the east door. O-----------------------O |----- BUDDHA ROOM -----| O-----------------------O There are three PRIEST'S MANUALs to be picked up here. One on each set of steps on either side of the altar, and one on the table in front of the altar. Return to the Stairway. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Go up the stairs and behind the long wall, going through the door in the north. O--------------------O |----- ANTEROOM -----| O--------------------O Do you remember the table with the dolls on it that we saw Kirie crying in front of in a cutscene? Examine that to receive some more of KIRIE'S DIARY pages. Return to the Stairway. O--------------------O |----- STAIRWAY -----| O--------------------O Go back downstairs and through the door at the bottom. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O Go along the porch and down the steps - go through the door in the north. O-----------------O |----- ABYSS -----| O-----------------O Head north and out onto the wooden bridge. At the first island, you can find a Hidden Ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Kirie's Love Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Abyss If you go to the left side of the island, your filament will glow blue. This is another very well-hidden ghost, as we receive no static and no real clues! Go into Camera Mode and look out to the swamp to find what became of Kirie's lost love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go across the next bridge and towards the stone monument for another ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Burdened Man Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Abyss Stand behind the stone monument and you'll notice your filament go blue. Go into Camera Mode and aim into the swamp to find this ghost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Return to the Cherry Atrium. O-------------------------O |----- CHERRY ATRIUM -----| O-------------------------O We're finally ready... Go into the Moon Shrine. O-----------------------O |----- MOON SHRINE -----| O-----------------------O Go down the ladder. O---------------------O |----- MOON WELL -----| O---------------------O *CUTSCENE* There is a SPIRIT STONE in the nook behind the ladder. To the left of the shrine with the rope maiden's corpse is some SACRED WATER. There is also a save point down here. SAVE YOUR GAME! DO IT NOW! This is your last chance to save before the end of the game. I also recommend swapping to TYPE-74 FILM. If you've followed my walkthrough, you should have only ever used this film once (against the Family Master) and should have picked up plenty, so hopefully you've got over 50 rounds. When you are ready, use the HAIRPIN on the corpse in the shrine to unlock a door in the west wall. Go through it... O---------------------O |----- HELL PASS -----| O---------------------O There is some HERBAL MEDICINE on your immediate right. Carry on to the south. As you step into the cavern... *CUTSCENE* ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOSTS - LONG HAIR WOMAN and WANDERING MAN # # # # STRATEGY - You've definitely fought Long Hair before, and you may have # # had a random encounter with Wandering Man. Know that both of # # them are easy fights individually. Together, they're a little # # more complicated. # # # # They both start off at the opposite end of the cavern. Long # # Hair Woman will veer off to one side (as she usually does) so # # just ignore her for now. Focus soley on Wandering Man, as he # # heads straight towards Miku. Simply hit him with two fully- # # charged shots, and then one mediocre shot (all with TYPE-74 # # FILM) to defeat him. Then run forward into the middle of the # # cavern and attempt to find Long Hair Woman. # # # # Once you've found her, use the SQUARE button to follow her # # as quickly as you can with the camera. Shoot her with two # # fully-charged TYPE-74 FILM shots to defeat her. # # # # The most difficult thing about this battle is that Long Hair # # Woman is hard to find, due to her camoflaging against the # # cavern walls AND being invisible most of the time. You'll have # # to rely on having a good Range upgrade or the "Search" bonus # # function to keep your eyes on her. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, pick up the TYPE-37 FILM from the path. Also, there is a Hidden Ghost about halfway along the path. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Man at Bottom Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Hell Pass Halfway along the path, on the left-hand side, you'll feeling some vibrations on your camera, and probably hear some static. If you look into the abyss in Camera Mode and do some searching, you can find this ghost in the darkness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the end of the cavern, before a set of double doors, is a note that Mafuyu left for Miku. Read it before entering the double doors. O----------------------O |----- ROPE ALTAR -----| O----------------------O *CUTSCENE* After the cutscene, you'll be straight into a new battle. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - SHRINE MAIDEN (Fight #1) # # # # STRATEGY - This is a very easy battle, as long as you don't waste time. # # You can just used TYPE-14 FILM for this! # # # # The ghost starts off on the platform in the centre of the # # room. There is no danger until she teleports. When she does, # # she will teleport directly behind Miku, at which point you # # should exit Camera Mode and run away, before charging up a new # # shot. # # # # You won't get the chance to fully-charge your Mystic Charge, # # since the ghost will have teleported behind Miku long before # # then. I recommend charging up to the sixth symbol then taking # # a picture. Wait for the ghost to teleport behind Miku, run # # away, aim at the ghost again and charge up to the sixth # # symbol. That shot should defeat her. # # # # The Shrine Maiden takes two shots with TYPE-14 FILM to defeat. # # # ############################################################################# After the battle, pick up the STONE MIRROR if you need it (it is in the northeast corner). You'll also find your final Hidden Ghost in this room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hidden Ghost: Six Vengeance Chapter: Final Night - Kirie Location: Rope Altar This ghost can be found right above the altar. Make sure you're as close to the altar as you can get, or else the ghost won't come into view. It's easier to find if you approach the altar from the north side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go through the door in the south. O--------------------------O |----- BAPTISMAL PATH -----| O--------------------------O Switch back to TYPE-74 FILM now. Pick up the TYPE-37 FILM/HERBAL MEDICINE to the right of the door. There is also a SPIRIT STONE behind the pillar on the other side. Continue down the corridor until a ghost crawls out from behind a pillar. ############################################################################# # # # ATTACKING GHOST - SHRINE MAIDEN (Final Fight) # # # # STRATEGY - This battle is much harder than the previous one - IF you # # don't know what to expect. # # # # The maiden will spawn BEHIND Miku, so as soon as you get those # # tell-tale signs of a ghost battle, turn around and go into # # Camera Mode. The ghost can crawl now, and she crawls FAST. # # Charge up until she gets close to you, and then go for a # # fairly easy Zero Shot. This will stun her for a short while, # # so keep backing away whilst in Camera Mode, still aiming at # # her. Once more, keep charging up and go for the Zero Shot # # when she gets close. # # # # If you struggle with this one, you could always use the Slow # # Bonus Function to make this battle easier. If you're really # # struggling, you could even used Paralyze on her. You shouldn't # # need to, though. # # # # The Shrine Maiden can be laid to rest in 2-3 shots with # # TYPE-74 FILM. # # # ############################################################################# Continue to the end of the corridor, where you'll find another note from Mafuyu. There is also some SACRED WATER. When you are ready, equip your TYPE-90 FILM and go through the double doors. O---------------------O |----- HELL GATE -----| O---------------------O Take a good look at what will soon become the final boss arena before walking into the centre of the room to activate a cutscene. *CUTSCENE* Step towards the Hell Gate and examine the strange-looking stone from behind. Are you ready? ############################################################################# # # # FINAL BOSS BATTLE # # KIRIE # # # # Do not panic. Kirie is nowhere near as difficult as a Final Boss should # # be. # # # # First, don't worry about healing if you're short on health. Any touch # # from Kirie is a one-hit-kill, so healing items are pointless here. # # The only thing that will protect your from Kirie's fatal grasp is the # # STONE MIRROR, which is one-time use only. So if you happen to have one, # # you can survive being touched just once. # # # # Make sure your strongest film, TYPE-90, is equipped. You should have # # about twenty rounds of it - not that you'll need that many. # # # # Start the battle by running as far away from Kirie as possible. # # # # Kirie's movement is actually pretty slow. She is able to teleport # # sideways, but thankfully doesn't do this all that often. # # # # During the battle, your screen/Camera may be shaken around by tremors. # # Although off-putting, it is easy to find Kirie again afterwards. # # # # Kirie can only be damaged when your Mystic Charge metre is at FULL. # # She is invincible against anything weaker. Once your Mystic Charge metre # # is at its fullest, the capture circle automatically goes orange, meaning # # you can get a Zero Shot. # # # # It will take five shots with TYPE-90 FILM to end the battle... But that's # # not the end of the danger so keep reading! # # # ############################################################################# *CUTSCENE* If you paid attention during the cutscene, you should have noticed that the final piece of the holy mirror was hidden inside the Camera Obscura. Unfortunately, this means that our camera is broken, so we have no means to fight Kirie. Straight after the cutscene, Kirie will be RIGHT in front of Miku. For heaven's sake, do not run straight into her! Make sure you turn to the left side of the screen before moving, as you'll have to restart from the beginning of the Moon Well otherwise. Go left and pick up the last HOLY MIRROR PIECE from the base of the stone monument. This completes the HOLY MIRROR. Kirie is still chasing you, so go to the back of the stone monument and examine it to use the HOLY MIRROR on it. *CUTSCENE* Congratulations on completing the game! Upon completion, you MUST save your game. It is the only way to access the unlockables you get from game completion. To access these unlockables, you must load up your Completed save file. Completing the game unlocks: * STORY MODE - In this mode, you can select any Chapter you want. You can also change the game's difficulty here * NIGHTMARE DIFFICULTY - The ghosts are much harder, but completing this mode yields a different ending. * COSTUMES - You can change Miku into costumes that you have unlocked. * BATTLE MODE - A set of battles against different ghosts. Depending on how many spirit points you earn, and how quickly you finish the battles, you get a ranking. See the BATTLE MODE section below for more details. * SOUND TEST - You can listen to all of the music from the game. Yep, all that creepy music, in the comfort of your own home! * GHOST LIST - You can see all of the ghosts that you've captured during the course of the game. For an extensive look at this list, go to my GHOST LIST section below. * RANKING - This screen shows you your top 10 highest-scoring shots from both Story Mode and Battle Mode. * SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - You may now have unlocked a Special Function. Once unlocked, they can be used at any time for free (so they won't use up any Spirit Stones). They're all quite powerful as well, so it's worth unlocking them all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - GHOST LIST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ10) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After you complete the game once, you'll have access to the ghost list. This documents every single hidden and non-violent ghost in the game. If you achieve 100% completion on your ghost list, you will unlock the ZERO ability for your Camera. This extremely powerful ability makes every shot you take a Zero Shot, effectively making even Nightmare Mode a piece of cake. Therefore, it is very desirable to obtain 100% on your ghost list as soon as possible. The below list is structured to show the ghosts in the order that they appear ON THE GHOST LIST, not the order they appear in-game. This is to make it easier for people who are trying to figure out what the gaps in their ghost list are. If you need to know which order to find the ghosts in, you can follow my walkthrough. Although, that being said, I do mention which Night and which Room each ghost can be found in. The Ghost List lists Attacking Ghosts first, then Non-Violent Ghosts, and then Hidden Ghosts. And so will I! In order for an Attacking Ghost to appear on your list, you simply need to have battled it before. This usually isn't an issue, as most fights are compulsory. However, the exception remains with a certain random ghost: the Wandering Monk. He is the only attacking ghost in the entire game that you can miss entirely (and also the most difficult random ghost). This is because he is a random ghost and does not have a scripted battle elsewhere in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | ATTACKING GHOSTS | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | GHOST NAME | NIGHT | ROOM | DESCRIPTION | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Bound Man | All | Fireplace; | A visitor who was cursed by an evil | | | | random | spirit. It wanders around in agony, | | | | | seeking help. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Bound Man | Intro | Fireplace | The first ghost Mafuyu encountered at | | | | | the mansion. It despises living beings.| |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Female Head | 1 | Stairway | A woman decaptitated by the family | | | Final | Attic | master. She wants to replace her body. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man w/Long | 1 | Walkway | His daughter was a Rope Maiden. Longing| | Arms | 2 | Stairway | for his daughter, he kidnaps children. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Broken Neck | All | Cherry | She jumped off of the Moon observatory.| | | | Atrium; | Her suffering from the curse continues.| | | | random | | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Editor's | 1 | Kimono | The ghost of Takamine's editor. Unaware| | | | Room; Lamp | of his condition, he looks for an exit.| | | | Hallway | | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Assistant's | 1 | Fish Tank | The ghost of Hirasaka. She wants to | | | | Room; | save Takamine. | | | | Backyard | | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Novelist's | 1 | Narukami | The ghost of Takamine, novelist. Now | | | | Shrine | without soul, he only feels anger. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Floating | 1 | Grand Hall | The dead, brought back to this world | | Woman | | | by the Calamity. They drag people down | | | | | to Hell. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Wandering | 2 | Random; | The dead, brought back to this world | | Man | 3 | Hell Pass | by the Calamity. They drag people down | | | Final | | to Hell. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Crawling | 1 | Doll Room | The ghost of Mikoto's friend. Snatched | | Girl | 2 | | away by ghosts while playing tag. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Boy Hiding | 2 | Fireplace | The ghost of Mikoto's friend. Snatched | | | | | away by ghosts while playing tag. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl in Well| 2 | Backyard | The ghost of Mikoto's friend. Snatched | | | | | away by ghosts while playing tag. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Longhair | 2 | Grand Hall;| A demon that crossed the Hell Gate. It | | Woman | Final | Hell Pass | drags people down to Hell. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Wandering | 3 | Random | Having failed to exorcise the ghosts, | | Monk | | | this priest now creates new ghosts. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Blinded | 2 | Cherry | The Blind Demon at the time of the | | | | Atrium; | Calmity. It is searching for the next | | | | Stairway; | demon. | | | |Demon Mouth;| | | | |Burial Room;| | | | | Walkway; | | | | | Mask Room | | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman | 2 | Cherry | The foklorist's wife. The camera's | | Hanging | | Atrium | power drove her to suicide. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Folklorist's| 2 |Buddha Room;| A scholar who studied the Himuro's | | | | Demon Mouth| rituals. He attacks Miku to plead for | | | | | help. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Floating | 3 | Corridor | An ancient ghost who lost his shape | | Face | | | through passage of time. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | People | 3 |Banned Path;| Himuro family members that gathered | | Killed | | Random | for the Strangling Ritual. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | People | 3 |Banned Path;| Himuro family members that gathered | | Killed | | Random | for the Strangling Ritual. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | People | 3 |Banned Path;| Himuro family members that gathered | | Killed | | Random | for the Strangling Ritual. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Shrine | Final | Rope Altar;| The Rope Shrine Maiden before Kirie. | | Maiden | | Baptismal | The Malice brought her back to this | | | | Path | world. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Headless | 3 | Square | The priest who pulls the ropes in the | | Priest | | Garden | Strangling Ritual. He wants to find | | | | | his head. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Headless | 3 | Abyss | The priest who pulls the ropes in the | | Priest | | | Strangling Ritual. He wants to find | | | | | his head. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Headless | 3 | Backyard | The priest who pulls the ropes in the | | Priest | | | Strangling Ritual. He wants to find | | | | | his head. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Headless | 3 | Cherry | The priest who pulls the ropes in the | | Priest | | Atrium | Strangling Ritual. He wants to find | | | | | his head. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Family | 3 |Buddha Room;| The last master of the Himuro Family. | | Master | | Grand Hall | He wants to decapitate everyone. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Kirie | Final | Hell Gate | Kirie's ghost turned evil. She wants | | | | | everyone in the mansion to suffer as | | | | | she has. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | NON-VIOLENT GHOSTS | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | GHOST NAME | NIGHT | ROOM | DESCRIPTION | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | RopeHallway | Intro |Rope Hallway| Takamine's ghost that appeared before | | Man | | | Mafuyu. He pleads for Mafuyu's help. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost slowly walks in front of | | | | | the mirror at the end of the Rope | | | | | Hallway. He will disappear after about | | | | | five seconds, which gives you plenty | | | | | of time to snap him. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | ManLooking | Intro | Fireplace | Takamine's ghost that appeared before | | Down | | | Mafuyu. He leads Mafuyu into the | | | | | mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost will appear on the balcony | | | | | above Mafuyu after the player steps | | | | | about halfway across the room. As long | | | | | as the player goes into Camera Mode, | | | | | Mafuyu will automatically aim at this | | | | | ghost, so all the player needs to do | | | | | is take the picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man At | 1 | Entrance | The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | Partition | (NG+) | | came to see who had come into the | | | | | mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears behind Miku when | | | | | she tries to leave the Entrance. It is | | | | | easily snapped by making Miku | | | | | quick-turn. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man On A | 1 |Rope Hallway| The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | Beam | | | watched Miku as she came into the | | | | | mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears high up on some | | | | | beams behind Miku. To capture him, go | | | | | straight into Camera Mode, press | | | | | TRIANGLE to make Miku do a quick-turn, | | | | | and look up to find him. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| |Bro's Shadow | 1 | Fireplace | Mafuyu walking up the staircase. The | | | | | curse distorted time, and he couldn't | | | | | see Miku. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Go into Camera Mode and point your | | | | | camera at the area where the ghost is, | | | | | but DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE. Wait until | | | | | Mafuyu's head becomes visible above | | | | | the banister - at this point the | | | | | finder will go blue. This means that | | | | | you will be able to capture the ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Hallway Man | 1 | Fireplace | The ghost of Takamine's editor. It's | | | | | showing Miku the hidden door. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears at the bottom of | | | | | the broken staircase, and slowly walks | | | | | out of the nearby door. Go straight | | | | | into camera mode, point your camera | | | | | downwards and take the shot. | | | | | You must have tried to enter the locked| | | | | Tatami Room to activate this ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man At | 1 | Fireplace | The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | Screen | | | leads Miku to a hidden door. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is activated about halfway | | | | | down the staircase. He walks quickly | | | | | towards the screen next to the stairs. | | | | | If you go into Camera Mode, Miku | | | | | should automatically point the camera | | | | | at the ghost. Make sure the finder is | | | | | blue before taking your picture! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Wandering | 1 | Library | The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | Man | | | leads Miku into the closet. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost will appear on the right- | | | | | hand side of the room, walking towards | | | | | a closet, saying something about a | | | | | woman in a kimono. If you go into | | | | | Camera Mode, Miku will automatically | | | | | aim at the ghost for you - capture him | | | | | straight away. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Dead Man's | 1 | Library | The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | Body | | | shows Miku his curse. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | You will have only a second or two to | | | | | take a picture of this ghost before it | | | | | fades away. As soon as the cutscene | | | | | ends, go into Camera Mode, move your | | | | | finder slightly to the right and take | | | | | the picture! If you miss once, you | | | | | won't get a second chance unless you | | | | | reload a save! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man At | 1 | Kimono Room| The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | Window | | | leads Miku to his belongings. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost will appear on the other | | | | | side of the partition. You do not have | | | | | enough time to run all the way around | | | | | and take a picture, so do not attempt | | | | | to do so. Instead, move along to the | | | | | gap in the partition and enter Camera | | | | | Mode. Whilst in Camera Mode, you can | | | | | move Miku with the right analog stick, | | | | | just in case you aren't quite looking | | | | | through the gap. Once you can see | | | | | through the gap, aim at the ghost and | | | | | take the picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| |Man In Closet| 1 |Lamp Hallway| The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | | | | is looking at Miku from the closet. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears as on your return | | | | | from getting the RED HANDMIRROR. He is | | | | | standing in the open closet at the end | | | | | of the hallway. As soon as you see him,| | | | | go into Camera Mode, aim for his head | | | | | (which shouldn't be difficult, even | | | | | from a distance) and shoot as soon as | | | | | you see the filament go blue. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Standing Man| 1 | Library | The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | | | | wanders the mansion, looking for an | | | | | exit. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | As soon as you open the door, go into | | | | | Camera Mode - the ghost is right in | | | | | front of you, so make sure you take | | | | | the picture straight away before he | | | | | disappears! You should be | | | | | automatically aimed at his head so no | | | | | need to adjust your aim. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man Behind | 1 |Kimono Room | The ghost of Takamine's editor. He | | | | | appeared to plead for Miku's help. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Ogata will appear directly behind Miku | | | | | for a couple of seconds. Go into | | | | | Camera Mode and Miku will | | | | | automatically spin around and to face | | | | | the ghost, so you don't need to aim. | | | | | Simply shoot to capture the picture! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman At | 1 | Walkway 2F | The ghost of Hirasaka. She wants to | | Mirror | | | save Takamine. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | An easy one to capture. This ghost | | | | | appears in front of a mirror. Simply | | | | | go into Camera Mode and you shouldn't | | | | | have any issue snapping her before she | | | | | disappears. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Wandering | 1 |Burial Room | The ghost of Hirasaka. She wants to | | Woman | | | save Takamine. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Tomoe appears at the other end of the | | | | | room, right in front of you. Simply go | | | | | straight into Camera Mode and take her | | | | | picture - this one is very easy. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl | 1 | Storehouse | Young Kirie pointing at the back of | | Pointing | | | the storehouse. A ghost holds the door | | | | | shut. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This is the same ghost we saw near the | | | | | beginning of the game. She appears | | | | | right in front of you, so simply go | | | | | straight into Camera Mode and shoot. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman On | 1 | Cherry | The ghost of Hirasaka. She wanders, in | | Porch | | Atrium | searching of Takamine. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Tomoe appears right ahead of you and | | | | | starts walking to the right. Go into | | | | | Camera Mode and take her picture before| | | | | she disappears behind the wall. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman In | 1 | Cherry | The ghost of Hirasaka. She leads Miku | | Atrium | | Atrium | to the abyss. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost heads through a door at the | | | | | back of the atrium. Take her picture | | | | | before she disappears through the door.| |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| |Woman Turning| 1 | Doll Room | The ghost of Hirasaka. She shows off | | | | | the Rope Maiden doll to Miku. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Tomoe will appear on the opposite side | | | | | of the room. After taking a couple of | | | | | steps in, go straight into Camera | | | | | Mode, aim for her head and take the | | | | | picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman Who | 1 | Cherry | A woman who jumped off of the Moon | | Jumps | | Atrium | Observatory. She continues to suffer. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | | | | | | This ghost will almost certainly take | | | | | a few tries to capture, unless you | | | | | get lucky or have very good Range | | | | | upgrades on your camera. As you walk | | | | | across the porch, the camera angle | | | | | will change and straight away, a ghost | | | | | will fall from the floor above. She | | | | | falls very quickly and very suddenly. | | | | | | | | | | Here's my method for catching her: | | | | | | | | | | 1) As you walk across the porch, go | | | | | into Camera Mode and face out towards | | | | | the garden. | | | | | 2) Whilst doing this, move Miku with | | | | | the right analog stick, always facing | | | | | the garden (the arches in front of | | | | | the Moon Shrine, specifically). | | | | | 3) When the ghost falls, it will take | | | | | you out of Camera Mode. Do not move | | | | | Miku, go straight back into Camera | | | | | Mode and take a picture STRAIGHT AWAY. | | | | | | | | | | If you are lucky, you'll have gotten | | | | | the picture. You simply don't have | | | | | time to aim. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man Turning | 1 | Stairway | The ghost of Takamine, novelist. He | | | | | lures Miku deeper into the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Takamine is directly in front of you | | | | | as you enter the room. Go straight | | | | | into Camera Mode and take his picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman At | 1 | Stairway | The ghost of Hirasaka. She lures Miku | | Corner | | | deeper into the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | As usual, Tomoe is straight ahead of | | | | | you, walking out of sight. Simply go | | | | | into Camera Mode and snap her. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman | 1 | Cherry | The ghost of Yae, the folklorist's | | Hanging | | Atrium | wife. She appeared to tell Miku of her | | | | | suffering. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is just so, so easy to | | | | | capture. As soon as she appears, go | | | | | into Camera Mode. Miku will aim | | | | | straight at the ghost for you, simply | | | | | take the picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Blinded | 1 | Rubble Room| Blind Demon at the time of the | | Demon | | | Calamity. It is searching for the next | | | | | Demon. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | An easily missable ghost. This ghost | | | | | suddenly flashes up as you approach | | | | | the locked door after using the | | | | | LIGHTER on the unlit lamp. She'll be | | | | | right in front of you so just go | | | | | straight into Camera mode and snap her | | | | | up. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Female Head | 1 | Stairway | A woman decapitated by the family | | | | | master. She wants to replace her body. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Yes, this is just a severed head | | | | | rolling UP a staircase. How bizarre! | | | | | Miku will automatically aim at it if | | | | | you go into Camera Mode. Capture it! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man In | 1 | Backyard | The ghost of Takamine, novelist. He | | Backyard | | | lures Miku deeper into the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | An easy shot. Takamine appears right | | | | | in front of you. Simply go into Camera | | | | | Mode and snap him up! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl | 1 | Backyard | Young Kirie looking out from the | | Pleading | | | dungeon to a place where her thoughts | | | | | lie. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is tricky to capture, | | | | | mainly due to the fact that you have | | | | | no idea where the hell she is. As soon | | | | | as your filament goes orange, go into | | | | | Camera Mode, do a quick-turn using the | | | | | TRIANGLE button and look up and to the | | | | | right. The ghost will be behind the | | | | | barred windows! Quickly aim at her and | | | | | take the picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Standing | 1 | Forest | The ghost of Takamine, novelist. He | | Man | | Path | lures Miku deeper into the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears behind a pillar | | | | | ahead of you. You need to be on the | | | | | left side of the path or else he'll be | | | | | hidden behind the pillar when you go | | | | | into Camera Mode. Aim at his head, | | | | | make sure it is unobscured so that you | | | | | can take the picture, and snap! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Crucified | 1 | Narukami | The ghost of Takamine, novelist. He | | Man | | Shrine | shows Miku the mansion's curse. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears on the ceiling | | | | | behind you. Go into Camera Mode, press | | | | | TRIANGLE to do a quick-turn and point | | | | | your camera at the ceiling. Take the | | | | | picture! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Child On | 2 | Cherry | A child snatched away by a ghost. He | | Porch | | Atrium | tries to play tag with Miku. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | The moment you open the door to the | | | | | Cherry Atrium, this ghost dashes | | | | | across right in front of you. If you | | | | | do not immediately get out your camera | | | | | and press the capture button, you will | | | | | miss him. It also helps to have good | | | | | range upgrades on your camera. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Kid Running | 2 | Stairway | A child snatched away by a ghost. He | | Away | | | wants Miku to find him. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | The children ghosts are always | | | | | difficult to catch. This one appears | | | | | at the mirror in front of you as you | | | | | walk into the room, and runs to the | | | | | left down the long corridor. Don't try | | | | | to get the shot right away as you have | | | | | no hope of doing so. What you should | | | | | do is chase the child to the start of | | | | | the hallway, face the hallway, get | | | | | your camera out and just shoot. | | | | | Hopefully you'll snap the kid before | | | | | he disappears around the corner. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Kid Running | 2 | Fish Tank | A child snatched away by a ghost. He | | Away | | Room | wants Miku to find him. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Another fast ghost child. He will run | | | | | across the plank in front of you as | | | | | you enter the room. Simply go into | | | | | Camera Mode, move your camera left a | | | | | bit and shoot when the capture circle | | | | | goes blue. This isn't too difficult if | | | | | you just make sure to follow the | | | | | child's movements. Think before you | | | | | shoot! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Bro's Shadow| 2 | Corridor | Mafuyu standing in the corridor. The | | | | | curse distorted time, and he couldn't | | | | | see Miku. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | You need to act fast for this one. | | | | | Mafuyu will appear ahead, walking away | | | | | round the corner. If you are on the | | | | | left-hand side, as suggested above, | | | | | you should be in a position to simply | | | | | raise your camera and shoot. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Hanged | 2 | Cherry | The ghost of Yae, the folklorist's | | Woman | | Atrium | wife. She tries to tell Miku of her | | | | | suffering. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | The same ghost as in the last chapter. | | | | | She appears in the tree again, but | | | | | this time Miku will not aim | | | | | automatically. Get your camera out, | | | | | aim at the tree, find the ghost and | | | | | shoot. You must have walked around the | | | | | west side of the stone monument to | | | | | trigger this ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Observatory | 2 | Cherry | Munakata, looking down from the Moon | | Man | | Atrium | Observatory. He tells Miku about Yae's | | | | | suicide. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | As you pass the shrine after collecting| | | | | the PURPLE CARVING from the Abyss, | | | | | this ghost appears on the balcony | | | | | above. Go into Camera Mode, aim | | | | | upwards and left to find him and | | | | | capture him. This one is simple if you | | | | | know where to look. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl Under | 2 | Cherry | A child snatched away by a ghost. She | | Porch | | Atrium | wants Miku to find her. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Just as you are about to go up the | | | | | steps, this ghost comes crawling out | | | | | from under the porch, directly on your | | | | | right. She does so quite quickly. Be | | | | | calm, turn towards the ghost, go into | | | | | Camera Mode, aim and shoot. Just make | | | | | sure to AIM before you shoot. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man Before | 2 | Demon | When you examine the doors, this ghost | | Door | | Mouth | appears. Quickly turn to the right and | | | | | go into Camera Mode and just shoot. | | | | | You literally have about one second to | | | | | snap this guy before he disappears. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl | 2 | Burial | Young Kirie pointing out a key in the | | Pointing | | Room | Burial Room. She wants Miku to break | | | | | curse. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This little girl is in the room before | | | | | you've even opened the door. Simply | | | | | go into Camera Mode and shoot - you | | | | | shouldn't even need to aim, although | | | | | you can adjust it slightly if you're | | | | | unsure. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Kid Hiding | 2 | Kimono Room| There will be screens of kimonos on | | | | | the opposite side of the room. This | | | | | ghost will appear behind these | | | | | screens, and run from one side to the | | | | | other. As he is behind the screens, | | | | | the only way for us to get this | | | | | picture is to wait for his head to | | | | | appear as he passes one of the gaps | | | | | and snap the picture as quickly as we | | | | | can. | | | | | | | | | | This ghost is so quick that he will | | | | | have disappeared before you even knew | | | | | he was there. It helps to have good | | | | | Range upgrades for this one - but it | | | | | only helps a little. What you need | | | | | here are luck and reflexes. The moment | | | | | the game tells you that a ghost has | | | | | appeared, go into Camera Mode and aim | | | | | at the left gap in the kimonos. Try to | | | | | watch the kid's feet at the bottom as | | | | | an indicator as to whereabouts he is. | | | | | When you see his feet approach the | | | | | gap, shoot. If you are lucky you will | | | | | have captured the boy in the half- | | | | | second or so you have to do so. If you | | | | | fail, and you desperately want this | | | | | ghost, reload from your last save. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man In | 2 | Tatami Room| Munakata guiding Miku towards the | | Study | | | library. He shares his knowledge on | | | | | the Himuro family. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | The ghost of Munakata appears right | | | | | ahead of you. This one is easy is you | | | | | tweak your positioning a little bit. | | | | | Go straight into Camera Mode, move | | | | | Miku a little to the right - | | | | | this should enable you to get the | | | | | ghost in your sights. Capture him! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man Before | 2 | Tatami Room| Munakata guiding Miku. He shares his | | Study | | | knowledge of the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | If you don't know that it is going to | | | | | appear, this ghost may catch you by | | | | | surprise, meaning that by the time | | | | | you've figured out what you're doing, | | | | | he has disappeared. Straight away | | | | | after reading the document, turn Miku | | | | | towards the doorway and THEN go into | | | | | Camera Mode. You should already be | | | | | pointing at the ghost, so capture him. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Observatory | 2 | Tatami Room| Munakata guiding Miku. He shares his | | Man | | | knowledge of the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost will walk away from you as | | | | | you exit the safe room. The thing that | | | | | makes this so difficult is that if you | | | | | try to follow him by exiting the | | | | | alcove, he will disappear. As you exit | | | | | the safe room, try to face the main | | | | | tatami room as you do so. This means | | | | | you will have to aim less. Go into | | | | | Camera Mode the moment this ghost | | | | | appears (and he does so very suddenly).| | | | | If you are facing the right direction, | | | | | it should be easy enough for you to | | | | | slightly adjust your aim and capture | | | | | this ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Hall | 2 | Hidden | Munakata guiding Miku. He shares his | | Wanderer | | Passage | knowledge on the Himuro family. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost appears in front of you. He | | | | | will look at you for a few seconds. You| | | | | have loads of time to take his picture!| |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man In Hall | 2 | Hidden | Munakata guiding Miku. He shares his | | | | Passage | knowledge on the Himuro family. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | An easy one. Munakata strolls across | | | | | the opening to the other passageways. | | | | | Just turn towards the opening, aim for | | | | | the head and shoot. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man In | 3 | Burial Room| The Himuro family master. Driven insane| | Atrium | | | by the Malice. He hunts after heads. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This man appears directly in front of | | | | | you, walking towards the door to the | | | | | Cherry Atrium. Simply go into Camera | | | | | Mode and shoot. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Turning | 3 | Cherry | The Himuro family master. Driven insane| | Mask Man | | Atrium | by the Malice. He hunts after heads. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | The man appears at the door to the | | | | | Stairway and turns towards Miku. This | | | | | is another easy one: take it slow and | | | | | just point and shoot. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl In | Final | Dungeon | Kirie as a young girl. She points at | | White | | | the dungeon's exit to Miku. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | An easy capture. Kirie's younger self | | | | | appears at the far west end of the | | | | | room. She moves quite slowly away, so | | | | | go into Camera Mode and snap her from | | | | | where you are stood. | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | HIDDEN GHOST | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | GHOST NAME | NIGHT | ROOM | DESCRIPTION | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Child | Intro | Entrance | A child snatched away by a ghost. He | | Behind | | | is waiting for someone to find him. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost can be found right at the | | | | | start of the game, next to the | | | | | mansion's entrance doors. It is hiding | | | | | behind the latticed fence to the right | | | | | of the doors. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Angry Man | Intro | Fireplace | A victim of the Malice. Anger fills | | | | | its soul. It waits for a passerby. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is in the tiny backroom | | | | | with the broken staircase. It is | | | | | hiding above the bookcase on the lower | | | | | level. Look for the distortion in the | | | | | air! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman In | 1 | Kimono Room| A female victim of the Calamity. She | | Kimono | | | wants to show off her favourite kimono.| | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is fiddly to find. Point | | | | | your camera at the gap between the | | | | | partitions in the corner of the room | | | | | next to the mirror stand. You'll know | | | | | that you're facing the right direction | | | | | as the filament will turn blue. Move | | | | | Miku around a bit whilst still | | | | | pointing through the gap and you | | | | | should be able to get a picture of | | | | | this ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman In | 1 | Cherry | A ghost suffering from the Malice. It | | Pain | | Atrium | is trying to tell people about the | | | | | pain. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | To find this ghost, point your camera | | | | | towards the floor in the left corner. | | | | | Don't forget, the brighter your | | | | | filament shines, the closer you are | | | | | to finding the ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Monk Into | 1 | Fish Tank | A monk who fell victim to the Malice of| | Dark | | Room | the Calamity. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Go to the platform between the final | | | | | and middle planks (the final plank is | | | | | the one in the north side of the | | | | | room). Walk into the middle of the | | | | | platform. Go into Camera Mode, look | | | | | up. Your capture circle should go | | | | | blue - take the picture! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl Turning| 1 | Backyard | Kirie's servant, who was thrown into | | | | | the well for the sake of secrecy. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Turn towards the well and go into | | | | | Camera Mode. There should be air | | | | | distortion between the well and some | | | | | trees. Get close to the distortion and | | | | | take the picture when the capture | | | | | circle goes blue. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Warped Man | 1 | Forest | He tried to spy on the Himuro family's | | | | Path | rituals, and fell victim to the Malice.| | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Move over to the trees in the east | | | | | side. Your controller should start | | | | | vibrating. Go into Camera Mode and | | | | | point it at the rope around the tree | | | | | at the back. Your capture circle | | | | | should go blue, allowing you to | | | | | capture this ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Monk Out Of | 2 | Stairway | A monk who fell victim to the Malice | | Dark | | | of the Calamity. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost can be found if you point | | | | | your camera at the big blue window. | | | | | Make sure you are positioned as | | | | | mentioned above, or the ghost will not | | | | | appear. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Tormented | 2 | Narukami | The Himuro family members who fell | | Ones | | Shrine | victim to the Calamity. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost can be tricky to get, | | | | | simply because you need to be in a | | | | | very specific position and looking at | | | | | a specific angle to get it. Stand in | | | | | front of the mirror and point to the | | | | | upper right corner of it. Whilst in | | | | | Camera Mode, move Miku around at the | | | | | same time as aiming until the capture | | | | | circle goes blue. Shoot! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Burned Man | 2 | Abyss | A man who got hit hard by the Malice. | | | | | He wants to tell a passerby of his | | | | | suffering. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Enter the alcove, go straight into | | | | | Camera Mode. Point at the dead end and | | | | | shoot - simple! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Evil Woman | 2 | Grand Hall | A maid murdered by the family master. | | | | | She knows that she is dead, but she | | | | | can't perish. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is hidden along the western | | | | | wall in the south end of the room. She | | | | | is hidden in one of the corners - you | | | | | need to aim at the ceiling to find her.| |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Talking | 2 | Hidden | She lost her form when the Malice hit | | Ghosts | | Passage | her. Now all she can do is scream. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | The easiest way to find this ghost is | | | | | to return to beginning of the north | | | | | corridor, where there is a split | | | | | between the corridors. Your filament | | | | | should be blue here. Go into Camera | | | | | Mode, face the small west corridor and | | | | | look up into the rafters. If you | | | | | shuffle around a bit you should see | | | | | your capture circle go blue - take the | | | | | picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | LongHair | Final | Attic | Her hair kept its beauty even after | | Woman | | | was hit by the Malice. She waits for a | | | | | passerby. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Starting from where you found the | | | | | HERBAL MEDICINE, go into Camera Mode | | | | | and head back down the west side of | | | | | the corridor. Aim your camera upwards | | | | | so that you can see the beams | | | | | overhead. Eventually you'll come to a | | | | | beam with a tattered mat on top of it. | | | | | If you look at this mat and slightly | | | | | upwards and to the right, you can find | | | | | this Hidden Ghost. She's quite tough | | | | | to find! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Man At | Final | Hell Pass | The ghost of a man who was pushed over | | Bottom | | | a cliff by the Malice. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Halfway along the path, on the | | | | | left-hand side, you'll feeling some | | | | | vibrations on your camera, and | | | | | probably hear some static. If you look | | | | | into the abyss in Camera Mode and do | | | | | some searching, you can find this | | | | | ghost in the darkness. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Six | Final | Rope Altar | A ghost floating on the other side of | | Vengeance | | | the Hell Gate. It wants to cross over | | | | | to this side. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost can be found right above | | | | | the altar. Make sure you're as close | | | | | to the altar as you can get, or else | | | | | the ghost won't come into view. It's | | | | | easier to find if you approach the | | | | | altar from the north side. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Ogata | 3 | Library | Takamine's editor, Ogata. He hides and | | | | | waits for help inside the closet. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Ogata's ghost can be found inside the | | | | | closet. In case you haven't noticed | | | | | yet, these ghosts can be found in | | | | | their final resting places. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Hirasaka | 3 | Abyss | Takamine's assistant, Hirasaka. Kirie | | | | | cursed her. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | We return to the scene of Tomoe's | | | | | death to find her ghost, still in | | | | | agony. She can be found on the narrow | | | | | side of the waterwheel closest to the | | | | | door you entered through. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Takamine | 3 | Narukami | The ghost of Takamine, novelist. He | | | | Shrine | waits for someone to pass by. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Mr Takamine's ghost can be found in | | | | | the spot where he was crucified. Find | | | | | him on the ceiling and capture his | | | | | spirit. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Blind | 3 | Blinding | A female Blind Demon from Kirie's time | | Demon | | Room | period. She is looking for the next | | | | | demon. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Blinded can be found in the spot where | | | | | she died. Simply aim at the lantern | | | | | and capture her. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Yae | 3 | Cherry | The ghost of Yae, the folklorist's | | | | Atrium | wife. She wants to tell people about | | | | | her pain. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Point up at the left-most branch of | | | | | the tree to find Yae's spirit. When | | | | | the capture circle goes blue, take the | | | | | picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Munakata | 3 | Banned Path| The ghost of Munakata. He wants to | | | | | tell people about the curse of the | | | | | Rope Maiden. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | You can find Munakata's ghost in the | | | | | rubble on the floor on the left-hand | | | | | side of the path. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Family | 3 | Grand Hall | The Himuro family master. He regrets | | Master | | | killing everyone in the mansion. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Find the ghost of the Family Master on | | | | | the shelf on the west wall. Capture | | | | | him. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Kirie's Love| Final | Abyss | The ghost of Kirie's love, murdered in | | | | | the abyss. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | If you go to the left side of the | | | | | island, your filament will glow blue. | | | | | This is another very well-hidden | | | | | ghost, as we receive no static and no | | | | | real clues! Go into Camera Mode and | | | | | look out to the swamp to find what | | | | | became of Kirie's lost love. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Truth Binder| Final | Buddha Room| He was in love with Kirie. Murdered to | | | | | protect the ritual's secrets. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | As you cross the beam, you'll find | | | | | yourself above the altar. Go into | | | | | Camera Mode and hover your capture | | | | | circle above the altar. When the | | | | | capture circle glows blue, take your | | | | | picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Burdened | Final | Abyss | He hide the body of Kirie's love, then | | Man | | | murdered. He was in love with Kirie. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Stand behind the stone monument and | | | | | you'll notice your filament go blue. | | | | | Go into Camera Mode and aim into the | | | | | swamp to find this ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Seductress | 1 | Storehouse | Woman who got locked down in the | | | | | storehouse. She lures people into the | | | | | storehouse. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost can be found just to the | | | | | left of a big red chest behind a | | | | | ladder. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Woman | 1 | Abyss | A woman who was pulled into the | | Pulled In | | | abyss. She's waiting to be pulled out. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost is on the left side of the | | | | | wide face of the waterwheel. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Child | 1 | Doll Room | A child, snatched away by a ghost. She | | Onlooker | | | hides in the Doll Room. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | If you look at the southeast end of | | | | | the red table with the dolls on it, | | | | | you should see this ghost hiding | | | | | behind the table itself. Take her | | | | | picture. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Vengeance | 2 | Stairway | The evil ghost of a human, sacrificed | | In Wall | | | and placed on the mansion's wall. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | Whilst standing at the foot of the | | | | | staircase, go into Camera Mode and | | | | | aim left. You should see a big purple | | | | | face in the wall - this is your hidden | | | | | ghost. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Vengeance | 2 |Rope Hallway| The evil ghost of a human, sacrificed | | | | | and placed on the beam. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | When your filament starts to glow, | | | | | go into Camera Mode and point upwards. | | | | | You should see a creepy, skeletal face | | | | | staring back at you. Snap it! | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Girl Hiding | 2 | Walkway | A child, snatched away by a ghost. She | | | | | hiding in the walkway crevice. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | This ghost can be found by looking | | | | | through the crevice with your camera. | | | | | She can be found at the far end of the | | | | | gap. | |-------------|-------|------------|----------------------------------------| | Crushed | 3 | Rubble | A woman who was crushed to death | | Woman | | Room | during the Calamity. | | | | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | | | At the rubble pile opposite the Burial | | | | | Room door, face the northeast corner | | | | | of the room and point your camera at | | | | | the rubble. After a bit of shuffling | | | | | about, you'll find this ghost. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - BATTLE MODE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ11) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Mode is a special mode unlocked upon completing the game once. 20 missions will are available for you to beat. Each mission presents a different challenge. You begin with only the first five challenges, but you can gradually unlock the rest through completing the ones you are originally provided with. There are some special pre-determined rules for these battles. * Your equipped FILM is pre-determined for each battle. Basically, the game decides which FILM you get to use, and you cannot change it. * The amount of FILM you are given is limited. So if you run out of film, you may as well start over. * You must equip your Bonus and Special Functions BEFORE you enter the mission. Once in battle, you cannot change these. * You are provided with one SPIRIT STONE per battle. That is all. * You are not given any healing items. After each mission, the game will rank your performance, with F-Rank being the lowest and S-Rank being the highest. The base objective is to complete every single mission. This isn't too difficult. The objective for completionists is to achieve an S-Rank in every mission. This is required to unlock a pretty decent Special Function. However, it is no easy feat. Below is a list of the missions and all the relevant information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | MISSION | GHOST(s) | ROOM | FILM GIVEN | SHOTS GIVEN | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #1 | Editor's | Doll Room | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #2 | Broken Neck | Entrance | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #3 | Floating Woman | Forest Path | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #4 | Assistant's | Tatami Room | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #5 | Novelist's | Backyard | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #6 | Longhair Woman | Corridor | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #7 | Wandering Monk | Abyss | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #8 | Blinded | Grand Hall | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #9 | Broken Neck | Entrance | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | | | Editor's | | | | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #10 | Folklorist's | Backyard | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #11 | Headless Priest | Cherry Atrium | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #12 | Longhair Woman | Entrance | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | | | Crawling Girl | | | | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #13 | Blinded | Abyss | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #14 | Crawling Girl | Backyard | TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | | | Girl in Well | | | | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #15 | Family Master | Fish Tank Room| TYPE-14 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #16 | Headless Priest | Grand Hall | TYPE-37 FILM | 20 | | | Headless Priest | | | | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #17 | Assistant's | Kimono Room | TYPE-37 FILM | 20 | | | Novelist's | | | | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #18 | Woman Hanging | Backyard | TYPE-37 FILM | 15 | | | Folklorist's | | | | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #19 | Family Master | Buddha Room | TYPE-37 FILM | 10 | |---------|-----------------|---------------|--------------|-------------| | #20 | Kirie | Rope Altar | TYPE-74 FILM | 50 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOCUMENTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ12) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a list of all the documents you can find throughout the game, and their contents. ------------------- |NOTEBOOK ENTRIES | ------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mafuyu's Notebook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # MAFUYU'S NOTES 1 # Details: Himuro Mansion and the missing novelist Himuro Mansion Investigation. Himuro Mansion was once the home of a large landowner that controlled vast areas of land. They also say that the site held some special significance that had to do with Shinto rituals of the region. (I couldn't find any detailed books about these Shinto rituals, though.) The last master of the Himuro family line massacred his entire household. Later, another family that tried to live there disappeared. Because of incidents like these, nobody visits the mansion today, and it lies in ruins. Maybe that's why there aren't any accounts of the Shinto rituals, and why the exact location of the place isn't recorded anywhere. September 24th I've had a bad feeling ever since I came to this mansion. I'm leaving notes in this notebook just in case anything happens to me. I've go to find Mr. Takamine and the others fast... I hope it's not too late! # MAFUYU'S NOTES 2 # Details: The mansion's curse I must have been passed out. I'm afraid it's too late to help Mr. Takamine... If only I had come sooner! The spirits in this mansion are very powerful. The force behind this curse must be here somewhere... And I'm going to start looking for it right now! # MAFUYU'S NOTES 3 # Details: The mansion is changing The mansion has started to change. As far as I can figure out, the ghosts are trying to pull me back into the past. The spirits are using their power to make parts of the mansion revert to the way they were in the past. The ghosts of that era are beginning to stir. Just what exactly happened in this mansion, anyway? And just what do the ghosts want me to do about it? # MAFUYU'S NOTES 4 # Details: The woman in a white kimono I felt some especially powerful energy off of that woman in the white kimono. I think she's probably the one behind this mansion's curse. I have to appease her spirit somehow, before anyone else falls victim to this mansion! I have to find out what exactly is keeping her drawn back to this world. And why did she let me go when she had me, I wonder? Maybe that has something to do with it... # MAFUYU'S NOTES 5 # Details: Ghosts of the women with gouged-out eyes It looks like the ghosts of the women with the gouged-out eyes react strongly to sounds. If I'm really quiet, I can get away without being noticed. # MAFUYU'S NOTES 6 # Details: The note he left for Miku Dear Miku, I know it's weird, but I see you sometimes here in the mansion. I run after you, but I always end up losing sight of you... There must be some warp in time here now. We'll probably never be able to find each other... Were you worried about me? Is that why you came? I hope you get this note. I need you to help me. The force behind the curse of Himuro Mansion is a woman named Kirie. She was sacrificed in a ritual, and her sad spirit was exposed to the Malice that spilled out of hell when the Calamity happened. Now she's a miserable creature that taints everything she comes into contact with. Apparently, I remind her of the man she was in love with. I somehow just knew that when she touched me... I plan on going to see her now. If I don't, this mansion will keep right on claiming victims... Kirie laments her ill-fated life but, at the same time, she also regrets not having been able to fulfill her duty as the Shrine Maiden. I saw the image of Kirie as a child. She was looking for somebody to help her-- to help her other, tortured self. Kirie is like a person divided in two... Miku, I want you to help Kirie if you can. You have to seal off the Hell Gate with the Holy Mirror... # MAFUYU'S NOTES 7 # I've been thinking about the camera Mom left us. I know it was Mom's, and she left it to use when she died. But it used to belong to Grandma Mikoto. They say it was the only thing Grandma brought with her when she was adopted by the Hinasaki family. In some documents I found here in the mansion, there were notes about a little girl named "Mikoto" -- the same name as our grandmother -- finding a camera with an uncanny power. And then I found out that Mikoto's mother, the folklorist's wife, died the very same way Mom did. Mom was no match for the ghostly power of that camera. It drove her mad, and she had to leave this world. Now, if that camera is the same one Mikoto's mother had...! Anyway, I don't know all the specifics, but I'm pretty sure that camera is strongly connected to the curse on this mansion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Priest's Writings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # PRIEST'S WRITINGS 1 # Details: Kirie and the young man Kirie has been acting strangely ever since she met the young guest. I do not suppose she is attracted to him...? If she becomes too deeply involved with this world because of him, she may lose her potential as a proper Shrine Maiden. We will have to do something, and quickly. # PRIEST'S WRITINGS 2 # Details: "Hiding" the guest We followed the master's orders and hid the guest. I told Kirie our guest had gone home. We will have to carry the body far, far away, so that Kirie never finds out. I felt sorry for the poor man, but what else could I do? We priests must protect the Rope Shrine Maiden at all costs. # PRIEST'S WRITINGS 3 # Details: Kirie's behaviour and anxiety about ritual I beleive now that the master's decision was a poor one. Kirie has realised that we hid the guest. Kirie is depressed and anxious. The day of the ritual is fast approaching. I hope and pray everything goes well...! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Old Diary Scraps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Folklorist's Diary 3 # Details: The camera the girl found June 13th Mikoto found an odd camera. She said she found it in the mansion when she was playing Demon Tag. I tried asking her exactly where in the mansion, but she just keeps saying a girl in a white kimono gave it to her. I can't find out any more about it. June 14th I had a look at the camera Mikoto found yesterday, but I didn't see anything special about it. It was probably left here some time ago by somebody that came to investigate the mansion. June 15th The weather was so beautiful today and Yae seems to be feeling better. The three of us decided to take a walk in the mountains. Yae hadn't been out in a really long time, and she really seemed to enjoy it. She has fun with Mikoto's camera, taking pictures with it all day long. # Folklorist's Diary 4 # Details: Yae's illness June 18th These past few days, Yae has been taking pictures with Mikoto's camera all over the mansion. I asked her what she was taking pictures of, but she just kept mumbling, "I can see them," as if she were delirious. She wouldn't say anything else... June 19th Ever since the day we walked in the mountains, Yae hasn't been feeling very well. Today she's in bed and very ill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lady's Diary Scrap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Folklorist's Wife's Papers 1 # Details: The mansion they moved to June 10th Mikoto really seems to like this mansion. She's playing Demon Tag here with her neighbourhood friends again today. I guess a big mansion is the perfect place for kids to play. But for people in my sickly condition, it's a bit too big... June 15th Today was a wonderful day. My husband, my daughter and I took a walk in the mountains. I'm feeling pretty good these days, and I was even able to walk quite a distance today. I had so much fun! # FOLKLORIST'S WIFE'S PAPERS 2 # Details: The camera capturing things June 18th That camera seems to have some kind of uncanny power. It can capture things that aren't even there... Mikoto begged me to let her have the camera back. I don't understand the things the camera captures... But I know I can never let Mikoto see them! I have to protect her. Something terrible is going to happen. I can feel it. # FOLKLORIST'S WIFE'S PAPERS 3 # Details: The daugher disappears June 24th Mikoto is missing. She said she was only going to play Demon Tag here in the mansion. I don't think she would have gone outside... She had that camera with her... none of Mikoto's four friends have come home, either. It's as if they've all been snatched up away by ghosts... June 27th It's been three days since Mikoto was snatched away from us. Everything has been so strange since! Ever since we moved to this mansion... Ever sicnce we got that camera... If I lost my sanity now, too, I wouldn't have to think about it anymore. I could be free... I can see them... I can see them now even without the camera... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yae's Death Note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Details: About the daughter vanishing Death Note Dear Ryozo, It's all my fault... It's all because I let Mikoto use the camera that day! And now evil spirits have gone and taken her away from us... It's all my fault. I'm sorry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Child's Writing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Details: About a girl named Mikoto Isn't Mikoto ever going to come find me? We're playing Demon Tag, and she's supposed to be the "Demon". Did she quit, maybe? Hey, I wonder if Mikoto likes me? If she ever comes and finds me, maybe I'll just ask her! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Black Notebook Scraps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Novelist Takamine's Notes 2 # Details: Finding editor Ogata's body September 13th, 9:30am We found Ogata's body. His head, hands and feet were strangled off... What happened to him is just like the strange deaths that occurred here long ago. There was a photo of Ogata near him. In it, there was something that looked like ropes on his neck, arms and legs. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Rope Shrine Maidens in the legends around here, the girls that had ropes tied to their neck, arms and legs, too...? September 13th, 12:10pm Tomoe is acting strangely. She's been mumbling nonsense all morning. Something about ropes... And mirrors... I can't blame her for going to pieces, though, after seeing what happened to Ogata. # Novelist Takamine's Notes 3 # Details: Hirasaka's condition getting worse September 13th, 3:00pm Tomoe's condition is getting worse and worse. She can't stop shaking, and she keeps mumbling the same words over and over. I don't know if what's happening is anything supernatural or not. But in any case, I think we'd better leave as soon as possible. Tomoe is in such bad shape, she can't even move. I guess I'll have to look for a way out of here myself. Even if we waited for help, I doubt anyone would ever come looking for us... # Novelist Takamine's Notes 4 # Details: The Rope Shrine Maiden and Kirie September 14th, 10:00am That woman that Tomoe called "Kirie" looks just like the descriptions of the Rope Shrine Maiden in the legends. And there's a strong resemblance, too, between the way Tomoe and Ogata died and the manner of the deaths in the folklore. So that woman is the Rope Shrine Maiden, is she...? # Novelist Takamine's Notes 5 # Details: Holy Mirror, mystery of the mansion September 14th, 8:00pm In the materials Tomoe gathered for me, there's a paragraph about five pieces of mirror passed down through the Himuro family for generations. These pieces were said to seal off the Hell Gate and protect the region from a great disaster. They might have something to do with the current hellish situation. Five Holy Mirrors in shrines around the area all broke in a small earthquake the other day. When I heard about it, it gave me the idea for this next work of mine. I think I bought a news article about it with me when I came here. It says there were only five Holy Mirrors in existence. But according to some legends, there is another -- the True Holy Mirror. The folklorist also mentions this in his research documents, the ones I found here in the mansions. (I think I dropped the research documents somewhere when I was trying to escape that cursed woman.) Here are my theories. I think that the five mirrors that were destroyed in the earthquake the other day had the role of "watching over" the True Holy Mirror. I don't think it was the earthquake that broke the five Holy Mirrors in the shrines. I think it was a signal that the seal on the Hell gate that the Himuro True Holy Mirror provides had broken for some reason. The five mirrors were trying to warn us. # Novelist Takamine's Notes 6 # Details: Takamine's last hope I'm about to go to the shrine deep within the Himuro Mansion, where they say a piece of the True Holy Mirror is kept. The curse has already left its mark on my four limbs. There's no escaping it. About the only thing left now that I can do is try to reseal the Hell Gate. It's my last hope. I've already found four of the Buddha Statues I need to get a piece of the mirror. And I've managed to find an old document that tells of the location of the fifth statue. "Make observance to the Buddha. At the base of the large gate, So that the souls of the piteous maidens, Can reach up to the heavens." If all goes well, no one will ever have to read these notes, and I can use them toward the content of my next book. In closing, I would like to thank my assistant and my partner, Tomoe Hirasaka. If it weren't for the words she left with me, I wouldn't have been able to complete this, my final work. If I don't return, please give her a decent burial. Signed, Junsei Takamine. September 15th. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red Notebook Scraps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 1 # Details: Existence of book about mansion August 20th It seems a folklorist named Ryozo Munakata was studying about the various rituals passed down at Himuro Mansion. He supposedly left a book of research, but I can't find it anywhere. I wonder if there's a copy in a library somewhere? August 30th I still can't find the book. I'll have Koji Ogata from the editing department do a search for it. I doubt he'll be able to find it, though. # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 2 # Details: Anxiety about Himuro Assignment. August 27th The more I find out about Himuro Mansion, the creepier it gets. I'm sure it's the perfect subject matter from Mr. Takamine's next book, but, to be perfectly honeset, I don't like this assignment one bit. It gives me a bad feeling... There's no way I want to go to that mansion. But it's my job, right? I guess I'll have to go. And I wouldn't want to waste the chance to work with Mr. Takamine just because of a little bit of uneasiness, either. It doesn't help that I have this sixth sense for the supernatural, either. There's such a thing as knowing TOO much, sometimes... # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 3 # Details: Seeing the woman in a white kimono September 10th, 8:00pm I clearly saw the image of a woman, in front of the mirror near the entrance. She has long hair and a white kimono. There were ropes tied to her arms and legs, and she dragged them along when she walked. I think I heard Koji talk about something like that, too. There's something VERY wrong about this mansion. # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 4 # Details: The kimono woman's name September 11th, 6:30am I saw that woman in the white kimono again. She's trying to tell me something. She knows I have this special sense for ghostly things... The woman's name is... Kirie. So, it's Kirie, huh? I shouldn't get any closer than this. I don't want to get any closer... I'm scared. # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 5 # Details: Looks like hallucinations she had September 12th, 1:45pm My sixth sense is telling me some children are playing here. I can't see them, but they keep calling to me. Are they playing tag? Or hide-and-seek, maybe? They might be the children in that photo. September 12th, 4:30pm There were human heads in that many of them! They were cut off by the Himuro family master... They were all trying to tell me something. I should never have come here. I should have trusted that sixth sense of mine. # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 6 # Details: Looks like delirious nonsense The mirror is breaking... Smash! A broken mirror... People on the floor, all over the mansion. So many people. All those people! What are they running from? And then at the end, with such desperate looks on their faces...! Something's coming this way! From deep within the mansion... A coldness... It's colder than anything I've ver felt! I don't know anymore if this is a dream or real... # Assistant Hirasaka's Notes 7 # Details: Wants to tell Takamine something A little girl in a white kimono keeps pleading to me. I can't keep my mind focused, but her voice rings in my head and won't leave. But what does she want me to do for her? I can't even get out of this mansion anymore... Broken. Five pieces... The mirror...! Tell Mr. Takamine... ...the way to break the curse... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Research Notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Editor Ogata's Notes 1 # Details: About folklorist that lived in mansion August 20th Mr. Takamine needs some background material for his next work. There's a book about Himuro Mansion by a certain folklorist, and I'm supposed to look for it. A book about Shinto rituals and legends from every part of the country. Author: Ryozo Munakata. Title: Unknown. August 22nd I can't find the book, but I did some checking on the folklorist. I found out he moved into Himuro Mansion to do research on it. But after some certain event, he and his whole family disappeared. I couldn't find the book, but I found a news article from that period about it. It's a small missing-persons story, but it might be helpful as background material. # Editor Ogata's Notes 2 # Details: Mansion and Takamine's next work September 10th, 11:00am It looks like the earthquake last month and the murders in that village have soething to do with Himuro Mansion. This stuff is probably all going into Takamine's next book. He really seems to be into this subject matter! His output rate should be good. September 10th, 4:00pm The entrance door is broken. When in the world did that happen? It won't open. I'll have to find another way out. # Editor Ogata's Notes 3 # Details: He doesn't feel well September 11th I haven't been feeling well since two nights ago. Actually, it's more like ever since Tomoe took my picture... What in the world does the rope in this photo mean, I wonder? # Editor Ogata's Notes 5 # Details: Chart of numbers for mansion's devices September 10th, 1:10pm There seem to be a few devices in this mansion that are engraved with old characters. When I asked Mr. Takamine about them, he said they correspond to numbers. I understand the first few. They're the old characters for the numbers 0 through 3. But I don't get the rest. They're characters that have the same readings as 4 through 9, but mean something different. I guess each one has a special meaning. I'll find out the rest later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirie's Diary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Kirie's Diary 1 # Details: Seeing a man walking in the garden While I was looking out the window today, I saw somebody walking in the garden. He didn't notice me. He was just walking around leisurely, gazing at the trees and hills. I saw hiim again today, walking in the garden. He saw me once, too, and waved to me. I don't know why, but my face got hot, and I ducked out of sight. When I told the chief priest about it, he was terribly surprised. He told me I wasn't to look out the window again for a while. # Kirie's Diary 2 # Details: Meeting the man Today is the day I get to walk outside. I was walking in the mansion's atrium when he suddenly appeared from out of the guest room. It's the first time I've talked to an outsider since I came here. It was so much fun! He came to see me. He let me out of the room, and we went outside. He taught me the names of all the flowers. Everything about this is so new to me! My face got hot again today. But I didn't want to hide this time... # Kirie's Diary 3 # Details: Her feelings about him He came to see me again today. The chief priest said we musn't go out into the garden, so we just stayed in the room and talked. He told me so many interesting things about the outside world. I feel so happy when I'm with him! So very, very happy! I walked in the garden with him today. How beautiful the cherry blossoms are! He's taught me so much since we've met. I never even feel lonely anymore. # Kirie's Diary 4 # Details: He stopped coming It's been five days already since he stopped coming. When I asked about it, the chief priest told me he'd gonne back to his home village. Why would he leave all of a sudden like that...? Especially now, when I soon won't be able to see him anymore at all...? I had a dream about him. He was looking at me with sad eyes. Such sad eyes! His eyes looked like they wanted to tell me something... He didn't go home. The priests did something to him... But why? # Kirie's Diary 5 # Details: He has been "hidden" The priests hid him because they thought I wouldn't have been able to properly be the Shrine Maiden otherwise... What did I get him into...? It's all my fault! I just wanted to be with him... I just wanted us to be together forever and ever! That's all I wanted... I didn't want him to get hurt! # Kirie's Diary 6 # Details: She wanted to be with him forever The Strangling Ritual will be held soon. The master and the priests are performing their ablutions. And it looks like the whole family has gathered here at the mansion for the ritual. This mansion is usually so lonely... But for today, anyway, it's bustling with life. One of the priests was staring at me today. He looked so sad. I'm the Rope Shrine Maiden... I have a very important obligation to fulfill... But how can I perform my duty as the Shrine Maiden now, feeling the way I do? Now that I've found out the true joy of living? And now that I've gone and gotten that poor man involved...? ----------- | SCRAPS | ---------- # Five Buddhas Document # Description: Text on Old Scroll, the five Buddha Statues. Bury the Rope Maiden's spirit. Place the five Buddha with her damaged limbs. # Five Stones Document # Description: Text on Old Scroll, the five stones Give thanks to the five gods' protection. Place the stone, representing the five mirrors, in the correct location. # Document on Binding # Description: Text on Old Scroll, how to tie ropes for the ritual Show the maiden no mercy. Cast the rope on her limbs from right arm, then the other. From the right foot, then the other. # Strangling Ritual # Description: Text on Old Scroll, the Strangling Ritual Strangling Ritual On the 13th day of the 12th month, a maiden, cut off from the outside world for 3669 long days, shall be torn apart to provide power to the rope. # Blind Demon Ritual # Description: Text on Old Scroll, the Blind Demon Ritual Blind Demon Ritual On the 26th day of the 11th month, in preparation for the Strangling Ritual 10 years later, choose a maiden with holy power. She should be past the age of 7 years, 9 months and 25 days. # The Calamity # Description: Text on Old Scroll, the Calamity The Calamity In the year 1837, on the 13th day of the 12th month-- The Strangling Ritual failed and caused the Calamity. Malice escaped, and 1347 souls were lost. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Priest's Manuals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Himuro Family Priest's Notes 1 # Details: The priest's manual The gate is the entrance to the land of the dead. It has been feared and revered since ancient times. If the gate's seal fails, the Calamity will occur, and the Malice will pour out from hell. The souls of those touched by the Malice are bound to this world and cannot be saved. We must prevent the Calamity at all cost. That is the duty of the Himuro family. # Himuro Family Priest's Notes 2 # Details: The priest's manual No document records the history of the gate in the mansion's basement. The Himuros have been given the duty of protecting the gate. They build a shrine on this land and performed the "Rope Ritual". We must prevent the Calamity at all cost. That is the duty of the Himuro family. # Himuro Family Priest's Notes 3 # Details: The priest's manual The mirror, blessed with the five gods' protection, repels disaster. When the gate opens, stand before the "mirror rock", which is in front of the gate, then seal it with the maiden's rope. All elements mentioned above must be present for the ritual to succeed. We must prevent the Calamity at all cost. That is the god-given duty of the Himuro family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Research Scraps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 1 # Details: The Himuro family rituals Secret Rituals of the Himuro Family Many rituals and customs have been passed down through generations of the Himuro Family. Most of them are lost. The only things we have left now are some documents that record these rituals as a legend. Hardly any of the oral history remains. This is because all Himuro family members are dead, and those who were close to the family have kept quiet about the ritual. One ritual in particular, performed on December 13th, is shrouded in mystery. People who lived near the mansion stayed inside on that particular day, and even now, it is considered bad luck to leave the windows open on that date. I can only assume that this is due to the cruel nature of the ritual, but the truth remains unknown. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 2# Details: The secret maidens The Mystery of the Rope Maiden Among the few documents found on the ritual, mention of the "Rope Shrine Maiden" is made many times. Her arms, legs and neck are bound by five ropes. However, no documents discuss the role she plays in the ritual. One theory is that she is a sacrificial lamb, but I find it hard to believe such a cruel ritual was practiced. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 3 # Details: The Calamity The Disaster Called the Calamity Long ago, great tragedy struck this region. One legend calls this event "The Calamity", but reveals no detail regarding the disaster which unfolded. A brief description of the event is as follows: "The mirrors, kept in the five shrines broke, and the dead returned from hell." I wonder what sort of disaster it must have been, because the passage can't be literal. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 4 # Details: The Holy Mirror legend The Legend of The Holy Mirrors (The Mirrors of the Five Gods) The Holy Mirrors, hed in five shrines in this region, are most commonly known as "the Mirrors of the Five Gods". The legend tells that the five gods, before leaving this land, created these mirrors as a means of protecting the village. Some legends mention another mirror. The story is that all five mirrors were used together in a ritual to fend off a huge disaster. (Whether this was the Calamity or not is not known.) It is not known whether the ritual mentioned above is related in any way to the one performed by the Himuro family, but there is the correlation of the mirrors. However, the actual existance of the legendary Holy Mirror, one complete mirror, has not be confirmed, and it is not known what the legend is based on. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 5 # Details: The masks used in rituals The Ritual Masks And Their Meaning In the Himuro rituals, masks play a very important role. One of them is called the Blinding Mask, which is used in the Demon Tag Ritual. Two stakes pierce through the eyes of the Blinding Mask. It is used in the Demon Tag Ritual as a blindfold. The legend goes, "While the demon is blindfolded, enter the rope altar and perform the ritual." This might mean that the Blinding Mask is a key to the rope altar. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 6 # Details: The Mask of Reflection Mask of Reflection The mask worn by the Himuro family master is called the "Mask of Reflection". The legend goes, "It can become the face of an angel of a demon," meaning its facial expression reflects the nature of the one who is wearing the mask. Inside Himuro Mansion is the Mask Room, where all the masks used for the rituals are kept, and the Mask of Reflection serves as its key. The document mentioned that the mask, when worn by the master, turned into the face of a demon at the last ritual. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 7 # Details: The meaning of the ritual masks The Masks And Their Significance In Rituals The Binding Ritual and the Demon Tag Ritual are performed by the Himuro family master. The master wears a mask when he performs the ritual. This is probably to eliminate the maiden from worldly connections. All participants of the ritual are family members. Meaning, "The one who is sacrificed and the one who performs the sacrifice" may be directly related. My theory is that the mask serves to eliminate the maiden's attachment toward her family. Gouging out the eyes in the Blind Demon Ritual may have similar meaning. # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 8 # Details: The Moon Shrine Moon Shrine The small shrine in the atrium of Himuro Mansion is called the Moon Shrine. It enshrines the maidens who were sacrificed in rituals. Inside the Moon Shrine is an empty well called the Moon Well. The moonlight shines down to the bottom on the night of the ritual. The Rope Shrine Maiden is supposed to purify her body with moonlight at the bottom of the well. The bottom of the well is connected to the basement, and only the Maiden uses this path to reach the basement. According to the legend, the first Rope Maiden was buried in the Moon Shrine. However, no body or documents were found inside. I wonder where the first Rope Maiden has been enshrined... # Ryozo Munakata Research Document 8 # Details: The mystery of the cabinet The Mystery of the Cabinet And The Moon Well The Moon Well, inside the Moon Shrine, is hidden with a trick mechanism. The cabinet moves and opens up the entrance to the Moon Well when a certain routine has been performed, but I have no idea how this is done. There is only a vague description of the trick device. "Acquire the symbols from the four rope-pullers, and show the Himuro family master's seal." This must mean that opening the door requires the symbols carried by the four priests participating in the ceremony, and the Himuro family master's seal. However, now that the family has ceased to exist, there is no way of knowing how to acquire either the symbols of the seal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ News Clippings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Clipping From A Local Newspaper # Details: "Dead Body Found on Mountain" Late yesterday, a human body with no limbs was found in Himuro Mountain, located in the southern region of the prefecture. The body's hands, feet and head were all torn off. The police are investigating the case as both a murder and accident. The body has not been identified, but it is believed to be a man around the age of 30. The police is also taking into consideration the fact that a body, mutilated in the same manner, was found in the same location 15 years ago. # News Article in Mafuyu's Notebook # Details: Star Mystery Novelist Missing Mr. Takamine last made a phone call to his publishers on September 8th, regarding his research trip, and has not been heard from for 14 days. The publishers first assumed that the research was taking longer than expected, but since there were no calls from Mr. Ogata, they decided to file a missing person's report. # Old News Article # Details: "Missing Girl's New Home Found" The girl, who has been found after three days of mysterious disappearance, has been adopted. Mr. Hinasaki, a close friend of Mr. Ryozo Munakata (also missing) will adopt the girl. The girl's parents were missing even after she returned, so the police was looking for a foster home or adoptive family. The girl does not remember anything from her disappearance, and the three other children are still missing. ~~~~~ TAPES ~~~~~ # White Tape 1 # Details: An audio tape with a white label. It was in the tape recorder. September 9th, 5:40pm. The mansion was nowhere to be seen on the map, so we finally had to ask the locals how to find it. They told us that Himuro Mansion had been empty for several decades now. The same ones who told us where it was also warned us not to come here, which was quite disconcerting. # White Tape 2 # Details: An audio tape with a white label. It's been used halfway through. September 9th, 9:40pm. It seemed dangerous to walk through the mountain at night, so we decided to spend the night here and continue our work. I've been through several rooms already. Unlike the exterior, the interior is still in quite good shape. A little earlier, I thought I saw a white shadowy figure of a woman in the hallway near the entrance. I'll keep track of such sightings and publish them in a later account. # RED Tape 1 # Details: An audio tape with red label. It says "Research - 1" on the label. September 10th, 10:20am We discovered some disturbing photos in a chest of drawers. Could these be the folklorist's children mentioned in Koji's notes? The photo is quite old, and shows some kids playing tag. In the corner of the photo there is a faint image of a young girl in a white kimono. Her finger is pointed this way, and her eyes look as if she is making some silent accusation. # RED TAPE 2 # Details: An audio tape with red label. It says "Research - 2" on the label. September 11th, 8:16pm We looked all over the mansion, but we still couldn't find Koji. While true that this mansion is huge, I'm certain we would have found him by now. Could he have already left? He's been saying something about "more ropes" since we took those photos yesterday. # RED TAPE 3 # Details: An audio tape with red label. It says "Research - 3" on the label. September 12th, 9am I found Koji. His death was just like the one in the mountain village. His head and limbs were severed. I can't believe this is happening! # RED TAPE 4 # Details: An audio tape with red label. It says "Research - 4" on the label. Since we met that girl, I've seen many strange visions. All the ghosts from the mansion howl and scream at me. I don't think they'll ever let me out of this mansion. I don't even know how long I can hold onto my sanity. Anyway, I'm leaving this tape. If ever someone listens to this, please, tell me what has happened to me. Still... I hope it's just a dream... # BLUE TAPE 1 # Details: An audio tape with a blue label. Got it from the top of the well. September 12th, 3:20pm I know this sounds crazy, but there's something here besides us in this mansion. I've seen it myself. It was a woman in a white kimono. Something is definitely happening here. Have we unknowingly awakened something? Or perhaps we've been lured here to die? # BLUE TAPE 2 # Details: An audio tape with a blue labe. From a pedestal at Narukami Shrine. Is she the one causing this disaster? All of those earlier deaths? Koji? Tomoe? All of them? Am I the next to die? The Rope Shrine Maiden ritual as told of in legend... Both arms, legs and the neck; it is said when all five have been marked, the curse is complete. Ropes are beginning to appear on my photo. I'm running out of time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | - - - - - - - - - - WHY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! - - - - - - - - - - |(PZ13) | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you to Tecmo for creating such a fantastically unique horror game. Thank you to my boyfriend, Dan, for testing my walkthrough from an amateur/ casual gamer's point of view. Thank you to my brother, Adam, for testing my walkthrough from a professional gamer's point of view. Thank you to you, the reader. Without you, this walkthrough would be without reason. Thank you, thank you, thank you.