____ ____ ___ _ ____ _____ _ _ _______ | _ \ | _ | / _ \ | | | _ \ | _ || || || _ _ | | | | || | ||| | | || | | | | || | | || || ||| | | || | |_| || |_ | |_| || | | |_| || | | || || | | | | ( | _| | _ || | | _ ( | | | || || | | | | |\ \| | | | | || | | | | || | | || || | | | | | | || |_||| | | || |_|| | |_| || |_| || \/ | | | |_| |_||____||_| |_||____| |____/ |_____| \__/ |_| _______ _____ _____ ______ __ __ | __ | / _ \ | _ \ / __ \ | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | _ | | _ ( | | | | | | | | | ||__ | | | | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | \_/ | |_______| |__| |__| |__| |_| \______/ \_____/ ______ _____ __ ___ ______ _____ _______ ______ __ __ | \ | | | \ | | | | | | | _ _ | | | | | | | | __ \ | __| | \ | | | ____| | __| || | | || | ____| | | | | | | | \ | |_ | \ | | | |____ | |_ | | | |____ | | | | | | | | | _| | ^ | |____ | | _| | | |____ | | | | | | |__| | | |__ | |\ | ___| | | |__ | | ___| | | | | | | / | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | \_/ | |________/ |_____| |__| \__| |______| |_____| |_| |______| \_____/ THE FINAL BATTLE: GEESE HOWARD MUST GO Real Bout Garou Densetsu Move List FAQ System: Sega Saturn Version 1.0 (12 December, 2000) By Dangerous K E-mail: jagr70@hotmail.com Copyright 2000 by Dangerous K ======================================================================= **** DISCLAIMER **** ======================================================================= This document is Copyright 2000 Dangerous K. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs without advance permission from the author (Dangerous K). It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. Real Bout Garou Densetsu, Real Bout Fatal Fury, Garou Densetsu, and Fatal Fury are copyrights of the SNK Corporation 1996. ======================================================================= **** TABLE OF CONTENTS **** ======================================================================= 1. Revision History 2. FAQ Purpose 3. Game Review 4. Prologue 5. General Information 6. Stage Information 7. Character Selection Screen 8. Terry Bogard 9. Andy Bogard 10. Kim Kaphwan 11. Duck King 12. Joe Higashi 13. Mai Shiranui 14. Sokaku Mochizuki 15. Bob Wilson 16. Hon Fu 17. Blue Mary 18. Franco Bash 19. Ryuji Yamazaki 20. Jin Chonshu 21. Jin Chonrei 22. Billy Kane 23. Geese Howard 24. Final Words ======================================================================= **** 1. REVISION HISTORY **** ======================================================================= Version 1.0 -Creation of this FAQ. Parts 1 through 24 on the table of contents have been completed with the exception of part 6. More information than what appears will be added to that section and all sections as time goes on. Specifically the winning poses. ======================================================================= **** 2. FAQ Purpose **** ======================================================================= I have created this FAQ for the intention of providing move lists as well as additional information about Real Bout Garou Densetsu for the Sega Saturn. This is my first fighting game FAQ that I am attempting to work on, so do not try and crucify me if I make some mistakes in this FAQ. :) Also by creating this FAQ, I do not claim to be a "master" of this game. I happen to be a huge fan of this game and have always wanted to do a FAQ for it. I will do the best that I can on this FAQ. I may have made several mistakes so please don't make a big deal about it. I hope you enjoy this FAQ. ======================================================================= **** 3. Game Review **** ======================================================================= Real Bout Garou Densetsu is the fifth installment of the Garou Densetsu fighting series from SNK. Garou Densetsu is the Japanese title for what most people in America know as Fatal Fury. This is one of SNK's top fighting series next to their flagship known as the "King of Fighters". Various characters from the Garou Densetsu/Fatal Fury series have made appearances in the many King of Fighters games from SNK. Some of the top names would be Terry Bogard, Andy Bogard, Joe Higashi, Kim Kaphwan, Blue Mary, Ryuji Yamazaki, Billy Kane, and the infamous villain Geese Howard to name some. Welcome to Real Bout Garou Densetsu. GRAPHICS: 8/10 The graphics in this game are good for the most part. We have the typical 2D graphics that accompany most SNK fighting games. One thing about the graphics for Real Bout Garou Densetsu, is that it does not have the same serious mood that accompanies the King of Fighters games. It is more of a brighter and cheerful look at times. The characters have a slight cartoonish look to them. It is not much of a big deal. For the most part the levels have a good amount of detail to them with the exception of the empty subway station. Sound Beach looks very colorful and it has a good amount of detail. >From birds flying around, to the sunset everything is well done for the most part. People who accompany the background in the various levels have quite a good amount of detail to them considering they are not even involved in the game other than posing as spectators. The animation in the game is not bad, it does not seem as stiff as the King of Fighters sometimes appears to be. Animation is fluid. Special moves look great, not to mention there is blood in the game. Luckily the blood is not of Mortal Kombat proportions where a single punch can seemingly take out 5 gallons of blood from an opponent like Mortal Kombat. Blood is only comes out when characters take attacks to the head area. Otherwise you do not see blood in the fights for the most part. I really do not have any faults with the graphics. However one complaint I have is with the way Geese Howard appears in this game. He does not seem to look exactly like a guy not to mess with. The reason I say this is because I played King of Fighters 1996 before I played this game and Geese had the appearance of one bad mother. I'm just really nitpicking there so it is not much of anything to pay attention to. When all is said and done, I enjoy the graphics in the game. Could have been slightly improved, but still good for the most part. SOUND: 9/10 I really like the music in the game. It seems to fit the various stages, from Sound Beach, to the Geese Tower. The music is mostly upbeat and funky. It's nothing boring. Definitely kept me from falling asleep when I was playing late into the night attempting to knock the crap out of whoever happened to be my lucky victim. The only thing that keeps me from giving the sound a perfect score is the fact that the end of the game features in my opinion without a doubt one of the worst songs I've ever heard. It is absolutely awful, trust me, I'd rather be tied to a chair and be forced to listen to crap like the Spice Girls or something. Ugh, what was SNK thinking? Control: 8/10 The control in the game is good for the most part. I've had no problems pulling off most of the moves in the game. At least the basic special moves and things like that. The super moves however I found to be somewhat of a problem. Unless it's me or the controller, I don't know what the problem is. It seems they are so aggravatingly frustrating to pull off. I find it odd because some of the combinations that consist of the D,DB,B,DB,F motion are a pain for me to pull off. Yet when I have to pull off that combination in say a King of Fighters game, I have no problems doing so at all. I don't have an arcade joystick for the Saturn, so I do use the standard controller. But as far as standard controllers for systems go, the Saturn one is one of the best for fighting games. However maybe if I could get my hands on a joystick for the system, then it might be a bit easier. I don't know. However for all the trouble the super moves are, I still do enjoy the control. I do pull off supers, but just not as much as I would like to be able to. GAMEPLAY: 8/10 What can I say? It's a fighting game. There is not a whole lot in the way of story. However I like the basic story a bit more than most fighting games out there. At least there is some basis to the whole purpose of the game. All you really have to do in this game is select your fighter and off you go. You battle 3 opponents to each main stage. You have the beach, the subway, the zoo, the Southtown Bridge, and the Geese Tower which is the only level you fight one opponent. One of the things that I like about most of the levels in each main stage is that for each opponent you fight, there is some sort of change in the background. On all of the levels excluding the Geese Tower, you can get a ring out. It's the same as a 3D fighter when you knock the opponent out of the main fighting ground and you automatically win. But since 2D fighters move to the left and right it's slightly different. There is usually some sort of obstacle at the far right and far left parts of the screen. When you hit your opponent enough times, he eventually will get knocked through whatever the obstacle is and land outside of the main fighting area. It's an interesting change for a 2D fighter. I sort of like it since it is a fresh idea, however I don't think we'll ever see that again. The AI in the game seems to be not too bad when it comes to fighting against. The only characters that seem to be a problem in the way of cheapness is Ryuji Yamazaki, Billy Kane, and Sokaku Mochizuki. For some reason Geese Howard doesn't suffer from the insane SNK boss syndrome that he always has had in previous Fatal Fury games and beyond. In fact the 3 previous characters mentioned I found to be at times tougher than Geese oddly enough. The characters also have their own endings, but to see the game's "true" ending, you have to beat it with Terry Bogard. REPLAY: 7/10 The replay value in fighting games usually depends on a person's willingness to learn the game. There is nothing to unlock here as seen in games such as Marvel vs. Capcom 2, or Capcom vs. SNK. It's just a game you play to have fun with whenever you feel like. It could have used maybe some extra stuff to keep it going longer, but it's not too bad on the replay value. OVERALL: 8/10 I think this is a welcome game as far as 2D fighting goes. There are a lot of great 2D fighters for the Saturn. This is just another. It's an enjoyable game providing you like SNK games. I don't think you can really go wrong here. As far as buying or renting, well I don't think there is a chance in hell to find this game to rent. I'd suggest buying it if you are into 2D fighters and are looking for something else good for the Saturn. It might be a bit hard to find now, but you never know. ======================================================================= **** 4. Prologue **** ======================================================================= Welcome to Southtown...this is a city filled with crime, drugs, gangs, violence, prostitution, and many other things. At the top in this city is a man named Geese Howard. He controls everything in Southtown. Nothing is safe from his grasp. He lives at the top of the 40 story building better known as the "Geese Tower" which overlooks the city. Geese is a tremendous fighter who posesses the skill of the Hakkyokuseiken martial arts. Even though he is a great fighter, he still has the need for several bodyguards due to all of the enemies that Geese has made along the way to the top. His two lesser known bodyguards are a bald man named Hopper, and a a long haired man named Ripper. His other bodyguard is his right hand man named Billy Kane. Billy is from England and is extremely deadly with his stick. If anyone wants to get to Geese, they must fight their way through Billy Kane which is no easy task. Geese sets up an annual tournament with one thing in mind, to eliminate potential threats to his well being. For Geese Howard potential threats would be fighters who can actually match up to him in skill. The tournament which he hosts has one major goal; identify those various potential threats and eliminate them. To put it quite simply, anything or anyone that stands in the way of Geese Howard had better watch out. This year's tournament has a bit of a surprise in store for Geese, the son of the man who he slayed in combat is back for revenge. Terry Bogard is looking to gain revenge on Geese for the murder of Jeff Bogard. Welcome to Real Bout Garou Densetsu. ======================================================================= **** 5. GENERAL INFORMATION **** ======================================================================= [ D-Pad Layout ] --------------------------------------------------- UB U UF Jump Backward Jump Up Jump Forward \ | / (up-back) (up) (up-forward) B -- N -- F Retreat / Block Neutral Approach / | \ (back) (forward) DB D DF Crouch Block Crouch Offensive Crouch (down-back) (down) (down forward) [Button Commands] --------------------------------------------------- D-Pad: Move character around Start: Pause the game A: Punch B: Kick C: Power Attack Z: Line Feed R: Easy Ultimate Tap forward twice: Dash Tap back twice: Moves back fast Hold back: Block 360: Rotate controller clockwise fully around. F,DF,D,DB,B,UB,U,UF,F ======================================================================= **** 6. STAGE INFORMATION **** ======================================================================= *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 7. CHARACTER SELECTION SCREEN **** ======================================================================= This is simply just where the characters of the game appear on the select screen. Where it says "Real" and "Bout", those are not characters, those words appear next to Geese Howard's picture. Also there are no hidden characters in this game as far as I know. Terry Bogard Andy Bogard Joe Higashi Franco Bash Mai Shiranui Bob Wilson Real Geese Howard Bout Billy Kane Hon Fu Ryuji Yamazaki Sokaku Mochizuki Blue Mary Kim Kaphwan Jin Chonrei Jin Chonshu Duck King ======================================================================= **** 8. TERRY BOGARD **** ======================================================================= *NOTE- When you beat the game with Terry, you see what is the "true" ending for this game. ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Buster Throw - F + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Charge Kick: F + C (Perform in mid-dash) 2) Back Spin Kick: F + B 3) Wild Upper: DF + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Power Dunk: F,D,DF + A 2) Power Wave: D,DF,F + A 3) Round Wave: D,DF,F + C 4) Passing Sway: D,DF,F + Z 5) Burn Knuckle: D,DB,B + A or C 6) Crack Shoot: D,DB,B + B 7) Rising Tackle: D,U + A (Charge down) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Power Geyser: D,DB,B,DB,F + BC or R --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Triple Geyser: D,DB,B,DB,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) Terry takes off his hat and dusts off his pants with it, then puts his hat back on when done dusting them off. 2) Turns and faces the background. Then Terry takes off his hat and tosses it off towards the downed opponent. Sometimes he does not throw the hat towards the direction in which the opponent is laying. ======================================================================= **** 9. ANDY BOGARD **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Uchimata: F + C (Perform in close Range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Absegiri: F + B 2) Agetsura: DF + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Zaneiken: DB,F + A or C 2) Shipuu Uraken: DB, F + C (During Zaneiken) 3) Hishouken: D,DB,B + A 4) Geki Hishouken: D,DB,B + C 5) Shippuu Tatsumakigeri: D,DB,B + D 6) Yami Absegiri: F,D,DF + B 7) Shoryudan: F,D,DF + C 8) Kuuhadan: DB,D,DF,F + B 9) Genei Shiranui: D,DF,F + Z (Perform in midair) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Chou Reppadan: D,DF,F + B (Charge down) --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Zanei Reppa: DB,D,DF,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 10. Kim Kaphwan **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Taiotoshi: F + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Nerichagi: F + B --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Hienzan: D,U + B (Charge down) 2) Tenshouzan: D + B (Perform near the end of Hienzan) 3) Hishoukyaku: D + B (Perform in the air) 4) Kuusajin: F,D,DF + A 5) Hangetsuzan: D,DB,B + B or C ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Hou'ou Tenbukyaku: B,DB,D,DF,F + BC or R (Perform in the air) --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Hou'oukyaku: D,DB,B,DB,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 11. Duck King **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Rolling Neck Throw: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) N. Reverse Breaker: DB or D or DF + C (Perform in air when in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Needle Low: DF + B 2) Mad Spin Hammer: B + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Head Spin Attack: D,DF,F + A or C 2) Flying Spin Attack: D,DB,B + A (Perform in the air) 3) Dancing Dive: D,DB,B + B 4) Break Storm: F,D,DF + B 5) Duck Feint Ground: DF + C (Perform during a dash) 6) Duck Feint Air: D,D (Perform in the air) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Break Spiral: B,DB,D,DF,F,UF,D + BC or R --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- *NOTE: Duck Dance is basically a power up move in which Duck King flashes. When he is flashing then, any of the moves listed after the command for Duck Dance can be performed by those button inputs. Duck Dance acts as a power up for Duck King's other moves as well, so they will be more powerful. 1) Duck Dance: D,D + ABC (Once performed, then the following moves are able to be performed) 2) Rolling Banisher: B,F,B,F + BC (Performed once Duck Dance is done, also charge first back) 3) Diving Banisher: F,DF,D + BC (Performed once Duck Dance is done, must be done in the air) 4) Dancing Caliber: D,DB,B,DB,B + BC (Performed during Duck Dance) 5) Break Hurricane: D,DF,F,DF,F + BC (Performed during Duck Dance) -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 12. Joe Higashi **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Joe Special: F + C (Perform in close range, also hit down if you want another hit) 2) Hizajigoku: DF + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Sliding: DF + B 2) Joe Sobat: B + B 3) Shagami Hijiuchi: DB + A 4) Vertical Upper: B + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Bakuretsuken: Tap A button repeatedly 2) Bakuretsu Hook: D,DF,F + A (Perform during Bakuretsuken) 3) Tiger Kick: F,D,DF + B 4) Pressure Knee: F,D,DF + Z 5) Ougon no Kakato: D,DB,B + B 6) Slash Kick: DB, F + B or C 7) Hurricane Upper: B,DB,D,DF,F + A 8) Bakuretsu Hurricane: B,DB,D,DF,F + C ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Screw Upper: F,B,DB,D,DF + BC or R --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Slide Screw: F,B,DB,D,DF + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 13. Mai Shiranui **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Fuushakuzushi: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) Yumezakura: DB or D or DF + C (Perform in close range in the air) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Ryu no Mai: B + A 2) Hanegiri: Hit C when getting up --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Kachousen: D,DF,F + A 2) Midare Kachousen: D,DB,B + C 3) Ryuenbu: D,DB,B + A 4) Hissatu Shinobibachi: B,DB,D,DF,F + C 5) Kagero no Mai: D,D + C 6) Musabi no Mai: D + AB (Perform in the air) 7) Gen'ei Shiranui: D,DF,F + Z (Perform in the air) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Chou Hissatu Shinobibachi: F,DB,F + BC or R --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Gekka Midare Botan: F,DB,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 14. Sokaku Mochizuki **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Mumon Jiogkunage: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) Mudou Shibarinage: B + C (Perform in close range) 3) Shoutensatu: DB or D or DF + C (Perform in close range in the air) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Shakujou Joudan'uchi: DB + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Makibishi: D,DF,F + A 2) Nozarugari: D,DB,B + A 3) Hyouidan: F,B,F + C 4) Jashin Kon: B,DB,D,DF,F + B 5) Genmu Jin: F,D,DF + A 6) Higi Kaminari Otoshi: F,D,DF + B 7) Hametsu no Honou: D,B,DB + B 8) Kimonjin: 360 + C (Perform in close range) 9) Jakonbu: Tap A repeatedly 10) Tenpa: DB + C (Perform during Jakonbu) 11) Happa: DF + C (Perform during Jakonbu) 12) Kouha: UF + C (Perform during Jakonbu) 13) Touha: Tap Z (Perform during Jakonbu) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Ikazuchi: F,DF,D,DF,F + BC or R --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) F,DF,D,DF,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 15. Bob Wilson **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Falcon: F + C (Perform when close) 2) Hornet Attack: DF,DF + C (Perform during Falcon) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) H. Hedgehog: F + A (Perform during a dash) 2) Eagle Step: D + B (Perform in the air) 3) Elephant Tusk: DF + C 4) Lynx Fang: U + C (Perform when opponent is down) 5) Flying Fish: Tap C repeatedly (Perform when you are down) --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Monkey Dance: F,D,DF + B 2) Rolling Turtle: D,DB,B + B 3) Bison Horn: D,U + C (Charge down) 4) Wild Wolf: B,F + B (Charge back) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Dangerous Wolf: F,B,DB,D,DF,F + BC or R --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Mad Spin Wolf: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + C 2) Wolf Fang: Tap C repeatedly (Perform during Mad Spin Wolf) -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 16. Hon Fu **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Back Flip: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) Keiraku Randa: DF + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Fumikomi Sokugeri: F + B 2) Haetataki: DB + B 3) Todome Nunchaku: D + C (Perform when opponent is down) --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Seikuu Rekkakon: F,D,DF + A 2) Denkou Sekka no Chi: DB,F + B (Charge DB first) 3) Denkou Pachiki: Tap B repeatedly (Perform during Denkou Sekka no Chi) 4) Denkou Sekka no Ten: D,DB,B + B 5) Hisshou Gyakushuukyaku: D,DB,B + C 6) Honoo no Taneuma: Tap A repeatedly 7) Kuuron no Yomi: B,DB,D,DF,F + C 8) Kokuryuu: B,DB,D,DF,F + C (Used when opponent is in the air) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Bakuhatsu Goroo: D,DB,B,DB,F + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Cadenza no Arashi: D,DB,B,DB,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 17. Blue Mary **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Lock Kick: B + C (Performed in close range) 2) Leg Lock: B,F + C (Performed in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Crouching Punch: DF + A 2) Double Rolling: B + B 3) Fire Kick: D,U + C 4) Foot Stomp: D + C (Perform when opponent is down) 5) Leg Drop: U + C (Perform when opponent is down) --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Spin Fall: D,DF,F + A 2) Straight Slice: B,F + B (Charge back) 3) Stun Fang: B,F + B (Perform during Straight Slice) 4) Vertical Arrow: F,D,DF + B 5) M. Snatcher: F,D,DF + B (Perform during Vertical Arrow) 6) Stun Gun Smasher: D,DB,B + C 7) M. Head Buster: D,DB,B + B 8) M. Spider: D,DF,F + C 9) Quick Sway: D,DB,B + A 10) Back Drop: B + A (Perform during Quick Sway) 11) Face Rock: B + B (Perform during Back Drop) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) M. Typhoon: F,B,DB,D,DF,F + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) M. Driving Smasher: F,B,DB,D,DF,F + C (Perform in close range) -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 18. Franco Bash **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Elbow Bash: F + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Power Uppercut: Press C repeatedly 2) Step Ace: Dash + C 3) Bash Tornado: F + B --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Double Kong: D,DB,B + A 2) Meteor Shot: D,DF,F + A 3) Waving Blow: B,DB,D,DF,F + Z 4) Meteor Tackle: DB,F + C (Charge DB) 5) Waving Step: B,F + B (Charge back) 6) Quick Step: B,F + B (Perform during Waving Step) 7) Power Bicycle: D,DF,F + B ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Final Omega Shot: D,DB,B,DB,F + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Harmagedon Buster: F,DF,D,DB,B + C (Perform in close range) 2) Straight: D,DF,F + A (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 3) Back Attack: D,DF,F + B (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 4) Tackle: D,DF,F + C (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 5) Hook: D,DB,B + A (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 6) High Kick: D,DB,B + B (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 7) Omega Shot: D,DB,B + C (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 8) Uppercut: F,D,DF + A (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 9) Reverse Kick: F,D,DF + B (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) 10) Bicycle: F,D,DF + C (Perform during Harmagedon Buster) -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 19. Ryuji Yamazaki **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Bun'nage: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) Headbutt: DF + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Bussashi: F + A 2) Shouten: DF + A 3) Hekomashi: D + C (Perform when opponent is down) 4) Metsubushi: Tap C repeatedly --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Hebitsukai - Gedan: D,DB,B + C 2) Hebitsukai - Taikuu: D,DB,B + C + UF 3) Sadomazo: B,DB,D,DF,F + B 4) Baigaeshi: D,DF,F + C 5) Sabaki no Aikuchi: F,DB,F + A ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Guillotine: F,DF,D,DB,B + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Drill: 360 + C (Perform in close range) 2) Level 2 Drill: Tap C repeatedly 8x in one second (Perform during Drill) 3) Level 3 Drill: Tap C repeatedly 10x in one second (Perform during Drill) 4) Level 4 Drill: Tap C repeatedly 16x in one second (Perform during Drill) -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 20. Jin Chonshu **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Hakkeiryuu: F + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Ryuukaitou: DF + C 2) Kourinsatsu: B + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Teiou Shinsokuken: F,F + A 2) Teiou Tengenken: D,DF,F + A or C 3) Teiou Tenjiken: F,D,DF + A or C 4) Teiou Shinganken: F,DF,D,DB,B + A or B or C 5) Teiou Shingankouraku: Tap A or B or C (Perform during Teiou Shinganken) ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Teiou Rojinken: D,DB,B,F + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Teiou Shukumyouken: D,DB,B,F + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 21. Jin Chonrei **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Hakkeiryuu: F + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Ryuusatsukyaku: F + B --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Teiou Shinsokuken: F,F + A 2) Shin Shinsokuken: F,F,F + A 3) Teiou Tengenken: D,DF,F + A or C 4) Teiou Tenjiken: F,D,DF + A or C 5) Teiou Rojinken: D,DB,B,F + C 6) Teiou Tashinken: D,DB,B + B 7) Ryuutenshin: D,DF,F + B ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Teiou Shukumyouken: F,B,DB,D,DF + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Teiou Ryuuseiken: F,B,DB,D,DF + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 22. Billy Kane **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Ipponzuri Nage: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) Jigokuotoshi: F + B (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Pole Stab: F + A 2) Toukatsu Kahougeki: D + C (Perform when opponent is down) --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Sansetsukon Chuudan'uchi: B,F + A (Charge back) 2) Kaen Sansetsukon Chuudanzuki: B,F + C (Perform during Sansetsukon Chuudan'uchi) 3) Suzumeotoshi: D,DB,B + A 4) Karyuu Tsuigekikon: D,DB,B + B 5) Kyoushuu Hishoukon: DB,D,DF,F + B 6) Senpuukon: Tap A repeatedly ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Chou Kaen Senpuukon: D,DF,F,DF,D,DB,B + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Gurensakkon: F,DF,D + C -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 23. Geese Howard **** ======================================================================= ---------------------------THROW TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Shinkuunage: F + C (Perform in close range) 2) Kosatsushou: DF + C (Perform in close range) --------------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUES--------------------------- 1) Raimei Gouhanage: D + C (Perform when opponent is down) 2) Raikou Mawashigeri: B + C 3) Shouten Myoujou'uchi: DF + A --------------------------DEADLY TECHNIQUES---------------------------- 1) Reppuuken: D,DB,B + A 2) Double Reppuuken: D,DB,B + C 3) Shippuuken: D,DB,B + A (Perform in the air) 4) Double Shippuuken: D,DB,B + C (Perform in the air) 5) Joudan Ateminage: B,DB,D,DF,F + B 6) Urakumogakushi: B,DB,D,DF,F + C 7) Jaeiken: B,F + B or C ----------------------SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES-------------------------- 1) Raging Storm: DB,F,DF,D,DB,B,DF + BC --------------------POTENTIAL ABILITY TECHNIQUES----------------------- 1) Thunder Break: F,DF,D + C 2) Deadly Rave: F,DF,D,DB,B,F + A,A,B,C,C,C,B,C, D,DB,B + C (Must be performed without pausing) -----------------------------WIN POSES--------------------------------- 1) *COMING SOON* 2) *COMING SOON* ======================================================================= **** 24. Final Words **** ======================================================================= There will be more updates to this FAQ as time moves on. I'm not in a big rush to do more things to it as I haven't the greatest amount of time right now. If you are going to use this FAQ, please email me so I know. Also give proper credit because I don't want people claiming they did the work when all they did was copy and paste and make a few changes.