======================================================= KADFC Presents ======================================================= FFX-2 International + Last Mission's Creature FAQ/GUIDE Author: KADFC Copyrighted 2008 First Created On: July 16 2008 @ 8:16 AM Pacific Time First Version Submitted On: August 20 2008 Current Version: 1.10 Current Version Submitted On: August 27 2008 Email: New_KADFC@hotmail.com Youtube Account: KaddyGamer http://youtube.com/user/KaddyGamer (Will post my FFX-2 International Video Walkthrough Soon. In the meantime, watch my 100% New Game No-Plus from the non-international version. All the percentage and steps are the same.) =============================================================================== Table of Content =============================================================================== A. Introduction B. Before We Start C. KADFC's Tutorial D. Collesium E. FAQs (Frequent Asked Quesetions) F. Credits =============================================================================== Introduction =============================================================================== Honestly, I can't believe I'm actually typing this FAQ up. I don't know how many people will read this, but it has to be done. I suck at both English and my origin's language (Chinese), and now I'm now typing a guide for this game, which is in japanese. Am I suited to create this FAQ, maybe or maybe not. Well no one else is volunteering, so I did and here I am. I use a Magic Swap with Slide Card make the gaming possible. It beats opening the whole system up and cheaper than buying a whole new JPN PS2 just to play this game. Inconvenient, yes. I suggest then to keep in turned on, and turn the PS2 off by the end of the day if you want to call it quits. The game itself, wow, so much has been added. Storyline wise, nothing, but gameplay wise, I would have to say 300% more. Creature Create. It has it's own storyline or rather, story telling. Too bad I don't have someone translating all the stories for me, that would be kickass. However, I will be uploading all storyline endings, but in JPN raw form. When? Someday. I'm not here to translate every single detail, that's out of my current abilities. However, I will do my best to create a guide that any english reading individual will comprehend. If you don't understand it, post a topic on the boards or send me a message on youtube. I rarely check my email anymore. This guide is created after experiencing and reading a few other guides. Just by reading those guides didn't give me enough information about the game. Actually it got me mad so many times. For one, there's not information given, so I have to play it in order to get it myself. The amount stress from playing this game... *sighs* Well I guess I'm over most it it now. The good thing though is that I've seen a few chinese characters before and 30% of the JPN characters are the same thing, so I could easily get myself through using items. Let me list the FAQ which somewhat guided me through this game: Split's Guides: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/918914/30013 Best for the difference changes and the new GG and what they do. I had to go back to this guide many times to confirm what gates do what. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/562386/25872 Used this for just about everything. It's the first place I look when I want to know something or get a refresher. Ctrl + F FTW! Kouli's Guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/918914/29025 Quite Frankly, I hate this guide. One, it was translated from JPN. How useless is this? VERY! Set's a good base to getting creature. Yet, I didn't use this guide to get any of my creatures, I did trial and error for all chapters. There is one thing good about this guide though. That's the link given at the end. I've got so many info from reading that. Oh and here's the link which I'm taking straight from his FAQ: http://naoretta.s9.xrea.com/FF10-2ilmkurihokaku.html A good amount of credits will go to them instead. The Ouroborous Item List: (A MUST, I LOVE ONE) http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/918914/42512 Don't know what the item does? Read this. NOTE: This doesn't contain every single item possible though. There's a lot of items not covered in this section, but in terms of getting through the game, it's good enough. EChang's GG List: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/562386/22790 Doesn't list all GG, but some of the ones that I regularly use are in this. What I use mostly? Let me see... A few of them - Treasure Hunter, Valiant Lustre, Highroad Winds, Menance of the Deep, etc... Red Scarlet's Monster List: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/562386/22681 Very useful. Translations were taken and finded with Ctrl + F Got me through a lot of trouble, but not for the internationl part though. nemes1s's Perfect Game Guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/562386/27786 This also applies for this game as well, but you'll have to remember what everything are. I did get 100% from following this guide even though I didn't follow it for Chapter 5. If you can keep up with it for the first 4 chapters, that 100% is good as yours, unless you skipped a scene. Last, but not least, Jonrx's Creature Create guide hosted in IGN.com http://faqs.ign.com/articles/496/496912p1.html I used this to start everything. This guy deserves most of the credit of helping me out when no one else can. All the gamefaqs FAQs can't go into more detail than this guide. Well, not until this guide is posted at least. As you can see, I did a lot of Guide/FAQ searching to get where I am right now. Currently, I'm only missing 1 (or 2 monsters). I've got all the NPCs possible. I have defeated Numerus for two methods so far, and I'm about to find some more. You probably don't know what I'm talking about, so shall we start from the very beginning? =============================================================================== Before We Start =============================================================================== Before we start this, let me say this, it's best to do this in New Game Plus. That's because you can't get everyone in your first time. It's required that you go to New Game Plus in order to unlock them. This is true for most NPCs who you need to use a SP pod in the chapters. Also, get Iron Duke and Adamantite. A few Crystal Bangel to increase HP helps, so does Champion Belts. Catnip does wonders, even though it's Berserked and Slowed. Know why? Because if you're smart, don't use YRP when trying to get all the enemies, assuming you want this. Let me explain why you should keep them at low levels. All non-human creatures in this game needs to be leveled up and released in order for you to complete their episode. If their level is low, it will take a few battles to fully get their episode complete. In my case, I used a Chocobo with Iron Duke and Champion Belt. My Chocobo basically guided everyone (creatures) through the leveling up process and he defeated all storyline bosses on his own. Also, if you're level is at 99 and you were trying to do this.. you need to restart in New Game Plus. It's impossible. If you're in the upper 90s. You can do it and all, but prepare to dedicate a lot of time getting that much EXP to level them up. Catch my drift? Okay, good. However, you can do it your way. It is your game after all, I'm just here to give you a heads up. =============================================================================== Tutorial =============================================================================== When you first begin the game, go talk to Shinra. Compared to the original game, there is now a new option given. It's very easily noticeable, the very first one highlighted in a pink color. Select that now, if you will. You will now be given a chance to read a tutorial from Shinra himself. I could translate that, but I would rather do it my own way. First option is yes, I would like to read what Shinra has to say, 2nd is no, I don't wanna. I picked the 2nd one because.. well I'm here ain't I? After you select the top option, you'll be given a screen with 7 options: 1) Capture Creature Map, aka CCM (a rock symbol, could be a pod) 2) Menu (same as going into the menu, symbol is a leaf/plant) 3) Current Creatures (symbol is a cactuar) 4) Creature Ending Collector (symbol is a book) 5) Renaming Creatures (has 4 characters about) 6) Collesium (has 2 characters) 7) Exit (arrow pointing to the left, back to Airship) Well now, let's start from the first one then, CCM. Pick that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capture Create Map (aka CCM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you can probably see, this is the same screen as when you talk to buddy in order to travel all around Spira. How should we navigate this place? Well, since I can't read JPN, remember the picture on the background. If you can't do this by looking at the picture, I suggest you play a different game.. Story Lv. # is just as it is. It's where you are in the game. Creature Completed % is the amount of storyline's you finished for all the possible creatures in the game. You start at 0% of course. It's soley up to you if you want to finish this or not. As of right now, I have 99% and I will get 100%. Now, look at the bottom of the screen. See this round object that looks like an orb? In this game, we call these pods. There's 4 types of mods total and you can only have a maximum of 8 pods at any time. Pods are, from what I've experienced, obtained through 3 different ways. Pods can also be known as traps, but I'll call them pods from now on. 1) Win a battle in the Collesium, any will do. 2) Finish a storyline chapter will get you 3 SP Pods, unless you're full 3) Release a monster whose storyline you've just completed. Only new ones count. Meaning they aren't already apart of the collector. When the game does give you a pod, you can determine this by the S, M, L, or SP that's given on the screen. Don't confuse this with grenades though, since they can be seen as the same thing. If you have 8 or more, the game will automatically not give you any more pods anymore. Makes sense right? There are 4 types of pods, which can be determined by 2 methods. First is by their size and secondly is by their color. 1) Small Pod: Smallest one of them all and it's yellow 2) Medium Pod: A little big bigger and it's green/teal 3) Large Pod: Largest one possible and it's blue 4) SP (Special) Pod: Same size as Large, but it's purple How should I explain this? YRP, each of the girls is S. All humans are S. You can have 3 S at max. Creatures also can take up M which equals 2 S's space and L can take up 3 S's space 3 S = 1 L 2 S = 1 M So it's possible to have a M with a S, since that will take up 3 S spaces. However, if you use a L in your party, he's left on his own. These pods capture exactly as their size indicates. S pods only capture creatures that fit the S category, while M and L captures only their own type. SP however, gives you a list meaning you specifically capture a certain type of enemy. Special Pods List goes as follows: Human (NPC)| Armor | Bird | Flan | Seed Plant | Element ---------------------------------------------------------------- Wolf | Lizard | Bee | One Eye | Dual Horn | Drake ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb | Ogre | 2 Blade | Mushroom | Chimera | Stoner ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Snake | Sagahin | Imp | Machina | Statue | Exit What's good about this? AFAIK, it's only good for getting Humans, or rather NPCs. I guess it also works when you know a creature that exists in that area. Besides that, don't keep many of these. Let's see if I can make any clarifications. Armor can also be called Helms, One Eye is that thing that flys around and has one eye, Dual Horn is that beast that shoots fire, Drake is the thing that breathes fire on everyone (Elder Drake belongs here), 2 Blade is that guy that only jumps to attack and has a blade on his tail, Chimera is the guy with 2 or 3 heads and a snake for a tail, Stoner is that snake like enemy that petrifies with his eye (Chac in Bevelle), Fire Snake is that enemy that enemy that you first saw in Gagazet, Sagahin is that fish like enemy, Machina is what they are, Statue however is what Bevelle uses to get enemy's away. NPCs can also be captured by S Pods, but sometimes it requires you to use an SP pod in order to get them. Okay, let's begin capturing your first monster. Select any area first. Once you did that, look at the bottom. The first pod on the left should be flashing with a white aura and an arrow pointing at it. You now will select your pod. Press O to confirm it again. The pod will now be used. Now press R1 to Round Up! Meaning it will do it's best to get you an enemy of that category. The screen will turn black and then reappear. It should say "Round Up!" on the screen. Press O again. If you see Shinra there, that means there is no monster that's capturable present in this area and you've just wasted a pod. If you do see an enemy. It asks you if you want it or not. Initially picking the option means you'll take it, use the other option to not take it. If you did take it, you'll get to rename it. Press start and the other option submit that name and you'll return back to the map. Well, you've just captured your first monster. Extra info. For each area, at max, there's only 4 possible enemy present for each category. Try anymore and Shinra will show up. If you used 2 pods on one area and you didn't see anyone's whose storyline is finished, it means you should move on. The level of the creature is determined by YRP's average level plus or minus some minor deviation. So if you keep YRP's level low, you'll get a low How do you tell if the enemy's storyline is complete? When you capture an enemy, normally, the name of the enemy is on the upper left. When an enemy's storyline is complete, there's an extra yellow tag on the upper right. Let's teach you another feature. If you haven't used a pod, press X to exit. Pick one of the options to fully exit. If you have used a pod, you'll be given 3 options: 1) I really want to exit 2) Reload the map 3) Stay here on this screen If you picked the 2nd one, the screen will reload itself. If you don't reload it, you can't set up pods anymore until you do. You can also set multiple mods throughout spira and round them all up in one go, but only one category can be placed in one area. Now's lets return to the previous screen and go through the other 5 options. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's really nothing special here. It's basically going back to the normal menu screen when you press the triangle button. They just make this easier for you to see whose in your party and etc... A short cut if you will. Yet, don't you wonder what they said in Shinra's tutorial? Well, okay fine. I'll just go down the whole menu then. Compared to the original's menu screen a few more options are added as well. Most of which, can be said to train/add commands and auto-abilities to creatures. 1) Items (No Change Here) > Use / Rearrange / Key Items Use -> Pick Item Rearrange -> Manual / Automatic Manual -> Switch items around Key Items -> Look at Key Items Collected 2) White Magic (No Change Here) > Pick a girl (Has to be YRP) -> Pick spell to heal with -> Pick Target 3) Equip (Different) > Pick Character/Creature from list > Equip Result Plate/GG, DS, and Accessories 4) Result Plate (GG) List > This is where you fill up the slots of certain GG used in the game. Somewhat hard to use because it's in JPN, but get use to it. 5) Abilities (YRP Only, No Change) This is where you change what girls are currently learning from their DS. Only the girls has this option, no creatures have this. 6) Accessories List (No Change Here) > Manual Rearrange / Automatic Just like how the items were 7) Dress Sphere List (DS List) (No Change Here) 8) Training/Feeding Creatures (NOTE: You can't feed/train YRP anything) > Pick Creature > Feed Items Feed Accessories Forget Auto-Ability or Commands - When you feed them Items or Accesories, their stats increase, they get to learn a new Auto or Command, or even both. It depends if you think it's worth it or not - The Forgot feature is semi-pointless since during a battle, they can relearn what was forgotten. Yet, this only applies to their initial moves. To make them not relearn their initial stuffs, teach new stuff to block it out. - Blocking it out meaning, since they can only learn * Five Commands * Five Auto-Abilities Once all these slots are taken, they can't learn anything else, unless you make them forget - Last thing, even though all Item/Accessories gives the same stuff, that isn't fully true of how it changes the stats in terms of HP and MP. 9) Rearranging Party Members Here's all the possible formats, since it depends on the party size S S + S S + S + S M M + S L The last option on this list takes all the members out. Having an M on the list doesn't mean it will take up 2 spaces on the left list. On the left list, you can have up to 8 creatures, not counting YRP. For example, on your left list, you can have 8 L creatures or 8 M creatures, etc... Umm, that's about it. I don't think I can add anymore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Creatures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will let you see what creatures is in your party. This doesn't include YRP. You can have a max of 8 creatures here. Oh, forgot to mention this, but I'll do it here. If you were on the CCM and you exceeded 8 creatures already, you'll have to delete one and replace it with the new one. On this screen, the list gives you all the creatures' names. Pick one. I'm assuming Brother has been added to this. As you can see, he doesn't have storyline levels. No humans have storyline levels (NPCs). When you first pick them, you only see them. Press O to confirm again. A screen pops up. The bottom is to exit, the top one however, is to release. If you did pick the top one, they'll be removed from your party and you'll return to the first screen. If you decided to release Brother, you can get them back. Let me say this, there isn't a single creature who you can release but not get back. Meaning, you can release any creature and recapture them later. When you first capture a creature, remember their level. As a rule of thumb add 5 to that, episode complete level. If you get that creature to that level, go to this place to see if "Episode Complete" appears. If you do, then release them to see their ending. Too bad I can't translate any of them, but some of them do have some humor just by watching them. There's a way to determine if a creature has storyline levels. Notice that on the releasing box, go back a screen at look at the bottom of that box. If it has a fraction instead of 1/1, then it does have a storlyine. If it's only 1/1, then no storyline. For example, if it's 3/4, that means you need 2 more level for this creature. Level him once to get 4/4, but you'll need to level him up again to get Episode Complete. When you've Episode Completed a creature and saw their ending, they'll join the collectors screens and you can watch them at any time. There's nothing else I can saw here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creature Ending Collector ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The name saids it all. This is basically an album of all the creature's ending that you've completed. Pick one and you can see their ending again. Getting all of them is quite tedious and takes a lot of work. There's 19 pages total, so that's a lot of creatures to get. NPCs needs to be released in order to seen here. I'm not going to translate them back from the US version. That will take forever and that won't be much help to the people that's playing this version. So instead, I'll give you a jist of who's on here. Be warned, the names can be spoilers. Here I go: Page 1: Top 6 are all Helms; Last 3 are Small Birds Page 2: Top 6 are all Flans; Last 3 are Seed Plants Page 3: Top 6 + 1 = 7 are Elements; Last 2 Are Boris and Arcanae Page 4: Top 6 + 1 = 7 are Wolves; Last 2 are Coeurl and Queen Coeurl Page 5: Top 6 are Lizards; Last 3 are Big Birds, like Zuu Page 6: First 5 are Bees; Last 4 are One Eyes Page 7: Top 3 are Dual Horns; Next 5 are Drakes (Elder Drake having the 8th slot. Last Slot belongs to an Iron Giant. Page 8: Top 3 are Bombs, Mid 3 are Ogres, Last 3 are Twin Blades Page 9: First 4 are Mushrooms; Next 2 are Chimeras; Last 3 are Stoners (Chac) Page 10: First 4 are Fire Snakes; Next 2 are Tonberry and Mega Tonberry; Last 3 are Ochus Page 11: Top 6 are Insects like King Vermin, Last 3 are Dragons (Flame Dragon, Zalamander, and Clarnet Dragon.) Page 12: Top 3 are Sahagin; Next 2 are Archaen (A water fiend that has a glowing heart; Orange + Purple); Next 2 are large fishes; Last 2 are Jelly Morphes (Spherimorph). Page 13: First 4 are Imps; Next 2 are Ghosts; Last 3 are Tombs, with Demon Cup Page 14: Top 3 are Devils (From Demon Cup); Next 1 is a Spirit (Demon Cup); Next 2 are Cactuar and Jumbo Cactuar; Last 2 are Eaters (Chocobo Eater and Anything Eater); Last Spot is Empty Page 15: First 2 are Iron Clads; Next 2 are Behemoth and King Behemoth; Next 1 is an Octopus; Next 2 are Malboro and Great Malboro; Very last 2 are Adamantoise Page 16: First 4 are Small Machinas; Next 4 are M sized Machinas Page 17: First 2 are Robots with 2 Cannons; Next 2 are Robots that Kicks; Next 2 are Defenders (Robots); Next 2 are Blitzball Shooting Machines; Last 1 is the Shooting Tank Page 18: First 2 are Giant Slugs (Shell Shocker and Concerher); Next 2 are Ancients (Ancient Guardian and Azi Dahaka). Last 3 are Weapons (Ultima, Omega, and Paragon). Followed with 2 Empties Page 19: Top 3 are Male Goon; Mid 3 are Fem Goons; Last 3 are the Syndicates (Ormi, Logos, and LeBlanc) Page 20: Yaibal | Lucil | Elma Baralai | Gippal | Nooj Garrik | Trema | Seymour Page 21: Brother | Buddy | Strongest Shinra Auron | Kimarhi | Lulu ??? | Chocobo | Shinra Total = 176 (Not Including YRP) I wish they had add these as well: Dark Aeons Angra Mainyu Ronso Youth Issaru Dona Barthello Experiment Shuyin Venagun? (LOL ^_^;) Sin <_< Penance Normal Shinra Wakka (YES! WHY DIDN'T THEY!? Who knows) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Renaming Creatures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like before, the name saids it all. You'll be given a screen like the Current Creature screen. Pick any of them. You'll be given 3 options. 1) Rename Creature 2) Release Creature 3) Return Back I haven't said much about this before, so I'll explain it here. Since this is one of a kind. The first two are JPN characters of both kanji and hira. Since this guide isn't for JPN people, use the 3rd option which is english. Even though we're given the alphabet, we only get capitols and non lower case letters. You'll just have to get use to it. For now, let's skip the collesium because that's a little bit more advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting Started with the Creature Create Feature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part maybe not neccessary, but I feel it's needed. This is basically a summary, but I'm here to rap it up. For those of you aiming to get 100% in the Monster's storyline. You need to put different pods in different areas, get them at a low enough level to level them up until their Episode is complete and then release them. Keep on doing this until you get 100%. However, you do need to read about how to unlock certain cups in order to do this For those aiming to get all the NPCs in this game. The majority of them is obtained by placing SP pods in the correct areas mostly in chapter 5. However, there is 3 FFX characters that can only be obtained by unlocking the last and final Cup. In order to get them, you need to battle them and win the cup itself. For that purpose, you'll definetly need to read the Collesium section. Which is coming up next. =============================================================================== Collesium =============================================================================== This is where all the action is at and the heart all of the new features in this game. I haven't figured out all the kinks yet, so until someone tells me what it does, I won't update what I don't know. Yet, what I do know is about 99% of what you should need to do. Overall, you just need to learn the first top 3 options. 1) Join the Cups 2) Team Battles 3) Menu (I don't need to describe this one anymore) Last Option is exiting this place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Cups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you first start out, you're only given the first cup. As you progress and do certain requirements, you get to unlock all of the rest of those cups. There's a total of 10 cups total, while one of those cup's names will change and change back if you finish that cup's duties. Here's a list of all those cups: 1) Regular Cup 2) Regular Hard Cup 3) Large Cup 4) Large Hard Cup 5) Chocobo Cup 6) Cactuar Cup 7) Youth League Cup 8) Aeon Cup 9) Demon Cup -> Shinra's Cup 10) Farplane Cup Not counting the first cup, all the Cups are unlocked when the requirements are met or exceeded. 1) Regular Cup (Initially There) No Requirements First Grand Prize: Psychier Dress Sphere Other prizes: X-Potion x 4 Ether x 8 Titan Bangel (HP +40%) Silver Bracelet (MP +40%) Random Pod 2) Regular Hard Cup How to Unlock: Win Regular Cup 3 times Prizes: Power Wrist (STR +20) Tarot Cards (MAG +20) Defense Veil (MDE +20) Mythril Gloves (DEF +20) Mythril Bangle (HP +60%) Gold Bracer (MP +60%) Talisman (MAG +30) Random Pod 3) Large Cup How to Unlock: Win Regular Hard Cup Once Prizes: Mega-Potion x 4 Mega Phoenix x 4 Elixir x 2 Panacea x 30 Random Pod 4) Large Hard Cup How to Unlock: Win Large Cup 3 times Prizes: Elemental Rings (Seven Types, I couldn't care less) 5) Chocobo Cup How to Unlock: Win Large Hard Cup Once Requirements: Must have a Chocobo in the Battling Party Prizes: Regal Crown (MAG +40, MDE +40) Champion Belt (STR +40, DEF +40) Rabite's Foot (Luck +100) Minerva's Plate (STR -80, MAG +100, MAX MP +100%, Pointless) Random Pods 6) Cactuar Cup How to Unlock: Win Large Hard Cup 3 times Requirements: Must have a Cactuar in the Battling Party Prizes: Power Gloves (STR +40) Crystal Gloves (DEF +60) Oath Veil (MDE +60) Pixie Dust (MAG +40) Random Pods 7) Youth League Cup How to Unlock: Win Large Hard Cup 6 times Prizes: Defense Bracer (Auto-Wall) Speed Bracer (Auto-Haste) Shmooth Shailing (DEF +30, MDE +30, Super Ribbon, Auto-Slow) Tetra Bracelet (Tetra Eater) Random Pods 8) Aeon Cup How to Unlock: Read Special Unlocking Section Prizes: Hirui-Naki Mono GG - Win Aeon Cup 3 times Kaiser Knuckles (STR +50) Crystal Ball (MAG +50) Crystal Bangle (HP +100%) Rune Bracer (MP +100%) Random Pods 9) Demon Cup -> Shinra's Cup How to Unlock: Read Special Unlocking Section Storyline Mission Prize: Strongest Shinra Joins your party. Prizes: AP Egg (Double AP) Gold Hairpin (Half MP Cost) Soul of Thamasa (MAG +15, Magic Booster) Adamantite (DEF +120, MDE +120, AGL -30, MAX HP +100%, Auto-Wall) Last Resort GG (Finish Shinra's Storyline) Random Pods 10) Farplane Cup How to Unlock: Read Special Unlocking Section Prizes: (Hopefully you know what these do, since they are the best) Key to Success Iron Duke Ragnarok Force of Nature Random Pods Other prizes: Read Special Unlocking Section ??? joins your party Auron joins your party Seymour joins your party ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speical Unlocking Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aeon Cup - To Unlock this Cup, you must capture specific fiends. Train them to increase their level by 5 and then release them. They don't have a normal storyline so they'll evolve as soon as you release them. It's said that you need to level them up first, but I haven't tried it without. Note: Remember what level you captured them at, add 4 to that and level up to that level, and then release them. If you can't remember what their initial level is, well then check to see if their Episode is complete. If it is complete, release them. The release screen also tells if their storyline is done. Besaid - Flame Dragon: Must be in Chapter 1 through 2. It could be there in chapter 3. It will definetly not be there in Chapter 5. Use L Pod. Flame Dragon will turn into "Ifrit". Note: Flame Dragon is the first Besaid Boss that you fight and you don't need to finish the mission in order to capture him. Thunder Plains - Blitzball Shooting Machine: It was said to be in Besaid, but I think that's BS. I found mine Thunder Plains in the area where you rescue Cid in Chapter 5. You must encounter him first though and he's always by himself. Use L Pod. BSM turns into "Ixion". Bevelle - Azi Dahaka: Can only be obtained in Chapter 5, no other chapters. If you're not getting him, try entering Via Infinito first. Use L Pod. Azi Dahaka will turn into "Bahamut". Note: Azi is the first boss and only boss that you battled in Zanarkand Ruins after talking to Issaru. Bevelle - Critical Bug: Whatever goes with Azi Dahaka, goes for this as well. Chapter 5 Only. Use M Pod. Critical Bug turns into "Yojimbo". Note: Pretty sure Mi'hien hidden cave isn't opened. But if don't get him, open that up with a Level 5 Chocobo. Note 2: This M Bug is on fire! Bevelle - Aranea: He can only obtained in Chapter 5 only if you've defeated him. He is the level 20 boss in Via Infinito. Use L Pod. Aranea will turn into "Anima". Note: He has the same appearance as the first Mt. Gagazet boss that you've battled, not counting LeBlanc's crew. Calm Lands - White Flan: I got mine in Chapter 5, and yet it has appeared in many other areas in different chapters as well. Use S Pod. White Flan will turn into "Shiva". Zanarkand Ruins - Mushroom: Don't know the exact name for it. I got mine in chapter 5, not sure if it can be obtained earlier. Use S Pod. The Mushroom will turn into "Valefor". Bikanel Island - Jumbo Cactuar: This can only be captured in Chapter 5 and you must've defeated him in the cave after doing the Cactuar Mini quest. Use L Pod. Jumbo Cactuar will turn into Magus Sisters. Note: You might need to use many attempts since there's a lot of L type monsters in here. You Don't need to defeat Angra to get JC though. You can capture them, level them up, and release them anytime you want. The game's data will recongize this, so you don't need to worry too much. Only once you've released every single one of these aeon preforms will the Aeon Cup appear on the cup list. If you haven't done that, you'll not see the Aeon Cup. Win the Aeon Cup 3 Times in order to get the Hirui-Naki Mono GG. I guess it was fun using this. Auto-Haste kicks ass, and BDL isn't too bad. Here's what it looks like. NOTE: It's a cirlce, not a box-type. O = Open Slot for DS R = Red Gate = Critical (All physical attacks deals critical damage) Lady Luck can also has this ability. G = Green Gate = Soul of Thamasa's Magic Booster (Magic Spell's are 50% more stronger, but Double the amount of MP is used) Y = Yellow Gate = Invincible's Break Damage Limit (Damage can exceed 9999 now, but cuts off at 99999) Not many attacks deals 99999. I can only think of 3 of them that YRP can use. B = Blue Gate = Speed Bracer's Auto-Haste (User is granted with Haste for remaining of the battle. O / \ R B / \ O O \ / G Y \ / O ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlocking Demon's Cup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is by far one of the most unique ways I've seen. To summarize it, there's a storyline to this about first getting a creature that's related to the underworld. Level up this guy and release him. He will then evolve into some one similiar. Then as you progress, you unlock some other creature that needs to be captured and released. One word to summarize it: Complicated. I started mine off in chapter 1, so I have no idea if it's possible solely on chapter 5. However, you do need to progress further into the storyline to make things possible. From my resources that I've gathered, it's stated that should only be possible from chapter 3 to 5. However, I do recall capturing my Devia (Deeva) in chapter 1. Oh well, do this on your instincts. However, it's only possible to finish it up in chapter 5 because I couldn't get the last few creatures until then. Note: Remember what level you captured them at, add 4 to that and level up to that level, and then release them. If you can't remember what their initial level is, well then check to see if their Episode is complete. If it is complete, release them. The release screen also tells if their storyline is done. Summary: 3 Devils -> 3 Tombs -> Spirit -> 2 Weapons Okay, here's how to unlock it: 1) Capture Devia (Deeva, Deva) in Kilika using a M Pod. Level it up and release it. Devia. They look like levels. They have the same exact appearance as those enemies that you battled in chapter 3 when trying to get to Ifrit. They usually cast Haste as their first most. After that, only magic spells is used and no physicals. 2) When you release Devia, it be be replaced by Aka Manah (Aka Manahu). Meaning, you don't need to capture this one, Devia is taken out and Aka takes his place. Level up and release him. Note: He has the same appearance as Devia, and so will Aeshma. 3) When you release Aka Manah, he will be replaced by Aeshma (Aeeshuma). Level up and release him. 4) When you release Aeshma, he will be replaced by Shahi. Another devil once again. Level up and release him. However, this time, it's Mission Time. It's said that you'll need to find the traitor to the underworld. 5) This is where, you need to be at least chapter 3. Not possible in 1 or 2. You now need to capture this creature called "Tomb" in Djose with a M Pod. Tomb. How do I describe this? It's basically a box with an arm sticking out that does physical attacks. In FFX, it's known for countering physical attacks with a spell. Normal attacks includes a slash attack with the hand and a full party petrify attack. Level up and release it. 6) Releasing Tomb will unlock Dorumen for capture, which has the same exact look as Tomb. Dorumen can be captured in Kilika or Djose with a M Pod. But it can also be be caught in Mushroom Rock Road. Level up and release it. 7) Releasing Dorumen will unlock Monument for capture. But before you can capture Monument, you must've encounted him in the Farplane. He shows up on on the road where you battle the Dark Aeons. You get Monument in Djose with a M Pod. Level u pand release it. *NOTE: I have to add this part. I remember that releasing Monument will give me a spirit. I leveled it up and release it myself. However, the resources don't mention him. This spirit only uses Magic. I saw his picture in the collector. Just take note of this. 8) After releasing Monument, more storyline progression. Monument will now be replaced by Ultima Weapon. Level him up and release him. Note: Don't change his name. Take a piece of paper and write his name down before you release him. 9) When you release Ultima, more storyline. Shinra's there and it seems Ultima is going crazy. Mission Time! You need to fight in the collesium because the Demon's Cup is now unlocked. Even though it's locked, there's still a few more phases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon's Cup Part 2 (Turn this into Shinra's Strongest Cup) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Now pick your best party and join the Demon's Cup. Once you join, look at who the last team is. Yes, that's your final opponent. Battle your way through all your rounds and defeat Omega. 2) You will now be given the option of picking someone, Ultima or Omega. Take that piece of paper out and look for which names is which. Pick Omega and NOT Ultima. Level up Omega and release him. Note: Ultima has red/pinkish parts/strips, and Omega has things danglins from his ears with a blue like aura. 3) Level up and release Omega Weapon. Shinra will come out. I rather not ruin the storyline, but if you read further, you'll discover why. Be warned though. 4) When you release Omega Weapon, it's Mission Time! again. Go to the and check where Demon's Cup was at (2nd slot from the bottom). Notice that the name is more stretched out. Join that cup. Look at the team on the very last slot. Yes, that's your last opponent. Defeat him to get him into your party. ****SPOILERS**** (BUT YOU'LL WANT TO READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE SINCE THERE'S STILL A LOT MORE TO DO!) Strongest Shinra then joins your party once he's defeated. He hums a tune. I didn't know Shinra has such a lovely sound Shinra, IMHO, is by far one of the most useful NPC in the game. I can use him to take down the strongest enemy in the game (Numerus) by himself. With a lot of preparation of course. 5) Level up and release Shinra. Yes, you need to do that. After you release Shinra, he'll be back to normal and the Demon's Cup will come back. The prize for releasing Shinra though, is one of the Ultimate GG in this game (The other ultimate GG would be The End). This GG is called "Last Restort." How good is it? Let me draw picture and you decided. O = Open Slot for DS R = Red Gate = Spellspring = Ragnarok's 0 MP Cost G = Green Gate = Critical (All physical attacks deals critical damage) Lady Luck can also has this ability. Y = Yellow Gate = Soul of Thamasa's Magic Booster (Magic Spell's are 50% more stronger, but Double the amount of MP is used) However, even so, just go through the Red Gate to get Spellspring. Meaning no more MP problems for this battle. B = Blue Gate = Invincible's Break Damage Limit (Damage can exceed 9999 now, but cuts off at 99999) Not many attacks deals 99999. I can only think of 3 of them that YRP can use. All Gates = Hidden Hero Medicine (A New Command is added to Main Command window (Kinda how like Finale is for The End) and allows the user infinite use of Hero Drinks) O | R | O - G - O - B - O | Y | O From what I see, this is the perfect DS in so many ways. At least now, you don't need to worry about not having enough Invincible to use, need to get more Three Stars. The End has Finale for you to deal 99999, but without items, it can't grant you the same things that Last Resort does. 6) Hoped you enjoed the GG, but I want Shinra back. How do we do that? Go into the Collector and look for a picture of Omega. Watch his ending again. Mission Time! Demon's Cup will turn back into Shinra's Strongest. Yes, you guessed it right. You'll have to refight Shinra in order to get him back into your party. However, I suggest getting him only when YRP's average level is at least in the mid 90s or even 99. That way you don't need to level him up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farplane Cup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To unlock the final, last, and ultimate Cup, the Farplane Cup. You must win every single previous cup at least once. It's easily checkable since they tell you the number of times you've won a cup. Just make sure non of those are zeros. After that, the Farplane Cup is unlocked. Now let me explain the details of this cup. Here are the enemies that you'll be facing: Trema ??? = Tidus Seymour Auron Paragon Elder Drake Concerher Black Elemental + Mushroom Critical Bug (KING Vermin!?) Azi Dahaka Major Numerus = Ultimate Enemy in FFX-2 International In order to get ???, Auron, or Seymour to join party, two thins must be met. 1) You must defeat them in the Cup 2) You must win the cup afterwards. Both can pose a problem. 1) You must defeat them in the Cup: This is based on luck because you might not battle them during your climb to the top. Even if you saw them in the ranks, that doesn't gurantee that they'll win their battle and face you next. Trema and Paragon tends to out beat anyone. And there's Numerus... 2) You must win the cup afterwards: If you can defeat every single one else, than this isn't an issue. However, if you see Numerus in the ranks and you're not ready, now that's a different issue. I suggest you are equipped with Mascot, at least 1 Iron Duke to prove that you're ready for Trema, be in the 90s, and have a good enough GG to win. As well as some strategy climb to victory. Trema: I. See. No. Difference. My resources tell me he has the same amount of HP as before. He might attack harder this time, but still somewhat the same. If you don't see Numerus in the ranks, high chances are that he'll be your last enemy or uncoming enemy. Tidus and Seymour, somewhat easier than I expected. Auron, different issue here. Only problem with this battle is you don't want to have a long battle with him. Shooting Star means instant rejection. It doesn't miss its target ever. Auron will eject all 3 girls and when he does, the victory goes to him. How did I defeat him? All girls at 99 with Mascot Mastered. Get BDL for Moogle Beam or Cactling Gun. Have them use that while the other 2 girls use normal attacks to chain it. Sometimes though, he tends to not use Shooting Star for a long time. Also based on luck as well. Elder Drake. With high enough levels, this guy isn't a problem. I've seen him miss every single one of his attacks before. Concerher. Can be an issue if you don't take him down fast enough. There's only one attack that won't miss and KO 1 target and he isn't too fast. Once again, high levels recommended. Every other not mentioned enemy is pie, very easy. I see no problem with just using physicals to take them out. Numerus. Even if you see him in the ranks, it's not guranteed that he'll be facing you. This is fact okay? I've seen him lose to Trema, Paragon, and even... OMFG, an Elder Drake? It's somewhat unpredictable. Yet, if you're fighting him yourself for the first time without knowing anything, you'll lose 100% of the time. Strategy of how to defeat him are given later on in this guide. After Numerus is done, which is the final new ultimate boss of FFX-2 Internationl, you've basically covered/finished the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Battles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm not going to list the whole thing because, one, I can't translate all of them or any of them. The list is based upon who you've encountered in the collesium. If you have see them during battle, their team will be added. Now pick any team. You'll be given the option to fight that team whenever you want. This is great when you're trying to farm Iron Dukes from Numerus. You can't use this method to get FFX characters though. Those must be won while you're in the Farplane Cup. When you start a New Game Plus, the whole list will reset and you need to get them back on this list again. =============================================================================== FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions) =============================================================================== Q1) So, what get's transferred in this case? I mean, do I need to do all the monster capturing again? A1) If you've finished a monster's storyline, it will be carried to NG+. You can tell this by going into the Creature Ending Collector and viewing it. It all goes into there. Monster Complete Percentage transfers as well. Besides that, if you have a monster/NPC in your party, their levels will be reset to level 1. They keep their abilities. Their equipped accessories goes back into your inventory. YRP levels is resetted as well. You keep your item and accessories, as well as any GG or DS. Learned abilities from DS transfer as well. The exhibition in the collesium, however, is resetted. So you'll need to participate in the cups again. Meaning, you can't pick a fought team and go into battle with them right off the bat. If you opened all the cups, they will stay opened in NG+. Q2) How do I unlock the Aeon/Demon's Cup? A1) If you've read the FAQ or search in this FAQ, you would know. In summary, you need to capture certain creatures, raise their level about 4 times, release them and they evolve afterwards. For Aeons, that's one per Aeon and you need to release all of them in order to open Aeon Cup. For Demon, that's a little more complex because there is a storyline involved, and you must do them one at a time. Q3) What kind of rewards do I get from creature creating? A3) The best of the best. Actually, something more than valuable. Items, Accesories, and NPCs. Elixirs are rather common, if you know how to get them from the collesium. Iron Duke, Key to Success, Invincible, and any other rare/unique accessories that you're suppose get one per game playthrough can now be obtained in 20 or less, depending on your luck. Before I stopped playing, I got 99 Iron Dukes and 6 Key to Success, and this was only on my third playthrough. NPCs, I'm just going to give a quick rundown of the most people want: Tidus (aka ??????) Seymour Auron Trema Oh, btw, Strongest Shinra (yes, the "I'm just a kid" has a lot of power) Q4) Is there anyways to hear voices from the creature storylines? A4) No, that's how it's made. It's just an extra for the players. Q5) I released Buddy! Can I get him back? Q6) Yes, you can get him back in Luca in chapter 1. Honestly, I released him before, and I don't want him back. Q7) I saw this video on youtube showing Numerus defeated in 1 minute, how do I do that? A7) To me, it still remains a mystery. However, from what's said on the boards. Get Chocobo, Cactuar, and Tidus. Teach them healing skills by the masses and have them level up a few times. This should teach them to not use them unless needed. Therefor, making them use Quick Attack/Hit more frequently than other moves. I got my team of 3 to 99 before I knew of this, so I can't level them up. This still remains a mystery as of right now. Q8) How do I play this game on my US PS2? A8) There's 4 ways that I know of right now. 1) Buy a JPN PS2 - Most expensive. Most reliable. 2) Get your PS2 modded to play international games - Second most expensive. More than likely done from a professional, which also cost money. Can damage your PS2 if not done right. 3) Swap Magic + Slide Card - Cheapest. Somewhat inconvenient. One simple and unnoticeable done to the PS2. 4) Swap Magic + Flip Top - Second Cheapest. Total remodal of your PS2. Take some to do, but at least it's more convenient than Slide Card Personally, I'm using the Slide Card. Cheap and doable. It's only con is that you need to use both of them everytime you play the game. Soft Resetting doesn't remove the effects though, only turning on and off does Q9) How do I get the characters from FFX? Mainly Tidus! A9) Well, first, unlock Farplane Cup. Which is basically is, unlock all the cups and win each of them at least once. Then with some luck involved, get into a battle with Tidus and defeat him. The last step is to actually win the Farplane Cup. There's two things that can block your path. First is Trema, second is Major Numerus. Good luck with the second one... Q10) I haven't done any of the collesium stuff yet, but what's one way to prep for those battles? Meaning I should able to win most of those with ease. A10) Aim for Mascot with everything learned. Level 99 with all 3 girls. Then you should consider defeating Trema for his Iron Dukes. ****************************************************************************** Q11) Is it possible to defeat Numerus with just YRP? I heard that it was impossible to do and the only way to win is with creatures. A11) That's true. They are just newbies, don't worry about it. I'll explain. To do this, you need the first turn luck and getting that first move is the only key to the whole battle. YRP at level 99 and Mascot with all abilities learned. Rikku must learn Dispel from White Mage. Paine must learn Nonpareil from Samurai Yuna = Mascot Rikku = Alchemist -> Mascot Paine = Mascot Must have at least 2 Dark Matters or the needed items to mix Miracle Drink. Miracle Drink is the key to win this whole battle. Invincible or anything that grants Break Damage Limit, like Last Resort for example, is needed. For people just starting this, I suggest tackling Shinra first to get Last Resort, if not, do the Aeon's Hirui-Naki Mono GG. Rikku must equip Highroad Winds (First Strike). Put the Dark Matters on top of your inventory. At the beginning of battle, quickly have Rikku mix Mircale Drink by using 2 Dark Matters. This takes a lot of luck. Especially not having any of the girls killed while waiting for it to happen. If one girl is KO'd (that it not being Rikku), you can still win the battle, but for this scenario, I will talk about having none of the girls be KO'd. Okay, you got Miracle Drink to work and all 3 girls are alive. Now, if you don't have Invincible on and are using GG that has it, use that gate. Also do it for No MP Cost. Last Resort has that as well. If you don't you'll need Three Stars to get No MP Cost. Now let's start talking about strategy. First have Paine use Nonpareil 3 or 4 times to increase her attack. Then she would be using Cactling Gun from now on. Yuna will be constantly using Moogle Beam and that's it. Rikku has two roles. Numerus will cast Protect and Shell on all of his heads. When both of them is on, Dispel all but one of those heads. Leaving one will mean that he won't cast it again. Smart AI or dumb AI, who knows. After that, have Paine and Yuna concentrate on one head at a time. However, Rikku has a second role remember? That is to chain her physical attack with Cactling Gun and Moogle Beam. In order to do that, Rikku's hit must hit before CG and MB's damage number appears. Here's a few tips. For CG, initiate Rikku's attack when you see CG's needles start flying towards to the enemey. If that doesn't work for you, pay attention to Tonberry's hands. When her hands point towards the enemy, that's your signal to attack as well. MB is harder, just by a little, so you'll need more practice. I came up with a plan that may or may not work for you. MB's animation is longer than needed. When the moogle starts shooting the beam, count 1... 2... and then you should attack as well. Takes some practice. CG is definetly easier to chain than MB and that's a good thing because CG can actually hit 99999 when chained, but MB is only around 80000~. With some practice, I got both of them down quite easily. EXTRA INFO #1: With this strategy, I've managed to beat Numerus in 18 minutes, which should be the world record. Miracle Drink was stated to end in 25 minutes and I beat that time by a lot. EXTRA INFO #2: With this method, it is also to set it up as a semi-automatic way. After Miracle Drink connects (it doesn't matter if you only have 2 girls still alive or not), have Yuna and/or Paine use their attacks, and Rikku should just do her normal attack. Put something on the O button to hold it down. After 27 minutes or so (don't worry, Mircale Drinks actually lasts longer than 25 minutes), the battle will be over and you win. It can take up to 32 minutes though. EXTRA INFO #3: I honestly don't know how long Mircale Drink lasts. I doubt I will have the time to test it out anymore. I had Rikku constantly casting Dispel and Yuna using Moogle Beam throughout the battle. That battle was about 35 minutes long and I won. That means a whole lot to me. ****************************************************************************** =============================================================================== Credits =============================================================================== I guess I have to name people who I've talked to on the FFX-2 International + Last Mission Boards on gamefaqs. Which isn't many... I wish more people come here. Here goes, in no specific order: YUNAROX drsw36 DarkDante_sw Kouli, Split, Jonrx and anyone else that was apart of the introduction.