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It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide is only available on: Gamefaqs.com Neoseeker.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Overview +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Previously I had both games covered under one guide but things got messy and it was hard to navigate so I chose to split them into two separate documents for this update. This guide will cover all the FFX-2 HD content. With this update I consider this version 1.0 and therefore complete, though I do plan on adding creature creator content at a later date. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents |F200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Introduction to Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster |F201 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main Characters |F202 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Basics of the Game |F203 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Active Time Combat and what you need to know |F204 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dresspheres and Garment Grids |F205 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats and Elements |F206 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Accessories and Auto-Abilities |F207 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oversouls, Leveling and Grinding |F208 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Status Effects |F209 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Tips |F210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tips for the Normal Party |F211 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using Creatures in your party |F212 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Major Changes from the Original PS2 Release |F213 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walkthrough |F214 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 |F215 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 2 |F216 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3 |F217 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 4 |F218 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 5 |F219 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creature Creation |F220 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FFX-2 Last Mission |F221 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dressphere Location and Skills |F222 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Garment Grid Descriptions and Locations |F223 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Key Item List and Locations |F224 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trophies |F225 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trophy List |F226 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits |F227 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contacting Me and Version History |F228 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Introduction to Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster |F201 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a guide for the Final Fantasy X-2 portion of this HD Remaster on the PlayStation 3. This game features upgrade visuals, new dresspheres and other international content such as the creature creator that can make playing a second time (with the new game + function) a lot more fun and challenging. Although the story has been around for over a decade I tried not to list too many spoilers but like in most of my guides I list locations and boss names freely so if this is your first time and you don't want to get spoiled do not read any further than the part of the game that you are currently in. SPOILER ALERT!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! My guide for this game was not made completely from scratch like my FFX guide was, a few years back (like four or so) I wrote a basic guide for the PS2 version of this game that contained all the storyline stuff (Ch.1 to Ch.5 main locations) but no boss strategies. I never actually published this and since the main storyline stuff for the most part hasn't changed I decided to recycle that part of the guide and add to it when necessary (such as new dresspheres, garment grids whatnot). The boss sections and all the extra chapter 5 locations (Den of Woe, Via Infinito, Ruin Depth, Fiend Colony, New Cave, Farplane and Farplane Abyss) are all new and written using the HD Remaster, as are all the sections outside the walkthrough section. As I said in the FFX guide I don't use other official guide and lack the know how to open up source code and gets stats and whatnot that way so everything you see in the boss sections is the same information you can find yourself using the scan ability (or related abilities). This time I listed all stats, immunities and elemental affinities as well as specified what items can be stolen, dropped, and how much Exp and gil you will receive. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Main Characters |F202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yuna - The famed High Summoner who defeated Sin once and for all, creating what is now known as the Eternal Calm. Getting bored with everyday life she leaves Besaid with Rikku to become a Sphere Hunter. Rikku - Yuna's former guardian and now fellow Sphere Hunter, she finds a sphere of a man once close to Yuna. After showing Yuna this sphere, they both head off to become Sphere Hunters looking for more clues about this illustrious man. Paine - Not much is known about Paine, she doesn't share much about her past. Her lukewarm demeanor and get it done attitude keep the Gullwings going forward when other members get distracted. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Basics of the Game |F203 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This section will go over some of the basics of the game including how battles work. The battle system is very different from Final Fantasy X, but more related to previous final fantasies. It can take some time getting used to it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Active Time Combat and what you need to know |F204 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This battle system works far differently than the FFX system as time is always flowing, with few exceptions. For starters you have a bar that fills up under the HP and MP data, when it fills up you can take an action. Only one action can be performed per turn with the exception of spherechanging, which will let you make an action directly after the change to the new dressphere. The agility stat determines how long the bar is that you need to fill up while the fill rate itself is fixed. This game allows you to defer your turn by using the triangle button. By this I mean if you are currently on Yuna's turn but want Rikku to steal something and her bar is full you can press the Triangle button until you get Rikku's command menu and select steal. Once you select steal Yuna will be back as she doesn't lose her turn if you hit the triangle button (unlike FFX). This is a useful feature to keep in mind as you play. Finally in the options menu there are two options relevant to the ATB gauge, the first is Active Mode or Wait mode and the second is charge speed. Active mode means that even while menu's are open and targets are being selected the ATB gauge still fills for both enemies and allies. Wait mode freezes the bar when you open a menu (like say Flimflam) as well as when making target choices. Wait mode can be very helpful for new players as it slows down the game and allows you to think out your choices a little more, active mode is best for both fast gameplay as well as the added thinking on your feet challenge. Charge speed can be set between slow, normal and fast. This refers to how fast the bar fills up (remember agility affects the length of the bar not the speed it fills up) and is the same for all enemies and allies (hence why I call it fixed). Slowing it down can give you more time between turns to figure things out while speeding it up makes for faster gameplay. That about sums up the basics of the ATB system. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dresspheres and Garment Grids |F205 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dresspheres refer to the role or class a character is using in battle. Gunner, Thief and Warrior all represent different roles a character can use. Each dressphere has its own unique abilities to be used and also have different stats from each other. Warriors have high strength and defense, gunners have high accuracy and thieves are extremely fast for examples. Most of everything you need to know about dresspheres is explained in game, so I won't go into any more detail here, other than saying you need to earn any dresspheres you do not start with by either finding them in the field or obtaining them during missions. Special dresspheres require you to spherechange to all dresspheres on a garment grid before you can transform into a special dressphere. The two other characters leave the battle area (but will return if you are KO'ed) and you get two support units unique to your special dressphere to battle with you. Garment Grids on the other hand have a little more to go into. For starters you need to find or earn all garment grids outside of First Steps. Many have special abilities just for equipping them, for example Heart of Flame will absorb all fire damage if a girl is using that grid. You can also earn abilities for spherechanging through "gates". Again looking at the Heart of Flame GG (shorthand for Garment Gird) if you spherechange from Gunner to Warrior while passing through the red gate your girl earns the flamestrike ability for the duration of the battle. Planning ahead and selecting grids strategically can make all the difference is some battles. Different GG have different amounts of nodes to carry Dresspheres so giving each girl their own GG can help make sure they have access to Dresspheres that they have used before and have abilities learned for. Again half the battle is preparation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stats and Elements |F206 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each stat that see under the status menu has a specific function. HP - How much damage you can take in battle before you are knocked out. MP - How many points you have to perform magic and skills outside of the basic physical attack. Strength - Directly relates to how much damage you deal with physical attacks and skills. Increase this to deal more physical damage. Defense - Directly relates to how much damage you receive from physical attacks, the higher you defense the less damage you receive. Magic - Relates to how much damage and/or how much healing your spells and other magic based skills do. Raising this raises the damage / healing done by all types of magic. Magic Defense - The higher this stat, the less damage you take from offensive magic's, does not lower the healing power of white magic skills cast on you. Agility - How fast the characters are. Raising this shortens the ATB charge bar. Accuracy - How accurate you attacks and skills are. Higher accuracy lowers the chances of your attacks missing. Evasion - This represents your ability to evade physical attacks. Higher evasion means a better chance at avoiding an attack. Luck - Affects your steal rate, rare item drop rate and how often your attacks are critical hits. Elements --------- In FFX-2 there are now six distinct elements: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Gravity and Holy. Using a skill that allows you to scan enemies will show what they are weak to, what they a strong against, are immune to and what they might absorb out of these six elements. This is the best way to inflict additional damage to enemies as many skills can hit at least the first four while some classes like Warrior can also use skills like Demi Sword and Excalibur to hit potentially all six elemental affinities. Most bosses are immune to gravity as a way of blocking the use of Demi (which take off 25% of their current health) but for the most part the other five are fair game among the bosses. You can also equip items, garment grids and even learn some abilities that will reduce, block or even absorb damage from all six elements as well so keep that in mind as you're playing through the game. The opposites idea from FFX is still relevant with Flans and Elementals but beyond that it is hard to tell what an enemy might be weak to without using a scan type ability. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Accessories and Auto-Abilities |F207 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Characters no longer equip weapons and armour, however now they can equip up to two accessories per character to add additional affects to themselves such as additional stat bonuses or additional auto-abilities. You can equip two of the same abilities to have their effects stack, though not all will work. Equipping a character with two Iron Bangles (HP +20%) will cause their HP to go up 40%, but equipping two Wall Rings (SOS Shell and SOS Protect) will not cast two sets of SOS Shell and SOS protect (which makes sense when you think about it). They are sorted into bronze, silver and gold categories but this serves no practical function, it is more of the games categorization of them than anything else so don't worry about it. Auto-Abilities are abilities that take effect without you needed to actively select them. You can have up to eight auto-abilities (five form a dressphere, two from accessories and one from a garment grid), though you can exceed this with the use of garment grid gates (though those only last until the end of that battle). Basically the limit for constant auto-abilities is eight. Many of these can be game changers, such as blocking or absorbing specific elemental damage, blocking specific status effects (stoneproof anyone?) and much much more. Strategic use of these is half of any battle and while on your first playthrough of the game it may seem difficult to plan ahead subsequent plays (and it is worth at least a second playthrough, if nothing else) can be better fought and managed with a little planning a head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oversouls, Leveling and Grinding |F208 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oversoul occurs when you defeat a specific number of a certain class of enemy. For example killing twelve bird type enemies (actually called birds in the bestiary not just flying creatures) will cause the next one to oversoul. During an oversoul a fiend will gain more HP, probably gain a little in other stats and be able to use moves it normally would not have access to. You get more EXP and double the AP you normally would for defeating them so it is worth fighting them. If you oversoul all the fiends in the Bestiary (that can be oversouled) you will earn a very good Garment Grid, but that's not something you need to worry about until very late in the game. Levels play a very important part in the game as your dressphere stats are directly linked to what level your characters are at. High levels mean higher stats, which in turn mean easier battles and a generally better chance at surviving. Only doing hotspot missions will leave you vastly under leveled in the final parts of the game, so if you're not going to follow this guide for 100% at the very least do SOME of the extra non hot spot locations to make life easier on yourself. Grinding refers to staying in a specific area for the sole purpose of gaining EXP and AP. In Ch.1 I recommend Grinding in the Mi'ihen highroad until level nine or ten to get a small start on the game but beyond that it will be up to you to determine if you need to grind for extra levels or AP to learn new skills. Leveling up three or four levels can really help if you are having difficulty in new hotspot areas or with a boss that you just can't quite beat. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Status Effects |F209 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ O==========O | Negative | O==========O Here I will list the major negative status effects and how to cure them. KO - Member's HP was reduced to Zero. Cure with a Phoenix Down or Life magic. Petrification - Turned to stone. If physically attacked while in stone there is a chance of that character being shattered, removing them from battle completely (you can't revive them) cure petrified allies with a Soft, Remedy or Esuna. Sleep - Character fell asleep and cannot take action. Cure by being physically attacked, Esuna or Remedy. Silence - Character cannot use magic. Cure with Echo Screen, Remedy and Esuna. Darkness - Character cannot see properly, lowering the accuracy of physical attacks. Cure with Eye Drops, Remedy or Esuna. Poison - Character takes damage at set intervals. Cure with an Antidote, Remedy or Esuna. Confusion - Character becomes uncontrollable and may attack allies or heal enemies. Cure by being physically attacked, Remedy or Esuna. Berserk - Character will only attack, increased strength. Cure with Remedy or Esuna. Curse - Character cannot spherechange. Cure with Holy Water, Remedy or Esuna. Itchy - Character cannot use any command except spherechange, goes away after a change is made. Cure with Holy Water, Remedy or Esuna. Doom - Starts a countdown, KO'ed when timer reaches zero. No cure. Slow - Slows down the characters ATB charge rate. Cure with Haste, Remedy or Esuna. Stop - ATB gauge stops, character cannot act. Cure with Remedy or Esuna. Pointless - Character does not receive EXP or AP during or after battle. Cure with Esuna or Holy Water. ATK/DEF/MAG/MDEF/ACC/EVA Down - Lowers specific stat, can be lowered up to ten levels. All of these except KO, Itchy, Curse and Pointless can be inflicted upon enemies as well. KO, Petrification, Silence, Darkness, Poison and Pointless will remain after battle until healed by you or a save sphere. O==========O | Positive | O==========O Now for the more positive status effects. Shell - Reduces Magic damage by 50%. Protect - Reduces Physical damage by 50%. Reflect - Bounces magic attacks back at the caster. Regen - Recovers HP at set intervals. Haste - Speeds up the ATB charge rate, also speeds up character animation time. ATK/DEF/MAG/MDEF/ACC/EVA Up - Raises the specific stat, can be raised to a maximum of ten levels. Null Magic - Target not affected by magic. Null Physical - Target not affected by physical attacks. All of these can occur on both characters and enemies so watch out for them. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Battle Tips |F210 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These are just some general tips to keep in mind while you battle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tips for the Normal Three Girl Party |F211 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - If you want to learn as many Blue Bullet skills as you can be sure that Every Grid you use has a Gun Mage on it and that it is not too far away from whichever dresspheres you are currently using so that you can easily change to it if you encounter an enemy with a skill you want. - Remember that you can target all enemies with black magic spells and all allies with white magic spells by pressing the right arrow (for healing) or left arrow (for damage) to target all. It does half damage to each target but sometimes with the healing especially you just need everyone to get a little more out of it, plus using cure twice to cure all three is better than using it three times to cure each girl. - Pay attention to what Garment Grids you are obtaining, the best preparation starts with knowing what you have available. On that note make use of many GG's especially ones that nullify status or absorb elements. If you are having a hard time surviving bosses look for grids that either boost your DEF/MDEF or could absorb elemental attacks to heal you. - I'll point it out in the guide but in Ch.3 Luca in the Sphere Break tournament when playing the final match use a blue coin with the "Item" extra to get the Treasure Hunt GG. This allows you to use the ability Mug. Mug is very unique in that it is a physical attack (with no wait time) that steal an item. The best part about this is that each time you use Mug you get an AP point for using a command outside Attack, yet it hits exactly like an attack would. With no wait time and counting for AP Mug is the best way to gain AP for skills and in a hurry to. You can gain anywhere from an average of five to ten AP per battle depending on the HP and amount of enemies per random battle and more on bosses. - Regardless of whether or not you like Blitzball you should play it for a while for the sole purpose of getting three AP eggs, these triple AP earned in battle. If you do this at the start of Ch.5 (when blitz becomes available) you have a very long chapter to be getting triple AP in. Combined with the Mug trick above you can easily start mastering all your dresspheres before you end up finishing the game, and they carry over in a New Game + so what you don't finish now you can finish on round 2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tips for Using Creatures in Your Party |F212 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Try keeping at least one character in battle so you can do things like Heal and Escape if things are not going well. - Think ahead to what kind of enemies you will be fighting. Taking a Fire Elemental to an area where the enemies are strong against fire would not be a smart move. - Fiends with attacks that hit all like Fly Eye or Haizhe are more useful to you in the first two chapters than single attack fiends. - Don't use creatures against the boss in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, it's explained why in the guide. - Watch what extra abilities your creatures get with GG and Dresspheres. Some are useless (like needing the attack command but your fiend doesn't know attack). Smart customization makes life so muh easier. - Get a few fiends and make a run at the first challenge cup, winning that gets you the Psychic dressphere. This dressphere lets you learn Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water and Gravity Eater which can be very useful up until Ch.5 when stronger enemies have non-elemental magic. This dressphere has pretty awesome stats as well. More tips to come when I actually start using fiends in my line up, as I don't really right now. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Major Changes from the Original PS2 Release |F213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The most glaring changes from the original release are the addition of the Creature Creator and the Last Mission. These make up the bulk of the international content that was added to this re-release. Unlike FFX HD there is no remixed soundtrack and the graphics seem largely unchanged outside of the upgrade to HD (not many if any character remodels). Two new Dresspheres were also added to this game, namely Festivalist and Psychic. A few smaller things include: - Changing the Cat Nip accessory from doing 9,999 per action while in SOS to doing 9,999 per action while in SOS with the added effects of that character being Slow and in the Berserk status. This means you cannot control what they do while in SOS (bye bye Trigger Happy). You can equip a Speed Bracer to counteract the Slow but you cannot (even with Ribbon) counteract the Berserk. Remember thief hits twice for their normal attack so you could do 19,998 damage per turn, with Haste and their high agility you can get turns rather quickly. It's no trigger happy but it's the best cheap shot you're going to get. - Menus now move a lot faster than the previous release, to the point that it is no longer a smooth transition. - The spherechange menu also comes up a lot faster, which is still not smooth but at least it serves a function of speeding up a spherechange, whereas the normal menus have no real advantage. Beyond these and the three major changes I have not noticed anything else, if I missed anything let me know! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough |F214 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is the beginning to end guide for this game, following this will ensure you complete the game with as close to 100% as you can get. You may notice some small area's not filled in such as an enemy listing for an area or more commonly one of the two item drops (since you can only steal one per battle). This happens for two reasons, one being I wasn't paying attention when I did that section and forgot to put the info down and two being I passed that area and need to get the info on a second playthrough. When I finalize the guide it will all be there but for now I'm going to leave it and deal with it on my second go (which is going to be dedicated to the creature creator). Instead of having 60 plus locations in the Table of Contents I decided to give each chapter its own Table of Contents so you can jump to the relevant Chapter and from there seek out the location you are looking for. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 1 |F215 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 1 Table of Contents ----------------------- Luca Opening |C101 ----------------------- Mt. Gagazet |C102 ----------------------- Airship |C103 ----------------------- Calm Lands |C104 ----------------------- Luca |C105 ----------------------- Mi'ihen High Road |C106 ----------------------- Mushroom Rock Road|C107 ----------------------- Djose Temple |C108 ----------------------- Moonflow |C109 ----------------------- Guadosalam |C110 ----------------------- Thunder Plains |C111 ----------------------- Macalania Woods |C112 ----------------------- Bikanel Island |C113 ----------------------- Bevelle |C114 ----------------------- Mt. Gagazet |C115 ----------------------- Besaid Island |C116 ----------------------- Zanarkand |C117 ----------------------- Kilika Island |C118 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luca Opening |C101 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Goon, She-Goon Select "New Game" to begin. A FMV will play for a few minutes and introduce your three main party members (you'll understand at the end). Once it is done you will be in a battle. O=============================================================================O ???? ????'s Attacks: Thunder - Single/Magic/Thunder Ecstasy -Recover 29 HP to goons/adds regen status to goons Goonx2 Goon's Attacks: Physical Attack - Single/Physical Have your characters attack the goons first and then focus on finishing ????. This battle exists to introduce you to the battle system. Steal the Hi-Potion from ???? with Rikku. O=============================================================================O Once that is over another scene will occur and you will be in the Luca dock circle. You will have to fight two regular goons that pose no threat to you. Once they are done keep following the Yuna look-a-like to the next screen. In this area run to the south towards the harbour and examine the moogle lying in the corner of the boxes. It will heal you to full health, go back and continue the chase to the third dock. A scene will occur followed by a battle. You also gain your third and final party member. O=============================================================================O Ormi Normal Item: Iron Bangle Ormi's Attacks: Bounce Attack -Single/Physical Pirouette Pitch -Single/Physical Logos Normal Item: Silver Glasses Logos Attacks: Double Shot -Single/Physical/Two Hits Start by attacking Logos first since he is a lot faster. He also has a decent evasion rate so a few attacks might miss. Steal the silver glasses from him as well; they can be useful later on. Ormi has a better Defence and higher HP than Logos so he'll take a little more to take out since at the moment, all your attacks are physical ones. He has an Iron Bangle so take that from him. Again it's an easy battle. O=============================================================================O A scene will occur and another boss will attack you. O=============================================================================O Leblanc Normal Item: Silver Bracer Leblanc's Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Thunder -Single/Magic/Thunder The first thing you must do is change Yuna into the Songstress dressphere and use Darkness Dance on Leblanc to blind her. Keep using this when Yuna gets her turn back, it makes the battle quite easier. Steal the Silver Bracer from her and pound on her with your attacks. 90% of her attacks will miss you so don't worry about that. She still knows thunder, but I don't think she even has enough MP to kill one of your characters. O=============================================================================O Once you defeat her you will get a cut scene and the post battle screen comes up. You'll get a bunch of items and a few level ups. Another few cut scenes will occur and you will find yourself on the Celsius airship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the scene. Shinra will tell you he finished his latest creation, the Creature Creator. This is content that was not included in the original FFX-2 but the international version (which ironically was only released in Japan). You can capture and train enemy monsters in a similar fashion to FFXIII-2 for those that have played that game. In the intro I had mentioned this guide was originally done for X-2(though I never actually got around to publishing it on gameFaqs) and reworked for the HD Remaster so I won't make mention too often to other creatures and whatnot until chapter five when the battles start getting significantly harder and can be made easier with some of these creatures in your line-up. Feel free along the way to use them in any and all battles you want. I plan on adding an in-depth breakdown of the creature creator and all the fiends/people you can trap and train. When you have control of Yuna start by going up the stairs behind you and using the save point down the hall. When ever you use a save point it will restore your HP & Mp as well as allow you to save your game and if you are in the field you can use it to return to the airship. All right now go back into bridge area and talk to Brother, Buddy, Rikku, Paine and Shinra (basically everyone). You will get four Al Bhed Primers after talking to everybody as well as the Festivalist dressphere when talking to Brother (a new dressphere). The Al-Bhed primers will help you decode what the Al Bhed people are saying by translating the letters. Next go to the hallway and use the elevator to go to the Cabin. Go to the bar and talk to the Barkeep, ironically his name IS Barkeep. When you are given options select rest for now. When Yuna wakes up go back to the hall and brother will call you to the bridge so go there. Before you talk to buddy go talk to Shinra again and go to the Treasure Sphere section. Play the first sphere he has (it gives you percentage). Also get him to teach you about Garment Grids and he will give you the Vanguard Garment Grid. If this is your first time playing you might want to check out some of the other topics as well. If this is your first time playing with the Creature Creator you may want to select that help topic as well you will receive a Trap Pod S, Trap Pod M, and a Trap pod L for listening to the rather lengthy creature creator explanation. Once your finished here go talk with Buddy. Your next mission will be at Mt. Gagazet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mt. Gagazet (Floating Ruins) |C102 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Dive Beak, Ahriman, Yellow Element, Goon, Recoil, Quadricorn, She-Goon From where you start run up the ledge and use the circle button to jump across the gap, then use the circle button to climb up the edge. Run forward and follow the games advice of not holding the circle button to drop to the lower level and collect the Yellow Ring. Then jump back up to the edge and jump across. Head down the stairs and use the save point if you wish. Go left a little and watch a cut scene, then hit the button. After that scene ends go all the way to the bottom of the rocks and take the left path to collect an Elixir. Then go back and take the right path and begin to climb the mountain, when you get to the top you'll get attacked by a boss. O=============================================================================O Leblanc Physical Attack -One Target Sonic Fan -One Target plus anyone around that target/Magic Love Tap -Adds haste to one ally Ormi Physical Attack -Single/Physical Logos Physical Attack -Single/Physical/Two Hits This is another basic battle. All three enemies use physical attacks so have Yuna use her songstress dressphere and use the darkness dance skill to blind them. Have Rikku steal from all three of them; Logos has a White Cape, Ormi has Gauntlets and Leblanc has a Tiara. They are all good items to have. Have Paine attack or use power break if you feel it's necessary. As long as you keep them under Darkness the battle should be a breeze. Recommended Level: 3 Difficulty: Very Easy Total EXP: 40 Total Gil: O=============================================================================O After the scene you will have 6 minutes to get to the top of the mountain, which is plenty of time since it doesn't count down during battles. Start by running northeast all the way to the end and collect the Mega Phoenix from the chest. Then go back a little and head up the pillar that has fallen but don't go up the second one. Drop down a level and jump across the gap, Logos will send a few enemies to ambush you but they won't do much to hurt you. Then go into the hole in the wall. Run, climb and jump all the way to the other side and head to the next screen (north side). Again jump your way to the other side and head out. Run all the way around the ring and Ormi will send a few enemies to have fun with you. Take them out and cross log and jump when prompted to. Climb up a few steps and before jumping to the next tower run around the path to the end to collect the Star Pendant. Then jump across to the other tower and climb up until you see a scene with the Leblanc Syndicate. Use the save point because a boss is coming up. Then head up to the top and open the chest by Leblanc and collect the Muscle Belt. Equip it to a physical attacker and head up the stairs. After the scene a boss fight begins. O=============================================================================O Boris Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical/Two Hits Spit Attack -Single/Physical Sticky End -All/Physical/Stop Normal Item: Remedy Rare Item: Remedy x2 This is a very basic battle so just keep attacking Boris and eventually he will go down. The only thing that might give you trouble is Sticky End which will stop your characters from taking any action for a small amount of time. Throw a potion if one of your characters' HP falls into the yellow range. Difficulty: Easy Recommended Level: 4 Total EXP: 26 Total Gil: 300 O=============================================================================O After collecting the sphere leave the room. A scene occurs and you'll be back on the airship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C103 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you have control go up to Brother and select comfort him (it gives you percentage). After that go talk to Shinra and watch the sphere you got. Once it finishes you will get the Black Mage dressphere. You'll get a message about two other spheres. This is where things can change since you get to choose where to go. For people that want to get 100% or as close to it as possible they should follow the guide closely because I will be going into each non hotspot region and covering what to do in those area before the hotspots themselves. If I skip over an area it means it will become a hotspot at a later point in the chapter. As well I will only go back to the airship if something needs to be done there to gain percentage but feel free to go back as often as you like. Also when you collect spheres (though I'll remind you when you pick them up) you will need to watch them to collect percentage as well. If you collect it before a mission finishes don't warp out immediately, finish the mission first but don't forget to watch the sphere when you're done. Generally you can do each of the non hotspots in any order but watch the difficulty warning and don't even think of going into the Macalania woods for a while to come, the fiends there are hard to beat and a few are impossible at this stage in the game (unless your on your second play through). For simplicity's sake I'll just go in down the list with few exceptions and one of them is right now. Let's begin by heading to the Calm lands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calm Lands |C104 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Dive Beak, Coeurl, Wild Wolf, Ahriman, Nashorn When you arrive there will be a cut scene about how the attractions work in the Calm Lands. It hints on supporting one of the companies, and that's just what we are going to do. Head on over to the nearest hover and talk to one of the two guys standing next to it, each one represents a different company. You can choose between supporting Open Air or Argent but in the end it really doesn't matter. What you must do is go around Spira and use the square button to attempt to publicize the company. There is an Excellent FAQ on GameFAQS.com for this called "PR Mission FAQ". Check it out for help if you need. You have all the way until you finish the game to obtain a level 5 publicity rating, which if you start now is more than enough time to finish. From here we are going to Luca. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luca |C105 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter Luca and you'll get a scene that will lead into a mission. Start by running down stairs after the scenes end. Another will occur, then when you're back in control of the moogle go talk to the guy that called you over in the scene. He will leave you with 10 balloons to give away. Just go talk to everyone in this area, some will take one and some won't. The only tricky ones are the two people behind the glass. Once you finish you will get the Healing Wind Garment Grid. Then another scene will take over and you'll eventually be taken back to the airship. For people looking for 100% you will need to go back to Luca and head all the way to the Blitzball Locker rooms and speak to Rin. You'll get another Al Bhed Primer if you do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mi'ihen Highroad |C106 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Iron Giant, Wild Wolf, Divebeak, Flan Palido, Purpurea, Bully Cap, Quadricorn, Fly Eye The only thing to do here is watch the scene when you arrive. You can do some decent training here if you'd like since the enemies here aren't too strong. Maake sure to pick up some PR points while you're travelling down the highroad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mushroom Rock Road |C107 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Fire Elemental, Bully Cap, Coyote, Tonberry Lot's to do here, start by arriving and watching Leblanc's goons running off, then go speak to Yaibal. Choose "Sure, We're game" to start the mission. Once you have control of Yuna TALK TO CLASKO. It's important you do this, then proceed to the next area. Here you will encounter fog, the more fog that is present the higher the encounter rate will be. What you must do here is fight your way through the fiends along the road. For the first part it is pretty straight forward, although at about the halfway point you'll see Ormi and Logos jump into the ravine. You need to follow them down and get to the end of that road. Be sure to grab the Turbo Ether, Hi-Potion and the Phoenix Down along the way and don't fight the Tonberry enemy, he's got 9999HP and a pretty decent attack so needless to say you can't beat him just yet. When you get to the save point save your game and go trough the hole. Watch the scene here and you'll be awarded Crimson Sphere 9. Once you finish everything you need to do here go back and watch the sphere on the airship but for now, leave the cave and Maroda will come in and talk to you for a bit. Once he is done make your way out of the Ravine and back onto the main road. Follow it the rest of the way you reach a lift and use it to go up a floor. Head towards the lift and talk to Elma to get a mission complete and a Glass Buckle with a Heart of Flame Garment Grid. You're not done yet though. Head up the lift Elma came from and Head south to the Youth League Headquarters. Use the save point if you wish and head all the way up to the front gate and speak to Lucil. Once she is done speak to her again. Once she finishes again go talk to Meichen, he's the guy with the long hat sitting on the ground to the right of Lucil. IMPORTANT whatever you do, DON'T SPEED UP HIS SPEECH. Don't skip it with pause square, don't speed it up with X, don't select the options that come up while he is speaking, just let him talk. Select "by all means" to begin the story and leave the controller along for a while. When given the options to shake his hand or not, do it. With that over return to the Airship (Watch the sphere if you'd like) and go back to Mushroom Rock Road. Once your there go and talk to Clasko. After he is finished let him on your Airship. Now head back to the Airship and talk to him in the Cabin area. Once that is over you're done with Mushroom Rock Road for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Djose Temple |C108 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies (on the Djose Highroad): Agama, Sallet, Gold Elemental, Death Dauber When you arrive a scene occurs. After it finishes get in the line up of people behind the man in the brown coat. Wait for the line to finish and head inside. They will tell you to enter the Temple, so do just that. Another scene takes place in Al Bhed and you'll receive another Al Bhed Primer for your troubles. Then leave the temple and use the south exit to go to the bridge. Approach Gippal and watch the scene. Reply with "We're Sure" when asked to dig. He will give you Letter of Introduction. That's all there is to do here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonflow |C109 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Bandit, Quadricorn, Agama, Flan Azul, Takouba Enter the Moonflow and a scene takes place. Once it is over talk to the little bird looking guy running around in circles. His name is Tobli and you'll be seeing more of him as the game progresses. Here him out and begin by running south to the next area. Run all along the South Bank Road until you here a hypello calling for help, so go help him. For this mission you can't lose any of the luggage or you won't get the full completion percent, you'll still get the dressphere if that's all your after. If a bandit grabs anything run after them and contact them (using X) to get into a battle. Beat them to retrieve the cargo. The first bandit encounter has 1 bandit. The second encounter will have two bandits, if you skip the hypello talking you can get both these guys before they actually steal the cargo. The third time he stops there is no encounter, just run ahead a little to trigger a screen change. The fourth stop is an encounter and has one bandit coming from in front of you and one coming from behind you. It would probably be easier to get the guy behind first so that way you can see where the guy in front goes. That's the last of them so lead the cart to Tobli to obtain the Gun Mage dressphere, Helios Guard Garment Grid and a Circlet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guadosalam |C110 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For people wanting percentage make your way to the top of the city and try to enter the Farplane. You'll get a scene and be turned away. That's all here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thunder Plains |C111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ochu, Lesser Drake, Stalwart, Red Elemental, Bicocette Entering the Thunder Plains is all you need to do to gain percentage in this area. There is nothing else to do here yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macalania Woods |C112 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Xiphactinus, Haizhe, Deep Haizhe, Red Elemental, Gold Elemental, White Elemental, Sallet, Amorphous Gel I'll start by saying that fiends here are incredibly strong, even if you do this right before you get the second treasure sphere there still just as hard. Don't bother fighting the Amorphous Gel because it's near impossible to beat at the moment (Unless you're on game two or three). A scene occurs as you arrive, run up a bit and another will occur. Start by going right and heading to the next area. Keep going right again to the next area. Remember this area and head south to the south side of the spring and speak to Donga. Once he is done head back to where you started and take the path to the north (the actual path not the shortcut). Follow it until you see another creature like Dong and talk to Pukutak. After that continue along the path to the next area. You should be at Lake Road right now and it should look like an X, take the northeast corner out. Run to the end here to find Tromell, talk to him four times. He will give you Paine's special dressphere, Full Throttle as well as the Unerring Path Garment Grid. Then leave and head back to the X path and take the northwest corner to the lake. A scene occurs with O'aka needing to pay his debt. You'll get an Al Bhed Primmer for watching the scene, and then go find O'aka. A mission begins where basically you must chase him down the same path you used to get here, but don't take any shortcuts or you might end up missing him. Once you get back to the entrance with the save point save your game. Then go right a little to see him again. Remember the area I told you to remember? Go there and head north this time. Look around to find O'aka. Once you find him talk to him and choose the option "Let's hide him on the airship" to pass the mission. You'll obtain the Ice Queen Garment Grid. Head back to the airship now and go talk to O'aka in the Cabin. You'll find he has a debt of 100,000 gil! This has to be paid off by the end of Chapter 3 or you'll miss out on a mission and a dressphere. The trick is that a lot of equipment you don't use can be sold at high prices and then you buy everything you need from him instead of Barkeep. If you get used to stealing Gil from bosses as well you can get this done in no time. Even if you don't actually need the items stock up on phoenix downs and Hi-potions because there really isn't much else to spend money on anyways. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bikanel Island |C113 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Killer Hound, Fly Eye, Hrimthurs, Bolt Drake When you first arrive you'll be a little lost, just follow Rikku for now until you find a new scene occurs. You'll wake up in the Excavation Camp and be given an Al Bhed Primer. Go find Rikku and Paine for a little scene telling you that you can't leave until your done. Talk to everyone in the camp and eventually Nhadala will come back. Go talk to her and show her the letter to trigger the mission. Then go talk to the pilot and choose the only area you can go to, then Western Expanse. Check out the digging basics to learn what all the icons mean. Once you're done go running around looking for the yellow X and hit X when you're on it to dig it up. You've got one minute to find it AND make it back to the hover to pass the mission. You'll get 100gil, Elixir and the Still of the Night Garment Grid. Just a note that you will have to periodically come back to dig because in Chapter 5 there will be an optional fight that gets more powerful with the more assembly pieces (like the one you should of just got) and to get an Episode Complete you will have to get enough assembly pieces to make it's stats level 5. If you spread it out between chapters it shouldn't be too boring to do, just don't get stuck having to do it all in chapter 5 or you'll want to give up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bevelle |C114 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter Bevelle and watch the small scene. You can either run or use the lift to your right to go all the way down to the other side of the high bridge and go inside to the next area. Another small scene happens; follow the woman to another scene. Once you finish talking with Baralai you can leave for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mt. Gagazet |C115 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Bicocette, White Fang, Takouba, Flan Palido, Fly Eye Arrive here and witness the scene to obtain your percentage points. You can go and talk to the Ronso and reply to what they say with different things. Apparently this can make a battle in Chapter 3 a lot easier but I've never been able to get it to work. Try it out for your self and you might be surprised. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besaid Island |C116 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Coyote, Flan Azul, Coeurl, Sahagin, Purpurea Once you arrive head to the village (north of the save point) and a scene will commence. Once it's done you will need to speak with Lulu in her house. For those that didn't play FFX it's the middle house on the right. Go inside and talk to her to start another cut scene. Once it's done go back to her house and stay the night like she wants. When you wake up head outside and talk to Lulu. A mission will begin. You need to find the cave Wakka said he was headed to. Leave the village and head east along the road (Save if you want). In the next area head to the red dot on the map and examine it. You'll receive a number, don't worry about memorizing it because once you get all four the game will tell you them anyways. Once you have that continue north. Jump up on the wall around the next red dot and examine it for the second number. Head forward and a weird little speech from brother will occur. Then keep going north until you reach the bridge and use the little hole to the left of the first bridge to drop down into the rocks. Open the chest here to collect Chocobo Wing x 2. Head back up and cross the bridge to the next area. This is where the gate to the cave is, but since you don't have all four numbers yet we are going to head south to the beach for now. Once you enter find the kids to your left and jump up to where they are. Keep climbing up and find the third number. Then head around the building thing your on and jump into the grass. Follow it down and collect the Hi-Potion and the 1000 gil. Then head back and continue down the beach. At the very end of the beach climb into the grass and collect the fourth number. Now head back to the cave entrance and input the codes. Head inside the cave and go talk to Wakka. Basically follow the path around but take the U-part first to collect Potion x2. Then head back and take the north path. Jump over the rocks and save your game. Head forward a little and collect the sphere to trigger a boss! O=============================================================================O Flame Dragon HP: 980 MP: 620 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Curse, Stop Weak: Ice Half: Fire Immune: Gravity Attacks: Flame Breath -All/Magic/Fire Claw Attack -Single/Physical He has two attacks, one physical for modest damage and the other is a fire elemental attack. Equipping Red Rings could help reduce the damage OR if you did the missions back in Mushroom Rock Road you should have the Heart of Flame Garment Grid. Equipping that gives you the Fire Eater auto-ability, meaning every time he uses Flame Breath he HEALS your entire party. It would be pretty difficult to lose with that equipped. On the off chance you're not following the order in this guide and don't have that Garment Grid you will have to stick with the normal two attackers and one on standby ready to throw potions and/or phoenix downs after each Flame Breath, the physical only hits one party member so you shouldn't have too much difficulty recovering from that. Item: Hi-Potion Rare Item: Hi-Potion Total EXP: 60 Total Gil: 300 Drop Item: Red Ring O=============================================================================O Once you defeat it you will obtain the White Mage dressphere. This will open up the White Mage option in the menu, allowing you to heal characters outside of battle as well. Once that is over, head back to Wakka and another scene will take place. You will receive the Besaid Sphere and a Protection Halo Garment Grid. Mission Complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zanarkand Ruins |C117 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Mr. Goon, Ms. Goon, Flak Python, Nashorn, White Elemental, Behemoth Enter for a scene (like usual). Once you have control the mission will start. You can begin by heading up the mountain next to the save sphere. Someone will begin talking to you so choose to remember him. Once he finishes yapping head down the mountain to the left and head towards the old blitz dome. You'll get a scene with a bunch of kids telling you the clue is "key", head inside the dome and follow the kids for now. When you catch up with them remember the kid who starts talking to you. Once there done continue going the way you were and you'll run into a goon telling you another clue "mon". Then he'll attack you. Then head up the ledge and down the one on the other side to collect the Mega Phoenix. Then head north and fight the goon just standing around. Run east and collect the Phoenix Down from the chest and continue along until you meet another group of Goons. Defeat them and head north to the next area. Here you can talk with some people for a rather amusing conversation or just head north to the cloister of trials. Once you're here go to the second half and use the lift to head down to the chamber of the faith. Save your game and head forward to find Cid. Talk to him and select the second option "You bet I do" to get more percentage. Once he is done talk to the chubby guy and the monkeys will get out of your way allowing you to go through the door. When inside the great hall collect the Elixir, Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Remedy x2, Remedy and Ether from all the chests. Then head north and use the door there. After the scene head forward and a strange voice will ask you questions, Reply to him "Is that you Isaaru?" you'll receive the Heart Reborn Garment Grid. Once he leaves go back and save because a difficult boss will appear and you really don't want to go through all that talking again. Once saved head back and use the north stairs to go down. Get to the end of the path and a boss will attack you. O=============================================================================O Guardian Beast HP: 2886 MP: 1000 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Curse, Stop Weak: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Holy Immune: Gravity Item: Defence Veil Rare Item: Total EXP: 170 Total Gil: 200 Drop Item: Amulet Attacks: Curse -Inflicts Curse on one character Claw Attack -Single/Physical Damocles Photon -All/Magic/ This battle is a lot harder than the one in Besaid. Curse will prevent you from Sphere changing so hopefully you either have Holy Waters or don't change dresspheres that often yet. You should try to steal the Defense Veil, it will be handy later and if you have Pilfer Gil use it to get over 1,000 gil. As far as his attacks go the claw attack does moderate damage but Damocles Photon can do upwards of 450 for dresspheres with low Magic Defense (like Warrior or Gunner). For offense I would recommend using at least one black mage as he is weak to all elements except gravity. If you have a festivalist with elemental attacks or have unlocked the elemental sword attacks with the Warrior dressphere use those to help deal additional damage. You can inflict darkness on him so if you have unlocked Blind Mask with Paine's festivalist hit him with that to reduce his claw attacks accuracy. O=============================================================================O Once you defeat it you'll get the rewards of the battle as well as the Sphere Fragment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This occurs automatically and just counts for percent. You need to collect both spheres from Besaid and Zanarkand. Once you trigger this you won't be allowed back onto the airship or anywhere else on the map so if there are still things you want to do you must do them before collecting both spheres. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kilika Island |C118 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Protochimera, League Scout, League Fighter, Red Elemental, Stalwart, Death Dauber When you arrive you'll be greeted with a scene. Once it's over, head towards the jungle and you'll see another scene. Once that scene is done head up the stairs closest to you and take a left and try entering the house, this is Dona's house for future reference. Enter the house and watch the scene. Once it finishes go up the stairs and collect the 1500 gil from the chest. Then head to the jungle and you'll be let inside to watch a scene with the Youth League. Then the mission will begin. You will need to get past the checkpoints to make it to the temple. Start by actually going into the jungle. Run back and use the save point. Then run forward and watch the guys fight, then go back and take the west path. Watch Dona go across the path above you and go down the skinny little path right by where Dona was. Follow it past the crossway and around the corner. When you're back on a wide path head north and listen in on the conversation. You'll learn that if the number of guards is odd the password is Carved Monkey, if it is even it is Craven Monkey. Now go around to where the guards are and use the save point. The passwords go like this: 1st Station: Craven Monkey 2nd station: Carved Monkey (Get Hi-Potion) 3rd Station: Craven Monkey (Get Ether) 4th Station: Carved Monkey 5th Station: Carved Monkey (Get Turbo Ether, Menace of the Deep Garment Grid) Head up the stairs and watch the scene. O=============================================================================O YSLS-Zero HP: 1935 MP:0 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Mythril Gloves Rare Item: Total EXP: 350 Total Gil: 1000 Drop Item: Wristband Attacks: Single Hit -Single/Physical Haymaker -Single/Physical/Two hits Blast Punch -Single/Special/Half Max Hp This guy is a physical bruiser, like most magical rock things like it. As I doubt you would have protect in the short time between Besaid and now (It's a white mage skill) I would recommend attacking it with a darkness attack, if you have, as well as power break from a warrior to lower his attack. You can keep hitting him with power break up to five times to lower his strength ten levels, making his blast punch the only attack you need to worry about. If you just keep attacking and toss a potion here or there when your HP gets to yellow (just so Blast Punch doesn't kill you) you should have little difficulty with this boss. Try to grab the Mythril Gloves if you can. O=============================================================================O You will earn the Trophy "Zeroed Out" after this fight. End of Chapter 1! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 2 |F216 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 2 Table of Contents ----------------------- Airship |C201 ----------------------- Besaid Island |C202 ----------------------- Kilika Island |C203 ----------------------- Luca |C204 ----------------------- Mi'ihen High Road |C205 ----------------------- Mushroom Rock Road|C206 ----------------------- Moonflow |C207 ----------------------- Guadosalam |C208 ----------------------- Thunder Plains |C209 ----------------------- Macalania Woods |C210 ----------------------- Bevelle |C211 ----------------------- Zanarkand |C212 ----------------------- Calm Lands |C213 ----------------------- Djose Temple |C214 ----------------------- Bikanel Island |C215 ----------------------- Mt. Gagazet |C216 ----------------------- Guadosalam |C217 ----------------------- Bevelle |C218 ----------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C201 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A cut scene will occur. Start by going and watching the sphere with Shinra. You'll get an Al Bhed Primer, then go talk to Brother for another scene. Go to the cabin and rest. Perhaps you can knock off a little more of O'aka's debt. Then go into the cabin hall and talk to the weird guys standing around. Tell them your singing and push them into the elevator. Watch the scenes that occur. Head to the bridge and talk with Brother. Now you need to choose whom to give the sphere to. You'll get a cut scene with whomever it is you gave the sphere to. After a few more of them you'll be brought back to the ship to find Leblanc took a sphere from you. You'll obtain Leblanc's Sphere and begin the main mission of chapter 2. It will require you steal three uniforms from Leblanc's gang. Needless to say I'm leaving those locations last, and doing the not so hot missions first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besaid |C202 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Coyote, Iron Giant, Flan Azul, Sahagin, Sallet, Coeurl As you arrive in Besaid you'll see the Besaid Aurochs. Talk to any of them and a scene will take place. Challenge Beclem to begin the mission. This mission is the intro to the mini-game that you can do. There is an in game tutorial that can explain this game better than I ever could. Once you beat his record (500) you'll obtain prizes for however high your score was, but your guarantied the Enigma Plate Garment Grid. Note from here on you can come back to challenge your record. As you gain levels in the mini-game you will begin fighting more enemies, as well as different enemies and find new ammo as well. Try it out and see how high you can get. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kilika |C203 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you arrive you'll notice that they have a human blockade, so after the scene ends you'll have to leave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luca |C204 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head down the stairs and get an interview with Shelinda. After the long scene you'll get percentage for that as well as the Covetous Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mi'ihen Highroad |C205 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Iron Gisnt, Shantak, Purpurea, Wild Wolf, Flan Palido, Peregrine, Dive Beak, Fly Eye, Bully Cap, Quadricorn When you arrive here go inside Rin's shop. You'll see a scene with a little girl wanting to ride a Chocobo. When she leaves follow her outside and go talk to her. Tell her you remember her and watch the scene. Offer to help Calli catch the Chocobo. Start by following Rikku to the exit. In the next area, follow close to Rikku but try to grab all the feathers that you see. When she tells you it's another way tell her not this time to keep going forward. You'll get a reward at the end if you got enough feathers. In this area you now must run up to the Chocobo and try to block its path so it gets more tired. Just keep blocking its path until it breaks away and jumps over Rikku. In the next area you will need to find where the Chocobo is. It's the white blip on your map. Just follow Rikku around until they say, "We need to think of something else". Go to the south end and talk to the hover attendant twice. On the second time ask for her help. That will help you catch the Chocobo. After the scene occurs you will have to rescue Calli. When you gain control use the save point, then head north. A scene will occur and you'll be given a timer to get down to the old road where the Chocobo Eater is. You've got 2:30 minutes to get down there, which is easy because it doesn't countdown during battles. Head north and follow the path until you get to the merge point. Grab the Phoenix Down x3 along the way. When you at the North End of the highroad take the Old road (the path going down) until you reach the Chocobo Eater. Grab the ether along the way and prepare for a boss. O=============================================================================O Chocobo Eater HP: 2350 MP: 230 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Stop, Attack Down Weak: Fire Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: X-Potion x2 Total EXP: 350 Total Gil: 500 Drop Item: Wall Ring Attacks: Single Punch- Single/Physical Fira -All/Magic/Fire Watera -All/Magic/Water Thundara -All/Magic/Lightning Not all that strong of an enemy. You should begin by casting silence on him, that way you only have to worry about his attacks hitting one person. If you use a black mage and have her cast fira it will do loads of damage, Otherwise your basic physical attacks can dish out enough damage. He can hit pretty hard with his physical attack so make sure to throw a few potions every now and then to keep the party healthy. O=============================================================================O Once you kill him off you'll get the Selene Guard Garment Grid and a Mission Complete! After you return to the Airship go back to the highroad and talk with Calli. Let her on the airship and Calli, Clasko and a Chocobo will board the airship. You can go talk to them in the Cabin if you'd like. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mushroom Rock Road |C206 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Coyote, Red Elemental, Bully Cap, Drowsy Ochu, League Trooper, League Warrior, League Soldier, League Ranger When you arrive make you way to the Ravine Path and you'll be greeted by a cut scene. Continue to where the steps are that take you into the Ravine and head down. If you sided with them (like you should have) they will help you fight fiends (by not making them appear when your around them, they don't actually join your team). If you sided with New Yevon you will have to fight them to get to the Ravine. Once your there head to the end and enter the Den of Woe. Inside you will be greeted by Nooj, who will give you Crimson Sphere 7 regardless of whose side you're on. After the scene, go to the Command Center (if you sided with New Yevon you won't be able to). Along the way you'll see a bunch of huge plants, they are Drowsy Ochu, and they are formidable foes. They have moves to confuse, poison and Itchy (can't use any commands until you spherechange) you. To avoid them you need to go very slowly by them, so don't tilt the analog stick all the way. Once you make it to the Command Center you will need to talk to Elma and Lucil. Then go back to the Airship and watch the Crimson Sphere you just got. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonflow |C207 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Agama, Flan Blanco, Quadricorn, Protochimera Head down to the Moonflow and find Tobli. Here he will ask you another favour, selling tickets to his show. There are a few things to mention 1) if you helped his assistant in CH1, he will cut the base price in half. 2) In order to get percentage you will have to sell all 10 tickets with a profit or break even at the base price. While doing this I suggest you only attempt to break even with the people because different people will have different price cut offs. Save your game every three to four pitches because there are a few people that won't take a ticket for ANY price, basically saying you lose. If you can successfully pull it off you will be warped to Tobli and rewarded with your Profits, a Muscle Belt and the Seething Cauldron Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guadosalam |C208 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before you get all three uniforms come here and try going trough the front door for a scene. That's all you can do here for now. There is a little mini-game kind of thing to do but it will cost you 10,000 gil. Save your game (trust me you want to do this) and go to the inn (the stairs leading down by the save sphere) and talk to the guy behind the counter. Ask him for data and buy it from him. He will give you hints as to who will buy it from you. Go around Guadosalam and talk to anyone you think will buy it. If they will buy it you'll get anywhere from 15000 gil up to 100000 gil. If you don't like how much you got from it or didn't actually get to sell it, soft reset your game (Start, Select, R1, R2, L1, L2) and try again. Each time you try a randomly chosen person will be assigned, so try as many times as you like. By the way if he tells you your clue is "The last person you'd expect, no question" it's him, so sell it back to him for 100,000 gil. This can really help pay off O'aka's debt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thunder Plains |C209 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Bolt Drake, Lesser Drake, Bicocette, Gold Elemental, Armet, Ochu When you arrive here you can talk to the guy by the tower to start a little mini-game that will net you better items in chapter 5. Feel free to do as many towers as many times as you want. If you attempt them all you can go talk to the guy to obtain a Samurai's Honour Garment Grid. What we are here for Percentage wise is to Find and Speak to Cid, so start running north until you see a Red X on the screen. Walk up and talk to him, then watch the scene. That's all to do here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macalania Woods |C210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Haizhe, Deep Haizhe, Xiphactinus, Red Elemental, White Elemental, Sallet, Amorphous Gel When you arrive head up the normal path (the wood one) and talk to the Hypello there. Accept his mission and head back to the save point. Use the shortcut (the crystal path) and follow it all the way to the end but grab the Silver Bracer along the way. When you arrive at the X looking area take the northeast corner path to the spring area. Talk to the guy with the harp on his arm. Now we need to look for his two buddies. Start by leaving the spring and taking the crystal path. Along the middle of the path you'll run into a bunch of butterflies, which will transform into Donga. After a scene you'll have to find the other one. Keep going down the crystal path until you get to the save point. Then head east towards Bevelle but pass it and on the next screen turn south. You should be at the spring, go into the butterflies to talk to Pukutak. Once they are talked to you will be warped back to the other spring. Talk to Bayra to pass the mission. You'll receive a haste bangle for your troubles. When asked to board the airship if you haven't obtained Paine's special dressphere Full Throttle, say no. If you have then do as you please. If you stay Tromell will appear, so talk to him four time to get the Full Throttle dressphere. Either way you can return to talk to the Hypello and he will give you the Bitter Farwell Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bevelle |C211 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Yevon Defender, Yevon Guard If you gave the Youth League the Awesome Sphere the guards of New Yevon will attack you as you make your way up the Highbridge. Other than a few battles there is nothing to do here yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zanarkand Ruins |C212 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Behemoth, White Elemental, Nashorn, Gecko When you arrive here you must make your way all the way to the Dome Corridor. You'll find Issaru here, so talk to him and he'll tell you about the monkeys. A mini-mission begins, but you don't have to do it now. It must be completed before the conclusion of Chapter 3 so if you don't feel like finding monkeys partners you don't have to do it now. As far as the mission goes I'll list in order the monkeys and locations you need to pick them up in. 1) Birch in The Beyond = Sequoia in Chamber of the Fayth 2) Spring in Great Hall = Autumn in Cloister of Trials 3) Dusky in Corridor = Dawne in The Beyond 4) Rosemary in Great Hall = Thyme in Cloister of Trials 5) Terran in Cloister of Trials = Skye in The Beyond 6) Minni in Great Hall = Maxx in Cloister of Trials 7) Summer in Chamber of the Fayth = Winter in Corridor 8) Peke in Cloister of Trials = Valli in Chamber of the Fayth 9) Canis in Great Hall = Felina in Corridor 10) Arroh in Cloister of Trials = Quivrr in Corridor 11) Golde in Chamber of the Fayth = Sylva in Corridor 12) Luna in Corridor = Sol in Great Hall Once you deliver the final monkey you'll get a little message and a Soul of Thamasa accessory for you troubles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calm Lands |C213 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies (Open Area): Nashorn, Death Dauber, Dive Beak, (Old Monster Arena): Skink, Queen Coeurl, Blue Elemental, Armet When you arrive you'll see a scene with Clasko running to the old Monster Arena. Choose to follow him, then talk to him and choose to help him clear the fiends. What you have to do here is defeat 5 groups of fiends. Seems easy but not all the fiends are real, so you can't just walk up to them and battle. They do however point in the direction of the real fiend, so use that to your advantage. If you see two pointing one way and another pointing a different direction, attack it. Don't forget that there is an upper level if they are pointing at an angle your fiend is most likely up there. BTW even though it might seem obvious, the blue elementals don't face any directions because they spin around, so don't look at them for guidance. Queen Courels are the strongest and should be dealt with first in any battles. They cycle between Death Blaster, which KO's a character, and AGA magic (Like FIRAGA). Save periodically because they can kill you off quite easily, even at higher levels. Also know that you can't escape from any battle you start. Once you get all 5 a final fiend battle will occur. Once you finish that you will obtain the Alchemist Dressphere as well as the Highroad Winds Garment Grid. Go back inside and talk to Clasko. Collect some Gyshal Greens and use them on any Chocobos you see to help catch them. Head back to the Airship but go back to the Calm Lands. You should be in the Central Area. Go and talk to the two Ronso standing around to start a scene. That finishes the Calm Lands for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Djose Temple/Road |C214 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Dr. Goon, Fem-Goon, League Fighter, League Trooper, Agama, Sallet, Gold Elemental Head to the temple and take the bridge to the south. When you arrive on the Highroad continue heading south until a cut scene stops you. Mission Time! What you must do is look for a sphere on the ground that the Leblanc Syndicate dropped. Run down the Djose Highroad until you find it. When you do you'll be awarded Yuna's special dressphere, Floral Fallal as well as be engaged in a boss battle. O=============================================================================O Ormi HP: 1150 MP: 22 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Bounce -Single/Physical Pirouette Pitch -Single/Physical --------------------------------------------------- Logos HP: 1030 MP: 48 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop, Attack Down Immune: Gravity Item: Mega-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Hail of Bullets -All/Physical/Three hits Flash Bomb -All/Special/Darkness Hush Grenade -All/Special/Silence Double Shot -Single/Physical/Two Hits --------------------------------------------------- Total EXP: 170 Total Gil: 310 Drop Item: Iron Bangle, Silver Bracer Start the battle by defeating the Fem-goon. After she is out of the way you should focus on logos. I noticed that black mages work best here because after one or two focuses, attacking with fira or related spells does enough damage to take him down in two turns. If you use other attacks be aware he has high evasion, which is why magic works so well. Ormi is easy once the other two are out of the way, you can use any number of way to take him out. Logos is the main threat here, he is faster and has attacks that hit the entire party for both damage and status effects. O=============================================================================O After you defeat them you'll receive one of three uniforms you need to gain access to Leblanc's mansion. Mission Complete! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bikanel Desert |C215 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: All right head to the Desert and talk to Nhadala and she'll let you go to the Oasis. Go save and talk to the pilot to go to the Oasis. When you arrive go up to the pond and you'll find Rikku's special dressphere, Machina Maw. As soon as this happens you will be ambushed by Logos. O=============================================================================O Logos HP: 1220 MP: 46 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Elixir Drop Item: Lure Bracer Plus Fem-goon x2 Stats Irrelevant Logos Attacks: Hail of Bullets -All/Physical/Three hits Flash Bomb -All/Special/Darkness Hush Grenade -All/Special/Silence Double Shot -Single/Physical/Two Hits Total EXP: 180 Total Gil: 340 Take out the Fem-goons and use the same tactics to beat logos as you did on the Djose Highroad. Nothing has changed. Heal the status effects so that you don't waste extra time in this battle. O=============================================================================O For defeating them you get one of the three Syndicate Uniforms and an Hour of Need Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mt. Gagazet |C216 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: White Fang, Fly Eye, Flan Amarillo, She-Goon, Viper Sniper, Bicocette, Flan Palido, Shantak, Protochimera When you arrive go talk to Kimahri to witness a scene. Once he finishes talk to him again and choose the second option, you'll get a little something for it later. Then use the warp pad (the little square thing on the ground) and warp to Fayth Scar. Run south to the next screen and a scene will occur. You'll spot Leblanc's goons, so it's mission time! Start climbing the rocks all the way to the top and turn right. Go into the dark part of the cave. From here run all the way to the end of the path and collect the Hi-Potion, then go back to the rocks and take the east path to the exit. Once you are outside make your way east to more rocks. Instead of following the Goon, continue up the rocks and jump across the gap. Continue climbing up the rocks and when you get to the top begin going east. Cross over the little bridge-ish part and head north. Climb up a few more walls and you should be on top of a rather large rock. Run to the top of it and a cut scene will occur. You'll obtain one of three uniforms to get into Chateau Leblanc. When you regain control of Yuna make your way around the wall and save your game. No you can't leave yet, so head up the wall to get a scene and fight some Fem-Goons. Continue up the wall and a boss will appear. O=============================================================================O Ormi HP: 1350 MP: 22 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Bounce -Single/Physical Pirouette Pitch -Single/Physical Total EXP: 180 Total Gil: 200 Dropped Item: Beaded Brooch Once again nothing has changed here, some of the random battles on the way here might have been more challenging. You can steal an Elixir if you're lucky, other than that just hit him with physicals. O=============================================================================O When you defeat him you'll get a Stonehewn Garment Grid as well as a Mission Complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you collect all three uniforms you can enter Chateau Leblanc. You'll get the Bum Rush Garment Grid for collecting all three uniforms. Be warned though that once you enter you will not be able to do anything else in Chapter 2 so if you missed out on doing anything you have to do it now. Once you are satisfied head to Guadosalam. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guadosalam |C217 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies (Chateau): Dr. Goon, Fem-Goon, Battle Snake Head up to the gate and a scene will occur asking you to change, remember this is the last part of Chapter 2 so only continue if your satisfied of what you've done so far. You will be taken inside Chateau Leblanc to watch another scene. Once it finishes head into the room to your north and go talk to Logos, then head to the room at the top of the stairs. Go talk to Leblanc and a little game will occur. You have to get her satisfaction up to 32 in 15 turns. It's a simple game and shouldn't take to many tries, just try to home in on the red spots. Once that finishes Ormi will come in and tell you to check the button. Go back to where you talked to Logos and examine the wall there. You'll end up back in your regular clothes, head up a little and a boss will detect you. O=============================================================================O Ormi HP: 1640 MP: 40 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Bounce -Single/Physical Super Collider -Single/Special/50% HP damage/Delay Attack Huggles -Single/Physical/3 Hits Total EXP: 240 Total Gil: 340 Drop Item: Black Choker Super Collider is new, but since he is fighting solo it doesn't make much difference. Huggles might as it hits three times in the 300-400 range each so you will probably have to revive a girl afterwards but beyond that it is still an easy battle. Just use physicals and steal the X-Potion or Elixir if you're lucky. O=============================================================================O After he is defeated head north along the path and save your game. Enter the room ahead and collect an Accessory. The one you get depends on how many tries it took to satisfy Leblanc. Then leave the room and head east into another room. When you walk in take the sphere. When it finishes you will have to fight a boss. O=============================================================================O Ormi HP: 1840 MP: 42 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Bounce -Single/Physical Super Collider -Single/Special/50% HP damage Huggles -Single/Physical/3 Hits --------------------------------------------------- Logos HP: 1432 MP: 64 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Mega-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Hail of Bullets -All/Physical/Three hits Double Shot -Single/Physical/Two Hits Russian Roulette -Single/Physical/Status Effect Total EXP: 480 Total Gil: 460 Dropped Items: Defence Veil, Favourite Outfit This battle is not much harder than previous ones against this duo but look out for super collider from Ormi. Now that Logos can attack while he is doing that healing might be a little more difficult, you shouldn't get a game over because of it though. Steal whatever items you can get and be sure to heal any status effects that are inflicted on you with Russian Roulette. O=============================================================================O You'll get a notice that booby traps have been set up. Leave and take the first path you see (north). Head up the path until the camera changes and you see wall that you must climb. Climb up the first one but drop down between the first and second one. Activate the blue override and climb up the second wall. Drop between the second and third walls and activate that override. Then run all the way to the end and a trap will come at you. Run back and jump over the two gaps but wait on top of the first wall. This should take you up top to the last override. Activate it and go back to the end of the hall. This time there will be a switch there as well so activate it and a door will open. Go through the new door but don't go inside the room just yet. Follow the path around and you'll be back at the save sphere. Save your game because the next boss is rather difficult. After you've saved go through the last door and a scene will occur. Once it finishes a third boss fight will commence. O=============================================================================O Ormi HP: 1344 MP: 45 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Bounce -Single/Physical Super Collider -Single/Special/50% HP damage/Delay Attack Huggles -Single/Physical/3 Hits Concisive Blast - All/Phsical --------------------------------------------------- Logos HP: 989 MP: 70 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Mega-Potion Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Hail of Bullets -All/Physical/Three hits Double Shot -Single/Physical/Two Hits Russian Roulette -Single/Physical/Status Effect --------------------------------------------------- Leblanc HP: 1380 MP: 460 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop, Attack Down, Magic Down Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Elixir Attacks: Not-So-Mighty-Guard -Adds Shell, Protect, and Regen to allies No Love Lost -All/Physical/Multiple Hits on different targets Fira -Single/Magic/Fire Love Tap -Adds haste to one ally Mach Fan -All/Physical/Delay Attack Watera -Single/Magic/Water Physical Attack -Single/Physical Hush Grenade -All/Special/Silence White Wind - Heals enemies Total EXP: 900 Total Gil: 780 Dropped Items: Twist Headband, Charm Bangle, Reassembled Sphere Ormi and Logos have reduced HP from their last battle so target Logos first as he has the lowest. Leblanc is actually pretty powerful, her not-so-mighty-guard will add shell, protect and regen to her allies and No Love Lost is a triple attack that requires her, Logos and Ormi to still be in the battle. Take one or both out to stop her from using this attack, which happens to be her best. She has a few spells that don't deal much damage and can cause Silence so be sure to use a few Echo Herbs if she does. Again watch for super collider from Ormi and heal up immediately afterwards, if all three enemies gang up on one party member they can easily take her out after a super collider. O=============================================================================O When you defeat them, you'll get the Healing Light Garment Grid as well as the Reassembled Sphere. Watch the scenes that occur. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bevelle |C218 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies (Highbridge): Yevon Guard, Yevon Defender, YAC-13 (Underground): Flan Blanco, Skink, Vertigo, YAC-13, YSLS-99, YSLS-Zero, Precepts Guard, Georapella, Kukulcan, YAU-28, Flan Amatillo You'll automatically be taken to Bevelle. When you land if you sided with the Youth League like you should have you will have to fight your way up the Highbridge, if you sided with New Yevon you will not have to fight the enemies. Once you get inside the temple take the right path and enter the room there. Jump up onto the stone to trigger a scene. Then leave and take the left path and enter that room. Jump up into the hole in the wall and jump down to the other side. Here touch the pedestal that isn't glowing and head out. Use the lift in the middle of the room to go down into the Cloister of Trials. When you arrive you'll see some fiends wandering around and as you head forward you will be forced to fight them. From here you can look for items if you like, but to get to the next lift head west, then north up the slope, then turn east and grab the items if you'd like. Run to the end and use the lift here. From here head up the stairs and turn right to enter the Chamber of the Fayth. Barkeep will be here if you need any more items. Grab the Chocobo Feather and enter the Fayth. After the scene you will be inside the Bevelle Underground. Run to the edge to get a scene, then run to the top of the screen to use the chain to slide down to the middle. Head forward a bit and fight the two machina. Okay now what you need to do is run up to the towers that are glowing and Fight the monsters that appear from them. Each time you do you will activate a stepping thing. When you unlock all three you will be attacked by a boss. O=============================================================================O Precepts Guard HP: 3680 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Weak: Holy Immune: Gravity Item: Mana Tablet Rare Item: Mana Tablet x2 Total EXP: 700 Total Gil: 800 Dropped Items: Regen Bangle Attacks: Bio Drain Demi Death Osmose Slow -All This boss lacks any real offense, aside form Death which you can just revive a character from. Drain does less than 100 damage and outside of Demi (which can never kill you) nothing else does much if any damage. Just stick to physicals and you should have no problem with this battle. O=============================================================================O Now you have access to the lower section, but we are not done yet, because there is a little puzzle that you must figure out. I'm going to try and make a diagram here: #1 is the first tower by the chain thingy you had to ride across as well as the where the first platform goes. When the screen zooms out you can see all six tower so remember where #1 is and work from there: 5 4 6 3 1 2 That's a VERY rough look at how the towers are lined up. Remember that five and two are lined up at the top and bottom. For the first part you should have used twoers 1, 3 and 5 to get the first three platforms moved. Now we want to trigger and move the next three to get the Ribbon at the bottom. Follow these exact instructions and you will get it. 2, 5, 5 4, 5, 5, 5 6, 1, 1 If you did this right you should get the accessory Ribbon at the bottom, look in the middle of the left edge for the chest, it's not hidden but with the camera so far away it can be hard to see. You will also get the trophy "Treasure Hunter" for getting the Ribbon. Also before you leave head up the chain behind tower 5 and fight the YSLS-99, then grab the Glass Buckle. Do the same behind tower 3 to get a Pearl Necklace. Now proceed down the platforms to the opening on the third level to proceed. I listed a boss strategy for Georapella below so jump below that to continue along in the guide. O=============================================================================O Georapella HP: 4420 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Weak: Holy Immune: Gravity Item: Water Gem Rare Item: Water Gem x2 Total EXP: 800 Total Gil: 1000 Drop Item: Nultide Ring Attacks: AGA spells Unlike Precepts Guard, this guy can actually do some damage. He cycles through elemental AGA magic that does about 200 to all characters. Bringing in characters that absorb one element (through Garment Grids most likely) would help keep you alive as one in four attacks would heal you. A Psychic with all four eater abilities learned would be unstoppable here as well. Even casting Shell would go a long way here, just make sure to keep your HP above 400 or so to ensure nothing goes wrong. O=============================================================================O Once you've collected it or had enough of trying head into the opening on the third level of the platforms. Head forward and climb the walls to collect Ether x4. Then continue following the path until it splits. Grab the Remedy x4 from the chest and take the right path. Run forward right to the edge and a block will fall and a hover will appear in its place. Take the hover across and open the hard to see chest here to obtain the Downtrodder Garment Grid. Then head back and take the left path. Climb up the two pillars here to form a bridge and then cross it to the next area. A cut scene will occur. Once it is done you can collect the Phoenix Down x5 from the end on the path. You can attempt to move along those moving platforms if you would like to collect some rather unique items. When you get them or have had enough of trying leave using the exit by Logos. Head forward and the wall will come down for you. Take the lift on the right to go up. Stand on the two blocks to make the lift in the background accessible, but don't use it yet. Now head all the way to the south and jump off to the area with the hovers. Take the center hover and jump on the block here. Go back and take the left one up. Now take the right one down and head up on the center one. Stand on this block and to raise the second set of stairs. Now go back and use the right hover to go up and take the hover on this floor to the next area. Save your game here and use the steps to go down and open the chest to collect the Dark Knight Dressphere. Go back up and head north along the path. As you get to the corner you will have to watch a scene and then fight a boss. O=============================================================================O Baralai HP: 3380 MP: 540 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Charm Bangle Rare Item: Charm Bangle Total EXP: 1000 Total Gil: 1300 Dropped Item: Pearl Necklace Attacks: Glint -All/Physical Looming Glacier -Single/Physical/MP deplete/Stop Demi -All/Magic/25% HP damage Physical Attack -Single/Physical Drill Shot -Single/Physical/ His HP is decent and he attacks rather quickly. Glint and Demi hit everyone but what you really need to watch out for is Looming Glacier as it depletes your MP and can cause the stop status, leaving your girls sitting ducks. At this point in the game I don't think you have any accessories to guard against stop so you will have to use Remedies to heal it or just wait it out and hope nothing goes wrong (not the ideal methods btw). Drill shot is more powerful than his regular physical but nothing to write home about, except that you can learn it as a blue bullet. That being said as a boss he is not that difficult however, if you want to learn the Drill Shot blue bullet for your Gun Mage's it gets a little more difficult. He will use Drill shot on the girl who causes the 10th HP gauge change (both damage and healing). This means if you attack him nine times with Yuna and heal him with a potion from Paine, he will attack Paine with Drill Shot. You would need to do this three times, one for each girl, before defeating him which can get annoying with him causing stop and depleting your MP all the time. Use Hi-Potions and keep scanning him to ensure you do not accidentally kill him. You only fight him twice in the game meaning you only have two opportunities to teach your girls this skill. O=============================================================================O After you defeat him go back and save because there is another boss coming up. After you save continue along the path and you will eventually get stopped by this monster... O=============================================================================O Bahamut HP: 8400 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Mute Shock Total EXP: 1300 Total Gil: Dropped Item: Gris-Gris Bag Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Mega Flare -All/Magic Curse -Adds curse to one enemy Impulse -All/Magic If you played FFX before than you would be expecting a hellish kind of fight with this aeon, however he really is a pushover. Curse can be annoying but nothing to overly worry about and his physical attack doesn't do that much damage. Impulse is decent but you can easily heal afterwards since he moves so slow. Mega-Flare is his only real damaging attack, and even then it's not that powerful. You can cast shell on your party to half the damage and as long as you have more than 70% HP (or 35% with Shell applied) you won't have to worry much. Like previous games he also counts down to it before he actually fires it off, making healing to full HP and casting shell extremely easy to accomplish before taking the hit. Be sure to steal from this boss and if you learned Pilfer Gil grab that from him too. Physical attacks from dressphere that have decent magic defense (anything but Warrior at this point) will be enough to get you the win here. Personally I find this battle to easy given how powerful he was in previous games, but that's just me. Something I noticed playing him again was that he is weak to all four break attacks, meaning you can lower his magic to the point that Mega-Flare does about 50 damage so if you have been using a warrior they may be even more useful here than others. O=============================================================================O After you defeat him you will earn the Trophy "Defeating Old Friends" and you will have to watch some scenes and then you get a Chapter Complete. You will receive a Fiend Tale Bonus with the chapter complete. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3 |F217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 3 Table of Contents ----------------------- Airship |C301 ----------------------- Luca |C302 ----------------------- Mi'ihen High Road |C303 ----------------------- Mushroom Rock Road|C304 ----------------------- Djose Temple |C305 ----------------------- Moonflow |C306 ----------------------- Guadosalam |C307 ----------------------- Thunder Plains |C308 ----------------------- Macalania Woods |C309 ----------------------- Bikanel Island |C310 ----------------------- Calm Lands |C311 ----------------------- Mt. Gagazet |C312 ----------------------- Zanarkand |C313 ----------------------- Besaid Island |C314 ----------------------- Kilika Island |C315 ----------------------- Airship |C316 ----------------------- Bevelle |C317 ----------------------- Djose Temple |C318 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C301 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the scenes here but when you get to choose a location exit the menu and go Rest in the Cabin. Then go back and choose Luca. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luca |C302 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here you will witness a scene talking about a tournament for a dressphere. The game is called sphere break. It's not that hard of a game, you need to win three matches to advance to the finals. You can choose your opponents so if you're new to the game pick a few two-star people to learn against. After you win two battles GO SAVE, then challenge the third person because you'll be taken straight to the finals after your third win. You will play Shinra in the finals and if you beat him you will obtain the Lady Luck dressphere. Note if you lose he *does* get the dressphere but he *doesn't* let you use it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mi'ihen Highroad |C303 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Machina Ranger, Scout Machina, Zu, Barbuta, Cephalotus, Peregrine, Flan Rojo, Mycotoxin, Queen Coeurl If you enter from the airship or Luca you will be on the south end of the highroad. When you do arrive accept the mission. Your targets are the green squares on the map, they are machina that are attacking people. To fight them just walk into them and the battle will trigger. On this side of the Highroad there are three enemies to defeat. One is straight up the road, the next is around the machina ruins where the path goes looping around and the third is near the end off a side path. Defeat those and head to the next area. Here there is only one so take care of it and move along to the next area. Here there are three rouge machina so dismantle them and head to the Agency. Save your game and continue north. Cross the bridges to the next area and jump over to the machina. Fight it and that should be the end of the mission. You will receive 10,000 gil and the Undying Storm Garment Grid. Mission Complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mushroom Rock Road |C304 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None When you arrive here go talk to Yiabal. A scene will occur and then Lucil will ask to talk. Once she finishes you can go back to the airship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Djose Temple |C305 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: None (Yet) Go talk to Gippal. After his ranting leave, you'll be back later though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonflow |C306 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Flan Blanco, Ruffian, Bandit, Balivarha When you arrive go talk to Tobli twice. After the scenes you can leave. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guadosalam |C307 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Blue Elemental, Bascinet, Archaeothyris When you arrive go into Chateau Leblanc. Enter the living room and a scene will occur. Then go upstairs and talk to Leblanc. After she finishes go back into the Living Room and another scene will occur. Head into the secret path and go into the room you fought Leblanc in earlier (west of the save sphere). Open the chest for a Tetra Band, then run to the corner by the door and climb up the boxes. Go around the railing and open this chest for Crimson Sphere 4. Now go into Logos' room. When you enter you will get a scene with a few spheres. When they finish you will obtain Logos's Sphere and Ormi's Sphere. Look on the table area by the bed to find a third sphere. After you watch it Maechen will sneak in and you will receive the Gaol Sphere. Talk to Maechen and don't speed up his text. Now go back to the Airship and watch the Crimson Sphere you just picked up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thunder Plains |C308 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Gemini, Barbuta, Assassin Bee, Gucumatz, Anole Right now we are going to look for Lian and Ayde Ronso. On the way go talk to Cid, who has moved ever so slightly since your last encounter. He is still the red X on your map. Then head north past the agency to the North plains. They are under the little dome like thing. They are the Red X on the north plains so go talk to them. Tell them to go to Kilika Island. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macalania Woods |C309 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ryhos, Vertigo, Barbuta Come here by airship because it will take you to the Agency automatically. Here you will begin the mission, as long as you have successfully paid off O'aka's debt. I believe you have until the end of this chapter to pay it off as he will jump ship as soon as you do which should trigger this mission. Here you have to fight six battles in a row, however you can run away at any point between the battles. If you do have to run you will have to start again from the first battle, but it beats getting a game over. The battles are: 1) Rhyos and Vertigo 2) Barbuta x3 3) Barbuta and Flan Blanco 4) Rhyos and Vertigo 5) Barbuta x3 6) Barbuta and Flan Blanco Once you defeat all six of them you will receive your EXP and a few different items as well as a Pride of the Sword Garment Grid. Go inside the agency and you will be given the Berserker dressphere and an Al Bhed Primer if you don't already have them all. After the scene try leaving the area and O'aka will stop you with another scene. Then you can go back inside the Agency to use the save sphere to teleport back to the Airship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bikanel Island |C310 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Zu, Machina Hunter, Sand Worm, Gucumatz, Canis Major, Killer Hound, Guard Machina, Aquila, Fly Eye, Gigas, Aculeate, Pop Fry Okay when you arrive here you be greeted by Nhadala and she will introduce you to Benzo, your interpreter. Talk to the pilot to go to the Cactuar Nation. When you arrive you will be engaged into a conversation with Marnela, say you believe her. When she finishes talk to her again. A mission will begin. Okay so you need to fly around Spira looking for the ten Cactuar gatekeepers. First and foremost is that although this mission has started, you cannot actually finish it until Chapter 5. Why do we do this now then? Because running around for 10 straight Cactuar is annoying and boring, so it's been broken up. The locations of the first ones are: Lobivia is located at the Oasis. Toumeya is located on Besaid Island down at the beach. Lobeira is in Chateau Leblanc in Ormi's room (the one directly ahead of the save sphere), open the chest in here to find her. Areg & Arroja are located in the Calm lands in the area just south of Mount Gagazet (it leads to the Cavern of the stolen Fayth). Islaya is located on the Northern side of the Thunder Plains. Enter from Macalania and head south staying on the right side of the screen. I think you might have to finish the mission here if you are on Chapter 5 because when I looked for him then I couldn't find him. After you find Islaya you must stop in chapter 3, because the mission continues in chapter 5. Don't forget to try and do a little digging so you don't have to do so much in Chapter 5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calm Lands |C311 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies (Calm Lands): Wild Wolf, Leucophylla, Vespa, Peregrine Enemies (Cavern): Haunt, Zurvan, Paririka, Flan Rojo, Phyos, Balivarha, Grim Gaze, Vespa, Daeva, Tomb Start off by stopping in on Clasko and going up to where the Choco-runners are so Shinra can plant a commsphere. Make sure you catch a Chocobo by then end of the chapter. Then head to one of the attractions and check what level your PR is at. Hopefully you are in and around 250ish. Then use the hover to ride to Gagazet. Head forward to the next area and cross the bridge. Now take the path that leads down under the bridge to reach the Gorge Cave. Save your game and run up to the crowd. You will begin the mission. You must save the tourists from inside the cave. Remember where you start because you have to take people back there after you collect them. Head right and take the first right after that. You will find a man running in circles. Take him with you. Go back and continue north. Talk to the man lying on the ground and take him with you. Continue north but leave the girl at the end and instead turn right. Take these three people with you, and then head back to the exit. When you deliver them you should obtain Energy Core 1 and Energy Core 2. Go back to the girl I told you to leave and pick her up. Once you get her go left and a man will come charging by you. If you catch him take him with you, if not follow him and pick him up. Continue where you were going and at the first four-way go right and pick up this person. Then take the north path and take these people along with the Blue Ring in the chest. Make your way back to the entrance and drop them off. You will receive Energy Core 3, the Besaid Key, and Energy Core 4. Now go back to the Four-way split and take the left path. Follow the kids you find but when they turn the corner go the opposite way (at a three-way) and inspect the corner to find a person hiding in the corner. Take him with you then run and get the kids at the end path. Notice the tele-porter here and take them back to the entrance. You will receive Energy Core 5 as well as Energy Core 6. Go outside for a minute and talk to a person to collect Energy Core 7. Now step on the transporter in the entrance and warp to the back of the Cavern. When you arrive take the path to the hidden chamber (right). Collect the lightning gleam and the person here, then warp them back to the entrance. He will give you the Last Energy Core so go back to the back of the cave and take the other hidden chamber (left). Now leave the Cavern and leave the mission for a second. Save your game and continue the mission. Warp to the back of the cave and then to the Chamber of the Fayth. Here you will encounter an old friend... O=============================================================================O Yojimbo HP: 22,000 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Power Wrist Rare Item: Power Wrist Total EXP: 2000 Total Gil: 1500 Drop Item: Recover Bracer Attacks: Diagoro -Single/Physical Wakizashi -Single/Physical Kozuka -Single/MP Damage/Poison Zanmato -All/Leaves 1 HP and 1 MP For starters doing this in chapter 3 is obviously harder than in chapter 5, but it can still be done. You should be familiar with the special dresspheres and learned some key abilities with them, such as great whirl for Yuna or double and triple HP for any of them. Now because Yojimbo has an attack that reduces both HP and MP to 1, special dresspheres prevents all three girls getting KO'ed at once. Having a small garment grid (2 or 3 nodes) helps as well. You are going to want to start with fast dresspheres like thief and work you way around the grid until you can use your special dresspheres. Do this for all three girls and transform into the special for who ever you deem the weakest, there's reasoning behind it trust me. From here you want to be able to attack Yojimbo as well as have one of the two support units ready to heal in case of a Zanmato. The reason this is so dangerous is his dog attacks randomly on its own, but it's not an actual enemy. Basically it's an attack that you can't stop because you can't defeat it. If your main character gets KO'ed your special dressphere will fall and you will be back to using your other two girls. Revive the fallen girl and use your next strongest dressphere. Cycle through like this until you are able to defeat him. I would advise against using captured monsters for this battle simply because you can't control them and healing after a Zanmato is required. O=============================================================================O When you defeat him you will get a mission complete and if you got every person out, a Tetra Master Garment Grid as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mt. Gagazet |C312 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Bascinet, Vespa, Grim Gaze, Greater Drake, Lupus, Mycotoxin When you arrive go talk to Kimahri, if you told him the second answer in Chapter 2 he will give you the Trainer dressphere. Tell Kimahri you are going up the mountain. Unfortunately for you Garik has disabled the transport thing on the ground. You have to go up the mountain on your own. The "Mountain Trail" is a pretty straightforward path, so follow it accordingly. Fix the transport thing at the top and head to the next area (go back and save if you want first). Follow the path here to the next screen. Run along the path but don't climb up the wall, it leads to the hot springs (though you should head here anyway to ensure a Commsphere is planted). When you enter the next area you should be inside a cave. Head north along the path and fix the teleporter here. From here go up the stairs and take the path on the left. At the next intersection take the left path up the rocks and follow it to the save point. Fix the teleporter and save your game. Once you are ready head north to reach the summit. Go talk to Garik and... O=============================================================================O Garik Ronso HP: 6880 MP: 238 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Icy Gleam Attacks: Stab -Single/Physical Bane Lance -Single/Physical/Curse Mighty Guard -All Allies/Adds Shell, Protect, Regen, Haste, Defence +2, Magic Defence +2, Evasion +1 Blind -Single/Adds darkness Protect -All Allies/Adds Protect status Shell -All Allies/Adds Shell --------------------------------------------------- Ronso Youth HP: 4060 MP: 170 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Curse Immune: Gravity Item: Mythril Bangle Rare Item: Mythril Bangle Attacks: Stab -Single/Physical MP Blow-out -Reduces MP to 0 Total EXP: 820 Total Gil: 130 Drop Item: Remedy x2, Shinning Bracer Darkness can help you go a long way in this battle, as does dispel. Cast darkness on all three Ronso or if you can't cast darkness, use darkness dance from a songstress and keep using it. Then you need to target the two Ronso Youth because they have MP Blow-out, which robs you of all your MP. If Garik casts Mighty Guard use dispel immediately, because it gives both him and his two buddies way to many positive status effects, which can really turn the tide of battle if left unchecked. A few tactics I found work well as far as offence goes is having a black mage use focus until magic is maxed out and the casting an AGA spell (Firaga). Another is if you have two girls with Heaven's Cataract learned as Blue Bullets, using two girls to cast Heaven's Cataract. It hits all three of them as well as lower their Defence and Magic Defence by two levels. Both of these strategies require MP, so darkness or darkness dance are required for these. If you are looking for the Blue Bullet Mighty Guard, Garik can be confused and with a little luck he may cast it on your girls. I suggest if you are trying to learn it that after you confuse him you switch all three girls to Gun Mage because it is really annoying trying to get him to cast in on you multiple times. O=============================================================================O When you defeat him you will obtain the Wishbringer Garment Grid. You should return to the mountain and head to the Hot Springs to ensure that a Commsphere is planted there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zanarkand Ruins |C313 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Flailing Ochu, Anole, Gucumatz The only thing you can do here is find Issaru, who as always is in the Corridor to the Cloister of Trials. After he finishes if you haven't done the monkey side mission yet you can do it now, other wise loot the place for the good items and leave. I'll list the monkey locations again so you don't have to go back. As far as the mission goes I'll list in order the monkeys and locations you need to pick them up in. 1) Birch in The Beyond = Sequoia in Chamber of the Fayth 2) Spring in Great Hall = Autumn in Cloister of Trials 3) Dusky in Corridor = Dawne in The Beyond 4) Rosemary in Great Hall = Thyme in Cloister of Trials 5) Terran in Cloister of Trials = Skye in The Beyond 6) Minni in Great Hall = Maxx in Cloister of Trials 7) Summer in Chamber of the Fayth = Winter in Corridor 8) Peke in Cloister of Trials = Valli in Chamber of the Fayth 9) Canis in Great Hall = Felina in Corridor 10) Arroh in Cloister of Trials = Quivrr in Corridor 11) Golde in Chamber of the Fayth = Sylva in Corridor 12) Luna in Corridor = Sol in Great Hall Once you deliver the final monkey you'll get a little message and a Soul of Thamasa accessory for you troubles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besaid Island |C314 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besaid (Outside Village): Gemini, Barbuta, Cephalotus, Queen Coeurl, Malboro, Spine Drake, Flame Dragon Besaid (Temple): Haunt, Zurvan, Pairika When you land head to the Village and go talk to Lulu. When you leave her tent a scene will take place. When it finishes follow Wakka into the temple and talk to Beclem. Your mission will begin. Head inside to the Cloister of Trials and follow the path until you meet up with Wakka. When you regain control of Yuna head through the opening to the next area, then engage the bad boy down here... O=============================================================================O Valefor HP: 8430 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Healing Spring x4 Rare Item: Healing Spring x6 Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Sonic Wings -Single/MP Damage Energy Ray -All/Magic Energy Blast -All/Magic Total EXP: 1500 Total Gil: 1200 Drop Item: Moon Bracer Honestly not that difficult of a fight, your main issue is going to be his Evasion if anything. Energy Ray hits for 400 max and energy blast only hits for about 600. Keep attacking/Mugging and you will have no problems here. Throw a High Potion every now and again to make sure his Energy Blast can't KO any characters. O=============================================================================O When you win you will get a mission complete. If you come back with the Besaid Key (a key item you get for finishing the mission at the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) you can open the chest in the room to the right of the stairs inside the temple to get the Sphere Search. Holding down circle while on Besaid Island will bring up a signal strength indicator, you're going to be looking for when the signal is strongest (turning red all the way) and press X to dig up a Commsphere looking thing. From here you can use it to scan the area for hidden numbers, these numbers open up the second cipher set inside the Besaid Cave. I think the numbers might change from game to game to I'll give you the locations of the four mini-commspheres. 1) Besaid Village - Between the first and second tents on the left, look in the small pathway behind the tents. The sphere is on top of the temple. 2) Besaid Village Slope - Look to the left of the save sphere. The sphere is on top of the hill just to the left of where the screen starts, left of the two tall trees you can see. 3) Besaid Waterfall Way - As soon as you enter this area stay on the right near the railing to find this one. The sphere is nestled into the waterfall area across from you (it's the same as the one from the Besaid Sphere you got in Ch.1). 4) Besaid Valley (path across from the cave entrance) - Look in the North most corner to find this one. The sphere is across the lake on top of a tree. When you have all four numbers head into the cave and hang a right. Enter the numbers in the order you should have found them (Village, Slope, Waterway, Valley) and the door on your right will open. Grab the Ether x3 and the Raging Giant Garment Grid from the new pathway that opens up. GG is at the end when you go outside for a bit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kilika Island |C315 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Yevon Striker, Davea, Assassin Bee, Queen Coeurl, Ironside, When you arrive in Kilika go to Dona's house and talk to her. The two of you will form a plan to get inside the woods. After the scene ends you will have to rush the gate to the woods. When you get inside you can't leave, so make sure you did everything in Kilika (not that there is all that much to do anyways). Read the tutorial and try your hand at the game. If you don't get it you will still be in the jungle, but they will know you went through. If you do make it you will get a Bushido Lore (you'll pick that dressphere up in a few minutes) and then be busted. Enter the jungle either way. After the scene occurs head north form where you start and watch the scene by the blockade. Then head back and go west, then north up the little path you took in Chapter 1. After viewing that scene go back and continue west and watch the scene at that blockade. Then head east and a scene will automatically take you up on the treetops. Follow Rikku and Paine north until you get to the Temple Steps. Head up the steps and enter the temple, the mission will begin. Go inside the temple and use the save point. Then proceed up the stairs and enter the door. Use the lift in this room and head north through the big door. You will see a scene, which will be followed by a battle with a Daeva. After the fight another scene will occur. Afterwards run into the blue fire (really do it) and another Daeva will challenge you, when you beat him the fire will go away. In the next room there are three flames, which must be put out in a certain order. Do the one to the right first, then the one on the left and finish with the middle one. When you open the door head through it and two Daeva will challenge you. Defeating them gets rid of the large blue flame behind them. Go down the stairs and pick up the Samurai Dressphere. Head up the stairs on the other side and heal yourself if necessary. Once your ready head through the door. If you are following the story even slightly you should have guessed you'd be fighting this guy here... O=============================================================================O Ifrit HP: 8645 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Weak: Ice Immune: Gravity Absorbs: Fire Item: Fiery Gleam Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Meteor Strike -Single/Magic Firaga -All/Magic/Fire Hellfire -All/Magic/Fire Total EXP: 1800 Total Gil: 1300 Drop Item: Angel Earrings Honestly the easiest way to earn a victory in this battle is to equip your party with Nulblaze rings or crimson rings to nullify or heal you with fire attacks, or use the Heart of Flame Garment Grid. Both of these are useful because his two strongest attacks (as well as hit all attacks) are fire based, so blocking or healing from the attack makes this battle hard to lose., and you really should have the Heart of Flame Garment Grid. O=============================================================================O Once you put him down you will get a mission complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C316 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you finish both the Besaid and Kilika Hotspots you will be brought to the airship and will witness a cut scene. It seems Gippal has run off and the Machine Faction wants your help. Firstly the Djose Dungeon is the last of Chapter 3. So if you still have things you must do, do them before heading there. Secondly with Gippals disappearance, we are heading to Bevelle to look for answers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bevelle |C317 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Barong, Flan Blanco, Skink, Detonator, YAU-71, YAC-62 When you arrive in Bevelle you will see a scene with Gippal (looks like we found him). Now what you need to do is head all the way to the Chamber of the Fayth in the Temple part of Bevelle (you should know the way still). When you get there witness the scene, then save your game. Okay now you need to go all the way back to where you fought Bahamut. Save your game along the way and then prepare to fight a Malboro. They have an attack called Bad Breath, which cause a whole whack load of status effects, including confusion, on all your characters. Your Gun Mages can learn this ability so equip them with either Black Choker's (Confuseproof) or Ribbon's (found earlier in the Dungeon) to protect against the confusion since in the end it will be the reason why you lose. When you enter the area where you fought Bahamut a scene will occur, afterwards a battle will occur with the Malboro. After that ends collect the Crimson Sphere 1 from the ground in front of you and warp back to the airship. Remember to watch it before you go anywhere else. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Djose Temple |C318 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Pairika, Haunt, Tomb When you arrive watch the scene, then head inside the temple. Go up the stairs and head to the lift in the center of the next room. Once you are upstairs you must try pushing the statues at the far north end of the room. If you push the wrong one you will fight a fiend, if it is the right one it will open the door to the Antechamber. As far as I know the statue is random, so just keep trying until you get it. Head up to the Antechamber and you will have a reunion with this beast... O=============================================================================O Ixion HP: 12,380 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Weak: Water Immune: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Item: Sprint Shoes Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Aerospark -Single/Magic Thundara -All/Magic/Lightning Recharge -Self/Recover 200 HP and MP Thor's Hammer -All/Magic Total EXP: 2600 Total Gil: 1800 Drop Item: Soul of Thamasa Unlike Ifrit, even though Ixion is a lightning Aeon and absorbs lightning attacks, Thor's Hammer is not considered a lightning elemented attack. This means you can't block it like you could hell fire by using rings and such. Thundara is not strong enough to warrant using a ring but feel free to try it if it helps at all. I have yet to actually confirm if Aerospark is actually a gravity attack (using Black ring), but is does damage based of a percentage of your current health either way, something close to two-thirds it looks like. Like Valefor his evasion will give you a little trouble, however equipping water gleams and/or using spells like Watera and Wateraga will deal serious damage. If you can cast protect on you black mage or mages this will be an easy battle as both Thundara and Thor's hammer are magic based and Black Mages have good Magic Defense. Protect and Shell would all but guarantee a win here with any set up, just be sure to throw a Hi-Potion at anyone hit with Aerospark. O=============================================================================O When you beat him a few scenes will occur as well as you obtaining the Unwavering Garment Gird, and by some stroke of luck you will wake up in the Farplane. After all the scenes are done you will obtain Crimson Sphere 2 and Crimson Sphere 3. The run around until another occurs, then when you hear "I'm all alone" hit the X button rapidly to hear some whistles. Do this four times and you will find your way out of the hole. This is required to get the good ending, so make sure you do it. Keep tapping the X button during the whistling to make sure you don't miss it. That will mark the end of Chapter 3. You will get another Fiend Tale Bonus and three Trap Pod SP for this. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 4 |F218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 4 Table of Contents ----------------------- Airship |C401 ----------------------- Moonflow |C402 ----------------------- Airship |C403 ----------------------- Thunder Plains |C404 ----------------------- Airship |C405 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C401 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few scenes will occur. Try going to the Cabin and Rikku will stop you. After she finishes talking head to the Cabin and rest. Then go talk to Paine up on the Deck. Once it finishes watch the Two Crimson Spheres you just picked up. Once you watch them both ask Shinra to check the Commsphere. Check out Besaid Island and talk to Wakka. Then check Kilika and talk to Dona. Once she finishes check Mushroom Rock Road and talk to Yaibal. Then check Bevelle. Maroda is inside Bevelle so talk to him. After you talk to those four people exit the Commsphere network and talk to Buddy. After that scene ends go back and check the Commsphere Network. Besaid Island: Keep coming back and about the fourth time you should see Wakka going nuts. Then go back and talk to the Aurochs. Then go back and watch Botta hit Keepa with the ball. Then go back and talk to Beclem. Then watch as they hit the ball at your Commsphere. Kilika Port: Talk to Dona again. Then listen to Dona sleep talking. Kilika Temple: Wait for Barthello to appear, then log off and come back to see that it is broken. Luca: Watch Shelinda as she interviews people, then the Commsphere goes dead. Go back and listen to another interview. Listen to a third interview. Mi'ihen Highroad: You can collect evidence as to who caused the incident on the highroad. Look below for details on how to do it right. Mushroom Rock Road: Look at the guy in Red. Go back and talk to him again. Keep talking to him until he sits down. Djose Temple: Speak to the Al Bhed here and pick up an Al Bhed Primer. Go back and talk to him again. Go back and talk to him a third time. Then listen to him talk to a lady. Then go talk to the lady and get another Al Bhed Primer. Go back one more time and they will steal your Commsphere. Moonflow: Talk to one of the Hypello here. Go back and listen to two more Hypello talk. Guadosalam: Talk to Ormi here. Then watch the hypello talk to the goon. Then watch them talk about Leblanc. Then go back and watch them talk about themselves, one in Al Bhed. Then go watch a Fem-goon report for duty. Thunder Plains: Watch the Chocobo and zoom in. You will "Chocoport" the Chocobo. Do it again to another Chocobo. Macalania Woods: Watch the Band you recruited and let them all speak until they disappear. Macalania Agency: Talk to O'aka here. Go back and talk to O'aka again. Bikanel Island Camp: Talk with Nhadala. Cactuar Nation: You can't really talk to them. Bevelle: You will be shot at. Calm Lands: Keep going back and waiting until the man who's son you have to find a girl for moves to the back and hides something. Go back and he will take a chest and hide it behind the Agency. Chocobo Ranch: Listen to Clasko talk to the Chocobo (only happens if you catch one). Go back and talk to Clasko. Go back to see a Chocobo try to escape. Mt. Gagazet: Talk to Kimahri. Go back and watch him get a massage. Hot Springs: Watch Garik walk around. Then watch the Cactuar run away. Then go back and watch Tobli leave. Then watch the Hypello dance and leave. Then watch the Shoopuf's. Then come back and a random dude swimming around. Then go back and watch Barkeep and Buddy. Then a scene will show him coming back to the Ship. If you keep going back you'll see O'aka, what looks like the Leblanc goons you mugged in Chapter 2 with Wantz, Maroda, Pacce, Issaru, Taro and Hana, Elma and Lucil, Maechen, Clasko and a Chocobo, Cid and Nhadala with Rin interrupting and finally Dona. Zanarkand: Nothing to do here yet. For Rin's mystery do the following to get percentage from it: Go to Camera 3 and wait for the Machina to appear, then call Rin. Go to Camera 2 and call Rin when the mini-Chocobo Eater appears. Go to Camera 5 and wait for the Chocobo Feather to fall, then call Rin. Go to Camera 4 and call Rin. Go to Camera 5 and call Rin when the Machina appear. Go to Camera 2 and call Rin when the random person appears. Go to Camera 1 and call Rin when the Mini-Chocobo eater appears. Go to Camera 4 and wait for the Hover to appear, then call Rin. Go to Camera 2 and call Rin when you see the person on the roof. Go to Camera 1 and call Rin to finish this. *Note as far as I know everything I listed above must be seen in order to get full percentage as well as Episode Completes. If you don't care for the percent or the Mascot Dressphere then don't even bother watching the scenes* When you are done all that, talk to Buddy to go to the Moonflow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonflow |C402 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Balivarha, Ruffian, Blackguard, Bandit, Agama, Archaeothyris, Flan Blanco, Varan, Taromaiti, Barbuta, Shell Shocker You will arrive at the edge of the south bank, so head north. You will run into some angry people wanting their money back from his last show. Tobli will pop up out of nowhere and they will start chasing him. You must follow them all the way down the South Bank Road. When you reach the Save Point you'll be told he didn't get past them, so head back down the South Bank Road until you see a scene with Tobli on a Machina. Once you see that head back to the Save Point and keep going to the dock area. Ride ze shoopuf to the other side. When you get off the Shoopuf head to the North Bank Road and follow it to the end to find Tobli. When you do end up finding him you will receive a mission complete, the Black Tabard Garment Grid and a few cut scenes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C403 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From here go talk to Shinra and view the Commsphere network. Besaid: Talk to Beclem. Then go back and talk to Lulu. Kilika Port: Listen to Dona talk and the Hypello walk in on her. Go back and listen to her again. Go back a third time and watch the Balloon take the Commsphere away. If you go back you will be able to talk with Barthello, then he breaks the sphere again. Kilika Temple: Still Broken Luca: Watch what you can. Mushroom Rock Road: Speak to Lucil and then Yaibal. Moonflow: Talk to Elma Guadosalam: Speak with Ormi here. Macalania Woods: Talk to the band people here. If you go back you will see one of them disappear. Go back again and another will disappear. Go back and watch the rest disappear. Macalania Agency: Talk to O'aka. Bikanel Island: Talk to Nhadala and your sphere will be broken. Cataur Nation: Go once and wait for Yuna to start talking, then go back after she finishes to find the sphere broken. Mt. Gagazet: Talk to Garik. Zanarkand Ruins: Talk to Issaru. Go back and talk to him again. Those are all the important ones I think. Once you are done all of that, head to the Cabin. A little mini-game will start. Do it as best as you can, you'll get different items for better performances. Watch the scene. When you have control of Yuna head back to the bridge. Talk to either Buddy or Brother and land in the Thunder Plains. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thunder Plains |C404 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Aka Manah, Bolt Drake, Assassin Bee, Barbuta, Ironside, Flan Rojo, Spine Drake, Archaeothyris, Gigas, Malboro A hypello will tell you a fiend is coming to eat the spectators. Save your game here, because this boss can be deadly at average levels. Start by heading north following the Red blip on the mini-map until you reach the entrance of the cave. Talk to the Hypello standing outside and he will heal you, then enter the cave. When you enter head forward and then make a left turn. Follow this path all the way to the end and collect the Haste Bangle. Then head back a little and climb the rock here. Jump across the first rock and turn north. Follow this path to the end and you will have an encounter with a boss. O=============================================================================O Zalamander HP: 12,850 MP: 278 Auto-Ability: Null Magic Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Curse, Eject, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Weak: Ice Immune: Gravity Item: Sublimator Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Flame Breath -All/Magic/Fire Tail Smash -All/Physical/Dispel Effect Total EXP: 1200 Total Gil: 930 Drop Item: Crimson Ring This boss is pretty much like the one from Besaid, just on steroids. His attacks are extremely strong and he nullifies magic attacks, meaning only physical based attacks are going to work. His tail smash hits the whole party and dispels everything so don't both with buffs. At level 40 he was still hitting my girls for 600 per physical attack and close to 700 with his tail smash ability. I would suggest equipping anything that has fire eater on again (Heart of Fame GG, Crimson Rings if you have any, Psychic dressphere with the auto-ability learned) as absorbing the flame breath can go a long way in staying alive. Also if you have any Shining Bracers equip them, they generate a constant Protect effect. His tail smash attack will dispel Protect if you cast it but the accessory keeps it constant. Defense increasing accessories should be used on characters that don't have Shining Bracers on. Warrior and Dark Knight are ideal, but with Defense raising accessories you can have a little more lee-way in your dressphere selection. If you are having trouble or are at a low level (like below 34 ish) you may want to try using Paine or Rikku's special dressphere, so long as you took the time to learn at the very least Double HP if not Triple HP. Both of these dresspheres have a variety of physical attack that can do serious damage. Yuna's is more magic based which isn't very useful in this battle so keep her special out of it. Just remember your character will lose the Fire Eater auto- ability if you change to a special dressphere. O=============================================================================O You will get a Trophy "Dousing the Fire" for defeating this boss. When he goes down grab the Black Ring from the chest, then head back up the rocks. When you get to a three-way split take the east path and climb up. Collect the Elixir and then head south. Jump off the ledge and collect the X- potion from that chest. Then go all the way south and exit the cave. You will get a scene and a Mission Complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C405 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get back go talk to Rikku, Paine and Buddy Twice. Then go talk to Rikku again and a scene takes place. Talk to Tobli when he comes in and start the concert. Watch the Concert. When it is over and you have control of Yuna go to the Bridge. A scene with Maechen will occur. Afterwards go to the Engine Room, DO NOT TALK TO SHINRA YET! If you do you will lose a Crimson Sphere, which makes hunting the other nine pointless. Go talk to Leblanc in the engine room. After she finishes go talk to Shinra. Watch the scene and then get your Chapter 4 Complete. You will receive a Fiend Tale Bonus and a Trap Pod SP. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 5 |F219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 5 Table of Contents ----------------------- Airship |C501 ----------------------- Zanarkand |C502 ----------------------- Besaid Island |C503 ----------------------- Kilika Island |C504 ----------------------- Luca |C505 ----------------------- Mi'ihen Highroad |C506 ----------------------- Mushroom Rock Road|C507 ----------------------- Djose Temple |C508 ----------------------- Moonflow |C509 ----------------------- Guadosalam |C510 ----------------------- Thunder Plains |C511 ----------------------- New Cave |C512 ----------------------- Macalania Woods |C513 ----------------------- Bikanel Island |C514 ----------------------- Bevelle |C515 ----------------------- Calm Lands |C516 ----------------------- Mt. Gagazet |C517 ----------------------- Den of Woe |C518 ----------------------- Via Infinito |C519 ----------------------- Fiend Colony |C520 ----------------------- Ruin Depths |C521 ----------------------- Farplane |C522 ----------------------- Farplane Abyss |C523 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Airship |C501 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the scenes that take place. When you have control of Yuna head to the bridge and listen to them talk. At this point in the game you can enter the Farplane and finish the game, but if you are going for 100% (or as close to it as you can get) then follow the guide in the order I have listed, meaning start with Zanarkand. If you save Zanarkand for last you won't get the final dressphere. Go talk to Buddy, if you did everything required you should get a hotspot for every area. If you missed any other than the Calm Lands chances are you messed up earlier, and you won't get the Mascot Dressphere. You can still promote your company for the calm lands if you haven't got it done yet so don't worry if you haven't got a hot spot there yet. The Fiend Colony, Ruin Depths, New Cave (after your first visit), the Den of Woe (where you need the Crimson Spheres) and Via Infinito are not required to get the Mascot Dressphere, but are required for 100%. Remember to go rest at the cabin, you'll get a rather funny scene for doing so this time. If you want the Farplane enter this code in the Ctrl-F menu: C522 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zanarkand Ruins |C502 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Gucumatz, Flailing Ochu, Anole When you arrive here a scene will occur. When it ends talk to Maechen, then leave. You will get a trophy "Good Listener" if you talked to him each time you had an opportunity too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besaid Island |C503 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Gemini, Dolman, Barbuta When you arrive Wakka will come get you. Follow him to the entrance of the temple and talk to him. Watch the scene then leave the village and make your way to the Dock at the beach. Along the way when you reach the first bridge, drop down the left side of it into the waterfall. Collect the Twilight Rain; it will add the ability Break Damage Limit to Yuna's Floral Fallal. When you arrive at the beach talk to Beclem. If you did everything right you will get the War Buddy sphere. Head back to the Village and you will see Wakka along the way. Talk to him to give him the sphere. Once you finish watching it go to the village and watch the scenes here. If you got the War Buddy Sphere you will get an Episode Complete, if not you will get an Episode Concluded. If you come back with the Besaid Key (a key item you get for finishing the mission at the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) you can open the chest in the room to the right of the stairs inside the temple to get the Sphere Search. Holding down circle while on Besaid Island will bring up a signal strength indicator, you're going to be looking for when the signal is strongest (turning red all the way) and press X to dig up a Commsphere looking thing. From here you can use it to scan the area for hidden numbers, these numbers open up the second cipher set inside the Besaid Cave. I think the numbers might change from game to game to I'll give you the locations of the four mini-commspheres. 1) Besaid Village - Between the first and second tents on the left, look in the small pathway behind the tents. The sphere is on top of the temple. 2) Besaid Village Slope - Look to the left of the save sphere. The sphere is on top of the hill just to the left of where the screen starts, left of the two tall trees you can see. 3) Besaid Waterfall Way - As soon as you enter this area stay on the right near the railing to find this one. The sphere is nestled into the waterfall area across from you (it's the same as the one from the Besaid Sphere you got in Ch.1). 4) Besaid Valley (path across from the cave entrance) - Look in the North most corner to find this one. The sphere is across the lake on top of a tree. When you have all four numbers head into the cave and hang a right. Enter the numbers in the order you should have found them (Village, Slope, Waterway, Valley) and the door on your right will open. Grab the Ether x3 and the Raging Giant Garment Grid from the new pathway that opens up. GG is at the end when you go outside for a bit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kilika Island |C504 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Assassin Bee, Queen Coeurl, Iron Side Make your way to the forest entrance and a scene will occur. Afterwards when you have control of Yuna head to the temple steps to witness another scene. You will get an Episode Complete as well as a "Tricks of the Trade" Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luca |C505 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you arrive you will be asked if you want to play Blitzball. This is up to you; there are a few good prizes that can be one, like the AP Egg, which triples the amount of AP in battle. Get a hold of three of those and your dresspheres will be mastered in no time. To get your episode complete head to the save point and go south from there (where the famous laughing scene in FFX was). A scene occurs followed by a mission. Basically just follow the moogle where it goes and watch the scenes. When you reach the ship go up to the ramp to find it. You will witness a scene and obtain the Episode Complete for Luca. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mi'ihen Highroad |C506 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Lich, Peregrine, Mycotoxin, Cephalotus, Aka Manah, Barbuta, Zu, Flan Rojo When you arrive you will be asked to go talk to Rin. Exit the agency and listen to Rin. If you get Rikku as the culprit you will see an Episode Complete, the Ragnarok accessory as well as the ability to ride Chocobo's along the Highroad when you talk to the attendant. Head to the North Exit and grab a chocobo, then head south one screen. Find the chocobo feather and wait on top of it, when you get asked if you are going say Am I ever. Then leave the screen and return to that same spot and wait (longer than the first time and without a feather there) to get asked again. Say Am I Ever and grab the Victor Primoris, which allows Paine's Full Throttle to Break Damage Limit. That's all that I find significant here. Once you open up the Fiend Colony it will be located on the Old Road next to the save sphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mushroom Rock Road |C507 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Yaibal, League Warrior, League Veteran, League Mage, League Slasher, League Master, Spine Drake, Archaeothyris, Lich, Lupus, Gucumatz Go talk to Elma and then Yaibal to enter the tournament. First up are Yaibal and two League Warriors. Second are two League Mages and a League Veteran. Third to challenge are a League Warrior and two League Veterans. Fourth battle consists of two League Slashers and League Master. Fifth are four League Veterans. The sixth battle is with Elma and two League Veterans. O=============================================================================O Elma HP: 4882 MP: 870 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Healing Spring x2 Rare Item: Healing Spring x3 Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Not-so-mighty-guard -All Allies/Adds Shell, Protect and Regen Thundara -Single/Magic/Thunder Blizzara -Single/Magic/Ice Hush Grenade -All/Special/Silence Osmose -Single/Steals MP Flash Bomb -All Darkness Honestly not that much of a challenge. Take out the League Veterans first then focus on Elma. Not-so-mighty-guard will slow down your victory but not by a whole lot. Her spells only hit one target and they are fairly weak, the worst thing is the darkness and silence she will inflict on you. Spend the turns it takes to heal them and keep dishing out the physicals. She will not last very long. O=============================================================================O Then... O=============================================================================O Lucil HP: 7324 MP: 370 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Chocobo Feather Rare Item: Chocobo Feather x2 Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Harbringer -Single/Physical/Doom Lunar Curatin - Cast Shell on herself Gold Hourglass -All/Item/Slow Fire Gem -All/Item/Fire Water Gem -All/Item/Water Lightning Gem -All/Item/Lightning Ice Gem -All/Item/Ice Hi-Potion -Single/Item/Restores small amount of HP Surprisingly more of a challenge, Harbringer will start a Doom countdown and her Gem items deal decent damage to your entire party (around 150 each for six hits). Gold Hourglass will slow your characters down and since you might need to heal quickly you should try healing that as soon as possible as well. The thing with Harbringer is to watch and wait with a Phoenix Down ready, when the character gets KO'ed throw the Phoenix Down immediately and try to Hi-Potion them with the other character to bring them back up to speed. O=============================================================================O When you defeat her you will get: EXP: 5370 Gil: Items: Hi-Potions, Grenades, Chocobo Feathers, Muscle Belt, Circlet. A scene will occur, and you will get an Episode Complete. You will be back on the Airship, but go back to the HQ. When you get to the lift to go to HQ look to the south a little before getting on the lift to find a chest with Machina Booster in it, which allows Rikku's Machina Maw to Break Damage Limit. Now go and talk to Lucil again (on the Observation Deck). She will give you Nooj's Sphere. Then leave and go watch it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Djose Temple |C508 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter the temple and watch the scene. If the experiment is at anything under Lv.5 stats in all categories challenge it if you want. If you don't want to go dig until all of its stats are at Lv.5, then challenge it for an Episode Complete. If it has an Lv.5 special, your girls can learn the Annihilator Blue Bullet. It's a good move so get it if you can, but remember after you defeat it at all Lv.5's you can't get another rematch. To find repair manuals go to these locations: Djose Temple Living Quarters left side: Talk to the man sitting down. Djose Cloister of Trials: Talk to the man in the room before the Experiment and enter "Marnela" as the password, then say done. It should only be seven letters so don't get tricked Outside Djose Temple: The three monkeys to the right of the entrance. Wait for all three to jump and press X on the one on the left to get another repair manual Ruin Depths: The right most wall that you need to open to get the Amazing Chocobo from this area. You can only get five repair manuals so you need to get its stats to lv.5 before you run out or you will only get an Episode Concluded, not Complete. I never bothered using any more than that so I'm not sure where the last one is. Assembly A is equal to 1 point, assembly S is equal to 3 points and assembly Z is equal to 5 points. A stat needs 38 points to hit Lv.5. When you finally beat it at all LV.5 stats you will receive no experience, an elixir and Magical Dances, Vol II. That item unlocks the songstress ability Magical Masque. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonflow |C509 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: When you arrive go talk to Tobli. When he asks you to, go on stage with them. You will get an Episode Complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guadosalam |C510 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: After you arrive head towards the crowd of people and watch the scene. Afterwards go talk Tromell again to get an Episode Complete. We are not done yet, so head back to Guadosalam and go find Tromell. He is standing by the locked house and if you talk to him he will let you in. Go inside and a scene will take place. You will receive the Tempered Will Garment Grid, then open the chest in front of you to obtain Baralai's Sphere. Go directly north and open the chest there for a Tetra Bracelet, it quite a useful accessory. Finally leave this room and go to Tobli's office (east of the shop). Open this chest for Kaiser Knuckles. If you didn't follow this guide you could get a Key To Success or a Rabbit's Foot I think however receiving those items means something was not done or not done properly in the moonflow missions earlier in the game. Don't forget to watch Baralai's Sphere when you get back to the airship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thunder Plains |C511 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Rhyos, Malboro, Bolt Drake, Armet, Balivarha, Taromaiti, Varan, Anole, Blue Elemental, Gemini, Assassin Bee, Barbuta, Aka Manah Fight the nine Rhyos at the towers along both the north and south sides of the Thunder Plains. After you defeat each of them you will get an item from a chest they drop, the item varies depending on how many times you calibrated the towers. After you get all nine you'll get a small scene telling you to look around more. Make you way to the agency and save your game. Then head to the north plains and stay on the left side of the screen against the edge until you see the 10th tower. When asked if you want to look make any preparations you need and take a look, you will see this big guy... O=============================================================================O Humbaba HP: 27772 MP: 785 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Item: Hi-Potion x2 Rare Item: Attacks: Mighty Guard -Self/Adds Shell, Protect, Regen, Haste and all stats up by 2. Physical Attack -Single/Physical Uppercut -Single/Physical Thundaga -All/Magic/Lightning Meteor -All/Magic/Random Hits Total EXP: 1800 Total Gil: 55 Drop Item: Hi-Potion x4 Dispel will be your friend here, as well protect. You won't stand a chance of beating him without Dispel or Dispel Tonics as haste and Regen will cause him to recover more HP than you can dish out. A warrior with a lightning blocking or absorbing ring would be useful as well to lower his stats after they you up because of Mighty Guard. If nothing else use as many Power Breaks on him as you can. A Gun Mage with Heaven's Cataract would also be useful in lowering his defenses. With his strength lowered by eight to ten levels you should not have too much trouble with him. If you are using a Gun Mage be sure to scan him every now and again to check on his HP and make sure you are fully healed before you finish him off because he will use Meteor as a final attack. It hits your party randomly for quite a few hits, then a major hit to one girl. Shell will help you survive this. If you have trouble with this boss or surviving the Meteor remember you can fall back on your Special Dresspheres. Paine's and I think Yuna's can lower enemy stats like a warrior would so you could lower his strength and defense with those skills while attacking. Even if Meteor killed you it would not be a game over, that girl just would not receive the EXP for the battle (though it is not that much compared to some other bosses this chapter). O=============================================================================O After he is defeated we will get a Valiant Lustre Garment Grid and have an Al Bhed tell us that there is a hole by the tower and that he can take you there. Say no for now and go back and save your game. Then go into the hole. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Cave |C512 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Machina Leader, Killer Machina, Machina Soldier, Machina Striker This cave is chalk full of ancient machina. Because this is your first time here you cannot open any doors yet, there is still storyline stuff left to do first. Head forward and make the first right you can take. Follow that path through the red dots all the way down until you see Cid. HEAL BEFORE YOU GET CLOSE TO HIM, another boss is coming up. Once you are ready go talk to Cid. A scene will take place, then you will be challenged by the boss... O=============================================================================O Machina Panzer HP: 30500 MP: 1247 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Absorb: Lightning Item: Oath Veil Rare Item: Oath Veil Attacks: Ram -Single/Physical Gatling Gun -All/Physical/24 hits to Random Targets within range Sorcery Ray -All/Magic Total EXP: Total Gil: Drop Item: Crystal Bangle Get protect up as soon as possible as his physical attack does around 500 per hit, more if you have dresspheres with below average defense. You should get Shell up too but you can wait a few turns for that if you need. Try to steal the Oath Veil here either with Mug or a Thief, it's a very useful accessory. The Watchers here will block commands that you used while engaged in fights with them since chapter 3. You're going to need a hit all skill here to take them out quickly. Either a black mage with AGA magic (except Thundaga obviously) or Gun Mage abilities like Flame Breath and Heaven's Cataract would be good here, as would a Dark Knights Darkness (assuming you can use any of these). With them out of the way you will have your full arsenal available to you. Power Break or similar skills will go a long way here, Magic Break less so but feel free to use it. Once he is by himself the battle is not that hard, unless you are at low levels. I remember fighting him at level 33 once and got beat pretty bad. With Shell his Sorcery Ray is not that big of a threat and it takes time to charge up so keep hitting it with physicals while it charges up and you should have no problem with this boss. O=============================================================================O Once you finish that one off, you will get an Episode Complete. Once you are back on the airship to the Deck and talk to Cid. When he leaves go to the Bridge and talk to him there as well. That finishes this strain of events. IF you return here you can start opening certain doors to reveal pathways and items within the cave. There is no easy way to explain which doors are which in text form, since they need to be in a certain order. While the mini-map does show you what doors are next by using the red mission marker so you are just going to have to follow the mission marker and figure it out yourself. As far as opening the walls the numbers vary that you need to actually open the door. Follow the tutorials and keep track of all the key numbers you receive, writing them down with a pen and paper makes life a lot easier as well. In the south west corner of the map there is a little button that will show you how many battles you fought between walls. In the south east corner is a button that shows you what the codes for each of the previous door were and finally in the north east corner is the button that shows you how much gil you have earned since entering the cave. Charm Bangle can also make life a lot easier in this dungeon, since it will keep the number of battles at zero as well as your gil count at zero. As far as items go the more attractive ones are Salvation Promised Garment Grid, Corpus Invictus (allows Paine's Full Throttle to Break HP Limit) and Force of Nature, however you must complete the area once by opening all the walls . Diamond Gloves - Between doors 3 and 10 Hyper Wrist - Between doors 10 and 11 Mystery Veil - Also between doors 10 and 11 Talisman - Between Doors 11 and 5 Nature's Lore - After opening door one take the east path first to find this. Corpus Invictus - After opening door seven head south west to find this in a dead end area. Salvation Promised Garment Grid - Between Doors 15 and 16 Force of Nature - Leave and open all the walls again to have it appear in front of door 4. Once you get all these items you are done here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macalania Woods |C513 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Barbuta, Flan Blanco, Blue Elemental When you arrive take the shortcut to O'aka's Agency and grab the Rune Bracer along the way. Try to enter the Agency and watch the scene. You will get O'aka's Episode Complete. You can buy some rather expensive but rare equipment here. Check it out and see if you can use any of it (and afford it). Then go back to the X looking road and take the path to where Tromell was before (northeast corner). Talk to the person standing around to trigger a scene. Now go back to the save point and head east. Go past the guards to the next screen and go south toward the springs. Walk forward to the edge and a scene will take place, followed by an Episode Complete. You will obtain the Ray of Hope Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bikanel Island |C514 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Aquila, Canis Major, Gigas, Hrimthus, Guard Machina, Machina Hunter, Zu, Sand Worm, Gucumatz, Fly Eye, Killer Hound When you arrive a scene takes place and you will be taken to the Cactuar Nation. Once it is all said and done you must go find the 10 Cactuar gatekeepers. If you found any in Chapter 3 you will continue on from there. Talk to their mothers to make them appear in their locations and remember you must do each of them one at a time with the exception of the brothers. When you find them a little game takes place, don't worry if you don't beat them because they will come with you anyways. If you are on Chapter 3 at the moment you can get the first six, then will be forced to stop. Lobivia is located at the Oasis. Toumeya is located on Besaid Island down at the beach. Lobeira is in Chateau Leblanc in Ormi's room (the one directly ahead of the save sphere), open the chest in here to find her. Areg & Arroja are located in the Calm lands in the area just south of Mount Gagazet (it leads to the Cavern of the stolen Fayth). Islaya is located on the Northern side of the Thunder Plains. Enter from Macalania and head south staying on the right side of the screen. I think you might have to finish the mission here if you are on Chapter 5 because when I looked for him then I couldn't find him. Chiapa is located in Kilika Woods. From the save point head north past the first right, but take the second right turn you come to. Run along the right side and look for a climbable tree. He is on top of the tree. Erio is located on Mt. Gagazet. Take the teleporter to the Mountain trail and take the west path up to the next area. You fought a boss here in FFX if that helps at all. Bartschella is located in Dona's house on Kilika Island. When you take Bartschella back you will have to find the last Cactuar, Frailea. Talk to his mother, then to Marnela. She will open up the Cactuar Hollow. Save your game and follow the path. You will end up fighting a Heavy Sallet; don't worry though he is rather easy if you use magic. After that fight follow the fat path and you will be in a quicksand trap. Run as fast as you can to the other side before the sand overtakes you. Don't grab the items because it wastes too much time, and most of them aren't all that great anyways. Follow this pathway until you find Frailea. Have the Cactuar battle, then a real one... O=============================================================================O Jumbo Cactuar HP: 22,222 MP: 1111 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down Immune: Gravity Item: Stamina Tonic Rare Item: Stamina Tonic x2 Attacks: Hastega Total EXP: 0 Total Gil: 0 Drop Item: Stamina Tonic Use Darkness from a Dark Knight to be hit the two smaller cactuar here. Be careful because they constantly use 1000 Needles under hastega so they will hit you hard and fast. As soon as you defeat them focus on the Jumbo Cactuar, unlike its smaller cousins he is not immune to magic so use whatever skills you want to take him down. Funny thing about Jumbo Cactuar? He doesn't attack. Like ever. Hastega is his only move so once you take out his prickly friends it's not a hard win. This is probably why you do not receive any EXP from this battle as well (even though you should have gotten some from the regular Cactuar, oh well). O=============================================================================O Defeating them will net you a mission complete. You will be back before the sand pit area, so head back out into the Cactuar Nation. Watch the scenes that take place. What ever you do don't go back to the Camp right away, instead return to the airship and equip yourselves. When you are ready come back and watch the scene, then fight one of the hardest bosses in the game. O=============================================================================O Angra Maniyu HP: 333,444 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Defence Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Megalixir Rare Item: Attacks: Perdition's Flame -All/Physical/Random Hits Demi -All/25% HP damage Flare -Single/Magic Bio -All/Poison Full Life -One Ally/Fully revives and recovers HP Dispel -Single/Removes all support status Curaga -Single/Restores HP --------------------------------------------------- Tawrich HP: 5440 MP: 9999 Auto-Ability: Null Magic Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Reflect, Slow, Stop, Defence Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: None Rare Item: None Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Bloody Breath -All/Poison/Darkness/Silence --------------------------------------------------- Zarich HP: 5440 MP: 9999 Auto-Ability: Null Physical Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Reflect, Slow, Stop, Defence Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: None Rare Item: None Attacks: Glimmer of Despair -All/MP Damage/Lowers Attack and Magic by One, Def and Magic DEF by 2. AGA Spells -Single/Magic/Elemntal Total EXP: 5000 Total Gil: 5000 Drop Item: Ribbon For set up you are going to want a designated healer who has the Ribbon you got from Bevelle Underground (don't have it go get it) and either the Tetra Bracelet or Shinning Bracer. If you have a fully mastered Psychic you can have the best of both worlds with all five Eater abilities (and the boss uses all five elements) as well as protect up. Your attackers should be at least one Dark Knight, though I would recommend using two. They should have Strength increasing accessories and/or HP increasing accessories. Have a stash of at least 80 Hi-Potion for good measure (since mega-potions are hard to come by). All three girls should be using the Valiant Lustre Garment Grid (gotten by defeating Humbaba on the Thunder Plains) as it boosts the girl's defense and magic defense by 20 through equipping it and has gates that add up to 40 more points. In case Anrga Maniyu's HP didn't give it away, this is an endurance fight. Also anything below level 50 here is grossly underpowered. When the battle starts immediately spherechange all around the grid to add an additional 40 points to both defense and magic defense. Once that is done heal any damage that was done while changing and get ready to unleash a little Darkness with your Dark Knights. This will hit all three targets, even though Zarich is immune to physical attack this counts as a special attack. Use Darkness while healing to take out both arms. When the arms are taken care of start using normal attacks (or more Darkness if you really want) to damage the main boss. Eventually he will use Full-Life on one of the arms which is your cue to start using Darkness again. Ideally you want to keep him trying to heal his body parts as much as possible while also reducing damage from the arms. His Peredition's Flame attack does damage based on your max HP so heal up afterwards. If your healer does not need to heal you can either wait, have them use more magic attacks or use Light/Lunar Curtain to put up Shell and Protect. If you're feeling confident you can have them change to a Gun Mage and use some Blue Bullet Spells as well but just make sure they are not caught out of position to heal too often. Anrga Maniyu will use Dispel but it only hits one character at a time so wait until two or all three get Dispelled to throw/cast Shell and Protect again. The final in battle thing you need to worry about is the Attack / Defense / Magic / Magic Defense Down effects. The best way is to just allow your attackers to die off every now and again and revive and heal them back. Obviously a songstress would not do so hot here and they are the only ones that can raise the entire party's stats so that is the best way of fixing that. Like I said this is an endurance fight more than anything else so fighting him with strength -5 and both defenses -10 will not help you in the long run. Which reminds me if you start running out of Hi-Potions try to keep 20 and use them on your healer, instead using Phoenix downs on your attacker. If you are having trouble with the boss you can always set the timer to Wait Mode which will allow you to think out your moves a little better. While there are a few more bosses that will give you difficulty like this one will I would still suggest using as many items as you feel is necessary as you have both time and the ability to get a better dressphere for those battles. Megalixirs are great if your HP and MP are lower from either spells or taking to many Glimmer of Hopes. Why didn't I use an Alchemist for a healer? Two reasons one being their stats are terrible even with the Garment Grid boosts. Two being that with the addition of psychic you have a way to absorb all the magic damage outside of Flare, and thus with Auto-Protect physical damage is cut in half as well. And their Magic Defence can hold up to a flare as well which means you shouldn't have to revive your Healer much if at all. It is up to you though, if you have an Alchemist with X-Potion learned it can give you free full healing each turn or a Mega-Potion can heal the whole party. If you want to spam Mega-Potions and Darkness go for it but you will have to watch that your healer doesn't die off since she will only have around 1500HP. This battle can take well over an hour so stick with it and don't take any risks, get a game plan going and stick to it. O=============================================================================O When you finally take that monster down you will get an Episode Complete and a Mercurial Strike Garment Grid. Congrats! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bevelle |C515 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head to the temple gate and watch the scene with Maroda. When it ends you will get an Episode Complete as well as a Scourgebane Garment Grid. Oh boy are we far from done here though. Come back and enter the temple/HQ place (Where the lift is) and take the path on the right. Here you should see the Kinderguadians entering a portal. Save your game and go in after them. This is the beginning of the longest side quest in the game, Via Infinito. Go talk to Pacce and Hana and watch the scene. When it ends pick up the Crimson Sphere and watch it. Now for the dungeon itself I have a separate section devoted to it so enter this code on the Crtl-F menu to get there: C519 If you are only interested in the Crimson Spheres you must pick the first up on the Zero floor, then make it to floor 20 and defeat that boss to obtain the final sphere. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calm Lands |C516 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Leucophylla, Vespa, Peregrine, Lich, Taromaiti, Flan Blanco, Admantoise Once you obtain a level 5 promotion level, a cut scene will occur when you arrive here. After the somewhat long and weird scene, you will get an Episode Complete. Go back and Talk to the Guy whose son you were making proposals for. If you got his level high enough (I wanna say 120 but I'm not sure) you will get a Speed Bracer. That's pretty much it, however if you watched him hide the treasure chest on the Commsphere in Chapter 4 go behind the agency and pick up the 50,000gil from the chest. Still at the travel agency talk to the people to the left of the save sphere to get a Calm Lands Free Pass. This allows you to ride hovers for free. If you did not complete the Trapped Tourist Mission in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth yet go do that, and while you're there, or if you did it already go back and get the Aurora Rain from the Chamber of the Fayth to give Yuna's Floral Fallal the ability to Break HP Limit. Clasko's Chocobo Ranch ------------------------ If you head over to Clasko's chocobo ranch there are two major things we can do here. The first is sending a Lv.4 or 5 chocobo to the Mi'ihen Highroad. After you fight seven battles return and as long as the chocobo did not run away it should inform you of the new area it found, which is called the Fiend Colony. The Second is a lot harder to find mainly because there are no real hints as to how to open up the Ruin Depths area. I actually had to look this up myself because I have only gotten this are open once and it was very, very long ago. I used SplitInfinity's Chocobo Ranch Guide on Gamefaqs.com to get this method so all of the following is his work, just reworded to my liking. -To start you need four chocobos whose max level is 5. You can talk to the chocobos while they are in the stables to see what their max levels are. When you have four that can be raised to level five move them to be Choco-runners but do not raise their levels, keep them as level 1 right now. It can help to have as many extra chocobos in reserve because the more of them there are the less likely your runners will be to run away. From here on we will only be using the four that can get to level 5 that are set as your runners. -Dispatch all four Lv.1 chocobos to the calm lands, fight seven random battles and return to the ranch. SAVE YOUR GAME, then go talk to clasko. If ANY of these four did not return reload your game (Pause the game then use triangle to go back to the menu) and talk to clasko again until all four return. -Raise your runners from level 1 to level 2 and restore their heart levels back to 100. -Dispatch all four Lv.2 chocobos to the calm lands, fight seven random battles and return to the ranch. SAVE YOUR GAME, then go talk to clasko. If ANY of these four did not return reload your game (Pause the game then use triangle to go back to the menu) and talk to clasko again until all four return. -Raise your runners from level 2 to level 3 and restore their heart levels back to 100. -Dispatch all four Lv.3 chocobos to the calm lands, fight seven random battles and return to the ranch. SAVE YOUR GAME, then go talk to clasko. If ANY of these four did not return reload your game (Pause the game then use triangle to go back to the menu) and talk to clasko again until all four return. -Raise your runners from level 3 to level 4 and restore their heart levels back to 100. -Dispatch all four Lv.4 chocobos to the calm lands, fight seven random battles and return to the ranch. SAVE YOUR GAME, then go talk to clasko. If ANY of these four did not return reload your game (Pause the game then use triangle to go back to the menu) and talk to clasko again until all four return. -Raise your runners from level 4 to level 5 and restore their heart levels back to 100. -THIS TIME only send Runners 1, 2 and 3 to the calm lands, leave runner four alone. Fight seven battle, return, SAVE and talk to clasko. Reload if any of the three did not return. -THIS TIME only send runners 2, 3, and 4 to the Calm Lands, leave runner 1 alone. Go fight seven battles. - When you return you will be alerted to an area the chocobos discovered in the back of the ranch, this is the Ruin Depths area. Both areas are covered in more detail a little further down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mt. Gagazet |C517 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Lupus, Greater Drake, Bascinet, Mycotoxin, When you arrive head south and watch the scene. Go talk to Kimahri and another scene will occur. Then go take the transporter to the mountain trail and head east up the mountain to watch a few scenes. You will receive an Episode Complete as well as the Sacred Beast Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Den of Woe |C518 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Crimson Shadow Armed with your ten Crimson Spheres head to the entrance of the Den of Woe, be sure to save just outside the doorway. Go open the door for a scene. When inside make your way to the mission marker area, don't bother with any of the dead end paths as there is no treasure at the end of them. As you get close to it (a square looking area) be sure to heal all your girls up and pick a good dressphere for Yuna because after the scenes she will be fighting solo for a couple battles. O=============================================================================O Rikku HP: 7,800 MP: 92 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Poison, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Bushido Lore Rare Item: Bushido Lore Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical/Two hits Grenade -Single/Physical Dragon Scale -Single/Water Bomb Core -Single/Fire Lightning Marble -Single/Lightning Arctic Wind -Single/Ice She will toss elemental items at you for about 300 damage each and her physical attack hits twice for a total of around 500. Use a Dressphere with High HP (Warrior, Dark Knight, etc.) and cast protect on yourself with a Light Curtain, don't bother with Shell as her items deal special damage so they can't be reduced. If you are using Thief or have mug make sure to grab the Bushido Lore from her. Just use physicals and throw a high potion every time your HP goes below say 800 and you should do fine. O=============================================================================O Then... O=============================================================================O Paine HP: 9,200 MP: 55 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Silence, Poison, Curse, Eject, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Sword Lore Rare Item: Sword Lore Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Like Rikku Protect is your friend as all Paine will do is physically attack you for 250ish damage. She moves rather quickly so again when your HP drops below 800 throw a Hi-Potion. Try to steal the Sword Lore from her. You start this battle full healed, which is nice. O=============================================================================O After the scenes you get Rikku and Paine back for the next three battles. O=============================================================================O Baralai HP: 12,220 MP: 720 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Nature's Lore Rare Item: Nature's Lore Attacks: Glint -All/Physical Physical Attack -All/Physical Looming Glacier -Single/MP Damage/Stop Drill Shot -Single/Physical Silence -All/Silence Regen -Self/Regen If you didn't get the Blue Bullet Drill Shot from him in Bevelle you can try again here, he still uses it every ten HP changes like he did before. Outside of using Silence and Regen he is exactly like you fought him in Bevelle, with Looming Glacier being the biggest pain here. O=============================================================================O Next in line we have... O=============================================================================O Gippal HP: 14,800 MP: 235 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: White Lore Rare Item: White Lore Attacks: Grinder -Single/Physical Bull's Eye -All in front of him/Special/damaged based on current HP Kick -Single/Physical Mortar -All/ Hush Grenade -All/Item/Silence Flash Bomb -All/Item/Darkness Potion Plus - Heals 600HP on himself This is the only opportunity to get the Blue Bullet Mortar in the game so switch to your Gun Mages and pick away at his HP while waiting to get hit by it. While you're on your Gun Mages cast Might Guard to reduce the damage you take from his other attacks, not that they are all that powerful to begin with. Grinder and Kick hit for about 500 each and Bull's Eye hits all for about 700 (though the power goes down as your HP does making me think it does damage based on your current HP). Hush Grenade and Flash Bomb hits you for 50 and Silence/Darkness so if you are using any Gun Mage skills here you're going to have to cure the Silence before you can use them again, cure the darkness to use physicals obviously. When he finally uses Mortar it hits for around 500 to all. You can use items or White Wind to heal here (White Wind is probably a little better). If you have Heaven's Cataract he is susceptible to both Defense and Magic Defense down so use this to your advantage. Outside of waiting for him to use Mortar this isn't too hard of a fight really. Try to heal before you finish as you don't get a chance before the last fight. O=============================================================================O Rounding out the trio is... O=============================================================================O Nooj HP: 23,800 MP: 720 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Arcane Lore Rare Item: Arcane Lore Attacks: Single Shot -Single/Physical Ground Shot -Single/Magic Greedy Aura -All/Physical/MP Damage Lightfall - All/5,000 damage Nooj can actually be quite a challenge as he is both fast and powerful (though you wouldn't think so looking at him). His Single Shot does around 600 and ground shot hits for about 1400 without shell up. That being said get protect and shell (Mighty Guard) on everyone ASAP because half your dresspheres will not be able to survive his ground shot. Greedy Aura seems to do damage based on your Max HP as well as MP damage, which can get annoying. Basically you're going to want your highest HP dresspheres here with Protect/Shell/maybe Regen if you can spare it and make one girl a dedicated healer after each Ground Shot. You need to be able to hit hard and fast, once his HP gets below 4000 ish he will use Lightfall, an extremely powerful skill that hits for exactly 5000 damage on all party members. If you allow him to use it on your characters odds are it will be a game over. Special Dresspheres could be useful here so long as you have learned Double/Triple HP for them. They will probably be in the 6000-9999 HP range making his attacks a lot less effective against you. This also could help you survive his Lightfall attack if you can keep them all healed up before he hits you. O=============================================================================O After you have defeated all five of them, you will see a small cut scene and your rewards. They include: exp, Gil, Black Lore, Champion Belt, Crystal Ball, Kaiser Knuckles, Magical Dances Vol.I and the Supreme Light Garment Grid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Via Infinito |C519 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So for starters you cannot use Charm Bangle here, that basically what the message when you first arrive is. There are three types of enemies you can see before you battle: Tonberry, Elder Drake and Mega Tonberry. The tonberry's are not that strong but the other two are. You will be able to avoid all the encounters with Elder Drake's and Mega Tonberry's so you NEVER have to face them if you are not ready. You may need to fight regular tonberries to get a part of a map to open every now and again but they are weak so don't worry about them. You start encountering Elder Drakes at level 5 and Mega Tonberries at level 50. Note that oversouled Mega Toberries have the Blue Bullet ability Cry in the Night, however you are going to want to be in the high 80's character level wise before you even think of trying to learn it as you cannot flee battles with the Elder Drake or either Tonberry enemies (meaning all girls need to survive the attack). The glowing Blue Glyph's on the floor will fully heal you and allow you to return to the surface. If you do you will start back at the level you left at (leave at level 4, start at level four) but at the beginning not the middle where you usually find these things. Finally the layout changes with each floor you enter so there is no way I can direct you through this area with any degree of accuracy. What I'm going to do here is list all the fiends I encounter while going through the levels. They usually change every three or four levels so they will be listed as a range. I do this because all but two fiends (Georapella and Precept's guard, both in the Bevelle Underground) can be found here. If you are interested in oversouling every creature you can this place is a lot better of an alternative than going through the game multiple times to get those fiends from earlier chapters. There are bosses every 20 floors as well as grand chambers that allow you to move to another grand chamber. For example you can go back to level 0 from level 20 if you want a chance at more fiends or extra chances at levelling up, though that is more relevant in the 40+ ranges. Let's Get Started Then! Levels 1-3: Dive Beak, Flan Azul, Ahriman, Coyote, Quadricorn, Nashorn, Iron Giant Levels 4-6: Stalwart, Boris, Bomb, Ochu, Gecko, Death Dauber, Purpurea, Sahagin, Red Elemental, Yellow Elemental Levels 7-9: Behemoth, Flame Dragon, Guardian Beast, Sallet, Recoil, Coeurl, Takouba, White Elemental, Lesser Drake Levels 10-12: Wild Wolf, Flan Amarillo, YLSL-Zero, Bicocette, Gold Elemental, Fly Eye, Hrimthurs Levels 13-15: Flak Python, Viper Sniper, Battlesnake, Flan Palido, Agama, Xiphactinus, Shantak, Killer Hound, Vertigo, Bully Cap Levels 16-19: YAC-13, YAU-29, Protochimera, White Fang, Haizhe, Kukulcan, Chocobo Eater When you get to level 20 leave and save, then head back to fight the first boss of this dungeon! O=============================================================================O Aranea HP: 18,289 MP: 178 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Turbo Ether Rare Item: Kinesis Badge Attacks: Spider Bite -Single/Physical Double Strike -Single/Physical/Two Hits Gooey End -All/Physical/Poison/Stop/Attack Down/Magic Down Total EXP: 4000 Total Gil: 800 Drop Item: Stamina Tonic Basically the same as when you fought Boris at the beginning of the game, but with both sides a lot stronger now. Protect and dresspheres with Stopproof (Thief and Festivalist come to mind), Ribbon or another accessory that blocks stop will be the key to winning here. Spider Bite hits one girl for about 1,300 damage while double strike hits for about 600 total. Protect helps against double strike but not against Spider Bite so be ready to heal afterwards. This can easily be done in the low 40's level wise so long as you can block his stop effect. O=============================================================================O Grab the Crimson Sphere 8 on the ground, with this you can now enter the Den of Woe (assuming you got the other nine throughout the game). Levels 21-23: YSLS-99, Barbuta, Flan Blanco, Assassin Bee, Gemini, Daeva, Zurvan, Peregrine, Haunt, Skink Levels 24-26: Armet, Leucophylla, Bolt Drake, Machina Ranger, Scout Machina, Anole, Detonator, Deep Haizhe, Sand Worm, Malboro Levels 27-29: Drowsy Ochu, Queen Coeurl, Amorphous Gel, Machina Hunter, Guard Machina, Tomb, Pairika, Zu, Shell Shocker Levels 30-32: Ironside, Lich, Sahagin Prince, Aculeate, Cephalotus, Gigas Levels 33-35: Archaeothyris, Blue Elemental, Varan, Admantoise, Taromaiti, Gucumatz Levels 36-39: Vespa, Mycotoxin, Spine Drake, Canis Major, Flan Rojo, Tentacles, Humbaba When you get to level 40 leave and save, then head back to fight a boss! O=============================================================================O Black Elemental HP: 9999 MP: 2380 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Slow, Stop Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Attacks: Flare -Single/Magic Ultima -All/Magic Absorb -Single/Magic/Steals HP and MP Berserk -Inflicts one character with Berserk Magic Up - Raises its magic power three levels Total EXP: 770 Total Gil: 380 Drop Item: Tetra Gloves or Mana Tonic He seems to have a few more attacks in the new version as I don't remember him having Magic up and Absorb before. Either way there are two ways to go about this battle. The first and harder way is the normal way, attacking and healing like a normal battle. The issues with this are that he has extremely high defense and magic defense do you do not inflict much damage. In addition to this Flare hits one character for 9,999 damage even with shell on and Ultima hits all three for 9,999 with shell on. If you're fighting this way you will need characters/dresspheres that can exceed 9,999 HP (with accessories of course) and a Garment Grid that can also Break HP Limit. Special Dresspheres with Triple HP and Break HP Limit could work as well. The other problem with doing it this way is that Absorb will help Black Elemental recover around 4,000 HP making your life a lot harder. Even Paine's Swords Dance move (which is really powerful) was only doing two hits of 900 damage each. This is the hard way. Moves that lower his defense and/or magic defense are useful for this method. The easy way requires you have Magical Dances vol. II (earned by defeating the Experiment with all Lv.5 stats) and the Blue Bullet Annihilator (also gotten from the Experiment when its special level is 5) and the Highroad Winds Garment Grid or Sprint Shoes for their First Strike Ability. Changing the battle mode to ATB Wait Mode can't hurt either. Have your Songstress use Magical Masque as soon as your turn comes up to have her Nullify all Magic attacks against you. Now use Annihilator and while it is charging up any attacks against you will be ineffective. BAM! Annihilator ignores Magic Defense so it should do 9,999 damage and kill him in one shot. If you don't have annihilator you can use Magical Masque and attack normally until you defeat him but he could in theory get an attack in between dances so there is some risk there. If you don't have Magical Masque but have Annihilator you could also have all three girls try to fire one off and hope he doesn't start the battle with Ultima. O=============================================================================O Open the chest here for a Moon Bracer, Shining Bracer, Speed Bracer, Recovery Bracer and Cat Nip. Remember the Cat Nip accessory now Berserks and Slows your character while in SOS, though the Slow can be counteracted with a Speed Bracer (like the one you just got). Levels 41-43: Zalamander, Bascinet, Balivarha, Dinictus, Rhyos, Grim Gaze Levels 44-46: Aquila, Aka Manah, Dolman, Pop Fry, YAC-62, YAC-71 Levels 47-49: Greater Drake, Barong, Flailing Ochu, Lupus, Cactuar Anytime after level 50 you can now encounter Mega Tonberry on the map. Levels 50-59: Big Bully Cap, Heavy Sallet, Wasp Queen, Great Haunt, Elder Zurvan, Sahagin Chief, King Tokouba, Jumbo Cactuar, Cactuar, Rukh I found that from level 50-59 it was all these large enemies plus the Rukh. I'm assuming all of them can be fought at any of these ten levels, however I only ever fought Rukh and Jumbo Cactuar past level 53. When you get to level 60 leave and save, then head back to fight a boss! O=============================================================================O Concherer HP: 343,280 MP: 170 Auto-Ability: Shell, Protect Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down Immune: Gravity Item: Elixir Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Megaton Press - Single/over 25,000 damage Gunk - Single/MP Damage/Poison Total EXP: 6000 Total Gil: 1200 Drop Item: Blessed Gem I recommend using two Mascots (or Mascot and Gun Mage) with HP boosting equipment and Champion Belts. You will need them to know Auto-Protect as well. Use Valiant Luster Garment Grids to boost your Defense and magic defense. Have one girl as a Thief and use the Speed Bracer/Cat Nip combo. You will be reviving them often so outside of their first few turns you should be hitting for 19,998 damage. I found that having a Defense over 170 with Protect kept his physical attack damage below 500 meaning you only really need to heal after a Megaton Press (which is going to kill you anyways). Start the battle by moving your characters through all the grid nodes to get the bonuses from them. Basically you're going to keep your strongest girl (in terms of HP and Defense) on standby by to throw Phoenix Downs or Antidotes when required while the Cat Nipper picks away at its HP. Your third girl can either fire off Annihilator Blue Bullets or be kept in standby as well and just let the Cat Nipper work her magic. Why Annihilator? It has a drawn out attack senquence but doesn't go into Wait Mode, your Thief can get two sets of attacks in during this animation, plus even with Shell it will do around 8000 damage which isn't so bad. You can fight him normally if you truly wish but with more HP than Angra Mainyu an auto-wall it will be a long fight that ends up with the same results. If you Oversoul him he no longer does his Megaton Press attack and instead uses Thundaga and Flare which hit for 500 and 2500 with Shell on a Mascot respectively so head back to levels 27-29 and fight Shell Shockers until one oversoul, then flee and come fight this battle again. O=============================================================================O After the fight you get nothing. Go back and save then proceed further into the dungeon. Levels 61-64: Dark Elemental, Tindalos, Claret Dragon, Machina Soldier, Assault Machina, Monolith Levels 65-69: King VERMIN!, Flan Azabache, Earth Worm, Creeper, Hug Bug, Hexapod, Arast, Volcano (Note you need to have fought King VERMIN! In the Fiend Colony to have it appear here) Levels 70-74: Adamantortoise, Machina Striker, Gug, Phantom, Killer Machina, Machina Leader, Great Malboro, Wight Levels 75-79: Wight, Aeshma, Anything Eater, Epitaph, Jahi, Omega Weapon, Protean Gel (Note you need to have fought Anything Eater in the Ruin Depths first to have him appear here). When you get to level 80 leave and save, then head back to fight a boss! O=============================================================================O Chac HP: 437,850 MP: 820 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Weak: Ice Immune: Gravity Absorbs: Lightning Item: Rare Item: Ether x2 Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Heaven's Cataract -All/Magic/Defense, Magic Defense, Accuracy, Evasion, Luck all down ten levels Stony Glare - Petrifies Character regardless of Immunity Total EXP: 2200 Total Gil: Drop Item: Shining Gem My setup is almost the same as Concherer except I'm using two Mascots with Champion Belts and Crystal Bangle/Oath Veil (one on each girl) plus a thief with Cat Nip/Speed Bracer and all on Valiant Lustre Garment Grids. Switching the ATB Mode to Wait Mode could help let you sort out your moves a little better. As usual Circle the grid as soon as the battle starts to give the girls defense and magic defence +40. Stony Glare will ALWAYS petrify a character even with Stoneproof/Ribbon which is why I didn't bother equipping either. You need to heal this as soon as possible so that she doesn't shatter one of your characters. You need to get back to your Mascots before she uses Heaven's Cataract on you the first time as without Shell and their high HP it is unlikely you will survive it. With Shell and a Magic Defense up at 240 (after moving through all the grid notes) Heaven's Cataract will hit for about 2500 which is very manageable. Her physical attack will hit for 2000 with 240 Defense and Protect. The issue here is that Heaven's Cataract lower five stats by ten levels meaning the next hit will hurt a lot more. The plus side is that every time she petrifies or kills a character they go away. If she hits a petrified character with any kind of attack they will most likely shatter, leaving you with two. Apparently she will not use Stony Glare on your last girl standing if she shattered your other two, but odds are you couldn't survive a one-on-one with her lowering your defenses with Heaven's Cataract. Primarily you want your Cat Nipper to start chipping away at her HP and your Mascots ready to heal themselves, use a soft on anyone, or revive your Cat Nipper. You can always tell when she is using Heaven's Cataract and you can also see who she is targeting with Stony Glare most of the time so if you see her target a girl use a soft before she gets petrified to help lower the chance of Chac shattering her. Recovering from Petrification takes priority over everything else, you can always revive a character but you can't recover from shatter. If you have Mana Springs or Soul Springs you can use them to drain her 820 MP which will prevent her from using her Heaven's Cataract move. This makes the battle a lot easier since her other two attacks only hit one target. This also prevents your stats from going down. At lower levels (I was at 75 when I did this) this is probably the best way to gain an edge in the battle. O=============================================================================O After that battle you get nothing. Go back and save, the proceed further down the rabbit hole. Levels 81-99: Chac, Lacerta, Mushroom Cloud, Aranea, Black Elemental, Concherer, Critical Bug, Insect Matriarch, Elder Drake, Anything Eater Levels 81-99 all have the same enemies. These include previous bosses in Via Infinito as well as a few new enemies you won't find anywhere else. Note you must have fought the Anything Eater before it will appear here. You can also encounter Elder Drakes in random encounters. As far as strategy goes they are all former bosses and should be dealt with the same way as before, or you can escape these battles this time. As far as training goes I recommend the 60-80 range of floors as you can equip Lady Luck with Double EXP and get through battles a lot quicker than the 80-100 range. You are going to want to get up to the level 90 range before taking the final two bosses on. When you get to level 100 (infinity) leave and save, then prepare to fight two bosses, one of which is the strongest you will fight in the game. As far as prep work goes you're prepping for the Trema battle not the Paragon battle. You are most likely going to want Defense increasing accessories, Mascots, perhaps a Catnipper and the Valiant Lustre Garment grid. I used Helios Guard so that Rikku could get Auto-Protect after I sphere changed. Make sure to have a ton of Phoenix Downs and as many X-Potions and Mega Potions you can get your hands on. My Setup for the next two fights were as follows: Yuna Lv.78 Mascot/Psychic, Valiant Lustre, Crystal Gloves, Champion Belt Rikku Lv.81 Thief, Valiant Lustre, Catnip, Speed Bracer Paine Lv.82 Mascot/Psychic, Valiant Lustre, Crystal Bangle, Champion Belt Valiant Lustre had Mascot, Psychic, Songstress, Dark Knight and Gun Mage, in case you were curious. I'm a little under levelled for this but it was still done with this set up. O=============================================================================O Paragon HP: 200,000 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical/Poison/Confuse/Curse Genesis -All/Physical Big Bang -All/Magic His Physical attack is not all that powerful on your Mascot's but it does a plethora of status effects if you didn't take the time to learn the Ribbon Ability for them. If this gives you a hard time go run around the Calm Lands or somewhere with the Lure Bracer and three AP Eggs to learn Ribbon first. Genesis is his other major attack that you will see often which hits the whole party for over 5000 damage with Shell. With my set up Yuna had 5500 HP and Paine had 9,999 so they survived the attack (or one always did) but it still takes a while to recover from, especially if his status effects keep hitting. Big Bang hits for 99,999 so if you get hit with this you're done for. So what's the game plan? Cat Nip. No other way to say it. You can't hit him any harder than a hasted thief can and you only have as many turn as he decided to wait until he uses Big Bang. The only way to block this? Using Psychic's move Excellence. What I did was have my non Crystal Bangle Girl using Excellence to block all damage and having the Crystal Bangle Mascot on standby to Phoenix Down the Thief. When Big Bang was used the Psychic would throw a Mega-Phoenix and return to using Excellence. IF you really wanted you could have two Psychic's using excellence and just keep repeating it until your Cat Nipper finishes the boss off. If your thief gets a turn when they are not in SOS throw a Light Curtain to help reduce his Physical Damage. If you are taking too much damage try starting the battle by having your non-cat nippers move around the sphere grid to get defense and magic defense +40. O=============================================================================O Directly after the Paragon fight you get a cut scene and then you're thrust into the hardest boss fight in the game. And no, you don't get to save or heal before it starts O=============================================================================O Trema HP: 999,999 MP: 999 Auto-Ability: Spellspring Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Turbo Ether x2 Attacks: Flare - Single/Magic/Non-Elemental Meteor - All/Physical/Random Hits Ultima - All/Magic/Non-Elemental Thundering Wave 3 Hits/Physical Dying Star 3 Hits/Physical Falling Leaf 3 Hits/Physical Waning Moon 3 Hits/Physical/MP Damage Beguiling Mire 3 Hits/Physical Choking Mist 3 Hits/Physical/Poison Demi - All/25% Current HP/Gravity Total EXP: 19,000 Total Gil: 13,000 Drop Item: Supreme Gem, Dark Matter First off his HP is no typo, it is really that high. Secondly you start the battle the same way you finished Paragon which could be very good or absolutely terrible depending how hard Paragon was for you. If need be throw a Megalixir to start the battle with full HP and MP. This could be the hardest boss you face so don't hesitate to use any items you may need for this fight. If you are really struggling with Paragon your levels are too low and/or your dressphere choice is not that good and you should either get a better set up or go try to level up some more in places like the Farplane abyss or levels 60-80 in Via infinito. You can start again from zero then use the zero cloister to warp up to the 60th grand chamber and go again from there. Mascot is the ideal choice here with accessories that raise defense and special defense, if you didn't get mascot a very high level dark knight could defend well against most of his attacks, though the loss of agility will really hurt you. Move through the gates on the Valiant Lustre Garment Grid and throw a Megalixir if your team is in bad shape. He attacks in groups of three by three. This means he has three sets of three hits each per attack. If he hits one character he will still get his other two hits in after even if you enter wait mode because it is seen as one attack by the game. Keep this in mind as you battle him. A few of his attacks are one by three but they usually also deal a status ailment, so hopefully you got those Ribbons for your Mascots learned. Your goal is going to be getting everyone around the grid and into Mascots as soon as possible as you need those defense boosts and protect to drop his damage output. If you are using the Helios Guard like I was make sure your Cat Nipper goes through the gate for Auto-Protect, it might help keep her alive for an extra round before you need to revive again. Try throwing a Stamina Tablet on any character not at 9,999 to max out their HP. Your Cat Nipper is going to need to be healed a lot as his attacks will devastate her. You next order of business will be using your Psychic's abilities Express to Raise their Accuracy and Evasion, you will need this as Trema has an incredibly high evasion rate. His HP and Defense are both extremely high so you're going to be relying on your Cat Nipper a lot here, since no one else really does decent damage. If the Thief is not going well keep your Cat Nipper as a Mascot. It will keep their defenses up as well as your Auto-Wall and if their HP is 9,999 they will trigger their SOS as 2,999 which should be enough to survive two or three hits from Trema. Moogle Beam and Cactuar Gun can hit for 9,999 damage so use them as often as you can and try to use your Abilities like Rikku's Full-Life and Yuna's Moogle Life. Just use your Ethers and Turbo Ethers afterwards to replenish your MP. Remember that he has the Spellspring Ability so he doesn't need MP to use Ultima, Flare or Demi so don't bother draining his MP unless you need it. He uses Meteor when his HP drops below 50% and 25% which doesn't require MP so make sure your characters are up as close to 9,999 HP as you can get. He also used Ultima after his second Meteor which was also below 25% so I think his attack pattern go changed from the original version since it used to be only at 50% of his HP. Either way if you went around the grid and got the extra magic defense you should only suffer about 2000 damage from it as mascots. Eventually this turned into a Moogle Beam, Thief double Cat Nip attack and Cactuar Gun frenzy with the occasional Turbo Ether or if HP recovery was needed an Elixir. Keep your head about you and stay patient (this will be another long battle like the Angra Mainyu one was) and eventually you will come up with the win. O=============================================================================O Once you take him out you will get a trophy "Founder". After a small cut scene you will get the Iron Duke accessory, which adds massive amounts to your stats: HP and MP +100%/ Strength, Defense, Magic, Magic Defense, Accuracy, Evasion +100 / Luck +50 and Agility +10. You can return to this level to fight Paragon again, I guess to oversoul him if you didn't the first time. Other than that unless you want to oversoul more fiends we are done here. By the way I'm sure there are other ways of defeating the bosses in this area, maybe even ways of doing them without the Cat Nip accessory. Trema can easily be done with three Mascots but Paragon presents a problem without Cat Nip which is why I used it here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony |C520 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Creeper, Hug Bug, Hexapod, Epitaph To find this location send a Lv.4 or 5 Chocobo to the Mi'ihen Highraod. As long as it does not run away you should be told of this location. The entrance is on the Oldroad basically where you fought the Chocobo Eater in chapter 2. When you enter here head forward and grab the two S-Bomb in the chest to be told you need explosives to blast the walls to proceed here. The game will help you blast the first two walls. Usually five S-Bombs are enough to blow up a wall so use those first. The fiends here drop S-Bombs, M-Bombs and L-Bombs so if you are starting to run low just fight a few more battles to collect more of these items. It is hard to direct you here but I will try my best, if I don't mention going a certain way it is because there is nothing there worthwhile. Finally you can tell when you are in front of a wall that can be destroyed because Yuna's skirt will start blowing backwards a little so throw your bombs when you see this. At the fourway head north and blast two walls for a Mega-Phoenix. Go back to the fourway and blast the wall on the left (leave the right wall alone). Proceed here and turn right to reach a dead end. Blast the wall on the left to get a Black Tome. Now hit the wall straight in the dead end to open up the next area. Proceed until you see five chests. Using this as a reference point head to the right. Blow away a door to the left (there are two that lead to the same place) then blow another on the left between the two pathways to find a chest with a White Tome in it. Back to the five chests go all the way to the right and blow up the wall at the end, then head forward and to the left then use five M-Bombs to blow this wall up and grab the Elixir. Back to the five chests head behind them and blow up the wall behind them. Look for a wall to the left of here and blow up that one as well. In this new area there is a long corridor after the first right turn. Look to the right for a wall and throw five M-Bombs at it, then blow up the wall at the ned of this path for an Elixir. Back in the corridor almost across the way on the left side is a wall but it has only fiends in the chest so don't blow this one up, instead stay on the look for the next wall that you can blow up but skip this one too. Go back and when you find the third wall on the left blow this one up normally and get the Mega-Phoenix. Find the fourth and last wall on the left and blow it up with M-Bombs to get another Elixir. Now in the top right corner find a wall to blow up but skip it and instead go south along the right wall to find a strong wall to take down. Go to the end here and blow up this wall as well with L-Bombs. In this new area proceed along the right side from where you blew the last wall and at the end turn to the right (facing the wall) and toss a S-Bomb, if you get a message about a wall toss four more and grab the Sword Tome from the chest. Now turn left and at the top area turn right and go to the end, blow this wall up for a Turbo Ether. Now head south and turn left at the end and blow up this wall. In this new area take the first left turn you can, cross the gaps and blow up a wall on the right before the next set of gaps, grab the Arcane Tome and continue north over the gaps in the floor. Blow up the north wall here with s- bombs then blow up the wall behind it, then head forward to find a boss. O=============================================================================O King VERMIN! HP: 39,857 MP: 872 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop Absorb: Fire Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical/Sleep Fira -All/Magic/Fire Firaga -Single/Magic/Fire Total EXP: 5000 Total Gil: 3500 Drop Item: Power Gloves King VERMIN! is an extremely fast bug enemy that can fire off attacks one after another. Most of its attacks are fire based and can be blocked or absorbed by using Crimson Rings, Tetra Bracelet or the Heart of Flame Garment Gird. Absorbing the fire damage gives you natural healing against his physical attack which pretty weak at this stage in the game. The only problem you will have is that the physical attack puts you to sleep and magic does not wake you up. However this does not matter if you have fire absorbing equipment on. O=============================================================================O Once you defeat King VERMIN! you obtain the Font of Power Garment Grid. You will then be warped back to the outside, on the Mi'ihen low road. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calm Lands Ranch Ruin Depths |C221 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Ultima Weapon, Phantom, Gucumatz, Cephalotus, Ryhos, Greater Drake, Flan Azabache, Sahagin Prince, Gigas To find the entrance to this go look at the Calm Lands ch.5 section under the Chocobo Ranch area to find the instructions to unlock this dungeon. When you enter you start at the south end of the map (I'm calling it south since there is no mini-map in this area). Your goal is to go fight the boss before anything else, so to get there head straight north from where you start jumping across the platforms. Keep heading north with the slight turn when you dead end but keep heading north afterwards, then take another small right turn followed by an immediate left to head back in the north direction. Keep heading north (I know repetitive right) ad jump across the two platforms. Run up to the wall here to have it move and reveal the Anything Eater! O=============================================================================O Anything Eater HP: 11,600 MP: 999 Auto-Ability: Reflect Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Stop, Attack Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Mega-Potion Rare Item: Mega-Potion x2 Attacks: Physical Attack ~600 Single/Physical Kill Attack - Kills a character by doing damage matching their max HP Firaga ~500 Single/Magic/Fire Blizzaga ~500 Single/Magic/Ice Thundaga ~ 500 Single/Magic/Lightning Flare ~3500 Single/Magic Total EXP: 3400 Total Gil: 1500 Drop Item: Power Gloves Contrary to the music making you think this will be a hard fight he is a pushover. His HP is lower than some fiends you had to face leading up to this battle and as long as you get Shell and Protect up you should not have much trouble. He will cast Flare off himself to hit you for 3,000 damage which is quite a bit but beyond that his attacks lack power. On the downside he does move rather quickly, with his attacks not requiring much charge time. Finally Kill Attack can be a little frustrating because even with Ribbon/Deathproof it still instantly kills you by doing the same amount of damage as your characters max HP. This is not reduced with Protect so you're just going to have to revive afterwards. Outside of this and Flare he should go down rather easily. Dressphere's with HP over 2,000 and Shell are recommended. O=============================================================================O So after you defeat him open the door behind him to find a hallway. There is a door in front of you but before you can open that you need to open the four other passages to the hallway you are currently in. There are two to the left and two to the right. The two to the right will have a Pixie Dust and The ABC of Repair (a key item to repair the Experiment in Djose) and the two on the left will have a Shining Gem x2 and a Machina Reactor (which allows Rikku's Machina Maw to Exceed HP Limit. Without a mini-map it is hard for me to explain to you how to get to all five doors, if you are having trouble just equip a Charm Bangle to eliminate the battles in between and just keep moving as far right or left as you need to find the doors. They are all in line with the doors that the Anything Eater was hiding behind so keep that in mind. Once you unlock all five doorways into the final hallway open the door in the middle (behind the anything Eaters door) to get the Amazing Chocobo as well as an Episode Compete for Clasko, a Higher Power Garment Grid and a Trophy "Chocobo Whisperer". Finally there are three more must have items in here, namely the Wizard's Bracelet, Cat's Bell and AP Egg. From where you start north to the three platforms you jumped across when you entered. Instead of dropping jumping across jump down here and look in between the platforms to grab the Wizard's Bracelet. Now climb back up the north side and hang a left, then take the next available left and cross the three platforms here to find a chest with the Cat's Bell in it. From here head north and find the final hallway again. Directly south of where the Machina Reactor is you can jump a small gap and find a chest with the AP Egg in it. Hopefully you got these items while you were wandering around already, since this is not a very good way of describing where to find them but they are pretty unique and worth the trip back if you missed them. The Wizards Bracelet ad Cat's Bell have MP/HP Stroll abilities and the AP Egg triples the AP you earn in battle. If you got three of those from blitzball you probably don't need another though, since their abilities do not stack. That's it for here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Road to Farplane |C522 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Arast, Jahi, Taromaiti, Wight, Monolith, Dolmen, Aeshma, Lich, Aka Manah Talk to Brother to enter the farplane. After a rather annoying cut scene you will be given choices as to which holes you want to jump in. They all lead to the same place so it's up to you, though each hole has a small puzzle to go with it. If you take all five from bottom to top you will earn a garment grid. Just note that to take the Calm Lands hole you will have to defeat Yojimbo first which can be done in both chapters 3 and 5. No matter which path you take you will end up on a large round platform, which triggers the first of three boss battles you will encounter. O=============================================================================O Shiva HP: 14,800 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Weak: Fire Absorb: Ice Immune: Gravity Item: Snow Ring Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Blizzaga -Single/Magic/Ice Heavenly Strike -Single/HP and MP damage Diamond Dust -All/Magic Total EXP: 8000 Total Gil: 2000 Drop Item: Crystal Gloves First off depending on what you did in chapter five this boss could be very easy or still rather hard. When I completed Via Infinito and was over level 80 she didn't get a chance to attack before she fell. On the other side when I fought her at level 25 she wasted me. It all depends on what else you accomplished. A good level is around 40 for it to be challenging but completely do-able. Blizzaga and Heavenly Strike hit for around 500 and Diamond Dust for around 1000, her physical barely hits for 200 though. As usual equipping Ice Queen will help absorb her Blizzaga attacks, but like Ixion it will not do much for her Diamond Dust. If you have a Gun Mage that knows Mighty Guard that will help, otherwise throw at least a Lunar Curtain to get Shell on everyone. O=============================================================================O After you defeat her you will see a save point in front of you. Save your game and continue down the path. The next big circular island has your next boss fight. O=============================================================================O Cindy HP: 12,240 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: White Cape Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack - Single/Physical Not-so-mighty Guard -All Allies/Shell/Protect/Regen Absorb -Single/Magic/MP Damage Camisade -Single/Physical Regen -Ally/Adds Regen --------------------------------------------------- Sandy HP: 10,330 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Potpourri Rare Item: Potpourri Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Razzia -Single/Magic --------------------------------------------------- Mindy HP: 9,788 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Chaos Shock Attacks: Physical Attack - Single/Physical Passado -Single/Physical/15 Hits Thundaga -Single/Magic/Lightning Firaga -Single/Magic/Fire Blizzaga -Single/Magic/Ice --------------------------------------------------- All Three Still Alive: Delta Attack - Leaves party with 1 HP. Total EXP: 9000 Total Gil: 3000 Drop Item: Faerie Earrings, Pixie Dust, Crystal Gloves Okay so this can be one of the most difficult Aeons battles you will face. The three of them all move independently of each other which means you're getting hit by three fairly powerful monsters at once here. The key to winning is picking one and taking them out as fast as you possibly can. Mindy has the lowest HP but highest evasion so if you're using physicals you might want to go for one of the other two. The reason you need to take one out soon is that all three need to be alive to use Delta Attack which brings your HP to 1. This is even worse than Yojimbo because there are three separate attackers that can hit you after a Delta Attack. Shell and Protect are musts here as they hit fairly decently. Mindy's Passido is the deadliest of them all as it hits you 15 times, believe me it adds up. Using a Dark Knight or two and constantly raffling off Darkness attacks with the third constantly healing works rather well, each darkness tends to hit all three Aeons for around 1,000 or so at level 40. If you do get hit by Delta attack have your healer attempt to heal and the other two throw Hi-Potions or X-Potions on themselves if your healer dies before they can cast a spell. If you have a levelled up White mage with Protect, Curaga and at least a Mythril Bangle to increase her HP somewhat she can take just as much damage as the Dark Knights while healing the entire party for enough to keep you in this fight. A second strategy is to use either Paine's or Rikku's (or both if you need) special dressphere's though you will need them levelled up to know Double HP and Triple HP for both as well as Swords Dance Paine and Varoja for Rikku. These both hit all enemies for decent damage. Yuna's Great Whirl doesn't work as well when there are multiple targets so use hers only as a last resort. This helps you survive a Delta Attack as well, if your girl gets defeated just switch off to the other. Hopefully you only need to survive two tops doing it this way. This is the better of the methods for lower levels (like 25-35). O=============================================================================O If you need to save head back and do so. The final island contains the final boss in this string. O=============================================================================O Anima HP: 36,000 MP: 9999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down Weak: Holy Half: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water Immune: Gravity Item: Fury Shock Rare Item: Fury Shock Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Special/Poison Pain -Single/Special/Darkness/Silence/Itchy/Strength Down/Defence Down/Magic Down/Magic Defence Down/Accuracy Down/Evasion Down Oblivion -All/Magic/16 Hits to all Total EXP: 6000 Total Gil: 2000 Drop Item: Tetra Band Given the last fight Anima is a pushover. She is slow, Pain no longer instantly kills you like it did in the previous game and Oblivion is not a threat with Shell active. She will use Oblivion a lot more than you seen Delta Attack or even Diamond Dust, but with Shell on even a dressphere with low magic defense will suffer only about 400 damage. If you learned Excalibur with your warriors they can do extra damage to Anima this way, as can Paine with her special dressphere which has a Holy Elemental attack (Assoil). Avoid all other elements as they do half the damage (Gravity is Immune obviously). The only thing you have to worry about is your stats going down a level for each Pain she uses on you. This can be cured by letting your girls die (yes letting them die) and reviving them. Every now and again don't heal one girl and allow her to fall to bring her stats back to normal, you don't have to but it is a long battle and eventually the lower stats will start giving you difficulties. Always keep shell on to reduce Oblivion to a joke. If you are having difficulties with all the status effects and whatnot don't forget that you Special Dresspheres are immune to everything but the stat decreases, and most have a way to increase your stats. O=============================================================================O After Defeating Anima you will receive the immortal soul garment grid. Watch the scene and then save your game ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Farplane Abyss |C523 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies: Gug, Adamantortoise, Omega Weapon, Dark Elemental, Tindalos, Great Malboro, Volcano After the Anima fight you end up on the Farplane Abyss, it's quite flowery for an abyss. Head forward and talk to Leblanc. Use the save sphere here to save your game. If you head back to the Airship now you can warp back to this point by Selecting Abyss from the menu Brother gives you. Enter the red portal looking things to head to the next area. Head back to the airship and talk to Shinra to get a rather interesting scene. From there Buddy and Brother should be missing from the bridge so go to the deck to get a scene from them as well. Next head to the Cabin to see a scene with Rikku, Brother and Cid. With that covered you can head back to the Farplane Abyss, just talk to Brother. The fiends here are rather powerful and anything under level 45 is ill advised to be travelling here, and that's a very minimum level at that. Each of the three next areas has a puzzle that needs to be completed to avoid fighting an extremely strong boss. Start by proceeding ahead avoiding the lightning fences and laser traps. Run when the fences are not active and jump over the lasers. Grab the Megalixir from the area to your right after the first laser. There is a Piano here that you need to enter four notes into. The correct notes allows you to bypass a very difficult boss. The two obvious paths give you three of the notes while a smaller path to the south (rightish) of the piano will lead you to the fourth note. Step on the musical platforms to trigger the notes. Go back to the Piano and the notes will be listed across the bottom, select them in the order they area from left to right to de-activate the electric field and the boss. Proceed a little forward, if you did it right you will be allowed to proceed. If not however, you face a boss. O=============================================================================O Azi Dahaka HP: 146,200 MP: 896 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion Rare Item: Attacks: Physical Attack -Single/Physical Damocles Photon -All/Magic Total EXP: Total Gil: Drop Item: The only thing this boss is not immune to is Eject, so if you have an attack that can Eject feel free to try it. His strength is through the roof with his physical attack hitting you for over 1,200 on a high defense dressphere like Warrior. Shell and Protect are mandatory here. You can escape from this battle so if things are not going very well escape and try the puzzle to avoid fighting him. Basically if you are strong enough to take him out you don't need my help and if you are not then escape and do the puzzles to avoid the boss altogether. I wrote this part of the guide at level 45 so clearly I opted for the puzzles. I battled him long enough to get his HP and got the hell out of there. O=============================================================================O Past where the boss fight would have been (or was), there are three pathways you can easily see. Use the one on the right to jump down to what ends up being the middle one. There are two musical platforms on this path (one at each end), step on the north one first then head down and step on the south one. Yuna jumps off onto the third pathway, which has the third musical thingy. Proceed along and find the piano on the right again, with a chest that has Turbo Ether x3 next to it. If done right head forward to meet up with Gippal, watching the scenes that follow. When you get control of Yuna save your game. This is a larger version of the first two puzzles. The best way to explain this is to just let you figure it out, examine the scout looking thingy to get an overhead view of which notes to need to hit and map out a path to get them IN ORDER. Remember you can always return to this scout to get a look at the order again, you can reset the Melody if you step on one out of order as well. When going for the fourth note in the very top left corner take note that one of the platforms that rises will go half way, jump to the right (to get the note there) then jump back to go up all the way to the fifth one. You can grab a Mega Phoenix x2 while doing this. When you get the last notes move up from the So Do notes to disable this electric fence, then GO BACK AND SAVE. This is the last opportunity to do so. When you are ready proceed ahead. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Final Battles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the scene prep your girls on your favourite garment grid with your favourite Dresspheres and get ready to start the end of the game. Proceed ahead jumping across all the little platforms until you run into Nooj. After the scenes you will get to fight the legs. O=============================================================================O Vegnagun's Tail HP: 34,200 MP: 9,999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Magic Down, Immune: Gravity Item: X-Potion x4 Rare Item: Attacks: Tail Swipe - All/Physical (1,250 Damage to all) Laser Blast -Single/Special Total EXP: 5,000 Total Gil: 3,000 Drop Item: Megalixir It is not immune to Defence down or Magic Defense down so if you learned Heaven's Cataract it will be very useful here. It only has two attacks, the laser attack for around 600 damage and the Tail Swipe that does 1,250 (though it doesn't use this attack often). For the most part keep at least two characters above 1500HP and you should do fine with normal attacking and Heaven's Cataract. Armour and Mental Break will help speed things up here as well. This is more of a warm up battle than anything else. Use Protect to drop the damage from the Tail Swipe to 625. O=============================================================================O You will get a chance to heal after so use it, then go help Leblanc. O=============================================================================O Vegnagun's Leg HP: 18,220 MP: 9,999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Reflect, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Magic Down Immune: Gravity Item: Elixir Rare Item: Vegnagun Attacks: Stomp - All/Physical Node attacks: Double Attack - Single/Physical/Two Hits Dies Irae - All/Physical/Multiple Hits AGA Magic - All/Magic Elemental Flare -Single/Magic Break - Causes Petrification Slow - Causes Slow Cura - Heal boss for about 1000HP Total EXP: 6,000 Total Gil: 3,000 Drop Item: Mythril Bangle For starters there are nodes A, B and C in this battle as well as the main Leg enemy. Second the boss is immune to reflect which is kind of new, basically the nodes will heal it from time to time and you cannot use reflect to cast the magic back at the nodes. Next his HP is pitiful so an allout offense will end this battle rather quickly. The nodes have 300,000 HP but do not need to be defeated, just the Leg. Also only magic and Gun type attacks can hit the Nodes, though you need to use magic to actually damage and change their colour (or Enchanted Ammo from a Gunner). Red nodes attack you with a variety of spells including all attacking -AGA magic, green node heal the boss and yellow nodes use status effects as well as the powerful Flare magic. You will need some black magic spell to be able to change the nodes, you really want to keep them off Red. Green heals the boss but you can do more damage on one turn than Cura can heal. Ideally a Black Mage with two offensive Dresspheres should work wonders again this boss. Everybody occasionally healing especially after a Flare might be necessary at lower levels. On a side note the Black Talbard GG lets you use Black Magic abilities on any dressphere equipped on that grid so that could be another option for you to attack the nodes with. Yellow nodes can cast Break on your characters so make sure to heal it extremely fast, with all the attacks flying back and forth there is a good chance of your girls shattering really soon. Berserk should be healed immediately as well as you won't be able to heal with that girl if things go south. O=============================================================================O Once again after the fight you can change your GG's and accessories and heal as well. This will be the last time you get a break before the game ends so make sure the set up you have is a good one. When you ready head up the path to the help Nooj and Gippal. O=============================================================================O Vegnagun Core HP: 33,040 MP: 9,999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Turbo Ether Rare Item: Attacks: Charging Core -------------------------------- Bulwarks (Both) HP: 3,000 MP: 9,999 Attacks: Shell - Casts Shell on the Core Regen - Casts Regen on the Core Physical Counter - Single/Physical/Physical Counter Attack Magic Counter - Single/MP Damage/Magic Counter Attack Total EXP: None Total Gil: None Drop Item: None You goal here is to attack the Bulwarks first (which only have 3,000HP) then attack the Core, attacking the core while the Bulwarks are still out will trigger counter attacks from them and you don't want that. Dark Knights with Darkness, Black Mages with AGA magic and Gun Mages with hit all abilities will work wonders here, as hitting all three at once is recommended. The Bulwarks will cast some buffs on the Core so use Dispel or a Dispel Tonic to get rid of them and continue along dishing out damage. O=============================================================================O After that battle finishes this one begins. O=============================================================================O Vegnagun Head HP: 38,420 MP: 99,999 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Megalixir Rare Item: Attacks: Palida Mors - Single/Magic Mors Certa - All/Silence/Darkness/Poison Nemo Ante Mortem Beatus -All/Magic Acta Est Fabula - Revives both Rebouts with full HP ------------------------------ Rebouts HP: 2,500 MP: 99,999 Lacrimosa - Single/Special Total EXP: None Total Gil: None Drop Item: None This battle is fought on a time limit but not a conventional one, instead you have until Shuyin speaks seven times to win this battle. If he speaks that seventh time you will end the game with the bad ending, and you don't want this after all the time you spent playing the game. You start fully healed so don't worry about that. Each Rebout has only 2,500 HP so use Darkness and Gun Mage skills like Heavens Cataract to hit both for enough damage to destroy them. Once they are down you can start attacking the head. His Palida Mors hits for 1,200 so throw a Hi-Potion afterwards to stay healed up. Nemo Ante Mortom Beatus hits for over 1,500 on everybody so throw a Mega Potion or have enveryone use a Hi-Potion on themselves after that one. Shell helps reduce that damage as well. If you need to heal after Mors Certa since Silence and Darkness can delay the battle and you are on a timer. Eventually he will revive both Rebouts, however you can still attack the head. I suggest using another round of Darkness/Heaven's Cataract/AGA Magic to hit all three as the Rebouts can get rather annoying. There attacks barely do 100 damage to your girls. The challenge for this battle is only the timer, if you use shell you should not have any difficulty staying alive during the fight. It will come down to can you dish out enough damage before he speaks seven times. O=============================================================================O You will get the trophy "Machine of War" for winning that battle. After that comes the final battle! O=============================================================================O Shuyin HP: 23,850 MP: 210 Null Status: KO, Petrifaction, Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Slow, Stop, Attack Down, Defence Down, Magic Down, Magic Defence Down. Immune: Gravity Item: Rare Item: Hero Drink Attacks: Physical Attack - Single/Physical Spin Cut -Single/Physical Hit and Run - All/Physical/6 Hits total Energy Rain -All/Magic Terror of Zanarkand -Single/Physical/9 Hits Total EXP: None Total Gil: None Drop Item: None This is the final battle so be sure to use any items you may need. They will carry over to a New Game +, but you have all next game to get them back right? Good. So his five attacks will look oddly familiar to you. The biggest problem is Terror of Zanarkand as it does nine hits of at least 300 damage meaning only characters in excess of 3,000 HP will survive it. Hit and Run only hits for 150 (each hit) and Energy Rain hits all for around 700. Spin Cut and his Physical are pitiful even at level 40. Throw up a Mighty Guard (or Shell and Protect separately) and just keep attacking. He has no status effects, magic or healing ability so it is pretty much a contest of physical ability. Force Rain is actually considered a magic attack which is why you need shell here. Note that protect does not help against Terror of Zanarkand. As long as you heal and/or revive after Terror of Zanarkand you should not have any trouble here, the bosses previous to this one were more difficult. O=============================================================================O Watch the scenes here. When you end up walking on the Farplane Abyss (flowery area) again press X rapidly until the Fayth appears. If you did everything you needed to (Four Whistles at the end of Chapter 3) he will ask if you want to see "Him" again. Select yes to get the Great Ending after the Good Ending (which you earned by beating Shuyin). In summary: Bad Ending: Let Shuyin talk seven times in the Vegnagun Head battle. Good Ending: Defeat Shuyin. Great Ending: Do the whistles four times at the end of Chapter 3 as well as after the final battle and respond to the Fayth with "Yes". Perfect Ending: Get the Great Ending, plus get 100% completion for the storyline. Save your data after the endings to start a New Game +. The following carry over: Al Bhed Primers, Special Dressphere Key Items, Items, Accessories, Dresspheres and their abilities, Garment Grids and enemy oversouls. I think your creature create data carries over, but I'm not sure yet. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Creature Creator |F220 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Creature Creator is the largest addition to the entire FFX/X-2 set. It's so big that not only am I dedicating another play through to it, but it will also be the last thing that gets added to the guide as it will take a lot of time to get this done (or done ish). I will tell you that winning the first Cup will get you the Psychic Dressphere. This is an amazing dressphere to have for the first four chapters as you can learn Fire/Thunder/Water/Ice/Gravity Eater for it. I will also tell you that so far it seems that you can capture enemies in the same general area you find them in battles. This means you can find Behemoths in Zanarkand, Admantoise in the Calm Lands ch.3, etc. Use the enemies listing in the guide (at the beginning of each location per chapter) as a general guide to finding some of the more common fiends. Also it seems that you will be able to tell when you have caught all the fiends in an area because they will not repeat fiends until you have them all. If you cant a Flan Rojo for example you will not catch oe again until you have caught all other M size fiends in the area (ussuming your using a M trap). Hopefully this makes a little sense. Some have specific requirements to obtaining and in the future I hope to be able to share them with you. Another tip is to keep your girls levels low so that you get fiends at lower levels allowing you to level them up faster. For now this is what I will leave you with, hopefully in my next (and final) update I will have a lot more to say about this. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FFX-2 Last Mission |F221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Last mission is its own little game with a separate menu and separate save data from FFX-2. It also plays radically different than any final fantasy game you have ever played. While I have played the game I have not yet beaten it and if we are being honestly I'm not really a fan of it. The basics of the game are that one character proceeds through the tower solo and engages enemies in a turn based grid system. Each movement or action takes a turn and all enemies take a turn after you do. If you attack a Fly Eye it will attack you back as well as the lesser drake in the corner moving one square closer to you before you can make your next move. This will make more sense once you actually play the game. You can equip dresspheres and create layers where your base dressphere takes damage but can use abilities from other equipped dresspheres as well. When you end up at the gate an Al Bhed guy on your left will be able to give you a tutorial on how these things work. It may require going through the first few floors once (and probably dying) before you will get the hang of this game. There are bosses on floors 20, 40, 60 and 80. Since the floors are on a randomizer like Via Infinito was I'll just go over some boss strategies for the four bosses in the tower, however it will be in the next update. If we are being honest I really don't like this extra game much so my motivation for covering it is a little lower than normal. A few tips though is that every enemy takes an action when you take an action so keep track of where enemies are and don't allow yourself to get trapped. Remember that attacks cannot cross the barriers and that dresspheres with ranged attack can be very useful. If you die you start back at level 1 so keep a few different save files so that you can go back and fix/change things that led to your getting defeated. Five of the trophies for this game are for getting to levels 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 while the last is for getting the Tonberry's treasure. I'm not there yet so I'm not sure what that means but eventually I'll add it. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dressphere Locations and Skills |F222 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a list of all the dresspheres, their locations and what skills they learn as well as how much AP those skills require to learn. This first set of dresspheres are all the normal dressphere where stats and availiable skills are all the same regardless of which girl equips them. The format for the skills list is as follows: Skill Name |AP |Previous Skill Required If a skill has Learned in its AP slot that means you start with the skill already known and do not have to learn it. If nothing is listed in the previous skill required area that means you start with the ability to learn the skill as soon as you get the dressphere. Gunner ---------------------------------- Location: You start the game with the Gunner Dressphere. Attack |Learned | Trigger Happy |Learned | Potshot |20 | Cheap Shot |30 |Potshot Enchanted Ammo |30 | Target MP |30 |Enchanted Ammo Quarter Pounder |40 |Target MP On the Level |40 |Target MP Burst Shot |60 | Tableturner |60 |Potshot Scattershot |80 |Burst Shot Scatterburst |120 |Scatterburst Darkproof |30 | Sleepproof |30 |Darkproof Trigger Happy Lv.2 |80 | Trigger Happy Lv.3 |150 |Trigger Happy Lv.3 Gun Mage ------------------------------------ Location: You need to complete Tolbi's mission in either Chapter 1 or 2 to get this dressphere as a reward. Attack |Learned | Blue Bullet |Learned | Scan |Learned | Shell Cracker |20 | Anti-Aircraft |20 | Silver Bullet |20 | Flan Eater |20 | Elementillery |20 |Flan Eater Killasaurus |20 | Drake Slayer |20 |Killasaurus Dismantler |20 | Mech Destroyer |20 |Dismantler Demon Muzzle |20 |Anti-Aircraft Fiend Hunter Lv.2 |30 | Scan Lv.2 |20 | Scan Lv.3 |100 |Scan Lv.2 Warrior ------------------------------------------ Location: You start the game with this dressphere. Attack |Learned | Sentinel |20 | Flametoungue |20 | Ice Brand |20 | Thunder Blade |20 | Liquid Steel |20 | Demi Sword |60 |All four Elemented swords Excalibur |120 |Demi Sword Power Break |Learned | Armor Break |30 | Magic Break |30 | Mental Break |30 |Magic Break Delay Attack |100 |Armor Break Delay Buster |120 |Delay Attack Assault |100 |Sentinel SOS Protect |20 |Sentinel Songstress ------------------------------------------ Location: You start the game with this Dressphere. Darkness Dance |Learned | Samba of Silence |20 | MP Mambo |20 |Magical Dances Vol.I Magical Masque |20 |Magical Dances Vol.II Sleepy Shuffle |80 | Carnival Cancan |80 |Sleepy Shuffle Slow Dance |60 | Brakedance |120 |Slow Dance Jitterbug |120 |Slow Dance Dirty Dancing |160 |Carnival Cancan Battle Cry |10 | Cantus Firmus |10 |Battle Cry Esoteric Melody |10 | Disenchant |10 |Esoteric Melody Perfect Pitch |10 | Matador's Song |10 |Perfect Pitch Black Mage ------------------------------------------ Location: Given to you after getting the Gagazet Sphere. Fire |Learned | Blizzard |Learned | Thunder |Learned | Water |Learned | Fira |40 | Blizzara |40 | Thundara |40 | Watera |40 | Firaga |100 |Fira Blizzaga |100 |Blizzara Thundaga |100 |Thundara Waterga |100 |Watera Focus |10 | MP Absorb |10 |Focus Black Magic Lv.2 |40 |MP Absorb Black Magic Lv.3 |60 |Black Magic Lv.2 Thief ------------------------------------------ Location: You start the game with this dressphere. Attack |Learned | Steal |Learned | Pilfer Gil |30 | Borrowed Time |100 | Pilfer HP |60 |Pilfer Gil Pilfer MP |60 |Pilfer HP Sticky Fingers |120 |Pilfer Gil Master Thief |140 |Sticky Fingers Soul Swipe |160 |Pilfer Gil Steal Will |160 |Soul Swipe Flee |10 | Item Hunter |60 | First Strike |40 | Initiative |60 |First Strike Slowproof |20 |Item Hunter Stopproof |40 |Slowproof White Mage ------------------------------------------ Location: Given to you after you collect the Besaid Sphere. Pray |Learned | Vigor |20 | Cure |Learned | Cura |40 | Curaga |80 |Cura Regen |80 |Curaga Esuna |20 | Dispel |30 |Esuna Life |30 | Full-Life |160 |Life Shell |30 | Protect |30 |Shell Reflect |30 |Protect Full-Cure |80 |Regen White Magic Lv.2 |40 |Vigor White Magic Lv.3 |60 |White Magic Lv.2 Samurai ------------------------------------------ Location: Found in Ch.3 during the mission in Kilika. It is inside the temple on the floor after the double Daeva battle. Attack |Learned | Spare Change |20 | Mirror of Equity |Learned | Magicide |30 | Dismissal |30 |Magicide Fingersnap |40 |Dismissal Sparkler |40 | Fireworks |60 |Sparkler Momentum |60 |Fireworks Shin-Zantetsu |100 |Momentum Nonpareil |20 | No Fear |30 |Nonpareil Clean Slate |40 |No Fear Hayate |60 |Clean Slate Zantetsu |140 |Shin-Zantetsu SOS Critical |80 |Fireworks Lady Luck ------------------------------------------ Location: Awarded in ch.3 in Luca if you win the sphere break tournament by beating Shinra. Apparently you can also get it in ch.5 by beating Shinra in a sphere break game but I never lost in ch.3 to be able to confirm this. Attack |Learned | Bribe |40 | Two Dice |20 | Four Dice |100 |Two Dice Attack Reels |Learned | Magic Reels |70 | Item Reels |80 |Magic Reels Random Reels |120 |Item Reels Luck |30 | Felicity |40 |Luck Tantalize |60 | Critical |160 |Felicity Double EXP |80 | SOS Spellspring |30 |Four Dice Gillionaire |100 |Double EXP Double Items |100 |Gillionaire Dark Knight ------------------------------------------ Location: Found in the Bevelle Underground in the area with the last save point. You need to go back to the previous area and activate both side lifts to trigger the platforms to lead you down from the save sphere to the chest with this dressphere in it. This can be done in chapters 2,3 or 5. Attack |Learned | Darkness |Learned | Drain |20 | Demi |20 | Confuse |30 |Demi Break |40 |Confuse Bio |30 | Doom |20 |Bio Death |50 |Doom Black Sky |100 |Death Charon |20 | Poisonproof |30 | Stoneproof |30 |Poisonproof Confuseproof |30 |Stoneproof Curseproof |30 | Deathproof |40 |Curseproof Berserker ------------------------------------------ Location: Awarded after finishing the mission in Macalania in chapter 3. Attack |Learned | Berserk |Learned | Cripple |20 | Mad Rush |30 |Cripple Crackdown |30 | Eject |40 |Mad Rush Unhindge |40 |Crackdown Intimidate |50 |Unhindge Envenom |30 | Hurt |60 |Envenom Howl |80 |Mad Rush Itchproof |20 |Cripple Counterattack |180 | Magic Counter |300 |Counterattack Evade&Counter |400 |Magic Counter Auto-Regen |80 |Hurt Alchemist ------------------------------------------ Location: Awarded after finishing the fiend clearing mission in the chocobo ranch in chapter 2 or 3. Attack |Learned | Mix |Learned | Potion |10 | Hi-Potion |40 |Potion Mega-Potion |120 |Hi-Potion X-Potion |160 |Mega-potion Remedy |20 | Dispel Tonic |20 |Remedy Phoenix Down |30 | Mega Phoenix |200 |Phoenix Down Ether |400 |Dispel Tonic Elixir |999 |Ether Items Lv.2 |30 | Chemist |40 | Elementalist |80 | Physicist |100 |Elementalist Psychic ------------------------------------------ Location: Awarded for winning for the first time in the first cup of the Creature Creator battle simulator. Attack |Learned | Psychic Bomb |Learned | Maser Eye |30 | Telekinesis |30 |Maser Eye Brainstorm |30 |Telekinesis Express |40 | Teleport |30 |Express Time Trip |100 |Teleport Magic Guard |80 |Gravity Eater Physics Guard |80 |Magic Guard Excellence |120 |Physics Guard Fire Eater |40 | Ice Eater |40 | Thunder Eater |40 | Water Eater |40 | Gravity Eater |60 |Four Eater Abilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Specific Dressphere Abilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three dresspheres have different abilities depending on what girl is using them. The location are below and the skills are divvied up by girl. Note that due to a combonation of not paying attention and only having one shot at learning the skills I missed a few AP amounts and prerequisites, though mostly just for Paine's Festivalist. At some point I will fix this, but for now just know the status effecting skills are mostly learned in the order they are listed. Trainer Location: When on Mt. Gagazet in chapter 2 give Kimahri the second answer when talking to him. In chapter 3 visit Mt. Gagazet to receive this Dressphere. Mascot Location: Get an Episode Complete in all map locations in chapter 5. This does not include the ruin depths, via infinito, fiend colony or the den of woe. Do Zanarkand first as you do not warp back to the airship after that Episode Complete, which is required to get the dressphere. Festivalist: Given to you after the Floating Ruins mission in chapter 1. O======O | Yuna | O======O Trainer ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Holy Kogoro |Learned | Kogoro Blaze |Learned | Kogoro Freeze |40 | Kogoro Shock |40 | Kogoro Deluge |40 | Kogoro Strike |80 | Doom Kogoro |80 |Kogoro Strike Kogoro Cure |30 | Kogoro Remedy |40 |Kogoro Cure Pound |100 |Doom Kogoro Half MP Cost |200 |MP Stroll HP Stroll |20 | MP Stroll |20 |HP Stroll Kogoro Lv.2 |80 | Kogoro Lv.3 |100 | Mascot ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Moogle Jolt |40 | Moogle Cure |Learned | Moogle Regen |Learned | Moogle Wall |Learned | Moogle Life |Learned | Moogle Curaja |40 | Moogle Regenja |40 | Moogle Wallja |40 | Moogle Lifeja |40 | Moogle Beam |80 |SOS Protect (Warrior Skill) Ribbon |999 |SOS Protect (Warrior Skill) Auto-Shell |80 | Auto-Protect |80 |Auto-Shell Swordplay |80 | Arcana |80 | Festivalist ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Twinkler |30 | Spinner |30 | Popper |30 |Spinner Fountain |40 |Popper Fire Sandals |Learned | Ice Sandals |30 | Ltng. Sandals |30 | Water Sandals |30 | Flare Sandals |60 |Four Previous Sandals Skills Ultima Sandals |100 |Flare Sandals Piercing Magic |30 |Silenceproof Silenceproof |30 | Pointlessproof |20 | SOS Regen |30 |Pointlessproof SOS Wall |100 |SOS Regen O=======O | Rikku | O=======O Trainer ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Sneaky Ghiki |Learned | Ghiki Gouge |Learned | Ghiki Gag |80 | Mugger Ghiki |Learned | Pesky Ghiki |100 | Bully Ghiki |100 |Pesky Ghiki Ghiki Meds |40 |Ghiki Pep Ghiki Pep |30 | Ghiki Cheer |Learned | Swarm, Swarm! |100 |Bully Ghiki Half MP Cost |200 |MP Stroll HP Stroll |20 | MP Stroll |20 |HP Stroll Ghiki Lv.2 |80 | Ghiki Lv.3 |100 |Ghiki Lv.2 Mascot ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Cait Fire |Learned | Cait Thunder |Learned | Cait Blizzard |Learned | Cait Water |Learned | Power Eraser |40 | Armor Eraser |40 | Magic Eraser |40 | Mental Eraser |40 | Speed Eraser |40 | Pupu Platter |80 |SOS Protect (Warrior Skill) Ribbon |999 |SOS Protect (Warrior Skill) Auto-Shell |80 | Auto-Protect |80 |Auto-Shell Instinct |80 | White Magic |80 | Festivalist ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Twinkler |30 | Spinner |30 | Popper |30 |Spinner Fountain |40 |Popper Fire Fish |30 | Ice Fish |30 | Ltng. Fish |30 | Water Fish |30 | Gravity Fish |60 |All four Elemental Fish Skills Holy Fish |100 |Gravity Fish Slowproof |20 | Stopproof |40 |Slowproof Pointlessproof |20 | SOS Regen |30 |Pointlessproof SOS Wall |100 |SOS Regen O=======O | Paine | O=======O Trainer ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Carrier Flurry |Learned | Poison Flurry |40 | Stone Flurry |60 |Poison Flurry Death Flurry |60 |Stone Flurry Flurry Guard |60 |Flurry Speed Flurry Speed |60 | Flurry Shield |60 |Flurry Speed HP Flurry |Learned | Recovery Flurry |40 | Maulwings! |100 |Death Flurry Half MP Cost |200 |MP Stroll HP Stroll |20 | MP Stroll |20 |HP Stroll Flurry Lv.2 |80 | Flurry Lv.3 |100 |Flurry Lv.2 Mascot ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Dark Knife |Learned | Silence Knife |Learned | Sleep Knife |Learned | Berserk Knife |Learned | Poison Knife |Learned | Stone Knife |Learned | Stop Knife |Learned | Quartet Knife |Learned | Arsenic Knife |Learned | Cactling Gun |80 |SOS Protect (Warrior Skill) Ribbon |999 |SOS Protect (Warrior Skill) Auto-Shell |80 | Auto-Protect |80 |Auto-Shell Bushido |80 | Black Magic |80 | Festivalist ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Twinkler |30 | Spinner |30 | Popper |30 |Spinner Fountain |40 |Popper Blind Mask | Silence Mask | Sleep Mask | Poison Mask | Stop Mask |60 |Poison Mask Petro Mask |80 |Stop Mask Slowproof |20 | Stopproof |40 |Slowproof SOS Haste |50 |Stopproof SOS Regen |30 | SOS Wall |100 |SOS Regen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special Dressphere's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The special dresspheres are also character unique and can oly be activated by spherechanging to all the dresspheres on a garment grid. Afterwards bringing up the spherechange menu will allow you to hit R1 to change into that characters special dressphere. Each dressphere gets two support units instead of the other characters. The skills are divvied up by girl and the locations are as follows. Yuna: Found during the Djose mission in chapter 2. Can't be missed. Rikku: Found during the Bikanel mission in chapter 2. Can't be missed. Paine: You must speak to Tromell four times in chapter 1 or 2 in the Macalania Woods, in the area in the north east corner in the four way split area. Keeping talking to him after each conversation ends and on the fourth he will give you this dressphere. This can be missed if you advance past chapter 2. O======O | Yuna | O======O Floral Fallal ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Libra |4 | Heat Whirl |Learned | Ice Whirl |Learned | Electric Whirl |Learned | Aqua Whirl |Learned | Barrier |20 | Shield |20 |Barrier Flare Whirl |24 | Great Whirl |30 |Flare Whirl All Life |8 | Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Aurora Rain required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Twilight Rain required (Key Item) Right Pistil ------------------------------------------ White Pollen |Learned | White Honey |10 | Hard Leaves |Learned | Tough Nuts |Learned | Mirror Petals |Learned | Floral Rush |20 |White Honey Floral Bomb |Learned | Fallal Bomb |10 | Floral Magisol |10 |Fallal Bomb Fallal Magisol |10 |Floral Magisol Right Stigma |20 |Fallal Magisol Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Aurora Rain required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Twilight Rain required (Key Item) Left Pistil ------------------------------------------ Dream Pollen |Learned | Mad Seeds |Learned | Sticky Honey |Learned | Halfdeath Petals |Learned | Poison Leaves |10 | Death Petals |10 |Poison Leaves Silent White |Learned | Congealed Honey |20 | Panic Floralysis |10 |Congealed Honey Ash Floralysis |10 |Panic Floralysis Left Stigma |20 | Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Aurora Rain required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Twilight Rain required (Key Item) O=======O | Rikku | O=======O Machina Maw ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Revival |10 | Death Missile |Learned | Bio Missile |Learned | Break Missile |Learned | Berserk Missile |10 | Stop Missile |10 |Berserk Missile Confuse Missile |10 |Stop Missile Shockwave |20 | Shockstorm |20 |Shockwave Vajra |30 |Shockstorm Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Machina Reactor required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Machina Booster required (Key Item) Smasher-R ------------------------------------------ Howitzer |Learned | Sleep Shell |10 | Slow Shell |10 |Sleep Shell Anti-Power Shell |10 |Slow Shell Anti-Armor Shell |10 |Anti-Power Shell Scan |10 | Shelter |20 | Preotector |20 |Shelter HP Repair |Learned | MP Repair |Learned | Homing Ray |Learned | Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Machina Reactor required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Machina Booster required (Key Item) Crusher-L ------------------------------------------ Howitzer |Learned | Blind Shell |10 | Silence Shell |10 |Blind Shell Anti-Magic Shell |10 |Silence Shell Anti-Mental Shell |10 |Anti-Magic Shell Booster |20 | Offense |20 | Defense |20 | HP Repair |Learned | MP Repair |Learned | Homing Ray |Learned | Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Machina Reactor required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Machina Booster required (Key Item) O=======O | Paine | O=======O Full Throttle ------------------------------------------ Attack |Learned | Fright |20 |Assoil Aestus |Learned | Winterkill |Learned | Whelmen |Learned | Levin |Learned | Wisenen |10 | Fiers |20 |Wisenen Deeth |20 |Fiers Assoil |20 | Swords Dance |30 |Fright Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Corpus Invictus required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Victor Primoris required (Key Item) Dextral Wing ------------------------------------------ Venom Wing |Learned | Blind Wing |Learned | Mute Wing |Learned | Rock Wing |10 | Lazy Wing |Learned | Violent Wing |10 | Still Wing |10 | Crazy Wing |10 |Violent Wing Stamina |Learned | Mettle |Learned | Reboot |10 | Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Corpus Invictus required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Victor Primoris required (Key Item) Sinistral Wing ------------------------------------------ Steel Feather |Learned | Diamond Feather |Learned | White Feather |Learned | Buckle Feather |Learned | Cloudy Feather |10 | Pointed Feather |10 |Cloudy Feather Pumice Feather |10 | Ma'at's Feather |10 | Stamina |Learned | Mettle |Learned | Reboot |10 | Ribbon |Learned | Double HP |20 | Triple HP |30 |Double HP Break HP Limit |20 |Corpus Invictus required (Key Item) Break Damage Limit |20 |Victor Primoris required (Key Item) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Garment Grid Locations |F223 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Note these are not ALL the Garment Grids in the game, more so the ones I found on this recent play through of the HD version. I believe there are 60 (though more may have been added for this release) so I am obviously short a few. I'm not going to go through what all of the abilities are for each grid as they are very easy to find through the menu (nothing is hidden from you like dressphere skills are) but I will list where I found them all so you can complete your collection. Grid Name |Location --------------------|---------------------------- First Steps |Start the Game with this one Vanguard |Listen to Shinra's tutorial Bum Rush |Ch.2 Awarded when you get all three uniforms Undying Storm |Ch.3 Mi'ihen Highroad Mission Protection Halo |Ch.1 Besaid Mission Hour of Need |Ch.2 Bikanel Mission Unwavering Guard |Ch.3 Djose Mission Valiant Lustre |Ch. 5 Thunder Plains, Defeat Humbaba Highroad Winds |Ch.2 Calm Lands Ranch Mission Heart of Flame |Ch.1 Mushroom Rock Road Mission Ice Queen |Ch. 1 Maclanania, Allow O'aka onto Airship Thunder Spawn |Ch. 1,2, 5 Luca. Located on Dock #5 Menace of the Deep |Ch.1 Kilika, Get all five passwords right Downtrodder |Ch. 2 Bevelle Underground Restricted Area Sacred Beast |Ch. 5 Mt. Gagazet, get Episode Complete Tetra Master |Ch.3 or 5 Cavern Mission Still of Night |Ch. 1 Bikanel Mission Raging Giant |Ch.3,5 Besaid. Open the second cipher door, in a chest Bitter Farewell |Ch.2 Macalania, finish mission then talk to Hypello again Selene Guard |Ch.2 Mi'ihen Highroad Mission Helios Guard |Ch.1 Moonflow Mission Covetous |Ch.2 Luca, Shelinda Interview Scourgebane |Ch.5 Bevelle Episode Complete Healing Wind |Ch.1 Luca Mission Heart Reborn |Ch.1 Zanarkand, Issaru's Quiz Healing Light |Ch.2 Guadosalam Mission Immortal Soul |Ch.5 Defeat Anima Wishbringer |Ch.3 Gagazet Mission Seething Cauldron |Ch.2 Moonflow Mission Stonehewn |Ch.2 Gagazet Mission Enigma Plate |Ch.2 Besaid Complete Belcams challege Ray of Hope |Ch. 5 Macalania Episode Complete Pride of the Sword |Ch.3 Macalania Mission Samurai's Honor |Ch.2 Thunder Plains, Attempt calibrating all towers White Signet |Ch. 3, 5 Luca Sphere Break. Item from woman with dog Black Tabard |Ch. 4, Moonflow mission complete Mercurial Strike |Ch. 5 Bikanel, Defeat Angra Maniyu Tricks of the Trade |Ch.5 Kilika, Episode Complete Horn of Plenty |Ch. 5 Bikanel, Get Desert Key and open lost chest Treasure Hunt |Sphere Break, flip an "Item" coin while playing Shinra Tempered Will |Ch.5 Guadosalam, locked house after Episode Complete Salvation Promised |Ch.5 Inside the New Cave in the Thunder Plains Supreme Light |Ch.5 Complete the Den of Woe Megiddo |Ch.5 Take all five paths down the Farplane to the Abyss Unerring Path |Awarded when you find your first special dressphere Font of Power |Ch.5 Complete the Fiend Colony Higher Power |Ch.5 Episode complete for Clasko (finish Ruin Depths) I know you can get one for oversouling all the fiends that can be oversouled and also that you can get one for 200,000 credits in the Calm Lands after an Episode Complete. There are actually two there, whichever company you promoted for will determine which one you get. That still leaves ten unaccounted for so hopefully I will find the rest soon. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Key Item Locations |F224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Crimson Sphere 1 - Found at the end of the Bevelle Underground in chapter 3 after completing Besaid and Kilika hotspots but before completing the Djose hotspot. Crimson Sphere 2 - Given to you after the Djose hotspot in chapter 3. Crimson Sphere 3 - Given to you after the Djose hotspot in chapter 3. Crimson Sphere 4 - Found in Guadosalam in Chapter 3, on a railing in Leblanc's room. Climb up and run around to get this one. Crimson Sphere 5 - In chapter four after the concert go talk to Leblanc in the engine room before talking to Shinra, if you talk to Shinra first you will lose this one. Crimson Sphere 6 - Found in the zero level of Via Infinito. Crimson Sphere 7 - Found in chapter two, head to the Den of Woe in Mushroom Rock and receive from Nooj. Crimson Sphere 8 - Found in the 20th floor of Via Infinito Crimson Sphere 9 - Found in chapter one, head to the Den of Woe in Mushroom Rock to get from Leblanc's goons. Crimson Sphere 10 - Found in Logo's Room in chapter 2 Guadosalam, grab it after the battle with Ormi and Logos. New Beginnings Sphere - You start the game with this. Gagazet Sphere - You get this by finishing the Floating Ruins intro mission. Sphere Fragment - Awarded at the end of the ch.1 Zanarkand hotspot mission. Awesome Sphere - Awarded at the end of ch.1, given away and the beginning of ch.2. Leblanc's Sphere - You get this automatically at the start of Ch.2 Reassembled Sphere - You get this after finishing the hotspot mission in Guadosalam in Ch.2 Logo's Sphere - Visit Guadosalam in ch.3 and after talking to Logos and Leblanc, head to Logos room to find this. Ormi's Sphere - Visit Guadosalam in ch.3 and after talking to Logos and Leblanc, head to Logos room to find this. Gaol Sphere - Visit Guadosalam in ch.3 and after talking to Logos and Leblanc, head to Logos room to find this. Nooj's Sphere - Get an Episode Complete in Mushroom Rock and go back to talk to Lucil, she will give you this sphere. Gippal's Sphere - Implicate Rin in the Mi'ihen mystery in ch.4 to get this key item in ch.5. Baralai's Sphere - Get an Episode Complete in Guadosalam and Tromell will open the locked house that contain this sphere. Paine's Sphere - Given to you by Gippal in the Farplane Abyss War Buddy Sphere - Get an Epsiode Complete in Besaid and Beclem will give this to you. Besaid Sphere - You receive this after clearing the Besaid hotspot mission in chapter 1. Al Bhed Primer I though XXVI - All Al Bhed Primers are found by either talking to Al Bhed people in scenes or digging in the desert. Syndicate Uniform (S) - Found in either Djose, Bikanel or Gagazet in chapter two, won from Leblanc syndicate goons. Syndicate Uniform (M) - Found in either Djose, Bikanel or Gagazet in chapter two, won from Leblanc syndicate goons. Syndicate Uniform (L) - Found in either Djose, Bikanel or Gagazet in chapter two, won from Leblanc syndicate goons. Letter of Introduction - Given to you by Gippal in Djose Temple Ch.1 or 2, allows you to dig for parts in Bikanel. How to Repair with Soul - In the room on the left of the stairs in the Djose Great Hall area. The Spirit of Recycling - Give the man in the Djose Cloister of Trials "MARNELA" as the password The ABC of Repair - Located inside the Ruin Depths, rightmost walls leading to the final hallway Recycling for Dummies - Outside Djose Temple wait for all three monkeys to jump, then press X under the monkey on the left Final Repair Manual - Not sure where this one is. Besaid Key - Either bought for 900,00 gil in Besaid or Given as a gift for recusing a trapped tourist in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth Desert Key - Found Randomly while digging in the Central Expanse in Bikanel island in ch.5 Calm Lands Discount Pass - I got the free pass so I'm not sure how to get this one, apparently you cannot get both. Calm Lands Free Pass - Get an Episode Complete in the Calm Lands, then return to the travel agency and talk to the people on the left. Twilight Rain - Besaid Island, in the waterfall area fall down the gap next to the bridge in Ch.5 to find this in the chest. Aurora Rain - Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, in a chest in the Chamber of the Fayth. Machina Booster - Mushroom Rock, just south of the Lift leading to HQ. Machine Reactor - Ruin Depths, Left most door required to get the Amazing Chocobo. Victor Primoris - On the Mi'ihen Highroad, stand on the chocobo feather in the north area after the bridge twice to find it. Corpus Invictus - Found in the New Cave if you return after getting an Episode Complete in the Thunder Plains Magical Dances, Vol. 1 - Get an Episode Complete in the Den of Woe by defeating all the bosses. Magical Dances, Vol. 2 - Get an Episode Complete in Djose Temple by defeating the experiment all all Lv.5 Stats. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Trophies |F225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Another new thing added to the HD Remaster is the ability to collect trophies. There are 35 Five Trophies in total 29 for the main FFX-2 game and 6 for the Last Mission part of the game. FFX-2 has: 1 Platinum / 5 Gold / 7 Silver and 22 Bronze. Of these 4 Bronze 1 Silver and 1 Gold are earned in the Last Mission part of the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trophy List |F226 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Completion (Platinum) Obtain all available trophies ------------------- Dressed for the Occasion (Bronze) Change dresspheres on Yuna, Rikku and Paine in one battle ------------------- Speciality (Bronze) Obtain one special dress ------------------- Good Listener (Bronze) Listen to all of Maechen's stories ------------------- Tricky Trapper (Bronze) Help Clasko catch a chocobo by the end of Chapter 3 ------------------- Zeroed Out (Bronze) Defeat YSLS-Zero ------------------- Defeating an Old Friend (Bronze) Defeat Bahamut ------------------- Dousing the Fire (Bronze) Defeat Zalamander ------------------- Sphere Breaker (Bronze) Win 10 times at sphere break ------------------- Alchemist (Bronze) Use mix 30 times ------------------- Learner (Bronze) Learn 5 Blue Bullet skills ------------------- Millionaire (Bronze) Pay off O'aka's debt ------------------- Teamwork! (Bronze) Win a blitzball match ------------------- Excellent Negotiator (Bronze) Use bribe 30 times ------------------- Complete Ability (Bronze) Complete the Ability set for one dress ------------------- Gamblers Dream (Bronze) Roll the same number on all the Gambler's Dice ------------------- Lifetime Support (Bronze) View one complete fiend tale ------------------- Complete Episode (Bronze) Complete an episode in Chapter 5 ------------------- Treasure Hunter (Bronze) Open the chest that includes the Ribbon in the Bevelle Underground ------------------- The Gunner (Silver) Reach the highest level (LVMAX) in Gunner's Gauntlet ------------------- Full Chain (Silver) Achieve a 99 chain attack ------------------- Overkill (Silver) Deal 99999 damage with one attack ------------------- Chocobo Whisperer (Silver) Catch the Amazing Chocobo ------------------- Sphere Hunter (Silver) Obtain all Dresspheres ------------------- Dancing Queen (Silver) Obtain Magical Dances, Vol.II ------------------- Monster Master (Gold) Compete Shinra's Bestiary ------------------- Founder (Gold) Defeat Trema ------------------- Machine of War (Gold) Defeat Vegnagun ------------------- Sweet Perfection (Gold) Complete 100% of the Main Story *These are for the Last Mission part of the game, but are included in the FFX-2 trophy pack* ------------------- Just Starting (Bronze) Reach the 10th floor of lutycyr Tower ------------------- Still a Ways (Bronze) Reach the 20th floor of lutycyr Tower and defeat the boss ------------------- Midway Through (Bronze) Reach the 40th floor of lutycyr Tower and defeat the boss ------------------- Almost There (Bronze) Reach the 60th floor of lutycyr Tower and defeat the boss ------------------- Tonberry's Treasure (Silver) Obtain treasure in the Tonberry area ------------------- Giant Tower (Gold) Reach the 80th floor of lutycyr Tower and defeat the boss +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credits |F227 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Gamefaqs for hosting this guide -SplitInfinity's Chocobo Ranch guide for helping open up the Ruin Depths area -Myself for putting this all together +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version History / Contacting Me |F228 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.0 - Released May 7th, 2014 Added small Creature Creator and Last Mission sections, Finished Via Infinito, Fiend Colony, Ruin Depths, Key Items and Dressphere locations. Split this half of the guide off the main guide to create a separate Exclusive FFX-2 HD version of the guide. Version 0.8 - Released April 19, 2014 Includes main guide, most additional areas and trophies. If you wish to contact me feel free to use the email at the top of the guide: beefybuffalo (at) live (dot) com to get in touch with me. Don't ask me when a specific section is going to go up, I'm working as fast as I can. Also I don't usually accept alternate strategies for bosses, but if you noticed something I missed (like a boss weak to Silence that uses magic for example) feel free to let me know about that. Otherwise if you notice any spelling mistakes or general errors let me know so I can try to clean up the guide a little. If you do contact me for any of the above reasons leave a name or alias (such as a GameFaqs username) that I can credit you by as I will never publish anyone's email address but my own. The End