-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL FANTASY X-2: INTERNATIONAL AND LAST MISSION ---------------- Game Information ---------------- Title : Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission Release Date : 19 Feb 2004 Format : DVD-ROM NTSC/J (Japan and Asia only) (Note: This version of FF X-2 has not been released outside Asia and it almost certainly won't be) Price : \6,980 *************************** Last Mission Guide By: lyonnie Version 1.10 (10 Jul 04) Best viewed with Notepad (Requires Japanese decoder to correctly display JPN fonts) *************************** Contents 1. Introduction 2. What Is Last Mission? 3. Basic Controls 4. Menu Commands a. Item b. Dress-Up c. Ability d. Ashimoto e. Seiton f. Status g. Config 5. Game Flow: Turn and Action 6. Item List ***** UPDATED***** 7. Dressing Up and Learning Abilities ***** UPDATED***** a. Parameters affected when DS levels up b. List of Auto Abilities 8. Walking Into a Trap ********NEW******* 9. Breaking Elevator Seals ********NEW******* 10. Boss List 11. Disclaimer 12. Work In Progress 1. Introduction =============== The Last Mission component of the game is a bonus mission that takes place about three months after the ending of FF X-2. It is supposed to be the final chapter in the adventures of Yuna and company (according to the folks at Square-Enix). Unlike the main game, Last Mission is modelled after another famous series from Enix -- Torneko's Mysterious Dungeon (those of us who are familiar with that game should have a good idea of how Last Mission works. For those unfamiliar with the series, fret not, for an explanation of the basic mechanics of Last Mission is provided in the next section). In a way, the bonus dungeons in the Estpolis (aka Lufia in the English speaking world) series are also very much similar to Last Mission. 2. What Is Last Mission? ======================== The entire Last Mission (LM) event takes place in a dungeon (Yadonoki Tower). The special thing is that each of the floors in the dungeon (excepting the Hidden Rooms and Boss Levels) are randomly generated so that the layout of the floors are different each time you play the game. You can also see all the enemies on the dungeon map, and battles occur real-time in a turn based manner (you take an Action, followed by each of the fiends on screen). An Action can consist of moving one square on the map, using an item (including throwing or dropping it ) or command ability, performing a Dress-Up, attacking, or examining the ground directly under you. The objective on each floor is to locate the elevator to take you up to the next level. Boss fights occur every 20 levels, and if you successfully make it to the top of the Yadonoki Tower (and you started the Last Mission game loaded with a 100% main game clear file), you get treated to a touching ending. This ending is available for viewing after that, by choosing the "Extra Movie" option on the title screen of the main game (the one that you choose to watch the Advent Children trailer). You will be prompted to choose which of the sequences you wish to view - AC or LM ending. Take note, however that this option only appears if you have made it to the top of Yadonoki Tower. Still confused? Not to worry. Hopefully, this guide will provide a sufficiently detailed explanation so that you can enjoy LM as much as I did. 3. Basic Controls ================= Left Analogue Stick/ D-Pad -- Movement of main character Circle Button -- Action (Attack, confirmation of Menu selection) Triangle Button -- Calls up Menu Cross Button -- Cancels Menu selection * Hold down Cross and Select buttons to pass on your turn without performing an Action Square Button -- Hold down with the Movement button to rotate your character on the spot L2/R2 Shoulder Buttons -- Changes orientation of main character (without moving forward/backward on map) * Hold down L2/R2 and left analogue stick/D-Pad to move main character diagonally Right Analogue Stick -- Zoom in/out and rotation of dungeon map 4. Menu Commands ================ Pressing the Triangle button anytime while in Yadonoki Tower brings up the Menu window. Just like in any other RPG, the Menu window is where you get to do many important stuff to help you in the game. Note that while you are outside Yadonoki Tower (eg. after cut-scene events in which you then proceed to move between floors), you won't be able to call up the Menu window. There are two pages in the Menu window. You can toggle between the two pages by pressing the left and right buttons on the D-Pad. There are 4 commands on the first page (listed below as a to d), and 3 more on the second page (d to f below): a. Item d. Seiton b. Dress-Up e. Status c. Ability f. Config d. Ashimoto Each of the Menu commands is elaborated upon as follows: a. Item ------- In LM, items can be broadly classified into the following categories: (I) Potions (II) Books (III) Dress-Spheres (IV) Accessories There is a maximum of 20 items your chosen character can carry at any one time. When you select the Item command, the cursor moves to the item list. A short description of the effects of the item is also listed at the top of the screen (A complete list of available Potions and Books in the LM section can be found in Section 6 of this guide). Pressing the Circle button when an item is highlighted brings up a further four commands: (i) Read/Drink/Dress-Up/Equip (Depending on item selected) (ii) Throw (iii) Drop (iv) Details (A separate screen pops up giving more information on selected item) The reason there is a "Throw" command is because there are some Potions that have negative status effects (most of the usual ones that are in the main game as well as Potions that cause the target to level down). Obviously, you don't want to drink these Potions (or should I call them Poisons?) for yourself, so toss them at fiends from a safe distance away and you will find that your battles can be won more easily. b. Dress-Up ----------- The Dress-Up command involves choosing up to 5 Dress-Spheres (DS) for your character. There is so much to be said about DS that I have dedicated an entire section for them. You can read all about the various DS in Section 7. For now, I will just mention how to equip and de-equip DS using the Dress- Up command. First, you have to decide on a Base DS for your character and up to four Support DS. You can also de-equip any DS by pressing the Circle button when the DS is selected. Next, use the D-Pad to advance the Item List to the third page. There is a single command there to take off your DS. Note that if you de-equip your Base DS while you have other Support DS equipped, the first Support DS automatically gets assigned to be your new Base DS. c. Ability ---------- Lets you select the Command Abilities at your disposal (different DS gives you different Command Abilities). Command Abilities use up MP (and an Action) and are immediately executed the moment the Circle button is pressed when a Command Ability is selected. d. Ashimoto ----------- Literal meaning "base of foot", this command is used to examine the current square grid your character is on. You have to select and use this command to activate the elevator to advance to the next level. Note: You do not need to use this command to pick up items; simply moving your character over an item is enough as she automatically picks it up (unless your item list is full). e. Seiton --------- Seiton means "to arrange" so bascially, this command allows you to sort through your item list (either automatically by type (choice 1) or manually (choice 2)). f. Status --------- Here, you can check on the basic parameters of your characters. The screen may appear daunting on your first view due to the huge amount of information on offer, but once you get the hang of how the screen is laid out, you will find it gives you all the information you will need regarding all the stats in LM. The Status screen can be split up vertically into two halves. The parameters are listed on the right half of the screen, below the HP and MP gauges: Physical Attack Magical Attack Physical Defense Magical Defense Evasion Accuracy Below these parameters, on the bottom right corner of the screen, you will find your equipped DS, showing you the level of your DS and its HP. On the bottom left half of the screen, you will find that you can scroll through several rows of characters and that by doing so, the above-mentioned parameters (Physical/Magical Attack/ Defense, Evasion and Accuracy) will change. What you are seeing is actually the influence your equipped DS has on your overall stats. The first row is the overall stats, and it is the sum total of the other rows. The second row is your character's base stats, which is what is increasing every time you level up. Of course, not all the parameters increase each time you level up. Your HP and MP will always increase. After that, there is a random chance one or more of your base stats will increase from 1 to 3. The third row on shows the bonus added to your base stats for each of your DS. Your Base DS has the biggest effect on your base stats; the bonuses due to the Support DS are somewhat lower (but still makes a difference!) The last row shows you your currently available Auto Abilities, as well as the amount of AP you have earned for each of them. g. Config --------- Allows you to alter the following options: Attack Range -- Display ON/OFF Map -- ON/OFF Sound -- Mono/Stereo 5. Game Flow: Turn and Action ============================= The game flow in LM is straight-forward: Your character and each fiend on the map has one turn each. A "turn" is simply a chance for you to perform an "Action". In LM, an Action can be either one of the following: a. Movement (Advancement of one square grid on the floor map. Your character picks up stuff on the floor automatically when you walk her over it. The movement constitutes an Action, but the picking up of the item does not.) Note: Sometimes, there are traps on the floor (invisible until you walk over them). You usually want to avoid stepping on them again, because they almost always do more harm than good to you b. Attack (Pressing Circle button to attack a fiend) c. Use an item (Open up Menu window, choose item and read/use/equip/drop/throw it - depending on which item is selected) d. Use ability (Select command ability to use) e. Dress-Up (Open up Menu window, choose Dress-Up and select desired DS. More than one DS can be equipped at the same time. When you confirm choice of DS, character performs Dress-Up motion and the Action is complete) f. Examine (Open up menu window, choose Ashimoto and confirm choice) g. Pass (Press Cross and Select button at the same time to do nothing on your current turn. Your turn ends and the enemy gets its turn) Everytime you perform an Action, each of the fiends on the map performs an Action too. However, the fiend's Action is only important to you when you are trying to close in and attack it. In this case, your choice of Actions in your turn becomes significant. For example, you can gain an upper hand on the fiend by making it advance to your adjacent square by performing an Action without moving forward. In this case, you get to attack the fiend first on your next turn. If you had moved next to the fiend on your turn, you can bet you will get attacked first on the fiend's turn! 6. Item List ============ The names of items in LM may be different to those in the main game, so this list here should help those puzzled by what the items really do. I have left out the DS and accessories, so this list contains only Potions and Books. Potions are good for one-time use only, but you will find that Books have a number inside square brackets, for example [2]. This means the Book can be used two times. After each use, the number in the brackets decrease by one. For the Item List below, Books are listed first, followed by Potions (The first 25 are Books; the other 20 are Potions). The Japanese name is given first, followed by the English translation (my own, so blame me for any inaccuracies) and the effect of the item. Book List Effect ********* ****** アイテム屋ガイト (Guide to Item Shop) Visit the Item Shop while in the tower (you will return to a newly generated dungeon map on the same floor you used this Book) ドレス屋ガイト (Guide to Dress Shop) Visit the Dress Shop while in the tower (you will return to a newly generated dungeon map on the same floor you used this Book) かたづけ上達術 (Expert Arranger) Sends out any Item (currently not equipped) to the Cloakroom outside Yadonoki Tower (a max of 20 Items can be stored) ザ・コピー術 (The Copy Skill) Duplicates any Item (except for The Copy Skill and Notebook) ノートブック (Notebook) Duplicates any Book (except for The Copy Skill and Notebook) つくりかえ入門 (Beginners Transformation Change any Item (currently not Guide) equipped) to another randomly determined one セーブノート (Save Note) Saves your progress between floors (option to save appears when you choose to ride elevator with Save Note in inventory) やさしい回復術 (Book of Gentle Healing) Refills 30 HP (either DS or main character) 元気が出る話 (Tale of Vitality) Refills 100 HP (either DS or main character) いやしの極意書 (Ultimate Book of Rest) Refills 400 HP (either DS or main character) 希望の一代記 (Record of Hope) Resurrects dead character or DS with full HP & MP (Book automatically used when you are dead) 重力応用大全 (Encyclopedia of Gravity) Reduces HP of all enemies in the room by 1/2 大地震の記録 (Record of Earthquake) Damages all enemies in current room ( damage increases the higher up in the tower you use this Book) ドレス合成秘伝 (Book of Dress Fusion) Levels up DS (use on two of one type of DS only) ドレスメーカー伝 (Book of Dress Maker) Makes one DS (depends on how many DS you obtained in the main game. If you did not load a clear game file, only Gunner, Thief, and Warrior DS are available) みるみる見える本 (Book of Sight) All Items and fiends on current floor displayed on map ワナよけの心得 (Trap Avoidance Destroys all traps on current floor Instructions) 逃亡マニュアル (Escape Manual) Teleports you to the same room as the elevator on current floor 再出発の手記 (Diary of Second Travel) Allows you to exit tower with current LV, HP, MP, and all Items and Gil 隠し部屋発見法 (Way to Discover Hidden Warp to Hidden Room appears on adjacent Room) dungeon grid Potion List Effect *********** ****** エリクサー (Elixir) Refills all your DS and character's HP and MP エーテル (Ether) Refills 10 MP エーテルターボー (Ether Turbo) Refills 30 MP エーテルプレミアム (Ether Premium) Refills 50 MP 風のしずく (Wind Drops) Gives you Haste effect エスナチンキ (Esuna Chunky) Cures virtually all status ailment effects 解毒のドリンク (Antidote Drink) Cures Poison ailment やまびこじる (Echo Gel) Cures Silent ailment メガミエール (Mega Sight) Cures Darkness ailment 毒?のエキス (Essence of Poison Snake) Inflicts Poison ailment ダマールジュース (Silence Juice) Inflicts Silent ailment まっくらオイル (All Dark Oil) Inflicts Darkness ailment トロクナール (Torokunaru) Inflicts Slow ailment 強化の薬 (Strengthening Medicine) Raises character by 1 LV (If thrown at fiends, they get either Haste effect, PA up or MA up) 成長の薬 (Growth Medicine) Raises character by 2 LV (If thrown at fiends, they get either Haste effect, PA up or MA up) 進化の?幻水 (Evolutionary Mystical Raises character by 3 LV (If thrown Water) at fiends, they get either Haste effect, PA up or MA up) 弱体の毒 (Weakness Poison) Reduces character by 1 LV (If thrown at fiends, they get either Darkness, Silent, Sleep or Slow effect) 減退の猛毒 (Vile Reduction Poison) Reduces character by 2 LV (If thrown at fiends, they get either Darkness, Silent, Sleep or Slow effect) 退化の?妖液 (Evil Degeneration Poison) Reduces character by 3 LV (If thrown at fiends, they get either Darkness, Silent, Sleep or Slow effect) 戦闘員のしおり (Syndicate Brooch) Changes your character into a Le Blanc Syndicate member As a final note, all Items can be thrown at fiends to inflict (minimal) damage. More importantly, you will want to throw some of the harmful Potions to inflict status ailments on the fiends. Be careful that you throw the right ones and keep the beneficial Potions for use on yourself! 7. Dressing Up and Learning Abilities ===================================== Before we start, just a short summary here on the importance of DS in LM: (1) Gives you Command Abilities to use in battles (2) Mix and match up to 5 DS at any one time for additional Auto Abilities (3) Adds to your character's stats (level up your DS for more stats boost) Just like the main game, Dress-Spheres (DS) bestow upon your character new abilities to aid them in battles. However, unlike the main game where only 1 DS can be equipped each time, LM allows you to equip up to 5 DS for your character (the first DS is the Base DS, and the other 4 are the Support DS). DS are also important because equipping them adds to your character's stats. Basically, different DS boosts different stats (For example, the Warrior DS boosts Physical Attack and Defense). The stats boost is also greater the higher your DS Level. Each DS has its own HP, and once its HP is reduced to 0, the DS is destroyed. When all equipped DS are destroyed, your character becomes "naked" (not shown graphically, unfortunately...) Lose all the character's own HP, and you die. The game doesn't end once you die though. You start all over again from outside Yadonoki Tower and depending on how far you have climbed, you can actually keep your items and DS in your possession. (Actually, you have to make it past Floor 70 to retain your items when you die. I guess the producers don't want to make your life too easy by giving you too many items to bring in again on your next attempt to scale the tower) DS can also be levelled up. You level up a DS not by fighting battles, but by using an item called Doresu Kouseishou (Book of Dress Fusion). This book can be picked up on most floors or bought from Item Shop. Doresu Kouseishou can only be used on two of the same DS. Basically, the current level (LV) of each of the 2 DS are added up to give the same DS of the combined LV. For example, if you use Doresu Kouseishou on two LV 1 Gunner DS, you get a LV 2 Gunner DS. Use it on one LV 1 Gunner and one LV 2 Gunner DS, and you get a LV 3 Gunner DS. It's just a simple case of adding up individual levels of your current DS. The higher the LV of the DS, the more powerful it becomes (better added stats to your character and higher DS HP). The available DS differ depending on how you started the LM game: (I) If you started LM without loading any clear files from the main game, then only the initial DS of each character are available (Gunner for Yuna, Thief for Rikku, Warrior for Paine). (II) If you started LM after loading a clear file from the original FF X-2 game, then 16 DS are available. (III) If you started LM after loading a clear file from the FF X-2 International game, then 18 DS are available. The extra 2 DS not found if you loaded the original X-2 clear file are the two new DS: Festival Goer (お祭り士) and Pyschicer (サイキッカー). Now, let's look at the types of abilities in more detail. Abilities can be generally classified into two categories: Auto and Command. Auto abilities are activated the moment the relevant DS is equipped. Unlike in the main game, you do not have to master the ability to reap its benefits. But once you master the Auto Ability (by defeatin fiends and earning AP after battles), an accessory will be dropped next to your character. This accessory will have the same effect as the ability just learned, so you can equip the accessory and change to another DS to learn other abilities. The downside is that only 2 accessories can be equipped at any one time; also, due to the limited number of items you can carry in your inventory, you won't want to be bogged down by too many accessories just sitting in your inventory list. You should also note that by eqipping certain combinations of DS (whichever ones you use as Base and Support DS does not matter), it is possible to learn new Auto Abilities! For example, if you have your character equip the Warrior and Songstress DS, an additional Auto Ability (Recover HP after defeating fiend) can be learned which would not be available otherwise. Command abilities do not have to be mastered, and are available only when the DS is equipped. They have to be selected for use to be activated (at a cost of some specified MP). They are usually used in battles. Since battles are played out in real time in LM, you would first need to select the command ability you wish to use in order to get the benefits. (But please note choice pf DS as the Base can give you Command Abilities not available when the same DS is equipped as Support DS). a. Parameters affected when DS levels up ======================================== As already mentioned, different DS gives you different status boost (usually one DS will affect only 2 to 3 parameters). When you level up your DS, these parameters increase (along with the maximum HP of the DS). In the list below, I have compiled the parameters affected by the various DS, as well as the incremental amount during each levelling up of the DS. It goes without saying that you have to equip the DS to gain the bonus stats! Also, Base DS have the full amount of bonuses added to your character's base stats while Support DS give you half the available bonus. Thus, decide wisely which DS to allocate as your Base and which as your Support (available abilities are not affected by whether the DS is Base or Support). How to read the data: (i) Each +X next to the stats means that that stat increases by X points for each level up (X is either 1 or 2). All other stats not marked by the +X do not increase at all. (ii) Abbreviations used for the stats: PA - Physical Attack MA - Magical Attack PD - Physical Defense MD - Magical Defense EV - Evasion AC - Accuracy Abbreviations given for DS are for the purposes of the Auto Ability list (see further below) (iii) The list is arranged in terms of DS with largest amount of HP (assuming all DS are at the same level). Thus, Dark Knight has the largest HP among the DS, while Gunner has the least. The only excpetion is that after LV 66, the White Mage and Mascot have higher HP than Songstress. HP Amt Dress-Sphere Affected Stats ****** ************ ************** 1 Dark Knight (DK) PD+1 MA+1 AC+1 2 Warrior (Wa) PA+1 PD+2 2 Berserker (Be) PA+2 EV+1 4 Festival Goer (FG) PA+1 MA+1 AC+1 5 Samurai (Sa) PA+1 MD+1 EV+1 6 Trainer (Tr) PA+1 MD+1 AC+1 6 Pyschicer (Py) MA+1 AC+2 8 Songstress (So) PD+1 MD+1 EV+1 9 White Mage (WM) PD+1 MA+1 EV+1 9 Mascot (Ma) PD+1 MD+2 11 Thief (Th) EV+2 AC+1 12 Black Mage (BM) PD+1 MA+1 MD+1 13 Magic Gunner (MG) PA+1 MA+1 MD+1 14 Alchemist (Al) PA+1 MA+1 MD+1 15 Gambler (Ga) MA+1 MD+1 EV+1 16 Gunner (Gu) PD+1 AC+2 b. List of Auto Abilities ========================= The following is a complete list of the available Auto Abilities in LM when you eqiup more than 1 DS (Auto Ability listed first, together with the required DS and the effect of the Auto Ability). Please refer to the previous list for the abbreviations used for the DS. As you can see, this list is still incomplete. Please bear with me until I find the time to finish writing it up (may take a while due to work commitments). Auto Ability Required DS Effect ************ *********** ****** 倒すとHP回復 (Wa) + (So) Recover HP after defeating a fiend 倒すとMP回復 (Gu) + (FG) Recover MP after defeating a fiend だんだんMP回復 (MG) + (DK) + (BM) MP slowly recovers when moving 絶対命中 (Gu) + (MG) + (Al) Attack on fiends won't miss EXPをギルに (Gu) + (Py) Changes gained EXP to Gil ダメージをギルに (Sa) + (Py) Changes damage to Gil ダメージ1/2 (MG) + (WM) + (Ma) Halves damage received ショップで盗む (Gu) + (Th) + (Ga) Allows you to steal an Item everytime you visit the Item Shop 50%割引 (Wa) + (Sa) + (DK) Get 50% discount on purchases from shops ピンチにパワフル (S?) + (Py) 正面無敵 (Wa) + (Be) + (Py) Invinsible to all frontal attacks 敵の位置みやぶる (Al) + (Ma) See all fiends' location on current floor 毒攻撃 (Be) + (WM) Inflicts Poison ailment on your attack 暗闇攻撃 (MG) + (DK) Inflicts Darkness ailment on your attack ドレスガード (Al) + (S?) ギルガード (S?) + (Ma) 移動不能防御 (Wa) + (Py) 暗闇防御 (S?) + (FG) Guard against Darkness 混乱防御 (Gu) + (DK) Guard against Confusion 睡眠防御 (Al) + (Be) Guard against Sleep 死の宣告防御 (DK) + (Tr) + (S?) Guard against Count-Down to Death MP2倍防御 (MG) + (Tr) Guard against Double MP 炎無効 (Gu) + (WM) Nullify all Flame-based attacks 氷無効 (Be) + (S?) Nullify all Ice-based attacks 物理攻撃力の特訓 (Wa) + (Tr) Easier to raise PA when LV up 物理防御力の特訓 (Be) + (Tr) Easier to raise PD when LV up 魔力の特訓 (DK) + (WM) Easier to raise MA when LV up 魔法防御の特訓 (Al) + (BM) Easier to raise MD when LV up 命中力の特訓 (MG) + (So) Easier to raise AC when LV up (To be completed) (Sorry! I got confused with whether I made notes for Songstress or Samurai, both of which I used S. I will clarify the S? in the next update) 8. Walking Into a Trap ====================== There is almost always at least one trap (marked by a yellow cross on the map) in each room on all the floors of the tower (excepting Boss and Hidden Rooms). Corridors linking two rooms are also trap-free (but not necessarily fiend-free). Each trap has its own characteristic graphic, which unfortunately I am not able to show here. However, I have listed the different kinds of traps below (with my own names for identification purposes), along with the effects if the traps are activated: (a) Trampoline -- Transport you to another room on the current floor (b) Bio Hazard -- Inflicts Poison ailment on you (c) Kamaitachi -- Deals damage (d) Item Bomb -- One of your Items gets the BOM status (Item will be destroyed after a certain number of turns) (e) (To be completed) (f) Traps are invisible until you walk directly over one. There is then a certain chance that the trap would get activated. If you are lucky, the trap does not activate and you can then avoid it next time by walking around it. There is also a certain chance that the trap would disappear from the room once it gets activated. Since all traps are always bext avoided, I highly recommend mastering the ?? Auto Ability as soon as possible (you need to equip three DS: ?? + Thief + ??) so that the トラップセンサー (Trap Sensor) accessory can be obtained. Of course, you don't have to equip the Trap Sensor if you always plan on using the required 3 DS. With the ?? Auto Ability, you will be able to see all the yellow crosses on the map (indirectly, you can also get a feel of how large the current floor is). Sometime, you will find that the passage in and out of the room has a trap. If you have the Trap Avoidance Instructions, you can choose to use it to remove all the traps on the current floor. Otherwise, you have to chance it and hope that the trap doesn't do too much harm to you! I personally hate the Item Bomb trap most, since it will destroy one of your items after a certain number of turns (and there is nothing you can do about it). 9. Breaking Elevator Seals ========================== On every fifth floor in Yadonoki Tower you will find that the elevator is sealed with one or more charms. (On the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th floors, where Boss fights occur, the elevator is invisible and it only appears when the Boss is defeated). These charms represent conditions that must be satisfied before they can be broken. You must break all the seals to be able to ride the elevator to the next floor. Since the conditions can get rather tricky (especially on later floors), the list here should come in handy sooner or later. Floor Condition(s) ***** ************ 5 Defeat 3 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) 10 Defeat 10 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) 15 (a) Defeat 5 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Drop any 2 Items (can be picked up again) 25 (a) Defeat 8 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Throw any 2 Items (can be picked up again) 30 (a) Defeat 8 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Drink any 2 Potions 35 (a) Defeat 8 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Drop any 3 Items (can be picked up again) (c) Fake 3 attacks (i.e. press Circle button without hitting any fiend 45 (a) Defeat 8 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Read 2 Books (c) Fake 5 attacks 50 (a) Defeat 10 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Pass for 5 turns 55 (a) Defeat 8 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Read 2 Books (c) Fake 3 attacks (d) Pass (i.e. press X and Select buttons) for 5 turns 65 The appearance of the Pioneer (創始者) 70 Change into LeBlanc Syndicate member (Either use item 戦闘員のしおり or get the Pioneer to change you. Because the next Action the Pioneer takes on you is to send you outside the tower, it is recommended that you stand on the elevator while waiting for him) 75 (a) Defeat 8 fiends and perform an Action (other than movement) (b) Drop any 3 Items (can be picked up again) (c) Throw any 3 Items (can be picked up again) (d) Fake 5 attacks (e) Pass for 5 turns Now, you should find that there isn't any elevator on the 79th Floor leading up to the final Floor. To get there, there is more work to be done. You have to make the Pioneer appear, and get him to warp you away. From the 77th Floor on, the Pioneer will not warp you outside the tower. Instead, from the 79th Floor, he will warp you to the 77th. You have to make him appear again and get him to warp you to the 80th Floor, where you will face off against the last boss. 10. Boss List ============= The normal fiends should not pose too much of a problem, so I shall concentrate on the Bosses in LM. There are 4 of them (on the 20th, 40th, 60th and 80th floors). I have also included an undefeatable fiend for reference purposes, since you can steal the best accessories off him. Abbreviations for the various parameters are the same as those used earlier. (20th) Name: PA MA HP: PD MD MP: EV AC (40th) (Sorry! To be completed) And now, to the most unique fiend in the game. If you loiter too long on the same floor in the tower, you will start getting chilling messages about some bad omen about to happen. The first message translates roughly to: There's an eerie laughter that can be heard from afar. If you ignore it and continue to stay on, a second message appears: The laugher is getting closer and closer. After the third message: Somewhere close by, you can feel a strong presence, there will appear on the same floor a new fiend (創始者 -- I will call him the Pioneer for the purposes of this guide). The bad thing about this fiend is that he despatches you out of the tower on his second Action so you have to start all over again. The good thing is you can steal very valuable Items from him (especially on Floors 44 and 66). So if you time the encounter right, you can nick some nifty stuff off him and escape unharmed. 11. Disclaimer ============== This guide is the intellectual property of lyonnie and is written with the help of the FF X-2: I+LM Ultimania (by the editors of Studio Bent Stuff) and my own playing experience. Thanks to Gamefaqs for putting it up! 12. Work In Progress ==================== Drop me a line on the FF X-2: I+LM board if you want to know about anything. No promises but I will try to help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------