FFX-2 Coin FAQ -------------- Author: Mento ( mentofaq@hotmail.com ) Copyright Restrictions: Just give me credit if you want to use it. I don't mind. Version 1.0: Everything you see so far. All the coins and where to get them. Intro ----- Despite numerous Sphere Break and Bikanel Desert FAQs, I couldn't find anything on how to complete your own collection of coins. So if you're wondering why someone bothered to make another FFX-2 FAQ, there you are :P This FAQ will deal mostly with coin stats, as well as were you can get them. If you want more details on how to play Sphere Break or the Bikanel Desert digging minigame, use a different FAQ (they're both fairly easy once you get used to them). I've also included some advice on winning matches, because playing the tougher Core Spheres is hard enough without looking for rare coins as well. Coin Guide ---------- [In this section, I will list all 64 coins in the order they appear on the 'Sell Coins' and 'Play Sphere Break' screens. You can access both screens by talking to any Sphere Break player in Luca during any chapter. In all but Story Chapter 3, you can find all the available Sphere Break players in the two locker-rooms/basement areas of Luca Stadium. SCh3 is different because (nearly) everyone is outside and it's during the Tournament mission, so I don't recommend you take risks in winning rare coins/items and just play to win. Especially against that little brat, Shinra. Also, the coins you're allowed to use is fixed, so there isn't much chance to gain anyway. Each Coin will be displayed thusly: #XX Name (Number and Name of coin. The # here is simply stating the order of the coin, don't confuse it with the Coin Number below.) Trait (Special power/use)* No. (The number the coin always uses, as far as I know this is always the same for each named coin) Where? (Where to find it in Bikanel, or which player to win them from. Sometimes coins are given to you automatically) Usefulness (Just a personal opinion. This is ranked A/B/C/D/E so you don't get mixed up with the No.)] #01 Helm Trait: -------- No.: 1 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse, Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start playing in SCh1/2. Usefulness: C ("A" if you're using the easy money trick) #02 Zurvan Trait: -------- No.: 5 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse, Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start playing in SCh1/2. Usefulness: D #03 Coyote Trait: Coin No.: 3 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse, Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start playing in SCh1/2. Usefulness: C #04 Flan Trait: Item No.: 2 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse, Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start playing in SCh1/2. Usefulness: C #05 Reptile Trait: -------- No.: 3 Where?: Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start the contest in SCh3. Usefulness: D #06 Bird Trait: -------- No.: 5 Where?: Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start the contest in SCh3. Usefulness: E #07 Wasp Trait: Item No.: 2 Where?: Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start the contest in SCh3. Usefulness: D #08 Ahriman Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 6 Where?: Practice/Easy Core Spheres, Given x5 when you start the contest in SCh3. Usefulness: D ("A" during the tournament, because you really need that echo...) #09 Purpurea Trait: -------- No.: 5 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: E #10 Zu Trait: Item No.: 3 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #11 Worm Trait: Coin No.: 2 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #12 Defender Trait: Multiplier Echo No.: 8 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C (for the Multiplier Echo) #13 Phantom Trait: Coin No.: 7 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: D #14 Ruminant Trait: Item No.: 1 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: B (for being value 1) #15 Drake Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 4 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #16 Malboro Trait: Multiplier Echo No.: 3 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: B #17 Ogre Trait: Coin No.: 4 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: D #18 Elemental Trait: -------- No.: 9 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: E #19 Blade Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 3 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #20 Behemoth Trait: Quota x2 No.: 7 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: D #21 Chimera Trait: Item No.: 2 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #22 Coeurl Trait: Coin Haul x2 No.: 5 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: D #23 Tomb Trait: -------- No.: 1 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #24 Iron Giant Trait: Multiplier Echo No.: 6 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #25 Kukulcan Trait: -------- No.: 8 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: E #26 Adamantoise Trait: Item No.: 3 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: C #27 Daeva Trait: Quota x2 No.: 9 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: D #28 Ochu Trait: Gil x2 No.: 7 Where?: Western/Southern Expanse Usefulness: D #29 Bomb Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 1 Where?: Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: B #30 Magic Urn Trait: Gil x2 No.: 5 Where?: Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: D #31 Cactuar Trait: Coin No.: 2 Where?: Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #32 Stalwart Trait: Multiplier Echo No.: 4 Where?: Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #33 Fungus Trait: Coin No.: 3 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #34 Pairika Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 7 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: D #35 Tonberry Trait: Quota x2 No.: 4 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #36 Dragon Trait: Gil x2 No.: 9 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: D #37 Creeper Trait: Coin Haul x2 No.: 3 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #38 Arachnid Trait: -------- No.: 1 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #39 Piranha Trait: Multiplier Echo No.: 6 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #40 Sahagin Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 2 Where?: Shinra Core Sphere (SCh5) w/ "Rare Coin", Eastern/Northern Expanse Usefulness: C #41 Haizhe Trait: Coin No.: 5 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: D #42 Dinictus Trait: Coil Haul x2 No.: 1 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: C ("A" for the easy money trick) #43 Tentacles Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 3 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: C #44 Ultima Weapon Trait: Quota x2 No.: 9 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: D #45 Omega Weapon Trait: Quota x3 No.: 7 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: C #46 Eater Trait: Rare Coin No.: 3 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: A (USE IT if you want the rarest coins) #47 Hermit Trait: Coin Haul x2 No.: 3 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: C #48 Evrae Trait: Quota x3 No.: 2 Where?: Central Expanse Usefulness: B #49 Gel Trait: -------- No.: 3 Where?: Marrrvelous Sphere w/ "Rare Coin", Central Expanse Usefulness: D #50 Azi Dahaka Trait: Rare Item No.: 7 Where?: Marrrvelous Sphere w/ "Rare Coin", Central Expanse Usefulness: C #51 Chocobo Trait: Coin No.: 6 Where?: Marrrvelous Sphere w/ "Rare Coin", Central Expanse Usefulness: D #52 Jumbo Cactuar Trait: Rare Item No.: 5 Where?: Marrrvelous Core Sphere w/ "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #53 Precepts Guard Trait: Quota x3 No.: 4 Where?: Marrrvelous Core Sphere w/ "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #54 Georapella Trait: Quota x4 No.: 2 Where?: Given x5 at Kilika. It's in the same area as the Invincible accessory, talk to the boy. Usefulness: A (i.e. USE IT) #55 Angra Mainyu Trait: Quota x4 No.: 3 Where?: Marrrvelous Core Sphere w/ "Rare Coin" Usefulness: A (if you don't use Georapella) #56 Seymour Trait: Rare Item No.: 9 Where?: Marrrvelous Core Sphere w/ "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #57 Yuna Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #58 Rikku Trait: Quota x4 No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #59 Paine Trait: Multiplier Echo No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #60 Auron Trait: Quota x4 No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #61 Lulu Trait: Rare Coin No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #62 Wakka Trait: Rare Item No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #63 Kimahri Trait: Coin Count Echo No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: C #64 ???? (Tidus) Trait: Quota x5 No.: 9 Where?: Bevelle Core Sphere, "Rare Coin" Usefulness: B (for the x5) Core Sphere List and Guide -------------------------- Instead of listing ALL the Sphere Break players in Luca, here are the most important ones: Pet Core Sphere (Lady with Dog) Rating: 3 Stars Turns/Quota/Time: 15/50/30 Where?: SCh3 (Luca Square) and SCh5 (near the back of Basement Right) Notes: Can win the White Signet GG off her/him/it with "Rare Item". Shinra Core Sphere (Shinra, can't miss him) Rating: 4 Stars (3SCh) & 5 Stars (4SCh) Turns/Quota/Time: (3SCh): 20/50/45 (SCh5): 20/100/30 Where?: SCh3 (Tournament Final) and SCh5 (back of Basement Right) Notes: Can win the Treasure Hunt GG off him with "Item". Can also win the Lady Luck DS. Practice Core Sphere (Little guy with a beak, like Tobli) Rating: 1 Star Turns/Quota/Time: 15/20/60 Where?: All SCh (except 4) (Basement Left, near the exit) Notes: The easiest opponent in the game, so you should use him to stock up on coins. Also useful for the easy money trick. Finally, his "Rare Coin" wins tend to be from the elusive #25-#32 range. Marrrvelous Core Sphere (Big guy with fancy sailor clothes) Rating: 5 Stars Turns/Quota/Time: 30/300(!!)/30 Where?: SCh5 (Near the back of Basement Left) Notes: The toughest opponent in the game (to my knowledge). Has some unique coins (#52-#56). Bevelle Core Sphere (Monk character, looks like a New Yevon bishop) Rating: 5 Stars Turns/Quota/Time: 30/200/30 Where?: SCh5 (Near the exit of Basement Left, next to the Shades and Macalania players) Notes: The next toughest opponent in the game. Has all the Main Character Coins (#57-#64). Tips/Advice/Extra Info ---------------------- Tips: * If you're low on a useful coin, play it first in a match and grab a '+n Coins' bonus to increase the amount. Play easier opponents to do this easily without losing. * If you lose, you lose all the coins gained that match, and one each of the four starting coins. * The '+/- Gil' power-up is useless unless you're playing to get rich. Instead, get the Lady Luck DS once you beat Shinra and go nuts on the CONGRATS! move to make plenty of money. See other DS FAQs for more details. * The Coin/Item/Rare Item/Rare Coin power-ups won't appear without the appropriate trait on one of your starting coins. In other words, if you use a Azi Dahaka coin for a match, 'Rare Item' will appear. But if you aren't using a coin with the 'Rare Item' trait, then that power-up won't appear in that game. Advice: * Remember when fighting for rare coins, the object is to WIN. Here's my advice for winning matches: - Use a coin worth '1'. Believe me, it'll come in useful. I also recommend a 2 and a 3, because it'll make the math and using Multiplier Echoes easier. - Use a Multiplier Echo. The math is harder, but you won't get screwed over by frequent '1's. - Use a 'Quota x n' Coin and always start with it when making a Core Break. That way, you could be busting two or three coins and making more than 10 Quota points each time. Add that to the Echo bonuses and you shouldn't have any problems (other than poor math or low time limits). - If possible, find a coin that does one or more of the above. Like Georapella (Worth 2 AND Quota x4). Also, Georapella Coins can be easily found during Chapter 5 (see coin stats for more details). If it only has one coin in it's stack, play an easier opponent and use the coin-amount building tip above. - If you're having trouble beating some higher Quotas, try using a Coin Count Echo coin as well. It'll be just as hard to get both Echoes in each Core Break though. - Finally, make sure one of your coins has the 'Rare Coin/Rare Item/Item/Coin' traits, otherwise your collection won't grow very quickly, and you won't win any useful stuff for the actual game. - When you finally start to play, play the 'Quota x n' entry coin first and quickly scan all the border coins by passing over them. Use the "Coin" "Item" "Rare Item" "Rare Coin" coins ASAP, followed by the +Coins and +Gil coins. Finish your Core Breaks with the other Entry Coins if you need to, or the blank border coins. Try not to use a penalty ("- Gil" or "- Coins") coin if you can help it. So, to summarise, you should use: * 1, 2, 3, and any other value for the four entry coins. * A "Multiplier Echo" and/or "Coin Count Echo" entry coin (I prefer the former). * A "Quota x(n)" entry coin. Higher the better. * At least one of the following: "Item", "Coin", "Rare Item", "Rare Coin". Here's my usual group (around SCh5): *Georapella*: For the 2. it also gives me the Quota x4, which is useful to start with. *Eater*: For the 3. It also gives me the "Rare Coin" trait, necessary for hunting rare coins. *Ruminant*: For the 1. I used this so I could get Items too, but you may want to switch for the Coin Count Echo/Value 1 coin, Bomb. *Defender*: For the Multiplier Echo. It also has a nice high number (8) to balance out the lower ones, in case I need to make a multiplier with a Core Sphere of 9 or something. Traits (Entry Coins): -----: Blank. i.e. no trait. Don't use unless you're low on coins or if it's value is 1 (see Advice). Coin: You'll be given the chance to win a random coin if you Core Break using the border coin with this trait. Playing an Entry Coin with the 'Coin' trait won't get you anything. The random coin is based on the opponent's strength. Coin Count Echo: Using this coin will allow Coin Count Echo to be in play. It should appear on the left side of the screen. If you want to know how to use the echo, read a different FAQ. Coin Haul x2: When you collect a "+/- Coins" power-up using this Entry Coin (you have to use this coin first), you receive double the gain (or loss) of coins. This is especially useful for the easy money trick, but fairly useless for coin collecting (unless you want a lot of just one coin). Gil x2: Like Coin Haul x2, if you use this Entry Coin to start your Core Break you'll receive double the Gil gain (or loss) when you use the border coins with a "+/- Gil" trait. Useful for the easy money trick but pointless for collecting coins. Item: Like "Coin", you'll be given chances to win a random item. Nearly always these will be one-shot battle items like Chocobo Wings or Potions. Very rarely, you'll win something better like an accessory or even a Garment Grid. You'll only ever win two Garment Grids playing Sphere Break, and only if you're playing the opponent with the right coin. Multiplier Echo: Using this coin will allow Multiplier Echo to be in play. It should appear on the left side of the screen. If you want to know how to use the echo, read a different FAQ. Quota x2: Doubles the Quota points received on the condition that it is the first coin played. So if you were to get a Core Break using a Quota x2 Entry Coin to start, followed by two border coins, you would get 4 Quota points for that round (plus whatever Echo bonuses you'd be entitled to). Quota x3: As above, only it triples your score. Quota x4: As "Quota x2", only it quadruples your score. Quota x5: As "Quota x2", only it quintuples your score. Only avaialble with "#64 ????" coin. Rare Coin: Like "Coin", only the random coin will be rarer (or a higher #). Rare Item: Like "Item", only the random item will be of greater value. You'll need a Rare Item trait to get one of the two Garment Grids, as well as several useful items/accessories. Traits (Border Coins): -----: Blank. You won't receive anything by playing this border coin, other than Quota points. Coin: If you used an entry coin with the "Coin" trait, these will occaisonally pop up. Try and grab them before finishing a match or before they turn into 9+ and vanish. +/- Coins: Using this border coin will increase or decrease the Entry Coin's stock. It only affects the Entry Coin you used to start the Core Break. +/- Gil: Using this border coin will increase or decrease the Entry Coin's gil value. It only affects the Entry Coin you used to start the Core Break. The "- Gil" values tend to be higher, so be careful. Item: Like "Coin", these only appear if you have an Entry Coin with the same trait. You don't have to play the Entry Coin to win them. Rare Coin: Like "Coin", these only appear if you have an Entry Coin with the same trait. You don't have to play the Entry Coin to win them. Rare Item: Like "Item", these only appear if you have an Entry Coin with the same trait. You don't have to play the Entry Coin to win them. Misc. FAQs ---------- This is version 1.0, so I'm just guessing at the FAQs I'll receive in this section. Q. Do I really need to beat Shinra? He's too tough! A. I would beat him ASAP in SCh3, because Lady Luck is one of the best DressSpheres IMO. You get the reels ability, which can let you use (among others): Ultima (9999 Damage in SCh3 = Cha Ching!) Megalixer+ (All HP and MP restored for every character, as well as revive any fallen characters to full health.) CONGRATS! (Instant win against all bribe-able enemies, as well as lots of rare items and Gil AND the items/XP/AP you would receive if you had killed them normally. It even works on some bosses!) OK, so I'm going off on a tangent about how good it is, but I seriously recommend getting it in SCh3. If you find him tough to beat, read my strategy or other strategies in other FAQs. Q. Where can I find the two Garment Grids? A. It's in the Core Sphere section, but I'll post them here again: - Play Shinra Core Sphere with an "Item" or "Rare Item" coin and you'll win the "Treasure Hunt GG". You'll probably get it by playing him in SCh3, but it's available in SCh5 if you didn't. - Play Pet Core Sphere (lady with dog) with a "Rare Item" coin to win the "White Signet GG". Although you can play her once in SCh3, you won't have a "Rare Item" coin available. So you need to find her again in SCh5 to win the GG. Q. When playing a border coin with the "Coin"/"Item"/Rare item"/Rare Coin", do I need to play the entry coin with the same trait? A. No. To clarify: If you're using an entry coin with any of those traits, it simply enables the border coin trait to appear during the match. Just like with the Echo bonuses. After you've chosen to play the coin with that trait, it's job is over. Q. I prefer the Coin Count Echo, it's easier to work out/score higher with. A. If it works for you, go for it. I've been jinxed by the Core Sphere playing '1' too many times to forgive Coin Count Echo. Q. I don't understand how the random coin system works. Is it completely random which coin you get? How does "Rare Coin" affect what coin you get? A. There are 64 different coins all together, but some do not occur as often as others in given situations. The coins heading towards #64 get more valuable and more remote as they go up. When in a situation to grant a random coin, usually the computer takes it from an area of values, say between #09 and #16. Depending on who you're battling or where you're digging, the area of values will change. I haven't completely figured out which Core Sphere gives you what coins, but it's generally the rule that the harder the challenge, the rarer (or higher numbered) the random coin will be. NB. Even though they're split into 8 groups on the "Sell coins" screen, it doesn't follow that these are the 8 areas of values that the computer will pick from. I've tried to be precise with random occurrences in each coin's stats, but they're not always completely accurate. Q. Why would I want to win rare coins? A. Well, besides completing your coin collection (something that doesn't affect Story %, so don't worry if you're missing some when you finish the game), rare coins tend to have better traits, such as "Quota x 4" and "Rare Coin/Item". Of course, losing these coins isn't fun, so I recommend you don't actually use them in matches until you have more than 1. NB. Once you finish the game and choose to start a "New Game+", all your coins will disappear. I know, it sucks. Q. Bikanel Desert? How can I find rare coins there? A. See a different FAQ about the intricacies of the Bikanel Desert digging side-quest. Sometimes you'll win a random coin when digging a non-vital (white) cross. The rarity of the coin depends on the area, though it's possible to get all the coins in Bikanel - except for #5-#8 & #52-#64: Western/Southern Expanse: #1-#4 (Helm-Flan) & #9-#28 (Purpurea-Ochu) Northern/Eastern Expanse: #29-#40 (Bomb-Sahagin) Central Expanse: #41-#51 (Haize - Chocobo) Oasis/Cactuar Nation: Nothing. Q. I played a rare coin and lost it, even though I won the match. What gives? A. Each time you play an Entry Coin, the game takes it off you no matter if you win or lose. So if you enter the match with only one coin of that type, you'll lose it (unless you use that coin to get a "+ Coins" power-up). However, the stats will remain on the "Sell coins" screen even though you have 0 stock. So if you want a full collection, it doesn't matter if you lose the rare coins - as long as you owned one at some point. Q. More details in getting those '#54 Georapella' coins plz. A. If you talk to the guy with the telescope in every story chapter (except 4) and choose to look at the new fort, you get the choice of ferrying over there in SCh5. While you're there, you can collect a very useful accessory called Invincible, and you can talk to the boy (the yellow cross) for 5 Georapella coins. I highly advise you do so, because Georapella coins are hard to come by. Q. How do I win the coins #5-#8? A. You get given five of each once you start the tournament in SCh3. If you had the chance to get more before the tournament, it would count as cheating (hence not appearing in Bikanel Desert). They should be easily available to you after SCh3. Q. How do I win the coins after #51? (#52-#64)? A. #52-#56 can be won off the Marrrvelous Core Sphere (Basement Left, guy with the hat). #54 can also be obtained with the method above. #57-#64 can be won from the Bevelle Core Sphere (also Basement Left, guy with the robes) - they all have pictures of the main characters of FFX! (though they all have the 9 value too, which isn't as useful). Q. Do i get anything for a full coin collection? A. Not that I'm aware of. It's just for fun. Q. You mention an easy money trick. What is it? A. It's a simple little tactic that you can use as soon as SCh1 when you come back to Luca. Simply challenge the practice guy's Core Sphere and use the Helm (value 1) coin to collect every single power-up without hitting a Core Break or any penalty power-up. Then finish off the Core Break with the other entry coins, which should be easy if you have a 2 and a 3 as well. After a few games, you should be reaching 99 Coin Stock and a value of over 500 Gil. If you sell off 50 every time you hit the 99 limit, you'll receive 50x500 (or whatever value) Gil - or ~25000 Gil. And it'll increase with the more time you're willing to put in. Once you start selling them for 2000 each, you'll be raking in the dough. Later on, you may wish to start using the #42 Dinictus (Value 1, Coin Haul x2) coin instead of the Helm coin because the "Coin Haul x2" trait will increase the coin amount quicker. Of course, it's just as easy to get cash by using CONGRATS! on every enemy you meet with the Lady Luck DS. Credits ------- GameFAQs.com - For giving me money that one time. Split Infinity - For his Bikanel Desert guide with the Coins you can find. Saved me a lot of time. EChang - For telling me about the White Signet GG in his Garment Grid FAQ. [Your name here?] - For helpful advice, or any definite range/list of every Core Sphere's available coins/items. Especially the Rare Items, get cracking people. Dan Engel (FL) - Just a shout out to my fellow NCN alumni. He also helped me find some Super Missiles with those handy maps of his. Square-Enix - For making a decent sequel. Or at least one good enough to eat away at my precious time.. Send all e-mails to mentofaq@hotmail.com A Mentobahamut FAQ (c).