FINAL FANTASY X-2 EPISODE COMPLETE GUIDE by Edward Chang ( (v1.0, 4-22-03) Version History v1.0 (4-22-03) First version. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Episode Complete by Region --Besaid --Kirika --Luca --Mihen Highroad --Mushroom Rock Road --Djose --Moonflow --Guadosalam --Thunder Plains --Macalania --Bikanel --Bevelle --Calm Lands --Mt. Gagazet --Zanarkand Ruins 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION This is an "Episode Complete" Guide for the recent Square RPG Final Fantasy X-2. It lists all the steps that you need to take in order to get "Episode Complete" status in each region once you reach Story Level 5. Episode Complete basically means that throughout the course of the game you've done everything you should have done in that area. If you miss some steps, rather than Episode Complete you'll only get "Episode End" status. Getting Episode Complete contributes to your Story Completion % in many cases. However, just getting Episode Complete in every region is not sufficient to get 100%. It may also be possible to get 100% without getting Episode Complete everywhere. The main perk of getting Episode Complete status everywhere is that upon finishing the last Episode Complete, upon returning to the airship Aniki (AKA Brother) will give you the last Dress, Mascot, a ridiculously powerful dress. This FAQ was written drawn on several Japanese sites (see Credits) and my own personal experience. It may not be totally accurate. You may be able to skip some steps in this guide and still get 100%. However do so at your own risk. 2. EPISODE COMPLETE BY REGION In Story Level 4, you will have the opportunity to view the Communication Spheres that Shinra laid out in the areas listed in Story Level 3. If you do not visit an area, you won't be able to view the Spheres since there won't be one there! Thus, make sure you visit all the places listed below in SL 3. Once you're in SL 4, there are three distinct "phases" as to what you can see in them. The first phase is immediately after talking to Paine on the deck of the ship. The second phase is right after deciding to have the concert (i.e., the Active Link at Moonflow appears). The third and final phase is after clearing that Active Link. To be sure, you should view each Sphere multiple times until there is no change in each of those phases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BESAID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Simply clear the Active Link here (finding Wakka and getting the Sphere). STORY LEVEL TWO Visit here and meet Bechram. He'll challenge you to Gun Shooting. You do NOT have to finish this mission in order to get Episode Complete; however you do have to meet Bechram, and you should try Gun Shooting at least once just to be sure. STORY LEVEL THREE Simply clear the Active Link (defeating the monsters in the temple). STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Wakka will tell you not to worry. Phase 2: View it multiple times until Bechram shows up. Phase 3: View it until the Aurochs have "interviewed" Wakka twice. STORY LEVEL FIVE Visit the village, see off Bechram at the beach/port, then stay at Lulu's place until nighttime. This will end with Wakka and Lulu holding a miniature party of sorts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KIRIKA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Before clearing Besaid and Zanarkand Active Links, visit here and see the fight between Dona and Barthello. Then after clearing those Active Links, another Active Link will show up here. Clear it. STORY LEVEL TWO None. If you join the Shin Ebon-tou you won't be able to get in anyway. STORY LEVEL THREE There's an Active Link here again (clearing out the monsters from the temple). Finish it. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Dona will tell you about the village. Phase 2: View twice (Dona should be talking to herself the second time, saying "Apologize, Barthello...") Phase 3: View until Dona puts the sphere on a balloon. Then, view at the temple until Barthello breaks the sphere. STORY LEVEL FIVE Clear the Active Link at Kirika. There should be an event with Dona and Barthello reuniting. This will get you Episode Complete as well as the Result Plate "Skilled Techniques". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LUCA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Clear the mission here (handing out balloons, Yuna flashback). Then afterwards, visit Luca again and find Rin in the locker rooms; talk to him. STORY LEVEL TWO Visit here to get interviewed by Shelinda. It doesn't matter how you answer. STORY LEVEL THREE Participate in the Sphere Break tournament here. You don't have to win. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: View until the sphere fails to connect anymore (should fail on the fourth time.) Phase 3: See Shelinda talking. STORY LEVEL FIVE Visit the balcony near the save point near the stairs leading up to Mihen Highroad. This should trigger an event with a magical moogle. Chase the moogle throughout town until you clear the mission. This should get you Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MIHEN HIGHROAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Nothing in particular. STORY LEVEL TWO Clear the Chocobo-catching mission here using the hovercraft (once you reach the southern most part of Mihen Highroad and the chocobo jumps over you and heads north again, head towards the man near the hovercraft at the southwest. Talk to him twice and pick the first option.) Afterwards, return here again and take Hikuri onto your airship. STORY LEVEL THREE Complete the mission (stopping the rampaging machines) here. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: Assist Rin in his investigation. Get either Rikku, Hikuri, or the Chocobo Eater to be the culprit. If you fail, try viewing the spheres in a different order. Reportedly, viewing the spheres as 1-3-2-5-4-5-2-1-4-2-1 will get Rikku to be the culprit. Phase 3: Nothing. STORY LEVEL 5 Visit here to find out the results of Rin's investigation. Getting either Rikku, Hikuri, or the Chocobo Eater to be the culprit will get you Episode Complete status. If you get Rikku to be the culprit, Rin will also give you the Ragnarok accessory (MP consumption = 0). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL 1 Finish the mission here (reaching the Youth Alliance base). Afterwards Maechen will appear. Let him talk until he finishes without choosing anything. If it's your second time through, he'll ask to let him shake your hand; let him. Return to the airship then come back here. Find Clasko looking out over the ocean near the exit to Mihen Highroad and take him aboard the airship. STORY LEVEL 2 If you chose to join with the Youth Alliance, visit the base here and view the reception event. If you chose to join with the New Ebon Church, clear the mission here (defeating enemies until you reach the elevator). STORY LEVEL 3 Visit here to find out that Nooj disappeared from Lutil. STORY LEVEL 4 View the Communication Sphere. If you joined the Youth Alliance: Phase 1: See Gatta talking about how unstable Bevelle is. Phase 2: View the sphere at least five times. Phase 3: View the sphere until the soldiers disappear. If you joined the New Ebon Church: Phase 1: The sphere will be in the middle of the ocean. Phase 2: - Phase 3: - STORY LEVEL 5 If you joined the Youth Alliance: Take the mission here (fighting tournament). Clear it to get Episode Complete. If you joined the New Ebon Church: See the event with Gatta to get Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DJOSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Get an interview with Gipple. Follow him out to the bridge and get the letter of introduction from him (to take to Bikanel). STORY LEVEL TWO Clear the mission here (getting the battle uniform). STORY LEVEL THREE Before the Active Link appears here, visit here to see an event with Gipple. After the Active Link appears, clear the mission. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: View until the sphere is stolen. Phase 3: - STORY LEVEL FIVE Once you've excavated enough parts from Bikanel Island to raise the Experiment here to the highest possible level, defeat it to get Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MOONFLOW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Clear the mission here. It doesn't matter if you accept it from Toberi at the Moonflow or from the Hypello at the beginning of Djose road. STORY LEVEL TWO Clear the mission here (selling tickets). STORY LEVEL THREE See the event with Toberi here. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect Phase 2: View until the Hypello stops talking to you. Phase 3: View until the sphere gets broken. Also clear the Mission here (finding Toberi). STORY LEVEL FIVE View the concert here to get Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GUADOSALAM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Visit here. View Yuna's introspection event near the entrance to the Farplane. STORY LEVEL TWO Clear the mission here (infiltrating Le Blanc's mansion). STORY LEVEL THREE Visit the mansion again and talk to Sano and Uno. Go to their room and accept the spheres they give you. Then search the corner of their room for another sphere. Maechen will appear. Talk to him until he leaves. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: View until there are no changes. Phase 3: View until you see the male and female guards talking. STORY LEVEL FIVE Visit here and talk to Tromell to get Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THUNDER PLAINS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE When visiting Zanarkand and finding Cid, tell him you have a big problem with what he's doing (second choice IIRC). STORY LEVEL TWO Cid will be here. Talk to him. STORY LEVEL THREE Talk to Cid again. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: Chocobo event. Phase 3: - Also finish the Yuna's Concert event here. STORY LEVEL FIVE Finish the mission here (clearing out the monsters). A cave will then appear, find Cid to get Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MACALANIA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Find Tromell near one of the springs, talk to him repeatedly until he gives you Paine's Special Dress. Also go to the Travel Agency here to see an event with O'aka, finish the mission and then take him onto your airship. STORY LEVEL TWO Accept the find-the-musicians quest from the Hypello. Clear it. Also clear off O'aka's debts by buying 100,000 gil worth of stuff from him on the airship. STORY LEVEL THREE Visit the Travel Agency and finish the mission (exterminating the monsters). Afterwards see the event with O'aka. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Spheres. There are two, one in the woods and one by the Travel Agency. Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: Woods: See the Musician talking. Travel Agency: View until Wantz shows up. Phase 3: Woods: See the Musician talking. Travel Agency: View until the Hypello shows up. STORY LEVEL FIVE Visit the spring here to see Yuna's flashback. That will get you Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIKANEL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Get the letter of introduction from Gipple in Djose, then give it to Nadara here and clear the Excavation mission. STORY LEVEL TWO Clear the mission (finding a battle uniform). STORY LEVEL THREE Nothing in particular. (You can start the Find the Cactuars Mission if you want to, but you don't have to yet.) STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Spheres: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: See Nadara talking. Phase 3: See Nadara talking. STORY LEVEL FIVE Finish the Find the Cactuars Mission and defeat the boss Anra Manyu for Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEVELLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Meet with Baralai here. STORY LEVEL TWO Finish the Active Link at the end of this Story Level. STORY LEVEL THREE Once the Djose Active Link shows up, visit the part where SL2 finished again to see an event with Nooj, Baralai, and Gipple. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: If you joined the Youth Alliance: Phase 1: See Maroda talking. Phase 2: Sphere is destroyed. Phase 3: - If you joined the New Ebon Church: Phase 1: See Maroda talking. Phase 2: - Phase 3: - STORY LEVEL FIVE Talk to Maroda. See Isaaru coming back from Zanarkand to get Episode Complete. (See Zanarkand section for details). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALM LANDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Start the PR Mission with either company here. You can also start the Bride- finding Mission but it's not necessary. STORY LEVEL TWO After picking up Clasko from Mushroom Rock Road in SL 1, take him hear. Follow him to the former Monster Arena and clear the mission. STORY LEVEL THREE Clear the mission here (at the Cave of the Stolen Fayth). STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Spheres. There are two, one in the merchant area and one in the Chocobo Stables. Merchant Area: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: See several non-talking events. Phase 3: - Chocobo Stables: Phase 1: Won't connect Phase 2: View until the chocobo kicks Clasko. Phase 3: - STORY LEVEL FIVE Finish the PR Mission to get Episode Complete. You will have to have accumulated at least 400 points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MT. GAGAZET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Visit Kimahri. Answer all the Ronso's questions. (Supposedly, picking the first option for the female next to Kimahri and the second option for everybody else is the best way to go.) STORY LEVEL TWO Visit Kimahri again. Answer all the questions. Then visit the Calm Lands to find Rian and Eid (they'll run off). STORY LEVEL THREE Visit the Thunder Plains and find Rian and Eid again. It doesn't matter where you send them. Then go to Mt. Gagazet and finish the mission (stopping Garick). STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Spheres. There are two, one at the entrance and one by the hot springs. Entrance: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: See Kimahri talking. Phase 3: View until Garick talks for the second time. Hot Springs: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: View until you see Dona in the hot springs. Phase 3: - STORY LEVEL FIVE Visit Kimahri here again. See Rian and Eid returning, then climb the mountain to see the event with Kimahri and Garick for Episode Complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ZANARKAND RUINS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ STORY LEVEL ONE Clear the Active Link here. STORY LEVEL TWO Pair up all the monkeys. See another FAQ for details. STORY LEVEL THREE You can finish the monkey mission here if you haven't already. Visit Isaaru inside and talk to him. STORY LEVEL FOUR View the Communication Sphere: Phase 1: Won't connect. Phase 2: - Phase 3: View until Isaaru stops talking. STORY LEVEL FIVE Visit here. Maechen should show up. Talk to him to get Episode Complete. 3. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. I can't get the Mascot! A. Apparently if you wait to do the Zanarkand Episode Complete as the last one, you'll have trouble getting it. This is because most missions automatically return you to the airship (and that's when Aniki gives it to you), but Zanarkand doesn't. Thus, avoid doing Zanarkand last. If you did do it last, try to do some other mission that automatically returns you to the airship. Q. I followed the directions and still can't get Episode Complete. A. Keep in mind that some of the areas are interconnected. For instance, to get Episode Complete for Bevelle, you must view the Communication Sphere in Zanarkand multiple times. Since it's too much of a headache to try to split each section up, just aim for getting Episode Complete in every section at once rather than focusing on one area at a time. 4. CREDITS Squaresoft for finally making a real sequel. These Japanese websites for much of the information in this guide: This FAQ Copyright 2003 to Edward Chang. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.