Final Fantasy X-2 US version Walkthrough By Christopher Speight AKA Paradisio Version: 1.0 This guide does contain spoilers, use at your own risk. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Walkthrough 2. FAQs (Frequently asked questions) 3. Shinra's Bestiary 4. Shinra's Dossiers 5. Dress Spheres or Dresspheres 6. Blitzball 7. The Chocobo Secret Dungeon 8. Version History 9. Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------- -1. WALKTHROUGH-WALKTHROUGH-WALKTHROUGH-WALKTHROUGH-WALKTHROUGH- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Kouli for letting me use some information from his guide. Note: Do as much as possible if you are trying to go for 100% The Beginning ---------------------- The game starts in Luca with a beautiful cut scene/music video... Ignore the fact that I thought Rikku looked like Britney Spears for a moment. And FYI the Japanese version of the song sounds much better. The song is called Real Emotion. After a while Yuna's imposter will engage you. Just wail on the impersonator and company till they die. All Yuna will do is cast Thunder. If you want to make it faster, steal grenades from the goons and bomb them to hell. Luca Docks ---------------------- Enemies: Goons and She-Goons Bosses: Logos, Ormi, and Leblanc Percent: Hit the healing moogle and finish the mission You now have player control. You can access the menu now and change options. If you are a fan of the older battle systems just put it on wait. Everything else should be self-explanatory. NOTE: You cannot change jobs at this time Groups of men will run at you and engage in battle. They are simple enough. Continue to the next area. The battles will be a little different, but don't fret. The enemies are just pathetic. There is a healing device on this dock as well, it is a curled up moogle, make sure to use it if you are going for one hundred percent game completion, you will find out more about it later in chapter one. At dock 3 you run into some unfriendly fellows and run off, and then the real Yuna joins you in another cool FMV. Yu-Ri-Pa! Beat down the imposter's goons; they are easy, basic attacks will take them down quickly. Steal Logo's glasses and Ormi's Iron Bangle. Then the imposter shows up, they blabber about garment grids and then the imposter is revealed. You now gain the ability to change costumes or jobs for you fans of previous FF games. You engage with the 2 previous fellows and the revealed imposter. The imposters name is Leblanc... Just follow the instructions to win. (Change jobs with Yuna, use darkness dance and beat down.) Make sure to steal a silver bracer from Leblanc as well. You will encounter those three a few times, the typical rivals. Mission Complete! Celsius -------- Percent: Talk to everyone! View the first sphere at Shinra's workstation and rest in the Cabin. You will now be on your sweet new ride, the Celsius. Brother will hit on Yuna with his funky Al Bhed style, which scares me to some degree. There is a guy named Shinra (yes, SHINRA) on the right hand side, he is a little hard to see. Talk to him to learn about stuff. (It is supposedly said that Spira and the world of FF7 are related, and possibly this Shinra is an ancestor of the Shinra in FF7, but it really is unconfirmed and speculation mostly.) I would speak to him if you are new to the series, and even if you are, he has info about new features in X-2 such as oversoul. Make sure to watch the garment grid tutorial for the Vanguard Garment Grid. I highly recommend you talk to him and watch the sphere (under treasure spheres) that started the whole adventure (you think they would have played it for you automatically.) You can "talk" to Paine to learn some info on her since she is one of the three main characters, who just isn't introduced very well in my opinion. You will also hear Gullwings a few times, that is your group, who hunt Spheres (video spheres, like the Jecht spheres from X.) In the back is a save sphere, it'll tell you about some things the save sphere does. Now take the elevator to the Cabin area, make sure to talk to barkeep to learn some information about him as well. Now go and take the elevator to the Engine Room (vroom!) There are some chests by the huge machinery. Remedy 3x Ether Phoenix Down 4x And Potion 4x (I put the x after the number, get used to it) You can head to the deck for a pretty awesome view of the ship. Afterwards, head back to the bridge. Speak to the guy on the left for some back info and an Al Bhed Primer XXI. Then speak to Rikku to learn the whole story on what is going on. (They are searching for spheres of Tidus.) Speak with Brother (the ship pilot) to learn more about the Al Bhed language. You also get Al Bhed Primer XIX, III, and XVII. Go to the cabin and rest. After you exit the bar area, you should know what to do next, to the bridge! Might want to save on your way. Mt. Gagazet ---------------------- Enemies: Recoil, Goon, Yellow Elemental, Divebeak, She-Goon, Ahriman, and Bomb Bosses: Logos, Ormi, Leblanc, and Boris Percent: Beat the Syndicate to the top and finish the mission. Comfort brother when you get back to the airship. Yuna will lose her balance, and Rikku will make up some new words. You will be instructed how to use the new jump/climb system, I find it best just to hold circle down... I am lazy. In the next area FALL down to get the yellow ring in the chest, not pushing circle lets you go to new areas occasionally. You can equip this in the menu now to half lightning damage to one character.... They don't have weapons in this game if you didn't get that yet. Go down and save if you wish. Push the glaringly obvious button to start the lift... Go down the Cliffside and head to the left to pick up an elixir. Then continue to head up. Yuna's darkness dance make random battles a piece of cake, it blinds them all, and most of the monsters I encountered were pretty much physical attackers. At the top you run into your friends.... I shall refer to them as the ugly triplets occasionally, and if you care their names are... I recommend robbing them blind after using darkness dance to get some new items. Logos gave me a white cape. Leblanc give me a Tiara And Ormi gave me gauntlets. Afterwards your opponents will flee and you must get to the top in six minutes to beat them... Trust me, it is just funnier to beat them first and you get an extra item. Go to the very end to get a Mega Phoenix. Climb up the pillar and fall to the next level (don't climb to the very top level, there is no point.) Then jump across the divide. Some friends will drop in to say hi, and then head off once again. Go inside, climb up to the left and right and touch the shiny objects to make something happen... Head straight and then take your first right. Just keep going down the path and collect the red ring, then go back to the fork and head the only way left. Hurry up! Keep going along the path to the outdoors, then head northwest to continue. Fatty will give you a warm welcome and then continue. Keep heading up... I don't know how to get to that chest so don't ask me... Go to the back of the cliff to get a Star Pendant. Then ascend up again. Just go as fast as you can and you should make it. If you make it then the other crew will be hanging around, literally, you can't help them so don't worry. Open the chest for the muscle belt; it is pretty nice so I would equip it on your warrior if you are using one. Then, save and continue up. Boris the crab greets you; yes his name really is Boris... Simple attacks works fine, just heal as needed and hit him down with the melee attacks until he falls into the frying pan. He only has a remedy to steal, so take it if you feel the need. He is very easy. Yuna and Co. find a new sphere and Leblanc and Co make fun of them... they are just jealous. Head back outside to get a lift. Brother went to save Yuna and got injured and Shinra will analyze the new sphere. Comfort brother and he will try to make a move on Yuna before Rikku stops him... (Comforting brother is required for 100%) Talk to Shinra to watch the sphere... It appears to be Zanarkand and some other stuff happens which you and I probably don't understand at all at the moment. Shinra converts it to a dressphere since they can't do anything else with it; you now get the Black Mage costume/job. The alarm sounds, sounds like a new mission is brewing! This is the first time where you actually have a choice to get one way or another. I took this opportunity to explore a bit Luca ----------- Percent: Speak to Rin and finish the mission, "Behind the Scenes." Go to Mi'ihen Highroad to view another introduction scene. As you enter, just like most areas you will see a little scene. Now you must find what really happened with the concert. Don't ask me why she wore a moogle outfit of all things... Talk to everyone and head down the stairway into the main plaza. Talk to the guy by the stand, and he will act weird and make you promote the concert, now hand out balloons. Make sure to talk to the guys behind the glass... For handing all ten out you get the healing wind garment grid. Since a couple people seem to have trouble with this, here are the locations of all ten people inside the plaza: 1. Lady by cart. 2. Child in front of monument 3. Guy in brown on bench on left side. 4. Guy on bench next to five 5. Girl on bench next to four 6. Monk by static televisions 7. Other guy by static televisions 8. Guy behind glass 9. Other Guy behind glass 10. Guy at back of area guarding café. After a few more scenes about the very first game mission it is mission complete for "Behind the Scenes." Go back to stadium area and go to the rest area on the right to meet with Rin. He will talk to you about the sphere break game that you can play a bit later. I also got an Al Bhed Primer XXII from this. Go check out the Mi'ihen high road to see another sequence, you can now travel it via hovercraft by talking to the guys by the swamp boat looking things. Next head to the Moonflow... Moonflow ------------------ Percent: Finish the escort quest (Shave the Hypello?) without losing any of the suitcases. Speak with midget, Tobli to learn about his show and he will ask you to help him. Head south from Tobli and exit the area. Continue along the path and eventually you will find him; he is the blue fellow that is complaining by the chocobo. You must escort him, try not to lose any, or you shall suffer the consequences if you are trying to get a 100% save file. Just chase after them after they take a package and then slaughter them. They are very easy; they should go down in a couple of hits each. That was easy enough wasn't it? Tobli then hands over the Gun Mage dress sphere, spiffy. He also gives you the Circlet accessory and the Helios Guard garment grid. Mission Complete! Guadosalam ------------------ Percent: Enter the area and go to the top area and view the farplane cut scene as well. Go to Guadosalam to see the usual sequence about the past events. No more Guado in Guadosalam... Leblanc's syndicate headquarters is also located here, we will come back later for that part. Go to the top area and try to go into the area to learn about the farplane. Thunder Plains -------------------- Percent: Enter the area Go to the bottom left exit to be in the Thunder Plains, scary place indeed. After that, head back to your ship. Djose Temple -------------------- Percent: Get the introduction letter from Gippal Go to Djose Temple and talk to people until the line clears up and go inside. Tell the guy at the front you want to dig and then head inside the temple. You will get an Al Bhed Primer IV after talking to him. Then head outside the temple and south a bit and talk to him again. He will hire you on the spot, he will give you a letter of introduction, but we will deal with that a bit later, for now head back to the Celsius. Bevelle ----------------- Percent: Talk to Baralai Now head to Bevelle to see the usual sequence and keep heading north and enter the large complex and follow the path around and you will meet the new religious leader, Baralai. You will run into him more later on in the game, I don't know why they would make a major religion based upon an evil god who killed thousands of people... Now head inside and ride the lift up and speak to him again to get the Tiara accessory. Now head back to the Celsius to continue to another area. Macalania Woods ------------------------- Percent: Encounter Bayra near entrance, speak to the two musicians who disappear, get Full Throttle by speaking to Tromell (4 times), get O'aka onboard your ship and speak to him on your ship, and pay off his debt by chapter 3. Blue Magic: You can absorb and mighty guard from the Haizhe, to learn mighty guard you must confuse the opponent. After a few steps you will run into Bayra who will travel up the crystal path. Take the very right path and past the next screen and head south and speak to Donga. He certainly has an interesting accent. Now head back to the split off by the save sphere and take the path next to the crystal path. Just follow the path it isn't complicated one bit. There are a few chests along the way to grab, but they are not anything special enough for me to note except a white ring. Talk with the guy with the horns, Pukutak and he will wander off. In the last area you will see three way to go, the first right exit goes to the crystal path, so take the second right exit for now. Go to the end to find Tromell Guado, talk to him four times, he will be awfully surprised at your new profession and he hands you Paine's special dress sphere, Full Throttle and the Unerring path garment grid. Afterwards he will be gone... Never to be seen or heard from again! Now head out and take the top exit to exit the woods. Head forward to hear some Al Bhed and gain Al Bhed Primer XVI. Talk to O'aka and he will run away. Now you must find him in the woods! Go south and follow the path and he will be hiding behind a tree. Continue on to the next area. Just run after him as fast as you can now. Now back at the save area go to the right hand side and he will run off again, after him! Past the next area and go north and talk to the guy here a few times to find O'aka. After you get him down, talk to him and let him stay on your ship. You will get the Ice Queen garment grid for letting him stay as well. You are all done here. Back on the Celsius head to the cabin area and talk to O'aka the twenty-third, he has a formidable debt of 100,000 gil... You will have to buy that much off of him; at least you aren't giving it to him like last game... Here is how I paid off his debt and got enough cash for the 900,000-item key in Besaid. Now go to Luca Stadium and enter the left area you will see a midget guy, talk to him to learn how to play sphere break and get coins... Basically combine numbers to get what is in the center while using as many as the outer rim coins as possible (in this case 20) after you use the outer rim coins they wont regenerate for a couple turns so be careful. Now pick one of your coins, doesn't really matter, which, you will collect, bunches of copies of this coin, up the value and then sell it. Ok now, on to how to do that. Select your coin and 3 others when starting the game select that coin and then grab as many good outer rim coins as possible (+gil +coin(s) and Coin.) It should be obvious what this does, do not grab - gil coins if possible. You can also use the inner coins, so don't forget. If you lose the game you don't get anything so be very careful. After your coin is worth about 300-400 (or you can max out, which I hear is around 500) sell the coins to the same guy, but make sure you keep a couple just in case you go on a losing spree or something. You probably have a large collection (not sure what max is) and keep doing this over and over until you have 100,000 or a tad less (if your going with a tad less, just sell what you buy from him). Now go back to him and buy a bunch of overpriced items until his debt is 0. Now... He will stay on your airship for a while (I THINK he leaves in 3) he will sell items dirt-cheap... And you know what, you can sell the items for a considerable gain to barkeep about 3 steps away... I recommend just buying/selling Hi-Potion, Phoenix Downs, and Holy Water. Repeat until you have 900,000. Mt Gagazet ---------------- Percent: Enter area Head to Mt Gagazet now, now will see an interesting development with Kimari; he is the Ronso elder now. Then talk to everyone and head back to the ship. Choose the middle option when you speak to Garik. Then speak to Kimari a couple of times and pick the middle option as well. Talk to the others as well; just tell them what they want to hear. There is one more guy to talk to in the fayth scar, but I don't think these events are very important anyways. Mushroom Rock Road --------------------------------- Percent: Speak to Clasko before doing the mission, Fight Ormi and Logos and receive sphere, speak to the guard of den of woe after Ormi/Logos, Speak to Maroda and Elma, Complete the mission, speak with Lucil twice, talk to Maechen and don't interrupt him (shake his hand,) view the sphere you just received, get Clasko onboard ship and speak to him on the ship. Head north to see Leblanc's guys. Talk to Yaibal and Clasko ahead, don't play yet, instead talk to Clasko. Then run the gauntlet. Basically when it gets dark more fiends will attack, so stop moving if you want to avoid them. Run after the two guys when you see them and hop down. Save when you get to the save sphere and head inside the Cliffside to find the goons. You get a Crimson Sphere 9 with no effort. Examine the doorway and it will glow but that is about it. As you leave you will meet with Maroda, he was a Guardian in the previous game, talk to him a couple of times afterwards just to be sure you get the percent. Go back outside and board the airship; we will continue the mission in a bit. Once onboard speak to Shinra and watch Crimson Report 1 under treasure spheres. Looks like a failed training exercise or something. Anyways, head back to Mushroom Rock Road to continue the mission, don't jump down this time, and instead continue along the top portion. At the end, of the first section, ride the lift to the top area. By the elevator you will run into Elma and the mission will be complete. You also get the Heart of Flame garment grid for completing this mission. Head south and pick up the Favorite Outfit accessory from the treasure chest. Then get on the elevator and head up; you will now be in Youth League headquarters. Head up to the large building and speak with Lucil, who was a leader of a group of knights in the previous game. Talk to her a couple of times until she has nothing else to say. Maechen will appear, so talk to him and he will run to the right, so go talk to him again. Listen to his story, and DO NOT SELECT ANYTHING. If you do, you won't get 100%, if you accidentally do, you can start over. At the end of his story make sure to shake his hand. Now go back to your ship and go back to the road yet again. On the east side by Shore you should see Clasko, talk to him. Allow him to ride your ship, now go back to the cabin area on your ship and talk to him. Bikanel Desert ------------------- Percent: Complete the first digging mission Follow Rikku, seems you are lost in the vast desert island and that can't be good. Some Al Bhed will find you and take you back to there little town area. You will get Al Bhed Primer XXIII. Might be a good time to save as well. Go over by Paine and Rikku to see another cut scene, looks like you won't be leaving so easily. Speak to the guys by the hover and Nhadala will arrive. Speak to her and give her the letter and you will be given a mission, Can you dig it? Save first and then talk to the hover driver. Dig up as many as possible and head back to the hover before the time runs out or you will fail. After you dig up the mission item go back to the hover and you will get a whole 100 gil for getting the item. Then you get the still of night garment grid. You can leave or you can dig more, it is your choice. Time to head to the Calm Lands Calm Lands ---------------- Percent: Enter area and begin PR and Marriage missions When you enter go to the little shop in the center of the area. Talk to the guy on the right to start the marriage mission. Go northeast, here you can sign up to do a public relations campaign, check the PR FAQ on gamefaqs for additional information on this, it is pretty complicated. Kilika Island ----------------- Percent: Speak to Dona First, head around town and collect all the chests. In the first area go around to the right hand side and talk to the lady in blue near the monkey... There are several monkeys in the forest but we will do that later, since we can't leave the city right now. Now head to the second area and go to the Southwest house and speak with Dona. Make sure to hit the chest upstairs for some nice gil, and then head back to your ship. We are done with the side quests for now. Zanarkand seems a bit dangerous so let us go to Besaid Island. Besaid Island ---------------------- Besaid Cave Monsters: Sahagin, Sallet, and Coeurl Besaid Monsters: Purpurea, Coyote, Flan Azul, and Iron Giant Bosses: Flame Dragon Blue Magic: You can learn the blue magic, Blaster and White Highwind from the Coeurl; to learn White Highwind you must confuse them first. Percent: Complete the mission to find Wakka NOTE: DO NOT CHECK BESAID ITEM SHOP RARE FINDS Continue to Besaid Village, you should be able to see it from where you come in. An old friend will greet you, Wakka. They will talk for a while. If you played the first one, you will notice the crusaders lodge appears to have turned into the Aurochs headquarters. Stop by the middle tent on the right side to run into Lulu. She hasn't changed one bit... She really doesn't like very pregnant to me... Anyways, go back to Lulu's place and spend the night. Go outside and speak to Lulu. Uh-oh mission time! Talk to EVERYONE in the village... I gathered these clues... Number on the praying stone on the hill Atop the shattered pillars peak, you will find the final clue... The cipher easiest to see is first... Some contraption by where the road forks, before the beach. Ciphers by shore are number 2 and 3 of 4. Four Ciphers Numbers hidden on the island Check out ruins Ruins to the left of beach Crumbling pillar by shore Sounds like a combination lock to me. Time to investigate! I am unsure if these numbers are random or not for each game so please just try to follow along. Head out of town and continue until you reach a split off, you should see a purple thing on your map, which is the praying stone. It gave me the number 4... Now gathering from the clues... The first is the easiest to see... so I am going to assume for now it is 4... So 4*** is what we have for now. Can't go west for some reason so head north. Climb the very first pillar and inspect the sparkly to get another number, I got 5 this time... This pillar seems pretty shattered... 4**5 Continue on to the next area and the next area... You should see a door quite easily; I don't remember that from the first game.... Head south. Hmm, something's up on the ship it seems, just ignore it for now. Head over to the side by the docks and climb the wall by the net to reach the next number, 0. This pillar looks like it is in decent condition. Go back near the beach entrance and you should see the last purple map marker. You should see some kids so climb up by them. Last number is 5. This could also qualify as shattered.... But it is by the shore so we have 2 combinations... 4055 or 4505... Head back to the doorway. 4055 worked for me. Head inside to find Wakka. Considering what was said earlier, maybe it could be a sphere of his parents... Time to check it out... If you check behind Wakka you will find another place to enter a code, you know what that means... Must find more numbers laget! Go left at the first split to get a chest, and then continue heading north. I am beginning to find the jumping moronic, considering you can't fall to your death... At the end you find a sphere and the fiends appear! Obviously someone doesn't want you to have his or her goodies, and that someone is a Flame Dragon. Use water based attacks if you have any and lay waste to him... His flame breath is pretty nasty, so make sure to have about 180 health on characters at all times. Might be a good time to use Black Mage. Your hardest fight yet by far. Flame Dragon Dragon Type 980 HP 84 HP Immune to gravity magic Weak vs. Ice Magic Strong vs. Fire Magic Immune: Sleep, Silence, Confusion, Curse, Stop, KO, and Petrification Get a new sphere and the white mage job! Now you can have a specialized healer. Looks like we won't have to put in another code here, but I have a feeling it is part of a side quest. Head back to Wakka. It appears to be a sphere of Besaid Island and quite boring indeed... It shows some treasures we will have to go back for later... And you get a Besaid Sphere. After finishing the mission I also received a Protection Halo. THE SECOND CIPHERS ---------------------------------- I was unsure where to put this so here sounds fine. Once you have 900,000 go to the item shop in Besaid and look under rare finds DO NOT LOOK UNLESS YOU ARE GOING TO BUY! If you look and don't buy there is a good chance it will be gone forever. Note that there is supposedly a secondary free way to get this item. Once you buy it you will have the Besaid key that unlocks the chest in Besaid Temple (go into main rooms not Cloister.) You will then get the search sphere; this allows you to find codes for the second cipher. Afterwards go talk to the guy in the other side room to hear some info. Basically hold down circle to dig up some kind of comm. Sphere. The first one is in town on the side path by the destroyed hut; I found what looked like a shiny sphere with the number 3 on it on a building Head out of town now, I found the next one to the left of the save sphere. I saw a shiny sphere that had a 6 on it on the cliff, now head into the next area. Now head north and through the next area is well, ignore your radar it is wrong. Now follow the fence here until your radar starts flashing as usually. This one is a bit tricky to spot, I saw it by the waterfall and it had the number 8. Now head along the path and go east at the split off. It is in the left hand corner this time. The last sphere is in a tree sticking out from the rest, it showed me the number 6, now head back into the cave. You enter the codes into the panel on the right hand side as you enter. And enter them in which the order we went via this guide and it should open. The path is very straightforward, when you reach outside just keep heading left and grab the chest for the Raging Giant Garment grid. Now we are done, enjoy your new grid. Zanarkand ---------------------- Monsters: Behemoth, Gecko, White Elemental, Mr. Goon, Ms. Goon, Nashorn and Flak Python Bosses: Percent: Complete the mission and make sure to scold Cid when you talk to him. Seems the old hangout has become a tourist attraction, sad.... Go up onto the right hill to meet another old summoner friend. Continue into the ruins after you get done blabbering with everyone. Some kid hunters will talk about a clue called 'key' or something.... Continue on. Follow the path.... And don't touch the monkey. Random battles are pretty tough now so be careful. Eventually the kids will talk to you. Surprisingly Pacce was a guardian. Just keep going, on the path. You will run into a guy saying the clue is 'mon.' Key, Mon? MONKEY! Unfortunately you must kill this helpful fellow, anyways, continue on. Collect the chests and talk with the other similar looking guy. Just continue on, there are a few optional fights. Eventually you will be in the cloister of trials; thankfully you don't have to do it again. In the last room talk to the monkeys, nothing likes some red-hot monkey loving.... Talk to both monkeys a couple of times... No more monkey love for you. Use the elevator to descend to the chamber of fayth. Save here. NOTE: We will deal with the monkeys later Go inside and talk to Cid and the gang. Make sure to get angry with Cid (You Bet I Do!) as it will affect the story. After Cid departs talk to the other fellow clad in yellow and the monkeys will roam about. Go to the back will to enter a new area. Open the chests for goodies. Go back to the last area up the stairs... A guy in a weird voice will ask you the password... Monkey of course... I answered Isaaru (the answer you need to get the grid).... And surprisingly it is... He is a weird fellow. He gave me the Heart Reborn garment grid. Go down the back stairs to find a new area. It is a straightforward path. At the end you will find a sphere and some company. In the words of Paine "Kick...Its... Ass." Guardian Beast Sacred Beast 2886 HP 1000 MP Weak: All Except Gravity Immune: Gravity Immune Status Ailments: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Poison, Curse, Stop, and Confusion He hits for around 150 damage, so stay healed up or he will make quick work of your characters if you are low level. He will use a similar attack that was used a couple of times in X where his fins emit powerful energy blasts that damage all characters so heal up quick afterwards. Just wail on him with regular attacks and he should go down fairly easily. Afterwards you gain the half-sphere and are automatically back onboard your vessel. Time to head for Kilika Island! Kilika Island --------------------- Monsters: League Fighter, Protochimera, Stalwart, Yevon Guard, Red Elemental, League Scout, and Death Dauber Bosses: YSLS-Zero Percent: Complete the mission and Speak to Dona if you hadn't done so previously Note: Make sure to go to the dock and talk to the camera guys and make sure to take a look. Just keep heading to the back of the area and another cut scene will take place... Keep heading to the back and you will be let through the gates and another scene will take place. You meet a guy who appears to be the leader of one of the new 'groups.' He looks pretty funky in my opinion. I am glad Ms Poopie and the rebellious squad is on the job. Now that you are in the forest you can find the monkies we talked about earlier, if you find all 13 you can go back to the lady in blue in Kilika in chapter 3 to get a grid. You can't visually see them so try to hear them and push X. Follow the path in the next area... Backtrack to the save sphere. Go to the right and guys will talk about the password, squirter or squatter monkey. Can't go to where that crowd is, so time to go left. Take the smaller path and go straight through the next intersection. At the next junction go north, take a peek to see what is going on ahead. Number of guards is odd than it is Carved Monkey, if number of guards at checkpoint is even then the password is Craven Monkey. Afterwards, go east, and the north. Remember to save before continuing. There were four, so I selected Craven Monkey. Keep giving passwords until you reach the top it is easy enough. They try to trick you so you will probably end up having to fight, but don't worry, because I have the answers for you! Group – Answer 1 - Craven 2 - Carved 3 - Craven 4 - Carved 5 (4 a second time) – Carved You get items as you go, if you answer them all you should get a Menace of the Deep Garment Grid. Looks like someone found the sphere, and someone else isn't very happy with that... Time to fight YSLS- Zero. YSLS-Zero 1935 HP 0 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, and Stop Steal: Mythril Gloves He hits for around 300, very ouch, keep chain healing. Just hit him as much as possible while staying in good health, pretty simple. Paine snatches up the sphere and CHAPTER 1 is COMPLETE! ------------------ -CHAPTER 2- ------------------ Percent: Rest in the cabin; Give the sphere to the Youth League NOTE: Treasure chests regenerated as you get to the next chapter! You should have 25% completion at this point. Speak to Shinra to watch a very interesting sphere. Brother will strike a pose and give you Al Bhed Primer XXII. He is very frightening. Now go to the Cabin area and you will see some very noisy fellows, go inside and rest. Now head back out and talk to the guys, your objective is to get all three of their butts into the elevator, just push them in from smallest to largest (short one, tall one, and then the fat one.) After they are all in, a horrible music show takes place, enjoy the sounds of you wanting to die. After the dream, head to the bridge to find even more arguing about the recently acquired sphere, decide on whom you want it to go to, it will affect things later in the game. I picked Youth League and it is supposedly the only choice to get 100%. New Yevon did just throw a huge robot after you... Now you automatically go to Youth League HQ and meet up with Nooj. Looks like the Colossus, Vegnagun in the sphere still exists in this time period, but you have to leave in a hurry as something appears to be wrong onboard the Celsius. Leblanc has robbed you; payback will be sweet indeed when you find her. Besaid Island ------------------ Percent: Beat Beclem's Challenge Now talk to the Blitz ball players, you must disprove Beclem by beating his shooting challenge. All you have to do is score at least 500 points... Just avoid getting hit and stay in the bridge area and then slaughter them. When you get to the end just fire death at the mech. For finishing his challenge you get the Enigma Plate Garment Grid. Kilika Island ------------------ Percent: Speak to Dona Can't really do anything here, but this is just for extra game percentage. After you talk to Dona, jump around and grab the treasure chests and then head back to the Celsius. Luca -------------- Percent: Do the interview with Shelinda Go to Luca and see Shelinda on a sphere camera. When she interviews you make sure you tell her the truth. For doing so you get the Covetous Garment Grid. Note, you can go to Luca Theater and buy movie spheres (FMV movies only) and Music spheres, Movie spheres run 2000 and music spheres run 1000 each. Now go back to the Celsius first and then head for... Thunder Plains -------------------- Percent: Speak to Cid, Calibrate at least five towers and attempt all of them If you talk to the guy by the first tower a few times you can help calibrate the towers. Calibrate at least 5 and attempt all 10 (one is hidden in second area by water) then go to the travel agency and talk to the guy to receive the Samurai's Honor Garment Grid. After a walking a bit you should see Cid, go over and talk to him. Mi'ihen Highroad ---------------------------- Percent: Get Clasko and the Girl (and the Chocobo!) on the Celsius and make sure to save the girl within the given time limit Go inside the travel agency to see they have stopped letting people ride chocobos, how very sad that children must lose the pleasure of picking on oversize pigeons. Afterwards head back outside and talk to the little girl, of course help her find a chocobo. Just follow Rikku... Don't listen to Rikku unless you want some additional items. Just go in the direction you think the chocobo will go and eventually you will catch it. Now it looks like your friend is in trouble, head north from the travel agency. If the Chocobo escapes just follow it around until it runs far off, talk to the hover driver to catch up to him. Looks like the Chocobo Eater is close, so Clasko will distract it with some chocobos and then you must run down there and engage it. You are given more than enough time. Chocobo Eater Eater 2350 HP 230 MP Weak vs. Fire Immune to Gravity Status Immunities: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Darkness, Poison, Confusion, Berserk, Curse, Stop, and Strength Down. He does cast, so put silence on him and then pummel him into chocobo feathers. For completing the mission, you also get the Selene Guard garment grid. Now, go right back to the Highroad. Go a bit north to see your two buds by the Chocobo, and of course, let them aboard your ship. No go back to the Celsius and head to the cabin area and talk to him, and he will act very scary "you've been a naughty chocobo." Now the Calm Lands will be a hot spot but we will deal with that later. Guadosalam ------------- Percent: Speak to Leblanc's guards outside of mansion... Percent says it all... Mushroom Rock Road -------------------- Percent: Get the Crimson Sphere from Nooj, Speak With Elma And Lucil, and watch the Crimson Sphere at Shinra. Enter the area where you run the Gauntlet previously to talk to Yaibal. Then head into the area and follow the path until Buddy pages you, now head down into the bottom section of the canyon. Just follow the path until you are back at the Den of Woe area. Once inside the Den of Woe, you will run into Nooj, you accept the mission to unlock the den of woe, and you receive crimson sphere seven as the down payment. Now head back to the top path and continue along. You can sneak past the Ochu if you want; I just took the opportunity to slaughter them. Once at the end of the road ride the lift up and then ride the elevator up the Youth League HQ. Yaibal has been spreading rumors about the Gullwings taking a large stance with the Youth League. Afterwards head back to the Celsius and view your new sphere. Moonflow ---------- Percent: Sell all ten of the tickets for Tobli's show Head east one screen and talk to Tobli, of course agree to help him. Here are the solutions to sell the tickets and get the most money: Save Sphere screen, lady in Yellow: 1500 gil Save sphere screen, guy on bench: 1000 gil Screen to left of save sphere screen, guy on bottom: 2000 gil Screen to left of save sphere screen, guy on stairs: 1500 gil Now ride the Shoopuf to the other side. Child, 2000 gil Lady by spinning device, 500 Next screen... Guard looking guy, 500 Lady on same screen, 2000 gil Next screen... First guy you come to on left, 1500 gil Guy by elderly woman before Guadosalam, 2000 gil Now you sold all ten and made 9500 gil in profit! Very nice job! You also get a bonus item, muscle belt and the Seething Cauldron garment grid for completing the task. Macalania Woods ---------------- Percent: Complete the mission to help find the musicians. Find a chocobo before chapter three ends, and encounter Lian Ronso And Ayde Ronso in the Calm Lands. Head up the regular path next to the crystal path and talk to the Hypello guy. Now you must locate the musicians and give them the letter. Keep heading along the same path until the split off area. Go to the second right and speak to the bird fellow, Bayra will attempt to summon his friends but they have turned into butterflies or something... The first two groups can be found here, but apparently they aren't the right guys... Must be mini clones... Anyways exit the area and go to the most southern exit. Follow the path and jump into the next circle and it will vanish... Odd... Continue along the path once more. Eventually you will be back at the save screen. Go the right-most path and go past the next screen and then go south to encounter another circle of butterflies. One of the fellows is now complete, exit the screen and go back to the save sphere. Now head up the crystal path to complete the second, and very Scottish sounding fellow. Now you are teleported to the tree screen so talk to Bayra for the mission to end and to receive the Haste Bangle. Now after boarding the Celsius head back to the woods and speak to the Hypello who gave you the mission for the Bitter Farwell garment grid. Calm Lands ----------- Percent: Complete the mission to cleanse the fiends from the old monster arena, When you enter the area Clasko disembarks, hopefully permanently. He scurries off to the old monster arena, choose to follow him. Help him cleanse the fiends. Basically you have to find the real fiends... Finding them is pretty random and if you screw up enough arrows will show up over their heads which makes it very easy, just look for the ones with the arrows pointing in a different direction then the rest of the fiends. After you defeat them all you must save Clasko from one last group. For completing this task you get the Alchemist Dress Sphere and the Highroad Winds Garment Grid as well. Now go back inside to learn about chocobos and get some greens, which you use to catch the little fellows. Go to the shop in the middle of the calm lands to encounter the missing Ronso pups. They scuttle away before you get a hold on them, oh well. Zanarkand ----------- Percent: Speak to Isaaru and help all the monkies fall in love. Keep heading through until you ruin into Isaaru. Now you must help the monkeys find their true love how sweet and yet disgusting. Now I am not sure if there location is random so I will just tell you who goes with whom. Find the monkey with the hearts first over its head and grab em. Then take them to their love. Birch = Sequoia (trees) Spring = Autumn (opposite seasons) Dusky = Dawne (dusk/dawn) Rosemary = Thyme (herbs) Terran = Skye (earth/sky) Minni = Maxx (miniature/maximum) Summer = Winter (opposite seasons) Peke = Valli (peaks and valleys) Canis = Felina (Dogs and Cats) Arroh = Quivrr (Arrow and Quiver) Golde = Sylva (Gold and Silver) Luna = Sol (Moon and Sun) After getting all the monkies together you get the Soul of Thamasa accessory. Djose Temple ------------- Percent: Obtain the first disguise When you enter go all the way south to Mushroom Rock Road. You will then be at a split off, so keep going southwest and you will see a little scene. Now keep going down the path and you should see a sphere lying on the ground, pick it up to obtain Yuna's special dress sphere, floral fallal. Ormi and Logos will come along and engage you in battle for the sphere. Also a fem-goon also joins the battle, which you will get your first costume from. Ormi 1150 HP 22 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immunity: KO, Petrification, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop Logos 1030 HP 48 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immunity: KO, Petrification, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop, Attack Down They shouldn't be very difficult, just keep healed up and slam them. Afterwards the naked fem goon runs off and you get your first Syndicate Uniform. Bikanel Desert --------------- Percent: Get the second uniform Speak to Nhadala to learn that something is going on in the oasis so talk to the Hover operator a few times to get him to take you there. When you enter the Oasis area go north to find the next sphere, get it to also receive Rikku's special dressphere the Machina Maw. Congratulations, you now have all three special dress spheres. It is a trap, they will attack, and you now must fight Logos and two Fem- Goons. Logos 1220 HP 46 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: KO, Petrification, silence, confusion, berserk, curse, eject, and stop. Take out the fem-goons first, and then slaughter Logos. You then receive your second disguise and receive the Hour of Need garment grid. Mt. Gagazet ------------- Percent: Speak to Kimari multiple times, view the hot springs scene, and obtain the last disguise. Talk to Kimari when you enter, and talk to him again and choose the middle option, he needs to deal with his own problems. Then ride the teleporter up to the mountain trail. Keep following the red arrow on your screen and you will come across a fem-goon hopping up the mountain. Follow her until you get to a save sphere. Instead of following her, continue going up the mountain. Eventually you will be above the hot springs, you will see a little scene and then you will fall into the spring and Ormi and the goons will flee. You will get the last uniform and you will see a sexy little scene. Then head past the save sphere to encounter the fem goons. Continue along and you will engage Ormi as well. Ormi 1350 HP 22 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: KO, Petrification, silence, confuse, berserk, curse, eject, and stop. You should now receive the Stonehewn garment grid and be back upon the Celsius. After you see the scene with all three in disguise you should also receive the Bum Rush garment grid. Once you are ready, head for Guadosalam. Guadosalam ----------- Percent: Complete the mission to get back the stolen sphere. Head to the mansion and change into your disguise. Once inside you will find out that Leblanc and Nooj are in a deep relationship. Head into the door to be inside the dining area and then speak to Ormi and Logos and they will tell you to go help the boss unwind. Head out of the room and into the room where Leblanc went. You must now massage her... Try not to shudder too much. You get different items whether you mess up or not. I am not sure if it changes your completion percent, so just be careful. She should fall asleep eventually... Go back to the dining area and inspect the plant things. You will get back into your regular outfits and you're in a new area... Just follow the red arrow. You should run into another fight with fatty, getting old quick I know. He is more powerful now, so prepare for battle. Ormi 1640 HP 40 MP Immune: gravity Status Immune: KO, Petrification, sleep, silence, confuse, berserk, curse, eject, and stop. Take out the regular fighters first they are just distracting. Save at the save sphere when you get there. You can pick up a gold hairpin by the room near the save sphere (if you didn't mess up at massaging Leblanc.) If you follow the arrow you should find Nooj's room. The sphere is on the desk. It isn't the sphere we are here for, but we will snatch it anyways. Time to fight skinny and fatty! This is very hard, skinny will use Russian roulette, which has a chance to inflict random status ailments, and fatty just hits very hard... Ormi 1840 HP 42 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Curse, Eject, and stop Logos 1432 HP 64 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Curse, Eject, and stop Both of them will scurry away and then the security systems will be activated. Head into the northern area now, them go left and fall into the fist ditch you come to and activate the override. Then jump into the next ditch and do the same thing again. Now head to the very end and a wall of spikes will come out, eek! Jump over the ditches and then stop at the wall before the ditches and the spike wall will fall onto you and you will be magically by the last switch. Activate the switch and jump back down; the security system will now be deactivated. Now head to where the spikes came out and hit the last switch to open up a new path. Head down the path and back around to the save sphere, then head into the metal doorway. Leblanc doesn't want you to have both halves of the sphere, time to fight! Ormi 1344 HP 45 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Curse, Eject, and stop Logos 989 HP 70 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Curse, Eject, and stop Leblanc 1380 HP 460 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Confuse, Berserk, Curse, Eject, stop, attack down, and defense down. Take out Logos first, as he has the least hp... Because they now perform a group attack as long as all three of them are in battle. Leblanc and gang surrender the sphere and the mission is over, you also receive the Healing Light garment grid upon mission completion. You then see another cool scene with Vegnagun. Leblanc and the Gullwings are now united in their mission to destroy Vegnagun. Time to head for Bevelle. Bevelle --------- Percent: Complete the mission to infiltrate Bevelle. When you enter you get a personal greeting, take them out. Barkeep will then appear besides the save sphere so you can buy items, he will continue to do this throughout the mission. Continue along, slaughtering the guardsmen along the way. When you are in the main city continue along and then enter the temple. Go into the right most room and stand on the platform, then head to the leftmost room, climb up and hit one of the devices. Then go back to the main area and ride the lift down. You will now be in the cloister of trials area, there are optional ways to go but I will go the main way. At the first junction, go left. Then head up to the next area and go right and you will reach a lift, ride it to the next area. In the next area head right to be at a save sphere, barkeep will show up once again to aid you on this long mission. Head into the next room to find a gaping cavern where the fayth once stood, hop in! Head to the ledge to see a machina fortress under Bevelle, it is simply amazing what they can hide underground. Go to the northern platform and you will jump down into the area with the security towers. As you head forward you will be attacked by two YAC-13 machina. They are pretty simple, the just hit fairly hard. There are six towers in this area; for the sake of completion we shall activate all of them. Just walk up to the towers to fight an enemy, after you activate the three towers with the bright blue lights you will fight the required boss to continue... Precepts Guard 3680 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Weak: Holy Status Immune: Everything but status down attributed... He is fairly easy, just he has the affinity for casting death every couple of rounds which is extremely annoying... After you get done with that the security system will be unlocked... Ignore it and finish the last tower. Time to fight another boss! Georapella Geo 4420 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Weak: Holy Immune statues: Everything but stat downs and slow. This boss is even tougher, he likes to cast –aga spells on the entire party. Unfortunately it is pretty impossible to stop him, since he is immune to silence and has 9999 mp. Just take him down nice and slow and you should be able to win. Fortunately his defensive is a bit lower, so you should be able to do more damage with regular attacks. Now, all six platforms will be out. Now head from tower to tower, fighting a few bosses along the way and the platforms will rotate again. If you hit the boss towers again, you will have to fight them again so be weary. I am sorry I don't have a solution if anyone does, please e-mail it to me, after you complete the spiral go to the bottom to get the ribbon, then go to the regular exit. At the junction head to the right, then hit the square and ride the lift, then continue along the path and grab the Downtrodden garment grid, then go back to the junction and go the other way. Jump on the pillars twice to make a bridge, and then continue along the path. There is a minigame where you can get some items by riding the lift, to initiate it, hit the switch behind Ormi and Logos, when done head into the next area. Head into the next area to find three lifts, ride either of the side lifts to begin with. Go to the very bottom to fall off a cliff. Now use the center lift to go to a new area. Climb the block and some new blocks will raise somewhere else, then ride the lift back to the bottom, and ride the other lift. Then head across to be back at the beginning again, now ride the middle lift again and step on the block to add even more blocks somewhere else. Now head back and ride the other lift. Step on the two elevated platforms to gain access to the lift at the back, and then jump to it to ride it. Save your game and head for the left blocks to get the Dark Knight dressphere! Now save and head down the other set of blocks. You will encounter Baralai, and he will try and stop you from getting to Vegnagun. Baralai 3380 HP 540 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but stat down, poison and darkness Steal: Charm Bangle He hits hard and fast, so keep healed up. He doesn't have much HP though so he shouldn't take long to bring down. Head into the next area to encounter your first Aeon battle... Bahamut 8400 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: Everything but slow and stat downs Steal: Mute Shock Old memories die-hard... He shouldn't give you any trouble if you are decent level. The music is very sad sounding so you will probably feel some remorse for the big lug. When he counts down he will release his overdrive mega flare for high damage, which is your biggest concern in this battle. Seems like Vegnagun somehow managed to scurry away from his location... Don't ask me how it can move. Chapter two is complete! ----------- -CHAPTER 3- ----------- Percent: Rest in cabin Back on the Celsius watch perhaps the cheesiest scene in the game. Then go to the cabin area and rest, now to continue on with our journey. Luca ------ Percent: Win sphere break tournament Luca is quite the busy place at the moment, a tournament is taking place and the prize is a dress sphere, sounds like our kind of contest. When the contest starts you are given coins automatically, learn the rules if you haven't played previously, your goal is to win three matches to proceed to the finals. Look for the two star players, as they are the easiest you will find. After beating the first two, I suggest saving your game in the resting room by the stadium. Once you win three matches you will battle the other finalist Shinra... You must win to get the percent and the dress sphere (yes, the greedy guy won't give it to you if you lose.) The quota for this match is 50! To win you need to abuse the echo feature, just keep using two coins (one inside and one outside) over and over and over! Problem being, if you get a one in the middle you are pretty much done for. Good luck! Gloat win you win, he is probably one of the most annoying things you have to do to get 100%. You get the Lady Luck dress sphere for winning, good job! Mi'ihen Highroad ----------------- Percent: Complete the mission to stop the machina Go to the highroad, it seems the Machina have gone insane, how lovely. You are competing with the Al Bhed, but I don't think it has any impact on the game, just do your best to take out as many as possible. Thirteen in total must be taken out for the mission to be over... You get a nice gil reward for mission completion, not bad. After all the talking is done you also get the Undying Storm garment grid. Mushroom Rock Road ------------------- Percent: Speak To Lucil And Yaibal by the entrance to the gauntlet. Head forward and speak the Lucil and Yaibal, seems like someone has been bad mouthing you. Looks like you have to search for Nooj part time now, lovely. Djose Temple ------------- Percent: Speak to Gippal Head to the front of the temple to run into Gippal again, after you speak to him you receive Al Bhed Primer XV. Moonflow --------- Percent: Speak to Tobli Head east from the save sphere to see that Tobli's miniature concert is doing quite well, then talk to him a few times. Guadosalam ------------ Percent: Just do everything below... Go into Leblanc's mansion and enter the Dining room to see a scene with Ormi and Logos, quite funny. Then go upstairs and keep trying till you get inside Leblanc's room and speak with her, it seems she does have a heart after all. Then go back to the dining area to see yet another scene, then head into the secret passageway area and into what I think is Nooj's room. Unfortunately, it is just the sphere they were recording in Bevelle... Then another one plays of Nooj, it appears that he was in underground Bevelle. Afterwards you receive Logos's Sphere and Ormi's Sphere. Look around the room and you should find another video sphere with the guy who looks like Tidus. You then score the Gaol sphere, really racking them up now. Maechen will talk a bit, he probably knows more than he is letting on. Talk to him again to hear more about things from long past, mostly about Tidus. Go into the circular room where you fought Leblanc's gang all at once and climb up the boxes on to the next ledge, you should find a chest with Crimson Sphere 4. Now go back to the Celsius and watch it. Definitely one of the more interesting crimson spheres thus far. Thunder Plains ---------------- Percent: Encounter the Ronso children Head into the northernmost section to find a shelter, the Ronso missing children will be here. Pick a choice for where they should look next; I decided to get with Kouli's answer of Kilika Island. Macalania Woods ---------------- Percent: Complete the fiend-clearing mission When you enter you are automatically near the travel agency, you must destroy them. The only hard monsters you will encounter is the Chimera type ones, they are very mean. After completing the mission you should get the Pride of the Sword garment grid. The dying soldier passes on his anger as the Berserker dress sphere. You also get Al Bhed Primer I from listening to his nonsense as well. Afterwards O'aka swoops in for a laughable scene. Head out and O'aka will have a change of heart from his greedy ways. Bikanel Desert --------------- Percent: Speak to Marlena When you enter you get recruited for diplomatic relationships with the Cactuar/Cacti. Then ride the hover to the Cactuar nation. Talk to Marlena and she will tell you why they sent for you. Your mission is now to seek out the ten cactuars and have them return. Speak to the cacti on your map to hear clues where the first cactuar, Lobivia's is located. Then ride the hover back to camp. Head to the Oasis and then head up to the Oasis to find the Cactuar, then take him home and speak to the next cactuar mother to get the next hint, but we will deal with that later. Calm Lands ----------- Percent: Complete the mission to help save the tourists, and make sure Shinra installs spheres at shop and chocobo farm. Stupid tourists got attacked in a holy place, serves them right in my opinion. Guy running in circles at dead end: parties 8 or less, 5 or less can handle more people Guy on floor in next large open room: Hates being more than 3 people, if first or second will stay in any sized group By split off: Doesn't like more than five people, if first or second, will stay with any sized group Guy to right of junction: as long as they are together, nothing matters, 3 people Guy running like maniac with no shirt on: Groups of seven or less, if sixth or less in line, he doesn't care Lady in cove: 4 or less people will join, doesn't care afterwards Guy/Girl together past lady in cove: must be seventh or less Two children: Up to 12 in a group, up to 10th in line they don't care about size That makes 12 people in total... Now we have to get those people in order so... 1. Floor Guy 2. Split-off 3. Running Guy 4. Cove Lady 5. Circle Running Guy 6-7. Couple (2) 8-9. Children (2) 10-12. Family (3) Once you have them all head for the exit to get the energy cores to restore the teleporter. At the last four way split go left and search and there will be another tourist hidden. NOTE: Now that I have missed some I am beginning to think you don't have to get them all at once, but do, as you will. Now head back outside (don't leave mission) and talk to the guy standing in the brownish outfit to receive another energy core. Now warp to the back of the cavern and go to the hidden chamber. Get the guy here and then teleport back to the entrance for yet another energy core. Then warp to the back of the cavern again and go to the other hidden chamber. Grab the guy and teleport back to the beginning. Head outside and save again... Head to the very back of the area and restore the teleporter and take it to the Chamber of the Fayth. You will see why I told you to save now, your buddy Yojimbo is back for some revenge, and giving him 2 billion gil won't help you this time! Yojimbo 22000 HP (not a typo!) 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything I think! Steal: Power Wrist He has every attack he had in X, even the insta-death move (although it just reduces your HP to 1 now.) I recommend an Alchemist and two melee classes, equip them all with regen and poison proof items and once in battle just continually use your Alchemist's stash mega-potion over and over. Once you complete the mission you should get the Tetra Master garment grid as well. Mt. Gagazet ------------ Percent: Complete the mission to stop the Ronso from rebelling. Head up and speak to Kimari... If you answered his questions correctly previous you get the Trainer dress sphere. Yay, only two more to go until you have all of them. The teleport pads do not work so you must go on foot. The path is very straightforward; equip the no encounter item to make it go faster, as it is kind of long, operate the pads as you go to reactivate them for easier use. When you reach the third pad, activate it, save, and prepare for a hard battle. In the next area you run into Garik, you must stop him from attacking the Guado. You will also have to fight a Ronso Youth (or two depending on your answers.) Garik Ronso (his stats may vary, but I am not positive) 6880 HP 238 MP Immune: Gravity Immune Status: KO, Petrification, Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Eject, Stop and Slow Steal: Icy Gleam If you want, just switch everyone to dark knight and use darkness over and over again if you are strong enough. You should be able to beat him fairly easily if you are level thirty plus and have an alchemist with stash mega potion. Once you complete the mission you should also receive the Wishbringer garment grid. Zanarkand Ruins ----------------- Percent: Speak to Isaaru Percent says it all! Besaid Island -------------- Percent: Complete the mission Note: Second cactuar can be found on the beach Head into town and go into Lulu's house and talk to her about the situation. When you head out you will learn about the Commsphere system and brother will act perverted again... Beclem wants to burn down the temple, yea; I don't think so, head inside the temple. Once inside the temple talk to Beclem and head inside the cloister of trials. Nothing works so don't try, keep heading along and you will find Wakka who is injured, time to take out the head honcho. You guessed it, now you must fight Dark Valefor. Valefor 8430 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but slow and stat downs If you beat Yojimbo this guy is a joke, the most powerful attack he used on me was his overdrive for around 300 damage, take him down hard and fast. Kilika Island -------------- Percent: Complete the mission Talk to the monkey lady and if you found all the monkies in chapter one, you will receive the Chaos Maelstrom garment grid. Then go to the second area and look through the camera again to see the youth league base again. Head to see Dona when you are ready to continue the story. Then head toward the gate and say you are ready. Play the annoying mini-game and escape out into the forest, I don't know what happens if you fail but try not to. The chest right outside of town had the Bushido Lore accessory. Go left and hold circle and hug the bottom ledge to jump up, follow the path and you will be near the temple, so ascend the stairs. Head into the temple when you are ready, you will see some machina flying cannons, just head into the cloister of trials. Eventually you will run into Barthello and you will fight to save him, afterwards you will learn his true feelings. Head into the flames again to fight another fiend that causes the flames to die so you can pass into the next area, In the next room do the same for the three flames as well. Head into the next area and defeat the next large, looming, ugly fiend. This time he has brought company... yawn... Once the flames die, pick up the Samurai Dress sphere off the floor where the flames once stood, easy yea? Continue on to meet; you guessed it, Ifrit. Ifrit 8820 HP 9999 MP Absorb: Fire Immune: Gravity Immune Status: Everything but slow and stat downs. Steal: Fiery Gleam He hits hard and fast, so heal up quickly or you will be dead before you know it. Bevelle -------- Percent: See Gippal Up On The Roof on roof when entering town, where you fought Bahamut see a scene with Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai. Pick up crimson sphere one after the scene and watch it with Shinra. Once inside go into the temple area head up the lift and enter the doorway to be outside, talk to the priests here to get some items, then head back inside and change the lift so it goes down and ride it. As you head through the area you should encounter Gippal by a save sphere, then keep going. Get the ribbon if you hadn't done so previously. The tower in front of the first platform flips the selected platform across. Basically the red towers select one of the lower platforms, and you use the blue tower to move them, one blue tower will flip them and the others will rotate them. The head to the area where you fought Bahamut, you do have to do the lift thing again, I know, it is dumb and easy. When you enter Vegnagun's chamber you will see a very interesting scene with Nooj, Gippal, and Baralai. It seems that Nooj is possessed, by whom, I am sure we will find out. The biggest pain in the butt monster the developers could come up with, Malboro then jumps you. After you defeat it, you find that the trio has fled during the battle. After the talking is over, pick up crimson sphere 1 and head back to the airship and watch it. Djose Temple ------------- Percent: Complete the mission to cleanse the fiends and whistle four times (X) at the field When you enter it seems that the temple here is final under attack, but you won't understand most of what they say, mission time! You should also receive the Al Bhed Primer XIV. Then head inside the temple and into the cloister of trials. Once inside, ride the lift up to the second area. You must shut off the power blocking the chamber of the fayth by pushing in the pedestals in the back. For me, the one that turned it off was the first one on the left, then head inside the chamber. Time to fight the electric horse... Ixion 12380 HP 9999 MP Absorbs: Lightning Weak: Water Immune: Gravity Status Immune: All but slow and stat downs Steal: Sprint Shoes Much like Ifrit, he hits hard and very fast, he will also heal himself occasionally, and of course like all the aeons, and he has his high power overdrive. I used two dark knights and an alchemist and chained darkness over and over again while having my alchemist keep using stash mega potion. After defeating Ixion it is mission complete and you receive the Unwavering Guard garment grid. As the Gullwings peer over the whole Ixion enters the room in an explosion, knocking Yuna into its depths... You then see a very nice CG scene of what appears to be the farplane. Some spirits escape the outfit, and the mysterious figure of Tidus appears, but you find out the truth, it is not Tidus. He thinks that Yuna is Lenne for some reason, it turns out that it was Baralai, certainly an interesting twist, you should know who possesses them now. Nooj and Gippal hand over crimson sphere 2 and 3. When Yuna says she is alone start pounding X or you'll miss your chance, you will see scenes with a ghost and you sill be back in Bevelle. ----------- -Chapter 4- ----------- Percent: Rest in residential area and watch the two new crimson spheres Once onboard the Celsius you will find out that Yuna's dress is in fact Lenne's dress. Head to the deck and speak with Paine to learn about her pain... but pun, sorry. Then head to the cabin and rest, the head back to the bridge... Eh, it seems that Paine may also be part Al Bhed; you receive Al Bhed Primer XI. Check the treasure spheres with Shinra and watch crimson record 2 and 3. You now have access to Shinra's Comm Network let us begin... Comm Sphere Set Number 1 -------------------------- Percent: Do the stuff below! Let us go in order of the list, select Besaid Island and hit connect. You will now see through the sphere, look at Lulu's house and Wakka will come out and talk to the Sphere. Next view Kilika Island, eh, it seems someone is carrying the sphere, and you will be in Dona's house, she will talk about the status of things in the city. Next view Mushroom Rock Road, and talk to Yaibal to learn that war is about to be breaking out. Last, but not least, view Bevelle to hear Maroda speaking and then the sphere is forcibly shut off, how rude. Speak to Buddy and they decide to host another concert, so your next task is to find Tobli to help with the concert. But we will deal with that Midget later, time for more Comm Spheres! Make sure to speak to Paine to hear about the hymn of the fayth. Comm Sphere Set Number 2 -------------------------- Percent: Do the stuff below! Going down the list in order again! Note, to view these scenes you will have to watch the spheres multiple times, sorry! On Besaid Island, view the scenes with Wakka (nervous about baby) and Beclem (scolding the Aurochs). Next view the Kilika Temple Sphere, view the scene with Barthello, in a fit of rage he destroys the comm. sphere, stupid lug. The Kilika Island sphere is completely optional. At Luca Island, view the scene with Shelinda interview of the guy who talks about blitz ball, afterwards the sphere will be no longer usable. At the highroad view the scene; he has installed a second network on the highroad, so now help find the criminal. To win I think you just have to complete it. Supposedly you have to get Rikku convicted... But I am not sure. Mushroom Rock Road is optional also; view it if you want, if not, whatever. At Djose temple, view all the scenes; you should get Al Bhed Primer II and VII. The moonflow is completely optional again. At Guadosalam, speak to Ormi and you are done. At Thunder Plains Shinra will teleport a chocobo, how weird... At Macalania Woods Entrance, view the scenes with the band members. At Macalania Woods Travel Agency view the scenes with O'aka. At the excavation camp view the scene with Nhadala. Cactuar Nation is optional as well. View Bevelle and watch the comm. sphere get blown away... View the Chocobo Ranch Next; watch all the scenes with Clasko. At Mountain Gate, speak to Kimari. At Hot springs view the scenes (lot of them) with Tobli, Buddy, Barkeep, O'aka, Isaaru, Elma, Lucil, Maechen, Cid, Dona (some of these are just hilarious.) Moonflow --------- Percent: Complete the "Where's Tobli?" mission. Head forward and Tobli will be chased after some guards, just keep following them. Go forward until you get to the save sphere, then go back to the woods and Tobli will run away, follow him and he will hop on the machina vehicle and head towards the moonflow, follow him again. Now ride the Shoopuf across (he is a sneaky little devil!) Exit this screen as well and head into the path to Guadosalam. After he falls out of the tree continue to follow him, yet again. After the Shoopuf scene continue to Guadosalam to find Tobli. For completing the mission you get the Black Tabard garment grid. Comm Sphere Network Set 3 --------------------------- Percent: Do the stuff below! Besaid Island: View the scenes with Beclem and Lulu Kilika Port: View all the scenes with Dona and then the scene with Barthello where he breaks yet another comm. Luca: Optional Mushroom Rock Road: View the scenes with Yaibal and Lucil Djose: Optional Moonflow: View the scene with Elma and the chocobo. Guadosalam: View the scene with Ormi Thunder Plains: Optional Macalania Woods Travel Agency: Speak to O'aka Everywhere else but Zanarkand: Optional Zanarkand: View all of the Isaaru scenes When ready go to the cabin to rehearse for the concert I just pounded the keys... Thunder Plains --------------- Percent: Complete the mission; speak to Leblanc at the Engine room after the concert. A rather large fiend has decided to make a meal out of the crowd, time to take him down. Follow the red arrow, it isn't far away, right outside the lair is a Hypello, which I believe heals you. At the back of the area you meet the friendly little guy, not! Kill him! Zalamandar Dragon Null Magic (magic just doesn't work!) Immune: Gravity Weak: Ice Status Immune: Everything but Darkness and Berserk Steal: Sublimator (Sorry, didn't get his HP/MP, dumb me) Open the chest after you defeat him for the Black Ring. Then head back outside to complete the mission, speak to everyone to find things aren't going too well on the ground. Speak to Tobli to start the concert after a short speech you see a cool music FMV. You will then see the Shuiyn/Lenne version of the shooting dream. After it is over, head for the bridge to speak with Maechen to learn more about Shuiyn and Lenne. Afterwards head to the Engine Room (Don't speak to Shinra before!) After talking to her you get Crimson Sphere 5. Now go back to the bridge and talk to Shinra, it seems he is getting data from the sphere he dropped into the farplane. You will see a scene with Nooj in Gippal trying to find a way to take down Vegnagun. ----------- -Chapter 5- ----------- Percent: Watch Crimson Sphere 5, speak to Buddy, rest at residential area, rest at residential area and see scene with brother, see scene with Buddy at the engine room. Head to the Bridge to find the battle plan and then talk to Shinra and view Crimson Record 5, quite a nasty battle indeed. Then speak to Buddy to find that Lulu has given birth. Then the entire planet will have hotspots, heh. Then go to the cabin and rest as usual and see a perverted scene with Brother... Then you see some hot Barkeep love, disgusting. Then head to the engine room and speak to Buddy to learn about the airship. Lets do it! First stop was the last! Zanarkand ---------- Percent: Get Episode Complete and talk to Maechen about Vegnagun When you enter you will see a scene and get Episode Complete, basically means you have done everything in this area. Afterwards speak to Maechen and learn about Vegnagun, you will find out that Maechen is also an unsent. He was in Zanarkand and knew Lenne, Maechen will then depart for the farplane, and his memories will erupt and you will briefly see Braska and his guardians. Besaid Island -------------- Percent: Get episode complete Head into town and follow Wakka to see his horrible mutant of a child. Then head into the bridge area and jump down to get the twilight rain key item, this enables Floral Fallal to learn break damage limit, basically you can hit for more than 9999 damage once you learn it. Then head to the beach and speak with Beclem. He will give you the War Buddy Sphere, hmm what could be inside. He will then perform a very powerful blitz move, seems he isn't such a bad guy in the end. Go back to the praying stone area and talk to Wakka. You will see a scene with Chappu talking about the sphere he said had their parents in it. Then head back to town and you will see a scene where Wakka names the baby. Episode Complete! Kilika Island -------------- Percent: Get Episode Complete Head into the second area and the town people are about to break through the gate. Then they will finally open the gate to the woods, yea! When you regain control, head for the temple. After Dona and Barthello reconcile it is Episode Complete! You also receive the Tricks of the Trade garment grid upon episode completion. Now head back to Kilika Island... Go to the second area and talk to the cameraman to go to the new base. Open the chest by the dock to get the invincible accessory then head back to town and leave. Luca ------ Percent: Complete the moogle mission to get episode complete Why they put this at the end of the game is beyond me, Blitz ball season is starting, and you can now play! It is a lot different; so don't be too surprised. Head to the save sphere on the bridge area and go to the ledge to see a flashback. Yuna will see an invisible flying moogle; yep she has gone crazy. Follow it around to view more flashback scenes and eventually you will end up at the dock and get an Episode Complete. Mi'ihen Highroad ----------------- Percent: Episode Complete When you enter you will get prompted to go to Rin's, do so and then head outside the travel agency to view the results of the mystery. If you get the chocobo eater, you will now probably think than Rin is an idiot. Episode Complete! Djose Temple ------------- Percent: I believe you have to fight the machina weapon when it is at it's strongest and its weakest Head inside the temple to fight EXPERIMENT machina weapon. This machina can be level 1 to 5 depending on how much you dig, you need to fight it, get it to level 5, repair it and defeat it again for episode completion. At level 1 everything it was: 18324 HP 0 MP Immune Status: Everything After you defeat it you should get Al Bhed Primer XXVI... There are several repair manuals, but we only need one, I don't know the locations of the rest. Go to the north room of the temple and talk to the sitting guy to receive it. Then go to the desert and dig up a bunch of assemblies. Fight it again once all it's stats are level five. But we will put that off until we get to the desert, since we need to finish those cactuar guys anyways! When you defeat it at full power you get the magical dances volume 2 item, and an episode complete. It's stats at full power are the same; he is just much stronger and can take out a weak group in one turn if your HP is too low. Its attacks include rocket launcher, with does high damage to one member and a couple hits to others, lifeslicer which kills one of your guys and annihilator, a blue magic skill you can only learn when he is at his full power. Mushroom Rock Road ------------------- Percent: Get episode complete, speak to Lucil, watch Nooj's sphere, and beat the Den of Woe Talk to Lucile and the others at the entrance and then talk to Yaibal. Seems a bunch of people like beating up girls, mission time. In the first round you are pitted against Yaibal and a couple goons. The regular goons should go down in one or two hits. Continue along the path to fight pretty much the same group again, just with a texture swapped Yaibal. Next you fight another weak group, so continue again and defeat yet another group, and another, and then you fight Elma. You then fight the captain on the guard... Lucil 7324 HP 370 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but stat downs This fight can be very tough, she constantly uses a doom type move and uses elemental gems, just try to keep everyone alive and you should be fine. After you defeat her, everyone praises you and you get episode complete! But we aren't done here yet. Head back to Youth League HQ. By the elevator to the Headquarters go south to find a chest with machina booster, this allows machina maw to learn the break damage limit ability. You can now go inside the building so do so, head to the east exit to talk to Lucil, she will give you the item, Nooj's sphere. We are done here until we collect the two missing crimson spheres, so let us continue for now. Now once we have all 10 head back to the den of woe and break the seal to enter. For some reason there are no items to find, so just head forward to the red arrow to see some weird stuff, Shuyin will appear and you will see an awesome FMV where Shuyin plays piano like device that controls Vegnagun and then they get shot again, yay. Now you must fight your friends and those you have met. Rikku 7800 HP 92 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Petrification, KO, Silence, Poison, Curse, Eject, and Stop Steal: Bushido Lore She just uses items and attacks occasionally, nothing to worry about. I just unleashed black sky on her and wiped her off the face of Spira. Now you must fight the dark one, Paine. Paine 9200 HP 55 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Petrification, KO, Silence, Poison, Curse, Eject, and Stop Steal: Sword Lore She didn't do anything besides regular attacks, very easy again. Great you have your team back, now you must fight the three crimson squad members one at a time. Baralai 12220 HP 720 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but stat downs Steal: Natures Lore Blue Magic: Drill Shot If you didn't get his blue magic the first time, this is your last chance to get it. Like before he is just fast, but he hits very weak, so don't be afraid. Gippal 14800 HP 235 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but stat downs Steal: White Lore Blue Magic: Mortar Make sure you get the Mortar attack blue magic, as it is your only chance in the game to get it. Other than that, he is very easy. Nooj 23800 HP 720 MP Status Immune: Everything but stat downs Steal: Arcane Lore Very easy, he just likes doing group based attacks. You should now get episode complete some nice items; Black Lore, Champion Belt, Crystal Ball, Kaiser Knuckles, and Magical Dances Volume 1. And of course, you receive the mandatory grid, the supreme light garment grid. Moonflow --------- Percent: Get Episode Complete Head east one screen to view Tobli's finally successful concert, talk to him and take part in the show, you then should get Episode Complete! Guadosalam ------------ Percent: Get episode complete, obtain Baralai's sphere and watch it Head to the front of the city to confront Tromell Guado, after he speaks talk to him again to trigger another scene and to get an episode complete, but we aren't done here yet. Now, head back to Guadosalam and talk to Tromell on the left side to learn about the locked door, head inside and you should receive the tempered will garment grid. Then open the chest to receive Baralai's Sphere. Now go into Tobli's house and open the chest for the Kaiser Knuckles accessory. Thunder Plains -------------- Percent: Complete the mission; get episode complete, talk to cid on the Deck and on the bridge. Basically the fiends are feeding off the electrical towers, you must take them down. Head from tower to tower taking out the fiends, after you destroy them they leave a chest. After you defeat the last one a scene will occur, because you missed one, follow the red arrow on your map, I would advise going back to save at the travel agency and then proceeding with the tower. You will then be engaged with a special behemoth. Humbaba Behemoth 27772 HP 785 MP Absorb: Lightning Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but stat downs He really isn't that hard, he just hit very hard. After completing the mission you get the Valiant Lustre garment grid. Afterwards you will be prompted to go into a hole, I would advise saving first before continuing on. Just follow the red arrow and you will run into Cid. He will show you hit little friend Machina Panzer Machina 30500 HP 1247 MP Absorb: Lightning Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but slow and stat downs Use multi enemy attack to take out the little guys first, and then concentrate on the Panzer; he isn't very hard at all. After you save him you get an episode complete and Al Bhed Primer V. Now head to the deck and speak with Cid, then head to the bridge to see a scene with Brother and Cid. Macalania ---------- Percent: Get an episode complete at the travel agency and the woods! First go to where you receive the Full Throttle sphere... Talk to the guy there to trigger a scene about the woods. Then go back to the save sphere at the beginning of the woods and go right and to the place where you found the drummer guy earlier to see another scene and get an episode complete. After Paine and Rikku leave head towards the water and get an episode complete and get the Ray of Hope garment grid. Now go to the travel agency to find that Wantz is O'aka the twenty-fourth and see a slightly humorous scene and get another episode complete. The agency is now open and it sells AWESOME accessories, stock up on ones you find useful or don't have. Mt Gagazet ----------- Percent: Get episode complete When you enter speak to Garik and hear him speaking with Kimari. Afterwards speak to Kimari and the Ronso children will return, then follow Kimari up the mountain. Afterwards you will see a touching scene with Kimari and Garik where they finally make up and you get an Episode complete and the sacred beast garment grid. Bikanel Desert -------------- Percent: Get episode complete by doing all the stuff below! When you enter, you automatically go to cactuar nation who is under attack by an army. You must complete the ten gatekeepers mission. Now is a perfect time to get the digging out of the way if you want to get episode complete at Djose. Dug up Al Bhed Primer 8 and XXV on accident, so they may not be in the guide now... I am not sure, my apology. I know some of them can only be found in the desert so let us hope those are it. Here are the locations of the first nine cactuars; you do have to go to the desert in between unfortunately. 1. Oasis in desert 2. Besaid Island by the dock area on beach 3. Guadosalam, in the secret passage area in the room by the save sphere in a chest 4 and 5 are riding chocobos in the north exit area of the calm lands 6 is by the last tower in calm lands by a cactuar stone 7 is in Kilika Woods search the right side for a tree to climb up 8 is on Mt Gagazet, go to the mountain trail teleporter and continue up the mountain to find him on a Cliffside 9 should be obvious from the clue; it is Dona's house After you get the last clue talk to Marnela to enter the sealed chamber in the back of the area. I would save if I were you, and then continue through the passage. As you head through you will fight enemies, even with no enemy encounters on, ands some of the monsters are quite strong. Eventually you will be in a trap, just run through the area and ignore the chests so you don't die. After you finish the mini game a horde of rough cactuars for the Jumbo Cactuar! Mommy! This guy and his two friends are a joke, I laugh at you if you lose to them, and the jumbo cactuar never even attacked me. Now save and head outside and a cool cut scene will take place and blow all the fiends away, in the end Marlena is dead, how sad... You have bigger problems now... Angra Mainyu, one of the hardest bosses in the game. Head back to the desert when you are ready to face this awesome machina of death... If you fought him previously, he should still be down however much damage you did to him... He has three parts, the main body and two skeleton guys... Just concentrate on doing attacks that affect all three to make things go faster, like darkness. He does use the full life spell to raise his body parts again, so just hit hard and fast. Angra Mainyu HP: 333444 MP: 9999 Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Don't even try Tawrich and Zarich HP: 5440 Rest of stats are moot, it is also immune to everything and comes back at full stats when resurrected. The right head does an attack the drains your MP most of the time and cast level 3 spells. The left head does weak physical attacks, and occasionally a nasty attack that inflicts several status ailments. The body casts full-life on it's fallen comrades and casts flare, which pretty much automatically kills one person, and a flame attack that hits all three of your characters but is considered a physical attack. It also occasionally casts demi. One head is physical tolerant and the other is magical tolerant. So the way to take out both heads at once is to use the Dark Knights Darkness attack, while they are down the body will waste time resurrecting them, so pound on it then. Congratulations if you win! He is probably the second hardest boss in the game. After the battle you get the ribbon accessory as you gain exp and afterwards the Mercurial Strike garment grid. You can go back to cactuar nation to see a scene where you find that there will be a new Marnela. On a final note, in the central expanse (activated by sending a chocobo to the desert) you can find the desert key that opens the chest at the camp and gives you the horn of plenty garment grid. Bevelle ---------- Percent: Get episode complete, get and watch the last two crimson spheres and beat Trema. Head to the front of the temple to run into Maroda and get an episode complete and the Scourge bane garment grid, but we are far from finished. Head back to Bevelle and into the Temple and head to the room on the right. Enter the shining light after you save, this is the Bevelle secret dungeon, Vio Infinito, it has 100 floors... And at the end is the most horrible thing the designers could come up with, and at the same time the most powerful item. Floor 0: Head forward and talk to the children and you will hear about Trema and then pick up Crimson Sphere 6 off the floor and take a peak if you would like. Jump into the hole when you are prepared. Each level has a hole you drop into to continue on and a glyph where you can go back to the start. Make sure to confront the tonberry's as you go along as well. On the final note, the no encounter accessory does not work here, nice try. Occasionally you will see a dragon jumping, for the love of god, time yourself to run past it, it will waste your entire party before you realize your even in battle. Floor 20: Leave and save before continuing to the central area, there you will find Maester Kinoc who transforms into Aranea, uber Boris. Aranea 18280 HP 178 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Steal: Kinesis Badge He isn't very tough; if you have the blue mage annihilator you can probably do 9999 damage a turn and wipe him out very quickly. Pick up the final crimson sphere, 8, and continue on. Floor 40: A Guado turns into a black elemental! Black Elemental 9999 HP 2380 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: All but stat downs Unfortunately, he does cast ULTIMA... Which is ouch, very ouch. Expect your whole team to die if you don't manage to obliterate him first. In my opinion the easiest way to beat him is to have a dark knight use suicide attack (Charon.) After the battle open the chest for moon bracer, shining bracer, speed bracer, recovery bracer, and cat nip. You are probably wondering what the hell catnip is, it is simply, the best accessory in the game, and it allows you to do 9999 damage per hit when you are in critical status! Make someone a gunner, give him or her the initiative skill and catnip and watch the rest of the dungeon become a joke. Floor 60: A monk guy turns into a giant slug, nasty! Concherer 343280 HP (omg!) 170 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Yes, his HP is almost as high as Angra Mainyu and he hits much harder than that desert fiend... Use cat nip and obliterate him as soon as possible. It took me about four rounds to completely kill him, pretty impressive for an overgrown snail. Floor 80: Not too much longer, you have done well to make it this far... I was unfortunate enough to have him oversoul so my stats are probably different. Chac 459743 HP 820 MP Weak: Ice Absorb: Lightning Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything but EJECT! Pound on him fast, he can kill characters in one hit, stone them and more. Floor 100: Congratulations on finally making it here, I know those last few levels are insanely hard; don't expect it to get easier now. Paragon Weapon 200000 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Use auto haste + catnip to deal about 20 hits with an auto fire controller and then one more hit to take him down. Afterwards Trema will appear and will finish off Paragon in a super powered combo. Unfortunately you don't get to save before fighting Trema, which is just a pain. Trema Max stats Immune to everything I first recommend level 99 definitely and this strategy by Luminus on the gamefaqs board. "Easy way to beat Trema in first play through is get all to level 99, 1 gunner and 2 mascots. Equip gunner with catnip and SOS auto-haste (since they'll be low health whole battle), 2 mascots equip 60 or 100% hp boost (to get 9999 health), and auto-haste. Just keep using x-potions, phoenix downs, mega phoenixes as necessary, use mana springs or another method to bring his mp down to 0 early in fight before you try to finish him. Once his mp are drained, he can only physically attack or do meteor, and he's a wimp to your party then. Go to town with trigger happy on your gunner = Dead Trema in around 6 rounds of it." After you defeat him, you get the second best accessory, iron duke, then head back to the beginning, congratulations if you finished that, it is a triumph and you should pat yourself on the back. Iron Duke Doubles HP and MP Adds 100 to strength, magic, defense, magic defense, accuracy and evasion It also adds 50 to luck and 10 to agility Calm Lands ----------- Percent: Get one company to 5 to get episode complete When you enter the two companies will square off, the old people and the young people. After a winner is decided Tobli will appear and scold them and you should get an episode complete and the two companies fuse into Calm Skies Partnership. Now to get the full percentage you need to do the hidden calm lands dungeon, basically (from what I hear) you send out 3 of each level around the world at one time and have them all return. Then for the level 5 set you have to have 4 of them and send three to the calm lands and have them all return, then exit and go back to your airship and come back to unlock the dungeon. This place is a freaking labyrinth, eventually you will encounter the horribly weak anything eater boss, which I killed in about 2 hits... If you can't find him, keep trying to open the dark colored walls. After defeating the eater you must go around and open the other doors, you will find treasure after opening each one, I got pixie dust accessory, a repair manual for experiment, shining gems, and the machina reactor key item. After all the doors are open head into the back area and look around to get the amazing chocobo and an episode complete and the higher power garment grid. The End --------- Before we continue we need to pick up the last two special dress sphere power ups. Now go to the Calm Lands and go to the northern exit and then go into the cave where you fought Yojimbo and right by the hole you can find the Aurora Rain key item, which allows Floral Fallal to learn break HP limit. To get the last item you must be able to use Chocobos on the highroad, go to the travel agency on the highroad and head north until you come to the curve, you should see a chocobo feather along the ledge stand on it and go when given the option. Now leave the area and come back and stand in the same spot and go yet again to get the Victor Primoris key item, which allows full throttle to learn break damage limit. Now talk to brother and select Besaid first. We are going to go down all of them; by beating them all you get a special garment grid. Eventually you will run into Shiva, who you should easily bash into little fragments all over the area. She is extremely easy, especially if you got catnip and Trema's item. Keep heading down to encounter the Magus Sisters, steal Chaos Shock from the small one (Mindy,) Then steal porpourri from the tall one (Sandy), and then steal white cape from the fat one (Cindy). Then kill them all. If perhaps you don't have the items from Vio Infinito just use the double darkness and alchemist like we used on Yojimbo. Then continue down to fight the final Aeon, ANIMA. Anima 36000 HP 9999 MP Half: Everything but Gravity Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Steal: Fury Shock He isn't special at all, just steal and then pound him with trigger-happy catnip or darkness attacks. After you defeat him you should receive the immortal soul garment grid. Afterwards you will be back in the Farplane Abyss and talk to Leblanc and company; unfortunately they aren't dead. Afterwards save and go back to the ship and speak to Shinra. He will talk about what appears to be Mako energy and makes tons of references to Final Fantasy 7. Now go to the deck and hear a long conversation in Al Bhed, you won't understand much unless you have much of the Al Bhed Primers. Afterwards I received Al Bhed Primer XII. Next head to view another cut scene with everyone and Cid will complain. Now head to the deck again and speak to Rikku. Time to continue, speak to Brother and choose Kilika Temple. This is very simple, just go over the flame geysers when the tall flame isn't coming out and you should make it to the bottom in no time. Now go down the Djose temple hole, eventually you won't be able to go further, so hop to the right and step on the shiny thing and then examine the platforms. Basically you want to complete the path. Step on the shiny object again to reset the puzzle. Now when finished take the Bevelle route, it is the simplest route, there is nothing special involved. Now take the last route, the Calm Lands gorge. This one is like a combination of all the others with teleporter added, it is very confusion, just keep going different ways and try to head down a lot and eventually you should reach the bottom and get the Megiddo garment grid. Now when you are ready jump into the portal in the farplane to continue on. When you enter you should see a keyboard like device, you know what this means... Get off the keyboard and step on the blue panel to find the notes you need. So Mi* Re* was mine. So go to the keyboard and enter it, talk about 0 challenge, but I am not sure if they are random, so continue on. Collect notes as you go and go through the electric fences when they are off and find the next keyboard and enter your notes. If you enter them right you will see a little scene where the barrier goes down, and then continue. Eventually you will meet Gippal and you will receive Paine's Sphere... Now you have to jump on the platforms in a particular order, the same in which you input the notes. I just said screw it and jumped to the last part and fought the optional boss, I imagine him being very tough without the items from Vio Infinito, so be careful. Continue on to confront Vegnagun... After the long speech ends you must confront Vegnagun in different pieces, beginning with his tail. Vegnagun (Tail) 34200 HP 9999 Damage Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything The only bothersome attack he has is tail laser; you should be able to take him down in a couple of turns if you can do 9999 damage. Of course, Leblanc and company doesn't stand a chance so you must assist them with the legs. This has three nodes and the main leg, the nodes cast different types of magic, but just try to concentrate on the main leg Vegnagun (Leg) 182220 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything This is even easier than the first part... You think they would make the final boss a bit challenging. It appears Nooj and Gippal are having trouble as well so continue up to assist them now. Vegnagun (Core) 33040 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Right Bulwark 3000 HP 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Left Bulwark 9999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything With one darkness attack I killed off the Bulwarks, they only seem to cast defensive magic. Then pound on the core, is he down for good? You wish! Shuiyn then reactivated Vegnagun and you must fight the head. You can't target the head until you destroy the Redoubt, which are very weak... Redoubt x2 2500 HP 99999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything After destroying the Redoubt, Vegnagun becomes targetable, but he will also raise the Redoubt back to life, but they aren't much to worry about. Vegnagun 38420 HP 99999 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Pound the rest of Vegnagun's pathetic body into nothing and watch it finally stop permanently. Shuiyn then realizes Yuna's deceit and attacks! Shuyin 23850 HP 210 MP Immune: Gravity Status Immune: Everything Shuyin has all of Tidus' overdrives; the only one you need to fear is his ultimate overdrive, terror of Zanarkand. I won't ruin the next part for you. When you are back in the Farplane Glen pound X like you did the first time and the fayth child will appear, of course, select 'yes.' This enables you to get the good ending or perfect ending. The perfect ending is only available if you got 100% completion. Enjoy the ending; you've earned it, especially if you managed to get the perfect ending. Don't turn off the game when the credits role! For every ending there is a new beginning waiting! I hope you have enjoyed this guide. New Game + Allows you to keep: ----------------------------------------------------------- -2. Frequently Asked Questions- Frequently Asked Questions- ----------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I start playing blitz ball? A: Go to Luca in Chapter 5 Q: What carries over in new game +? A: Basically everything non-major and your levels reset. Q: Levels reset? WTF? A: Considering the game doesn't get any harder why would you want it to be that easy? Q: This game is girly! A: That isn't a question! ------------------------------------------------------------ -3. Shinra's Bestiary- Shinra's Bestiary- Shinra's Bestiary- ------------------------------------------------------------ This is in order of his list (left right next row), and ones indicated with * cannot oversoul. Sallet/Helm Family ------------------- Sallet Bicocette Barbuta Armet - Heavy Sallet Lupine Family -------------- Coyote Wild Wolf Killer Hound White Fang - Lupus Bird Family ------------ - Divebeak Peregrine - Reptile Family -------------- - Gecko Agama Skink - Archaeothyris Wasp Family ------------ - Death Dauber Assassin Bee - Vespa - Flan Family ------------ (All start with FLAN) Azul Amarillo Palido Blanco Rojo - Plant Family ------------- Purpurea Leucophylla Cephalotus Sahagin Family --------------- Sahagin - - Ruminant Family ---------------- More coming soon... ------------------------------------------------------------ -4. Shinra's Dossiers- Shinra's Dossiers- Shinra's Dossiers- ------------------------------------------------------------ Coming soon... ------------------------------------------------------- -5. Dresspheres- Dresspheres- Dresspheres- Dresspheres- ------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon... ---------------------------------------------------------- -5. Blitzball- Blitzball- Blitzball- Blitzball- Blitzball- ---------------------------------------------------------- This section is by Colonel Clunk at gamefaqs, it is slightly modified from his post. First of all ditch almost all of the original players you have as soon as you can find some better people (I never even raised my replacements. by the time I had raised the ones I kept, I found my permanent people). Keep Yuna, Paine, and Rikku and Shinra. They are the only original players worth wasting your CP on. First rule of Blitzball: kick the crap out of the Kilika beast in exhibition mode for easy points. Next use your entire CP on Shinra's CAT. Try to max him out. It's something like 76. This will keep the beasts from even scoring on you and net you more points in the beginning. Next up would be Paine. I'll give you some advice on training in a second. Level her up so you can score. She maxes her sht at 92 and endurance at 42. Rikku and Yuna should be next unless you get some of the permanent recruits. Here's some of the people I recruited temporary: I didn't keep any of these guys. They just filled my ranks to until I got my permanent recruits. Don't even bother wasting points on these guys. Forwards Mep sl2 Shaami sl3 neefe sl3 defense Ropp sl1 there's some others but the don't stand out too much so I just picked some one with decent stats and stuck them in as need, but those are the best of the early recruits. Permanent: forwards yuyui sl max (maxes at 99 or 255 in everything. any position would suit him) Barthello sl max (maxes in 90s in SHT and CAT and has 40 END good goalie (3rd best I think) or forward. he's my backup in case I forget someone is injured) midfield Lucil sl max (maxes at 77 or 177 in everything. great midfielder) defense (you're not given much in terms of defense. most defense have high BLK or ATK but not both, or their END and PAS make it impossible to get out of the zone) Zev Ronso sl3 (60s in both ATK and BLK. decent PAS and END) Donna sl max (she maxes out in the 50s for everything. good average player to cover all points of play) goalie kwinn sl4 (94 in CAT. better than Shinra. 2nd best goalie. only yuyui is better but don't waste him here) I started out with a 3-2-2 setup. With an emphasis to the side Paine was on. It was set up like this Paine - temp - temp Rikku - Yuna temp - temp Shinra once I had my final team I used 2-3-2 setup. Doesn't matter what strategy I used. If going for a leading scorer focus on a forward. It looked like this Paine - yuyui Rikku - Lucil - Yuna Donna - Zev Ronso kwinn Take a deep breath... much better. Now for training. When you raise a stat another one lowers. You can level them up evenly (takes forever) or you can sacrifice a stat they don't need. The whole raising/decreasing process is broken into two cycles. PAS END BLK RNG ATK CAT PAS and SHT REC SHT when you choose to raise a stat it lowers the one below it in the cycle. So if you sacrifice CAT and start with PAS you'll never lose the training that you've already done. This is good for every player except the goalie (the non- goalies are not meant to play goalie so CAT is a small sacrifice). For goalies, start at CAT and sacrifice ATK (he'll never attack any one, so that stat is moot). You can sacrifice SHT if you're not a forward in the second cycle, but I don't usually. The REC rises a lot faster than the SHT and the losses while training those don't become too bad. I usually do SHT and max it, the do REC and max it, and then reraise SHT to its max. If the player isn't going to shoot you may want to put the importance on REC. you can max them both out by repeatedly doing both but I find that it's not worth it. A stat is at its max when it won't rise anymore even if you put 9 cp into it. Injuries are also a factor. Usually when training a stat you'll want to use consoling first to boost their biorhythms. Then put a number of CP into the stat = to the biorhythm. You get 1 fatigue point for every CP point you put over the biorhythm. If cp is not a problem don't even concern yourself with downtime. Just injure them and intensive care them. I find that certain character often times go up to 99 and still not injure them. It's random, though. If you're concerned about cp wait until they're around 20-30 fatigue points and then downtime them 9 cp. If you put 9 points into a stat, you'll be guaranteed a raise of 1 or 2 points. I'm not sure how it works, but if you put less I think you'll have to put a certain number of cp in before you'll get a raise. Also raising just one person at a time doesn't affect anything at all. The comp teams never raise their levels. So if you finally become the ultimate team you'll never have to worry about the other teams catching up. I think I had Shinra, Paine, Rikku, and Yuna maxed before I was able to beat the al Bhed constantly with no adrenaline. You may want to find some sucky players to keep on your team for substitutes just in case the 2nd prize is better than the 1st. Also later on you'll win prizes that can enhance your players even more. Some give special shots (give one to yuyui) and some give stats (not sure how that works. I accidentally gave it to yuyui who already had 99 SHT and all it did was turn the word SHT yellow on his stats.). There's even an option to trade with other teams (you get to trade once per winning that prize. none of the original teams has anything worthwhile to trade for). You can even win two more teams to play against (the last one has some nice players to trade for if you can trade for them. I haven't unlocked them yet so I don't know if you can). The only thing I really wonder about is if your blitz data carries over in a new game +. I forgot to mention that Rikku and Yuna make good midfielders because their stats are well rounded with an emphasis on passing and blocking. Also Isaaru is also a good candidate for midfielder. He has 90s in PAS END and BLK. everything else is low but those are important areas for midfielders. He probably is better than Yuna and Rikku, but I'll keep them anyways since it's their game. Oh yeah, avoid auborine like the plague. Sure a 99 sht looks good, but everything else maxes in the single digits. He and Maroda are the only two level max characters I don't recommend recruiting (if I remember them all correctly right now). -Colonel clunk from gamefaqs ------------------------------------------------------ -7. Chocobo Dungeon- Chocobo Dungeon- Chocobo Dungeon- ------------------------------------------------------ By Hackenigma at gamefaqs 1) Capture three (3) chocobos. When you check in with Clasko, they you will see you have three (3) chocobos that are all level 1. Dispatch those chocobos to the Calm Lands and leave. Get into about 10 random battles and return to the ranch. Clasko will either say they've returned safely or they haven't. If they haven't, reset (assuming you saved before this) and try again (or you can just dispatch three (3) more instead). Once they have all returned safely, go to step two. 2) Raise those chocobos to level 2. You may have to capture more during this process, as not all chocobos' levels can be raised. Once you have three (3) that are at level 2, dispatch them to the Calm Lands. Once again, go engage in some battles and return to the ranch. Make sure they returned safely and if not, refer to step one for instructions on what to do. If they have returned safely, go to step three. 3) Continue using the above instructions with level 3, 4, and 5 chocobos. You must dispatch three (3) of each to the Calm Lands and all three must return safely. Here's where I feel most people are missing a step. Before you dispatch the final three (3) chocobos (those would be the level 5 ones), raise FOUR level 5 chocobos. You only need to send three (3) out, but once they return safely, all four of your chocobo runners MUST be at level 5. After you've dispatched three (3) of each level and had all return safely, leave the ranch, board the airship, whatever. Just get the hell out of there. 4) Return to the chocobo ranch and Clasko will approach you and tell you of a hidden dungeon that was found. It's located in the very back of the first floor in the center of the hallway. Now let's sum it up in a nutshell: 1) Capture and dispatch THREE level 1 chocobos to the Calm Lands. Make sure that all THREE return safely. 2) Raise and dispatch THREE level 2 chocobos to the Calm Lands. Make sure that all THREE return safely. 3) Raise and dispatch THREE level 3 chocobos to the Calm Lands. Make sure that all THREE return safely. 4) Raise and dispatch THREE level 4 chocobos to the Calm Lands. Make sure that all THREE return safely. 5) Raise FOUR level 5 chocobos. Dispatch THREE of those to the Calm Lands and make the fourth your runner that doesn't get dispatched. Make sure that all THREE return safely. 6) Leave the ranch. Board the airship. Return to the ranch. Clasko will approach you. There are numerous excellent items and accessories that can be obtained here. The ones that stick out in my mind the most are the AP Egg and the Machina Reactor. The end "boss" is an Anything Eater, and your "prize" at the end of the dungeon is an Amazing Chocobo. ------------------------------------------------------ -8. Version History- Version History- Version History- ------------------------------------------------------ 1.0: walkthrough finished! Pre 1.0: Still getting the main sections up and finishing the walkthrough --------------------------------------------------------- -9. Credits- Credits- Credits- Credits- Credits- Credits- --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for gamefaqs for hosting this guide. Thanks to Kouli for letting me use information from his 100% guide. And thanks to Square Enix for making a great game! NOTES Got Corpus Ivictus in thunder plains dungeon Got Salvation Promised grid in thunder dungeon as well Got Force of Nature accessory from plains dungeon also Thanks to everyone who contributed information