-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of game: Final Fantasy X-2 (for formats: NTSC-J, NTSC-U/C, PAL) Type of guide: Mascot Dressphere Speed Guide / FAQ Platform: Playstation 2 Version: Lisa, released on 16th February 2008 Author: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar - All rights reserved Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This guide contains spoilers! You have been warned. The only thing this guide cannot do is play the game for you. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 01.) LEGAL INFORMATION - G0100 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://faqs.ign.com - hhtp://www.squareuniverse.com - http://www.rpgdreamers.com - http://www.ffslo.tk ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 02.) TABLE OF CONTENTS - G0200 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you need to find something quickly, press and hold CTRL (Control), then press F button. This will bring up 'Find and Replace' box. In it type the word you're looking for and you should be taken to it immediately. This is much faster than scrolling thru entire guide. For your convenience I've inserted special search codes near every section to help you easily hop on to that section by using search code provided. Each search code will appear only twice in whole guide - thus getting stray hits will be impossible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION NUMBER AND NAME | CODE | WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01.) Legal information | G0100 | Copyright protection and legal info. 02.) Table of Contents | G0200 | Sections of this guide. 03.) Latest Updates | G0300 | Read what was added in last update. 04.) Introduction | G0400 | Just some small rambling from me... 05.) Read this first! | G0500 | Absolutely vital info one must know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.) Mascot Speed Guide | G0600 | Get mascot as fast as possible! 07.) Chrono Order MSG | G0700 | Chronological order for mascot-events. 08.) Past Revisions | G0800 | History of this guide resides here... 09.) Credits | G0900 | All who contributed... Thank you. 10.) Contact Info | G1000 | Find out how to reach me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 03.) LATEST UPDATES - G0300 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version Lisa (16th February 2008) # Chronological order added (thanks to MangarTheDark). ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 04.) INTRODUCTION - G0400 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to my eleventh FFX-2 related project. Mascot dressphere is one of the most elusive dresspheres players have trouble to score. I have created DSP / GG locations guide to help out at least a bit with this issue, but still there's just too many requirements to be met before you can claim your mascot. Many thanks for creation of this guide go to fellow GameFAQs user ZERUEL and his Ultimania Guide. If it weren't for him, this guide would never exist. He took some time to translate what you're about to read from japanese FFX-2 Ultimania book and has presented it for viewing on GameFAQs FFX-2 boards. I have been following steps he provided myself and am pleased to confirm that it has indeed worked like a charm. This guide you're about to read will clear any and all confusion regarding mascot DSP. It will reveal minimal requirements player *must* participate in before mascot is claimed. It will omit all the stuff you *do not* need for mascot. IN SHORT, MASCOT IS YOURS WITH THIS GUIDE. Without further introduction, let the mascot dance begin! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 05.) READ THIS FIRST! - G0500 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Listed here will be some common hints and tips you should familiarize yourself with, because they'll prove to be useful knowledge. # IMPORTANT ALERT ONE Mascot dressphere is obtained in CH5. To get it, you must obtain Episode Complete in every single area of Spira - that makes 15 areas in total. Again, YOU MUST obtain Episode Complete in all 15 areas of Spira. Once you have cleared 15th area of Spira by getting EPCOM for it, your girls are teleported on Celsius. Short scene will follow showing girls in their new outfits. Paine: 'What the hell is this?' # IMPORTANT ALERT TWO Episode Complete! =/= Episode Concluded! EPCOM =/= EPCON Again, EPCOM in every area is needed. If you get EPCON anywhere, your chances for mascot are nonexistant. New Game Plus is your only option. Also, EPCOMs do NOT CARRY OVER into New Game Plus - thus, you have to do EVERYTHING necessary to get EPCOM again. # IMPORTANT ALERT THREE When you complete CH1, you get a certain sphere. At start of CH2 player must decide which side will the player take for the rest of the game. Will it be the Youth League? Or will it be the New Yevon? Regardless of your choice, IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET MASCOT DSP EITHER WAY. Again, your choice of who receives the certain sphere does not affect your getting mascot. # IMPORTANT ALERT FOUR Due to some strange thinking on Squareenix' side, there is a funny 'glitch' in the game, which revolves around Zanarkand area. So... WHATEVER YOU DO IN CH5, CLEAR ZANARKAND OUT ASAP! IF YOU LEAVE IT FOR LAST, YOU WON'T GET MASCOT ONCE YOU GET EPISODE COMPLETE FOR THE AREA. # IMPORTANT ALERT FIVE If this unfortunate event happens anyway (you got EPCOM everywhere, but you cleared Zanarkand last), all is not lost. You should attempt to get Episode Complete for one of following missions: Den of Woe dungeon in Mushroom Rock or Chocobo dungeon in facility ruins in Calm Lands. Once you've obtained EPCOM by completing the mission, your girls are teleported to Celsius and mascot will be yours. However, if you've cleared out even these two before Zanarkand, then your chances for mascot are nil. # IMPORTANT ALERT SIX Following events in CH5 ARE NOT NEEDED for getting mascot. - Fiend Colony dungeon on Mi'ihen Highroad - Den of Woe dungeon in Mushroom Rock - Ruin Depths dungeon in Calm Lands - O'aka's EPCOM in Macalania Woods - Via Infinito dungeon in Bevelle # IMPORTANT ALERT SEVEN This guide does not, I repeat, DOES NOT tell you how to get 100% in one game. It only lists things that are imperative to be done to get mascot. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 06.) MASCOT SPEED GUIDE - G0600 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Main issues addressed in this section are: ============================================================================= Last minute tips and tricks ------------------------------------------- G0601 Besaid ----------- G0602 | Kilika ---------- G0603 | Luca ------------- G0604 Mi'ihen ---------- G0605 | Mushroom Rock --- G0606 | Djose ------------ G0605 Moonflow --------- G0608 | Guadosalam ------ G0609 | Thunder plains --- G0610 Macalania -------- G0611 | Bikanel --------- G0612 | Bevelle ---------- G0613 Calm lands ------- G0614 | Gagazet --------- G0615 | Zanarkand -------- G0616 ============================================================================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LAST MINUTE TIPS AND TRICKS - G0601 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In this section I will list EXACTLY what's needed to obtain mascot. You will not believe how LITTLE it takes for mascot to be yours. Just make sure that you follow these steps and I guarantee 100% that mascot will be yours. Still, it's my duty to inform you of some things first. - information will be divided in 15 entries (one entry per Spira area) - make *sure* you follow it by the letter! - do *not* skip over anything listed in these entries - if you do, bye mascot - do not make any deviations from anything listed in these entries, else wave sayonara to your mascot - relax, for there's not much struggle required on your side - doing only the stuff listed IS ENOUGH for mascot in the end, anything else you will do is time consuming and doesn't affect getting mascot (that is, you'll be simply wasting time with Gunner's Gauntlet, Thunder plains tower calibration... the list would just go on...) - story based Hotspot missions will not be mentioned, since they're required for beating the game anyway (so why bother mentioning Besaid Hotspot in CH1, which you must clear anyway) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESAID AREA - G0602 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - nothing CH4 - *after* Tobli mission, connect to Besaid CommSphere - you'll see Beclem, so zoom in on his head and he'll start talking about leaving Besaid and leaving the island in the hands of Wakka - do *not* exit until Beclem finishes talking (you'll know so by background music picking up in volume) CH5 - see Wakka, then go to Besaid temple, speak with Wakka by the entrance, go to the beach, talk to Beclem, receive War Buddy Sphere, back to Besaid village, you'll see Wakka on the way, talk to him, and finally enter the village for final scenes, in which Wakka will decide on a name at last EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KILIKA AREA - G0603 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - nothing CH4 - *after* Tobli mission, connect to two Kilika CommSpheres - you'll notice that one is broken - connect to the one named 'Kilika - Docks' - first time you connect zoom in on Dona - do *not* exit until she finishes talking (you'll know so by background music picking up in volume) - second time you connect again zoom in on Dona (likewise, *wait* until she finishes talking) - third time you connect scene unfolds automatically - fourth time you connect scene unfolds automatically (wait until Barthello breaks the CommSphere) - you will no longer be able to connect to Kilika CH5 - go to 'Kilika - pilgrimage road' for final scenes, in which Dona and Barthello will make up and be joined forever (cheezy tune plays) EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUCA AREA - G0604 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - nothing CH4 - nothing CH5 - head to the stairs that lead to Mi'ihen road - from SSP found at base of those stairs go S and approach the fence so that mission starts - follow the moogle to 'Luca - Square', then 'Luca - bridge' and finally 'Luca - Dock 2', where you'll see moogle in front of the ship for final scenes, in which YRP will be discussing about certain bits of their past EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MI'IHEN HIGHROAD AREA - G0605 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - you *must* at least visit this area during CH3 and accept to do the mission, so that you see Shinra run off in the distance - he'll install the CommSphere in front of the Agency in Mi'ihen - you're *not* required to finish the mission CH4 - connect to Mi'ihen CommSphere and wait until you see Rin emerge - accept his proposal for helping out - view the modified CommSpheres... --> If Shinra's extra Commsphere* is placed: CAM 2, CAM 8, CAM 4, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 4, CAM 5, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 5, investigation done! - your culprit will be Chocobo Eater** --> If Shinra's extra CommSphere* isn't placed: CAM 2, CAM 7, CAM 4, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 4, CAM 5, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 5, investigation done! - your culprit will be Chocobo Eater** CH5 - go to Mi'ihen, pick [Not at all.], then exit the agency for final scenes to unfold (which you get depends on the culprit you've got) * - Extra CommSphere? If you have taken part in Machina Mayhem mission, and have visited 'Highroad - Newroad, North' section afterwards, you will see a scene with Shinra, where he drops an extra CommSphere. Still, don't let this CommSphere confuse you - it has absolutely no impact on your mascot chances. ** - Chocobo Eater is not the only culprit you can go after if you're attempting to get mascot. Nabbing Rikku or Calli will ensure EPCOM for Mi'ihen as well. But be careful! If you end up with Rin or Prophet to be the responsible party, this causes you to get EPCON for Mi'ihen, thus screwing you out of mascot. EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD AREA - G0606 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - nothing CH4 - nothing CH5 - depending on who you returned certain sphere to... --> if you're with the Yevon, make your way to main elevator and speak with Yaibal here for final scenes, in which Yaibal speaks of how he is determined to do everything in his power to prevent the war --> if you're with the League, complete the battle tournament mission by defeating Lucil in boss battle and final scenes, in which Elma Lucil will talk about some random gibberish EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DJOSE AREA - G0607 CH1 - nothing, or do as much digs as you desire CH2 - nothing, or do as much digs as you desire CH3 - nothing, or do as much digs as you desire CH4 - nothing CH5 - go to Djose temple and beat the Experiment while its Attack, Defense and Special traits are all at level 5* for final scenes, in which you get to find out more about Paine's past * - Be extremely careful here. If you've defeated Experiment at any other variation of levels, you will have the chance of fighting it again, provided you have repair manuals. You gain five additional chances, as there are five repair manuals you can find. If even after fifth manual is used and Experiment hasn't attained all 5-s in Attack, Defense and Special traits, bye mascot. You increase Experiment's traits by digging at Bikanel desert and finding assemblies. EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOONFLOW AREA - G0608 CH1 - complete the escort mission here, and *ensure* that all five bags are with you when you reach Moonflow - take it this way: if you've entered five battles VS 2x Bandit, your bags are safe CH2 - sell all *10* tickets, doesn't matter if you make profit, but you must *sell* them all - you must also visit Macalania and complete the mission here by finding Bayra at 'Macalania - spring', and then finding both Donga and Pukutak CH3 - nothing CH4 - nothing CH5 - talk to Tobli and select [Let's go onstage!] for final scenes, in which you'll see YRP being a part of the set made up on the shoopuf (nothing too fancy though)* * note: Contributor George B. comments: If you qualify for EPCOM, you can also choose [We'll just watch.]. I think this might be worth small % as it changes the dialogue slightly, but even if you do this, you will still get EPCOM. EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GUADOSALAM AREA - G0609 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - make sure you complete the mission on Gagazet where you must defeat Garik in boss battle CH4 - nothing CH5 - after initial scene talk to Tromell, who's a bit hard to see (he's standing to the left of three musicians they brought from Macalania) for final scenes, in which Tromell becomes leader of the Guados EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNDER PLAINS AREA - G0610 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - nothing CH4 - nothing CH5 - complete the mission by defeating Humbaba, then enter 'Thunder Plains - New Cave', navigate your way to Cid and dismantle Machina Panzer for final scenes, in which Yuna reflects on her past and wishes to be able to talk to her father, and how happy Rikku and Bro are for having their father around EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACALANIA WOODS AREA - G0611 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - make sure you complete the mission on Gagazet where you must defeat Garik in boss battle CH4 - nothing CH5 - you must visit both screens that are labeled as 'Macalania Woods - Spring' - first one you must do is the one located closer to Travel Agency: when you're here, seek out a strange person and talk to him - second one you must do is found like this: beam down to Macalania and you'll appear near SSP, now go right to next screen, past the guards to next screen and you'll reach 4-way-cross, now go down, after the initial scene have Yuna move forward for final scenes to take place, where whe remembers on some of Tidus' and her past EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIKANEL AREA - G0612 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - nothing, but you can start Cactuar Hunter quest now, if you wish; still, your decision of when to start this quest doesn't meddle with your mascot chances CH4 - nothing CH5 - start the Cactuar Hunter quest, and find 9 gatekeepers that have fled all over Spira, then find last Cactuar in Cactuar Hollow, and finally beat Angra Mainyu for final scenes...? - it would appear that while YRP were fighting Angra, Al Bheds managed to make some food EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEVELLE AREA - G0613 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - *make sure* you visit Zanarkand so that Shinra installs the CommSphere CH4 - *after* Tobli mission, connect to Zanarkand CommSphere - first time you'll see a scene with Isaaru where he talks about Yuna's concert - second time Yuna and Isaaru discuss about using machinas for talking - third time you connect turn camera left, see Isaaru lying on the ground, zoom in and hear him say: 'What am I supposed to be protecting...?' - again, pay attention *not* to disconnect until all lines have been said in all three commsphere scenes (you'll know so by background music picking up) - if you have trouble getting Isaaru to talk, move camera around a bit or zoom in on Isaaru CH5 - visit the entrance to Yevon HQ for final scenes, where Yuna and Maroda will discuss about Yevon's future - you MUST see Isaaru in this scene or else you will fail to get EPCOM for this area EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALM LANDS AREA - G0614 CH1 - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; PR mission can be started at CH1, 2, 3 or 5 CH2 - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; PR mission can be started at CH1, 2, 3 or 5 CH3 - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; PR mission can be started at CH1, 2, 3 or 5 CH4 - if you can be bothered, you can get some PR points by pitching to people during Tobli mission CH5 - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; if one of the companies gained 400+ points already, Calm Lands will become HS, so simply visit the area* for final scenes, in which Tobli is made manager of both companies * - if you were unsuccessful in gaining enough points to bring one company to lv5 before CH5, all is not lost; you can play minigames for the company you're advertising for until you accrue 400+ points; now beam to Celsius and talk to Buddy - Calm lands will become a HS and voila EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAGAZET AREA - G0615 CH1 - nothing CH2 - nothing CH3 - meet Lian and Ayde at 'Thunder Plains - North' (they'll appear as purple X on minimap), speak to them and send them wherever you wish - also make sure that you complete the mission on Gagazet by defeating Garik in boss battle CH4 - nothing CH5 - beam down to Gagazet, then go down for a scene to be triggered - approach Kimahri afterwards for next scene in which Lian and Ayde return to Gagazet - now you must go to 'Gagazet - Mountain Trail' - close to the teleporter here you'll see Garik and Kimahri and final scenes - Kimahri's statue is made at last, while he himself considers Lian and Ayde an important part of Ronso future EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZANARKAND AREA - G0616 CH1 - nothing CH2 - complete monkey mating mission CH3 - if you didn't do it in CH2, complete monkey mating mission NOW, as this is your last chance - visit Zanarkand in this CH anyway so that Shinra installs the CommSphere needed for Bevelle's EPCOM CH4 - nothing CH5 - simply visit Zanarkand for final scenes, where Yuna shares her thoughts on Zanarkand's past, present and future EPISODE COMPLETE! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 07.) CHRONO ORDER MASCOT - G0700 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESAID AREA - nothing KILIKA AREA - nothing LUCA AREA - nothing MI'IHEN HIGHROAD AREA - nothing MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD AREA - nothing DJOSE AREA - nothing, or do as much digs as you desire MOONFLOW AREA - complete the escort mission here, and *ensure* that all five bags are with you when you reach Moonflow - take it this way: if you've entered five battles VS 2x Bandit, your bags are safe GUADOSALAM AREA - nothing THUNDER PLAINS AREA - nothing MACALANIA WOODS AREA - nothing BIKANEL AREA - nothing BEVELLE AREA - nothing CALM LANDS AREA - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; PR mission can be started at CH1, 2, 3 or 5 GAGAZET AREA - nothing ZANARKAND AREA - nothing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESAID AREA - nothing KILIKA AREA - nothing LUCA AREA - nothing MI'IHEN HIGHROAD AREA - nothing MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD AREA - nothing DJOSE AREA - nothing, or do as much digs as you desire MOONFLOW AREA - sell all *10* tickets, doesn't matter if you make profit, but you must *sell* them all - you must also visit Macalania and complete the mission here by finding Bayra at 'Macalania - spring', and then finding both Donga and Pukutak GUADOSALAM AREA - nothing THUNDER PLAINS AREA - nothing MACALANIA WOODS AREA - nothing BIKANEL AREA - nothing BEVELLE AREA - nothing CALM LANDS AREA - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; PR mission can be started at CH1, 2, 3 or 5 GAGAZET AREA - nothing ZANARKAND AREA - complete monkey mating mission ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESAID AREA - nothing KILIKA AREA - nothing LUCA AREA - nothing MI'IHEN HIGHROAD AREA - you *must* at least visit this area during CH3 and accept to do the mission, so that you see Shinra run off in the distance - he'll install the CommSphere in front of the Agency in Mi'ihen - you're *not* required to finish the mission MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD AREA - nothing DJOSE AREA - nothing, or do as much digs as you desire MOONFLOW AREA - nothing GUADOSALAM AREA - make sure you complete the mission on Gagazet where you must defeat Garik in boss battle THUNDER PLAINS AREA - nothing MACALANIA WOODS AREA - make sure you complete the mission on Gagazet where you must defeat Garik in boss battle BIKANEL AREA - nothing, but you can start Cactuar Hunter quest now, if you wish; still, your decision of when to start this quest doesn't meddle with your mascot chances BEVELLE AREA - *make sure* you visit Zanarkand so that Shinra installs the CommSphere CALM LANDS AREA - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; PR mission can be started at CH1, 2, 3 or 5 GAGAZET AREA - meet Lian and Ayde at 'Thunder Plains - North' (they'll appear as purple X on minimap), speak to them and send them wherever you wish - also make sure that you complete the mission on Gagazet by defeating Garik in boss battle ZANARKAND AREA - if you didn't do it in CH2, complete monkey mating mission NOW, as this is your last chance - visit Zanarkand in this CH anyway so that Shinra installs the CommSphere needed for Bevelle's EPCOM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESAID AREA - *after* Tobli mission, connect to Besaid CommSphere - you'll see Beclem, so zoom in on his head and he'll start talking about leaving Besaid and leaving the island in the hands of Wakka - do *not* exit until Beclem finishes talking (you'll know so by background music picking up in volume) KILIKA AREA - *after* Tobli mission, connect to two Kilika CommSpheres - you'll notice that one is broken - connect to the one named 'Kilika - Docks' - first time you connect zoom in on Dona - do *not* exit until she finishes talking (you'll know so by background music picking up in volume) - second time you connect again zoom in on Dona (likewise, *wait* until she finishes talking) - third time you connect scene unfolds automatically - fourth time you connect scene unfolds automatically (wait until Barthello breaks the CommSphere) - you will no longer be able to connect to Kilika LUCA AREA - nothing MI'IHEN HIGHROAD AREA - connect to Mi'ihen CommSphere and wait until you see Rin emerge - accept his proposal for helping out - view the modified CommSpheres... --> If Shinra's extra Commsphere* is placed: CAM 2, CAM 8, CAM 4,investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 4, CAM 5, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 5, investigation done! - your culprit will be Chocobo Eater** --> If Shinra's extra CommSphere* isn't placed: CAM 2, CAM 7, CAM 4, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 4, CAM 5, investigation level up!, CAM 1, CAM 5, investigation done! - your culprit will be Chocobo Eater** * - Extra CommSphere? If you have taken part in Machina Mayhem mission, and have visited 'Highroad - Newroad, North' section afterwards, you will see a scene with Shinra, where he drops an extra CommSphere. Still, don't let this CommSphere confuse you - it has absolutely no impact on your mascot chances. ** - Chocobo Eater is not the only culprit you can go after if you're attempting to get mascot. Nabbing Rikku or Calli will ensure EPCOM for Mi'ihen as well. But be careful! If you end up with Rin or Prophet to be the responsible party, this causes you to get EPCON for Mi'ihen, thus screwing you out of mascot. MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD AREA - nothing DJOSE AREA - nothing MOONFLOW AREA - nothing GUADOSALAM AREA - nothing THUNDER PLAINS AREA - nothing MACALANIA WOODS AREA - nothing BIKANEL AREA - nothing BEVELLE AREA - *after* Tobli mission, connect to Zanarkand CommSphere - first time you'll see a scene with Isaaru where he talks about Yuna's concert - second time Yuna and Isaaru discuss about using machinas for talking - third time you connect turn camera left, see Isaaru lying on the ground, zoom in and hear him say: 'What am I supposed to be protecting...?' - again, pay attention *not* to disconnect until all lines have been said in all three commsphere scenes (you'll know so by background music picking up) - if you have trouble getting Isaaru to talk move camera around a bit or zoom in on Isaaru CALM LANDS AREA - if you can be bothered, you can get some PR points by pitching to people during Tobli mission GAGAZET AREA - nothing ZANARKAND AREA - nothing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT!!! DO NOT TO ZANARKAND'S EPCOM LAST!!! ZANARKAND AREA - simply visit Zanarkand for final scenes, where Yuna shares her thoughts on Zanarkand's past, present and future EPISODE COMPLETE! BESAID AREA - see Wakka, then go to Besaid temple, speak with Wakka by the entrance, go to the beach, talk to Beclem, receive War Buddy Sphere, back to Besaid village, you'll see Wakka on the way, talk to him, and finally enter the village for final scenes, in which Wakka will decide on a name at last EPISODE COMPLETE! KILIKA AREA - go to 'Kilika - pilgrimage road' for final scenes, in which Dona and Barthello will make up and be joined forever (cheezy tune plays) EPISODE COMPLETE! LUCA AREA - head to the stairs that lead to Mi'ihen road - from SSP found at base of those stairs go S and approach the fence so that mission starts - follow the moogle to 'Luca - Square', then 'Luca - bridge' and finally 'Luca - Dock 2', where you'll see moogle in front of the ship for final scenes, in which YRP will be discussing about certain bits of their past EPISODE COMPLETE! MI'IHEN HIGHROAD AREA - go to Mi'ihen, pick [Not at all.], then exit the agency for final scenes to unfold (which you get depends on the culprit you've got) EPISODE COMPLETE! MUSHROOM ROCK ROAD AREA - depending on who you returned certain sphere to... --> if you're with the Yevon, make your way to main elevator and speak with Yaibal here for final scenes, in which Yaibal speaks of how he is determined to do everything in his power to prevent the war --> if you're with the League, complete the battle tournament mission by defeating Lucil in boss battle and final scenes, in which Elma Lucil will talk about some random gibberish EPISODE COMPLETE! DJOSE AREA - go to Djose temple and beat the Experiment while its Attack, Defense and Special traits are all at level 5* for final scenes, in which you get to find out more about Paine's past EPISODE COMPLETE! * - Be extremely careful here. If you've defeated Experiment at any other variation of levels, you will have the chance of fighting it again, provided you have repair manuals. You gain five additional chances, as there are five repair manuals you can find. If even after fifth manual is used and Experiment hasn't attained all 5-s in Attack, Defense and Special traits, bye mascot. You increase Experiment's traits by digging at Bikanel desert and finding assemblies. MOONFLOW AREA - talk to Tobli and select [Let's go onstage!] for final scenes, in which you'll see YRP being a part of the set made up on the shoopuf (nothing too fancy though)* EPISODE COMPLETE! * note: Contributor George B. comments: If you qualify for EPCOM, you can also choose [We'll just watch.]. I think this might be worth small % as it changes the dialogue slightly, but even if you do this, you will still get EPCOM. GUADOSALAM AREA - after initial scene talk to Tromell, who's a bit hard to see (he's standing to the left of three musicians they brought from Macalania) for final scenes, in which Tromell becomes leader of the Guados EPISODE COMPLETE! THUNDER PLAINS AREA - complete the mission by defeating Humbaba, then enter 'Thunder Plains - New Cave', navigate your way to Cid and dismantle Machina Panzer for final scenes, in which Yuna reflects on her past and wishes to be able to talk to her father, and how happy Rikku and Bro are for having their father around EPISODE COMPLETE! MACALANIA WOODS AREA - you must visit both screens that are labeled as 'Macalania Woods - Spring' - first one you must do is the one located closer to Travel Agency: when you're here, seek out a strange person and talk to him - second one you must do is found like this: beam down to Macalania and you'll appear near SSP, now go right to next screen, past the guards to next screen and you'll reach 4-way-cross, now go down, after the initial scene have Yuna move forward for final scenes to take place, where he remembers on some of Tidus' and her past EPISODE COMPLETE! BIKANEL AREA - start the Cactuar Hunter quest, and find 9 gatekeepers that have fled all over Spira, then find last Cactuar in Cactuar Hollow, and finally beat Angra Mainyu for final scenes...? - it would appear that while YRP were fighting Angra, Al Bheds managed to make some food EPISODE COMPLETE! BEVELLE AREA - visit the entrance to Yevon HQ for final scenes, where Yuna and Maroda will discuss about Yevon's future - you MUST see Isaaru in this scene or else you will fail to get EPCOM for this area EPISODE COMPLETE! CALM LANDS AREA - start PR mission, do pitching, or lose credits at minigames for points; if one of the companies gained 400+ points already, Calm Lands will become HS, so simply visit the area* for final scenes, in which Tobli is made manager of both companies EPISODE COMPLETE! * - if you were unsuccessful in gaining enough points to bring one company to lv5 before CH5, all is not lost; you can play minigames for the company you're advertising for until you accrue 400+ points; now beam to Celsius and talk to Buddy - Calm lands will become a HS and voila GAGAZET AREA - beam down to Gagazet, then go down for a scene to be triggered - approach Kimahri afterwards for next scene in which Lian and Ayde return to Gagazet - now you must go to 'Gagazet - Mountain Trail' - close to the teleporter here you'll see Garik and Kimahri and final scenes - Kimahri's statue is made at last, while he himself considers Lian and Ayde an important part of Ronso future EPISODE COMPLETE! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 08.) PAST REVISIONS - G0800 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version 1.3 (20th March 2004) # Added more notes about EPCOM and EPCON, as well as added brief descriptions of what's supposed to happen in EPCOM scenes. - Version 1.2 (29th February 2004) # Meh, forgot to credit my source. - Version 1.1 (28th February 2004) # Update in Mushroom Rock and Thunder Plains section. As it turned out, there is more things and events you can avoid doing if going only for mascot. - Version 1.0 (22nd February 2004) # Initial release. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 09.) CREDITS - G0900 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. Companies - SquareEnix: they created this game - Sony: for making PS2 - Lik-Sang: I imported the game from their website and very glad I did (I received my copy within 8 days) 2. Internet sites - GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com]: for hosting my guide - www.neoseeker.com: for hosting my guide - www.ign.com: for hosting my guide - www.squareuniverse.com: for hosting my guide - www.rpgdreamers.com: for hosting my guide - www.ffslo.tk: for hosting my guide 3. People - huge thanks to Zeruel: your information has proved invaluable - huge thanks to Agent0042: for helping 'get rid' of Mushroom Rock and Thunder plains requirements - George B.: for extra info on Moonflow's EPCOM - Angel G.: for reminding me of wrong region code ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 10.) CONTACT INFO - G1000 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com I need to put down a few guidelines. - as a subject of e-mail please include Final Fantasy X-2, or FFX-2 - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Damir Kolar's homepage http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Damir Kolar End of Document