+=========================================================================+ ____________________ / \ || Operation Monkey! || \____________________/ A guide by Chiiiiler, A.K.A David Hutchison. Version 1.0 Copyright 2006 David Hutchison Chiiiiler@hotmail.com +=========================================================================+ You know the drill. Press Ctrl+F to bring up search, then wack in the code of the section you want to find. If you want to find a particular monkey, whack in the name, and it'll appear as if by magic with it's soulmate! +++++++++++++++++++ TABLE OF CONTENTS +++++++++++++++++++ 1. Introduction [ITDCN] 2. Preparation [PRPRN] a. Template [PRPRA] b. Areas [PRPRB] 3. Operation Monkey! [OPRMN] 4. Soul of Thamasa [SLTMS] 5. FAQ [FRAQU] 6. Updates List [UPDLS] 7. Contact [CNTCT] 8. Other Stuff [OTRSF] a. Copyright Stuff [CPRST] b. Credits [CRDTS] +=========================================================================+ 1. Introduction [ITDCN] +=========================================================================+ Hi there all, and welcome to my first guide! I'm kinda nervous becuase this is the first version and they may not accept it, but hey ho, if you're reading this, then it must have! *NOTE* This is no longer the 1st version but the 1.1th, so hooray! I'm writing this guide because this sidequest is annoying, hard if you don't know what you're doing, and heavily unexplained in the game, with a reward that is (in my opinion) a great accessory (Soul of Thamasa), and (again, in my opinion, the funniest piece of text in the game. I remember that I spent hours on end talking to one monkey then talking to another, throwing my controller at the TV in frustration, standing in the checkout queue at Currys, and so on my next playthrough, I decided to help fellow gamers who where as stuck as I was and didn't have to go raiding through the full FAQ/Walkthroughs, only to find a tidbit of information that didn't help them at all. And that's where I come in. Well, I've sort of been in all along, because I've been telling you things you didn't need to know, but no more! Now i'm gonna explain the layout of this guide, and what it's about incase all this time you didn't know. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- This guide is about the "Operation Monkey" sidequest in Chapter 3. The sidequest involves matching monkeys up with each other. It doesn't even appear as a mission, so it takes some hunting down. But basically, fly the Celcius (your ship) to Zanarkand Ruins, and walk all the way through the Dome area until you see Isaaru (the guy with colourful robes on). Talk to him, and at the end of your conversation you'll be presented with something along the lines of (Sorry, but neither time did I manage to catch this so if you do please email me!): Operation Monkey Find all the monkeys soulmates. Hint: It helps to look at the names. Sorry about that. There is a lot more text than that, but it basically says that anyway. Either way, it is not helpful at all. My version makes it easier to pick out the important bit, which is that you have to match the monkeys up by their names. Sounds easy huh? It's not. Unless of course you have my wonderful guide to take you through it step by step! +=========================================================================+ 2. Preparation [PRPRN] +=========================================================================+ So here we are, having just been presented with a sidequest, with very little information. First thing the game doesn't tell you? You have to do this in order! But it follows a certain template, that goes like this. +=========================================================================+ a. Template [PRPRA] +=========================================================================+ First of, you'll get the name of the monkey that is hopelessly in love. A bit of information is then listed, including why the names of the two match up. A bit like this: ======== [Name] ======== Location: [Where they are] Partner: [Name] Why they match: [Explanation] Location Of Partner: [Where the partner is] Right, you have all that info, now, it's probably very clear what you have to do, but just incase you don't understand, I'll take you through it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow my instructions to where the first monkey of the two is. (Bear in mind that it will not work if you haven't done all the monkeys previous to the pair, because you have to do this in order!) You'll see a monkey with pink hearts over it's head, talk to it and you get: Where is [Name]'s Soulmate? Grab Him/Her Leave Him/Her Of course, you're going to pick "Grab Him/Her". Yuna will then pick the critter up. As a little extra, if you ever approach the camera holding one you'll see that these monkeys bear a striking resemblence to Carbuncle from FF7. Well i think they do anyway. Anyway, this is where my guide comes in. Go to the Area (see [OPRMB]) that i've said that their partner is, and where i've said about in the area where it will be. It will be there if you haven't already spoken to it, in which case it will be around that area. Then you talk to the soulmate, and it says: [Name1] fell in love with [Name2]! That's you done with this couple. They'll now be together in the location of the second monkey, always. As a bonus, i've also added what what each monkey says if you talk to them now. Sorry, told you I was in depth! Or maybe I didn't... :P +=========================================================================+ b. Areas [PRPRB] +=========================================================================+ So you're now ALMOST set up for my guide. But not quite, because first, we need to get aquainted with the 5 areas the monkeys are in. I've numbered them in order of progression, but i'm trying to make it easier by telling you certain landmarks as well. At this point I just want to say that all the trekking in this sidequest is made more bearable my the fact that there are no encounters in any of the 5 areas. So thats one easy way to tell if you're in the right place. But on with the areas. First up... =Area 1= Area one is the long corridor full of rubble where you encounter Isaaru to start this sidequest. It has the most monkeys in it, and you'll be coming back here a lot. If you exit to the south of this corridor, you have left the five areas. However you can exit and enter as many times as you like, the quest doesn't restart. As long as you dont go and finish the chapter that is. So to be safe, best not leave eh? Hahaha, you're trapped now! O.K, moment of insanity over, on with the guide! The most noticable landmarks here are the stairs at the north end. However there are several monkeys near the south, so i'll describe where they are the best I can. =Area 2= Area two is the "Cloister of Trials" for those of you who've played FFX, and the "weird rooms with white dots on the floor for (unless you've played FFX) no reason what-so-ever" for those who haven't. I've made both of these rooms the same area, beacause there is no blackout between the two. I'll basically say the left room or the right rooom if there is a monkey in one of them, then describe the position from there. It's hard to forget this area, as you'll be going through here a lot, and going down the lift in the middle of the left room a LOT. =Area 3= The "Room-at-the-bottom-of-the-lift". Welcome to Area three! According to my very sub par math, this is the room you'll be going through the most. It basically consists of the bottom of the lift, then a short archway through to a sort of "oval lying on it's side" shape, with jagged bits on the map that you cant get to. There's only one real landmark, and thats the lift. But you'll be going up and down that damn lift so often, you'll definatley remember Area three. =Area 4= Wow. Look at all the chests! Treasure Hunter's paradise, Area four! That's proabably the most obvious landmark of this area, the chests. The room is circular, and has stairs at the north end. Thats pretty much it. Oh, and this is the hardest room to describe where the second monkeys are because they're all pretty much together. You'll come through here quite a bit with all the back-and-forthing from area five. =Area 5= Where on earth actually is this, that's what I want to know. Enigmatic Area five with the freaky staircase. This is where you first met Isaaru on this game (back in chapter 1). You'll remember this room becuase of all the stars, and because, well it isn't really a room more of a wide open space...somewhere. This is the last room, and it only has one entrance/exit, and it's the one you came through. And about the freaky stairs? Go to the north of the area and there are some stairs leading somewhere you cant see. A new area? Wrong! Hehe, the world of spira is full of suprises! (Don't worry, you do not die or face a ludicrously hard boss. I say this because the writer of a guide for Tales of Symphonia thought it funny to say, oh yeah, it's okay, go into the evil book. What's in there? Oooh it's a suprise! Yey I love suprises... BLOODY HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instant annihalation. Grrrr). Ok, deviation over. And that's it on areas! Memorise them well friends. Or if you like, just print off the whole guide, and check up on the areas as you go. Your choice! _-*NOTE*-_ If you are still having problems with my instructions, which you shouldn't becuase they are very easy to understand, you can always refer to Ramen Junkie's map, which can be found at: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/final_fantasy_x_2_monkey.gif -------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES! We are finally onto the guide, keep the template in mind friends, and off we go! +==========================================================================+ 3. Operation Monkey! [OPRMN] +==========================================================================+ Right, straight into the action and onto the first monkey! ======= Birch ======= Location: Area 5. He's the monkey on the left, and will be strikingly obvious because of the pink hearts over his head. Partner: Sequoia Why They Match: Well, as you know, Birch is a type of tree, and so is Sequoia! I had no idea what a sequoia was, so that got me researching! Location Of Partner: Sequoia is located in Area 3. The monkeys here are all clustered up, but she's usually the one in the top right hand corner of them. Birch is eternally grateful! Sequoia is delirious with joy! Then, onto... ======== Spring ======== Location: Good ol' Area 4. As you enter, on the right. Partner: Autumn Why They Match: To be honest, I have no idea why it's Spring and Autumn, not Spring and Summer. I think it's probably becuase they are every other season, as are Summer and Winter. Location Of Partner: Autumn is located in the right hand room of Area 2. Instantly noticable becuase he's the only monkey there! Spring is all warm and fuzzy! Autumn is in seventh monkey heaven! Next up... ======= Dusky ======= Location: He is the southern-most monkey in Area 1. Partner: Dawne Why They Match: Take away the Y and the E and you get Dusk and Dawn. Not that hard to work out. Location Of Partner: Dawn is in Area 5. Of the two monkeys on the right, she's the one below. Dusky's face is all aglow! Dawne's fur has a healthy sheen! Which leads us too... ========== Rosemary ========== Location: Area 4. At the bottom of the north stairs, on the right. Partner: Thyme Why They Match: I love that TV show don't you? Never mind, Rosemary and Tyhme are two very complimentary herbs. Location Of Partner: Thyme is in Area 2, in the bottom right hand corner of the left hand room. Rosemary flashes a beautiful smile! Thyme's eyes are all atwinkle! Where on earth is... ======== Terran ======== Location: Area 2. At the top of the left hand room, in the alcove. He's the one on the right. Partner: Skye Why They Match: Terre is the french word for "Earth", and if you take the E off Skye then you get Sky. Earth and Sky. That one was tough, but other people interpret Terran as Terrain, which is another way round it. Location Of Partner: The only monkey left in Area 5, shes just above the newly smoochin' Dusky and Dawne. Terran is in an ecstatic stupor! Skye is beaming! Off to find... ======= Minni ======= Location: Area 4. As you come in, she's on your right. Partner: Maxx Why They Match: An old childens book by Patricia Reilly Giff series saw the adventures of Minnie And Max, two detectives out to solve mysteries. Also, via process of elimination, they're the only two Monkeys with names that (In my opinion) sound like names. Location Of Partner: Maxx is in Area 2, now the only monkey in the alcove at the top of the left hand room. Minni looks relaxed. Maxx is on cloud nine! Ah, the joys of... ======== Summer ======== Location: Area 3, in the top right hand corner. Again, the monkeys in here tend to cluster up a bit, so shes in that vague direction anyway. Partner: Winter Why They Match: See the Why They Match for Spring And Autumn Location Of Partner: Winter is located near the south entance of Area 1. There are two monkeys as you walk up from that entrance, Winter is the one above. Summer is euphoric! Winter won't stop fidgeting! Also looking for some sweet lovin'... ====== Peke ====== Location: In Area 2, just above and to the left of the lift. Partner: Valli Why They Match: Took me a while for this one, but eventually found that Peke -> Peak and Valli -> Valley, as in Mountain Peak, and Valley. Location Of Partner: Valli is just at the bottom of the lift in Area 3! She ought to be the monkey in the bottom right hand corner. Peke shrieks with delight! Valli is burning with passion. Where are you?!... ======= Canis ======= Location: Area 4, by the left of the north stairs. Partner: Felina Why They Match: Again, tough, becuase I thought thta it would be star related, because Canis is a constellation (two infact, major and minor). But, I did work out that Canis -> Canine, and Felina -> Feline. Canine and Feline. One means dog, one means cat respectivley. Location Of Partner: Remember where Winter is? Felina is below the now-smooching couple at the bottom of Area 1 that is Summer and Winter. Canis's heart is racing! Felina is blushing! Wanted: Boyfriend. Interested? Call... ======= Arroh ======= Location: Area 2, bottom left hand corner of the left hand room. Partner: Quivrr Why They Match: This was quite simple, Arrow and Quiver. One's where you put your arrows, the other is, well, an arrow. Location Of Partner: Quivrr is right at the north end of Area 1. He is the monkey next to the door leading to Area 2. Arroh is appeased. Quivrr seems calm now. Heart Of... ======= Golde ======= Location: Area 3. He's the only easy one to find in this room, becuase he's on the left hand side of the room. Partner: Sylva Why They Match: Ok, now if you didnt get this one, you need help. Mentally. Gold and Silver. Enough said. Location Of Partner: If you enter Area 1 from the north, and go down the stairs, they'll be a lonely monkey sitting there. Her name is Sylva, TALK TO HER! Aww, I love moments like these! Golde is weeping with joy! Sylva seems grateful! The End is Nigh!... ====== Luna ====== *NOTE* Special text here. It actually says "Finally! Luna is in love!" Location: Area 1. Easy to spot, because shes the one with hearts over her head that's all on her lonesome. She's before the stairs. Partner: Sol Why They Match: Last usually means hardest, but not in this case. As you probably know, Luna means Moon, Sol means Sun. Moon and Sun, hey presto! Location Of Partner: Suprise, suprise! Area 4. The only monkey without lovehearts over it's head. Should be at the far left. Luna is going ape! Sol looks very pleased! And...we're done! And now you're greeted with this (soooooo funny) piece of text: Their world was veiled in darkness. But now as monkey love blossoms and grows, A monkey full future lies ahead. This is their home. They will protect it, Now and Always. After you recover from you're laughing fit, you'll realise that we're really done! You'll be rewarded with the Soul of Thamasa accessory, which is explained in the next section. +=================================================================================+ 4. Soul of Thamasa [SLTMS] +=================================================================================+ The Soul of Thamasa accessory is the reward from doing this sidequest. Some love it, some hate it, but i'm a lover. This is the in game description: ================= Soul Of Thamasa ================= Strengthens spells, but doubles their MP cost. Thats all very well, but what it ACTUALLY does is below: ================= Soul Of Thamasa ================= Magic +15 Spells do 1.5x damage MP cost x2 This accessory is invaluble to any Black Mage user, as their MP is astronomical anyway. I also think, but have not as of yet confirmed, that this works with the Gun- Mages Blue Bullet skills. And if you dont think this is an adequate reward, hey, at- least this counts 1% towards your completion score! +=================================================================================+ 5. Frequently Asked Questions [FRAQU] +=================================================================================+ THIS SECTION IS AS OF YET EMPTY, BECAUSE IT HASN'T BEEN POSTED AT TIME OF WRITING, HENCEFORTH NO-ONE HAS ASKED ME ANY FREQUENT QUESTIONS YET! +=================================================================================+ 6. Updates List [UPDLS] +=================================================================================+ =Version 1.1= Hooray! We're on version 1.1, after Supercheats started hosting my guide, I had to add it in somewhere! Until next time fellows! +=================================================================================+ 7. Contact [CNTCT] +=================================================================================+ If you ever want to write in to complain about this guide, ask to add to it, or even correct a spelling or grammatical error, i'm all ears! I will not ignore any emails, even if they are entitled, &B0uT ur Gu|d£, |t $u><. As long as it mentions in the title that its about my guide, i'll read it, and reply. Simple. If you have the burning desire to do so, i have *shudders* MSN. Anything mentioned in the above, should go this address, even *shudders* MSN. Chiiiiler@hotmail.com And that's all for contact details! +=================================================================================+ 8. Other Stuff [OTRSF] +=================================================================================+ The stuff that very few people read but EVERYONE should. Copyright info. and credit where credit's due. Read on! +=================================================================================+ a. Copyright Stuff [CPRST] +=================================================================================+ This guide is Copyright to David Hutchison, 2006. No other person is allowed to take anything from this guide, and put it anywhere on the net without my permit. I will almost always say yes, but at this moment, the only sites allowed to host this guide are: http://gameFAQs.com. http://supercheats.com Don't plagurise, it's no fun for anyone. +=================================================================================+ b. Credits [CRDTS] +=================================================================================+ A list of all the people who contributed to making this guide. NAME WHAT DID THAY DO? David Hutchison Write this guide. It took me long hard hours, but I managed it! Josh Miller Graciously granted me permission to link to his helpful map. Rock on dude! Square Enix For making yet another groundbreaking installment of the Final Fantasy series. This guide wouldn't exist without them! gameFAQs.com For being the first site to host this guide! Supercheats.com For being the second! I know it's cliche, but i hope you had as much fun reading this guide as I had writing it. It may have been hard at times, but when I think that i'm helping people, it just makes it worthwhile. Until next time guys, Chiiiiler out! END