C: 02 C5 CP 5P :ShS2 .. EB j2 t: S6t M# 5 .tt8 6Mt5 jB 8 ;8CKKPP#S6 ;Mv :vjMj 6 Ct S6 0CCK ;;Mt#Mt 0. t8 K KjE#hC 0Pv. :5MM; v. :5tC6. 0BM . ..;C P 5t ;0 PCK.8#6 80h ; ; :tMSEMt5P :6K jSt SM; Cv BM jj vPS6; 5 CE .v;v2v5 5 E. KEtMMSKMM##M8 C CMt SKM 6j:M#t6 t .P :MMM.CMM; :MMM 56t KCP0 2 M M t.C2j MM MM M M MM jC v P6 S M M ht M MMM .M M M PB M tvv MMM M MPht2MMM M6 MM M M MM5 M M E M M8M MM M 500 M M M MME MMM MM MMS M M MB MMh M6 MhM M MMM MM M .C M55 PM MMM M MM M. jMv EMM t; M MMM M M5M MM M MM: MM; MvM ; M MM M M M MM M Mv M M M MM M M M MMv M M M :tEM M M M M M: E MP M M M ;KM M M M M#M M M M :M M M;M M M EM MM MMMMMt .:M#:j0M. M M #2Mj.MSP C;M5tvM2B M B.; M0EE M CM .M BvCMMj.hShM ;PC60E C *************************************************************************** Final Fantasy X-2 - Monster List. Written By: Kain Stryder. E-Mail Address: ssj4kain@aol.com. Walkthrough Version: Final. Last Updated: 5/14/07. System(s): PlayStation 2. *************************************************************************** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | [ I. Introduction ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] | | | | [ II. Current Updates ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]| | | | [ III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) ] . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] | | | | [ IV. Monster List ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOLI4 ]| | | | [ V. Monster Locations ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MONLO5 ] | | | | [ VI. Credits ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED6 ] | | | | [ VII. My Words ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO7 ] | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Table Of Contents = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ NOTE: I've added a Search Engine into all my FAQs now. To use this, if there's something you wish to find instantly in my FAQ, in the above table, on the left is the name of a section or sub-section. To the right is a weird code, like GOK5.1. Basically, if you wish to go to the section where I tell you about Goku under The Playable Characters Of The Story, on your Keyboard, hold Ctrl and then hit F and a window will open. Type in GOK5.1 and hit Find Next. It'll bring you to that section instantly. The code to reach the Table Of Contents is just that: Table Of Contents. I hope this makes browsing my FAQs easier for you. Enjoy! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ INTR1 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hello and welcome to another one of Kain's Stryder's Monster Lists. This time, I'm covering the monster game that's known as Final Fantasy X-2, Square Enix's first sequel to a Final Fantasy game. Although it's not THAT great in my eyes, none the less, it still is a Final Fantasy and well, here I am writing for it. As usual, I'd like to state that this Monster List NOT be edited in ANY way, shape or form, unless I give permission to do so. I didn't work hard compiling the data, nor did Lord Skylark work hard to obtain it just for you to steal and claim as your own or to make a profit off of it. Anyway, with that said, thanks for hearing me out and please remember this is to only be on GameFAQs and no other site. Thanks and with that, onto the Monster List! Update: This Walkthrough is now available at IGN, Neoseeker and any other sites I've allowed via E-Mail to host this file. If I did not give you permission to host this FAQ on your site, then you're hosting it illegally and if you're reading this on a site with any variatin of "cheat" in its name, please notify me so I may take the necessary action. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = II. Current Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CURUP2 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5/14/07 - Just writing in to let any readers know if they E-Mail me any questions or comments, that my address still works. My willpower to write walkthroughs over the last few years died, mostly to college and real life, but I may just start this up again. Feel free to write in, thanks. 4/21/04 - Ok, I just added up the Classes for each Monster, plus the information on what it takes to Oversoul each one. Basically, each Class, depending on how many you defeat of that perticular Class, after a certain number is dead, the next Monster in that Class will Oversoul. So, if a Monster is in the Wolf Class and you, say, kill it the number of times it says so on the Monster's Information, (For example: 10.) then the next Monster that's a Wolf will Oversoul. Simple, huh? Anyway, with that, I've marked this as the Final version of the guide, since I'm not going to do locations for the Monsters. WAY too much time to write out and do. Sorry. Perhaps if I get a high enough demand, but, we'll see. So, since this is all complete now, I won't bother updating again unless it's for a correction or addition or whatever, so, with that said, enjoy and see you next time... 3/27/04 - Whew, when a little while. Anyway, I added up every Attack for each Monster, so, check those out if you want to. They're found just above the "Information" at the end of each Monster's area. All that's left is Classes and Locations, so, stay tuned for those, enjoy the new stuff and I'll catch you later! 2/28/04 - Well, ok, this guide now has EVERY Monster in the game documented, including all the Dummied Monsters and it even has stats for the Monsters that can't Oversoul. All 309 of them are here now. All that remains at the moment is Classes, Attacks and Locations for all of them, so sit tight, as those are coming soon. Until then, though, enjoy! 2/25/04 - Alright, I updated up to 209/309 Monsters done. Just 100 left at the moment and that's a little over 2/3 done now. Well, the next update will complete this Monster List as much as possible, so, watch for it in a few days. Also, if you have any questions or comments or a mistake or something, send it to ssj4kain@aol.com and I'll give you a respone, possibly credit if it involves a correction or an addition to this list. Either way, enjoy and until next time... 2/22/04 - Ok, this Monster List has been started and out of 309 Monsters total, 103 are done, so, exactly 1/3 done. Except more updates in the following days, as this will soon be THE most complete Monster List for Final Fantasy X-2 on the Internet. Well, for now, enjoy and expect more soon! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = III. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.) . . . . . . . . . . . . [ FAQ3 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q. I need help in [Add in random part of the game here]! Can you please help me??? A. Um, no, sorry. I'm not exactly the best person to ask for help on this game. I only wrote a Monster List, not a Walkthrough here. Try using one of the many Walkthroughs on GameFAQs/IGN, as the writers who wrote them didn't do it for their health, you know. So, give them a look at to get the help you need. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = IV. Monster List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MOLI4 ]= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: If I list the Japanese name, then you'll know the Monster has a different name in the Japanese version of the game. If I don't, then the name you see is the same in both versions. Also, please note when you see something like: 1/2, the left number is normal and the right number and whatever is the Monster when it's in Oversoul. Most Monsters don't have it, but through hacking the game, well, heh, apparently they do. Finally, for the Drops, Steals and Bribes, the first two Items are for the normal Monster, then the next two are for the Oversouled Monster. So, say Potion x1/Potion x1 is for the first Monster, then after the dash, High Potion x1/High Potion x1 is for the Oversouled Monster. Sorry if it's sort of confusing. That and for the Oversouled # - The number represents how many of that class you need to kill in order for the next Monster of that Class to Oversoul. So, for example, if you kill 14 Wolf Monsters, then the next Wolf Monster WILL Oversoul. Well, enjoy THE most complete Monster List on the net for Final Fantasy X-2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ???? - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - ???. ID Number - 280/280. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 82/86. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 3/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 100/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 8/8. Magic - 10/10. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 71/92. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 40/0. Attacks: Absorb, Ecstasy, Haste, Regen, Thunder/None. Information: A mystery Songstress who has Luca Stadium packed. She's billed as the High Summoner who saved Spira, but something's not quite right.../None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aculeate - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Assassin Bee. ID Number - 33/33. Class - Bee/Bee. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 776/1,840. Magic Points - 27/27. Experience - 177/220. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 72/72. Steal Gil - 260/530. Strength - 31/31. Magic - 5/5. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 103/124. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 28/35. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Echo Grass x2/Panacea x1 - Poison Fang x4/Poison Fang x6. Common/Rare Steal - Echo Grass x2/Panacea x4 - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1 - Star Pendant x3/Star Pendant x3. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Curse: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 8. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Attack, Sleep Needle, W.I.M.P/Sharpened Needle. Information: A Fiend that darts through the air. Its Sleep Needle is certainly no fun, but its itchy W.I.M.P. Attack is the real drag/A Fiend that darts through the air. Each successive use of its Sharpened Needle grows more deadly than the last. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adamantoise - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Adamant Hawksbill. ID Number - 90/90. Class - Adamant/Adamant. Oversouled # - 9/9. Level - 37/44. Hit Points - 7,850/8,243. Magic Points - 210/210. Experience - 1,500/2,800. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 650/1,500. Steal Gil - 1,300/3,000. Strength - 45/45. Magic - 18/18. Defense - 133/133. Magic Defense - 144/144. Speed - 111/144. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x4/X-Potion x1 - Black Belt x1/Black Belt x1. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Muscle Belt x1 - Mysterious Viel x1/Mysterious Viel x1. Common/Rare Bribe - X-Potion x10/X-Potion x12 - Protection Bracelet x1/Protection Bracelet x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 100. Blow Away: 230. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/200. Attacks: Adamant Breath, Attack, Defense Up, Tremor/Attack, Breath Of The Gorgon, Tremor. Information: Not quite as big as an Earth Worm, but it is Spira's reigning Heavyweight Champion. It uses that weight to create Earthquakes/Not quite as big as an Earth Worm, but it is Spira's reigning Heavyweight Champion. It uses that weight to create Earthquakes. Quite the sticky wicket. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Adamantortoise - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Adamant Tortoise. ID Number - 229/229. Class - Adamant/Adamant. Oversouled # - 9/9. Level - 42/50. Hit Points - 14,580/25,809. Magic Points - 270/270. Experience - 2,582/3,348. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,000/1,200. Steal Gil - 1,800/3,600. Strength - 44/44. Magic - 20/20. Defense - 245/245. Magic Defense - 245/245. Speed - 83/121. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/X-Potion x1 - Crystal Gauntlet x1/Crystal Gauntlet x1. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Black Belt x1 - Oath Veil x1/Oath Veil x1. Common/Rare Bribe - White Magic Knowledge x3/Black Magic Knowledge x3 - Protection Bracelet x6/Protection Bracelet x8. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/200. Attacks: Adamant Breath, Attack, Defense Up, Strength Up, Tremor/Attack, Breath Of The Gorgon, Breath Of The Gorgon 2, Groundbreaker. Information: Not quite as big as an Earth Worm, but it is Spira's Heavyweight Champion. It uses that weight to create Earthquakes, so beware/Not quite as big as an Earth Worm, but it is Spira's Heavyweight Champion. It uses that weight to create Earthquakes, so beware. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aeshma - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 224/224. Class - Belial/Belial. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 8,788/9,227. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,600/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 800/0. Steal Gil - 1,680. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 38/46. Defense - 8/8. Magic Defense - 12/12. Speed - 72/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Shining Dragonfly Ball x1/Sleep Shock x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Life Candle x2/Farplane Shadow x20 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Interruption Shock x1/Black Magic Knowledge x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 18/0. Attacks: Drain, Emblem Of Thanatos, Flare, Osmose, Ultima/None. Information: An Envoy of the Farplane that terrorizes all Spira. It can unleash chains of devastating Spells as well as Emblem Of Thanatos to get the last laugh/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Agama - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 23/23. Class - Lizard/Lizard. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 8/10. Hit Points - 133/532. Magic Points - 29/29. Experience - 27/55. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 16/33. Steal Gil - 80/180. Strength - 38/39. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 24/24. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 63/69. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 8/10. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Poison. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Panacea x1 - Panacea x2/Panacea x3. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x1/Panacea x1 - Panacea x2/Panacea x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Antidote x12/Antidote x15 - Antidote x60/Antidote x70. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. Death: 20. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 20. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Poison Fang/Attack, Desperate Fang. Information: A small Fiend that generally just bites, but will Attack with Poison Fang when pressed. Be on your guard/Now sporting a Silence Attack in its Oversouled state. As an added bonus, it remembers how much damage it has taken and counterattacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ahriman - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 35/35. Class - Ahriman/Ahriman. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 2/4. Hit Points - 99/396. Magic Points - 15/15. Experience - 2/8. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 20/38. Steal Gil - 80/160. Strength - 7/8. Magic - 9/10. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 55/61. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Eye Drops x1/Eye Drops x2 - Phoenix Tail x3/Phoenix Tail x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Phoenix Tail x1/Mega-Phoenix x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x1/Eye Drops x2 - Mega-Phoenix x1/Mega-Phoenix x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/4. Attacks: Umbral Gaze/Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Umbral Gaze, Water. Information: A one-eyed aerial Fiend. It can inflict Darkness in the blink of an eye and drive you absolutely batty/In addition to its usual Gaze Attacks, this Oversouled Fiend has gained the unfortunate ability to Attack with Elemental Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aka Manah - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 225. Class - Belial/Belial. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 40/48. Hit Points - 6,322/6,638. Magic Points - 6,550/6,550. Experience - 1,030/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 670/0. Steal Gil - 890/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 22/22. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 131/195. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/5. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Beautiful Glass Ball x1/Darkness Shock x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x2/Life Candle x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Delay Shock x1/Delay Shock x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 34. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 16/0. Attacks: Blind, Blizzaga, Break, Curse, Emblem of Thanatos, Firaga, Silence, Slow, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: An Envoy of the Farplane that terrorizes all Spira. It can unleash consecutive Elemental Magic Attacks as well as the mysterious Emblem Of Thanatos/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Amorphous Gel - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Huge Gel. ID Number - 158/158. Class - Gel/Gel. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 973/2,333. Magic Points - 999/999. Experience - 480/780. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 380/520. Steal Gil - 720/1,430. Strength - 18/18. Magic - 58/58. Defense - 255/255. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 82/98. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Ice/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Lightning, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Water/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 25%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Water Ring x1/Water Ring x1 - Pure Water Ring x1/Pure Water Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Ice Ring x1/Ice Ring x1 - Ice Flash x3/Ice Flash x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Water Ring x1/Water Ring x1 - Pure Water Ring x1/Thunder And Water Ring x1. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 180. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 20/25. Attacks: Attack, Barrier Blizzara, Fira, Shift, Die, Thundara, Watara/Attack, Blizzara, Die, Fira, Negate Fire, Negate Fire Disabled, Negate Ice, Negate Ice Disabled, Negate Lightning, Negate Lightning Disabled, Negate Water, Negate Water Disabled, Thundara, Watera. Information: A Fiend born of Pyreflies that have fused with Water. Its gelatinous body renders Physical Attacks useless and its shifting Elemental Attacks make it a challenging Foe/A Fiend born of Pyreflies that have fused with Water. Its gelatinous body renders Physical Attacks useless and it really gunks things up with its Elemental Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Angra Mainyu - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 268/268. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 47/56. Hit Points - 333,444/350,116. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 5,000/0. Ability Points - 30/0. Gil - 5,000/0. Steal Gil - 2,000/0. Strength - 73/73. Magic - 97/97. Defense - 124/124. Magic Defense - 114/114. Speed - 68/88. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Ribbon x1/Ribbon x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Bio, Curaga, Demi, Die, Dispel, Flare, Full-Life, Perdition's Flame, Osmose, Unnatural Selection/None. Information: A terrible Fiend that has awakened from slumber beneath the desert sands. Bent on destroying all it encounters, it is a fiendish Fiend indeed/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Anima - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 169/169. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 43/52. Hit Points - 36,000/37,800. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 6,000/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 2,000/0. Steal Gil - 4,000/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 33/33. Defense - 84/84. Magic Defense - 42/42. Speed - 133/225. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 5/6. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water/None. Absorbs - None/Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Four Ring x1/Four Ring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Furious Shock x1/Furious Shock x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 110/0. Attacks: Anima Attack, Die, Oblivion, Pain/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Anole - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 25/25. Class - Lizard/Lizard. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 24/31. Hit Points - 734/2,736. Magic Points - 33/43. Experience - 105/138. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 70/100. Steal Gil - 238/500. Strength - 23/26. Magic - 14/14. Defense - 26/38. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 71/83. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 25/31. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Poison. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Beautiful Glass Ball x1 - Magic Abolishing Medicine x3/Magic Abolishing Medicine x4. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Magic Abolishing Medicine x1 - Magic Abolishing Medicine x4/Magic Abolishing Medicine x6. Common/Rare Bribe - Magic Abolishing Medicine x20/Magic Abolishing Medicine x24 - Chocobo Wing x12/Chocobo Wing x14. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 13. Curse: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 29. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/7. Attacks: Attack, Poison Fang/Attack, Attack 2, Desperate Strike. Information: A small Fiend that generally just bites, but which also uses Poison Fang from time to time. Be on your guard/Now sporting Poison and Slow Attacks in its Oversouled state. As an added bonus, it remembers how much damage it has taken when counterattacking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Anything Eater - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Globe Eater. ID Number - 154/154. Class - Eater/Eater. Oversouled # - 6/6. Level - 48/52. Hit Points - 11,600/36,980. Magic Points - 310/310. Experience - 3,400/4,800. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,500/1,800. Steal Gil - 2,400/6,000. Strength - 142/162. Magic - 24/64. Defense - 38/38. Magic Defense - 22/22. Speed - 82/131. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 11/14. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Power Glove x1/Power Glove x1 - Power Glove x1/Power Glove x2. Common/Rare Steal - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x2 - Mega-Potion x1/Elixer x1. Common/Rare Bribe - White Magic Knowledge x3/White Magic Knowledge x4 - Kaiser Knuckle x1/Kaiser Knuckle x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 130. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 130. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 70/70. Attacks: Attack, Blizzaga, Die, Firaga, Flare, Osmose, Thundaga, Wateraga/Blizzaga, Die, Die 2, Dispel, Firaga, Me No Like Dressphere!, Thundaga, Tired Of That Dressphere!, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend that once roamed the Calm Lands and subsisted on Chocobos. After an Earthquake trapped it underground, it developed into a far less picky eater/A Fiend trapped beneath the Calm Lands. Oversouling must have made it grumpy, because it now selectively targets certain Dresspheres. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aquila - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Falcon. ID Number - 30/30. Class - Bird/Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 1,897/4,843. Magic Points - 42/42. Experience - 102/130. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 55/85. Steal Gil - 240/448. Strength - 44/44. Magic - 24/24. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 130/156. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 56/74. Luck - 16/20. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - High Potion x4/High Potion x6. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Mega-Potion x1/Mega Potion x2. Common/Rare Bribe - High Potion x20/High Potion x24 - X-Potion x12/X-Potion x16. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 8. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 12. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Attack, Mind Pecker/Attack, Muddle Wing, Wild Wing. Information: A Fiend whose incredible Speed makes it an elusive and annoying Foe. Beware its Mind Peck Attack, which causes MP damage/Sometimes uses Berserk and Confusion Attacks. Its Speed makes it a vexing Opponent that can easily dodge Attacks if your Accuracy isn't high enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aranea - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 221/221. Class - Spider/Spider. Oversouled # - 8/8. Level - 52/62. Hit Points - 18,280/33,394. Magic Points - 178/178. Experience - 4,000/7,500. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 800/2,500. Steal Gil - 2,200/4,200. Strength - 74/104. Magic - 63/93. Defense - 44/44 Magic Defense - 12/12. Speed - 72/115. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 16/20. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Secret Strength Medicine x1/Mithril Bangle x1 - Secret Strength Medicine x1/Crystal Bangle x1. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Relieving Emblem x1 - Turbo Ether x2/Relieving Emblem x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Black Magic Knowledge x5/Sword Technique Essence x8/Black Magic Knowledge x10/Sword Technique Essence x16. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 110. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/100. Attacks: Gooey End, Spider Attack, Spider Bite/10,000-Gil-Smoosher, Attack, Blizzaga, Dual Catalyst, Firaga, Spider Bite, Tempus Laxit, Thundaga, Wataga. Information: A Spider that spits a Debilitating Web onto its prey before striking. If victory seems out of reach, you'd best run while you still can/A Fiend that extensively uses Magic now that it's Oversouled. Its nastiest ability involves Gil. Bank on crying all the way home after this one. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Arast - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 8/8. Class - Garkimasera/Garkimasera. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 29/48. Hit Points - 2,742/3,614. Magic Points - 650/650. Experience - 880/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 330/0. Steal Gil - 880/0. Strength - 21/21. Magic - 44/42. Defense - 22/22. Magic Defense - 223/233. Speed - 64/111. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 36/66. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Ice, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Silence, Slow, Stop, Water/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Ice, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Silence, Slow, Stop, Water. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Holy Water x2/Holy Water x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Magic Abolishing Medicine x2/Magic Abolishing Medicine x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Turbo Ether x6/Turbo Ether x8 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 30. Blow Away: 20. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 40. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 70. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 70. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Curse, Drain, Firaga, Osmose, Thundaga, Wataga/Blizzaga, Curse, Dispel, Drain, Firaga, Osmose, Thundaga, Wataga. Information: A Fiend from the Farplane that hovers in the air. It casts Spells of the four primary Elements and is highly resistant to Magical Attacks/No information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Archaeothyris - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 26/26. Class - Lizard/Lizard. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 32/38. Hit Points - 1,332/3,320. Magic Points - 58/58. Experience - 188/334. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 110/198. Steal Gil - 420/780. Strength - 36/36. Magic - 17/17. Defense - 33/44. Magic Defense - 5/5. Speed - 85/102. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 35/44. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Poison. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Eye Drops x2/Panacea x1 - Panacea x2/Panacea x3. Common/Rare Steal - Eye Drops x2/Panacea x1 - Panacea x3/Panacea x8. Common/Rare Bribe - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x2 - Haste Ring x2/Haste Ring x3. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 14. Curse: 255. Poison 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 29. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/7. Attacks: Attack, Poison Fang, Stone Fang/Attack, Desperate Strike. Information: A Fiend that that sometimes Attacks with Poison Fang and won't hesitate to use Stone Fang in a pinch. Watch out!/Now sporting a Darkness Attack in its Oversouled state. As an added bonus, it remembers how much damage it has taken when counterattacking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Armet - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 4/4. Class - Shell/Shell. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 23/31. Hit Points - 788/2,370. Magic Points - 21/21. Experience - 113/165. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 74/112. Steal Gil - 280/448. Strength - 38/38. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 126/130. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 54/65 Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Light Curtain x1/Moon Curtain x1 - Star Curtain x4/Star Curtain x5. Common/Rare Steal - Moon Curtain x1/Star Curtain x1 - Moon Curtain x4/Moon Curtain x5. Common/Rare Bribe - Light Curtain x16/Light Curtain x20 - Light Bracelet x1/Light Bracelet x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 15. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Defense Up, Helm Counter/Attack, Shatter Ether. Information: A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. It responds to Magical Attacks with Helm Counter/It sometimes performs an irritating Attack that destroys Ethers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Assassin Bee - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Piercing Bug. ID Number - 32/32. Class - Bee/Bee. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 19/23. Hit Points - 233/832. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 38/61. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 48/90. Steal Gil - 160/280. Strength - 29/29. Magic - 2/2. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 92/101. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 23/29. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Power Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Star Pendant x1 - Poison Fang x8/Poison Fang x3. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x1/Poison Fang x2 - White Cape x1/White Cape x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Poison Fang x8/Poison Fang x8 - Twisted Headband x1/Twisted Headband x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 8. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Power Reformed: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Attack, Sleep Needle, W.I.M.P/Sharpened Needle. Information: A Fiend that darts through the air. Its Sleep Needle is certainly no fun, but its itchy W.I.M.P. Attack is the real drag/A Fiend that darts through the air. Each successive use of its Sharpened Needle grows more deadly than the last. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Assault Machina - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 84/84. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 39/47. Hit Points - 4,477/5,121. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 600/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 180/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 28/28. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 103/134. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Silence Grenade x1/Petrification Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - M Bomb x1/M Bomb x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Pollute/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. So wrong/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Balivarha - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 52/52. Class - Horned Beast/Horned Beast. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 3,688/8,758. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 460/710. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 230/330. Steal Gil - 520/1,250. Strength - 47/48. Magic - 36/36. Defense - 61/72. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 78/90. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence, Poison/Curse, Death Sentence, Poison. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Fire Magic Stone x1/Fire Flash x1 - Fire Flash x1/Fire Flash x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x2/Fire Magic Stone x2 - Blazing Fire Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire God Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1 - Crystal Bangle x1/Crystal Bangle x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 22. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 32. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 6/7. Attacks: Attack, Fire Breath, Skewer/Attack, Berserk, Fire Breath, Stampede. Information: A Fiend easily distinguished by the four trademark horns protruding from its back. It Attacks by charging its Foes, but it also knows how to play with Fire. Stay alert/A Fiend easily distinguished by the four trademark horns protruding from its back. It charges and Attacks its Foes. Upon taking damage, it intensifies its Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Azi Dahaka - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 163/163. Class - Guardian Beast/Guardian Beast. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 72/86. Hit Points - 146,200/153,510. Magic Points - 869/869. Experience - 4,850/5,580. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,300/2,000. Steal Gil - 5,000/10,000. Strength - 135/146. Magic - 196/196. Defense - 190/190. Magic Defense - 140/140. Speed - 148/158. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Ether x1/Talisman x1 - Turbo Ether x3/Turbo Ether x4. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/X-Potion x1 - Talisman x1/Talisman x1. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/110. Attacks: Attack, Bated Breath, Damocles, Die/Attack, Bated Breath, Curse, Damocles, Die, Eyeing Paine..., Eyeing Rikku..., Eyeing Yuna... Information: An extremely powerful Fiend that guards the most direct path to Vegnagun. All of its Attacks are devastating. The average Party doesn't stand a chance at victory/An Oversouled Fiend that doesn't know when to quit. It frequently locks onto one of its Foes and unleashes an unending chain of Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bahamut - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 168/168. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 20/24. Hit Points - 8,400/8,820. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,300/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,000/0. Steal Gil - 2,200/0. Strength - 71/71. Magic - 86/86. Defense - 160/160. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 86/112. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Talisman Charm x1/Talisman Charm x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Silence Shock x1/Silence Shock x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/0. Attacks: Attack, Curse, Die, Impulse, Mega Flare/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bandit - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Thief. ID Number - 180/180. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 9/11. Hit Points - 132/139. Magic Points - 22/22. Experience - 28/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 140/0. Strength - 28/28. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 10/10. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 48/62. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Cheap Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Grenade x3/Grenade x4 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Potion/None. Information: A Thief that lurks around the Moonflow. He's not especially strong, but will use Potions when injured. It's best to finish him off in one hit/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Baralai - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 175/175. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 3,380/3,549. Magic Points - 540/540. Experience - 1,000/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 1,300/0. Steal Gil - 2,000/0. Strength - 71/71. Magic - 54/54. Defense - 42/42. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 135/176. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 33/41. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Pearl Necklace x1/Pearl Necklace x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Demon Repelling Bracelet x1/DemoN Repelling Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/0. Attacks: Absorb, Attack, Chain Attack, Demi, Drill Shot, Glint, Looming Glacier/None. Information: The Praetor of New Yevon. His actions are decidedly suspicious. Still, he seems to have his reasons.../None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Baralai - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 176/176. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 52/62. Hit Points - 12,220/17,031. Magic Points - 720/720. Experience - 1,200/0. Ability Points - 5/0. Gil - 200/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 68/68. Magic - 67/67. Defense - 67/67. Magic Defense - 26/26. Speed - 112/198. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 12/78. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Crystal Ball x1/Crystal Ball x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Raging Knowledge x1/Raging Knowledge x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 160/0. Attacks: Absorb, Attack, Chain Attack, Drill Shot, Glint, Looming Glacier, Not-So-Mighty Guard, Regen, Silence/None. Information: A presence formed when Baralai encountered Shuyin's Despair in the Den Of Woe two years ago. His sorrow fused with Pyreflies and assumed this shape/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Barbuta - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Barbut. ID Number - 3/3. Class - Shell/Shell. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 562/2,144. Magic Points - 13/13. Experience - 42/75. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 33/72. Steal Gil - 130/270. Strength - 31/31. Magic - 5/5. Defense - 124/127. Magic Defense - 5/5. Speed - 52/57. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Light Curtain x1/Light Curtain x2 - Moon Curtain x3/Wall Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Moon Curtain x1/Star Curtain x2 - Light Curtain x6/Light Curtain x8. Common/Rare Bribe - Moon Curtain x12/Moon Curtain x15 - Star Bracelet x1/Star Bracelet x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 14. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 26. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Defense Up/Attack, Helm Counter, Shatter Hi-Potion. Information: A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. Its Attacks are straight forward and unrelenting/It sometimes performs an irritating Attack that destroys Hi-Potions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Barong - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 71/71. Class - Blade/Blade. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 33/41. Hit Points - 2,733/6,833. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 270/260. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 138/240. Steal Gil - 430/830. Strength - 43/48. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 8/8. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 95/114. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 24/38. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence: 255, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/25%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Angel Earring x1 - Angel Earring x1/Angel Earring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Death Shock x1/Death Shock x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Angel Earring x1/Angel Earring x2 - Elixer x5/Elixer x6. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 24. Curse: 255. Darkness: 40. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 5/8. Attacks: Attack, Blade Rondo/Attack, Bio, Blade Rondo, Confuse, Frenzied Edge. Information: A venomous Fiend whose Scythe-like forelegs can cut anything to shreds. Beware its Blade Rondo Attack, which takes full advantage of these lethal appendages/Highly sensitive to Attacks. It will quickly counterattack after being hit. Its ability to use Magic puts it a cut above the rest. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bascinet - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 5/5. Class - Shell/Shell. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 33/41. Hit Points - 1,342/3,355. Magic Points - 27/27. Experience - 210/270. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 110/180. Steal Gil - 260/483. Strength - 44/44. Magic - 7/7. Defense - 128/134. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 67/80. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Star Curtain x4/Star Curtain x5. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Star Curtain x2/Star Curtain x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Wall Ring x1/Wall Ring x1 - Moon Bracelet x1/Moon Bracelet x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 13. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Defense Up, Helm Counter/Attack, Attack 2, Shatter Elixer. Information: A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. It responds to Magical Attacks with Helm Counter/It sometimes performs an irritating Attack that destroys Elixers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Battlesnake - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Gatling Cobra. ID Number - 302/302. Class - Snake Machinegun/Snake Machinegun. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 20/24. Hit Points - 252/265. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 12/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 40/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 74/96. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Full-Auto, Revolver/None. Information: A Support Unit developed by the Leblanc Syndicate. When the time is right, it can use Full-Auto to deal major damage, but fortunately it can't pull a stunt like that very often/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Behemoth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 72/72. Class - Behemoth/Behemoth. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 1,420/1,491. Magic Points - 280/280. Experience - 102/180. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 80/152. Steal Gil - 340/780. Strength - 48/48. Magic - 85/85. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 68/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 12%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Circlet x1/Thunder Ring x1 - Thunder Ring x1/Thunder Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Electric Ball x2 - Circlet x1/Circlet x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Hypno Crown x1/Hypno Crown x1 - Sky Thunder Ring x1/Sky Thunder Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 30/36. Attacks: Attack, Thundara/Attack, Eyeing Paine..., Eyeing Rikku..., Eyeing Yuna..., Thundara. Information: Sometimes called the strongest Fiend in Spira. Its powerful punches and Lightning Magic are formidable. However, it's still young and has yet to reach full strength/Targets a specific type of Foe and concentrates all of its Attacks on that Foe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bicocette - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 2/2. Class - Shell/Shell. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 8/10. Hit Points - 182/738. Magic Points - 10/10. Experience - 44/82. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 18/34. Steal Gil - 120/224. Strength - 22/23. Magic - 2/2. Defense - 123/124. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 48/53. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Light Curtain x1 - Light Curtain x2/Light Curtain x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Light Curtain x1 - Wall Ring x1/Wall Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Light Curtain x3/Light Curtain x6 - Light Curtain x12/Light Curtain x16. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 13. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/5. Attacks: Attack, Defense Up/Attack, Shatter Phoenix Down. Information: A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. Its Attacks are straight forward and unrelenting/It sometimes performs an irritating Attack that destroys Phoenix Downs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Big Bully Cap - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Evil Pholiota. ID Number - 277/277. Class - Fungongo/Fungongo. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 51/52. Hit Points - 4,880/5,124. Magic Points - 128/128. Experience - 180/372. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 48/98. Steal Gil - 180/380. Strength - 5/5. Magic - 38/46. Defense - 114/114. Magic Defense - 82/82. Speed - 38/48. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Water/Water. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Defense Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/6%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x1/Panacea x1 - Panacea x3/Panacea x5. Common/Rare Steal - Black Choker x1/Peaceful Potpourri x1 - Black Choker x1/Peaceful Potpourri x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Peaceful Potpourri x1/Peaceful Potpourri x2 - Peaceful Potpourri x1/Peaceful Potpourri x4. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 20. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 52. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 20. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/22. Attacks: Nausea Powder/Berserk, Firaga, Flare, Nausea Powder, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend that grows in damp places and releases a Spore Cloud when struck. It's Slow, but not to be taken lightly/A Fiend that grows in damp places and Attacks with Magic and Spore Clouds. When its HP gets low, it enters a sort of "Magic Berserk" and then it's smack-up time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Black Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 69/69. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 88/99. Hit Points - 9,999/10,998. Magic Points - 2,380/2,380. Experience - 770/1,200. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 380/1,200. Steal Gil - 1,000/1,800. Strength - 11/11. Magic - 255/255. Defense - 250/250. Magic Defense - 254/254. Speed - 255/255. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Secret Magic Medicine x1/Four Hand x1 - Secret Magic Medicine x2/Four Shield x1. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Rune Bracelet x1 - Ether x1/Rune Bracelet x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Sorcery Knowledge x1/Sorcery Knowledge x1 - Sorcery Knowledge x1/Sorcery Knowledge x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 110. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 30/40. Attacks: Absorb, Berserk, Flare, Magic Up, Ultima/Blizzaga, Firaga, Full-Cure, Regen, Thundaga, Ultima, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend created when various Magics fuse with Pyreflies. It wields Potent Magic and is Resistant to Physical and Magic Attacks. The most sinister of Elementals/A Fiend created when various Magics fuse with Pyreflies. It wields Potent Magic and is Resistant to Physical and Magic Attacks. The most sinister of Elementals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Blackguard - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Ruffian. ID Number - 266/266. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 760/798. Magic Points - 35/35. Experience - 30/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 42/0. Steal Gil - 85/0. Strength - 42/42. Magic - 10/10. Defense - 47/47. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 58/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Mega-Phoenix x1/Mega-Phoenix x2 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Chocobo Feather, Hi-Potion, Poison Fang/None. Information: A Thief that lurks around the Moonflow. He's not especially strong, but will use Hi-Potions when injured. It's best to finish him off in one hit/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Blitzball - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 297/297. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Blue Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 67/67. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 22/23. Hit Points - 363/788. Magic Points - 350/350. Experience - 342/620. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 180/290. Steal Gil - 520/1,000. Strength - 3/3. Magic - 16/18. Defense - 206/206. Magic Defense - 118/118. Speed - 63/69. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Water/Water. Immune To - Fire, Ice/Fire, Ice. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Dragon Scale x1/Water Magic Stone x1 - Water Magic Stone x4/Water Magic Stone x5. Common/Rare Steal - Dragon Scale x1/Water Magic Stone x1 - Water Flash x1/Water Flash x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Water Magic Stone x6/Water Magic Stone x8 - Gold Hairpin x1/Gold Hairpin x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Magic Up, Osmose, Silence, Watera/Magic Down, Magic Up, Regen, Silence, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend created when the power of Water fuses with Pyreflies. It sprays Water at all who approach. Lightning is its only Elemental Weakness/A Fiend created when the power of Water fuses with Pyreflies. Lightning is its only Elemental Weakness. Its Water Damage grows weaker as it Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bolt Drake - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 55/55. Class - Drake/Drake. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 21/25. Hit Points - 623/2,492. Magic Points - 42/42. Experience - 152/245. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 130/183. Steal Gil - 430/760. Strength - 42/46. Magic - 26/26. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 58/64. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Lightning, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Lighting, Power Reformed, Sleep. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Thunder God Ring x1 - Thunder God Ring x1/Thunder God Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Thunderbolt Ball x1/Thunder Ring x1 - Thunder Magic Stone x2/Thunder Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Thunder Flash x1/Thunder Flash x1 - Thunder God Ring x1/Sky Thunder Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 19. Curse: 255. Death: 40. Petrification: 30. Poison: 20. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 25. Confuse: 255. Death: 40. Petrification: 30. Poison: 20. Power Reformed: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 5/6. Attacks: Attack, Breath/Attack, Breath, Cure. Information: A Fiend that Attacks with alarming Speed despite its otherwise lethargic movement. Its Lightning Breath can damage multiple targets at once. Bothersome/Able to deal damage to multiple targets with its Lightning Breath. On the bright side, its Attack Power drops as it inflicts damage. Hang in there! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bomb - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 96/96. Class - Bomb/Bomb. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 2/3. Hit Points - 140/545. Magic Points - 265/265. Experience - 2/8. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 30/55. Steal Gil - 110/230. Strength - 15/17. Magic - 12/12. Defense - 29/29. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 48/53. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice, Water/Ice, Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Bomb Fragment x3/Bomb Fragment x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Bomb Fragment x1 - Bomb Fragment x2/Bomb Spirit x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire Magic Stone x3/Fire Magic Stone x4 - Fire Ring x1/Fire Ring x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 13. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/3. Attacks: Expand 2, Expand 3, Fire, Kaboom!, Rush/Attack, Chain Attack, Double Attack, Expand 2, Expand 3, Fira, Fire, Kaboom!. Information: A Fiend blazing with the power of Fire. If it gets knocked around too much, the Flames smoldering within cause it to Explode/A Fiend blazing with the power of Fire. If it gets knocked around too much, the Flames smoldering within cause it to Explode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Boris - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Borispider. ID Number - 132/132. Class - Spider/Spider. Oversouled # - 8/8. Level - 8/14. Hit Points - 480/804. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 26/120. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 300/3. Steal Gil - 700/1,000. Strength - 16/18. Magic - 2/2. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 95/124. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire, Ice/Fire, Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Poison, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Poison, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1 - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - Relieving Emblem x1/Relieving Emblem x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Antidote x30/Beautiful Glass Ball x1 - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 110. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 45/50. Attacks: Spider Attack, Spider Bite, Sticky Net/Power Catalyst, Spider Attack, Tempus Laxit. Information: A Fiend that Protects the Sphere in the Gagazet Ruins. He halts his prey with a Sticky Web before Attacking. Maybe he's as scared as you.../A Fiend living on Mt. Gagazet. He halts his prey with a Sticky Web before Attacking. During Battle, he grows progressively stronger, a vile breach of etiquette. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bully Cap - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Evil Mushroom. ID Number - 109/109. Class - Fungongo/Fungongo. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 8/10. Hit Points - 94/376. Magic Points - 83/83. Experience - 26/58. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 14/32. Steal Gil - 80/160. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 40/40. Speed - 42/46. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness, Silence, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Silence, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Eye Drops x1/Eye Drops x2 - Eye Drops x3/Eye Drops x4. Common/Rare Steal - Eye Drops x1/Panacea x1 - Eye Drops x2/Panacea x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Eye Drops x10/Panacea x1 - Panacea x2/Panacea x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 4. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 10. Petrification: 10. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 10. Petrification: 10. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Ebon Powder, Water, White Highwind/Berserk, Ebon Powder, Fire, Water, Watera. Information: A Fiend that grows in damp places and releases a Spore Cloud when struck. It's slow, but not to be taken lightly/A Fiend that grows in damp places and Attacks with Magic and Spore Clouds. When its HP gets low, it enters a sort of "Magic Berserk." It's not pretty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cactuar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sabotender. ID Number - 106/106. Class - Sabotender/Sabotender. Oversouled # - 15/15. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 2,002/7,777. Magic Points - 120/777. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 2/3. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 52/52. Magic - 96/96. Defense - 122/122. Magic Defense - 255/255. Speed - 101/165. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 86/108. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 100. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 100. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/255. Attacks: 1,000 Needles, Attack, Escape/3000-Needle Special, Attack, Blinding Meridian, Blizzaga, Burning Meridian, Chilly Meridian, Drowning Meridian, Firaga, Maddening Meridian, No Sign, Quiet Meridian, Tingling Meridian, Thundaga, Wataga. Information: An enigmatic Fiend that runs across the desert. Whether it bears good fortune or bad, none can say. No one has survived its 1000 Needles Attack long enough to find out/A Fiend that looks innocent enough, but when it gets mad, it really gets mad. Nothing makes it madder than low HP. Then it's time for mad Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cactuar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sabotender. ID Number - 107/107. Class - Sabotender/Sabotender. Oversouled # - 15/15. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Canis Major - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 13/13. Class - Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 943/2,458. Magic Points - 8/8. Experience - 158/270. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 67/93. Steal Gil - 228/380. Strength - 36/37. Magic - 9/9. Defense - 3/5. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 103/124. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 21/26. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - High Potion x4/High Potion x6. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - High Potion x4/High Potion x5. Common/Rare Bribe - High Potion x8/High Potion x10 - Haste Ring x1/Haste Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 11. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Silence 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attacks: Attack, Curse Fang, Strength Up/Attack, Chain Attack, Quadruple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks indiscrimiantely no matter what the odds. It inflicts Curse on its Opponents with Curse Fang. How depressing/Even more violent in its Oversouled state. It can now Attack five times in a row. Jumping Chocobos! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cephalotus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 41/41. Class - Flower/Flower. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 23/25. Hit Points - 1,830/6,075. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 213/347. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 62/111. Steal Gil - 220/450. Strength - 44/57. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 82/97. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 71/76. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Poison. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Echo Grass x2/Panacea x1 - Panacea x3/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Steal - Echo Grass x2/Panacea x1 - Panacea x6/Panacea x8. Common/Rare Bribe - White Cape x2/White Cape x3 - Panacea x80/Panacea x99. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Seed Cannon, Seed Burst/Heavy Seed Cannon, MP Crush, Seed Burst. Information: A Plant Fiend that can move just like any other creature. It slows Opponents' advances with Seed Burst and the power of its Seed Cannon is formidable/A Plant Fiend that can move just like any other creature. Oversouled, it's now able to cause MP Damage with MP Crush, so watch out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chac - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 239/239. Class - Basilisk/Basilisk. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 98/99. Hit Points - 437,850/459,743. Magic Points - 820/820. Experience - 2,200/950. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 750/2,200. Steal Gil - 3,300/5,300. Strength - 254/254. Magic - 88/88. Defense - 152/152. Magic Defense - 166/166. Speed - 164/213. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 14/18. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Light Magic Stone x1/Magical Powder x1 - Light Magic Stone x2/Crystal Ball x1. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x2 - Ether x1/Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Supreme Magic Stone x3/Supreme Magic Stone x6 - Supreme Magic Stone x10/Supreme Magic Stone x12. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 90. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 120. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 90/120. Attacks: Attack, Heaven's Cataract, Stony Glare/Attack, Destroy Remedy, Destroy Soft, HP Break, Hunter's Gaze, Stony Glare. Information: A Serpentine Fiend that shoots a strange beam from its eye. Though it primarily uses Physical Attacks, its Stony Glare and Heaven's Cataract will give you the most trouble/A Fiend that can turn objects to stone with a glance. It Petrifies its prey with Stony Glare, then prevents them from recovering by destroying their Softs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chocobo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 188/188. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 5/6. Hit Points - 366/368. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 24/24. Defense - 9/9. Magic Defense - 9/9. Speed - 53/65. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Chocobo Tail x1/Chocobo Wing x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 30/0. Attacks: Choco Cure, Choco Kick, Choco Protect, Choco Shell, Flee, Happy/None. Information: Looks like it wants something.../None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chocobo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 240/240. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 34/36. Hit Points - 3,890/4,085. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 38/38. Magic - 52/52. Defense - 11/11. Magic Defense - 11/11. Speed - 72/87. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 33/0. Luck - 28/35. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Chocobo Tail x12/Chocobo Wing x4 - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 120. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 30/0. Attacks: Choco Cure, Choco Kick, Choco Meteo, Choco Protect, Choco Shell, Flee, Happy/None. Information: Looks like it wants something.../None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Chocobo Eater - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 153/153. Class - Eater/Eater. Oversouled # - 6/6. Level - 11/16. Hit Points - 2,350/2,993. Magic Points - 230/230. Experience - 350/680. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 500/770. Steal Gil - 2,000/3,000. Strength - 92/101. Magic - 27/27. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 72/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Wall Ring x1/Wall Ring x1 - X-Potion x3/X-Potion x5. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/X-Potion x2 - Light Bracelet x1/Light Bracelet x2. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 110. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 60/60. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Die, Fira, Thundara, Watera/Blizzard, Die, Die 2, Fire, Me No Like You!, Tired Of Paine!, Tired Of Rikku!, Tired Of Yuna!, Water. Information: A Fiend whose diet consists mainly of Chocobo. It roams the highroads and plains of Spira in search of Chocobo Flocks, then ensnares them with its huge arms/A Fiend whose diet consists mainly of Chocobo. Oversouling must have made it grumpy, because it now pounds repeatedly on one victim. Eat that. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cindy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Magu. ID Number - 171/171. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 46/55. Hit Points - 12,240/12,852. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 3,000/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,000/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 38/38. Magic - 9/9. Defense - 172/172. Magic Defense - 133/133. Speed - 72/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 4/5. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Fairy Piece x1/Magical Powder x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - White Cape x1/White Cape x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 150/0. Attacks: Absorb, Camisade, Delta Attack, Demi, Die, Not-So-Mighty Guard, Regen, White Highwind/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Claret Dragon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Rubrum Dragon. ID Number - 120/120. Class - Dragon/Dragon. Oversouled # - 6/6. Level - 45/52. Hit Points - 17,320/18,186. Magic Points - 378/378. Experience - 1,280/2,213. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 780/1,300. Steal Gil - 1,830/1,020. Strength - 140/158. Magic - 60/71. Defense - 103/133. Magic Defense - 94/94. Speed - 107/134. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire, Gravity, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Water/Fire, Gravity, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Water. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x2/High Potion x3 - Fire And Ice Ring x1/Fire And Ice Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Ether x1 - Ether x2/Ether x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire And Ice Ring x2/Fire And Ice Ring x3 - Black Magic Essence x1/Black Magic Essence x2. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 50. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 60. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/25. Attacks: Attack, Flame Breath, Tail Smash/Attack, Brusier Tail, Crushing Tail, Flame Breath, Gathering Strength..., Megaton Tail, Still Gathering Strength..., Whole Lotta Strength. Information: A Dragon of formidable size, with strength to match. Its powerful Breath Attack can deal terrible damage/A Dragon of formidable size, with Strength to match. It stores up its Strength and then unleashes devastating Attacks, so be prepared! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Coeurl - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 76/76. Class - Coeurl/Coeurl. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 12/15. Hit Points - 320/1,380. Magic Points - 310/310. Experience - 24/60. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 30/80. Steal Gil - 240/520. Strength - 19/19. Magic - 32/32. Defense - 10/10. Magic Defense - 45/45. Speed - 72/79. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Sleep. Drop % - 71%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x2/Potion x4 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Phoenix Tail x3/Phoenix Tail x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Farplane Shadow x8/Farplane Shadow x10 - Angel Earring x1/Angel Earring x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 10. Curse: 255. Darkness: 30. Death: 50. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 30. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 50. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 12/18. Attacks: Blaster, Blizzard, Fire, Thunder, Water, White Highwind/Blaster, Blizzara, Dispel, Fira, Magic Down, Magic Up, Thundara, Watera. Information: A mystic Fiend rarely seen by Man. Surprisingly, it wields Magic of the four primary Elements. Beware its greatest Attack, Blaster, for it devours HP/A Fiend that, despite its vicious appearance, Attacks only with Magic of the four primary Elementals. As its HP gets lower, its Magic Power increases. What gives? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Concherer - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Mount Snail. ID Number - 232/232. Class - Snail/Snail. Oversouled # - 7/7. Level - 96/99. Hit Points - 343,280/360,444. Magic Points - 170/170. Experience - 6,000/9,000. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,200/3,000. Steal Gil - 3,000/6,300. Strength - 152/152. Magic - 163/163. Defense - 122/122. Magic Defense - 122/122. Speed - 155/202. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Holy Magic Stone x1/Crystal Gauntlet x1 - Crystal Gauntlet x1/Crystal Gauntlet x2. Common/Rare Steal - Elixer x1/Elixer x2 - Elixer x1/Elixer x2. Common/Rare Bribe - White Magic Knowledge x28/Secret Technique Essence x30 - Secret Technique Essence x30/Secret Technique Essence x40. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 200/220. Attacks: Attack, Broken Shell, Broken Shell 2, Die, Emerges From Shell, Gunk, Hides In Shell, Megaton Press/Attack, Broken Shell, Demi, Die, Flare, Redular Grudge, Slurp, Thundaga. Information: A Fiend whose impossibly strong shell gives it very high Defense. A powerful blow can supposedly shatter the shell, but can that be true?/Oversouling has caused its shell to harden considerably. At times like this, all you can really do is smile and keep shelling out damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Coyote - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 9/9. Class - Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 2/4. Hit Points - 74/296. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 3/10. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 10/30. Steal Gil - 56/110. Strength - 7/12. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 59/67. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 1/2. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x2 - High Potion x2/High Potion x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Potion x1/High Potion x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x6/Phoenix Tail x7 - Mega Phoenix x1/Mega Phoenix x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 10. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/5. Attacks: Attack, Strength Up/Attack, Chain Attack, Triple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks indiscrimiantely no matter what the odds. Watch out! It sometimes Attacks in packs/Even more violent in its Oversouled state. It can now Attack three times in a row. Watch out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Creeper - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 126/126. Class - Insect/Insect. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 48/51. Hit Points - 1,974/7,896. Magic Points - 870/870. Experience - 220/280. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 80/100. Steal Gil - 300/600. Strength - 18/18. Magic - 25/25. Defense - 98/98. Magic Defense - 95/95. Speed - 112/123. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 28/38. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Water/Water. Immune To - Curse, Gravity/Beserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - S Bomb x1/S Bomb x2 - S Bomb x3/S Bomb x5. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x2/Phoenix Tail x2. Common/Rare Bribe - S Bomb x16/S Bomb x20 - S Bomb x40/S Bomb x99. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 4. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 5. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Attack, Hug Bomb, Watera/Attack, Chain Attack, Double Attack, Watera, Wateraga. Information: A worker of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. Although a Fiend, it lives within a Complex Social Hierarchy. It is known to Explode when near death, so be cautious/A worker of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. Although a Fiend, it lives within a Complex Social Hierarchy. Oversouled, it sometimes deals successive Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Crimson Shadow - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Akagi Shadow. ID Number - 213/213. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 36/43. Hit Points - 2,020/1,491. Magic Points - 114/120. Experience - 340/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 200/0. Strength - 44/30. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 62/62. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 52/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 13/16. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: An echo of the cries of fear and despair that rang through the Den Of Woe as the Crimson Squad Candidates met their end. It has been transcribed by the Pyreflies drifting within/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Critical Bug - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 304/304. Class - Insect/Insect. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 78/94. Hit Points - 57,234/60,096. Magic Points - 908/908. Experience - 1,400/2,800. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,000/2,700. Steal Gil - 2,600/4,300. Strength - 222/222 Magic - 255/255. Defense - 102/102. Magic Defense - 102/102. Speed - 244/255. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 10/13. Luck - 33/41. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/Ice, Water. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse, Gravity, Ice, Lightning, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Strength Spring x2/Pure Water Ring x1 - Thunder And Water Flash x1/Fire And Ice Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x2 - Elixer x1/Elixer x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Four Bracelet x1/Black Magic Essence x2 - Black Magic Essence x2/Black Magic Essence x3. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 85/90. Attacks: Attack, Bio, Blizzaga, Haste, Wataga/Attack, Blizzaga, Firaga, Gun-Hater, Gun Payback, Mage-Hater, Mage Payback, Sword-Hater, Sword Payback, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A relative of the Fiends found in the Mi'ihen Highroad Colony. Though similar in appearance, it avoids their communal lifestyle. It is adept at Water and Ice Magic/A relative of the Fiends found in the Mi'ihen Highroad Colony. It avoids the communal lifestyle of the other Bugs. It likes to pick a specific Dressphere to focus its Attacks on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Crusader - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 216/216. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 340/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 200/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Daeva - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 91/91. Class - Belial/Belial. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 33/40. Hit Points - 3,230/3,392. Magic Points - 4,480/4,480. Experience - 60/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 90/0. Steal Gil - 550/0. Strength - 27/27. Magic - 21/21. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 102/133. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/1. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Farplane Shadow x1/Farplane Shadow x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Safety Bit x1/Safety Bit x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 100. Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 12/0. Attacks: Blind, Blizzaga, Break, Curse, Firaga, Haste, Not-So-Mighty Guard, Osmose, Silence, Slow, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: An Envoy of the Farplane that terrorizes all Spira. It can wield both Elemental and Support Magic/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Daigoro - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 174/174. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 30/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 42/1. Magic - 61/1. Defense - 50/1. Magic Defense - 106/1. Speed - 120/1. Accuracy - 0/1. Evade - 0/1. Luck - 7/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dark Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 68/68. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 433/983. Magic Points - 1,028/1,028. Experience - 670/852. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 410/800. Steal Gil - 880/1,600. Strength - 8/8. Magic - 18/20. Defense - 225/225. Magic Defense - 123/133. Speed - 64/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Water/Berserk, COnfuse, Curse, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Water. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Water Magic Stone x2/Fire Magic Stone x2 - Mysterious Veil x1/Mysterius Veil x1. Common/Rare Steal - Cold Magic Stone x2/Thunder Magic Stone x3 - Cold Magic Stone x3/Thunder Magic Stone x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - Crystal Ball x2/Crystal Ball x3. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Bio, Blizzaga, Confuse, Curse, Firaga, Magic Up, Osmose, Reflect, Thundaga, Wateraga/Bio, Blizzaga, Confuse, Curaga, Curse, Firaga, Magic Down, Magic Up, Osmose, Reflect, Regen, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend created when various Magics fuse with Pyreflies. It wields every type of Magic and is Resistant to Physical and Magic Attacks. The natiest kind of Elemental/A Fiend created when various Magics fuse with Pyreflies. It is Resistant to Physical and Magic Attacks. Its Attacks weaken as it deals damage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Death Dauber - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Bite Wasp. ID Number - 31/31. Class - Bee/Bee. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 5/6. Hit Points - 78/312. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 18/32. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 12/18. Steal Gil - 70/130. Strength - 18/18. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 133/146. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 21/26. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 10/10. Weakness - Fire, Ice/Fire, Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Power Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x2 - Phoenix Tail x2/Phoenix Tail x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Phoenix Tail x2/Phoenix Tail x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x2/Silver Glasses x1 - Panacea x2/Panacea x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 8. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Power Reformed: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Attack, Sleep Needle/Sharpened Needle. Information: A Fiend that darts through the air. Its Enemies fall into a deep slumber when stung with Sleep Needle. Quite a snore/A Fiend that darts through the air. Each successive use of its Sharpened Needle grows more deadly than the last. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Deep Haizhe - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Deep Hayzor. ID Number - 146/146. Class - Phlegyas/Phlegyas. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 20/24. Hit Points - 1,030/4,119. Magic Points - 122/122. Experience - 133/188. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 40/83. Steal Gil - 152/300. Strength - 18/18. Magic - 26/26. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 22/22. Speed - 56/62. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity, Lightning/Gravity, Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x1 - Shining Dragonfly Ball x1/Shining Dragonfly Ball x1. Common/Rare Steal - Gold Anklet x1/Shining Dragonfly Ball x1 - Gold Hourglass x1/Gold Hourglass x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Shining Dragonfly Ball x1/Shining Dragonfly Ball x1 - Relieving Emblem x1/Relieving Emblem x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 22. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/6. Attacks: Distortion Wave/Attack, Blizzara, Blizzard, Blizzaga, Dispel, Fira, Firaga, Fire, Reflect, Thundara, Thundaga, Thunder, Watera, Wateraga, Water. Information: A Fiend that floats and dances on the air. Instead of approaching its prey, it Attacks from a distance with Distortion Wave. Not exactly fair/A Fiend that floats and dances on the air. It doesn't perform any direct Attacks. Instead it cycles through various Magic Attacks--an unpleasant quirk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dinictus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 148/148. Class - Ancient Fish/Ancient Fish. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 24/32. Hit Points - 1,873/7,792. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 187/370. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 88/140. Steal Gil - 280/590. Strength - 78/84. Magic - 22/22. Defense - 114/144. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 68/78. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 5/6. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity, Lightning/Gravity, Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Petrification, Silence, Water/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Petrification, Silence, Water. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Water Magic Stone x1/Water Magic Stone x2 - Water Magic Stone x3/Water Magic Stone x4. Common/Rare Steal - Water Magic Stone x1/Water Magic Stone x2 - Thunder And Water Ring x1/Thunder And Water Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Water Ring x1/Pure Water Ring x1 - Thunder And Water Ring x1/Thunder And Water Ring x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 14. Curse: 255. Darkness: 80. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/5. Attacks: Attack La Nina/Attack, Chain Attack, La Nina, Quintuple Attack. Information: A Fish-like Fiend that swims through the air. It has an extremely violent temperament, baring its fangs and charging at anything that moves. Scary/A Fish-like Fiend that swims through the air. It has an extremely violent temperament and Attacks viciously and relentlessly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Detonator - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 97/97. Class - Bomb/Bomb. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 1,860/7,220. Magic Points - 423/423. Experience - 132/220. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 98/190. Steal Gil - 330/650. Strength - 31/31. Magic - 21/21. Defense - 52/52. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 58/64. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Bomb Spirit x1/Fire Magic Stone x1 - Life Candle x4/Light Candle x6. Common/Rare Steal - Bomb Spirit x1/Life Candle x1 - Fire Magic Stone x2/Fire Magic Stone x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Life Candle x80/Life Candle x99 - Soul Of Thamasa x1/Soul Of Thamasa x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 13. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 70. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 70. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/3. Attacks: Crackaboom!, Expand 2, Expand 3, Fire, Rush/Attack, Chain Attack, Expand 2, Expand 3, Fira, Fire, Kaboom!, Quadruple Attack. Information: A Fiend blazing with the power of Fire. If it gets knocked around too much, the Flames smoldering within cause it to Explode/A Fiend blazing with the power of Fire. If it gets knocked around too much, the Flames smoldering within cause it to Explode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Divebeak - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Dive Pecker. ID Number - 28/28. Class - Bird/Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 1/5. Hit Points - 10/72. Magic Points - 2/2. Experience - 2/8. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 12/28. Steal Gil - 60/180. Strength - 4/7. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 82/110. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 33/41. Luck - 16/20. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 37%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Antidote x2 - Ether x2/Ether x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Ether x1 - Ether x1/Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Antidote x1/Ether x1 - Ether x1/Ether x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 8. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 12. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Attack/Attack, Blight Wing. Information: A Fiend that swoops down on its prey. It has low HP, so this is an easy win, right? Wrong. It's fast, so you'd better have good aim/Sometimes uses Poison Attacks. Its speed makes it a very annoying Opponent that can easily dodge Attacks if your Accuracy isn't high enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dolmen - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 223/223. Class - Devil Monolith/Devil Monolith. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 32/38. Hit Points - 5,320/6,636. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,130/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 320/0. Steal Gil - 680/0. Strength - 37/37. Magic - 40/40. Defense - 68/36. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 79/103. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy, Water/Holy, Water. Resistance - Fire, Ice, Lightning/None. Absorbs - None/Gravity. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x2/Talisman Charm x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x2/Panacea x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Talisman Charm x2/Black Magic Knowledge x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 34. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 14/0. Attacks: Stone, Stone Breath/None. Information: A grave-looking Fiend from the Farplane with stony Defenses. It swips razor-sharp claws at its Foes and can Petrify them, too/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dr. Goon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Supreme Male Combatant. ID Number - 135/135. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 14/17. Hit Points - 232/244. Magic Points - 41/41. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 50/0. Steal Gil - 160/0. Strength - 35/35. Magic - 10/10. Defense - 6/6. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 56/73. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - S Bomb x4/M Bomb x4 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: An underling in the Leblanc Syndicate. Though one of the Syndicate's top goons, his salary is still lousy. Even teamed up with others, he's weak, weak, weak/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Drowsy Ochu - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sleepy Otyugh. ID Number - 238/238. Class - Otyugh/Otyugh. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 18/26. Hit Points - 2,484/2,608. Magic Points - 103/103. Experience - 280/480. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 180/310. Steal Gil - 700/1,120. Strength - 36/42. Magic - 38/38. Defense - 17/17. Magic Defense - 13/13. Speed - 42/55. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/25%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x2/Panacea x3 - Panacea x4/Panacea x6. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - Bead Brooch x1/Bead Brooch x2. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 34. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 5/10. Attacks: Attack, Ochu Dance/Attack, Haste, Ochu Jiggle, Thundaga, Touch-And-Go. Information: One groggy Fiend. Fiends Sleep too, but this one doesn't know when to call it quits. It wakes up to Fight Battles, but never really seems to reach Ochu standards/A Fiend that appreciates some good shut-eye. However, Oversouling has dragged it screaming out of Slumberland. Get ready for its full repertoire of Spells and Abilities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Drum Machine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 301/301. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dummy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 308/308. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 5,000/5,000. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 3,000/3,000. Steal Gil - 19/19. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Dummy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 309/309. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 5,000/5,000. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 3,000/3,000. Steal Gil - 21/21. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Earth Worm - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 45/45. Class - Worm/Worm. Oversouled # - 24/24. Level - 36/44. Hit Points - 36,233/52,545. Magic Points - 95/95. Experience - 2,230/3,135. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 6,000/6,000. Steal Gil - 1,200/1,200. Strength - 122/142. Magic - 37/40. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 72/101. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Haste, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Haste, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x1 - Mithril Bangle x1/Mithril Bangle x1. Common/Rare Steal - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x1 - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Last Elixer x5/Last Elixer x20 - Crystal Bangle x8/Crystal Bangle x10. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 200. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Haste: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 50. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Haste: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 50. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 38/80. Attacks: Attack, Earthquake, Readying Quake/Attack, Readying Quake, Sorrow Of The Earth. Information: A Fiend dwelling on the Farplane. It is one of Spira's largest creatures now that Sin is gone. It's strong and has lots of HP, so this may be a long Battle/A Fiend dwelling on the Farplane. It is one of Spira's largest creatures now that Sin is gone. It's strong and has lots of HP, so this may be a long Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Elder Drake - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 57/57. Class - Drake/Drake. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 62/74. Hit Points - 38,500/42,350. Magic Points - 135/135. Experience - 1,300/1,800. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 550/1,600. Steal Gil - 1,400/2,400. Strength - 176/90. Magic - 48/48. Defense - 133/133. Magic Defense - 244/244. Speed - 118/142. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water/Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity/Gravity. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x2 - Mega-Potion x2/Mega-Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Mega-Potion x99/Sorcery Essensce x4 - Sorcery Essensce x10/Sorcery Essensce x12. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 120. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 160. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 28/60. Attacks: Attack, Pyroplexy/Attack, Cura, Mage-Hater, Mage Payback, Pyroplexy. Information: A Fiend that Attacks with alarming Speed despite its otherwise lethargic movement. When Attacked with Magic, it retaliates with Flame Tongue. It must not like losing.../Carries a grudge against Staff-wielding Opponents. It Attacks them with great persistence, but its reasons for doing so are unclear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Elder Zurvan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 271/271. Class - Garkimasera/Garkimasera. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 35/43. Hit Points - 7,520/16,296. Magic Points - 210/210. Experience - 440/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 180/0. Steal Gil - 440/0. Strength - 25/25. Magic - 17/17. Defense - 16/0. Magic Defense - 173/180. Speed - 63/82. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 4/5. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Ice, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Silence, Slow, Stop, Water/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Ice, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Silence, Slow, Stop, Water. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Holy Water x2/Panacea x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/Panacea x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x99/Panacea x99 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 65. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 70. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 70. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 24/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Dispel, Firaga, Osmose, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: A Fiend morphed to colossal size by Cactuar Needles. Magic is its specialty. It commands a wide array of Spells and has high Resistance to Magical Attacks/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Elma - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 185/185. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 1,640/1,722. Magic Points - 450/450. Experience - 200/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 230/0. Steal Gil - 800/0. Strength - 29/29. Magic - 77/77. Defense - 18/18. Magic Defense - 48/48. Speed - 73/95. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 31/38. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Wall Ring x1/Wall Ring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x3/Mega-Phoenix x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 50. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 10/0. Attacks: Attack, Haste, Sleep, Slow, Thunder/None. Information: A Warrior of the Youth League. She wasn't planning to fight Yuna, but she certainly seems to be enjoying the challenge/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Elma - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 279/279. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 36/38. Hit Points - 4,882/5,040. Magic Points - 870/870. Experience - 1,800/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 500/0. Steal Gil - 6,000/0. Strength - 58/34. Magic - 41/41. Defense - 56/56. Magic Defense - 80/80. Speed - 94/122. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 44/55. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 10/10. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Chocobo Tail x2/Chocobo Tail x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Recovery Spring x2/Recovery Spring x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 12/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Confuse, Dispel, Fira, Flash Bomb, Not-So-Mighty Guard, Osmose, Rush Grenade Sleep, Thundara, Watera/None. Information: A Warrior of the Youth League. She is Lucil's most promising pupil, demonstrating great prowess in Battle. She can get a bit hyper from time to time/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Epitaph - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 278/278. Class - Devil Monolith/Devil Monolith. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 43/52. Hit Points - 17,433/18,305. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,200/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 330/0. Steal Gil - 500/0. Strength - 56/56. Magic - 122/122. Defense - 180/180. Magic Defense - 18/18. Speed - 134/174. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy, Water/Holy, Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Gravity, Ice, Lightning, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Gravity, Ice, Lightning, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x2/Panacea x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Fairy Pierce x4/Fairy Pierce x5 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 48. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 44/0. Attacks: Curse, Madness, Stone Breath/None. Information: A Fiend that relishes inflicting Status Ailments on foes. Its Defenses are as tough as they look. Its sharp claws weaken Attributes and inflict Poison and Confuse/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Evrae - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 157/157. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 194/194. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 50/67. Hit Points - 18,324/25,540. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 40/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 5,000/0. Strength - 58/58. Magic - 100/100. Defense - 205/205. Magic Defense - 205/205. Speed - 68/105. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Elixer x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 180/0. Attacks: Annihilator, Attack, Die, Lifeslicer, Rocket Launcher, Rocket Launcher 2, Rocket Launcher 3, Rocket Launcher 4/None. Information: A Weapon Prototype designed to take on Vegnagun. The Machine Faction assembled it from spare parts dug up in the desert/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 195/195. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 196/196. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 197/197. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 198/198. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 199/199. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 200/200. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 208/208. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Experiment - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 209/209. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 139/139. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fem-Goon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Supreme Female Combatant. ID Number - 138/138. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 167/175. Magic Points - 172/172. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 70/0. Steal Gil - 200/0. Strength - 26/26. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 5/5. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 62/81. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - S Bomb x4/M Bomb x4 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Blizzard, Fira, Fire, Thundara, Thunder, Watera, Water/None. Information: An underling in the Leblanc Syndicate. Though one of the Syndicate's top female goons, her salary is still lousy. She wields Magic, but not well enough to win/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flailing Ochu - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Raging Otyugh. ID Number - 93/93. Class - Otyugh/Otyugh. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 36/43. Hit Points - 9,860/24,650. Magic Points - 85/85. Experience - 977/1,600. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 430/430. Steal Gil - 630/1,212. Strength - 57/63. Magic - 58/58. Defense - 58/58. Magic Defense - 57/57. Speed - 83/100. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 9/11. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x1/Ether x1 - White Cape x1/White Cape x1. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/White Cape x1 - Silence Shock x1/Silence Shock x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Bead Brooch x1/Bead Brooch x1 - Fairy Pierce x1/Ribbon x1. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 30. Curse: 255. Darkness: 100. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 254. Silence: 80. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 254. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/7. Attacks: Attack, Attack 2, Attack 3, Ochu Dance, Ochu Jiggle/Alchemist-Hater, Attack, Ochu Jiggle, Thundaga, Touch-And-Go, White Mage-Hater. Information: A Plant with feet. It jumps up and down to cause Earthquakes. It has several Abilities, including a particularly annoying one that causes MP Damage/A Plant Fiend. Oversouling has given it the ability to use Magic. Its favorite new trick is to cast Haste on itself and launch a frenzied Attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flak Python - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Shot Python. ID Number - 124/124. Class - Snake Machinegun/Snake Machinegun. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 7/8. Hit Points - 98/160. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 8/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 10/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 18/18. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 42/55. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Cheap Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Revolver/None. Information: A Support Unit developed by the Leblanc Syndicate. It's not very bright and is only programmed to fire off intermittent Machine Gun Rounds/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flame Dragon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 122/122. Class - Dragon/Dragon. Oversouled # - 6/6. Level - 16/21. Hit Points - 980/1,883. Magic Points - 84/84. Experience - 60/180. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 300/350. Steal Gil - 800/1,600. Strength - 37/37. Magic - 48/48. Defense - 38/38. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 78/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - Fire/Fire. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Fire Ring x1/Fire Ring x1 - Fire Ring x1/Fire Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - High Potion x4/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire Magic Stone x30/Fire Magic Stone x40 - Fire God Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 50. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/25. Attacks: Attack, Flame Breath/Attack, Brusier Tail, Flame Breath, Gathering Strength... Information: A Dragon Fiend that belches Flames from its giant maw. It lives in the cave near Besaid. It's just as powerful as it looks, but its Attacks are fairly monotonous/A Dragon of formidable size, with Strength to match. It stores up its Strength and then unleashes devastating Attacks, so be prepared! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flamethrower - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 118/118. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flan Amarillo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Yellow Pudding. ID Number - 17/17. Class - Pudding/Pudding. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 18/18. Hit Points - 303/1,172. Magic Points - 322/322. Experience - 82/152. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 42/72. Steal Gil - 130/223. Strength - 14/14. Magic - 14/17. Defense - 110/110. Magic Defense - 5/5. Speed - 56/62. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - Fire, Ice/Fire, Ice. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Magic Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Electric Ball x2/Thunderbolt Ball x1 - Thunder Magic Stone x2/Thunder Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Steal - Electric Ball x2/Thunderbolt Ball x1 - Thunder Magic Stone x2/Thunder Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Thunder Magic Stone x3/Thunder Magic Stone x4 - Thunder God Ring x1/Thunder God Ring x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. Stop: 20. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Stop: 20. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Thundara/Magic Down, Magic Up, Thundara, Thunder. Information: A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Lightning. It casts Lightning Spells until it runs out of MP/A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Lightning. The lower its HP gets, the stronger its Lightning Magic becomes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flan Azabache - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Black Pudding. ID Number - 21/21. Class - Pudding/Pudding. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 47/56. Hit Points - 7,730/9,667. Magic Points - 999/999. Experience - 380/650. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 98/230. Steal Gil - 630/1,300. Strength - 203/203. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 222/222. Magic Defense - 222/222. Speed - 82/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop, Water/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Petrification, Magic Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Water. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Ether x1/Ether x2 - Ether x3/Ether x4. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x1 - Ether x1/Ether x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Ether x99/Turbo Ether x40 - Turbo Ether x60/Turbo Ether x60. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 44. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 38. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 10/20. Attacks: Absorb, Bio, Demi/Bio, Blizzaga, Demi, Firaga, Magic Down, Magic Up, Thundaga, Wataga. Information: A Fiend with a squishy body that is resistant to both Physical and Magical Attacks. It knows basic Arcana/A Fiend with a squishy, iridescent body that is resistant to both Physical and Magical Attacks. The lower its HP gets, the stronger its Magic becomes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flan Azul - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Blue Pudding. ID Number - 16/16. Class - Pudding/Pudding. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 4/7. Hit Points - 55/220. Magic Points - 87/87. Experience - 5/24. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 20/63. Steal Gil - 104/200. Strength - 4/4. Magic - 10/14. Defense - 98/98. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 53/58. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - Fire, Ice/Fire Ice. Absorbs - Water/Water. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Magic Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Fish Scale x1 - Fish Scale x2/Fish Scale x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Fish Scale x1 - Fish Scale x2/Dragon Scale x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Fish Scale x2/Fish Scale x3 - Water Magic Stone x2/Water Magic Stone x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Water/Magic Down, Magic Up, Water. Information: A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Water. It casts Water Spells until it runs out of MP/A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Water. The lower its HP gets, the stronger its Water Magic becomes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flan Blanco - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - White Pudding. ID Number - 19/19. Class - Pudding/Pudding. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 625/2,113. Magic Points - 542/542. Experience - 98/130. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 72/107. Steal Gil - 310/550. Strength - 9/9. Magic - 11/11. Defense - 103/103. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 43/52. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Lightning, Water/Lightning, Water. Absorbs - Ice/Ice. Immune To - Berserk, Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Magic Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Arctic Wind x1/Arctic Wind x2 - Cold Magic Stone x2/Cold Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Steal - Acrtic Wind x1/Hypno Crown x1 - Hypno Crown x1/Hypno Crown x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Hypno Crown x1/Hypno Crown x1 - Rune Bracelet x1/Rune Bracelet x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. Stop: 40. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Stop: 40. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Blizzara/Blizzara, Magic Down, Magic Up. Information: A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Ice. It casts Ice Spells until it runs out of MP/A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Ice. The lower its HP gets, the stronger its Ice Magic becomes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flan Palido - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Pearl Pudding. ID Number - 18/18. Class - Pudding/Pudding. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 12/15. Hit Points - 188/851. Magic Points - 222/222. Experience - 24/73. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 30/82. Steal Gil - 160/260. Strength - 3/3. Magic - 21/23. Defense - 102/102. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 54/59. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Lightning, Water/Lightning, Water. Absorbs - Ice/Ice. Immune To - Berserk, Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Magic Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Antarctic Wind x1 - High Potion x3/Antarctic Wind x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Antarctic Wind x1 - High Potion x2/Arctic Wind x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Antarctic Wind x8/Antarctic Wind x8 - Cold Magic Stone x6/Cold Magic Stone x8. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Blizzard/Blizzard, Magic Down, Magic Up. Information: A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Ice. It casts Ice Spells until it runs out of MP/A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Ice. The lower its HP gets, the stronger its Ice Magic becomes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Flan Rojo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Red Pudding. ID Number - 20/20. Class - Pudding/Pudding. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 1,220/3,050. Magic Points - 674/674. Experience - 320/520. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 125/222. Steal Gil - 330/600. Strength - 11/11. Magic - 1/5. Defense - 104/104. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 56/67. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - Gravity, Holy, Lightning, Water/Holy, Lightning, Water. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Berserk, Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Magic Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Bomb Spirit x1/Fire Magic Stone x1 - Fire Magic Stone x3/Fire Magic Stone x4. Common/Rare Steal - Bomb Spirit x1/Fire Magic Stone x1 - Fire Ring x1/Fire Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire Magic Stone x12/Fire Magic Stone x14 - Blazing Fire Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 14. Curse: 255. Stop: 40. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 22. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Stop: 40. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Firaga/Bio, Firaga, Magic Down, Magic Up. Information: A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Fire. It casts Fire Spells until it runs out of MP/A Fiend with a squishy body that absorbs Fire. The lower its HP gets, the stronger its Fire Magic becomes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fly Eye - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 36/36. Class - Ahriman/Ahriman. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 12/14. Hit Points - 258/1,032. Magic Points - 52/52. Experience - 24/24. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 20/40. Steal Gil - 120/140. Strength - 10/10. Magic - 22/22. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 48/53. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 13/16. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk. Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Black Choker x1 - Phoenix Tail x3/Phoenix Tail x4. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Phoenix Tail x3/Phoenix Tail x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - Phoenix Tail x60/Phoenix Tail x80. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 13. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 21. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/4. Attacks: Lingering Gaze/Blizzara, Fira, Lingering Gaze, Thundara, Watera. Information: A one-eyed aerial Fiend. It can inflict Slow in the blink of an eye and drive you absolutely batty/In addition to its usual Gaze Attacks, this Oversouled Fiend has gained the unfortunate ability to Attack with Elemental Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Garik Ronso - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 182/182. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 33/40. Hit Points - 6,880/6,510. Magic Points - 238/238. Experience - 380/0. Ability Points - 3/0. Gil - 90/0. Steal Gil - 130/0. Strength - 43/43. Magic - 56/56. Defense - 34/34. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 102/150. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 25%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Light Bracelet x1/Light Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Ice Flash x1/Ice Flash x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 20. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 20. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 20/0. Attacks: Attack, Bane Lance, Blind, Mighty Guard, Protect, Shell/None. Information: A Ronso Warrior who lusts for revenge against the Guado. He plans to leave Gagazet and lead the other Ronso Youth into Battle/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gecko - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 22/22. Level - 10/11. Class - Lizard/Lizard. Oversouled # - 18/18. Hit Points - 228/911. Magic Points - 10/10. Experience - 22/48. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 18/33. Steal Gil - 72/138. Strength - 42/42. Magic - 3/3. Defense - 8/10. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 77/85. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 7/9. Luck - 8/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Sleep/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Antidote x2 - Panacea x3/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x1/Antidote x2 - Panacea x3/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Antidote x30/Antidote x40 - Panacea x4/Panacea x4. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/5. Attacks: Attack, Poison Fang/Attack, Desperate Fang. Information: A small Fiend that generally just bites, but will Attack with Poison Fang when pressed. Be on your guard/Now sporting a Poison Attack in its Oversouled state. As an added bonus, it remembers how much damage it has taken and counterattacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gemini - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Wolframiter. ID Number - 86/86. Class - Iron Giant/Iron Giant. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gemini - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Wolframiter. ID Number - 87/87. Class - Iron Giant/Iron Giant. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 2,044/2,046. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 275/420. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 153/276. Steal Gil - 530/1,130. Strength - 87/87. Magic - 0/1. Defense - 200/200. Magic Defense - 120/120. Speed - 79/103. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 25%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Light Curtain x2/Wall Ring x1 - Light Curtain x3/Wall Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Moon Curtain x2/Wall Ring x1 - Moon Curtain x8/Moon Curtain x10. Common/Rare Bribe - Wall Ring x1/Wall Ring x1 - Light Bracelet x2/Light Bracelet x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 60. Blow Away: 28. Confuse: 100. Curse: 255. Darkness: 80. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 80. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/12. Attacks: Attack, Reaper, Skullcracker, Skullcracker 2/Attack, Blizzaga, Curaga, Dispel, Firaga, Reaper, Thundaga, Wateraga, White Mage-Hater. Information: A Fiend that appears to be a Machina, but is actually an empty suit of armor animated by Pyreflies. It's quite strong, but it relies far too heavily on sight/One angry suit of armor. Something must have happened when it Oversouled, because now it focuses all of its attention on Attacking White Mages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Georapella - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Geoproud. ID Number - 262/262. Class - Geosgaeno/Geosgaeno. Oversouled # - 4/4. Level - 17/24. Hit Points - 4,420/6,641. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 800/1,600. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,000/1,500. Steal Gil - 1,300/3,000. Strength - 62/62. Magic - 1/12. Defense - 38/38. Magic Defense - 62/62. Speed - 74/96. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Water God Ring x1/Water Magic Stone x1 - Water Magic Stone x4/Thunder And Water Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Water Magic Stone x1/Water Magic Stone x1 - Thunder And Water Ring x1/Thunder And Water Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/80. Attacks: Blizzaga, Die, Firaga, Osmose, Thundaga, Wateraga/Attack, Blizzaga, Firaga, Power Catalyst, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend charged with guarding the Bevelle Underground and eliminating intruders. Despite its size, it never Attacks head-on. Its Magical Attacks present the real threat/No longer content to Attack from afar with Magic. Oversouling has enabled it to up the ante and deliver mighty Physical Attacks as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gigas - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 60/60. Class - Ogre/Ogre. Oversouled # - 8/8. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 2,290/9,360. Magic Points - 22/22. Experience - 884/1,020. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 180/600. Steal Gil - 440/830. Strength - 54/54. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 18/18. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 80/88. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity/Gravity. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x0/MUscle Belt x1 - Muscle Belt x1/Muscle Belt x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Peaceful Potourri x1 - X-Potion x1/X-Potion x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Champion Belt x1/Champion Belt x1 - Power Glove x1/Kaiser Knuckle x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 14. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Petrification: 25. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Petrification: 25. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/4. Information: A ferocious brute that finds true joy in pummeling its Enemies. Its body toughens if it takes too much damage, reducing the effectiveness of Physical Attacks/Never an easy Fiend to figure out in the first place. Now it's finally gone completely mental and started using Magic Attacks. Attacks: Attack, Counterattack/Attack, Blizzaga, Firaga, Futile Resistance, Secret Hero Drink, Thundaga, Wateraga. Note: I realize for the Common Drop it says Phoenix Tail x0. Apparently, it DOES drop 0 Phoenix Tails according to the Data. So, I have to go with it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gippal - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Gippel. ID Number - 177/177. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 56/67. Hit Points - 14,800/19,740. Magic Points - 235/235. Experience - 1,200/0. Ability Points - 5/0. Gil - 5,000/0. Steal Gil - 15,000/0. Strength - 73/73. Magic - 55/55. Defense - 68/68. Magic Defense - 33/33. Speed - 118/205. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 23/91. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Kaiser Knuckle x1/Kaiser Knuckle x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - White Magic Knowledge x1/White Magic Knowledge x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 160/0. Attacks: Attack, Bullseye, Flash Bomb, Grinder, Mortar, Potion Plus Rush Grenade/None. Information: A presence formed when Gippal encountered Shuyin's Despair in the Den Of Woe two years ago. His anger fused with Pyreflies and assumed this shape/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gold Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 66/66. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 84/396. Magic Points - 280/280. Experience - 40/68. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 40/72. Steal Gil - 140/240. Strength - 6/6. Magic - 20/20. Defense - 202/204. Magic Defense - 110/110. Speed - 56/62. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Fire, Ice, Petrification, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Fire, Ice, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Electric Ball x1/Electric Ball x2 - Thunderbolt Ball x2/Thunderbolt Ball x3. Common/Rare Steal - Electric Ball x1/Electric Ball x2 - Thunderbolt Ball x2/Thunderbolt Ball x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Thunder Magic Stone x2/Thunder Ring x1 - Thunder Magic Stone x4/Thunder Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Magic Up, Osmose, Thunder/Magic Down, Magic Up, Regen, Thunder. Information: A Fiend created when the power of Lightning fuses with Pyreflies. It casts Sizzling Bolts at all who approach. Water is its only Elemental Weakness/A Fiend created when the power of Lightning fuses with Pyreflies. Water is its only Elemental Weakness. Its Lightning Damage grows weaker as it Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Goon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Male Combatant. ID Number - 133/133. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 13/14. Magic Points - 8/8. Experience - 1/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 200/0. Strength - 7/7. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 47/61. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None - None/None. Resistance - None/None - None/None. Absorbs - None/None - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Cheap Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: An underling in the Leblanc Syndicate with a lousy salary. He's only one of many, but all are laughably weak/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Great Malboro - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Great Morbol. ID Number - 59/59. Class - Morbol/Morbol. Oversouled # - 24/24. Level - 42/51. Hit Points - 12,988/19,937. Magic Points - 152/152. Experience - 2,235/3,860. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,200/1,500. Steal Gil - 1,600/3,300. Strength - 53/53. Magic - 68/68. Defense - 16/16. Magic Defense - 12/12. Speed - 81/105. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x2/Panacea x3 - Bead Brooch x1/Bead Brooch x1. Common/Rare Steal - Magic Abolishing Medicine x1/Magic Abolishing Medicine x1 - Panacea x2/Panacea x3. Common/Rare Bribe - White Magic Knowledge x2/White Magic Knowledge x2 - White Magic Essence x2/White Magic Essence x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 44. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 46/55. Attacks: Chomp, Gastric Juice, Really Bad Breath, Staccato/Chomp, Halitosis, Ingest Antidotes, Ingest Echo Screens, Ingest Eye Drops, Ingest Holy Waters, Ingest Remedies, Staccato. Information: A hideous Fiend whose Really Bad Breath makes a regular Malboro's Breath seem like Potpourri. It remains relatively unknown due to its lonely existence on the Farplane/Despised enough to begin with, it's sunk to new lows in its Oversouled state. Now its Gastric Juices can even consume Items. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Great Haunt - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 275/275. Class - Ghost/Ghost. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 46/54. Hit Points - 8,483/13,020. Magic Points - 720/720. Experience - 120/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 210/0. Steal Gil - 600/0. Strength - 26/26. Magic - 55/55. Defense - 142/142. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 61/79. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1//1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Ether x1/Ether x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Magic Spring x1/Life Spring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Gold Hairpin x3/Gold Hairpin x3 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 10/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Blizzara, Doom, Thundaga, Thundara, Watera, Wateraga/None. Information: A minion of Death from the Farplane. It casts Doom before Attacking. It knows a variety of Elemental Spells and chooses them capriciously/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Greater Drake - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 56/56. Class - Drake/Drake. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 23/27. Hit Points - 1,819/6,658. Magic Points - 103/107. Experience - 320/470. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 140/210. Steal Gil - 630/1,300. Strength - 47/48. Magic - 36/90. Defense - 88/102. Magic Defense - 3/37. Speed - 72/80. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Fire, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Fire, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Fire Magic Stone x1/Fire God Ring x1 - Fire God Ring x1/Fire God Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Fire Magic Stone x1/Fire Magic Stone x2 - Fire Magic Stone x3/Fire Magic Stone x10. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire God Ring x1/Fire God Ring x1 - Fire And Ice Ring x2/Fire And Ice Ring x3. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 19. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 25. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 5/6. Attacks: Attack, Breath/Attack, Breath, Cure, Sword-Hater. Information: A Fiend that Attacks with alarming Speed despite its otherwise lethargic movement. Corner it and it will retaliate with its Fiery Breath. Be warned/Carries a grudge against Sword-wielding Opponents. It Attacks them with great persistence, but its reasons for doing so are unclear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Grim Gaze - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Death Gaze. ID Number - 38/38. Class - Ahriman/Ahriman. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 33/41. Hit Points - 1,720/4,223. Magic Points - 388/388. Experience - 244/380. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 130/220. Steal Gil - 330/650. Strength - 31/31. Magic - 21/21. Defense - 5/5. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 62/79. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 27/59. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Gravity, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Gravity. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Holy Water x1 - Panacea x3/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Panacea x1 - Magical Powder x1/Magical Powder x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Silver Glasses x1/Silver Glasses x1 - Elixer x4/Elixer x4. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 15. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 23. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/4. Attacks: Halting Gaze, Pointless, Supersonic Wave/Blizzaga, Firaga, Supersonic Wave, Thundaga, Umbral Gaze, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend whose gaze can inflict Stop or Pointless on its Enemies. It can also Poison and Confuse the whole Party with Supersonic Waves. What a meanie!/In addition to its usual Gaze Attacks, this Oversouled Fiend has gained the unfortunate ability to Attack with Elemental Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Guado Guardian - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Guado Guard. ID Number - 116/116. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Guard Machina - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 83/83. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 2,460/2,583. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 85/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 40/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 25/21. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 50/65. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Cheap Grenade x1/Darkness Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Darkness Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Mute/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. Deplorable/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Guardian Beast - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Treasure Guardian. ID Number - 162/162. Class - Guardian Beast/Guardian Beast. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 18/26. Hit Points - 2,886/4,030. Magic Points - 1,000/1,000. Experience - 170/380. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 200/380. Steal Gil - 1,500/3,200. Strength - 65/75. Magic - 46/46. Defense - 60/60. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 112/146. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Water/Fire, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Amulet x1/Amulet x1 - Magical Powder x1/Magical Powder x1. Common/Rare Steal - Protection Veil x1/Protection Veil x1 - Mysterious Veil x1/Mysterious Veil x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Oath Veil x1/Oath Veil x1 - Oath Veil x1/Oath Veil x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 60. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/100. Attacks: Attack, Curse, Damocles Photon, Die/Attack, Damocles Photon, Die, Eyeing Paine..., Eyeing Rikku..., Eyeing Yuna... Information: A Fiend that dwells in the ruins of Zanarkand. It likes Sphere waves and tries to stay as close to Spheres as it can/An Oversouled Fiend that doesn't know when to quit. It frequently locks onto one of its Foes and unleashes an unending chain of Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gucumatz - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 89/89. Class - Basilisk/Basilisk. Oversouled # - 10/10. Class - Iron Giant/Iron Giant. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 34/41. Hit Points - 3,720/13,820. Magic Points - 140/140. Experience - 410/780. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 173/340. Steal Gil - 680/1,000. Strength - 46/46. Magic - 10/53. Defense - 93/93. Magic Defense - 32/32. Speed - 67/74. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Slow/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Slow. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Gold Needle x2/Gold Needle x4 - Gold Anklet x1/Gold Anklet x1. Common/Rare Steal - Gold Needle x2/Gold Anklet x4 - Magic Medicine x2/Medicine x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Petrification Shock x1/Petrification Shock x1 - Petrification Shock x6/Petrification Shock x8. Element Resistance - Berserk: 60. Blow Away: 25. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 7/8. Attacks: Attack, Heaven's Cataract, Stony Glare/Attack, Destroy Soft, HP Break, Hunter's Gaze, Stony Glare. Information: A Fiend that can turn objects to Stone with a glance. Take it for granted and its Stony Glare will stop you cold/A hideous Fiend that can turn objects to Stone with a glance. Its Stony Glare ability is bad, but now it also destroys Softs so its prey stays Stoned. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gug - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 61/61. Class - Ogre/Ogre. Oversouled # - 8/8. Level - 39/47. Hit Points - 6,433/16,300. Magic Points - 67/67. Experience - 1,130/1,555. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 600/600. Steal Gil - 1,520/3,300. Strength - 58/61. Magic - 9/9. Defense - 32/32. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 83/100. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity/Gravity. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, COnfuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Power Wrist x1 - Hyper Wrist x1/Hyper Wrist x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x2/High Potion x3 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Power Glove x1/Kaiser Knuckle x1 - Sword Technique Essence x1/Sword Technique Essence x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 60. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 60. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/6. Attacks: Attack, Counterattack, Two Hands/Attack, Blizzaga, Firaga, Flare, Secret Dark Matter, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A ferocious brute that finds true joy in pummeling its Enemies. It strikes back when Attacked, so approach with caution/Never an easy Fiend to figure out in the first place. Now it's finally gone completely mental and started using Magic Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 207/207. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Haizhe - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Hayzor. ID Number - 145/145. Class - Phlegyas/Phlegyas. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 653/2,612. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 48/90. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 22/52. Steal Gil - 80/152. Strength - 38/38. Magic - 21/21. Defense - 12/12. Magic Defense - 20/20. Speed - 84/92. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity, Lightning/Gravity, Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Beautiful Glass Ball x1/Beautiful Glass Ball x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Beautiful Glass Ball x1 - Silver Hourglass x1/Silver Hourglass x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Beautiful Glass Ball x1 /Beautiful Glass Ball x1 - Relieving Emblem x1/Relieving Emblem x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 22. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/6. Attacks: Absorb, Attack, Mighty Guard/Attack, Blizzara, Blizzard, Blizzaga, Dispel, Fira, Firaga, Fire, Reflect, Thundara, Thundaga, Thunder, Watera, Wateraga, Water. Information: A Fiend that floats and dances on the air. It glides toward its Opponents as if swimming, then Attacks/A Fiend that floats and dances on the air. It doesn't perform any direct Attacks. Instead it cycles through various Magic Attacks--an annoying habit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Haunt - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 48/48. Class - Ghost/Ghost. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 35/42. Hit Points - 813/854. Magic Points - 433/433. Experience - 108/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 120/0. Steal Gil - 280/0. Strength - 8/8. Magic - 33/33. Defense - 83/113. Magic Defense - 48/48. Speed - 63/82. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Water Ring x1/Twisted Headband x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Arctic Wind x1/Water Magic Stone x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 22. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 6/0. Attacks: Blizzara, Doom, Thundara, Watera/Blizzara, Doom, Fira, Thundara, Watera. Information: A minion of death from the Farplane. It has the power to cause its allies to Oversoul. After doing so, it focuses primarily on defending itself/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Heavy Sallet - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 294/294. Class - Shell/Shell. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 31/37. Hit Points - 11,200/12,915. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 380/640. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 110/180. Steal Gil - 480/620. Strength - 71/71. Magic - 4/4. Defense - 223/254. Magic Defense - 18/22. Speed - 82/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Light Curtain x2/Star Curtain x2 - Light Curtain x4/Star Curtain x5. Common/Rare Steal - Moon Curtain x2/Star Curtain x2 - Moon Curtain x3/Star Curtain x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Light Bracelet x2/Light Bracelet x3 - Protection Bracelet x2/Protection Bracelet x3. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 42. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 58. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 38/40. Attacks: Attack, Defense Up/Attack, Destroy Phoenix Down, Shatter Turbo Ether. Information: A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. Its Attacks are straight forward and unrelenting/A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. It sometimes performs an irritating Attack that destroys Phoenix Downs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Hexapod - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Hexfeet. ID Number - 217/217. Class - Insect/Insect. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 47/54. Hit Points - 2,805/11,220. Magic Points - 980/980. Experience - 220/280. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 80/100. Steal Gil - 300/600. Strength - 24/26. Magic - 29/29. Defense - 97/97. Magic Defense - 100/100. Speed - 75/83. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 30/38. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Ice/Ice. Immune To - Curse, Gravity/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - L Bomb x1/L Bomb x2 - L Bomb x3/L Bomb x5. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Panacea x1 - High Potion x2/Panacea x2. Common/Rare Bribe - L Bomb x16/L Bomb x20 - L Bomb x40/L Bomb x99. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Hug Bomb/Attack, Blizzaga, Blizzara, Chain Attack, No Sign, Quadruple Attack. Information: A worker of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. Although a Fiend, it lives within a Complex Social Hierarchy. It is known to Explode when near Death. Careful!/A worker of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. Although a Fiend, it lives within a Complex Social Hierarchy. Its Oversouled form sometimes unleashes a chain of Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Hrimthrus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 62/62. Class - Ogre/Ogre. Oversouled # - 8/8. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 522/2,208. Magic Points - 11/11. Experience - 74/120. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 44/72. Steal Gil - 140/228. Strength - 52/55. Magic - 4/4. Defense - 12/12. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 52/57. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity/Gravity. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Mega-Potion x1/Mega-Potion x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x6/Phoenix Tail x8 - Power Glove x1/Power Glove x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 14. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/2. Attacks: Attack, Counterattack/Attack, Blizzara, Fira, Secret Hi-Potion, Secret Stamina Tonic, Thundara, Watera. Information: A ferocious brute that lives for the chance to pummel Foes. Its simple mind is focused solely on the thrill of Battle/Never an easy Fiend to figure out in the first place. Now it's finally gone completely mental and started using Magic Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Hug Bug - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Hugger Bug. ID Number - 127/127. Class - Insect/Insect. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 49/52. Hit Points - 2,350/9,400. Magic Points - 950/950. Experience - 220/280. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 80/100. Steal Gil - 300/600. Strength - 24/24. Magic - 27/27. Defense - 96/96. Magic Defense - 97/97. Speed - 112/123. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 28/38. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 10/10. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Curse, Gravity/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - M Bomb x1/M Bomb x2 - M Bomb x3/M Bomb x5. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x2/Phoenix Tail x2. Common/Rare Bribe - M Bomb x16/M Bomb x20 - M Bomb x40/M Bomb x99. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 4. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 5. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/4. Attacks: Attack, Hug Bomb, Thundara/Attack, Chain Attack, No Sign, Thundara, Thundaga, Triple Attack. Information: A worker of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. Although a Fiend, it lives within a Complex Social Hierarchy. It is known to Explode when near death, so be cautious/A worker of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. Although a Fiend, it lives within a Complex Social Hierarchy. Oversouled, it sometimes deals successive Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Humbaba - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 73/73. Class - Behemoth/Behemoth. Oversouled # - 20/20. Level - 52/62. Hit Points - 27,772/30,163. Magic Points - 785/785. Experience - 1,800/2,300. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 550/700. Steal Gil - 1,800/3,800. Strength - 93/93. Magic - 13/13. Defense - 7/7. Magic Defense - 11/11. Speed - 87/113. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x4/Thunder God Ring x1 - Sky Thunder Ring x1/Sky Thunder Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x2/Ether x1 - Four Shield x1/Four Shield x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Raging Knowledge x1/Raging Knowledge x2 - Rage Knowledge x3/Rage Knowledge x4. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 48. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 46. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 33/38. Attacks: Attack, Meteor, Mighty Guard, Thundaga, Thundara, Tyrant Tail, Uppercut/Attack, Eyeing Paine..., Eyeing Rikku..., Eyeing Yuna..., Meteor, Mighty Guard, Thundaga, Tyrant Tail, Uppercut. Information: A Fiend among Fiends, often called the strongest in Spira. Though its Attacks are fearsome, the true peril follows its fall in Battle/Targets a specific type of Foe and concentrates all of its Attacks on that Foe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ifrit - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Efreet. ID Number - 165/165. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 23/28. Hit Points - 8,820/9,261. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,800/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,300/0. Steal Gil - 1,800/0. Strength - 82/82. Magic - 22/22. Defense - 98/98. Magic Defense - 49/49. Speed - 114/148. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 14/18. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Angel Earring x1/Angel Earring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Fire Flash x1/Fire Flash x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/0. Attacks: Attack, Die, Firaga, Hellfire, Meteor Strike/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Insect Matriarch - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Insect Mother. ID Number - 303/303. Class - Insect/Insect. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 78/94. Hit Points - 48,796/51,236. Magic Points - 868/868. Experience - 1,200/2,200. Ability Points - 1/1. Gil - 1,000/2,700. Steal Gil - 2,600/4,300. Strength - 222/222. Magic - 255/255. Defense - 90/90. Magic Defense - 98/98. Speed - 244/255. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 10/13. Luck - 33/41. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/Fire, Lightning. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse, Fire, Gravity, Lightning, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Magic Spring x2/Aurora Ring x1 - Fire And Ice Flash x1/Fire And Ice Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x2 - Elixer x1/Elixer x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Four Hand x1/White Magic Essence x2 - White Magic Essence x2/White Magic Essence x3. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 85/90. Attacks: Attack, Firaga, Sleep, Slow, Thundaga/Attack, Blizzaga[AE30], Demi, Eyeing Paine..., Eyeing Rikku..., Eyeing Yuna..., Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A relative of the Fiends found in the Mi'ihen Highroad Colony. Though similar in appearance, it avoids their communal lifestyle. It is adept at Fire and Lightning Magic/A relative of the Fiends found in the Mi'ihen Highroad Colony. It avoids the communal lifestyle of the other Bugs. Its specialty is Magic and it can use chain Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Iron Giant - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 85/85. Class - Iron Giant/Iron Giant. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 7/8. Hit Points - 222/232. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 20/100. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 40/110. Steal Gil - 233/510. Strength - 48/48. Magic - 1/4. Defense - 152/155. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 93/121. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Cheap Grenade x1/Grenade x1 - Grenade x2/Grenade x3. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Grenade x1 - M Bomb x2/M Bomb x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Grenade x18/Grenade x20 - Mithril Gauntlet x1/Mithril Gauntlet x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 26. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 37. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/12. Attacks: Attack, Reaper/Attack, Blizzara, Cura, Dispel, Fira, Thundara, Watera, White Mage-Hater. Information: A Fiend that appears to be a Machina, but is actually an empty suit of armor animated by Pyreflies. Physical Attacks are ineffective, but it is vulnerable to Magic/One angry suit of armor. Something must have happened when it Oversouled, because now it focuses all of its attention on Attacking White Mages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ironside - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Iron Side. ID Number - 230/230. Class - Armor/Armor. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 34/40. Hit Points - 8,432/12,154. Magic Points - 1,400/1,400. Experience - 660/940. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 200/340. Steal Gil - 800/1,500. Strength - 72/88. Magic - 94/94. Defense - 223/233. Magic Defense - 173/233. Speed - 74/101. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Strength Medicine x1/Strength Medicine x1 - Black Magic Stone x6/Black Magic Stone x8. Common/Rare Steal - Black Magic Stone x2/Black Magic Stone x3 - Strength Medicine x6/Strength Medicine x8. Common/Rare Bribe - Light Magic Stone x16/Light Magic Stone x20 - Light Magic Stone x30/Light Magic Stone x40. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 33. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/15. Attacks: Attack, Body Splash, Storm Cannon/Attack, Blizzaga, Blizzara, Blizzard, Dispel, Fira, Firaga, Fire, Reflect, Storm Cannon, Thundaga, Thundara, Thunder, Water, Watera, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend encased in thick armor. Its Strength, Defense and other Attributes are all formidable. Some might say the bigger they are, the harder they hit. They'd be right/A Fiend encased in thick armor. Its Strength, Defense and other Attributes are all formidable. It now also uses Magic, courtesy of Oversouling. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ixion - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 166/166. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 28/34. Hit Points - 12,380/12,999. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 2,600/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,800/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 62/62. Magic - 21/21. Defense - 106/106. Magic Defense - 82/82. Speed - 138/179. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 35/44. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Soul Of Thamasa x1/Soul Of Thamasa x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Dash Shoes x1/Dash Shoes x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/0. Attacks: Aerospark, Attack, Die, Recharge, Thor's Hammer, Thundara/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Jahi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 113/113. Class - Spirit/Spirit. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 46/55. Hit Points - 2,033/1,817. Magic Points - 360/360. Experience - 1,200/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 620/0. Steal Gil - 1,020/0. Strength - 39/39. Magic - 52/52. Defense - 84/84. Magic Defense - 86/86. Speed - 68/91. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Gold Anklet x1/Gold Anklet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x2/Magic Spring x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Magic Spring x30/Magic Spring x40 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 26. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 6/0. Attacks: Absorb, Thundara, Watera/None. Information: A Fiend formed of Pyreflies drifting through the Farplane. It carries the opposing powers of Lightning and Water. It Absorbs Lightning, but can use Water Magic. Neat trick/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Jumbo Cactuar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Jabotender. ID Number - 237/237. Class - Sabotender/Sabotender. Oversouled # - 15/15. Level - 42/50. Hit Points - 22,222/33,333. Magic Points - 1,111/1,111. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 10/15. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 73/73. Magic - 74/74. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 254/85. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 7/9. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Secret Strength Medicine x1/Charm x1 - Charm x1/Charm x1. Common/Rare Steal - Secret Strength Medicine x1/Secret Strength Medicine x2 - Secret Strength Medicine x3/Secret Strength Medicine x5. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 200/255. Attacks: Mighty Guard G/Blizzaga, Blizzara, Demi, Fira, Firaga, Flare, Magic Down, Magic Up, Thundaga, Thundara, Watera, Wateraga. Information: A humongous green menace formed by the rogue Cactuars that fled to Cactuar Hollow and refused to grow up. Giant and green, but definitely not jolly/One big, angry Cactuar. It Attacks with Magic that gets more and more powerful as the Fiend's Situation gets worse and worse. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Killer Hound - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 11/11. Class: Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 12/14. Hit Points - 202/818. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 36/68. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 18/34. Steal Gil - 82/143. Strength - 28/26. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 2/3. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 62/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 5/6. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x2/High Potion x3. Common/Rare Bribe - High Potion x2/High Potion x2 - Chocobo Tail x4/Chocobo x5. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 11. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 22. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/5. Attacks: Attack, Killer Fang, Strength Up/Attack, Chain Attack, Quadruple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks indiscrimiantely no matter what the odds. Its fearsome Killer Fang can KO an Opponent with a single hit/Even more violent in its Oversouled state. It can now Attack four times in a row. Holy moly! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Killer Machina - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Killer Machine. ID Number - 219/219. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 48/50. Hit Points - 4,222/4,118. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 600/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 180/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 36/34. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 68/101. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Darkness Grenade x1/Petrification Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - M Bomb x1/M Bomb x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Cease, Dust/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone for over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. Inexcusable/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - King Takouba - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 276/276. Class - Blade/Blade. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 48/56. Hit Points - 18,004/22,104. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 485/963. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 300/735. Steal Gil - 800/1,800. Strength - 71/72. Magic - 14/14. Defense - 43/48. Magic Defense - 22/22. Speed - 75/98. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 27/34. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Defense Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/6%. Common/Rare Drops - Farplane Shadow x2/Life Candle x2 - Farplane Shadow x4/Farplane Shadow x5. Common/Rare Steal - Star Pendant x1/Angel Earring x1 - Glass Buckle x1/Angel Earring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Angel Earring x6/Angel Earring x10 - Glass Buckle x10/Glass Buckle x12. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 48. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 30. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 70. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 30. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 26/38. Attacks: Attack, Blade Rondo/Attack, Bio, Blade Rondo, Blind, Confuse, Frenzied Edge, Rips To Shreds, Silence. Information: A venomous Fiend whose Scythe-like forelegs can cut anything to shreds. Beware its Blade Rondo Attack which takes full advantage of these lethal appendages/A Fiend with a lot of pent up rage. Perhaps this is why it's so quick to counterattack after being hit. Even worse, it uses Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - King VERMIN! - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - King Vermin. ID Number - 128/128. Class - Insect/Insect. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 54/58. Hit Points - 39,857/41,850. Magic Points - 872/872. Experience - 5,000/7,200. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 3,500/3,800. Steal Gil - 2,000/3,000. Strength - 46/48. Magic - 46/46. Defense - 88/88. Magic Defense - 60/60. Speed - 133/173. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 8/13. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire, Holy. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Power Glove x1/Power Glove x1 - Champion Belt x1/Champion Belt x1. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - Turbo Ether x2/Turbo Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Turbo Ether x80/Turbo Ether x99 - Elixer x24/Elixer x30. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 60/60. Attacks: Attack, Attack 2, Fira, Firaga, Fire/Attack, Chain Attack, Demi, Fira, Firaga, Flare, Holy, Triple Attack. Information: The leader of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. It uses its workers to expand the tunnels of the colony. Its Fire Attacks are a dead giveaway that it's in charge, foo'/The leader of the Mi'ihen Highroad Fiend Colony. It uses its workers to expand the tunnels of the colony. Fire Magic is its long suit, but push it and it uses more formidable Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kukulcan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 88/88. Class - Basilisk/Basilisk. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 23/28. Hit Points - 3,220/9,480. Magic Points - 85/85. Experience - 135/233. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 86/140. Steal Gil - 550/1,100. Strength - 44/44. Magic - 3/3. Defense - 92/92. Magic Defense - 30/30. Speed - 78/86. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Death, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Slow/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Slow. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Gold Needle x2/Gold Anklet x1 - Gold Anklet x1/Gold Anklet x1. Common/Rare Steal - Gold Needle x2/Panacea x1 - Panacea x8/Panacea x10. Common/Rare Bribe - Petrification Shock x1/Petrification Shock x1 - Petrification Shock x4/Petrification Shock x6. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/12. Attacks: Attack, Heaven's Cataract, Stony Glare/Attack, Destroy Soft, HP Break, Hunter's Gaze, Stony Glare. Information: A Fiend that appears to be a Machina, but is actually an empty suit of armor animated by Pyreflies. It's quite strong, but it relies far too heavily on sight/One angry suit of armor. Something must have happened when it Oversouled, because now it focuses all of its attention on Attacking White Mages. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lacerta - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 27/27. Class - Lizard/Lizard. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 72/86. Hit Points - 12,324/13,556. Magic Points - 62/62. Experience - 750/980. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 400/1,200. Steal Gil - 850/1,500. Strength - 188/188. Magic - 18/18. Defense - 144/144. Magic Defense - 12/12. Speed - 113/136. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 80/100. Luck - 22/28. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity/Gravity. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Chocobo Wing x1/Dash Shoes x1 - Double Speed Bracelet x1/Double Speed Bracelet x1. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x2 - Ether x1/Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Secret Technique Knowledge x1/Secret Technique Knowledge x2 - Secret Technique Knowledge x4/Secret Technique Knowledge x6. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 140. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 25/50. Attacks: Rend/Desperate Strike, Rend. Information: The largest and most powerful of Reptiles. It can regulate the damage it causes based on its Opponent's Strength. A formidable Foe/Now able to reduce its target's HP by half in a single hit. As an added bonus, it remembers how much damage it has taken when counterattacking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Fighter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Fighter. ID Number - 178/178. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 6/7. Hit Points - 168/176. Magic Points - 14/14. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 50/0. Steal Gil - 150/0. Strength - 31/31. Magic - 3/3. Defense - 48/48. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 55/72. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Cheap Grenade x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x12/Phoenix Tail x16 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. He doesn't pose much of a challenge/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Mage - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Sorceress. ID Number - 214/214. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 23/28. Hit Points - 1,020/1,071. Magic Points - 420/420. Experience - 70/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 130/0. Steal Gil - 450/0. Strength - 29/29. Magic - 22/22. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 52/50. Speed - 73/95. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 5/6. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Amulet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Talisman x1/Talisman x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Confuse, Demi, Fira, Thundara, Watera/None. Information: A Mage who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. She casts Elemental Spells as well as Confuse. She has more Gil saved up than the League's Warriors/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Master - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Member. ID Number - 215/215. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 32/38. Hit Points - 1,732/1,785. Magic Points - 670/670. Experience - 160/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 140/0. Steal Gil - 550/0. Strength - 32/28. Magic - 43/43. Defense - 18/18. Magic Defense - 56/60. Speed - 76/99. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 5/6. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Ether x1/Ether x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Ether x12/Ether x14 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Fira, Thundara, Watera/None. Information: A Mage who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. She casts Elemental Magic according to whim. She has more Gil saved up than the League's Warriors/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Raider - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Attacker. ID Number - 192/192. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 293/308. Magic Points - 30/30. Experience - 70/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 130/0. Steal Gil - 380/0. Strength - 37/37. Magic - 13/13. Defense - 34/34. Magic Defense - 13/13. Speed - 64/83. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x16/Phoenix Tail x24 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. Her skills are mediocre at best. Her savings are finally starting to add up/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Ranger - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Ranger. ID Number - 179/179. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 230/242. Magic Points - 180/180. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 80/0. Steal Gil - 320/0. Strength - 18/18. Magic - 83/83. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 50/50. Speed - 66/86. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - S Bomb x2/Ether x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Fire/None. Information: A Mage who Fights to uphold the ideals of the Youth League. She wields Fire Magic and has more Gil saved up than the boys/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Scout - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Scout. ID Number - 190/190. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 6/7. Hit Points - 128/134. Magic Points - 18/18. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 60/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 27/27. Magic - 4/4. Defense - 33/33. Magic Defense - 12/12. Speed - 62/81. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Cheap Grenade x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x10/Mega-Potion x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. Her skill in Battle is woefully lacking. She has finally started saving up Gil/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Slasher - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Fencer. ID Number - 193/193. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 30/36. Hit Points - 1,650/1,733. Magic Points - 58/58. Experience - 160/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 140/0. Steal Gil - 550/0. Strength - 38/31. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 30/30. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 82/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Silence/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence, Silence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 25%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - M Bomb x1/L Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Ether x16/Ether x20 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Flash Bomb/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. Her Battle skills are finely honed. Her savings are quite impressive, too/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Soldier - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Commander. ID Number - 191/191. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 14/17. Hit Points - 178/187. Magic Points - 28/28. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 80/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 34/34. Magic - 12/12. Defense - 28/28. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 58/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Grenade x1/Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Grenade x1/Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - S Bomb x2/M Bomb x2 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Potion/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. She is unimpressive in battle but has managed to save up a fair amount of Gil/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Trooper - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Warrior. ID Number - 189/189. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 13/16. Hit Points - 244/256. Magic Points - 16/16. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 60/0. Steal Gil - 160/0. Strength - 41/41. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 52/52. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 56/73. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Grenade x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - S Bomb x2/M Bomb x2 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Potion/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. He is unimpressive in Battle and could clearly use some training/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Veteran - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Soldier. ID Number - 211/211. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 33/40. Hit Points - 1,720/1806. Magic Points - 42/42. Experience - 160/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 100/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 42/36. Magic - 17/17. Defense - 54/54. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 68/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 25%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - M Bomb x1/L Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - L Bomb x14/L Bomb x20 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 50. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 50. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Attack 2/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. Veterans are the League's Top Soldiers, but they still aren't very tough/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - League Warrior - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Alliance Trooper. ID Number - 210/210. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 422/443. Magic Points - 26/26. Experience - 70/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 120/0. Steal Gil - 180/0. Strength - 41/41. Magic - 12/12. Defense - 53/53. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 58/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Silence/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - M Bomb x4/M Bomb x5 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: A rank-and-file Warrior who Fights for the ideals of the Youth League. League Warriors are stronger than League Troopers, but still don't pose much of a challenge/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Leblanc - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 131/131. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 5/6. Hit Points - 130/137. Magic Points - 101/101. Experience - 8/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 180/0. Steal Gil - 500/0. Strength - 14/14. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 37/37. Speed - 88/114. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 12/15. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Stop/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Silver Glasses x1/Silver Glasses x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 60/0. Attacks: Attack, Thunder/None. Information: The Sphere Hunter who tried to pass herself off as Yuna at a concert. She specializes in Fan Attacks and Magic/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Leblanc - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 252/252. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 5/6. Hit Points - 120/126. Magic Points - 260/260. Experience - 20/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 250/0. Steal Gil - 700/0. Strength - 15/15. Magic - 26/26. Defense - 8/8. Magic Defense - 55/55. Speed - 52/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 20/25. Luck - 16/20. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Tiara x1/Tiara x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 70. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 70. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 60/0. Attacks: Attack, Love Tap, Sonic Fan/None. Information: Worried that Yuna and team are onto her little following act. She's taking things up a notch this time with Sonic Fan, an Attack that hits multiple targets with Shock Waves/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Leblanc - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 253/253. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 23/28. Hit Points - 1,380/1,449. Magic Points - 460/460. Experience - 380/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 300/0. Steal Gil - 1,500/0. Strength - 33/33. Magic - 32/32. Defense - 10/10. Magic Defense - 62/62. Speed - 53/69. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 22/28. Luck - 16/20. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Silence, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Combined Sphere x1/Combined Sphere x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Elixer x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 60/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzara, Fira, Flash Bomb, Love Tap, Mach Fan, No Love Lost, None, None 2, Not-So-Mighty Guard, Osmose, Rush Grenade, Thundara, Watera, White Wind/None. Information: Livid at the thought that a Sphere she found for Nooj has been tampered with. She can hit multiple targets as well as perform combination Attacks with Logos and Ormi/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Left Bulwark - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Bulwark L. ID Number - 289/289. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 39/47. Hit Points - 3,000/3,150. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 200/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 150/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 72/72. Magic - 48/48. Defense - 58/58. Magic Defense - 58/58. Speed - 46/60. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Mega-Potion x1/X-Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/L Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Bio, Dispel/None. Information: Vegnagun's Foreleg, capable of Attacking and casting Support Magic. It's designed to retaliate against any who Attack the Core, so be careful!/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Left Redoubt - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Redoubt L. ID Number - 292/292. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 40/48. Hit Points - 2,500/2625. Magic Points - 99,999/99,999. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 350/0. Strength - 65/65. Magic - 41/41. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 133/133. Speed - 47/61. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Mega-Phoenix x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Demi, Dispel, Full-Life, Lacrimosa, Slow/None. Information: One of Vegnagun's Last Lines Of Defense. Besides Attacking, it can Revive the Right Redoubt if it falls during Battle/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lesser Drake - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 53/53. Class - Drake/Drake. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 14/16. Hit Points - 577/2,108. Magic Points - 33/33. Experience - 30/58. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 22/40. Steal Gil - 220/510. Strength - 38/41. Magic - 28/28. Defense - 48/48. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 53/58. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Fire, Silence/Berserk, Confuse, Fire, Power Reformed, Silence. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Bomb Fragment x1 - Bomb Spirit x2/Bomb Spirit x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Bomb Fragment x1 - Fire Magic Stone x3/Fire Magic Stone x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire Flash x1/Fire Flash x1 - Blazing Fire Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 18. Curse: 255. Death: 10. Petrification: 20. Silence: 255. Sleep: 10. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 255. Death: 10. Petrification: 20. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 5/6. Attacks: Attack, Breath/Attack, Breath, Cure. Information: A Fiend that Attacks with alarming Speed despite its otherwise lethargic movement. Its Fiery Breath can damage multiple targets at once. Scary/Able to deal damage to multiple targets with its Fiery Breath. On the bright side, its Attack Power drops as it inflicts damage. Hang in there! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Leucophylla - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 40/40. Class - Flower/Flower. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 26/30. Hit Points - 2,234/8,936. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 210/332. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 86/140. Steal Gil - 220/430. Strength - 58/59. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 7/11. Magic Defense - 99/100. Speed - 76/77. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Poison. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - Panacea x4/Panacea x6. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Panacea x6/Panacea x8. Common/Rare Bribe - High Potion x40/High Potion x60 - Panacea x80/Panacea x99. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 50. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Seed Cannon, Seed Burst/Heavy Seed Cannon, MP Crush, Seed Burst. Information: A Plant Fiend that can move just like any other creature. It slows Opponents' advances with Seed Burst and the power of its Seed Cannon is formidable/A Plant Fiend that can move just like any other creature. Oversouled, it's now able to cause MP Damage with MP Crush, so watch out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lich - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 228/228. Class - Ghost/Ghost. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 31/37. Hit Points - 3,444/3,616. Magic Points - 1,300/1,300. Experience - 730/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 330/0. Steal Gil - 680/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 31/33. Defense - 81/81. Magic Defense - 89/89. Speed - 48/62. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity/Gravity. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Gold Bracelet x0/Gravity Ring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Strength Spring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Life Spring x16/Life Spring x18 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 26. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 9/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Doom, Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: A minion of Death from the Farplane. It casts Doom before Attacking. It knows a variety of Elemental Spells and chooses them capriciously/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Logos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sano. ID Number - 130/130. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 2/3. Hit Points - 86/90. Magic Points - 18/18. Experience - 3/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 60/0. Steal Gil - 200/0. Strength - 6/6. Magic - 5/5. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 70/91. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 18/23. Luck - 5/6. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Silver Glasses x1/Silver Glass x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: 1x Pistol, Die, Potion/None. Information: The brains behind the Leblanc Syndicate. He Attacks from a distance with his Revolver. His Defense and HP are low, but he's good at Evading Attacks/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Logos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sano. ID Number - 247/247. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 3/4. Hit Points - 100/105. Magic Points - 25/25. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 80/0. Steal Gil - 280/0. Strength - 10/10. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 72/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 36/45. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - White Cape x1/White Cape x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: 1x Pistol/None. Information: The brains behind the Leblanc Syndicate. As always, he Attacks from a distance with his Revolver. His Defense and HP are low, but he's good at Evading Attacks/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Logos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sano. ID Number - 248/248. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 1,220/1,281. Magic Points - 46/46. Experience - 160/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 200/0. Steal Gil - 460/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 24/24. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 88/114. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 36/45. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Enemy Bracelet x1/Enemy Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Mega-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: 1x Pistol, Flash Bomb, Hail Of Bullets, Rush Grenade/None. Information: The brains behind the Leblanc Syndicate. He was scouring the desert for Spheres. His Defense and HP are low, but he's good at Evading Attacks/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Logos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sano. ID Number - 249/249. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 20/24. Hit Points - 1,432/1,504. Magic Points - 64/64. Experience - 240/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 230/0. Steal Gil - 580/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 26/26. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 14/14. Speed - 90/117. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 38/48. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse: 255. Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Favorite x1*/Favorite x1* - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Mega-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: 1x Pistol, Die, Russian Roulette, Russian Roulette 2, Russian Roulette 3, Russian Roulette 4, Russian Roulette 5, Russian Roulette 6/None. Information: Not too happy about Yuna, Rikku and Paine rummaging around his room. His Defense and HP are low, but he's good at Evading Attacks/None. *Also can translate to Nice Fit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Logos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sano. ID Number - 250/250. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 21/25. Hit Points - 989/1,038. Magic Points - 70/70. Experience - 260/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 240/0. Steal Gil - 640/0. Strength - 17/17. Magic - 28/28. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 18/18. Speed - 49/64. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 40/50. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse: 255. Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 75%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Demon Repelling Bracelet x1/Demon Repelling Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Mega-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: 1x Pistol, Hail Of Bullets, Russian Roulette, Russian Roulette 2, Russian Roulette 3, Russian Roulette 4, Russian Roulette 5, Russian Roulette 6/None. Information: A little nervous about screwing up in front of Leblanc. His Defense and HP are low, but he's good at Evading Attacks/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Logos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sano. ID Number - 251/251. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 17/20. Hit Points - 1,030/1,082. Magic Points - 48/48. Experience - 80/0. Ability Points - 3/0. Gil - 120/0. Steal Gil - 400/0. Strength - 15/15. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 12/12. Speed - 77/100. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 40/50. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse: 255. Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Silver Bracelet x1/Silver Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Mega-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Sleep: 30. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 40. Silence: 255. Sleep: 30. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: 1x Pistol, Die, Flash Bomb, Hail Of Bullets, Rush Grenade/None. Information: Exasperated by Ormi's Asinine Behavior. He Attacks from a distance with his Revolver. His Defense and HP are low, but he's good at Evading Attacks/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lucil - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 184/184. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 43/44. Hit Points - 7,324/6,615. Magic Points - 370/370. Experience - 800/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 220/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 64/48. Magic - 24/24. Defense - 41/41. Magic Defense - 40/40. Speed - 120/156. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 42/50. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Circlet x1/Circlet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Chocobo Tail x1/Chocobo Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 10/0. Attacks: Attack, Fire Gem, Gold Hourglass, Harbinger, Hi-Potion, Ice Gem, Light Curtain, Lightning Gem, Water Gem/None. Information: A Warrior of the Youth League. In Nooj's Sbsence, she is its most powerful member. They say no one has ever seen what is truly in her heart/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lupus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 14/14. Class - Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 27/32. Hit Points - 1,262/3,455. Magic Points - 10/10. Experience - 188/240. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 80/130. Steal Gil - 280/480. Strength - 37/38. Magic - 12/12. Defense - 4/6. Magic Defense - 2/3. Speed - 93/112. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 26/33. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - High Potion x4/High Potion x5. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Bribe - X-Potion x3/X-Potion x3 - Haste Ring x2/Haste Ring x3. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. Death: 50. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 26. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 50. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Killer Fang, Strength Up/100 Gil Gnasher, Attack, Chain Attack, Quadruple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks indiscrimiantely no matter what the odds. Its fearsome Killer Fang can KO an Opponent with a single hit/A loathsome Fiend that can Attack four times in a row. Even worse, it will sometimes wolf down your Gil! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machina Hunter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 79/79. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 19/23. Hit Points - 1,780/1,869. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 63/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 60/0. Strength - 23/23. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 71/92. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Cheap Grenade x1/Silence Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Silence Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Impale/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. A shame/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machina Leader - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Machina Commander. ID Number - 218/218. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 46/55. Hit Points - 2,774/2,913. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 450/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 120/0. Steal Gil - 160/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 99/129. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Sleep Grenade x1/Darkness Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - S Bomb x1/S Bomb x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Impale/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone for over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. Unacceptable/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machina Panzer - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 160/160. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 45/54. Hit Points - 30,500/32,025. Magic Points - 1,247/1,247. Experience - 4,300/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 10,000/0. Steal Gil - 2,500/0. Strength - 53/53. Magic - 33/33. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 72/72. Speed - 89/116. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 100%/0. Steal % - 100%/0. Common/Rare Drops - Crystal Bangle x1/Crystal Bangle x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Oath Veil x1/Oath Veil x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Attack, Gatling Gun, Die, Mode Hyperdrive!, Sorcery Ray/None. Information: An ancient war Machina. It was apparently programmed to scour Spira for Combat Data so that it could learn to counter any Attack/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machina Ranger - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 78/78. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 23/28. Hit Points - 2,490/2,615. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 170/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 22/0. Steal Gil - 120/0. Strength - 30/30. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 92/120. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Darkness Grenade x1/Silence Greande x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - S Bomb x1/M Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Impale/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. Pity/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machina Soldier - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 80/80. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 37/44. Hit Points - 3,048/3,620. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 450/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 120/0. Steal Gil - 160/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 125/163. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Sleep Grenade x1/Silence Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - S Bomb x1/S Bomb x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Electrocute, Impale/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. Laughable/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Machina Striker - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 235/235. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 40/48. Hit Points - 6,722/7,058. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 1,400/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 400/0. Steal Gil - 600/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 18/18. Defense - 101/101. Magic Defense - 20/20. Speed - 126/164. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Holy, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Holy, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/50%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - L Bomb x3/Petification Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - L Bomb x1/L Bomb x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 55/0. Attacks: Benchwarmer, Bite The Bullet, Die, Night Game, Triple Play!/None. Information: An ancient Machina that has been wandering for over a thousand years. It seems many were produced, but no one knows their original function/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Magic Urn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Magic Pot. ID Number - 105/105. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Malboro - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Morbol. ID Number - 58/58. Class - Morbol/Morbol. Oversouled # - 24/24. Level - 30/37. Hit Points - 5,877/6,171. Magic Points - 110/110. Experience - 310/540. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 370/480. Steal Gil - 880/1,600. Strength - 61/61. Magic - 57/57. Defense - 14/14. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 73/95. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Fire, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x2/Panacea x3 - Twisted Headband x1/Twisted Headband x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Panacea x8/Panacea x10. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x40/Panacea x60 - Bead Brooch x1/Bead Brooch x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 36. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 42. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 42/53. Attacks: Bad Breath, Gastric Juice/Bad Breath, Chomp, Halitosis, Ingest Antidotes, Ingest Eye Drops. Information: The most despised Fiend in Spira, this Fiend oozes with Poisonous Sludge. Its shape alone is enough to warrant such loathing, but its Bad Breath puts it over the top/Despised enough to begin with, it's sunk to new lows in its Oversouled State. Now its Gastric Juices can even consume Items. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mega Tonberry - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 115/115. Class - Tonberry/Tonberry. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 90/99. Hit Points - 48,600/51,030. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 2,600/3,300. Ability Points - 2/3. Gil - 600/1,800. Steal Gil - 3,300/6,000. Strength - 255/255. Magic - 67/67. Defense - 200/200. Magic Defense - 200/200. Speed - 104/135. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Twin Stars x1/Power Glove x1 - Twin Stars x2/Power Glove x2. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Sword Technique Knowledge x3/Sword Technique Knowledge x4 - Sword Technique Knowledge x6/Sword Technique Knowledge x8. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 150. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 250. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/150. Attacks: Chef's Knife, Karma/Chef's Knife, Cry In The Night, Firaga, Flare, Karma. Information: A Fiend that roams about by the light of its Lantern. Don't be fooled by its tranquil demeanor. It's a vicious and persistent attacker--and also really BIG/A Fiend that roams about by the light of its Lantern. It uses an assortment of Abilities, but when it gets in trouble, it pulls out the BIG Guns. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MIC - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 281/281. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mindy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Lagu. ID Number - 173/173. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 44/53. Hit Points - 9,788/10,277. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 3,000/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,000/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 28/28. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 121/121. Speed - 89/129. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 76/95. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Fairy Piece x1/Fairy Piece x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Confusion Shock x1/Confusion Shock x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 150/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Die, Firaga, Passado, Thundaga, Wataga/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Monolith - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Monument. ID Number - 222/222. Class - Devil Monolith/Devil Monolith. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 38/47. Hit Points - 7,143/9,180. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,420/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 460/0. Steal Gil - 1,420/0. Strength - 48/48. Magic - 79/79. Defense - 71/52. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 84/135. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/3. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy, Water/Holy, Water. Resistance - None/Fire, Ice, Lightning. Absorbs - Gravity/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x3/High Potion x4 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x2/Phoenix Tail x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Safety Bit x2/Safety Bit x3 - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 16/0. Attacks: Anger, Demi, Stone Breath/None. Information: A grave-looking Fiend from the Farplane that swipes razor-sharp claws at its Foes. It can also inflict Bersrek to really muck things up/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Monster 0 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 296/296. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mr. Goon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Senior Male Combatant. ID Number - 134/134. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 6/7. Hit Points - 120/126. Magic Points - 28/28. Experience - 8/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 19/19. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 5/5. Magic Defense - 5/5. Speed - 52/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Cheap Grenade x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Grenade x2/S Bomb x2 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: An underling in the Leblanc Syndicate. He gets more respect than the standard Goons, but his salary is still lousy. Even teamed up with others, he's pathetically weak/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ms. Goon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Senior Female Combatant. ID Number - 137/137. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 4/5. Hit Points - 80/84. Magic Points - 85/85. Experience - 8/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 60/78. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Cheap Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Grenade x2/S Bomb x2 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Blizzard, Potion, White Highwind/None. Information: An underling in the Leblanc Syndicate. She gets more respect than the She-Goons, but her salary is still lousy. She can use Potions, but let's face it, she's doomed/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mushroom Cloud - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Chrysenteroides. ID Number - 111/111. Class - Fungongo/Fungongo. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 81/97. Hit Points - 9,999/10,998. Magic Points - 270/270. Experience - 1,100/2,000. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 320/1,000. Steal Gil - 520/1,000. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 32/82. Defense - 138/138. Magic Defense - 240/240. Speed - 78/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 7/9. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Secret Magic Medicine x1/Panacea x2 - Panacea x2/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x2 - Ether x1/Ether x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Royal Crown x7/Raging Essence x1 - Raging Essence x2/Double Speed Bracelet x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 85. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 40/50. Attacks: Pernicious Powder, Ultima/Berserk, Firaga, Pernicious Powder, Ultima, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend that grows in damp places and releases a Spore Cloud when struck. It's hard to believe that runt like this can use Ultima.../A Fiend that grows in damp places and Attacks with Magic and Spore Clouds. When its HP gets low, it enters a sort of "Magic Berserk." It's not pretty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mycotoxin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Leccinum. ID Number - 110/110. Class - Fungongo/Fungongo. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 29/34. Hit Points - 810/3,240. Magic Points - 120/120. Experience - 212/276. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 83/152. Steal Gil - 280/550. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 20/21. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 42/42. Speed - 43/47. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x2/Water God Ring x1 - Antidote x4/Antidote x6. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x2/Antidote x3 - Water God Ring x1/Water God Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1 - Star Pendant x3Star Pendant x4. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 4. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 20. Petrification: 40. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 20. Petrification: 40. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Nausea Powder, White Highwind/Berserk, Fira, Nausea Powder, Watera, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend that grows in damp places and releases a Spore Cloud when struck. It's slow, but not to be taken lightly/A Fiend that grows in damp places and Attacks with Magic and Spore Clouds. When its HP gets low, it enters a sort of "Magic Berserk." It's not pretty. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Nashorn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 50/50. Class - Horned Beast/Horned Beast. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 10/12. Hit Points - 482/1,928. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 33/63. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 22/53. Steal Gil - 85/180. Strength - 72/72. Magic - 10/10. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 65/72. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death Sentence, Poison, Sleep/Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Poison, Sleep. Drop % - 76%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Mega-Phoenix x2/Mega-Phoenix x2. Common/Rare Bribe - High Potion x6/High Potion x6 - Fire God Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 20. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 6/7. Attacks: Attack, Skewer/Attack, Berserk, Skewer, Stampede. Information: A Fiend easily distinguished by the two trademark horns protruding from its back. It charges and Attacks its Foes and can take them down in a single rush with Brute Force/A Fiend easily distinguished by the two trademark horns protruding from its back. It charges and Attacks its Foes. Upon taking damage, it intensifies its Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Negator - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Al Bhed Sealer. ID Number - 267/267. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Node A - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Turret A. ID Number - 284/284. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 52/62. Hit Points - 300,000/315,000. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 8,000/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 3,000/0. Steal Gil - 10,000/0. Strength - 48/48. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 244/244. Magic Defense - 244/244. Speed - 41/53. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Last Elixer x1/Hero Medicine x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Cura, Dies Irae, Firaga, Flare, Missile, Protect, Regen, Shell, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: Changes color and function when Attacked. It's far away, so some Attacks might not reach it--but there's no need to go out of your way to defeat this target/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Node B - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Turret B. ID Number - 285/285. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 52/62. Hit Points - 300,000/315,000. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 8,000/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 3,000/0. Steal Gil - 10,000/0. Strength - 48/48. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 244/244. Magic Defense - 244/244. Speed - 41/53. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Last Elixer x1/Hero Medicine x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Cura, Dies Irae, Firaga, Flare, Missile, Protect, Regen, Shell, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: Changes color and function when Attacked. It's far away, so some Attacks might not reach it--but there's no need to go out of your way to defeat this target/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Node C - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Turret C. ID Number - 286/286. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 52/62. Hit Points - 300,000/315,000. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 8,000/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 3,000/0. Steal Gil - 10,000/0. Strength - 48/48. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 244/244. Magic Defense - 244/244. Speed - 41/53. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Last Elixer x1/Hero Medicine x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Cura, Dies Irae, Firaga, Flare, Missile, Protect, Regen, Shell, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: Changes color and function when Attacked. It's far away, so some Attacks might not reach it--but there's no need to go out of your way to defeat this target/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Nooj - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 258/258. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 63/82. Hit Points - 23,800/24,990. Magic Points - 720/720. Experience - 1,800/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 30,000/0. Steal Gil - 20,000/0. Strength - 75/75. Magic - 101/101. Defense - 144/144. Magic Defense - 103/103. Speed - 121/179. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Demonic Dance Encyclopedia Vol. 1 x1/Demonic Dance Encyclopedia Vol. 1 x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Sorcery Knowledge x1/Sorcery Knowledge x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 200/0. Attacks: Gready Aura, Lightfall, Single/None. Information: A presence formed when Nooj encountered Shuyin's Despair in the Den Of Woe two years ago. His own despair fused with Pyreflies and assumed this shape/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ochu - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Otyugh. ID Number - 92/92. Class - Otyugh/Otyugh. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 1,480/3,755. Magic Points - 62/62. Experience - 124/280. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 133/240. Steal Gil - 290/600. Strength - 24/26. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 22/22. Magic Defense - 18/18. Speed - 41/49. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Curse, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 88%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x2/Twisted Headband x1 - Darkness Shock x1/Darkness Shock x1. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x1/Twisted Headband x1 - Silence Shock x1/Silence Shock x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Black Choker x1/Black Choker x1 - Fairy Pierce x2/Fairy Pierce x3. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 28. Curse: 255. Darkness: 70. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 50. Sleep: 100. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/7. Attacks: Attack/Attack, Haste, Ochu Jiggle, Thunder, Touch-And-Go. Information: A swift Plant Fiend with feet. Its tentacles can both Poison and Confuse its Enemies, so things can quickly get out of hand/A Plant Fiend. Oversouling has given it the ability to use Magic. Its favorite new trick is to cast Haste on itself and launch a frenzied attack. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Omega Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 151/151. Class - Weapon/Weapon. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 81/83. Hit Points - 24,200/25,410. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 3,350/4,230. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 5,000/5,000. Steal Gil - 1,300/2,800. Strength - 68/77. Magic - 51/55. Defense - 43/43. Magic Defense - 38/38. Speed - 109/122. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Safety Bit x1/Elixer x1 - Safety Bit x1/Safety Bit x1. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - Fairy Pierce x1/Fairy Pierce x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Three Stars x30/Ribbon x1 - Ribbon x1/Ribbon x1. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 230. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 230. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 120/130. Attacks: Attack, Attack 2, Attack 3, Die, Judgement, Punishment/Attack, Die, Dispel, Flare, Judgment, Osmose, Punishment. Information: Once the most powerful of all Fiends. With the coming of more formidable Weapons it has relinquished that title, but it remains a mighty adversary nonetheless/Even more powerful in its Overousled form. It appears to be highly cognitive. For example, when attacked with Magic, it considers how to respond. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 129/129. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 2/3. Hit Points - 97/102. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 3/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 60/0. Steal Gil - 200/0. Strength - 11/11. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 60/60. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 40/52. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Iron Bangle x1/Iron Bangle x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack, Die, Pirouette Pitch/None. Information: The brawn behind the Leblanc Syndicate. He really likes to throw his weight around. His Defense and HP are high, making him a bothersome Opponent/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 241/241. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 3/4. Hit Points - 130/137. Magic Points - 10/10. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 80/0. Steal Gil - 280/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 42/55. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Gauntlet x1/Gauntlet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: The brawn behind the Leblanc Syndicate. As always, he likes to throw his weight around. His Defense and HP are high, making him a pesky Fly to swat/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 242/242. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 1,350/1,418. Magic Points - 22/22. Experience - 180/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 200/0. Steal Gil - 520/0. Strength - 79/79. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 118/118. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 92/120. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Bead Brooch x1/Bead Brooch x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack, Concussive Shock, Die, Pirouette Pitch/None. Information: The brawn behind the Leblanc Syndicate. His underlings don't seem to think much of him. He has high Defense and HP, so defeating him will take time/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 243/243. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 19/23. Hit Points - 1,640/1,722. Magic Points - 40/40. Experience - 220/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 220/0. Steal Gil - 560/0. Strength - 80/80. Magic - 20/20. Defense - 120/120. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 63/82. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Black Choker x1/Black Choker x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack, Concussive Shock, Die, Huggles, Supercollider/None. Information: Busy killing time until Leblanc wakes up. Looks like he caught Yuna, Rikku and Paine sneaking around the Chateau. He has high Defense and HP/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 244/244. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 19/23. Hit Points - 1,840/1,932. Magic Points - 42/42. Experience - 240/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 230/0. Steal Gil - 580/0. Strength - 64/64. Magic - 24/24. Defense - 121/121. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 63/82. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Protection Veil x1/Protection Veil x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 20. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 20. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack, Die, Huggles, Supercollider/None. Information: Thoroughly whupped by the Gullwings. This time he's brought Logos along for backup. He has high Defense and HP, so defeating him will take time/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 245/245. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 19/23. Hit Points - 1,344/1,411. Magic Points - 45/45. Experience - 260/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 250/0. Steal Gil - 600/0. Strength - 53/53. Magic - 26/26. Defense - 84/84. Magic Defense - 16/16. Speed - 44/55. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Twisted Headband x1/Twisted Headband x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 30. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 30. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack, Concussive Blast, Huggles, Supercollider/None. Information: Double-thoroughly whupped by the Gullwings. This time he's brought Leblanc along for extra backup. He has high Defense and HP, so defeating him will take time/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ormi - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Uno. ID Number - 246/246. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 1,150/1,208. Magic Points - 22/22. Experience - 80/0. Ability Points - 3/0. Gil - 120/0. Steal Gil - 380/0. Strength - 51/51. Magic - 24/24. Defense - 115/115. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 58/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 75%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Iron Bangle x1/Iron Bangle x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x1/Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 30. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 30. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 30. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 30. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 50/0. Attacks: Attack, Concussive Shock, Die, Pirouette Pitch/None. Information: Furious that the Gullwings nabbed the Sphere, he's ready for payback. He has high Defense and HP, so defeating him will take time/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Paine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 256/256. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 58/70. Hit Points - 9,200/12,495. Magic Points - 55/50. Experience - 800/0. Ability Points - 3/0. Gil - 200/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 56/56. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 70/101. Magic Defense - 7/7. Speed - 51/66. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 10/13. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Champion Belt x1/Champion Belt x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Sword Technique Knowledge x1/Sword Technique Knowledge x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: Suffering from the effects of an encounter with Shuyin's Lingering Despair. She seems to think Yuna is an armed Guard holding her at Gunpoint/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Pairika - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 112/112. Class - Spirit/Spirit. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 1,130/1,187. Magic Points - 312/312. Experience - 124/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 100/0. Steal Gil - 330/0. Strength - 30/30. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 83/83. Magic Defense - 82/82. Speed - 53/69. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire, Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Strength Spring x1/Thunder Flash x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Thunderbolt Ball x1/Thunder Ring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Thunder Flash x1/Thunder Flash x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 16. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/0. Attacks: Thundara/None. Information: A Fiend formed of Pyreflies drifting through the Farplane. Lightning flows through its body, so you can easily guess what's coming.../None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Paragon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - The All Trasher. ID Number - 152/152. Class - Weapon/Weapon. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 99/99. Hit Points - 200,000/210,000. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 9,000/13,000. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 3,000/8,000. Steal Gil - 4,000/6,800. Strength - 244/244. Magic - 244/244. Defense - 88/88. Magic Defense - 89/89. Speed - 188/244. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 13/16. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 25%/12%. Common/Rare Drops - Supreme Magic Stone x1/Dark Matter x1 - Dark Matter x1/Dark Matter x2. Common/Rare Steal - Supreme Magic Stone x1/Supreme Magic Stone x2 - Supreme Magic Stone x1/Supreme Magic Stone x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Dark Matter x10/Dark Matter x20 - Dark Matter x24/Dark Matter x30. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/255. Attacks: Attack, Attack 2, Attack 3, Attack 4, Attack 5, Big Bang, Die, Genesis, Judgment/Attack, Blizzaga, Demi, Die, Dispel, Final Impact, Firaga, Jugdment, Osmose, Punishment, Supernova, Thundaga, Ultima, Wateraga. Information: The strongest Fiend of all time. According to the little Data available it has the power to rend the Heavens and sunder the Earth/An even more powerful version of what was already the greatest Fiend in Spira. A more difficult Fiend could not exist. Defeating it will be nigh impossible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Peregrine - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Eagle. ID Number - 29/29. Class - Bird/Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 12/14. Hit Points - 735/3,040. Magic Points - 28/28. Experience - 70/110. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 44/83. Steal Gil - 175/360. Strength - 39/40. Magic - 16/16. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 113/124. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 48/63. Luck - 16/20. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Mega-Phoenix x1/Mega Phoenix x2. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x3 - Mega-Phoenix x1/Mega Phoenix x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x36/Phoenix Tail x40 - Mega-Potion x8/Mega-Potion x10. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 8. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 12. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Attack, Mind Pecker/Attack, Blight Wing, Silent Wing. Information: A Fiend whose incredible speed makes it an elusive and annoying Foe. Beware its Mind Peck Attack, which causes MP damage/Sometimes uses Poison and Silence Attacks. Its Speed makes it a terribly annoying Opponent that can easily dodge Attacks if your Accuracy isn't high enough. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Phantom - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 49/49. Class - Ghost/Ghost. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 44/55. Hit Points - 1,755/2,158. Magic Points - 852/1,352. Experience - 950/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 140/0. Steal Gil - 700/0. Strength - 33/33. Magic - 25/25. Defense - 84/84. Magic Defense - 62/92. Speed - 73/104. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire, Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity/Gravity. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Mega-Potion x5/Mega-Potion x6 - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 30. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/0. Attacks: Drain, Doom, Osmose, Oversoul Fever/Doom, Thunder. Information: A minion of death from the Farplane. It has the power to cause its allies to Oversoul. After doing so, it focuses primarily on defending itself/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Piranha - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 140/140. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 304,640/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Pop Fry - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Machina Shooter. ID Number - 156/156. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 30/36. Hit Points - 4,293/4,508. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 220/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 100/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 27/27. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 76/76. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 115/150. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Sleep Grenade x1/Petrification Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Sleep Grenade x1/Petrification Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 55/0. Attacks: Benchwarmer, Bite The Bullet, Die, Night Game, Triple Play!/None. Information: An ancient Machina that has been wandering for over a thousand years. It seems many were produced, but no one knows their original function/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Precepts Guard - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Religious Doctrine Guardian. ID Number - 263/263. Class - Religious Doctrine Guardian/Religious Doctrine Guardian. Oversouled # - 6/6. Level - 21/33. Hit Points - 3,680/7,864. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 700/1,500. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 800/1,200. Steal Gil - 1,600/3,600. Strength - 32/78. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 62/62. Magic Defense - 38/38. Speed - 63/82. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy/Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Regene Medicine x1/Regene Medicine x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Secret Magic Medicine x3/Secret Magic Medicine x4 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Magic Medicine x1/Magic Medicine x2 - Recovery Bracelet x1/Recovery Bracelet x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/100. Attacks: Bio, Death, Demi, Die, Drain, Osmose, Slow/Anti-Dressphere, Attack, Blizzard, Die, Fire, Magic Catalyst, Thunder, Water. Information: A Fiend charged with guarding the Bevelle Underground and eliminating intruders. It never Attacks head-on, but commands a fearsome array of Magical Attacks/Now able to use Physical Attacks in addition to Magic. However, if the Battle drags on, it will shift its focus to even more potent Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Protean Gel - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Variable Gel. ID Number - 159/159. Class - Gel/Gel. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 40/48. Hit Points - 6,680/16,700. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,800/2,400. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 380/580. Steal Gil - 1,000/2,200. Strength - 22/22. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 255/250. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 89/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Lightning/None. Resistance - Fire, Ice/None. Absorbs - Water/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 99%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Ice Ring x1/Ice Gold Ring x1 - Pure Water Ring x1/Pure Water Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Water Ring x1/Water God Ring x1 - Thunder And Water Ring x1/Thunder And Water Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Black Magic Knowledge x1/Black Magic Knowledge x1 - Black Magic Knowledge x1/Black Magic Knowledge x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 30/50. Attacks: Attack, Barrier Shift, Die/Absorb Fire, Absorb Ice, Absorb Lightning, Absorb Water, Attack, Blizzaga, Die, Firaga, Negate Fire Disabled, Negate Ice Disabled, Negate Lightning Disabled, Negate Water Disabled, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend born of Pyreflies that have fused with Water. Its gelatinous body renders Physical Attacks useless and its ability to change the Element it Absorbs is just plain wrong/A Fiend born of Pyreflies that have fused with Water. Its gelatinous body renders Physical Attacks useless and it really gunks things up with its Elemental Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Protochimera - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Proto Chimera. ID Number - 74/74. Class - Chimera/Chimera. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 14/17. Hit Points - 420/1,680. Magic Points - 210/210. Experience - 80/144. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 120/210. Steal Gil - 240/520. Strength - 52/52. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 68/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness, Gravity, Lightning, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Gravity, Lightning, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Thunder God Ring x1/Fire God Rin x1. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Thunder Ring x1 - Ice God Ring x1/Water God Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Fire Magic Stone x2/Fire Ring x1 - Thunder God Ring x1/Four Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 22. Confuse: 10. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 20. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 28. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 20. Petrification: 50. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/12. Attacks: Absorb, Rush, Thundara/Berserk, Brute Force, Rush, Thundara. Information: A hodgepodge of various Fiends. You'd think it would have a number of Abilities. It must be a work-in-progress, since it can only use Lightning Magic/A hodgepodge of various Fiends. It can only attack with Lightning Magic and when its HP gets low it can't even do that. Seriously borked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Purpurea - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 39/39. Class - Flower/Flower. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 6/9. Hit Points - 196/784. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 14/40. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 18/55. Steal Gil - 72/160. Strength - 16/18. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 6/6. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 64/70. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Darnkess, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Poison. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Echo Grass x1/Echo Grass x2 - Panacea x3/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Steal - Echo Grass x1/Panacea x1 - Echo Grass x2/Panacea x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - Panacea x4/Panacea x5. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 18. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Seed Burst/MP Crush, Seed Burst. Information: A Plant Fiend that can move just like any other creature. Its rapid-fire Seed Burst hinders the advance of would-be Attackers/A Plant Fiend that can move just like any other creature. Oversouled, it's now able to cause MP Damage with MP Crush, so watch out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Quadricorn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Quattro Horn. ID Number - 51/51. Class - Horned Beast/Horned Beast. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 5/6. Hit Points - 188/752. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 4/16. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 13/72. Steal Gil - 320/460. Strength - 15/15. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 42/46. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confuse, Curse/Curse. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x1/High Potion x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Cheap Grenade x20/Cheap Grenade x40 - Mega-Phoenix x2/Mega-Phoenix x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 21. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 30. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 6/7. Attacks: Attack/Attack, Skewer, Stampede. Information: A Fiend easily distinguished by the four trademark horns protruding from its back. It rushes its Enemies and...well, that's pretty much it/A Fiend easily distinguished by the four trademark horns protruding from its back. It charges and Attacks its Foes. Upon taking damage, it intensifies its Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Queen Coeurl - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 77/77. Class - Coeurl/Coeurl. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 24/30. Hit Points - 3,270/12,480. Magic Points - 1,340/1,400. Experience - 208/405. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 330/610. Steal Gil - 800/1,750. Strength - 12/12. Magic - 19/36. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 145/185. Speed - 77/85. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x2/Ether x1 - Ether x4/Ether x5. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Ether x1 - Death Shock x1/Death Shock x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Ether x30/Ether x40 - Turbo Ether x40/Turbo Ether x60. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 30. Curse: 255. Darkness: 30. Death: 60. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 40. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 34. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 60. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 12/18. Attacks: Blizzaga, Death Blast, Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga, White Highwind/Blizzaga, Death Blast, Dispel, Firaga, Magic Down, Magic Up, Thundaga, Wateraga. Information: A mystic Fiend rarely seen by Man. Surprisingly, it wields Magic of the four primary Elements. Beware its greatest Attack, Death Blaster, for it kills instantly/A Fiend that, despite its vicious appearance, Attacks only with Magic of the four primary Elementals. As its HP gets lower, its Magic Power increases. What gives? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Recoil - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Snake Machinegun. ID Number - 123/123. Class - Snake Machinegun/Snake Machinegun. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 2/3. Hit Points - 38/40. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 1/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 10/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 12/12. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 40/52. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Revolver/None. Information: A Support Unit developed by the Leblanc Syndicate. It's not very bright and is only programmed to fire off intermittent Machine Gun Rounds/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Red Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 65/65. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 9/11. Hit Points - 99/336. Magic Points - 330/330. Experience - 28/52. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 25/43. Steal Gil - 110/220. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 21/21. Defense - 192/205. Magic Defense - 111/111. Speed - 76/84. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Lightning, Petrification, Sleep, Water/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Sleep, Water. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Bomb Fragment x1 - Bomb Spirit x2/Bomb Spirit x3. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Bomb Fragment x1 - Bomb Spirit x2/Bomb Spirit x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Bomb Fragment x4/Bomb Spirit x4 - Fire Magic Stone x6/Fire Magic Stone x8. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Fire, Magic Up, Osmose/Fire, Magic Down, Magic Up. Information: A Fiend created when the power of Fire fuses with Pyreflies. It sends Tongues Of Flame at all who approach. Ice is its only Elemental Weakness/A Fiend created when the power of Fire fuses with Pyreflies. Ice is its only Elemental weakness. Its Fire Damage grows weaker as it Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rhyos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Gorgimera. ID Number - 75/75. Class - Chimera/Chimera. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 31/34. Hit Points - 4,360/14,440. Magic Points - 485/485. Experience - 650/1,000. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 310/550. Steal Gil - 558/1,305. Strength - 37/38. Magic - 45/46. Defense - 46/48. Magic Defense - 50/50. Speed - 93/108. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - Fire, Water/Fire, Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darnkess, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Lightning, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Lightning, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Thunder Magic Stone x1/Water Flash x1 - Water God Magic x1/Water God Magic x1. Common/Rare Steal - Thunder Magic Stone x1/Thunder Flash x1 - Thunder Flash x1/Thunder Flash x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Thunder And Water Flash x1/Thunder And Water Flash x1 - Four Hand x2/Four Hand x3. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 60. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 60. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 30. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 60. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/12. Attacks: Aqua Breath, Attack, Chaos Flame, Rush, Thundaga, Thundara/Aqua Breath, Berserk, Brute Force, Chaos Flame, Rush, Thundaga. Information: A hodgepodge of various Fiends with an impressive array of Abilities. It cycles through Attacks corresponding to each of the four primary Elementals. Not too shabby/A hodgepodge of various Fiends. It uses all sorts of Attacks, but when its HP gets low it loses those Abilities. Seriously borked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rifle - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 117/117. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Right Bulwark - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Bulwark R. ID Number - 288/288. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 39/47. Hit Points - 3,000/3,150. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 200/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 150/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 72/72. Magic - 48/48. Defense - 58/58. Magic Defense - 58/58. Speed - 46/60. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Mega-Potion x1/X-Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/L Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Protect, Regen, Shell/None. Information: Vegnagun's Foreleg, capable of Attacking and casting Support Magic. It's designed to retaliate against any who Attack the Core, so be careful!/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Right Redoubt - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Redoubt R. ID Number - 291/291. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 40/48. Hit Points - 2,500/2625. Magic Points - 99,999/99,999. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 350/0. Strength - 65/65. Magic - 41/41. Defense - 133/133. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 47/61. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Mega-Phoenix x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Blind, Cura, Flare, Full-Life, Lacrimosa/None. Information: One of Vegnagun's Last Lines Of Defense. Besides Attacking, it can Revive the Left Redoubt if it falls during Battle/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rikku - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 254/254. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 53/64. Hit Points - 7,800/10,290. Magic Points - 92/92. Experience - 800/0. Ability Points - 3/0. Gil - 200/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 42/48. Magic - 39/39. Defense - 31/37. Magic Defense - 82/82. Speed - 82/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 18/23. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Black Magic Knowledge x1/Black Magic Knowledge x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Secret Technique Knowledge x1/Secret Technique Knowledge x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/0. Attacks: Antartic Wind, Bomb Fragment, Budget Grenade, Electro Marble, Fish Scale, Spider Attack/None. Information: Suffering from the effects of an encounter with Shuyin's Lingering Despair. She seems to think Yuna is an armed Guard holding her at Gunpoint/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ronso Youth - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Young Ronso. ID Number - 181/181. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 24/29. Hit Points - 4,060/4,263. Magic Points - 170/170. Experience - 220/0. Ability Points - 2/0. Gil - 20/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 51/51. Magic - 48/48. Defense - 23/23. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 78/126. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 25%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x1/Panacea x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Mithril Bangle x1/Mithril Bangle x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, MP Blowout/None. Information: A young Ronso who has joined Garik in plotting an Attack on the Guado/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ruffian - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Rogue. ID Number - 212/212. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 26/31. Hit Points - 1,480/1,554. Magic Points - 45/45. Experience - 90/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 250/0. Steal Gil - 480/0. Strength - 33/33. Magic - 17/17. Defense - 50/50. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 68/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 7%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Ether x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Grenade x1/S Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Mega-Phoenix x3/Mega-Phoenix x3 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: A Thief that lurks around the Moonflow. He's not especially strong, but will use Hi-Potions when injured. It's best to finish him off in one hit/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rukh - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 231/231. Class - Giant Bird/Giant Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 36/43. Hit Points - 12,850/16,493. Magic Points - 112/112. Experience - 1,220/2,130. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 530/840. Steal Gil - 1,000/2,000. Strength - 98/98. Magic - 28/28. Defense - 44/44. Magic Defense - 255/255. Speed - 66/86. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 23/38. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x2/Angel Earring x1 - Mega-Phoenix x2/Mega-Phoenix x2. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x2/Ether x1 - Angel Earring x1/Angel Earring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Mega-Phoenix x30/Mega-Phoenix x35 - Mega-Phoenix x30/Mega-Phoenix x40. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 42. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 60. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 18/28. Attacks: Attack, Sonic Storm/Attack, Chicken Wing Lv.1, Chicken Wing Lv.2, Chicken Wing Lv.3, Hi-Potion Vortex, Sonic Storm. Information: One of Spira's largest flying Beasts. It's rumored to have lifted Sin into the air with its mighty talons. Not so sure about that one.../Flaps its wings with greater force now that it's Oversouled. So much force, in fact, that one flap will send your Hi-Potions flying! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sahagin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sahuagin. ID Number - 119/119. Class - Sahuagin/Sahuagin. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 180,000/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sahagin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sahuagin. ID Number - 143/143. Class - Sahuagin/Sahuagin. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 1,000,000/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sahagin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sahugain. ID Number - 144/144. Class - Sahuagin/Sahuagin. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 3/6. Hit Points - 60/240. Magic Points - 28/28. Experience - 3/10. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 7/20. Steal Gil - 80/160. Strength - 12/18. Magic - 14/14. Defense - 58/58. Magic Defense - 62/62. Speed - 68/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Fish Scale x1 - Fish Scale x3/Fish Scale x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Fish Scale x1 - Potion x2/Fish Scale x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Fish Scale x3/Fish Scale x4 - Water Magic Stone x4/Water Magic Stone x8. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 2. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/2. Attacks: Attack, Squirt Gun/Attack, Scum Spray, Squirt Gun. Information: An Aquatic Fiend that can also live on land. It Attacks by spraying Water from its mouth. Its movement on land is sluggish, meaning an easy victory/Weak even after Oversouling. It usually Attacks by spraying Water from its mouth, but sometimes it will use Scum Spray to inflict Darkness. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sahagin Chief - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sahuagin Chief. ID Number - 274/274. Class - Sahuagin/Sahuagin. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 42/50. Hit Points - 9,660/13,093. Magic Points - 65/65. Experience - 300/575. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 105/148. Steal Gil - 250/420. Strength - 47/87. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 37/44. Magic Defense - 26/28. Speed - 71/92. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Water/Water. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/25%. Common/Rare Drops - Water Magic Stone x2/Water Magic Stone x3 - Water Magic Stone x4/Water Magic Stone x5. Common/Rare Steal - Water Ring x1/Water God Ring x1 - Water Ring x1/Water God Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Pure Water Ring x1/Pure Water Ring x1 - Pure Water Ring x2/Pure Water Ring x3. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 38. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 100. Poison: 100. Sleep: 100. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 55. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 100. Poison: 100. Sleep: 100. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 18/27. Attacks: Attack/Attack. Information: An Aquatic Fiend that can also live on land. It Attacks by spraying Water from its mouth. Its movement on land is sluggish, meaning an easy victory...right?/Oversouled or not, this Aquatic Fiend doesn't stand a chance grounded, what with its Slow movements and dull attack patterns. Victory is around the corner...right? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sahagin Prince - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Sahuagin Prince. ID Number - 220/220. Class - Sahuagin/Sahuagin. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 48/58. Hit Points - 6,430/13,720. Magic Points - 25/25. Experience - 185/240. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 105/178. Steal Gil - 450/700. Strength - 52/52. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 63/64. Magic Defense - 61/62. Speed - 91/99. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Water/Water. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Gravity, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Gravity, Stop. Drop % - 50%/50%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x2/High Potion x3 - High Potion x6/High Potion x8. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x2/Phoenix Tail x3 - Phoenix Tail x2/Phoenix Tail x3. Common/Rare Bribe - X-Potion x20/X-Potion x30 - X-Potion x52/X-Potion x80. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 2. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 100. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 100. Poison: 100. Silence: 100. Sleep: 100. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 100. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 100. Poison: 100. Silence: 100. Sleep: 100. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/2. Attacks: Attack, Squirt Gun/Attack, Sludge Spray, Squirt Gun. Information: An Aquatic Fiend that can also live on land. It Attacks by spraying Water from its mouth. Its movement on land is sluggish, meaning an easy victory...more or less/Weak even after Oversouling. Sometimes it will use Sludge Spray to inflict Darkness and Poison. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sallet - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 1/1. Class - Shell/Shell. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 3/4. Hit Points - 60/248. Magic Points - 4/4. Experience - 4/12. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 10/32. Steal Gil - 90/200. Strength - 12/13. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 122/122. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 42/46. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 37%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Light Curtain x1 - Light Curtain x3/Light Curtain x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Light Curtain x1 - Potion x2/Light Curtain x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Light Curtain x1/Light Curtain x2 - Light Curtain x4/Light Curtain x6. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 12. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 22. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/5. Attacks: Attack, Defense Up/Attack, Shatter Potion. Information: A Fiend whose tough carapace Protects it from Physical Attacks, but leaves it vulnerable to Magic. Its Attacks are straight forward and unrelenting/It sometimes performs an irritating Attack that destroys Potions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sand Worm - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 44/44. Class - Worm/Worm. Oversouled # - 24/24. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 12,722/20,558. Magic Points - 42/42. Experience - 280/550. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 340/630. Steal Gil - 600/1,300. Strength - 41/41. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 44/62. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Haste, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Haste, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Mithril Bangle x1/Mithril Gauntlet x1 - Crystal Bangle x1/Crystal Bangle x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Strength Medicine x1/Strength Medicine x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Gravity Ring x2/Gravity Ring x3 - Secret Technique Knowledge x1/Secret Technique Knowledge x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 120. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Haste: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 160. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Haste: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 30/60. Attacks: Attack, Earthquake, Readying Quake/Attack, Rage Of The Earth, Readying Quake. Information: A desert Fiend that ranks among Spira's largest creatures now that Sin is gone. It's strong and has lots of HP, so this may be a long Battle/A desert Fiend that ranks among Spira's largest creatures now that Sin is gone. It's strong and has lots of HP, so this may be a long Battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sandy - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Dogu. ID Number - 172/172. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 45/54. Hit Points - 10,330/10,847. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 3,000/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,000/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 40/40. Magic - 17/17. Defense - 83/83. Magic Defense - 84/84. Speed - 83/121. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 33/41. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Magical Powder x1/Crystal Gauntlet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Peaceful Potpourri x1/Peaceful Potpourri x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 150/0. Attacks: Attack, Die, Razzia/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Schwalbe - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 272/272. Class - Bird/Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Scout Machina - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 82/82. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 27/32. Hit Points - 3,444/3,616. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 280/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 48/0. Steal Gil - 130/0. Strength - 33/31. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 62/81. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - S Bomb x1/M Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - S Bomb x1/Silence Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Blackout/None. Information: An ancient Machina that wanders in search of Foes. Having gone over one thousand years without maintenance, its Attacks are weak and its actions simple. So sad/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shantak - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 42/42. Class - Giant Bird/Giant Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 1,130/1,187. Magic Points - 47/47. Experience - 90/200. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 120/220. Steal Gil - 520/1,000. Strength - 38/38. Magic - 12/12. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 62/81. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 9/11. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Power Reformed, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Power Reformed, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Phoenix Tail x6/Phoenix Tail x8. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/Black Choker x1 - Panacea x1/Mega-Phoenix x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Silver Glasses x1/Silver Glasses x1 - Darkness Shock x1/Darkness Shock x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 34. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 100. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 50. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 42. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 100. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 50. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 12/20. Attacks: Attack, Sonic Boom/Attack, Chicken Wing Lv. 1, Chicken Wing Lv. 2, Chicken Wing Lv. 3, Potion Vortex, Sonic Boom. Information: An enormous Bird found throughout Spira. It beats its giant wings to send Shock Waves crashing into Enemies. It's said to be strong enough to carry a Behemoth off in its talons/Flaps its wings with greater force now that it's Oversouled. So much force, in fact, that one flap will send your Potions flying! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - She-Goon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Female Combatant. ID Number - 136/136. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 7/7. Magic Points - 38/38. Experience - 1/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 30/0. Steal Gil - 80/0. Strength - 4/4. Magic - 3/3. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 6/6. Speed - 58/75. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Cheap Grenade x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Attack, Fire/None. Information: An underling in the Leblanc Syndicate with a lousy salary. She can cast Fire, but her lack of HP dooms her from the start/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shell Shocker - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Rock Snail. ID Number - 155/155. Class - Snail/Snail. Oversouled # - 7/7. Level - 24/31. Hit Points - 4,700/4,935. Magic Points - 82/82. Experience - 860/1,360. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 780/1,500. Steal Gil - 1,300/2,500. Strength - 71/78. Magic - 68/68. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 46/46. Speed - 72/94. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 12%/100%. Steal % - 12%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Gravity Ring x1/Titanium Bangle x1 - Four Ring x1/Four Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Iron Bangle x1/Mithril Gauntlet x1 - Mithril Bangle x1/Mithril Bangle x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Gravity Ring x1/Gravity Ring x2 - Four Shield x1/Four Shield x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 240. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/100. Attacks: Attack/Attack, Demi, Slurp. Information: A Fiend with a Shell said to consist of the hardest material in Spira. This Fiend is only half-grown, but it's impossible to defeat in a fair fight/Quick to Slurp its Attackers and force a change of Dresspheres. Then it strikes while they toddle around in gooey despair. This one's a real Slimeball. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SHIELD - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 265/265. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shiva - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Siva. ID Number - 167/167. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 41/49. Hit Points - 14,800/15,540. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 8,000/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 2,000/0. Steal Gil - 5,000/0. Strength - 69/69. Magic - 58/58. Defense - 74/74. Magic Defense - 183/183. Speed - 119/123. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 58/73. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Ice/Ice. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Crystal Gauntlet x1/Royal Crown x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Aurora Ring x1/Aurora Ring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Chain Attack, Diamond Dust, Die, Heavently Strike/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shuyin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 260/260. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 58/70. Hit Points - 23,850/25,043. Magic Points - 210/210. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 20/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 10,000/0. Strength - 47/47. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 132/132. Magic Defense - 92/92. Speed - 133/173. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 22/28. Luck - 14/18. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 12%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Hero Medicine x1/Hero Medicine x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Attack, Force Rain, Hit & Run, Spin Cut, Terror Of Zanarkand/None. Information: Lenne's Lover from the Zanarkand of a thousand years past. He could not save her and his consequent sorrow and despair linger in this shadowy form/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shuyin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 264/264. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Blow Away, Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Shuyin - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 293/293. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 80,000/84,000. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 100/130. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Haste, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Haste, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Chocobo Tail x2/Chocobo Tail x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Recovery Spring x2/Recovery Spring x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Haste: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Haste: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Attack/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Skink - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 24/24. Class - Lizard/Lizard. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 25/33. Hit Points - 882/2,328. Magic Points - 44/46. Experience - 108/188. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 78/133. Steal Gil - 330/680. Strength - 26/31. Magic - 13/13. Defense - 28/34. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 73/78. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 11/14. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Poison/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Poison. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Panacea x1 - Panacea x4/Panacea x5. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Panacea x1 - Panacea x4/Panacea x6. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x4/Panacea x5 - Panacea x15/Panacea x18. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 13. Curse: 255. Death: 30. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 29. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 30. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Poison Fang/Attack, Attack 2, Desperate Strike. Information: A small Fiend that generally just bites, but which also uses Poison Fang from time to time. Be on your guard/Now sporting Confusion and Slow Attacks in its Oversouled state. As an added bonus, it remembers how much damage it has taken when counterattacking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Spear - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 187/187. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Spear - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 206/206. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Spine Drake - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 54/54. Class - Drake/Drake. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 26/32. Hit Points - 2,582/8,826. Magic Points - 82/103. Experience - 226/378. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 127/208. Steal Gil - 333/650. Strength - 46/47. Magic - 38/40. Defense - 92/104. Magic Defense - 4/5. Speed - 64/74. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Darkness, Ice, Poison, Sleep, Slow/Berserk, Confuse, Darkness, Ice, Poison, Power Reformed, Sleep, Slow. Drop % - 25%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Arctic Wind x1/Ice God Ring x1 - Cold Magic Stone x3/Cold Magic Stone x4. Common/Rare Steal - Arctic Wind x1/Magic Stone x1 - Ice God Ring x1/Ice God Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Ice God Ring x1/Ice God Ring x1 - Aurora Ring x1/Aurora Ring x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 18. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 40. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 40. Petrification: 30. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 5/6. Attacks: Attack, Breath/Attack, Breath, Cure, Gun-Hater. Information: A Fiend that Attacks with alarming Speed despite its otherwise lethargic movement. Its Icy Breath can damage multiple targets at once. Chilling/Carries a grudge against Gun-wielding Opponents. It Attacks them with great persistence, but its reasons for doing so are unclear. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Splasher - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 141/141. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 486,860/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Stalwart - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Defender. ID Number - 108/108. Class - Armor/Armor. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 30/36. Hit Points - 1,240/1,312. Magic Points - 175/175. Experience - 122/202. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 100/210. Steal Gil - 630/980. Strength - 75/75. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 142/142. Magic Defense - 13/13. Speed - 36/46. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/8. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow Stop. Drop % - 72%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x2/Black Magic Stone x1 - Gravity Ring x1/Gravity Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Gauntlet x1 - Diamond Gauntlet x1/Diamond Gauntlet. Common/Rare Bribe - Black Magic Stone x30/Black Magic Stone x40 - Black Magic Stone x30/Gravity Ring x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 32. Confuse: 50. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 100. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 38. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 100. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/15. Attacks: Attack, Body Splash/Attack, Blizzaga, Blizzara, Blizzard, Body Splash, Dispel, Fira, Firaga, Fire, Reflect, Thundaga, Thundara, Thunder, Water, Watera, Wateraga. Information: A Fiend encased in thick armor. Its Strength, Defense and other Attributes are all formidable. It can't be having much fun with all that armor weighing it down/A Fiend encased in thick armor. It now also uses Magic courtesy of Oversouling. That's three more Yucky Points for the ugly Giant. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sword - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 186/186. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Takouba - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 70/70. Class - Blade/Blade. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 16/19. Hit Points - 984/3,936. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 75/122. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 110/185. Steal Gil - 320/530. Strength - 33/33. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 5/5. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 112/123. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 10/10. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Defense Reformed, Gravity, Magic Defense Reformed, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 69%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Life Candle x3/Life Candle x4. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Life Candle x2 - Life Candle x4/Life Candle x5. Common/Rare Bribe - Life Candle x30/Life Candle x40 - Safety Bit x1/Safety Bit x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 20. Curse: 255. Darkness: 30. Death Sentence: 30. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 50. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 30. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 50. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/7. Attacks: Attack, Blade Rondo/Attack, Blade Rondo, Frenzied Edge. Information: A Fiend whose Scythe-like forelegs can cut anything to shreds. Beware its Blade Rondo Attack, which takes full advantage of these lethal appendages/A Fiend whose Scythe-like forelegs can cut anything to shreds. Highly sensitive to Attacks, it will quickly counterattack after being hit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Taromaiti - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 226/226. Class - Spirit/Spirit. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 35/42. Hit Points - 1,782/8,277. Magic Points - 999/1,000. Experience - 650/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 280/0. Steal Gil - 520/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 32/32. Defense - 72/72. Magic Defense - 66/3. Speed - 64/130. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire, Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Star Pendant x1/Poison Shock x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x2/Strength Spring x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Strength Spring x60/Strength Spring x99 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 16. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/0. Attacks: Poison Smog/None. Information: A Fiend formed of Pyreflies drifting through the Farplane. It carries the power of Poison. The toxins flowing through its body can be agonizing if they hit you/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tawrich - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Taurvi. ID Number - 270/270. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 38/46. Hit Points - 5,440/5,712. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 85/85. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 99/99. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 113/147. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Bloody Breath, Punch/None. Information: An extension of Angra Mainyu. It is responsible for Physical Attacks, but can also inflict Silence, Darkness, Poison and Confuse. And then there's its Bloody Breath Attack.../None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tentacles - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 149/149. Class - Octopus/Octopus. Oversouled # - 8/8. Level - 35/38. Hit Points - 2,530/10,120. Magic Points - 64/64. Experience - 143/220. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 95/180. Steal Gil - 380/760. Strength - 44/46. Magic - 34/34. Defense - 38/38. Magic Defense - 47/47. Speed - 61/77. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 6/8. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity, Water/Gravity, Water. Immune To - Curse, Petrification, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Petrification, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Phoenix Tail x4/Phoenix Tail x5. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Water Ring x1 - Mega-Phoenix x2/Mega-Phoenix x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Water Ring x1/Pure Water Ring x1 - Mega-Phoenix x16/Mega-Phoenix x20. Element Resistance - Berserk: 100. Blow Away: 12. Confuse: 50. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Petrification: 255. Poison: 30. Silence: 80. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 22. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/10. Attacks: Attack/Attack, Chain Attack, Tentacle Slap. Information: A Fiend that floats and dances on the air. It's usually content to move about slowly, but what happens when it gets serious about dealing some damage?/A Fish-like Fiend that swims through the air. Once it starts Attacking, it just keeps going and going and going... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tindalos - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 15/15. Class - Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 30/36. Hit Points - 3,324/7,330. Magic Points - 12/12. Experience - 900/985. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 315/550. Steal Gil - 660/1,200. Strength - 40/40. Magic - 19/19. Defense - 4/8. Magic Defense - 3/4. Speed - 135/152 Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 33/41. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Gravity, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Gravity. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Dash Shoes x1/Dash Shoes x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/High Potion x2 - Chocobo Tail x1/Chocobo Tail x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Chocobo Tail x20/Chocobo Tail x30 - Chocobo Wing x30/Chocobo Wing x40. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 13. Curse: 255. Death: 80. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 26. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 80. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Mind Fang, Strength Up/100 Gil Gnasher, Attack, Chain Attack, Sextuple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks with poisonous fangs. It also uses its vicious Mind Fang Attack to drain its target of MP/An abominable Fiend that can Attack a whopping six times in a row. Eevn worse, it will sometimes wolf down your Gil! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tomb - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 81/81. Class - Devil Monolith/Devil Monolith. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 27/32. Hit Points - 4,820/5,481. Magic Points - 999/999. Experience - 480/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 130/0. Steal Gil - 380/0. Strength - 34/34. Magic - 66/66. Defense - 64/144. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 85/111. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Holy, Water/Holy, Water. Resistance - Ice, Lightning, Water/Ice, Lightning, Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Panacea x1/White Cape x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Panacea x1/Black Choker x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Fairy Pierce x1/Fairy Pierce x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 50. Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 100. Curse: 255. Darkness: 100. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 100. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 100. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 7/0. Attacks: Bio, Blow, Confuse, Drain, Osmose, Stone Breath/None. Information: A grave-looking Fiend from the Farplane that Attacks with various Status Ailments. The Battle can turn especially ugly if it inflicts Confuse on the entire Party. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Tonberry - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 114/114. Class - Tonberry/Tonberry. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 21/25. Hit Points - 9,999/39,996. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 120/250. Ability Points - 2/3. Gil - 300/600. Steal Gil - 1,500/3,000. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 46/46. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 4/4. Speed - 71/78. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - Water/Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 25%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Ether x1 - Turbo Ether x2/Turbo Ether x2. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Ether x1 - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Ether x99/Ether x99 - Sword Technique Knowledge x3/Sword Technique Knowledge x4. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 100. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 60/110. Attacks: Chef's Knife/Bio, Chef's Knife, Fira, Sleep. Information: A Fiend that roams about by the light of its Lantern. Don't be fooled by its tranquil demeanor. It's a vicious and persistent Attacker/A Fiend that roams about by the light of its Lantern. It fires off Magic and jabs its Enemies with its Chef's Knife. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Trema - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 295/295. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 99/119. Hit Points - 999,999/1,049,999. Magic Points - 999/999. Experience - 10,000/0. Ability Points - 50/0. Gil - 10,000/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 255/255. Magic - 255/255. Defense - 255/255. Magic Defense - 255/255. Speed - 129/1. Accuracy - 0/1. Evade - 99/124. Luck - 26/34. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Dark Matter x1/Dark Matter x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Ether x1/Turbo Ether x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Beguiling Mire, Choking Mist, Demi, Dying Star, Falling Leaf, Flare, Meteor, Thundering Wave, Ultima, Waning Moon/None. Information: The Founder of New Yevon. He is now a Dark Puppeteer, able to bend Spira's most powerful Fiends to his will. He once operated a Training Academy for Spira's Youth/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Trick Urn - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 236/236. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Ultima Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 150/150. Class - Weapon/Weapon. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 82/86. Hit Points - 34,300/67,515. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 3,350/4,230. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 3,000/4,200. Steal Gil - 3,000/6,000. Strength - 74/84. Magic - 53/63. Defense - 32/82. Magic Defense - 33/83. Speed - 112/155. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Safety Bit x1/Rune Bracelet x1 - Rune Bracelet x1/Crystal Bangle x1. Common/Rare Steal - Supreme Magic Stone x1/Supreme Magic Stone x2 - Supreme Magic Stone x1/Supreme Magic Stone x2. Common/Rare Bribe - Protection Bracelet x8/Ribbon x1 - Ribbon x3/Ribbon x3. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 200. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 100/120. Attacks: Attack, Break, Die, Judgment, Meteor, Mighty Guard G, Punishment, Supernova, White Highwind/Attack, Die, Dispel, Flare, Judgment, Osmose, Punishment. Information: A mighty Fiend of legend, wielding greater Magic than ever. This terror teaches all who approach the true meaing of "Ultima." Whatever you do, don't call it Atma/Even more powerful in its Oversouled form. It can no longer think independently or vary its Attacks in response to its Opponent. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Valefor - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 164/164. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 8,430/8,852. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 1,500/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,200/0. Steal Gil - 1,500/0. Strength - 97/97. Magic - 11/11. Defense - 76/76. Magic Defense - 20/20. Speed - 125/163. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 25/31. Luck - 3/3. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Moon Bracelet x1/Moon Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Recovery Spring x4/Recovery Spring x6 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 80/0. Attacks: Attack, Die, Energy Blast, Energy Ray, Sonic Wings/None. Information: The first Aeon to answer Yuna's Call/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Varan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 7/7. Class - Garkimasera/Garkimasera. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 28/37. Hit Points - 1,132/1,189. Magic Points - 480/480. Experience - 410/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 240/0. Steal Gil - 443/0. Strength - 6/6. Magic - 43/18. Defense - 22/22. Magic Defense - 214/212. Speed - 84/109. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 42/53. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Magic Reformed, Silence, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Magic Reformed, Silence, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Holy Water x1/Holy Water x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Magic Abolishing Medicine x1/Magic Abolishing Medicine x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Magic Abolishing Medicine x24/Magic Abolishing Medicine x30 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 30. Blow Away: 12. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 30. Death: 70. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 70. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/0. Attacks: Blizzara, Dispel, Fira, Thundara, Watera/Blizzara, Dispel, Fira, Thundara, Watera. Information: A Fiend from the Farplane that hovers in the air. It casts Spells of the four primary Elements and is highly resistant to Magical Attacks/No information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 282/282. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 41/49. Hit Points - 34,200/35,910. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 5,000/0. Ability Points - 5/0. Gil - 3,000/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 77/77. Magic - 72/72. Defense - 82/82. Magic Defense - 76/76. Speed - 115/150. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - X-Potion x4/X-Potion x6 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Noli Me Tangere, Tail Beam/None. Information: The ultimate Weapon, built one thousand years ago. Though it has reawoken, it is acting solely on Defensive instinct, so its actions are limited to very basic maneuvers/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 283/283. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 38/46. Hit Points - 18,220/19,131. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 6,000/0. Ability Points - 5/0. Gil - 3,000/0. Steal Gil - 3,000/0. Strength - 13/13. Magic - 18/18. Defense - 13/13. Magic Defense - 17/17. Speed - 34/44. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Mithril Bangle x1/Mithril Bangle x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Elixer x1/Elixer x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Absorb, Berserk, Break, Slow, Vita Brevis/None. Information: A hurdle along the path to more important matters. Its Attacks are infrequent and trifling. Focus your Attacks to get this pest out of the way, pronto!/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 287/287. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 43/52. Hit Points - 33,040/34,692. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 7,000/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 3,000/0. Steal Gil - 4,000/0. Strength - 54/54. Magic - 42/42. Defense - 98/98. Magic Defense - 108/108. Speed - 35/46. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x1- None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Turbo Ether x1/Turbo Ether x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Charge Core, Die, Full-Life, Memento Muri/None. Information: Vegnagun's Core. After charging enough energy, it unleashes a devastating Attack. It can also Revive the Left and Right Bulwarks, so make this your primary target!/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 290/290. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 57/68. Hit Points - 38,420/40,341. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 10/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 8,000/0. Strength - 56/56. Magic - 52/52. Defense - 71/71. Magic Defense - 59/59. Speed - 36/47. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Evasion Reformed, Haste, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Last Elixer x1/Last Elixer x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Acta Est Fabula, Mors Certa, Mortem Beatus, Nemo Ante, Odi et Amo, Pallida Mors/None. Information: Able to Revive the Right and Left Redoubts. Whenever its HP drops it uses Nemo Ante Mortem Beatus, its most powerful Ability/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 299/299. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 300/300. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 305/305. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 5,000/5,000. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 3,000/3,000. Steal Gil - 19/19. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 306/306. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 5,000/5,000. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 3,000/3,000. Steal Gil - 21/21. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence/Berserk, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vegnagun - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 307/307. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 10,000/10,000. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 3,000/3,000. Steal Gil - 17/17. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death Sentence/Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Potion x1/Potion x1 - Potion x1/Potion x1. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0/Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vepar - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 142/142. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 728,560/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vertigo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 37/37. Class - Ahriman/Ahriman. Oversouled # - 10/10. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 688/2,352. Magic Points - 57/57. Experience - 65/108. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 36/78. Steal Gil - 130/270. Strength - 24/24. Magic - 31/31. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 7/7. Speed - 58/64. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 14/18. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Slow/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x1/Holy Water x1 - Panacea x3/Panacea x4. Common/Rare Steal - Antidote x2/Antidote x3 - Tarot Card x1/Tarot Card x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Silver Glasses x1/Silver Glasses x1 - Elixer x2/Elixer x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 14. Curse: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 22. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/4. Attacks: Lingering Gaze, Pointless/Blizzara, Fira, Lingering Gaze, Thundara, Watera. Information: A one-eyed aerial Fiend. It can inflict Slow and Pointless in the blink of an eye and drive you absolutely batty/In addition to its usual Gaze Attacks, this Oversouled Fiend has gained the unfortunate ability to Attack with Elemental Magic. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Vespa - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 34/34. Class - Bee/Bee. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 25/28. Hit Points - 983/2,758. Magic Points - 32/32. Experience - 185/294. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 78/124. Steal Gil - 244/460. Strength - 36/37. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 4/4. Magic Defense - 2/2. Speed - 101/168. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 37/47. Luck - 12/15. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Power Reformed. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Antidote x2/Panacea x1 - Poison Fang x4/Poison Fang x6. Common/Rare Steal - Echo Grass x2/Poison Fang x1 - Star Pendant x1/Star Pendant x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Panacea x5/Panacea x6 - Fairy Pierce x1/Fairy Pierce x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Curse: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 8. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Power Reformed: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/2. Attacks: Attack, Poison Needle, W.I.M.P/Sharpened Needle. Information: A Fiend that darts through the air. Its Poison Needle can tick you off with Sleep and Poison, but its itchy W.I.M.P. Attack stings even more/A Fiend that darts through the air. Each successive use of its Sharpened Needle grows more deadly than the last. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Viper Sniper - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Cannon Viper. ID Number - 125/125. Class - Snake Machinegun/Snake Machinegun. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 256/269. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 20/0. Steal Gil - 60/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 73/95. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Cheap Grenade x1/Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Full-Auto, Revolver/None. Information: A Support Unit developed by the Leblanc Syndicate. When the time is right it can use Full-Auto to deal major damage, but fortunately it can't pull a stunt like that very often/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Volcano - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 98/98. Class - Bomb/Bomb. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 37/44. Hit Points - 6,210/10,840. Magic Points - 488/488. Experience - 880/1,280. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 330/400. Steal Gil - 750/1,600. Strength - 42/42. Magic - 5/5. Defense - 54/54. Magic Defense - 8/8. Speed - 79/80. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Fire/Fire. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Gravity, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Fire Magic Stone x4/Fire Magic Stone x6 - Blazing Fire Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - High Potion x1/Fire God Ring x1 - Fire Magic Stone x2/Fire Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Blazing Fire Ring x2/Soul Of Thamasa x1 - Soul Of Thamasa x4/Soul Of Thamasa x6. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 16. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Petrification: 80. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 100. Petrification: 80. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/5. Attacks: Expand 2, Expand 3, Firaga, Kaboom!, Tick-Tick-BOOM!/Attack, Chain Attack, Expand 2, Expand 3, Firaga, Flare, Kaboom!, Sextuple Attack. Information: A Fiend blazing with the power of Fire. If it gets knocked around too much, the Flames smoldering within cause it to Explode/A Fiend blazing with the power of Fire. If it gets knocked around too much, the Flames smoldering within cause it to Explode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wasp Queen - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 273/273. Class - Bee/Bee. Oversouled # - 18/18. Level - 38/46. Hit Points - 7,334/9,815. Magic Points - 23/23. Experience - 230/310. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 98/153. Steal Gil - 180/380. Strength - 62/88. Magic - 13/13. Defense - 18/28. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 82/124. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 50/63. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/50%. Common/Rare Drops - Poison Fang x2/Poison Fang x2 - Poison Fang x4/Poison Fang x5. Common/Rare Steal - Poison Fang x2/Poison Fang x2 - Poison Fang x4/Poison Fang x4. Common/Rare Bribe - Poison Fang x99/Poison Fang x99 - Poison Fang x99/Poison Fang x99. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 60. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 22/33. Attacks: Triple Shock, W.I.M.P. Attack/Sharpened Needle. Information: A Fiend that darts through the air. Its Triple Shock can wreck your day with Sleep, Darkness and Poison, but its itchy W.I.M.P Attack will wreck your entire week/A Fiend that darts through the air. Each successive use of its Sharpened Needle grows more deadly than the last. Lucky Bug. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Watcher-A - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - A Recorder. ID Number - 161/161. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 44/53. Hit Points - 624/655. Magic Points - 512/512. Experience - 100/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 38/38. Magic - 33/33. Defense - 55/55. Magic Defense - 50/50. Speed - 50/65. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Blizzara, Blizzaga, Fira, Firaga, Watera, Wateraga/None. Information: Neither Friend nor Foe. Its origins are a mystery. It appears to be collecting Battle Data from throughout Spira, but it's quite a nuisance/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Watcher-R - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - R Recorder. ID Number - 234/234. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 45/54. Hit Points - 620/651. Magic Points - 512/512. Experience - 100/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 40/40. Magic - 33/33. Defense - 55/55. Magic Defense - 50/50. Speed - 50/65. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x2 - Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Thundaga, Thundara, Thunder/None. Information: Neither Friend nor Foe. Its origins are a mystery. It appears to be collecting Battle Data from throughout Spira, but it's quite a nuisance/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Watcher-S - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - S Recorder. ID Number - 233/233. Class - Machina/Machina. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 44/53. Hit Points - 620/651. Magic Points - 512/512. Experience - 100/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 40/40. Magic - 33/33. Defense - 55/55. Magic Defense - 50/50. Speed - 50/65. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 12%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Potion x2 - Potion x1. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Bio, Drain, Sleep, Slow/None. Information: Neither Friend nor Foe. Its origins are a mystery. It appears to be collecting Battle Data from throughout Spira, but it's quite a nuisance/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 201/201. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 202/202. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 203/203. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 204/204. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Weapon - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 205/205. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WEAPON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 255/255. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WEAPON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 257/257. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WEAPON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 259/259. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WEAPON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 261/261. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death Sentence. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death Sentence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WEAPON - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 298/298. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 1/1. Magic Points - 1/1. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 1/1. Defense - 1/1. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 1/1. Accuracy - 1/1. Evade - 1/1. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 1/1. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: None/None. Information: None/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - White Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 64/64. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 14/18. Hit Points - 77/308. Magic Points - 155/155. Experience - 28/53. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 26/50. Steal Gil - 104/220. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 31/33. Defense - 198/202. Magic Defense - 105/105. Speed - 58/64. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Ice/Ice. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Lightning, Petrification, Sleep, Water/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Lightning, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Sleep, Water. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Anarctic Wind x1 - Anarctic Wind x3/Anarctic Wind x4. Common/Rare Steal - Anarctic Wind x1/Anarctic Wind x2 - Arctic Wind x2/Arctic Wind x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Cold Magic Stone x1/Cold Magic Stone x2 - Cold Magic Stone x8/Cold Magic Stone x10. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Blizzard, Magic Up, Osmose/Blizzard, Magic Down, Magic Up. Information: A Fiend created when the power of Ice fuses with Pyreflies. It fires Freezing Shards at all who approach. Fire is its only Elemental Weakness/A Fiend created when the power of Ice fuses with Pyreflies. Fire is its only Elemental Weakness. Its Ice Damage grows weaker as it Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - White Fang - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 12/12. Class - Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 13/16. Hit Points - 378/1,412. Magic Points - 4/4. Experience - 40/78. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 48/90. Steal Gil - 160/320. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 3/3. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 74/79. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 6/8. Luck - 3/4. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Sleep/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Sleep. Drop % - 37%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/High Potion x1 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x4/High Potion x5. Common/Rare Bribe - High Potion x4/High Potion x5 - Chocobo Wing x3/Chocobo Wing x4. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 11. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 24. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/6. Attacks: Attack, Killer Fang, Strength Up/100 Gil Gnasher, Attack, Chain Attack, Quadruple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks indiscrimiantely no matter what the odds. Its fearsome Killer Fang can KO an Opponent with a single hit/A loathsome Fiend that can Attack four times in a row. Even worse, it will sometimes wolf down your Gil! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wight - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 227/227. Class - Ghost/Ghost. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 38/46. Hit Points - 4,278/4,492. Magic Points - 2,100/2,100. Experience - 1,130/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 520/0. Steal Gil - 1,300/0. Strength - 12/12. Magic - 48/48. Defense - 99/99. Magic Defense - 92/92. Speed - 68/88. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Holy/Fire, Holy. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Gravity/Gravity. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 25%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Ether x2/Ether x3 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Strength Spring x1/Strength Spring x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Life Spring x18/Life Spring x24 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 28. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Demi, Doom, Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga/None. Information: A minion of Death from the Farplane. It casts Doom before Attacking. It knows a variety of Elemental Spells and chooses them capriciously/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Wild Wolf - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 10/10. Class - Wolf/Wolf. Oversouled # - 22/22. Level - 8/11. Hit Points - 185/740. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 10/26. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 12/28. Steal Gil - 70/160. Strength - 20/21. Magic - 3/3. Defense - 2/2. Magic Defense - 1/1. Speed - 67/73. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 2/3. Luck - 4/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confusion, Curse. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Potion x2 - High Potion x3/High Potion x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - High Potion x2/Phoenix Tail x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x12/Phoenix Tail x16 - Phoenix Tail x30/Phoenix Tail x40. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 10. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 20. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/5. Attacks: Attack, Strength Up/100 Gil Gnasher, Attack, Chain Attack, Triple Attack. Information: A violent Fiend that Attacks indiscrimiantely no matter what the odds. Watch out! It sometimes Attacks in packs/A cruel Fiend that can Attack three times in a row. Even worse, it will sometimes wolf down your Gil! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Xiphactinus - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 147/147. Class - Ancient Fish/Ancient Fish. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 12/14. Hit Points - 773/2,892. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 77/102. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 30/30. Steal Gil - 130/220. Strength - 77/77. Magic - 18/18. Defense - 112/112. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 53/58. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 20/20. Weakness - Gravity, Lightning/Gravity, Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Petrification, Silence/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Petirification, Silence. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Fish Scale x1/Fish Scale x2 - Water Magic Stone x2/Water Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Steal - Fish Scale x1/Fish Scale x1 - Water Magic Stone x2/Water Magic Stone x3. Common/Rare Bribe - Water Magic Stone x20/Water Magic Stone x30 - Pure Water Ring x1/Pure Water Ring x1. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 14. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Petrification: 255. Poison: 10. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Silence: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 3/5. Attacks: Attack, El Nino/Attack, Chain Attack, El Nino, Triple Attack. Information: A Fish-like Fiend that swims through the air. It has an extremely violent temperament, baring its fangs and charging at anything that moves. Scary/A Fish-like Fiend that swims through the air. It has an extremely violent temperament and Attacks viciously and relentlessly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - YAC-13 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Cannon Machine Soldier - Type 13. ID Number - 94/94. Class - Machine Soldier/Machine Soldier. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 17/20. Hit Points - 1,380/1,449. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 80/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 25/0. Steal Gil - 15/0. Strength - 31/31. Magic - 29/29. Defense - 52/52. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 50/65. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - S Bomb x1/Silence Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - S Bomb x1/Sleep Greande x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/0. Attacks: All, Single/None. Information: A Magic-powered Machina used by New Yevon. Both arms are Cannons, making it an impressive piece of artillery. It's used for security inside temples, so it's never seen outside/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - YAC-62 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Cannon Machine Soldier - Type 62. ID Number - 95/95. Class - Machine Soldier/Machine Soldier. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 31/37. Hit Points - 4,100/5,460. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 255/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 94/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 42/42. Magic - 58/58. Defense - 52/52. Magic Defense - 0/0. Speed - 62/87. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Lightning/Lightning. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Sleep Grenade x1/Darkness Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Darkness Grenade x1/Sleep Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 2/0. Attacks: All, Single/None. Information: A Magic-powered Machina used by New Yevon. Both arms are Cannons, making it an impressive piece of artillery. It's used for security inside temples, so it's never seen outside/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yaibal - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 183/183. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 26/31. Hit Points - 4,330/4,515. Magic Points - 48/48. Experience - 500/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 100/0. Steal Gil - 1,000/0. Strength - 55/51. Magic - 12/12. Defense - 47/47. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 71/92. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Muscle Belt x1/Muscle Belt x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Chocobo Tail x1/Chocobo Tail x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 100. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 20. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 20. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 10/0. Attacks: Attack, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Sorry!/None. Information: A Warrior of the Youth League. He is thrilled and honored to meet Yuna in manly Combat. His skills are wanting, but you should see his savings!/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - YAU-28 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Attack Machine Soldier - Type 28. ID Number - 99/99. Class - Machine Soldier/Machine Solder. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 1,270/1,334. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 80/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 25/0. Steal Gil - 240/0. Strength - 52/52. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 48/48. Magic Defense - 36/36. Speed - 81/105. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - S Bomb x1/Darkness Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Grenade x1/S Bomb x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/0. Attacks: Attack, Thrust Kick/None. Information: A Magic-powered Machina used by New Yevon. Its strength is concentrated in its legs, which it uses to Attack with kicks. It's principally used to guard temples/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - YAU-71 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Attack Machine Soldier - Type 71. ID Number - 100/100. Class - Machine Soldier/Machine Solder. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 34/41. Hit Points - 3,800/4,305. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 255/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 94/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 42/42. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 52/52. Magic Defense - 36/36. Speed - 89/116. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Sleep Grenade x1/Silence Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Silence Grenade x1/Sleep Grenade x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 18. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 4/0. Attacks: Attack, Heel Drop, Thrust Kick/None. Information: A Magic-powered Machina used by New Yevon. Both arms are Cannons, making it an impressive piece of artillery. It's used for security inside temples, so it's never seen outside/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yellow Elemental - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 63/63. Class - Elemental/Elemental. Oversouled # - 16/16. Level - 1/2. Hit Points - 12/48. Magic Points - 120/120. Experience - 2/8. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 24/43. Steal Gil - 100/200. Strength - 2/2. Magic - 5/5. Defense - 188/188. Magic Defense - 100/100. Speed - 62/68. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Water/Water. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - Lightning/Lightning. Immune To - Confuse, Curse, Fire, Ice, Petrification, Sleep/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Fire, Ice, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Sleep. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 100%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - Electric Ball x3/Electric Ball x4. Common/Rare Steal - Potion x1/Electric Ball x1 - Electric Ball x1/Thunderbolt Ball x1. Ball x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Electric Ball x1/Thunderbolt Ball x1 - Thunderbolt Ball x2/Thunderbolt Ball x2. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 6. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 10. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/3. Attacks: Magic Up, Osmose, Thunder/Magic Down, Magic Up, Thunder. Information: A Fiend created when the power of Lightning fuses with Pyreflies. It casts Sizzling Bolts at all who approach. Water is its only Elemental weakness/A Fiend created when the power of Lightning fuses with Pyreflies. Water is its only Elemental weakness. Its Lightning Damage grows weaker as it Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yevon Defender - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Protection Member. ID Number - 103/103. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 12/14. Hit Points - 186/195. Magic Points - 38/38. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 40/0. Steal Gil - 100/0. Strength - 16/16. Magic - 8/8. Defense - 27/27. Magic Defense - 22/22. Speed - 49/64. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x12/X-Potion x1 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Flamethrower/None. Information: A Warrior Monk who Fights to defend New Yevon. His Flamethrower can damage multiple Opponents in a single Attack. Not bad/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yevon Guard - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Defense Member. ID Number - 101/101. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 11/13. Hit Points - 223/234. Magic Points - 22/22. Experience - 10/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 40/0. Steal Gil - 100/0. Strength - 32/32. Magic - 6/6. Defense - 33/33. Magic Defense - 27/27. Speed - 62/81. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse/Berserk, Confuse, Curse. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Cheap Grenade x1/High Potion x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Phoenix Tail x12/Phoenix Tail x16 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Rifle/None. Information: A Warrior Monk who Fights to defend New Yevon. He Attacks with a Rifle, but is a really weak Opponent/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yevon Striker - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Assault Member. ID Number - 102/102. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 32/38. Hit Points - 1,730/1,817. Magic Points - 65/65. Experience - 80/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 140/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 36/36. Magic - 17/17. Defense - 33/33. Magic Defense - 31/31. Speed - 73/95. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Holy Water x1/Ether x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Ether x10/Ether x12 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Rifle/None. Information: A Warrior Monk who Fights to defend New Yevon. He outranks the Yevon Guard. He Attacks with a Rifle, but is still a weak Opponent/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yevon's Finest - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Heavy Member. ID Number - 104/104. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 1,722/1,808. Magic Points - 89/89. Experience - 80/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 140/0. Steal Gil - 300/0. Strength - 22/22. Magic - 22/22. Defense - 28/28. Magic Defense - 23/23. Speed - 62/81. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Curse, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Holy Water x1/Fire Flash x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - X-Potion x4/X-Potion x5 - None/None. Element Resistance - Curse: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 0/0. Attacks: Flamethrower/None. Information: A Warrior Monk who Fights to defend New Yevon. He outranks the Yevon Defender. His Flamethrower can damage multiple Opponents in a single Attack. Not bad/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Yojimbo - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Youjinbo. ID Number - 170/170. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 36/43. Hit Points - 22,000/33,600. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 2,000/0. Ability Points - 15/0. Gil - 1,500/0. Steal Gil - 2,000/0. Strength - 44/44. Magic - 61/61. Defense - 50/50. Magic Defense - 106/106. Speed - 120/156. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 7/9. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/0%. Steal % - 50%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - Recovery Bracelet x1/Recovery Bracelet x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Power Wrist x1/Power Wrist x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 120/0. Attacks: Die, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Wakizashi 2, Zanmato/None. Information: An Aeon that once fought alongside Yuna/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - YSLS-99 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Machine - Type 99. ID Number - 46/46. Class - Golem/Golem. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 18/22. Hit Points - 2,775/6,838. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 200/300. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 400/800. Steal Gil - 1,000/2,000. Strength - 92/92. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 71/81. Magic Defense - 62/62. Speed - 50/60. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Confusion, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Strength Medicine x1/Strength Medicine x1 - Diamond Gauntlet x1/Diamond Gauntlet x1. Common/Rare Steal - Mithril Gauntlet x1/Protection Vail x1 - Power Glove x1/Power Glove x1. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 28. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 54. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 8/10. Attacks: Attack, Blast Punch, Haymaker/Attack, Bio Mode, Bio Punch, Blast Punch, Copy Mode, Curse Mode, Curse Punch, Dispel, Haymaker, Off Mode, Silence Mode, Silence Punch. Information: A magic-powered Machina used by New Yevon. Its superb Attack and Defense make it ideal for defending their most important facilities. It's a rare model, of which few remain/A magic-powered Machina with a gift for strategy. It fools its Opponents into thinking it has gone berserk, but all the while it watches their Attacks and responds accordingly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - YSLS-Zero - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Machine - Type Zero. ID Number - 47/47. Class - Golem/Golem. Oversouled # - 14/14. Level - 11/13. Hit Points - 1,935/4,831. Magic Points - 0/0. Experience - 350/610. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 1,000/1,200. Steal Gil - 1,400/3,000. Strength - 74/74. Magic - 0/0. Defense - 104/104. Magic Defense - 3/3. Speed - 62/74. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 2/3. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Confusion, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 50%/100%. Common/Rare Drops - Wristband x1/Wristband x1 - Hyper Wrist x1/Hyper Wrist x1. Common/Rare Steal - Mithril Gauntlet x1/Mithril Gauntlet x1 - Diamond Gauntlet x1/Diamond Gauntlet x1. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Blow Away: 32. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Blow Away: 60. Confusion: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Petrification: 255. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 10/12. Attacks: Attack, Blast Punch, Haymaker/Attack, Bio Mode, Bio Punch, Blast Punch, Haymaker, Silence Mode, Silence Punch. Information: A magic-powered Machina used by New Yevon. Its superb Attack and Defense make it ideal for defending their most important facilities. It's a rare model, of which few remain/A magic-powered, Oversouled Machina. It changes its mode of Attack over time, using various forms of Rocket Punch Attacks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Zalamander - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Name - Salamander. ID Number - 121/121. Class - Dragon/Dragon. Oversouled # - 6/6. Level - 41/49. Hit Points - 12,850/14,243. Magic Points - 276/276. Experience - 1,200/2,100. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 930/1,300. Steal Gil - 1,300/2,500. Strength - 123/134. Magic - 51/61. Defense - 84/99. Magic Defense - 72/74. Speed - 98/126. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 4/5. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - Ice/Ice. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Accuracy Reformed, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Accuracy Reformed, Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Death, Death Sentence, Defense Reformed, Evasion Reformed, Gravity, Haste, Luck Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 100%/100%. Steal % - 100%/25%. Common/Rare Drops - Blazing Fire Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1 - Fire And Ice Ring x1/Fire And Ice Ring x1. Common/Rare Steal - Fire And Ice Ring x1/Fire And Ice Ring x1 - Fire And Ice Flash x1/Fire And Ice Flash x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Blazing Fire Ring x2/Blazing Fire Ring x3 - Four Ring x1/Four Bracelet x1. Element Resistance - Accuracy Reformed: 255. Blow Away: 45. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Accuracy Reformed: 255. Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 55. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 50. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Evasion Reformed: 255. Haste: 255. Luck Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 15/25. Attacks: Attack, Flame Breath, Tail Smash/Attack, Brusier Tail, Crushing Tail, Flame Breath, Gathering Strength..., Megaton Tail, Still Gathering Strength... Information: A Dragon of formidabibble shize, with Shtrength to match. The Zalamander hash Shcorching Breath. Nothing can shave yoo now?/A Dragon of formidabibble shize, with Shtrength to match. The Zalamander shaves up its Shtrength and unleashes a devashatating Attack, giving yoo a shtinky time? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Zarich - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 269/269. Class - --/--. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 36/43. Hit Points - 5,440/5,712. Magic Points - 9,999/9,999. Experience - 0/0. Ability Points - 0/0. Gil - 0/0. Steal Gil - 0/0. Strength - 70/70. Magic - 25/25. Defense - 0/0. Magic Defense - 99/99. Speed - 82/107. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 0/0. Luck - 1/1. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - Fire, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Water/Fire, Holy, Ice, Lightning, Water. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Blow Away, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Death Sentence, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop/Berserk, Confuse, Curse, Darkness, Death, Defense Reformed, Magic Defense Reformed, Gravity, Petrification, Poison, Reflect, Silence, Sleep, Slow, Stop. Drop % - 0%/0%. Steal % - 0%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - None/None - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - None/None - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Death Sentence: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confuse: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 255. Defense Reformed: 255. Magic Defense Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Reflect: 255. Silence: 255. Sleep: 255. Slow: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 255/0. Attacks: Blizzaga, Blizzara, Fira, Firaga, Glimmer Of Despair, Thundaga, Thundara, Watera, Wateraga/None. Information: An extension of Angra Mainyu. It is responsible for Magical Attacks. In addition to Elemental Magic, it can use Glimmer Of Despair to lower the Party's Attributes. What a bully!/None. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Zu - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 43/43. Class - Giant Bird/Giant Bird. Oversouled # - 12/12. Level - 27/32. Hit Points - 9,338/10,805. Magic Points - 112/112. Experience - 730/1,320. Ability Points - 1/2. Gil - 164/340. Steal Gil - 860/2,500. Strength - 72/82. Magic - 28/28. Defense - 118/118. Magic Defense - 10/10. Speed - 64/83. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 11/19. Luck - 8/10. Thought Time - 0/0. Weakness - None/None. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Darkness, Death Sentence, Gravity, Magic Reformed, Petrification, Poison, Power Reformed, Silence, Sleep, Stop. Drop % - 50%/100%. Steal % - 50%/25%. Common/Rare Drops - Phoenix Tail x2/Fire Flash x1 - Fire Flash x1/Fire Flash x1. Common/Rare Steal - Phoenix Tail x1/Phoenix Tail x2 - Blazing Fire Ring x1/Blazing Fire Ring x1. Common/Rare Bribe - Darkness Shock x1/Darkness Shock x3 - Fire And Ice Ring x1/Fire And Ice Ring x2. Element Resistance - Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 40. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 50. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Blow Away: 55. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 255. Death: 100. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 255. Poison: 255. Power Reformed: 255. Silence: 50. Sleep: 255. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 14/26. Attacks: Attack, Sonic Storm/Attack, Chicken Wing Lv. 1, Chicken Wing Lv. 2, Chicken Wing Lv. 3, Hi-Potion Vortex, Sonic Boom. Information: One of Spira's largest flying Beasts. It beats its tremendous wings to send Shock Waves crashing into Enemies. It's been known to carry Shoopufs off in its mighty talons/Flaps its wings with greater force now that it's Oversouled. So much force, in fact, that one flap will send your Phoenix Downs flying! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Zurvan - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Number - 6/6. Class - Garkimasera/Garkimasera. Oversouled # - --/--. Level - 22/26. Hit Points - 583/612. Magic Points - 310/310. Experience - 88/0. Ability Points - 1/0. Gil - 70/0. Steal Gil - 270/0. Strength - 1/1. Magic - 41/48. Defense - 20/20. Magic Defense - 211/230. Speed - 83/108. Accuracy - 0/0. Evade - 31/39. Luck - 0/0. Thought Time - 30/30. Weakness - Fire/Fire. Resistance - None/None. Absorbs - None/None. Immune To - Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Magic Reformed, Silence, Stop/Berserk, Confusion, Curse, Death Sentence, Magic Reformed, Silence, Stop. Drop % - 50%/0%. Steal % - 100%/0%. Common/Rare Drops - High Potion x1/Phoenix Tail x1 - None/None. Common/Rare Steal - Magic Abolishing Medicine x1/Magic Abolishing Medicine x2 - None/None. Common/Rare Bribe - Magic Abolishing Medicine x10/Magic Abolishing Medicine x12 - None/None. Element Resistance - Berserk: 30. Blow Away: 10. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Darkness: 20. Death: 70. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0/Berserk: 255. Confusion: 255. Curse: 255. Death: 70. Death Sentence: 255. Magic Reformed: 255. Petrification: 50. Poison: 60. Silence: 255. Sleep: 60. Stop: 255. The rest is all 0. Zantetsu - 1/0. Attacks: Blizzara, Demi, Fira, Thundara, Watera/Thunder. Information: A Fiend from the Farplane that hovers in the air. It casts Spells of the four primary Elements and is highly resistant to Magical Attacks/No information. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = V. Monster Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MONLO5 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Alright, I'm making this section seperate due to if I added it all into each and every Monster, not only would it be even more cluttered than it is now, but it'd make the guide bigger than it needs to be. Also, I think by adding the locations in a seperate area and doing the list by areas in the game and not just by a massive list of each Monster's individual locations, makes it easier to browse. Either way, enjoy! Note: The following list is in alphabetical order for each area in the game. Also, ignore the Battle #'s, as there just code extracted from the game itself. The Monsters for each Battle you see in that row are the Monsters you'll meet if you happen to enter that Battle. Also, if I don't list a Chapter for a area, like if there's Monsters in a area for Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 5, but not 4, that means that area isn't available to go to for that Chapter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Slope - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #001 - Coyote x1, Purpurea x1. Battle #002 - Coyote x2. Battle #003 - Coyote x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #004 - Purpurea x1. Battle #230 - Chocobo [1] x1. Battle #231 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #232 - Chocobo [1] x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #233 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Slope - Chapter 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #020 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #021 - Coyote x1, Flan Azul x1, Purpurea x1. Battle #022 - Coyote x3. Battle #023 - Coyote x2, Flan Azul x1. Battle #235 - Chocobo [1] x1. Battle #236 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #237 - Chocobo [1] x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #238 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Slope - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #024 - Purpurea x2. Battle #040 - Gemini x1. Battle #041 - Malboro x1. Battle #042 - Barbuta x1, Cephalotus x1. Battle #043 - Barbuta x2. Battle #044 - Cephalotus x1. Battle #240 - Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #241 - Barbuta x1, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #242 - Barbuta x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #243 - Cephalotus x1, Chocobo [2] x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Slope - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Gemini x1. Battle #081 - Malboro x1. Battle #082 - Barbuta x1, Cephalotus x1. Battle #083 - Barbuta x3. Battle #084 - Varan x2. Battle #085 - Dolmen x1. Battle #086 - Cephalotus x2. Battle #250 - Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #251 - Barbuta x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #252 - Barbuta x1, Cephalotus x1, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #253 - Cephalotus x2, Chocobo [2] x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Path - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #001 - Coyote x1, Purpurea x1. Battle #002 - Coyote x4. Battle #003 - Coyote x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #004 - Purpurea x1. Battle #230 - Chocobo [1] x1. Battle #231 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #232 - Chocobo [1] x1, Flan Azul x1. Battle #233 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Path - Chapter 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #020 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #021 - Coyote x1, Purpurea x2. Battle #022 - Coyote x4. Battle #023 - Flan Azul x2. Battle #024 - Purpurea x2. Battle #235 - Chocobo [1] x1. Battle #236 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x1. Battle #237 - Chocobo [1] x1, Flan Azul x1, Coyote x1. Battle #238 - Chocobo [1] x1, Coyote x3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Path - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Gemini x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #041 - Malboro x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #042 - Barbuta x1, Cephalotus x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #043 - Barbuta x2, Watcher-A x1. Battle #044 - Cephalotus x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #240 - Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #241 - Barbuta x1, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #242 - Barbuta x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #243 - Cephalotus x1, Chocobo [2] x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Path - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Gemini x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #081 - Malboro x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #082 - Barbuta x1, Cephalotus x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #083 - Barbuta x3. Battle #084 - Varan x2, Watcher-A x1. Battle #085 - Dolmen x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #086 - Cephalotus x2. Battle #250 - Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #251 - Barbuta x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #252 - Barbuta x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #253 - Cephalotus x2, Chocobo [2] x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Temple - Fayth - Boss - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - Valefor x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Temple Trial - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Parika x2. Battle #041 - Haunt x2. Battle #042 - Haunt x2, Zurvan x1. Battle #043 - Zurvan x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Dungeon - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Sahagin x3. Battle #001 - Sallet x2. Battle #002 - Sahagin x1, Sallet x1. Battle #003 - Nothing x0. Battle #004 - Coeurl x1, Sallet x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Dungeon - Chapter 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #020 - Sahagin x3. Battle #021 - Coeurl x1, Sallet x2. Battle #022 - Barbuta x1, Sahagin x1. Battle #023 - Lesser Drake x2. Battle #024 - Coeurl x1, Lesser Drake x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Dungeon - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Flame Dragon x1. Battle #041 - Spine Drake x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #042 - Barbuta x2, Watcher-A x1. Battle #043 - Barbuta x1, Queen Coeurl x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #044 - Barbuta x1, Queen Coeurl x1, Watcher-R x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Dungeon - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Flame Dragon x1. Battle #081 - Spine Drake x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #082 - Barbuta x1, Spine Drake x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #083 - Queen Coeurl x2, Watcher-S x1. Battle #084 - Barbuta x1, Queen Coeurl x1, Watcher-R x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Besaid - Waterfall Dungeon - Boss - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - Flame Dragon x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Mori - Kilika Temple - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - League Fighter x2, Sword x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Forest - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #001 - League Fighter x1, League Scout x2, Sword x1, Weapon [C9] x2. Battle #002 - Rifle x2, Yevon Guard x2. Battle #003 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x1, Yevon Defender x1, Yevon Guard x2. Battle #004 - Protochimera x1. Battle #005 - Death Dauber x1, Red Elemental x2. Battle #006 - Stalwart x1. Battle #230 - Chocobo [1] x1. Battle #231 - Chocobo [1] x1, Death Dauber x2. Battle #232 - Chocobo [1] x1, Red Elemental x2. Battle #233 - Chocobo [1] x1, Protochimera x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Forest - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Assassin Bee x2, Watcher-S x1. Battle #041 - Assassin Bee x1, Queen Coeurl x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #042 - Ironside x1. Battle #050 - Rifle x2, Yevon Striker x2. Battle #051 - Flamethrower x2, Rifle x1, Yevon's Finest x2, Yevon Striker x1. Battle #055 - League Mage x1, League Warrior x2, Sword x2, Weapon [C9] x1. Battle #056 - League Mage x1, League Raider x2, Weapon [C9] x3. Battle #240 - Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #241 - Assassin Bee x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #242 - Assassin Bee x1, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #243 - Chocobo [2] x1, Queen Coeurl x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Forest - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Assassin Bee x2, Taromaiti x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #081 - Assassin Bee x1, Queen Coeurl x2. Battle #082 - Ironside x1. Battle #083 - Queen Coeurl x2, Taromaiti x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #084 - Taromaiti x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #085 - Dolmen x2, Watcher-A x1. Battle #090 - Flamethrower x3, YAU-71 x1, Yevon's Finest x3. Battle #091 - Flamethrower x2, Rifle x1, Yevon's Finest x2, Yevon Striker x1. Battle #095 - League Master x1, League Veteran x2, Sword x2, Weapon [C9] x1. Battle #096 - League Master x2, League Slasher x1, Weapon [C9] x3. Battle #250 - Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #251 - Assassin Bee x3, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #252 - Assassin Bee x2, Chocobo [2] x1. Battle #253 - Chocobo [2] x1, Queen Coeurl x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Forest - Event - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #226 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon Defender x1, Yevon Guard x2. Battle #227 - Rifle x2, Yevon Guard x2. Battle #228 - League Fighter x1, League Scout x2, Sword x1, Weapon [C9] x2. Battle #229 - League Fighter x2, Sword x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Forest - Event - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #222 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon's Striker x2. Battle #223 - Flamethrower x2, Yevon's Finest x1. Battle #224 - League Raider x2, League Warrior x1, Sword x1, Weapon [C9] x2. Battle #225 - League Mage x1, League Warrior x2, Sword x2, Weapon [C9] x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Forest - Event - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #216 - Flamethrower x2, YAU-71 x1, Yevon's Finest x2. Battle #217 - YAU-71 x2. Battle #218 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon's Striker x1. Battle #219 - Rifle x2, Yevon's Striker x2. Battle #220 - League Slasher x2, League Veteran x1, Sword x1, Weapon [C9] x2. Battle #221 - League Master x1, League Veteran x2, Sword x2, Weapon [C9] x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Temple - Entry Path - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #050 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x1, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon Striker x1. Battle #051 - Rifle x2, Yevon Striker x2. Battle #052 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon Striker x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Temple - Entry Path - Event - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #226 - YSLS-Zero x1. Battle #227 - Flamethrower x2, Rifle x2, Yevon Defender x2, Yevon Guard x2. Battle #228 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon Defender x1, Yevon Guard x2. Battle #229 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x1, Yevon Defender x1, Yevon Guard x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Temple - Entry Path - Event - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #224 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon Striker x2. Battle #225 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x1, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon Striker x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Temple - Entry Path - Event - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #220 - Flamethrower x2, Rifle x2, Yevon's Finest x2, Yevon Striker x2. Battle #221 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x2, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon Striker x2. Battle #222 - Flamethrower x1, Rifle x1, Yevon's Finest x1, Yevon Striker x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Temple - Trial - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Parika x2. Battle #041 - Haunt x1, Parika x1. Battle #042 - Haunt x2. Battle #228 - Daeva x2. Battle #229 - Daeva x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Kilika Temple - Fayth - Boss - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - Ifrit x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Luca - Concert Stage - Boss - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - ???? x1, Drum Machine x1, Goon x2, MIC x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Luca - Stadium Port No. 1 - Event - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - Goon x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Luca - Stadium Port No. 2 - Event - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - Fem-Goon x2, Goon x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Luca - Stadium Port No. 3 - Event - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #228 - Fan x1, Leblanc [83] x1. Battle #229 - Logos [82] x1, Ormi [81] x1, Shield x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-1 - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Shantak x1. Battle #001 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #002 - Wild Wolf x1. Battle #003 - Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x2. Battle #004 - Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #005 - Divebeak x2, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #006 - Shantak x1. Battle #007 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #008 - Wild Wolf x3. Battle #009 - Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x2. Battle #010 - Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #011 - Divebeak x2, Wild Wolf x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-1 - Chapter 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #020 - Shantak x1. Battle #021 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #022 - Wild Wolf x4. Battle #023 - Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x2. Battle #024 - Flan Palido x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #025 - Divebeak x1, Peregine x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #026 - Shantak x1. Battle #027 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #028 - Wild Wolf x4. Battle #029 - Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x2. Battle #030 - Flan Palido x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #031 - Divebeak x1, Peregine x1, Wild Wolf x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-1 - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Barbuta x2, Watcher-A x1. Battle #041 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #042 - Barbuta x2, Cephalotus x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #043 - Zu x1. Battle #044 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #045 - Machina Ranger x2, Watcher-S x1. Battle #046 - Barbuta x2, Watcher-A x1. Battle #047 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #048 - Barbuta x1, Cephalotus x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #049 - Zu x1. Battle #050 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #051 - Machina Ranger x1, Watcher-S x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-1 - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Barbuta x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #081 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #082 - Cephalotus x1, Lich x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #083 - Zu x1. Battle #084 - Barbuta x1, Lich x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #085 - Aka Manah x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #086 - Barbuta x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #087 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #088 - Cephalotus x1, Lich x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #089 - Zu x1. Battle #090 - Barbuta x1, Lich x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #091 - Aka Manah x1, Watcher-A x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-1 - Event - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #228 - Machina Ranger x3. Battle #229 - Scout Machina x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-2 - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Shantak x1. Battle #001 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #002 - Divebeak x3. Battle #003 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1. Battle #004 - Divebeak x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #005 - Flan Palido x1, Purpurea x1. Battle #006 - Shantak x1. Battle #007 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #008 - Divebeak x3. Battle #009 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1. Battle #010 - Divebeak x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #011 - Flan Palido x1, Purpurea x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-2 - Chapter 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #020 - Shantak x1. Battle #021 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #022 - Peregine x2. Battle #023 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #024 - Divebeak x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #025 - Flan Palido x1, Purpurea x1. Battle #026 - Shantak x1. Battle #027 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #028 - Peregine x2. Battle #029 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #030 - Divebeak x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #031 - Flan Palido x1, Purpurea x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-2 - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Cephalotus x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #041 - Flan Rojo x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #042 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1. Battle #043 - Zu x1. Battle #044 - Machina Ranger x2, Scout Machina x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #045 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x2, Watcher-S x1. Battle #046 - Cephalotus x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #047 - Flan Rojo x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #048 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1. Battle #049 - Zu x1. Battle #050 - Machina Ranger x2, Scout Machina x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #051 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x2, Watcher-S x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-2 - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Peregine x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #081 - Flan Rojo x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #082 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1. Battle #083 - Zu x1. Battle #084 - Lich x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #085 - Aka Manah x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #086 - Peregine x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #087 - Flan Rojo x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #088 - Barbuta x2, Peregine x1. Battle #089 - Zu x1. Battle #090 - Lich x2, Watcher-S x1. Battle #091 - Aka Manah x1, Watcher-R x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-2 - Event - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #229 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-3 - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Shantak x1. Battle #001 - Flan Palido x2. Battle #002 - Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #003 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1. Battle #004 - Divebeak x1, Purpurea x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #005 - Flan Palido x2. Battle #006 - Shantak x1. Battle #007 - Flan Palido x2. Battle #008 - Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #009 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1. Battle #010 - Divebeak x1, Flan Palido x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #011 - Purpurea x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-3 - Chapter 2 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #020 - Shantak x1. Battle #021 - Flan Palido x2, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #022 - Flan Palido x1, Peregine x2, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #023 - Flan Palido x2. Battle #024 - Divebeak x1, Peregine x1. Battle #025 - Purpurea x2. Battle #026 - Shantak x1. Battle #027 - Flan Palido x2, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #028 - Flan Palido x1, Peregine x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #029 - Flan Palido x2. Battle #030 - Divebeak x1, Peregine x1. Battle #031 - Purpurea x2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-3 - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #040 - Cephalotus x1, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #041 - Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #042 - Barbuta x2, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #043 - Zu x1. Battle #044 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #045 - Scout Machina x2, Watcher-S x1. Battle #046 - Cephalotus x1, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #047 - Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #048 - Barbuta x2, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #049 - Zu x1. Battle #050 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #051 - Scout Machina x2, Watcher-S x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-3 - Chapter 5 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #080 - Cephalotus x1, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #081 - Flan Rojo x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #082 - Barbuta x2, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #083 - Zu x1. Battle #084 - Lich x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #085 - Aka Manah x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #086 - Cephalotus x1, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-R x1. Battle #087 - Flan Rojo x1, Peregine x1, Watcher-A x1. Battle #088 - Barbuta x1, Flan Rojo x1, Watcher-S x1. Battle #089 - Zu x1. Battle #090 - Lich x2, Watcher-R x1. Battle #091 - Aka Manah x1, Watcher-A x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 1-3 - Event - Chapter 3 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #227 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1. Battle #228 - Machina Ranger x1, Scout Machina x1. Battle #229 - Machina Ranger x3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Mi'ihen Highroad - Part 2-1 - Chapter 1 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle #000 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #001 - Quadricorn x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #002 - Bull Cap x1, Wild Wolf x2. Battle #003 - Bull Cap x1, Flan Palido x1. Battle #004 - Fly Eye x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #006 - Iron Giant x1. Battle #007 - Quadricorn x1, Wild Wolf x1. Battle #008 - Bull Cap x1, Wild Wolf x2. Battle #009 - Bull Cap x1, Flan Palido x1. Battle #010 - Fly Eye x1, Wild Wolf x1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Debug Room - Dummied Monsters - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 - Monster 086 - Gemini (Sword.) 105 - Magic Urn 107 - Cactuar 116 - Guado Guardian 119 - Sahagin 140 - Piranha 141 - Splasher 142 - Vepar 143 - Sahagin 157 - Evrae 196 - Experiment 197 - Experiment 198 - Experiment 199 - Experiment 200 - Experiment 207 - Gun 208 - Experiment 209 - Experiment 216 - Crusader 236 - Trick Urn 264 - Shuyin 272 - Schwalbe 296 - Monster 0 297 - Blitzball 299 - Vegnagun 300 - Vegnagun =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VI. Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ CRED6 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Well, here's where I give credit to the ones that helped make this guide possible. Here's the following people I'd like to thank: Square Enix - For making this game, of course. Although it REALLY isn't my cup of tea and definitely not even a great game in my honest opinion, still, if it weren't for you, this wouldn't be here, so, thanks. Just try and improve Final Fantasy in the future, ok? Myself - For writing this guide. Thanks for reading it and I hope it helped you in playing the game. Lord Skylark - For his INTENSIVE and AMAZING work for getting this information. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I can't stress this enough. You ARE THE ULTIMATE Final Fantasy Monster guy. Check his site out at http://www.geocities.com/lord_skylark/ and be prepared to be amazed. Note: At the time of this FAQ being made, this information is not yet available on his site, but in the near future it will be. Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = VII. My Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ MYWO7 ] = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks for reading my guide, first of all. I sure hope it helped you. If you wish to submit something to this guide, send it to ssj4kain@aol.com and label the subject as "Submit-Final Fantasy X-2 Monster" and as nothing else please. It isn't too hard and I'm not asking for alot. If you have any questions regarding this game, also send them to me and label the subject as "Question-Final Fantasy X-2 Monster" please. Again, not asking much here and it isn't hard to understand. Now for the legal stuff. This guide was created by Kain Stryder. It is not meant to be used on any other site besides GameFAQs and any other site I've deemed to have it hosted on. It's not to be edited in ANY way for other use. (Unless I give permission to do so.) I did not create, nor take in participation of creating Final Fantasy X-2. I am not affiliated with Square Enix, nor the team who made it. I also don't have the rights to it. I am a writer simply giving out information to other gamers of Final Fantasy X-2. Copyright © 2004 by Kain Stryder. All rights reserved.