-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of game: Final Fantasy X-2 Type of guide: Optional Missions Guide / FAQ Platform: Playstation 2 Version: Niki, released on 16th February 2008 Author: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar - All rights reserved Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE SURE to check out mailing policy at the bottom of the document! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1.) LEGAL INFORMATION - G0100 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://faqs.ign.com - http://www.squareuniverse.com - http://www.rpgdreamers.com - http://www.ffslo.tk - http://www.1up.com ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 2.) TABLE OF CONTENTS - G0200 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you need to find something quickly, press and hold CTRL (Control), then press F button. This will bring up 'Find and Replace' box. In it type the word you're looking for and you should be taken to it immediately. This is much faster than scrolling thru entire guide. For your convenience I've inserted special search codes near every section to help you easily hop on to that section by using search code provided. Each search code will appear only twice in whole guide - thus getting stray hits will be impossible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION NUMBER AND NAME | CODE | WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.) Legal information | G0100 | Copyright protection and legal info. 2.) Table of Contents | G0200 | Sections of this guide. 3.) Latest Updates | G0300 | Read what was added in last update. 4.) Introduction | G0400 | Just some small rambling from me... 5.) Abbreviations | G0500 | What do abbreviated words stand for...? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.) Optional Missions... | G0600 | ... or sidequests present themselves! 7.) Past Revisions | G0700 | History of this guide resides here... 8.) Credits | G0800 | All who contributed... Thank you. 9.) Contact Info | G0900 | Find out how to reach me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 3.) LATEST UPDATES - G0300 - ALPHA20 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Niki Version (16th February 2008) # Some beauty touches. Note: Please be advised that I will only be covering sidequests missions and nothing else. Many of those missions involve killing a boss at the end - however, you won't find any strategy for those in here. If you'll be needing strategies on bosses, I invite you to check out my BOSS guide also available on GameFAQs, Neoseeker, IGN and SquareUniverse websites. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 4.) INTRODUCTION - G0400 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to fourth FFX-2 related project. In this guide I will cover many of optional missions, or sidequests if you wish, that you can come across when playing FFX-2. So far I've covered fair amount of sidequests, with only few still missing information on how to complete them. If one desires to get the most out of his/her FFX-2, then one simply cannot ignore many sidequests available in this game. This guide will hopefully help the one achieve that 100% story percentage one longs after... ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 5.) ABBREVIATIONS - G0500 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= There will be a lot of abbreviations. They're as follows... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1stcross etc. ----- successive cross* | AAB ------------------ Auto Abilities acc ---------- accessory, accessories | AP ------------------- Ability points CH1 ----------------------- chapter 1 | CH2 ----------------------- chapter 2 CH3 ----------------------- chapter 3 | CH4 ----------------------- chapter 4 CH5 ----------------------- chapter 5 | cross -------------------- crossroads ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DSP ---------------------- dressphere | E ------------------------------ east GG --------------------- Garment Grid | HP ----------------------- Hit points MN ---------------- mission navigator | MP --------------------- Magic points N ----------------------------- north | NE ------------------------ northeast NW ------------------------ northwest | S ----------------------------- south ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SDSP ------------- Special dressphere | SE ------------------------ southeast SSP --------------------- save sphere | SSWT ------------------ sphere switch SW ------------------------ southwest | W ------------------------------ west ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - Applies only to particular dungeon currently in progress. For example, a sidequest mission would have a dungeon inside which I found two crossroads, hence I refer to them as 1stcross and 2ndcross. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 6.) SIDEQUESTS - G0600 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Main issues addressed in this section are: ============================================================================= Chapter 1 optional missions ------------------------------------------ G06CH1 Chapter 2 optional missions ------------------------------------------ G06CH2 Chapter 3 optional missions ------------------------------------------ G06CH3 Chapter 5 optional missions ------------------------------------------ G06CH4 ============================================================================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- CHAPTER 1 - G06CH1 ---------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 01!!! Where: Luca, CH1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUCA AREA MAP TO MI'IHEN | 'Outskirts' SSP | 'Square' | 'Bridge' ---- 'Theater' -- 'T - reception' | 'Basement A' SSP ---------- 'Stadium entrance' ---------------- 'Basement B' | |------------|------------| | | 'Dock 2' 'Dock 5' | | |-------- 'Dock 3' -------| Okay, this quest is available as soon as you obtain black mage DSP. Alarm will sound off, indicating two new HS. But who cares about that? It's time to laugh a little. Choose Luca as your destination... soooo, what really went on behind the scenes prior to the concert you saw in beginning? ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ BEHIND THE SCENES Retrace Yuna's steps during her impostor's concert in Luca. The truth is out there. Find it! Objective: Learn the whole story behind the concert ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ I laughed my ass off when I saw Yuna in her outfit. After the sequence you'll be at 'L - outskirts', so go to 'L - square'. After another scene some guy will yell at Yuna (note that you can't go upstairs anymore!). From your current position go *down* and you'll find him sitting on the ground (under the flag) next to the store that sells balloons. Your job is to deliver 10 balloons to 10 people. Not a tough objective at all. Not counting the kid running around with red balloon, there's eight other people also located on this screen - give a balloon to each of them and your stock is decreased to mere 2 balloons (you need to open a window for last two). Here are their locations: - woman shaking her booty near the cart where you got balloons - kid in front of the statue - *two* people sitting on the bench adjacent to W side of the status - old woman sitting on the bench at W side of 'L - square' - man standing at extreme N of 'L - square' - two people sitting on the ground in NW corner of 'L - square' - there's a house with two monitors near two sitting people; approach the glass beneath it and press X - there's two last people HEALING WIND GG is yours, as well as MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 02!!! Where: Mushroom, CH1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSHROOM R. AREA MAP HQ CAN'T BE ENTERED AT THIS TIME | 'Youth HQ' SSP | 'M - plateau' | 'M - HQ lift' | 'Den of Woe'** | | | 'M - ravine 2' | | | 'M - ravine 1' SSP* -------| | 'M - ravine path' | |----------|--------------------- TO DJOSE | 'Mushroom rock' SSP | TO MI'IHEN * - While you're navigating 'M - ravine path', look for some rocks which serve as a drop off base to reach 'M - ravine'. ** - Den of Woe is currently off limits. Only way to enter this dungeon is by collecting 10 Crimson Spheres, which spans over all five story chapters. Enter 'Mushroom r.'. Ahead you'll see two goons from not long before. Go after them and a scene follows, where you're stopped by a group of soldiers - choose [You're Yaibal, of the Youth League.], then [Sure, we're game.]. Then follow Paine and Rikku to next area. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ FOGGY FIEND FRENZY! The Youth League is a bit shorthanded. Help them out by clearing out the fiends along Mushroom rock road! Fiends will attack more often under cover of fog. Proceed with caution! Objective: Reach the lift leading to headquarters ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ You'll start at 'M - ravine path'. Your objective is simple - get to the other end of the path, kill anything that tries to get in your way and reach the elevator to Youth League base. Stand on elevator and press X to rise. Quite soon you'll spot... em, henchmen from before, who will try to escape by jumping down in 'M - ravine'. Follow them all the way N (on your way you can score TURBO ETHER, PHOENIX DOWN and HI-POTION) until you reach SSP. Very close to it is an entrance to 'M - ravine 2' - after scene is over, CRIMSON SPHERE 9 KEY ITEM is yours. Turn around and... surprise! Choose [Of course I do!]. After Maroda finishes blabbing, go back to the point of 'M - ravine path' where you jumped down. When you climb back up, continue your journey N. Be careful if you encounter any Tonberries - prolly you're way underpowered to take it on, so escaping might be your best option for now. When you reach another elevator, press X again to activate it as well. On 'M - HQ lift' tag along E a bit more and soon you'll be greeted by Elma - girls receive GLASS BUCKLE ACC and HEART OF FLAME GG, as well as deserved MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 03!!! Where: Moonflow, CH1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOONFLOW AREA MAP TO GUADOSALAM | 'M - N bank road' | 'M - N wharf' | 'M - N wharf - dock' | CURRENTLY CAN'T CROSS THE MOONFLOW* | 'M - S wharf - dock' | 'M - S wharf' SSP | 'M - S bank' | 'M - S bank road' | TO DJOSE * - Until you don't clear sidequest mission 03, you can't ride ze shoopuf. After initial scene you have several options at your disposal. - If you want Enterprise (Break HP Limit AAB), you must skip this mission. - If you want Minerva's Plate (reduces STR by -80, doubles MAX MP and gives +100 to MAG, Turbo Black Magic, but always pointless status), then you MUSTN'T talk to Tobli! - If you want Key to Success, this mission must be accomplished perfectly. Let's begin... Talk to red midget you'll see running about on 'M - S bank'... - whats's that shining in his arms? When done talking, you should proceed to 'M - S bank road'. Keep going S until you see someone yelling for help. You'll spot lonely Hypello together with chocobo pulling a cart. Talk to Hypello to start the mission. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ SHAVE THE HYPELLO? If bandits grab the cargo, chase them down and take it back! You'll lose the cargo if they get away. Objective: Escort the wagon and its cargo safely to the Moonflow ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Your objective is to protect the cart from several thieves that will try to steal its contents. During the trip a total of five thieves will attempt to rob the cart - coming in waves of 1, 2 and 2. If thieves manage to snatch one package (there's five of them total boarded on the cart), all is not lost - pursue the thieves and kill them to get the goods back. Simply killing them will make stolen package magically appear back on cart. Alrighty, mission has started. Go in front of the cart and start heading NE in direction of Moonflow. A scene occurs... nothing you can do about getting first package stolen. Thieves will attempt to escape SW, so make pursuit. This is important - when you catch up to them, *you must press X button*. This will stop them in their tracks and initiate a battle. Kill them all, then return to the cart. Go ahead of it to make it move again. Soon another scene ensues - this thime two groups of thieves try their luck. Unlike before, it is possible to dispatch both groups before they even get to the cart. Remember to press X to start the battle when close to them! When you get to part of road with big tree on the left, cart will stop. Make few steps forward to have the cart appear further ahead on the road. Cart will keep going by itself, so just look out that you keep up with it. Last two groups of thieves will appear - one from front, one from behind. Dispatch the ones from front straight away, then turn around immediately and pursue the other group, who in most will manage to steal a package. Few more steps S and you've reached Moonflow. As a sign of gratitude red midget hands over GUN MAGE DSP, CIRCLET ACC and HELIOS GUARD GG. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Keep around or return to Celsius, your choice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 04!!! Where: Macalania, CH1 (or CH2, if you didn't attempt it in CH1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACALANIA AREA MAP |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | ENTRY FORBIDDEN | | | | | 'Lake Mac. - agency, f' -------|--------- 'MW - spring 2' | | | | | 'MW - lake road' ------------------------| |------------| | | | | | | 'MW - north 1' 'MW - north 2' | TO BEVELLE | | | | 'MW - central 1' 'MW - north end 1' 'MW - central 2' | | | | | | | | |--------------- 'MW - south' SSP ------ 'MW - to Bevelle' | | TO THUNDER P. | | | | 'MW - campsite' | | | | | | | 'MW - to Calm' -----------| | 'MW - spring 1' ------------|------------- 'MW - north end 2' | TO CALM LANDS Reach 'MW - lake road' and take NW exit to 'MW - agency, f' for a scene, after which you receive AL BHED PRIMER KEY ITEM. O'aka, seeing that (you can talk to him, if your reactions are fast enough), will flee back into the forest. Next to the house is a chest with HI-POTION. Turn around, follow O'aka and mission starts. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ FOLLOW THAT O'AKA! O'aka is on the run from debt collectors. Go hunt him down, but stay on your toes! He's faster than the average merchant. Objective: Find O'aka and corner him ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ From 'MW - agency, f' take SW exit to reach 'MW - north 1'. Follow the path until you get to the section where rather big tree is covering part of path. O'aka is behind it, so when you're near the tree, press X to have him escape ahead to 'MW - central 1'. He'll be in plain sight here, but still trying to elude Yuna to prevent her from catching up with him. Progress on to the next screen (on the way loot the chest for WHITE RING ACC). Keep going until you reach 'MW - south'. You may consider saving your game now. On this screen go E to reach 'MW - to Bevelle' - here ignore the guards and press on further E. 'MW - to Calm' screen has another multiple exits - take N one for 'MW - campsite'. Now talk to both Rikku and Paine to get a vague idea of where O'aka is hiding. Examine NW corner - after the scene talk to O'aka and choose [Let's hide him on the airship!] to get ICE QUEEN GG. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! What's in it for you if you let O'aka aboard the ship? He's located in 'C - cabin'. When you talk to him, you'll notice a gil amount in upper right - that's O'aka's debt. In first game the debt consists of 100000 gil. If you don't clear whole amount by the end of CH3, the amount you did clear off carries on to next playthru, but you receive a penalty of 1000 gil, which is added to O'aka's debt. O'aka doesn't sell anything hot, but that's not the point. Reduce his debt all the way down by buying stuff from him - when you do that, his prices will be reduced big-time! Hi-Potion will be sold for measly 50 gil as opposed to 500. You can also rack up easy gil by buying Hi-Potions from O'aka and then selling them to Hypello nearby. That way you can slowly, but surely increase your gil. In any case, make sure you reduce his debt by the end of CH2! In the event you've decided to turn O'aka over to Al Bhed, all is not lost. You still receive Ice Queen GG, but O'aka disappears until CH3, when there's an event in Bikanel where you can find him again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 05!!! Where: Bikanel, CH1 (must have Letter of Introduction from Gippal) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIKANEL AREA MAP 'Western expanse' | SPEAK TO PILOT AFTER NHADALA AGREES TO LET YOU DIG | 'BD - west 1' SSP | AFTER GIRLS PASS OUT, NO ACCESS ANYMORE TO 'BD - west 2' | 'BD - west 2' When you enter the area for the first time, you're bound to get that deja-vu feeling... where to go? Just follow Rikku... You will fall into few battles (not even No Encounter AAB prevents them) before three girls pass out. You'll soon find yourself in Al Bhed camp as well as receive AL BHED PRIMER KEY ITEM. There's no way to leave but using SSP to beam aboard 'Celsius'. There's a locked chest 'guarded' by a fat guy - this chest can only be opened in CH5, if you're in possession of Desert Key. Person next to SSP sells stuff, so restock if you need. If you're in possession of Letter of Introduction, you can now trigger a scene in upper-right corner. After that find two male Al Bheds that are 'talking' to each other, talk to them both and then address them again. You'll see another scene, where Nhadala will come flying on some machine. She's now pacing back and forth on right of the screen. Talk to her and choose [I've got this letter...] to start the mission. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ CAN YOU DIG IT? Dig up the machina parts that Nhadala asked you to find in the desert and transport them safely to camp. Objective: Dig up and deliver the needed parts ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Talk to pilot now and choose [Western Expanse]. You'll be introduced to Picket, who will be your faithful partner during your digs. In a nutshell, you have one minute to excavate an item marked by a yellow cross, which will appear on your mini map. Really easy, believe you me. All you have to do is to move Yuna to yellow cross and she will excavate the item hidden beneath automatically. Digging up at white crosses will usually award you with some gil, items or even enemies to fight. You're not alone in your digging attempts - there is one other digger that will try to beat you to buried treasure, so you need to move fast. As soon as you've found what you're looking for, head back to the hover before the time limit reaches zero. Picket will also warn you if you go too far away from the hover. When you find yellow cross item, return to the hover which brought you here and you'll automatically return to 'BD - west 1'. You're rewarded with ELIXIR and STILL OF NIGHT GG, as well as receive MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- CHAPTER 2 - G06CH2 ---------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 06!!! Where: Besaid, CH2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BESAID AREA MAP NO ACCESS TO CLOISTER | 'B - nuns' c.' ------------- 'B - Great Hall' --------------- 'B - monks' c.' | | |-------- 'B - house 1' 'B - lodge' --------------| | | | ---- 'B. village' -----|-------- 'B - house 2' 'B - shop' ---------------| | | | |-------- 'B - house 3' | 'B - village slope' SSP | 'B - promontory' | 'B - waterfall w. 2' 'B - ancient r.' | | PASSWORD* 'B - waterfall w. 1' | | 'B - cave' SSP ------------- 'B - crossroads' ----- 'B - valley' | 'B - beach' * - denotes another password protected door - unlock it by entering second set of four ciphers Beam down... look who's here. It's the Besaid Aurochs. Talk to either of them and when prompted, choose [You're on, Beclem.]... ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ RUN THE GUNNER'S GAUNTLET! Gun down fiends and make your way to the beach within the time limit! Score high and put Beclem's record to shame! Objective: Score more than 500 points and make your way to the beach ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ This mission is more of a minigame. Your objective is to rack more than 500 points in a game called Gunner's Gauntlet. You have 7 minutes to make it to Besaid beach. Sounds easy, eh? Well, it's not easy since you have to be better than 500 points in order to have this MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! If you manage to score more than 500 points, you also score ENIGMA PLATE GG. After completing the sidequest mission you can attempt Gunner's Gauntlet yet again for higher levels and more prizes, which are: POWER WRIST ACC, SILVER BRACER ACC, TITANIUM BANGLE ACC, MORTAL COIL GG, BEADED BROOCH ACC, DIAMOND GLOVES ACC, FAERIE EARRINGS ACC and ADAMANTITE ACC. Of all those prizes there are only two left that are IMO worthy to long for. One is Mortal Coil GG and other Adamantite (DEF+120, MDEF+120, Auto-Wall AAB, but reduces AGL by 30 points). If you're not feeling up to task, feel free to explore the rest of Besaid and do stuff. If scoring 500 points is too much for you, you can attempt this cheesy trick - at 'B - waterfall way 1' stand below the very last waterfall. If you stand here and gun down enemies, you won't be attacked at all! This is the safest place to rack up insane amounts of points, and scoring that Adamantite should be a breeze. KADFC suggests this: - You must be at Lv6+ to get Volleys from Bicocettes. - Once you get one, and have at least 50 HP, immediately run to the blind spot. It doesn't matter if you get hit or not, you should have enough HP to last - If you get hit, other fiends close by won't attack you unless they're coming up. - Once at the blind spot, keep on pressing Circle. The dead-click, a word that I just made up, means this will be killed later on. - Keep on pressing Circle, until you see Bicocette (the purple fiend with a purple/violet shell). You can do this anytime during or before he leaves the screen. I prefer before it leaves the screen. Fire the Volley. - This will kill all the fiends that had the dead-click on it. It doesn't matter how far they went, they are dead. Don't bother to go all the way back and collect all the ammo, the only one that you'll need is from Bicocette (THE VOLLEY!) - Repeat until you have around 40 seconds left. Adamantite is yours! Blind spot is the area nelow final waterfall. As long as you keep still and as close to the fence as possible, fiends will not attack you. You can of course keep firing all you want. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 07!!! Where: Mi'ihen, CH2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MI'IHEN AREA MAP TO MUSHROOM R. | 'Highroad - N end' ---------------- 'Highroad - oldroad, N' | | 'Highroad - newroad, N' 'Highroad - oldroad, S' SSP | 'Highroad - newroad, S' | NO ACCESS AFTER SIDEQUEST 07 | 'H - agency, front' SSP ------------- 'H - agency' | 'Highroad - central' | 'Highroad - S' | 'Highroad - S end' SSP | TO LUCA Enter the agency - inside you will see a girl talking about chocobos. Exit the agency and approach the girl on the summit... While you're talking with the girl, a choice will pop up - pick [I think I remember...] and then [Of course!]. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ CUCKOO FOR CHOCOBOS! Your mission: catch the chocobo for Calli! Follow Captain Rikku's instructions and bring that winged whirlwind to justice! It's the kwest of a lifetime! Objective: Capture the chocobo? ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Follow Rikku's innocent ass... I mean, follow her! From your position take the exit S from Rin agency. Follow Rikku by running S all the time. Don't fall too far behind or you will have to retry this part of hunting. Still, I recommend that you do fall behind couple of times. As you'll run S, you'll spot some feathers on the ground. Simply run over them and a chime will sound. Why bother? On your trip Rikku will stop three times and make a comment. Pick [Sure!] to get a chance to nail a prize or [Not this time.] to continue the pursuit. If you'll go for the chests, here: for 0 feathers ran over chest is empty, for 1-3 you get 2x CHOCOBO FEATHER, for 4-14 you get 3x CHOCOBO FEATHER, for 15-17 you get 2x CHOCOBO WING, for 18-21 you get 3x CHOCOBO WING. You can't raid same chest multiple times and hope for multiple copies of items. After prize is looted, choose [You betcha!] to retry. Amount of feathers also dictates award you get once you leave this screen: for 0 feathers ran over you get big fat nothing, for 1-8 you get GOLD HOURGLASS, for 9-15 you get CHOCOBO FEATHER, for 16-21 you get 2x CHOCOBO FEATHER. Chocobo will now want to play left-middle-or-right minigame with you. Paine will cover one end of the road, while Rikku occupies the other. Have Yuna approach the chocobo at side of the road and it will escape ahead. When you approach it again, you are given three seconds to judge (based on direction chocobo is looking at) in which direction chocobo will try to make it past you. If chocobo is looking left, press left directional, if right, press right directional. If it's looking in Yuna's direction, don't press anything. Guess correctly five or six times and it's onto next screen. Tip: at one point game will inform you that chocobo lost its concentration, so it will be much easier to guess where it wants to run. Follow Rikku and Paine in their tracks - their location will be marked by a blue encircled arrow on the minimap. Each time you arrive at marked destination, a scene will occur - three in total, then chocobo escapes again. Arrrrgh, so close too! Just you wait! Go all the way to S exit of 'H - S end' - talk to the nearby female Al Bhed twice and pick [Please, yes!]. Chocobo is yours at last! Time for one of many friendly reunions as well. When Yuna is under your control again, save your game, then follow Rikku and Paine - notice the red arrow in minimap? Depending on what you were doing in CH1, you have at least 90seconds to make it to the point of impact before it's too late... got you worried, huh? That's more then enough time. Kill the boss. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! You receive SELENE GUARD GG! You're back on Celsius, but there's more to be done on Mi'ihen road. Once again choose to beam down there - look, it's Clasko (but only if you invited him on board in CH1)! Talk to him or the girl nearby and pick [All aboard!]. They both board Celsius, so do the same. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 08!!! Where: Mushroom, CH2, only if you sided with New Yevon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSHROOM R. AREA MAP HQ CAN'T BE ENTERED AT THIS TIME | 'Youth HQ' SSP | 'M - plateau' | NO ACCESS!*** | 'M - HQ lift' | 'Den of Woe'** | | | 'M - ravine 2' | | | 'M - ravine 1' SSP* -------| | 'M - ravine path' | |----------|--------------------- TO DJOSE | 'Mushroom rock' SSP | TO MI'IHEN * - While you're navigating 'M - ravine path', look for some rocks which serve as a drop off base to reach 'M - ravine'. ** - Den of Woe is currently off limits. Only way to enter this dungeon is by collecting 10 Crimson Spheres, which spans over all five story chapters. *** - If you gave the sphere back to New Yevon, 'M - HQ lift' is as far as you can get during this CH. As soon as you get to 'Mushroom', you'll notice a red arrow in minimap in upper left. Follow it and scene is triggered. It's time to kick some high ass, then! Mission starts as you enter 'M - ravine path'. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ WHO NEEDS AN INVITATION? The Youth League's edgier members have drawn their own conclusions and declared the Gullwings an enemy. Beat them back as you push through to League headquarters! Objective: Reach the lift leading to headquarters ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Before you can use the lift, you'll need to dispose of two soldiers. Piece of cake. Board the lift and kill next four soldiers (in waves of two). On your way to second lift you could prolly be bothered enough to dispose of any Ochus you can lay your swords on - EXP awarded is well worth the effort put in. After killing both Ochus you will encounter fourth and last wave of rogue soldiers - kill them. Yooohooo, Red Riding Hood... what the? Defeat her in boss battle. After kicking her ass use the second lift. On 'M - HQ lift' approach the big lift... figures. Cluck cluck! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! You receive KINESIS BADGE ACC and SHINING MIRROR GG. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 09!!! Where: Moonflow, CH2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOONFLOW AREA MAP TO GUADOSALAM | 'M - N bank road' | 'M - N wharf' | 'M - N wharf - dock' | 'M - S wharf - dock' | 'M - S wharf' SSP | 'M - S bank' | 'M - S bank road' | TO DJOSE Rightio then, let's do some selling! As soon as you have control, go right. On 'M - S bank'Talk to red midget and pick [Okay, sounds like fun!]. Mission has started! If you want Key to Success acc, this mission must be completed by selling all 10 tickets! ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ YRP, THE SCALPERS THREE! Talk to people along the south and north banks of the Moonflow with Square and sell as many tickets as possible. The base price is 500* gil, but if you can sell the tickets off at a higher price, the profits are yours! Objective: Sell tickets and report to Tobli ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ * - if you did not speak to Tobli before completing Shave the Hypello mission in CH1, then the base price for tickets will be 1000 gil instead! You have ten tickets to be sold to some people found in Moonflow (14 people are willing to buy tickets). You can sell tickets by addressing people with Square. You will be given a choice of how much will you charge for single ticket - will you charge 200, 500, 1000, 1500 or go as high as 2000 gil? Choice is yours... or not, if you follow this guide. Note that you can try selling the ticket to specific person only once! If you charge too high, person won't buy a ticket and you will have wasted one chance out of ten you are given. And finally, not everyone is willing to buy tickets. Play your gil smart and you will win. Here's the chart of peeps and how much gil you can relieve them of: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen | Person's description | Gil ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- M - S bank road | man at N entrance | 200** | woman at S entrance | 1500* M - S bank | woman with bouncing kid | 1000** | woman with red bandanna | 1500* M - S wharf | man sitting on right end of the bench | 1000** | woman just below the SSP | 1500* M - S wharf, dock | man in lower left corner | 2000* | man sitting on the stairs | 1500* M - N wharf, dock | girl in upper right corner | 2000* | boy to the right of lowest Hypello | 2000* M - N wharf | only woman on this screen | 2000* | only man on this screen | 500** M - N bank road | first man on the side of the road | 1500* | man near old woman | 2000* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - sell tickets to these people ** - don't sell tickets to these people Maximum gil profit amount you can score is 12500 gil. After you attempt to sell your 10th ticket, you will automatically view a scene with red midget. You *must* sell all 10 tickets with a profit! It's important for later events in the game. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! What, the rewards? Here... TICKETS SOLD | SQM03* | PROFIT | REWARDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 - 5 | na | na | nothing 6 - 9 | yes | yes | profits, Seething Cauldron GG 6 - 9 | yes | no | nothing 6 - 9 | no | yes | profits, gun mage DSP, Seething Cauldron GG 6 - 9 | no | no | gun mage DSP 10 | yes | yes | profits, Muscle Belt, Seething Cauldron GG 10 | yes | no | Muscle Belt, Seething Cauldron GG 10 | no | yes | profits, gun mage DSP, Seething Cauldron GG 10 | no | no | gun mage DSP, Seething Cauldron GG * - SQM03 column denotes whether or not sidequest mission 03 was completed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 10!!! Where: Macalania, CH2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACALANIA AREA MAP |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | ENTRY FORBIDDEN / GRANTED | | | | | 'Lake Mac. - agency, f' -------|--------- 'MW - spring 2' | | | | | 'MW - lake road' -----------------------| |------------| | | | | | | 'MW - north 1' 'MW - north 2' | TO BEVELLE | | | | 'MW - central 1' 'MW - north end 1' 'MW - central 2' | | | | | | | | |--------------- 'MW - south' SSP ------ 'MW - to Bevelle' | | | | TO THUNDER PLAINS --------------------| | | | 'MW - campsite' | | | | | | | 'MW - to Calm' -----------| | 'MW - spring 1' ------------|------------- 'MW - north end 2' | TO CALM LANDS * - if you decided to hide O'aka onboard Celsius, shop will remain closed for duration of CH2; however, if you chose to hand O'aka to Al Bheds, shop will reopen for duration of CH2 As you enter Macalania forest, you'll see a Hypello on a path ahead. Talk to him and pick [Shure, why not?], then head for 'MW - spring 2'. You'll reach the place with the huge sphere (should be familiar to you anyway if you were doing sidequest mission 04 back in CH1). Talk to Bayra... ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ TRACK DOWN THE TROUPE! Find Donga and Pukutak somewhere in the woods. They have taken the form of whirling circles of butterflies. Enter the circles and they will return to their true forms. Objective: Meet with Donga and Pukutak ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ ...you must locate missing musicians. There's five of them in total and this section discloses their locations. Just some words of advice if you'll bother looking for them yourself - keep your eyes peeled for rings of butterflies! These rings denote 'hiding places' of runaway musicians. Just walk thru the ring and somebody will pop up out of nowhere. Do remember to address some of them so they say their lines and teleport away. Also, doing this quest will net you one more GG later in CH3. On 'MW - spring 2' you can locate two butterfly rings (2 down, 3 to go). Back to 'MW - lake road' and time make use of SE exit to reach 'MW - north 2'. Follow your nose - on your way to third butterly ring you'll need to kill some enemies (this is guaranteed battle, not even No Encounters can't prevent it)... you can flee too. Walk thru third ring - 3 down, 2 to go. Continue pressing S for another fixed battle - after battle you will come down shiny path and end up near SSP, which you should use to save your game. Now go to 'MW - spring 1' - you've found fourth butterfly ring (4 down, 1 to go). You will be teleported to the screen with the harp guy, but do not address him yet! You're not done collecting the musicians... retrack to 'MW - lake road' and now choose SW exit. As you go along, you'll spot last butterfly ring in the air. Keep holding left and Circle at same time to have Yuna jump the gap, thus shortening your travel distance a bit. Go up the nearby slope and when near the ring, hold directionals towards it and press Circle to have Yuna jump thru the ring. That's all musicians. Now return Bayra and talk to him for this to be MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! You receive HASTE BANGLE ACC. Choose [No] when given option, as there's still stuff to do in Macalania. If you haven't talked to him in CH1, Tromell now appears - talk to him four times and he hands over FULL THROTTLE SDSP and UNERRING PATH GG. Return to Hypello you spoke earlier and you'll fetch some more rewards: BITTER FAREWELL GG and possibly MINERVA'S PLATE ACC (but only if you didn't speak with Tobli when doing the mission on Moonflow in CH1). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 11!!! Where: Calm Lands, facility ruins, CH2 earliest; also possible in CH3 and 5, in which case it is enough to at least TALK to Clasko in either CH1 or 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALM LANDS AREA MAP 'CL - cavern' TO GAGAZET | | NO ACCESS YET | | | 'CL - gorge bottom' SSP ---------------- 'CL - bridge' | | | | 'CL - north' | | | |----------------------| | | 'CL - central' SSP --- 'CL - facility ruins'* --- 'CL - ruins' | 'CL - south' | TO MACALANIA * - in order to gain entrance to 'CL - facility ruins' and have HS appear over Calm lands, several issues must be met: get Clasko onboard Celsius in CH1 after completing 'Foggy Fiend Frenzy!' mission in Mushroom; complete 'Cuckoo for Chocobos!' mission in Mi'ihen in CH2 AND getting both Calli and Clasko onboard afterwards If completed sidequest mission 07 successfully: After initial scene with Clasko choose whether or not you wish to follow him. Select [Yes.] - the main point of interest is 'CL - facility ruins' on east side of Calm lands. Go there and you'll see Clasko - choose [Sure, why not?]. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ CLEAN SWEEP Exterminate the fiends that have taken up residence in the ruins. Leave no fiend unslain! Objective: Wipe out all the fiends ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Now that mission has started, you're advised to stop by Guadosalam first and buy three sets of Angel Earrings. Deathproof AAB they have will prove invaluable just in case you run into Queen Coeurl inside here. There's SSP at the start of dungeon, so use it if you wish. Take into consideration these three tips: - Not all fiends are real. Some are only an illusion. Touching an illusionary fiend will cause it to vanish. - Only one real fiend appears at a time. Any other fiends you see are illusions. - The illusionary fiends face the direction of the real fiend. Of course, with some fiends it's difficult to tell which way they're facing at all. If you mess up three times in locating the real fiend, you'll see red arrows appear above fiends indication direction they're looking at. With help of these arrows it shouldn't be a problem now to get rid of five real fiends. 1st bout VS Skink 2nd bout VS Queen Coeurl & Armet 3rd bout VS Skink & Armet 4th bout VS 3x Armet 5th bout VS Queen Coeurl & Skink Scene is triggered. Yo, Clasko, wassup? Kill 6th and final monster to have this MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! For your troubles you will receive ALCHEMIST DSP and HIGHROAD WINDS GG. Note that monster arena is now chocobo breeding grounds. Details? Look into other guides. Return to 'CL - ruins', turn right, examine chocobo sign and pick [Hey, Clasko!] to receive bunch of GYSAHL GREENS and bunch of PAHSANA GREENS. Now go out and *make sure* you capture one chocobo before end of CH3. Here's information that will fill you in on what must be done to access Chocobo ranch, alchemist DSP and more: - meet Clasko in CH1 during 'Foggy Fiend Frenzy!' sidequest mission in Mushroom; after completing this mission, return to SSP found at the entrance to 'Mushroom rock' screen - he'll be located on the right; talk to him and say [The more, the merrier!]; then participate in 'Cuckoo for Chocobos!' mission on Mi'ihen in CH2 - Clasko will help you; after wasting the boss enter 'M - agency, f' screen and invite both Clasko and Calli onboard (Calli will come onboard only if you were able to get a chocobo for her); finally go to Calm lands, enter the 'Facility ruins' and complete 'Clean Sweep' mission; chocobo ranch is now open - if you did not participate in 'Foggy Fiend Frenzy!' mission or didn't invite Clasko on Celsius, then find him in CH2 on 'Mushroom rock' screen just before you enter 'M - ravine path' - he'll run off to Calm lands and you'll find him there in CH3 - complete 'Clean Sweep' mission and ranch is open, you also get your longed for DSP - if you invite Clasko onboard, but fail to stop by Calm lands in CH2, he'll appear there automatically in CH3 - ranch is open, you also get your longed for DSP - if you do not talk to Clasko in CH1 or CH2, ranch isn't open for business and Clasko's whereabouts are unknown for remainder of the game ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 12!!! Where: Zanarkand, CH2 or 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZANARKAND AREA MAP 'Dome - treasure c.' | 'Dome - the beyond' | 'Dome - great hall' | 'Dome - chamber' | 'Dome - cloister 2' | 'Dome - cloister 1' | 'Dome - corridor' | 'Dome - interior' | 'Z - dome 2' | 'Z - dome 1' | 'Z - ruins' SSP | TO GAGAZET Right before the entrance to the cloister you'll spot Isaaru, so have a talk with him. Awww, too bad, Isaaru, for your cash income is about to be shot down. Your objective is to pair up 24 monkeys. Pay close attention to their names - reminds me of bridal mission, hehe. So how do we start? 1st pair: Head further into cloister, down the elevator and into 'Dome - the beyond' (screen 6 for further reference). You'll find Birch with hearts popping out of its head. Talk to it and pick [Grab him]. Yuna will grab the animal - now what? Carry it around and find a partner for it. Birch's partner is found in 'Dome - chamber' (screen 4 for further reference). Just examine them all and Sequoia will jump happily. 2nd pair: Go into 'Dome - great hall' (screen 5 for further reference). Pick up Spring. Now carry it up the elevator and into 'Dome - cloister 1' (screen 2 for further reference). Pair it up with Autumn. 3rd pair: Pick up Dusky in 'Dome - corridor' (screen 1 for further reference). Pair it up with Dawne, found in screen 6. 4th pair: Pick up Rosemary found in screen 5. Carry it up the elevator into 'Dome - cloister 2' (screen 3 for further reference) and pair it up with Thyme. 5th pair: What luck! In same area where you just 'delivered' pick up Terran. Carry it to screen 6 to match it up with Skye. 6th pair: Minni? Screen 5. Maxx? Screen 3. 7th pair: Summer? Screen 4. Winter? Screen 1. 8th pair: Peke? Screen 3. Valli? Screen 4. 9th pair: Canis? Screen 5. Felina? Screen 1. 10th pair: Arroh? Screen 3. Quivrr? Screen 1. 11th pair: Golde? Screen 4. Sylva? Screen 1. 12th pair: Luna? Screen 1. Sol? Screen 5. Reward for your meddling is SOUL OF THAMASA ACC. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- CHAPTER 3 - G06CH3 ---------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 13!!! Where: Mi'ihen, CH3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MI'IHEN AREA MAP TO MUSHROOM R. | 'Highroad - N end' ---------------- 'Highroad - oldroad, N' | | 'Highroad - newroad, N' 'Highroad - oldroad, S' SSP | 'Highroad - newroad, S' | 'H - agency, front' SSP ------------- 'H - agency' | 'Highroad - central' | 'Highroad - S' | 'Highroad - S end' SSP | TO LUCA ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ MACHINA MAYHEM! The machina deployed along the Mi'ihen Highroad have started attacking innocent people. Take out the misbehaving machina and restore peace to the Highroad! Objective: Incapacitate 13 tandems of machina ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Machines are outta control? Who's gonna stop them? Worry not, Yuna's here! As soon as you enter the area, option is presented. Select top choice to start the mission. Be careful, for there is another group involved in destroying the machines. In order to have this mission accomplished, amount of machines destroyed by YRP must be higher than the amount of machines destroyed by other group (score is kept for viewing in lower right corner). If you manage to do that, rewards are quite handsome. You can choose your starting point like this: if you beam down with the airship, you'll start at 'Highroad - S end'; but if you enter from Mushroom side, you will begin the mission in 'Highroad, N end'. I definitely recommend starting at S end. So, start the mission at S-most end of Mi'ihen road - look at your minimap closely - each green square spotted means that there's a machine gone crazy and needs to be destroyed for further examination. In total there's 13 groups of crazy machines scattered over Mi'ihen - three fights on 'Highroad - S end', one fight on 'Highroad - S', three fights on 'Highroad - central', none on 'H - agency, front', three on 'Highroad - oldroad, S', two on 'Highroad - newroad, N' (here, MAKE SURE THAT YOU ATTACK machina located near the exit to 'M - N end', as it is vastly important for getting an awesome acc in CH5), one on 'Highroad - oldroad, N'. Once 13th machine group is destroyed and if your girls have managed to whack at least 7 groups, girls receive 10000 GIL, UNDYING STORM GG and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 14!!! Where: Macalania, CH3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACALANIA AREA MAP |---------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 'Lake Mac. - agency' | | | | | 'Lake Mac. - agency, f' -------|--------- 'MW - spring 2' | | | | | 'MW - lake road' ------------------------| |------------| | | | | | | 'MW - north 1' 'MW - north 2' | TO BEVELLE | | | | 'MW - central 1' 'MW - north end 1' 'MW - central 2' | | | | | | | | |--------------- 'MW - south' SSP ------ 'MW - to Bevelle' | | TO THUNDER P. | | | | 'MW - campsite' | | | | | | | 'MW - to Calm' -----------| | 'MW - spring 1' ------------|------------- 'MW - north end 2' | TO CALM LANDS If you beam down, mission starts immediately, otherwise it will be triggered when you jog into 'Lake Mac. - agency f' (just remember O'aka mission from CH1 and you'll know where to go). ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ SECURE THE AGENCY! Rout the fiends that have attacked the Travel Agency! There's no time to heal between battles, so you'll just have to withstand them all! Objective: Win six consecutive battles ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ You will need to fight six consecutive battles, so make sure you're well prepared! If you think you can't handle next enemies or need to heal in between, you're given a choice between each bout - pick [Fight!] to continue fighting, or [Flee.] to be given an option to heal - in latter case girls withdraw to 'MW - lake road', where you can regroup. Beware, you have about three seconds to decide - if you don't select anything on your own, next battle will issue automatically. Finish all six rounds and you get this loot: BERSERKER DSP, PRIDE OF THE SWORD GG, AL BHED PRIMER KEY ITEM and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! There's also a chest here with X-POTION. Here's battle set-ups you'll be fighting: 1st and 4th battle VS Rhyos & Vertigo 2nd and 5th battle VS 3x Barbuta 3rd and 6th battke VS Barbuta & Flan Blanco When you're done with the mission and if you have gotten O'aka onboard Celsius in CH1 and paid off his whole debt before end of CH2, you will see him run into the shop after you have received your rewards. Exit the agency any try to leave for another scene. Now go to 'MW - spring 2' - if you have accomplished sidequest mission Head to the already known X cross and take NE exit - talk with all three small musicians for something to appear. Examine this with X for HOWLING WIND GG. And finally, you can storm one chest with NULFROST RING ACC in 'MW - central 1', while GOLD BRACER ACC awaits you in a chect in 'MW - central 2'. Now, let's delve into details about Macalania's shop outpost destiny. There's a few possible destinies that this shop will see: - you got O'aka onboard Celsius in CH1 or CH2, paid off his debt before CH2 ended - shop remains closed for duration of CH3, but reopens in CH5 under O'aka's management - you got O'aka onboard Celsius in CH1 or CH2, but didn't pay off his debt before CH2 ended - shop remains closed for duration of CH3, but reopens in CH5 under Al Bhed management with a rather crummy list of items and acc - you handed O'aka to Al Bhed in CH1 or CH2, and then found him digging in Bikanel in CH2 - shop remains closed for duration of CH3, but reopens in CH5 under O'aka's management - you handed O'aka to Al Bhed in CH1 or CH2, but didn't find him digging in Bikanel in CH2 - shop remains closed for duration of CH3, but reopens in CH5 under Al Bhed management with a rather crummy list of items and acc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 15!!! Where: Bikanel, CH3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIKANEL AREA MAP 'Eastern expanse' 'Northern expanse'* | | | | 'Southern expanse' | 'Western expanse' | 'Oasis' | | | | | |-----------|------------|--------------|-----------| | | |--------------------- 'Cactuar nation' | | 'BD - west 1' SSP * - as you visit 'Northern expanse' for the first time, you'll have to engage in a battle VS Zu Cactuars? Yay! Needles! Lots of them! Okay, when scene is over, talk with the pilot near Picket and choose [Cactuar Nation]. Another scene will follow - MAKE SURE YOU PICK [That makes perfect sense!]... afterwards approach Marnela and press X to start the mission! ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ THE CACTUAR CONNECTION The Ten Gatekeepers have ventured into the world proper to train. Round them up and bring them home to the Cactuar Nation! Think you can unravel the Cactuar Mothers' clues and sniff them out? Objective: Find the Ten Gatekeepers ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Until you complete it, there will be HS over Bikanel. For this CH we can only go up until Cactuar numero six. Cactuar hunter minigame is now in session! These guys are now hiding all over Spira, making your hunt even more futile. Nooo! Fret not, you have me to uncover all the secrets there are.:) To start, pay attention to minimap. Cacti that give clues to Cactuar's whereabouts are marked as green squares and give off a green aura (please note that N-most green cactus isn't important yet!). Carefully look at the hints given and try to figure out where the hell it's hiding (or just look below). Details on which cactuses pertain to which Cactuar in later updates. When you want to leave this part of the desert, go to NE corner, examine the vehicle and select [Yeah, it's time we left.]. 1st: Back in Al Bhed Camp, talk to the pilot and select [Oasis]. Cactuar is here. But BEFORE you touch it, talk to the Hypello (if it appears, that is - if it doesn't, just go on with the game), for it sells some awesome acc (list of goods is found below). Now touch the Cactuar and complete the minigame (doesn't matter if you win) and needles are yours. Now that you have it, return to Al Bhed camp, talk to pilot again and this time select [Cactuar Nation]. Back in cactus area approach the green boxed one and talk with it to officially confirm the catch. Now another cactus will turn green... talk to it and onto 2nd Cactuar. 2nd: You'll need to pay a visit to 'B - beach' (as long as you don't enter the village, storyline mission will wait). Cactuar is taking a sunbath there - make sure you make a drop on it! 3rd: Guadosalam is your third destination. Enter the Chateau and go into the secret area where you had your last fights against the Syndicate. In one of the rooms you'll spot a funny chest... if you shoot the chests during this cact-war, you may receive an item! 4th: Calm lands - bridge between Gagazet and Calm lands screen. Here you'll find two Cactuars riding on a chocobo... 5th: Same as 4th Cactuar. 6th: N-most end of 'TP - north'. There's a shelter-like structure found in this area - look for Cactuar stone opposite of it. What's that green shining nearby? This is as far as we can go for this CH. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 16!!! Where: Calm Lands, CH3 or 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALM LANDS AREA MAP 'CL - cavern' TO GAGAZET | | | | | | 'CL - gorge bottom' SSP ---------------------- 'CL - bridge' | | | | 'CL - north' | | | |----------------------| | | 'CL - central' SSP ------------ 'CL - facility ruins' | 'CL - south' | TO MACALANIA If you'll be beaming down from Celsius, you'll find yourself in front of the entrance to cavern of smelly faith (heh), otherwise you have to walk to 'CL - bridge', and then take the path that leads under one of two bridges to 'CL - gorge bottom'. Approach the entrance for a choice - pick [All right, we'll help.] and mission has begun. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ TOURIST TRAP Rescue the tourists who didn't make it out of the cave! They hold the key to unlocking its secrets. Objective: Save the tourists from the fiends ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ There's 15 people trapped inside the cave. Your objective is to find them and bring them safely out of the cave. I'll describe a way in which you will make four trips total inside the cave. To make it harder on you, each person you'll talk to will inform you of some stupid crap they prefer or dislike. Who cares about that... simply follow this guidelines here and you'll be finished in no time. To have it easy on directions, pay attention to minimap as I will be using it for reference! As you enter, go N and you'll be in 1st room with non-functional teleport pad. Go E and at 1stcross go E again to locate 1st person. Back to 1stcross and now go N to reach 2nd room and 2nd person. Further N is 2ndcross and 3rd person. Go W for now and pay attention - mash X as soon 4th person will come running. If you miss him, return to 2nd room and collect him. Now go back to 1st room to clear the 'luggage'. You will receive ENERGY CORE 1 and ENERGY CORE 2. Back to 2ndcross now hike E to 3rd room, where you will collect 5th, 6th and 7th person - also nab WHITE RING ACC. Again back to 2ndcross, go W and at 3rdcross go E to find 8th person. At 3rdcross now go N and you will find 9th and 10th person as well as BLUE RING ACC. Back to 1st room to clear another 'luggage'. You will receive ENERGY CORE 3 and ENERGY CORE 4. Now return to 3rdcross and go W to reach 4thcross. Go W again and mash X to find 11th person, which is 'hiding' behind the wall. Follow two kids that have escaped via E path of 4thcross into 4th room - you'll find them kneeling towards N end of 4th room (this accounts 12th and 13th person). Take them all back to the entrance - you receive ENERGY CORE 5 and ENERGY CORE 6. But this time you should go out as well. Outside talk to one of the guys staring at the entrance to receive an ENERGY CORE 7, which will help you find last two people still stuck in the cave. Use the teleport in 1st room to reach 4th room. Now face E side and step on teleport to reach 5th room with 14th person inside (make sure to loot treasure first for LIGHTNING GLEAM ACC). Get him back to the entrance - with ENERGY CORE 8 you receive now you have access to W side of teleporter in 4th room. In there you will find 15th and last person to be rescued, which you will of course take outside - plunder the chest for WALL RING ACC. Now that all people are safe, you might want to consider saving, for we're about to face a boss. Go to 4th room yet again, but this time teleport to the N side to reach boss chamber. Kill the boss. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! If you saved all 15 people, you will receive TETRA MASTER GG. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 17!!! Where: Gagazet, CH3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAGAZET AREA MAP TO ZANARKAND | 'Road to the Z ruins' | |----- 'G - mountain c4' 'G - summit region' | | | | | |-- 'G - mountain c3' |----------------| | | | 'G - mountain c2' --- 'G - mountain c1' SSP ---------| | 'G - fayth scar 1' -------- 'G - scar cave 1' | | 'G - prominence' | | | 'G - mountain trail' 'G - fayth scar 2' SSP | | 'G - mountain gate' SSP | | | TO CALM LANDS | | |-----------------|-----| | | 'G - scar cave 2' | | | TO FLOATING RUINS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLOATING RUINS AREA MAP 'FR - upper tier' SSP | TO GAGAZET ------------- 'FR - base (lower)' | 'FR - passage' -- E branch -- 'FR - base (upper)' | 'FR - base (upper)' | 'FR - spire' SSP Kimahri lonely... almost. Approach him to trigger the scene - you will receive TRAINER DSP, but only if you talked to Kimahri in CH1 and CH2 AND HAVE CHOSEN MIDDLE OPTION AS THE ANSWER. Combo of any other two answers WILL NOT get you trainer DSP. You will have to wait until next playthru. Also, if you're hunting down Key to Success acc, THIS MISSION MUST NOT BE COMPLETED! Pick [Let's go.] when given option and mission starts. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ BATTLE BLOCKADE Garik, in his hatred of the Guado, has decided to launch an attack! Meet him on the summit of Mt. Gagazet and stop him - by force, if that's what it takes. Objective: Stop Garik's attack ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ You can't use any teleport pads, as Garik fixed-them-up. You'll have to climb Gagazet the hard way. Make it all the way to 'G - fayth scar 1'. This time no climbing for you (it doesn't pay back anyway, as chests haven't been refilled, but you may want to revisit Floating Ruins from CH1, just in case you've forgotten some chests to be stormed), but instead choose path to the left and you'll find yourself inside Gagazet caverns. BTW, stepping on teleport pads as you climb will release the seal on them. Continue your climb until you reach 'G - summit region', but SAVE YOUR GAME before you exit... Depending on your answers to Ronso questions presented on CH1 and CH2, following boss battle can unwind in two ways. If you didn't answer any questions at all, or have missed too many of them, boss battle will be tougher. If Ronso's questions were answered correctly for the most part, then boss battle is easier. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! For your efforts you're awarded WISHBRINGER GG. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------- CHAPTER 5 - G06CH5 ---------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 18!!! Where: Luca, CH5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LUCA AREA MAP TO MI'IHEN | 'Outskirts' SSP | 'Square' | 'Bridge' ---- 'Theater' -- 'T - reception' | 'Basement A' SSP ---------- 'Stadium entrance' ---------------- 'Basement B' | |------------|------------| | | 'Dock 2' 'Dock 5' | | |-------- 'Dock 3' -------| As soon as you enter Luca, scene occurs - blitzball season is open. Fortunately you don't have to play the minigame at all. When option is presented, choose [Let's do it!] to play, or [I don't think so!] to forfeit the game. Let's clear out some stuff regarding blitzball - there are no GG to be won from there, and there's only one acc that will spark your interest, this being AP EGG ACC. Reason why we came here is... head to the stairs that lead to Mi'ihen road. From SSP found at base of those stairs go S and approach the fence... ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ FOLLOW THAT MOOGLE! There's furtive, floating, fluffy, flying moogle. What more do you need to know? Chase after it! Objective: Catch the moogle? ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ As the mission starts, have Yuna go right and down the stairs into 'Square'. Here you'll see a moogle floating about - catch up to it and press X to examine it and to trigger a scene. Go to 'bridge' afterwards and check up on moogle yet again (this time it'll wait for you). Then moogle escapes W, so just follow it to 'Dock 2'. You're now at Luca docks, but where's the moogle? It's waiting in front of the ship situated in this dock. Approach the moogle for another scene... This is now what we call MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! And EPISODE COMPLETE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 19!!! Where: Mi'ihen, CH5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MI'IHEN AREA MAP TO MUSHROOM R. | 'Highroad - N end' ---------------- 'Highroad - oldroad, N' | | 'Highroad - newroad, N' 'Highroad - oldroad, S' SSP | | 'Highroad - newroad, S' | | | 'H - agency, front' SSP ------------- 'H - agency' | | | 'Highroad - central' | | 'Highroad - fiend colony' 'Highroad - S' | 'Highroad - S end' SSP | TO LUCA If you've been helping Rin out in his investigation of machine going crazy in CH3, there will be a HS pointing on Mi'ihen road. As soon as you beam down, you'll be approached by Al Bhed female and offered a choice - pick [Not at all.] to collect your reward. Exit the agency and after a lengthy scene there will be EPISODE COMPLETE! Your reward is RAGNAROK ACC, or GIPPAL'S SPHERE KEY ITEM, depending on who the culprit was. If the culprit turns out to be small Chocobo Eater, you won't be able to ride chocobos on Mi'ihen - but should you manage to put the blame on any of the other four possible suspects, chocobo riding is yours. Simply speak to hover attendants. There's an optional dungeon which can be tackled, but in later updates. To uncover it, you must send Lv5 chocobo to Mi'ihen area. Once this chocobo returns, there's a chance for it to uncover fiend colony bonus dungeon. It is located near the place where you fought Chocobo Eater way back in CH2 - it will appear onscreen as a green fog - simply enter it and select [Yup, yup!]. An onscreen instruction will tell you how to navigate your way thru fiend colony - be aware, there's no minimap to help you with. This time make sure you engage in random battles, cos you need bomb items to blast thru walls. If there's lady luck with mastered Bribe with you, use her to obtain large amounts of bombs. As you navigate this dungeon, pay attention to Yuna's skirt - if it starts to move, that means you've encountered a wall that can be blown down. Here: - weakest walls require 5x S-Bomb - semi-strong walls reuire 5x M-Bomb - strongest walls require 9x L-Bomb - some walls can't be blown up; instead you'll have to fight Epitaph Except for four Tome-type acc you can score, there's nothing so hot in this dungeon... make your way to N-most end to encounter the master behind the scenes... kill it to obtain FONT OF POWER GG! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSIONS 20 & 21!!! Where: Mushroom, CH5, Mission 20 is only available if you sided with Youth League, while 21 is only available if you possess all 10 Crimson Spheres ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSHROOM R. AREA MAP 'HQ - war room' | 'Youth l. HQ' SSP | 'M - plateau' | 'M - HQ lift' | 'Den of Woe'** | | | 'M - ravine 2' | | | 'M - ravine 1' SSP* -------| | 'M - ravine path' | |----------|--------------------- TO DJOSE | 'Mushroom rock' SSP | TO MI'IHEN * - While you're navigating 'M - ravine path', look for some rocks which serve as a drop off base to reach 'M - ravine'. ** - Den of Woe is currently off limits. But as soon as you collect all 10 Crimson Spheres, you can enter the mysterious door. As you enter the area, follow the red arrow in minimap. Elma and Lucil will come running to greet you. There are two possible outcomes considering your choice at the start of CH2 - if you sided with New Yevon, you only need to make it to the third elevator on 'M - HQ lift' to gain EPISODE COMPLETE! However, if you gave that sphere to Youth League, sidequest mission will be initiated. Go the entrance of 'M - ravine path' to see a scene. Afterwards speak to Yaibal and choose [You bet!] to start the mission! ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ YOUTH LEAGUE TOURNAMENT! Defeat the Youth League's finest in a no-holds-barred fight to the finish! Do you have what it takes? Commander Lucil will be the judge of that. Objective: Win 7 battles in a row ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ As soon as above message disappears, you have to fight off first wave. When you're victoriousm follow Lucil N, fighting off waves of challengers. After you smoke fourth set, heal yourself! Next three battles are consecutive. Once you waste Lucil, you win. MISSION COMPLETE, as well as EPISODE COMPLETE! Woot! But do return to Mushroom once again. Jump in 'M - ravine path 1' and score 3x TURBO ETHER, ELIXIR and ELIXIR. Access to Den of Woe is almost granted, but we need two more spheres (final two are gained in Via Infinito). Finally, when you're in possession of all 10 Crimson Spheres, return to Mushroom r. once again and go to 'M - ravine 2' - but before you enter save your game! Make haste to where the strange door is and examine it. Although not really a sidequest mission, I treat it like so. Save (if not already) at the entrance to the dungeon, then stroll inside. At 1stcross take NE path, at 2ndcross go SE and you'll reach square shaped room. Prepare yourselves well for the upcoming series of boss battles - first two battles are fought by Yuna alone (make sure Yuna has white mage job on her GG!), and remaining three feature an all-out girl slugfest (have thief job on all girls' GG!). Also check that thief has Steal MP ACTA learned. After your girls win five consecutive boss battles... EPISODE COMPLETE! MAGICAL DANCES VOL. I KEY ITEM and SUPREME LIGHT GG also belong to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 22!!! Where: Djose ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DJOSE AREA MAP 'D - fayth chamber' | 'D - antechamber' | 'D - trials' | | 'D - living q 1' | 'D - living q 2' |------------------|---------------------| | | TO MOONFLOW 'D temple' SSP ---- 'D - reception' | | |--------------- 'D - p. road' | 'D highroad' | TO MUSHROOM R. Enter the temple, and after the scene choose [Take on the Experiment]. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ MASTERPIECE THEATRE Prove your strength by smashing the Machine Faction's masterpiece: Spira's most powerful machina weapon? Objective: Defeat the Experiment ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ After victory you receive AL BHED PRIMER KEY ITEM. You will learn that you can fight Experiment again, but you need to find repair manuals. There's five of them in total, so far I've been able to sniff out four of them: 1. 'D - trials': in the room with five pedestals you needed to push back in CH3 there's a man standing silently; input password MARNELA to get first manual, THE SPIRIT OF RECYCLING KEY ITEM 2. 'D - living q 1': simply talk to seated Al Bhed to obtain HOW TO REPAIR WITH SOUL KEY ITEM 3. 'D temple': in NE end of the screen you'll see three monkeys; stand between them and patiently wait until the three of them start jumping at the same time; as soon as they do, punch X to receive REPAIRING FOR DUMMIES KEY ITEM 4. Open up the passage to 'Calm lands - ruin depths', which is located in Chocobo ranch. One of the chests inside holds THE ABC'S OF REPAIRS KEY ITEM 5. Mi'ihen area: examine all of the machinas running around in the entire area of Mi'ihen; one holds EVERYMAN'S REPAIR MANUAL KEY ITEM Just finding the manuals won't do. You have to go digging in Bikanel to salvage parts. Every part you find is automatically inserted into Experiment. You need to bring its Attack, Defense and Special levels to 5. Use two charts below to find out how. CHART 1 | CHART 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSEMBLY TYPE Z is worth 5 PTS | 0 - 3 PTS warrant Lv1 ASSEMBLY TYPE S is worth 3 PTS | 4 - 9 PTS warrant Lv2 ASSEMBLY TYPE A is worth 1 PTS | 10 - 19 PTS warrant Lv3 | 20 - 37 PTS warrant Lv4 | 38+ PTS warrant Lv5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- So go get digging until you scrap together enough parts. Then visit 'D - antechamber' and talk to the guy near the Experiment. Pick [Sure, here you go.], then go up the stairs again to initiate the sequence. Choose [Take on the Experiment] and this time scrap it for good. EPISODE COMPLETE! MAGICAL DANCES VOL. II KEY ITEM is yours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSIONS 23 & 24!!! Where: Thunder plains, CH5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNDER P. AREA MAP TO MACALANIA | 'TP - new cave' ----- 'TP - north' | |-------------|-----------| | | 'TP - agency' --- 'TP - agency, f' SSP |------ 'TP - fiend haunt' | | |-------------|-----------| | 'TP - south' SSP | TO GUADOSALAM ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ A FALLEN GENIUS? Frenzied fiends are feeding off the energy stored in the lightning rod towers. Destroy every last one of the fiends clinging to the towers. Objective: Defeat the fiends at each tower ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Something appears to be meddling with lightning towers scattered over Thunder p. Your objective is to investigate (and possibly kill) the cause of this incident. Your first job is to kill 9 Rhyos enemies - 5 of them are in S Thunder p., and other four in N part. Just seek out white triangles on minimap and you'll find them all in no time. You can make a stop at Rin agency in middle of the plains to save your progress, then continue on to S part. As you keep killing Rhyoses, you'll see chests appear in their place. Item inside depends on how many successful entries you managed to input on single tower in CH2 or CH3. Again, I stress that awards aren't THAT great, and can be obtained elsewhere in easier ways. Best item in my opinion is Ribbon you get if you successfully calibrated 10th tower. When you kill 9th Rhyos, scene occurs and red arrow will appear in minimap - so follow it, but before you make it to point of impact, you may want to save your progress. When you're ready, approach the spot and pick [Let's check it out.]. You're going DOWN! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! VALIANT LUSTRE GG is yours! Once you kill Humbaba, you'll be asked another option - pick [Yup, in the hole.] to enter optional dungeon. Technically this isn't a sidequest mission, but I'll put it in section 19 anyway. Completing this mission as well awards EPISODE COMPLETE! As for exploration of Thunder p. dungeon you've just been thru, skip next paragraph and read below for how to navigate this dungeon. 'TP - new cave' - 1ST RAID ATTEMPT! Somewhere inside Cid is to be found (your objective). This dungeon is a huge maze and getting lost can happen quite often. To find Cid, follow these directions (as viewed by minimap!): E, W, S, E and N. Prepare yourself! EPISODE COMPLETE! You also score AL BHED PRIMER KEY ITEM. Back on Celsius we go, but we got more stuff to loot in there. Beam down to Thunder plains again and enter the optional dungeon again. 'TP - new cave' - 2ND RAID ATTEMPT! Various numbers are strewn throughout the cavern. Commit them to memory and then combine them to open the walls that bar your progress. When you open a wall, two chests will appear. You can choose only one - the other will vanish. Er, there's no way in hell I can explain this. But fret not, the game gives you a friendly tutorial on how to navigate this cave. One piece of advice, tho': equip Charm Bangle! This way you will eliminate two factors in the equations - number of battles fought and amount of gil earned. During your cruise you can find seven chests: DIAMOND GLOVES ACC, HYPER WRIST ACC, MYSTERY VEIL ACC, TALISMAN ACC, NATURE'S LORE ACC, CORPUS INVICTUS KEY ITEM and SALVATION PROMISED GG. 'TP - new cave' - 3RD RAID ATTEMPT! Complete the exercise yet again, only this time: once you open 16th, final wall a chest containing FORCE OF NATURE ACC will appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSIONS 25 & 26!!! Where: Bikanel, CH5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIKANEL AREA MAP 'Eastern expanse' 'Northern expanse'** | | | | 'Southern expanse' | 'Western expanse' | 'Oasis' | | | | | |-----------|------------|--------------|-----------| | | 'Central expanse'*** -----------------|--------------------- 'Cactuar nation' | | | | 'BD - west 1' SSP 'Cactuar hollow'* * - access granted once you find nine gatekeepers ** - as you visit 'Northern expanse' for the first time, you'll have to engage in a battle VS Zu *** - you must send a Lv5 chocobo to Bikanel in order to have this area open up for digging Woohoo, even more Cactuars... hopefully you started this sidequest back in CH3? No? Awww, that's too bad. Anyway, we have the real deal now - desert is in danger! ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ THE CACTUAR CONNECTION The Ten Gatekeepers have ventured into the world proper to train. Round them up and bring them home to the Cactuar Nation! Think you can unravel the Cactuar Mothers' clues and sniff them out? Objective: Find the Ten Gatekeepers ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Until you complete it, there will be HS over Bikanel. For this CH we can capture all Cactuars (or in case you have already caught up to six possible Cactuars in CH3, only four are left to go). To start, pay attention to minimap. Cacti that give clues to Cactuar's whereabouts are marked as green squares and give off a green aura (please note that N-most green cactus isn't important yet!). Carefully look at the hints given and try to figure out where the hell it's hiding (or just look below). Details on which cactuses pertain to which Cactuar in later updates. When you want to leave this part of the desert, go to NE corner, examine the vehicle and select [Yeah, it's time we left.]. 1st: Back in Al Bhed Camp, talk to the pilot and select [Oasis]. Cactuar is here. But BEFORE you touch it, talk to the Hypello (if it appears, that is - if it doesn't, just go on with the game), for it sells some awesome acc (list of goods is found below). Now touch the Cactuar and complete the minigame (doesn't matter if you win) and needles are yours. Now that you have it, return to Al Bhed camp, talk to pilot again and this time select [Cactuar Nation]. Back in cactus area approach the green boxed one and talk with it to officially confirm the catch. Now another cactus will turn green... talk to it and onto 2nd Cactuar. 2nd: You'll need to pay a visit to 'B - beach' (as long as you don't enter the village, storyline mission will wait). Cactuar is taking a sunbath there - make sure you make a drop on it! 3rd: Guadosalam is your third destination. Enter the Chateau and go into the secret area where you had your last fights against the Syndicate. In one of the rooms you'll spot a funny chest... if you shoot the chests during this cact-war, you may receive an item! 4th: Calm lands - bridge between Gagazet and Calm lands screen. Here you'll find two Cactuars riding on a chocobo... 5th: Same as 4th Cactuar. 6th: N-most end of 'TP - north'. There's a shelter-like structure found in this area - look for Cactuar stone opposite of it. What's that green shining nearby? This is as far as we can go for this CH. 7th: It's hiding all the way on Kilika. As you enter Kilika forest, go like this - N over the bridge, then E. Pay attention now! First tree you'll see bending over the water is your cue - a mark to press Circle will appear in lower right, so do it. Get all needles you need up here. 8th: Beam to Gagazet. If you already got Episode Complete for Gagazet, you'll appear near the top, in which case you need to drop down, then go right. Make it to 'G - prominence' - there's a spot of greenery to be found here. If you haven't achieved Episode Complete yet, you'll appear at the base of Gagazet - in this case use teleporter here, then it's just few more steps up until you reach the clearing mentioned before. 9th: Kilika in Dona's house. Shooting Magic Pot will occassionally award you with an item. That's nine of them. Return to cactus' domain now and deliver 9th Cactuar. Talk to 10th cactus, then address the cactus marked as red square in minimap and pick [We'll look for him.]... ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ THE LAST CACTUAR Who'd have thought the last cactuar would be so close? Use the help of the nine gatekeepers you've already tracked down to bring that rascal home! Objective: Find the tenth gatekeeper ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ Alright, we're in at last. Save at the handy SSP, then proceed deeper into the dungeon via the simple path. On your way you'll fight three battles (No Encounters doesn't work here) - you can escape from first two, but you need to win the third - kill Heavy Sallet. After you waste this boss, you'll come to 1stcross - take NE path first to grab a chest, then return to 1stcross and take SE now - continue going. On your way you'll have to jump into sand pit - you're given 60 seconds to make it out of the pit. You can retry as many times as you like - even if you're caught by sands, Yuna will appear somewhere else in the dungeon unharmed. Use the opportunity to ransack the handful of chests in this dungeon. Just before the end of sand pit you'll need to climb two ledges, then jump across to W ledge and from here make a jump to N ledge which also means you're out of the sandpit! Good job! Now continue your exploration and you'll run into 10th Cactuar which we needed to find... Outbest Frailea to obtain COVENANT OF GROWTH GG. Engage in battle against Jumbo Cactuar. Now that you have 10th Cactuar as well, make haste to the entrance of the cave, but make sure you save before making a retreat you'd regret later. ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ SHOWDOWN IN THE SABDS The fiend that was ousted from the Cactuar Nation is raiding the Al Bhed camp! Wipe it out once and for all... Gullwings style. Objective: The demon of the desert must fall! ------------------------------> MISSION TIME! <------------------------------ After the scene another sidequest mission is offered. Choose [Yes.] to appear aboard Celsius, where you can heal your wounds and regroup. As soon as you beam down to Bikanel, you engage in toughest boss battle you've had so far. Kill Angra Mainyu... completing this mission awards MERCURIAL STRIKE GG and EPISODE COMPLETE! Also, if you return to Cactuar Nation, you'll see a scene with Benzo and Marnela. Entrance to Cactuar Hollow is now sealed, but there's an army of Cactuars in the middle of Cactuar Nation - you can challenge them to cact-war yet again. If you missed your chance to get Covenant of Growth GG, challenge Frailea and beat it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 27!!! Where: Bevelle, CH5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEVELLE AREA MAP 'B - limbo' | 'B - labyrinth 2' | 'B - gaol' | 'B - labyrinth 1' | 'B - restricted' | 'B - fayth' | 'B - antechamber' | 'B - trials 2' | 'B - trials 1' | 'New Yevon HQ 2' ------ 'B - central, catwalk' | | 'New Yevon HQ 4' ------- 'New Yevon HQ 1' --------- 'New Yevon HQ 3' | 'B - central' | 'Highbridge' Enter 'New Yevon HQ 3' - you'll find brat group group and a strange teleport... Your objective right now is to proceed forward to see a scene with an old geezer. Collect CRIMSON SPHERE 6 KEY ITEM. Pick [I can't wait!] to watch the sphere. Now make it to floor 20 and waste Aranea. Pick up CRIMSON SPHERE 8 KEY ITEM which will be left behind. Optionally, try to reach floor 40 and fight Black Elemental. If it proves too tough, here are three cheesy ways to defeat it: Bribe it with 50000 gil, use Spare Change of around 200000, or have dark knight with at least 5000 MAX HP use Charon. Boss dead, you get MOON BRACER ACC, SHINING BRACER ACC, SPEED BRACER ACC, RECOVERY BRACER ACC and CAT NIP ACC. Proceeding to floor 60 will pit you against Concherer. Use Cat Nip in combo with Trigger Happy to get rid of it. Chac awaits you on floor 80. It is recommended that you fight Basilisk type enemies in order for Chac to oversoul - during this state it doesn't use Heaven's Cataract. Beware - its petrification attacks bypass Stoneproof and Ribbon! On floor 100 you need to work your way thru Paragon and Trema. Once you waste Trema, you obtain IRON DUKE ACC. Aranea, Black Element, Concherer, Chac and Paragon can all be Bribed or affected with 777 on lady luck's Random Reels. This is the least painful way to deal with those five bosses. You need to beat Trema legitimately, tho'. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCESS TO SIDEQUEST MISSION 28!!! Where: Calm Lands, CH5, must have access to Chocobo ranch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALM LANDS AREA MAP 'CL - cavern' TO GAGAZET | | | | | | 'CL - gorge bottom' SSP ---------------------- 'CL - bridge' | | | | 'CL - north' | | | |----------------------| | | 'CL - central' SSP ------------ 'CL - facility ruins' | | 'CL - south' | | | TO MACALANIA 'CL - ruin depths' To get another EPISODE COMPLETE for this area, you must uncover a secret dungeon which is found in 'CL - facility ruins', by doing the following: - send out THREE DIFFERENT Lv1 chocobos to Calm Lands and go fight 7 random battles, for this is the amount that causes chocs to return - before you check up on what happened to them, SAVE YOUR GAME! - after saving talk to Clasko - all three Lv1 chocs MUST RETURN; if they didn't reload until they all do - now raise three different chocs to Lv2 and again send them to Calm lands - repeat the steps for Lv3 and Lv4 chocs - when you attempt Lv5, you MUST RAISE FOUR DIFFERENT Lv5 chocs! - send out only three of them, and have fourth on standby as choco-runner - once you return, a scene will issue in which Clasko reports on a new dungeon being discovered by the chocobos... whatever could be down there? If you still have problem opening this area, follow the indepth step guide in the guide you can find here: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/final_fantasy_x_2_chocobo.txt Tch, this is a fairly complex area - no minimap to guide you thru. I advise equipping Charm Bangle here to avoid random battles - on the other hand, enemies drop nice EXP, so you may wish to fight instead. Anyway, check item checklist for items you can nab - you should esp be interested into MACHINA REACTOR KEY ITEM and THE ABC'S OF REPAIR KEY ITEM. Somewhere in the back of the ruins familiar fiend resides. After winning this fight, examine the wall behind place of battle - the wall will rise. Behind that wall is a corridor which seems to lead nowhere - but don't let that to confuse you. Remember the wall you approached before? Wall moved away and you engaged in the battle against Eater? Seek out four more walls like this one - two are to the left of 'eater-wall' and two are to the right of 'eater-wall'. Once you manage to rise all five walls, go to the middle of the corridor at far N end and examine N wall. It will move away, revealing your grand prize. You also score HIGHER POWER GG. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 7.) PAST REVISIONS - G0700 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version 1.1, (14th January 2004) # Revampage of the guide. All sidequests covered and included. - Version 1.0, (16th November 2003) # Initial release. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 8.) CREDITS - G0800 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. Companies - Squaresoft: they created this game - Sony: for making PS2 - Lik-Sang: I imported the game from their website and very glad I did (I received my copy within 8 days) 2. Internet sites - GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com]: for hosting my guide - www.neoseeker.com: for hosting my guide - www.ign.com: for hosting my guide - www.squareuniverse.com: for hosting my guide - www.rpgdreamers.com: for hosting my guide - www.ffslo.tk: for hosting my guide - www.1up.com: for hosting my guide 3. People - numerous people: for location of 5th repair manual ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 9.) CONTACT INFO - G0900 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com I need to put down a few guidelines. - as a subject of e-mail please include Final Fantasy X-2, or FFX-2 - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Damir Kolar's homepage http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Damir Kolar End of Document