FINAL FANTASY X-2 RESULT PLATE/GARMENT GRID FAQ by Edward Chang ( v1.3 (11-19-03) Version History v1.3 (11-19-03) Removed some extraneous info. v1.2 (4-16-03) More corrections. v1.1 (4-14-03) Revisions and corrections throughout. v1.0 (4-12-03) First version. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Result Plates 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Credits 1. INTRODUCTION This is an FAQ for Squaresoft's Final Fantasy X-2. It deals with Result Plates (known in the US version as Garment Grids), which are the artifacts used in conjunction with the Dresswears to allow your characters to change class and use special abilities. Each Result Plate has a number of pits, in which you can put Dresswears. Once a Result Plate is equipped on a character, they will be able to start battle with any of the Dresswears in that Result Plate as well as change based on the pattern of paths engraved in the Result Plate. Certain Result Plates give you special abilities when equipped. Some Result Plates also have colored gates that give you additional abilities if you happen to pass through them with a class change. This FAQ will list those abilities for those of you unable to read the Japanese text (or those of you too lazy to look up the kanji). This FAQ makes use of SJIS encoding in order to display Japanese characters. I included this feature so that if you do not know Japanese, you can easily match up the characters on your TV screen to the characters in this guide. You will need to have support for viewing Japanese characters on your computer, however. Certain versions of Windows should have it built in; otherwise, you'll either need to get a program like NJStar Communicator, or you'll need to get Japanese character support for Internet Explorer (free from Microsoft) and open this file in IE instead of Notepad/Wordpad. 2. RESULT PLATES This section is sorted by the in-game sorting order. Each entry lists the number of pits, the abilities when equipped, the gates, and how to get it, if applicable. For gates, "Green, Red" means that passing through either the green or the red mode will give you the ability listed; "Green+Red" means that BOTH gates must be passed through in order to get the ability. An ability listed by itself, like "Haste" or "Cure", means you'll be able to cast it as a spell; something like "SOS Haste" means the ability will automatically activate if your HP goes yellow; and something like "Auto Haste" means the ability will automatically activate. "Fire Attack" means that your attacks will gain fire elemental status. "HP x2" means your max HP multiplies by 2. 歩みはじめる者 The Beginner Pits: 6 Abilities: None Gates: None How to Obtain: You will obtain this automatically after defeating LeBlanc's group in the opening event in SL 1. 攻めの方陣 Attack Square Formation Pits: 5 Abilities: Attack, Magic Attack +5 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Attack +5 Green, Red: Magic Attack +5 How to Obtain: Obtained from Shinra after the Result Plate Tutorial. 突撃の時 Assault Time Pits: 5 Abilities: Attack, Magic Attack +10 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Attack +10 Green, Red: Magic Attack +10 How to Obtain: You'll obtain this automatically while collecting the disguises in SL 2. たゆまざる攻撃 Unceasing Attack Pits: 5 Abilities: Attack, Magic Attack +15 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Attack +15 Green, Red: Magic Attack +15 How to Obtain: Complete the Machina-destroying Mission at Mihen Highroad during SL 3. 攻めぬく魂の輝き Brilliance of the Attacking Soul Pits: 5 Abilities: Attack, Magic Attack +20 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Attack +20 Green, Red: Magic Attack +20 How to Obtain: Undertake the PR Mission in the Calm Lands, and then exchange 200,000 points from the Gold company for this plate in SL 5. 守りの円陣 Protecting Circle Formation Pits: 5 Abilities: Defense, Magic Defense +5 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Defense +5 Green, Red: Magic Defense +5 How to Obtain: Complete the "Searching for Wakka" mission on Besaid in SL 1. 防衛の時 Defense Time Pits: 5 Abilities: Defense, Magic Defense +10 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Defense +10 Green, Red: Magic Defense +10 How to Obtain: Investigate the Oasis on the way to getting Rikku's special dressup; Bikanel Desert in SL 2. ゆるぎなき防衛 Unwavering Defense Pits: 5 Abilities: Defense, Magic Defense +15 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Defense +15 Green, Red: Magic Defense +15 How to Obtain: Complete the mission at Djose in SL3. 守りぬく勇気の光 Light of the Defending Courage Pits: 5 Abilities: Defense, Magic Defense +20 Gates: Yellow, Blue: Defense +20 Green, Red: Magic Defense +20 How to Obtain: Complete the monster extermination mission at the Thunder Plains in SL 5. 街道の風 Windy Streets Pits: 4 Abilities: Preemptive Strike Gates: Green: Immune to Slow Red: Immune to Stop Yellow: Haste Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: SOS Haste How to Obtain: Clear the Calm Lands mission at the Battle Arena during or after SL 2 (along with the Item Shooter dresswear). 勇者の騎行 Mount of the Brave Pits: 4 Abilities: Preemptive Strike Gates: Green: Immune to Slow Red: Immune to Stop Yellow: Blue: Hastega Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Auto Haste How to Obtain: Send a Chocobo to the Calm Lands during SL 5. 炎の戦鬼 Demon of Flame Pits: 3 Abilities: Absorb Fire; Fire Gates: Yellow: Fire Attack Green+Red: Fira Green+Red+Yellow: Firaga How to Obtain: Complete the Mushroom Rock Road mission during SL1. 氷の女王 Ice Queen Pits: 3 Abilities: Absorb Ice; Blizzard Gates: Yellow: Ice Attack Green+Red: Blizzara Green+Red+Yellow: Blizzaga How to Obtain: Chase down O'aka in SL2 at Macalania Woods. 雷の魔獣 Beast of Lightning Pits: 3 Abilities: Absorb Lightning; Thunder Gates: Yellow: Lightning Attack Green+Red: Thundara Green+Red+Yellow: Thundaga How to Obtain: Find this in Luca during SL2 in a treasure chest near the docks. 水の怪物 Monster of Water Pits: 3 Abilities: Absorb Water; Water Gates: Yellow: Water Attack Green+Red: Watera Green+Red+Yellow: Waterga How to Obtain: Get every password correct during the Active Link at Kilika at the end of SL 1. ふみにじる物 He Who Crushes Pits: 3 Abilities: Absorb Gravity Gates: Green: Gravity Attack Red: Gravity Green+Red+Yellow: HP x2 How to Obtain: Find this in a treasure chest in the dungeon Under Bevelle during SL 2. いにしえの聖獣 Sacred Beast of Antiquity Pits: 4 Abilities: Absorb Holy Gates: Green: Holy Attack Red+Green+Yellow+Blue: Holy How to Obtain: Defeat Garick at Mt. Gagazet during SL 3. 四重の力 Fourfold Strength Pits: 5 Abilities: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water Attack Gates: Green: Absorb Fire Yellow: Absorb Lightning Red: Absorb Ice Blue: Absorb Water How to Obtain: Chase away the tourists by uniting all the monkeys with each other in Zanarkand in SL 3. むしばむ眠り Ruined Sleep Pits: 5 Abilities: Sleep, Bio Gates: Green: Immune to Sleep Yellow: Immune to Poison Green+Red: Sleep Attack Yellow+Blue: Poison Attack How to Obtain: Find this in a treasure chest just outside the Youth Alliance HQ in SL 1 (to the right of the screen, down a small path). 静かなる闇夜 Quiet Dark Night Pits: 5 Abilities: Silence, Blind Gates: Green: Immune to Silence Yellow: Immune to Blind Green+Red: Silence Attack Yellow+Blue: Blind Attack How to Obtain: During SL 1, head to Bikanel Desert and complete the parts excavation mission. 呪われし蛇 Cursed Snake Pits: 5 Abilities: Immune to Want-to-Change Gates: Green: Immune to Curse Red: Immune to Petrify Yellow: Petrify Attack Blue: Break How to Obtain: Clear Level 5 of Gun-Shooting during any SL when it is available. 荒れ狂う巨人 Rampaging Giant Pits: 5 Abilities: Confuse Gates: Green: Immune to Confuse Yellow: Immune to Berserk Green+Red: Confuse Attack Yellow+Blue: Berserk Attack How to Obtain: Find this in a treasure chest in the secret part of the hidden cave on Besaid. You need to find the code numbers with the Search Sphere in the town of Besaid. 別れの宣告 Sentence of Separation Pits: 5 Abilities: Death, Death Sentence Gates: Green: Immune to Instant Death Yellow: Immune to Death Sentence Green+Red: Death Attack Yellow+Blue: Death Sentence Attack How to Obtain: After searching for the band members, talk to the Hypello near the save point in Macalania in SL 2. 月輪の守り Moon's Protection Pits: 4 Abilities: Shell, SOS Shell Gates: Red: Auto Shell How to Obtain: Complete the Chocobo Hunt mission during SL 2 at Mihen Highroad. 日輪の守り Sun's Protection Pits: 4 Abilities: Protect, SOS Protect Gates: Red: Auto Protect How to Obtain: Complete the Moonflow Vehicle Escort Mission during SL 1. きらめく鏡 Shining Mirror Pits: 4 Abilities: Reflect, Ignore Reflect Gates: Red: Auto Reflect How to Obtain: Complete the Mushroom Rock Road assault on the Youth Alliance mission during SL 2 (only available if you chose to join with the New Ebon church at the beginning of SL 2). むさぼりし者 The Covetous One Pits: 3 Abilities: None Gates: Blue: Drain Red: Osmose How to Obtain: Complete the Interview with Shelinda event in Luca in SL 2. 咲き誇る災い Boastful Disaster Pits: 5 Abilities: None Gates: Green: Sleep Attack Red: Silence Attack Yellow: Blind Attack Blue: Poison Attack Red+Green+Yellow+Blue: Petrify Attack How to Obtain: Undertake the PR Mission in the Calm Lands, and then exchange 200,000 points from the Blue company for this plate in SL 5. 災いの守り手 Protection From Disaster Pits: 5 Abilities: None Gates: Green: Immune to Sleep, Immune to Poison Red: Immune to Silence, Immune to Blind Yellow: Immune to Confuse, Immune to Berserk Blue: Immune to Curse, Immune to Want-to-Change How to Obtain: After clearing the hidden dungeon in Bevelle during SL 5. 癒しの風 Healing Wind Pits: 3 Abilities: Cure Gates: Blue: Cura Blue+Red: Curaga How to Obtain: Complete the Luca mission in SL 1 (handing out balloons). 再起の心 Heart of Rebirth Pits: 3 Abilities: Raise, Cure Gates: Blue: Cura Blue+Red: Curaga How to Obtain: Answer the riddle correctly at Zanarkand Ruins (the correct answer is "I", the second option) to obtain it from Isaaru. 癒しの光 Healing Light Pits: 4 Abilities: Cure Gates: Red: Cura Green: Life Yellow: Curaga Red+Green+Yellow: Full Cure How to Obtain: Complete the mission at Guadosalam during SL 2, while stealing back what was stolen from you. 不減の魂 Undestroyable Soul Pits: 4 Abilities: Life, Cure Gates: Green: Cura Yellow: Curaga Red+Green+Yellow: Araise How to Obtain: Defeat Anima during SL 5. 満ちゆく癒し Flowing Healing Pits: 5 Abilities: Regain HP While Walking, Regen Gates: Green: Curaga Green+Red: Auto Regen How to Obtain: In SL 3, accept Kimahri's mission to stop the Ronsos from attacking the Guados. (You must have visisted Kimahri at Mt. Gagazet during both SL 1 and 2.) 力の追及者 Seeker of Strength Pits: 4 Abilities: Attack +10 Gates: Red+Green+Blue+Yellow: Attack +15 (Stacks) How to Obtain: Send a Chocobo to Mt. Gagazet during SL 2 or 3. あふれる魔力 Overflowing Magical Power Pits: 4 Abilities: Magic Attack +10 Gates: Red+Green+Blue+Yellow: Magic Attack + 15 (Stacks) How to Obtain: Complete the "Ticket Selling" mission at Moonflow during SL 2. 岩のごとく Like a Rock Pits: 4 Abilities: Defense +10 Gates: Red+Green+Blue+Yellow: Defense +15 (Stacks) How to Obtain: You will get this automatically at Mt. Gagazet while collecting disguises in SL 2. 神秘の守り Protection of Mystery Pits: 4 Abilities: Magic Defense +10 Gates: Red+Green+Blue+Yellow: Magic Defense + 15 (Stacks) How to Obtain: Complete the Gunshooting minigame at Besaid during SL 2. 吹きすさぶ風 Wild Wind Pits: 4 Abilities: Speed +5 Gates: Red+Green+Blue+Yellow: Speed +5 (Stacks) How to Obtain: Speak to the glowing orb at Macalania Woods during SL 3. To make it show up, you have to find all three of the little musicians during the Find the Musicians quest in SL 2. Then speak to all of the little musicians again in SL 3. 希望の光 Light of Hope Pits: 6 Abilities: Luck +30 Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Luck +30 (Stacks) How to Obtain: Get Episode Complete status at Macalania Woods during SL 5. 剣士の誇り Pride of the Swordsman Pits: 6 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Sword Techniques" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Attack +15 (Stacks) Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: "Sword Technique" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Complete the mission at the Macalania Travel Agency during SL 3. もののふの誉れ Honor of the Samurai Pits: 6 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Ougi" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Attack+15 (Stacks) Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: "Ougi" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Beat the minigames at every tower in the Thunder Plains, then receive this from the travel agency during SL 2. 野性の血脈 Pulse of the Wild Pits: 6 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Rage" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Attack +15 (Stacks) Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: "Rage" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Before the SOS from Djose in SL 3, talk to the Children's Group in Bevelle. 混沌の渦 Whirlpool of Chaos Pits: 6 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Youjutsu" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Magic Attack +15 (Stacks) Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: "Youjutsu" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Accept the mission from a woman in Kilika to find 13 monkeys in any Story Level. 白き刻印 White Seal Pits: 6 Abilities: Can Use Learned "White Magic" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Magic Attack +15 (Stacks) Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: "White Magic" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: You will obtain this during Sphere Break against the lady with the dog during the tournament in Luca during SL 2. Note that you will have to have won at least twice already before you can challenge her. 黒き紋章 Black Crest Pits: 6 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Black Magic" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Magic Attack +15 (Stacks) Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: "Black Magic" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Complete the mission at Moonflow in SL4 to look for Tooberi. 長者のしるし Mark of the Millionaire Pits: 5 Abilities: Pilfer Gold Gates: Red: Gold x2 How to Obtain: Send a Chocobo to Bikanel after SL 3. Once you can excavate the center area, find a key and open the locked treasure chest there. お宝さがし Treasure Hunter Pits: 5 Abilities: Mug Gates: Red: Items x2 How to Obtain: You'll get it while playing against Shinra during the Sphere Break tourney at Luca (during SL 2). 不屈の闘志 Unceasing Battle Will Pits: 5 Abilities: None Gates: Red: MP x2 Green: HP x2 How to Obtain: After Episode Complete at Guadosalam in SL 5, speak to the child in the Remembrance Room (off to the left of the mansion). 神速の一撃 Kill of Heavenly Speed Pits: 6 Abilities: None Gates: Red: "Sword Technique" Preparation Time Down Green: "Ougi" Preparation Time Down Yellow: "Rage" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Defeat Anra Manyu at Bikanel during SL 5. You will face him while completing the Find the Cactuars quest. 練達の秘術 Skilled Techniques Pits: 6 Abilities: None Gates: Red: "Black Magic" Preparation Time Down Green: "Youjutsu" Preparation Time Down Yellow: "White Magic" Preparation Time Down How to Obtain: Get Episode Complete status at Kirika in SL 5, then head to Kirika Temple once again. To get Episode Complete in Kirika, make sure Shinra puts down communication spheres in both Kirika and Kirika temple during SL 3. Then during SL 4, view both communication spheres multiple times until they break. In SL 5, visit Kirika. 成長の約束 Promise of Growth Pits: 5 Abilities: None Gates: Blue: Earned AP x2 Yellow: Earned EXP x2 How to Obtain: In SL5, go to Bikanel Desert and undertake the "Find the Cactuars" quest. You'll obtain this when you find and beat the 10th Cactuar. 約された癒し Promised Healing Pits: 4 Abilities: Can Use Learned "White Magic" With Any Class Gates: Yellow+Green+Red: Reraise How to Obtain: Complete the secret dungeon at Thunder Plains in SL 5. 破滅の炎 Flame of Destruction Pits: 4 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Black Magic" With Any Class Gates: Red+Blue+Green: Flare How to Obtain: After the Mt. Gagazet Mission in SL5, Speak to Rian and Eid near the statue of Kimahri. 至高の光 Most Brilliant Light Pits: 5 Abilities: Can Use Learned "White Magic" With Any Class Gates: Green+Red+Yellow: Holy How to Obtain: Clear the secret dungeon at Mushroom Rock Road in SL 5 (near the Youth Alliance base). You will need all 10 Akagi Spheres to get into this dungeon. 終末の日 Final Day Pits: 5 Abilities: Can Use Learned "Black Magic" With Any Class Gates: Green: Flare Green+Red+Yellow: Ultima How to Obtain: During SL 5, access the Underworld from all possible routes. (Speak to Brother on the airship to choose a route). Then, head towards the save point where Le Blanc and company are waiting to receive this. まよわざる者 He Who is Not Lost Pits: 2 Abilities: None Gates: None How to Obtain: You obtain this along with whichever special dresswear you get first. 限りなき魔力 Limitless Magical Power Pits: 4 Abilities: MP Consumption x 1/2 Gates: Red+Yellow+Blue: Magic Attack +15 (Stacks) Red+Yellow+Blue: MP Consumption = 1 How to Obtain: Defeat the secret boss in the hidden dungeon from Mihen Highroad in SL 5. To access the hidden dungeon, you must send a Level 4 or above Chocobo here, then head to the bridge section with the broken hover. Save before sending the chocobo; reload and send again if the dungeon isn't discovered. 君臨する者 He Who Reigns Pits: 5 Abilities: Break HP Limit Gates: Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Break Damage Limit How to Obtain: Clear the secret dungeon in the Nagi Plains (Calm Lands) in SL 5. To access the secret dungeon, you'll have to send out your chocobos numerous times. Then send an all Level 5 team out during SL 5. Upon visiting the Chocobo Stables you should see an event with Clasko discovering a hole. 天地の破壊者 Destroyer of Heaven and Earth Pits: 5 Abilities: Break HP Limit Gates: Green+Red: Break Damage Limit Green+Red+Yellow+Blue: Galaxyquake How to Obtain: Oversoul every Oversoul-able monster in the game, then talk to Shinra on your airship and check the Monster Encyclopedia. 3. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. How do I get...? A. I don't know. If it's not in this guide, I don't know, so don't bother emailing me and asking it. Q. I can't put my Special Dresswears in the Result Plates. How do I use them? A. Special Dresswears can only be accessed by pressing R1 on the Dressup screen once every other Dresswear in the Result Plate has been activated at least once. This means that if a Result Plate has 5 Pits, you must have changed dresses at least 4 times before you can use the special Dressup. The Result Plate "Mayowazaru Mono" (He Who is Not Lost) only has 2 Pits, and is specially designed to make it easy to get to your Special Dress. 4. CREDITS Squaresoft for finally making a real sequel. This FAQ Copyright 2003 to Edward Chang. Redistribution in any form, including reprinting in electronic or print media, without express permission of the author is strictly forbidden.