-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPLIT INFINITY PRESENTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/SplitInfinity Come! Subscribe to my videos for better games' experience! My personal site : kolardamir.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of game: Final Fantasy X-2 (based on and written for US version) Type of guide: Rin's Mi'ihen Mystery Guide / FAQ Platform: Playstation 2 Version: Calli, released on 16th February 2008 Author: Damir Kolar (Split Infinity) Copyrighted to: (c) Damir Kolar - All rights reserved Made in: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 Best viewed: MS Word, Courier New, Font Size 10, Chrs/Line 79 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE SURE to check out mailing policy at the bottom of the document! WARNING! THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR FFVII, FFX AND FFX-2! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 01.) LEGAL INFORMATION - G0100 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= This document is copyrighted to me, Damir Kolar. It is intended for *PRIVATE* use only. It cannot be used in ANY form of printed or electronic media involved in a commercial business, in part or in whole, in any way, shape, or form. It cannot be given away freely, as bonus or prize, it can't be given away with the game and so on. It cannot be used for profitable or promotional purposes, regardless of the situation. Breaking any of these rules is in direct violation of copyright law. This document is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright of their respective companies. If you are a webmaster of the site that wishes to post this document, you may do so under one condition - you must e-mail me first for permission. If permission is granted, you cannot change a single character of this document, and you must leave it in txt format. Permission will *not be granted* to fan based websites. *ONLY* following sites can host this guide: - http://www.gamefaqs.com - http://www.neoseeker.com - http://faqs.ign.com - hhtp://www.squareuniverse.com - http://www.rpgdreamers.com - http://www.ffslo.tk ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 02.) TABLE OF CONTENTS - G0200 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you need to find something quickly, press and hold CTRL (Control), then press F button. This will bring up 'Find and Replace' box. In it type the word you're looking for and you should be taken to it immediately. This is much faster than scrolling thru entire guide. For your convenience I've inserted special search codes near every section to help you easily hop on to that section by using search code provided. Each search code will appear only twice in whole guide - thus getting stray hits will be impossible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION NUMBER AND NAME | CODE | WHAT IS IT ABOUT? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01.) Legal information | G0100 | Copyright protection and legal info. 02.) Table of Contents | G0200 | Sections of this guide. 03.) Latest Updates | G0300 | Read what was added in last update. 04.) Introduction | G0400 | Just some small rambling from me... 05.) How to blame who? | G0500 | Absolutely vital info one must know. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06.) Blame Rikku! | G0600 | How to lay the blame on Rikku. 07.) Blame Calli! | G0700 | How to lay the blame on Calli. 08.) Blame Chocobo Eater! | G0800 | How to lay the blame on Chocobo Eater. 09.) Blame Prophet! | G0900 | How to lay the blame on Prophet. 10.) Blame Rin! | G1000 | How to lay the blame on Rin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.) Rikku's Script | G1100 | Read what happens if Rikku is nailed... 12.) Calli's Script | G1200 | Read what happens if Calli is nailed... 13.) Choco-chef's Script | G1300 | Read what happens if Eater is nailed... 14.) Prophet's Script | G1400 | Read what happens if Prophet is nailed... 15.) Rin's Script | G1500 | Read what happens if Rin is nailed... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16.) Gippal's Sphere | G1600 | Read what's on Gippal's Sphere... 17.) Past Revisions | G1700 | History of this guide resides here... 18.) Credits | G1800 | All who contributed... Thank you. 19.) Contact Info | G1900 | Find out how to reach me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 03.) LATEST UPDATES - G0300 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version Calli (16th February 2008) # Finalized the guide. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 04.) INTRODUCTION - G0400 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hello! I am Damir Kolar and I welcome you to eighth FFX-2 related project. I bet you were trying to play detective in CH4 by viewing Mi'ihen CommSphere and helping Rin figure out just who is the sinister mind behind the mystery? Do you wonder who you can point the finger on? Do you wish to know how to do it? If yes, you've come to the right place. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 05.) HOW TO BLAME WHO? - G0500 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Main issues addressed in this section are: ============================================================================= Who are possible suspects? -------------------------------------------- G0501 How many can I attempt to blame in one playthru? ---------------------- G0502 Are there any 'unwanted side-effects' regarding the suspect? ---------- G0503 Aren't there more ways to pin down the suspects? ---------------------- G0504 What are important events in CH1? ------------------------------------- G0505 What are important events in CH2? ------------------------------------- G0506 What are important events in CH3? ------------------------------------- G0507 How do I actually begin the Mystery? ---------------------------------- G0508 How do I end the Mystery and reap my rewards? ------------------------- G0509 Hey! I got all the clues I need for Rikku / Calli, but nothing! ------- G0510 How can I guarantee an Episode Complete for myself? ------------------- G0511 ============================================================================= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A - WHO ARE POSSIBLE SUSPECTS? - G0501 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There are five possible suspects you can put the blame on. In increasing order of difficulty, they are: Rikku, Chocobo Eater, Calli, Rin or Prophet. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- B - HOW MANY CAN I ATTEMPT TO BLAME IN ONE PLAYTHRU? - G0502 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In a single game you can attempt to blame up to five suspects in two possible scenarios. Scenario 1: Rikku, Chocobo Eater, Prophet, Rin Scenario 2: Calli, Chocobo Eater, Prophet, Rin As you can see, you have to decide between either Calli or Rikku. Don't worry, I'll fill you in on all details. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- C - ARE THERE ANY 'UNWANTED SIDE-EFFECTS' REGARDING THE SUSPECT? - G0503 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do you want mascot dressphere? If the answer is yes, then YOU MUST GET EITHER RIKKU, CALLI OR CHOCOBO EATER TO BE PRIME SUSPECTS. Getting Prophet or Rin will not give you Episode Complete for Mi'ihen, and thus your chances to get mascot are nil. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- D - AREN'T THERE MORE WAYS TO PIN DOWN THE SUSPECTS? - G0504 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yes, there are. However, by following this guide and meeting the requirements I have listed, you're ensured to get the suspect you want. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- E - WHAT ARE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN CH1? - G0505 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are clue events you should see: POINT 01 - See Rin in 'Luca - Basement A'. POINT 02 - There's an Al Bhed woman found on Mi'ihen road who can be seen together with three small machina. Talk to her!!! Incidentally, you may also want to talk to every single Al Bhed you see here. POINT 03 - Make sure you don't miss talking to Prophet and his assistant (both can be found on 'Higroad - north end'). POINT 04 - Pay a visit to 'Highroad - oldroad, south'. You'll spot small Chocobo Eater just as you're to enter this part of Mi'ihen. POINT 05 - Take a hover ride from 'Highroad - north end' to 'Highroad - agency front'. After the ride a scene will unfold in which you will see the hover fall off the cliff. This pins some more nails towards Prophet. Note that this event can be seen in CH2, 3 and 5 as well (although I see no point why you can see it in CH5). With this you've gotten two suspects on the list: Chocobo Eater and Prophet. Talking to Al Bhed with machina nearby also adds Rin to the list, but that's only one quarter of the job. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- F - WHAT ARE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN CH2? - G0506 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are clue events you should see (all of them take place at Mi'ihen): POINT 01 - Cuckoo for Chocobos mission is where some important decisions must be made! As the mission starts, make it to the part where Yuna has to block chocobo's path. MAKE SURE YOU MESS UP FEW TIMES! POINT 02 - When Rikku's climbing various buildings to see where chocobo ran off, MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS GO IN DIRECTION RIKKU'S POINTING AT. Doing so will ensure that you see a scene where Rikku falls on her sweet behind. POINT 03 - When chocobo is finally caught, Calli is in danger. Depending on whether or not you talked to Clasko, you'll have 100 or 150 seconds to make it to the point of impact. GETTING CLASKO IS TOTALLY OPTIONAL AND DOESN'T AFFECT ANYTHING ELSE. POINT 04 - While you're enroute to the point of impact, you'll have to pass the screen that also has the entrance to Mushroom. Make sure you stop by Prophet and have a word with him. POINT 05 - If you want Calli as the suspect, make sure that YOU DO NOT GET TO THE POINT OF IMPACT IN TIME LIMIT. Doing so ensures that Calli doesn't get a chocobo (choco-boohoohoo) and adds her to the list. Now any further events that involve Rikku don't count anymore - it's either Calli or Rikku. POINT 06 - If you want Rikku as the suspect, MAKE SURE YOU MAKE IT TO THE POINT OF IMPACT UNDER THE TIME LIMIT. Doing so ensures that Calli gets a chocobo. POINT 07 - When you see Mission Complete stuff, you must witness a scene involving a hover and Rikku running across the bridge. This extends Rikku's guilt even more. POINT 08 - After the mission beam down to Mi'ihen and enter the agency. For a brief moment you'll see Rin exit the agency and disappear. POINT 09 - If you were successful in getting chocobo for Calli, you'll see her and the chocobo to the north of the agency. When you talk to her, you'll be asked if she can come onboard. Do whatever you wish - regardless of your choice, you can still pin Rikku. POINT 10 - If you weren't successful in getting a chocobo for her, you will see Calli standing lonely to the north of the agency. When you talk to her, you'll be asked if she can come onboard. DO NOT ALLOW HER TO GET ON CELSIUS! If you do allow her to come onboard, she's off the list of suspects. Rikku takes her place instead. POINT 11 - Make sure you don't miss talking to Prophet and his assistant (both can be found on 'Higroad - north end'). POINT 12 - Likewise, talk to every available Al Bhed person on Mi'ihen. You now have three definite suspects: Prophet, Chocobo Eater, and either Calli or Rikku. Seeing Rin exit the agency is second important event with him. Only two more events and Rin will be pinnable. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- G - WHAT ARE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN CH3? - G0507 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are clue events you should see (all but one take place at Mi'ihen): POINT 01 - YOU MUST ABSOLUTELY-VITALLY-IMPORTANTLY VISIT MI'IHEN DURING CHAPTER 3!!! IF YOU DON'T, SAY SAYONARA-AUFWIEDERSEHEN-ARRIVEDERCI TO YOUR MASCOT AND ATTEMPTING TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY. POINT 02 - Machina Mayhem mission is where all is at. First important decision is to start the mission by entering Mi'ihen either from Luca or from airship. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START THE MISSION BY ENTERING MI'IHEN FROM MUSHROOM. If you do it anyway, you'll see Prophet run off in direction of Mushroom Rock (this adds some more points toward him. POINT 03 - While you're dismantling stuff, forget about treasure chests for now - you can always storm them later. Follow these step-by-step guide: -> three fights on 'Highroad - S end' -> one fight on 'Highroad - S' -> three fights on 'Highroad - central' -> nothing is happening on 'Highroad - agency, front' -> three fights on 'Highroad - newroad, N'; here's how it goes - you'll come to a U-turn with a small elevation being 'caught' in its center; atop this elevation is on of rogue machinas threatening a woman which can be seen kneeling down; if you already have 7 machina sets destroyed, skip this machina and continue on (otherwise fight it by holding Circle and jumping there); when C-turn ends, path will be turning left and on mini-map you will see two more green squares, denoting two more machina sets - one can be fought just before you leave Newroad, and the other is positioned on an elevated ledge TO THE RIGHT OF YOUR POSITION, and it seems like there's no way for you to reach it; well, you can - hold Circle and walk near the edge of Newroad; Rikku will jump down first, followed by Yuna and Paine - in the end you will engage in combat with the machina on that elevated ledge I mentioned; you MUST ATTACK this machina the way I described it as it is vastly important for final touches on Rikku When done, you will end up with 8-10 dismantled groups. You win! Carefully look at the crowd of people you'll see in the end. DO NOT PRESS X UNTIL YOU SEE RIN! He'll be at the rightmost end of the screen! If you're unsure, wait until he's in camera angle for second time. POINT 04 - After mission is finished, MAKE SURE YOU VISIT 'HIGHROAD - NEWROAD, NORTH'! You will see Shinra who will tell you about dropped CommSphere. This is the final nail in Rin's coffin. POINT 05 - Make sure you don't miss talking to Prophet and his assistant (both can be found on 'Higroad - north end'). POINT 06 - Likewise, talk to every available Al Bhed person on Mi'ihen. POINT 07 - In Luca, attempt Sphere Break tournament and win against Shinra in the finals (a subquest involving Rin!). You now have four definite suspects: Prophet, Chocobo Eater, Rin, and either Calli or Rikku. Of course, in Rin's case, you must still view the CommSpheres in exact sequence to ensure he'll be the one responsible. Details on which CommSpheres to view are listed in below sections. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- H - HOW DO I ACTUALLY BEGIN THE MYSTERY? - G0508 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Real simple. You must be in CH4, and you must have visited Mi'ihen in CH3 so that Shinra planted his Commsphere in front of the Agency and dropped one at the place I mention in the above subsection. When you view the beacon on Mi'ihen road, Rin will walk out of agency and address Yuna in helping him out to clear confusion as to why did machines go on a rampage not long ago. Pick [Certainly.] when asked. Trust me, you want this. Controls are as follows: directionals move the camera in desired direction, R1 zooms in picture three times and then resets, R2 brings up camera switch menu, Circle calls up Rin, Square skips the sequence entirely. Here are camera's locations... CAMERA 1 - Travel Agency, front CAMERA 2 - Travel Agency, back CAMERA 3 - Ruins CAMERA 4 - Newroad CAMERA 5 - Hover crash site CAMERA 6 - Oldroad interior CAMERA 7 - Shinra's Commsphere (must have seen Shinra drop it off the cliff after 'Machina Mayhem!' mission) CAMERA 8 - Highroad north entrance Once again: If you don't have Shinra's CommSphere listed in the cameras, you can forget about nailing Rin. While you're fiddling around with CommSpheres, look for anything that seems unusual or out of place. If you spot one such thing, call Rin and he'll investigate. There's three levels of investigation - once you accumulate enough 'points' for a suspect during level 1, you'll hear a sound and Rin will comment about getting closer to figuring it out. When you accumulate enough 'points' for a suspect during level 2, you'll hear another sound. Repeat the 'point' accumulation during level 3, until Rin gathers enough clues and thanks Yuna for helping out. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I - HOW DO I END THE MYSTERY AND REAP MY REWARDS? - G0509 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Quite simple, it is. In CH5 be, you must. To Mi'ihen go, you should. Scene rolled, there will. Select [Not at all.], you should. Leave the agency, you must. Finally view the scene regarding the prime suspect. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J - HEY! I GOT ALL THE CLUES I NEED FOR RIKKU / CALLI, BUT NOTHING! - G0510 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Be careful! As I said, you can't go for Calli and Rikku at the same time. It's one or the other. To *ensure* Calli can be pinned (Rikku is out then!), only two simple requirements must be met: - waste all time limit you're given and DON'T invite her on Celsius And to *ensure* Calli is out of your list: - make it to the point of impact under time limit and invite her on Celsius - waste all time limit you're given, but invite her on Celsius afterwards Now common mistake I've seen players do is - player has Calli on the list of suspects (Rikku is out), but during the investigation player attempts to pin Rikku by getting Rin to find evidence against her. Player will hear sound chimes indicating that investigation is moving up levels and player will think that Rikku will be pinned. That won't work - I know cos I tried it. If you attempt this scenario, Rin WILL NOT figure out who the culprit is in CH5. Consequences? No Episode Complete, no chocobo riding ever, no rewards, no mascot dressphere, no 100% completion in one go. Anyway, be careful of how you proceed with your investigation. DO NOT GO AFTER THE SUSPECTS WHICH ARE NOT ON YOUR LIST! Clues I've provided in below sections guarantee that you will end up with the suspect of your choice. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- K - HOW CAN I GUARANTEE AN EPISODE COMPLETE FOR MYSELF? - G0511 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- One single requirement MUST be met, and this is visiting Mi'ihen area in CH3. When you do so, you will see Shinra run off into distance - he'll set up the sphere in front of the agency. This is it. When you get to CH4, follow the sequence for blaming Chocobo Eater. CHOCOBO EATER IS THE ONLY SUSPECT YOU CAN ALWAYS GET WITHOUT SEEING ANY REQUIREMENTS FOR IT. Blaming Eater awards you with Episode Complete later in CH5. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 06.) BLAME RIKKU! - G0600 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here are the events you must see (if you followed my above prerequisites) to get Rikku as the suspect: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERA NR | EVENT DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 3 | wait for a machina to come running and press Circle CAM 4 | a group of people is stationed here, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 5 | wait for three machines to get near the hover, press Circle CAM 7 | simply press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | turn camera left until you see Rin talking to a man, press Circle CAM 2 | turn camera up and wait for somebody to start hammering the roof, | then press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION FINISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REWARDS: Ragnarok accessory, you get to ride chocobos, Episode Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usually, a player comes upon unconquerable problem regarding CAM 7 scene in the above scenario. Problem arises if the player was unable to destroy the machina on this particular ledge by jumping DOWN from the Newroad - rather, machina was destroyed by jumping to it from Oldroad, or it was destroyed by the other group. If any of this is true, when Rin is called to investigate, he'll appear and say that there are no clues to be found. Question arises: Am I screwed for getting my Rikku... I mean, Ragnarok? Nope, not by a longshot (kills Link). Instead follow this sequence: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERA NR | EVENT DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 3 | wait for a machina to come running and press Circle CAM 4 | a group of people is stationed here, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | wait until you see Chocobo Eater trying to eat a bird, press | Circle CAM 4 | wait until you see Chocobo Eater chasing after the hover, press | Circle CAM 5 | wait for three machines to get near the hover, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | turn camera left until you see Rin talking to a man, press Circle CAM 2 | turn camera up and wait for somebody to start hammering the roof, | then press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION FINISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REWARDS: Ragnarok accessory, you get to ride chocobos, Episode Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- What did you just do? As you will see, we've stacked evidence VS Rikku in investigation levels 1 and 3, and at same time we saw some events regarding Eater in investigation level 2. After all events are tallied together, you'll end up with more evidence being stacked VS Rikku - she will become the responsible individual later in CH5. Thus, you get your Ragnarok... I mean Rikku... NO, I mean Ragnarok, chocobo riding and Episode Complete! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 07.) BLAME CALLI! - G0700 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here are the events you must see (if you followed my above prerequisites) to get Calli as the suspect: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERA NR | EVENT DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 6 | wait for Calli to appear, press Circle CAM 5 | wait until you see a chocobo feather fall down, press Circle CAM 4 | a group of people is stationed here, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | turn camera left, wait for Calli to appear, press Circle CAM 2 | wait until you see Prophet's assistant show up and examine the | console, you MUST NOT call Rin CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 2! CAM 2 | Prophet's assistant will run off, and Calli shows up on the scene | few seconds afterwards, wait few seconds, press Circle CAM 5 | wait for three machines to get near the hover, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | turn camera left until you see Rin talking to a man, press Circle CAM 3 | you will see a woman in yellow standing near the building, press | Circle CAM 4 | wait until Calli shows up and starts 'running', press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION FINISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REWARDS: you get to ride chocobos, Episode Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 08.) BLAME CHOCOBO EATER! - G0800 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here are the events you must see (if you followed my above prerequisites) to get Chocobo Eater as the suspect: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERA NR | EVENT DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 2 | wait until you see Chocobo Eater approach computer console, press | Circle CAM 8 | wait until you see Prophet and Chocobo Eater 'talking' to each | other, press Circle CAM 4 | a group of people is stationed here, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | wait until you see Chocobo Eater trying to eat a bird, press | Circle CAM 4 | wait until you see Chocobo Eater chasing after the hover, press | Circle CAM 5 | wait for three machines to get near the hover, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | turn camera left until you see Rin talking to a man, press Circle CAM 5 | simply press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION FINISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REWARDS: You get to ride chocobos, Who-wants-to-catch-Yuna? (you'll know what I mean when you view the scene), Episode Complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 09.) BLAME PROPHET! - G0900 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here are the events you must see (if you followed my above prerequisites) to get Prophet as the suspect: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERA NR | EVENT DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 8 | wait until you see Prophet's assistant talk with an Al Bhed, | press Circle CAM 4 | wait until you see Prophet and assistant meet up, press Circle CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 4! CAM 4 | a group of people is stationed here, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 2 | wait until you see Prophet's assistant examine computer console, | press Circle CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 2! CAM 2 | you will see an Al Bhed examining computer console, DO NOT CALL | RIN DURING THIS EVENT! Wait about 15 seconds before switching... CAM 3 | wait until you see an Al Bhed run to Prophet, who is inside the | ruined building, press Circle CAM 5 | wait for three machines to get near the hover, press Circle CAM 6 | wait until you see Prophet start talking to two guys, press | Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | turn camera left until you see Rin talking to a man, press Circle CAM 6 | simply press Circle CAM 8 | wait until you see Prophet and assistant talking, press Circle ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION FINISHED! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REWARDS: Absolutely nothing, You-get-a-Shaggy-feeling!, Episode Concluded! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 10.) BLAME RIN! - G1000 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Okie-dokie. I can finally say with 100% assurance that everything you'll read here guarantees that you blame Rin in the end. Man, if only I knew that getting Rin would be so easy... CH1 - There's an Al Bhed woman found on Mi'ihen road screen called 'Highroad - Central'. She can be seen together with three small machina. Talk to her!!! First nail in the coffin. CH2 - *After* the chocobo mission on Mi'ihen road beam down and enter the agency. For a brief moment you'll see Rin exit the agency and disappear without a trace. Second nail in the coffin. CH3 - Make sure you attempt 'Machina Mayhem' mission. It is imperative that you dismantle seven or more of rogue machinas. When done, you win! Carefully look at the crowd of people you'll see in the end. DO NOT PRESS X UNTIL YOU SEE RIN! He'll be at the rightmost end of the screen! If you're unsure, wait until he's in camera angle for second time. Third nail in the coffin. CH3 - After 'Machina Mayhem' mission is finished, MAKE SURE YOU VISIT 'HIGHROAD - NEWROAD, NORTH'! You will see Shinra who will tell you about dropped CommSphere. This is the final nail in Rin's coffin. The way I'll do the CommSphere sequence is by combining Chocobo Eater's proof with Rin's (in case you don't know, Chocobo Eater can be always blamed, regardless of your actions in chapters, which is why Eater is the perfect guinea pig). I will NOT meddle with anyone else, and I suggest you do the same or you'll screw your chances up. Now here are the events you must see (if you followed my above prerequisites) to get Rin as the suspect (which, as already said, is so easy I could cry): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMERA NR | EVENT DESCRIPTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 7 | you will see Rin and Al Bhed woman, press Circle, Rin will | comment on not knowing of the CommSphere being installed here CAM 2 | Chocobo Eater will come running after a while, it will examine | the console, press Circle, Rin will comment on the appearance of | Eater CAM 4 | a group of people will be stationed here, press Circle, Rin will | comment about something having fallen into the ravine CAM 8 | Eater and Prophet will start 'talking' after a while, press | Circle, Rin will comment about how surprised he is to see Prophet | trying to enlighten Eater ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | Eater will chase after a bird, press Circle, Rin will comment | about how unusual it is to see Eater trying to eat a bird CAM 4 | wait until you see Chocobo Eater chasing after the hover, press | Circle, Rin will come and comment of surprising behavior of Eater CAM 5 | when three machinas appear, press Circle, Rin will comment on | finding an injured person near the wreckage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION LEVEL UP! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 5! CAM 5 | press Circle, Rin will examine the hover and comment on some | trauma he found on the hover CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 5! CAM 5 | wait a little bit, do nothing and after a while camera will | break, you will hear Yuna comment CAM 4 | you will see Rin down near the hover, you will hear Yuna comment | on what the hell is he doing, press Circle, Rin will come running | and apologizing that there's some business he needs to attend to ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUCHO IMPORTANTO!! Of the eight available places you have to pick one where there are NO CLUES TO BE FOUND. If you're following this sequence you're reading, the two Comms that had nothing of interest were CAM 4 and CAM 7. Which one you choose, your choice, but for the hell of it I went with CAM 7. If you go with CAM 4, simply replace the relevant numbers. Rin is now not far away from getting caught. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAM 7 | WAIT AT LEAST 10 SECONDS! Press Circle, Rin will come and say | that everything is fine (or sth similar to this extent) CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 7! CAM 7 | WAIT AT LEAST 10 SECONDS! Press Circle, Rin will come and say | that everything is fine (or sth similar to this extent) CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 7! CAM 7 | WAIT AT LEAST 10 SECONDS! Press Circle, Rin will come and say | that everything is fine (or sth similar to this extent) CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 7! CAM 7 | WAIT AT LEAST 10 SECONDS! Press Circle, Rin will come and say | that everything is fine (or sth similar to this extent) CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 7! CAM 7 | WAIT AT LEAST 10 SECONDS! Press Circle, Rin will come and say | that everything is fine (or sth similar to this extent) CAM 1 | *immediately* switch back to CAM 7! CAM 7 | WAIT AT LEAST 10 SECONDS! Press Circle, but Rin won't show up | anymore. Yuna and Shinra will wonder what the hell happened. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVESTIGATION FINISHED!* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- REWARDS: Gippal's Sphere key item, FFVII-is-da-connection!, you can ride chocobos for free, Episode Concluded! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - IMPORTANT!!! As soon as you hear Yuna and Shinra wonder where Rin is, DISENGAGE THE COMMSPHERES IMMEDIATELY BY PRESSING SQUARE. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO VIEW ANYTHING ELSE, OR YOU'LL SCREW YOUR CHANCES! Also, if you want to nab Rin, there is no margin for error. Miss even one of the prerequisites, and you cannot nail Rin. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 11.) RIKKU'S SCRIPT - G1200 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you pin Rikku, here's her script for that event. Spoilers are included. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rin: I am glad you are all here. Rin: I would like to talk about the recent string of incidents occuring on the Highroad. NOTE: Depending on scenes you were viewing in CommSphere session (as I said, there are multiple ways of nailing Rikku), conversation between Rin and suspects will be altered based on that scenes. Rin: Now then, let us try to figure out who perpetrated these nefarious acts. Rin: We have already heard some testimony: Rin: The hover lost its balance and overturned while attempting to avoid a passerby. Rin: But who could that passerby be? Rin: According to the hover's pilot, it was an Al Bhed female. Rin: We found footprints on one of the malfunctioning machina. Rin: Those same footprints were also found on a ledge by the Newroad. Rin: So, let me ask you all: Rin: Has anyone recently been to the ruins at the Highroad's south end? (YRP raise hands) Rin: And does anyone recall jumping down from a great height? (Rikku raises hand) Rikku: What, no one else? Rin: Has anyone climbed down onto the ledge along the Newroad? (YRP raise hands) Rin: One final question: Rin: Would the Al Bhed ladies please raise their hands? (Rikku raises hand) Rikku: Eh? Rin: Please try to recall what happened, Rikku. (you see various scenes from earlier in the game, that reflect what you were doing to pin Rikku being responsible) Rikku: It was me! Rin: Precisely. The hover crashed while trying to avoid hitting you. Rin: And you caused the drone machina to malfunction when you landed on it. Rin: You, Rikku, are the one who caused these two incidents to occur. Rikku: Waaaah... Rin: I am sure you meant no harm, but your carelessness invited disaster. Rin: Allow me to determine Rikku's sentence, if I may. Rikku: What sentence? (Rikku is seen running around frantically... Yuna and Paine are waiting near entrance to Luca) Paine: Didn't expect trash duty. Rikku: Phew! Glad that's all over. Yuna: You must be tired. Rikku: I'm ready to drop. (Rin gets on the scene with two chocobos) Yuna: Why the chocobos? Rin: They were being employed to power a ferryboat, so I purchased them. Rikku: That's great, but can I go home now? I picked up all the trash. (Rin turns toward the Highroad) Rin: All of the trash? Rikku: Every last piece. Look! (you see a lot of chocobo feathers scattered across the Highroad) Rikku: No way... Rin: I thank you for your hard work. (Yuna and Paine can be seen giggling) Paine: Well, get plucking. Rikku: This stinks! Feathers aren't trash! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 12.) CALLI'S SCRIPT - G1200 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you pin Calli, here's her script for that event. Spoilers are included. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rin: I am glad you are all here. Rin: I would like to talk about the recent string of incidents occuring on the Highroad. NOTE: Depending on scenes you were viewing in CommSphere session (as I said, there are multiple ways of nailing Calli), conversation between Rin and suspects will be altered based on that scenes. Rin: It just so happens that, during the investigation, a chocobo feather was found near the broken hover. Rin: I have deduced that whoever owns this feather must hold the key to solving our mystery. Rin: The feather has already been returned to its owner. Rin: That's right. It was you, Calli. Calli: Yes, I'm the one who did it. Calli: I thought if machina were gone, chocobos might return to the Highroad. Rin: First you knocked over the hover, then you sabotaged the other machina. Am I correct? Calli: Yes. But my plan worked a little too well. I didn't mean to cause such a mess! Calli: I-I got so scared. I was afraid to tell anyone about it. I'm so sorry! Rin: I can understand your love for chocobos. Rin: But have you ever considered how the chocobos feel? Calli: What? Rin: You are correct in assuming that chocobos would once again be needed if machina were gone. Rin: They would be used in place of the hovers. But do you think chocobos enjoy being used? Calli: Well, um... Rin: You of all people should know better. Calli: Yes, sir. Rin: Now then, everyone. Rin: She does seem to be repentant, but certainly some sort of punishment is in order. Rin: How shall we have her atone for her crimes? (you see the agency and Calli, who now works there as punishment) Paine: So all they're making her do is work at the Agency? Yuna: She said she's sorry. Isn't that enough? Rin: At any rate, we at the Travel Agency are quite grateful for the help. Rikku: Don't be a slave driver, you hear? Rin: Ah, but I have so much for her to do. Rin: In fact, I've prepared a new job just for her. Rin: I will have her take care of all our chocobos. Paine: Are you punishing her or rewarding her? ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 13.) EATER'S SCRIPT - G1300 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you pin Eater, here's its script for that event. Spoilers are included. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rin: I am glad you are all here. Rin: I would like to talk about the recent string of incidents occuring on the Highroad. NOTE: Depending on scenes you were viewing in CommSphere session (as I said, there are multiple ways of nailing Chocobo Eater), conversation between Rin and suspects will be altered based on that scenes. Rin: It is clear our guilty party wanted to rid the Highroad of its machina. Rin: Lady Yuna, what do you think would happen if the Highroad no longer had any machina? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHOICE 1: That would be inconvenient. CHOICE 2: We'd probably need chocobos instead. CHOICE 3: That would be dreamy. CHOICE 1 Rin: Indeed. Without hovers or the rest of the machina, travel would become quite inconvenient. Rin: In such a situation, we would probably consider riding chocobos instead. CHOICE 2 Rin: That is correct. Travellers would use chocobos instead of hovers. CHOICE 3 Rin: Ah, yes. I suppose some would think so. Rin: But most travellers would find it inconvenient. Rin: They would have to use chocobos in place of the lost machina. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rin: It all boils down to this: Rin: The culprit's objective, obviously, was to bring chocobos back to the Highroad. Rin: I recently witnessed a certain party chasing after a gull. Rin: This was no playful pursuit, but rather a sincere hunt for food by a starving creature. Rin: Hungry, it tried to devour its prey. Rin: "It," of course, meaning that fiend which craves chocobos. Rin: With its main course gone from the Highroad, the creature instinctively knew: Rin: Machina are responsible. Destroy them and the chocobos will return. Rin: And that is when it used its formidable strength to topple the hover. Rin: Further, when it discovered the machina's control panel, Rin: it somehow pressed the right buttons to cause the machina to go haywire. Rin: This fiend is truly an impressive creature. Rin: It has managed to thoroughly disrupt our daily affairs-even if it was just pure luck. Rin: Fiend or not, I admire it greatly for its tenacious pursuit of its goals. Rin: In honor of that tenacity, Rin: I will use the resources available to me to return chocobos to the Highroad. (Rin signals two Al Bheds to drag the cave with Eater away) Rin: Farewell, my friend. Rin: The chocobos deserve to live without fear of being devoured. (you see Eater mysteriously... poof!; then you get to see Yuna riding a chocobo, with Rin and other two girls tagging by) Rin: Well, Lady Yuna, is it not pleasant to be rocked back and forth astride a chocobo? Yuna: The chocobos seem happier, with that fiend finally gone. Rikku: So, what are you gonna do with it? Rin: You are better off not knowing. Rikku: Oh... Paine: So, a happy ending for everyone. Unless you're a fiend. Rikku: Anyhoo, let's get back to the airship. (you see chocobo run by really fast, with Yuna having trouble to control it) Paine: Wow, look at her go. Yuna: Wait! Wait! Yuna: Oohhhh! Somebody stop this thing!! SPLAT!!! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 14.) PROPHET'S SCRIPT - G1400 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you pin Prophet, here's his script for that event. Spoilers are included. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rin: I am glad you are all here. Rin: I would like to talk about the recent string of incidents occuring on the Highroad. NOTE: Depending on scenes you were viewing in CommSphere session (as I said, there are multiple ways of nailing Prophet), conversation between Rin and suspects will be altered based on that scenes. Rin: Regarding the person who pushed the hover off the Newroad... Rin: ...and sabotaged the machina after tricking the Al Bhed operator into explaining how they work... Rin: There is only one thing left to say. (Prophet aims a rifle at Rin) Prophet: That's right! Like, it was me! Prophet: And I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids. Rin: Well, well, well. I see we have new testimony. What I was going to say... Rin: ...was that there is no conclusive evidence pointing to you. None at all. Prophet: Like, no fair! Rin: Fair? Do you think what you did was fair? Rin: You and your partner have been working underground to bring chocobos back to the Highroad. Rin: But everyone else greatly preferred the modern convenience of machina. (Rin walks past Prophet) Rin: In order to scare them back into using chocobos, you programmed the machina to run amuck. Rin: What else can you call that, but unfair? Prophet: Shut up! (Prophet readies a gun to fire) Yuna: Rin! (Rin quickly runs by Prophet and punches him in the stomach) Rin: We Al Bhed are accustomed to having guns pointed at us, you see. Rin: I must think of a suitable reward for your efforts. Rin: For two people who hate machina it will be an excruciating, yet fitting, punishment. (you see both Prophet and his assistant promote hover usage) Ex-Prophet: The safety of hovers is where it's at! Hovers'll get you there in no time flat! Rikku: Excruciating is right. Paine: They must be hating every minute of this. Advertising something they're against. Rin: Lady Yuna, thank you for your help in this investigation. I would like to reward you. Yuna: But Rin, you're the one who figured everything out. Ex-Prophet: Hovers are happy! Hovers are fun! We've got a hover for everyone! Rikku: Is it just me, or are they enjoying this? ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 15.) RIN'S SCRIPT - G1500 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= If you pin Rin, here's his script for that event. FFVII spoilers ahead! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rin: This chocobo was being employed to power a ferryboat, so I purchased him. Yuna: What did you find out about the machina incidents? Rin: I have deduced that both the hover incident and the malfunctioning machina drones were accidents. Paine: And what caused these "accidents"? Rin: I am trying to clear that matter up. I asked my assistants to inspect our machina some time ago. Yuna: An inspection? I had heard that it was an experiment, to synchronize the machina. Rikku: Yeah, I heard that, too. Rin: Yes... while performing maintenance to keep the machina under control, we also experimented with upgrading them. Rikku: But you still couldn't control them! Rin: True, but- Yuna: How about this: The modified machina that went haywire might have been what attacked the hover. Yuna: What's more, synchronized machina always act in unison. Yuna: One malfunction could have triggered a similar effect in all the Highroad's machina. Yuna: Something strange happened while we were investigating. Yuna: Someone cut off our CommSphere's transmission. Rin: It broke? Yuna: No. It was broken. We could see the culprit through a separate CommSphere. Yuna: Rin... it was you. Yuna: That's when I realized: you never intended to catch the culprit. Yuna: When I think about it, I've seen you on the Highroad a number of times now. Yuna: Once before the machina started acting strange. And then again after the incident was over. Yuna: But before I could talk to you, you vanished, as if you didn't want to be seen. Yuna: When the hover was destroyed, you knew the upgraded machina were behind it. Yuna: But then, when you tried to investigate, they all rebelled at once. Yuna: So, you went around dismantling the rogue machina. Yes, while we were busy fighting them. Yuna: Then, you slipped away just as everything was settling down. I am right, aren't I? Rin: You are suggesting that my decision to upgrade the machina resulted in a number of casualties... ... and that I tried to cover it up? Yuna: You put the investigation in our hands because we were amateurs. You hoped we would botch the case. Yuna: And then, I kept calling you even though I didn't have any leads. Yuna: You would have objected to the meaningless interruptions, if you really wanted to solve the case. Rin: I see. It appears that I have underestimated you, Yuna. Rikku: Why, Rin? Rin: If word got out that machina pose a danger, people would fear them and stop using them. Paine: So Yevon's not alone in sweeping things under the rug. Rin: I firmly believe that machina are an indispensable part of Spira's development. Rin: Even if there is another incident, I intend to conceal the evidence. Yuna: You really think people will follow you that way? Rin: I am not alone in my thinking. Rin: We are researching ways to extract the vast energy that sleeps in Spira, and use it to power machina. Paine: You're a jackass. Rin: I will take that as a compliment. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 16.) GIPPAL'S SPHERE - G1600 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here's also a script of Gippal's Sphere, when you view it. FFX spoilers! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gippal: Just got a transmission. Apparently the Guado are conducting a manhunt nearby. Gippal: Orders are to locate the summoner Yuna and kill her guardians. Gippal: Maybe you oughta lay low for a bit? Auron: That advice? Gippal: No. I just don't want you stirrin' them up. The temples are after me too. Auron: Then I apologize in advance. Gippal: You're fighting? Gippal: I see... Gippal: I'm tired of running from Yevon myself. And I have thought about fighting. Gippal: Heh. I'd probably look like a jackass if I even suggested it. Auron: Only a jackass can change the world. Gippal: Huh. Good call. Recorder: What was that all about? Gippal: I'm gonna go pick a fight with Yevon. Coming? Recorder: Sounds like fun. Gippal: Jackass. Gippal: Who is it? Recorder: Oh no! The Guado! They're attacking Home! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 17.) PAST REVISIONS - G1700 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= - Version 2.04 (12th April 2004) # Added a picture showing how to get access to one of rogue machinas. - Version 2.03 (29th February 2004) # Added much easier and more comprehensive guide to blame Rin. 100% success. - Version 2.02 (28th February 2004) # Added two more clues I've been missing. - Version 2.01 (14th January 2003) # Added alternate way for pinning Rikku against the wall (check out section 06 for all the details). Now Ragnarok cannot escape you... - Version 2.0 (28th December 2003) # Added clues per chapters, how to pin Calli, scripts for all five suspects. - Version 1.0 (23rd December 2003) # Initial release. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 18.) CREDITS - G1800 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 1. Companies - SquareEnix: they created this game - Sony: for making PS2 - Lik-Sang: I imported the game from their website 2. Internet sites - GameFAQs [www.gamefaqs.com]: for hosting my guide - www.neoseeker.com: for hosting my guide - www.ign.com: for hosting my guide - www.squareuniverse.com: for hosting my guide - www.rpgdreamers.com: for hosting my guide - www.ffslo.tk: for hosting my guide 3. People - huge thanks to Mio: for his initial way of nailing Rin as a suspect and scripts for nabbing Rin and Gippal's Sphere, also for providing info on Calli as the suspect - magelulu: for noticing I forgot to insert one Camera visit in Rin's part ============================================================================= ============================================================================= 19.) CONTACT INFO - G1900 ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Send your comments, ideas for improvements, additional info, correction of mistakes I may have made, and anything else via e-mail at: lifearmor (at) gmail (dot) com I need to put down a few guidelines. - as a subject of e-mail please include Final Fantasy X-2, or FFX-2 - please make your e-mail be readable, ie do not send me e-mails that are written badly or in some strange gibberish - don't ask me to send you updated versions of my guide, because I won't - *make sure* to check if your question is already answered within these pages; I may reply to one of your questions, but if you'll persevere in asking more questions which are answered in my guide, I'll simply direct you to my guide - I accept e-mails in English, German, Croatian and Slovenian language - I will answer the e-mails in English, Croatian or Slovenian language; I can read and understand German well, but my writing skills of German have rusted, therefore I will answer such e-mails in English - when crediting contributors, I won't disclose their e-mails - finally, treat me as you'd like me to treat you 2. Damir Kolar's Contributor page http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/6434.html 3. Damir Kolar's homepage http://kolardamir.com http://splitinfinity.50megs.com Yours truly, Damir Kolar End of Document