HISTORY OF VANA'DIEL version 2.1 Final Fantasy XI for Playstation 2 and PC ---------------------------------------------- By Kerrigan of Asura send comments/suggestions/additions to XJadeNightshadeX@aol.com ---------------------------------------------- As told by Vana'diel historical texts (ie. SQUARENIX) and events witnessed by Kerrigan and the following contributors: FFXIonline.com: Tazirai and CRtwenty In the game: Deakka of Asura Tiberion of Asura Fayth of Asura Joren of Asura Jeremias of Titan Marion of Asura LordWafik of Asura Bakri of Titan Zyaan of Kujata Kittystalker of Asura And many thanks to the crew at Ala: Rainblade TheHolyDragoonSeraphus SirJac Tenmile Kametatsu Teratron Faranim Ryotu MrDarkKnight }{Xaelis Baveise Evilassin Yunchang KaleFFXI Nyavya ---------------------------------------------- UPDATES Version 2.1 - added apendix VIX - entire CoP story completed - went through and edited/spell checked some chapters Version 2.0 -Holy-Moly! It's been so long since I started this faq ><; I'm thrilled so many people have liked it :) NEW FOR 2.0: - There was a plot problem with Louverance in sections 22-27 I missed. It is now fixed, I won't spoil it :P - Added the Vana'diel profile of the last great smn - Added the vana'diel profile of the first musketeer - added some info on stuff I missed - added more of the Afs - added through chapter 29 - added appedix V, VI, VII, and VIII - added the final bit of the Dynamis plot CHAPTERS ---------------------------------------------- 1. In The Beginning... 2. The Truth 3. The Age of Beasts 4. The Age of Magic 5. The Age of Power 6. The Age of Technology 7. The Mission North 8. Moon's Eclipse 9. Strange Rumblings to the North 10. Legend of the Crystal Warriors 11. The Rise of Jeuno 12. The Crystal War 13. The Age of Adventurers 14. Return of the Shadow Lord 15. Redemption 16. Reason to the Rhyme 17. Hidden Past 18. The 6th Ministry 19. Return of the Talekeeper 20. The Rise of the Zilart 21. Awakening 22. Ancient Flames Beckon 23. The Isle of Forgotten Saints 24. A Transient Dream 25. The Cradles of Children Lost 26. The Return Home 27. Echoes of Time 28. In the Light of the Crystal 29. Emptiness Bleeds 30. Twilight 31. Dawn Vana'diel Profiles Dynamis Artifact Armor Appendicies ---------------------------------------------- 1. In the beginning... Many aeons ago, there was a sentient jewel. A living stone by which all life was created, banished the darkness, and spawned forth Gods of infinite power. Their prized creation was the world of Vana'diel, their celestial playground. Here the gods played, until eventually they fell into slumber. It was during this time that the children of the gods began to create their own civilization. They traveled through the sky, extracted gold from stones, and gave birth to grasslands across the world. These were the Ancients. But, one day, the Ancients seeking to join their god parents decided to gain entrance into paradise. Enraged by such a brazen display of insolence, the holy gatekeeper destroyed their path and cast their homes to the bottom of the sea. Shortly thereafter, the goddess Altana awakened and saw the ruin that had had once been Vana'diel. Seeing this she felt an emotion which gods seldom feel, sadness. She wept for the tiny world and her tears cleared away the damage done, but that was not all. 5 divine tears fell to the new soil. Each of these 5 tears was the birth of one of the races of Vana'diel. Hume, Elvaan, Taru, Mithra, and Galka. All different, all the same. Altana's sorrow left and she once again departed, leaving the world to grow in peace and harmony. but the story does not end there. There was another god, awakened and watching, from his place in the shadows. Promathia, God of Twilight, angered by what he had seen saw fit to condemn her work. Bringing out each of the 5 races darkest attributes - the elvaan's arrogance, the hume's apathy, the envy of the mithra, the cowardice of the taru, and the galka's rage. This would curse them to constant internal conflict. Finally, to seal the deal he created races of his own. These dark races, the beastmen, were charged with fighting the people of Vana'diel and occupying their minds. Never again would they think to open the door to the gods. There is one final tale however.... While Altana soars on wings of freedom, Promathia is bound in chains. It is even said that his confinement was a limitation he placed upon himself. Can this be true? And if so...why? -------------------------------------------- 2. The Truth The real history is quite different from the story passed down through the generations. Unknown exactly when, but sometime after the creation of Vana'diel and before the rise of the 5 races, there existed 2 peoples. The first were a group of powerful beings of infinite wisdom and might. These people were called the Zilart. Ruling the land from their city in the far north ocean, the celestial capital of Al'taieu, the Zilart held the world in the palm of their hand. Soon they developed supernatural abilities and gained great skill in magic as well as telepathy. This telepathy, or the "Whisper of Souls" as it had become known connected all the Zilart with eachother and together they accomplished amazing things. Those women of most significant skill were trained to be part of the Dawn Maidens. This group was considered to be directly in service of the Goddess Altana, whom the Zilart revered above all. Led by the gatekeeper, the most religious and powerful of all Zilart, legend told that they held the keys to paradise. Eventually, some children of the Zilart were born without this power of telepathy. Seen as freaks they were outcast from the city and forced into the wilds. Here these people, the Kuluu as they would be known, found their own form of magic from the Avatars of the world. Befriending and controling the forces of nature the Kuluu built massive cities on the north lands and Sarutabaruta to their honor. The Zilart seeing the Kuluu's own nation growing took it upon themselves to conquer the Kuluu and subjigate them. The Zilart King at the time decided that total control was needed, and the creation of amulets for the Kuluu was implemented. These amulets were given to the Kuluu to wear, and sent the mental transmissions of Kuluu to the "Eye of Altana", which the King could use to read the thoughts of the Kuluu. Finally to secure his control he closed the gateway to the capital, allowing it to be opened only once every 100 years. This way only a select few could enter and exit when they were needed. The Zilart, like all with power, sought more of it. Under the rule of the twin Zilart princes Eald'Narche and Kam'lanaut, the Zilart began a mad crusade to not only achieve paradise but enter it. The Zilart began construction of a final monument to their greatness, the floating city of Tu'lia. The palace of Fei'yin, was created for the two brothers as a control station for their massive project. Then across the world, massive pillars were constructed, connected by gigantic conduits. These would later be known to present day people as the 3 crags and Drogaroga's Spine. Next a power core created on Quifim Island was created. This would power the city's magical ability to float in the clouds. Finally the gateway to the gods was created, Ro'Maeve. Using the power of the gatekeeper and the dawnmaidens as the key to their power source, the Zilart believed paradise was finally at hand. But, history is filled with irony and this tale is no different. The power they sought could not be controlled and the world would pay the price. When the gateway was opened the Terrestrial Avatars awoke under the leadership of the Wyrmking Bahamut. A massive battle in the sky took place. But, unbeknownst to Bahamut or the Zilart, the Kuluu has been secretly working with the Dawn Maidens. Deep within the Temple of Uggalepih the two groups met to form a plan to strike back at the Zilart. Apparently over time the Kuluu had developed modes of communication where the Zilart could not read their thoughts, and with this could contact the Dawn Maidens and work in private. Under the leadership of the gatekeeper Yve'noile and the Kuluu leader Grav'iton, the two forces assualted Fei'yin and overloaded the control center. The result was a massive explosion in which the planet was almost destroyed. The backup of the power flow through the conduits send shockwaves the entire world over. The fallout was terrible. The Northlands, once a lush green forest, were now a barren wasteland. The battle over, there was still one final problem. The Wyrmking was still at large and those who survived feared his wrath. It was at this time that a young boy made a deal with the Avatar, one that would change the fate of mankind forever. Soon after Bahamut disappeared. In the aftermath of the destruction the Kuluu who were not killed were slowly warped over time into the race we now know as the Tonberry. The Dawn Maidens, all killed in the blast were blessed with a ghost like afterlife to protect and watch over their gatekeeper and possible future reincarnations. As for the Zilart, most- like the Kuluu, had died in the disaster. The capital thought destroyed was soon forgotten, left only to distant memory and song. The fate of the twin brothers Eald'Narche and Kam'lanaut remained unknown. ------------------------------------------ 3. The Age of Beasts The magic explosion from the blast which warped the Kuluu into the tonberry also changed other creatures slowly into the races which we know today. The first races to form were the beastmen. These races thrived in the era of darkness after the destruction of the Zilart's kingdom. The 3 largest hordes were the Orc, Yagudo, and Quadav. The Orcs were the most battle hungry of the 3, with a lust for blood. Their homeland were the dark forests of the Northern Quon continent. The next were the Yagudo, a bird like race which prided itself on it's religious connection to the gods. Though they were religious in nature it was obvious this state of mind had driven them to fanaticism. The last was the Quadav, the turtle creatures. Seeking those things precious, they grew to become miners and made their home in the swamps of Southern Quon. There were more beastmen which grew in other parts of the world as well. To the islands of the south west, the mighty Antican's came to power creating a massive catacombs beneath the island chains. The far north islands were home to a giant race of beasts called Gigas. The last smaller race was the Sahagins. These fishmen lived in the caves and waters off the coast of the south eastern islands. Together all these "monsters" grew in size and number and soon controlled the mass of the known lands of today. There was another race as well, the strange Goblins. Unlike other beastmen, Goblins can be found in most regions across Vana'diel. Their flexible lifestyle and adaptability to the surrounding environment have given them the ability to coexist with other beastmen as well as people. Compared to other beastmen, Goblins have developed superior techniques in trades such as smithing and healing. Now adays they are also considered the most religious of the beastmen. Their cousins the Moblins who live deep within the earth have specifically devoted themselves to whorshipping Promathia. With this religion they Goblins and Moblins stay away from the affairs of the other beastmen. It can be said though, that the only real threat of the goblin, is it's high prices. Over-time, however, 3 new races on the side of right began to fight back against the mindless hordes. The first were the mighty Galka. Blessed with powerful bodies and brute strength the Galka were the first new race to create a civilization on Vana'diel. Centered in the Kuzotz island region the Galka created a massive city spanning the entire island. Having, what they believed, effectively defeated all their enemies there. But, unbeknownst to them, deep below their kingdom was another beastman army. The Anticans a race of ant-like people who had thrived beneath to south of Kuzotz decided it was time to deal with the Galka. Outnumbering the Galka, the battle soon turned against the Galkan who with their remaining numbers were forced to flee through the ancient tunnels near their capital in hopes of discovering a new world on the other side in which the Antican's could not follow. Though defeated, the Galka did not easily forget, and deep inside them boiled an unstoppable rage and thirst for revenge. Their civilization was in ruins and their enormous cities soon fell to the mighty Anticans and shifting sands of the Kuzotz. The second race were the Mithra. These cunning quick witted creatures were the stealthy warriors of the time. Due to the lack of male Mithra, the men stayed home to raise children while the women formed the political and warrior classes. Making their home on the island of Elshimo the Mithra build and maintained a small society. Though active in the battles with the beastmen on their island, they did not seek them out. Protecting their borders was enough for them, and apparently enough for the beastmen, as over time the attacks decreased. It appeared that while not at peace, the beastmen of Elshimo had an understanding with the Mithra. The last were the tiny Tarutaru. These little creatures while not very strong, were highly intelligent. Though they battled valiantly, the Taru peoples were terrified of the massive horde of beastmen. Weary of the never-ending conflict, and declining in number, the taru wandered the world in search of peace. After discovering an uncharted continent, they named the land Windurst and settled down to build a brighter future for their kin. Several decades after the Tarutaru's long journey had come to an end, a young Taru girl exploring the mysterious towers scattered across the outskirts of Windurst lost her way. It was during the time that she came in contact with last of the Kuluu race. She was led to what we today call "The Full Moon Well" and the power of magic was bestowed upon her and her people. It was at this time she was given the magical "Book of the Gods" and had a vision of the future. She saw the life of the taru for hundreds of years into the future. This girl would be come the first Star Sybil. Together with her people she worked to harness and understand the mysterious power that had been given to them. So began the Great Age of Magic. ----------------------------------------- 4. The Age of Magic Empowered by their expanding knowledge and magical abilities the Taru people united themselves under the Star Sybil, as the Federation of Windurst. At the same time the beastmen of this continent, The Yagudo, united to take back the lands which they had claimed for themselves. Working together, the Taru drove the Yagudo hordes from their lands. After this victory for a time, the Tarutaru lived in peace and harmony. Their race prospered, unified in their knowledge of magic and the solidarity of a new and powerful federation. During this time, the Mithra uncontent with their life of solitude on Elshimo Island and hearing tales of strange magical beings from the elder mithra scouts decided to venture out into the ocean to see for themselves. The cheiftaness, angered by the disregard for tradition, condemned these actions. Those who left in search of this knowledge were not permitted to return. This did not stop the adventure seeking youth who set off on their journey. Eventually arriving at Windurst, the Mithra in awe of the Taru were welcomed. Their strength and tactical skill would prove useful to the weaker Taru. It was a dually beneficial arrangement. The Mithra would be allowed to live in Windurst with taru protection and magics, and in return they would serve as the foot soldiers of the Taru military. Together, they carved and built the town of Mhaura into the cliffs overlooking the sea. It was a reminder to the Mithra that their home was not so far away after all. Mhaura though always a small town in nature, would become a special place in the hearts of Mithra in Windurst. It was a glorious age for both their peoples. But time would tell a different tale. While the Taru bathed in their knowledge of magic, the other races of the world began to gain knowledge of this power, even the beastmen. Within a short time, magic techniques were employed by others. The powerful magic now in the hands of the reckless and bloodthirsty beastmen was too much for the Taru. Filled with regret, the Tarutaru entered and long era of isolationism. They closed their borders off to all but their friends, the Mithra. And so, the once-proud civilization became more and more out of touch with the rest of the world. ------------------------------------------ 5. The Age of Power The use of magic would bring both happiness and conflict to the other races of Vana'diel. It was during this time that the insignificant tribe of creatures called Elvaan would rise to power. With the power of magic and the warrior spirit deep within them, the Elvaan would grow to become the most powerful empire of the time. Making their home in deep forests of the oldest known continent, the Kingdom of San d'Oria was formed. With the Tarutaru monopoly on magic broken, the Elvaan were able to create powerful orders of knights who with a powerful code of chivalry feared no adversary. Their lack of fear stemmed from their deep religious beliefs in Altana and her guidance. While a King was chosen to rule, the Papsque - the religious leader - was given great authority. One by one the beastmen strongholds of the old continent fell. Tarutaru villages and towns were crushed by the might of the San d'Orian army. Within a short time, nearly the entire Quon continent had some under San d'Orian control. It was at this time that one of the vassal's of the ruling d'Oraguille family discovered small peninsula at the western most edge of Quon. From here the knights of San d'Oria could head south and sweep around the taru defenses, remaining beastmen, and secure their domination of Vana'diel. Alphollon Tavnazia, a royal vassal was bestowed title to the land and given the task of constructing a massive fortified city as the front lines of the San d'Orian push south. Over time these lands were known as the Marquisate of Tavnazia and became a second Elvaan kingdom, under rule of the first. From here that battles which conquered the lands of Sauromugue Champaign were planned. But pride comes before the fall. The presence of the Elvaan pushed the Yagudo, defeated by the Taru, back down into the lands of Windurst. This caused a series of skirmishes until eventually the Taru Star Sybil and Yagudo High Priest met. It was there that it was decided the cause of their problems was the presence of the Elvaan who forced them into battle with each other. The two races declared war upon the elvaan and a uneasy truce was declared. With all of San d'Oria's attention to the Taru's and the beastmen of the eastern continent, the southern portion of Quon remained unconquered and uncared for. The inhabitants, the last of the 5 races - the Humes, were deemed too weak to worry about and ignored by the San d'Oria army. During this time that a small tribe of the Humes encountered the remnants of the Galkans who had settled in the new lands of southern Quon, after escaping their capitals destruction long ago. It was here that the two races united. The Galkan with their physical strength and the Humes with their ingenuity and search for knowledge. Together the two races formed a powerful alliance under the flag of Bastok. Fortified by the regions rich natural resources and the intelligence-gathering abilities of the Hume race. The nation of Bastok soon turned it's eyes to the north and the Empire of San d'Oria. Before the San d'Orians could mass a force to deal with the new kingdom to the south, the attacks began. Bastok using it's newly created army made quick work of the outlying San d'Orian southern defenses. Meanwhile the Taru's and beastmen to the east launched assault upon assault on the empire's eastern boarder. Finally a massive assault on the defenses at Sauromogue by the taru broke through the lines of knights. Every last Elvaan fought bravely, every last Evlaan was killed. In the south the Bastokan's turned their attention to the key grounds of the Konschtat Highlands. If they could control these lands Bastok would be safe from counter attack. In a battle of epic nature, the San d'Orian knights and Bastokan army battled San D'oria made one last push under the leadership of their first female warrior Lady Eldie Mantiant. Bastok was forced from the Highlands, but at a horrible price. The legions of San D'oria had been all but wiped out. The Elvaan to the east, now faced with the oncoming attack of the Taru and the growing presence of the Bastokan's to their rear surrendered in order to keep their lands and secure a truce with the Taru peoples. This was not the final nail in the coffin, however. The Bastokan chemists and iron workers in a rush to supply their troops discovered a new powerful cutting-edge technology, firearms. With these the Bastokan army marched to the Highlands for what would be known as the Second Battle of Konschtat. Here the newly formed Bastokan Musketeer's met the most elite of the San d'Orian Knights, but it was no battle at all...it was a massacre. The knights were riddled and mutilated by the musketeers gunfire. Both people saw the effectiveness of these weapons and stood in shock. The San d'Orians pulled their forces back to the borders of their capital, the outlying towns, forts, and legions destroyed by the now free to roam beastmen. The Bastokan's shocked by their own power, stopped their assault on San d'Oria at the Highlands, holding the high ground to prevent any future counterattack. None would come. The Elvaan could do nothing, furious with Bastok for the deemed "unchivalrous" victory and without their former power the kingdom fell into ruin. At the time of the collapse 2 brothers ruled the throne. The first, and oldest King Raigegue was a militaristic man who saw his friends and family die at the hands of Bastok. Gathering the last of the elite troops, he formed the Royal Knights, in hopes of a counter-attack. His younger brother, Prince Fellenant, was a more religious and peaceful man. Around him gathered a loyal group of friends, who would be known as the Temple Knights. Prince Fellenant against his brothers wishes arranged for a meeting between the Bastok leaders and his Temple Knights. There he would offer a final peace in exchange for help dethroning his brother. His proof of peace, the mysterious and powerful magic scepter known as the "Scepter Royaulais". This was bestowed to each king upon his coronation by the papsque. Meanwhile, catching wind of his brother's plan, King Raigegue sent his best and most anti-Bastok knight, Vijortal Caphieux. He and a few other royal knights would join the prince's party saying they wished for peace, and then assassinate him. It was then, camping in what is now called Ordelle's Cave that the plot was to take place. But, by some strange twist of fate, Vijortal turned against the assassins and stopped the attempt. Though he saved the prince's life, he was mortally wounded. The prince continued on to Bastok and there the Temple Knights and Bastokans agreed to usurp the throne from King Raigegue. Gathering forces he took San d'Oria and crowned himself king, but just before a counter-offensive by Raigegue, it is said that Fellenant had a great vision granted to him by the Scepter Royaulais. Though it is unknown what was seen, he stepped down and surrendered to his brother. Since it was deemed long ago that royal blood could not be spilled, Fellenant was placed in the dungeons underneath San d'Oria. With the help of his Temple Knights, he soon escaped through underground tunnels into Junger Forest. It was from here, in the deep woods of Davoi that he waged a war against his brother. This was the start of the great civil war. Lasting for countless generations the war between the two sides of San d'Oria raged through their lands. Finally, the leader of the Temple Knights, Ranperre, led a final assualt on the capital. Carrying a mystical sword he found deep within the caverns of Davoi and surrounded by his vanguard of Dragoons (which would later grant him the name - The Dragon King) he led his troops into battle. His sword, the Lightbringer, struck a fear into the hearts of both his troops and his enemies. Before the battle could begin, the Royal Knights surrendered for fear of the sword. Without having even unsheathed it, Ranperre had united San d'Oria at last. From his throne he decided the power held by the Lightbringer was too much for one man, and it was sent forth from San d'Oria to Tavnazia as not only a sign of trust and peace, but to be locked away deep within the halls below the city. There it would be protected by the royal family for all time. San d'Oria had come full circle, once a great empire, now a small fledgling kingdom again. ---------------------------------------- 6. The Age of Technology The fall of San d'Oria ushered in an era of prosperity for Bastok, who upon it's growth declared itself a republic for the people. Hume tradesmen spread across Vana'diel in an unprecedented era of economic development and trade. Establishing trade routes with not only Widurst, but their former enemy of San d'Oria. During this time the Bastokan's decided to expand their industry from mining into fishing. Two towns were started, the beach town of Selbina to the south, and Jeuno to the north. While Selbina brought forth more profit, the town of Jeuno was founded at the intersection of the major kingdoms. It was decided at this time of peace to hold the first Conquest Evaluation Assembly in Jeuno. Attended by each nations top advisors, the Assembly was to outline the boundaries of each kingdom. Eventually, the assembly seeing their armies lacking battles and fearing they would turn weak or worse, against the current leader, set up a system of tournaments called Conflict. Nation's greatest warriors would face off with each other for bragging rights and control of territory outside the bounds of the 3 nations control of the previous year. This did nothing but create unneeded anger amongst the 3 kingdoms and soon was stopped by the assembly. Back in Bastok the fortune's of the Hume's grew quickly, while the Galka - the laborers, received very little. This was the start of the animosity between the two races. The jealousy and anger while only subtle for the time being would eventually take control of the country. But, these thoughts were only in the backs of the mind's, as the technological developments proceeded rapidly. This was accelerated with the appearance of the engineering genius named Cid. Through his inventions, the mining of Bastok's lands gathered more precious metals and rare ores then ever seen before. The Republic of Bastok had taken it's place as the 3rd great nation of Vana'diel. --------------------------------------- 7. The Mission North It was during this time that the Humes, in their adventurous nature, decided to explore the lands to the far north. Long forbidden they were now the stuff of imagination and legend. Two Hume officers, an elite Iron Musketeer warrior Ulrich and the monk Cornelia. Under suggestion of Cornelia, her friend and Talekeeper of the Galka, Raogrimm was allowed to accompany them. Raogrimm, as talekeeper carried the memories or all past Galka within him. This gave him the "title" as leader of the Galka. He was also a member of the Mythril Musketeers, but in name only, as he detested the treatment of the beastmen by the Humes in the squad With the help of his friend and aide War Cloud, he was charged with a task of great importance amongst their people. Cornelia had known him for some time, and it seemed to many that their association was more than friendship. Ulrich noticed this too, having feelings for Cornelia, and did not like it one bit. To travel to the northlands, the expedition would have to cross San d'Orian lands. Though they would allow it, the San d'Orians requested one of their best knights, Francmage come along. Though deemed as a "escort through the lands", we was more of a spy to make sure the Bastokans weren't up to something else. Of course seeing this, the Tarus demanded 2 of their top officials go too. With the Hume's approval, Iru-Kuiru the taru and Rabntah the mithra were sent. These 6 adventurers set off from San d'Oria through the mountains to the north. It was here things turned horribly wrong. Ulrich, after spending so much time with Raogrimm and Cornelia became jealous of their relationship. Angered that a hume woman would love a Galka over him he found his own solution. Suggestion the party split in two, Raogrimm and he would search one way, the remaining 4 would go the other. Taking Raogrimm down deep into the chasms of the northlands Ulrich plotting the Galka's death, he did not notice Cornelia had decided to follow. It was in the deepest chasm that Ulrich launched his attack, hitting Raogrimm when he least expected. Knocked to his feet and winded, Raogrimm could to nothing as Ulrich pulled back his sword for the final thrust.. It was then Cornelia jumped in front of Raogrimm, Ulrich's blade thrusting into her stomach. Ulrich shocked by what he had done ran from the area. Raogrimm, the woman he loved at his feet covered in blood let out a great roar. This was the last anyone heard from him. Ulrich finding the other 3 members of the party announced that Raogrimm and Cornelia had fallen from a cliff led a fake rescue. No bodies were ever found and the remaining members decided to return home before anyone else died. It was then that the strange murders began. One by one, each of the 4 remaining members was horrifically murdered. --------------------------------------- 8. Moon's Eclipse Meanwhile in Windurst, though an internalist nation, their country continued to grow. The Mithra developed their own population and chieftaness within the capital, and a new Star Sybil was appointed. Also mastering magic to a science, the taru people had grown and prospered. 5 minstries of magic were created to govern the magical powers of the Tarutaru, each with their own specific function. The Optistery, was the magical library of Windurst, holding the tomes of ancient lore and magical power. The Aurastery, or the schools, were the learning grounds of young taru who would someday be the future leaders of Windurst. The Rhinostery was the ministry which experimented with the world around them. This ministry was the group that created the plants that light up at night. The fourth was the Oarstery, the taru mages training grounds which developed the ranks of the black, white, and red mages. The last ministry was the most recent and at the time, the most groundbreaking. The Maunastery, was responsible for the construction of Cardians. Under the supervision of the Taru Zonpa-Zippa, the Cardian's were created from dolls imbued with life by the star fruit collected from the gigantic star tree of Windurst Walls. These cardians were to be the new infantry and grunts of the Windurst army and do the daily work too hard for the Taru and Mithra. The problems would begin here. The cardians were created with an absolute duty to their master, in this case, Zippa. Zonpa-Zippa could not of course control them all as the ranks grew, so he created 4 "Ace" Cardians to rule over them with the basic logic of black and white, a wrong and a right. The Aces would only report to him, and he would only have to deal with those 4 to control and army. Zonpa-Zippa was received as the hero of the Tarutaru. This would have worked perfectly for the Taru people, if not for the discovery of the ambitious Optistery minster Karaha-Baruha. Working in the Optistery libraries Baruha discovered the ancient secrets hidden away by the first Taru settlers deep within Horotoro Ruins. Working without the authority of the Stary Sybil he came to Zonpa-Zippa to asked for his help and grant him the use of super strong cardians to search the ruins with him. Zonpa accepted and gave him control of the 4 ace cardians. With them in his power, Baruha had them secretly build a new cardian, Joker. Using magics locked away within the libraries he bound his life-force to Joker and then proclaimed Joker the new master of the Aces. While keeping up appearances in town, Baruha had the 5 cardians search deep within the ruins. It was then that the canals deep within the ruins were uncovered. Old sewers from the time of the Kuluu connected through all the towers, and even the Heaven's Tower of Windurst itself. Also, he had discovered a mysterious fountain deep within the canal. In it's dark reflection were the moon and the stars. It became apparent to him that he had stumbled upon the lost Full Moon Fountain of lore, which had given the first Star Sybil he great vision. Returning to Windurst he approached the Star Sybil in private, telling her of the fountain. With this new knowledge, the Star Sybil returned to the fountain by herself. It was here that she had a vision which she did not expect. Deep within the fountain the visage of a great beast appeared. His name was Fenrir, the great beast of legend which gave the first Sybil her reading. The vision of Fenrir showed the future of Windurst, in ruin. The world of peace had been destroyed and the world covered in emptiness. Shocked at this vision she fled from the fountain. Unbeknownst to the two, Baruha had been watching. Taking the knowledge gained, he built a study deep within the canals, which would be known as the Animastery. Here, he discovered through ancient texts that it might be possible to change the will of the beast, and in fact change the fate of Windurst. Approaching the Star Sybil with this information, the two devised a plan. They would return to the fountain and Fenrir and ask how to change fate, if they couldn't do so, then Baruha would attempt to manipulate the beast. But, the Star Sybil was unaware how far his lust for power had gone. Having bound himself to Joker through the forbidden magics, the sanity and mind of Baruha began to slip. He had decided not to just manipulate Fenrir, but to control him entirely. Arriving to ask for council from Fenrir, the two were turned away with news that fate cannot be changed. It was then the Star Sybil granted Baruha the chance he had been waiting for. Sapping the power and will from Fenrir, the great beast muttered out these final words - Though the path is dark, there is always light. It was then, the fountain went dark. --------------------------------------- 9. Rumblings to the North During the times before the Crystal War the tensions between the kingdoms of the 5 races had reached a boiling point. There were no longer new lands to claim, and the 3 Kingdoms began to look at each others lands. This posturing for, amongst each other had drawn the attention from the world around them to their own petty differences. It was at this time that the world began to change. In the frozen northlands a new strange breed of beastmen had begun making a home. These winged beastmen posed a high level of intelligence and dark armor which protected heavily against most magics. Known as Kindred, they would eventually develop the reputation and nickname of "Demons". Gathered under a dark master they sent emissaries south to the other beastmen. Without question the beastmen races of the Orcs, Quadav, and Yagudo submitted to this new power. Under the demon's instruction great armies of each race were constructed. Using weapons and tactics never seen before by beastmen, raids on the 3 Kingdoms of Vana'diel escalated. The most devastating such raid took place on the island of Quifim, near the town of Jeuno. Though the humes there fought valiantly, the beastmen had a trump card - the massive Gigas warriors of the islands to the North. Recently recruited in the army these monsters shook the ground with every step of their might and the hume forces crumbled as the rocks around them. In the North, as the beastmen raided small encampments, supplies were needed. A black citadel to be built to the new Lord of the Beastmen... The Shadow Lord. --------------------------------------- 10. The Legend of the Crystal Warriors The legend begins as so. The Beginning of everything was with the stone. A long long ago, this beautiful living stone, With its shining of seven colors banished the darkness, Filled the world with life, And gave birth to powerful gods. Happiness and light blessed ages continued, And soon the gods have gone to their sleep. The name of this world is Vana'diel. Sometime after, a great tribulation Was about to fill this blessed land of Vana'diel. The ancient seal, after resisting dark power for thousands of years, Was broken and awakening the ending nightmare. Innocent blood will flow through the great land. The world will be enveloped by fear, sadness, and disparity. However, this does not mean there is no hope... There exists one star, shining brightly Even through the nights of the harshest storms. There exists a powerful song, Not being vanished by the howls of any beasts. That's right. Proud ones, Filled with wisdom, courage, and determination... Now, awaken from the dark slumber. Stand now, the legendary heroes. The crystal warriors! --------------------------------------- 11. The Rise of Jeuno Just before the outbreak of the Crystal War, there appeared a strange new leader of military brilliance and unnatural intelligence in Jeuno. As the city slowly grew from a tiny fishing town, the new leader presented a plan to the Bastok government to form a new nation-state: The Grand Duchy of Jeuno. The president seeing this as a good chance to "neglect" his responsibilities there and focus on the increase number of beastmen, accepted. It was during this time that in a feet only matched by Cid's engineering skills, the small town of Jeuno became a teeming metropolis of trade and industry. Construction of great bridges connecting the 3 nations was started and soon Jeuno took Bastok's place as the most powerful of the nations. Though having no real army, the Archduke's guards were recruited from the best warriors around the world and trained in tactics never seen before. Inspiring awe and a feeling of protection over the visitors to the town, the guards were the finest example of the new age. With this in mind people began settling in Jeuno and the town grew, not outwards, but up. Soon the Duchy of Jeuno was seen as a spectacle and attracted even more visitors. The people of Jeuno and indeed the world had only one person to thank, the Archduke, Kam'lanaut. --------------------------------------- 12. The Crystal War - 20 years before the current story The Shadow Lord... No one knew where he came from and what brought his terrible wrath upon the nations of Vana'diel, but everyone fear him. From his obsidian throne in Xarcabard he launched a simultaneous attack on the great nations of Vana'diel. Each nation was caught off guard by not only the precise timing, but the massive amount of beastmen in the Shadow Lord's armies. So began the Crystal War. In Bastok the Quadav had tunneled through the mines to the north and began launching attacks in the heart of Bastokan controlled territory. Also, from the south, the Antican's who had pledge allegiance to the Shadow Lord as well began to march through the ancient tunnels the Galka had used long ago to come to the main continents. The Bastokans cut off from the rest of the war had to devise a way to defeat both enemies. They agreed it would be best to close off the mines and seal them in anyway possible. If they could, it would stop the Antican push to the mainland, and force the Quadav to back through the mines and launch an attack on the heavily fortified highlands. Though it would succeed, countless Galka and Humes would give their lives. In Windurst, the Yagudo massed themselves in their new nest in the mountains to the north. Their war parties had taken control of any path to help. With the greatest magic users in the land cut off from battle, the other nations knew they had to clear the Yagudo from their path or the chances of victory would be slim. 500 of the greatest San d'Orian knights offered to to venture though the dangerous beastmen forces and into Sauromugue Champaign. There they began the secret creation of an underground tunnel to traffic Taru through and bring them up and around the Yagudo army. It was here at Garliage Citadel, the temple from the times when San d'Oria controlled the region, that the greatest knights of the time would fall. Orcs from the north having tracked the knights, alerted the Yagudo. Waiting until the moment the tunnels deep within the citadel were near complete, the Yagudo attacked in the thousands. The knights trapped deep underground were no match and killed before they could react. The Taru were now on their own. The battle came to Windurst shortly there after. The Shadow Lord seeing an opportunity to crush the powerful mages of Windurst he massed 30,000 of his best troops. Protecting Windurst was less and 1000 - including cardians. Pushing through the outer defenses of the Sarutabaruta the beastmen marched on Odin's Gate. The Taru unleashed their magics upon the monsters, but they rushed forth ignoring the countless spells raining down upon them. Just as it looked like the town would be taken, there appeared a great light to the east. As the light dimmed and the attention of the combatants turned to it, the visage of a small Taru and a giant beast could be seen. It was Karaha-Baruha, and next to him his summoned beast, Fenrir. Jumping towards the hordes of the Shadow Lord's elite, Fenrir ripped through them. With each swing the great beast knocked dozens of beastmen to the ground. The hordes fled from the battlefield, the great beast striking them down as they ran. And suddenly, just as quickly as the two appeared, Baruha and Fenrir vanished ...forever. At San d'Oria the situation was not as good. To their south, the birth place of the Dragon King and now a home to a monastery had been taken over by Orcs as their stronghold. With the mass of the San d'Orian army on the front lines there, the orcs sneaking around from the west was unnoticed. In the mountains around the city, the Orcs constructed a great fortress to launch an assault directly on the capital. The Royal family knowing the towns remaining garrison could not defend against a direct assault, they did the unthinkable. A Royal Knight was sent into the fort with "secret documents" to be captured. Amongst these papers was information regarding a weapon of such strength that army's would bow to it's will - Lightbringer. San d'Oria had essentially betrayed their longtime friends the Tavnazians, and the Orcs thirsting for limitless power on the battlefield turned their attentions to the other city. The Orcs, sending every last beastman not needed elsewhere launched the largest attack of the war. With over 100,000 beastmen, the forces of Tavnazia would stand no chance. Though the massing numbers alerted the other nations, few reserves could be sent to help protect the city. As night fell, the Orcs launched their offensive, crashing through the walls of Tavnazia with their great war beasts and assault platforms. The forces of Tavnazia were outnumbered, every taru, mithra, hume, and galka fell along side the Elvaan. The citizens of the town tried to flee the battleground, but as day broke the tunnels under the city were filled with beastmen and most who attempted escape only found death. What happened next haunts the thoughts of all those who lived through the Crystal War. In an explosion that shook the entire world, the great penninsula broke off from the mainland, it's only connection sunk beneath the sea. The city in ruins and all citizens thought dead, any attempt to launch a rescue was abandoned, as the trek there would be near impossible now. Though the cause was unknown, many speculate it was a Orc secret weapon which went off by mistake. It was at Tavnazia that the forces of light suffered their greatest defeat. But, it was what many consider the turning point of the war. Though Tavnazia had been destroyed, so had the majority of the beastman army, driving the hordes of Orcs, Yagado, and Quadav into hiding. Also, the defeat had united the races of light like never before. Seeing this, the Shadow Lord tried to enlist the help of the Sahagin and Tonberry, but few agreed to help him. It was at this time Archduke Kam'lanaut of Jeuno rallied the remaining troops and united as one force in his city for a to march north and defeat the Shadow Lord once and for all. The Shadow Lord not wanting to give them the chance to gather launched and attack on Jeuno with his Gigas warriors from Quifim. Though larger and stronger the Gigas forces were pushed back by the sheer will of the allied forces. The few remaining Gigas retreated into Delkfutt's Tower, Kam'lanaut's forces did not follow. After this victory the allied forces began to prepare for the final battle which they knew would cost many lives. To give them the upper hand, under the direction of Kam'lanaut, the great engineer Cid began construction of a secret weapon. This weapon, was a boat, which flew through the air. Based on an old set of blueprints, the airships of today are fitted with crystal-powered engines that were introduced by the Archduke. With lift provided by unique revolving wings and propulsion supplied by the crystal engine, airships are capable of nearly vertical takeoffs and landings from their waterfront ports.Holding dozens of cannons, the "airship" as it was called, was the perfect siege weapon. Finally a ship was constructed named "First Ship", but the construction of it was taking far too long and the forces of light could not hold on much longer. Shortly after it's maiden voyage, the decision was made to attack Xarcabard without their new weapon. The remaining soldiers of the allied forces marched to Xarcabard, where the Demons, the most elite of the Shadow Lord forces made their final stand. Led by the Bastok champion (and grandson of Ulrich), Volker, the allies charged the Castle Zvhal. The Demon's power was unmatchable by any man, the allies were unable to break through their powerful armor. Volker, gathering the heroes of all 5 races, broke through the front lines. Battling his way into the castle, Volker climbed to the tallest tower, where the Shadow Lord waited. The heroes overpowered the Shadow Lord defeating him and banishing his darkness from the world, the demons below on the battlefield vanished. Thus the Crystal War drew to an end, with victory marred by the uncountable corpses scattered throughout the devastated lands and cities of Vana'diel. The world was changed forever. ---------------------------------------- 13. The Age of Adventurers Although the war had ended, the long-suffering nations of Vana'diel pledged to maintain their alliance. Each nation built a consulate in their sister countries. The Duchy of Jeuno refitted the airships of war for travel, opening the air travel agency between itself and Bastok. Upon witnessing the successful operation of the Bastokan airship service, the previously skeptical nations of San d'oria and Windurst raced to refit their own ports for airship use. These developments led to the birth of a new large-scale, high-speed transportation service for each country. Also consulates were placed by each nation in the others and communication between the kingdoms was at an all time high. It was a time for the nations of Vana'diel to be brought closer together, and a promising new era of peace and prosperity was at hand. Or so the nations of the world had hoped. In reality, the beastmen who were not at Xarcabard had regrouped and continued in the construction of their strongholds. The Orcs control of Davoi and Gheslba remained solid and previous homes of the Yagudo and Quadav were untouched. Although they no longer communicated amongst each other, they still continued looting, plundering and terrorizing the people of Vana'diel. But nothing was done... Still, the three great nations continued to mistrust one another. Keeping their few soldiers left from the war in their capitals, they sought new ways to counter the beastmen. It was at this time they began employing a new generation of independent youth to deal with the situation on an individual level. They were intrepid souls who followed their own beliefs, moving freely from city to city in spite of their own national allegiances. 3 great heroes arose during this time. The first was a Galka named Zeid, who was born War Cloud, friend of the now dead talekeeper Raogrimm. Angered by his friends death, Zeid bowed to the will of the dark spirits of Vana'diel and became the Dark Knight. Though from Bastok, he held no allegiance and no honor to anyone but himself. The next was the leader of Tenshodo, a smuggling group located deep within the back alleys of Jeuno, Aldo. Born in Tavnazia, he barely escaped the country's demise as a child(he was the little boy in the intro movie), but grew to be a courageous man. Coming to prominence in the Crystal War as a source of smuggling war materials from the far east, Aldo and Tenshodo, played an important role in the "underground" operations of the city. His sister, Verena, though not as an important figure would play a role in this tale to come. Given a strange gift to communicate with Animals and Beastmen, she befriended the local Goblin population living in jeuno. Though, it would not last, as the adventurers this age was so aptly named after would mistakenly kill her best friend, a goblin named Fickblix. Though saddened, Verena still held a hope that someday things would change, and beastmen and the 5 races would live peacfully. The last was the daughter of the leader of the pirates of Norg, Lion. After the war, the high seas were free to those who would control them. Members of Tenshodo, under the leadership Gilgamesh, a pirate and former Tavnazian set up a base deep within the coast of Elshimo. Appearances can be deceiving however, as Aldo and Gilgamesh used their far reaching operatives to gain knowledge on all the kingdoms. Lion was their scout, sent to check to see if rumors found were true. Zeid, Aldo, and Lion - these three heroes would be charged with a great task, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. ---------------------------------------- 14. Return of the Shadow Lord - current time period It is said that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. The people of Vana'diel had not forgotten history, but the lessons learned. And so it came to pass that 20 years after the victory at Xarcabard, that indeed, the true battle for the fate of Vana'diel would begin. The three kingdoms squabbled amongst themselves and continued to bicker over territorial boundaries. It was at this time that after 100 years, Conflict was reinstated. The nations hired out adventurers to go off and compete in distant lands to gain them territory. While all the nations put on a polite face for each other, the tension still rose between their leaders. It was during this time the beastmen set their plans into motion. Secretly meeting under the dark banner of a "new master" the Orc, Yagudo, and Quadav hatched a plan to resurrect the Shadow Lord. Meanwhile, our three heroes also heard of such rumors. Lion was sent to investigate strange rituals that were being performed in dark circles of power deep within strongholds held by the beastmen. Using her stealthy skills she overheard their plans. The beastmen were going to use "magicite", ancient crystals, to resurrect the Shadow Lord. But to do so they first needed to gather the great seals placed on his tomb. Each nation had one of the seals in its possession, but before Lion could return and report what she had heard, the seals were stolen in the night by beastmen raiding parties. With no idea what to do next, Aldo met with Archduke Kam'lanaut to discuss where to proceed. The archduke told him of the location of the one final seal and the magicite. Aldo sent Lion to the locations of the Magicite, and though she traveled quickly, the beastmen were still one step ahead of her. as if something was hurrying their pace... In the north at the last seal placed upon the tomb, hidden in Fei Yin, Zeid discovered just how well prepared the beastmen were. The seal was gone, but the stranger thing he thought, was how could the beastmen know the location of the magicite AND the seals. There were darker things at work than just the beastmen. But, it mattered little now. Lion and Zeid hurried to Xarcabard, only to find it filled once more with demons. Were they too late? Fighting their way to the tallest tower of Castle Zvhal, Zeid found the tomb of the Shadow Lord.... ----------------------------------------- 15. Redemption The Shadow Lord had been reborn using all the power of Vana'diel to bring him back to the world of the living. Zeid having faced him before during the Crystal War stood his ground. Defeating the Shadow Lord again, the went for the killing blow. But, something was different this time. The Shadow Lord seemed familiar to him. He looked closer, and inside he saw an old friend. It was Raogrimm... Weakened, the once might Shadow Lord fell to his hands and knees before Zeid. Kneeling to his side, Zeid couldn't believe what he had seen. Raogrimm was indeed alive, and he was the Shadow Lord. With his last breaths Raogrimm explained what had happened. As the talekeeper for the galka he had held in so much pain and anger of his people. When Cornelia had died he let his rage consume him and before freezing to death he made a pact with the dark forces of Vana'diel to bow to them if he could have his revenge. Since then he had been trapped in an abyss of rage and madness. It was Zeid, who had set him free. Helping Raogrimm to his feet to carry him out the castle, Zeid failed to notice the new guests. clap...clap...clap... Turning around, the two saw a most unexpected face. Archduke Kam'lanaut. Laughing at the "touching" scene he explained to the two that the whole thing has been a diversion, orchestrated over 30 years ago. Using the "Shadow Lord" to suck the last of the power from the great seal of Vana'diel, Kam'lanaut could now enact his real plans. Using his Zilart powers he summoned for the great Crystal Warriors, protectors of the seal and saviors of the world to "do away" with the people of Vana'diel and cleanse his world. With his brother Eald'narche, the two Zilart could again begin their mad quest to unlock the heavens and be one with their god. A plot, over thousands of years, finally coming to it's conclusion. Zeid rushed forth towards Kam'lanaut, but the Crystal Warriors blocked his path, knocking him to the ground. Lion rushing into the chamber saw the event as it's conclusion, the two Zilart brothers warping away to safety. Just as the Crystal Warriors turned their attentions to Lion, Raogrimm let out a great roar. He had been used, and would not let his friend die because of it. Summoning the last of his power, he transformed once again into the Shadow Lord. Lion grabbing Zeid fled from the castle, as the Shadow Lord made his final stand. Though hopelessly overpowered, Raogrimm held off the Crystal Warriors just long enough, until before him stood a vision of his darling Cornelia, and an explosion rocked the lands of Xarcabard. The Shadow Lord was no more... ---------------------------------------- 16. Reason to the Rhyme Leaving Zeid with Aldo, Lion returned to Norg to discuss the situation with her father, Gilgamesh. How the two Zilart had survived this long still remained a mystery, but a new question had been raised. The Legend of the Crystal Warriors, a story told to children about the saving for the people of Vana'diel... had it come to pass? "Sometime after, a great tribulation Was about to fill this blessed land of Vana'diel. The ancient seal, after resisting dark power for thousands of years, Was broken and awakening the ending nightmare." Had the seal placed upon the darkness by the great crystal of legend been broken by the beastmen and Raogrimm when Kam'lanaunt manipulated them into the resurrection? "Now, awaken from the dark slumber. Stand now, the legendary heroes. The crystal warriors!" The crystal warriors had awoken to rid the world of it's evil... but on the side of the Zilart! Is the "bane" upon the world us? ---------------------------------------- 17. Hidden Past While our heroes set out on their great quest to stop the Zilart, there were other adventures taking place. In San d'Oria the great King Destin was forced with a tough choice. His two sons, Trion and Pieuje were both of age, and Destin had to choose between them to follow him as king. Also his daughter Claidie had grown into a young woman and her coming of age ceremony was at hand. It was at this time that the troubles in San d'oria had began. A mysterious elvaan named Rochefogne began snooping around the city, inquiring about a legendary sword. The Papsque soon realized that perhaps the legendary weapon, Lightbringer was nearby, maybe even buried in the Dragon Kings tomb. The problem is that so many tombs were built near the kings, that after the Crystal War, the location of the tomb had been lost. But, the discovery of a hidden tablet deep under San d'Oria which said the one who could unsheathe the sword would be the new king. The Papsque convincing Destin believed this was the will of the Dragon King and the Lightbringer should be found at all costs, especially before this mysterious elvaan character. It was Altana's will. The knights were sent across the land to ascertain the location of Lightbringer, but to no avail. It was then at Princess Claidie's coming of age ceremony that Rochefogne revealed himself. He was the brother of Destin's now dead wife, Queen of San d'Oria, and princess of the Tavnazia. He explained they knew nothing of the Lightbringer and to stay out of his way. Knowing of their betrayal to Tavnazia so many years ago, the King and Papsque sent secret assassins to "deal" with Rochefogne before he could find the sword ...or better yet he would lead them too the sword. Trapping him on the southern island of Battalia Downs where the sword was, the hired thugs met something they did not expect. A mysterious warrior in gold armor arrived to help, but it was too late, in the scuffle Rochefogne was thrown from the cliff, but the mysterious warrior escaped. With him out of the way, the papsque focused his efforts back to the sword. In the church the succession rights proceeded and Destin presented the sword to his two sons. Just as trion went to unsheathe the sword one of the assassins approached grabbing the princess, holding a knife to her throat. Taking of his mask, it is revealed that he is indeed Ronchefogne having survived and hid as one of the unknown secret assassins - the perfect disguise. Demanding the sword, Trion threw it to him, but the sword was a fake. Expecting something like this might happen the king had made plans of his own. Trion with the real sword proceeded to unsheathe it, and with a power unlike ever seen before the ground began to shake. Shocked, Trion dropped the sword to the ground. But before it could be retrieved orcs burst into the church stealing the sword. Things had gone from bad to worse. Rochefogne would explain that the tablet they discovered was a clever ploy by the Archduke of Jeuno, though his reasons were not known. The real purpose of the sword is not one of redemption and tribulation, but of chaos and destruction, tricking those power hungry who were foolish enough to use it into destroying their own country. How he knew of this? Just after the battle of Tavnazia with the city in ruins and the orcs over running to city, the royal family fled through the underground passages. Rochefogne was the family member charged with the protection of the Lightbringer. Furious with the loss and full of sadness and rage, he sought to use the power of Lightbringer against the orcs. He would regret this mistake for all his days. Drawing the sword caused a powerful explosion which shook all the lands of Vana'diel, sending Tavnazia collapsing into the sea. At the time it was though the orcs had malfunctioned one of their weapons....but it was Rochefogne all along. Washing up on the nearby shores without the sword, he had spent his life searching for it trying to make up for his mistake. But, he could not have done it without the help of his new ally, the mysterious warrior in gold armor - Claidie. He had come to her first and together they devised a plan for him to get the sword from her brothers, but apparently they were one step ahead. None of that mattered now, with the sword in Orc hands they could now unleash horrible power upon the people of Vana'diel. The orc leaders gathered deep within Fei'yin to discuss their plans, but Knights of San d'Oria would not give up that easily. Sending every soldier they could spare they attacked the ruins and in a great battle deep in the old arena the orc leaders were defeated and the sword reclaimed. Upon returning to San d'Oria King Destin made a decree. That the rights of succession would be held off for the time, as perhaps, there was another choice for the new king. Finally, after 20 years, the truth about Tavnazia was out and the healing between the heir of the long past city and San d'Oria could begin. A new day for the Elvaan had begun. ------------------------------------ 18. The Sixth Ministry At this time in Windurst a great adventure of their own was taking place. Since the end of the Crystal War the lands around windurst had slowly dried up and life withered away. Ajido-Marujido, son of the creator of the cardians, and head of the Orastery had taken it upon himself to dig into the reason why. His sister Apururu had taken over the Maunastery after their father had mysteriously vanished. The two were known for their brilliance, but Ajido was a troublesome taru always seeking answers. This would start him off on a great quest. After working deep within the horotoro ruins for some time, Ajido began to activate only power generators and such in an effort to better understand the ancients. Drawn to this power were 4 strange cardians thought long destroyed - the Aces. Stealing Ajido's work, they quickly made their escape before the Windurst guards could arrive. It was during this time that the Cat Burgaler, Nanaa Mihgo, came upon a strange book which she sold to Ajido. Though she did not know it, the book was the great ancient book of the gods. The book, which was given the first Star Sybil long ago, but when he opened it, he could nothing but blank pages. Shocked, Ajido set off without the Star Sybil's permission to uncover the mystery. Seeking the only one old enough to remember clearly, he set off into the Yaguado stronghold to the north to speak with their elder. The Sybil was without her own operatives, and discovered Ajido's meeting with the Yagudo, and saw him as a threat to Windurst. Sending her Sybil guards, under command of the mithra Semih Lafihna, Ajido was captured and placed deep within the underground dungeons of Horotoro. The Star Sybil saddened by what she had seen from one of the nations great magic users said a silent prayer for the return of their great hero, Karaha-Baruha. Apururu not wanting to believe her brother was up to no good inlisted the help of the "wacky" professor Shantoto. Afraid her brothers magic, and soon life would be sapped by the dark dungeon the two of them hatched a plan to open the door to his cell. Convincing all the professors of her brothers innocence she gathered up the 5 rings of the ministers to form a magical gauntlet. With it, she could open the door to save her brother, and she did so just in time. Her brother near unconsciousness got to his feet to thank his sister, but just then a strange figured appeared before them and with a flash of light he was gone...Ajido on the floor unconscious. Back in Windurst after her brother had awoken, he explained to the Star Sybil and Apururu what he had discovered. The Yagudo had told him that the reason the area around Windurst was dying was because of the taru, who 20 years ago doomed their lands. Questioning the Star Sybil, the 6th ministry was revealed. The Animastery as it was called, was run secretly by Karaha-Baruha to twist fate and save Windurst from it's doom, but things had turned out differently. Directing Ajido to the underground ministry, Ajido set off on his way to find out any information he could about the empty moonwell and blank book. But there was more trouble than that. The ace cardians and their small army had crowned a new king, a new master - Joker. ...what could this mean? At the same time, Apururu was given a letter from her father, found on of all things, a mandragora. North in the Boyada tree it was discovered that her father had been locked up for some time, forced into captivity by the cardians which he had created. This was a story he needed to explain.. Zonpa-Zippa, their father had been locked away since just before the end of the Crystal War. What was unknown to him then had become clear over time. Karaha-Baruha had used his 4 cardians as templates for a super cardian to control them all, Joker. Giving joker the status of master, he bound his soul to the cardian. The battle of Windurst had taken his life however, when he had called Fenrir. With him dead, Joker could no longer function and shut down. The ace cardians now without a master began to short circuit, with no one to obey. Their line between black and white slowly faded into gray. They decided it would be best to find a way to bring Joker back to life. Kidnapping Zonpa, the only one who would suspect their plan, they set off on a 20 year mission. It was Ajido who activated the only ruins and gave the cardians enough power to begin their resurrection. But the problem is, unbeknownst to the cardians, the connection between Karaha and Joker was that of life and death. To bring Joker back, Karaha would have to be reborn too. But how could joker be back when Karaha was dead? With everyone returning to the Star Sybil with their news, but just then the dark figure from Ajido's jail appeared before the Sybil. Before they could get to her the figure vanished. The Sybil decides she should take the chance and use the last of her powers to summon forth their once shining star of the moon fountain to guide them. But there she discovers what powers she had are no more, apparently gone, somehow. It was here joker made his presence known. The new master of the cardians was not just a cardian, but a part of Karaha himself. Warping the Star Sybil's guards, he enlightened her that his rebirth was because she had wished he return. He needed her for one more wish.. Semih, gathering Ajido and Apururu back in Heaven's Tower began to formulate a plan to rescue her, but there are other factors at play too. The cardians had struck a deal with the Yagudo, who now demanded control of the horotoro ruins since the activation of them was against the treaty the two had signed after the war. Semih would deal with them, but Ajido and Apururu would have to find a way to stop the cardians. If the cardians could be beaten, the Yagudo would retreat knowing their allies had been defeated. In the Animastery, Ajido had discovered that while part of Karaha may have been in the cardian, most of him was trapped with fenrir, inside the new body if the mysterious stranger who had threatened him and the star sybil. ...but had he really been there to hurt them, or warn them? Ajido decides that there may be a way to save the Sybil, lure fenrir, and use the cardians power sources to reenergize the fountain. 3 Kuluu ancient songs hidden around the world were gathered in a race against time. The songs would lure the great beast in the double body to the fountain if they played it there. Then they could overload the cardians for a few seconds and in that time combine Joker and the dark figure, and hopefully Fenrir would prevail. Returning to the moon fountain, Ajido and Apururu fought their way through the cardians to the fountain and played the songs. With a blast of magical energy the cardians collapse to the ground, and the dark figure appeared, drawn to its power. Using all of his magic Ajido combined the two as Apururu got the sybil to safety. With a brilliant sparkle, the fountain exploded with light and one more the full moon was seen deep within it's water. Fenrir had returned to windurst, and words back to the book of gods. But, it had all taken its toll on the Sybil. Her magic power had been sapped and she could no longer predict the future. But Windurst was safe. It was then she remembered the words Fenrir had spoke to her 20 years ago: Though the path is dark, there is always light. She would be Windurt's light, and even without magic, guide them on the right path. With the help of great Windurstians like Ajido, they would see many great days ahead. -------------------------------------------- 19. Return of the Talekeeper The tensions between the Galka and the Humes was at an all time high. While the Hume senate and president simply saw the Galka uproar as nothing to worry about, it had slowly begun to enter a state of pre-rebellion. All of this was sparked by the apparent return of the Talekeeper. President Karst dispatched the Mythril Musketeers under the leadership of the Bastokan hero Volker to watch over the situation. But there were other factors to account for. Cid and Karst's own daughter Cornelia did not see the Galka as simply animals to be used for labor. Cornelia, named after the same Cornelia from the northlands mission, seemed to have many of the same characteristics of the latter. Also within the Mythril Musketeers; Iron Eater, Ayame, and Naji all sought to outdo each other to be the next leader. Burdened with the task of sorting all of this out was the presidents aide, Lucius. On Ore Street in the Mines District the Galkan boy Povall is deemed the new talekeeper by several Galka. At first they find it hard to believe, but soon the hope that their leader has returned eventually takes control. However, Iron Eater arranges an expedition to the Altepa Desert to discover if the boys claims are true. There they manage to find a moon pebble, the one which should have been in the hands of the Talekeeper, which all talekeepers must have. Returning to Bastok it quickly becomes clear that the return of the Talekeeper is a lie. The hopes of the Galka are dashed as the little Galka Povall under pressure and fear of death like all the previous Talekeepers flees for his life. Gabbot the elder Galka is forced from the town by Iron Eater for lying to his own people. The only one with any hope left seems to be the little Galka Gumbah, friend of Zeid. At this time, Bastok and Norg begin to discuss the possibility of trade. Ayame is sent to offer trade routes to the pirates there, possibly making them REAL businessmen. There she is confronted with her past as a Samurai and her oath to Gilgamesh as one of his warriors. But, it becomes clear to him that she is happy at her new post and the two agree it is best she stay there. Seeing her return to Bastok with a new sense of duty, Naji is pleased to see her. Perhaps he has feelings for her, more than just that of two officers? Meanwhile Cid is visited by the president's daughter Cornelia, she recently has a conversation with the Galka child Gumbah. Apparently he, saddened by his long time friend Werei leaving has asked that someone be sent to find him. He had set off on his journey of rebirth, one that all galka must take. Cornelia turned him down however, fearing that she alone could not convince her father to do such a thing. Cid questions her reasons why she would fear such a thing and gives her a lecture about her father's past and how just because the Galka are looked down on by many humes that she shouldn't try to help them. With luck, and alittle pressure from Iron Eater, President Karst agrees and sends a small group to locate Werei in the hopes it will give the growing galka talk of rebellion in the mines sector a reason to settle down. They discover a letter off an adventurer named Hani, which is for Gumbah. The letter is a sad goodbye from Werei which says that Gumbah is the new talekeeper, and although he must bear this burden he should always be himself before being the talekeeper. He gives Gumbah one final wish that they will meet again when he is reborn. Meanwhile a letter is received by Iron Eater from Zeid to Volker. It offers that the time has come for the Galka to "unlock the past", which prompts Volker to send a group into Altepa to discover what Zeid is up to. In Altepa, Zeid directs a group to a mural on the walls of the old Galka city that depicts the last days of the Galka on the island. It also tells two more tales. The first is that of the journey of rebirth. When a galka reaches the right age, it sets out on a journey to find a high mountain or a place of solitude where it will live out it's last days. There a bright light envelopes in and the is reborn. However, Zeid continues, no one has ever seen such a thing. Those who leave never come back and around a year later a young galka wanders back into the village/town. It is assumed this is the galka who was reborn, but the galka holds no memories of it's past life. All but one that is, the talekeeper. The talekeeper is the only truly reborn galka, which carries the memories of all the past galka, though not for all time like many think. The talekeeper only carries the past 200 years, which is easier than all of galka time, but still a burden. It is in this that most talekeepers meet their fate. No talekeeper has ever lived long enough to be reborn, which is brings up other questions about the journey of rebirth. With that Zeid says that the talekeeper is amongst them and that they should tell Iron Eater this. Back in town Iron Eater is shocked to hear such things, especially after the early fake talekeeper. Meanwhile an expedition is sent into Kuftal Tunnel to search for any whereabouts of Werei. A small piece of wood is found with a final note from Werei offering the galka need to learn to embrace their life and future and not look back to the past. Back in Bastok, the unrest of the worker galka has boiled over and now they demand entrance into their homeland through the tunnels in Bastok which were sealed off. Though they are told it's for their own protection they refuse to believe. Finally Gumbah steps forward and calms the crowd. It is at this time he reveals he is the new talekeeper. Although shocking the crowd at first, it is soon clear he is the real thing. Finally the talekeeper has returned. Taking it upon himself Gumbah decides to prove to both the Galka and the Humes that he is the real thing and wants to help both races. With the help of the president, Gumbah begins to see the corruption amongst the senators. Going along with the plans, he discovers Sen. Alois has been embezzling funds from the government. The senator is booted from office in shame, and President Karst recognizes Gumbah as the representative of the Galka. On his trip it is discovered that Werei is indeed reborn, but sadly has no memory of Gumbah. Saddened it matters little to Gumbah as his friend has returned. Back in Bastok it seems everything is becoming peaceful once again. However, appearances can be deceiving. Soon there after a letter arrives from Zeid via a captured musketeer explaining what happened to Raogrimm and the involvement of Volker's uncle. Shamed by the actions of his family Volker is asked to step down as leader of the musketeers. Angered, Volker tracks Zeid down to the ruins of the throne room in Castle Zvhal. Here, at the site of of two injustices, the battle between these two warriors would begin. It is discovered that these two men have more in common than just Raogrimm. It was actually Zeid, at the time named Warcloud, who had defeated the Shadow Lord the first time. Volker had taken credit, and Zeid had held it against him ever since. Battling each other in the throne room, the manifestation of the ruins of their past, the two dueled to a standstill. Stopped the battle, the two finally agreed to let their past go. The fighting wouldn't solve anything and both agreed what was done, was done. Forgiving each other the two agreed that while done for the day, perhaps someday in the future they would meet again.. and finish the battle they started. Returning to Bastok Volker finds that all is forgiven and that the actions of his uncle should not be reflected upon him. Finally peace had returned to the republic and the Galka and Humes could live together in harmony.. as much as possible that is. -------------------------------------------- 20. The Rise of the Zilart While the twin brothers of the Zilart began their twisted schemes once more, Gilgamesh and Lion plotted their next course of action. Remembering having once happened upon an old woman deep within the Temples in Yhoator Jungle, Gilgamesh sent lion to investigate. With the help of the Mithra Chieftaness, Lion discovered the hidden truth of the Zilart, that long ago the Zilart had controlled the land and enslaved the Kuluu and the Priestesses of Altana. The old man, Grav'iton was the memory of the Kuluu, now warped and transformed into the Tonberry by the lust for power of the Zilart. The Zilart were the ancients, the Zilart had built the gigantic monuments around the world, and the Zilart were the ones who caused such destruction that even Altana herself cried.... and now they would try to do the same again. Zied had found himself on a quest around the world to collect shards of the multicolored crystals on headstones of cermet from ancient Zilart locations. With these they could form a seal in the ancient ruins of the Galkan homelands that would grant them access to all the domains of the Zilart. Without this seal, all the plans set forth would mean nothing. With the help of the spirit of one of the gate keeper, Yve'noile, Zeid managed to unlock the powers of the Curelean Crystal. There he learned a of the strange history of the Zilart's quest to enter paradise. Just as he is born of the crystal, so are the crystal warriors. Using the power of the crystals, the Zilart created them, with enchanced power and skill, to protect the crystals. After the destruction of the zilart all creations warped into something different, as the peoples of vana'diel did, as did the Kuluu, and as did the crystal warriors. Zeid questions what or why this happened. Long ago the oldest Zilart prince watch overseeing a crystal when he suddenly had an accident, and was granted a vision. He saw the gods and an enternal paradise. With his powers this vision was viewed by all the Zilart. According to this vision his people had been cast from paradise long ago. However, those who saw the vision also heard a voice... a voice calling them to return. When the energy of the 5 crystals was returned as one, they would be able to open the gate to paradise. Meanwhile in Jeuno, Aldo's sister Verena had mysteriously disappeared. The girl, with a strange power to communicate and truly understand beastmen was too valuable and asset not only to the forces of light, but also the Zilart. Tracking her captors to Delkfutt's tower the 3 heroes assembled once more...not for Vana'diel, but to save Verena. At the very top of the tower Kam'lanaut had already become to reactivate the power source deep within the tower. Explaining that the explosion long had frozen he and his brother deep within the core of Delkfutt's reactor chamber and not until Raogrimm had tapped into the Crystal, which was directly connected to the tower's power source, had they been reawakened. Seeing their chance, they had used and manipulated Raogrimm and the beastmen. They had been planning this moment for the last 20 years, slowly weakening each kingdom and using the visage of the Shadow Lord to distract them all. But none of that was important now.. Summoning his minions, the Crystal Warriors, to watch over Verena he could now turn his attention to more pressing matters. Drawing on the power of the tower Kam'lanaut lashed out at the three heroes, but the might of all three overcame the power hungry man. Collapsing to the floor they gathered over his body. It was then Eald'narche appeared. Kam'lanaunt begged for his brother to help, but the young boy simply laughed. It was not Kam'lanaut who had orchestrated this plan so long ago... but it had been he. The OLDER brother. The powers of the Zilarts experiments had warped him, keeping his body in the state of the little child, but with amazing powers. Now that his brother had completed his task, he was no longer needed. It turned out that not only did Verena have an incredible gift with the power to speak to the beastmen, but the Shadow Lord himself. Using the black head of the fallen Raogrimm she could use the power he channeled from the crystal to unlock recharge to crystal core in the tower. It turns out that she is the key to the heavens. Using the power of the tower, a great beam of light shot into the sky, draining the life from Verena. Then, in the blink of an eye Eald'narche and the crystal warriors vanished. Running to her aid, the trio pulled Verena from the path of the beam...but it was too late. She lay unconscious, the purpose of the tower had been fulfilled. Returning to Jeuno, Aldo took after watching his sister while Zeid and Lion went in search of a way to access giant floating island in the sky. Traveling through Ro'Maeve they gateway of the gods, they discovered Tul'ia. Guarding the entrance were the Crystal Warriors. Just when it looked like all hope was lost, Aldo arrived and together they defeated the 5 warriors using their weaknesses, and thus strengths of the races they represented, against them. All that stood in their way now was Eald'narche, mad with power and attempting access to paradise - willing to enter hell to get there.... -------------------------------------------- 21. Awakening Within the walls of the floating city, Eald'narche rushed to complete his plans knowing that with the defeat of the crystal warriors, time was of the essence. Behind him the large doors open to reveal our heroes, ready for one final showdown. Eald'narche smiles flicking his wrist knocking them back. Sarcastically thanking them for their help so far, Eald'narche explains that the beastmen were in fact not the enemy the 3 kingdoms had thought. They had been sent forth to Vana'diel to stop anyone from accessing paradise, which is what they has done in the areas where they had recovered Magicite for his brother. But with the beastmen beaten back, they can no longer interfere with his plans to revive the crystal line and open to gate. He pauses and turns to the 3, offering them one last chance to join him and enter paradise and see all it has to offer together. Rising to their feet, the 3 give the Zilart youth the only answer they have, unsheathing their weapons. Eald'narche climbs onto a floating platform as the room around them seems to come to life with machines hell bent on killing them. Aldo knocking Eald'narche from his platform, the machines cease to function and collapse on the ground. Furious with rage at the lack of vision to 3 possess, Eald'narche begins to glow flying high above them. The energy flowing through his body burns away his eye patch, revealing a horrifying sight, what was once an eye - now a crystal burned into his blackened warped eye-socket. Firing balls of energy at the group, his rage destroys the room around him. Unable to control his bloodlust, Eald'narche fails to see Zeid sneak from behind striking him down. Collapsing to the ground, Eald'narche throws his hands into the air condemning the gods for forsaking him as they did his brother. Climbing in front of the crystal core before him, he connects the cermet lines to his body. Using the last of his power, he says that if he can't get into paradise, that will be unleash the same fate that befell the world 10,000 years ago. The crystal glows blue with energy as it overloads. Zeid and Aldo try desperately to think of a way to stop the mad man, as the crystal's power begins to focus on Vana'diel. Just then, in silence, Lion steps forward, realizing what must be done. With a quick goodbye to her friends, she unsheathes her dagger and charges into the crystal just as it's destructive beam of energy shoots down towards Vana'diel. Aldo and Zeid look on in shock as blue light of the crystal begins to fluctuate and in a massive explosion of energy, Lion is gone. The beam vanishes and Eald'narche is blown back. Outraged by her sacrifice, Eald'narche attempts to limp back to the machine to stabilize the reaction. Just then the visage of Yve'noile appears stopping Eald'narche in his tracks. She tells him his efforts have always been in vain, as paradise can not be achieved through the destruction of Vana'diel, he collapses to the ground. Realizing he was wrong all along, the light from his crystal eye fades, the last Zilart King is dead. Yve'noile turns to the 2 remaining heroes, as the room collapses around them. She thanks them, the TRUE crystal warriors... and perhaps they will meet again some day. Hurrying from the room, Zeid and Aldo escape just in time. The two still in shock over the actions of their friend have a somber moment of goodbye. Safely arriving back on the ground below Tu'lia Zeid ventures off once more into the darkness and solidarity of his life as a Dark Knight. Though the Zilart were defeated, more evil lurked in the world and he would be there to stop it. Aldo stares up into the sky at the floating capital of the zilart. In the jungles of Yhoator, another, Grav'iton stares at the same sky. Tu'lia's lights fade and soon it vanishes into the clouds once more, the Celestial Nexus lies still. In Norg, Aldo arrives to explain to Gilgamesh what happened to Lion. Saddened by her loss, but proud of her bravery, Gilgamesh explains that she wasn't really his daughter. During the war, she had washed up on the shore with her real father. Before his death, he asked she be taken care of... if only he could have kept that promise. With a sigh, Gilgamesh admits that even though he never had a child, he was proud to call Lion his daughter. He turns staring out over the ocean, his thoughts turning inward. Aldo soon returns to Jeuno, the story of his deeds unheard by the common person. Perhaps it was best that way. In the secret lair of Tenshodo he arrives to the cheers of his comrades welcoming him home. Verena hugs him, but senses something, she feels the lose of lion. Saddened and outraged by the loss of her friend Fickblix and now Lion she curses life itself for making them suffer. Suddenly a warmth washes over her, she can feel it.. somewhere... could it be.. Lion... she can feel Lion.. turning to her brother, she claims Lion is indeed alive, she can feel her. Aldo closes his eyes, and offers that all they can do is hope so. It all began with a stone, or so the legend says. In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful, banished the darkness. Its many-colored light filled with world with life and brought forth mighty gods. Bathed in that life, the world entered an age of bliss until, after a time the gods fell into slumber. That world was called Vana'diel. However, this age will not last. The great bane will devour the fair land of Vana'diel. The ancient seal will be broken, awakening nightmares of ages past. The blood of innocents will soak the earth, and the world will fall into fear and despair. But as one song rises clear above the roar of beasts... We hold to one hope in these darkest of times. That star is you, and the song is yours. And someday, that hope will become our dreams...our prayers... Shine forth, star of hope! Let your song ring out across all of Vana'diel! And what was split asunder will once more become whole. Complete and Inseparable for all eternity. -------------------------------------------- 22. Ancient Flames Beckon Deep within Delkfutt's Tower unaware of the epic battle in the sky, the last few remaining Zilart work diligently at the crystal power core of the tower. Suddenly the power flow begins to fluctuate violently as a reaction to Lion’s bravery above. Wolfgang and his Ducal Guards securing the area are blown back my a massive explosion. When he comes to, he enters the control room to find all the zilart missing, and only a small boy. The boy appears to be in a coma and is taken to the town hospital. Dr. Monberaux, Wolfgang’s once childhood friend tends to the boy, but can find now reason why he is in a coma. Wolfgang waits outside for word on the boy, but just as he awakens a mysterious figure in Zilart clothing with a strange eye piece appears. He is recognized as Nag’Molada, the chief envoy of Jeuno. Demanding the boy be released to him, Monberaux has no choice, but as the guards go to grab him they fall through him, as though he were not really there. Suddenly the boy is gone. Left behind, is a small pendent, which the doctor quickly picks up and hides. The Ducal Guards run off to search for the boy.. all but Nag'Molada.. who recognizes him..from somewhere.. It is at this time that strange rumors begin to surface through the towns people around Vana’diel. Fishermen tell tales of a great dragon rising from the ocean floor. Other travelers tell of crystals at the crags shattering into a million pieces. Nag’Molada wasting little time assigns Wolfgang and the Ducal guards to examine of the other crystals, he will deal with the the other 2 personally. Nag’Molada explains that deep within the core of a crag is a mothercrystal. These crystals have the light that keeps the world alive. Nag’Molada enters the first crag to find nothing wrong, but just then the little boy appears. Suddenly the entire crag begins to seep with a dark oozing glow. With the blinding flash of light, a vision of the Dawn maidens is seen. They discuss a final battle between Altana and Promathia, one that will destroy Vana’diel. With a poof, Nag’Molada finds himself outside the crag. Meanwhile the commotion at the crags has drawn the attention of Cid, who has spent some time in studying them. Along with Mythril Musketeers Ayame and Naji he arrives to investigate another crag. It was just then that Wolfgang and the Ducal Guards arrive. Cid says he has received readings that the energy flow from the crystals has been rapidly fluctuating and reports of a great winged beast appearing in the north sea have alarmed him. He explains he’s here to see if these events are possibly connected. Wolfgang tells him that he should leave now, Jeuno will handle it, but this only leads Cid to assume Jeuno had a part to play in this. Wolfgang simply ignores the threat of Cid’s theory and says many who have tried to explore the crags so far have gone missing. Suddenly the shards of the crystal begin to glow as if affected by their presence. Suddenly they a knocked back off their chocobo’s by a brilliant light. Meanwhile at the last crag, Nag’Molada rushes to see if the crystal inside is safe from the mysterious boy. The boy appears just as Nag’Molada predicted he would, but this time Wolfgang and his men are there. Nag’Molada orders Wolfgang to kill the boy, but the guard captain is hesitant at first. Angered Nag’Molada says to do it, or he’ll end up like his father. Wolfgang sighs with little choice and lunges at the boy. The boy stands their silently as the blade stabs into his body. Collapsed on the floor, the boy lays there silent. Wolfgang stands back in shock, as the boy slowly moves his arms, pushing himself up off the ground. Under him a dark empty light begins to ooze toward all corners of the room. The group stands back and with flash of light, he’s gone…and so is Nag’Molada. -------------------------------------------- 23. The Isle of Forgotten Saints In a lush foreign looking field Nag'Molada lays silent, 3 tarus in the distance watch in awe as the sky above them rips apart as a great dragon soars through the air. Noticing his body, they watch as he gets to his feet and stumbles towards the nearby caves to the west. As he enters, he slowly gets the feeling he is being watched, turning quickly he finds several soldiers in strange armor behind him. From the back of the soldiers appears a hume named Justinius, the captain of the Tavnazian Kights. He introduces himself the the 3 tarus who have been following him - The Chebukiki triplets. These three trouble makers are simply dismissed by Justinius for bugging their new guest. Nag'Molada seems as unable to believe he is in the destroyed city of Tavnazia as they are unable to believe he is of a good nature. Justinius explains for the last 2 years, these few survivors of the fateful battle here have held up in the Tavnazian Safehold, thelast refuge of escape. Though they were unable to flee the island, the location is a perfect one, as it is easily defendable from the remaining beastmen who spot the island. Wanting to learn more, Justinius believes he can arrange a meeting with their leader, but first Nag'Molada must prove himself. Despachiaire, an old elvaan man explains the local aquaducts have been plagued by a dark minotaur, if he could help kill it, their leader will see his deed and let him stay in the safehold. Nag'Molada seeing this as more of an opportunity to explore accepts the deal. Using his zilart powers he easily defeats the minotaur, but continues exploring. Deep within the catacombs he discovers a mysterious room with only a small box. Though unopenable he knows there is some importance to it. Returning to town he is greeted by the leader of Tavnazia, a young girl. Known to the people of Tavnazia as the "Abhorrent One", Prishe, to her new ally that many monsters have been gathering near Cape Riverne, following the path of a great dragon. Nag'Molada notices the amulet around Prishe's neck is the same one as the mysterious boy wears. He explains how he arrived in Tavnazia, and questions where she got hers. Prishe simply questions if it wasn't a young burnette girl who gave it to him. He tells her of the strange Emptiness which is eating away at the mainland, but they know nothing of it. Retiring to think the sitation over, Nag'Molada leaves the stronghold. Just then Despachiaire enters to speak with Prishe about the dragon she has seen. He wants to know if the dragon is the same one as seen in the murals and paintings in the old cathedral of Al'taieu. The dragon's name - Bahamut. In a nearby cliff, Ulmia, granddaughter of Despachiaire plays her harp and sings a lovely melody - "Lay of the Immortals". Nag'Molada listens in the distance humming along. Startled she turns to him. He explains to her that the song is not called "Lay of the Immortals", but is an ancient song with magical purposes called "Memoria de la S^tona". And there are more verses than she knows. The next verse tells of a great bane devouring Vana'diel and yet the gods will do nothing. He is about to continue, but suddenly his eyepiece flashes and bids her a farewell. Ulmia unable to resist begs him to tell her the next verse, but Nag'Molada simply says, the 3rd verse is for the God's alone to know. Back on town Justinius reports that the clouds in the sky certainly point to Riverne. Prishe believes that if the dragon they saw was Bahamut, then the only reason could be that the gates of paradise have been opened as the legend says. Still unsure, she decides that perhaps the only way to find out for sure is to just go and ask Bahamut himself. Calling for people to go with her, she notices the 3 tarus are gone and so is Nag'Molada. Together, Ulmia and Prishe rush to Cpe Riverne. When they arrive they find the entire cape destroyed. Giant floating rocks amass within a grey cloud of mysterious energy. A small white light flickers nearby, touching it they are both sucked in. On the otherside, the Chebukiki's and Nag'Molada are spotted going deeper into the maze of rocks. The two follow them deep into the floating caverns only to hear a strange singing. It is Nag'Molada singing the first two verses of Memoria de la S^tona! Suddenly Bahamut appears and lowers himself down the man. Bahamut and Nag'Molada greet eachother with open arms, as he thanks him for his sacrifice long go to keep the door to the gods shut. Bahamut recognizes Nag'Molada as Kuluu and is happy that his race has survived this long. But, if the Kuluu still exist then the pact they made long ago must still be kept. The opening of the gate shall usher in the end of mankind, as forseen by gatekeeper Yve'noile, who created the chamber of Eventide just for this purpose. Ulmia and Prish listen on in shock, with no clue of what they speak. Suddenly a massive armored airship appears, onboard on many cloaked men, with a strange blondehaired woman in command. Quickly surrounding Bahamut, they cast their zilart magic entangling him in their power. Bahamut screams at the realization that the Zilart still live too. Nag'Molada looks around in disbelief. Prishe jumps onto two of the zilart, knocking another out from behind. With a part of the chain down, Bahamut quickly breaks free and unleashes a furious roar. With a flash of brilliant light everyone vanishes. The last thing heard - "Foolish children, you will never break free of the chains of promathia.." A vision of the mysterious boy on an icey mountain top can be seen, Bahamut teases him that his people are no more and he should give up hope. The boy screams they are alive, and born to exist as living creatures. Bahamut replies, the paradise od Al'taieu is no more, the Zilart are at an end. Now people will be set free of the chains. Deep within a strange Zilart facility, Nag'molada approaches the strange woman from the armored airship. She scolds him for going there alone and seeing Bahamut, but questions his motives, becuase it was his fault it escaped. He asks her if she thinks becuase he is Kuluu that he is not a faithful servant of the Zilart. She simply replies, he has failed 3 times to capture the boy, do not fail her again. The issue with the boy must be resolved, and Nag'Molada believes he knows just how to do that and stop the emptiness. ------------------------------------------------ 24. A Transient Dream In North Gustaburg Prishe awakens to see an airship flying overhead. Jumping to her feet she rushes after it believing it to be the one from Riverne. Her running takes her to Bastok, there she harasses the locals into telling her of Airships and their creator, Cid. Just as she arrives at Cid's lab Ayame and Naji capture her and throw her into a holding cell. Conrelia decides to keep her company though, and talks with Prishe about who she is. When she hears of what transpired, she takes her to Cid. Informed of the armored airship and the hooded figures Cid realizes Jeuno has been secretly building armored airships since the first one was designed at the end of the Crystal War. Cid tells how 20 years ago he recieved an invite from Duke Kam'lanaut to work on a secret project that would win them the war. Cid took to watching the many Jeuno scientists and engineers, many of them hooded figures who rarely talked. He saw them conducting strange experiments around the crags of holla. He also explains that, it was indeed him that sent the mission north those many years ago. Someone had brought him a crystal from the northlands, and the power was so emense that he was convinced there was something up there that would be of great use. He was told, the piece he had was but a small bit of the stone they found there, now in Tavnazia, called the Star of Tavnazia. Prishe tells him of the return of bahamut, and Cid soon come to believe that the shattering of the crystals and the return of bahamut must all be linked... linked to Jeuno. Prish says she knows of someone in Jeuno who perhaps can help them, a friend in Tenshodo. In Jeuno she enters Tenshodo asking for Grezzo, but Aldo greets her asking how she knows Grezzo. She tells him long ago she was told that if she were ever on the mainland and in trouble, to ask for the help of Grezzo. Aldo explains Grezzo was his father and sadly is dead. Prishe saddened by the loss asks Aldo instead to help her, she needs a way to return to her home. Aldo shocked says that she is not the first person to ask, there has already been someone to see him with a request to go to Tavnazia. She could easily join him. In the Duke's Palace, the strange Zilart woman from the airship stands before a samurai from the far east. Her name Esha'ntarl, his Tenzen. He kneels down and asks why the Duke is not here himself. She dismisses his question with the fact that the duke is a busy man. She will take any issues he brings up to the duke when she sees him. Tenzen angered, believes this is no simple matter. The empitness which has begun to spring up here, has already begun devouring the 4 corners of his empire to the east. Those who see it have dreams of the keeper of the apocalypse. Esha'ntarl says she knows as little as he does, and they are working on a solution. Furious with her obvious lie, he tells her that they must know of the 5 shards of legend which rest in these lands. She is taken back by the outburst, asking him if he believes Jeuno is behind the emptiness. Explaining that Jeuno has protected the crystals for a very long time, and now with the eastern empire knowing of their existance, it would be bad for them to "fall into the wrong hands". Realizing the implied war against his people in her words, Tenzen backs down. She sys if he truely wants to help he can help them find the mysterious boy who seems to be linked to the empitness. She believes he is the keeper of the apocalypse and since he has appeared at the 3 other mothercrystals at the crags, it is possible he will appear at the 4th crystal in the northlands. She suggests that if he wishes to go there he had best find a guide. In San d'Oria Ulmia slowly walks through the sister city of her homeland. Seeing the church she approaches and asks the the priests about the the song she had learned and the gateway to the gods. The priest explains that as pusnishment for attempting to open the gate long ago, the ancients were cursed by Promathia. He tells her that in San d'Oria they teach that to enter the gate of the gods and seek paradise, you must seek it and hold it within your heart. She asks about the curse, and the priest explains that they do not speak of the abhorrent one, for those who forget him, will forget the curse and it will lose it's power. But, if she truely wants to know to speak with a relative of the San d'Orian knight who went to the northlands of the infamous missions those 30 years ago. In Carpenter's Landing, Louveracne a Knight of Mistalle, the outcast knights tells her that the count is dead, but that his wife still lives. If she wants to speak with her to go to the manor in town. Back in San d'Oria, Ulmia begins to recognized the manor, she had been there before. Inside she meets with Hinaree, the countess of Mistalle. Ulmia had only been a little girl when she was here last, but remembers her family and theirs were very close friends. Hinaree explains that perhaps if she wished to know more of the Gate of the Gods to speak with Cardinal Mildaurion. Ulmia explains the people of Tavnazia thought she was dead, but is told that perhaps she escaped. Ulmia shocked, is told that long ago the Cardinal's teachings believed that to reach paradise you must abandon all truth, but truth of what?!? Another question bugged Ulmia too, if the Cardinal was still alive, why had she not returned to her city? Meanwhile in Windurst, the 3 Chebukikis explore their ancestrial home and realize they have no food, no money, and no ability to leave. SOOOO.. they decide to find their father, believing him to be in the town. First they approach Yoran-Oran, which of course lets Shantotto do what she does best, make fun of people. Yoran tries to explain he's not the father, and that he's only been to Tavnazia once to examine and artifact they had found. The Chebukikis suddenly decide he is far to poor to be their father, so they split during the tale of the artifacts discover in the Sea of Shu'meyo, and go to find their father again. Honoi-Gumoi, the richest taru in Windurst is their next target, as it becomes slowly clear they are looking for money more than a father. Of course the accusation of being their father is not only heard by Honoi, but a local reporter Kyume-Romeh. Throwing cash at the 3 tarus, Honoi runs off after the reporter to make sure the story doesn't get published. Next the 3 end up in the Opistery, where they question Tosuka-Parika about their father, but he says he would be far too old. They explain about their father and slowly it comes to light that their father was the infamous taru founder of the animastery - Karaha Baruha! The same who had saved Windurst 20 years ago, but at the same time went mad with power recently trying to destroy it! Finding their father dead, they decide they had enough with Windurst and head to Jeuno to try and find Nag'Molada. Deep within the mysterious Zilart facility Wolfgang approaches Nag'Molada informing him the airship is ready for him. Nag'molada says he will not be joining them, he will be going alone, but if the boy appears to detain him. Wolfgang bows and leaves, and out of the shadows appears the 3 chebukikis. Nag'Molada turns to them, "it is all going according to plan". Meanwhile in Jeuno, Ulmia arrives looking for Prishe at Tenshodo. She meets Aldo who explains Prishe went walking around town til the ship was ready. They talk about Magicite and it's role in the events, as they must be connected to the mother crystals as well. Suddenly one of the Tenshodo run in and inform Aldo and Ulmia that Prishe is at Dr. Monberaux's after collapsing at the cathedral! The two rush to Upper Jeuno. In the clinic, Tenzen watches over Prishe, Monberaux explains he had brought her here. Prishe rambles something about the keeper of the apocalypse... Tenzen's sword begins to shake and vibrate. Prishe covers here ears rolling on the bed. Ulmia and Aldo arrive, and Ulmia notices Prishe's amulet is gone. Ulmia asks the doctor if they can borrow the Amulet he found earlier, and places it around Prishe's neck. They agree there must be some connection between the two amulets, but what? The amulet given to Prishe was given by the Cardinal Mildaurion herself! Monberaux mentions that the ducal guards have been speaking of seeing the boy in the ruins of Pso'xja to the north. Tenzen quickly embarks to the northlands. Deep within the ruins Tenzen discovers a strange room, though he hasn't found the boy he begins to feel a dark chill. Suddenly his sword begins to shake and in the distance he sees a figure laying on the floor. It's Prishe! Unconcious the girl lays before a glowing portal, from which the mysterious boy appears. Touching Prishe she begins to show signs of life. Just then a dark winged figure appears, Diabolos. Tenzen grabs his sword and backs away from the group realizing that they must be in the "Shrouded Maw" the gateway to the relm of dreams.. and this must be a dream itself. Drawing his sword it ingulfs with flame. Diabolos calls out to the sword recognizing it as Phoenix's Flame. Tenzen says he has come from around the world to request the assistance of Diabolos to defeat their common enemy of light. Diabolos laughs and says he has false hope, Phoenix is not whole and that emptiness is not without its reason. Instead he offers Tenzen the option to join him in his world, Dynamis, the world of dreams. Though the emptiness would consume his body, his sould could live on forever there. Prishe rises to her feet saying there is always hope. Suddenly Diabolos looks around, realizing that perhaps this dream is not his... but that of Prishe. Shocked, a blinding flash of light blinds them all throwing Tenzen back. When he awakes everyone is gone. Deciding it best to talk to consult Prishe on what had happened he heads back to Jeuno. In town, Prishe is brought up to speed by Ulmia about what she discovered in San d'Oria. Tenzen arrives and realizes Prishe was concious for the entire dream. He explains that Diabolos is the terrestrial avatar of dreams, one of 5 powerful gods born of Vana'diel. Many eons ago, the 5 avatars fought a fierce battle against an evil pressence that attempted to envelop Vana'diel. Along with Diabolos was Phoenix, the bird of ressurection; Fenrir, the hound of the moon; Carbuncle, the keeper of the world; and Bahamut, Lord of the Skys. With Aldos help they decide that perhaps it's best to head back to Tavnazia and one last time try to convinced Bahamut to join them. ------------------------------------------ 25. The Cradles of Children Lost In Tavnazia Prishe and her friends notices the people seem different. Greeting them Despachiare explains that much has happened since they vanished. The rumors of the Dragon King returning have drawn much attention from the outside world to their small "kingdom". Jeuno has set up trade routes and an envoy lead by Nag'molada has set up residence. Still uneasy about him, Despachiare asks them to join him in his private chambers. There Tenzen explains that he has come to try and reason with Bahamut, but the idea is quickly shot down until Nag'molada returns. Despachiare then answers his questions regarding Prishe. He says that poor Prishe is cursed. Justinius adds that while that may be the case she is indeed a miracle, though in recent days the people of Tavnazia believe her miracle may fade. Meanwhile, overlooking her favorite cliff Ulmia plays her song once more. Unsure how to best protect her friend, she remembers back to her childhood. On this very same cliff, a little girl, Ulmia stood crying. Behind appeared Prishe, strangely in the same form she is today. Ulmia explains she didn't make it into the Tavnazian Choir. Prishe comforts her explaining that just because she didn't make it now doesn't mean it won't happen. The world is such a big place and there are far more important things than a choir. She says that Ulmia doesn't need to be in the choir to be able to sing, she can come to this cliff and sing all she wants. The distance the hinted figure of the Cardinal appears calling Prishe to come home. Standing over the cliff, present day Ulmia gives thanks to Prishe speeking to herself how she did indeed get into the choir. Looking to the sky she prays to the Dawn Goddess for protection and guidance. Suddenly the shape of a dragon soars through the sky. She rushes back to the safehold to meet the others. Agreeing now is not the time to wait, Justinius and Ulmia head off to Riverne to find Bahamut and once more tempt fate. Tenzen seeing his opportunity tags along too. Behind them in the shadows the 3 Chebukikis follow. In Riverne the 3 fiendish Tarus pop out of the shadows saying they've been sent to stop them from getting to Bahamut. Cherukiki decides to just cast warp on the 3 adventurers, but mistakenly casts warp on herself. Justinius yells for the others to continue on, he'll deal with the remaining Chebukikis. Deep within Rivernes floating rock fortress Tenzen and Ulmia fidn Bahamut, approaching himto question his motives. Suddenly portals begin to open, as dragons from all across Vana'diel begin to appear. Bahamut asks them to unite to defend the crystal. Tenzen stands before them and appeals Bahamut for help. The Dragon King laughs and simply mocks him. Unsheething Phoenix Tenzen blasts one of the wyrms. Tenzen says that although in size they are over insects, together there is nothing the people of Vana'diel can't do. Bahamut shocked calls out to Phoenix for an answer as to why it helps him. In reply it sings to him the new 4th verse to the now infamous song. "Long ago there was a child who came seeking Bahamut, a pact was made with that boy, and now it was to befulfilled. The light would be given to the crystals once more. Innocent blood spills onto the plains of Vana'deil. The world shudders as she is thrust into chaos and despair. Niether power nor destiny can bring an end to what has begun. However, through the storm of night, a star of glory shines brigt. Through the howling of the beast the sound rings clear. Shining star, echoing song you are our dreams and prayers." With that Bahamut is gone. Back in Tavnazia, Tenzen explains that Phoenix gave him a vision, of long ago when the Ancients battled the Avatars and Bahamut fought in the greatest of all the battles at the gates of paradise. It was during this battle people would learn of the emptiness, the will of the twilight god, Promathia. Just then Nag'molada and Despachiare enter the room. Despachiare explains the connection between Promathia and Vana'diel. He calls him the Lord of Chaos and that he has cursed all the peoples of Vana'diel. The only way to rid themselves of it is to forget Promathia, which explains why Tenzen's people knew nothing of Promathia. The group shocked, bickers with eachother about the possibility of the end of the world. Tenzen tells them not to worry and that Jeuno will deal with Bahamut. He then demands that Prishe's amulet be turned over to him. Tenzen and Ulmia quickly go to find her. In her room, they warn her of Nag'moladas demands. It is here the history of Prishe is revealed. Long ago, she was the victim of an accident. Her family dead she was the only one left. Ageless, after touching some artifact deep within the church catacombs. She has immortality. Tenzen doesn't seem to understand though, why her people would want to hide her away and call her such things as "The abhorrent one". Out of ideas, but wanting to keep Prishe and the Amulet safe, they begin to go over ideas on what to do next. Prishe then offers a suggestion of her own, why not take this to Promathia himself. And she just happens to know how, deep within the Sacrarium. The Sacrarium, an old temple and school deep within the mountains, it has for some time been left to it's new inhabitants, the undead. Tenzen finds Prishe deep inside standing before a giant statue of Promathia. She explains the Tavnazian cathedral used to buy up artifacts and study them in hopes of finding paradise, to ask Altana to remove the curse of Promathia. Soon the focus of their search shifted, when the realized through studying the ancient artifacts, that the Ancients were incredibly advanced. Instead of finding a road to paradise, they would now try to invite Altana into their world. But before they could try this idea, Cardinal Mildaurion arrived and the Crystal War broke out not long after. Prishe moves closer to the statue, holding out her hand. Suddenly Prishe finds herself in a strange cathedral surrounded by several robed figures. They speak of her involvement in a baptismal gone horribly wrong, some kind of horrific accident. Prishe is a child of destiny… In a flash of light, Prishe finds herself witnessing a conversation between Diabolos and the mysterious boy. Diabolos questions how the boy could still be alive, how he could have live through the destruction of Al’tieu along with the keeper of the apocalypse. Diabolos believed it was the Zilart that had unleashed the emptiness, but perhaps it was another… With another flash of light Prishe sees a vision of Dawn Maiden Yve’noile. He begs her for the truth, is he to defeat Promathia or carry out his will. She simply responds, “Why do you think his face is smooth and unfeatured?” No one has ever seen his face. They will pray both for his resurrection and destruction. Suddenly Prishe is pulled from the trance. Ulmia stands behind her, scolding her for using the statue after everything they knew. It is said the statue brings out the worst in people. Prishe ignores Ulmia saying she now understands, the twilight god seeks his own resurrection and death. Back in Tavnazia, Despachiare discovers what Prishe had been up to and erupts in a rage. He blames her foolishness on all of their problems, saying she’s responsible for Bahamut as well. Ulmia scolds her grandfather, standing up for Prishe. She says Prishe must be pure of heart, because she was protected from the ill effects of the statue. Despachiare tells them that it may be too late, as the San d’Oria church seeks Prishe and the Cardinal for questioning. Louverance, the San d'Orian Knight they has met earlier pushes the door open, entering to room, confirming this fact. While this does indeed look and act like the man they met earlier, something is off. He explains that they believe at the end of the war Cardinal Mildaurian robbed the cathedral, which stressed the Papsque at the time so much that it may have been the cause of his death. Louverance begs Prishe to come with him to San d’Oria to avoid any problems. Prishe says there is much to do, but that she will go with him. In the lower regions of the safe hold, Tenzen and Prishe join Louverance on his airship. Ulmia is nowhere to be seen, forced to stay behind by her grandfather. Prishe sadly mentions that she’s afraid she will never see her friend again. Just as they are about ready to take off, Ulmia appears asking to follow. Even though she is disobeying her grandfather she wishes to know the rest of the “Memoria” and perhaps use it to tell Prishe’s story one day. It’s the least she can do. ---------------------------------------- 26. The Return Home As the airship docks our heroes discover they aren’t in San d’Oria at all, but in Bastok. They are told to remain quite and follow Louverance into the Metalworks. There they meet up with Cid. Apparently these two have teamed up to hunt down the cardinal and any information they can about her in hopes of learning more about the magicite used by the Zilart (which Cid has been doing since back at chapter 22). According to his research, the magicite fragment that was brought to him was from a larger piece inside of a box, which somehow ended up in the hands of the Tavnazian church. Prishe understands completely, the box was used for religious services and the like while in Tavnanzia. It also played some role in Prishe’s “life extension.” Louverance heard of this knowledge and was in Tavnazia for that very reason, to get it and bring it back to Cid. But before he could, Nag’molada had stolen it from the Sacarium. Prishe shocked by the news says that the vessel is pure evil, and rushes off without thought. The group rushes out behind Prishe, who decides now is the time to go to Pso’xja. As they enter the dark underground temples of Pso’xja the group notices one thing, Nag’molada is nowhere to be found. Continuing slowly and carefully they venture deeper. At the center of the ruins, a grand door opens to reveal a giant crystal, like those seen in the crags. Suddenly Prishe begins to move towards the crystal without any thought, claiming she hears the crystal’s song calling her. Just then the mysterious boy appears behind them, while Nag’molada reveals himself from behind the crystal. In his hands, the box from Tavnazia. A tense showdown begins. Nag’molada laughs how amusing he finds the church’s use for the box to be, but that is has far more uses than ceremony. Many millennia ago the king of the Zilart made the necklace Prishe wears, along with many other necklaces. These were a testament of affinity – to peer into the hearts of the Kuluu. All Zilart were born into the world with the ability to communicate telepathically, called the “whisper of the soul”. After a time, the emptiness consumed some of the Zilart and they lost their gift. These people were forced out of the capital, and became the Kuluu. Amulets like the one Prishe has were forced on the Kuluu so the king could read their thoughts and keep them in check. Does she understand now? With that same power, the mysterious boy was using it to read Prishe’s mind and follow her through all of Vana’diel to the locations of the crystals. Nag’molada goes on to explain that he had used his time in Tavnazia to steal the box. But it was not he who was a villain, it was the boy. The mysterious boy – Selh’teus. He had betrayed them all. He betrayed the Kuluu and the trust of the zilart king, as well as all the gods. Though he was born of the mother crystal like all things, he seeks to destroy it. Nag’molada then turns his focus from Prishe to Selh’teus. He questions how he could have survived, how he got the power to control the emptiness, when the gates were failed to be opened… how did only he live? Selh’teus says nothing. Suddenly three hooded Zilart rush the boy, but Prishe and her friends fight them off. The boy calmly walks to the crystal, the emptiness beginning to flow forth from his hands. Naga’molada opens the box to reveal, “The Eye of Altana”, using its power to create a crystal barrier around Selh’teus. Throwing her necklace to Ulmia, Prishe begs the boy to tell her the song of the crystal. Just then she hears it, the crystal begins to glow. Nag’molada tries desperately to hear, but cannot, being a Kuluu without the “whisper.” The crystal prison of Selh’teus breaks open and he levitates to the crystal. There is a brilliant flash of light. There is a strange room, overlooking an even stranger city, in it we see the familiar image of Yve’noile. Out of site, but in the same room are 2 young boys, who are soon revealed to be Nag’molada and Selh’teus. They beg her for access to the Kuluu city, of which she agrees. We are suddenly flashes to another scene, this time of Selh’teus in front of a large Kuluu audience. He begs Graviton to join him in Dynamis. There they will be safe from the things to come. They can fight back against the Zilart with the help of Diabolos, maybe rejoin the Zilart as one. Another scene flashes into view. This time it is Yve’noile again, with an older Nag’molada. She speaks of his working for the Zilart as a Kuluu, and how she doesn’t understand. How can he betray both peoples like that. All she knows I that she seeks a world were both are gone. Nag’molada pauses, and offers that he has not betrayed everyone. He has always been truthful, and faithful to her. He would never betray her trust. Yve’noile turns and simply replies “and what if I betray yours?” When the group awakes they find themselves in another emptiness void. They notice Nag’molada and Selh’teus are gone, but more importantly, so is Prishe. Seeing the only exit possible up ahead they trudge ahead hoping to find her there. As they get closer it slow comes to light that the exit is cut off from them by a giant cliff, which falling from would be a fate worse than death. Ulmia begins to turn around, when Nag’molada appears behind them with the box. Using the power of the “Eye” he brings the gap together creating a bridge for them to cross. Ulmia confused by this, asks him why he would help them. Nag’molada replies that Diabolos had told him he would help the find a way out. As the others cross, Nag’molada looks around the vast emptiness and curses Selh’teus under his breath. In a giant arena across the bridge the group finds Diabolos, holding Prishe’s limp body in his hands. He complains that if only he know of Selh’teus’s plan earlier he could have stopped it. Selh’teus is on a mission from the celestial capital of Al’tieu. Though he goal is unclear, the result will be Vana’diels destruction. Shocked to hear this news, Nag’molada questions if the capital really is still there. Diabolos assures him it is still there, and the 5th Crystal will take them. Louverance suggests that if it is true, perhaps the gates can still be opened? Diabolos simply laughs, and ridicules him and “humanity” for seeking to still open the gates to paradise after all this time. He warns them, it is not their will that leads them down that path, but the will of the twilight god. This is why Bahamut seeks to destroy them. Tenzen asks if there is any possible way for the curse to be lifted. Diabolos says long ago the Kuluu came to him for the same help, but it resulted in a tragedy as he Kuluu lost their original selves. The curse is necessary for the survival of the species, it is only a cure because they call it that. Diabolos offers that there are no roads left or right to travel, and that Vana’diel and the people in it are doomed. Selh’teus must be learned from, picking both sides leads to only pain. Suddenly Prishe awakes, jumping from his hands. She scolds him, saying that it doesn’t take away from the fact that Selh’teus still tried to do something. She asks what happened to him, what happened to Diabolos’s spirit, or else he’d know what she says to be true. Outraged, Diabolos screams at her. “You know nothing girl!” he says, if she is so adamant about the cause, why not sacrifice herself to it. Prishe, is silent. Then remarks – she finally understands her purpose. There is suddenly a flash of light. In the snows of the north, 3 familiar taru look over the bodies of our heroes. They laugh and steal the necklace Prishe had given them, even though they know they'll be in big trouble if Prishe finds out. From behind them, Nag'molada approaches. They jump for joy saying they have been sent to find him and bring him back to Esha'ntarl. He scolds them for being so stupid as to activate the ruins, but they tell him it was her idea, that she had an Tenzen do it when he was gone in Tavnazia. He pauses, wondering why she would do such a thing. The activation of the ruins would take away Diabolos's free will. Thinking to himself he turns and walks off, the three chebukki's trailing behind. Back in Bastok Cid works in his lab, when suddenly the doors fly open. There before him are Ulmia, Tenzen, and Louverance. After they escaped the emptiness, they managed to get to San d'Oria, but could not find Prishe. Cid, with a heavy heart informs that now is a terrible time to lose her. She has now been branded a wanted criminal by Jeuno and is being hunted by all three kingdoms. Tenzen explains that when Prishe sang that song, Selh'teus escaped. Perhaps Nag'molada thinks they are working together. Ulmia remarks she knows what Prishe had sung, the 4th verse of "Memoria de la S^tona"...but where would she have learned it? Tenzen just as confused knows one thing for sure, they must find Prishe now before Jeuno. Ulmia agrees saying that they must know what she does. When the keeper of the apocalypse arrives, Bahamut will destroy mankind. Sent by the ancients in Al'taieu, Selh'teus's coming is foretold in mankinds pact with the Wyrmking, which is why he too is awake. They tried to plea with Diabolos to help, but his heart is now stained with anger. There is only one option left to break the pact. But how? Cid begins to think.. "The keeper comes, bahamut wipes out mankind...if the keeper never comes, then there will be no pact." Tenzen agrees, but the keeper is the boy and they have been after him since the start. Maybe if he can call on Carbuncle, Keeper of Rainbows, he could help them. Ulmia likes the plan, but is far more worried about Prishe at the moment. If Prishe could communicate with Selh'teus, perhaps she would be more useful than any avatar. Louverance, decides he shall take a third path, to investigate the celestial capital. It is here they will split their paths. At La’thiene Plateau, in the ancient circle of stones, Tenzen calls forth Carbuncle to his aid. He explains Bahamut and Diabolos do nothing. Diabolos draws people into his world to shelter them, and Bahamut now gathers his armies to destroy the world. Unable to see this as just, he begs the help of the avatar. Suddenly in a flash of light Carbuncle appears, greeting both Tenzen and Phoenix. Carbuncle explains that he knew all this would come to pass, and that is why he will now lead Tenzen to the power of the slumbering gods to prevent the twilight god’s awakening. Tenzen’s sword shakes in opposition to the plan – as Carbuncle knew it would, as surely Bahamut and Diabolos would too. If siphoning of energy from avatar to man begins, it will stop the gods, but at the same time speed up their awakening. When that happens a furious battle between the terrestrial avatars and the gods will begin. Tenzen looks on confused. The keeper seeks to open the gates of paradise, but has that not been part of the curse of Promathia all along? So then all of this has been for the purpose of awakening Promathia!? Tenzen begs Carbuncle to help him, to which the avatar agrees, for Phoenix’s sake. 30 years ago he sensed the birth of the keeper, but since then its presence has faded. Deep in the city on the outskirts of the old Zilart capital is the Kuluu ruins of Pso’xja. There he must go to retrieve the power of the slumbering gods. The same, which the avatars granted the Kuluu in the ancient times. Meanwhile in San d’Oria Ulmia stands silent overlooking the docks, playing her harp in a desperate hope that Prishe will hear her song. It has been days since she first set off to find Prishe, but with no clue where to search she finds herself here, playing alone. A crowd has gathered to listen, as they had done over the last few days. But this time, there was a new face. A strange Mithra in a dark armor. When Ulmia stops playing the mithra approaches. She begins to question her about Prishe, for she has been looking for the girl too. Ulmia asks if she is working for Jeuno, but the mithra says no. Just then, a messenger from the cathedral approaches Ulmia saying father Chasalvige has called her there. The Mithra decides now she will take her leave, but will explain everything the next time they meet. In the Cathedral, the father tells Ulmia that he finally understands how to help her. Before the advent of the Great War Ulmia and Prishe came to San d’Oria with the cardinal. He was there at the meeting, but much younger at the time. These meetings were to improve the failing relations between the Tavnazia church and the San d’Orian church. At the time, Ulmia was asked by the cardinal to sing a song to honor the occasion, the same song of the gods. Before she could even begin she was yelled at by the Papsque to stop. Ulmia comments that she thought it was her horrible singing voice, but the father says the Papsque was more afraid of the power of the song. 500 years ago in a time of humiliation for the Elvaan, when the continent of Quon was under the control of Windurst, their people lived in small tribes. Lanfeaur d’Oraguille came forth to lead the people along with his general Alphollon Tajeux who would later become to first Marquis of Tavnazia. They together founded the Kingdom of San d’Oria on the power of two artifacts they had gathered, but both were soon lost in a great battle. In their places, mysterious stone tablets were left behind. From that day forth they began studying the tablets, one in each capital. It wasn’t until the days of King Ranperre did they solve the riddle of the San d’Oria tablet. The king, at the time located in Davoi during the civil war decided to hunt for the artifact, which would be known as the sacred sword, Lightbringer. Despite the success of the researchers in San d’Oria, the Tavanzian cathedral refused to share the information they had gathered from their tablet. Spies were sent to Tavnazia and it was soon discovered the tablets words were the verses of the lyrics to the song they would come to call “The Lay of Immortals”. It was a song that would conclude with the manifestation of a deity – a song to call the gods. Tavnazia had deciphered the words, but not the music and began a search for one who could sing it was begun. The person they found was Ulmia. Fearing a horrible fate ahead, Father Chasalvige begs Ulmia to turn around and head home before it’s too late and the cardinal finds them. But, if she still insists on seeking her friend, she possibly was transported to Windurst by the taru excavation crew that has been experimenting on the ancient ruins there for some time. Ulmia thanks the father for his advice and answers. Outside the door, a mithra stands in the shadows listening to the conversation. In Windurst, Ulmia meets with Yoran-Oran, the sponsor of the researchers. Perhaps he would know of her friend. But, before they can speak on the subject a mithra bursts through the door to his house, flanked by two others. She is a trackers, same as the one she met before, but a different one. She says she has been seeking the abhorrent power and demands the black magicite. Not knowing what she’s talking about, Yoran can’t reply. Deciding his silence is him keeping the secret, she tells her cohorts to attack. Ulmia steps forward to his defense, and they turn their weapons on her. Suddenly the door opens to reveal Prishe, who has come to save them, but is caught completely off guard, and the trackers turn their weapons on her, forcing her into the corner with Ulmia and Yoran. Just when it looks like all hope is lost, the door opens again to reveal their hero! PROFESSOR SHANTOTTO!!! Using her magic she forces the mithra back and tells them that Prishe has the stone, which they seek, but she can’t give it up. She asks Prishe to show them why. Prishe unbuttons here shirt, and reveals to everyone that the magicite is imbedded in her chest. As she buttons her shirt back up everyone looks on in shock, and Prishe remarks she doesn’t have time for this, but the mithran trackers ask her to come with them, someone wants to meet her. Someone who would be very interested in the magicite. Prishe leaves with the trackers, Ulmia still in shock follows not knowing what else to do. As the door closes, Yoran stands there completely in shock not knowing what has happened, next to him is Shantotto enjoying it all. Meanwhile Louverance returns to Tavnazia to speak with Despachiare, where he explains the situation so far. Despachiare thinks about to an old painting he saw in the cathedral long ago. Found deep within Uggalepih, it was said it depicted a verse of a legendary song – the ancients and their attempted to open the gates of paradise. It showed a gate of light hovering over a grand city, the gatekeeper roaring in the heavens. Taking the form of a mighty dragon, its 4 limbs were bound by mighty shackles. In fact, as he recalls, it wasn’t until Cardinal Mildaurian first looked upon it did the city in it get a name – Al’taieu. As punishment for defying the will of the gods they city was destroyed and banished to the bottom of the north sea. After the cardinal revealed the paintings legend, many songs were written about it. Despachiare explains that before coming to Tavnazia the cardinal was a priest who had wondered the outlands searching for spiritual enlightenment. Perhaps this is where she learned the information she preached, for after a time several mithra began arriving in Tavnazia looking for her. They demanded the paintings the cardinal had brought them, saying they were rightfully theirs and had been taken by pirates. While unable to remember the trackers names, he remembered that they used the title “Sinhunters”, assassins of the grand chieftaness. In fact it had been reported that one was in the area recently. Louverance decides to look into this new information and visit the mithran chieftaness, Perih Vashai in Windurst. In the taru city, Louverance meets with Perih who explains she, nor the trackers, would know about the city in the painting, but that the trackers came to demand the atonement for the sins of the Tavnazian cardinal, which were related to the picture. It was stolen from the Uggalepih and a tracker was sent to find it. When she did a deal was struck. The cardinal claimed she knew of the duty of the tracker and stated she personally had the prepared the means to carry it out in Tavnazia. The tracker has no choice and accepted, and Vana’diels fate was placed in the hands of its peoples. The duty she spoke of was the mithra’s ancient purpose – to awaken the gods. After the ancient race had tried to open the portal to paradise, the emptiness flowed from the “wound”. The peoples of the planet decided to stop it, and would use the divine tears of Altana to push it back, but a battle over the 5th crystal’s power ensued between Bahamut and the king of people. Those who survived used the power of the sleeping gods to heal the wounded land. The giant crystals around Vana’diel hidden from site – those are the resting places of the gods. Awakening these gods to heal our land is the role the cardinal attempted to fill. Louverance stands back in shock, confused that the mithra legend of origin would be so drastically different than that of the elvaan. Saddened by this dead ends, Louverance sulks off, thinking perhaps his luck has finally run out. Just then a taru runs down the path towards him screaming that he has been searching for him. He hands him an item, which he repaired for him since his last visit. Also he says that his “nemesis” Goldmane the bounty hunter is looking for him, and was last seen in a small island to the south. Louverance realizing his luck might not have run out just yet, heads to the southern islands to find Goldmane. On the islands to the south, Louverance finds an old orc war machine all alone on an island. As he approaches it activates and begins to move towards him. Quickly slicing it with his sword, 3 mandragoras pop out the hole in the machine. It quickly turns out that they are under the control of small taru, named Vukki-Chebukki (yes, it looks like he’s the real father of our favorite taru triplets). Could this be Goldmane?! The two seem to know each other very well, and threaten each other based on their past. In their arguments Louverance lets the taru know that Tavnazia is still filled with people. Vukki stops fighting and his interest becomes peaked. Louverance explains all that has happened so far, and Vukki cheers at the people’s safety, but Louverance isn’t so sure they will be. It was after all, the people who were saving them, that betrayed them so many years ago. The taru asks what he must do to help, and Louverance replies they must shed the light on the purpose – the REAL purpose of the allied army hidden behind the confusion of the Crystal War. He will also call for the restoration of Tavnazia as a nation. Vukki laughs, but Louverance insists he has control of the successor of the Tavnazian Marquisate as well as preparations to receive funds and troops from certain wealthy family. He will not only do that, but find the last hidden artifact of Tavnazia and the path to Al’taieu. It soon becomes apparent the Vukki’s reason for being there is he was sent on a secret mission from the Tavnazia cathedral to find the path to the celestial capital, but never found it. All they discovered was that the way to the capital is told in legend to open once every 100 years. Using the item the he received from the taru in Windurst, he uses it to see the truth in Vukki’s words. He receives a vision… The statue of Promathia in the Sacarium! Could it have been from Al’taieu?! Having traveled to the northlands, now deep within the ruins of Pso’xja, Tenzen finds himself standing before a giant device. He turns it on device, and his sword begins to resonate. Phoenix calls to him and tells him to return to the place they first met Selh’teus. Tenzen heads back to Jeuno to speak with Dr. Monberaux, who informs him that while he hasn’t found much information since last they met that the eyes of the guards in town tell much and unsettled rumors of the end of the world are about. Monberaux has come to believe that the girl Prishe must be connected, but Tenzen rebuffs the idea, trying to get the doctor to focus on other problems. Monberaux explains that the ducal guards are talking of an attack on Bahamut. Yes, he threatens us with the apocalypse but is he not also the world’s keeper, like all avatars? He even sent a letter to Wolfgang to try to convince Esha’ntarl to join their cause. Tenzen replies the three nations have no defense against Bahamut’s attack, the only hope is to find him before he attacks. Before he leaves, Tenzen asks where the boy was originally found. Monberaux says it was deep in Delkfutts tower. In the Palace of the Duchy, Esha’ntarl and Wolfgang hear word of the events that have transpired over the last few days. Just then Nag’molada enters in a huff, blaming his loss of the boy on Prishe, and how his plans would have worked if not for her. One of the zilart guards remarks that Selh’teus is foolish for not knowing their quest for paradise had ended long ago and what happened to the capital. Nag’molada chuckles under his breath, perhaps it is we who do not know he replies. He proposes an expedition be sent to Al’taieu, but Esha’ntarl says no, that he must go to the goblin city, she will deal with the boy. They proceed to scold him for his brash impudence. Nag’molada pleas that the boy is now more powerful than they know, but again Esha’ntarl quiets him. She says they Nag’molada doesn’t need to find the boy, he will come to him. She then reveals that she has Prishe’s amulet. Wolfgang during this time, sits outside the Palace starring at the letter his old friend had sent him. On the back, he notices a map. He recognizes it as a location in Battalia Downs, where long ago two boys, best of friends and troublemakers, found a shard of blue glass. It was just a shard from a bottle, but to them it was treasure. Looking through the glass, the two saw the world in a new light. But one day, they decided to explore the world. Though they explored barely into the Downs, for the young kids it was the farthest they had ever explored. Gazing onto Jeuno from the distance through the glass they realized its beauty anew. But soon one of the boys realized Jeuno looked beautiful with or without the glass. They decided to bury the glass there, at that spot. Wolfgang decides to walk to the spot he and his friend used to visit so long ago. He kneels down and behind him Monberaux appears. The two friends, once again at their favorite spot. Together they begin to laugh and joke over who really owned the glass. Wolfgang admits that he had come to rebury that glass, cause he had dug it up long ago. But just now realized what was more important than who had their old treasure. Monberaux smiles as Wolfgang begins to head to Jeuno. In the distance he shouts back that he lost his key to Delkfutt’s Tower, and hopes he didn’t end up burying it too. With a smile, Monberaux digs up the key but leaves the glass – for 2 little boys to look after – for a little longer. With the key given to him by Monberaux, Tenzen easily enters the deeper regions of the tower. As he opens the door, Nag’molada enters behind him, saying he has important business here as well. He explains the contraption here is what keeps the 5 crystals slumbering. The crystals are connected by 5 crystals lines, which connect to this point. Tenzen deduces that since the Wyrmking came near it’s lines and messed up the lines and the boy appeared here, perhaps he can move through the lines. And the only way that would be possible is if an avatar aided him. Nag’molada explains that it’s unfortunate for Tenzen he did not get to Pso’xja before it was activated. The ruins were a home to the Kuluu, however at the onset of the Kuluu war with the Zilart, the terrestrial avatars lent their power to them and helped transform it into an impenetrable stronghold. Deep below is a device that blocks the flow of the crystal lines, which is what Esah’ntarl has activated. Nag’molada, now apparently out of the loop of the Duchy’s activities has come here to find out why. The Zilart were a telepathic people, and the bonds between them were unbreakable. Those born without the whisper were the Kuluu. It was this ability to ascertain truth through other means that helped them live through the calamity. Tenzen shouts that they must hurry and stop Selh’teus if he knew this all along. Nag’molada calmly laughs and says the boy is not the problem. He was the one who stopped the Zilart before and is only seeking to do the same thing again. The Zilart, the boy, even the avatars sins will deface Vana’diel. Tenzen asks why they must fight the avatars then if the boy is the enemy. Nag’molada replies that Selh’teus is doing the same thing he did 10,000 years ago. By touching the crystals he could sap their power and let the emptiness flow forth. Tenzen then questions, if the boy has only come recently, why has the emptiness been in his land before then. Nag’molada explains that the Zilart’s reactivation of the crystals to recover Tu’lia had done so. The capitals sinking had changed the 5th crystal and when activated it sent back a strange signal. But when the gate of the gods is opened all will be returned to their former state and the emptiness will vanish. All that stands in the way is the wretched terrestrial avatars. Tenzen tells him to stop his lies, but Nag’molada continues. Saying Tenzen is nothing more than a puppet bound in the chains of promathia. When the gate opens, our world will be no more, but what will happen after, had he ever thought of that? Vana’diel is pain – this world is all they know. The avatars use them, because they are born of this world and bound to it – if it is gone – so are they. Nag’molada turns and activates a console on the machine. He suddenly sees a image of Esha’ntarl rising from a bright light in some form of Zilart device, which he recognizes as the Chamber of Eventide. It suddenly becomes clear to him, and he runs off. Still standing there, Tenzen is furious with what he has been told and questions Phoenix. The only reply he gets is to seek out Fenrir in the north. Now in Attowha Chasm, Prishe and Ulmia follow the trackers to another mithra. Saying her name is Shikaree Z, she tells Prishe that she is accused of grave crimes. They say she and the cardinal have planned to resurrect Promathia, with the song of Ulmia and use the Magicite’s power. They decide now is the time for their judgment, and all the mithra attack. But with amazing power Prishe beats them all back. Shikaree can’t believe it. Prishe says she seeks to save everyone just like them, the cardinal wanted to do the same that is why she tried to bring back Promathia. If they want Prishe to pay for that, she will, but she will pay for it herself. Shikaree tells her the Star of Tavnazia which was held by the church was taken from the beastmen long ago in their home to the north of San d’Oria. Prishe decides that is their next destination. Shikaree joins on to lead the two. Once again returning to Pso’Xja, Tenzen searches the ruins once again for the location of Fenrir. And, again, Tenzen stumbles upon a strange device. A glowing orb floats through the room and stops before him. Tenzen greets it, as the disembodied Fenrir. His strength has begun to fade. Tenzen tells him a great misfortune has befallen Vana’diel, four of the mother crystals power is gone and now overtaken by the emptiness. To save the world he seeks the avatars help. Fenrir replies that he chooses the path of the avatars, the path of the children of the dawn, to live and die – the path of people. Suddenly Tenzen is given a vision of the past, 10,000 years ago to be exact. It is in Sarutabaruta, where Fenrir stands before a group of what Tenzen can only discern is “our ancestors”. Fenrir scolds them saying that they accepted the twilight, yet still choose to remain in this world. The light of the crystals has begun to fade, the chaos is upon them. There is nothing more he can do, but there is still time before the pact will be fulfilled…so live their lives before the end. From the crowd, one woman steps forwards, a familiar face – Esha’ntarl. She claims their fate is still undecided, and requests a new destiny. Fenrir himself is now confused, the destiny of everyone is already written, past and future. Esha’ntarl agrees, but says she has traveled to her homeland and the dying Selh’teus has spoken to her. He tells her that darkness grown in the hearts of men will bring a dark keeper, the keeper of the apocalypse. This person will lead us unto the twilight, but if the keeper is defeated the pact will be broken. Fenrir acknowledges this, but you can only succeed by first breaking the chains that bind your people, he replies. Selh’teus is gone, who is there left to do this? Esha’ntarl offers herself, saying she has found the answer to the riddle. Selh’teus told her what he was trying to accomplish because he wished for her to continue the work. Fenrir is taken back, she is the one who escaped the curse?! Even his readings could not predict this crossing of destinies. She has broken free of the circle of life, she will watch over man till the end comes, but when it does – still there is nothing she can do. She will be powerless and witness the death of everyone. She says if she knows where the keeper will appear, she can stop it. But Fenrir warns her of how hard it will be. Esha’ntarl accepts and he gives her one last bit of information. After 10,000 years the keeper will rise, in a land called Tavnazia. Tenzen’s expression suddenly turns to one of horror. 10,000 years… Tavanazia… The Abhorrent One… Tenzen immediately returns to Cid. He is the first back. He informs him of what has transpired, and Cid says he now at least understands the strange readings he got from the Crags. Cid says while it sounded impossible before, perhaps they could open a gate to paradise. Until they find out what this paradise is, however, they must keep the Zilart in check. Tenzen agrees, but they have more important things to deal with. Namely the keeper, who Tenzen believes now to be Prishe, even if she is unaware of it. Cid stops him from continuing, and doing anything crazy. Tenzen concedes saying he will go to Jeuno and see the situation there. Following him to the door to see him off, Cid closes the doors to wonder if he’s in over his head this time. If Jeuno is the Zilart, then their armies would be a problem, not to mention Tenzen who comes from a land few know of, even the Tenshodo seem to know little. It is a dark time. Who speaks the truth and who peddles lies is becoming harder and harder to tell. Meanwhile in the snowy regions to the north, Prishe seems to have gotten ahead of her group again and finds herself standing over a strange reflection pool. She wonders why the beastmen would bring a piece of magicite here. She says that the piece of magicite Cid received was indeed from the Star of Tavnazia. An allied expedition came here 30 years ago with it, and its members were poisoned by the voice of darkness sealed in that stone. That’s why they all went loopy. “Give into they desires .. return to thy true self” it uttered. That voice is within us all she says, turning to face Louverance who had secretly been following them as well as looking for Al’taeiu. He steps from the shadows and asks what it all means. Was it Promathia speaking to them? Something about him, seemed off to Prishe though. It looked like Louverance, but his face mask was different. Introducing himself again he added that he is the grandson of Francmage, the royal San ‘dOrian knight on the expedition. Prishe gives him a look, but says she knows all about him, and wonders if he managed to avenge his grandfather’s death. He questions how she would know that, but Prishe just laughs it off. There are more pressing matters. Here is where the divinity of darkness lies, and what the mithra believe is Promathia. Louverance says he’s here to investigate this very fact. The legends of the islands say that the divinity of darkness slumbers here and at some point the Shadow Lord followed the dark voice here. The divinity of darkness then created his army of demons (Kindred) for him. Prishe says she thinks she understands, but Louverance demands to know what she thinks. Just then Shikaree and Ulmia run into the cave, and Prishe notices a strange dark crystal laying in some rubble on the far side of the cavern. The dark crystal – the magicite from the failed mission! It become clear that the Divinty of Darkness is nothing more than the piece of black magicite lost by the group driven mad by Promathia's call from within. Prishe runs to it, and suddenly the crystal flies into the air, hovering above her. Prishe unbuttons her shirt and the crystal floats down to her. In a flash of light Prishe’s voice echoes “welcome home”. When everyone can see again, Prishe has vanished. Ulmia and Shikaree quickly run down the pathway, trying to find where she may have gone. Louverance sneaks out another way, with work of his own to do. Back in Jeuno, Cid continues to work on his secret projects, when Ulmia and Shikaree enter. They tell him of the events that took place and even they shock him. Shikaree explains that her representative on the mission north took a fragment of the magicite they lost back to her homeland. They then realized it’s dark powers. But she never told them where it came from, and many other missions were sent around, but unsuccessful in finding a location. It was while looking for a relic on another mission in Uggalepih they discovered what they had been searching for. At this time they met with the cardinal of Tavnazia who showed them the “star”. They demanded it be put away from the people’s eyes, but she wouldn’t listen. She said it was necessary to awaken the gods. Cid, tries to offer another suggestion, but Ulmia backs up her story, having been in the choir and taught the songs to awaken the gods. Cid asks if the song Prishe used to help Selh’teus escape was the same, if all of it has been song then are they too late? Shikaree says no, indeed there is a 5th verse, but it is only known to the gods. But.. If someone inquired with a god, perhaps the one in the magicite the demons came from in the northlands, or possibly the woman in Sel- But Shikaree cuts herself short and asks to take her leave. Ulmia says she still wishes to search for Prishe, but Cid says if she does, she must do it before the mithra trackers find her. But, for now, he will have Tenshodo look around the world for her, Ulmia should stay put in Bastok. As she leaves the room, he is about to speak up, but refrains from telling her what Tenzen has learned. Deep within Movalpolos the Moblins are greeted by Selh’teus, whom they soon come to believe is the reincarnation of Promathia. They jump about and promise to take him to the “sparkly place.” From a distance, Louverance watches. Apparently his tips as to the location of the boy have paid off. Suddenly a large galka appears behind him, questioning who he is and why he’s here. The galka says his name is Jabbos, he has for many ages lived with the moblins in peace, but not they act strangely. He asks Louverance who the young boy with them is. Louverance replies, and Jabbos explains that the Moblins praise the twilight god, and attack the children of altana. Louverance says he can’t allow that, but Jabbos insists he can handle them. Just then, 3 sets of tiny feet come marching into the large open area of the underground city. The Chebukki’s fight amongst each other claiming they shouldn’t have taken the shortcut, and to their shock see Selh’teus and decide to catch him. Louverance refusing to let them get the boy runs after them. Just then Jabbos throws a flash grenade into middle of the action, and when everyone awakes they find themselves caged in a prison. The Chebukki’s demand freedom as delegates of Jeuno, but the moblins refuse to listen. Jabbos tells everyone to calm down, and tells the moblins they have been tricked and that the boy cannot be Promathia, there is no crystal in his chest, like the statue. The moblins look around and agree that it’s not possible, and Jabbos scolds them saying that they weren’t even created by Promathia anyway. The moblins jump about in anger saying he’s been warped by outsiders, by bad people. Growing hungry, the moblins decide maybe a taru snack would be nice, but the Chebukki’s say that if they are eaten they can give the moblins what they have found. A statue of Promathia. The moblins look about themselves, but behind them, Selh’teus ignores their conversation and continues on deeper into the mines. The Moblins turn and quickly follow him. Jabbos takes this as his cue to open the cell doors and the Chebukki’s run after the moblins. Louverance asks Jabbos to come with him back to Bastok and explain what is going on, and he agrees. There is much troubling him about what Selh’teus is doing here with the moblins. In Bastok, once again Cid is hard at work when the doors to his lab burst open. This time it is Cornelia, the president’s daughter, who explains that moblins have attacked one of the restaurants in Port Bastok. They were driven away, but some guests were injures. Cid asks if Hilda (his “secret love” from Bastok quests) is ok. Just then Louverance enters and explains that Jabbos was at the location of the attack and has been kidnapped, and they need to get him back quick! Cid inquires who he is, and Louverance explains he’s a galka who for the last 100 years has been watching over the moblins keeping them at peace with the world. Raibaht, Cid’s galkan assistant says that Jabbos left his people a long time ago and threw away his identity, he’s now no worse than the moblins. But Louverance insists they need his help. Back in Movalpolos Louverance finds Jabbos standing alone deep within the city. Asking why he has returned to this place when there is nothing left to say, Jabbos walks away. He says not to worry, he will convince the moblins, but he only needs more time. Louverance say if he’s been trying for 100 years they aren’t going to change now. They were born of a different seed, he remarks. They will never understand our logic, and we will never understand theirs. There are few individuals on both sides who learn to feel for the other, but when a species unite as one, their “nature” takes over. The will of the group overrides that of the individual. Their will is their destiny, it cannot be altered. They will never betray Selh’teus cause that is the will of their species, the same will Promathia, which he gave to Selh’teus 10,000 years ago. Jabbos shakes he head no, they were tricked. They are just merely blind. Long ago the goblins were given a legend that when they found an “iron giant bathed in light” they would be given limitless power. A faction of goblins known as moblins began digging in a desperate search for this power. But what they found wasn’t a iron giant, but a stone statue. They believed this was what they had been searching for. However, no matter how much they prayed or sacrificed to the statue it gave them nothing in return. To learn why, they began kidnapping people of all races and ransacking towns and villages to find an answer. He decided at this time, that as a great galka warrior he would stop them, and to learn of this statue. When he gained their favor, he learned the statue they worshiped was that of Promathia, which he told the moblins hoping they would change their ways. But, the moblins took this new information and warped it into their beliefs, saying that Promathia must have been the one who told the to find the statue of him – thus their creator. With this new god, they decided their new destiny was to hate, and destroy all of the dawn goddess’s people and creations. This is why he remains with them, to repent and convince them of this misunderstanding. Louverance tells him he need not remain here, eventually they will understand. But Jabbos again says no, a San d’Orian priest told him the legend was wrong, the moblins were not born of the god. Louverane questions why the church would deny it’s own teachings. Jabbos recalls a story of how the priest told him that the twilight god had died long before the beastmen were born. But he will return and bring an end to the world. This priest, she also told him to continue searching for the true iron giant with the moblins. When he found it, the slumbering gods would show him the truth. Then she left, taking the statue of Promathia with her. With the statue gone the moblins began to dig again, in search of the iron giant. It was then they found a small passage to a giant crystal, one that breaths light into Vana’diel. Just then the moblins appear from the shadows the freak out about what Jabbos has told Louverance, he had lied to them. Moblins never tell lies! He admits yes he did, but he couldn’t believe they were children of Promathia. The moblins in disgust say goodbye to their former friend, telling him never to come back. Jabbos sulks away broken hearted, but Louverance stops him. If he comes to help him and his allies, maybe he can help his moblin friends! Just as the moblins are bound to the chains of promathia, so are all living things. If the chains are merely part of the twilight gods curse, then possibly what he said is true, and the moblins are not children of the dark god, but simply diseased by his evil will. Jabbos takes a second, but agrees, he will meet with Cid. In Cid’s lab, the two explain the situation and Cid deduces that the keeper must be the reincarnation of the twilight god. If this is so, they are going to have to fight him, and that isn’t what he wanted to happen at all. Cid asks where the boy is, but Jabbos says he is gone. But the moblins continue to dig and widen the path to the crystal for him. Perhaps he will return there. Cid decides it would be wise to watch the moblins to see their next move. Louverance agrees, but says to let them finish. Once they are done, the boy will return and they can catch him then. Cid says ok, but doesn’t like the idea. But, he has more important things to work on, like his new project. Word has reached him that Bahamut now gathers his forces high in the clouds beyond where any airship can go. Louverance asks him is he’s intending on making modifications to his newly designed “C.I.D” ship he used to transport Prishe and Ulmia here from Tavnazia. Cid hints that he is, but that it will take him. He asks Louverance to keep an eye on the moblins with Jabbos. Before they leave, Louverance asks about Prishe, questioning if she has come back, as he learned mithran “sinhunters” were looking for her. Cid explains what Ulmia has learned, and that Prishe has the star of tavnazia. The two to try and think why she would do something of this nature, and suddenly Ulmia and Cornelia burst into the room. Prishe has been spotted in Jeuno! The Tenshodo operatives told her there was a warrant out for her arrest, but she didn’t listen. Why would she go there and risk being captured?! Ulmia believe she has come to meet with someone.. She runs out of the room to the port, to head to Jeuno. Cid tells Raibaht to find Tenzen and tell him to meet everyone at the port. Louverance and Jabbos should go as well, he will send musketeers to look after the moblins. Everyone needs to get to Jeuno to find Prishe! ---------------------------------------- 27. ECHOES OF TIME In Jeuno the group arrives to discover Prishe has handed herself over to the Ducal Guards. Ulmia can’t believe she would do such a thing. Luckily the government is occupied with other matters for the moment. Perhaps they can use this time to find Prishe and convince her to come with them. Tenzen enters deciding they need to form some kind of plan, so Ulmia needs to come to the Tavern in Upper Jeuno; it appears Aldo has secured it for some time. Inside the tavern the entire tale of all the separate adventures is revealed. Tenzen can hardly believe it is all possible. Ulmia finally shows up and Tenzen explains all they have learned. Of course they have tried to refute this conclusion and find another explanation. But they know the boy has come to thwart the plans of the ancients and steal the light of the crystals. They also learned of the divinity that ruled over the kindred is not Promathia after all, but just a fragment of the black material. But the moblins heard from the divinity of darkness that the keeper of the apocalypse has already arisen, and surely Ulmia has seen the black magicite within Prishe’s chest. According to legend, the stone contains the emptiness of the Twilight God, Promathia. Tenzen then tells her what Carbuncle and Fenrir revealed – the keeper was born in Tavnazia. Ulmia steps back in shock, she refuses to believe what they are implying. She has been friends with Prishe since before Tavnazia’s destruction... She can’t be the keeper! Ulmia pleas to them that she has never met a person more pure of heart, with such faith and courage. How could the keeper of the apocalypse urge Diabolos to save the world? Tenzen pauses, it doesn’t seem to make sense at all. But if they had time and knowledge they could rescue Prishe from this destiny. But they are running out of time. Bahamut and his minions must be stopped. Shikaree says that if the cardinal is still alive they believe she will use Prishe to awaken the Twilight God. Jabbos says that when Promathia awakes there will be no stopping the moblins; they will be surely waging his war. Ulmia still in shock refuses to help them hurt Prishe and storms out of the tavern. Shikaree says the first thing they must do is fine Prishe, it’s better to just let Ulmia be. Louverance offers to call on some old friends for help. Ulmia wanders through Ru’lude Gardens starring into the courtyard, trying to decide what she should do. Understanding what her allies said... Understanding Bahamut wants to destroy the world... And understanding they wish to rescue Prishe from her destiny... She still feels wrong. But if Diabolos is right, they cannot save both the world and its people. She wonders why he called Prishe into his dream world at all; did he know she was the keeper all along? Did the cardinal know this too? Is this why Prishe has the amulet? So many questions… but still... Prishe has mentioned privately when she collapsed in Jeuno earlier in their adventure that she felt a presence through the amulet. She mentioned it felt like the cardinal, she was sure of it. Ulmia questioned if Prishe thought the cardinal was the one who took the amulet, but why would she take back the gift she gave her? But, Prishe mentioned the cardinal always watched over the amulet, always making sure Prishe didn’t get in trouble. The cardinal told Prishe that an old friend has returned and she needed it. But as long as they were in Jeuno they were safe. Ulmia questioned that if that were the case she would have now known of the survivors of Tavnazia, but the cardinal had yet to make herself known. She did not come to help them. Prishe disagrees, the cardinal left Tavnazia to her. Ulmia wondered what she meant, but there conversation was cut off by visitors. Ulmia stares down into the courtyard, still thinking about her conversation. What could the cardinal have entrusted Prishe with? Surely not the resurrection of the Twilight God! Ulmia decides she needs me answers and goes to find answers on her own. She’s going to need all the help she can get if she’s to stop madness from engulfing the world. Meanwhile in the palace, Wolfgang finishes plans to prepare the fleet for launch, but he received word that trouble has finally hit home. The duke and his brother have now been reported missing, and have been gone for some time. Now also Lady Esha’ntarl and Nag’molada are missing too. Also, 3 tarutaru have stolen one of the airships. Overlooking the sea in Tavnazia, Esha’ntarl looks out into the water. She says that even if the crystal line is cut, as long as people exist there will be life on Vana’diel. The memories of the crystal will endure. There is nothing anyone can do to change that. We are all born from the light of the crystal, and we return to that luminescence when we die. Suddenly a voice echoes in her head. "People are also born of darkness, and return to it. The opposites of light and dark, both are held within you. You are born from the light that illuminates all, and then slowly devoured by the emptiness that desires only oblivion. This is the cycle begun by the goddess o the dawn. The cycle created for the sake of the twilight god, Promathia.” Esha’ntarl turns around to see Selh’teus. She says now after 10,000 years it is time for them to discover why their paths have crossed again. The pact he made with the avatars has been honored; the coming of the keeper was prevented… Yet Bahamut does not hold it complete. Is it true that unless the keeper is freed from the cycle of the mother crystal the pact cannot be considered fulfilled? Selh'teus remains silent. She offers him a chance to speak to her, through the amulet she possesses, to connect their souls. “Let us finally walk the same path that has brought us here over the span of 10,000 years. For Vana’diel, for the future.” He touches the amulet and in a bright flash of light the two seem to connect to each other. Suddenly Selh’teus vanishes and Esha’ntarl falls to the ground. Before her stands Nag’molada fuming with anger the boy has once again escaped him. The Chebukki’s stand behind him cowering. He steps forward toward the collapsed Armathrwn member. Nag’molada finally believes he understands Esha’ntarl. Was that her plan to use the testament of affinity to link their souls? Did she mean to have her soul overtaken as did Prishe? He pauses… No, the plan must have been to make it appear as if she was possessed… A way to protect herself? An excuse for letting him escape? Nag’molada’s thoughts become erratic and paranoid. Esha’ntarl remains silent watching a man she thought she knew slip slowly into a strange madness. Nag’molada laughs, that she is exactly what he’d expect from a Zilart, no silly attempts at denial. But then again, he has learned the truth from the mother crystals. She was originally Kuluu, as was he. The chamber of eventide was created by Yve’noile for the Kuluu to restore their whisper of souls. He should have realized it when Bahamut mentioned that name. Was he correct in assuming that the Zilart interfered in the investigation of Al'taieu to hide the fact of it's completion. Was his Kuluu talent for negotiation valuable after all? Esha’ntarl tells him the chamber; along with the capital were destroyed 10,000 years ago. No matter how much she explains, she feels he just wont believe her, but even the Zilart know it to be true. Nag’molada says when the capital was enfolded in the energy of the crystal; the power of the avatars was absorbed into the city. The event caused and anomaly in space and time, bringing them from the ancient past to the present day… Or so he current theory goes. As a Kuluu he does not presume to speak for the beliefs of the Zilart, but he has received some fascinating insights from Diabolos. The avatar claims the capital exits even now, beyond the 5th crystal! And that the Zilart people are still in the city, alive and well. This information must be verified! He will travel there himself and see, then use the chamber of eventide and achieve immortality… That which was grated to Esha’ntarl! She stands, confronting Nag’molada. His longing to become a Zilart has led him to betray the Kuluu. But he must listen to her; he should not go to the capital. Selh’teus warned it, it is no longer the home they once knew. It is now a tainted and forbidden place. Nag’molada refuses to believe her. Esha’ntarl offers the amulet Selh’teus touched to see for himself, but he refuses. Why would he do that? So he can let the traitor take over his mind too? He raises his hand towards her, deciding while it’s not what he wants, for the moment he will have to enjoy watching her die. He will just say Selh’teus killed her. Esha’ntarl begs him to wait; she will give him anything he wants. Nag’molada laughs. She was certainly born a Kuluu, but my how far she has fallen. She looks up at him, with a smile on her face. She is not the one who has fallen. Suddenly a giant warp bubble appears around Nag’molada and in an instant he disappears. Behind him are the Chebukki’s finishing their spell casting. Esha’ntarl thanks them for their help; they appear to have finally shown some good judgment. However, Selh’teus is gone, and she still has much to learn. But he did show her the capital… Could it be? Suddenly the clouds rip apart above her as a dragon soars by. Esha’ntarl looks up… Perhaps she understands now. The battle with the wyrms is about to begin. A meaningless war will soon be set in motion. Suddenly she feels the voice within her head again. “There is no other choice but to fight… great Goddess Altana… bless us with the victory we need.” In Jeuno word reaches the Ducal Guard that Esha’ntarl has returned. It is now time for the armada to take flight. Ulmia watches on, but suddenly hears the cries of three familiar voices. She turns to see the Chebukkis, balling their eyes out. One of the guards Pheimociel explains that even though they claim they were following orders, they still broke the law, just as Nag’molada has done. Ulmia follows them asking why they are so down, when the rumor has it that they are being considered as heroes for bringing Esha’ntarl. The Chebukki triplets brighten up and laugh; of course they’re heroes, and the perfect candidates for future Jeuno beauracracy. But just then Prishe appears from behind them. The 3 taru cower in the corner crying as Prishe scolds them, wondering why she ever put them in charge of Tavnazia when she left. They better get their act together, or she’ll kick them into next watersday. Ulmia looks on in shock, her friend is perfectly fine. She doesn’t seem to be in trouble at all! Prishe tells the Chebukkis they need to look out for the people of Tavnazia, and keep people like Ulmia safe. Prishe apologizes to Ulmia for her actions of late as well and tells her she should follow her to the audience chamber in the palace, something needs to be said. In the audience chamber, Esha’ntarl greets Ulmia and Prishe. Ulmia rushes forward, her eyes wide open, as if she has seen a ghost. Esha’ntarl… is Cardinal Mildaurion?!? What’s going on?!? Ulmia asks. Esha’ntarl replies she is sorry for the deception, and while she wishes she could explain, there is no time for lengthy explanations, but there are some things they must know. 10,000 years ago, she was born in Al’taieu under the name Esha’ntarl, not Mildaurion. Nag’molada and the other members of the Armathrwn Society that controls Jeuno are just like her, an ancient race of people – recently awoken after a long sleep. But she was different, she was blessed with the gift of immortality. She used this gift to pledge her life to bring about the fruition of a pact made between Selh’teus and the terrestrial avatars. After the passing of 10,000 years a child of destiny would be born in a fated land - The keeper of apocalypse, the one she had sworn to destroy in the pact. She had spent many years preparing for the keepers coming, but along that time she found a warning. It said that destroying the keeper will only set the darkness free to reincarnate in another body. To break the cycle, darkness itself must be obliterated. It must be erased from the place where all life comes from, and returns – the mother crystals. To fully eradicate the darkness, the keeper must be destroyed, not in the form of a human, but that of a god. That is why she conceived that plan to use the lay of immortals to resurrect Promathia. The prophecy of “resurrection and destruction” suddenly becomes very clear to Ulmia. Prishe continues, the plan had failed, however. At the baptismal ceremony, having her strings pulled by Promathia at the time, a freak accident occurred. The emptiness stored in her as the keeper reacted to the baptismal vessel (the eye of Altana) and sealed it all away inside of her in the form of black magicite. Her world flipped upside down, she was suddenly able to read peoples thoughts, and like Esha’ntarl, she was forever trapped at her current age – a pure immortal. Ulmia wonders if its true then, is she really the keeper. Things must be different now… She can’t be the keeper anymore! The two remain silent. Ulmia steps back. She can’t believe it, nothing has changed... What will become of Prishe, she questions. Esha’ntarl says judging by the actions of Bahamut, the keeper is still amongst the living, and so far there are no other candidates. Prishe adds that he wishes to destroy her in the form of Promathia – it was Diabolos who let her in on this destiny as the keeper. It is her fate to be destroyed, along side the magicite, and set adrift from the cycle of the mother crystals. Ulmia refuses to accept it; it’s a fate far too horrible for her friend. Prishe begs her to listen, she’s come this far. They already heard 4 of the 5 verses. If they learn all 5, they can stand without fear before Bahamut AND Promathia. Ulmia still refuses to acknowledge this new turn of events. Esha’ntarl steps forward, saying Prishe will not be doing anything of the sort. The last verse is still unknown and at the moment, all they can do is pit the power of the Jeuno armada against Bahamut. Just then Wolfgang appears saying the fleet is finally ready. Esha’ntarl gives a solemn smile to her friends and takes her leave. She pauses, and tells them to leave Jeuno as quickly as they can, before it becomes a war zone. They should head home and protect Tavnazia the best way they know how. She exits, leaving behind a stunned Ulmia and her friend. As Ulmia leaves the audience chamber still in a state of shock, Prishe tells her that she won’t let it end like this. She has a duty! Prishe begs Ulmia to help her; there is someone in Selbina who knows the 5th verse. Although her memory is a bit “shoddy”, she could still help them. Just then Louverance steps out from the shadows. He admits to have been spying on them and overheard it all. He too knows the girl which they speak of. Perhaps he possesses something that can revive her past. In Selbina, Ulmia and Louverance stumble upon a girl whom she recognizes. A girl she knew long ago in the choir, the only child who could sing like her. Yes, it must be her! Emeline! Aldo’s younger sister! They stop her from her work, but the girls memory is indeed “shoddy”. She listens to their story, but claims to have no clue what they speak of. Her name is Mathilde and they have to be mistaken. She’s lived in Selbina as long as she can remember. Ulmia sighs, perhaps they were mistaken, but the resemblance is uncanny. She asks, did the girl ever have a younger brother? Mathilde says she believed so, but they were separated during the war. She can’t remember much of those days, but she still believes he’s out there somewhere. Louverance speaks up, asking her one more thing before they part ways. Is there a certain song she might know? Something from her youth. Could she sings it for them? He’s sure she’s locked it away, somewhere in her heart. The girl shakes her head, visions appears before her. Cardinal Mildaurion… Tavnazia… Lay of Immortals…? The 5th Verse? He takes a small trinket out of his pocket, the same the small taru gave him in Windurst. The same one he used to see the thoughts of Vukki-Chebukki. Suddenly there is a flash of light in the room. Before them is a vision of a dark crystal, the same magicite shard in the northern caves. Now there are hundreds of demons and beastmen standing around it. Some words can be heard, singing in the background.. And so the legend ends… Began… crystal… As they exit, Ulmia wonders what kind of spell that was, but Louverance replied it was no spell. It’s a trinket he recently got back, called the Mimeo Mirror. Any respectable rouge knows its name. It’s used to peer into the darkest corners of the mind. He asks if she is able to sing the verse they heard, she says yes, but doesn’t want to do so. He tells her not to worry, they may not have to at all. Once Bahamut sees Prishe’s magicite, it may be enough to convince him. And we wouldn’t want to lose the Star of Tavnazia. She looks at him funny, questioning his meaning. But he says, there is something he must ask Prishe in private. It’s time to head back to Jeuno. In Bastok, word finally reaches Cid of what has transpired in Jeuno. Even though the news is shocking, he had slowly begun to piece it together himself. He gathers Tenzen, Shikaree, her trackers, and Jabbos into his conference room. To fulfill the pact with Bahamut and Selh’teus made 10,000 years ago; Mildaurion has been attempting to revive Promathia. And the magicite embedded in Prishe’s chest was only sealed, crystallized form of her inner emptiness, adds Shikaree. The sin hunters have committed a grave sin, not being able to stay calm and focused in the presence of it. Cid thinks of Prishe. Not a single complaint, not a cry for help. She has bore this terrible burden alone, and even her best friend has sat by knowing nothing, but surely sensing something was wrong. He feels for both of them, saying he would not wish this fate on even his enemy. Tenzen asks what they should do now… Phoenix has told him that they are not to provoke Bahamut any further. However, the biggest threat to mankind is the wyrmkings aerial power, adds Shikaree. If they could defeat him, they would stand a better chance of pushing back all the wyrms. Cid stops them, to sum it all up. They now have 3 choices. They can let destiny run its course and destroy the world. They can use his airship and join the Jeuno armada and fight the wyrmking. OR, they can recite the last verse of Memoria and call the twilight god down on Prishe. Jabbos begins to mumble, interrupting Cid. Twilight God… He cursed mankind… Made us fight... But do they have the power? Tenzen says they must, especially with Phoenix on their side. But still, Diabolos said no single child of Vana’diel could defeat the keeper… And still, Phoenix remains silent. Cid says they are going down a very dangerous path, but he thinks it would be wise to wait for Prishe before they take a course of action. For now, everyone should head to Tavnazia. He will meet them there shortly. Gilgamesh and Tenshodo are delivering him some “sensitive” parts. In Tavnazia’s Sea Lions den, the group gathers together, but Cid informs them of a problem with Prishe. Ulmia and Louverance explain what has happened to the others. They fear she’s off hiding again, but this time in one of the airships of the Jeuno fleet. Tenzen believes she will try to attack the wyrmking, but Ulmia is convinced Prishe knows they will follow her. She knows what they feel and what they do. Although she questions if she can feel her thoughts, why Prishe would was to hurt her so. Why does believing hurt so much…? Jabbos offers that even when two hearts are connected there are times when pain can’t be avoided. When the world is overwhelmed with sadness the only way to escape pain, is to change the world. Ulmia agrees, perhaps the only thing left to do, is change the world. For 10,000 years the world has been bound in a chain of evil. Prishe has set out to change this. Cid says he must go back to Bastok and inform the President that should they fail, or worse – defeat the wyrmking, the world must be ready to the repercussions. He has put Louverance in charge of his airship, as wishes them all luck. It is up to them, the Warriors of the Crystal. With a wiz of the propellers and a buzz of the engines, Cid’s new airship, the C.I.D takes off, loaded to the brim with cannons and special equipment. Tenzen asks if they think they can catch lady Prishe. According to Aldo, the Jeuno armada was going to split into two units after departing. The main unit will attempt to draw out the wyrms from Cape Riverne, at the same time, the other will hit Bahamut. Tenzen assumes Prishe will be in the latter unit; however, that unit cannot begin its operation until the diversion on the wyrms take place. Ulmia agrees, they may still have time. Just then Louverance opens the deck doors, pushing three little stowaways onto the deck. These were the secret weapons promised by Cid?!? The Chebukki’s reveal that instead of being high class Jeuno officials, they have become… HIGH CLASS PIRATES! Shikaree stands silent, baffled at the three new pirates. Suddenly a giant laser beam fires across the bow of the ship. Warning shots? Louverance runs inside trying to communicate, they are here to help! The Chebukki’s run around like chickens with their heads cut off, and follow behind. Ulmia decides they need to get to the other airships and talk to them personally. Traversing from one airship to the next, the group searches for Prishe while encountering light resistance from the guards. Suddenly Armathrwn Mammets appear on the deck of one of the ships. The machine-like dolls of the society attack them without hesitation. Defeating them quickly, the group notices their seems to be quite a commotion on the other ships. Strange biomechanical machines are attacking the Jeuno fleet. But who would send such things! Suddenly the group sees Prishe aboard one of the ships and teleport to her. It is there a giant machine attacks her. From a ship along side stands Nag’molada, calling it the “Ultima Weapon”, one of his finest designs. Perhaps even better that those he made 10,000 years ago. But our heroes defeat the machine and save Prishe. Nag’molada laughs, brushing off the defeat, but then Esha’ntarl appears behind him. She asks him what exactly he thinks he’s trying to do. He has been relieved from his position in the society and banished from Jeuno. This certainly won’t get him back in their good graces. How dare he step over his boundaries of amnesty he was granted and bring his creations down on the fleet. Was this turmoil simply a desperate attempt to interfere with their plans or an attempt born of hate. Or perhaps he came to ask Bahamut the way to Al’taieu? Nag’molada glares at her, remaining silent. She says she understands him, why he seeks the capital. The Kuluu have lost the whisper and forced to live alone, trapped within their own wretched solitude. But that path is one to freedom. They are children born from one. Now their children, and their children step into the ever expanding world. This is much like when the mother crystal split into 5 pieces long ago. They were simply ready to leave the nest before the Zilart. Nag’molada stares into her eyes. If this is true, then why did she choose to abandon her people and hide in the chamber of eventide. Why does she join the Zilart in blocking the path to Al’taieu? Esha’ntarl tries to speak, but Nag’molada continues. By entering the chamber, she washed away the darkness of her soul. That is all he wants.. That is all he seeks. So he too can be free. Prishe jumps in, shouting that he needs to cut the chatter and just go there! The path to the crystal has been under Movalpolos the entire time! Esha’ntarl turns to Prishe shocked. She continues. Selh’teus already has the moblins ready to open the gate, just follow him to the crystal. Nag’molada smiles, leave it to the moblins to find the crystal. He was beginning to wonder when he’d meet the boy again, they have unfinished business. Prishe tells him he has all he need, now beat it. Esha’ntarl tries to grab Nag’molada but with a flash of light he vanishes from the deck reappearing in the air above. He begins to sing the verses of Memoria de la S^tona, when a great rift in the sky appears. Nag’molada decides he will return the favor to them, a favor beseeched upon the Kuluu 10,000 years ago. Return the favor? Esha’ntarl suddenly remembers… Suddenly Bahamut comes through the rift. Nag’molada laughs, calling forth Bahamut as a representative of the Kuluu race, that which he made a pact with. He has brought him this Zilart fleet as a sacrifice to his power. Esha’ntarl shouts at him, he’s turned into nothing but a raving maniac. He’s far from being one of them, his soul is drowned in darkness! Nag’molada grins… That is why he must cleanse it. He will find the chamber of eventide. In a flash he vanishes. The Chebukki’s cover their head and kiss their butts goodbye, but Prishe steps forward saying, this is where it gets interesting. She calls out to Bahamut to listen to them. Her name is Prishe, Keeper of the Apocalypse and she – and the black magicite, born of the emptiness in her trapped in crystal form, are one in the same. She and her friends have come forth to destroy the emptiness and Promathia. Right here and now it ends, she says, they will show the true power of the children of Vana’diel. But, Bahamut turns to Esha’ntarl instead commenting that this, must be what she meant. He turns back to Prishe, there is no need to prove anything, she is not the keeper. The entire ship is silent. She’s not the keeper? Bahamut offers a congratulations to Esha’ntarl, the children of Altana, and Phoenix. They did try to save the people of the world. And that is why he will tell them this. The true keeper lies within the celestial capital of Al’taieu. Within that souls lies an immeasurable amount of darkness. For 10,000 years it has slept, and now it has awoken. Esha’ntarl can’t believe it, she won’t believe it. Bahamut continues. Who restarted the crystal lines? Remnants of the Zilart? The children of Altana? It matters little, for the power within the final crystal – which holds Al’taieu in balance has begin to fade. It will not be long before the celestial capital has fallen to Vana’diel. When this occurs the keeper will arise and envelop all life. And finally Promathia will use his almighty power to begin his eternal reign. That is why he is here, to stop the seeds of man from being wiped out. If there is nothing for the keeper to envelop, then Promathia will not have the strength to enter out realm. Prishe stands confused, but Esha’ntarl understands completely. That’s why he plans to destroy everything… Prishe asks him, if he knew this, why not just tell them to begin with? They could be in Al’taieu now defeating the keeper. Tenzen agrees, it was an intolerant behavior. Why does he not believe in the children of the dawn? Bahamut replies he does not believe in something that does not exist. They cannot defeat the twilight god, Selh’teus proved that to him 10,000 years ago. This is their destiny. You cannot escape what has been decided. Esha’ntarl screams there must still be a way. They need not fight Promathia, but only the keeper. This is why Selh’teus has returned! He is here to stop Al’taieu from falling back into this dimension. “Impossible, he doesn’t have the power”, remarks Bahamut. Prishe tries to convince him, but Bahamut goes into a rage, furious at Selh’teus for letting Vana’diel come to harm like he did before. Suddenly the sky around Bahamut grows dark as energy flows through his body. The group begins to run for the other end of the ship. Flames gather at the mouth of the wyrmking, but Tenzen stands his ground. Unsheathing his sword, the great power of Phoenix is revealed and flames engulf the sword. With a burst of power the two fling their fling their bolts of energy at each other. A bright explosion fills the sky. Deep underground at a giant crystal, Selh’teus stands before it. Suddenly Phoenix feathers fall from the sky and flutter around him. “Phoenix?” he asks. “Will you return to the mother crystal along with so many other lives?” There is silence… But he understands. It’s sacrifice has bought them a sliver of time. He will release it from the journey to the mother crystal. Open the path in preparation. Slamming his fist into the ground, the emptiness flows around him and all fades to black. ---------------------------------------- 28. In the Light of the Crystal Meanwhile in the fields of Tavnazia, the Chebukkis wake up to find themselves somehow alive. They spend little time debating why, and run off. In the safehold, Prishe tries to gather everyone together. Phoenix shielding them from the mega flare of Bahamut, which should keep him quiet for awhile. She remarks sometimes, living can be a drag. Perhaps if she was gone, others would still fight without her, no? There will always be a way to save the day. Even living with the curse people managed to get by. Jabbos and Shikaree check everyone for scars and wounds, saying physical wounds are not the only wounds received from a battle like that. The rift between dragons and people is deep and there is no reasoning. If they could harness the strength of the sleeping gods, they could approach him on equal footing. But for now, Ulmia and Tenzen are still not with the group. Louverance wanders near the aqueducts hearing rumors of Tenzen leaving the safehold without escort. Perhaps he is saddened over the apparent loss of his blades power. Unclear of the weapons properties, it is clear it must have been of some value in his homeland. But he did save their lives, and they have done all they can to thank him. In Ulmia’s room, Ulmia tells Prishe she’s afraid she lost consciousness after the events and can’t remember what happened afterwards. But her ears still ring from the terrible battle cry, and her soul cringes from that heart-rending whisper. That is the last they will see of Phoenix. While the other avatars are forever beyond their reach, the fiery Phoenix was always by their side. Along with Tenzen, she gave her strength and courage. But is Tenzen ok? Prishe seems to feel the same concern. He has closed himself off from everyone. Overlooking the mass of floating rocks that is now Riverne, Tenzen stares into the distance. He speaks to himself about how his nation is slowly succumbing to the emptiness. But it turns out his is not alone, behind him a shadowy ninja kneels. Yes, she replies, with the waters of the Hakutei River swallowed up, the bandit tribes have little trouble staging raids across the border. The empire’s defenses are falling. She begs him to return, the Emperor will surely forgive his use of Phoenix. Phoenix will be reborn on the flesh of the barbarians. Tenzen turns… If that isn’t enough? The ninja looks up at him. Then it will be time to undertake our most desperate plan. Based on Tenzen’s information, they will invade the city of Jeuno. Liberating the mother crystals is now the only way to stem the tide of emptiness. He agrees, but he cannot return. Not now. Phoenix entrusted him with a final duty. He can hear every voice. The voices of the children he failed to save. If he betrays them here, it will be unforgivable. He will secure the crystals. The ninja vanishes and Tenzen heads back to the safehold. Just then an airship arrives from Jeuno to pick them all up. In a secluded pub in Upper Jeuno, the group gathers together, only this time when the doors open Esha’ntarl enters, flanked by Prishe and Ulmia, who is now dressed in her cardinal outfit. The group finally connects that they are one in the same. Esha’ntarl gibes a warm hello to Jabbos and Shikaree who she has not seen in many, many years. Louverance is delighted to see her again, and she laughs that his luck must still be holding up. Bahamut has revealed to them the truth, the keeper is in Al’taieu, which means the capital still does exist. The Armathrwn Society is looking into it, but they need to capture Bahamut in order to know more. There is another important matter as well. Apparently someone has cut off the 5th crystal line, the conduit that let Selh’teus traverse into out world. Prishe freaks out, they can’t use it now?!? How do they get the capital? Tenzen agrees, how indeed. There must be an alternative. Wait, Shikaree stops them. The Cardinal mentioned “someone”, but who? Esha’ntarl says she’s not sure, but only a few people are capable of such a thing. Nag’molada, Selh’teus… Currently Jeuno troops are set to invade the underground city. Jabbos panics saying he must stop them and save his moblin friends. Louverance explains Jabbos’s been trying to save them for the better part of 100 years. He’s been trying to avert something just like this. Louverance and Shikaree rush after Jabbos who exits the pub in a hurry. Esha’ntarl says she understands the concern, but the moblins can not be left to their own devices. They will destroy the crystal if they. In believing everything is born of the crystals and when dead return to them, the moblins will surely think that destroying them will spell the end for the children of Altana. Prishe manages to beg Esha’ntarl to stall the society, but she only promises to do what she can. She must keep an eye on the society from now on she can only help from the distance. It’s up to them. With that the rest of the group rushes to catch up with Jabbos. Entering Movalpolos Jabbos sees a horrific site. Moblin bodies strewn across the wooden framework of their city. He hears strange voices and finds the Chebukki’s alive and prepares to kill them, as they must have done this. They insist it wasn’t them, it was Nag’molada! Just then Prishe and the others arrive and agree, there is no way they could have done this. Tenzen calls to the group, a majority of the moblins are still alive, but badly wounded. It’s almost like he know he would only hurt them. Nag’molada was just toying with them. Talking to the survivors, they learn the Kuluu disappeared down the path the moblins created to the crystal, but now it appears to be caved in. Jabbos screams with rage. He cannot forgive this. Prishe tells him to calm down, there must be another way. Tenzen mentions that they should continue to follow the path to Phoenix laid out for them, through the skies. Prishe gets and idea, if they can’t get there by crystal, perhaps they can do so with the help of Cid. Back in Bastok, Prishe tells Cid of their plans to take his Airship and head back into the skies. A strange red light has been seen coming out of the North Sea. But Cid says after their last battle the ship is fairly damaged. It will take time to fix it. Ulmia believes this time has been given to them to prepare their souls for the battle ahead. Jabbos agrees, he will head home to help his friends. The others will take the time for themselves as well. Tezen says he will stay and help repair the ship. For now, all they can do it wait. Shikaree meets with her fellow Sin Hunters, apparently the history books of the Mithra mentioned nothing Promathia. But all sins now lie at the feet of Promathia. We learn her real name is Mhag. Now, she alone will deal with this, her sisters must remain behind to protect the homeland. Meanwhile in carpenters landing, Louverance walks about. But how can this be him, isn’t he in Bastok helping Cid? Suddenly a trap is sprung on him, and Tonberry attack. But Louverance quickly defeats them. In the distance a man watches from the shadows. What’s going on? Louverance realizes this trap must have been set by that thief… He begins to talk aloud, as if knowing he’s being watched. If he wishes to be him, he must act like a knight and do knightly things. Not this. From the shadows, we learn the man looking on looks exactly like the Louverance who is speaking. Would saving Vana’diel work? Back in Bastok, Cid finishes work on the Airship and returns to Tavnazia. Prishe arrives too, and hands out a few letters to her guard friend Sueleen saying that if they do not return, she and Justinius must give these to the townsfolk. Justinius arrives with other guards to inform her that the airship has arrived. Prishe nods, good as new, even with a new autopilot and a Jueno armada escort. Justinius asks where they are going, and Prishe says to the 5th mother crystal and beyond… Once again the mighty airship takes off, in the distance the armada awaits, this time as allies. But Jabbos speaks up, the approach seems to quiet, not even a bird in the sky. Shikaree says the other half of the armada under the control of the cardinal must have engaged the wyrms. Ulmia begins to pray for Altana’s protection, as the ship nears the others. Prishe tells everyone to pray too, they are finally here. She points into the distance, a massive red light exploding forth from the sea floor into the clouds above. Suddenly one of the Zilart cannons goes off in their direction. Prishe stumbles backwards. Louverance runs onto the deck, they’ve received a transmission! Attention: Your most prized possession if now property of the Chebukki Samurai Sky Pirates! Before Prishe can even express her anger, the group is warped into one of the armada ships, leaving her behind. Before them stands the Chebukki triplets, with a sad announcement. They’ve given up being “high class pirates” and with their last duty they were entrusted with this ship to escort Prishe. But since that would lead to their certain death, they’ve decided to find new employment. They are now the Chebukki Samurai Sky Pirates! It is then, their new employer is revealed. Tenzen. The mother crystals, he says. The origin of all life and the destination of spent souls. All souls return to the crystal they are closest to. He has been waiting for this moment, the moment they were bathed in the glow of light. Unsheathing his sword he charges. The light of the fifth mother crystal beckons you! He strikes out at the group, but his strength fails him. Knocked back, he sheaths his blade. Never before has it failed him in battle. But, he expected nothing less from the light of hope. Only the youth that seethes with emptiness can extinguish the light. Suddenly the C.I.D flies along, Prishe on the side of the ship. Here comes the cavalry! The Chebukkis freak out realizing they forgot to keep firing the canon at the ship. Prishe jumps onboard, rolling between Tenzen and her friends. This stops right now. She understands Tenzen, but this battle is one without honor. Prishe knows what Phoenix told him before she died. Phoenix knew everything from the start, but failed to let him in on the facts. Why should he follow her now? Tenzen rebukes. Prishe knew the same thing as he. Why else would she bring them to this place. Prishe agrees, but she didn’t lie to anyone, and she didn’t bring them here to die! They are here to join the struggle for survival! Suddenly a red glow encompasses the ship, now drifting into the beam of light emerging from the sea. In a flash of light, they are gone. Louverance kneels down, his sword at his feet. What happened? A bright red glow still fills his line of sight. Pricking up his sword, Shikaree rises next to him. Her eyes look up… What is this place? Before them a giant crystal stands, flowing with immense power, the darkness seemingly fighting to enter it. The Power flows and electrical currents flow through the air. Jabbos speaks up – is this the 5th crystal? Ulmia says it must be, but why does it glow with such a strange incandescence? The air here is so chilly, the other crystals emitted a warmth. Suddenly a strange, yet familiar voice speaks to them. But, not to them… in them. “The crystal is not part of Vana’diel.” From the bright light of the crystal emerges Selh’teus. The crystal was submerged beneath the city 10,000 years ago. When the celestial capital was torn from out world, the crystal was also lost. But the separation was not complete. After the crystal line was reactivated, energy was siphoned from the mother crystal drawing it, and the city of Al’taieu back to Vana’diel. Prishe speaks up, in other words, the crystal was losing the power it needed to sustain Al’taieu in the other dimension. Louverance steps in. What do they mean sustain? Is this the crystal the wyrmking spoke of asks Shikaree. The weakened state of the crystal is the reason the keeper is threatening to descend upon Vana’diel. But if the crystal is restored… Tenzen and the Chebukkis appear from behind them. He interrupts… The return of Al’taieu and the arrival of the keeper will be prevented. The solution was discovered by the boy Selh’teus – and by Phoenix. That is why he visited all the crystals. To relieve them of their light and power. And to power the energy from them, into the crystal that lies before them now. Selh’teus then steps forward. He is a child of darkness, however, he could never be the bearer of light. He needed a worthy receptacle of power, the needed them. Surely by now they have begun to hear the whisper of souls. Passed through the medium of the amulet, Prishe explains, the light gathered from the other four crystals has changed them. Phoenix referred to you as the vessel of light, Tenzen adds. Fated to be smashed open before the 5th mother crystal. Your journey has been for the sake of the crystal. Selh’teus begins moving closer to the group. Your death is the only way to save both Vana’diel and her people. LIKE HELL! Prishe screams jumping in front of him. If he wishes to save the world and everyone in it, then someone like him or her should be the ones sacrificed. She turns to Tenzen as well. He can’t believe Phoenix the Avatar of Rebirth would have led him this far just to snuff out more life. Surely she meant to resurrect the shattered pieces of her own life-force. Prishe was the keeper once, she knows only too well what fear and horror awaits them. But there is one more choice. Selh’teus must listen. Pour the power of the 5 crystals into them! Their victories over the emptiness have not been won by the powers of the 4 crystals alone. They have an inner strength, a spirit that loves this world and all those who dwell in it. They will prevail against the keeper. Selh’teus must open the way to Al’taieu! The boy turns to the crystal, it’s bright light slowly filling the room. Suddenly an explosion blows both Selh’teus and Prishe into the air. Falling to the ground, her pendant drops from her neck. Reaching down to pick it up is Nag’molada. Grinning at the group, he too wishes to see the way opened. Tenzen grabs his sword. Nag’molada turns to Selh’teus. Didn’t he once say the same thing? I will prevail against the deity that dwells beyond the gate of the gods. Open the way to Al’taieu. Weren’t those the words he used? Does he not find it unfair that only he should bear the sins of people? We ancients are responsible for all these events, and he shall shoulder his part of the burden. That… And the power that comes with it. Nag’molada turns the amulet on the group, he will suck the light from them all and use it himself. Prishe screams for him to stop. Selh’teus turns toward the final crystal. In a flash, the room explodes in a burst of light. A giant crystal stands before a group of cloaked individuals. But one is seen, Kam’lanaut stands in the center. “It all began with a stone” he says, “in ages past, the 5 crystals existed as one enormous jewel that bathed the world in holy light.” Behind him we recognized one of the cloaked figures, Esha’ntarl. “The mythical light banished the emptiness, and brought forth mighty gods. These gods cultivated their power and concentrated their energy. They created a balance between the 8 elements of the world without, and a harmony for the myriad of senses of the world within. And so the eternal paradise blessed them in all ways. In another strange room, an operations room – the same in the lower regions of the Delkfutts Tower stands different figures. Eald’narche speaking to Selh’teus. “But this paradise did not last forever. The enormous jewel was split into 5 parts, and this perfect realm was degraded into an incomplete world. We were reduced from the superior life forms of a higher plain into these flawed and insignificant forms. Thus we must gather and focus the energy of the crystals into opening a gate to the lost dimension.” He turns to Selh’teus, “We are both well aware of this predicament. And yet, there is one thing I cannot understand. How did this tragedy occur in the first place? Why was the original stone shattered into 5 pieces? And who is responsible for this incomprehensible act?” The crystal warriors float through the air, clawing and striking at something. The room is the chamber of eventide. In the distance a shadowy figure watches. As it comes into view, it becomes clear the figure is Yve’noile. “The people of this world have evolved into 5 unique species, each harboring a distinctive darkness.” She says. “Crystal Warriors,” she calls, “thou wert created to destroy those evils. Yet even their strength can not prevail against this darkness. Emptiness is the ever present shadow of the blessed light. If this phenomenon represents complete death, then one could argue its presence was inevitable in a complete world.” Yve’noile bows her head. Was it split for the sake of the children of the dawn? “Is this not so, great goddess Altana?” ---------------------------------------- 29. Emptiness Bleeds Incredible. Nag’molada mutters to himself, staring into the strange world before him. It was meant to be impossible to find. You would have thought the plan to open the gate of the gods would succeed. Long has he yearned to behold it’s magnificent spires. But now, he is here, in Al’taieu. But something is wrong… Even with the last pendant he hears no voices. Why does he not hear the voices of the Zilartian people or the Dawn Maiden. He turns hack in anger at the others, laying on the ground, still unable to gather themselves. It must be them, they are clouding his mind! But suddenly he hears something… The grand palace should provide some interesting encounters, perhaps even the Dawn Maiden is there. He walks off leaving everyone behind. In the distance, giant cermet spires loom over the strange landscape. The group is as water, and the sky is like looking from inside a crystal. Once formerly a beautiful garden, it’s beauty almost seems warped now. Strange creatures float through the air and under the liquid ground, seemingly ignoring their presence. The group rises. It appears Prishe is once again missing. Also Tenzen and the Chebukkis are gone too. Exploring the area, the group finds a strange gate. Ulmia, Jabbos, Shikaree, and Louverance hear a strange voice calling to them from beyond. The path leads to the Zilart Kings palace, Louverance says. One of the strange voices here spoke of Prishe, perhaps she is there. Louverance is concerned however, does this place lay beyond the gate of the gods? Did the ancients truly cross that legendary boarder? Ulmia says they shouldn’t jump to conclusions, the land is indeed beautiful but the creatures here are threatening and if what Bahamut says is true, the keeper is somewhere inside. If Prishe is intent on gaining access, and Nag’molada is inside, they must too go in. Jabbos suggests they look for switches to unlock the gate. Louverance worries about their ability to defeat the keeper. Na’gmolada has taken the light they gained from the Promyvions. But Ulmia says if they stand together they can still overcome it. It appears that while the other lights were stolen, the light of the 5th crystal was granted to them by Selh’teus. But Jabbos has no intention of standing with Nag’molada. Shikaree suggests they stay away from Tenzen as well. At the first tower, they find Makki-Chebukki who apologizes, but he had to betray them. It’s the samurai code to follow their masters, or they have to commit suicide! He knows, he read that in a book once. Anyway, he insists the voices in his head are driving him crazy. He offers to work together with them, he decided to ditch the samurai way. He unlocks the first switch, but says there may be others. At the second tower, Kukki-Chebukki unlocked the switch for them, informing the group that he agrees with Makki. They just want to see the king. And just so they know, the role of princess and princes are filled. Didn’t they know the Zilart King used to have two sons and a daughter? After all this time, the little taru bets the King is pretty lonely, plus he’s probably a few jewels short of a crown. He doubts he’ll even notice if their a bit smaller than he remembers. If the group is lucky, the tarus might even take them on as servants. At the last spire, Cherukki smiles at the group. The “new princess” clips the last switch and suddenly the gate to the capital opens. Finally, she can see her royal daddy. A giant doorway stands before them, to which the Chebukki’s shout that the princes have returned! Louverance pushes them out of the way and begins examining the door. Shikaree can hear it clearly now, the voice calling them is beyond the door. Ulmia and hear it too, surely such a voice is that of the Zilart King? But why does he not open the door? Are the children of Vana’diel not welcome here? Suddenly a passage off to the side opens, from it steps Prishe. She too tried to enter the gate, but can’t pass through it. They need to hurry, or Nag’molada will get to the chamber of eventide before them. Jabbos asks what the chamber is, but Prishe still says she’s unsure. From what she knows, it supposedly sucks the emptiness right out of a person. The Zilart long ago grew so filled with darkness that it completely overshadowed the light. That’s why Nag’molada seeks it out, to become Zilart. But both Esha’ntarl and Selh’teus warned him it was unstable. They have to hurry before it’s too late. The group travels through the palace, they discover creatures far more strange than that of the grounds outside. Deep within they find the chamber, and there stands Nag’molada reading off a panel on an instrument. “Why…” he remarks. “Why would she be in the chamber?” It is suddenly revealed, that sleeping within the chamber is Yve’noile herself. Prishe calls out to him. But he does not turn back, he can not believe it. Has even the Dawn Maiden succumb to the grip of the emptiness? Has Altana abandoned them to their destiny? “No Nag’molada. Lady Yve’noile has become an instrument of Altana’s will.” Says a voice behind them. It is Selh’teus. But no the one they know. The boy now has giant wings, one of snowy white, the other fiery red of a Phoenix. If the plans of the Kuluu and Avatars failed, then this would be the last line of defense. She has attempted to absorb the emptiness pervading the chamber and destroy it along with her own existence. Why would she do this, Nag’molada questions. To prevent the coming of the keeper of the apocalypse. Promathia has been reborn. Prishe speaks up, confused. Bahamut said that Promathia would only come back if Al’taieu fell back to Vana’diel. Selh’teus stops her. It is an incarnation of Promathia that has been resurrected. “An incarnation?” questions Prishe. The keeper of the apocalypse is the instrument of Promathia’s will. And Promathia’s will is the emptiness. The vessel that was destined to hold the that darkness is among us once more. The incarnation sought to fill itself with emptiness. And that emptiness was found here – a source of darkness drained from many Kuluu during the perfection of the chamber. A source of darkness greater than that of the intended keeper was unwittingly focused on this place. This source of emptiness would, if left unchecked, lead to the resurrection of Promathia. Thus the attempt of Lady Yve’noile to send it into oblivion, along with herself. Nag’molada stares at him furiously. Why would he let her commit this act? She is not to blame. She built the chamber in the name of love. She tried to save us from our fate! Selh’teus nods, the Kuluu are indeed at the beginning of all of this. That is why he absorbed the emptiness from this place. He sealed it within him and departed from the world. But he would not die. Prishe knows. Phoenix was with him the entire time. It is the same reason Esha’ntarl talked about. When the emptiness dies with you, it will be reborn in another. That is why Selh’teus sealed it within her. Like she did with the magicite. Yes, he says, but it was a dangerous act. With the creation of this “new world” Bahamut lost his power and he could do nothing but flee the incarnation of the Twilight God. Selh’teus was trapped. He could no return to the real world. It was then Lady Yve’noile released the blinding light of her life force to bind the incarnation within the audience chamber. Exhausted by her efforts, she fell into eternal slumber. Nag’molada begins to panic. Is not paradise meant to be the realm of the gods, overflowing with the blessed light of the crystal? Are we not supposed to gain a higher dimension of existence – to attain perfection? Selh’teus says that although this world is sustained by the amplified crystal, this world is not the perfect paradise of legend. And neither are they ready to be the perfect crystal warriors. Both they, and this world lack the blessing of the light. They must pass through the gate of the gods and touch the monuments of light in one of the five towers. They ere built to cleanse the five forms of darkness from the soul. Only then will they stand a chance of defeating this incarnation of Promathia. Prishe asks if he finally has the will to help them fight, but he says he’s unsure. He no longer feels emotions. But they must be prepared for anything. The five forms of darkness within them are nothing compared to the abyssal void that is the emptiness. It is a complete and implacable foe. Their victory is no assured. But what he can do, is show them the truth. When they are ready, they will find him on the highest level of the palace. If they are ready when the time comes, he will join them to save the world. As he vanishes, Nag’molada turns to the group. He throws the amulet to Prishe. He will no longer need it. He must inter Yve’noile within the Ou’hapt Obelisk. She can’t return to the mother crystal from here. Prishe is stunned at his momentary kindness. But then tells him that this isn’t the end between them. She will make him pay for what he’s done. When the exit the room, the group moves on ahead. But Prishe slowly realizes that the others can hear the voices calling out to them… Tenzen is missing, Promathia’s incarnation is reborn, and Yve’noile is trapped in an endless sleep. The Emptiness is flowing forth… This is their darkest hour. ---------------------------------------- 30. Twilight Still in the chamber of eventide, Nag’molada leans over the ethereal coffin of Yve’noile. He whispers to her, lost in his madness. He thanks her for all she has done, and those children of the light are forever in her debt. If only he had the whisper of souls he could explain this to her himself, but he is incomplete. He should be perfect, the leader of the imperfect masses. Why has the betrayer, Selh’teus, risen to a higher form of being while he remains flawed and incomplete? What was his folly? No, his path has been true. It is the incomplete world that is the error. This world and the addled gods that created it are the sinners. An incomplete world exists for the sake of imperfection. It explains our existence. But... Deep in the halls of the palace the shouts of the Chebukkis can be heard. Prishe opens the giant doors of the hallway to reveal Tenzen standing over her friends, sword drawn, ready to finish the job. Prishe asks what he has done, but he comments that they are not badly wounded. The portal before them is emitting something very strange. Surely she can hear the voices. They were climbing over each other to get to it. The cowering Chebukkis jump forward saying the voice they hear doesn’t lie. It speaks the truth. They will find their parents inside, and never be lonely or sad again. If only they can open the door. Ulmia says the voices wishes to hear her song. Louverance says the voice needs his strength to rebuild the city. Shikaree says a world with perfect laws lies ahead. Jabbos hears that he will gain the power to protect the weak. Tenzen sighs, he too hears it. It promises him the path to righteousness. Prishe says she hears it. It promises her an end. “The voice of the emptiness is within you…” The group turns to see Selh’teus float down to the ground. Any attempt to escape from the voice is futile. It does not come from the door, but within them. Yet, they still seem to resist. But when you stand before the Keeper and behold the form of the Twilight God, will they be able to withstand his call? Prishe tells him they can and will. Suddenly a strange sound is heard from the other room. Selh’teus rushes into the room, with Prishe and Tenzen close behind. In the throne room, Nag’molada stands before a giant black figure wrapped in chains. He turns and smirks at their presence. Haven’t they been dying to topple the Keeper of the Apocalypse? Why do they stand there in shock? Tenzen fall to the ground. The voices call to him even more now. Prishe tells him to stand back, even though they don’t want to, they must. Nag’molada calls them over. Even though he hates to admit it, he needs their light combined with his. Come join him, find out everything with him. Simple adventurers called forth to save the world. Never a thank you, never congratulation. But now, now they can have a reward. Learn the truth with him. A truth nobody could tell them. It is finally clear to him. Truth is the only bright point of perfection in this incomplete world. It is the only thing we can trust. Only he who knows the truth can truly attain perfection. Nag’molada calls out to the dark figure. Teach him the truths of creation! Then he will lead the incomplete people of this world beyond the gates to the origin of perfect truth! With a wave of his hand the seal upon the keeper placed by Yve’noile ruptures. The dark figure begins to move and the bright light shines from within. Emerging from the black cocoon is a brilliantly white being. Promathia, Twilight God. Nag’molada kneels before it as it turns its attention to him. Suddenly the emptiness appears around the Kuluu and he sinks into, a smile gracing his face. Tenzen stands in shock. What has he done?!? Promathia absorbs Nag’molada’s essence, his voice echoing through the throne room. At last…this is truth… we are… we are…. Outside the throne room, the chebukkis bang on the door as the bodies of Jabbos, Louverance, Shikaree, and Ulmia lay motionless on the ground. A booming voice echoes through the throne room, if not the entire world itself. I have found thee… My wayward children… I come to greet thee… Return to thy father… Selh’teus cannot believe his eyes. It can’t be. Prishe asks him what it means. Children? Promathia’s children? Her confusion suddenly stops as she remembers. Resurrection and death, she has to stop him. But before she can act, Promathia is gone. Outside of the palace, Promathia floating above his twisted playground calling out to Altana. Can she hear him? She, who has sheltered his very existence, cannot stop him from being reborn. It is time to surrender to thine abhorrent death and embrace the eternal darkness. An eternity of silence awaits. Their farewell this time shall be forever. The apocalypse is at hand! Raising his hands to the heavens a large beam of light bursts forth from the heavens crashing into the palace. Deep within its walls the palace begins to be absorbed by the emptiness. Prishe realizes he is attempting to draw the capital into the real world. It must be because of Nag’molada. With his knowledge now part of Promathia, he would know everything about the world that awaited him. No one would be safe. With amulet in hand, Prishe continued marched forward, the Chebukkis behind her screaming for Promathia to absorb them too. Through a strange door Prishe enters a large room, the end of it eaten away by the emptiness, but beyond it she sees dozens of crystals. As she steps through the gateway, the stars of the heavens suddenly appear next to her. She looks around in awe, the galaxy before her. Giant crystals float about, as one giant red crystal looms overhead. Prishe is without words, until she looks at her feet. In shock she stumbles back and falls to the ground. Where is she?!?! Below her feet the entire world of Vana’diel can be seen. She can clearly make out Quifim Island. It has to be Vana’diel…but if it’s down there…then… A small red feather catches her eye, as she looks up to see Selh’teus confronting Promathia. Selh’teus smashes his hands together as a white light burns between them. As he spreads them apart a giant spear forms. Thrusting it into the chest of Promathia, the Twilight god screams as Selh’teus is knocked down to the ground. Prishe runs to his side, but he claims to be fine. It is Promathia she should worry about. His attack will not hold him for long, he thought he could lure the god away with the darkness he held, but failed. It seems the Twilight God is not content until the end is near. The end she questions… Prishe realizes she had it wrong all along. The apocalypse is the moment when Promathia dies. The “Will of Promathia”, the emptiness, is the manifestation of complete death. Even a god would be destroyed by the full force of the emptiness. That is why so many vessels were needed to hold it. The children of Altana. Selh’teus nods. To insure the Twilight Gods existence, Altana stole the energy of the mothercrystal to create a race of people. In the process the mothercrystal split into 5 parts and the realm of gods was split from its higher plain – to be transformed into the world of Vana’diel. The people of Al’taieu, with this knowledge burned into their souls, joined together to return to the Twilight God. They sought to restore the original mothercrystal and open the gates of paradise. That is when they knew, the thing Selh’teus, once killed by the suffocating grasp of the emptiness, knows all to well. The despair of the apocalypse. He wants to end this curse. No longer shall we live in the shadows of our darkness. Our arrogance, apathy, envy, cowardice, and rage. Prishe can’t believe it. A god with a death wish. Promathia rips the spear from his body and spreads his ethereal wings. Prishe rushes towards him, swinging away. Together they force Promathia to the ground, but the Twilight God refuses to be beaten. Prishe charges to finish off the job, but Selh’teus scream to her to stop. Suddenly the emptiness surrounds her. Yearn… Desire… Hunger for… …the end of mortality. The Chebukkis decide it’s time for some divine punishment. MEEEEEE! TEEEEEE! OOOOOR! The Chebukkis magic combines to form a large meteor which crashes down into the Twilight God. But it has little effect. The emptiness creeps up Prishe’s body, sucking the life from her. The magicite in her chest begins to shine, drawing Promathia’s attention as he reaches down to her. Prishe falls to her knees. “This is not the end!” she screams, “There will be no apocalypse.” Ripping the magicite from her, she throws it into the face of Promathia. “We were born for the purpose of living!” she shouts as the Selh’teus forms another spear throwing it at Promathia. The Twilight god reaches for the magicite just as the spear smashes into it, lodging the magicite in the face of the god. The magicite begins to grow, forming around his face. Suddenly the magicite shatters, the dark god standing tall again, throwing Prishe back. Before she passes out, she notices the crystals. Their light… A burst of light explodes from the planet into the heavens above, a swirling portal of clouds forms. Promathia looks up as a small tear falls down, landing on his face. A voice calls out to him. Can he hear her? Promathia responds he can, he can hear Altana. At his knees, the Twilight God begins to glow and power flows through his body. Then in a burst of light, he is gone. Prishe opens to eyes to find Selh’teus staring at the giant red crystal. The life force is returning to the mothercrystal. Prishe rests her hand on her head. Now the people of Al’taieu and even Nag’molada will find peace at last. A drop of water falls onto Prishe, her wounds suddenly healing. The tears of the Goddess. Far above the world, Altana grieves for the loss of her Promathia. The facets of the Dawn Goddess – Trust, compassion, justice, courage, and hope. If people learn just the last thing, just this one thing, then they can carry on. From behind her, Prishe hears her name being called. It’s Ulmia and the others. The effects of Promthia must have worn off. She tells them to listen. The voice of Altana should be clear to them now. Small tears fall from the heavens dropping on all of them, even the Chebukkis. It proves Altana lives within everyone. When people are born, the tears of the goddess flow within them. Selh’teus calls to them. The power of the 5th mothercrystal has returned. Al’taieu no longer plummets to Vana’diel. The lives of the people, the light of their life force, have healed the crystal. He thanks them for all they have done. But he will remain in Al’taieu as an eternal guardian to watch over their world. Prishe thanks him too, but now it is time to go home. The Apocalypse is over. The Chebukkis remark that it’s not over, the adventure’s just beginning. With a wave of their hands, the party warps away. In ages past, a sentient jewel, enormous and beautiful, banished the darkness. Its many-colored light filled the world with life and brought forth mighty gods. However, the arrival of death implacable brought an end to the God of Twilight. Aglow with the essence of love eternal, the dawn goddess sought to restore the lost divinity. Upon the fallen deity, Altana bestowed the light of the true crystal. In the bodies of mortal uncounted was the Twilight God reborn. The true crystal shattered into 5 parts, its holy light extinguished. Paradise was no longer. Thus was born the world of Vana’diel. ---------------------------------------- 31. Dawn On the docks of Mhuara, Shikaree Z’s sisters meet with her as she meets one last time with some family friends. She has decided to return to her homeland. Upon her return she will make a full report to the queen of what has taken place. Citing the struggle against Promathia, she plans to dispute the crimes of Mildaurion, Prishe, and the wyrms. Then she will renounce her name as a mithran tracker. Her sisters can’t believe what she’s saying, but Shikaree insists that having traveled with her companions she understand much more now. Prishe interfered with their investigation to stop a much greater crime from being committed. A tracker hunts sin, and it is there duty to seek out crime and punish the guilty. But the crimes she hunts have been for the sake of whom? As she pondered this question words began to echo in her head. “The very act of hunting sin creates sin.” Her sisters recognize that phrase as something their mother used to say. After beating Promathia she finally felt some sense of justice, something she had not felt before. Perhaps someday they will understand, but even without the mithran tracker title she could help justice prevail. Though Promathia is gone, my still return. It is only a matter of time, but until then she will continue to battle it. Her sisters see her off, and Shikaree heads home. Meanwhile Tenzen has begun preparations to return home. Hearing the emptiness was no more, he chartered a boat from Bastok thanks to Tenshodo. He apologizes to his companions for his actions and asks if they want retribution to take it now. But they stay their hand, and Tenzen thanks them. Suddenly Tenzen’s ninja companion appears. She brings word that the empire is still in chaos even though the emptiness is gone. Once all is well, he invites them to his lands. The trust they have shown them, will bind their fates eternally. In San d’Oria Hinaree meets with a priest from the cathedral when suddenly Louverance, the real one, bursts into the mansion. He has arranged for a duel to the death with his red masked imposter in the north lands. There, amongst the snow the two Louverances do battle, but the red masked man, our Louverance is no match for the original and falls off the side of the cliff. The real one gloats at his victory, claiming the fake should be a friar in his next life, as he has much repenting to do. He ironically claims that now he can face his true opponent, the Keeper of the Apocalypse. Back in San d’Oria the priest returns to Hinaree’s house fearing that Louverances blood would be spilled, but learns his opponent had died. When he leaves the house he chuckles. It’s far easier to play the role of a common man than some reckless fool. It becomes clear that this priest is actually our Louverance. It was thanks to the real ones stupidity and eagerness to duel that the fake death was so easily accepted. Even though he failed to defeat his enemy, he at least can start over new. With the power of the Memeo Mirror, he can coerce any noble with shady secrets into his service. Perhaps, restore Tavnazia and create a new order of knights. Perhaps even resurrect the Remevel name. Hmmm.. It appears he has one thing in common with the real Louverance.. The unyielding desire to burn his name into the pages of history. In Windurst a fishing ship finds that it has 3 stow-aways. The Chebukkis apparently find themselves in as much trouble as ever and end up getting themselves thrown overboard for their “comedy routine”. Washing up on Purgonorgo Island the 3 come across a strange old orc war machine. The notice some mandragoras nearby and begin to do their act for them too. Uninterested in the “performance”, they begin to walk away. The Chebukkis decide it’s time to show some artistic temperament and unleash a meteor on the area. But suddenly another taru jumps in from of them. It’s fake Louverances friend, Goldmane! He questions where these strange assassins came from. They say they are the famous stars of the Chebukki Show, but he doesn’t care who they are. Their meteor spell won’t work on him, his wife blasted him with that spell so many times he doesn’t feel it anymore. The Chebukkis unleash their largest meteor yet, knocking Goldmane to the ground. As the dust clears, Goldmane appears defeat, but suddenly laughs. The Chebukki show? Meteor mom used to make? It suddenly hits him. Could it be, his darling children Makki, Kukki, and Cherukiki?!?! “DADDY!” they cheer. They rush him with hugs and kisses, at last they found their father. From now on, they’ll live here with him..but.. He has one request. Could they call him papa? “PAPAAAAAAAA!” In Movalpolos, Jabbos sits in a jail cell. Unable to bring him sell to tell the moblins what he has seen, they decided to lock him away until he does. He witnessed the horror of Promathia, and learned terrible secrets. The Twilight God is the father of us all… He cannot tell them this. The Moblins will spread this news to others and then people will come to hunt them for spreading “lies”. The moblins approach him again. If he is really their friend, he will tell them the truth. Jabbos sighs, they are his friends, and he must be truthful. He tells them what he knows and the moblins listen intently. He explains the people of the world above always believed they were children of Altana, but in truth we had a father as well. We are children of both dawn and twilight. The moblins think for a moment and decide that indeed Jabbos must be speaking the truth. Jabbos’s heart sinks thinking of what war will develop between them and other people. But the moblins seem different. They tell him not to worry, they understand, moblins have moms and dads too. If Promathia is the father, then there has to be a mother somewhere. Why can’t it be Altana? If this is true, then beastmen and people must be brothers! Moblins and people are family! Jabbos and the moblins begin to rejoice in this new idea, and begin to dance about their underground home. At the same time in Jeuno, Esha’ntarl sends Wolfgang to the nations of the world to explain the victory over the wyrms is final. After clashing with them many times they suddenly broke off their attack and vanished into the clouds. She explains there are some voices that say we should hunt the wyrms to extinction, but for the moment she has issued a resupply order for the fleet. In the bar on Upper Jueno, Esha’ntarl finds herself thinking back on Cape Riverne and his mind connection to Selh’teus. She was shown and incomplete paradise, where the citizens of the capital returned to their deity ten thousand years ago. Returned to Promathia. “Opening the gates of Paradise” is just another way of describing the recombining of the mothercrystal. A way to restore the world to its original state. Yve’noile once told her that when gazing upon the goddess, she realized she could not become part of that perfection. Yve’noile believed them to be something else. It was then she went into researching people. After shifting her focus to the Kuluu phenomenon she began to research the darkness within us all. Her realization led to the betrayal of the king and his sons, and oppose any plans to open the gates. Se had discovered out origins as children of Promathia. But things are not all taken care off. Esha’nartl realizes she still has much work to do. The emptiness will return, and rogue Zilart may still be seeking access to paradise. But for the time being they have the emptiness to worry about, and will focus on that before paradise. It is time to remind the Zilart of their true responsibility, to safe guard the mothercrystals. As she leaves the tavern she smiles. This future did not always exist. It was only with the hope and strength of a few good souls that she stands here today. In Tavnazia word reaches the safehold that that wyrms have vanished from the sky above the old city. Finally, the town has found peace. Jeuno has also officially established an open treaty outside of the one made with Nag’molada and the safehold. Merchant traffic will slowly bring people back to their lands. Ulmia finds her grandfather the happiest he’s been in some time, now that he has an overflow of adventurers willing to slay the beastmen in the lands outside of the safehold. He also intends to restore the Shepard villages in what remains of Cape Riverne. Prishe on the other hand finds herself with nothing left to do. Ulmia says she is the leader of the safehold and needed here, but Prishe simply smiles saying she needs her workout and runs off. Overlooking the old city Prishe stares into the distance. That town, the town where she was born and the town where the end of the world was born. All she ever thought about was what the apocalypse would be like. It doesn’t matter how, but when it happens even her immortal existence will be snuffed out. She sighs. When standing before Promathia and he promised to show her the end, she finally realized who wanted to see the final showdown most of all. It was her. That’s why she hurled the magicite at the god. She somehow hoped that with it, the keeper would one day rise again. When she told Esha’ntarl, she didn’t yell at her, she just smiled and said “wait until you meet her.” What did she mean? Must Altana hate her so? Is that why she hurts inside? Why now? She begins to feel a pain inside of her, something she can’t explain. It’s frightening and unnerving. Suddenly the voices of the world begin to silence. Her chest begins to glow and she grabs her chest. She knows what’s happening, it’s the thing that makes us mortal. The emptiness has returned to her. She feels pain because she’s a mortal again. Through the pain a smile forms. Finally she doesn’t need to wait for the end of the world… She can truly live like everyone else. In her joy she rushes back to the safehold. On the coast of Tavnazia Ulmia plays her harp, singing out to the ocean. Behind her, Prishe listens to her friend play, the music touching her in ways she never felt before. From behind their companions have gathered from around the world, one last time. The world is at peace. For the moment… But that’s just long enough. ---------------------------------------- VANA'DIEL PROFILES -San d'Oria Acheufagais R D'Oraguille - The Warking The ninth king of San d'Oria who ruled from 558 to 567; fourth son of Harvest King Resviel. At the age of sixteen, he personally slew his stepbrother--a contender to the throne--to become king. Unlike his father, who concentrated on domestic affairs, Acheufagais focused his efforts on war, leading campaigns against foes such as the Orcs and the Republic of Bastok. In his short life, he fought in thirty-three battles, and was feared by enemies and allies alike as the "Warking." King Acheufagais's bold, lively personality and undaunted courage on the battlefield were beloved by knights and soldiers, but he would conversely earn the scorn of the aristocracy. When the Warking suddenly died at the young age of twenty-five, rumors of foul play by the aristocrats ran rampant throughout San d'Oria. Marelinne R d'Oraguille - The Sentinel Queen The tenth ruler of the Kingdom of San d'Oria, who reigned from 568 to 588. Cousin to the Warking. After losing her parents while she was still an infant, she was secretly adopted and raised by the family cook. When she was ten years old, the Warking suddenly died on the throne, leading to heightened tensions between regional leaders. Just when it seemed that a civil war was imminent, Marelinne's name surfaced as the rightful successor to the throne, when it was proven that she was a blood relative of the late king. However, the turmoil did not end there--the dispute was now over who would be the young monarch's guardian until she was of age. Marelinne eventually grew weary of the intrigue surrounding her, and left the capital under the pretext of surveying the outer regions. She would never again return to the capital, always issuing her orders from wherever she had journeyed. In 588, Marelinne vanished without a trace, never to be seen or heard from again. Her efforts to bolster the defenses of the outer regions were highly praised in later years. Ranperre R d'Oraguille - Savior of a Nation Ranperre R d'Oraguille, the 24th king of San d'Oria, reigned from 782 to 832. Also known as the Dragon King, Ranperre was hailed as the greatest monarch of the d'Oraguille family. He was born the eldest son of the crown prince of West San d'Oria, and diligently studied the arts of war from childhood. Ranperre acceded to the throne after agents of East San d'Oria murdered his father. After ten years of fighting, the Dragon King subdued the East San d'Orian forces and put an end to the long and bloody civil conflict. He continued to build his legend by expelling the Orcish hordes from Ronfaure, and ridding the kingdom of marauding black dragons. Rumors still flourish concerning the pact Ranperre supposedly made with a black dragon to protect his expansive tomb. -Bastok Mayer - Hero of the People Born in the lands of the Near East, the first president of Bastok held office from 494 to 503. While still a youth, Mayer was seduced by the gold rush's promise of easy wealth, and stowed away on a ship bound for the Quon continent. His tireless excavations in the Gusgen Mines earned him the nickname of "Ironman Mayer." When his wife was killed by a San d'Orian soldier, Mayer put down his pickaxe for a sword, and formed a partisan force along with his friend Dalha. Mayer triumphed against the San d'Orian army by luring the Elvaan into a narrow ravine, gaining him fame and respect among the working class. The Republic of Bastok was declared in 494. After being elected as president for life, Mayer was responsible for building the foundation of the republic by forging diplomatic relations with other countries and drafting the nation's constitution. He was assassinated nine years later by a Galkan youth. Invincible Shield(original named Ginuva)-Legatus of the 3rd Republican Legion Born in 738, He was a centurion, engaged in numerous battles with the San d’Orian knights and the Mithran Navy. While a praefectus, led skirmishes against the Quadav Shieldwarriors and thwarted various ambushes conceived by the Sahagin. After being promoted to legatus, focused efforts on eradicating the growing number of pirates on the Bastore Sea. After the Great War, Invincible Shield retired from his position of legatus, and spent the next several years writing the world-renowned “Ginuva's Battle Theory” while continuing service in the Republican Army’s first reserve. However, during a tour of inspection encompassing several countries in the Far East, Invincible Shield obtained crucial information that hinted at impending danger for Bastok and eventually all Vana’diel. Upon his return to the Republic, he immediately reenlisted himself in the army and returned to his position as legatus. Invincible Shield’s current duties focus on the retraining and reeducation of the Republican Army’s forces using methods based on various Conflict exercises. Friese - Ambitious Industrialist First captain of the Gold Musketeers. Friese was born to a peasant family and became apprentice to a Galkan blacksmith at an early age. At age 19, her work caught the attention of the chief of the Department of Industry, who set her to the task of helping plan the construction of Bastok’s windmills. This earned her great fame. During construction, she recorded her observations of the Quadav and approached the Department of Mining with her writings. Friese became acquainted with the department senator and was appointed as the captain of the newly formed Gold Musketeers. In the year 684, the Musketeers struck mythril in the Palborough Mountains. Friese assumed command of the excavations in the following year, decimating the mountains’ Quadav inhabitants using a devastating weapon dubbed the “Dancing Flames.” The incident brought enormous wealth to Bastok, but created an eternal enemy in the Quadav. -Windurst Tukuku - The Founder The Star Sibyl at the dawn of the Magic Age, reigning from 290 to 298. At three years old, she unconsciously cast her first black magic spell, unwittingly incinerating her own home. She was then summoned as an apprentice scribe into the service of Tabilolo, the Star Sibyl of the time. Upon Tabilolo￾fs passing in 290, Tukuku was named to succeed her as Star Sibyl. However, not one Tarutaru chieftain attended the rite of succession; the advent of magic had escalated conflicts between the tribes to new heights. In 294, Tukuku appeared at the site of a major battle between two tribal alliances, and cast a powerful spell that stunned both sides of the conflict. She then gathered all of the chieftains and strongly urged them to unite as one nation. Thus after three days and three nights of negotiations, the Federation of Windurst came into being. To the lament of many, Tukuku passed away soon afterwards, in 298. Karaha-Baruha - Sacrificing Genius Minister of the Optistery during the Great War. Karaha-Baruha earned his genius reputation from his time at the School of Magic; he completed every available unit in only a year and earned multiple degrees. Following his graduation, he ignored the fierce recruiting attempts of the various ministries and eventually applied to enter the Optistery. After assuming the position of minister, Karaha-Baruha worked tirelessly with the other ministries and founded a system of mutual cooperation. However, at the behest of the Star Sibyl, he sequestered himself within an underground laboratory and delved into the mysteries of summoning magic. After disappearing from the public eye, the name of Karaha-Baruha was eventually forgotten. In the year of 862, as the city of Windurst stood on the brink of destruction, Karaha-Baruha reappeared to smite the invading beastman army with the forbidden art of summoning. With his own lifeforce spent in unleashing the towering energy that defeated the howling beastmen, the great genius of Karaha-Baruha was lost forever. --------------------------------------- DYNAMIS Though Raogrimm had given up his life to save his old friend Zeid and hold off the corrupted crystal warriors it turns out it was too late for his spirit. The Shadow Lord now reborn could not be so easily defeated. Once Raogrimm had controlled the Shadow Lord, now the Shadow Lord controlled Raogrimm. Deep within the world of nightmares guarded by the power of Diabolos, the Shadow Lord rebuilt his armies of darkness. Using the power of the dark elements his fallen beastman army was now reborn in the dark world. The spirits of his 5 allies on the expedition north, led by Cornelia decided they would not let their friend suffer anymore. They would make up for the wrongs they had done him, and together save their friend from the hellish existence he was fated with in the afterlife. With the help of brave adventurers they found their way through the dream worlds alternate realities and together met the Shadow Lords armies on the snow-capped peaks of Xarcabard's dream realm. In the dark world of Dynamis, the 5 heroes confront their old friend. Defeating his dark form, they discover that the pact he made has forever doomed him to this fate. Until a world where there is only peace comes to Vana'diel and hatred is gone, he must live this dual life. Part of him at peace, the other part forever doomed to roam dynamis. Cornelia and the group steps forward. They will stay with him, with their friend until that time comes. They will help him battle his darkness and remain with him in Dynamis. Until he can rest in peace, they will not as well. Raogrimm is shocked by their display of kindness. All is forgiven amongst the group, and together they go forth into the darkness, hoping one day to be bathed in light. Cornelia is once again united with her love. ---------------------------------------- ARTIFACT ARMOR Black Mage- Chumimi the head gardener of the star trees makes a report to the Star Sybil that something is wrong with the trees. The head professors show up to investigate, and you arrive just as they do. They begin to argue amongst themselves as to what the problem might be, bad soil, bad water, or bad light. Going off to test their theories, Shantotto calls you to her and asks you to gather her a special kind of crystal to use for her light problem theory. After you bring back the crystal she thanks you for your trouble and gives you her old wand that she used back in magic school. Assuming the situation has been resolved you leave, only later to find out from Chumimi that none of the professors solutions have helped, and they are coming back any minute now to investigate some more. The three of course get into another amusing argument and finally agree that it’s possible that seeds take to jeuno 20 years ago may have caused the problem. Sending you to get the seeds you come back but are told they decided the seeds couldn’t have been the problem. Shantotto seems to recall an incident in castle zvahl where they were led through the palace by a magic doll, which turned on them. When they defeated it and locked it in the castle, it cast a curse on windurst. You go to inspect the situation and bring back the doll, but after you come back you discover that it wasn’t that either. The professors now tell you of reports of some sort of magical energy stagnation that have built up under windurst in Toraimari Canal. Shantotto leaves to deal with it herself, the doll brought back is “reprogrammed” to sense stagnations and clean them. You follow Shantotto and clear the canal. When you return you are told that the problem has been resolved and are promised by the professors that from now on they’ll keep the canal clean. Sadly, Shantotto got her hat dirty and now refused to wear it anymore, she gives it to you as your last reward. Monk- There is a Galka monk residing in Bastok, named Oggbi an aging alcoholic, long since resigned to spending the rest of his life drinking away his regrets at the bar. Cornelia and you begin to talk with him but he gets very emotional and begins to reminisce about an old pupil he had named Cornelia. The same from the mission to the northlands. Some time before the mission his new pupil was given a task to carry out to demonstrated her dedication. We also see that this "new" Cornelia has some particular fascination with the "old" one, though she refuses to admit the root of it. Oggbi asks that you go to the Gusgen Mines and find a wander ghosts necklace, and bring it back to him. Once you’ve done that Oggbi is stunned you actually were crazy enough to go, to mention you actually found “THE” wandering ghost. He again tells a story about how Cornelia too went on the same mission. Wander Ghost was actually the name of a galka who worked there, known for his temper. Fate is cruel that he died and was forced to wander the area. Next time you and Oggbi meet he tells you of another story, where he recently a young girl came to ask Oggbi where her brother was, whom he has recently sent out on a mission. Oggbi says he wants you to do a favor for him and find the boy for the girl. Deep in Fei’yin you find the boy who thanks you for giving him the message that the girl is looking for him. He asks you to carry out the rest of his missions. He explains that there is an old treatise on Martial Arts lost somewhere in Davoi, which long ago was an outpost for San d’Orian Knights during the wars. When you find the book and return to Oggbi, where he again tells you a story of Cornelia and himself in Davoi. They too sought the book, having been hired by the San d’Orian army to retrieve it. Oggbi expressed some concern about the missions, but it was at this time they stumbled across a Bastokan military unit under the command of a Galka named Raogrimm. This turns out to be the first time Cornelia and Raogrimm met, and after this moment they became closer than friends. Finally, Ayame calls you to the Bastok Metalworks where she complains that there is a problem with the Yaguado. Apparently while they have been suppressed, a Yagudo of supreme power has risen from the new generation of Yagudo just like the time before... After you defeat him, Oggbi tells you of a similar story. Cornelia's reason for becoming a monk under Oggbi was to defeat a similar Yagudo, who had slain her brother. After defeating him, she felt as if she killed a part of herself. Raogrimm consoled her, telling her, "Nothing comes of revenge. It merely results in us losing that which drives us." He tells her that true power comes from having something worth protecting and that someday she will find that something. It was from this moment on that she joined the Mythril Musketeers. Red Mage- In the Lion Springs tavern you are approached by a strange man claiming to be a red mage. He asks you to investigate a horrible ghosts which is saw the other day in the San d’Orian church. Upon investigation you realize that the ghost claims to be the father of the leader of the Temple Knights, General Curilla. Hearing this news she asks you to take her fathers watch to the church to test her theory if this apparition is actually her father. When you arrive at the basement altar and begin to pray the ghost slowly sneaks up behind you. Suddenly you have a vision of man named Rainemard. When you awake the watch is gone, but in it’s place are a strange pair of boots. When the preists find you and you tell them of the ghost they kick you out of the church for heresy. Taking the boots to Curilla, she requests permission to exercise the boots in the Crawlers Nest, but Prince Trion refuses her. Instead you are sent. Curilla still suspicious of the ghost has you meet with the red mage in the Lion Springs again, this time he informs you the best way to talk to the dead is to throw a coin into the fountain deep within Fei’Yin. When you do this, the ghost of Rainemard appears and says he’s trapped. When you return to San d’Oria, a galka at the Springs says he knows of a strange box in Garliage Citadel that no one could open. Perhaps he is trapped in there? When you go to the citadel and open the box, the body of Rainemard is stuffed inside, but his spirit seems rude and does not recognize you. Back in San d’Oria, the spirit of Rainemard is seen exiting the cathedral and attacking people nearby. The Temple Knights show up to deal with the ghost, but Curilla refuses to attack when she sees it’s her father. Trion goes to slay the creature, but Curilla draws her weapon against him, to protect her father. Suddenly thespirit of Rainemard is revealed to be possessed by another evil spirit and the true Rainemard defeats the spirit. Curilla and Rainemard have one last conversation together, then he walks into the Cathedral and disappears, but not before giving you his hat to say thank you. Warrior- Phara an old woman in the Bastok Mines calls you to speak with her about her son and grandson. While her son was a great warrior, her grandson is far more lackluster and disappointing to her. He has become a simple doorman. She laments the fact that he hasn’t even taken his father’s sword. This sword of which she speaks has fallen into disrepair, its hilt ruined. She mentions that her son had found the sword grip in an orc tent in Davoi. She asks you to bring her some of this material used to make the original. When you take this back to her she asks you to wait until the sword is complete, and then take it to her grandson. Who turns out to be none other than Mythril Musketeer Naji. Naji explains that his father was a great warrior and friend of Raogrimm, but even though he followed his footsteps this was his duty as a musketeer. Talking to Phara again she brings up Raogrimm, the Galka Talekeeper. She talks about how loved he was even as a child. In fact everyone loved him, except one other Galka child. She can’t quite remember his name, but you soon discover it was a Galka named Deidogg. When you talk to him he can only speak ill of Raogrimm. He says that in his day Raogrimm was considered to be the greatest warrior around. But Deidogg believes it was all a lie, as he never brought back proof of his victories. One such story is the tale of how he defeated a powerful Quadav warrior. However, Deidogg believes this to be a lie, and sends you to the Palborough Mines to look for the hatchery, if the Qudav is alive, that’s where he’d be. In the hatchery you discover the Quadav is indeed alive, and bring back one of the eggs it has on it. Deidogg thrilled at this discovery is silenced as another Galka tells him Raogrimm’s honor compelled him not to take trophies from his victories. However, there was one exception. There was one time when Raogrimm defeated some monsters in Castle Oztroja. He used the skin from these beasts to fashion a pair of boots that he'd promised to an old friend... This seems to take Deidogg by surprise, but he won't say why. You next travel to the Yaguado capital. There you find a parasite skin of the strange leeches, and taking it back to Deidogg he recognizes it. A long time ago, Deidogg and Raogrimm were old friends and one time Deidogg had lent Raogrimm his boots. Raogrimm told him he would one day repay the favor. So he used the parasite skin to fashion some boots for his friend, and gave them to Deidogg even after they had no longer been friends. Moved by this again, after so long, he uses the skin you brought him to fix the old boots, and then gives them to you. Meanwhile another problem develops, Raogrimm’s armor has become a national treasure of Bastok since he died before the Great War. However, while on loan in San d’Oria, a band of goblin thieves steal it. Tensions begin to rise as Bastok uses this for political gain against the San d’Orians. The Galka are furious that the talekeepers armor is being used for political gain and you are asked to recover it. The goblins, hiding in Behemoth’s Dominion when defeated admit they don’t have it, but it turns out that a musketeer group just ahead of you got it first. The leader of the group, Volker, says that he’s sickened that Bastok would make a political matter over this and offers up the armor to you. He says he will issue copies made so that no one know which the real thing is, and which the fake is. Dark Knight- Cid's assistant needs you to help the experimental darksteel forge and you are sent to the chief of the forge. Apparently they need the formula and the book by Gerwitz himself. Apprently Bastok did not need the book so they sent it to the libary in windurst to actually do some good but they need it back now. When you reach the opistary the opistary unfortunatly tells you that the book was stolen by a yagudo bandit. Once you kill him you get the book from his hole and you head home to Bastok. Upon telling Cid's assistant of your sucess he gives you a sample product of the darksteel from the forge. Eventually Zeid contacts you to learn of your progress. He explains that once a man named Gerwitz crafted 3 legendary darksteel weapons and that they have been feeding upon the crystal lines. These creatures, usually found near the crags are exactly that. Weapons used by soldiers who spirits dwelled too close to the dark arts of the Dark Knight, but their soul was consumed and trapped within the weapon upon their death. The physical creature below the weapon is nothing more than an earth spirit, called a Kabold, trapped and enslaved by the weapon and its power generated by the vicinity to the crags. Adventuerers have reported that they have been attacked in ordelles caves by the weapons especially ones with darksteel ignots. Zeid tells you to stop these weapons before countless lives are taken. Once you defeat Gerwitz axe, sword and soul he comes and appears before you and Zeid. Gerwitz tell's you about his life and passion and a valuable lesson. Once he's done he gives you a gift of specially crafted darksteel feet. You talk to Zeid in Beadeux, he explains to you that the 3rd and most deadly weapon is still out there the scythe and is drawing power from Defulketts Tower. First you need the blood of a topaz quadav to draw the weapon out then near the top of the tower you meet the weapon and 2 victims of it's blade. After defeating the weapon and the unfortunate victims Zeid appears and talks to you about Dark Knights and what it means to be one then he shows you a chest containing the af helmet telling you, you deserve it. Dragoon- The last and greatest knight of San d’Oria, General Epuracion, leader of the Dragon King Raunperre’s army, originally wore the dragoon armor. After the mysterious death of Epuracion his armor was scattered throughout the world being auctioned off and sold to various individuals. One such woman informs you that she has some old armor of her fathers which she wishes to polish, and sends you off to Altepa to get a polishing stone. Upon returning you are rewarded with a lance, which supposedly belonged to Epuracion himself. Later word reaches you that the boss of the Brugaire Consortium might have one of the armor pieces as a family heirloom. But before you can talk to him you have to get passed his two lackeys who happen to have lost their latest order. When you fill it for them their boss appears to quickly scold them, but suddenly a man runs in to tell the boss that his father died. The boss seems slightly apathetic, but to honor his father he goes to the funeral. He tells you that a thief sadly stole the heirloom his father had just after the funeral. He asks you to track this person down. As you head from the port through Northern San d’Oria the woman whom you helped earlier stops you saying that someone ran by with some armor and dropped a note telling you to go to the island near Eldime Necropolis. There you retrieve the armor, and when you return the boss agrees to let you “hold on to it” for him. Word reaches you that other holders of the armor have been getting robbed as well and mysterious apparitions of Epuracion have been seen throughout the kingdom. Rahal, leader of the Royal Knights asks you to clear up the mystery of the last Dragoon. The last piece of the armor is hidden somewhere in Kuftal Tunnel, but when you arrive to collect it there is a note inside challenging the Royal Knights. It seems the ex-captain of the Royal Knights, who was disgraced and replaced by Rahal. Apparently while always victorious in the field, his tactics and actions caused massive casualties on both sides. He says he will wait for you at the tomb of the last dragoon. There, in the temple of Uggalepih you are attacked by 2 shadows. When you defeat them a mysterious Elvaan Dark Knight appears. The Dark Knight plans to use his newfound necromancer powers and the helm of the last dragoon to revive his full power and take over the world. At the moment, Epuracion appears in full dragoon armor. Apparently Epuracion, like the spirits in the temple has entered some ghost like state and has wandered these halls in exile for hundreds of years. He left San d’Oria long ago to protect it from himself, as the king feared the power Epuracion was gaining amongst the people and soldiers. Apparently his wyvern’s holy crest had vanished and that sign meant that soon he would turn evil and betray his king. Killing his wyvern with his own hands, Epuracion fled into exile, informing his king of this sorrowful act. The king agreed, and told the people of San d’Oria their great knight had died in battle. Just then Rahal appears having followed you and the knights arrest the dark knight. Before he vanishes Epuracion embraces your wyvern telling you that he can’t believe there still is a pure dragon. One day this little wyvern will grow into a giant dragon and your closest friend. Slowly he fades away, bidding you and the wyvern goodbye. Samurai- In Norg the weapon smith Jaucribaix asks you for the great katana he gave you long ago because he needs to use it to make something for Gilgamesh. He also needs you to pick up some fish scales for him. Once you bring him the scales he takes your weapon, but replaces it with another. Talking some more with Jaucribaix he tells you that Norg is planning to hold a ritual to calm the spirits in the Valkrum Dunes. But, to do this Jaucribaix needs a feather from a bird in Onzozo. When you talk to Washu, the local cook, she gives you a lure to fetch the bird. Once you have the feather, Jaucribaix takes it from you to add to the Kantana. Performing the rituals involves giving the blade to the spirits as a sacrifice. The problem is, the spirits will try and kill the one giving them the Katana. You are asked to go to the ritual to defeat the spirits. Upon completion of the ritual you return to Jaucribaix who tells you to talk with Gilgamesh. There, he explains that the reason there are spirits in Valkrum is that many people tried to flee there from Tavnazia in the Great War, and a large number died on the journey. He explains that Tavnazian refugees built Norg and that people from Norg seem to do these sorts of rituals in the memory of those who died all the time. Jaucribaix tells you afterwards that someone has broken into the storehouse in Norg, and stole a priceless artifact. He tells you Norg has sent out spies everywhere to find the thief. You are sent to track the item down, because the thief knows not what he stole. The helmet has an ancient demon sealed inside. Your first informant in Jeuno tells you the thief ran east. In Mhaura the next informant tell you he took the boat to Selbina. Next, in Bastok you discover that the thief has just entered the Pal borough Mines. The Norg agent in bastok has already gone ahead to get the artifact, but you should go and follow. When you arrive in the mines you find the thief dead and the informant dying. Apparently the demons have been released. The Demon Rasetsu, and his two minions Onki and Gaki were released from the helmet and gloat about how they are now free. Rasetsu however senses you have the same power that sealed them in the helmet originally and attacks you. After you defeat them, a norg ninja drops out of nowhere and takes the helmet back to Gilgamesh. Back in norg, after some repairs to the helmet Gilgamesh gives it to you as a reward. SUMMONER-(if you have a more in-depth version please email it to me) Carbuncle summons you forth to help it stop an evil puppeteer that’s has been draining the power of the avatars for some dark purpose. Using the adventurers who try to gain personal power and knowledge from the avatars, the puppet manipulates them into giving that power to it, then erases the memory of everyone in the area. You are to team up with Koru-Moru, Shantotto, and Ildy-Goldy to stop this creature. It turns out that the puppeteer behind the evil puppet is Karaha-Baruha, the former minister of the Animastry, the secret ministry of Windurst. When you defeat him, the cutscenes after the avatar battles change slightly after finishing this AF. The puppet will now be intimidated by you, and scared of your knowledge. NINJA- Ryoma, one of the big wigs in Norg tells you about a strange box he needs, but he doesn’t seem to know much about it. In fact, while telling you the story, he gets frustrated by his lack of info and sends you to track down Ensetsu, a retired Tenshodo member who now works on the crew of a ship. There, Ensetsu tells you of his wife; the last great ninja who went on a mission into Altepa and suggests you may find something there. You find a box there, but it apparently isn’t what Ryoma was looking for. Ryoma gives you another job; apparently they couldn’t open the box. Mitsunari, the master of locks and traps apparently crafted it, and they would have him open it, but it turns out he’s been dead for some time. Again, they send you off to Ensetsu, who sends you to Rabao to find someone connected to his wife. There you meet up with an Elvaan named Leodarion. He is the adopted son of Mitsunari and has been following in his footsteps by making locks and traps. It turns out that he’s the one who made the lock on the box. He says that he’s been working on a trap from his dad’s notebook and needs some help. He asks you to go to Selbina, and on the boat trip there a ghost attacks you. When you arrive you find no treasure, and when Leodarion shows up you tell him, but are interrupted by a man named Kagetora who tells you a note was found in the rags of the fallen ghost. The note is Mitsunari’s will, which means that he was the ghost! Leodarion reads the will and discovers that the reason his father loved him wasn’t the traps he knew, but the memories they shared. Ensetsu shows up and tells the story of Yomi, his dead wife and how they met in Selbina years ago. Yomi apparently turned Mitsunari down on his request to train her, and told her that one day she'll understand what he really wants. Yomi soon does, expressing her desire to pass on her memories to her daughter, whom she is now pregnant with. Ryoma soon calls you with another job. He informs you that another box has been discovered, but it was stolen by a sahagin. He suggests that it must still be somewhere on the island. In Yhoator, you come across the box, which when returned once again is unopenable. So you must take it back to Leodarion. He fiddles with the lock and actually manages to open it. As he does, Ryoma shows up saying that he doesn’t trust anyone when it comes to treasure and tagged along. But as they look inside the box, there is nothing to be found. Just as Ryoma starts accusing everyone of theft, Ayame, Ensetsu’s daughter shows up. She says she’s there on behalf of Bastok to check on Norg’s activites. She suggests perhaps that the lock was the treasure, and he opening it proves that he’s as good as his father. Leodarion agrees, and remember that he had a box that as a child he could not open. He tries now, and succeeds. The treasure within is now yours. ---------------------------------------- APPENDICIES I. Although unknown when it is known that before airships and the great war, the scientists of Bastok had developed other flying devices such as giant hot air balloons to survey battlefields and possibly drop explosives from above. II. Sometime between the attacks on their lands to the east and the first battle of the Highlands, San d'Oria began to institute female knights into the two orders. This could either be because of change in politics or possibly the countless deaths of their officer corp at the hands of the beastmen, taru invasion, and hume push from the south. III. During the time after the arrival of the Galka but before the rise of Bastok as a world power the city was built of wood, not the stone town we see today. But, there was a great fire which destroyed much of the city. In the aftermath the current president asked for donations from the citizens to rebuild the town, however none came. Senator Karst offered the proposal to rebuild the shops and merchants homes first, which though didn't sit well with the citizens eventually led to the quick rebuilding of bastok, Karst's presidency, and the nation that is the super power today. IV. At some point, Windurst was the home of a many great warlord leaders. I can assume this is before the first starsybil, but there is talk of them fighting the San d'Orians, so perhaps this is a command position of the "military" which no longer exists. V. The moblins speak of a Demon King which lords over the demons in the Shadow Lords abesence. King Paimon as he is called is said to be one of the more thoughtful and calm of the Kindred. Serving directly under the dark divinity, nothing more about him is known. VI. The Vana'diel Tribune mentions in the article "Bat's-eye View" that Goobbues are "pets" of Rolanberry Fields farmers and are trained to scare away berry grubs. They also bring in the fruit for the harvest. VII. While never really "stated" during the Chain's of Promathia main story line, if you undertake several quests two things become very clear if you complete them all. - The first is that Louverance is not who he says he is. The man you know as Louverance is actually the former brigand, Atarefaunt. He has stolen this name and using it to threaten the super rich Count Tuelomme who was responsible for the bounty hunters who captured him. The Real Louverance trying to clear has name has been tracking this fake. But why would a fake "evil doer" be interested in saving the world? - The infmous Bounty Hunter, Goldmane which is mentioned many times is found out through quests to be a little taru AND to be the father of the Chebukkis. VIII. Before the great war, a Wizard of great power lived in Tavnazia. It was said his power was so impressive even the most skilled Taru black mages feared him. After the great war he vanished, but rumor had it he hid himself deep within the Aquaducts beneath the Tavnazian Safehold. There he began the study of Necromancy. VIX. Hints of the "Eastern Empire" run rampant in the game. Until an expansion reveals this location, here is what we know: -It is currently being enveloped by the empitness from the south, while brbarian hordes are now able to cross the rivers into the Empire. -Tenzen is just an envoy of the Empire, and his real "role" is unknown. The Empire itself is ruled by an emperor and princess. -The Empire has officially declared war on Jeuno by the end of CoP.