FFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF XXXX XXXX III FFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFF XXXX XXXX III FFFF FFFF XXXX XXXX III FFF FFF XXXX XXXX III FFFFFFF FFFFFFFF XXXX XXXX III FFFFFF FFFFFFF XXXXXXX III FFF FFF XXXXXX III FFF FFF XXXXXXXX III FFF FFF XXXX XXXX III FFF FFF XXXX XXXX III FF FF XXXX XXXX III F F XXXX XXXX III F I N A L F A N T A S Y XI for Playstation 2 and PC by Mike Skubna Last Update 08/15/2005 Ver. 1.07 Home Page - http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/mikeeville E-Mail - mikee7x@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This FAQ is copyright(c)2004-2005 by Mike Skubna. Final Fantasy XI is copyright by SquareEnix. All of the characters, items, and everything else about this game is copyright by SquareEnix. I am in no way related to, nor do I have anything to do with SquareEnix. The only thing I am related to is being a big fan. If you want to put this FAQs on a public or private site, I give you the right to do so under three conditions: (1)This FAQs mush show credit and the correct credit (2) This FAQs must not be altered in any way shape or form, and (3) This FAQs must be for non profit. ================================================= TABLE OF CONTENT: (01) Introduction (02) FAQ updates (03) Getting Started (04) The Basics (05) The Jobs (06) Spells (07) Crafts (08) Places to lvl (09) How to make money (10) Using Macros (11) Commands (12) Notorious Monster (13) Zilart Missions (14) Propmathia Missions (15) Other things to do (16) Q/A (17) Rumors (18) Secrets ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 01. Introduction »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ This FAQ is for Final Fantasy XI for the playstation 2 and PC. What is Final Fantasy? Well i think its one of the best RPG (role-playing game) every made. The basic idea for all the final fantasy games is that you control a small band of mysterious, and emotional men and women though an edge of your seat story to say the world. Final Fantasy XI is alittle different from its earlier versions. Its online! Instead of all the characters as Non player characters (NPC), most of the characters you meet are controlled by living breathing people like you. This opens up a new way to play games. I have been playing FFXI since it was first released on PC in North America. This would be October 2003. I have thought of doing this FAQ for a long time but i guess I was so into the game I never got the chance. Well now i'm making one. I am trying to make this as a easy to find reference guide but i'm sure i'll make it incredibly long. Heres alittle info on where I play: Name: Kaoz Server: Unicorn Lvls (as of 08/15/05): Whm: 62 Blm: 75 Bst: 75 Rdm:39 Brd: 75 Smn: 45 Thf: 06 Just a small warning, there might be a few spoilers but this is mainly on Missions since that is where the story progresses. Other then that there isn't much to worry about except that you might find more fun in finding different things yourself. Enjoy! ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 02. FAQ Update »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Version 1.00 - 10/02/2004 •Hurray the begining of a great adventure. Party on!!! Version 1.01 - 12/12/2004 •After a few months finding and typing all the info in, it's ready for you'r viewing pleasure. I'd like to note the Chains of Promathia Missions part of the guide goes from 1.1 to 5.3. I think its still rare to find one going that far. Happy hunting. Version 1.02 - 12/16/2004 •I been working hard on Chains of Promathia missions so this update is mainly more info in (14) Promathia Missions. I got alot more info for 5.3. Were almost done and it is a very long one. Version 1.03 - 12/19/2004 •More update to Promathia missions. I have made it to CoP 6.4. Version 1.04 - 12/21/2004 •I have finished all available Promathia missions. Its all in that section. Version 1.05 - 04/24/2005 •More Promatia missions added. Goes all the way to the end of what SE has unlocked (PM8.3) Version 1.06 - 04/26/2005 •More NM added. •Added Crafts. Version 1.07 - 08/15/2005 •Completely finish Promathia missions. Enjoy! •More Q and A. •Added more to Other things to do. •Added more to The Jobs. •Added more to Using Macros. •Added more NMs. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 03. Getting Started »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ As you probably know FFXI is alittle different then other RPG games. It goes online. So to begin you'll need either a Playstaion 2 or a PC. Playstation2: •System •Netowrk Adaptor •FFXI with Harddrive •ISP PC: •System •ISP •FFXI As you can tell you need alittle more for Playstation2 but both games are the same. On top of the above you'll need to pay monthly charges for FFXI. I know that many of you are first time online players and wonder why the extra cash since the game is already bought. That extra cash is to maintain servers since they are very expensive. Really its only $12.99 a month plus $1 for each additional character. Thats just a lunch meal a month. Nothing big. Once you hook everything up you're ready to get into the game. Before you get in you'll ofcourse need a credit card for the monthly charges. You'll also create a logon name and password. As you go through the process the first time it does seem complicated but hang in there and you'll get through. There will be a Playonline AND Final Fantasy XI patch when you first log on. This is new information released since your copy of the game was made. This is another pay of paying monthly, you get new content in the game. Mostly happens once every 2 months. As you get into the game, the game gives its own tutorial for the game and that should answer many questions at the start. But to get use to the game takes alittle time and always new things come up so you'll always have questions. Luckly this is an online game and you can simply ask questions to other players in the game. Having a Linkshell is very useful. They are like private chat rooms and can hold many people in them. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 04. The Basics »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ There are a few things to know when playing FFXI. How to do things that benefits you and when in a party benefits the group. As you play the game there are many things you can do on your own. This includes doing quests and missions. You can also join a guild and begin to learn how to craft items. These are great things to do at your own time. But also there is gaining lvls for your job. The first 8 to 10 lvls are basicly be done on your own. The enemies are done to be easy to kill solo. This is a great time to get use to your job and the surroundings. As you kill to get exp and collect items from the kills, head back to town. You can sell your items for money, buy better armor and weapons, buy new spells if your a mage and take a break from battleing. You can talk to people of the town and do quest they offer to break up battling. When your done with the quest your rewarded either money or items to your collection. Then you can go back and lvl some more. You can even go further and explore new areas. This keeps the game very fresh. There are also missions for your hometown. These are where the story progresses. You start off helping your nation but it soon ends that youll be saving the world from evil. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 05. The Jobs »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ As in real life you got to pick a job. Ofcourse these jobs require less physical work and is just more fun. Each job has it's strengths and weakness. For any good group to make exp they need maybe different jobs to survive. Here is a list of what they are and thier ins and outs. •Bard(Brd) - These guys main job is to support its group. Bards have no black or white magic and can't attack well. Their strength comes in songs. The songs gives lots of bonus stats to everyone in the group. A select few will be always used. Accuracy up, Speed up, Mp Refresh, and Attack up are very useful. There are also other good songs. Requiem is nice to put on the enemy and Prelude for people using rage weapons. Another nice song is lullaby. If an add happens use lullaby to sleep the add until that first kill is killed. Make sure to pump Chr up as much as possible for the songs to stick on the enemies. •Beastmaster(Bst) - This is probably the best solo job. You can get from lvl 1 to 75 without partying. Be warned. Getting to lvl 35 is very hard and you will get some deaths. While soloing can net good exp a kill, each kill can be long. There few exceptions like with fighting bombs that can self destruct and make a 3 min battle into 20 sec. The reward for being lvl 75 makes all the pain of lvling it worthwhile. •Black Mage(Blm)- Black mages just like White mages are for the back of the party set up. They are very frail to attacks. Make sure monsters stay really clear from this person as this job. Luckly because they have very strong attacks, even more so later levels, blm are very most wanted. •Paladin(pld) - These warriors have the highest amount of defence and are used as Tanks. Tank is someone that keeps all attention to that person and takes all the hits since for its high defence. This job has very little trouble getting a party. •Ranger(Rng) - Rangers are great with bows and guns. They can attack from far away and can produce really good damage. The only downside if you need alot of money for ammo for this job. Good news is theres all kinds of ammo. Some can put the target to sleep, absorb hp, ect. •Red Mage(Rdm) - Red mages are really wanted in any party. They can do both White mage and black mage jobs. Though those 2 jobs really excel while rdm just covers basics from both jobs. They can also melee well though also just the basics. They got 3 abilities that no other job has that is extremely useful. Dispel(brd has a song similar to this) can take off something the monster put on to help itself. Refresh gives and job it was casted on Mp recover over time. And Convert exchanges HP and MP ammount. •Summoner(Smn) - This job calls avatars in the game. This includes Ifrit, Shiva, Carbuncle, Titan, Fenrir, Leviatan, Garuda, ect. You gain the ability to summon them when you fight them in either a lvl 20 1 on 1 or in the high level version that can have 5 other friends to battle with you. Every avatar can be used at any lvl smn but the higher the level the job is the more abilities the avatar can use. Smn tho will act more like bards in that you buffing up and curing your party members. Its at level 70+ the avatars attacks are really strong to be used more for attacking. •White Mage(Whm) - This job is quite essential to make a party heal they and survive what comes their way. They have all known curing and defence boost spells. They can take out all known negative status like poison or mute. Whm though are very frail and get hurt easy. Further more they don't hit hard. They basicly stay in the back row of the action always curing the attackers and making everything run smoothly. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 06. Spells »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Here are the spells in the game. There are 5 types: Black, White, Summon, Ninja, and Song. Depending on what class you are using you can these magics. Here is a list of them with some useful stats. Legend: = target + = increase pt = Party or Group def = defence Aoe = area of eff whm = white mage blm = black mage rdm = Red Mage smn = summoner nin = ninja brd = bard pld = Paladin ••White Magic•• Name Job/lvl Cast Recast MP Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------- Aquaveil Whm:10 Rdm:12 Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 012 reduces spell interruption Banish Whm:05 Rdm:-- Pld:07 4 sec 20 sec 015 light att to Banish II Whm:30 Rdm:-- Pld:34 4 sec 21 sec 057 light att to Banishga Whm:15 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 30 sec 041 light dmg to AoE Banishga II Whm:40 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 31 sec 120 light dmg to AoE Baraero Whm:-- Rdm:13 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + wind def (self) Baraera Whm:13 Rdm:-- Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 + wind def (pt) Barblind Whm:-- Rdm:18 Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 013 + blind def (self) Barblindna Whm:18 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 026 + wind def (pt) Barblizzard Whm:-- Rdm:21 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + blizzard def (self) Barblizzara Whm:21 Rdm:-- Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 + blizzard def (pt) Baraero Whm:-- Rdm:13 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + wind def (self) Barfire Whm:-- Rdm:17 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + fire def (self) Barfira Whm:17 Rdm:-- Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 + fire def (pt) Barparalyze Whm:-- Rdm:12 Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 011 + paralyze def (self) BarparalyzraWhm:12 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 022 + paralyze def (pt) Barpetrify Whm:-- Rdm:43 Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 020 + petrify def (self) Barpetra Whm:43 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 040 + petrify def (pt) Barpoison Whm:-- Rdm:10 Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 009 + poison resist (self) Barpoisonra Whm:10 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 018 + poison def (pt) Barsilence Whm:-- Rdm:23 Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 015 + silence def (self) BarsilenceraWhm:23 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 030 + silence def (pt) Barsleep Whm:-- Rdm:07 Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 007 + sleep resist (self) Barsleepra Whm:07 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 014 + sleep resist (pt) Barstone Whm:-- Rdm:05 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + Earth Def (self) Barstonra Whm:05 Rdm:-- Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 + Earth Def to pt Barthunder Whm:-- Rdm:25 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + thunder def (self) Barthundra Whm:25 Rdm:-- Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 + thunder def (pt) Barwater Whm:-- Rdm:09 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 006 + water def (self) Barwatera Whm:09 Rdm:-- Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 + water def (pt) Barvirus Whm:39 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 2 sec 10 sec 035 + resist to sickness Barvira Whm:39 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 050 + resist to sickness (pt) Blindna Whm:14 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 006 Cures Blind Blink Whm:19 Rdm:23 Pld:-- 6 sec 10 sec 020 evades a few physical att Cure Whm:01 Rdm:03 Pld:05 2 sec 5 sec 008 Recovers HP Cure II Whm:11 Rdm:14 Pld:17 2 sec 5 sec 024 Recovers HP Cure III Whm:21 Rdm:26 Pld:30 2 sec 5 sec 046 Recovers HP Cure IV Whm:41 Rdm:48 Pld:55 3 sec 6 sec 088 Recovers HP Cure V Whm:61 Rdm:73 Pld:80 2 sec 10 sec 135 Recovers HP Curaga Whm:16 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 4 sec 10 sec 060 Recovers PT HP Curaga II Whm:31 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 120 Recovers HP to PT Curaga III Whm:51 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 10 sec 180 Recovers HP to PT Cursna Whm:29 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 030 Cures Curse Deodorize Whm:15 Rdm:15 Pld:-- 2 sec 8 sec 010 avoids detection of smell Dia Whm:03 Rdm:01 Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 007 Def down + light dmg Dia II Whm:36 Rdm:31 Pld:-- 1 sec 6 sec 059 Def down + light dmg Diaga Whm:18 Rdm:15 Pld:-- 1 sec 6 sec 012 def down + lt attact AoE Enaero Whm:-- Rdm:20 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 012 adds wind att on weapon (self) Enblizzard Whm:-- Rdm:22 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 006 adds ice att to weapon (self) Enfire Whm:-- Rdm:24 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 012 adds fire att to weapon (self) Enstone Whm:-- Rdm:18 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 012 + earth def (self) Enthunder Whm:-- Rdm:16 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 006 adds thunder to weapon (self) Enwater Whm:-- Rdm:27 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 012 + water def (self) Erase Whm:32 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 2 sec 15 sec 018 removes negative effect Haste Whm:40 Rdm:48 Pld:-- 3 sec 20 sec 040 increases attack speed Holy Whm:50 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 60 sec 100 light dmg to Invisible Whm:25 Rdm:25 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 015 avoids detection of sight Paralyna Whm:09 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 012 Cures paralyze Paralyze Whm:04 Rdm:06 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 006 Cures target HP Phalanx Whm:-- Rdm:33 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 006 reduces physical att to self Poisona Whm:06 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 008 Cures Poison Protect Whm:07 Rdm:07 Pld:10 1 sec 5 sec 009 + physical Def Protect II Whm:27 Rdm:27 Pld:30 1 sec 5 sec 028 + physical Def Protect III Whm:47 Rdm:47 Pld:50 1 sec 5 sec 046 + physical Def Protect IV Whm:63 Rdm:63 Pld:70 2 sec 6 sec 065 + physical Def Protectra Whm:07 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 3 sec 15 sec 009 + physical Def (pt) Protectra IIWhm:27 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 4 sec 16 sec 028 + physical Def (pt) ProtectraIIIWhm:47 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 4 sec 17 sec 046 + physical Def (pt) Protectra IVWhm:63 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 18 sec 065 + physical Def (pt) Raise Whm:25 Rdm:38 Pld:75 15 sec 60 sec 150 Raise a fallen player Raise II Whm:56 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 60 sec 200 Raise a fallen player Raise III Whm:70 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 60 sec 250 Raise a fallen player Reraise Whm:33 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 8 sec 60 sec 150 causes raise when self dies Reraise II Whm:60 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 8 sec 60 sec 175 causes raise when self dies Refresh Whm:-- Rdm:41 Pld:-- 5 sec 18 sec 040 recovers MP slowly Regen Whm:21 Rdm:21 Pld:-- 4 sec 12 sec 015 recovers HP slowly Regen II Whm:44 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 16 sec 036 recovers HP slowly Regen III Whm:66 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 20 sec 064 recovers HP slowly Shell Whm:17 Rdm:17 Pld:20 1 sec 5 sec 018 + magic def Shell II Whm:37 Rdm:37 Pld:40 1 sec 5 sec 037 + magic def Shell III Whm:57 Rdm:57 Pld:60 1 sec 5 sec 056 + magic def Shell IV Whm:68 Rdm:68 Pld:-- 2 sec 6 sec 075 + magic def Shellra Whm:17 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 018 + magic def (pt) Shellra II Whm:37 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 4 sec 16 sec 037 + magic def (pt) Shellra III Whm:57 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 4 sec 17 sec 056 + magic def (pt) Shellra IV Whm:68 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 5 sec 18 sec 075 + magic def (pt) Silence Whm:15 Rdm:18 Pld:-- 3 sec 10 sec 006 stops spell casting Silena Whm:19 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 024 Cures Silence Slow Whm:13 Rdm:13 Pld:-- 2 sec 20 sec 015 slows enemy down Sneak Whm:20 Rdm:20 Pld:-- ½ sec 10 sec 012 avoids detection of sound Stona Whm:39 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 040 Cures Stone Stoneskin Whm:28 Rdm:34 Pld:-- 7 sec 10 sec 029 avoids 2 physical attacks Tele-Dem Whm:36 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 10 sec 075 teleports to Dem Crag Tele-Holla Whm:36 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 10 sec 075 teleports to Holla Crag Tele-Mea Whm:36 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 10 sec 075 teleports to Mea Crag Tele-Altep Whm:38 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 10 sec 100 teleports to Altepa Tele-Yhoat Whm:38 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 10 sec 100 teleports to Yhoator Tele-Vazhl Whm:42 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 20 sec 10 sec 100 teleport to Xarcabard Viruna Whm:34 Rdm:-- Pld:-- 1 sec 5 sec 048 Cures Virus •• Black Magic •• Name Job/lvl Cast Recast MP Effect --------------------------------------------------------------------- Absorb-AGI Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:37 4 sec 60 sec 033 Absorb Agi Absorb-CHR Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:33 4 sec 60 sec 033 Absorb Chr Absorb-DEX Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:41 4 sec 60 sec 033 Absorb Dex Absorb-INT Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:39 4 sec 60 sec 024 Absrob Int Absorb-MND Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:31 4 sec 60 sec 033 Absorb Mnd Absorb-STR Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:43 4 sec 60 sec 033 Abosrb Str Absorb-VIT Blm:-- Rdm:-- Drk:35 4 sec 60 sec 033 Absorb Vit Aero Blm:09 Rdm:14 Drk:17 2 sec 9 sec 018 wind damage Aero II Blm:34 Rdm:45 Drk:54 4 sec 17 sec 059 wind damage Aero III Blm:59 Rdm:69 Drk:-- 6 sec 25 sec 106 wind damage Aeroga Blm:23 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 3 sec 13 sec 057 wind damage (Aoe) Aeroga II Blm:48 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 5 sec 21 sec 138 wind damage (Aoe) Aeroga III Blm:67 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 6 sec 29 sec 252 wind damage (Aoe) Aspir Blm:25 Rdm:-- Drk:20 3 sec 60 sec 010 Absorb MP Bind Blm:07 Rdm:11 Drk:20 2 sec 40 sec 005 binds in place Bio Blm:10 Rdm:10 Drk:15 1 sec 5 sec 022 att down + dark dmg to Bio II Blm:35 Rdm:36 Drk:40 1 sec 5 sec 066 att down + dark dmg to Blaze SpikesBlm:10 Rdm:20 Drk:-- 3 sec 10 sec 025 cause fire dmg when hit Blind Blm:04 Rdm:08 Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 005 makes blind Blizzard Blm:24 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 11 sec 030 ice damage BlizzardII Blm:42 Rdm:55 Drk:66 4 sec 20 sec 077 ice damage BlizzardIII Blm:64 Rdm:86 Drk:-- 6 sec 27 sec 120 ice damage Blizzara Blm:32 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 4 sec 16 sec 082 ice damage (Aoe) BlizzagaII Blm:57 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 5 sec 24 sec 175 ice damage (Aoe) Burn Blm:20 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 025 Int down + Fire dmg Burst Blm:56 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 18 sec 43 sec 043 thunder damage Choke Blm:20 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 025 Vit down + Wind dmg Dispel Blm:-- Rdm:32 Drk:-- 3 sec 10 sec 025 Removes magic effect Drain Blm:12 Rdm:-- Drk:10 3 sec 60 sec 021 absorb HP Drown Blm:27 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 025 Str down + water dmg Escape Blm:29 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 15 sec 60 sec 125 warp pt members to safe area Fire Blm:13 Rdm:19 Drk:23 2 sec 10 sec 024 fire damage Fire II Blm:38 Rdm:50 Drk:60 4 sec 18 sec 068 fire damage Fire III Blm:62 Rdm:81 Drk:-- 6 sec 26 sec 113 fire damage Firaga Blm:28 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 3 sec 15 sec 071 fire damage (Aoe) FiragaII Blm:53 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 5 sec 23 sec 158 fire damage (Aoe) FiragaIII Blm:69 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 7 sec 31 sec 277 fire damage (Aoe) Flare Blm:60 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 19 sec 44 sec 383 fire damage Flood Blm:58 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 18 sec 43 sec 368 water damage Freeze Blm:50 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 18 sec 41 sec 307 ice damage Frost Blm:22 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 025 Agi down + Ice dmg Gravity Blm:-- Rdm:21 Drk:-- 1 sec 60 sec 024 slow motion Ice Spikes Blm:20 Rdm:40 Drk:-- 3 sec 10 sec 005 ice damage when hit Poison Blm:03 Rdm:05 Drk:06 1 sec 5 sec 005 HP lost slowly Poison II Blm:43 Rdm:46 Drk:46 1 sec 5 sec 038 HP lost slowly Poisonga Blm:24 Rdm:-- Drk:26 2 sec 10 sec 044 HP lost slowly (Aoe) Quake Blm:54 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 18 sec 42 sec 337 earth damage Rasp Blm:18 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 025 Dex down + Earth dmg Shock Blm:16 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec 025 Mind down + Thunder dmg Shock SpikesBlm:30 Rdm:60 Drk:-- 3 sec 10 sec 005 causes thunder dmg when hit Sleep Blm:20 Rdm:25 Drk:30 2 sec 30 sec 019 puts to sleep Sleep II Blm:41 Rdm:46 Drk:56 3 sec 30 sec 029 puts to sleep Sleepga Blm:31 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 10 sec ??? puts to sleep (Aoe) SleepgaII Blm:56 Rdm:-- Drk:-- ? sec ? sec ??? puts to sleep (Aoe) Stone Blm:01 Rdm:04 Drk:05 1 sec 6 sec 009 earth damage Stone II Blm:26 Rdm:35 Drk:42 3 sec 14 sec 043 earth damage Stone III Blm:51 Rdm:66 Drk:79 5 sec 22 sec 092 earth damage Stone IV Blm:68 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 7 sec 30 sec 138 earth damage Stonega Blm:15 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 2 sec 11 sec 037 earth damage (Aoe) StonegaII Blm:40 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 4 sec 19 sec 109 earth damage (Aoe) StonegaIII Blm:63 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 6 sec 27 sec 211 earth damage (Aoe) Thunder Blm:21 Rdm:29 Drk:35 3 sec 13 sec 037 thunder damage ThunderII Blm:46 Rdm:60 Drk:72 5 sec 21 sec 086 thunder damage ThunderIII Blm:66 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 7 sec 29 sec 128 thunder damage Thundaga Blm:36 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 4 sec 18 sec 095 thunder damage (Aoe) ThundagaII Blm:61 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 6 sec 26 sec 193 thunder damage (Aoe) Tornado Blm:52 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 18 sec 42 sec 322 wind damage Tractor Blm:25 Rdm:-- Drk:32 3 sec 10 sec 026 moves dead player to you Warp Blm:17 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 4 sec 10 sec 100 warp self to Home Point WarpII Blm:40 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 5 sec 10 sec 150 warp pt member to home point Water Blm:05 Rdm:09 Drk:11 2 sec 8 sec 013 water damage Water II Blm:30 Rdm:40 Drk:48 3 sec 16 sec 051 water damage Water III Blm:55 Rdm:67 Drk:-- 5 sec 24 sec 098 water damage Water IV Blm:70 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 7 sec 32 sec 144 water damage Waterga Blm:19 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 3 sec 12 sec 047 water damage (Aoe) WatergaII Blm:44 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 4 sec 20 sec 123 water damage (Aoe) WatergaIII Blm:65 Rdm:-- Drk:-- 6 sec 28 sec 231 water damage (Aoe) ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 07. Crafts »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Crafting can be a fun way to spend time in FFXI and make money too. Crafting is made easy and there are NPC in "Guilds" that help you through the beginning parts of crafting. Look under How to make money on more info on where Guilds are at and what kind. Crystals are basicly the work place of crafting. Depending on what you make you need a certain crystal. There are 8 crystals in the game: Light, Dark, Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Ice. You also need materials to make the item too. Ex. Wind Crystal + Grass Thread x1 + Grass Cloth x2 = Headgear There many ways on getting crystals and materials. Crystals drop off most monsters as long as that area isn't in control by beastmen. Elementals drop plenty of crystals too. Materials are found or more specific monsters or other means like mining or harvesting. As you learn more on crafting through experience you'll want to find lists on what you can make. The internet has lots of resorces on this matter. Here is a run down on what to actually craft to speed up craft lvling. They cover lvl 0-60 as these are free lvls. After 60 you get counted on a max of 40 lvl usage. For example, lvl 100 cloth, then the rest can only be max 60. Or you have like lvl 80 smithing and lvl 80 woodworking. The rest can only be lvl 60 max. Alchemy 0-6 : Tsurara 6-7 : Animal Glue 6-12 : Poison Dust 12-16 : Mercury 16-18 : Poison Potion 18-20 : Echo Drops 20-24 : Silent Oil 24-30 : Eye Drops 30-34 : Artificial Lens 34-38 : Potion 34-41 : Prism Powder 41-43 : Vitriol 41-44 : Fire Arrowheads (needs smithing22) 43-51 : Holy Water 51-52 : Blsd. Mtl. Sheet 51-53 : Holy Bolt Heads (needs smithing14) 51-56 : Sleeping Potion 56-60 : Hi-Potion Bonecraft 0-2 : Shell Earring 2-9 : Bone Arrowhd. 9-13 : Gelatin (Chicken Bone) 13-17 : Bone Ring 17-25 : Beetle Ring 22-28 : Gelatin (Giant Femur) 26-33 : Beetle Arrowhd. 33-37 : Horn Ring 37-41 : Bone Knife 41-43 : Horn Arrowheads, Skeleton Key 43-45 : Carapace Mask 45-46 : Carapace Harness 46-53 : Scp. Arrowhd. 53-60 : Scorpion Ring Clothcraft 0-2 : Chocobo Fltchg. 2-4 : Grass Cloth 4-8 : Cape 8-11 : Hachimaki 11-13 : Dart 13-22 : Yagudo Fltchg. 22-29 : Kaginawa 22-30 : Fly Lure 30-35 : Wool Thread 35-42 : Bird Fletchings 42-51 : Silk Thread 42-52 : Insect Fltchg. 52-53 : Silk Cloth 53-54 : Black Cape 54-62 : Green Ribbon Cooking 0-3 : Peeled Crayfish 3-9 : Pet Food Alpha 9-11 : Sliced Sardine 11-15 : Slice of Bluetail 15-19 : Pet Food Beta 17-20 : Selbina Butter 20-22 : Baked Popoto 22-29 : Insect Ball 23-30 : Pineapple Juice 29-34 : Black Bread 34-39 : Pet Food Delta 39-42 : Pie Dough 42-44 : White Bread 44-49 : Pet Food Epsilon 49-52 : Batagreen Sautee , Crayfish Ball 52-55 : Beaugr. Sautee 55-60 : Stone Cheese , Yagudo Drink Gooldsmithing 0-2 : Stone Arrowhd. 0-3 : Copper Ingot 3-7 : Circlet 7-11 : Brass Sheet 11-13 : Brass Scales 13-17 : Brass Hairpin 17-20 : Silver Ingot 20-22 : Slv. Arrowheads 22-28 : Thief's Tools (needs Smithing19) 23-30 : Hiraishin 28-33 : Silver Chain , Ring 33-41 : Mythril Ingot 36-41 : Mythril Sheet 41-42 : Silver Greaves 41-43 : Mythril Chain 41-44 : Silver Hose 44-46 : Silver Mail 44-47 : Mythril Ring 44-49 : Silver Bangles 49-51 : Gold Ingot 51-54 : Gold Sheet 54-59 : Gold Ring 58-60 : Platinum Ingot Leathercraft 0-2 : Sheep Leather 2-5 : Leather Bandana 5-7 : Rabbit Mantle 7-11 : Solea 11-14 : Fsh. Gloves 14-21 : Dhalmel Leather 21-22 : Leather Ring 22-24 : Dhalmel Mantle 24-31 : Parchment 29-35 : Ram Leather 35-39 : Wolf Gorget 39-44 : Cuir Trousers 44-46 : Cuir Bouilli 46-49 : Ram Mantle 49-52 : Himantes 52-54 : Raptor Gloves 54-60 : Tiger Leather Smithing 0-4 : Bronze Sheet 4-10 : Bronze Scales 10-15 : Tin Ingot 15-18 : Aspis 18-20 : Iron Arrowheads 18-20 : Iron Ingot 20-22 : Iron Sheet 22-26 : Iron Scales 25-29 : Iron Mask 26-30 : Iron Chain 30-36 : Steel Sheet 33-38 : War Pick 36-40 : Steel Scales 40-45 : Iron Subligar 41-47 : Mythril Pick (Woodworking8) 47-52 : Darksteel Ingot 52-55 : Darksteel Sheet 55-57 : Dst. Bolt Heads 57-66 : Nodowa Woodworking 0-2 : Arrowwood Lbr. 2-5 : Maple Lumber 5-8 : Ash Lumber 8-13 : Willow Lumber 13-16 : Acid Bolt , Sleep Bolt 13-21 : Maple Sugar 21-22 : Yew Lumber 22-25 : Elm Lumber 23-29 : Shihei 29-30 : Silver Arrow (Slv. Arrowheads) 30-32 : Oak Lumber 32-39 : Beetle Arrow 39-45 : Bast Parchment (Alchemy29) 39-44 : Flower Stand 44-47 : Fire Arrow 45-49 : Horn Arrow 49-50 : Sleep Arrow 50-57 : Lightning Arrow , Ice Arrow 53-59 : Scorpion Arrow 59-60 : Ebony Lumber ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 08. Places to lvl »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Ofcourse after you get all prepared and get a working party you want to find a good place to lvl up. This section will help you find good place to level. Ofcourse if theres alot of people in that area leveling it can get hard to keep the experience flowing. There might be a few places within your lvl range but its always fun and free of people to find a place with no one around. LVL 1 to 5 ----------- •This is the beginning of the job for you. So stay real close to your starting city and solo enemies around. Make sure to "check" the enemies strength first before engaging. Stick with Decents and Evens and you should be fine. LVL 6 to 10 ----------- •In these same zones near your starting city and connecting to them still has enemies that you can still fight solo or get a small 2 or 3 person pt together. Try not to go all out with a 6 person pt for youll lose alot of exp. If your in a pt start with tough and slowly work your way to IT to where its safe. LVL 10-20 --------- •Valkurm Dunes - This is the most popular and crowded place to lvl. If your from Windurst take the boat in Mhuara to get here. lvl 10 and 11 might have trouble with pts but 12 to 20 should be ok. At 12 to 14 stick with bunnies near north zone or lizards in south zone. After 14 youll want to work your way to beaches and go for crabs. Then work up to Damseflys. •Korrokola Tunnel - A long time not know area for lvling this range. Its really near Bastok and just kill the Worms for 150 to 200 exp. LVL 20-25 --------- •Qufim Island - When you get to 20 youll want to go to Jeuno for the Chocobo Quest. As your here head to Qufim Island from Port Jeuno. During the tunnel area avoid all dancing weapons. When you get to outside thats the area for lvling from 20 to 23, the worms. Then work to sea view areas for Crabs or head to outside of Qufim Tower for more Crabs. LVL 25-32 --------- •Yuhtunga Jungle - Basiclty you want to lvl here from only 25 to 27 or 28. Just stay near zone line to kahzam and attack all the mandragoras around. Make sure to avoid the goblins. Once you hit 28 head to yhoator. •Yhoator Jungle - Here is good from lvl 28 to 32. Same deal as in yuhtunga. Stay near the zone line and kill mandragoras. Stay around the area near the fork area that splits a path to north and south. Almost make sure to stay away from the goblins. lvl 32-36 --------- •Garlaige Citadel - Once your done killing plants in Yhoator then you'll head over here. Just stay near the zone line and pull beetles and bats. LVL 36-40 --------- •Crawlers Nest - This place is good from 36 to 50! But since this is the only place from 36 to 40 lets make its own section. From entering the zone work down the tunnel til you get to a big open area with a cliff to go down. This area is good at this lvl to pull Worker Crawlers. If you take tunnel west of this room youll see lots of Cave Cherries then some beetles. The beetles are good from 38 to like 43. LVL 41-52 --------- •Quicksand - This is an alternative to lvling in Crawlers Nest. Make sure to get Altea Teleport crystal so its quick to get to lvling spot. Eastern Altepa Desert has the monsters in quicksand at this range. Make sure to also go to town to get a map of the desert. When you get inside of quicksand, just stick to the zone and get anything near it that you can handle. •Crawlers Nest - This place is still hot for lvling. You need to get deeper of the nest to find the good exp. In the first main room go in the tunnel that is across from the ledge. Go through and you'll appear in another huge open room. Now sneak and Invisible to pass aggro beast. Hug the left wall and soon you'll find a wall you can go through. You can't see the "hidden room" but its there. You might know from the noise of killing. This hall and room has no enemy spawns so camp here. •Onzozo - Here is another place thats good to lvl. Not many know about it. Well not during this writing. Anything near the zone line is good around this lvl. Make sure to take care with elementals. An Air elemental appears in the hallway just after the gobs. You might need to zone every now and then. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 09. How to make money »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Unlike most Role Playing Games(RPG)and some Massive Multiplayer Online Game(MMORPG) you have to work to earn money. In games like Phantasy Star Online© you can max out your money easy just from drops of enemies and sell it in town. In FFXI you don't get much from the drops. You can slowly but surely get some money this way but there are also other ways to get moeny. Below is ways to make money and info on what to do. •Gil from kills - The name saids it all. As you kill for exp, drops drop that you can sell to NPC or in the Auction House. Many of these items are used in crafting so they do sell fast and if many people want it, it sells for alot. •Gil from crafting - There are 9 guilds that you can join. Guilds are like work stations for info and items to be able to make items of that guild. There are Smithing, GoldSmithing, Clothcraft, BoneCarve, Fishing, Cooking, Woodworking, Leathercraft and Alchemist guilds. Pick what you like or join them all. The following locations are places where you can get started: •Smithing: Northern San d'oria (E-6) 8:00-23:00 open hours. Metalworks (E-7) 8:00-23:00 open hours. Mhaura (G-9) 8:00-23:00 open hours. •WoodWorking: Northern San d'oria (E-3) 6:00-21:00 open hours. •Goldsmithing: Bastok Markets (H-8) 8:00-23:00 open hours. Mhaura (G-8) 8:00-23:00 open hours. •BoneWorking: Windurst Woods (H-12) 8:00-23:00 open hours. •Alchemist: Bastok Mines (L-7) 8:00-23:00 open hours. •ClothCraft: Windurst Woods (G-12) 6:00-21:00 open hours. Selbina (H-9) 6:00-21:00 open hours. •LeatherCraft: Southern San d'oria (D-8) 3:00-18:00 open hours. •Cooking: Windurst Waters (D-9) 5:00-20:00 open hours. •Gil by farming - Farming is basicly going to a zone with an item that you want to get and run all over the zone just killing that monster for the drop. What your aiming for here is to get lots and lots of 12 stacks of the item to sell in the Auction House. Its basicly items used for crafting. Most of those items sell real fast. Just look at the history of the items price and find out where to farm them. •Gil by NM hunting - This one requires real patience. All over Vanadiel are Monsters that are rare spawns. They are called Notorious Monsters or NM for short. Many of them don't drop that good of items but there are some that items that are worth ALOT of money. Look at section (12) Notorious Monsters for more info. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 10. Commands »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ FFXI has different commands you can use as alternatives to going through menus or emotes to preform, ect. Simply start typing any of the following below to perform that action. the " / " is the start of the command letting the game know its a command. /attack Starts attack on target /attackoff Stops attack /autotarget on/off Turns autotarget on or off. /clock Toggles the Vana'diel clock that appeals in the lower left corner of the screen. It also displays the current date, time, and moon phase for Vana'diel.Also displays the current day and time for Earth. /cry Cry motion. /equip [Area] ''[Item]'' Allows you to equip an item such as weapons, armor, etc. Area names or the 16 areas in your equipment screen such as Head, Body, Range, ect. /helpdesk Brings up the Help Desk menu. /keyitem Brings up your key items menu. /item ''[Item]'' [Target] Allows you to use a consumable item in your inventory on yourself. /joy Joy motion. /localsettings [Command] This command is only available for PC users. It deals with various game settings. shadows high/normal/off Turns character shadows off or sets their detail to normal or high. charnum [Number] Number of characters displayed at one time. Must be between 25-50. distance [Number] Sets the draw distance. Must be between 1-10. footeffect on/off Turns footstep sound effects on or off. /logout Logs you out of Final Fantasy XI. /magic "spell" Magic to cast a magic spell. Put spell name in "spell". is on target. Can use for select target or to cast on you. /map Brings up the map for your current area. If you have no map then a blank map sheet will appear. You still can use to see where party members are in the zone. /mission Brings up your mission menus. /no No motion. /quest Brings up your quest menus. /panic Panic Motion. /playtime (/playlog) Displays the time played under your character. /pol Temporarily logs you out to Playonline. /regionmap (/rmap) Brings up the regional map which displays conquest points and territorial information. Other info like what region is under whos control is shown here. /song "spell" To sing a Song. Put song name in "song". is on target. Can use for select target or to cast on you. /supportdesk (/sd) Brings up the Help Desk menu. /wait (1-60) Good for macros. Cause a wait from 1 to 60 seconds. /welcome Welcome motion. /yes Yes motion. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 11. Using Macros »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ One nice thing about FFXI is you can customize different things to macros. If you want to Announce an attack, use a spell to lower its defence to the attack then attack you can by just clicking once on that macro. Go to macro and you'll see bunch of boxes like this: ￾￾￾￾￾￾￾￾￾￾ ￾￾￾￾￾￾￾￾￾￾ (imagine those as normal looking boxes ^^) You'll open the top row with L1 on a PS2 controller or Ctrl on a keyboard. And you'll open the bottom with R1 on PS2 controller or Alt on keyboard. As your in the macro edit field (like the look of above) you can pick a box to then edit. When you open it you'll see a small line for test on top followed by 5 longer lines underneath. The small box is for a title but the 5 underneath is where you put the macros. After that its whatever you want to add. Look at (09) Commands for all the commands. Legends: = target = auto target to closest mob in red = select target = select yourself = Shows HP = Shows HP % = Shows MP = Shows MP % = Shows TP % = Replace # with 1-21 for a party only sound effect. = Shows % hp of your pet. = Shows % TP of your pet. Here are some examples: Cure /party Casting Cure on /magic "Cure" /wait 1 /party Mp= Protectra /party Gather around! /magic "Protectra" /wait 1 /party Mp= Provoke /party Provoking /ja "Provoke" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 12. Notorious Monsters »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Norotious Monsters are rare version of regular monters. Many are rather useless on the drops but there are some that can make you rich! In this section you can see where and what they drop. * = Means it can be worth a great deal on your server. These are ones you'll be wanting. @ = This item is EX (only you can have and not tradeable) but is well worth it. Name Place Spawn rate Items -------------------------------------------------------------- •Alastor Antlion Attowa Chasm ??? pop. Need Rostrum Pumps@ Antlion Trap •Aquarius Boyahda Tree 2 to 4 hours Francis Mosquito around H-10 on first map •Bigmouth Billy East Ronfaure 1 to 3 hours Akaish (Lv10) around I8, I9 Lazulite Kuroishi Shiroishi Selenite Cuishi Iron Ore Mythril Ore Gold Ore •Hoo Mjuu the Giddeus 1 to 4 hours Deodorize Scroll Torrent (Lv17) around H10 Zealot Mittens Monster Signa* •Golden Bat Valkurm Dunes 1 to 3 hours Bat Wing (Lv27) around C7 or B8 Demon Blood Night Cape •Gration Misareaux Trade Hicory Tatami Shield* Coast Shield at H-9 ??? •Jaggedy-Eared West Ronfaure 1 to 3 hour Rabbit Charm* Jack (Lv10) around H9 •Leaping Lizzy South 1 to 3 hours Bouncing Boots@ (Lv11) Gustaberg around E8, F8 •Morion Worm Korrokola Trade Iron ore Tunnel to ??? in one of 6 spawns •Om'yovra Al'taieu 2 - 4 hours Organ (for quest) (Lv80) Different areas around the zone. Flies in the sky. •Orchish Overlord Monastic 1 to 3 hours Glorious Sword* (Lv75) Cavern Pass wall of Bronze Mitten banishing Gold Orc Mask •Padfoot LufaiseMeadows 21 - 24 hours Astral Earring* (Lv75) Cavern around F-7, H-8 Assailant's Ring H-9, I-8, K-9 Lanolin Cube •Rampaging Ram Konschtat 1 to 3 hours Wild Ram's Horn (Lv28) Highland around G7, I8 Ram Fur Ram Skin •Roc (Lv55) Sauromugue 24 to 36 hours Healing Staff* Champaign around I-10 •Shikigami Weapon Ro'Maeve 21-24 hours Yingyang Robe@ walking all over. Has Invisible. •Sozu Rogberry Temple of 21-24 hours Thief Knife* (Lv60) Uggalepih around G-8 Waterga 3 •Stray Mary Konschtat 1 to 3 hours Large Sheep Fur (Lv20) Highland around F6 to F9 Mary's Milk Wool Selbina Milk Mary's Horn* •Valkurm Emperor Valkurm 1 to 3 hours Insect Wing (Lv30) around E8, F8 Emperess Hairpin@ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 13. Zilart Missions »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ •Zilart Mission 1 In order to start zilart missions you need to beat the Shadowlord. After you have simply enter Norg for cutscene. •Zilart Mission 2 After ZM1 cutscene go see go see gilgamesh for another cutscene. •Zilart Mission 3 Now head to Kahzam and talk to Jakoh Wahcondalo. You'll again get another cutscene. •Zilart Mission 4 Now you get to the more difficult stuff. Your mission is to go to Temple of Uggalepih and fight in a BCNM. But the path is blocked and you need to get 4 unlit lanturns from certain Tonberries in Den of rancor. You need to go through a painting room entrance to get there. Find a uggalepih key and open a door on the first map. Look at all things possible in this room til you get a Paintbrush. Now head to the second map with 6 paintings in a room. Examine all then on one that has no painting click it and wait. Youll eventually open a hidden door to den of rancor. Now that yor in den of rancor go kill tonberries for unlit lanturns. Once 4 ppl get one each, go light it up on the upper left area of the map. Now basicly head to the lower area of Den of rancor til you find 4 unlit lanturns in the area. Each person light one up and rush in door. Boss: Its a 3 tonberry bcnm. Basicly sleep 2 of them and kill the third. Kill middle, right then left. The summoner is nasty. When fighting him he will do one very fast summon and attack. Get the right bar- series spell up fast. •Zilart Mission 5 This mission isnt too hard if you got a good alliance to kill the NMs. There are 7 stone heads around vanadiel. 3 of them you can just touch and recieve the gem. 4 of them however have NM pops and needs a good party to win. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 14. Promathia Missions »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ This is the second expansion to Final Fantasy XI. It adds many new things for you to play with. From new armor to new quest, even new zones. This section will cover the story missions of this expansion. From what i seen so far i'm loving it. Be warn this section will contain soilers. Tho i will try and make it spoilerfree things like names of new zone, ect. i wont be able to avoid. [Ancient Flames Beckon] •Promathia Mission 1.1 This mission is really easy. Just head to qufim and enter the tower there. A chapter 1 cutscene will happen. When cutscene is over the mission is over. •Promathia Mission 1.2 Another really easy one. Just enter Upper Jeuno for cutscene there. When thats over your done with this one. While in Upper Jeuno head to the Infirmery and talk to everyone for a cutscene. •Promathia Mission 1.3 This is where the challenge begins. Even for season players you might have a death or 2. Before you begin this one there is an optional cutscene in Ru'Lude Garden in palace. Make sure yo get good lvl 30 or close to 30 gear. There are 3 zones you'll have to beat that are lvl 30 cap to win this mission. Each of the Crags has a broken crystal. You will be able to enter these. Once inside there are 4 floors to pass thru. Try to avoid everything as best as you can. Nothing links here but everything has Truesight(be able to see through sneak and invisible). In the first 3 floors is a memory ball you need to beat to teleport. It does bad aoe so anything rng should attack it. Everyone else attack the other mob surrounding it. Do Not teleport til all the mob is dead. Last floor is a simple get to the zone. You could train to it but better only do when your real close. *Bosses: The best stuff is Whm, Blm, and rng/nin, war/nin, nin/war. All 3 bosses do nasty attack and Utsusemi helps a ton. Blm, and Rng are good for dmg. Whm good for heals ofcourse. *Dem boss: This is considered the easiest of the 3. Nothing bad about it other then paralyze. Make sure all that can paralyna do it. The only tough part is it spawn offsprings. This can get nasty. Either have all melee focus on the spawn and kill it quick while blm cast black magic. The other way is smn 2hr aoe can take them all out. *Holla boss: This one is nasty. Does aoe poison/sleep/curse. Also has a nasty 300+ hp dmg attack. Save all your damaging 2hrs for the last part. It does a drain move that you want to get rid of him quickly. *Mea Boss: This one can be semi tough. This one you want to run it all around. It moves slow at first but itll move faster as you kill it. Rdm gravity is good here. The last part can be really tough. It does Aoe dmg of at least 200. We actually won first time with only smn left with 110 hp lol. Once you beat all 3. Missions is over. [The isle of Forgotten Saints] •Promathia Mission 2.1 After you win your last Promyvion. You'll get a cutscene and be introduced to chapter 2. Once the story rolls thru you'll be teleported to Lufaise Meadows. •Promathia Mission 2.2 This mission is basicly to get to the nearby town, Tavnazian Stronghold, and to talk to all the people here. •Promathia Mission 2.3 On the third floor is an old man behind one of the doors. Talk to him then go to the basement are and click on the door. A small cutscene happens here. You job is to go to Phomiuna Aqueducts and to kill a monotaur. Head to F-6 on the first map. This should lead to a second map. From here head to M-5 for the minotaru. Once you turn the corner to see him, he will teleport all of you right in front of him. So be ready ahead of time. We had 12 people with us and even with no warning we did win. Few deaths tho. Don't escape tho, your not done. Head to I-6 and up a ladder to head north west. This takes to a path not on the map. G-8 should be a gate near water. It needs a key to open. You can also have a thf open the door. Kill fomor for key. Once you open the door go in and you'll find a ladder to go up. Go up it to get a cutscene. Go up and make a left. When you get to a room with lots of fomor look for ???. A door opens and everyone goes in. There and lots of oil lamp. Click on the one with same element as the day your on plus the opposite element. Then a door should open on same side as lamps opens and everyone go in. And youll get another cutscene. Then go back to town. •Promathia Mission 2.4 Click on Parelbrioux Door. Head back to town and talk to Justinius. Then go to the door in K-7 near there. Now go to F-10 in Misareaux Coast. Click on fence for cutscene. Then walk back into town. •Promathia Mission 2.5 Head back to Misareaux Coast and enter gate at F-7. You'll need Yellow Liquid before coming here. It can be bought in AH. You will also need to get a Rare/Ex item from Firedrakes in Riverne-Site 001 before you get to BCNM. This path is very linear. Souldnt get lost. Just head north to first portal and your on your way. Boss: This battle isn't pretty. There are 3 of them. They have the ability to change jobs in battle. The Yellow Liquid helps in the battle. It locks thier current job as you use it. So use it on a weak job like dragoon, or monk we found easy too. You'll want to get 2 players to keep 2 of them busy until everyone else kills the third. They can use AoE attacks if they're on the right job so splitting up is good. Once you kill one work on second til its dead then the third. There is one nasty move to look out for. It's called Transmogrification and this makes all melee attacks on it change from damage to cure. So when you see it make this move, turn away. Last about 10-15 sec. Have one person check to see if its over. [A Transient Dream] •Promathia Mission 3.1 After a very tough battle thus far (or easy if your lucky) youll wake in South Gustaberg. Head to Port Bastok and just get near main door of Air Travel Agency. A cutscene will occur. Then head to Cid in Metal works for another cutscene. •Promathia Mission 3.2 Head to Lower Jeuno and enter Tenshodo and click on the back door for a cutscene. After that go to the palace in Ru'lude Gardens. •Promathia Mission 3.3 3.3.1 (San doria) I'm from san dorian so this part starts there. It appears that you can do any in any order. First head to North Sandoria. Youll get a cutscene there. Then head to the cathedral and talk to person at the alter. Now talk to Chasalvive. Next part is to go to Carpenders landing and to H-10. When you talk to the NPC there a Malboro type will spawn. It's not a hard fight that. Now head back to South Sandoria. Talk to Hinaree. You can probably solo. 3.3.2 (Windurst) Head to Windurst Waters for Cutscene. After that go to J-9 and talk to Ohbiru-Dohbiru. Next talk to doctor yoran-oran in Windurst walls. Then go to restaurant in Windurst waters and talk to Kyume-Romeh. Now head to the southern part of the map and talk to Honoi-Gomoi. Then talk to Yoran-Oran. Now journey to Attohwa chasm. Near the area with the mountain find something you can click on (K-. It should spawn a NM. The more ppl you have the better this fight it. After it takes some hits or just over time it will run back to where it was spawn and completely regenerate. One way of winning is to have everyone get 300% tp and all ws when its health is 75%. Once killed get the key item. Now you got a certain amount of time to climb the mountain and click on Cradle of rebirth. After you get the 3 key items head back to windurst walls and talk to Yoran-Oran. Next head to Port windy and talk to Yujuju. Now head back to windurst waters and talk to Tosuka-Porika at G-8. And lastly talk to Yoran-Oran in windurst walls. 3.3.3 (Bastok) Compared to the other 2 countries, this one is super easy. Just talk to cid in metal works. Thats it. lol •Promathia Mission 3.4 I headed back to Lower Jeuno for a CS. Then head to the back door in Tenshodo for another CS. •Promathia Mission 3.5 Talk to Monberaux in Upper jeuno. After CS talk to mithra in entrance to Tensodo and then go to Pso'xja. There is a rare/ex items to get here. I got mine from Frost Lizards. I got it near the uncapped entrance to pso'xja. Its called Carmine Chip. Once you have this to back to Tenshodo for the Pso'xja pass. After that its time to go back to Pso'xja and enter the parts you couldn't pass thru. Your goal is to get to the bcnm. Its through a series of colored warp doors. Red > Purple > Red > Purple seems to be the way through. When you get to elevator and go down, head north then west and there should be the door. Boss: This bcnm is again something different. Its only 1 mob boss at least. Nightmare does bio and sleep, even with bio your zzzz. From some sources, have a tank disband before engaging the boss is a good idea. On my try we didn't. But all mages and rng should stand on farthest corner squares. Tank tank, and everyone attack. Some where in the battle many of the blocks will disappear. Only have a sec to move to one that doesnt. The block will glow meaning its about to disappear. If ppl get bioed use erase quickly. Other then that its not too hard but still might lose a few times. Once you win head back to upper jeuno and talk to Monberaux. [The Cradles of Children Lost] •Promathia Mission 4.1 Head back to tavnazia strong hold. A cutscene will start. After that you might want to see that the AH is open and its linked to jeunos Ah ^^. Now go talk to Despachiaire on third floor. Then talk to Justinius. Now head to I-11 in Misareaux Coast, youll get another cutscene here. •Promathia Mission 4.2 Now get your lvl 50 gear ready and head to F-7 entrance for cutscene and Riverne Site #b01. In here you only need to get 1 scale from the drakes. Basicly head west til you get to the bcnm. Quest: After visiting here head back to tavnaiza stronghold. Talk to Epinolle for map quest of Riverne. You need to kill 3 gob nms there. BCNM: First thing you want to make sure when fighting this boss is to actually keep it on the ground. His attacks are basicly double in the air. There is a quest to seriously help on this battle. Have Barstonra and earth carol up. Whm strongly needed here. Bard very handy. When I fought him they said he missed alot with mambo. Wind Threnody and well as finale very useful. Go all out on attacks when he's on the floor. When he's in the air use Mistmelt given from the quest. As you use it the wyrm will fall to the ground. You don't want to see his air attacks. We won without sleeping it on the ground. We went with nin tank more then pld. The wyrm hits hard even on the ground. You'll need alot of cure mp to win with pld. Quest: In tavnazian Safehold between Ah and Nomad moogles is Ferchinne and he offers a quest to get 2 Hippogryph tailfeathers. Return them for a Mistmelt item that keeps the dragon on the ground. Having many of them is useful. Once this increadibly tough bcnm is over head back to Safeguard and talk to Justinius. After you talk to him head to Walnut door which is very near you. Another CS happens. Now your ready for a new zone. •Promathia Mission 4.3 Head to the Sacrarium. Here is alittle like 2.3. Make the first right at the fork and enter the second set of doors at 0:00 game time. The path to where to go I cant say. It was basicly a maze and we made it through somehow. Once you see Fomor your on the second floor. Once here kill the fomor around for 1 corol chest keys. Now head to the east area of the map. There 2 halls with undead standing on the walls. Pass them, they connect to one room. Kill the 2 Teratotaur. Now kill Keremet. Make sure to bring Echo Drops for this fight. He can also charm and silence. We had a blast on this NM. Only as 1 pt and a DC plus no echo drops and still won. He drops the sealion check key. How head to H-6. Theres a large keyhole there. Open door with both keys at the same time. You'll get a CS when examining the next set of doors. After that head back out. There are 6 ??? around the area. Clicking any one of these random ??? will pop a nm. There are Fomors everywhere where the ??? are so make sure you have fomor hate to 0. In the Safehold Resauchamet can tell you how bad you smell. He's on the third floor. Boss: Old Professor Mariselle will then pop a few Pupils and attack. The Professor will keeps poping around the room so you'll have to run and keep up with him. Eventually he will spawn the pupil. They can't be slept and they do get annoying. If you kill one he just spawns another right away. After you kill them go back to door with the 2 locks and head to the same door after it for another CS. •Promathia Mission 4.4 Now head back to Safehold. Head to Despachiaire in K-10 top flood for CS. Next head to sealion den and click on gate for another event. [The Return Home] •Promathia Mission 5.1 Head to San doria and head to the church third story for a CS. Now head over to Port bastok. A CS will happen as you enter the zone. After that head to Metalworks and talk to Cid for another CS. After that prepare for PSO'xja. You'll have to enter the northwest entrance and thats a no cap entrance. You can have top lvl gear rdy though you'r lvl 50 gear is good enough. When you enter just go straight in and at the dead end with a Stone door click on it to pop Nunyunuwi. Very easy for lvl 75 pt. Go down elevator and click on another Stone door and enter for a CS. •Promathia Mission 5.2 Once you finish the CS you'll be in Promyvion-Vahlz for lvl 50 cap. Make sure your prepared for this area including all the items needed for all 3 of the end boss of the previous Promyvions. The zone and how it acts it just like the first 3 nothing new except for one thing. You have to find the memory Flux on the third, fourth and fifth floor to pop a NM. Each one is one of the previous boss promyvions. After you kill it check Memory Flux again for CS. 3rd floor is Propagator. This one is pretty easy. 4th floor is Solicitor at M-6. This one is hard. Has nasty single attack and aoe plus poison. We barely survived it with only 1 guy left. You might want to use the kite method. There is some room to run around but becareful. 5th floor is Ponderer at D-6. Still tough but nothing like Solicitor. Do some fancy kiting around the 2 poles there. You need to beat all 3 NM's or you won't be able to enter the BCNM. BCNM: The BCNM itself was quite easy for us. Maybe we were lucky but we didn't have trouble. It's all 3 boss type of the old promyvions. Luckly you don't fight all 3 at once. You can enter bcnm area freely with no attack. Make a single attack on the one to work on. When he is about 20% hp left the second one, randomly i guess, will attack. At this time use all WS and strong spells to get rid of it fast. Then work on second. Same as first when its 20% the last will attack. Use same methods of attack as in the previous Promyvions. Once you win you'll get another CS and return in Glaicers. Go to I-7 and talk to the 3 npc in tower. •Promathia Mission 5.3 Now head back to Bastok and talk to Cid in metalworks. In the CS you'll be given 3 choises on what to do next. 1. Investigate Al'taieu. 2. Find S (no spoilers here lol) 3. Find Prishe You choise guides: 5.3.1 After talking to Cid head to Tavnazian Safehold. Talk to Despachiaire for CS. You can talk to him a second time for another CS. I heard its only optional though. Next head to Windurst Woods and talk to Perih Vashai. You'll get a CS. Next Head to Bibiki Bay and take the manaclipper to the island. Once you get to the island go all the way south and look for the npc "??? Warmachine". Click on it to get a CS. After CS head back to windurst and go to Windy Walls. Talk to Yoran-Oran for a CS. Now head over to Newton Movatpolos and enter BCNM. Before going for bcnm kill some moblins in Newton for 6 gold keys. To also get through the gates in newton you need a Firesand and trade to Furnace Hatch in norht entrance. It's at F-6. If you need to do this for the bridge part then you need 2 Firesands. Another gate is later in Newton. BCNM (A century of Hardship): This bcnm is capped at lvl 60. There is 4 moblins and 1 bugbear. Movamuq, Chekochuk, Bugddy, Trikotrak, Swipostik are names of mob from left to right. C(blm) > M(whm) > T(Rdm) > S > B is the order of kill. Sleep does NOT work. If your planning to use it forget it. They resist or it last 2 seconds. Luckly the hp on them are really weak but having all 5 aggro isn't good. Its bcnm where you have to work at it. Bind is very useful but wont last forever. Silence mages. Leave bugbear for last since he has so much HP. Once you win exit bcnm for a npc moblin. Talk a few times and give 1800 gils for a teleport outside. Now head back to Cid in Bastok for CS. Now head back to the moblin city again. Go back into Mineshaft#2716. Use Gold key at bcnm gate for CS. Head back to Cid for another CS. Then 5.3.1 is done. 5.3.2 First go to La Theine to get a CS. To get it go to G-6, same place where Carbuncle can be gained. Next head over to Pso'xja. The entrance is located in J-8. Go in and follow left wall. Touch stone door to pop NM, Gargoyle. After this you will do for about 15 more time. After the first few you'll start having rooms with hexeyes and tonberrys. Just get rid of them in the room. You might get a hexeye from the next room trying to pop the Gargoyle. Just sneak and click or pull hexeye first through the door. The third area of rooms will have bats and pots. Gets more tricky. The forth are is tough tonberries. It seems that if you click the door and run you might not activate the trap and the door right away opens. Once you get past all the doors and about to go down an elevator, sneak and invisible up. Go straight to Avatar Gate for a CS. Now head back to the doctor in Upper jeuno. You'll get a CS from the doctor and then a key item. Now ead to Re'lude. Talk to Pherimociel for another CS. After that head back to the doctor. Now head outside to Ballista and look for ??? nearby. Check it once for a CS. Then check again for a Key item. Now head to Delkfutt Tower in qufim. Head to H-5 and click on the door for NM, Disaster Doll. Its a blm doll but wasn't tough for us as a 1 party. After you kill it click door again for CS. Now head back to pso'xja(yes there again). Enter the southern tower at H-10. Once you enter you'll get a CS. Go in first fork and make a left, then drop in hole. Go staight then right.Go up stairs. Drop at first hole and go north. At fork go north. Go up the stairs. At top of stairs go east. Drop in hole. Next fork go north. Then go up the stairs. Go south and down the stairs. In next fork go north and up the circle stairs. Next fork room go north to a stairs going down. Go west and then west again in next 2 fork rooms. Up stairs go up. Then straight south for stairs going down. Then go east in next 2 rooms then up the stairs. Next fork room go west then down the hole. Continue on path. Then north at next room. Elevator!! Go down it and the door ahead click it for a CS. Head back to bastok. Talk to Cid for another CS. Once its over that is it for 5.3.2 5.3.3 Talk to Cid in bastok and pick the bottom option. Then head over to South San doria. Talk to Hinaree in B-6 for CS. Next head over to Port Sandoria. You'll get a CS entering the zone. Now head back to North sandoria and talk to Chasalvige for another CS. Once this CS is done head over to the Rhinostery in Windurst Waters. Talk to Kerutoto for a CS. Next head to windurst walls and talk to Yoran-Oran for another CS. Time to head over to Attohwa Chasm and to do a BCNM. It is in the upper left area of the map. BCNM: This bcnm has 3 mithra mobs. It's capped at lvl 50. Shikatree X(drk/bst), Shikaree Y(thf/nin), Shikaree Z(pld/drg). They all do wicked amount of WS. Sleepga and lullaby very useful here. There is as always for bcnm in CoP a quest for an item to help in that bcnm. This bcnm is another nasty one. We talked to alot of people that passed this one. They said to do alot of dmg in a very short amount of time. Unfortunatly, we still had trouble so we invented our own. We said to not mention to anyone for its a [secret]. Quest: Fish in Carpenters' Landing and take the barge. Only get on the Newtpool route. Fish on the barge and get a Muddy Siredon. After you get it head back to where you got the barge ticket and trade it to the tonberry near the ticket seller. Then give 100 gils and you'll get Blackened muddy siredon. After BCNM head over to Uleguerand Range. Entrance is at J-9 in an underground passage. BCNM: Snoll Tzar Lvl cap is at 60. Its a bomb type. You have 45 seconds to do 9,000 points of damage. You ofcourse want high dmg dealing jobs. It does attack back. Get Icuras Wind, use 2hr, do SC. Do whatever you can to kill it fast. Rng, and Blm great here tho have a tank since it goes attack and it hits pretty hard too. Once you finish head over to Bastok Metalworks and talk to Cid. You finished 5.3.3 [Echos of Time] •Promathia Mission 6.1 Once you have finish all 3 parts of 5.3 you'll finally be in 6.1. News breaks and you will need to head over to jeuno. Enter ru'lude gardens. Enter the guard post room and talk to Pherimociel for a CS. Head to Upper Jeuno and click on Door: "Marble Bridge" for a CS. After that head back to ru'lude. •Promathia Mission 6.2 A CS will start when you enter the zone. Enter the palace and a CS will start. Next head to Misareaux Coast for a NM. Touch the Misareaux Coast gate in the lower left of map to pop 3 NM. Names are Warder Euphrosyne, Warder Aglaia, Warder Thalia. All 3 are seeker type. These nms arent too tough actually. A few lvl 75 can take them. There is a move that pushes you way back. Doesnt hit hard tho. Once you win click on the gate for a CS. •Promathia Mission 6.3 Head back to jeuno and enter Ru'lude gardens. Talk to Pherimociel (g-6) for a CS. Now head to the second floor and click on the door ahead for a CS. Now head over to selbina. Talk to Mathilde for CS. You can click her again for another CS but we think it's just extra CS. •Promathia Mission 6.4 Now head back to Bastok and talk to Cid for a CS. Make sure to prepare for bcnm battle. Then head to Sealion den when ready. A CS will happen entering the zone. Then click on the gate to enter bcnm. BCNM(One to be Feared): 5 Mammet, Omega, Ultima This is a very long bcnm. Your given 45 mins to finish. It is also lvl 60 cap. Make sure to have hp potions for tanks and mp potions for mages. Reraiser is also useful since its a 3 part bcnm. Since it's 3 bcnm in one with no chance to change jobs. Look at what is instore for you and decide. Having a blm is good maybe 2. If going with nin tank 2 nin might be the way to go. A brd and rdm very useful. Rng can shadowbind in the first part. Part 1: 5 Mammet-22 Zeta This is like 2.5 but instead of 3 Mammets its 5. The yellow liquid seem to do nothing to them so don't bother. You want to kill them fast as they still can be blm and ruin your day. Bind is very useful here. Part 2: Omega This is vs. an Omega Weapon. Stun is very hard to hit. Make sure tank gets all the hate and do dmg. There is a hate reset move. I missed the name but it has it. We were going real good til that hate reset. Omega can paralyze, bind and a few other nasties. Part 3: Ultima Ultima is kinda the same deal. He hits harder though. We had nin tank and there was a move that he took causing hp to be around 400 from max. Near the end he does start spamming more of his moves. Make sure to use all dmg possible here. [In Light of the Crystal] •Promathia Mission 7.1 Once you win the BCNM you'll get a great CS. After that head back to Safehold. A CS will happen when entering. After that head to Sealion's Den once again. CS happens as you enter. Now touch Phomiuna Aqueducts door for another CS. Next head to the top floor and click on Walnut Door (K-7) for CS. •Promathia Mission 7.2 Tenzen is no where to be found. There is a CS clicking on Despachiaire at K-10 but i think its optional. Head to misareauz Coast and click on Riverne Gate for CS. After that head back to Sealion's Den and talk to Sueleen there. Now head to Ru'Lude Gardens and as you enter the palace you'll get a CS. Head to Upper Jeuno and go to tavern for another CS. •Promathia Mission 7.3 Head over to Newton Movalpolos. Enter Mineshaft#2716 and click on Shaft Door for CS. Next head to Bastok and talk to Cid for another CS. •Promathia Mission 7.4 You how have to head to 3 different places and slay some nms. You might want a small party for this. -Bibiki Bay - Click on ??? in cave at F-6. Dalham nm will pop. Nothing too tough but again bring a small pt for it. -Carpenter's Landing - Take east entrance in. Head to I-9 and click on ??? to pop nms. Be warned this one pops more then 1 tonberry. Its about 4. A pt more recommended here. -Misareaux Coast - ??? is near Riverne entrance gate. Its at F-8. Nm name is Boggelmaan. Once you beat all 3 and click on all the ??? a second time head back to cid in Bastok. You'll get a CS. Now head over to Sea Lion Den and talk to Sueleen. BCNM: Tenzen and the 3 tarus This BCNM be prepared to make alot of damage. Tenzen is on the atack for you. The 3 tarus are behind you on a cliff. Don't even bother to attack any of the tarus. They only support tenzen with range attacks and -ga spells. You need to make all the damage in about 5 min time. BCNM time is 30 min but once Tenzen make his own SC! and unleashes a special attack, the battle is over. Just get lots of dmg making jobs and you be ok. ~[Emptiness Bleeds]~ •Promathia Mission 8.1 Welcome to Al'taieu!!!! You'll realize soon enough this is no mear normal zone. No really day or night and mob act different here. *Om'aern - Your standard no aggro til you attack it. Links too i believe. Looks kinda like a headless angel. *Om'xzomit- This one is cool. Looks like a long flowing eel. When you get close it WILL come to you like it aggro but it hasnt. Its very curious about different lifeform like one entity mentions. Also you can do things like sleep or lullaby and tho it sleeps when it wakes its still no aggro. It'll go away in time. *Om'hpemde-This is the exact same as the above, the eel one but its under the "floor" or under water. It come out above water but acts exactly the same. *Ul'phuabo- An under water sting ray. Careful this one does aggro. It come out of the water like the above mob. *Om'yovra and Ul'yovra - Same looking NM. Its a high flying octopus like creature. When you go around keep camera pointing kinda high. It aggros you when you get under it. Make sure to stay near the walls. Mission 8.1 is to first head to the gate before the Grand Palace. You'll get a CS. Now your job is to find 3 small towers around the grand palace with a red crystal. All 3 when click spawns 3 nms. Need at least a pt for this. All 3 strats are basicly the same tho. Sleep 2 kill third. They have different job 2hr to so take care. Once all 3 gate are clear of nms head back to main palace gate to enter Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi. Quest: There are many elemental looking npc with green names. Talk to all of them in the zone for the map. Rng or Bst highly recommended so you can find them all. •Promathia Mission 8.2 Now you in the main room of Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi. Its a retangle like room with a door on each side. Clicking the one straight ahead will give you a CS and you'll get Tavnazian Ring. Its a 1 day unlimited use to get back to Tavnazian Safe hold in a hurry. Once you get that CS head to the east door and enter. This zone is a complete maze. Good chance you will get lost at some point. This mission is to escort one of the locals thru the zone. This is actually several escorts in one. You need to do it since only the npc can open certain doors. Kill all mob that aggo. *Ghraf - New mob that looks like a Discoball All right! In ball form it does not aggro. But at times it will morph to different forms like a glass Bird or glass Spider. These do aggro. I think its sight but be careful. As you fight them they do meltdown like bombs or dolls. *Euvhi - This mob looks like a growing blue/white flower. No idea if it aggros since we just killed it if it was in the way. *Zdei - This mob looks kinda like a floating totem pole. Acts in a way like a pot. It stays in one spots and rotates. Its sight so if you run around it just right no aggro. You will have alot of going up or down elevators so don't think your heading back. At the end is a Ghraf NM. Same discoball deal just longer to kill. Click again where nm pop for a CS. Then escape since its a long way back Title given: Warrior of the Crystal •Promathia Mission 8.3 Enter back in Grand Palace and same place you click to get Tavnazian Ring is to enter Garden of Ru'Hmet. This zone isn't as complex as Grand Palace but the mission is looong. First of your in the middle of the zone. There is 5 towers surrounding. Each is of a race. There is a computer at the top. Depending on your race you will get a CS by clicking on it. If you do after the CS click again for a keyitem. Everyone needs a key item. Other races wont get key item or CS. Southwest tower is Tarutaru. North West tower is Mithra. North Tower is Hume. We only needed these 3 since thats the races in the party. Once you get the required keyitems head to the middle of the first floor area. Looks for a room with 4 Zdei NM. Kill the 4 and wait close to the closed door on the otherside. When all 4 pop again that door will open. Take elevator up central tower up a level. This area is kinda big but nothing bad. You need 2 key items to reach the third floor. Head north for one and south for the other. North one is rather easy, you just got another room with the 4 Zdei in it. Getting the key item is in the north wall. South is much harder. Its a maze. And tho you know where to head to reach it there is a portal in the way which takes you somewhere else in the maze. You first target it to head east then north for the portal you want. You'll warp on the west most side and just head south then east for the key item. With both in hand head back to the elevator for access to the third floor. On the third floor is one room and a door in the north. BCNM: 4 Zdei This is basicly the 4 zdei room but you can just simply die on otherside and move on. You need to kill all 4. ES+sleepga2 is a good start. Get someone to aggro them to gather then sleep. You want to attack the back 2 first. They are mage types and go lots of -ga3 spells. They also cure when the 2 front owns are dieing When their own hp is half gone they run to the coves to recover. Since theyre mages and can range just attack fast on coves. Once the back 2 gone the front two will be easy. They are harder to kill but nothing nasty. After bcnm youll get a really cool CS. After that head back to Al'taieu for another CS. After to see that head back in the Garden. As you enter Garden jusr go straight north. You'll into the room with a NPC. Click on door and you can pass through now. Enter the teleporter and go down. You now enter Empyreal Paradox, a cool BCNM. BCNM: Promathia Final bcnm for CoP! This battle promathia has 2 forms. The first is very easy. Promathia doesnt do anything rough and is easy to take down. Second form is harder but its not in a way where its really hard. Its more fun then a chore. You got alot of running room so you can kite if your set up is for it. I went as 5blm pt and we did well. There 2 npc fighting with you at both battles. Prishe has some good moves and both can last long. Prishe can die and be raise with no failed bcnm, while the other can't. Once you win, relax and watch the show. After its over head to Mhuara for a CS. After that is a few CS for each city region. Those can be done in any order it seems. 1. San d'oria - Head to south san doria and talk to Hinaree for CS. Now head to Uleguerand Range and entering gets you another CS. Head back to Hinaree for CS and your done with sandy. 2. Bastok - Simply enter Oldton for a CS. Talk to Cid for the second CS and your done. 3. Windurst - Talk to one of the tarus in the fishing guild for the first CS. Next talk to "??? Warmachine" in bibiki bay island. Once you have finished 1, 2 and 3. Go to Ru'lude Gardens Palace for a CS. Click on Upper Jeunos Pub for a CS. And once more for a second CS. Here you can pick one of 3 COP rings. Choose wisely as for you get one you can't get the others. 2 CS. First one is in Tavnazian Safehold. Wallnut Door. The second and last is in Lufaise Meadows. J-6 nets the last CS. Enjoy the ending song!! [Congradulations!!] ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 15. Other things to do »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Other then killing for exp, crafting, quest, and missions there are other things you can try. As time goes on SquareEnix will be releasing new additions to the game. This includes pvp, special quests, battle arenas, ect. •Ballista - This was added in April of 2004. This is the first of the pvp added by SqureEnix. Its a fun game to play. You get 6 or more people from your country to fight against 6 or more of another country. Very fun indeed. The battle begins and your job is to is to scavage for special stones on the ground to score in rooks. Rooks are the goal for both teams. They appear randomly around. The rook is close til your team defeats a member of the opposite team. As you fight all your arsenal to battle. There are also lvl cap battles. The rules of the game might change over time so check the rules before you start. •BCNM Battles - This one has been in the game since the start. As you battle in the game you might come across items either called Beastmen Seal or Kindred Seal. Collect these and save them. There are battle arenas in some areas that have a use for them. You actually go to Port Jeuno and there is a guy that will trade them for an Orb. You then find these "Burning Circles" and trade the orb to do a boss battle. Make sure to get a full pt before going in as they are tough. The reward is well worth it. Some Burning Circles can be found in Giddeus, Ghelsba, and Palborough. Win or lose you will lose your orb so make sure your well prepared. Buy all kinds of stat increase food and juices. •Dynamis - This is for high lvls only. You need to be lvl 64 to enter and you might want to still wait 5 lvls before going in. It's a tough place and can hold up to 64 team members. There are currently 6 areas: Sandoria, Bastok, Windurst, Jeuno, Glacier, and Xarcabard. You need to get an hourglass to be able to enter the place. You need to find a certain spot to trade the glass. When you trade it youll get back Perpetual Hourglass. This you can make copies and give to everyone. Once the first is then traded, the first 64 with that hourglass can enter the battle. Inside limbo you have to clear all enemies before an hour is up. Good luck. •NPC Helper - In summer 2005 Square-Enix has added a quest to give you your own NPC assistance. Quest starts from Upper Jeuno by Luto Mewrilah. Once you do get your Signal Pearl, equip it on your ear and call the npc. It attacks to what ever your attacking. Not only he/she is there to make battles easier but it'll gain lvls and wear better armor as you lvl with it. As you lvl it you'll get more options like to give him/her a weapon or armor. Find out what the higher lvls brings! ^^ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 16. Q and A »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Q. How do I know i started a quest? A. Go to your menu ( Triangle button or - button on num pad). Press either left or right once. Look for quest. Now you can view current quest and copleted quests. Q. How do i take off the ? next to my name? A. That ? means the character is new and the player can be new to the game. People with a M symbol next to their names help the people with the ?. To take the ? off go to the menu and pick Help Desk. Then pick Config. Now click on Cancel New Adventure Status. Over time the ? will also disappear. Q. Are they raising the lvl cap to 80? A. Yes they are but not for awhile possibly. They are worried about the balance of the game. When the next expansion comes it'll probably happen. Q. What really is Dynamis? A. That is a spoiler actually and saids it deep in Promathia Storyline. Q. Is FFXI coming to Xbox? A. Yes it is. Though its the exact same game nothing xbox only will be introduced. Q. Does that mean no voice chat in Xbox version? A. Yep. Q. Is it true SE has help making claiming NM(notorious monsters) more bot unfriendly? A. Yes. They has given a delay in using abilities and spells. This not only stops bots from claiming first but a chance for more people to run to the NM and a better chance to claim. Q. Is botting still a problem in FFXI? A. Althought its not completely gone, SE has gone through great lengths to slow or mostly stop them. Fishing before was heavily botted now you have to look really hard to see signs of them. Q. Is FFXI dieing? A. From all the signs of this game, FFXI is here to stay for a very long time. Q. This game is so heavy in playing with others. We need more soloable jobs. A. Basicly if you want to solo play just pick up a 1 player RPG. FFXI is MMO and its all about being online and working with others to reach a goal. Luckly enough SE has made things alittle more easier to solo thing. Other then bst for the most part its very long to lvl up solo. But with /nin and more experience on Easy prey and Decent challenge mob, its alot better. Not to mention playing ballista gets you experience. This also includes Chocobo Riding, Eco Warrior and Escorts. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ««« 17. Rumors »»» ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ R. I heard that the next expansion will have new jobs. Is that true? A. Though SquareEnix didnt say anything yet, in the E3 trailer I heard some people saying they saw what look like new class. From what I heard it's Blue Mage, and Dancer. R. Is there another 4 god nms in the north part of Al'taieu? A. No one really knows yet. I heard some one that hacked into the games files said there is an extra 4 ??? but only time will tell. ------------------------------------------------------------- In memory of Jaroslav Skaubna 1933-2004 ------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright©2005 by Mike Skubna.